Vintage Stereo Guide

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Stereo Review Presents


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All Systems Go!
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Stereo Review' Presents Stereo' Buyer's Guide 1998 (ISSN
1060-81331 is published by Hachette Filipacchi Magazines,
Inc.. at 1633 Broadway. New York. NY 10019: telephone
212-767-6000. Copyright C 1997 by Hachette Filipacchi Mag-
azines. Inc. All rights reserved. PERMISSIONS: Material in ON THE COVER: Clockwise from top right, Sennheiser Lucas headphone surround
this publication may not be reproduced in any form without
permission. Requests for permission should be directed to: processor, Sony D-368 portable CD player, Pioneer Elite CT -07D cassette deck, NAD
The Editor, Stereo Buyer's Guide. Hachette Filipacchi Model 118 digital preamplifier, Yamaha DVD-I000 DVD player, Onkyo TX-DS939
Magazines. Inc . 101 Broadway. New York. NY 10019.
Dolby Digital/THX receiver, Marantz CC -870 101 -disc CD changer, Paradigm CC -
350 center speaker, Cerwin-Vega HT -S15 subwoofer, Definitive Technology BPIOB
Stereo Review and Stereo arc registered trademarks of
Hachette Filipacchi Magazines. Inc. bipolar tower speaker, Paradigm Mini Monitor speaker. Photo by Ralph Masullo.
Introducing the all new Onkyo f.
Evary yaar at this time, may -:,omoanies unoell so -ca I3d
"iew" home theater componeits. In most cases, they're
jLst cheaper and over qual LI versions of existing loduc- SMAPT 'SCAN CONTROLLER

At Onkyo. however, we're introducing 5 new receivers teat


incorporate significant alvances over our previoJS moce. TUNING

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wading through a sea of presents. By
Or our 3-D 3ass feature that booKs the low frequencies ai.oss simply rotating the Smart Scan controller.
the three front channels where 803/c of special ef-ects sounds you can instarly select surround modes,
emana-e frcm parameters. orput levels for all channels,
delay times center channel mode,
But the most important reature in our new Ookyu receives subwoofer onirf and test signals.
is the :ame feature that made otr reputation.
Smart Scan is Me ultimate combination of
Qualits. functionality and simplicity. And it's available
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Cinema Re-EQ on all of our new receivers. handling the 5.1 :hanrel d3mands of CcIbi Digital And, of
Cinema Re-Eq automatically insures sound- course, Onkyo's lualitv hallmark-sep.:raty and discrete output
tracks are properly equalized for home stages for each channel.
playback. Video magazine called it a feature
that should be "left All of these new -eceivers consistently deliver t-igh power
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Onkyc 1.5.4 Cor-oration 200 Williams Drive, Ramsey, NI 07446

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A Systems Go!
Choosing the righ components for stereo & home theater
Thinking of buying a stereo system? ,;ence." It refers :o the blurring of lines but also to complement and enhance
Think again. Think 5.1 -channel. Think 3exween traditional product categories, each other. Some of the latest tech-
digital. Think of the future. After all, and it is used most often to describe nologies, such as Dolby Digital, DVD,
any system you buy today will give the overlapping of television and com- and satellite TV, can intensify your lis-
you only a couple of good listening puter technologies. tening and viewing pleasure.
years - in this century, that is. Make Audio and video have already con- While you're in the market for a ste-
some forward -reaching decisions now, verged - and the result is called home reo system, why limit the possibilities
and the investment you make today theater. More than just a buzzword, by looking at just tuners, power ampli-
should last you well into the future. borne theater is here to stay. Today's fiers, speakers, and CD players? To get
The latest buzzword in the con- audio and video components are de- the whole picture, you should also con-
sumer -electronics industry is "conver- signed not only to coexist peacefully, sider a surround -sound system, a big -

By Teri Scaduto
screen TV. and perhaps even a DVD ing to music? (It isn't written in blood casts. tie preamp handles source
player. Once you've been exposed to that every audio system must accom- sw tchir g and provides controls for
good home theater - and have practi- modate video.) How mud- are you volume and the like, and the power
cally felt the winds in Twister whip- willing and able to spend? Will you amp boosts the audio signals so that
ping through your living room - buy everything at once, or gradually they're strong enough :0 drive speak-
you'll never look at TV in the same upgrade as your budget allows? Where ers. While you can sill buy a basic
way again. will the system be set up: two -charnel stereo receiver, the selec-
Does the entire prospect sound more Once you've analyzed your particu- tion is rather limited these dLys be-
than a little intimidating? It needn't be. lar situation, this article, and the prod- cause most of tie major brans have
With a bit of planning and research, uct listings that follow, will help you eitier anandoned the category or cut it
you'll be able to create a system to suit understand all of the available options ba:k to one or two models to make
your taste, home, and budget. so that you can pinpoint the compo- room fcr A/V receivers.
Before you walk into a store, you nents that best fit your A/V taudio/vid- The -mains behind most home -the-
should have a general idea of what you eo) requirements. ater systems, the A/V receiver adds to
expect from your system and how the tuner/amp/preamp package switch-
much you can afford to spend. Ask RECEIVER VS. SEPARATES ing, capibility fcr a VCR and otter vid-
yourself a few questions to make your Most stereo systems today are built ec components, surround -sound proc-
search more efficient: Are you building around a receiver -a single, integrat- essing (usually Dolby Pro Logic or
3 the system from scratch, or adding to ed component that houses an AM/FM Dolby Digital plus ambience -enhance-
; existing components? Is the system in- tuner, a preamplifier, and a power am- ment modes for music), additicnal am-
tended primarily, or solely, for listen- plifier. The tuner receives radio broad- plifiers to power center-channe and

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T- 1-
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V gpmeummommur-ip
surround speakers, and extra connec-
tors to accommodate the video com-
ponents and supplemental speakers.
Besides greatly simplifying hookup,
a receiver lets you control nearly all
system functions via a single remote
control. Add a CD player and a decent
pair of speakers to a stereo receiver,
and you have a basic music system.
Add a decent -size TV and four or five
speakers to an AN receiver, and you
have a simple home theater. No muss,
and very little fuss. And, because re-
The Carver Research Lightstar 2.0 two -channel power amplifier ($2.795) is rated to deliver ceivers are so popular, they're pro-
300 watts per channel into 8 ohms and as much as 1,200 watts into 2 ohms. duced by the truck load, which helps
keep prices down. One-third of the
A/V receivers listed in this year's
guide are priced at $500 or less - and
those are manufacturers' suggested re-
tail prices, which are usually higher
The THX-certified Onkyo than actual selling prices.
Integra TX-DS939 But a receiver is not your only op-
five -channel A/V receiver tion. You could purchase the tuner,
($2,800) offers Dolby Digital amplifier, and preamplifier as individ-
surround decoding. ual components. Many serious listen-
Dolby Pro Logic processing, ers who are not intimidated by the
and eleven adjustable thought of tangling with a few wires
surround modes. prefer to purchase "separates," often
from different manufacturers, so that
they can select components based on
their strong points. For example, if
radio is a priority, you should serious-
ly consider a stand-alone tuner be-
cause the AM/FM sections in most of
today's receivers are mediocre at best.
UL: II On the other hand, if you don't really
need a radio in your A/V system, you

hl 11E
1nr 0 NM wooed.
might consider skipping the tuner alto-
gether and going with an A/V preamp
and power amp or an integrated amp.
The downside of separates is two-
fold: a system made up of individual
components costs more and is more
difficult to set up. The upside is flexi-
The Pioneer Elite CT -07D dual-autoreverse double cassette deck ($550) bility. It's generally easier to add new
converts analog input signals to digital signals for noise -reduction processing and components, and you can mix and
automatic level control, then back to analog for recording or playback. match power amps to meet your spe-
cific needs. With receivers, your op-
tions are more or less limited to mod-
els that deliver somewhere between 40
and 120 watts per channel.

Whichever route you choose, you'll
have to decide how much power you
need. Power requirements are influ-
enced by a number of factors, includ-
ing your listening habits, the type of
music you listen to, and the size and
acoustics of your room. Bass -heavy
tunes played at high volumes will re-
quire more power than soft back-
Denon's AVR-3200 five -channel A/V receiver ($1,200). with Dolby Digital decoding. ground music. And it will take more
enhanced Pro Logic processing, and six other surround modes, also has a six -channel input power to fill a large room with clean,
for use with an external decoder for other multichannel digital formats like DTS. undistorted sound than a small one. If
Systems by
Bell'Oggetti - the name means
"beautiful objects" - offers the
finest in furnishings for the home
audio/video system. Unique, con-
temporary, innovative. Bell'Oggetti
furniture is the crowning touch for
any premium -quality component,
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any decor. Showing a distinc flair
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tainment furnishings, centering
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televisions and extending th-ough
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Bell'Oggetti also features a cable

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the room has draperies, upholstered stance, program a macro that powers the roar of an airplane flying overhead.
furnishings, and carpeting - all of up the TV and VCR, puts the VCR in A separate powered subwoofer is of-
which absorb sound - you may need play mode, and even dims the lights! ten added to reproduce deep bass. As
even more power. Is the remote capable of controlling you probably already know from go-
While there's no magic formula for the other components in your system? ing to the movies,. the sound effects
determining what constitutes adequate That's a nice convenience. and sense of envelopment produced by
power, keep in mind that you have to Don't forget to check out the pre- a Dolby Surround soundtrack can be
double power output to achieve a amp or receiver's back panel as well. quite spectacular. So why would any-
meaningful increase in loudness. The one bother with another system?
other thing to remember is that the Better sound, of course. Video afici-
more sensitive, or efficient, your speak- onados seeking the very best home-
ers, the less power they will require to theater sound possible often shell out
achieve a given volume level. Receiv- extra bucks for audio and video com-
ers rated to deliver 50 watts or more ponents that bear the Lucasfilm Home
per channel should produce moderate THX logo. Among these components
listening levels in a good -size - but are speakers, power amplifiers, A/V
not huge - living room. If your musi- controller/preamps, and A/V receivers
cal tastes run to big bass and you like that meet rigid performance criteria
it loud, you'll want a minimum of 100 designed to insure that movie sound-
watts per channel. In a bedroom or tracks, which are mixed for large the-
other small space, 35 or 40 watts per aters, are reproduced as accurately as
channel could be adequate. possible in the smaller home -theater
If you're assembling a home theater, environment. The benefits of a proper-
make sure the front -channel power is ly set up Home THX surround system
equally distributed so that the left and For home -theater use, Cerwin-Vega offers include enhanced dialogue intelligibil-
right speakers don't overpower the the HT -S15 powered subwoofer ($799), ity, more accurate sound localization,
center speaker (or vice versa). And a down -firing bass -reflex design with a 15 - a more natural tonal balance, and a
whereas with a Dolby Pro Logic sys- inch driver and a 200 -watt amplifier. more lifelike ambient sound field.
tem you can get by with substantially The latest development in home the-
less power in the rear surround -chan- ater is Dolby Digital (the surround for-
nel speakers (which share a mono sig- Make sure it can accommodate all the mat formerly known as AC -3), which
nal), Dolby Digital's five full -range components you currently own plus brings CD -quality multichannel digital
channels call for equal power. the ones you are buying now or plan to audio home. Dolby Digital (DD) sound-
buy in the future. A CD player might tracks create surround sound using
TAKING CONTROL be sufficient for a basic audio system, five discrete digital channels - com-
As noted earlier, the receiver (or but with home theater you'll want to pared with Pro Logic's four analog
preamp in the case of a separates - add a hi-fi VCR and perhaps a laser - channels - plus a low -frequency ef-
based system) will serve as command disc player. Do you still listen to LPs fects (LFE) channel for those rumbles
central for your stereo or audio/video or cassettes? That's two more. Dream- and roars that make action films so ex-
system. But unless you can figure out ing about a DVD player? And don't citing. Because the LFE channel han-
how to work its many features, they forget about the cable- or satellite -TV dles only frequencies below 200 Hz,
won't be of much use to you. That's feed or that Nintendo 64 game console! it's considered the ".1" channel in the
why you should try to put a receiver 5.1 -channel Dolby Digital system.
prospect through its paces before you BRINGING THE THEATER HOME As of late 1997, DD soundtracks
reach for your wallet. Are its controls To recreate the cinema experience at were available on more than 200 laser -
logically arranged and easy to use? home, you need at least four speakers, disc titles and about the same number
Can you read their labels? Many AN a video source component like a hi-fi of DVD movies. (Laserdisc players
receivers and preamps use on -screen VCR or a DVD player, and - most must be equipped with a special RF
menus to simplify setup and everyday important - a surround -sound de- output to play the Dolby Digital sound-
adjustments. Run through the menus. coder. Dolby Pro Logic (DPL), which track, and your A/V receiver or DD
Do they simplify operation - or com- is built into virtually every AN receiv- decoder must be equipped with the
plicate it? How about the display win- er on the market these days, is the complementary RF input.) In terms
dow on the front panel? Does it clearly most common type of surround proc- of hardware, more than 100 DD -
indicate the selected source, function, essing. A DPL processor extracts four- equipped components are listed in this
and operating mode? A hard -to -read channel sound from any videotape, year's guide. Among them are a $300
display breeds frustration. TV show, laserdisc, etc. that contains a stand-alone decoder, a $700 DD re-
While you have the remote in your Dolby Surround soundtrack (a.k.a. ceiver, and a couple of dozen $2,000 -
hand, be sure to give it a thorough Dolby Stereo in movie theaters). The plus high -end AN preamps, a number
workout. Can you locate the volume four channels are typically reproduced of which also provide surround decod-
control by touch? You'll need to when by five speakers (although you can use ing in the DTS format. In the popular
watching movies in a darkened room. four), with the front left, center, and receiver category, there are close to
Some remotes also allow you to pro- right speakers providing most of the thirty DD -equipped models, most of
gram "macros," or sequences of com- sound, including dialogue, and a pair which fall between $1,000 and $1,600.
mands that can be activated by press- of rear surround speakers delivering If you're not quite ready to take the
ing one button. You could, for in- ambience and special effects - like DD plunge but want to keep your sur-

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round options open, there are also a room - even hidden behind a sofa -
number of "Dolby Digital -ready" re- without affecting the overall sound
ceivers to choose from in the $300 to quality.
$1,100 price range. In addition to Dol- For home theater, many manufactur-
by Pro Logic decoding, DD -ready re- ers extend the subwoofer/satellite con-
ceivers have a special six -channel in- cept by offering speaker packages -
put to accept the output of an outboard sometimes at a discount - that in-
DD processor. clude four satellites (left and right front
The DTS (Digital Theater Sound) and two surround speakers), a hori-
format mentioned above is a rival 5.1 - zontally oriented center speaker (for
channel digital surround -sound system placement atop a TV), and a powered
that is similar in concept to Dolby subwoofer or bass module.
Digital. Yet because DTS uses a differ- Shopping for home -theater speakers
ent multichannel -coding scheme and adds another dimension to the selec-
data rate, the format is not compatible tion process and, ultimately, your lis-
with Dolby Digital. So far several tening pleasure. All of the speakers in
dozen DTS-encoded CDs and laser - a Dolby Digital surround -sound sys-
disc movies (including Jurassic Park) tem should have the same sonic "col-
have been released, but it's still too or" or tonal balance so that action
early to tell whether the format will sounds (or panned instruments) sound
succeed. One potential impediment to real as they move across the front
DTS's success is that it is not included The Sennheiser Lucas surround processor speakers - or around the room. For
in the official DVD standard, which (S330) gives headphone users three Dolby Pro Logic, it's not as vital that
requires all DVDs released in the U.S. switchable surround and ambience modes, the surround speakers be timbre -
to carry a Dolby Digital soundtrack. including Dolby Pro Logic. matched with the front trio, but that
Nonetheless, a number of mostly high - would be ideal. This is one case where
end companies are offering compo- it makes sense to buy a matched
nents with onboard DTS decoding. A "ported" (a.k.a. "vented," "bass - speaker set from one manufacturer.
Except for one outboard processor that reflex," or "ducted") speaker has a If you've already selected (or own)
lists for $700 and a couple of multifor- hole that allows the woofer's back a good pair of speakers for music lis-
mat A/V receivers priced in the $1,200 sound wave to emerge from the cabi- tening, there's no reason why they
to $2,000 range, DTS decoding is cur- net, which can extend low -frequency can't be called into action as the front
rently available only in expensive A/V output if the port is tuned properly. left/right pair in a surround -sound set-
preamps. Ported speakers typically require less up. When selecting a center speaker,
power than "acoustic -suspension" check first with the manufacturer of
SURVEYING SPEAKERS speakers, whose tightly sealed enclo- your main speakers to see if it offers a
If the receiver provides the brains sures make them less efficient. But a model from the same family. Also
and brawn of a stereo or A/V system, well -designed acoustic -suspension sys- keep in mind that the center speaker
then the speakers supply its heart and tem can produce excellent bass. must be able to live up to its given
soul. The best advice is to proceed Traditionally, ported or acoustic -sus- task of reproducing dialogue and any
slowly and listen carefully. The speak- pension tower speakers - tall floor - sounds that move across the screen,
ers you choose will play a huge role in standing units - were considered the but it generally isn't called on to han-
determining your system's "sonic sig- only option for a superior audio sys- dle much bass. And since the center
nature," so make sure you pick a pair tem. But advanced technology and speaker will be placed on or near the
- or ensemble in the case of home modern materials have allowed de- TV, it must be magnetically shielded
theater - that sounds good to you. signers to put big sound into small so that the field created by its drivers
While there are plenty of excep- packages. Many of today's acoustic - doesn't disturb the TV picture.
tions, most speakers have a rectangu- suspension bookshelf speakers pack a While you can use any one of a
lar enclosure and use one or more punch that belies their diminutive size number of different kinds of speakers
medium to large cone "woofers" to re- - and there are plenty of good -sound- for the surround channels, it's worth
produce bass and middle frequencies ing models available for less than looking into a pair of application -spe-
and one or more small dome "tweet- $500 a pair. Bass response is, howev- cific wall -mountable surround speak-
ers" to reproduce the highs. A crossov- er, often limited by size. Generally ers. Such speakers are available from a
er network inside the speaker cabinet speaking, a large driver is required to number of manufacturers. Many are of
divides the audio signal and sends accurately produce deep bass. the dipole variety that use both for-
each driver only those frequencies it is The satellite/subwoofer system was ward- and rearward -facing drivers to
capable of handling. "Two-way" speak- devised to overcome that problem. create the nondirectional, ambient
ers containing a woofer and a tweeter Such systems comprise two small sound field that THX adherents and
are most common, followed by "three- "satellite" speakers and a larger, stand- other home -theater enthusiasts prefer.
way" models that use a midrange driv- alone subwoofer module that repro- If action films are your thing, you'll
er to reproduce middle frequencies, duces only bass frequencies. Because also want to add a subwoofer that will
which cover the important vocal re- the human auditory system is very bring those action -adventure sound-
gion. Both of these types, as well as poor at localizing the source of bass tracks to life. A powered model is
many more esoteric designs, can deliv- frequencies, a subwoofer can usually your best bet since it has its own built-
er excellent performance. be placed just about anywhere in the in amplifier and crossover network.
Imroducing one of the more enjoyable rewards for
a ob well done.
JVC's new FS Music Systems repreccnt a qJan-_um
leap in the desic-i of compact corrponents that
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U-iderneath its classic eKte.rior lies tomorrow's
benchmark engineering. Ar amplifi- with electroiytic
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- Walt Whitman

Choosing the right home theater audio components can be very simple.
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For more information:
B&K Components, Ltd. 2100 Old Union Road Buffalo, NY 14227
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ftDesigned and Manufactured in the U.S.A.

The three specifications you'll want
to pay attention to when shopping for
speakers are sensitivity, power han-
dling, and impedance. Sensitivity is a
measure of how much acoustic energy
a speaker can produce with a specific
input but has no bearing on sound
quality. A typical sensitivity rating of
"88 dB/W/m" means simply that the
speaker produces an 88 -decibel (dB)
sound -pressure level (SPL) when fed a
1 -watt input, with the measurements
taken 1 meter away from the speaker. The MovieWorks 5.1 home -theater speaker system from Cambridge SoundWorks
All you need to remember is that the ($1,799) comprises left/right front speakers and a timbre -matched center -channel
higher the sensitivity spec, the more speaker, left/right surrounds, and a 150 -watt powered subwoofer.
efficient the speaker, hence the louder
it will play for a given input. So if
your plans call for a modestly pow-
ered amplifier or receiver, you should
probably steer clear of speakers that
have really low sensitivity ratings.
Power handling refers to the amount
of power, in watts, that a speaker can
safely use. Its peak (or maximum) rat-
ing is the maximum amount of power
that it can handle for a few seconds
without damage, while the average (or
continuous) rating describes the amount The NAD Model 118 digital preamplifier ($1,599) has separate outputs for connection
it can handle continuously over an ex- to an external D/A converter and for digital dubbing. II also has several DSP
tended period of time. A high -power functions. including compression/expansion and stere3 simulation from mono sources.
amp can blow out a speaker with a low
power rating. Conversely, playing a
low -power amplifier too loudly can
create a harsh -sounding form of dis-
tortion known as "clipping" that can
also damage a speaker. Ideally, your
speakers' power handling should be in
the same ballpark as your amplifier's
rated power output to avoid the possi-
bility of placing undue strain on either
part of the system.
When an amplifier (or the amp por-
tion of a receiver) is put to work, it Yamaha's CVD-1000 DVD player ($999), rated for 500 -plus lines of resolution,
heats up. How hot it gets depends on provides digital special effects and twenty -track CD programming. It contains a built-ir
how much power it is delivering as Dolby Digital decoder and is controlled by a universal remote.
well as the impedance rating of the
speakers it is driving. The lower the
speaker's impedance, the higher the
current draw, which means that a 4 -
ohm speaker will "heat up" an amplifi-
er more than a speaker with a higher
(but typical) 6- or 8 -ohm impedance. If
you're considering speakers with an
impedance rating of less than 6 ohms,
make sure the amplifier or receiver you
plan to use is up to the task of driving
low -impedance loads. Many receivers
carry a warning that they should not be
used with 4 -ohm speakers.

The only tried-and-true way to au- The Maraitz CC -870 CD changer ($600) handles up to 101 discs, each of which
dition speakers is to listen to them. can be shred under one of ten different musical classifications. A separate loading slot
Besides examining how a pair of in the front allows convenient single -disc play.


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Ensemble may be "the best value in the world." Audio All in all, this is a lot of
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the speakers I'm comparing it to cost $1,900 to $2,800." which is precisely the point
High Performance Review of CSW's factory -direct
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Acclaimed Speakers
Take Our Word For It.
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SoundWorks' Powered absolutely great...the ambience of Pro Logic really snaps in...their
Subwoofer blew the dispersion pattern lets them blend easily with a wider variety of front
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dynamics...deep time." Home Theater
powerful bass...31.5 Hz The Surround ll was recently rated number one by a leading
output was obtainable at
consumer publication.
a room -shaking
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home theater package is the most compact, rt),,,tred 1.k.nurio 4 anthndsv,oundliwi,
ENSEMBLE 11/ HT 1' 199-(amnnkn,nIntIliwk In, CamlInd:e Enx.nthic ,111,1111li
lin,. and \ 11. ,, i krk, Jrc vxlmarlo mOntlgt- S,mlf%Tio. in, Kill a TrAk.mark 4 Kill I. AR And 4hrnl are Ir,kmurlo
System ever designed by Henry Kloss. Ivn,n In. Linlbnt grx affilutot with KIN. Yhrni .n 1R In (I. ntIncrt.t1
.III( )ft.l.l1)1c

Factory-Dircct P $399.99 A
speakers sounds, also look at how you cassette. "Double" cassette decks, or
plan to use them. Will you be spend- dubbing decks, have two tape wells,
ing time in your favorite easy chair and most of them allow you to copy
listening critically to Mozart? Or are one tape to another or play the two in
you more likely to listen to music sequence. But on many double decks,
while engaging in chores and other only one cassette well can be used to
activities? Obviously, serious listen- record; the other is for playback only.
ing demands a higher level of perfor- If you like to tape long radio programs,
mance than casual listening. The best look for a dual -record deck that allows
advice here is to audition the speakers sequential or relay recording (when
using a couple of CDs with which you the first tape is full, the second auto-
are very familiar. Be sure to move matically begins recording).
around the room so you can get a feel With a single -well cassette deck,
for a speaker's imaging characteris- what you lose in convenience can be
tics. Unless you're a sedentary listen- gained in sound quality. They're less
er, you'll want to make sure that the prone to flutter and generally have a
speaker system's "sweet spot" isn't more accurate frequency response than
too narrow. Even then there's no guar- dual -well decks. And the tape drives
antee that the speakers will sound as used in single -well decks are usually
good at home as they do in the deal- better than the ones used in compara-
er's showroom, which is why it pays bly priced dual -well decks. Many sin-
to shop at a store that has a generous gle -well decks also feature a three-
return/exchange policy. head design so you can listen to the
Definitive Technology's 42-indi-tall BP106 music off the tape while you record.
FROM THE SOURCE bipolar speaker ($499 a pair) has two Most cassette decks offer Dolby B
Now that the vinyl LP is dead, 61/2 -inch woofers and two 1 -inch aluminum - or Dolby C noise -reduction circuitry.
there's no reason to waste time think- dome tweeters radiating fror t and back. But the best option for serious record-
ing about a turntable, right? Wrong! ing is Dolby S. Found on a dozen or
As long as there are people who cher- so decks from a handful of companies,
ish their LP collections - and there changer is compatible with the chang- at prices ranging from $200 to more
are quite a few - the turntable will er in your car, you can swap maga- than $1,000, Dolby S is intended for
continue to live on. What's more, the zines between the two. CD -to -tape dubbing. It can produce
LP is not dead. Remarkably, the rec- CD megachangers hold anywhere virtually noiseless copies with wide
ord industry is still selling upwards of from a couple of dozen to 100 or even dynamic range.
three million vinyl discs a year. So if 200 discs. Besides being able to deliv- For those who prefer the superior
you're in the market for a turntable, er hours of nonstop music, mega - sound quality of digital recording,
there are plenty of belt- and direct - changers provide quick, hands-off ac- MiniDisc (MD) is the most user-
drive turntables to choose from at pric- cess to an entire music collection (or a friendly and convenient digital -record-
es ranging from a couple of hundred specific part of one) as well as a vari- ing format. Thanks to a sophisticated
bucks to several thousand dollars. ety of disc-search/cataloging and pro- compression technology, you can re-
No modern audio system is com- gramming options, which vary from cord up to 74 minutes of music on a
plete without a CD player. Whether changer to changer. If you plan on single MD - a 21/2 -inch disc housed
you're buying your first player or up- purchasing a megachanger. pay close in a computer -diskette -like shell. The
grading to a new multidisc changer, attention to its labeling and disc -ac- resulting copies are almost perfect and
this is a fun component to shop for. cess facilities; if those features aren't editing is a simple matter of pressing
And you really can't go wrong be- easy to use, your disc searches will be buttons. You can also create artist/
cause virtually all CD players deliver frustrating. track labels, which are automatically
excellent sound quality and plenty of Common CD player/changer fea- displayed in the player/recorder's LCD
convenience. tures include shuffle (random) play, readout whenever the disc is inserted.
There are four basic types of CD track -sequence programming, and re- Finally, MDs are erasable - they can
players from which to choose: the sin- mote control. Many players also offer be rerecorded innumerable times with
gle -disc player, the carousel changer, a synchronizing jack for connecting no loss of sound quality.
the magazine changer, and the juke- the unit to a same -brand tape deck for Although the MiniDisc format has
box -style "megachanger." Carousel simplified recording. Some changers not met with widespread popularity, it
changers, which hold from three to also offer a single -play drawer that has attracted a small and loyal follow-
six discs on a platter inside the unit, lets you pop in a CD without having ing. MD recorders ranging in price
let you change as many as four CDs to remove a magazine or, in the case from $300 to $1,200 are available
while one is playing. A few are top - of a megachanger, pull a disc from its from a handful of manufacturers.
loading, but most have a slide -out storage mechanism. Finally, look for a Beyond MD, the only other viable
drawer, allowing the changer to be digital output jack if you plan on do- digital audio recording options are
stacked with other components. A ing any digital recording. DAT (digital audio tape) and CD -R.
magazine -style changer has a remov- The tape -based DAT format is used
able cartridge that holds either six or RECORDING OPTIONS primarily by recording studios and au-
ten discs. Each magazine can double Far and away the most popular re- diophiles, although a handful of con-
as a storage case, and if your home cording format is still the trusty analog sumer DAT recorders are still avail -
Great Sound.
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PC Works' is our newest and most affordable compact, amplified multimedia speaker system designed by Audio Hall of Fame
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(DBS) systems deliver digital audio
and video of noticeably higher quality
than you can get via cable or antenna.
There's also more flexibility in pro-
gram selection, as well as more pay -
per -view movies and events and sever-
al digital audio channels.
It might not offer the crisp, clear
pictures and sound of DVD, laserdisc,
or digital satellite TV, but the trusty
old VCR is a staple in virtually every
home -theater system - and is likely
to remain so for years to come. Be-
sides offering the ability to record vid-
eo programs - something neither la-
serdisc nor DVD can do - the VCR is
familiar and inexpensive. And, most
important, thousands of prerecorded
videotapes are available for sale and
rent virtually everywhere.
If you're shopping for a new VCR,
make sure it has a hi-fi label on it. Hi-
fi VCRs are capable of delivering and
recording stereo audio - a necessity
if you plan on setting up a Dolby Pro
Logic -based surround -sound system.
Paradigm offers numerous home -theater speaker options. The grouping shown here
includes two Mini Monitor front satellites (on stands), a CC -350 center -channel speaker. THE BIG PICTURE
two ADP -350 surrounds, and a PS -1000 powered subwoofer. Total cost: $1,886
Once you've convinced yourself to
get into the home -theater act, it won't
be long before you decide that big sur-
able from Sony. CD -R, a nonerasable. than a dozen companies at prices that round sound demands a big -screen
"write -once" format, is popular in the largely fall in the $500 to $1,000 range. TV. There are basically three choices:
computer world but has never really Besides being able to play regular mu- direct -view, rear -projection, and front
caught on as a consumer audio format. sic CDs, the players offer a variety of projection. Conventional direct -view
Like MD, it has a small and loyal fol- high-performance DVD search, scan. TV sets provide the brightest, clearest
lowing. At the moment, Pioneer is the and cueing features as well as on- picture and the widest viewing angle,
only company selling CD -R decks, screen menus to help simplify setup but if you want a screen that's larger
with three models ranging from just and operation. Some even have a built- than 40 inches diagonally, you'll have
under $1,100 to $2,000. in Dolby Digital decoder; those that to look at a projection set.
don't have a digital output that can be Rear -projection TVs, which range
THINKING DVD fed to a DD decoder in an A/V receiv- in diagonal screen size from 40 to 80
Until fairly recently, if you wanted er, preamp, or outboard processor. inches, are one-piece units, while front -
the top-quality source component for DVD might have a glorious future projectors use a projection module
your home theater, you bought a laser - ahead of it, but for the time being, la- that beams video images onto a screen
disc player. And it was good - very serdisc is still king in terms of soft- measuring up to 7 or 8 feet diagonally.
good. But now there's a new killer ware. Several thousand movies are The portability of some front -projec-
digital -video format in town that raises available on laserdisc, compared with tion sets is also limited by the fact that
the bar on A/V performance even 200 or so DVDs. Like DVD players, every time you move the projector or
higher. It's called DVD, and it re- laserdisc "combi-players" also play screen, the picture must be readjusted.
volves around a new super high -densi- music CDs, allowing one unit to serve LCD -based projectors don't suffer
ty CD lookalike that can hold a full- double -duty in your audio/video sys- from that.
length movie with room to spare. In tem. The downside to the laserdisc for- Digital TV (DTV) will be available
terms of picture clarity, DVD delivers mat is that discs cost quite a bit more late next year, and "convergence" sys-
a smooth 500 lines of horizontal reso- than their videocassette counterparts, tems, which put a TV in your PC or a
lution, compared with laserdisc's 425 and laserdisc rentals can be hard to PC in your home theater, are available
lines, satellite TV's 450 lines, and find, particularly outside of urban ar- right now. But DTV broadcasts won't
VHS videotape's 240 lines. DVD also eas. Still, for quality alone, laserdisc is be common enough in the near future
excels in the audio department, deliv- a worthy addition to any home theater. for that to influence your buying deci-
ering a 5.1 -channel Dolby Digital For the best of both worlds, Pioneer sions today, and you don't need a PC
soundtrack as well as a Dolby Pro offers a couple of combination DVD/ in a home -theater system. Wisely con-
Logic/stereo track to accommodate laserdisc players. verge your stereo and video compo-
more modest home -theater systems. Another video source that deserves nents now, and you'll have an audio/
DVD players, which look a lot like a look is satellite TV. The new crop of video system that will last well into
CD players, are available from more small -dish, direct -broadcast satellite the twenty-first century.
I reference standard

Now, owning your own movie theater has become a reality.

Elite Advanced Home Theater features the same innovatiors

as advanced movie theaters, such as THX and Dolby Digital,

engineered into systems designed for the home. It combines

the power, surround sound and big screen excitement of

the theater with the advanced all -digital performance
of DVD and the huge selection of laserdiscs. Elite offers
complete Advanced Home Theater systems (like the
one pictured to the right) to bring the impact of the movie
experience home. They also deliver another kind of
experience-more than a decade of excellence from
Pioneer engineers.

The Elite A/V receiver offers both Dolby Digital for six
fully discrete channels of surround sound, and THX for
remarkable spaciousness on surround channels. Elite's
reference combination DVD/LaserDisc/CD player delivers
the unprecedented digital source quality of DVD. Plus, with

laserdisc capability, you can choose from 10,000 available

titles. Pioneer's 51 -inch advanced projection television, with

its 16:9 aspect ratio, completes the reference standard

theater presentation. It's all part of the Elite Advanced

Home Theater Experience. And you can bring it all home now!

DVONDICD Player 9 -bit DAC 5001425 lines Horizontal Resolution DR 90

THX-Certified AudtolVideo 6 -Channel Receiver

wI Dolby Digital Surround 8 MCS Amp

51- Projection ieleziston PRO -1009W

leading edge

Action, adventure, romance, mystery-just what every

living room needs. Delivering both THX and Dolby Digital,

with its six discrete channels, the Elite A/V receiver gives

new meaning to surround sound and creates a true theater

environment-sans the whispering crowd. Elite's exclusive

combination DVD/LaserDisc player also offers the digital

supremacy of DVD as well as laserdisc capability. Which
means you can bask in the selection of 10,000 laserdisc
titles. The 60 -inch, high -resolution Elite projection television

features an exclusive optical system for images with a

natural depth and luster. It also features an advanced,
3 -Dimensional comb filter. So you get the clarity you want,

with no dot interference or cross colors from any video dr

source. It's all part of the Elite Advanced Home Theater

Experience. And you can bring it all home now!


DVDIIDICD Player 9 -bit DAC 5001425 tines Horizontal Resolution DVL-90

IHX-Certified Audio/Video 6 Channel Receiver

wl Dolby Digital Surround 8 MOS Amp

60- Projection television PRO -119

grand experience
There's nothing like watching a movie in the theaters. Or
is there? Because with an Elite Advanced Home Theater
system, you can now get a theater -like sensory experience
at home. Like a true home theater system should, the Elite
draws you right into action on the screen, and envelops you
with 360 degree sound processing. The Elite A/V receiver
features Dolby Digital with six fully discrete channels.
le addition, Elite's reference DVD/LaserDisc player combines
superior DVD source quality with laserdisc capability. This gives
you your choice of 10,000 available laserdisc titles-with no
waiting. The 51 -inch Elite projection TV features a built-in dual
tt.ner and high -resolution picture -in -picture display, so you can
watch two programs at once. This precision PTV also uses color
purity lenses, which deliver higher color accuracy and improved
horizontal resolution. It's all part of the Elite Advanced Home
Theater Experience. And you can bring it all home now!

Dolby' ProLogic Surround Stereo: 100 Watts per Channel,

Pioneer Exclusive 5-D Theater Processing for 20Hz to 20kHz, 0.9% THD at 8 ohms.
Enhanced Rear Channel Surround Front: 100 Watts x 2
Pioneer "Heads Up" SMART Remote Center: 100 Watts x I
with Preset Codes and Learning Capability Rear: 100 Watts x 2

DSS/DVD Remote Operation Control 3 Video Inputs/4 Audio Inputs

VSX-05 ELITE ilL11 haul AIR lEctim

Dolby' Digital and Dolby' ProLogic Tuner Titler- 30 -Station Title Capacity
Stereo: 100 Watts per Channel, 20Hz to
DSP (Digital Signal Processing) S Digitally 20kHz, 0.9THD at 8 ohms
Simulated Sound Fields
Front: 100 Watts x 2
Pioneer "Heads Up" SMART Remote with Center: 100 Watts x I
Preset Codes and Learning Capability Rear: 100 Watts x 2
DSS/DVD Remote Operation Control 4 Video Inputs/4 Audio Inputs
On -Screen CD Titler- Dolby' Digital Inputs: AC -3 RF x I SPDIF
100-Disc Titling Capability AC -3 Digital x 2


THX Certification Tuner Titler- 30 -Station Title Capacity
Dolby Digital and Dolby' ProLogic Stereo: 110 Watts per Channel, 20Hz to
Surround 20kHz. 0.9THD at 6 ohms
DSP (Digital Signal Processing) 5 Digitally Front: 100 Watts x 2
Simulated Sound Fields Center: 100 Watts x I
Pioneer "Heads Up" SMART Remote with Rear: 100 Watts x 2
Preset Codes and Learning Capability 5 Video Inputs/5 Audio Inputs
DSS/DVD Remote Operation Control Dolby' Digital Inputs: AC -3 RF x I SPDIF
On -Screen CD litter - AC -3 Digital x 2
100 -Disc Titling Capability Gold -Plated Terminals (LD/DVD/CD)
Direct -Energy MOSFET Amplifier


THX Certification Tuner Titter- 30 -Station Title Capacity

Dolby' Digital and Dolby' ProLogic Stereo: 110 Watts per Channel, 20Hz to
Surround 20kHz, 0.9THD at 6 ohms
DSP (Digital Signal Processing) 5 Digitally Front: 100 Watts x 2
Simulated Sound Fields Center: 100 Watts x I
Pioneer "Heads Up" SMART Remote with Rear: 100 Watts x 2
Preset Codes and Learning Capaiility 5 Video Inputs/5 Audio Inputs

1111111 I
DSS/DVD Remote Operation Control Dolby' Digital Inputs: AC -3 RI' x I SPDIF
On -Screen CD Titler- AC -3 Digital x 2
100-Disc Titling Capability Cold -Plated Connection Terminals (ALL)
Direct -Energy MOSFET Amplifier Copper Shielded Chassis
Rosewood Side Panels

[ build your OWN SYSTEM


3 Optical Disc Compatibility ILD/CDV/CD) Independent CD Tray

SAVLNGS ON Dual -Sided LD Playback with Digital Multiple Scan/Search Functions
Memory 2 Gold -Plated S -Video Outputs with 3 -Line

:: I -Bit Direct Linear Conversion D/A Digital Comb Filter

Converter 2 Gold -Plated Composite Video Outputs
-.111111 Legato Link Conversion 2 Gold -Plated Composite Audio Outputs
425 Lines Horizontal Resolution Illuminated Remote Control
50dB Video Signal -to -Noise Ratio with log and Shuttle
AC -3 RF Output


Multiple Scan/Search Functions

3 Optical Disc Compatibility. (LD/CDV/CD)
SAV1NQS Q,N Dual -Sided LD Playback with Digital 2 Gold -Plated S -Video Outputs with 3 -Line
Memory Digital Comb Filter

I Bit Direct Linear Conversion D/A 2 Gold -Plated Composite Video Outputs
Converter 2 Gold -Plated Composite Audio Outputs
.11181 Legato Link Conversion Illuminated Remote Control
rnr 425 Lines Horizontal Resolution with log and Shuttle
a. !
1=111/1111.1 51d8 Video Signal -to -Noise Ratio Variable Digital Noise Reduction
AC -3 RF Output Optical/Digital Coaxial Digital Outputs
lidependent CD Tray


3 Optical Disc Compatibility (LD/CDV/CD) Independent CD Tray

Dual-Sided.LD Playback with Digital Multiple Scan/Search Functions
Memory 2 Gold -Plated S -Video Outputs with

Twin I -Bit Direct Linear Conversion D/A 3 -Dimensional Digital Comb Filter
Converter 2 Gold -Plated Composite Video Outputs
Legato Link Conversion 2 Cold -Plated Composite Audio Outputs
425 Lines Horizontal Resolution Illuminated Remote Control
MUM.= 52dB Video Signal -to -Noise Ratio with log and Shuttle
AC -3 RF Output Optical/Digital Coaxial Digital Outputs


DVD/LD/CD Compatible Playback Pioneer "Heads Up" Remote

Dual -Sided LD Playback With
Digital Memory
3 -Dimensional Digital Comb Filter
500/425 Lines Horizontal Resolution Independent CD Tray
(DVD/LD) Condition Memory.
65dB/51dB Video Signal -to -Noise Ratio Multiple Scan/Search Functions
2 Gold -Plated S -Video Outputs
9 -bit Video Signal D/A Conversion
2 Gold -Plated Composite Video Outputs
96kHz/20-bit Digital -to -Analog
3 Digital Audio Outputs
Audio Converter
Rosewood Side Panels
Hi -Bit, Legato Link Conversion

See back page for more details on special offers.

Specifications and design subrect to modification without notice.

57"I6:9 Wide -Screen Reference 440 ft -Lamberts Brightness

Projection Television
Advanced Scan Velocity Modulation
1000+ Horizontal Lines of Resolution IRGB)
.625mm Super -Fine Pitch Screen Auto Super Gradation Circuit
5 Screen Modes ensure maximum versatility Vertical Contour Control
I ligh-Resolution Phosphor CRT Dual 181 -Channel Cable -Reach Tuner
s -Dimensional Comb Filter 4 Gold -Plated S -Video Inputs
Pure Red and Green Lens Intelligent System Control
9 -Point Digital Convergence
Triple Dynamic Focus Circuit
Black Level Expansion
Linear White Circuit
Large Emitter Cathode Ray Tubes
High -Contrast Tint Protective Panel
Automatic Tuner Preset Function
Exclusive "Heads Up" Remote Control
with DSS Control Operations

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All packages and programming subject to change without notice. Local and state sales and use taxes may apply. Programming is available for single-family dw
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which is available upon request. Broadcast Networks are only available to customers in those areas not served by local network affiliates. Fistallation, satellite TV programming senices and
shipping and handling are not included. DISH Network is a trademark of EchoStar Communications Corporation. Offer is limited.Please see store for details.

projection TELEVISIONS

60" Reference Projection Television Advanced Scan Velocity Modulation

1000+ Horirontal Lines of Resolution Auto Super Gradation Circuit
.625mm Super -Fine Pitch Screen Vertical Contour Control
High -Resolution Phosphor CRT 4 Gold Plated S -Video Inputs
3 -Dimensional Comb Filter Dual 181 -Channel Cable -Ready Tuner
Pure Red and Green Lens Intelligent System Control
440 ft-Lam'aerts Brightness 9 -Point Digital Convergence
Triple E:tnainic Focus Circuit
Black Level Expansion
Linear White Circuit
Large Emitter Cathode Ray Tubes
High -Contrast Tint Protective Panel

Automatic Tuner Preset Function
Exclusive "Heads Up" Remote Control
Eke ( compote, with DSS Control Operations


51' Reference Projection Television Advanced Scan Velocity Modulation

1000+ Horizontal Lines of Resolution Auto Super Gradation Circuit
.625mm Super -Fine Pitch Screen Vertical Contour Control
High -Resolution Phosphor CRT 4 Gold -Plated S -Video Inputs
3 -Dimensional Comb Filter Dual 181 -Channel Cable -Ready Tuner
Pure Red and Green Lens Intelligent System Control
550 0 -lamberts Brightness 9 -Point Digital Convergence
Triple Dynamic Focus Circuit
Black Level Expansion
Linear White Circuit
Large Emitter Cathode Ray Tubes
1411 -Contrast Tint Protective Panel
c . Automatic Tuner Preset Function
\`T w' f1 R K Exclusive "Heads Up" Remote Control
Nothing r.l.i tompan, with DSS Control Operations

Specifications and design subject to modification without notice.

FREE DISH Network"
Satellite TV System
when you purchase
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O 997 PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. All rights rese'ved.

TFX is a registered trademark of Lucaslilm Ltd.
ELITE is a registered trademark of Pioreer Electronics Corpora:air. ELITE
all111 1` i...)1., i. a; Q) PION
Dc by. Pro -Logic, and Dolby Digital (AC -3) are trademaks of The Art of Entertp
Dc by Laboratories Licensing Corporation.
Spcsfica:ions and design subject to modification witttpu notice.
IF YOU'RE IN THE MARKET for any electronic mime in some cases). Within each manufacturer's section,
home -entertainment equipment, you've come to the right components appear in descending price order.
place. The editors of STEREO REVIEW, the world's No. I All of the descriptions are based on information provided
A/V magazine, have assembled the most comprehensive by the manufacturers and include key features, performance
guide anywhere to home audio equipment, including audio specifications, and suggested retail prices (actual selling
components for home theater. In the following 176 pages, prices may vary). Note that specifications have not been ver-
you'll find descriptions of nearly 7,000 components, sys- ified by STEREO REVIEW lab tests. Terms and abbreviations
tems, and accessories. So whether you're looking for a DVD in the listings are explained in the Glossary on page 259.
player, a Dolby Digital receiver, a speaker system, or a tape For more details on any of the products in the guide, con-
or disc recorder, you can start your shopping right here. tact an authorized dealer or the manufacturer. Manufactur-
The equipment listings are divided into component cate- ers' addresses and telephone numbers are listed in the Direc-
gories and ordered alphabetically by manufacturer (or brand tory beginning on page 250. Happy hunting!

Clockwise from upper left: Boston Acoustics VR2000 THX subwoofer, Philips Magnavox DVD400AT DVD player, Mirage OM -6 Omnipolar speaker, Para -
sound HCA-1203A power amplifier, Technics SL-PD987 carousel CD changer, Klipsch Synergy Monitor Series speakers, Pioneer PD -F506 25 -disc CD
changer, Sony STR-DA8OES Dolby Digital receiver, Bose Lifestyle 12 home -theater system.








RC5200P. As above without jog/shuttle controls or
DD decoder $499

DVD905 DVD Player
Sigma -delta hybrid core D/A converter. Plays DVDs
with 96-kHz/24-bit audio. Built-in Dolby Digital de-
coder. 2 composite -video outputs; S -video output;
RGB video output; coaxial and optical digital audio
output; Dolby Digital analog outputs. 2 -color fluores-
cent display: universal remote control. Aluminum
Panasonic DVD-A300 front panel. 161/2 x 4% x 13% in; 10 lb $750

All DVD players listed here include a remote con- gual on -screen display; title/chapter/A-B program- SONY
trol and support base -level DVD features includ- ming; random play; skip; universal remote with joy- DVP-S7000 DVD Player
ing variable bit -rate conversion and up to 8 stick control $750 10 -bit video and 24 -bit audio D/A converter. Plays
soundtrack languages and 32 subtitle languages. DVDs with 96-kHz/24-bit audio. 32 -bit RISC micro-
All can also play audio CDs. DVD-A100 DVD Player processor; 1 play speed; dual discrete optical pickup;
9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. S -video Smooth Scan; digital video EQ and NR; enhanced
output; dual AN outputs; Dolby Digital output. Pa- error correction; DTS ready. Coaxial/optical digital
DENON rental lock -out; random access; skip; repeat mode; ti- output; component -video and S -video outputs; Dolby
DVD2000 DVD Player tle/chapter/A-B programming; trilingual on -screen Digital output; 2 pair audio outputs; gold-plated jacks.
20 -bit D/A converter. Plays DVDs with 96-kHz/24-bit display $600 Parental control; digital special effects; bit -rate me-
audio. Dual -focus pickup; digital -learning servo. Opti- ter; S -Link; numerical fluorescent display; universal
cal digital output; S -video and composite -video out- remote control. 4 x 17 x 15 in $1,000
puts; analog audio outputs. Still frame; stow motion; PHILIPS MAGNAVOX
skip and scan functions; marker search; direct -access DVD400AT DVD Player DVP-S3000 DVD Player
search/ play; multimode repeat. Aluminum front panel. 9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. 2 play 10 -bit video and 24 -bit audio D/A converter. Plays
17 x 31/2x 11%in; 8 lb $799 speeds; digital special effects; enhanced error correc- Video CDs. 32 -bit RISC microprocessor; dual dis-
tion. Coaxial digital output; 1 pair audio outputs; Dolby crete optical pickup; Smooth Scan: digital video EQ
Digital output; S -video output. Numerical fluorescent and NR; high-speed, slow-motion, and frame -by -
FAROUDJA display; parental control $549 frame playback; enhanced error correction; DTS
DV1000 DVD Player ready. Coaxial/optical digital output; component -vid-
9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. 1 play eo and S -video outputs; 2 pair audio outputs; gold-
speed; enhanced error correction; DTS ready. PIONEER plated jacks; bit -rate meter; universal remote control.
Coaxial/optical digital output; 2 pair audio outputs; Elite DVL-90 DVD/Laserdisc Player Parental control; 3% x 17 x 15% in $599
Dolby Digital output; S -video and component -video 9 -bit D/A converter. Plays DVDs with 96-kHz/24-bit
outputs. Numerical LED display $5,495 audio, laserdiscs, and CD -R (recordable) discs. Pro-
prietary system to restore high frequencies; variable TOSHIBA
digital noise reduction. 2 composite -video outputs; 2 SD -3107 DVD Player
JVC gold-plated S -video outputs; 2 sets of RCA analog 10 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. Video
XV1000BK DVD Player outputs; optical and coaxial AC-3/PCM outputs; Black Level expander circuitry; Spatializer 3-D Stereo
1 -bit D/A converter. Separate power supplies for digi- coaxial AC -3 RF output. Graphic user interface; slow processing. Component -video, composite -video, and
tal and analog circuitry. Optical digital output; AN motion; last memory for 5 discs. Black; rosewood S -video outputs; Dolby Digital/PCM digital output; pa-
CompuLink. On -screen menu system. 17 x 4%x 121/4 side panels. 16/. x 51/2 x 181/4 in; 20 lb $1,750 rental control; on -screen programming menu; front -
in; 12 lb $900 panel jog/shuttle control; karaoke; universal remote
DVL-500 DVD/Laserdisc Player control. Dark gray. 17 x 31/4 x 121/4 in; 9 lb $799
9 -bit D/A converter. Plays DVDs with 96-kHz/24-bit
MERIDIAN audio, laserdiscs, and CD -R (recordable) discs. 2 SD -3006 DVD Player
Model 586 DVD Player composite -video outputs; 2 S -video outputs; 2 sets of 10 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. Compo-
10 -bit D/A converter. Plays DVDs with 96-kHz/24-bit RCA analog outputs; optical and coaxial AC-3/PCM nent -video, composite -video, and S -video outputs;
audio. Jitter -reduction circuitry. Composite -video, S - outputs; coaxial AC -3 RF output. Graphical user in- Dolby Digital output; 2 pair analog audio outputs. Pa-
video, and component -video outputs. Black 123/4 x terface; slow motioNstill frame; last memory for 5 rental control; on -screen programming; 2X fast -for-
31/2 x 131/4 in; 20 lb $3,495 discs. Black. 16'4 x 51/2 x 181/4 in; 20 lb $1,200 ward; 10X reverse; still frame; frame advance; slow
motion; dimmable fluorescent display; universal re-
DV -500 DVD Player mote control. Dark gray. 17 x 3% x 121/4 in; 9 lb ...$699
MITSUBISHI 9 -bit D/A converter. Plays DVDs with 96-kHz/24-bit
00-11:100 DVD Player audio. 2 composite -video outputs; 2 S -video outputs; SD -2107 DVD Player
9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. 2 play 2 analog audio outputs; 2 coaxial digital outputs; opti- 10 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. Video
speeds; digital special effects; enhanced error cor- cal digital output. Graphical user interface; slow mo- Black Level expander circuitry. Composite -video out-
rection. Coaxial digital output; 1 pair audio outputs; tion; last memory for 5 discs. Black. 161/2 x 4 x 121/4 in; put; S -video output; Dolby Digital/PCM digital output;
Dolby Digital output; S -video output. Numerical LED 8 lb $750 analog audio outputs. Parental control; on -screen
display $699 programming menu; time search; vocal karoke; dim-
mable fluorescent display. Dark gray. 17 x 31/4 x 121/4
PROSCAN in; 91b $599
ONKYO PS8600P DVD Player
DVD-7 DVD Player 9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. 2 play
9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. Coaxial speeds; digital special effects; built-in Dolby Digital YAMAHA
digital output; composite -video and S -video outputs; decoder. Coaxial digital output; 2 pair audio outputs: DVD-1000 DVD Player
2 pair audio outputs; all outputs gold-plated. Parental Dolby Digital analog output; S -video output; gold-plat- 9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. Twin -focus
control; on -screen menu; slow motion; 2X play; 8X re- ed jacks; headphone jack. Numerical LED display; optical pickup; 1 play speed; enhanced error correc-
verse -play; last memory; title; frame advance; A -B jog/shuttle dial; parental control; trilingual displays: tion; built-in Dolby Digital decoder; DTS ready; digital
block repeat. Brushed -aluminum front panel. 171/4 x universal remote control. 16 x 3 x 12 in $699 special effects. Coaxial/optical digital output; 2 pair
3% x 121/4 in; 91b $800 analog audio outputs; Dolby Digital analog outputs;
S -video output. Numerical LED display; parental con-
RCA trol; universal remote control $999
DVD-A300 DVD Player 9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. 2 play
9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. Built-in speeds; digital special effects: built-in Dolby Digital de- ZENITH
Dolby Digital decoder. S -video output; dual NV out- coder; enhanced error correction. Coaxial digital out- DVD2000 DVD Player
puts; Dolby Digital analog outputs; AC -3 digital out- put; 2 pair audio outputs; Dolby Digital analog outputs: 9 -bit video and 20 -bit audio D/A converter. play
put; RF output. FasVslow play; stilVstop; random ac- S -video output; headphone jack. Numerical LED dis- speed; digital special' effects. 1 pair audio outputs:
cess; track/chapter/title display; karaoke functions; play; jog/shuttle dial; parental control; trilingual dis- Dolby Digital output; S -video output. Numerical fluo-
digital echo with volume control; repeat mode; trilin- plays; universal remote control. 16 x 3 x 12 in ...$699 rescent display $699


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DC -91 D A Converter
20 -bit D/A converter. HPC and Toslink digital inputs:
balanced HPC digital input: coaxial digital inputs;
RCA AND XLR analog outputs. Phase switch; out-
put -level control. THD 0.002% from 20 Hz -20 kHz;
S/N 120 dB. 18% x 51/4 x 15 in; 50 lb $13,995

DP -75 CD Player
20 -bit D A converter. Double -heterodyne -diode laser
pickup: 3 -pole discrete analog filter; balanced drive
circuitry for servo motors; 8 DACs per channel; sam-
pling -frequency converter chip converts 44.1 -kHz
sampling rate to 48 kHz from laser to DACs; locking
transport tray. Coaxial and Toslink digital input and
output; coaxial-BNC-digital input; RCA output; digital
level control; remote control. THD 0.0024% from 20
Hz -20 kHz; S/N 120 dB; dynamic range 98 dB; ch
sep 110 dB. 18'5 x 57, x 15', in: 43 lb $9,995

DP -90 CD Transport
Double -heterodyne -diode laser pickup; locking trans-
port tray. Coaxial and Toslink digital outputs. Remote Pioneer PD -F1006 101 -disc changer
control. 18% x 5% x 15 in; 45 lb $7,495

DC -61 D/A Converter output. Selectable digital -domain phase reverse; re- ARAGON
20 -bit 0/A converter. Multiple Bit (MMB) type D/A mote control. THD 0.005%; S/N 100 dBA. 17 x 41/4 x D2A2 D/A Converter
converter; high -precision sampling frequency con- 161/4 in; 15 lb $700 Dual Burr -Brown 20 -bit D/A converters. Ultra Analog
verter; 20 -bit linearity; super low noise; 4 -pole analog
filter. 2 optical-, 1 BNC-, 2 coaxial-, 2 optical record-, AES 21 receiver; HDCD decoding. 1 AES/EBU, 1
Toslink, and 2 coaxial -RCA digital inputs. THD
2 coaxial record -digital inputs; 1 XLR analog output; AIWA
1 RCA analog output. Remote control. THD 0.005%; S/N 110 dB. 19 x 31/2 x 11 in; 20 lb ....$999
The following operate on 2 AA batteries and have
0.0024%; S/N 120 dBA; dynamic range 98 dB. dual 1 -bit D/A converters.
Brushed aluminum. 19 x 51/2 x 16 in; 25 lb ...$6,000
XP-SP100 Portable CD Player Delta Black Box 500 D A Converter
DP -65 CD Player
40 -sec electronic antishock system; water resistant; 1 -bit D/A converter. Two coaxial inputs; 2 Toslink in-
20 -bit D/A converter. Double -heterodyne -diode laser dynamic super linear (DSL) bass. 3 -point LED bat- puts; 1 AES/EBU input; 1 coaxial output. Selectable
pickup; locking transport tray. Toslink and coaxial - tery -life indicator. 51/2 x 1% x 61/2 in; 1 lb $210 polarity; master clock sync with Alpha 8 CD trans-
digital outputs; RCA and XLR outputs. Remote con-
port. THD 0.005%; S/N 105 dB $1,500
trol. THD 0.0025% from 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 118 dB; XP -769 Portable CD Player
dynamic range 98 dB; ch sep 106 dB. 18' x 51/2 x 10 -sec electronic antishock system; DSL bass. 3 -
151/4 in; 34 lb
Alpha 8 CD Player
$5,750 point LED battery -life indicator; backlit LCD display; 1 -bit PWM D/A converter. Fixed -level analog outputs;
headphones. Includes DC adaptor and cassette coaxial -digital outputs. Remote control. THD
DP -55 CD Player adaptor for use with a car cassette deck. Graphite.
20 -bit D/A converter. 3 DACs per channel; full digital 0.005%; S/N 105 dB. 9 lb $949
51/4 x 1 x 6 in; 1 lb $140
control circuitry of servo mechanism; locking tray. Alpha 7. As above but with multilevel delta -sigma
XP -760. As above, without DC adaptor or cassette D/A converter. 8 lb
Coaxial- and optical -digital input; two digital outputs; $649
adaptor $120
XLR and RCA analog outputs. Remote control. THD
0.0038% from 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 116 dB; dynamic
Delta Black Box 50 D/A Converter
XP -260 Portable CD Player Hybrid 18-biV1-bit converter. One coaxial input; 1
range 97 dB; ch sep 105 dB. 181/4 x 51/4 x 151/4 in; DSL bass. LED battery life indicator; random play;
24 lb Toslink input; coaxial output. Selectable polarity;
$3,995 headphones. 5% x 11/4 x 6 in; 1 lb $85 master clock sync with Alpha 8 CD transport. THD
0.005%; S/N 103 dB $899
ACD11 CD Player CD 8a CD Player
1 -bit D/A converter. Glass optics; chassis suspended
1 -bit MASH D/A converter. 18 -bit resolution; 32x FET-Valve TOPP-DAC Tube DiA Converter
on air cushion; steel chassis. Coaxial -digital output. oversampling; linear phase with 18 -bit coefficients; 5 - Dual 16 -bit D/A converters. 4X oversampling; hybrid
Random/repeat play; defeatable display lighting; pro- pole analog active filter; RCA outputs. Coaxial -digital
grammable remote control. THD 0.005%; S/N 100 vacuum-tube/mosFET design. Coaxial -digital input.
SPDIF output; XLR output. Front -panel program- 12 x 31/2x 9 in $899
dBA; dynamic range 92 dB; ch sep 88 dB. 17 x 5 x 11 ming; search and repeat; remote control. THD
in; 20 lb $899 0.0025% at 1 kHz; S/N 110 dB; dynamic range 98 Omega III TOPP-DAC D/A Converter
dB. 17 x 31/2x 131/2in; 11 lb $350 Dual 16 -bit D/A converters. 4X oversampling. Coaxi-
ACO1. XLR balanced to RCA cable $100/pr al -digital input. 12 x 31/2 x 9 in
ADCOM $499
CD 8a-5404. As above, upgraded to balanced tube
The following feature dual 20 -bit Burr -Brown ladder- line output stage
type D/A converters. $650
CD 9. As CD -8a above, without XLR output $275 . .
GCD-750 CD Player Model 8000CDM CD Transport
DAC-8 D/A Converter Coaxial, optical and AES/EBU outputs. Remote con-
8X oversampling; Pacific Microsonics PMD-100 digi- 1 -bit MASH D/A converter. 18 -bit resolution; ultra -lin- trol. 171/2x 3 x 13 in; 161b $1,799
tal filter/HDCD decoder; discrete high -current differ- ear D/A converter with low jitter; 2-V output. 3 coaxi-
ential output stage; high -mass transport. 1 coaxial - al-SPDIF input; 1 Toslink-SPDIF input; 1 BNC-coaxi- Model 8000CD CD Player
digital input; XLE and RCA outputs. Random play; re- al-SPDIF-record output; 1 -pr analog outputs. Front 1 -bit D/A converter. 128X oversampling; 20 -bit reso-
mote control. THD 0.015%; S/N 106 dB; dynamic panel manual input source selection. THD 0.005%;
range 101 dB. Black. 17 x 4% x 161/2 in lution; Philips CDM 12.4 3 -beam laser mechanism.
$1,250 SiN 104 dB. 17 x lx137,-in:121b $200 75 -ohm BNC SPDIF digital output. Remote control.
171/2x 3 x 13 in; 161b $1,595
GDA-700 D/A Converter
HDCD decoder; RFI/EMI filtering; anodized -alumi- ANTHEM
num front panel. 2 RCA inputs; Toslink digital input; Model 8000DAC D/A Converter
CD -1 6 -Disc Tube CD Changer 20 -bit upgradable Bitstream converter. Auto electron-
AES/EBU input; XLR and RCA outputs; gold-plated Dual 20 -bit Burr -Brown D/A converters. Pacific Mi-
RCA and XLR connectors. Digital -domain phase -re- ic muting; linear -phase analog output filters. 3 coaxial,
crosonics PMD-100 filter/HDCD decoder; 8X over - 3 optical inputs; AES/EBU input; 1 digital, 2 analog
verse switch; HDCD decoding indicator. 17 x 3 x 111/2 sampling; vacuum -tube output stage. 1 SPDIF-digital,
in: 101b outputs. S/N 100 dB. 171/2 x 3 x 13 in; 15 lb ...$1,099
$1,000 1 AES/EBU digital, and 1 -pair stereo -analog outputs.
Programmable disc shuttle system; track -search and
GCD-700 5 -Disc CD Changer scan/shuffle functions; remote control. THD 0.05%;
5 -disc carousel. Class A analog output circuitry.
S/N 100 dBA; dynamic range 98 dB. Black or silver. 5- Ambrosia D A Converter
Fixed- and variable -level RCA outputs; coaxial -digital yr parts -and -labor warranty $1,595 18 -bit DA converter. Combines 10 -bit Burr Brown


D/A converter for upper 10 bits with independent 1 - DAC3 Tube D/A Converter
Dual 20 -bit D/A converters. 6922 vacuum tube output VIDEO FIE/11111.5
bit converter for lowest 8 bits: 8X oversampling; Crys-
tal Semiconductor CS84132 receiver chip; metacry- stage: silver wiring: steel chassis $3,195
late subchassis: 7 voltage regulators: auto de -em- wnin YOU PUBEHFI5E ROY ELIGIBLE
phasis: high -mass cabinet and front panel uses new AN-CD2 Tube CD Player Sony mnx:mum TE1EVIS1011 PRODUCT.
synthetic material to improve high -frequency shield- Dual 18 -bit D A converters. ECC82 tube output
ing. 6 digital inputs. Phase invert facility. 17 x 13 x 3% stage $1,995
in: 151b $2.495
DAC-1 Tube D/A Converter MO Vixen
Mephisto CD Transport Dual 20 -bit D A converters. 6922 vacuum tube; 6N
Top -loading design: cover, platter, and laser assem-
bly suspended and decoupled from main cabinet.
copper wire: low output level $1,295
RCA and BNC outputs. Programmable remote con- AN-CD1 Tube CD Player _

trol. ST and XLR outputs optional. Black polished Dual 18-b t D/A converters. Transformer -coupled . fon
metacrylate and gold $3.195 tube type design $999

Talisman CD Player
18 -bit D/A converter. Top loading design. Remote AUDIO RESEARCH
control. Black polished metacrylate and brushed - DAC3 MKII D/A Converter
anodized -aluminum body. 16 lb $2.695 Balanced output derived from delta -sigma converter 511-V8 Spar nnr PS
prior to final analog stage. ST -glass and Toslink digi-
Talisman CD Transport tal inputs: SPDIF BNC-coaxial and AES/EBU digital
8X oversampling: top loading design. Full -function inputs; RCA and XLR outputs. Phase reverse, input
remote control. Black polished metacrylate and select, and auto mute controls. S/N 90 dB. 19 x x

brushed -anodized -aluminum body. 18 lb . . .$2.395 11%in; 151b $3,995

Kreatura 2 CD Player CD2 CD Player

18 -bit D/A converter. Rigid vibration -damped 3 -point Philips CD-ROM drive: 3 -beam laser pickup; digital jit-
laser -mechanism suspension; decoupled and ter elimination. BNC-coaxial, AES/EBU. and Toslink
damped servo and decoder board: Toslink digital out- standard digital outputs: XLR and RCA analog out-
put: 2 gold-plated RCA connectors with Teflon insula- puts. Vacuum -fluorescent display: remote control. ST
tion. Remote control. Coaxial digital output optional. digital output optional. S/N 95 dBA: chi sep 94 dB at 1
Glossy black metacrylate and polished stainless kHz. 19 x 11%in; 16Ib $3,485
steel. 10 x 5Y x 15% in: 18 lb $2.095
Kreatura 1. Transport -only version of the above.
Teflon -insulated coaxial RCA and BNC digital out- AUDIO SYNTHESIS
puts: Toslink digital ouptut: AES/EBU-digital output or DAX-2 Pro D A Converter
ST digital output optional $1,795 Dual 20 -bit DA converters. SPDIF coaxial. Toslink, ST
and AES/EBU digital inputs/outputs. Three additional
Elixir I D/A Converter inputs optional. THD 0.0002%: S/N 108 dBA ...$6.195
1 -bit PDM D/A converter. Dual -mono output stages: As above. no AES/EBU inputs/outputs $4,695
auto -locking on all sampling frequencies; auto de -
emphasis: high -frequency shielding; stainless steel
chassis. 2 digital RCA and BNC inputs: 2 line -level BITWISE AUDIO TECHNOLOGIES
RCA outputs; 2 digital inputs. Indicator for lock on in- Musik System One Mkll D. A Converter
put data; 2 selectable output levels. THD 0.01%. 10 x Dual 18 -bit Burr -Brown linear D. A converters. 2 -piece
x 15% in; 11 lb $1,295 design with separate chassis for analog and digital
sections: pnase-reverse in digital domain; dual -mono
Damnation CD Transport Class A analog circuitry. Coaxial RCA and BNC digital
Top -loading design; Philips CDM-12 laser mecha- inputs. THD 0.01% S/N198 dBA $2,495
nism: special decoupling and mechanical grounding:
high -frequency shielding. Gold-plated Teflon -insulat- Musik System CDT -One CD Transport
ed RCA and BNC coaxial -digital outputs. and Inverted -platter operation: jitter -reduction reclocking
AES/EBU digital outputs optional. Glossy black and noise -'eduction circuits: mechan cal chassis tun-
metacrylate. 10 lb $1.195 ing and isolation. AES. coaxial-BNC, and ST digital
outputs. 3 repeat modes: remote control. 19 x 13 x
51/4 in: 20 lb $2,450
UK Series Musik System Zero Plus D/A Converter
AN-CDT4 CD Transport Dual 20 -bit D. A converters. Synchro operation mode:
All -copper sculptured chassis $19,999 dual -chassis design: Class A analog output stage: dis-
tributed jitter -reduction reclocking and noise -reduction
DAC 4 Signature Tube D/A Converter circuits: dual -mono analog design; rrechanical chas-
Dual 20 -bit D/A converters. Silver choke -coupled dig- sis tuning and isolation: 2 -compartment chassis to
ital stage; silver wiring: tube -rectified power supply: shield and solate digital and analog circuitry. Glass ST
output stage using two 6072A tubes $17,800 digital inpu:. THD 0.01%; S'N 98 dBA $2.150

DAC4 Tube D/A Converter Musik System Zero D/A Converter

Dual 20 -bit D/A converters. Silver wiring: no -feed- Dual 20 -bit upgradable co -linear D/A converters. Class
back output stage using one 6922 double triode per A analog stage: dual -compartment chassis to shield maximum TELEVISI011
channel: separate analog and digital output supplies: and isolate digital and analog circuitry: phase reverse in
copper chassis $8.950 digital domain. Coaxial and Toslink digital inputs. THD
0.001%; &NJ 98 dBA. 19 x x 12 in: 14 lb ... $1,495
AN-CD4 CD Player OnL' FROM Sony
Dual 20 -bit D/A converters. Integrated CD Player
matches Oto/Soro chassis $5.995 BOSE Maximum Television is the
Lifestyle 901 CD System ultimate in home entertainment.
DAC 3 Signature Tube D/A Converter Complete system featuring 6 disc CD changer: Any way you put it together,
Dual 20 -bit D/A converters. Silver choke -coupled digital AM/FM tuner with 50 presets: 100 W/ch amplifier: 2 great thi-igs happen.
stage: silver wiring: 6922 tube in output stage .. $5,295 direct/reflecting speakers. each with 9 full -range driv-
ers. Integrated signal processing: active electronic
AN-CDT2 CD Transport
For use with any Audio Note D/A converter ...$4,995
EQ. Black acrylic speakers. each 21 x 13 x 31 in;
brushed aluminum Music center $4,200
0197 Sony Becton. Inc NI nseas menet Sons Hamm. trlenun bee
AN-CD3 CD Player Lifestyle 25 CD System and Tm ton are traglemahs of Sony erroblY e a trademark of Webila Slogan k Inf
BlOalBUSTFR name and rf,lated mark: Mt'
I97 Blockbuster Enterlarnmal.
Dual 20 -bit D A converters. Integrated player ...$3,995 Complete system featuring 6 -disc CD changer: trademarks al Blockbuster Entertainment Inc Otter good 1011'97 10 12 V 9?
Membership Met apply tor rental of Mem "axes re resdnr.natroe ,,ann,1
an& log complete Mans


