VLSI Design Overview Problems
VLSI Design Overview Problems
VLSI Design Overview Problems
a. Do these two circuits implement the same logic function? If yes, what is that
logic function? If no, give Boolean expressions for both circuits.
b. Will these two circuits’ output resistances always be equal to each other?
c. Will these two circuits’ rise and fall times always be equal to each other? Why
or why not?
2. The transistors in the circuits of the preceding problem have been sized to give an
output resistance of 13 kΩ for the worst-case input pattern. This output resistance
can vary, however, if other patterns are applied.
a. What input patterns (A–E) give the lowest output resistance when the output is
low? What is the value of that resistance?
b. What input patterns (A–E) give the lowest output resistance when the output is
high? What is the value of that resistance?
3. What is the logic function of circuits A and B in the following circuits? Which one is
a dual network and which one is not? Is the non-dual network still a valid static
logic gate? Explain. List any advantages of one configuration over the other.
7. Describe the logic function computed by the following circuit. Note that all
transistors (except for the middle inverters) are NMOS.
8. Estimate the minimum delay of the path from A to B in Figure below. Choose
transistor sizes to achieve this delay. The initial NAND2 gate may present a
load of 8C0 on the input and the output load is equivalent to 45C0, where C0 is
the input capacitance of a reference (1X) inverter.
9. A 3-stage logic path is designed so that the effort by each stage (i.e. fi=gibihi)
is 12, 6, and 9 delay units, respectively. Can this design be improved? Why?
What is the best number of stages for this path? What changes do you
recommend to the existing design?
10. Analyze the CMOS ROM circuit below to determine the stored values.