Allied Catalog 1958

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Telephone- HAyrnarket -6800



ALLIED presents


ACHIEVEMENT... For Superior,
In -Phase Bass Response from
Along -the -Wall Speaker Enclosures

s00- 15,occ

300-1IXri 1000 -3500

cps cos

Unlike treble and mid -range tones, which are direc-

tional, bass tones are non -directional and ordinarily
travel along two routes on the way to your ears
resulting in partial cancellation. One portion of a bass
tone travels directly to your ears from the woofer,
while another portion of the same tone travels first to
the wall in back of the woofer, and then is reflected
to your ears. Since the sound taking this second route
Carlton IVA Phase -Loaded 4 -Way Speaker System travels further, it reaches you later than the sound
AS LOW AS Distinctively styled by skilled craftsmen to blend
that comes directly from the woofer -it
is out of phase.
"Phase Loading" corrects this bass -cancelling time
beautifully with any furnishing mode. The Carlton lag by using a specially designed woofer in a sealed
$25970 IVA in handsome, low -boy design, employs acous- cavity, facing the wall. With this unique arrangement,
tically correct "Tapatone" grille cloth to add a touch of colorful all of the bass is "bounced" back from the wall at the
accent to its graceful lines. A complete phase -loaded system, it same time -and is in phase. You hear the entire audio
features Model 117B 4 -way speaker system components for spectrum in phase, the bass tones plus the mid -range
superior bass response, natural mid -range and ultra -clean treble and treble. With "Phase Loading ", the bass tones are
reproduction. Includes: 15BWK "K" type low- frequency driver, augmented by 3 times -and you can place the enclo.
sure anywhere along the reflecting wall.
MT3OB coaxial mid -bass and treble driver -horn assembly, T35B
very -high -frequency driver, X336 crossover network, and two HERE IS HOW IT WORKS
AT37 level controls. Handles 20 watts of program material; 40
watts peak power capacity. Size, 33.1/2" high, 26.1/4' wide. 9q I
19 -1/2" deep. Shpg. wt., 124 lbs.
81 DZ 869. Mahogany. NET $259.70
81 DZ 870. Limed Oak- NET $264.60
81 DZ 871. Walnut. NET $264.60
Two -way mid range sound 15BWK woofer "bounces"
Comes from MT30B horn: lm- bass tones directly off re-
ble from T358 tweeter. flecting wall.


Duchess IVA Phase -loaded 4 -Way System Empire IVA Phase loaded 4 -Way System Suzerain IVA Phase- Loaded 4 -Way System

AS LOW AS A perfect example of elegant AS LOW AS Pleasingly styled and spar- AS LOW AS Reflecting the fresh, new
contemporary design, the ing of space, the Empire IVA Scandinavian styling influ-
$25676 Duchess IVA 4-way system $25970 4 -way speaker system offers $29498 ence, the Suzerain IVA 4-way
complements any room in which it is phenomenal performance for its modest speaker system sounds as good as it looks!
placed. Uses the same Model 117B speaker size. Employs the same Model 117B Uses the same Model 117B speaker sys-
components as the Carlton, above. Size, speaker components used in the Carlton, tem components as the Carlton, above.
29.5/8" high, 25" wide, 19" deep. Shpg. above. Only 29 -5/8" high, 32" wide, 16' Size, 36.1/2" high, 26" wide, 193/4' deep,
wt., 110 lbs. deep. Shpg. wt., 106 lbs. Shpg. wt., 134 lbs.
81 DZ 878. Mahogany. NET.. $256.76 81 DZ 875. Mahogany. NET $259.70 81 DZ 881. Mahogany. NET $294.98
81 DZ 879. Limed Oak. NET.. $261.66 81 DZ 876. Limed Oak. NET. $266.56 81 DZ 882. Limed Oak. NET. $301.84
81 DZ 880. Walnut. NET..... $261.66 81 DZ 877. Walnut. NET $264.56 81 DZ 883. Walnut. NET $301.84

See Page 50 for Complete Listings of Matching Electro -Voice Console Equipment Cabinets
Entire Contents Copyrighted 1957, by ALLIED RADIO CORP. Printed in U.S.A.
THE WORLD'S LARGEST To Everything in Electronics
Amateur Equipment 262 -279
ELECTRONIC SUPPLY HOUSE Antennas 274276, 369-360, 163
Batteries 264-267
1 '/, Books 296 -310
Capacitors 122 -136, 156-160
Cartridges 63, 65, 64, 81 -84
Chemicals 334, 335
Coils L RF Chokes 152 -161
Connectors 167- 173, 354, 355
Fluorescent Fixtures
ALLIED Guarantees Your Complete Satisfaction Fuses
190, 191
Hardware 332, 333
4- We guarantee to bring you the world's largest and Headphones 279, 261 -283
finest stocks of radio, television and electronic Hi -Fi Equipment...3.77, 210- 217, 391,
393, Coy. 2, Coy. 3, Coy. 4
equipment at lowest prices. intercom Equipment 225, 345,362-366
Kits ..209-236, 248, 250-253,391, Coy.
We guarantee to give you the immediate benefit of Meters 256-261
any price reductions made after this catalog is Microphones A Accessories 348-355
Needles as
printed. PA Equipment 337-347
Phonographs 76,79
We guarantee that our merchandise conforms to Plugs & Jacks 167-188, 173-179
the standards of the Radio- Electronics-Television Power Supplies 267 -289
C :nled Circuit Components 137, 138
Manufacturers' Association and will perform in the Racks 6. Cat,inets...282, 294-297,345
manner intended for such apparatus. Records 88
Record Changers. 62,64, 66,76, Cov.3
Recorded Tapes 96
Every Item you buy from us must satisfy Recording Equipment 65-65
In every way -or we want you to return it Relays 192-197
at once for exchange, repair or refund. Resistors 111 -115
Sockets 165-188
Soldering Guns and Irons 311-315
Speakers A A ries....355.361
Switches 199-288
I5 -DAY TRIAL, MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Test Equipment 236- 256, 261
Tools 311-331, 336
Order any test instrument, amplifier, high -fidelity component, Transformers 139.151
recorder, communications unit or any other equipment -on Transistors 1E2
our regular terms. Try it under your own operating conditions. Tubes 97 -lo5
Then, if within 15 days you are not completely satisfied, return TV Antenna Equipment 369-389
TV Picture Tubes 97
the equipment to us, and we will refund your full purchase Vibrators 164
price, less transportation charges. This Guarantee is further Volume Controls 115-121
backed by the regular Radio -Electronics-Television Manufac- Wire A Cable 180-185
turers' Warranty against defects in materials and workmanship.

You Get Every Buying Advantage at ALLIED For Easy Payment Plan
We save you money because our complete stocks permit you See Paye 396
to order all of your electronic needs from one source. And you
4/8 For How to Order
always buy at ALLIED at the lowest prevailing market prices.
-1 See Paye 394
We ship speedily and safely from the world's largest stocks
of electronic equipment. Your orders are speeded to you by a
skilled organization with a record of over 36 years of depend-
able service. OUR COVER
We satisfy you completely with expert personal help, in- Rodio Astronomy comes of age.
telligent service and the full resources that have made us the The giant 140 -foot steerable
World's Leading Electronic Supply House. Rodio Telescope planned by the
National Science Foundation
promises to disclose new secrets

w ¿ÍE f ed &,Q'
of outer space by electronic
detection, amplification and re-
cording of radio waves from

ALLIED RADIO the far -flung galaxies of the universe,

now beyond the reach of optical tele-
scopes. The Radio Telescope shown on
our cover will be located in the hills
phone: HAymarket 1 -6800 of West Virginia.
ALLIED your dependable Electronic Supply
has the facilities and skill to SERVE YOU



complete stocks of everything In I.ctronics

world's largest stocks at your command

At Allied, you make your selections from the world's
largest stocks of quality parts and equipment for
industrial electronics, television, radio, public
address, high- fidelity, and virtually every other
type of electronic application. Allied's staff of
experienced electronic specialists keeps up with
the latest technical developments and market
conditions to anticipate your every need. More than
27,000 separate items from all leading manufacturers
are constantly in stock. One order to Allied will
cover all your needs. You save time, money and
effort when you use this catalog.

fast shipment from ultramodern plant

Our modern building covers a full city block,
providing 187,000 square feet of floor space. More
than 1500 feet of conveyor belts and nearly
13 miles of pneumatic tubing carry transactions
and merchandise on a rapid order -filling schedule.
Skilled, interested people handle your orders.
Up-to -date stock record systems, personal
inspection and a final check before your order is
carefully packed, insure accuracy. Whether you
order by mail or phone, you can depend on
Allied for fast, accurate shipment.

personal help and technical conseltig service

Our greatest satisfaction comes from giving you
personal service. All of your orders and letters
are intelligently handled by people who take a
genuine, friendly interest in your needs. You are
invited to consult with our technical experts for
information or guidance in your selection of
merchandise. Write to us and you will receive a prompt,
authoritative and friendly reply. For friendly service,
for guaranteed quality and value, make your selections
from this catalog-recognized everywhere as the most
widely used Electronic Supply Guide.

Everything in Electronics From One Dependable Source

Allied has been the leading
quality music system components source of
the very beginning of since
High Fidelity. All
of the hi-fi products we
offer you, from
our tremendous stock
of systems and
components in every price
range, are
quality- checked in our labs,
formance- checked on and per-
our Auditioner for
instant, side -by -side
comparison. Make
your selection from the pages
and get the finest in hi -fi -yourthat follow
satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed




world's largest hi -fi stocks lowest prices easy terms to fit your budget
This catalog presents everything Allied offers the lowest prevail- High- fidelity systems or any
in high -fidelity- amplifiers, ing market prices on all of the combination of separate com-
tuners, speakers and speaker nation's leading high- fidelity ponents priced at 345.00 or
enclosures, record changers, components,with special savings more, may be purchased on
turntables, cartridges, tape re- on our matched radio-phono and Allied's Easy Payment Plan.
corders, latest stereophonic phono systems, and on Allied's Pay only 10% down and the
equipment, etc. The famous own, widely acclaimed Knight balance in easy -on- the-budget
names, the dependable standard products.You can always be sure monthly payments. Start enjoy-
brands, and the hard -to-get ac- of maximum possible value for ing thrilling hi -fi right now,
cessories -all are included here your hi -fi dollar, regardless of even if you don't have all of the
in a wide range of prices, in stock, the size of your budget, when ready cash. For full details on
ready for prompt shipment to you. you do business with Allied. our Easy Pay Plan, see page 396.

15 -day trial, money -back guarantee
Any high -fidelity
a .4p:
expert consulting service system or separate
corn. super -value knight Hi -Fi
ponent you buy at
Allied may be tested
Our audio specialists are glad to under the terms of For the best in musical repro-
our trial guarantee. Ploce
answer any question on high your order on our regular duction at moderate cost, watch
cash terms or use
fidelity. Should you desire any our Easy Pay Plan.
Then check performance for the Knight name on high -
assistance in choosing a music in your own home. fidelity products. Allied's value -
If within 15 days you
not fully satisfied, return are
system of balanced, custom hi -fi the equipment to packed, Knight custom compo-
We will refund your full purchase us.
components to fit your taste and price (less
nents, are unconditionally guaran-
your budget, feel free to write to only transportotion charges).
Every hi -fi unit teedfor one full year. Designed by
Allied's Audio Division -your rs also covered
by the regular RETMA Allied and built to the highest
inquiry will bring a prompt and ranty agoinst defects
in material and work- standards, these splendid high -
detailed reply. Take advantage manship -for your fidelity units offer you more in
of this free, personal and friendly
consulting service.
complete protection.
performance, more in styling
and more in genuine quality.
select your hi -fi from the world's finest equipment...
ALLIED a&auAq friquìath«joqfJL-ft
Allied's complete stocks enable you to fill all of Expert personal help, intelligent service and the full
your high -fidelity needs from one convenient resources that have made us America's Hi -Fi Cen-
source. You save money and your order is shipped ter, enable us to provide you with the high -fidelity
to you speedily, efficiently and safely from the music system best suited to your personal taste
world's largest stocks of high -fidelity equipment. and budget -at the lowest prevailing prices.


The amplifier is the "heart" of a high-
fidelity music system. It "builds up"
or amplifies the very small voltages
which are fed into it by the phono
cartridge, tape deck, or radio tuner,
into electrical energy sufficient to
operate the speaker. A hi-fi amplifier
doer this with maximum fidelity.


The actual sound- reproducing unit.
The speaker converts the electrical
energy received from the amplifier
into sound waves which are radiated
from its cone. A proper enclosure,
the "other half" of a speaker, is a vital
factor in good tonal reproduction.


The turntable of a record changer or
player "spins" the record. The pick-
up arm contains a cartridge with a
needle (stylus). The needle follows
the record grooves, and the cartridge
converts the side -to-side movements
of the needle into small voltages
which are then fed into the amplifier.


RADIO TUNER. Performs the same function as your

t, `u radio but does not contain an amplifier or speaker.
It simply "tunes in" the radio signal and feeds it
through the amplifier and speaker of your hi-fi system. A-
A tweeter or high -frequency speaker, can be added
to your single speaker system. The crossover network
sends the right frequency to the proper speaker.

TAPE DECK. Most hi -fi amplifiers have an input

for a tape recorder or deck. A tape deck allows you to
play your own tape recordings or commercially re-
corded tape through your hi -fi system.
STEREO. By using a two -channel sound source, such as a
stereo tape deck, plus two amplifiers and two speakers, you will
be able to enjoy breathtaking 3 -D stereophonic sound. You
can start out with stereo -or
add the tape deck, extra amplifier
and extra speaker whenever you wish.

Enjoy a Whole New World of Sound with Allied HI -FI

whether you're an audio expert or new to Hi -Fi...

the ALLIED RECOMMENDED SYSTEM PLAN gives you the most for your money
On pages 6 through 25, we present an outstanding selection Whatever system you choose, you will discover the pleasure
of Allied High -Fidelity Systems -the famous, ready- to-play of enjoying music with all the exciting realism of the original
systems that give you the most for your hi -fi dollar. Each of performance. And whatever your taste or budget, there's a
these systems is a best buy in its price range -and each has balanced, perfectly matched Allied High -Fidelity Music Sys-
been carefully selected by Allied's staff of audio experts. tem waiting for you. Check our "bonus" features below.


Every system is priced to save System components are
w you money over the total price always selected on the basis
of the same individual components of comparable quality and

if purchased The amount
separately. carefully evaluated by
you save is clearly indicated in comparative listening tests on
our descriptions -you can actually our renowned Audition"
save up to Y100.00 when you Control Console -your assurance
buy a complete system! of peak high-fidelity performance.


Plug the record danger connectors into Conned the speaker to the omplifier- Plug the amplifier into on AC outlet
the amplifier -they're color- coded- speaker cable and amplifier terminals -and thrill to breathtaking music
you can't make o wrong connection. ore color -coded loo, for easy matching. from your Allied Hi -Fi System.


To help you get
the most enjoyment
from the hi -fi system
of your choice, an
,Yo technical knowledge is required. easy -to-follow booklet
Simply match the colors on containing valuable Every system is supplied with
receptacles to the colors on cables tips is included. a 15 -ft. length of color -coded,
and plugs -you can't go wrong! easy -to-connect speaker cable.


The stylus pressure of the Made of durable vinylite
turntable or record changer plastic, and attractively
arm is always carefully pre -set styled in a silver -gray color,
by Allied's technicians to this valuable accessory helps
assure optimum performance- protect your record changer
there are no adjustments to make or player from the harmful
when you receive your system. effects of dust and moisture.


"I'wo highly informative and You may replace any one
easy -to- understand booklets component used in any
are included at no extra Allied hi -fi system, with
cost with every Allied hi -fi another one of your own
system. Both are written selection; just add or subtract
by our own audio experts the difference in catalog price.
and contain a wealth of In addition, stylus and cartridge
valuable information. may also be substituted.

15 -Day Free Trial and Money -Back Guarantee on All Hi -Fi Equipment and Systems
"SPACE- SAVER" Hi-Fi Systems Featuring
New KNIGHT "Bantam" 15-Watt Amplifier

"Bantam" Space -Saver Hi -Fi Systems

As Low As High-Quality Components Used Throughost4

Save up to $34.341
Includes Diamond LP Needle
Beautifully Designed Cases and Enclosure
Exceptional High -Fidelity Performance
You can't go wrong when you choose a carefully
ew Knight KN-5I5 selected Knight "Bantam" system! You are assured of
"Bantam" 15-Watt Amplifier excellent music reproduction by a matched group of
fine components -and you save because each system is
priced at far less than the total cost of individual
components. Whenever you're ready, add tape record-
ing and playback facilities -add stereophonic sound
or add extension speakers for other rooms.
Check these superior components: Knight KN -515 "Ban-
tam" 15-Watt Amplifier; Garrard RC- 121 -44 -Speed Changer;
Changer Base is Mahogany, Limed Oak or Walnut; G.E.'s
new 4G-052 Magnetic Cartridge (mounted in plug -in head)
with Diamond Stylus for LP's and 45's, Sapphire Stylus for
New Knight KN-100 78 rpm; famous Knight KN -800 12' 3 -Way Speaker in
"Bantam" FM -AM Tuner the Knight - Klipsch KN -1200 Corner Enclosure- choice of
Mahogany, Korina Blonde or Walnut Finish. The FM -AM-
Phono system also includes the new "Bantam" FM -AM
Tuner. Systems are for 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC.

I/ 7' ALTERNATE SPEAKER SYSTEM. Where space is an import-

ant consideration, choose the alternate FM -AM -Phono
or Phono system featuring the same components as
above except for the speaker and enclosure. In their
place are the E -V Corner "Baronet" Enclosure in Ma-
r hogany, Limed Oak or Walnut; with SP-8B 8' Speaker;
T -35B Tweeter; X -36 Crossover Network and AT-37 High -
Frequency Level Control installed, providing fine per-
Garrard RC -121 -4 formance in limited space.
Changer G.E. 4G-052
plete with all components as above, except tuner; with
color -coded cables, instructions, etc. Shpg. wt., 94 lbs.
Specify enclosure and changer base finish.
91 PA 912. Save $14.571 NET 224.50
with alternate speaker system. Wt., 69 lbs.
91 PA 935. Save $29.091 NET 209.75
new Knight KN -100 "Bantam" tuner. 107 lbs.
91 PA 925. Save $19.071 NET 294.50
KN -1200 Enclosure with lbs
KN-800 12 Speaker 91 PA 934. Save $34.341 NET 279.00
"Bantam" Custom Installation System
ONLY PHONO SYSTEM. Specially selected for
$15875 installation in your own equipment
cabinet, or a prized furniture piece.
You Save $15 911 Supplied less speaker enclosure and rec-
ord changer base. Includes: Knight "Bantam" Amplifier;
Garrard RC-121 -4 Changer; G.E. 4G -052 Cartridge (in plug -
in head) with Diamond LP Stylus and Sapphire Stylus for
78's; and Knight 12' 3-Way Speaker. Shpg. wt., 46 lbs.
91 PA 933. Only $15.88 Down. CASH NET 158.75
FM -AM -PHONO SYSTEM. As above, but with new
Knight "Bantam" FM -AM tuner added. Shpg. wt., 57 lbs.
91 PA 932. Save $20.061 NET 229.00
See Page 5 for Information About
Substitutions In Your Allied Hi -Fi System
"SPACE- SAVER" Hi-Fi Systems Featuring
KNIGHT Deluxe 30-Watt Amplifier

Deluxe Space -Saver Hi-Fi Systems

As tow As 15'3 -Way Speaker;30 -Watt Amplifier
No Equipment Enclosure Needed
$27950 Includes Diamond LP Needle
Sove up to $32.411 Exclusive Knight "Trim-Line" Design
Hear music with diamond -like clarity on a superlative Knight KN -530 "Deluxe"
Allied Deluxe hi -fi system -from the subtle whisper 30 -Watt Amplifier
of a muted violin, to the majestic splendor of the full
orchestra! Planned by Allied, and made to rigid
specifications, the Knight units in these systems offer
styling and performance never before available at so
low a price. Systems are priced far less than the total
cost of the individual items.
The phono system includes: Knight "Deluxe" 30-Watt
Amplifier; Garrard RC -88-4 4 -Speed Changer; Changer
Base is Mahogany, Limed Oak or Walnut; G.E.'s new 4G-052
Cartridge (mounted in plug -in head) with Diamond LP stylus,
Sapphire 78 Stylus; famous Knight KN -810 15' 3 -Way Knight KN -110 "Deluxe"
FM -AM Tuner
Speaker, installed in the Knight -Klipsch KN -1210 Enclosure
in your choice of Mahogany, Korina Blonde or Walnut finish.
The FM -AM -Phono system version also includes the
brilliant new Knight KN-110 Deluxe FM -AM Tuner. Systems
are for operation from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC.
ALTERNATE SPEAKER SYSTEM. In place of the 15' Knight
3 -way speaker listed above, you may select the same
system with the famous Electro-Voice 12TRX -B 12'
Speaker installed in the Electro-Voice "Aristocrat"
Enclosure. The enclosure is available in your choice of
mahogany, limed oak or walnut finish.
Garrard RC -88-4
phono system components listed above, plus color -coded
cables, instructions, etc. Shpg. wt., 114 lbs. Specify
enclosure finish and changer base finish when ordering.
91 PA 931. Save $15.67! NET 294.00
above, but with alternate speaker system. Shpg. wt.,
106 lbs.
91 PA 929. Save $27.41! NET 279.50
plete with the new Knight Deluxe Tuner, providing virtu-
ally flawless FM and AM. Shpg. wt., 131 lbs. KN -1210 Enclosure with
91 PA 930. Save $19.671 NET 389.50 KN-810 15' Speaker
Shpg. wt., 123 lbs.
91 PA 928. Save $32.41! NET 374.00
` Deluxe Custom Installation System ALTERNATE SPEAKER CHOICE
ONLY PHONO SYSTEM. The first -quality De-
components listed above, less
$20975 luxe
changer base and speaker enclosure.
Perfect for modernization of obsolete
You Sove $19.571
phono consoles, or custom installation in your home or
apartment, this system includes the Knight KN-530
Deluxe Amplifier; Garrard RC -88-4 Changer; G.E.'s new
4G-052 Cartridge installed in plug -in head; and Knight
KN-810 15' 3-Way Speaker. With full instructions and
information on "built -in" hi -fi systems. Shpg.wt.,61 lbs.
91 PA 926. Only $20.98 Down. CASH NET 209.75
FM -AM -PHONO SYSTEM. As above, but with new
Knight "Deluxe" FM -AM Tuner added. Shpg. wt., 78 lbs.
91 PA 927. Save $24.321 NET 304.50 "Aristocrat" Enclosure with
E -V 12TRX -B 12' Speaker Installed
Deluxe Amplifier and Tuner Described on Pages 26-27 1
Garrard RCI21 -4
Record Changer with
Wood Base and
New G.E. 4G -052
Magnetic Cartridge

New Knight KN -200

Tuner- Preomp
with Controls

New Knight KN -632 E -V "Empire" Enclosure

32 -Watt Basic Amplifier with SPIS -B Speaker

"Space Saver" FM -AM Phono System Featuring KNIGHT KN-200 Tuner -Preamp
New Knight Tuner -Preamp The new Knight FM -AM Tuner - Preamp, used as the
$38975 New Knight 32 -Watt Amplifier centralized control unit for the system, features tuning
You Save $28.48 Diamond LP Needle eye, cathode follower output, tape head and microphone
E -V "Empire' Speaker System inputs, automatic frequency control on FM, bass and
treble controls, and a rich new finish, styled to resemble
Enthusiastically recommended by Allied's hi -fi experts, natural leather. Its companion unit, the new Knight
and ready to give you flawless reproduction, this excep- 32 -watt basic amplifier, features an advanced-design
tional array of space -saving components is priced at far low- distortion circuit offering high power handling
less than the total cost of the individual components. capacity and superb tonal reproduction. G.E.'s new
You save $28.48! System includes these perfectly 4G -052 magnetic cartridge provides very wide frequency
matched hi -fi units: New Knight KN -200 FM -AM Tuner - range and high output, at tracking pressures as low as
Preamp; new Knight KN -632 32 -Watt Basic Amplifier; 4 grams; mounted in plug -in head, ready for insertion in
Garrard RC1 21-4 4 -Speed Record Changer with Wood Base; the renowned Garrard record changer, you'll be greatly
new G.E. 4G -052 Magnetic Cartridge with .001' Diamond pleased at the dazzling reproduction it provides. Electro-
and .003' Sapphire stylus, mounted in a plug -in head; Voice's "Empire" enclosure with the SP15 -B speaker,
Electro -Voice "Empire" Enclosure with E -V's SP1S -B 15' features expandable design for easily adding other
Speaker installed; Plastic Record Changer Cover. Record speaker components. System operates from 110 -120 v.,
changer base and speaker enclosure are finished in mahog- 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 133 lbs.
any, limed oak or walnut -specify when ordering. 91 PA 913. Only $38.98 Down. CASH NET .. 389.75

"Space Saver" System Featuring New KNIGHT

"Uni -Fi" FM -AM Tuner- Amplifier Combination
AS LOW AS New Knight KN -315 "Uni -Fi"
$19950 Webcor "Magic Mind" Changer
New G.E. Magnetic Cartridge
Save Up to B1 4.201 Choice of Three Speaker Systems
` New Knight
KN -315 "Uni -Fi"
Enjoy outstanding hi -fi performance, even if your apart-
ment is small and your budget limited! Modestly priced,
Tuner -Amplifier with Casa Allied's "Uni -Fi" FM -AM Phono-systems bring you
thrillingly realistic sound, at a price far less than the
total cost of components purchased separately. Systems
Webcor 1842 -21 include: New Knight KN -315 "Uni -Fi" FM -AM Tuner -
Changer on Bose Amplifier combination; Webcor 1842-21 4 -Speed Record
-with Changer on Metal Base; new G.E. 4G -050 Magnetic Car-
G.E. 4G -050 tridge with Dual Sapphire Styli; your choice of any of three
Cartridge Speaker Enclosures with Speakers installed; Plastic Record
Changer Cover. The "Uni -Fi" consists of a sensitive
FM -AM tuner, versatile preamp, and a 15 -watt ampli-
fier, with brown "plextone" metal case. Webcor's
changer offers "Magic Mind" record intermixing. Sys-
tems operate from 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC.
SURE. With SP8 -B 8' speaker. Specify mahogany, limed
oak or walnut veneers. Shpg. wt., 64 lbs.
91 PA 914. You Save $14.141 NET 225.50
SURE. With University UXC -122 12' speaker. In ma-
hogany, blonde mahogany, or walnut veneers -specify
when ordering. Shpg. wt., 68 lbs.
91 PA 91 5. You Save $14201 NET 227.50
KN -1240
with Difiusicone-8 University Diffusicone -8 8' speaker. Specify mahogany
"Baronet" with "Tiny- Mite" with or korina blonde veneers. 61 lbs.
SP8 -B 8' Speaker UXC -122 12' Speaker 91 PA 916. You Save $13.881 CASH NET 199.50
Installed Installed
Allied Hi -Fi Systems Are Complete with
Instructions and Color -Coded Cables

New Knight KN-632 New Knight KN -700 Garrard Rc88-4

32 -Watt Bask Amplifier Stereo -Monaural Preamplifier Record Changer with
Base and G.E. 4G-052 Cartridge

"Space Saver" System with New KNIGHT Stereo Preamp

Phono System New Knight Stereo Preamp- Unlike All Others!
New Knight 32 -Wan Basic Amplifier
$31450 New G.E. Cartridge with Diamond LP Needle
You Save $16.421 Knight Reflex Enclosure with 15' 3 -Way Speaker
A forward -looking hi -fi phono system, that's all ready for easy modification
to stereo music reproduction from tapes or radio whenever you wish!
Designed around the unique Knight Stereo Preamp, you can use it as a
superb performing phono or FM -AM -Phono system now -later on, add the
conversion components listed at bottom of page to have a complete stereo
playback system. The stereo preamplifier is the only unit of its kind which
includes complete phono equalization and other playback facilities!
System includes: New Knight KN -700 Stereo-Monaural Preamplifier; new
Knight KN -632 32 -Watt Basic Amplifier; Garrard RC88 -4 4 -Speed Record
Changer with Wood Base; new G.E. 4G -052 Magnetic Cartridge with .001' Knight Unfinished
Diamond and .003' Sapphire Styli, installed in plug -in head; Knight KN -1230U Enclosure with
Bass Reflex Enclosure in Unfinished Mahogany Veneer, with Knight KN -810 KN-810
3-Way, 15' Speaker installed; Plastic Record Changer Cover. 15'
3-way Speaker
The Knight preamp, in metal case, handsomely finished to resemble natural Installed
leather, offers these control facilities: Rumble and scratch filters, loudness
control, bass and treble controls, microphone input, equalized magnetic
phono input, 2 equalized tape head inputs, tape recording output jacks for
recording stereo tapes or stereo broadcasts, etc. The 32 -watt amplifier
features high power handling capacity with excellent response, and the
renowned Garrard changer provides outstanding record- changing operation.
The new Knight 15' 3 -way speaker installed in the Knight bass reflex
enclosure, offers superb reproduction across the entire audio spectrum.
The completely assembled, unfinished enclosure is ready for quick, easy
finishing. Changer base in mahogany, limed oak or walnut finish-specify
choice. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC.
New Knight KN -110 Deluxe
PHONO SYSTEM ONLY. Includes above components. Wt., 128 lbs. FM -AM Basic Tuner
91 PA 917. You Save $16.421 NET 314.50
FM- AM -PHONO SYSTEM. Same as above, but with the addition of the new
Knight KN -110 Deluxe FM-AM Basic Tuner. Shpg. wt., 145 lbs.
91 PA 918. You Save $20.921 NET 409.50


Convert the above system to stereo sound with
these "add -on" components. Enables you to enjoy
the depth and astonishing realism of stereo.
Includes: New Bell T -202 Stereo Tape Deck; new
Knight KN -632 32 -Watt Basic Amplifier; Knight
74. KN -1230U unfinished Bass Reflex Enclosure, with the
Bell T -202 Stereo Knight 15' 3 -Way Speaker installed. The Bell
Tape Deck Stereo Tape Deck, described on page 88, allows
Knight Bass Reflex Enclosure you to playback monaural and stereo tapes,
(either stacked or staggered -head recordings).
15' 3 -Way Connecting these components to the above sys-
tem is quick and easy -clearly written instruc-

t.r Speaker

Knight KN- 632 32-Wan

Basic Amplifier
tions are included. For operation from 110 -120
volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt. 120 lbs.
91 PA 919. You Save $13.301 NET 278.50

Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois


Saver" Budget Systems Featuring the
KNIGHT 10 -Watt KN -510 "Mini -Fi" Amplifier
'moo *ECpMst`:

Garrard RC -121 -4
Changer with G.E.
4G -050 Cartridge

New Knight KN -510

"Mini -Fi" Amplifier
Allied's "Budget" Hi -Fi Phono System
ONLY Superb Music Reproduction At Low Cost
$I 950 No Cabinets Needed -H's Complete
World- Famous Garrard Changer
Save Up To $33.56 New Knight KN -510 "Mini -Fi" Amplifier
There's no need to wait for hi- fi- -choo,e this top-economy music
system now, and enjoy savings of up to $33.56 on the cost of the
individual components! Carefully selected by Allied's Iii -fi experts,
this balanced system brings you true high-fidelity sound, reliable
performance and top savings at a price that fits any budget.
Changer, cartridge, amplifier and speaker system are perfectly
matched; moreover, there's no installation -just connect the com-
ponents and start playing records! The amplifier is in a case. and
the speaker in its enclosure, ready to put where it most convenient
Argos AD -1 Enclosure for you. Additionally. you have your choice of two fine speakers, each
and E -V SP -12B Speaker selected for its outstanding tone quality.
The complete system includes: Knight KN-510 "Mini -Fr 10-Watt
Music Amplifier; Garrard RC-121-4 Record Changer; New General
Electric 4G -050 Magnetic Cartridge installed in Garrard Plug-In Head;
Dual Sapphire Styli (installed); Record Changer Base (finished in your
choice of Mahogany, Limed Oak or Walnut); plus your choice of either
an Electra-Voice SP -121 12' Speaker installed in an Argos AD-I
Enclosure (Mahogany or Blonde Leatherette), or a G I Electric
850 -D 8' Speaker installed in the same enclosure.
This is one of Allied's lowest cost hi -fi systems; it brings you all the
music on your records. with correct tonal balance, at a truly
economical price. With color -coded cables and full instructions for
use. For operation from 110 -120 volts, W cycles AC.
WITH ELECTRO-VOICE SP -12B SPEAKER. Specify finish of changer bast
and speaker enclosure when ordering. Shpg. wt., 75 lbs.
Argos AD -1 Enclosure 119.50
91 PA 920. You Save $32.77! NET
and G.E. 850-D Speaker
WITH GENERAL ELECTRIC 850 -D SPEAKER. Specify finish of changer
base and speaker enclosure when ordering. Shpg. wt., 65 lbs.
91 PA 921. You Save $33.56! NET 99.50

Low -Cost Phono System for Custom Installation

ONLY New Collaro 4 -Speed Hi -Fi Changer
$8950 New Knight KN -510 "Mini -Fi" Amplifier
University UXC-122 12' Speaker
You Save $31.31! New G. E. 4G -050 Magnetic Cartridge
Install this system in the custom cabinet of your choice, or in a
favorite piece of furniture that can be adapted for hi -fi use- you'll
be delighted with the results and you'll save $31.31 over the cost
of the individual components. Although this is one of our lowest
New Knight KN -510 priced systems, it brings you brilliant. exciting high -fidelity that
"Mini -Fi" Amplifier easily outclasses conventional phono consoles three times the price.
The amplifier is in a handsome, compact case that may be placed on
a shelf, table -top, etc. The precision -made Collaro changer handles
records gently and smoothly, and comes complete with template to
simplify custom installation. The University speaker is widely rec-
ognized as an unusual hi-fi value and delivers exceptionally clean
reproduction. All together, the components in this system add up
to thrilling high- fidelity-at a budget -sparing price!

Isere is what the system includes: Knight KN -S10 "Mini -Fr" 10 -Watt
Music Amplifier; New Cdlaro TC -340 4 -Speed Changer; New General
Electric 4G-050 Magnetic Cartridge installed in Collaro Pickup Arm, with
Sapphire Styli for 78 rpm and LP records; University UXC -122 12'
"Diffaxial" Speaker. The system easily accommodates additional
components. should you wish to add them now or later. The "Mini -
New Collaro TC -340
Fi' amplifier has an equalized input for direct playback from a tape
deck, and an input for an FM or FM -AM tuner as well. Supplied
4 -Speed Changer with with all necessary interconnecting cables. For 110 -120 volts. 60
G.E. 4G -050 Cartridge cycles AC. Shpg. wt.. 39 lbs.
91 PA 922. Only $8.05 [)own. CASH NET 89.50
See Allied's Interesting Booklet, "Planning
University UXC-122 12' Butt -In Hi-Fi Systems", on Page 306.
Diffaxial Speaker of the New "Mini -Fi" Amplifier
lA See Page 29 for Full Description
TOP VALUE. Allied's Special Value Systems
are carefully selected to bring you the most
for your hi -fi dollar. They combine Knight ALLIED'S SPECIAL -VALUE SYSTEMS
high - fidelity units of the most advanced
design and performance standards, with
time proven components of the world's lead-
Save On These Low -Cost Music Systems
ing manufacturers of music reproduction
equipment. Each component is a top value with Quality Knight Hi -Fi Components
in its field -and you save additionally by
buying the complete Allied system!

New Knight KN -510

"Mini -Fi" Amplifier New Collare
TC -340 Changer on Base,
with G.E. 4G -052 Cartridge
Top -Value "Space Saver" Hi -Fi Phono Systems
ONLY New Knight KN -510 "Mini -Fi" Amplifier
New 4 -Speed Collaro Changer
$17975 -
G. E. Cartridge Diamond LP Needle
"Expandable" E -V Speaker System
You Save 529.00!
PHONO SYSTEM. Item are truly remarkable savings on an up -to the
minute high- fidelity system-you pay $29.00 less than the total
cost of the individual components! You get a first -class 10-watt
amplifier-compact, versatile, and a superb performer. The enclosure
is a true folded -horn type -it makes the most of the excellent
acoustic properties of the SP-12B speaker. The British -built record
changer is supplied with an attractive base finished in your choice
of mahogany,walnut or limed oak. A convenient plug -in head for the Electro -Voice SP -12B
changer contains the brilliant new General Electric 4G -052, a 12 Speaker installed
magnetic cartridge with very wide frequency range7tow tracking in "Aristocrat"
pressure and hum- proof, shielded case.
These are the components: Knight KN -510 "Mini -Fi" 10 -Watt Amplifier;
Collaro 1C -340 4 -Speed Changer; Changer Base; New G.E. 4G -052
Magnetic Cartridge installed in Collaro Pickup Arm and with Diamond and
Sapphire Styli; Electra-Voice SP -1211 12" Speaker installed in Electra.
Voice "Aristocrat" Enclosure. Supplied with the system are all neces-
sary interconnecting cables and easy instructions; only a few minutes
are required to set it up, and you're all set to listen to music!
The Electro -Voice speaker system is "expandable "; you may grad-
ually expand it to a luxury system by adding components -cutouts
provided in the enclosure for this purpose. System is for operation
from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycles AC. Specify mahogany. limed oak or
walnut, base and speaker enclosure. Shpg. wt., 92 lbs.
91 PA 924. Only $1798 Down. CASH NET 179.75
FM -AM -PHONO SYSTEM. Same components as listed above, with the Knight KN -100
addition of the new Knight KN -I00 "Bantam" FM -AM Tuner. Indoor " Bantcm" FM -AM Tuner
dipole antenna included. Shpg. wt., 105 lb,.
91 PA 923. You Save $3425! NET 249.00

"Space- Saver" FM -AM Music System

ONlY New Knight "Uni -Fi" Tuner- Amplifier
University "Diffusicone -8" Speaker
$15950 Compact Shelf -Type Reflex Enclosure
You Save 511.25! Requires Minimum Space
hear high -fidelity FM broadcasts just as they sound at the station
and AM broadcasts far better than on ordinary radius- -with this
compact FM -AM hi -fi system. You get the entire system for only
5159.50 -- $11.25 less than the components would cost if you were to
purchase them separately. Its an ideal system for the small
apartment, or for waiting rooms, offices and stores, because it per-
forms so well and occupies so little space. In ease of operation, Knight KN -315 "Uni -Fi"
sensitivity and tonal quality, it is greatly superior to conventional Tuner -Amplifier
table model FM -AM radios; it will easily outperform consoles
selling for much more!
System components are: New Knight KN -315 "Uni -Fi" Tuner -Amplifier
with cose; University "Diffusicone -8' 8 -Inch Speaker; Knight Shelf -Type
Bass-Refies Enclosure in your choice of 'Carina Blonde or Mahogany Finish.
Compare this system to any conventional radio and its superiority
is immediately apparent. The loudspeaker is specially designed for
high -fidelity reproduction and its separate enclosure is an acousti-
cally planned bass reflex type. The tuner -amplifier contains a full
15 -watt high -fidelity amplifier, whose specifications far exceed those
of table models; moreover. it is equipped with a full set of controls
for use with a record player (which may be added easily at any tinsel
including scratch and rumble filters, loudness control, record
equalization and separate bass and treble controls. The speaker is
supplied installed in the enclosure. The system is ready to play- - University
even an indoor antenna is supplied! For 110 -120 volts, 50 -60 cycles
AC. Shpg. wt., 46 Ibs..Specify enclosure finish udtnu ordering ' Diffusicone -8'
91 PA 936. Only $15.05 Down. CASH NET 159.50 Speaker in
You ore allowed one component substitu- Knight Enclosu,e
tion in ony Allied hi-fi system -see page 5.
See Page 396 for Allied's Easy Payment Plan 11
You save more -in two important EASY TO ASSEMBLE! Knight -Kits are
ways -when you choose an Allied famous for their clear, detailed in-
"Do-it- Yourself" high -fidelity sys-
tern. You save by buying at Allied's
special system price; and you pocket
struction booklets. No other elec-
tronic kits are as easy to assemble
even if you have had no previous ex-
big, additional savings by assembling perience with electronic equipment.
the kit components yourself! Anyone can do it!

"Economy" Do -It- Yourself Hi -Fi Phono System

New 18-Watt Knight -Kit Amplifier
$149°° G.E. Cartridge- Diamond LP Needle
You Save $ 19.82! Pre -Finished Enclosure Kit
Free Set of Kit Assembly Tools
It's easy to own a quality hi -fi system when you "do-it-
yourself" -this outstanding system saves you $19.82
on the cost of components, and you gain extra savings
Knight -Kit by assembling the amplifier and speaker enclosure
18 -Wort Amplifier Kit yourself! The heart of the "Economy" system is the
remarkable new Knight -Kit 18 -watt amplifier, offering
superb music reproduction with concert "presence."
Its flexibility of control and application would be diffi-
Garrard RC -121 -4 cult to approach even in a system of assembled units
Changer on Bose with selling for much more than this low price.
G.E. 4G -052 Cartridge System includes: Knight -Kit 18-Watt Amplifier Kit; Garrard
RC -121 -4 Changer; Changer Base in your choice of finish;
G.E. 4G -052 Magnetic Cortridge with Diamond and Sapphire
Styli; E -V SP -128 12' Speaker; Knight KN -1320 Corner
Horn Enclosure Kit in choice of finish.
You'll also receive -at
no extra cost -a
full set of kit
assembly tools: 2 screwdrivers, soldering iron, diagonal
cutters and long -nose pliers. The amplifier will accom-
modate- whenever you wish to add them -a
tape deck, TV sound, or any other source of music. It
also provides 7 positions of equalization for faithful
reproduction of recordings. The highly rated E -V
speaker featured in this system delivers exceptional per-
E -V SP -12 -B Speaker formance in the efficiently designed Knight corner en-
A Knight KN -1320
Speaker Enclo-
closure. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt., 77 lbs.
Specify mahogany, korina blonde or walnut enclosure
kit, and mahogany, limed oak or walnut changer base.
sure Kit 91 PA 900. Only $14.90 Down. CASH NET 149.00
"Popular" Do-It- Yourself Hi -Fi Phono System
New Knight -Kit 18 -Watt Amplifier
$19950 New Knight KN-800 3 -Way Speaker
Knight -Kit You Save $16.521 Knight - Klipsch KN -1300 Enclosure
18 -Watt
G.E. Cartridge- Diamond LP Needle
Amplifier Kit An excellent 18 -watt system, featuring components of
superior design throughout -yet priced within reach
of modest budgets! You save $16.52 by purchasing all of
the components in system form -and you save even
Garrard RC
Chonger on Base with
-88.4 -
more by assembling the amplifier and enclosure, with
the full set of tools supplied free diagonal cutters, 2
screwdrivers, soldering -iron, and long -nose pliers!
G.E. 4G -052 Cartridge There's no easier or more exciting way to become the
owner of a music system -and the quality of reproduc-
Knight KN -1300 "Quik- tion will astonish and delight you!
Croit" Speaker Enclo- The system includes: Knight -Kit 18-Watt Amplifier Kit;
sure Kit Garrard RC -88-4 Changer; Changer Bose in choice of
finish; G.E. 4G-052 Magnetic Cartridge with Diamond and
Sapphire Styli; famous Knight 3 -Way 12' Speaker; Knight
KN-1300 "Ouik- Croft" Corner Folded -Horn Enclosure Kit,
in choke of finish.
The RC -88 -4 changer, built like a fine watch, is the
most popular of the Garrard units; both enclosure and
speaker offer the most advanced of design features.
The enclosure incorporates world- renowned Klipsch
folded -horn construction, for rich, natural bass tone.
For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 92 lbs. Specify
mahogany, korina blonde or walnut enclosure kit, and
mahogany, limed oak or walnut changer base.
Knight KN -800 12' 91 PA 901. Only $19.95 Down. CASH NET 199.50
12 3 -Way Speaker See 209 -217 for Full Descriptions of Knight -Kit Hi-Fi Kits
"Deluxe" Do -It- Yourself Hi -Fi Phono System
Knight -Kit
New Knight -Kit 30 -Watt Amplifier 30-Watt
7 $23950 Superb Electro-Voice Speaker System Amplifier Kit
You Save $22.22! G.E. Cartridge- Diamond LP Needle
Full Set of Tools Included Free
A high -fidelity music system of truly exceptional quality
can be yours for far less than you thought possible
when you choose this deluxe -quality system that saves
money for you in two ways. First, Allied's system price
is $22.22 less than the total price of the individual
components; second, you gain tremendous additional
savings by doing the easy amplifier and speaker Garrard RC-88-4
enclosure assembly yourself !The enclosure kit is quickly Changer on Bose
fitted together to become a fine furniture piece, already with G.E. 4G-052
finished beautifully. The brilliantly engineered 30 -watt
amplifier is accompanied by a thorough instruction
booklet -skillfully planned chassis layout, and ex-
clusive Knight -Kit printed circuit switches, make
assembly simple and enjoyable.
Included are: Knight -Kit 30 -Watt Amplifier Kit; Electro-
Voice unfinished "Aristocrat" Enclosure and Trim Grille Kit;
Electro-Voice 12TRX-B 12' Speaker; G.E. 4G -052 Magnetic Electro -Voice
Cartridge (in plug -in head) with Diamond and Sapphire 12TRX -B
Styli; Garrard RC -88 -4 Changer; Changer Base. With this Speaker
system, Allied gives you a full set of kit assembly tools,
containing soldering iron, diagonal cutters. 2 screw-
drivers and long -nose pliers. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycles Aristocrat KO -6
AC. Shpg. wt., 96 lbs. Specify mahogany, limed oak or Enclosure Kit
walnut changer base finish when ordering.
91 PA 903. Only $23.95 Down. CASH NET .. 239.50

"Master" Do -It- Yourself Hi -Fi Phono System

Knight IV 3 -Way Speaker
$2665° "linear- Deluxe" 25 -Watt Amplifier Kit
Knight -Kit 25-Watt
Basic Amplifier Kit
You Save $ 19.471 Ultra- Versatile Knight-Kit Preamp Kit
G.E. Cartridge- Diamond LP Needle Knight -Kit Preamplifier Kit
Every advanced feature has been incorporated in this
superlative "do -it- yourself" hi -fi system, yet it is priced
far below the cost of conventional music systems; Garrard RC -88-4
additionally, you save $19.47 on the total cost of the Changer on Bose
components if purchased separately! The separate pre- with G.E. 4G -052
amplifier and basic amplifier provide unusual installa-
tion flexibility, as well as superb performance; the
I5 -inch speaker and Klipsch -designed corner folded -
horn enclosure will reproduce the full majesty of a large
orchestra with impressive realism. Knight KN -1310
"Quik- Craft" Enclosure Kit
The system includes: Knight -Kit 25 -Watt Basic Amplifier
Kit and metal coge; Knight -Kit Preamplifier Kit; Knight
KN -1310 "Ouik -Craft" Pre -Finished Klipsch -Designed En-
closure Kit; Knight KN -810 3 -Way 15 -Inch Speaker; Garrard
RC -88 -4 Record Changer; G.E. 4G -052 Magnetic Cartridge
(in plug -in head) with Diamond and Sapphire Styli; Record
Changer Base. Also included, free of charge, is a full set
of tools with which you can assemble the kit
For operation from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycles AC. Shpg.
wt., 122 lbs. Specify mahogany, korina blonde or walnut
enclosure kit, and mahogany, limed oak or walnut changer
base when ordering. Knight KN-810
91 PA 902. Only $26.65 Down. CASH NET 266.50 1e 3 -Way Speaker


FM -AM TUNER KIT. Hear all the wonderful sound of genuine

high -fidelity FM programming- -plus the cleanest, clearest
AM reception possible. See page213. Wt., 12 lbs.
83 YX 787. NET 49.95
FM TUNER KIT. remarkable new Knight -Kit, featuring
printed- circuit construction, stunning design and advanced
"lock -in" tuning. See page 214. Shpg. wt., 12 lbs.
83 YX 751. NET 37.75

Knight -Kit Hi -Fi Kits Have Complete, Fully Illustrated Instructions 13


Bogen DB130 Basic FM -AM Tuner

35-Watt Amplifier
Garrard RC88 -4 "Space Saver" Systems Featuring Bogen
Changer with Wood DB130 Amplifier
Base and G. E.
4G -052 Cartridge ONLY Bogen DB130 35 -Watt Amplifier

You Save $36.91!
Garrard RC88 -4 Record Changer
G.E. Cartridge- Diamond LP Needle
Electro-Voice SP12 12' Speaker
E-V "Aristocrat' Enclosure
Perfectly balanced reproduction from records is yours
with this exceptionally versatile hi-fi phono system.
You'll enjoy the ease with which the highly flexible
controls of the DB130 amplifier allow you to vary sound
to suit your own taste, and you'll save $36.91 over the
total cost of components if purchased separately.
System includes: Bogen DB130 35 -Watt Amplifier with
Metal Case; Garrard RC88 -4 Record Changer with Wood
Base; new G.E. 4G -052 Magnetic Cartridge with .001'
diamond and .003" sapphire styli; E -V SP12 12" Speaker
installed in the "Aristocrat" Enclosure; Plastic Changer Cover.
The G.E. cartridge is mounted in plug -in head, ready
for installation; E -V's thoroughbred team of SP12 and
"Aristocrat" provide sparkling response. Changer base
and enclosure in mahogany, limed oak or walnut- specify
choice. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. 103 lbs.
91 PA 941. Only $29.80 Down. CASH NET 298.00
Electro -Voice SP12
12' Speaker installed SYSTEM AS ABOVE, WITH FM -AM TUNER. Same as above,
in "Aristocrat" but with the Bogen R660 FM -AM Basic Tuner. Its metal
Enclosure case perfectly matches the DB130. Has automatic
frequency control, tuning meter, cathode follower and
other quality features. Shpg. wt., 120 lbs.
91 PA 942. You Save $49.411 NET 412.00
Famous "Saturday Review- Recommended"
Hi -Fi Phono System for Custom Installation
ONLY Bogen DB110 12 -Watt Amplifier
Bogen DB110 Garrard RC88 -4 Record Changer
12 -Watt Amplifier
You Save $23.571
G.E. Cartridge- Diamond LP Needle
Electro-Voice SP12-14 12' Speaker
An unusually popular combination of high -fidelity com-
ponents for custom installation, based on recommenda-
tions made in the noted "Saturday Review" book on
music and sound reproduction. Although very moder-
ately priced, the design features of this system provide
excellent audio fidelity and smooth, dependable per-
formance. You save $23.57 over total cost of compo-
nents if purchased separately. System includes: Bogen
DB110 12 -Watt Amplifier less Case; Garrard RC88 -4 4-
Speed Record Changer less Bose; new G.E. 4G -052 Mag-
Garrard RC88 -4 netic Cartridge with .001" diamond and .003' sapphire
Changer with G.E. styli; Electro -Voice SP12-B 12" "Radar" Speaker; Plastic
4G -052 Cartridge Record Changer Cover.
The DB110 delivers performance comparable to more
costly amplifiers and includes 3- position equalizer; bass
and treble controls; and ample inputs for accessories.
The highly popular Garrard changer is built with the
precision of a fine watch and assures efficient record -
Electro -Voice changing operation. G.E.'s new cartridge is mounted
SP12-B 12'
in Garrard plug -in head, ready for installation. Excel-
Speaker lent sound is provided by E -V's SP12 -B speaker. For
110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Wt., 42 lbs.
91 PA 943. Only $14.30 Down. CASH NET 143.00
14 Allied Hi-Fi Systems Include Color -Coded Cables

Bogen DB115 15 -Watt Amplifier

Bogen R620 FM -AM Basic Tuner

"Space Saver" Systems Featuring Bogen

DB115 Amplifier
ONLY Bogen DB115 15 -Watt Amplifier
Webcor 1842 -21 Record Changer Weocor 1842-21 Rec-
:24550 New G.E. 4G -050 Magnetic Cartridge
ord Changer on Metal
You Save $27.16! University 312 12' Speaker
Base -with G.E.
University EN -12 Enclosure
4G -050 Cartridge
Space -sparing, ready -to-play hi -fi phono system featur-
ing a Froup of matched components-each selected by
Allied s experts to bring out the full beauty of your
record collection. You save $27.16 over total cost of
components purchased individually! System includes:
Bogen DB115 15-Watt Amplifier with Metal Case; Webcor
1842 -21 Record Changer on Metal Base; new G.E. 4G -050
Magnetic Cartridge with .001' and .003' sapphire styli;
University 312 12' Speaker installed in the EN-12 Enclosure;
Plastic Record Changer Cover. The DB115 has an ade-
quate number of inputs for all accessory hi -fi equipment,
plus 3- position record equalizer, contour control, etc.
Webcor's "Magic Mind" changer, with new G.E. car-
tridge installed in its pickup arm, provides "auto -
magic" record changing of 33 and 45 rpm records.
University's 312 speaker in the EN -12 enclosure de-
livers brilliant reproduction. Enclosure in mahogany,
blonde mahogany or walnul- specify choice. For 110 -120 University 312 12'
v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 92 lbs. Speaker Installed
91 PA 944. Only $24.55 Down. CASH NET 245.50 in EN -12 Enclosure


with Bogen R620 FM -AM Basic Tuner with case. 108 lbs.
91 PA 945. You Save $40.111 NET 329.50
Phono System Featuring HF1OAG Amplifier
ONLY Bogen HF1OAG 10-Watt Amplifier
Collaro TC -340 Record Changer Bogen HF1OAG
s14450 G.E. Cartridge- Diamond LP Needle 10 -Watt Amplifier
You Save $40.61! University Speaker & Enclosure
An excellent hi -fi phono system, designed to bring you
top performance front your records, at a modest price. Collaro TC -340
Carefully matched, Allied -selected components offer Changer with Base and
thoroughly enjoyable hi -fi sound. You save $40.61 over G.E. 4G -052 Cartridge
total cost of components when purchased separately.
System includes: Bogen HF1OAG 10 -Watt Amplifier with
Metal Cage; Collaro TC-340 Record Changer with Wood
Base (in mahogany, limed oak, or walnut); new G.E. 4G -052
Magnetic Cartridge with .001' diamond and .003' sapphire Uni "ersity UXC -122
styli; University UXC -122 12' Speaker installed in the 12' Speaker in the
"Tiny-Mite" Corner Enclosure (in mahogany, blonde mahog- Urri'ersity "Tiny- Mite"
any or walnut); Plastic Changer Cover. Enclosure

Star performer of this feature- packed system is the

HF1OAG 10 -watt amplifier. Its unusually flexible con-
trols include record equalizer and separate bass and
treble. Response is ±1 db from 30 to 20,000 cps; flat
black metal cage contrasts with brass front panel.
G.E.'s new cartridge is installed in the pickup arm of
the imported, precision -built Collaro changer. Full -
range hi -fi reproduction of excellent quality is delivered
by the perfectly matched University enclosure and
speaker. Specify finishes when ordering. For 110 -120 v.,
60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 58 lbs.
91 PA 946. Only $14.45 Down. CASH NET......144.50
See Pages 32 -33 for complete Bogen Listings 15

Pilot AA -920 Pilot FA -540 Basic

20-Watt Amplifier
FM -AM Tuner

"Space Saver" System with AA -920 Amplifier

Phono System Pilot AA-920 20-Watt Amplifier

You Save $35.91!
Garrard RC8B -4 Record Changer
G.E. Cartridge Diamond LP Needle
E -V1 2TRX -B in "Aristocrat" Enclosure
Moderately priced hi -fi phono system featuring space -
saving convenience and top -notch reproduction of music
Garrard RC88-4 from records. System includes: Pilot AA -920 20-Watt Am-
Record Changer plifier with controls; Garrard RC88-4 Record Changer with
with Wood Base and Wood Base; new G.E. 4G -052 Magnetic Cartridge with
G.E. 4G -052 Cartridge .001' Diamond and .003' Sapphire styli; E -V 12TRX-B 12'
3 -Way Speaker installed in the "Aristocrat" Enclosure;
Plastic Changer Cover. The AA -920 Williamson -type
amplifier, in attractive brushed brass metal enclosure,
offers complete control versatility and highly depend-
able operation. G.E.'s new cartridge is mounted in plug -
in head, ready for installation in the distinguished
Garrard changer. E -V's matched pair, the 12TRX-B
speaker and "Aristocrat" enclosure, deliver rich, silky
smooth sound. Changer base and enclosure in mahogany,
limed oak or walnut- specify choices. System operates
from 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 99 lbs.
91 PA 957. Only $27.60 Down. CASH NET 276.00
E -V 12TRX -B 12'
Speaker Installed in
"Aristocrat" Enclosure with addition of Pilot FA -540 Basic FM -AM Tuner. Shpg.
wt., 113 lbs.
91 PA 958. You Save $42.411 NET 379.00

Phono System With AA -903B Amplifier

75 Pilot AA -9038 14 -Watt Amplifier
$219 Garrard RC121 -4 Record Changer
G.E. Cartridge - Diamond LP Needle
You Save $34.54!
E -V 3-Way System in "Baronet"

One of the finest, limited -space phono systems available!

Selected by Allied's experts for exceptional tonal qual-
ity in even the smallest rooms or apartments, each
cotnponent delivers outstanding hi -fi performance.
System includes: Pilot AA -903B 14 -Watt Amplifier; Garrard
RC121 -4 Record Changer with Wood Base; new G.E. 4G-
Pilot AA -903B 14 -Watt Amplifier 052 Magnetic Cartridge with .001' Diamond and .003'
Sapphire styli; E -V's SP8 -B 8' Speaker, 735-B Tweeter, X36
Garrard RC121.4 Crossover Network and AT37 Level Control, installed in the
Record Changer "Baronet" Corner Enclosure; Plastic Changer Cover. The
with Wood Bose & AA -903B 14 -watt amplifier incorporates DC on preamp
G.E. 4G -052 Cartridge filaments for absolute minimum hum. G.E.'s new, high -
output cartridge is mounted in plug -in head, ready for
installation in the efficient Garrard changer. E-V's
3 -way speaker system in the "Baronet" enclosure pro-
vides astonishingly clear reproduction from a unit
standing barely 2 ft. high! Changer base and enclosure
in mahogany, limed oak or walnut- specify choice. For
110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 70 lbs.
91 PA 963. Only $21.98 Down. CASH NET 219.75
KIT FORM. Same system as above, but with the "Baronet"
SP8 -B 8' Speaker, 135-B Twee-
enclosure in unassembled, unfinished form. You save
$38.92! Changer base in mahogany, limed oak or walnut
specify choice when ordering. Shpg. wt., 59 lbs.
ter, X36 Crossover, AT37 Level 91 PA 964. You Save $38.921 NET 196.75
Control installed in "Baronet" Express Shipment Recommended For Hi-Fi Equipment
Each of the famous -name com-
ponents in Allied- recommended hi -fi
systems, have been carefully selected FEATURING 9EF/N'00á COMPONENTS
to match each other in quality for o
top -notch musical reproduction.
Also, in every system, you pocket Sherwood 5 -1000 II *Ecolt,
big savings over the total cost of
these components purchased sepa-
f) 0 36 -Watt Amplifier
in Metal Case
i e Sherwood S-2000
FM -AM Tuner
in Case

"Space- Saver" Systems With Sherwood

ONLY New Sherwood 36-Watt Amplifier

You Save $29.68!
G.E. Cartridge-
Webcor 4 -Speed Record Changer
Diamond LP Needle
University Speaker& Enclosure
Composed entirely of high -quality components, this
hi -fi phono system brings you exciting, living sound
at a saving of $29.68! Includes: New Sherwood S-100011
- Webcor 1831 -21
Changer with
36 -Watt Amplifier; Webcor 1831 -21 4 -Speed "Magic Mind" Metal Base and
Record Changer with Metal Table -Top Base; new G.E. 4G- G.E. 4G -052
052 Magnetic Cartridge installed in arm of changer; Uni- Cartridge
versity UXC -123 12" Speaker installed in University's EN-12
Enclosure; Plastic Changer Cover. The Sherwood amplifier
offers complete control facilities; handsome styling in-
cludes black "flextone" case and white leatherette
panel. G.E. cartridge has .001' diamond and .003'
sapphire styli. Unexcelled sound is provided by UXC-
123 12' speaker in the EN -12 enclosure. Endosare in
mahogany, blonde mahogany or walnut veneers -specify
finish when ordering. Amplifier case packed separately.
For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. \Vt., 98 lbs.
91 PA 971. Only $28.55 Down. CASH NET... .... 286.50


but includes Sherwood's new S-2000 FM -AM Basic Tuner
with handsome metal case. A skillfully engineered unit
that provides extraordinary FM -AM reception. Shpg. University EN -12
wt., 120 lbs. Enclosure & UXC -123
91 PA 970. You Save $49.931 NET 410.75 12' Speaker

Low -Cost Phono System for Custom Installation ALLIED- RECOMMENDED SYSTEM

ONLY New Grammes 10-Watt Amplifier FEATURING Grommes AMPLIFIER
Garrard 4 -Speed Record Changer
New G.E. Magnetic Cartridge
G.E. Model 850D 8' Hi-Fi Speaker
New Grommes U -6
10 -Watt Amplifier
Ready for custom installation in cabinetry, wall or
closet "built- ins ", etc., this array of phono components
brings you the utmost value for your hi -fi dollar. You
save $20.36 over the total cost of individual components
purchased separately! Carefully selected by Allied's
experts, this system includes: New Grammes U -6 10-
Watt Amplifier; Garrard RC121 -4 4 -Speed Record Changer
(less base); new G.E. 4G-050 Magnetic Cartridge, in plug -
in head, ready for mounting in pickup arm; G.E.'s 850D 8'
Speaker; Plastic Record Changer Cover.
Garrard RC121 -4
The "heart" of this fine system is the Grommes am- Record Changer
plifier, featuring a response of +I db, 30 to 20,000 cps; and G.E. 4G -050
RIAA -compensated phono input; bass and treble con- Cartridge
trols; etc. The renowned Garrard changer has positive
intermix of 7', 10' and 12' records of the same speed,
and a host of other truly excellent features. G.E.'s new
4G -050 cartridge, with .001' and .003' sapphire styli,
offers higher output and wider frequency range. The
G.E. 850D speaker is one of the most efficient, 8' hi -fi
speakers available- provides extended- range, wide dis-
persion and excellent tonal quality. System operates
from 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 28 lbs. G.E. 8500
91 PA 972. Only $7.95 Down. CASH NET.... 79.50 8' Speaker
Allied is Headquarters for High -Fidelity Equipment 23
Stereo is the most exciting advance in home entertainment
since hi -fi began -itbrings you the clearest, most realistic
music reproduction you have ever heard! When you listen
to a stereo tape recording, you enjoy the jewel -like clarity
and dynamic range of high -fidelity, plus depth of perspec-
tive so remarkably real that you seem to be in the concert -
hall itself ! The orchestra is spread before you in a panorama
of sound, the acoustics of the place -of- performance are
preserved, and the sound of each instrument comes clearly
and distinctly from its appointed place in the ensemble.
The realism of stereo opens the way to a thrilling new
world of musical enjoyment for everyone!

Complete Stereo Tape -Playback System

Knight KN -700 Stereo Preamp
Featuring KNIGHT Stereo Preamplifier
Pe Stereo T ape Deck
$49ó5O -a
Kniht 32 Wtt Basic Amplifiers
Knight 12' 3 -way Speakers
You Save 134.951
Efficient Knight Reflex Enclosures
Bring living stereo performances by famous artists into
Pentron TM -4 Stereo Tape Deck your own home with this complete stereo system -at a
special Allied price that saves you ;34.95! Carefully
selected by our own audio experts, this system will fully
recreate the magnificence of great concert performances,

II l+ in thrilling, lifelike stereophonic sound!

The system includes: Pentron TM -4 Stereo Tape Deck;
Knight KN-700 Stereo Preamp; 2- Knight KN-632 32-Watt
icsao Basic Amplifiers;
installed in2-
Knight KM-800 12" 3 -way Speakers,
Knight KN -1230U Bass Reflex Enclosures.
2- Knight KN -632 32 -Watt The enclosures are unfinished, mahogany veneer, and
Basic Amplifiers may be used in upright or lowboy position.
More than 300 stereo tapes and over 1000 monaural
tapes are already available, and this system reproduces
any of them with breath- taking clarity. For monaural
use, you can add a tuner or changer at any time -the
Knight stereo preamp has a full set of controls for
equalization, scratch and rumble filters, etc.! The new
Knight 3 -way speakers produce rich, natural sound
in the carefully designed enclosures. Tape deck and
preamp provide low- distortion signals to the brilliant
Knight KN -632 amplifiers-together rated at 64 watts.
2- Knight KN -1230U Boss Reflex For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 228 lbs.
Enclosures with 3 -way Speakers 91 PA 975. Only $49.85 Down. CASH NET 498.50

Complete Stereo Tape-Playback System

Ity Featuring the Bell 3 -DT Stereo Amplifier

Bell T -202 Stereo pe Deck
Bell 3-DT Stereo AmpTalifier
University UXC -122 12' Speakers
You Save $44.87! Wellcor HFC8-I2 Enclosures
Save $44.87 on the cost of the components of this high -
quality complete stereo system -and enjoy the thrill of
stereophonic sound in your own home for far less than

Bell T -202 Stereo Tape Deck

you thought possible! Hear the finest in musical enter-
tainment come to life through the magic of stereo
re-created at your command!
High -quality components of this system include: Bell
Bell 3 -DT Stereo Amplifier T-202 Stereo Tape Deck; Bell 3-DT Stereo Amplifier in Case;
2- University UXC -122 12' Speakers, installed in 2-
Wellcor HFC8 -12 Enclosures, in choice of limed oak, ma-
hogany or walnut finish. The entire system will also accom-
modate a record changer, tuner, or other program source.
The stereo amplifier is the equivalent of two high -fidelity
amplifiers, each rated at 12 watts. System is for opera-
tion from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 133 lbs.
Specify enclosure finish.
91 PA 976. Only $37.95 Down. CASH NET 379.50
One Substitution is Allowed in Any Stereo System; Where
Two Identical Components are Used Both May Be Substituted.
24 Wellcor Enclosures & University Speakers
- Viking Ff7SSR Deck

Pentron TM -4 Deck

Bogen ST -I0 in case

Knight KN -510 Amplifier

Argos AD -1 with SPI2-B

KN -1240 with Diffusicone-8

"Add -on" System with Bogen ST-10 Amplifier Low -Cost "Add -On" Stereo System
$19950 Viking FF75SR Stereo Tope Deck Pentron TM -4 Stereo Tope Deck

You Save $21.251

Bogen ST -10 Stereo "Add -On"
University 8' " Diffusicone" $189°O Knight KN -510 "Mini-Fi" Amplifier
Electro -Voice 12' SP12 -B Speaker
Knight KN -1240 8' Enclosure You Save $22.65! Argos AD-1 Enclosure
Use your present hi -fi system as the foundation for a Add high -quality stereo tape reproduction to your hi -fi
beautifully- performing stereo tape system -at
low cost!
Allied gives you extra savings, too -$21.25 off the total
system easily and economically with this low -cost "add -
on" set of components! If your present hi -fi amplifier
cost of the individual components. Everything you need has an equalized tape head input, this system is your
is here: tape deck, stereo preamp with 10 -watt amplifier best buy (otherwise, see systems at left and below). It
and high -fidelity speaker system. It's compact, too -the includes the famous E -V SP12 -13 12' speaker, which
entire set of "add -on" components, including speaker provides excellent tone quality in the Argos enclosure.
enclosure, occupies only 2;¡ cubic feet! The new "Mini -Fi" amplifier sets new standards of per-
System includes: Viking FF75SR Stereo Tape Deck; Bogen formance in a low -cost, 10 -watt unit. The tape deck is
ST -10 Stereo Preamp /10 -Wan Amplifier; University Dif- simple to operate, and of reliable precision construction.
fusicone-8 8' Speaker, installed in Knight KN -1240 8' Shelf Performance of the entire system is superlative.
Endosure, finished in your choice of mahogany or korino System includes: Pentron TM -4 Stereo Tape Deck; Knight
blonde. The system offers excellent reproduction of KN -510 "Mini -Fi" 10 -Watt Amplifier; Electro -Voice SPI 2-8
stereo and monaural tape recordings, when added to 12' Speaker installed in the Argos AD -I Enclosure, finished
your present amplifier and speaker. For 110 -120 v., 60 in your choice of mahogany or blonde leatherette. For 10- 1

cycle AC. Shpg. wt. 50 lbs. Specify enclosure finish. 120 v., 60 cycle AC. 68 lbs. Specify enclosure finish.
91 PA 979. Only $19.95 !)own. CASH NET 199.50 91 PA 978. Only $18.90 Down. CASH NET 189.00
Deluxe "Add -On " System with KNIGHT Preamp
Stereo Tape Deck
. Bell
Knight KN -700 Stereo Preamp
Knight KN -632 Basic Amplifier
You Save $34.051 Jensen H -222 12' Co -ax Speaker
Realize the full possibilities of stereo reproduction by
combining your present high -fidelity music system and
this superb "add -on" system -at savings of $34.05,
exclusively at Allied! Matched to your high -quality Knight KN -700 Stereo Preamp
amplifier and speaker, the combined system will vividly
recreate -in your own home -the magnificent acoustics
of the world's area concert halls, and the excitingly real Bell T -202 Stereo Deck
sound of musical entertainment that only stereo can
offer! Even records and broadcasts that are not repro-
duced in stereo will have a wonderful new quality when
played through your new system!
System includes: Bell T -202 Stereo Tape Deck; Knight
KN -700 Stereo Preamp.; Knight KN -632 32 -Watt Basic
Amplifier; Jensen H -222 12' Co-axial Speaker in BL -1215
Enclosure, finished in mahogany, blonde oak or walnut. Knight KN -632 Basic Amplifier
For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. 129 lbs. Specify finish.
91 PA 977. Only $39.95 Down. CASH NET 399.50
You May Substitute One Component In Any
of the Above "Add -On" Stereo Systems
- Jensen BI-1215 with H -222

Knight high -fidelity components are created and designed by

Allied and laboratory- checked to confirm that they meet our
rigid specifications -and the critical demands of music lovers.
All Knight hi-fi units are unconditionally guaranteed for one
year. For economy and highest quality, Knight equipment
leads the field, giving you top performance at lowest cost.

Model KN -530


NEWEST KNIGHT KN-530 Deluxe 30 -Watt Hi -Fi Music Amplifier
Effective Scratch and Rumble Filter Switches
"A -B" Speaker Seledor Switch On Front Panel

"A -B" SPEAKER SWITCH $9450 DC on Filaments of Preamplifier Tubes

Accurate, Continuously Variable Loudness Control
This convenient control on $9.45 Down
the front pone) of the ampli-
NARTB Equalization for Tope Head Playback
fier enables you to switch
either your main speaker sys- New features -new styling-higher output power, combine to make the
tem, or on extension speak- new Knight Deluxe 30-watt amplifier the year's outstanding high -fidelity
er, on or off, or to play
both speakers together. value! It is the finest amplifier in the Knight line, matched in quality, and
case and color styling, to the Deluxe FM -AM tuner on the opposite page.
The Knight 30-watt amplifier offers the flexibility necessary to meet the
needs of any high -fidelity music system. The new "A -B" speaker selector
switch provides for independent playback through either or both of two
speaker systems. Scratch and rumble, on records or broadcasts, are effec-
These switches provide you
with ultimate control of tively suppressed by separate panel switches; hum is reduced to inaudible
recorded or broadcast de- levels by DC operation of all preamp tube filaments. Equalization controls
fects with o minimum loss of correct both magnetic and ceramic cartridge inputs. Variable damping
musical quality; old, worn
records become playable! permits exact matching of amplifier to any speaker system, while new 6CA7
output tubes provide greater power output at exceptionally low distortion
levels; new circuitry prevents overload automatically.
SPECIFICATIONS= All measurements at full 30 watts output. Frequency
VARIABLE LOUDNESS CONTROL Response: ±0.5 db, from 20 to 40,000 cps. harmonic Distortion: 0.5% at
mid -frequencies; never exceeds 1.5 % from 30 to 20,000 cps. Intermodulation:
At low volume levels, less than 2% at full rated output. hum Level: 80 db below full output.
human ear is less senurrvc
to the lowest and highest Sensitivity (Input required for lull output): 4 mv at Tape Head input; 8
frequencies; the loudness mv at Mag Phono input.
control compensates for
this insensitivity.
Inputs: G.E. magnetic phono, l'ickering magnetic phono, Tuner or Crystal
Phono, Ceramic Phono, Tape Head, Tape Amplifier, Microphone; level
control on Tuner input. Controls: Input Selector /Turnover (Aux, Tape,
Tuner, Eur, FFRR, RIAA, Tape Pre, Mie); Rolloff (Eur, FFRR, RIAA,
TOP FLEXIBILITY Flat); Bass; Treble; AC Off -On /Volume; Loudness; A -B Speaker Switch;
Rumble Filter Switch; Scratch Filter Switch. Output imp.: 4, 8 and 16 ohms.
You con use your Knight Rich leather -tone finish; brass finish escutcheon. 4x15Ax11e. U.L. Ap-
30-watt amplifier with o proved. For 110 -120 volts, 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 30 lbs.
tape deck, complete tope 92 SZ 402. NET 94.50
recorder, phono playback
units, FM or AM tuner, for CUSTOM INSTALLATION KIT. Special set of six control knobs, for use with
hi -h TV sound, and other
above amplifier when custom -mounted in cabinet. Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
94 S 298. NET 2 45

to Registered Trade Mork of Allied Rodio Corporation
Allied-world leader in high-fidelity--presents its own superb "SPACE- SAVER" DESIGN
Knight components, designed expressly for those who wish to The Deluxe 30 -Watt ampli-
own the finest music reproduction equipment available --at fier and Deluxe FM -AM tuner
moderate cost. All Knight equipment is covered by the Allied are handsomely styled to
15-day trial with money -back guarantee (see page 1), in addi- match each other, in com-
tion to the one -year guarantee. pact, "Space- Saver" cases.


You get more for

KNIGHT KN-I10 Deluxe Basic FM -AM Hi -Fi Tuner
your Hi -Fi Dollar in this
ONLY Tuned RF Stage on FM and AM for High Sensitivity
Custom -Quality Tuner
$9950 AFC Automatically "Locks -In" FM Stations
Tuning Meter Simplifies Tuning on FM and AM
Dual Limiters in FM Circuit for Maximum Noise Rejection
For precise, distortionless
tuning on both FM and AM,
í9.95 Down
Precision 11-Tube Circuit of Latest Design
there is on accurate tuninq
meter. With this feature, even
weak stations are easy to True high -fidelity FM reception, plus all the broadcast quality of AM
tune In "right on the nose". transmissions, are yours with this splendid new Knight "Deluxe" FM -AM
tuner. Reception is excitingly clear -you'll find yourself listening to it for
hours at a time! The precision tuning meter and AFC -automatic frequency
control -make accurate tuning easy; there's no drifting off station, no
FUNCTION SELECTOR irritating distortion, simply the cleanest, clearest broadcast reception this
Clearly marked selector switch side of the transmitter! ft's the perfect match, in quality and styling, for the
turns set on, and chooses AM, Knight 30-watt amplifier on the opposite page.
FM with AFC, FM without AFC
(for tuning weak FM station, Deluxe features include: precision, 3 -gang tuning capacitor; separate
near strong ones) and TV Ion tuned RF stages for both FM and AM; FM discriminator with dual limiters;
tivates TV accessory below. 10 -kc whistle filter on AM; adjustable loopstick antenna for AM; tuner
=Aim logging scale for accurate station location; cathode follower with 2 out-
puts, one with level control for connection to amplifier, one constant -
LOOPSTICK ANTENNA level output for tape recordings; clearly illuminated dial.
SPECIFICATIONS: Sensitivity: FM, 2M microvolts for 20 db quieting, 4 micro-
Fully ad astable, sensitive AM volts for 30 (lb quieting; AM, 5 microvolts for 20 db signal -to -noise ratio.
loopstick antenna, rotates for
best reception of AM signal
IF Bandwidth (FM): 200 kc. Controls: Function Selector (Off, AM, FM-
from any direction. Mokes it
AFC, FM, TV) and Tuning. Distortion: Less than 2% at 1.5 v. output. 11
easier than ever to get top- tubes, plus rectifier. Size, 4x13 14x10'. Rich, leather-tone finish. With built -
notch AM broadcast quality. in ferrite AM antenna, FM indoor antenna, and 36' output cable. U.L.
Approved. For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt. 17 lbs.
92 SX 403. NET 99.50
KNIGHT KN-400 TV Audio Tuner-For Hi -Fi TV Sound
ONLY Add immeasurably to your TV enjoyment with this hi -fi
TV audio tuner -exclusively for use with the Knight De-
$4950 luxe FM -AM tuner! Most TV sets cannot reproduce the
full tonal quality of the sound transmission; the Knight TV
audio tuner uses circuitry of the Deluxe tuner to bring
you TV sound with thrilling clarity! Rich leather -tone finish. Size, 4x73x
U.L. Approved. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs.
92 S 407. NET 49.50
91 SZ 939. Save $4.25- Special Combination Price, Only 144.75
For Money- Saving Systems Using Knight Deluxe Components See Page 7
Brought right up- to-the -minute with Created by Allied and built to the
latest engineering and design inno- highest standards, you can buy these
MORE FOR YOUR MONEY vations, new Knight "Bantam" hi -fi distinguished components with con-
IN LATEST DESIGN HI-R components now offer you more in fidence. Always outstanding in
power, control flexibility, styling and performance, your satisfaction is
GUARANTEED FOR overall performance, than ever be- guaranteed by lab tests, plus 15 -day
ONE FULL YEAR fore. They're top hi -fi values! trial and money -back offer.

New KNIGHT "Bantam" 15 -Watt Amplifier New KNIGHT "Bantam" Basic FM -AM Tuner
ONLY New Rumble and Scratch Filters ONLY Styled to Match "Bantam" Amplifier

$6450 3-Pos. Speaker Selector Seawitch

NARTB- Equalized Ta pe H d Input
$7450 Effortless "Lock-in" FM Tuning
Tuned RF Stage for FM
Loudness Switch for Tonal Balance Adjustable AM Loop Antenna
$6.45 Down Latest "Trim-Line" Styling
$7.45 Down 10 Kc Whistle Filter

for the moderate - MODEL KN -100. Brand new version of the famous Knight
MODEL KN -515. An excellent choice
cost hi -fi system, the new Knight "Bantam" 15 -watt "Bantam" FM -AM Basic Tuner- always a standout
amplifier now offers even more in control versatility value, now better than ever! Carefully matched in size
and dependable operation. Designed and color -styled and styling to the new "Bantam" amplifier at left, and
to perfectly match the "Bantam basic tuner at right. "Mini -Fi" amplifier on page 29. A remarkably capable
unit, it employs latest circuit advancements for excel-
SPECIAL FEATURES. Four slide -switches on front panel lent reception of FM and AM broadcasts. Moderately
for Rumble Filter, Scratch Filter, Loudness (converts priced, it can also be used with any other hi -fi amplifier
Volume to Loudness control), and A -B Speaker Selector having volume and tone controls.
for multiple speaker systems. Has automatic overload
feature-prevents distortion on all inputs regardless of SPECIAL FEATURES. Automatic frequency control (AFC)
strength of input signal. Also includes equalized tape on FM for effortless, accurate tuning -FM station
head input. Two EL84 tubes in output. "locks in" whenever its dial setting is approached.
10 -kc whistle filter on AM eliminates adjacent- station
Rated Output: 15 watts. Frequency Response: ±0.5 db, whistle. Tuning is simplified by use of temperature -
20 to 20,000 cps. Distortion (al 15 watts): Harmonic, compensated oscillator for drift -free reception. In-
0.8% at mid -frequencies -never exceeds 1,14%, from cludes dipole antenna for FM and adjustable loop
30- 20,000 cps; IM, less than 2%. Hum: 75 db below antenna for best AM reception. 200 -kc IF bandwidth
rated output. Sensitivity: Magnetic phono, 8 µv; Tape on FM for optimum selectivity.
Preamp, 4µv. 7 Inputs: Aux, for ceramic phono, etc.;
Tuner or Crystal Phono; Tape; high-level Magnetic FM Sensitivity: 3% pv for 20 db quieting; 6 isv for 30 db
Phono; low -level Magnetic Phono; Microphone; Tape - quieting. A M Sensitivity: 10 or for 20 db signal -to-noise
Preamp. Controls: Selector- Equalizer (Aux, Tape, ratio. Controls: Selector (Off, AM, FM with AFC, FM
Tuner, Eur, FFRR, RIAA, Tape -Pre, Mic); Bass; without AFC); and Tuning. Tuner output control on
Treble; Off -On- Volume. Variable damping and hum rear panel, balances tuner output for best results with
balance controls. Output Imp.: 4, 8 and 16 ohms. Brown hi -fi system amplifier. 8 tubes plus rectifier. In metal
"Plextone" case with white panel. 3 %xl3x10%'. Re- cabinet with brown "Plextone" finish, and white panel
quires kit (below) for panel mtg. U.L. Approved. For with brass trim. Does not require shaft extensions for
110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 18 lbs. behind panel mounting. Size, 33x11' /2x9 ¡4' deep. Ad-
92 SX 400. NET 64.50 justable loop antenna extends 2' behind cabinet. U.L.
Approved. For operation from 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle
PANEL MOUNTING KIT. Set of 4 knobs, hardware. 6 oz. AC. Shpg. wt., 13 lbs.
2 25 92 SX 401. NET
94 S 297. NET

SAVE On This "Bantam" Amplifier di Tuner Combination Offer

BOTH FOR ONLY Get these two freshly styled, first -quality components
at savings of $4.50! You need add only a speaker sys-
13450 tem and a record changer tohave acomplete hi -fi music
ensemble. The metal cabinets which house "Bantam"
You Save $4.50 components have been designed to perfectly match
each other in size and appearance. Brown "Plextone" color styling,
with white panel and brass trim, blends with any room decor and adds
a smart touch to any surroundings. Shpg. wt., 31 lbs.
91 SZ 904. Save $4.50 on This Combination Offer. ONLY 134.50

Ó 1e 'Page 6 for Money-Saving Hi-Fi Systems Employing Knight "Bantam" Twins

BINATION. The perfect replacement An unsurpassed value, the attractive
unit for obsolete consoles or for use and compact "Mini -Fi" 10 -watt am-
wherever space is at a premium. Add plifier provides all the controls and
only a speaker system and record features essential to genuine high -
changer and you're ready for superb
FM -AM -Phono music!
fidelity reproduction of sound -at
the lowest possible cost.

New KNIGHT "Uni -Fi" Tuner-Amplifier New KNIGHT "Mini -Fi" 10-Watt Amplifier
ONLY All New FM -AM Tuner -Amplifier Unit ONLY Outstanding Performance and Operation
Add Only Changer 3 Speaker System NARTE-Equalized Tape Head Input
$I 1950 Smart Styling- Space-Saving Size
1S -Wan Amplifier Section With Controls $4295 Newest Circuitry and Tube Types
Compact in Size -Fits Anywhere
Less Case Offers Many Deluxe Features Highly Attractive Color Styling
MODEL KN -315. New from top to bottom, the Knight MODEL KN-510. Newest addition to the outstanding
"Uni -Fi" gives you a
15 -watt amplifier, highly sensitive Knight line of hi -fi components, the "Mini -Fi" 10 -watt
FM -AM tuner, and versatile preamplifier -on one com- amplifier, though small in size and low in cost, is a
pact chassis! You need add only a speaker system and king -size value! Carefully designed to give you the
record changer to have a complete hi -fi music ensemble. most for your money, it's perfect for the budget -priced
SPECIAL FEATURES. Full 15 -watt output, special switch home music system. Offers clean, wide -range response.
for converting volume to loudness control, 3- position SPECIAL FEATURES. Inputs for all accessory equipment
speaker selector switch for multi -speaker systems, rum- including NARTB -equalized tape head playback; bass
ble and scratch filters, automatic fre9uency control on and treble tone controls; etc. Compact, space- sparing
FM with defeat position for tuning in weak stations, design, suitable for use on shelf, table, etc., or panel
two ELM power output tubes, etc. mounting. Cabinet is styled in brown "Plextone' and
Rated Output: 15 watts; 30 -watt peaks. Distortion: Less has white panel and brass trim -blends harmoniously
than 2% at rated output. Audio Response: ± 1db, 20 with any type of room decor, furniture or cabinetry.
to 20,000 cps. Sensitivity: FM, 4 pv for 20 db quieting;
AM, 10 pv at external antenna terminals for 20 db Rated Output: 10 watts; 20-watt peaks. Distortion (at
signal-to-noise ratio. Phono Gain: 8 millivolts for rated rated output): Harmonic, less than 2%; IM, less than
output. Controls: Off -On /Volume; Loudness On -Off; 3 %. Response: ± db, 20 to 20,000 cps at rated output.

Bass; Treble; Selector-Equalizer (Pop, 78, LP, FM with Hum: 65 db below 10 watts. Sensitivity: Magnetic
AFC, FM without AFC, AM, Aux.); Rumble and phono, 8 millivolts for 10 watts; Tape head, 4 millivolts
Scratch Filters; Speaker Selector (A, AB, B). Output Im- for 10 watts. 5 Inputs: Tape Head, Magnetic Phono,
pedances: 4, 8 and 16 ohms; high -impedance for tape re- Crystal -Ceramic Phono, Tuner, Auxiliary. Controls:
corder. 12 tubes, plus EZ81 rectifier. Built -in line cord Equalizer- Selector (Tape, Magnetic Phono, RIAA, Eur,
FM antenna; loopstick for AM. 4hx15x103'. Less case. Radio, Aux); Volume; Bass; Treble; Off-On. Rumble
For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 18 lbs. filter on rear panel. Output Impedances: 4, 8 and 16 ohms,
92 SZ 410. NET 119.50 plus high -impedance for recording. Tubes: ECC83,
6BA8A, 2 -6V6GT; EZ80 rectifier. 3 %' high (including
"UNI-FI" CASE. Attractive brown "Plextone" metal case feet), 11 3/' wide, 9' deep. U.L. Approved. For 110 -120
for above. Size, 4?-gx153,gx11>q. Shpg. wt., 4 lbs. v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 10 lbs.
92 5X 412. NET 4.50 92 SX 409. NET 42.95
For hi-fi systems wig the "Uni -R", see pogo' S and I I. For hi-fi systems using the "Mini -Fi ", see popes 10 -I I


This Catalog contains a complete listing of all of the nationally famous
brand -names in high -fidelity components. Record changers, players
and turntables; speakers, speaker systems and speaker enclosures; tape
recorders and recording equipment; tuners; amplifiers; latest stereo
equipment; and related hi -fi accessories -all are included in these pages
in a wide range of prices. Make this Catalog your complete buying guide
to all of the distinguished products of the leading suppliers in high
fidelity. Because we maintain the world's largest stocks of audio com-
ponents, one order to us will cover all of your high -fidelity needs.

ARled is America's High.FIdelity Center 29

These new Knight high -fidelity components are created and designed by
Allied, and precision -built to rigid specifications -your positive assurance
of brilliant hi -fi reproduction and the ultimate in dependability. All of the
Knight hi -fi components listed on these pages have been closely controlled
from their conception. through every step of design and construction, to
give you, the customer, maximum value for your hi -fi dollar! As proof -
positive of our confidence in Allied's own Knight components, they are all

unconditionally guaranteed by us for one full year.

New KNIGHT FM -AM Tuner -Preamplifier New KNIGHT 32 -Watt Basic Amplifier
ONLY Tuning Eye for FM and AM ONLY Response, 20- 40,000 cps 1-0.5 db
12Equalization Combinations $745° Output Tube Bias and Balance Controls
Variable Damping Control
$13950 Tuner Filaments Are Off
During " Phono" Operation High - Quality Potted Transformers

Model KN -200. A brilliantly styled and engineered com- Model KN -632. Here's a first -quality basic amplifier with
bination unit, integrating a deluxe preamplifier section power and performance to spare! Built to precision
and a highly sensitive FM -AM tuner. A complete hi -fi standards, this brand new Knight 32 -watt basic am-
system control unit and tuner in one case! Use it with plifier offers just the features you want -at a price that
any high -quality basic amplifier (such as the Knight saves you many dollars. Its specifications mean genuine
32 -watt unit at right) and speaker to have a truly out- high fidelity - distortion at 32 watts is less than IA of
standing music system! Best of all, you'll save many 1 %. Most important, in everyday music listening at
dollars by choosing this superb tuner -preamplifier. ordinary room volume, the response of the Knight 32-
watt basic gives you music reproduction with diamond-
Tuner operation is totally independent of preamplifier like clarity. When needed, its ample reserve of power
section -when not in use, tuner tube filaments are may be depended upon to provide music at concert -hall
switched off, prolonging tube life. The preamplifier sec- levels, with equal fidelity.
tion, in addition to controlling volume and tone for the Design and construction features of the new Knight
tuner, provides a scratch filter, rumble filter, loudness 32 -watt basic amplifier meet the highest standards of
control switch, bass and treble controls and full equal- electronic practice. It is provided with such refinements
ization for phonograph records. It's functionally styled as variable damping, output tube bias control, and
for easy operation -and strikingly handsome, too. output tube balance control. The amplifier has a pilot
light, auxiliary AC outlet, and a level control; it is safely
PREAMPLIFIER SPECIFICATIONS. Frequency Response: ±0.5 fused for circuit protection. Attractively finished in
db, 20- 40,000 cps. Controls: Input Selector /Turnover rich -looking gold and satin black.
(Aux. Tape, Tuner, Eur, FFRR, RIAA, Tape Pre, SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency Response: ±0.5 (1b, 20 to
Mic); Rolloff (Eur, FFRR, RIAA, Flat); Selector
Switch (FM, FM -AFC, AM, Tuner Off); Tuning;
Volume; Bass; Treble; Scratch Filter; Rumble Filter;
40,000 cps at 32 watts output. Harmonic Distortion:
Less than 0.5% at mid -frequencies at 32 watts output
never exceeds 1.5% from 20- 20,000 cps. I.M. Distortion:
Loudness. Itiputs: G.E., Pickering, Aux, Ceramic, Tape Less than 2% at 32 watts output. Sensitivity: 0.7 volts
or Crystal Phono, Tape Pre, Mic. Outputs (Impedance input required for 32 watts output. Ilum Level: 75 (lb
40,000 ohms): Recorder Output, Main Output. below rated output. Input Impedance: 100,000 ohms.
FM Sensitivity: .3i¡ Output Impedances: 4, 8, 16 ohms. Size: 77Ax1434x5?
deep. U.L. Approved. For operation from 110 -120 volts,
microvolts provides 20 db quieting. AM Sensitivity: 10 50 -60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt., 25 lbs.
microvolts for 20 (lb signal- to-noise ratio. IF Band- 92 SZ 404. NET 74.50
width (FM): 200 kc. Meets FCC radiation specifications.
10 tubes plus rectifier; EM81 tuning indicator. FOR STEREO FANS

No custom mounting accessories required. Deluxe color Two KN -632 basic amplifiers will provide your stereo
styling in rich, leather-tone finish, brushed brass and system with a full 64 -watt rated output, at superb
black trim. With FM dipole antenna and 36' output specifications. Individual level controls for perfect bal-
cable. Size, 4 %x13 %x954'. For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycles ancing of two speaker systems. Buy two and save
AC. 1!.L. Approved. Shpg. wt., 15 lbs. $10.00! Shpg. wt., 501hs.
92 SZ 405. NET. 139.50 91 SZ 980. Two KN -632 Basic Amplifiers. ONLY. 139.00

For top -volue high -fidelity music systems combining the new See pages 8 and 9 for expert- selected hi -fi systems in-
Knight KN -200 Tuner -Preamp with other deluxe components, corporating the new Knight KN -632 32 -watt basic amplifier.
see page 8; you save on Allied- recommended systems. These corefully matched systems are "best buys "!