AM/FM tuner with 50 presets; subwoofer with two Icon Mkll Power Boss CD Player ture -controlled crystal oscillator utilized for jitter control;
51/2 -in woofers; five dual -cube satellites with one 20 -bit D A converter. HDCD filter/decoder. Digital low -resonance chassis. 2 I'S outputs; 1 AES/EBU out-
magnetically shielded 2% -in wide -range driver per servo transport. Coaxial -digital output. Remote con- put; 1 coaxial output. Peak search and intro scan; mi-
cube; amp rated at 80 W x 1 (subwoofer) + 40 x 5 trol. THD 0.005%; S/N 95 dB; dynamic range 107 dB; croprocessor -controlled auto edit for recording; time
(satellites). Videostage surround decoding circuitry; ch sep 91 dB at 1 kHz $1,445 display; full -function remote control. ST -glass output
two -zone expansion capability. RF remote control. optional. Anodized aluminum front panel $1,595
Brushed aluminum CD/tuner module, subwoofer and CL -5 5 -Disc CD Changer
satellites available in black or white. Subwoofer 23% 1 -bit MASH D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. 32X Arthur v3.0 D/A Converter
x 14 x 71/2 in. Satellite 3 x 61/2 x 4% in $2,600 oversampling; digital servo transport; discrete analog 20 -bit Burr -Brown D/A converter. PCM-1702 D/A
stage; single -beam and all -glass optics laser; AC line section: HDCD digital filter; passive post filter; combi-
Lifestyle 20 CD System filter; upgradable to CL -10. 1 -pr RCA analog outputs. nation passive/active Class A analog stage; bypass
Complete system featuring 6 -disc CD changer; Programmable play; remote control. THD 0.005%; jumper for HDCD attenuation. Crystal Semiconduc-
AM/FM tuner with 50 presets; amp rated at 100 W x 1 S,1\192 dB. 17 x 5 x 151/4 in; 18 lb $1,195 tor 8412 input receiver; 2 PS, 1 AES/EBU, 1 coaxial,
(subwoofer) + 50 x 2 (satellites); subwoofer with two
and 1 Toslink inputs; RCA analog outputs. Digital -do-
51/4 -in drivers; two dual -cube satellites with one mag- Icon Mkll CD Player main phase reverse. ST input optional. 5-yr parts -
netically shielded 21/2 -in driver per cube; two -zone ex- 18 -bit D/A converter. Digital servo transport; discrete and -labor warranty. 17 x 2 x 8 in; 7 lb $899
pansion capability. RF remote control. Black or white. FET analog stage. Coaxial -digital output. Remote Charm II. DC battery -based power supply . . . $299
Subwoofer 14 x 23% x 71/2 in. Satellite 21/2 x 41/2 x control. Toslink digital output optional. THD 0.005%;
31/2 in $2,500 S/N 95 dB; dynamic range 105 dB; ch sep 91 dB at
1 kHz $995 CARVER
Lifestyle 12 CD System MV -5 5 -Disc CD Changer
Complete system featuring CD player; AM/FM tuner Sigma II Tube D/A Converter Multibit and Bitstream D/A converter. 5 -disc carou-
with 20 presets; amp rated at 80 W x 1 (subwoofer) + 1 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. Analog stage with sel. Digital Time Lens circuitry that removes digital
40 x 5 (satellites); subwoofer with two 5% -in woofers; one 12AX7 vacuum tube; 18 -bit resolution. Coaxial artifacts. SPDIF digital output; headphone jack with
5 dual -cube satellites with 1 magnetically shielded and Toslink digital inputs. THD 0.02%; S/N 100 dB. adjustable output level; remote control jacks for con-
21/2 -in wide -range driver per cube; Videostage sur- 9 lb $750 nection to compatible components. Can change 3
round decoding circuitry. RF remote control. Black discs while 1 plays; 3 repeat modes; shuffle mode;
veneer subwoofer, black or white satellites. Subwoof- DX -2 CD Player removable rack handles; full -function remote control.
er 71/4 x 23 x 14 in. Satellite 3 x 61/4 x 41/4 in . .$2,200 1 -bit MASH D/A converter. Digital -servo transport; dis-
THD 0.004%; S/N 100 dB; dynamic range 90 dB; ch
crete FET analog stage; AC noise filtration; low -jitter sep 80 dB at 1 kHz. Grained and anodized aluminum
Lifestyle 5 CD System reclocking circuits. Coaxial -digital and RCA -analog front panel. 19 x 4 x 16% in; 15 lb $459
Complete system featuring CD player; AM/FM tuner outputs. LCD display with switchable lighting; remote
with 20 presets; amp rated at 100 W x 1 (subwoofer) control. THD 0.005%; S/N 92 dB; dynamic range 92
+ 50 x 2 (satellites); subwoofer with 8 -in driver; 2 dB; ch sep 90 dB at 1 kHz. 3-yr warranty. 15 lb ...$649 CARY AUDIO DESIGN
dual -cube satellites with 1 magnetically shielded 21/2 - CD -302 HDCD Tube CD Player
in wide -range driver per cube. RF remote control. Gamma D/A Converter Dual 20 -bit D/A converters. HDCD filter/decoder; Pi-
Black veneer subwoofer, black or white satellites. 1 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. Power via 12-V DC oneer stabilized -platter drive mechanism; two 12AU7
Subwoofer 12% x 211/4 x 10 in. Satellite 3 x 61/2 x 4% in adaptor. Coaxial and Toslink digital inputs. Polarity - triode vacuum tubes in low-pass filter network; ana-
$1,499 reverse switch; backlit display. 5 lb $295 log -gain stage and output buffer; aluminum chassis.
Lifestyle 3. As above with two single -cube satellite THO 105 dB. 17 x 4 x 11 in; 15 lb $2,995
speakers and subwoofer with 51/2 -in driver. Amp 50 W
x 1 + 20 x 2 (satellites). Subwoofer 181/2 x 7% x 81/2 in. CAMBRIDGE AUDIO CD -301 Tube CD Player
Satellite 3 x 3 x 41/2 in $1,099 CD6 CD Player NPC SM5872BS OA converter with passive digital
Bitstream D/A converter. Silver-plated shielded ca- filter along with 12AU7 and 12AT7 vacuum tubes.
bling; analog and digital sections isolated from play- Volume selection on remote control $2,495
BOULDER er's transport mechanism and servo circuitry. Profes-
Model 2020 Advance D/A Converter sional grade XLR and SPDIF BNC outputs. 171/4 x 3%
Five 20 -bit converters per channel. 8X oversampling; x 11'1 in; 121b $649 CEC
upgradable to all new formats. Four AES and ST in- TL -0 CD Transport
puts; one Toslink input; 2 AES outputs; 2 XLR fixed - DAC Magic 2 D/A Converter Belt -drive design; 3 -tower transport mechansim: 30 -
level audio outputs. Channel time -advance adjust- Bitstream D/A converter. Symmetrical dual -differen- mm sandwiched brass and aluminum construction;
ment corrects speaker placement; %-in-character tial circuitry. Professional grade Toslink BNC optical - external isolated power supply; 1 -lb disc clamp/fly-
LED display for easy visibility; remote $32,000 digital inputs: professional grade SPDIF BNC digital wheel; 35 -lb chassis. Coaxial digital output: ST digital
inputs; gold-plated XLR and RCA analog outputs. output; AES/EBU digital output. Remote control.
171/2x 3%x Min; 91b $599 Satin -black finish with chrome accents $17,500
CL -10 5 -Disc CD Changer Discmagic 2 CD Transport TL -1 CD Transport
20 -bit D/A converter. 5 -disc digital servo transport; Gold-plated sockets; symmetrical dual -differential Belt -drive design; precision -machined bearing; low -
HDCD filter/decoder; discrete FET analog stage. circuitry. Toslink optical -digital output; professional torque drive motor; 1 -lb disc clamp/flywheel; 37 -lb
Coaxial and AES/EBU digital outputs. Remote con- grade XLR and SPDIF BNC digital outputs. 171/4 x 3% chassis. 2 coaxial digital outputs; AES/EBU digital
trol. THD 0.005%; S/N 95 dB; dynamic range 107 dB; x Min: 11 lb $599 output; Toslink output. Remote control. Available in
ch sep 92 dB at 1 kHz $1,975 gold through special order. Satin -black anodized alu-
CD 4 CD Player minum finish $4,950
CLD-10 CD Transport Bitstream D A converter. BNC/SPDIF digital output.
5 -disc digital servo transport; jitter reduction/reclock- Programmable; remote control. 171/2 x 3% x 111/2 in; TL -2 CD Transport
ing circuits. Coaxial and AES/EBU digital outputs; ST 9 lb $399 Belt -drive design; disc clamp/flywheel; 28 -lb chassis.
optical digital outputs. RS232 I/O interface; remote Coaxial, fiber-optic, and AES/EBU outputs. Remote
control $1,975 control. Powder -coated black epoxy finish $2,995
CL -15 CD Player/Processor Uther v2.0 D/A Converter
Dual 20 -bit co -linear D/A converters. PMD-100 HD - Burr Brown D/A converter. PCM 63 P -J dual -differen- CELLO
CD decoding filter; glass/epoxy printed -circuit board; tial D/A section; jitter reduction utilizing Crystal Semi- Reference DAC D/A Converter
CR3 digital servo transport; synchro system reclock- conductor 8412 with VCXO; HDCD digital filter; Roy- 20 -bit D/A converter. 8X oversampling; UV22 super
ing and jitter reduction. 1 coaxial -digital input; 1 -pr al Bloodline data bus for communication with other CD encoding system. 2 coaxial and 4 balanced digital
RCA -analog outputs. Remote/faceplate selection of Camelot Technology products. 2 I'S inputs; 2 inputs; AES and SPDIF inputs; 2 XLR and 1 RCA ana-
digital input for auxiliary source and volume control; AES/EBU inputs; 2 coaxial inputs; 1 Toslink input; 1 log outputs. 6 source selections; test tone generator.
RS232 serial interface for software customization; re- ST -glass input; 1 coaxial- and 1 I2S-digital outputs; THD 0.005%; S/N 108.5 dB. Brushed anodized alumi-
mote control. THD 0.005%; S/N 104 dBA; ch sep 115 XLR and RCA analog outputs. Two 4 -character al- num/teal faceplate. 19 x 4 x 121/2 in; 20 lb ....$11,000
dB at 1 kHz. 17 x 5 x 151/2 in; 19 lb $1,695 phanumeric display windows: 8 user -accessible
dither positions via remote control; infrared remote
Alpha Tube D/A Converter control. 5-yr transferable parts -and -labor warranty. CHORD
1 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. Analog stage with 17 x 111/2x 41/2in; 141b $2,995 DSC 1500 D/A Converter
two 12AX7 vacuum tubes; 18 -bit resolution; jitter -re- Charm I. DC battery -base power supply $2.995 Delta -sigma D/A converter. 256X oversampling; mi-
duction circuitry; tube -filament standby circuit. Coax- croprocessor controlled. SPDIF-coaxial input; AES/
ial and Toslink outputs; AES/EBU input; ST digital in- Merlin PRO CD Transport EBU input; fiber-optic input: SPDIF-coaxial output;
puts. THD 0.02%; S/N 100 dB. 10 lb $1,495 Pioneer stabilized -platter drive mechanism; tempera- AES/EBU output; 3 fiber-optic outputs. Front -panel


display of 5 separate inputs. S/N 100 dB. 5-yr warran- DCD-S10 CD Player CD Changers
ty. 161/2 x 31/2 x 14 in: 18 lb $6,750 Four 20 -bit D. A converters. Alpha processor for 20 - DN-1400F 200 -Disc CC Changer
bit resolution: motor -driven volume control. Coaxial Two 100 -disc mechanisms. RS -232C, RS -422A. and
DSC 1100 D/A Converter and fiber-optic digital inputs and outputs: and analog SCSI -2 computer interaces: can play 2 CDs simulta-
Delta -sigma D A converter. 256X oversampling; mi- outputs. Remote with volume control $1.600 neously. RCA and XLR outputs for each drive:
croprocessor controlled. SPDIF-coaxial input and AESEBU digital outputs for each drive. Includes Win-
output. Front -panel display of full error, frequency. and DCD-425 CD Player dows and Macintosh computer control programs. 17'
digital de -emphasis states. THD 0.003%; S/N 110 dB. Advanced multilevel noise -shaping D A converter. x 91/4 x 181/4 in: 51 lb $4,800
5-yr warranty 16 x x 14 in: 18 lb $4,500 8X oversampling digital filter A/B repeat: 1 -track re-
peat: all track repeat: random play: intro scan: re- DN-1200FiC 200 -Disc CD Changer
-note control 5199 Dual 20 -bit D A converters Two 100-ckc mecha-
DAC-1 D A Converter
Dual 20 -bit DMA converters. 8X oversampling; HDCD
decoder. 2 RCA coaxial, 1 AES/EBU. 1 Toslink. and 1
ST -glass optical inputs: RCA and XLR outputs.
Phase selection: display brightness. THD 0.003%; THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE CONTINUES
S/N 110 dB. Black or silver faceplate. 5-yr warranty.
19 x 14',x $3.995
CDP-1 CD Player
20 -bit D.A converter. 8X oversampling: HDCD de-
coder. RCA and XLR outputs. Random play, repeat,
and scan functions: standby mode: remote control. S/N
108 dB: ch sep 90 dB at kHz. Black or silver face-
boas tenor._ .
gene ammons
plate. 5-yr warranty. 19 x 13', x 4 in: 18 lb $3,495

CDT -1 CD Transport
AES EBU. coaxial, and ST -glass outputs. Random
play, repeat. and scan functions: remote control.
Black or silver faceplate 5-yr warranty. 19 x 13% x 4
in: 13 lb $2.495

20 -bit D.A converter. 8X oversampling: HDCD de- ,1-.;00D OLD BROADWAY AT SHELLY'S
coder. RCA and XLR outputs: AES.EBU digital out-
put. Random play, repeat, and scan functions: stand- tR on- 3 THE TATUM GROUP VCXR-0035.2) MANNE HOLE
by mode: remote control. S N 106 dBA: ch sep 90 dB MASTERPIECES OVCXR-0036-2)
at 1 kHz. Black or silver faceplate. 5-yr warranty. 19 x . CO 0034-21
11'. x 4 in: 161b $1,995


DV2-b Tube CD Player JVC XRCD SAMPLER 0/: 31.2;
Bitstream D A converter. Tube analog stage. 1 coaxi-
al -digital output: 1 -pr analog outputs. Programmable THE BILL HOLMAN BAND A VIEW FROM THE SIDE INCXR-0002-21
play: remote control. THD 0.1%. Champagne -gold ERNIE WATTS UNITY OVCXR-0003 2)
anodized panel. 3-yr warranty. 18 lb $2.495 TIGER OKOSHI TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY 01/C0-0004-2)
1 -bit delta -sigma D A converter. 3 -beam linear laser OSCAR CASTRO-NEVES TROPICAL HEART (JvCXR-000E-2)
and loader assemblies: modular upgradable design.
AES..EBU digital output. Gold-plated analog RCA out- HIROKO PURE HEART Jvcxiz_coo9.2)
puts. Pause: track skip: bacidt LCD: remote control. TOM COSTER FROM THE STREET (PiCXR-00 C, 2)
THD 0.03%: S/N 90 dB: dynamic range 100 dB: ch sep MISHA CONNECTED TO THE UNEXPECTED ovcmoo I-2)
100 dB at 1 kHz. 16%x3'/ex 11% in: 91b $1.095
DP -S1 CD Transport JIMMY ROGERS BLUE BIRD LivcxR001.5.2)
Top loading design: 32K antijitter buffer: air -tight
shield: sand-cast chassis frame: triple floating sus-
pension; linear motor drive floating along 2 parallel JOHN COLTRANE BLACK PEARLS 81/CXR 2017-2)
guide shafts via magnetic coils: die-cast aluminum THE MONTGOMERY BROTHERS GROOVE YARD ow:n.0018-2)
and BNC outputs: ST Gen -Lock connector for syn-
chronization with D/A converter
DA -S1 D/A Converter DUKE ELLINGTON DUKE S BIG 4 ;JvcxR-oo:: 21
Four 20 -bit D/A converters. Alpha processor for 20 - DOUG MACLEOD COME TO FIND 81/CXR-0023.21
bit resolution: analog output stage with Class A DC
amp with FET input: separate digital and analog sec-
tions: separate left and right sections. ST, Toslink, JOE BEARD FEATURING RONNIE EARL & THE BROADCASTERS BLUES- UNION 81/CXR-0025-2)
AES/EBU. RCA and BNC digital inputs: ST Gen -lock MIGHTY SAM McCLAIN KEEP ON MOVIN' ovcxR-0026 2)
connector for synchronization with CD -transport DOUG MACLEOD YOU CAN'T TAKE MY BLUES (POUR -0027-2)
master clock $7,000
Four 20 -bit D.A converters. Top loading design: disc TIGER OKOSHI ECHOES OF A NOTE 81/CA-003D 2:
stabilizer: Alpha processor for 20 -bit resolution: lin- ELLA FITZGERALD AND JOE PASS TAKE LOVE EASY (JvCxR 0031 :}
ear slide motor: aluminum sand-cast frame: brush -
less DC spindle motor. AES/EBU digital output: coax- THELONIOUS MONII AND GERRY MULLIGAN MULLIGAN MEETS MONK OVCXR-0032.2)
ial and fiber-optic digital outputs: and analog outputs.
Remote with volume control $5.000
JVC MUSIC, 3800 BARHAM 8_9D- SUITE 305, 105 ANGELES. CA 90068
nisms. 20 -bit digital filter; zero -cross -distortion elimi- erence sources. Coaxial and optical inputs with auto DSP-9000 Pro Series Ill D/A Converter
nation; switchable RS-232C/RS-422A computer -con- switching. S/N 95 dB. 11 x 3 x 7% in $1,595 Four 20 -bit D/A converters. HDCD decoding; dual
trol interface with 9 -pin D -sub connectors; comprises Renaissance. As above, 8X oversampling; 26 -bit in- chassis design; hybrid analog/digital volume control;
DN-1200F 200 -disc changer and DN-1200C con- ternal floating point digital filter $1.049 software or board upgradable. 2 coaxial, 2 Toslink, 2
troller. AES/EBU and RCA outputs. Can create and ST, and 2 AES/EBU digital inputs; variable -RCA -ana-
label custom programs; memory for six 100 -track pro- Enlightenment CD Transport log outputs; AES/EBU and coaxial digital outputs.
grams; memory for CD grouping with naming; multi- Low RF noise generation; 3 -beam laser with linear Remote control $5,995
ple DN-1200F control; random play; repeat play; al- sledge; low -jitter internal structure. Coaxial and Tos- As above with balanced analog output $6,995
phanumeric display; remote control. Changer 17% x link outputs. Remote control; LCD; front panel controls
9% x 18% in; controller 17/. x 3% x 10% in; dynamic for all major functions. 15% x 3 x 11% in $1,395 DSP-7000 Series III D/A Converter
range 100 dB: ch sep 105 dB at 1 kHz $4,000 Four 20 -bit D/A converters. HDCD decoding;
Little Bit Three D/A Converter board upgradable. Coaxial, Toslink, and ST digital
DCM-560 5 -Disc CD Changer Double phase -locked loop for low jitter; extensive RF inputs; fixed -RCA -analog outputs; coaxial -digital
Two 20 -bit D/A converters. 5 -disc carousel. Alpha filtering. Optical and coaxial inputs; analog and digi- output
processor for 20 -bit resolution; D/A converters hand $2,495
tal outputs. S/N 90 dB. 15% x 2% x 11 in $595 As above with balanced -analog output $2,890
tuned to eliminate zero -cross -distortion errors; mo-
tor -driven volume control; vibration -resistant chassis. DSP-1000 Series III D/A Converter
Coaxial -digital output. Bidirectional carousel rotation; DUAL Four 20 -bit D/A converters. HDCD decoding. Coaxi-
ability to change up to four discs while one plays: fa- CD5150 CD Player al, Toslink, and ST digital inputs; fixed -analog output;
vorite -track memory for 100 discs; synchro play with 16 -bit 11A converter. Remote. S/N 100 dB $555 coaxial -digital output $1,495
compatible cassette decks; 3 random -play modes; 5
repeat modes; direct track access from front panel or CD1070 CD Player
remote; remote control $650 Dual 18 -bit D A converters. Remote control S/N ENTEC
DCM-460. As above, without motor -driven volume 90 dB $345 Number Server 180 CD Transport
control or vibration -resistant chassis $450 Belt drive. Remote control. 36 lb $4,750
DCM-360 5 -Disc CD Changer DYNACO Number Cruncher 1.1 D/A Converter
20 -bit D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. Alpha Proces- CDV-PRO CD Player Delta -sigma D/A converter. BNC input. Phase -re-
sor for 20 bit resolution: 20 -bit 8X oversampling digital Dual 20 -bit Burr -Brown D/A converters. HDCD compat- verse control. 19 x 3% x 15 in; 22 lb
filter. 3 -mode random play; 5 -way repeat play; digital $3,995
ible; Pacific Microsonics digital filter chip. Analog and Number Cruncher 1.5. Upgraded version of above
attenuator (volume control); remote control ....$319 coaxial digital outputs. Tube output section; integral vol- model $4,995
ume control with bypass switch; 4 -position display dim-
DCM-260 5 -Disc CD Changer mer; remote control. THD 0.02%; S/N 100 dB. Black Accessories
5 -disc carousel. 20 -bit 8X oversampling digital filter; anodized aluminum. 17 x 3% x 12 in; 16 lb $1,099 The following accessories are intended for use with
Multilevel Noise Shaping D/A Converter. 3 -mode ran- the above D/A converters.
dom play; 5 -way repeat play; digital attenuator (vol- CDV-2 Tube CD Player
ume control); remote control $269 16 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. Tube output stage; Goldstein power cord $375
8X oversampling. Analog- and coaxial -digital out- Reference power cord $150
puts. Integral volume control with bypass switch; 4 - Clear -viewing metal lid $150
DODSON AUDIO position display dimmer; remote control. THD 0.02%; 75 -ohm BNC-to-BNC 1-m interconnect cable
DA -217 D/A Converter $100
S/N 100 dB. Black anodized aluminum. 17 x 3% x 12 Custom Canare interconnect cable set $90
Dual 20 -bit D/A converters. Proprietary decoding; 12 in; 161b $779
regulated voltage supplies; upgradable, via micro-
processor software and the PLL module, micro- ESOTERIC
processor and digital filter ICs; 2 PLL jitter -reduction EMERSON RADIO P2s CD Transport
circuits plus low -jitter reclocking circuit; DC servo for HD6976 Portable CD Player Overhead turntable with double -layer construction
analog output voltage. 2 BNC-coaxial and 1 Toslink 1 -bit D/A converter. 3 -beam laser pickup. Electronic comprised of brass and aluminum layers; concave
inputs; RCA and XLR analog outputs. 8 front panel antishock circuitry: flat/bass/treble boost: built-in Ni- turntable surface; green turntable tint to absorb stray
LED's; phase -switch. ST type or AES/EBU digital in- Cd recharger. Includes AC power adaptor and Ni-Cd laser light; servo system with low-pass filter to elimi-
puts optional. S/N 120 dBA. 5-yr-transferable warran- batteries, carry case,patch cords, and headphones. nate servo -signal destabilizing elements and mini-
ty. 17 x 12 x 3 in; 141b $2,995 THD 0.1%; S/N 78 dB; dynamic range 78 dB: ch sep mize pickup vibration; 1.6 -mm sheet -steel chassis
ST digital input for above $175 60 dB. 5 x 6% x 1% in $130 with die-cast base and aluminum front panel; disc
AES/EBU digital input for above $125 tray machined from 8 -mm -thick aluminum with sup-
HD6825 Portable CD Player port of 6 ball bearings; ST, XLR, coaxial BNC and
DAC-263 D/A Converter 1 -bit D/A converter. 3 -beam laser pickup; built-in Ni- RCA, and Toslink digital outputs. Track/index select;
Dual 20 -bit Burr -Brown D/A converters. Proprietary Cd battery recharger. Random play; repeat; bass search keys; time search; 40 -track conventional/
filter/decoder circuits; PLL jitter -reduction circuitry; boost. Includes carrying case, patch cords, and delete programming; 4 repeat modes; fluorescent
BNC-coaxial-digital input; gold/rhodium RCA outputs. headphones. THD 0.1%; S/N 78 dB; ch sep 60 dB. display with dimmer; remote control with controls for
Phase switch; auto sampling -rate selection; LED indi- x 6% x 1% in $110 D-2 D/A converter $7,000
cators. S/N 110 dBA. 17 x 12 x 3 in; 14 lb ....$1,995 111)6925. As above with car -cassette adaptor and
Balanced-XLR outputs for above $345 cigarette -lighter plug $120 D2 D/A Converter
Four 18 -bit D/A converters. Antivibration chassis; 45 -
bit digital filter with noise shaping; dithering circuitry:
DPA DIGITAL ENLIGHTENED AUDIO DESIGNS 18-dB/oct Butterworth analog filter; MOSFET analog -
PDM 1024 D/A Converter TheaterVision Combi-Transport circuitry. 2 coaxial and 2 fiber-optic digital inputs;
128X oversampling digital filter; 24 -bit wide data Plays CDs and laserdiscs. All digital video process- XLR and RCA analog outputs; coaxial digital output.
path: AES/EBU compatible; split analog and digital ing; 3D comb filter. Dolby Digital RF output; coaxial, Digital phase -reverse and soft -mute switches; fluo-
domains; 24k gold-plated brass or copper to provide ST, Toslink, and AES/EBU digital outputs. Track/disc rescent display with dimmer. Sampling rates 32,
improved conductivity; high speed opto-isolators. 1 remaining -time displays; 4 repeat modes; remote 44.1, and 48 kHz. S/N 110 dB at 1 kHz $3,500
balanced input; 3 RCA inputs; optical input; 3
1 control $5.495
Toslink inputs; selectable digital domain output. P700 CD Transport
User -adjustable dither levels. S/N 104 dB. 15% x 3 x Ultradisc 2000 CD Player Die-cast aluminum overhead turntable; concave
117 in $11,500 20 -bit D/A converter. HDCD filter/decoder; dual -dif- turntable surface with laser pickup at matching angle;
PDM 256. As above, except with 64X oversampling ferential D/A conversion; stabilized -platter drive: up- 1.6 -mm sheet -steel chassis with die-cast base and
digital filter. S/N 101 dB $6,600 gradable design. Fixed -analog output: coaxial -digital aluminum front panel. Coaxial -RCA and Toslink digi-
output. Track remaining -time display; random play; tal outputs. 20 -track conventional/delete program-
Renaissance CD Player remote control. THD 0.001%; S/N 100 dBA ..$2,995 ming; 4 repeat modes; track/time displays; remote
16 -bit D/A converter. 26 -bit internal floating-point dig- control $1,500
ital filter: low -jitter internal architecture. LCD; front Ultradisc 20007 CD Transport
panel controls: remote control. S/N 95 dB. 153/4 x 3 x Reclocking circuitry. ST digital output: coaxial -digital 0700 D/A Converter
11% in $1,895 output; AES/EBU digital output. Random play; re- Four 20 -bit D/A converters. Dithering circuitry; circuit-
mote control $2,395 ry to reduce zero -cross distortion: 18-dB/oct Butter-
Enlightenment D/A Converter worth analog filter. Two coaxial and two fiber-optic
Dual 16 -bit D/A converters. 8X oversampling; 34 -bit D/A Converters digital inputs; XLR and RCA analog outputs; coaxial
internal floating-point digital filter; transport jitter re- The following feature 0 Hz -20 kHz ±0.1 dB frequency digital output. Sampling rates 32, 44.1, and 48 kHz.
moval; 6 low -imp regulators; precision band -gap ref- response, 100 dBA S/N, and 0.001% THD. Sill 110 dB at 1 kHz $1,350


FISHER output section. 2 RCA analog outputs; 1 optical -digi- gle -disc tray. Independent suspension system; servo
The following CD changers can be controlled via the tal output: headphone output with level control: sys- system. Auto/manual search; auto power-on/off
remote control supplied with any Fisher receiver. tem remote -control jack. Can change 4 discs while 1 eject: 4 repeat modes; resume function; continuous
plays: 3 repeat modes; random play; intro scan: disc play: 20 -track program chart; fluorescent display: in-
Studio 150 DAC-1506 150 -Disc CD Changer skip; remote control. THD 0.005%; S/N 104 dB; dy- tro scan and remote control; 48 -disc title memory
Dual 1 -bit D/A converter. 150 -disc auto -load mecha- namic range 94 dB. Black matte. 173/ x 31/2 x 141/2 in; and title -input jog dial. THD 0.002%; S/N 107 dB: dy-
nism. 2 RCA line -level outputs; headphone jack with 15 lb $399 namic range 99 dB $280
volume control. 80 -track programmability; 14 -preset XCM75. 6 -disc magazine for above $20
music categories; 2 -speed disc and category search; FL8300 5 -Disc CD Changer
dual -mode random play; 2 -line 8 -character alphanu- Dual 1 -bit Bitstream D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. XLM318BK 7 -Disc CD Changer
meric display; bidirectional radial transport; 28 -key Discreet analog output stage. Analog RCA outputs: 1-bi- PEM D/A converter. 6 -disc magazine plus sin-
shuttle remote control. THD 0.03%; S/N 100 dB; dy- coaxial -digital output: headphone jack: system remote gle -disc tray. Independent -suspension servo system.
namic range 90 dB: ch sep 80 dB. Black finish. 161/2 x control jack. Can change 4 discs while one plays; 3 re- Headphone jack. Auto/manual search: auto power-
7% x 18 in; 18 lb $430 peat modes: random play; intro scan; disc skip: re- on/off eject; 4 repeat modes; resume function; con-
mote control. THD 0.05%; S/N 104 dB: dynamic range tinuous play; fluorescent display; intro scan and re-
Studio 60 DAC-6006 60 -Disc CD Changer 94 dB. Black matte. 173/e x 3% x 10%e ir; 15 lb ...$329 mote control. THD 0.0022%; S/N 107 dB; dynamic
1 -bit D/A converter. 60 -disc manual -load mecha- range 98 dB $260
nism. 2 RCA line -level outputs. 48 -track programma- HD710 CD Player XLM218BK. As above, without headphone jack, intro
bility; 7 -preset music categories; dual -mode random Dual 1 -bit Bitstream D/A converter. Discrete analog scan. or remote control: CompuLink remote -control
play: 8 -character alphanumeric display; category and output stage. 2 RCA analog outputs; digital output: compatible $220
headphone jack. Multiple repeat modes: random play; XCM75. 6 -disc magazine for above $20
subcategory programming and play; bi-directional ra-
dial transport; 28 -key remote control. THD 0.03%; intro scan; index search; headphone-.evel control; re-
S/N 100 dB; dynamic range 90 dB; ch sep 80 dB. mote. THD 0.005%; S/N 104 dB; dynamic range 95 dB. XLF254BK 5 -Disc CD Changer
Black finish. 161/2 x 7% x 171/2 in; 18 lb $330 Black matte. 17% x 3% x 13 in; 15 lb $299 1-br. PEM DA converter. 5 -disc carousel. Front -load-
ing mechanism; independent suspension system;
Studio 24 DAC-2406 24 -Disc CD Changer servo system; disc -stabilizing damper. Can change
1 -bit D,A converter. 24 -disc manual -load mecha- JADIS 4 discs while 1 plays; auto/manual search; continu-
nism. 2 RCA line -level outputs. 48 -track programma- JD -1 Drive CD Transport ous play; random play: 4 repeat modes; fluorescent
bility: 7 -preset music categories; dual -mode random Standard version. S/N 104 dBA: dynamic range 96 display: remote control. THD 0.0022%; S/N 107 dB:
play; 8 -character alphanumeric display; category and dB; ch sep 102 dB at 1 kHz $15,050 dynamic range 98 dB $200
subcategory programming and play; bidirectional ra- XLF154BK. As above, without remote control; Com-
dial transport; 23 -key remote control. THD 0.03%; JS -1 D/A Converter puLink remote -control compatibility $180
S/N 100 dB; dynamic range 90 dB; ch sep 80 dB. 1 -bit D/A converter. Fixed balanced analog output.
Black finish. 161/2 x 7% x 151/2 in; 15 lb $300 S/N 90 dB $12,325 XLV282BK CD Player
1 -bit PEM DA converter. Independent suspension
Portable CD Players JD -3 CD Player system; servo system; disc -stabilizing damper.
PCD-7900 Portable CD Player Bitstream D/A converter. THD 0.003%; S/N 100 dB; Headphone jack with volume control. 4 repeat
1 -bit D/A converter. 40 -sec antishock butter; slim pro- dynamic range 90 dB; ch sep 90 dB $3.995 modes; auto and programmed edit functions; auto
file design. Line -level output; headphone output jack. power-on/off eject; auto/manual search; Dynamic
Auto power oft; 3 repeat modes; back -lid LCD: LCD Detection Recording Processor; CompuLink remote-
function display; 3 -position electronic Ea system. In- JRM ENGINEERING cortrol compatibility; remote control with direct ac-
cludes AC adaptor. headphones, Ni-CD batteries, DA -20P D/A Converter cess and indexing. THD 0.0025%; S/N 106 dB: dy-
car adaptor, and cassette adaptor. THD 0.09%; S/N Single -chip dual 19 -bit D/A converters for each chan- namic range 98 dB $190
95 dB; dynamic range 86 dB; ch sep 75 dB at 1 kHz. nel. 5 -bit dither; 3 position user -programmable anti -
Black, gray metallic. 5 x 1% x 5% in $250 alias filter; multiple -slope PLL jitter reduction. 4 digi- Portable CD Players
tal inputs; 4 line -level analog inputs; EBU digital input XL-63CR Portable CD Player
PCD 7600 Portable CD Player and output connectors. Volume, bass, mid -range, tre- 1-b t D A converter. 10 -sec shock protection with
1 -bit D/A converter. 8X oversampling; 20 -sec antishock ble controls. THD 0.001% $2,610 electric power saver; heat -resistant body: 10 -hr play:
system with on/oH button. Line -level output; head- RIAA phoro module for above $75 buil-in battery recharger. Switchable bass boost; in-
phone output. 3 -position electronic EO: LCD function tro scan; random play: repeat play; track skip/search;
display; 3 repeat modes. Includes headphones. AC backlit LCD and keys when powered through car or
adaptor/charger, and cassette adaptor $210 JVC AC resume play/auto power off; hold switch. In-
XLMC302 101 -Disc CD Changer cludes car adaptor, cassette adaptor, and head-
PCD-6300 Portable CD Player 1 -bit PEM D/A converter. 100 -disc module and sepa- phones $160
1 -bit D/A converter. Slim profile design: 10 -sec anti - rate controller with single -disc tray. 3 -beam laser XL-P53CR. As above, no backlighting for LCD or
shock buffer. Headphone output; line -level output. In- pickup. Daisy -chain connection for play and control of keys $150
tro scan; auto power off; 3 repeat modes; 3 -position two XLMCM1 100 -CD add-on transports for total of XL -P43. As XL-P53CR, with rechargeable batteries
electronic EC); LCD function display. Includes AC 300 CDs; 10 user files: delete file: remote disc -title in- but without car adaptor or cassette adaptor acces-
adaptor, band -type, headphones. Ni-CD batteries, dex and search; 301 -disc random play: 4 repeat sories $140
car adaptor, and cassette adaptor. THD 0.09%; S/N modes; resume function; security door lock; intro
80 dB; dynamic range 85 dB; ch sep 70 dB at 1 kHz. scan; 300 -disc title memory on LCD -emote: continu- XL -P33 Portable CD Player
Black finish. 16' x x in $170 ous play: fluorescent display: CorrpuLink remote - 1 -bit D/A converter. 10 -sec electronic shock protec-
control compatibility: remote control with LCD. THD tior; dynamic suspension system; hi -speed pickup
0.002%; S'N 107 dB; dynamic range 99 dB ....$870 servo; built-in battery recharger. Switchable bass -
GPX XLMCM1. Add-on 100 -disc transport for above. 3 - boost; intro scan; random play: repeat play: auto
C3905 Portable CD Player beam laser pickup. Security door lock $550 power off; hold switch. Includes earphones ....$120
4X oversampling; bass -boost system: 3 -sec elec-
tronic skip protection (ESP). Stereo line-out jack; ste- XL-MC222BK 200 -Disc CD Changer
reo headphone jack. Random and repeat play 1 -bit D/A converter. 8X oversampling; motorized KENWOOD
modes; track skip/search; 6 -digit LCD. Includes clear-acryiic CD door. AC input; 2 RCA outputs; 2 Model 1050CD 5 -Disc CD Changer
headphones; DC -3V jack/AC adaptor; CD Car Kit in- CompuLink inputs/outputs. 25 -CD play exchange Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. 5 -disc carousel. 8X over -
cluding cassette player adaptor and cigarette with 1 CD eject: random play: jog vial for disk/track sampling; drive -distortion reduction circuitry; digital
lighter/DC-12V jack adaptor $80 selection; remote control. THD 0.002%; S/N 107 dB; pulse -axis control; 3rd -order noise shaping. Analog
C3900. As above, without Car Kit $70 dynamic range 99 dB. Black $380 outputs. Can change 4 discs while 1 plays: random
play with lockout: 1 -touch recording; audible fast-for-
C3860 Portable CD Player XLM5SD 7 -Disc CD Changer wai d/fast-reverse: auto function 1 -touch operation:
2X oversampling; bass -boost system. Stereo line-out 1 -bit PEM D/A converter. 6 -disc magazine plus sin- remote control $200
jack; stereo headphone jack. Track skip/search; re- gle -disc tray. Optical -digital output; headphone out-
peat and random play; 2 -digit LCD. Includes stereo put with volume control. Auto/manual search: jog dial DPC-981 Portable CD Player
headphones and DC -3V jack/AC adaptor $60 for input o' up to 192 titles: disc/title search; 4 repeat Dual 1 -bit DA converters. Digital antishock with 20 -
modes: 7 -disc continuous play: fluorescent display: sec buffer, wide -capture servo -recovery circuit; 3 -
CompuLirk remote control. THD 0.002%; S/N 108 point disc locking; internal extra -battery capacity (4
HARMAN KARDON dB: dynamic range 99 dB $330 total); digital bass boost. Line -output jack. Illuminated
FL8450 5 -Disc CD Changer LCD display and function keys; audible fast-
Dual 1 -bit Bitstream D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. XLM418BK 7 -Disc CD Changer forward/fast-reverse; shuffle play: track, disc, and
20 -bit digital filter dual -differential discrete analog - 1 -bit PEM D A converter. 6 -disc magazine plus sin- prcgram repeat: auto power off; remote control. In -


cludes noise -canceling headphones, high -capacity tal inputs; 2 RCA output pairs. Auto input and sam- AZ736317 Portable CD Player
rechargeable batteries, and AC adaptor $200 pling -rate selection with indicators. Sampling rates 192X oversampling: 3 -sec ESP. Dynamic Bass
44.1 and 48 kHz $2,595 Boost; repeat and intro scan; auto power off; low bat-
DPC-885 Portable CD Player
tery level indicator; hold switch; 6 -digit LCD display;
Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. Digital antishock with 20 - MImIk CD Player car acoustics selection. Slip -resistant cabinet finish.
sec buffer; wide -capture servo -recovery circuit; 3 - 1 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. Replaceable laser 5% x 1% x 6% in; 1 lb
point disc locking; digital bass boost. Line -output $110
pickup. 2 RCA output pairs; BNC digital output; re-
jack. Audible fast-forward/fast reverse; shuffle play: mote -control jack for switching of other Linn compo- AZ7265 Portable CD Player
track, disc, and program repeat; auto power off. In- nents or multiroom use $1,595 4X oversampling; built-in battery recharger; dynamic
cludes sports -style headphones; high -capacity Ni-
bass -boost system. Headphone jack. Shuffle and re-
MH rechargeable batteries, AC adaptor, LCD wired
peat play modes: intro scan; nexVprevious track search;
remote, and sports -style carrying case $180 LUXMAN audible search: auto power off; resume; hold switch; 6 -
D -700s CD Player digit LCD display. 5% x 11/4 x 61/4 in; 1 lb
DPC-782 Portable CD Player $90
20 -bit D/A converter. HDCD decoder; front -loading
Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. Digital antishock with 20 -sec mechanism; 1 -set analog -RCA phono jacks; 1 -pr AZ7261 Portable CD Player
buffer; internal extra -battery capacity (4 total); wide - XLR outputs; 1 coaxial -digital output. THD 0.002%; 4X oversampling; built-in battery recharger. Head-
capture servo -recovery circuit; 3 -point disc locking; S/N 110 dB; dynamic range 98 dB; ch sep 108 dB at phone jack. Dynamic bass boost; audible search;
digital bass boost. Line -output jack. Illuminated LCD 1 kHz. Champagne gold. 3-yr warranty. 18% x 5'/e x shuffle play; next/previous track search; repeat and
display and function keys: audible fast/forward/fast re- 15%in; 10 lb $2,500 intro scan; auto power off: resume; hold switch; 6 -
verse: shuffle play; track, disc, and program repeat; au-
digit LCD display. No car accessories included. 5% x
to power off; remote control. Includes high -capacity Ni- D-375 CD Player 11/4 x 61/4 in; 1 lb $80
MH rechargeable batteries, AC adaptor, cassette 1 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. Motor -driven vol-
adaptor, and cigarette -lighter adaptor $160 ume control; line -phase sensor. Fiber-optic digital
output; system bus connection. Digital fade out; MARANTZ
Model 104CD 5 -Disc CD Changer tape edit; synchro play with compatible cassette CD -17 CD Player
Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. 5 -disc carousel. 8X over - decks; random play; repeat play; auto scan; timer Dual -differential 1 -bit Bitstream D/A converters.
sampling; digital pulse -axis control; 3rd -order noise play; fluorescent display with 3 brightness levels; re- CDM-12.1 3 -beam holographic mechanism; Philips
shaping. Analog outputs. Can change 4 discs while 1 mote control. THD 0.004% at 1 kHz; S/N 105 dB;
plays; 1 -touch recording; audible fast-forward/fast re- integrated digital servo controller with demodulator/
dynamic range 98 dB; ch sep 100 dB. Black or decoder. Analog outputs; Toslink and coaxial digital
verse; auto function 1 -touch operation; random play champagne $795
with lockout; remote control outputs. Track scan; repeat play; index play; display
$160 dimmer; tape edit; peak search; remote control. THD
D-355 CD Player 0,002%; S/N 104 dB; dynamic range 97 dB; ch sep
Model 103CD 5 -Disc CD Changer 1 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. Motor -driven volume 98 dB. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 18 x 31/4 x 12 in;
Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. 5 -disc carousel. 8X over - control. System bus connection. Synchro play with 131b
sampling; digital pulse -axis control: 3rd -order noise $1,200
compatible cassette decks; random play; repeat play;
shaping. Analog outputs. Can change 4 discs while 1 auto scan; timer play; fluorescent display with 3 LV-520 Combi-Player
plays; audible fast-forward/fast-reverse; 1 -touch re- brightness levels; remote control. THD 0.007% at 1
cording; auto function 1 -touch operation; random Plays CDs and laserdiscs. 1 -bit Bitstream D/A con-
kHz; S/N 96 dB; dynamic range 96 dB; ch sep 96 dB. verter. CD -direct mode with separate CD tray in cen-
play with lockout; remote control $140 Black or champagne $495 ter of laserdisc drawer; 3 -line Y/C separator with digi-
DPC-383 Portable CD Player tal time -base corrector. Dolby Digital RF output;
D-322 CD Player Toslink optical -digital output; 1 S -video and 2 com-
Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. Digital antishock with 10 - 18 -bit D/A converter. Floating pickup suspension; posite -video outputs; 2 audio -output pairs. Dual -side
sec buffer; internal extra -battery capacity; 3 -point metal chassis and front panel. Auto ediVspace; ran- play; 6 -speed variable forward/reverse; last -position
disc locking; bass boost. Line -output jack. LCD dis- dom play; repeat play; remote control. THD 0.003% video memory with preceding -video scan; 7 repeat
play; audible fast-forward/fast reverse; shuffle play; at 1 kHz; S/N 105 dB: dynamic range 100 dB; ch sep
track, disc, and program repeat; auto power off. In- modes; theater mode: defeatable on -screen dis-
103 dB. 171/2x 4 x11 in; 9 lb $395 plays; override of laserdisc stop codes; defeatable
cludes sports -style headphones, AC adaptor, and Ni-
Cd rechargeable batteries fluorescent display; remote with shuttle. THD 0.002%;
S/N 114 dB; dynamic range 98 dB. 3-yr parts -and -la-
DPC-382. As above, without sports headphones or MACH 1 ACOUSTICS bor warranty. 17 x 51/2 x 171/2 in; 18 lb $800
rechargeable batteries but with standard headphones, DMS Reference D/A Converter
cassette and cigarette -lighter adaptors $100 20 -bit D/A converter. Toslink, coaxial, and balanced CC -870101 -Disc CD Changer
DPC-381. As DPC-383, except with high-perfor- digital inputs; RCA and XLR analog outputs. THD Bitstream D/A converter. 100 -disc mechanism plus
mance headphones instead of sports -style head- 0.01%; S/N 105 dB $2,395
phones single -disc slot. 100 discs stored on linear mecha-
$90 DMS Standard. As above, lower -grade components nism; each CD can be stored under 1 of 10 different
and circuitry $1,895
DPC-183 Portable CD Player musical classifications; cascade and parallel re-
Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. 3 -point disc locking; inter-
mote connections allow up to 7 additional CC -870
units to be operated in tandem or individually. Coax-
nal extra -battery capacity (4 total); bass boost. Line MAGNAVOX ial -digital output. Title search and category search;
outputs jack. LCD display; audible fast-forward/fast CDC725 5 -Disc CD Changer
reverse: shuffle play; track, disc, and program repeat; CD-synchro recording function. THD 0.009%; S/N
Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. 5 -disc carousel. 8X over - 100 dB; dynamic range 90 dB: ch sep 90 dB. 3-yr
auto power off. Includes sports -style headphones, sampling. Can change 2 discs while 1 plays; audible
AC adaptor, and Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries limited parts -and -labor warranty. 171/4 x 7 x 11 in:
$80 music search; random and repeat play; auto search; 13 lb
DPC-181. As above with standard headphones in- $600
6 -character fluorescent display; remote control 17 x
stead of sports -style headphones $70 41/4 x 14% in; 81b $130 CC -67 5 -Disc CD Changer
1 -bit Bitstream D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. CDM-
Portable CD Players 12 laser mechanism; 2nd -order noise shaping:
KRELL The following feature 1 -bit Bitstream D/A conversion,
KAV-300cd CD Player quick -play mechanism. Coaxial -digital output; ana-
auto power off, and an LCD display and include ste- log output. Can change 3 discs while 1 plays; ran-
20 -bit Burr -Brown ACM -1702K D/A converter. 8X reo headphones, an AC adaptor, and, unless other- dom play/repeat; peak search: tape edit; volume
oversampling; HDCD decoder; drawer loading. 12-V wise noted, car accessories. control; fade in/out function; remote control. THD
trigger input; 1 -pr RCA and 1 -pair XLR analog out-
puts; 1 Toslink- and 1 coaxial -digital outputs. Remote
0.0025%; S/N 110 dB; dynamic range 96 dB; ch sep
AZ7467 Portable CD Player 102 dB. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 17 x 41/4 x
control. S/N 103 dB. 5-yr warranty. 19 x 4% x 15 in: 192X oversampling; 10 -sec electronic skip protec- 143/4 in; 16 lb
22 lb $400
$3,500 tion (ESP). 6 -digit illuminated LCD display; shuffle
play; audible search; repeat play; intro scan: auto CD -67 CD Player
power off; hold switch; low battery -level indicator; Dual 1 -bit delta -sigma Bitstream D/A converters.
LINN digital sound control; remote control. 5/ x 11/4 x 61/4
Karik CD Player CDM-12 laser mechanism with 3 -beam laser and
in; 1 lb $140
1 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. Servo transport con- photo -diode pickup; proprietary analog -stage op -
amp combining discrete output circuit in integrated
trol; screened circuitry; replaceable laser pickup. 2 AZ7453 Portable CD Player package: 4th -order noise shaping; digital de -empha-
RCA output pairs: BNC and fiber-optic digital out- 96X oversampling; heat -resistant cabinet; 10 -sec an- sis and muting; digital drive servo. Gold-plated ana-
puts; remote -control jack for switching of other Linn ti -shock buffer: built-in battery recharger. Headphone log output; coaxial and fiber-optic digital outputs.
components or multiroom use $3,595 jack. Shuffle play: nexVprevious track search; audible Tape edit: peak search: display with dimmer; remote
search; repeat: intro scan; resume: auto power off; with volume control. THD 0.0025%; S/N 104 dB; dy-
Numerlk D/A Converter hold switch; 6 -digit LCD display; digital sound proc- namic range 96 dB; ch sep 102 dB. 3-yr parts -and -la-
20 -bit D/A converter. Screened circuitry; 2 BNC digi- essing. 51/4 x 11/4 x 61/4 in; 1 lb $120 bor warranty. 16'/2x 4 x 12 in $400


CC -48 5 -Disc CD Changer MCD7009 CD Player Stage 5 CD Player
1 -bit Bitstream D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. CDM- Dual 1 -bit dual -differential D/A converters. 20 - 1 -bit Bitstream D/A converter. Tray loading design:
12 laser mechanism; 2nd -order noise shaping. bit digital filter: vibration -free rigid disc clamping; CDM-12.4 laser mechanism; Acutrans jitter -reduc-
Coaxial -digital output. Can change 3 discs while one CD -size die -cast -aluminum disc turntable. Remote tion circuitry; upgradable to Stage 6. Coaxial output:
plays; random and repeat play; tape edit: peak control $2,750 headphone output. Adjustable display brightness;
auto shutoff: double -speed play mode for faster re-
search; variable output level; remote. THD 0.0025%;
S/N 106 dB: dynamic range 96 dB: ch sep 100 dB. 3- cord ng to double -speed recorder: remote control. 17
x 31/2x 111/2in:10 lb $1,195
yr parts -and -labor warranty. 17% x 41/2 x 15 in ..$280 MERIDIAN
Model 508 CD Player
CD -48 CD Player 20 -bit D/A converter. Precision reclocked digital out- DAC D/A Converter
Differential Bitstream D/A converter. Philips CDM- puts for reduced jitter. SPDIF-coaxial and Toslink Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. Dedicated converter for
12.1 holographic laser module with digital servo con- fiber-optic digital outputs; XLR connectors. 8 -charac- each channel to allow time -aligned differential opera-
trol. Coaxial -digital output jack; headphone jack with ter alphanumeric display: previous and next track; tion; 259X oversampling; single -button for input and
volume control. Shuffle play; 4 repeat modes: 10 -sec pause. Includes Meridian system remote control. phase selection. AES/EBU, coaxial, and Toslink opti-
intro scan; tape edit recording function; fade in/out 12% x 31/2 x 13 in $2,995 cal inputs; RCA and XLR outputs. Output imp 10
functions; digital peak search; 20 -key infrared remote ohms. THD 0.01% at 0 dB; S/N 96 dB; dynamic
Model 500 CD Transport range 96 dB. 17x 111/2 x 31/2 in; 9Ib $1,095
control. THD 0.004%; S/N 100 dB; dynamic range 96
dB; ch sep 94 dB. 3-yr limited parts -and -labor war- SPDIF coaxial-, AES/EBU. and EIAJ fiber -optic -digi-
ranty. 171/2 x 31/2 x 11 in; 7 lb $230 tal outputs. 8 -character alphanumeric display: pause; Stage 4 CD Player
previous track and next track. Includes Meridian sys- 1 -bit D/A converter. Tray loading design; CDM-12.4
tem remote 123/4 x 31/2 x 13 in $2,195 laser mechanism; Acutrans jitter -reduction circuitry: up-
MARK LEVINSON gradable to Stage 5 or Stage 6. Coaxial output; head-
Model 30.5 D/A Converter Model 566 D/A Converter phore output. Adjustable display brightness; auto
20 -bit D/A converter. 3 coaxial -digital, fiber -optic - shutoff; remote control. 17 x 31/2 x 11 1/2 in; 10 lb ..$995
20 -bit D/A converter. Data reclocking system: two 1

towers, each containing analog circuitry for one digital, and 1 balanced inputs; analog output; twin
channel with isolation from digital circuitry; HDCD XLR connectors. Absolute phase -reverse; input se- Mink= CD CD Player
decoding. 4 AES/EBU, 2 SPDIF-coaxial, and 2 fiber- lect control; phase display: remote control. 123/4 x 31/2 5 -bit D/A converter. Tray loading design; CDM-12.2
optic digital inputs; 1 analog, 2 AES/EBU, and 1 fiber- x 131/2 in $1,995 laser mechanism. Defeatable coaxial output. Remote
$15,950 control also commands Minium FM and AMP as a
optic outputs
Model 506 CD Player system. S/N 80 dB; ch sep 100 dB at 1 kHz. 17 x 2% x
20 -bit D A converter. SPDIF coaxial- and EIAJ fiber-op- 101/2 in: 9 lb $695
Model 31.5 CD Transport
Top loading design; towers containing power sup- tic digital outputs; analog output. 8 -character alphanu-
plies for control and signal -path circuits: upgradable meric display; pause; previous and next track. Includes
design. AES/EBU, SPDIF, ST, EIAJ fiber-optic digital Meridian system remote. 123/4 x 31/2 x 13 in $1,895 MITSUBISHI
outputs $9,495 M-CD500 5 -Disc CD Changer
1 -bit D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. 8X oversam-
Model 36S D/A Converter MICROMEGA pling; 18 -bit digital filter; 3 -pole analog filter. Skip and
20 -bit D/A converter. Reclocking system; HDCD de- Solo CD Player search funtions; can change 4 discs while one plays;
coding. 2 AES/EBU. 1 SPDIF-RCA, 1 SPDIF-BNC. 1 -bit D/A converter. 8X oversampling digital filter with 40 -track program memory; 6 repeat modes: intro
and 1 ST, 1 EIAJ-fiber-optic inputs: RCA and XLR 4th order noise shaper; pure Class A output stage: full scan: random play. THD 0.01%; S/N 97 dB; dynamic
$6,495 metal chassis with RFI emission; top loading design; range 96 dB. 171/2 x 41/2 x 151/4 in $349
clock oscillator for ultra -low induced audio phase
Model 39 CD Player noise. Analog outputs: coaxial switchable digital out-
20 -bit D/A converter. All -metal drawer mechanism. put. Absolute phase control; remaining time display: MSB TECHNOLOGY
Variable -level and analog outputs; digital input and random play. scan, and repeat functions; A -B repeat; Platinum LS -2 Dual Combi-Transport
output. Remote control $5,995 full-functior remote control. THD 0.03%: S/N 90 dB at Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Accepts 2 laserdiscs at
1 kHz: dynamic range 120 dB. Brushed anodized alu- once; dual -sided play on each disc. AC -3 RF output;
Model 37 CD Transport minum. 131/2 x 4 x 121/2 in $3,995 coaxial- and Toslink digital outputs: dual analog out-
All -metal drawer mechanism; front loading design. put S -video and RCA composite outputs. Remote
AES/EBU, SPDIF-RCA, SPDIF-BNC, and ST digital Data CD Transport control. 181/2 x 10 x 161/2 in; 65 lb $5,495
outputs $3.995 Clock oscillator: full metal chassis with extensive
shielding for low RFI emission; proprietary -design Gold LS -2 Combi-Transport
disc damper. 1 coaxial -Cinch-, BNC-coaxial-,
1 1 Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Dual -sided play. S -video
MBL AES/EBU, and 1 Toslink optical -digital outputs. Vacu- output; RCA composite output: AC -3 RF output:
Model 1611 D/A Converter um fluorescent display: absolute phase control; time glass -fiber, XLR, coaxial, and Toslink outputs. Re-
display: repeat and scan functions: random play: A -B mote control. 181/2 x 61/2 x 161/2 in; 50 lb $3,395
24 -bit D/A converter. AES/EBU. coaxial. Toslink, and
ST digital inputs. Analog input and variable analog out- repeat: remote control. Brushed anodized aluminum. I nte, nal AC -3 demodulator $695
put optional. THD 0.0007%. 19 x 6 x 17 in ....$14,100 131/2x 4 x 12'i in $3,295
Gold PS -1 D/A Converter
Model 1511 D/A Converter Dialog D/A Converter 8 -bit proprietary ladder -type D/A converter. Built-in
20 -bit D/A converter. AES/EBU, coaxial, Toslink, 1 -bit D/A converter. Class A output stage; ultra high- EMA isolation plate. coaxial input; 2 coaxial out-

and ST digital inputs. THD 0.0007%. 173/4 x x speed opto-coupling between analog and digital sec- puts. Phase switch. THD 0.05%; S/N 100 dB; dynam-
tions: full metal chassis with extensive shielding for ic range 100 dB. 171/2 x 11/2 x 15 in; 46 lb $3,395
15% in $5.980
low RFI emission; proprietary design disc damper. 1 Optional balanced and either RCA or ST inputs for
coaxial -Cinch-, coaxial-BNC-. AES/EBU, Toslink opti- above $440
CDP1 CD Player
1 -bit linear D/A converter. 16 -bit linear resolution; vi- cal -digital inputs; 2 switchable digital outputs: RCA
bration damping system. 1 set RCA -analog outputs; and XLR outputs. Vacuum fluorescent display; re- Silver CC5DA 5 -Disc CD Changer
1 digital -RCA output. Repeat modes including A -B; mote control. THD 0.03%; S/N 60 dB dynamic range 1 -bit D/A converter. Plays CDs and Photo CDs. EMA
3 -way elapsed -time function; program and peak 120 dB. Brushed anodized aluminum. 131/2 x 4 x isolation base. Composite Y/C and RGB video out-
$2,995 puts. Remote control. 181/2 x 161/2 x 51/2 in; 51 lb $2,795
search; remote control. THD 0.0025%; S/N 104 dBA; 121/2 in
dynamic range 96 dB. Black lacquer. 3-yr warranty. Internal D/A converter for Silver CC5 $995
17% x 31/2 x 13% in; 20 lb $1,500 Drive 3 CD Transport Balanced-XLR analog outputs for above $200
Tray loading with CDM-12.4 mechanism. AES/EBU Silver CC5. Transport version of Silver CC5DA with
coaxial- and Toslink optical -digital outputs. Acutrans RCA -coaxial, ST, balanced digital outputs ...$2,295
McCORMACK jitter -reduction circuitry; display brightness; auto
DAC-1 D/A Converter shutoff. 17 a 31/2 x 111/2 in; 10 lb $1,695 Silver LS -2 Combi-Transport
Separate analog and digital sections. Coaxial and Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Internal AC -3 demodula-
Toslink digital inputs: analog output. ST input or Stage 6 CD Player tion with priority switching between PCM and AC -3.
AES/EBU input optional $995 1 -bit Bitstream D/A converter. Acutrans jitter -reduc- Coaxial digital outputs; bridged Toslink input and vid-
tion circuitry; upgradable as improvements in con- eo inputs allow DVD player attachment. Remote con-
verter technologies are implemented. Tray loading trol. 18 x 151/2 x 51/2 in; 45 lb $1,995
McINTOSH with CDM-12.4 laser mechanism and coaxial output. Balanced-XLR output with reclocking $385
MLD7020 Combi-Player Adjustable display brightness; auto shutoff and head-
Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Dual 1 -bit Bitstream D/A phone output; double -speed play mode for recording Silver LS -2x Combi-Player
converters. Digital noise reduction; digital video proc- to double -speed recorder; remote control. 17 x 31/2 a Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Dual -sided play. AC -3 RF
essing. Dual -side play: remote control $3,200 111/2 in; 11 lb $1,575 output; dual -analog outputs; S -video and RCA com-


posite outputs; Toslink and coaxial digital outputs. DAC-1A20 D/A Converter outputs; coaxial -digital output; headphone jack with
Remote control. 181/2 x 61/2 x 161/2 in; 44 lb . .$1,995 Dual 20 -bit Burr -Brown D/A converters. HDCD com-
volume control; system remote jack. 50 -track pro-
patible; 8X oversampling; combination passive/active gramming; random play; repeat track; remaining -
Silver PS -2 D/A Converter analog stage. 2 RCA/BNC digital inputs; 1 -pr audio time and total -time displays; system remote -control
18 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. Built-in EMA isola- outputs. Phase switch. THD 0.01%; S/N 100 dB; dy- compatibility. THD 0.0035% at 1 kHz; S/N 100 dBA;
tion plate. RCA coaxial, ST, and balanced digital in- namic range 98 dB. Silver or black brushed alumi- dynamic range 100 dB; ch sep 100 dB. 17 x 31/2 x
puts; 2 RCA outputs. Phase switch. THD 0.05%; S/N num. 5-yr warranty. 151/2 x 2% x 9 in $1,195 101/4 in
100 dB. 181/2 x 11/4 x 161/2 in; 45 lb $800
$1,895 MB -2s. As above, dual hand -selected 18 -bit D/A
converters. THD 0.004% at 1 kHz; S/N 96 dBA; dy-
The Link D/A Converter MYRYAD namic range 92 dB; ch sep 90 dB $600
20 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. 1 coaxial input; 2 MCD 500 CD Player
coaxial outputs. THD 0.05%; S/N 120 dB; dynamic 20 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. 6 -pole active ana- MB -3s 7 -Disc CD Changer
range 115 dB. 5 lb $299 log filter; DC -coupled audio stages. SPDIF coaxial - Dual 18 -bit D/A converters. 18-dB/oct Bessel ana-
digital output. THD 0.002%; S/N 105 dB. Black or sil- log low-pass filter. 50 -track programming; random
ver. 17 x 31/4 x 111/4 in; 13 lb $2,400 play: repeat play; track, remaining -time and total -
MUSEATEX time displays; system remote -control compatibility;
CDD1 CD Transport MC 100 CD Player remote control. THD 0.006% at 1 kHz; S/N 96 dBA;
Antijitter circuitry. RCA and Toslink outputs. Remote 1 -bit D/A converter. Complementary pulse -length
dynamic range 90 dB; ch sep 90 dB at 1 kHz 17 x
$1.749 modulation (PLM) conversion; 32 -kilobytes RAM pro- 31/4 x 10% in $500
vides wide -jitter margin and secure playing of dirty or
Bidet D/A Converter damaged CDs; double C1 and quadruple C2 error
1 -bit D/A converter. Toslink, RCA. ST, and AES/EBU correction; low -jitter master clock. Coaxial -digital out- N.E.W.
inputs; RCA and XLR analog outputs. Volume control put; gold-plated RCA phono sockets; My -Link system Ventura Tube CD Player
optional $1,999 remote jack. THD 0.003%; S/N 104 dB. Silver and 20 -bit D/A converter. 8X oversampling; Analog De-
black finish. 17 x 4 x 11 in; 12 lb $1.200 vices D/A converter; tube output stage; isomer -damp-
Wall 44 D/A Converter
ened chassis; servo drive. XLR and RCA outputs;
1 -bit D/A converter. C -Lock antijitter circuitry. Toslink
coaxial -digital output. Scan; index search; random; re-
and RCA inputs $999 NAD peat. THD 0.001%; S/N 126 dBA. Gold with burlwood
Model 514 CD Player gloss end panels. 171/2 x 4 x 12 in; 28 lb $1,898
Dual 1 -bit MASH D/A converters. DC coupling; 4X Carbon -fiber chassis -isolation cones $60
MUSICAL CONCEPTS oversampling; linear -phase digital filter; 5 -pole active
Epoch VII Signature D/A Converter analog filter design. Digital output. Remote control: Carmel CD Player
1 -bit DiA converter. DSP digital filter; 384X oversam- NAD Link. THD 0.002%; dynamic range 98 dB; ch 20 -bit D A converter. 8X oversampling; Analog De-
pling; Hyperfast soft -recovery rectifiers; 1 RCA coax- sep 100 dB at 1 kHz. 171/4 x 3% x 11% in; 9 lb ...$499 vices D/A converter; Class A output stage; servo dri-
ial/BNC and 1-Toslink optical digital outputs; 1 -pair ve; pure silver signal transfer. XLR and RCA outputs;
RCA audio outputs. Full -function remote control; de- Model 515 5 -Disc CD Changer coaxial -digital output. Intro scan: random and repeat
featable display lighting. THD.003%; S/N 110 dB; dy- Bitstream D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. 8X over - play modes: index search. THD 0.0025%; S/N 112
namic range 98 dB $1,295 sampling; linear phase with 18 -bit coefficients; 4 -pole dBA. Gold/black with gloss burlwood side panels.
active analog filter. Stereo analog outputs; coaxial - 171/2x 4 x 12 in; 24 lb $1.198
CDT -4 Signature CD Transport digital output. Can change 3 discs while plays:

Turntable -type transport platter; damped chassis; quick load; shuffle play; edit; remote control. THD
Hyperfast soft -recovery diodes. 1-RCA/BNC digital 0.003%; S/N 90 dB; dynamic range 90 dB; ch sep 90 ONIX
output; 1-Toslink optical output. Full -function remote dB at 1 kHz. 171/4 x 41/4 x 15% in $499 CD33 CD Player
control; defeatable display lighting. Piano -black face- 1 -bit DiA converter. Audio output stages with discrete
plate. 171/4 x 51/2 x 11 in; 13 lb $995 Model 523 5 -Disc CD Changer transistors. Remote control. 17 x 3 x 13 in ...$2,195
1 -bit Bitstream D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. High
Epoch VII CD Player speed access to single disc; 8X oversampling; linear -
Aluminum platter with damping pad; DSP to recreate phase digital filter; 5 -pole active analog filter design. ONKYO
frequencies above 20 kHz. Analog output; coaxial Can change 3 discs while 1 plays. THD 0.0035%; dy- Next -selection function refers to the ability to select
and fiber-optic digital outputs; gold-plated Teflon -in- namic range 97 dB: ch sep 99 dB at 1 kHz. 171/4 x 41/4 the next track to play without interrupting the current-
sulated RCA connectors. Defeatable display $995 x 15 in; 15 lb $399 ly playing track. All models are compatible with On-
CDT -4. Transport -only version of Epoch VII. Chassis
kyo's RI remote -control system.
and transport damping. Coaxial digital output; fiber Model 512 CD Player
optic output. BNC output optional $795 1 -bit MASH D/A converter. DC coupling; 4X over - Integra DX -7911 CD Player
Enigma VII. As Epoch VII, but less extensive digital sampling; linear -phase digital filter; 5 -pole active an- Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. Modular classic construc-
power supply end less chassis damping $795 alog filter design. Digital output. NAD Link; remote tion; new linear motor actuator; AccuPulse Quartz
control. THD 0.0025%; dynamic range 98 dB; ch sep System; Fine Pulse Conversion; motor -driven vol-
100 dB at 1 kHz. 171/2 x 31/4 x 11% in; 10 lb $349 ume control. Optical/coaxial digital output; fixed/vari-
MUSICAL DESIGN able output; headphone jack with volume. Next se-
CD -2 Signature CD Player Model 510 CD Player lection; peak search; memory reverse: time edit;
1 -bit D/A converter. 384X oversampling; DSP filter 1 -bit Bitstream D/A converter. Separate digital, au- fade out; 5 mode repeat play. THD 0.0025%; S/N
with 40 -kHz frequency response; Hypertext, soft -re- dio. and control IC's; 4 -pole active analog filter de- 110 dB; dynamic range 100 dB. 171/4 x 51/4 x 14% in;
covery diodes; turntable -type transport mechanism. 1 sign. THD 0.004%; dynamic range 98 dB: ch sep 110 23 lb $1,200
RCA/BNC coaxial -digital output; 1 Toslink optical out- dB at 1 kHz. 171/4 x 3% x 111/4 in; 91b $249
put; 1 -pr analog audio output. Defeatable display light- DX -7210 CD Player
ing; remote control. THD 0.003%; S/N 110 dBA; dy- Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. Synchro play with compat-
namic range 98 dB. Piano -black lacquer faceplate and NAIM ible cassette decks. Headphone jack with volume
brushed aluminum 1/2 -in thick side panels. 171/4 x 51/2 x NA-CDS CD Player
11 in; 171b
control. 3 repeat modes: dynamic range 96 dB; ch
$1.995 16 -bit D/A converter. Top -loading design. Remote sep 90 dB at 1 kHz. 18 x 4% x 12 in; 11 lb $219
control. $8,000
DAC-1A Signature D/A Converter CD Changers
Dual 20 -bit Burr -Brown D/A converters. HDCD de- NA-CD2 CD Player DXC-730 6 -Disc CD Changer
coder; 8X oversampling; combination passive/active 16 -bit D/A converter. Front -loading design. Remote Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. 8X oversampling; Ac-
analog stage; 2 RCA/BNC digital inputs; 1 -pr audio control $4,150 cuPulse Quartz System. 1 -pair analog outputs; 1 op-
outputs. Phase switch. THD 0.01%; S/N 100 dB; dy- tical -digital output. Can change 3 discs while 1 plays;
namic range 98 dB. Silver or black brushed alumi- NA-CD3-5 CD Player 202 -disc custom file: intro scan; 6 repeat modes; flu-
num. 5-yr warranty. 151/2 x 2% x 9 in $1,995 Front loading design. Remote control $2.000 orescent display; remote control. dynamic range 96
dB. Brushed aluminum front panel. 17 x 51/4 x 17 in:
T-1 CD Transport 18 lb $549
Hyperfast, soft -recovery diodes; carousel transport NAKAMICHI
mechanism. 1 RCA/BNC coaxial -digital output; 1 The following feature Nakamichi's MusicBank 7 -disc DX -0530 6 -Disc CD Changer
Toslink optical output. Defeatable display lighting; re- internal stocking mechanism. Dual 1 -bit D A converters. 6 -disc carousel. Can
mote control. Piano -black lacquer faceplate and /2) - change 3 discs while 1 plays; random play; 40 -track
in -thick brushed aluminum side panels. 171/4 x 51/2 x MB -1s 7 -Disc CD Changer programming; next -selection function; 6 repeat
11 in; 171b $1,295 Dual hand -selected 20 -bit D/A converters. 18-dB/oct modes: 40 -track fluorescent display; RI -system cas-
As above with XLR output $1,395 Bessel analog low-pass filter. Gold-plated analog sette -deck compatibility; 240 -disc music file; remote


control. Dynamic range 96 dB; ch sep 90 dB at 1 kHz. LX -H680 Combi-Player ble floating mechanism for shock resistance; built-in
18 x 4% x 16% in; 17 lb $349 Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Four 1 -bit D/A converters. battery recharger; flexible 4 -way power supply. DC in-
Quick auto -everse; digital servo control. 2 audio/vid- put; line-out. Backlit LCD; 24 -track random-access
DX -340 6 -Disc CD Changer eo outputs; S -Video output; Dolby Digital RF output; programming; repeat, skip/search, memory/recall
Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. 6 -disc carousel. Can optical -digital audio output; headphone jack. Shuttle keys: resume play; random play; key -hold switch. In-
change 5 discs while 1 plays; synchro play with com- controls: programmed play: random play; repeat cludes AC adaptor, car -power adaptor, and head-
patible cassette decks; 40 -track programming; ran- play; custom index play; edit play. THD 0.003%; S/N phones $130
dom play; 6 repeat modes; next -selection function; 115 dB. 17 x 5 x 16 in; 18 lb $550
RI -system cassette -deck compatibility; remote con- SL -S240 Portable CD Player
trol. dynamic range 96 dB: ch sep 90 dB at 1 kHz. 18 SL-PD469 5 -Disc CD Changer Heat -resistant polycarbonate body; bass boost; anti -
x 4l.x 171b $299 5 -disc carousel. Front -loading mechanism; digital shook memory. DC input; line-out. 24 -track random-
servo system; dual -directional platter. Can change 4 access programming: repeat. skip/search, memory/
discs while 1 plays; disc -location display: full random, recall keys: resume play: random play; auto -power
OPTIMUS BY RADIO SHACK 1 -disc random, and spiral play modes; delete pro- off: key -hold switch $130
CD -8300 51 -Disc CD Changer gramming; 4 repeat modes: remote control. 17 x 5 x
1 -bit D/A converter. Two 25 -disc vertical racks plus 14'A in; 1010 $200 SL-S221C Portable CD Player
single -disc slot. Optical -digital output: headphone SL-PD349. As above with improved disc -location dis- 3 -sec antishock memory: heat -resistant polycarbon-
jack. Personal file memory; random play; repeat play; play, without remote. 141/4 x 5 x 14s/8 in; 91b . . .$200
. ate body; bass -boost system; 4 -way power supply;
intro scan; last -disc memory: memory hold: remote built in battery recharger. DC input; line-out. 24 -track
control. 161/2 x 71/2 x 141/4 in $280 Portable CD Players random-access programming; backlit LCD; repeat.
The following have a 1 -bit MASH D/A converter and resume, and random play; skip/search and memo-
CD -8200 25 -Disc CD Changer include an AC adaptor and headphones. ry/recall keys; auto power -off; pop-up disc -eject sys-
1 -bit D/A converter. Optical -digital output. Personal tem; 1 -push full -open top cover; key -hold switch. In-
file memory: random play: repeat play; intro scan; SL-S600C Portable CD Player cludes car power adaptor and cassette adaptor 51/4 x
Heat -resistant polycarbonate body; 10 -sec antishock 11/4 x n $110
last -disc memory; memory hold; remote control. 161/2
x 71/2 x 121/2 in $230 memory; bass boost. Backlit LCD; 24 -track random-
access programming; repeat, skip/search, memory/ SL -S320 Portable CD Player
CD -8150 5 -Disc CD Changer recall keys; resume play and random play; full -key il- 10 -sec antishock memory; heat -resistant polycarbon-
1 -bit D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. 4X oversam- lumination; remote control; key/hold switch. Includes ate body; bass -boost system: built-in battery recharg-
pling. Can change 2 discs during play; random play: car power adaptor. 5 x 11/4 x 53/e in $280 er; h -way power supply. DC input: line -output. 24 -
intro scan: 3 -way repeat play; fluorescent track/time track random-access programming; repeat. skip/
display: 30 -key remote control. Black $180 SL-S401C Portable CD Player search, and memory/recall keys; resume and random
10 -sec antishock memory; bass -boost system. Back- play backlit LCD; pop-up disc -eject system; auto
CD -7250 6 -Disc CD Changer litLCD: key -hold switch; 24 -track random-access power -off; key -hold switch; 1 -push full -open top cov-
6 -disc magazine. Delete play; highlight scan; 3 repeat programming: resume and random play. Includes car er. Includes AC adaptor and headphones. Metallic sil-
mode; random play; last -disc memory; fluorescent dis- power adaptor. 5 x 11/4 x 5% in $270 ver. 51/4 x 11/4 x 5% in $110
play; remote control; can also be controlled through SL-S321C. As above with car power adaptor and
select Optimus receiver remote controls $180 SL-SW404 Portable CD Player cassette adaptor $130
Heat -resistant polycarbonate body; water resistant;
CD -8100 5 -Disc CD Changer bass boost; dual lock system; 10 -sec antishock SL -S145 Portable CD Player
5 -disc carousel. Random play; memory; 4 -way power supply. DC input; line-out. 24 - Heat -resistant polycarbonate body; water resistant;
2 discs during play; fluorescent display; remote track random-access programming; repeat play; re- bast. boost; 4 -way power supply. DC input; line-out.
control $150 sume play and random play; auto -power off; LCD; 24 -track random-access programming; repeat, re-
key -hold switch; auto -power off $220 surre, and random play; auto -power off. Includes
rechargeable batteries $100
Portable CD Players
CD -3690 Portable CD Player SL-S341C Portable CD Player
1 -bit D/A converter. 8X oversampling; 10 -sec digital Up to 10 -sec antishock memory; bass boost. Backlit SL -S225 Portable CD Player
antishock system. Random play; intro scan: repeat LCD; key -hold switch; 24 -track random-access pro- 3 -sec antishock memory; heat -resistant polycarbon-
play; bass -boost; illuminated keys; backlit LCD display. gramming; resume and random play modes. 5 x 11/4 x ate oody; bass -boost system: 4 -way power supply.
Includes car accessories and AC adaptor $180 51/2 in $200 DC nput; line-out. 24 -track random-access program-
CD -3680. As above, 3 -sec antishock system $150 ming; LCD digital readout: repeat. resume. and ran-
SL-SW202 Portable CD Player dom play; skip/search and memory/recall keys; auto
CD -3640 Portable CD Player 3 -sec antishock memory; dual -lock system; heat -re- power -off: pop-up disc -eject system; 1 -push full -
1 -bit D/A converter. 8X oversampling; 3 -beam laser sistant polycarbonate body; bass boost; built-in bat- open top cover; key -hold switch. Includes recharge-
pickup; 3 -sec digital antishock system; 3 -in CD com- tery recharger; 4 -way power supply. DC input; line- able batteries. 51/4 x 11/4 x 5% in $100
patible. Random play: intro scan; 3 -way repeat play: out. 24 -track random-access programming; repeat, SL -S220. As above with battery -recharge capability
bass -boost: 4 -digit LCD track/time display. Includes skip/search. memory/recall keys; resume play and but without rechargeable batteries $90
Y -cable $100 random play: auto -power off; key -hold switch .. $200
CD -3620. As above with built-in battery charger; no SL -S140 Portable CD Player
antishock system $80 SL -S340 Portable CD Player Heat -resistant polycarbonate body; water resistant:
Heat -resistant polycarbonate body; bass -boost; 10 - bass boost: 4 -way power supply. DC input; line-out.
CD -3530 Portable CD Player sec antishock memory. 24 -track random-access pro- 24 -tack random-access programming: repeat: re-
Extended bass system. 2 headphone jacks. Random gramming; repeat, skip/search, memory/recall keys: sume play and random play: auto -power ott . .$90
. .

