Insiden Bunuh Diri Secara Gantung Diri
Insiden Bunuh Diri Secara Gantung Diri
Insiden Bunuh Diri Secara Gantung Diri
Malaysia was ranked at 148 by World Health Organization (WHO) in suicide statistic for 2012, where males had a higher
tendency to commit suicide, recording a 4.7 per 100,000 in comparison to female (1.5 per 100,000). As hanging is one of
the most common methods to commit suicide, this retrospective study was conducted to observe the incidence of suicide
by hanging in Klang Valley from four different hospitals. The current study is conducted to provide local database of
suicide occurrence by hanging in Klang Valley. A total of 893 suicide cases by hanging from 2007 to 2016 were recorded
from post mortem records and analysed. Suicide rates in Klang Valley showed a rising trend from 2007 to 2016. Males
from age group 30 to 34 years old and females from 20 to 24 years old have the highest number of suicide fatalities
compared to other age groups. Meanwhile, fatalities from the age group of 10 to 14 years old and 80 years old and above
showed similar result which is only 7%. 78% of the fatalities were recognized as Malaysian and half of them were Indian.
Majority of the victims/cases (45%) who committed suicide by hanging are of Hindu religious denomination. Non-citizen
in Malaysia that have the highest suicide rates were from Nepal, Indonesia and Myanmar. Victims also committed suicide
more during the day and the peak hours being at 12.00 pm to 5.59 pm.
Keywords: Forensic science; forensic pathology; suicide; hanging; Klang Valley
Malaysia berada di kedudukan 148 dalam statistik bunuh diri yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia
(WHO) pada tahun 2012 di mana lelaki mempunyai kecenderungan yang lebih tinggi untuk bunuh diri dengan kadar
4.7 per 100,000 berbanding dengan wanita (1.5 per 100,000). Oleh kerana kejadian gantung diri adalah salah satu
cara yang sering digunakan untuk membunuh diri, kajian retrospektif ini dijalankan untuk mencerap kadar kejadian
bunuh diri dengan cara menggantung diri di Lembah Klang daripada empat hospital berbeza. Kajian ini dijalankan
untuk menambah data di pangkalan data tempatan berkenaan kejadian gantung diri. Sebanyak 893 kes bunuh diri
dengan cara menggantung diri dari tahun 2007 hingga 2016 telah direkodkan dan dianalisis. Kadar bunuh diri di
Lembah Klang menunjukkan peningkatan dari tahun 2007 hingga 2016. Lelaki berumur 30 hingga 34 tahun dan wanita
berumur 20 hingga 24 tahun adalah kumpulan umur yang mempunyai kadar kematian bunuh diri tertinggi berbanding
dengan kumpulan umur yang lain. Manakala, kematian bagi kumpulan umur 10 hingga 14 tahun dan 80 tahun ke atas
menunjukkan kadar peratusan yang sama iaitu 7%. 78% daripada kematian bunuh diri adalah warganegara Malaysia
dan separuh daripada mereka adalah berbangsa India. Kebanyakan kes gantung diri (45%) adalah terdiri dari mangsa
beragama Hindu. Warga asing di Malaysia yang mempunyai kadar bunuh diri tertinggi adalah daripada Nepal, Indonesia
dan Myanmar. Mangsa juga lebih ramai menggantung diri pada waktu siang dan waktu kemuncak adalah pada 12.00
tengahari hingga 5.59 petang.
Kata kunci: Sains forensik; patologi forensik; bunuh diri; gantung; Lembah Klang
Number of cases
85 82
77 80 75
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
FIGURE 1. Total number of suicide cases in Klang Valley from 2007 to 2016
On top of that, half of the cases among Malaysian was their believers from committing suicide and Malays have
dominated by Indian with total of 50.50% (n = 352). Even negative thoughts towards people who committed suicide
though Malay is the largest population in Klang Valley, only (Hussain & Hyman 1994). This principle was comparable
6.17% of suicide cases involved Malay. The other ethnic with Buddhist beliefs where any kind of action that either
groups such as Bidayuh and Orang Asli have the lowest hurt oneself or other people was regarded as disrespectful
percentage of suicide by hanging with only 0.43%. As such, to their religion, thus could be a reason behind the lower
Hindu religious denomination has the highest percentage suicide rates among Chinese in comparison to the Indian
in suicide by hanging (45%), as compared to Buddha and population (Yip 1996). However, Kok (1992) stated that
Islam with 40% and 13% respectively. Other religion such in certain situations, Chinese would commit suicide for
as Christian made up 3% in suicide cases. honor and integrity.