Hi -Fi Combination Offers!
What goes into a Knight high -fidelity component ? First,
information gained during Allied's long leadership as
a supplier of hi -fi units and systems to music -lovers
the world over. Second, skilled engineering and styling
aimed at bringing you the highest quality at the lowest
price. Third, carefully selected, thoroughly inspected
components, assembled to produce the unit you want.
There's greater value, finer performance in every Knight STEREO PREAMP WITH BASIC AMPLIFIER
unit -and you can hear the difference!
$13995 Begin your hi -fi system with the
most modern of components-the
new Knight KN -700 Stereo Preamp
and the superb new Knight 32 -watt Bosic Amplifier
-at top savings of $14.05! Use these components
as the heart of a fine monaural system now; later,
add amplifier -speaker for conversion to thrilling
stereophonic sound! See left and page 30 for de-
scriptions of these units. Shpg. wt., 35 lbs.
91 SZ 908. You Save $14.05! NET 139.95



New KNIGHT KN -700 Stereo- Monaural Preamp $20950 Enjoy the full beauty and realism of
stereophonic sound now, with up-
ONLY For Stereo or Monaural Use to -date Knight components-and
X7950 2-Channel Tape or FM /AM save $19.00! Hear stereo on components designed
Channel "Reverse" Switch for stereo, with all of the latest high -fidelity fea-
DC On All Tube Filaments tures! Includes KN-700 Stereo Preamp and two
KN-632 32 -watt Basic Amplifiers. Add tape deck and
A superb preamplifier for use with any monaural-or
stereo -high -fidelity music system! Start by using it speakers, and your system is complete! Shpg. wt.,
60 lbs.
in your present hi -fi system, and add stereo later, or
take advantage of the money-saving combination offers 91 SZ 909. You Save $19.00! NET 209.50
at right and on page 24 to start with stereo now -for
far less than you thought possible!
The Knight stereo preamp will work perfectly with
stereo tapes or phonograph records, and even with
stereo broadcasts, already transmitted in some com-
munities. A finger -tip control will instantly switch your
entire system to monaural or stereo, and also reverse TUNER -PREAMPLIFIER WITH BASIC AMPLIFIER
left and right channels. In addition to independent gain
controls, a Master Volume control simultaneously con- Add only a speaker to these fine
trols both channels. There is full phono and tape equaliza- '19900 high -fidelity units and you have a
tion and control for monaural use. complete music system of topquality
at savings of $15.00! The Knight KN -200 Tuner -
SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency Response: ± 1.0 db, 20 to Preamplifier provides excitingly clear reception of
20,000 cps. Hum Level: 50 db below full output on both FM and AM broadcasts, together with full
tape channel; 70 db below output on high -level input. controls; the Knight KN-632 32 -watt Basic Amplifier
Sensitivity: Mag Input, 8 mv for volt output; Tape 1 is described on the facing page. You'll marvel at
Head Inputs, 4 mv for 1 volt output. Controls: Selector its superb reproduction! Shpg. wt., 40 lbs.
(Aux, Tape Head, Tuner, EUR, FFRR, RIAA, Tape 91 SZ 905. You Save $15.00! NET ..199.00
Pre, Mic); Volume "A "; Volume "B "; Bass; Treble,
Master Volume; Scratch Filter; Rumble Filter; Loud-
ness Switch; Monaural- Stereo and Channel Reverse
Switch. Inputs: G.E., Pickering, Ceramic Phono, Aux. A,
Aux. B, Tape Head A, Tape Head B, Mic, Tuner, Tape
Pre or Crystal.Outputs: A& B Recorder Outputs (20,000
ohms impedance), A & B Main Outputs (Cathode
Followers). Size: 4j,¡x15x7%'.
6-Knob kit required for custom mounting (see below).
Ilerc is the way to the highest
DC operation of all filaments. Tube complement,
ECC83/12AX7, 1 -ECC82 /12AÚ7; 2 selenium rectifiers.
4- $17750 savings on your new high- fidelity
U.L. Approved. 2 auxiliary AC outlets. For 110 -120 system: the brilliant new Knight
volts, 50-60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt., 10 lbs. KN-200 Tuner -Preamp and the Knight-Kit 25-watt
Basic Amplifier Kit. You save $6.50 over the cost of
92 SX 406. NET 79.50 the two units if purchased separately! The tuner -
CUSTOM MOUNTING KIT. Knobs and hardware to adapt preamp is fully described on the facing page; see
stereo preamp above for mounting in custom cabinet or page 215 for the specifications of the remarkable
wall panel, etc. Shpg. wt., 5 qz. linear deluxe" basic amplifier. Anyone can assem-
94 S 298. NET 245 ble this fine unit -and save! Supplied with famous,
See page 9,24 for superb stereo systems that use the new
easy -to- follow Knight -Kit instructions. Shpg.
Knight KN -700 stereo preamp, and offer extra savings!
wt., 42 lbs.
91 SZ 907. You Save $6.50! NET 177.50
Allied Is The World's Leading High Fidelity Supplier

R660 FM50


Moderately priced FM -AM ONLY An exceptionally fine basic
ONLY This 35-watt amplifier offers ONLY FM tuner for high -fidelity
exceptional versatility plus tuner for those desiring a
:11500 Q V58450
full- toned, perfectly -bal- $ high standard of reception. music systems. Economical
anced reproduction. Ample 11 7 50 It's an ideal companion for
the DB130 (at left) or any
ly priced, it offers many out -
standing features. Can be
inputs for the most elabo- used with any amplifier that has volume
rate home music entertainment systems. other high -quality amplifier that has tone
and volume controls. Extreme sensitivity and tone controls. Features extreme sensi-
Extremely uniform output, low distortion tivity for clear reception of weak or distant
and high power handling capacity assure and high selectivity assure clear reception
of even weak or distant stations. Has ex- stations. Excellent selectivity eliminates
faithful sound reproduction. Loudness interference from strong or local stations.
contour selector assures correct tonal cellent response characteristic with very
balance even at very low listening levels. low distortion. FM circuit employs dual Limiter and Foster- Seeley discriminator
limiters followed by Foster-Seeley dis- circuits assure high signal- to-noise ratio.
Variable damping control provides cleaner AFC (automatic frequency control) for
bass response by precisely coupling ampli- criminator. AFC (automatic frequency con-
trol) circuit assures utmost ease in tuning. simplified tuning -as dial setting of FM
fier to speaker system. station is approached, AFC takes over and
AFC can be momentarily switched off to
IM distortion. permit tuning weak or distant stations. A tunes to exact frequency. AFC can be mo-
Out pst: 35 watts with 1.5% mentarily turned off to permit tuning weak
Harmonic Distortion: 0.3% at 35 watts. tuning meter (indicates signal strength),sim- wills-
as FM stations. stations.
Response: ±0.5 db. 15- 30,000 cps. Ham: drift.
lus AFC eliminated
(Below rated out pia): Magnetic Inputs. -60 Cathsode- follower out put.
db; other inputs. -80 db. Out pat Imped- Sensitivity: 300 -ohm input. 5 my for 30 db
ance: 4, 8 and 16 ohms. Inputs: High-level Audio Output: 1.5 volts AM and FM. Semi-
tivity: FM (300-ohm input) 5 pv for 30 db quieting. Output: 1.5 volts. Controls: Tuning
magnetic phono, Low -level magnetic phono; and Selector (On -Off; FM; AFC-out). Sim:
Tuner; Tape; Tape monitor; Auxiliary; quieting; AM 5 vv for 20 db signal -to-noise
ratio. Ham: 60 db below full output. Con- 4).4x11+%:103('. 7 tubes plus rectifier.
Crystal phono. Controls: On- Off; Loudness- Built -in line cord antenna provides excellent
Contour; Bass; Treble; Input Selector trots: Selector (Off -On. AM. FM with AFC,
FM without AFC); and Tuning. Built -in FM reception in most locations. Attractively
(Phono. Radio. Tape. Aux.); 7 -pos. Equal- styled, brushed gold and white panel;
izer (Eur 78. U.S. 78. AES, RIAA, COL-LP, line cord antenna for FM and ferrite loop
for AM. 9 tubes plus rectifier. Meets FCC illuminated dial pointer. Meets FCC radia-
NAB. POP); 3-pos. Low Filter; 3-pos. High Lion specifications. Less case (see below).
Filter; Gain; 3puS Speaker Selector. Size. radiation specs. Size, 44.s11 %x103(' deep.
Less case (see below). For 110 -120 volts, For operation from 110-120 v. 60 cycle AC.
4' ,xl4j(x10)(. Less case (below). For 110- Shpg. wt., 11)5 lbs.
120 v., 60 cycle A.C. Shpg. wt.. 24 lbs. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 13 lbs.
115.00 93 SX 720. NET 119.50 93 SX 721. NET 84.50
93 SZ 722. NET


Makes it easy to convert your hi -fi system
Also has 2 auxiliary inputs for stereo tuner
or separate AM and FM tuners. Responses
for use with stereophonic sound equipment. ±2 db for 20- 20.000 cps. Distortion: 1% at
Has 2 equalized tape preamps to handle the 10 watts. lspmts: Tape 1. Tape 2, Aux. I.
2- channel output of a basic stereophonic Aux. 2. 634x5;(:12'. Less case. For opera-
tape mechanism. The output of 1 preamp tion from 110-120 volts, 60 cycle AC.
is fed into your hi -fi system to provide one
channel of sound. Second preamp drives the Shim- wt.. 11 lbs.
built -in 10-watt amplifier-you need add 94 S 520. NET 52.50
only a speaker. 94 S 521. Metal Casa for ST10. 2 Iba. 8.50
ST1O Hum: -80 db. Inputs: Magnetic phono;
Provides true hi -fi performance and control
flexibility at low coat! Employs controlledCrystal phono; Tuner; Aux.; Tape Head.
"Add-On" positive feedback circuit for remarkably Controls: Selector -Equalizer; Volume; Base;
Stereo Unit flat frequency response with low hum and Treble. In ebony- finished metal case.
554x11)4:9r. For 110 -120 v.. 60 cycle AC.
distortion. Has a built -in preamp. separate
bass and treble controls, and 2- position Shpg. wt., 13 lbs.
record equalizer. Outputs: High -imp. tape 94 SX 524. NET 49.10
jack for feeding recorder and 4, 8, 16 ohms MODEL HF10A. As above. less case. f0 lbs.
for speakers. Response: ±1 db. 20 to 20.000 4Iba.
cps. Distortion: 1% at 10 watts output. 94 SX 523. NET
A highly popular unit. the DB11OG delivers 5 lit puts: Iligh and Low -Level Magnetic
performance comparable to far more costly phono; Mike, Tuner. Aux. Controls: On-
amplifiers. Employs controlled positive Off- Volume; Bass; Treble; Selector-Equal-
feedback circuit; built -in preamp with in- izer. Output Imp.: 4, 8, 16 ohms. Ebony
puts for associated equipment; separate finished case. S xl134x7% . For 110 -120
bass and treble controls; 3 -pos. record v.. 60 cycle AC. IS lbs.
equalizer; hum adjustment control; two 93 SX 875. NET 64.50
6V6GT power output tubes. Response:
MODEL D8110. As above, less case. 12 lbs.
±0.5 db, IS to 30.000 cps. Distortion: 59.95
0.5% at 12 watts output. Hum: -81 db. 93 SX 874. NET
Height with lege, 5 %'; without, 434'.
Stock No. ^ Type -- Finish - Used With She Shpg. Wt. EACH
93 SX 723 A Mahogany i R660. FM50, 12 :10íj4:43(' 3 lbs
93 5X 724 A Blonde 1 DBI1S, R620. AM90
93 SX 725 B Mahogany j R11501 C, 7.50
4 lbs. 7.50
93 SX 726 B Blonde 1 D8130. PRIOOA

93 SX 727 Mahogany 8.00

C R"no 1Sz1134z4j(' S Ibs
93 SX 728 C Blonde 1

For Allied Hi -Fi Systems Featuring Bogen Units, Sae Popes 14 and 15

s iN L` u
I l

iillnsiil st!,ISá1

1620 DB115

ONLY Top -quality basic AM tuner ONLY The R620 FM -AM high - ONLY The DB115 15 -watt high -
designed to provide the ut- fidelity tuner offers top- amplifier is an ideal
$ 50 most in reception of stand- notch coverage of the FM
ard AM broadcasts. Can be
used with any high -fidelity
$8995 and AM broadcast bands at
very moderate cost. De-
companion for the R620 or
any other basic tuner. Ideal
central control- incorpo-
amplifier that has volume and tone controls. signed for use with the 1)11115 (at right) or rates all necessary controls and ample
Modern superhet circuit has important any other high -fidelity amplifier with tone inputs for a complete home high- fidelity
refinements for greatly improved selectivity and volume controls. An excellent choice music system. Features wide response with
and sensitivity. for the budget -conscious high -fidelity extremely low harmonic and intermodula-
entusiast. Compactly styled to occupy a tion distortion. Speaker switch permits use
Tuned RF amplifier provides 3 pv sensitivity minimum of space on shelf, table top or with either of two speaker systems; or both
with 20 db signal -to -noise ratio. Choice of bookcase. Triode RF amplifier and triode simultaneously. Loudness-contour selector
wide or harrow passband for excellent mixer for excellent signal-to-noise ratio. maintains proper tonal balance even at very
reception of local or long- distance stations. AFC (automatic frequency control) circuit low volume. Variable damping for optimum
Built -in 10 -kc filter eliminates adjacent assures maximum tuning ease -as dial speaker performance. Also has rumble and
station whistles. Cathode -follower output setting of desired station is approached. scratch filters.
permits use of long leads between tuner and .',FC takes over and precision tunes to
amplifier. highly efficient ferrite loop -stick exact frequency then "locks" in. AFC can Power Output: 15 watts. Response: ±0.5 db
indoor antenna with provision for adding be turned off to permit easy tuning in of from 15 to 30,000 cps. Distortion: Less than
outside antenna. Output: volt- -ample to
weak or distant stations. 0.4,7, at 15 watts. Hum and .Noise: -60 db,
drive any high -fidelity amplifier. Frequency low level input; -00 db. high level input.
Response: 30-8500 cps in wide (high fidelity) lias built -in line cord FM antenna and Output Impedance: 8 and 16 ohms. Controls:
position; 30 -3500 cps in narrow (long range) loopstick AM antenna; provision for ex- Off-On-Volume; Bass; Treble; Loudness
position. Controls: Selector (On -Off, AM ternal antenna. Controls: Tuning; Selector Contour; Equalizer -Input Selector (I.S 78,
Wide, AM Narrow) and Tuning. (OR -On. AM, FM with AFC, FM without RIAA. POP. and NARTB tape equalization
AFC). Sensitivity: FM, IO pv for 30 db -Tuner, Magnetic phono, Tape. Crystal
Attractive brushed gold and white panel. signal -to-noise ratio; AM, S pv for 20 db phono, and Auxiliary). Speaker Selector;
.Cite:4'-1 13(x103 . 4 tubes plus rectifier. signal -to-noise ratio. 7 tubes plus rectifier. High Filter; and I.ow Filter. EL84's in out-
Less case (see listing on page 32). For oper- Size: 410c113.1x1OW. Less case (see page put. 418x11%xl0--Ç. Less case (see page
ation from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC. 32). Meets FCC radiation specs. For 110- 32). For operation from 110-120 volts, 60
Shpg. wt. 12 lbs. 120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Wt., 11 lbs. cycle AC. Shpg. wt. 15 lbs.
94 SX 516. NET 74.50 94 SX 515. NET 89.95 94 SX 51 4. NET 79.95


Deluxe FM -AM tuner -25 watt amplifier New, moderately priced tuner -amplifier
combination with built -in preamp -all on with built -in equalizer-preamplifier. Con-
a single chassis. The tuner incorporates sists of a sensitive and selective FM -AM
double limiters, a Foster - Seeley discrimina- tuner, a high- fidelity 10-watt amplifier, and
tor and AFC. A tuning meter assures pin- a preamp with 3 positions of record equal-
point tuning accuracy. The amplifier de- ization. Ready to play --you need add only
livers a full 25 watts at only 0.3% distor- a speaker! .Sensitivity: FM, 7 pv for 30 db
tion, with response of ±0.5 db. from 15 to quieting; AM. 5 pv for 20 db signal -to -noise
30,000 cps. Has 4. 8, and 16 ohm speaker ratio. Response.- +I db from 30 to 18,000
outputs. Extreme versatility is provided by cps. Rated Output: 10 watts. Distortion: 1 %n
the preamplifier section. It features 3- at rated output. Output Impedance: 4, 8,
position loudness control, 5- position record and 16 ohms. Controls: Off-On-Volume;
equalizer, high and low-frequency filters. Bass; Treble; Tuning; Equalization - Selector
separate bass and treble controls, and 5- (Pop. 78, LP. FM, AM, Aux); 3 -pos.
position input selector. Sensitivity on FM, Speaker Selector switch; High and Low -
2.5 pv for 30 db quieting; AM, Spy. Size, Frequency Filters; Loudness. Size: 4) .yx
41/xl43 x11ryj Tuner meets FCC radia-
. 14% x1OW deep. Tuner meets FCC radia-
tion specifications. Less case (see page 32). tion specifications. Less case (see page 32).
For operation from 110 -120 v.. 60 cycle AC. For operation from 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC.
Shpg. wt., 25 lbs. Shpg. wt., 21 lbs.
935Z719.NET 224.50 94 SZ 522. NET 134.50
Deluxe equalizer -preamplifier, featuring A basic amplifier, designed to meet the
pushbutton operation. 36 positions of requirements of critical music lovers and
equalization. Provisions for binaural con- audio perfectionists. Uniform output, negli-
nections and control. Inputs for the most gible distortion. and extremely high power
elaborate of hi -fi systems. Insignificant IM capacity assure faithful reproduction of all
and harmonic distortion. Hum is inaudible music. Features variable damping (with
at full gain. Response: ± 0.5 db. 10- 130,000 light indicator); controlled positive feed-
cps. Controls: Record Equalization, 6 -posi- back; built -in, 3-position speaker switch;
tion Low Frequency Turn -over and 6 -posi- and calibrated output indicator. Rated Out-
tion High Frequency Roll -off; Bass, +15 to put: 70 watts. Harmonic Distortion: 0.5% at
-15-db at 50 cycles; Treble, +15 to -1S rated output; IM, 1.6% at rated output.
db at 15 kc; 5- position Lo- Filter; 5- position Response: 5 to 100,000 cps, ±0.5 db. /lam:
Hi- Filter; Volume; Loudness- Contour; In- 100 db below rated output. Sensitivity: 1
put Selector, Off-On. Monitor, Phono. volt for full output. Damping Factor: Vari-
Radio, Tape, and Auxiliary. Inputs:
Phono (2- Magnetic; 1- Crystal, Tuner.
3- able from +0.1 through infinity to -I.5.
Output Impedances: 4. 8, and 16 ohms.
Tape, Auxiliary, Tape Monitor, and Bin- Tubes: 6118, 12114A, 6C4, and 2 -6CA7/
aural. Outputs: Main. Tape, Binaural. E1.34; 51'4GB /GZ34 rectifier. Mahogany
4lx14jtx10yj . Less cabinet (see page 32). finished metal case, 45(xISx8 '.Foroera-
For operation from 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. tion from 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg.
Shpg. wt., 14 lbs. wt., 22 lbs.
94 SX 519. NET ....109.00 94 SZ 517. NET 129.50
Letter Z in Stock Number Indicates Express Shipment Only
\h .\\\\\NN.\\N\\* \.\\\\\


Deluxe Tuner and Amplifier "Twins"

ONLY A compact basic FM -AM tuner featuring ex- ONLY High- performance 20 -watt amplifier with ex
cellent performance and distinctive appear ceptionally high gain, stability. and freedom

$10950 ance, at a moderate price. An ideal companion

unit for the AA- 920(at right) or any other hi -fi
$9950 from distortion. A built -in preamplifier pro-
vides complete control flexibility. including
amplifier having volume and tone controls. equalization for playback of recorded tapes
The entire unit is housed in a beautifully styled metal case in bur- directly from the tape head. The AA -920 is an excellent choice for
gundy and brushed brass. use with the F:1 -540 tuner at left or any high-quality basic tuner.

Hunt Level: 70 db below 1.0 volt. Maximum Audio Output: S volts. The output transformer of the AA -920 employs interleaved wind
Output Ins pedanre: 500 ohms (cathode follower). Controls: Selector ings. to minimize leakage inductance and resultant loss of high -

frequency response. Tube filaments in the preamplifier section are

(Off -On, Aux, AM, FM with AF(', FM without AFC); Tuning. operated on direct current to assure extremely low hum level.
FM Features: Automatic frequency control (AFC) for simple, drift - In addition to tape head equalization. an output jack is provided
free tuning, with disabling switch for tuning weak stations adjacent to feed a tape recorder; a full array of inputs accommodates any
to strong stations: temperature -compensated oacillator for maxi- lxxusible signal source. The burgundy and brushed -brass cabinet
mum stability of tuning; tuned RF amplifier stage for excellent finish of the AA -920 adds fresh "new look" styling to any room.
sensitivity and selectivity; 3 -gang tuning capacitor; built -in line
cord antenna, with 300-ohm terminals to match external dipole. Poorer Output: Ratel, 20 watts; 40 watts peak. Frequency Response:
FM Sensitivity: 3.0 microvolts for 20 db of quieting. A M Features:
Tuned RF amplifier stage; 10-kc whistle filter; efficient, built -in
t I db from 20 to 20,000 cps. Hum and Noise Level: 80 db below full
output. Distortion: Less than I% harmonic at 20 watts; I.5' inter .
ceramic powdered -iron antenna; 3 -gang tuning capacitor. AM Sen- modulation at 20 watts..Vezative Feedback: 18 db. Speaker Output
sitivity: 3 microvolts for I volt DC at detector. Impedances: 4. 8 and 16 ohms. Inputs: Radio, Aux, Tape Amp-- -
470.000 ohms; Magnetic Phono. adjustable from 6800 to 100,000
A cathode follower output permits installation of the FA -540 up ohms; Tale [lead. 100,000 ohms. 6lA Gis output tubes.
to 100 feet from the amplifier without deterioration of signal
quality. Flywheel tuning for smooth, precise station selection. plus Controls: On-Off/Volume; Loudness (Aural Compensation); Selector
"Beacon" tuning eye provide pin -point accuracy. Tuner can be (LI', AES. RIAA, NARTB, Tape Head, Radio, Aux. Tape Amp);
easily removed from metal case to permit custom installation. FM Treble; Bass; 3- position Scratch Filter; .3- position Rumble Filter.
and AM band calibrations are legibly marked on the illuminated Auxiliary AC outlet is controlled by master Off -On switch; may be
slide -rule dial. A switched input is provided for crystal or ceramic used to provide grower for tuner. record changer, or other accessory.
[Mono or TV sound. 7 tubes, plus EM81 tuning eye and 6X4 Removable rubber feet and through- chassis mounting hardware,
rectifier. Size. 434x13x8j(. For operation from 105 -120 volts. 60 for custom cabinet installation. 4% high, 13)e wide. 9' deep. For
cycle AC. Shpg. wt. 14 lbs. operation (rom 105 -120 volts, 60 cycle A( Wt.. 22 lbs.
94 SX 369. NET 109.50 94 SZ 371. NET .. . ......
Compact. smartly styled "all -in -one' New combination unit including high -fi-
chassis with FM -AM tuner, preamp- delity FM -AM tuner, preamplifier with
equalizer and 20 -watt Williamson -type am - controls. and low- distortion 11 -watt Wil-
plifier. You need only add a record changer liamson -type amplifier in one case
and speaker to have a complete home music "Beacon" tuning eye simplifies sta
system. A tape head input permits direct selection on FM and AM; tuned RF stage
playback of tapes front a tape deck. on FM and AM for maxinuun sensitivity.
AFC on FM, with disabling switch.
Tuner .Specs: AFC on FM with defeat
switch; "Beacon Eye" tuning indicator; Tuner Specs: (FAO 3 pv for 20 db quieting.
tuned RF stage; 10 -kc AM whistle filter; Bandwidth: 200 kc. Overall I M (antenna
FM sensitivity, 2.5 pv for 20 db quieting; to speaker terminals): 1.5% at 10 watts
AM sensitivity, 3 my for volt DC at de-
1 output. (A M) Sensitivity: 3 pv for I v. DC
HF-42 tector. Amplifier Specs: Rated output, 20 at detector. Filter: More than 80 db
watts: 1% harmonic distortion and I.S';; attenuation at 10 kc; factory set. Ampli-
IM at 20 watts; response, t1 db, 20- fier Specs: Output: 12 watts. Harmonic

.... s.....,.... 20,000 cps; hum, 80 db below 20 watts.

Output impedances. 4, 8. 16 ohms. C'oe-
trotls: Selector (Aux I, Aux I1, Phono, AM,
FM, FM with AFC); Bass; Treble; Equa-
Distortion: Less than I %.Outputs: 8 and
16 ohms. Response: t
I db. 20- 20.000
cps at 12 watts. Controls: Selector (Aux.
AM. FM. FM -AFC. Phono): Bass and
lizer (LP. NAB. RIAA, AES, Tape); On- Treble (calibrated for equalization); L I-
Off/Volume; Loudness Contour; Tuning. nesa Contour: Off -On/Volume; Speaker
6L.6GB output tubes; EM81 tuning indi- Selector; Tuning. EL84 output tubes.
cator. 43. uex14u, ¡ :x12 %'. For 105 -120 v., 4%3(144xl0q'. For 105 -120 v.. 60 cycle
60 cycle AC. Wt., 30 lbs. AC. Shpg. wt.. 23 lbs.
94 SZ 366. NET 209.50 94 SZ 324. NET 169.50
An FM tuner of high quality, spec-1:111N- Sen.utirdv: 3.0 microvolts for 20 db of
designed for use with an amplifier having quieting; tuned RF stage. Hum Leert
a full set of controls. Many features of 70 db below 1.0 volt. Maximum Audio
the FM -530 are usually found only on Out put: S volts. Distortion: Less than
much more expensive tuners; it is an ideal at 1 volt output. output Impedance: 500
tuner for use with an amplifier and speak- ohms (cathode follower). Selectivity: 6 db
er system of high quality. Scale calibra- down at 200 kc. Antenna: Built -in; termi-
tions are large and clear; "Beacon" nals for balanced 300-ohm dipole. Controls:
tuning eye. in conjunc .. with AF('. Selectnr(OH -On. Au x. FM -AF('. FM with-
makes tuning as simple and stable as the out AFC); Tuning. 7 tubes, plus EMRI
electronic art permits. The case. finished tuning eye and 6X4 rectifier. Panel fin-
in the well -known Pilot burgundy -and- ished in brushed brass and deep burgundy.
brass combination. may be removed for Size, 4;j' high, 13' wide, Syr' deep. For
installation of the tuner in a custom operation from 105 -120 v.. 60 cycle At'.
cabinet. Noise level, hum and distortion Shpg. wt., 14 lbs.
are well below the threshold of audibility. 94 SX 368. NET 89.50
34 See Pages 16 and 17 for Allied Hi -Fi Systems Featuring Pilot Units

FA-550 AA-900

ONLY .\ built -in preamplifier and ONLY A newly-designed 14 -watt ONLY .\ new, low--cost Williamson-
lull set of controls make this Williamson -type amplifier type amplifier rated at IO
Lri50 unit an excellent companion
to anv of the basic amplifiers
:71995 with full set of controls.
.Advanced circuit with lat-
$6750 watts output, with full con-
trols for record equalization.
listed below. 2 tape inputs est tube types and design Output tubes are rugged.
are provided- tape head input permits use innovations tor low distortion, unusually miniature EL84's; total harmonic distortion
with basic tape player mechanism for play- low hum and noise. and exceptional sta- remains under I at full 10 watts output.
back of recorded tales; other input is used bility. The AA -903B includes a versatile A front panel switch automatically selects
to play back equalized output of tape re- preamp for equalization of all types of re- either or both of two speakers.
corder. FM Features: Armstrong dual cordings. plus an equalized tape head input Rated Output: 10 watts; 20 watts peak.
cascade limiter- discriminator circuit; tuned permitting playback directly from a tape Frequency Response: ±I db, 20- 20,000 cps.
NF stage tor maximum sensitivity and deck. It's a top -rated hi -fi value! Harmonic Distortion: Less than I % at 10
selectivity; AFC with disabling switch; Rated Output: 14 watts. Frequency Response: watts output. IM: 1.5% at 10 watts output.
temperature- compensated oscillator to ± db, 20- 20,000 cps. Harmonic Distortion:
1 Hats Letvk 70 db below full out put. Inputs:
minimize drift; built -in line -cord antenna; Less than 1% at 14 watts. I..N.: 1.5'.. at Phono, Radio, Tape. Output Impedance:
shielded to conform to FCC specifications. 14 watts. Hum: 80 db below full output. 8 ohms. Controls: Selector -Equalizer (LP,
`;ensititnly: FM. 2.5 pv. for 20 db quieting; Inputs: Radio. Aux. Tape Head. Tape Amp, ANS. RIAA. NARTB. Radio, Tape);
M. 3 u
for volt I)C at detector. plum
1 ('sono. Output Imp.: 4, 8, 16 ohms. Controls: Speaker Selector Switch; Treble; Bass;
Level. 80 db below colt. Controls: Selector
1 Loudness; Volume; Treble; Bass; Function - Off-On /Volume. Size, 555x134x7t'.
(Tape Amp, Aux. Phono. Tape Head. AM. Equalization Selector (Radio. Aux. Tape Front panel plate is easily removed to per-
FM with AFC. FM without AFC); Bass; Amp, Tape Head. LP, RIA:\, AES, mit custom installation of amplifier. Case
Treble; Equalizer (LP. AES, RIAA, NARTB); Scratch Filter; Rumble Filter. has removable rubber feet to protect furni-
NARTB Tape); Off-On/Volume; Loudness Tape output jack, independent of volume. ture. Output transformer has interleaved
Contour and Tuning. loudness and tone controls, on rear panel. windings, to improve high frequency char-
Cathode follower output permits use of Variable input loading for various magnetic acteristics. Bass and treble tone controls
long lead between FA -550 and amplifier. phono cartridges assures maximum fidelity provide full 18 db boost or cut at 20 and
Has built -in rumble filter. 10 -kc whistle with any cartridge. Front panel may be 20,000 cps. EL84 output tubes.
filter with 80 db attenuation. Burgundy - detached for custom installation. UC on Only 8 millivolts required in phono channel
and -brass finish panel may be detached for preamp filaments for minimum hum. F1.84 for full output. Separate accessory AC
custom mounting of FA -550. 10 tubes; output tubes. Fully enclosed in case of outlet controlled by amplifier on -off switch,
I.M81 tuning eye; SV3GT rectifier. Size: brushed brass and burgundy finish. Size. may be used for record changer. For opera-
44x14+/I ex10,A2 ". For 105 -120 v.. 60 cycle 45x13)4x9'. For 103 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. tion from 105 -I20 volts. 60 cycle AC.
\( Shpg. wt. 20 lbs.
. Shpg. wt.. 17 lbs. Shpg. wt., 11 lbs.
94 SZ 370. NET 159.50 98 SX 584. NET ..... 79.95 94 SX 325. NET... 67.50
.\ high-quality basic amplifier providing The AA -410A is an excellent example of
exceptional high fidelity performance at
- skillful high- fidelity engineering.A perfect
low cost. Ideal for maximum flexibility of companion unit for Pilot's FA -550 de-
placement in budget hi -fi systems; may be scribed above. or any other high-quality-
placed out of sight in any convenient, out - tuner or preamp- equalizer with a full set
of -the -way location. since it has no controls. of controls. Truly a remarkable value, this
fine unit features a 20 -watt Williamson-
Circuitry is based on the Williamson low - type circuit and a deluxe output transformer
distortion design. Compact size of the am- with interleaved windings.
plifier chassis facilitates installation in
console cabinets when converting to hi-fi. Rated Output: 20 watts. Frequency Response:
Rated Output: 14 watts. Frequency Response ±0.1 db. from 20 to 20,000 cps at rated
t db. from 20 to 20,000 cps, at 14 watts
output. Harmonic Distortion: Less than
output. Harmonic Distortion: Less than l'ïr, l ';, at full rated output of 211 watts. Inter-
at lull rated output of 14 watts. Intermodu- modulation Distortion: Less than I.S': at
f ction Distortion: Less than 1.5% at 14 watts rated output (50 and 7000 cps, 4:1). Hum
output. Tube complement: 6C4, 12AC7, and .\'oise Level: 90 db below rated output.
2- 6L6GB; 5V3GT rectifier. Speaker Out- Negative Feedback: 14 db. Speaker Output
put Impedances: 4. it and 16 ohms. Impedances: 4, 8 and 16 ohms. Output
-tage employs 2 61.6GB tubes; trans-
Hugged construction and high -quality com- mutters are sealed and finished in black
l.,,,,, s insure stability of performance. enamel. Supplied with removable feet. (her -

size. 455' high, I4' -s" wide and 4W deep. all size, SW high, 4" deep. 143' wide. For
For operation from 105 -120 volts, 60 cycle operation from 105-120 rolls, 60 cycle AC.
.\C. Shpg. wt., 14 lbs. Slupg. wt. 19 lbs.
94 5X 326. NET 49.50 94 SX 367. NET . 59.50
.\ carefully- designed power amplifier for Power Output: 40 watts continuous. 80
tse in high - quality music systems, the watts peak. Frequency Response: ±0.1 db. AA-908
Pilot AA -908 furnishes a continuous output from 20 to 20,000 cycles, with speaker com-
of 40 watts, and is capable of handling peaks pensation switch in "FLAT" position. Har-
of up to 80 watts. Based upon the famous monic Distortion: 0.5eß.. IM: 0.9% at 40
Williamson low- distortion circuit. )'nique watts; 0.15% at 10 watts..5enss:0,0y: 0.4 II
5-position bass emphasis control compen-
.aies for speaker characteristics and room
volts input for 40 watts output. Level
control attenuator for 6, 12 or 18 rlb attenu- l///lj1///11iIj,
acoustics. The output transformer of the
.\ A.908 features interleaved windings and
grin- oriented steel laminations for lowest
ation of input signal. Hum Level: 90 db
below 40 watts. Input Impedance: 470.000 ,1..1yllll
I Il
i l
.listtrtiun; damping factor of the amplifier
,s selectable. There is provision for balancing
ohms. Speaker Output Impedance: 8 and 16
ohms. Damping Factor: Choice of 5, 2.5, I.
Size, 634' high. 12Nó" wide. deep. For 9t' 1Q
the voltages supplier) to the EL34/6CA7 operation from 105 -120 volts. 60 cycle AC.
output tubes. The chassis is finished in Shpg. wt. 2755 lbs. °'
handsome brushed brass. 94 SZ 327. NET 125.00 91
Allied Maintains the World's Largest Stock of Hi -Fi Equipment

Harman -Kardon Deluxe "Twin" High -Fidelity Components

ON II' Handsomely styled. deluxe quality. basic ONlY Improved 20 -watt, printed -circuit hi -fi ampli-
FM -AM tuner featuring printed circuit wiring fier, designed to match the T -120 or comple-
and a host of "plus' features that add up to
$999 5
ment any other quality basic tuner. Unusually
exceptionally fine AM and FM broadcast re- compact, and providing the utmost in control
ception. Makes an ideal companion unit for versatility, the A -120 is a fine choice for even
the A -12u "Melody II" 20 -watt high -fidelity amplifier described at the most elaborate of home music systems. Among its many
right. These two units can be stacked together for an ultra -compact features, it includes a 3- position speaker switch for versatile opera-
installation only 7' high! Highly sensitive and selective. the T -120 tion of systems using two speakers- switch channels music through
employs Armstrong FM circuitry with limiter and Foster - Seeley either speaker alone, or both speakers simultaneously. Other fea-
discriminator, AFC, and low-noise front end consisting of tuned tures include: 3- position record equalizer in preamp circuit for
triode, grounded grid amplifier and triode mixer. A rumble filter is proper playback of all records; 6 steps of loudness -contour correc-
used in the AFC network to eliminate motor noise or rumble tion; low-impedance tape output unaffected by controls; equalized
originating in the turntable or recordings used by the broadcasting tape input for a tape player mechanism; 2- position rumble filter;
station. AFC defeat position allows tuning weak or distant stations and exclusive, controlled "H" audio circuit. Highly efficient in
adjacent to strong stations. Counter- weighted tuning mechanism operation, this new. 20 -watt circuit runs cooler than a conventional
aids accurate station selection. Two cathode follower outputs for 10 -watt amplifier, despite its higher power output! Compact styling
amplifier and tape recorder permit use of long leads between of the A -120 permits it to be placed almost anywhere, or. if mounted
components. Unusually attractive contemporary styling-brushed in custom cabinetry, allows "face up" installation.
copper escutcheon with matching copper case.
Rakd Output: 20 watts; Peak, 30 watts. Response: ±1 db, 20 to
AM Circuit: Up -to -the- minute superhet with automatic volume 20.000 cps at full rated output. Distortion: Harmonic, less than
control; 10 -kc whistle filter for suppression of adjacent- station noise 0.3 %; IM. 1% at 20 watts. Hum: Auxiliary and Tuner inputs. -70
and squeal; built -in high -gain ferrite loopstick antenna plus terminal db at 20 watts; Magnetic, -60 db at 20 watts. Inputs: Magnetic
for adding external antenna. FM Circuit: Armstrong FM circuit with Phono; 2 -Auxiliary; Tuner; Tape. Output Impedances: 8 and 16
limiter and Foster - Seeley discriminator; tuned, grounded-grid triode ohms for speakers; low impedance for tape recording. Controls:
RF amplifier and triode mixer in front end; automatic frequency 6 -pos. Contour; Loudness; Bass; Treble; Function (LP, RIAA, Kur.
control circuit with defeat position; rumble filter. Sensitivity: FM. Tuner. Aux 1, Aux 2. Tate -1S, 754 and 33( ips); 2 -pos. Rumble
3 pv for 20 db quieting; AM, 20 pv. Selectivity: FM. 200 kc band- Filter; 3 -pos. Speaker Selector. Tubes: 2-
12AX7, 12AV6. 12AT7,
width at 6 db down; AM. R kc bandwidth at 6 db down. Controls: 2 -12ABS power output; 2 -6X4 rectifiers. Two convenience AC
Function (On -Off. FM -AFC, FM, FM- AFC -Filter, AM) and Tun- outlets. Safety interlock AC cord. Size, 3 Xx12%x73.e. Perforated
ing. 8 tubes plus selenium rectifier. Size, 3yjxl23. x83.". For 110 -120 metal cage, styled in brushed copper and black. For 110-120 volt,
volts, S0 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 12 lbs. 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 15 lbs.
99 SX 091. NET 99.95 99 SX 156. NET 99.95
Harman -Kardon Low -Cost "Twin" Hi -Fi Components
New, and moderately -priced, basic FM -AM New, A -12 "Prelude II" 12 -watt high -fidel-
tuner delivers top -quality performance. ity amplifier provides extreme versatility
Employs latest printed- circuit wiring tech- and top -notch performance at exceptional-
niques. Ideal companion for the A -12 ly low cost. An ideal companion for the
"Prelude II" high-fidelity amplifier (at T -12 tuner (at left). It includes all controls
right). Handsomely styled in copper and necessary for complete, centralized control
black. Features high sensitivity and selec- in any high- fidelity home music system.
tivity. plus wide IF passbands for high -fi- Employs latest printed- circuit wiring tech-
delity reception of FM and AM broadcasts. niques throughout. Features built -in pre
FM circuit employs limiter and Foster - amp equalized for tape head and magnetic
Seeley discriminator; AFC circuit; and cartridges; rumble filter; speaker selector.
low-noise triode RF amplifier and mixer
stages. Highly efficient superhet AM circuit Rated Output: 12 -watts at less than I%
offers 8 kc bandwidth (6 db down) and in- harmonic and 2% IM distortion. Response:
cludes built -in ferrite loop antenna. ±1 db. 20-25.000 cps at 12 watts. Hum:
-60 db. Inputs: Magnetic phono; Tuner;
Sensitivity: FM, 3 pv for 20 db quieting; Tape. Outputs: 8 and 16 ohms for speaker;
AM, 20 pv. High- impedance output. Pro- plus output for tape recording. Controls:
fessional -type flywheel tuning. 7 tubes plus Contour (4- positions); Loudness; Treble;
selenium rectifier. Brushed -copper escutch- Bass; Function /Equalization (Tuner, Tape,
eon and black matte enclosure. Easy -to-read LP, RIAA. RIAA with rumble filter. Eur.);
edge- lighted, slide-rule dial. Size, 3j4x12)Sx and Speaker Selector. 33,4x12%x7j('. Cop-
9'. Meets FCC radiation specifications. per escutcheon; black matte case. For
For operation from 110 -120 volts. 50 -60 operation from 110 -120 v., 50-60 cycle AC.
cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 10 lbs. Shpg. wt. 12 lbs.
94 SX 740 84.50 94 SX 739. NET 59.95
Custom styled, professional -type basic FM Armstrong FM circuit with dual limiters
tuner. Represents the successful fulfillment (pentode and diode); low noise front-end
of just one assignment -the most effective consisting of tuned triode. grounded -grid
reception of the FM broadcast signal. A RF amplifier and triode mixer. Two outputs
perfect match for the A -120 hi -fi amplifier -cathode follower and high impedance.
(above, right). Outstanding features include: Sensitivity: 2 pv for 20 db quieting. Controls:
High sensitivity; variable AFC (automatic Tuning; and concentric AFC Squelch -
frequency control) for optimum reception Power switch. Meter balance. rumble filter,
in any area; variable ANG (automatic noise and output level controls on rear panel.
gate-squelch circuit) for reducing noise 8 tubes; selenium rectifier, and styling. crystal
between stations; rumble filter for suppress- diode. Brushed copper and black
ing turntable rumble originating at the FM 3 x1234x7 Ç. For 110 -120 v.. 50-60 cycle
station; tuning meter and flywheel loaded AC. Sh wt. 12 lbs.
tuning mechanism for simplified tuning; 99 SX 157. NET 99.95
36 For Allied Hi-Fi Systems Featuring Harmon -Kardon Units, See Pages 36 and 37
MUSIC COMPONENTS harman kardon I

Harman -Kardon Custom "Twin" High -Fidelity Components

ONLY An outstanding basic FM -AM tuner, worthy ONLY Skillfully designed and highly versatile 40-
of consideration for the finest home music watt amplifier with controls. Distinctively

$125 00
systems. Perfectly matches the A -1040 styled in copper and black to match the
$140°O "Trend II" amplifier (described at right),
or any other top -quality hi -fi amplifier with
volume and tone controls. Custom features include: Elegant. grace-
T -1040 FM -AM tuner at left; suitable for
use with any other top -quality basic hi -fi
tuner. Offering unexcelled performance, appearance and audio
ful design and handsome styling; advanced -design; Armstrong FM control. the A -1040 includes this array of notable features: Ex-
circuitry with remarkable sensitivity; adjustable automatic fre- clusive controlled "H" circuit employing four 12AB5 output tubes
quency control; variable interstation noise gate (ANG); illuminated for 40 -watt output-generates less heat than a conventional 20 -watt
pining meter for pin-point accuracy in station selection; rumble amplifier; printed circuit construction; built -in preamplifier with
filter to eliminate turntable rumble and noise emanating from the inputs for high. medium and low -level phono cartridges (selector on
FM broadcasting station; superhet AM circuit with tuned RF chassis); auxiliary inputs with level controls; tape input with 3 po-
stage and 10-kc whistle filter; dual cathode follower outputs for sitions of equalization for basic tape player; tape output ahead of
amplifier and tape recorder. with adjustable level control- permit volume and tone controls for recording; 3- position record equalizer;
the use of long leads between other components. Dimensions of 6- position loudness contour selector; 3- position speaker selector
the T -1040 are identical to the A -1040 -berth units can be stacked switch for hi -fi systems using 2 speakers--channels music to either
to form an attractive, space- saving combination. or both speakers; variable damping; rumble filter; separate bass
and treble controls; etc. Extremely compact in size.
FM Circuit: Armstrong FM circuit with double-tuned, dual limiters.
Foster -Seeley discriminator, triode -tuned Rh' amplifier and triode Rated Output: 40 watts at less than 0.3% harmonic and less than
mixer; variable AFC. AM Circuit: Broadband superhet with tuned 1% IM distortion; 60 -watt peaks. Frequency Response: ±1 db.
RF stage; 3 -stage automatic volume control; 10-kc whistle filter; 20 to 20,000 cps at full rated output. Hum: Auxiliary and tuner
efficient, built -in ferrite loopstick antenna, plus terminals for adding inputs, -70 db at 40 watts; magnetic. -60 db at 40 watts. Inputs:
external antenna. Sensitivity: FM, 1.5 per for 20 db quieting; AM,
5 pv. Hum: 65 db below 100% modlation. AFC has defeat switch
Magnetic phono; 2-Auxiliary; Tape; Tuner. Panel Controls:
for tuning weak or distant stations. Controls: Tuning and Function
(On -Off. AM. FM- AFC -ANG. FM -AFC, FM). Other controls in-
6- position Contour /Loudness; Bass; Treble; Function (LP. RIAA,
Eur. Tuner. Aux 1, Aux 2, Tape IS, 7M and 3M( ips); 2- position
Rumble Filter; 3- position Speaker Selector. Output Impedances:
clude output level. AFC adjustment, automatic noise gate adjust- 8 and 16 ohms for speakers; low impedance for tape recording.
ment. meter balance and rumble filter. 11 tubes plus selenium Tubes: 2- 12AX7, 12AV6, 12AT7, 4-- 12Aß5; 2 -EZ81 rectifiers.
rectifier. Brushed copper escutcheon and enclosure; black panel; Two convenience AC outlets. Size, 33x13 x9W deep. Brushed
edge -lighted, yellow and white dial face. Size. 4',18xl.3hx11 ". For copper escutcheon and case; panel edging in black. For 110 -120 volt,
110-120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 14 lbs. 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 25 lbs.
99 SX 154. NET 140.00 99 SZ 153. NET 125.00
Three Harman -Kaidon Tuner -Amplifier Combination Units
Sensitive FM -AM reception and hi -fi audio A sensitive FM -AM tuner, an extremely
from a single, moderately -priced unit. flexible preamplifier, and a 20 -watt ampli-
Printed- circuit wiring. Styled in copper and fier on a single chassis, only 4146' highl
black. FM: Armstrong circuit with limiter FM: Armstrong circuit with limiter and
and Foster- Seeley discriminator; AFC; Foster -Seeley discriminator; AFC; low -
triode RF amplifier and triode mixer. AM: noise, grounded-grid, triode RF amplifier
Broadband superhet with AVC and built -in and triode mixer. AM: Superheterodyne
ferrite antenna. Amplifier: Two EL84 tubes circuit with AVC and built -in ferrite loop -
in output; speaker switch for systems using stick antenna. Amplifier: Two 12A B5 out-
1 speakers -- channels music to either or put tubes. 3- position speaker switch for
both speakers. systems using 2 speakers.
Sensitivity: FM, 3 pv for 20 db quieting; Sensitivity: FM, 3µv for 20 db quieting;
AM, 20 pv. Output: 12 watts at less than 1% AM. 20 pv. Output: 20 watts at less than
harmonic distortion. Response: ±1db, 20- 1 %v IM and less than 0.3% harmonic dis-
25,000 cps at 12 watts. Inputs: Magnetic tortion. Response: f db 20- 20,000 cps at
20 watts. lapels: 1- magnetic phono; 1-
phono; Tape; Auxiliary (high impedance).
Output Impedance: 8 and 16 ohms. Controls: auxiliary (high impedance); -tape. Out-
Function (AM. FM, FM -AFC. Aux., puts: 8 and 16 ohms for speakers; plus tape
Phono), Loudness, Treble, Bass, Tuning. recorder. Controls: Tuning; Loudness; Bass;
Rumble Filter, Contour. Equalization (LP. Treble; Function (AM, FM, FM-AFC. Aux.
RIAA. Eur).and Speaker Selector. 12 tubes Eur, RIRA, LP, Tape); Contour; Speaker
plus rectifier. 434x149Sx13%'. Meets FCC Selector. 13 tubes; plus ó.Z81 rectifier. 4lAsx
radiation specs. For 110-120 volts, 50 -60 15 ys x14'. For 110-120 volts. 50-60 cycle AC.
cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 20 lbs. Shpg. wt. 22 lbs.
94 SZ 741. NET 139.50 99 SZ 155. NET 189.95
Improved custom -quality, hi -fi ensemble
combines features of T -1040 FM -AM tuner
Add only a speaker system and a record
player to form a complete high fidelity
and A- 1040 40 -watt amplifier, on one com- FM -AM -Phono system. Sensitivity: FM.
pact chassis. ('ses printed circuit wiring 1.5 pv for 20 db quieting. AM, S ay. Panel
throughout. Features: Variable automatic Controls: Tuning; Contour; Loudness; Bass;
noise gate to reduce between- station noise Treble; Function (AM, FM, FM -AFC.
on FM; variable automatic frequency con- FM- AFC-Automatic Noise Gate, Aux., LP.
trol on FM; 6- position loudness contour RIAA, Eur., Tape); Rumble Filter (2 -posi-
selector; and tuning meter for easy, accurate tion). Tubes: 19. plus 3 rectifiers(' selenium).
tuning of FM and AM. FM: Armstrong Brushed copper enclosure and escutcheon;
circuit with dual limiters and Foster - Seeley black panel with edge -lighted dial. Size,
discriminator. AM: Superhet with AVC and 4z46xl6!sx14 ". For 110 -120 v., 50-60 cycle
built -in ferrite antenna. Amplifier: Four AC. Shpg. wt. 30 lbs.
12AB5 output tubes. 99 SZ 158. NET 250.00
Hi -Fi Components Are Available on Allied's Easy Payment Plan -See Page 396 37

Deluxe High -Fidelity Combination NEW "500" FM -AM TUNER- AMPLIFIER

A modern classic in de-
A new high in masterful A moderately priced unit $2495° sign and elegant styling.
the "500" combines a
$1995° design, the 80-T FM -AM $9950 of conspicuous quality, this Less Cabinet highly sensitive FM-
Less Cabinet
tuner includes complete.
professional audio control
facilities. Offers absolute
superbly designed, 30 -watt
basic amplifier is the per-
fect companion to the Fisher
AM tuner. powerful 30-
watt amplifier. and master audio control
on one compact chassis! FM Section: Dual
command over listening conditions, extreme Model 80-T FM -AM tuner described at triode. c-ascode circuit with tuned RF stage
sensitivity, and virtually flawless response. left. Traditional Fisher workmanship and for extreme sensitivity and maximum signal-
Separate tuning meters for FM and AM design includes such refinements as the to-noise ratio. 3 IF stages followed by a
allow tuning with extreme accuracy. Built - Z -Matic variable damping control for per- wide -band detector for maximum capture
in preamp-equalizer consists of two cascaded fect matching of amplifier to your speaker ratio. Highly sensitive; operates on signala
triode stages. Six record equalization set- system. Pleasing in appearance, and ex- as low as I microvolt. Includes FM dipole
tings. Fully equalized. separate tape head cellent in design, the 80-AZ handles 60 -watt antenna. AM Section: Tuned RF stage;
playback input. Two cathode-follower peaks to assure thoroughly authentic repro- efficient ferrite -bar antenna; diode detector
outputs: 1for tape recorder (independent duction of even the most powerful low - circuit for minimum distortion. Sensitivity
of volume and tone controls); I for amplifier. frequency passages. is better than 3 microvolts for full output.
DC on all audio tube filaments minimize. Three separate feedback loops for low dis-
hum. Meets FCC radiation specifications. Professional meter for micro-accurate tun-
tortion levels and superior transient re- ing on both FM and AM, plus flywheel
Sensitivity: FM. 1.3 microvolts for 20 db of sponse. Unique cathode feedback circuit tuning mechanism. Audio Section: 4 high -

quieting; AM, better than microvolt. Dis-

1 provides triode performance with the impedance inputs; low- impedance tape
tortion: Below 0.04% for 1 volt output; .3 efficiency of tetrodes. Output transformer recorder output; phono and tape head pre -
for 5 volts output. Hum level completely has interleaved windings and a grain -
amp- equalizer. Response is ± 1 db. 16 to
non -measurable with volume control at oriented steel core. Ruggedly handsome 32.000 cps. Harmonic distortion is less than
minimum (better than 72 db below 2 volts appearance permits installation on shelf. 0.5% at 30 watts; IM, less than 1% at 30
output with control at maximum). Controls: table -top, etc.; sufficient cable is provided watts. Hum and Noise. -80 db. Controls:
AFC, Selector (AM Broad, AM Sharp, FM. for built -in installation. Tuning; Off -On; Volume- Loudness; Bass;
Phono, Aux I. Aux 2): Tuning; Bass: Treble; Selector- Equalizer (AM, FM, AES.
Treble; Tape and Phono Equalization (Eur, Power Output: 30 watts; handles 60-watt RIAA, LP. NAB, Tape, Aux 1, Aux 2).
AES, RIAA. LP. NAB, 78, Tape); Off -On- peaks. Distortion: Less than 0.3% at full Output Impedances: 4, 8 and 16 ohms. 12
Volume; Loudness Balance. 15 tubes; 6X4 rated output; less than 0.05 %n at 10 watts. tubes; 2 rectifiers; 2 crystal diodes. Size.
rectifier. Brushed brass panel. 6%x12%x Frequency Response: Uniform from 10 to 6j(x13%x133'. Brushed brass panel. Less
9i35í. With indoor FM and AM antennas. 50.000 cps; ±0.1 db from 20 to 20,000 cps. cabinet; see below. For 105 -125 v., 50 -60
Less cabinet; see below. For 105 -125 Rum and Noise: Better than 95 db below cycle AC. Shpg. wt. 26 Ibo.
50-60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt. 22 lbs. full output. 2 Controls: Z -Matic and Input 98 SZ 506 NET ... 249.50
98 SZ 533. NET 199.50 Level. Tubes: 12AT7, 12A1'7A, 2- -EL37;
5V4G rectifier. Output Impedance: 4, 8 and
WOOD CABINETS FOR 80-T TUNER. Size, 16 ohms. Size, 634:15)x43('. For opera- WOOD CABINETS FOR "500 ". Size, 9%x
83(x13t35sx8, ±4s'. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs. tion from 105 -125 v., 50-60 cycle AC. 141t42x13is/tí. Shpg. wt.. S Its.
98 SX 536. Mahogany. NET Shpg. wt.. 23 lb,. 98 5X 508. Mahogany. NET
98 SX 537. Blonde. EACH 17.95 98 SZ 538. NET 99.50 98 SX 507. Blonde. EACH 19.95


ONLY Precisely designed for the most exacting FM listener, the new FM -90X
is easily one of the finest FM tuners available. Employs a unique gold -
leu Cabinet
cascode RF amplifier tube and highly specialized circuitry to reach the
theoretical limits of sensitivity--% microvolt! Two meters. plus the
lock -in, drift -free characteristic of its automatic frequency control,
assure extremely accurate tuning even by an unskilled user. Outstanding features: Exclusive
gold -cascade RF amplifier; silver-shielded front end with dual -triode. cascade -tuned RF
stage; 4 IF stages; full, wide -band detector for maximum capture ratio; balanced antenna
inputs for maximum signal transfer; variable interstation noise suppressor; etc. Sensitivity:
Full limiting on signals as low as 3'slay; 3(µv for 20 db of quieting; I my for 30 db. 3 Out -
pats: Main, Recorder, Multiplex. Z Controls: Variable AFC /Off -On & Variable Interstation
Muting (dual-concentric); Station Selector. Z Meters: Signal -strength, for orienting antenna.
Tuning. for center -of- channel. 8 tubes; 4 germanium diodes; 6X4 rectifier. Size. 65ss
FM-90X 13' 3 55x836'. Less cabinet see below. For 105 -125 v., 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.,151ba.

99 SX 186. NET 169.50

WOOD CABINETS FOR FM -90X. Size. 9)4x14145x10'. Shpg. wt., 454 lbs.
94 SX 975. Mahogany. 94 SX 976. Blonde. NET EACH 17.95
A self- powered unit of excellent quality and Hi -fi preamp with RIAA equalization. All -

moderate cost. RIAA-equalized for phono; transistor circuitry -no microphonics or

NARTB -equalized for tape head playback. hum! Serves as phono or mike preamp-
Accommodates any low-level magnetic handles all popular magnetic cartridges,
cartridge. basic tape player mechanism or including very low-level types. without
microphone. Circuit employs two high -gain need for transformer. Noise: -65 db. Con-
triode stages. Exclusive feedback design trols: Power -Volume; Input Impedance
permits the use of long output leads. Fully Selector; Phono or Mike Selector. Permits
shielded construction. Gain: Phono. volt use of output leads up to 200 ft. Requires
PR-6 battery or AC supply, below, 2x4x43f . % lb.
output for 10 millivolt input; Tape. 1 volt
output for 5 millivolts input. Frequency
Response: ±2 db. 30 to 20,000 cps. Hum
94 S 356. NET ... ......... 27.50
Level: Better than 60 db below 1 volt on POWER SUPPLY. For operating TR-I from
phono and tape; 70 db below 1 v. on mike. 110 v.. 60 cycle AC. 2MS:14x1 W. 4 oz.
Size, 33(:33(x3'. For 105 -125 v., 50-60 98S517. NET .. 4.95
cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 154 lbs. RCA V5304 BATTERY. For TR -1. 3 oz
98 5 528. NET .10.95 801837. NET... ... 1.05
For Allied Hi -Fi Systems Featuring Fisher Units, See Pages 18 and 19


CA -40

Highly advanced, 25 watt $99,0 susgner) pre defoir - Each of the basic tuners listed below meets
$ 13950 amplifier featuring unique
ToneScope. This dramat is
Leu Cobbet
er ntrol-
ling any deluxe hi -fi system.
co FCC radiation specs. Both operate from
105 -125 v.. 50-60 cycle AC. The AM -80
innovation provides a vis- I I ighly flexible, the perform- (not illustrated), is similar in size and ap-
ual indication of the ac- ance of the 80-C is limited pearance to the 80-R.
tual response curve obtained when bass and only by the quality of the associated equip-
treble tone controls are adjusted! Response ment. Hum and distortion are virtually MODEL 80-R, FM -AM TUNER. Separate front
curve is indicated on an illuminated front non -existent. Up to 16 combinations of ends for FM and AM; individual tuning
panel graph which changes whenever tone record compensation. NARTB- equalized meters for FM and AM; cathode -follower
controls are re -set. Allows user to pin -point for tape playback head. Cathode- follower output; inputs for Tape, TV. Crystal Phono.
tonal shadings to an unsurpassed degree. outputs. DC operated filaments to assure Tuned RF stage and two IF stages followed
Record equalization positions. as they are extremely low hum. 4 negative feedback by two cascaded limiters and Foster - Seeley
selected, are also indicated on same panel. loops. Complete mixing and fading on 2, 3, 4 discriminator. Adjustable AFC and adjust-
.1n excellent example of creative engineer- or 5 channels. High -gain mike preamplifier. able AM selectivity. .Sensitivity: FM, 1%
Push- button channel selectors. my for 20 db of quieting on 72 -ohm antenna
ing, the Model CA -40 also includes these input; 3 sv for 20 db quieting on 300 -ohm
outstanding features: DC filament voltages
on all low-level stages for elimination of 7 Inputs: 3 -high -level (tuner, tape. TV). input; AM, less than I .v. IO kc AM
magnetic phono, I- constant amplitude whistle filter. Size, 4x12i(x81a. Less cabi-
hum; direct. NARTB -equalized tape head
playback and microphone preamplifier; tape
phono, I-
microphone, 1-
tape -playback.
Panel Controls: Volume- Loudness /AC Off-
net. Shpg. wt., 16 lbs.
98 SX 532. NET 169.50
recorder output; 6 inputs with input level .

adjustment; cathode - follower output; and On; Volume -Loudness switch; 5 input se-
lector pushbuttons; 4-pos. high-frequency MODEL AM-80 AM TUNER. Designed specifi-
shielded, shock -mounted construction. cally for use in areas beyond the service of
equalization; 4 -pas. low -frequency equali-
Response: 10.5 db, from 10 to 90.000 cps. zation; Bass; Treble. Settings for NARTB FM stations. Provides the "pulling power"
Harmonic Distortion: Less than %o at 25
1 tape playback equalization. Each input has of a professional communications receiver
watts. Iulermodrlalior: 1.7% at 20 watts. level control and indicator light. for excellent reception of distant, hard-to-
firm and Noise Level: -90 fib on Auxiliary get stations. Three- position adjustable
and Tuner inputs; -60 db on magnetic Harmonic Distortion: 0.22% at 15v. I M: bandwidth for broad, medium and sharp
phono input. 0.3 volt on high level and 0.65% at 15 v. Response: ±0.25 db. 20 to tuning. Relative- sensitivity tuning meter
0.005 volt on low -level inputs produce full 20,000 cps, 12 db. 10 to 100.000 cps. for micro-accurate station selection. Has
25 -watt output. Out pia Impedance: 4, 8 Ham fY .Noise: High -level inputs, complete- one tuned RF stage and two IF stages.
and 16 ohms. Controls: Volume- Loudness; ly non -measurable with volume control at Built -in 10 kc whistle filter. Cathode fol-
Selector- Equalizer (Aux I, Aux I1, Tuner, zero; better than 85 db below 2 volts. lower output. Sensitivity: Better than pv.1

Magnetic Phono, Microphone Tape, Eur, Size, 4)(x12%x7%r. Less cabinet. For ('oidrols: Off-On /Sensitivity. Bandwidth,
\ES. RIAA, LP, NAB); Off -On; Bass; operation from 105 -125 v., 50-60 cycles AC. Tuning. 7 tubes; 6X4 rectifier. Less cabinet.
Treble; 3 -pos. Rumble Filter; 3 -pos. Scratch Shpg. wt., 10 lbs. Shpg. wt., 15 lbs.
Filter. Four EL84 tubes in output. Metal 94 5X 353. NET 99.50 98 SX 539. NET 119.50
cabinet with attractive brass and styrene
panel. Size, 5x12tyjxl0'. Brass panel. For WOOD CABINETS FOR WC. Size, 5S(x8x WOOD CABINETS FOR 80-R, AM -80 AND FM-
operation from 105 -125 v.. 50-60 cycle AC. 13i i t..
Shpg. wt., 3y( lbs. 40. Shpg. wt., 4)4 lbs.
Shpg. wt., 24 lbs. 94 SX 354. Mahogany. NET 98 SX 518. Mahogany. NET
98 SZ 516. NET 139.50 94 SX 355. Bland.. EACH 9.95 98 SX 519. Blonde. EACH 17.95.


ONLY A compact and skillfully designed basic FM tuner, the FM -40 is a
$9950 superb combination of engineering excellence and brilliant performance
at moderate cost. Provides reception that more than fulfills the require-
ments of the most discriminating FM listener. Circuit employs three
less Cabin* IF stages and a cascode RF stage for optimum selectivity, excellent
gain and high signal -to-noise ratio. Center -of- channel tuning meter for micro-accurate
selection of stations. Flywheel dial mechanism for smooth tuning. Sensitivity: 3 microvolts
tor 20 db quieting and 5 microvolts for 30 db quieting. ZOutputs: Main Audio (cathode
follower permits using up to 200 feet of cable to amplifier); also Detector Multiplex.
Controls:. Off -On- Volume and Station Selector. Fully shielded and shock- mounted chassis.
accommodates 72 or 300-ohm external antenna -FM folded dipole antenna supplied. 7
tubes; 6X4 rectifier, 4x123(x7>G Less cabinet, see listing under AM -80, above right. For
105 -125 v., 50-60 cycle AC. Wt.. IS lbs. FM-40
98 5X 527. NET .. 99.50
MODEL 55-A 55 -WATT. All- triode design, MODEL 125 -A. A superb, laboratory-quality
Power Monitor andl. - Matie variable damp- instrument, designed for the finest hi -fi
ing. Power Monitor prevents damage to systems. Provides enormous reserve power
speaker and verifies correct output tube for present, and any future audio needs.
bias. Output: Rated, SS watts; peak. 110 Reproduces the most complex musical
watts. Response: ±0.1 db. 20- 20,000 cps; passages without coloration or clipping.
Y db. 5 to 100,000 cps. Harmonic Distor-
1 Drives even the lowest efficiency speaker
tion: Less than 1% at 55 watts. IM: Below. system to full undistorted output without
2% at 50 watts). Output Impedances: 8 and amplifier overload. Has Power Monitor out-
16 ohms. 85(x14)1(x11W. For 105 -125 v., put meter. calibrated in watts, to indicate
50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 50 lbs. correct adjustment of output tube bias. as
98 SZ 515. NET 169.50 well as average audio power. Z -Matit vari-
able damping control. Has 2 power supplies.
MODEL 20-A 15 -WATT. Not illustrated. Less Response: ±0.1 db, 20 to 20,000 cps. Dis-
Power Monitor, Z-Matio feature. Output: tortion: Harmonic, less than 0.6% at 125
15 watts. Response: ±0.1 db, 20 to 20.000 watts; I M. less than 1% at 100 watts. Hum
cps. Harmonic Distortion: Less than 0.7% s' Noise: Better than 92 db below full out-
at 15 watts. IM: 1.5% at 10 watts. Output put. Output Impedances: 8 and 16 ohms.
Impedances; 4. 8. and 16 ohms. 6tjjx13x4Ye. Size, 8 x14x11)(. For 105 -125 v., 50-60
Shpg. wt., 13 lbs. cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 55 lbs.
98 5X 526. NET 59.50 99 SZ 227. NET 219.50
Express Shipment Recommended for Hi -Fi Equipment 125-A


$9995 Important new features make this latest model of

the Scott 99 series amplifiers an exceptional sI8995
Completely redesigned. 36 -watt amplifier with
dynaural noise suppressor. Brand -new feature.
choice for the hi -fi music ensemble. Compact and include: Speaker selector switch for choosing be-
Less Case unusually versatile, its the last word in careful Less Case tween either of two speakers or playing both at
design and outstanding performance. "Green once; front panel tape monitor and playback
Dot" control settings make the amplifier easy to use. Panel design switch; new Dynamic Noise Suppressor with continuous adjust-
pemits simplified custom installation. ment for nimble and hiss suppression; two magnetic phono inputs
switched from front panel; new "cycle -flow" circuitry for low -

New features include: Front panel speaker -selector switch that temperature operation of components; maximum accessibility of all
lets you select either of two speakers or both speakers at once; new connections. Also has sub -sonic filter to prevent amplifier and
tape recording provisions including front panel monitor- playback shaker overload due to eccentric records and (turntable rumble.
switch for use with 3 -head recorders: easily accessible tape recorder Tape inputs: NARTB tape input for playback direct from tape
output and monitoring jacks on rear panel. Also includes 5-pos. heads without external Dreamt): high -level tape playback channel;
record equalizer; rumble and scratch filters; NARTH tape play- monitor provisions for use with 3 -head recorders; 2 tape recorder
back channel for connecting tape playback head without external outputs including one before noise suppressor and tone controls, and
Dreamt); input selector switch for two magnetic pickups --allows one after, for recording noisy programs or records.
connecting both a record changer and turntable and selecting
either without changing connections; etc. Output: 36 watts. Response: Flat from 19 to 35,000 cps. Harmonic
Distortion: 0.5 %. Hum: -80 db. /u puts: Mag or 2. Crystal Plum...

Output: 22 watts; 44 -watt peaks. Response: Flat from 20 to 30.000 Tuner. Taie. TV. Tape outputs. Monitor, Level control and Speaker
cps. Harmonic Distortion: Less than 0.8 %. Hum: 80 db below rated Selector on rear panel. Controls: Selector- Equalizer (F:ur 78, Orig
output. Output Impedances: 4, 8 and 16 ohms. I)(' filament supply Lou,. Orig AES, RIAA -NARTB, Orig Col, NARTH Tape. Tuner,
on low -level tubes. Controls: Selector - Equalizer (Eur 78, Orig Lon, Tape. TV); Mag I or 2; Dynamic Noise Suppressor; Low -Frequency
Orig AES, R IAA-NA RTB.Orig Col, NARTB Tape. Tuner. Tape); Noise Control; Iligh- Frequency Noise Control; Distortion Filter:
Mag I or 2; Rumble Filter; Scratch Filter; Volume -Loudness; Volume- Loudness; Bass; Treble; Loudness; Speaker Selector; Off
Loudness; Input Level; Bass; Treble; Off-On. Two 6L6GB tubes in on; Tape Monitor. Output Impedances: 4, 8, and 16 ohms. Two
output. Gold panel. 4 %xl5x12'. Less case; see below. For 105 -125 6CÁ7 output tubes. Size, 4 %x15 j-¡xl2,W. Less case; see below. For
v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 20 lbs. 105 -125 v.. 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 27 lbs.
94 SZ 582. NET 99.95 94 SZ 583. NET 189.95
Superbly designed, highly sensitive tuner. Includes all of the features of the 330 -C
Has complete and separate AM and FM FM -AM tuner described at left, plus a com-
sections to permit reception of stereo broad- plete equalizer and preamplifier. Requires
casts. Signal strength meter for simple, ac- only a basic amplifier (see Model 240 on
curate tuning. FM Section: 2 pv sensitivity page 41) and speaker system to make a
for 20 db quieting; 1 with 72 -ohm an- highly flexible FM -AM installation. By
tenna. Wide -band design; 2 me detector; adding another amplifier and speaker
automatic gain control. AM Section: 1 5v system, you can receive stereo FM -AM
sensitivity for usable audio output; new. broadcasts. Inputs include 1 low-level
extremely effective detector; 10 kc whistle magnetic phono and 2 high -level for tape
filter; 4 v. audio output for 100% modula- and TV. Outputs include: Main. Tape
tion. Controls: FM vernier and quick tuning; Recorder, FM and AM stereo. Controls:
AM vernier and quick tuning; Off -On; Selec- Selector - Equalizer (Eur 78. Orig AES,
tor (FM, AM %Vide Range, AM Normal. RIAA- NARTB, Orig Col. NARTB Tape.
AM Distance). Separate output jacks for FM, AM Wide Range. AM Normal. AM
feeding stereo amplifier system or tape re- Distance. Tape); Bass: Treble; Off -On/
corder. 11 tubes; 2 diodes; 6X5 rectifier. Loudness; Volume Loudness switch; FM

4yjx155jx12%'. Less case; see below. For and AM Tuning; Mag or 2. 13 tubes. 4,4x

105 -12S v., 50-60 cycle Al'. 17 lbs. 155¡x125. Less case; see below. For 105-
94 SX 584. NET. 199.95 125 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Wt. 19 lbs.
94 SX 585. NET 259.95
New, greatly improved basic FM tuner with 310-B BASIC FM TUNER
silver - plated front end for high sensitivity. Professional broadcast monitor, basic FM
Includes: Automatic gain control; low im- tuner for deluxe Iii -fi systems. Wide -hand
pedance output to permit connecting cables design with ISO kc IF pass band and 2 me
up to 70 ft. in length; signal strength meter; limiters and detector; 3 stages of full
coarse or fine tuning. Wide -band circuitry limiting. Interstation Noise Suppressor
consists of 150 kc IF passband, 2 me detec- eliminates FM "hiss ". Automatic gain con-
tor bandwidth; 2 stages of full limiting; trol. Signal strength meter. Low-impedance
80 db rejection of spurious response. Separ- output permits use of long leads. Tape
ate taie recorder and multiplex output. recorder output. Sensitivity: 154 e" on 30(1 -

.Sensitivity: 2 uv for 20 db of quieting; 1 ny ohm input with 20 db of quieting. 85 dh

with matched 72-ohm antenna. Max. Audio rejection of cross modulation. Max. Audio
Output: 4 v. for 75 kc deviation. Controls: Output: 4 v. for 75 kc deviation. Controls:
Off -On /Level; Tuning. 6 tubes: 2 diodes; Tuning. Fine Tuning, Level. Noise Suppres-
6X4 rectifier. 4 %x135Tx9 -'.
Less case; see
below. For 105 -125 v.. 50 -60 cycle A('.
sor. 9 tubes; 3 diodes; 6X5 rectifier. Size.
4%xl33x9N Less case; see below. For

Shpg. wt., 15 lbs. 105 -125 v.. SO -60 cycle M. 14 Ils.

94 SX 586. NET. 129.95 94 SX 587. NET 169.95
CASES FOR SCOTT UN TS. *Steel, leather finish. }Wood. Av. shpg. wt.. 154 lbs.
No. Type HWD Description For EACH
94 SX 577 Ce 413 x1554x12' Steel 99-D, 210-F, 300, 330-C, 331-C 9.95
94 SX 578 I)
45%x135áx1O54' Steel 310-8,311-C,121-C 9.95
94 SX 580 CWMt 5hx1554xl254' Mahogany 99-1),210-F,300,330-C,331-C 19.95
94 SX 590 DWMt S1 x13!sx954' Mahogany 310-B.311-C.121 C 19.95
94 SX 581 CWBt SSÜx1554xl2yj' Blonde 99-D,210-F,300.330-C,331-C 19.95
94 5X 591 Mitt
544x135sx95Ç Blonde 310-8,311-C,121-C 19.95
See Page 20 For H -Fi Systems Featuring Scott Units


o I.1e 1111- 11111iä
300 in Case

A professional -quality MODEL 280 80 -WATT. Fulfills the most Outstanding in perform-
$16995 preamp.equ, the
offers the audio
121 -C
demanding requirements of audio perles
tionists. Skillfully engineered down to the
$I5995 ance and workmanship,
this new FM -AM basic
Less Case connoisseur the ultimate finest detail. "Dynamic Power Monitor" Less Case tuner conforms to Scott's
in control flexibility. Con- circuit protects speakers from overload traditional standards of
tinuously variable controls provide an damage. Adjustable damping control for excellence in design. Features absolute
infinite number of compensation settings perfect match between amplifier and speaker freedom from noise, drift and distortion -
for matching any recording characteristic; system. Class "A" circuitry. Power Output: matches other Scott components.
provision for 2 magnetic inputs; I)ynaur:d Rated. 80 watts; instantaneous peak. 161
Noise Suppressor with switchable rumble watts. Response: Flat from 12 to 6000 cps. FM SerGon: Silver - plated front end for
filter to allow scratch suppress' only, Balanced output circuit. Hum: 90 (lb below maximum sensitivity; 3 pv sensitivity on
rumble suppression only, or both together: rated output. Hamanir Distortion: Less 300-ohm input for 20 db of quieting; 150 kc
separate channel for playback direct from than 0.5%. IM (Ist order): Less than 0.1%. IF passband assures reception of weak
tale recorder heads; switch for monitoring Output Impedances: 4 to 24 ohms and 70 -v. stations without distortion; 2 me detector
right off the tape with 3 -head recorders; etc. output for PA systems. 4 -ô('A7's in out- bandwidth and temperature -compensated
Cathode -follower outputs; two tape re- put. 18xI3x6riÇ'. For 105 -125 v.. 50 -60 oscillator for drift -free tuning; automatic
corder outputs. Controls: 8-pos. Input Selec- cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 45 lbs. gain control; 2 stages of full limiting; steep
tor (NARTB Tape, 33 % -45, 78 Trans, 94 SZ 570. NET 229.95 IF response for maximum selectivity. AM
Tuner. Tape, TV, Extra, Spare); Mag or 1 Section: Separate tuned RF amplifier stage;
2; Dynaural Noise Suppressor: Off -On; MODEL 240 40 -WATT. Output: Rated, 40 adjustable AM reception from front panel;
Range (Suppressor Off, Rumble Suppressor watts; 80 watts instantaneous peak. Re- 10 kc whistle filter. Controls: Selector (FM,
Only. etc.): Volume- Loudness; Loudness; sponse: Flat from 12 to 60,00(1 cps. Har- AM Normal, AM Wide Range); Tuning.
continuously variable Turnover; continu- monic Distortion: 0.5 %. IM (Ist order): Flywheel tuning and "precision -ray" tuning
ously variable Rolloff; Rumble Suppression 0.1 %. plum balance and input level adjust indicator. Outputs: Main, Tale Recorder.

On -Off; Amp/Tape Monitor; Bass; Treble. ment. etc. Variable damping. Impedances: Multiplex. 8 tubes; 2 diodes; 6X4 rectifier.
6 tubes; 6X4 rectifier. 4 %x13%x93{p'. Less 4 to 24 ohms and 70-v. output for P.A. Meets FCC radiation specs. 5815%81214'.
case; see page 40. For 105 -125 c., 50 -60 Two 6CA7's. 13xI1x614'. For 105 -125 v.. Less case; see page 40. For 105 -125 v., S0-
cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 14 lbs. 50 -60 cycle A('. Wt '1 lbs. . 60 cycle A(.'. Shpg. wt., 14 lbs.
94 5X 588. NET 169.95 94 SZ 571. NET. 119,95 94 SX 589. NET.... .... .....159.95

MC-30 litc140.11

C-8 in Cabinet
AUDIO CONSOLETTE PREAMP- EQUALIZER. Superbly designed unit. MC -30 30 -WATT BASIC AMPLIFIER. Offers flawless audio reproduction.
Employs deposited- carbon resistors, silvered mica capacitors.termi- Special circuit employs "unity coupling" for greater power output
nal board construction. etc. 2 -piece chassis with separate miniature without distortion. For use with (' -8 preamp, (below), or any other
power supply. Spectacularly low distortion and noise figures. quality preamp or tuner with full set of controls. Only 0.5 v. input
Hum: Inaudible at full gain. Response: ±1 db, 20- 60,000 cps. /M is required for full 30 watt output. Response: ±0.1 db, 20 to 30,(011
Distortion: 12 v. RMS. 0.5°.x. 7 Inputs: 3--low -level for Mike. low cps. Distortion: Harmonic, less than As c4, at 30 watts; IM, less than
or medium -level Magnetic Cartridges; 4--high-level for Tuner, 0.5%. Hum ïy' Noise: -90 db. Output Impedances: 4, 8, 16 and 600
Tale, TV. Extra. Cathode follower output. Tape recording output ohms. 2 -1614's in output. Black and chrome styling. 8)(13x8'. For
unaffected by all controls except record equalizers. Controls: 6 -pos. 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. set., 36 lbs.
Input Selector; Tape-Playback or Monitor; 6 -pos. Bass; 6-pos. 93 SZ 895. NET ......143.50
Treble; Loudness: Bass and Treble Tone; Ili -Frequency Filter; On-
Off. 6817x7%". For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Wt.. 1.3 lbs. MC-60 60 -WATT BASIC AMPLIFIER. Similar to abase. /Af Distortion:
99 SX 168. Mahogany. 99 SX 169. Blonds. NET EACH 171.00 Less than 0.5% at 60 watts. Hum: -90 db. 2 6550 output tubes.
40 -WATT BASIC AMPLIFIER. Deluxe, 40 -watt ultra -linear amplifier. 8x14x10 ". For I10 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Wt., 41 lbs.
Switch permits 20 -watt triode operation to protect low -power 93 SZ 899. NET .
speaker systems. Built -in meter and switch for Bias, I)(' Balance, C -8AUDIO COMPENSATOR. Highly flexibleequalizer -preamp. For use
AC Balance. Variable damping. Hum: -90 db. Response: ± I db. with MC -30, MC -60 basic amplifiers. Controls: Rumble Filter;
15 -45,000 cps. Distortion: Harmonic, under 0.5% to IO kc; IM, Record Compensator with 10 slide switches; Aural Compensator;
0.5% at 40 watts. Output Impedances: 4.8, and 16 ohms. 634x I
9W For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle A('. Shpg. wt. 46 lbs.
5 Loudness; 5 -pos. Input Selector; Bass; Treble; Off -On/Volume. S
inputs, each with level control. 33- xl0x734'. Less cabinet; see
99 5Z 006. NET 198.00 below. Takes power from MC -30 or MC -60. Wt., 7%j lbs.
NEW ELECTRONIC CROSSOVER. Not illustrated. For hi -fi systems 93 SX 889. NET 88.50
using 2 amplifiers. Connects speaker system directly to respective
amplifier. A basic 2- channel unit -use one for a 2 -way speaker C -8P SELF- POWERED COMPENSATOR. As abuse. but self-powered for
system; use two for 3 -way speaker system. IM: Less than 0.1%. use with any amplifier. Plugs into AC line. 3f4x1Ox7W. Less cabi-
With separate power supply. Shpg. wt. it lbs. net; see below. For 110-120 v., 60 cycle At'. Wt.. 12 lbs.
93 5X 532. NET 90,00 93 SX 890. NET 99.50
C -4P EQUALIZER -PREAMP. With controls. 3 . 42(10x7SÇ ". Less cabinet;
CABINET FOR ABOVE. Houses or 2 crossovers. 141.0(45 xx6" 2 lbs.
see below. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle At'. Wt., II
93 SX 533. Mahogany. 93
SX 534. Blonds. NET EACH... 19.50 93 SX 708. NET 75.50
BLANK PANEL. Covers unused section of cabinet when only one cross- WOOD CABINETS. For C -8, F. SI', C 41' preamp, >. Size, 4A-6 xl I s tsx
over unit is employed. Gold finished metal -hpg. w-t., I Ib. 7W. Sùpg. wt., I% lbs.
93 5535. NET .3,00 93 5X 898. Mahogany. 93 SX 709 Blonde NET EACH 8.00
Hi -F) Components Are Available on Allied's Easy Pay Plan - See Page 396 41

, ,. . _


New. completely restyled. ultra -compact 12 -watt ONLY All-new exceptionally well- designed. 20-watt am-
plifier with controls. Offers outstanding Bell qual-
i$6855 lù -ti amplifier with controls. Perfect for the mod-
erately priced home music system, this versatile
unit offers all the deluze features of larger amp-
lifiers. Combines smart. low-silhouette styling
with outstanding performance. New. "magic touch" control com-
icy and precision engineering. The unusual reserve
tower -handling capacity of the Model 2325, plus
highly flexible controls. make it an excellent
choice for use with other custom components. Includes the ultra -
bines our -off switch with loudness control. With the push -pull switch convenient. single -dial "Magic Touch" control. Alter setting the
pre -set to the loudness position you prefer, you simply push knob loudness control to the desired volume, all you need do is pull the
to shut off. or pull the knob to start your system playing -no need knob to start the music playing, and push it in to stop. There's no
to readjust volume or loudness each time you turn on amplifier. further need to readjust the volume or loudness when using the
Offers unexcelled convenience and ease of operation. system at another time!
Only 4' high. the Model 2315 can be placed on a table. shelf, mantel. The Model 2325 also includes a 3- position speaker selector switch
bookcase. etc. ('an also be mounted in custom cabinet with only the for Iri-fi ensembles using two speaker systems. Switch allows you
panel exposed. Continuous strip of light along the control panel to play either of the speakers separately, or both together. Other
functions as a pilot light and illuminates controls in the dark. Hand- features include separate rumble filter and scratch filter switches.
somely styled in rich. saddle -tan finish. the 2315 blends gracefully 4 positions of record equalization, equalized tape head input. etc.
with any interior decorative scheme. Other features include: Built - Space- sparing design permits installation anywhere. Low silhouette.
m preamplifier with three positions of record equalization and equal-
ized tape head input; inputs for all associated hi -fi equipment
-amply plug in your record player, tape recorder or tuner and con-
- with illuminated control panel. adds a dramatic touch to any room.
Enclosure is attractively finished in saddle tan; may be dismantled
for fast. easy custom installation.
nect to speaker system: control versatility allows you complete
command over musical reproduction! Power Output: 20 watts; handles 40-watt peaks. Frequency Response:
r0.3 db. 20 to 20.000 cum. Distortion: Harmonic, less than 0.3 %;
I M. less than 0.5 %. Hum: 75 db below 20 watts. 7 !Outs: 2 -low-
Power Output: II watts; handles 20 -watt peaks. Frequency Response:
*0.5 db. 20 to 20,000 cps. Distortion: Harmonic, less than 0.5 %; level Magnetic or Tape Head. Crystal or Ceramic Phono, high -level
M. less than 3% Hum: 75 db below 12 watts. 6 Inputs: 2 -low -level Magnetic, Radio Tuner, TV, Auxiliary. Controls: "Magic Touch"
On- Off -Loudness; Rumble Filter; Scratch Filter; 3 -pos. Speaker

Magnetic or Tape Head. Crystal or Ceramic Phono. high -level Mag-

netic. Radio Tuner. Auxiliary. Controls: "Magic Touch" On-Off- Selector; Bass; Treble: Level; 8-pos. Selector- Equalizer (Tape. 78.
Loudness; Bass: Treble; Level; Selector - Equalizer (Tape. RIAA. RIAA, LP, Eur. Radio Tuner. TV, Aux); Phono/Tape input selec-
Eur, Radio, Aux); Phono /Tape input selector (Low-level Meg, tor (low -level Mag. Tape or Ceramic /Crystal; low -level Mag, high -
Tape and Ceramic /Crystal; low -level Meg. Tape or high -level Mag). level Mag, or Tape). Tuner input has Level control. Hum balance
Rumble filter switch. Hum balance adjustment. Output Impedances: adjustment. Output Impedances: 4, 8 and 16 ohms; high- impedance
4. 8, 16 ohms and recording. Tubes: 2- 6V6GT, 3-I.CC83 /12.\X7: for tape recording. 2 separate outputs for speakers to be switched.
Tubes: 3-- E('C83. 12AV6, 2- -6L6GB; 51;4GB rectifier. Size, 4%x
+V3GT rectifier. Two convenience A(' outlets. Size. 4x13'/4x9".
For 110 -1it) volt. 60 cycle A('. Shit. wt.. 15 lbs. I611 ". For 110 -120 v.. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 24 lbs.
94 SX 736. NET 68.55 94 SZ 737. NET.. 107.75


Neu-, SO -watt Iri -fi arupliher with controls I )ual- channel. hl. ti amplifier for reproduc-
Meets the most exacting requirements of tion of binaural records. tapes and broad-
the audio perfectionist. Has all the deluxe casts. Also use as monaural amplifier (utiliz-
features of the Model 2325 described above, ing both output channels). Has equalized
plus extremely high power-handling capac- (NARTB) tape inputs for playing stereo
ity (handles 100 -watt peaks!). Low-silhou- tapes from basic tape mechanism.
ette styling; saddle -tan finish.
Power Out put: Su watts. Frequency Response: Output: 12 watts per channel. Under 0.5%
X0.5 db. 20 to 20.000 cps. Distortion: Har- distortion. Response: =0.3 db. 20- 20.000
monic, less than 0.5 %; IM. less than %. 1
cps. Hum: 70 db below rated output. Dual
Hum: 75 db below rated output. 7 inputs: Inputs: Radio, tape, tape preamp, dual aux.,
2 -low -level Magnetic or Tape Head, Crys-
magnetic phono. Dual Outputs: 4, 8, 16 ohms
tal or Ceramic Phono, high -level Magnetic. plus dual tape recording. Controls: 4-pos.
Radio Tuner. TV. Auxiliary. Controls: Selector: 6-pos. Function Switch (Binaural-
"Magic Touch" On-Off -Loudness; Rumble Monaural- Loudness combinations); Bal-
Filter; Scratch Filter; 3-pos. Speaker Selec- ance (2- channel gain); Gain (both channels
tor switch; Bass: Treble; Level; Selector - simultaneously); Bass, Off -On- Treble. 8x
15x11 ". 10 tubes, rectifier. Less cage. listed
Equalizer (Tape, 78. RIAA, LP. Kur, Radio. below. For operation from 110-120 v.. 60
TV. Aux). Phono /Tape input selector- etc. yole A('. Shpg. wt.. 28 lbs.
Output Impedances: 8 and 16 ohms; high - 98 SZ 596. NET 146.95

impedance for tape recording. Tubes:

EC('83. 12AV6, 6ÁN8, 2 -6CA7; GZ34 rec- METAL CAGE FOR ABOVE, Distinctively
tifier. Size, 51/2x16x11'. For 110 -120 v.. 60 styled in handsome ivory and brown finish.
cycle AC. Shpg. wt.!35 lbs. Slipg. wt.. 4 lbs.
94 SZ 738. NET . 156.75 98 SX 597. NET 12.69


The Model 2285 10-watt hi-fi amplifier with Output: 10 watts; handles 16 -watt peaks.
controls really sets the pace for high per- Response: .1 db. 20 to 20,000 cps. Distor-
formance at low cost! Simply designed, but tion: 2% at 10 watts. Hum: -65 db. 3 In-
with a host of desirable features, it includes: puts: Magnetic Phono or Tape Head; Radio
Built -in preamp with 'Mono equalized to or TV; Auxi;,ary (for Crystal or Ceramic
RIAA curve; separate bass and treble tone Phono). Controls: Equalizer-Selector (Aux,
controls; 10 watts of full- range, low- distor- Phono-equalized to RIAA curve. Radio);
tion power; low -noise ECC83 tubes in pre- Volume; Bass; On-Off - Treble. Output Im-
amp section; compact enclosure for use as pedances: 4, 8 and 16 ohms; high-impedance
is, or for quick, easy installation in custom for tape recorder. Tubes: 2-
6V6GT. 2-
cabinets: non -scratch nylon feet on bottom ECC83: 6XSGT rectifier. 31/2x1 l tlAx9'. For
of enclosure prevent marring or damaging 110 -120 v.. 60 cycle AC. Wt.. 10 lbs.
of furniture finishes. 98 SX 823. NET 48.51
Custom Components Available on Allied's Easy Payment Plan -See Page 396

___ - ____ ---

FM-AM basic tuner ion ONLY
New 1S -watt amplifies New. economy 10 -watt
use with Grammes ampli
ahnav t ha e b i
employs new feedback cir-
cuitry lo achieve excellera $3871 amplifier at tremendous.
savings. An excellent unit
$13279 afiemrps lifioer r
of controls. Offers excep
inog fru ll s-ett response with low distot
tion. Features record con)
Less cage for the budget-priced mu
sic installation. Include'.
tional selectivity and sensitivity. Deluxe pensat:on: calibrated bass and treble; loud built -ut preamp compensated for the RIAA
features include: Armstrong FM circuit. ness control; rumble and scratch filters; and curve separate bass and treble controls, neg-
cascode RF stage. ten tuned IF circuits and 6 inputs, including one for tape head. ative feedbackand 4 inputs. I'niquearrange-
two double -tuned Foster -Seeley limiter Charcoal gray and brass styling matches ment of bass control in volume control cir-
stages. Assures maximum sensitivity and GRT -3 tuner at left. Output: 15 watts: cuit enables volume control to be used as a
freedom from interference. Flywheel tuning
and FM -AM tuning meter for precise tun-
peak. 20 watts. Response: ±1 db. 30 to
15.000 cps at 15 watts. 6 Inputs: Auxiliary.
loudness control. Extremely compact
be placed anywhere. In highly -attractive
ing. Cathode follower output permits long Tuner, Tape. Tate Head, Magnetic Phono. charcoal gray and brass finish.
leads to amplifier. Uses wide -band, highly Crystal Phono. Controls: Selector (Aux. Output: 10 watts rated. 15 watts peak. Re
sensitive IF coils. AM section includes 10 Tuner. Tape, Phono); Record Compensator
kc whistle filter. Meets FCC radiation specs. (500 -Flat. RIAA. Early LI'. Tape Head); spouse: *1 db 30- 20.000 cps. Distortion.
Illtra-com pact -finished in handsome char- Loudness: Bass; Treble; Rumble Filter. 2% harmonic. 3°%c IM. Feedback: 12 db
coal gray and brass. Scratch Filter; Loudness- Off -On; Power -Off- Controls: Selector (Aux. Tuner, Phono Flat.
On. Output Impedances: 4. 8 and 16 ohms. RIAA. Early LP); Volume: Bass (with
15 db boost); Treble (with 18 db attenua
Sensitivity: FM, better than 11/2 micro- plus high -impedance for tape recorder. tion); Off -On. Hum: 80 db below output
volts for 20 db quieting; AM. 3 microvolts. Size. 4,Ax13x8,4'. For 110 -120 v., 60
Antenna /splits: FM. 300 ohms; AM. built cycle M'. Slips. wt., 17 lbs. level. Output: 4. 8, 16 ohms. Inputs: Tuner,
in ferrite Ioopstick plus external antenna Aux., Magnetic phono. Crystal- Ceramic
93 SX 547. NET .68.11 phono. Tubes: 1 -12AX 7. 2 -6V6GT.
connection. Hum: 65 db below 100'4 6X5GT rectifier. Size, S1/2x10x6'. For oper-
modulation. Controls: Tuning and Selector MODEL 10PG8 10 -WATT AMPLIFIER. Output:
Switch (Off-On -AM. FM with AF('. FM
less AFC. 11 tubes; 6X4 rectifier. HWI),
10 watts; peak, 15 watts. Response:
30 to 20,000 cps.
I dim.
inputs. Output Impel,
ation from 110 -120 s.. 60 cycle AC. Shpg.
wt.. It) lbs
41/2x13x8% . For 110 -120 v.. 60 cycle AC. anus: 4. 8 and 16 ohms. 41/2xI3x61/2'.For 93 SX 546. NET ..38.71
Slips. wt.. 16 lbs. 110 -120 v.. 60 cycle AC. 13 lus. METAL CAGE FOR ABOVE. Wt., 3 lb..
93 SX 540. NET.. 132.79 93 SX 548. NET 53.90 93 SX 549. NET . 4.65

5 -1000 fi `_-
in case S- 2000 in case S -3000 in cose
A fine example of full'. New, skill(ullyengineered Q Features the same, ex
$10950 tional styling and cam
plete control flexibility
$13950 FM -AM basic tuner- -
perfectly matches the
$995 tremely sensitive FM cir
cuit employed in the
Less case Sherwood's new S -10181 Less cose S- 1000 II amplifier de Less case S -2000 tuner; styling
II 30-watt amplifier meets scribed at left. Features matches the S -1000 II
every requirement of the hi -fi music lover. highly sensitive circuitry. automatic fre- amplifier. Outstanding sensitivity makes
Tastefully styled, it can be placed on -tables. quency control on FM. "feather- ray" tun- FM reception practical beyond 100 miles.
shelves or mantel -and is equally simple to ing eye for pin -point FM -AM station Highly stable coil design. delayed auto-
build into custom cabinetry. Employs in- selection and directable nul AM antenna. matic gain control and Foster Seeley dis-
verse feedback circuitry, and special output criminator. preceded by 3 limiters. assures
transformer to attain undistorted power FM Section: Unusual sensitivity of 0.95 distortion -free reception. Automatic f re
output (less titan th% at 36 watts)! microvolt for 20 db quieting. Circuit em- quency control for drift -free tuning; dis-
ploys triode mixer, IF amplifier. 3 cascaded abling switch permits tuning in weak.
Output: 36 watts; 72 -watt peaks. Response: limiters and Foster -Seeley balanced dis. distant stations. Also has "local-distance-
tth db. 20 to 20.000 cps at 36 watts. Hum
b. Noise: Volume control, -90 db; radio in
criminator. Low-noise. balanced antenna switch and "feather -ray" tuning eye.
Sensitivity: 0.95 microvolt for 20 db quiet-
input transformer feeds cascode RF ampli
put. -80 db; Phono, -60 db. Sensitivity: fier. AM Section: 2 microvolt sensitivity at ing. Controls: Off-On; AFC Off -On; Tuning;
Radio, 0.3 v.; Phono, 3 microvolts. 6 /s- 60% modulation for 0.5 v. output. Superhet Sensitivity (Local -Distance). Cathode fol-
pats: 2- Magnetic Phono, Tape Head or circuit, 2 tuned RF circuits, pentagrid lower audio output; FM multiplex output.
Mike,4- Tuner, Tape Recorder. TV, etc. mixer. double-tuned IF stage with switched 8 tubes; 6BR5 /EM80 split-shadow tuning
II Controls: Push-button switches for Pres- coupling and low- distortion diode detector. eye: 6X4 rectifier. White leatherette panel.
ence, Scratch Filter. Rumble Filter and 10 kc "bridged -T" whistle filter. Controls: 4x14xi01/2'. Less case. below. For 110- 120v..
Phono Level; slide switches for Tape Moni Off-On- FM -AM; Tuning: slide switch for 60 cycle AC. Wt., 16 Ib-.
for and Loudness In -Out; Selector (Tape. AM Wide. AM Narrow; slide switch for 94 SX 333. NET 99.50
Phono. A, B. C); Equalization (I.P, lem. FM -AFC On- and -Off. Slide -rule dial with
RIAA-AES. Eur, Tape. Mic): Bass; Treble; split- shadow tuning indicator. Cathode (ol METAL CASES FOR SHERWOOD UNITS
and Off -On Loudness. Tubes: 4 -EL84, 2
12AX7 /ECC83, 6AQ6. 6BA8A; GZ34 recti-
lower output; FM multiplex output. 10
tubes; 6X4 rectifier. 6BR5iEM80 tuning
TYPE B. )flack "tlextom SI.i'g wt.. 3 lbs.

fier. White leatherette panel. Size 4xI4x eye. White leatherette panel. Size, 4x14x 94 SX 334. NET 5.00
1O1/2'. Less case, see right. For 110 -121) v., 101/2'. Less case. see right. For 110 -120 c.. TYPE C. Mahogany leatherette with classic
60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 23 lbs M) cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 18 lbs. gold tooling. Slips. wt.. .1 lbs.
94SZ331.NET 109.50 94 SX 332. NET 139.50 . 94 SX 335. NET 10.00
Letter Z in Stock Number Indicates Express Shipment Only 43

MORE FOR YOUR MONEYI Allied's 12' and 15" Knight 3 -way high-
fidelity speakers offer superb sound reproduction. Each unit is
manufactured to the exacting specifications of our audio experts.
Ilied's great volume of sales enables you to own these remarkable
,peakers at low cost -dollar for dollar, they are your best buy!