play; intro scan; repeat play; skip/search; audible resume play and random play. Includes car power
search; safety hold; auto power -off $70 adaptor. 5 x 11/4 x 11/2 in $170 SL -S125 Portable CD Player
Heat -resistant polycarbonate body; bass -boost sys-
SL-S241C Portable CD Player tem: 4 -way power supply. DC input; line-out. 24 -track
PANASONIC Heat -resistant polycarbonate body: bass boost; au- random-access programming; LCD digital readout;
LX -900 Combi-Player to -power off; 3 -sec antishock memory: built-in bat- repeat, resume, and random play; skip/search and
Plays CDs and laserdiscs. 1 -bit MASH D/A convert- tery recharger; flexible 4 -way power supply. DC in- memory/recall keys; pop-up disc eject system; 1-

er. 1 -spindle brushless direct -drive motor; digital put; line-out. Backlit LCD; 24 -track random-access push full -open top cover; key -hold switch; auto pow-
time -base corrector; 8 -bit digital field memory for programming; repeat. skip/search, memory/recall er-aff. Includes rechargeable batteries. 51/4 x 11/4 x
CLV/CAV/CDV special effects; digital -comb filter; dig- keys; resume and random play; key -hold switch. In- 5% .n $80
ital servo control; digital noise canceling; digital field - cludes car power adaptor $150
noise reduction. Fiber-optic digital output; S -video SL -S120 Portable CD Player
output; headphone jack with volume control. Dual - SL-S332C Portable CD Player Heat -resistant polycarbonate body; bass -boost sys-
side laserdisc play; 7 repeat modes; on -screen dis- 10 -sec antishock memory; heat -resistant polycarbon- tem; 4 -way power supply; built-in battery recharger.
plays; jog/shuttle control; remote control. dynamic ate body; bass -boost system. DC input; line-out. Back- DC input; line-out. 24 -track random-access program-
range 96 dB. 17 x 5 x 16% in; 21 lb $1,099 lit LCD; 24 -track random-access programming; repeat; ming; LCD digital readout; repeat, resume, and ran-
resume and random play; skip/search: memory recall dom play; skip/search and memory/recall keys; 1 -
LX -K780 Combi-Player keys; pop-up disc eject system; 1 -push full -open top push full -open top cover; key -hold switch; auto pow-
Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Four 1 -bit D/A converters. cover; remote control. Includes car power adaptor and er -off. Includes AC adaptor and bass -boost head-
2 A/V outputs; two mic jacks; headphone jack: exter- cassette acaptor 51/4 x 11/4 x 5% in $150 phones. 51/4 x 11/4 x 5% in $70
nal audio input. Quick auto reverse: digital servo con-
trol; search functions: repeat: custom index. THD SL-S141C Portable CD Player Shockwave Series
0.005%; S/N 102 dB. 17 x 5 x 16 in; 18 lb $850 Heat -resistant polycarbonate body: bass boost; dou- Thy following CD Players feature tough, water-resis-


tant bodies and operate on two AA batteries for up to processing; illuminated play button. Includes car ac-
12 hours. buffer amp; noise shaper; antiresonant honeycomb
cessories. 51/4 x 11/4 x 61/2 in; 1 lb $170 chassis; motor -driven volume control. Fiber-optic
SL-SW415 Portable CD Player and coaxial digital outputs. Synchro play with com-
AZ7457 Portable CD Player patible cassette decks; remote control
10 -sec antishock memory: virtual motion sound sys- $800
96X oversampling; 10 -sec ESP; heat -resistant cabi-
tem (VMSS): dual -lock system; heat -resistant poly - net. Shuffle play; audible search; resume; hold CLD-D406 Combi-Player
carbonate body: bass -boost system; 4 -way power switch: auto power off; DSP; illuminated display:
supply; built-in battery recharger. DC input: line-out. Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Digital video processing;
compact remote control. Includes car accessories. digital timebase corrector; independent CD tray. 2 au-
24 -track random-access programming; LCD digital 51/4 x 1 i X 61/2 in; 1 lb $120
readout: repeat. resume, and random play: skip/ dio and video outputs; optical digital output: Dolby Dig-
search and memory/recall keys: pop-up disc eject ital RF output. Dual -side play: last memory with review
AZ7463 Portable CD Player mode; random play: highlighVintro scan; display -off
system; key -hold switch: auto power -off. 51/2 x 11/4 x 6 96X oversampling; 10 -sec ESP; built-in battery
in: 1 lb switch; remote. S/N 102 dB. 16 x 5 x 161/4 in ....$600
$220 recharger; heat -resistant cabinet. Shuffle play; audi-
ble search; resume; auto power off; hold switch; digi- Elite PD -59 CD Player
SL-SW205 Portable CD Player tal sound processing. Includes car accessories 51/4 x D/A converter. Stabilized -platter disc -drive
1 -bit
3 -sec antishock memory; dual -lock system; bass - 11/2 x 61/4 in; 1 lb $120 mechanism with aluminum platter: disc damper;
boost system; built-in battery recharger; 4 -way power
supply. DC input; line-out. 24 -track random-access brushless spindle motor; Legato link; antiresonant
AZ7356 Portable CD Player honeycomb chassis. Fiber-optic and coaxial digital
programming; LCD digital readout; repeat, resume. 3 -sec ESP; built-in battery recharger; dynamic bass -
and random play: skip/search and memory/recall outputs. Synchro play with compatible cassette
boost system. Shuffle play; auto power off; resume; decks; remote control
keys: pop-up disc eject system; key -hold switch: auto $545
hold switch. Includes car accessories. 51/4 x 11/4 x 61/4
power -off. 51/4 x 11/4 x 6 in; 1 lb $160 in; 1 lb $110 PD -103 CD Player
1 -bit D/A converter. Peak search; defeatable display;
AZ7351 Portable CD Player tape edit
3 -sec ESP: built-in battery recharger: dynamic bass -
D/AC-2000 D/A Converter boost system. Shuffle play; audible search; auto power
UltraAnalog D20400 -A 20 -bit D/A converter. HDCD Combi-Players
off; resume; hold switch. 51/2 x 11/4 x 6'1/4 in; 1 lb
.. . .$90 The following play CDs and laserdiscs and feature
decoding; AES-21 digital input receiver: PMD-100
HDCD filter: analog op -amps. Two coaxial, ST. proprietary digital video noise reduction that allows
AES/EBU digital inputs; RCA, XLR outputs ..$1,995 the user to vary chrominance and luminance by fac-
PINK TRIANGLE tors of 10 and proprietary digital video processing
Litaurel CD Player that includes a digital timebase corrector. All models
C/BD-2000 CD Transport 1 -bit D/A converter. S -DOT and digital -time log con-
Belt Drive design: disc -clamp; high -mass, heavily also have a Dolby Digital RF output for connection to
version (DTLC) for optimum performance; HDCD and AC -3 -compatible components.
damped chassis: Scientific Conversion AES/EBU 20 -bit Burr -Brown digital filters; on -board D/A convert-
transformer. Coaxial digital output: AES/EBU output er yields output jitter lower than 5 picoseconds. BNC Elite CLD-99 Combi-Player
module: upgradable to ST fiber optic output with ADAM. input; BNC digital output; XLR and RCA outputs. 1 -bit D/A converter. Direct -CD mode with independent
Programmable: manual disc drawer: remote control. In- Phase reverse and filter selection: remote control.
cludes external remote control connector CD tray within laserdisc tray: Legato Link; 8 -bit digital
$1,550 THD 0.005%; S/N 100 dB; dynamic range 110 dB. field memory for special effects; separate audio and
Black anodized finish. 17 x 4 x 14 in: 16 lb ....$3,695 video circuit boards: 3 -dimensional Y/C comb filter. 2
D/AC-1600HD D/A Converter
S -video outputs: fiber-optic and coaxial digital outputs.
converters. HDCD Numeral CD Player Dual -side play; digital level control; remote control with
decoding: dual -differential circuits: PMD-100 HDCD Bitstream continuous -calibration D/A converter.
filter. Coaxial, Toslink, ST, and AES/EBU digital in- jog/shuttle. Dynamic range 99 dB. Lacquered wood
128X oversampling; 20 -bit filter; drawer -type trans- side panels. 181/4 x 5% x 17 in
puts; XLR outputs. Polarity -reverse switch ...$1,495 $2,400
port; reclocking circuitry for master -clock perfor-
mance with other Pink Triangle components. BNC in- Elite CLD-79 Combi-Player
D/AC-1100HD D/A Converter put: BNC digital output: XLR and RCA analog out- 1 -bit D/A converter. Direct -CD mode with independent
Dual Burr -Brown PCM63J 20 -bit D/A converters. HD - puts. Timing and drawer functions: remote control.
CD decoding; Crystal Semiconductor CS8412 input CD tray within laserdisc tray: Legato Link; 8 -bit digital
THD 0.007%; S/N 90 dB; dynamic range 105 dB. field memory for special effects; separate audio and
receiver; PMD-100 HDCD filter. Two coaxial, Toslink, Black anodized finish. 17 x 4 x 14 in; 15 lb . . .$1.995 video circuit boards; 3 -line comb filter. 2 S -video out-
and AES/EBU digital inputs; digital record output. Po-
larity -reverse switch puts; fiber-optic and coaxial digital outputs. Dual -side
$950 Ordinal D/A Converter play; digital level control; remote control with jog/shut-
Dual mono Philips D/C-7 design; modular filter de- tle. Dynamic range 98 dB. 16% x 51/2 x 17 in ...$1,440
C/DC-1500 5 -Disc CD Changer sign; HDCD and master -clock capability: 3 phase -
Hybrid 1-bit/18-bit Burr -Brown PCM-67P ladder D/A locked loop with 20 voltage regulators. Digital and Elite CLD-59 Combi-Player
converter. 5 -disc carousel. Mechanically damped analog circuits. Includes 75 -ohm input and 18 -bit Ya-
chassis. Coaxial digital output; gold-plated connec- 1 -bit D/A converter. Direct -CD mode with indepen-
maha filter. Black ash. 8% x 3Y x 141/2 in $1,995 dent CD tray within laserdisc tray: Legato Link; 8 -bit
tors; external remote -control connector. Can change
2 discs while one plays; remote control digital field memory for special effects; 3 -line comb fil-
$650 Cardinal CD Transport ter. 2 S -video outputs: fiber-optic and coaxial digital
3 -beam laser pickup system with ultra -low jitter trans- outputs. Dual -side play; remote control with jog/shut-
C/DP-1000 CD Player port; 18 voltage regulators: digital clock input for mas-
Hybrid 1-biti18-bit Burr -Brown PCM-67P ladder D/A tle. Dynamic range 96 dB. 16% x 51/2 x 15% in ..$900
ter -clock function of external Pink Triangle converters.
converter. Mechanically damped chassis. Coaxial BNC input: BNC digital output. Remote control. Black
digital output; gold-plated connectors; external re- CLD-D606 Combi-Player
anodized finish. 17 x 4 x 14 in; 121b $1,495 1 -bit D/A converter. Direct -CD mode with independent
mote -control connector. Remote control $495
CD tray within laserdisc tray: 8 -bit digital field memory
ADAM. Upgrades C/DP-1000, C/DC-1500. or C/BD-
2000 to add ST fiber-optic and balanced-AES/EBU for special effects; 3 -line comb filter. 2 mic inputs: 2 S-
PIONEER video outputs: fiber-optic digital outputs. Dual -side
outputs $225 Pioneer's Legato Link circuitry is said to extend fre- play; one -touch karaoke; digital key control: mic-level
quency response above 20 kHz. controls; tape edit; CD -deck Synchro; intro/highlight
PHILIPS MAGNAVOX scan: on -screen displays: compatible with RS -system
PDR-05 CD Recorder remote control with jog/shuttle. Includes mic. Dynamic
CDC751 5 -Disc CD Changer 1 -bit D/A converter. Stable -platter mechanism; sam- range 96 dB. 16% x 51/4 x 15% in $750
1 -bit Bitstream D.,A converter. 5 -disc carousel. Can pling -rate indicator; sampling -rate converter for 32 -
change 3 discs while 1 plays; shuffle disc; peak search; and 48 -kHz sources; servo and digital circuits isolat- CD Changers
auto fader; quick play: timed edit: repeat and intro ed from analog circuits; SCMS copy -inhibit system: Elite PD -F07 101 -Disc CD Changer
scan; cue and review; edit compile with auto space; re- three -beam differential push/pull pickup. Auto re-
mote control. 171/4 x 41/4 x 15 in; 14 lb
1 -bit Pulseflow D/A converter. 100 -disc mechanism
$230 cord/pause; auto space mute: manual and auto track plus single -disc slot. Legato Link: roulette rack sys-
search; recording -end search; fade-in/fade-out re- tem; honeycomb chassis. 1 -set RCA -analog inputs:
The following feature a 1 -bit D/A converter, repeat cording; sampling -rate indicator; digital -source indi-
and intro scan, a 6 -digit LCD readout, next/previous 1 digital input; optical- and coaxial -digital outputs: 1 -
cator: fluorescent display; level meter $1,970 set RCA -analog outputs: headphone jack with vol-
track search. an AC adaptor, and headphones. PDR-04. As above, without sampling -rate converter ume control. CD Deck synchro; 8 repeat modes; last -
or sampling -rate indicator $1,165 disc memory: auto digit -level control (ADLC); remote
AZ7566 Portable CD Player
control. Dynamic range 96 dB. Urushi finish. 16% x
96X oversampling; heat -resistant cabinet: 20 -sec Elite PD -65 CD Player 71/2 x 15% in; 14 lb
electronic skip protection (ESP): built-in battery 1 -bit D/A converter. Stabilized -platter disc -drive
recharger. Shuffle play: repeat and intro scan: audi- mechanism with aluminum platter; disc damper; PD -F1006101 -Disc CD Changer
ble search; auto power off; hold switch: digital sound brushless spindle motor; Legato Link; Class A FET 1 -bit Pulseflow D/A converter. 100 -disc mechanism


plus single -disc slot. Automatic digital level control. conditioning/jitter reduction: differential input circuit- dither modes: display brightness control: output
Computer -keyboard input: optical digital output; vid- ry. 1 differential input: 1 RCA- and 1 BNC-coaxial in- phase control; remote control. THD 0.0035%; S/N
eo output: headphone output with volume control. puts: 2 ST -style fiber-optic inputs; 1 -pr RCA outputs. 115 dB; ch sep 110 dB. 181/2 x 4% x 147. in ...$1,500
Custom file function; input text -display information Auto mute; input selector switch; output level control;
display using computer keyboard; CD -deck synchro; auto frequency select with lock indicator. THD RCD-975 CD Player
previous disc,/highlight scan: memory backup: on- 0.01%; S/N 104 dB: ch sep 100 dB at 1 kHz. Black Dual -differential Philips continuous -calibration D/A
screen disc management: last disc memory: compat- anodized -aluminum finish. 3-yr parts -and -labor war- converters. Track programming; random play: repeat
ible with SR -system remote control $475 ranty. 19 x 21/4 x 13 in; 6 lb $3.250 play. scan; remote control. THD 0.0025%; S/N 107
dB; ch sep 100 dB. 17% x 27 x 121/2 in $750
Elite PD -F79 51 -Disc CD Changer Model 920 CD Transport
1 -bit Pulseflow DA converter. 50 -disc mechanism Philips CDM-9 PRO mechanism: low -jitter signal RDD-980 CD Transport
plus single -disc slot. Legato Link. Headphone output processing; differential data transmission output: Censer -mount drive: CDM-9 single -beam laser trans-
with volume control; optical- and coaxial -digital output. RCA coaxial output: ST digital output: differential out- port. Toslink digital output: coaxial -digital output.
CD -deck synchro; custom mode function; best -selec- put. 100 -disc favorite track selection programming; Track programming; random play: repeat play: re-
infrared remote control. Anodized aluminum in black, mote control. 17% x 27a x 121/2 in $700
tion memory: highlight scan: program, random, and
repeat play; last -disc memory; auto power-on/power- silver, and gold. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 19 x
down/eject; previous disc scan; memory back-up; re- 31/4 x 13 in: 8 lb $2.900 RCD-970BX CD Player
mote control. Includes holder for CD booklets. S/N 105 Philips Continuous Calibration D/A converter. CDM-9
dB; dynamic range 96 dB. Urushi finish $450 single -beam laser transport. Track programming;
PROCEED random play: repeat play: remote control. THD
PD -F906101 -Disc CD Changer CDP CD Player 0.01)25%; S/N 105 dB: ch sep 100 dB. 17% x 2% x
1 -bit D/A converter. 100 -disc mechanism plus single - 18 -bit D/A converter. Front loading design: all -metal 12,4 in $600
disc slot. Best selection memory; custom file func- drawer. Digital inputs and outputs: and analog out-
tion; CD -deck synchro; memory back-up; previous puts. Remote control with volume control ....$3,495 RDP 980 D/A Converter
disc./highlight scan; last disc memory; SR -system re- 1 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. Fiber-optic and coaxi-
$360 CDD CD Transport al digital inputs and outputs. Auto sampling -rate selec-
mote compatible
Front loading design; all -metal drawer mechanism. tion; phase switch; monitoring; mute: remote control.
AES/EBU, SPDIF, ECA, and BNC digital outputs. THD 0.0025%; S/N 110 dB. 17% x 27 x 121/2 in ..$600
Elite PD -F59 26 -Disc CD Changer
1 -bit Pulseflow D/A converter. 25 -disc mechanism Custom programs; remote -control capability. ST digi-
plus single -disc slot. Legato Link. Headphone output tal output optional $2.495 RCC-945 6 -Disc CD Changer
with volume control; optical- and coaxial -digital out- Dual 1 -bit D A converters. 6 -disc magazine. Analog
put. CD -deck synchro: custom -file function; best -se- DAP D/A Converter and digital outputs. Random play: repeat play: scan:
lection memory; highlight scan; program, random, 18 -bit D A converter. HDCD decoding; isolation be- remote control. THD 0.01%; S/N 96 dB: ch sep 95
tween digital sources; fully balanced digital design. dB. 17% x 4% x 11% in $500
and repeat play; last -disc memory; auto power-
on/power-down/eject; previous disc scan: remote AES/EBU, SPDIF RCA. SPDIF BNC, EIAJ fiber-optic,
control; compatible with SR -system remote control. and ST digital inputs; SPDIF RCA digital output: and RCD 950BX CD Player
Includes holder for CD booklets. S/N 105 dB: dynam- analog outputs. Remote -control capability ...$1,995 96X oversampling; center -mount transport. Program;
ic range 96 dB. Urushi finish $345 random play: repeat play: scan: time: remote control.
THD 0.0045%; S/N 100 dB: ch sep 100 dB. 17% x 3%
Elite PD -M59 6 -Disc CD Changer PS AUDIO x 11% in $450
1 -bit DA converter. 6 -disc magazine. Antiresonant Lambda Two CD Transport
honeycomb chassis; Legato Link. Fiber-optic digital Philips CDM-9 Pro -mechanism: glass fiber-optic sig- RCD-930AX CD Player
output. Highlight scan: random play; digital level con- nal path; digital servo correction; brushless DC mo- Dua' 1 -bit D.A converters. 2nd -order delta -sigma
trol; remote control $330 tor. Coaxia and AES/EBU digital outputs. 17 x 3 x noise shaping. Track programming: random play: re-
13 in $1,995 peat play: remote control. THD 0.01%; S/N 90 dB; ch
PD -F606 25 -Disc CD Changer sep 90 dB. 17% x 2% x 12 in $300
1 -bit D/A converter. Optical -digital output. Custom SL Three D/A Converter
mode function; best selection memory; highlight scan; 20 -bit DA converter. HDCD decoding; discrete Class
program, random, and repeat play; last -disc memory; A output buffer. AES/EBU. Toslink, and coaxial digital SANSUI
previous disc scan; SR -system compatible $280 inputs. 17 x 21/2 x 9 in $1,295 CD -M100 100 -Disc CD Changer
Programming up to 8 categories; 3 play modes; 5 re -
PD -F506 25 -Disc CD Changer DL Three D/A Converter pew functions: remote control. THD 0.08%; S/N 88
1 -bit D/A converter. 3 -mode custom -file function: 20 -bit D:A converter. 3rd -order Bessel filter; discrete dB. Black. 19% x 11% x 211/4 in; 24 lb $499
best selection memory: previous -disc scan: highlight Class A output buffer. AES/EBU, Toslink, and coaxial
scan: random, program, and repeat play; last disc digital inputs. 17 x 2/ x 9 in $695 CD -M720 7 -Disc CD Changer
memory: SR -system compatible $265 DL Three/HDCD. With HDCD filter/decoder $895 1 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. 6 -disc mechanism
plus single -disc slot. Optical -digital output; head-
PD-AP1 CD File Controller phone jack with volume control. 3 -mode editing: 10 -
Connects up to three PD -F1006 or PD -F906 CD file QUAD key direct access; 2 -way repeat; remote control. THD
changers. Random play of tracks; jog dial for Quad 77 CD Player 0.003%; S/N 102 dB; dynamic range 98 dB. Black. 20
18 -bit delta -sigma D/A converter. Front loading de- x 8 x 141/2 in; 12 lb $459
input/search: CD synchro $260
sign; Philips CDM-12 mechanism; Crystal Semicon-
PD -M426 6 -Disc CD Changer ductor: 64X oversampling: powered and controlled CDX-515 CD Player
1 -bit DA converter. 6 -disc magazine. Highlight scan: directly from the OUADLink 77 control bus. Stand- Delta -sigma D/A converter. Optical -digital output. 3-
last -disc memory: remote control $245 alone version optional. 21/2 x 13 x 12 in $1,299 moce editing; random play: music scan; 2 -way re -
PD -M406. As above. no remote control $235 Quad 77 A/C. Stand-alone version $1.699 pear; 10 -key direct access; remote control. THD
0.003%; S/N 102 dB; dynamic range 98 dB. Brushed
aluninum. 17 x 3% x 11 in; 9 lb $269
Model 905 D'A Converter S22 Elegance CD Player CD -M410 5 -Disc CD Changer
20 -bit DA converter. 8X oversampling; Pacific Mi- Bitstream D/A converter. Continuous -calibration D/A 16 -hit D/A converter. 8X oversampling. Headphone
crosonics PMD-100 HDCD decoder; direct -drive converter; 20 -bit filter; Revox algorithm; Philips 12.2 jack with volume control. Random play: 10 -key direct
mechanism; digital signal conditioning/jitter reduc- transport. RCA digital output: stereo -analog output. access: 2 -way repeat; remote control. THD 0.01%:
tion; differential input circuitry; class A MOSFET output Phase reverse: digital output on/off: timing functions: S/N 102 dB; dynamic range 95 dB. Black. 21% x 9 x
stages. 1 RCA- and 1 BNC-coaxial inputs; 2 ST -style drawer open/close functions; remote controlled pro- 19', in; 13 lb $249
fiber-optic inputs; 1 -pr XLR and 1 -pr RCA outputs. In- gramming. THD 0.003%; S/N 90 dB; dynamic range
put selector switch; volume control: auto/manual 105 dB. Black or silver brushed aluminum. 17 x 4 x 14 CD -220 CD Player
mute selector; balance control; output level control; in; 9 lb $995 Dual D/A converters. Gold-plated headphone jack
inverted/normal output switch. THD 0.01%; S/N 104 Remote control $75 will- volume control. 5 -way repeat; auto space: remain
dB; ch sep 100 dB at 1kHz. Black anodized -alumi- time: remote control. THD 0.1%: S/N 98 dB: dynamic
num finish. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 19 x 21/4 x range 95 dB. Black. 15 x 5% x 19 in: 10 lb $189
13 in; 7 lb $4,250 ROTEL
RCD-990 CD Player
Model 805 D/A Converter Dual Burr -Brown D/A converters. HDCD digital filter. SHERWOOD
20 -bit D/A converter. 8X oversampling: Pacific Mi- Switched -digital output: XLR and RCA analog out- CDC -6050R 5 -Disc CD Changer
crosonics PMD-100 HDCD decoder; digital signal puts: coaxial- and optical -digital outputs. Tunable Dual 1 -bit D.A converters. 5 -disc carousel. Front -


loading mechanism; 3 -beam laser pickup. Head- search; Theater mode to defeat front -panel display remote -variable line -level output; headphone jack
phone jack with volume control. Can change discs and lower picture black level; last -position memory; 4 with volume control. Magazine compatability with
while one plays; delete play; intro scan; random play; repeat modes; 5 -way repeat for laserdiscs; karaoke Sony car CD changers; 184 -disc Custom File memo-
7 repeat modes; synchro record with compatible cas- digital echo; mic volume control; on -screen displays; ry for 8 -character disc names, volume levels, and
sette decks; tape edit; remote direct track access; tim- remote control with jog/shuttle, Sony TV controls, track programming; time, program, and link edit to fit
er play; display dimmer; fluorescent display; remote and illuminated keys. S/N 115 dB; dynamic range 99 tracks to a tape length; 3 -mode music scan; random
control $249 dB. 17 x 4% x 171/4 in $799 play; 7 repeat modes; time/manual fader; peak -level
CD -4050C. As above, no remote control $199 search; timer switch dot-matrix fluorescent display;
CDP-XA2OES CD Player remote control. S/N 110 dB; dynamic range 100 dB;
CD -3050R CD Player Current -pulse D/A converter. Fixed pickup mecha- ch sep 105 dB. 17 x 5 x 14'/sin; 14 lb $600
Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. Front loading design; 3 - nism; feed -forward digital filter with 3 -stage oversam-
beam laser pickup. Headphone jack with volume pling, aluminum front panel; antiresonant top plate CDP-CASES 5 -Disc CD Changer
control. 20 track -programming; random play; delete and ceramic disc tray. Fiber-optic digital output; 8 Current -pulse D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. Feed-
play; intro scan; synchro play with compatible cas- complementary D/A-converter outputs; gold-plated forward digital filter with 3 -stage oversampling, 45 -bit
sette decks; tape edit; timer play; display dimmer; flu- analog outputs; headphone jack with volume control. internal processing, and 20 -bit outputs; direct digital
orescent display; remote control $149 Time, just -time, and program edit to fit tracks on giv- synchro; aluminum front panel. Fiber-optic digital
en length of tape; 8 repeat modes; index play; ran- output; gold-plated analog outputs; remote -variable
dom play; delete play; 3 -mode music scan; line -level output; headphone jack with volume con-
SIGNATURE TECHNOLOGIES time/manual fader; peak -level search remote control. trol; 8 complementary D/A converter outputs. Can
SRd-23 Tube CD Player S/N 118 dB; dynamic range 100 dB; ch sep 110 dB. change 4 discs while one plays; tape edit; 3 -mode
Bitstream D/A converter. Vacuum -tube output stage. 5-yr limited warranty. 17 x 4% x 13% in; 15 lb ...$750 music scan; random play; 6 repeat modes; manual
Variable -analog and optical -digital outputs; high -
fader; peak -level search remote control. S/N 117 dB;
quality gold-plated RCA output jacks. Remote con- CDP-XA1ES CD Player dynamic range 100 dB; ch sep 110 dB. 5-yr limited
trol. Ch sep 94 dB. Black chassis with choice of hand- High -density linear D/A converter. Clamp -roller an- warranty. 17 x 5 x 15% in; 15 lb
crafted oak or rosewood enhancements. 18% x 33 x $550
tivibration mechanism; full feed -forward digital filter
10%in; 101b $1,195 with 3 -stage oversampling, 45 -bit internal process- CDP-CX255 200 -Disc CD Changer
ing, and 20 -bit outputs. Fiber-optic digital output; Hybrid -pulse D/A converter. 200 -disc internal -stor-
gold-plated analog outputs; remote -variable line -lev- age mechanism. 8X oversampling digital filter; digi-
SONIC FRONTIERS el output; headphone jack with volume control; 8 - tal servo control; patented CD changer operation.
Processor 3 Tube DiA Converter complementary D/A-converter outputs. 3 -mode mu- Optical -digital output. Custom File for 8 groups; Cus-
20 -bit UltraAnalog D/A converter. 8X oversampling; hy- sic scan; random play; delete play; 7 repeat modes; tom File for Memo; CD text; delete bank; memo
brid current -voltage (IN) conversion; vacuum -tube out- peak -level search; time/manual fader remote control. scan; disc scan; memo search; S -Link; jog -dial con-
put stage: Pacific Microsonics PMD-100 digital filter/ S/N 108 dB; dynamic range 99 dB; ch sep 103 dB. 5- trol; 3 multidisc 32 -track programs; 6 play modes; 3
HDCD decoder. AES/EBU, SPDIF RCA and BNC, 1- yr limited warranty. 17 x 4% x 11% in; 8 lb $350 repeat modes; remote control. S/N 107 dB; dynamic
Toslink optical, ST -glass optical, and PS interface in-
range 98 dB; ch sep 100 dB. 17 x 17% x 19 in;
puts; RCA and XLR outputs; and audio outputs. LED CDP-XE500 CD Player 20 lb $449
display of all functions. THD 0.05%; S/N 108 dB; dy- Hybrid -pulse D/A converter. 8X oversampling digital fil-
namic range 98 dB. Black or gold. 5-yr parts -and -labor ter; digital servo control. Optical -digital output; variable CDP-CX205 200 -Disc CD Changer
warranty. 19 x 4% x 12 in: 261b $6,695 line output via digital volume control; headphone jack. Hybrid -pulse D/A converter. 200 -disc mechanism.
Jog -dial track search 3 play modes; two repeat modes; 8X oversampling digital filter; digital servo control.
Transport 3 CD Transport time and program edit; peak search; 3 -mode music Custom File for 8 groups; S -Link; jog -dial control;
Low jitter; top loading transport; machined aluminum scan; time fade; auto start. S/N 100 dB; dynamic range multidisc 6 play modes; 3 repeat modes; remote con-
chassis; proprietary (IRIS) mechanical design. XLR 98 dB; ch sep 95 dB. 17 x 3%x 141/2 in: 7 lb $200 trol. S/N 100 dB; dynamic range 98 dB; ch sep 95 dB.
AES/EBU output; ST -glass output; SPDIF RCA and 17 x 172/ex 19 in; 201b $420
BNC outputs; I2S. Remote control. Silver anodized CDP-XE400 CD Player
finish. 5-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 19 x 5 x 14 in; Hybrid -pulse D/A converter. 8X oversampling digital fil- CDP-CA7ES 5 -Disc CD Changer
30 lb $4,995 ter; digital servo control. Headphone jack. Jog dial 90 -MHz high -density linear D/A converter. 5 -disc car-
track search; 3 play modes; 2 repeat modes; time and ousel. Feed -forward digital filter with 3 -stage over -
SFCD 1 Tube CD Player program edit; peak search; 3 -mode music scan; time sampling: 45 -bit internal processing, and 20 -bit out-
Dual UltraAnalog D/A converters. 8X oversampling; 8 - fade; auto start; remote compatible with Sony receiv- puts; circuitry to minimize timebase errors; digital
picosecond intrinsic jitter; vacuum -tube output stage; ers. S/N 100 dB; dynamic range 98 dB; ch sep 95 dB. servo control of tracking, laser focus, and disc rota-
direct -coupled servo controlled; Pacific Microsonics 17 x 3%x 14% in; 7 lb $180 tion. Gold-plated analog outputs; headphone jack
PMD-100 HDCD filter/decoder. 1 pr XLR outputs; 1 pr with volume control; 8 complementary D/A-converter
RCA outputs. A -B repeat; load, search, and repeat CD Changers outputs. Can change 4 discs while one plays; tape
functions; remote control. THD 0.05%; S/N 107 dB; CDP-CX270 200 -Disc CD Changer edit; 3 -mode music scan random play; 6 repeat
dynamic range 98 dB. Black or gold. 5-yr parts -and -la- Hybrid -pulse D/A converter. 8X oversampling digital modes; manual fader; remote control. S/N 117 dB;
bor warranty. 19 x 4 x 12 in; 27 lb $3,795 filter; digital servo control. IBM -PS/2 keyboard input; dynamic range 100 dB; ch sep 110 dB. 5-yr limited
optical -digital output. Internal storage for 200 CDs; warranty. 17 x 5 x 15% in; 13 lb $350
graphical user interface; track memo; 400 disc mas-
SONY ter control capability; cross fade; 8 -group Custom CDP-CE515 5 -Disc CD Changer
CDP-XA7ES CD Player File; delete bank; disc scan; timer switch; S -Link; jog Hybrid -pulse D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. Digital
Current -pulse D/A converter. Feed -forward digital fil- dial control; 3 multidisc 32 -track programs; 6 play servo control; 18 -bit digital filter; direct digital syn-
ter with 3 -stage oversampling, 45 -bit internal proc- modes; 3 repeat modes; CD text; remote control. S/N chro; off -center insulator feet; patented master con-
essing and 20 -bit outputs; copper chassis shielding; 110 dB; dynamic range 99 dB; ch sep 105 dB. 17 x troller. Fiber-optic digital output; headphone jack with
spindle motor with sapphire bearings; aluminum front 17%x 19 in: 20 lb $1,000 volume control. Can change 4 discs while one plays
panel and top plate; fixed pickup laser tracking as-
3 repeat modes; random play; tape edit: 3 -mode mu-
sembly; frame and beam construction. 8 complemen- CDP-CA9ES 5 -Disc CD Changer sic scan; peak -level search; time/manual fader; timer
tary D/A-converter outputs; XLR analog output; Current -pulse D/A converter. 5 -disc carousel. Feed - switch; dot-matrix fluorescent display; digital volume
Toslink and coaxial digital outputs; gold-plated analog forward digital filter with 3 -stage oversampling, 45 -bit control; CD text; delete play; disc check; S -Link; re-
outputs; remote -variable line -level output; headphone internal processing, and 20 -bit outputs; direct digital mote control. S/N 107 dB; dynamic range 98 dB; ch
jack with volume control. 172 -disc Custom File mem- synchro; aluminum front panel. Fiber-optic digital sep 100 dB. 17 x 5 x 15% in; 12 lb $249
ory for index points and delete -play selections. S/N output; gold-plated analog outputs; remote -variable
119 dB; dynamic range 100 dB; ch sep 110 dB. 5-yr line -level output; headphone jack with volume con- CDP-CX55 51 -Disc CD Changer
limited warranty. 17 x 5 x 14% in; 33 lb $3,000 trol; 8 complementary D/A-converter outputs. Can Hybrid -pulse 0/A converter. 50 -disc mechanism plus
change 4 discs while one plays; 172 -disc Custom single -disc slot. 4X oversampling digital filter; jitter -re-
MDP-650 Karaoke Combl-Player File memory; 8 -character disc naming for display; ducing circuitry; short signal path. Proprietary auxil-
Plays CDs and laserdiscs. 1 -bit D/A converter. Pro- can categorize favorite tracks into 4 groups; tape edit; iary input; 1 -pair analog outputs; 1 optical -digital out-
prietary tri-digital picture circuitry; digital noise -can- direct disc access: 3 -mode music scan; random play; put. jog -dial control; 4 play modes; 3 repeat modes;
celer; digital timebase corrector for crisp picture verti- 6 repeat modes; manual fader; peak -level search; fluorescent display; proprietary master controller;
cals; digital comb filter for S -video outputs. 2 S -video timer switch; remote control. S/N 117 dB; dynamic proprietary crossback play; S -Link; memo scan and
outputs; fiber-optic digital output; mic input; head- range 100 dB; ch sep 110 dB. 5-yr limited warranty. search; Custom File for Memo; CD text ready. THD
phone jack with volume control. Dual -side play; 8 -bit 17 x 5 x 153/. in; 17 lb $700 0.013%: S/N 88 dB. 17 x 71/2 x 19 in: 11 lb $249
digital video memory for freeze-frame and frame -by -
frame advance for CAV/CLV laserdiscs; digital pic- CDP-C910 10-DIsc CD Changer CDP-CE415 5 -Disc CD Changer
ture memory; 1.5/2X video scan with sound; remote 1 -bit D/A converter. 10 -disc magazine. 45 -bit digital Hybrid -pulse DiA converter. 8X oversampling digital
direct chapter/track access; CAV-frame or CLV-time filter: direct digital synchro. Fiber-optic digital output; filter: digital servo control: off -center isolator feet:


patented master controller. Variable line output via D -E305 Portable CD Player AD -500 CD Player/Cassette Deck
digital volume control; patented auxiliary input. Can 1 -bit 0/A converter. 10 -sec ESP; mechanical sus- Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. 4X oversampling; 16 -bit
change 4 discs while 1 plays; 10 -key track selection; pension system; battery recharger for BP-DM10 bat- linear/channel D/A converter. RCA line -level inputs
teries. 4.5-V DC input; line output. digital bass -boost; and outputs; RCA CD line -level outputs. Shuffle, ran-
5 -key disc selection; disc check; jog -dial track search
10 play modes; 2 -position auto volume limiter; re- dom, and 3 -way repeat play modes; intro scan; CD to
5 play modes; 3 repeat modes; time, program, and
multidisc program edit; peak search; 3 -mode music sume play. Includes rechargeable batteries and car- tape and tape to CD continuous play; timer play; fluo-
scan; time fade; auto start; no -delay play; cross -fade rying case. Black and metallic gray. 51/4 x 11/4 x 6% in; rescent display; full -function remote control. THD
1 lb $150 0.02% at 1 kHz: S/N 90 dB. Ebony. 171/4 x 5% x 111/2
play. S/N 102 dB; dynamic range 98 dB; ch sep 100
D -E301. As above, without rechargeable battery and in; 121b $389
dB. 17 x 4%x 15 in; 121b $199
carrying case $140
D-E307CK. As D -E301, with car battery cord and PD -X100101 -Disc CD Changer
CDP-CX50 51 -Disc CD Changer
cassette acaptor $150 1-br D/A converter. 100 -disc mechanism plus single -
Hybrid -pulse D/A converter. 50 -disc mechanism plus
disc slot. 8X oversampling digital filter; disc catego-
single -disc slot. 4X oversampling digital filter; jitter -re-
ducing circuitry; short signal path. 1 -pair analog out- D-153 C Portable CD Player rizing optimizes play and storage versatility. 32 -se-
puts. Jog -dial control; 4 play modes; 3 repeat modes; 1 -bit D/A converter. Built-in battery recharger. Digital lection random memory programming; intro scan;
bass -boost 10 play modes; 2 -position auto volume music skip; shuffle play; 6 repeat play modes; 38 -key
fluorescent display; remote controllable. THD
$199 limiter. Includes rechargeable batteries. Black and remote control; title, title display, and title search ca-
0.013%; S/N 88 dB. 17 x 71/2 x 19 in; 11 lb
gray clamshell. 51/4 x 1% x 61/4 in; 1 lb $130 pabilities; 3 -in CD play. 3 -beam laser pickup optional.
D-162 CKC. As above, without rechargeable battery THD 0.7% at 1 kHz; S/N 95 dB; ch sep 90 dB at 1
CDP-CE215 5 -Disc CD Changer $389
but features heat -resistant lid and includes connecting kHz 171/2x 7% x 14 in; 18 lb
Hybrid -pulse D/A converter. 8X oversampling digital
filter; digital servo control; off -center isolator feet. cord, car battery cord, and cassette adaptor $130
Can change 4 discs while 1 plays; 5 -key disc selec- PD -D2200 5 -Disc CD Changer
tion; jog -dial track search 5 play modes; 3 repeat Dual 16 -bit DA converters. 5 -disc carousel. Front -
SYMPHONIC LINE loafing mechanism; 18 -bit 8X oversampling digital
modes; time, program, and multidisc program edit;
CD -Reference CD Player filter; 3 -beam laser pickup. Headphone jack with vol-
peak search; 3 -mode music scan; time fade; auto
start; remote compatible with Sony receivers. S/N 20 -bit D/A converter. RCA and digital outputs. Aranya ume control. Intro scan; random play; 2 repeat
102 dB; dynamic range 98 dB; ch sep 100 dB 17 x chrome. 5-yr warranty. 18 x 4 x 14 in; 70 lb . .$7.500
modes; 7 -digit fluorescent display: Teac UR-system
$179 remote control. S/N 100 dB; ch sep 85 dB at 1 kHz.
4%x 15 in; 12 lb
x 4% x 14% in $249
Portable CD Players TANDBERG
The following include headphones. AC adaptors, and TCP 4035 OD Player CD -P1100 CD Player
Integral antivibration CD stabilizer. 17% x 3% x 13% 16 -bit D/A converter. Center -mounted mechanism;
power cords (except 0-153 C).
in; 151b $1,499 double -resolution digital filter; high -resolution 3 -
beam laser pickup. Headphone jack with level con-
D -844K Portable CD Player
1 -bit D/A converter. 10 -second antishock buffer; mo- trol. Operation -mode indicators (play/pause, pro-
TEAC gram); 6 -digit LCD; 3 -way repeat; Teac unified re-
tor -driven lid mechanism; mechanical antishock sus-
VRDS-25 CD Player mote control. THD 0.8% at 1 kHz; S/N 90 dB; dynam-
pension system; digital bass enhancement, surround
Four 20 -bit D/A converters. 25 -bit 8X oversampling dig- ic range 90 dB; ch sep 80 dB at 1 kHz. 171/4 x 3% x 11
setting, and car setting; heat -resistant cabinet; built-
ital filter; vibration -free disc -clamping system (VRDS): in; 9 lb $189
in battery recharger. Line -level output; headphone
mini -jack. Last -position memory; random play; re- 3rd -order Butterworth analog filter; digital servo sys-
peat play; disc -compartment light; backlit keys and tem. Analog outputs; coaxial and Toslink optical -digital
display; backlit wireless remote control. Includes car - outputs. 20 -track random programming; remote fluo- TECHNICS
rescent -display on/off/dimmer control: track and index The following CD changers feature delete play. Spiral
battery power cord, car -cassette adaptor, and AC
$299 search; 3 -way repeat function; time display; auto fade Play for playing the first track from each disc. then the
power adaptor. 51/2 x 1% x 61/2 in; 1 lb
in/out; remote control. THD 0.0015% at 1 kHz; S/N 110 second from each disc. and so on. 32 -track program-
dB; dynamic range 99 dB. Black brushed aluminum. ming, random play, 4 repeat modes. direct disc ac-
D-468 Portable CD Player
17%x 6 x in: 37 lb $2,700 cess. and 1 -bit MASH D/A conversion.
1 -bit DA converter. 20 -sec electronic skip protection
(ESP); heat -resistant aluminum lid; battery-recharger
for BP-DM20 batteries; digital bass boost. 4.5-V DC VRDS-10SE CD Player SL4AC410 111 -Disc CD Changer
8 -bit double -differential Bitstream D/A converter. 20 - 110 -disc mechanism plus single -disc slot. Digital ser-
input; MD -Link optical -digital output; line outpuVopti-
cal line output. Backlit LCD; 2 -position auto volume bit 8X oversampling: VRDS; 3rd -order proprietary vo system; front -loading mechanism. CD text search;
analog filter. RCA analog outputs; coaxial and Toslink scrolling text display; single and group play modes;
limiter; hold shutter mechanism; 10 play modes. In-
cludes rechargeable batteries. Metallic gray. 51/4 x 11/4 optical -digital outputs. 20 -track random/delete pro- direct program; ID scan; program, random, and re -
gramming; track and index selection; 3 -way repeat pea play modes. THD 0.007%; S/N 100 dB; dynamic
x 5% in; 1 lb $230
function; fluorescent display on/off/dimmer control; range 92 dB. 17 x 6% x 151/2 in; 151b $350
D -T405 Portable CD Player/finer remote control. THD 0.0013% at 1 kr-lz; S/N 110 dB;
1 -bit D/A converter. 10 -sec ESP; synthesized digital dynamic range 99 dB. Black brushed aluminum. 17% SL-N1C6D 61 -Disc CD Changer
x 5% x 13'% in; 251b $2,100 60 -disc mechanism plus single -disc slot. Digital servo
AM/FM tuner; battery recharger for BP-DM10 batter-
system; front -loading mechanism; disc -change mech-
ies. MD -Link optical -digital output; 4.5-V DC input:
VRDS-T1 CD Transport anism with optical disc sensor; easy -access disc re-
line outpuVoptical line output. 30 random station pre-
Center -mount drive; copper -plated main chassis and placement system. Direct program and ID scan; sin-
sets; 5 direct -preset keys; 3 -position bass -boost; 10
rear panel. RCA -coaxial and Toslink digital outputs. gle. program, random, and repeat play modes; group
play modes; resume play. Includes rechargeable bat-
x 5% Track/index search; 20 -track convent onal/delete pro- play function with 14 preset musical genre names; re-
teries and carrying case. Metallic gray. 51/4 x
$200 gramming, 4 repeat modes; remote control. 17% x 6 mote control. THD 0.007%; S/N 100 dB; dynamic
in; 1 lb $300
x13'/. in $1,199 range 92 dB. 17 x 6% x 151/4 in; 14 lb
D -T401. As above, without MD -Link optical -digital
output or rechargeable batteries but includes built-in
battery recharger for BP-DM10/20 batteries, top - VRDS-7 CD Player SL-PD887 5 -Disc CD Changer
1 -bit double -differential Bitstream D/A converter. Pro- 5 -disc carousel. Front -loading mechanism; advanced
mounted lid operation, and 2 -position auto volume
$190 prietary disc clamping with disc -sized aluminum -die- digital servo system; 32 -step random-access pro-
cast overhead turntable: concave lower turntable; gramming. ID Scan: full random, one -disc play, and
proprietary servo system with low-pass filter; center - spiral play modes: delete programming, even in ran-
D-368 Portable CD Player
mount drive; separate analog and digital circuitry; dom mode: program memory; repeat play $210
1 -bit DA converter. 20 -sec ESP; battery recharger for
BP-DM10/20; heat -resistant lid. 4.5-V DC input; line dual top plate with rubber seat inserted between lay-
ers; aluminum front panel. Coaxial and Toslink fiber- SL-PD687 5 -Disc CD Changer
output. Digital bass -boost; 10 play modes; resume
optic digital outputs. 20 -track random/delete pro- 5-d sc carousel. Front -loading mechanism; digital
play; 2 -position auto volume limiter. Metallic gray 51/4 x
gramming: 3 repeat modes: auto fade-in/out; fluores- servo system. Full random, one -disc, and spiral play
1'/ex5'/in;1lb $190
cent display with dimmer; remote control. S/N 110 modes; delete programming; 32 -step random-ac-
dB; dynamic range 99 dB; ch sep 1C dB. 17% x 5% x cess programming; program memory; repeat capa-
D -M801 Portable CD Player
1 -bit D/A converter. 10 -sec ESP; heat -resistant Disc - 131/4 in; 201b $1,000 bility. THD 0.007%; S/N 100 dB; dynamic range 92
dB. 17 x 5 x 14% in: 10 lb $180
man case and lid; battery recharger for BP-DM10/20.
4.5-V DC input; line output. Illuminated keys and D -T1 D/A Converter
Double -differential Bitstream D/A converter. 18 -bit SL PD987 5 -Disc CD Changer
LCD; disc guide light and disc window illumination;
digital bass -boost; 10 play modes; 2 -position auto digital filter: 3rd -order Butterworth analog filter; solid - 5-d sc carousel. Digital servo system. Program mem-
aluminum front panel; copper main -chassis plating. 2 ory: disc selection buttons with LED indicators; pitch
volume limiter. Includes car battery cord and cas-
sette adaptor. 51/4 x 1'/a x 61/4 in; 1 lb $180 RCA -coaxial and 2 Toslink digital inputs; line -level cortrol ±12%; ID Scan; full random, one -disc ran-
D -M805. As above with remote controller $200 outputs. S'N 110 dB. 17% x 41/4 x 131/2 in $900 dom. and spiral play modes; delete programming;


auto cue; repeat play. THD 0.007%; S/N 100 dB; dy- HDCD filter/decoder; 256X oversampling. Fixed -ana- YAMAHA
namic range 92 dB. 14 x 5 x 141/4 in; 10 lb $180 log output. Backlit display; repeat mode; time display: CDV-701K Digital Karaoke Combi-Player
remote control included. S/N 110 dB. 17 x 5 x 14 in: Plays CDs and laserdiscs. Theater, karaoke, music
25 lb $895 surround modes; 11 -step key control; digital echo:
THETA DIGITAL vocal aid; 15 -title direct access. 2 mic inputs with in-
Data Ill Combi-Transport HDCD-10 D/A Converter dependent volume controls: 2 AN outputs. Dual -side
Plays CDs and laserdiscs. CD -only mode with sepa- Dual 20 -bit Burr -Brown PCM-1702 D/A Converters. play with auto changing; independent CD tray: 6 re-
rate CD drawer and defeat of video circuits; digital HDCD decoder. Coaxial and Toslink inputs S/N peat modes; 24 -track program play; multiplex bal-
field memory; digital video processing. Dolby Digital 103 dB $895 ance control; on -screen display; time and frame -
RF output; 2 S -video, 1 BNC, and 1 coaxial video out- number search: remote control. S/N 102 dB; dynamic
puts; BNC and AES/EBU digital audio outputs. Dual - range 96 dB. 167, x 51/4 x 161/4 in: 16 lb $999
side play; digital effects $4,495 VAC
Model 23.1 CD Transport CDV-W901 Combi-Player
DS Pro Generation V -a D/A Converter Designed for use with Model 22.1 D/A converter. Sta- Plays CDs and laserdiscs. 1 -bit D/A converter. Digital
Four 20 -bit converters. Class A discrete analog sec- bilized -platter damping; nonmagnetic chassis. Re- video processing; digital field memory. Dolby Digital
tion on Teflon circuit board; 5 digital inputs; XLR and mote control. High -gloss black faceplate. 18 x 4 x 11 RF output: fiber-optic digital output; 2 audio. 2 video,
RCA outputs; summed RCA outputs. HDCD decod- in: 25 lb $1,650 2 S -video outputs: 2 mic inputs. Dual -side play; digi-
ing optional. THD 0.002%; S/N 120 dB $5,595 tal echo: one -touch karaoke; track programming: ran-
As above without XLR connectors $3,795 DAC Mkll Tube D/A Converter dom play; 6 repeat modes: time and frame -number
Two dual -differential 1 -bit D/A converters. Class A tri- search; last -position memory; on -screen displays;
DS Pro Basic III -a D/A Converter ode tube differential analog circuitry; passive logic; system remote control. S/N 115 dB: dynamic range
Four 20 -bit D/A converters. 5 digital inputs; XLR and separate power supply. 2 coaxial- and 1 AT&T -digital 95 dB. 17 x 51/4x 161/4in:16 lb $899
RCA outputs; summed RCA outputs. HDCD decod- inputs: coaxial -digital, RCA, and XLR outputs. Sta-
ing optional. THD 0.002%; S/N 120 dB $2,695 tus -indicator tube; auto sampling -rate selection. CDX-390 CD Player
AES/EBU inputs and outputs optional. 6 x 18 x 131/2 1 -bit D/A converters. Intelligent digital servo. 1 -pr an-
Miles CD Player in; 25 lb $4,990 alog outputs. 4 -mode time display; tape edit; CD syn-
Hybrid 1-bit/18-bit D/A converter. Proprietary digital chro start with compatible cassette deck: peak
filter and jitter reduction circuitry; analog volume con- Model 22.1 Tube D/A Converter search: index search: 10 -key pad on front panel: re-
trol. RCA- and XLR-analog outputs: coaxial -digital Laser -trimmed 18 -bit Analog Devices D/A converter. mote control. THD 0.003%; S/N 105 dB: dynamic
output; AES/EBU- and ST fiber-optic digital outputs. HDCD decoding circuitry; Class A triode tube analog range 95 dB. 171/4 x 3% x 10% in; 9 lb $219
Remote control. THD 0.002%; S/N 108 dB; dynamic stage: nonmagnetic chassis. 2 coaxial digital inputs.
range 108 dB. Silver or black. 3-yr-electronics war- Phase -reverse switch; auto turn -on mute; compatibil- CD Changers
ranty. 19 x 4 x 14 in; 22 lb $2,500 ity with sampling rates ranging from 28 to 50 kHz; CDC -765 5 -Disc CD Changer
As above without XLR or ST connectors $2,095 digital and analog power indicators. 18 x 31/2 x 11 in; Yamaha S -bit Plus D/A converter. 4 D/A converters;
15 lb $1,890 8X oversampling; intelligent digital servo: Pro -Bit
Data Basic II CD Transport Digital technology translates 16 -bit signal to 20 -bit
Advanced reclocking circuitry. AES/EBU digital audio signal for audio resolution: super -silent mechanism.
outputs. Fiber-optic digital output optional ...$1,995 WADIA DIGITAL 1 -pr analog outputs: optical -digital output. Program
Wadia 7 CD Transport file; table of contents (TOC) memory; input/output
DS Pro Prime II -a D/A Converter External power supply; vibration -free rigid disc - control port for custom installations; synchro start; in-
Two 18 -bit D/A converters. 2 digital inputs; XLR and clamping system; 3 -beam objective glass -lens pick- tro scan; index scan; 3 -way music search: tape edit;
RCA outputs; summed RCA outputs. THD 0.002%; up; 2 -dimensional parallel linear drive; machined peak search; 10 -key direct access; 33 -key remote
S/N 108 dB $1,495 cast -alloy turntable; servo -sled tracking mechanism; control. THD 0.0025%; S/N 115 dB; dynamic range
floating suspension system; aluminum plate chassis. 100 dB. 171/4x 41/4 x 151/4 in; 17 lb $349
Pearl CD Transport Glass fiber-optic digital output: EIAJ plastic fiber-op-
Jitter -reduction circuitry. Coaxial output. Remote tic digital output; SPDIF BNC coaxial -digital output; CDC -665 5 -Disc CD Changer
control. AES/EBU, single-mode-Lasertingue, and ST and AES/EBU digital output. Remote control. 9% x 6 Yamaha S -bit Plus D/A converter. 4 D/A converters:
outputs optional. Silver or black. 3-yr-electronics war- x 17..4 in; 32 lb $12,500 8X oversampling: intelligent digital servo; super -
ranty. 19 x 4 x 14 in; 19 lb $1,235 silent mechanism; synchro start. 1 -pr analog output;
Wadia 860 CD Player 1 -pr analog output. Index search; intro scan; tape ed-
DS Pro Progeny -a D/A Converter Jitter -reduction technology; variable -analog output it: peak search; 3 -level display illumination: 10 -key di-
18 -bit D/A converter. 2 digital inputs. THD 0.008%; voltage; patented filter system; 32X oversampling rect access: 33 -key remote control. THD 0.003%;
S/N 102 dB $995 rate: full D/A converter architecture provides 21 -bit S/N 106 dB: dynamic range 96 dB. 177 x x 15%
resolution; patented spinning mechanism; 3 -beam in; 17 lb $269
Chroma D/A Converter objective glass lens pickup: aluminum -plate chassis.
18 -bit D/A converter. HDCD decoding. 2 digital in- Glass fiber-optic. EIAJ plastic fiber-optic, SPDIF CDC -565 5 -Disc CD Changer
puts. THD 0.01%; S/N 102 dB $829 BNC coaxial-, and AES/EBU digital inputs and out- Yamaha S -bit Plus D/A converter. 4 D/A converters;
As above without HDCD decoding $750 puts: 1 -pair XLR-analog outputs; 1 -pair RCA -analog 8X oversampling; intelligent digital servo: super -silent
outputs. Digital volume control: aluminum body re- mechanism. 1 -pr analog outputs. Synchro start: index
mote control. 17 x 6% x 16% in; 48 lb $7,450 search; 3 -way music search; intro scan; 31 -key re-
THORENS mote control. THD 0.004%; S/N 102 dB; dynamic
TCD 2000 CD Player Wadia 850 CD Player range 95 dB. 171/4 x 41/4 x 151/4 in; 171b $199
1 -bit Bitstream D/A converter. 3 -point spring damp- Jitter -reduction technology; variable -analog output
ing; steel case for optimum shielding. THD 0.0017%; voltage: patented filter system: 32X oversampling; full
S/N 110 dB. 81/4 x 3% x 13% in; 14 lb $2,500 differential D/A converter architecture provides true 21 - YBA
bit resolution; patented spinning mechanism; alumi- CD1 CD Player
TDA 2000 D/A Converter num -plate chassis. 1 -pair XLR-analog output; 1 -pair Dual 18 -bit D/A converters. Top -loading design; ex-
Dual 1 -bit D/A converters. 192X oversampling; pas- RCA -analog output. Digital volume control: aluminum ternal power supply; laser belt -drive; 3 -beam laser
sive de -emphasis filter. THD 0.0009%; S/N 113 dB. body remote control. 17 x 6% x 16% in; 48 lb ...$4,950 pickup; magnetic damper; Teac drive and control..
81/4 x 3% x 13% in; 11 lb $1.800 17% x 3% x 13% in $6.000
Wadia WT -2000 Upgrade CD2. As above with integral power supply for me-
Upgrade kit to WT -2000 CD transport featuring PS -2 chanical and digital sections and external power sup-
THRESHOLD transport upgrade; external power supply; glass fiber- ply for analog section $4,800
DAC 2 D/A Converter optic digital output; EIAJ plastic fiber-optic digital out- CD3. As CD1. smaller external power supply $3,400
20 -bit UltraAnalog D/A converter. Balanced circuitry put: SPDIF BNC coaxial -digital output $1,750
topology; outboard power supply; HDCD decoder. CD Integre CD Player
Coaxial. AES/EBU. Toslink, and ST optical inputs: 18 -bit Teac D/A converter. 4X oversampling; decou-
coaxial -digital output; RCA and XLR outputs. THD WOODSIDE pled drive mechanism; metallic crystal oscillator:
0.003%; S/N 110 dB; dynamic range 105 dB. Black DVAC-18 Tube D/A Converter non-magnetic material. Optimized output. LCD; com-
brushed aluminum. 10-yr parts -and -labor warranty. DC -coupled tube amplifier with two 6SN7/6SL7 dou- plete programming; remote control included. THD
171/2 x 21/2 x 12 in: 25Ib $4,690 ble triodes per channel; 16 local voltage regulators to 0.04%; S/N 100 dB. Black or silver. 171/4 x 3% x 131/4
eliminate digital and analog crosstalk. 4 coaxial -digi- in; 101b $1,795
tal inputs; 1 digital output; RCA outputs. Auto sam-
ULTECH AUDIO pling -rate selection from 32 to 48 kHz: phase -reverse CD Special CD Player
UCD-100 CD Player switch; LED indicator for input signal lock. 17 x 31/2 x Dual 16 -bit D/A converters. 4X oversampling; Teac
Dual 20 -bit Burr -Brown PCM-1702 D/A Converters. 14 in; 10 lb $2,395 drive and control. 171/4 x 31/4 x 131/4 in $995


TDR-1550 Cassette Deck ONi VO 41.11t, MI. SOP
Dolby B. C. HX Pro. PC-OCC coil metal -alloy re-
cord/play head; double -gap ferrite erase head; auto -
reverse. Headphone jack with volume control. Timer
record; real-time counter; peak -level meters; remote A.+
control. FR 40 Hz -18 kHz high -bias; S/N 73 dB metal;
W&F 0.06% wrms. 19 x 51/2 x 121/2 in; 12 lb . .$599

c.a.,. ar..

DENON mono cadonw roc csc. TA,N4.1

The following feature Denon IS -system remote -con-
trol compatibility -=m,
DRM-740 3 -Head Cassette Deck Onkyo TA-RW344 double cassette deck
Dolby B, C. HX Pro. 3 motors; die-cast aluminum -
head base; closed -loop dual -capstan design; non-
slip reel drive; full -logic control mechanism. Bias DC -520 Double Cassette Deck cent reefers. 4 -digit counter for both transports; Compu-
control; auto tape -bias selector; record return; pro- Dolby B. C, HX Pro for both transports. Autoreverse for Link compatibility. FR 20 Hz -16 kHz ±3 dB metal; S/N
gram search; synchro record with compatible CD both transports. Front -panel headphone output. Nor- (metal) 78 dBA Dolby C; W&F 0.08% wrms $190
players; output -level control; 4 -digit linear counter; mal/high-speed dubbing; auto tape sensor; syncro-
fluorescent display with peak -level meters and peak - reverse dubbing. Includes interconnect cables. FR 25
hold $400 Hz -19 kHz metal; S/N 79 dB: W&F 0.05% wrms; THD KENWOOD
1.0% at 1 kHz. 17% x 57Ai x 111/2 in; 10 lb $329 Model 1050CT Double Cassette Deck
DRW-840 Double Cassette Deck Dolby B, C, HX Pro. Full -logic electronic tape trans-
Dolby B, C, HX Pro. Autoreverse for both transports; ports; autoreverse for both transports; auto bias ad-
twin/relay recording; bias control; normal/high-speed JVC justment for both transports; bidirectional 2 -track
dubbing; program search; auto relay play; CD syn- TDV662BK 3 -Head Cassette Deck heaa system; manual bias control; low -noise trans-
chro-record function $400 Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Closed -loop dual -capstan drive port system. Headphone jack. High-speed dubbing;
with direct -drive motor mechanism; computer -controlled program search; one -touch operation; auto tape se-
DRM-650S Cassette Deck full -logic; cassette -shell stabilizer; aluminum front pan- lector; switchable MPX filter: relay recording; dual
Dolby B, C, HX Pro. 2 -motor full -logic control trans- el; center -mount transport; PC-OCC head -coil wiring; tape recording $200
ports. Dual power supply; manual bias -adjustment powered cassette door; auto -bias and -level record cal- Model 103CT. Above, auto bias control and record
control; memory stop; CD synchro record; record re- ibration; built-in record oscillator; MPX filter. CD -Direct for one transport; without auto tape selector . .$180 .

turn; music search; 4 -digit electronic counter with input; headphone jack. Input -balance control; auto -re-
peak -hold display; non -slip reel drive; MPX filter cord mute; multimusic scan; auto tape -bias selector; Model 101CT Double Cassette Deck
switch; headphone level control $349 auto monitor; timer record/play: fluorescent peak dis- Dolby B HX Pro. LED level meters: mechanical -logic
play, level meters, and 4 -digit linear counter; Compu- tape transports; auto tape selector $100
DRM-550 Cassette Deck Link compatibility. FR 15 Hz -19 kHz ±3 dB metal; S/N
Dolby B, C. HX Pro. Non -slip reel drive; full -logic con- (metal) 79 dBA Dolby C; W&F 0.035% wrms ....$360
trol mechanism. Bias control; auto tape -bias selec- LUXMAN
tor; record return; program search; synchro record TDW718BK Double Cassette Deck K-373 3 -Head Cassette Deck
with compatible CD players; fluorescent display with Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Recordplay on both transports; Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Record and play heads with
peak -level meters $250 computer -controlled full -logic mechanism; 6 -motor hard-Permalloy cores; demagnetizer; cassette stabi-
drive; cassette -shell stabilizer in both transports. Head- lizer line -phase sensor; Star circuitry; switchable
DRW-580 Double Cassette Deck phone jack with volume control; mic input with mix -level MPX filter. Mic input; system bus connection. Bias
Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Autoreverse for both transports; control. Rotating -head autoreverse for both transports; control: record return; program search; blank search/
2 -tape relay play: bias control: normal/high-speed pitch control for one transport: multimusic scan; se- skip; auto scan; synchro record with compatible CD
dubbing: program search; auto tape -bias selector; quential play and record: synchro high-speed dubbing; players; timer record/play: display with dimmer; linear
two counters $250 auto/synchro record mute; computer -controlled auto fluorescent counter. FR 15 Hz -21 kHz high -bias; S/N
tape -bias and sensitivity; fluorescent level meters and (high bias) 74 dB Dolby C, 58 dB no NR; W&F
4 -digit counters: CompuLink remote compatibility; dank 0.045% wrms. 171/2 x 5 x 14 in; 13 lb $695
DUAL skip. FR 20 Hz -16 kHz ±3 dB metal; S/N (metal) 78
CC585ORC Cassette Deck dBA Dolby C: W&F 0.08% wrms $280 K-322 Cassette Deck
Dolby B. C. HX Pro, Remote control. S/N 76 dB; W&F TDW354BK. As above, no headphone volume con- Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Metal chassis; record and play
0.05% wrms $505 trol, 2 -tape sequential record, or blank skip $220 heads with hard-Permalloy cores; switchable MPX fil-
CC8065RC. As above, S/N 74 dB; W&F 0.06% ter. Bias fine-tuning; auto music search; auto tape -
wrms $440 TDR462BK Cassette Deck bias selector; record return; fluorescent -digital count-
Dolby B. C. HX Pro Computer-controlled full -logic er. FR 25 Hz -18 kHz high -bias; S/N (high bias) 71 dB
mechanism: cassette -shell stabilizer; powered cas- Dolby C, 56 dB no NA. 171/2 x 5 x 7 in; 9 lb $449
FISHER sette door. CD -direct input; headphone jack. Rotating -
CR-W986 Double Cassette Deck head autoreverse; bias control; auto record mute; mu-
Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Full -logic control mechanism for sic scan; timer record/play; auto tape -bias selector; MARANTZ
both transports. Headphone jack. Autoreverse for input -balance control; fluorescent level meters: 4 -digit SD -57 Cassette Deck
both transports; synchro high-speed dubbing; 2 -tape fluorescent inear counter/peak display: CompuLink re- Dolby B. C. S. HX Pro. Hard Permalloy record/play
sequential play; left/right record -level controls; auto mote compatibility. FR 20 Hz -16 kHz ±3 dB metal; S/N head; double -gap -ferrite erase head; computer -con-
tape -bias selector; timer standby: two 5 -segment (metal) 78 dBA Dolby C; W&F 0.08% wrms $250 trolled logic; switchable MPX filter. Headphone jack
LED level meters: remote control $150 with volume control. Synchro record with compatible
TDW254BK Double Cassette Deck CD players; timer record/play; manual/auto bias con-
CR-W686 Double Cassette Deck Dolby B, C, HX Pro. 1 record/play transport; computer - trol: auto tape selector; digital tape counter; 2 -color
Dolby B. Headphone jack. Autoreverse for one trans- controlled full -logic mechanism. Headphone jack. Ro- level meters with peak -hold: display dimmer; infrared
port: synchro high-speed dubbing; 2 -tape sequential tating -head autoreverse for both transports; 6 -motor remote control. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 85 dB;
play; lefVright record -level controls: auto tape -bias drive: 2 -tape sequential play; synchro high-speed dub- W&F 0.05% wrms. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty.
selector; two 5 -segment LED level meters $110 bing; auto/synchro record mute; auto tape -bias selec- 17%x 51/2x 12 in; 8Ib $400
tor; Dynamic Detection Recording Processor; fluores-
SD -63 3 -Head Cassette Deck
HARMAN KARDON Dolby B. C, HX Pro. Hard-Permalloy record and play
TD420 Cassette Deck heads; double -gap ferrite erase head; alloy flywheel.
Dolby B. C, HX Pro. 2 -head design; bias fine trim; RC -5 system remote -control jacks. Microprocessor -
MPX filter on/off switch; horizontal drawer mecha- Prices given are the controlled logic; switchable MPX filter: bias, level,
nism. Rear -panel system remote control jack; auto - and balance recording controls: synchro record with
tape selector; fluorescent meters with linear tape - suggested retail prices. compatible CD players; fluorescent display; remote
time counter; music search and intro scan; CD syn- control. FR 20 Hz -17 kHz ±3 dB high -bias; S/N (high
chro dubbing. Includes interconnect cables. FR 20 Dealer prices may vary. bias -1 78 dB Dolby C, 58 dB no NR; W&F 0.05%
Hz -20 kHz metal; S/N 73 dB; W&F 0.05% wrms; THD writs. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 161/2 x 51/2 x
1.0% at 1 kHz. 17% x 5 x 12% in; 12 lb $419 12 in $350


SD -2020 Slim Series Cassette Deck TA -6510 3 -Head Cassette Deck gram skip: 16 -segment LED meter with peak hold.
Dolby B, C, HX Pro. Designed to match CR-2020 Slim Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Three motors. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz Sampling rates 32. 44.1. and 48 kHz; FR 20 Hz -22
Series Receiver/CD Player. Compact chassis' autore- metal: S/N 60 dB metal; W&F 0.045% wrms. 18 x 41/4 kHz ±5 dB: THD.007%; dynamic range 90; ch sep 80
verse; hinged titanium front panel conceals all controls: x 121/2 in: 11 lb $400 dB. 19 x 17 x 12 in; 171b $1,395
horizontal motor -driven tray: metal -alloy record/play
head; dual -gap ferrite erase head: DC -servo -controlled TA -R440 Cassette Deck
capstan and reel drives. Intro scan; timer record/play: Dolby B, C. HX Pro. 2 motor transport system; propri- PIONEER
remote: can also be operated by system remote sup- etary Accusbias system; CD-synchro recording; 13 - PDR-05 CD Recorder
plied with SR -2020 receiver. FR 30 Hz -18 kHz high - segment fluorescent display with peak level/hold me- i-bit D/A converter. Stable -platter mechanism; sam-
bias, no NR; S/N (high bias) 78 dB Dolby C. 58 dBA no ters: high rigidity antiresonant chassis; heavy-duty pling -rate indicator; sampling -rate converter for 32 -
NR; W&F 0.1%. 16% x 3 x 12% in: 101b $300 power supply. Analog inputs/outputs. Full -logic con- and 48 -kHz sources: SCMS copy -inhibit system;
trols: A/B block repeat; auto spacing; remote control. three -beam differential push/pull pickup. Auto re-
SD -555 Double Cassette Deck FR 20 Hz -19 kHz high -bias; S/N 58 dB; W&F 0.07% cord/pause; auto space mute; manual and auto track
Dolby B. C, HX Pro. One record/play transport; pho- wrms. 17 x 41/4 x 12 in; 11 lb $280 search; recording -end search: fade-in/fade-out re-
to -sensor end -of -tape detection; DC capstan and cording; sampling -rate indicator; digital -source indi-
reel motors: full -logic controls for both transports. TA -6210 Cassette Deck cator: fluorescent display; level meter $1,970
RC -5 system remote -control jacks: headphone jack Dolby B. C, HX Pro. 2 -motor transport; Accubias sys- PDR-04. As above, without sampling -rate converter
with volume control. Autoreverse for both transports; tem: full -logic control mechanism. Synchro-CD re- or sampling -rate indicator $1.165
repeat; synchro record with compatible CD players: cording function; switchable MPX filter; full and A/B
normal/high-speed dubbing: digital tape counter; dig- block repeat. FR 20 Hz -18 kHz high -bias; W&F CT-W616DR Double Cassette Deck
ital peak -level indicator; remote. FR 40 Hz -17 kHz ±3 0.07% wrms. 18 x 41/4 x 12 in: 121b $230 Dolby B. C, HX Pro. Auto tape -bias adjustment; re-
dB high -bias. no NR: S/N (high bias) 80 dB Dolby C. cord -level optimization: autoreverse record/play for
60 dB no NR; W&F 0.06% wrms. 3-yr parts -and -la- Double Cassette Decks one transport. Headphone jack. 2 -tape sequential re-
bor warranty. 171/2 x 51/2 x 121/2 in $300 TA-RW505 Double Cassette Deck cord/play; normal/high-speed dubbing; program
Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Full -logic controls. Headphone search; blank skip; synchro record with compatible
jack. Autoreverse record/play for both transports: 2 - CD players; 4 -digit electronic linear/elapsed-time
NAD tape simultaneous record; 2 -tape sequential play: counter; fluorescent peak -hold meter; SR -system re-
Model 614 Cassette Deck synchro record with compatible CD players: switch - mote compatibility $300
Dolby B. C. HX Pro. 2 Permalloy heads: full -logic con- able auto space; auto tape -bias selector; high-speed CT-W606DR. As above, without auto tape -bias ad-
trol mechanism: Peak -hold metering; bias adjust: dubbing; input level and balance controls; program justment or record -level optimization $275
NAD Link for remote control. FR 30 Hz -16 kHz ±3 dB; search; repeat. FR 20 Hz -16 kHz high -bias: W&F
S/N (high bias) 78 dB Dolby C, 59 dB no NR: W&F 0.07% wrms. 18 x 41/4 x 12% in; 13 lb $424 CT-W404R Double Cassette Deck
0.07% wrms. 171/2 x 5 x 12% in $399 Dolby B, C. S. HX Pro. Tape -duplication noise suppres-
TA-RW544 Double Cassette Deck sor; record/play for one transport: autoreverse for
Model 616 Double Cassette Deck Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Full -logic control mechanism. one transport. Headphone jack. Relay play; normal/
Dolby B, C, HX Pro. Dual-well/dual record; full -logic Headphone jack. Autoreverse record/play for both high-speed dubbing: program search; blank skip; syn-
control mechanisms. Peak -hold metering: bias ad- transports; program search; synchro record with chro record with compatible CD players: 4 -digit elec-
just: NAD Link for remote control. FR 30 Hz -18 kHz compatible CD players; switchable auto space; auto tronic linear/elapsed-time counter; fluorescent peak -
±3 dB: S/N (high bias) 78 dB Dolby C, 58 dB no NR: tape -bias selector: 2 -tape sequential play; high hold level meter: SR -system compatibility $235
W&F 0.07% wrms. 17% x 5 x 121/2 in: 131b . . . .$399 speed dubbing; input level control; fluorescent peak -
level indicator. FR 20 Hz -16 kHz high -bias; W&F CT-W205R Double Cassette Deck
Model 613 Cassette Deck 0.07% wrms. 18 x 41/4 x 12'/El in; 13 lb $335 Dolby B, C. MPX filter; LED level meter; normal/high-
Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Full -logic control mechanism. speed dubbing: double autoreverse: auto -tape selec-
Peak -hold metering: bias adjust; NAD Link for remote TA-RW344 Double Cassette Deck tor; relay play; auto record mute; skip search; blank
control. FR 30 Hz -18 kHz ±3 dB; S/N (high bias) 78 Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Full -logic control mechanism. skip: rewind auto play; SR compatible $220
dB Dolby C, 58 dB no NR; W&F 0.07% wrms. 171/2 x5 Headphone jack. One record/play transport; autore-
x 12V. in: 10 lb $349 verse for both transports; synchro record with com- Elite Series
patible CD players; switchable auto space; auto tape - The following feature Legato Link conversion circuit-
bias selector; 2 -tape sequential play; high-speed ry, which uses a proprietary algorithm to restore high -
NAKAMICHI dubbing; input level control; LED peak -level indicator. frequency content lost in recording.
DR -2 3 -Head Cassette Deck FR 20 Hz -16 kHz high -bias; W&F 0.07% wrms 18 x
Dolby B, C. Dual capstans; DC servo capstan motor: 41/4 x 121/2 in; 12 lb $250 Elite PDR-99 CD Recorder
pressure -pad lifter: auto slack take-up; integrated 1 -bit Pulseflow D/A converter. Stable -platter mecha-
construction of head and play amp. Gold-plated in- nism; center -mount tray; wood side panels. Fiber-
puts and outputs. Switchable MPX filter; bidirectional OPTIMUS BY RADIO SNACK optic and coaxial digital inputs and outputs; analog
auto search; adjustable bias; repeat: timer; record SCT-56 Double Cassette Deck inputs and outputs; headphone jack with volume con-
mute; output -level control; tape -bias selector with in- Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Autoreverse for both transports; trol. SCMS copy -inhibit system; one -touch synchro
terlocked EQ selection; fluorescent display; 4 -digit normal/high-speed dubbing; program search; blank record and auto pause via source -component signal
counter; system remote -control compatibility. FR 20 skip: 2 -tape continuous play; synchro record with sensing; direct track access; remote control. Sam-
Hz -21 kHz ±3 dB; S/N (metal) 72 dBA Dolby C: W&F compatible Optimus CD players; auto tape -bias se- pling rates 32 and 48 kHz $2,000
0.035% wrms; THD 0.8% at 1 kHz. 17 x 4 x 12% in: lector; fluorescent display: remote control through
12 lb $800 select Optimus receivers $200 CT -07D Double Cassette Deck
Dolby B, C. HX Pro for both transports. Digital proc-
DR -3 Cassette Deck SCT-49 Double Cassette Deck essing system for recording. Autoreverse for both
Dolby B. C. DC servo capstan motor: pressure -pad Dolby B. Headphone jack. Autoreverse for one trans- transports; 4 heads: 4 motors: honeycomb chassis:
lifter; auto slack take-up. Switchable MPX filter; bi- port; 2 -tape continuous play; high-speed dubbing; motor -driven doors. 2 RCA coaxial/digital inputs; 2
directional auto search; adjustable bias; repeat: tim- auto tape -bias selector: 2 input -level controls; re- RCA outputs: headphone/mic jack. Synchro record
er; record mute; tape -bias selector with interlock EQ cord -level meters $150 with compatible CD players: relay play; music skip
selection; 4 -digit counter; fluorescent display; system search; normal/high-speed dubbing; super auto
remote -control compatibility. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±3 dB: SCT-53 Double Cassette Deck blend; music skip search. S/N 90 dB; W&F 0.09%.
S/N (metal) 70 dBA Dolby C: W&F 0.06% wrms. 17 x Dolby B. 2 -tape sequential play: normal/high-speed 16% x 4% x 9% in; 10 lb $550
4 x 12% in; 14 lb $480 dubbing: auto record -level control; auto tape -bias
selector $130 CT -05D Double Cassette Deck
Dolby B, C. HX Pro for both transports. Autoreverse
ONKYO SCT-86 Cassette Deck for both transports; 3 heads: two motors; honeycomb
The following feature Onkyo RI -system remote -con- Dolby B. Mic lacks. Normal/high-bias selector; chassis. 2 RCA inputs: 2 RCA outputs; headphone
trol compatibility. pause; 2 record -level controls; 2 LED level meters; jack. Synchro record with compatible CD players;
tape counter $80 relay play; super auto balance: auto -space record
Integra TA -6711 3 -Head Cassette Deck mute; music skip search; normal/high-speed dub-
Dolby B, C. 3-motor/3-head design: linear -glide load- bing. S/N 90 dB: W&F 0.09%; THD 0.8%. 16% x x
ing system: anti -vibration stabilizer; auto/manual Ac- OTARI 9% in; 9 lb $400
cubias system; vibration -free chassis: full -logic con- DTR-85 DAT Deck
trol mechanism. Twin mic inputs. Real-time counter; 1 -bit pulse -type A/D converter. No SCMS (copy man-
music search/skip; fluorescent peak meters. FR 20 agement system for preventing duplications). Analog ROTEL
Hz -19 kHz high -bias; W&F 0.045% wrms. 17% x 5% input and output; digital input and output; headphone RD-960BX Cassette Deck
x 14% in $800 jack. Input monitor function; high-speed search: pro- Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Two motors; switchable MPX fil-


inputs and outputs. Standard -and long -play modes: play time with Ni-MH (nickel metal hydride) recharge-
ter. Bias fine-tuning: program search; memory
rewind:repeat: remote. FR 20 Hz -18 kHz t3 dB; S/N high-speed rewind; 200/400X high-speed search; au- able battery and 1 AA battery. AC -adaptor input; line -
to music -sensor track search; 2.5/8.5X audible cue; level inputs/outputs; headphone and remote -control
74 dB: W&F 0.035/ wrms 17'4x4/=x13 in ..$400
auto fader; 23 -segment digital peak -level meters; jacks. Digital bass -boost with 3 -position switch; ran-
synchro recording from compatible CC player; auto ID dom play: 3 repeat modes; resume -play; LCD dis-
subcodes; manual -start ID subcodes; SCMS copy -in- play. remote control built into headphone cord. In-
DX-510WR Double Cassette Deck hibit system; timer -activated record or play; track/tape cludes battery charger, rechargeable battery, carry
Dolby B. Music search: memory play: high-speed repeat. Sampling rates 32, 44.1, anc 48 kHz: FR 2 pouch, recharge case, headphones. FR 20 Hz -20
Hz -22 kHz t0.5 dB; S/N 93 dB; THD 0.0045% at 1 kHz ±3 dB. 37, x 1 x 3'4 in; 4 lb $470
dubbing: tape counter. 19 x 8 x 14 in: 9 lb ....$269
kHz. 5-yr warranty. 17 x 5 x 14'/e in; 17 lb $1,600
DX-310WR Double Cassette Deck MZ-F40 Portable MD Player/Tuner
Dolby B. High-speed dubbing: LED peak -level meters: MD Recorders 16 -bit D/A converter. AVLS; 10 -second antishock
digital tape counter 19 a 8 a 14 in; 91b $159 MDS-JA3ES MD Recorder memory; dual battery compartment accepts 2 AA
1 -bit pulse A/D converter; 3rd -generation ATRAC batteries or rechargeable battery. AC -adaptor input;
coder; 4 -sec antishock memory; 20 -bit digital -play fil- line -level inputs/outputs; headphone and remote -
SHARP ter with dither; 45 -bit internal process ng frame- and control jacks. Built-in digital 24 -preset AM/FM fre-
MD-MS100 Portable MD Recorder beam-antivibration construction; aluminum front pan- quency -synthesis tuner; twin LCD windows; digital
Shock -resistant buffer memory. Optical digital input. el; antiresonant double top plate. 20 -bit output; fiber- bass -boost with 2 -position switch; last channel mem-
41/2 -hr play capability; 31/2 -hr record capability; stereo optic digital input and output; coaxial digital input: an- ory; remote built into headphone cord. Carrying
alog line -level inputs and outputs; headphone jack pouch, earpads, earphones. Sampling rate 44.1 kHz;
headphones with multifunction remote control;
synchro-sound recording; move/divide/combine/edit with volume control; dual mono mic inputs. Disc title, FR 20 Hz -20 kHz i3 dB. 4% x 3 x 1% in; 6 lb ...$445
functions; 100 -character titler; 3 -mode bass -exten- track title, and artist name displays for prerecorded
sion system; random play. 4% x x 3% in . .$700
. .
MD; 1,700 -character text entry for each recordable MD Accessories
MD; auto -record -pause after 30 -second recording si- Stereo mic for MZ-R30 $90
lence; auto date/time stamp: synchro record with Optical digital cables for MZ-R30 $40
MD -R1 Portable MD Recorder
compatible CD players; track skip: rardom play; 3 re- Rechargeable battery for MZ-E30 $35
1 -bit A/D and D/A converter. Analog input and output;
peat modes; 25 -track programming; direct -track ac- Car adaptor pack for MZ-R30 or MZ-F40 $25
optical input and output; coaxial input; headphone
cess from remote; timer record/play; digital peak -lev- AC adaptor for MZ-R30, MZ-E30, or MZ-F40 $23
jack. Compact design; jog dial for track selection; ti-
tling edit functions (divide/combine/erase/move); syn- el meters; remote with jog dial. Sampling rates 32, Car Dattery cord for MZ-R30, MZ-E30, MZ-F40 $20
chro recording capability; mono extended -length re- 44.1, and 48 kHz; FR 5 Hz -20 kHz t0.5 dB: S/N 103 Micro -to -mini headphone -cord adaptor for MZ-R30,
cording mode (148 minutes on 74 -minute MD); 20 - dB. 5-yr warranty. 17 x 5 x 13% in; 13 lb $1,200 MZ-:=30, or MZ-F40 $10
track programming music selector; fluorescent -dis- MDS-JA5OES. As above, with 4th -generation AT -
play clock/timer; remote. Includes AA batteries, RCA RAC coder; current pulse D/A, 24 -bit A/D converter; Cassette Decks
cable, and blank 60 -min MD. Sampling rates 32, 44.1, tray -loading mechanism; digital record -level control; TC-KE500S 3 -Head Cassette Deck
and 48 kHz; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz +1, -3 dB; S/N 98 dB; digital -output bit -length selector (16- or 20 -bit); 2 opti- Dolby B, C, S. HX Pro. 160 -kHz Super Bias circuitry;
THD 0.1% at 1 kHz. 1034 x 33/. x 12% in; 7 lb ....$600 cal- and 1 coaxial -digital output; 1 optical output; fade FET output amp; bias and record calibration; center -
in/out record and play modes; brushless-slotless-lin- mount tape transport; Sorbothane cassette stabiliz-
ear motor; FR 5 Hz -20 kHz t0.3 dB; S/N 108 dB; 5-yr er; high -density Permalloy record and play heads.
MD -S50 Portable MD Player
Shock -resistant buffer memory. 41/2 -hr play with lithi- warranty; 31 lb $2,000 Headphone jack. High-speed fast -forward and re-
um -ion battery: remote with LCD; 3 -mode bass exten- wind: switchable MPX filter: electronic tape counter;
sion; random play. 3 x 4% in $550 MDS-JE700 MD Recorder track search; 16 -segment fluorescent peak -level me-
1 -bit pulse -type A/D converter: 4th -generation AT - ters switchable auto -play; record mute; remote ca-
RAC audio coder; 8X oversampling; 18 -bit digital fil- pable with any Sony -receiver remote; linear time
ter; 10 -sec memory buffer; sampling -rate converter; counter. FR 30 Hz -19 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 61 dB no NR;
SHERWOOD W&F 0.055% wrms. 17 x 43/. x 12% in; 91b ....$480
DD -4050C Double Cassette Deck current -pulse D/A converter; heavy -gauge AC power
Dolby B, C, HX Pro. Full -logic control mechanism and cord; CD custom file text transfer; aluminum front
autoreverse for both transports. Headphone jack. panel; S -Link. 2 optical and 1 coaxial digital outputs. TC-WE805S Double Cassette Deck
High-speed dubbing: relay play; 20 -track program Jog -dial for track selection; 25 -track programming; Dolby B. C, S, HX Pro. Dual 2 -motor transports; high -
search; synchro record/dub; synchro record with 25 -track music calendar; random play; 3 repeat density Permalloy tape heads; MPX filter; auto -

