Arjola Prenga Teme Diplome
Arjola Prenga Teme Diplome
Arjola Prenga Teme Diplome
2.Research objectives------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Chapter 1.Types of disabilities and how these imped students to learn English
5.Conclusions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
7.References----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25-27
8.Index----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27-30
The final work of this diploma thesis would not have been possible without the
support of my guiding lecturer Dr. edlira tabaku who has been ready to advice and
direct me to the right way of doing things .Many thanks go to my family members
that has been a great support throughout all my studies.
This work is made for a very plain reason, that of evaluating the level of awareness of
English teachers and the knowledge they have on the matters of specific learning
disabilities and then informing every educator or teacher, that has to deal with students
with disability ,how to behave them in order to develop them ,to contribute to their
growth and most importantly not harming them because of their lack of knowledge in this
field. A very important issue treated is that of these students being taught in normal
schools whether in special ones. Also, there are such implications in the terms of
teacher’s personal attitude toward such students and accommodations that are necessary
when having a pupil /student with any of four specific learning disabilities.1This matter
needs further discussion and special treatment for its importance and its increasing spread
in our classrooms.
Key word
Literature review:
Learning disability , is a way in which brain receives and processes information ,this way
it is a little strange and slow compared to any pupil or student with proper learning
ability. The most common types of learning disabilities involve problem with skills of a
language reading , writing ,reasoning . there where held many studies in order to inform
teachers and deepen this matter that is becoming of great interest( 1 in 7 pupil/student
have or encounters these learning disabilities. We will need to consider teachers’s
knowledge in this field in order to make further judgments on their personal attitude ,and
their readiness to deal with these students in classroom .
In their book about learning disabiliteies ,Shakespare and Watson clamied ;” disability is
a physical or mental impairment as much as a result of excluding enviroments . their
theory is definitely one of the most debated on this area. But we need to come to our
senses , indeed this student shouldn’t be stigmatized just because of something they
aren’t responsible for. If we set them apart other students ,that will be the limit we set on
their development. They held the idea if we won’t them succeed in other abilities and
want them find other ways to work on task asking their disability we need to put them in
an inclusive motivating environment.
However . there are different views on this matter and the other one is that these students
with learning disability need to be taught in specialized school with specialized teachers
and specialized tools . They argued their answers considering ‘ the fairness doctrine ‘.
Davis ,S sand Roland ,F argued that if students with learning disability will attend
comprehensible schools can a teacher , even if this is specialized im the field ,handle and
manage successfully an average classroom . if the teacher kept on trying to calm down ,
to explain , to give attention or explanations to the disabled student , won’t the other
abled student felt like they are missing their English classes. would this way be fair for
both parties.that is why is suggested these students follow special education , so they can
have all the attention and care they need.
What is in our hands to do for every type of students is preventing school failure with
creation of school climates that foster academic success and empower
students(Cummins1989ntent material, not only in physical terms of accommodating them
Our personal attitude determines the way we approach this matter and the way we behave
toward students with disability . Always being opened to criticism ,to advice and
discussion on the matter.
This work it serves a primary purpose, that of evaluating teacher’s knowledge related to
difficulties and disabilities students have. Also how much teachers, especially English
ones are aware of differences that their students may have as a cause of any physical or
mental impairment or any kind of deprivation. How able are Albanian teachers to deal
with these students and what do they do in order to fulfill their specific needs. It also
offers a general comprehension of disabilities, that pupils and students may have. I am
trying to show ,where these students fail because of their disability and what we can do as
future teachers and the actual ones ,in order to accommodate them ,to adopt our curricula
having in mind their needs , also focusing on their abilities in order to switch any task
requiring engagement of their disability. The reason I choose this topic is having dealt
with four pupils with autism in the same class ,which to me was a surprise and didn`t
know how to cope with . Disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment that
substantially limits one or more of major life activities of such individual (who is
impaired).Disabilities may be temporary or long-termed. Disabilities are separated into
two main subgroups a) Specific learning disabilities and b) Other health impaired
.Students may have disabilities that are more or less apparent. 2You might not know
unless she/he chooses to disclose or until an incident arises. What is in our interest as
educators are those children having learning disabilities.