New KNIGHT 12" and 15" 3 -Way Precision Speakers

AS LOW AS 3Independent Radiating Elements for Uniform Response
Full s/4 -Pound Alnico V Magnet with High Flux Density

$4950 Genuine Compression -Type Horn- Loaded Tweeter

Built -in Electrical Crossover; L -Pad Tweeter Control
The hi -fi event of the year! Allied's own MODEL KN-800 12' 3 -WAY SPEAKERS. Re-
3 -way high -fidelity speakers, designed and sponse. 35 to 15,000 cps, f3 db; resonant
manufactured to the strictest audio speci- frequency. 50 cps. Impedance. 16 ohms;
fications. and brought to you at an out- rated 25 watts program material. Diameter.
standingly low price. These speakers are 12'14 "; depth. 8'. Shpg. wt.. 12 lbs. Uncon-
of the new 3 -way design, and have a large ditionally guaranteed for one full year.
cone for low frequency reproduction, a spe-
cially constructed conical radiator for mid -
81 DX 839. NET 49.50
frequencies, and a built -in compression MODEL KN-810 15" 3 -WAY SPEAKERS. Re-
tweeter for high -frequencies. An I.-pad level sponse. .30 to 15,000 cps. f3 db; resonant
control. pre -wired to the speakers with a frequency. 40 cycles. Impedance. 16 ohms;
30' cable, lets you adjust high- frequency rated 25 watts program material. Diameter,
151A1'; depth, 9'. Shpg- wt., 15 lbs. Uncon-
response to satisfy personal listening tastes
and match room acoustics. Amplifier output ditionally guaranteed for one full year.
wires connect to binding posts on the speak- 81 DX 840. NET 62.50
er frame-no soldering is necessary. 3 -WAY SPEAKERS IN PAIRS. Take advantage
of the top quality of these speakers and save
Heavy. 1s/ß -pound magnet insures effective even more, by using them in pairs. I'ni-
reproduction of even the most thunderous formity of characteristics make them ideal
bass passages. The rigid frame used in the speakers for use in a stereophonic sound
Knight 3-way prevents rattling and distor- system; each speaker system will then be
Woofer w Mid -Range Tweeter tion. A mechanical crossover separates bass perfectly matched in response and volume.
from mid -range at 2000 cps; an electrical 2 -KN -800 12'. Save $10.00! Wt., 24 lbs.
crossover smooths the transition from mid-
range cone to tweeter at 4000 cps. These 91 DZ 938. Sat of two, ONLY 89.00
speakers are ideal for use in the Klipsch -de- 2 -KN -810 15'. Save $15.501 Wt.. 30 lbs.
signed Knight corner enclosures. 91 DZ 911. Sat of two, ONLY..... 109.50
KNIGHT Bass Reflex Lowboy Hi -Fi Speaker Enclosure
AS LOW AS Kit or Assembled reflex enclosure kit of superior quality
$3695 Pre -Glued Cleats
Lock -Miter Joints
throughout. Made entirely of
wood with mahogany veneer; "snap -in"
1 ply-

Tweeter Adopter lock -miter joints. Size, 26' high, 34' wide
KN-1330-U and 16' deep. Complete with screws. insu-
lation, legs, grille cloth and detailed, illus-
The new Knight bass reflex enclosures now trated instr. Shpg. wt., 60 lbs.
feature lock -miter joints. like those on the
finest furniture, in both assembled and kit 95 DZ 595. NET 36.95
models. Lt's easier than ever to do a profes- MODEL KN- 1230.U. ASSEMBLED, UNFINISHED.
sional job on the kits! Moreover, cleats that As above, but completely assembled. 61 lbs.
hold the front and back panels are already 95 DZ 588. NET 48.00
glued to place -the hard part of the job is MODEL KN- 1230-M. ASSEMBLED, FINISHED.
already done for you! Front panels are cut
for a 15' speaker, and supplied with a re- The same enclosure as that listed above.
movable adapter board for a 12' speaker. completely assembled and finished in lus-
You even get acoustical insulation, to line trous French mahogany. 62 lbs.
the interior, and handsome plastic grille 95 DZ 589. NET 69.00
cloth. Exposed surfaces of unfinished models KN -1230-U WITH 12' 3 -WAY INSTALLED. As-
are /4" mahogany veneer, ready to take a sembled and unfinished. Wt., 72 lbe.
beautiful finish; finished version is done in 94 DZ 793. NET 89.50
rich mahogany. Legs may be mounted for
low-boy or hi -boy positioning of enclosure. KN- 1230 -U WITH IS' 3 -WAY INSTALLED. As-
Ideally complements quality furniture of sembled and unfinished. Wt., 75 lbs.
contemporary or any other style. 94 DZ 798. NET 99.75
K N-1740
KNIGHT High -Fidelity 8" Speaker Enclosure
MODEL KN- 1240-M. MAHOGANY. Compact
ONLY Exceptionally Compact Knight bass reflex enclosure for 8' speaker
s2475 Effective Bass Response
Handsomely Finished
as described at left. completely assembled
and finished in French mahogany. Size, 11'
high. 23%' wide and 11 z/a' deep. Shpg. wt.,
For Any 8' Speaker 20 Ito.
Compact, completely assembled and fin- 95 DZ 616. NET 24.75
ished bass reflex enclosures for 8' speakers,
available with or without speakers. Care- MODEL KN- 1240.8. KORINA BLONDE. As
fully computed dimensions provide maxi- above. but korina blonde finish.
mum effective bass response in minimum 95 DZ 617. NET 24.75
space; construction of s/¡ plywood through- ENCLOSURE WITH 8' UNIVERSITY DIFFUSI-
out insures freedom from cabinet rattle. CONE-8 SPEAKER INSTALLED. Enclosure as
Ideal for any hi -fi system that must occupy above, finished in mahogany or blonde, with
as little room as possible -fits shelf, mantel. 2 -way University Diffusicone -8 8' speaker
table -top. etc. All exposed panels are of installed. Speaker response is 70 to 13,000
fine furniture mahogany or korina veneer, cps. Power capacity, 25 watts. Shpg. wt..
hand- rubbed to a high luster; face of en- 24 lbs.
closure is covered with durable plastic grille
cloth. Excellent performance with any 95 DZ 628. Mahogany. NET

Diffusicone-8 quality 8' hi -fi speaker. 95 DZ 629. Korino Bland*. EACH 46.75
Letter "Z" In Stock Number Indicates Express Shipment Only
HIGHEST QUALITY AT LOW COST. Knight speaker enclosures and en-
closure kits have been developed KN -1200
to provide you with the finest pos-
sible speaker enclosure at the lowest cost. When used with Knight
3 -way speakers, Knight enclosures assure you of true high- fidelity
sound reproduction at exceptional savings.

KNIGHT Klipsch- Designed Speaker Enclosures and Kits

AS LOW AS Beautiful Hand -Rubbed Furniture Finish 1
$4950 Klipsch- Licensed Folded Corner Horn Design
Adapter Board for Additional Components
Preflnished Kit "Quik- Craft" Kit Versions Assemble with a Screwdriver
Nowhere will you find value to compare bass range. "Quik- Craft" Kit versions of thi
with the precision- designed, handsomely Knight -Klipsch require only a screwdriver
finished Knight -Klipsch corner speaker en- for assembly -and like the assembled mod
closures. Made throughout with the finest els, have a fine furniture finish. lock -mitel
furniture veneers, and hand- worked to a joints securely seal the horn chamber with
lustrous, rich -looking finish., these enclos- out glue. An adapter board supplied accom-
ures will grace the most distinctive of homes. modates tweeters or another speaker. Size:
The efficient folded -horn uses the walls of 12' models. A. 10'; B. 6%'; C, 21'; D. 32'.
your room to greatly improve and extend 15' models. A. 10'; B, 8Va'; C,24'; D. 32 ".
Stock No. Size Model Description Lbs. NET
94 DZ 768 12' KN-1200-M Assembled; Mahogany 45 69.50
94 DZ 769 12' KN-1200-B Assembled; Korina Blonde 45 69.50
94 DZ 794 12' KN-1200-W Assembled; Walnut 45 69.50
94 DZ 770 12' KN-I300-M "Quik- Craft" Kit; Mahogany 43 49.50
94 DZ 771 12' KN-1300-B "Quik- Craft" Kit; Korina Blonde 43 49.50
94 DZ 796 12' KN-1300-W "Quik- Craft" Kit; Walnut 43 49.50
94 DZ 773 15' KN-1210-M Assembled; Mahogany 50 84.50
94 DZ 774 IS' KN-1210-B Assembled; Korina Blonde 50 84.50
94 DZ 795 IS' KN-1210-W Assembled; Walnut 50 84.50
94 DZ 775 15" KN-1310-M "Quik- Craft" Kit; Mahogany 47 57.50
94 DZ 776 IS' KN-13100.8 "Quik- Craft" Kit; Korina Blonde 47 57.50
94 DZ 797 15' KN-1310-W "Quik- Craft" Kit; Walnut 47 57.50

KNIGHT 3 -Way Speakers in Knight -Klipsch Enclosures

Get the must in high -fidelity performance Knight- Klipach corner horn enclosure. I!
from your record player, tuner and amplifier and 15' Knight 3 -way spec keys are described
by using a Knight 3 -way speaker in a on the opposite page. You .Sore $9.N/!

Stock No.
12' 3-Way in KN-1200-M
12' 3-Way in KN-1200-B
Shen. Wt., Lbs.
- - --

94 DZ 746 12' 3-Way in KN-1200-W 52
94 DZ 747 13'3-Way in KN-1210-M 65
94 DZ 748 IS" 3-Way in KN-1210-B 65 137.50 KN- 1220 -M
94 DZ 749 I 15' 3-Way in KN-1210-W 65

3 -WAY SPEAKER AND KNIGHT -KUPSCH KITS. the enc osure and install the speaker. Br
You save when you use just a bit of time to sure to specify mahogany. blonde or walnut
put together a Knight - Klipsch enclosure kit finish. when ordering.
for your 3 -way speaker. A combination of I2' 3 -WAY &
the two units -with your choice of cabinet KNIGHT-KUPSCH KIT. 45 lbs.
finish -is
available at a special price. offer- 91 DZ 937-C. Save $9.50! NET. ..89.50
ing exceptional savings on both speaker
and enclosure. is.-WAY & KNIGHT -KUPSCH KIT. 50 lbs.
You need only a screwdriver to assemble 91 DZ 910-C. .cire $9.50! NET...110.50

KNIGHT Corner Horn H i -Fi Speaker Enclosures

AS LOW AS Itie Knight corner horn Enclosure parts are Ot t/" plywood faced
enclosure is a versatile, with mahogany veneer on areas which are
s295o handsomely designed
high- fidelity unit especial-
exposed. Maroon plastic grille cloth is fur-
nished with kit versions of the enclosure.
ly well -suited for use in Overall size, A. 35%'; B, 24 %'; C, 33s/í.
budget- priced hi-fi systems. It is available Shpg. wt., 30 lbs.
as a kit that can be assembled with a screw-
driver, or assembled. Kit versions have pre - MODEL KN-I 220 -M. Assembled corner horn
glued cleats and are luxuriously pre -finished enclosure, with French mahogany hand -
in your choice of French mahogany. Korina rubbed finish. Supplied complete with
blonde or walnut. The assembled version is adapter board for additional components;
available in French mahogany only. may he used with 12' or 15' speaker.
The corner hotn enclosure uses the walls of
95 DZ 598. NET 39.50
a room as an extension of its self- contained MODEL KN -I 320 -M. Mahogany -finished kit.
horn, for strengthening the natural hass
tones of the music. It may be used with a
12' or 15' speaker, and an adapter board is
also provided for mounting tweeters or mid-
range components for use in a 2 or 3 -way
system. It provides excellent performance
at moderate cost.
95 DZ 596.

95 DZ 986.
MODEL KN- l320 -W.
95 DZ 881.
MODEL KN- 1320 -B. Blonde-finished

Walnut-finished kit.
Allied is Headquarters for High -Fidelity Equipment
Patrician 4-Way Speaker Systems
i auous a, one of the most distinguished of high-fidelity loudspeaker systems. the Patrician
by Electro-Voice is offered in a choice of two cabinet styles -the
traditional Patrician IV
and IVI) systems. and the richly modern Patrician 600 and 6001) systems. The 1VD
and 60013 systems use the revolutionary "lonovac" high- frequency unit, in which ionized
stir replaces the conventional diaphragm (see page 49), while the IV and 600 systems use the
new T350 driver with the Avedon Sonophase horn (also on page 49). Other components of
Patrician speaker systems are detailed in the listing at the bottom of this page.
Beautifully hand -crafted Patrician enclosures are of Klipsch -licensed indirect radiator de-
ign; each is carefully assembled from selected hardwood veneers and inlays, and exquisitely
finished. Power -handling capacity is 35 watts; 70 -watt peaks. Supplied with components
installed. Size: (IV and IVI)) 62' H. 39' W. 29' D.; (600 and 6001)) 581/2' H. 38' W. 30' 1).
.Shipped F.O.B. Chicago or Dowagiac, Mich.. whichever is nearer.
Stock No. Model Speaker Pkg. Finish Wt., Lbs. I

82 DZ 300 IV 103E Mahogany 390 950.60

82 DZ 301 IV 103E Limed Oak 390 976.08
82 DZ 302 IV 10.3E Walnut 390 976.08
82 DZ 346 IVD 1031) Mahogany 400 1038.80
82 DZ 347 IVI) 10313 Limed Oak 400 1064.28
82 DZ 348 IVI) 1031) Walnut 400 1064.28
82 DZ 303 600 103E Mahogany 360 802.62
82 DZ 304 600 103E Limed (Yak 360 821.24
82 DZ 305 600 103E Walnut 360 821.24
82 DZ 306 6000 10313 Mahogany 370 890.82
82 DZ 307 6001) 1031) Limed Oak 370 909.44
82 DZ 308 6001) 1031) Walnut 370 909.44
Georgian 4-Way Speaker Systems
A speaker system of exceptional quality. housed in a Klipsch-licensed "K"-type lolded
corner horn; offered in traditional Georgian IV exterior design. or new Georgian 600 con-
temporary styling. Both contain the same speaker package, an outstanding combination
of components. The system includes the ISWK special low- frequency speaker. crossing
over at 300 cps through the X336 network to the MT30 mid -bass horn assembly (see page
49 for description of this new unit); high frequencies are covered by the newly developed
T350 Ultra -Sonax VHF driver, which employs a 2 -1b. magnet and an unusually effective
born design. Included are two AT37 controls, for separate adjustment of mid -range and
high frequency levels to best suit the acoustics of the room in which the Georgian is placed.
The Georgian is supplied with all speaker components mounted and wired. Georgian IV.
and Georgian 600 are of the same acoustic design, differing only externally. Imp.. 16 ohms
Capacity. 35 watts. Georgian IV. 53' high. 34' wide. 26' deep; Georgian 600. 48íW high.
28W wide. 25s/ß deep. Shipped F.O.B. Chicago or Dowagiac. Mich., whichever is nearer.
GEORGIAN IV (Shpg. wt.. 290 lbs.) GEORGIAN 600 (Shpg. wt.. 255 lbs.)
Stock No. Finish I NET Stock No. Finish NET

82 DZ 309 Mahogany 548.80 82 DZ 312 Mahogany 480.20

82 DZ 310 Limed Oak 558.60 82 DZ 313 Limed Oak 489.02
82 DZ 311 Walnut 558.60 82 DZ 314 Walnut 489.02
Quality speaker ensemble for use in superior Interior assembly of Patrician enclosure less
home music systems; consists of 105E deluxe speaker components. For installation in cor-
speaker package in an enclosure acoustically ner; uses walls of room as part of back -
similar to the Georgian above. walls of loaded folded horn. Rigidly constructed of
room as part of folded horn, in place of heavy lumber, stained matte black. May be
built -on rear panels. Speaker units include painted to match walls or room decor; will
ISWK special 15' woofer; MT30 coaxial not take furniture finish. Accepts 10313 or
mid -range /bass horn and driver; T350 VHF 103E, or similar 4 -way system with 18'
driver; X336 crossover and two AT37 woofer. Size: 5774' high. 341/2' wide. 26'4'
controls. All speakers installed. 45s/á high. deep. Shpg. wt.. 168 lbs.
261/4' wide. 23' deep. Shpg. wt.. 200 lbs. 81 DZ 775. NET 186.20
Stock No. Finish NET
82 DZ 315 Mahogany 416.50 Forms complete 4 -way speaker system. less
82 DZ 316 Limed Oak 424.34 furniture cabinet. when used with 105E or
82 DZ 317 \Valour 424.34 similar speaker components package; sup-
plied less speaker components. Matte black
CARDINAL ENCLOSURE ONLY stained; will not take furniture finish. but
"K "type indirect radiator, corner folded may be painted or concealed behind open -
horn. less speakers. Shpg. wt.. 100 lbs. weave drapery. Designed for corner instal-
161.70 lation; walls of room form part of horn
82 DZ 318 Mahogany 1

structure. Size: 381/2' high. 26% wide,

82 DZ 319
82 DZ 320
Limed Oak
231 ' deep. Shpg. wt.. 88 lbs.
82 DZ 330. NET 112.70
SPEAKER PACKAGES ONLY. Carefully selected systems of speaker components. Each package
includes all driver components, necessary hardware for mounting in enclosure, cable
harness and full instructions for mounting. All are intended for use in "K" -type indirect -
radiator folded horn enclosures: 'also for new E-V phase - loaded enclosures.
Stock No. Model Components Wt., Lbs. NET

82 DZ 331 1178 ISBWK bass driver: MT3OB mid -bass

.assembly; T358 VHF driver; X336 cross
over; 2 -ÁT37 controls. en 1 47.98
82 DZ 332 105E ISWK bass driver; MT30 mid -bass assent
hly; T350 VHF driver; X336 crossover.
2 -ÁT37 controls. lis) 240.10
82 DZ 333 IOD Same as 105E. but with T3500 "lonovac'
in place of T350 VHF unit. 326.34
82 DZ 334 103E ISWK bass driver; 1186 mid -bass dual
driver assembly; T25A HF driver. with
611D horn; T350 VHF driver; X2635
crossover; 3-AT37 controls. ont, 422.38
82 DZ 335 1031) Same as 103E. but with T3500 "lonov:m
in place of T350 VIIF unit. its 509.60
106A ond 105E
letter "Z" In Stock Number Indicates Express Shipment Only
Centurion 4-Way Speaker Systems
SENIOR CENTURION IV. A complete 4 -way speaker system installed in the Centurion Klipsch-
type enclosure; uses the Electro -Voice 105E deluxe 4 -way components package (see page
46). Specialized 15WK 15' woofer is back -loaded by corner folded horn for highly effective
bass response. Crossover network X336 directs frequencies above 300 cps to MT30 mid -

bass horn assembly. Newly developed T350 Ultra -Sonax VHF driver takes over at 3500
cps, continuing to 21.000 cps. Includes 2 -AT37 level controls for "Presence' and "Bril-
liance' adjustment. Power- handling capacity of entire speaker system is rated at 35 watts in
continuous service. and 70 watts on peaks. Impedance: 16 ohms.
Exterior styling of the enclosure is similar to the Georgian. but is on a smaller scale. Size:
42' H, 29' W. 221/2' D. Shpg. wt., 163 lbs. In choice of finish (see table below).
CENTURION IV. Same "K" -horn enclosure as above, but with 1176 4 -way economy speaker
components package installed. Consists of ISBWK bass driver, MT3OB mid -bass assembly.
T358 Super -Sonax VHF driver. X336 crossover. and 2 -AT37 controls for "Brilliance'
and "Presence". Power-handling capacity. 20 watts. Shpg. wt. 127 Ib, .


Stock No. NET Stock No NET
Mahogany 82 DZ 321 477.26 82 DZ 324 384.16
limed Oak 82 DZ 322 484.12 82 DZ 325 391.02
Walnut 82 DZ 323 484.12 82 DZ 326 I 391.02
Regency Speaker Systems
REGENCY Ill. Complete 3-way high- fidelity REGENCY WITH ISTRX. Regency enclosure
speaker system combining the advantages with popular ISTRX 3 -way speaker install-
of folded -horn performance with flexibility ed. Provides optimum results when placed
of placement. Klipsch- licensed horn design either in a corner or against a wall of the
with "built -in" corner allows it to be used room. Offers smooth, extended bass response
against a flat wall or in a corner. In lowboy with clear highs to 15,000 cps. 138 lbs.
motif, this highly efficient enclosure en
hances any decorative scheme. Speaker Stock No. Finish NET
components include 1SW 15' woofer, T2SA 81 DZ 836 Mahogany 273.42
HE driver with AHD horn. T35 VHF driv-
er. X8 and X36 crossovers. and 2 -AT37 81 DZ 837 Limed Oak 283.22
controls. 16 ohms. 20 -30 watts. HWD: 81 DZ 868 Walnut 283.22
29 %x331/2xl9'. Shpg. wt.. 135 Ib, .

Ills SPEAKER PACKAGE. Speaker comp,

Stock No. Finish I NET nents used in Regency III speaker systen .

81 DZ 496 Mahogany 385.14 at left. Supplied complete with borne'. -

cable. mtg. board. etc. Size (HWDI, 261/2's
81 DZ 497 Limed Oak 394.94 321/2x13'/2'. Shpg. wt.. 107 Ib,
82 DZ 327 Walnut 394.94 81 DZ 498. NET 260.68
Empire Speaker Systems
EMPIRE IA. 3 -way system in attractively de- EMPIRE WITH SP158. An excellent "starter"
signed Empire lowboy enclosure. Compact. system. easily expanded; consists of SPISB
highly efficient folded -horn design provides 15' Radax speaker installed in Empire en-
authentic reproduction of bass frequencies; closure. Other components may be added
may be used against wall or in a corner. gradually to expand this system to the 2-
Components in system include 15ßW bass or 3 -way type. Rear of speaker is coupled
driver; T1OA HF driver with 8111) diffrac- to folded horn ; " Whi zzer" element effectively
tion horn; T356 VHF driver with X825 distributes high frequencies. Wt.. 71 lbs.
and X36 crossovers and 2 -AT37 level con-
trols. Level controls permit adjustment of Stock No. Finish NET
overall system balance to suit room acous- 81 DZ 832
tics. Fine hardwood veneers, hand -rubbed Mahogany 139.16
to a lustrous finish. 16 ohms. 15 -20 watts. 81 DZ 833 Limed Oak 143.08
Size (HWD): 291/2x32x 16'. Wt., SO lbs. 81 DZ 867 Walnut 143.08
Stock No. Finish NET 116A SPEAKER PACKAGE. Speaker compo-
nents of Empire IA system at left, with
81 DZ 765 Mahogany 269.50 mounting board, etc. HWD. 261/2x321/2x
81 DZ 766 Limed Oak 276.36 12W. Shpg. wt. 68 lbs.
82 DZ 328 Walnut 276.36 81 DZ 771. NET 172.48
Aristocrat Speaker Systems
ARISTOCRAT III. Deluxe 3 -way system in ex- ARISTOCRAT WITH 12TRXII. Top-quality sys-
ceptionally compact Aristocrat folded -horn tem using highly popular I2TRXH 12'
enclosure. Selected speaker components pro- 3 -way speaker; adjustable high- frequency
vide unusually fine music reproduction. in- control for matching of system to individual
-:. eluding extended bass response without room acoustics. Covers entire audible range.
boominess. Speaker components are 12W Shpg. wt., SR lbs.
12' bass driver; T25A HF driver with 8111)
diffraction Isom; improved T35 VHF driver: ARISTOCRAT -SPI28. Economy 12' speaker
X8 and X36 crossovers and 2-AT37 level system offering rich. authentic response at
controls. 16 ohms. 15 -20 watts. Size (HWD) : low cost. Includes enclosure and SP12H
29%x19x16%". Shpg. wt.. 74 lbs. 12' speaker. Shpg. wt.. 56 lbs.
Stock No. Finish NET 1 Stock No. Finish NET I Stock No. finish NET '

81 DZ 439 Many305.58 81 DZ 756 Mahogany 35.24 8I DZ 9I I Mahogany 104.86


B DZ 442 Liman Oak 3I 2.62

1 81 DZ 757 Limed Oak 42. 0 81 DZ 912 Limed Oak
1 1 .72 1 1 1

82 DZ 329 Walnut 312.62 81 DZ 865 Walnut i142.10 81 DZ 913 Walnut 111.72

Extremely compact. Klipsch- licensed cor- For exceptional performance where space
ner horn enclosure. Provides excellent is limited; includes SPRH 8' speaker. T356
sound reproduction. With SP8B 8' speaker tweeter. AT37 HF control and X36 cross-
installed. bass response extends to 35 cps. over. Response. 35 cps to beyond audibil
Size. 221/2x141/2x13% Shpg. wt., 29 lbs.
. ity. 16 ohms; IS 20 watts. Sltpg. wt.. 35 lbs.
Stock No. Finish NET Stock No. Finish I NET
81 DZ 754 Mahogany 73.01 81 DZ 872 Mahogany 109.27
81 DZ 755 Limed Oak 76.93 81 DZ 873 Limed Oak I 113.19
81 DZ 866 Walnut I 76.93 81 DZ 874 Walnut I 113.19
For Full Specifications Of Individual Speaker Components, See Pagas 48 -49 41
Three -Way Speakers Radax Speakers
Employ three concentrically mounted sec- Radax principle provides highly efficient
tions- Super -Sonax VHF driver. Radax and economical method of using two con-
propagator. and large bass cone with heavy centrically mounted cones operating from
magnet, for a superb standard of perform- single voice coil. Built -in mechanical cross-
ance. TRX 3 -way speakers deliver vibrant over from low- frequency cone to high -
bass, full- bodied mid -range response and frequency propagator permits design of
ultra -clean treble.Feature concentric each cone for optimum response.
mounting of all elements for wide -angle dis-
persion; adjustable high- frequency level MODEL SP15. Deluxe 15" Radax speaker
control; electrical crossover network. Edge- with special 125 sq. in. bass cone and 21/2"
wise -wound voice coil design provides 18% aluminum voice coil. Provides exceptionally
more efficiency and lower transient distor- fine bass, mid -range and treble reproduc-
tion. Excellent for use in custom high - tion. Excellent for custom home music
fidelity installations or for modernization of systems. Heavy Stt/4 lb. Alnico V magnet for
existing systems. All are 16 -ohm impedance. unusually good damping-superb transient
MODEL ISTRX. Electra- Voices finest 3 -way response and remarkably distinct bass.
speaker. Custom- engineered in every detail Resonance of bass cone. 35 -45 cps. Bass cone
to reproduce with a startling degree of is directly coupled to "Whizzer" HE
realism. Uses extra -large 5% Ib. magnet for radiator. Insures 100 treble dispersion.
minimum transient distortion and remark- Frequency response, ±5 db. 30- 13.000 cps.
ably clean and distinct bass. Consists of Rated. 30 watts. 16 ohms. Crossover, 3000
Radax -type 15" speaker with "Whizzes' cps. Requires 13í/z" dia. baffle opening; 9'
high -frequency propagator; concentrically depth behind mtg. panel. 41 lbs.
15TRX -8
mounted T -35 Super- Sonax" very-high- 81 DZ 280. NET 87.22
12TRX -B frequency tweeter; X -36 half- section. con-
stant K crossover network: and the AT -37 MODEL SPI5 -8. 15" Radax speaker similar
HF level control. l'ses 2t/ aluminum to above model, except for smaller 1 lb.
voice coil. Frequencies above 3500 cps are magnet and 20 watts handling capacity.
distributed to "Super- Sonax" tweeter by Response characteristics -30- 13.000 cps.
the X36 crossover network. AT -37 level Perfect choice for the moderate -cost home
control adjusts tweeter output. Response. hi -fi system. Seamless molded type bass
*VA db. 30- 19.000 cps (in Regency or Em- cone directly coupled to "Whizzer" II F radi-
pire enclosure). Resonance. 35 -45 cps. Ca- ator. Insures very wide dispersion- extends
pacity. 30 watts. Depth behind panel. 91/4". treble 2 full octaves. Crossover, 3500 cps.
16 ohms. Sting. wt.. 48 lbs. Resonance. 38 -48 cps. Imp.. 16 ohms. Re-
81 DZ 235. NET 146.02 quires 13í1W baffle opening; 7W depth be-
hind mtg. panel. Shpg. wt.. 15 lbs.
MODEL ISTRX -6. Moderate cost 15" speaker 42.14
similar to model above. Same excellent 81 DX 760. NET
features, but employs smaller. 11/z lb. mag- MODEL SP12. Popular. moderately- priced
net. 3-way concentric -mounted sections for
smooth bass. mid -range and treble re- 12" speaker. Ideal for hi -fi installations and
sponse. Consists of Radax -type 15" speaker modernization of older systems. Radax prin-
with "Whizzer" high -frequency propagator; ciple uses two cones with single voice coil.
SP12-B T -358 "Super -Sonar" VHF tweeter; HF 3000 cps built -in mechanical crossover net-
level control. Mechanical crossover at work. Bass cone resonates. 35 -45 cps. Incor-
2000 cps. Built -in electrical crossover at porates "Whizzer" high -frequency. wide -
3500 cps -feeds to T -35B VHF tweeter. dispersion radiator for extended treble re-
Response. ±3t% db. 30- 18.000 cps (in Re- sponse. 100 solid angle dispersion. Highly
gency or Empire enclosure). Power han-
dling. 20 watts. Resonance. 38 -48 cps. 16 30- 13.000 cps. r
efficient 3 lb. magnet. Response. ±5 db.
aluminum voice coil.
Rated. 25 watts. Impedance. 16 ohms. 11'
ohms. 7s/í" depth. Shpg- wt.. 17 lbs.
77.42 baffle opening; 71/4" depth behind mounting
81 DX 761. NET panel. Shpg. wt., 25 lbs.
MODEL 12TRX. 12' speaker. Has same su- 81 DZ 279. NET 64.68
perior design features of Model 15TRX
above. l'se of Radax -type speaker insures MODEL SP12 -B. speaker. similar to
phenomenal bass response: mid -range char- above. but uses a smaller, 1 -Ib. magnet.
acteristic provides vivid realism; highest Considered a "best buy" by many author-
SP8-B audible frequencies are faithfully repro- itative high -fidelity publications, the SP-
duced by the T -35 Super -Sonax Very High - 12-B ranks high on the list of desirable
Frequency driver. AT -37 HF control com- hi -fi components. Power handling capacity,
pensates for room furnishings- allows 20 watts. Resonance, 40 -50 cps. Response,
matching to room acoustics. Half- section ±5 db, 30- 13.000 cps. 16 ohms impedance.
constant -K X -36 crossover network. Re- Crossover, 3500 cps. I1" baffle opening; 6'
sponse. ±3t/ db. 30- 19.000 cps (in Aristo- depth behind mounting panel. Shpg. wt..
crat enclosure). Resonance. 40 cps. 31 lb. 12 lbs.
magnet. Power capacity. 25 watts. Depth. 81 DX 278. NET......... 34.30
8 ". 16 ohms. Shpg. wt.. 32 lbs.
81 DZ 236. NET 122.50 MODEL SPB -8. 8" version of above. Excel-
MODEL 12TRX -8. Excellent 12" speaker sim- lent for limited space hi -fi applications.
ilar to above except Ií/6 lb. magnet. With Employs same Radax -type construction fea-
Radax principle and 2000 cps first cross- tures- concentric mounting of all elements
over for exceptional bass and mid -range for extremely smooth reproduction. Low
response. 3500 cps built -in electrical cross- cone resonance of 55 -65 cps and "Whiz-
over feeds the T35B VHF driver for repro- zer" high - frequency propagator provide
duction to beyond the range of audibility. good overall balance and wide dispersion
With brilliance control. Resonance, 45 cps. angle. 1 -lb. Alnico V magnet. Power han-
Power handling. 20 watts; 30 watts on dling capacity. 20 watts. Response. ±5 db.
peak. Response (in Aristocrat). ±3t% db, S0- 13,000 cps. Crossover. 4000 cps. 16
35- 15,000 cps. 11/4 lb. magnet. 16 ohms. ohms impedance. 7' baffle opening. 4W
6144 depth. Shpg. wt.. 14 lbs. depth behind panel. Shpg. wt., 9 lbs.
81 DX 239. NET... 64.68
. 81 D 277. NET 28.91
Low-Frequency Woofers
Featured in E -V speaker systems; all have Stook -Mtn. Afton. Shee.1 NET
wmsually low cone resonance. Can also be
and 3 -way
No. Typ. rep Wt. EACH
used as woofers in custom 2
sound systems. All woofers in this listing 81 DX 397 12BW 40-50 12 lbs. 34.30
are rated at 20 -40 watts. Compliance of 81 DZ 285 12W 35 -45 25 lbs 64.68
outer cone rolls and inner spider carefully
calculated for maximum extended bass 81 DX 762 15BW 38-48 15 lbs.
SPIS range response. Cones are treated for mois- 81 DZ 950 1SBWK 38-48 115 lbs.
SP12 Lure and fungus resistance. Heavy Alnico V
magnets. ISWK. 15BWK and 1SWK woof- 81 DZ 286 15W 25 -35 41 lbs
ers are recommended for "K" horn and 84 DZ 429 15W11 25 -35 41 lbs.

phase -loaded systems only; require sealed 25-35 43 lbs.

cavity behind the driver. Have 3.2 ohms 9
237 18W K 20-30 43 lbs.
DC resistance;all others, l6ohms impedance.

Letter Z in Stock Number Indicates Express Shipment Only

FREQUENCY TWEETER. Delivers remarkably DRIVER. For use in deluxe multi -way speaker
clean, extended high- frequency response- systems having extended bass range. Pro -
3500 to 19,000 cps. Adds at least one vides extended treble response beyond audi-
more octave of highs. Features wide -angle bility. Employs diffraction horn principle
(180') dispersion horn; cutoff, 1500 cps. with special Avedon Sonophase throat de-
Uses molded -phenolic impregnated. linen sign Inc 180° dispersion pattern. Capacity. 135
diaphragm. Use with X36 crossover and 50 watts; handles 100 -watt peaks. Imped-
\T37 level control. For systems rated at T35
ance, 16 ohms. Frequency response: ±2 db.
20 watts or over. Crossover, 3500 cps. 2000 to 21.000 cps. Magnet wt., 2 lbs. Rec-
Imyedance. 16 ohms. Horn size; 5% long ommended crossover, 3500 cps. Horn is 71"
x2 wide. Pot size. 21/4" dia., 31/!" deep long. 21/2" wide. Pot dia., 3W. Overall
overall. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs. depth. 4W. Shpg. wt., 911 lbs.
81 D 434. NET 34.30 82 DX 337. NET .58.80
above but for systems with speakers rated AIR, VERY HIGH FREQUENCY DRIVER. For
under 20 watts. Dispersion. 180 °; cutoff, dazzling reproduction of treble frequencies.
ISOOcps. Impedance, 16 ohms. X36 crossover Employs radical new approach to reproduc-
network required. Pot size, 2%4" dia.; 3" tion of high frequencies. A glowing violet
depth overall. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs. "cloud" of ionized air replaces the speaker
81 D 432. NET 21.56 diaphragm. This cloud is then modulated
by the audio signal. producing rarefaction
MODEL AT37 LEVEL CONTROL. 16-ohm and compression of the air to form sound.
for adjustment of mid -range and tweeter As a result, the reproduced sound is un-
output. Mahogany finish. 6oz. AT37
restricted by properties of mass -not only
81 D 437. NET 3.82 does it reproduce audible sounds with
amazing clarity, but its smooth, crystal
MODEL AT378 LEVEL CONTROL As above, but clear high response reaches well into the
tor blonde cabinets. ultrasonic range! Frequency response: ±2
81 D 838. NET 3.82 db. 2000 to 40,000 cps. Recommended cross-
MODEL T1OA HIGH -FREQUENCY DRIVER. For over, 3500 cps. Dispersion pattern, 180 °.
ultra- clean, extended response. Use with Power capacity, 50 watts; handles 100 -watt
8111) or 6111) HF diffraction horn and peaks. 16 ohms. Driver assembly, 9x31/2x7";
crossover network. t5 electronic unit, 51/2x5x131/2". Baffle open-
db. 400-13.000 cps. ing. 11/2x6 ". Wt.. 12 lbs.
20 watts. 16 ohms. 12 -oz. magnet. 31/4" dia..
3W deep. Throat. W. 4 lbs. 82 DZ 338. NET 147.00
MODEL T25A HIGHFREQUENCY DRIVER. ASSEMBLY. Consists of Model 82811F coaxial
Phenolic- impregnated. linen diaphragm for driver, treble horn, mid -bass horn sections
added strength. Use with 8111) or 6HD and angle throat. Treble frequencies are
horn. phis crossover network. Response. emitted from one end -mid -bass frequen-
t5 db. 400 -13.000 cps. 30 watts. 16 ohms. cies from the other. For use with high -effi-
I -Ib. magnet. 31/4a dia. 44'
deep. Throat ciency, full -range speakers and deluxe
phase-loaded systems. Response in recom-
dia.. r/s ". Slipg. wt.. 6lhs.
56.84 mended baffle assembly. 200 to 10,000 cps.
81 D 288. NET Power handling capacity, 30 watts; 60 -watt
MODEL 8HD DIFFRACTION HORN. For use peaks. Impedance. 16 ohms. 1/4-Ib. magnet.
with TIOA or T25A drivers. 600 cycle cut- Size, 111/2" long. 61/2' high for clearance.
off. 800 cycle crossover frequency. Size. Shpg. wt., 71/2 lbs.
141/2x31/4x71/2". Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs. 82 DX 339. NET...... 42.14
horn for TIOA and T2SA drivers. Utilizes but employs Model 82811FB driver unit
400 cps cutoff. 600 cps crossover. Size. For use with medium- efficiency speakers
191/4" x 311' x 12'. Shpg. wt.. 6 lbs. and phase -loaded systems. Capacity, 20
81 DX 491. NET 21.56 watts; 40 -watt peaks. Employs 1/2-Ib. mag-
net. All other specifications are the same as
CROSSOVER NETWORKS. Attenuation, 12 the MT30. Shpg. wt 7 lbs.
db per octave in 1/2-section types; 6 db in 82 DX 340. NET... ... 34.30
1/4- section types. 16 ohms. Half- sections.

except X425, X825. 1/4; X2635, 1/4 and 1. NEW MODEL 118 MID -BASS DUAL- DRIVER AS-
No. Type Crossover Lbs. NET SEMBLY. For use in the Patrician and other
deluxe speaker systems. Includes two
82D 336 X425 400 4 31.34 82811F drivers. two mid -bass horn sections,
81 D 415 X825 800 3 18.62 and all mounting accessories. Response
81 D 293 X8 800 4 31.34 when used in recommended 200-cycle horn.
81 D416 X6 600 7 38.22 ISO to 1000 cps- Power handling capacity.
81 D289 X336 300 -3500 9 38.22 30 watts; 60 -watt peaks. Impedance. 16
81 D 436 X36 3500 2 9.31 ohms. Size. 211/2' long. 61/2" high for clear-
81 0404 X2635 200 -600- ance. Shpg. wt.. 14 lbs.
3500 11 73.50 82DX341.NET... 76.44


Steak No. Type Description of Components Wt..Lbs. NET
81 D 835 RBI For use with existing 2 -way systems (LF driver with treble driver), and coaxial speakers
having -2 -II, magnets. Includes T358 VHF driver. X36 crossover, AT37 level control.

wiring harness. S 36.26

81 D 858 B132 For use with existing 2 -way systems 11.E driver with treble driver), and coaxial speakers
having 3 -Ib. magnets or greater. Includes T35 VHF driver. X36 crossover, AT37 level
control, wiring harness. S 49.00
81 DX 834 1363 For existing l.F drivers and coaxial speakers having 1 -2 -lb. magnets. Includes TIOA driver,
MO horn, X823 crossover, AT37 level control, wiring harness. 10 84.28
81 DX 859 1364 For existing I,F drivers and coaxial speakers having 3 -lb. magnets or greater. Includes T2SA
driver, 8HD horn, X8 crossover, AT37 level control. wiring harness. 13 111.72
82 DX 342 REIS Adds very high frequencies with wide dispersion. For systems having extended bass ranges
such as Patrician VI, Georgian IV, Cardinal IV, Sr. Centurion. etc. Includes T350 UHF
driver, X36 crossover, AT37 level control, wiring harness. 13 73.50
82 DZ 343 BB6 Adds very high frequencies through modulation of ionized air stream. Used with deluxe.
extended -bass systems such as the Patrician !VD. Includes T3500 "lonovac" driver and
electronic assembly, X.36 crossover, AT37 level control, wiring harness. 161.21
82 DX 344 13137 For mid-bass and treble frequencies from 200 to 10,000 cps. Ideal for use with 1 to 2 -li,
magnet, full -range drivers such as SP12B. SPISB, 12TRXB, I5TRXB and medium -
efficiency systems. Plans for simple plywood horn extension provided. Includes MT3OB
driver -horn assembly, X425 crossover, AT37 level control, wiring harness. 14 71.54
82 DX 345 13158 For mid -bass and treble frequencies from 200 to 10,000 cps. Ideal for use with deluxe full -
range drivers having 3 -Ib. magnets or more, such as SP12, SPIS, 12TRX, I5TRX and
high -efficiency systems. flans for simple plywood horn extension are provided. Includes
M l'SII driver -horn assembly. X425 crossover, AT37 level control, wiring harness Is 79.38
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 49
New E -V Phase-Loaded System and Enclosures
with Matching Equipment Consoles
loaded. 4 -way speaker system installed in a styled and functionally designed. console
distinctively styled. contemporary enclo- equipment cabinet. Designed to perfectly
sure. Harmonizes beautifully with any match the Carlton phase- loaded speaker
modern furnishing mode. Enclosure avail- enclosure. Built by highly skilled wood
able only in CO/Millie, phase-loaded system. craftsmen. it forms a fine furniture piece of
Provides unusually clear bass and smooth. enduring beauty. Blends with any interior
resonant -free mid -range and treble. decorative motif. Separate compartments
are spacious enough to accommodate almost
Employs Model 105E components: Model any assortment of high -fidelity equipment.
ISWK 15" 'K" type low- frequency driver.
crossing over at 300 cps through X336 net-
work to Model MT30 mid -bass horn as-
Has adequate room for amplifier. tuner.
turntable or record changer, tape deck
plus record and tape storage facilities.
sembly. Mechanical crossover at 1000 cps.
Compartment dimensions: Record Player.
Model T350 VHF driver takes over at 3500 18' long, 17t/á wide. 91/z" overall depth
cps to provide treble response to 21.000 cps. (adjustable from 31/2" to 6" above mounting
Includes two AT37 level controls for "pres- board); Amplifier- Tuner. 13" high, 18' wide.
ence and "brilliance adjustment. Compo- 171/x" overall depth; Tape Deck, 13' high.
nents are factory- installed and checked. 18" wide. 17t/%" deep; Tape or Record stnr
Available in three lustrous, hand-rubbed age. 13' high. 19' wide. 174" deep. Overall
veneers. Size: 331/{ high, 261/e' wide. 191/2" size of the Sheraton is 331/4" high. 371/4"
deep. Shpg. wt., 174 lbs. wide, 19í/z "deep. Shpg.wt.. 1031hs.

82 DZ 390. Mahogany. NET. -.. 351.82 82 DZ 393. Mahogany. NET 169.54

82 DZ 391. Limed Oak. NET 356.72 82 DZ 394. Limed Oak. NET 177.38
82 DZ 392. Walnut. NET 356.72 82 DZ 395. Walnut. NET 177.38
flecting the attractive. new Scandinavian furniture piece for your home entertainment
trend in furniture decor, this magnificently center, the "Sovereign" is the perfect com-
styled enclosure adds a touch of elegance to panion to the "Suzerain" speaker enclosure.
any room. Carefully designed by audio ex- Together they form a splendid combina
perts to provide superior sound reproduc- tion which provides maximum utility and
tion. and built by skilled craftsmen. the blends beautifully with the most elegant
"Suzerain" demonstrates the perfect blend- decors. The "Sovereign" features convene
ing of creative design -function and style. ent lift -lid. tilt -out front design. The tilt -out
Exceptionally versatile, it accommodates front. for tuner or amplifier installation.
Electro-Voice phase-loaded. 4 -way speaker eliminates stooping by making all controls
system components such as Models 105E readily accessible.
and 117B, and all 12' or IS" full -range Accommodates record changer or turntable.
speakers, without the need for cabinet mod -

amplifier and tuner. Compartment dimen

ification. When used with these recom- gluts: Record Player or Turntable, 24í/z"
mended speaker components. it provides long. 17' wide and 91/4' deep overall (art
unexcelled reproduction of sound across instable from 31/2" to 6' above mounting
the entire audio range. Size: 361/2" high, 26" board); Amplifier- Tuner. 141/4" high. 2314'
wide. 191/4" deep. Shpg. wt.. 84 lbs. wide. 17" deep overall (mounting board 11 x
82 DZ 396. Mahogany. NET... 132.30 23W). Overall size. 361A" high. 26" wide.
82 DZ 397. Limed Oak. NET 139.16 191/x" deep. Shpg. wt.. 84 lbs.
Suceroin 139.16 82 DZ 399. Mahogany. NET 146.02
82 DZ 398. walnut. NET
82 DZ 400. timed Oak. NET. . 152.88
"DUCHESS" & "VISCOUNT" ENSEMBLE 82 DZ 401. Walnut. NET.. 152.88
veniently compact and with many of the
fine touches that distinguish top -quality NEW ELECTRO -VOICE
cabinetry. the "Duchess" provides complete PHASE- LOADED
versatility. You can install any E -V 12" or ENCLOSURES
15' extended -range or 3 -way speaker by
itself; then later. add tweeters or other
speaker components to form a 2 and 3 -way A radical departure Ir comet.
direct -radiator speaker system. It easily tional speaker enclosure desist,
accepts E -V's phase -loaded, 4 -way speaker E -V's new "Phase -Loaded" encl.
system components. such as the Model stures employ a unique au-ou 1H.
105E and 117B series without the need for principle to overcome the nun di
cabinet modification. The "Duchess'- is rectional characteristic of has -
provided with cutouts from which masks sound. Unlike treble and mid -rangs
may be removed to allow convenient instal tones. which are directional, ba.»
lation of components. Overall size. 293/4" tones are non -directional and is
high. 25" wide. 19' deep. Shpg. wt.. 60 lbs. dinarily travel along two routes on
82 DZ 402. Mahogany. NET 94.08 the way to your ears -resulting in
82 DZ 403. Limed Oak. NET 98.00 partial cancellation. One portion of
a bass tone gores directly to your
82 DZ 404. Walnut. NET 98.00 ears from the woofer. while another
portion of the same tune travels
the smart. contemporary styling of the first to the wall in back of the wood
er, and is then reflected to your ears.
"Duchess" enclosure and other excellent Since the sound taking this second
E -V enclosures including the "Empire" and route travels further. it reaches you
"Centurion ". Its workmanship is imper later than the sound that comes di-
cable. Features convenient lift -lid. tilt -out rectly from the woofe- -il is out of
front -either a tuner or an amplifier can he phase. "Phase -Loading" corrects
installed on the tilt-out front panel to make this bass -cancelling time lag by
all controls readily accessible. Accommo- using a specially designed woofer.
dates record changer or turntable. amplifier
and tuner. Compartment dimensions: Ret- placed low in a sealed cavity, lacing
the wall. With this unique arrange
ord Player or Turntable. 24' long. 17" wide. ment, all of the bass is "bounced"
19' deep overall (adjustable from 3t/ back from the wall at the same
to 6' above mounting board); Amplifier -
time, and in phase with mid -range
Tuner. 141/2" high, 22" wide, 17" deep (mtg. and treble tones -you hear a per
board. 81/4x12'). Size is 341/4' high. 26" fectlybalancedaudiospectrum! With
wide, 19t/e'deep. Shpg. wt.. 88 lbs. "PPase- loading ". not only are bass
82 DZ 405. Mahogany. NET 146.02 tones augmented by .3 times, but
82 DZ 406. Limed Oak. NET.. 152.88 you can place the enclosure any-
82 DZ 407. Walnut. NET 152.88 where along the reflecting wall.
See Inside Front Cover for E -V Phase- Loaded Speaker Systems
C ya1ec Speaker Enclosures & Kits
Complete kits for construction of famous 1 oilslied and completely assembled enclo-
Electro -Voice folded -horn speaker enclo- sures. also listed in the table below, have ap-
sures. Economical and easy to assemble. proximately the same dimensions as the
each kit includes clearly written, step-by- complete speaker systems shown on pages
step instruction manuals. All lumber parts 46 -47. The Regency can be used in a corner
are cut to exact size on the same precision or against the wall and accepts 12' or 15'
factory machinery which is used to manu- speakers, and 2 and 3-way systems. The
facture completed Electro -Voice cabinets. assembled Empire accepts phase -loaded and
All exterior surfaces of the enclosure kits conventional systems, with 12' and 15'
are made of clear- grained birch. ready for speakers- Empire kit is folded born only.
finishing in the color of your choice. Fin- Aristocrat corner enclosure takes any 12'
ishing kits, for obtaining a professional fur- speaker, or Electro- Voice's 2 and 3 -way
niture finish. are listed below. Grille cloth. systems. The Haronet accepts Electro-
glue. screws and nails are included; less Voice or any other 8' speaker and is de-
metal trim (see below) and driver com- signed for corner placement.
ponents (see pages 48 and 49).


ENCLOSURE Stock Model Shpg. Wt., ' NET Mahogany Limed Ook Walnut Shpg. Wt
No. No. Lbs. EACH Stock No. NET Stock No. NET Stock No. NET Lbs.

Regency 81 DZ 786 K1)4 5s 71.54 81 DZ 422 127.40 81 DZ 423 137.20 81 DZ 864 137.20 rep

I:mpire 81 DZ 787 KIM 45 49.98 81 DZ 769 97.02 81 DZ 770 106.82 81 DZ 863 106.82 56
\ristocrat 81 DZ 788 KI)6 36 38.22 81 DZ 295 70.56 81 DZ 296 77.42 81 DZ 862 77.42 14
Haronet 81 DZ 789 KI)7 15 25.48 81 DZ 4181 44.10 81 DZ 419 48.02 81 DZ 861 48.02 20

SEMBLY KIT. Not illustrated. EV's famous Easy- to-follow instruction booklets con- tom, metal trim and grille sets. Provide a
"K" horn. augmented bass section. Scaled taining complete plans and list of materials smart. professional appearance for your
up approximately 30% to deliver an added necessary to build any of the E -V speaker Electro -Voice enclosure kits--add a dis-
full octave of bass. Low in cyst. the KDI enclosures. tinctive. finished touch.
kit offers all the advantages of the Patrician The instruction booklets are each divided
enclosure in a built -in corner installation. into five sections. (l) description of the MODEL AK3. Trim kit for Patrician and
Designed for use with the Models 1031) or Georgian style exteriors. Consists of two
103E 4 -way driver package (page 46).
specific enclosure and system. plus per-
formance to be expected; (2) selection of decorative handles. 7' lomg and l'
wide, and
modern crossbar grille. Grille is cut to IO'
When completed. the KD1 kit stands 5774' materials, layout and cutting to size; (3)
assembling the enclosure; (4) installation by 2914" size. Attractively finished in brushed
Itigli. 3414" wide and 2674' deep. Kit in- of speakers; (5) built -in systems which be- and lacquered antique bra.s.4 lbs.
cludes all parts. plus highly detailed but 81 DX 796. NET.. 11.76
easy -to- follow assembly instructions. All come part of house. Full construction de- .

lumber parts are precut- glue, screws and tails include tips on selecting lumber. layout
and sawing of parts. and recommended MODEL AK4. Similar to above, but designed
nails are included. Shpg. wt.. ISO lbs. for Centurion style exterior. Handles are
Electro -Voice speakers and other compo-
81 DZ 783. NET 115.64 nents for your finished enclosure. Also in- 5" long and s/¡ wide. Grille is 8' by 25'.
clude drawings. photos and hints to simplify Shim. wt.. 3 lbs.
SURE KITS. Contain stain. filler, sealer. building. Postpaid in U.S.A. 81 DX 797. NET... 8.82
shellac. high -gloss and satin varnishes, fin- Stock No. Plan For NET MODEL AKS. For Model K134 Regency en-
ishing paper, brushes and instructions. chsure kit. Consists of lacquered, antique
Blonde kits include bleach. Shpg. wt., 6 lbs. 38 K 138 I it Patrician horn í 1.47 brass finish crossbar grille. 24' by 2914' in
81 D 844. Model FKIO. Walnut. 38 K 139 I it.! Georgian horn 1.47 size. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs.
81 D 845. Model FK20. Mahogany. 38 K 140 I ft.( Centurion .98 81 DX 798. NET . 5.88
81 D 846. Model FK30. Fruitwood.
81 D 847. Model FK40. Cherry.
38 K 141 I Itl Regency .98 MODEL AK6. Similar to Model .\K5 de-
38 K 142 lis Empire .98 scribed above. but for use with the Model
81 D 848. Model FK50. Golden Oak. KI)6 Aristocrat enclosure kit. Grille is
81 D 849. Model FK60. Ebony. 38 K 143 [lib Aristocrat .98 s lightly smaller. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs.
Above Kits. NET EACH 4.90 38 K 144 IIt7 Baronet .73 81 DX 799. NET 4.70
Electro-Voice High -Fidelity Components
AMP. Offers excellent sensitivity, micro - Features "Circlotron Circuit" for superb
accurate tuning and drift -free operation.
Completely independent AM and FM sec-
ti, ns. including separate tuning dials. per -
hi -fi reproduction. All DC is removed from
output transformer for extended response
with minimum distortion. Output: 20 watts:
nrit reception of stereophonic broadcasts. 40 watts peak. Response: a, I rib, 20-20.000
Other deluxe features are dual signal cps. Harmonic Distortion: Doss than U.5% at
strength meters, "Magic eye" timing aid. 20 watts; IM: Less than 1% at 20 watts.
and preamp. Controls: Selector for Tuner. Hum and Noise: -75 db. Outputs: 4. 8 and
Tape, TV. Auxiliary and Phono inputs: 3- 16 ohms for speaker; talle output jack.
posit ion Loudness control; 6- position Equal - (-ontrols: Function Selector. Record Com-
izer RIAA, LP, Eur -500, Eur- 300, 78 -500, pensator; Presence; Loudness; Rumble Fil.
78 -300); Phono switch (magnetic or ce- ter; Volume; Treble; Bass: Damping. Two
ramic- crystal); Hass: Treble; and Volume. 6V6GT's in output. 41/4x15x12 ". For 110-
'rttsifirily: FM. I av for 20 db quieting; 120 v...50-60 cycle AC. Wt.. 23 lbs.
%M. lyv. 10 kc AM whistle filter. 94 SZ 308. NET 122.01

l'rearnp section has response of db. MODEL AI5CL 15 -WATT LOWBOY AMPLIFIER.
iron 20 to 40.000 cps. Distortion: Harmonic Similar to above. but does not have Pres-
less than 0.2%; IM. less than 0.3%. Rated ence. luridness and Rumble controls. Two
Output: 1.25 volts from cathode follower EI.84's in output. Shpg. wt.. 21 lbs.
output; 0.8 volt from record output jack. 16 94 $Z 309. NET. 97.51
tubes, I diode. SV3GT and 6X4 rectifiers. MODEL PCI PREAMP-EQUALIZER. Distortion:
plus 6AL7 tuning eye. Brown baked enamel Less than .U3 %..Vaise Level: -75 db. Con-
with black escutcheon and brushed brass trols: Selector !Tuner. Tape. TV. Aux and
trim. Nice: 8t/ex15x15/e'. For 110 -120 v.. Phono. plus 4 level controls); 6 -los. Equal-
50 -60 cycle AC. Wt., 30 lbs.
izer; loudness; Rumble Filter; High Fre-
94 SZ 306. NET... 273.91 quency Filter; Hass: Treble: Presence; Vol-
ume: phono switch; tape recording output A20C1
MODEL 3304 STEREO BASIC FM -AM TUNER jack. Cathode follower output. Size: 4t/ax
Similar to above, but for use with separate I5x8t/¡. For 110-120 v.. 50-60 cycle AC.
preamplifier or amplifier having complete Shpg. wt.. 12 lbs.
set of controls. Has AFC. volume and FM-
\M balanced -level controls. 14 tubes. 3 di- 945X314. NET 97.51
g{es. 5 V3GT rectifier and 6AL7 tuning eye. MODEL PC2 PREAMP- EOUAUZER. Similar to
size: 814x15x15%'. For 110-120 v., 50-60 above. but has same controls as :\ISCL.
cycle M'. Shpg. wt.. 30 lbs. tize:4%xi5x6t /s Shpg. . net.. II lbs.
94 SZ 307. NET 234.71 94 SX 315. NET.. 65.66
Custom Components Available on Allied's Easy Payment Plan -See Page 396 51
EN -12 ENCLOSURE. Popular "cornerless EN -12 WITH 312 INSTALLED. Folded Born en-
corner" horn -loaded enclosure, redesigned closure described at left, with 12' University
with attractive new front panel and grille. 312 "Diffaxial" speaker installed. Has 12'
May be used against a wall or in a corner, bass cone. "Diffusicone" mid -range unit,
with equal effectiveness. Combines the best and HF -206 super -tweeter. 60 lbs.
features of rear horn -loading. phase inver- 81 DZ 884. Mahogany. NET. 143.08
sion, and direct radiator design. Speaker 81 DZ 885. Blonde Mahogany. NET .. 146.51
mounting board has pre -cut openings and 81D Z886. Walnut. NET 150.43
adapter board to allow progressive expan-
sion of speaker system. EN -12 WITH UXC -123 INSTALLED. 12' Univer-
sity "Diffaxial" speaker with reciprocating-

Openings permit easy installation of mid- flare super -tweeter. Reproduces entire musi-
range and high- frequency tweeters. Interior cal range with excellent fidelity. Shpg.
panels are strongly braced for maximum wt., 55 lbs.
rigidity, to eliminate rattling and "buzzing" 8I DZ 820. Mahogany. NET 137.20
at high- amplitude low- frequency signals.
For any 12' extended -range speaker; or 81 DZ 821. Blonde Mahogany. NET .140.63
multiple speaker systems using 12' woofer, 81 DZ 887. Walnut. NET 144.55
H -600 horn with T -30 mid -range or T -50 EN -I2 "SENIOR" 3 -WAY SYSTEM. For highest
mid- and high -range driver, and 4401. quality performance where space is limited.
UXT -5 or HF -206 tweeters. 291/2' high. Uses Cl2W woofer. H- 600/T -30 mid -range
211/2' wide and 151/2' deep. Choice of 3 combination, and UST -5 super -tweeter, for
handsome finishes. Shpg- wt., 48 lbs. superb reproduction. Shpg. wt., 95 lbs.
81 DZ 822.Mahogany. NET 74.48 81 DZ 893. Mahogany. NET 196.00
81 DZ 823. Blonde Mahogany. NET. 77.91 81 DZ 894. Blonde Mahogany. NET 200.90
81 DZ819. Walnut. NET 81.83 81 DZ 895. Walnut. NET.. 204.82
EN -IS ENCLOSURE. Improved version of an EN-I 5 "MASTER" 3 -WAY SYSTEM. Provides
advanced design folded -horn enclosure. For exceptionally fine music reproduction and
use with 12' or 15' speaker. Mounting occupies relatively small space; tonal range
board is pre-cut for 15 speaker, with re- exceeds the limits of human hearing. System
movable adapter cut for 12' speaker. For includes the effective CI5W 15 woofer.
mid -range it accommodates an 8' speaker T -30 driver unit with H-600 horn for mid-
or the H -600 horn with T -30 driver; for range, and HF -206 Hypersonic tweeter for
treble, the 4401. tJXT -5 or HF-206 tweeter, excellent high- frequency reproduction. N -3
or the H -600 horn with the T -50 driver. "Acoustic Baton" crossover network with
Internal construction is similar to EN -12. Presence and Brilliance controls permits
combining horn loading, phase inversion exact matching of speaker system response
and direct radiation. Projects maximum to room acoustics. Performance is on a level
available output of speaker at low frequen- with systems of considerably greater size
cies. without screening or blocking radia- and cost; the "Master" system handles up
tion of highs. Inclined front panel and un- to 50 watts of program material, smoothly
usual shave lend a distinctive appearance reproducing the full sonority of orchestras.
to the EN -15 and eliminate resonances. large choral groups, etc., as well as solo in-
Carefully finished in accordance with the struments and the human voice. May be
highest standards of furniture manufacture. placed in a corner, or against a wall. Size:
Choice of 3 finishes. Size: 37' high. 28" wide, 37' high. 28' wide, and 191/2 deep. Shpg.
191' deep. Shpg. wt., 96 lbs. wt., 130 lbs.
81 DZ 914. Mahogany. NET. ..... .122.50 81 DZ 824. Mahogany. NET 303.80
81 DZ 915. Blonde Mahogany. NET.. 13 2.30 81 DZ 825. BlondeMehogony. NET..313.60
81 DZ 817. Walnut. NET 136.71 81 DZ 841. Walnut. NET 318.50


S-8 "CLASSIC ". One of the finest speaker 5-9 EN -CB UTILITY "CLASSIC" SYSTEM. High -
systems available, in smart lowboy design quality 3 -way speaker components as at
enclosure. System includes C15W IS' woof- left, completely installed and wired inside
er for extended bass response; Cobreflex-2 the unfinished EN -C B utility enclosure. Sim -
mid -range horn with T -30 driver unit for ilar to "Classic," but less base and frame.
authentic reproduction from 350 to 5000 Constructed of selected Ye white birch
cycles; HF -206 super -tweeter for reproduc- veneer plywood, with lock and miter joints,
ing frequencies from 5000 cycles to inaudi- and braced with heavy glue blocks. May be
bility with diamond -like clarity. N -3 furniture -finished, painted to match walls,
"Acoustic Baton" crossover network in- or simply installed behind a partition or
cludes Presence and Brilliance controls, for wall having a rectangular opening (in custom
balancing sound of speaker system to acous- built -in systems). Supplied with all speaker
tics of room in which it is placed. Enclosure components already mounted and connect-
is a highly efficient folded exponential horn. ed. ready to play. Completely self- contained
front -loading the 15' woofer for direct pro- folded horn permits placement anywhere in
jection of bass frequencies toward the listen- a room; operation is entirely independent
er. Size, 341' high, 401/2' wide, 24% deep. of corners. walls, etc. Sire 40x30x24 ". Shpg.
Offered in choice of 3 handsome finishes. wt., 185 lbs.

Shpg. wt.. 210 lbs. 81 DZ 904. NET 313.60

81 DZ 826. Mahogany. NET...... 465.50 EN -CB UTILITY "CLASSIC" ENCLOSURE ONLY.
Unfinished enclosure, less speakers. Shpg.
81 DZ 827. Blonde Mahogany. NET 485.10 wt.. 142 lbs.
81 DZ 842. Walnut. NET.... .509.60 81 DZ 905. NET 117.60
Superb 3 -way 15' speaker system housed in ceptional clarity and smoothness. The HF-
unusually efficient folded horn enclosure. 206 Hypersonic tweeter is employed to repro-
Cabinet is similar to "Classic," but is spe- duce high frequencies with vivid brilliance
cially designed to fit the corner of a room. and clarity. All components are rigidly
Built -in front -loaded horn projects sound mounted in enclosure to thoroughly elimi-
of CI5W woofer outward into room. T -30 nate vibration or buzzing, even when high -
mid -range and HF -206 high- frequency com- amplitude. very low frequency sounds are
ponents effectively distribute sound through played. Overall response of the system ex-
listening area; the entire range of musical tends from 20 cycles to beyond the limits of
tones and overtones is reproduced with human hearing. Size: 361/2 high, 36' wide,
great smoothness and clarity. Enclosure 22' deep. Shpg. wt., 170 lbs.
workmanship is distinguished; every detail 81 DZ 813. Mahogany. NET 465.50
of assembly and finishing testifies to the
high standards applied in its manufacture. 81 DZ 814. Blonde Mahogany. NET 485.10
The T -30 driver unit and Cobreflex horn
reproduce mid -range frequencies with ex- 81 DZ 815. Walnut. NET 509.60
See Pages 54 -55 for Other University Components
7M -812 "TINY- MITE" ENCLOSURE. An unus- S-31M SYSTEM. Combination of 3 -way Mod-
ually effective folded -horn design, occupy- el 308 I'niversity "Diffaxial" S" speaker and
ing little more than one square foot of floor highly efficient "Tiny -Mite' enclosure list-
space, yet providing powerful bass response. ed at left. Speaker is installed, wired and
Designed for use with any 12" or 8" speaker; ready to use. Convenient terminal strip on
baffle board is cut for 12" speaker, with re- rear of enclosure for easy hook -up to ampli- I
movable adapter board cut for 8 speaker. fier without opening enclosure. Shpg. wt..
Construction is of heavy W wood, braced 30 lbs.
to eliminate any trace of vibration or rat- 81 DZ 897. Mahogany. NET 83.30
tling. Interior folded -horn construction op- 81 DZ 898. Blonde Mahogany. NET
erates independently of room placement; 86.24
enclosure may be used in a corner, against 81 DZ 899. Walnut. NET 87.71
a side wall. on a shelf, etc., without impair- "TINY -MITE" WITH UXC -122 INSTALLED. High -
ment of tonal quality. Surfaces are beauti- ly effective system using 12' UXC -122
f ully finished; precision workmanship Diffaxial" speaker. Delivers music repro-
throughout. Available in choice of mahog- duction comparable to considerably larger
any, blonde mahogany, or walnut finish. systems. Exceptionally compact; may be
Grille cloth has attractive swirl pattern, used anywhere in a room, since self-con-
selected to harmonize with wood finishes. tained folded -horn in enclosure is indepen-
Size. 21" high, 151/2" wide. 121' deep. dent of walls and floor for operation. Shpg.
Slipg. wt.. 25 lbs. svt.. 31 lbs.
95 DZ 104. Mahogany. NET 42.73 81 DZ 568. Mahogany. NET 75.07
96 DZ 107. Blonde Mahogany. NET. 45.57 81 DZ 569. Blonde Mahogany. NET.. 77.91
81 DZ 818. Wainer. NET 47.53 81 DZ 888. Walnut. NET 79.87
Tastefully styled 2 -way speaker system of
excellent tonal quality, designed for limited -
Only 9s/e" high. l0 deep and 24' long
perfect for mounting on a book or record
space applications as a shelf enclosure; may shelf. Sturdily constructed to prevent cabi-
also be used as an extension speaker to net vibration; handles program material of
bring music from your central hf -fi system up to 25 watts. May be mounted on wrought
to another part of the house. Enclosure iron legs (available at most hardware stores)
employs "distributed port" construction for as an independent, free-standing unit if de-
smooth, peak -free bass response. Compo- sired. Matching grille cloth has attractive COmponiOnetfe°
nents installed are C8W woofer. 4401 wide - swirl pattern. Shpg. wt., 25 lbs.
angle tweeter and 2000 -cycle crossover net-
work. Response of system extends from 81 DZ 583. Mahogany. NET 60.76
deep bass to 15.000 cycles -the practical 81 DZ 584. Blonde Mahogany. NET. 62.72
limit of human hearing. 81 DZ 816. Wolnut. NET 64.73
Enclosures of superior acoustic design in assured by absence of protruding edges or
kit form, complete with attractive front irregularities in edges of panels. KEN -I2
panel trim and grille cloth. Selected wood has baffle board for l2" wide -range speaker
panels are cut exactly to size, of 5/4'' fully or woofer; pre-cut for university 4409 or
cured lumber, ready for furniture finishing. 11- 600/T -30 mid -range components; and
Rabbeted grooves provide positive air -tight 4401, UXT -5 or HF -206 tweeter. KEN -1S
construction for maximum enclosure effi- accepts a 15' (or 12' speaker with adapter
ciency. Design combines direct speaker ra- listed below), and same mid -range and high -
diation. reflex principle and new rear horn frequency components as KEN -12. With
loading construction, to produce uniform grille cloth.
response in all parts of the listening area.
Self-contained folded horn extends to front
of enclosure, projecting low frequencies out
into the room. Small slot in base equalizes
KEN-I2. 29t/zx21 t/zx15
81 DZ 828. NET
! ". Wt., 45 lbs.
woofer diaphragm excursions in the com-
pression chamber. "Kwikits" are independ- KEN -15. 35t/ex29x181A". Wt.. 70 Ids.
ent of room placement, and may be used 81 DZ 829. NET 58.31
against a flat wall, in a corner, or above floor
level. Heavy wood panels provide high rig- ADAPTER BOARD. Permits mounting 12' KEN-12 KEN -15
idity. Exterior and interior parts fit snugly speaker in KEN -15. Shpg. wt.. 11 lbs.
together; smooth, professional finishing is 95 DX 579. NET 1 19
University 2 -Way, 3 -Way, Mid -Range and High- Frequency Speaker Packages
Carefully matched combinations of speaker components, available Each full -range speaker component package offers superior cover-
in a variety of sizes. Include "add -on" groups of components for age of the audible range, when properly baffled. High frequency
modernizing existing installations, and complete sets of components. and mid -range packages add new brilliance to older high- fidelity
Especially suited to custom installation in walls or doors. or in systems. Crossover networks are furnished as required. eliminating
specially designed enclosures. Each set includes all necessary drivers any necessity for further matching of components. May be used
and horns, wiring harness, balance controls as indicated, and full with all high -quality amplifiers and other playback equipment.
instructions for quick, simplified installation. Binding post terminals for simple installation; no soldering required.

