Engg1500 Module 7 Tutorial Solutions: Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy (Ch6, Ch7)

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Second Law of Thermodynamics and entropy (Ch6, Ch7)




V1 = 0.05 m3
P1 = 0.8 MPa
sat. vap.

P2 = 0.4 MPa

 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible.
 No other work except boundary work due to compression process.
 Quasi-equilibrium compression.
 No heat lost to or gained from the surroundings.
Define the refrigerant inside the piston-cylinder as the system. This is a closed system
with no mass crossing the boundaries and only one energy flow into the system, i.e.
the boundary work by the refrigerant as it expands.
Designate state 1 as the initial state of the system and state 2 as the final state, i.e.
after the compression.
First law:
Ein  Eout  Esystem
Wb  U  KE 0  PE 0
Wb  U 2  U1  m(u2  u1 )

Initial State (1) (P1 = 0.8 MPa; sat. vap.)

From Table A-12:
 v1 = vg = 0.025621 m3/kg
 u1 = ug = 246.79 kJ/kg
 s1 = sg = 0.91835 kJ/(kg.K)
It immediately follows that the mass can be found:
V1 0.05m3
m   1.9515 kg
v1 0.025621m3 /kg

Final State (2) (P2 = 0.4 MPa; s2 = s1 = 0.91835 kJ/(kg.K))

From Table A-12 at 0.4 MPa,
 sf = 0.24761 kJ/(kg.K)
 sg = 0.92691 kJ/(kg.K)
So sf < s2 < sg, therefore state 2 is a saturated mixture, and the quality is:
s2  s f 0.91835  0.24761
x2    0.9874
sg  s f 0.92691  0.24761

Additionally from Table A-12:

 uf = 63.62 kJ/kg
 ufg = 171.45 kJ/kg
Then, u2  u f  x2u fg  63.62  0.9874(171.45)  232.91 kJ/kg

As well, since the final state is a saturated mixture, the temperature will be equal to
the saturation temperature at the final pressure, which, from Table A-12, is 8.91oC
Returning to the first law, the boundary work can be calculated:
Wb  m(u1  u2 )  1.9515kg(246.79kJ/kg  232.91kJ/kg)  27.09 kJ (b)

Q=0 W

. .
min system mout

 The system remains at steady state.
 Steady flow of mass through the system.
 Adiabatic process.
Writing an entropy balance over this example single-input-single-output adiabatic
system gives:

Sin  Sout  S gen  S system 0

S gen  Sout  Sin
S gen  mout sout  min sin
Note that work is not a source of entropy and hence is not included in the entropy
balance. From this entropy balance, in order to satisfy the second law, S gen  0 . It is
also noted that since there is only one mass in and out of the system, min  mout  m .
So then the second law balance further reduces to:

S gen  m( sout  sin )  0

sout  sin  0
sout  sin

If sout  sin then there will be no entropy generated and the process is thus reversible.
Whilst this is theoretically possible, the inequality suggests that it is possible to have a
process where the entropy has increased at the outlet compared to the inlet. As this
contribution cannot come from heat transfer (due to adiabatic process), the only other
source of the entropy increasing is due to irreversibilities within the process. This is
definitely possible since work is being produced or introduced as part of the process
in the system. As most work within a real process will ultimately manifest itself in
some sort of mechanical means (e.g. turning a turbine blade, pushing a piston, etc.), it
is not unreasonable to expect that there will be process irreversibilities that will result
in an increase in entropy.
In conclusion, even though work itself makes no direct contribution to the entropy
balance of a system, it is only reasonable to conclude that work has no effect at all on
the entropy of a fluid passing through a system if the process is reversible.
Note that although real world processes are rarely reversible (i.e. S gen  0 ), it is still
useful to investigate reversible processes (where S gen  0 ) and their properties in
order to help us investigate the efficacy of their equivalent real world processes, i.e.
the closer we approach a reversible process, the better our process is performing.
In the same way, if we can also understand the properties of a reversible process, then
it also sets bounds as to what can be theoretically achieved. For example, calculating
the work output of a turbine that operates reversibly can tell us the best possible
output of that turbine for given operating conditions. Then, any turbine in the real
world with the same operating conditions that attempts to achieve a greater work
output than the reversible one will be impossible to construct.
The idea of setting the boundaries of parameters or scenarios by figuring with “ideal”
conditions is a very common practice in engineering (i.e. what is the most work we
can produce from this process, what is the most money we can possibly make from
this given flowsheet, what is the minimum height we need to design this distillation
tower, etc.).