Dyslexia is a slight disorder of the brain that causes difficulty in reading and often
spelling. This disorder is evaluated as not having effect on intelligence .A person having
this disability is called dyslexic.
Hodge,B.H ,Preston Sabin ,J (1997)”what is disability? Strategies for teaching students with disabilities
Dyscalculia ,affects a person`s ability to understand numbers and learn math facts.
Dysgraphia ,affects a person`s handwriting ability and fine motor skills. The person may
have poor spatial planning on paper ,poor spelling and difficulties composing writing .It
is hard for them to think and write in the same time.
The first chapter of this diploma consists of a detailed account of students ‘disabilities
and its characteristics. How this disabilities affects their learning and what difficulties
they face especially in English classes. Giving information for all above mentioned
learning disabilities in a way that serves the teachers of English. The second chapter
,serves to the practical side of this study. It includes the implications and struggles
teaching English to these students in normal classrooms rises. It also extends on what
accommodation means and how we should accommodate these students in order not to
over accommodate and making them feel uncomfortable ,or not giving the other students
any feeling of being unfairly treated. Also,it gives some useful tips for English teachers
how to use efficiently students` abilities in other aspects or skills of a language when the
task asks for the ability they lack .For example, a dyslexic student that has difficulty in
reading tasks , ask her/him not to read but to watch videos and listening to the task
assigned .In the same way we can operate with other students with learning
disabilities.The research is made to evaluate Albanian teachers information and level of
awareness toward such difficulties in classroom enviroments.If they do have any
information ,how do they use it in order to help them ,or these students.Do they blame
students for their disability ,or their parents for lack of assistance, or the operating
organisms within the institution of education for not offering full engagement with the
matter ,or the educational system for not providing accommodation facilities or not
having appropriate curricula for considering even students with disabilities. Or if they are
enough conscious that all above factors contribute in one way or another but the leading
role remains on their hands as they are the task force for making all the decisions and
plans on paper real .And how real and in what way they implement all these depends
upon their professionalism but mos importantly on their sensitive side as human beings.
This diploma thesis is not enough to fulfill all my ideas about this matter, but briefly it
touches four learning disabilities we may came across in our real classrooms and gives us
a clue to start by offering a few strategies dealing with these difficulties.. It ends up with
a concluded analyses of the study and at the very end gives a few recommendations how
to face these difficulties, our students have.
1.To evaluate the implications of students with specific learning disabilities and
other needs
2.To understand how these disabilities affect our students` development and more
specifically how their disabilities imped them to learn English
3.To measure the level of information that teachers have ,on how to cope with these
students when trying to assign tasks in accordance with their needs
4.To look on the availability of materials related to teaching English for students with
specific needs.
5.To describe strategies teachers can use to respond to the diversity of their classroom
and show some ideas how the curriculum can be adopted to individual needs
6. To make a clear point of what is best for disabled student in order them to grow
mentally healthy ; weather to attend normal school or special schools appropriate to
their needs.
Chapter 1.Types of learning disabilities and how do they imped students to learn
Dyslexia affects reading and related language –based processing skills It can differ in
each individual. It can affect reading fluency, decoding ,reading comprehension, writing
and sometimes speech. Dyslexia can exist along with related disorders so it will be
presented more complicated and difficult to distinguish. A teacher dealing with a dyslexic
may notice this signs and problems while learning: experience decoding errors, trouble
with spelling,, difficulties recalling noun words, difficulties with written language,
difficulties understanding words and ideas, difficulties with general vocabulary skills.
DRC Barton Susan ‘Brighter solution for dyslexia’ 2005 ,p.210
1.2 Learning disability in math –Dyscalculia
Dyscalculia affects a person ability to understand numbers and learn math facts .A
student with dyscalculia may struggle with memorization and organization of numbers
and operation signs. It may have trouble with counting principles .It also may have
difficulty telling the time, difficulties with understanding and doing word problems .It is
much related to non-linguistic skills but it affects also them ,as long as a student with this
learning disability has difficulties sequencing information and events.Other challenges
they face are related to real-life situations ,like making change or telling the time.