Stock No. Type Description Wt., Lbs. NET

95 D 109 UN -1 High- Frequency Components Package; HF -206 tweeter, N2B, AP8 7 49.93
81 DX 995 UN -2 Mid -Range Components Package; T -30 mid -range driver H -600 reciprocating -flare horn.
N/A crossover network. AP8 balance control. 8 68.55
81 DX 996 UN -3 Mid- and High -Frequency Components Package; T-30 mid -range driver. H -600 horn,
11F -206 super -tweeter, N3 crossover network with controls. 15 106.82
81 DX 997 UN -4 8' Two-Way Components Package; C8W woofer. 4401 tweeter, NI crossover network with
balance control. 8 41.16
81 DZ 998 UN -5 12' Three-Way Components Package; Cl2W woofer. H -600 horn, T -30 driver,
HF -206 super- tweeter, N3 crossover with controls. 17 142.10
81 DZ 999 UN -6 IS' Three -Way Components Package; C 15W woofer. H -600 horn, T -30 driver.
11F -206 super -tweeter, 53 crossover with controls. 22 190.12

letter Z in Stock Number Indicates Express Shipment Only

HIGH FIDELITY Top -quality hi -fl speakers, famous for
their authentic reproduction of sound

6303 312

3-Way Diffaxial Series

the speakers listed below employ Univer- way performance is achieved by using the low in cost, the UXC -123 employs a Dii-
sity's famous Diffaxial design. This feature diffusicone design and coaxially mounted. fusicone element and reciprocating -flare
assures outstanding tonal balance by pro- high-efficiency tweeter. Moderately priced. super -tweeter, mounted through the center
viding exceptionally smooth, wide -angle the 6303 is a fine choice for a custom home axis of the woofer, to attain true, wide -angle
dispersion of treble frequencies. These fre- music system. Three reproducing elements dispersion. Built -in brilliance control for
quencies are normally projected straight 115" cone, Diffusicone element and super - adjustment to room acoustics. Mechanical
ahead by the loudspeaker; as a result, they tweeter, with new T -50 Hypersonic driver), crossover at 1000 cps; electrical crossover
are not heard at the proper volume at provide brilliant high-fidelity sound. Fre- at 5000 cps. 11/4 -Ib. Alnico V permanent
all points in the room. However. Univer- quency response, from 30 cps to beyond magnet. Power handling capacity. 25 watts.
sity's Diffaxial speakers overcome this prob- audibility. Impedance. 8 -16 ohms. Frequency re-
lem by using a special diffusing -type cone sponse, 45 to 17,500 cycles. Size, 121/4'
( Diffusicone) at the apex of the main cone. Mechanical crossover at 1000 cps; elec- diameter; 81/4á deep. Brilliance control
The Diffusicone disperses the treble fre- trical crossover network at 5000 cps. In- comes complete with etched brass mount-
quencies to provide extremely even distribu- cludes brilliance control on 3 -ft. cable with ing plate and knob, wired to 3 -ft. cable.
tion throughout the listening area. brass plate and knob. 2 -Ib. Alnico V per- Shpg. wt.. 9 lbs.
manent magnet. Power capacity. 30 watts. 95 DX 585. NET ... ..62.72
MODEL 315 -C SUPER IS' DIFFAXIAL. New. Impedance, 8 -16 ohms. 151/4' diameter: 10'
greatly improved version of earlier 315. deep. Shpg. wt.. 12 lbs. MODEL 308 8' DIFFAXIAL. A very compact.
Woofer cone features high excursion. dual- 95 DI 538. NET 8134 highly efficient Diffaxial speaker. Designed
spider piston and anti -breakup, low -reso- specifically for the smaller hi -fi installation.
nance diaphragm, for rich natural bass. MODEL 312 12' DIFFAXIAL. Brilliant 12' the 308 is perfect for use where space is at a
Multi-element Diffusicone mid-range sec- diffaxial speaker for exceptional, wide - premium and quality reproduction is de-
tion. crosses over at 1000 cps. Treble is range reproduction. Has 12" woofer. Dif- sired. Features special- design 8' woofer. for
covered by new, heavy -duty T -50 Hyper- fusicone mid -range unit, and HF -206 super - excellent bass response. Has Diffusicone
sonic driver and axially mounted, wide - tweeter. Built -in electrical crossover net- mid-range unit, compression type tweeter
angle tweeter horn. Response is 25 cps to work at 5000 cps. Response. 40 cps to be- and built -in 5000-cps electrical crossover.
inaudibility. Includes balance control with yond audibility. 25 watts power handling Frequency response, 50- 15,000 cps. Imped-
tweeter adjustment. Magnet wt., 61/4 lbs. capacity. Impedance, 8 -16 ohms. With ance 8-16 ohms. Power handling capacity.
Capacity, 50 watts. Impedance, 8 -16 ohms. brilliance control. 36' cable. Size. 1211" dia. 25 watts. 8y3,- diameter; 61/4' deep. Shpg.
12' deep. Shpg. wt.. 341/2 lbs. z 8' deep. Slips. wt., 11 lbs. wt., 5 lbs.
81 DI 947. NET. . .152.88 95 DX 188. NET 68.60 95 D 189. NET .38.95

2 -Way Diffaxial Series 12" Coaxial Speaker

MODEL DIFFUSICONE-I 5 I Y DIFFAXIAI. Low MODEL UXC -I22 12' DIFFAXIAL. Low- priced MODEL 6201. Highly popular. top-quality
cost. 2 -way, Diffaxial 15' speaker. Diflusi- 12' Diffaxial speaker. Employs Diffusicone 12' hi -fi speaker. True coaxial operation Is
cone element assures wide -angle disper- high -frequency element with a 1000 -cycle provided by a compression -type tweeter and
sion of treble frequencies. Horn -loading mechanical crossover. Coaxial dual horn - 2500 -cycle electrical crossover network.
at the apex of the cone extends mid- and loading at apex of cone extends mid and Tweeter is axially mounted through the
high -frequency response. crossing over treble response. Low frequencies are re- center of the woofer. "W" shape. 11/4-Ib.
mechanically at 1000 cps. Rich, clear bass. produced by specially molded, one -piece Alnico V magnet and 1 -piece molded woofer
without boominess. is provided by the woofer diaphragm. Wide angle dispersion diaphragm provide exceptionally smooth
sturdily constructed 15' woofer with spe- achieved by use of a radial projector plus low- frequency transient response. Includes
cially molded cone. A 11/4-lb. Alnico V aperture diffraction. Delivers excellent re- brilliance control with 3-ft. cable. Excellent
magnet also contributes to the excellent production across entire audio range. Re- frequency response -45 to 15,000 cps. Ca-
bass response. Frequency response from 30 sponse. 45 to 13,000 cps. Power handling pacity. 25 watts. Impedance. 8-16 ohms.
to 14.000 cycles. Power capacity. 30 watts. capacity. 25 watts. Impedance. 8 -16 ohms. 811 depth. Shpg. wt., 101/4 lbs.
Impedance, 8-16 ohms. 15W dia.; 7W Size. 121/4' diameter; 4' depth. Employs 95 DX 176. NET . .50.96
deep. Shpg. wt.. 81/4 lbs. 1 -lb. Alnico V permanent magnet. Shpg.
95 DX 539. NET 44.10 wt., 51/4
95 DX 584.
NET. 32.34 12" Extended-Range Speaker
MODEL DIFFUSICONE- 2 12' E%TENDED- MODEL 6200. Highly popular 12' speaker.
Special. shallow design for flush mounting

RANGE DIFFAXIAL. 12' version of above. For MODEL DIFFUSICONE-8 8' Low -
the low-cost music installation. Smooth. cost, 2 -way 8' speaker. Highly suitable for in ceilings, walls, etc. Excellent for public
wide -angle dispersion achieved by patented the smaller hi -fi installation, or where space address use radio -phono replacement.
University diffusicone element. Power han- is at a premium. Diffusicone element pro- hi -fi systems. etc. Employs duraluminum
dling capacity. 30 watts. Frequency re- vides better -than -average reproduction. Re- dome at cone apex. Frequency response,
sponse, 40 to 14,000 cps. Impedance. 8 -16 sponse, 70 to 13,000 cps. Power handling 45- 10.000 cps. Impedance. 8-16 ohms. Pow
capacity. 25 watts. Impedance. 8-16 ohms. er handling capacity. 30 watts. Only 4'
ohms. 24 oz. Alnico V magnet. Depth 41/4';
121/4' diameter. Shpg. wt.. 6 lbs. Depth. 3W. Shpg. wt., 31/4 lbs. deep. Shpg. wt.. 5% Ib
95 DX 182. NET 36.26 95 D 183. NEI 25.48 95 DX 180. NET. . . ... ....25.48
54 Speaker Components Are Available on Allied's Easy Payment Plan -See Page 396
Low- Frequency Woofers
MODELC15Vs 13' WOOFER. Feature, spe- MODEL C12W 12° WOOFER. Features built -
cial- design voice coil permitting greater in low -pass filter for adjustment of response
cone excursion for deep bass. Dual spider to 700, 2500 or 5000 cps -suits crossover
piston and 6-Ib. magnet assure remarkably requirements of most tweeters. Frequency
clean response from below 25 to 1500 cps. response, 40 to 6000 cps. Power handling
Power handling capacity, 50 watts. Dual capacity. 30 watts. Employs 1/4-Ib. magnet.
impedance voice coil assembly permits use Impedance. 8 ohms. 6W' deep. Shpg. wt..
in any system of 4 to 20 ohms. Depth. 101/4'. 71/4 lbs.
Shpg. wt.. 26% lbs.
95 DI 185. NET.... 83.30
95 DX 191. NET. 35.28
MODEL C8W 8' WOOFER. Perfect for use in
MODEL C63 W 15' WOOFER. Employs unique. assembling a high -quality speaker system
built -in low -pass filter. Permits adjusting for use where space is limited. May be used
treble cut -off point at 700. 2500 or 5000 as a low -cost, mid -range speaker in three -
cps to suit crossover requirements of most way systems. Suitable for crossover up to
tweeters. 1í/z -lb. magnet. Response. 30 to 5000 cps. Response, 50 to 5000 cps when
WOO cps. ('apacity. 30 watts. Includes bril- properly baffled. Power handling capacity.
liance control. Impedance. 8 ohms. Depth, 25 watts. Impedance, 8 ohms. 41/4' deep.
10". Shpg. wt., IO lbs. Shpg. wt.. .3 lbs.
81 DX 563. NET . 48.02 95 D 192. NET 13.23
Tweeters, Horn s and Drivers
For crisp, clear highs. Extends high -fre- low cost. Sturdy. one -piece die -cast horn
quency response far beyond audible range. using "reciprocating flare" principle for
Employs improved die -cast aluminum wide - 120° horizontal and 50° vertical disper-
angle. "reciprocating flare' horn for uni- sion. Employs efficient driver mechanism
form 120° horizontal and 50° vertical dis- and lightweight duralumin voice coil sus-
persion. New driver mechanism handles pension in hermetically sealed unit. Re-
25 -5(1 watts of program material. Response, sponse. 2000 to 15.000 cps. Requires N -1 or
3500 cps to inaudibility. Requires N -1 or N- N -2H crossover networks. Capacity, 25
213 crossover networks. Impedance, 8 ohms. watts. Impedance. 8 ohms. Size. 21/4x6x-
6x33t6Mt'. Shpg. wt., 31/4 lbs. r446°. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs.
95D190.NET 32.34 95D167.NET 17.64
QUENCY DRIVER. For use with Cobreflex -2 super -tweeter assembly. Unusually smooth
or 11 -600 horns. Provides mid -range in 3 response at 5000 cps crossover point, or
and 4 -way systems, or serves as tweeter in
2 -way systems. Requires N -2A crossover
above. Employs compression driver unit and
network. Response. 200 to 15.000 cps. magnet, coupled to "reciprocating flare"
Capacity. 50 watts in multi-speaker systems. horn. for uniform wide -angle response. Rec-
Impedance. 8 ohms. ltifi" -I8 throat; 3W ommended for use with either the N -1
diameter; 3%° deep. Wt.. 2% lbs. high -pass filter or N -2B crossover network.
Response from 4500 to 17,500 cps. 120°
81 D 589. NET.. . 29.40 horizontal and 50° vertical dispersion.
NEW MODEL T -50 HYPERSONIC DRIVER. Not Capacity; 25 watts in 2 -way systems, 50
illustrated. Heavy -duty driver unit for use watts in 3-way systems. Impedance, 8 ohms.
with the II-600 horn. Provides response 41/4:21/4:4". Shpg. wt., 1% Ils.
from 600 cps to beyond audibility. Recom- 81 D 564. NET 20.58
mended for large theatre and auditorium
speaker systems, and deluxe home hi -fi NEW MODEL H -600 MID-RANGE AND HIGH
systems. Requires N -2A crossover network. FREQUENCY HORN. Excellent new. 600-
Capacity. 50 watts in multi -speaker sys- cycle cutoff. wide-angle horn. One - piece.
tems. Impedance. S ohms. 11/4° -18 throat: die-cast design. Specially designed for pro -
11/4° diameter; 41/4° deep. Wt., 5 lbs. fessional sound system use or for deluxe
81 D 948. NET.. 48.51 'ionic hi -fi systems. Offers outstanding per-
formance at low cost. Combines "recipro-
MODEL COBREFLEX HORN. Perfect tor use cating Nare" principle with hemispherical
as amid -range horn, in 3 -way speaker sys- deflection, for uniform sound distribution
tems when used with the T-30 driver unit. patterns throughout the audio range from
Its 27' exponentially flared air column 600 cps to beyond audibility. Accepts ans'
t,ermits crossover as low as 350 cps. Twin - driver unit with standard -size 1s/s° -I8
flare design for uniform wide-angle dis- throat. Recommended for use with N -2A
persion: 120° horizontal and 60° vertical. crossover network and the Model T-30 or
Aluminum die casting. 1W-18 throat. 101/4x T -50 driver units. Size. 71/404 1/4,11/4". Shpg.
181/4x91/4¡. Shpg. wt., 101/4 lbs. wt.. 21/2 lbs.
95 DX 184. NET 22.54 81 DX 949. NET 17.64
Crossover Networks and Level Control
.Adjustable high -pass filter with built -in use with any combination of speakers, in
brillance control. For dividing audio be- varied voice coil impedances and popular
tween woofer and tweeter in 2 -way systems. crossover points. Can be used with the N -2A
Crossover and impedance combinations: for 3-way speaker systems. 6 db, 2 -way net-
2500. 5000 and 10,000 cps at 8 ohms; 1250 work. Used in pairs as 12 db network, or
2500. 5000 and 10.000 cps at 16 ohms; 5000 singly as 12 db low or high -pass filter.
and 10.000 cps at 4 ohms. Use with N -2A Crossovers: 1250, 2500 and 5000 cps at 8
crossover in 3-way systems. Fits panels to ohms; 2500 or 5000cpsat 16 ohms; 2500cps
1'. 31/4x31/4x3'. Shpg. wt., 1% lbs. at 4 ohms. 331/4x31/4x3". 21/4 lbs.
95 D 193. NET.. 10.29 95D195.NET. 13.72
any combination of speakers. in a great CROSSOVER NETWORK. Adjustable network
variety of voice coil impedances and popu- for 3 -way speaker systems. Connections for
lar crossover points. Can be used with N -213 either 350 or 700 cps crossover between mid-
for 3 -way speaker systems. 6 db, 2 -way net- range and woofer. Tweeter crossover is
work. May he used in pairs as 12 db net- 5000 cps. Built -in presence and brilliance
work or singly as 12 db low or high -pass controls. Adjustable for vertical or horizon-
filter. Crossover: 300 or 700 cps at either 8 tal mounting. Fits panels up to 1' in thick-
or 16 ohms; 700 cps at 4 ohms. Size. 35/.x ness. Impedance, 8 ohms. Size. 7x5x3'.
31/4x3 ". Shpg. wt.. 21/4 lbs. Shpg. wt., 51/z tbs.
95 D 194. NET. 17.64 95 D 196. NET 27.44
MODEL AP-8 LEVEL Highly efficient attenuator pad for balancing sound
according to room acoustics and personal taste. Perfect for use with N -2A and N -213 net-
works. Polished brass escutcheon marked "presence" on one side, and "brilliance" on other
side. Fits panels to l° in thickness. Impedance: S -16 ohms. Shpg. wt.. 7 oz.
95 D 132. NET 3.87
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois
B. James B. Lansing High -Fidelity Speakers
0130 15' SPEAKER. Heavy -duty, precision 0123 I2' SPEAKER. An extended -range 12'
built speaker. Provides remarkably distinct speaker with ultra -shallow frame design.
bass and extremely smooth, extended treble Only 3W deep. its perfect for custom in-
when used alone. Can also be used as a the-wall mounting, or compact cabinet in-
woofer in two or three -way systems. Re- stallation. Response. ±5 db, 30 to 15,000
sponse ±5 db. 30 to 17.000 cps. Capacity, cps. Voice coil diameter. 3'. Capacity, 20
25 watts. Voice coil diameter. 4'. Magnet watts. Free cone resonance. 35 cps. Imped-
weight 4 lbs. Free cone resonance. 37 cps. ance. 16 ohms. Magnet weight, 13/4 lbs.
Voice coil impedance. 16 ohms. Depth. Shpg. wt., 12 lbs.
Shpg. wt.. 23 lbs. 82 DX 112. NET 59.40
82 DZ 125. NET 84.00
0208 8" SPEAKER. Same excellent features
Dl31 12' SPEAKER. One of the finest 12' hi -fi as the 13130 and D131. but for smaller in-
speakers available. Excellent for use alone. stallations. Response. 40 to 13,000 cps. Ca-
or as a woofer in 2 or 3 -way systems. Com- pacity. 12 watts. Free cone resonance. 55
bines excellent design and construction to cps. 2" voice coil. Impedance 8 ohms. lb.

assure superb reproduction of sound. Re- magnet. Depth. 2W. Wt., 6 lbs.
sponse. 30 to 17.000 cps. Capacity. 20 watts. 82 D 126. NET 27.90
D130 Magnet weight, 4 lbs. Free cone resonance.
39 cps. Voice coil diameter. 4'. Impedance. D216. 8' SPEAKER. Same as D208 but has
DI31 16 ohms impedance.
16 ohms. Depth, 5". Shpg. wt.. 211ós
130A 0123
82 DZ 129. NET 78.00 82D 113. NET...... 27.90


130A IS' WOOFER. New 15' low -frequency 375 HIGH -FREQUENCY DRIVER. For use with
speaker designed to provide clean. distinct the 537 -509 and 537 -500 horn -lens assem-
reproduction of all audio frequencies be- blies. Used in some of the finest theatre
low 1500 cps. Highly efficient, the 130A sound systems, this high- frequency driver
reproduces all bass and mid -range frequen- provides highly efficient. smooth response
cies falling in this range with remarkable above 300 cps. Voice coil and aluminum
fidelity. Matched for use with the Model diaphragm assembly have a diameter of 4".
1751)LH high -frequency, driver -horn -lens With so large a piston area, only minimum
assembly. Unique magnet design virtually excursion is needed to reproduce a given
eliminates stray magnetic fields adjacent frequency at a given level. Power handling
to the magnetic pot structure. Rigid. cast capacity, 60 watts. Impedance, 16 ohms.
aluminum frame. Response. ±5 db. 30 to Magnet weight. 9 lbs. Diameter. 7'; depth
Ss/s ". Shpg- wt.. 31 lbs.
1500 cps. Voice coil diameter, 4'. Power
handling capacity. 25 watts. Free cone reso- 82 DZ 224. NET 198.00
I50-4C nance. 36 cps. Magnet weight, 4 lbs. Voice 537.509 HORN -LENS ASSEMBLY. New, expo-
coil impedance. 16 ohms. Depth 5W. Shpg. nential horn and "serpentine" acoustical
wt.. 23 lbs. lens assembly (employed in the Hartsfield
82 DZ 200. NET 81.00 enclosure-see page 57). Used with the 375
New, skillfully de- high- frequency driver for ear-level disper-
075 150-4C 15' WOOFER. sion of treble response. Horn is 12" long.
signed, low-Irequency speaker. Made with with a 2" round throat. matching the 375
an extremely rigid. straight -sided cone, its driver. The 9x6' rectangular mouth pro-
4" edgewound, copper ribbon voice coil pro- vides wide horizontal coverage, with narrow
vides additional rigidity. Its near -ideal pis- vertical coverage. to minimize ceiling and
ton form assures clean, well- defined bass floor reflections. Highs. emanating at ear lev-
to 500 cps. Used in some of the finest theatre el. remain unusually clean and are smooth-
sound systems, as well as the Hartsfield ly dispersed over a 90° horizontal angle.
system (see page 57). the IS0 -4C is recom- Acoustical lens. attached to horn mouth.
mended for use with the N 500or NSOOH cross- measures 6% high. 20" wide and 41/2Y
over network and the Model 375 high -fre- deep. Slips. wt.. 17 lbs.
quency driver. Voice coil diameter. 4'. Power 82 DX 225. NET 66.00
handling capacity. 30 watts. Free cone res-
onance. 30 cps. Magnet weight. 4% lbs. 537.500 HORN-LENS ASSEMBLY. Round expo-
Voice coil impedance, 16 ohms. Depth, 6'. nential horn and acoustical lens assembly
Shpg. wt.. 25 lbs. for use with the 375 high -frequency driver.
82 DZ 223. NET 114.00 Skillfully designed and precisely construct-
ed. the 537 -500 is frequently used for spe
075 "RING RADIATOR" HIGH -FREQUENCY dally built. deluxe theatre sound installa-
375 TWEETER. Advanced- design, high -frequency tions. Provides a unilateral coverage of 70°.
driver for reinforcing the performance of Horn length of 12 ". plus lens diameter of
extended -range speakers from 2500 cps to 1311 ". contribute to the mellowness of tre-
the limit of audibility. Adds "brilliance" ble frequencies transmitted through this
to Jim Lansing 1)130. D131. D123 and 1)208 assembly. Length, 17 ". Wt., 37 lbs.
speakers when used with the Model N2600 82 DZ 226. NET 87.00
dividing network. Renowned for its remark-
able presence and exceptional handling of CROSSOVER NETWORKS. All have nominal
transients. the precisely constructed 075 impedance of 16 ohms.
employs a unique diaphragm structure of N2600. For use with 075 tweeter and 1)130.
hydraulically formed aluminum. Provides 1)131. 13123 and D208 speakers. Crossover.
ultra -smooth highs. Power handling capac- 2500 cps. lacludes level control. 3t/4x3%x
ity. 20 watts. Voice coil. I54 ". dispersion. Shpg. wt.. 3lbs.
90 °. Voice coil impedance. 16 ohms. Baffle 24.50
hole diameter. 334a"; overall length. VA'. 82 D 199. NET
Shpg. wt., 8 lbs. NI200. (Not illustrated.) For use with 175 -
82 D 118. NET 59.40 DLH driver- horn -lens assembly and 130A
woofer. Crossover. 1200 cps. With 3-posi-
175DLH HIGH - FREQUENCY DRIVER -HORN- tion switch for attenuation control. 4%x6x
LENS ASSEMBLY. Provides highly precise re- 61/4 ". Shpg. wt.. 9 lbs.
production above 1200 cps; unequalled tran- 82 D131. NET 35.25
sient response. Combines a high- frequency
driver and an exponential horn. with a true N500H. (Not illustrated.) For use with 375
acoustic lens. Consists of 14 separate ele- high -frequency driver, 537 -509 or 537 -500
ments arranged to form a double concave horn -lens assembly and 150 -4C woofer in
"lens" -refracts sound evenly over a solid folded horn enclosures only. Crossover. 500
90° angle to all points in the listening area cps. 3- position switch for attenuation con-
with equal intensity. Perfectly matched to ¡.
trol. 4%x6x61/ Wt.. 10 lbs.
the Jim Lansing Series 130. low -frequency 82 D 227. NET 76.50
speakers; designed for use with the N1200
dividing network. Power handling capacity, N500. (Not illustrated.) Used with same
25 watts. Voice coil impedance. 16 ohms. components as N500H network. above.
Horn throat diameter, 1'. Mounting hole Crossover.300 cps. Strapping bars for atten-
diameter, 5%'; overall length, Il%'. uation control (in t db steps). Overall size.
Shpg. wt.. 12 lbs. 6x8x6 ". Shpg. wt.. 16 lbs.
82 D 1 30. NET 123.00 82 DX 228. NET 84.00
Speaker Components Are Available on Allied's Easy Payment Plan -See Page 396

James B. Lansing Speaker Enclosures and Systems "Harkness" C40

pressive folded horn corner enclosure speak-
er system of remarkable fidelity. Employs
C37 ENCLOSURE ONLY.Attractively styled
low-boy bass reflex enclosure. Engineered
deliver full -range response when used with
150-4C low-frequency driver. 375 high -fre- recommended Jim Lansing components, be-
quency driver, rectangular exponential horn, low. Its modern styling blends happily with
NS00H dividing network, plus the "serpen- any room decor. 30W high, 36' wide, 16'
tine' acoustical lens -horn assembly. Capac- deep. Shpg. wt.. 69 lbs.
ity. 60 watts. Impedance, 16 ohms. HWD 82 DZ 116. Mahogany. NET....115.00
453 .47', 24 4 . Shpg. wt.. 250 lbs..Shipped
F.O.B. Chicago or Los A ngeles, whichever 82 DZ 207. Light Oak. NET.... 123.00
Is wearer. 82 DZ 169. Light Walnut. NET....123.00
82 DZ 21 1. Mahogany. NET..787.50 037030 COMPLETE SPEAKER SYSTEM. In-
82 DZ 212. Light Oak. NET ....817.50 cludes 1)130 as 15' woofer, 075 "ring radia-
82 DZ 213. Light Walnut. NET. ...817.50 tor" tweeter, and N2600 dividing network
C34 ENCLOSURE ONLY. Rear -loaded. corner
with level control, mounted in the C37 reflex
horn. Does not require corner placement. enclosure. Shpg. wt., 100 lbs.
Contains, as an integral part of its struc- 82 DZ 222. Mahogany. NET..282.90 C37
ture. a 6-it. exponential folded horn that 82 DZ 221. Light Oak. NET .... 290.90
delivers an extra octave of beautifully de- 82 DZ 220. tight walnut. NET.. 290.90
fined bass. Premium wood veneers; simple.
graceful styling. 39% high, 23%4' wide, C38 ENCLOSURE ONLY. Space -saving, low-
221/4á deep. Shpg. wt.. 90 tbs. boy bass reflex enclosure. Smart styling and
82 DZ 204. Mahogany. NET 151.00 rich, hand-rubbed finish complement any
82 DZ 205. Light Oak. NET .. 166.00 room interior. Compact size allows it to be
used almost anywhere. 26' high, 23s/í
82 DZ 206. Light Walnut. NET. .. 166.00 wide. 15W deep. Shpg. wt.. 47 lbs.
D34001 COMPLETE SPEAKER SYSTEM. In- 82 DZ 114. Mahogany. NET....63.00
cludes 130:\ 15' woofer, 175DLII driver - 82 DZ 208. Light Oak. NET 69.00
horn -lens assembly. NI200 dividing net- 82 DZ 168. Light Walnut. NET 69.00
work and level control. installed in the C34
enclosure. Capacity, 25 watts. 16 ohms. D38002 COMPLETE SPEAKER SYSTEM. In
Shpg. wt., 135 lbs. dudes Model 1)123 as 12' woofer, 075 "ring
82 DZ 214. Mahogany. NET.. 391.75 radiator" tweeter, and N2600 dividing net-
82 DZ 218, Light Oak. NET ....406.75 work with level control, mounted in the C38
82 DZ 215. Light Walnut. NET.. .406.75 enclosure. Shpg. wt.. 68 lbs.
82 DZ 108. Mahogany. NET. 206.30
solidly built, rear- loading horn enclosure in
82 DZ 219. Light Oak. NET.... 212.30
contemporary low-boy design. Excellent for 82 DZ 210. Light Walnut. NET....212.30
smaller rooms and apartments; can be "HARLAN" C39 ENCLOSURE ONLY. A depar-
placed anywhere. Contains built -in, 6 -ft. ture from conventional enclosure design.
exponential horn, with mouth area of ap- this most recent and highly versatile. bass
proximately four square feet. Removable 5' reflex corner enclosure features unusually
legs. Ht. with legs. 28W, 37yß" wide. 20" smart. modern styling. Its contoured grille
deep. Shpg. wt., 90 lbs. and non -parallel lines and surfaces, con-
82 DZ 201. Mahogany. NET ....151.00 tribute to its highly pleasing aspect. De-
82 DZ 202. Light Oak. NET.... 166.00 signed to fit snugly in corners, the C39
82 DZ 203. Light Walnut. NET.... 166.00 can accommodate two 12', or two 15'
speakers on its baffle! Provides correct
eludes 130A 15' woofer. 175DLH high -
frequency driver -horn -lens assembly, N 1200
acoustic chamber for enhancing the per-
formance of the James B. Lansing 0130.
D131 and 1)123 speakers, and the 075 and
dividing network and level control, in- 175DLH tweeter components listed on page
stalled in the C40 enclosure. Capacity, 25 56. Height with legs, 3114<'; width 35W;
watts. 16 ohms. Sltpg. wt.. 135 lbs. depth. 2314'. Shpg. wt.. 90 lbs.
81 DZ 919. Mahogany. NET... 391.75 82 DZ 106. Mahogany. NET. 147.00
82 DZ 216. Light Oak. NET 406.75 82 DZ 209. Light Oak. NET. .158.00
82 DZ 217. Light Walnut. NET....406.75 82 DZ 167. Light Walnut. NET 158.00


Choice of three matched speaker component packages. lot Each component package has a basic speaker, a matching
installing in your own custom cabinetry or enclosure, or for tweeter and a crossover network. For complete description
building into walls or closets. Provide superb reproduction. of all James B. Lansing components, see page 56.
Stock No. Typa Description of Components I Wt., lbs. EACH
82 DZ 230 002
4 0123 12' Speaker 075 Tweeter N2600 Crossover 21 143.30
82 DZ 231 030
4 D130 1r Speaker in 075 Tweeter N2600 Crossover 32 167.90
82 DZ 229 001 130A 15' Woofer me 175DLH Tweeter N1200 Crossover
4 I 44 240.75

Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois


CX -225
cX-120 11

Triaxial Speakers
MODEL G-610A 15' TRIAXIAL. An outstanding MODEL G -600 15' TRIAX. Embodying the
3 -way speaker. lias three elements. else- same operating principles as the G-610A,
trically and acoustically independent, built the G-600 is a low -cost version with some-
into a single unit. each designed for peak what lighter construction. Highly efficient
performance in its portion of the audio spec- woofer employs a 3% lb. magnet. Response.
trum. Response. 25 cps to beyond audible 30 cps to beyond audible range. Bore -
range. Employs heavy woofer and two con- mounted compression driver for mid -fre-
pression driver horn -loaded elements for quencfes. has separate horn for 1000-4000
mid -frequency and high -frequency channels. cps range. New super -tweeter handles range
Includes dual crossover network with wired from 4000 cps through the upper limits of
balance controls. Crossovers at 600 and 4000 audability. Has dual crossover network
cps. Capacity. 40 watts. Impedance, 16 with wired balance controls. Capacity. 35
ohms. Magnet weight. 6% lbs. Depth, IOW. watts. Impedance. 16 ohms. Depth, WAG'.
Shpg. wt.. 46 lbs. Shpg. wt.. 36í/s lbs.
82 DZ 170. NET 252.75 82 DZ 350. NET.. 129.50
Coaxial 3-Element Speakers
MODEL CX -225 12' SPEAKER. Employs three MODEL CX-255 15' SPEAKER. An excellent
dements for wide -range reproduction. Corn- value, this low -cost 15' speaker employs 3-
pression- driver super -tweeter is mounted element construction to attain a frequency
"axially inside the cone, and handles the response from 30 to 15.000 cps. Has woofer
range from 4000 to 15.000 cps. Two cone cone and smaller diffusion radiator cone.
radiators, driven by the woofer voice coil, both driven by the voice coil, for 30 to 4000
reproduce from .30 to 41)00 cps. Tile small cps range; coaxially mounted, compression-
diffusion radiator effectively disperses and driver super- tweeter handles the range from
balances reproduction from 2000 to 4000 4000 to 15.000 cps. The small diffusion cone
cps. Woofer has 45 -50 cps resonance. Mag- covers from 2000 to 4000 cps. Resonance.
net wt.. 1% lbs. Capacity, 2S watts. Im- 4S -50 cps. Magnet wt., t/4 lbs. Power han-

pedance. 16 ohms. With wired -in high- riling capacity. 27 watts. Impedance, 16
frequency control. Wt.. 10% lbs.
82 DX 351. NET... 59.50
ohms. Includes
n clu I
82 DX 352. NET......
- 13Ibs.requency
MODEL CX -120 1 r
SPEAKER. Similar to the
Model CX -225. but has -lb. magnet.
1 MODEL CX-150 15' SPEAKER. As above. but
Power handling capacity. 20 watts. Slipg. has 1 -lb. magnet. Power capacity. 22 watts.
wt.. 9% lbs. Shpg. wt.. 12í/z lbs.
82 DX 383. NET... 49.50 82 DX 353. NET _ 66.50
Coaxial 2-Way Speakers
MODEL H -222 I2' SPEAKER. An economical "K" SERIES COAXIALS. Low-cost coaxial
I2' coaxial speaker. Provides unusual clar- speakers. Feature electrically and acous-
ay of sound and wide range. Compression- tically independent wooferand tweeter units.
driver tweeter is loaded by a 6-cell Hypes MODEL K -310A 15' SPEAKER. 1-ses direct -

horn; insures maximum efficiency and wide- radiator cone -type tweeter. With balance
angle dispersion of high frequencies from control. Magnet wt.. 34, lb. Capacity. 16
2000 to 15.000 cps. Features new. improved watts Imp., 16 ohms. Wt.. 12 Ihs.
electrical crossover network. Tweeter horn 82 DX 061. NET... .. 39.75
passes through the core of a heavy -duty
1% Ih. magnet. Woofer covers 30 to 2000 MODEL K -210 I2' SPEAKER. Employs direct
cita. Includes high- frequency balance con- radiator tweeter. Magnet wt.. % lb. Power
DX-120 handling capacity. 14 watts. Impedance. 8
trill. Capacity. 25 watts. Impedance. 16
DX-150 "Inns. Depth. 8W. Shpg. wt.. 13 lbs. ohms. Shpg. wt., 7 lbs.
62.50 82 DX 062. NET... 27.50
82 DX 068. NET ..
MODEL H -520 15' SPEAKER. As above. but
MODEL K -80 r
SPEAKER. Employs high -Ire-
quency diffraction plate for wide -angle re-
larger in size and with 27 -watt capacity. sponse. Magnet wt.. t% lb. Capacity. 12
Depth 9W. Shpg. wt., 16 lbs. watts. Imp.. 16 ohms. Wt., 4 lbs.
82 DX 018. NET .. 79.50 82 D 354.14E1 16.75

Duax 2- Element Speakers Unax Single- Element Speakers

Budget- priced. DX- series speakers feature Maximum performance at minimum cost
two carefully coordinated cones. driven by with these low -cost. single -cone 41X- series
the same voice coil. The smaller, auxiliary speakers. Cone is specially designed so that
radiator cone helps attain a wider frequency center section provides excellent treble re-
range than single -cone speakers of the same sponge. while the entire cone reproduces
-axe. Both units listed below have -lb.
1 lows. Viscous edge damping. Both units
magnets. Resonance. 48 -50 cps. Impedance have t/z lb. magnets. 8 ohms.
of each, 16 ohms. MODEL UX-120 12' SPEAKER. Response. 40-
MODEL DX-150 15' SPEAKER. Capacity. 22 12.000 cps. Capacity. 14 watts. Depth. 8%".
watts. Depth. 91/2". Shpg. wt.. I t lbs. Shpg. wt., 5% lbs.
82 DX 356. NET... .35.50 82 DX 358. NET... 19.50
MODEL DX-120 12' SPEAKER. Power handling MODEL UX-80 8' SPEAKER. Response, SO-
capacity. 20 watts. Depth, 73/4'. Shpg. 12,000cps. Capacity. 12 watts. Depth. 61/4".
wt.. 71/2 lbs. Wt.. 4 lbs.
82 DX 355. NET... 25.50 82 D 357. NET. 14.50
58 Speaker Components Are Available on Allied's Easy Payment Plan -See Page 396
MODEL St -1215 ENCLOSURE ONLY. A beauti- MODEL Bt -812 ENCLOSURE ONLY. Clean -cut
ful new enclosure. in contemporary lowboy lines and classic styling characterize the
style. For side -of -wall placement. Interior BL-812 enclosure. Superior performances
acoustical design employs new bass- ultraflex, attained through use of the unique bas
duct -loaded phasing principle with front - ultraflex acoustic design. Sound waves
opening putt -assures excellent bass repro- radiating from the back of the speaker are
duction. Speaker is fastened to front panel coupled by a large air chamber. through
in conventional fashion, but radiation from ducts or channels to the listening area.
back of speaker is coupled by large air - Perfect for use where a larger enclosure
chamber through ducts or channels to lis- cannot be installed. Accommodates any 8'
tening area. Accommodates any 12' or 15' or 12' speaker-also has cutouts to permit
speaker; also has cutouts to permit easy installation of Jensen 2 -way system kits.
installation of Jensen 2 -way or 3 -way sys- Fine hardwood veneers, hand -rubbed to a
tem kits. Size. 29' high. 30' wide. 19' deep. glistening finish. Size, 241/4¡ high, 19' wide.
Shpg. wt.. 58 lbs. 12%' deep. Shpg. wt., 26 lbs.
82 DZ 359. Mahogany. 82 DZ 362. Mahogany.
82 DZ 360. Blonde Oak.
NCH _99.50 82 DZ 363. Blonde Oak NET EACH.. 59.50
82 DZ 361. Walnut. 82 DZ 364. Walnut. ))


BL -121 S MODEL BL -812 ENCLOSURE WITH CX -120 17'
SPEAKER INSTALLED. Jensen's most popular SPEAKER INSTALLED. Superb coaxial speaker
12' coaxial speaker, installed in the Model with 3 elements for superior sound re
BI,-1215 lowboy enclosure. described above. production. installed in the Model BL -RI I
With balance control for adjusting tweeter enclosure. described above. With balance
level. Slips. wt.. 71 lbs. control. Shpg. wt., 31 lbs.
82 DZ 384. Mahogany. / 82 DZ 387. Mahogany.
82 DZ 385. Blonde Oak. EACH. 82 DZ 388. Blonde Oak. NET EACH 109.00
82 DZ 386 w 11
82 DZ 389. Walnut.
Woofers, Tweeters an d Crossover Networks
MODEL Ply -Lt IS' WOOFER. Low- frequency MODEL RP -103 TWEETER. Quality. low -cost
unit, designed for use in multi -speaker sys- unit. Die -cast horn with plastic diaphragm
tems. Provides response of 30 to 2000 cps in for internal damping. Response. with A -204
bass -ultraflex enclosures. bass reflex en- crossover, 2000 to 15,000 cps. Capacity. 20
closures, etc. Rated 35 watts. Magnet wt..
3% lbs. Viscous, edge-damped diaphragm. 7t/s' wide. 6'
watts. Impedance, 16 ohms. Size. 3' high.
deep. Wt., 2t/zlbs.
Resonance, 35 -37 cps. Impedance. 16 ohms.
Depth, 8t . Shpg. wt.. IR lbs.
82 D 369. NET 16.50
MODELRP -302 SUPER TWEETER. Covers range
82 DX 365. NET. 56.80 from 4000 cps to beyond audible range.
MODEL PI2 -Nl 1rWOOFER, Ruggedly built. Dispersion. 120'. Recommended for use
12' low -frequency unit, specially designed with A -402 crossover. Capacity. 35 watt,.
for use in two -way speaker systems. Re- Die-cast horn. impedance, 16 ohms. Siu.
sponse. 30 to 2000 cps. Viscous, edge - 2%' overall dia.; 3W deep. Requires 1t/a'
damped diaphragm. Power handling capac- dia. baffle cutout. Sltpg. wt.. 3 lbs.
ity. 25 watts. Magnet wt., 1% lbs. Reso- 82 D 370. NET 33.60
nance, 55 cps. Impedance. 16 ohms. Depth. BALANCE CONTROLS. Adjustable. wire -
7'. Shpg. wt.. 10 lbs. wound L-pads, with bar knob and brass
82 DX 366. NET . ... 36.50 escutcheon. Mount in Itt/a' hole. Have 36'
leads. mpedance, 16 ohms. Power capacity.
MODEL RP -201 MID -RANGE UNIT. Reproduces 35 watts. Shpg. wt.. 12 oz.
the range from 600 to 4000 cps as the mid
channel unit in a 3 -way speaker system. MODEL ST-917. For mid -frequencies.
Compression -type, driver unit is loaded by a
cast -aluminum Hypex horn. Has cloth -base,
82 D 372. NET 5.25
MODEL ST -901. For high -frequencies. 25
plastic diaphragm for internal damping. watt capacity in 2 -way speaker systems.
Angle of coverage. 115. Power handling
capacity. 35 watts. Recommended for use 82 D 371. NET 5.00
with Model A -61 network, at right. Im- MODEL A-61 CROSSOVER NETWORK Two -
pedance. 16 ohms. Sise, 4r/¡ high, 11W channel, 600-cycle type with 12 db /octave
wide. 14' deep. Shpg. wt.. 9 lbs. attenuation. Impedance. 16 ohms. 516,x6%x
82DX367.NET 42.60 4t/ß'. Shpg. wt.. 5 lbs.
MODEL RP -102 TWEETER. Advanced -design,
82 D 373. NET 19.75
high -frequency unit for use in 2 -way speaker MODEL A -204 CROSSOVER NETWORK. Two
systems crossing over at 2000 cps. Re- channel type. High -pass section transmit,
sponse. with A -204 crossover network, 2000 everything above 2000 cycles; low-pass
to 15,000 cps. ('ast aluminum 6-cell Hypes section. everything below this frequency. 16
horn, with cloth -base plastic diaphragm for ohms. 494x4 %x3%'. Wt., 3 lbs.
internal damping. Capacity. 30 watts. 82 D 374. NET 13.00
Impedance, 16 ohms. Size. 4' high. 7r/,' MODEL A -402 CROSSOVER NETWORK. As
wide, 9W deep. Shpg. wt., 6% lbs. above. but crossover point is 400) cps. albs.
82 DX 368 NET 28.35 82 D 375. NET 10.90


Speaker component kits for mounting into your own enclosure, The 141. -1215 enclosure is pre -cut to accommodate any kit
custom installation in walls, closets, etc.; or for installation in listed below; BL-812 can house any kit except KT -31 and KT-
the Model BL -1215 or BI.-812 enclosures. Every kit comes 32. The modified P15 -1.L woofer used in the KT -31 is of special
complete with all components, crossovers, controls, mounting design and is not sold separately. Building plans for acoustically
brackets and wiring. for easy installation correct enclosures included with all component packages.
Stock No. Modal Description Componenti Shpg. Wt. NET
82 DZ 376 KT -31 3-way Imperial Special PIS -LL woofer, RP -201 and RP -302 tweeters, A-6I
and A-402 crossovers, mid -high -frequency balance controls. 43 lbs. 184.50
82 OZ 382 KT-32 3 -way Triplex PIS -Ll. woofer, RP -201 and RP -302 mid -range and super
tweeters. A-61 and A-402 crossover networks, ST -9W and
ST -917 mid -range and high -frequency balance controls. 43 lbs. 169.50
82 DZ 377 KT -21 2 -way Concerto P15-LL woofer, RP -102 high-frequency tweeter. A -204 cross-
over network. ST -90l high -frequency balance control. ! 29 Ibs. 99.50
82 DX 378 1
KT-22 2 -way Concerto P12 -NL woofer, RP -102 high -frequency tweeter. A -204 cross-
over network. ST -901 high -frequency balance control. 19 lbs. 73.50
82 DX 381 KTX-3 Mid -range kit RP -201 tweeter, Afil crossover, ST -917 balance control 17 lbs. 62.50
82 D 380 KTX-2 Hi- frequency kit RP -103 tweeter, A -204 crossover, ST -901 balance control. 7 lbs. 32.50
82 D 379 KTX-1 Super tweeter kit R P 312 tweeter. A 402 crossover. ST 901 balance control. 5 lbs. 43.75

Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 59



850-D Al-404

General Electric Speakers and Components

MODEL A1.401 12" COAXIAL SPEAKER. :\d MODEL AI -403 12" WOOFER. New, highly
vanced -design -provides remarkably efficient 12" woofer-designed to improve
smooth, extended response and wide disper- reproduction of frequencies below 1500
sion. Unique slotted baffle plate serves as cycles in a 2 or 3-way speaker system. Has
tweeter baffle and minimizes interference an electro- mechanical filter: requires no
between tweeter and woofer units. 21/4' crossover network when used with Model
tweeter; built -in mechanical-electrical cross- Al -404 tweeter (below). Crossover frequen-
A1-401 over network. Crossover frequency. 1500 cy. 1500 cycles. Response. 40 -1500 cycles.
cycles. Response. 40 to 15,000 cycles. Power Capacity, 25 watts. Magnet. 14.5 oz. Im-
handling capacity. 25 watts. Impedance. 8 pedance, 8 ohms. Wt., 61/2 lbs.
ohms. Total magnet weight of 21.3 oz. 61/2" 81 DX 843. NET 29.35
deep. Shpg. wt.. 9 lbs.
81 DX 519. NET 49.25 MODEL Al -404 TWEETER. New. compact
tweeter with 100° dispersion. Matched for
MODEL S- 1201 -A 12' SPEAKER. This unusually use with above or similar woofers in 2 -way
popular 12" speaker has been highly recom- speaker systems. Response. 1500-15.000
mended by nationally known consumer re- cps. Capacity, 25 watts. Imp.. 8 ohms.
search organizations. Provides very clean. 41/4x2y . Wt.. 21/2 lbs.
smooth frequency response over the range 81 D 855. NET 18.57
of 50 to 13,000 cps. Non -warping alumi-
num -base voice coil. Power handling capac- MODEL Al -421 CROSSOVER NETWORK. (Not
ity, 25 watts. Cone resonance. 70 cps. 14.5 illustrated.) Provides 1500 cycle crossover
oz. magnet. Imp.. 8 ohms. Plastic magnet when used with any 8 -ohm tweeter and
cover. Shpg. wt., 7 lbs. 8 -ohm woofer. (Not required with Al -403.
81 DX 510. NET 23.27 above.) Impedance, 8 ohms. Capacity. 25
watts. 6x4x4'. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs.
MODEL S- 1203 -A SPEAKER. Same as Model 81 D 856. NET.. 13.67
S- 1201 -A described above, but has 9 oz.
magnet. Shpg. wt.. 6 Ibs. MODEL Al -406 ENCLOSURE. Delivers
81 DX 513. NET 17.39 exceptional performance whether used
in corners or placed against wall. Ideal for
use with G.E. Al -401, S1201A. S1203Á. or
MODEL 850-D SPEAKER. An unusually fine other 12' speakers. Features "distributed
low -cost speaker -ideal for many applica- port" design to achieve highly effective
tions. Excellent for replacement use in damping and loading of speaker at low
radios, TV sets, etc.. to improve tonal qual- frequencies. Beautiful hand- rubbed veneers
ity. Also fine choice for limited -space hi -fi blend into any furnishing scheme. 1" acous-
systems or for use as hi -fi system extension tic lining. Size: 311/1' high. 25 W wide. and
speaker. Response. 50 -12.000 cps. Curvi- 181E deep. Shpg. wt.. 49 lbs.
linear cone. Aluminum -base voice coil. 6.8
oz. magnet. Capacity. 15 watts. Impedance. 81 DZ 725. Al -406M. Mahogany.
8 ohms. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs. 81 DZ 726. AI -4068. Blonde Oak.
81D518.NET .10.73 NET EACH 63.66

RCA Hi -Fi Speaker Enc losure and Speakers

versatile custom -convertible speaker enclo- designed, moderately priced 12' hi -fi biaxial
sure. Features exclusive RCA "bottom- port" speaker. Has a 3' tweeter unit mounted on
with detachable feet to permit use as an a specially designed off -axis bracket-pro-
infinite baffle. corner driver, or bass reflex vides excellent directivity and smooth re-
enclosure -to suit your room acoustics and sponse over the entire frequency range of 40
personal taste. Ideal for use with either
Model 5OIS1 or 502S1 listed at right
or any 12" speaker. Beautifully styled to
- to 18.000 cps. Has excellent transient re-
sponse because of its inherently good damp-
ing. The woofer unit has a copper voice
blend with the decor of any room; specially coil and a 141/2 ounce Alnico V magnet; the
constructed to match the furniture arrange- high -frequency section has a 1.47 ounce
ment of your choice -against the wall, away Alnico V magnet. Highly efficient electro-
from the wall. or in a corner! Use it to suit mechanical crossover network assures a
your room acoustics and your own personal clean, smooth response at crossover fre-
taste. Panels and grille cloth can be re- quency. Power handling capacity. 12 watts.
moved and interchanged -quickly and easily Impedance. 8 ohms. Recommended for use
-to obtain a custom -built appearance. with Model 300W1 enclosure listed at left.
This smartly styled enclosure has many or such types as bass- reflex. infinite baffle.
excellent features to assure top performance folded horn. and labyrinth. Requires 101/
Narrow -width panels to minimize low -fre- baffle opening and 61/2' depth behind mount -
quency cabinet resonances; shallow design ing panel. With 3OY cable and 2- terminal
that reduces the "Q" of the resonant cavity; connector. Shpg. wt.. 71/4 lbs.
and small -grooved edges for reduction of re- 81 DX 968. NET 32.83
fraction and diffraction effects. All cabinets MODEL 50251 12' SPEAKER. New. top -qual-
have mortise-and -tenon joints. glue -block ity 12' high -fidelity speaker. Provides
reinforcements and wood -screw clamping smooth. well - balanced tone over thefre-
50151 for maximum strength and added rigidity. quency range of 40 to 16.000 cps. Its extend-
Made of selected hardwoods. ed trequency range plus inherently good
Carefully selected, expertly finished woods damping provide exceptionally good tran-
assure lasting beauty. Encbosures are avail- sient response. A mechanically terminated
able in three popular finishes to complement cone and the use of low -mass mechanical
your home: cherry, blonde. and fruitwood. elements reduce "thump)," bass. Has an
With 4 properly spaced bolts to fit any 12' aluminum voice coil and a heavy -duty 141/2
speaker having standard RETMA mount- ounce Alnico V magnet. Capacity. 12 watts.
ing dimensions. Size, 3434,x291/2x141/ ". Impedance. 8 ohms. Requires 101/4¡ baffle
Shpg. wt.. 50 lbs. opening and 6l4 depth behind mounting
50251 81 DZ 965. Cherry Mishap. NET. 68.55 panel. With 30' cable and 2- terminal con-
81 DZ 966. Blonde Mahog. NET 73.01 nector. Shpg. wt.. 6 lbs.
81 DZ 967. Fruitwood. NET 73.01 81 DX 969. NET 24.74
a Allied is Headquarters for High-Fidelity Equipment
Bozak High -Fidelity Speaker Components BOZAK
MODEL E -300 ENCLOSURE. Infinite -baffle MODEL B -209 6" Excellent 6"
speaker enclosure combining extreme ver- speaker for mid -range reproduction. Special
satility. handsome styling, and ready adapt- felted -paper pulp variable density cone con-
ability to present or future speaker comer struction combines with rubberized -cloth
nents. Ideal for installation of H -207A or edge suspension to provide critical damping
both H -207A and 14-209 listed below. Avail- and superior transient response -extremely
able in your choice of 3 highly attractive smooth from 200 to 3500 cycles. Handles 15
furniture finishes with harmonizing wrap- watts; 25 watts peak. Has 11/2 lb. Alnico V
around grille cloth. Firmly constructed of magnet. Diameter of voice coil. 11/2" Re-
selected 1/2' plywood for maximum rigidity. quires St/z' baffle opening. Depth behind
baffle board is cut for i2' speaker. A 6" panel. 3tW. Impedance. 8 ohms. Shpg.
mid -range speaker opening (with removable wt.. 7 lbs.
panel) is also provided. Enclosure is heavily 81 D 743. NET. . 48.00
lined with acoustic damping material. plus MODEL B -199A 12' SPEAKER. (Not illus-
free -hanging acoustic curtain, to prevent
peaking. Size: 301/2' high. 24" wide,
deep. Shpg. wt.. SO lbs.
it trated.) Popular 12" bass reproducer for
use in high- fidelity 2 and 3 -way systems
(for infinite baffle mounting only). Low
81 DZ 094. Mahogany mass variable density cone with rubber-
81 DZ 095. Birch. ized -cloth suspension offers smooth low -
81 OZ 096. Walaus.
EACH 75.00 . frequency response -from 40 to 4500 cps.
Has rugged cast -aluminum frame. 11/2' rib -
hem -wound voice coil. Power rating, 15
MODEL B-207A COAXIAL SPEAKER. This bril- watts. Impedance, 8 ohms. E -300 enclosure
liant speaker uses a dual tweeter. the (described at left) recommended. Shpg. wt..
13-210X, mounted inside th' 11-199.1 12" R lbs.
woofer. Designed specifically for infinite
baffling, it provides true -pitch bass and 81 DX 745. NET 49.50
clean transients. Listening fatigue is re- MODEL N -10102 CROSSOVER NETWORK.
duced by its near - perfect balance and ab- (Not illustrated.) New, deluxe convertible
sence of distortion. Makes an economical crossover network for custom hi -fi use. Ideal
installation mounted in a suitable wall. 8 or 16 ohm 3 -way crossover for use with
closet door or infinite -baffle enclosure. Fre- H -207A (left) and H -209 (listed above). Can
quency response extends from 40 to 16,(00 easily be converted to accommodate two
cps. With built -in crossover filter (6 db per or four B -207A speakers for excellent sound
octave). Cone resonance, below 40 cycles. reproduction. Crossovers, 6 db per octave
Power handling capacity, 15 watts; 30 -watt at 800 and 2500 cycles. Size. 8' wide. 6"
peaks. Impedance, 8 ohms. Cast -aluminum deep, and St/z' high. Supplied complete
frame fits either 12' or 15' cutouts. Depth with detailed instructions to simplify in
behind panel, 7 ". Shpg. wt.. 15 lbs. stallation. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs.
81 DX 742. NET... 83.85 81 0 952. NET 27.50
R -J Speaker Enclosure s and Speaker System
cost, loi -fi le
speaker enclosures. Top -qual- sists of Model S -8 8", single -shelf speaker en-
ity venters- finished or unfinished. Size closure with matched 8" Wharfedale speak-
(including legs): 20" high, 21Y wide and l6"
deep. Shpg. wt.. 36 lbs.
er- superb sound and extremely attractive
appearance at moderate cost. Excellent for
MODEL F -12-U. Unfinished. minimum space applications. 10 -ohm voice
95 DZ 398. NET 45.50 coil impedance. Wt., 25 lhs.
MODEL F -I2 -M. Mahogany. MODEL S-11-MC. Mahogany.
95 DZ 392. NET 52.50 95 DZ 405. NET 57.50
MODEL F -12 -B. Korina Blonde.
95 DZ 394. NET 57.50
MODEL 5-8 -BC. Blonde.
95 DZ 406. NET .. 60.00
BOOKSHELF TYPES. Small, compact speaker enclosures especially designed for bookshelf
installation. Excellent for minimum space applications such as apartment. den, recreation
room. etc. Provides maximum bass response despite small size. Ruggedly constructed of F-12-M
carefully selected wood -sanded, ready for finishing with a minimum of effort. Available for F-12-U
two popular speaker sizes. F- 12-B
MODEL S-8 -U. FOR 8" SPEAKER. Low -cost, MODEL S -I2 -U. Economy-
single-shelf type. Measures only IIx23t/zx priced. double shelf type. Size. 24x21x1(Y.
I(Y. Shpg. wt.. 20 lb.. Shpg. wt.. 31 lbs. 12 -U
95 DX 390. NET .26.50 95 DZ 391. NET 32.50

Quam Economy Hi -Fi Speakers and Tweeters

MODEL BAIOX 8" SPEAKER. Excellent 8" ex- MODEL SA15T 5" TWEETER. Exceptionally S-8-U
tended-range speaker for the limited- budget low -cost 5" tweeter for the budget -minded
high -fidelity installation. Ideal for use as an hi -fi enthusiast. Identical to tweeter used
inexpensive remote speaker in home music in Model ISA10C0 speaker (listed below).
systems. Frequency response. tS db. 60 Suggested for use with 15" speakers to ex-
12,000cps. Power handlingcapacity. l Owat t s. tend their present range. Frequency re-
l' voice coil diameter. For 7' baffle opening.
Depth. 31/21. With efficient 10 -oz. Alnico V
sponse. 2000-12.000 cps. t6 db. Voice coil
impedance. 14 ohms. Power handling capac-
magnet. Impedance, 6 -8 ohms. Furnished ity, 10 watts to input of speaker system. 12A6C0
less not cover, Shpg. wt., 3% lbs. 1.47 oz. Alnico V magnet. 25j6 deep; 41," 15A1000
81 D 343. List. $18.60. NET.... _ 10.94 mtg. ctrl. Shpg. wt.. I lb.
81 D 342. list, $6.50. NET.... ... 3.82 QUAM
Moderately- priced 12' high- fidelity speaker. used in Model 12A6CO. below. Recom-
Consists of 12" low-frequency unit and 31/2" mended for 12' speakers. Response, 2000- 8A 10X
tweeter. Power handling capacity, 14 watts.
Response. SO to 15.000 cps. t5 db. lias a
12,000 cps. t6
db. Voice coil impedance.
14 ohms. Has heavy -duty 1.47 oz. magnet
6.8 oz. Alnico V woofer magnet. 1.47 oz. (Alnico V). Power capacity, 10 watts to in-
tweeter magnet. Voice coil impedance. 6-8 put of speaker system. Unit is 31/2' square;
ohms. Shpg. wt.. 61/2 lbs. depth 21/is'. Shpg. wt.. 1/2 lbs.
81 DX 318. List. $30.10. NET 17.64 81 D 341. List, $5.75. NET .. 3.38
MODEL ISA10C0 15' COAXIAL SPEAKER. Has 15" woofer for reproduction of the bass fre-
quencies. High- frequency unit has 5' diameter cone. An ideal low -cost unit for stereo-
phonic systems. Power handling capacity. 20 watts. Response over the entire range of
25- 15,000 cps. t5
db. Woofer has 10 oz. Alnico V magnet; tweeter has 1.47 oz. magnet.
Voice coil impedance, 6 -8 ohms. Depth 71/2" behind mounting panel. Shpg. wt., 9 lbs.
81 DX 319. list. $47.50. NET ... 27.93 5A15T
Allied Supplies Everything for Custom Installation Ms
3AI5T 61


ADVANCED FEATURES Latest version of Garrard's
ONLY close Hritish -made changer
ONLY highly popular economy
ombining the latest design Four -Speed Operation model, which has of
refinements with tradition-
$5341 ally precise Garrard crafts- Manual or Automatic Play $4165 the RC- 88 -4's fine fmeaaturesny ;
excellent for budget high -
manship. Plays 16'/, 331/2. fidelity systems or for replacement or mod-
IS and 78 rpm recordings. Automatic oper- AC and Output Cables ernization purposes. Full manual operation.
ation is quick and gentle; smooth -acting Smooth, Quiet Operation plus positive automatic intermix of 12', 10'
slide switch converts changer to manual and 7' records of the same speed. Action of
operation instantly. Weighted turntable is Rugged 4 -Pole Motor changing mechanism is smooth and easy;
covered by protective rubber pad; idler -wheel Weighted Turntable records slip onto rubber-matted turntable
drive disengages when changer is off. Heavy - silently and without "jamming', even if
duty 4 -pole motor and oversize traction oversize. Arm height and stylus pressure are
wheel for silent, hum -free operation. Size. easily adjusted from top of changer. Size.
151/2' W. 131/2á D. 31/2' below and 594 RC -98-4 "CROWN" CHANGER 141/2' W. 13' 1); requires 4t/ß above and
above mounting board. Complete with 2 Sys below mounting board. Supplied com-
plug -in heads, automatic spindle. spindle for Luxury changer incorporating all of the plete with two plug-in heads, line cord and
manual play. 45 -rpm manual spindle adapt- features of the RC -88-4 at left, plus sepa-
rate speed compensation control. Supplied plug. and output cable with phono plug.
er. line cord and plug, output cable and Less cartridges and automatic spindle. For
phono plug. Less cartridges and 45 -rpm with the RC -98 -4 is the Garrard automatic 100-130 or 200-230 v.. 60 cycle AC. Shpg.
automatic spindle. For 100 -130 v.. or 200- 45 -rpm spindle, which converts the changer
for playback of 45 -rpm records without wt., 14 lbs.
250 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 16 lbs. 94 RX 670. NET.. .. 41.65
53.41 need for center-hole adapters. Also supplied
94 RX 950. NET... .

with standard automatic spindle. manual RC- 121 -4-050. As above, but with new G. E.
RC 88-4 -050. As above. but with new G. E. spindle, and 45 -rpm manual spindle adapt- 4G -050 magnetic cartridge installed. Less
4G -050 magnetic cartridge. Lees extra plug - er. Less cartridges. For 100 -130 v.. 60 extra plug -in head.
u head. cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 17 lbs. 94 RX 542. NET.... 50.42
94 RX 546. NET 62.18.
94 RX 673. NET.... . 66.15 RC -I21- 4-052. As above. but with new G. E.
As above. but with new G. E.
RC -88 -4-052. Same as above, but with G. E.
RC -98.4 -032. 4(: -052 magnetic cartridge installed. Less
4G -052 magnetic cartridge. Less extra plug- Type 4G -052 cartridge installed. Less extra extra plug -in head.
in head. plug-in head. 94 RX 543. NET. .
94 RX 547. NET 72.32 94 RX 545. NET.. 85.06 COMPLETE GARRARD ACCESSORIES
WOOD RASES FOR RC -88-4 AND RC -98 -4.
I landsomely finished. sturdy wooden bases.
Pre-drilled and cut. Sling. wt., 4 Ills.
94 RX 744. Mahogany Finish.
94 RX 742. Limed Ook Finish.
94 RX 958. Wokwt Finish.
NET EACH... .. 4.85
WOOD BASES FOR RC- 121 -4. Shpg. wt., 4 lbs.
94 RX 745. Mahogany Finish.
94 RX 743. Lim.d Oak Finish.
94 RX 959. Walnut Fksis8.
,finish. With level. Shpg. wt.. 5 lbs.
96 RI 914. NET 24.01
brown. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs.
h. nest product of ONLY A famous Garrard manual 94 RX 957. 4.07

;audit] craftsmanship, this player now including these

$8722 turntable meets the most
rigorous standards for pro-
$3185 outstanding features
heavy, rubber - padded steel boards drilled and cut for mounting Gar-
fessional instruments of its turntable; new. accurate- rard units. For use where changers are to
be installed in custom cabinets. or to replace
kind. Each Model 301 turntable is supplied tracking pickup arm; safety arm rest and old mounting boards when modernizing.
with a full report of the factory test of the lock for maximum portability. An excellent
example of Garrard's renowned rugged con- Shpg. wt.. 11/2 lbs.
individual unit. Operates at 331/2, 45 and 78 95 RX 666. For RC -88-4, RC- 981.50 -4....
rpm speeds; includes plastic stroboscope struction and precision workmanship. Of-
card to permit exact setting of speed with fers all of the basic record- reproducing fea- 95 RX 667. For RC-121-4. 1.50.

built -in speed regulator. tures of the automatic changers above. at 96 RX 913. 301 Turntable.
For 7.35 .

An integral lubrication system forces addi- nominal cost. 4 -pole motor is exceptionally 94 RX 956. TMK- 11.....
For 1.50
tional lubricant. under pressure. into smooth and quiet. Live rubber motor 45 -RPM AUTOMATIC SPINDLES. For automat-
mechanism at the flick of a knob. A resistor - mounts for low vibration; highly dependable ic changing of 45 -rpm records with large
capacitor network prevents shutoff noise beltless drive. Motor starts when tone arm center holes; eliminate need for center-hole
is lifted -shuts off automatically at end of adapters for each record. Special revolving
from being transmitted through the sys-
tem and amplified; a shutoff brake prevents record. Size. 14t/á W. 121/2' l)1"
collar prevents center-hole wear. Shpg.
"free wheeling" of turntable after it is and 2%s' below mounting board. Less car- wt.. IO oz.
tridge. With 2 plug -in heads (1 when pur-
switched off. Dynamically -balanced. pre- chased with cartridge installed). For opera- 95 R 664.For RC -88-4. NET
cision- machined turntable of cast aluminum volts. 60 cycle 95 665.For RC- 121 -4. EACH 3.43
is entirely non- magnetic. Less than 0.2%
tion from 100 -130 or 200-250 R
\C. Shpg. wt.. 14 lbs. EXTRA PLUG-IN HEAD. Fits all Garrard RC-
wow; flutter is less than .05 %. Vibration - 31.85 SO. -90, -88, .98, 121 -4 and TMK-II units.
proof mounting on special springs. 94 RX 953. NET
Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
Size, 16x131/2"; requires 2W above. 31/2' TMK -11 -050. As above, with G.E. 4G -050. 56R341.NET 1.47
below mounting hoard. For operation 40.62

94 RX 592. NET.... REPLACEMENT DRIVE BELTS. Set of 2; For

from 100-130 or 200-2M) v.. 60 cycle AC.
Shpg. wt.. 20 lbs. TMK -11 -052. As above. with G. E. 4G -052. RC -80, R(' -9O. Shpg. wt.. 5 oz.
50.76 43 N 402. NET PER SET .. 15c
96RZ912.NET 87.22 94 RX 593. NET. .

02 Allied is Headquarters for High-Fidelity Equipment



Precision -engineered 12' and 16' pickup Dual-f unction high-fidelity modernization MAGNETIC CARTRIDGES
arms; take new G.E. Series VR II mag- component. Permits using hi-fi magnetic
netic cartridges. Excellent for deluxe hi-fi phono cartridge with radio-phono or am- New variable -reluctance cartridge featut
music systems and for studio use. Made of plifier not equipped with necessary- pre ing extended frequency response, special
strong, non- warping, lightweight alumi- amp; also permits using a microphone. anti -hum coils, higher output than previous
num. Excellent tracking even on eccentric Two-position switch provides proper equal. types, and new plug -in design. The new
or warped records. Feature ball- bearing ization for either a mike or G.E. magnetic VR I1 cartridge is much smaller than earlier
cartridge -head suspension for minimum cartridges. Provides 32 db gain when in models; fits practically any arm. It is fully
record wear. Cartridge head tilts up 90° " Phono' position; flat (30- 15.000 cps) re- shielded in mu- metal. and incorporates
for stylus inspection. RPX -type cartridge sponse when on "Mike." 18 db bass boost coils specially wound to suppress hum.
plugs into head; new VR I1 requires Al -504 in record reproduction at 50 cps. Completely
adapter. Stylus pressure is shown on cali- shielded. Use up to 25 ft. output cable. With Increased compliance provides improved
brated scale. Height adjustable to 2'. phono -mike input jack, output plug. tracking. with less record wear. Tracking
MODEL Al -500 12' PICKUP ARM. For records shielded cable with plug and 6S('7 tube, pressure is only 4 grams. in professional.
up to 12' in diameter. Length. 107'. selenium rectifier. 31/2x31x31/2'. For op- type arms; 6 -8 grams in record changers.
Shpg. wt.. 11/2 lbs. eration from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Output (nominal) is 22 my at 10 cm /set.
Shpg. wt.. 11 lbs. Extremely smooth frequency response from
99 R 843. NET 26.95 20 to 20.000 cycles, Uses independently re-
MODEL Al -501 16' PICKUP ARM. For rec 93 S 749. NET .10.55 placeable "Clip -In -Tip" styli of new design.
ords up to 16'. 14í/a' long. 2 lbs. Fits either standard 1/2' or 7/Ìf' mounting
99 844. 28.91 Al -203


highly versatile ransist aizevl pre
arms. "S
Shpg. wt.. 3 oz
centers; adapter listed below for "Raton"
Sapphire; "D "-
This highly effective rumble filter sup- amplifier for use with all magnetic car
presses or completely eliminates unwanted tridges. Uses NPN transistor and 12AX7 TRIPLE-PLAY TYPES
low- frequency signals in any hi -fi phono tube. Unusually low hum and noise level.
sc,stem using a G.E. magnetic cartridge. Sensitivity: 10 millivolt input for volt out 1 Stock Mfr's
Stylus Tips
put. Convenient output level control match NEI
Has single cutoff at SO cps -extremely Nn Type
effective in filtering out rumble, vibration es preamp output level to that of tuner. 72 R 851 4G 050 S -.001" S -.003' 8.77
and spurious sub -audio signals. Simple to Switch permits adjustment for use with high 72 RC 852 4G -052 D- 001" S- 003' 8.94
install -plugs in between pickup and the

or low- output magnetic cartridges. Selector 72 RC 853 4G -053 D -.001' D-.003' 29.92
preamp stage. Has Off-On switch. Supplied switch cuts out equalization network for
complete with 19' shielded output lead. use with microphone. RIAA equalization
standard phono plug and mounting bracket SINGLE STYLUS TYPES
for records. Self-contained power supply.
for attachment to record changer base, cab- does not use batteries. Size. 31/2x31/2x6'. Stack Mfr's
inet. or control panel. Size. 2z21/4x3t . For operation from 110 -120 volts. 50 -60 No. Type Stylas Tip NET
Shpg. wt., 1(1 oz. cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 31/2 lbs.
99R865. 8.33 72 R 854 4G-040 S-.003' 6.42
NET 81 S 857. NET ....

21.51 72 R 855 4G-041 s5-.001' 6.42
72 RC 856 4G-063 0 -.003' 1 7.18
G. E. Modernization Assem blies 8 Styli for RPX Series 72 RC 857 4G-061 0 -.001' 17.18

For stylus replacement in single or triple Replacement single- tipped styli for G.E. "('lip -In' replacement styli specially de-
play RPX Clip -In -Tip cartridges. Wt.. 2 oz. cartridge types RPX-040. -041. -061, and signed for the new VR II cartridge. Consist
Stock No Mr's Type Stylus Radius -063. (These cartridges cannot be con- of precision -ground G.E. diamonds and

verted for use with "Clip -In -Tip" styli.) sapphires mounted on a high -compliance
65RC 992 M1-010 Diamond .o01' support. Unique construction virtually
65RC 993 RP1-020 Diamond 007S' Shpg. wt.. 1 oz.
65RC 994 ItP1-030 Diamond 003' eliminates response to vertical movement
Stock No Mir's Type

Stylus I Radias of stylus. greatly reducing noise level on

NET EACH 1 2.00 6SM 281 RP1 -005 Sapphire worn or scratched records. Plastic damping
65R 995 RP; OIS Sepphoe 001' 65R 261 RP1.006 Sapphire I .002S' blocks suppress needle resonance for smooth.
65R 996 RPJ-02S Sapphire 0075'
65R 295 RP) 001 Sapphire .003' peak -free high frequency response. Av.
65R 997 RP1-035 Sapphire 003' shpg. wt.. 2 oz
NET EACH 1 96 99RC 815 RP) 004 Diamond 001' Stock No Type Stylus Radios NET
99 RC 817 RP) 007 Diamond 0075'
STYLI MODERNIZATION ASSEMBLIES 99RC 816 RP) 003 Diamond 003' 72 w 858 4G-OIS Sapphire; .001' 1.96

For converting G.E. triple -play cartridge 72 R 859 4G -02S Sapphire' .0025' 1.96 i

types RPX -050. -051. -053. -047 to "Clip-

NET EACH 1 2.49 72 R 860 4G -03Si Sapphire .003' 1.96

In- Tip ". Once installed, only the tips need 72 RC 861 4G -010 Diamond .001' 112.00
be replaced when worn. "S
"D Diamond. Shpg. wt., 2 o:.
triple play cartridges.
KIT. For
Includes washers.
spring and knobs. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
72 RC 862
72 RC 863
4G -0201 Diamond .0025' 12.00
4G-030, Diamond .003' 112.00
Pluck No Type Stylus Tips NET 65 R 971. NET ... . .. 29c
65R 988 RPJ 010A S- 001' S -.003' 3.50 Al -504 ADAPTER. Required when mounting
65RC 991 OP1.017A D. 001' D -.003' 24.45 ROB -001 STYLUS BRUSH. Soft bristle brush new VR II magnetic cartridges in General
65 RC 9891 RP1-0135 D..001' S -.003' 13.47 for cleaning stylus assemblies. Reduces dis- Electric transcription -type arms. AI -501)
65R 987 RP1 0075 S -.001' S- .0025' 3.50 tortion. saves records. 2 oz. or Al -50I. Shpg. wt.. 5 oz.
65RC 990 RP) 011A D. 001' D- .0025', 24.45 65 972.
R NET. . .IOC 72 R 864. NET 73c

STYLUS FACTS: Magnetic cartridges are supplied styli are most economical. If sapphire styli are used
with sapphire or diamond styli. Either will outlast replace them at the first sign of wear. The diagram
the osmium stylus used in ordinary phonographs by at left shows comparative wear of diamond and sap
many times. This is important, because a worn sty- phire styli. It shows that diamond styli last far long
lus will seriously damage your records, permanently er than sapphire styli; taken over a period of a year
SAPPHIRE DIAMOND distorting their sound. In the long run. diamond or so, the cost of diamond styli is considerably lower.
50 hours 400 hou.,

Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois


BR1831 -21

"Imperial" 4 -Speed Series 1831 Diskchangers Economy 4-Speed Series 1840 Diskchangers
AS LOW AS Beautiful New Toned -Gold Finish AS LOW AS "Magic Mind" Intermix Feature
"Magic Mind" Intermixes Records Rubber-Matted Turntable

$426 3 Wide Choice of Models

Plays "Talking Book" Records
$3345 Full 4 -Speed Operation
Stylus Pressure Adjustment
New 1958 versions of the world -famous Webcor "Imperial" Disk- Excellent economy version of the "Imperial" series at left. "Magic
changer-featuring precision workmanship, four playing speeds, Mind" feature provides fully automatic intermix of 33% and
45 rpm records of all sizes. Uses exclusive Webcor precision -built
and the ultra-convenient "Magic Mind" operation. Deluxe styling motor to assure smooth. constant turntable speeds. Handling of
includes new "Toned- Gold" finish, and attractive, functional
placement of controls for simple operation. "Magic Mind" lets you records is gentle and noiseless; stylus pressure may be adjusted
intermix any assortment of 33í/z and 45 -rpm records in 7', 10' and for minimum record wear. Turntable is dynamically balanced to
12' sizes. Changer automatically changes records and changes to eliminate objectionable wow and flutter. Set -down position of
33% or 45 rpm speed. Also intermixes 10' and 12' 78 -rpm records pickup arm may be easily adjusted. Four speeds played are 78
automatically. Fourth speed, 16% rpm. is used to play "Talking rpm, 33% rpm, 45 rpm, and 16% rpm; 16% rpm speed is used for
Book" records manually or automatically. "Talking Book" records. 8 -inch turntable is rubber -matted.
Other features include automatic motor shut -off after last record; Models 1841 -1 and 1842 -1 have 2 -pole motor; other models have a
4 -pole motor. All in new "Toned -Gold" color. Size, with base:
pilot light; powerful 4 -pole Rotodyne motor; convenient. top -of- 10x131/2x141/2'. Min. mtg. space of models without base: 13174'
arm stylus pressure adjustment; 91/2-inch rubber- matted turntable.
Minimum mounting space: 13'74' wide. 133A.' deep; requires 6W wide. 13%s" deep; require 6%' above. 3' below mounting board.
See accessories listed below. With phono cable and pin plug. AC
above. 3' below mounting board. See accessories listed at right
below. With phono cable and pin plug. AC cord and plug, and tem- cord and plug. For 110 -120 volts. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. less base.
11 lbs.: with base. 15 lbs.
plate. Less base. For 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 12 lbs.
151842.1. Economy Diskchanger as described above. with ceramic
181831 -21. "Imperial" Diskchanger with new G.E. 4G -052 magnetic cartridge and two sapphire styli. On metal base.
cartridge (.001' diamond, .003' sapphire stylus). 94 RX 963. List Price. $53.75. NET 39.50
94 RX 960. List Price, $80.00. NET 58.80
151842.21. As above. but with new G.E. 4G -050 cartridge (has
881831 -1. As above, but with ceramic cartridge (.001' diamond. two sapphire styli).
.003' sapphire stylus). 94 RX 964. List Price, $58.00. NET.... .
94 RX 961. List Price. $75.00. NET 55.12
181841 -1. Same as Model 1842 -1 above. less base.
181831-27. As above, less cartridge, but with two plug -in 65 -66 94 RX 965. List Price, $45.50. NET 33.45
Accommodates any conventional cartridge. See pages 63 and 8RI841 -21. Same as Model 1842 -21, less base.
for listings of phono cartridges. 36.56
94 RX 962. List Price. $58.00. NET. 42.63 94 RX 966. List Price $49.75. NET

Webcor Diskchanger Accessories


Mounting Boord
Modernize Your Present
Phonograph with a
45 -rpm 45-rpm
Webcor Changer and
Spindle Spider
Magnetic Cartridge!
MODEL 1911 BASE. Highly attractive and durable metal base, fin-
ished in rich -looking burgundy. Harmonizes perfectly with new
"Toned -Gold" changer finish. Excellent for table -top or shelf use;
If your TV set or radio has a phono input jack, you can underside of changer is effectively sealed against dust. Mounting of
easily convert it for use with a Webcor hi -fi Diskchanger changer is quick and easy. Shpg. wt., 4 lbs.
and G.E. magnetic cartridge by adding a G.E. UPX-003B 95 RX 765. NET 5.68
preamplifier. Just insert the shielded wire plug from the PRE-CUT MOUNTING BOARD. Pre -cut, heavy plywood mounting
changer into the socket on the preamp provided for it; board for custom installing Webcor changers. Unfinished; may be
then plug the preamp into your radio or TV set in the same stained or finished to match cabinet. Overall size. 16x16x %' thick.
way. Connect changer and preamp to 110 -volt. 60 -cycle AC Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs.
outlets, and you're all set! The combination will provide 196
record reproduction vastly superior to older equipment; 95 RX 767. NET
records will last longer. too, thanks to the light stylus pres- AUTOMATIC 45 RPM SPINDLE. Automatically changes 45 rpm rec-
sure required by the G.E.cartridge. It's an excellent way to ords without need for individual spider adapters in each record.
get started in hi-fit Easily slips over center spindle of Webcor changers for conversion
All necessary cords and plugs are supplied with the changer to fully automatic 45 -rpm changing action. Shpg. wt
8 os,
and the preamplifier; there's no soldering to be done. The 94 R 911. NET 2 94
preamp itself is easily hidden out of sight inside TV or 45 RPM SPIDER INSERTS. Lightweight metal inserts, easily snapped
radio cabinets, or behind them. In addition, the preamp into place in large center -hole of 45 rpm records. Small center -hole
may be used with a microphone, enabling you to "broad- in adapter permits use of 45 rpm records on any conventional
cast" through your radio or TV set. With instructions. turntable which will operate at 45 rpm speed. but which does not
Size, 31/2x31/2xl1/2i Shpg. wt.. 11 lbs.
have large spindle. Shpg. wt.. package of 10. 6 oz.

93 S 749. NET... .10.55 46c

96 R 471. Pkg. of 10, NET

64 Allied is Headquarters for High-Fidelity Equipment

Pickering High -Fidelity Components QPICKERING
placcabie stylus. dual- turnover magnetic
\. "t .nipoise" arm of unusually effective
design and striking appearance, with inte-
cartridges-with extremely wide response. gral "Fluxvalvé' cartridge. The entire unit
For all hi -fi changers and all lightweight is only a fraction of the weight of conven-
transcription arms. Provide the ultimate in tional arms. High compliance of "Fluxvalvé '
record reproduction. Stylus can be quickly stylus assembly and single friction -free pivot
and easily changed. Frequency response. bearing are ideally suited to distortionless
*2 db from 10 cycles to beyond 30.000 cps. tracking of all types of recordings. Frequen-
Exceptional compliance and minimum mass cy response, *2 db. IO to 30.000 cps. Track-
assure extremely high tracking accuracy ing force is easily adjusted through range
and minimum record and stylus wear. When from I to 6 grams.
used with the I90D pickup arm (below.
right), tracking force can be as low as Supplied with .001" diamond stylus; also
two grams. Hermetically sealed. Available accommodates replacement styli listed in
with two diamond styli; diamond LP and column at left. Recommended load resist-
sapphire standard styli; or single diamond ance for flat response, 27,000 ohms. Easily
stylus. "S" indicates sapphire tip: "D" mounted for use with any high-quality turn-
indicates diamond. 15 millivolts output. table. Supplied with arm rest. Length.
Require preamplifier. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz. 113/4 ". Shpg. wt.. 8 oz.

Stock No Type Styli NET

99 RC 663. NET 59.85
99 RC 847 35000 .001', D -0027'
1)- 54.00 MODEL 190D PICKUP ARM
99 RC 848 350DS D- 001', S-0027' 42.00
99 RC 899 3500.50 D- .001', D- .0005'
Outstanding design features assure superb
99 RC 798 35000 0-.001' :36.00
record reproduction. Extremely well bal-
anced. Unusually high tracking accuracy
easily tracks badly warped records. Mini-
NEW 370-1D "FLUXVALVE" CARTRIDGE. Low - mum distortion; minimum record -stylus
cost version of superior Pickering "Flux - wear. Safety feature prevents stylus from
valve" cartridge, with frequency response contacting turntable mat or center pin.
from 10 to 30.000 cps. Output is 25 milli- Sensitive tracking (orce adjustment. Height
volts; tracking pressure from 2 to 6 grams. adjustment from 1/2' to 2' high. Self -
depending upon arm used and type of re- contained levelling screws. Complete with
cording. Supplied with I -mil diamond sty- magnetic arm rest. Length. 1411 ". Shpg.
lus for playing microgroove records, but will wt.. 2 lbs.
accommodate any of the styli listed below. 99 R 830. NET 31.50
Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
Brings out the full beauty of recorded
music. Provides rich. properly balanced re-
370 AND 194 CARTRIDGES. Ingeniously production by compensating for recording
mounted styli, on specially formed plastic characteristics used by the various record
inserts. Easily and quickly changed without manufacturers. 6 positions: European 78;
tools or disassembly; styli resent perfectly for London 33 and Old I.P; Old Capitol and
cone inuid high performance. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
AES; New AES (RIAA); Maximum Treble
- Stock No. Type 1
Tip NET and Bass; Noisy Records. With 20' cable,
pin plug. and jack; ready for easy plug -in
99 RC 849 D3510 b01' Diamond 18.00 installation between magnetic cartridge and
99 RC 896 03527 .0027' Diamond 18.00 preamp. For panel mounting. 1r/axlr4x3 t/a'
99 RC 897 S3527 .0027' Sapphire 6.00 deep. Slipg. wt., I lb.
99 RC 799 D3505 .0005 Diamond 24.00

99 R 808. NET 12.00

Fairchild High -Fidelity Components
Professional- quality pickup arm for use on fessional-type, moving -coil cartridges. De-
transcriptions or records -especially in signed to mount in all changer and tran-
exacting hi -fi installations. Length and scription arms. Miniature size, only 11/2x3/4x
shape of arm carefully designed for highest
tracking accuracy. Accepts all mag-
YAs". Provide outstanding frequency range;
t2 db. 20- 20,000 cps. Has exceptionally {A/RCNILD
netic cartridges. For recordings to 12" in good tracking ability and low moving mass.
diameter. Plug -in slide feature for quick Output. 5 millivolts. Impedance. 200 ohms.
cartridge change. Adjustable springs make With diamond stylus. Require preamplifier.
contact with the cartridge terminals. Slipg. wt.. 4 oz.
Springs short when cartridge is removed.
Arm is curved and pivoted slightly off center Stock No. Type Stylus INET EACH
for perfect tracking and minimum record 65 RC 007 225A .001' 37.50
wear. No arm rest required-self -locking 65 RC 008 2255 .0025' 37.50
stop holds arm securely in place. Height.

leveling and stylus pressure is adjustable. MODEL 235 INPUT TRANSFORMER Provides
Arm drop limit adjustment prevents dam- additional 14 db gain for Fairchild car-
aging stylus. Shpg. wt., 6 lbs. tridges. 30' cable. Wt.. 1/2 lbs. 1

65 R 022. NET 37.50 65 R 021. NET II 95

MODEL 281A. As above but for recordings XP-3 CARTRIDGE. New moving -coil car-
up to 16" in diameter. Ideal for broadcast tridge of unusual design. Hand -made by
transcription use. Shpg. wt., 6 lbs. Fairchild's most experienced craftsmen.
65 R 023. NET 39.95 Features greatly reduced dynamic mass and
phenomenal tracking ability-will track 30
830A EXTRA CARTRIDGE SLIDE -KIT. For inser- cm /sec peak recorded velocity at less than
tion of cartridges in 280A and 281A tran- 3 grams. Available with .001' diamond only.
scription arms. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz. Slipg. wt.. 4 os.
65 R 024. NET. . ......... 2.35
MODEL 412 -1. A 331/3 rpm turntable with
superlative specifications at an unusually
65 RC 925. NET


electronic drive below. For 110 -120 v., 60

cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 28 lbs.
low price. Uses time - proven belt drive and 99 RI 205. NET 99.50
self -lubricating hysteresis- synchronous mo-
tor providing true professional performance. 412 -ED ELECTRONIC DRIVE. Electronic (re-
Non -magnetic, dynamically balanced turn- quency generator; fits 412 -1 case. For 110-
table rests on rotating ball- thrust bearing 120 v., 50 -60 cycles AC. 15 lbs.
in nylon seat. Advanced motor suspension
system eliminates all traces of vibration.
99 RX 206. NET 94.00
Exceeds NARTB specifications by a wide FAIRCHILD TURNTABLE BASES. Wt.. S lbs. kAodel 412-1
margin. Precision -made throughout. Con- 99 RX 207. Mahogany. 99 RX 208.Rlonde.
vertible to 4 -speed operation with 412 -ED 99 RX 209. Walnut. NET EACH ... 31.50 Turntahle
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois
MODEL TPAIO. New. beautifully styled
PHONO CARTRIDGES DYNETIC ARM AND CARTRIDGE 0 and highly efficient pickup arm. For use
Magnificent new pickup arm and car- with any cartridge. Fully adjustable for
AND tridge for professional broadcast use length and tracking angle, as well as pres-
and deluxe hi -fi systems. Reproduces re- sure. Extends to accommodate l6' record-
cordings with a needle torce of only I to 2 ings. Adjustable head for best tracking at
PICKUP ARMS grams! Takes records to t6' in diameter.
Employs M -1 moving magnet cartridge any angle. In chrome and white enamel.
and N -1 diamond stylus for 331/3 and 45- With fingertip lift. Less cartridge. Shpg.
rpm recordings. Unique moving magnet wt.. 2 lbs.
design provides extreme linearity and free- 72 R 803. NET 24.01
dom from distortion. Arm made of light- ELECTRO -SONIC
weight aluminum in a tapering column; "CONCERT" CARTRIDGE
absolutely free of resonance. Jewelled load -
MODEL ESL -CI. Highly recommended.
bearing pivots throughout. Arm is brought ra moving coil cartridge tor the audio pur-
into playing position on any portion of a
record by means of a stylus control button ist. Response: 16 to 32,000 cps with virtually
which lifts the cartridge. When button is unmeasurable IM distortion. Tracks at 3 -7
released, the cartridge is lowered, and the grams. Output impedance, 1.5 ohms. Re-
stylus gently contacts record grooves with quires transformer, below. With .001" dia-
a force of to 2 grams (depending on coun- mond stylus. 1/z" centers. Wt., 2 oz.

terbalance adjustment) -eliminates all 65 RC 544. NET 35.95

chance of damage to record or stylus. Sensi- MODEL ESL -201M TRANSFORMER. Has 200 -
tivity: Output at 1000 cps, 14 millivolts. ohm output for regular preamps. Wt., 5 oz.
Response: ±2 db. 20 to 20,000 cps. Overall 72 R 850. NET 11.00
length, I4% Height adjustment range,
1W. Includes Model M -1 plug -in cartridge MODEL ESL -201F
and Model N -1 replaceable diamond stylus but with filter switch for surface noise.
with 0.7 mil tip. Shpg. wt., lb. 1 65 R 546. NET 15.00
72 RC 804. NET 77.91 RECOTON "500" CARTRIDGES
MODEL M -1 CARTRIDGE ONLY. Plugs in. In- New. improved Model "500" magnetic
cludes N -1 LP diamond stylus. Wt., 2 oz. cartridges. "Back -to- back "turnover
72 RC 805. NET 41.16 type. Response. 20- 20,000 cps. 555 -SDM
has mu -metal shield. "D" indicates dia-
MODEL N -1 REPLACEMENT DIAMOND STYLUS mond. "S." sapphire. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
ONLY. lias 0.7 mil tip. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. No. Type Styli List NET-
72 RC 806. NET 19.58 65 R 002 S00-SS S- 00I',S -.003' $16.50 9.70
65 RC 003 500-50 O- OOl'. S -.003' 31.20 18.35
REK -O -KUT PICKUP ARMS 99 RC 215 555 -SOM D- .001',S -.003' 39.20 23.05
MODEL 120. Professional- quality arm for REPLACEMENT STYU. For above. Wt 2 oz.
use with 12" turntables. Accepts G.E., No. Type Styli list NET
Pickering cartridges, etc. "Versa- Twin"
bearings result in extreme rigidity combined 65 RC 004 399D D -.001' $25.00 14.70
with smooth lateral movement. Tubular 65 R 005 399 S -.001' 3.50 2.06
aluminum shape with die -cast aluminum 65 R 006 398 S-.003' 3.50 2.06
cartridge shell ana counterweight. Counter- SHURE CERAMIC CARTRIDGES
weight rotates to adjust stylus pressure. "Music Lovers" dual -stylus. hi -fi car-
Also has height adjustment. With one plug - 0 tridges. Include adapter for magnetic
in head. Wt., 2 lbs.
99 RX 862. NET 26.95 phono inputs. Response: 30- 15.000 cps.
Output: Without adapter. 0.4 volt; with
MODEL 160. As above. but 16' in length. adapter. 25 millivolts. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
Shpg. wt.. 21/4 lbs. TYPE ML44SS. .001', .003' sapphire styli.
99 RX 863. NET 29.95 65 R 032. NET 8.20
EXTRA PLUG -IN HEAD. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz. TYPE ML44DS..001 "diamond, .003' sapphire.
99 R 864. NET 4 95 65 RC 028. NET 22.90
UNIVERSAL MODEL. For use with any car- TYPE JPS -36.For ML44SS. .001' and .003'
tridge including G. E. triple -play types. sapphire tips. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
Plays recordings up to 16". Features adjust- 65 R 834. NET 3.50
able stylus pressure from 6 to 30 grams. Has TYPE 1PS -36SD. For ML44DS. .001' dia-
precision, ball- bearing pivot; bearings are mond; .003' sapphire. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
enclosed for maximum protection. Supplied 65 RC 144. NET 17.64
with hardware for mounting arm and car-
tridges. Neutral gray finish. Length of arm. ELECTRO -VOICE CERAMIC CARTRIDGES
14'. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs. SERIES 80. Ultra- linear. For replacing any
65 R 070. NET 24.95 high -impedance crystal or ceramic car-
tridge. Response. ±2.5 db. 20 to 15.000 cps.
B-J PICKUP ARM Output: 500 millivolts. With magnetic
Professional pickup arm for 12" turn- phono adapter. 'Turnover type. "S" indi-
tables. Unique, tangential tracking mini- cates sapphire; "D ". diamond. 1/2" mount-
mizes distortion and record wear -no ing centers. Av. shpg. wt.. 5 oz.
change in angle between cartridge and No. Type Styli NET
record grooves throughout entire recording. 5-.001' 9.41
Twin arms of unequal length co-ordinate 65 R 426 84S
to provide low- momentum movement. 65 RC 427 840 0-.001' 22.64
Tracks under 2 grams. For most hi -fi car- 65 RC 414 86T' D-.001' S-.003' 33.81
tridges. Length, 11 inches. Adjustable REPLACEMENT STYLI. For above. Wt., 2 oz.
height. Less cartridges. Wt.. 2 lbs. No. Type Tip For NET
99 R 888. NET 22.50 65 R 974 S3 S-.003' 86T 1.47
65 973 Sl S-.001' 845 1.47
0 -.001' 840,86T 14.70
quality pickup arm in money -sav- 65 RC 412 Dl
o High-
ing kit form. Exactly* duplicates the SONOTONE CERAMIC CARTRIDGES
Audax "compass-pivoted" transcription Series "3" cartridges. Output: 0.5 v.
arm, long recognized as an outstanding Response. 20 to 15.000 cps. /z' or W.
Iii -fi arm. Selector index on back of arm

permits instant adjustment for any stylus mtg. Ctrs. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
pressure. Arm plays up to 12' records; can MODEL 3T -5D. Turnover stylus model with
be assembled in minutes using just a nail .001" diamond and .003' sapphire tips.
file or small screwdriver. Accommodates 65 RC 948. NET 14.11
any make of cartridge- wiper-type contacts MODEL 3P-ID. .001' diamond stylus only.
for simple, positive- contact. Permits stylus - 65 RC 928. NET 3.52 1

to- groove alignment at a glance. Finger -lift REPLACEMENT STYLI. For above.
for quick positioning. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs. TYPE N- 3T -SD. For 3T-SD cartridge. .001'
72 R 800. NET 14.55 diamond. .003' sapphire. Wt.. 2 oz.
KT-16 16" PICKUP ARM KIT. As above, but 68 RC 31 5. NET 10.29
takes records to 16 ". Wt., 21/4 lbs. TYPE N- 3P-ID. For 3P- ID. .001' diamond.
72 RX 801. NET 17.55 68 RC 316. NET 9 70

Allied is Headquarters for High-Fidelity Equipment

signed, professional 3 -speed turntable MODEL AR -I.
with 4 -pole induction motor. Takes up to Radically different system
l6' recordings. Motor shaft engages turn-
featuring air- damped. 12" woofer, plus TURNTABLES AND
table rim directly -rim has long-wearing 8' midrange and high-frequency unit and
neoprene tire around its outside edge. En- crossover network. Mounted in a sealed, SPEAKER SYSTEMS
tire assembly is mounted on W thick, fiberglas -filled cabinet of braced t/¡ hard-
19[%4" wide and 15344 deep, steel base plate wood veneer. Dimensions are conveniently
for absolute rigidity and magnetic shield- small -only 14x11%x25'I Provides extend-
ing. Beautifully balanced, steel turntable, ed, ultra -clean bass response; greatly reduces
ÿis" thick and 11W in diameter, weighs bass harmonic distortion. New principle of
18 lbs.! Covered with ti% thick cork and operation employs the sealed -in air of the
rubber pad-acts as record cushion and cabinet as a pneumatic spring for the
provides magnetic isolation between car- speaker cone during large excursions on very
tridge and table. Separate cue -light trans- low bass notes-does not use conventional
former. Brushed aluminum on -off switch elastic suspension. Frequency Response:
also acts as arm rest and cue -light housing. *1% db, 38 to 1000 cps; ±5 db, 30 to
Requires 3" above and 5W below mtg. 13.000 cps. Impedance: 4 ohms. Ampli-
board. With 45 and 78 -rpm bushings, and fier Power Requirements: 20 clean watts
AC line cord. Less base and pickup arm; see for moderate level in an average room; at
below. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. least 30 watts for high levels and large
wt.. 42 lbs. rooms. Shpg. wt., 60 lbs.
82 DZ 033. Mahogany. NET..... 185.00
99 RZ 795. NET 89.00 82 DZ 034. Blonde Birch. NET......185.00
with hysteresis- synchronous motor. 82 DZ 253. Walnut. NET..... ...194.00
94 RZ 948. NET 119.50 MODEL AR-1W. Same enclosure as above, but
MODEL HF504 WOOD BASES FOR GRAY less 8' mid -range and treble unit. Em-
TURNTABLES. Sturdy construction. Size. 7x ploys 12" woofer only. Manufacturer rec-
21x171/2'. Slipg. wt., 4 lbs. ommends use of JansZen electrostatic
94 RX 945. Mahogany. tweeter (described below), in this system. Im-
94 RX 946. Blonde. NET pedance: 4 ohms. Shpg. wt.. 52 lbs.
94 RX 947. Walnut. EACH .17.50 82 DZ 043. Mahogany. NET 145.00
82 DZ 044. Blonde Birch. NET 145.00
MODEL 108C PICKUP ARM. Deluxe high - 82 DZ 254. Walnut. NET 154.00
a fidelity pickup arm for transcription -type
turntables. Incorporates advanced-design MODEL AR 2. Low -cost woofer- tweeter
and finest quality materials. Features system for hi -fi systems in the medium -
"viscous-damped" (fluid controlled) suspen- price range. Employs the same acoustic
sion to provide high tracking accuracy and suspension and pneumatic damping opera-
the utmost in record protection. Regulates
vertical and horizontal movement of arm.
Minimizes damage to record if arm is
tion as the Model AR-1 above, but re-
quires less power to drive the system
needs only IO clean watts. Features specially
dropped. Manually operated setting governs designed 10' acoustic suspension woofer
amount of arm damping (speed of arm and newly developed tweeter assembly com-
descent). For records up to 16 in diameter. posed of two 5" tweeters. Does not require
Constructed of fine cast aluminum. Vir- the use of a separate tweeter. Frequency Re-
tually eliminates arm resonance. Instant sponse (at IO watts): ±5 db. 42 to 14,000
cartridge change. Accommodates most mag- cps, down 10 db at 30 and 16,000 cps. Dis-
netic cartridges including Pickering. G.E., persion: 900 horizontal. Harmonic Distor-
and Fairchild. Neutral finish. Light in tion (at IO watts input): Under 2% to 60
weight. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs. cps; under 3% to 50 cps. Impedance: 8
99 RX 853. NET 39.95 ohms. Slightly smaller than the AR -1-
131/2x24x11% ". Shpg. wt., 45 lbs.
ASI 2 SLIDE KIT. For fitting Pickering 350 and
370 cartridges into above arm. 4 oz.
82 DZ 038. Mahogany. NET 96.00
82 DZ 039. Blonde Birch. NET .96.00
99R889.NET 300 82 DZ 255. Walnut. NET 102.00
MODEL 672. New. professional -quality
turntable mounted on base and equipped Impressive new, electrostatic high
with pickup arm. Its long list of deluxe fea-
o (requency tweeter system. Includes

tures includes: Continuously variable speed power supply. crossover network, and four
control from 16 to 83 rpm with exact, plastic radiating elements, all housed in a
marked settings for 16r/s. 331/2, 45 and 78 single hardwood cabinet. Extremely low
rpm speeds; built -in illuminated strobo- harmonic and intermodulation distortion.
scope for checking speeds even as a re-
cording is being played; 12' turntable made Unique electrostatic principle of operation
of precision- machined aluminum, with completely eliminates the heavy paper cone
built -in, retractable 45 -rpm hub and non- of conventional speakers. In its place. a
slip cork pad. Rumble and Noise: Better micro -thin plastic diaphragm. so low in
than 50 db below the standard NARTB mass as to be almost imaginary. is suspended
reference level. Wow and Flutter: Less than between two parallel plates. This push -pull
0.2%. The highly efficient, 4 -pole motor capacitance transducer replaces the ordi-
provides direct. center -shaft drive. Em- nary vibrating mechanical system -since
ploys special anti -vibration mounts for un- the flexible diaphragm is driven uniformly
usually smooth operation. Die -cast alumi- over its entire surface. there is no cone
num pickup arm, finished in black and satin breakup and no uncontrolled excursion.
chrome, is 12" long -takes records up to Lack of high -frequency resonances greatly
16' in diameter. Counterweight adjustment reduces apparent record scratch without
atop cartridge shell, is calibrated 4 to attenuating highs.
14 grams. Arm swings to upright position
on pivot for easy cartridge replacement. Employs four separate radiators for vastly
Takes any standard hi -fi cartridge. Ball - improved horizontal and vertical coverage
bearing swivel. Base plate is finished in through 120 °. Frequency Response: 500 cps
satin chrome. pre -drilled for arm -arm is through 30,000 cps. Power Handling Ca- D

packaged separately. Wood base is made pacity: Up to 60 watts. Impedance: 8 ohms.

of l' thick, laminated hardwood. 61Ax16x Electrical Crossover Frequency: 500 cps. Rec-
17 W. Birch finish. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle ommended for use with the Acoustic Research
AC. Shpg. wt., 24 lbs. Model AR -IW Woofer System described
above. Built -in high -pass filter prevents low
72 RZ 81 1. NET 97.00 frequencies from entering tweeter. Size.
MODEL 60 TURNTABLE ONLY. Base plate and 71Ar,x21 s/4x12s/4'. Connects to 110 -120 v., 60
W. Requires 4
motor assembly. 11 %x13'4 cycle AC source. Shpg. wt., 16 lbs.
below mtg. base. Shpg. wt.. 15 lbs. MODEL 1.30 M. Mahogany.
72 RX 812. NET 59.50 99 DX 246. NET 184.00
MODEL 07 PICKUP ARM ONLY. Wt., 1 lb. MODEL 1.308. Blonde Birch.
72 RX 814. NET 22.50 99 DX 247. NET 179.00
MODEL 002 BASE ONLY. Slipg. wt., 4 lbs. MODEL 1 -30V4 Walnut.
72 RX 813. NET 17.50 82 DX 274 188.00 o
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 67
with 120 Arm on
B -12

Rek.O -Kut Base

"Rondine Jr." 1.-34 ,_(; ":;t, ""Rondine- B-12

Professional-Quality Rek -O -Kut Turntables Rek -O -Kut Pickup Arms

Rondine 12" turntables are widely recognized for their outstanding performance. Precision MODEL 120. Professional -type pickup arm
cast -aluminum construction and advanced- design mechanical filtering reduce noise and for use with 12' turntables. "Versa -Twin"
distortion to negligible values. Inter -moving parts are case- hardened and ground to micro - bearings provide ultra -smooth lateral move-
finish. Ribbed, rubber turntable mat eliminates record slippage. Permanently affixed strobe ment and highly accurate tracking. Has
Oise checks speed. All combine shock mounting and dynamic balance to assure extremely height and pressure adjustments. Die -cast
smooth. quiet operation. aluminum. With one plug-in head. 2 Ibs.
"RONDINE JR." -MODEL L -34. Dual -speed. "RONDINE"-MODEL B -12. Excellent 3-speed 99 RX 862. NET 26.95
low -priced 33yr and 45 rpm turntable. De- turntable. Meets all NARTB standards. MODEL 160. As above but for 12' and 16'
signed to professional specifications. Ideal Single knob selector, instantly selects turntables. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs.
for high- fidelity installations as well as com- speeds of 331/2, 45, or 78 rpm. Has custom - 99 RX 863. NET 29.95
mercial radio station use. Noise level 40 db built 4 -pole, induction -type motor. Internal
below average recording level for minimum rim drive through special neoprene idler. EXTRA PLUG -IN HEAD. For use in above arms.
rumble. Quiet, vibration free.. constant- 45 -rpm hub adapter built into turntable Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
speed 4 -pole induction motor custom -built center -disappears into table when not in 99 R 864. NET 4 95
to Rek -O -Kut specifications. Idler disen- use. Cross- ribbed cast- aluminum turntable,
gages in off position -prevents flat spots on lathe turned and balanced. Turntable shaft Rek -O -Kut Turntable Bases
idler wheel when the turntable is not in use. of hardened steel. polished and hand- lapped
I Jere- a .selection of be:ur Hi ulls designed
Has precision- ground and hand- lapped to the bearing well for perfect fit. Noise
shaft which turns on sturdy ball- thrust level is 45 db below average recording wood turntable bases for mounting Rek -O-
bearing. lathe- turned cast aluminum turn- level. Requires rectangular cutout 131/2sx Kut turntables. Quality constructed of
table lab tested for perfect balance. Rigid.
- 1413A6" with clearance of 11/2" above and selected 1/2" solid Walnut or Korina Blonde.
pressed -steel chassis with attractive silver - 61/2" below motor panel for mounting. Deck Rounded corners are made with mitered.
tone aluminum finish. Size, 15' wide x 12' is pre -drilled and tapped for Model A -120 interlocked joints for added firmness. Com-
deep. Turntable requires 11/2' above and 5' arm (right). Turntable includes ribbed rub- plete with four special shock mounts.
clearance below the motor panel. For op- ber mat to assure maximum record trac- 11WD, 6x161/2x17 ". Shpg. at.. 5 lbs.
eration from 110 -120 volts. M) cycle AC. tion. For 110 -120 volts. 60 cycle A('. Shpg. Stock Finish Arm
Pre -Cut NET
Shpg. wt.. 15 lbs. wt., 19 lbs. No. For EACH
96 RX 686. NET 59.95 96 RX 688. NET .84.95 95 Rx 716 Walnut 8-12, 8-121112
95 RX 71 7' Blonde 12 .9 s
"RONDINE JR." -MODEL L -37. Same quality "RONDINE DELUXE" -MODEL B-12H. Profes R673147' 12'
construction Model L-34 turntable de-
as sion quality. As above, but has self- lubri 95 34 Walnut L-34, 1-37 126.95
scribed above, but with 331/s and 78-rpm eating hysteresis motor. Noise level. -55 db. 95 RX 635 Blonde 12' l28.95
speeds. Shpg. wt., 15 lbs. Shpg. wt., 19 lbs. 94 RX 925 Walnut
RX 926 Blonde
96 RX 694. NET . 59.95 96 RX 687. NET 129.95 94 16

Professional Record Players

New. moderately- priced professional record player --completely
wired. mounted and ready to use. Consists of Model 1. -34 "Rondine
Jr." turntable, Rek -O -Kut Model 120 pickup arm. Wellcor base
with handsome veneer, and Pickering 370-1 Ihartridge lste page
65 for specifications of 370.1)). Shpg. wt.. 21 lbs.
94 RZ 536. Mahogany.
94 RZ 537. limed Oak. EACH 139.95
94 RZ 538. Walnut.
New, high -quality professional record player. "nit is completely (
pre-assembled, ready for use. Each player consists of Model 8 -12
" Rondine turntable, Model 120 Rek -O -Kut pickup arm, hand-
some veneer base, and 350 -DS Pickering cartridge (for complete
specifications of 350-DS Pickering, see page 65). All components
are prewired and mounted for your convenience. Shag. wt.. 25 lbs.
94 RZ 539. Mahogany.
Complete: 94 RZ 540. Limed Oak. ÉACH 175.00
Turntable, 94 RZ 541. Walnut.
"Rondine" with
B -12
Base and New. expertly designed turntable bases tor use with 12" or I6"
120 Arm on Wellcor Bose pickup arm. made of selected 1/2" hardwoods and fine furniture
Cartridge veneers. hand- rubbed to a lustrous finish. Motor board "floats" on
sponge rubber. Mitered joints provide extra firmness and rigidity.
Rubber- covered feet prevent tnarring furniture. Feet are adjustable
to permit leveling of base. Height. 61/2"; width. 21'; depth. 161/2'.
Completely pre -assembled. Shpg. wt.. 15 lbs.
Stock Pre -Cut NET
Finish EACH
No. For
-- -1
94 RX 492 Mahogany 19.50
94 R 493 Limed Oak I B -12, 8 -1211 21.75
94 RX 494 Walnut 21.75
94 RX 489 Mahogany 19.50
94 RX 490 Limed Oak -
1. -34. 1. -.17 21.75
94RX491 Walnut 21.75

"Rondine, Jr." 1.34 For money-saving Allied high- fidelity systems

with 120 Arm on using Rek -O Kut turntables, see pages 19 and 20.

