Class 12 Practical Exp. 4-10

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EXPT. NAME: Page No.

: I5
NO. Experiment No.5

OBJECTIVE 9 To determine resista nce per cm ot a given wiro

by plotting a graph ot potentiaJ differene ys curent

APPA RATUS &A resistonce wire a voltmeter and aammeter

O appropnate xanqe,a batteryCbattery eliminator)
a rheostat,a mneterscale,one woy ke
COMaectiug wires and piece ol sand papeA

THEORY According to ohm's law the current flowing

through conductoy is directly_proportional to the
potential differene acrass ts ends provided the
phåsical Canditortstemprature, dimensions , pressure)
o the conductor remains same. If I be the current
flotwing through a conductoy oand Vbe the poteFtid
dfference acras ts ends,
According4 to Ohms law,

Hk VoxI or V=RI

-. working fosmula

Rdepends upon the wnaterial,tempxature

dimensions at theconductor
In sI units.
Vis measured ?in Vot
CurrentI ínámpere
Resistance R'in ohm.

Teacher's Signature:
9.8} ImA S0.
4.48 252rA 4
b6 4. A40.3
m mv 388
mnA 35.0 mv
9.q0 mA30.1 mv
298.0 1
VR( (mA)
Ammeter (mv)Voltmeter rno.
valueunknown gives ratio constant The 2)
linestreigkt a
bemust V/t Graph i.
ot resistane agiven for
remains V/I ratio tha that shoun be to is
í voltage current establsh
the To
XPT. NAME: Page No.: 18

RESUITS 8 Resistance per cm ot the colre is 0.984_2cmt

Graph b/w Vond I is a straigt \ine
PRECAUTIONS)The counection should be neat,clean tight
a) Thick Copper wire should be used for the connection
after removing the isulation near their ends
by sand paper.
Voltmeter andameter Should be ct proper range.
4)A louw resistance rheostat shåld be used.
6) The key should be înserted only ohile taking
observatíous to dvoid the heating st resistance

ERROR ) Instument serew maå be loase
&) Thick conueting wires may not be avaidble.
3) Rheostat yvay have high resistance
EXPT. NAME: Page No.:
NO Expeiment No-6

OBTECTIVE To find resistance ofagiven wire using melre

bridge and hence determine the specífic
resistance o its mateial

APPARATUS Ameter bidge,a leclanche cell (Battey elirninato)

a qalvanormeter,a resis tance bax, aockey,a
one way Key ,a resistance uoire,a screw qauqe.,
metre saale, a set Squre conneting wire and
apiece st sand papea

THEORY 8Meter bridge spractica) form ot wheatstone bridge

Usually P and a are called ratio arms ot
fixed resistance, Ris adjustable or voia ble
resistance ot knOwp value Sis replaced bå X
ot unknouon resstane fig (a) a balance point
is obtained at B on metre baidge oire Fig)
) For Resistance (ig (b)
let AD =cm
then DC=(00-)Cm
Fox balanced wheat stone hridge ,
Ro Ry
we have (from fig b)
AB -R=R reslstance otresistance box.
BC=X -Ry = Unknown resistance
AD = balaning lengthot meterbridge wire
DC =(l00 -)cm- Ri

Teacher's Signature:

DC -(00-)=Re

X ]00 -
X= ( 00-1)R Working formula
i) from resistance formula

For wire ot radius r or diameter D r


Working fomula

Fosmula X= Clo0-).R & - XrD?



Teacher's Signature:
Table 1
Observation for the diameter
SNO Reading ot the No ot divisions ot b-nxxLC cmm) Diameter d
línear Scale a) (mm)lCiCulor divisiou (a+b)mm

coincidiug (n)
36 O.36 mm Q.G|mnm
35 0,35 mm O.G0mm
3 32 032mm OSmm
4 o.3|m 0.56rmm

5 36 O 36mm O.Gmm

Table 2
Obser vation for lengtu ( )ad unku odu resista uce CX)

SNO Resistance
from resistune length AB Lengtn BC Unknown res Istane
box R (ohm) -(0-)cm X Cohm)
99.lcm +0.9 cm |.70 S
37.2m |.68
3 ).3 S 43.lCm