compatible CD players; record mute; blank skip; auto modes; CD synchro record with compatible CD play- reverse for both transports; twin linear tape counters;
tape -bias selector; real-time counter; electronic tape ers; remote control; time/date stamp. FR 5 Hz -20 kHz high-speed fast -forward and rewind; synchro record
counter; display dimmer; fluorescent display ...$179 +0.3 dB; SiN 96 dB. 17 x 43/. x 12% in $699 with compatible CD players; auto record -level and cal-
ibration for both transports; twin -linear time counters;
MDS-JE510 MD Recorder normal/high-speed dubbing; relay play. Headphone
DD -2040 Double Cassette Deck
Dolby B. Headphone jack. Autoreverse for one trans- Hybrid -pulse D/A, 1 -bit pulse -type A/D converter. jack. Fader switch; 14 -segment fluorescent peak -lev-
port; high-speed dubbing: relay play; synchro record/ Fourth -generation ATRAC audio coder; 8X oversam- el meters; switchable auto -play after fast -wind; record
dub; record mute; auto tape -bias selector; mechani- pling; 18-b t digital filter: 10 -sec memory buffer; non- mute; compatible with any Sony receiver remote;
cal tape counter; LED display $199 linear recording and play; antiresonant insulator feet; wide -range pitch control; music search /program-
wide -bit stream technology; smart space. Optical ming. FR 30 Hz -19 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 58 dB no NR;
digital input and output; coaxial digital input and out- WEic 0.07% wrms. 17 x 44 x 111/2 in; 9 lb $330
SONY put. Samping-rate converter; jog dial for track selec-
DAT Decks tion; 25 -track programming; 25 -track music calendar: TC-KE400S Cassette Deck
DTC-ZE700 DAT Deck random play; 3 repeat modes CD synchro record with Dolby B, C, S, HX Pro. Center -mount ultra -stable 2 -
Pulse D/A converter, pulse -type A/D converter. 20 -bit compatible CD players; remote control. 11 -in width motor tape transport; Sorbothane cassette stabilizer;
optional. FR 5 Hz -20 kHz t0.3 dB; S/N 96 dB 17 x high -density Permalloy tape head; single -well design.
digital filter with dither and 45 -bit internal processing;
3 -motor direct -drive transport; Super Bit -Mapping 4: x 11 in: 8 lb $299 Headphone jack. Switchable MPX filter; electronic
technology; 44.1 -kHz analog -recording capability; dig- tape counter; multiple -track program search; 16 -seg-
ital -peak margin display. Fiber-optic and coaxial digital Portable MD Recorders and Players ment fluorescent peak -level meters; switchable auto -
inputs; analog inputs and outputs: fiber-optic digital MZ-R30 Portable MD Recorder play; record mute; compatible with any Sony -receiver
output; headphone jack with volume control. Standard 16 -bit D/A converter. 16 -bit A/D converter. Sampling - remote. FR 30 Hz -18 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 58 dB no NR;
rate converter; AVLS: 10 -second anlishod< memory; W&F 0.07% wrms. 17 x 43/. x 12% in; 8 lb $250
and long -play modes; auto/manual ID subcoding;
track programming; 200X or 400X fast search; audible plays up to 15 hrs with 1 lithium -ion and 2 AA batteries.
cue at 2.5/8X speed; intro scan: direct -track access; AC -adaptor input; mic input; line -level inputs/outputs; TC-WE405 Double Cassette Deck
synchro record with compatible CD players; 2 -repeat optical inputs/outputs; headphone and remote -control Dolby B, C. HX Pro. 2 -motors; high -density Permalloy
modes; timer record/play capability; record mute: se- jacks. Jog dial for track selection; digital synchro re- tape heads; MPX filter; autoreverse for both trans-
lectable absolute- or remaining -time display; wireless cording capability (MD Link): digital bass -boost with 3 - ports. Headphone jack. Twin electronic tape coun-
remote. Sampling rates 32, 44.1.48 kHz; FR 2 Hz -22 position switch: position pointer; full editing features ters; auto record level; normal- and high-speed dub-
kHz t0.5 dB; THD 0.005% at 1 kHz; dynamic range (divide/combine/erase/all erase/move/titfing). Includes bing; relay play; fader switch; 14 -segment fluores-
90. 17 x 4%x 12%in:11 lb $800 AC power adaptor, lithium -ion rechargeable battery, cent peak -level meters; record -level control; switch -
AA -battery case, and headphones. Sampling rates able auto -play after fast rewind; record mute;
DTC-ZA5ES DAT Deck 32, 44.1, and 48 kHz; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±3 dB. 4% x 1 compatible with any Sony -receiver remote. FR 30
Pulse D/A converter, pulse -type A/D converter. Super x 3 in: 81b $549 Hz -18 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 58 dB no NR; W&F 0.10%
Bit -Mapping encoding system; 4 -motor direct -drive wrms. 17 x 4%x 111/2in; 8 lb $250
transport: center -mount transport: can record at 44.1 MZ-E30 Portable MD Player
kHz from analog sources: 20 -bit digital filter: quick - 16 -bit DA converter. AVLS: 10 -second antishock TC-WE605S Double Cassette Deck
loading mechanism. Mic inputs; optical and coaxial memory; digital-synchro recording capability: 4 -hr Doloy B. C. S. HX Pro. 2 -motor tape transports; high -


density Permalloy tape heads; MPX filter; auto - through compatible Sony components. FR 30 Hz -17
reverse for both transports; synchro record with com- record/play heads. Autoreverse; pitch control; auto -
kHz ±3 dB high -bias; S/N (high bias) 57 dB no NR; tape selector; synchro record; zero return; remote
patible CD players; auto record calibration and level: W&F 0.07% wrms. 5-yr-limited warranty. 17 x 5 x 111/2 mute; full -function remote control. CD section: shuffle
twin electronic tape counters; relay play. Headphone in; 10 lb
jack. Multiple -track program search; normal- and
$550 play; 3 -mode repeat. FR 50 Hz -15 kHz ±3 dB high-
high-speed dubbing; fader switch; 14 -segment fluo- bias; S/N 69 dB Dolby B; W&F 0.08% wrms. 173/4 x
TC-KA1ES 3 -Head Cassette Deck 51/4x 111/2in; 12 lb
rescent peak -level meter; switchable auto -play after $389
Dolby B. C. S. HX Pro. 2 -motor transport; auto record
fast -wind; record mute: can be operated from remote calibration; drive between power supply and audio R-560 Auto Cassette Deck
supplied with any Sony receiver; S -Link communica- circuits; antiresonant-aluminum front panel; ceramic Dolby B, C. HX Pro. Center -mounted transport; auto -
tion with other Sony components. FR 30 Hz -19 kHz cassette holder; Sorbothane cassette stabilizer;
±3 dB; S/N 58 dB no NR; W&F 0.07% wrms. 17 x 41/4 reverse and repeat; hard Permalloy record/play rotat-
switchable MPX filter. Gold-plated inputs and outputs; ing head; dual peak -level meters with peak -hold: 4 -dig-
x 113/4in:8 lb $199 headphone jack. Powered cassette loading; auto play it electronic tape index counter. Line input; line and
after fast-forward/rewind; record mute; linear counter headphone outputs. Tape -running status display; re-
TC-WE305 Double Cassette Deck with memory; 16 -segment fluorescent peak meters;
Dolby B. Normal- and high-speed dubbing; high - cord -mute with auto spacer; auto tape -type selection;
remote control through compatible Sony components. blank scan; CD Sync dubbing: full auto -stop; compati-
density Permalloy tape heads. Mechanical tape FR 30 Hz -18 kHz ±3 dB high -bias; S/N (high bias) 59
counter; 7 -segment LED peak -level meters. FR 30 ble with Teac UR system remote. FR 25 Hz -18 kHz
dB no NR; W&F 0.055% wrms. 5-yr-limited warranty. high -bias; S/N 79 dB Dolby C, 59 dB no NR; W&F
Hz -15 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 58 dB no NR; W&F 0.11% 17 x 5 x 123/4in:9 lb $350 0.06% wrms. 171/2 x 5 x 1 1 '/2 in: 91b $289
wrms. 17 x 41/4 x 113/4 in; 81b $99
TC-WA7ESA Double Cassette Deck V-610 Cassette Deck
ES Series Cassette Decks Dolby B, C. S. HX Pro. 2 -motors for each transport; Dolby B, C, HX Pro. IC logic control mechanism; hard
TC-KA3ES 3 -Head Cassette Deck Permalloy heads; ceramic cassette holder; switch -
Dolby B, C, S, HX Pro. Closed -loop dual -capstan Permalloy record/play head; center -mounted tape trans-
able MPX filter. Headphone jack. Autoreverse for port. Headphone output. Tape -running status display;
three -motor direct drive; transport center -mounted both transports; 9 -track program search; normal/
between power supply and audio circuits to reduce record -mute with auto spacer; auto tape -type selec-
high-speed dubbing; 2 -tape relay play; auto play after tion; blank scan; CD Sync dubbing; full auto -stop; dual
noise; transport angled for smoother capstan rotation; fast-forward/rewind; record mute; 2 electronic linear -
quartz -locked speed servo; sapphire main bearings; peak -level meters with peak -hold; 4 -digit electronic
time counters with memory; program search; fader tape counter; compatible with Teac UR system remote.
laser -amorphous record and play heads; auto -record switch; 14 -segment fluorescent peak meters; remote
level, EQ, and bias adjustment for each tape with RC -393 remote optional. FR 25 Hz -18 kHz high -bias:
control through compatible Sony components. FR 30 S/N 79 dB Dolby C, 59 dB no NR; W&F 0.06% wrms.
built-in oscillator; antiresonant aluminum front panel; Hz -17 kHz ±3 dB high -bias; S/N (high bias) 57 dB no 171/2x 53/4x 11'/2 in; 9 lb $239
ceramic cassette holder; Sorbothane cassette stabi- NR; W&F 0.07% wrms. 5-yr-limited warranty. 17 x 5 x
lizer. Gold-plated inputs and outputs; headphone jack 11'/ in; 10 lb $350 V-377 Cassette Deck
with volume control. Powered cassette loading; direct
Dolby B. Center -mount transport; hard-Permalloy re-
track access; 9 -track program search: switchable au-
to -play after fast-forward/rewind: record mute; linear cord/play head. LED peak -level meter. FR 30 Hz -15
TEAC kHz; S/N 65 dB Dolby B; W&F 0.09% wrms. 173/4 x
counter with memory; 24 -segment fluorescent peak - V -8030S 3 -Head Cassette Deck 53/4 x 81/2 in $119
level meters; remote control through compatible Sony Dolby B. C. S. HX Pro. Quartz -locked dual -capstan
components. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±3 dB high -bias: S/N 4 -motor direct drive; cobalt amorphous head; cen-
(high bias) 59 dB no NR; W&F 0.022% wrms. 5-yr- Double Cassette Decks
ter -mount transport; cassette stabilizer; antivibra- W -6000R Double Cassette Deck
limited warranty. 17 x 5% x 143/4 in; 17 lb $950 tion chassis. Gold-plated line -level connectors and Dolby B, C. HX Pro. Cassette stabilizer; motor -dri-
jacks; headphone jack with volume con- ven volume control. UR mic inputs; headphone jack.
TC-WA9ES Double Cassette Deck trol. Program search; synchro record with compati- Rotating -head autoreverse record/play for both
Dolby B, C, S, HX Pro. for both transports. Dual 3 -mo- ble CD players; record mute with auto space; mas-
tor tape transports; auto bias and record calibration for transports: +6% pitch control for one transport: 2 -
ter and balance record -level controls; auto tape- tape simultaneous play: mic/line mixing; auto fade-
each transport; Sorbothane cassette stabilizers; laser - bias selector; remote control. FR 15 Hz -20 kHz ±3 record with compatible CD players for one transport;
amorphous tape heads; ceramic cassette holder; anti - dB; S/N 84 dB Dolby S; W&F 0.022% wrms. 17% x 6
resonant -aluminum front panel; switchable MPX filter. program search; normal/high-speed dubbing: auto
x 143/4 in $1,150
Headphone jack with volume control. Autoreverse re- record -level control; fluorescent display: remote con-
V -6030S. As above, drive not quartz -locked direct. trols. FR 25 Hz -18 kHz high -bias; S/N 69 dB Dolby
cord/play for both transports; powered cassette load- No record mute with auto space or auto tape -bias se-
ing; 2 -tape simultaneous or sequential record; pitch B, 79 dB Dolby C; W&F 0.06% wrms. 173/4 x 53/4 x
lector. W&F 0.027% wrms $950 123/4 in
control; blank skip: track programming; 9 -track pro- $750
gram search; normal/high-speed dubbing: 2 -tape re- V -2030S 3 -Head Cassette Deck W -850R Double Cassette Deck
lay play: switchable auto -play after fast -rewind; record Dolby B. C. S. HX Pro. Auto -bias and record -level cal- Dolby B. C. HX Pro. Hard-Permalloy record/play heads.
mute; auto pause; timer record/play; twin linear time ibration system with built-in oscillator; hard Permalloy UR mic inputs; headphone jack. Rotating -head auto -re-
counter of minutes and seconds with memory; 16 -seg- record and play combination head with PC-OCC
ment peak -level meters; remote control through com- verse record/play for both transports; 2 -tape sequential
wiring; 150 -kHz high -frequency bias current; heavy- play; program search; intro scan; blank search; record
patible Sony components. FR 25 Hz -18 kHz ±3 dB; duty die-cast zinc -alloy head block assembly; cas-
S/N (high bias) 58 dB no NR; W&F 0.06% wrms. 5-yr- mute with auto space; dual level meters with peak -hold;
sette stabilizer; center -mounted tape transport; elec- two 4 -digit electronic counters; fluorescent display: com-
limited warranty. 17 x 5% x 13% in; 14 lb $950 tronic tape counter with time mode; aluminum front patible with Teac UR system. Separate remote control
panel. Mic input; line output; headphone jack with optional. FR 25 Hz -18 kHz high -bias; S/N 79 dB Dolby
TC-K2ES 3 -Head Cassette Deck level control. Switchable MPX filter; multifunction flu- C: W&F 0.06% wrms. 173/4 x 5% x 111/4 in $339
Dolby B, C, S, HX Pro. High -precision 3 -motor tape orescent display with dimmer control; 16 -segment
transport; 160 -kHz Super Bias circuitry; FET play am- peak -level meters; record -mute with auto spacer; W -780R Double Cassette Deck
plifier; high-speed fast -forward and rewind; auto bias memory stop/play; auto monitor; concentric dual re- Dolby B. C, HX Pro. Twin IC logic control mechanism;
and record calibration; center -mount transport mecha- cord -level controls; auto tape -type selector; timer re-
nism; Sorbothane casset stabilizer; high -density Perm -
precision hard Permalloy record/play rotating head
cord/play: full -function remote. FR 15 Hz -20 kHz ±3 system; synchro reverse and dubbing capability; dual
alloy tape heads. Headphone jack. Linear time count- dB high -bias; S/N 84 dB Dolby S. 60 dB no NR; W&F
er; switchable MPX filter; multiple -track program peak -level program level meters with peak -hold func-
0.045% wrms. 171/2 x 6 x 11% in; 11 lb $650 tion; CD/deck synchro dubbing. Headphone jack with
search; 16 -segment fluorescent peak -level meters; au-
to -play fast rewind; record mute; remote control through level control. Auto -reverse and repeat -play; one -
V-1030 3 -Head Cassette Deck touch high/normal-speed dubbing; bidirectional dou-
compatible Sony components. FR 30 Hz -19 kHz ±3 dB Dolby B, C, HX Pro. Center -mounted tape transport;
high -bias; S/N 61 dB no NR; W&F 0.055% wrms. 5-yr-
ble -deck continuous play; bidirectional record and
bias fine-tuning control; hard Permalloy record and play; electronic tape counter with clear button; one -
limited warranty. 17 x 4% x 121/4 in; 9 lb $550 play combination head with PC-OCC wiring; cassette touch recording; one -key dubbing start; record mute
stabilizer; heavy-duty die-cast zinc -alloy head -block with auto spacer; full auto -stop; blank scan; auto tape
TC-WA8ESA Double Cassette Deck assembly; electronic tape index counter with timer
Dolby S, B, C, HX Pro for both transports. 2 motors for selector; compatible with Teac UR remote control.
mode. Mic input; line output; headphone jack with Separate remote control optional. FR 25 Hz -18 kHz
each transport; auto record calibration for both trans- level control. Switchable MPX filter; fluorescent dis- high -bias; S/N 79 dB Dolby C, 59 dB no NR; W&F
ports; Permalloy heads; ceramic cassette holder; play with dimmer control; 16 -segment peak -level me- 0.06% wrms. 173/4 x 51/4 x 113/4 in; 10 lb $219
switchable MPX filter. Headphone jack. Autoreverse ters; record -mute with auto spacer; auto monitor; au-
record/play for both transports; 2 -tape simultaneous to tape -type selector; timer record/play capability. W -518R Double Cassette Deck
or sequential record; track programming; 9 -track pro- RC -393 remote control optional. FR 15 Hz -20 kHz ±3 Dolby B. Hard Permalloy heads. Record for 1 trans-
gram search; normal/high-speed dubbing; 2 -tape re- dB high -bias; S/N 80 dB Dolby C, 60 dB no NR; W&F port; 2 -tape sequential play; autoreverse; auto tape -
lay play; record level and balance controls; auto play 0.045% wrms. 171/2 x 6 x 11% in; 11 lb $400 bias selector; full auto -stop; timer record/play; LED
after fast-forward/rewind; record mute; twin linear peak -level meters. FR 30 Hz -15 kHz high -bias; S/N
time counter of minutes and seconds with memory: AD -500 Cassette Deck/CD Player 55 dB no NR, 65 dB Dolby B; W&F 0.09% wrms. 173/4
14 -segment fluorescent peak meters; remote control Dolby B. IC -logic control mechanism; hard-Permalloy x 53/4 x 81/2 in $169


The first high-fidelity system with
W-416 Double Cassette Deck
a Napoleon complex.
Dolby B. Hard Permalloy heads. Record for 1 trans-
port; High/normal-speed dubbing; one -touch record- 1011111i
ing; full auto -stop; LED peak -level meters; normal/
high-speed dubbing; auto tape -bias selector; timer
record/play; LED peak -level meters. FR 30 Hz -15
kHz high -bias; S/N 65 dB Dolby B NR; W&F 0.09%
wrms. 17% x 5% x 8% in; 71b $139

RS-TR575 Double Cassette Deck
Dolby B, C, HX Pro. Record/play and autoreverse
for both transports; 2 -tape sequential record/play;
auto tape calibration; bias control; high-speed dub-
bing; two linear counters; fluorescent peak -hold
meters; remote control through select Technics
receivers $270

RS-BX501 Cassette Deck

Dolby B, C, HX Pro. Advanced transport mechanism; It may be small. But the Bose'Acoustic Wave. music system is definitely an
auto tape calibration. Autoreverse; linear electronic overachiever. The unit features a compact disc player, an AM/FM radio, a handy
tape counter; fluorescent peak -hold meters; head-
phone output -level control; wireless remote control remote control, and our patented acoustic waveguide speaker technology.
through select Technics receivers $240 And it produces a rich, natural sound quality comparable to audio systems costing
thousands of dollars. We know that's hard to believe. So we're ready to prove it.
RS-TR373 Double Cassette Deck
Dolby B, C, HX Pro. Autoreverse for both transports: Call or write now for our complimentary guide to this award -winning system.
2X fast-forward/rewind speeds: high-speed dubbing; Because, like the system itself, it's available directly from Bose.
2 fluorescent electronic counters; remote control
through select Technics receivers $220 Call today. 1-800-898-BOSE, ext. A2365.
Mr./Mrs/Ms. 1 1

Evenine Telephone
RS-TR272 Double Cassette Deck Name (Please Printl Telephone

Dolby B, C, HX Pro. Full display with electronic Addr;ss

counter. Full -logic controls; auto record -level control;
high-speed editing with synchro starVstop; wireless
remote -control capability. FR 40 Hz -15 kHz dB high -

Or mall 10: Ilme Corporation. Mgt. CDD.A2365. The Slountam, Frarrsnh.on. MA 01'01 9168.
Better sound through research
bias; S/N 64 dB; W& F 0.18% wrms. 9 lb $170

The following are compatible with Yamaha's system
remote control. Look to for speakers. cables. and
thousands of accessorte.;
KX-690 Cassette Deck
Dolby B, C, S, HX Pro. Microcomputer -controlled full -
MCM ELECTRONICS® for the ardiJphile.
logic operation. Play -trim control; auto tape optimiza-
tion: tuning; MPX Filter Switch; manual bias control; High Fidelity Tubs Amplifiers tram Valve Audio Lab
cassette stabilizer; bidirectional intro scan; CD -tape
synchro record start; memory stop; music search;
auto record mute; record return; auto tape -type se-
41111 71l
lection. Remote -control optional. FR 20 Hz -19 kHz
±3 dB high -bias; S/N 80 dB Dolby S, 60 dB no NR; taL,--4, JAL
W&F 0.04% wrms. 17% x 5 x 11 in; 11 lb $599

KX-W592 Double Cassette Deck --"

Dolby B. C, HX Pro for both transports. Microcomput-
er -controlled full -logic operation. Autoreverse: play -
trim control; normaVhigh-speed dubbing: play trim;
one -source simultaneous/relay record; CD -tape syn-
chro record; relay play; music search; auto record
mute; record return; auto tape -type selection. Re-
mote control optional. FR 20 Hz -18 kHz ±3 dB high -
bias; S/N 74 dB Dolby C, 58 dB no NR; W&F 0.08%
wrms. 17% x 5% x 11% in; 11 lb $399

KX-W492 Double Cassette Deck

Dolby B, C, HX Pro for both transports. Microcomput-
er -controlled full -logic operation. Autoreverse; play - Call Today For your
trim control; normaVhigh-speed dubbing play trim;
CD -tape synchro record; relay play; music search;
auto record mute: record return; auto tape -type se-
lection. Remote control optional. FR 20 Hz -18 kHz
±3 dB high -bias; S/N 74 dB Dolby C, 58 dB no NR;

W&F 0.08% wrms. 17% x 5% x 11% in; 11 lb ...$299

KX-W392 Double Cassette Deck

Dolby B and C. Microcomputer -controlled full -logic HOLM M -F 7 a.m.- 9 p.m.. Sat. 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. EST
operation. Autoreverse; normal/high-speed dub-
bing; auto tape -type selection; CD -tape synchro
record; music search; auto record mute; record Same Day Shipping!
return. Remote control optional. FR 20 Hz -17 kHz lelMCM ELECTRONIC' In stock orders received by 5 00p ir
±3 dB high; 20 Hz -19 kHz ±3 dB metal; 20 Hz -16 850 CONGRESS PARK OR
kHz ±3 dB normal; S/N 58 dB no NR, 66 dB Dolby B, CENTERVILLE, OH 45459 (YOUR TIME). are shipped
A PREMIER FARNELL Company the same day. CODE: SR18
74 dB Dolby C; W&F 0.08% wrms. 17% x 5% x 11%
in; 11 lb $249
3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn-
thesis tuner; 6 events/1 month programming; 181
channels. Multidigital converter system; multisystem
compatible recording and play; auto head cleaner;
double -azimuth heads; digital auto tracking. Front -
panel inputs. Quick -timer recording; trilingual on-
screen display (English/Spanish/German); full auto
function; full -function remote control. 15 x 3 x 14% in;
11 lb $700


3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -
synthesis tuner; 6 events/31 days programming; 181
channels. Auto head cleaner; HQ circuitry; MTS/SAP
decoder; digital auto tracking. NV input and output;
front -panel AN inputs. VCR Plus+ with cable -box
control; jog/shuttle control; BBEJmidnight/dynamic
modes; trilingual on -screen display; multibrand re-
mote. 15 x 3% x 11% in; 11 lb $350


3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/31 JVC HR -S53000
days programming; 181 channels. Auto head clean-
er; HO circuitry; MTS decoder; digital auto tracking.
NV input and output; front -panel NV inputs. VCR complete program record; video -sequencing play JVC
Plus+; jog/shuttle control; trilingual on -screen dis- and record; 1 recording deck and 1 play -only deck. HR -S94000 VHS Hi-Fi VCR
play; remote control. 4% x 3% x 10% in; 9 lb ....$300 RCA video input and output; RCA audio input and 2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn-
output. Real-time tape counter; index search; skip thesis tuner; 8 events/1 year programming; 181 chan-
search; high-speed rewind; multiscene auto editing; nels. Auto contrast adjustment; time scan with dy-
FISHER bilingual on -screen programming; date and time namic drum system; MTS decoder; Ultra Spec drive
FVH-7657 VHS HI -Fl VCR stamp; multibrand remote. Horizontal resolution 230 with jitter -reduction circuit; high resolution; flying
4 video heads; quartz tuner; 8 events/1 year pro- lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 68 dB; W&F 0.0005% erase head; audio dubbing; auto head cleaner; digital
gramming; 181 channels. Auto tracking; auto head wrms: ch sep 25 dB. 21 x 4 x 15% in; 20 lb ....$750 NV tracking; HO circuitry: 20 -hr power backup. Gold-
cleaner; MTS/SAP decoder. VCR Plus+; 1 -hr timer
plated AN inputs; S -VHS inputs and output; remote
backup; auto daylight savings time; frame advance; GV-6060 VHS Dual -Well 1-1i-Fi VCR pause input; NV CompuLink; J -terminal multimedia
slow motion; trilingual programming; auto clock set; 2 play:record speeds: 4 video heads: frequency -syn- interface; headphone jack. VCR Plus+ with cable box
commercial advance; child lock; NV Smart Start; thesis tuner; 8 events/1 month programming; 181
universal shuttle remote
control; commercial advance; auto clock set; jog/
$229 channels. Digital picture enhancement. digital auto shuttle controls on VCR; audio recording level control
tracking; auto head cleaner; MTS stereo; DBS tuner control; trilingual on -screen
FVH-T607 VHS HI-FI VCR quencing play and record; 1 recording deck and 1 play - menu; child lock; random assemble editing; auto day-
4 video heads; quartz tuner; 8 events/1 yr program- only deck. RCA NV input and output. Real-time tape light savings time; instant time recording; auto clock
ming; 181 channels. Auto tracking; MTS/SAP de- counter; index search; skip search; high-speed rewind; set; on -screen tape position indicator; variable slow
coder. 5 -sec timer backup; auto daylight savings sync edit and copy audio insert; bilingual on -screen motion; real-time tape counter; auto timer; auto dim-
time; child lock; frame advance; slow motion; trilin- programming; date and time stamp; auto show finder; mer; auto power on; auto play; repeat play; multi -
gual programming; remote control $179 complete program record; frame advance; quick -start speed search; multibrand remote $1.200
mechanism: auto dimmer; multibrand remote. Horizon-
tal resolution 220 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 67 dB; HR -S73000 S -VHS Hi-Fi VCR
GE W&F 0.0005% wrms; ch sep 25 dB. 14% x 7% x 11 in; 2 play, record speeds; 5 video heads; frequency -syn-
VG4259 VHS HI -Fl VCR 18 lb $750 thesis tuner; 8 events/1 year programming; 181
3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/365
channels. 19 -micron heads; auto contrast adjust-
days programming; 181 channels. HQ circuitry; DDV9050 VHS Dual -Well Hi-Fi VCR ment; intelligent audio -switching noise reduction;
comb filter; detail enhancer; video NR; digital auto 3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- high resolution; flying erase head; Ultra Spec drive
tracking. VCR Plus+ with end -time adjustment; one - thesis tuner; 8 events/1 month programming; 181 with jitter -reduction circuits; tape -stabilizing head
touch recording; trilingual on -screen displays; vari- channels. Complete program record; digital auto drum; auto head cleaner. Front gold-plated NV in-
able slow motion; 9X/27X search speed; latching tracking; video -sequencing playback; 1 recording puts; rear NV inputs and outputs; S -video inputs and
search; 30 -sec commercial search; commercial ad- deck and 1 play -only deck. RCA video input and out- outputs. VCR Plus+; jog/shuttle controls; insert edit-
vance; real-time counter; index search; memory put; RCA audio input and output. Bilingual on -screen ing; audio dubbing; random -assemble editing; audio -
backup; universal remote $329 programming; real-time tape counter; index search; recording level control and indicator; NV Com-
VG4258. As above, no commercial advance $279 skip search; high-speed rewind; multiscene auto puLink; trilingual on -screen menu; instant review; in-
VG4256. As VG4258, without VCR Plus+, universal editing. Horizontal resolution 230 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 dex search with auto/manual indexing: multispeed
remote, or index search $249 kHz; S/N 68 dB; W&F 0.0005% wrms; ch sep 25 dB. search; variable slow motion; skip search: real-time
21 x 4 x 15% in; 20 lb $650 tape counter; VCR Plus+: auto clock set; multibrand
TV/cable box/DSS remote. Horizontal resolution 400
lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 96 dB; W&F 0.005%
DDV9700X VHS Dual -Well HI-FI VCR HITACHI wrms; THD 1%; dynamic range 90 dB. 16% x 3% x
2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- VTFX-627A VHS Hi-Fi VCR 13% in; 11 lb $1,000
thesis tuner; 8 events/1 year programming; 181 chan- 3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/365
nels. Quasi -S -VHS playback; external control port days programming; 181 channels. 19 -micron video HR -S53000 S -VHS HI-FI VCR
for PCs; complete program record; auto digital track- heads; comb filter; HO circuitry; detail enhancer; digi- 2 play/record speeds; 5 video heads; frequency -syn-
ing; auto head cleaner; proprietary 3-D audio; video - tal auto tracking: auto head cleaner; high-speed thesis tuner; 8 events/1 year programming; 181 chan-
sequencing play and record; 1 recording deck and 1 rewind. Front -panel NV inputs. VCR Plus+; one -touch nels. High resolution; flying erase head; Ultra Spec
play -only deck. RCA AN input and output. Jog/shuttle recording; sharpness control; trilingual on -screen dis- drive with jitter -reduction circuits; digital A/V tracking;
on remote; real-time tape counter; index search; skip plays; variable slow motion; 9X search speed; latching 60 -min power backup; HQ circuitry; auto head clean-
search; high-speed rewind; direct -time search; multi - search; commercial advance; jog/shuttle ring; auto er. Front gold-plated AN inputs; rear AN inputs and
scene auto editing; on -screen programming; date and clock set; real-time counter; index search; 1 -hr memo- outputs; S -video inputs and outputs. VCR Plus+;
time stamp; on -screen tiller. Champagne bezel. Hori- ry backup; movie return switch; illuminated universal jog/shuttle controls; insert editing; audio dubbing; ran-
zontal resolution 275 lines; S/N 68 dB; W&F 0.0005% remote control with jog/shuttle controls $349 dom assemble editing; multibrand TV/cable box/DSS
wrms; ch sep 25 dB. 21 x 4 x 15% in; 20 lb $850 VTFX-625A. As above without commercial -advance remote: AN CompuLink; trilingual on -screen menu;
DDV9700Z. As above, gray bezel $750 feature $299 instant review; index search with auto/manual index-
VTFX-623A. As VTFX-625A but without jog/shuttle ing; multispeed search: variable slow motion; skip
DDV9600Z VHS Dual -Well HI -Fl VCR ring $279 search; real-time tape counter; auto clock set. Hori-
2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- VTFX-621A. As VTFX-623A, without comb filter, de- zontal resolution 400 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 96
thesis tuner; 8 events/1 year programming; 181 chan- tail enhancer, sharpness control, VCR Plus+, auto dB; W&F 0.005% wrms; THD 1%; dynamic range 90
nels. Proprietary 3-D audio; auto digital tracking; clock set, or movie return switch $199 dB. 15% x 3% x 13% in; 11 lb $800


HR-IP820U VHS Hi-Fi VCR auto index; auto clock set; auto picture system; DBS MV -510 VHS Hi-Fi VCR
2 play/record speeds: 5 video heads; frequency -syn- tuner control: multibrand universal remote. Horizon- 3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/1
thesis tuner: 8 events/1 year programming; 181 chan- tal resolution 240 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 96 dB; year programming; 181 channels. Digital auto track-
nels. Index plus+; flying erase head: Ultra Spec drive W&F 0.005% wrms; THD 1%; dynamic range 90 dB. ing; HO+, including white -clip processing, luminance
with jitter -reduction circuits: digital AN tracking; ex- x 153/4 x 131/2 in; 10 lb $450 noise reduction and detail enhancement. Front and
tended power backup; HQ circuitry; auto head clean- rear audio input jacks. Hi-Fi/Linear track selector;
er. Front gold-plated NV inputs; rear AN inputs and HRJ642U VHS Hi-Fi VCR stereo or SAP audio selector; manual tracking ad-
outputs. VCR Plus+: jog/shuttle controls; random as- 2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- justment; variable speed forward/reverse shuttle: jog/
semble editing with sound monitor; audio dubbing: thesis tuner: 8 events/1 year programming; 181 shuttle controls; bilingual on -screen display: perma-
audio recording -level control and indicator; multi - channels. 19 -micron heads; Ultra Spec drive with jit- nent -channel memory backup. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±3
brand TV/cable box remote; AN CompuLink: bilingual ter -reduction circuitry; HO circuits; oval -cut head sys- dB; S/N 80 dBA; dynamic range 80 dB. 15% x 33/4 x
on -screen menu: auto -index; manual index; instant tem digital tracking. Front -panel gold-plated A/V in- 11'/. in; 10 lb $400
review; index search; skip search; auto reset real-time puts; rear AN inputs and outputs; AN CompuLink.
tape counter; auto daylight savings time; auto clock Instant review; on -screen tape -position indicator;
set. Horizontal resolution 240 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; trilingual on -screen color menu; index search; skip MITSUBISHI
S/N 96 dB; W&F 0.005% wrms; THD 1%; dynamic search; au:o reset real-time counter; auto daylight HS -U680 VHS HI-Fi VCR
range 90 dB. 16% x 3% x 12% in; 11 lb $600 savings time; auto index; auto clock set; auto picture 3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads: frequency -syn-
system. Horizontal resolution 240 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 thesis tuner: 8 events/28 days programming; 181
HR-VP830U VHS Hi-Fi VCR kHz; S/N 96 dB; W&F 0.005% wrms; THD 1%; dy- channels. Rapid -start transport; 19 -micron heads; digi-
2 play/record speeds; 5 video heads; frequency -syn- namic range 90 dB. 33/4 x 153/4 x 103/4 in; 7 lb . .$280
. tal auto tracking; tape optimization system; HO circuitry
thesis tuner; 8 events/1 year programming; 181 with detail enhancer; CCD drop -out noise reduction; S -
channels. Time scan; plug -and -play dual quick set; HRA63U VHS HI-Fi VCR VHS Quasi play: 250X fast forward/rewind speed; au-
Active Video Calibration; flying erase head; Ultra 2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads: frequency -syn- dio head switching noise reduction; flying erase head:
Spec drive with jitter -reduction circuits; digital AN thesis tuner; 8 events/1 year programming: 181 chan- pre -roll. Front -panel AN input; rear panel AN input;
tracking; extended power backup; HO circuitry; auto nels. 19 -micron heads; jitter -reduction circuitry; HQ video output; 2 audio outputs; active AN Network in-
head cleaner. Front gold-plated AN inputs; rear AN circuitry; oval -cut head system digital tracking. Front - put/output. Menu system; VCR Plus+ Gold with cable
inputs and outputs; AN CompuLink. VCR Plus+: panel silver-plated AN inputs. On -screen tape -posi- box and DSS receiver control and auto set-up; AN
jog/shuttle controls; audio dubbing; manual index; tion indicator; trilingual on -screen color menu; index Network with system 2; elapsed- and remaining -time
audio recording -level control and indicator; auto DSS search; skip search; auto reset real-time counter; au- indicators; child lock; locking visual search; high-speed
channel switching; on -screen tape -position indicator; to daylight savings time; auto index; auto clock set; visual search; 2X play with sound; commercial ad-
trilingual on -screen menu; child lock; auto index; in- auto picture system; multibrand remote control. Hori- vance; zero rewind; auto and manual index marking
stant review; index search; skip search: auto reset re- zontal resolution 240 lines: FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 96 during record; index search: repeat; still frame; frame
al-time tape counter; auto daylight savings time. Hor- dB; W&F 0 005% wrms; THD 1%; dynamic range 90 advance; reverse play: dual remote codes; auto power
izontal resolution 240 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 96 dB. 33/4 x 141/2 x 11 in; 8 lb $270 on; k/V dubbing; auto rewind: multibrand remote with
dB; W&F 0.005% wrms; THD 1%; dynamic range 90 jog/shuttle controls. Horizontal resolution 240 lines; FR
dB. 171/2x 41/2x 14 in; 11 lb $600 HRA53U VHS HI-FI VCR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 90 dBA; W&F 0.005%; THD 0.3%;
2 play/record speeds: 4 video heads: frequency -syn- dynamic range 90 dB; ch sep 60 dB. 163/4 x 3% x 13%
thesis tuner: 8 events/1 year programming; 181 in; 12 lb $579
2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads: frequency -syn- channels. 19 -micron heads: digital AN tracking; ex-
thesis tuner: 8 events/1 year programming; 181 tended power backup Ultra Spec drive with jitter -re- HS -U780 S -VHS HI-FI VCR
channels. 19 -micron heads: flying erase head; Ultra duction circuits; HO circuitry; oval -cut head system. 3/2 play/record speeds: 4 video heads; frequency -syn-
Spec drive with jitter -reduction circuits; HO circuitry: Front -panel silver-plated AN inputs: rear AN inputs thesis tuner; 8 events/28 days programming: 181
oval -cut head system; digital auto tracking; time scan and outputs. Trilingual on -screen menu; index search; channels. Rapid -start transport; 19 -micron heads; digi-
with dynamic drum system. Front -panel gold-plated skip search; auto reset real-time counter; auto day- tal auto tracking; tape -optimization system: HO circuit-
AN inputs; rear AN inputs and outputs; AN Com- light savings time; auto index. Horizontal resolution ry with detail enhancer; CCD drop -out noise reduction;
puLink. VCR Plus+ with cable box control; audio re- 240 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz: S/N 96 dB; W&F S -VHS record and play: 250X fast-forward/rewind
cording -level control with indicator; audio dubbing; 0.005% wrms; THD 1%; dynamic range 90 dB 3% x speed: audio head switching noise reduction; Pre -roll.
jog/shuttle control on VCR; manual index; instant re- 141/4x 11 in; 8 lb $250 Front -panel S-video/audio input; rear panel S -video/
view; on -screen tape -position indicator; trilingual on- audio input; 2 video outputs: 1 S -video output; 2 audio
screen color menu: index search: skip search; auto outputs: active AN Network input/output. Menu sys-
reset real-time counter: auto daylight savings time; MAGNAVOX tem: VCR Plus+ Gold with cable box, DSS receiver
auto index; auto clock set; auto picture system; DBS VRU662AT VHS Hi-Fi VCR control, and auto set-up; elapsed- and remaining -time
tuner control; multibrand universal remote. Horizon- 3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- indicators; one -key programming; one -touch record:
tal resolution 240 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz: S/N 96 dB: thesis tuner; 8 events/1 year programming; 181 quick program; auto speed programming; auto clock
W&F 0.005% wrms; THD 1%; dynamic range 90 dB. channels. Double -azimuth heads: HO circuitry; digi- set; 30 -min timer backup; jog/shuttle on front panel;
33/4 x 15% x 131/2 in; 10 lb $500 tal auto tracking; quick -start mechanism; MTS/SAP child lock; high-speed locking visual search; 2X play
decoder; 15X fast-forward/rewind search; 140X fast- with sound; commercial advance: zero -counter stop;
HR-VP638U VHS HI -Fl VCR forward/rewind: auto head cleaner. Front -panel AN index marking auto and manual during record: index
2 play/record speeds; 5 video heads; frequency -syn- inputs and outputs: rear AN input and output. VCR search; index repeat: still frame; frame advance; slow
thesis tuner; 8 events/1 year programming; 181 chan- Plus+; TV Guide Plus+ with cable box control: re- motion; dual remote codes: auto power -on; one -touch
nels. Flying erase head; plug -and -play dual quick set: mote -locator system; auto clock set; level meters; play; power -off eject; multibrand TV remote with
auto picture; Ultra Spec drive with jitter -reduction cir- time search: variable show; one -touch recording; au- jog/shuttle controls. Horizontal resolution 400 lines; FR
cuits: digital AN tracking; extended power backuP; to channe set up; real-time counter; auto daylight 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 90 dBA; W&F 0.005% wrms; THD
HQ circuits; auto head cleaner. Front gold-plated AN savings time; blank tape search; memory rewind off: 0.3%; dynamic range 90 dB: ch sep 60 dB. 16% x 3% x
inputs; rear AN inputs and outputs; AN CompuLink. skip search; frame advance; still frame; 2X play; auto 13in;141b $579
VCR Plus+: jog/shuttle control; audio dubbing; audio play; auto rewind: auto power -off -eject; universal
recording -level control and indicator; on -screen tape - jog/shuttle remote. Horizontal resolution 240 lines; HS -4.1790 S -VHS Hi-Fi VCR
position indicator; trilingual on -screen menu: auto -in- FR 100 Hz -12 kHz t3 dB; S/N 75 dB; W&F 0.005% 3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -
dex; instant review; index search: skip search; auto wrms; THD 0.25%. 15 x 3% x 10 in; 8 lb $429 synthesis tuner: 8 events/28 days programming; 181
reset real-time tape counter; auto daylight savings channels. Rapid -start transport; 19 -micron heads: dig-
time; multibrand remote control. Horizontal resolution ital auto tracking; tape -optimization system; HQ cir-
240 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 96 dB; W&F 0.005% MARANTZ cuitry with detail enhancer: CCD drop -out noise re-
wrms; THD 1%; dynamic range 90 dB. 15% x 3% x MV -610 VHS HI-FI VCR duction; S -VHS record and play; 250X fast -forward/
13%2 in; 11 lb $450 3/2 play/record speeds: 4 video heads; 8 events/1 rewind speed: audio head switching noise reduction;
year programming: 181 channels. Digital auto track- Pre -roll. Front -panel S -video audio input: rear panel S -
HRDD740U VHS HI-Fi VCR ing; quick -response turbo mechanism; aluminum die- video audio input; 2 video outputs; 1 S -video output; 2
2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- cast chassis; HO+, including white -clip processing, audio outputs: active AN Network input/output. Menu
thesis tuner; 8 events/1 year programming; 181 luminance noise reduction, and detail enhancement; system; VCR Plus+ Gold with cable box and DSS re-
channels. 19 -micron heads; Ultra Spec drive with jit- auto head cleaner. Front and rear AN input jacks. ceiver control and auto set-up; elapsed -and remaining
ter -reduction circuitry; HO circuitry; digital auto track- Hi-Fi/Linear track selector; stereo or SAP audio se- time indicators; child lock; high-speed locking visual
ing; time scan with dynamic drum system. Front - lector; manual tracking adjustment: index search; search; 2X play with sound; commercial advance; ze-
panel gold-plated AN inputs; AN CompuLink. VCR jog/shuttle controls; bilingual on -screen display; ro rewind: index marking auto and manual during re-
Plus+ with cable box control; instant review; on- fuzzy -logic DSP picture -detail control; permanent cord; index search; repeat; still frame; frame advance:
screen tape -position indicator; trilingual on -screen channel memory adjustment. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±3 reverse play; dual remote codes; auto power on; ad-
color menu: shuttle; index search; skip search; auto dB; S/N 80 dBA; dynamic range 80 dB. 17 x 31/2 x 12 varced editing: slow motion: fast play; record review;
reset real-time counter; auto daylight savings time; in; 10 lb $600 record cancel; synchro pause control; multibrand TV


remote with jog/shuttle controls. Horizontal resolution thesis tuner; 8 events/1 month programming; 179 month programming; 181 channels. Dynamorphous-
400 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 90 dBA; W&F channels. Auto tracking; 120X quick rewind. Front metal heads; advanced noise reduction; Spatializer
0.005% wrms; THD 0.3%; dynamic range 90 dB; ch AN inputs. commercial advance; jog shuttle; auto Al audio processing technology; MTS/SAP decoder; dig-
sep 60 dB. 16% x 31/4 x 13% in; 141b $579 picture; auto repeat; quick -touch recording; auto ital auto picture; digital auto tracking; video head sen-
clock set; parental lock; auto DST clock switch; multi- sor system; auto head cleaner; self -diagnostic sys-
HS -U580 VHS Hi-FI VCR lingual on -screen -display; multibrand remote control. tem. Front -mounted AN input terminals. Commercial
3/2 play/record speeds: 4 video heads; frequency - 15% x 3% x 111/2 in $350 advance; shuttle control; program -overlap alert; au-
synthesis tuner; 8 events/28 days programming; 181 dio -level meter; VCR Plus+; Program Director; one -
channels. Rapid -start transport; 19 -micron heads; dig- Model 60 VHS HI -Ft VCR touch recording; index search; trilingual on -screen dis-
ital auto tracking; tape -optimization system; HO cir- 3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- play; VCR lock; real-time counter; high-speed om-
cuitry with detail enhancer; CCD drop -out noise re- thesis tuner; 8 events/1 month programming; 179 nisearch/field advance; zero search; auto clock set
duction: S -VHS quasi play; 250X fast-forward/rewind channels. Auto tracking; 120X quick rewind. Front AN with 25 -hr backup; auto repeat; auto daylight savings
speed; audio head switching noise reduction. Front inputs. Jog/shuttle; auto Al picture; auto repeat; quick - time; multibrand universal TV/cable remote. 16% x 3%
and rear panel AN inputs and outputs; 2 stereo audio touch recording; auto clock set; auto DST clock switch; x 11%in $400
outputs; active AN network input and output. Menu memory sentinel; 1 -min skip; multibrand remote con-
system; VCR Plus+ Gold with cable box, DSS receiver trol. 15% x 3% x 11'/2 in $300 PV -7662 VHS Hi-Fi VCR
control, and auto set-up; auto power save; elapsed - 3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/1
and remaining -time indicators; one -key programming; Model 63 VHS HI-FI VCR month programming; 181 channels. Dynamorphous-
one -touch record; quick program; auto speed pro- 3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- metal heads; 4 -color and advanced noise reduction;
gramming; auto clock set; 30 -min timer backup; thesis tuner; 8 events/1 month programming; 179 Spatializer audio processing technology; MTS/SAP
jog/shuttle on unit; high-speed locking visual search; channels. 26 -micron record/play head; double -az- decoder; digital auto picture; digital auto tracking; vid-
2X play with sound; commercial advance; zero imuth video heads; video noise reduction system; auto eo head sensor system; auto head cleaner; self -diag-
counter stop; index marking auto and manual during tracking system; fast -response system. Front AN nostic system. Front -mounted AN input terminals.
record; index search; index repeat; still frame with for- jacks. VCR Plus+; commercial advance; auto play/ VCR Plus+ with cable/DSS box control; program -over-
ward/reverse advance; reverse play; slow motion; fast rewind/eject; auto repeat play; index search; 1 -min lap alert; auto clock set with 24 -hr backup; auto day-
play; dual remote codes; auto power -on; auto rewind; skip; visual search; freeze frame with frame advance; light savings time; one -touch recording; trilingual on-
one -touch play; power -off eject; multibrand remote slow motion; auto rewind; trilingual on -screen pro- screen display; VCR lock; real-time counter; high-
with jog/shuttle controls. Horizontal resolution 240 gramming; auto clock set; universal remote. FR 20 Hz - speed omnisearch/field advance; zero search; 1 -min
lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 90 dBA; W&F 0.005% 20 kHz; S/N 90 dBA; dynamic range 90 dB $300 skip; auto repeat; universal TV/cable remote. 16% x
wrms; THD 0.3%; dynamic range 90 dB; ch sep 60 dB. Model 62. As above without VCR Plus+ or commer- 3% x 113/4 in $350
163/.x 3%x 13%in; 12 lb $499 cial advance $280
HS -U530 VHS Hi-Fi VCR 3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/1
3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency - PANASONIC month programming; 181 channels. MTS/SAP de-
synthesis tuner; 8 events/28 days programming; 181 PV -S4690 S -VHS HI -Fl VCR coder; auto head cleaner; self -diagnostic system;
channels. Rapid -start transport; 19 -micron heads; 3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads: 8 events/1 digital auto picture; digital auto tracking. Front -
digital auto tracking; tape optimization system; HQ month programming; 181 channels. Dynamorphous- mounted AN input terminals. VCR Plus+: trilingual
circuitry with detail enhancer; CCD drop -out noise re- metal heads; 4 -color and advanced noise reduction; on -screen display; VCR lock; Program Director; real-
duction; S -VHS quasi play; 250X fast-forward/rewind digital auto picture; digital auto tracking; Spatializer time counter: high-speed omnisearch/field advance;
speed; audio head switching noise reduction; auto audio processing technology; audio level meter; fly- zero search; 1 -min skip; auto repeat; universal
ing erase head with AN dubbing; digital video remote. 15 x 3% x 11% in $250
outputs. Menu system; VCR Plus+; auto power save; processor; auto head cleaner. Gold-plated front -
elapsed- and remaining -time indicators; one -key pro- mounted AN input terminals; 5 -pin editing jack. Pro-
gramming; one -touch record; quick program; auto gram Director; one -touch recording; VCR lock; all - PHILIPS MAGNAVOX
speed programming; auto clock set; AN Network channel auto set; auto dimmer; real-time counter; VRX562AT VHS Hi-Fi VCR
with system 2: 30 -min timer backup; shuttle controls high-speed omnisearch/frame advance; zero search; 3 play/record speeds: 4 video heads: frequency -syn-
on unit; child lock; high-speed locking visual search; slow motion and pause/still; auto repeat; self -diag- thesis tuner; 8 events/1 year programming; 181
2X play with sound; commercial advance; zero nostic system; VCR Plus+; auto clock set with back- channels. Double -azimuth heads; HQ circuitry; digi-
counter stop; index marking auto and manual during up; cable box control; jog/shuttle control; indexing tal auto tracking: quick -start mechanism; MTS/SAP
record: index search; index repeat; still frame with and editing functions; rapid tune; auto daylight sav- decoder; 15x fast-forward/reverse search: 140X fast-
forward/reverse advance; reverse play; slow motion; ings time; audio level meter; universal remote. 16% x forward/rewind; auto head cleaner. Front -panel AN
fast play; dual remote codes; auto power -on; auto 31/2 x 111/2 in $1,100 inputs; VCR Plus+ with cable -box control: remote lo-
rewind; one -touch play; power -off eject; multibrand cator; auto clock set; index search; time search; vari-
TV remote. Horizontal resolution 240 lines; FR 20 PV -S7680 S -VHS HI -Fl VCR able slow; one -touch recording; auto channel set up;
Hz -20 kHz; S/N 90 dBA; W&F 0.005% wrms: THD 3 play/record speeds: 4 video heads; 8 events/1 real-time counter; daylight savingss time selector; 1 -
0.3%; dynamic range 90 dB; ch sep 60 dB. 16% x 33/4 month programming; 181 channels. Dynamorphous- hr timer backup; skip search; record -end search;
x 13% in; 121b $449 metal heads: 4 -color and advanced noise reduction; frame advance with still frame: 2X play; auto play: au-
Spatializer audio -processing technology; digital auto to rewind: auto power -off eject; universal jog/shuttle
HS -U430 VHS Hi-Fi VCR picture; digital auto tracking; flying erase head with remote. Horizontal resolution 240 lines: FR 100 Hz -
3/2 play/record speeds: 4 video heads; frequency - A/V dubbing; auto head cleaner; self -diagnostic sys- 12 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 75 dB; W&F 0.005% wrms; THD
synthesis tuner; 8 events/28 days programming; 181 tem. Front -mounted AN input terminals; 5 -pin editing 0.25%. 15 x 3% x 9 in; 7 lb $299
channels. Rapid -start transport; 19 -micron heads; jack. VCR Plus+; one -touch record; shuttle control on
digital auto tracking; tape -optimization system; HO remote and unit; audio -level meter; warning beeper; VRX462AT VHS Hi-Fi VCR
circuitry with detail enhancer; CCD drop -out noise re- real-time counter; high-speed omnisearch/field ad- 3/2 play/record speeds: 4 video heads; frequency -syn-
duction; S -VHS quasi play; 250X fast-forward/rewind vance; zero search; 1 -min skip; auto repeat; auto thesis tuner; 8 events/1 year programming; 181 chan-
speed; audio head switching noise reduction. Front - clock set with 24 -hr backup; VCR lock. 16% x 3'4 x nels. Double -azimuth heads; HQ circuitry; digital auto
and rear -panel AN inputs and outputs. Menu sys- 11'/2 in $700 tracking; quick -start mechanism; MTS/SAP decoder;
tem; auto power save; elapsed- and remaining -time 21X fast-forward/rewind search: 140X fast -forward/
indicators; one -key programming; one -touch record: PV -4666 VHS HI-Fi VCR rewind; auto head cleaner. Front -panel AN inputs.
quick program; auto speed programming; auto clock 3 play/record speeds: 4 video heads; 8 events/1 VCR Plus+ with cable box control; remote locator sys-
set; 30 -min timer backup; shuttle controls on unit: month programming; 181 channels. Dynamorphous- tem; auto clock set: index search; skip search; variable
child lock; high-speed locking visual search; 2X play metal heads; 4 -color and advanced noise reduction; slow; go -to search; repeat play; one -touch recording;
with sound; commercial skip; zero counter stop; in- digital auto picture; digital auto tracking; Spatializer auto channel set; real-time counter: daylight savings
dex marking auto and manual during record; index audio processing technology. Front -mounted AN in- timer; auto play; auto rewind; auto power -off eject; 2 -
search; index repeat; still frame with frame advance; put terminals. One -touch recording; trilingual on- min timer backup. Horizontal resolution 240 lines; FR
reverse play; multispeed slow motion; fast play; auto screen display: VCR lock; all -channel auto set: multi- 100 Hz -12 kHz +3 dB: S/N 75 dB; W&F 0.005% wrms;
power on; auto rewind; one -touch play; power -off function/clock display; auto dimmer; real-time counter; THD 0.25%. 14% x 31/4 x 10% in; 8 lb $279
eject; multibrand TV remote. Horizontal resolution high-speed omnisearch/frame advance; slow motion
240 lines; S/N 90 dBA; W&F 0.005% wrms; THD and pause/still; auto repeat; memory rewind off; self - VRX362AT VHS Hi-Fi VCR
0.3%; dynamic range 90 dB; ch sep 60 dB. 16% x 3% diagnostic system; VCR Plus+; universal TV/ cable re- 3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn-
x 13% in; 12 lb $399 mote; auto clock set with back up; cable box control; thesis tuner: 8 events/1 year programming; 181
remote shuttle control; INDEX Plus+; auto daylight channels. Double -azimuth heads; HO circuitry; digi-
savings time. 15 x 31/2 x 113/4 in $549 tal auto tracking; quick -start mechanism; MTS/SAP
OPTIMUS BY RADIO SHACK decoder; 15X fast-forward/rewind search; auto head
Model 61 VHS Hi-Fi VCR PV -7664 VHS HI-Fi VCR cleaner. Front -panel AN inputs. VCR Plus+; auto
3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- 3 play/record speeds: 4 video heads: 8 events/1 clock set; bilingual on -screen display; 1 -min timer


backup system; auto channel set-up; one -touch re- time counter; on -screen programming; index search; programming; 181 channels. Auto head cleaner: 19 -
cord: real-time counter: auto daylight savings timer; extended data service compatible; backlit universal micron heads; auto tracking control system; MTS de-
time search; slow motion: auto play: auto rewind; au- remote control with jog/shuttle and DSS/cable box coder; 180x speed rewind: Spatializer. Video input
to power -off eject; universal remote including DSS control. Horizontal resolution 400 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 and output. VCR Plus+ with cable and DSS box con-
control. Horizontal resolution 240 lines; FR 100 Hz - kHz -3,+1 dB; S/N 85 dB; W&F 0.012% wrms; THD trol; skip search; instant replay; on -screen trilingual
12 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 75 dB: W&F 0.005% wrms; THD 0.3%; dynamic range 75 dB; ch sep 70 dB. 15 x 31/2 x programming; tamper -proof system; digital program-
0.25%. 14% x 3% x 9% in; 6 lb $249 111/2in:9 lb $599 ming search system; auto clock set; auto daylight
savings time; alphanumeric display. Includes lumi-
VRX360AT VHS HI-FI VCR VR691HF VHS Hi-Fi VCR nous universal remote control. Horizontal resolution
3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- 3/2 play/record speeds: 4 video heads; frequency - 220 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dy-
thesis tuner; 8 events/1 year programming; 181 chan- synthesis tuner: 8 events/1 year programming: 181 namic range 90 dB. 14% x 3% x 11% in; 7 lb . .$340

nels. Double -azimuth heads; HO circuitry; digital auto channels. Digital auto tracking; HO circuitry; high-
tracking; quick -start mechanism; MTS/SAP decoder; speed rewind: quick -start mechanism; intelligent pic- VC-H972U VHS HI-FI VCR
15X fast-forward/rewind search; auto head cleaner. ture control memory protection. RCA AN inputs and 3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/1 year
VCR Plus+; bilingual on -screen display; time search outputs. VCR Plus+; alphanumeric display: auto chan- programming; 181 channels. 19 -micron heads: auto
recording; indefinite repeat play; real-time counter; nel search: auto daylight savings time: auto power/ tracking control system; auto zero back: MTS de-
auto daylight savings timer; auto play; auto rewind; rewind/play: auto repeat; blank search; commercial coder; 120X speed rewind. Video input and output.
auto power -on eject; universal remote including DSS advance; on -screen VCR setup menus; one -touch re- Skip search; instant replay; on -screen trilingual pro-
control. Horizontal resolution 240 lines; FR 100 Hz -12 cording; child lock: movie advance; Quickset guide: gramming; tamper -proof system; digital programming
kHz ±3 dB; S/N 75 dB; W&F 0.005% wrms: THD real-time counter: on -screen programming; index search: search system; auto daylight savings time. Includes
0.25%. 14% x 3% x 9% in; 6 lb $229 extended data service compatible: trilingual on -screen universal remote control. Horizontal resolution 220
menus: backlit universal remote control with jog/shut- lines: FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic
VRX262AT VHS HI-FI VCR tle and DSS/cable box control. Horizontal resolution ranoe 90 dB. 14% x 3% x 11% in: 7 lb $330
3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- 240-320 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz -3,+1 dB; S/N 85 dB:
thesis tuner: 8 events/1 year programming; 181 W&F 0.012% wrms: THD 0.3%; dynamic range 75 dB; VC -14976U VHS HI-Fi VCR
channels. Double -azimuth heads; HO circuitry; digi- ch sep 70 dB. 15 x 3% x 12% in; 8 lb $399 3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads: 8 events/1 year
VR654HF. As above without auto repeat $379 programming; 181 channels. 19 -micron heads; auto
tal auto tracking; quick -start mechanism: MTS/
SAP decoder; 15X fast-forward/rewind search. VCR VR643HF. As VR654HF, bilingual on screen menus; tracking control system; auto MTS decoder; 180X
Plus+; bilingual on -screen display; time search; 1 - no blank search; no child lock: no Quickset guide; no speed rewind. Alphanumeric display: on -screen trilin-
min timer backup system; auto channel set-up; one - intelligent picture control. 9 lb $349 guai programming; tamper -proof system; digital pro-
touch recording; real-time counter; auto daylight sav- VR626HF. As VR631HF, trilingual on -screen menu; gramming search system; auto clock set; auto day-
ings timer; auto play: auto rewind; auto power -off commercia. advance; no movie advance $329 light savings time; zero return. Includes universal re-
eject; remote. Horizontal resolution 240 lines: FR 100 VR631HF. As VR654HF, no blank search; no com- mote control. Horizontal resolution 220 lines; FR 20
Hz -12 kHz ±3 dB; S/N 75 dB; W&F 0.005% wrms. mercial advance: different remote; no Quickset Hz -20 kHz: W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic range 90
THD 0.25%. 14% x 3% x in: 6 lb $199 guide: no extended data service $329 dB. 141/4 x x 11% in; 7Ib $330
VR615HF. As VR626HF, trilingual on -screen menus;
without multibrand DSS/cable box control. 151/2 x 31/2 VC-H975U VHS Hi-Fi VCR
x 12'.,in:10 lb $299 3 play/record speeds: 4 video heads: 8 events/1 year
PROSCAN programming; 181 channels. 19 -micron heads: auto
PSVR83 VHS Hi-Fi VCR VR612HF. As VR615HF, without alphanumeric digi-
3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn- tal display: simpler remote control; no real-time tracking control system; MTS decoder: 180X speed
thesis tuner: 8 events/1 year programming; 181 counter. 15 x 3% x 11% in: 8 lb rewind. Skip search; instant replay: on -screen trilin-
channels. Digital auto tracking; HO circuitry; high- guai programming; tamper -proof system; digital pro-
speed rewind; quick -start mechanism; flying erase gramming search system; auto clock set; auto day-
head; auto head cleaner. 2 pair gold-plated RCA in- SAMSUNG light savings time; zero return. Includes universal re-
puts; 1 pair gold-plated RCA outputs. VCR Plus+; VR8956 VHS Hi-Fi VCR mote control. Horizontal resolution 220 lines; FR 20
menu system; alphanumeric display; auto channel 3/2 play/record speeds: 4 video heads; frequency - Hz -20 kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic range 90
search; auto daylight savings timer: auto repeat; synthesis tuner; 10 events/1 month programming: dB. 14% x 3% x 11% in; 7 lb $320
bilingual on -screen menus; blank search; commer- 181 channels. 26 -micron head gap; MTS stereo tun-
cial advance; DSS receiver/cable box control: shuttle er; 2 -min tape rewind time; HO video circuitry: lumi-
control on front panel; one -touch recording; child nance noise reduction; low -noise amp for boosting SONY
lock; real-time counter; memory backup; on -screen RF signals: StarSight TV program guide: 1 -week SLV-R1000 S -VHS HI-Fi VCR
programming; index search; extended data service memory -backup of StarSight data. 2 AN inputs; 1 3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads: 8 events/1
compatible; backlit universal remote with jog/shuttle video output: 2 audio outputs. Jog/shuttle controls; month programming; 181 channels. Dual -azimuth
control. Horizontal resolution 240 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 dubbing mode switch; LED audio level indicators; in- heads; digital auto tracking; Adaptive Picture Control;
kHz -341 dB; S/N 70 dB; W&F 0.012% wrms: THD dex search; defeatable auto play; one -touch record- auto head cleaner; high-speed rapid -access tape
0.3%: dynamic range 75 dB; ch sep 70 dB. 151/2 x 31/2 ing; tape -remaining display; real-time counter; auto transport. 1 front and 2 rear AN inputs: 2 rear AN
x 121/2 in; 10 lb $449 clock set: remote control. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz. 15% x outputs; dual -mode shuttle control; independent AN
PSVR65. As above without flying erase head $399 31/2x 12'/ in; 9 lb $449 insert editing; edit switch; VCR Plus+: Sony cable
PSVR57. As PSVR65, without commercial advance VR8905. As above without low -noise amplifier $390 mouse; auto clock set; skip search; on -screen help;
or XDS broadcast data service $379 VR8856. As VR8905, with commercial advance; no linear counter; electronic tab -marker indexing sys-
StarSight 'V program guide: 6 -hr memory backup; tem: synchro edit; RMT-V129 wireless Unicomman-
8/1 evenVmonth timer programming; bilingual on- der remote control: express tuning; command mode
QUASAR screen display $299 VTR 1/2/3 selector; freeze frame with frame -by -
VH0760 VHS Hi-Fi VCR VR8756. As VR8856. VCR Plus+; no auto clock set; frame advance; variable -speed play, forward, and re-
3 play/record speeds: 4 video heads: 8 events/31 no jog/shuttle or commercial advance; no LED indi- verse. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dy-
days programming; 181 channels. HQ circuitry: digi- cators $279 namic range 90 dB. 17 x 4% x 15 in; 101b ... .$1,200
tal video NR: digital auto tracking: Video Head Sen- VR8807. As VR8856, no jog/shuttle controls; no
sor System. VCR Plus+; one -touch recording; trilin- commercial advance: no LED audio indicators $279 SLV-AV100 VHS HI -Fl VCR/Recelver
gual on -screen displays; 27X search speed: latching VR8707. As model 8807. no auto clock set $229
. . .
3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/1
search; 30 -sec commercial search; auto daylight VR8607. As VR8707, with commerc al skip; no VCR mo-th programming; 181 channels. Built-in 320-W
savings time; real-time counter; index search; tam- Plus+; less durable video -head system $199 A/V receiver with Dolby Pro Logic, discrete output
per -proof mechanism; memory backup $229 transistors, 8 function input selector, digital signal
processing with 7 preset acoustic environments, 30
SANYO AM.'FM presets, and muting switch; dual -azimuth
RCA VHR-H647 VHS Hi-Fi VCR heads; MTS decoder; Adaptive Picture Control;
VR730HF S -VHS Hi-Fi VCR 4 video heads: quartz tuner: 8 events:1 year program- digital auto tracking; comb filter; auto tape speed;
3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads: frequency - ming; 181 channels. Auto head cleaner; auto tracking; high-speed rapid -access; auto head cleaner. VCR
synthesis tuner: 8 events/1 year programming: 181 MTS/SAP decoder. Front -panel AN inputs. Timer Plus+; VTR 1/2/3 selector on remote control;
channels. Digital auto tracking; HO circuitry; high- backup; auto daylight savings time; frame advance; search/index; jog/shuttle controls on remote; auto
speed rewind; quick -start mechanism; intelligent pic- trilingual on -screen programming; universal shuttle re- clock set: S -Link control; child lock; multilingual on-
ture control; memory protection. S -Video input and mote; commercial skip; child lock; record list . .$239
. screen help; one -touch recording; linear counter;
output. VCR Plus+; alphanumeric display; auto chan- commercial skip; automatic tape speed; tape -
nel search; auto daylight savings time; auto power/ remaining display: multibrand remote with shuttle
rewind/play: auto repeat; blank search; commercial SHARP control. Includes Sony Cable Mouse. FR 20 Hz -20
advance; front panel shuttle control; on -screen VCR VC-H978U VHS Hi-Fi VCR kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic range 90 dB. 17
setup menus; one -touch recording: child lock; real- 3 play/record speeds: 4 video heads 8 events/1 year x x 16% in: 29 lb $699


3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/1 hancement: auto head cleaner; digital tracking; V3
4 video heads: 8 events/1 month programming; 181 Pro -Drum technology; MTS/SAP decoder with dbx
month programming; 181 channels. Dual -azimuth channels. Dual -azimuth heads; MTS decoder; Adap-
heads; digital auto tracking; Adaptive Picture Control;
noise reduction; 19 -micron head system. Dual gold-
tive Picture Control; digital auto tracking; comb filter; plated AN inputs (front and rear) and AN outputs.
auto head cleaner; high-speed rapid -access tape auto tape speed; high-speed rapid -access; auto
transport. Front and rear phono AN inputs and out- Multilingual on -screen programming; auto play; one -
head cleaner. VCR Plus+; auto clock set; S -Link con- touch recording; auto speed select; quad -mode shut-
puts. Sony shuttle; Sony cable mouse; auto clock set; trol; child lock; multilingual on -screen help; high- tle control; 4 -color on -screen programming; DSS con-
commercial skip; context -sensitive on -screen help; lin- speed picture search; one -touch recording; linear trol; full -loading quick -access system; center -load
ear counter; tape -remaining display; auto preset tun- counter; tape -remaining display; freeze frame with
er; StarSight program guide; freeze frame with frame -
system; universal TVNCR/cable box remote control.
frame -by -frame advance; multibrand remote control Horizontal resolution 220 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N
by -frame advance; variable -speed play, forward, and joystick. Includes Sony Cable Mouse. FR 20 Hz -20
reverse. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dy- 70 dB; W&F 0.01%; THD 0.6%; dynamic range 90
kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic range 90 dB 17 x dB;chsep 60dB. 17 x 35/sx 12%in; 10Ib
namic range 90 dB. 17 x 4 x 123/. in; 11 lb $600 $600
4% x 12%in; 10 lb $349
3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/1 2 play/record speeds; 6 video heads; frequency -syn-
3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/1 thesis tuner; 6/1 events/month programming; 181
month programming; 181 channels. Dual -azimuth month programming; 181 channels. Dual -azimuth channels. V3 Pro -Drum technology; auto head clean-
heads; digital auto tracking; Adaptive Picture Control; heads; digital auto tracking; Adaptive Picture Control;
auto head cleaner; high-speed rapid -access tape er; digital tracking; MTS/SAP decoder with dbx noise
auto head cleaner; high-speed rapid -access tape reduction; 19 -micron head system. Dual gold-plated
transport. Front and rear AN inputs and outputs; transport. VCR Plus+; multibrand TV remote; reverse
VCR Plus+; auto clock set; commercial skip; multilin-
A/V inputs (front and rear) and outputs. Analog clock
play/reverse slow motion; 3 -hr backup; multilingual timer programming; 4 -color icon menus; quad -mode
gual on -screen help; linear counter; tape -remaining on -screen help; auto head cleaner; linear counter;
display; auto preset tuner; VTR 1/2/3 selector; freeze shuttle control; full -loading quick access system; auto
tape -remaining display; RMT-V182A wireless Uni- speed select; universal TVNCR remote control. Hori-
frame with frame -by -frame advance; variable -speed commander remote control; auto preset tuner; fluo- zontal resolution 220 lines; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 70
play, forward and reverse. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; W&F rescent display; freeze frame with frame -by -frame dB; W&F 0.01%; THD 0.6%; dynamic range 90 dB; ch
0.005% wrms; dynamic range 90 dB. 17 x 4% x 12% advance; variable -speed play, forward, and reverse.
in: 10 lb sep 60 dB. 17 x 3%x 12%in; 101b $450
$550 FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic
range 90 dB. 14 x 4% x 11 in; 9 lb $330 M622 VHS HI-FI VCR
2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn-
3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/1 SLV-695HF VHS Hi -Fl VCR thesis tuner; 8 events/1 month programming; 181
month programming; 181 channels. Dual -azimuth 4 video heads; 8 events/1 month programming; 181
heads; digital auto tracking; Adaptive Picture Control; channels. Digital tracking; MTS/SAP decoder with
channels. Dual -azimuth heads; MTS decoder; Adap- dbx noise reduction; auto head cleaner. AN inputs
auto head cleaner; high-speed rapid -access tape tive Picture Control; digital auto tracking; comb filter;
transport. Front and rear AN inputs and outputs. and outputs. Universal TVNCR remote control; full -
auto tape speed; high-speed rapid -access; auto head loading quick -access system; multilingual on -screen
VCR Plus+; auto clock set; commercial skip; multilin- cleaner. VCR Plus+; child lock; multilingual on -screen
gual on -screen help; linear counter; tape -remaining programming; auto play; one -touch recording; cen-
help; high-speed picture search; one -touch recording; ter -load system. 15 x 3% x 12% in; 9 lb
display; auto preset tuner; freeze frame with frame- $330
linear counter; tape -remaining display; auto preset
by -frame advance; variable -speed play, forward, and tuner; freeze frame with frame -by -frame advance; M683 VHS HI -Fl VCR
reverse. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dy- multibrand remote control joystick. Includes Sony Ca-
namic range 90 dB. 17 x 4% x 12% in; 10 lb .. . .$450 2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn-
ble Mouse. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dy- thesis tuner; 6 events/1 year programming; 181
namic range 90 dB. 14 x 4% x 11% in; 9 lb $329 channels. MTS/SAP decoder with dbx noise reduc-
4 video heads; 8 events/1 month programming; 181 tion; auto head cleaner; auto play; 150X high-speed
channels. Dual -azimuth heads; MTS decoder; Adap- rewind/fast-forward; auto speed select; digital track-
12 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/1 ing; double -azimuth design. Dual AN inputs (front
tive Picture Control; digital auto tracking; comb filter; month programming; 181 channels. Dual -azimuth
auto tape speed; high-speed rapid -access; auto and rear). VCR Plus+ with cable box control; full -
heads; variable -speed play: digital auto tracking; loading quick -access system; multilingual on -screen
head cleaner. Rear AN input and output. VCR Plus Adaptive Picture Control; auto head cleaner; high- programming; one -touch recording; center -load
Gold with auto channel mapping; AN insert editing; speed rapid -access tape transport. VCR Plus+;
VTR 1/2/3 selector on remote; search/index; jog/ mechanism; 2 -color on -screen programming; DSS
multibrand remote; 3 -hr backup; multilingual on- control; auto clock set. Includes universal VCR/TV/
shuttle controls on remote; auto clock set; S -Link screen help; linear counter; tape -remaining display; cable remote. 15 x 3% x 12% in; 9 lb $300
control; child lock; multilingual on -screen help; one- auto preset tuner; large fluorescent display; freeze
touch recording; linear counter; tape -remaining dis- frame with frame -by -frame advance. FR 20 Hz -20 M663 VHS HI-FI VCR
play; freeze frame with frame -by -frame advance; kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic range 90 dB. 14 x 2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; frequency -syn-
multibrand remote. Includes Sony Cable Mouse. FR x 11 in: 9 lb
20 Hz -20 kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic range
$300 thesis tuner; 6 events/1 year programming; 181
90 dB. 17 x 4%x 12'/8 in; 10Ib channels. MTS/SAP decoder with dbx noise reduc-
$449 SLV-685HF VHS HI-FI VCR tion; auto head cleaner; auto play; 150X high-speed
4 video heads: 8 events/1 month programming; 181 rewind/fast-forward; auto speed select; digital track-
SLV-760 VHS HI-FI VCR channels. Dual -azimuth heads; MTS decoder; Adap-
3/2 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/1 ing; double -azimuth design. Dual AN inputs (front
tive Picture Control; digital auto tracking; comb filter; and rear); RF input and output. VCR Plus+; Full -load-
month programming; 181 channels. Dual -azimuth auto tape speed; high-speed rapid -access; auto
heads; digital auto tracking; Adaptive Picture Control: ing quick -access system; multilingual on -screen pro-
head cleaner. VCR Plus+; Cable Mouse control ca- gramming; one -touch recording; center -load system;
auto head cleaner; high-speed rapid -access tape pable; child lock; high-speed picture search; multilin- 2 -color on -screen programming. Includes universal
transport. Front and rear AN inputs and outputs. gual on -screen help; one -touch recording; linear TV/VCR remote. 15 x 3% x 12% in; 9 lb $280
VCR Plus+; auto clock set; Sony shuttle multibrand counter; tape -remaining display; freeze frame with
TV remote; commercial skip; reverse play/reverse frame -by -frame advance; multibrand remote control.
slow motion; 3 -hr backup; on -screen help; linear Sony Cable Mouse optional. W&F 0.005% wrms; dy- ZENITH
counter; tape -remaining display; auto preset tuner; namic range 90 dB. 14 x x 11./8 in; 9 lb $299 VR4277HF VHS HI -Fl VCR
freeze frame with frame -by -frame advance; variable -
3 play/record speeds; 4 video heads; 8 events/365
speed play, forward, and reverse. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; SLV-675HF VHS HI-FI VCR days programming; 181 channels. HO circuitry; comb
W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic range 90 dB. 17 x 4% x 4 video heads; 8 events/1 month programming; 181
12% in; 10 lb filter; detail enhancer; video NR; digital auto tracking;
$400 channels. Dual -azimuth heads; MTS decoder; Adap- auto head cleaner. Front AN inputs. VCR Plus+; one -
tive Picture Control; digital auto tracking; comb filter; touch recording; trilingual on -screen displays; slow
SLV-795HF VHS HI-FI VCR auto tape speed; high-speed rapid -access; auto
4 video heads; 8 events/1 month programming; 181 motion; 21X search speed; latching search; 30 -sec
head cleaner. Child lock; multilingual on -screen help; commercial skip; auto clock set; auto daylight savings
channels. Dual -azimuth heads; MTS decoder; Adap- one -touch recording; linear counter; tape -remaining time; real-time counter; index search; 10 -min memory
tive Picture Control; digital auto tracking; comb filter; display; auto preset tuner; remote control; freeze backup; auto tape adjustment; jog/shuttle ring; illumi-
auto tape speed; high-speed rapid -access; auto head frame with frame -by -frame advance. FR 20 Hz -20 nated universal remote with jog/shuttle, cable box,
cleaner. Rear A/V inputs and outputs. VCR Plus+ kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dynamic range 90 dB 14 x and DSS controls
Gold with auto channel mapping; search/index; jog/ $350
4%x 11%in; 9 lb $279 VR4257HF. As VR4277HF, without 30 -sec commer-
shuttle controls on unit; auto clock set; S -Link control: cial skip
child lock; multilingual on -screen help; one -touch re- $330
cording; linear counter; tape -remaining display.
VR4237HF. As VR4257HF, without illumination on
TOSHIBA remote control or jog/shuttle controls
freeze frame with frame -by -frame advance; multi - $320
M782 VHS Hi-Fi VCR VR4227HF. As VR4237HF, without auto clock set.
brand remote control joystick. Includes Sony Cable 2 play/record speeds; 6 video heads: frequency -syn- 10 -sec memory backup
Mouse. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; W&F 0.005% wrms; dy- $250
thesis tuner; 6 events/1 month programming; 181 VR4207HF. As VR4227HF, no 30 -sec commercial
namic range 90 dB. 17 x 43/e x 12% in; 10 lb ....$399 channels. Digital noise reduction; color signal en- search or VCR Plus+. 30 -sec memory backup $230


T-109 FM Tuner
32 FM presets. Quartz -lock frequency -synthesis de-
sign; 8 -bit microprocessor; double -tuned front end.
XLR outputs; fixed and variable -level RCA outputs. PICrIML wrnme van P. ecn.

