Vintage Stereo Guide
Vintage Stereo Guide
Vintage Stereo Guide
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01997 Sony Electronics Inc All rights reserved Sony. Digital Cinema acrid anc furatimuw Televisior xetr3demarks of Scry Dolty is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation
Stereo Review Presents
Vice President and Group Publisher
Which meals when vcu step up to Onkyo, yoJ gat a hone Ik N.) SURROUND
theater cho ce no otter rranufac-urer can offer.
troeg.5 CD
Lucasfilm & Onkyo Quality meals 0-1<yo angineered Low Negative feedback
and Non -Negative feedback circLitries to mir imize
Onkyo enjoys a close working relat onship
distortion and noise. Quality rreans oversize 1 high grade
with the movie sound experts at Lucasfilm.
That's why we've incorporate/ Lucasfilm's transformers anc capacitors to provide power to spare for
Cinema Re-EQ on all of our new receivers. handling the 5.1 :hanrel d3mands of CcIbi Digital And, of
Cinema Re-Eq automatically insures sound- course, Onkyo's lualitv hallmark-sep.:raty and discrete output
tracks are properly equalized for home stages for each channel.
playback. Video magazine called it a feature
that should be "left All of these new -eceivers consistently deliver t-igh power
on virtually all the levels into low Aipedaice loads, with tie greatest possible
time for films."
transparency. The r drve capabilities a -e Aniat insu-e 3 that the
As you step up feature attractior s described earlier always have the highest
through the Onkyo production values
line, you step up
through Lucasfilm technology as well. Our It's why Onkyo home -heaters always sot nd so mutt better.
TX-SV646 and TX-SV747 future Timbre And why when you spend a little more to step up to Onkyo,
Matching, which heightens realism by you're taking a giant eap in performance.
seamlessly blending the sound cc ming from the
surround speakers with the front channels.
And our two top models, the -X-SV939 and
TX-SV838, give you the ultimate Lucasfilm
enhancement. THX itself.
By Teri Scaduto
screen TV. and perhaps even a DVD ing to music? (It isn't written in blood casts. tie preamp handles source
player. Once you've been exposed to that every audio system must accom- sw tchir g and provides controls for
good home theater - and have practi- modate video.) How mud- are you volume and the like, and the power
cally felt the winds in Twister whip- willing and able to spend? Will you amp boosts the audio signals so that
ping through your living room - buy everything at once, or gradually they're strong enough :0 drive speak-
you'll never look at TV in the same upgrade as your budget allows? Where ers. While you can sill buy a basic
way again. will the system be set up: two -charnel stereo receiver, the selec-
Does the entire prospect sound more Once you've analyzed your particu- tion is rather limited these dLys be-
than a little intimidating? It needn't be. lar situation, this article, and the prod- cause most of tie major brans have
With a bit of planning and research, uct listings that follow, will help you eitier anandoned the category or cut it
you'll be able to create a system to suit understand all of the available options ba:k to one or two models to make
your taste, home, and budget. so that you can pinpoint the compo- room fcr A/V receivers.
Before you walk into a store, you nents that best fit your A/V taudio/vid- The -mains behind most home -the-
should have a general idea of what you eo) requirements. ater systems, the A/V receiver adds to
expect from your system and how the tuner/amp/preamp package switch-
much you can afford to spend. Ask RECEIVER VS. SEPARATES ing, capibility fcr a VCR and otter vid-
yourself a few questions to make your Most stereo systems today are built ec components, surround -sound proc-
search more efficient: Are you building around a receiver -a single, integrat- essing (usually Dolby Pro Logic or
3 the system from scratch, or adding to ed component that houses an AM/FM Dolby Digital plus ambience -enhance-
; existing components? Is the system in- tuner, a preamplifier, and a power am- ment modes for music), additicnal am-
tended primarily, or solely, for listen- plifier. The tuner receives radio broad- plifiers to power center-channe and
iiimmormomolt 0140/M0110
IMO R.I. girl
,z.0 ....
7.1 .-
astatmecoms n 110.1.
T- 1-
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surround speakers, and extra connec-
tors to accommodate the video com-
ponents and supplemental speakers.
Besides greatly simplifying hookup,
a receiver lets you control nearly all
system functions via a single remote
control. Add a CD player and a decent
pair of speakers to a stereo receiver,
and you have a basic music system.
Add a decent -size TV and four or five
speakers to an AN receiver, and you
have a simple home theater. No muss,
and very little fuss. And, because re-
The Carver Research Lightstar 2.0 two -channel power amplifier ($2.795) is rated to deliver ceivers are so popular, they're pro-
300 watts per channel into 8 ohms and as much as 1,200 watts into 2 ohms. duced by the truck load, which helps
keep prices down. One-third of the
A/V receivers listed in this year's
guide are priced at $500 or less - and
those are manufacturers' suggested re-
tail prices, which are usually higher
The THX-certified Onkyo than actual selling prices.
Integra TX-DS939 But a receiver is not your only op-
five -channel A/V receiver tion. You could purchase the tuner,
($2,800) offers Dolby Digital amplifier, and preamplifier as individ-
surround decoding. ual components. Many serious listen-
Dolby Pro Logic processing, ers who are not intimidated by the
and eleven adjustable thought of tangling with a few wires
surround modes. prefer to purchase "separates," often
from different manufacturers, so that
they can select components based on
their strong points. For example, if
radio is a priority, you should serious-
ly consider a stand-alone tuner be-
cause the AM/FM sections in most of
today's receivers are mediocre at best.
UL: II On the other hand, if you don't really
need a radio in your A/V system, you
hl 11E
1nr 0 NM wooed.
might consider skipping the tuner alto-
gether and going with an A/V preamp
and power amp or an integrated amp.
The downside of separates is two-
fold: a system made up of individual
components costs more and is more
difficult to set up. The upside is flexi-
The Pioneer Elite CT -07D dual-autoreverse double cassette deck ($550) bility. It's generally easier to add new
converts analog input signals to digital signals for noise -reduction processing and components, and you can mix and
automatic level control, then back to analog for recording or playback. match power amps to meet your spe-
cific needs. With receivers, your op-
tions are more or less limited to mod-
els that deliver somewhere between 40
and 120 watts per channel.
Whichever route you choose, you'll
have to decide how much power you
need. Power requirements are influ-
enced by a number of factors, includ-
ing your listening habits, the type of
music you listen to, and the size and
acoustics of your room. Bass -heavy
tunes played at high volumes will re-
quire more power than soft back-
Denon's AVR-3200 five -channel A/V receiver ($1,200). with Dolby Digital decoding. ground music. And it will take more
enhanced Pro Logic processing, and six other surround modes, also has a six -channel input power to fill a large room with clean,
for use with an external decoder for other multichannel digital formats like DTS. undistorted sound than a small one. If
Systems by
Bell'Oggetti - the name means
"beautiful objects" - offers the
finest in furnishings for the home
audio/video system. Unique, con-
temporary, innovative. Bell'Oggetti
furniture is the crowning touch for
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tainment furnishings, centering
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televisions and extending th-ough
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the room has draperies, upholstered stance, program a macro that powers the roar of an airplane flying overhead.
furnishings, and carpeting - all of up the TV and VCR, puts the VCR in A separate powered subwoofer is of-
which absorb sound - you may need play mode, and even dims the lights! ten added to reproduce deep bass. As
even more power. Is the remote capable of controlling you probably already know from go-
While there's no magic formula for the other components in your system? ing to the movies,. the sound effects
determining what constitutes adequate That's a nice convenience. and sense of envelopment produced by
power, keep in mind that you have to Don't forget to check out the pre- a Dolby Surround soundtrack can be
double power output to achieve a amp or receiver's back panel as well. quite spectacular. So why would any-
meaningful increase in loudness. The one bother with another system?
other thing to remember is that the Better sound, of course. Video afici-
more sensitive, or efficient, your speak- onados seeking the very best home-
ers, the less power they will require to theater sound possible often shell out
achieve a given volume level. Receiv- extra bucks for audio and video com-
ers rated to deliver 50 watts or more ponents that bear the Lucasfilm Home
per channel should produce moderate THX logo. Among these components
listening levels in a good -size - but are speakers, power amplifiers, A/V
not huge - living room. If your musi- controller/preamps, and A/V receivers
cal tastes run to big bass and you like that meet rigid performance criteria
it loud, you'll want a minimum of 100 designed to insure that movie sound-
watts per channel. In a bedroom or tracks, which are mixed for large the-
other small space, 35 or 40 watts per aters, are reproduced as accurately as
channel could be adequate. possible in the smaller home -theater
If you're assembling a home theater, environment. The benefits of a proper-
make sure the front -channel power is ly set up Home THX surround system
equally distributed so that the left and For home -theater use, Cerwin-Vega offers include enhanced dialogue intelligibil-
right speakers don't overpower the the HT -S15 powered subwoofer ($799), ity, more accurate sound localization,
center speaker (or vice versa). And a down -firing bass -reflex design with a 15 - a more natural tonal balance, and a
whereas with a Dolby Pro Logic sys- inch driver and a 200 -watt amplifier. more lifelike ambient sound field.
tem you can get by with substantially The latest development in home the-
less power in the rear surround -chan- ater is Dolby Digital (the surround for-
nel speakers (which share a mono sig- Make sure it can accommodate all the mat formerly known as AC -3), which
nal), Dolby Digital's five full -range components you currently own plus brings CD -quality multichannel digital
channels call for equal power. the ones you are buying now or plan to audio home. Dolby Digital (DD) sound-
buy in the future. A CD player might tracks create surround sound using
TAKING CONTROL be sufficient for a basic audio system, five discrete digital channels - com-
As noted earlier, the receiver (or but with home theater you'll want to pared with Pro Logic's four analog
preamp in the case of a separates - add a hi-fi VCR and perhaps a laser - channels - plus a low -frequency ef-
based system) will serve as command disc player. Do you still listen to LPs fects (LFE) channel for those rumbles
central for your stereo or audio/video or cassettes? That's two more. Dream- and roars that make action films so ex-
system. But unless you can figure out ing about a DVD player? And don't citing. Because the LFE channel han-
how to work its many features, they forget about the cable- or satellite -TV dles only frequencies below 200 Hz,
won't be of much use to you. That's feed or that Nintendo 64 game console! it's considered the ".1" channel in the
why you should try to put a receiver 5.1 -channel Dolby Digital system.
prospect through its paces before you BRINGING THE THEATER HOME As of late 1997, DD soundtracks
reach for your wallet. Are its controls To recreate the cinema experience at were available on more than 200 laser -
logically arranged and easy to use? home, you need at least four speakers, disc titles and about the same number
Can you read their labels? Many AN a video source component like a hi-fi of DVD movies. (Laserdisc players
receivers and preamps use on -screen VCR or a DVD player, and - most must be equipped with a special RF
menus to simplify setup and everyday important - a surround -sound de- output to play the Dolby Digital sound-
adjustments. Run through the menus. coder. Dolby Pro Logic (DPL), which track, and your A/V receiver or DD
Do they simplify operation - or com- is built into virtually every AN receiv- decoder must be equipped with the
plicate it? How about the display win- er on the market these days, is the complementary RF input.) In terms
dow on the front panel? Does it clearly most common type of surround proc- of hardware, more than 100 DD -
indicate the selected source, function, essing. A DPL processor extracts four- equipped components are listed in this
and operating mode? A hard -to -read channel sound from any videotape, year's guide. Among them are a $300
display breeds frustration. TV show, laserdisc, etc. that contains a stand-alone decoder, a $700 DD re-
While you have the remote in your Dolby Surround soundtrack (a.k.a. ceiver, and a couple of dozen $2,000 -
hand, be sure to give it a thorough Dolby Stereo in movie theaters). The plus high -end AN preamps, a number
workout. Can you locate the volume four channels are typically reproduced of which also provide surround decod-
control by touch? You'll need to when by five speakers (although you can use ing in the DTS format. In the popular
watching movies in a darkened room. four), with the front left, center, and receiver category, there are close to
Some remotes also allow you to pro- right speakers providing most of the thirty DD -equipped models, most of
gram "macros," or sequences of com- sound, including dialogue, and a pair which fall between $1,000 and $1,600.
mands that can be activated by press- of rear surround speakers delivering If you're not quite ready to take the
ing one button. You could, for in- ambience and special effects - like DD plunge but want to keep your sur-
or call I-800-KENWOOD.
Choosing the right home theater audio components can be very simple.
Especially if you start with B&K's new preamp/processor that includes
Dolby, AC -3 and Pro Logic are trademarks of Dolby WE SIMPLY SOUND BETTER.
Laboratories Licensing Corporation. DTS is a registered
trademark of Digital Theater Systems, L.L.0
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B&K Components, Ltd. 2100 Old Union Road Buffalo, NY 14227
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The only tried-and-true way to au- The Maraitz CC -870 CD changer ($600) handles up to 101 discs, each of which
dition speakers is to listen to them. can be shred under one of ten different musical classifications. A separate loading slot
Besides examining how a pair of in the front allows convenient single -disc play.
but with any speakers." Computer Shopper Factory -Direct Price $349.99
Acclaimed Speakers
Take Our Word For It.
Cambridge The Cambridge SoundWorks The Surround II speaker sounded
SoundWorks' Powered absolutely great...the ambience of Pro Logic really snaps in...their
Subwoofer blew the dispersion pattern lets them blend easily with a wider variety of front
others away on speakers. These will stay on my surround speaker shelves for a long
dynamics...deep time." Home Theater
powerful bass...31.5 Hz The Surround ll was recently rated number one by a leading
output was obtainable at
consumer publication.
a room -shaking
level...clearly the best THE SURROUND H
subwoofer of the pack." I, 1411 Ilkt,i ,t
Factory-Dircct P $399.99 A
speakers sounds, also look at how you cassette. "Double" cassette decks, or
plan to use them. Will you be spend- dubbing decks, have two tape wells,
ing time in your favorite easy chair and most of them allow you to copy
listening critically to Mozart? Or are one tape to another or play the two in
you more likely to listen to music sequence. But on many double decks,
while engaging in chores and other only one cassette well can be used to
activities? Obviously, serious listen- record; the other is for playback only.
ing demands a higher level of perfor- If you like to tape long radio programs,
mance than casual listening. The best look for a dual -record deck that allows
advice here is to audition the speakers sequential or relay recording (when
using a couple of CDs with which you the first tape is full, the second auto-
are very familiar. Be sure to move matically begins recording).
around the room so you can get a feel With a single -well cassette deck,
for a speaker's imaging characteris- what you lose in convenience can be
tics. Unless you're a sedentary listen- gained in sound quality. They're less
er, you'll want to make sure that the prone to flutter and generally have a
speaker system's "sweet spot" isn't more accurate frequency response than
too narrow. Even then there's no guar- dual -well decks. And the tape drives
antee that the speakers will sound as used in single -well decks are usually
good at home as they do in the deal- better than the ones used in compara-
er's showroom, which is why it pays bly priced dual -well decks. Many sin-
to shop at a store that has a generous gle -well decks also feature a three-
return/exchange policy. head design so you can listen to the
Definitive Technology's 42-indi-tall BP106 music off the tape while you record.
FROM THE SOURCE bipolar speaker ($499 a pair) has two Most cassette decks offer Dolby B
Now that the vinyl LP is dead, 61/2 -inch woofers and two 1 -inch aluminum - or Dolby C noise -reduction circuitry.
there's no reason to waste time think- dome tweeters radiating fror t and back. But the best option for serious record-
ing about a turntable, right? Wrong! ing is Dolby S. Found on a dozen or
As long as there are people who cher- so decks from a handful of companies,
ish their LP collections - and there changer is compatible with the chang- at prices ranging from $200 to more
are quite a few - the turntable will er in your car, you can swap maga- than $1,000, Dolby S is intended for
continue to live on. What's more, the zines between the two. CD -to -tape dubbing. It can produce
LP is not dead. Remarkably, the rec- CD megachangers hold anywhere virtually noiseless copies with wide
ord industry is still selling upwards of from a couple of dozen to 100 or even dynamic range.
three million vinyl discs a year. So if 200 discs. Besides being able to deliv- For those who prefer the superior
you're in the market for a turntable, er hours of nonstop music, mega - sound quality of digital recording,
there are plenty of belt- and direct - changers provide quick, hands-off ac- MiniDisc (MD) is the most user-
drive turntables to choose from at pric- cess to an entire music collection (or a friendly and convenient digital -record-
es ranging from a couple of hundred specific part of one) as well as a vari- ing format. Thanks to a sophisticated
bucks to several thousand dollars. ety of disc-search/cataloging and pro- compression technology, you can re-
No modern audio system is com- gramming options, which vary from cord up to 74 minutes of music on a
plete without a CD player. Whether changer to changer. If you plan on single MD - a 21/2 -inch disc housed
you're buying your first player or up- purchasing a megachanger. pay close in a computer -diskette -like shell. The
grading to a new multidisc changer, attention to its labeling and disc -ac- resulting copies are almost perfect and
this is a fun component to shop for. cess facilities; if those features aren't editing is a simple matter of pressing
And you really can't go wrong be- easy to use, your disc searches will be buttons. You can also create artist/
cause virtually all CD players deliver frustrating. track labels, which are automatically
excellent sound quality and plenty of Common CD player/changer fea- displayed in the player/recorder's LCD
convenience. tures include shuffle (random) play, readout whenever the disc is inserted.
There are four basic types of CD track -sequence programming, and re- Finally, MDs are erasable - they can
players from which to choose: the sin- mote control. Many players also offer be rerecorded innumerable times with
gle -disc player, the carousel changer, a synchronizing jack for connecting no loss of sound quality.
the magazine changer, and the juke- the unit to a same -brand tape deck for Although the MiniDisc format has
box -style "megachanger." Carousel simplified recording. Some changers not met with widespread popularity, it
changers, which hold from three to also offer a single -play drawer that has attracted a small and loyal follow-
six discs on a platter inside the unit, lets you pop in a CD without having ing. MD recorders ranging in price
let you change as many as four CDs to remove a magazine or, in the case from $300 to $1,200 are available
while one is playing. A few are top - of a megachanger, pull a disc from its from a handful of manufacturers.
loading, but most have a slide -out storage mechanism. Finally, look for a Beyond MD, the only other viable
drawer, allowing the changer to be digital output jack if you plan on do- digital audio recording options are
stacked with other components. A ing any digital recording. DAT (digital audio tape) and CD -R.
magazine -style changer has a remov- The tape -based DAT format is used
able cartridge that holds either six or RECORDING OPTIONS primarily by recording studios and au-
ten discs. Each magazine can double Far and away the most popular re- diophiles, although a handful of con-
as a storage case, and if your home cording format is still the trusty analog sumer DAT recorders are still avail -
Great Sound.
No Risk
Introductory Price
PCWorks Multimedia Speaker System by Heniy Moss.