4 2.0 S4.lcm u8.9cm |.G4 S2

.7 ol. 3 Cm 38.7em
GS.3cm 34.7cm

Teacher's Signature:
Colculatiou tOY the diameter ot wire :
Pitch ol- srew gongue = lMm
Scale =l
Total no. ot divisicons on ciYcUlar
|eost cOUnt

errort O 25 mm

+o St+o.5G oG O.59 mm
Mean Diametero.5| +o.s0

Radius= =0. 245 mm

Calculatiou tor unknown resistance

-XTD Jengt o wie -1Scm

1. x3.14 x(o.s)
Page No.: 22

RESULS The value of unknown [esistance X |-G7S2

2 The spific resistance ot material ot gien
wire -0.0592m

PRECAUIONS:J. The connection should be neat, clean K tight

a Al theplugs in the resistance box
be tight
3 Move the jockes genty oer the bridge
do not xub it
45cn &55cm.
e. Nullpoint Should be brQught blw

OF ERROR 8 The înstauments scew may be loose.
Q Theplugs may notbe clean
wire mas not have uniform thickness
3. The
have faul
4. The screw gouge fo
EXPT. NAME: Page No.: 23
NO.; Experiment No.
OBJECTIVE 8 To veify the laws oto combinatiou ( Seies and
parallel) of resistonces uing aa metre bidge
(slide wire búdqe)
APPARATUS 8A metre byidge ,a teclanche cell (battery eliminator)
a galvanomelér, a resistance box ,a jockey,two
resis tance wires or two resis tan ce coils ,a set
Squre ,sand
paper and connecting oire6.

THEORY ) The resistavce () si aresistance wire or coil

is given by.
r (l00- ) R

R Resistance from resistonce box in the left

1’ length ot metre bridqe from zero to balance point
ii) wnen T and Y, are connected în Series

Rs +
ii) when and , are connected ?n pavallel,

Resistances Resistance frorm length AB leugth Bc Resistae mecn

the resistnce -400-)cm resistan
box R Cohm)

37.2cm G2.8 cm
2.2 S 54.1cm 5.9 cm 1.G92

Only Y2 |. 2 47.5m 52.5 cm 2.2152 9.24 52

2. 3 S2 5G.3cm 43.9 m 2.32 S

32 43.Gcm S6. cm 388S2

în series 42 So.8 cn 49.2 cm 3.872 B.872
GOa cm 39. Cm B.85 2

|.52 57.2c)
9 38.3m J.0S L122
in porallel |.7
3 1.2

Yt (both) = 3.872 Cexpenmetal value)

|G4t.DG 3.98NCtheovati cal valu)

hence t R e

for pas allel com binatiou

R 1.oexpesimental valne)

Rpi lGy 4pdo)


. os (Theovctecd value)

Page No.:

RESULT 81. Within limits st

experimental error,
and theorptical vales ot Re are same experimentaJ
Law ot resistances in series is vafied
2. Within limitS st
expeimeutaJ error, experimevta
and theovotical values ot Rp are same. Hence
Lawot resistance in parallel is verhed.

PRECAUTIONS Convection should be neat ,clean Qnd tigt

2. All the plugs in the resistance boX should be
3. Move the Jockey qentls over the melre bridge
do not gubit:

ERROR 8L Instument Screus may be loose
Q. The plug may not be ceau.
8. The wire may not have unifosm thickness

Teacher's Signature:
Experiment No.3

OBJECTV To detexmine the intenal resistance ot given

primany cell using potentiometer
APPARATUS 9A Dotentiometer, aa battexs (or eliminatoy)two one
way keys,a theostat of low resístance,a
galvanometer, a high resistance bOX,a fractional
resistance boxan amMeter, a voltmeter, a
cell (Leclanche cell),ajockey set squre,connect
ing wires and a piece at 5and paper

THEORY 3 The Snternal reslstance ot cell is givern by

r-U-a). R

Ai &ls balancing lengths twithout shuntand

oith shunt.
R’ Shunt resistance in pasallel torth given cell


Teacher's Signature:
Signature: Teacher's youVÀ
1.87 2.59 29.6c Cn
l, is(K, open) 1,(Key,is
tance Resistane
() shunt(R) wit h (Rshunt
) witthout
ternot (R) Shunt Ccm) point slrnull Pos Sr
24 No. : Page NAME: EXPT. NO.
meou value d resistancecinterna)


PT. NAME: Page No.: 22

RESULT The internal res istun ce st aiven cell is . # S

PRECAUTIONSS 1. The EMF st the battery shou ld be greater tha

that of cell.
Q. Cell should not be distuxbed dumag experiment
Tockey should not be ubbed against
the potentiometer.

