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Topic: Part 1: Hometown (Overall: 7)

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Part 1: Hometown
(Overall: 7)

1. Where is your hometown?

2. Do you like your hometown?
3. Are there any old buildings in your hometown?
4. Would you prefer to live somewhere else? Why?


1. Talking at length 1. Using a range of sentence 1. Using a range of words and 1. Able to be understood
structures paraphrasing throughout the test
You spend about 20
seconds for each Good: because, relative clause Some words need to be  0:19 – 0:21: has
question. This is Suggestion/Correction: paraphrased to avoid repetition. many ??? 
suitable as you have  Complex structure can be Suggestion: incomprehensible
time to answer the used: My hometown is Ha  My hometown is Ha Noi   1:10 – 1:14:
question and expand in Noi. It is the capital city of Where I grew up is Ha Noi/ incomprehensible
one or two sentences Vietnam.  My hometown My homeland is Ha Noi

2. Talking with some is Ha Noi which is the  Ha Noi has a number of 2. Able to use intonation
pauses or hesitations capital city of Vietnam. old buildings  Ha Noi You have used intonation
You answer quite  The connection between has a number of ancient suitably throughout every
fluently but sometimes, phrases can be improved: constructions answer. The intonation is
the pauses should be at it is the capital city of really natural and makes
2. Using collocation and less
the right places. Vietnam, the politic and the answers more
common vocabulary
cultural center.  …which interesting to listeners.
3. Talking with some is not only the capital city Good:
self-correction of Vietnam but also the • Politic and cultural center 3. Accent does not affect
You answer is well politic and cultural center. • Historical value understanding
developed with  Confusing use of relative • Challenge oneself Your accent is good. It
accuracy, so self- clause: I was born and live • To be keen on does not interfere with
correction is not for over 20 years where I Incorrect: the expression of ideas.
frequent throughout the kept so much memories of  Confusing word choice
“likely = high chance of 4. Inaccurate word and
answer. childhood  I was born
something”: I am also sound pronunciation
and have been living for
4. Able to be likely to challenge myself
over 20 years with a lot of Your pronunciation of
understood in new environment  I
memories associated with most words is accurate.
The answers are direct this place am also willing to In fact, some of them are
to the point. challenge myself in new pronounced in a fairly
2. Using a range of grammar
Specifically, you always environment native-like way.
answer the question the Suggestion (at least 5 good However, there are some
first sentence and then Good: past tense, present tense, collocations/phrases): parts that are really
you expand the present perfect tense  be developed with difficult to hear as above.
answers. This is good Suggestion: increasing number of
 Foreign
as you can cover the  You can emphasize the infrastructures and
question but still give event that last until now establishments

more information. by using present perfect: I  imposing local buildings:
was born and lived for visually impressive
5. Using linking devices
over 20 years  I was buildings
Good: to be honest, for born and have been living  amenities: organizations,
instance for over 20 years businesses, or buildings
providing a service in a
particular location
 vibrant: full of energy and
 local delicacy: something
that is good to eat
belonging or relating to a
particular area or

Dream on, dear

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