PC Works' is our newest and most affordable compact, amplified multimedia speaker system designed by Audio Hall of Fame
member Henry Kloss (founder of AR, KLH & Advent). Just connect it to a computer, TV, Tape/CD player or boom box -
anything with a headphone jack - for beautiful, room -filling realistic stereo sound. PC Works has been carefully fine-tuned to
produce the natural, accurate, wide -range sound normally associated with high -quality component stereo systems. Order
PC Works today! If you're not perfectly happy with it, return it within 30 days for a full refund.
The Elite A/V receiver offers both Dolby Digital for six
fully discrete channels of surround sound, and THX for
remarkable spaciousness on surround channels. Elite's
reference combination DVD/LaserDisc/CD player delivers
the unprecedented digital source quality of DVD. Plus, with
with its six discrete channels, the Elite A/V receiver gives
Dolby' Digital and Dolby' ProLogic Tuner Titler- 30 -Station Title Capacity
Stereo: 100 Watts per Channel, 20Hz to
DSP (Digital Signal Processing) S Digitally 20kHz, 0.9THD at 8 ohms
Simulated Sound Fields
Front: 100 Watts x 2
Pioneer "Heads Up" SMART Remote with Center: 100 Watts x I
Preset Codes and Learning Capability Rear: 100 Watts x 2
DSS/DVD Remote Operation Control 4 Video Inputs/4 Audio Inputs
On -Screen CD Titler- Dolby' Digital Inputs: AC -3 RF x I SPDIF
100-Disc Titling Capability AC -3 Digital x 2
1111111 I
DSS/DVD Remote Operation Control Dolby' Digital Inputs: AC -3 RI' x I SPDIF
On -Screen CD Titler- AC -3 Digital x 2
100-Disc Titling Capability Cold -Plated Connection Terminals (ALL)
Direct -Energy MOSFET Amplifier Copper Shielded Chassis
Rosewood Side Panels
3 Optical Disc Compatibility. (LD/CDV/CD)
SAV1NQS Q,N Dual -Sided LD Playback with Digital 2 Gold -Plated S -Video Outputs with 3 -Line
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I Bit Direct Linear Conversion D/A 2 Gold -Plated Composite Video Outputs
Converter 2 Gold -Plated Composite Audio Outputs
.11181 Legato Link Conversion Illuminated Remote Control
rnr 425 Lines Horizontal Resolution with log and Shuttle
a. !
1=111/1111.1 51d8 Video Signal -to -Noise Ratio Variable Digital Noise Reduction
AC -3 RF Output Optical/Digital Coaxial Digital Outputs
lidependent CD Tray
Twin I -Bit Direct Linear Conversion D/A 3 -Dimensional Digital Comb Filter
Converter 2 Gold -Plated Composite Video Outputs
Legato Link Conversion 2 Cold -Plated Composite Audio Outputs
425 Lines Horizontal Resolution Illuminated Remote Control
MUM.= 52dB Video Signal -to -Noise Ratio with log and Shuttle
AC -3 RF Output Optical/Digital Coaxial Digital Outputs
Dual -Sided LD Playback With
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3 -Dimensional Digital Comb Filter
500/425 Lines Horizontal Resolution Independent CD Tray
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9 -bit Video Signal D/A Conversion
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Clockwise from upper left: Boston Acoustics VR2000 THX subwoofer, Philips Magnavox DVD400AT DVD player, Mirage OM -6 Omnipolar speaker, Para -
sound HCA-1203A power amplifier, Technics SL-PD987 carousel CD changer, Klipsch Synergy Monitor Series speakers, Pioneer PD -F506 25 -disc CD
changer, Sony STR-DA8OES Dolby Digital receiver, Bose Lifestyle 12 home -theater system.
DVD905 DVD Player
Sigma -delta hybrid core D/A converter. Plays DVDs
with 96-kHz/24-bit audio. Built-in Dolby Digital de-
coder. 2 composite -video outputs; S -video output;
RGB video output; coaxial and optical digital audio
output; Dolby Digital analog outputs. 2 -color fluores-
cent display: universal remote control. Aluminum
Panasonic DVD-A300 front panel. 161/2 x 4% x 13% in; 10 lb $750
All DVD players listed here include a remote con- gual on -screen display; title/chapter/A-B program- SONY
trol and support base -level DVD features includ- ming; random play; skip; universal remote with joy- DVP-S7000 DVD Player
ing variable bit -rate conversion and up to 8 stick control $750 10 -bit video and 24 -bit audio D/A converter. Plays
soundtrack languages and 32 subtitle languages. DVDs with 96-kHz/24-bit audio. 32 -bit RISC micro-
All can also play audio CDs. DVD-A100 DVD Player processor; 1 play speed; dual discrete optical pickup;
9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. S -video Smooth Scan; digital video EQ and NR; enhanced
output; dual AN outputs; Dolby Digital output. Pa- error correction; DTS ready. Coaxial/optical digital
DENON rental lock -out; random access; skip; repeat mode; ti- output; component -video and S -video outputs; Dolby
DVD2000 DVD Player tle/chapter/A-B programming; trilingual on -screen Digital output; 2 pair audio outputs; gold-plated jacks.
20 -bit D/A converter. Plays DVDs with 96-kHz/24-bit display $600 Parental control; digital special effects; bit -rate me-
audio. Dual -focus pickup; digital -learning servo. Opti- ter; S -Link; numerical fluorescent display; universal
cal digital output; S -video and composite -video out- remote control. 4 x 17 x 15 in $1,000
puts; analog audio outputs. Still frame; stow motion; PHILIPS MAGNAVOX
skip and scan functions; marker search; direct -access DVD400AT DVD Player DVP-S3000 DVD Player
search/ play; multimode repeat. Aluminum front panel. 9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. 2 play 10 -bit video and 24 -bit audio D/A converter. Plays
17 x 31/2x 11%in; 8 lb $799 speeds; digital special effects; enhanced error correc- Video CDs. 32 -bit RISC microprocessor; dual dis-
tion. Coaxial digital output; 1 pair audio outputs; Dolby crete optical pickup; Smooth Scan: digital video EQ
Digital output; S -video output. Numerical fluorescent and NR; high-speed, slow-motion, and frame -by -
FAROUDJA display; parental control $549 frame playback; enhanced error correction; DTS
DV1000 DVD Player ready. Coaxial/optical digital output; component -vid-
9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. 1 play eo and S -video outputs; 2 pair audio outputs; gold-
speed; enhanced error correction; DTS ready. PIONEER plated jacks; bit -rate meter; universal remote control.
Coaxial/optical digital output; 2 pair audio outputs; Elite DVL-90 DVD/Laserdisc Player Parental control; 3% x 17 x 15% in $599
Dolby Digital output; S -video and component -video 9 -bit D/A converter. Plays DVDs with 96-kHz/24-bit
outputs. Numerical LED display $5,495 audio, laserdiscs, and CD -R (recordable) discs. Pro-
prietary system to restore high frequencies; variable TOSHIBA
digital noise reduction. 2 composite -video outputs; 2 SD -3107 DVD Player
JVC gold-plated S -video outputs; 2 sets of RCA analog 10 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. Video
XV1000BK DVD Player outputs; optical and coaxial AC-3/PCM outputs; Black Level expander circuitry; Spatializer 3-D Stereo
1 -bit D/A converter. Separate power supplies for digi- coaxial AC -3 RF output. Graphic user interface; slow processing. Component -video, composite -video, and
tal and analog circuitry. Optical digital output; AN motion; last memory for 5 discs. Black; rosewood S -video outputs; Dolby Digital/PCM digital output; pa-
CompuLink. On -screen menu system. 17 x 4%x 121/4 side panels. 16/. x 51/2 x 181/4 in; 20 lb $1,750 rental control; on -screen programming menu; front -
in; 12 lb $900 panel jog/shuttle control; karaoke; universal remote
DVL-500 DVD/Laserdisc Player control. Dark gray. 17 x 31/4 x 121/4 in; 9 lb $799
9 -bit D/A converter. Plays DVDs with 96-kHz/24-bit
MERIDIAN audio, laserdiscs, and CD -R (recordable) discs. 2 SD -3006 DVD Player
Model 586 DVD Player composite -video outputs; 2 S -video outputs; 2 sets of 10 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. Compo-
10 -bit D/A converter. Plays DVDs with 96-kHz/24-bit RCA analog outputs; optical and coaxial AC-3/PCM nent -video, composite -video, and S -video outputs;
audio. Jitter -reduction circuitry. Composite -video, S - outputs; coaxial AC -3 RF output. Graphical user in- Dolby Digital output; 2 pair analog audio outputs. Pa-
video, and component -video outputs. Black 123/4 x terface; slow motioNstill frame; last memory for 5 rental control; on -screen programming; 2X fast -for-
31/2 x 131/4 in; 20 lb $3,495 discs. Black. 16'4 x 51/2 x 181/4 in; 20 lb $1,200 ward; 10X reverse; still frame; frame advance; slow
motion; dimmable fluorescent display; universal re-
DV -500 DVD Player mote control. Dark gray. 17 x 3% x 121/4 in; 9 lb ...$699
MITSUBISHI 9 -bit D/A converter. Plays DVDs with 96-kHz/24-bit
00-11:100 DVD Player audio. 2 composite -video outputs; 2 S -video outputs; SD -2107 DVD Player
9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. 2 play 2 analog audio outputs; 2 coaxial digital outputs; opti- 10 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. Video
speeds; digital special effects; enhanced error cor- cal digital output. Graphical user interface; slow mo- Black Level expander circuitry. Composite -video out-
rection. Coaxial digital output; 1 pair audio outputs; tion; last memory for 5 discs. Black. 161/2 x 4 x 121/4 in; put; S -video output; Dolby Digital/PCM digital output;
Dolby Digital output; S -video output. Numerical LED 8 lb $750 analog audio outputs. Parental control; on -screen
display $699 programming menu; time search; vocal karoke; dim-
mable fluorescent display. Dark gray. 17 x 31/4 x 121/4
PROSCAN in; 91b $599
ONKYO PS8600P DVD Player
DVD-7 DVD Player 9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. 2 play
9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. Coaxial speeds; digital special effects; built-in Dolby Digital YAMAHA
digital output; composite -video and S -video outputs; decoder. Coaxial digital output; 2 pair audio outputs: DVD-1000 DVD Player
2 pair audio outputs; all outputs gold-plated. Parental Dolby Digital analog output; S -video output; gold-plat- 9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. Twin -focus
control; on -screen menu; slow motion; 2X play; 8X re- ed jacks; headphone jack. Numerical LED display; optical pickup; 1 play speed; enhanced error correc-
verse -play; last memory; title; frame advance; A -B jog/shuttle dial; parental control; trilingual displays: tion; built-in Dolby Digital decoder; DTS ready; digital
block repeat. Brushed -aluminum front panel. 171/4 x universal remote control. 16 x 3 x 12 in $699 special effects. Coaxial/optical digital output; 2 pair
3% x 121/4 in; 91b $800 analog audio outputs; Dolby Digital analog outputs;
S -video output. Numerical LED display; parental con-
RCA trol; universal remote control $999
DVD-A300 DVD Player 9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. 2 play
9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. Built-in speeds; digital special effects: built-in Dolby Digital de- ZENITH
Dolby Digital decoder. S -video output; dual NV out- coder; enhanced error correction. Coaxial digital out- DVD2000 DVD Player
puts; Dolby Digital analog outputs; AC -3 digital out- put; 2 pair audio outputs; Dolby Digital analog outputs: 9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. play
put; RF output. FasVslow play; stilVstop; random ac- S -video output; headphone jack. Numerical LED dis- speed; digital special' effects. 1 pair audio outputs:
cess; track/chapter/title display; karaoke functions; play; jog/shuttle dial; parental control; trilingual dis- Dolby Digital output; S -video output. Numerical fluo-
digital echo with volume control; repeat mode; trilin- plays; universal remote control. 16 x 3 x 12 in ...$699 rescent display $699
I Only
,..199; Sony Eiecliarim Plc Ad rights reserved. Sony. Cleve Sou,: r .t' L.'. L.., ... -' trademarks or Sony
Dolby a a tale ark olOcrby Laboratones Licensng Coipoiatrrn Lerianks of the Fa. ..1994 TnSiar Prams he AP nties reserved Legends rA ae 'al MIN aVallatieGOCM)
DC -91 D A Converter
20 -bit D/A converter. HPC and Toslink digital inputs:
balanced HPC digital input: coaxial digital inputs;
RCA AND XLR analog outputs. Phase switch; out-
put -level control. THD 0.002% from 20 Hz -20 kHz;
S/N 120 dB. 18% x 51/4 x 15 in; 50 lb $13,995
DP -75 CD Player
20 -bit D A converter. Double -heterodyne -diode laser
pickup: 3 -pole discrete analog filter; balanced drive
circuitry for servo motors; 8 DACs per channel; sam-
pling -frequency converter chip converts 44.1 -kHz
sampling rate to 48 kHz from laser to DACs; locking
transport tray. Coaxial and Toslink digital input and
output; coaxial-BNC-digital input; RCA output; digital
level control; remote control. THD 0.0024% from 20
Hz -20 kHz; S/N 120 dB; dynamic range 98 dB; ch
sep 110 dB. 18'5 x 57, x 15', in: 43 lb $9,995
DP -90 CD Transport
Double -heterodyne -diode laser pickup; locking trans-
port tray. Coaxial and Toslink digital outputs. Remote Pioneer PD -F1006 101 -disc changer
control. 18% x 5% x 15 in; 45 lb $7,495
DC -61 D/A Converter output. Selectable digital -domain phase reverse; re- ARAGON
20 -bit 0/A converter. Multiple Bit (MMB) type D/A mote control. THD 0.005%; S/N 100 dBA. 17 x 41/4 x D2A2 D/A Converter
converter; high -precision sampling frequency con- 161/4 in; 15 lb $700 Dual Burr -Brown 20 -bit D/A converters. Ultra Analog
verter; 20 -bit linearity; super low noise; 4 -pole analog
filter. 2 optical-, 1 BNC-, 2 coaxial-, 2 optical record-, AES 21 receiver; HDCD decoding. 1 AES/EBU, 1
Toslink, and 2 coaxial -RCA digital inputs. THD
2 coaxial record -digital inputs; 1 XLR analog output; AIWA
1 RCA analog output. Remote control. THD 0.005%; S/N 110 dB. 19 x 31/2 x 11 in; 20 lb ....$999
The following operate on 2 AA batteries and have
0.0024%; S/N 120 dBA; dynamic range 98 dB. dual 1 -bit D/A converters.
Brushed aluminum. 19 x 51/2 x 16 in; 25 lb ...$6,000
XP-SP100 Portable CD Player Delta Black Box 500 D A Converter
DP -65 CD Player
40 -sec electronic antishock system; water resistant; 1 -bit D/A converter. Two coaxial inputs; 2 Toslink in-
20 -bit D/A converter. Double -heterodyne -diode laser dynamic super linear (DSL) bass. 3 -point LED bat- puts; 1 AES/EBU input; 1 coaxial output. Selectable
pickup; locking transport tray. Toslink and coaxial - tery -life indicator. 51/2 x 1% x 61/2 in; 1 lb $210 polarity; master clock sync with Alpha 8 CD trans-
digital outputs; RCA and XLR outputs. Remote con-
port. THD 0.005%; S/N 105 dB $1,500
trol. THD 0.0025% from 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 118 dB; XP -769 Portable CD Player
dynamic range 98 dB; ch sep 106 dB. 18' x 51/2 x 10 -sec electronic antishock system; DSL bass. 3 -
151/4 in; 34 lb
Alpha 8 CD Player
$5,750 point LED battery -life indicator; backlit LCD display; 1 -bit PWM D/A converter. Fixed -level analog outputs;
headphones. Includes DC adaptor and cassette coaxial -digital outputs. Remote control. THD
DP -55 CD Player adaptor for use with a car cassette deck. Graphite.
20 -bit D/A converter. 3 DACs per channel; full digital 0.005%; S/N 105 dB. 9 lb $949
51/4 x 1 x 6 in; 1 lb $140
control circuitry of servo mechanism; locking tray. Alpha 7. As above but with multilevel delta -sigma
XP -760. As above, without DC adaptor or cassette D/A converter. 8 lb
Coaxial- and optical -digital input; two digital outputs; $649
adaptor $120
XLR and RCA analog outputs. Remote control. THD
0.0038% from 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 116 dB; dynamic
Delta Black Box 50 D/A Converter
XP -260 Portable CD Player Hybrid 18-biV1-bit converter. One coaxial input; 1
range 97 dB; ch sep 105 dB. 181/4 x 51/4 x 151/4 in; DSL bass. LED battery life indicator; random play;
24 lb Toslink input; coaxial output. Selectable polarity;
$3,995 headphones. 5% x 11/4 x 6 in; 1 lb $85 master clock sync with Alpha 8 CD transport. THD
0.005%; S/N 103 dB $899
ACD11 CD Player CD 8a CD Player
1 -bit D/A converter. Glass optics; chassis suspended
1 -bit MASH D/A converter. 18 -bit resolution; 32x FET-Valve TOPP-DAC Tube DiA Converter
on air cushion; steel chassis. Coaxial -digital output. oversampling; linear phase with 18 -bit coefficients; 5 - Dual 16 -bit D/A converters. 4X oversampling; hybrid
Random/repeat play; defeatable display lighting; pro- pole analog active filter; RCA outputs. Coaxial -digital
grammable remote control. THD 0.005%; S/N 100 vacuum-tube/mosFET design. Coaxial -digital input.
SPDIF output; XLR output. Front -panel program- 12 x 31/2x 9 in $899
dBA; dynamic range 92 dB; ch sep 88 dB. 17 x 5 x 11 ming; search and repeat; remote control. THD
in; 20 lb $899 0.0025% at 1 kHz; S/N 110 dB; dynamic range 98 Omega III TOPP-DAC D/A Converter
dB. 17 x 31/2x 131/2in; 11 lb $350 Dual 16 -bit D/A converters. 4X oversampling. Coaxi-
ACO1. XLR balanced to RCA cable $100/pr al -digital input. 12 x 31/2 x 9 in
ADCOM $499
CD 8a-5404. As above, upgraded to balanced tube
The following feature dual 20 -bit Burr -Brown ladder- line output stage
type D/A converters. $650
CD 9. As CD -8a above, without XLR output $275 . .