Wellcor Bose
Allied is Headquarters for High -Fidelity Equipment

RC-440 "Coronation" TC-540 "Continental"


Economy- priced 4 -speed record changer
featuring "Sensi- magic" dynamically bal-
anced. transcription -type arm -free of
Quality 4 -speed record changer featuring
fully automatic intermixing of 7 ", 10", and
12' records. Pick -up arm has convenient
Deluxe 4 -speed record changer. Features
rapid loading of 7 ". 10". and 12" records
and automatically intermixes them! Has
audio spectrum resonances. For automatic plug -in head (acceptsall standard cartridges). newly designed. dynamically- balanced,
record changing, stack 7'. 10 , and 12' In addition to fully automatic intermix the transcription-type arm tree of audio spec-
records in order of decreasing size (largest at "Coronation" has a custom micro -finished trum resonances. Other features include:
bottom of each stack)- Sensi- magic" fea- motor shaft (polished to 6 micro -inches). Less than 0.25% flutter; micro-finished
ture determines record size before setting "muting switch," "pop filter," and an auto- motor shaft; 4 speeds-78; 45, 33t/ß, and
record down. For turntable operation, sim- matic idler disengagement. Handsome ma- 16% rpm; rim -weighted, balanced fly -wheel
ply flip the manual switch- transcription- roon and gold finish 12x131/2"; requires 5' action; extra heavy -duty 4-pole. shaded -
type arm wiU provide equally low stylus above. 2 1/4" below mtg. board. For operation pole motor; manual switch for turntable
pressure on first or last record for minimum from 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. IS operation; "muting switch "; "pop filter ".
tracking error. Other deluxe features in- lbs. automatic shut -off; removable rubber mat;
clude: Automatic "muting switch" and a RC- 440 -E. Less cartridge.
automatic idler disengagement. Finished in
"pop filter "; choice of 78, 45, 33% and 16% beige and brown. 12x131/1". Requires 5'
rpm speeds; 8- second change cycle; heavy - 94 RX 405. NET 40.67 above, 2,4' below mtg. board. 110 -120 v.. 60
duty 4 pole, shaded pole induction motor; RC- 440 -GE. As above. but with GE-4G -0S0 cycle AC. Wt.. 15 lbs.
automatic shut-off after final record; heavy, dual sapphire cartridge. TC- 540-E. Less cartridge.
rim -weighted turntable; and removable rub- 49.36
ber turntable mat. Will accept all standard
94 RX 406. NET 94 RX 408. NET 45.57
cartridges. Attractively finished in sea- As above, but with GE-4G -052
RC- 440 -GED. TC- 450-GE. As above. but with GE -4G -050
sand beige and rich, forest brown. Size: diamond-sapphire cartridge. dual sapphire cartridge.
12x131/2"; requires 5" above. 23/4" below 94 RX 407. NET 59.61 94 RX 409. NET 54.34
mtg. board. For 110-120 v.. 60 cycle AC. GPE. Extra plug -in head shell (empty). TC- 540-GED. As above, but with GE-4G -052
Shpg. wt., 15 lbs. Shpg. wt.. 5 oz. diamond -sapphire cartridge.
TC- 304 -E. Less cartridge.
94 R 949. NET 83c 94 RX 410. NET 64.51
94 RX 404. NET 36.75
TC- 340-GE. Same as above, but with GE- ACCESSORIES FOR COLLARD CHANGERS
4G-050 dual sapphire cartridge. BASES. Bases for all Collaro changers. In HT MOUNTING BOARD. Unfinished. sanded.
94 RX 415. NET 45.52 choice of finishes. Wt.. 3 lbs. For Collaro changers. Wt. t/z lbs. 1

91 RX 556. NET 1.50
TC- 340GED. Saine as TC- 340 -GE above. Stock No. ' Finish NET
but with G.E. 4G -052 diamond- sapphire 93 RX 513 MT Mahogany 5.25 GSA 45 -RPM SPINDLE ADAPTER. For Collaro
magnetic cartridge. 93 RX 514 HT Limed Oak 5.47 changers. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
94 RX 416. NET 55.69 93 RX 515 WT Walnut 5.47 95 R 625. NET 3.23
MODEL T -18. 12" turntable for hi -ti and
professional use. Constructed of cast alum-
mum with carefully balanced, weighted
turntable. Precision machined and engi-
neered for extremely low levels of wow and PROFESSIONAL
flutter. Noise level is better than 40 db be-
low recording level. Has 5- position speed TURNTABLES
FACTS ABOUT TURNTABLES control (45. Off, 33t/r. Off, 78) for rapid
speed selection. Motor is 4-pole. synchro-
The record player is the "origina- nous type with high starting torque. In
tion point" for recorded disc music "off" positions idlers are completely dis-
in your home. It converts mechani- engaged. Includes permanently attached 45-
cal energy into electrical energy (fed rpm record adapter disc which conveniently
into an amplifier). Some high- fideli- retracts into turntable when not in use. 8x
ty enthusiasts prefer the manual 11,4' mounting panel. Mounting space:
professional -type turntable to the 141/2x11 % "; requires 3,%" below and 2'
record changer. In order to enjoy above base plate. Attractive black panel.
the extra features of the turntable, For operation from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle
many music lovers are willing to AC. Shpg. wt.. 16 lbs.
change records manually. The turn- 96 RX 918. NET .75.00
table features extremely quiet oper-
ation and excellent speed regula- MODEL New, low -cost. professional-
tion. Rumble. or low-frequency quality turntable. Cast aluminum turntable
noise, is practically eliminated. minimizes speed variations and annoying
rumble. Has heavy -duty, 4-pole motor and
The use of the turntable is parti- 3-idler drive system. Quickly changes from
cularly important for installations 331/3 to 45 rpm by flick -shift lever. Has con-
which have deluxe speaker systems venient, built -in 45 -rpm disc adapter which
with exceptionally good response retracts into turntable when not in use.
to low notes. Professional turn- Mounting plate is 8x11,4". Overall size.
tables are usually supplied less pick- 14[/4x11'4'. For operation from 110 -120
up arm and cartridge. A matching volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 16 lbs.
pickup arm should be selected.
Since turntable arms do not have
98 RX 598. NET 59.50
to go through the changer cycle. BASES FOR PRESTO TURNTABLES
they can be made for lower stylus Carefully designed turntable mounting
pressure and longer record wear. bases. Excellent for shelf. cabinet or table.
Many deluxe installations use both Shpg. wt.. S lbs.
a changer for convenience, and a
turntable when the ultimate in 95 RX 544. Mahogany. NET 24.90
performance is desired. 95 RX 545. Blonde. NET 24.90
95 RX 546. Unflninhed. NET 19.95
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois

1225A 1200A 920B


MODEL 1225A -WITH BASE. With Sonotone MODEL 920B. Economy 3 -speed changer on
Outstanding, 4 -speed record changers in- molded plastic base. Plays 78. 331/2 and 45
corporating features found only in far more ceramic cartridge; has 2 sapphire styli.
With AC line cord, output cable and plug. rpm records. Positive intermix of ten 10'
expensive units. Modern styling matches and 12' records of same speed. Has manual
any decorating scheme; economically priced Shpg. wt., 141/4 lbs.
95 RX 631. List. $49.95. NET..... 39.95 play feature. Automatic shutoff after last
to suit any budget. record. Size, 12x10x71/4'. With dual -stylus.
Play 331/z. 45, and 78 rpm records automat- MODEL 1225A -GE-WITH BASE. As above but turnover cartridge. 6 ft. AC cord and plug.
with the new G.E. 4G -050 magnetic car- 4 ft. shielded phono cable and pin plug. For
ically. Also include 16% rpm "talking book" operation from 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC.
speed. Individual records of any speed may tridge; has 2 sapphire styli.
also be manually. Capacity: 12 -10', 94 RX 944. List $57.50. NET 46.00 Shpg. wt., 10 lbs.
rim_ .29.95
10-12 and 14-7' records. Have conveni- 95 RX 859. List, $39.95.
ent, positive intermix feature of 10-12' MODEL 1225A-GED--WITH BASE. Same as
and 10' records of the same speed. Exclusive I225Á, above. but with G.E. 4G -052 mag- V -M ACCESSORIES
Tri-O -Matic spindle gently lowers records netic cartridge; I diamond. sapphire
1 stylus.
to record shelf. Automatic shutoff; pickup 94 RX 967. List, $73.50. NET 58.80 45 RPM SPINDLE. (hanges 45 rpm records
arm comes to rest and motor shuts off after automatically. For use with all V -M chang-
last record is played. MODEL 1200A-LESS BASE. With Sonotone ers listed. Wt., 8 oz.
ceramic cartridge; 2 sapphire styli. With 96 R 329. List. $2.95. NET 2.31
Mechanism is completely jam -proof. Idler output cable and plug. Less base and AC FIBER SPIDERS. For use with 45 rpm records.
disengages in "off" position. Die-cast alu- cord. Shpg. wt.. 11 lbs. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
minum pickup arm is rigid. resonance -free 95 RX 630. List. $46.50. NET. 37.20
and carefully balanced. Constant -speed 2- 96 R 244. NET PER PKG. OF 12 25c
pole motor provides smooth, quiet opera- MODEL 1200A -GE-LESS BASE. As above. but MOUNTING BOARD. Pre -cut, unfinished.
tion. White rubber turntable mat prevents with new G.E. 4G -050 magnetic cartridge. 151/2xl51/2' For 1200A Series. 3 lbs.
record slippage. Styled in antique white 94 RX 968. List. $51.50. NET 41.20 95 RX 511. NET 1.46
with gray trim. Sizes: Less base, 83 x13r/4
xi21/4. With base. 81/4x131/4x121/2'. Under- MODEL 1200A -GED -LESS BASE. Same as METAL BASE. For 1200A series. Antique white.
writers' Laboratories :pproved. For opera- 1200A. but with G.E. 4G -052 cartridge. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs.
tion from 110 -t'o nn, -"i. \t 94 RX 969. List. $67.50. NET 54.00 95 RX 510. NET 4.15

Thorens Changer & Player Bogen Manual Players

THORNS CD -43 CHANGER.Carefully engineered.
Swiss made. 3 -speed record changer. Unique
gear- driven turntable features direct-drive.
B50 -16LC. Latest version of the highly popu-
lar. precision -built B50 turntable. Deluxe
features include choice of any desired speed,
4 -pole induction -type motor-eliminates use variable from 16 to 86 rpm; has notches for
of rubber belts, pulleys etc. 4 controls: quick. convenient selection of 16% rpm,
Record Size Selector; Start -Stop; Repeat; 33% rpm. 45 rpm. and 78 -rpm speeds. Plays
Reject and Pause -Timer (adjusts time lapse all records up to 16' in diameter. Heavy -
between records from 1 to 13 minutes). Can duty, 4 -pole motor. Weighted. balanced.
be played manually. Muting switch for 111' diameter turntable reduces "wow"
silent record change cycle. Base size: 12x15'. to only 1% %; hum and rumble are also re-
Requires 31/ below mtg. board; 6' above. duced to neglible levels. Pickup arm is made
With mtg. template, phono cable. 2 plug -in of die -cast metal; ball- bearing mounted.
heads. Less cartridge. base (for shelf or
table). AC line cord and 45 -rpm spindle.
No adapter needed to operate from 50 cycle
ber pad -
Turntable is covered with serrated rub-
reduces dust and dirt, makes
cleaning easy. Minimum mounting space:
source. For 100-120 v. and 200 -250 v., 50 -60 15' wide. 12' deep; 4' above and 2' below
cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 24 lbs. mounting board. Takes conventional phono
96 RI 802. NET 78.35 cartridges. Supplied with plug -in head, vi-
bration insulators and connecting cables.
CB-33P PLAYER.A deluxe manual player Less base (see below). For 110-120 volts.
CD -43 Changer similar to the CD-43 automatic changer. 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 15 lbs.
Intermixes above. Features direct- drive. 4 -pole motor. 96 RX 998. NET 40.40
Reject & Pause Control wig Automatic shut -off after record is played. B50.16XD. As above but with new G.E.
Has adjusting screws for keeping stylus 4G-052 magnetic cartridge.
Noiseless Changing perpendicular to record groove. and for 95 RX 407. NET 59.34
adjusting cartridge tracking weight. In-
cludes 2 plug -in shells for accommodating B20-LC. Popular economy model similar to
all popular cartridges. Built -in capacitor above. Plays all records up to 12' in diam-
filters out switch noise. With rubber shock eter at all 4 standard speeds (78. 45. 331/2
mounts, mounting template. Less base (for and 16% rpm). Each speed may be varied
shelf or table). Size. 15x12'; requires 31/2' within a range of 1/2%. Turntable is rubber -
below mtg. base. For 110-120 v. and 200-250 covered for record protection. Completely
v.. 50-60 cycle AC. Wt., 17 lbs. shock -insulated. Supplied with one plug -in
47.04 head; less cartridge and base (see bases be-
94 RX 974. NET.
low). Shpg. wt.. 15 lbs.
95 RX 945. NET 29.95
96R829.NET 5.83 WOOD BASES. Attractive mahogany wood
WOOD BASES. For either CD-43 changer of bases for Bogen manual players. above.
CB -33P player. Shpg. wt.. 5 lbs. Shpg. wt.. 5 lbs.
96 RX 808. Mahogany. NET 95 RX 949. For B50 players.
96 RX 809. Blonde. EACH ........5.88 95 RX 946. For B20-LC player.
MOUNTING BOARD. Unfinished. For Models
CD-43, CB -33P. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs. EXTRA PLUG -IN HEAD. Wt., 5 lbs.
Variable Speed 96 RX 823. NET 2.94 96 R 697. NET 1 35
Shock Insulated Headquarters for High- Fidelity Equipment
70 Allied is
MODEL 17 EQUIPMENT CABINET. Matches Model 18 enclosure, belon
Tuner -amplifier compartment (specify components for free panel ENCLOSURES cabinart
cut -out) is (HWD) 11tjlix151/4x16 ". Changer compartment (HWI
II %x16r/x16 "; has sliding changer drawer. Two compartment - 8 CARINIFTC
below are (HWD) 133/4x16x16 ". 7' tapered brass legs. Overall in
chiding legs. (HWD) 321/4x37x18'. For cutouts, mark order "Sp
sial" in place of Stock No. Allow 4 weeks for delivery. Wt.. 85 lb..
94 DZ 912. Mahogany. i
94 DZ 913. Blonde. i NET EACH 150.00
94 DZ 934. Walnut 1

MODEL 18 SPEAKER ENCLOSURE. Handsomely finished. 6.4 cubit

foot bass reflex speaker enclosure. Styled to match the lowboy dc
sign of the Model 17 equipment cabinet. above. Front panel is cw
for 15' speaker (an adapter board is supplied for use with 12
speaker). and is covered with woven plastic grille cloth. Interirc
is lined with acoustic padding. Overall dimensions (HWD): 323/4x3
x18" including tapered 7" brass legs. Shpg. wt.. 70 lbs.
94 DZ 914. Mahogany. )
94 DZ 91 5. Blonde. } NET EACH.. ... 82.50
94 DZ 935. Walnut.
cabinet with hardwood veneers finished in mahogany, Korina blonde
or walnut. Has hinged doors. sliding panel. Slide- mounted record
changer drawer and tuner- amplifier compartment each measure
(HWD) 1Ot/4x l9x 15 /4". The two compartments below each measure

(HWD) 13x19x151/4". Baffle is pre -cut to take either a 12' or 15"

speaker. 7" tapered brass legs. Overall size (with legs): 33x60x18'.
Wt.. ISO lbs. Custom cut-out panels prepared at no extra charge it
components to be used are specified when ordering. Also available with
compartments differently arranged and without speaker enclosure.
Cabinets shipped f.o.b. Chicago or Brooklyn. N. Y.. whichever is
nearer -allow foui for delivery.
94 DZ 916. Mahogany.
94 DZ 917. Blonde.
94 DZ 918. Walnut
EACH 240.00
MODEL 33 EQUIPMENT CABINET. For housing changer. amplifier and
tuner. lias hinged, lift top; storage compartment with sliding per-
forated wood doors and brass pulls. Made of 34' birch veneers.
Available in blonde or mahogany. l'nfinished model is smoothly
sanded, ready for easy finishing. Compartment sizes (HWD): 32x
351/2x16'; changer, 16 1/2x141/4"; 6' above changer board. Tuner -
amplifier. 171/4x141/4"; storage. 13x34x15 % ". Wt., 74 lbs.
95 DZ 734. Mahogany. j NET
95 DZ 735. Blonde. i EACH 87.00
95 7Z 736. Unfinished Birch. NET EACH... 59.40
cabinet. above. Pre -cut for 15" speaker. Has adapter for 12' speaker.
6 cu. ft. baffle volume. Mahogany or blonde on birch. Unfinished
type is smooth sanded. HWD. 33x351/2x16 ". Wt.. 66 lbs.
95 DZ 737. Mahogany. NET
95 DZ 738. Blonde. EACH 63.00
95 DZ 739. Unfinished Birch. NET EACH 53.40
cabinet for housing tuner. amplifier, record changer. Matches Model
7125 and Model 8125 enclosures below. s/4' fir plywood. Smooth
sanded, ready for finishing. Compartment sizes (I-IWD); Tuner I.D..
20x2l1/4x151/2 phono I.D.. 71/2x211/4x14% ". Overall size (HWD):
331/2x23x16'. Wt., 35 !be.
95 DZ 367. NET 39.00
MODEL 80 EQUIPMENT CABINET KIT. Same as Model 70, above, but in
kit form. Includes all materials. hardware. instructions.
95 DZ 386. NET 30.00
MODEL 7125 ASSEMBLED SPEAKER CABINET. Hass reflex type. Pre -cut
for 15' speaker. With adapter board for 12' speaker. 6 cu. ft. vol
caw. I- nfinished. Size, HWD, 33t/zx23x16'. Wt.. 40 lbs.
94 DZ 758. NET 30.00
MODEL 8125 SPEAKER ENCLOSURE KIT. Same as Model 7125, above.
but in kit form. Pre -cut for 15' speaker. All parts are M4' fir ply-
wood. Kit includes plastic wood, sandpaper, glue, hardware. grille
cloth. insulation and instructions.
94 DZ 759. NET 24.00
REBEL K -3 ENCLOSURE KIT. Efficient corner enclosure kit using the
famous back- loading. folded -hom principle. Utilizes walls of room
as enclosure extension. Bass response extends to 30 cps. Pre -cut for
15' or 12' speakers. Adapter board is supplied for tweeter mounting.
All parts are pre -cut from s/s' high -grade birch plywood. Smooth -
sanded for easy finishing. Kit includes all parts and full grille front.
With instructions. Size, HWD, 36t/zx25s/4x22%4 60 lbs.
95 DZ 479. NET 54.00
REBEL K -4 ENCLOSURE KITS. Incorporate extremely efficient corner
design to assure outstanding bass reproduction. As in the K -3,
above, the K -4 uses the walls of the room as the enclosure extension.
With 12' or IS' speaker cut -outs. With pre-cut parts, glue. hard-
ware, grille cloth and instructions. Smoothly sanded for easy finish-
ing. HWD: Type K -5, 32x23rhx161/2". Type K -12, 32x21x14 % ".
Wt.: K -15. 40 lbs.; K -12, 38 lbs.
95 DZ 379. Type K -I S. For 15' speakers. NET 46.50
95 DZ 378. Type K -12. For 12' speakers. NET 39.00

Letter Z in Stock Number Indicates Express Shipment Only

Herman Miller Equipment Storage Cabinet
.% beautifully designed cabinet by the famous Ilernian Miller or-
ganization. Has three compartments behind dual doors, and a 3.2-
cu. ft. bass -reflex speaker enclosure. Exterior is oil- finished rose-
wood. with white lacquered doors. and black porcelain door pulls;
s I grille cloth is natural horsehair. Supplied with round, tapered rose-
wood legs, 131/2" long. Ample space is provided for a record changer
in the largest of the three compartments. 15' high. 151/2" wide and
16' deep; space above changer shelf permits easy access to load or
unload changer. Tuner and amplifier compartments are both 15"
wide and l6" deep; shelf between tuner compartment and amplifier
compartment is adjustable. Speaker enclosure is pre -cut for 12"
speaker. Size of cabinet, less legs. is 16% high. 62" wide, and
1611" deep. Height, with legs, 30W. Shpg. wt.. 175 lbs.
81 DZ 892. NET 195.00
This Hermon Miller cabinet houses a corn
River Edge Equipment Cabinets
pieta hi-fl system. Components sit on
SERIES 100. A compact, functionally styled cabinet of % birch hard-
shelves --only speaker requires mounting. wood, available unfinished in kit or assembled form. Matching legs,
listed below, may be used to mount cabinet as free -standing unit.
Cabinet is divided into record changer compartment with drawer.
and an enclosed compartment with panel for custom installation of
tuner. amplifier. etc. Changer compartment has sliding mahogany-
finish door. measures 151/2' w.. 15" d.; 7W above. 6W below draw-
er. Paneled compartment is 141/2" h., 161/2' w., 15' d. Exterior size
(II W D). 16x36x 16". Shag. wt.. 50 lbs.
95 DX 719. Serie, 100 Cabinet Kit. Unfinished. NET 39.50
Model 420G 95 DZ 725. Seri,, 100 Cabinet. Assembled. unfinished. NET 48.50
95 DX 724. Set of 4 Wood Legs. Unfinished; 16' long. NET 6.30
MODEL 420G. Tastefully designed chairside cabinet; will accommo-
date changer, tuner, preamplifier and amplifier. Provides finger -tip
control of all high- fidelity components from chairside. Handsome
Series 100 tapered legs have brass ferrules; selected cabinet woods are matched
and assembled with care. Record changer compartment has sliding
door, for easy access to changer; compartment measures 17x15".
6% above. 4' below mounting board. Preamp may be mounted
face up in compartment 7% high, 17" wide. 10' deep. Tuner com-
partment size (HWD), 91/2xl7xI01/2"; amplifier compartment
Distinguished River (HWD), 91/2x17x71/2". Overall dimensions (HWD). 271/2xl81/2x32'.
Control panels are easily removable for custom cut -outs. Sling.
Edge equipment cabi- wt., 60 lbs.
nets, designed to har- 95 DZ 732. Mahogany. NET 89.70
monize with various 81 DZ 971. Limed Oak. NET 98.67
furniture styles. 81 DZ 972. walnut. NET 98.67
Karlson Speaker Enclosures and Kits
Highly efficient enclosures of unique design, providing a remark-
able degree of bass re- inforcement in relatively small volume. A
curved, tapered slot in the front of the enclosure aids in achieving a
wide -angle, natural -sounding distribution of high and low tones,
without pronounced peaks in response. Available unfinished, in kit
form or completely assembled.
8K, 12K AND 15K KITS. Save over 1/r of the cost of a finished enclosure
by assembling a kit! Seasoned lumber used throughout. pre -cut and
drilled for quick, easy assembly. Models 15K and 12K are 1/2í
hardwood, less grille cloth; 8K is t/z' birch veneer plywood, supplied
with grille cloth. Use speaker of size indicated in model number.
Sizes (HWD)- 15K- 341/2x221/2x18 "; 12K- 241/2x16%x131/2"; 8K-
171/2x111/2x10". With instructions for assembly and finishing.
BU, I 2U, SU ASSEMBLED ENCLOSURES. As above, but assembled.

Stock No. Type Cutout Wt., Lbs. NET

Exceptionally skillful 81 DZ 715 15K 15' 68 57.00
design has made the 81 DZ 712 12K 12' 35 42.00
Karlson a highly popu- 81 DX 706 8K 8' 121/2 18.60
lar enclosure; the ta- 81 DZ 716 15U 15' 72 87.00
pered exponential slot 81 DZ 713 12U 12' 42 66.00
is a Karlson exclusive. 81 DX 705 StI 8' 131/2 26.70

Argos Speaker Enclosures

AD-I. Phase- inverter type enclosures, with "tuned tunnel" design
Durably constructed, as developed by Jensen Mfg. Co.. makers of loudspeakers. Construc-
economical Argos re- tion permits highly effective smoothing of bass response by reflex
flex enclosures. method in an enclosure of moderate size. Enclosure is solidly con-
structed of 5 -ply wood, with thick fiber -glass acoustic padding on
interior panels. Exterior surface is covered by heavy pyroxylin plastic
leatherette, easily cleaned with a damp cloth. Grille fabric is styled
to match enclosure covering. Internal capacity. 2.5 cu. ft. Accepts
12' or 8' speaker, and separate tweeter (with adapters supplied).
Size (HWD). 231/2xlO1/2xl31/2'. Shag. wt.. 31 lbs.
81 DZ 900. Mahogany Leatherette. NET
81 DZ 901. Blonde Leatherette. EACH ... 24.45
DSE -1. New "Californian' reflex enclosure acoustically designed by
Jensen. and produced by Argos. Available in kit form, or completely
assembled; both versions are handsomely pre -finished. Top finish
is St. Regis "Panelyte. " a material which permanently resists burns.
stains, etc. Wood trim is solid mahogany. Enclosure interior ca-
pacity is 4.3 cu. ft.; performance is excellent with 15' or 12' speaker.
Tweeter may also be mounted with adapter supplied. Size (HWD),
29x2415". Sltpg. wt.. 43 lbs.
81 DZ 991. Mahogany. NET 53.41
81 DZ 992. Blonde. NET 53.41
81 DZ 993. Kit, Mahogany. NET 39.69
81 DZ 994. Kit, Blond,. NET 39.69
12 Letter "Z" In Stock Number Denotes Express Shipment Only
CHFC 12-15 HFC-12-I`, HFC-8-12 HFEC

Wellcor Hi -Fi Equipment and Speaker Enclosures

CHFC -I 2.15. I landsomely finished enclosure Excellently designed bass reflex enclosures Model HFEC. A beautiful and exceptionally
for 12' or 15' speaker, designed to fit in a of rigid construction, attractively finished versatile equipment cabinet, featuring
corner. True bass reflex design enhances in mahogany, blonde or walnut. Made of top -quality construction, fresh contempo-
bass reproduction effectively without de- seasoned %a' plywood throughout, lined rary styling, and careful furniture finishes in
creasing overall efficiency of speaker sys- with acoustical padding. Base is supplied mahogany, walnut or blonde. May be used
tem; corner placement offers superior dis- detached, for mounting enclosure in either in two ways: shelves are provided for place-
tribution of sound throughout the room in high -boy or low -boy position. ment of encased components, and board is
which it is placed. Acoustic design permits also supplied for permanent, custom mount-
use in corner or against flat wall without MODEL HFC- I2.1S. Full six- cubic -foot ca- ing. Record player compartment will ac-
sacrificing correct operation of enclosure. pacity. Speaker mounting board cut for 15' commodate either professional -type turn-
speaker, with removable adapter for 12' table or an automatic record changer. Slid-
Front panel factory -fitted with removable
is speaker. Size: 27W high, 24' wide. 16'
adapter panel permitting use with either ing base in bottom compartment for tape
deep. Shpg. wt., 51 lbs. recorder or other accessory equipment. Five
12' or 15' speaker; base of enclosure is re-
movable to gain access to interior for speak- MODEL HFC -8 -12. Over three cubic feet ca- completely enclosed compartments for stor-
er installation, modification. etc. Cabinet pacity, with all design features of larger age of records of all sizes.
interior is acoustically padded, and com- model HFC- 12 -15. Cut for 12' speaker;
pletely sealed. for efficient performance. adapter for 8 ". 221/4x191/4x131/4'.34 lbs. Sliding doors throughout rovide a func-
Constructed of 1/4' plywood throughout, for Stock No. Model No. Spkr Sire Finish NET tional, smart -appearing frontal design;
hinged lid on record player compartment
rigidity, with veneer finished in mahogany
blonde or walnut. Size: 271/4= high. 24'
81 DI 956 HFC-12-15 ir
of 15" Mahogany
81 01 957 HFC-I2-IS 1Y at 15' Blonde
54.75 permits easy access. Construction and gen-
60 75 eral appearance matches Wellcor enclosures
wide and 161/4' deep. Shpg. wt., 40 lbs. Bg DZ 958 HFC-12-15 12" or 15' Walnut 60 75 listed at left. 27x44x2I'. Wt. 120 lbs.
81 DZ 962. Mahogany. NET
81 DZ 963. Blonde. NET
81 01 959 HFC-8-12
81 DZ 960 HFC812
or 12" Mahogany
8' or IY,Blonde
41 25
44 15
81 DZ 953. Mahogany. NET
954. Blonde. NET
81 DZ 17.00
964. Walnut. NET 81 D2961 HFC-8-12

81 DZ 60.75 8" or 12" Walnut 44.75 81 DZ 955. Walnut NET 1 17.00


Model 20. A beautifully designed example
of contemporary furniture. functionally Attractive cabinets for hi-fi equipment. Cabinet with Half-Doors. Handsome equip-
planned to accommodate records and a wide completely assembled and ready for finish- ment cabinet with modern, louvered
variety of high- fidelity components. Rigidly ing. Made of clear Ponderosa pine. sanded doors covering bottom half of cabinet only.
constructed of beautifully matched panels satin smooth; may be painted. or stained Offers more than adequate space for any
with durable finish. and finished to match any type of furniture. combination of high- fidelity components.
Plenty of room for installation of tuner, am- Bottom half is excellent for record storage.
The large interior of the cabinet is 131/4" plifier and record player -plus ample record Size and construction features same as full -
high- for convenient storage of records. A storage space. door version at left. Less legs (see below).
smaller sub -compartment holds numerous Shpg. wt.. 47 lbs.
45 -rpm records, and a third compartment. CABINET WITH FULL- LENGTH DOORS.
95DZ509.NET 17.91
6' in height, is a convenient storage space 0 Tastefully designed cabinet with luxur-
for record cleaning cloths, catalogs, program ious louvered sliding doors. An excellent Reversible Base. (Shown in Fig. A.) Modern
guides. etc. The large server top is supported unit for budget-priced and limited -space hi- design on one side, traditional on the other.
on 5 -inch spacers, and measures 351/4x 3 1/4x35 t/5x 16'. Slipg. wt.. 3 lbs.
fi installations. Houses all components of a
161%'; it is ideal for placement of encased music system (except the speaker) such as 95 DX 536. NET 4.23
tuner, amplifier and preamp. Overall dimen- changer or turntable on base, tuner, am-
sions of complete unit are 341%x36xl8'. plifier. albums, etc. Styling easily blends Modern Round -Leg Base. With brass fer-
Shipped with legs. spacers and server top with any interior motif. Wood is richly rules. 51/4' high. I6' deep. Set of 2.
unattached; easily set up in minutes. Trim textured and beautifully grained -ready for Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs.
on all models is lustrous polished brass. fine furniture finishes. Inside of cabinet is 95 DX 535. NET 3.38
Shpg. wt.. 40 lbs. divided into two compartments; top com-
partment: 91/4x33%x141/4'; bottom com- Twin Wrought Iron Legs. (Shown in Fig. H.)
81 DZ 989. Mahogany. NET 32.50 partment: 121%x33%x141/4'. Overall sise. With lustrous brass ferrules to enhance ap-
81 DZ 990. limed Oak. NET 33.95 243/4x351/4x16'. Less base. 48 lbs. pearance. 5%a' high. Set of 4. Wt.. 5 lbs.
81 DZ 903. Walnut. NET 33.95 95 DZ 508. NET 23.90 95 D 537. NET 4 17
Letter "Z" In Stock Number Indicates Express Shipment Only
Custom Installation Accessories For Built -In Hi -Fi Systems
A wide selection of grille cloth in beautiful new patterns. Large choice of colors match
traditional. Made of
practically any interior decorating scheme from contemporary towithout
tough, durable Saran plastic -can be stretched over large openings sagging. Color-
fast patterns will not fade. Acoustone grille do h has an open weave which permits unre-
stricted passage of all frequencies. Shpg. wt., per yard. 6 oz.
Stock No.
Type NET
Description Fig. In Lengths qt Per Yd.
Over 1 Yd.
Mahogany 211 A 86 SX 994 86 SX 976 2.45
Bronze 214 A 86 SX 995 86 SX 977 2.45
Light Blonde 511 A 86 SX 996 86 SX 978 2.45
Gold and Bronze 213 A 86 SX 997 86 SX 979 2.45
Solid Charcoal 452 .... . 89 SX 000 86 SX 980 2.45
Black, with gold cobwebs 453 B 89 SX 001 86 SX 986 4.12
Black, with silver cobwebs 462 B 89 Sx 002 86 sX 987 4.12
Mahogany, with gold cobwebs 300 B 89 SX 003 86 SX 988 4.12
Blonde, with gold threads 515M 86 SX 998 86 sX 981 3.35
Mahogany, with gold threads 21SM 86 SX 999 86 sX 982 3.35
Gold 1011 89 SX 004 86 SX 984 4.12
Bamboo 813 89 SX 005 89 SX 007 3.35
White and gold 617M 89 SX 006 89 SX 008 3.35


designed to eliminate medium
Imported natural -color, straw fabric.
Very attractive. Especially suited for cab- o Especially
and high frequency reverberation in speak-
inets with modern motif. Available only in er enclosures. Widely used in bass reflex.
27" widths (minimum order 1 yard.). Shpg. folded -horn and infinite -ba e enclosures.
wt., per yard. 6 oz. In I' thickness to simplify installation -no
86 SX 718. NET PER YARD 159 need to double up material to obtain proper
damping. Eliminates distortion -causing
86 SX 975.70101/2 yds. PER YARD... 1.59 standing waves inside cabinet. Used on all
inside portions of cabinet except front panel.
CUSTOM CHANGER BASES Also used as a lining in record -changer com-
CABINART MODEL ACC -1 UNCUT. Changer partment- eliminates motor noise, rumble,
record box with blank top -can be cut to etc. In convenient 16' width for easy instal-
accommodate any make record changer or lation. Shpg- wt.. 2 lbs.
player. Made of smooth- sanded, ready -to- 89 SX 951. 16 -F. Length. NET 2.25
f nish birch wood. Has top -quality, steel
ball -bearing phonograph slides, pre- mount- NEW SPEAKER BAFFLE KIT
ed for trouble -free installation in cabinet.
speaker baffle kit- a valuable
Hand -pull insert cut into front panel. Size:
3W high, 16W long, 14W deep. With a Versatile,
time - and wore saver for anyone who
instructions. Shpg. wt.. 8 lbs. wishes to custom install a hi -fi speaker or 2
95 RX 556. NET 9.90 or 3-way speaker system in wall or cabinet.
Cut for IS' speaker, or may be used with
MODEL ACC-1 PRE -CUT FOR WEBCOR adapter board for installation of I2'speaker.
CHANGERS. As above, but pre -cut to ac- Also has adapter boards for mounting tweet-
commodate Webcor Model 1831 -41 record ers and to permit use in an infinite baff e
changers. Shpg. wt. 8 lbs. or bass reflex enclosure. Sturdy 1/2' ply-
95 RX 558. NET 9 90 wood. Supplied complete with adapter
MODEL ACC -1 PRE -CUT FOR GARRARD boards. hardware. easy -to- follow instruc-
CHANGERS. Same size as above. Wt. 8 lbs. tions, plus Allied's booklet for building your
own bass reflex enclosure. Size, 22x32 ".
95 RX 543. For RC88 -4. RC98 -4 NET Shpg. wt.. 12 lbs.
95 RX 542. For RC121 -4 EACH 9.90 94 DX 799. NET 8.95
STANDARD DRAWER SLIDES. For installing Easy-to-use reducing rings for using
13 record changers or turntables in cabinets. smaller speakers in larger enclosures.
Constructed of heavy steel. Slides are 15'
long with a normal travel extension of 11'.
Made of 1' plywood and cut to exact size
for quick. simplified installation. Four
Equipped with ball- bearings for smooth speaker mounting holes drilled. Supplied
action. Slides can be attached either to bot- with speaker mounting nuts. bolts and
tom or sides of phono drawer or base. Will washers. Less wood screws.
firmly support phonograph assemblies up to MODEL R -8/12. For mounting 8' speaker in
a maximum weight of SO pounds. Slide 12' speaker baft'e or cabinet. I lb.
brackets have slotted holes to permit level- 89c
ing after installation. Shpg. wt., 4 lbs. 95 D 578. List. $2.00. NET
86 R 195. NET 1.90 Model R- 12/15. For mounting 12" speaker
o in 15' speaker baffe or cabinet. 11/2 lbs.
STANDARD DRAWER SLIDES. As above, but 95 DX 579. List. $2.75. NET.... 1.19
13' long. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs.
HEAVY -DUTY DRAWER SLIDES. For deluxe Carriage bolts for mounting speaker to
installations. 18' long. Normal extension 13 wood panel. Bolt head is flat -when
16'. Shpg. wt.. 5 lbs. countersunk will not show through grille
86 R 199. List, $7.80. NET 3.50 cloth. Size 1/2x2' long. With square nuts. 4
per pkg. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
Adds beautiful decorative touch when used
over grille cloth. Excellent for speaker LEVEL & LEVELING SCREWS
protection. MODEL ACC -3. Precision,
chrome-plated circular level indicator
o G-C
grille with brushed -brass finish. Diamond and four adjustable, rubber -tipped leveling
pattern, 21/2'x1/2'. Av. wt. 4 lbs. screws. Valuable aid for hi -fi enthusiasts.
86 SX 070. 12x18 ". NET 76 1
For use with any turntable installed on
f, 86 SX 071. 18x24'. NET.
86 SX 072. 24x36'. NET
3 23
6 14
wood mounting hoard. Easy to install.
Screws mount under base of turntable;
level on top. Provide quick adjustment for
ICA MESH GRILLE. Expanded alumi- exact leveling. Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
num fine mesh grille. Gold finish. Av. 95 R 555. NET 2.40
Shpg. wt.. 1 lb.
86 SX 063. 12x18 ". 2 73 Complete Electro-Voice enclosure finish-

86 SX 064. 18x24'. NET. 5.39 ing kits are listed on page 51.
o 86 SX 069. 24x36'. NET. .10 83
14 Allied Offers a Complete Selection of Custom Installation Accessories
High -Fidelity Audio Cables and Connectors
Superior -quality audio connecting cables. Extremely valuable accessories for the installation
of hi -fi music system components. Molded -on grippers are attached to plugs for easy re-
moval or insertion. Cables are soldered prior to molding, assuring completely noise-free
connections. Molding is of high -impact material: plugs are virtually unbreakable. All cables
are shielded. except Figs. C, E, J and K. unshielded. Av. shpg. wt.. 5 oz.
Stock No. Type Fig. Description NET
99 S 855 C101 A 18'. Phono pin plug on each end .61
99 S 856 C102 A 36'. As above .70
99 S 857 C103 A 72'. As above .88
94 S 456 C202 B 36'. Phono pin plug and jack .85
94 S 457 C203 B 72'. As above 1.03
94 S 465 P701 C 10'. Right angle phone plug and alligator clips 1.79
94 S 470 C106 D 36'. Phono pin plug; other end stripped & tinned .59
94 S 467 C107 D 72'. Phono pin plug: other end stripped & tinned .73 D
94 5 468 E 10'. Right angle phono pin plug and spade lugs 1.18
94 S 462 C104 F 72'. Phono pin plug and right angle shielded phone plug 1.74
94 5 463 C301 H 10'. Right -angle shielded phone plug & jack 3.82
94 S 471 C111A G 72 ". Straight shld. phone plug; end stripped & tinned 1.65
94 S 464 P601 10'. Right -angle phono pin plug and alligator clips 1.32 a
94 S 472 P502 K 20'. 2- conductor with spade lugs on each end 1.03
94 S 458 C400 L Double phono pin jack adapter .59
MODEL L1601. For selecting any one of Mallory wire wound T -pads. Excellent
3 speakers, or any combination of them, D for use in multi -speaker systems -regu-
from a single, convenient location. Can be late volume at one speaker without affect-
used with multiple- speaker installations in ing volume of other speakers. A single T -pad
the home, store, etc. Requires only three will also control volume in two speakers
wires from the amplifier-common. 8 & 16 simultaneously-use IS -ohm pad for two
ohm (for 16 ohm speakers) or common, 4 8 -ohm speakers wired in series; use an B-
& 8 ohm (for 8 ohm speakers). Has screw ohm pad for two I6 -ohm speakers wired in
terminals, no soldering required. Wall plate parallel, or two 4 -ohm speakers connected
is brushed brass. Fits in any regular outlet in series. Will handle up to 15 watts of
box. Mounting centers. 31/4". With wood audio power. Complete with knob and dial
and machine screws and instructions. Size, plate. Size I%" dia.. Ittjis" depth. 2" shaft.
23/sx4t/2x1s/% ". Shpg. wt.. 8 oz. Shpg. wt.. 7 oz.
94 S 450. NET 5.83 29 M 871. 8 -ohm pad. NET
29 M 872. 15 -ohm pad. EACH..... 2.76
MODEL 1612. Mminted on wall or cabi- RCA TUNER-PHONO SWITCH
D net. Has T -pad mounted on brushed fa A convenient accessory tor modernizing
brass wall plate. Fits any standard outlet 1:.% amplifiers having insufficient inputs.
box. Rated 4 watts continuous, 15 watts Has two standard pin -jack inputs for
peak audio. Black molded escutcheon and tuner, phono, etc. -just move the slide
white knob. 16 -ohm control will handle switch to select either input. Simple, plug -
single 16 -ohm speaker or two 8 -ohm speak- in installation. Output cable has stand-
ers wired in series. 8 -ohm control can be ard pin plug for insertion in amplifier. Size.
used for single 8-ohm speaker, two 16 -ohm 4x3t/2xlt/2. With complete instructions.
speakers wired in parallel or two 4 -ohm Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
speakers connected in series. Wall plate
mounting centers. 31/4". Has screw termi- 69 R506. NET 3.33
nals. With wood and machine screws. Size. FM TWIN -LINE ANTENNA
2t/4x4 %2xI% ". Shpg. wt., S oz.
94 S 451. L- 1612/8.8 ohms. Low cost. folded dipole type indoor an-
D tenna designed for FM reception. Elimi-
94 S 452. L- 1612/16. 16 ohms. nates need for outdoor antenna in many
NET EACH... .. .. ..9.55 locations. Perfect for use where concealed Cl
antenna would be desirable, or where out-
VIDAIRE SPEAKER FADER door antenna installation is not feasible.
MODEL RF -10. For remote control of a Simply place under rug, behind cabinet or
speaker in a hi -fi set, radio or TV receiver. in any other out -of -the -way location. An-
Can also be used at an external speaker for tenna consists of 300 ohm twin -line with
"on- the -spot" control. For 4 -8 ohm speak- copper-covered steel conductors. Has a 6 ft.
ers. Gold finished dial plate. With knob, lead -in wire. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
brass screws and installation instructions. 92 C 019. NET 1.26
Size. 21/4x2 1/4x13/4". Shpg. wt.. 8 oz.
94 S 473. NET
For long speaker lines in indoor or out-
VIDAIRE REMOTE SPEAKER SWITCH D door applications. No. 14, 2- conductor
MODEL MS -6-FOR UP TO 6 SPEAKERS. solid. Thermoplastic insulated. Min. order
New, high -quality remote speaker 100 ft. Wt., 100 ft., 7 lbs.
switch. Permits centralized control for as 47 W 549. PER 100' 6.47
many as six remote speakers. Highly versa-
tile-has six SPDT switches which provide REMCON REMOTE SWITCH KIT
42 possible operating combinations -any
combination of the six speakers can be Enjoy the luxury of remote Off -On con-
D trol of your hi -fi system from any room
played, or all can play simultaneously.
Easily mounts on panel of hi -fi or public - in the house. Kit consists of control unit
address system for convenient operation. (into which hi -fi system is plugged) and
Designed for use with any size speaker and three switches with wall plates for stand-
any speaker impedance. Gold- embossed ard AC wall boxes. Control unit handles
brass plate blends with any surroundings. up to 10 amps at 115 v. AC. Wiring to
Size. 3t14x2) /f.
With all necessary brass switches carries only 6 volts (supplied
by control unit). Parallel wiring -as many
hardware and easy -to-follow instructions.
Shpg. wt., 8 oz. switches as desired may be added. With
94 S 438. NET 2.64 instructions. For 110 -120 v.. 50 -60 cycle
AC. Shpg. wt.. I% lbs.
MODEL RS10 -FOR 2 SPEAKERS. Con- 94 S 435. NET 9.95
nects remote speaker to radio, TV or
hi -fi set. Permits listening enjoyment in any Accessorts for !Wiliam Switch
room, porch or patio without "blasting" at 100' 3 -Cond.Cable. 2 lbs.
source. Has 3 positions-turns on either 47 T 360. NET ..... . .
speaker, or both. Brass plate is gold fin- Type S -1 Extra Switch. 4 oz.
ished. Complete with knob, brass screws
and installation instructions. Size, 2t/zx2t/zx 94 S 436. NET 35c
PA". Shpg. wt., 8 oz. Type PL1 Extra Wall Plate. 4 02
94 S 474. NET.. 1.17 94 S 437. NET 30c
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, III. 15
-,etul, decorative, plastic record chang- Highly effective static neutralizer. Tiny
covers. Protect record changers from 0 jewel on clip. Makes records dust- resis-
dust. moisture, etc. In attractive silvery tant by neutralizing static electric charges
gray. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz. which attract dust. Weighs less than to
of oz. Clips to pickup arm, but does not in-
95 R 593. For Gariard RC88 -4 and terfere with tracking. Reduces record noise;
RC98 -4 record changers. NET 98c increases record and stylus life. Shpg. wt..
95 R 594. For V -M. Webcor and Garrard 2 oz.
RC121 record changers. NET 98c 96 R 768. NET 2.93
95 R 649. For turntables. Cover size, 22x
161/4x9'. NET 1 25 "BALANCED SOUND" KIT
Inexpensive and easy to use, this handy
STYLUS INSPECTION o kit contains a quick- reading stylus pres-
MICROSCOPE sure gauge and a highly accurate turntable
level. These two valuable phono accessories
Pocket -size stylus inspection micro- are perfect for the serious record collector.
o scope. For checking stylus tip to detect Help preserve records -add to the life of
imperfections and signs of wear. Approxi- styli -improve fidelity. Pressure gauge en-
mately 75 -power magnification. An easy -to- ables user to quickly determine correct
use "must' item for the serious record col- pressure. Level shows slightest tilt in turn-
lector. Instantly reveals record -damaging table. Slupg. wt.. 4 oz.
imperfections in stylus tip. Has groove for 65 R 527. NET 88c
convenient centering of stylus tip in micro-
scope field. Can be used with any stylus.
Ilas sturdy metal barrel; adjustable ob- WALCO TURNTABLE LEVEL
jective lene. Imported from Japan. Size. l'sed tor accurate levelling of turntables
3s/s" long x W dia. Shpg. wt., 8 oz. and record changers; insures correct
65 RC 440. NET 3.00 tracking of lead -in and changer trip grooves.
and prevents excessive record and stylus
PLASTIC DISC COVERS wear caused by lateral resistance of pickup
Protective sleeves for IQ" and II" ree- arm. Sturdy hexagonal barrel prevents roll-
t- orris. Made of durable polyethylene plas- ing, assures accurate reading. Attractive
gold- finish. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
tic with thermoset seams to resist tearing. 59c
Prevent scratching of delicate record sur- 69 R 225. NET
faces; seal out dust and moisture; end finger
marking of records. On long playing rec- "KLEENEEDLE" BRUSH
ords. sleeve fits over record and into original Automatic record changer needle brush.
record jacket. Shpg. wt., 7 oz. Brush is positioned to tare upward.
65 R 515. Pkg. of 15. 10" sleeves. Whenever pickup arm is cycled, stylus is
65 R 516. Pkg. of 12. 12" sleeves. wiped over brush. Removes accumulations
NET PER PACKAGE 88c of dust. lint, etc.. from stylus tip -minimizes
distortion in record reproduction and re-
ANTI-STATIC RECORD CLOTH duces record and stylus wear. Base has ad-
hesive pad for easy mounting on any surface.
112 square inches of soft, chamois-like Shpg. wt.. 4 nz.
lintless fabric. impregnated with chem- 98c
ical compound. Will not fray or dry out. 96 R 769. NET

E Keeps records free of noise producing dust

and electrostatic charge; effectively elimi-
nates static "pops" and "crackles." Leaves
no residue-will not harm records or styli. o
CORDINGS. By Karl A. Barleben. Infor-
Easy to use -simply wipe record with light mative booklet thoroughly discusses all as-
pressure and cloth does the rest. Supplied pects of record and stylus care in a clear and
in sealed plastic bag that is ideal for storing interesting manner. Subjects include: Stylus
cloth. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz. Wear; Dust; Cleaners; Handling of Rec-
69R235.NET 59c ords; Proper Storage of Records. Size. Sa
7%"; 25 pages.
ANTI- STATIC RECORD SPRAY 37 K 144. Poopoid in U.S.A 25c
Easy-to -use. anti- static record spray.
o Deposits thin anti -static film on record STROBOSCOPIC CARD
surface. Aids in preventing records from
accumulating damaging and noise-produc- Use with any 50 or 60 -cycle neon, argon
ing dust and lint. In handy 6 oz. Aerosol or fluorescent lamp. or low- wattage in-
spray can. Shpg. wt.. 7 oz. candescent lamp. For accurately checking
88c 331/4. 45 or 78 rpm record speeds. Quickly
65 R 525. NET
tells you when equipment needs adjustment.
Easy to use -simply place on record chang-
FOAM RUBBER TURNTABLE MAT er or turntable as with any record. Turn-
Low- priced. protective loam rubber rec- table is accurately revolving at desired speed
0 ord player mat. Fits any turntable or when appropriate band of dots appears to
record changer. Cushions record drop on be stationary. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
automatic record changers. Acts as shock 69R511.NET 15c
absorber -protects valuable records. 9%
diameter; VW thick. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. WALCO RECORD CARE KIT
65 R 532. NET 89c
UR cum pleu, ea.+y -to- i.e record cart kit.
FAIRCHILD TURNTABLE PAD Contains: 6 oz. can of Stati -Clean, anti-
static record spray and cleaner; 2 pkgs. plas-
G New deluxe loam lubber pad for any
U record changer or player. Cushions rec- tic disc covers (12 -12" sleeves; 15 -10'
sleeves); needle brush for cleaning needle
ords; reduces magnetic attraction between tip; and a very informative book, by K. A.
cartridge and turntable; minimizes record Barleben, "Guide to the Care of Modern
slippage. Cut -out for 45 -rpm spindles. 9% Recordings." Shpg. wt., 2 lbs.
dia.; 1/4" thick. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 2.91
1.98 65 R 526. NET
"Reddi- Sweep," soft camel's hair brush Soft camel's hair brush for mounting on
thoroughly cleans record grooves of dust, pickup arm; brushes record ahead of
scrapings. Mounted on plastic stand with stylus to remove dust from grooves. Select-
height adjustment. brush is positioned to ed, lightweight fibers will not scratch record
face direction of record revolution. Flip of surfaces. Saves stylus and records. Easy to
finger spins brush away. Base of stand has attach-simply clip in place. Does not inter-
pressure -sensitive material -adheres to any fere with tone arm tracking or stylus pres-
surface. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz. sure. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
99 R 793. NET 4.95 69 R 226. NET 49c
Allied is Headquarters for High Fidelity Accessories
RD-45. An extra- spacious phonograph
e 7"record carrying cases for travel or home
table and record storage cabinet with slid- storage. Extra-strong, light metal construc-
ing doors, at a remarkably low price. tion. 7' case holds 80 records, 12' case holds
Strongly constructed of s/s" plywood with 36 records. All have comfortable plastic car-
.4' tempered masonite doors. Available in rying handles and brass plated draw -bolt
highly attractive mahogany or blond finish hocks. Each is completely indexed with em-
to blend with any decor. Top surface is bossed dividers, index card. numbered iden-
large enough to easily accommodate al- tification stickers. Model 46 -P has sponge
most any record player or tape recorder. rubber strips for additional record pro-
Interior provides space for storing 7'. 10' tection. All have rubber feet to protect fur-
and 12' records. niture surfaces. Durable two -tone green
Has removable dividers for convenient rec- and gray baked enamel, wrinkle finish.
ord storage. Divider forms two large com- MODEL 46 -P. 12" Case. \Vt.. 7 lbs.
partments which will hold about 100 LP
albums. Gracefully tapered legs have solid
95 RX 894. NET . ....4.90
brass ferrules and gold- flecked levelers. MODEL 49. 7" Case, Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs.
Cabinet stands 27' high. Top surface size: 96 RX 849. NET 3.95
201' wide, 221/2" deep. Shipped with legs 7', 10" 8 12" RECORD RACK
removed -legs quickly and easily fastened
without tools. Steel bolts screw into steel LYRIC MODEL 41 LP -EP RECORD RACK.
sockets for wobble-free support. Shpg. wt., Handsomely styled, black and brass -
32 lbs. plated record rack for LP and EP records.
92 RZ 850. Mahogany. NET Accommodates sixty 7', 10" or 12' records
92 RZ 851. Blonde- EACH 18.50 in jackets. Contemporary styling makes it a
highly attractive room accessory. as well as
MODEL CRD -45. Same cabinet as above, but a useful and protective record holder. Five
wish 3' plastic wheels. \Vt.. 32 lbs. convenient separators. Entire unit is just
92 RZ 852. Mahogany. NET II" long-ideal for use where only limited
92 RZ 853. Blonde. EACH 19.95 space is available. Has four rubber-tipped
legs to prevent marring finish of floor or
RECORD ALBUMS furniture. Durable all -steel construction.
Shpg. wt.. 21/2 lbs.
STANDARD. Protect your records with
o this low cost, sturdy 12- pocket album.
96 R 848. NET 3.45
Wine color fabrikoid cover. With record in- RECORD HOLDER
dex. Shpg. wt., 11/2 lbs. FLAT -TOP RECORD HOLDER. New. low -
96 R 850. to' Size. EACH 68c
. cost uniquely styled record holder. Ac-
3 or More, EACH 61 C commodates sixty 7 ". 10' or 12' records with
or without jackets. Contemporary Pat -top
96 RX 851. 12' Size. EACH 85c design in attractive brass finish complements
3 or More, EACH 76c any style of room decoration. Compact unit
SPANISH -GRAINED. Beautiful maroon leath- measures only 161/2' long -ideal for a large
erette cover. Records are held in 12 heavy collection of records in mixed sizes that must
Kraft -paper envelopes in binder. Gold be stored in a limited space. Holders are of
stamped back. With handy index. Shpg. heavy gauge steel construction, spot welded
wt.. 2 lbs. and braced for added rigidity. Each holder
is coated with a durable, long- lasting rubber
96 R 856. It)' Size. EACH 90c covering for positive record protection. Has
3 or More, EACH 81 c handles for easy carrying. Sturdy legs are
96 RX 857. 12" Size. EACH 1.06 rubber -tipped to prevent marring or
3 or More, EACH 96c scratching of furniture surfaces. Size. 161x
8:51/2'. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs.
FOR 7" RECORDS. Holds twelve 7' records.
in individual flaps. Covers are bound in
94 RX 942. NET 2.25
attractive simulated leather with gold RECORD CHANGER CABINET
stamping. Complete with record index. i'r,l,;'i

Shpg. wt.. I lb. ORD CHANGER CABINET. Handsome cab- 1IId11111h1115

96 R 845. Red. inets for table -top or shelf placement of

96 R 846.Brown. EACH 45c record changers. Sturdily built. with highly
attractive mahogany veneer over W birch
3 or More, EACH 41 C
wood on top and sides. Ebony lift lid. Re-
movable mounting board. Available with
EP AND LP STORAGE BOXES mounting boards cut specifically for Gar-
Handsome, low -cost storage boxes. For rard changers listed below; also uncut type
twelve 7' or ten 10' or 12' records in which may be cut for use with other record
their original jackets. Gold- embossed backs. changers. Dimensions above mounting
Perfect for keeping records dust -free. Com- board: 6' high. 16' wide, 13' deep. Overall
plete with handy index. Av. shpg. wt.. lb. 1 size: 111/2' high. 17' wide. 14' deep. Shpg.
96 R 884. 7' Size. EACH 92C wt.. 17 lbs.
3 or More, EACH.... .... 82c Stock No. Description
96 R 885. Icy' Size. EACH 1.25 92 RX 801 Uncut
3 or More, EACH 1.13 92 RX 802. For Garrard RC88 -4. RC98 -4
96 RX 886. 12' Size. EACH 1.59 92 RX 803 For Garrard RC12I -4
3 or More, EACH 1.44 NET EACH 27.00
Correct stylus pressure is necessary to assure fine reproduction and minimum stylus and
record wear. Insufficient pressure will result in poor tracking. loss of bass response, and
often cause the stylus to skip across the record. Excessive pressure will result in shortened
stylus and record life, and loss of high -frequency response. The stylus pressure gauges below
will allow quick. accurate adjustment for optimum performance.
measures force with stylus in record El Measures weight exerted
by a stylus
groove. Hook gauge under pickup arm, lift. upon a record. Can be used with any pickup
and as sound ceases, gauge shows tracking arm. Reads I -1S grants. Red and ivory
force. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. plastic. Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
69 R 232. NET 2.00 96 R 504. NET 2 45
method for determining stylus pressure. Handy. sensitive gauge for measuring
End of pickup arm is placed on one end of force exerted by stylus upon a record. For
balance arm; weights (supplied) are placed all pickup arms. Gram scale to 28.4. Ounce
on opposite end. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz. scale to 4. Shpg. wt.. 5 oz.
65 R 442. NET 4.70 85 R 029. NET 1.47
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois

Four Speakers Two Coaxial Speakers Hond- Rubbed Finish

8 -Watt Push -Pull Amplifier Genuine leather Covering Modern Styling

Portable Automatic Phono Deluxe Portable Phono Table -Model Automatic Phono
Unusually attractive table -
$8350 Feature- packed, portable
automatic phonograph de- $937
Creatively inspired design
5 and finest-quality compo- $7950 model phonograph. Low in
cost. it puts a world of lis-
signed to provide clear. nat- nents are combined in the
ural audio reproduction. superb construction of this tening pleasure at your fin-
Multiple speakers are employed for extend- fine automatic portable phonograph. In- ger tips. Hand- crafted cabinet is construct-
cludes many deluxe features, such as an ed from carefully selected fine furniture
ed frequency range and added depth. Uti- veneers. to form a pleasant addition to the
lizes two 6' woofers and two electrostatic automatic shut -off which turns off the en-
tire machine (amplifier and turntable) after finest decorative ensemble. Reinforced cabi-
tweeters. Mounting of speakers in acousti- net interior is designed to provide optimum
cally balanced enclosure provides smooth. the last record has been played; jam -proof.
record changing mechanism. deluxe styling. baffle efficiency. Contains a dual speaker
distortion -free bass response and widely- system. consisting of a full -toned 6' woofer
dispersed "highs." Creates rich "room - etc. Uses two heavy -duty 6' coaxial speak-
ers, angle- mounted in rigidly- braced baffle. for bass notes and a 5 Vs' tweeter for treble.
filling" sound. Use of a powerful 8 -watt Provides rich, clear tonal quality and
push -pull amplifier, allows full orchestral tor wide sound- coverage and low resonance.
Electrical cross -over networks divide sound room filling sound.
passages to be reproduced with amazing
realism. Circuit utilizes negative feed -back between coaxial elements for extremely effi-
cient, wide -range reproduction. An external Automatic record changer has a heavy -duty
design for greatly reduced distortion and motor and smooth- operating changer mech-
surprisingly clean sound. outlet is provided for the addition of a
remote speaker. anism. Assures constant speed and low
Smooth -operating 4 -speed record changer rumble and wow content. Plays 7', 10". or
provides automatic playing of 7 ". 10' or 12' Deluxe. VM 4 -speed automatic changer 12" records at 16%. 33t/z, 45. and 78 rpm
records at 164/3, 331/2. 45, or 78 rpm speeds. plays 12'. 10', and 7' records at 16%, 331/3, speeds. Will accommodate up to ten 12'
10' and 12" records of same speed can be 45 and 78 rpm speeds. Intermixes 10" and records, twelve 10" records, or fourteen 7'
intermixed. Automatically shuts -off after 12' records of same speed. Uses heavy -duty. records with one loading. Intermixes all
last record has been played. Rubber mat low- torque drive mechanism for constant size records of same speed. 45 rpm spindle
on turntable cushions records, prevents dam- speed. wow and rumble -free performance. supplied fits into convenient spring holder
age or slippage. Uses wide -range ceramic Balanced tone arm is equipped with a high - when not in use. Features automatic shut-
cartridge with separate sapphire needles for quality Sonotone ceramic cartridge. Dual off after last record has been played. Motor
standard and microgroove records. Car- sapphire needles for standard and micro- shuts off and drive wheel is disengaged to
tridge is unaffected by heat or moisture. 45 groove records. Supplied with 45 rpm spin- prevent flat spots from forming. Wine -range
rpm spindle is supplied. dle. Special compartment stores spindle ceramic cartridge is equipped with two
out -of -way when not in use. sapphire needles for standard and micro-
Separate, continuously variable bass and groove records. Unaffected by heat, humid-
treble tone controls are mounted on top of ity or moisture.
cabinet for easy adjustment to suit personal Push -pull, 7 -watt amplifier has separate
taste and room acoustics. Handsome, lug- bass, treble, and volume controls for pre- Amplifier has full -range volume control and
gage -type cabinet is constructed of heavy. cise adjustment of tonal quality: uses 3
tubes plus selenium rectifier. Cabinet is combined bass and treble control for ex-
laminated wood covered with finest scuff - treme ease of adjustment. Circuit includes
resistant simulated leather. Matching han- covered in genuine leather with attractive 2 tubes plus rectifier. Size: 9x20x19'. For
dle and gold finish speaker grille and cabi- front -angled, brass -finished speaker grille. operation from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC.
net. All vibration -proof hardware. Measures Thick -leather carrying strap is securely In choice of hand -rubbed walnut or limed
9' high. 21' wide. and 16" deep. For opera- fastened to side of case. Size: 91/4x193/4x oak finish. Shpg. wt.. 30 lbs.
tion from 110 -125 volts. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. 154'. For 110 -120 volts. 60 cycles AC.
wt., 33 lbs. Shpg. wt.. 25 lbs. 94 RZ 714, Walnut. NET

94 RZ 71 3. NET 83.50 94 RX 939. NET 93.75 94 RZ 715. Limed Oak. EACH... 79.50

Deluxe Table-Model Automatic Phonograph

An up -to- the -minute. table -consolette phonograph at an unusually low
Advanced changer mechanism automatically plays 16%, 331/3. 45
9675 price.
and rpm records in 7', 10' and 12' sizes. Has new jam -proof V -M changer
mechanism. with positive intermix of 10' and 12' records of the samechanger speed.
Plays any record manually if change cycle is not desired. After last record is played.
motor automatically shuts off. Features lightweight. die -cast aluminum tone arm with
Sonotone turnover ceramic cartridge and .001' and .003' sapphire styli for standardquiet. and
microgroove records. Balanced turntable and smooth -acting drive mechanism assure
constant -speed operation. Room -filling, true -to -life sound is provided by a top -quality.
4 -watt push -pull amplifier and an extended -range system of three speakers.

Employs two 6" woofers for excellent bass and mid -range reproduction; one 4' tweeterbaffle for
clear, brilliant reproduction of highs. Speakers are mounted in acoustically- matched
tone controls
for added efficiency and improved transient response. Separate bass and treble Controls
allow exact tonal adjustment to suit individual taste and match room acoustics. cabinet is
are recessed to blend with trim phono appearance. The smartly styled wood to a lustrous
available in either mahogany or blonde genuine wood veneers. hand- rubbed
glow. Highly attractive, matching Saran plastic grille cloth; has loose weave for maximum
transmission of sound. Includes automatic 45 -rpm spindle. Size: 31 /x22 t/zx16'. Less set of
Push -Pull 4 legs (see below). For operation from 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 64 lbs.

Amplifier 94 RZ 937. Mahogany. NET

94 RZ 938. Blonde. EACH 96.75
'3 Speakers
LEGS FOR ABOVE. Set of four, tapered, brass -plated legs for converting to consolette use.
Converts to 18' long. Shpg- wt., 4 lbs.
Consolette 95 R 644. NET PER SET. 5.40

78 Letter Z in Stock Number Indicates Express Shipment Only


Wide -Arc Speaker Grille Locked -Seam Construction Brown -and -Tan Tweed Case
Diamond LP Needle Two Heavy -Duty Speakers Top -Value Wide -Range Cartridge

Extended -Range Automatic Budget- Priced Automatic Top -Value Automatic

$7650 This advanced- design. ex-
tended- range portable de-
livers rich, lifelike sound.
$5450 Budget- priced 4 -speed au-
tomatic phonograph-offers
features usually found only
$3675 A value- packed. 4 -speed
phonograph offering many
deluxe features for smooth,
Features triple speaker sys- in high- priced units. You'll highly convenient operation.
tem mounted in gracefully curved grille, for find it easy to carry-easy to play -easy Smooth- acting changer mechanism auto-
even sound- dispersion throughout the room. to listen to -and easy on the budget! matically plays 167. 33%, 45 and 78 -rpm
Neat, unusually attractive styling and effi- Plays 167,33[/x.45 and 78 rpm records auto- records. Shuts off automatically after last
cient performance of this fine unit, make it a matically. Rigid, die -cast aluminum tone record plays and intermixes 10" and 12'
top value! One 6" woofer and two 4' tweet- arm is perfectly balanced for minimum records of the same speed. Changer has rub-
ers are acoustically baffled for optimum bass record wear. Sensitive ceramic cartridge ber turntable mat for record protection and
response and minimum distortion. Case is has turnover sapphire needles for standard high -quality 4 -pole motor for constant-
all wood with locked corner construction. and microgroove records. Jam -proof mech- speed operation. It's an excellent value at
liardsome, luggage tan covering. anism plays twelve 10" records, ten 12' rec- this remarkably low price!
Plays ten I2' or twelve 10' records auto- ords or fourteen 7' records. with intermix
matically. Intermixes all size records of of any size records of same speed. 45 rpm Full -toned PM speaker provides plenty of
same speed. 45 rpm spindle included. Plays spindle included. Motor shuts off after last volume for classroom use, parties. etc.
up to fourteen 45 rpm records with one load- record is played. Light in weight, it's easy to carry from
ing. Shuts off automatically and shifts to Two 4' speakers are vertically mounted for room to room. Turnover cartridge with
neutral position after last record is played. full. balanced tone. Lightweight cabinet separate sapphire styli for microgroove and
Heavy duty motor and positive drive mech- has rugged locked -seam construction. Cov- standard recordings. Cartridge is heat and
anism assure constant speed at 16r/j. 33t/x, ered with scuff -resistant two -tone grey leath- humidity - proof. With 45 -rpm automatic
45, and 78 rpm. Ceramic cartridge has .001" erette. Heavy -duty, easy -grip handle. Vol- spindle. Brown -and -tan tweed case with
diamond and .003' sapphire needles. Vol- ume control and tone control on outside of sturdy, balanced- position carrying -handle

cycle AC. Wt.. 26 lbs

ume, separate lass and treble controls.
Size: 8t/zx17x18t ". For 110 -120 volts, 60
case for easy adjustment. Size: 8x1470
17'/ . For 110 -120 volts, 60 cycles AC.
Shpg. wt.. 21 lbs.
provides maximum portability. Size: 13í/4x
11 t x8y' For operation from 110 -120 v.,
60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 20 lbs.
94 RZ 716. NET 76.50 94RZ717.NET 54.50 98 RZ 599. NET 36.75
Extended -Range Single -Play Phonograph
This popular 4 -speed phonograph is easy to carry, easy to play, easy is
$3330 listen to -and easy on the budget. Rich, lifelike sound is delivered by 2
speakers -a
5t/' speaker for bass and a second 4' speaker for wide disper-
sion of the high notes. Plays 7'. 10' and 12' records at 33[/x, 45 and 78 rpm;
also plays 167 rpm "talking book" records. Contoured turntable for 45 rpm records pre-
vents record slippage. Heavy flocking assures maximum record protection and constant
speed Has volume and tone controls. Convenient "magic center" for 45's built right in. no
spindle changes, can't get lost -with a slight twist it pops up, ready to play. Full -range
ceramic cartridge is impervious to heat and moisture and other extremes of temperature
provides extra -long life in hot, humid climates. Has two sapphire needles for standard and
microgroove records. Attractive case finished in cadet blue and white leatherette, pyroxylin
coated for extra -long life. Size, 13 %x11t/4x8 %z ". For operation from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle
AC. Shpg. wt., 14 lbs.
94RX718.NET 33.30
Top -Value Single -Play Phonograph

A world of listening pleasure is yours -ata very low price -with this hand-
some 4 -speed portable phonograph. Plays single records at all 4 speeds
3373, 45, 78 and "talking book" 16% rpm. Heavy -duty turntable has built -
in adapter for 45 rpm records. Smooth-acting drive mechanism and con-
stant -speed motor assure quiet, true -pitch operation. High- efficiency PM speaker. elec-
trically balanced for finest tone quality. Newly designed amplifier provides plenty of volume.
Turnover crystal cartridge and dual sapphire needles for standard and microgroove records.
Separate volume and tone controls. Case is attractively styled in red and white leatherette.
pyroxylin coated. Size. 7x12 %salt&. For operation from 110 -120 volts. 60 cycle AC.
Shpg. wt.. IO lbs.
94 RX 941. NET 23.50
4 -Speed "High -Style" Single -Play Phonograph
Attractive styling and outstanding performance make this 4 -speed plions
$2895 graph an excellent buy. The luggage -type case is covered in striking red and
white polka -dot vinyl, plastic. Plays at 3373, 45 and 78 rpm speeds, and at
16% rpm for "talking book" records. Heavy -duty turntable has grooved
rubber mat to prevent record slippage. Has built -in flip -up 45 rpm adapter. Heavy -duty
motor develops smooth, steady power to assure constant speed and quiet operation. High -

quality crystal cartridge with dual sapphire needles brings out the full beauty of your rec
ords. Twin 4' speakers and powerful amplifier provide ample reserve power and wide dis
persion of sound. Speakers are matched and rigidly mounted for low resonance and mini-
mum distortion. Tone and volume controls. S3/4x131/2x121/2' For operation from 110-120
volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 10% lbs.
94 RX 940. NET 28,95
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois


Famous Cook High -Fidelity Records Audio Fidelity Records

12' Wide- range. high- fidelity records. Excep-
1185. CALYPSO KINGS AND PINK GIN. tionally clean; fascinating to listen to. All
Famous hi-li records, noted fur their bril- rinidad's top singers hold a revel. are 12'..33'/z rpm.
liantly realistic sound and off-beat content. 1186. MERINGUE. Calypso music recorded 1801. THE BRAVE BULLS/ (La Fiesta Bravo).
All are 99.7% pure vinyl. Precision record- at :to impromptu Haitian concert. "Banda Taurina" of the Plaza Mexico.
ing equipment and new "microfusion" proc- 10120. MUSIC BOXES, CAROUSELS & HAND
ess assure less surface noise. 1802. MARIMBA MAMBO y CHA-CHA -CHA.
ORGAN. Merry- go-round music. 6 -man marimba. plus orchestra.
10' 3314 RPM RECORDS 10248. VOICE OF MEXICO. Trio with guitar.
KILTS ON PARADE. Scot bagpipes
1810. CHA CHA CHA. Latin rhythms by Pe-
1013. ACCORDION POPS CONCERT. Charlie 10251.
Magnante plays eight "pop" tunes. 10271. FIESTA FLAMENCA. Gypsy music.
dro Garcia and Del l'rado Orch.
10289. MONTO YA (PATTERNS IN FLAMENCO). 1814. PATACHOU (Paris c'est uns blonde)
10301. THE HARP. Edward and Joseph Vito. Vocals in French and English.
10326. CAFE CONTINENTAL. Zither. etc. 1815. ACCORDION DE PARIS. Jo Basile &
1057. FOORT POPS. Theater organ music. orchestra play nostalgic cafe music.
1070. RAIL DYNAMICS. N. V. Central. 1818. TORERO' (La Fiesta Bravo). VOL. 3.
1086. DRUMS OF RODRIGUEZ. Jazz rhythms. 10523. PERCUSSION AND PEDAL. R. Foort. Music of the Bullfighting Ring.
Any record above. Shpg. wt.. R nz. 10545. THE ORGAN AT SYMPHONY HALL. 1819. FIESTA EN ESPANA. Fiery Spanish gyp-
65 RR 600. Specify mord Na. EA 3.98 10646. TEMPO VIVACE. Symphonic dances. sy music; authentic Flamenco.
12" 33'% RPM RECORDS 10657. MOZART SYMPHONY NO. 40 AND 1821. RENDEZVOUS A PARIS. Jo Basile plays
BEETHOVEN'S FIFTH SYMPHONY. I6 enchanting selections.
1022. HAITI CONFIDENTIAL. Voodoo, dancers
and music of Haiti. 10889. HORIZONTAL & UPRIGHT. Red lamp. 1822. ROME WITH LOVE. Jo Basile arch.
1040. STEELBAND CLASH. Mambos. sambas. 1823. THE DUKES OF DIXIELAND.
calypsos by Antigua steel bands. 1825. MALLET MAGIC. Ilarry Breuer and his
Any record above. Shpg. wt.. IO oz.
65 RR 642. Speer y round .\b. EA. 4.98 Quintet. Vibes. glockenspiel. etc.
1044. THE COMPLEAT IN FIDELYTIE. Jet plane. 1827. HONKY TONK PIANO. Eddie "Pian -
engines. 10.1001 hens. etc. "ROAD RECORDINGS" SERIES ola" Barnes plays old -time favorites.
-loch. 33'/3 rpm recordings made "on
Movie - palace organ music.


location." not studio recorded. "
two-track recordings-outside track equal-
PIPE ORGAN. Waltzes. "pop" tunes.
ized for monaural playback; both tracks
1083. JAWBONE OF AN ASS. Cuban jazz. GANG. Swingtime standards.
may be used to obtain a stereo effect.
1094. SEVEN LAST WORDS (DUBOIS). Willis 5003. CARIBEANA. Calypso music. 1840. DUKES OF DIXIELAND. VOL. 2. Sweet
Page. conducting Boston Chorale. 5007. MARIMBA BAND. Mexican music. Georgia Brown. Blue )leaven, etc.
anese stringed instrument court music. 5011. *VOICE OF THE SEA. Surf, foghorns. etc. Bourbon Street Parade.
1183. HOT SONGS MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME. 5012. OUT OF THIS WORLD. Earthquake. other favorite marches.
l.izzie Miles belting out jazz classics. 5014. MARIACHI MUSICAL FROM MEXICO.
Any record above. Slrpg. wt.. 10 oz. Any record above. Shpg. wt.. 10 oz.
Any record above. Shpg. wt.. lo oz. 5.95
65 RR 642. r:,,t, r,,,,,! \. EA. 4.98 65 RR 620. Specify record No. EÁ..4.98 65 RR 628. specajy record No. EA.

New "Talking Book" Records "Hi -Fi Record" Records

HI -FI TEST RECORDS Quality of sound reproduction is truly im-
Exciting. new I6z/3 -rpm "Audio Book..
records. All records are 7' with 11/2" diame- COOK AUDIO TEST RECORDS pressive. All are 12 ". 33'/3 rpm.
ter center hole. t're .001' stylus. Playing For checking R -602. BAND WITH A BEAT. Swing arch.
SERIES 10. 10 ", 78 RPM.
time per record. SO min. response of audio playback equip- R -701. GEORGE WRIGHT PLAYS THE MIGHTY
C -300. ALICE IN WONDERLAND. .L records. ment. "V" groove permits playing -702. GEORGE WRIGHT ENCORES AT THE
delightfully read by Marvin Miller entire record with .001' or .003' R
and Jane \\'ebb. Wt.. 9 oz. stylus. Accurately calibrated from R -703. RICHARD PURVIS ORGAN RECITAL IN
68 RR 403. Specify Book No. NET. 2.62 . 35 to 20.1X8) cps. 8 oz.
SLEEPY HOLLOW. Single record, read 10 -LP. As above. 33'/3 rpm. R -708. GEORGE WRIGHT'S SHOW TIME.
by Elinor Gene Hoffman. Wt., 3 oz. R -710. THE GEORGE WRIGHT SOUND.
C -307. GULLIVER'S TRAVELS. Single record. 65 R 086. NET 3 98 R -712. GEORGE WRIGHT PLAYS THE CONN
read by Hal Gerard. Wt., 3 oz. SERIES SONAB. 12'. Checks IM di- ELECTRIC ORGAN.
68 RR 404. Specify Book No. EACH .99 R -713. THE GENIUS OF GEORGE WRIGHT.

Gó601. FAMOUS POEMS. 4 records; 74

poems. Read by M. Miller. 12 oz.
torsion in cartridges, amplilict -.
speakers. No instruments needed
simply play record and listen. If dis-
- R -801. QUARTERLODEONS. Old -time me-
chanical pianos. other relics.
ords; 17 stories. Read by M. Miller.
68 RR 405. Specify Book No. EACH .3.28
tortion exceeds 2%.
is heard. Under 2e
33%5 and 78 rpm. Wt..
code letter "N"
"A" is heard.
IO oz.
Any record above. Shpg. at., 111 or.
65 RR 623. Specify record No. EA. 4.95
GL-607. COMPLETE SONNETS OF WILLIAM 65 R 096. NET 4.98 Replica Hi -Fi Records
SHAKESPEARE. 3 records; 154 son- Wide- range. distortion -tree records. All are
nets. Magnificently read by Ronald CLARKSTAN TEST RECORDS 12'. 331/4 rpm recordings.
68 RR 406. Specify Book .Vo. NET. 2.62 Spot frequencies through range of 50 DIUM ORGAN. VOL. 1.
R-901. COMPLETE NEW TESTAMENT. Author- to 10,000 cps for checking 331/4 or 509. BEAST IN THE BASEMENT. /.eon Berry.
ised Kink James Version. 26 records. 78 rpm equipment. Can be re -used. 510. MELGARD AT STADIUM ORGAN. VOL. 2
Shpg.wt.. 21/2 lbs. TYPE 20015.2002S. 12' vinylite (2 511. FABULOUS EDDIE OSBORN. VOL. 1.
R -902. THE OLD TESTAMENT. authorized Ver- sides). 33'/3 rpm. One side NARTB. 513. MATINEE. Theatre organ.
,ton. 26 records. Shpg. wt.. 2% lbs. other side Nat. 10 oz. 518. THIS IS MELGARD.
68 RR 401.Spccijy Book No. EACH.. 19.97 69 R 223. NET 3 82 1001. THE HI- FIMONICS. Harmonica group.
102M AUDIO SWEEP FRE- 1003. JAZZ. Paul Severson Septet swings.
Edition. 30 records. %Vt.. 23/4 lbs. QUENCY. 12' vinylite (1 side) 331/2 2501. GLOCKENSPIELS. TRAPS AND PLENTY
68 RR 402. Specify Book No. NET.. 23.30 OF PIPES. VOL. 1. Leon Berry.
rpm. Used with oscilloscope. Sweeps
MODEL A -100 16% RPM ADAPTER. Fits On 70- 10.[00) cps 20 times per NARTB 2503. GLOCKENSPIELS, TRAPS, ETC. VOL. 2.
any record player. Converts 33'/3 rpm speed curve. Shpg. wt.. 10 oz. Any record above. Shpg. wt., 10 oz.
to 16`/3 rpm. Shpg. wt.. 1 Ib. 69R231.NET 6.47 65 RR 624. Specify record No. EA 4.98
68 R 400. NET 1.40
80 Be Sure To Specify Record Type Number When Ordering


To obtain top performance from your equip-

nient, replace worn belts. pulleys. idlers. General Industries Phono Motors
etc., with Walsco identical replacements
listed below. How To Order. The reference MODEL 055. 3 -speed phonograph motor MODEL TR. 3 -speed phono motor with 9'
list below is arranged alphabetically by with 10" turntable. Features 4 -pole, shaded - turntable. Constant -speed, 2 -pole motor
manufacturers. It lists model numbers of pole motor. For high-fidelity phono systems. provides quiet, dependable operation.
equipment and Walsco type numbers of For use with all types of phono cartridges, Speeds of 331%. 45. and 78 rpm from sep-
available replacement parts. To select the including magnetic. Plays 33í%z, 45, and 78 arate pulleys. With speed selector in "off"
parts needed, check the Walsco type num- rpm records. Turntable is rim driven by position. pulleys are disengaged from motor
bers given for your equipment. against the idler wheel. Speed selector moves idler shaft. With speed indicator dial. 45 -rpm
descriptive list at the bottons of the page. wheel to appropriate step on motor shaft record adapter. and 9' turntable. Size, less
When ordering give Allied's Stock No.. for desired speed. Turning speed selector to turntable: 313/42x51/4x5% Requires 17í¡t'

Walsco type number, and description. "off" position automatically turns off motor below mounting plate. For 110 -120 volts.
and disengages the idler wheel from turn- 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs.
REFERENCE LIST table. Other features include: Constant 96 R 367. List, $12.45. NET ... ... 7.47
Mfr. and Modela speed; oilless motor and turntable bearings;
Walaco Typo No. dynamically balanced rotor. Supplied com- BATTERY- OPERATED PHONO MOTORS. New.
Admiral 150,160, 161. 161A, 200 1432 plete with speed indicator dial. 10" turn- high -quality phono motors for portable use.
160A. 170. 170A. 180, 181 1434 table. 45 -rpm record adapter, and "On- Perform on 4 flashlight cells (below)! Have
Collar* RC54, 312C531, 3RC532 1449 off" switch. Size, less turntable: 41/4x634x 6' plastic turntable. Constant speed 2-
G d R('80.... ...1415 & 1444 Requires 22%2' below mounting plate.
6114 ". pole motors are rubber grommet mounted
T. TA 1445 For operation from 110-120 volts, 60 cycle for extra cushioning. Enclosed motors have
G.E. l' -6. P -14. I' IS, P -16 .. 1432 AC. Slspg. wt.. 611 lbs. self -lubricated bearings. Type H\ has speed
I' -8,1' -10, P -17 1437 85 R 275. List. $24.50. NET 14.70 shift (lever can be located on either side of
P -12. P-13.. 1433
l' -14, 1' -15. 1' -16 & 1462 turntable) and neutral "off" position. Size.
P -17.. ..
146(1, 1461
1463, 1464 & 1465 MODEL SS. 3 -speed phonograph motor with 6x4 %x2% . Require 2' below mtg. sur-
P -1S ....1414 & 1415 8' turntable. Induction -type, 2 -pole motor face. Shpg. wt.. lb. 1

M la \'11.íR( 1432, 1460. 1461 & 1462 features oilless bearings and balanced rotor.
V 114 RC 1434, 1466, 1467 & 1468 Plays 33%2, 45 and 78 rpm records. Idler No, (Type
....... ... Speeds NET

\\4R(' .1437 wheel is disengaged in "off" position. With

Pantron ( T I. RWN 1410-08 speed indicator dial, turntable. and 45 -rpm 85 R 203 BX 145.331/2.16% rpm 8.70
KW N 1483 record adapter Size, less turntable: 313'isx 204 '7.65
1l'.3, 9T-3(', 4T-3M, l'B-1,
PRAT, 111,400, HT225. MP-2 T-90,
417$$[x42/4 .
Requires 21s/R' below mounting
plate. For operation from 110-120 volts
R 18.45145 rpm
TM-S6, TR-4. .1409-02 140ít-03 & 1483

60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs. above (4 required). Wt.. 6 oz.