Nonvolatile memory; switchable MPX filter: switch -

able selectivity; mono/stereo switch; output -level 5ti,_
control; muting switch: signal -strength meter; remote WWI

control. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 37 dBf stereo; S/N

85 dBA at 80 dBf; THD 0.04% stereo at 1 kHz, nor-
mal sel; ch sep 50 dB at 1 kHz stereo. 18% x 51/2 x 16
in; 21 lb $2.995

Rotel RT-935AX AM/FM tuner

GFT-55511 AM/FM Tuner
CREEK ing -node power supply. 2 F -connector RF inputs; 2
8 AM, FM presets. Quartz -referenced digital -synthe-
sis design; buffered output stages using Class A am- T43 AM/FM Tuner output pairs; remote control jack. Ad-
plification. Auto scan; switchable high -blend circuit; 29 AM/FM presets. Dual -conversion tuner. Rotary justable mute/scan threshold with memory; auto/
mono/mute switch: fluorescent display. FM: 50 -dB tuning knob; full -function remote control. FM: 50 -dB manual scan; signal -strength meter; software
quieting sensitivity 36 dBf; capture ratio 1.5 dB: alter- quieting sens 29 dBf; AM Rej 7 dB: cap ratio 1.5 dB: upg-adable $3,995
nate -channel selectivity 75 dB; THD 0.075% at 1 kHz alt-ch sel 77 dB: S/N 69.2 dB; THD 0.2%; ch sep 37
stereo $400 dB at 1 kHz. AM: THD 0.9%. 161/4 x 21/4 x 8 in . . .$695 Kudos AM/FM Tuner
50 AM/FM presets. Digital -synthesis design. 2 line -
level output pairs: remote control jack. Auto/manual
DAY SEQUERRA scan: adjustable mute/scan threshold $1,750
AMC Kudos Sneaky Module. As above, but designed as
T-7 AM/FM Tuner Broadcast Standard AM. FM DSS Tuner
Dual -mono design; current gain output: Microtune module for use in Majik-I integrated amplifier or
30 AM/FM presets. Line -level output. Remote -control
AM/FM Pt.,_; dual DSS LNB. DSS digital output; S - Wakonda preamplifier $1,150
of tuning, presets, and band; center -tune indicator;
mono switch; manual power switch. FM: AM Rej 60 video output. 3 selectable FM IF bandwidths; user de-
dB; cap ratio 1.5 dB; alt-ch sel 65 dB; S/N 74 dB; fined AM/FM/DSS presets; LCD video; audio and tun-
THD 0.08% at 1 kHz, 0.3% at 0.1 kHz-6kHz: ch sep ing vectorscope display; remote control $14,000 LUXMAN
50 dB. AM: S/N 45 dB; THD 0.5%. Black. 17 x 31/4 x T -353L AM/FM Tuner
13 in; 91b $350 FM Reference Classic FM Tuner 30 AM/FM presets. Digital -synthesis PLL design; op-
Analog tuner: Dual -mono design. All -discrete output. timum -frequency location via computer analysis;
Three selectable IF bandwidths. CRT oscilloscope tun- line -phase sensor. System bus connection. Selec-
ARCAM ing and audio displays. Special order only $5,500 table strongest -station preset storage; muting -level
ALPHA 8 AM/FM Tuner switch; auto seek and scan: mono/stereo switch;
24 AM/FM presets. 2 audio output pairs. Remote FM Studio Two AM/FM Tuner turn -on and sleep timers: fluorescent display. FM:
$549 User defined AM/FM presets; MicroTune PLL cir- AM Rej 62 dB; cap ratio 1.5 dB; S/N 73 dBA at 65 dBf
ALPHA 7. As above, no remote control. Upgradable cuitry; selectable IF bandwidths; advanced tuning stereo; ch sep 50 dB at 1 kHz. AM: S/N 54 dB. Black
$449 display $2,800 or cnampagne finish $449
to Alpha 8


MT -3000 Multi -Tuner TU-38ORD AM/FM/RDS Tuner MD 108 Tube FM Tuner
3 -module system designed for multiroom applica- 40 AM/FM presets. Quartz -lock synthesis design. Hybrid design; 5 -stage MOSFET front end with tube
tions: may be used with System Delta, System RDS reception with scrolling radio text display; IS - output; Class A output stage. 2 analog inputs; 1 digi-
3000. System 8000. System Titanus or System system remote -control compatibility $325 tal input; 2 antenna inputs; RCA outputs: XLR out-
Omega. Digital -synthesis tuning; stereo dynamic puts. 3 bandwidth settings; multipath meter; signal -
noise blend. remote -control input for each mod-
TU-280 AM/FM Tuner strength meter; quad matrix tube for center -tune indi-
ule; 1 remote -control input to access all 3 modules 30 AM/FM presets. Quartz -lock synthesis design; cator; analog tuning. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 20
and 60 presets; 1 line -level output for each module: MOSFET RF stages. IS -system remote -control com- dBf; AM Rej 70 dB; cap ratio 1.5 dB; adj-ch sel 48 dB;
1 line -level output for all 3 modules. 3 -independent patibility. $275 alt-ch sel 80 dB; S/N 80 dB; THD 0.1%; ch sep 50 dB
tuner modules with 20 presets per module; choice at 1 kHz. Anodized black, gold, or silver. 19 x 5 x 16
of AM -stereo. FM -stereo, shortwave, or cable -TV in: 40 lb $5,500
modules in any combination. 4 -character alphanu- FANFARE
meric labeling for each memory preset; mute. Re- FT -1 FM Tuner Etude FM Tuner
mote control optional. FM: 50 -dB quieting sensitivity 8 FM presets. Hybrid digital/analog design; all -steel Discrete analog technology; 3 -stage front-end ampli-
34 dBf: AM rejection 54 dB; capture ratio 1.4 dB; chassis for RF shielding; noise -reduction circuitry to fication; patented dual stage. RCA outputs. Multipath
alternate -channel selectivity 80 dB; S/N 69 dB ste- minimize ambient noise levels. Low- and high-impe- meter; signal -strength meter; center -tune indicator;
reo; THD 0.09% stereo; ch sep 50 dB at 1 kHz. 19 x dence unbalanced outputs; balanced outputs; com- wide/narrow IF bandwidth control; stereo blend con-
31/2 x 11 in; 8 lb $4,724 posite output to monitor composite signal. Remote trol: analog tuning. XLR outputs optional. FM: 50 -dB
control; auto seek tuning; local/DX switch; fluores- quieting sans 34 dBf; AM Rej 70 dB; cap ratio 1.5 dB;
cent display. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 15 dBf mono, adj-ch sel 30 dB; alt-ch sel 80 dB; S/N 80 dB; THD
AUDIOLAB 35 dBf stereo; cap ratio 1.5 dB: adj-ch sel 10 dB wide, 0.18%; ch sep 60 dB at 1 kHz. Anodized black, silver,
25 dB stereo; S/N 75 dB: THD 0.15% mono, 0.3% or gold. 19 x 13 x 31/2 in $1,350
Model 8000T AM/FM Tuner
39 AM/FM presets. Single -bit FM demodulator; dis- stereo. 19 x 3% x 9% in; 16 lb $1,395
crete front end; double conversion FM IF; 9th -order el- FT -101A FM Tuner
liptic LC birdie filter to eliminate spurious signals gen- Discrete analog technology; 3 -stage front-end ampli-
erated by internal oscillators; rotary optical digital en- HARMAN KARDON fica_ion. Multipath meter; center -tune indicator; sig-
coder; microprocessor control; auto 20/60 dB audio TU930 AM/FM Tuner nal -strength meter: analog tuning; stereo blend con-
muting. Tuning in 25 -kHz steps; AM and FM wide/nar- 30 AM/FM presets. Digital synthesis quartz -locked trol: stereo/mono switch; wide/narrow IF bandwidth
row bandwidth selection; signal -strength meter; inde- tuning. RCA output. Direct -access tuning; auto/man- control. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 34 dBf; AM Rej 70
pendent mono and mute switches; LCD $1,195 ual tuning; remote control. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens dB; cap ratio 1.5 dB; adj-ch sel 25 dB; alt-ch sel 80
37.2 dBf; AM Rej 60 dB: cap ratio 2.00 dB; adj-ch sel dB; S/N 75 dB; THD 0.18%; ch sep 60 dB. Anodized
10 dB; alt-ch sel 75 dB: S/N 68 dB: THD 0.2%; ch sep black, silver, and gold. 19 x 13 x 31/2 in; 12 lb . . .$925
CARVER 40 dB at 1 kHz. AM: S/N 50 dB. Black matte. 17% x
TX -8R AM/FM Tuner 31/4 x 13/8> in; 7 lb $199 FT -11 FM Tuner
20 AM/FM presets. Preset scan; auto/manual scan 3 FM presets. Auto -blend circuit; manual mode con-
tinuous tuning. Analog tuning; center -tune indicator;
tuning; FM mono/stereo switch; analog signal -
strength meter. Removable rack handles; remote LINN signal -strength meter; mono/stereo mode selection.
control. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 40.7 dBf stereo: AM Kremlin FM Tuner FM 50 -dB quieting sens 35.3 dBf; AM Rej 70 dB; cap
Rej 60 dB: cap ratio 1.5 dB: alt-ch sel 63 dB; S/N 70 80 FM presets. Two parallel high-level mixers: 13 - ratio 1.5 dB; adj-ch sel 14 dB; alt-ch sel 60 dB: S/N 75
dB stereo; THD 0.3% stereo at 1 kHz. 19/> x 2 x 121/2 stage IF filter; PLL demodulator; oscillator with dB; THD 0.3%; ch sep 50 dB at 1 kHz. Anodized
in; 71b $449 shorted -transmission -line coaxial resonator; switch- blatik. 17 x 21/2 x 7 in; 10 lb $575


MARANTZ strongest station memory: timer; FM fine tuning; ad- copper shield; RF attenuator. Selectable wide/narrow
ST -46 AM/FM Tuner justable output level: digital display and signal - IF bandwidth: remote control. FM: 50 -dB quieting
30 AM/FM presets. System remote control jacks. strength meter; remote control. FM: cap ratio 1 dB; sens 37.2 dBf stereo; cap ratio 1 dB; adj-ch sel 80 dB;
Scan tuning: fluorescent display; alphanumeric label- alt-ch sel 95 dB narrow: S/N 95 dB mono: THD S/N 82 dB; THD 0.12%. 17% x 2% x 12 in $750
ing of station presets; remote control. FM: cap ratio 1 0.009%; ch sep 55 dB wide. Wood side panels. 18/.
dB: alt-ch sel 65 dB: S/N 80 dB mono, 73 dB stereo; x 41/4 x 151/2 in; 191b $789 RT-940AX AM/FM Tuner
THD 0.2% stereo: ch sep 45 dB. 3-yr parts -and -labor
20 AM/FM presets. Mute/mono switch; bar -graph sig-
warranty. 16% x 3% x 115/. in: 7 lb $250 Integra T-4711 AM/FM Tuner nal -strength display; remote control. FM: 50 -dB quiet-
40 AM/FM presets. Radio Data System (RDS). 4 - ing sens 34.5 dBf; cap ratio 1.5 dB; alt-ch sel 63 dB;
group memory; dial tuning knob; 25 -kHz step tuning: S,N 70 dB: THD 0.3%. 17% x 2% x 113/. in $350
McINTOSH 10 -segment signal -strength meter; 4 -mode timer RT-935AX. As above, no remote control $270
MR7084 AM/FM Tuner function; AccuClock. Gold cabinet $599
50 AM/FM presets. Spatial circuit to modify frequen- As above. black cabinet $549
cy and phase response. Preset scan; all -preset -clear SANSUI
button; remote control through current McIntosh re- T-431OR AM/FM/RDS Tuner TU-X-210 AM/FM Tuner
mote -controlled products $1,500 30 AM/FM presets. RDS reception; auto reception - 16 AM/FM presets. 8 -key direct access tuning; last -
optimization system. RDS program search and al- station recall: auto seek; auto station lock. Black.
phanumeric text display; battery -tree memory back- 19% x 4% x 111/2 in; 7 lb $139
MERIDIAN up; 6 preset groups: direct station access; auto -scan
Model 504 FM Tuner tuning $279
30 FM presets. XLR output. Custom labeling for each SONY
preset: mono/stereo switch: signal -strength and tun- T-4210 AM/FM Tuner The following feature remote -control capability via
ing -accuracy displays; 8 -character alphanumeric dis- 40 AM/FM presets. Auto reception -optimization sys- select Sony components.
play. FM: S/N 70 dB. 12% x 31/2 x 13 in $1,295 tem. Battery -tree memory backup; 6 preset groups;
direct station access; auto -scan tuning; Onkyo RI - ST-SA5ES AM/FM Tuner
system control compatibility. FM: cap ratio 1.5 dB; alt- 40 AM/FM presets. Frequency synthesis design: op-
MICROMEGA ch sel 50 dB; S/N 73 dB mono; THD 0.1%; ch sep 40 tically -sensed rotary tuning: antenna attenuator to
Tuner FM Tuner dB. AM: S/N 18 dB. 18 x 3 x 12% in; 81b $200 prevent distortion from front-end overload. 2 antenna
39 FM presets. Analog and digital outputs: fixed out-
inputs; coaxial FM input. High -blend switch: preset
put -level headphone jack. Memory, mono, manual,
scan; auto scan tuning; alphanumeric naming for
direct access, and auto -scan tuning modes; display OPTIMUS BY RADIO SHACK each preset; A/B antenna selection; FM interstation
brightness control and auto display disable: styled to TM -155 AM/FM Tuner muting; 10 -segment signal -strength meter. FM: S/N
match Micromega's Tempo, Stage, Amp, Drive, and PLL circuitry: built-in antennas. FM -antenna input. 100 dB mono, 92 dB stereo; ch sep 70 dB at 1 kHz. 5
Dac; remote control. Includes antennae. FM: ch sep FM -mono button $60 yr warranty. 17 x 4 x 14% in; 13 lb
40 dB.17 x 3%x 11%in $800
ST-SE200 AM/FM Tuner
Minium FM Tuner PARASOUND 30 AM/FM presets. Frequency -synthesis design.
19 FM presets. Manual, scan, and memory modes: T/D0-1600 AM/FM Tuner Control S input for Sony multiroom systems. FM in-
Minium CD remote will control all tuner functions. 20 AM/FM presets. Digital quartz -locked design. Ex- terstation muting; alphanumeric preset naming: 10 -
FM: S/N 74 dB mono, 70 dB stereo; ch sep 40 dB. 17 ternal remote -control connector; gold-plated RCA
x 21/4 x 101/2 in; 9 lb
segment signal -strength meter. FM: S/N 80 dB
$495 jacks. Remote control. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens mono, 75 dB stereo. 17 x 3% x 11% in: 51b ....$150
37.2 dB $385
MT -100 FM Tuner PERREAUX TPT 4031 FM Tuner
3 -stage linear -phase IF strip: low -distortion dual dis- TU6 Classic AM/FM Tuner 16 FM presets. Class -A audio circuits. FM: cap
crimination; low -noise power supplies. Remote con- 20 AM/FM presets. Remote control. FM: S/N 70 dB: ratio 1 dB; alt-ch sel 100 dB. 17% x x 13% in;
trol of all functions using Myryad system remote. FM: THD 3%; ch sep 40 dB. Chrome finish $1,495 11 lb $1,599
S/N 74 dB; THD 0.2%; ch sep 45 dB. Black and Sil- TU6 Professional. As above, black finish $1.195
ver. 17 x 4 x 12 in; 131b $999
NAD Elite F-93 AM/FM Tuner 59 AM FM presets. Switchable input sens for anten-
Model 412 AM/FM Tuner Super -narrow FM IF -bandwidth setting. FM: 50 -dB na and cable. FM: S/N 74; THD 0.38%; ch sep 60 dB.
24 AM/FM presets. Ultra linear IF filters: high-speed quieting sens 36.2 dBf stereo; AM Rej 80 dB; cap ra- x 3% x 13% in; 91b $1,300
search tuning; tunes in 25 -kHz increments. NAD-Link tio 1 dB: alt-ch sel 85 dB super narrowband; S/N 88
facility for remote control through other NAD prod- dB stereo at 80 dBf; ch sep 60 dB at 1 kHz. AM: S/N
ucts; manual FM blend. FM: cap ratio 1.6 dB: alt-ch 50 dB. 18 x 4% x 13% in $900 YAMAHA
sel 58 dB; S/N 78 dB. 17% x 3 x 11% in; 9 lb ...$299 TX -950 AM/FM Tuner
40 AM/FM presets. Computer Servo Lock tuning:
REVOX digital fine tuning; absolute linear phase IF amplifier
NAIM S26 Elegance FM Tuner
NAT -01 FM Tuner
circuitry. 6 -way multistatus station memory; high -
35 FM presets. RDS reception: signal -strength indi- blend switch. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 15.1 dBf; all-
Progressive switching from mono to stereo: separate cator. 75 -ohm antenna/cable input: stereo output ch sel 85 dB; S/N 96 dB. AM: S/N 50 dB. 171/4 x 3 x
power supply. Auto bandwidth selection; digital fre- pair. Cable/antenna selector: manual/auto scan tun- 12% in; 8 lb $429
quency display that increases in brightness to indi- ing: remote control. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 36.8
cate signal strength. 11% x 3 x 8 in $3,300 dBt: AM Rej 70 dB; cap ratio 1.5 dB; adj-ch sel 75 TX -480 AM/FM Tuner
NAT -02. With integrated power supply $2,050 dB: alt-ch sel 75 dB: S/N 70 dB: THD 0.7%. Black or 40 AM/FM presets. Direct-PLL LSI circuitry com-
silver -brushed aluminum. 17 x 3 x 11 in: 9 lb ..$995 bined with microprocessor -controlled IF -count -syn-
NAT -03 FM Tuner S28 Remote Control. $75 thesis tuning: proprietary Alpha circuitry for improved
Toroidal transformer; slim -line design $1,050 selectivity, interference rejection, phase linearity, and
ch sep. Rotary -encoder tuning with lock; strongest -
ROTEL station preset store: preset grouping; auto/manual
ONIX RT-990BX FM Tuner mono/stereo selector: 20 -segment signal -strength
TU39 FM Tuner 16 FM presets. Discrete -component front end with meter; Yamaha system remote control compatibility.
17 x 3 x 13 in $1,895 Remote control optional. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens
T/SOAP. Power supply for TU39 $145 15.1 dBf; alt-ch sel 85 dB; S/N 82 dB. AM: S/N 50 dB.
T/Lead. Tuner to SOAP 2 power supply lead .$45
. .
17%x 3%x 11%in:8lb $199

Need system -building TX -492 AM/FM Tuner

ONKYO 40 AM/FM presets. IF count synthesizer: absolute
Integra T-909011 FM Tuner tips? See "All Systems linear -phase IF -amplifier (Alpha) circuitry; rotary en-
20 FM presets. Two antenna inputs. Auto/manual re- coder tuning. Analog audio output. Auto station
ception -optimization system to select A/B antenna Go!" on page 10. memory; preset editing: 3 -way multistatus memory;
and local/DX; wide/narrow/super-narrow IF band- 20 -segment signal -quality meter; high -gain AM loop
width, high -blend and mono/stereo; preset scan: antenna. 17% x 6%, x 13% in; 9 lb $199


PX-E850 Semiautomatic Turntable
Belt -drive with straight tonearm and MM cartridge.
DC servo motor; soft damping control; built-in trans-
former and phono EQ. Play speeds 331/4 and 45 rpm.
W8F 0.25% wrms. 14'/.x3% x 147., in; 6 lb . .$130

Romance Manual Turntable
Belt -drive with Romeo Tonearm. 30 -mm thick solid
metacrylate platter; unique 2 -point suspension and
mechanical grounding; false unipivot tonearm with
fixed headshell; Vertical tracking is adjustable during
play; internal Litz wiring. Tonearm length 8 in. Black
metacrylate. 191/4 x 16Y., x 81/4 in; 20 lb $2.595
As above without tonearm $1,895

AN -TT Three Reference Manual Turntable
Belt -drive. 3 motors; Lexon platter; suspended chas-
sis; large external power supply; all internal parts de- Teac P-595 semiautomatic turntable
signed for maximum energy dissipation and mini-
mum reflection $19,995
sensor. Line- or phono-level outputs. Switchable RI - Vintage Semiautomatic Turntable
AN -TT Three Super Manual Turntable AA EQ,-amp $150 Belt -drive with straight tonearm. Variable -pitch con-
Belt -drive. 3 motors: Lexon planer; suspended chas- trol. Play speeds 331/4, 45, 71.29, 76.59, 78.26 and
sis: large external power supply $4,495 80 rp-n. W&F 0.045% wrms. 17 x 13% x 3% in .$394
AN-TT1 Turntable CS455G Automatic Turntable RA -6 Semiautomatic Turntable
Belt -drive. Three-point suspension; gimbal -bearing Belt -drive w th magnetic cartridge. Gimbal -mounted Belt -drive with curved tonearm. Cue lever. Includes
tonearm with headshell; bearing housing and arm pickup arm bearing; viscosity -damped pickup arm LP and 78 styli. Play speeds 331/4. 45, 71.29. 76.59,
tube cast from one piece of aluminum. Play speeds lift: vibratior-damped aluminum section platter; DC 78.26 and 80 rpm. W&F 0.045% wrms; recommend-
331/4 and 45 rpm $995 motor with electronic speed control; floating sub - ed tracking force 2 g. 161/2 x 131/4 x 41/4 in $265
chassis. Play speeds 331/4 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.07%
wrms $520 MUT Semiautomatic Turntable
BASIS CS450G. As above, but semiautomatic $520 Belt -drive with straight tonearm. Variable -pitch con-
The following are upgradable. Contact the manufac- trol. Play speeds 331/4 and 78.26 rpm. W&F 0.06%
turer for information. CS435s Automatic Turntable wrms. 17 x 131/4 x 4 in $215
Belt -drive with magnetic cartridge. DC motor with
Debut Gold Vacuum Mkll Manual Turntable electronic speed control; counter -balanced pickup
Reflex platter and clamp with vacuum pump for warped arm; aluminum section platter; floating chassis. Play FISHER
records: oversized -military -spec vacuum -pump tubing: speeds 331/4 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.08% wrms . . .$415 M1420 Semiautomatic Turntable
non -contact vacuum seals in platter bearing. Vacuum Belt -drive with straight tonearm and cartridge. Vis-
level control; vacuum gauge. Includes 40 -ft pump CS415-1s Automatic Turntable cous damped cueing. 331/4 and 45 rpm $100
tubing $10.600 Belt -drive with magnetic cartridge. DC motor with
electronic speed control; counter-ba anced tubular
Debut Gold Standard Mklll Manual Turntable pickup arm: floating feet. W&F 0.1% wrms ....$335 J.A. MICHELL
4 -point hanging fluid -damped suspension; 2 -in thick Orbe Manual Turntable
acrylic subchassis; matched platter/bearing assem- Belt -drive. Papst motor in 6 -lb housing; 60 -mm thick
bly; 28 -lb computer -balanced acrylic/brass platter: ESOTERIC SOUND concave acrylic platter with threaded record clamp;
damped 8 -lb acrylic/brass armboard; aluminum parts BES-2 Manual Turntable machined arm board; two decoupled acrylic bases
machined from aerospace alloy and anodized to mili- Belt -drive with straight tonearm. Polymer platter; self- with 'hree adjustable feet; inverted oil -pump bearing;
tary specifications. 85 lb $8.200 lubricating Teflon -impregnated spindle bearing; fixed three-point dynamic suspension; damped lead -weight-
headshell; 24 -pole synchro AC motor. Cue lever. ed cast -aluminum chassis. Includes QC quartz con-
Ovation Mkll Manual Turntable Play speeds 331/4 and 78.26 rpm. W&F 0.1% wrms; trol power supply. Play speeds 331/4, 45, and 78 rpm.
4 -point hanging fluid -damped suspension: 2 -in -thick rumble -65 dB; recommended tracking force 0.75 g. W&F 0.05% wrms: rumble -80 dB. 5-yr warranty. 20
acrylic subchassis: matched bearing and platter as- 18% x 141/4 x 61/4 in $665 x 6 x 16 in; 50Ib $4.200
sembly; brass damping for acrylic platter and arm -
board; AC motor with double permanently lubricated Aten Transcription Manual Turntable Gyrodec MK!!! Manual Turntable
self -aligning bronze bushings: aluminum parts ma- Belt -drive with curved tonearm and cartridge. Slip Belt -drive. Two belts: Papst motor; acrylic concave
chined from aerospace alloy and anodized to military mat; can play 16 -in broadcast transcriptions; Nav- platter with graphite and vinyl: record clamp; ma-
specs. Play speeds 331/4 and 45 rpm. 75 lb . . .$5,400 Com rumble -reducing dampening; spare-headshell chined arm board; acrylic base with 3 adjustable feet;
holder. XLR lamp outlet. Variable -pitch control. In- inverted oil -pump bearing; 3 -point suspension; ribbed
Model -2001 Manual Turntable cludes hinged dust cover and LP and 78 styli. Play lead -weighted cast aluminum chassis: 6 gold-plated
4 -point fluid -damped suspension; 1 -in -thick acrylic speeds 331/4. 45, 71.29, 76.59, 78.26 and 80 rpm. brass weights. Play speeds 331/4, 45. and 78 rpm.
subchassis; matched bearing and platter; outboard W&F 0.025% wrms; recommended tracking force 1.5 W&F 0.05% wrms: rumble -80 dB. Clear or black
AC motor. 331/4 and 45 rpm. 45 lb $2,600 g. 17% x 13% x 6 in $545 base. 5-yr warranty. 20 x 6 x 16 in: 42 lb $1,795
LE Version. As above but with gold -anodized motor,
Ramses -II Manual Turntable arm board. and spring caps: black chassis; clear
DEMON Belt -drive with curved tonearm. Continuously vari- base $1,995
DP -47F Automatic Turntable able from 60 to 130 rpm. XLR lamp outlet. Spare- OC Power Supply. Upgrade power supply ....$750
Direct -drive. Quartz -locked motor: automatic record - headshell holder; stylus lamp; cue lever; vertical/lat-
size and speed detection. Electronic tonearm control eral switch for vertically cut records. Includes dust
without mechanical contacts $550 cover. Play speeds 331/4, 45, 71.29, 76.59. 78.26 and JVC
DP -23F. As above without auto record -size and 80 rpm. W&F 0.025% wrms; recommended tracking ALAI 58BK Automatic Turntable
speed detection $375 force 1.25 g. 17% x 13% x 6 in $485 Straight tonearm and plug-in cartridge. DC servomo-
tor. Up -front cueing control; dust cover $120
DP -7F Automatic Turntable Ramses Manual Turntable
Direct -drive with P -mount cartridge. Quartz -locked Belt -drive with curved tonearm and cartridge. XLR
motor. Electronic tonearm control without mechani- lamp outlet. Variable -pitch control; stylus lamp; cue KAB ELECTRO ACOUSTICS
cal contacts $280 lever. Includes LP and 78 styli. Play speeds 331/4, KAB Broadcast Standard Manual Turntable
45, 71.29, 76.59, 78.26 and 80 rpm. W&F 0.025% Direct -drive with curved tonearm. Servomotor; gim-
DP -26F Automatic Turntable wrms; recommended tracking force 1.25 g. 17% x bal bearings: 20 -lb cast -aluminum frame: resonance -
Belt -drive with P- mount MM cartridge. Record -size 13% x 6 in $445 damped platter; damped cueing. Variable -pitch con -


trot; removable headshell; adjustable tonearm height. OPUS THREE MM cartridge. Includes bonded diamond stylus. 331/2
Play speeds 33A, 45, and 78 rpm. W&F 0 025% Continuo Manual Turntable and 45 rpm. 14 x 3% x 13% in; 61b
WITS $120
$595 Concrete base turntable; 3 air -suspension mounting
feet. Includes Opus Three Grado cartridge. Play speeds
KAB SLBD78 Semiautomatic Turntable 331/2, 45, and 78 rpm. 60 lb $3,295 TEAC
Belt -drive with straight tonearm. 4 -point tonearm As above without Grado cartridge. Includes Opus P-595 Semiautomatic Turntable
bearings; damped cueing: auto return/shut-off; vari- Three Cantus tonearm and mat $2,595 Belt -drive with straight tonearm and Audio -Technic
able pitch. Includes cartridges for 78's and LP's. 331/2, As above without tonearm or cartridge $1,495 plug-in cartridge. DC motor. Play speeds 331/2 and 45
45, and 78 rpm. W&F 0.05% wrms $299 rpm. W&F 0.1% wrms; rumble -55 dB; tonearm
length 8.6 in. 17 x 35/ x 13'4 in $129
KENWOOD PL -990 Automatic Turntable PA -400 Automatic Turntable
KD-492FC Automatic Turntable Belt -drive with straight tonearm and MM cartridge. 2 - Belt -drive with dynamic -balanced straight tonearm.
Belt -drive. DC servomotor. System remote -control speed DC servomotor $160 Built-in phono preamp; DC servomotor; and auto re-
compatibility. Includes 45 -rpm adaptor $120 cord -size detection. EQ-on/off switch. Includes 45 -
rpm adaptor and dust cover. Play speeds 331/2 and 45
KD-291RC Semiautomatic Turntable PRO-JECT rpm. W&F 0.12% wrms; rumble -60 dB: tonearm
Belt -drive. DC servomotor. 45 -rpm adaptor $80 Pro-Ject 6.1 Manual Turntable length 81/4 in. 14% x 31/4 x 14% in $129
Belt -drive with straight tonearm and mounted/adjust-
ed Sumiko Oyster cartridge. 3 -point suspended chas-
LINN sis; glass and metal resonance -free platter; record TECHNICS
Sondek LP12 Manual Turntable clamp. Phono outputs. Adjustable resonance frequen- SL -1200 Mkll Manual Turntable
Belt -drive with straight tonearm. Single -point bear- cy of chassis, tonearm height, and vertical tracking an- Direct -drive with curved tonearm. Quartz -locked
ing; solid -wood plinth: stainless -steel chassis; sus- gle. Includes bonded diamond stylus. Play speeds drive; gimbal -pivoted tonearm; brushless DC motor;
pended subchassis. Available with choice of power 331/2 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.15% wrms; rumble -70 dB; antiresonant visco-elastic main base. Adjustable
supply. Play speeds 331/2 and 45 rpm. Black ash, wal- tonearm length 91/2 in. 18% x 141/4 x 6% in $695 vertical tracking angle; and quartz -locked variable
nut, and Afromosia finishes $1,595 ±8% pitch control. Play speeds 331/2 and 45 rpm.
Lingo power supply $1.450 Pro -Jett 1.2 Manual Turntable W&F 0.025% wrms; rumble -78 dB. 17% x 6% x 141/4
Valhalla power supply $450 Belt -drive with straight tonearm and mounted/adjust- in; 24 lb
Basik power supply $599
$95 ed Sumiko oyster cartridge. 4 -point rubber suspen-
sion; balanced alloy platter with stainless -steel bear- SL-BD22K Semiautomatic Turntable
ing in bronze housing; hardened -steel tonearm bear- Belt -drive with straight tonearm. Servomotor; anti -
MICRO SEIKI ing with antiresonant pin points on sapphire plates; resonant and antivibration construction; gimbal -pivot
SX-8000 II Manual Turntable synchronous motor. Adjustable azimuth and vertical tonearm. Illuminated stroboscope: ±6% pitch control.
Belt -drive. 62 -lb stainless -steel platter: air -bearing tracking angle. Play speeds 331/2 and 45 rpm. W&F Play speeds 331/4 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.045% wrms:
floats on a 0.03 -mm cushion of air. Vacuum platter; 8 - 0.15% wrms; rumble -70 dB; tonearm length 9 in. rumble -70 dB. 17 x 33/4 x 141/4 in; 8 lb $199
pole auto -speed reduction; motor remote -drive sys- Black. 161/4 x 12% x 43/4 in $395
tem: mounts up to 2 arms. Speed control. Includes 1 SL-BD20 Semiautomatic Turntable
tonearm pod. Play speeds 33/3, 45, and 78 rpm. Belt -drive with straight tonearm. Servomotor; anti -
Black. 12 x 12 x 6 in; 139 lb $30,000 RPM resonant and antivibration construction; gimbal -pivot
RPM -2 Manual Turntable tonearm. 331/2 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.045% wrms: rum-
SX-5000 II Manual Turntable Belt -drive. Aluminum -composite construction; decou- ble -70 dB. 17 x 3% x 141/4 in; 8 lb $169
Belt -drive. 40 -lb zinc -alloy platter: air -baring platter pled motor: electronic speed switching; aluminum -
floats on 0.03 mm of air: vacuum -suction platter; 8 - composite motor base. Play speeds 331/2 and 45 rpm.
pole motor; remote -drive system: mounts up to 2 181/2 x 41/2 x 15 in: 651b $5,995 THORENS
arms. Speed control. Includes 1 tonearm pod. Play As above, acrylic motor base. 54-1b. 65 lb $4.995 The following are belt -driven and feature straight tub-
speeds 331/2, 45, and 78 rpm. Black. 12 x 12 x 6 in: ular tonearms, gimbal suspensions, antiskating con-
1171b $20,000 trols, and TA -in effective tonearm lengths.
RX-1500 FVG Manual Turntable Model 30 mk II Manual Turntable TD-520/SME 312 Semiautomatic Turntable
Belt -drive. Quadraflex-suspension system; air-, oil-. Belt -drive. Subchassis machined from 1/4 -in alumi- SME 312 tonearm. Solid -core chassis: 3 -point leaf -
and rubber -diaphragm spring: vacuum- and air -bear- num -alloy plate; subchassis suspension via 96 rubber spring suspension; frictionless magnetic antiskating.
ing platter; mounts up to 3 tonearms. Pitch control; strands changeable during record play; base with 4 Electronic speed selection; ±6% pitch control; stro-
vacuum -suction control. Includes tonearm pod.
supporting pillars; stainless -steel motor pulley; 3/4 -in boscope; velocity -sensing auto shutoff. Play speeds
Play speeds 331/2 and 45. Black. 95 lb $7,500 high-carbon/chrome spindle running in sintered bear- 331/2, 45, and 78 rpm. Rosewood $5,770
ings immersed in sealed -oil bath; reflex clamp: circu- As above with SME 3012R tonearm $2,800
RX-1500 VG Manual Turntable lar plinth for SME tonearm; brushless 3 -phase motor;
Belt -drive. Air- and oil -spring suspension; rubber -di- external double -insulated shielded main transformer. TD -320 Mklll Semiautomatic Turntable
aphragm vacuum platter; ultra -quiet pump vacuum 20 -turn potentiometer for speed adjustment allowing 16 -pole synchro motor: solid -core chassis: 3 -point
system. Pitch control: vacuum -suction control; rub- 78 -rpm -mode speed to vary from 69 to 114 rpm; LED leaf -spring suspension. Velocity -sensing auto shut-
ber or Kevlar belt; mounts up to 3 tonearms. In- indicators; and trimming screw at top of each 4 -fluid - off. Play speeds 331/2 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.04% wrms.
cludes 1 tonearm pod. Play speeds 331/2 and 45. damper controlled -supporting columns to stabilize 17%x 6%x 131/4in $1,080
Black. 85 lb $5.500 vertical and lateral movements. Play speeds 33'1,45.
and 78 rpm $22,000 TD -318 Semiautomatic Turntable
16 -pole synchro motor: solid -core chassis; 3 -point
NAD Model 20 mk II Manual Turntable leaf -spring suspension. Velocity -sensing auto shut-
Model 533 Manual Turntable 4 -point suspension: subchassis suspended on 64 off. Play speeds 331/2 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.04% wrms.
Belt -drive and Goldring Elektra cartridge. High -torque strands of rubber; central -fluid damper to control sub - 17 x 6 x 14 in $925
synchro motor; one-piece pressure -cast tone arm chassis motion and provide resistive -ground path for
with miniature ball bearings. Play speeds 331/2. 45. acoustic signals: 19 -mm main spindle machined from TD -280 MkIV Semiautomatic Turntable
and 78 rpm. 17% x 41/2 x 14 in; 12 lb $399 high-carbon/chrome steel operating in sealed -oil bath; Stanton 500 cartridge. 24 -pole synchro motor; solid -
screw -down record clamping; machined platter; brush - core chassis; spring damping elements in feet. Ve-
less 3 -phase motor. Trimming screws for suspension locity -sensing auto shutoff. Play speeds 33'1.45, and
ONKYO adjustment; adjustable ball feet. Includes strobe disc. 78 rpm. W&F 0.045% wrms. 17 x 5% x 14 in ...$540
CP-1400A Semiautomatic Turntable Play speeds 331/2, 45, and 78 rpm $8,000
Belt -drive with straight tonearm. Die-cast aluminum TD -180 Mklll Semiautomatic Turntable
platter; DC servomotor; 2 -speed belt -drive. Auto -cue TP-20 tonearm and Stanton 500 cartridge. Synchro
function. Play speeds 331/2 and 45 $199 SONY motor. Electronic control and auto-retracVshutoff.
PS-LX300H Semiautomatic Turntable Play speeds 331/2, 45, and 78 rpm $473
Belt -drive with lightweight S-shaped tonearm and
OPTIMUS BY RADIO SHACK MM cartridge. Full-size cast aluminum platter. Front -
LAB -1000 Semiautomatic Turntable mounted controls; servo -speed control. Play speeds TOWNSHEND AUDIO
Belt -drive with straight tonearm and dual -magnet 331/2 and 45 rpm. 173/4 x 61/4 x 141/4 in: 16 lb ....$250 Rock MK III Manual Turntable
cartridge. Built-in switchable preamp to provide line - Belt -drive. Front -damping outrigger; record clamp;
or phono-level output. Line/phono-level output Play PS-LX56 Semiautomatic Turntable air suspension; acrylic platter: screw down inverted
speeds 331/2 and 45 rpm $100 Belt -drive with static -balance straight tonearm and bearing at platter's center of gravity. Includes align -


ing the platter, bearing, and motor from the TNT in a Record Player Manual Turntable
ment gauge outrigger for use with other -brand tone -
space compact chassis $2,400 Belt -drive with damped tonearm. Zero clearance
arms. Play speeds 331/2 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.06% platter bearing. Play speeds 33 and 45 rpm. 19 x 6 x
wrms: rumble -83 dB; speed accuracy 0.01%. Black. 16 in,: 35 lb $1,695
17 x 4 x 15 in:33lb $1,795 HW-19 Jr. Turntable
Belt -drive. 1 -in thick MDF subchassis: clear acrylic
platter: Sorbothane suspension; and Pyrothane pre
cision belt. Includes dustcover. 33'/2 and 45 rpm. WILSON BENESCH
Oak, black -oak, or walnut. 21Y. x 16'h x 7 in .$650
Purpleheart Manual Turntable .

Belt -drive with carbon -fiber unipivot tonearm and MC

Belt -drive with linear -tracking tonearm. All -air bear- HW-19 MK -4. As above with 20 -lb TNT platter and
$1,850 Cartridge. Carbon-fiber/Nomex 3 -point subchassis:
ing. Play speeds 33'1 and 45 rpm. 390 lb . .$11,000
bearing and TNT suspension
HW-19 MK -3. As above with stainless-steel/acrylic AC eddy current (outer -rotor) motor with external pow-
chassis; 4 -point spring suspension; lead -filled acrylic er supply. Patented clutch system for non -flutter start-
platter; 1/4 -in -thick dust cover $1,250 up: carbon-steel/sintured-bronze precision -matched
VPI bearing system; optional built-in MC head amplifier for
TNT Junior Manual Turntable optimum performance. Gold-plated output. Kinematic
Belt -drive. 2 -in -thick laminated -acrylic chassis; 21 -lb location for precise vertical -tracking adjustment, az-
stainless -steel isolated motor drive; reflex record clamp- WELL TEMPERED LAB
The following are equipped with an appropriate Well imuth. and tracking -force calibration; antiskating ad-
ing: Sorbothane suspension; upgradable to full TNT -3
Tempered tonearm. justment from 0 to 3 g. Includes dust cover. Play
design. Play speeds 33 and 45 rpm $2,800
speeds 33'1 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.025% wrms: rumble
TNT Series 3. As above with isolated -loop 4 -pulley -80 dB; speed accuracy 0.1%; recommended tracking
drive system: power -line conditioner; stainless -steel Reference Manual Turntable
Belt -drive with fully -damped tonearm. Zero -clear- force 2 g: tonearm length 9 in. Cherrywood. black an-
motor flywheel; aluminum/acrylic/lead platter; 4 -in- odized -metal, or carbon -fiber finish. 17'h x 6 x 141/2 in;
dependent -coil suspension and complete control of ance platter bearing. Adjustable damping. 19 x 7 x 16
$4.995 35 lb $5.795
platter rotation $5,000 in; 70 lb
Super. As above without adjustable damping; weighs ACT 2. As above with high-performance carbon -fiber
TNT Series 4. As above with 30 -lb stand-alone fly- $6.295
43-1b. 19 x 7 x 16 in $3.695 tonearm
wheel assembly to isolate motor from platter and mi- Stage -One MC head amp for both models $1,600
cro -actuator air suspension $6,400 Classic. As above without adjustable damping; . .

$2,795 Carbon -fiber isolation stand for both models $1.500

Aries. Scaled down version of the TNT turntable us- weighs 40 lb. 19 x 7 x 16 in;


Longhorn Phono Cartridge Trade-in discounts are available with purchase of the
Internal damping; ext stabilization. Output 5.6 mV; FR following phono cartridge.
10 Hz -55 kHz: ch sep 25 dB; tracking 1.5 g $99
Replacement stylus $49 Model 7000Fe5 Phono Cartridge
Output 0 mV .. $2,750


AC -03 Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge PT -8 Tonearm
Semi -linear -contact stylus. Stepped -injection -type can- Damped arm tube; adjustable pivot damping: Pro
tilever: aluminum -alloy neodymium magnet. Output 0.3 tonearm cable. Black $750
mV at 1 kHz: FR 10 Hz -50 kHz; ch sep 28 dB at 1 kHz; PT -7. As aoove with AudioQuest Emerald tonearm
$1,850 cable $625
tracking force 2.0-2.4 g. Bronze. 9 g
PT -6. As PT -8, standard tonearm set $495
AC -3300 Tonearm
Straight. Designed for silicone -damped unipivot. In-
cludes phono cable and wrenches. 13 in long overall,
230 mm pivot to stylus. Silver $1,500 AT-ML150 Dhono Cartridge
Micro -line stylus. Output 4 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec: FR
ch sep 31 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 5 cm/sec: FR 15 Hz -27 kHz; ch sep 29 dB at 1 kHz:
10 Hz -30
$400 tracking force 1-1.5 g $89
AUDIO NOTE 0.95-1.55 g
AN -is AN-Vx-2 Tonearm AT3D1EP Phono Cartridge
10 -in straight tonearm. Silver wiring $4,495 AT -0C9 Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
Tapered -alloy tube cantilever. Output 0.4 mV at 1 0.4 x 0.7 -mil biradial-nude stylus. Designed for P-
kHz. 5 cm/sec; FR 15 Hz -50 kHz; ch sep 31 dB at 1 moLnt or universal tonearms. Output 5 mV at 1 kHz.
AN-1s/AN-V Tonearm 5 cm/sec; FR 15 Hz -25 kHz: ch sep 26 dB at 1 kHz:
10 -in straight tonearm. Silver wiring. Black $3.595 kHz; tracking force 1 25-1.8 g $400
Vac:King force 1-1.5 g $79

10/2 Phono Cartridge AT440ML Phono Cartridge

Micro -line stylus. Output 5 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec: FR AT300P Phono Cartridge
Van den Hul 1 stylus. Silver coils and wiring. Output 0.6 -mil uniradial-nude-diamond stylus. Output 5 mV
0.04 mV; tracking force 1.8-2.2 g $2,895 5 Hz -32 kHz; ch sep 30 dB at 1 kHz: tracking force
$219 at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; FR 20 Hz -22 kHz; ch sep 26 dB at
0.8-1.6 g
1 kHz: tracking force 1-1.5 g $69
AN-1s/AN-Vx-1 Tonearm
10 -in straight tonearm. Silver wiring. Black $2,799 AT331LP Phono Cartridge
Linear -contact stylus. Designed for P -mount or uni- AT71ELC Phono Cartridge
versal tonearms. Tapered -alloy tube cantilever. Out- 0.4 K 0.7 -mil biradial-nude stylus. Output 3.5 mV at 1
10-1v Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge kHz. 5 cm/sec: FR 20 Hz -22 kHz: ch sep 22 dB at 1
Van den Hul stylus. Silver wiring. Output 0.05 mV at 1 put 3 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec; FR 10 Hz -30 kHz: ch $69
sep 31 dB at 1 kHz: tracking force 1.0-1.6 g .$149 kHz tracking force 1-2 g
kHz; tracking force 1.8-2.2 g. 15 g $1,800

AT120E/T Phono Cartridge AT7OL Phono Cartridge

AN-Os/AN-S Tonearm 0.6 -mil uniradial-nude-diamond stylus. Output 5 mV
10 -in straight tonearm. Silver wiring. Black $1.499 0.3 x 0.7 -mil biradial-nude stylus. Output 5 mV at 1
kHz. 5 crnisec; FR 15 Hz -25 kHz; ch sep 29 dB at 1 at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec: FR 20 Hz -20 kHz: ch sep 20 dB at
$109 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5-2.5 g $59
ARM -TWO Tonearm kHz; tracking force 1-1.8 g
9 -in straight tonearm. Silver wiring. Black $795
AT316EP Phono Cartridge AT3482FVU Phono Cartridge
0.3 x 0.7 -mil biradial-nude stylus. Output 5 mV at 1 0.7 -mil uniradial-nude-diamond stylus. Designed for
ARM -ONE Tonearm universal -mount tonearms. Output 5.0 mV at 1 kHz. 5
9 -in straight tonearm. Copper wiring. Black ....$449 kHz, 5 crnisec: FR 10 Hz -27 kHz: ch sep 29 dB at 1
kHz; tracking force 1-1.5g $109 cm/sec: FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; ch sep 24 dB at 1 kHz:
tracking force 1.0-1.5 g $39
10/2 Phono Cartridge
Van den Hul 2 stylus $295 AT311EP Phono Cartridge
0.3 x 0.7 -mil biradial-nude stylus. Designed for P - AT3482P Phono Cartridge
10/1. As above but Van den Hul 1 stylus. Silver coils 0.7 -mil uniradial-nude-diamond stylus. Designed for
$195 mount or universal tonearms. Output 5 mV at 1 kHz.
and wiring


P -mount tonearms. Output 5.0 mV at kHz, 5
1 Output 0.5 mV; FR 20 Hz -30 kHz ±2dB; ch sep 25 dB PLC-OFC coils. Output 4.5 mV at 1 kHz; FR 10 Hz -
cm/sec; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; ch sep 24 dB at 1 kHz: at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.7 g. Silver finish with purple 60 kHz; ch sep 40 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5 g.
tracking force 1.0-1.5 g $39 heart hardwood. 9 g $995 Wooden body. 7 g $300
Sonata. As above but with nude elliptical -diamond
CN5625AL Phono Cartridge Elite Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge stylus $500
0.7 -mil uniradial-nude-diamond stylus. Output 4.2 Gyger I linear -contact stylus. FR 20 Hz -30 kHz ±2
mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec: FR 20 Hz -20 kHz: ch sep 20 dB: ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz. 6 g $575
dB at 1 kHz: tracking force 1.5-3.0 g $29 MC cartridge retip $400 GRAHAM ENGINEERING
Model 1.5t/c Tonearm
Eroica LX Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge Straight. Tungsten side weights; arm -tube damping
BENZ MICRO Gyger II linear -contact stylus. FR 20 Hz -30 kHz ±3 with concentric tubes of aluminum and stainless -
Retipping and upgrade services are available. dB; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz. 6 g $350 steel with energy -absorbing damping bands separat-
MC cartridge retip $250 ing inner and outer tubes; silicone fluid in pivot well
Ruby Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge for horizontal and vertical damping. SME-compatible
Nude -diamond stylus. Vented -machined Bruyere- Eroica H Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge mounting; locking adjustments for overhang, az-
wood body; solid boron -rod cantilever; square ruby - Gyger II linear -contact stylus. FR 20 Hz -22 kHz ±3 imuth, vertical tracking angle. and tracking force ad-
jewel -plate coil. Output 0.3 mV at 1 kHz; FR 10 Hz - dB; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz. 6 g $300 justments. Includes ceramic arm wand. Matte gold or
50 kHz; ch sep 40 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 2-2.5 g. MC cartridge retip $200 chrome finish $3,000
9g $3,000 Model 1.51 Tonearm. As above but with tungsten
Elektra Phono Cartridge side weights and without ceramic arm wand. In-
Reference Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge 0.7 x 0.7 -mil elliptical -diamond stylus. FR 20 Hz -20 cludes azimuth -alignment box $2,750
Nude -diamond stylus. Vented -machined Bruyere-wood kHz ±3 dB: ch sep 20 dB at 1 kHz. 4 g $70 Model 1.5. Without ceramic arm wand $2,500
body; solid boron -rod cantilever; square iron -plate coil. D152E. Elektra Stylus $30
Output 0.4 mV at 1 kHz: FR 10 Hz -50 kHz; ch sep 40 dB Model 1.5 Basic Tonearm
at 1 kHz: tracking force 2-2.5 g. 9 g $2.500 Elan Phono Cartridge Straight. Copper internal wire to arm wand: brass
Spherical -diamond stylus. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±3 dB; sideweights; no gauges or tools included; fully field
H2O Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge ch sep 20 dB at 1 kHz. 4 g $50 upgradable to 1.5t/c $1,996
Nude -diamond stylus. Vented -machined Bruyere-
wood body: solid boron -rod cantilever; pure -iron 1000 Series
cross coil. Output 2 mV (0.9 and 0.4 mV available); G 1042 Phono Cartridge JMAS
FR 10 Hz -50 kHz; ch sep 40 dB at 1 kHz; tracking Gyper S diamond stylus. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±2 dB; ch MIT -1 Phono Cartridge
force 2-2.5 g. 9 g $1,200 sep 25 dB at 1 kHz. 6 g $275 Tracking force 2-2.5 g. Black. 6 g $750
D42. 1042 Stylus $175
Glider Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
Nude -diamond stylus. Hand -wound iron -cross coil: G 1022GX Phono Cartridge KAB ELECTRO ACOUSTICS
open free-floating design; solid aluminum base; solid Gyper I diamond stylus. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±2 dB; ch KSL500 Phono Cartridge
boron -rod cantilever. Output 1 mV at 1 kHz (2 mV sep 25 dB at 1 kHz. 6 g $200 2.7 -mil conical stylus. Designed for P -mount tone -
available); FR 10 Hz -50 kHz; ch sep 40 dB at 1 kHz; D22GX. 1022 Stylus $130 arms and for 78 -rpm. Output 2 mV/cm $55
tracking force 2-2.5 g. 7 g $750
G 1012GX Phono Cartridge KS500-27 Phono Cartridge
MC Gold Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge Gyper II diamond stylus. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±2 dB; ch 2.7 -mil conical stylus. Designed for 78 -rpm. Output 2
0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical -diamond stylus. Aluminum -al- sep 25 dB at 1 kHz. 6 g $150 mV/cm $45
loy tube cantilever. Output 0.4 mV at 1 kHz (2 mV D12GX. 1012 Stylus $90 Custom 2.5-, 3.3-, 3.5 -mil diamond elliptical styli for
available); FR 20 Hz -25 kHz; ch sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; KS500- $89
tracking force 1.8-2.2 g. 6 g $350 G 1006 Phono Cartridge
MC20E II. As MC Gold, output 2.5 mV at 1 kHz; FR Elliptical -diamond stylus. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±2 dB; ch
15 Hz -40 kHz; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force sep 25 dB at 1 kHz. 6 g $100 LINN
1.7-2.3 g. 4 g $150 D06. 1006 Stylus $60 Ekos Tonearm
Dynamically balanced design. Temperature -compen-
sated springs; hydraulic lift/lower mechanism; gold
DENNESEN GRADO LABS connectors. Adjustable spring bias and tracking
ABLT-1 Tonearm Prestige Silver Phono Cartridge forces. Pivot -to -stylus length 211 mm; recommended
Straight; lateral -tracking. Air bearing; gold-plating. Elliptical -diamond stylus. 4 piece OTL cantilever; Ul- cartridge weight 4-9 g $2,595
Adjustable VIA; changeable wand $2,000 tra -High Purity Long Crystal (UHPLC)-OFC coils.
Output 4.5 mV at 1 kHz: FR 10 Hz -60 kHz; ch sep 35 Akito Tonearm
dB at 1 kHz: tracking force 1.5 g. 6 g $150 Statically balanced design. Adjustable spring bias;
DENON Prestige Gold. As above but meets higher produc- counterweight tracking -force adjustment. Pivot -to -sty-
DL -160 Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge tion test specifications $180 lus length 211 mm; recommended cartridge weight 2-
Output level high enough for MM-phono preamplifier 10 g $495
input; single -point cantilever suspension; tapered Prestige Blue Phono Cartridge
double -construction cantilever $150 Elliptical -diamond stylus. 4 -piece OTL cantilever; OFC Phono Cartridges
DL -110. As above, cantilever not tapered $120 coils. Output 4.5 mV at 1 kHz; FR 10 Hz -55 kHz; ch Arkiv Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
sep 30 dB at 1 kHz: tracking force 1.5 g. 6 g $80 Nude -diamond stylus. 3 -point mounting: gold con-
Prestige Red. As above but meets higher production tacts. Output 0.2 mV; ch sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; tracking
EMINENT TECHNOLOGY test specifications $110 force 1.55-1.75 g $2,295
Model 2.5 Tonearm
Straight. Designed for turntable with interchangeable Prestige Black Phono Cartridge Klyde Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
armboard. Air bearing; magnesium arm tube; dy- Elliptical -diamond stylus. 3 piece OTL cantilever; OFC Nude -diamond stylus. Gold contacts. Output 0.2 mV;
namic fluid damping; decoupled counterweight. Ad- coils. Output 4.5 mV at 1 kHz; FR 10 Hz -50 kHz; ch ch sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; tracking 1.55-1.75 g ...$1,195
justable vertical tracking angle. Includes air pump, sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5 g. 6 g $40
line, and filter $2,500 Prestige Green. As above but meets higher produc- K9 Phono Cartridge
tion test specifications $60 Nude -diamond stylus. Metal body: gold contacts.
Output 4.5 mV; ch sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force
ESOTERIC SOUND 1.5-2 g $275
Spherical -diamond stylus. Designed for 78 -rpm LPs. Master Phono Cartridge
Output 6 mV at 1 kHz; FR 30 Hz -15 kHz; ch sep 30 Elliptical -diamond stylus. 5 -piece OTL cantilever; LYRA
dB at 1 kHz: tracking force 2.0-4.0 g. 6 g $42 Ultra High Purity Long Crystal (UHPLC)-OFC coils. Parnassus Phono Cartridge
Output 4.5 mV at 1 kHz: FR 10 Hz -60 kHz; ch sep Diamond stylus. Platinum/iron magnet; 6N copper
40 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5 g. Wooden body. wire; 5N iron pole piece; removable body. Output 0.2
GOLDRING 7g $800 mV at 1 kHz; FR 10 Hz -50 kHz; ch sep 35 dB at 1
Excel Phono Cartridge. $1,295 The Reference. As above but with Grado's true ellip- kHz; tracking force 1.8-2 g. 9 g $3,495
MC cartridge retip $900 soid -diamond stylus $1,200
Parnassus De Capo Titanium Moving -Coil
Excel VX Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge Platinum Phono Cartridge Phono Cartridge
Diamond stylus. Neodymium magnet; silver wiring. Elliptical -diamond stylus. 4 piece OIL cantilever; UH- Diamond stylus. Base and body milled from block of


solid titantium; diamond -coated ceramic -alloy can- MC -10 Super 11 Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge coded pins: fluorescent -yellow cantilever tip. Stan-
tilever. Output 0.35 mV at 1 kHz; ch sep 35 dB at 1 Nude -diamond stylus. Linear -phase technology: met- dard mount. Includes 2-g weight plate and extra sty-
kHz: tracking force 1.6-1.8 g $3,495 al -disc dampening. Output 0.2 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/Sec; lus. Output 6 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec: FR 20 Hz -22
FR 20 Hz -40 kHz +4, -1 dB; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz; kHz: ch sep 23 dB: tracking force 3 g. 5 g $90
Clavis De Capo Phono Cartridge tracking force 1.6-2 g. 10 g $425 OM -Night Club S. As above with spherical diamond
Diamond stylus. Monoblock construction: ceramic -al- stylus $85
loy cantilever: direct -flux and dual -disk magnetic cir- X5 -MC Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
cuit; 6N copper -wire coils. Output 0.3 mV at 1 kHz: FR Nude stylus. Designed for P -mount tonearms. MM- OM -Pro Phono Cartridge
10 Hz -40 kHz; tracking force 1.5-1.7 g. 10 g 31.895 phono output voltage. Output 0.2 mV at kHz, 5
1 Spherical -diamond stylus. Flexible load capacitance;
cm/sec: FR 20 Hz -45 kHz +4, -1.5 dB; ch sep 25 dB cartridge nose cut-out for cueing: luminous cantilever
Lydian Phono Cartridge at 1 kHz; tracking force 2 g. 4 g $300 tip; gold-plated color -coded pins. Standard mount.
Diamond stylus. Boron cantilever; neodymium mag- X3 -MC. As above, different nude stylus. FR 20 Hz -40 Includes extra stylus. Output 5 mV at 1 kHz: ch sep
net; 6N copper -wire coils: 5N iron pole pieces; wire kHz +4. -1.5 dB $225 20 dB: tracking force 4 g. 5 g $65
suspension with dual -damping system. Output 0.3 X1 -MC. As X5 -MC, elliptical stylus. FR 20 Hz -30 kHz CC -Pro. As above, designed as combination head -
mV at 1 kHz: FR 10 Hz -40 kHz: ch sep 30 dB at 1 +4, -1.5 dB: ch sep 22 dB at 1 kHz $125 shell. cartridge, and finger -lift. 16 g $115
kHz: tracking force 1.8-2 g. 11 g $995
MC -3 Turbo Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge FF-15XEll Phono Cartridge
Nude -diamond stylus. 4 moving coils: samarium -co- Elliwical-diamond stylus. Output 6 mV at 1 kHz: ch
balt magnet surrounding coils. Output 3.3 mV at sep 20 dB; tracking force 2 g. 5 g $50

ARO Tonearm kHz, 5 cm/sec: FR 20 Hz -25 kHz +4. -1 dB: ch sep

Single -pivot design. Balanced weight assembly. Re- 24 dB at 1 kHz: tracking force 2 g. 4 g $250 0M -6E Phono Cartridge
movable arm tube: adjustable arm height. Pivot -to - MC -1. As above, elliptical diamond stylus. FR 20 Hz - Elliplcal-diamond stylus. Output 4 mV at 1 kHz. 5
stylus length 230 mm; recommended cartridge weight 22 kHz +4. -1 dB $150 cm/sec: FR 20 Hz -20 kHz +3, -1 dB: ch sep 22 dB at
$2,150 1 kHz; tracking force 1.75 g. 6 g $50
5.5-12 g
PAC -10 Super Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge OMP-5E. As above for P -mount tonearms $50
Nude -elliptical diamond stylus. Linear -phase tech- OM -3E. As OM -5E but with lower polish quality on
nology; lightweight cross armature with identical coils stylus $35
Cantus Tonearm mounted a! 90° to each other. Output 0.3 mV at 1 OMP-3E. As OM -3E for P -mount tonearms
Straight. Tangential tracking arm with only 30 g of kHz, 5 cm/sec; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz +4, -1 dB: ch sep
moving parts. 380 g $995 25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5 g. 7 g $150
Opus Three Phono Cartridge Moving -Magnet Cartridges XSV/5000 Phono Cartridge
Modified Grado Signature 8M cartridge $900 Super OM -30 Phono Cartridge Stereohedron stylus. Output 3.8 mV: FR 10 Hz -50
Nude -diamond stylus. Magnetic circuitry; cut-out kHz tracking force 0.75-1.5 g. 6 g $381
nose for cueing. Output 4 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec; FR
ORTOFON 20 Hz -20 kHz +2, -0 dB; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz: TL -3S Phono Cartridge
tracking force 1.25 g. 5 g $225 Stereohedron stylus. Universal mount. Output 4.4 mV:
Moving -Coil Cartridges
Super OM -20. As above, nude elliptical diamond sty- FR 10 Hz -25 kHz; tracking 0.75-1.5 g. 6 g $206
MC -7500 Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
Diamond stylus. Linear technology: tapered alumi- lus. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz +2, -1 dB $150
num tube cantilever: carbon -fiber armature: neodym- Super OM -10. As Super OM -30. elliptical stylus XV-15/625 Phono Cartridge
ium magnet: pure -titanium cartridge housing; dia- upgradable to Super OM Elliptical -diamond stylus. FR 10 Hz -25 kHz: tracking
mond -profile polishing: 8N copper internal -lead wir- +3, -1 dB: ch sep 22 dB: tracking force 1.5 g ....$75 force 0.75-1.5 g. 6 g $163
ing. Output 0.13 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; ch sep 25 dB OMP-10. As above but for P -mount tonearms ...$75
at 1 kHz: tracking force 2.5 g. 11 g $2.900 XV-15/15013JP Phono Cartridge
T-7500. Matching step-up transformer for the above CC-DJE Phono Cartridge Spherical -diamond stylus. Designed for professional
$3.000 Elliptical -diamond stylus. Designed for professional use Includes replacement stylus. FR 10 Hz -20 kHz;
model or MC5000
use. Double -tube telescopic clear cantilever with red tracking force 2-4 g. 6 g $160
stylus point: combination headshell. cartridge, and XV- i 5/150DJ. As above without extra stylus $108
MC -5000 Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge

Diamond stylus. Linear technology: sapphire canti- nylon finger -lift. Output 6 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec: FR
lever: black sapphire cartridge housing; diamond - 20 Hz -22 kHz; ch sep 23 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 3 XV-15/625 DJP Phono Cartridge
profile polishing: 7N copper internal -lead wiring. Out- g. 19 g $175 Elliptical -diamond stylus. Designed for professional
put 0.14 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; ch sep 25 dB at 1 CC-DJS. As above with spherical stylus. FR 20 Hz - use. Includes 2 replacement styli. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz;
kHz: tracking force 2.5 g. 10 g $2.100 18 kHz $165 tracking force 1-4 g $160
OM-DJE. As CC-DJE, standard mount. 5 g $115 XV-15/625 DJ. As above without extra styli . . . $131
MC-Rohmann Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge OM-DJS. As CC-DJE, spherical stylus; standard
Diamond stylus. Aluminum cantilever; cartridge hous- mount. FR 20 Hz -18 kHz. 5 g $105 V15DJ-DP Phono Cartridge
ing; diamond -profile polishing: 6N copper internal - Spherical -diamond stylus. Includes 2 replacement
lead wiring. Output.25 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec; ch sep CC -Night Club E Phono Cartridge styli. Output 4.4 mV; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; tracking force
$1,700 Elliptical -diamond stylus. Aluminum tube cantilever; 2-5 g. 6 g $105/matched pr
25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 2.5 g. 9 g
cartridge nose cut-out for cueing facility. Combination V15/DJP. As above, single cartridge $98
T-3000. Matching step-up transformer for above or
$1,500 headshell. cartridge, and finger -lift: gold-plated color - V-15/DJ. As above without extra styli $56
MC -2000
coded pins: fluorescent -yellow cantilever tip. Stan-
MC -2000 Mkll Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge dard mount. Includes extra stylus. Output 6 mV at 1 TLE Phono Cartridge
Diamond stylus. Aluminum cantilever; white sapphire kHz. 5 cm/sec: FR 20 Hz -22 kHz; ch sep 23 dB at 1 Elliptical -diamond stylus. Output 4.4 mV: FR 10 Hz -
kHz: tracking force 3 g. 19 g $160 20 kHz: tracking force 1-1.5 g. 6 g $84
cartridge housing; diamond -profile polishing; 6N
copper internal -lead wiring. Output 0.125 mV at 1 CC -Night Club S. As above with spherical diamond
kHz. 5 cm/sec; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force stylus $150
2.2 g. 10 g $1,400 RADIO SHACK
TM-2OUD Phono Cartridge RX1500 Phono Cartridge
MC -30 Super Mkll Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge Fine -line s:ylus. Output 4 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec: FR Elliptical -diamond stylus. Designed with Audio-Tech-
20 Hz -22 kHz; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force nica. Tracking force 1-1.5 g $35
Nude -diamond stylus. Tapered aluminum canti-
lever; linear -phase technology; three -faceted rear 1.25g. 6 g $129
stylus contact surface: carbon fiber plate: rubber TM-14UD. As above with elliptical stylus. Ch sep RSS500DJ Phono Cartridge
22 dB $89 Designed with Stanton for professional use $35
bearings; damping using pure platinum disc: alumi-
num cartridge housing with 2 precision extrusions: TM -7U. As above, elliptical stylus. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz;
precision -machined cross -shaped armature. Output ch sep 22 dB $60 RXP3 Phono Cartridge
For P -mount tonearms. Tracking force 1.25 g .$30
0.2 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; FR 20 Hz -40 kHz +4. -1
dB; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.6-2 g. CC -Pro C+2 Phono Cartridge
10 g $700 Spherical -diamond stylus. Combination headshell, R25XT Phono Cartridge
cartridge, and fingerlift. Includes 2 replacement FR 20 Hz -20 kHz: tracking force 2.5-3.5 g $20
MC -20 Super Mkli Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge styli $125
Diamond stylus. Linear -phase technology: aluminum OM -Pro S4.2. As above, standard mount $75
cartridge housing with 2 precision -fit anodized extru- RPM
sions. Output 0.2 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec: FR 20 Hz - OM -Night Club E Phono Cartridge RPM2 Tonearm
40 kHz +4, -1 dB; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz: tracking Elliptical -d amond stylus. Cartridge nose cut-out for Single -pivot design. Decoupled counterweight: sap -
$600 cueing: aluminum tube cantilever; gold-plated color - phi -e and tungsten bearing mounting directly to turn -
force 1.6-2 g. 10 g


table. Azimuth, zenith, vertical -tracking -angle adjust- ball races: tungsten -alloy balance weight on damped 1 kHz; FR 20 Hz -40 kHz ±2 dB; ch sep 28 dB from
ments, and antiskating adjustment $2,495 2 -point suspension; stainless -steel vertical shaft, 200-10 kHz; tracking force 1.9-2.2 g. 8 g $1,800
cross shaft, ground, and thread ground; silver Litz in-
ternal wiring; swiveling damped output socket; linear - Oyster Series
SHURE crystal OFC audio lead with right-angle 5 -pole DIN Blue Point Special Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
V15VxMR Phono Cartridge plug to gold-plated phono plugs. Adjustable/defeat- 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus. Thin -walled
Polished -diamond stylus. Design for standard -mount able vertical tracking force; adjustable height; refer- aluminum -tube cantilever. Output 2.3 mV at 1 kHz;
tonearms. Proprietary antishock design and stylus -pro- ence lines for setting vertical -tracking angle setting; FR 10 Hz -35 kHz: ch sep 35 dB at kHz: tracking

tection system. Cartridge -alignment protractor; turnta- fine horizontal -tracking -angle adjustment with de- force 1.7-2.1 g. 10 g $295
ble immobilization wedges. Includes headshell screw- sign -alignment protractor; dynamic balance -graduat-
driver; stylus -cleaning brush. Output 3.0 mV at 1 kHz; ed vertical tracking force through resonance -con- Blue Point Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
FR 10 Hz -25 kHz; ch sep 25dB at 1 kHz: tracking force trolled spring. Includes tools, accessories, and drill 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus. Output 2.3 mV
1.0 g. Black with burgundy stylus guard. 7 g $300 jig/template. Satin black enamel finish with details in at 1 kHz; FR 15 Hz -35 kHz; ch sep 32 dB at 1 kHz;
chrome and stainless steel $2,550 tracking force 1.25-1.7 g. 6 g $195
M97HE Phono Cartridge
Polished -diamond stylus. Designed for standard - Sumiko/SME Series IV.Vi Tonearm Pearl Phono Cartridge
mount tonearms. Proprietary antishock design and Straight. ABEC-7 bearings with 3 -micron tolerance; 0.2 x 0.8 -mil elliptical diamond stylus. Output 5 mV at
stylus protection system. Includes headshell screw- static tracking force: phosphor bronze wiring ...$1.995 1 kHz; FR 12 Hz -30 kHz; ch sep 30 dB at 1 kHz:
driver; stylus -cleaning brush. Output 4.0 mV at 1 kHz: tracking force 1.5-2 g. 6 g $95
FR 20 Hz -22 kHz; ch sep 25 dB at kHz; tracking
1 Model 309 Tonearm
force 0.75-1.25 g. Black with dark blue stylus guard. Straight. Internal constrained damping layer; stain- Black Pearl Phono Cartridge
7g $100 less -steel cross shaft, vertical shaft, ground, and Spherical -diamond stylus. Output 5 mV at 1 kHz; FR
thread ground; 23 -mm diameter steel pillar carrying 18 Hz -27 kHz; ch sep 28 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force
M67E Phono Cartridge two 17 -mm ball races; dual -lock base; tungsten -alloy 1.5-2 g. 6 g $75
Elliptical -diamond stylus. Designed for standard -mount balance weight on 2 -point suspension; OFC cartridge
tonearms. Includes stylus -cleaning brush. Output 4.0 leads and internal wiring; OFC audio lead with gold- Oyster Phono Cartridge
mV at 1 kHz; FR 20 Hz -22 kHz; ch sep 25 dB at 1 plated phono plugs. Interchangeable die-cast magne- Spherical -diamond stylus. Output 4 my; FR 30 Hz -20
kHz; tracking force 0.75-1.25 g. Black with purple sty- sium headshell; ability to adjust bearings before fit- kHz; ch sep 25 dB; tracking force 1.5-2.5 g. 6 g ...$45
lus grip. 6 g $60 ting: antiskating control; adjustable height; reference
lines for vertical -tracking -angle setting; fine horizon-
MP67E Phono Cartridge tal -tracking -angle adjustment with design -alignment SYMPHONIC LINE
Elliptical -diamond stylus. Designed for P -mount tone - protractor $1,195 RG 8 Gold Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
arms. Includes stylus -cleaning brush. Output 4.0 mV All gold wiring. Output 0.44 mV at 1 kHz: ch sep 40
at 1 kHz; FR 20 Hz -22 kHz; ch sep 25 dB at 1 kHz: dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5 g $5,000
tracking force 0.75-1.25 g. Black with purple stylus STANTON
grip. 6 g $60 Trackmaster EL -2 Phono Cartridge
0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical -diamond stylus. Includes two TOWNSHEND AUDIO
SC35C Scratch Champ Phono Cartridge extra styli. Output 5.2 mV; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; tracking Excalibur Tonearm
Spherical -diamond stylus. Design for standard -mount force 2-5 g. 18 g $342 Straight. Front -outrigger damping for Townshend Au-
tonearms. Cutaway grip design for stylus visibility; bril- Trackmaster EL -1. Only 1 extra stylus $224 dio Rock turntables. Overall length 8.66 in; pivot -to -
orange dot to spot the stylus tip. Out- stylus length 200 mm; tracking force 0.5-5 g .$1,600
put 5 mV at 1 kHz; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; ch sep 20 dB at Collector's Series 100 Phono Cartridge
1 kHz; tracking force 4-5mg. Black with light blue sty- Diamond stylus. Sapphire -coated cantilever. Output
lus grip. 6 g $60 0.76 mV/cm/sec; ch sep 35 dB. 6 g $331 TRIPLANAR
Model V Tonearm
M78S Phono Cartridge Trackmaster AL -2 Phono Cartridge Straight. Discovery wire: silicon -fluid damping. Adjust-
Spherical -diamond stylus. Designed for standard - Spherical -diamond stylus. Designed for scratch -mix- able azimuth. Overall length 12 in; pivot -to -stylus length
mount tonearms. Wide 2.5 -mil -radius stylus suited for ing. Includes two extra styli. Output 5.2 mV; FR 20 250 mm; tracking force 4-25 g. Black $2,550
78 -rpm record grooves. Output 6 mV at 1 kHz; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; tracking force 2-5 g. 18 g $200 As above, with XLR balanced outputs $2,795
Hz -18 kHz: ch sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5- Trackmaster AL -1. Only one extra stylus $169 As above, with RCA single output $2,795
3.0 g. Black with dark green stylus grip. 6 g $50
Model 881 Mklls Phono Cartridge Triplanar Iv' Regular Tonearm
M447X Club Cartridge Phono Cartridge Diamond stylus. Samarium -cobalt magnet. Output Regular version 10 -in cable to output box RCA chas-
Spherical -diamond stylus. Design for standard -mount 0.9 mV/cm/sec: ch sep 35 dB. 6 g $192 sis. Balanced output XLR $2,650
tonearms. Back -cueing capability. Cutaway grip de- As above, with RCA single output $2,595
sign for stylus visibility; brilliant fluorescent orange Model 680EL-MP Phono Cartridge Model IV I. As above, aluminum $2,495
dot to spot the stylus tip. Output 6 mV at 1 kHz; FR 20 Elliptical -diamond stylus. Designed for scratch -mix-
Hz -20 kHz; ch sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5- ing and back -cueing. Aluminum -alloy cantilever. Ex- Triplanar III Tonearm
3.0 g. Black with white stylus grip. 6 g $45 tra stylus. Output 1.1 mV/cm/sec; FR 20 Hz -18 kHz; Conversion to IVi $500
tracking force 3.5-4 g. 6 g $182/matched pr
M44GX Phono Cartridge Model 680EL. As above but with recommended
Spherical -diamond stylus. Designed for standard - tracking force of 2-5 g $142/matched pr TUBE RESEARCH LABS
mount tonearms. Output 6 mV at 1 kHz: FR 20 Hz -20 Copper Hopper Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
kHz; ch sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 0.75-1.5 g. Model 890AL Phono Cartridge Van den Hul stylus. Nippon copper -wired coils. Out-
Black with gray stylus grip. 6 g $45 Diamond stylus. Designed for scratch -mixing and put.8 mV at 1 kHz; ch sep 32 dB at 1 kHz ....$3,200
back -cueing. Computer -designed 4 -coil body. Extra
M92E Phono Cartridge stylus. Output 0.76 mV/cm/sec; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; ch
Biradial-nude diamond stylus. Designed for P -mount sep 30 dB; tracking force 2-7 g. 6 g $162 VPI
tonearms. Includes standard -mount adaptor. Output JMW-10 Tonearm
5 mV at 1 kHz: FR 20 Hz -18 kHz; ch sep 20 dB at 1 L680EL Phono Cartridge Straight. Unipivot tonearm; vernier -dial vertical -track-
kHz; tracking force 0.75-1.5 g. Black with red stylus Diamond stylus. Designed for plug-in tonearms. In- ing adjustment during play; cartridge and counter-
grip. 7 g $30 creases vertical tracking force from 1.5-3.5 g for weight attachable. Overall length 10 in $2,300
scratch -mixing and backcueing $142 JMW-12. As above with 12 -in tonearm $2,800
M7OBX Phono Cartridge
Spherical -diamond stylus. Designed for standard - Model 681EEE Mklll Phono Cartridge
mount tonearms. Output 5 mV at 1 kHz; FR 20 Hz -18 Diamond stylus $141 WELL TEMPERED LAB
kHz; ch sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5-3.0 g. Reference Tonearm
Black with beige stylus grip. 6 g $25 Straight. Patented fully damped arm. Adjustable
SUMIKO damping. Pivot -to -stylus length 250 mm $1,795
Sumiko Sho Reference Moving -Coil
SME Phono Cartridge Classic Tonearm
Series V Tonearm Elliptical -diamond stylus. Multiple Density Progressive Straight. Patented fully damped arm. Pivot -to -stylus
Straight. Die-cast magnesium construction: internal Suspension; patented double -ring magnet design; re- length 250 mm $1,095
constrained damping layer; dual -lock base; 23 -mm inforced solid -boron cantilever; gold-plated output ter-
steel pillar moving vertically between 2 jaws and hor- minals. Includes stainless -steel mounting bolts, wash- Record player. Straight. Patented fully damped arm.
izontally between 2 slideways carrying two ABEC-7 ers, and Allen wrench. Output 2.3 mV at 3.45 cm/sec. Pivot to stylus length 9.2 in $795