GCD-750 CD Player Model 8000CDM CD Transport
DAC-8 D/A Converter Coaxial, optical and AES/EBU outputs. Remote con-
8X oversampling; Pacific Microsonics PMD-100 digi- 1 -bit MASH D/A converter. 18 -bit resolution; ultra -lin- trol. 171/2x 3 x 13 in; 161b $1,799
tal filter/HDCD decoder; discrete high -current differ- ear D/A converter with low jitter; 2-V output. 3 coaxi-
ential output stage; high -mass transport. 1 coaxial - al-SPDIF input; 1 Toslink-SPDIF input; 1 BNC-coaxi- Model 8000CD CD Player
digital input; XLE and RCA outputs. Random play; re- al-SPDIF-record output; 1 -pr analog outputs. Front 1 -bit D/A converter. 128X oversampling; 20 -bit reso-
mote control. THD 0.015%; S/N 106 dB; dynamic panel manual input source selection. THD 0.005%;
range 101 dB. Black. 17 x 4% x 161/2 in lution; Philips CDM 12.4 3 -beam laser mechanism.
$1,250 SiN 104 dB. 17 x lx137,-in:121b $200 75 -ohm BNC SPDIF digital output. Remote control.
171/2x 3 x 13 in; 161b $1,595
GDA-700 D/A Converter
HDCD decoder; RFI/EMI filtering; anodized -alumi- ANTHEM
num front panel. 2 RCA inputs; Toslink digital input; Model 8000DAC D/A Converter
CD -1 6 -Disc Tube CD Changer 20 -bit upgradable Bitstream converter. Auto electron-
AES/EBU input; XLR and RCA outputs; gold-plated Dual 20 -bit Burr -Brown D/A converters. Pacific Mi-
RCA and XLR connectors. Digital -domain phase -re- ic muting; linear -phase analog output filters. 3 coaxial,
crosonics PMD-100 filter/HDCD decoder; 8X over - 3 optical inputs; AES/EBU input; 1 digital, 2 analog
verse switch; HDCD decoding indicator. 17 x 3 x 111/2 sampling; vacuum -tube output stage. 1 SPDIF-digital,
in: 101b outputs. S/N 100 dB. 171/2 x 3 x 13 in; 15 lb ...$1,099
$1,000 1 AES/EBU digital, and 1 -pair stereo -analog outputs.
Programmable disc shuttle system; track -search and
GCD-700 5 -Disc CD Changer scan/shuffle functions; remote control. THD 0.05%;
5 -disc carousel. Class A analog output circuitry.
S/N 100 dBA; dynamic range 98 dB. Black or silver. 5- Ambrosia D A Converter
Fixed- and variable -level RCA outputs; coaxial -digital yr parts -and -labor warranty $1,595 18 -bit DA converter. Combines 10 -bit Burr Brown
trol. ST and XLR outputs optional. Black polished Dual 18-b t D/A converters. Transformer -coupled . fon
metacrylate and gold $3.195 tube type design $999
Talisman CD Player
18 -bit D/A converter. Top loading design. Remote AUDIO RESEARCH
control. Black polished metacrylate and brushed - DAC3 MKII D/A Converter
anodized -aluminum body. 16 lb $2.695 Balanced output derived from delta -sigma converter 511-V8 Spar nnr PS
prior to final analog stage. ST -glass and Toslink digi-
Talisman CD Transport tal inputs: SPDIF BNC-coaxial and AES/EBU digital
8X oversampling: top loading design. Full -function inputs; RCA and XLR outputs. Phase reverse, input
remote control. Black polished metacrylate and select, and auto mute controls. S/N 90 dB. 19 x x
CDT -1 CD Transport
AES EBU. coaxial, and ST -glass outputs. Random
play, repeat. and scan functions: remote control.
Black or silver faceplate 5-yr warranty. 19 x 13% x 4
in: 13 lb $2.495
20 -bit D.A converter. 8X oversampling: HDCD de- ,1-.;00D OLD BROADWAY AT SHELLY'S
coder. RCA and XLR outputs: AES.EBU digital out-
put. Random play, repeat, and scan functions: stand- tR on- 3 THE TATUM GROUP VCXR-0035.2) MANNE HOLE
by mode: remote control. S N 106 dBA: ch sep 90 dB MASTERPIECES OVCXR-0036-2)
at 1 kHz. Black or silver faceplate. 5-yr warranty. 19 x . CO 0034-21
11'. x 4 in: 161b $1,995
towers, each containing analog circuitry for one digital, and 1 balanced inputs; analog output; twin
channel with isolation from digital circuitry; HDCD XLR connectors. Absolute phase -reverse; input se- Mink= CD CD Player
decoding. 4 AES/EBU, 2 SPDIF-coaxial, and 2 fiber- lect control; phase display: remote control. 123/4 x 31/2 5 -bit D/A converter. Tray loading design; CDM-12.2
optic digital inputs; 1 analog, 2 AES/EBU, and 1 fiber- x 131/2 in $1,995 laser mechanism. Defeatable coaxial output. Remote
$15,950 control also commands Minium FM and AMP as a
optic outputs
Model 506 CD Player system. S/N 80 dB; ch sep 100 dB at 1 kHz. 17 x 2% x
20 -bit D A converter. SPDIF coaxial- and EIAJ fiber-op- 101/2 in: 9 lb $695
Model 31.5 CD Transport
Top loading design; towers containing power sup- tic digital outputs; analog output. 8 -character alphanu-
plies for control and signal -path circuits: upgradable meric display; pause; previous and next track. Includes
design. AES/EBU, SPDIF, ST, EIAJ fiber-optic digital Meridian system remote. 123/4 x 31/2 x 13 in $1,895 MITSUBISHI
outputs $9,495 M-CD500 5 -Disc CD Changer
1 -bit D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. 8X oversam-
Model 36S D/A Converter MICROMEGA pling; 18 -bit digital filter; 3 -pole analog filter. Skip and
20 -bit D/A converter. Reclocking system; HDCD de- Solo CD Player search funtions; can change 4 discs while one plays;
coding. 2 AES/EBU. 1 SPDIF-RCA, 1 SPDIF-BNC. 1 -bit D/A converter. 8X oversampling digital filter with 40 -track program memory; 6 repeat modes: intro
and 1 ST, 1 EIAJ-fiber-optic inputs: RCA and XLR 4th order noise shaper; pure Class A output stage: full scan: random play. THD 0.01%; S/N 97 dB; dynamic
$6,495 metal chassis with RFI emission; top loading design; range 96 dB. 171/2 x 41/2 x 151/4 in $349
clock oscillator for ultra -low induced audio phase
Model 39 CD Player noise. Analog outputs: coaxial switchable digital out-
20 -bit D/A converter. All -metal drawer mechanism. put. Absolute phase control; remaining time display: MSB TECHNOLOGY
Variable -level and analog outputs; digital input and random play. scan, and repeat functions; A -B repeat; Platinum LS -2 Dual Combi-Transport
output. Remote control $5,995 full-functior remote control. THD 0.03%: S/N 90 dB at Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Accepts 2 laserdiscs at
1 kHz: dynamic range 120 dB. Brushed anodized alu- once; dual -sided play on each disc. AC -3 RF output;
Model 37 CD Transport minum. 131/2 x 4 x 121/2 in $3,995 coaxial- and Toslink digital outputs: dual analog out-
All -metal drawer mechanism; front loading design. put S -video and RCA composite outputs. Remote
AES/EBU, SPDIF-RCA, SPDIF-BNC, and ST digital Data CD Transport control. 181/2 x 10 x 161/2 in; 65 lb $5,495
outputs $3.995 Clock oscillator: full metal chassis with extensive
shielding for low RFI emission; proprietary -design Gold LS -2 Combi-Transport
disc damper. 1 coaxial -Cinch-, BNC-coaxial-,
1 1 Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Dual -sided play. S -video
MBL AES/EBU, and 1 Toslink optical -digital outputs. Vacu- output; RCA composite output: AC -3 RF output:
Model 1611 D/A Converter um fluorescent display: absolute phase control; time glass -fiber, XLR, coaxial, and Toslink outputs. Re-
display: repeat and scan functions: random play: A -B mote control. 181/2 x 61/2 x 161/2 in; 50 lb $3,395
24 -bit D/A converter. AES/EBU. coaxial. Toslink, and
ST digital inputs. Analog input and variable analog out- repeat: remote control. Brushed anodized aluminum. I nte, nal AC -3 demodulator $695
put optional. THD 0.0007%. 19 x 6 x 17 in ....$14,100 131/2x 4 x 12'i in $3,295
Gold PS -1 D/A Converter
Model 1511 D/A Converter Dialog D/A Converter 8 -bit proprietary ladder -type D/A converter. Built-in
20 -bit D/A converter. AES/EBU, coaxial, Toslink, 1 -bit D/A converter. Class A output stage; ultra high- EMA isolation plate. coaxial input; 2 coaxial out-
and ST digital inputs. THD 0.0007%. 173/4 x x speed opto-coupling between analog and digital sec- puts. Phase switch. THD 0.05%; S/N 100 dB; dynam-
tions: full metal chassis with extensive shielding for ic range 100 dB. 171/2 x 11/2 x 15 in; 46 lb $3,395
15% in $5.980
low RFI emission; proprietary design disc damper. 1 Optional balanced and either RCA or ST inputs for
coaxial -Cinch-, coaxial-BNC-. AES/EBU, Toslink opti- above $440
CDP1 CD Player
1 -bit linear D/A converter. 16 -bit linear resolution; vi- cal -digital inputs; 2 switchable digital outputs: RCA
bration damping system. 1 set RCA -analog outputs; and XLR outputs. Vacuum fluorescent display; re- Silver CC5DA 5 -Disc CD Changer
1 digital -RCA output. Repeat modes including A -B; mote control. THD 0.03%; S/N 60 dB dynamic range 1 -bit D/A converter. Plays CDs and Photo CDs. EMA
3 -way elapsed -time function; program and peak 120 dB. Brushed anodized aluminum. 131/2 x 4 x isolation base. Composite Y/C and RGB video out-
$2,995 puts. Remote control. 181/2 x 161/2 x 51/2 in; 51 lb $2,795
search; remote control. THD 0.0025%; S/N 104 dBA; 121/2 in
dynamic range 96 dB. Black lacquer. 3-yr warranty. Internal D/A converter for Silver CC5 $995
17% x 31/2 x 13% in; 20 lb $1,500 Drive 3 CD Transport Balanced-XLR analog outputs for above $200
Tray loading with CDM-12.4 mechanism. AES/EBU Silver CC5. Transport version of Silver CC5DA with
coaxial- and Toslink optical -digital outputs. Acutrans RCA -coaxial, ST, balanced digital outputs ...$2,295
McCORMACK jitter -reduction circuitry; display brightness; auto
DAC-1 D/A Converter shutoff. 17 a 31/2 x 111/2 in; 10 lb $1,695 Silver LS -2 Combi-Transport
Separate analog and digital sections. Coaxial and Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Internal AC -3 demodula-
Toslink digital inputs: analog output. ST input or Stage 6 CD Player tion with priority switching between PCM and AC -3.
AES/EBU input optional $995 1 -bit Bitstream D/A converter. Acutrans jitter -reduc- Coaxial digital outputs; bridged Toslink input and vid-
tion circuitry; upgradable as improvements in con- eo inputs allow DVD player attachment. Remote con-
verter technologies are implemented. Tray loading trol. 18 x 151/2 x 51/2 in; 45 lb $1,995
McINTOSH with CDM-12.4 laser mechanism and coaxial output. Balanced-XLR output with reclocking $385
MLD7020 Combi-Player Adjustable display brightness; auto shutoff and head-
Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Dual 1 -bit Bitstream D/A phone output; double -speed play mode for recording Silver LS -2x Combi-Player
converters. Digital noise reduction; digital video proc- to double -speed recorder; remote control. 17 x 31/2 a Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Dual -sided play. AC -3 RF
essing. Dual -side play: remote control $3,200 111/2 in; 11 lb $1,575 output; dual -analog outputs; S -video and RCA com-
Turntable -type transport platter; damped chassis; quick load; shuffle play; edit; remote control. THD
Hyperfast soft -recovery diodes. 1-RCA/BNC digital 0.003%; S/N 90 dB; dynamic range 90 dB; ch sep 90 ONIX
output; 1-Toslink optical output. Full -function remote dB at 1 kHz. 171/4 x 41/4 x 15% in $499 CD33 CD Player
control; defeatable display lighting. Piano -black face- 1 -bit DiA converter. Audio output stages with discrete
plate. 171/4 x 51/2 x 11 in; 13 lb $995 Model 523 5 -Disc CD Changer transistors. Remote control. 17 x 3 x 13 in ...$2,195
1 -bit Bitstream D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. High
Epoch VII CD Player speed access to single disc; 8X oversampling; linear -
Aluminum platter with damping pad; DSP to recreate phase digital filter; 5 -pole active analog filter design. ONKYO
frequencies above 20 kHz. Analog output; coaxial Can change 3 discs while 1 plays. THD 0.0035%; dy- Next -selection function refers to the ability to select
and fiber-optic digital outputs; gold-plated Teflon -in- namic range 97 dB: ch sep 99 dB at 1 kHz. 171/4 x 41/4 the next track to play without interrupting the current-
sulated RCA connectors. Defeatable display $995 x 15 in; 15 lb $399 ly playing track. All models are compatible with On-
CDT -4. Transport -only version of Epoch VII. Chassis
kyo's RI remote -control system.
and transport damping. Coaxial digital output; fiber Model 512 CD Player
optic output. BNC output optional $795 1 -bit MASH D/A converter. DC coupling; 4X over - Integra DX -7911 CD Player
Enigma VII. As Epoch VII, but less extensive digital sampling; linear -phase digital filter; 5 -pole active an- Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. Modular classic construc-
power supply end less chassis damping $795 alog filter design. Digital output. NAD Link; remote tion; new linear motor actuator; AccuPulse Quartz
control. THD 0.0025%; dynamic range 98 dB; ch sep System; Fine Pulse Conversion; motor -driven vol-
100 dB at 1 kHz. 171/2 x 31/4 x 11% in; 10 lb $349 ume control. Optical/coaxial digital output; fixed/vari-
MUSICAL DESIGN able output; headphone jack with volume. Next se-
CD -2 Signature CD Player Model 510 CD Player lection; peak search; memory reverse: time edit;
1 -bit D/A converter. 384X oversampling; DSP filter 1 -bit Bitstream D/A converter. Separate digital, au- fade out; 5 mode repeat play. THD 0.0025%; S/N
with 40 -kHz frequency response; Hypertext, soft -re- dio. and control IC's; 4 -pole active analog filter de- 110 dB; dynamic range 100 dB. 171/4 x 51/4 x 14% in;
covery diodes; turntable -type transport mechanism. 1 sign. THD 0.004%; dynamic range 98 dB: ch sep 110 23 lb $1,200
RCA/BNC coaxial -digital output; 1 Toslink optical out- dB at 1 kHz. 171/4 x 3% x 111/4 in; 91b $249
put; 1 -pr analog audio output. Defeatable display light- DX -7210 CD Player
ing; remote control. THD 0.003%; S/N 110 dBA; dy- Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. Synchro play with compat-
namic range 98 dB. Piano -black lacquer faceplate and NAIM ible cassette decks. Headphone jack with volume
brushed aluminum 1/2 -in thick side panels. 171/4 x 51/2 x NA-CDS CD Player
11 in; 171b
control. 3 repeat modes: dynamic range 96 dB; ch
$1.995 16 -bit D/A converter. Top -loading design. Remote sep 90 dB at 1 kHz. 18 x 4% x 12 in; 11 lb $219
control. $8,000
DAC-1A Signature D/A Converter CD Changers
Dual 20 -bit Burr -Brown D/A converters. HDCD de- NA-CD2 CD Player DXC-730 6 -Disc CD Changer
coder; 8X oversampling; combination passive/active 16 -bit D/A converter. Front -loading design. Remote Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. 8X oversampling; Ac-
analog stage; 2 RCA/BNC digital inputs; 1 -pr audio control $4,150 cuPulse Quartz System. 1 -pair analog outputs; 1 op-
outputs. Phase switch. THD 0.01%; S/N 100 dB; dy- tical -digital output. Can change 3 discs while 1 plays;
namic range 98 dB. Silver or black brushed alumi- NA-CD3-5 CD Player 202 -disc custom file: intro scan; 6 repeat modes; flu-
num. 5-yr warranty. 151/2 x 2% x 9 in $1,995 Front loading design. Remote control $2.000 orescent display; remote control. dynamic range 96
dB. Brushed aluminum front panel. 17 x 51/4 x 17 in:
T-1 CD Transport 18 lb $549
Hyperfast, soft -recovery diodes; carousel transport NAKAMICHI
mechanism. 1 RCA/BNC coaxial -digital output; 1 The following feature Nakamichi's MusicBank 7 -disc DX -0530 6 -Disc CD Changer
Toslink optical output. Defeatable display lighting; re- internal stocking mechanism. Dual 1 -bit D A converters. 6 -disc carousel. Can
mote control. Piano -black lacquer faceplate and /2) - change 3 discs while 1 plays; random play; 40 -track
in -thick brushed aluminum side panels. 171/4 x 51/2 x MB -1s 7 -Disc CD Changer programming; next -selection function; 6 repeat
11 in; 171b $1,295 Dual hand -selected 20 -bit D/A converters. 18-dB/oct modes: 40 -track fluorescent display; RI -system cas-
As above with XLR output $1,395 Bessel analog low-pass filter. Gold-plated analog sette -deck compatibility; 240 -disc music file; remote
play; intro scan; repeat play; skip/search; audible resume play and random play. Includes car power
search; safety hold; auto power -off $70 adaptor. 5 x 11/4 x 11/2 in $170 SL -S125 Portable CD Player
Heat -resistant polycarbonate body; bass -boost sys-
SL-S241C Portable CD Player tem: 4 -way power supply. DC input; line-out. 24 -track
PANASONIC Heat -resistant polycarbonate body: bass boost; au- random-access programming; LCD digital readout;
LX -900 Combi-Player to -power off; 3 -sec antishock memory: built-in bat- repeat, resume, and random play; skip/search and
Plays CDs and laserdiscs. 1 -bit MASH D/A convert- tery recharger; flexible 4 -way power supply. DC in- memory/recall keys; pop-up disc eject system; 1-
er. 1 -spindle brushless direct -drive motor; digital put; line-out. Backlit LCD; 24 -track random-access push full -open top cover; key -hold switch; auto pow-
time -base corrector; 8 -bit digital field memory for programming; repeat. skip/search, memory/recall er-aff. Includes rechargeable batteries. 51/4 x 11/4 x
CLV/CAV/CDV special effects; digital -comb filter; dig- keys; resume and random play; key -hold switch. In- 5% .n $80
ital servo control; digital noise canceling; digital field - cludes car power adaptor $150
noise reduction. Fiber-optic digital output; S -video SL -S120 Portable CD Player
output; headphone jack with volume control. Dual - SL-S332C Portable CD Player Heat -resistant polycarbonate body; bass -boost sys-
side laserdisc play; 7 repeat modes; on -screen dis- 10 -sec antishock memory; heat -resistant polycarbon- tem; 4 -way power supply; built-in battery recharger.
