Shallow Well Jet Pumps: Priming
Shallow Well Jet Pumps: Priming
Shallow Well Jet Pumps: Priming
Agdex 716(C12)
To prime a shallow well jet pump:
1. Fill the suction line and pump casing with water.
2. Close the pump control valve.
3. Leave the priming plug slightly loose and start the
4. Stop the pump when the air stops bubbling out
around the priming plug.
5. Refill the pump casing with water, replace priming
plug loosely and start the pump.
6. When the pump is fully primed, water will flow out
continuously around the priming plug.
7. Tighten the priming plug and open the pump control
Figure 1. Shallow well jet pump operation. valve.
8. After the pump has been primed, it may be necessary
Advantages of shallow well jet pumps:
to precharge the pressure tank. See Agrifacts 716
• can be offset from the well
(C31) Pressure Tanks.
• can be adapted to wells of various yields
• are mechanically simple and require little When trenching and laying the suction line in the trench,
maintenance make sure there are no high points in the line where an
• are relatively inexpensive airlock can form, causing difficulties in priming.
• can be used in wells of small diameter
Limitations No regular maintenance is required on jet pumps (Figure
2). However on new installations, the nozzle may become
Jet pumps lose efficiency as the total lift increases. Total lift
includes the vertical distance from the water to the pump partially or completely plugged with plastic cuttings
plus the friction losses in the suction line and foot valve. or dirt. When this situation occurs, it may pump water
but will not build up to “cut out” pressure. A pump that is
pumping silt or sand will wear around the eye of the impeller,
thus resucing both the pumping capacity and the maximum
pumping pressure. Allowing the pump to run dry will cause
leakage through the pump shaft seal.
Prepared by
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development