Phlloo M-7. M-8 ... ... 1434
85 R 276. List. $10.95 NET... 6.57 53 1 009. NET EACH 14c
M-9(', M-12(- 1432 .

M-12C, M-20, M-24A, M-26, M-28 1415

RCA RP-168, 190 Series 1447
15E, 15E-1 1432, 1460. 1461 & 1462 Alliance 3 -Speed
GEMP-1, GEMI'-2 1433
Silvarton 101.211, 101,212, 101.762,
Phonograph Motor
101. 763, 488.218 1434
MODEL JPT8. 3-speed phono motor with 8' turntable.
. . . . . . .

101.761-2. 101.761-3, 101.762-2.

101.762-3, 488.218 1432 Constant -speed, 2 -pole motor. Plays 331/2, 45. and
488.219 1414 & 1432 78 rpm records. Speed selector moves idler to posi-
488.218 1461 & 1462 tion for desired speed. Rubber shock -mounted
VM 4001). 4021), 404, 405, 8001) 1433 motor. With 45 rpm record adapter. Mounts in
406, 407. 802, 910, 935, 936 1432 43/4x51/4" cutout. Requires 2W below base plate.
100A, 105, 406, 407. 802... . 1414 . .
For operation from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Slspg. wt.. 31% lbs.
406, 417, 920,990.....1460,1461 & 1462 6.44
920,990 1452 85 R 440. List, $10.95. NET
1200 1456
Wobc*r 7, 18, 50, 56, 70, 78, 79, 80,
MODEL JP08. As above, but'4'speeds: 78, 45. 33%2. and 16% rpm.
81, 1(10, 101, 106, 109, 110, 133, 85 R 442. List, $11.86. NET 6.97
146, 148, 156, 178, 180, 181,
246, 256, 288, 346, 356 1437
100, 101. 106, 109. 110. 346,
356 1463, 1464 & 1465
210, 2010, 2030, 2110, 2130, Ronette
2131, 2132, 2611, 2612 ..1455
2020, 2021, 2022. 2024
. 1469
2611, 2612, 2614. 2615, 2640 1410-15
Stock No.' Typo Dsscrlptln NET
Phono Cartridges
43 N 423 1409-02 Feed Belt 1.47
427 ' 1410-08 Belt. 2.73' I.D. .41
43 N 430 1410.21 Belt, 6.73' I.D. 1.47 MODEL RA- 284 -0V. Single -stylus crystal car- MODEL TO-284-0V. Dual -stylus. turnover
43 N 401 1414 Belt. rife' I.D. . 5
tridge. Replacement for most 45 and 331/2 crystal cartridge with .001' and .0025' sap-

Belt. 1144' I.D.

43 Ñ 406
43 N 431
Idler. r O.D.
Idler. 2. O.D.
5 1

rpm player cartridges. "Fonofluid" con-

struction achieves smooth response from 50
phire tips. "Fonofluid" construction assures
excellent reproduction. Response. 50 -9000
43 N 407 1434 Idler. 2' 0.1) .71 to 9000 cps. 0.7 volts output. Requires S cps. Stylus pressure 4 -6 grants. 0.7 volt out-
43 N 408 1437 Idler. 21/2' (1 1). 1.03 grams needle pressure. Supplied complete put. With hardware. 11' mtg. centers.
43 N 432 1444 Inter -w ,2'O.D. 1.18 with hardware and .001' sapphire stylus. Shpg. al., 2 oz.
43 N 433
43 N 412
Inter -wh. YO.D. 1.18
45rpm Wheel .65 1/4' mtg. centers. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 65 R 016. List. $9.00. NET... ....5.29
43 N 434 1449 Idler, 2 '
0.D. I 18 .
65 R 015. List, $7.25. NET 4.26 MODEL TO-400-0V. New. dual -stylus, turn-
43 N 435 1452 Idler, 1 O.D. .59
over cartridge. As above. but front mtg.
43 N 1455 Roller, 7ií' O.D. 1.35 MODEL RA -395. New, high- output single -
437 1456 Wheel, 1 O.P. 1.79 stylus crystal cartridge for use with 1 or 2- for automatic changers with narrow tone
43 N 1460 78 rpm Pulley .76 tube amplifiers. Direct replacement for arms using bar -type knob. 4 oz.
43 N 414 1461 45 rpm Pulley .68 RCA -type cartridges in 45 and 331/2 rpm 68 R 360. List, $9.00. NET 5.29
43 N 415 1462 3311 rpm Pulley .68 players. Response from 50 to 4000 cps. Out-
43 N 416 1463 78 rpm Pulley 1.47 put is 2.2 volts. Requires 12 grams tracking MODEL TO -222. Dual- stylus. turnover -type
43 N 417 1464 45 rpm Pulley 1.47
43 N 418 1465 3311 rpm Pulley 1.47 pressure. 3/a' mounting centers. Complete crystal cartridge. Same as RA -395 (left) but
43 N 419 1466 78 rpm Pulley .73 with hardware and .001' sapphire stylus. has added sapphire stylus for 78 rpm rec-
420 1467 45 rpm Pulley .73 Shpg. wt., 4 oz. ords. 1/2" mtg. center. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
43 N 421 1468 331/2 rpm Pulley .73 65 R 079. List, $7.25. NET. 4.26 65 R 968. List. $9.00. NET 5.29
43 N 422 Turret Drive .94
43 N 438 1483 Idler, 2' O.D. .88 Replacement needles for Ronette cartridges are on paga 85
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 81
High-quality dual -needle cartridges for 78, 45 and 331/s rpm records. Carefully -constructed microgroove cartridges tor dependable per-
For direct replacement in most popular record players. Types 310-T formance and very clean reproduction in record changers and play-
through 424-TS are new Climatite types; crystals are specially ers. All are crystal type, except *ceramic type, unaffected by heat
treated to resist heat and humidity. All have sapphire needles; .001" and humidity. With .001' sapphire needle for 45 and 331/4 rpm rec-
tip for microgroove records and .003' tip for standard records. With ords. Model 51 -1 fits RCA 45 -rpm changer arms. Model 44-I
bracket (standard W mounting centers) except less bracket. equalized for Columbia 33íh rpm records; has adapter for RCA 45-
'Ceramic type, others are Rochelle -salt crystal. Needle pressure, rpm changer arms. Model 414 -1 used in RCA players. Has specially
to grams; 38 grams; 110 grams. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. treated crystal to resist heat and moisture. See page 85 for listings of
replacement needles. Needle pressure. 10 grams, except 38 grams.
Stock Model MURK WW1 Innis S NET
T6 grams. Av. shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
No. No Fy. Models Volts CP List EACH
Stak Replaces Astete Output Response NET
65 A 240 40-18t H ACD-1 series,
Fig. Models Volts CPS
let I
ACD-2 series, 1113 1.0 50-60 5845 No. No. I

65 A 216 44-181 G CAC-D. 441 series 0.7 30-15 000 10.50 6.17 65R241 40-1t C AC series 1.0 50 10.000 $6.50 3.82
65 R 576 57-TI A 57-T1 series 0.7 30-15 000 9.50 5.59 65 R 245 44.1 N CAC, 441, QT-33,
65 A 236 62-TYI 8 lQD-1 series 1.0 50-70 9.50 5.59 CQ series 1.0 30-15,000 7 50 4,41
65A 029 66TB4
65 A 013 66-1S1
65 A 577 66-TY1
66-T(M)S, 68-TS
LT-401, 1413-0M,
50 50 s
9.00 5.29
5.00 65 R 234
6554 123
-1 D
1513M, 68-1

30- 15.000


1513-DM, 66-T(M)Y, 61 R 307 414 -11 S 3.0 30-11.000 6 45 3,79
68-T(M)Y 3.0 50-5( 8.50 5.00
61 R 300 310-T1 S . 3.0 30 1I. 000 695 4.09
61 R 301 310-181 W . . 3.0 3011. 000 7 45 4.38 STANDARD-GROOVE CARTRIDGES
61 R 302 312-181 W .. .. 0.15 30-13. 000 145 4.38 Popular Rochelle -salt crystal and ceramic cartridges for 78-rpm

61 R 303 420.TSjj W .. . 3.0 30 11. 000 6 95

changers and players. All are high- output crystal types, except
61 900 6 95 4.09
R iÓS 424-TS 2 W .. 3.0 39-11. Coo 7 50 4.41 'ceramic type unaffected by heat or moisture. Use .003' needles.
With sapphire needle; ¡osmium. All others are supplied less needle;
have screw -type chuck for conventional needle. see page 85. Model
ALL- GROOVE CARTRIDGES 12 -U used in Admiral, RCA, and Webster; Model 2 used in Mag-
navox; 12 in Webster; 402 in Admiral. tOutput with condenser. 4.0
Convenient single needle nrtridgec play 78, 45 and 3311// rpm
volts less condenser. Needle pressure: Models 2 and 4-21/4 oz.;
records. All have .002' sapphire needle for both standard and micro- Models 6. 24 and 26 -11/4 oz.; Models 12 and 12-U---1 oz. Model
groove records, except t1.002' osmium needle, ¡less needle -have 32 -11/2 oz.; Model 44 -3-IO grams; and Model 402 grams. -12
screw -type chuck for conventional needle. See page 85 for suitable Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
type. All are designed for 1/g" mounting centers. Model 51 -2 fits
RCA 45 -rpm changer arms. Model 310 -2 is for new Astatic "B" Stock Model
Replaces MOM paw Ieseoao List
arm; crystal is chemically treated to resist heat and moisture. *Has No No. Models Volts CPS EACH
heat and humidity-resistant ceramic element; all others have 65 R I 58 2 R B-l. B-2, B-3, 13-4 2.5 504000 17.50 4.41
Rochelle-salt crystal element. Needle pressure, 10 grams, except 65 R I 56 4 P L-22A, L-26A. 1-27A 1.4 504500 5.00 2.94
65 R 53 1-40A, L-41A 0.6 504500 5.00 2.94
16 grams, :8 grams. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
I 6 P
65 R 226 12 L L-10. L-12 4.0 505M0 4.95 2.91
Stock No. Model Fig. Replaces AstalK Volts CPS List NET 65 R 227 12-U L L-12U 1.25t 505000 4.95 2.91
65 R 559 168 E 1613, 1713 3.5 505000 36.00 3.53 65 R 163 24 P L-25A, series L-70,
65 R 229 221 N L -79, L-92 -33, 1813 3.0 50-5000 6.00 3.53 L-71, L-75. L-76 1.0 50.4000 5.55 3.26
65 R 242 4020 J AC -AG series 1.0 5010.000 6.50 3.82 65 A I 65 26 P L-466, L-50A, L.72A 3.5 504000 6.65 3.91
65 R 57I 51 -2.1 -AG series 0.7 30-10,000 7.40 4.35 65 R 231 32 P 1-2404.1-36A, 482A,
L-92, L-92A, 34 3.5 505000 5.55 3.26
65 R 097 66-21í E LT -2M. LT -SAG, 68-2
1413- AGM,1513 -AGM 3.0 505000 7.00 4.12 65 R 198 44-31 N Series CAC-78, CQ-78 1.0 3015,000 7.50
61 R 306 310 -72 T 3.0 3011.000 6.45 3.79 65R 1i9 4026 M 402-61 0.7 5010.000 6.90 4.06


MODEL 8118. New Astatic "Soundflo" car- New " Climatite" sub- miniature phono
tridge. Utilizes highly sensitive ceramic cartridges. Specially designed for original
element to provide clear. wide -range audio equipment and direct replacement in nar-
reproduction. Movement is precision en- row arm record changers such as V. M..
gineered for high compliance; permits ac- Philco, etc. Model 124TS has small dia.
curate tracking of wide lateral groove vari- spindle. replaces Philco PI22. Specially
ations. Assures excellent transient response treated crystal element; resistant to heat
and low distortion. Frequency response ex- and humidity. Model 118TS has 0.75 v. out-
tends from 30 to 15,000 cps. Tracking force put and a frequency range from 30 to 13.000
is 6 grams; assures long needle and record cps. Models 120TS and 124TS have 3.0 v.
life. Cylindrical shaped housing accommo- outputs and a frequency range from 30 to
dates "plug-in" replacement cartridge- needle 11,000 cps. All track at S grams. Highly
combination. below. Greatly simplifies compliant movements for low "needle-talk"
changing of styli. Flip-over mounting bracket and accurate tracking. Have round flip-over
allows quick change to proper stylus. Has spindles and single screw mounting. Bracket
sapphire .001' stylus for 45 and 331e rpm, has raised shoulder for snug fit; prevents
long-play records and sapphire .003' stylus shifting of needle placement when spindle is
for 78 rpm, standard play- records. Black rotated. Connecting terminals have flat de-
housing has universal mounting bracket. sign for positive. vibration -proof contact.
Shpg. wt., 4 oz. Complete with .001' microgroove and .003'
¡AI 61 R 308. List. $4.45. NET 2.62 standard sapphire styli. Wt., 3 oz.
MODEL 81T "PLUG -IN" REPLACEMENT CAR- 61 R 310. Model 118TS Cartrid0e.
TRIDGE. For above. Includes sapphire styli. 61 R 311. Model 120TS Cartridge.
Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 61 R 312. Model 12415 Cartridge.
61 R 309. List 63.95. NET 2.32 List Each. $6.45. NET EACH 3.79
82 See Page 85 for Replacement Needles




2I '3T
For exact replacement in many popular Deluxe, Series '3" cartridges. Provide
ARMS WITH TURNOVER CARTRIDGES phonos. Do not require preamplification or unusually clean, natural reproduction.
equalization. Ceramic construction pro- Response is within ±1.5 db from 20 to
Lightweight pickup arms for playing stand- vides protection against heat and moisture; 15.000 cps with a gradual roll -off to 20.000
ard or microgroove records. Lever at front also prevents pickup of annoying hum Irom cps. Lack of resonant peaks and low dis-
of pickup arm selects proper needle for 78 nearby magnetic fields. Have high compli- tortion provide exceptional ease of listen-
45, 331 or 16 rpm records. Adjustable ance for accurate tracking. Sapphire nee- ing. Highly compliant movement assures
spring permits setting needle pressure for dles. except 1P-ID and 1P-LB-ID which accurate tracking and low needle and rec-
maximum protection of records, proper have diamond needles; .001' microgroove; ord wear. Tracking force is only 6 grams.
tracking and long needle life. Models 7D .002' all- purpose (microgroove and stand- Cartridges are self- equalizing; automat-
and 7 -CAC -D for records up to 12'. have ard). 1P-1 S. 1P -2 S, and 1 P- l D have bracket ically match modern (RIAA. LP, NARTB,
threaded bushing 54' long, W dia. Model for W or 34' mtg. centers. 1P-LB-1S, 1P- AES, etc.) recording curves without using
400-44T for records up to 16', has threaded LB-2S. and 1P-1.13-1D less bracket for nar- external record compensators. Also, have
bushing 11,4' long. tW diameter. Supplied row pickup arms. Response, ±3db 30- sufficient output (0.5 v.) to eliminate need
with several spacer washers to permit ad- 15.000 cps. Output, v. Needle pressure
1 for preamplification.
justing height of arm to match that of 8 -10 grams. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
turntable. All equipped with dual sapphire 65 R 615. I P -1 S. .001" tip. NET 4.41 Ceramic elements are unaffected by heat
needles. Av. shpg. wt.. 11 lbs. 4.41 or moisture. Have standard W and s/.'
65 R 523. I P- 25..002' tip. NET mounting centers to fit most phonos.
65 220
40 TB
61 R 350. P-1 D..001' tip. NET

61 R 351. I P-LB-1 S .001' tip. NET

2.3 5
. 1

Single -needle types: 3P -1S has .001' sap-
phire stylus; 3P -ID has .001' diamond
6511219 400 -44T 44 TB 25.50 14.99 65 R 843. I P- L8-2S. 002' tip. NET.. 4.41 stylus. Turnover -stylus types: 3T -S has
65 R 218 7- CAC -D 44 TB 16.40 9.64 61 R 352. 1P-LB-1D..001" tip. NET. 2.35 1
:001' and .003' sapphire styli; 3T -SD Itas
.001' diamond and .003' sapphire styli.
Pickups featuring Type P arms for records High -quality ceramic cartridges. Used as 65 R 857. Model 3P -1S. NET 7.3.5
up to 12' diameter. Arms are made of alu- original equipment in many modern phono- 65 RC 928. Model 34-10. NET 13.52
inum -alloy for light weight. All have graphs. Will substantially improve sound 65 R 929. Model 3T -S. NET 8.53
threaded bushing 1/2' long, 1" diameter. quality when used in older players. Easily 65 RC 948. Model 3T -SD. NET 14.11
Model P -12 supplied less needle; cartridge installed; do not require cut -out for turn-
has screw -type chuck which takes any con- over mechanism. Models 2T -S and 2T -SD
have bracket for tü' or TA" mtg. centers; REPLACEMENT NEEDLES
ventional phono needle, see page 85. Model
P-441 has sapphire .001' needle for micro- 2T -LB -S and 2T -LB -SD less bracket for For Sonotone cartridges. S- Sapphire; D--
groove records. Model P -LT -4AG has .002' narrow pickup arms. Response, ±3 db Diamond. Interchangeable types: 3P -1S and
30- 15.000 cps. Output 1 v. Needle pressure. 3P -1D; 3T -S and 3T -SD; 2T -S and 2T -SD;
osmium all -purpose needle for standard and 1P-1S. I I' -1 D, and 1P-2S. Shpg. wt.. 2 uz.
microgroove records. Needle pressure can be 8-10 grams. Models 2T -S and 2T -LB -S have
.001'. microgroove and .003'. standard sap- Stock No. For Tip NET
precisely set by means of adjustable tension 319 -1P--1-5- 5.001' 1.4i
spring at rear of arm. With arm rest. Av. phire tips; 2T-SD and 2T -LB -SD have 41§-41
61 R 354 1P-ID D -.001' 9.11
shpg. wt., 1 lb. .001' diamond and .003' sapphire tips. 65 R 519 1P-2S 5.002' 1.47
Sltpg. wt.. 3 oz. 65 R 534 2T-S S.001', 5.003' 2.06

Stock No. Modal Cartridge List 65 R 533. Model 2T-S. NET 65 PC 529 2T-SD D- .001', 5.003' 9.70
65R551 P.12

I 12 $ 6.00
3.53 65 RC 844. Model 2T -SD. NET... 12.94 68
R 317
RC 316¡
' 3P-IS
5.001' Ì.%á
65 R 553 P -441 44-1 10.75 6.32 65 R 528. Model 2T-LB-S. NET.... 5.00 68 R 318 3T-S 5-.001 ',5.003' 2.35
65 R 554 P -LT -4AG 60-2 _9.50 5.59 61 R 353. Model 2T- Le -SD. NET 1 2.94 68 RC 315' 3T-SI) D- .001'. 5.003' 10.29


All are Rochelle -salt crystal type, except 'heat and humidity- resistant ceramic element. All Type 240X1 Radio -Piano Switch. For op-
are supplied complete with needle. Needle types: tSapphire standard. ttsappltire micro- 13 eration of record players through radios
groove. frosmium microgroove, {osmium standard and sapphire microgroove, sapphire that do not have a phono input. Slide switch
standard and microgroove. Av. shpg. wt., 5 oz. permits instant change -over from radio to
Stock Wes Fie. phonograph. Unit is connected between de-
Used in RCA Modela List NEl tector and first audio stage in radio. Panel
65 R 269 98907 -A- 6tQ7U. 74QV5, 0-50, R60, R93b, R100, R103S, 0056C, has mounting holes for neat, back- of -the-
$7.80 4.5 9 cabinet installation. With shielded cable.
65 R 270 70338-A7 B 63, 63M, 55e1Ú,62 1V 636V636M'63AÚar65AÚ1F phono plug and complete instructions.
7.25 4.2 Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
55 R 253 74067t1 D 9E 3,9EV3569EY36 9EVM3 9J9jYM TW333, 69 R 505, List. $2.50. NET 1.47
9W105, 9Y7.
9Y51345ÉY 45É15 453, 453W2103, 6.40 3.7 Type 202 W1 Record Ployar Selector
E-111T54 7557511 -15- 2T81, 4T141, 6T84, 6T86, 77132, 9T1477 9-r-s-§-, Switch. For using either of two record
9V510, A82, A101 6.40 3.7 6 players or changers with one radio or ampli-
65 R 917 759767 A 58AV,58V,59AV1,59V1,66E,610V1,610V2,641111, fier. Slide switch controls both audio out-
55 R 215 7625711
711V1, 711V2, 711V3, Q1361, QU62, QU72, QU72A 7.50 4.4 put and motor power. Excellent for radio -
. 45J3 6.75 3.9.
55 R 255 777791 3Es. , 2ES31, 2E538, 2J SI, 2S7, 2S10721`131. 2USi- phono combinations to which an external
45 -rpm player has been added. Back -of-
9T 47, É42gtQD3)46,,2Q1D395,Q21T342 21Tr342T84, 7.50 4.4 cabinet mounting. Complete with plugs
55 R 913 1006530T .
" 6HF446HF5;6EiF50.67S106IS26E. Ñ, FP1F7HFPÌÚ and instructions. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
9.50 S.Sr 69 R 506. List, $5.65. NET 3 33
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago, 80 Illinois 83

D 0


An excellent selection of high- quality replacement cartridges for Single -needle cartridges for playing both standard and microgroove
most record changers and players. All are equipped with sapphire records. All have .002" osmium needles, except Model W26 which
needles; .001' needle for microgroove records and .003' needle for has .002" sapphire needle. Needle pressure. 8 -9 grams. except W26
78-rpm records. W9, W22T, \V22, and W72 are crystal cartridges. -4u/ grams. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
WCIO and WC25 are ceramic type for use in locations where No. Model Fie.
I Replaces Shure
I Volts CPS irrt NET
temperature and humidity are high. W9 and WCIO incorporate the 68 R 340 W26 C

W2611. W268 0 9 50-8000 05 50 3.82

newly designed "Twin Lever" needle shift system-flipping the

65 R 3 9 RCM PC10. PC13, WC3b8 0 9 50- 10000

I 6 50 3.82
needle lever puts proper needle into playing position-cartridge

65 R 349 W668 N Serles P37 I

7 0 50 -4500 700 4.12
remains stationary. W9 and W72 are supplied with a "slip-on-
capacitor which permits convenient reduction of output voltage to STANDARD GROOVE CARTRIDGES
halt of that shown. W72 replaces Webster- Electric Type EX and Ruggedly-built Rochelle -salt try,crl ulges. \tudrI W78 can be cat
Series F14, F15, F16, FIB, Fl9. F20, and F21 cartridges. Av. used to increase the volume of many 78 rpm phonographs; supplied
shpg. wt.. 4 oz. with "slip-on" capacitor which permits convenient reduction of
Stock Model Replaces Shure Output Response. NET output voltage to half of that shown. W68 and W78 are supplied
No. No. 1F1e Moden Volts CPS Lot EACH with an extra weight -slug to permit increasing the needle pressure if
65 R 904 W9 L Serres P7. PB a P9 3.5 50- 10.000 59.50 5.59 necessary. All cartridges require 28.5 grams needle pressure, except
65 R 313 WCIo t Series P71, P72, 0.8 35 -12000 9.50 5.59 Model W70 which requires 10 -15 grams. W56N is used in Wilcox -
65 R 338 W22T D P76. P77. P79. PC2. 12 50-10.000 10.00 5.88 Gay disc recorders; supplied with stellite .003" cutting needle and
PC4, PC40, PC41 .003' osmium playback needle. Models W68 and %V70 are equipped
65 R 342 W22 B Serres P72, P76. P77. 1.2 50 10.000 9.50 5.59 with osmium needles. *Less needle; uses conventional shank type
(see next page). %V70 replaces Webster- Electric Type CX and the
65 R 902 WC25 E Series PC42 0.7 50-7000 9 50 5.59 entire C series. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
65 R 911 W72 1 (sae above) 3.0 503000 3.50 5.00
Stak Model Replaces Shure Output Response. ! NET
No. No _Fig._ Models Volts ,CPS list :_
65 N 349 W56N A P86R. W56R, W65R, 4.3 50 -10000 08.50 .00

Ceramic cartridge with special .0003' (znr mil) sapphire needle Series P89
0 for playing "Highway Hi -Fi" 16% rpm records. Frequency 65 R 591 - W68 N PP3OW. W65B, Series 1 6 50 -4500 7.50 4.41
P30. W60, *61
range. 50 -12.000 cps. Low, 6 grams tracking pressure; protects rec 65 R 592 W70 N .see shovel 8 50 5000 95 2.91
ords and assures long stylus life. Output. 0.6 v. lnafftcted by heat
3 4
65 R 590 W78 A Serres P35. Psi. P88
and moisture. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. P90.P92 P93 942.956.
65 R 903. List $9.50. NET 5.59 W58. 99180, 99 181 4 0 50 6000 5 55 3.26

Electro -Voice Replacement Cartridges

POWER POINT TRANSDUCERS HOLDING MECHANISMS Long narrow chassis makes it perfect for
Model PFT -I. Fixed mount. t/ oz installation in portable record changer case.
Miniaturized ceramic cartridges. Equipped D 65
with two needle tips which are an integral R 612 NET 39c Off- On/Tone and Volume controls are
part of the cartridge. Excellent response Model PT -1. Turnover mount. iii oz. mounted on 8' extension cables to simplily
20 to 12,000 cps. All, except 76S and 76ÚS, © 65 R 613. NET 78c installation. AC power outlet on chassis for
slip into mechanisms at right. 76S and Model PT -2. Turnunder mount. t/z oz. phonograph motor. Chassis is isolated front
76DS replace power points in many Webcor 65R 614. NET 78c line. Can be used with crystal or ceramic car-
changers. Power Points with two needles of tridge. Audio output, 3 watts. Output im-
MODEL 60 DUO -VOLT CARTRIDGE pedance, 3.2 ohms. With 12SQ7, and SOLE
the same size are simply reversed when one
needle wears. Mechanisms fit and Vs" 1' Output: 2 or 4 V. on MG; 3 or 6 V. on tubes. 3.525 rectifier. Size, 8x31/2x4 ". For
mtg. centers. Output. v. Shpg. wt.. 3 riz.
1 std. Response to 6000 cps.
Less std. shank needle. 3 oz.
mtg. ctrl. t/' 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC. or DC. Shpg.
wt., 21/ lbs.
No. Fig. Model Styli NET 65 R 422. List. $4.95. NET. 2.91 83 R 075. NET 9 95
65 R 51 8 M.001' sapphire
51 -1
-001' sapphire 3.10
65 R 444 M 32 -2 .002' sapphire MODEL 92U. With \\-668 cartridge and all -

.002" sapphire 3.10 purpose osmium needle for std. and MG

65 R 448 M 53 -3 .003' sapphire records. Shpg- wt., 9 oz.
.(073' sapphire 3.10 65 R 317. List, $9.75. NET 5.73
65 R 509 M 56 -.001" sapphire MODEL 92H. As above. with \V78 cartridge
.003' sapphire 3.10 for 78 rpm records. Less conventional shank
65RC464 M 56ÚS.001' diamond 901D needle. Shpg- wt., 9 oz.
.003' sapphire 16.86 65 R 316. List, $5.50. NET.. 3.23
65 R 598 P 76S .001' sapphire MODEL 901D. With W22T cartridge. .001'
.003' sapphire 3.33 and .003" sapphire styli. For std. and MG
65RC599 l' 76ÚS.001' diamond records. Shpg- wt., 1 lb.
.003' sapphire 16.84 65 R 311. List. $16.25. NET .. 9.55
84 Allied is Headquarters for Phono Components and Accessories


-- M


Exact Replacement Needles

Finest quality replacement needles at lowest cost. Precision made FOR SHURE CARTRIDGES
from carefully selected materials according to rigid Knight specifi-
cations. All needles have sapphire tips, except *osmium. Letters or Stock No. Type No. Fig. For Cartridge Numbers Tip NET
numbers following the word "Series" in the listings cover all car-
tridges whose type numbers begin with these letters or numbers
For example: Series U covers U -J. t' -M and l' -78 cartridges. Type
- 68 R 397 IPS-30 G
P30, P37, P57, P70, P71, P72
P72V, P73, P76, P76V, P71.
P79. P81, P81AD, P85, P88, Std. .27
number usually stamped on cartridge. To select - needle when car- 68 R 398 JPS-30LP G P89. P94, PN30, PC41V; MG

tridge is not listed. match your needle with an illustration and order 68 R 399 JPS-312 G Phllco 35-2671; Series W21, All .27
by Stock No. for that illustration. Be sure to select needle with W22.W23,W26,W60,W61,W65,

proper tip radius: Standard, .003 "; microgroove, .001" (twin tips W66,WC22; Admira1409A11
are .003" and .001 "); all-purpose. .002". Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. and 409A13
FOR ASIATIC CARTRIDGES 68 R 320! 1PS-32 K W3IAR, W368, WC24, Std. 1.27
Stock No. Type No. Fig. For Cartridge Numbers Tip NET 68 R 321 1PS-321P K WC31AR, WC33B, WC36B, MG 1.27
68 R 322 1PS-322 K PC9. PC10, PC11, PC40 All 1.27
68 R 362 A -67 N
91 -TB, 105, 406,
Std. 1 .27
68 R 363 A -67LP N MG 1.27 68 R 323 1PS-35 H PC2, PC-3, PC-4, PC-5,WC10 Twin 1.89
Series: 62, 64, 66, 68 68 1PS-36 ML-44 Twin 2.54
68 R 364 A-672 N All 1 .27 R 3241 H
68 R 365 A -68 A :Series: 57-T Twin 1.89
68 R 366 A -1I A ¡Series: 55 -T, GCD, 409 Twin 1 .89 FOR WEBSTER- ELECTRIC CARTRIDGES
68 R 367 A -705 C .) Std .79 68 R 332 W-05* I M Series F11 Twin 1.27
68 R 368 A -70LP* C }Series: 1413, 1513 MG .79 AI,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6.A7.A8.
68 R 369 A-7025 C All .79 68 R 333 W-14 1 T, AIM.AIM-1,A2M.A5M,A6M. Std. 1 .27
68 R 370 A -73 B Std. I.27 68 R 334' W-15 I T A7M,A9M,A91,A11,Al2M, MG I .27
68 R 371 A -73LP B LT -3D, LT- 4,LT- 4D,LT -4D1, 68 R 3351 W-412' P AM. AM-1. AX old All .79
LT -AG MG 1.27 Q2. Q3, A9, F7, F7 i. F7-2, F13
68 R 372 A -732 B I All I .27 ¡'iAJ4,C9,C14-2,C14-8,C15-4, AH
68 R 373 A -74 D Std. .27 68 R 336 W-422 W IC100C101,CX,F30.1,F30-3,
68 R 374 A -74LP D -Series:402, 51, 53, 59, GC, MG MG .27 1-1 .79
68 R 375 A -742 D ; All .27 1yÿ1, 1X31-2,F31-3,P1-1,P1-3,
68 R 376 A -75 E Std. .27 68 R 397 1PS-30 Std. .27
1013, 1113, Series AC, ACD, 68 R 398 JPS-30LP IjF10, F11, Fil-1 1

68 R 377 A -75LP E MG .27 G MG
68 R 378 A -752 E40, 41, 42, 90
All .27
68 R 379 A-81 F Series: CAC, CQ, LQD, QT MG .27 68 R 337 M-70 Y 119890, 38598, 49550, 39851, Std. 1.27
68 R 380 A-81LP F 36, 38, 44, 46 48; 4031; Std. .27 68 R 339 M-70LP Y S39919, 70332, 70338, 70339. MG 1.27
68 R 381 A812 F Magnavox 56ó052 All .27 )72551, 74067
68 R 382 CRA55LP S Series: 310, 312, 414, 420, 68 R 341 M-74 BB 74625, 75475, 75575, Std. 1.27
422, 424 MG .27 68 R 342 M-741.P BB 76318, 77773 MG 1.27
68 R 383 CRA-55 S ,
Series: 310,312,420,422,424 Std. .27
68 R 384 E90 U )10,12,14,,36.40,42, Std. I .27 68 R 344 S -61 CC Series 3T Twin 2.35
68 R 385 E -90LP U,, MG 1.27 68 R 345 S -63LP R MG 1.47
68 R 386 E -902 U Admiral 409A13-I All 1.27 68 R 346 S -632 R Series IP All 1.47
68 R 387 E -91 t. 16TT, 22T Twin 1.89 1 Series 2T, W-9980;
68 R 347 S -66 CC Magnavox560161- I;RCA78748 Twin 2.06

68 R 388 M -50 ¡ X 560133, 560133 -4,
1 560151 -5, 560151 -6, 560158 -1 Twin 1 1.89
68 R 383 CRA55
382 CRA -55LP
S Studio 0, Studio P. RA -281,
TO-284, Series TO -222, MG
Std. 1.27
/7/ Diamond needlesNEW LOW PRICES
at new low price. Provide
68 R S a greatest
TO -400, 7447, DT -60, RA -395 record protection. and best long -mn economy. Re-
tain their proper shape for up to 1.000 hours- 20 times as long as
sapphire needles. Diamonds listed below fit same cartridges as
FOR PHILCO CARTRIDGES sapphire equivalents in above tables: i.e.. Asiatic A -68SD will fit
68 R 389, M-601P 2 45-1609, 45-1612 MG 1.27 same cartridges as A -68 listed in upper-left-hand table. Any Needle
with sapphire tip run also be supplied with diamond tip. if diamond

68 R 390 PH-125 AA 76-4649, 425-0014, 425-0009 Twin 1.27 equivalent is not listed below, mark order "Special," giro' Type No.
of needle and specify "Jiumosd tip. .Single diamond, Net 7.95:
CONVENTIONAL -SHANK PHONO NEEDLES diamond sapphire. Net 8.05; deal diamond, Net 15.90. T -,N -tip
Designed to fit cartridges with screw-type Needles below hase .001 diamond ip and .003' sapphire tip.
chuck. Needles have "flat side' on shank for Diamond Needle
proper positioning. Nylon needles -have flex- Equivalent. in N E T
Stook Ne. Typo Ne. Fig' Fer Table aber EA.
ible nylon material from tip to shank to reduci-
pickup of record scratch. Sapphire -tipped 69 RC 700 A-68SD A Astatic A-68 8.95
needles recommended for minimum record wear 68 RC 701 A-751.PD E Aatatic A-75I.P 7.95
68 RC 702 A-811.PD F Astatic A-811.P 7.95
IIFJ -tip
holds the proper shape much longer than 68 RC 703 E-901.PD ll E V E-901.P 7.95
metal types, gives longer playing time at lower 68 RC 704 M-50SD X Magnavox M-50 8.95
EE cost. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz. 68 RC 705 CRA-5S1.PD S Ronette CRA-55LP 7.95
68 RC 706 G Shure JPS-30LP 7.95
Stock No. Type No. Fig. Tip material Tip size NET 68 RC 707 J PS36SDD H Shure 1PS-36 8.95
68 391
R NY -253 EE Sapphire Standard 1.21 68 RC 708 M -701.PD V RCA M-70LP 7.95
68 R 392 1 -10 DD Osmium Standard .59 68 RC 709 M-74LPD HB RCA M-74LP 7.95
68 R 393 NY -252 EE Sapphire All- purpose 1.27 68 RC 7 0 S-60LPD
I R Sonotone S-60LP 9.70
68 R 394 NY -152 EE Osmium All- purpose .79 68 RC711 ti-61 SD CC Sonolonr S-61 0.29 I

68 RC 7 I 2 S-66SD CC Sonotone s hh 9.70

68 R 395 1 -152 i FF Osmium All- purpose .79
68 R 396 NY-25P i EE Sapphire Microgroove 1.27

Allied Rodio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 85

NEW knight
Weikk 94414--
Model KN -4010
With Microphone, Tape
Take -up Reel,
and "Roving" Speaker

129 °, Complete

Transistorized Preamp Lowers Hum and Noise Level

Digital Tape Index Locates Selections Quickly
Dual -Speed Operation -71/2 and 31/4V Speeds
It's easy to make thrilling. lifelike recordings with this remarkable new tape recorder.
You'll be delighted with its smooth. effortless push- button operation and the exceptional
richness and clarity of its tone. Anyone can be sure of outstanding results -simply press
the appropriate push -button and it's at your full command. Five push- buttons let you
select Record, Playback. Rewind. and Fast -Forward or Stop. One of the important new
highlights of this fine unit is its transistorized preamp which makes possible better -than-
ever home recordings by greatly reducing hum and noise. High -frequency AC erase, usually
found on more expensive recorders. assures a silent background when re -using tape. Another
deluxe feature is the new digital index counter which lets you "pin-point" specific portions
DIGITAL INDEX COUNTER of a recording. Included among the array of "plus" features is an automatic safety shut -off,
which protects tape by stopping the machine the instant you come to the end of a tape.
Also includes new, safety interlock to prevent accidental erasure.
OTHER DELUXE FEATURES. Has 8 -watt push -pull amplifier and a 3- speaker system featuring
2 built -in speakers -plus
a "roving" speaker which adds new depth and realism. A volume
:control with loudness compensation assures full -range response at any volume level. Dual
neon -bulb indicators show when volume is just right for recording.
SUPERIOR SPECIFICATIONS. Response: At 71/2" speed, 65- 12.500 cps; at 3% speed, 65 -8500
cps. Recording Time: (1800 -ft. reel): 7W speed, 45 min. continuously and 11/2 hours over-
all; 3W speed. 11/2 hours continuously. 3 hours overall. Wow and Flutter: 0.3% at 7W
speed. Signal -to-Noise Ratio: 50 db. 8 -watt push -pull output stage; ZN132 transistor in
preamp. Inputs for recording from mike, radio or TV; separate output for 'roving ' speaker
AUTOMATIC SHUT -OFF or any other external speaker. Provision for feeding output from preamp directly to hi -fi
system. Case attractively styled in charcoal gray with smart woven Saran center band. Sup-
plied with microphone, roving speaker. 5' reel of tape. and take -up reel. Size, 15t/x1434x
10ÿF. Drain. 110 watts. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 40 lbs.
91 RZ 750. Only $13.00 down. NET 129.95
PATCH CORD. For high -quality recording CHAIRSIDE REMOTE CONTROL. Off- On -Re-
from radio or TV. Shpg. wt., 1 lb. cord; with 18 -ft. cable. Plugs into socket on
94 S 464. NET 1.32 KN -4010. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs.
EXTENSION SPEAKERS. 2 -12' PM speakers 96 R 636. NET 6.64
in two -section case, for P.A. use with FOOT -PEDAL REMOTE CONTROL. For
KN -4010 recorder. Shpg. wt., 21 lbs. KN -1010. With 10 -ft. cable. 3 lbs.
91 RZ 747. NET 41.28 96 R 638. NET 9.97


Premium tape at popular prices! The full line of Allied's Knight Recording Tape includes
the famous 11/2-mil standard acetate tape; "Plus -Play" 1-mil acetate tape which provides
50% more playing time on standard reels; and our new super-strong Mylar "Plus-Play"
1 -mil tape -the most permanent, reliable recording medium that science has yet developed.
All Knight recording tape is factory-fresh and splice-free; rigidly controlled manufacturing
conditions and strict inspection procedures guarantee that the Knight tape you buy may be
used with confidence in the most critical of recording applications. Knight tape is guar-
anteed to meet exacting government specifications.
MYLAR "PLUS-PLAY". A flawless magnetic ACETATE "PLUS- PLAY ". 1 -mil tape for all
coating, bonded to a 1 -mil base of tough, critical recording applications.
long -lasting Mylar (Dupont polyester film). 900-FT. (5' REEL). Shpg. wt.. 8 oz.
900 feet on a 5' reel, 1800 feet on a 7' reel; 96 R 981. 5 -Up, EA .1.69 -4, EA. 1.89
permits up to 3 hours of recording on a 7'

reel, at 3% speed. Meets professional re- 1800 -FT. (7' REEL). Shpg. wt.. 8 oz.
cording standards -for applications requir- 96 R 982.5-Up, EA..2.65 -4, EA....2.95

ing a tape of superior quality. STANDARD ACETATE. 1,4-mil, first -quality.

900-FT. Shpg. wt., 12 oz.
600-FT. (5' REEL). Shpg. wt.. 8 oz.
92 R939.5-Up, EA...1.92 t -4, EA... 2.19 96 R 698. 5 -Up, EA... 1.29 -4, EA...1.42
1800 -FT. Shpg. wt.. 12 oz.
1200 -FT. (7' REEL). Shpg. wt.. 8 oz.
92 R 940.5 -Up, EA... 3.45 -4, EA...3.79
96 R 699. 5 -Up, EA.. 1.78 -4, EA....1.98

age 92 for Complete Descriptions of Knight Recording Tope

NEW knight
Transistor Preamp For Hum -Free Performance
Dual Speeds -71/2" and 3 1/4" Per Second
Push -Button Automatic Keyboard Control
Light Weight For Easy Portability

An outstanding tape recorder for

all- around use at home, school or
office- records up to 3 hours on a
single 7' reel of "Plus -Play" tape
exceptionally simple push -button op-
- With Mike, Tape
eration assures perfect recordings and Extra Reel
every time.

Designed for exceptional ease of operation and unusually fine A new safety interlock on the recording control makes it
tonal quality, this new Knight tape recorder performs bril- virtually impossible to erase a recording accidentally, while
liantly in every recording application. The new transistor retaining fully automatic, push- button operation. The volume
preamplifier greatly improves tape recordings by reducing control is compensated for the varying characteristics of the
hum and microphonics; a high -quality 3-watt amplifier pro- human ear at different loudness levels; a tone control is pro-
vides excellent tone, and rich, room-filling sound. Compact vided for exact adjustment of sound quality to match room
and lightweight. the new Knight Dual -Speed Tape Recorder acoustics or personal preference. The recorder may be used
can easily he carried from place to place. The push- button as a P.A. system, too, with speeches or entertainment record-
keys greatly simplify use -just push down a key for record, ed at the same time. Dual neon -glow level indicators clearly
play back, rewind, stop or fast -forward operation! show when the volume is set just right for recording.
Dual speeds of 3W and 7W per second provide for both SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency Response: At 7W speed. 65- 10,500
long playing time, when recording speech or dictation, and cps; at 3% speed, 65 -8000 cps. Recording Time: (1800-ft. reel)
best fidelity, for recording music. At the slower speed, up to 7 lW speed, 45 min. continuously and 11/2 hrs. overall; 3W
3 hours can be recorded on a single 7' reel of "Plus- Play" speed. 11/4 hrs. continuously and 3 hrs. overall. Wow and Flut-
tape! Any type of program comes through clearly when played ter: 0.3% at 7W speed. Signal- To-.Noise Ratio: 50 db. Case is
back through the carefully designed 4x6' speaker: speaker attractively finished in charcoal and gray. With mike. S' reel
jack permits playback through an external speaker, if de- of tape. 5' take -up reel and instructions. Size, 14x12x10'.
sired. Recordings may be made with the microphone supplied. For 110 -120 v.. 60 cycles AC. 70 watts. Wt.. 29 lbs.
o, from radio or Ti'. 91 RZ 751.. )nl f9 so /io;r NET 94.95

Contains every accessory needed for clean- Superlative value in a high -fidelity dynamic Anyone can afford the new super -value
ing and lubrication of magnetic recording microphone -made by one of America's Knight Kh1 -4001 Recorder-and anyone
heads and tape. editing. splicing and identi- leading manufacturers of broadcast equip- can get clear, top -quality recordings at the
fication of tapes. plus a time- saving tape ment! Ideal for PA and recording applica- push of a button! Plays full -size 7' reels!
threader! Includes: I born each of "Long - tions. the mike may be used on the desk Includes the same quiet, noise -free transis-
lifi' Taps, Read Cleaner and "Long -lif." stand supplied, or mounted on any stand- torized preamplifier as featured in other
Lubricant Fluid; Robins TS-41R Tape Splicer; ard floor stand. It comes complete with Knight tape recorders, as well as the posi-
ISO -inch Dispenser Roll of Splicing Tape; Robins 10-ft. cable and shielded screw -type mike tive safety interlock that protects treasured
Tape Threader; 30 Tape Identification Labels; connector -plus a phone plug adapter that recordings from accidental erasing. Oper-
150-foot Dispenser Roll or Leader Timing Tape. will fit 90% of all home recorders! The new ates at 71' per second; may be converted
Knight Dynamic microphone will improve to 3% speed by shifting drive belt inside re-
You'll be able to do professional editing of the performance of any home recorder with corder. 3 -watt amplifier provides clear, pleas-
tapes with the precision -made splicer and which it is used. ing sound even at highs volume. A speaker
the highly effective cleaning solution and jack permits using an external speaker.
lubricant compounds will help keep heads Pickup pattern is all -directional; perfect for
and tape in perfect condition. The adhesive - recording group entertainment or discus- Dual neon level indicators make it easy to
backed labels adhere to tape reels without sions. Wide -range response, from 60 to record. Tone control adjusts playback sound.
need for moistening, and provide a fast. 12,000 cps, assures realistic. natural quality
convenient way of marking tapes for identi-
fication. Leader and timing tape permits
of both voice and music. 1x7'
finished in black and gold. High impedance
Charcoal and gray case 10x131/4xll1/4'.
With microphone. 3' reel of tape and S'
take-up reel. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycles AC;
accurate interval timing. Wt.,1 1/4 lbs. output. Shpg. wt., 11/4 lbs. 70 watts. Shpg. wt.. 29 lbs.
94 R 921. NET 7.35 94 S 097. NET 24.95 91 RZ 748. NET 69.95
Knight Tape Recorders Are Ideal for Mobile Use -See Page 288 z 87

BELL TAPE DECKS. High -quality tape decks featuring new DC
dynamic braking, three 4 -pole motors, and operation without belts,
pulley's. or clutches. Excellent overall specifications in both stereo
and monaural models. MI decks accept specially designed Bell pre-
units which fit Bell tape decks listed at left; knock -outs on deck
panels accommodate preamp controls. and preamp becomes an in-
tegral part of tape deck assembly. DC is used on all filaments.
amplifiers, which attach to deck without altering any critical Both units feature feedback -type. low -frequency equalization for
dimensions; ideal for custom installation. especially where record or minimum distortion. noise and microphonics from first stage. AC
stereo facilities are to be added later. Positive braking prevents even cord of preamp connects to tape deck; on -off switch on deck may be
the thinnest tape from breaking when starting and stopping mech- used to control power to preamp. Cathode follower output delivers
anism. Accepts up to 7' reels. IS volts maximum. for playback through any high -fidelity ampli-
fier- speaker system.
SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency Response. 40 to 10,000 cps .2 db; 3C to
15.000 cps .4 db (record and playback)..Sigual- to-Noise Ratio: MODEL P -100 PLAYBACK PREAMP. Provides NARTB tape equaliza-
Better than 50 db. Flutter: Less than t'4 of %a at 7% ips. Overall

Distortion: Less titan 1% at maximum indicated recording level.

tion and high -gain amplification. with less than 0.l' distortion at
I -volt output. 53 db gain at 1000 cycles; output from maximum -level
Controls: Speed. Play. Rewind, Fast Forward. Stop; Off -On Switch. tape recording. 2.3 volts, when used with Bell tape decks. For
!Mine- Staggered Switch on all stereo models. Speeds: 71A and 3% ips. operation from 110 -120 v.. 60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt.. S% lbs.
Tape lifter removes tape from heads during stop and high speeds. 91 RX 768. NET 29.35
Footage counter operates from take-up reel. and does not introduce
wow and flutter. Accommodate 2 amplifiers. Bell models P -110 or MODEL RP -120 RECORD-PLAYBACK PREAMP. NARTB record and
RP -120. Charcoal gray base with satin aluminum and embossed gold playback equalization; attaches to Bell decks listed at left. 2 inputs:
anodized trim. Size, 15s/ux13s/,<' ;5ys" below, 1TAs " above mounting mike and high level (tuner, etc.); require 0.001 and 0.3 volts, re-
surface. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 21 lbs. spectively. for full recording level. Linear cathode-ray tube indicator
MODEL T -200. Monaural record, erase and playback. for accurate monitoring of recording level. White pilot light indi-
91 RZ 764. NET 97.95 cates "on "; red pilot light for "record". For 110 -120 v 60 cycles
MODEL T -201. Stereo playback, both inline and staggered AC. Shpg. wt., 9'/. lbs.
91 RZ 765. NET 107.75 91 RX 769. NET 58.75
MODEL T -202. Mon. record -playback; stereo inline & offset playback. CARRYING CASE. Professional -style carrying case for Bell tape
91 RZ 766. NET 117.55 transport and preamps. Covered with charcoal gray pyroxylin: con-
MODEL T -203. Monaural and stereo record, playback. ira-ting trim. 5340171',s161/2'. Shpg. wt.. 11 Ib, .

91 RZ 767. NET 137.15 91 PX 77(1 r.;pr ?9 95



TAPE DECKS. Well-designed durably constructed transports hoed RECORD AND RECORD -PLAYBACK PREAMPLIFIERS. High-fidelity units
with precision Dynamo record. playback and erase heads. Ideal for offering NARTEI equalization for both recording and playback.
addition of tape playback and/or recording facilities to hi-fi sys- MODEL PB60 PLAYBACK PREAMP. For use when tape playback is
tems. All decks require area 12'/sx9s/s and 1'/a" above, 31/2" below
added to a hi -fi system lacking tape head equalization. Two P660's
mounting board. For 110 -120 v.. 60 cycles AC and the FF75SR deck are used in stereo playback system. Includes
SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency Response: .2 db. 30- 14,000 cps. Signal -to- power switch on volume control; auxiliary AC outlet from which to
Noise Ratio: 55 db or better. Flutter: 0.2% average. Long -term .Speed operate tape deck; and hum balancing adjustment. Tubes accessible
Regulation: Within 0.5 %. Tape Speed: 71 ips; convertible to 3% from exterior of case. Response: 30- 14,000 cps. ±2 db. Variable
ips from underside of mounting plate. Maximum Reel Sim: 7'. equalization control. Size. 6s/%x3s/ex2 y For 110 -120 v..60 cycle AC.
Playback Head Output: 2.5 millivolts. Gap Width: 0.00015'.
FOR MONAURAL PLAYBACK ONLY. If your hi -fi amplifier has a tape
MODEL RP61 RECORD- PLAYBACK PREAMP. Playback characteristics
head input, you nerd only an FF75RLP deck to add tape to your are the same as those of the PBMI above; also provides fixed equaliza-
system. Otherwise add a PBÒ0 preamplifier also. tion during recording, erase bias oscillator and level monitoring
indicator. Distortion at full recording level is less than 2%. 12'/sx
21/4x6% . For 110 -120 v., 60 cycles AC
and RP61 record- playback preamplifier with a hi -fi system.
FOR STEREO PLAYBACK ONLY. If your hi -fi amplifier already has a MODEL RP6I -S RECORD PLAYBACK PREAMP. l'or stereo use with
tape head input. use the FF75SR deck and a PBM) preamp; of R P61; bias furnished by RP61. Otherwise, same as RP61.
course, two amplifiers and speaker systems are necessary for Stock No. Type Description Wt., Lbs. NET
stereo. If you own a stereo preamp already. you need add only 78.50
the FF75SR deck. If your hi -fi system provides no tape pre-ampli- 99 RX 491 FF75RLP Monaural Tape Deck 11

fication, use the FF75SR deck and two PBM) preamps. These 95 RX 952 FF7SSR Stereo - Monaural Deck 11 113.00
components will also allow you to play monaural tapes. 95 R 953 P B60 Playback Preamplifier 2 29.50
FOR STEREO RECORDING AND PLAYBACK. l'se the FF7SSR deck. one Record -Play Preamp. 77.50
RP61 and one RP6IS preamplifier. These components also record
95 R 954 R P61 7

and playback monaurally. When making stereo recordings. use 95 R 969 RP61-S For stereo use with
new or hulk- erased tape (see tape eraser on page 94). RP6I Preamp 7 77.50
NOTE ON STEREO SYSTEMS. All stereo systems require two complete D396 CARRY NG CASE. For Viking deck and RP61. S lbs.
and independent playback channels: dual preamplifiers equalized 24.50
for tape playback. dual basic amplifiers and dual speaker systems. 99 RX 494 NET
88 See Page 96 for Listings of Stereo Tapes
TM -I TAPE DECK. For monaural recording CA -11 PLAYBACK PREAMP. Playback pre -

and playback; has single combination half- amplifier with NARTB equalization. Plays
track record- playback -erase head. Ac- back recordings from any tape deck.Attrac-
commodates up to 7" reels; speed. change five gold -finish front panel with black perfo-
lever on control panel switches from 7t/z ips rated cage. lias gain control with off -on
to 3% ips instantly. Fast forward and fast switch, and hum balance control. Frequency
rewind. play. record and neutral position are response: 20- 20.000 cps. Distortion: I%
all set by single. easy -grip control knob. total harmonic. Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 50-
Idler- driven capstan drive with 21 -ounce 55 db. Output Level: v. rms. Output

capstan for smooth. steady operation. 4-pole Impedance: 10.000 ohms. Tubes: ECC83,
shaded -pole induction motor. 12AÚ7; 6X5 rectifier. 113,g,tSx8 ". For 110 -
120 v., 60 cycles .AC. Wt., S lbs.
SPECI q ponse: 40 to
y Response: 91 RX 760. NET 39.95
14,000 cps. Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 50 to 55 rarrwrlraet
db. Flutter: Less than 0.4% at 71/2 ips. CA -13 RECORD -PLAYBACK PREAMP. Record -
Under I% at 3% ips. Harmonic Distortion: playback preamp with illuminated record -
Less than 2% maximum with NARTB
tape and preamp. Speed Variation: ±2%.
Fast Forward: Completely winds 7 -inch reel
in 75 seconds. Fast Rewind: 7 -inch reel in
ing level meter. safety interlock "record"
push -button. and NARTB equalization for
recording and playback of high -fidelity
tapes. Handsome black and gold color-
Ir® ertfOts


90 seconds. Mounting Cutout: 91/2x11x7 ". styling matches other Pentron components. iM Ser-es Uer::
Two auxiliary AC outlets controlled by Hum balance control assure» minimum hum
power switch on deck panel. Handsome
gray and gold finish. For 110 -120 v., 60 level after tubes are changed. Dual outputs:
cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 14 lbs. one for feeding power amplifier. one for
phones. Phone jack for mike input; phono
91 RX 758. NET 84.50 jack for radio /TV input. Power drain is
TM -4 STEREO TAPE DECK. For stereo record- only 20 watts during recording; 15 watts
ing and playback (inline or staggered) and during playback of tapes. Frequency Re-
monaural recording and playback. Requires sponse: 20- 20.000 cps. Signal-to-Noise Ratio:
new or bulk- erased tape for stereo recording 50 -55 db. Bias: 110 v. at 32 kc; push -pull
(see tape eraser on page 94). Other charac- erase oscillator. Tubes: ECC83. 2-
teristics and size same as TM -I deck above. 6C4; 6X4 rectifier. Size, 11511x5x8". For 110-
For operation from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle 120v.,60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.,6lbs.
AC. Shpg. wt.. 14 lbs. 91 RX 761. NET 79.95
91 RX 759. NET 109.95 CA -15 STEREO PLAYBACK Dual
CA -l4 MIKE -PHONO MIXER. 4-Channel mixer channel playback preamp with separate
with 6 high -impedance inputs: 4 micro- equalization and volume controls for each
phone. 2 phono; provides 8 db gain in channel. phis master gain control. Both
microphone channels. A virtual necessity channels are NARTB equalized. Gold and
when multimicrophone recordings of large black finish case, with off-on pilot light.
groups are made, or for special effects. Re- Response: 20- 20.000 cps. Harmonic Dis -

sponse is essentially flat from 20- 10,000 cps. torlion: Total, 1%. Signal -to -Noise Ratio:
Tubes are 2- 12AX7. Phono input recepta- volt rms. Tubes:
cles on rear of unit; microphone inputs are
on front panel; use standard t/4 phone
plugs. li -(sx5x8 ". For 110 -120 v 60 cycle
55 -60 db. Output Level: 1

2-12AV7. 2- 12AÚ7; 6X5 rectifier. For

use with Pentron TM -4 or other stereo
deck. Size, Il5105x8 ". For 110 -120 v.. 60
° lkr'

AC. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs. cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 6 lbs. 11E1
93 S 284. NET 39.95 91 RX 762. NET 79.95
NL -1 ''MERCURY ".Dual speed monaural tape NL -2 "CHAMPION ". High-quality dual -speed
recorder with built -in 4 -watt amplifier and tape recorder for monaural recording and
6 -inch PM speaker; tape deck features playback; built -in 5 -watt amplifier and
automatic braking and precision -built 4- woofer- tweeter speaker system, with cross -
pole, shaded -pole motor, of self- starting over. Controls and speeds same as "Mer -
induction type. Single rotary control knob cury" model at left, but with separate off -on
sets unit for record, play, fast forward, or switch for motor. "Magic Eye" level
fast rewind operation; interlock button pre- monitor and digital footage counter.
vents accidental recording or erasure. Lever SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency Response: 40 to
on control panel instantly changes speed
from 7% to 3% ips. 13,000 cps at 7ti/ ips; 40 to 7000 cps at
3% iris. Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 48 db. Inputs:
I -high- impedance for microphone or mag-
SPECIfICAT10N5 Frequency Response 40 to netic
cps at 7% ips; 40 to 7000 cps at 3%
ips. Controls: Selector (Play. Record, For-
or radio, TV, crystal or
ceramic phono car -
tridge.Outputs: -for external amplifier; I
ward. Rewind); Interlock; Speed Change 1

for external speaker. Size: 14" w.. 16W d.,

Lever; Volume; Tone. Signal -to-Noise Ratio:
45 db.Fast Forward: (7" reel) 75 seconds. Re- IOW h. For 110 -120 v.. 60 cycle AC. With
wind: (7" reel) 90 seconds. Inputs: Mike- mike. Sling. wt., 33 lbs.
Mag Phono; Tuner -Aux. Outputs: I -for 91 RZ 754. NET 149.95
external amplifier; -for external speaker.
1 NL -2S STEREO. As above,but with inline
Neon bulb recording level indicator. Size, stereo head. plus preamp for second chan -

14x17x11 ". For 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC. nel. Shpg. wt., 39 lbs.
With mike. Shpg. wt., 29 lbs. 91 RZ 755.',NET 179.95
91 RZ 752. NET 109.95 NL -3 "ARISTOCRAT ". Exceptjonally well -
NI -1S STEREO. Same as NI. -1 recorder de- designed recorder with many professional
scribed above. but equipped with inline features. Automatic shutoff switch stops
stereo head. plus preamplifier for feeding drive motor if tape breaks or runs out. but
second channel. Shpg. wt.. 35 lbs. dues not shut off motor if tape is slack.
91 RZ 753. NET 139.95 Professional -type illuminated VC meter and
digital footage counter. Has deluxe 10 -watt
FACTS ABOUT STEREO push -pull amplifier with high- quality three -
way speaker system consisting of 2 woofers.
TAPE PLAYBACK 6 -inch midrange speaker and exponential
A stereo playln.: i. tern consists of stereo tweeter. Otherwise same as above.
tape deck. two pi camps equalized for tape SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency Response: 40
head, two amplifiers, and two speakers. The 15,000 cps at 71/2 ips; 40 -7500 cps at 31/2 Ii:-
Pentron stereo recorders NL -1S, NL -2S and Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 50 db. Flutter: Under
NL -3S, include a second preamp in addition 0.4% at 71 ips; under %v at 3% ips. Size,

to the stereo deck and one complete high - I7',4x173/4x11 ". For 110-120 v.. 60 cycle
fidelity preamp- amplifier -speaker channel. A('. With mike. Wt.. 38 lbs.
Any one of these three recorders may be 91 RZ 756. NET 189.95
used to convert your hi -fi system to stereo.
as well as monaural, tape playback. The NL -3S STEREO. As above. but with inline
recorder serves as one channel. and its sec- stereo head. plus preamp for second chan-
ond preamp and your present hi -fi system as nel. Shpg. wt.. 44 lbs.
the second channel. 91 RZ 757. NET... 219.95
See Pages 24 and 25 for Stereo Systems Featuring Pentron Tape Decks
agnecord Professional Recorders
MODEL S36 -BX. Dual- speed. full-track tape SERIES P60 PROFESSIONAL UNITS. An inte-
recorder designed for rack or case mounting. grated series of tape recording components,
For studio and other professional use or manufactured to high- precision standards.
custom hi -fi installation. Has hysteresis Conform to critical specifications of the
synchronous drive motor for close timing broadcast, studio recording and instrumen-
accuracy. Knob control with interlock to tation fields. Available with or without
prevent accidental erasure. Has separate cases; all have 19' notched panels for
erase and combination record -playback mounting in standard relay racks.
heads. Handles IOW reels with reel adapter
kit listed below. P60 -A TAPE DECK. Full- track. For use with
P60-C or other professional-quality preamp.
Operates at 7 %" and 15" speed. Response: Tape Speed: 71/2x15 ips. Drive: Hysteresis -
IS ", db frorp 50- 15,000 cps; 71/2" a2 db synchronous motor direct drive; individual
from 50- 10.000 cps. Recording Time (1200 fast forward and fast rewind motors. Reel
ft. reel): 71/2", 30 minutes; 1S'. 15 minutes. Size: 10t/z" NARTB and 7 ". Take -Up:
Rewind Time: 40 sec. for 1200 ft. Signal -to- Torque motor. Controls: Push- button type
Noise Ratio: 54 db. Flutter: less than 0.3%
at 15 ". l Inputs: 1 -high impedance mike;
(use Shure A86A transformer, page 349 for
(Rewind, Stop, Forward, Fast Forward.
Record); Operate/Fast Cue /Manual Cue
1- Switch; 15.7 1/2- Off-On Switch. Loading:
50 -250 ohms) unbalanced bridge for Deep slot with automatic tape- lifting in re-
radio, phono or TV. 2 Outputs: 1-
monitor wind and fast forward. Heads: Erase, Re-
output on front panel; 1 -600 ohm un- cord. Playback (provides simultaneous re-
balanced output for external amplifier. cord- playback). Starling Time: Instantane-
Has illuminated VU meter for record and ous (to normal forward). .Safety Features:
playback, straight loading. printed circuit Fail -safe brakes; tape break automatic
construction and full track heads. Ano- shut -off. Frequency Response: 40 to 15.000
dized- aluminum panel with gray trim. Size. cps t2dbatl5 ips; 40to12.000 cps ±2db
N35-B 7x19x12 ". For 110 -120 v.. 60 cycle AC. at 71/2 ips. Signal -to -Noise Ratio: 55 db.
Shpg. wt.. 45 lbs. Flutter and Wow: Less than 0.2% at 15 ips;
96 RZ 946. NET 385.00 0.25% at 71/2 ips. Timing Accuracy: f3
seconds in 30 minutes. Fast Forward and
CARRYING CASE. Heavy -duty case for Model Rewind: Full I01/2" reel in less than 100
S36 -B\
above. Shpg. wt.. 14 lbs. seconds. Size. 101/2x19x101/2'. With case.
96 RX 947. NET 30.00 For operation from 110 -120 v., 60 cycles.
AC. Shpg. wt.. 50 lbs.
1O'/ ADAPTER KIT. Adapts S36-BN re-
corder to permit use with 10í/ç' reels. 2 lbs. 94 RZ 905. NET 525.00
96 R 949. NET 55.00 P60 -BA STEREO DECK. As above, but stereo;
MODEL N35 -B. New. single -case, dual -track
for use with 2- P60-C's.
recorder containing tape deck, record -play-
91 RZ 773. NET 635.00
back preamplifier, and 8 -watt power am- P60 -AX. Same as P60-A, less case. 50 lbs.
plifier and speaker; an excellent "on -the- 94 RZ 907. NET 485.00
spot" unit for recording and playback. P60 -BAX. P60 -BA less case. 50 lbs
Illuminated VU meter accurately indicates 91 RZ 774. NET 595.00
43 recording level. Phone jack on front panel
permits continuous monitoring of program P60 -C PREAMP. Inputs:
microphone high 1

P60-BAX being recorded. Interchangeable capstans impedance; unbalanced bridge (I5 my for

for operation at either of two speeds. Furn- zero level recording). Playback Output:
with P60-CX ished with high -impedance microphone. Cathode follower, unbalanced. Noise Level:
Rugged and stable printed circuit recording 66 db below test level. Meter: Bias, Record
amplifier includes NARTB equalization Level and Playback Level measured on
modified for 71/2 ips speed. Interlock button illuminated 4' scale. With case. Size, 51/2x
prevents accidental tape erasure. Specifica- 19x8 %". For 110 -120 v.. 60 cycle AC.
tions similar to S36 above. but speeds are Shpg. wt., 18 lbs.
71/2 and 3r/ß ips, and has 4 -pole shaded -pole
motor. Extended frequency response to
94 RZ 906. NET 305.00
12,000 cps for clear, natural recording of P60 -CX. As above preamp, less case. 16 lbs.
speech and music. Dual -track heads permit 94 RZ 908. NET 265.00
up to 3 hours of recording on a single 7" 32X33 TRANSFORMER. Low -Z input. 2 lbs.
reel of "Plus- Play" tape at 3s/ß speed.
94 R 909. NET 25.00
High and low- impedance outputs for at-
tachment to external amplifier or speaker 32X34 TRANSFORMER. Low -Z output. 2 lbs.
system for playback. Self-contained 6x9" 94 R 910. NET 25.00
oval speaker provides excellent tone quality.
Panel size. 81/2x15 ". For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle Allied can supply any Magnecord
AC. Shpg. wt.. 40 lbs. equipment promptly, including the
91 RZ 771. NET 299.95 M -90 and PT6 broadcast and industrial
MODEL NS -35-B. As above, with hysteresis- console units. For prices and free tech-
M-90 synchronous motor. Shpg. wt.. 40 lbs. nical planning assistance, write Allied's
Audio Division.
91 RZ 772. NET 349.95
Compact and Lightweight Geloso "Hi-Tone" Recorder
MODEL G255-S. Remarkable dual -track 2 M5S MICROPHONE. Concealed microphone
speed. precision -made tape recorder import- in attractively designed desk pen set; high
ed from Italy. Only 71/2 lbs. in weight. it is pickup sensitivity. Made of black onyx plas-
easily portable in its cordovan leather case. tic with transparent base of lucite. Com-
Size is only 5 1/2x91/2xSW; it fits desk draw- plete with 54" shielded cable, phone plug
ers, bookshelves. etc. In its strong plastic and an excellent ballpoint pen. 41/4' square,
case are included a playback amplifier and 5 1/2' high. 2 lbs.
speaker; also has output jack to permit 94 R 928. NET 24.95
playback through an external amplifier or M50/885 MIKE AND STAND. Professional
speaker. Low power drain makes the Geloso type microphone of exceptional sensitivity,
ideal for mobile applications. handsomely styled. 8t/' long, tapering from
13/4" to 1/4" diameter. Gray satin finish stand
SPECIFICATIONS: Speeds: 1% ips and 3% with 360° swivel. WL, 2 lbs.
ips. Frequency Response: 80 -6000 cps at 94 R 929. NET 24.95
3s/e ips speed; 100-4500 cps at 1% ips.
Recording Time: Up to I hour in each direc- 9009 RADIO PICKUP. Tapes to output trans-
tion on % -mil tape. at 1r% ips. Uses stan- former of radio, amplifier. etc. No wiring
dard 3' reels, or Geloso 3t/¡ reels (see list- necessary. Shpg. wt.. % Ib.
ing at right). Miniature cathode-ray tube 94 R 930. NET 6.95
level indicator. Color -coded push- button 9010 TELEPHONE PICKUP. Induction type;
operation is so simple that a child can safely no wiring necessary. Shpg. wt.. tf Ib.
operate it; plastic deck cover. With micro- 94 R 931. NET 6.95
phone and carrying case. For 110 volts. 1/2-MIL TAPE. SSO' on Geloso 31/2 reel; I tir.
60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 9 lbs. 56 min. per reel. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
94 RX 927. NET 143.95 92 R 906. NET 1.62
Allied Is Headquarters for Recording Equipment

Ampex Stereophonic and Monaural Tape Recorders

MODEL 601 MONAURAL RECORDERS. Combine compact design SERIES "A" HIGH -FIDELITY RECORDERS. Tape deck -preamp units offer-
for practical portability with exceptional Ampex manufactur- ing latest engineering advancements in the tape recording field,
ing precision. New features include provision for low- impedance plus renowned Ampex features and high -quality workmanship.
input and output, faster acceleration to playing speed, illuminating Each recorder is housed in an attractive two-tone gray portable
record safety button and new case of rugged Samsonite. Separate case. Accurate footage counter and VU meter.
record and playback amplifiers; direct -reading illuminated VI1 SPECIFICATIONS: Tape Speeds: 71/2 and 3% ips. Frequency Response:
meter; simultaneous recording and playback. 30- 15.000 cps at 7 /z ips. Signal -to-Noise Ratio: 50 db. Reel Capac-
SPECIFICATIONS Speed: 71 ips. Reel Sise: 7' maximum. Response: ity: 7'. Z Inputs: High -impedance microphone; radio, TV or phono.
30- 15.000 cps; Signal- to-Noise Ratio: Over 55 db for full- track; 50 db Output: Cathode follower. Controls: Selector (Off, Monitor, Single,
for half- track. Flutter and Wow: 0.17%. Starting Time: Less than Stereo*); Listening Volume; Fast Forward- Rewind; Record; Stop;
0.2 second. Fast Forward and Rewind: 90 seconds for full 7" reel. Motor Switch; Recording Volume (Mic); Recording Volume (Tuner-
Power Drain: 61 watts. For 110 -120 volts. 60 cycles AC. Phono). *On A -122 only. Simultaneous record- monitor feature;
95 RZ 978. Dual-Track. 8x131/4x161/2'. Wt.,35lbs. NET 595.00 push- button speed change; illuminated footage counter. Input chan-
nels may be mixed with separate volume controls, for narration
95 RZ 979. Full- Track. 8x13%x161/2'. Wt.. 35 lbs. NET... 595.00 during recording. Less mike. For 110 -120 volts, 60 cycles AC.
95 RZ 982. Dual-Track. Less Case. 5x121/2x151/2'. 31 lbs. 545.00 MODEL A -112. MONAURAL RECORDER. Dual- track- Shpg. wt., 35 lbs-
95 RZ 983. Full-Track. Less Case..5x121/2x151/2'.31 lbs. NET 545.00 95 RZ 984. NET 339.50
MODEL 601.2 STEREOPHONIC RECORDER. As above. but with stereo MODEL A -I 22. STEREO PLAYER 8. MONAURAL RECORDER. Wt., 38 lbs.
heads (in -line) dual preamps and meters. With case. For 110 -120 99 699.
volts, 60 cycles AC. 8x13x241/2' Shpg. wt., 54 lbs. RZ NET 495.00
91 RZ 775. NET 995.00 MODEL A -692 MATCHING AMPLIFIER- SPEAKER. Ingeniously engineered
single -case unit, providing substantially flat speaker output, 65-
LOW-IMPEDANCE INPUT TRANSFORMER. Plug -in type. t/z lb. 10,000 cps. Styling of case matches recorders listed above; forms an
95 R 981. NET 22.95 ideal portable high -fidelity tape system when used with A -112, or
when two are used with A -122 for stereo. Amplifier Response: X0.5
MODEL 620P AMPLIFIER:SPEAKER. 10 -watt amplifier and special 8' db, 20- 20,000 cps. Noise Level: -70 db. Controls: Volume, Tone.
speaker. Two may be used with 601 -2 for stereo. Speaker response Rated Output: 10 watts. Inputs: Tape, Tuner. Phono, TV. 8' PM
65- 10.000 cps. Amplifier response. ±0.5 db. 20- 20,000 cps. 13x16x speaker of special Ampex design. Auxiliary AC outlet. For 110 -120
8' For 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 28 lbs. volts, 60 cycle AC. Snpg. wt.. 35 lbs.
95 RZ 980. NET 169.50 95 RZ 985. NET 199.50
Concertone Portable Recorders
MODEL 22. High-quality drive mechanism SERIES 60 PROFESSIONAL PORTABLES - Offer
with dual -track heads- plus a separate pre- lightweight portability and broadcast -qual-
amp unit. Many professional features, in- ity performance in a single compact unit.
cluding A -B test fader for comparing signals. Accommodates 101/22 NAB reels without
provision for cueing and editing, and illumi- adapters; hysteresis -synchronous capstan
nated. large -scale VU meter. Supplied less drive, with separate take -up and rewind
cases (see below). Speeds, 71/2 and 15 ips. motors. VU meter has 3- position switch. to
Makes recordings that fully meet critical monitor level of input signal. level of taped
specifications; response at 15 ips is t2 db, program (during playback or recording),
50 to 15,000 cps. Units will fit standard 19' and bias level. Simultaneous record -play-
equipment racks. Sizes: Drive mechanism, back facility for monitoring.
14x6'; Preamp. 5t/%x6'. Max. reel size, SPECIFICATIONS: Speeds: 71/2 and 15 ips.
101/2' (NAB). For 110 -120 v 60 cycles Frequency Response: (15') *2 db, 40- 15.000
AC. Less case. Shpg. wt.. 55 lbs
95 RZ 991 'NET 495.00 cps; (71/2') *2 db, 40- 12,000 cps. Flutter
and Wow: (15") 0.15 %; (71/2') 0.25 %.
MODEL 105217 CASE. Portable carrying case Signal -to-Noise Ratio: 55 db at 15'. Inputs:
for tape transport, or 2 preamps, or preamp Mie. and Line (both high impedance). Out-
and mixer. 15x103/4x20'. Wt., 17 lbs. put: Cathode follower; 2 v. into 10,000-ohm
load. Timing Accuracy: +3 seconds in 30
95 RX 989. NET 60.00 minutes. Controls: Record, Play, Fast For-
MODEL 105245 CASE. Will accommodate one ward, Rewind and Stop (push -buttons);
preamplifier or one mixer unit only. Size, Off -On /Speed; Reel Size (Torque); Line
71/4x101/4x20'. Shpg. wt.. 10 lbs. Level; Mike Level; Meter Function; A- II
95 RX 990. NET 30.00 Test. Brushed stainless steel control panel.
Supplied less case. Size: 151/2:161/2x51/4" .11
31 deep. For 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Series 20 and 30
BINATION. Dual- speed, full -track tape trans- MODEL 61. Dual -track monaural record and
port and professional preamp on separate playback. Shpg. wt., 38 lbs.
chassis. Precision transport has hysteresis -
synchronous drive motor; uses no belts, gears 91 RZ 776. NET... 495.00
or pulleys. Supplied less cases (will fit cases MODEL 62. Dual -track monaural record and
listed above for Model 22). Response: *2 playback. plus stereo playback. 40 lbs.
db, 40 to 15.000 cps at 15' speed; *2 db. 91 RZ 777. NET 595.00
50- 13,000 cps at 71/2 speed. Flutter and
Wow: Less than 0.1% at 15' speed. Signal- MODEL 63. Dual -track monaural record and
to-Noise Ratio: 55 db. Rewind and Fast For- playback, plus stereo record and playback.
ward: Average 41 ft /sec for 2500 feet. Both In -line stereo heads- Dual recording pre-
units l9 wide (fit standard racks). Sizes: amplifiers. Shpg. wt -, 42 lbs.
Drive mechanism, 14' high. 6' deep behind
panel; Preamplifier, 51/4" high, 6' deep be-
91 RZ 778. NET 695.00
hind panel. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycles AC. SERIES 60 CASE. Airplane -luggage type case
Less case. Shpg. wt.. 55 lbs. for any of above units. 5 lbs.
95 RZ 992 :NET 695.00 91 RZ 779. NET 60.00
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois ,. 91
"Plus - Play"
Mylor Bose
"Plus-Play- New Mylar -Base "Plus- Play" Tape
Acetate Bose An ideal combination of qualities: The exceptional toughness and
break- resistance of the wonder -plastic. Mylar, plus the extra play-
ing time of Knight "Plus -Play" recording tape-both offered at
exceptional savings to you in the new Knight Mylar -base "Plus -
Play". It is the most permanent medium yet developed for mag-
netic recording. Recording characteristics meet the most critical

i ..........
of professional recording requirements and include wide frequency
response, extremely low noise level and excellent uniformity of oxide
........... coating. Your cost is far below that of regular recording tapes, at
.... no sacrifice in performance quality!
The remarkable dimensional stability of Mylar, together with its

other physical properties, results in an extremely durable bond be-
tween oxide and base. The Mylar base is unharmed by heat. cold or
humidity. Mylar makes Knight "Plus -Play" indisputably superior
to ordinary recording tape; its price makes "Plus -Play" your great-
est tape-recording value! Each reel fo iory -sealed cellophoee. i.
Standard -Ploy r-";_- 92 R
I to 4, EACH
900-ft.Reel. 5" diameter. Shpg. wt., t/4 lb.
2.19 S or More, EACH 192
Acetate Bose
92 R 940. 1800 -ft. Reel. 7" diameter. Shpg. wt., 11/4 lbs.
1 to 4, EACH. 3.79 S or More, EACH 3.45

"Plus- Play" Acetate Base Standard -Play Plastic Base

Within short time of its release. Knight "Plus-flay" has become
a Knight standard -play. plastic -base tape meets the most critical
one of the most popular recording tapes in America. It's easy to professional recording requirements, because rigid manufacturing
see why -when you buy Knight "Plus-Play." you get superior tape
quality, greatly extended playing time (by S0'!) on each reel
plus genuine savings. Knight "Plus -Play" is uniformly red oxide-
- controls protect its high quality. When you use it, you are assured
of noise-free reproduction and exceptionally uniform output.
The surface upon which the recording is made is precision- coated
coated cellulose acetate, only z/3 as thick as standard tape. With with pure red oxide. providing excellent high- frequency response
no loss of recording quality. "Plus -Play" is wound 1800 feet to and minimum abrasive action on recording heads. You can depend
a 7 -inch reel- 50' ;i, more footage than conventional tape. Now on the quality of Knight recording tape; its performance is easily
you can record entire concerts, conferences or other events on a comparable to other brands of regularly- priced recording tape.
single reel of tape-at 3s/ß per second, you get as much as 3 hours It is similar in every respect to tape used throughout the recording
of dual -track recording time. industry. and radio and TV work.
Supplied on transparent molded plastic reels. Shpg. wts.: 900át. Supplied on transparent molded plastic reels. Shpg. wts.: 600-t.
reel, % lb.; 1800-ft. reel, 1% lbs. reel. 1/z lb.; 1200 -ft. reel, 1 lb.
96 R 981. 900 -Ft. Reel. 5" diameter. 96 R 698. 600-Ft. Reel. 5' diameter.
I to 4, EACH 1 89 S or More, EACH..... 1. 69 I to 4, EACH 1 42 S or More, EACH. 1.29
96 R 982. 1800 -H. Reel. 7" diameter. 96 R 699. 1200 -H. Reel. 7' diameter.
I to 4, EACH .......2.95 5 Of MOM, EACH.. 2.65 I to 4, EACH 1 98 S or More, EACH 1.78

Acetate base. Plastic reels exce pt RETMA fiberglass.
Stock No. Mfr's. Type Tap. Footage Reel Size List NET

96 R 960 SPN -I 150' 3" $0.65 .48

96 R 961 SPN -3 300' 4' 1.25 .92
96 R 962 SPN -6 600' 5' 2.10 1.55
96 R 963 SPN -12 1200' 7' 3.50 2.57
92 R 950 SPN -24RF 2400' 101/2' 8.50 6.24

reels of acetate base tape in storage chest. Shpg. wt , 8lbs.
96 R 964. List. $17.50. NET 12.86
PROFESSIONAL TAPE-11/2-MIL ACETATE. Finest quality acetate tape.
Micropolished. For professional use. Plastic reels except tRETMA
(4' center opening), tNARTH fiberglass (3' center
NARTII aluminum. Av. shpg. wt., 8 oz.
"PLUS-50" TAPE & CHEST -TYPE PLC -7. Five 1800 ft. (7 ") reels of Stock No. Mb's Type Tape Footage Reel Size List NET
"Plus -50" Mylar tape in storage chest. Shpg. wt., 9 lbs. 92 956 1200' 7' $4.40 3.23
96 R 952. List. $30.00. NET 22.05 R
P -24RM 2400' 10.25 7.54
92 R 101/2Y
LIFETIME TAPE-11/2-MIL MYLAR. Mylar base. Micropolished. Plastic 951 P -24RFt 2400' tory 10.25 7.54
92 R I
reels, except RETMA fiberglass reel. Av. shpg. wt.. 8 oz. P- 24RF3Í tOtW 10.25 7.54
92 R 958 2400'
Stock No. Mb's Type Tape Footsies Reel Size List NET

96 R L-6
968 600' S' $3.90 2.86 "PLUS -50" TAPE -1
-MIL MYLAR. 50% more footage. Micropolished.
96 R 969
L-12 1200' 7' 6.30 4.64 "Mylar" base. Plastic reels except RETMA fiberglass. 8 o:.
92 R L-24RF
954 2400' 101/2" 13.80 10.14 Stock No. Mfr's Type Tope Footage Size List NET

LIFETIME TAPE & CHEST-TYPE LC-7. Five 1200 ft. (7') reels of Lifetime 92 R 952 PL -2 225' 3' $1.05 .77
Mylar base tape in storage chest. Shpg. wt., 8 lbs. 96 R 972 PL-9 900' 5" 3.50 2.58
96 R 953. list. $31.50. NET 23.16 96 R 973 PL -18 1800'

7' 6.00 4.41
TAPE CHEST LESS TAPE -TYPE 7STC. Holds five 7' reels. Pull -out 92 R 3600' 1OW
953 14.00 ,10.29
PL-36RF ¡

drawer compartments. Size, 8x71/4x7tW. Shpg. wt., 4 lbs.

96 R 959. List. $1.50. NET 1.10 TYPE XP -24 'PLUS 100" TAPE -MIL MYLAR. Extra -long play tape on
Mylar base. Micropolished. Same oxide as "Plus -50 ". Requires
TAPE TIMING CHART. Semi -logarithmic tape timing chart. Covers
speeds from 1% to 15', single and dual track. Wt.. 6 oz. careful handling- 2400'- 7' plastic reel. Shpg. wt.. 14 oz.

92 R 955. List, $1.20. NET 88c 95 R 917. list, $8.50. NET........... .. ... ....6.24
92 Allied is Headquarters for Recording Equipment and Accessories
Recording Tapes and Accessories
STANDARD TAPE -1 1 -MIL ACETATE. Plastic reels except NARTB
aluminum (3' center opening). Av. shpg. wt.. 8 oz.
No. Typa Footage Reel List EACH Lot Price WITH
96 R562 151 ISO' 3' 80.70 .46 .41t THE NEW
96 R 561 351 300' 4' 1.35 .88 .79t C -SLOT
96 R 560 651 600' 5' 2.25 1.55 1.431 THREADING
96 R 356 1251 1200' 7' 3.50 2.40 2.23t
96 R 357 2551R 2500' 1014' 10.90 7.12 6.41:
ACH 10 or more. NET EACH, 5 or more.
recording One per reel.
-I ACETATE. Provides
50% more -MIL
Acetate base. Plastic reels
except MARTB
aluminum (3' center opening). Av. shpg. wt.. 8 oz.
No. Type Footage Red lht EACH Lot Prke
92 R 935 941 900' 5' 83.50 2.29 2.061
92 R 936 1841 1800' 7' 5.50 3.60 3.23t
92 R 937 3641R' 3600' 10%' 12.85 8.40 7.56:
tNET EACH, 10 or more. NET EACH, 5 or more.
-MIL MYLAR. 50% more recording
time. Mylar base. On plastic reels except NARTB aluminum reel COLORED PLASTIC REELS. Extremely attractive. coLned plastic reels
(3' center opening). {Plastic reel in self -mailer carton. 12 oz. (less tape) available in green, blue, yellow and red as well as stand-
ard clear plastic. All are available in 5' and 7' sizes. In boxes.
No. Typ. Footage Reel List EACH Lot Price Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
96 R 838 2619 225' 3' $1.00 .66 .59t Size Clear Red Yellow Green Blue I
List EACH 10-Up. EA.
96 955 961 900' 5' 5'
96 R
956 1861 1800' 7'
3.82$ r 196 R 748 96 R 740
96 R 749 96 R 741
96 R 742 96 R 744 96 R 7461
96 R 743 96 R 745 96 R 7471
96 R 958 366112* 3600' 10%' 15.00 9.80 8.821
Sor more.
TAPE RECORDER REELS. 10%'. With box. 3' center. Wt.. 8 oz.