AV -X500 400-W AN ReceiverNCR
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 100 W x 3 (front, center)
+ 100 x 1 (surround). Front -panel AN input; subwoofer
output. Built-in 4 -head hi-fi VCR; DSP; BBE audio en-
hancement (4 -position); digital -synthesis tuner;
MTS/SAP tuner; auto -head cleaning; motor -driven
volume control. Graphic EQ; A/B, A+B speaker switch-
ing; 32 -station random -memory presets; sleep timer;
on -screen displays; 8-event/1-year programming;
VCR Plus+ with cable box control; learning remote
control. 14% x 10% x 121/2 in; 22 lb $650

AV -X300 400-W A/V Receiver/CD Changer

4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 100 W x 3 (front, center)
+ 100 x 1 (surround). 6 audio inputs; front -panel AN
input; subwoofer output; optical/digital output. Built-in
5 -disc CD changer; digital signal processor; BBE au-
dio enhancement (4 -position); digital -synthesis tuner;
motor -driven volume control; digital filter. Graphic EQ;
A/B, A+B speaker switching; learning remote control;
32 -station random memory presets; sleep timer; fluo- Denon AVR-3600 Dolby Digital receiver
rescent display; 20 -track music calendar; random
play. 14% x 10% x 121/2 in; 24 lb $500
screen display; multisource output; learning remote AVR-1200 250-W AN Receiver
AV -X270 560-W AN Receiver control $1.800 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 70 W x 3 (front, center)
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and 4 surround modes. + 20 x 2 (surround). 6 audio inputs including phono;
140 W x 3 (front, center) from 40 Hz -20 kHz + 70 x 2 AVR-3200 425-W Dolby Digital Receiver center -channel and mono-subwoofer line -level out-
(surround), all with 0.08% THD into 8 ohms. 3 AN in- 5 channels. Dolby Digital. Dolby Pro Logic (4 puts; 3 video inputs. Icon -based on -screen displays;
puts and outputs. 5 EQ presets; remote control with il- modes), Jazz Club, Rock Arena, Mono Movie, Ma- system remote control $549
lumination of selected keys; 3 -position bass -boost. trix, Videogame, and 5 -Ch Stereo modes. 85 W x 5
Amp: S/N 60 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 28 dBf; cap (front, wrier, surround) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with AVR-900 210-W AN Receiver
ratio 1.0 dB; alt-ch sel 50 dB; S/N 70 dB stereo. Gray. 0.05% THD into 8 ohms. 6 -channel analog input for 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 60 W x 3 (front, center)
14%x 6 x 13% in; 24Ib $425 external surround decoder; coaxial, optical, and AC - + 15 x 2 (surround). 5 audio inputs including phono;
AV -X220. As above, 120 W x 3 (front, center) + 60 x 2 3 RF digital inputs; 7 analog audio inputs: 4 compos- center -channel and mono-subwoofer line -level out-
(surround). Graphite. 14% x 6 x 13% in; 23 lb $400 ite -video inputs; 4 S -video inputs; 4 line -level out- puts; 2 video outputs. Remote control $400
AV -X120. As above, 70 W x 3 (front, center) + 35 x 2 puts; 3 analog audio outputs; 3 composite -video out-
(surround). Graphite. 21 lb $250 puts; 3 S -video outputs; 2 switched AC outlets. Digi- AVR-600 180-W AN Receiver
tal Dynamic Discrete Surround Circuit (DDSC); 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 50 W x 3 (front, center)
discrete amplifier -output stage; Cinema EQ; Person- + 15 x 2 (surround). Line -level subwoofer output;
AMFI al Memory Plus. Icon -based on -screen display: binding -post terminals speakers. Dynamic
Theater I 285-W AN Receiver learning/universal remote. Amp: S/N 96 dB. FM: 50 - Discrete Surround Circuit (DDSC). Personal Memo-
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Hall, and Live modes. dB quieting sens 38.5 dBf; AM Rej 60 dB; cap ratio ry Plus; 40 -station AM/FM random preset memory
75 W x 3 cont (front, center) + 30 x 2 (surround) into 8 1.5 dB; aft-ch set dB; S/N 75 dB stereo; THD 0.3%. tuning; auto preset memory; color -coded remote
ohms. 4 audio and 2 video gold-plated inputs; 5 line - 17% x 61/2 x 161/2 in; 34 lb $1,200 control $329
level outputs; subwoofer output; 5 -way binding posts;
headphone jack. 32 tuner presets; on/off and sleep AVR-2600 350-W A/V Receiver DRA-375RD 60-W/ch Receiver
timers; remote control. 17 x 14 x 51/2 in $499 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic; Classic Concert. Rock, 2 channels. 60 W x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.08%
Jazz Club. Super Stadium. Mono Movie, and Matrix THD into 8 ohms. 2 video inputs and outputs;
modes. 100 W x 3 (front, center) + 25 x 2 (surround). switched AC outlets. Discrete amplifier -output stage;
CARVER 6 -channel analog input for external Dolby Digital (or motor -driven volume control. Adjustable loudness;
HTR-880 300-W AN Receiver other) surround decoder; 7 inputs and 4 outputs for frequency -synthesis tuning; text -capable RDS tuner.
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 80 W x 3 (front) + 30 x 2 audio; 4 composite -video inputs anc 4 outputs; 4 5 - 40 -station random preset memory; auto preset mem-
(surround) into 8 ohms. 3 audio inputs; 2 AN inputs; video inputs and 3 outputs; line -level outputs for cen- ory. character input; last -channel -tuned memory; re-
composite video output. Discrete high -current amplifi- ter, surround, and subwoofer. Digital Dynamic Dis- mote control $299
er design on all channels; Infinite Decorrelation sys- crete Surround Circuit (DDSC); Personal Memory
tem for expanding rear soundstage; Power Steering Plus; text -capable RDS tuner. 32 -station AM/FM ran- DRA-275 40-W/ch Receiver
increases power on single front channel to meet sound- dom -preset memory tuning; auto -preset memory; mul- 2 channels. 40 W x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.08%
track demands. 19 x 61/2 x 131/2 in; 32 lb $859 tisource mtput; learning remote control $1,000 THD into 8 ohms. 2 video inputs and outputs; switch -
able AC outlets. Discrete amplifier -output stage; motor -
DRA-775RD 90-W/ch Receiver driven volume control. Adjustable loudness; frequen-
DENON 2 channels. 90 W x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz into 8 ohms. cy -synthesis tuning: 40 -station random preset memo-
AVR-5600 700-W THX Dolby Digital Receiver Phono input; video inputs and outputs; pre-out/main- ry; last -station -tuned memory; remote control ...$249
5 channels. Dolby Digital, THX Home Cinema, and in jacks. Chassis design with short signal path. Text -
Dolby Pro Logic modes. 140 W x 5 (front, center, sur- capable RDS tuner: capability for 2 multiroom zones:
round) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.05% THD into 8 system/multiroom remote control $750 DUAL
ohms. 4 digital inputs including AC -3 RF input; digital CR5950RC 120-W/ch Receiver
output; 10 inputs and 12 outputs for audio; 5 compos- AVR-2400 375-W AN Receiver 2 channels. 120 W x 2 with 0.02% THD into 8 ohms.
ite -video inputs and 4 outputs: 5 S -video inputs and 3 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic (normal. phantom, wide) Class A design: motor -driven volume control; digital
outputs: line -level outputs for front, center, surround, Concert, Hall, Live. Rock Arena, Jazz Club, Mono quartz -synthesis tuner. Gold-plated inputs for phono
and subwoofer; THX certification for 5.1 -channel Dol- Movie, and 5 -Ch Stereo modes. 75 W x 5 (front. cen- and CD; 16 AM/FM presets: remote control . .$620

by Digital and 4 -channel Pro Logic surround; discrete ter, surround) from 20 Hz -20 kHz witn 0.05% THD in-
amplifier -output stage; text -capable RDS tuner. Per- to 8 ohms. 6 -channel analog input for external Dolby CR9065RC 80-W/ch Receiver
sonal Memory Plus; icon -based on -screen display: Digital (or other) surround decoder: 7 analog inputs; 2 cnannels. 80 W x 2 with 0.02% THD into 8 ohms.
learning remote control $2,800 tuner input; 4 composite -video inputs; 4 S -video in- Digital quartz -synthesis tuner; motor -driven volume
puts; 3 analog outputs: 3 composite video outputs; 3 control. Matrix surround; 4 -character station naming;
AVR-3600 550-W Dolby Digital Receiver S -video outputs; 2 switched -AC outlets. Digital Dy- 40 AM/FM presets; remote control $480
5 channels. Dolby Digital and Dolby Pro Logic namic Discrete Surround Circuit (DDSC): discrete
modes. 110 W x 5 (front, center, surround) from 20 amplifier -output stage; Cinema EQ; personal memo-
Hz -20 kHz with 0.05% THD into 8 ohms. 2 digital in- ry plus. Icon -based on -screen display; learning re- FISHER
puts; AC -3 RF input; 10 inputs and 5 outputs for au- mote. Amp: S/N 96 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 38.5 RS -929 460-W AN Receiver
dio; 5 composite -video inputs and 4 outputs; 5 S -vid- dB; cap ratio 1.5 dB; S/N 75 dB stereo; THD 0.3%. 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 115 W x 3 (front, center)
eo inputs and 3 outputs; line -level outputs for front, Black. 17% x 61/2 x 161/2 in; 29 lb $699 + 57.5 x 2 (surround) rms at 1 kHz with 0.9% THD in-
center, surround, and subwoofer. Discrete amplifier - AVR-1400. As above, 65 W x 5. Without S -video, to 3 ohms or 120 x 2 rms from 40 Hz -20 kHz with
output stage: Dynamic Discrete Surround Circuit icon -based display. and Cinema EQ. Amp: S/N 92 0.9% THD into 8 ohms. 4 audio and 2 video inputs;
(DDSC). Personal Memory Plus; icon -based on- dB; 23 lb. 17'/ x 61/2 x 161/2 in $549 headphone jack. Quartz-PLL tuning. Sleep timer; 30


AM/FM presets: rotary tone controls; AN remote. sep 45 dB at 10 kHz. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 40 dBf; trol. 5 EQ presets and 1 user -adjustable setting;
161/2 x 6% x 13% in: 26 lb $290 AM Rej 55 dB; cap ratio 2.0 dB; adj-ch sel 5 dB; alt-ch center -channel tone control; 40 AM/FM presets;
sel 65 dB; S/N 65 dB stereo; THD 0.5%. Black. 173/e x loudness switch; balance control; multicolor on-
RS -909 260-W A V Receiver 61/2x 15 in; 29 lb $1,199 screen display; sleep timer; multibrand AN remote
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 65 W x 3 (front, center)
control with cable -box control; AN CompuLink con-
+ 32.5 x 2 (surround) rms at 1 kHz with 0.9% THD in- AVR-40 215-W AN Receiver trol system
to 8 ohms or 80 W x 2 rms from 40 Hz -20 kHz with $550
5 channels. Dolby Pro logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, Hall, and
0.9% THD into 8 ohms. 4 audio and 2 video inputs; Wrap modes. 55 x 2 (front) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with RX-772VBK 440-W AN Receiver
headphone jack. Quartz-PLL tuning; motor -driven 0.2% THD into 8 ohms + 55 x 1 (center) at 1 kHz with 4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, and
volume control. Sleep timer; 30 AM/FM presets; uni- 0.3% THD into 8 ohms + 25 x 2 (surround) at 1 kHz Hall modes. 110 W x 3 (front, center) + 110 a 1 (sur-
versal AN remote control; rotary tone controls. 161/2 x with 0.7% THD into 4 ohms or 65 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 round) at 1 kHz with 0.8% THD or 110 a 2 from 20
6% x 133/4 in; 261b $220 kHz with 0.09% THD into 8 ohms. 5 audio inputs; 3 Hz -20 kHz with 0.8% THD, all into 8 ohms. 4 audio
AN inputs; front -panel AN input; 2 main inputs; 5 and 2 AN inputs; line -level subwoofer output; head-
RS -920 240-W A/V Receiver line -level outputs; subwoofer output; 2 switched AC phone jack. Discrete amplifier -output stage. Adjust-
3 channels. Dolby Surround. 80 W x 3 or 80 x 2, all outlets. High -current amp design amplifier. 30 AM/ able digital delay; 40 AM/FM presets; center -channel
rms into 8 ohms from 40 Hz -20 kHz with 0.9% THD. 4 FM presets; memory for surround modes; system re- tone control; loudness switch; 5 EQ presets and 1
audio and 2 video inputs; subwoofer output; head- mote control. Amp: S/N 92 dBA; ch sep 45 dB at 1 user -adjustable setting; multibrand AN remote con-
phone jack. 30 AM/FM presets. FM: THD 0.09%. kHz. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 40.3 dBf; AM Rej 55 trol; enhanced CompuLink control system; multicolor
161/2x 6 x 15 in; 201b $200 dB; cap ratio 2.0 dB; adj-ch sel 5 dB; alt-ch sel 65 dB; on -screen display $430
S/N 65 dB stereo; THD 0.5%. Black. 17% x 6% x 14%
in; 27 lb $479 RX-662VBK 440-W AN Receiver
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, and
Model 3250 40-W/ch Receiver Hall modes. 110 W x 3 (front, center) + 110 x 1 (sur-
2 channels. 40 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 65 x 2 into 4 round) at 1 kHz with 0.8% THD or 100 x 2 from 40
ohms, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.09% THD. 4 au- Hz -20 kHz with 0.8% THD, all into 8 ohms. 4 audio
dio inputs with tape monitor; 2 video inputs; 2 line- inputs including dedicated TV sound input; 2 AN
level outputs; system remote control jacks; outputs inputs; headphone jack. Discrete amplifier -output
for 2 speaker pairs; 1 switched AC outlet. High -cur- stage. Computer -controlled digital -synthesis tuner;
rent amp design. 30 tuner presets; system remote motor -driven volume control. Adjustable digital delay;
control. Amp: S/N 92 dB; ch sep 50 dB at 1 kHz. FM: 40 AM/FM presets: center -channel tone control; loud-
AM Rej 55 dB; cap ratio 2.0 dB; adj-ch sel 5 dB; alt-ch ness switch; multibrand AN remote; enhanced Com-
sel 65 dB; S/N 65 dB stereo; THD 0.5%. Black. 17% x puLink control system $330
4%x 15 in; 181b $319 RX-552VBK. As above, 50 W x 4 or 80 x 2. 5 audio
inputs without TV sound input; includes unified AN
remote $230
Kenwood 1090VR Dolby Digital receiver JVC
RX-992VBK 480-W AN Receiver RX-318BK 110-W/ch Receiver
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, Stadi- 2 channels. 110 W x 2. 5 audio inputs; A/B speaker
HARMAN KARDON um, Dance Club, Live Club, and Pavilion modes. 120 outputs; headphone jack. Discrete amplifier -output
AVR-85 425-W Dolby Digital Receiver W x 3 + 60 x 2 all at 1 kHz with 0.8% THD or 120 x 2 stage. Computer -controlled digital -synthesis tuner;
5 channels. Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.02% THD, all into 8 ohms. motor -driven volume control. 4 -speaker surround
Stereo, Matrix, Movie, and Hall modes. 85 W x 3 6 -channel analog input for external Dolby Digital (or mode; 40 AM/FM presets; loudness switch; tape -
(front, center) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.07% THD + other) surround decoder; 3 audio inputs; 5 AN in- monitor loop; AN remote control; enhanced Corn-
85 x 2 (surround) from 40 Hz -20 kHz, all into 8 puts; subwoofer output; 2 S -video inputs; banana - puLink control system
ohms. 4 audio inputs; 5 AN inputs; front -panel AN $200
plug -compatible terminals for 2 speaker pairs; gold
input; AC -3 RF, coaxial, and optical digital inputs; 3 plating for all connectors. Digital -domain Pro Logic
S -video input/outputs; 5 line -level outputs; adjust- processing; Advanced Super -A amp circuit; 5 EQ KENWOOD
able subwoofer output; multiroom outputs; 1 switched presets and 1 user -adjustable setting; discrete ampli- Model 1090VR 750-W Dolby Digital Receiver
A/C outlet. High -current amp design with low -imped- fier -output stage. Multicolor on -screen display with 5 channels. Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic, Arena,
ance capability. Learning remote control; multiroom- superimpose feature; programmable NV remote with Jazz Club, Stadium, Church, and Theater modes.
multisource control; on -screen menu displays; com- CD megachanger control; one -touch operation; sound 150 W x 5 (front, center, surround) at 1 kHz with
posite and S -video switching; line -level outputs for settings automatically stored in memory and grouped 0.7% THD or 150 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.03%
all channels. Amp: S/N 95 dBA; ch sep 58 dB at 1 by source; AN CompuLink compatible; 40 AM/FM THD, all into 6 ohms. 4 audio inputs; front -panel AN
kHz. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 13.5 dBf; AM Rej 55 presets; loudness switch; sleep timer; 5 EQ presets input; 4 video inputs; 1 optical and 2 coaxial digital
dB; cap ratio 2.0 dB; adj-ch sel 5 dB; alt-ch sel 65 and one manual setting. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens inputs; video -monitor output; 2 video outputs; all
dB; S/N 68 dB stereo; THD 0.5%. Black. 17% x x 38.3 dBf; cap ratio 1.5 dB; S/N 73 dB stereo; THD video inputs/outputs composite- and S -video; 6 line -
18 in; 33 lb $1,699 0.15%. Black. 17% x 6% x 16'h in; 30 lb $670 level audio outputs; 12-V relay control output. Digi-
tal -domain Pro Logic processing; discrete amplifier -
AVR-75 350-W Dolby Digital Receiver RX8SD 280-W A/V Receiver output stage; cooling fan; instant power -on circuitry;
5 channels. Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, Dance 5.1 -channel independent level control; switchable
Stereo, Matrix, and Movie modes. 70 W a 5 from 20 Club. Headphone, Live Club, Hall, Pavilion, and 2 100 -Hz high-pass filters for all speaker channels;
Hz -20 kHz with 0.05% THD into 8 ohms. 4 audio in- Theater modes. 80 W x 3 (front, center) + 20 x 2 (sur- 100 -Hz low-pass filter for subwoofer output. Dual-
puts; 5 AN inputs; 3 S -video input/outputs; front - round) at 1 kHz with 0.7% THD into 4 ohms or 85 x 2 room/dual-source operation; dual -room graphical
panel A/V input; 5 line -level outputs; 3 S -video out- from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.007% THD into 4 ohms. 5 on -screen display; preprogrammed remote with
puts; subwoofer-output; AC -3 RF, coaxial, and opti- audio inputs; 3 video inputs; front -panel AN input; back -lit display whose codes can be upgraded via
cal digital inputs; 1 switched AC outlet. High -current line -level subwoofer and surround outputs; head- toll -tree 800 number; text -capable RDS tuner; 3 -
amp design with low -impedance capability. Learning phone jack. Digital -domain Dolby Pro Logic process- memory play presets; switchable speaker output;
remote; on -screen menu displays; composite/S-vid- ing; discrete amplifier -output stage with Advanced pink -noise generator for Dolby Digital and Dolby Pro
eo switching. Amp: S/N 95 dBA; ch sep 58 dB at 1 Super -A circuitry. 25 EQ presets; 40 AM/FM presets Logic speaker balancing; subwoofer-level adjust-
kHz. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 13.5 dBf; AM Rej 55 with name memory; jog dial for source selection and ment; remote -control range extender. Amp: S/N 96
dB; cap ratio 2.0 dB; adj-ch sel 5 dB; alt-ch sel 65 tuner; 4 -character station naming; spectrum peak in- dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 31.6 dBf; cap ratio 1.8
dB; S/N 68 dB stereo; THD 0.5%. Black. 17% x 6% x dicator; AN remote control; AN CompuLink control dB; S/N 68 dB stereo; THD 0.5%. Black .. . .$1,200
18 in; 31 lb $1,499 system; center -channel tone control $550 1080VR. As above, 120 W x 3 + 60 x 2 or 120 x 2 into
8 ohms. Two digital inputs (1 coaxial, 1 optical); 3 vid-
AVR-55 275-W Dolby Digital Receiver RX-882VBK 480-W A/V Receiver eo inputs; 4 line -level outputs. No dual -room capabil-
5 channels. Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro logic, Dolby 3 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, Hall, ity or S -video connections. Slate $700
Stereo, Stadium, Theater, Hall, and Church modes. Dance Club, Live, Club, and Pavilion modes. 120 W DEM-999. RF demodulator. Allows Dolby Digital -ca-
55 W x 5 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.2% THD or 65 x 2 x 3 (front, center) + 60 x 2 (surround) at 1 kHz with pable laserdisc players to be used with above receiv-
from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.09% THD, all into 8 ohms. 0.8% THD ohms or 120 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with ers. Coaxial-RF input; coaxial -digital output. Power -
5 audio inputs; 4 video inputs; AC -3 RF, coaxial, and 0.02% THD, all into 8 ohms. 6 -channel analog input on and signal -lock indicators. Includes 12-V power
optical digital inputs; 2 audio outputs; 5 line -level out- for external Dolby Digital (or other) surround de- supply $150
puts; 4 video outputs; subwoofer output: front -panel coder; 3 audio inputs; 5 A/V inputs; front -panel A/V
AN input; 2 switched AC outlets. High -current amp input; subwoofer output; headphone jack. Digital -do- KR -X1000 550-W THX Receiver
design with low -impedance capability. Sleep timer; main Pro -Logic processing; discrete amplifier -output 5 channels. THX Home Cinema and Dolby Pro Log-
30 preset AM/FM tuner; system remote control; stage with Dynamic Super -A circuitry; computer - ic modes. 130 x 3 (front, center) + 80 x 2 (surround)
memory for surround modes. Amp: S/N 95 dB; ch controlled digital -synthesis tuner; rotary volume con- or 125 x 2, all rms into 8 ohms. 5 audio inputs in -


cluding phono; 5 video inputs; 2 video -record out- Model 103AR 50-W/ch Receiver
puts; 1 video -monitor output with composite- and 2 channels. 50 W x 2 from 30 Hz -20 kHz with 0.09%
S -video connectors; 2 switched AC outlets. Digital - THD into 8 ohms. 4 audio inputs; Kenwood system
domain Pro Logic processing; discrete amplifier - control jacks. Multifunction remote control $150
output stage; 2 -speed cooling fan; AM/FM quartz -
synthesis digital tuner; rotary volume control. Cali-
brated narrow -band test -tone generator with 6 LUXMAN
level controls: presence -effect control; switchable RV -371 315-W AN Receiver
connection between preamp outputs and power - 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Stadium, Simulated -
amp inputs; on -screen displays; universal prepro- Stereo, and 2 Hall modes. 75 W x 2 (front) + 55 x 3
grammed remote control $800 (center, surround). 12 audio inputs; switchable pho-
no/line-level input; S -video terminals; composite -vid-
Model 1070VR 480-W AN Receiver eo on -screen -display output; front -panel AN input: Marantz SR -880 Dolby Digital receiver
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Arena, Jazz Club, and system bus connection; A/B front -speaker outputs. 5
Stadium modes. 120 W x 3 (front, center) + 60 x 2 discrete amplifiers. Multiroom capability; variable sur-
(surround) at 1 kHz with 0.7% THD or 120 x 2 from 20 round -channel time delay; AN record selector; FM 0.05% THD into 8 ohms. 6 -channel analog input for
Hz -20 kHz with 0.06% THD, all into 8 ohms. 6 -chan- tuning in 25 -kHz steps; 20 AM/FM presets; defeat - external Dolby Digital decoder; 4 audio inputs; 5 vid-
nel analog input for external Dolby Digital (or other) able bass and treble controls; loudness switch; A/B eo inputs; front -panel A/V input; composite- and 5 -
surround processor; front -panel AN input; 3 audio in- speaker selector; sleep timer; on -screen displays; re- video switching; line -level multiroom outputs. Alpha -
puts; 3 video inputs; video monitor output; 4 line -level mote control $1,749 text on -screen display: TV/DBS inputs features au-
outputs; video record output. K-Stat circuitry; digital - to power -on function; 30 AM/FM presets: RC -2000
domain Pro Logic processing; discrete amplifier -out- RV -357 300-W A/V Receiver intelligent -learning remote with LCD readout. Amp:
put stage; 5.1 -channel independent level control; 5 channels Dolby Pro Logic, Studio, and Hall modes. S/N 105 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 13.5 dBf: cap
switchable 100 -Hz high-pass filters for all speaker 80 W x 3 (front, center) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with ratic 1 dB: alt-ch sel 65 dB: S/N 68 dB stereo; THD
channels: 100 -Hz low-pass filter for subwoofer out- 0.08% THD + 30 x 2 (surround) at 1 kHz with 0.5% 0.5% stereo. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty 171/4 x
THD or 85 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.08% THD, all 61/4 x 18 in: 331b $1,100
put. Pink -noise generator for surround -mode speak-
er balancing; subwoofer level adjustment; adaptor rms into 8 ohms. Screw -type speaker terminals. Ad-
loop. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 41.2 dBf; cap ratio 1.8 justable delay time setting; auto tuning; adjustable SR -770 300-W A/V Receiver
dB; S/N 68 dB stereo; THD 0.5%. Slate $500 surround -channel delay: multifunction remote con- 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and DSP modes. 80 W
trol. Amp: FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±0.1 dB dB phono, 10 x 3 ifront, center) + 30 x 2 (surround), all from 20 Hz -
Model 1060VR 440-W AN Receiver Hz -50 kHz ±3 dB line; S/N 74 dB phono, 92 dB line. 20 4Hz with 0.05% THD into 8 ohms or 105 x 3
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Arena, Jazz Club, and FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 25 dBf stereo; S/N 75 dB (front, center) + 50 x 2 (surround) with 0.09% THD
Stadium modes. 110 W x 3 (front, center) + 110 x 1 stereo; THD 0.15% stereo. Black. 3-yr warranty 61/2 x into 4 ohms. 6 -channel analog input for external Dol-
(surround) at 1 kHz with 0.7% THD or 110 x 2 from 20 19 x 131/2 in; 20Ib $798 by Digital decoder; 4 audio inputs; 5 video inputs;
Hz -20 kHz with 0.06% THD, into 8 ohms. 3 video in- banana -plug -compatible speaker terminals. Alpha -
puts; 3 audio inputs; front -panel A/V input; 4 line -level text on -screen display; front -panel display; TV/DBS
outputs; video -monitor output; video record output. MARANTZ input features auto power -on function; preamp multi -
Digital -domain Pro Logic processing; discrete amplifi- SR -96 510-W THX Receiver room outputs; 30 AM/FM presets; learning remote
er -output stage; 4.1 -channel independent level con- 5 channels. THX Home Cinema, Dolby Pro Logic. with LCD readout. Amp: S/N 105 dB. FM: cap ratio 1
trol; switchable 100 -Hz high-pass filters for all speak- Dolby 3 Stereo, Hall, and Matrix modes. 110 W x 3 dB; alt-ch sel 65 dB: S/N 68 dB stereo: THD 0.5%
(front, center) + 90 x 2 (surround); all from 20 Hz -20 stereo. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 171/4 x x 18
er channels; 100 -Hz low-pass filter for subwoofer out-
put. Pink -noise generator for surround -mode speaker kHz with 0.05% THD into 8 ohms. 6 -channel analog in; 30 lb $700
balancing: pre-programmed remote. Amp: S/N 95 dB. input for external Dolby Digital decoder; 4 audio in-
FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 41.2 dBf; cap ratio 1.8 dB; puts: 5 video inputs; front -panel A/V input; 5 line -level CR2020 Slim Series 30-W/ch Receiver/CD Player
S/N 68 dB stereo; THD 0.5%. Slate $400 outputs and main -input jacks; preamp multiroom-au- 2 channels. 30 W x 2 with 0.09% THD into 8 ohms.
dio outputs; banana -plug -compatible speaker termi- Headphone jack. 30 AM/FM presets with auto pre-
Model 107VR 480-W AN Receiver nals. Dolby Pro Logic processing in digital domain. set memory/scan and station naming. CD player
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Arena, Jazz Club, and Alpha -text on -screen display; 68 -key -learning re- section featuring Philips CDM-12.1 holographic laser
Stadium modes. 120 W x 3 (front, center) + 120 x 1 mote control; dual record output selectors; 30 AM/FM transport with digital servo control; Bitstream D/A
(surround) at 1 kHz with 0.8% THD or 120 x 2 from presets; composite- and S -video switching; RC -2000 conversion; 12/24 -hr clock/timer function; program,
40 -Hz -20 kHz with 0.08% THD, all into 8 ohms. 3 intelligent learning remote with LCD readout. Amp: random, and repeat play modes. System remote
video inputs; front -panel AN inputs; 3 audio inputs; FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 105 dB. FM: cap ratio 1 dB; cortrol. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 17% x 4 x 12
video -monitor output; subwoofer output. Variable aft-ch sel 65 dB: S/N 68 dB stereo; THD 0.5% stereo. in; 151b $600
SRS 3-D sound; digital delay; 100 -Hz low-pass filter 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 171/4 x 61/4 x 161/2 in;
for subwoofer output. Multifunction remote control 321b $1,600 SR 670 265-W AN Receiver
with subwoofer-level adjustment. FM: 50 -dB quieting 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Theater, and Hall modes.
sens 41.2 dBf: cap ratio 1.8 dB; S/N 68 dB stereo; SR -880 450-W Dolby Digital Receiver 75 W x 3 (front, center) + 20 x 2 (surround) or 100 x
THD 0.6%. Slate $300 5 channels. Dolby Digital and Dolby Pro Logic via dual 2, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.08% THD into 8
digital-DSP decoders. 110 W x 3 (front, center) + 60 x ohms. Audio and video inputs; phono input and tape
Model 106VR 440-W A/V Receiver 2 (surround), all into 8 ohms. 2 digital inputs (coaxial monitor; front -panel A/V inputs: banana -plug -com-
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 110 W x 3 (front, center) and optical); 1 AC -3 RF input (with built-in RF demod- patible speaker terminals; Simulsource function mix-
+ 110 x 1 (surround) at 1 kHz with 0.8% THD or 110 x ulator): S -video inputs and monitor output. On -screen es video and audio input signals. Dolby Pro Logic
2 from 40 Hz -20 kHz with 0.8% THD, all into 8 ohms. display; RC2000 intelligent -learning remote control decoding in digital domain. 30 AM/FM presets; 49 -
2 video inputs; 3 audio inputs; 1 video output; line - with LCD readout; 30 -preset AM/FM tuner with auto key RC -5 system remote. Amp: S/N 102 dB. FM: cap
level subwoofer output; video -monitor output; Ken - preset memory/scan and station naming; dual -zone ratio 1 dB; alt-ch sel 55 dB; S/N 73 dB stereo; THD
wood system remote control jacks. Variable SRS 3-D multiroom capability with fixed or variable -level pre - 0.5% stereo. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 171/4 x
sound: digital delay: 100 -Hz low-pass filter for sub - amp outputs for second zone. 3-yr parts -and -labor 51/2 x 15 in; 29 lb $580
woofer output. Multifunction remote control. FM: 50 - warranty. 17% x 61/4 x 12 in: 28 lb $1,500
dB quieting sens 41.2 dBf; cap ratio 1.8 dB; S/N 68 SR -63 70-W/ch Receiver
dB stereo: THD 0.6%. Slate $250 SR -780 460-W Dolby Digital Receiver 2 channels. 70 W x 2 rms from 20 Hz -20 kHz with
5 channels. Dolby Digital and Dolby Pro Logic via dual 0.5% THD into 8 ohms or 170 x 2 into 2 ohms. Phono
Model 105VR 200-W AN Receiver digital-DSP decoders. 100 W x 3 (front, center) + 80 x input; RC -5 system remote -control jacks; AC outlets.
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 50 W x 3 (front, center) 2 (surround), all into 8 ohms. 2 digital inputs (coaxial Discrete power -output transistors; motor -driven vol-
+ 50 x 1 (surround) at 1 kHz with 0.8% THD or 50 x 2 and optical); 1 AC -3 RF input (with built-in RF demod- ume control. Video switching; 30 AM/FM presets
from 40 Hz -20 kHz with 0.8% THD, all into 8 ohms. 3 ulator); 6 -channel preamp outputs. S -video on -screen with battery -free memory backup; bass, treble. and
audio inputs; Kenwood system-contol jacks. Variable display: night mode: Lucasfilm ReEQ cinema sound- bass -E0 controls; system remote control. Amp: S/N
SRS 3-D sound. Multifuction remote control. FM: 50 - track equalizer; 30 -preset AM/FM tuner with auto pre- 80 dB phono, 90 dB line; ch sep 45 dB. FM: cap ratio
dB quieting sens 41.2 dBf; cap ratio 1.8 dB; S/N 68 set memory/scan and station naming; dual -zone mul- 1 cB; alt-ch sel 65 dB; S/N 75 dB stereo; THD 0.5%
dB stereo; THD 0.6%. Slate $200 tiroom capability with fixed or variable -level preamp stereo. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 161/2 x 51/2 x
outputs for second zone. 3-yr parts -and -labor warran- 14% in $400
Model 104AR 100-W/ch Receiver ty. 17% x 61/4 x 12 in; 281b $1,200
2 channels. 100 W x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.09% SR -680. As above, 80 W x 3 + 60 x 2.24 lb $1,000 SR -66 200-W AN Receiver
THD into 8 ohms. 6 audio inputs. SRS 3-D sound. 40 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, and
AM/FM presets; direct -access tuning; multifunction SR -870 480-W AN Receiver Hall modes. 50 W x 3 (front, center) + 25 x 2 (sur-
remote control. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 41.2 dBf 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 110 W x 3 (front, cen- round) or 75 x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz with
S/N 68 dB stereo; THD 0.6%. Slate $180 ter) + 75 x 2 (surround), all from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.09% THD. 5 audio and 2 video inputs. Digital delay.


Video switching; 30 AM/FM presets; system remote phono inputs; 2 tape inputs; 2 video inputs; 1 video acoustic analyzer/mic. 90 W x 3 (front, center) + 50 x
control. Amp: S/N 80 dB phono, 90 dB line; ch sep 45 output. Discrete amplifier -output stage; controlled 2 (surround) or 120 x 2. 4 A/V inputs: 1 optical digital
dB. FM: cap ratio 1 dB; alt-ch sel 65 dB; S/N 75 dB Dynamic Range; Extended Dynamic Power circuit for input: preprogrammed remote control $1,500
stereo; THD 0.5% stereo. 3-yr parts -and -labor war- low -impedance drive capability. Controlled Dynamic
ranty. 161/4 x 51/4 x 141/4 in $350 Range (CDR) switch for late -night listening; video TX-SV828 370-W THX Receiver
switching; full system remote; NAD Link; 30 AM/FM 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and 7 surround modes.
presets. Amp: FR 20 Hz -30 kHz +0, -1 dB; S/N 100 90 W x 3 (front, center) + 50 x 2 (surround) or 100 x 2,
dB. 171/4 x 5% x 13 in $599 all into 8 ohms. 4 S -video inputs; line -level outputs/
main inputs for all channels; mono subwoofer output;
Model AV 711 140-W A/V Receiver front -panel A/V input. Bypassable subwoofer cross-
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and Hall modes. 40 W x over: auto input balance: cooling fan; Motorola 24 -bit
3 (front, center) + 20 x 1 (surround) or 40 x 2, all into 8 DSP chip; multiroom capability. Adjustable digital dis-
ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.08% THD. 4 audio in- play: 30 AM/FM presets with battery -free backup; 3
puts including 2 tape inpuVoutputs; 2 video inputs. AM/FM preset groups with scan: direct station ac-
Discrete amplifier -output stage. Controlled Dynamic cess; FM mute; sleep timer; on screen display; On-
Range (CDR) switch for late -night listening; video kyo RI System compatible: programmable remote
Mitsubishi M- VR600 Dolby Digital receiver switching; full system remote control; NAD Link; 30 control. Amp: FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD 0.03%. 171/4 x 7
AM/FM presets. Amp: FR 5 Hz -50 kHz: S/N 100 dB. x 171/4 in; 33 lb $1,000
171/4 x 5% x 117: in; 20 lb $499
MITSUBISHI TX-SV636 315-W A/V Receiver
M-VR1000 420-W Dolby Digital Receiver Model 712 25-W/ch Receiver 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and 5 surround modes.
5 channels. Dolby Digital. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 2 channels. 25 W x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.03% 85 W x 3 (front, center) from 20 Hz -30 kHz with 0.8%
Stereo, Hall, Stadium, Phantom, and Wide modes. THD into 8 ohms. 6 audio inputs including 2 tape THD + 30 x 2 (surround) with 0.03% THD or 100 x 2
100 W x 3 (front, center) + 60 x 2 (surround) at 1 kHz loops; line -level inputs/outputs. Extended Dynamic from 20 Hz -30 kHz with 0.08% THD, all into 8 ohms.
with 0.5% THD or 125 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with Power and Soft Clipping circuitry. Full system re- 4 audio inputs and outputs; 4 video inputs and out-
0.09% THD, all into 6 ohms. 4 S-video/composite- mote; NAD Link; 24 AM/FM presets. Amp: S/N 116 puts. Motorola 24 -bit DSP chip; discrete amplifier -
video inputs; 4 audio inputs; 2 S-video/composite- dB. 171/0 x 3% x 101/4 in; 13 lb $399 output stage. On -screen menu; Intelligent Power
video loops; 2 audio loops; S-video/composite-video Management (IPM) audio/video trigger for linking
monitor output: 1 optical and 2 coaxial digital inputs; Model 710 20-W/ch Receiver system turn-on/off to TV power: Onkyo RI System
5 line -level outputs; subwoofer output; record output; 2 channels. 20 W x 2 continuous into 8 ohms or 80 x compatible; multiroom/multisource capable. FM: 50 -
headphone jack; binding -post speaker terminals; 2 2 into 2 ohms. Super Simple circuit design for in- dB quieting sens 38.2 dBf; S/N 70 dB stereo; THD
switched/unswitched outlets. Discrete output transis- creased efficiency; mosFEr-bipolar output stage. 24 0.25%. Brushed aluminum front panel. 18 x 6% x
tors; motor -driven volume control; S -video switching; AM/FM presets; high-speed search tuning. Amp: S/N 15% in; 29 lb $799
auto -standby mode. On -screen menu system; multi - 74 dB $299
brand remote with center- and surround -level con- TX-SV535 245-W A/V Receiver
trols; 30 AM/FM presets with scan. Amp: S/N 100 dB. 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and 4 surround modes.
FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 37.2 dBf; cap ratio 1.5 dB; NAKAMICHI 65 W x 3 (front, center) + 25 x 2 (surround) or 80 x 2,
alt-ch sel 55 dB; S/N 70 dB stereo; THD 0.2%. Black AV -1s 400-W A/V Receiver all rms into 8 ohms. 7 audio and 3 video inputs; line -
diamond gray. 171/4 x 51/4 x 15 in; 20 lb $1,999 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Hall, and Stadium level output for all channels; 5 -way binding posts:
M-VR800. As above, 70 W x 5 or 85 x 2 $1,199 modes. 100 W x 3 (front, center) + 50 W x 2 (sur- headphone jack. Motorola 24 -bit DSP chip; Pro Logic
round). 6 -channel analog input for external Dolby processing in digital domain. multiroom/multisource
M-VR600 255-W A/V Receiver Digital (or other) surround processor; 4 audio and capable; adjustable digital delay: 30 AM/FM presets
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Wide, Phantom, Dolby 4 video inputs: subwoofer output. Harmonic Time with three memory groups: FM mute: sleep timer:
3 Stereo, and Hall modes. 65 W x 3 (front, center) in- Alignment amplifier topology; discrete amplification. Onkyo RI System compatible. Amp: FR 20 Hz to
to 6 ohms + 30 x 2 (surround) into 4 ohms or 70 x 2 Learning remote control. Black -brushed aluminum. 20 kHz: THD 0.08% at rated power. 18 x 61/4 x 15% in;
into 6 ohms. 4 audio inputs; 4 S-video/composite-vid- 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 17 x 6 x 12 in . .$850 30 lb $599
eo inputs; front -panel AN input; 2 tape loops: 2 S -
video outputs; mono subwoofer output; headphone AV -2s 320-W AN Receiver TX-SV434 205-W A/V Receiver
jack; 1 switched, 1 unswitched AC outlet. Discrete 4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Hall. and Stadium 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 55 W x 3 (front, center)
output transistors; auto standby circuit; motor -driven modes. 80 W x 4. 4 audio and 3 video inputs: sub - + 20 x 2 (surround) or 65 x 2, all rms into 8 ohms. 6
volume control. 30 AM/FM presets; mute switch; pre- woofer output. Harmonic Time Alignment amplifier audio and 2 video inputs; line -level subwoofer output;
programmed universal remote with center -channel topology; discrete amplification. Unified remote con- line -level outputs for all channels. Adjustable digital
and surround level controls. Amp: THD 0.09%. 171/4 x trol. Black -brushed aluminum. 3-yr parts -and -labor delay; 30 AM/FM presets with battery -free backup
51/4 x 15 in $599 warranty. 17 x 6 x 12 in $650 and three memory groups; direct station access; re-
AV -3s. As above, 55 W x 4. 2 video inputs and no cord -out selector; sleep timer; Onkyo RI System re-
M-VR400 190-W A/V Receiver subwoofer output $500 mote control $430
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Wide, Phantom, Dolby
3 Stereo, and Hall modes. 50 W x 3 (front, center) in- TX-SV444 220-W A/V Receiver
to 6 ohms + 20 x 2 (surround) into 4 ohms or 55 x 2 ONKYO 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Hall, and Live modes.
into 6 ohms. 4 audio inputs; 2 tape loops; 1 VCR The following receivers all feature a motor -driven vol- 60 W x 3 (front, center) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with
loop; 2 composite -video inputs. 30 AM/FM presets: ume control. 0.08% THD + 20 x 2 (surround) with 0.08% THD or
motor -driven volume control; remote with mute and 70 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.03% THD, all into 8
center/surround-level controls. Amp: THD 0.09% at Integra TX-DS939 500-W THX ohms. 6 -channel analog input for external Dolby Dig-
rated power. 171/4 x 51/4 x 15 in $449 Dolby Digital Receiver ital (or other) processor. 4 audio inputs; 2 video in-
5 channels. Dolby Digital, THX Home Cinema, Dolby puts; 2 switched AC outlets; 2 audio outputs; video
Pro Logic, and 11 adjustable surround modes. 100 output. 24 -bit Motorola DSP chip: discrete amplifier -
NAD W x 5 or 120 x 2, all into 8 ohms. 4 audio and 7 A/V output stage; Lucasfilm Cinema ReE0 circuit. On-
Model AV 716 205-W AN Receiver inputs (S -video and composite video); AC -3 RE kyo RI System compatible; 3-D Bass control. Amp:
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and Hall modes. 55 W x coaxial, and 2 optical digital inputs; front -panel A/V S/N 100 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 32.2 dBf; AM
3 (front, center) + 20 x 2 (surround) or 80 x 2 both in- input/output; 2 video -monitor jacks; line -level out- Rej 40 dB: alt-ch sel 55 dB: S/N 67 dB stereo; THD
to 8 ohms, or 115 x 2 into 4 ohms. 4 audio inputs in- puts for all channels; 3 switched AC outlets. Discrete 0.25%. Solid aluminum front panel. 171/4 x 4% x 12%
cluding phono; 3 video inputs; 2 video outputs. Dis- amplifier -output stage; Motorola 24 -bit DSP chip. in; 22 lb $429
crete amplifier -output stage. Multiroom source con- Automatic cooling fan; Intelligent Power Manage-
trol; groups; adjustable delay time; pink -noise gener- ment (IPM) audio/video trigger for linking system TX -8511 100-W/ch Receiver
ator; record -out selector; direct station access; 40 turn-on/off to TV power. Acoustic program presets 2 channels. 100 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms. 4 audio and
AM/FM presets with 6 groups; nonvolatile memory for surround parameters (hall size and shape, effect 2 video inputs. A/V switching: 30 AM/FM presets
for surround -mode settings; display of relative vol- level, and reverb time and level); Lucasfilm's Cinema with battery -free backup and 3 memory groups: di-
ume settings; remote control. Amp: FR 20 Hz -30 ReEQ circuit; Midnight Theater mode for low-level rect station access; FM mute switch; selective tone
kHz ±1 dB; THD 0.08% at rated power; S/N 80 dB listening; on -screen display; auto acoustic analyzer control; sleep timer; Onkyo RI System remote con-
phono, 100 dB line. FM: S/N 67 dB stereo; THD with mic; 3 language on -screen display; mid -bass trol included $350
0.25% stereo $749 control; drop -down control panel with light; direct ac-
cess tuning; 40 AM/FM presets with four memory TX -8211 50-W/ch Receiver
Model AV 713 195-W A/V Receiver groups: auto AM/FM scan tuning; 8 -character sta- 2 channels. 50 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms. 4 audio inputs.
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and Hall modes. 55 W x tion naming; learning remote control with sleep timer 30 AM/FM presets with battery -free backup and 3
3 (front, center) + 30 x 1 (surround) or 60 x 2, all from function $2,800 memory groups; direct station access; FM mute; se-
20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.08% THD into 8 ohms. CD and Integra TX-DS838. As above, without THX and auto lective tone control: sleep timer: Onkyo RI System re -


mote control. Amp: THD 0.08% at rated power. 171/4 x x 3 (front, center) + 110 x 1 (surround) at 1 kHz with RV3695. As above without 6 -channel decoder input.
51/4 x 125/4 in: 18 lb $250 0.8% THD into 8 ohms or 110 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz DSS input, and on -screen display $399
with 0.09% THD into 8 ohms. 4 audio and 2 video in-
puts; center -channel and subwoofer line -level out-
OPTIMUS BY RADIO SHACK puts. Discrete amplifier -output stage; motor -driven ROTEL
STAV-3560 240-W A/V Receiver volume control. 30 AM/FM presets; bass enhancer; RX-950AX 50-W/ch Receiver
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 60 W x 3 (front, center) jog dial; remote control. 16% x 61/4 x 11% in $350 2 channels. 50 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms. 4 inputs in-
+ 60 x 1 (surround) or 60 x 2 rms into 8 ohms from 40 VSX-406. As VSX-466S but without Arena mode. 80 cluding phono; pre-out/main-in loops; main/remote
Hz -20 kHz with 0.9% THD. 5 audio and 2 video in- W x 3 (front, center) + 80 x 1 (surround). 16% x 51/2 x speaker terminals; processor loop; 2 video inputs;
puts. Digital tuning. Super bass switch; 30 memory 121/4 in $320 video -dubbing: 2 switched AC outlets; headphone
presets: system remote control $230 jack Motor -driven volume control; 16 AM/FM pre-
VSX-305 240-W A/V Receiver sets' tone defeat; remote control. Amp: FR 20 Hz -
STA-3500 100-W/ch Receiver 4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, Studio, 20 kHz -1 dB; S/N 100 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens
2 channels. 100 W x 2 from 40 Hz -20 kHz with 0.9% and Simulated Surround modes. 60 W x 3 (front, cen- 37.2 dBf stereo: cap ratio dB; alt-ch sel 63 dB:

THD into 8 ohms. 5 audio inputs: headphone jack. ter) + 60 x 1 (surround) at 1 kHz with C.8% THD into 8 S/N 75 dB stereo: THD 0.25% stereo. 17% x 41/4 x
Digital tuning. Super bass switch: 30 memory pre- ohms or 60 x 2 from 40 Hz -20 kHz with 0.9% THD in- 13 in $600
sets; system remote control $200 to 8 ohms. 4 audio and 2 video inputs. Motor -driven
volume control. 30 AM/FM presets; remote control.
STA-795 50-W/ch Receiver 16%x 51/2x 11'/. in $290 SANSUI
2 channels. 50 W x 2 from 40 Hz -20 kHz with 0.5% RZ-8150AV 275-W A/V Receiver
THD into 8 ohms. 3 audio inputs; phono input. 6 SX-255R 100-W/ch Receiver 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Theater, Hall, Natural,
AM/12 FM presets; auto FM muting; bass and treble 2 channels 100 W x 2 from 40 Hz -20 kHz with 0.9% and Dome modes. 75 W x 3 (front, center) from 20
controls; loudness switch; tape -monitor controls; 5 - THD into 8 ohms. 6 audio inputs. Motor -driven vol- Hz -20 kHz with 0.8% THD + 25 x 2 (surround), all in-
segment LED power meter $150 ume control. 30 AM/FM presets: memory scan tun- to 8 ohms. 5 audio inputs; 2 video inputs; headphone
ing; motor -driven volume control; bass enhancer; re- output. 30 AM/FM presets: 10 -key direct -station ac-
mote control $255 cess with preset scan/mute; source -direct mode.
SX-205. As above without motor -driven volume con- Full -function remote control. Brushed aluminum face-
VSX-D906S 500-W Dolby Digital Receiver trol or remote control $220 plate. 17 x 53/4 x 133/4 in; 251b
5 channels. Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3
Stereo, Jazz, Dance, Hall, and 2 Theater modes. 100 Elite Series RZ-5200AV 199-W AN Receiver
W x 5 (front, center, surround) at 1 kHz with 0.8% VSX-09TX 500-W THX Dolby Digital Receiver 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. Theater, Hall, Natural,
THD into 6 ohms or 100 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 5 channels. Dolby Digital. THX, Dolby Pro Logic, and Dome modes. 55 W x 3 (front, center) from 20
0.09% THD into 6 ohms. AC -3 RF, coaxial, and opti- Hall, Studio, Jazz, and 2 Theater modes. 100 W x 5 Hz -20 kHz with 0.8% THD + 17 x 2 (surround), all in-
cal digital audio inputs: 5 audio and 5 video inputs; 4 (front, center, surround) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with to 8 ohms. 5 audio inputs; 2 video inputs; headphone
S -video inputs: front -panel A/V input; 3 S -video out- 0.8% THD or 110 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 KHz with 0.09% output; front -panel A/V input. 40 AM/FM presets; 10 -
puts; 2 -way binding posts for all channels; line -level THD, all into 6 ohms. AC -3 RF and 2 coaxial digital key direct -station access with preset scan; motor -dri-
outputs for all channels plus subwoofer. Discrete audio inputs; 5 audio and 5 video inputs; 5 S -video ven volume control. Full -function remote. Black 17 x
amplifier -output stage; motor -driven volume control; inputs: frort-panel A/V input: line -level outputs for all 53/4 x 153/4 in; 21 lb $499
electronic tone controls. On -screen graphical user in- channels pus subwoofer: 3 AC outlets. Copper chas-
terface including control of CD changers and titling of sis: heavy-duty power cord; binding -post speaker RZ-3200AV 180-W A/V Receiver
100 discs; 30 AM/FM tuner presets with labeling and terminals; gold-plating on all terminals. On -screen 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, Live,
5 classification groups; programmable remote with graphical user interface including control of CD and Hall modes. 50 W x 3 (front, center) from 20 Hz -
DSS and DVD control and multi -operation button. changers and titling of 100 discs: 30 AM/FM tuner 20 kHz with 0.05% THD + 15 x 2 (surround), all into 8
16% x 7 x 17% in $1,200 presets: multiroom/multisource capability: pre-pro- ohms. 2 audio and 2 video inputs; headphone jack.
grammed/learning remote. Amp: S/N 97 dB. FM: 50 - 30 AM/FM presets; motor -driven volume control.
dB quieting sens 38.6; cap ratio 1 oB; alt-ch sel 65 Full -function remote control. Black. 17 x 51/4 x 13 in:
VSX-D606S 500-W Dolby Digital Receiver
dB; S/N 76 dB stereo. Rosewood side panels. 18 x 13 lb $399
5 channels. Dolby Digital. Dolby Pro Logic. Dolby 3
Stereo, Jazz. Dance, Hall, and 2 Theater modes. 100 61/2 x 16% 34 lb $1,750
W x 5 (front, center, surround) at 1 kHz with 0.8% VSX-07TX. As above without copper chassis, gold-
THD into 8 ohms or 100 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with plated terminals. and rosewood side panels. 161/2 x SFIERWOOD
0.09% THD into 8 ohms. AC -3 RF and coaxial digital 6% x 16'. in: 30 lb $1,450 RV -7050R 300-W A/V Receiver
audio inputs; 4 audio and 4 video inputs; front -panel 4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. Dolby 3 Stereo, and 5
A/V input; center -channel and subwoofer line -level VSX-05 500-W Dolby Digital Receiver surround modes. 80 W x 3 (front, center) + 60 x 1
outputs. Discrete amplifier -output stage; motor -dri- 5 channels. Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic, Hall, (surround) or 110 x 2 with 0.5% THD. 5 audio and 3
ven volume control. 30 AM/FM presets; jog dial; pro- Studio, Jazz, and 2 Theater modes. 100 W x 5 video inputs; front -panel AN input; line -level outputs
grammable remote with DSS and DVD control and (front, certer, surround) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with for each channel; video -monitor output; headphone
multi -operation button. 16% x 6% x 143/4 in $925 0.8% THD or 100 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.09% jack. Discrete amplifier -output stage; motor -driven vol-
VSX-0506S. As above without Dolby Digital proc- THD, all irto 6 ohms. AC -3 RF and 2 coaxial digital ume control. Multiroom capability; adjustable digital
essing. digital inputs, and Theater ambience modes. audio inputs; 4 audio and 4 video inputs; front -panel delay; center- and surround -channel level controls;
Studio, Arena, and 5D Theater modes. 16% x 61/4 x AN input; line -level outputs for all channels plus auto input balance; test -tone generator; 30 AM/FM
143/4 in $525 subwoofer; 1 AC outlet. Binding -post speaker termi- presets with scan; tone/EQ and bass/treble controls;
VSX-466S. As D506S without remote DSS control nals. On -screen graphical user interface including sleep timer; alphanumeric -fluorescent display; uni-
$465 control of CD changers and titling of 100 discs; 30 fied remote control $599
and multi -operation command capability
VSX-456. As VSX-466S without Jazz and Hall modes. AM/FM tuner presets: multiroom capability; prepro- RV -5050R. As above without surround modes. 70 W
3 video inputs $370 grammed/learning remote. Amp: S/N 97 dB. FM: x 3 (front, center) + 25 x 1 (surround) or 90 x 2 .$499
50 -dB quieting sens 38.6; cap ratio 1 dB; alt-ch sel
VSX-455 440-W A/V Receiver 60 dB; S/N 70 dB stereo; THD 0.5%. 16'/ x 63/4 x RV -4050R 170-W A/V Receiver
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, Stu- 121/2 in; 21 lb $1,000 4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and Dolby 3 Stereo
dio, Arena, and Simulated Surround modes. 110 W VSX-04. As above without Dolby Digital, graphical modes. 50 W x 3 (front, center) + 20 x 1 (surround) or
user interface, and CD titling. 4 audio and 3 video in- 60 x 2 with 0.5% THD. 4 audio and 2 video inputs;
puts. Amp S/N 96 dB. 19 lb $600 front -panel AN input; video -monitor output; head-
phone jack. Discrete amplifier -output stage. Auto in-
put balance; center- and surround -channel level con -
Whether you are RCA trot; test -tone generator; 30 AM/FM presets with
scan; tone/E0 control; sleep timer; alphanumeric -flu-
RV3798 200-W A/V Receiver
building a system from 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, and orescent display; unified remote control. $399
Hall modes. 40 W x 5 (front, center, surround) or 40 x
scratch or upgrading, 2, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.25% THD into 8 R-125 240-W AN Receiver
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo. Hall.
ohms. 6-clannel analog input for external Dolby Dig-
"All Systems Go" ital (or other) surround decoder. 5 audio and 3 video and Stadium modes. 60 W x 4 or 70 x 2, all from 20
inputs; dedicated DSS input; dual line -level subwoof- Hz 20 kHz with 0.02% THD into 8 ohms. 2 video and
on page 10 will help you er outputs: headphone jack. PLL digital tuning; sur- 5 audio inputs; subwoofer output. Quartz PLL-syn-
thesis AM/FM tuner; discrete amplifier -output stage.
round memory (stores and recalls preferred surround
make the best choices. settings for each source); two-color fluorescent dis- Adpustable digital delay; fluorescent display; sleep
timer; auto input balance; test -tone generator; pro-
play: on -screen display; speaker -level indicator; uni-
versal remote. 161/2 x 43/> x 13 in; 26 lb $499 grammable preset scan; direct station access; 30


AM/FM presets; front-, center-, and surround -chan- driven volume control. Loudness and mute switches; ES Series
nel level controls; audio mute; DigiLink III remote 30 AM/FM station presets; soundfield memory; tuner STR-DA9OESG 500-W Dolby Digital Receiver
control. Amp: S/N 100 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens station naming and indexing; input indexing; 1/2 -ohm 5 channels. Dolby Digital. Dolby Pro Logic, Cinema
38.1 dBf; S/N 71 dB stereo; THD 0.3%. Black case, switch; preprogrammed/programmable remote con- Studio, Virtual Rear, and 47 DSP surround modes.
amber display. 17% x 5% x 111/4 in; 20 lb $349 trol. Amp: FR 10 Hz -50 kHz +1 dB line. FM: 50 -dB 100 W x 5 into 8 or 4 ohms at 20 Hz -20 kHz with
quieting sens 38.3 dBf stereo; S/N 76 dB mono, 70 0.05% THD. S -video inputs and outputs; dual moni-
RX-2050R 45-W/ch Receiver dB stereo. 17 x 61/4 x 141/4 in; 22 lb $799 tor outputs; subwoofer output; front -panel A/V input;
2 channels. 45 W x 2 with 0.5% THD. 4 audio inputs: 2 AC outlets; binding -post speaker terminals. Sepa-
headphone jack. Discrete amplifier -output stage; STR-DE815G 500-W AN Receiver rate power supplies for input and power output
motor -driven volume control. Matrix surround; 30 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Cinema Studio. and 15 stages; parallel push-pull output stage for all 5 chan-
AM/FM presets with scan; tone/EQ control; sleep DSP surround modes. 100 W x 5. Front -panel A/V nels. Low-cut filter; direct -pass switch; auto tuning;
timer; alphanumeric fluorescent -display: unified re- input with composite/S-video jacks; subwoofer out- 30 AM/FM presets; input indexing; variable delay
mote control. $299 put; 5 video inputs; video -monitor output; head- time; 4/8 -ohm switch; auto input balance; test -tone
phone jack; wireless surround -speaker output; 2 AC generator; programmable remote control; joystick -
outlets. Auto input balance; discrete amplifier -out- type remote control; on -screen graphic display sys-
put transistors; 30 AM/FM presets; Dolby Digital tem: digital parametric EQ; adjustable DSP parame-
ready. On -screen graphic display; 200 -disc CD ters; DSS receiver control. Amp: ch sep 45 dB at 1
management for compatible Sony CD changers; kHz. FM: S/N 70 dB stereo. 5-yr-limited warranty. 17
DSS and StarSight controls; soundfield memory; x 6%x 161/4 in $1,600
variable delay time; loudness and mute switches; S - STR-DA8OES. As above, without adjustable DSP
Link A/V control system; tuner station naming and parameters, DSS receiver control, joystick -type re-
indexing; input indexing; 1/2 -ohm switch; Vision - mote control, on -screen graphic display, and para-
Touch point -and -click remote control. Amp: FR 10 metric EQ $1,200
Hz -50 kHz ±1 dB line. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 38.3
Sherwood Newcastle R-525 AN receiver dBf stereo; S/N 70 dB stereo. 17 x 61/4 x 141/4 in; STR-GA8ES 460-W A/V Receiver
22 lb $499 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and 24 DSP surround
modes. 120 W x 3 (front, center) from 20 Hz -20 kHz
Newcastle STR-DE715 500-W A/V Receiver with 0.05% THD into 4 or 8 ohms + 50 x 2 (sur-
R-945 500-W Dolby Digital Receiver 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Cinema Studio, and 15 round) at 1 kHz with 0.08% THD into 8 ohms. 6 -
5 channels. Dolby Digital, DTS, Dolby Pro Logic, DSP surround modes. 100 W x 5 at 1 kHz with 0.08% channel analog input for external Dolby Digital
Theater, Dolby 3 Stereo, Hall and Stadium modes. THD into 8 ohms. 6 -channel analog input for external decoder: 5 video inputs: S -video input/output; vid-
100 W x 5 or 125 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.02% Dolby Digital decoder; front -panel A/V input; 3 video eo -monitor input; subwoofer output; binding -post
THD into 8 ohms. AC -3 RF, coaxial, and optical digi- inputs; video -monitor output; wireless -speaker out- speaker terminals. Auto -input balance; discrete am-
tal audio inputs; 6 audio and 4 video inputs; 5 main - put; subwoofer output; headphone jack. Discrete am- plifier -output transistors; motor -driven volume con-
amp inputs; S -video input and output; front -panel plifier -output transistors; auto input balance; motor - trol: digital parametric EQ; adjustable DSP parame-
AN input; 6 line -level outputs; subwoofer output; driven volume control; S -Link AN control system. ters; DSS receiver control; soundfield memory; pro-
binding -post speaker terminals; 24k gold-plated in- Programmable AN remote control; surround- and grammable A/V remote control; S -Link A/V control
put/output jacks. Motorola 24 -bit DSP chip; thermo- center -channel level controls; 30 AM/FM presets in- system; surround- and center -channel level con-
stat -controlled cooling fan; discrete amplifier -output put selector; loudness and mute switches; tuner sta- trols: bass boost: auto tuning; 30 AM/FM station
stage; motor -driven volume control. Fluorescent dis- tion indexing; input indexing. Amp: FR 10 Hz -50 kHz presets; mute switch; power swap feature drives
play; sleep timer; Cinema Bass; test -tone generator; +1 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 38.3 dBf: S/N 70 dB surround speakers with front -internal amp channels
programmable station naming/video-input labeling; stereo. 61/4 x 51/4 x 141/4 in; 22 lb $399 when external amp is used for front speakers. Amp:
direct station access; 30 AM/FM presets; auto input FR 10 Hz -50 kHz +1.0 dB line. FM: 50 -dB quieting
balance; front-, center-, and surround -channel level STR-DE615 500-W AN Receiver sens 38.3 dBf stereo; S/N 70 dB stereo. 5-yr-limited
controls; multiroom capability; DigiLink III remote 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Cinema Studio, and 12 warranty. 17 x 6% x 16% in $950
with subwoofer-level control. Amp: S/N 101 dB. FM: DSP surround modes. 100 W x 5 at 1 kHz with 0.8% STR-GA7ES. As above, 90 W x 3 (front, center)
50 -dB quieting sens 35.8 dBf; cap ratio 1.25 dB; S/N THD into 8 ohms. 6 -channel analog input for external into 4 or 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.05%
73 dB Stereo; THD 0.25%. Black front panel, amber Dolby Digital decoder; front -panel A/V input: 3 video THD + 40 x 2 (surround) into 8 ohms at 1 kHz with
display. 17% x 61/4 x 15 in; 34 lb $1,299 inputs; video -monitor output; wireless rear -speaker 0.08% THD $750
R-925. As above without DTS decoding, S -video in- output; subwoofer output; headphone jack; 2 AC out-
put/output, and DigiLink III remote control . .$999
lets. Auto input balance; discrete amplifier -output
R-725. As above without Dolby Digital and Theater transistors: motor -driven volume control; sleep timer. TEAC
modes. 130 W x 3 (front, center) + 65 x 2 (surround) Tuner -station indexing; input indexing; variable time AG-SV7150 250-W AN Receiver
or 165 x 2 $799 delay; loudness and mute switches; 30 AM/FM pre- 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, The-
sets; A/V system remote. Amp: FR 10 Hz -50 kHz ±1 ater, and Hall modes. 70 W x 3 (front, center) + 20 x 2
R-525 400-W A/V Receiver dB line. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 38.3 dBf; S/N 70 dB (surround) at 1 kHz with 1% THD or 100 x 2 rms with
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby 3 Stereo, Hall, stereo. 17 x 61/4 x 141/4 in; 22 lb $349 0.07% THD. 7 audio inputs including phono; 2 video
and Stadium modes. 100 W x 4 or 125 x 2, all from inputs; video -monitor output. Quartz-PLL tuner; mo-
20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.02% THD into 8 ohms. 6 audio STR-DE515 400-W A/V Receiver tor -driven volume control. Normal, wide, and phan-
and 3 video inputs; 2 main -amp inputs; 5 line -level 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Cinema Studio, and 4 tom center -channel modes; adjustable digital delay;
outputs; Discrete amplifier -output stage. Adjustable DSP surround modes. 100 W x 3 (front, center) + 50 test -tone generator; 30 AM/FM presets; loudness
digital delay; fluorescent display; sleep timer; Cine- x 2 (surround) at 1 kHz with 0.8% THD or 100 x 2 switch: sleep timer; remote control. Amp: FR 20 Hz -
ma Bass; test -tone generator; programmable station from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.09% THD, all into 8 ohms. 20 kHz; S/N 70 dB phono, 75 dB line. FM: 50 -dB qui-
naming/video-input labeling; direct station access; 6 -channel analog input for external Dolby Digital de- eting sens 38 dBf stereo; cap ratio 2 dB; S/N 70 dB
30 AM/FM presets; auto input balance; front-, cen- coder; front -panel A/V input; 2 video inputs; video stereo. 171/4 x 61/4 x 141/4 in; 22 lb $459
ter-, and surround -channel level controls; DigiLink III monitor output: wireless rear -speaker output; sub -
remote with subwoofer-level control. Amp: S/N 100 woofer output; headphone jack. Auto -input balance; AG -V8080 254-W A/V Receiver
dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 36.2 dBf; S/N 73 dB discrete amplifier -output transistors; motor -driven 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and Hall modes. 72 W x
stereo; THD 0.25%. Black case, amber display 17% volume control. A/V system remote. 30 AM/FM pre- 3 (front, center) from 20 Hz -20 kHz + 24 x 2 (sur-
x 61/4 x 15 in; 25Ib $649 set. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 38.3 dBf; S/N 70 dB round), all into 8 ohms with 0.07%. 7 audio inputs in-
R-325. As above without Cinema Bass, remote with stereo. 17 x 5% x 11% in: 16 lb $299 cluding phono; 2 video inputs; video -monitor output.
subwoofer-level control, and programmable video -in- STR-DE415. As above with 100 W x 4 and 3 DSP
put labeling. 80 W x 4 or 90 x 2; 2 video inputs. 17% x surround modes. No Cinema Studio mode, wireless
5% x 111/4in $499 rear -speaker output. and 6 -channel decoder input.
16 lb $249
Prices given are the
STR-DE315 240-W A/V Receiver
STR-DE915G 500-W Dolby Digital Receiver
5 channels. Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic, Cinema
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 60 W x 4 at 1 kHz with manufacturers'
0.8% THD into 8 ohms. 4 audio inputs including
Studio, Virtual Rear, and 41 DSP surround modes.
100 W x 5 into 8 ohms at 1 kHz with 0.8% THD. Front -
phono, 2 video inputs; headphone jack; AC outlet. suggested retail prices.
Discrete amplifier -output transistors; motor -driven
panel AN input; subwoofer output; 5 video inputs; volume control. Bass boost; loudness and mute Actual selling prices
video -monitor output; headphone jack; binding -post switches; 30 AM/FM preset; A/V system remote.
speaker terminals; wireless rear -speaker output. Au- Amp: FR 10 Hz -50 kHz ±1 dB line: S/N 70 dB. FM: may vary.
to input balance; discrete amplifier -output transis- 50 -dB quieting sens 38.3 dBf. 17 x 51/4 x 11% in:
tors; frequency -synthesis tuning; auto tuning; motor - 15 lb $199


on -screen controls and setup. Dark gray. 211/4 x 1041 analog input for external Dolby Digital decoder; 4 AN
AM/FM quartz-PLL tuner; test -tone generator. 30 AM/
x 191/2 in; 36 lb $1,899 inputs; 4 audio inputs; 2 switched AC outlets. Motor -
FM presets; loudness switch; sleep timer: remote driven volume control. Remote control with built-in
control. Amp: S/N 70 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 38 macros and learning capability; sleep timer; 40
dBf; cap ratio 1.5 dB; S/N 70 dB mono; THD 0.07%. X81507 500-W Dolby Digital Receiver
5 channels Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic. and 5 AM/FM presets. Amp: S/N 96 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting
Black. 171/4 x x 15 in: 29 lb $459
DSP surround modes. 100 W x 5 (front, center, sur- sens 37.7 dB; alt-ch sel 85 dB; S/N 75 dB stereo;
round) or 100 x 2. AC -3 RF and coaxial digital in- THD0.2%. Black. 171/4 x 6 x 15 in $499
AG-SV5150 150-W A/V Receiver
4 channels. Dolby Surround. 60 W x 2 (front) from 20 puts; front -panel A/V input: multiple audio and AN
inputs; subwoofer and center -channel line -level out- RX-V492 250-W A/V Receiver
Hz -20 kHz with 0.07% THD into 8 ohms + 15 x 2 (sur-
puts: composite -video output. AM/FM tuner: multi - 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby Pro Logic En-
round). 5 audio inputs including CD. tape, TV/aux; 2 hanced. Concert Hall, Rock Concert, Mono Movie,
AN and 2 video inputs; video -monitor output. Quartz- room two -channel capability: preprogrammed/learn-
ing remote control; graphical front -panel display: Disco, Stadium, and Concert Video modes. 70 W x 2
PLL tuner; motor -driven master volume control. 30 (front) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.04% THD + 70 x
AM/FM presets; direct station access; Teac UR-sys- loudness control $999 1

(center) at 1 kHz with 0.09% THD + 20 x 2 (surround)

tern remote control. Amp: FR 30 Hz -20 kHz t1 dB
at 1 kHz with 0.7% THD, all into 8 ohms. 4 audio and
phono, 10 Hz -50 kHz t3 dB line; S/N 73 dB line. FM:
YAMAHA 3 AN inputs. Motor -driven volume control. Sleep tim-
50 -dB quieting sens 42 dBf stereo; cap ratio 2.5 dB.
RX-V2092 550-W Dolby Digital Receiver er; 40 AM/FM presets; system remote control. Amp:
171/4x 5 x 11 in:14 lb $369
7 channels, Dolby Digital. Dolby Pro Logic, Jazz, S/N 96 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 37.7 dBf: alt-ch
Rock Concert, Digital Theater, TV Sports, Concert sel 85 dB; S/N 75 dB stereo; THD 0.2%. 171/4 x 5% x
AG -360 32-W/ch Receiver $399
Hall, Disco, Church, Stadium, Cinema DSP, and Tri- 101/4 in
2 channels. 32 W x 2. 4 audio inputs. AM/FM quartz
PLL-synthesized tuner. 24 AM/FM presets; auto/ field DSP modes. 100 W x 3 (front, center) + 100 x 2
(surround) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.02% THD + 25 RX-595 80-W/ch Receiver
manual tuning; loudness button; LCD display. Amp: 2 channels. 80 W x 2 rms from 20 Hz -20 kHz with
S/N 80 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 42 dBf; cap ratio W x 2 (front surround) at 1 kHz with 0.05% THD. 5 AN
inputs with 3 -video connectors: front -panel aux input; 0.019% THD into 8 ohms. 3 audio and 2 AN inputs:
3 dB: S/N 62 dB stereo: THD 0.05%. Black. 171/4 x 5%
4 audio inputs; 6 line -level outputs; optical and coaxial 2 -way speaker terminals; infrared input and output
x 131/4 in: 291b $199
digital inputs; subwoofer output; pre -out/ main -in loop; ports. Direct PLL IF -count synthesis tuning. 40 AM/
banana -plug speaker terminals: 3 switched AC out- FM presets: record -out selector: sleep timer; system
AG -260 28-W/ch Receiver remote control. 171/4 x 51/4 x 151/4 in $399
2 channels. 28 W x 2 from 50 Hz -20 kHz with 0.9% lets. Motor -driven volume control. Multiroom capabili-
THD into 8 ohms. 3 audio inputs; MM phono input; ty: on -screen display; main remote control with built-in
AM/FM quartz PLL-synthesis; auto/manual tuning; macros and learning capability and basic remote for
loudness switch; LCD. 8 AM/FM presets. FM: 50 -dB second room; bass boost; sleep timer; 40 AM/FM pre-
quieting sens 42 dBf stereo: cap ratio 2.5 dB; S/N 60 sets. Amp: S/N 96 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 37.7
stereo. 17% x 4% x 9% in $179 dBf; sel 85 dB; S/N 75 dB stereo; THD 0.2%.
Black. 171/4 x 6% x 18% in; 44 lb $1.599