When a system is adiabatic, this means that the contributions to entropy generation
are limited to only two mechanisms (rather than three), namely:
 Mass transfer (i.e. movement of mass through the system, which itself carries
entropy), or
 Process irreversibilities (i.e. creation of entropy)
Thus, the entropy of a substance in the system can still change if mass is carried in
and/or out of the system, or irreversibilities occur within the system (e.g. friction,
sudden expansions, etc.).
One important note is that if a system is adiabatic, then there will be no effect by the
system on the surroundings (in terms of entropy). This is because the entropy of the
surroundings can only be changed by the system through heat transfer (as work will
be entropy free). As a consequence, the entropy change in the system must be zero
(reversible) or positive (irreversible). The entropy change of a system cannot be
negative without an effect in the entropy of the surroundings (which can only come
about via a heat transfer).

“During a heat transfer process, the entropy of a system sometimes increases.”
Heat transfer is just one of the three mechanisms of entropy transfer. The entropy of a
system can still change through the other means, and it is possible for the entropy of a
system to stay the same if the change of entropy due to the heat transfer is offset by
another source of entropy within the system.
It is also possible for a system undergoing a heat transfer process to experience a
decrease in entropy. Whilst the entropy of the system decreases, the entropy of the
surroundings will increase at a magnitude equal or greater than that of the system
change. An example of this kind of process is condensation of a saturated vapour (i.e.
entropy of the system – the fluid – decreases, but the heat removed from the system
increases the entropy of the surroundings).

Yes, this is possible. An example of this case is illustrated as follows:
Tb [K]

Consider the depicted closed system (no mass crossing the boundary) with a flow of
heat from the system. The system boundary has a boundary temperature of Tb.
Writing the entropy balance for this system:
Sin 0  Sout  S gen  S system
  S gen  S system
S gen  S system 

An irreversible process is one where Sgen > 0. In this case, the entropy balance would
change to:
S system  0

Now the boundary temperature is expressed in Kelvin, so it must be a positive

number. If the change in entropy of the system, ΔSsystem, is zero, then the other term
(the heat transfer contribution to entropy) must be positive for the inequality to hold.
As Q is necessarily positive (i.e. there is some heat flowing from the system), then the
heat transfer term must be positive, hence satisfying the inequality. (In this case, the
entropy carried out by the heat ( ) is equal to the irreversibilities associated with the
process occurring in the system (Sgen, which will be positive)).
Thus, there is at least one case where it is possible for the entropy change of a closed
system to be zero during an irreversible process.

T = 15oC

m = 4 kg
cp = 0.79 kJ/(kg.K)
T1 = 42oC

 Kinetic and potential energy changes of all elements involved are negligible.
 No external work done.
 Ignore the boundary work of the bricks or the lake.
 No heat is exchanged between the lake and the surroundings (e.g. the
atmosphere above the lake surface, or through the ground that forms the edges
of the lake).
 The mass of the lake remains constant over the process (i.e. no water
evaporates from the lake, no new water is added to the lake).
 Sensible heat only (no latent heat involved).
 The bricks have a constant specific heat capacity.
 The size of the lake is very large in comparison to the bricks.
From this final assumption, it can be concluded that when the bricks fall into
the water, the lake is so big that the temperature rise in the lake water will be
very small. Hence, the lake can be assumed to be isothermal throughout this
In addition, if the bricks finally come to thermal equilibrium with the lake,
then the final temperature of the bricks will be the same as the lake, which is
Designate the initial state as 1 (i.e. when the bricks fall into the lake) and the final
state as 2 (i.e. when the bricks and lake are in thermal equilibrium).
(a) The entropy change of one of the solid bricks can be calculated using the change
in entropy formula for solids and incompressible liquids. The specific heat of a brick
has been supplied in the question.
T2,brick 15  273K
Sbrick  mbrick c p ,brick ln( )  (4kg)(0.79kJ/(kg.K)) ln( )  -0.283 kJ/K
T1,brick 42  273 K