-I /
, 10 or more. NET EACH,
No. Type Description List 1 -4, EA. 5 -Up, Ea.
COLORED BASE TAPE Colored base recording tape
96 R 358 IORB NARTB aluminum
of same high quality as conventional ace ate base (above). Ideal for
spotting specific selections on one reel; material to be saved. etc. 96 R 997 LOFS Fiberglass. RETMA $4.00 2.62 2.35
Plastic reels. Shpg. wt.. 8 oz. adapterless 5{s' center
No. Green No. Blue Footage EACH 10-Up. EA.
96 N 736
MYLAR SELF TIMING LEADER TAPE. 100 ft. of white " Mylar" leader
6510 96 N 738 6518 I 600' S' 1.55 I 1.43 tape. Spaced markings for timing. Shpg. wt.. S oz.
96 n 737 1251G 96 n 739 1251B 1200' F 2.40 2.23 92 R 938. List. SU NET. 37c


acetate base recording tape of high quality. Supplied on high -

strength molded plastic reel. except 'aluminum NARTB reel (3-
inch center opening). Av. shpg. wt.. per reel. 8 oz.
Stock Mfr's. Foot- Reel Lot
No. Type age List EACH
Size Price
96 N 227 111A -I 5 150" 3' $ .85 .57 .519
96 n 343 111A -3 300' 4' 1.50 1.00 909
96 a 226 111A -6 600' 5" 2.25 1.58 1.46:
96 n 192 111A -12 1200' 7' 3.50 2.45 2.28:
96 n 313 111A -24R 2400' 1011' 10.90 7.27 6.549
i, 12 or more. NET EACH, 24 or more.
TYPE 190A EXTRA -PLAY TAPE-1 MIL ACETATE. Thin acetate base
provides 50% more playing time on standard sire reels. *NA RTB
aluminum reel (3' center opening). Av. shpg. wt.. 12 oz.
Stock Mfr's. Foot- Reel TYPE 43P LEADER AND TIMING TAPE -PLASTIC BASE. New leader and
No. Type age Size
Price timing tape for high -precision editing and protection of start
of tapes. Strong plastic base. Marked in 1- second intervals for
96 ri 984 190A- 9-I0OG 900' S' $3.50 2.34 2.10$ 3.75'. 7.5' and IV per second. In 150 ft. roll for convenient han-
96 n 985 190A- 18 -100G 1800' 7' 5.50 3.67 3.301 dling. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
96 n 987 190A- 36R-100G 3600' 101+" 12.85 11.57 7.71 j 92 R 905. NET. 57c
INET EACH, l or more. :NET EACH, 6 or more.


plastic base. Plastic
Extra -strong Mylar
NARTB aluminum 10%"
reels except
EMPTY PLASTIC REELS. Supplied complete with index box. Durably
made of molded high -strength plastic, completely transparent.
reel (3' center opening). Av. shpg. wt., 12 oz. Adequate space provided on each reel for labeling or marking.
Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
Stock MIr's. I Foot- Reel Lot
No. Type age Size List EACH Stock Reel List 1 -11, 12 or
No. Size EACH EACH More Ea.
92 n 900 150-9 I 900' , 5' 14.40 2.93 2.641
92 N 901 150-18 1800' 7' 7.95 5.30 4.77t 96 N 237 3" 25E 171 1St
92 n 903 150-36R* 3600- 1011' 17.95 1 1.97 10.772 96 11 349 4' 550 37t 331
96 R 236 S' 65t

tNET EACH 12 or more. :NET EACH 6 or more. 441 3911

96 11 194 7' 750 SOt 450
higher output. 1200'. Plastic 7' reel. Shpg. wt..
-1 1/2-MIL ACETATE. 8 to 12 db
12 oz. ONE -REEL MAIUNG COXES. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
96 R 558. List. $5.50. NET EACH
or Mora, EACH
3.67 Stock Reel List 1 -11, 12 or
12 3 30 No. Size EACH EACH More Ea.
TYPE 41 -1/2S SPLICING TAPE. Coated one side with non -run adhe- n
96 324 5" 150 101 91
sive. 150'. W wide, on handy dispenser. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. 96 n 323 7' 20t 1 311 121
96 R 232. NET 35c 96 n 322 10Sí' 300 201 I SI
Best Values -Hiph Quality--8M Service 93
Tape Recording Accessories Magnetic Telephone Pickups
TRIPLETT 327 -TC 3' VU METER. Helps vc.sally determine the High impedance inductor coil units expressly designed to record both
o correct recording level when using most portable tape recorders. Ex- sides of a telephone conversation. Requires no electrical or physical
tremely compact -only 3x3x11/4' deep. In sturdy black bakelite case
ped with 18' cord, phone plug and 'tack. Shpg. wt.. 2 IM.
connection to the telephone --simply place telephone on pickup. Pro-
vides on- the -spot recordings of telephone conversations -eliminates
guesswork and misinterpretations. Permits review of older phone mes-
sages for technical data, legal specifications, medical discussions, etc.
AUDIOTAPE TYPE 400 HEAD DEMAGNETIZER. For remov- Letters and memoranda may be dictated and recorded for later tran-
B ing magnetism accumulated in recording head. For operation from
lb. scription. Virtually unlimited uses in business, industry and the home.
110-115 1
Pickups are plugged into high impedance microphone input of amplifier.
96 R i10.Ó0. NET ' 5.88 tape or wire recorder - -- there's nothing else to connect. Jones plug on
SHURE EXACT- REPLACEMENT TAPE RECORDER HEADS. Electro-scriber unit fits most Webcor wire and tape recorders.
Exact replacement tape recording heads used in many home tape re- with all
corders. All Shure heads are stamped with the manufacturer's name and ELECTRO-DUCER TELEPHONE PICKUP. For use
type number, therefore replacements are easily determined in the table D types of telephones. Has removable coil. Constructed of heavy chip-
below. If in doubt as to the replacement needed. send us the make, model board. Size, HWI), 1x6Yzx9t/i'. 12 ft. cable. Wt.. 1%4 lbs.
and serial number of your recorder and well furnish replacement data. 99 S 482. List. $12.50. NETT 7.35
Available in record -playback and record-playback-erase types Use for ELECT RO-SCRIBER TELEPHONE PICKUP. For standard rec-
replacement or modernization of older tape recorders. tangular-base cradle telephones. Heavy rubber construction. Com-
Stock Mfr's Coil RPlaoes Wt. NET plete with 8 ft. cable and 3 -prong Jones plug. Wt.. 1% Ibis.
No. Typo Fig. Impatient* Older Typo oz. List EA. 99 S 489. List, $12.50. NET 7.35
65 R 366 81S7 C Low TRS, TRSH 4 .15.00 8.82 FOR PUSH- BUTTON PHONES. As above. but specifically for push-
65 R 584 815Ht C High TRSD,TR5K. 4 15.00 8.82 button rectangular -base cradle telephones. Shpg. wt.. 11/4 lbs.
TRSC 99 S 490. List, $14.50. NET 8 53
65 R 588 8161 D High TR6C 4 12.00 7.05 MAGNETIC RECORDING INDUSTRIES VM938 PICKUP.
56 R 315 8172 E Low TR16A 6 9.00 5.29 For any telephone. Consists of small coil only, less base. Plastic
65 P586 TR5B C Low TRSB 10 17.00 9.99 construction. 1 s/4xs/4x4'. 5 ft. cord. less plug. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
65 R 413 TR167 E High 6 9 f10 5.29 99 S 478. NET 2.98
65 R 439 TR26 E High TR26 6 11.00 6.47 KORD-O -KOIL MAGNETIC PICKUP. For cradle telephones
t Upper half -track erase record and playback type. a only. Size, 5%x1/4x91/4". Attractive leatherette
6 ft. cord and phone plug. Shp'. wt., 1% lbs.
finish. Complete with
Upper half -track record and playback only.
Has Cinch plug and 14' leads. 99 S 486. List. $10.00. NET 5.88
Wire Recording Accessories Handy Kit For Tape Recordists
illustrated. Record -playback- erase. Less head cover and mounting screw. Everything needed for cleaning and lubrication of magnetic record-
Shpg. wt., 11 oz.
0 ing and playback heads; also includes valuable aids for editing. splic-
ing and tape identification. plus a time -saving tape threader Includes:
96 R 049. List. $7.50. NET
1 bottle each of "Long Life" Tapa Head Clsanor and Lubricant
ECHO RECORDING WIRE. 0036' stainless steel wire. Fluids; Robins TS -4JR Taps Splicer; 180-Inch DI Roll
a of Splicing Tape; Robins Tape Threader; 30 Tape Identification
Stock No. Spool Size Shpg. Wt. NET EACH Labels; 160 -foot Dispenser Roll of Leader and Timing Taps.
96R145 hour 6 oz. 1.69 The splicer provides every tape recordist with professional- looking,
96 R 146
hour 8 oz. 2.56 silent, diagonal splices with concave trim. Tape identification lab^Is are
4.25 on gummed paper, and are self -adhesive. Leader and timing tape per-
96R147 1 hour 11 oz.
mits accurate interval timing and protection of beginning of tapes.
EMPTY METAL SPOOL. Holds 1 hr. wire supply. Shpg. wt. .8 oz. Shpg. wt., 1% lbs.
96 R 044. NET EACH ....42c 94 R 921,Cemplete Kit. NET 7.35


reels of tape.
Holds twelve 7"
Sturdily constructed of
wood with simulated -leather brown and
a TAPE SPUCER KIT. With plastic splicer,
blade. splicing tape. Adhesive backing
adheres to body of recorder. 6 oz.
- ROBINS TAPE THREADER. Fits over reel
D shaft and hub of recorder take -up reel.
Turn crank several times-and reel is
96 R 718. List, $1.50. NET 1.20 threaded. For reels to 7'. Wt., 2 oz.
white covering. Has securely fastened carry- 713. 79c
ing handle and protective feet. Measures 96 R NET
SPLICING TAPE REFILLS. For above. 24 precut
only 81/2x81/2x81/4". Wt.. 31/4 lbs. pieces. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. ROBINS TS -4DLX TAPE SPLICER. For rapid
96 RX 580. List. $7.95. NET 5.95 96 R 719. List, 25c. NET 20c D tape editing and repairing. Only 21/2xx
4 ".Consists of snap arms to hold tape in
TAPE CARRYING CASE. Rugged, light- JIFFY RECORDING TAPE SPLICER. For hold- position and double cutting mechanism.
weight. Graftboard case holds twelve
textured green. Two
o ing recording tape in alignment for Cuts diagonal splice and trims "waist"
7' reels. Styled in cutting and splicing. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. along sides of splice. With splicing tape and
clasps securely lock cover. With carrying 1.50 holder. Shpg. wt., 12 oz.
wt., 2 lbs. 96 R 379. List. $2.50. NET
handle. 81/2x81/2x81/4'. Shpg.
198 96 R 734. List. $11.50. NET 8.46
95 RX 714. List, $2.75. NET IFFY -RASE TAPE ERASER. Efficient bulk
tape eraser. Minimizes background noise ROBINS TS-4 TAPE SPLICER. As above except
and distortion. Size, 5' O.D. x 31' H.
COUSIN() U -300 TAPE VENDOR. Plays less splicing tape and holder. Wt., 8 oz.
a tape-recorded messages continuously. For 110 -120 v., 50-60 cycle AC. 7 lbs. 96 R 319. List. $8.50. NET 6.25
Fits standard recorders. Plays up to 20 min. 20.98
at 31/4" /sec. with Moebius loop. With tape. 96 R 569. NET ROBINS TS-41R TAPE SPLICER. Cuts t/
Clockwise rotation. Shpg. wt., 11/2 lbs. AUDIO DEVICES TYPE 30AL IDENTIFICA- tape ends diagonally; gives splice slightly
96 R 717. List, $12.50. NET 10.00 TION LABELS. Self- adhesive. 1/2x25. Shpg. concave trim. No overhang. Uses 1/2" splic-
ing tape. 2x3'. Shpg. wt., 7 oz.
96 R 714. As above, but counter -clockwise wt., 4 oz. 4.78
rotation. NET 10.00 96 R 564. PER PKG. OF 30 I2c 95 R 71 2. List, $6.50. NET
Allied is Headquarters for Recording Equipment and Accessories
Recording Discs

'Imperial" 1 M41.8 X-26

Rek -O -Kut "Imperial" Professional Recorder Quality Recording Discs for All Purposes
Precision Rek -O -Kut disc recorder equipped with the M -12S over- AUDIODISC PROFESSIONAL RECORDING BLANKS
head recording lathe. Unit will accommodate all standard vertical -
mounting cutting heads. Supplied with 120 -line leadecrew; inter- Smooth- coated on both sides of aluminum base. Red Label discs
changeable with Ieadscrews up to 270 lines (see below). Lathe can for highest quality work; Yellow Label for general purpose work
be hand -cranked for run -in and run -off spiral grooves. Calibrated
in studios and schools; Blue Label for home recording. *Large
for critical timing. Model A -160. 16" playback pickup arm accom- center hole for 45 rpm recordings.
modates records to 16' in diameter. Supplied complete with new Stock $1ze Wt., Lbs. Std 'ET EACH
Label Base
cutting head (Model R -56); frequency response, 50- 10,000 cps. Less No. Ea. Pkg. Pkg. Single Lots Std. Pkg.
microphone. Uses standard short -shank cutting needle. For 105 125 69 R oe5 7:
v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 80 lbs.
Red .050: 5 oz. 5 25 .91 .82
69 R 069 8: Red .040: S oz. 5 25 .71 .65
95 RZ 742. NET 599.95 69 R 070 10: Red .040: 6 oz. 81 25 1.01 .91
MODEL M -125 OVERHEAD RECORDING LATHE. Used in "Imperial'. 69 R 071 12: Red .050: 9 oz. 1354 25 1.67 1.50
professional recorder listed above. Interchangeable with M -12 072
69 RX 16: Red .050: 1 Ib. 25 25 3.01 2.70
mechanism. Less head. Shpg. wt., 201ós. 69 R089 8: Yellow .040: S oz. 5 25 .61 .55
95 RZ 745. NET 150.00 69R 090 10: Yellow .040: 6oz. 854 25 .81 .72
69 R 09 1 12: Yellow .050: 9 oz. 1354 25 1.30 1, I e
MODEL R -56 CUTTING HEAD. For Model M -12S above. Impedance, 69 RX 092 16: Yellow .050: 1 Ib. 25 25 2.42 2.18
8 ohms. Shpg- wt.. lb.
69 R 065 654: Blue .027: 3 oz. 654 50 .32 .29
95 RC 746. NET 60.00 69 R 066 8: Blue .027: 4 oz. 754 50 .46 .41
MODEL M -125 -210 MICROGROOVE LEADSCREW. For Model M -12S 69 R 067 10: Blue .027: 5 oz. 1054 50 .66 .59
recording lathe. 210 lines per inch. Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
95 R 743. NET 44.95 THE BROADCASTER. For critical recording. Finest physical and
MODEL M- 125 -240 MICROGROOVE LEADSCREW. As above except sound properties. Made with scrupulous care. Double face.
240 lines per inch. Shpg. wt.. 1 lb.
Stock Lbs. Std
95 R 744. NET 44.95 Size Wt., Ea. Std. Pkg. Single Lots tE

MODEL TR-43H DUAL -SPEED RECORDING TURNTABLE. Dual speed. 12' 69 R 260 1(r 5 oz. 25I 1.00 8 1.1
aluminum turntable. Plays 331A and 45 rpm. Tapped for M -12S 69 R 261 1r 8 oz. 1.73
25 1.56 14
cutter. With heavy -duty, hysteresis synchronous motor. Includes 69 RX 262 16' 16 oz.
26 3.17
25 ' 2.86
78 -rpm idler. Less cutter. Shpg. wt.. 21 lbs.
THE PLAYBACK. Standard broadcast- quality double -faced discs.
91 RZ 749. NET 149.95
69 R 263 654' 3 oz. 25 4 .59 .53
69 R 265 10' S oz. 25 8 1.01 .91
G. I. Recorder-Phono Assembly 69 R 266 i2' 8 oz. 25 14 1.67 1.50
MODEL GI- R85í -LP. Low -cost recorder-phono assembly for cutting THE AUDITION. For record 'ng in the home. Double faced discs.
and playing recordings. Easily mounted in cabinet, carrying case,
etc. Cuts discs up to 10' in diameter at 160 lines per inch (std. 69 R 3 oz. 25 4 .52 .47
groove). Two speeds (3354 and 78 rpm.. or 45 and 78 rpm. using 69 R 270 10' S oz. 25 8 .81 .73
adapter spring included for that purpose). Weighted pickup arm 69 R 271 i2" 8oz. 25 14 1.30 1.17
provides proper needle pressure for both standard and microgroove
records. Steel turntable is rim -driven by 4 -pole motor. Convenient SEMI-PROFESSIONAL IL HOME-TYPE RECORDING DISCS
depth of cut adjustment. An ideal unit for replacement of older disc For home, semi - professional and schoo' use. Aluminum base (except
recorders. Size, Base plate IS' W, 11%" D; height, 6%', 2s/í tpaper bond base), cello ose acetate coated. Red Label is semi -pro-
above, 3%" below plate. Requires high -gain amplifier or radio with 3 fessional grade with excellent sound qualities.
watts or more output. Cutter head must be connected to high im- NET EAG 14-
pedance source. Supplied complete with crystal cutting head less Stock Size Label td. Wt., Std.
cutting needle (requires short shank type) and playback styli. For Base Single Std.
No. Ea, Pkg. Pkg. Lots Pkg.
operation from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 17 lbs.
96 RX 106. List, $56.50. NET 33.90 69 R 109 61/2' Orange t 3 oz. 6 54 Ib. 25c 15c
69 A 140 61' Red .021' 3 oz. S 54 lb. 301 270
MODEL GI- R85 -LP WITH MAGNETIC HEAD. Same as ModelGI -R85L- 69 R 141 8' Red .021' 4 oz. 5 54 Ib. 401 36t
LP described above, but with Astatic 10 -ohm magnetic cutting 69 R 142 10' Red .021' 4 oz. S 1 lb. 601 540
head. Shpg. wt., 18 lbs. 69 R 143 i2' Red .021' 6 oz. 5 21 lbs. 730 660
96 RX 703. List. $58.50. NET 35.10 69 R 195 654' Purple .012' 3 oz. 5 54 lb. 23t 21 t
69 R 196 8' Purple .01r 330
4 oz. 301 5 54 Ib.
Astatic Disc Recording Heads and Needles 69 R 197 10' Purple .012' 470
4 oz. 420 5 1 Ib.
TYPE X-26 CRYSTAL. High impedance; response to 6000 cps. Includes RECORD LABELS. Gummed record labels wi h spaces for title. artist,
flange for Wilcox-Gay, Knight and G.I. recorders. Connects to plate date, etc. Shpg. wt., per pkg.. 2 oz. 50 per pkg.
of output tube or 60,000 ohms transformer secondary. Approximate 65 R 520. 4 or mors Pkgs., Ea. 31 c NET PER PKG 35c
drive voltage required: 150 v. (rms), 1%x %x31/4¡. With 24' leads.
Shpg. wt., 1 lb. Disc Cutting Needles
65R125.NET 7.53 AUDIOPOINTS. High -quality recording needles. "For non- profession-
TYPE M41 -8. MAGNETIC. Impedance, 8 ohms; connects directly to al and Presto Model K recorders. tFor professional recorders.
65 R 960 has 87° included angle; 65 R 961. 70 °. All .003' except
amplifier output. Upper frequency limit, 7000 cps. Drive voltage.
65 R 128. NET
3 v. (rms). Size. 13/4x S4sx3% 24 leads. Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
65 R 966, .001'. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
Stock No. Mfr's Type Description NET EACH
65 R 960* 14 Sapphire, short dura) shank
KNIGHT STEEL CUTTING NEEDLES. Short shank. Has .003' tip Aver- 65 A 967' 20 As above, for microgroove
age cutting life. 20 minutes. Quiet cutting for fine recording. Shpg. 65 R 961 t 14 Sapphire, long dura) shank 4.85
wt., 3 oz. 65 R 9661 20 As above, for microgroove
65 R 803. Pkg. of 5. NET 59c 65 R 962* 202 Sapphire, short brass shank
KNIGHT SAPPHIRE CUTTING NEEDLE. Precision- ground and highly 65 R 9631 202 Sapphire, long brass shank 3.88
polished. Short shank. Has .003' tip. Av. life, 5 hrs. 2 oz. 65 R 964* 34 Stellite, short brass shank
65 RC 800. NET EACH 3.88 65 R 9651 34 Stellite, long brass shank 1.47
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 15
Stereo -Inline Recorded Tapes
Slue ape NET
Mfr Description

68 RR 502 ST-5 Bel Canto TRIBUTE TO VICTOR HERBERT. Stockholm String Orch. 1 7.96
68RR501 ST-7 Bel Canto POLKA PARTY IN STEREO Razzberry Reynolds Band. 6.36
68 RR 503 ST-11 Bel Canto SYMPHONY FOR GLENN MILLER. Hamburg Phil. Orch. 9.56
68 RR 503 ST-11 Bel Canto ADVENTURES IN EXOTIC LANDS. Parrs Theater Orch. 9.56
68 RR 502 ST-13 Bel Canto OKLAHOMA -Arr RENNET). New World Theater Orch. 7.96
68 RR 501 ST-14 Bel Canto SOUTH PACIFIC Arr. BENNET). New World Theater Orch. 6.36
68 RR 502 ST-17 Bel Canto WARSAW CONCERTO & RHAPS. IN BLUE. Hamburg Phil. Orch. 7.96
68 503RR ST-20 Bel Canto AROUND THE WORLD IN MI DAYS. From original film score. 9.56
65 673RR 22 -2 Concertapes FAVORITE SHOW TUNES NO. L Sorkin Strings. 11.95
65 673RR 22 -6 Concertapes FAVORITE SHOW TUNES NO 2. Sorkin Strings. I .95 1

65 672RR 101 -A Con :e rtapes MUSIC OF JOHANN STRAUSS Srntontelta. Sorkin coed I .95 1

65 669RR 601 Concertapes SOUND IN THE ROUND, VOL I. Intro. to stereo. 7.95
65 RR 669 602 Concertapes GRIEG PEER GYNT SUITE NO I. Sinlonietta, Sorkin 7.95
65 RR 669 603 Coser rtapes TEMPO NUEVO (Eden moodsl. Concertapes Orch 7.95
65 RR 669 504 Concertapes SOUND IN THE ROUND. VOL. 2. More stereo. 7.95
65 RR 669 508 Coe.:edapo SWINGIN' EASY. The Moderns. 7.95
64 RR 853 R602 HI Ft Tapes BAND WITH A BEAT. Harry Zimmerman Band. 12.95
64 RR 853 R707 H. Fi Tapes MORE GEO. WRIGHT. Wurlitzer pipe organ 12.95
64 RR 853 R70B Hi Ft Tapes SHOW TIME Wright playing Wurlitrer organ. 12.95
65 RR 644 AT7-68 N Livmgston RAMPART RAMBLERS. W. DeParis and New Orleans Band. 9.56
65 RR 605 EM7-6BN Livingston RED ONION JAll BAND. VOL. L All -star group. 9.56
65 RR 602 T 1062 B N Livingston ERSKINE BUTTERFIELD- -JUST FOR KICKS. Swing. 9.56
65 RR 602 T108/BN Livingston BARBARA CARROLL TRIO. Pop. 8 standard favorites 9.56
65 RR 602 T1083BN Livingston LENNY HERMAN Si MIGHTIEST LITTLE BAND. Pops 9.56
68 RR 510; M 052-1 Mercury GREAT SONGS FROM HIT SHOWS. Sarah Vaughan. 10.36
68 RR 5101 M 052-2 Mercury HAVANA IN HI FI. Richard Hayman. 10.36
68 RR 5101 M 1352-3 Mercury LET'S DANCE. David Carroll. 10.36
68 RR 510i M DS2-6 Mercury MOODS IN MUSIC. Green and Iles. 10.36
68 RR 512
68 RR 512
BARTOK. Minneapolis Symphony.
68 RR 512 M 056-3 Mercury BIZET CARMEN. Detroit Symphony, Patay Cond. 10.36
64 RR 864 ST -2001 Omegatape I MISTER ZITHER. A. Kares. Vienna Amusement Orch 11.95
65 RR 61 I ST -7006 Omegalalse ! THE HI.LO'S IN HI -FI. Hi-Lo's 6 F. Comstock OreS I1.95
65 RR 61 I ST -7013 Orriegatape I OUT OF THIS WORLD. Dick Mark's Quanet
Nan Pastor--The Intervals. I 1 .95
68 RR 514 RTS -600 Pentane RIO RHYTHMS Rhumbas and Mambos. 5.95
68RR 514 RTS -600 Pentane MUGGSY SPANIER 6 HIS ORCHESTRA. Playing Dreielend 5.95
68 RR 514 RTS -800 Pentape DUKE ELLINGTON ORIGINALS Blues. 5.95
68RR514 RTS -900 Penlape CLARK TERRY E HIS ORCHESTRA. Popular Insoles. 5.95
65 RR 649 ECS -4 RCA BRAHMS: CONCERTO IN D. Heitelz. Chi. Sym., Reiner. 11.96
65 RR 649 ECS -9 RCA BARTOK: COACERTO FOR ORCHESTRA. Chi. Sym. Reiner cond 11.96
65 RR 649 ECS -16 RCA OFFENBACK. GAITS PARISIENNE. Boston Pops. Fiedler. 11.96
65 RR 609 FC S-2 RCA R. STRAUSS: EIN HELDENLEBEN. Chi. Sym., Reiner. 13.56
68 RR 508 AioOS Stereoph'ny PIANO IN STEREO. Austin Throcknnrton. 6.95
68 RR 509 B1215 Stereoph'nv DOC EVANS PLAYS DIXIE IN STEREO. "Doc" S H6 Band. 7.95
MOW TO ORDER TAPES 68 RR 508 A1315 Stereoph'ny TWIN IVORIES. Austin I
Scofield Piano learn 6.95
When ordering tapes listed on this page. give 64 RR 852 Stereotapes STAN SELTZER'S STEREO STEINWAY Pops 9.56
both the Stock No. and Tape No. Selections 64 RR 851 ST -6 Stereotapes JAll HYSTERO. Jack MHlman Quintet. 6.36
for every taste-classical, popular, and jazz I.95
-by the world's leading artists. Tape cata- 64
880 S W 88001
880 S W 88003
BACH: 2 FUGUES. D. L C- MINOR. Weinrich. organ.
STRAVINSKY: L'HIST. DU SOL. Ars Nova. Mandell cond. I.95
log listed below. All tapes on this page are 64 880 S W B8004
RR Sonotape TOCCATAS FOR ORGAN. Owen, organ. I.95
for 71/ per sec. playback. Stereophonic 64 880 S W 813006
RR Sonotape LEIBERT TAKES RICHMOND. Leiben, organ. I .95
tapes are tor stacked -head machines. If SOUNDPROOF! Tomorrow's Sound Today. Ferrante 8 Teeher. .95
staggered-head tape is desired, write "Spe- 64 RR 880 5 W 88007 Sonotape 1

64 RR 880 S W 88008 Sonotape CHRISTMAS AT RADIO CITY. Leitort, organ. I.95

cial" in place of Stock No.. and specify 64 RR 880 S W 88012 Sonot ape IEIBERT TAKES A HOLIDAY. Embed, organ. I .95
"staggered- head" in description. Allow 2 -.3 64 RR 880 S W 88014 Sonotape TCHAIKOVSKY: QUARTER NO. 1, 0. Cudn String Quartet. I .95
weeks for delivery of staggered -head tapes. 64 RR 881 S W B9002 Sonotape TCHAIKOVSKY: NUTCRACKER BALLET. Rodzinski. 7.95
Av. shpg. wt.. 12 oz.
FREE ALLIED TAPE CATALOG Monaural Recorded Tapes
Up-to-date listing of the tapes in stock. Stock Tape MFr. Description NET
Lists over 200 selections of music and No No. EACH
sounds. Frequently revised. AT-1 JAll. 6 selections by 6 boards. 3.95
65 RR 634 Aiphatapes HIGH FIDELITY
64 R 858. Free 65 RR 634 AT-4 Alphatayes LATINO. Carlos Molina S His Orchestra. 3.95
65 RR601
Bei Canto
Bel Canto
Selections for tape demonstration,. 65 RR 601 103 Bel Canto THE MIRACLE OF A DREAM. Jay White 8 His Orchestra. 5.56
BEL CANTO DT -27. Monaural. 6SRR601 107 Bel Canto YOUR FATHER'S MOUSTACHE IN HI -FI. A. White S Orch. 5.56
2.00 65 RR 601 301 Bel Canto IN OLD BAVARIA. Polkas. Schermann R Orch. 5.56
65R617.NET 65 RR 601 603 Bel Canto CHICAGO JAll. D. Remington S Chicago Jazz Band. 5.56
BEL CANTO ST -DX. Stereo. 3.95
3.95 64 RR 855 403 Concertapes TEMPO NUEVO. Latin moods. Concertapes Orch.
64 R 878. NET 64 RR 855 405 Concertapes SWINGIN' EASY The Moderns. 3.95
SONOTAPE SWB-DEM. 1. Stereo. 65 RR 674 451 Cone napes MUSIC OT JOHANN STRAUSS. Sintometta, Sorkin coed 7.95
64 RR 882. NET 6.95 65 RR 629 R702 Hi Ft Tapes GEO. WRIGHT ENCORES. Wright at Wurlitzer Organ. 6.95
65 RR 629 R708 Hi Ft Tapes GEO. WRIGHT'S SHOW TIME. Wurlitzer Organ. 6.95
68 RR 507. NET 4.95 65 RR 686 RT-600 Pentapes RIO RHYTHMS. 3.95
65 RR 686 RT-600 Pentapes MUGGSY SPANIER R HIS ORCHESTRA. Playing Dixieland 3.95
2.00 65 RR 686 RT-700 Pentapes HYMNS. Shay Torrent. 3.95
64 RR 850. NET 65 RR 686 RT-800 Pentanes DUKE ELLINGTON ORIGINALS. Blues. 3.95
65 RR 686 RT-900 Pentapes CLARK TERRY R HIS ORCHESTRA. Popular favorites. 3.95
STEREO TEST TAPES 65 RR 686 RTM-1 Pentapes MOODS IN MUSIC. Larry Paige Orchestra. 3.95
SONOTAPE SWB-Al -101. For checking head 64 RR 859 AP-33 RCA SHALL WE DANCE Freddy Martini His Orchestra. 5.56
azimuth, speaker locations, frequency re- 65 RR 618 BC-11 RCA RHAPS. IN BLUE (Comp.) Si GR. CANYON SUITE (Excerpb). 7.16
65 RR 646 BP-2 RCA MUSIC FOR RELAXATION. Melechrino Strings. 7.16
sponse. tape speed, balance, dynamic range. RR 646 BP-7 SOFT AND SWEET. Three Suns with string orch. 7.16
65 RCA
etc. Includes musical selections. Supplied 65 RR 646 BP-11 RCA THE ONE THE ONLY. Kay Starr. 7.16
with tuning fork. 7e reel. 12 oz. 7.16
64 RR 886, NET II 95 65
RR 646 BP-23
RR 646 BP-46
ITS LOVE Lena Horny with Lenny Hayon & Orch.
ONE NIGHT IN VENICE. Armando & His Orchestra. 7.16
STEREOPHONY T -504. Checks balance, 5- 65 RR 646 BP-4B RCA CALYPSO. Harry Belatente. 7.16
reel. Shpg. wt.. 11 oz. 65 RR 647 C P-10 RCA BELAFONTE. Harry Belalonte. B.76
65 RR 647 CP-26 RCA HI FI AND WIDE. The Three Suns. 8.76
68 RR 506. NET 1.98
% Allied Is Headquarters for Tapes and Tapa Equipment
RCA TV Picture Tubes
Fully guaranteed for I year. Number prefix in tube
type indicates screen size. All tubes have magnetic
focus and deflection, except telectrostatic focus
and deflection, and :electrostatic focus and mag-
netic deflection. Indicates aluminized screens. De-
partment AX3 designates RCA, AX4 Raytheon;
AXS Dumont. Prices include Federal Excise Tax.
When ordering, give the complete Stock Number,
which consists of the Dept. No. and the Manufac-
turer's Tube Type. Tubes can be assorted for quan-
tity price. Shipped by express only.
Stock No. EACH Stock No.
Dept. Type EACH
2-5 6 or More Dept. Type EACH 2 -5 6 or More
AX3 5TP4t 8 78.25 57.48 54.61 51.74 AX3 20DP4C/
AX3 11P4t 29.50 21.71 20.63 19.54 20CPID
AX3 8DP4t
S 48.00 35.28 33.52 31.75
15.68 14.90
21.35 1 4. 1 1 AX3 20HP4A/
AX3 10BP44 22.50 6.5 I 15.69 14.87
AX3 10FP4A
1 20MP4 42.00 30.92 29.38 27.83
27.35 20.09 19.09 18.08 A X3 20HP1 49.80 36.60 34.78 32.95
AX3 12KP4A 31.75 23.32 22.26 20.99 AX3 21ACPIA/
AX3 121P44 27.25 19.94 18.95 17.95 21BSP4
AX4 14ASP4t
48.00 35.28 33.52 31.75
42.00 30.92 29.38 27.83 AX3 21ALPIAj 49.80 36.60 34.78 32.95
AX3 14ATP1 34.75 25.48 24.21 22.93 21ALPIBj
AX3 14EP4/14CP1/
AX3 49.80 36.60 34.78 32.95
AX3 21AMP4A 48.00 35.28 33.52 31.75
14BP4 29.25 21.56 20.48 19.40 AX3 21AP4 50.75 37.24 35.38
11HP4t 33.52
AX3 29.25 21.56 20.48 19.40 AX3 21ATP4j 49.80 36.60 34.78 32.95
AX3 11QP4Aj 37.95 27.88 26.49 25.10 AX3 21ATPIAj 36.60
49.80 34.78 32.95
14RP4 29.25 21.56 20.48 19.40 A X3 21AVP4/
AX3 14RP4A 36.20 26.61 25.28 23.95 21AUP4t 30.92 29.38
42.00 27.83
16AP4A 48.25 35.43 33.66 31.89 AX3 2IAVP4B/
AX3 I6DP4A 45.75 33.66 31.99 30.30 21AUP4B/
AX3 16GP4B 48.25 35.43 33.66 31.89 21AVP4A/
AX3 16LP44 44.50 32.68 31.06 29.42 21AUP4Aj
AX3 16RP4/16KP4
49.80 36.60 34.78 32.95
33.25 24.50 23.27 22.05 AX3 21AWP4 48.00 35.28 33.52 31.75
16KP4A 40.75 29.94 28.45 26.95
ÁX3 211 BTP4t* 49.80 36.60 34.78 32.95
AX3 21CBP4Aj 47.50 34.84 33.10 31.36
AX3 16TP4 33.25 24.50 23.27 22.05 AX3 210EP4t 40.52
AX3 16WP4A
55.15 38.50 36.48
44.50 32.68 31.06 29.42 AX3 2tDFP4j 52.50 38.66 36.73 34.80
AX4 16ZP4 44.50 32.68 31.06 29.42 AX3 30.92
AX3 17AVP4/
21EP4A 42.00 29.38 27.83
17ATP4j A X3 21EP48 49.80 36.60 34.78 32.95
35.25 25.82 24.54 23.25 21FP4Aj 32.14
AX3 17AVP4A/
A X3 43.75 30.54 28.93
AX3 21FP4Cj 51.50 37.88 35.99 34.09
17ATP4Aj5 42.45 31.21 29.65 28.10 AX5 21 KPIA* 40.18
AX3 1761P4j'
54.75 38.17 36.16
40.50 29.74 28.26 26.77 A X3 21MP4j 52.50 38.66 36.73 34.80
AX3 17BPIA 33.25 24.50 23.27 22.05
AX3 17BP413' 40.75 29.94 28.45 26.95
AX4 21WP4 40.25 29.60 28.12 26.64
A X4 21 W P4A 45.50 33.52 31.84 30.16
AX3 17BVP4j 47.80 35.13 33.38 31.62 AX3 21YP4j 42.00 30.92 29.38 27.83
AX3 176ZP4j 47.65 35.02 33.29 31.54 AX3 21YP4At 49.80 36.60 34.78 32.95
AX3 11CDP4j' 47.65 35.02 33.29 31.54 29.60
A X3 211P4Á 40.25 28.12 26.64
17CP4 43.75 32.14 30.54 28.93 ÄX3 211P4B 48.00 35.28 33.52 31.75
AX3 17GP4t 48.25 35.43 33.66 31.89 AX3 24AEP4j 68.50 50.32 47.81 45.30
AX3 17HP4/178P4j 35.25 25.82 24.54 23.25 AX3 24CP4A
AX3 11HP4B/
69.35 50.96 48.41 45.86
AX3 24DP4A/
17RP4Cj 42.45 31.21 29.65 28.10 24YP4j 71.45 52.53 49.90 47.28
AX5 17KP4j 35.75 26.21 24.91 23.60
AX3 111P4/17VP4j AX3 24VP4A 69.35 50.96 48.41 45.86
35.25 25.82 24.54 23.25 AX4 27EP1 118.75 87.22 82.86 78.50
AX3 17LP4A/ AX3 27MP1 126.47 120.25
163.50 I 3.83

42.45 31.21 29.65 28.10 AX4 27RP1 118.75 87.22 82.86 78.50
AX3 17QP4 33.25 25.82 24.54 23.25
AX3 17QP4A 29.94 28.45
AX3 21 A X P22j 160.00 127.40
40.75 26.95 (Color)
AX3 17TP4j 43.75 32.14 30.54 28.93 AX3 21AXP22Aj
AX3 194P4B
160.00 127.40
52.50 38.66 36.73 34.80 (Color)
AX3 20DP44/20CP44 40.25 29.60 28.12 26_6l

Fits Most Sets

Self Focusing
Saves Time
Here's an extremely versatile 8" rectangular
universa picture tube -a great aid in tele-
vision se vicing. An exceptionally valuable,
time -saving accessory -permits testing tele-
vision se without using the original picture RCA TUBE & SERVICE AIDS
tube. Eliminates the necessity for taking the 1275 -G RECEIVING TUBE CHARACTERISTICS
original picture tube to service shop and pro- RC -18 RCA RECEIVING TUBE MANUAL. Latest
BOOKLET. Helpful guide. No charge with edition. Lists characteristics and typical
vider positive substitution test for question- tube order.
able picture t u bes. Lightweight and com pact. operating conditions of ll current RCA
Can be used in virtually all electromagnet- 37 A 059. Postpaid In U.S.A.......... I4c receiving type tubes. Includes discussions
ically deflected television sets regardless of 3F37B TUBE MOVEMENT AND INVENTORY covering characteristics. applications and
the deflection angle. For 53 °, 70 °, and 90° GUIDE. No charge with tube order. installation of electron tubes. No charge
deflection circuits. No ion trap required. 37 A 127. Postpaid in U.S A IOC with order of 15 tubes.
Automatic self -focusing. Ideal for electro- KB -106 PICTURE TUBE CHARACTERISTICS 37K575. Postpaid in U.S.A 75c
static or magnetic -focus sets. A "must" for BOOKLET AND REPLACEMENT DIRECTORY. A
every TV service shop. Slim. wt.. 6 lbs. valuable "must No charge with tube order. 1 picture tube equals 35 receiving tubes
2I.56 on RCA service aids or literature orders.
AX5 8XP4. NET 37 A 141. Postpaid in U.S A ...I2c
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, III. 97
RCA Receiving Tubes
NAME IN ELECTRONIC TUBES. Premi- You can be sure of complete satis-
um- quality tubes, universally known faction when you order receiving
for their absolutely dependable per- tubes from Allied. We will replace
formance. Purchasers of tubes in any tube listed on these pages that
quantity lots may obtain RCA serv- does not give efficient performance
ice aids, tube literature and promo- for 12 months from date of purchase.
tion displays at no cost -see page This does not apply to burned -out
97 of this Catalog . *Not made by or broken tubes. Av. shpg. wt. per
RCA-other well -known brands. tube, 4 oz; per 10 tubes, 21/2 lbs.

You Save If You Buy More Than 5 Tubes

any one type or assorted types
The first net price column to 5) is for orders of less than 6 tubes. If you buy 6 or more of
net price column (6 to 49). For 50 tubes and over, use the third price column.
(up to a total of 49), use the second


Tube List In Quantities o1:
Tube List In Quantities of:
Type Price Type Price
or More 1 to 6to49 60orMore
1 to 6 6to49 50
.68 3S4 $2.30 1.31 1.15 1.03
024 $1.55 .87 .76 1.23 1.08 .97
OZ4G 1.90 1.06 .93 .84 3V4 2.20
4AU i 1.95 1.09 .96 .86
1A3 2.70 1.51 1.32 1.19 1.17 1.03 .93
1.43 1.25 1.12 4BC 5* 2.10
1ASGT 2.55 3.65 2.04 1.79 1.61
1A7GT 2.95 1.65 1.44 1.30 4BC 8
4BN 5* 2.80 1.56 1.37 1.23
LADS 3.90 2.18 1.91 1.72 1.74 1.57
1.40 1.26 4BQ 7-A 3.55 1.98
1AH4* 2.85 1.59 3.65 2.04 1.79 1.61
1AJ5* 2.90 1.62 1.43 1.29 4135 I
1.27 1.14
1.32 1.19 4BU 3* 2.60 1.45
1AX2 2.70 1.51
4B 8* 3.45 1.93 1.69 1.52
B3GT 2.60 1.45 1.27 1.14 .93

L29 4BZ i* 2.10 1.17 .03

1C5GT 2.90 1.62 1.43 2.04 .79 1.61
2.23 2.01 413Z 7 3.65
1D8GT* 4.55 2.54 2.10 .17 .03 .93
1DN5 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 4C B 5
2.11 1.90 4CY 5* 2.50 .40 .23 1.11
1E8 4.30 2.40 .09 .96 .86
1G4GT* 2.60 1.45 1.27 1.14 4DT 6 1.95
SA 2.93 .65 .44 1.30
1G6GT* 3.00 1.68 1.47 1.32 18
.57 1.41
1.15 1.03 SAN 8 3.20 .79
1H4G^ 2.35 1.31 2.05 .15 .00 .90
HSGT 2.45 1.37 .20 1.08 SAO 5
1 1

SAS 4A 1.90 .06 .93 .84

L4 2.35 1.31 1.15 1.03 .49 1.34
1.43 1.29 SAS 3 3.05 .70
1 L6 2.90 1.62 .43 1.29
1.64 1.48 SAT B 2.90 .62
1LA4* 3.35 1.87 3.15 .76 .54 1.39
1LA6 3.30 1.84 .62 1.46 SAU 4^

5AV 8 3.20 .79 .57 1.41
iLB4 3.55 1.98 1.74 1.67 .23 1.11
1.54 1.39 SA W4- 2.50 .40
1LC5 3.15 1.76 2.15 .20 .05 .94
1.46 SAZ 4
1L D5
1.62 1.46 SB8 3.20- .79 .57 1.41
1.62 1.46 5B E 3* 2.90 .62 .43
1LE3 3.30 1.84 .79 .57 1.41
1LG5 3.15 1.76 1.54 1.39 SB K 7A 3.20
1.39 5130 7A 3.55 .98 .74 1.57
1LH4 3.15 1.76 1.54 .70 .49 1.34
1.39 5B R8 3.05
1 N5GT
.43 1.29 5BT 6 3.10 .73 .62 1.37
1.34 5CG 8 2.90 .62 .43 1.29
1 O5GT * 3.05 1.70 .49 .62 .43 1.29
2.35 1.31 .15 .03 SC L Be 2.90
1 R5 I
3.20 .79 .57 1.41
154 2.85 1.59 .40 1.26 SC 18*
.49 1.34
.00 .90 SCQ 8 3.05 .70
1S5 2.05 1.15 .27 1.14
1.23 .08 .97 SCZ 5 2.60 .45
1T4 2.20
2.55 .43 .25 1.12
1U4 2.20 1.23 .08 .97 5J 6
1.09 .96 .86 5T4 5.45 3.04 2.67
1U5 1.95 1.76 1.39
1.62 .43 1.29 5T8 3.15 1.54
1.80 1.01 .88 .79 5124 G* 1.811 .01_ .88 .79
.79 1.61 5124 GA* 1.90 1.06 .93
1V6* 3.65 2.04 1.06 .93 .84
X2A 2.70 1.51 .32 1.19 5U4 -GB 1.90
1.19 5128 3.05 1.70 1.49 1.34
1X28 2.70 1.51 .32 1.56 1.23
2.25 5V4 G 2.80 I .37
2A3 5.10 2.85 .50 1.43 1.12
2A6* 2.85 1.59 1.26 5V4 GA* 2.55 1.25
2.04 .79 .6 SW .GT* 1.75 .98 .86
2AF4-A 3.65


5X4 G 2.25 1.26 I.10 99

2B3* 2.60 1.45 1.62 1.29
2BN4 2.25 1.26 .10 .99 5X8 2.90 1.43
.27 1.14 5Y3 GT 1.55 .87 .76 .68
2CY5 2.60 1.45 1.15 .90_
3.15 1.76 .54 1.39 5V4 GT 2.05 1.00
3A2 1.45 1.14
3.05 1.70 1.34 5Z3 2.60 1.27
3A3 3.90 .18 1.91 1.72
3AF4A 3.65 2.04 .79 .6 5Z4


1.70 .95 .83 .75 6A3 4.05 1.98

3AU6 1.95 1.09 .96 .86
2.38 2.14 6A8 3.30
I .84
-11.62 2
.61.66 1.46
3BC5 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 6A8 G I

.97 6A8 GT 3.30 1.84 1.62 1.46

313N4* 2.20 1.23 1.08
3B N6
6A 134
6A BS/6N5
1.76 _1
1.54 _I .82
.93 6A 67 3.95 2.21 1.94 1.75
3BY6 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 1.69 1.52
3BZ6 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 6A C5GT 3.45 1

.93 6A C7 3.50 1.96 1.72 1.55

3C BG 2.10 1.17 1.03 2.60 2.28 2.05
2.30 1.29 1.13 1.02 6A 17G 4.65
3C F6
2.20 1.23 1.08 .97 6A F4-A 3.60 _2.01 1.76 1.58
3DK6* 2.20 1.23 1.08 .97 6A 3.10 1.73 -- 1.52- -1.37
.96 .86 6A 15 2.20 1.23 1.08 .97
3DT6 1.95 1.09 3.90 2.18 1.91 1.72
3L F4 3.55 1.98 1.74 1.67 6A 17
1.15 1.03 6A I4GT 2.80 1.56 1.37 1.23
304 2.35 1.31 2.35 2.06 1.85
3QSGT 3.10 1.73 1.52 1.37 6A H a 4.20

98 As New Receiving Tubes are Released by Manufacturers, Allied Will Stock Them
RCA Receiving Tubes
In Quantities of: Tube List In Quantities of:
Type Price Type Pries
I to 5 6 to 49 50 or More 1 to 5 6 to 49 50 or More
6AH6V* $4.20 2.35 2.06 1.85 6CM7 $2.55 I.43 1.25 1.12
6AJ4* 4.40 2.46 2.16 1.94 6C N7 2.30 1.29 1.13 1.02
6AK6 4.05 2.26 1.98 1.78 6C08 2.95 1.65 1.44 1.30
6AK6 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12 6CR6* 2.05 1.15 1.00 .90
6AL6 1.65 .92 .81 .73 6CS6 2.15 1.20 1.05 .94
6AL7GT 5.00 2.79 2.45 2.20 6CS7* 2.60 1.45 1.27 1.14
6A M4 5.35 2.99 2.62 2.36 6CÚ5 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93
6AM8A 2.90 1.62 1.43 1.29 6CÚ8 3.30 1.84 1.62 1.46
6AN4 4.55 2.54 2.23 2.01 6CY5* 2.50 I.40 1.23 1.11
6AN8 3.15 1.76 1.54 1.39 6CZ5 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12
6AQ5A 2.00 1.12 .98 .88 6D6 3.15 1.76 1.54 1.39
6AQ6 1.85 1.03 .91 .82 6DC6 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12
6AQ7GT 3.05 1.70 1.49 1.34 6DE6 2.20 1.23 1.08 .97
6A R5 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 6DG6GT 2.20 1.23 1.08 .97
6AS5 2.15 1.20 1.05 .94 601(6 2.20 1.23 1.08 .97
6AS8 3.05 1.70 1.49 I.34 6 DQ5 6.95 3.88 3.40 3.06
6AT6 1.65 .92 .81 .73 6006 -A 3.90 2.18 1.91 1.72
6AT8A 2.90 1.62 1.43 1.29 6055 2.35 1.31 1.15 1.03
6AU4GTA 3.05 1.70 1.49 1.34 6DT6 1.95 1.09 .96 .86
6AU5GT .3.65 2.04 1.79 1.61 6E5 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12
6AQ6 1.90 1.06 .93 .84 6F6 2.65 1.48 1.30 1.17
6AU6A* 1.90 1.06 .93 .84 6F5GT 2.60 1.45 1.27 1.14
6AÚ8 3.15 1.76 1.54 1.39 6F6 3.05 1.70 1.49 I .34
6AV5GA 3.55 1.98 1.74 1.57 6F6G 2.70 1.51 1.32 I.19
6AV6 1.60 .89 .78 .70 6F6GT 2.45 1.37 1.20 1.08
6AW8A 3.30 1.84 1.62 1.46 6F7 4.65 2.60 2.28 2.05
6AX4GT 2.45 1.37 1.20 1.08 6F8G 4.30 2.40 2.11 1.90
6AX5GT 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12 6G6G 3.35 1.87 1.64 1.48
6AX8* 2.90 I .62 1.43 1.29 6H6 2.40 1.34 1.18 1.06
6AZ8 3.55 1.98 1.74 1.57 6J5 2.15 1.20 1.05 .94
6B4G 4.55 2.54 2.23 2.01 6J5GT 2.15 1.20 1.05 .94
6B71 3.50 1.96 1.72 1.55 6J6 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12
6B8 3.90 2.18 1.91 1.72 6J6A* 2.55 I.43 1.25 1.12
6BA6 1.90 1.06 .93 .84 6J7 3.05 1.70 1.49 1.34
6BA7 3.15 1.76 1.54 1.39 6J7GT 3.05 1.70 1.49 1.34
6BA8A 3.30 1.84 1.62 1.46 6K5GT* 2.65 1.48 1.30 1.17
6BC4 4.45 2.49 2.18 1.96 6K6GT 2.00 1.12 .98 .88
6BC6 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 6K7 3.10 1.73 1.52 1.37
6BC7 3.20 1.79 1.57 1.41 6K7GT 2.70 1.51 1.32 1.19
6BC8 3.60 2.01 1.76 1.58 6K8 3.65 2.04 1.79 1.61
6BD4-A 21.50 12.00 10.53 9.48 6L5G* 2.85 1.59 1.40 1.26
61306 1.95 1.09 .96 .86 6L6 5.15 2.88 2.52 2.27
6BE6 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 6L6GB 3.90 2.18 1.91 1.72
6BF5 2.25 1.26 1.10 .99 6L7 3.55 1.98 I.74 I.57
6BF6 1.70 .95 .83 .75 6N7 3.40 1.90 1.66 1.49
6BG6GA 5.55 3.10 2.72 2.45 6N7GT 3.30 1.84 1.62 1.46
6BH6 2.45 1.37 1.20 1.08 6P5GT* 2.45 1.37 1.20 1.08
6BH8 3.15 1.76 1.54 1.39 607 2.90 1.62 1.44 1.30
6BJ6 2.35 1.31 1.15 1.03 6Q7GT 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12
6B144 6.35 3.55 3.11 2.80 6 R7 3.10 1.73 1.52 1.37
6BK5 2.95 1.65 1.44 1.30 6R8* 3.60 2.01 1.76 1.58
6BK7B 3.15 1.76 1.54 1.39 654-A 1.85 1.03 .91 .82
6BL4 5.60 3.13 2.74 2.47 657 3.60 2.01 1.76 1.58
6BL7GT 3.55 1.98 1.74 1.57 658GT 2.75 1.54 1.35 1.21
6BN4 2.20 1.23 1.08 .97 6SA7 2.60 1.45 1.27 1.14
6BN6 2.70 1.51 1.32 1.19 65A7GT 2.60 I .45 1.27 1.14
6BN8 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12 6SB7Y 3.85 2.I5 1.89 1.70
6BQ6GTB/6CU6 3.90 2.18 1.91 1.72 6SC7 2.70 1.51 1.32 1.19
6B07A 3.55 1.98 1.74 1.57 6SD7GT* 3.35 1.87 1.64 1.48
6BR8 2.95 1.65 I .44 1.30 6S F5 2.30 1.29 1.13 1.02
6BS8 3.50 1.96 1.72 .55 6S F5GT 2.30 1.29 1.13 1.02
6BU8 2.60 1.45 1.27 .14 6S F7 3.05 1.70 I .49 I .34
6BV8* 2.80 1.56 1.37 .23 6SG7 2.95 1.65 I .44 1.30
6BX7GT 3.60 2.01 1.76 .58 6S HT 3.05 1.70 1.49 1.34
6BY5 -GA 3.15 1.76 1.54 .39 6SJ7 2.45 1.37 1.20 1.08
6BY6 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 6SJ7GT 2.35 1.31 1.15 1.03
6BV8* 2.55 1.43 1.25 .12 6S K7 2.40 1.34 1.18 1.06
6B26 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 6SK7GT 2.40 1.34 1.18 1.06
6BZ7 3.60 2.01 1.76 .58 6SL7GT 2.95 I .65 1.44 1.30
6BZ8/X155* 4.2S 2.37 2.08 .87 6SN7GTA* 2.25 1.26 I.10_ .99
6C4 1.65 .92 .81 .73 6SN7GTB 2.35 1.31 1.15 1.03
6C5 2.35 I.3I 1.15 .03 6507 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93
6C5GT 2.15 1.20 1.05 .94 6SQ7GT 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93
6C6 3.15 1.76 1.54 .39 6S R7 2.35 1.31 1.15 1.03
6C8G 4.30 2.40 2.11 .90 6557 2.70 1.51 1.32 1.19
6C 135A 6.15 3.44 3.01 2.71 6SZ7 2.70 1.51 1.32 1.19
6CB6 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 6T4 3.60 2.01 1.76 1.58
6CB6A* 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 6T8 3.15 1.76 1.54 1.39
6C D6GA 5.20 2.90 2.55 2.29 6T8A* 3.10 1.73 1.52 1.37
6CE5* 2.05 1.15 1.00 .90 6U5 2.50 1.40 1.23 1.11
6C F6 2.25 1.26 1.10 .99 6U7G* 2.40 1.34 1.18 1.06
6CG7 2.30 1.29 1.13 1.02 6Ú8A 2.95 1.65 1.44 1.30
6CG8 2.90 1.62 1.43 1.29 6V3A 3.95 2.21 1.94 1.75
6C H8 3.25 1.82 1.59 1.43 6V6 3.00 2.18 1.91 1.72
6C L6 3.25 1.82 1.59 1.43 6V6GT n 1.12 .98 .88
6C L8* 2.90 1.62 1.43 1.29
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 99
RCA Receiving Tubes

You Save If You Buy More Than 5 Tubes

The first net price column 11 to 5) is for orders of less than 6 tubes. If you buy
6 or more tubes of any one type or assorted types (and up to a total of 49),
use the prices in the second net price column (6 to 49). For 50 tubes and over,
use the third price column (50 or More).


Tube List In Quantities of: Tube List In Quantities of:
Type Prior Typo Pries
to to 49 50 or Moro I to 5 6 to 49 50 or Moro
1 5 6
6V8* $3.75 2.10 1.84 .66 12AX4-GTA $2.45 1.37 1.20 1.08
.94 12A17 2.30 1.29 .13 1.02
6W4GT 2.15 1.20 1.05 I

.14 12A27 2.60 1.45 1.27 1.14

6W6GT 2.60 1.45 1.27
2.55 1.12
1.50 .84 .67 12134-A 1.43 1.25
6X4 .74
12BA6 1.90 I.06 .93 .84
6X5GT 1.75 .98 .86 .77
1.62 .43 .29 128A7 3.15 1.76 1.54 1.39
6X8 2.90 I
12BD6 1.95 1.09 .96 .86
6Y6G 2.95 1.65 1.44 .30
1.25 .12 12BE6 2.00 1.12 .98 .88
6ZY5G* 2.55 1.43
7A4 2.60 1.45 1.27 .14 12BF6 1.70 .95 .83 .75
1.44 .30 12BH7-A 2.70 1.51 1.32 1.19
7A5 2.95 1.65
L43 1.25 1.12 12B0* 3.05 I.70 1.49. 1.34
7A6 2.55 2.05 1.15 1.00 .90
7A7 2.65 L48 1.30 1.17 12B1.6
1.52 1211066T8/12096 4.05 2.26 1.98 1.78
7A8 3.10 1.73 1.37
TAD7 4.95 2.77 2.43 2.19 126 RR7 1.31 1.15 1.03
12BV7 2.70 1.51 I.32 1.19
TAFT 2.95 1.65 1.44 1.30
TAGT 3.10 1.73 1.52 1.37 12BY7-A 2.80 I.56 1.37 1.23
12BZ7 2.80 1.56 1.37 1.23
IAHT 2.95 1.65 1.44 1.30
TAUT 2.35 1.31 1.15 L03 12C5 12CU5* 2.10 1.17 I .03 .93
12C8 4.40 2.46 2.16 1.94
7B4 2.40 1.34 1.18 1.06
2.40 1.18 12CA5 2.20 1.23 1.08 .97
785 1.34 1.06
1.17 12C N6* 1.95 1.09 .96 .86
7136 2.65 1.48 1.30
2.05 .90
7B7 2.65 1.48 1.30 1.17 12C R6 1.15 1.00
1.26 12CU6 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93
7138 2.85 1.59 1.40
3.90 1.72 12096/128066A* 3.80 2.12 1.86 I .67
TC4* 2.18 1.91
3.45 .52
7C6 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12 12CT8* 1.93 1.69 I

1.17 12CX6 1.95 1.09 .96 .86

7C6 2.65 1.48 1.30
2.55 1.43 1.12 12134* 1.40 1.23 I .1 1

7C7 1.25
3.90 2.18 1.72
3.15 1.76 1.39 12 DQ6-A 1.9
1.39 12EM6* 2.70 1.51 1.32 1.19
TE6* 3.15 1.76 1.54
2.70 1.51 1.32 9
7E7 3.55 1.98 1.74 1.57 12E146* 1 . 1

1.30 12F8 2.45 1.37 1.20 1.08

TF7 2.95 1.65 1.44
7F8 3.65 2.04 1.79 1.61 12H6 2.40 1.34 1.18 I

1.41 12J64WT 2.15 1.20 1.05 .94

7G7 3.20 1.79 1.57
3.30 1.84 1.62 1.46 12J7GT 3.03 1.70 1.49
7147 3.15 1.76 1.54 1.39
7J7 4.05 2.26 1.98 1.78 12J8*
1.98 1.74 121(6 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12
7K7 3.55 1.57
2.70 1.51
TL7* 3.35 1.87 1.64 1.48 12 K7GT 1.32 1.19
1.32 12K8 3.65 2.04 1.79 1.61
7N7 2.70 1.51 1.19
707 3.30 1.84 1.62 1.46 12L6GT 2.20 1.23 1.08 .97
1.98 1207GT 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12
7 R7 4.05 2.26 1.78
3.75 1.66 121R5* 2.20 1.23 1.08 .97
7V7 2.10 I.84
7WT 3.75 2.10 1.84 1.66 1258GT 1.54 1.35 1.21
2.95 1.30 12SAT 2.60 1.45 1.27 1.14
7X7 1.65 1.44
7Y4 2.20 1.23 1.08 .97 12SA7GT 1.45 1.27 1.14
2.20 .97 12SCT 2.70 1.51 1.32 I.19
7Z4 1.23 1.08
3.10 1.52 125F5 2.35 1.31 1.15 1.03
8AÚ8* 1.73 1.37
12S MGT* 2.15 1.20 1.05 .94
8AW8A 3.35 1.87 1.64 1.48
3.35 125F7 3.05 1.70 1.49 1.34
8BA8A* 1.87 1.64 1.48
125417 2.85 1.59 1.40 1.26
8BH8* 3.25 1.82 1.59 1.43
1.15 1.03 125 H 7 3.05 1.70 I.49 1.34
8CG7 2.35 1.31
1.43 1.25 125J7 2.45 1.37 1.20 1.08
8CM7 2.55 1.12
2.35 1.03
8CN7* 2.35 1.31 1.15 L03 125JTGT* 1.31 1.15
2.90 1.62 1.43 125K7 2.40 1.34 1.18 1.06
9Ú8A* 1.29
1008* .3.25 1.82 1.59 1.43 12S K7GT I.34 1.18 1.06
1.30 12SL7GT 2.95 1.65 1.44 1.30
10DE7 2.65 1.48 1.17
1.62 125 N7GT 2.40 1.34 1.18 1.06
12A8GT 3.30 1.84 1.46
2.40 1.34 1.06
12AB5 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 125N7GTA* 1.18
.79 125127 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93
12AC6* 1.80 1.01 .88
12A D6 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 12507GT 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93
.75 12S R7 2.40 1.34 1.18 1.06
12AE6 1.70 .95 .83
12AE7* 2.95 1.65 1.44 1.30 12V6GT 2.00 1.12 .98 .88
12AF6 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93 12 W 6 G T 2.60 1.45 1.27 1.14
.88 .79 12X4 1.50 .84 .73 .66
12AF6A* 1.80 1.01
2.60 I.45 1.27 1.14
12AH7GT 3.40 1.90 1.66 1.49 12Z3*
.89 .78 .70 14A7 2.65 I.48 1.30 1.17
12AJ6 1.60
.95 .83 .75 14AF7 2.95 1.65 1.44 1.30
12AL5 1.70
1486 2.65 1.48 1.30 1.17
12AQ5 2.00 1.12 .98 .88
1.65 .92 .81 .73 14C7 2.65 1.48 1.30 1.I7
12AT6 14F7 2.95 1.65 1.44 1.30
12AT7 2.85 1.59 1.40 1.26
.93 .84 14F8 3.65 2.04 1.79 1.61
12AÚ6 1.90 1.06
2.30 1407 3.30 1.84 1.62 1.46
12AU7A 1.29 1.13 1.02
4.05 2.26 1.98 1.78
12AV5GA* 3.60 2.01 1.76 1.58 14 R7
.78 17AX4GT 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12
12AV6 1.60 .89 .70
12AV7 3.05 1.70 1.49 1.34 171306GT6 2.26 1.98 1.78
12AW6 2.60 1.45 1.27 1.14 17C5* 2.05 1.15 1.00 .90

100 As New Receiving Tubes are Released by Manufacturers, Allied Will Stock Them
RCA Receiving Tubes
List In Q of: Tube List In Quantities
es of:
Type Price Type Price
1to6 6to49 60 or More I to5 6to49 50 or More
17D06A 3.90 2.18 1.91 1.72 36a 2.90 1.62 1.43 1.29
17H31 1.85 1.03 .91 .82 37' 1.85 1.03 .91 .82
19 3.50 1.96 1.72 1.55 38' 2.30 1.29 1.13 1.02
19AU4 3.10 1.73 1.52 1.37 39/44' 2.85 1.59 1.40 1.26
19AU4GTA 2.95 1.65 1.44 1.30 41 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12
19BG6 -GA 6.00 3.35 2.94 2.65 42 2.40 1.34 1.18 1.06
19C8a 3.35 1.87 1.64 1.48 43 2.60 I.45 1.27 1.14
19J6 2.70 1.51 1.32 1.19 46 2.15 1.20 1.05 .94
1978 3.15 1.76 1.54 1.39 47 5.85 3.27 2.87 2.58
19X8 3.35 1.87 1.64 1.48 50A5 2.80 1.56 1.37 1.23
24A 3.05 1.70 1.49 1.34 50E15 2.25 1.26 1.10 .99
25AV6GT 3.45 1.93 1.69 1.52 6006 2.00 1.12 .98 .88
25AX4GT 2.80 1.56 1.37 1.23 50060 3.35 1.87 1.64 1.48
2513K5 2.80 1.56 1.37 1.23 60L6GT 2.15 1.20 1.05 .94
2511Q6GT8 /25CU8 4.10 2.29 2.01 1.81 50X6 2.60 1.45 1.27 1.14
2505 2.00 1.12 .98 .88 60Y6GT 2.55 1.43 1.25 1.12
25CD6GB 5.20 2.90 2.55 2.29 50Y7GT 2.25 1.26 1.10 .99
25DN6 S.15 2.88 2.52 2.27 65 2.30 1.29 1.13 1.02
25L6 4.60 2.57 2.25 2.03 56' 1.90 1.06 .93 .94
26L6GT 2.03 1.15 1.00 .90 67' 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93
26W4GT 2.35 1.31 1.15 1.03 68' 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93
25W6GT* 2.90 1.62 1.43 1.29 70L7GT 6.95 3.88 3.41 3.07
2526 2.45 1.37 1.20 1.08 71A 2.40 1.34 1.18 1.06
25Z6GT 2.45 1.37 1.20 1.08 76 2.60 1.45 1.27 1.14
26' 2.30 1.29 1.13 1.02 76' 1.70 .95 .83 .75
27 2.25 1.26 1.10 .99 77' 2.20 1.23 1.08 .97
30 2.30 1.29 1.13 1.02 78 2.70 1.51 1.32 1.19
32L7GT's 3.35 1.87 1.64 1.48 80 1.90 1.06 .93 .84
35 51' 2.40 1.34 1.18 1.06 83V 3.80 2.12 1.86 1.67
35A5 2.80 1.56 1.37 1.23 84/624 2.05 1.15 1.00 .90
35 B5 2.25 1.26 1.10 .99 85 2.30 1.29 1.13 1.02
35C5 2.00 1.12 .98 .88 117L7/117M7GT 6.95 3.88 3.41 3.07
35L6GT 2.15 1.20 1.05 .94 117N7GT 7.30 4.08 3.58 3.22
35W4 1.35 .75 .66 .59 117P7GT 7.30 4.08 3.58 3.22
35y4 2.20 1.23 1.08 .97 117Z3 2.10 1.17 1.03 .93
35Z3 2.20 1.23 1.08 .97 117Z6GT 3.55 1.98 1.74 1.57
35Z4GT 1.70 .95 .83 .75 5642 2.70 1.51 1.32 1.19
35ZSGT 1.60 .89 .78 .70
As New Receiving Tubes are Released by Manufacturers, Allied Will Stock Them
Ideal as replacements for standard TRANSISTORS AND SEMICONDUC.
tubes in hi -fi equipment. 'Directly TOR DIODES. By RCA. Provides informa-
interchangeable. Others may require tion on basic characteristics and theory. Many
slight wiring changes. Guaranteed (ex- circuit diagrams of receivers, amplifiers, oscil-
cept burnouts) for 1 year. Wt., 4 oz. lators, etc. li as handy reference directory show-
MULLARD ing interchangeability of RCA units with those
Stock of other manufacturers. 23 pages. 8t/x11.f
No. Tub* Typa Equis.
EACH 38 A 398. Postpaid in U.S.A 25C
E.1-E1.34 EL34 6CA7
3.26 principles, construction. specifications and ap-
E3-EL34 M P E1,34. plications. Complete data on all G.E. types. PRECISE
pr 7.30/Pr. Includes typical circuits. Cross reference chart
E3-GZ34 GZ34 5Ü4GA /B 2.63 for transistor radios. 61 pages. 5½x8!/,'.
E3-EL37 EL37 6L6 2.63 37 K 248. Postpaid In U.S.A 50C TRANSISTOR KIT
E3-EL37 M P EI.37, 28 USES FOR JUNCTION TRANSISTO RS Modal Tt -K. Fascinating kit for experiment-
Matched pr 5.96/Pr. By Sylvania. Chapters on Transistorized Am- ers. Build any of these transistorized circuits:
E3-EZ80 EZ80 6V4 1.35 plifiers, Oscillators, Control Devices, etc. ho- Audio amplifier. multi vibrator. audio oscillator.
E3-EZ81 EZ81 6BW4 1.65 cludes elementary theory. 43 pages. 6x9'. RF oscillator. signal tracer, tuned signal tracer
ECC81 37 K 121. Postpaid in U.S.A 25C (T RF receiver). etc. Simple. approach
E3-EC C 82 ECC82
1.73 TRANSISTORS -THEORY AND PRAC- to understanding transistors practical
and diodes. Learn
E3-ECC83 ECC83 12AX7 1.88 TICE. By Rufus P. Turner. Chapters cover by using transistors in equipment you build
E3-EL84 EL84 61305 1.80 Semiconductor Theory. Transistor Character- yourself. Basic transistor theory is explained
E3-EL84M I' EL84. istics. Transistor Amplifiers, Oscillators. etc. in the 60-page instruction book. Kit includes 2
Matched pr 4.35/Pr. Illustrated. 144 pages. Size. 5y s8%z'. transistors and germanium diode. Less only
E3-EF86 E F 86 6267 2.06
37 K 923. Postpaid In U.S.A 2,00 headphones and battery. listed below. Shpg.
E3-EC90 E(90 6C4 2.63
TRANSISTORS. Coblenz and Owens. 83F4134.
E3-EK90 1: K90 6BE6 1.65
McGraw Hill. Theory and practical applica- NET 14,95
tions for engineers, etc. 313 pages. 6z9'. B use with above. 41/2 volts. Shpg.
E3 -E891 ER91 663615 1.35 37 K 459. Postpaid in U.S.A 5.88 wt. IA lb.
I.3-ECC91 E(('91 2.03 TRANSISTOR APPLICATIONS, VOL. I. 53 3 035. NET 544
E3 -EF94 EF94 6AU6 1.61 By Raytheon. 50 practical circuits for receiv- 'load phonas. 2000 ohms. Shpg. wt.. 12 oz.
RCA ers. hearing aids, test equipment. etc using 59J110.NET 200
Et-12AY7 12AY7 2.53 CK722 transistors. 115 pages. 814x11'
EI-1614 1614 2.72 37 A I (9. P Id in U.S.A ...50c MINI -SPRING TUBE HOLD -DOWNS
E1-1621 1621 6F6 Supplements Vol. I. Many pages of all -new cir- Hold tubes securely in place. Pre-
1.95 cuits for receivers, amplifiers. test equipment, vent breakage and assure greater
El-1622 1622 61.6 2.70 stability. Particularly valuable
EI-5879 5879 1.75 etc. Also has sections on transistor theory.
printed circuits. wiring; especially useful to where tubes are mounted upside
AMPEREX those who wish to design their own transistor- down or horizontal; also excellent
E4-6CA7 6CA7 EL34 3.60 ized equipment. 58 pages. 8V, x 11'. for portable radios, mobile gear
E4-E1.84 EL84 66Q5 37 A 139. Postpaid in U.S A 50C and other equipment subject to
1.20 vibration and shock. For use with
E4-EC C 8l ECC81 12AT7 1.71 TRANSISTORS AND THEIR APPLICA- 7 or 9 pin miniature tubes. Mount
E4-ECC82 ECC82 12AU7 1.38 TIONS. By L. E. Garner, Jr. (Coyne). A prac- with nut, bolt. or rivet. Av. shpg.
E4-ECC83 ECC83 12AX7 1.38 tical guide to the uses of transistors. Chapters wt.. 3 oz. 3 per package,
E4-EF86 EF86 6267 1.45 on transistor characteristics. circuits, compo-
NALEX nents and servicing. Includes a clear and non-
mathematical explanation of how transistors Stak Ufr's
work. Illustrated. 105 pages. 5t/zx8h'. No. Type For Tubes: Pkg.
5879 2.99
38 K 608. Postpaid in U.S A 150 41H 121 562 2W 64Q5, 6 %4, 3585 27g
Matched pr. ... ... 11.00/Pr.
By L. Krugman. Explains use of transistors 41H(22 561 1K. IRS, 6AG5, 6A76, 27g
. .
for replacement of vacuum tubes. basic transis- 0E6, 6G, etc.
TUNOSOL tor operation, characteristics. etc. Illustrated. 41 H 123 560 lilt. 6835. 6A K5, 6415, 27g
E3-5881 15881 161.6 160 pages. Size, 5lA x8W. 64S6. 684, etc.
13.50 37 K 474. P Id in U.S.A. 2.65 41 H 124 1 563 I(4' 12A17.12AU7, etc. 27g
See Page 102 for Complete Listing of Transistors 101
Transistors For Every Use
EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS 2N107. Low -coat PNP transistor for low -power audio applications.
In the tabular headings, unless otherwise specified, Pr is the including hearing aid use. With booklet of circuits. Cut-off frequency.
1.0 mc. Collector dissipation, 50 mw at 25° C. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
Total Power Dissipation in milliwatts; Vc is the Collector Volt- 7 E 442. NET 105
age in volts; le is the Collector Current in milliamperes. All 2N170. A rate -grown high -frequency NPN transistor intended for low -
ratings given, including Cut -Off Frequency, are maximum rat- power, low- voltage applications. Collector dissipation, 25 mw at 35° C.
ings. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. Cut-off frequency, 2.5 mc. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
7 E 441. NET 1.26
Stock arrest Cut -0n NET
Type P r Ve e Application
Gain Fray EACH
7-14-ir 2043 150 -45 -5F 50 2.5 mc PNP; audio amp 4.7-7
Germanium and silicon tran- 7 E 444 2544 150 -20 -50 22 1 mc PNP; audio amp.
445 -20 -50 PNP; Audio amp. 2.99
ILA sistors for every use. Meet 7 E 2045 150 12 1 me
rugged commercial and MIL 7 E 448 2078 65 15 20 40 6 me NPN; IF, RF amp. 3.64
specs. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. 7 E 938 20123 150 -20 -125 50 8 mc PNP; computer 5.68
7-C-4 2-113 100 20 50 20 3 me PNP; RF, IF amp. 2.10
7 E
RF, IF amp.
RF, IF amp. 6.07

Sleek Cut-Off 7 E 939 20164* 65 15 20 40 8 mc NPN; IF amp. 2.02
I NET .92
. No.
Type Pt Vc le I
Application EACH 7 E 940 20165 55 15 20 72 4 me NPN; IF amp. I
8 E 10 30145 65 20 INPN; IF amplifier 2,13 7 E9441- 20167 65 30 15 8 me NPN computer

8 E
1 I

2.50 7 E 488 20168A 65 15 20 40 8 me NPN IF amp.

29146 As above, but 36 db mas. gain
7 E 489 20169 55 15 20 72 4 me NPN IF amp. 1.92
8 E 1 20147 As above, but 39 db max, gain 2.80 7 E 490 2N169A 55 25 20 72 5 me NPN IF amp. I .96
8 E 109 25172 65 16 5 NPN, converter 2.45 7 E 415 20186A 180 -25 -200 24 .8 mc PNP audio amp 1.92
8 E 104 29185 150 -20
-150 PNP; audio amplifier 1.50 7E417 167A 180 -25 -200 I mc PNP; audio amp. 1T 74-4
É 1 úl5 2N2M- 50 -20 -10
PNP; audio amplifier 1.40 7 E 419 20188A 180 -25 -200 54 1.2 mc PNP; audio amp. .99
E 6 29248 -25 -5
PNP, RF amplifier 3.80 7 E 420 NPN; audio driver .73

1 1 30 211189 75 25 50 25 .8 me I
E 106 29250 25W -30 -3A
POP; audio amplifier 5.00 7 E 421 20190 75 -25 -50 36 I me PNP; audio amp. 1.74
EC 10729251 25W -60 -3A
PNP;highpowermobile 7.50 7 E 422 20191 75 -25 -50 54 1.2 me PNP; audio amp. 1.78
E 100 20252 30 -16 -5PNP; converter 2.25 7-1-4-2-1- 21 75 -25 -50 1.5 mc -IrP;
PP audio amp 1.84
E 1 1 3 25253 65 12 5 NPN IF amplifier 1.75 7 E 942 20241 100 -25 -200 73 1.3 me PNP; audio amp. 1.89
E 114 274254 65 20 5 NPN IF amplifier 2.00 7 E 943 20241A 180 -25 -200 73 1.3 mc PNP; audio amp. 2.04
E 108 25291 180 -25
-200 PNP audio amplifier 1.80 7 E 944 20265 75 -25 -50 110 1.3 me PNP; audio amp. I .87
E 101 25308 -20 -5PNP IF amplifier 2.10 I .82
PNP IF amplifier
POP reflex IF amp.
7 E 945
7 E 499
7 E 946
25 25

5 me
8 me
5 me
NPN; IF amp.
NPN IF amp.
NPN IF amp.

EC 1173525 -15 -2 12.50 .99

25 200 me PNP VHF 7 E 947 211314 65 15 20 25 6 me NPN IF amp. I

E 118 2004 150 30 50 2.5 me NPN general purpose .80

7 E 948 20319 180 -25 -200 36 1 me PNP audio amp. I .96
19 20IÁ 2.75 -25 -200 .99

1 21

3 me
3.5 me
.7 mc
NPN general purpose
NPN general purpose
PNP; general purpose
7 E 978
7 E 980
18Ñ -25 -200
75 -25 -50
73 54

I me PNP audio amp.
1.3 mc PNP audio amp.
1 me PNP audio amp.

I .74
E 122 301 ISO -30 1 mc-50
PNP; general purpose 1.60 7 E 981 25323 75 -25 -50 54 1.2 me PNP audio amp. I .78
E 123 302 150 -30 1.3 mc -50
PNP; general purpose 1.90 7 E 982 274324 75 -25 -50 75 1.5 mc PNP audio amp. I .87
EC I 15,800 65 20 5 NPN; photo tube 8.1 5 7 E 483 4JD1A17 150 -20 -50 40 1 me PNP computer 5.90
SILICON TRANSISTORS IN JETEC CAN 7 E 983 41D183 200 -30 -1--A- 5.1 .8 mc Pf P symmet. sw. 6.47
7 E 984 410104 200 -30 1 A 20-20 8 mc PNP symmet. sin.
7 EC 986 20430 150 10 20 25 me NPN computer 32.34
183 25332 150 45 25 4 mc MPH high gain 1 1.25 7 EC 987 25431 ISO 15 20 IS 25 mc NPN computer I I .1 5
EC 25333 150 45 25 5 me NPN high gain 22.50 7 EC 988 25432 150 15 20 40 2S me NPN comupter 22.54
EC 20334 150 45 25 7 mc NPN high gain 30.00 7 EC 989 4JD5A1 250 45 50 NPN unijunctbn 15.78
EC 20335 150 45 25 7 mc NPN high gain 30.00
187 25336 150 45 25 7 me NPN high gain 33.00
-E-C 188 25337
EC I89 20338
20 mc
30 mc
EC 190 25339 1000 55 60 NPN audio, servo amp. 22.50 C11722. PNP transistor. For audio oscillators, preamps; Class B stages.
EC 191 20340 1000 85 50 NPN audio,servoamp. 22.50 Cut -Off, 600 kc. Collector dissipation. 200 mw at 25° C. 2 ow.
EC 192 274341 1000 125 50 .. NPN audio servo amp 24.25
. 5 E 822. NET 99c
8EC193 20342 1000 60 60 NPN audloservoamp. 22:Só C K768. Low-coat PNP junction transistor for IF and RF use. Cut-off
8EC 194 20343 1000 60 60 NPN audio,servoamp. 34.60 frequency 2.5 me Collector dissipation. 120 mw at 25° C. 2 oz.
8 EC 195 3032 125 30 10 43 me NPN RF amp. 26.70 5 E 809. NET 50 1

8 EC 196 3533 125 30 10 12.5 me NPN RF amp. 33.10

8 EC 197 3034 125 30 10 30 mc NPN RF amo. 50.00 Stock
No. T YW P r Ve Ic
Current Cut-OR
Gain Freq.
Application NET
SILICON TRANSISTORS 918 2ÑIIiA =1-- 25 3 me PNP; IF amp. 1.98
5 E 818 274112 120 -6 40 5 mc POP; HF amp. 2.20
8 EC 128 20117 150 30 25 4 mc NPN;highgaln,lowlevel I 1.25 5 E 919 20112A -6 30 5 mc PNP; IF amD. 2.05
8 EC 129 20118 150 30 25 S mc NPS;hlghgain.lowlevel 22.50 5 E 820 20114 120 -6 65 mc PNP; HF amp. 7,95
130 20118A
135 20243
119 5-

8 me
5 mc
NPN; high gain
NPN audio,servoamp.

5 E 867
866 25130

.6 mc
.6 mc
.8 mc
PNP; AF, RF amp.
PNP; AF, RF amp.
PNP; AF, RF amp.
I .82
8 EC 136 25244 750 60 60 NPN audioservoamp., 34.60 5 E 921 2NI3IA -6 45 .8 me PNP; AF, RF amp. 2.70
8 EC 216 20389 37.5W 60 -2A NPN high power 90.00 5 E 922 211I32A -6 90 12 me PNP; AF, RF amp. 2.70
EC 124 90. 150 30 25 4 mc NPN high gain 1,23 5 E 923 20133A -2.5 .5 25 8 me PNP; AF amp. 2.85

EC 125 904 150 30 25 5 mc NPN high pin 22.50 5 E 924 20138A I.1 mc PNP; AF output 1.82
EC 126 9114A 150 30 25 8 me NPN high gals 30.00 5 E 821 CK721 200 -6 45 .8 mc PNP; AF, RF amp. 2.40
EC 127 905 150 30 25 6 mc NPN high gain 30.00 5 E 825 CK725 200 -6 90 1.2 me PNP; AF, RF amp. 2.80
EC 217 910 150 30 25 7 mc NPN high gain 33.00 5 E 925 CK751 -6 14 1.2 mc PNP; AF output I .90
b-EC C-1---1-2
750 80
50 60
audio, servo amp.
5--13.-2V 20271/
C1(766 -6 45 10 mc PNP; RF amp. 2.18
EC 134 953 750 120 40 NPN audio,servoamp. 22.50 5 E 927 27427IA/
EC 137 970 8.75W +120 140 NPN servo amp. 60.00 CK766A -6 45 10 mc PNP; IF amp. 2.05
5 E 928 CK870 -6 10 .5 mc POP;symrnet.amp. 6.35
SYLVANIA TRANSISTORS 5 EC 929 C10171 -6 15 .6 mc PNP; symmet. amp. 1 1.85
2 N307. New, low -cost PNP audio power transistor. Collector current 1.0
amp. Output: I unit, 2 watts; 2 unite, 8 watts. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. RCA TRANSISTORS
7 E 866. NET 150 -25 -15 PNP audio amp. 2.18
2 N229. NPN germanium transistor. Ideal for experimenters. hob- 5 E 855 2577 35 .7 me
byists and designers. Total Current: 40 ma. Total Dissipation: SO mw. 5 E 856 20105 35 -25 -15 .75 mc PNP audio amp. 2.90
Shp& wt.. 2 oz. 5 E 857 20109 50 -25 -70 PNP audio amp. 1.86
7 E 347. NET 75C 5 E 859 25140 35 -16 -15 7 me PNP converter 2.22
E 894 20206 75 -30 -50 .78 me PNP audio amp. 5.47
No. Type Pr Vc le
Current Cut -00
Gain Frey. Application EACH
5 E 876 20215 -33-- -30 -Ñ . . .
POP; audio amp. 2.18
7 E
7 E
10 WW -7F--
40 10 40
.6 Inc POP audio amp. -170.i7
.6 me NPN audio amp. 1.50
E 877
E 878
as 20109, but has
as 25139, but has flexible
flexible bads
leads 2.09

7 E 343 2068 4 W 30 1.5A 100 1.4 mc NPN med. gain 6.75 5 E 879 20219 Same as 25140. but has flexible leads 2.22
7 E 344 2094 50 20 50 16 3.5 mc NPN audio amp. I .73 5 E 884 20220 Same as 251 5, but has flexible leads 4.83
346 2094A 6.0 mc NPN audio amp. 5.25 E 885 -35 - POP; RF amp. 3.22
7 E
7 E 345
7 E 335
4 W
4 W
30 -1.5A

.014 mc NPN switching
.4 mc PNP switching
E 887
E 895
4 me
PNP; switch
PNP, audio amp.
7 E 336 25102 4 W 301.5A 40 .4 mc NPN switching 6.75 5 E 888 25274 35 -35 -10 30 me PNP; RF amp. 3.22
7 E 339 20141 4 W -60 .SA 40 .4 mc PNP AF, RF amp. 6.75 5 E 889 20301 5500 -40 2000 .. PNP; AF power 4.74
6.75 -60 6.44
7 E 349
7 E 389
7 E 398
4 W
60 .8A
15 40 ua
10 20 us
.4 mc NPN audio out.
mc ÑPÑ converter
NPN mixer, cony.
E 893
EC 896
E 897
2N30IA 5500
100 mc
PNP; AF amp.
PNP; RF drill
PNP; kip 30
7 E 399 20213 50 25 50 NPN audio am0. .80 5 E 898 20404 120 100 PNP; letec 30 5.64

3.53 E 899 -12 PNP. audio 1.52

7 E 863
7 E 864
7 E 865
50 12S

25 200 us
100 us
15 100

.8 mc NPN audio amp.
3.0 me NPN IF amp.
NPN RF amp.
254ÌÓ 35

15 4 7 mr. I
PNP. audio smo.
PNP, IF amp.
7 E 348 211242 -45 -2 A 5.0 mc PNP audio amp. 3.60 5 E 952 75417 35 -1 2 15 7 mc I POP; converter 2.02

102 Call On Allied for Your Industrial Electronic Needs

Special Purpose Tubes
Immediate Delivery From Stock. The listing on this and the following pages is a
complete selection of tubes for broadcast, industrial and research use. Included
are power tubes, rectifiers, cathode -ray, photo- electric and miniature tube types.
Almost 700 types of special -purpose tubes are listed, representing the products of
leading manufacturers in the electron tube industry (see next page for table of
manufacturers). Each tube will provide maximum efficiency and dependable serv-
ice. Allied supplies all tubes at the lowest current prices from the largest distrib-
utor stocks in the country. d/P aller tube type indicates matched pair.

Stock No. NET Stock No. NET Stock No. NET

Dept. Tube Type Dept. Tube Type Dept. Tube Type
El 0A2 RCA 1.26 El 3BP1A RCA 23.25 E3 EL C6J F ELEC 29.40
El OA2WA RCA 3.80 E3 EL 3C ELEC 11.20 E3 EL C6J K ELEC 28.90
El 0A3 RCA 1.27 El 3C23 RCA 11.98 E3 EL C6J KF ELEC 29.40
El OA4G RCA 1.68 E4 3C23 AMP 11.98 EI 6J4 RCA 4.33
E3 OAS SYL 7.50 E3 GL 3C23 GE 11.98 El 6J4-WA RCA 6.00
El 0B2 RCA 1.32 3C45 See type 6130 El 6L4 RCA 7.35
El OB2WA RCA 4.20 E1 3022A RCA 21.20 616WGA/5932 See type 5932
E2 083 RAY 1.65 El 3E29 RCA 20.25 EI 65J7Y RCA 1.45
El 0C3 RCA 1.27 E3 C3J CE 12.00 E3 6SJ7WOT SYL 2.60
El OD3 RCA 1.27 E3 EL C3J ELEC 15.50 E3 6SL7WGT SYL 3.25
E4 0E3 85A1 AMP 2.50 El C3J 5632 RCA 15.50 E2 6SN7WOT RAY 2.60
E4 0G3 85A2 AMP 2.50 E3 EL C3J A ELEC 19.80 E3 6SU7GTY TUNG 4.25
E2 0Y4 RAY 2.79 El C3J-A 5684 RCA 17.30 E3 6V6GTY SYL 1.45
E2 OZ4A CK1003 RAY .95 El 311'1 RCA 27.50 E2 6X4W RAY 2.00
E2 1AD4 RAY 3.05 El 3KP1 RCA 24.75 E2 6X5WGT RAY 2.00
E2 1 AE4 RAY 4.50 ET 3KP4 RCA 25.75 E3 7AK7 SYL 7.45
E2 ZAGS RAY 2.05 E3 3NP4 22.50 EZ3 GL 7C29 GE 189.50
E3 EL C1B ELEC 7.60 El 3RP1 RCA 17.65 EZ3 GL 7021 GE 511.00
E3 1885 VIC 7.50 EZ3 3X2500A3 EIM 198.00 EX3 7JP1 7VP1 SYL 27.75
E3 1886 VIC 7.50 EZ3 3X250013 EIM 198.00 EZ1 7TP4 RCA 68.50
E3 EL 1C ELEC 9.80 El 4 -65A RCA 20.00 EZ1 7VP1 RCA 35.00
El 1C21 RCA 3.85 E3 4 -65A EIM 20.00 EZ1 8021 RCA 1500.00
E3 CE 1C 918 CE 2.30 El 4 -125A 4021 RCA 30.25 EZ3 10NP11 SYL 137.50
E3 1021 SN4 SYL 6.50 E3 4-125A EIM 30.25 EZ1 lOSP4 RCA 82.25
E3 EL C1J ELEC 13.40 4- 125A/6155 See type 6155 E3 UXCV11 UE 19.00
E3 EL CiJ A ELEC 15.90 El 4- 250A/5D22 RCA 41.25 El 12A6 RCA 2.09
E3 EL C1K ELEC 12.90 E3 4 -250A EIM 41.25 E1 12AT7WA RCA 4.85
El C1K 6014 RCA 12.90 4 -250A 6156 Seetype 6156 EI 12AY7 RCA 2.53
El 1P21 RCA 50.00 E3 4 -400A EIM 48.00 El 12SW7 RCA 1.55
El 1P22 RCA 15.25 EZ3 4 -1000A EIM 132.00 EI 12SX7GT RCA 1.75
El 1P28 RCA 28.95 E3 WL 41124 3C WES 10.20 EI 1251'7 RCA 1.70
El 1P29 RCA 3.80 E2 RK 4032 RAY 30.95 E3 EL C 16J ELEC 56.90
El 1P37 RCA 3.45 El 4E27 8001 RCA 26.00 E1 C16J 5665 RCA 57.90
El 1P39 RCA 2.15 El 4E27A 5-125B RCA 35.75 E3 KY 21A EIM 25.00
El 1P40 RCA 3.00 E3 4E27A 5-1258 EIM 40.00 E3 RX 21A EIM 24.00
E3 CE 1P 40 CE 1.75 E3 ELC4J ELEC 19.40 E3 CE 23A CE 2.50
El 1P41 RCA 3.45 E3 ELC4J F ELEC 20.10 E3 25T EIM 15.00
El 1P42 RCA 11.65 EZ3 4 W 20000A EIM 1850.00 El 26A6 RCA 3.20
E4 ElT 6370 AMP 16.50 El 4X150A RCA 38.95 El 26A7GT RCA 7.23
E3 1Z2 CHA 5.70 E3 4X2508 EIM 42.50 EI 26C6 RCA 2.35
E3 2-01C EIM 15.25 EZ1 4X500A RCA 121.00 El 2606 RCA 3.00
El 2AP1A RCA 13.65 EZ3 4X500A EIM 121.00 E3 FG 27A GE 40.23
E3 2AS15A THER 7.50 EZ1 5ABP1 RCA 39.75 E3 2807 SYL 2.85
El 28P1 RCA 13.80 EZ 1 SABP7 RCA 42.65 E3 CE 29R CE 1.86
EI 2BP11 RCA 15.70 EZ1 5ABP11 RCA 43.80 32 See type WL -5558
Él 2C39A RCA 22.50 EZI SBP1A RCA 32.75 ECC 33 MULL
E4 2C39A AMP 22.50 EZI 5CP1A RCA 31.65 E3 EL 34 MULL 3.26
E3 2C398 EIM 32.15 EZ I 5CP7A RCA 38.35 E3 EL 34MP MULL 7.30 pr.
El 2C40 RCA 26.00 5C22 See type 6279 E3 GZ 34 MULL 2.63
El 2C43 RCA 23.50 EZ1' SFP4A RCA 45.70 E3 35T EIM 20.00
E3 2C5 1 TUNG 4.15 El SR4GY RCA 1.90 E3 EL 37 MULL 2.63
E3 2C53 13.50 E2 SR4GY RAY 1.90 E3 EL 37MP MULL 5.96 pr.
E3 CE 2D CE 4.56 E3 5R4GYA GE 1.90 E3 TZ 40 TAY
El 2021 RCA 2.04 E2 5R4WGY RAY 7.25 E4 FG 57 See type GL 5559
E4 2021 AMP 2.90 EZ1 5UP1 RCA 22.65 EFP 60 AMP 8.75
El 2021W RCA 2.90 EZ1 5UP7 RCA 32.00 E2 RK 61 RAY 3.70
El 2E24 RCA 5.25 El 6AC7-W RCA 4.20 E3 KT 66 GEN 3.50
E2 2E26 RAY 3.85 El 6AG7Y RCA 2.35 E3 75TL EIM 28.00
El 2E26 RCA 3.85 E2 6AJ5 RAY 3.50 E4 75NB3-7 AMP 10.00
E2 2E30 RAY 2.60 E2 6ANS RAY 3.75 E3 EZ 80 MULL 1.35
E2 2E31 RAY 2.25 E3 6AR6 TONG 5.75 E3 ECC 81 MULL 1.95
E2 2E32 RAY 2.25 El 6AS6 RCA 3.46 E4 ECC 81 AMP 1.71
E2 2E36 RAY 6.23 E2 6AS6 RAY 3.46 E3 EM 81 MULL 2.93
E2 2G21 RAY 4.38 El 6AS7G RCA 4.45 E3 EZ 81 MULL 1.65
E2 RK 2K23 RAY 30.60 E3 6AU6WA GE 3.70 E3 FG 81A GE 27.77
El 2K26 RCA 48.20 E3 EL 68 ELEC 13.00 E3 ECC 82 MULL 1.73
El 2X2A RCA 2.55 E3 6817W SYL 4.45 E4 ECC 82 AMP 1.38
El 3A4 RCA 1.20 E3 EL C6C ELEC 48.80 E1 83 RCA 1.32
El 3A5 RCA 1.30 E3 EL 6C ELEC 19.80 E3 ECC 83 MULL 1.88
E2 3A5 RAY 1.30 E4 6CA7 AMP 3.60 E4 ECC 83 AMP 1.38
El 3AP1A RCA 25.50 E2 6C4W RAY 8.90 É3 EL84 MULL 1.80
E2 384 RAY 2.75 E3 6D4 SYL 2.85 3 EL84MP MULL 4.35 pr.
E3 WL 3E122 '1C WES 9.30 El 614 RCA 7.00 E4 EL84 6805 AMP 1.20
E2 RK 3824W RAY 10.50 E3 EL C6J ELEC 28.90 E3 ECC 85 MULL 2.17
E3 GL 3824W GE 10.55 El C6J 5C21 RCA 28.90
El 3828 RCA 6.45 El C6J-A 5685 RCA 29.30
Please Specify Department and Tube Type When O dering 103
Amperex Elect. Corp.
Continental Electric c'..
Chatham Electronics
Special Purpose Tubes for
EIM Eitel McCullough
ELEC Electron& Inc.
General Electric Easy toOrder-Specify Department and Tube Type. This tabular presentation enables
GEN Genalex
Mullard Products you to locate the tube types you want, quickly and easily. When ordering, give
TLNat'l Electronics. Inc.
Radio Corp. America the full Stock Number, which consists of the Department Number and the
RAY Raytheon Mfg. Co. Manufacturer's Type Number. The Department Number represents exact loca-
SYl. Sylvania Electric
l'AY Taylor Tubes. 1m. tion of the tube in Allied stockrooms-speeds up your shipment. Give stock
THER Thermosen, Inc.
Ì LING United Electronics Number thus: E3 -1B85. The chart at left shows the full names of the manu-
VIC Victoreen Instrument facturers whose tubes are listed on these pages. For technical literature, see page
\VES Westinghouse
105. You can depend on Allied for prompt shipment of all special purpose tubes.