TECHNICS RX-V992 400-W Dolby Digital Receiver

SA-AX910 500-W A/V Receiver 5 channels. Dolby Digital. Dolby Pro Logic. Cinema
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and Sound Field Control DSP modes. 80 W x 2 (front) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with
modes. 100 W x 5 (front, center, surround) at 1 kHz 0.04% THD + 80 W x 1 (center) from 20 Hz -20 kHz
with 0.9% THD or 120 x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with with 0.07% THD + 80 W x 2 (surround) at 1 kHz with
0.05% THD, all into 8 ohms. 6 -channel analog input for 0.3% THD 5 A/V inputs with S -video connectors;
outboard Dolby Digital decoder: 4 audio and 3 AA/ in- front -panel aux input; 4 audio inputs; 5 line -level out-
puts; front -panel AN input; subwoofer output; head- puts: subwoofer output; optical and coaxial digital in-
puts; 3 sw.tched/unswitched AC outlets. Motor -dri- Yamaha RX-V2092 Dolby Digital receiver
phone jack. Proprietary Class H+ amplifier design.
On -screen help function; 30 AM/FM presets; center - ven volume control. On -screen display; 40 AM/FM
and surround -level controls; preprogrammed remote presets; sleep timer; remote control with built-in
$450 macros and learning capability. Amp: S/N 96 dB. RX-495 70-W/ch Receiver
control: sleep timer. 17 x 61/4 x 121/4 in: 21 lb
FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 37.7 dBf; alt-ch sel 85 dB; 2 channels. 70 W x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.04%.
SA -AX -710. As above without front -panel AN input
S/N 75 dB stereo; THD 0.2%. Black. 171/4 x 6% x 15% THEf into 8 ohms. 3 audio and 2 tape inputs; two
and sleep timer $400
in; 30 lb $999 switched AC outlets; headphone jack. Direct access
input selector with input source display; motor -driven
SA-EX510 480-W AN Receiver volume control; pure direct switch for short and direct
4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Theater, and Stereo RX-V692 320-W A/V Receiver
modes. 120 W x 3 (front, center) + 120 x 1 (surround) 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby Pro Logic En- sigral path. Full -function remote control: Yamaha
hanced, Sports, Stadium, Disco, TV Sports, Hall, System Remote Control capability; sleep timer; con-
at 1 kHz with 0.9% THD or 70 x 2 from 40 Hz -20 kHz
Rock Concert, Jazz Club, Church, and Cinema DSP tinuously variable loudness control; 40 AM/FM pre-
with 0.8% THD, all into 8 ohms. 2 video and 4 audio
modes. 80 W x 2 (front) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with sets; auto station memory and preset editing. Amp:
inputs: subwoofer output. AM/FM quartz frequency -
0.04% THD + 80 x 1 (center) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with S/N 82 dB phono, 108 dB mono. FM: 50 -dB quieting
synthesis tuner. Help function; preprogrammed re- sens 37.7 dBf stereo; alt-ch sel 85 dB; S/N 75 dB ste-
mote control. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 38.3 dBf; AM 0.07% THD + 40 x 2 (surround) at 1 kHz with 0.3%
THD, all rms into 8 ohms. 6 -channel analog input for reo. 171/4 x 5% x 121/4 in; 17 lb $299
Rej 50 dB; cap ratio 1 dB; alt-ch sel 65 dB; S/N 70 dB
stereo; THD 0.3%. 17 x 5% x 121/4 in: 34 lb $350 external Dolby Digital decoder; 4 A/V inputs with S -
video connectors; front -panel aux input: subwoofer RX-V392 190-W A/V Receiver
SA-EX310. As above with 70 W x 3 (front, center) +
output; 2 switched AC outlets. Motor -driven volume 5 donne's. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby Pro Logic En-
70 x 1 surround. Excludes help function and prepro- hanced, Disco, Concert Hall, Concert Video, Stadi-
grammed remote control $250 control. On -screen display: remote with built-in
macros and learning capability; sleep timer; 40 AM/ um Mono Movie, and Rock Concert modes. 50 W x
FM presets. Amp: S/N 96 dB. FM: 50 -dB quieting 2 (font) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.04% THD + 50 W
SA-EX110 100-W/ch Receiver
sens 37.7 dBf; alt-ch sel 85 dB; S/N 75 dB stereo: x 1 (center) at 1 kHz with 0.09% THD + 20 W x 2
2 channels. 100 W x 2. 4 audio inputs; 1 VCR input. (su round) at 1 kHz with 0.7% THD, all into 8 ohms.
Class H amplifier circuitry; AM/FM quartz -synthesis THD 0.2% Black. 171/4 x 5% x 15 in; 28 lb $699
2 AV inputs; 4 audio inputs; 2 switched AC outlets.
digital tuner. 30 AM/FM presets: AN remote control. Motor -driven volume control. RS remote control;
Amp: S/N 70 dB phono, 78 dB line. FM: 50 -dB quiet- RX-770 85-W/ch Receiver
2 channels. 85 W x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.019% sleep timer; 40 AM/FM presets. Amp: S/N 96 dB.
ing sens 38.3 dBf; AM Rej 50 dB; cap ratio 1 dB; alt-
THD into 6 ohms. 4 audio and 2 video inputs; 3 -way FM 50 -dB quieting sens 37.7 dB; alt-ch sel 85 dB;
ch sel 65 dB; S/N 70 dB stereo; THD 0.3%. 17 x 5% x S/N 75 dB stereo; THD 0.2%. Black. 171/4 x 5% x
51/4 in; 34 lb $200 speaker binding posts: pre-ouVmain-in loops; in-
frared input and output ports. Direct-PLL IF -count 101/4 in $299
synthesis tuning; motor -driven input selector and vol-
ume control; source -direct mode. 40 AM/FM presets; RX 395 45-W/ch Receiver
TOSHIBA 2 channels. 45 W x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.04%
XB2000 500-W Dolby Digital Receiver variable loudness control; sleep timer; record -out se-
lector: NB speaker switching; signal -strength meter; THO into 8 ohms. 3 audio inputs; 1 tape input: two
5 channels. Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic. and 5
remote control. $549 switched AC outlets; headphone jack. Input selector;
DSP surround modes. 100 W x 5 (front, center, sur-
motor -driven volume control; direct PLL IF -count
round) or 130 x 2, all into 8 ohms. Front -panel AN in-
RX-V592 295-W A/V Receiver synthesis tuning: Continuously variable loudness
puts; 4 video inputs: 2 S -video inputs; 6 audio inputs, cortrol: banana -jack speaker terminals; sleep timer;
including digital PCM; 3 video outputs; S -video out- 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby Pro Logic En-
hanced. Stadium, Disco, Concert Hall. Rock Con- 40 -station random access preset tuning; multistatus
put: 2 audio outputs; subwoofer output; center -chan- station memory; tuning mode selector. Amp: S/N 82
nel output; 3 AC outlets. AM/FM tuner; two -channel cert, Mono Movie, and Cinema DSP modes. 75 W x 2
(front) from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.04% THD + 75 x 1 dB ohono. 108 dB line. FM: 50 -dB quieting sens 37.7
multiroom capability. Super -bass control; pre-pro-
(center) at 1 kHz with 0.07% THD + 35 x 2 (surround) dBf stereo; alt-ch sel 85 dB: S/N 75 dB stereo. 171/4 x
grammed learning -universal remote control; infrared - $249
at 1 kHz with 0.3% THD, all into 8 ohms. 6 -channel 5%x 121/4 in; 14 lb
remote -control multiroom-signal repeater; graphical


module. Slew rate 10 V/ps. 121/4 x 19 x 141/4 in;
52 lb $7,350

CR-8A 25-W/ch Integrated Amplifier

2 channels. 25 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
kHz with 0.02% THD or 40 x 2 into 4 ohms. Signal -
processor loop. Power fuse: toroidal power trans-
former. Gain control; balance switch; LED volume,
bass, and treble indicators. Infrared receiver optional.
S/N 104 dB. 19 x 31/2 x 11 in; 13 lb $2,204
Audiolab Model 8000A integrated amplifier
Model 8000S 60-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
ACCUPHASE noise fans. Tape monitor and tone -bypass switches: 2 channels. 60 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 100 W x 2 into 4
E-406 V 170-W/ch Integrated Amplifier phones/normal/direct selector. S/N 80 dBA: ch sep 50 ohms. 6 line -level inputs; 3 tape loops: 2 preamp
2 channels. 170 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 dB. Black. 17 x 5 x 13 in: 34 lb $1 .000 outputs: headphone jack. Remote control; 5 user
kHz with 0.02% THD or 220 x 2 into 4 ohms. Tuner in-
selectable pre/power modes: auto muting. Band-
put; 2 line -level inputs; 2 tape inputs: balanced CD in- Model 3050a 45-W/ch Integrated Amplifier width 1 Hz -65 kHz; THD 0.07%; S/N 80 dB. 171/2 x 3
put; balanced line -level power -amp input; preamp 2 channels. 45 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz x 13 in; 19 lb
output; outputs for 2 speaker pairs. Triple parallel $995
with 0.05% THD. 3 line -level, 1 phono, and 1 tape -
push-pull configuration: current feedback design al- monitor inputs: pre-out/main-in loop: record output; Model 8000A MkI160-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
lows stable operation; logic -controlled relays allow 5 -way binding post: headphone jack: switched and 2 channels. 60 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 100 W x 2 into 4
shorter signal paths; dedicated toroidal transformers unswitched AC outlets. Class AB design: high -output ohms. MM and MC phono inputs; pre-ouVmain-in
for preamp and power amp power supplies. Power - current devices with optimized power supply designs loops; outputs for 2 speaker pairs; headphone jack.
level meters; remote control with switching for line and enhanced virtual image topology: toroidal trans- Overload protection; separate listen and record selec-
and volume. S/N 127 dBA: damping factor 120 into 8 former. Remote input and volume controls: tape tors; defeatable phase -compensated tone controls;
ohms at 50 Hz. 19 x 17 x 16% in $7,000 monitor: tone -bypass switch: phones/normal/direct mute. Bandwidth 1 Hz -65 kHz; THD 0.05%; S/N 81 dB
selector. S/N 80 dBA; ch sep 65 dB. Black. 17 x 31/2 x MM, 90 dB line. 171/2 x 3 x 13 in; 191b $895
E-306 100-W/ch Integrated Amplifier 13 in; 16 lb $450
2 channels. 100 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
kHz. 7 line -level inputs; 2 balanced inputs; MM/MC Model 3025a 30-W/ch Integrated Amplifier AUDIO NOTE
phono input; line -level outputs; pre-ouVmain-in loops: 2 channels. 30 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz Ongaku 27-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier
headphone jack. Current feedback circuit topology to with 0.05% THD. 3 line -level, 1 phono, and 1 tape - 2 channels. 27 W x 2. 5 line -level inputs; tape loop.
prevent phase shifts; parallel push-pull output stage; monitor inputs; pre-out/main-in loop: record output: One direct -heated GE211/VT4C tube per channel;
logic -controlled relays; structurally separated sec- 5 -way binding posts: headphone jack: switched and Class A design; hand -wound output transformers
tions for power amplifier and preamplifier; infrasonic unswitched AC outlets. Class AB design; high -output with pure silver on ceramic -leaf core materials; tanta-
filter. Balance control; compensator switch; remote current devices with optimized power -supply designs lum -film resistors with silver endcaps and lead -out
source switching and volume adjustment; power -level and enhanced virtual image topology; toroidal trans- wires: hand -made silver -foil signal capacitors. 111/2 x
meters; remote control. THD 0.04%; S/N 102 dB line, former. Remote input and volume controls; tape 10% x 231/2 in $89,200
80 dB MM, 78 dB MC; damping factor 120 into 8 monitor; tone -bypass switch; phones/normal/direct
ohms at 50 Hz. 18% x 6% x 161/2 in; 44 lb $4,625 selector. S/N 80 dBA; ch sep 65 dB. Black. 17 x 31/2 x UK Series
13 in; 151b $350 Soro-Phono 17-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier
E-210 80-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
2 channels. 17 W x 2. Combines Audio Note M1 pho-
2 channels. 80 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 110 x 2 into 4 no preamplifier and P2 SE tube power amplifier in
ohms. Balanced inputs; 4 line -level inputs; head- ANTHEM single chassis. 171/2 x 5% x 171/2 in $3,495
phone jack. Current feedback circuit topology to pre- INT 1 25-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier Soro-Line. As above but with line preamp $2,995
vent phase shifts: logic -controlled relays for optimum 2 channels. 25 W x 2 into 4 or B ohms from 30 Hz -15
signal routing; infrasonic filter; remote control with kHz with 1% THD. CD input; tuner input; aux 1 and OTO-Phono 10-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier
source switching and volume adjustment. FR 20 Hz - aux 2 inputs; 2 line -level outputs; 1 pair of 4- or 8 -ohm 2 channels. 10 W x 2. Combines M1 phono preampli-
20 kHz: THD 0.04%; damping factor 110 into 8 ohms outputs; ultra -linear output; binding posts. Class AB fier and Pt SE power amplifier in single chassis. 17'1
at 50 Hz. 181/2 x 5% x 16% in; 40 lb $2,475 design; selectable 4- and 8 -ohm speaker outputs. x 5% x 171/2 in $2.495
E -210A. As above with phono stage $2,670 Volume, balance and input -selector controls; tape OTO-Line. As above but with MI line preamplifier, no
monitor/EPL, muting and power push buttons. Phono phono input $1,995
stage optional. S/N 95 dBA. Silver and black. 5-yr
ACURUS warranty. 19 x 51/4 x 13 in $1,295
DIA150 150-W/ch Integrated Amplifier AUDIO RESEARCH
2 channels. 150 W x 2 into B ohms from 20 Hz -20 CA50 45-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier
kHz with 0.09% THD. Tape output. Direct input de- ARCAM 2 channels. 45 W x 2 into 8 or 4 ohms. 6 single -ended
sign with 1 gain block from source to speaker out- AV50 250-W A/V Integrated Amplifier inputs: subwoofer output: 4- and 8 -ohm speaker out-
puts. Remote volume, balance, and switching. 17 x 5 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 50 W x 5. 4 composite - puts. Power, muting, record -out selector; monitor
x 14 in: 38 lb $1.499 video inputs: 7 line -level audio inputs. Optional exter- switch; remote control. 3-yr warranty $3,495
nal -decoder socket allows connection to outboard
DIA100 Mk11 100-W/ch Integrated Amplifier 5.1 -channel surround decoder (Dolby Digital or
2 channels. 100 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms with 0.09% DTS). Remote control. MM phono input optional. AUDIRE
THD or 150 x 2 cont into 4 ohms. both from 20 Hz -20 14 lb $1,295 Adagio 60-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
kHz ±0.25 dB. 6 inputs; 2 tape outputs; gold-plated 2 channels. 60 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz
connectors. Laser -trimmed potentiometers for vol- Alpha 9 70-W/ch Integrated Amplifier or 100 x 2 into 4 ohms. 6 line -level inputs; 2 tape
ume and balance controls; silver -to -silver contacts 2 channels. 70 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms. Remote con- loops; preamp-ouVmain-amp-in loops; gold-plated
for listen and record switches; inputs mounted direct- trol. Phono input optional. 13 lb $949 5 -way binding posts for 2 speaker pairs. One FET
ly to circuits: dual -sided glass -epoxy circuit board; Alpha 8. As above. 50-W x 2: MM input: remote con- op -amp per channel in preamp stage; all -discrete
separate internal chassis for passive -control section; trol optional. 10 lb $649 power amp with MOSFET output stage; toroidal trans-
bipolar transistors; toroidal transformer. Balance and Alpha 7. As above. 40 W x 2; without remote control. former. Balance control. Slew rate 45 V/ps; damping
source -select controls. S/N 100 dBA; damping factor 9 lb $449 factor 250. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 19 x 51/4 x
300. 17 x 5 x 14 in: 35 lb $1,099 9 in; 22 lb $950
AMC The following are typically sold as part of custom -in- BEL CANTO DESIGN
CVT3030a 30-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier stalled multiroom systems. Contact the manufacturer Orfeo 30SI 30-1N/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier
2 channels. 30 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 45 Hz -20 kHz for more information and pricing. 2 channels. 30 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Class A design. FR
with 1.0% THD. 5 line -level, 1 phono, and 1 tape -mon- 20 Hz -20 kHz: THD 0.1%. 85 lb $5,290
itor inputs; 4- and 8 -ohm speaker outputs; record out- MRA-808 640-W Integrated Amplifier
put; 5 -way binding posts; headphone jack; 2 switched 16 channels. Consists of 8 integrated -amplifier mod- Celio 50-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
and 1 unswitched AC outlets. Class A circuitry; 2 ules. Each module 40 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz - 2 channels. 50 W x 2 or 100 W x 1, both into 8 ohms.
EL34 output tubes per channel; 7 high -voltage mos- 20 kHz with 0.03% THD or 60 x 2 into 4 ohms. Digi- Balanced inputs. Class A/AB design. FR 10 Hz -20
FETS per channel; fixed bias on output tubes; 2 low - tally controlled tone and volume controls for each kHz; THD 0.1%. 68 lb $2,990


BRYSTON CLASSE AUDIO Circuit for output -transistor bias -current stability; to-
CAP -100 100 W/ch Integrated Amplifier roidal transformer; MOSFET driver stage; motor -driven
B-60 60-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
2 channels. 60 W x 2 at 8 ohms and 100 x 2 at 4 2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Balanced input; volume control. Source -direct switch; A/B speaker
ohms. Gold-plated RCA input and output connectors: 4 single -ended inputs; tape input; power -amp input; switching; record -out selector; loudness control;
4 line -level inputs; 1 tape loop; 5 -way speaker bind- tape output. preamp output: speaker output. Class Denon IS system remote with level and source -select
A/B design. Remote handset for volume and mute controls $850
ing posts; headphone output; pre-ouVmain-in loops.
Toroidal power supply; 1% metal -film resistors; poly- control. Phono board optional. S/N 110 dBA. Black
styrene capacitors; input buffer to reduce noise and or silver faceplate. 5-yr warranty. 19 x 5 x 17 in; PMA-525R 50-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
distortion. Remote control. 20-yr warranty $1,795 34 lb $1,995 2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz
$1,495 with D.05% THD. MM phono input. Variable loudness
As above without remote control
cont. ol; A/B speaker switching; system remote con-
CONRAD-JOHNSON trol. 171/2 x 4% x 111/2 in; 141b $400
CAMBRIDGE AUDIO CAV 50 45-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier
P50 MKII 45-W/ch Integrated Amplifier 2 channels. 45 W x 2 into 4 or 8 ohms from 30 Hz -15
2 channels. 45 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 60 x 2 into 4 kHz with 1% THD. 6 line -level inputs; 1 preamp out- DGX
ohms, both from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.05% THD. 5 put. Class AB design. Champagne -gold front panel. DDA-1 100-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
inputs; tape output; outputs for 2 speaker pairs; 3-yr warranty. 40 lb $2,495 2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 140 x 2 into 4
switched and unswitched AC outlets. High -overload ohms, both from 20 Hz -20 kHz. Coaxial and fiber-
optic digital inputs. DSP; D/A converter; dual -mono
tone -control stage; passive tone -contour circuit;
phono stage design employs 2 op -amps per chan- CR DEVELOPMENTS design; phase and amplitude correction for DGX
nel; MM/MC phono switch; balance control; mute/ Romulus 35-W ch Tube Integrated Amplifier DDL-1 speakers. THD 0.025%; S/N 86 dB analog;
2 channels. 35 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz ch sep 92 dB; damping factor 150 Hz. 161/2 x 4% x
normal/direct switch; tone control; tape -monitor
switch; phono. CD. tuner, and aux input selector. S/N with 0.2% THD. 5 line -level inputs. Black stainless 141/2in $995
88 dB; ch sep 65 dB. Black aluminum. 17 x 31/2 x 13 steel. 16 x 6 x 14 in $3,000
in; 151b $400
P25 MKII. As above, 30 W x 2 into 4 or 8 ohms. Kalypso 15-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier DPA DIGITAL
14 lb $300 2 channels. 15 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz Renaissance 33-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
with 0.2% THD. Black stainless steel. 16 x 5 x 13 in; 2 channels. 33 W x 2.4 line -level inputs; 1 MM phono
27 lb $1,500 input; headphone output; tape loop. Class A output
CARY AUDIO DESIGN stage; high -gain bandwidth topology; RF filtering.
Bass -boost and treble -cut controls $1,095
CAD-300SEI 11-W ch Tube Integrated Amplifier
2 channels. 11 W x 2 into 4 ohms. Single -ended CREEK
Class A circuitry; 200% duty -rated air -gapped wax - Model 5250ER 60-Wich Integrated Amplifier
impregnated output transformer wound with OFC 2 channels. 60 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz DUAL
wire; silver double -E Teflon wire; point-to-point wir- with 0.03% THD. 2 tape loops; 1 preamp output. CV5670 120-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
ing; two 300B triode output tubes in Class A single - Class AB design; 200 VA toroidal transformer; cas- 2 channels. 120 W x 2 into 8 ohms with 0.01% THD.
ended configuration; three 6SN7 input driver tubes; code differential input stage; FET differential voltage Gold-plated inputs for phono and CD. Class A design;
amp and MOSFET drivers. Separate listen and record toroidal -core transformer. FR 6 Hz -95 kHz $525
oil -filled coupling caps. 24k gold -finished faceplate
and knobs optional. Remote control optional. FR selector switches; 2 -zone speaker switching; remote
20 Hz -20 kHz 10.75 dB; S/N 80 dB. 14 x 8 x 14 in; control. S/N 105 dB; slew rate 60 \tips. Black. 161/2 x
51 lb $3,695 21/2x 11 in; 11 lb $1,195 DYNACO
SCA-120 60-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
CAD-88SEI 20-W Tube Mono Integrated Amplifier Model 5250 50-W/ch Integrated Amplifier 2 channels. 60 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 100 x 2 into 4
1 channel. 20 W x 1. Single -ended Class A circuitry; 2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz ohms. 4 line -level inputs; MM phono input; outputs for
E -I laminated core power transformer with 150% du- with 0.03% THD. 2 tape loops; 1 preamp output. 2 speaker pairs. Speaker selector; bass and treble
Class AB design; cascode differental input stage; control; full remote control. S/N 98 dB; ch sep 80 dB
ty rating; air -gapped output transformer; silver dou-
ble -E Teflon wire: point-to-point wiring; Teslovak KT - FET differential voltage amp and MOSFET drivers. at 1.000 Hz; dynamic headroom 1.5 dB. Black an-
Separate listen and record selector switches; remote odized aluminum. 161/2 x 31/2 x 111/2 in; 16 lb ....5450
88 output tubes; 6SN7 input tube; two 6SN7 driver
tubes; oil -tilled coupling cap. Remote volume con- control. S/N 105 dB; slew rate 60 V/ps. Black. 161/2 x
trol. Gold-plated faceplate and knobs optional. FR 21/2 x 11 in; 10 lb $795
20 Hz -23 kHz 10.75 dB; S/N 80 dB. 12 x 8 x 14 in; As above with MC phono board $95 EDGE
51 lb $2,995 As above with MM phono board $60 Sia-1 70-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
2 channels. 70 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 2 Hz -100 kHz
SLI-80 80-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier Model 4330R 35-W/ch Integrated Amplifier with 0.002% THD. Dynamic headroom 3 dB. 3-yr
2 channels. 35 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz warranty. 51 lb $3,495
2 channels. 80 W x 2. Push-pull ultra -linear circuitry;
E -I laminated core power transformer: two E -I lami- with 0.03% THD. Class AB passive preamp. Remote
nated core output transformers; two 12AU7 input volume/mute control. Black. 161/2 x 21/2 x 8 in ...$595
butter preamp tubes; two 6SN7 pre-driver/phase-in- As above with MC phono board $90 GOLDEN TUBE AUDIO
verter tubes; four Teslovak KT -88 output tubes: two As above but with MM phono board $60 SI-50 50-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier
CV729/5U4 rectifier tubes; metal -film resistors; poly- 2 channels. 50 W x 2.3 line -level inputs; 1 record out-
propylene film and foil capacitor. Remote volume put. Fuzzy Logic Bias control; tube failure mode; pas-
control optional. FR 19 Hz -23 kHz 10.5 dB. 17 x 7 x DEMON sive or active line -amp memory. Full -function solid
16 in: 42 lb $2,795 PMA-S1 50-W/ch Integrated Amplifier aluminum remote control. Gold/Black. 3-yr warranty.
2 channels. 50 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms or 200 x 2 into 17 x 4 x 12 in; 351b $980
SLI-50 50-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier 2 ohms. Aluminum sand-cast frame: inverted Sigma
2 channels. 50 W x 2. Push-pull Class A circuitry; one balance circuit for balanced signal flow; UHC-MOS out-
E -I laminated -core power transformer; two E -I lami- put transistors for high current $5,200 JADIS
nated -core output transformers; 150% duty rating for DA -60 60-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier
all transformers; two 6SN7 pre-driver/phase-inverter PMA-1315R 115-W/ch Integrated Amplifier 2 channels. 60 W x 2 at 1 kHz with 0.6% THD. Load
tubes; two 12AU7 input buffer preamplifier tubes; four 2 channels. 115 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 imp 1 to 16 ohms $8,018
E34L output tubes; two CV729/5U4 rectifier tubes; kHz with 0.005% THD. MM and MC phono inputs.
1% metal -film resistors; polypropylene film and foil
capacitors. FR 19 Hz -23 kHz 10.5 dB; damping fac- JEFF ROWLAND DESIGN GROUP
tor 36. 7 x 17 x 16 in: 42 lb $2,295 Concentra 100-W,ch Integrated Amplifier
2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
SLI-30 30-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier From AC -3 to zero -cross kHz with 0.008% THD. 3 balanced inputs; 3 single -
ended inputs; balanced line -level output; single -
2 channels. 30 W x 2. Headphone jack. Push-pull 1

Class A circuitry; passive line driver; one E -I laminat- distortion, the Glossary ended line -level output; 1 tape input; 1 tape output.
ed -core power transformer: two E -I laminated -core Tape monitor; volume -level display; remote control.
output transformers; 150% duty rating for all trans- starting on page 259 Slew rate 30 V/ps; dynamic headroom 2 dB. 5-yr war-
ran:y. 171/2 x x 14% in; 50 lb $5,600
formers; two 12AX7 pre-driver/phase-inverter tubes;
eight EL -84 output tubes: 1% metal -film resistors; will help you get the
polystyrene and polypropylene capacitors; glass -
epoxy double -sided plated -through printed circuit most out of the listings. KRELL
board. FR 25 Hz -30 kHz 10.75 dB; damping factor KAV-300 150-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
$1,495 2 channels. 150 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 300 x 2 into 4
35.17 x 4 x 12 in; 341b


ohms. 3 line -level phono inputs: 1 balanced input; 1 nection; outputs for 2 speaker pairs; gold-plated CD McINTOSH
tape loop: 1 line -level output. Class AB. Remote con- and phono inputs. Discrete power -output stages: mo- MA6800 150-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
trol. 5-yr warranty. 19 x 33/4 x 151/2 in: 25 lb . .$2,350 tor -driven volume control; line -phase sensor; Star
2 channels. 150 W x 2 into 2.4, or 8 ohms. 8 line -lev-
circuitry. Line -straight switch; record -out selector; el inputs; 3 outputs; signal -processor loop; 1un-
A/B speaker selector; bass, treble, and balance con- switched and 6 switched AC outlets; Proprietary out-
LINN trols; loudness switch; remote control. Frequency re- put transformers. 2 output -level meters; remote con-
Malik-IP 33-W/ch integrated Amplifier sponse 20 Hz -20 kHz ±0.5 dB phono. 10 Hz -70 kHz trol. S/N 100 dB; dynamic headroom 1.8 dB. 3-yr
2 channels. 33 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 66 x 2 into 4 +0.5. -1.5 dB line: S/N 82 dBA MM, 62 dBA MC. 100 warranty. 171/2 x 71/4 x 20 in; 70 lb
ohms. 5 line -level inputs: switchable MM/MC phono $5.000
dBA line $595
input: 4 output pairs: headphone jack. Microproces-
MA6400 100-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
sor -controlled switching. Add-on modules available A-331 60-W/ch Integrated Amplifier 2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 4 or 8 ohms. 8 line -level in-
for FM tuning and multiroom control $1,195 2 channels. 60 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 puts: MM phono input; 3 outputs; signal -processor
Majik-IL. As above with no phono input; 6 line -level kHz with 0.05% THD or 115 W x 2 into 4 ohms. 3 loop; 6 switched and 1 unswitched AC outlets: 2 out-
inputs $1,095 video and 3 audio inputs; switchable phono inputs. put -level meters; A/B speaker switch; remote control.
Discrete power -output stages: Star circuitry. A/B S/N 100 dB; dynamic headroom 2.4 dB. 3-yr warran-
speaker selector. Frequency response 20 Hz -20 ty. 171/2 x 5% x 171/2 in; 41 lb $3,500
LUXMAN kHz ±0.5 dB phono, 10 Hz -60 kHz +0.5, -1.5 dB
L-500 50-W/ch Integrated Amplifier line: S/N 82 dBA phono, 97 dBA line. 171/2 x 5'/ x 15
2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 100 W x 2 into 4 in; 20 lb $449 MERIDIAN
ohms. or 200 W x 2 into 2 ohms. Gold-plated connec-
Model 551 50-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
tors. Gold-plated input -switching relays: direct -cou- A-312 40-W/ch Integrated Amplifier 2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms with 0.05% THD. 6
pled pure -complementary amplification circuit: DC 2 channels. 40 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 analog inputs: line -level output. Thermal and DC -
configuration via Duo Beta circuit: antiresonance kHz with 0.05% THD or 85 W x 2 into 4 ohms. load protection. Adjustable input sens for each
construction: Star circuitry. Tone compensator; 32 - Switchable phono inputs. Discrete power -output source; independent control of tape output; mute; 4 -
position volume control $5,000 stages; Star circuitry. A/B speaker selector. FR 20 character alphanumeric display. S/N 90 dB. 12% x 31/2
Hz -20 kHz ±0.5 dB phono, 10 Hz -60 kHz +0.5, -1.5 x 12% in $1,495
L -507s 100-W/ch Integrated Amplifier dB line: S/N 82 dBA phono, 97 dBA line. 171/2 x 51/4 x
2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms. CD input; MC 15 in: 181b $349
phono input: MM phono input; line -level input: tape MICROMEGA
input; balanced input; tape output; line -level output. Tempo 2 75-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
Tone and loudness controls. Champagne gold. 3-yr MADISON FIELDING 2 channels. 75 W x 2 into 8 ohms with 0.1% THD
warranty $3,600 DSA 630 180-W A/V integrated Amplifier from 20 Hz -20 kHz. 6 line -level inputs; tape monitor
6 channels. 30 W x 6 into 8 ohms. 3 -zone capable; loop; 2 sets of banana output connectors for biwir-
SO -38s 30-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier Class AB output stage; three motor -driven volume ing. Line -level sens of each input adjustable in 1 -dB
2 channels 30 W x 2 into 6 ohms. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz controls: three 3 -band EQs. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz: THD steps; input naming via resident library; variable
±0.5 dB: THD 0.5%. 3-yr warranty $3.500 0.04%; slew rate 30 V/ps; dynamic headroom 1.2 dB. display brightness; output muting; 99 -step volume
25 lb $949 control with electronic max -level locking to prevent
L -505s 70-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
speaker overdrive; remote control. 17 x 33/4 x 111/4 in;
2 channels. 70 W x 2 into 8 ohms. CD input; MC pho- DSA 450 200-W AN Integrated Amplifier 16 lb $1,495
no input; MM phono input; line -level input; tape input: 4 channels. 50 W x 4 into 8 ohms. 2 -zone capable; Tempo 1. As above but 50 W x 2; upgradable to Tem-
balanced input; tape output; line -level output. Tone volume po 2 $1,295
and loudness controls. Champagne gold. 3-yr war- controls; two 3 -band EQs. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD
ranty $2.600 0.04%; slew rate 30 V/ps; dynamic headroom 1.2 dB. Minium Amp 40-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
20 lb $799 2 channels. 40 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
A-383 100-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
kHz with 0.1% THD. MM phono input. Digital read-
2 channels. 100 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
out for source and volume level. 17 x 23/4 x 101/2 in;
kHz with 0.04% THD or 330 W x 2 into 2 ohms. 3 vid- MARANTZ 141b
eo inputs; switchable MM/MC phono input: gold-plat- $695
PM -68 100-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
ed CD and phono inputs: system bus connection; 2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms with 0.05% THD
outputs for 2 speaker pairs. All -stage symmetrical or 150 x 2 into 4 ohms with 0.09% THD. Dual speaker MYRYAD
push-pull circuit; video -input buffer amplifier; line - terminals with banana speaker connectors; multiple MI -120 60-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
phase sensor; Star circuitry. Multiroom capability; re- audio inputs with external -processor loop; bass and 2 channels. 60 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz
cord -out selector; bass, treble, and balance controls; treble tone controls. Motor -driven volume control; with 0.05% THD. CD input; video input; tuner input;
bypass switch: loudness switch; A/B speaker selec- headphone jack; RC -5 remote control jacks. 3-yr aux input: 2 tape inputs; biamp output: tape output. Il-
tor: remote control. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±0.5 dB phono, warranty. 17% x 51/2 x 12 in; 15 lb $500 luminated standby switch; illuminated input select -
10 Hz -70 kHz +0.5, -1.5 dB line; S/N 77 dBA MM, 56
touch switches; headphone jacks; remote control.
dBA MC, 100 dBA line $1,295 PM -57 50-W/ch Integrated Amplifier S/N 104 dB. 17 x 4 x 12 in; 191b $899
2 channels. 50 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms or 70 x 2 rms
A-384 80-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier into 4 ohms. 6 line -level inputs; 2 tape outputs: 2
2 channels. 80 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 speaker pair outputs. Discrete power output stages. NAD
kHz with 0.05% THD or 230 W x 2 into 4 ohms. Gold- Motorized volume control; rear -panel and other com- The following feature a Soft Clipping circuit designed
plated input terminals for CD and phono. Triode ponent remote control jacks; independent control of to prevent speaker -damaging distortion.
12SU7 tube: metal chassis and front panel; line -phase tape output; loudness control: tone bypass switch: in-
sensor; Duo -Beta circuitry. Synchro CD -to -tape dub- frared remote control. THD 0.08%; S/N 80 dB phono, Model 317 80-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
bing; system dimmer; continuous play; system remote 85 dB line; ch sep 80 dB at 1.000 Hz. 3-yr warranty. 2 channels. 80 W a 2 cont from 20 Hz -20 kHz with
control. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±0.5 dB phono, 10 Hz -70 171/4x 4 x 131 in; 121b $300 0.03% THD or 240 x 1. all into 8 ohms. 6 line -level in-
kHz +0.5. -1.5 dB line: S/N 82 dBA MM. 62 dBA MC, puts; 2 tape loops; pre-out/main-in loop; gold-plated
100 dBA line. 171/2 x 51/4 x 15 in; 22 lb $995 input and output jacks: 5 -way binding posts. All dis-
MBL crete circuitry; metal -film resistors; polypropylene ca-
A-373 80-W/ch Integrated Amplifier Model 7005 50-W/ch Integrated Amplifier pacitors. Full system remote. S/N 119 dB. 171/4 x 5 x
2 channels. 80 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 80 x 2 into 4 15 in; 271b
kHz with 0.05% THD or 170 x 2 into 4 ohms. 3 video $699
ohms. 4 unbalanced inputs; 2 -binding -post output
inputs; phono input: system bus connection; gold- pairs; balanced input; CD -direct input; MC/MM pho- Model 316AV 180-W A/V Integrated Amplifier
plated CD and phono inputs. Video -input buffer am- no input: 2 tape outputs; main audio output. Remote 4 channels. Dolby Pro Logic. 50 W x 3 (front. center)
plifier; motor -driven volume control; discrete power - control. FR 0 Hz -90 kHz; THD 0.0035%; S/N 112 dB + 30 x 1 (surround) or 75 x 2 cont from 20 Hz -20 kHz
output stages; line -phase sensor; Star circuitry. Re- SPUW/m: slew rate 15 V/ps; damping factor 300. 18 with 0.08% THD, all into 8 ohms. 2 video inputs; 4 line -
cord -out selector: A/B speaker selector; line -straight x 6 x 15 in: 401b $4,290 level inputs; phono input. Discrete output stages.
switch: bass, treble, and balance controls: loudness Low -imp drive capability: dynamic -range -compres-
switch; remote control. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±0.5 dB sion mode for low -volume listening: NAD Link com-
phono, 10 Hz -70 kHz +0.5, -1.5 dB line; S/N 82 dBA McCORMACK patible; video switching; full system remote control.
MM, 62 dBA MC, 100 dBA line $795 Micro Drive 10-W/ch Integrated Amplifier 171/4x 53/4x 13 in; 211b $599
2 channels. Designed for use with small speakers
A-353 60-W/ch integrated Amplifier that have 90 dB or higher sensitivity rating. 10 W x 2. Model 314 35-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
2 channels. 60 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 2 line -level inputs: 2 headphone jacks on front -pan- 2 channels. 35 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
kHz with 0.05% THD or 125 W x 2 into 4 ohms. el; rear -panel binding -post outputs; 1 preamplifier kHz with 0.03% THD. 6 line -level inputs; 2 tape loops;
Switchable MM/MC phono input; system bus con- output $695 gold-plated input and output jacks; 2 sets of 5 -way


Before you buy stereo for
INTEGRATED AMPLIFIERS your home, get this catalog!

binding posts. All discrete circuitry including phono ohms or 235 x 2 max into 2 ohms; damping factor
preamp; metal -film resistors: polypropylene capaci- 120; S/N 114 dB $850
tors; Extended Dynamic Power (EDP) circuitry. S/N
104 dB. 17%x 11%x 4%in $399 Integra A-SV810PRO 325-W A V The \

Integrated Amplifier Perfect

Model 312 25 -VW& Integrated Amplifier 5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic and 8 ambience modes.
2 channels. 25 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 85 W x 3 (front, center) + 35 x 2 (surround) into 8
ohms or 180 x 2 max into 3 ohms. 6 video inputs in- Theater
kHz at 0.03% THD. 6 line -level inputs. 2 tape loops;
pre-out/main-in loops. Discrete circuitry including cluding 5 S -video inputs; 10 audio inputs; 5 video
phono preamp; metal -film resistors; polypropylene outputs including 3 S -video outputs; 5 audio outputs;
capacitors. Tone -defeat. S/N 116 dB. 17% x 4% x line -level subwoofer output. Dual power transform-
125/. in; 13 lb $299 ers; motor-criven volume control. 10 sound -field pre-
sets; adjustable digital delay; record -out selector;
Model 310 20-W/ch Integrated Amplifier mute switch: on -screen displays; programmable cur-
2 channels. 20 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 sor key: fluorescent display; Onkyo RI -system re-
kHz with 0.05% THD. Front -panel mini jack for audio mote -control compatibility; remote cortrol. FR 20 Hz -
input and output. Discrete circuitry; SuSi design cir- 20 kHz ±0.06 dB; THD 0.06%; S/N 105; damping fac-
cuitry. 17% x 2%x 9% in; 9 lb $199 tor 90. 18 x 6% x 16% in; 39 lb $1,100

Integra A-SV620 250-W AN Integrated Amplifier

5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic ant 5 ambience

NAIT-3R 30-W/ch Integrated Amplifier modes. 70 W x 3 (front, center) + 20 x 2 (surround)
2 channels. 30 x 2 into 8 ohms. 5 line -level inputs. into 8 ohms, 125 x 2 rms into 8 ohms or 240 x 2 into
Electronic switching. Remote control. MM/MC phono 4 ohms. 8 audio and 3 video inputs. Motorola 24 -bit
input optional. 17% x 2% x 12 in $1,500 DSP. Video dubbing capability; record -out selector;
NAIT-3. As above without remote control VISO tone control; fluorescent display; Onkyo RI -system
compatibility; remote control. FR 20 Hz -30 kHz;

THD 0.08%; S/N 100 dB; damping factor 60 18 x
6% x 15% in: 30 lb $650 Stereo Catalog
IA -1z 400-W Dolby Digital Integrated Amplifier Looking for the latest in
5 channels. Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic. 80 W x 5. A-9310 50-JV ch Integrated Amplifier
9 analog inputs; 4 digital inputs. Harmonic Time 2 channels 50 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms or 110 x 2 audio/video components?
Alignment amplifier topology; Motorola DSP56009 max into 2 ohms. 6 audio inputs; 5 -way binding
posts. Discrete output stage; source -direct mode: The Crutchfield catalog brings you hundreds
chip. Learning remote control. S/N 95 dB; ch sep 75
dB at 1,000 Hz. Black brushed aluminum. 3-yr war- line -level subwoofer output. Onkyo RI -system com- of top, brand -name components and
ranty. 16% x 6% x 15/. in; 38 lb $2,900 patibility; remote control. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD makes it easy to compare
0.06%; S/N 102 dB: damping factor 150 at 8 ohms.
18 x 4% x 13 in $365 them feature for
N .E.W. feature. Infor-
DAA-100 100-W/ch Integrated Amplifier mative articles,
2 channels. 100 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms or 200 x 2 OPTIMUS BY RADIO SHACK
SA -155 1.8-W/ch Integrated Amplifier helpful tips and
cont into 4 ohms, both from 20 Hz -20 kHz with
0.009% THD. Remote control. 44 lb $2,395 2 channels 1.8 W x 2. 4 audio inputs; tape output; exclusive comparison
headphone jack. Compact design; switchable mag- charts guide you through
DAA-35 35-W/ch Integrated Amplifier netic/ ceramic phono preamp. Volume, tone, and bal-
ance rotary controls; LED power indicator; mono/ste- the maze of buzzwords.
2 channels. 35 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz
with 0.08% THD or 70 x 2 into 4 ohms with 0.01% reo switch. Black. 91/2 x 2% x 6% in $60 You'll find exactly
THD. 3 phono inputs; single -ended gold-plated pho- what you need without New! See why DVD
no output. Class A operation; variable volume sys- paying for more than
PERREAUX means movies at home
tem. Remote control optional. S/N 93 dBA; dynamic
headroom 2.5 dB. 3-yr warranty. 12 x 41/2 x 12 in; Model 200, Professional 200 -With you want! will never be the same!

26 lb $1,498 Integrated Amplifier

2 channels, 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 Discover the convenience of
kHz with 0 02% THD. 6 line -level input; 2 tape out- shopping from home
ONIX puts. Remote control. Black. 38 lb $2,595
OA 31L Mk2 60-Wich Integrated Amplifier As above but with specially polishec aluminum, sil- Part catalog. part shopper's guide, the
2 channels. 60 W x 2. 6 line -level inputs; front -panel ver chrome, black chrome, or 24k gold-plated front Crutchfield catalog makes it a pleasure to
headphone jack; two sets of speaker outputs. Toroi- panel $2,895 shop from home. You can call our well-
dal transformer. Separate record and input selectors. informed sales
17x 3 x 13 in $1.095
OA 31C/M Mk2. As above but with MC or MM phono QUAD advisors toll -free,
stage $1,295 Quad 77 84-W/ch Integrated Amplifier 7 days a week with
OA 31LT Mk2. As OA 31L Mk2 but with bass/treble 2 channels. 84 W x 2. 3 line -level inputs; unlimited any of your product
tone controls $1,295 number of 77 Series component inputs via QuadLink
77 control bus. High -current design. Operable via questions. Plus,
OA 31M Mk2. As OA 31L Mk2 but with MM phono
stage $1,295 Quad Remote System Console intelligent remote. you'll get your order
OA 30 Mk2. As OA 31L Mk2 but 40 W x 2; no record Remote console optional. FR 10 Hz -20 kHz ±0.3 dB. in 2 days or less!
selector $795 21/2x 13 x 12 in $1,299
So what are you
OA 30C/M Mk2. As OA 30 MK2 with MC or MM pho- Sony, Kenwood, Pioneer,
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waiting for? Get
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OA 21S 50-W/ch Integrated Amplifier S25 Elegance 60-W,ch Integrated Amplifier Carver, Yamaha, and more! way today!
2 channels. 50 W x 2. CD, tape, aux, and tuner in- 2 channels. 60 W x 2 into 4 ohms from 20 Hz -30 kHz
puts. 9 x 3 x 141/2 in $795 with 0.015% THD. 6 speaker -level inputs: MM phono
MM or MC phono board for above $100 input; tape monitor output. High -current Class AB cir- Call now for your free copy!
cuitry; headphone amp with balance controls. S28
remote control optional. S/N 90 dB: ch sep 90 dB at
ONKYO 1,000 Hz; slew rate 60 V/ps: dynamic headroom 1.8
Integra A-9911 90-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
2 channels. 90 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms or 283 x 2 max
into 2 ohms. Discrete outputs; direct signal paths;
dB. Black or silver brushed aluminum. 17 x 3 x 11 in;
151b $1,195 1.800-555-8303
8 a.m. to Midnight (Eastern time). 7 days a week
shielded -block construction with 2 -panel chassis or visit our website at
base: motor -driven volume control. Remote control. ROTEL
FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD 0.008%; S/N 117 dB; damp- RA-985BX 100-W ch Integrated Amplifier
ing factor 130. 18 x 6% x 16% in; 37 lb $1,120 2 channels. 100 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms. Toroidal
Integra A-9711. As above but 80 W x 2 rms into 8 transformer; slit -foil capacitors. Dual -zone capability:
1 Crutchfield Park, Dept. SAG, Charlottesville, VA 22906
remote control. FR 4 Hz -100 kHz +1, -4 dB; S/N 97 with 0.08% THD. Motor -driven volume, source direct, Power, volume, feedback, tape -monitor. and selector
dB; damping factor 400. 17% x 4% x 13% in ....$800 bass, treble, speaker, and super bass; remote con- switches. Italian nut or mahogany. 11 x 7 x 16 in;
trol. Black. 13 lb $269 42 lb $2,149
RA 971 60-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
2 channels. 60 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms. 6 inputs, in- AUX-310 40-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
cluding 2 tape loops; headphone jack. Listen/re- 2 channels. 40 W x 2 into 8 ohms with 0.08% THD. WOODSIDE
cord selector; tone defeat. FR 10 Hz -100 kHz +1, Bass, treble, speakers, and CD direct. Black. 17 x 41/2 ISA230 30-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier
-4 dB: S/N 95 dB; damping factor 150. 17% x 3% x x 12 in; 13 lb $239
12 in 2 channels. 30 W x 2 into 8 ohms. 4 line -level inputs;
$500 tape monitor; MM phono input. Four 5881, two
RA 931 30-W/ch Integrated Amplifier ECC83, and two ECC81 vacuum tubes. S/N 85 dB
SONY line, 75 dB phono. 17 x 31/2 x 14 in $2,195
2 channels. 30 W x 2 cord into 8 ohms. 5 inputs in- TA-F808ES 100-W/ch Integrated Amplifier As above without MM phono stage $1,895
cluding phono and tape loop; headphone jack. Tone 2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 130 x 2 into 4
defeat. FR 10 Hz -40 kHz t1 dB; S/N 100 dB line; ohms. 6 line -level inputs; phono input; line -level out-
damping factor 180. 17% x 3% x 12 in $300 put; signal -processor loop; gold-plated connectors. WRIGHT
Class A MOSFET voltage stage; parallel push-pull com- Model 60-I 30-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier
plementary output stage with 4 MOSFETS per channel; 2 channels. 30 W x 2 into 4 to 8 ohms from 20 Hz -35
RUSSOUND spontaneous twin -drive power supply; 18,000-pF filter kHz. 6 line -level inputs; 2 selectable tape outputs; line -
IA -48 360-W Integrated Amplifier capacitors; discrete output transistors; nonmagnetic level output for multiroom distribution; line -level output;
8 channels. 45 W x 8 into 8 ohms or 50 x 8 into 4 MOSFET frame; 20 -mm -thick shaved -aluminum -block power amp input; 5 -way speaker binding posts. Type
ohms. 4 -zone capability; line -level bus; 12-V DC out- heat sinks; OFC circuit -board traces; top and bottom EL34 output tubes; also accepts 6L6WGC/5881 types;
put; external connection. Toroidal high -current power plates made of calcium carbonate reinforced with separate power supplies for preamp and power ampli-
supply. Bass, treble, and volume controls for each of glass fiber; motor -driven input selector; moving coil fier sections; no circuit boards; metalized polypropyl-
four stereo amps. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD 0.06%. 17 phono head amp; infrasonic filter. Recording monitor;
x 15% x 41/4 in; 28 lb
ene capacitors and 1% metal -film resistors; choke -fil-
$1,125 source -direct, mono/stereo, 20 -dB mute, and A/B tered power supply. Bass and treble controls with
speaker switches; remote control with controls for turnovers at 90 Hz and 10 kHz; selectable 100/160/
AP -48 448-W Integrated Amplifier Sony sources. FR 2 Hz -200 kHz -4 dB line; S/N 93 dB 250 Hz 6 dB/oct high-pass filter for biamplification; in-
8 channels. 56 W x 8 into 8 ohms or 68 x 2 into 4 MM, 79 dB MC, 105 dB line; damping factor 100 into 8 dividual tube bias controls; matched -channel controls.
ohms. 4 -zone capability; line -level bus; 12-V DC out- ohms at 1 kHz. 5-yr-limited warranty. 17 x 61/4 x 171/4 in; PH -2 phono stage optional. Black anodized nonmag-
put. Toroidal high -current power supply. FR 20 Hz -20 54 lb $1,700 netic chassis with dark oak side panel. 3-yr warranty.
kHz; THD 0.06%. 17 x 15% x 41/4 in; 281b $900 18 x 9 x 13'/ in; 381b $1,550
TA-F707ES 90-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
2 channels. 90 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 120 x 2 into 4 Model 16-I 8-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier
SANSUI ohms. 6 line -level inputs; MC phono input; line -level 2 channels. 8 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 25 Hz -23 kHz.
AU-X907MRX 160-W/ch Integrated Amplifier output; signal -processor loop. Class A MOSFET volt- 2 line -level inputs. Class A operation; 6L6WGC/
2 channels. 160 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz age stage: parallel push-pull output stage with 4 5881 output tube per channel, operated in partial
with 0.003% THD. 6 inputs. All discrete circuitry; 4 - MOSFET5 per channel; spontaneous twin -drive pow- triode mode; no circuit boards; gold-plated individ-
layer transformer design. Source direct, bass, treble, er supply; 15,000-pF filter capacitors; discrete out- ually mounted input jacks; choke -filled power sup-
and balance amp modes; A/B, A+B speaker switch. put transistors; nonmagnetic MOSFET frame; calci- ply. Bass and treble controls. Replacement tube
Brushed aluminum. 17 x 61/2 x 17% in; 73 lb . .$3,999 um -carbonate chassis reinforced with glass fiber;
set optional. Black anodized nonmagnetic chassis
motor -driven input infrasonic filter; die- oak side panels. 3-yr warranty. 121/2 x 7 x
AU-X607MRX 90-W/ch Integrated Amplifier cast aluminum heat sinks; aluminum front panel. 91/2 in
2 channels. 90 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz $950
Recording monitor; source -direct, mono/stereo, 20 -
with 0.003% THD. 6 inputs. switched outlet; gold- dB mute, and A/B speaker switches; remote control
plated headphone jack. Discrete amp stages: motor - with controls for Sony sources. FR 2 Hz -200 kHz -4 YAMAHA
driven volume control. Mute and source direct switch- dB line; S/N 93 dB MM, 77 dB MC, 105 dB line; DSP-A3090 450-W Dolby Digital
es; bass and treble controls; loudness function: re- damping factor 100. 5-yr-limited warranty. 17 x 61/2 x Integrated Amplifier
mote control. Black. 17 x 6 x 18 in; 40 lb $1,759 171/4 in; 47 lb $1,200 7 channels. Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic, 16 Cine-
ma DSP settings including Tri-Field, 12 Hi-Fi settings,
AV -7100 275-W A/V Integrated Amplifier
and 3 center modes. 80 W x 5 with 0.015% THD (front
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Theater, and Hall TEAC and surround) + 25 x 2 with 0.08% THD (front effects),
modes. 75 W x 3 (front, center) into 8 ohms from 20 A-BX1OB 100-W/ch Integrated Amplifier all from 20 Hz -20 kHz into 8 ohms. 11 line -level in-
Hz -20 kHz with 0.8% THD + 25 x 2 (surround). 4 au- 2 channels. 100 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms with 0.04% puts; AC -3 RF input; 5 optical inputs; coaxial audio
dio inputs; 3 video inputs. Black. 17 x 5% x 13% in; THD or 160 x 2 into 4 ohms with 0.06% THD, both input; 6 video and 6 S -video inputs; split subwoofer
25 lb $699 from 20 Hz -20 kHz. 4 line -level inputs; balanced-XLR output; line -level output terminals for center channel;
input; binding -post outputs. Balanced circuit configu- pre -main coupler. AN record -out selector; remote
AU-X71OR 80-W/ch Integrated Amplifier ration to cancel out power -supply noise and hum controllable motor -driven master volume control/input
2 channels. 80 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz fields; power supplies with shielded toroidal power selector with LED indicator; hand-held learning re-
with 0.08% THD. 1 switched outlet; gold-plated head- transformers and parallel -connected output -stage mote control; on -screen display. S/N 96 dB CD, 86 dB
phone jacks, tone controls, motor -driven volume. and power transistors. FR 20 Hz -40 kHz -1 dB line; S/N MM phono. 171/4 x 6% x 18% in: 46 lb $2,499
speaker; remote control. Black. 17 x 5% x 13% in; 106 dB. 17% x 41/4 X 151/4 in $2,700
24 lb $499 AX -592 100-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
2 channels. 100 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
AV -5100 199-W AN Integrated Amplifier UNISON RESEARCH kHz with 0.015% THD. 6 audio inputs: 2 tape outputs;
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Theater, and Hall Model 845 Absolute 37-W/ch Tube pre-out/main-in loop: 2 switched AC outlets. Input/out-
modes. 55 W x 3 (front, center) from 20 Hz -20 kHz Integrated Amplifier put direct symmetrical design; high -current low -imped-
with 0.8% THD + 17 x 2 (surround), all into 8 ohms. 4 2 channels. 37 W x 2. CD, AN, tuner, and aux/phono ance drive capability; discrete power amp. CD direct
audio inputs; 3 video inputs. Black. 17 x 5% x 15% in; inputs; speaker binding posts. Class A design; dual
21 lb switch; record -out selector; pure direct switch; phono
$499 mono; triode tubes. Power, volume, and selector MM/MC selector; loudness control; Yamaha system re-
switch; individual tube bias switch; 2 analog meters. mote control. S/N 92 dB phono, 110 dB line: damping
AUX-510R 70-W/ch Integrated Amplifier Italian nut finish. 3-yr warranty. 30 x 11 x 20 in; factor 320 from 20 Hz -20 kHz: dynamic headroom 1.4
2 channels. 70 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz 216 lb $23,399 dB. Black. 171/4 x 6 x 15% in; 23 lb $499
with 0.08% THD. 1 switched outlet; gold-plated head-
phone jacks, tone controls, motor -driven volume, in- Simply Four Pentode 24-W/ch Tube
frasonic filter, and speaker; remote control. Black. 17 Integrated Amplifier YBA
x 5%x 121/2in; 17 lb $439 2 channels. 24 W x 2. CD, AN, tuner, and aux/phono in- YBA 50-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
puts; speaker terminals with selectable 4- or 8 -ohm 2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Phono input: 5
AV -3100 184-W AN Integrated Amplifier taps. Class A design with pentode tubes. Power, vol- line -level inputs; 2 output transistors per channel;
5 channels. Dolby Pro Logic, Theater, and Hall ume, feedback, tape monitor, and selector switch. Cab- biwire outputs. Dual transformers. Damping factor
modes. 50 W x 3 (front, center) from 20 Hz -20 kHz inet features Italian nut or mahogany accents. 3-yr war- 300 at 100 Hz. 3-yr warranty. 17% x 14% x 3 in;
with 0.8% THD + 17 x 2 (surround), all into 8 ohms. 4 ranty. 14 x 7 x 19 in $3,249 15 lb
audio inputs; 3 video inputs. Black. 17 x 5% x 11% in; $2.345
Simply Four Triode. As above. 11 W x 2 . $3,249
. .
As above without phono input $2,195
19 lb $349 As YBA 50 without dual transformer $1,945
Simply Two 12-W/ch Tube Integrated Amplifier As above without phono input $1,795
AUX-410R 50-W/ch Integrated Amplifier 2 channels. 12 W x 2. 4 line -level inputs; 1 tape-re- MC module
2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz $400
cording loop. Class A output stage: pentode tube. Remote control $300


A-100 100-W Mono Amplifier
1 channel. 100 W x into 8 ohms with 0.1% THD.

200 x 1 into 4 ohms, both from 20 Hz -20 kHz. Class A

design with 16 transistors, 44 FET5, 10 ICs, and 44
diodes. Power -level meter. S/N 120 dBA; damping
factor 250 into 8 ohms, 50 Hz. 18% x 91/2 x 21% in;
126 lb $15,695

A-50 50-W/ch Amplifier

2 channels. 50 W x 2 or 200 x 1, both into 8 ohms
from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.02% THD. Circuit -breaker
protection. XLR and RCA inputs. Input -level controls;
2 digital power meters. S/N 110 dBA; damping factor
160 stereo. 181/4 x 91/2 x 193/4 in; 107 lb $14,995

P-700 350-W/ch Amplifier

2 channels. 350 W x 2 or 1,000 x 1, both into 8 ohms.
Current -feedback circuit topology prevents phase
shifts; bridgeable mode: circuit breaker. XLR and
RCA inputs. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±0.2 dB; S/N 123 dB;
damping factor 200 mono, 400 stereo. 19% x 93/s x
211/2 in; 93 lb $12,995 Carver Premiere AV -705x five -channel THX power amplifier

P-550 270-W/ch Amplifier

2 channels. 270 W x 2 or 840 x 1, both into 8 ohms. ADCOM ATM -2 80-W/ch Tube Amplifier
Circuit -breaker protection; current -feedback circuit GFA-5802 300-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 80 W x 2 into 8 ohms at 1 kHz with 1%
topology; MOSFET circuits; gold-plated signal paths. 2 channels. 300 W x 2 into 8 ohms o 450 x 2 into 4 THD. Six KT -88 output tubes; two 12AX7A, two
Balanced inputs; gold-plated inputs; two set of ohms. All-mosFET, single -ended Class A circuitry. XLR 12AU7A, and two 12BH7A tubes: handcrafted con-
switchable outputs. A/B speaker selector; input/ and RCA inputs; biwirable. Distortion -alert and thermal - struction; OFC wiring; cathode -follower direct drive; no
bridge selector; analog L/R output meters. FR 20 Hz - protection lights. S/N 105 dBA; dynamic headroom 2.3 printed circuit boards; copper -plated chassis: Tamura
20 kHz; THD 0.02% from 4 to 16 ohms stereo; S/N dB. Black. 17 x 83/4 x 151/2 in; 48 lb $1,750 output transformers: extruded aluminum front panel.
123 dBA; damping factor 250 mono, 500 stereo. CD -direct input. Adjustable tube bias. FR 20 Hz -20
Champagne -gold brushed -finished aluminum front GFA-5503 600-W Amplifier kHz ±1 dB; S/N 100 dBA $6.695
panel. 183/4 x 81/2 x 171/2 in; 73 lb $8,995 3 channels 200 W x 3 into 8 ohms or 350 x 3 into 4
ohms. Low negative feedback, 30 matched MOSFET 36-W/ch Tube Amplifier
P-450 200-W/ch Amplifier output devices. FR 3 Hz -130 kHz ±0.25 dB; THD 2 channels. 36 W x 2 into 8 ohms at 1 kHz with 1%
2 channels. 200 W a 2 into 8 ohms, 300 x 2 into 4 ohms, 0.18%; S/N 100 dB. 17 x 71/2 x 16 in; 571b $1,300 THD. Four 6CA7, two 12AU7, one 12AX7A, and two
400 x 2 into 2 ohms, or 800 x 1 into 4 ohms, all from 20 GFA-5500. As above, 2 channels, 200 W x 2 into 8 5AR4 tubes: Mullard phase inversion; OFC wiring:
Hz -20 kHz with 0.02% THD; 600 x 1 into 2 ohms from ohms or 350 x 2 into 4 ohms. 20 precision -matched cathode -follower direct drive: Tamura transformers:
20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.05% THD. XLR and RCA input. MOSFET devices. 17 x x 141/4 in; 44 lb $1,000 no printed circuit boards. CD -direct input. FR 20 Hz -
Power meters; meter -light switch; mono/stereo switch. GFA-5400. As above, 125 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 200 x 20 kHz ±1 dB; S/N 100 dBA $4,195
S/N 120 dBA; damping factor 400 stereo, 200 mono. 2 into 4 ohms. 12 precision -matched MOSFET output
Brushed aluminum. 19 x 9 x 19 in; 68 lb $6,000 devices. 17 x 51/2 x 121/2 in; 24 lb $680 ATM -4 24-W/ch Tube Amplifier
GFA-5300. As above. 80 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 125 x 2 2 channels. 24 W x 2 or 48 x 1 into 8 ohms with 0.1%
P-350 150-W/ch Amplifier into 4 ohms. 8 precision -matched MOSFET output de- THD. Four 6L6GC, one 12AT7, and two 6FQ7 tubes;
2 channels. 150 W x 2 or 420 x 1 into 8 ohms. Current - vices. 17 x 41/2 x 121/2 in; 22 lb $450 adjustable balance -check circuit. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±1
feedback circuit topology; Class A PNP transistors GFA-5200. As above, 50 W a 2 into 8 ohms or 80 x 2 dB; S/N 100 dB. 151/4 x 81/4 x 13% in; 51 lb ....$3,995
predriver; Temperature sensor for bias -stabilizer cir- into 4 ohms. 4 precision -matched MOSFET output de-
cuit; DC servo op -amp; current -feedback input buffer. vices. S/N 98 dB. 17 x 31/4 x 121/4 in; 17 lb $350
Gold-plated XLR and RCA inputs; 2 sets of switchable AMC
outputs. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD 0.02% from 4 to 16 GFA-7000 650-W THX Amplifier CVT 2100a 80-W/ch Amplifier
ohms; S/N 120 dBA: damping factor 180 mono, 360 5 channels. 130 W x 5 into 8 ohms cr 200 x 5 into 4 2 channels. 80 W x 2 from 45 Hz -20 kHz with 1.0%
stereo. Champagne -gold brushed -finished aluminum ohms. THX-certified; 5 individual heat sinks, power THD into 8 ohms. Class AB operation; 2 cooling fans:
front panel. 18% x 61/4 x 171/2 in; 52 lb $4,795 supplies, and printed -circuit boards. FR 10 Hz -20 separate 4- and 8 -ohm output taps. 2 RCA line -level
kHz ±0.25 dB; THD 0.05%; S/N 115 dB. 17 x 71/2 x inputs; 5 -way binding post on all outputs; 2 switched,
14% in; 41 lb $1,300 1 unswitched AC outlets. S/N 95 dB; ch sep 65 dB.
ACURUS Black. 17 x 5 x 13 in; 43 lb $1,100
A200x3 600-W Amplifier GFA-6000 420-W Amplifier MD 2103. Balanced stereo input module $250
3 channels. Designed for home -theater systems. 200 5 channels 100 W x 3+ 60 x 2 into 8 ohms. Level con- MD 2102. Balanced bridging input module for mono
W x 3 cont into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz with trol for each channel. FR 3 Hz -100 kHz ±0.25 dB; THD operation $150
0.06% THD or 300 x 3 cont into 4 ohms. Symmetrical 0.09%: S/N 102 dB. 17 x 51/2 x 143/4 in; 32 lb $900 CVT 2030a. As above, 30 W x 2. 31 lb $767
circuit topology. 19 -in front panel optional. S/N 110
dBA. 17 a 7 x 15 in; 45 lb $1,299 GFA-2535& 240-W Amplifier Model 2N100-3 450-W Amplifier
4 channels. 60 W x4 or 60 x 2 + 200 x 1 into 8 ohms. 3 channels. 150 W x 3 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.03%
A200 200-W/ch Amplifier Level controls for each pair of channels. FR 10 Hz -20 THD into 8 ohms. Class AB output. 3 RCA line inputs;
2 channels. 250 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms from 20 Hz - kHz ±0.5 dB: THD 0.06%; S/N 100 dB. 17 x 51/2 x 14 5 -way binding posts. Input -level control for each
20 kHz with 0.06% THD or 300 x 2 into 4 ohms. in; 32 lb $700 channel. S/N 102 dBA: damping factor 100. Black. 17
Handcrafted construction: symmetrical circuit topolo- x 5 a 13 in; 44Ib $800
gy; Class A fully discrete input driver stage without
ICs; bipolar Class A/B output stage; matched transis- A/D/S/ Model 2N100-2 150-W/ch Amplifier
tors. 19 -inch front panel optional. S/N 110 dBA 17 x PA8 240-W Amplifier 2 channels. 150 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
5 x 12 in; 35 lb $995 8 channels. 30 W x 8, 30 x 6 + 120 x 1, 30 x 4 + 120 x kHz with 0.03% THD. Class AB output. 2 RCA line -
2, 30 x 2 + 120 x 3, 120 x 4, all into 8 ohms from 20 level inputs; 5 -way binding post; 1 unswitched IEC
A100x3 300-W Amplifier Hz -20 kHz Discrete Class AB design by Ed Meitner. power output. Input -level controls for each channel.
3 channels. Designed for home -theater systems. 100 Remote turn -on $1,500 S/N 102 dBA; damping factor 100. Black. 17 x 5 x 13
W x 3 cont into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz with in; 381b $550
0.06% THD or 150 x 3 cont into 4 ohms. Symmetrical
circuit topology. 19 -inch front panel optional. S/N 110 AIR TIGHT Model 2445 180-W Amplifier
dBA. 17 x 51/2x 12 in; 351b $899 ATM -3 100-W Tube Mono Amplifier 4 channels. 45 W x 4 or 90 x 2. both 20 Hz -20 kHz in-
1 channel. 100 W x 1 in triode mode. One 12AX7, to 8 ohms with 0.03% THD, or 90 x 1 + 45 x 2 with
A100 100-W/ch Amplifier one 12AU7, and six 6CA7 tubes; triple -push-pull cir- 0.05% THD. Class AB output; dual power supplies. 4
2 channels. 100 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms from 20 Hz - cuitry; hand crafted: selectable ultralinear or triode - RCA line inputs; 5 -way binding posts; 2 switched AC
20 kHz with 0.06% THD or 150 x 2 into 4 ohms. tube mode; no printed circuit boards. Adjustable bias outlets. Input -level controls for each channel; bridg-
Handcrafted construction; bipolar output transistors. for each 6CA7 output tube: tube -bias meter. FR 20 ing switches. S/N 100 dBA: damping factor 100.
S/N 110 dBA. 17 x 5 x 10 in; 32 lb $699 Hz -20 kHz ±1 dB; S/N 100 dBA ..$11,500/pr Black. 17 x 5 x 13 in; 28Ib $400


AMERICAN HYBRID TECHNOLOGY Dual -mono design; direct circuit coupling; matched BPA-500 500-W Mono THX Amplifier
AHT 300 300-W Mono Amplifier output transistors; auto bias circuitry; DC servo con- 1channel. Designed for subwoofers. 500 W x 1.
1 channel. 300 W x 1. Silver -porcelain tube sockets; trol. S/N 110 dBA. 19 x 61/2 x 41/2 in; 70 lb ....$1,999 THX-certified. 51/4 x 19 x 161/2 in $2,624
regulated power supplies for driver, output, and bias
stages; driver filament regulation; separately regulat- Model 8002 125-W/ch Amplifier PBA-500 500-W Mono Amplifier
ed negative and positive power -tube filaments. Avail- 2 channels. 125 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms with 0.03% 1 channel. 500 W cont into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -200
able through custom order only $30,000/pr THD or 200 x 2 cont into 4 ohms, both from 5 Hz -20 Hz with 0.06% THD or 352 x 1 into 4 ohms. Fan cool-
kHz. Dual -mono design; direct circuit coupling; matched ing; fuse protection. LED power meter; variable level
output transistors; auto -bias circuitry. S/N 110 dBA. and frequency bandwidth controls. S/N 101 dB; slew
AMPLIFIER TECHNOLOGIES (ATI) 19 x 61/2 x 141/2 in; 55 lb $1,499 rate 10 V/ps. 19 x 51/4 x 161/2 in: 32 lb $2,624
ATI506 900-W Amplifier
6 channels. 150 W x 6 into 8 ohms or 225 x 6 into 4 PTM-6150 900-W THX Amplifier
ohms. DB-25 input; European standard output termi- ARCAM 6 channels. Designed for home -theater systems. 150
nals. Class AB output operation; fuse -fault indicators. Alpha 9P 70-W/ch Amplifier W x 6 into 8 ohms or 250 x 6 into 4 ohms. THX-certi-
FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD 0.05%; S/N 100 dB; slew rate 2 channels. 70 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Line input/output fied; fan cooling; Class A/B output stage. Banana -
50 V/ps; dynamic headroom 2 dB. 7-yr parts -and -la- jacks; headphone jack. Speaker switching. 12 lb $749 plug outputs. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz: THD 0.006% at 1
bor warranty. 17 x 7 x 17 in; 88 lb $1,995 Alpha 8P. As above. 50-W/ch. 9 lb $449 kHz. 51/4 x 19 x 20 in $1,999
ATI505 750-W Amplifier PF-250 100-W/ch Amplifier
5 channels. 150 W x 5 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 ART AUDIO 2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
kHz with 0.03% THD or 225 x 5 into 4 ohms. Detach- Maestro Plus 210-W Tube Mono Amplifier kHz with 0.07% THD, 160 x 2 into 4 ohms, or 240 x 2
able modular component design; Class AB opera- 1 channel. 210 W x 1 in ultralinear mode or 120 x 1 in into 2 ohms. MOSFET circuitry; 2 -ohm stability; fan
tion. 6 gold-plated RCA inputs; 1 DB-25 input; 6 gold- triode mode. Class A triode switchable push-pull; cooling. S/N 95 dB. 37 lb $1,784
plated binding posts. Fuse -fault indicators; remote eight 6550 output tubes. THD 0.3%. Chrome and
power -on. S/N 120 dBA; ch sep 90 dB; slew rate 50 gold finish $10,000/pr PF-201 60-W/ch Amplifier
V/ps; damping factor 1,000; dynamic headroom 2 As above, chrome and black finish $7,995/pr 2 channels. 60 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
dB. Glass -bead front -panel finish and powder -coat kHz with 0.07% THD, 110 x 2 into 4 ohms. MOSFET
chassis. 7-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 17 x 7 x 16 in; Maestro 110-W Tube Mono Amplifier circuitry; 1/2 -ohm load capability; fan cooling; LED out-
73 lb $1,695 1 channel. 110 W x 1 in ultralinear mode or 70 x 1 in put meters. S/N 95 dB: slew rate 10 V/ps ....$1,574
Rack handles for above $95/pr triode. Class A triode switchable push-pull: eight
EL34 output tubes. Chrome and gold finish. THD PBA-50 50-W Mono Amplifier
ATI504 600-W Amplifier 0.3%. 60 lb $7,995/pr 1 channel. Designed for subwoofers. 50 W x 1 into 8
4 channels. 150 W x 4 into 8 ohms or 225 x 4 into 4 As above, chrome and black finish $5,995/pr ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.02% THD or 80 x 1
ohms. European standard output terminals. Class into 4 ohms. Fan cooling. LED power meter. S/N 104
AB output operation; fuse -fault indicators. FR 20 Hz - Tempo 30-W Mono Tube Amplifier dB; slew rate 10 V/ps $1,259
20 kHz; THD 0.05%; S/N 100 dB; slew rate 50 V/ps; 1 channel. 30 W x 1. Class A dedicated triode 30-W
dynamic headroom 2 dB. 7-yr parts -and -labor war- push-pull; four EL34 output tubes. Chrome and gold PT -125 60-W/ch Amplifier
ranty. 17 x 7 x 11 in; 64 lb $1,395 finish. THD 0.3% $5.500/pr 2 channels. 60 W x 2 into 8 ohms. 2 -ohm load stabili-
As above, black and chrome finish $4,395/pr ty; fan cooling. Input -level adjustment for each chan-
ATI502 150-W/ch Amplifier nel; LED indicator. 19 x 1% x 19 in $1,199
2 channels. 150 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 225 x 2 into 4 Quintet 15-W Mono Amplifier
ohms. European standard output terminals. Class 1 channel. 15 W x 1. Class A triode push-pull design. PTM-650 300-W Amplifier
AB output operation; fuse -fault indicators. FR 20 Hz - Chrome and gold finish. THD 0.3% $4,995/pr 6 channels. 50 W x 6. Designed to power moderate
20 kHz; THD 0.05%; S/N 100 dB; slew rate 50 V/ps; As above, black and chrome finish $3,595/pr home theaters or 3 zones; matches Delta 3 preamp;
dynamic headroom 2 dB. 7-yr parts -and -labor war- fan cooling; 4 -ohm capability $1,199
ranty. 17 x 7 x 6 in; 40Ib $795 Quintet 25-W/ch Amplifier
2 channels. 25 W x 2 ultralinear mode or 15 x 2 triode.
Class A triode switchable push-pull design. Chrome AUDIO ELECTRONICS
ANTHEM and gold. 45 lb $2,850 Except where noted, kit versions of the following are
AMP 1 40-W/ch Tube Amplifier As above, chrome and black finish $2,450 available for $200 less than the assembled amps.
2 channels. 40 W x 2 into 4 or 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
kHz with 1% THD. Class AB; push-pull ultralinear de- SE -811 12-W Tube Mono Amplifier
sign; regulated power supplies. 1 pair line -level in- AUDIO ADVANCEMENTS 1 channel. 12 W. Single -ended Class A design; 811-3
puts. Output imp selectable via 4 and 8 ohm taps on Trimax 45-W Mono Tube Amplifier triode output tubes. 4- and 8 -ohm switch. FR 19 Hz -23
binding posts. S/N 100 dBA; damping factor 14. Sil- 1 channel. 45 W x 1. 807 tetrode output tube. FR 5 kHz ±0.5 dB; S/N 78 dB. 16 x 8 x 14 in: 42 lb $1,995/pr
ver and black. 5-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 19 x 51/4 Hz -110 kHz: THD 0.1%. 9/. x 71/4 x 18 in ..$5,250/pr Kit version $1,299/pr
x 12 in: 401b $1,195 Designer version. 91/2 x 81/4 x 16% in $4.250/pr
SET IIM 20-W/ch Mono Amplifier
Earmax 100-mW/ch Tube Headphone Amplifier 1 channel. 20 W. Class A; single -ended MOSFET out-
ARAGON 2 channels. 100 mW x 2. Class A output stage. RCA put. FR 15 Hz -45 kHz ±1 dB; S/N 89 dB. 16 x 63/4 x 10
Palladium 2 125-W Mono Amplifier inputs; headphone jack. 3% x 31/2 x 4 in: 1 lb ...$575 in; 23 lb $1,595/pr
1 channel. 125 W x 1 into 8 ohms with 0.02% THD or Kit version $1,199/pr
600 x 1 into 4 ohms, both from 5 Hz -20 kHz. Bal-
anced dual -differential design via 2 discrete amps in AUDIO BY VAN ALSTINE SE Signature 8-W/ch Tube Amplifier
single chassis; separate amplification of positive and FET-Valve 550hc 250-W/ch Tube Amplifier 2 channels. 8 W x 2. Single -ended pure Class A de-
negative balanced -input signals; Class A operation 2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Hybrid design sign; oil -filled coupling capacitors; Cetron 300B out-
with Class A/B mode into 2 or 4 ohms. S/N 112 dB. with vacuum tube; Class A MOSFET trans -imp circuit- put tubes. $1,449
19 x 61/2 x 141/2 in: 751b $5,000 ry. THD 0.04%. 17 x 7 x 13 in; 38 lb $1,799 As above with China 300B tubes $1,249
FET-Valve 350hc. As above. 150 W x 2 into 8 ohms. As above without tubes $1,049
Model 8008 BB 200-W/ch Amplifier 33 lb $1,499
2 channels. 200 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms with 0.03% SE -1 7-W/ch Tube Amplifier
THD or 400 x 2 into 4 ohms, from 5 Hz -20 kHz. Dual - Omega Ill 440 220-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 7 W x 2. Single -ended pure Class A de-
mono design. Direct circuit coupling; DC servo con- 2 channels. 220 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Active feedback sign; Cetron 300B output tubes. FR 15 Hz -20 kHz
trol; matched output transistors; auto bias circuitry. design. THD 0.05%; slew rate 150 V/ps. 17 x 7 x 13 ±0.5 dB; S/N 84 dB. 14 x x 10 in; 31 lb ...$1,299
S/N 110 dBA. 19 x 61/2 x 141/2 in; 75 lb $2,499 in; 381b $1,199 As above with China 300B output tubes $1,099
Omega III 260. As above, 130 W x 2 into 8 ohms. As above with 300B output tubes $899
Model 8008x3 600-W Amplifier 30 lb $899
3 channels. 200 W x 3 cont into 8 ohms with 0.03% Omega Ill 200. As Omega III 260, 90 W x 2 into 8 SE -88 12-W/ch Tube Amplifier
THD or 400 x 3 cont into 4 ohms, from 5 Hz -20 kHz. ohms. 26 lb $699 2 channels. 12 W x 2. Single -ended Class A design;
Direct circuit coupling; DC servo control; matched KT -88 output tubes. FR 20 Hz -23 kHz $999
output transistors; auto bias circuitry. S/N 110 dBA.
19 x 8 x 16'/2 in; 651b $2,499 AUDIO DESIGN ASSOCIATES
MPA-500 2,000-W THX Amplifier AUDIOLAB
Model 8008 ST 200-W/ch Amplifier 5 channels. Designed for home -theater systems. 400 Model 8000M 125-W Mono Amplifier
2 channels. 200 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms with 0.03% W x 5. THX-certified; separate power supply. 19 x 51/4 1 channel. 125 W x into 8 ohms or 200 x 1 into 4

THD or 400 x 2 into 4 ohms, both from 5 Hz -20 kHz. x 161/2 in $6,614 ohms. Overload protection. 2 sets of inputs: 2 sets of


Like all families, the Sonic Frontiers collection ha. a
carman conneclon of unsurpassed value. While on'
pros ucts were krzwn for their exceptional parts quality,
4,lc A, .1k
build quality, End pricing. Sonic Frontiers has evolved io
something far greater.

In digital, our cffeings include the award -winning SFCD 1

CD player, a. r aew reference PROCESSOR 3 digital
processor and oul stunning TRANSPORT 3 CD Tumbbe
(the latter two are designed to be future proof in the are hl
of a new digital audio standard being agreed upon arid
impemented). These two new products will debut ft e
new 12S.entrua ed digital interface which solves atbr
as as issue beween digital separates. PROCESSOR 3 DIGITAL PROCESSOR
The new line-up >f Sonic Frontiers preamplifiers set law
standards in engneenng sophistication which rat 3r y
impwes each unt's sonic and technical performance b A
also provides cxf ay's increasingly demanding audkoa hie
the flexibility they need for 2 channel, home theater and Z Z .T.

headphone erknrc nments, with ready access to featiros Z Z

preuously unaietable on high -end equipment. Whetferit
be he UNE 1, UNE 2, or reference UNE 3, the 9
preumps are tie new paradigms by which all others v6.11
be lodged.

Often dismissed as being hog* cobred due to 'heir LINE 1 PREAMPLIFIER

frequency extremes. and uncontrolled le -s
rolled -off
perbrmance, hw if any tube power amps have been rbe
to a thieve the requisite technical performance to overcen e
these flaws. Wel,, at Sonic Frontiers, we took up tt-s
chalenge and advanced the stated -the -art. The POWER
Sens of ampil her, has finally shown that tube anpies
can have controlled and extended bass performance Nit
detailed and Mended high frequencies. The POWER I M
wat , POWER 2 110 watt and POWER 3 220 watt nor.°
amplifiers have rsentialy the same sonic sigrau e
- all you need to choose is the
appropriate pore, and price. -11.11l1.".


Contact Sor ic Frontiers for product informalon or for the dealer nearest you.

2:90 Brighten Road. Oakville, Ontario, Can,mla L6H 5T4 - ---(905) 829-3838 0051829-3033 j SFIPsonicfrontiers.corn O http://www.sonidronti

Natural Selection The Best wi:hri Boundaries - that was the

goal when Soni.: Frontiers conceived -he idea
INT 1 of developing a line of affordable high -end
tube electronic; as a step up trorr mid -fl

PRE AL AMP 1 solid-state.