(b) The entropy of the lake cannot be affected by any mass flows (i.e. no water goes
in or out of the lake), so it is only affected by the transfer of heat from the bricks to
the lake.
This heat transfer occurs under isothermal conditions, so the entropy due to this heat
transfer process is calculated as:
Slake 

where Q is the heat transferred (net) to the lake and T0 is the constant temperature of
the lake, i.e. 15oC or 288 K.
The value of Q is the heat lost by the bricks as they cool in the lake. Since the bricks
are solid and there is a value for the specific heat capacity of brick, the heat lost by the
bricks is calculated as:
Qgained by lake  Qlost by bricks  4mbrick c p ,brick (T2,brick  T1,brick )

Note that the ‘4’ multiplier is necessary in the previous statement since four bricks fell
into the lake. Also note that in order to calculate the heat gained by the lake, it is
necessary to negate the heat lost by the bricks (the two values of heat will be equal in
magnitude but opposite in sign).
Replacing this in the expression for the change of entropy of the lake,
4mbrick c p ,brick (T2,brick  T1,brick )
Slake 
4(4kg)(0.79kJ/(kg.K))(15o C  42o C)
Slake 
15  273 K

ΔSlake = 1.185 kJ/K

Note that in using the formula for change in entropy of an isothermal system
undergoing heat transfer, the value of Q must be such that it represents the net inflow
of heat. If heat is flowing out of the system, then Q will have a negative value. From
observing the result of ΔS in such cases, this is consistent, as a positive Q value (net
inflow of heat) will cause an increase in entropy in the system, and hence a positive
ΔS. A similar reasoning applies for when heat is flowing out of the system.
Note also that the formula for ΔS for an isothermal heat transfer process is very
similar to that used for the contribution of a heat transfer flow to an entropy balance
(in the case of T0, this would be the boundary temperature at which a heat flow passes
out of the system).
(c) The total entropy change of the universe, or the entropy generation, is calculated
by defining the system to be the lake and the bricks within it. This is an isolated
system, i.e. there are no mass or energy flows to or from the system. This means that
an entropy balance on this system would give the trivial result of:
Sin 0  Sout 0  S gen  Ssystem

As the system can be subdivided into component systems representing the bricks and
the lake (respectively), then:
S gen  Ssystem  Slake  Sbricks  Slake  4Sbrick

Substituting in the previously calculated values in parts (a) and (b) yields the entropy
S gen  1.185 kJ/K  4(0.283kJ/K)  0.053 kJ/K
min = 12 kg/s
Pin = 6000 kPa
Tin = 500oC Q=0
kein C.V.
H2O Wout

mout,1 (10%)
Pout,1 = 1000 kPa
mout,2 (90%)
Pout,2 = 10 kPa

 Steady state turbine.
 Steady state flow of steam through all streams.
 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible.
 Reversible and adiabatic operation.
Define the system to be the turbine. This is an open system with one mass flow in and
two mass flows out of the control volume. There is only one other energy flow, which
is the work produced by the expanding steam.
Mass balance:

min  mout  msystem 0

min  mout ,1  mout ,2

First law:
Ein  Eout  Esystem 0
Ein  Eout
H in  KEin  PEin  Wout  H out ,1  KEout ,1  PEout ,1  H out ,2  KEout ,2  PEout ,2
Wout  ( H out ,1  H out ,2  H in )  ( KEout ,1  KEout ,2  KEin )0  ( PEout ,1  PEout ,2  PEin )0
Wout  H in  H out ,1  H out ,2  min hin  mout ,1hout ,1  mout ,2 hout ,2
Inlet state (in) (Pin = 6000 kPa; 500oC)
From Table A-5, Tsat @ 6000 kPa = 275.59oC. Since Tin > Tsat, the inlet state is
superheated vapour.
From Table A-6,
 hin = 3423.1 kJ/kg
 sin = 6.8826 kJ/(kg.K)
For the outlet states, there is only one piece of information available (the pressure).
However, we note that the operation of the turbine is under reversible and adiabatic
conditions. Given this, the expansion process must be carried out under isentropic
conditions. Given the entropy at the inlet state, the entropy for the other states is
known, and this gives us the additional piece of information required to fix the outlet
High pressure outlet state (out,1) (Pout,1 = 1000 kPa; sout,1 = sin = 6.8826 kJ/(kg.K))
From Table A-5 at 1000 kPa, sg = 6.585 kJ/(kg.K), which is less than sout,1, so the state
at the high pressure outlet is superheated vapour.
Interpolate on Table A-6 to find the enthalpy:
1 MPa 2943.1  2828.3 h  2828.3
h (kJ/kg) s (kJ/(kg.K))  out ,1
6.9265  6.6956 6.8826  6.6956
2828.3 6.6956 hout ,1  2921.274 kJ/kg
hout,1 6.8826
2943.1 6.9265