Dysgraphia include the disability in writing as a physical act and as a mental activity of
comprehending information .Said in other words it affects a student`s handwriting ability
and fine motor skills. These students show poor spatial planning on a paper, poor spelling
.He/she show inconsistences as it draws and writes irregular sizes and shapes .In their
writing task we may find omitted words or unfinished ones .It has difficulties pre-
visualizing letter formation (problem at first grade when they learn the alphabet).This
student exhibits strong wrists ,body or paper position, that is why you may hear them
complaining of a sore hand. This student cannot write and think about it in the same time.
The study employed a random probability questionnaire of teachers of English in
Tirana , Albania. The study took place in three high schools and four elemntary
schools .There were 40 teachers of English .Questionnaires were held during this
period :April-June 2018 .It was made to gather information and to evaluate teachers`
knowledge and professional capacities and also to observe how well they cooperate
with pedagogical coordination other teachers, specialized professional ,parents and
the student himself/herself.
Were interviewed 40 English teachers falling into categories regarding their age a)
20-24years old and 25-30 years old. Their age is a clue for them not being very
professional and not having enough time and experience as English and may be as
other subjects teachers .But also their `young` age in educational area ,may be an
indicator for having new ideas ,being up-to dated and aware of such realistic
problems as learning disabilities. In our study ,their age was an indicator of lack of
experience and knowledge in disabilities area.
They might not have such experiences as they taught more in upper classes rather
than in lower ones, as we face children from first to fifth ,these problems occur
frequently in them. Their information is limited as they are young in experience ,have
taught in upper classes where students with disabilities are fewer in number or have
been treated in previous years of school and life ,much enough as not to show visible
learning disabilities .Most of the teachers where educated ,but not in graduations
considering this area. Most of them where with High Education and Upper high
school and a few educated on pedagogy.
Considering the target we chose for the questionnaire and their educational
background like( young in age :all of them were under 30,taught in upper classes not
in lower grades where numbers of disabled students are higher, most of them toughed
English and had little experience in general education. All of these factors contributed
in responding to the questions on the following way,which reflects all of these factors
on information about learning disabilities.
Graphic 1
Books about education
Other books ,literature in
3 general
2.5 Books of stories for children
1.5 Magazines on your working
zines on general information
frequently eventually rarely
This graphic corresponds with the sixth question of the questionnaire .It is made to
evaluate their background and how much they read and what kind of books they read.
The answers showed that almost ¾ of the target population read about education
,literature books ,just a few of them read books about stories for children.
Graphic 2
15 yes
Do you have students with dificulties in your class?
In this graphic teachers are questioned whether they have or not students with disabilities
and how much they know and accept it. Accepting the problem is half solved problem.
There were more than 80% accepting they toughed students with disabilities.This gives
further information and imply much about what knowledge is expected these teachers to
Graphic 3
This graphic show how teacher answered in terms of agreeing and disagreeing for a
certain affirmations that in some extent explain learning difficulties.25 form40 agreed
that learning difficulties are due to physical and pedagogical infrastructure to the
curriculum contents.28 from 40 put the cause of learning disabilities originating in family
and its cultural level and lack of assistance. They firmly agreed that learning disabilities
are cause of lack of interest and of efforts of the student. There is an equilibrium in their
answers ,they agree that schools has problems with their curricula ,agreed that family has
a very influential role on learning abilities and disabilities. What is to be mentioned is
that teacher ,considered as major cause of learning disabilities students’ lack of interest
and efforts. They do believe that is in disabled student hands and ill to overcome learning
Graphic 4
20 Dyslexia
15 Dyscalculia
Non-verbal disability
Do not know about these terms
reading writing math Language other
calculation of signs problems
This graphic shows how much teachers know about these learning disabilities and
what for stands their disability .Dyslexia was seen mostly as disability of reading
,some other reasons teachers mention are related to language based disabilities. The
same was valid for the three other disabilities ,teachers knew what the problem was
but had an narrowed concept of the problem ,saw the disability in terms of school
subjects and skills related to school .A better and fuller understanding of these
disabilities is immediately required for us to develop them
Graphic 5
25 Correcting a dyslexic
a child with dysgrapia
correctting a child with
5 correcting a child with
nonverbal disabilities
books on teach logic oral exams draw math teach to other ways
tape concepts interpret of
gestures correcting
This graphic show how teachers would act to correct these disabilities .For dyslexic
students books on tape and recorded versions of lectures were their option of
correcting a dyslexic.For correcting a student with dysgraphia teachers would use oral
exams when evaluating them,and oral instructions .For teaching a student with
dyscalculia teachers gave primer importance drawing math concepts and trying to
teach logic.For teaching a student with nonverbal learning disabilities teachers
focused on teaching to interpret individual gestures.