plays; jog/shuttle control; remote control. dynamic ate body; bass -boost system. DC input; line-out. Back- DC input; line-out. 24 -track random-access program-
range 96 dB. 17 x 5 x 16% in; 21 lb $1,099 lit LCD; 24 -track random-access programming; repeat; ming; LCD digital readout; repeat, resume, and ran-
resume and random play; skip/search: memory recall dom play; skip/search and memory/recall keys; 1 -
LX -K780 Combi-Player keys; pop-up disc eject system; 1 -push full -open top push full -open top cover; key -hold switch; auto pow-
Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Four 1 -bit D/A converters. cover; remote control. Includes car power adaptor and er -off. Includes AC adaptor and bass -boost head-
2 A/V outputs; two mic jacks; headphone jack: exter- cassette acaptor 51/4 x 11/4 x 5% in $150 phones. 51/4 x 11/4 x 5% in $70
nal audio input. Quick auto reverse: digital servo con-
trol; search functions: repeat: custom index. THD SL-S141C Portable CD Player Shockwave Series
0.005%; S/N 102 dB. 17 x 5 x 16 in; 18 lb $850 Heat -resistant polycarbonate body: bass boost; dou- Thy following CD Players feature tough, water-resis-
c.a.,. ar..
turn; music search; 4 -digit electronic counter with input; headphone jack. Input -balance control; auto -re-
peak -hold display; non -slip reel drive; MPX filter cord mute; multimusic scan; auto tape -bias selector; Model 101CT Double Cassette Deck
switch; headphone level control $349 auto monitor; timer record/play: fluorescent peak dis- Dolby B HX Pro. LED level meters: mechanical -logic
play, level meters, and 4 -digit linear counter; Compu- tape transports; auto tape selector $100
DRM-550 Cassette Deck Link compatibility. FR 15 Hz -19 kHz ±3 dB metal; S/N
Dolby B, C. HX Pro. Non -slip reel drive; full -logic con- (metal) 79 dBA Dolby C; W&F 0.035% wrms ....$360
trol mechanism. Bias control; auto tape -bias selec- LUXMAN
tor; record return; program search; synchro record TDW718BK Double Cassette Deck K-373 3 -Head Cassette Deck
with compatible CD players; fluorescent display with Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Recordplay on both transports; Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Record and play heads with
peak -level meters $250 computer -controlled full -logic mechanism; 6 -motor hard-Permalloy cores; demagnetizer; cassette stabi-
drive; cassette -shell stabilizer in both transports. Head- lizer line -phase sensor; Star circuitry; switchable
DRW-580 Double Cassette Deck phone jack with volume control; mic input with mix -level MPX filter. Mic input; system bus connection. Bias
Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Autoreverse for both transports; control. Rotating -head autoreverse for both transports; control: record return; program search; blank search/
2 -tape relay play: bias control: normal/high-speed pitch control for one transport: multimusic scan; se- skip; auto scan; synchro record with compatible CD
dubbing: program search; auto tape -bias selector; quential play and record: synchro high-speed dubbing; players; timer record/play: display with dimmer; linear
two counters $250 auto/synchro record mute; computer -controlled auto fluorescent counter. FR 15 Hz -21 kHz high -bias; S/N
tape -bias and sensitivity; fluorescent level meters and (high bias) 74 dB Dolby C, 58 dB no NR; W&F
4 -digit counters: CompuLink remote compatibility; dank 0.045% wrms. 171/2 x 5 x 14 in; 13 lb $695
DUAL skip. FR 20 Hz -16 kHz ±3 dB metal; S/N (metal) 78
CC585ORC Cassette Deck dBA Dolby C: W&F 0.08% wrms $280 K-322 Cassette Deck
Dolby B. C. HX Pro, Remote control. S/N 76 dB; W&F TDW354BK. As above, no headphone volume con- Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Metal chassis; record and play
0.05% wrms $505 trol, 2 -tape sequential record, or blank skip $220 heads with hard-Permalloy cores; switchable MPX fil-
CC8065RC. As above, S/N 74 dB; W&F 0.06% ter. Bias fine-tuning; auto music search; auto tape -
wrms $440 TDR462BK Cassette Deck bias selector; record return; fluorescent -digital count-
Dolby B. C. HX Pro Computer-controlled full -logic er. FR 25 Hz -18 kHz high -bias; S/N (high bias) 71 dB
mechanism: cassette -shell stabilizer; powered cas- Dolby C, 56 dB no NA. 171/2 x 5 x 7 in; 9 lb $449
FISHER sette door. CD -direct input; headphone jack. Rotating -
CR-W986 Double Cassette Deck head autoreverse; bias control; auto record mute; mu-
Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Full -logic control mechanism for sic scan; timer record/play; auto tape -bias selector; MARANTZ
both transports. Headphone jack. Autoreverse for input -balance control; fluorescent level meters: 4 -digit SD -57 Cassette Deck
both transports; synchro high-speed dubbing; 2 -tape fluorescent inear counter/peak display: CompuLink re- Dolby B. C. S. HX Pro. Hard Permalloy record/play
sequential play; left/right record -level controls; auto mote compatibility. FR 20 Hz -16 kHz ±3 dB metal; S/N head; double -gap -ferrite erase head; computer -con-
tape -bias selector; timer standby: two 5 -segment (metal) 78 dBA Dolby C; W&F 0.08% wrms $250 trolled logic; switchable MPX filter. Headphone jack
LED level meters: remote control $150 with volume control. Synchro record with compatible
TDW254BK Double Cassette Deck CD players; timer record/play; manual/auto bias con-
CR-W686 Double Cassette Deck Dolby B, C, HX Pro. 1 record/play transport; computer - trol: auto tape selector; digital tape counter; 2 -color
Dolby B. Headphone jack. Autoreverse for one trans- controlled full -logic mechanism. Headphone jack. Ro- level meters with peak -hold: display dimmer; infrared
port: synchro high-speed dubbing; 2 -tape sequential tating -head autoreverse for both transports; 6 -motor remote control. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 85 dB;
play; lefVright record -level controls: auto tape -bias drive: 2 -tape sequential play; synchro high-speed dub- W&F 0.05% wrms. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty.
selector; two 5 -segment LED level meters $110 bing; auto/synchro record mute; auto tape -bias selec- 17%x 51/2x 12 in; 8Ib $400
tor; Dynamic Detection Recording Processor; fluores-
SD -63 3 -Head Cassette Deck
HARMAN KARDON Dolby B. C, HX Pro. Hard-Permalloy record and play
TD420 Cassette Deck heads; double -gap ferrite erase head; alloy flywheel.
Dolby B. C, HX Pro. 2 -head design; bias fine trim; RC -5 system remote -control jacks. Microprocessor -
MPX filter on/off switch; horizontal drawer mecha- Prices given are the controlled logic; switchable MPX filter: bias, level,
nism. Rear -panel system remote control jack; auto - and balance recording controls: synchro record with
tape selector; fluorescent meters with linear tape - suggested retail prices. compatible CD players; fluorescent display; remote
time counter; music search and intro scan; CD syn- control. FR 20 Hz -17 kHz ±3 dB high -bias; S/N (high
chro dubbing. Includes interconnect cables. FR 20 Dealer prices may vary. bias -1 78 dB Dolby C, 58 dB no NR; W&F 0.05%
Hz -20 kHz metal; S/N 73 dB; W&F 0.05% wrms; THD writs. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 161/2 x 51/2 x
1.0% at 1 kHz. 17% x 5 x 12% in; 12 lb $419 12 in $350
compatible CD players; record mute; blank skip; auto modes; CD synchro record with compatible CD play- reverse for both transports; twin linear tape counters;
tape -bias selector; real-time counter; electronic tape ers; remote control; time/date stamp. FR 5 Hz -20 kHz high-speed fast -forward and rewind; synchro record
counter; display dimmer; fluorescent display ...$179 +0.3 dB; SiN 96 dB. 17 x 43/. x 12% in $699 with compatible CD players; auto record -level and cal-
ibration for both transports; twin -linear time counters;
MDS-JE510 MD Recorder normal/high-speed dubbing; relay play. Headphone
DD -2040 Double Cassette Deck
Dolby B. Headphone jack. Autoreverse for one trans- Hybrid -pulse D/A, 1 -bit pulse -type A/D converter. jack. Fader switch; 14 -segment fluorescent peak -lev-
port; high-speed dubbing: relay play; synchro record/ Fourth -generation ATRAC audio coder; 8X oversam- el meters; switchable auto -play after fast -wind; record
dub; record mute; auto tape -bias selector; mechani- pling; 18-b t digital filter: 10 -sec memory buffer; non- mute; compatible with any Sony receiver remote;
cal tape counter; LED display $199 linear recording and play; antiresonant insulator feet; wide -range pitch control; music search /program-
wide -bit stream technology; smart space. Optical ming. FR 30 Hz -19 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 58 dB no NR;
digital input and output; coaxial digital input and out- WEic 0.07% wrms. 17 x 44 x 111/2 in; 9 lb $330
SONY put. Samping-rate converter; jog dial for track selec-
DAT Decks tion; 25 -track programming; 25 -track music calendar: TC-KE400S Cassette Deck
DTC-ZE700 DAT Deck random play; 3 repeat modes CD synchro record with Dolby B, C, S, HX Pro. Center -mount ultra -stable 2 -
Pulse D/A converter, pulse -type A/D converter. 20 -bit compatible CD players; remote control. 11 -in width motor tape transport; Sorbothane cassette stabilizer;
optional. FR 5 Hz -20 kHz t0.3 dB; S/N 96 dB 17 x high -density Permalloy tape head; single -well design.
digital filter with dither and 45 -bit internal processing;
3 -motor direct -drive transport; Super Bit -Mapping 4: x 11 in: 8 lb $299 Headphone jack. Switchable MPX filter; electronic
technology; 44.1 -kHz analog -recording capability; dig- tape counter; multiple -track program search; 16 -seg-
ital -peak margin display. Fiber-optic and coaxial digital Portable MD Recorders and Players ment fluorescent peak -level meters; switchable auto -
inputs; analog inputs and outputs: fiber-optic digital MZ-R30 Portable MD Recorder play; record mute; compatible with any Sony -receiver
output; headphone jack with volume control. Standard 16 -bit D/A converter. 16 -bit A/D converter. Sampling - remote. FR 30 Hz -18 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 58 dB no NR;
rate converter; AVLS: 10 -second anlishod< memory; W&F 0.07% wrms. 17 x 43/. x 12% in; 8 lb $250
and long -play modes; auto/manual ID subcoding;
track programming; 200X or 400X fast search; audible plays up to 15 hrs with 1 lithium -ion and 2 AA batteries.
cue at 2.5/8X speed; intro scan: direct -track access; AC -adaptor input; mic input; line -level inputs/outputs; TC-WE405 Double Cassette Deck
synchro record with compatible CD players; 2 -repeat optical inputs/outputs; headphone and remote -control Dolby B, C. HX Pro. 2 -motors; high -density Permalloy
modes; timer record/play capability; record mute: se- jacks. Jog dial for track selection; digital synchro re- tape heads; MPX filter; autoreverse for both trans-
lectable absolute- or remaining -time display; wireless cording capability (MD Link): digital bass -boost with 3 - ports. Headphone jack. Twin electronic tape coun-
remote. Sampling rates 32, 44.1.48 kHz; FR 2 Hz -22 position switch: position pointer; full editing features ters; auto record level; normal- and high-speed dub-
kHz t0.5 dB; THD 0.005% at 1 kHz; dynamic range (divide/combine/erase/all erase/move/titfing). Includes bing; relay play; fader switch; 14 -segment fluores-
90. 17 x 4%x 12%in:11 lb $800 AC power adaptor, lithium -ion rechargeable battery, cent peak -level meters; record -level control; switch -
AA -battery case, and headphones. Sampling rates able auto -play after fast rewind; record mute;
DTC-ZA5ES DAT Deck 32, 44.1, and 48 kHz; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±3 dB. 4% x 1 compatible with any Sony -receiver remote. FR 30
Pulse D/A converter, pulse -type A/D converter. Super x 3 in: 81b $549 Hz -18 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 58 dB no NR; W&F 0.10%
Bit -Mapping encoding system; 4 -motor direct -drive wrms. 17 x 4%x 111/2in; 8 lb $250
transport: center -mount transport: can record at 44.1 MZ-E30 Portable MD Player
kHz from analog sources: 20 -bit digital filter: quick - 16 -bit DA converter. AVLS: 10 -second antishock TC-WE605S Double Cassette Deck
loading mechanism. Mic inputs; optical and coaxial memory; digital-synchro recording capability: 4 -hr Doloy B. C. S. HX Pro. 2 -motor tape transports; high -
RS-TR575 Double Cassette Deck
Dolby B, C, HX Pro. Record/play and autoreverse
for both transports; 2 -tape sequential record/play;
auto tape calibration; bias control; high-speed dub-
bing; two linear counters; fluorescent peak -hold
meters; remote control through select Technics
receivers $270
Evenine Telephone
RS-TR272 Double Cassette Deck Name (Please Printl Telephone
Or mall 10: Ilme Corporation. Mgt. CDD.A2365. The Slountam, Frarrsnh.on. MA 01'01 9168.
Better sound through research
bias; S/N 64 dB; W& F 0.18% wrms. 9 lb $170
The following are compatible with Yamaha's system
remote control. Look to for speakers. cables. and
thousands of accessorte.;
KX-690 Cassette Deck
Dolby B, C, S, HX Pro. Microcomputer -controlled full -
MCM ELECTRONICS® for the ardiJphile.
logic operation. Play -trim control; auto tape optimiza-
tion: tuning; MPX Filter Switch; manual bias control; High Fidelity Tubs Amplifiers tram Valve Audio Lab
cassette stabilizer; bidirectional intro scan; CD -tape
synchro record start; memory stop; music search;
auto record mute; record return; auto tape -type se-
41111 71l
lection. Remote -control optional. FR 20 Hz -19 kHz
±3 dB high -bias; S/N 80 dB Dolby S, 60 dB no NR; taL,--4, JAL
W&F 0.04% wrms. 17% x 5 x 11 in; 11 lb $599
W&F 0.08% wrms. 17% x 5% x 11% in; 11 lb ...$299
nels. Double -azimuth heads; HO circuitry; digital auto channels. Digital auto tracking; HO circuitry; high-
tracking; quick -start mechanism; MTS/SAP decoder; speed rewind: quick -start mechanism; intelligent pic- VC-H972U VHS HI-FI VCR
15X fast-forward/rewind search; auto head cleaner. ture control memory protection. RCA AN inputs and 3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/1 year
VCR Plus+; bilingual on -screen display; time search outputs. VCR Plus+; alphanumeric display: auto chan- programming; 181 channels. 19 -micron heads: auto
recording; indefinite repeat play; real-time counter; nel search: auto daylight savings time: auto power/ tracking control system; auto zero back: MTS de-
auto daylight savings timer; auto play; auto rewind; rewind/play: auto repeat; blank search; commercial coder; 120X speed rewind. Video input and output.
auto power -on eject; universal remote including DSS advance; on -screen VCR setup menus; one -touch re- Skip search; instant replay; on -screen trilingual pro-
control. Horizontal resolution 240 lines; FR 100 Hz -12 cording; child lock: movie advance; Quickset guide: gramming; tamper -proof system; digital programming
kHz ±3 dB; S/N 75 dB; W&F 0.005% wrms: THD real-time counter: on -screen programming; index search: search system; auto daylight savings time. Includes
0.25%. 14% x 3% x 9% in; 6 lb $229 extended data service compatible: trilingual on -screen universal remote control. Horizontal resolution 220
menus: backlit universal remote control with jog/shut- lines: FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic
VRX262AT VHS HI-FI VCR tle and DSS/cable box control. Horizontal resolution ranoe 90 dB. 14% x 3% x 11% in: 7 lb $330
3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- 240-320 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz -3,+1 dB; S/N 85 dB:
thesis tuner: 8 events/1 year programming; 181 W&F 0.012% wrms: THD 0.3%; dynamic range 75 dB; VC -14976U VHS HI-Fi VCR
channels. Double -azimuth heads; HO circuitry; digi- ch sep 70 dB. 15 x 3% x 12% in; 8 lb $399 3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads: 8 events/1 year
VR654HF. As above without auto repeat $379 programming; 181 channels. 19 -micron heads; auto
tal auto tracking; quick -start mechanism: MTS/
SAP decoder; 15X fast-forward/rewind search. VCR VR643HF. As VR654HF, bilingual on screen menus; tracking control system; auto MTS decoder; 180X
Plus+; bilingual on -screen display; time search; 1 - no blank search; no child lock: no Quickset guide; no speed rewind. Alphanumeric display: on -screen trilin-
min timer backup system; auto channel set-up; one - intelligent picture control. 9 lb $349 guai programming; tamper -proof system; digital pro-
touch recording; real-time counter; auto daylight sav- VR626HF. As VR631HF, trilingual on -screen menu; gramming search system; auto clock set; auto day-
ings timer; auto play: auto rewind; auto power -off commercia. advance; no movie advance $329 light savings time; zero return. Includes universal re-
eject; remote. Horizontal resolution 240 lines: FR 100 VR631HF. As VR654HF, no blank search; no com- mote control. Horizontal resolution 220 lines; FR 20
Hz -12 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 75 dB; W&F 0.005% wrms. mercial advance: different remote; no Quickset Hz -20 kHz: W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic range 90
THD 0.25%. 14% x 3% x in: 6 lb $199 guide: no extended data service $329 dB. 141/4 x x 11% in; 7Ib $330
VR615HF. As VR626HF, trilingual on -screen menus;
without multibrand DSS/cable box control. 151/2 x 31/2 VC-H975U VHS Hi-Fi VCR
x 12'.,in:10 lb $299 3 play/record speeds: 4 video heads: 8 events/1 year
PROSCAN programming; 181 channels. 19 -micron heads: auto
PSVR83 VHS Hi-Fi VCR VR612HF. As VR615HF, without alphanumeric digi-
3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- tal display: simpler remote control; no real-time tracking control system; MTS decoder: 180X speed
thesis tuner: 8 events/1 year programming; 181 counter. 15 x 3% x 11% in: 8 lb rewind. Skip search; instant replay: on -screen trilin-
channels. Digital auto tracking; HO circuitry; high- guai programming; tamper -proof system; digital pro-
speed rewind; quick -start mechanism; flying erase gramming search system; auto clock set; auto day-
head; auto head cleaner. 2 pair gold-plated RCA in- SAMSUNG light savings time; zero return. Includes universal re-
puts; 1 pair gold-plated RCA outputs. VCR Plus+; VR8956 VHS Hi-Fi VCR mote control. Horizontal resolution 220 lines; FR 20
menu system; alphanumeric display; auto channel 3/2 play/record speeds: 4 video heads; frequency - Hz -20 kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic range 90
search; auto daylight savings timer: auto repeat; synthesis tuner; 10 events/1 month programming: dB. 14% x 3% x 11% in; 7 lb $320
bilingual on -screen menus; blank search; commer- 181 channels. 26 -micron head gap; MTS stereo tun-
cial advance; DSS receiver/cable box control: shuttle er; 2 -min tape rewind time; HO video circuitry: lumi-
control on front panel; one -touch recording; child nance noise reduction; low -noise amp for boosting SONY
lock; real-time counter; memory backup; on -screen RF signals: StarSight TV program guide: 1 -week SLV-R1000 S -VHS HI-Fi VCR
programming; index search; extended data service memory -backup of StarSight data. 2 AN inputs; 1 3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads: 8 events/1
compatible; backlit universal remote with jog/shuttle video output: 2 audio outputs. Jog/shuttle controls; month programming; 181 channels. Dual -azimuth
control. Horizontal resolution 240 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 dubbing mode switch; LED audio level indicators; in- heads; digital auto tracking; Adaptive Picture Control;
kHz -341 dB; S/N 70 dB; W&F 0.012% wrms: THD dex search; defeatable auto play; one -touch record- auto head cleaner; high-speed rapid -access tape
0.3%: dynamic range 75 dB; ch sep 70 dB. 151/2 x 31/2 ing; tape -remaining display; real-time counter; auto transport. 1 front and 2 rear AN inputs: 2 rear AN
x 121/2 in; 10 lb $449 clock set: remote control. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz. 15% x outputs; dual -mode shuttle control; independent AN
PSVR65. As above without flying erase head $399 31/2x 12'/ in; 9 lb $449 insert editing; edit switch; VCR Plus+: Sony cable
PSVR57. As PSVR65, without commercial advance VR8905. As above without low -noise amplifier $390 mouse; auto clock set; skip search; on -screen help;
or XDS broadcast data service $379 VR8856. As VR8905, with commercial advance; no linear counter; electronic tab -marker indexing sys-
StarSight 'V program guide: 6 -hr memory backup; tem: synchro edit; RMT-V129 wireless Unicomman-
8/1 evenVmonth timer programming; bilingual on- der remote control: express tuning; command mode
QUASAR screen display $299 VTR 1/2/3 selector; freeze frame with frame -by -
VH0760 VHS Hi-Fi VCR VR8756. As VR8856. VCR Plus+; no auto clock set; frame advance; variable -speed play, forward, and re-
3 play/record speeds: 4 video heads: 8 events/31 no jog/shuttle or commercial advance; no LED indi- verse. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dy-
days programming; 181 channels. HQ circuitry: digi- cators $279 namic range 90 dB. 17 x 4% x 15 in; 101b ... .$1,200
tal video NR: digital auto tracking: Video Head Sen- VR8807. As VR8856, no jog/shuttle controls; no
sor System. VCR Plus+; one -touch recording; trilin- commercial advance: no LED audio indicators $279 SLV-AV100 VHS HI -Fl VCR/Recelver
gual on -screen displays; 27X search speed: latching VR8707. As model 8807. no auto clock set $229
. . .