The challer ge was simple - design a
"full" line of tube electronr. products which
maintain thesolic signature and perfcrmance
sought from tubes by rrakiig in elligent
design choims which max mire sonic bang
for the buck - quality, wit -mu- tie :arefree
PRE AP excess of a cost -no -object attitude.
And so, ANTHEM was born Comprising
source, prearap end power amp broduc s, the 5
piece ANTHEM line re -defines the tear VALUE
in audio. Whether its the uut's parts. quality,
construction :ra'tsmanship, :ednical sophisti-
cation, warrant}, price or unparalleled sonics,
the ANTHEM stable of products is without
CD 1 CD Changer equal.
(1; C
You need rot sacrifice when owning an
ANTHEM pod ict - it ernood es tte finest
principles of the high -end, witiout requiring
you to mortgage the family borne!
Whatever your high -end elec:rcruce needs
are, ANTHEM i; the natura selection
Pre 1P 1P Phono Stage Pre 1L Linestage Preamp
For more information on tie ANTHEM
formation of products, or to receive a copy of
our A TASTE OF TUBES bookie:, please Call,
Write, Fax or E -Mail us todey.

S w T H E 1111
Integrated 1 Integrated Amplfer Amp 1 Power Amplifier ' ' , IND I) Si


outputs. Mute. FR 1 Hz -75 kHz; THD 0.05%; S/N 95 fully regulated power supplies; OFHC internal wiring; AUDIOSOURCE
dB. 1T/2 x 3 x 13 in; 21 lb $1,195 vibration -damped, mechanically isolated transformer AMP Three 150-Wich Amplifier
mounting; one 5842, one 5881/6L6GC, and four 6SN7 2 channels. 150 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms or 400 x 1 into
Model 8000P MKII 100-W/ch Amplifier tubes; triode or ultralinear operation. Gold-plated RCA 4 or 8 ohms. Line out through jacks. Signal -sensing
2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 175 x 2 into 4 input jacks; 7 output binding posts. Auto standby; bias auto on; A/B speaker selector. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ±0.5
ohms. Dual -mono design; differential-FET input de- meter. 15 x 23 x 81/2 in; 68 lb 59.995/pr dB; THD 0.04%; S/N 110 dB; dynamic headroom 2
sign; bipolar output stage; overload protection. 2 sets dB.161/2x 4 x 11'/ in $599
of outputs. Mute. FR 3 Hz -75 kHz; THD 0.05%; S/N Debut II Dual 35-W Tube Amplifier AMP Two. As above, 80 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms or
95 dB. 171/2x 3 x13 in; 21lb $1,195 2 channels. 35 W x 2 into 2, 4, 6, or 8 ohms with 0.1% 200 x 1 into 4 or 8 ohms; peak limiter circuitry. Line -
THD. Dual -mono construction; Class AB operation; in and CD -direct inputs. Output VU meters $399
12AT7 input and EL34 output tubes; OFHC internal
AUDIO NOTE wiring; vibration -damped, mechanically isolated trans-
Kondo Series former mounting; discrete FET-controlled power sup- AUDIRE
Gaku-On 55-W Mono Tube Amplifier plies; all -aluminum chassis; transformer cover. Teflon - The New Monarch 600-W Mono Amplifier
1 channel. 55 W. 2 Western Electric 845 output tubes insulated RCA input jacks. Bias meter. FR 5 Hz -50 1 channel. 600 W x 1 into 8 ohms or 1,200 x 1 into 4
in parallel single -ended configuration; 6072A and kHz. Black or silver anodized finish $2,595 ohms, both from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.009% THD.
5687 line and driver tubes; Class A design; hand - As above, brushed -gold anodized finish $2.495 Class A design with balanced input and output; 80
wound output transformers with pure silver on ceram- Antares. As above, ultralinear operation only. Lacks power transistors; 2 transformers with 2 AC input
ic -leaf core materials; tantalum -film resistors with sil- enhanced power supply. Black -steel chassis with cords; overload protected by fuses and circuit break-
ver end caps and lead -out wires; handmade silver - gold lettering and gold -anodized face plate $1.695 ers. Slew rate 100 V/ps; damping factor 1,600 at 1
foil signal capacitors. 81/4 x 9% x 21 in ...$252,400/pr Black transformer cover for Antares $100 kHz. 13 x 32 x 131/2 in; 170 lb $60.000/pr
Stereo version of above, 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 400
Kegon 20-W/ch Tube Amplifier Debut 40-W/ch Tube Amplifier x 2 into 4 ohms, or 800 x 2 into 2 ohms. Slew rate 50
2 channels. 20 W x 2. 6072A and 5687 line and driv- 2 channels. 40 W x 2 into 2, 4, 6, or 8 ohms. Dual - V/ps; damping factor 600 at 1 kHz $25.000
er tubes; hand -wound output transformers with pure mono construction; Class AB -1 operation with mini-
silver on ceramic -leaf core materials; tantalum -film mal feedback; 12AT7 input and gain -matched EL34 Parlando 100-W/ch Amplifier
resistors with silver end caps; handmade silver -foil output tubes; OFHC internal wiring; bias meter; pow- 2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 200 x 2 into 4
capacitors. 201/4 x 9 x 14% in $123,400 er line filter; independent and fully regulated FET-con- ohms, or 360 x 2 into 2 ohms, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz
Kass& Silver. As above with copper -wound output trolled power supplies; regulated filament supplies; vi- with 0.02% THD. Dual -mono Class A design; 2 power
transformers $52,600 bration -damped, mechanically -isolated transformer switches; 32 output transistors and 8 drivers: 1 -ohm
mounting; aluminum chassis; transformer cover. Gold- capability. Unbalanced -RCA and balanced-XLR in-
Baransu 9-W/ch Tube Amplifier plated RCA input/output jacks. Switchable for ultralin- puts. Slew rate 50 V/ps; damping factor 800 into 8
2 channels. 9 W x 2. Single -ended 300B circuit; tube - ear or triode operation. FR 5 Hz -50 kHz; THD 0.1%. ohms at kHz. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 19 x

rectified power supply; no feedback; Class A single - Brushed -gold anodized finish $2,495 8% x 181/2 in; 85 lb $3,741
ended design; handmade silver -wound output trans-
formers: handmade silver foil capacitors; handmade Otez 250-W/ch Amplifier
tantalum -film resistors $89,200 AUDIO RESEARCH 2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 500 x 2 into 4
Shinri. As above with copper -wound output trans- Reference 600 500-W Tube Mono Amplifier ohms, 800 x 2 into 2 ohms, or 1,000 x 1 into 8 ohms.
formers and copper -foil capacitors $36.500 1 channel. 500 W cont into 16 ohms from 20 Hz -20 Dual -mono Class AB design; one fuse for every 2
kHz with 1% THD. Balanced inputs. AC and bias me- output transistors; 2 circuit-breaker/power switches.
Kageki 71/2-W/ch Tube Amplifier ters. 19 x 10'/2 x 291/2 in; 170 lb $14,995 RCA and balanced-XLR inputs. Slew rate 50 V/ps;
2 channels. 71/2 W x 2. Two 2A3 output tubes per chan- damping factor 850 at 1 kHz. 3-yr parts -and -labor
nel; 6072A and 5687 line and driver tubes; hand -wound VT150SE 130-W Tube Mono Amplifier warranty. 19 x 81/4 x 181/2 in; 85 lb $3,569
output transformers with pure silver on ceramic -leaf 1 channel. 130 W cont into 16 ohms from 20 Hz -20
core materials; tantalum -film resistors with silver end kHz with 1% THD. Six 6550, one 12AX7, four 12BH7A, Tenendo 200-W/ch Amplifier
caps and lead -out wires. 181/2 x 8 x 151/2 in ....$77,300 and two 6922 tubes. Balanced inputs. AC and bias 2 channels. 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 400 x 2 into 4
Neiro. As above, copper -wound output transformers, meters. FR 2 Hz -200 kHz -4 dB; slew rate 17 V/ps. ohms, both from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.05% THD. Dual -
copper -foil capacitors. 18 x 87 x 14% in $19,300 141/2x 12 x 22 in; 621b $7,995 mono Class AB design; 8 bipolar output devices per
channel; 2 combination circuit-breaker/power switch-
UK Series VT130SE 110-W/ch Tube Amplifier es. Balanced-XLR and unbalanced -RCA inputs. Slew
Ankoru 110-W Tube Mono Amplifier 2 channels. 110 W x 2 into 16 ohms from 20 Hz -20 rate 50 V/ps; damping factor 700 into 8 ohms at 1
1 channel. 110 W. Parallel single -ended circuit using kHz with 1% THD. Four 6550, two 12BH7A, and four kHz. 3-yr parts -and -labor warranty. 19 x 7 x 10 in;
two 845 tubes; 2A3 driver tube; tube -rectified power 6922 tubes. Balanced inputs. AC and bias meters. 45 lb $2,354
supply; no feedback; pure Class A design; 99.99 per- Slew rate 17 V/ps. 141/2 x 12 x 22 in; 69 lb ....$7,495 As above, non-MOSFET version $2,154
cent pure silver internal wiring $25,000/pr
D400 MkI1200-W/ch Amplifier Forte 125-W/ch Amplifier
Conquest 18-W Tube Mono Amplifier 2 channels. 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 400 x 2 into 4 2 channels. 125 W x 2 into 8 ohms. 250 x 2 into 4
1 channel. 18 W. Parallel single -ended circuit using ohms. Bridgeable design; power transformer dedi- ohms, or 400 x 2 into 2 ohms, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz.
two 300B tubes; tube -rectified power supply; no feed- cated to supplying input stage; direct -coupled multi- Dual -mono MOSFET design. XLR and RCA inputs. 2
back: Class A design $6,995/pr ple -emitter transistors for output stage and input - power switches. Slew rate 50 V/ps; damping factor
stage drivers; elastomer feet for isolation/damping. 350 at 1 kHz. 19 x 51/4 x 10 in; 41 lb $1,467
Quest 9-W Tube Mono Amplifier XLR and RCA inputs; inverting unbalanced inputs. As above, dual -mono bipolar version. 19 x 51/4 x 10 in;
1 channel. 9 W. Single -ended circuit using one 300B; Slew rate 50 V/ps. 19 x 9 x 17% in; 76 lb $5,995 41 lb $1,360
tube -rectified power supply; no feedback loop; Class D300. As above, 160 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 300 x 2 in-
A design $3.895/pr to 4 ohms. Without dedicated input -stage transform- Crescendo 75-W/ch Amplifier
er or inverting unbalanced inputs. 19 x 7 x 12% in; 2 channels. 75 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 130 x 2 into 4
Conqueror 8-W/ch Tube Amplifier 48 lb $3.995 ohms, both from 20 Hz -20 kHz. MOSFET design. Bal-
2 channels. 8 W x 2. Single -ended circuit using one anced-XLR and unbalanced -RCA outputs. Slew rate
300B tube per channel; tube -rectified power supply; VT100 100-W/ch Amplifier 45 V/ps; damping factor 300 at 1 kHz. 19 x 51/4 x 9 in;
no feedback; Class A design $2,695 2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 or 4 ohms. XLR and 22 lb $825
RCA inputs. 19 x 8% x 191/2 in; 65 lb $4,495 As above, bipolar version $760
P2 SE 17-W/ch Tube Amplifier
2 channels. 17 W x 2. Two 6L6GC output tubes; 6LS7 SDA1 400-W Amplifier
line and driver tubes; Class A design. 111/4 x 53/. x 4 channels. 100 W x 4, 100 x 2 + 300 x 1, or 300 x 2 in- AYRE
171/2 in; 38 lb $2,195 to 8 ohms; 150 x 4 into 4 ohms. XLR and RCA inputs. V-3 100-Wich Amplifier
Slew rate 50 V/ps. 19 x 51/4 x 121/4 in; 37 lb
. . .$3.995
2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 200 x 2 into 4
P1 SE 10-W/ch Tube Amplifier ohms. Power -supply filter; all-FET circuitry; zero feed-
2 channels. 10 W x 2. Two EL84 output tubes; 6LS7 VT6OSE 50-W/ch Tube Amplifier back. 55 lb $3.750
line and driver tubes; Class A design. 117/ii x 5% x 2 channels. 50 W x 2. Unbalanced inputs. FR 3 Hz -40
171/2 in; 281b $1,695 kHz; slew rate 7 V/ps. 14 x 7 x 131/4 in; 33 lb ..$2,495
VT60. As above, no front -panel assembly . .$1.995
7X4430 600 -W Amplifier
AUDIOPRISM D130 130-W/ch Amplifier 3 channels. Designed for home -theater or multiroom
Mana Reference 100-W Tube Mono Amplifier 2 channels. 130 W x 2 into 8 ohms, or 200 x 1 into 4 systems. 200 W x 3 into 8 ohms. Discrete MOSFET de-
1 channel. 100 W x 1 into 2, 4, 6. or 8 ohms from 20 Hz - ohms. Balanced inputs and outputs. Slew rate 50 V/ps; sign. Gold-plated connectors for each channel; bal-
20 kHz with 1% THD. Class AB fixed -bias operation; 9 damping factor 100. 19 x 51/4 x 8% in; 27 lb $1,995 anced inputs for 2 channels. FR 5 Hz -45 kHz; S/N 95



Listen Past the Equipment

and Experience the Music

as Intended

Once in a while an idea

:omes along which represents

s significant step forward in

advancing the current state -

3f -the -art. We feel our new

ST Series amplifiers exemplify

this unique distinction.

A new approach to low -noise,

low distortion signal -path

has produced a line of

amplifiers which is actually

quieter and more transparent

than any source material

currently available.

Bryston ST amplifiers, from the top: 8B ST 4 channel 120 wpc, 5B ST 3 channel 1;0 wpc,
4B ST 250 vpc stereo, 73 ST 500 watts mono. Not shown is the 3B ST 126 wpc stereo,.
e. A F?

The Bryston ST innovation Jur Completely separate power SwitcFaEle gold plated RCA
ultra -linear 'input buffer -w th- supplies for ea:h chancel elimi- unbalanced and XLR-1/4 inch
gain" substantially lowers :he nate any crosstalk to er sure firm balanced inputs, .vitF equal
2 distortion and inherent r cise focus and con- pletely accurate gain, e Ilcws flexibility fcr multi-
floor - hear ng is believing imaging of musi:al ins- ruments. channel system conigu-ations.

Bryston Ltd, P.O. Box 2170, 577 Ne31 Drive, Peterbyough, Ontario,
Generation Canada K9J 7Y4 Tel: (703)742-5325 Fax: (705) '42-0882
dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic headroom 1.1 dB. 17 BERNING LED indicators. THD 0.01%; slew rate 60 V/ps 19 x
x 53/4x 16 in:43 lb $1,698 ZH270 70-W/ch Tube Amplifier 1% x 10 in; 48Ib $850
2 channels. 70 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 2-80 kHz with
AV6000 630-W Amplifier 1% THD or 140 x 2 into 4 ohms from 2-35 kHz with 2%
6 channels. For home -theater or multiroom systems. THD. Fully regulated switching power supply; auto CABASSE
105 W x 6 into 8 ohms. 6 discrete amps. Gold-plated servo -bias; auto DC -offset null; 250 -ms DC full -fault AM 10001,000-W Mono Amplifier
connectors. Level controls for each channel. FR 5 speaker protection; push-pull pair of 6JN6 tubes in the 1 channel. 1.000 W max into 8 ohms. FR 10 Hz -85 kHz
Hz -45 kHz; S/N 95 dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic output stage; no output transformer. A/B input selector -4 dB; THD 0.03% at 1 kHz; S/N 100 dB; damping fac-
headroom 1.4 dB. 17 x 5% x 16 in; 43 lb $1,498 and 3 -position feedback switch. 10 lb $4,500 tor 120 Hz. 5-yr warranty. 9 x 3 x 13 in; 13 lb ...$4,700

AV5000 435-W Amplifier AS 1000 1,000-W/ch Amplifier

5 channels. Designed for home -theater or multiroom B LUE CIRCLE 2 channels. 1,000 W max x 2 into 8 ohms. Rack -
systems. 105 W x 3 60 x 2 into 8 ohms. Discrete BC2 75-W Mono Amplifier mount version optional. FR 10 Hz -85 kHz -4 dB;
MOSFET design. Individual level controls. FR 5 Hz -45 1 channel. 75 W into 8 ohms from 10 Hz -25 kHz +0. THD 0.03% at 1 kHz; S/N 100 dB. 5-yr warranty. 19 x
kHz; S/N 95 dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic head- -0.2 dB. Class A single -ended design. Hybrid tube 7 x 18 in; 38 lb $4,200
room 1.4 dB. 17 x 5% x 16 in; 43 lb $1,298 input; bipolar transistors output: 3-yr parts -and -labor
warranty. 10% x 161/2 x 251/2 in; 136 lb $6,000/pr AM 330 330-W Mono Amplifier
EX4420 M/BAL 200-W Mono Amplifier 1 channel. 330 W into 8 ohms $3,500
1 channel. 200 W x into 8 ohms or 400 x 1 into 4
1 BC6 25-W/ch Amplifier
ohms. Class A predriver with MOSFET output stage. Bal- 2 channels. 25 W x 2 from 10 Hz -25 kHz into 8 ohms.
anced inputs. S/N 95 dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic Class A single -ended design; hybrid -vacuum tube in- CAMBRIDGE AUDIO
headroom 1.4 dB. 17 x 5% x 16 in; 42 lb $1,298 put; bipolar transistor output; vibration damping feet. 1 A120 180-W Amplifier
RCA input per channel; 1 dual binding -post output per 4 channels. 90 W x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.03%
EX4420/BAL 200-W/ch Amplifier channel. Brushed stainless -steel chassis. 3-yr parts - THD into 8 ohms or 45 x 4 into 4 ohms from 20 Hz -20
2 channels. 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Dual -mono de- and -labor warranty. 25% x x 15 in; 55 lb ...$3,700 kHz with 0.05% THD. 2 power supplies; discrete out-
sign; DC -coupled circuitry. Balanced inputs; gold- put devices. 2 switched AC outlets; 4 inputs; 4 out-
plated connectors for each channel. FR 5 Hz -45 kHz; puts. 4 input level controls. S/N 100 dB; damping fac-
S/N 95 dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic headroom 1.2 BOULDER tor 100. Black aluminum. 17 x 5 x 13 in $400
dB. 17 x 5%x 16in:421b $1,298 Model 500 150-W/ch Amplifier
2 channels. 150 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
ST3030/BAL 200-W/ch Amplifier kHz with 0.0015% THD, 250 x 2 cont into 4 ohms, or CARVER
2 channels. 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Class A predriver 500 x 1 cont into 8 ohms. Switching between mono - AV -753x 750-W THX Amplifier
with mosFET output stage. Gold-plated connectors for balanced -output and stereo operation; 120/240-V op- 3 channels. 250 W x 3 into 8 ohms, 400 x 3 into 4
each channel; balanced inputs. FR 5 Hz -45 kHz; S/N eration. Slew rate 35 V/ps; damping factor 800 at 1 ohms, or 750 x 2 into 2 ohms, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz
95 dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic headroom 1.1 dB. kHz. 17 x 7% x 161/2 in; 60 lb $6,995 with 0.08% THD. Current and voltage maximization;
17 x 5%x 16 in; 39Ib $998 Model 500M. As above, metal finish with rack han- proprietary system to increase single -channel power
dles $6,295 on demand. 3 analog meters; meter -range switch;
AV2500 300-W Amplifier Model 500AE. As Model 500, 120-V operation only. meter -light switch; trim controls for each channel.
5 channels. Designed for home -theater or multiroom Hand -built 990 -step gain stage $5,395 S/N 115 dBA; ch sep 70 dB at 1 kHz; damping factor
systems. 60 W x 5 into 8 ohms. Amp bus and level Model 102M. As Model 500AE, not bridgeable. 100 150. 3-yr warranty. 19 x 5% x 20 in; 41 lb . .$1,599
. .

controls for custom configurations. FR 5 Hz -45 kHz; W x 2 cont into 8 ohms from
S/N 95 dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic headroom 1.0 0.0015% THD or 170 x 2 cont into 4 ohms. 120/240-V A -760x 380-W/ch THX Amplifier
dB. 17 x 3%x 12 in; 23Ib $798 operation. Metal finish. 17 x 4% x 161/2 in $3,895 2 channels. 380 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 600 x 2 into 4
Model 102AE. As above, non-metal finish $3,295 ohms, or 1,150 x 2 into 2 ohms, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz
ST1430 600-W Amplifier with 0.08% THD. Current and voltage maximization;
3 channels. Designed for home -theater or multiroom proprietary system to increase single -channel power
systems. 200 W x 3 into 8 ohms. Discrete MOSFET de- B RYSTON on demand. 2 analog meters; meter -range switch;
sign. Gold-plated connectors for each channel. FR 5 The following feature a 20 -year warranty and a switch meter -light switch; individually calibrated trim con-
Hz -45 kHz; S/N 95 dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic to separate system and audio grounds. trols for each channel. S/N 119 dBA; ch sep 70 dB at
headroom 1.0 dB. 17 x 5% x 16 in; 37 lb $798 1 kHz; damping factor 150; dynamic headroom 1.0
Model 8B -ST 400-W/ch Tube Amplifier dB. 3-yr warranty. 19 x 5% x 18% in; 39 lb . . . .$1,499
ST1400/BAL 105-W/ch Amplifier 4 channels. 400 W x 2.2-, 3-, or 4 -channel operation.
2 channels. 105 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Class A MOSFET out- FR 0.5 Hz -50 kHz; THD 0.007%; slew rate 60 V/ps; Premiere AV -705x 625-W THX Amplifier
put stage. Gold-plated connectors for each channel; damping factor 500. 19 x 51/4 x 151/2 in $2,995 5 channels. 125 W x 5 into 8 ohms from 20-20 kHz
balanced inputs. S/N 95 dB; slew rate 14 V/ps; dynamic Model 5B -ST. As above, 3 channels only $2,465
. . . with 0.03% THD. THX-certified; proprietary system
headroom 1.4 dB. 17 x 5% x 16 in; 31 lb $698 to increase single -channel power on demand. S/N
Model 7B -ST 500-W Mono Amplifier 115 dB. 19 x 5%x 18%in:42Ib $1,299
ST1200 60-W/ch Amplifier 1 channel. 500 W. Soft -start circuitry. Gold-plated
2 channels. 60 W x 2 into 8 ohms $498 balanced-XLR and unbalanced -RCA inputs. Series/ A -500x 250-W/ch THX Amplifier
parallel switch. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD 0.01%; slew 2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 400 x 2 into 4
rate 60 V/ps; damping factor 300 into 8 ohms at 20 ohms, or 750 x 2 into 2 ohms, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz
B EL kHz. 19 x 5% x 15'/2 in; 42 lb $2,398 with 0.08% THD. Current and voltage maximization;
Model 1001 Mk1150-W/ch Amplifier Model 7B -ST THX. THX version of above $2,495 proprietary system to increase single -channel power
2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 100 x 2 into 4 on demand. 2 analog meters; meter -range switch;
ohms, 200 x 2 into 2 ohms, 200 x 1 into 8 ohms, or Model 4B -ST 250-W/ch Tube Amplifier meter -light switch; individually calibrated level -trim
400 x 1 into 4 ohms. Class A operation; convection 2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Dual power sup- controls for each channel. S/N 117 dBA; ch sep 70
cooling with temperature -stabilizing circuitry; accel- plies; soft -start circuitry; input buffer. Gold-plated con- dB at 1 kHz; damping factor 150; dynamic headroom
erated warm-up; temperature-, frequency-, output-, nectors; balanced-XLR and unbalanced -RCA inputs. 1.0 dB. 3-yr warranty. 19 x 5% x 18% in; 29 lb ..$999
and load -fault protection. RCA inputs; copper bind- LED indicators; mono/stereo switch. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz;
ing -post outputs. Mono/stereo switch; rack -mount- THD 0.01%; slew rate 60 V/ps: damping factor 500 into AV -505x 400-W Amplifier
able. 17% x 7% x 13 in $3,095 8 ohms at 20 Hz. 19 x 57. x 151/2 in; 42 lb $2,397 5 channels. 80 W x 5 into 8 ohms from 20-20 kHz
Non -rack -mount version. 19 x x 14% in $2,995 Model 4B -ST THX. THX version of above . $2,497
with 0.03% THD. Proprietary system to increase sin-
gle -channel power on demand. S/N 110 dB. 19 x 5%
Model 3B -ST 120-W/ch Amplifier x 18% in; 42 lb $999
B EL CANTO DESIGN 2 channels. 120 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Dual power sup-
Orfeo 60 Monoblock 60-W 'alba Mono Amplifier plies; quad -complementary output section. Gold- TFM-15cb 100-W/ch Amplifier
1 channel. 60 W into 8 ohms. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD plated RCA and XLR inputs. Mono/stereo switch; 2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
0.05%. 85 lb $11,500 LED indicators. THD 0.01%; slew rate 60 V/ps; kHz with 0.02% THD; 140 x 2 or 300 x 1 into 4 ohms.
damping factor 500 into 8 ohms at 20 Hz. 19 x 5% x 9 Protection circuitry. Line -level outputs. UR level con-
Orfeo 30 Monoblock 30-W Tube Mono Amplifier in; 28 lb $1,565 trols; A/B speaker selector; 2 analog level meters.
1 channel. 30 W into 8 ohms. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD Model 3B -ST THX. THX version of above $1,695 S/N 110 dBA; dynamic headroom 1.1 dB. 19 x 3% x
0.1%. 70 lb $7,890 13 in; 17 lb $549
Model 2B -LP 60-W/ch Amplifier
Orfeo 30S 30-W/ch Tube Amplifier 2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Dual power sup- TFM-6cb 65-W/ch Amplifier
2 channels. 30 W x 2 into 8 ohms. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; plies; discrete circuitry. Gold-plated 5 -way binding 2 channels. 65 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz
THD 0.1%. 85 lb $4,490 posts and RCA connectors. Mono/stereo switch; with 0.02% THD; 100 x 2 or 180 x 1 into 4 ohms. Pro -


tection circuitry. Line -level outputs. A/B speaker se- er/phase inverter tubes; four KT -88 output tubes; two golc-plated balanced XLR inputs; 4 gold-plated un-
lector; L/R level controls; LED overload indicators; re- CV729/5U4 rectifier tubes. FR 19 Hz -23 kHz ±0.5 balanced phono inputs. S/N 103 dBA; ch sep 95 dB;
movable rack handles. S/N 92 dBA; dynamic head- dB. 42 lb . $2,495 slew rate 70 V/ps. 5-yr warranty. 16/2 x 11 x 14 in;
room 1.1 dB. 17 x 1%x 121/2 in; 141b $399 70 lb $13,000
SLA-70B Signature 65-W/ch Tube Amplifier
2 channels. 65 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms. Push-pull ul- SKI 2000 960-W Amplifier
CARVER RESEARCH tralinear Class NAB circuitry; 6SL7 predriver and 6 channels. 160 W x 6 into 8 ohms with 0.05% THD. 6
Lighstar 2.0 300-W/ch Amplifier phase inverter; four 6550A push-pull output -circuit; unbalanced inputs; 6 pairs of rhodium binding posts.
2 channels. 300 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 600 x 2 into 4 two CV729 rectifier tubes; epoxy -coated steel chas- S/N 98 dBA; ch sep 95 dB; slew rate 60 V/ps. 5-yr
ohms, or 1,200 x 2 into 2 ohms, all from 5 Hz -20 kHz sis. Copper binding posts. Standby switch. FR 18 Hz - warranty. 161/2 x 5 x 14 in; 40 lb $8,500
with 0.2% THD. High -current load -independent to- 30 kHz ±0.75 dB; damping factor 35. 13 x 7 x 12 in;
pology. Gold-plated XLR and RCA connectors; gold- 42 lb $1,795 Except where noted, the following units have 2 gold-
plated binding posts; biwirable. Lighted power me- Chrome chassis for above $200 plated balanced XLR inputs, 2 gold-plated unbal-
ters; standard -/high -gain switch. S/N 114 dB low anced RCA inputs, and 8 binding posts.
gain, 103 dB high gain; damping factor 200. 5-yr war- SLA-70 Mklt 30-W/ch Tube Amplifier
ranty. 19 x 63/e x 16/2 in; 42 lb $2,795 2 channels. 30 W x 2. Push-pull Class A circuitry; two SPM 1600 200-W/ch Amplifier
CV729 tubes: four EL34 output tubes; two 6SL7 input 2 channels. 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 300 x 2 into 4
tubes: epoxy -coated steel chassis. FR 10 Hz -30 kHz ohms, or 512 x 2 into 2 ohms, all with 0.05% THD.
CARY AUDIO DESIGN ±0.75 dB. 13 x 6 x 12 in; 341b $1,395 S/N 103 dBA; ch sep 95 dB; slew rate 70 V/ps. 5-yr
CAD -211M 80-W Tube Mono Amplifier Chrome chassis for above $200 warranty. 161/2 x 5 x 14 in; 35 lb $7,500
1 channel. 80 W. Input -signal gain stage employing a
pair of 6SN7 dual -triode tubes; two 300B and two 845 SPM 1800 800-W Amplifier
tubes; wax -impregnated transformers with OFC wir- CELLO 4 channels. 200 W x 4 into 8 ohms, 300 x 4 into 4
ing; silver double -E Teflon -insulated wire; inter -stage Performance II 200-W Mono Amplifier ohms, or 512 x 2 into 2 ohms, all with 0.05% THD.
coupling transformer; PI -L network DC power supply; 1 channel. 200 W into 8 ohms or 400 K 1 into 4 ohms. S/N 103 dB; ch sep 95 dB; slew rate 70 V/ps. 5-yr
DC filament power supply. Balanced-XLR and unbal- Class AB1 design with noninverting polarity; sepa- warranty. 161/2 x 5 x 14 in; 35 lb $7,500
anced inputs; 4-, 8-, and 16 -ohm copper speaker rate dual -choke power supply. 40 output devices per
binding posts. 10 x 121/4 x 24 in; 901b ....$12,995/pr channel; balanced input. THD 0.1%; S/N 105 dB; SPM 1200C 315-W/ch Amplifier
damping factor 200; dynamic headroom 2.7 dB. Amp 2 channels. 315 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 470 x 2 into 4
CAD -805 Signature 50-W Tube Mono Amplifier or power supply 171/2 x 81/2 x 18% in: 45 lb Set of 4 ohms, or 650 x 2 into 2 ohms, all with 0.03% THD.
1 channel. 50 W. Single -ended Class A circuitry; 845 Boxes $25,000 S/N 103 dBA; ch sep 95 dB; slew rate 70 V/ps. 5-yr
triode output tubes and 300B driver tubes. FR 9 Hz -23 Bridging kit $555 warranty. 161/2 x 5 x 14 in $6,250
kHz ±0.5 dB. 8% x 121/4 x 24 in; 80 lb $10,995/pr
CAD -805C. As above except FR 20 Hz -20 kHz Encore 150-W Mono Amplifier SPM 1400 350-W/ch Amplifier
±0 5 dB $8.495/pr 1 channel. 150 W into 8 ohms or 300 x 1 into 4 ohms. 2 channels. 350 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 500 x 2 into 4
Nonbridgeable Class AB2 design w,th noninverting ohms, or 680 x 2 into 2 ohms, all with 0.03% THD.
SLM-200 200-W Tube Mono Amplifier polarity. Balanced input. THD 0.1%; S/N 110dB; S/N 103 dB; slew rate 70 V/ps. 5-yr warranty. 161/2 x 5
1 channel. 200 W. Eight KT -88 output tubes and two damping factor 200; dynamic headroom 3 dB. 19 x 7 x 14 in; 351b $6,250
6SN7 tubes; push-pull Class NAB circuitry; FR 20 x 21 in; 98 lb $18,000/pr
Hz -20 kHz. 12% x 81/2 x 24 in; 75 lb 58,995/pr SINS 1200B 250-W/ch Amplifier
Duet 350 350-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 380 x 2 into 4
CAD -845 25-W/ch Tube Amplifier 2 channels. 350 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 600 W x 2 into ohms, or 512 x 2 into 2 ohms, all with 0.05% THD.
2 channels. 25 W x 2. Single -ended Class A circuitry; 4 ohms. Bndgeable Class AB design with noninvert- S/N 103 dBA; ch sep 95 dB; slew rate 70 V/ps. 5-yr
two 6SN7 input tubes; two 6BL7 driver tubes; two ing polarity. 12 output devices per channel; bal- warranty. 161/2 x 5 x 14 in; 35 lb $5,750
CV378 rectifier tubes; two 845 output tubes. FR 20 anced inputs. THD 0.3%; S/N 100 dB; damping fac-
Hz -20 kHz ±0.75 dB. 90 lb $5,995 tor 100: dynamic headroom 1.8 dB. 19 x 12% x 23% SPM 1000B 200-W/ch Amplifier
in; 95 lb $9,500 2 channels. 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 300 x 2 into 4
CAD-301SE 14-W/ch Tube Amplifier ohms, or 360 x 2 into 2 ohms, all with 0.05% THD.
2 channels. 14 W x 2. Bridgeable to 28 W x 1. Single - Encore 50-W/ch Amplifier S/N 100 dBA; ch sep 95 dB; slew rate 60 V/ps. 5-yr
ended Class A circuitry; two 6SN7 driver tubes; two 2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 100 x 2 into 4 warranty. 16% x 5 x 14 in; 31 lb $4,500
5U4GB rectifier tubes; two 12AU7 input tubes; two ohms. Bridgeable Class AB2 design with noninvert-
300B output tubes. FR 20 Hz -23 kHz ±0.75 dB. 17 x ing polarity 40 output devices per channel. Balanced SPIN 800 160-W/ch Amplifier
x 17 in: 80 lb $4.995 inputs. Available as 2 mono amplifiers. THD 0.3%; 2 channels. 160 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 250 x 2 into 4
S/N 100 dB; damping factor 80: dynamic headroom ohms, or 320 x 2 into 2 ohms, all with 0.05% THD.
CAD-300SE Signature 12-W Tube Mono Amplifier 1.8 dB. 19 x 5 x 13%in: 28Ib $7,000 S/N 98 dBA; ch sep 95 dB; slew rate 60 V/ps. 5-yr
1 channel. 12 W. Single -ended triode tube design in Bridging kit $390 warranty. 12 x 5 x 14 in; 20 lb $3,750
Class A circuitry; 300B triode tubes; point-to-point
hand -wiring; FR 9 Hz -23 kHz ±0.75 dB. 51/2 x 7 x 19 SPM 600 130-W/ch Amplifier
in; 30 lb 54,495/pr CHINO BY KINERGETICS 2 channels. 130 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 170 x 2 into 4
CAD-300SE. As above except FR 20 Hz -30 kHz C-500 600-W Amplifier ohms, or 200 x 2 into 2 ohms, all with 0.05% THD.
0.75 dB $3,795/pr 5 channels. 120 W x 5 into 8 ohms or 280 x 5 into 3.2 S/N 103 dBA; ch sep 95 dB; slew rate 70 V/ps. 5-yr
ohms. Class AB design; remote on/off trigger; no warranty. 161/2 x 31/2 x 14 in; 20 lb $2,750
CAD -300B Signature 25-W/ch Tube Amplifier phase inversion. 171/4 x 8% x 16 in; 54 lb $1,998
2 channels. 25 W x 2 into 4 or 8 ohms. Push-pull Class SPM 400 100-W/ch Amplifier
A circuitry; all -silver point-to-point wiring; two 6SN7 C-300 360- W Amplifier 2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 130 x 2 into 4
pre -driver tubes; two 6SN7 balanced phase inverter 3 channels. 120 W x 3 into 8 ohms or 280 x 3 into 3.2 ohms, or 150 x 2 into 2 ohms, all with 0.05% T141). 4
tubes; four 300B output triodes; two CV378 rectifier ohms. Class AB design; remote on/off trigger; no rhodium binding posts. S/N 103 dBA; ch sep 95 dB;
tubes. Balanced inputs. FR 18 Hz -26 kHz ±1 dB: phase inversion. 17% x 5% x 16 in; 45 lb $1,498 slew rate 70 V/ps. 5-yr warranty. 12 x 31/2 x 14 in;
damping factor 30. 16% x 7 x 14 in; 42 lb $3,995 20 lb $2,100
C-200 120-W/ch Amplifier
SLM-100 100-W Tube Mono Amplifier 2 channels. 120 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 280 x 2 into 3.2
1 channel. 100 W into 8 or 4 ohms. Push-pull Class ohms. Class AB design; remote on/off trigger; no CINEPRO
NAB circuitry; one 6N7 predriver; one 6SN7 phase phase inversion. 171/4 x 5% x 16 in; 41 lb $998 All units include a 3 -year parts -and -labor warranty.
inverter; four KT -88 power -output tubes; epoxy -coat-
ed steel chassis. FR 9 Hz -30 kHz ±0.75 dB. 10 x 6 x Model 3k6 2,100-W Amplifier
20 in; 40 lb 53,495/pr CHORD 6 channels. 350 W x 6, 1,000 x 1+ 350 x 4, 1,000 x 2
Chrome chassis for above $500 SPM 5000 415-W/ch Amplifier + 350 x 2, or 1,000 x 3, all into 8 ohms; 500 x 6 into 4
2 channels. 415 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 800 x 2 into 4 ohms. Temperature -controlled fan cooling; discrete
CAD -50M 50-W Tube Mono Amplifier ohms, both with 0.05% THD. 2 gold-plated balanced circuitry; photo -optical anticlipping circuit; 36 Motoro-
1 channel. 50 W. Push-pull Class A; one 6SL7 input XLR inputs; 2 gold-plated unbalanced phono inputs; la triple -diffused 250-W outputs. Gold-plated RCA
tube, two K1 88 tubes per channel; chrome chassis. gold-plated binding -posts. S/N 103 dBA; ch sep 95 and XLR balanced inputs. Rear -panel bridging switch-
FR 15 Hz -23 kHz ±0.75 dB. 27 lb $2,495/pr dB; slew rate 70 V/ps. 5-yr warranty. - 6% x 11 x 14 in; es and ground -lift switch; front -panel level controls
77 lb $21,000 and signal and clipping indicators; remote power trig-
SLA-80 80-W/ch Tube Amplifier ger control; rack mountable. FR 3 Hz -175 kHz; S/N
2 channels. 80 W x 2. Push-pull ultralinear circuitry; SPM 3000B 1,260-W Amplifier 110 dB; dynamic headroom 3.5 dB. 19 x 8 x 151/2 in;
one two 12AU7 input buffer tubes; two 6SN7 pre-driv- 4 channels. 315 W x 4 into 8 ohms with 0.03% THD. 4 721b $2,995


ou live for it. That moment when the
.;olins arc roaring and theclru-ris arc pounding,
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Before you buy an expensive power amplifier, read the fine print.

Adcom's dedication to uncompromising sonic

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The GFA-5802 channel into 8 ohms and 450 watts per channel into 4 ohms,
is the culmination our new GFA-5802 combines innovative all MOSFET circuitry
of years of
award -winning with a tremendous power supply to out perform the so-called
experience in the `super amps' retailing for two to three times the price.
design and
manufacture of To produce this remarkable amplifier, Adcom started
affordable high with an enormous toroidal power transformer. Totally separate
components. secondary windings and independent ground connections
assure each channel is completely isolated from crosstalk and
AC line interference. Lots The GFA-5802 comes with versatile binding posts
of clean power for lots of for easy speaker hook-ups. Accepting either standard
clear and powerful sound. stripped or 'tinned' wires, single or dual banana plugs or
Even the neighbors will spade lug connectors, the GFA-5802 is a great match for any
enjoy it. system. And since it can drive virtually any speaker system
In addition to the GFA- regardless of its impedance, even the most demanding speak-
5802's main toroidal trans- ers will sing beautiful music. Additionally, the GFA-5802 also
former, a separate front end comes equipped with two sets of binding posts for each chan-
transformer is used. This nel. These extra binding posts allow the GFA-5802 to accom-
additional device isolates the modate speaker systems that have hi -wire' capability.
front end input stages from Adcom makes sure that the sound created by your
the main output section so other components can be flawlessly transferred to the
any peak demands from GFA-5802's balanced power and optimum circuit technology.
the output stages will not The GFA-5802 is equipped with two types of input connec-
decrease the operating tors for complete compatibility, 'Tiffany style', gold-plated
voltages for the input sec- RCA jacks and XLR jacks. The GFA-5802's professional grade
tions. This design also con- three pin XLR jacks provide both positive, negative, and
tributes to improved sepa- shield properties. The result is a balanced line connection
ration at the inputs for precise between the GFA-5802 and your other components. This con-
noun aging and imaging,. nection is essentially immune to electromagnetic and radio
Adcom's new GFA-5802 frequency interference and provides a significant
power amplifier also has reduction in 'common mode noise'.
exceptionally large capaci- Dependable technology and efficient use of the
tors to store large amounts highest quality parts make the GFA-5802 one of the most
of DC current for supply to sought after audiophile products in recent years. And because
the speakers. it's an Adcom component it will benefit from a high resale
This large storage value and an outstanding dealer service network. After you
capacity means that the hear the GFA-5802 you'll agree that it's an incredible value in
amp won't be starved for high end audio.
power when you're driving The most important detail to look for before you
low impedance and/or buy your next amplifier is the Adcom name. Adcom audio
inefficient speaker systems. and audio/video components are designed to be second to
Now your speakers and none. It's this driving passion for accurate, musical sound and
your music can sound the performance that has made Adcom components sought after
way you expect them to. by the discriminating audiophile. Through a combination of
All the time. technology and innovative engineering techniques, the
The well organized Adcom GFA-5802 is quite possibly the best amplifier you may
and simple design of the ever hear. From its toroidal transformer and giant
GFA-5802's glass epoxy capacitors to its reference grade Hexfet circuitry, the Adcom
circuit boards assures GFA-5802 is built to be the best amplifier money can buy.
outstanding and reliable To listen to all the GFA-5802 has to offer, call
operation. Using only 1-800-882-9296 for the Adcom dealer nearest you.
single -ended Class 'A' circuitry in the front end, the Adcom ''our ears will thank you.
GFA-5802 delivers the pure sound that other amplifiers can only And so will what's between them.
talk about. All devices are precision matched for maximum
performance, negligible distortion, and higher output cunents.
We use only International Rectifier Hexfets transistors
in the signal path of the Adcom GFA-5802. These Hexfet
circuits are reference grade. hybrid MOSFET transistors which
reproduce all the punch and muscle of bipolar devices but with
Designed for your ears.
And what's between them.
the musical sound of tube amps. And since the GFA-5802 11 Elkins Road East Brunswick, N.J. 08816 U.S.A.
has only three gain stages it out performs comparable amps Tel: 732-390-1130 Fax 732-390-5657
Web: http://www.adcorn.corn
which usually have five stages or more. The shorter the path
of power resistance, the better the sound. '20 to 20,000 Hz wih both channels driven at less than 0.18 THD
LEXICON indication by VU meters; Duo Beta circuitry. Gold-plat- plate. FR 0 Hz -120 kHz; S/N 116 dB; slew rate 30 V/ps;
NT Series ed inputs. A/B speaker selector; remote turn-on/oft. damping factor 300. 18 x 6 x 15 in; 67 lb $5,190
All models feature THX-certification, 5 -way binding FR 10 Hz -100 kHz -1 dB; THD 0.04% from 20 Hz -20
posts, a low -voltage -trigger sensor, adjustable turn - kHz: S/N 126 dB. 171/2 x 7 x 16% in; 30 lb $995 Model 8008 240-W Amplifier
on delay, signal -ground lift, and RCA, XLR, and 4 channels. 60 W x 4 into 8 ohms or 135 x 4 into 2
phone -jack inputs. Common specs include S/N 110 ohms. FR 0 Hz -100 kHz; S/N 116 dB $4,100
dB and THD 0.01%. A 19 -inch rack -mount faceplate MARANTZ
is available as an option. Project T-1 50-W Tube Mono Amplifier Model 8004 60-W/ch Amplifier
1 channel. 50 W cont, 75 W peak. Transformer cou- 2 channels. 60 W x 2 or 180 x 1 into 8 ohms; 135 x 2 or
Model 412 480-W Amplifier pling; auto bias circuit; microprocessor; 11 power sup- 310 x 1 into 2 ohms. Balanced/unbalanced input switch.
4 channels. 120 W x 4 or 400 x 2 into 8 ohms .$2.995 ply stages; push-pull all -Class -A non -negative -feed- FR 0 Hz -100 kHz; S/N 116 dB: slew rate 30 V/ps:
Model 312. 120 W x3 or 400 W x 1 + 120 x 1 into 8 back circuitry; 2 power transformers. Balanced input; damping factor 300. 18 x 6 x 15 in; 40 lb $2,950
ohms $2,495 balanced output. DC bias meter. 145 lb $25,000
Model 225.250 W x 2 or 800 x 1 into 8 ohms $2,295
Model 501.500 W x 1 into 8 ohms $2,295 Model 9 70-W Tube Mono Amplifier McCORMACK
Model 212. 120 W x 2 or 400 x 1 into 8 ohms $1,695 1channel. Reissue of vintage Marantz amp. 70 W Deluxe versions of DNA -2, DNA -1, DNA -0.5, and
rms, 140 W peak; 40 W rms triode operation. 4, 8, and DNA -HT -1 include Cardas input and output connec-
16 -ohm connections, plus 1 -ohm tap for center speak- tors. Van Den Hul output wire, and premium driver -
LINEAR RESEARCH er. Metered adjustments; calibrated analog meter; cir- stage components.
M-75 75-W Tube Mono Amplifier cuit includes 5 screwdriver adjustments; adjustments
1 channel. 75 W into 4 or 8 ohms. Full tube design; for balance of driving signal. 7 -position test switch; DNA -2 300-W/ch Amplifier
cage cover; Class B operation. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz -4, gain control; phase switch $4,200 2 channels. 300 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 600 x 2 into 4
+1 dB; S/N 79 dB $2,695/pr ohms. Class A/AB operation; auto -standby circuit.
Model 88 35-W/ch Tube Amplifier RCA and XLR inputs. $3,500
2 channels. Reissue of vintage Marantz amp. 35 W x Anniversary Edition. As above with custom output
LINN 2 rms, 70 x 2 peak. Silicon rectifiers. Meter and test connectors; soft -recovery diodes; Paddock and Vishay
Klout 80-W/ch Amplifier switch provides adjustment of each output tube's resistors; Cardas cross -field linked internal wiring;
2 channels. 80 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 160 x 2 into 4 bias $3,800 thicker circuit boards: precision resistors $6,000
ohms. Dual -mono design with separate regulated iso- Deluxe Version. $4,250
lated power supply for each channel; overload, over - MA -700 200-W THX Mono Amplifier
current, short-circuit, thermal, over/undervoltage, and 1 channel. 200 W into 8 ohms with 0.05% THD, 300 DNA -1 185-W/ch Amplifier
DC protections. 3 output pairs; line -level daisy -chain W into 4 ohms with 0.09% THD, or 600 W into 8 ohms 2 channels. 185 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 370 x 2 into 4
connectors. Remote turn -on; LED indicators ..$3,995 bridged. Gold-plated RCA input/output jacks. Vari- ohms. 16 output devices with power distributed and
able input -level control; DC and video signal on/off stored near each device. Unbalanced input; binding -
AV5105 100-W/ch Amplifier trigger. S/N 118 dB; damping factor 200. 3-yr limited posts and barrier -strip outputs $1,995
2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 200 x 2 into 4 parts -and -labor warranty $500 Deluxe Version. $2,355
ohms. Dual -mono design; short-circuit, overload, Deluxe Mono Version. $5,315/pr
thermal, and overdrive protections. 4 output pairs per MA -500 125-W THX Mono Amplifier Mono Version. 370 W into 8 ohms. XLR and RCA in-
channel; line -level daisy -chain connectors. Signal - 1 channel. 125 W rms into 8 ohms with 0.05% THD puts $4,595/pr
sensing auto on/off $1,795 or 180 W rms into 4 ohms with 0.09% THD, all from
20 Hz -20 kHz. THX-certified; multiple -unit bridging DNA -HT -1 350-W Amplifier
LK100 50-W/ch Amplifier capability. Gold-plated RCA input; 2 banana -plug 3 channels. 100 W x 2 front + 150 x 1 center from 20
2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 90 x 2 into 4 ohms. outputs. Remote turn-on/off with compatible equip- Hz -20 kHz with 0.015% THD, all into 8 ohms. Class
Overcurrent and thermal protections; screened trans- ment. S/N 116 dBA; damping factor 200 at 8 ohms. 3- A/AB design; auto -standby circuit. 3 RCA inputs; S-
former; semi -regulated power supply. Outputs for 4 yr limited warranty. 3% x 51/4 x 171/4 in $300 way binding post outputs. S/N 85 dBA; damping fac-
speaker pairs; line -level daisy -chain connectors $1,195 tor 150. Black chassis, gray faceplate $1,995
Deluxe Version. $2,395
MARK LEVINSON DNA -0.5. As DNA -1, 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 200 x
LUXMAN Model 33 300-W Mono Amplifier 2 into 4 ohms $1,295
M-08 200-W/ch Amplifier 1 channel. 300 W into 8 ohms, 600 W into 4 ohms, Deluxe Version. $1,565
2 channels. 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 400 x 2 into 4 ohms, 1,200 W into 2 ohms, or 2,400 W into 1 ohm. Adaptive
or 800 x 2 into 2 ohms. Direct -coupled complementary biasing; AC generation and DC -offset correction up to Micro Power Drive 50-W/ch Amplifier
circuitry throughout; 9 -stage power section; comple- 1 V; two independent bipolar power supplies; voltage 2 channels. 50 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 75 x 2 into 4 ohms.
mentary single -stagger circuit. Vise -type speaker ter- gain and current -gain circuitry. Balanced input. THD 120 x into 8 ohms, or 180 x 1 into 4 ohms. Compact

minal. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz -0.1 dB; THD 0.005%; S/N 0.5%. 14 x 31 x 311/2 in; 435 lb $35,000/pr chassis. RCA input; binding -post output $895
120 dB. 18% x 81/4 x 19 in; 92 lb $10,000 Model 33H. As above, 150 W into 8 ohms, 300 W
into 4 ohms. 600 W into 2 ohms, or 1,200 W into 1
M-10 250-W/ch Amplifier ohm $19,950/pr McINTOSH
2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 500 x 2 into 4 MC500 500-W/ch Amplifier
ohms, or 800 x 1 into 8 ohms. FR 10 Hz -100 kHz +0, Model 333 300-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 500 W x 2 cont into 2, 4, or 8 ohms from
-1 dB; THD 0.04% from 20 Hz -20 kHz; S/N 115 dB. 2 channels. 300 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 600 x 2 into 4 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.005% THD. Outputs for 2, 4, or 8
Champagne gold. 3-yr warranty $9,500 ohms, or 1.200 x 2 into 2 ohms. Adaptive biasing; AC ohms. 2 power meters. S/N 90 dBA balanced, 85 dBA
power filtering with DC -offset correction up to V; 1 unbalanced; damping factor 200; dynamic headroom
M-7 150-W/ch Amplifier separate power supplies for each channel; voltage - 2.1 dB. 171/4 x 10% x 20V. in; 110 lb $7,000
2 channels. 150 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 230 x 2 into 4 gain circuitry. Balanced input. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; THD
ohms. FR 10 Hz -100 kHz +0, -1 dB; THD 0.03% 0.5%. 171/4 x 101/2 x 19 in; 150 lb $8,995 MC1000 1,000-W Mono Amplifier
from 20-20 kHz. S/N 115 dB. Champagne gold. 3-yr Model 332. As above, 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 400 x 2 1 channel. 1.000 W cont into 2, 4, or 8 ohms from 20
warranty $5,000 into 4 ohms, or 800 x 2 into 2 ohms $6,995 Hz -20 kHz with 0.005% THD. Dual -balanced design;
Model 331. As above, 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 200 x Gold-plated multiple -way outputs for 2, 4, or 8 ohms.
MA -383 200-W/ch Amplifier 2 into 4 ohms, or 400 x 2 into 2 ohms. 171/4 x 91/2 x Power meter. S/N 90 dBA balanced. 85 dBA unbal-
2 channels. 200 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 19 in $4,995 anced: damping factor 200; dynamic headroom 2.1
kHz or 700 x 2 into 2 ohms. All -stage symmetrical dB. 171/4 x 101/4 a 20% in; 105 lb $6,500
push-pull circuit; Star circuitry; line -phase sensor; To-
roidal transformer. Gold-plated inputs; outputs for 2 MBL MC300 300-W/ch Amplifier
speaker pairs. A/B speaker selector; remote turn -on/ Model 9010 470-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 300 W x 2 or 600 x 1. McIntosh imped-
oft; independent LJR volume controls; clipping indica- 2 channels. 470 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 800 x 2 into 4 ohms, ance taps of 2. 4, and 8 ohms. XLR and RCA inputs.
tor. FR 10 Hz -100 kHz -1 dB; THD 0.04% from 20 Hz - or 1,300 x 2 into 2 ohms. Direct push-pull operation 2 power meters $4,000
20 kHz; S/N 126 dB. 171/2 x 7 x 171/4 in; 391b ...$1,495 with isolated gain stage; 5 discrete power supplies; 2
M-363. As above, 110 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms from 20 power cords. Balanced/unbalanced input switch. FR 0 MC7106 960-W THX Amplifier
Hz -20 kHz or 330 x 2 into 2 ohms. Not bridgeable. No Hz -200 kHz; S/N 120 dB; slew rate 180 V/ps; damping 6 channels. 160 W x 6 into 4 ohms. THX-certified;
toroidal transformer or volume controls. 171/2 x 7 x factor 300.21 x 10 x 34 in; 209 lb $19,790 protection circuitry. 171/2 x 71/4 x 20 in; 53 lb . .$3,500

161/4 in; 30 lb $795

Model 8010c 180-W/ch Amplifier MC7108 320-W Amplifier
M-375 110-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 180 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 270 x 2 into 4 8 channels. 40 W x 8 into 8 ohms; each channel pair
2 channels. 110 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 330 a 2 into 2 ohms, or 310 x 2 into 2 ohms. Dual -mono design. Bal- bridgeable to 100 W into 4 ohms. 171/2 x 71/4 x 20 in;
ohms. All -stage symmetrical push-pull circuit; clipping anced/unbalanced input switch. Black high -gloss front 40 lb $2,500


MERIDIAN Model 216THX 125-W/ch Amplifier tection. 12-V DC switched trigger output: 5 -way binding
Model 556 100-W Mono Amplifier 2 channels. 125 W x 2 or 400 W x 1 into 8 ohms from posts. BusMatrix selector to route stereo, mono. and
1 channel 100 W into 8 ohms. Dual -mono construction. 20 Hz -20 k-lz at 0.03% THD. All -discrete circuitry. surround sound simultaneously to different rooms: lev-
Unbalanced RCA inputs; twin outputs for biwiring. S/N 5 -way binding posts. S/N 119 dB. 17% x 5 x 15 in; el controls for each channel: music -sense, external -
90 dB. Black. 6.- x x 12 in: 60 lb $1,595 31 lb $699 voltage -trigger, and manual turn -on modes: LED indi-
cators. 17 x 51/4 x 14 in; 291b $900
Model 916 180-W Amplifier
MICROMEGA 6 channels. 30 W x 6 cont from 20 Hz -20 kHz with SI-250 125-W/ch Amplifier
Amp 80 -With Amplifier 0.5% THD. 30 x 4 + 90 x 1. 30 x 2 + 90 x 2. or 90 x 3. 2 channels. 125 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms with 0.01%
2 channels. 80 W x 2. Microprocessor -controlled pro- all into 8 ohms. 3 discrete power supplies: 2 -ohm dri- THD. 250 x 2 rms into 2 ohms, or 250 x 1 rms into
tection against overheating. DC offset. and short cir- ve capability. 6 buffered line -level outputs. S/N 85 dB 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz. DC. short-circuit, ther-
cuit: auto idle mode shuts down output and power cir- 161/2x 41/4x 141/2in $699 mal. and overload protections. 5 -way binding posts:
cuits when signal absent. Biwirable. Slew rate 350 switched and unswitched AC outlets. Music -sense,
V/ps. 17 x 3% x 111/4 in; 35 lb $1.795 Model 214 80-W/ch Amplifier remote -voltage -trigger, and manual turn -on modes:
2 channels. 80 W x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz at 0.03% LED indicators. 17 x 5' x 14 in; 27 lb $650
THD or 240 W x 1, both into 8 ohms. All -discrete cir-
MONARCHY AUDIO cuitry. 5 -way binding posts. S/N 117 dB. 17' a x 5 x 15
SE -100 100-W Mono Amplifier in: 26 lb $449 OCM
1 channel, 100 W into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz with OCR. 100 100-W ch Amplifier
0.05% THD. Single -ended pure Class A design: 2 -stage Model 912 30-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 175 x 2 into 4
MOSFET output. RCA inputs; XLR inputs. S/N 104 dB; 2 channels. 30 W x 2 cont from 20 Hz -20 kHz with ohms. both from 5 Hz -20 kHz with 0.05% THD. Class
slew rate 100 \tips. 9 x 3' : x 11 in: 251b $499 0.5% THD or 90 x 1. both into 8 ohms. 2 -ohm drive AB: Mermal and current protection. RCA input. Switch -
capability. Variable input sens. S/N 85 dB: damping able to mono. Damping factor 600: dynamic headroom
factor 100 at 50 Hz: dynamic headroom 2 dB. 161/2 x 3 dB Anodized black. 17 x 3'; x 11 in: 26 lb $995
MUSEATEX 35/8 x 10% in $279
AS10 100-Wich Amplifier
2 channels. 100 W x 2. MOSFET Output: floating -charge OCTAVE RESEARCH
power supply $1,999 NAIM OR -1 80-W/ch Amplifier
NAP -135 75-W Mono Amplifier 2 channels. 80 W x 2 from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.9%
1 channel. 75 W cont into 8 ohms. 2 regulated power THD into 8 ohms. Class A operation: no negative
MUSICAL DESIGN supplies: thermal protection: fan cooing. FR 3 Hz -40 feedback. 2 RCA inputs. SN 95 dB: dynamic head-
The following feature gold-plated Teflon -insulated kHz ±3 dB. 16% x 3 x 11% in $3.400 room 1.5 dB. Brushed anodized. 3-yr parts -and -labor
RCA inputs and gold-plated five -way binding posts. warranty. 19 x 91/4 x 19% in; 66 lb $3.650
NAP -250 70-W/ch Amplifier
D -150B 150-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 70 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms. 4 regulated
2 channels. 150 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 240 x 2 into 4 power supplies: thermal protection. FR 3 Hz -40 kHz ODYSSEY
ohms. LED -biased cascode Class A. dual -mono de- ±3 dB $3,400 Stratos 150-W/ch Amplifier
sign; 1/4 -in steel chassis. THD 0.09% $1,495 2 ch 3nnels. 150 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 2 Hz -400 kHz
NAP -180 60-W/ch Amplifier with 0.005% THD. Class A/AB operation. 2 RCA and
DM -100B 100-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 60 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms. Thermal protec- 2 XLR inputs; 2 outputs. Slew rate V. ps: damping

2 channels. 100 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 200 x 2 into 4 tion. FR 5 Hz -40 kHz ±3 dB. 16% x 3 x 113/4 in ..$2.200 factor 600. Solid metal. 18 x 6 x 17 in; 60 lb ....$995
ohms with 0.09% THD. Dual -mono with separate pow- As above. in a variety of colors; anodized .. . .$1.220
er supplies; dual MOSFET output devices $1,195 NAP -140 45-W/ch Amplifier
2 channels. 45 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms. Dual -power -
D -75.3B 225-W Amplifier supply rectification; 2 smoothing capacitors for each ONIIX
3 channels. 75 W x 3 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz channel; thermal protection. FR 5 Hz -40 kHz ±3 dB. OA 701 70-W/ch Amplifier
with 0.09% THD. Class A single -ended front-end: sin- 16%x 3 x 11%in $1,550 2 channels. Designed for use with the OA 36 remote
gle -ended cascode stage. Class AB MOSFET output preamplifier. 70 W x 2 into 8 ohms or 140 x 2 into 4
stage. RCA inputs: binding posts. S/N 100 dB; slew NAP -90/3 30-W/ch Amplifier ohms. Regulated power supply for each channel. Onix
rate 30 V/ps. 5-yr warranty. 17 x 4 x 12 in $1.095 2 channels. 30 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms. Protection cir- output -protection circuit. 14 x 3 x 18 in $1,895
cuitry. FR 5 Hz -40 kHz ±3 dB $900
D-75 75-W/ch Amplifier OA 901 100-W Mono Amplifier
2 channels. 75 W x 2. LED -biased cascode driver 1 channel. 100 W into 8 ohms or 190 W into 4 ohms.
stage: dual -mono power supply; MOSFET output de- N.E.W. Regulated power supplies for audio input and output
$795 DCA-66 76-W Mono Amplifier stages. 14 x 3 x 18 in $1,895
vices. Bridging switch
1 channel. 76 W into 8 ohms or 190 W into 4 ohms
from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0 03% THD. Battery pow- OA 1200 170-W/ch Amplifier
MYRYAD ered. Induces DCIB isolation base. 140 lb ...$2.998 2 channels. 170 W x 2 into B ohms. 200 x into 8 1

MA -500 250-W/ch Amplifier ohms. Gold-plated binding posts. THD 0.02%; S/N
DCA-33 33-W/ch Amplifier 100 dB. 17 x 41/4 x 13 in; 21 lb $1,495
2 channels. 250 W x 2 or 800 x 1, both into 8 ohms.
80,000-pF reservoir capacity. XLR and RCA inputs. FR 2 channels 33 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms,or 66 x 2 into 4
20-20.000 Hz ±0.2 dB: S'N 120 dB. Black and silver. 19 ohms, with 0.02% THD. 95 lb $1,898 OA 401 50-W/ch Amplifier
x 7 x 15% in: 55Ib $2,750 2 channels. 50 W x 2. Electronic protection circuit. 9 x
HTA-100 150-W/ch Amplifier 3 x 141/2 in $795
MA -120 80-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 150 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms or 250 x 2
2 channels. 80 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 120 x 2 into 4 cont into 4 ohms. Balanced output. Class A operation
ohms, or 160 x 2 into 2 ohms. Gold-plated RCA in- switch: remote relay activation. FR 20 Hz -20 kHz; ONKYO
puts. Standby button. SiN 111 dB. Black or silver fin- THD 0.01%. 50 lb $1,998 Integra M-504 165-W/ch Amplifier
ish. 17 x 4 x 12 in; 191b $799 2 channels. 165 W x 2 rms into 8 ohms or 530 x 2
A60 60-W/ch Amplifier max into 2 ohms. Dual -mono designs. Discrete out-
2 channels 60 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms or 120 x 2 cont puts. 4 -way speaker selector: peak power meters.
into 4 ohms. Upgradable to battery power. FR 20 Hz - THD 0.003%; S,N 120 dB: damping factor 140. 18% x
EDP -extended dynamic power circuitry designed to 20 kHz; THD 0.009%. 44 lb $1,598 73/. x 16% in. 50 lb $869
extend dynamic headroom and Soft Clipping circuitry
to prevent speaker -damaging distortion. A20.1 22-W/ch Amplifier M-501 150-W/ch Amplifier
2 channels. 22 W x 2 cont into 8 ohms or 44 x 2 cont 2 channels. 150 W x 2 rms into B ohms or 400 x 2 into
Model 208THX 250-W/ch THX Amplifier into 4 ohms. Upgradable to battery power. FR 20 Hz - 2 ohms. Protection circuitry. Outputs for two speaker
2 channels. 250 W x 2 cant into 8 ohms or 500 x 1 in- 20 kHz: THD 0.007%. 25 lb $995
to 8 ohms. THX-certified: MOSFET design. Symmetri-
cal balanced inputs. 19 -in rack -mount $1.699
Model 218THX 225-W/ch THX Amplifier SI-1200 300-W Amplifier See page 10 for system -
2 channels. 225 W x 2 cont or 780 W x 1 into 8 ohms 12 channels. Designed for multiroom systems. 25 W x
from 20 Hz -20 kHz at 0.03%. All -discrete circuitry. 12 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.01% THD; building tips.
XLR and RCA inputs; 5 -way binding posts. SiN 120 channel pa rs bridge to 50 x 1 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -
dB. 19 x 6% x 141/2 in; 51 lb $999 20 kHz with 0.1% THD. Thermal and short-circuit pro-


pairs. THD 0.09%; S/N 100 dB; damping factor 60. stage; 6 Beta -matched 15 -ampere 60 -MHz bipolar HCA-2003 600-W Amplifier
171/2 x 51/2 x 13% in; 23 lb $399 output transistors per channel. 5 gold-plated RCA in- 3 channels. 200 W x 3 into 8 ohms or 300 x 3 into 4
puts; 5 output loops; gold-plated binding posts. Auto ohms. Separate power supplies for each channel;
turn -on trigger signal; gold-plated bridging switches; separate supplies for driver stage of each channel.
PAPWORTH 4 rack -space front panel; rack -mountable; excess Rack mountable $1.650
M 200 200-W Tube Mono Amplifier DC. overcurrent, and thermal protection $2,000
1 channel. 200 W. Eight EL34, one 12BH7A, and two HCA-1203A 360-W THX Amplifier
ECC83 tubes. FR 10 Hz -30 kHz; THD 0.25%; S/N 95 HCA-2500A 250-W/ch Amplifier 3 channels. 120 W x 3 into 8 ohms or 200 x 3 into 4
dB. 18 x 73/4 x 11 in: 68 lb $8,800/pr 2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 500 x 2 into 4 ohms, both from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.03% THD. Di-
ohms, or 500 x 1 into 8 ohms, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz rect coupled; Class AB design; matched JFET input
M 100 100-W Tube Mono Amplifier with 0.03% THD; 75 x 2 Class A. Direct coupled; stage; 6 Beta -matched 15 -ampere 60 -MHz bipolar
1 channel. 100 W. Mirror -polished stainless -steel chas- Class AB design with matched JFET input stage; output transistors per channel. 3 gold-plated RCA in-
sis with gold-plated connectors: 2 EL34, 1 ECC81, and MOSFET driver stage; 12 Beta -matched 15 -ampere puts; 3 output loops; gold-plated 5 -way binding posts.
2 ECC83 tubes. FR 20 Hz -30 kHz ±0.2 dB: THD 60 -MHz bipolar output transistors per channel. Gold- Auto turn -on trigger; rear -mounted gain controls,
0.15%; S/N 95 dB. 91/2 x 6 x 15 in; 40 lb $5,600/pr plated RCA and XLR inputs; 2 output loops; gold- gold-plated bridging switches; 4 rack -space front
plated binding posts. User -selectable Class A/AB panel; rack mountable; excess DC, overcurrent, and
TVA 10 50-W/ch Tube Amplifier bias; auto turn -on with 12-VDC trigger signal; rear - thermal protection $1,500
2 channels. 50 W x 2. Mirror -polished stainless -steel mounted gain controls; gold-plated bridging switch-
chassis with gold-plate connectors; 4 EL32, 4 ECC83, es; 4 rack -space front panel; rack mountable: excess HCA-806 480-W Amplifier
and 2 ECC81 tubes. FR 10 Hz -25 kHz ±0.1 dB; THD DC, overcurrent, and thermal protection $2,000 6 channels. 80 W x 6 rms into 8 ohms or 120 x 6 rms
0.1%; S/N 95 dB. 1734 x 81/4 x 634 in; 40 lb $3.000 into 4 ohms; channel pairs bridge to 180 x 1 rms.
HCA-1206 810-W THX Amplifier Matched JFET inputs; 24 Beta -matched 15 -ampere
6 channels. Designed for home -theater systems. 135 60 -MHz bipolar outputs; DC servo circuitry. Gold-
PARASOUND W x 6 into 8 ohms or 200 x 6 into 4 ohms: channel plated 5 -way binding posts and RCA jacks. Looping
HCA-2105A 1,000-W THX Amplifier pairs bridge to 300 x 1. THX-certified; matched JFET switches for multiple -zone stereo: gain controls.
5 channels. 200 W x 5 into 8 ohms or 300 x 5 into 4 inputs; MOSFET drivers: 24 Beta -matched 15 -ampere THD 0.05% at full power; S/N 118 dBA, input short-
ohms, both from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.03% THD. Di- 16 -MHz bipolar outputs; DC servo circuitry; direct ed, IHF; slew rate 130 V/ps; damping factor 800 at
rect coupled; Class AB design; matched JFET input coupling. Gold-plated 5 -way binding posts and RCA 20 Hz; dynamic headroom 2 dB. 19 x 51/4 x 181/2 in;
stage; MOSFET driver stage; 8 Beta -matched 15 -am- jacks. Looping switches for multiple -zone stereo: cur- 501b $1,195
pere 60 -MHz bipolar output transistors per channel. rent -overload indicators $1,950
Gold-plated RCA inputs; 5 output loops; Gold-plated HCA-1500A 205-W/ch THX Amplifier
binding posts. Auto turn -on trigger; gain controls; 4 HCA-22001I 250-W/ch Amplifier 2 channels. 205 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 315 x 2 into 4
rack -space front panel; rack mountable; excess DC, 2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 400 x 2 into 4 ohms, ohms, or 630 x 1 into 8 ohms, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz
overcurrent, and thermal protection $2,500 400 x 2 into 2 ohms, 800 x 1 into 8 ohms, or 1,000 x 1 with 0.03% THD. Direct coupled; Class AB design;
into 4 ohms. Matched JFET inputs; MOSFET drivers; 12 - matched JFET input stage; MOSFET driver stage; 8
HCA-1205A 600-W/ch THX Amplifier pairs Beta -matched 15 -ampere 60 -MHz bipolar out- Beta -matched 15 -ampere 60 -MHz bipolar output
5 channels. 120 W x 5 into 8 ohms or 200 x 5 into 4 puts: DC servo circuitry: direct coupling. Balanced- transistors per channel. Gold-plated RCA inputs; 2
ohms, both from 20 Hz -20 kHz with 0.03% THD. Di- XLR inputs; gold-plated 5 -way binding posts. Gold output loops; gold-plated 5 -way binding posts. Auto
rect coupled; Class AB design; matched JFET input XLR-input selector switches. THD 0.07% $1,795 turn -on trigger: rear -mounted gain controls; gold-

cymphony ong
The most powerful 6 -channel amplifier in the world!
RI ! 4P II: Critically acclaimed. The ultimate home theater
amplifier. Total power - over 3,000 watts.
Remarkable visceral performance for $3,495.

Two channel version of the awesome 3k6. 350 wpc/8ohms, or
1,200 watts bridged. Drive any speaker with an ease and clarity
that is unmatched anywhere near the price of $1,495.

. CINEPRO 700x2
14.11:11R14.10 New, improved version of the classic 600x2. 220 wpc, balanced
and unbalanced inputs, and now featuring front panel level controls.
A remarkable value at just $995.

One of the most popular two channel powerhouses
in America! 200wpc/8ohms. Dollar for dollar...
untouchable power, musicality and sheer enjoyment.
Drive any loudspeaker, even down to 2 ohms. $849
plated bridging switches; 4 rack -space front panel; ZAMP 30-W/ch Amplifier ended Class A operation; 2 gain stages; MOSFET cir-
rack mountable; excess DC, overcurrent, and *her- 2 channels. 30 W x 2 into 8 ohms. Low -impedance cuitry. RCA inputs. 12 x 12 x 61/2 in; 40 lb $2,300
mal protection $995 capability; DC servo coupled circuitry. Front -panel
headphone jack. Rear -panel level controls ....$249
HCA-120011205-Wich THX Amplifier PERREAUX
2 channels. 205 W x 2 into 8 ohms, 315 x 2 into 4 Classic models have polished aluminum, silver or
ohms, or 630 x 1 into 8 ohms. THX-certified; matched PASS LABORATORIES black chrome, or 24k gold-plated front panels. Profes-
JFET inputs; MOSFET drivers; 20 Beta-matchec 15 - Aleph 1.2 200-W Mono Amplifier sional models have black aluminum front panels.
ampere bipolar outputs; direct coupling. Gold-plated 1 channel. 200 W into 8 ohms at 1% THD. Single -
5 -way binding posts; RCA inputs. Gain controls. THD ended Class A operation: 2 gain stages; MOSFET cir- Model 6160 Classic 960-W Amplifier
$975 cuitry; 500-W idle current. Balanced or RCA inputs. 6 channels. 160 W x 6 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz
16 x 161/2 x 101/2 in; 120 lb $7,000 with 0.02% THD. Clipping indicators. Damping factor
HCA-1000A 135-W/ch THX Amplifier 500: dynamic headroom 2.3 dB. 81 lb $5,395
2 channels. 135 W x 2 into 8 ohms with 0.03% -HD, Aleph 0 75-W Mono Amplifier Model 6160 Professional. $4,995
200 x 2 into 4 ohms, or 300 x 1 into 8 ohms. THX-cer- 1 channel. 75 W into 8 ohms a: 1% THD. Single -end-
titled; complementary JFET input trans stors; MOSFET ed Class A operation; 3 -gain stages; MOSFET circuit- Model 750 Classic 750-W Mono Amplifier
drivers: 12 Beta -matched 15 -ampere 60 -MHz bipolar ry; 2 50-W idle current. Balanced or RCA inputs. 12 x 1 channel. 750 W into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20 kHz with
outputs; DC servo circuitry; direct coupling; dual in- 12 x 10'/: in; 60Ib $4,000 0.05% THD. XLR and RCA inputs; biwirable. Damping
dependent power supplies. Gold-plated 5 -way bind- factor 700; dynamic headroom 2 dB. 77 lb ....$5,395
ing posts; RCA inputs. Current -overload indicators; Aleph Os 40-W/ch Amplifier Model 750 Professional $4,995
gain controls: auto turn -on with 12-VDC trigger sig- 2 channels. 40 W x 2 into 8 ohms at 1% THD. Single -
nal. Available with 171/2 -in front -panel $575 ended Class A operation; 3 gain stages; MOSFET cir- Model 350 Classic 350-W/ch Amplifier
cuitry; 250-W idle current. Baanced or RCA inputs. 2 channels. 350 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
HCA-750A 75-W/ch Amplifier 12 x 12 x 10'/z in; 601b $4.000 kHz with 0.02% THD. XLR and RCA inputs; dual
2 channels. 75 W x 2 into 8 ohms. TOO x 2 into 4 binding posts. Damping factor 700; dynamic head-
ohms, or 200 x 1 into 8 ohms, all from 20 Hz -20 kHz Aleph 5 60-W/ch Amplifier room 2 dB. 77 lb $4 995
with 0.03% THD. Direct coupled; Class AB design: 2 channels. 60 W x 2 into 8 ohms with 1% THD. Sin- Model 350 Professional $4.595
matched JFET input stage: 4 Beta -matched 15 -am- gle -ended Class A operation. 2 gain stages: MOSFET
pere 60 -MHz bipolar output transistors per channel. circuitry; 300-W idle current. Ba anted or RCA in- Model 250 Classic 250-W/ch Amplifier
2 gold-plated RCA inputs: 2 speaker outputs; 2 out- puts. 12 x 12 x 101/2 in; 60 lb $3,600 2 channels. 250 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
put loops; gold-plated 5 -way binding pests. Auto turn - kHz with 0.02% THD. Damping factor 700; dynamic
on trigger; gold-plated bridging switches; 4 rack - Aleph 2 100-W Mono Amplifier headroom 2 dB. 66 lb $4.395
space front panel: rack mountable: excess DC, aver - 1 channel. 100 W into 8 ohms at 1% THD. Single - Model 250 Professional $3.995
current, and thermal protection $429 ended Class A operation; 2 gain stages; MOSFET cir-
cuitry. Balanced or RCA inputs. 12 x 12 x 10' in; Model 200 Classic 200-W/ch Amplifier
P/HA-150 Headphone Amplifier 60 lb $3,300 2 channels. 200 W x 2 into 8 ohms from 20 Hz -20
2 channels. Class A design. Two inputs; two phone - kHz with 0.02% THD. Damping factor 500; dynamic
jack headphone outputs. Special -design volume con- Aleph 3 30-W/ch Amplifier headroom 2 dB. 33 lb $3.295
trol; mute switch. 9% x 1% x 7 in $290 2 channels. 30 W x 2 into 8 onms at 1% THD. Single - Model 200 Professional. 33 lb $2.995

ine nstruments.
CINEPRO DTC-1 Reference D gital Theater Controller. New for
19981 Built-in Dolby Digital and DTS. Full digital switching for
6 sources. Ergonomic "analog" type front panel con:-ols.
World -class pe-formance. Incl. remote. $3,495

POWER STATION II - Advanced power cond boner and surge proteck:ir. Separate Digital Isolatec Outlets.
Precsion pull-out systeri illumination lamps $349
POWERSEQUENCER II - Powers up large. complex systems wit)
the -ouch of a switch, or with your existing remote contrd. Three
zones. variable time delay. Digital Isolated Outlets. $44.g.
POWERSUPPLY II - Active voltage regulator. Prevents brown-
outs. A must have for any home theater or high -end audo system.
Advanced line condition ng aid Digital Isolated Outlets. $749

Wine w dedicated tc the Wu/ dynamic

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Available worldwide at the finest installation specialists
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CINEPRO Professional 1030 Vicente St., Seri Francisco, CA 94116

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