Graphic 6
Can-do attitude
collaborative attitude with
15 pedagogical coordination
Refering to his/her parents
Refering to the psychologist
Category 1
This graphic shows about attitudes teachers have and would have if they would face a
student with writing and reading disabilities. It is noted that teachers have positive
attitude and taking the responsibilities on their own, this justifies why they do not feel
collaborative with other teachers. Teachers may call parents for referring their child to the
specialists, they rarely direct students to psychologist.
Graphic 7
10 no
LD should be followed in appropriate schools
This graphic shows teachers beliefs and attitudes whether students with learning
disabilities should be toughed in general schools or special ones .Results are surprising
strangely teachers believe that these students must be toughed in special schools. This is
not the best answer given by a teacher who is supposed to know that interaction is the
basis of any development in a student`s life.
Results are not as positive as we might expect to be. We have young teachers not that up-
dated we may have expected to.We have teachers in our schools that read about
education and literature in general ,but for learning disabilities showed poor performance
and little information.They strangely know all the components that affect in making a
student`s disability ,like educational policies , specialists availability, cooperation among
teachers ,but the took the responsibility for students success or fail .While in the other
hand most of them agreed that students with disabilities should be toughed in special
schools. This is not a typical choice of a responsible teacher, quite the contrary shows
they are transferring their `responsibility ` to more specialized teachers and tutors
,probably because of lack of confidence in dealing with these students. Future teacher
seem promising in dealing this matter more carefully ,as a teacher is challenged when
they should teach a student for whom learning is not an easy game.
Chapter2. What we need to do with these students in terms of personal attitudes and
teaching strategies to accommodate them?
Researchers continue to confirm that we can teach student with learning disabilities to
learn how to learn. Teachers must be the first, to have a non-prejudicial attitude toward
students with any kind of disabilities and especially learning disabilities ,their working
area. In spite of our students difficulties in various learning domain ,these students need
to acquire knowledge and skills in English language and other subjects .An impairment
need to not to hold children back. It is not the impairment that holds back the person but
the way in which society treats the person .With society I mean their family, their peers
and most importantly teachers and classmate in which they socialize and learn how to
develop themselves. We can help these students to minimize their disability by using
appropriate strategies in order to get out of these persons their ability not focusing on
their disability. When I say strategies I mean teachers` awareness about their students
disability and how teachers will manage teaching that language skill to the student even
though, it may not be fulfilled because of their lack of ability .As for the term
`accommodation` ,Elizabeth.W ,a Canadian teacher of learning disability school, she says
that it refers to practices seen as supporting students with disabilities in learning content
material.This covers these practices: voice activated ,extra time for exam ,taped books
,oral exams ,screen readers and writing tools.