3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/1
search; 30 -sec commercial search; auto daylight VR8607. As VR8707, with commerc al skip; no VCR mo-th programming; 181 channels. Built-in 320-W
savings time; real-time counter; index search; tam- Plus+; less durable video -head system $199 A/V receiver with Dolby Pro Logic, discrete output
per -proof mechanism; memory backup $229 transistors, 8 function input selector, digital signal
processing with 7 preset acoustic environments, 30
SANYO AM.'FM presets, and muting switch; dual -azimuth
RCA VHR-H647 VHS Hi-Fi VCR heads; MTS decoder; Adaptive Picture Control;
VR730HF S -VHS Hi-Fi VCR 4 video heads: quartz tuner: 8 events:1 year program- digital auto tracking; comb filter; auto tape speed;
3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads: frequency - ming; 181 channels. Auto head cleaner; auto tracking; high-speed rapid -access; auto head cleaner. VCR
synthesis tuner: 8 events/1 year programming: 181 MTS/SAP decoder. Front -panel AN inputs. Timer Plus+; VTR 1/2/3 selector on remote control;
channels. Digital auto tracking; HO circuitry; high- backup; auto daylight savings time; frame advance; search/index; jog/shuttle controls on remote; auto
speed rewind; quick -start mechanism; intelligent pic- trilingual on -screen programming; universal shuttle re- clock set: S -Link control; child lock; multilingual on-
ture control; memory protection. S -Video input and mote; commercial skip; child lock; record list . .$239
. screen help; one -touch recording; linear counter;
output. VCR Plus+; alphanumeric display; auto chan- commercial skip; automatic tape speed; tape -
nel search; auto daylight savings time; auto power/ remaining display: multibrand remote with shuttle
rewind/play: auto repeat; blank search; commercial SHARP control. Includes Sony Cable Mouse. FR 20 Hz -20
advance; front panel shuttle control; on -screen VCR VC-H978U VHS Hi-Fi VCR kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic range 90 dB. 17
setup menus; one -touch recording: child lock; real- 3 play/record speeds: 4 video heads 8 events/1 year x x 16% in: 29 lb $699
Romance Manual Turntable
Belt -drive with Romeo Tonearm. 30 -mm thick solid
metacrylate platter; unique 2 -point suspension and
mechanical grounding; false unipivot tonearm with
fixed headshell; Vertical tracking is adjustable during
play; internal Litz wiring. Tonearm length 8 in. Black
metacrylate. 191/4 x 16Y., x 81/4 in; 20 lb $2.595
As above without tonearm $1,895
AN -TT Three Reference Manual Turntable
Belt -drive. 3 motors; Lexon platter; suspended chas-
sis; large external power supply; all internal parts de- Teac P-595 semiautomatic turntable
signed for maximum energy dissipation and mini-
mum reflection $19,995
sensor. Line- or phono-level outputs. Switchable RI - Vintage Semiautomatic Turntable
AN -TT Three Super Manual Turntable AA EQ,-amp $150 Belt -drive with straight tonearm. Variable -pitch con-
Belt -drive. 3 motors: Lexon planer; suspended chas- trol. Play speeds 331/4, 45, 71.29, 76.59, 78.26 and
sis: large external power supply $4,495 80 rp-n. W&F 0.045% wrms. 17 x 13% x 3% in .$394
AN-TT1 Turntable CS455G Automatic Turntable RA -6 Semiautomatic Turntable
Belt -drive. Three-point suspension; gimbal -bearing Belt -drive w th magnetic cartridge. Gimbal -mounted Belt -drive with curved tonearm. Cue lever. Includes
tonearm with headshell; bearing housing and arm pickup arm bearing; viscosity -damped pickup arm LP and 78 styli. Play speeds 331/4. 45, 71.29. 76.59,
tube cast from one piece of aluminum. Play speeds lift: vibratior-damped aluminum section platter; DC 78.26 and 80 rpm. W&F 0.045% wrms; recommend-
331/4 and 45 rpm $995 motor with electronic speed control; floating sub - ed tracking force 2 g. 161/2 x 131/4 x 41/4 in $265
chassis. Play speeds 331/4 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.07%
wrms $520 MUT Semiautomatic Turntable
BASIS CS450G. As above, but semiautomatic $520 Belt -drive with straight tonearm. Variable -pitch con-
The following are upgradable. Contact the manufac- trol. Play speeds 331/4 and 78.26 rpm. W&F 0.06%
turer for information. CS435s Automatic Turntable wrms. 17 x 131/4 x 4 in $215
Belt -drive with magnetic cartridge. DC motor with
Debut Gold Vacuum Mkll Manual Turntable electronic speed control; counter -balanced pickup
Reflex platter and clamp with vacuum pump for warped arm; aluminum section platter; floating chassis. Play FISHER
records: oversized -military -spec vacuum -pump tubing: speeds 331/4 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.08% wrms . . .$415 M1420 Semiautomatic Turntable
non -contact vacuum seals in platter bearing. Vacuum Belt -drive with straight tonearm and cartridge. Vis-
level control; vacuum gauge. Includes 40 -ft pump CS415-1s Automatic Turntable cous damped cueing. 331/4 and 45 rpm $100
tubing $10.600 Belt -drive with magnetic cartridge. DC motor with
electronic speed control; counter-ba anced tubular
Debut Gold Standard Mklll Manual Turntable pickup arm: floating feet. W&F 0.1% wrms ....$335 J.A. MICHELL
4 -point hanging fluid -damped suspension; 2 -in thick Orbe Manual Turntable
acrylic subchassis; matched platter/bearing assem- Belt -drive. Papst motor in 6 -lb housing; 60 -mm thick
bly; 28 -lb computer -balanced acrylic/brass platter: ESOTERIC SOUND concave acrylic platter with threaded record clamp;
damped 8 -lb acrylic/brass armboard; aluminum parts BES-2 Manual Turntable machined arm board; two decoupled acrylic bases
machined from aerospace alloy and anodized to mili- Belt -drive with straight tonearm. Polymer platter; self- with 'hree adjustable feet; inverted oil -pump bearing;
tary specifications. 85 lb $8.200 lubricating Teflon -impregnated spindle bearing; fixed three-point dynamic suspension; damped lead -weight-
headshell; 24 -pole synchro AC motor. Cue lever. ed cast -aluminum chassis. Includes QC quartz con-
Ovation Mkll Manual Turntable Play speeds 331/4 and 78.26 rpm. W&F 0.1% wrms; trol power supply. Play speeds 331/4, 45, and 78 rpm.
4 -point hanging fluid -damped suspension: 2 -in -thick rumble -65 dB; recommended tracking force 0.75 g. W&F 0.05% wrms: rumble -80 dB. 5-yr warranty. 20
acrylic subchassis: matched bearing and platter as- 18% x 141/4 x 61/4 in $665 x 6 x 16 in; 50Ib $4.200
sembly; brass damping for acrylic platter and arm -
board; AC motor with double permanently lubricated Aten Transcription Manual Turntable Gyrodec MK!!! Manual Turntable
self -aligning bronze bushings: aluminum parts ma- Belt -drive with curved tonearm and cartridge. Slip Belt -drive. Two belts: Papst motor; acrylic concave
chined from aerospace alloy and anodized to military mat; can play 16 -in broadcast transcriptions; Nav- platter with graphite and vinyl: record clamp; ma-
specs. Play speeds 331/4 and 45 rpm. 75 lb . . .$5,400 Com rumble -reducing dampening; spare-headshell chined arm board; acrylic base with 3 adjustable feet;
holder. XLR lamp outlet. Variable -pitch control. In- inverted oil -pump bearing; 3 -point suspension; ribbed
Model -2001 Manual Turntable cludes hinged dust cover and LP and 78 styli. Play lead -weighted cast aluminum chassis: 6 gold-plated
4 -point fluid -damped suspension; 1 -in -thick acrylic speeds 331/4. 45, 71.29, 76.59, 78.26 and 80 rpm. brass weights. Play speeds 331/4, 45. and 78 rpm.
subchassis; matched bearing and platter; outboard W&F 0.025% wrms; recommended tracking force 1.5 W&F 0.05% wrms: rumble -80 dB. Clear or black
AC motor. 331/4 and 45 rpm. 45 lb $2,600 g. 17% x 13% x 6 in $545 base. 5-yr warranty. 20 x 6 x 16 in: 42 lb $1,795
LE Version. As above but with gold -anodized motor,
Ramses -II Manual Turntable arm board. and spring caps: black chassis; clear
DEMON Belt -drive with curved tonearm. Continuously vari- base $1,995
DP -47F Automatic Turntable able from 60 to 130 rpm. XLR lamp outlet. Spare- OC Power Supply. Upgrade power supply ....$750
Direct -drive. Quartz -locked motor: automatic record - headshell holder; stylus lamp; cue lever; vertical/lat-
size and speed detection. Electronic tonearm control eral switch for vertically cut records. Includes dust
without mechanical contacts $550 cover. Play speeds 331/4, 45, 71.29, 76.59. 78.26 and JVC
DP -23F. As above without auto record -size and 80 rpm. W&F 0.025% wrms; recommended tracking ALAI 58BK Automatic Turntable
speed detection $375 force 1.25 g. 17% x 13% x 6 in $485 Straight tonearm and plug-in cartridge. DC servomo-
tor. Up -front cueing control; dust cover $120
DP -7F Automatic Turntable Ramses Manual Turntable
Direct -drive with P -mount cartridge. Quartz -locked Belt -drive with curved tonearm and cartridge. XLR
motor. Electronic tonearm control without mechani- lamp outlet. Variable -pitch control; stylus lamp; cue KAB ELECTRO ACOUSTICS
cal contacts $280 lever. Includes LP and 78 styli. Play speeds 331/4, KAB Broadcast Standard Manual Turntable
45, 71.29, 76.59, 78.26 and 80 rpm. W&F 0.025% Direct -drive with curved tonearm. Servomotor; gim-
DP -26F Automatic Turntable wrms; recommended tracking force 1.25 g. 17% x bal bearings: 20 -lb cast -aluminum frame: resonance -
Belt -drive with P- mount MM cartridge. Record -size 13% x 6 in $445 damped platter; damped cueing. Variable -pitch con -
Diamond stylus. Linear technology: sapphire canti- nylon finger -lift. Output 6 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec: FR
lever: black sapphire cartridge housing; diamond - 20 Hz -22 kHz; ch sep 23 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 3 XV-15/625 DJP Phono Cartridge
profile polishing: 7N copper internal -lead wiring. Out- g. 19 g $175 Elliptical -diamond stylus. Designed for professional
put 0.14 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; ch sep 25 dB at 1 CC-DJS. As above with spherical stylus. FR 20 Hz - use. Includes 2 replacement styli. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz;
kHz: tracking force 2.5 g. 10 g $2.100 18 kHz $165 tracking force 1-4 g $160
OM-DJE. As CC-DJE, standard mount. 5 g $115 XV-15/625 DJ. As above without extra styli . . . $131
MC-Rohmann Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge OM-DJS. As CC-DJE, spherical stylus; standard
Diamond stylus. Aluminum cantilever; cartridge hous- mount. FR 20 Hz -18 kHz. 5 g $105 V15DJ-DP Phono Cartridge
ing; diamond -profile polishing: 6N copper internal - Spherical -diamond stylus. Includes 2 replacement
lead wiring. Output.25 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec; ch sep CC -Night Club E Phono Cartridge styli. Output 4.4 mV; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; tracking force
$1,700 Elliptical -diamond stylus. Aluminum tube cantilever; 2-5 g. 6 g $105/matched pr
25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 2.5 g. 9 g
cartridge nose cut-out for cueing facility. Combination V15/DJP. As above, single cartridge $98
T-3000. Matching step-up transformer for above or
$1,500 headshell. cartridge, and finger -lift: gold-plated color - V-15/DJ. As above without extra styli $56
MC -2000
coded pins: fluorescent -yellow cantilever tip. Stan-
MC -2000 Mkll Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge dard mount. Includes extra stylus. Output 6 mV at 1 TLE Phono Cartridge
Diamond stylus. Aluminum cantilever; white sapphire kHz. 5 cm/sec: FR 20 Hz -22 kHz; ch sep 23 dB at 1 Elliptical -diamond stylus. Output 4.4 mV: FR 10 Hz -
kHz: tracking force 3 g. 19 g $160 20 kHz: tracking force 1-1.5 g. 6 g $84
cartridge housing; diamond -profile polishing; 6N
copper internal -lead wiring. Output 0.125 mV at 1 CC -Night Club S. As above with spherical diamond
kHz. 5 cm/sec; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force stylus $150
2.2 g. 10 g $1,400 RADIO SHACK
TM-2OUD Phono Cartridge RX1500 Phono Cartridge
MC -30 Super Mkll Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge Fine -line s:ylus. Output 4 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec: FR Elliptical -diamond stylus. Designed with Audio-Tech-
20 Hz -22 kHz; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force nica. Tracking force 1-1.5 g $35
Nude -diamond stylus. Tapered aluminum canti-
lever; linear -phase technology; three -faceted rear 1.25g. 6 g $129
stylus contact surface: carbon fiber plate: rubber TM-14UD. As above with elliptical stylus. Ch sep RSS500DJ Phono Cartridge
22 dB $89 Designed with Stanton for professional use $35
bearings; damping using pure platinum disc: alumi-
num cartridge housing with 2 precision extrusions: TM -7U. As above, elliptical stylus. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz;
precision -machined cross -shaped armature. Output ch sep 22 dB $60 RXP3 Phono Cartridge
For P -mount tonearms. Tracking force 1.25 g .$30
0.2 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; FR 20 Hz -40 kHz +4. -1
dB; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.6-2 g. CC -Pro C+2 Phono Cartridge
10 g $700 Spherical -diamond stylus. Combination headshell, R25XT Phono Cartridge
cartridge, and fingerlift. Includes 2 replacement FR 20 Hz -20 kHz: tracking force 2.5-3.5 g $20
MC -20 Super Mkli Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge styli $125
Diamond stylus. Linear -phase technology: aluminum OM -Pro S4.2. As above, standard mount $75
cartridge housing with 2 precision -fit anodized extru- RPM
sions. Output 0.2 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec: FR 20 Hz - OM -Night Club E Phono Cartridge RPM2 Tonearm
40 kHz +4, -1 dB; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz: tracking Elliptical -d amond stylus. Cartridge nose cut-out for Single -pivot design. Decoupled counterweight: sap -
$600 cueing: aluminum tube cantilever; gold-plated color - phi -e and tungsten bearing mounting directly to turn -
force 1.6-2 g. 10 g
tection system. Cartridge -alignment protractor; turnta- fine horizontal -tracking -angle adjustment with de- force 1.7-2.1 g. 10 g $295
ble immobilization wedges. Includes headshell screw- sign -alignment protractor; dynamic balance -graduat-
driver; stylus -cleaning brush. Output 3.0 mV at 1 kHz; ed vertical tracking force through resonance -con- Blue Point Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
FR 10 Hz -25 kHz; ch sep 25dB at 1 kHz: tracking force trolled spring. Includes tools, accessories, and drill 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus. Output 2.3 mV
1.0 g. Black with burgundy stylus guard. 7 g $300 jig/template. Satin black enamel finish with details in at 1 kHz; FR 15 Hz -35 kHz; ch sep 32 dB at 1 kHz;
chrome and stainless steel $2,550 tracking force 1.25-1.7 g. 6 g $195
M97HE Phono Cartridge
Polished -diamond stylus. Designed for standard - Sumiko/SME Series IV.Vi Tonearm Pearl Phono Cartridge
mount tonearms. Proprietary antishock design and Straight. ABEC-7 bearings with 3 -micron tolerance; 0.2 x 0.8 -mil elliptical diamond stylus. Output 5 mV at
stylus protection system. Includes headshell screw- static tracking force: phosphor bronze wiring ...$1.995 1 kHz; FR 12 Hz -30 kHz; ch sep 30 dB at 1 kHz:
driver; stylus -cleaning brush. Output 4.0 mV at 1 kHz: tracking force 1.5-2 g. 6 g $95
FR 20 Hz -22 kHz; ch sep 25 dB at kHz; tracking
1 Model 309 Tonearm
force 0.75-1.25 g. Black with dark blue stylus guard. Straight. Internal constrained damping layer; stain- Black Pearl Phono Cartridge
7g $100 less -steel cross shaft, vertical shaft, ground, and Spherical -diamond stylus. Output 5 mV at 1 kHz; FR
thread ground; 23 -mm diameter steel pillar carrying 18 Hz -27 kHz; ch sep 28 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force
M67E Phono Cartridge two 17 -mm ball races; dual -lock base; tungsten -alloy 1.5-2 g. 6 g $75
Elliptical -diamond stylus. Designed for standard -mount balance weight on 2 -point suspension; OFC cartridge
tonearms. Includes stylus -cleaning brush. Output 4.0 leads and internal wiring; OFC audio lead with gold- Oyster Phono Cartridge
mV at 1 kHz; FR 20 Hz -22 kHz; ch sep 25 dB at 1 plated phono plugs. Interchangeable die-cast magne- Spherical -diamond stylus. Output 4 my; FR 30 Hz -20