Low pressure outlet state (out,2) (Pout,2 = 10 kPa; sout,2 = sin = 6.8826 kJ/(kg.K))
From Table A-5 at 10 kPa, find:
 sf = 0.6492 kJ/(kg.K)
 sg = 8.1488 kJ/(kg.K)
As sf < sout,2 < sg, the state at the low pressure outlet is a saturated mixture. The
quality of the mixture at the low pressure outlet is found using the mixing formula:
sout ,2  s f 6.8826  0.6492
xout ,2    0.8312
s fg 7.4996

Again from Table A-5 at 10 kPa,

 hf = 191.81 kJ/kg
 hfg = 2392.1 kJ/kg
Then the low pressure outlet enthalpy is found as:
hout ,2  h f  xout ,2h fg  191.81  0.8312(2392.1)  2180.124kJ/kg

Substituting all this information into the first law:

Wout  min (3423.1kJ/kg)  mout ,1 (2921.274kJ/kg)  mout ,2 (2180.124kJ/kg)
From the question, it is known that 10% of the inlet mass goes to the high pressure
outlet (1), and the remaining 90% goes to the low pressure outlet (2). If the inlet mass
flowrate is 12 kg/s, this means that 1.2 kg/s goes to the high pressure outlet, and
10.8 kg/s goes to the low pressure outlet. Substituting the flowrates into the first law
finally gives us the work output of the multi-stage turbine:
Wout  12kg/s(3423.1kJ/kg)  1.2kg/s(2921.274kJ/kg)  10.8kg/s(2180.124kJ/kg)

Wout  14,026.332 kW or 14.03 MW (b)

(a) The process is shown on the T-s diagram below:

( C) P = 6000 kPa

P = 1000 kPa
P = 10 kPa



6.8826 s

cold water
mc = 0.25 kg/s
Tc,in = 15oC

hot water
mh = 3 kg/s
Th,in = 100oC


Tc,out = 45oC

 Heat exchanger operates at steady state.
 Steady flow of fluids in all streams to and from the heat exchanger.
 Heat exchanger is insulated, i.e. no exchange of heat to or from the heat
exchanger and the surroundings.
 Both hot and cold water streams are flows of compressed liquid and both have
constant specific heat capacities.
 Sensible heat changes only (no latent heat involved).
 Perfect heat exchanger operating conditions: well-baffled, perfect heat transfer
between streams, thin walls.
 Isobaric heat exchange process.
 Kinetic and potential energy changes in all streams are negligible.
 No external work done on or by the condenser unit.
Define the system as the heat exchanger unit. This is an open system with two mass
flows both into and out of the control volume; these four mass flows are restricted
into two pairs – a cold water stream, and a hot water stream.
Designate the properties of the cold water stream with subscript ‘c’ and that of the hot
water stream with subscript ‘h’.
First law:

Ein  Eout  Esystem 0

Ein  Eout

Ignoring the contributions of KE or PE to the first law balance,

H h ,in  H c ,in  H h , out  H c ,out
H h ,in  H h , out  H c ,out  H c ,in
mh ,in hh ,in  mh , out hh , out  mc ,out hc ,out  mc ,in hc ,in

Noting that for this steady state heat exchanger that

mh,in  mh, out  mh and mc,in  mc, out  mc

The first law balance then becomes:

mh (hh,in  hh, out )  mc (hc ,out  hc ,in )

Since all fluids in this system are compressed liquids, the enthalpy differences can be
re-expressed using specific heat capacities:
mhc p, hot water (Th,in  Th,out )  mc c p ,cold water (Tc ,out  Tc ,in )

Note that each side of the first law equation are equivalent expressions for the heat
exchanged between streams (i.e. the heat exchanged between the hot and cold streams
is equal in magnitude). Therefore, to find the rate of heat being transferred between
streams, all that has to be done is to evaluate one side of the equation. Since all
information about the cold water stream is known (RHS of equation), use this
information to find the amount of heat transferred.
Note that the specific heat of the cold (and hot) water is provided in the question.
QHEX  mc p , cold water (Tc ,out  Tc ,in )
QHEX  (0.25kg/s)(4.18kJ/(kg.K))(45o C  15o C)

QHEX  31.35 kW (a)

Utilising this result and returning to the first law, the outlet hot water temperature can
be found:
31.35kW  mhc p , hot water (Th ,in  Th ,out )
31.35kW  (3kg/s)(4.19kJ/(kg.K))(100o C  Th , out )
Th , out  97.506o C

To find the entropy generated, take an entropy balance over the heat exchanger. The
only sources of entropy (apart from process irreversibilities) is mass transfer, as there
are no external heat flows to or from the system.