A percentage of the victims (30.23%) committed An over representation of the suicides (45%) were
suicide during the day, from 1200 to 1759. There are among the Indian population and by extension of Hindu
slightly differences in number of victims that committed religious denomination for the past ten years. Few studies
suicide during the day, the hours between 0600 to 1159 (250 which had been conducted showed that Indian had higher
cases) and 1800 to 2359 (255 cases). Number of victims suicide rates in Malaysia as well as other countries, with
who committed suicide during early morning is the lowest, hanging as the most common method to commit suicide
with 115 cases. Three cases are classified as unknown as (Adityanjee 1986; Maniam 1988; Maniam 1994).
there was no data on time of death. The National Crime Record Bureau in India reported
Race, religion and cultural norms did have a significant that seven of 100,000 suicide victims per year attempted
influence for those who decided to commit suicide (Oquendo to kill themselves by hanging, ingestion of insecticides or
et al. 2005). Muslims made up the least percentage of barbiturates, for every five minutes (Baby et al. 2006). In
committing suicide by hanging even though the Malay is addition, Vijayakumari (2011) reported that 95% of suicide
the largest population in Klang Valley. Other studies also deaths were by hanging. Hindus religious denomination
showed similar results (Maniam 1988; Murty et al. 2008; may have less number of suicide cases if Indian has a less
Murugesan & Hock 1978). Islam indeed strictly prohibits ascetic way of life, in which they believe that individual
FIGURE 2. Distribution of suicide cases in Klang Valley from 2007 to 2016 according to range of age
INSERM Collective Expertise Centre (2005) reported that The data also showed that males have a higher
Canada, Great Britain and Finland practiced PA to identify tendency to commit suicide by hanging as compared to
various risk factors to predict suicidal action, a meticulous females, as noted by previous studies (Armitage et al. 2015;
collection of data, in order to understand the circumstances Hayati et al. 2004). However, females had higher rates of
of the death of the suicide victims. Even though PA is a suicidal ideation and suicide attempts which rarely lead
useful tool for suicide prevention, there is a debatable to death, thus explaining why they had lower number of
standardisation in gathering the information, especially in fatalities in suicide (Canetto 2008; Schmidtke et al. 1996).
data collection (Pouliot & Leo 2006). Difficulties to contact In addition, Denning & Cox (2000) stated that the method
family members and friends, time elapsed between suicide used in committing suicide was influenced by gender.
and first interview with contacts and bias information Females preferred a less aggressive method compared to
during the interviews are among methodological male in committing suicide, such as using drug overdose
limitations in performing PA, not to mention that PA is a or carbon monoxide poisoning. In contrast, males tended
time consuming study. Hence, a better standardisation, or to commit suicide by means of hanging or firearms
at least a guide is needed before implementing the PA study which were more aggressive and assured to cause fatality
(INSERM Collective Expertise Centre 2005). (Callanan & Davis 2012).
For gender comparison, males in the age group 30-34 Figure 2 also showed that elderly people from 65
years old have the highest number of cases (119 cases) years old and above had lower number of fatalities with
while for females, the 20-24 years old show the highest only 56 cases. National Suicide Registry Malaysia (2009)
number with 35 cases. This age group shows a higher rate stated that family members are caring for their elders, who
in males as this is the most active phase of life, physically, supported them medically, ensuring prolonged lifespan
socially and emotionally. The phase also brings about and lowering the suicide tendency. In addition, Ahmad
tremendous stress, strain and financial burden, all of which & Hossain (2010) believed that elders have lower suicide
if not handled appropriately, can lead to crisis and suicidal rates since they were more focused on religious matters and
behavior, seen in similar studies worldwide. Females on the enjoyed their life with their family. In contrast, the elderly
other hand, have a higher rate in the 2nd decade, as they are age group have the highest risk to commit suicide in many
more likely to face stress from marital conflict during and western countries (Conwell & Duberstein 2001; Leenaars
following marriage (Kanchan & Menezes 2008). 1995). Bennett & Collins (2001) noted that only 11.5% of