kHz; tracking force 0.75-1.25 g. Black with purple sty- sium headshell; ability to adjust bearings before fit- kHz; ch sep 25 dB; tracking force 1.5-2.5 g. 6 g ...$45
lus grip. 6 g $60 ting: antiskating control; adjustable height; reference
lines for vertical -tracking -angle setting; fine horizon-
MP67E Phono Cartridge tal -tracking -angle adjustment with design -alignment SYMPHONIC LINE
Elliptical -diamond stylus. Designed for P -mount tone - protractor $1,195 RG 8 Gold Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
arms. Includes stylus -cleaning brush. Output 4.0 mV All gold wiring. Output 0.44 mV at 1 kHz: ch sep 40
at 1 kHz; FR 20 Hz -22 kHz; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz: dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5 g $5,000
tracking force 0.75-1.25 g. Black with purple stylus STANTON
grip. 6 g $60 Trackmaster EL -2 Phono Cartridge
0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical -diamond stylus. Includes two TOWNSHEND AUDIO
SC35C Scratch Champ Phono Cartridge extra styli. Output 5.2 mV; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; tracking Excalibur Tonearm
Spherical -diamond stylus. Design for standard -mount force 2-5 g. 18 g $342 Straight. Front -outrigger damping for Townshend Au-
tonearms. Cutaway grip design for stylus visibility; bril- Trackmaster EL -1. Only 1 extra stylus $224 dio Rock turntables. Overall length 8.66 in; pivot -to -
orange dot to spot the stylus tip. Out- stylus length 200 mm; tracking force 0.5-5 g .$1,600
put 5 mV at 1 kHz; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; ch sep 20 dB at Collector's Series 100 Phono Cartridge
1 kHz; tracking force 4-5mg. Black with light blue sty- Diamond stylus. Sapphire -coated cantilever. Output
lus grip. 6 g $60 0.76 mV/cm/sec; ch sep 35 dB. 6 g $331 TRIPLANAR
Model V Tonearm
M78S Phono Cartridge Trackmaster AL -2 Phono Cartridge Straight. Discovery wire: silicon -fluid damping. Adjust-
Spherical -diamond stylus. Designed for standard - Spherical -diamond stylus. Designed for scratch -mix- able azimuth. Overall length 12 in; pivot -to -stylus length
mount tonearms. Wide 2.5 -mil -radius stylus suited for ing. Includes two extra styli. Output 5.2 mV; FR 20 250 mm; tracking force 4-25 g. Black $2,550
78 -rpm record grooves. Output 6 mV at 1 kHz; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; tracking force 2-5 g. 18 g $200 As above, with XLR balanced outputs $2,795
Hz -18 kHz: ch sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5- Trackmaster AL -1. Only one extra stylus $169 As above, with RCA single output $2,795
3.0 g. Black with dark green stylus grip. 6 g $50
Model 881 Mklls Phono Cartridge Triplanar Iv' Regular Tonearm
M447X Club Cartridge Phono Cartridge Diamond stylus. Samarium -cobalt magnet. Output Regular version 10 -in cable to output box RCA chas-
Spherical -diamond stylus. Design for standard -mount 0.9 mV/cm/sec: ch sep 35 dB. 6 g $192 sis. Balanced output XLR $2,650
tonearms. Back -cueing capability. Cutaway grip de- As above, with RCA single output $2,595
sign for stylus visibility; brilliant fluorescent orange Model 680EL-MP Phono Cartridge Model IV I. As above, aluminum $2,495
dot to spot the stylus tip. Output 6 mV at 1 kHz; FR 20 Elliptical -diamond stylus. Designed for scratch -mix-
Hz -20 kHz; ch sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5- ing and back -cueing. Aluminum -alloy cantilever. Ex- Triplanar III Tonearm
3.0 g. Black with white stylus grip. 6 g $45 tra stylus. Output 1.1 mV/cm/sec; FR 20 Hz -18 kHz; Conversion to IVi $500
tracking force 3.5-4 g. 6 g $182/matched pr
M44GX Phono Cartridge Model 680EL. As above but with recommended
Spherical -diamond stylus. Designed for standard - tracking force of 2-5 g $142/matched pr TUBE RESEARCH LABS
mount tonearms. Output 6 mV at 1 kHz: FR 20 Hz -20 Copper Hopper Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
kHz; ch sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 0.75-1.5 g. Model 890AL Phono Cartridge Van den Hul stylus. Nippon copper -wired coils. Out-
Black with gray stylus grip. 6 g $45 Diamond stylus. Designed for scratch -mixing and put.8 mV at 1 kHz; ch sep 32 dB at 1 kHz ....$3,200
back -cueing. Computer -designed 4 -coil body. Extra
M92E Phono Cartridge stylus. Output 0.76 mV/cm/sec; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; ch
Biradial-nude diamond stylus. Designed for P -mount sep 30 dB; tracking force 2-7 g. 6 g $162 VPI
tonearms. Includes standard -mount adaptor. Output JMW-10 Tonearm
5 mV at 1 kHz: FR 20 Hz -18 kHz; ch sep 20 dB at 1 L680EL Phono Cartridge Straight. Unipivot tonearm; vernier -dial vertical -track-
kHz; tracking force 0.75-1.5 g. Black with red stylus Diamond stylus. Designed for plug-in tonearms. In- ing adjustment during play; cartridge and counter-
grip. 7 g $30 creases vertical tracking force from 1.5-3.5 g for weight attachable. Overall length 10 in $2,300
scratch -mixing and backcueing $142 JMW-12. As above with 12 -in tonearm $2,800
M7OBX Phono Cartridge
Spherical -diamond stylus. Designed for standard - Model 681EEE Mklll Phono Cartridge
mount tonearms. Output 5 mV at 1 kHz; FR 20 Hz -18 Diamond stylus $141 WELL TEMPERED LAB
kHz; ch sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5-3.0 g. Reference Tonearm
Black with beige stylus grip. 6 g $25 Straight. Patented fully damped arm. Adjustable
SUMIKO damping. Pivot -to -stylus length 250 mm $1,795
Sumiko Sho Reference Moving -Coil
SME Phono Cartridge Classic Tonearm
Series V Tonearm Elliptical -diamond stylus. Multiple Density Progressive Straight. Patented fully damped arm. Pivot -to -stylus
Straight. Die-cast magnesium construction: internal Suspension; patented double -ring magnet design; re- length 250 mm $1,095
constrained damping layer; dual -lock base; 23 -mm inforced solid -boron cantilever; gold-plated output ter-
steel pillar moving vertically between 2 jaws and hor- minals. Includes stainless -steel mounting bolts, wash- Record player. Straight. Patented fully damped arm.
izontally between 2 slideways carrying two ABEC-7 ers, and Allen wrench. Output 2.3 mV at 3.45 cm/sec. Pivot to stylus length 9.2 in $795
by Digital and 4 -channel Pro Logic surround; discrete ter, surround) from 20 Hz -20 kHz witn 0.05% THD in-
amplifier -output stage; text -capable RDS tuner. Per- to 8 ohms. 6 -channel analog input for external Dolby CR9065RC 80-W/ch Receiver
sonal Memory Plus; icon -based on -screen display: Digital (or other) surround decoder: 7 analog inputs; 2 cnannels. 80 W x 2 with 0.02% THD into 8 ohms.
learning remote control $2,800 tuner input; 4 composite -video inputs; 4 S -video in- Digital quartz -synthesis tuner; motor -driven volume
puts; 3 analog outputs: 3 composite video outputs; 3 control. Matrix surround; 4 -character station naming;
AVR-3600 550-W Dolby Digital Receiver S -video outputs; 2 switched -AC outlets. Digital Dy- 40 AM/FM presets; remote control $480
5 channels. Dolby Digital and Dolby Pro Logic namic Discrete Surround Circuit (DDSC): discrete
modes. 110 W x 5 (front, center, surround) from 20 amplifier -output stage; Cinema EQ; personal memo-
Hz -20 kHz with 0.05% THD into 8 ohms. 2 digital in- ry plus. Icon -based on -screen display; learning re- FISHER
puts; AC -3 RF input; 10 inputs and 5 outputs for au- mote. Amp: S/N 96 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 38.5 RS -929 460-W AN Receiver
dio; 5 composite -video inputs and 4 outputs; 5 S -vid- dB; cap ratio 1.5 dB; S/N 75 dB stereo; THD 0.3%. 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 115 W x 3 (front, center)
eo inputs and 3 outputs; line -level outputs for front, Black. 17% x 61/2 x 161/2 in; 29 lb $699 + 57.5 x 2 (surround) rms at 1 kHz with 0.9% THD in-
center, surround, and subwoofer. Discrete amplifier - AVR-1400. As above, 65 W x 5. Without S -video, to 3 ohms or 120 x 2 rms from 40 Hz -20 kHz with
output stage: Dynamic Discrete Surround Circuit icon -based display. and Cinema EQ. Amp: S/N 92 0.9% THD into 8 ohms. 4 audio and 2 video inputs;
(DDSC). Personal Memory Plus; icon -based on- dB; 23 lb. 17'/ x 61/2 x 161/2 in $549 headphone jack. Quartz-PLL tuning. Sleep timer; 30
THD into 8 ohms. 5 audio inputs: headphone jack. ter) + 60 x 1 (surround) at 1 kHz with C.8% THD into 8 S/N 75 dB stereo: THD 0.25% stereo. 17% x 41/4 x
Digital tuning. Super bass switch: 30 memory pre- ohms or 60 x 2 from 40 Hz -20 kHz with 0.9% THD in- 13 in $600
sets; system remote control $200 to 8 ohms. 4 audio and 2 video inputs. Motor -driven
volume control. 30 AM/FM presets; remote control.
STA-795 50-W/ch Receiver 16%x 51/2x 11'/. in $290 SANSUI
2 channels. 50 W x 2 from 40 Hz -20 kHz with 0.5% RZ-8150AV 275-W A/V Receiver
THD into 8 ohms. 3 audio inputs; phono input. 6 SX-255R 100-W/ch Receiver 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Theater, Hall, Natural,
AM/12 FM presets; auto FM muting; bass and treble 2 channels 100 W x 2 from 40 Hz -20 kHz with 0.9% and Dome modes. 75 W x 3 (front, center) from 20
controls; loudness switch; tape -monitor controls; 5 - THD into 8 ohms. 6 audio inputs. Motor -driven vol- Hz -20 kHz with 0.8% THD + 25 x 2 (surround), all in-
segment LED power meter $150 ume control. 30 AM/FM presets: memory scan tun- to 8 ohms. 5 audio inputs; 2 video inputs; headphone
ing; motor -driven volume control; bass enhancer; re- output. 30 AM/FM presets: 10 -key direct -station ac-
mote control $255 cess with preset scan/mute; source -direct mode.
SX-205. As above without motor -driven volume con- Full -function remote control. Brushed aluminum face-
VSX-D906S 500-W Dolby Digital Receiver trol or remote control $220 plate. 17 x 53/4 x 133/4 in; 251b
5 channels. Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3
Stereo, Jazz, Dance, Hall, and 2 Theater modes. 100 Elite Series RZ-5200AV 199-W AN Receiver
W x 5 (front, center, surround) at 1 kHz with 0.8% VSX-09TX 500-W THX Dolby Digital Receiver 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. Theater, Hall, Natural,
THD into 6 ohms or 100 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 5 channels. Dolby Digital. THX, Dolby Pro Logic, and Dome modes. 55 W x 3 (front, center) from 20
0.09% THD into 6 ohms. AC -3 RF, coaxial, and opti- Hall, Studio, Jazz, and 2 Theater modes. 100 W x 5 Hz -20 kHz with 0.8% THD + 17 x 2 (surround), all in-
cal digital audio inputs: 5 audio and 5 video inputs; 4 (front, center, surround) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with to 8 ohms. 5 audio inputs; 2 video inputs; headphone
S -video inputs: front -panel A/V input; 3 S -video out- 0.8% THD or 110 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 KHz with 0.09% output; front -panel A/V input. 40 AM/FM presets; 10 -
puts; 2 -way binding posts for all channels; line -level THD, all into 6 ohms. AC -3 RF and 2 coaxial digital key direct -station access with preset scan; motor -dri-
outputs for all channels plus subwoofer. Discrete audio inputs; 5 audio and 5 video inputs; 5 S -video ven volume control. Full -function remote. Black 17 x
amplifier -output stage; motor -driven volume control; inputs: frort-panel A/V input: line -level outputs for all 53/4 x 153/4 in; 21 lb $499
electronic tone controls. On -screen graphical user in- channels pus subwoofer: 3 AC outlets. Copper chas-
terface including control of CD changers and titling of sis: heavy-duty power cord; binding -post speaker RZ-3200AV 180-W A/V Receiver
100 discs; 30 AM/FM tuner presets with labeling and terminals; gold-plating on all terminals. On -screen 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, Live,
5 classification groups; programmable remote with graphical user interface including control of CD and Hall modes. 50 W x 3 (front, center) from 20 Hz -
DSS and DVD control and multi -operation button. changers and titling of 100 discs: 30 AM/FM tuner 20 kHz with 0.05% THD + 15 x 2 (surround), all into 8
16% x 7 x 17% in $1,200 presets: multiroom/multisource capability: pre-pro- ohms. 2 audio and 2 video inputs; headphone jack.
grammed/learning remote. Amp: S/N 97 dB. FM: 50 - 30 AM/FM presets; motor -driven volume control.
dB quieting sens 38.6; cap ratio 1 oB; alt-ch sel 65 Full -function remote control. Black. 17 x 51/4 x 13 in:
VSX-D606S 500-W Dolby Digital Receiver
dB; S/N 76 dB stereo. Rosewood side panels. 18 x 13 lb $399
5 channels. Dolby Digital. Dolby Pro Logic. Dolby 3
Stereo, Jazz. Dance, Hall, and 2 Theater modes. 100 61/2 x 16% 34 lb $1,750
W x 5 (front, center, surround) at 1 kHz with 0.8% VSX-07TX. As above without copper chassis, gold-
THD into 8 ohms or 100 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with plated terminals. and rosewood side panels. 161/2 x SFIERWOOD
0.09% THD into 8 ohms. AC -3 RF and coaxial digital 6% x 16'. in: 30 lb $1,450 RV -7050R 300-W A/V Receiver
audio inputs; 4 audio and 4 video inputs; front -panel 4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. Dolby 3 Stereo, and 5
A/V input; center -channel and subwoofer line -level VSX-05 500-W Dolby Digital Receiver surround modes. 80 W x 3 (front, center) + 60 x 1
outputs. Discrete amplifier -output stage; motor -dri- 5 channels. Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic, Hall, (surround) or 110 x 2 with 0.5% THD. 5 audio and 3
ven volume control. 30 AM/FM presets; jog dial; pro- Studio, Jazz, and 2 Theater modes. 100 W x 5 video inputs; front -panel AN input; line -level outputs
grammable remote with DSS and DVD control and (front, certer, surround) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with for each channel; video -monitor output; headphone
multi -operation button. 16% x 6% x 143/4 in $925 0.8% THD or 100 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.09% jack. Discrete amplifier -output stage; motor -driven vol-
VSX-0506S. As above without Dolby Digital proc- THD, all irto 6 ohms. AC -3 RF and 2 coaxial digital ume control. Multiroom capability; adjustable digital
essing. digital inputs, and Theater ambience modes. audio inputs; 4 audio and 4 video inputs; front -panel delay; center- and surround -channel level controls;
Studio, Arena, and 5D Theater modes. 16% x 61/4 x AN input; line -level outputs for all channels plus auto input balance; test -tone generator; 30 AM/FM
143/4 in $525 subwoofer; 1 AC outlet. Binding -post speaker termi- presets with scan; tone/EQ and bass/treble controls;
VSX-466S. As D506S without remote DSS control nals. On -screen graphical user interface including sleep timer; alphanumeric -fluorescent display; uni-
$465 control of CD changers and titling of 100 discs; 30 fied remote control $599
and multi -operation command capability
VSX-456. As VSX-466S without Jazz and Hall modes. AM/FM tuner presets: multiroom capability; prepro- RV -5050R. As above without surround modes. 70 W
3 video inputs $370 grammed/learning remote. Amp: S/N 97 dB. FM: x 3 (front, center) + 25 x 1 (surround) or 90 x 2 .$499
50 -dB quieting sens 38.6; cap ratio 1 dB; alt-ch sel
VSX-455 440-W A/V Receiver 60 dB; S/N 70 dB stereo; THD 0.5%. 16'/ x 63/4 x RV -4050R 170-W A/V Receiver
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, Stu- 121/2 in; 21 lb $1,000 4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and Dolby 3 Stereo
dio, Arena, and Simulated Surround modes. 110 W VSX-04. As above without Dolby Digital, graphical modes. 50 W x 3 (front, center) + 20 x 1 (surround) or
user interface, and CD titling. 4 audio and 3 video in- 60 x 2 with 0.5% THD. 4 audio and 2 video inputs;
puts. Amp S/N 96 dB. 19 lb $600 front -panel AN input; video -monitor output; head-
phone jack. Discrete amplifier -output stage. Auto in-
put balance; center- and surround -channel level con -
Whether you are RCA trot; test -tone generator; 30 AM/FM presets with
scan; tone/E0 control; sleep timer; alphanumeric -flu-
RV3798 200-W A/V Receiver
building a system from 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, and orescent display; unified remote control. $399
Hall modes. 40 W x 5 (front, center, surround) or 40 x
scratch or upgrading, 2, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.25% THD into 8 R-125 240-W AN Receiver
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo. Hall.