OF ERROR iThe auxilias battey may not be fully charged
2 End Resistance may not beZero
Page No.: 29
NO. q Experiment No.q

OBJECTIVE 8 To determine the resistance o galvanomeer

by half deflection method

APPARATUS Aqalvanometer voltmeter, a battey of HNO

cells,twNO resistance boxes,two one 0ay ke
ayheostak, an amaeter ot given [ange and
connectíng ires
THEORYy The resistance ot qalyanometer as found by
half deflection method îs
R’ Resistance connected in series with
galvano mete
S Shunt resistan ce.


S.NODesistaDce (P) De flechion in Shunt c) Half Gulvanoyxder

(obn) Gatvonometer(6) Rosfane 5 deflechion () resistane (G)

000 S2 30 |06.5S
S000 |00 Jol.02
ooO S2 24°
I0000 21.S 10.75 Jo9.17S

Teacher's Signature:
RESULTS Glvanometer resistance G= 05.46S

PRECAUTIONIS I. AlL plugs in res/stance boxes should be tigat

& The EME ot cell or battery Should be
3. Intially,a high resistance from resistance
box should be intsoduced fn the cixCuit

ERROR 1. Plug în the resstance boxes may be lovse
OY they may not be cleau.
2 The EME of battexy na s not be const

Teacher's Signature:
EXPT. NAME: Page No.: 32.
NO.JO Experiment No. 10
|OBTECTIVE 8 To convertthe giyen galvanometer (of known
resistance and figure ot merit )into an
ammeter and volt meter t desired range
and to verity the same

APPARATUS 8A qalvanomelet ot known resistance and fiqure

ot meit,a constantan or manqanin wire, a
batleny ,one way key, a rheostat ot range
200 an aMmete of o- 30 mA nge , a
vottmeter ot 3v range connecting oires &
Sand paper

THEORY i APsinciple(Conversion ot galvano meter

Ruto an ammeter)
Agalvanometer is a Sepsitive device cwhich
detect the very Small amount of cument in
a circuit ot the order l00 mA FoY meas uing.
CuTTent ot the 0Tder ot an ampere,o low
resistance called shunt resistance conneced
in paxalel across the galvanometer having
res istarnce G.

or 5 = Iqf

Io’ totau Current through circut fullscale


Teacher's Signature:
Caltulahou cl Fig ot meit and full ccale deAechon o

K= O.00001d
lGas x10 A/div
" Colculatiou at valué o-shunt to be used->

Io -Ig


Caltulattion, of length ot copper coireto be used

0s Shunt

30.17-5 XIOm?

x30, IT64xl0
19.65 cm 0cm

So by veg Do:m Shunt re, guvononoter ran be Cayyeyy od

(Io-I) Current passes thvough S
I ’ urrent Plow through galvarometer.
S’ Shunt resistan ce
K’ fiqure ot merit
N total number ot division on either side 6f
also ,
h’ actual deflection In the converted galvanometer
ResultS lo convert thne given galvanometer iuto an
ammeter ot range Oto zOmA
LCurrent I¡_ for full Scale de £lection 4.46SXID
2. Value ot shunt required to Convert the
galvanometer ie S=l.166XIo
3. Required length ot mateia is aOcm

Precautions 1 The resistance bax should be t higa

2. Rheostat should be used as potential
3. Battemy key should be closed to
any danage to galvanometei
B) Princaple (Convexs ion of a galvanometer into a voltmeter)
Agalvamometer fs converted fnto a voltmeter
Dy Connecting a hgh resjstane o suita ble value
nseries.Voltmeter fs always connected în
parallel with the electlcal compo nents across
which potentiat difference is to be measured.

G ’ Resistance o qalvanometer
Iy ’ Current though galvanomeBer

Actual Reading ot voltmeter . Copvert ed vottmetor Reading

() Cv)

2. O.9

3. 2 2.1

Teacher's Signature:
RESULTS lo Convert the given galvanometer înto a
ot the range o to 3v
tor given t zto.4q s2 and figure ot Mert
K -|.G5 XIDS A/dir
Q. The value of calculated Series resistance

3. CuTent-fox ful sale deflection lg 44Gs XD A<div.

PRECAUTIONS 1. The res istance box used should be ot

high resistance
2 The rheostat should be used as potentíal
3. High resistance ot order ot l0K2 from the
resistance box should be used fCst then the
battey kes should be closed to avold any
damage to the galvanometer.

5OURCE OF The wire may be non-unform area ot cross

ERROR 5etíon.
Calculatio ns ’
G = o 49 s2
K =l.GS xi0 A/diy 19

= nk 30xGSIo

R= Vo -G
o.G0422 xIo-To4q

Thu: he 5972 2 resistanre wheu co uneclod in

galvano meBer Con be Converted iwto
Voltchor s- requrfed anae

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