Sin  Sout  S gen  S system 0

Sh,in  Sc ,in  Sh , out  Sc , out  S gen  0
S gen  mh ( sh , out  sh ,in )  mc ( sc , out  sc ,in )

Again, as all fluids in the system are compressed liquids, the entropy differences can
be rewritten using specific heats.
Th, out T
S gen  mh c p , hot water ln( )  mc c p , cold water ln( c , out )
Th ,in Tc ,in
97.506  273K 45  273K
S gen  (3kg/s)(4.19kJ/(kg.K)) ln( )  (0.25kg/s)(4.18kJ/(kg.K)) ln( )
100  273K 15  273K
S gen = 0.019 kW/K (b)

cooling water
mc,in = 75 kg/s
Tc,in = 18oC

water vapour condensate

sat. vap. condenser sat. liq.
Tw,in = 60oC Tw,out = 60oC

cooling water
Tc,out = 27oC

 Condenser unit operates at steady state.
 Steady flow of fluids in all streams to and from the condenser.
 Condenser is insulated, i.e. no exchange of heat to or from the condenser and
the surroundings.
 Cooling water is a compressed liquid and has a constant specific heat capacity.
(This is reasonable as we are told the water is sourced from a nearby lake,
which will more than likely be compressed liquid water!)
 Perfect heat exchanger operating conditions: well-baffled, perfect heat transfer
between streams, thin walls.
 Isobaric heat exchange process.
 Kinetic and potential energy changes in all streams are negligible.
 No external work done on or by the condenser unit.
Define the system to be the condenser unit. This is an open system with two mass
streams each entering and exiting the control volume. There are no other flows of
energy to or from the control volume.
The four mass streams are further restricted into two pairs of streams: the water
vapour being condensed (subscript ‘w’) – in and out – and the cooling water which is
condensing the water vapour (subscript ‘c’).
First law:

Ein  Eout  Esystem 0

Ein  Eout

Ignoring the contributions of KE and PE, the balance on the condenser becomes:
H w,in  H c ,in  H w, out  H c ,out
H w,in  H w, out  H c , out  H c ,in
mw,in hw,in  mw,out hw,out  mc ,out hc ,out  mc ,in hc ,in

Now since the flows about the condenser are restricted such that the condensing water
vapour doesn’t mix with the cooling water stream, and since the condenser is at
steady state, then
mc,in  mc, out  mc and mw,in  mw, out  mw

In addition, realising that the cooling water is a compressed liquid and remains as
such, the enthalpy change of the cooling water can be rewritten using the specific heat
capacity (for water, this is 4.18 kJ/(kg.K), sourced from Table A-3).
Finally, since the inlet and outlet states of the stream being condensed are saturated
vapour and saturated liquid respectively, this means that
hw,in  hg and hw, out  h f

where these properties will be evaluated at the states of the inlet water vapour and the
outlet condensate, respectively. Putting all of this together in the first law gives:
mw (hw,in  hw, out )  mc (hc ,out  hc ,in )
mw (hg  h f )  mc c p , water (Tc ,out  Tc ,in )
mwh fg  mc c p , water (Tc ,out  Tc ,in )
Water vapour streams (w,in and w,out) (T = 60oC; sat. vap. to sat. liq.)
From Table A-4 at 60oC, hfg = 2357.7 kJ/kg
Substituting all known figures into the first law allows us to solve for mw :

mw (2357.7 kJ/kg)  (75kg/s)(4.18kJ/(kg.K))(27o C  18o C)

mw  1.197 kg/s

So the rate of condensation of water vapour is 1.2 kg/s, representing an energy

transfer rate of (1.2 kg/s × 2357.7 kJ/kg) 2821.5 kW or 2.82 MW (a).
To find the rate of entropy generation, we take an entropy balance on the condenser
unit. The only sources of entropy (apart from irreversibilities) are mass transfer, as
there are no heat flows to or from the system.