ohms. 6-clannel analog input for external Dolby Dig-
"All Systems Go" ital (or other) surround decoder. 5 audio and 3 video and Stadium modes. 60 W x 4 or 70 x 2, all from 20
inputs; dedicated DSS input; dual line -level subwoof- Hz 20 kHz with 0.02% THD into 8 ohms. 2 video and
on page 10 will help you er outputs: headphone jack. PLL digital tuning; sur- 5 audio inputs; subwoofer output. Quartz PLL-syn-
thesis AM/FM tuner; discrete amplifier -output stage.
round memory (stores and recalls preferred surround
make the best choices. settings for each source); two-color fluorescent dis- Adpustable digital delay; fluorescent display; sleep
timer; auto input balance; test -tone generator; pro-
play: on -screen display; speaker -level indicator; uni-
versal remote. 161/2 x 43/> x 13 in; 26 lb $499 grammable preset scan; direct station access; 30
Class A circuitry; passive line driver; one E -I laminat- distortion, the Glossary ended line -level output; 1 tape input; 1 tape output.
ed -core power transformer: two E -I laminated -core Tape monitor; volume -level display; remote control.
output transformers; 150% duty rating for all trans- starting on page 259 Slew rate 30 V/ps; dynamic headroom 2 dB. 5-yr war-
ran:y. 171/2 x x 14% in; 50 lb $5,600
formers; two 12AX7 pre-driver/phase-inverter tubes;
eight EL -84 output tubes: 1% metal -film resistors; will help you get the
polystyrene and polypropylene capacitors; glass -
epoxy double -sided plated -through printed circuit most out of the listings. KRELL
board. FR 25 Hz -30 kHz 10.75 dB; damping factor KAV-300 150-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
$1,495 2 channels. 150 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 300 x 2 into 4
35.17 x 4 x 12 in; 341b
binding posts. All discrete circuitry including phono ohms or 235 x 2 max into 2 ohms; damping factor
preamp; metal -film resistors: polypropylene capaci- 120; S/N 114 dB $850
tors; Extended Dynamic Power (EDP) circuitry. S/N
104 dB. 17%x 11%x 4%in $399 Integra A-SV810PRO 325-W A V The \
NAIT-3R 30-W/ch Integrated Amplifier modes. 70 W x 3 (front, center) + 20 x 2 (surround)
2 channels. 30 x 2 into 8 ohms. 5 line -level inputs. into 8 ohms, 125 x 2 rms into 8 ohms or 240 x 2 into
Electronic switching. Remote control. MM/MC phono 4 ohms. 8 audio and 3 video inputs. Motorola 24 -bit
input optional. 17% x 2% x 12 in $1,500 DSP. Video dubbing capability; record -out selector;
NAIT-3. As above without remote control VISO tone control; fluorescent display; Onkyo RI -system
compatibility; remote control. FR 20 Hz -30 kHz;
THD 0.08%; S/N 100 dB; damping factor 60 18 x
6% x 15% in: 30 lb $650 Stereo Catalog
IA -1z 400-W Dolby Digital Integrated Amplifier Looking for the latest in
5 channels. Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic. 80 W x 5. A-9310 50-JV ch Integrated Amplifier
9 analog inputs; 4 digital inputs. Harmonic Time 2 channels 50 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms or 110 x 2 audio/video components?
Alignment amplifier topology; Motorola DSP56009 max into 2 ohms. 6 audio inputs; 5 -way binding
posts. Discrete output stage; source -direct mode: The Crutchfield catalog brings you hundreds
chip. Learning remote control. S/N 95 dB; ch sep 75
dB at 1,000 Hz. Black brushed aluminum. 3-yr war- line -level subwoofer output. Onkyo RI -system com- of top, brand -name components and
ranty. 16% x 6% x 15/. in; 38 lb $2,900 patibility; remote control. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD makes it easy to compare
0.06%; S/N 102 dB: damping factor 150 at 8 ohms.
18 x 4% x 13 in $365 them feature for
N .E.W. feature. Infor-
DAA-100 100-W/ch Integrated Amplifier mative articles,
2 channels. 100 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms or 200 x 2 OPTIMUS BY RADIO SHACK
SA -155 1.8-W/ch Integrated Amplifier helpful tips and
cont into 4 ohms, both from 20 Hz -20 kHz with
0.009% THD. Remote control. 44 lb $2,395 2 channels 1.8 W x 2. 4 audio inputs; tape output; exclusive comparison
headphone jack. Compact design; switchable mag- charts guide you through
DAA-35 35-W/ch Integrated Amplifier netic/ ceramic phono preamp. Volume, tone, and bal-
ance rotary controls; LED power indicator; mono/ste- the maze of buzzwords.
2 channels. 35 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz
with 0.08% THD or 70 x 2 into 4 ohms with 0.01% reo switch. Black. 91/2 x 2% x 6% in $60 You'll find exactly
THD. 3 phono inputs; single -ended gold-plated pho- what you need without New! See why DVD
no output. Class A operation; variable volume sys- paying for more than
PERREAUX means movies at home
tem. Remote control optional. S/N 93 dBA; dynamic
headroom 2.5 dB. 3-yr warranty. 12 x 41/2 x 12 in; Model 200, Professional 200 -With you want! will never be the same!
THD or 400 x 2 into 4 ohms, both from 5 Hz -20 kHz. x 161/2 in $6,614 ohms. Overload protection. 2 sets of inputs: 2 sets of
2:90 Brighten Road. Oakville, Ontario, Can,mla L6H 5T4 - ---(905) 829-3838 0051829-3033 j SFIPsonicfrontiers.corn O http://www.sonidronti
S w T H E 1111
Integrated 1 Integrated Amplfer Amp 1 Power Amplifier ' ' , IND I) Si
rectified power supply; no feedback; Class A single - Brushed -gold anodized finish $2,495 8% x 181/2 in; 85 lb $3,741
ended design; handmade silver -wound output trans-
formers: handmade silver foil capacitors; handmade Otez 250-W/ch Amplifier
tantalum -film resistors $89,200 AUDIO RESEARCH 2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 500 x 2 into 4
Shinri. As above with copper -wound output trans- Reference 600 500-W Tube Mono Amplifier ohms, 800 x 2 into 2 ohms, or 1,000 x 1 into 8 ohms.
formers and copper -foil capacitors $36.500 1 channel. 500 W cont into 16 ohms from 20 Hz -20 Dual -mono Class AB design; one fuse for every 2
kHz with 1% THD. Balanced inputs. AC and bias me- output transistors; 2 circuit-breaker/power switches.
Kageki 71/2-W/ch Tube Amplifier ters. 19 x 10'/2 x 291/2 in; 170 lb $14,995 RCA and balanced-XLR inputs. Slew rate 50 V/ps;
2 channels. 71/2 W x 2. Two 2A3 output tubes per chan- damping factor 850 at 1 kHz. 3-yr parts -and -labor
nel; 6072A and 5687 line and driver tubes; hand -wound VT150SE 130-W Tube Mono Amplifier warranty. 19 x 81/4 x 181/2 in; 85 lb $3,569
output transformers with pure silver on ceramic -leaf 1 channel. 130 W cont into 16 ohms from 20 Hz -20
core materials; tantalum -film resistors with silver end kHz with 1% THD. Six 6550, one 12AX7, four 12BH7A, Tenendo 200-W/ch Amplifier
caps and lead -out wires. 181/2 x 8 x 151/2 in ....$77,300 and two 6922 tubes. Balanced inputs. AC and bias 2 channels. 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 400 x 2 into 4
Neiro. As above, copper -wound output transformers, meters. FR 2 Hz -200 kHz -4 dB; slew rate 17 V/ps. ohms, both from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.05% THD. Dual -
copper -foil capacitors. 18 x 87 x 14% in $19,300 141/2x 12 x 22 in; 621b $7,995 mono Class AB design; 8 bipolar output devices per
channel; 2 combination circuit-breaker/power switch-
UK Series VT130SE 110-W/ch Tube Amplifier es. Balanced-XLR and unbalanced -RCA inputs. Slew
Ankoru 110-W Tube Mono Amplifier 2 channels. 110 W x 2 into 16 ohms from 20 Hz -20 rate 50 V/ps; damping factor 700 into 8 ohms at 1
1 channel. 110 W. Parallel single -ended circuit using kHz with 1% THD. Four 6550, two 12BH7A, and four kHz. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 19 x 7 x 10 in;
two 845 tubes; 2A3 driver tube; tube -rectified power 6922 tubes. Balanced inputs. AC and bias meters. 45 lb $2,354
supply; no feedback; pure Class A design; 99.99 per- Slew rate 17 V/ps. 141/2 x 12 x 22 in; 69 lb ....$7,495 As above, non-MOSFET version $2,154
cent pure silver internal wiring $25,000/pr
D400 MkI1200-W/ch Amplifier Forte 125-W/ch Amplifier
Conquest 18-W Tube Mono Amplifier 2 channels. 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 400 x 2 into 4 2 channels. 125 W x 2 into 8 ohms. 250 x 2 into 4
1 channel. 18 W. Parallel single -ended circuit using ohms. Bridgeable design; power transformer dedi- ohms, or 400 x 2 into 2 ohms, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz.
two 300B tubes; tube -rectified power supply; no feed- cated to supplying input stage; direct -coupled multi- Dual -mono MOSFET design. XLR and RCA inputs. 2
back: Class A design $6,995/pr ple -emitter transistors for output stage and input - power switches. Slew rate 50 V/ps; damping factor
stage drivers; elastomer feet for isolation/damping. 350 at 1 kHz. 19 x 51/4 x 10 in; 41 lb $1,467
Quest 9-W Tube Mono Amplifier XLR and RCA inputs; inverting unbalanced inputs. As above, dual -mono bipolar version. 19 x 51/4 x 10 in;
1 channel. 9 W. Single -ended circuit using one 300B; Slew rate 50 V/ps. 19 x 9 x 17% in; 76 lb $5,995 41 lb $1,360
tube -rectified power supply; no feedback loop; Class D300. As above, 160 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 300 x 2 in-
A design $3.895/pr to 4 ohms. Without dedicated input -stage transform- Crescendo 75-W/ch Amplifier
er or inverting unbalanced inputs. 19 x 7 x 12% in; 2 channels. 75 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 130 x 2 into 4
Conqueror 8-W/ch Tube Amplifier 48 lb $3.995 ohms, both from 20 Hz -20 kHz. MOSFET design. Bal-
2 channels. 8 W x 2. Single -ended circuit using one anced-XLR and unbalanced -RCA outputs. Slew rate
300B tube per channel; tube -rectified power supply; VT100 100-W/ch Amplifier 45 V/ps; damping factor 300 at 1 kHz. 19 x 51/4 x 9 in;
no feedback; Class A design $2,695 2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 or 4 ohms. XLR and 22 lb $825
RCA inputs. 19 x 8% x 191/2 in; 65 lb $4,495 As above, bipolar version $760
P2 SE 17-W/ch Tube Amplifier
2 channels. 17 W x 2. Two 6L6GC output tubes; 6LS7 SDA1 400-W Amplifier
line and driver tubes; Class A design. 111/4 x 53/. x 4 channels. 100 W x 4, 100 x 2 + 300 x 1, or 300 x 2 in- AYRE
171/2 in; 38 lb $2,195 to 8 ohms; 150 x 4 into 4 ohms. XLR and RCA inputs. V-3 100-Wich Amplifier
Slew rate 50 V/ps. 19 x 51/4 x 121/4 in; 37 lb
. . .$3.995
2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 200 x 2 into 4
P1 SE 10-W/ch Tube Amplifier ohms. Power -supply filter; all-FET circuitry; zero feed-
2 channels. 10 W x 2. Two EL84 output tubes; 6LS7 VT6OSE 50-W/ch Tube Amplifier back. 55 lb $3.750
line and driver tubes; Class A design. 117/ii x 5% x 2 channels. 50 W x 2. Unbalanced inputs. FR 3 Hz -40
171/2 in; 281b $1,695 kHz; slew rate 7 V/ps. 14 x 7 x 131/4 in; 33 lb ..$2,495
VT60. As above, no front -panel assembly . .$1.995
7X4430 600 -W Amplifier
AUDIOPRISM D130 130-W/ch Amplifier 3 channels. Designed for home -theater or multiroom
Mana Reference 100-W Tube Mono Amplifier 2 channels. 130 W x 2 into 8 ohms, or 200 x 1 into 4 systems. 200 W x 3 into 8 ohms. Discrete MOSFET de-
1 channel. 100 W x 1 into 2, 4, 6. or 8 ohms from 20 Hz - ohms. Balanced inputs and outputs. Slew rate 50 V/ps; sign. Gold-plated connectors for each channel; bal-
20 kHz with 1% THD. Class AB fixed -bias operation; 9 damping factor 100. 19 x 51/4 x 8% in; 27 lb $1,995 anced inputs for 2 channels. FR 5 Hz -45 kHz; S/N 95
as Intended
currently available.
Bryston ST amplifiers, from the top: 8B ST 4 channel 120 wpc, 5B ST 3 channel 1;0 wpc,
4B ST 250 vpc stereo, 73 ST 500 watts mono. Not shown is the 3B ST 126 wpc stereo,.
e. A F?
The Bryston ST innovation Jur Completely separate power SwitcFaEle gold plated RCA
ultra -linear 'input buffer -w th- supplies for ea:h chancel elimi- unbalanced and XLR-1/4 inch
gain" substantially lowers :he nate any crosstalk to er sure firm balanced inputs, .vitF equal
2 distortion and inherent r cise focus and con- pletely accurate gain, e Ilcws flexibility fcr multi-
floor - hear ng is believing imaging of musi:al ins- ruments. channel system conigu-ations.
Bryston Ltd, P.O. Box 2170, 577 Ne31 Drive, Peterbyough, Ontario,
Generation Canada K9J 7Y4 Tel: (703)742-5325 Fax: (705) '42-0882
dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic headroom 1.1 dB. 17 BERNING LED indicators. THD 0.01%; slew rate 60 V/ps 19 x
x 53/4x 16 in:43 lb $1,698 ZH270 70-W/ch Tube Amplifier 1% x 10 in; 48Ib $850
2 channels. 70 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 2-80 kHz with
AV6000 630-W Amplifier 1% THD or 140 x 2 into 4 ohms from 2-35 kHz with 2%
6 channels. For home -theater or multiroom systems. THD. Fully regulated switching power supply; auto CABASSE
105 W x 6 into 8 ohms. 6 discrete amps. Gold-plated servo -bias; auto DC -offset null; 250 -ms DC full -fault AM 10001,000-W Mono Amplifier
connectors. Level controls for each channel. FR 5 speaker protection; push-pull pair of 6JN6 tubes in the 1 channel. 1.000 W max into 8 ohms. FR 10 Hz -85 kHz
Hz -45 kHz; S/N 95 dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic output stage; no output transformer. A/B input selector -4 dB; THD 0.03% at 1 kHz; S/N 100 dB; damping fac-
headroom 1.4 dB. 17 x 5% x 16 in; 43 lb $1,498 and 3 -position feedback switch. 10 lb $4,500 tor 120 Hz. 5-yr warranty. 9 x 3 x 13 in; 13 lb ...$4,700
controls for custom configurations. FR 5 Hz -45 kHz; W x 2 cont into 8 ohms from
S/N 95 dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic headroom 1.0 0.0015% THD or 170 x 2 cont into 4 ohms. 120/240-V A -760x 380-W/ch THX Amplifier
dB. 17 x 3%x 12 in; 23Ib $798 operation. Metal finish. 17 x 4% x 161/2 in $3,895 2 channels. 380 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 600 x 2 into 4
Model 102AE. As above, non-metal finish $3,295 ohms, or 1,150 x 2 into 2 ohms, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz
ST1430 600-W Amplifier with 0.08% THD. Current and voltage maximization;
3 channels. Designed for home -theater or multiroom proprietary system to increase single -channel power
systems. 200 W x 3 into 8 ohms. Discrete MOSFET de- B RYSTON on demand. 2 analog meters; meter -range switch;
sign. Gold-plated connectors for each channel. FR 5 The following feature a 20 -year warranty and a switch meter -light switch; individually calibrated trim con-
Hz -45 kHz; S/N 95 dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic to separate system and audio grounds. trols for each channel. S/N 119 dBA; ch sep 70 dB at
headroom 1.0 dB. 17 x 5% x 16 in; 37 lb $798 1 kHz; damping factor 150; dynamic headroom 1.0
Model 8B -ST 400-W/ch Tube Amplifier dB. 3-yr warranty. 19 x 5% x 18% in; 39 lb . . . .$1,499
ST1400/BAL 105-W/ch Amplifier 4 channels. 400 W x 2.2-, 3-, or 4 -channel operation.
2 channels. 105 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Class A MOSFET out- FR 0.5 Hz -50 kHz; THD 0.007%; slew rate 60 V/ps; Premiere AV -705x 625-W THX Amplifier
put stage. Gold-plated connectors for each channel; damping factor 500. 19 x 51/4 x 151/2 in $2,995 5 channels. 125 W x 5 into 8 ohms from 20-20 kHz
balanced inputs. S/N 95 dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic Model 5B -ST. As above, 3 channels only $2,465
. . . with 0.03% THD. THX-certified; proprietary system
headroom 1.4 dB. 17 x 5% x 16 in; 31 lb $698 to increase single -channel power on demand. S/N
Model 7B -ST 500-W Mono Amplifier 115 dB. 19 x 5%x 18%in:42Ib $1,299
ST1200 60-W/ch Amplifier 1 channel. 500 W. Soft -start circuitry. Gold-plated
2 channels. 60 W x 2 into 8 ohms $498 balanced-XLR and unbalanced -RCA inputs. Series/ A -500x 250-W/ch THX Amplifier
parallel switch. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD 0.01%; slew 2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 400 x 2 into 4
rate 60 V/ps; damping factor 300 into 8 ohms at 20 ohms, or 750 x 2 into 2 ohms, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz
B EL kHz. 19 x 5% x 15'/2 in; 42 lb $2,398 with 0.08% THD. Current and voltage maximization;
Model 1001 Mk1150-W/ch Amplifier Model 7B -ST THX. THX version of above $2,495 proprietary system to increase single -channel power
2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 100 x 2 into 4 on demand. 2 analog meters; meter -range switch;
ohms, 200 x 2 into 2 ohms, 200 x 1 into 8 ohms, or Model 4B -ST 250-W/ch Tube Amplifier meter -light switch; individually calibrated level -trim
400 x 1 into 4 ohms. Class A operation; convection 2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Dual power sup- controls for each channel. S/N 117 dBA; ch sep 70
cooling with temperature -stabilizing circuitry; accel- plies; soft -start circuitry; input buffer. Gold-plated con- dB at 1 kHz; damping factor 150; dynamic headroom
erated warm-up; temperature-, frequency-, output-, nectors; balanced-XLR and unbalanced -RCA inputs. 1.0 dB. 3-yr warranty. 19 x 5% x 18% in; 29 lb ..$999
and load -fault protection. RCA inputs; copper bind- LED indicators; mono/stereo switch. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz;
ing -post outputs. Mono/stereo switch; rack -mount- THD 0.01%; slew rate 60 V/ps: damping factor 500 into AV -505x 400-W Amplifier
able. 17% x 7% x 13 in $3,095 8 ohms at 20 Hz. 19 x 57. x 151/2 in; 42 lb $2,397 5 channels. 80 W x 5 into 8 ohms from 20-20 kHz
Non -rack -mount version. 19 x x 14% in $2,995 Model 4B -ST THX. THX version of above . $2,497
with 0.03% THD. Proprietary system to increase sin-
gle -channel power on demand. S/N 110 dB. 19 x 5%
Model 3B -ST 120-W/ch Amplifier x 18% in; 42 lb $999
B EL CANTO DESIGN 2 channels. 120 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Dual power sup-
Orfeo 60 Monoblock 60-W 'alba Mono Amplifier plies; quad -complementary output section. Gold- TFM-15cb 100-W/ch Amplifier
1 channel. 60 W into 8 ohms. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD plated RCA and XLR inputs. Mono/stereo switch; 2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
0.05%. 85 lb $11,500 LED indicators. THD 0.01%; slew rate 60 V/ps; kHz with 0.02% THD; 140 x 2 or 300 x 1 into 4 ohms.
damping factor 500 into 8 ohms at 20 Hz. 19 x 5% x 9 Protection circuitry. Line -level outputs. UR level con-
Orfeo 30 Monoblock 30-W Tube Mono Amplifier in; 28 lb $1,565 trols; A/B speaker selector; 2 analog level meters.
