Exam 4

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Exam Four is scheduled for Wednesday, November 29. Please see the Blackboard Announcement
page to see the relevant pages in the Logic Workbook. Also, please bring a scantron and #2 pencil.
• Propositional Logic Translations
• Calculating Truth-Values
• Two and Four Row Truth Tables
• Valid Argument Forms (MP, MT, HS, DS, CD)

The Final Exam will cover: Translations, Truth Tables, Proofs (with 12 rules), and Informal
Fallacies. For fairness and expediency, if a student is not able to take Exam Four and has a good
excuse, no makeup exam will be offered but a portion of the final (translations, truth tables, proofs)
will count toward Exam Four grade.

I. Propositional Logic Translations

1. Tom’s golfing is a necessary condition for either Henry or Joe to ski.
A. T  (H  J) B. (H  J)  T C. T  (H  J)
D. T  (H • J) E. (T  H)  J

2. Karen’s swims unless Henry skies; however, Larry does not skate.
A. (K  H)  L B. (H  K) • L C. K  (H • L)
D. (K  H) • L E. (K  H) • L

3. Nancy exercises if neither Jill nor Suzy surf.

A. N  ~(J  S) B. (~J • ~S)  N C. (~J  ~S)  N
D. N  ~(J • S) E. ~ (J • S)  N

4. Provided that Larry does not skate, then Nancy exercises.

A. N  ~L B. ~L  N C. L • N
D. ~L  N E. N  ~L
5. Both Karen swims and Henry skies if and only if Jill does not surf.
A. (K • ~J)  H B. (K • H)  ~J C. K • (H  ~J)
D. ~J  (K • H) E. (K • H)  ~J
6. Both Tom and Pat do not golf.
A. ~T • ~P B. ~(T • P) C. ~T • P
D. ~T  ~P E. (T  P) • ~(T • P)

II. Determining the Truth Values of Statements. Let the values for A, B and C be true and the values
for X, Y, Z be false.

~ ( C  ~ X ) 7. This formula is A. True B. False

X  (~B • ~Z) 8. This formula is A. True B. False

~ (Y  A )  ~X 9. This formula is A. True B. False

III. Truth Tables
10. What is the main operator for ~(Y  A)  ~Z ?
A. the first tilde B. the wedge C. the horseshoe D. the second tilde

11. To construct a truth table for ~[(J  H)  D]  ~(Z  ~H), how many rows should there be?
A. two B. four C. eight D. sixteen E. thirty-two

First Premise Second Premise Conclusion

~(L • ~L)  ~P / ~P  ~L // (L • P)  ~L

12. How many True’s under the dot of the first premise? (For #12-17, refer to the statements above)
A. zero B. one C. two D. three E. four

13. How many True’s under the main operator of the conclusion?
A. zero B. one C. two D. three E. four

14. What sort of statement is the second premise?

A. self-contradictory B. contingent C. tautologous

15. Compare the two premises with each other (ignore the conclusion). What can you say about them?
A. they are contradictory. B. they are equivalent. C. they are consistent. D. none of these

16. Are all three sentences consistent or inconsistent?

A. consistent B. inconsistent

17. Is the argument valid or invalid?

A. valid B. invalid

IV. Identifying Argument Forms

18. If the pirate ship sailed to Jamaica, then the governor’s daughter was kidnapped, but if the pirate ship
sailed to Cuba, then the king’s gold was stolen. Either the pirate ship sailed to Jamaica or Cuba.
Therefore, either the governor’s daughter was kidnapped or the king’s gold was stolen. Which argument
form does this commit? A. MP B. MT C. HS D. DS E. CD
19. If the clown does not make the audience laugh and the magician refuses to perform his magic tricks,
then the acrobat will do his stunts and the tightrope walker will balance on the high wire. The clown does
not make the audience laugh and the magician refuses to perform his magic tricks. So, the acrobat will do
his stunts and the tightrope walker will balance on the high wire. Which argument form does this
commit? A. MP B. MT C. HS D. CD E. CD
20. Either the butler or the housekeeper murdered the guest. The housekeeper did not murder the guest.
It follows that the butler murdered the guest. Which argument form does this commit?
A. MP B. MT C. DS D. CD E. none of these
21. J  ~K
~K  S Which formula follows from these two premises?

A. J  ~K B. J  S C. S  J D. ~K  J

22. ~L
~M  L Which formula follows from these two premises?

A. M B. ~M C. L  ~M D. ~M  L E. none of these

23. (R • Z)  ~M
R•Z Which rule does this argument exemplify?
~M A. MP B. MT C. HS D. DS E. none of these

24. ~G  B
~B Which rule does this argument exemplify?
~G A. MP B. MT C. HS D. DS E. CD

1. (S • L)  ~G
2. (N  D)  G
3. ~(S • L) / ~(N  D)

25. What is the first rule you should apply for the above proof?

26. What is the second rule you should apply for the above proof?

1. ~K  [~(S  G)  K) ]
2. ~B  S
3. ~K / ~B  G
It takes three lines to solve the above proof.
27. What is the first rule you should apply?

28. What is the third rule you should apply for the above proof?

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