Sin  Sout  S gen  S system 0

S w,in  Sc ,in  S w, out  Sc , out  S gen  0
S gen  mw ( sw, out  sw,in )  mc ( sc , out  sc ,in )

The cooling water entropy change can be re-expressed using the entropy change
formula for solids and compressed liquids.
As the state change of the water vapour was saturated vapour to saturated liquid,
sw, out  s f and sw,in  sg , so the difference in specific entropy of the water vapour being
condensed is s f  sg , or  s fg .

Tc , out
S gen  mw s fg  mc c p , water ln( )
Tc ,in

From Table A-4 at 60oC, sfg = 7.0769 kJ/(kg.K). So finally,

27  273K
S gen  1.2kg/s(7.0769kJ/(kg.K))  (75kg/s)(4.18kJ/(kg.K)) ln( )
18  273 K

S gen  1.06 kW/K (b)

Note: In this question, v denotes specific volume, whereas v denotes velocity.
C.V. Q=0
hin mout
kein hout
pein H2O keout
Pin = 4 MPa peout
Tin = 450oC Pout = 3 MPa
vin = 70 m/s vout = 320 m/s
Ain = 7 cm2
 Steady state nozzle.
 Steady flow of water (steam).
 Adiabatic operation.
 Potential energy changes are negligible.
 No external work done.
Define the system as the nozzle. This is an open system, with only one mass flow both
in and out of the control volume. There are no other flows of energy in or out of the
First law:

Ein  Eout  Esystem 0

Ein  Eout
H in  KEin  PEin  H out  KEout  PEout

Since the PE difference between the inlet and outlet will not be significant, the PE
terms can be ignored. Also note at this moment that since the system is at steady state
and there is only one mass inlet and one mass outlet, then min  mout  m .

m(hin  kein )  m(hout  keout )

1 2
0  hout  hin  (vout  vin2 )
Whilst the outlet is not well defined (only one intensive property), the inlet is:
Inlet state (in) (Pin = 4 MPa; Tin = 450oC)
From Table A-5, Tsat @ 4 MPa = 250.35oC. Since Tin > Tsat, the inlet state is a
superheated vapour.
From Table A-6, hin = 3331.2 kJ/kg
Returning to the first law, hout can be found.
1 2
0  hout  hin  (v out  vin2 )
1 1kJ/kg
0  hout  3331.2kJ/kg  ((320 m/s) 2  (70m/s) 2 )
2 1000J/kg
hout  3282.45kJ/kg

Now that there are two intensive, independent properties at the outlet (pressure and
specific enthalpy), the state can be established.
Outlet state (out) (Pout = 3 MPa; hout = 3282.45 kJ/kg)
From Table A-5 at 3 MPa, hg = 2803.2 kJ/kg. As hout > hg @ 3 MPa, the outlet state is
also a superheated vapour.
The temperature at the outlet is found by interpolating on Table A-6:
3 MPa 450  400 Tout  400
o 
T ( C) h (kJ/kg) 3344.9  3231.7 3282.45  3231.7
400 3231.7
Tout 3282.45 Tout = 422.42oC (a)
450 3344.9

To find the entropy generated, take an entropy balance on the system. The only
sources of entropy (apart from process irreversibilities) are the mass flows in and out,
as the nozzle is adiabatic.

Sin  Sout  S gen  S system 0

msin  msout  S gen  0
S gen  m( sout  sin )

The mass flowrate can be found by using the mass flowrate equation evaluated using
the inlet conditions.
vin Ain
m  min 

The specific volume at the inlet is found via Table A-6, which is 0.08004 m3/kg
(70m/s)(7cm )
m  0.6122kg/s
0.08004m3 /kg

The specific entropy values at the inlet and exit are also determined using tables. For
the inlet state, Table A-6 can be directly read to give sin = 6.9386 kJ/(kg.K). In order
to find sout, once again we need to interpolate on Table A-6.
3 MPa 7.0856  6.9235 sout  6.9235

h (kJ/kg) s (kJ/(kg.K)) 3344.9  3231.7 3282.45  3231.7
3231.7 6.9235 sout  6.9962kJ/(kg.K)
3282.45 sout
3344.9 7.0856

Then, the entropy generated will be equal to:

S gen  0.6122 kg/s(6.9962kJ/(kg.K)  6.9386kJ/(kg.K))  0.035 kW/K (b)

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