1 channel. 30 W into 8 ohms. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD Model 3B -ST THX. THX version of above $1,695 S/N 110 dBA; dynamic headroom 1.1 dB. 19 x 3% x
0.1%. 70 lb $7,890 13 in; 17 lb $549
Model 2B -LP 60-W/ch Amplifier
Orfeo 30S 30-W/ch Tube Amplifier 2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Dual power sup- TFM-6cb 65-W/ch Amplifier
2 channels. 30 W x 2 into 8 ohms. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; plies; discrete circuitry. Gold-plated 5 -way binding 2 channels. 65 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz
THD 0.1%. 85 lb $4,490 posts and RCA connectors. Mono/stereo switch; with 0.02% THD; 100 x 2 or 180 x 1 into 4 ohms. Pro -
(obsessed wi h sound)
Parasc aid Produ:ts Inc ..w.v.parasound.coni
950 3arery Street. San F-ran:lo. CA 94111
415-t'7-7100 In Canada cell iO4-988-2966
Before you buy an expensive power amplifier, read the fine print.
minal. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz -0.1 dB; THD 0.005%; S/N 0.5%. 14 x 31 x 311/2 in; 435 lb $35,000/pr chassis. RCA input; binding -post output $895
120 dB. 18% x 81/4 x 19 in; 92 lb $10,000 Model 33H. As above, 150 W into 8 ohms, 300 W
into 4 ohms. 600 W into 2 ohms, or 1,200 W into 1
M-10 250-W/ch Amplifier ohm $19,950/pr McINTOSH
2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 500 x 2 into 4 MC500 500-W/ch Amplifier
ohms, or 800 x 1 into 8 ohms. FR 10 Hz -100 kHz +0, Model 333 300-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 500 W x 2 cont into 2, 4, or 8 ohms from
-1 dB; THD 0.04% from 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 115 dB. 2 channels. 300 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 600 x 2 into 4 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.005% THD. Outputs for 2, 4, or 8
Champagne gold. 3-yr warranty $9,500 ohms, or 1.200 x 2 into 2 ohms. Adaptive biasing; AC ohms. 2 power meters. S/N 90 dBA balanced, 85 dBA
power filtering with DC -offset correction up to V; 1 unbalanced; damping factor 200; dynamic headroom
M-7 150-W/ch Amplifier separate power supplies for each channel; voltage - 2.1 dB. 171/4 x 10% x 20V. in; 110 lb $7,000
2 channels. 150 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 230 x 2 into 4 gain circuitry. Balanced input. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD
ohms. FR 10 Hz -100 kHz +0, -1 dB; THD 0.03% 0.5%. 171/4 x 101/2 x 19 in; 150 lb $8,995 MC1000 1,000-W Mono Amplifier
from 20-20 kHz. S/N 115 dB. Champagne gold. 3-yr Model 332. As above, 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 400 x 2 1 channel. 1.000 W cont into 2, 4, or 8 ohms from 20
warranty $5,000 into 4 ohms, or 800 x 2 into 2 ohms $6,995 Hz -20 kHz with 0.005% THD. Dual -balanced design;
Model 331. As above, 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 200 x Gold-plated multiple -way outputs for 2, 4, or 8 ohms.
MA -383 200-W/ch Amplifier 2 into 4 ohms, or 400 x 2 into 2 ohms. 171/4 x 91/2 x Power meter. S/N 90 dBA balanced. 85 dBA unbal-
2 channels. 200 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 19 in $4,995 anced: damping factor 200; dynamic headroom 2.1
kHz or 700 x 2 into 2 ohms. All -stage symmetrical dB. 171/4 x 101/4 a 20% in; 105 lb $6,500
push-pull circuit; Star circuitry; line -phase sensor; To-
roidal transformer. Gold-plated inputs; outputs for 2 MBL MC300 300-W/ch Amplifier
speaker pairs. A/B speaker selector; remote turn -on/ Model 9010 470-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 300 W x 2 or 600 x 1. McIntosh imped-
oft; independent LJR volume controls; clipping indica- 2 channels. 470 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 800 x 2 into 4 ohms, ance taps of 2. 4, and 8 ohms. XLR and RCA inputs.
tor. FR 10 Hz -100 kHz -1 dB; THD 0.04% from 20 Hz - or 1,300 x 2 into 2 ohms. Direct push-pull operation 2 power meters $4,000
20 kHz; S/N 126 dB. 171/2 x 7 x 171/4 in; 391b ...$1,495 with isolated gain stage; 5 discrete power supplies; 2
M-363. As above, 110 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms from 20 power cords. Balanced/unbalanced input switch. FR 0 MC7106 960-W THX Amplifier
Hz -20 kHz or 330 x 2 into 2 ohms. Not bridgeable. No Hz -200 kHz; S/N 120 dB; slew rate 180 V/ps; damping 6 channels. 160 W x 6 into 4 ohms. THX-certified;
toroidal transformer or volume controls. 171/2 x 7 x factor 300.21 x 10 x 34 in; 209 lb $19,790 protection circuitry. 171/2 x 71/4 x 20 in; 53 lb . .$3,500
2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 200 x 2 into 4 tion. FR 5 Hz -40 kHz ±3 dB. 16% x 3 x 113/4 in ..$2.200 factor 600. Solid metal. 18 x 6 x 17 in; 60 lb ....$995
ohms with 0.09% THD. Dual -mono with separate pow- As above. in a variety of colors; anodized .. . .$1.220
er supplies; dual MOSFET output devices $1,195 NAP -140 45-W/ch Amplifier
2 channels. 45 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms. Dual -power -
D -75.3B 225-W Amplifier supply rectification; 2 smoothing capacitors for each ONIIX
3 channels. 75 W x 3 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz channel; thermal protection. FR 5 Hz -40 kHz ±3 dB. OA 701 70-W/ch Amplifier
with 0.09% THD. Class A single -ended front-end: sin- 16%x 3 x 11%in $1,550 2 channels. Designed for use with the OA 36 remote
gle -ended cascode stage. Class AB MOSFET output preamplifier. 70 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 140 x 2 into 4
stage. RCA inputs: binding posts. S/N 100 dB; slew NAP -90/3 30-W/ch Amplifier ohms. Regulated power supply for each channel. Onix
rate 30 V/ps. 5-yr warranty. 17 x 4 x 12 in $1.095 2 channels. 30 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms. Protection cir- output -protection circuit. 14 x 3 x 18 in $1,895
cuitry. FR 5 Hz -40 kHz ±3 dB $900
D-75 75-W/ch Amplifier OA 901 100-W Mono Amplifier
2 channels. 75 W x 2. LED -biased cascode driver 1 channel. 100 W into 8 ohms or 190 W into 4 ohms.
stage: dual -mono power supply; MOSFET output de- N.E.W. Regulated power supplies for audio input and output
$795 DCA-66 76-W Mono Amplifier stages. 14 x 3 x 18 in $1,895
vices. Bridging switch
1 channel. 76 W into 8 ohms or 190 W into 4 ohms
from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0 03% THD. Battery pow- OA 1200 170-W/ch Amplifier
MYRYAD ered. Induces DCIB isolation base. 140 lb ...$2.998 2 channels. 170 W x 2 into B ohms. 200 x into 8 1
MA -500 250-W/ch Amplifier ohms. Gold-plated binding posts. THD 0.02%; S/N
DCA-33 33-W/ch Amplifier 100 dB. 17 x 41/4 x 13 in; 21 lb $1,495
2 channels. 250 W x 2 or 800 x 1, both into 8 ohms.
80,000-pF reservoir capacity. XLR and RCA inputs. FR 2 channels 33 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms,or 66 x 2 into 4
20-20.000 Hz ±0.2 dB: S'N 120 dB. Black and silver. 19 ohms, with 0.02% THD. 95 lb $1,898 OA 401 50-W/ch Amplifier
x 7 x 15% in: 55Ib $2,750 2 channels. 50 W x 2. Electronic protection circuit. 9 x
HTA-100 150-W/ch Amplifier 3 x 141/2 in $795
MA -120 80-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 150 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms or 250 x 2
2 channels. 80 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 120 x 2 into 4 cont into 4 ohms. Balanced output. Class A operation
ohms, or 160 x 2 into 2 ohms. Gold-plated RCA in- switch: remote relay activation. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; ONKYO
puts. Standby button. SiN 111 dB. Black or silver fin- THD 0.01%. 50 lb $1,998 Integra M-504 165-W/ch Amplifier
ish. 17 x 4 x 12 in; 191b $799 2 channels. 165 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms or 530 x 2
A60 60-W/ch Amplifier max into 2 ohms. Dual -mono designs. Discrete out-
2 channels 60 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms or 120 x 2 cont puts. 4 -way speaker selector: peak power meters.
into 4 ohms. Upgradable to battery power. FR 20 Hz - THD 0.003%; S,N 120 dB: damping factor 140. 18% x
EDP -extended dynamic power circuitry designed to 20 kHz; THD 0.009%. 44 lb $1,598 73/. x 16% in. 50 lb $869
extend dynamic headroom and Soft Clipping circuitry
to prevent speaker -damaging distortion. A20.1 22-W/ch Amplifier M-501 150-W/ch Amplifier
2 channels. 22 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms or 44 x 2 cont 2 channels. 150 W x 2 rms into B ohms or 400 x 2 into
Model 208THX 250-W/ch THX Amplifier into 4 ohms. Upgradable to battery power. FR 20 Hz - 2 ohms. Protection circuitry. Outputs for two speaker
2 channels. 250 W x 2 cant into 8 ohms or 500 x 1 in- 20 kHz: THD 0.007%. 25 lb $995
to 8 ohms. THX-certified: MOSFET design. Symmetri-
cal balanced inputs. 19 -in rack -mount $1.699
Model 218THX 225-W/ch THX Amplifier SI-1200 300-W Amplifier See page 10 for system -
2 channels. 225 W x 2 cont or 780 W x 1 into 8 ohms 12 channels. Designed for multiroom systems. 25 W x
from 20 Hz -20 kHz at 0.03%. All -discrete circuitry. 12 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.01% THD; building tips.
XLR and RCA inputs; 5 -way binding posts. SiN 120 channel pa rs bridge to 50 x 1 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -
dB. 19 x 6% x 141/2 in; 51 lb $999 20 kHz with 0.1% THD. Thermal and short-circuit pro-
cymphony ong
The most powerful 6 -channel amplifier in the world!
RI ! 4P II: Critically acclaimed. The ultimate home theater
amplifier. Total power - over 3,000 watts.
Remarkable visceral performance for $3,495.
Two channel version of the awesome 3k6. 350 wpc/8ohms, or
1,200 watts bridged. Drive any speaker with an ease and clarity
that is unmatched anywhere near the price of $1,495.
. CINEPRO 700x2
14.11:11R14.10 New, improved version of the classic 600x2. 220 wpc, balanced
and unbalanced inputs, and now featuring front panel level controls.
A remarkable value at just $995.
One of the most popular two channel powerhouses
in America! 200wpc/8ohms. Dollar for dollar...
untouchable power, musicality and sheer enjoyment.
Drive any loudspeaker, even down to 2 ohms. $849
plated bridging switches; 4 rack -space front panel; ZAMP 30-W/ch Amplifier ended Class A operation; 2 gain stages; MOSFET cir-
rack mountable; excess DC, overcurrent, and *her- 2 channels. 30 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Low -impedance cuitry. RCA inputs. 12 x 12 x 61/2 in; 40 lb $2,300
mal protection $995 capability; DC servo coupled circuitry. Front -panel
headphone jack. Rear -panel level controls ....$249
HCA-120011205-Wich THX Amplifier PERREAUX
2 channels. 205 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 315 x 2 into 4 Classic models have polished aluminum, silver or
ohms, or 630 x 1 into 8 ohms. THX-certified; matched PASS LABORATORIES black chrome, or 24k gold-plated front panels. Profes-
JFET inputs; MOSFET drivers; 20 Beta-matchec 15 - Aleph 1.2 200-W Mono Amplifier sional models have black aluminum front panels.
ampere bipolar outputs; direct coupling. Gold-plated 1 channel. 200 W into 8 ohms at 1% THD. Single -
5 -way binding posts; RCA inputs. Gain controls. THD ended Class A operation: 2 gain stages; MOSFET cir- Model 6160 Classic 960-W Amplifier
$975 cuitry; 500-W idle current. Balanced or RCA inputs. 6 channels. 160 W x 6 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz
16 x 161/2 x 101/2 in; 120 lb $7,000 with 0.02% THD. Clipping indicators. Damping factor
HCA-1000A 135-W/ch THX Amplifier 500: dynamic headroom 2.3 dB. 81 lb $5,395
2 channels. 135 W x 2 into 8 ohms with 0.03% -HD, Aleph 0 75-W Mono Amplifier Model 6160 Professional. $4,995
200 x 2 into 4 ohms, or 300 x 1 into 8 ohms. THX-cer- 1 channel. 75 W into 8 ohms a: 1% THD. Single -end-
titled; complementary JFET input trans stors; MOSFET ed Class A operation; 3 -gain stages; MOSFET circuit- Model 750 Classic 750-W Mono Amplifier
drivers: 12 Beta -matched 15 -ampere 60 -MHz bipolar ry; 2 50-W idle current. Balanced or RCA inputs. 12 x 1 channel. 750 W into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz with
outputs; DC servo circuitry; direct coupling; dual in- 12 x 10'/: in; 60Ib $4,000 0.05% THD. XLR and RCA inputs; biwirable. Damping
dependent power supplies. Gold-plated 5 -way bind- factor 700; dynamic headroom 2 dB. 77 lb ....$5,395
ing posts; RCA inputs. Current -overload indicators; Aleph Os 40-W/ch Amplifier Model 750 Professional $4,995
gain controls: auto turn -on with 12-VDC trigger sig- 2 channels. 40 W x 2 into 8 ohms at 1% THD. Single -
nal. Available with 171/2 -in front -panel $575 ended Class A operation; 3 gain stages; MOSFET cir- Model 350 Classic 350-W/ch Amplifier
cuitry; 250-W idle current. Baanced or RCA inputs. 2 channels. 350 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
HCA-750A 75-W/ch Amplifier 12 x 12 x 10'/z in; 601b $4.000 kHz with 0.02% THD. XLR and RCA inputs; dual
2 channels. 75 W x 2 into 8 ohms. TOO x 2 into 4 binding posts. Damping factor 700; dynamic head-
ohms, or 200 x 1 into 8 ohms, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz Aleph 5 60-W/ch Amplifier room 2 dB. 77 lb $4 995
with 0.03% THD. Direct coupled; Class AB design: 2 channels. 60 W x 2 into 8 ohms with 1% THD. Sin- Model 350 Professional $4.595
matched JFET input stage: 4 Beta -matched 15 -am- gle -ended Class A operation. 2 gain stages: MOSFET
pere 60 -MHz bipolar output transistors per channel. circuitry; 300-W idle current. Ba anted or RCA in- Model 250 Classic 250-W/ch Amplifier
2 gold-plated RCA inputs: 2 speaker outputs; 2 out- puts. 12 x 12 x 101/2 in; 60 lb $3,600 2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
put loops; gold-plated 5 -way binding pests. Auto turn - kHz with 0.02% THD. Damping factor 700; dynamic
on trigger; gold-plated bridging switches; 4 rack - Aleph 2 100-W Mono Amplifier headroom 2 dB. 66 lb $4.395
space front panel: rack mountable: excess DC, aver - 1 channel. 100 W into 8 ohms at 1% THD. Single - Model 250 Professional $3.995
current, and thermal protection $429 ended Class A operation; 2 gain stages; MOSFET cir-
cuitry. Balanced or RCA inputs. 12 x 12 x 10' in; Model 200 Classic 200-W/ch Amplifier
P/HA-150 Headphone Amplifier 60 lb $3,300 2 channels. 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
2 channels. Class A design. Two inputs; two phone - kHz with 0.02% THD. Damping factor 500; dynamic
jack headphone outputs. Special -design volume con- Aleph 3 30-W/ch Amplifier headroom 2 dB. 33 lb $3.295
trol; mute switch. 9% x 1% x 7 in $290 2 channels. 30 W x 2 into 8 onms at 1% THD. Single - Model 200 Professional. 33 lb $2.995
ine nstruments.
CINEPRO DTC-1 Reference D gital Theater Controller. New for
19981 Built-in Dolby Digital and DTS. Full digital switching for
6 sources. Ergonomic "analog" type front panel con:-ols.
World -class pe-formance. Incl. remote. $3,495
POWER STATION II - Advanced power cond boner and surge proteck:ir. Separate Digital Isolatec Outlets.
Precsion pull-out systeri illumination lamps $349
POWERSEQUENCER II - Powers up large. complex systems wit)
the -ouch of a switch, or with your existing remote contrd. Three
zones. variable time delay. Digital Isolated Outlets. $44.g.
POWERSUPPLY II - Active voltage regulator. Prevents brown-
outs. A must have for any home theater or high -end audo system.
Advanced line condition ng aid Digital Isolated Outlets. $749