Being aware of difficulties that a dyslexic has in leaning process ,teaches need to
consider some strategies to redeem where do they have difficulties .Some of the
suggestions below are interpretations from the work of Patricia Hodge in her article “A
dyslexic child in classrooms”
a) Provide a quiet area for activities like reading and answering comprehension
b) Use book on tape recordings, books with large prints and big spaces.
c) Provide a copy of lecture notes, present material in small units
d) Use multi-sensory teaching methods
e) Allow the use of a computer in class
f) Teach students to use logic rather than memory.
g) Make an outline of what is going to be toughed in the lesson and ending the
lesson with a resume of what has been toughed.
h) Check down what the child writes down
i) Make sure that messages and day to day classrooms activities are written down
and never sent verbally.
j) Break tasks down into small pieces in order for them to remember
k) Give the dyslexic child advanced time to read pre- selected reading material,to be
practiced at home the day before This will help ensure that child is seen to be
able to read aloud along with other children.
l) Encourage a daily routine to help develop the child`s one reliance and
m) Integrate the child into the class environment when she/he can feel comfortable
and develop self- esteem
n) It has strength on oral skills ,comprehension ,good visual awareness and artistic
abilities that teacher can use to develop them.
As students has difficulties with understanding numbers and difficulties with telling the
time and organization of paper .
d) Provide peer assistance
e) Use of graph paper
f) Use rhythm and music to teach math fact
g) Schedule computer time for student to drill and practice information.
h) Whenever possible use concrete and real material
i) Use scaffolding such as allowing pupil to `phone a friend` or go 50/50`
j) Allow people extra time ,even when given task work at their level
k) Use written instruction instead of verbal one
l) Focus on understanding rather than on memory
m) Apply math concept to an area of interest for the student to provide participation.
2.3 Strategies teachers can use to teach a student with non-verbal learning
disabilities suggested by Rourke,B.P ”Nonverbal learning disabilities.The syndrome and
the model. Module 6,”Supporting students with nonverbal learning disabilities.
a) Permit them to move as they learn by moving have a kinesthetic learning style
b) Verbally point out similarities differences and connections
c) Simplify and break down abstract concepts,exs and multiple meaning in plain
metaphors, nuances and multiple meaning in reading material
d) Teach them to interpret nonverbal cues like gestures and facial expressions
e) Help them to cope with their lack of visual-spatial orientation and directional
concepts by planning daily activities.
f) Prepare students for change gradually in routine ,as they dislike changes
g) Teach them organization in the works he has to deal with
h) Provide direct instruction and guide him into practicing these instructions
i) After doing all these ,when student can cope with responsibilities ,transfer it
gradually to him ,it will help him to feel evaluated.
in other ways like assigning with oral task ,or audio version of task and
b) Try to use Word Processor
c) Use oral exams
d) Use specially designed writing aids
e) Allow use of note taker
f) Allow use of tape recorder
g) Avoid chasing student for careless work in written assignment
h) Allow to dictate creative stories
i) Avoid grading handwriting
j) Try to use as less as possible copying tasks
k) Order book on tape
l) Experiment with different paper types.
All these type of students need special care and treatment .Best for them is us to negotiate
some of our ways of carrying our lesson in order to fulfill their needs and offer and create
conditions for them to give their best when evaluated or more simply dealing with
different tasks . As Elizabeth Walcot defines accommodation, as to all practices seen as
supporting students with disabilities in learning content material, not only in physical
terms of accommodating them as we are used to think. Some accommodation we may
offer considering these students` needs are:
i) If possible do course substation for students with disabilities to feel comfortable
The analysis of the results, evidenced that teachers do not know about learning
disabilities.Teachers showed to have difficulties in classifying their causes. They also
have problems in naming the problems which they are facing.They do not know how to
realize the appropriate intervention in order for the student to overcome these difficulties
.When asked about learning difficulties and both writing and reading disorders they saw
as a primary cause their teaching method and the methodologies implemented originally
by school itself.The way that interviewed teachers where answered regarding naming the
problems of dyslexia ,dysgraphia ,dyscalculia and nonverbal learning disabilities showed
that the knew what the root disability was caused from.In the cases of the four disabilities
,teachers answered more than half with the crucial difficulty of any of these four
disorders.As for dyslexia they knew that students struggle reading,also knew that
dysgraphia is the disability and difficulties that the student have with writng.The same is
valid for the two other disabilities,teachers knew that having dyscalculia ,you will have
problems in math as they narrow these disabilities in the paths of school subjects ,but also
some of them mentioned calculation even in real life situation or having problems to
count,to tell the time.What they knew less was about nonverbal disabilities.They saw this
disability as not being able to understand the language of signs ,or gestures,facial
expressions and other forms of expressing feeling and providing information from verbal
clues. But we have to be realistic and accept that their information is very superficial.As
Gina Kemp claims ,”Dyslexia affects not only reading but also other language-based
processing skills,it affects decoding, reading comprehension ,recalling and sometimes
speech” .So judging this statement we may definitely say that teachers information is
vague and very superficial .That because of considering how Albanian teachers of
English answered to the question of facing a student with any of some of the disabilities
mentioned above.They just decided to give an alternative way of teaching by not focusing
to their disability ,but that is not enough.You cannot just choose to teach any of other
skills.Let us go further on the example provided even earlier , a dyslexic person has
difficulties with reading,that is core information ,that is basic information and that is the
only thing our teachers know for these learning disabilities.So they follow the logic of `I
know a dyslexic has difficulties in reading skills,so I will try to give him writing tasks `
.But this way of thinking it is not right as if you go just a little further on the exploration
of these disability you will find out that ,a dyslexic has trouble with spelling, they cannot
remember large amount of information ,so you as a teacher have to present the material in
small units and ask and teach them to use logic rather than memory.
Having to deal with Albanian teachers` attitude when they face a child with reading and
writing disorders we understood that they are willing to try to use all the resources
available at school for the student to learn. A few of them ,answered that in a certain
situation they would call their to take the child to the specialist. That may seem
contradictory as in one hand we have these responsible teachers that are aware and admit
that some for not saying all agreed and give a positive attitude toward reading and writing
disorders as they would do everything and use all the resources found in school to
support the growth of these individuals.
On the other hand , we observe that teachers ,transfer the responsibility to parents of
disabled student.We can easily understand that by observing who stands after the causes
of reading and writing difficulties, they answered that it was the lack of family interest
.Adding to these, the fact that they choose to call parent of disabled student to get his
child for medical treatment in a situation they had to face a student like this in their
classroom and not working with any of pedagogical coordination of the school. So they
do not work together as teachers but transfer the responsibility to parents and other family
members. Following this way of thinking they see cause on the cultural level of the
parents and the students.
Also,there are other data that need to be discussed . There are teachers that has admitted
that they as teachers have failed as professional as they kept their responsibility for their
students` learning disabilities. They also put blame on their family because of lack of
assistance and also on the student in word ,by accrediting this to students` inability but
also to their lack of interest and efforts to learn.
Most of the teachers ,3/4 of them admitted that specialized intervention is indispensable
.As for evaluating their schools and if they have appropriate materials for these students
and what is the most importantly do they have human resources to deal with these
Teachers accept that the schools where do they teach have not enough human resources
and appropriate materials for dealing with these students in order for them to learn and
grow mentally healthy.
What is surprising in teachers` answer are they admitting that these students that show
difficulties in certain skills of language should be followed in appropriate schools.There
were 22/40 of the interviewed that would have prefer to keep these students out of
general schools .For them ,these students need to be toughed in special schools.Tives this
results give clues for us to understand that these teachers are not ready to cope with these
students under the conditions of general schools .The seem to step to deal with these
students ,feel insecure that is why they choose and prefer to educate these students with
disabilities in special schools.
How much the Albanian Ministry of Education has worked throughout these year to train
teachers that has to deal with these students in regular classrooms and how much they
have done to create facilitations in general schools and how much have they have
invested in physical and pedagogical infrastructure. Whatever our efforts or actions are
implemented we turn out to be not informed for a matter that touches every of our general
Conclusions and recommendations:
Learning disabled students could be successful if we worked not only with their
specific areas of difficulties ,but also their area of strength. To do this we have to let
go outmoded viewpoint that a disabled student must first fail in order to be identified.
We need to shift our way of referring them with stigmas .Using the saying: `The
student ,who has a disability rather than the disabled student, because it places
attention in the student rather than that the student has a disability. Disabilities result
not from impairments but from a lack of applications, participation and proper
education.In other words as Shakespeare and Watson 2001 have stated” Disability is
an interaction between impaired bodies or minds and excluding environments.So , in
here we have the root reason why students with disabilities need to attend general
schools, where they have everyday interaction with abled students and this enhance
their will and desire to be like them .We can put them into a position to compete and
hold on their own,that is what researchers have recommended through the years.
Considering what our problem is and how ready are we to face these problems. We
need to reconsider our teachers` knowledge on this area, on learning disabilities.
It will be very helpful for these teachers if their school and upper authorities of
education offer more possibilities to train and attend training and conferences to be at
the very initial state , to stay informed.
It is recommended to revise our curricula,, in order to have subjects not too loaded
and that consider all students` needs .A curricula that takes into account students`
needs is beneficial to all students.
For this cause, it will be helpful for teachers if they have scheduled time for dealing
with these students privately. Also offering a quiet physical space to have these
meetings delivered.
Try to offer and to teach with books and materials that are online .It will help for
students with visual difficulties ,as it would consider color formats ,big shapes and
fonts, helpful for students with low vision.
For instance ,a syllabus with clear course objectives ,assignment details and deadlines
help students plan their schedules accordingly.
It is recommended to have a better awareness for these problems that affect directly
our teaching style, our working materials ,our time offered as teachers, our attitude
toward these students and others in the class in order each individual contribute these
students development meantime but not directly their own growth and social
development. If we want all students offering the equal opportunity to learn and
develop there is a very complex way to do so ,as it asks for collaboration of many
mechanisms like government,schools,teachers,parents and students involved.If we
want them improve we have to improve our attitudes toward them ,then looking for
successful results. What is our hands to do for every type of students is preventing
school failure with the creation of school climates that foster academic success and
empower students(Cummins1989).Such environments reflect the idea that all students
can learn.If we want to have a positive environment some conditions need to be met
.Firstly, we need to a strong administrative leadership , high expectations for students
achievements, appropriate curricula , safe school environment and also we teachers to
do systematic instructions for these students but also systematic evaluation of
students` progress.
Barton, Susan, What is Dyslexia ?, Brighter Solutions for Dyslexia ,2010,27 Nov 2012
Bourke, A. B., Strehorn, K. C., & Silver, P. (2000). Faculty Members’ Provision of
Instructional Accommodations to Students with LD. Journal of Learning Disabilities,
33(1), 26-32.
Burgstahler, S., & Cory, R. (2010). Universal design in higher education: From
principles to practice. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Education Press.
Dyslexia Basics – Overview of dyslexia, it's effects, how it is diagnosed, and what
treatments are available. (International Dyslexia Foundation)
Hodge, P.L. (2000). A Dyslexic Child in the Classroom. Retrieved March 28, 2016 from
Mercer, C. (2002). Accommodating Students with Dyslexia in all Classroom Settings.
Fact Sheet # 51. International Dyslexia Association. Retrieved from
Bourke, A. B., Strehorn, K. C., & Silver, P. (2000). Faculty Members’ Provision of
Instructional Accommodations to Students with LD. Journal of Learning Disabilities,
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Rourke,B.P Nonverbal learning disabilities :The syndrome and the model , New York,
NY: Guilford Press 1989 Module 6,Supporting students with nonverbal learning
Teaching Students with dyslexia .`Dyslexia Consultants` 2010.
Questionnaire-Evaluation of English teachers ` knowledge about students with
learning disabilities.
Age : _____________
6.How often do you read? Mark the alternatives below: (a) if you read
frequently (b) if you read eventually (c) if you rarely read
a. Yes b.No
10.1 Dyslexic------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11.What attitudes do you have when facing a child with reading and writing
disorders ?
11.1 I try to use all the resources available at school for that student to learn
11.2 I refer the student to the pedagogical coordination of school
12 Some affirmation are used to explain learning difficulties. Mark only one
option for each sentences A) Agree B) Disagree
12.3 They are caused by the cultural level of the parents and students A B
12.6 They occur due to lack of interest and of efforts of the student . A B
a) Yes b) No
14.Does your school have human resources and appropriate materials for those
a) Yes b) No
a) Yes b) No