Stock No. NET Stock No. NET Stock No. NET

Dept. Tube Type Dept. Tube Type Dept. Tube Type
E3 EF 86 MULL 2.06 E3 NL 760P NAT 29.40 EZ3 1000T EIM 137.50
E4 EF 86 AMP 1.45 E1 801A RCA 9.85 E2 CK 1006 RAY 6.50
E3 KT 88 GEN 4.50 El 802 RCA 9.85 02 CK 1020 RAY 10.80
E3 KT 88MP GEN 11.00 pr. El 805 RCA 20.00 E2 CK 1021 RAY 10.80
E3 EC 90 MULL 2.63 El 807 RCA 2.90 E2 CK 1026 RAY 3.50
E3 EK 90 MULL 1.65 E2 RK 807 RAY 2:90 E2 CK 1034 RAY 8.30
E3 EZ 90 MULL 1.27 E4 807 AMP 2.90 .... CK 1036 See ype CK 6436
E3 EB 91 MULL 1.35 807W Sea type 5933 CK 1037 See type CK 6437
E31 ECC 91 MULL 2.03 El 809 RCA 5.65 E2 CK 1038 RAY 8.30
E3 EF 94 MULL 1.61 El 810 RCA 25.55 EZ3 NL 1051 NAT 65.00
E3 100TH EIM 20.50 E4 810 AMP 25.55 E3 R 11308 SYL 19.00
E4 PG 103 AMP 48.00 El 811A RCA 5.65 E3 R 1131C SYL 17.65
El 172 RCA 71.75 E4 811A AMP 5.65 E3 1222 SYL 2.45
E3 WL 172 WES 71.75 El 812A RCA 5.65 E3 1229 SYL 6.40
E3 T 200 TAY 29.50 El 813 RCA 22.65 E3 1280 SYL 1.50
E3 203
CE CE 11.20 El 814 RCA 23.55 .... 01. 1367 See type 5662
E3 206
CE CE 7.86 El 815 RCA 23.55 El 1609 RCA 14.50
E3 CE 213A CE 7.42 El 816 RCA 2.15 El 1612 RCA 3.20
E3 OL 242C GE 15.50 E2 RK 816 RAY 2.15 E1 1613 RCA 2.45
E3 2508 EIM 28.00 El 828 RCA 27.50 El 1614 RCA 2.72
EZ3 250TH EIM 33.00 E4 828 AMP 27.50 El 1616 RCA 11.35
E4 HP 300 AMP 35.00 El 8296 RCA 16.25 El 1619 RCA 3.30
E3 304TH EIM 60.50 E4 8296 AMP 16.25 El 1620 RCA 6.36
E3 30471 RIM 60.50 El 832A RCA 14.20 El 1621 RCA 1.95
E3 SA 309 SYL 18.30 EZI 833A RCA 55.00 El 1622 RCA 2.70
E3 393A
01. GE 13.25 EZ4 833A AMP 55.00 El 1624 RCA 4.00
E3 394A CHA 7.50 El 836 RCA 9.00 El 1625 RCA 2.95
E3 395A CHA 4.40 El 837 RCA 7.85 El 1626 RCA 1.85
E2 OK 404 RAY 74.00 El 83$ RCA 20.00 El 1629 RCA 1.40
E3 OL 441 GE 4.50 El $43 RCA 20.85 E1 1631 RCA 3.20
E3 WL 4818 WES 9.00 EZ4 8571 AMP 235.00 El 1634 RCA 1.55
EZ4 SOIR AMP 225.00 E1 865 RCA 14.70 El 1635 RCA 2.00
E3 302A GE 2.03 El 666A RCA 2.65 EZI 18SOA RCA 565.00
El 502A RCA 2.03 E3 0L 866A GE 2.65 El 1946 RCA 10.90
E2 CK 506AX RAY 2.30 E4 866A/$66AX AMP 2.65 El 1949 RCA 11.30
E2 OCS10AX RAY 2.95 E2 RK 866A/866 RAY 2.45 El 1950 RCA 8.35
E2 OC512AX RAY 2.55 E3 $66J1 TAY 1.95 El 2022 RCA 3.45
12 cE 526AX RAY 2.76 El 868 RCA 3.75 El 2050 RCA 1.65
12 CK 533AX RAY 2.52 E3 0L 868/PJ23 GE 3.75 E2 2050 RAY 1.85
E2 OC 534AX RAY 2.59 EX4 8696 AMP 155.00 E3 2030W CHA 6.38
E2 CK 536AX 2.69 El 872A RCA 9.35 2051 RAY 1.90
OC 542DX
CK 5460X
See type CK6519
5.82 E4
n 3200
R 4330
.... CK 348DX See type CK6418 E2 $84 RAY 1.85 E3 OL 5516 GE 7.95
CK 549DX See type CK6419 El 885 RCA 2.00 E2 OC 5517 RAY 3.60
EX1 575A RCA 22.15 EZ4 889A AMP 230.00 E4 5544 AMP 27.00
E4 575A AMP 22.15 EZI $$9RA RCA 360.00 E3 OL 5544 GE 38.41
EI 3796 RCA 16.50 EZ4 889RA AMP 360.00 E4 3545 AMP 29.40
E3 WL 5798 WES 18.00 EZI 892 RCA 265.00 . ßL 5545 See type GL 6807
E3 592/3 -200A3 EIM 37.50 EZ4 892 AMP 265.00 El 5350 RCA 41.00
E3 NL 604 NAT 10.20 EZI 892R RCA 425.00 E4 5550 AMP 41.00
E3 NL 604L NAT 11.50 EZ4 8928 AMP 423.00 El 5551A RCA 65.00
E3 NE606 NAT 19.80 El 902A RCA 18.00 EZ3 WL 5551A 652 WES 65.00
E3 KU 610 WES 27.00 El 917 RCA 4.95 EZ1 5552A RCA 99.00
E3 NL 615 NAT 9.75 El 918 RCA 3.80 EZ4 5552A AMP 99.00
E3 NL 617 NAT 15.00 El 919 RCA 4.95 EZ3 WI. 5552A 651 WES 99.00
E3 NL 623 NAT 13.35 El 920 RCA 3.70 EZ1 5553B RCA 216.00
E3 KU627 WES 27.00 EI 921 RCA 3.30 EZ3 WL 55538 WES 216.00
El 629 RCA 14.30 El 922 RCA 2.85 EZ4 5553B AMP 216.00
E4 6328 AMP 28.00 El 923 RCA 2.85 EZ4 5555 AMP 316.00
E3 WL 6326 WES 28.00 E3 GL 923 GE 2.83 El 5556 RCA 21.00
E3 NL 635 NAT 12.20 El 925 RCA 3.20 El 5557 RCA 9.50
E3 NL 63SP NAT 13.60 El 926 RCA 3.30 E4 5537 AMP 9.50
E3 NL 649,'5834 NAT 9.20 El 927 RCA 3.75 E3 GL 5537 /Fß17 GE 9.50
El 672A RCA 35.00 El 928 RCA 4.60 El 5558 RCA 17.50
83 WL 672A WES 38.00 El 929 RCA 2.00 E3 WE 5538/32 WES 17.30
EX1 673 RCA 22.15 El 930 RCA 2.85 El 5559 RCA 23.00
E3 WL 676 WES 58.00 El 931A RCA 10.45 E4 3559 AMP 23.00
El 677 RCA 55.00 EI 934 RCA 3.65 E3 OL 5559/F057 GE 23.00
E4 678 AMP 47.00 El 935 RCA 9.95 EI 5560 RCA 28.00
E3 WL 678 WES 47.00 El 954 RCA 7.40 E4 5560 /F095 AMP 28.00
E3 NL 710 /6011 NAT 13.00 El 955 RCA 4.00 E3 OL 5560/F095 GE 28.00
E3 NL 714 NAT 9.50 El 956 RCA 8.25 El 5563A RCA 47.00
E3 Z 729 GEN 2.99 El 957 RCA 5.35 El 5581 RCA 2.70
E3 NL 740 NAT 19.40 El 958A RCA 8.70 El 5582 RCA 4.95
E3 !L 740P NAT 20.10 EI 959 RCA 8.90 El 5583 RCA 4.30
E3 m. 760 NAT 28.90 II 991 RCA .87 EI 5514 RCA 5.20

104 ,lowest Prices -Highest Quality -Best Service

Industry and Broadcast Use
Stock No. NET Stock No. NET Stock No. NET
Tube Typa
Mfr. EAC H Mfr. Mfr.
Dept. Dept. Tube Type EACH Dept. Tube Type EACH
EX4 5604 AMP 570.00 EI 5825 RCA 20.85 E3 6265 GE 4.60
E3 5610 GE 1.05 E2 CK 5829 RAY 4.20 E4 6268 AMP 32.50
El 5618 RCA 4.93 EI 5840 RCA 7.10 E4 6279 AMP 45.00
E3 GL 5632 GE 13.90 EI 5640A 7.10 El 6293
RCA RCA 6.00
El 5636 RCA 9.15 E3 5841 VIC 6.50 EX1 6326A RCA 565.00
El 5636A RCA 9.15 E3 5844 GE 2.40 EI 6328 RCA 12.15
El 5651 RCA 1.78 E3 5845 9.25
SYL E3 6336 CHA 15.75
E2 CK 5651 RAY 1.78 EZ4 5868 AMP 50.00 6336A
E3 CHA 37.50
E2 CK 5651WA RAY 4.20 El 5876 13.55 El 6342
El 5652
RCA RCA 72.00
RCA 6.65 El 5876A RCA 19.10 EI 6350 RCA 2.40
El 5653 RCA 1.60 E1 5879 RCA 1.75 E3 6350 1.95
El 5654 RCA 3.90 E2 CK 5879 RAY 1.75 E4 6360 AMP 4.00
E2 CK 5654 RAY 3.60 El 5881 3.50
RCA E3 6386 GE 3.25
EI 5654 /6AK5W RCA 6.00 E3 5881 TUNG 3.00 E2 CK 6397 RAY 8.30
E2 CK 5654 /6AK5W RAY 3.60 E2 CK 5886 RAY 5.00 E1 6405/1640 RCA 7.30
El 3654 /6AKSW/ E2 CK 5889 RAY 12.45 El 6417 RCA 2.37
6096 RCA 6.00 El 5893 RCA 19.40 E2 CK 6418 RAY 3.05
E3 5662 GE 1.45 E4 5894 AMP 22.00 E2 CK 6419 RAY 2.20
E3 5663 GE 2.10 E3 GL 5894 GE 22.00 E2 CK 6436 - CK 1036 RAY 8.30
EZ3 WL 5668 WES 289.00 E3 5896 5.05
GE E2 CK 6437 CK 1037 RAY 8.30
El 5670 RCA 5.05 E3 5899 GE 7.50 EZ4 6445 AMP 390.00
E3 5670 GE 5.05 El 5915 RCA 1.30 EX4 6446 AMP 290.00
E2 CK 5670 RAY 5.05 E3 5932 11.40
SYL EX1 6448 RCA 4610.00
E2 OC 5672 RAY 2.45 E3 5933 807W SYL 12.45 E3 6463 2.15
EI 5675 RCA 13.20 E3 W15934 WES 18.00 ELI 6474 1854 RCA_ 1700.00
E2 áL5676 RAY 3.05 EI 5963 RCA 1.40 E3 6476 SYL 22.25
E2 CK 5678 RAY 2.45 EI 5964 RCA 1.40 E2 CK 6485 RAY 2.05
E3 5679 SYL 1.35 EI 5965 RCA 2.15 6508
5685, C6J
EX4 AMP 80.00
E4 AMP 26.40 E3 5965 GE 2.40 E2 CK 6519 RAY 3.05
El 5686 RCA 3.85 E2 CK 5975 RAY 4.20 El 6524 RCA 15.75
E2 CK 5686 RAY 3.85 E2 RK 5976 74.00
RAY E3 6550 TUNG 4.33
E3 GE 3.85 E3 5998 TUNG 11.85 El 6655 RCA 56.25
El 5687 RCA 4.25 El 6005 RCA 4.60 E3 6660j68Á6 1.05
E3 5687 GE
TUNG 4.25 E3 6005 GE 4.60 E3 6661 /68H6 1.33
GL 5687 GE
E3 GE 4.50 E4 6007 AMP 1.50 E3 6662/68J6 GE 1.27
EI 5690 RCA 9.65 E3 ßL6011 GE 13.00 E3 6663/6ALS .92
EI 5691 GE
RCA 8.45 E3 WL 6011/710 WES 13.00 E3 6669 GE 1.11
El 5692 RCA 8.15 EI 6012 RCA 6.25 6677
E3 GE 1.79
EI RCA 6.40 E3 6014/C1K NAT 12.90 E3 6679/12ÁT7 GE 1.54
El 5696 RCA 1.90 E2 CK 6021 RAY 5.85 E3 6680/12AU7 1.26
E2 CK 5702 RAY 4.20 CK 6029
E2 CK 5703 RAY 2.35
E2 RAY 5.00 E3 6681/12AX7 GE 1.29
El 6072 RCA 5.30 El 6694A RCA 5.60
E2 CK 5703WA RAY 7.50 E3 6072 4.80
5718 GE E3 GL 6807 GE 29.30
El RCA 4.60 El 6073 RCA 3.00 E3 GL 6808 GE 29.40
El 5718A RCA 4.60 El 6074 3.45
RCA EZ1 6810A RCA 275.00
El 5719 RCA 3.95 E4 6076 AMP 275.00 CK 6832
EI 5719A RCA 3.95
E2 RAY 24.35
EI 6080 RCA 6.00 E1 6887 RCA 1.25
E3 GL 5720/8033 GE 34.75 El 6080WA 10.50
E3 5722 SYL 6.40
RCA El 6893 RCA 3.85
El 6082 RCA 5.30 EI 6894 RCA 23.00
5725 RCA 3.80 E3 6087 6.40 El
GE 6895 RCA 25.00
E2 CK 5725 RAY 3.80 CK 6088
E2 RAY 2.75 El 6937 RCA 3.70
EI 5726 RCA 2.10 El 6101 RCA 7.25 El 8000 RCA 26.40
E3 5726 GE 2.10 6101/6J6WA 7.25
El 5726/6ALSW RCA 2.10
E1 RCA E1 8005 RCA 16.20
E2 Cl( 6111 RAY 6.70 El 8008 RCA 9.35
El 5726/6AL5W/ E2 CK 6112 6.70
6097 RAY E4 8008 AMP 9.35
RCA 3.45 El 6130/3C45 RCA 17.80 El 8013-A RCA 14.45
E4 5727 AMP 2.90 E2 CK 6135 2.60
5727 RAY El 8020 RCA 24.00
E3 GE 2.90 EI 6136 RCA 3.70 E3 GL 8020 24.00
El 5727/2021W RCA 2.90 GE
E3 6136 GE 3.70 EI 8023A RCA 21.95
E3 5727/2021W GE 2.90 El 6146 4.90
El 5734 RCA 18.00
RCA EI 9001 RCA_ 4.60
EZ4 5736 AMP 160.00 E2 CK 6146 RAY 4.90 EI 9002 RCA 3.10
EZ3 WI. 5736 WES 160.00
E2 CK 6152 RAY 9.15 El 9003 RCA 4.60
E2 CK 5744 RAY 2.65 E4 6155 AMP 27.50 El 9004 RCA 3.70
El 5749 RCA 2.80 E4 6156 AMP 37.50 EI 9005 RCA 4.40
E3 5749 GE 2.80 El 6159 RCA 4.90 EI 9006 RCA 2.15
El 5750 RCA 3.90 EZ1 6166 RCA 1000.00
E3 5750 GE 3.90 RCA
El 5751 RCA 3.80 E2 CK 6174 RAY 3.80 RCA PUBLICATIONS
E3 5751 GE 3.80 EZI 6181 RCA 925.00 37 A 109. Typa 1D- 1020A. Interohange-
El 57S1WA RCA 5.55 El 6186 /6AG5WA RCA 4.00 abllity Direetery. (Guide to selection of RCA
tubes for replacement of non -receiving tubes.
E2 CK 5755 RAY 10.40 El 6189j12AU7 No charge.
EZI 5762/7C24 RCA 215.00 WA RCA 4.80 37 A 159. Type 3F801. User Priam Sched-
EI 5763 RCA 2.37 El 6197 RCA 2.55 u le. Six -page folder. Most recent edition is al-
E2 CK 5763 RAY 2.37 EZ1 6198 RCA 230.00 ways sent. No charge.
E2 CK 5783 RAY 4.20 El 6199 RCA 52.50 37 A 137. Type CAPO 105. Nive
E2 CK 5783WA 8.30 EI 6201 D oyleas and Cathode- Ray Tubes. Technical
RAY [RCA 4.85 information on 106 RCA tubes including single,
E2 CK 5784 RAY 5.00 E3 6201 GE 4.85 twin and multiplier phototubes, TV captera
E2 CK 5785 RAY 5.85 E3 6202 GE 3.70 tubes, utonoscopes, etc. 24 pages. No
E2 CK 5787 RAY 5.00 El 6205 RCA 7.50 37 A 138. Type RIT -104. Recsiving -Typa
E2 CK 5787WA RAY 10.80 E1 6211 RCA 2.15 Tubes fer Industry and Communications.
EI 5814A RCA 4.15 El 6217 RCA 72.00 Valuable data on 130 RCA tubes including
special red, pretnium, pencil. computer, glow -
E3 5814A GE 3.85 E2 CK 6247 RAY 12.45 discharge, etc. 20 pages. Ne charge.
EI 5814WA RCA 5.10 EZ3 GL 6251 GE 2300.00 37 A 576. Type PG- 101 -B. Power and Gas
E2 CK 5814A RAY 3.85 E4 6252 AMP 22.00 Tube Bulletin. Data on more than 150 RCA
El 5819 RCA 56.90 EI 6263 RCA 20.00 transmitting, industrial. RF heating, and other
EZ1 5320 RCA 1200.00 El 6263A RCA 22.40 special tubes. 24 pages. No charge.
El 5823 RCA 1.57 El 6264 RCA 20.00
37 A 157. HAM -1038. Latest ratings, tech-
nical data and base diagrams for 48 RCA
E3 5824 GE 3.70 E I 6264A RCA 22.40 Amateur tubes. 4 pages. No ch .

Cali on Allied for Your Industrial Electronic Needs 105

Diodes, Rectifiers and Photocells

These compact. highly efficient crystal diodes Complete line of general- purpose and special -
Self-generating selenium photo -cell sun bat- have hundreds of applications. Silicon types use in
type G.E. crystal diodes and rectifiers forrequir-
teries. Convert light energy into electrical en- are used in radar. industry, and microwave electronic and electrical power circuits welded
ergy with no auxiliary source of voltage. Out- instruments such as test probes, power indi- ing detection or rectification. Feature
puts in average sunlight range from 0.2 tolight
60 cators, etc. Germanium types are used for low - joint between platinum whisker and crystal for
ma. Excellent for use with meters as power rectification of frequencies up to 200 me Withstand shock
igh strength and rigidity.microphonic
measuring devices. Optimum load resistance -have applicationscommunications
as detectors in TV re-
receivers. and vibration. Free from effects.
ranges from 10 to 10.000 ohms. Outputs in ceivers. Amateur Low shunt capacit ance for efficient rectification
table below taken at 100- footcandle illumina- transmitters. test and , "ntroI circuits, standing of AC signals. Exceptionally stable in opera-
tion with 100-ohm load. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz. wave indicator, tion. Explanation of Symbols In Column
Hoods: Piv-peak inverse volts; Is-average
No. Type Size Style pa. NET GERMANIUM DIODES forward current in ma.; leu- maximum for-
7 E 732 A -2M Mz' dia. Mounted 13 3.87 Typo 1N36. Consists of two electrically ward current in ma.
7 E 733 A -5 1W dig. Unmounted 250 1.96
0 matched 1N34 diodes in mounting bracket.
1 t/ xr/axs/s'- Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
7E 734 A -10 1W die. Unmounted
7 E 735 A -15 Y dia. 7 220. NET Alloy junction germanium rectifiers. Extremely
7 E 736 B -2 z1/ns7/se Unmounted 75 .98 Mfr's low forward resistance and correspond-
1,Á.a °S4r' Unmounted 220 1.96 Stork
7 E 737 B -5
Type Fis Description Mars. Mo. EACH ingly high reverse leakage resistance gives
71 738 B -10 I t'iOtlt'
u Unmounted 350 2.45 No.
these rectifiers an efficiency of over 99%1
7 E 739 1t Asslu L(a' Unmounted 750 5.88 7 E 292 1060 Video Detector 50 334
7 E 740
B -15
111/r_xtt' Mounted 350 6.96 7 E 436 10105
.. Video Detector 150 454 Applications include signal corps switchboards.
B -10M
computers. magnetic amplifiers. experimental
025 continous reverse working volts. circuits. etc. Feature long life -hermetically
Typo selenium photo-
B -2M. Self- generating sealed construction. Leads attached for solder-
cell sun battery. 2 ma output in average sun- "SEALED IN GLASS" DIODES ing to Types 1N3IS. 1N368, 1N91. 1N92,
light; 60 pa at 100- footcandles with 55ohm and 1N93. Types 1N151. 1N152.brackets.IN153 and
load. Use with a meter as a light measuring
device. Also useful in sun-powered electronic
equipment. Mounted. Size.x'r{a'.
Germanium crystal diodes hermetically
sealed in moisture -proof glass cartridges
withstand extended exposure to humidity.
- 1 N 155 are attached to mounting
operate in ambient temperatures high
except Type 1N315-designed for
up to 65 °C,
7E731. NET 47 Electrically identical to corresponding ceramic ing temperatures up to 8S° C. All specifications
types, but smaller and lighter in weight. I men( given are for operation at 60 cycles, S5° C
shunt capacity. All have 50 ma maximum with resistive load. °Average forward current
CLAIREX PHOTOCELLS anode current except Type INS6A, 60 ma. at 55° C,
to average reverse current ratio is 700wt.,
Size, s/4x1°'. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 300 at 71° C, and 200 at 85° C. Av. 2 oz.
Highly efficient crystal photocell. Ex-
tremely sensitive to visible light. Type Stock Mfr's Description
Cont. NET
Stock Mfr's
CL -2 is made of cadmium sulphide; No. Type Rev. W.V EACH No. Type Fig.
Type CL -3 is made of cadmium sele- 7 E 236 1034A General Purpose 60 .47 7 E 479 100 500 1570 2.15
nide and is exceptionally sensitive in 7 E 426 1 NBA 100-Voll Diode 100 .90 7 E 480
200 500 157 2.70
the red and near infra-red region of 7 E 235 200 Back Voll Diode 60
the spectrum. Both types have a max- 7E427
10544 High Back -Res. 50 4.90 7E481 114315° f 200 100
imum rating of 300 volts. AC or DC. 2.03 7 E 496 10368 F 200 100 310
7 E 428 1055A 150 -Volt Diode 150
7E491 1091 100 150 470
Sensitivity of CL-2. 100 pa at 100 v. 7E237 INSBA 100-Volt Diode 140 1.28 7 E 492 1092
200 100 310 1.90
at 2 footcandles; time constant. 100 foot- 7 E 289 1N56A High -Cond. Diode .05 F
250 2.65
at 150 ms.
candles at 10 ms, 1 footcandle2 footcandles;
7 E 493 F 300 75
7 E 476 10153 E 300 500 1570 3.60
Sensitivity of CL -3, 600 pa at 495 IN158 380 500 1570 5.50
time constant. 100 footcandles at 11/2 ms. t MICROWAVE SILICON DIODES 7 E E

footcandle at 15 ms. Sizes: %ax%í long. Shpg. l'oint contact silicon diodes designed for
wt., 3 oz. D use as non -linear circuit elements in GENERAL-PURPOSE DIODES
7 E 881. CL -2. NET
3.50 microwave applications -used in UHF -VHF Germanium crystal di-
7 E 882. CL -3. EACH TV converters. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. odes. Hermetically sea
Test Conditions ed in ceramic cases.
Stock Mfr's NET Ratings given at 25° C operation. Wt.. 2 oz
in Mc. Loss in db Stook Mfr's
Typo P -100. Photocell for use in No. Typo Piv 1 Ist EACH
ountless photometric applications. 7 E 274 10218 3060 6.5 1.11
Replaces older type selenium cells 7 E 278 1N23A 9375 8.0 7 E 250 1N48 85 SO ISO
and operates with greater efficiency. 7E 279 10230 9375 6.5 1.90 7 E 247 10151 SO 25 00 .47
. , .

Uses a quarter section of the famous 7E 440 1082 1000 .90 7 E 249 125 SO 150
Bell Telephone silicon solar battery. 7 E 464 1 N65 85 SO 2.68
Features high output -in sunlight,Sufficient
1A volt AMPEREX GERMANIUM DIODES 7 E 395 1 N 34A 75 SO 150 .84
open circuit; 4 mw with 25 ohm load.
to operate sensitive relays-no auxiliary power
needed. Operates on infrared as well as visible
light. Amount of generated current depends Alloy junction silicon rectifiers. Designed for
upon intensity and incident of illumination. "All glass" point- contact germanium diodes. maximum forward conductance at high tem-
Very durable- unaffected by moisture or ex- Hermetically sealed for improved performance. peratures. No heat dissipaters required on
posure to weather. Only 1' square Vie thick. Have high back resistance. Replace most gen- axial -lead types (Fig. F). Stud -mounted types
Fits standard octal socket. Wt.. 4 oz. eral- purpose. point- contact types. Ratings (Fig. G) have 10- 32x1/4' thread to permit con-
77 E. 063. NET 4.00 given are for 25° C. Maximum ratings. peak venient mounting on heat -dissipating plate or
rectified current. 150 ma; ay.. rectified current. fin. Feature low reverse current at maximum
50 ma. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz. temperature-ideal for magnetic amplifiers and
HOFFMAN SILICON SOLAR CELL NET other low leakage applications. Minimum
Stock No Type Peak Inverse DCV
forward voltage drop. Operates at ambient
Typo S -lA. Silicon junction solar 5 E 805 1N31A 75 temperatures up to 165° C- specifications listed
energy converter. Developed by Bell 5 E 806 IN38A 170 I.ÌÓ below for operation at ISO° C. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
Telephone Labs. Offers countless 5 E 807 1N54A 75
uses. Extremely compact, only IV.' 5 E 881 11487 30 1.39 Stock Mfr's Max. NET
i diameter by Ile," thick-ideal for 5 E 882 114119 75 1.58 No. Type Fig. Pty Isst Freq. EACH
I miniaturized equipment. High out - 2.00
put -under direct noon sunlight RCA CRYSTAL DIODES
7 EE 931 10536 F 50 250 SO kc
measures 0.25 volts across 10 ohm load. No 7 E 497 10537 F 100 250 50 kc
auxiliary power source needed. Under optimum Germanium crystal 7 E 498 10538 F 200 250 50 kc 2.50
conditions will produce up to 35 mw. electrical diodes. Point contact tyPc 7 E 932 1N539 F 300 250 50 Sc 3.30
power from solar energy. Will operate on infra- -designed for use as low
.r 7 E 933 1N540 F 400 250 50 kc 5.00
red light. High stability and rugged construc- 7.50

power rectifiers. Small in 7 EC 990 1111095 F 500 250 100 kc

tion-cannot oxidize or corrode. No deteriora- sere, and have great resistance to shock and 7 E 934 101115 G 100 600 100 ke 2.90
tion due to atmospheric conditions. Completely vibration. Hermetically sealer) in glass car- 7 E 935 101116 G 200 600 100 kc 3.30
unaffected by moisture. May be banked in tridges- unaffected by moisture. Have low 7 E 936 101117 G 300 600 100 kc 4.15
series or parallel arrangements in order to shunt capacity for efficiency in rectifyingclip
AC 7 E 937 101118 G 400 600 100 kc 5.80
obtain increased voltage or current output. signals. Type 1N34Á useful for isolating, -
Shp wt., 4 oz. pingg switching, and meter circuits. Types
77 EC 029. NET 8.00 lN3SA and 1NS8A have applications in GRAYHILL 17 -1 DIODE HOLDER
clamping circuits. DC restorer circuits. and Crystal diode
high -voltage probes. Type 1 NS4A can be used spring tension clip. Loop
PHOTOCELL -SUN BATTERY HANDBOOK for high- voltage probes and high impedance spring clip
detector circuits. All types have 503 ma. av-
are formal from one piece
An excellent handbook for technicians, ex- erage anode current. Av. shpg. wt., oz. of phosphor bronze wire,
perimenters and engineers. Thoroughly de- insuring good contact with
scribes the applications and basic circuits in Stock Mfr's
Peak NET
the diode. Corrosion -resistant gold- plated clip
which photocells and sun batteries can be No. Type Inv. V. EACH
solders easily. Has provision to prevent turning
effectively used. Typical chapters include: 5 E 870 1N34A General Purpose 60 .48 on chassis. Molded phenolic base (3111.- 1' -14,
Light - Powered Devices, Photometers, Unusual 5 E 874 IN38A Large Signal 100 Type CFG). Overall size. e3gax%x1/4 . Shpg.
Relays. Light Beam Communication. 9 chap- 5 E 875 1N54A High Back-Res. 50 97 wt., 2 oz.
tern, 58 pages. 51/2:9'.
Id In U.S.A 1.50 5 E 875 1058A Large Signal 100 1.36 45 H 186. NET 35c
37 K 129. P
106 Depend on Allied for Everything in Radio, Television & Industrial Electronics
Diodes and Rectifiers
Point -contact germanium
diodes. Fusion -sealed in
one -piece glass envelope
Highly resistant to shock
and vibration. Each diode
U ú tD tested to insure stability. Diode body dimensions, .265x.130' maximum.
A complete line of silicon diodes. Especially useful in equipment that is Shunt capacitance, .5 mml maximum. Ambient operating temperature
subjected to high temperatures. Operating temperature range from range. - 78° C. to +90° C. All specifications below are at 25° ('. except
-55° to +150° C. All units hermetically sealed. Symbols used below: 75° C. 1N126, 1N127. I N 128, 1 N 198 are JAN types. 11172051, electrica l
PIV. peak inverse voltage; -f, forward current; -r, reverse current;
1 1 equivalent to IN63, HD2120, electrical equivalent to IN34A. Shpg.
grounded cathode; fgrouuded anode. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. wt.. 2 oz.
SIUCON DIODE RECTIFIERS Stock Mfr's Min. Fwd. Mas. Inv. Mas. Inv. 1-99, 100-999
0 Max. forward surge current is 3 amps for 1 sec. at 25° C. No. Type ma 4 IV Voltage Current (ma) EACH EACH

Av. 1-f (ma) Max. I-r (ma) 7 E 575 18558 5 150 .5 8 150V 5.04 - 3.88
Sjteaok T.yops 7 E 576 1N67A 4 80 .0508 50 V 1.56 1.20
PIV I100° C EACH 7 E 577 114688 3 100 .625 (4 100 V 1.07 .83
N1 26° C 760° C 26° C
.88 .68
:760° C 7 E 578 1089 3.5 80 .0088 5V
1N645 400 150 .0002 .015{ 5.10 7 E 579 1090 5 60 .5 8 50 V .46 .35
E E 174 225
B E 175 1N646 300 400 150 .0002 .0151 6.15 7 E 580 1095 10 60
9 EC 176 1N647 400 400 150 .0002 .0201 7.75 7E 58 I 1096 20 60 . 5 @i 50 V .65 .50
3 EC 177 1N648 500 400 150 .0002 .020 9.40 7E583 1998 20 80 008C'5V 1.66 1.28
9 EC 178 1N649 600 400 150 .0002 .025 11.75 7 E 584 11499 10 80 .0508 50V 1.62 1.25
7E585 18100 20 80 .0508 50V 2.18 1.68
o Max. onward surge current: 15 amps (I cycle at 60 cps).
7 E
.1 @50V 1.37 1.05
E 179 1 N538 200 750 250 .010 .01 3.00 7 E 589 1N126 5 60 .05 8 10V .59 .45
E I80 I N539 300 750 250 .010 O1 Ó 4.08 7 E 590 18127 3 100 .025(410V 1.20 .93
E 173 I N540 400 750 250 .010 .3001 5.45 7 E 591 114128 3 40 .01 8 10V 1.01 .78
EC 181 1N1095 500 750 250 .010 7.48 7 E 592 10191 (computer type) ..... . .. 1.62 1.25
EC 182 1N1096 600 750 250 .010 .Ó1Ó 10.20 7 E 594 IN198° 5 80 .250@ 50V 1.56 1.20
HIGH VOLTAGE SILICON RECTIFIERS 7 E 595 1102051 4 100 .05 (A 50V 2.02 1.55
8 EC 168
a 167
HD2150 100
fa. 50 V
50 V
e EC 171
8 EC 172 IN11t
3l 1000 3 00 150 100 0
7 E 598 H02155 50 60 .5 @ 50V .59 .45


8 E 141 600C 30.0 25 IS .008 :0201 1.94 Standard Typa. New standard diodes for high -temperature applica.
601C 10 .00004 0400ff 3.60 tions. Highly efficient operation throughout wide temperature range.
8 E 142 50.0 25
from -80° C. to +200° C. Feature excellent forward conductance. high
8 E 143 604C 5.5 100 40 .0001 .0501 3.25 back resistance and extremely low saturation current. Maximum power
8 E 144 606C 7.5 90 35 .0001 .0501 3.25 dissipation at 25° C. is 200 mw. Av. !hog. wt.. 2 oz.
8 E 145 608C 11.0 75 25 .0001 .050? 3.25
8 146 E 610C 17.0 60 20 .0001 .0501 3.30 Stak Mfr's Min. Sat. Mas. Back Min. Fwd. 1 -99, 100 -999
8 147 E 612C 25.0 50 20 .0001 .050? 3.40 No. Type Voltage ira 4 25.0 ma 8 lv EACH EACH
8 148 E 614C 37.0 35 15 .0001 .0501 3.50 7 E 670 1N461(HD6001) 30 S8-25V
2.15 1.65 15
8 E 149 616C 52.0 30 15 .0002 .0401 3.60 7 671
E 104620106002) 70 3.19 2.45
54 -60V 5
8 E 150 618C 75.0 25 10 .0002 .0401 3.60 7 E 672 10463(HD6003) 54 -1759 200 1 3.51 2.70
8 E 151 620C 110.0 20 8 .0002 .0401 3.65 7 E 673 IN456(HD6005) .0258-25V 30 40 4.32 3.33
8 E 152 622C 170.0 15 S .0002 .030? 3.70 7 E 674 114457(H06006) 70 .0254 -60V 20 4.1 9 3.23
8 E 153 624C 250.0 10 S .0004 .020? 3.75 7 E 675 10458(106007) 150 0254 -125V 7 4.61 3.55
7 E 676 1N459(HD6008) 200 Á258-175V 3 4.78 3.68
D 7 E 677 10464(1406009) 150 54 -125V 3 3.32 2.55
650C 3.7 125 50 .0001 .0201 4.35 7 E 684 1006024 300 SO -275V 1 6.18 4.75
8 E 154
8 E 155 651C 4.3 120 45 ,001 :020f 4.35 7 E 685 HD6751 200 .14 -150V 100 3.74 2.88
8 156 E 652C 5.2 110 40 .0001 02001 4.35 7 E 686 HD6752 250 .1® -200V 100 3.93 3.03
8 E 157 653C 6.2 100 40 .0001 .0209 4.35 7 E 687 H06753 300 .14 -250V 100 4.10 3.15
8 E 158 65000 3.7 125 50 .0001 02 4.85 7 E 688 1106754 350 .14 -300V 100 4.42 3.40
8 E 159 650C3 4.0 123 SO .0001 .02 4.85 7 E 689 1406755 400 .18-350V 100 5.36 4.13
8 E 160 651C0 4.5 120 45 .0001 .02 4.85 Quick R Typs. High -speed diodes for use where fast switching
8 E 161 651C3 5.0 120 45 .0001 .020? 4.85 time is necessary. Feature high temperature voltage and resistance
8 E 162 652C0 5.5 110 40 .0001 .020? 4.85 qualities. Operating temperature range. - 78° C. to +135° C.; maximum
163 652C5 6.0 110 40 .0001 .0201 4.85 storage temperature, 150° C. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz.
E 164 653C0
4.85 Max. Back Current
8 E 165 Stock Mfr's Rev. V. for 1 -99, 100 -999,
8 E 166 653C9 8.0 100 40 .0001 .0201 4.85 No. Type ma © 25° C isa ® 100° C 100 pa EACH EACH
RAYTHEON DIODES 7 E 682 1N625 1®-10V 50 (4-20V 30 1.79 1.38
7 E 690 1N626 20® -35V 100th -35V 50 2.11 1.63
High -quality Raytheon diodes. All are bonded sili- 683 1N627 20 (4-75V 10044 -75V
con, except point -contact germanium; (gold 7 E 100 2.54 1.95
bonded germanium. Low shunt capacitance. Have 7 E 679 111628 2084 -125V 100((4 -125V 150 2.86 2.20
wire leads. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. 7 E 681 1N629 200 -175V 100® -175V 200 3.12 2.40
Stock Mfr's Peak inv. Min. Forward Mas. env. temperature ntI
No. Type Voltage Current(ma)at lv Current (ma) Range ( °C) EACH SILICON RECTIFIERS
5E845 41434 60 5 .88 -50V -50 to +100 .49 Fusion -sealed one -piece glass body.
915 1N38 64 -100V -50 to +100 .95 Max. size:345 long x 1/4' diam., with
14 - 10V - 50 47+100
5 E 120 3.0
5 E 916 1060 25 .36 approx. 11/4' tinned leads. Operating
5 E 785.1066 60 5 .88 -50V -5010 +100 .49 range: -75° C to +150° C. One sec. surge is 10x mas. ave. rect. fwd.
5E7861N67 80 4 .05@ -50V -50 to +100 135 current. Max. ay. reverse current Is 10 microamps. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
5E828.1868 100 3 6L -100V -50 to-1-100 .95
5 E 9171 INRA 5.0 Noise figure 14 db mas. -50 to 4-100 .98 Stock Mfr's Mas. Input Max. Inv. Av. Rat. Fwd. Ma. 1-99. 100499
5E81018294 60 S .8@ -50V -500o+100 .56 No. Type Volts rms Volts DC 25°C 150°C EACH EACH
5 E 812 10295 40 .28 -I0V -5010 +100 .36 7 E 69 I 11810211 140 175 150 25 2.93 2.25
5 E72610297 80 3.5 1@ -50V -5010 +100 .93 7 E 692 11810213 200 275 150 25 4.42 3.40
5E841 1N300 15 8 .0018 -10V -5510 +150 5.55 7E 693 HR10215 275 375 150 25 6.1 8 4.75
5E900 18300A 15 30 .001@ -10V -55to +150 6.35 7 E 694 HR10251 140 175 200 75 3.58 2.75
5E842 114301 70 5 .05(4 -50V -55to +150 5.55 7 E 695 11810253 200 275 200 75 4.94 3.80
5E 901 1N301A 70 18 .05@ -50V-551o+150 6.35 7 EC 696 HR10255 275 375 200 75 8.45 6.50
5E843 111303 125 3 .1 @ -100V -5510 +150 5.55
5E 903 IN303A 125 12 .1@ -100V -5507+150 6.35 GERMANIUM DIODE BOOKS
5E835f1N305 60 02@ -50V -55to+100 3.16
5E904f1N306 15 002@ -10V -551o+100 3.16 40 USES FOR GERMANIUM DIODES. By Sylvania engineers. Has
5 E838f1N307 125 100 .028-100V -55to +100 3.16 workable circuits and data for 40 important uses of diodes and suggests
5 E781 CK710 1.5 3(40.5 v.) .. -50 ío+100 .87 others. 46 pages. 6x9°.
5 E 8321%8715 40 10

-501,+100 .63 37 K 044. P Id In U.S.A 25c

RAYTHEON SILICON POWER RECTIFIER neers. Tells how to build 24 devices using germanium diodes. lias 40
pages. 6x9'.
Type CK776. A silicon power rectifier capable of handling
up to 15 amperes. Hermetically sealed, and designed to with-
37 K 074. Postpaid In U.S.A 25c
stand ambient temperatures from -55° to +175° C. At an SYLVANIA CRYSTAL DIODE CIRCUIT KINKS. By Sylvania
ambient temperature of +75° C, one CK776 can deliver 5.1 engineers. 40 tried and proven circuits. Ratings and characteristics of
amps. without overheating. Higher currents are possible at all Sylvania germanium diodes. 35 pages. 6x9'.
lower temperatures. Overall length is 11'- maximum diam- 37 K 091. Postpaid In U.S.A 250
eter is °/a'. Cathode connection is 114 -28 bolt Yje long; anode GERMANIUM DIODE INDUSTRIAL USES. By Sylvania engineers.
connection is terminal lug for an 8 -32 bolt. Maximum operat- Has Circuit diagrams, germanium diode installation hints, and germa-
ing voltage is 141.5 volts rms. Shpg. wt.. 5 oz. nium sods rat iag and characteristic t hart. 42 page'.. 6x9'.
5 EC 849. NET 28.60 37 K 124. Postpaid in U.S.A 25c
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 107
Selenium & Germanium Rectifiers
"Centre- Kooled" selenium rectifier.- premium quality Top-quality selenium rectifiera at unusually low prices.
at low cost. Widely used as replacements in radio and Ideal for replacement use and for original equipment.
TV sets, Intercoms, bias supplies, amplifiers. etc. Also Types 1016 and 1017 are bridge-connected. Rated: Max.
excellent for original equipment. Supply plate, filament rms input volts, 2S; max. peak inverse volta. 35. Type
and bias voltages directly from power line or from 1001 rated: Max. rms input volts, 20; max. peak inverse
transformer. Maximum rms input volts, 130. Conserva- volts, 35. Type 1022: Max. rms input volts, 160; max.
tively rated to deliver highly dependable and efficient peak inverse volts, 460. All other types: Max. rms input
performance. "Centre- Kooled" design assures cool, sta- volts. 130; max. peak inverse volts, 380; internal drop. 7 volts. kt-. t.t r
ble operation. Maximum inverse peak volts, 380. Ap- with letter A in type no. have locking lug. 'Ultra -compact tubular ree
proximate internal drop. 5 volts. Av. shpg. wt., 5 oz. tifier; enclosed in paper tube. Has 11/2' leads for easy installation
Average shpg. wt., 5 oz.
Ma Slxs EAC1
te 4 or
ors, St. ach Mfr's DC
Size 1 to 4 6 or Moro,
4 A636 65 65 1xÌx''
: e
4 A 662
4 A 606
01/5' dia.xt
Ixlx Msx'54'
/¡ .88
4 A617 75 75 1x1x1334 1.00 .90 4A 679 1386 65 ' Hot 82 .74
4 A618 100 100 11/.z1 %4x131s' 1.21 1.09 4 A 602 1003A 75 Iz z %4' 1.00 .90
4 A 619 100A 100 1x1x1 668 1001 75 Ixlz
4 A 620 150 ISO lYaxlY4x1'S44' 1 26 1.13 4A 600 1004A 100 1y1tz1' 7(í:1/i 1.21 109
4 A 621 200 200 l'+9y0x1l+3y0zl 1.68 1.51 4A 661 1101A 100 1x1x11/a' 1.03 .93
4 A 622 250 250 1'94sx1'90x134s 1.68 1.51 603 100SA 150 130x1' 3(4x1 1.29 1.16
4 A 685 250A 250 11/4z1y4xtr 1.50 4A 601 1006A 200 1'70x1+'011 1.71 1.54
4 A 623 300 300 11 x1'yssxÌr/a' 3 1.56 607 1028A 250 l'Hyx1' Tuxl'1a' 1.71 1.54
4 A 686 300A 300 11 xlt1/29t113j1 1.56 1.40 4Á 663 1090A 300 113j1z11345x2 4z 1.76 1.58
4 A 624 350A 350 11 x1190x234s', 1.85 1.66 666 1016 300 1' 344x130x1A 1.50 1.35
44 l4 6627 400 400 2x2x134s 2.20 1.98 4A 612 1023 350 13/4x1 x270 2.09 1.88
4 A 687 400AD 400 lysxlysI+/¡ 2.00 1.80 4A 615 1130 400 2x2x1 1' 2.20 1.98
4 A 625 500 500 2z2x1r/a 2.44 2.20 665 450
4 A 688 SOOAD 500 '1/2x1ysx131s 2.18 1.96 Ì179A 2:2z2í 2 44 2.20
4A 660 1017 600 1 +70xl' , xi/4' 1.97 1.77
Single- phase. full -wave selenium rectifier stacks Typs 1013 B Ch Rectifier. For charging small 2 and 6 -volt
for general- purpose and industrial use. Applica- batteries. such as used in electronic photoflash equipment and self-
tions: Electro- plating. motor control. DC filament charging portable radios. Max. rms input volts, 18. Max. DC, 450 ma.
supplies, battery charging. DC relay supplies. DC Size, 115zxl13,32x14'. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
supplies for telephone equipment, etc. Center - 4 A 604. NET 94C
tapped. 1 Bridge- connected. Av. shpg. wt., 10 os.
Hesfi Mrr'e Max. Max. AG DGV NET Typa 1512 B Ch Rectifier. For trickle charging of 6 -volt
No. Type Amps. Input V. O Slxs EACH auto batteries. Also suitable for DC filament supplies. Max. rms input
volts, 26. Max. DC, 1800 ma. 4'/4 :2'/4zá/1'. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
4 A 700 eD-10 2 13 6-10 3x21 x3' 4.16 4 A 664. NET 2.18
4 A 701 D-12 6 13 6-10 4x2 x4" 5.88
4 A 702 D-14 12 13 6-10 Sz2z211.x6' 7.35 Federal Miniature Selenium Rectifier Handbook. Valuable hand-
4 A 710 D-16 22.5 13 6-10 41y/4 /4x12 12.84 book for radio -TV servicemen and experimenters. Includes full specifica-
4 A 703 f D-17 2 26 6-20 3s3341x3 7.10 tions and circuit applications. 80 pages. 814x4 t/.'.
4 A 704 f D-18 4 26 6-20 4:3ryj1x4' 9.36 37 K 106. P Id in U.S.A Mc

4 A 705 6 26 6-20 4x4x4' 10.04
4 A 706 D-20 8 26 6-20 5z334.1x6' 12.20 HI-DENSITY TYPE RECTIFIERS
4 A 707 D-21 12 26 6-20 Sx4x6' 12.89
4 A 711 D-23 22.5 26 6-20 4'/4x4x12' 22.44 New design -extremely compact -selenium rectifiers. Excellent for
4 A 708 D-24 2 52 20-40 314s/.z3' 12.50 replacement use and for original equipment. Eliminate installation
A 709 tD-25
problema where space is very limited. Maximum rms input volts, 130.
4 52 20-40 4:4'/4:4 17. I 0 Maximum peak inverse volta, 380. Internal drop 7 volts. All have locking
4 A 7 I 2 D-26 6 52 20-40 4z6 :4' 1 8.1 3 lug. Av. ahpg. wt., 4 oz.
4 A 713 D-30 22.5 52 20-40 41/4x6 x12 41.65
4 A 714 D-39 1 130 60-100 2x5341x2 18.91 Stock Mfr'. DC
Six. f too 6 or Moro.
4 A 715 D-40 2 130 60-100 3:81311x3 24.84 No. Typo MA EACIl EACH
4 A 716
4 A 717
ID-46 I
.5 156 100-120 1.6:6:1.6
100-120 2:612'
14.06 4 A 675 1236A -H 250 -300 1'/4x1'/4x1'/.' 1.56 1.40
156 22.05 4 A 676 1241A -H 350-400 l'70z1 Put at/.' 2.03 1.83
4 A 718 TD-47 2 156 100-120 3x101/2x3' 29.01 4 A 677 1237A -H 451'-500 1'70x1' xls/¡ 2.20 1.98
4 A 719 1D-48 4 156 100-120 4x101/2:4' 43.27 4 A 678 1207A -H 600 114x1 t/4x11/. 2.47 2.22
4 A 720 13-49 6 156 100-120 4x15911z4' 44.81
Outstanding new development in the field of
Exceptionally rugged. high current output type selenium
power conversion and semi-conductors.Espe- rectifiera. Especially suitable for industrial use but can be
cially useful for applications where rectifier used for practically any AC or DC conversion need. Current
may be subjected to extremes of heat and cold -or where high power output on some types as high as 24 amperes. Single phase,
capacity in a small size unit is required. Thermal range from -55° C. to phase full wave center -
full wave bridge type except *single
100 C. without derating. Forward resistance Iras than one ohm; reverse tap. Ratings shown are for 35° C. ambient temperature.
resistance in the order of 1000 ohms -gives rectification efficiency Av. ahpg. wt., 8 oz.
greater than 99%. Terminals. Types L. M. and SM fuse type; Type P:
pigtail leads; Type Q: stud- W-24 thread. Note; All DC current ratings Stock Mfr's Mas. DC Output Mas. AC NET EACH
are for resistive or inductive loads only except Type M (for capacitive No. Typs Volts Amps Input V.
l -9 10-24
loads also). On all other types Aerate DC current by 20% for capacitive,
motor, or battery loads. Type Q current ratings based on proper heat 4A 781 010 10 3 13 313.154' 3.53 3.35
sink design to dim t heat of case to 170° C. 'Peak inverse voltage. f At 4A 782 0120 10 6 13 4444114' 4.75 4.52
100° C. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. 4A 783 014 10 12 13 6154134 6.52 6.1 9
4 A 784 016 10 24 13 10x6:234 1 2.74 12.10
Stock Mac Mfr's Mas. EMS 1Mss. Overall Size NET 4A 785 211 20 3 26 3s3x2'ijs 6.42 6.10
No. No. Type 'Ply Volts DCAmps L a Dia. EACH
4 A 786 213 20 6 26 tintai 1/4' 8.38 7.96
4 A 731 181086 201 200 140 1.5 115x14' 3.72 4 A 787 215 20 12 26 6:5x234' 1 2.00 I .41

4 A 732 181088 401. 400 280 1.5 154x34' 4.51 4 A 788 217 20 24 26 10.6x334' 24.01 22.81
4A 733 1N1053 IOP1 100 70 1.5 Vus Ms' 6.71 4 A 789 310 40 3 52 313a3riin' 11.66 11.08
4AC 734 181056 30P1 300 210 1.5 ?,í417,1s' 11.27 4 A 790 312 40 6 52 4144' 15.39 14.62
4 AC 735 151078 1504 150 105 15. 11TijzssOr4 16.27 4 A 79 I 314 40 12 52 645x51/4' 22.20 21.09
4 AC 736 151080 3004 300 210 15. 111011 %' 22.59 4 A 792 410 60 2.6 78 3131141/2' 15.57 14.80
4A 777 151082 20M 200 140 .5 lx'Vu' 2.15 4 A 793 412 60 6 78 414x6W 21.76 20.67
4 A 738 151084 40M 400 280 .5 lx' 10' 2.29 4 A 794 414 60 12 78 6a5z75 ' 32.00 30.40
4A739 151109 120SM 1200 840 425 1i .'4s5'°,4z' 5.88 4 A 795 510 80 2.6 104 3131554 19.55 18.57
4 AC 740 1141110 160SM 1600 1170 .4 211 x110' 7.84 4 A 796 512 80 6 104 4a4a8'ijs' 27.29 25.93
4 AC 741 151113 280SM 2800 1 000 .325 3' ,5s.' Vu' 13.72 4 A 797 514 80 12 104 6x5x9sis' 41.70 39.61
Typs M600. Extremely smell, ,lap -ül' silicon
Conversion Hic umaliv handy unit for
rectifier -perfect for TV replacement and use in TV sets, or tu.y cviuipnu-nt now using
miniaturization uses. Lower voltage drop selenium or full wave vacuum tube rectifiers.
(only 2 v.,) results in increased Bt, more Allows conversion to silicon rectifiers with re-
drive and sweep voltage, and more anode sulting higher efficiency, comparative freedom
voltage on picture tube for greater clarity. Maximum ratings: AC from breakdown. casier future replacement.
input, 130 v.; peak inv.. 400 v.; DC current, 500 ma; peak current, Excellent for use by TV servicemen for modern-
5000 ma. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. ization of older model TV sets or other types of
4 A 697.1 -9, NET EACH 2.12 electronic equipment. Conversion kit includes 2-M500 silicon rectifiera,
10 -24, NET EACH 190 dual mounting clip, and all hardware. Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
4 A 699. NET 4.59
Typs M160. Similar to above but ISO ma. max. current. For replace- 5lnels Mounting Clip. Overall size, 1/.x1'541: 1/2'. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
ment use in portable radios, etc. Will replace Sarkes Tarzian Modela 65 4 A 669. NET 124
and 75 selenium rectifiers. In plastic containers complete with one
rectifier, two clips, one 10-ohm one-watt resistor, and diagrams. Dual Mounting Clip. Overall size. %4x1191sx1. Shpg. wt., 4 ox.
4A696.10te24.MACH....1.I3 1 to 9, NET EACH 26 4A670. NET 1 264
108 Industrial Users -Write for Prises on Larger Quantifies
Rectifiers and Diodes
rectifiers feature com- Selenium power rectifiers. For all equipment having high
pact size, very low for- current requirements. Outstanding features: Long life.
ward resistance, ex- compact size, and light weight. Suitable for design and
treme stability and replacement purposes in industrial and laboratory equip-
very rugged construc- ment. Typical uses include: Heavy-duty electroplating.
tion. Have 11 lower general purpose power supplies, . athodic protection and
forward resistance and battery chargers. Explanation of Symbols In Table:
are 1/4 smaller in size Center -tapped common cathode. t Bridge-connected.
than conventional sel- IHaif -wave type. Wm- maximum AC volts input. Av.
enium:. No forward ehpg. wt.: 13 oz.; #1 lb.; Type 5206, 41/4 lbs.; others 21 lbs.
aging effect- output re-
mains constant through long, continuous service, without compensating
devices. Meet military vibration requirements. Specifications below are
11C Output

Volls Amp.
IvM S 1.4
5-9 10-24 25-49
for single -phase bridge operation with capacitive filter. No load; tmax- 4A8001D-501G I 10° .7 26CT lS0054s155' 2.60 2.20 1.95 1.82
i111u1u. With mounting bracket and hardware. Av. shpg. wt., 9 oz. 4 A 801 1D-3011 I 10° 1.5 26CT 2a2x115' 3.28 2.79 2.46 2.30
DC Output 4 A 802 11)-503G f 10 3 26CT 313z2' 4,51 3.83 3.38 3.16
Stack Mfr's AC Input
NET 4 A 803 1D-507G I 201 .4 26 I%sl%tl39' 3.28 2.79 2.46 2.30
No. Type Volts Volts Ampst EACH
4A 804 11)-508G I 209 .7 26 114a15411S4' 3.63 3.09 2.72 2.54
4 A 721 4JA2IIABIACI 70 98 0.7 15,x15,5.:3 %' 8.43 4A 805 11)-3022 f 209 1.5 26 2221134' 4.80 4.09 3.61 3.36
4 A 722 41A211ABIAC2 70 98 1.4 15,4015,44.5%' 16.86 4A806121-5128 20t 9.5 26 6s54351' 14.21 12.08 10.66 9.95
4 A 723 1'h01',403 % I0.68 40t 1%:1%x25,4.' 5.10 4.33 3.82 3.57

4JA2118BIACI 140 196 0.7 411. 8071D-5148 I .4 52
4 A 724 41A2IIBBIAC2 140 196 1.4 15,4.x15,4.:5 %' 21 .36
4 A 808 1D-515G I 40t .7 52 1%41%x25iSs' 5.73 4.87 4.30 4.02
4 A 725 41A211C814C1 210 294 0.7 19,1019/013%. 3.92
4 A 809 JD-3023 40t 1.5 52 242113' 7.79 6.62 5.84 5.46
4 A 726 414211C814C2 210 294 1.4 15,401e00M. 27.83 810 10.98 9.33 8.23 7.68
4 A 727 414211882M 280 392 0.7 15,4.21,4.x5%' 21 .36 4Á I 1D-518P 40t 5.5 52 i,xiiz4 k'
14.06 11.95 10.54 9.85
4 A 728 41A2IIC82ACl 420 588 0.7 14015Á.s514' 27.83 4 A 812 10-5206
4A8151D-3012 1
101 15
1001 .3
31.21 26.53 23.41 21
1%xl%:45,5.' 10.63 9.04 7.98 7.45
NEW G.E GERMANIUM TV RECTIFIERS 4A81610.3007 1001 .6 139x1ht45f4.' 11.95 10.16 8.97 8.37
Germanium TV power rectifiers for low- voltage power supplies. Feature 4A8171D-3016 / 1201 .6 1%xl%'x5/s 14.01 11.92 10.51 9.81
compact size. increased output voltage, long life and easy installation. BATTERY CHARGING TYPES
Extremely low voltage drop. No aging-allows full rated performance
over entire rectifier life. All types snap in easily without hardware
'types IN1005, 1N1007, and IN1013 require single mounting hole
-- 4A818 ID -116G)
4A 8191D-117Pí
101 2 26 3s3í%'
l0il 2.7 26 454x%'
1.62 1.37 1.22 1.14
1.96 1.67 1.47 1.37
easily replace old rectifier. Types INS 73, 1N575. and IN581 require two 4A 820 JD -241Gí 10 6
fff¡ 26 6551[51 2.69 2.29 2.02 I .89
mounting holes- intended for or'ginal equipment design. All half -wave 4 A 82I 1D -24001 10 9 26 75:614x39 3.58 3.04 2.69 2.51
except *dual rectifiers wired as voltage doubler. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
Stock Mfr's Mix. AC Peek DC Output Full Load NET
No. Type Input V Inverse V Ma. Voltage Drop EACH Compact, lightweight power diodes. Operate at up to 150° C.;
can withstand exposure from -65° C. to +070° C. Ratings
4 A 742 191005 130 380 250 .15 1.52 shown for operation at 100° C. "S" in type number indicates
4 A 743 191007 130 380 350 .3 .91 pigtail leads; max. DC output, 300 ma. T" in type number
4 A689
4 A 744
.15 2.99
1.90 indicates stud mounted; max. DC output, 800 ma. Series "S
2%zxS44'. Series "T "- l3á:)46' Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
4A 745 19573 130 380 250 .15 1.52
4A 746 19575 130 380 350 .3 1.91 Stook Mfr's ,IETEG Peak Max. NMS rte. 1

4A 747 19581° 130 380 250 .15 2.99 No. Type Typs Inv. V. Input V. EACH
7 E760 3ASI 1N599 SO 35 1.76
RCA SELENIUM RECTIFIERS 7 E761 30S1 1N600 100 70 1.91
7 E762 3CS1 1N601 ISO 105 2.20
selenium rectifiers. Ideal for general replace- 7 E 763 313S1 1N602 200 140 2.45
ment use in TV. radio receivers, phonographs, and 7 E 765 3FS1 1N604 400 280 5.14
other electronic equipment. Available with current
capacities from 65 to 500 milliamperes. Features 7 EC 766 3GS1 1N605 500 350 7.84
include- corrugated spacers for greater heat dis- 7 E 767 3AS2 1N559A SO 35 2.06
sipation -frame work of tie bars for more rigid 7 E 768 3852 IN600A 100 70 2.35
support of cells. Also have integral mounting stud 7 E 771 3E S2 1N603A 300 210 4.41
for quicker installation. The smaller size for given 7 E772 3FS2 IN604A 400 280 5.88
current is achieved by unique design utilizing entire 7 EC 773 3GS2 1N605A 500 350 9.80
plate surface. Maximum input ems volts, 130. 7 E 774 3AT1 1N607 50 35 2.20
Maximum peak Inverse volts, 380. Operating tem- 7 E 775 30T1 1N608 100 70 2.45
perature 85 degrees C. :Types 210G1 and 211G1 7 E 776 3ET1 1N611 300 210 4.41
are extra thin (for use in applications where types 203G1 and 204G1 7 EC 777 3GT1 1N613 500 350 8.33
will not fit). Av. shpgwt., 5 oz. 7 E 778 3ÁT2 1N607A 50 35 2.94
Stook Mfr's DC NET 6 or mono. 7 E 779 30T2 1N608A 100 70 3.18
No. Typo Ma Size EACH EACH 7 E780 3ET2 IN611.4 300 210 5.14
4 7 E 781 3FT2 1N612A 400 280 6.61
4 A 750 205G1 65 1%4 x539:1/4 .82 .74
4 A 751 200G1 75 144z5/4x5144' .94 .85 MINIATURE SELENIUM RECTIFIERS
4 A 752 20661 100 1 zl x.34.' 1.15 1.04 Miniature selenium rectifiers. Used for small power appli-
4 A 753 201G1 150 15401144044u 1.23 1.1 I
756 cations where relatively low voltage is required. Uses

4 A 20261 300 111,44z11/4 x 151(4' 1.71 1.54 '

4 A 757 20961 350

include bias supplies, DC filament supplies, solenoid and G.
1°%xx11%ax11llja' 1.96 1.76 relay power supplies, 2 and 6-volt battery chargers for
4 A 758 203G1 400 'Wuxi, x11%r' 2.14 1.93 self-charging portables, trickle battery chargers, etc. All
4 A 759 20461 500
lz%axl %tx1sle" 2.35 2.12 types rated at 25 volts RMS max., except Type Q4B
4 A 760 210611 400(thin) 1x%txlz11/° 2.14 1.93 which is rated at 130 volts RMS max. "H" in type num
4 A 761 211G11 500 (thin) 1x%1:1 Mézlf/4' 2.35 2.12 ber indicates single late half wave rectifier; "B" in type
number indicates full wave bridge rectifier. *Series "H" rated for
IRC SELENIUM DUAL DIODES minimum resistive load shown. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz.
Exact replacement, highly stable, selenium dual diodes. Stook Mies Max. DG Min. Series Size
No. Type Ma. Lead Ohms EACH
For use in horizontal phase detectors in television re-
ceivers. Simplifies serviceman's replacement problems.
Available in two basic types-common cathode and
4 A 822
4 A 823
IH 65
.' .43
series connected. All units rectangular-shaped with 4 A 824 B1H 150 15 11344:l1 342 .49
three leads, molded in moisture -resistant plastic. Av. 4 A825 C1H 250 5 1yz:ll :34._ .75
shpg. wt.. 4 oz. 4 A1326 MIH S00 5 2x2:)44 .98
Type D4. For television receivers requiring the common cathode type 4A827 100 °344:°)44x341 1.03
dual diode. 4 A 828 B 100 ° No,xl
' 1.94
7 E 752. List. $1.63. NET 97c 4 A 829 113 180 1.23
Typa D5. For TV receivers requiring series connected type. 4 A 830 BIB 300 117144x115Nix . 1.48
7 E 753. List, $1.65. NET 97C 4 A 831 C1 B 600 14 :114x114 2.02
4 A 032 M111 1200 2222x55//° 2.27
High -voltage, cartridge -type selenium Universal replacement silicon rectifier- directly replaces any
1t4M- rectifiers. For replacement in TV cam- present radio or television power supply requiring up to 5110
eras. Geiger counters, computing ma- ma. Complete with stud, nut. and universal mounting bracket
chines, etc. For applications requiring for convenient mounting in any receiver. Absolutely no con-
high DC voltages at comparatively low current. Handle up to 5 ma. version is necessary for installation. Enables the serviceman
Cartridge term Hals fit in standard 30- ampere size fuse clips. Meet JAN to centralize stocks of TV rectifiers into a stock of Just one
specifications to withstand humidity, altitude, vibration and shock. De- type thus making possible quick replacements without wait-
signed for long life, extreme dependability. Dia., 34... Av. shpg. wt., 8 oz. ing. Easily lends Itself to various power supply applications,
such as half -wave, voltage doubler, or voltage tripler uses.
Stock Mfr's Max 1CV Peak
NET EACH Maximum RMS AC input voltage, 117 volts. DC output voltage. 135
No. Typs Input V Output InveV Leeg81 1-4 5 -9 10-24 25 -49 volts. DC output current, S00 milliamperes maximum. Eyelet con-
struction; with locking lug which may be bent out of the way or clipped
4 A 690 VSOHF 1650 1000 2400 2%e 7.25 6.16 5.44 5.08 off if not needed. Also useful for Amateur and experimental applications.
4 A 69I 105HF 2475 1500 3600 3' 10.19 8.66 7.64 7.13 Positive terminal lug clearly marked for easy identification. Size
4 A 692 VIOOHF 3300 2000 4800 4 13.13 11.16 9.85 9.19 2z2z15A4. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
4 A 693
A 694
V125HF 4125 2500 6000 4 %'
13.66 12.05 1.25
18.66 16.46 15.37
4 A 730. 1 to 4 NET EACH 2.20
4 V175HF 5775 3500 8490 6 or Mors, NEI' EACH 2 01

Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 109
Industrial & Service Items
New ferrite magnetic memory and Extremely Fast Response
twitching cores -permanent mag-
nets in which polarity can be re- Highly Stable to 140 F.
\) versed by extremely low
inagu,tizing force. Typical appli- Simplifies Humidity Control
cations include use in digital An extremely reliable humidity sensing element. Made of a conducting
375T 180T 100T 801 computers, high -speed counters, plastic which changes resistance in the presence of water vapor. Easy to
radiation counters, shift registers,
juke boxes, information storage buffers, industrial controls and numer-
ous other similar devices. Types 50T1, SOTS, Hu'l'l, 8075, IOOT1,
100T5, are rectangular hysteresis loop storage cores; Types 18OT1,
wire in -only 2 connections. Very stable in ambient temperatures to 140°
F. Readings are 100% repeatable and accurate within 3 %. Fast acting
response in I minute for 20% humidity change; 3 minutes for 90%
change. Only %sills': e4.' thick. With specs. relative humidity/re-
180T5, 375T1 and 375T5 are ferrite switch cores. Circuits employing sistance graph and sample circuitry. Operates from 6-20 volts AC.
these cores are described in the February 1956 issue of Electronics Slips. wt., 2 oz.
magazine. Av. shpg- wt.. per box, 4 oz. 26 oores per box. 7E751. NET 8.00
Stook No. Type O,D. Switch Time, us PER BO X_
9 E 889 180T5 .18íy' 5 25.00
9 E 890 100TS .101 5 11.25 Clarostat resistor tubes for voltage- reducing applications. For
9 E 891 80HS .080' S 1.25 1
replacement of all A( -DC tubes beginning with letters BK,
9 E 892 SOTS .050' 5 1.25 1
BI., K, 1. and M; and corresponding numbers and letters given
9 E 893 37ST1 .375' below. Order tubes according to letter and numeral designation
25.00 of tube being replaced. For example, to replace a BK -23 -A tube.
9 E 894 180T1 .180' 25.00
9 E 895 100TI .1 00' 1.25 or an M -S5 -D tube, the Clarostat Type 23 -55 -A would be used,
9 E 896 80T1 .OIIO' 11.25
etc. Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
9 E 897 5OTl .050' 11.25 Stook Mfr's Tube Num- Ending In NET EA.
No. Type bers From: Letter:
9 E 23 to SS A. B. C, D
Ideal for many aircraft or 9 E 855 23 -33-F 23 to SS F. G. H 1.62
industrial a uipment ap- 9 E 856 60 -92 -A 60 to 92 A.B.C. D
plications. ypical uses
include: fan and blower
switches, and program- TV Ballasts. Quality plug -in ballants for A(' -DC TV sets.
ming devices. Permanent Perforated shells for maximum dissipation and radiation of
magnet field. Papered air beat. Large insulating surfaces and heavy resistance elements
gap (usually availableonly provide highly dependable service. Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
on l arger motors) reduces
armature reaction, for improved performance under varying load condi- No. Type For No. Typo For EACH
tions. Multi -coat treatment protects armature from moisture, fungus, or
salt spray. Brush life at sea level usually exceeds 1000 hours. Motors 9 E 860 174470303 Motorola 9 E 862 397022 Emerson
perform well at high altitudes. Ambient temperature range is -65° F to 9 E 861 174485459 Motorola 9 E 863 397023 Emerson 12.94
1200° F. Meet performance, environmental, vibration, and shock
requirements of AN -M -40 and MIL- M- 8609(ASG) specs. .24' diam. Adjustable Types. For virtually all replacement needs. 8- prong. 6 oz.
spline shaft output. Can be used with gear trains listed below. found 9 E 885. Replaces ballasts beginning with K. L. M, BK, BI.,
inches. Av. shpg. wt., 2 lbs. having numbers 6- 42, ending with A. B, C. D. F. G. or H. BM
Stock No. Type CC V. Duty Cycle HP RPM °Torque EACH NET 2.06
76 P 550 40F -50 26 Continuous 013 8200 .10 35.28 9 E 886. Replaces ballasts beginning with K L. M. BK. BL. BM
76 P 551 400-50 26 3 min. on, 7 off .020 10300 .12 35.28 having numbers 45 through 105 and ending with A. B. C. D. F. G. H.
76 P 552 705 -50 26 Continuous .023 7200 .20 40.18 2 or 3.
76 P 553 702 -50 26 1.5 min. on, 8.5 off 454 12300 .28 40.1 8
NET 2.06
76 P 554 901 -50 26 2 min. on. 8 off .080 12600 .40 45.08
76 P 555 405 -50 115 Continuous .014 10700 08 44.10 AMPERITE REGULATOR TUBES
76 P 556 707 -50 115 Continuous .027 7200 23 44.10 For Replacement Use in Industrial Electronic Equipment
Amperite regulator tubes have achieved wide acceptance for
BARBER -COLMAN BYLH GEARTRAINS current -voltage regulating applications in industrial electronic
For use with the BLYM motors listed above. These geartrains reduce equipment. Built to rigid specifications to assure extremely de-
the speed, and increase the torque of the motors by the factor indicated pendable service. Listed below are special purpose ballast tubes
under "gear ratio." Maximum torque of these units is approximately 5 to used in original industrial equipment and identified by Amperite
10 pound inches. Geartrain fits directly onto motor frame, accepts motor type numbers. All units listed below are stocked for prompt de-
shaft, and delivers power by means of .25' diam. smooth output shaft. All livery. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
geartrains are 1.38' diam. Lengths range from 1.07' (for 912) to 1.69'
(for 919). Av. shpg. wt.. 1 Ib. Stock No. Type EACH Stook No.
l Type EACH
Stock No. Type No. steps Gear Retie NET EACH 9E981 11122 9 E 987 6H6
9 E 984 3 -4 9-4
76 P 557 922 2 9.5 to 1 20.58 9 E 979 3 -14 1.76 9 É 993 4H4C 176
76 P 558 923 3 32.6 to 1 25.48 9 E 985 6-4 9 E 999 10-25
76 P 559 914H 4 113 to l 18.62
76 P 560 91SA S 312 to 1 21.56
76 P 561 915B S 390 to 1 21.56 CONSOLIDATED AC-DC
76 P 562 9í6A 6 1093 to 1 24.50 RESISTANCE LINE CORDS
76 P 563 9178 7 1767 to 1 27.44 Heavily insulated resistance line cords. (lave
76 P 564 91713 7 4648 to 1 27.44 color -coded tinned leads. Supply proper volt-
76 P 565 9188 8 16053 to 1 30.38 age for tubes wired in series across 115 volt
76 P 566 9198 9 55446 to 1 33.32 lines. 135, 160, 180 and 200 ohm cords can
also be used for 1 -lamp. 15 and 20 -watt
WUERTH SURGISTOR fluorescent units. }For 3 -way battery port-
Type 100 -2. A component which ables. 6' long. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
combines the functions of a current -
limiting resistor and time -delay stook No. Mn,.. Type Ohms NET EACH
relay. It is connected directly into 49 T 522 2401 135
the power line circuit of any elec- 49 T 520 2402 160
tronic device. The surgistor limits 49 T 519 2412 180
current until the tube filaments are warm enough to take full voltage. 49 T 518 2411 200 71C
Holds down 8 plus during warm -up. Specifications: Start res.. 100 ohms; 49 T517 2403 220
normal res., 0.2 ohm; circuit power range, 100-300 watts; time delay. 10 497516 2410 250
seconds. Shop. wt., 2 oz. 497515 2404 290
80 G 144. NET I I 1
49 T 524 2408A 300
ADC TERMINAL BLOCKS 49 T 5 12 2405 330
Especially useful in design of telephone circuits.
49 T 511
49 510
computers, and other applications with very 49 T 525 2414At 560
large numbers of circuits. Each unit has a one-
piece molded phenolic base. Individual terminal Unl I Lin Cord. Replaces AC -DC cords from 220 to 300 ohms.
separators are also of molded phenolic. Polished Easy to install. Just select desired resistance leads; cl'p off unused leads.
surface makes for easy removal of solder flash For standard three -terminal or pilot bulb tapped cords. Length, 6 ft.
after wiring. Terminals are .040 inch plated brass. Sbp8 wt., 5 oz.
Rowe of terminals are graduated in length, and 49 T 530. NET 168
identified by numbering along the top row. Avail-
able with 1 -6 rows, 20 terminals per row. Base 220 -110 V. Step -Down Cord. For operating 110 v. AC -DC radio sets
dimensions: 3a6'{s inches. Height depends on from 220 v. AC -D('. Convenient way to step down 220 volts for sets
number of rows. Av. shpg. wt., 11/2 lbs. tubes. 500 ohms. 0.2 amps capacity. 5 oz.
Stook Mfr's Rows of No. of NET using 580. ato 1 32
No. Type Terminals Terminals Height EACH
40 694
H P J -101 1 20 IH/51' 5.40 "MAKE -UR -OWN" RESISTANCE CORDS
40 H 695 Y ] -102 2 40 2r/4 6.53 Resistance con is for supplying exact line cord resistance need. Shpg.
40 P -103 60 2t 8.10 wts., HY, Vs lb; 25'.1 lb.
40 H 697 P -104 4 9.60 49 W 560. 30 ohms resistance per ft. NET
40 H 698 P -105 S 1W 378 11.03 49 W 570. 60 ohms resistance per ft. Per Foot í2C
40 H 699 Y -106 6 120 3s/a 12.53 26 feet for 2 40
110 Depend an Allied for Everything in Radio, Television and Industrial Electronics
IRC Resistors


Type BT Exceed rigid MIL - R -11 speci-
Filament Carbon. Type BW Wire Wound. Will withstand 50% to 100%
fications. Withstand 50-100% overloads for short overloads with little or no resistance change. Values
periods. RETMA- coded. Sizes: BTR, %x3%'; BTS, clearly indicated by standard RETMA color coding.
13ix5f ; BTA, 2x%'; BTB, 1%x 4'. Figure in Type Sizes: BW -%, %x,fs ; BW-1, 1%x%'; BW -2, 1%x
No. indicates wattage rating. Figure in Type No. indicates wattage rating. 2',
ETMA Values- Specify Resistance Wanted
Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms
Ohms Ohms Ohms
0.27 1.2 5.6 27 120 560 2700 12,000 56,000 0.27 meg 1.2 meg 5.6 meg
0.33 1.5 6.8 33 150 680 3300 15,000 68,000 0.33 meg 1.5 meg 6.8 meg
0.39 1.8 8.2 39 180 820 3900 18,000 82,000 0.39 meg 1.8 meg 8.2 meg
0.47 2.2 10 47 220 1000 4700 22,000 0.1 meg 0.47 meg 2.2 meg 10 meg
5600 27,000 0.12 meg 0.56 meg 2.7 meg 12 meg
0.56 2.7 12 56 270 1200
3.3 meg meg
0.68 3.3 IS 68 330 1500 6800 33,000 0.15 meg 0.68 meg 15
0.82 3.9 18 82 390 1800 8200 39,000 0.18 meg 0.82 meg 3.9 meg 18 meg
1.0 4.7 22 100 470 2200 10,000 47,000 0.22 meg 1.0 meg 4.7 meg 22 meg


dies ro purchase of one resistance value only. 5 -lot price applies to purchase of one resistance value only.

NET 5 Stock Mfr's MIL Values NET 5

Stock Mfr's MIL
Values EACH FOR No. Type Equiv. (See Chart Above) EACH FOR
No, Type Equiv.
1 MM010 BTR-IA RCO9 100 to 22 megs 1 Oc 39c 1 MM060 BW-+/ RU -3 0.27 to 8200 20e .78
1 MM000 BTS -14 RC20 100 to 22 megs 10c 29e 1 MM080 BW -1 RU -4 0.47 to 47000 30e 1.18
BTA -1 100 to 22 15c 44c MM 100 BW-2 RU -6 1 to 82000 40e 1.57
1 MM 020 RC30 megs 1

1 MM 050 BTB -2 RC41 1000 to 22 megs 20c 78c

Industrial Quantities- Substantial Sav'ngs

Industrial quantities-to provide tremendous savings Values may be assorted for 500- and 1000-lot prices
on IRC 10% resistors. Supplied in boxes of 100 -the -but only to boxes of 100 per value. For example, if you
minimum quantity of any one value that you may order. order 1000 resistors, select up to 10 different values.
Type BTS 1 -Watt Carbon Type BTA 1 -Watt Carbon
of Loh of
Lots of Lots of Lots of Lots of Lots
Stock MIL 1000, Stock MIL Values 100, 500, 1000,
Values 100, 500, I
No. Equiv. Per 100 No. Equiv. Per 100 Per 100 Per 100
Per 100 Per 100
10 0 to 22 megs 4.00 3.00 2.70 i MM 02 1 RC30 10 0 to 22 mega 6.00 4.50 4.00
1 MM 001 RC20


Type BT Filament Carbons. Fixed composition, filament Type BW Wire -Wound. Highly stable, low -cost units,
carbon 5% resistors. Dependable low -cost units for use completely insulated. Similar in appearance to carbon
in circuits requiring close tolerance values. RETMA resistors, but have double width first color code band.
color coding. Fully insulated. Withstand shock, vibration and temperature changes.
-.., --------- rSaecify Resistance Wanted
Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms
Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms
510 2400 11.000 51,000 0.24 meg 1.1 meg 5.1 meg
0.24 1.1 5.1 24 110
0.27 meg 1.2 meg 5.6 meg
0.27 1.2 5.6 27 120 560 2700 12,000 56,000
620 3000 13.000 62,000 0.30 meg 1.3 meg 6.2 meg
0.30 1.3 6.2 30 130
68,000 0.33 meg 1.5 meg 6.8 meg
0.33 1.5 6.8 33 150 680 3300 15,000
750 3600 16,000 75,000 0.36 meg 1.6 meg 7.5 meg
0.36 1.6 7.5 36 160
8.2 180 820 3900 18,000 82,000 0.39 meg 1.8 meg 8.2 meg
0.39 1.8 39
91,000 0.43 meg 2.0 meg 9.1 meg
0.43 2.0 9.1 43 200 910 4300 20.000
220 1000 4700 22,000 0.1 meg 0.47 meg 2.2 meg 10 meg
0.47 2.2 10 47
0.11 meg 0.51 meg 2.4 meg 11 meg
0.51 2.4 11 51 240 1100 5100 24,000
2.7 56 270 1200 5600 27,000 0.12 meg 0.56 meg 2.7 meg 12 meg
0.56 12
0.62 3.0 13 62 300 1300 6200 30.000 0.13 meg 0.62 meg 3.0 meg 13 meg
330 1500 6800 33,000 0.15 meg 0.68 meg 3.3 meg IS meg
0.68 3 3 15 68
0.16 meg 0.75 meg 3.6 meg 16 meg
0.75 3.6 16 75 360 1600 7500 36,000
0.82 3.9 18 82 390 1800 8200 39,000 0.18 meg 0.82 meg 3.9 meg 18 meg
0.91 4.3 20 91 430 2000 9100 43,000 0.20 meg 0.91 meg 4.3 meg 20 meg
4.7 100 470 2200 10,000 47,000 0.22 meg 1.0 meg 4.7 meg 22 meg
1.0 22


5 -lot price applies to purchase of one resistance value only.

Stock Mfr's MIL NET 5

Stock Mfr's MIL NET 5
Values Values EACH FOR
Type Equiv, EACH FOR No. Typa Equiv,
MM015 BTR -+/4 RCO9 100 to 20e
22 mess .78 1 MM 065 BW-+/ RU -3 0.240 to 8200 40e 1.57
1 MM 005 BTS -+1 RC20 10 0 to 20e
22 megs .78 1 MM 085 BW -1 RU -4 0.47 0 to 5100 0 45c 1.76
1 MM025 13TA -1 RC30 100 to 30c 1.18 1 MM 105 BW -2
22 megs RU -6 1.00 to 82000 60c 2.35
1 MM 035 BTB -2 RC41 1000 to
22 megs 40e 1.57
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 111
IRC Resistors

Film -type carbon resistors for tireuits requiring high voltage ratings and
low noise levels. "MD" types are sealed to a molded plastic case; DC"
types are unmolded. Wattage rating is indicated by last letter of type
designation: B (14att); C (1 watt) F (1 watt) or H (2 watts). Both
molded and unmolded types meet Mil. 105096 specs. Ratings are for
70' f for molded and 40' C for unmolded. Write for larger quantity prices.
Specify values when ordering Shpg. wts.: 1 watt, 3 oz.; watt. 4 oz.; 1
2 watts, 6 oz.
Ohms Ohms Ohms
IRC RESIST -O -KITS and RESIST -O- CABINETS help the service-
Ohms Ohms Meps Maqs Megs man keep his resistor stocks complete and accessible at all times. Save
SI 330 1800 9100 50,000' .30 1.6 6.2 bench space and improve working efficiency. Each value stored in a
56 360 2000 10,000 51.000 .33 1.8 6.8 separate compartment. All resistors have +10% tolerance. Metal
62 390 2200 11,000 56,000 .36 2.0 7.5
RESIST-O -KITS have 10 compartments, and measure ttAsx3%x61/2',
68 400' 2400 12,000
Metal RESIST -O- CABINETS have 4 drawers, and a total of 28 com -
62,000 .39 2.2 8.2 partments which hold nearly all commonly used resistance values.
75 430 2500' 13,000 68,000 .40' 2.4 9.1 RESIST -O- CABINETS can be stacked. Size, 5%x5t5¡sxl01/2'. No
82 470 2700 15,000 75,000 .43 2.5 10.0 extra charge for metal cabinets or kit boxes. l'ay only for resistors.
91 500 3000 16,000 82,000 .47 2.7 11.0
100 510 3300 18,000 91,000 .50t 3.0 12.0 Ó METAL RESIST-O-KITS
110 560 3600 20.000 .1 meg .51 3.3 13.0 Assortment No. 7. A versatile selection of often -needed composition
120 620 3900 22,000 .11 meg .56 3.6 15.0 resistors. Assortment includes 45 type BTS 1/2-watt resistors. Consists of
6 each-0.1 and 0.47 mega; S each-47,000 -ohms, 0.27 and 1.0 meg;
130 680 4000' 24,000 .12 meg .62 3.9 16.0 4 each-1000
150 750 4300 25,000' .13 meg .68 4.0' 18.0
ohms, 10,000 ohms and 2.2 mega; 3 each -4700 ohms and
0.22 meg. Sham. wt., I1 oz.
160 820 4700 27,000 .15 meg .75 4.3 20.0 2 M 758. NET
180 910 5000' 30,000 .16 meg .82 4.7 22.0
Assortment No. 8. Contains 30 BTA -watt 10% resistors in flat, pock-
200 1000 5100 33.000 .18 meg .91 5.0 24.0 et -size metal kit. Consists of 4 each-1000 and 47,000 ohms, 0.1 and
220 1100 5600 36,000 .20 meg 1.0 5.1 27.0 0.47 meg; 3 each -10,000 ohms and 1.0 meg; 2 each-2200, 4700, and
240 1200 6200 39.000 .22 meg 1.1 5.6 30.0 27,000 ohms, 0.27 meg. Keep one of these kits handy at all times.
250' 1300 6800 40,000' .24 meg 1.2 Shpg. wt., 11 oz.
2 M 759. NET 4.41
270 1500 7500 43,000 .25 meg 1.3
300 1600 8200 47,000 .27 meg 1.5 METAL RESIST-O- CABINETS
Stook No. Type MIL Type Values Assortment No. 3A. Contains 120 IRC 2 -watt resistors as follows: 7
1 -24 26 -99 each: 8200, 10K, 22K, 47K; S each: 1 K, 6800, 1.5E, 0.1 meg; 4 each: 100.
I MM 490 DCC RN2OX SI ohms to 2 megs ex- 330, 470, 1500, 2200. 3300. 4700, 27K, 1.0 meg; 3 each: 47, 82, 150, 220,
cept or t 270, 3900, 0.22 meg. 0.47 meg: 2 each: 4.7. 10, 22, 68; 1 each: IS, 27, 33,
I MM 450 DCF RN2SX 100 ohms to 5 mega 596 476 39. With metal Resist -O- Cabinet. Shpg. wt., 41/2 lbs.
I MM 451 DCF RN2SX 5.1 megs to 10 megs 656 526 2 M 776. NET ,13.5,1
I MM 470 RN3OX 200 ohms to 10 mega Assortment No. 4A. Contains ISO IRC 1/2-watt resistors as follows: 8
except each: 1K, 47K 0.1 meg, 0.27 meg, 1.0 meg; 7 each: 4700, 10K, 0.22 meg.
1 MM 471 DCH RN3OX II megs to 30 mega 764 626 2.2 meg; 5 each: 3300, 22K. 27K, 33K. 0.33 meg, 4.7 meg: 4 each: 100,
I MM 465 MDB RN6SB SI ohms to 1 meg ex- 470, 1500, 2200, SW. 68K 3.3 meg; 3 each: 47, 220, 270, 10 meg. With
cept or 1' 596 476 Metal Resist -O- Cabinet. Shpg.
pg. wt., 414 Ibe.

I MM 455 MDC RN7OB SI ohms to 2 mega ex- 2 M 777. NET

cept or 1 596 473 Assortment No. 6A. Contains 125 IRC 1 -watt resistors as follows: 7
I MM 460 MDF RN75B 100 ohms to 5 megs each: 1K, 10K 27E. 47K, 0.1 meg. 0.27 meg, 0.47 meg, 1.0 meg: S each:
I M M 461 MDF RN75B 5.1 mega to 10 mega 986 786 2200, 4700, 22K; 4 each: 33K, 39K, 68K 3 each: 47, 100, ISO, 220, 270,
470, 1500, 2700, 3300, 15K. 0.15 meg. 0.22 meg. 2.2 meg, 4.7 meg. With
WIRE -WOUND PRECISION RESISTORS metal Resist -O- Cabinet. Shpg. wt., 4i/ lbs.
Extremely dependable precision resistors widely 2 M 778. NET 18.37
used in instruments, calibrated controls. etc. All Combination Assortment No. 6A. Consists of a complete resistor
except W W 1UJ are wound with adjacent sections in
opposite directions to minimize coupling effects.
stock for AM, FM and TV -all
in one handy cabinet. A real time and
money saver for the serviceman, kit -builder and experimenter. Exact
7 olerance is .1%. All have lug terminals, except values are marked on each resistor, to supplement the RETMA color
WWIUJ, which has wire terminals. code. The assortment consists of 139 IRC insulated and Type DCF
Typo WW2J. 1 Watt. Enameled windings on resistors, in the following values: 1/2-Watt. 4 each: 1000, 47A 100K,
ceramic forms. Maximum volts, 2000. Lug ter- 270K, 470K. 1.0 meg; 3 each: 4700, 10K, 27K, 33K, 39E, 68K 15ÚK,
4.7 meg. 1 Watt. 4 each: 1000, 10K, 27K, 100K, 1.0 me 3 each:
470K, 2.2 meg; 2 each: 3300, I5K, 22K. 68E, 150K, 270k; 1 each:47K,
minals. Size, 7x21%i4s . Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
Type WW4J. 1 Watt. Special impregnant for 47
100, 150, 220. 270, 470, 1500, 2200. 2700, 4700, 33K, 39K. 2201, 4.7
complete humidity protection, as on others of series.
Max. volts, 700. Size, 33{,,x1'. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
Type W W6J, h Watt. Similar to type W W4J. but
I each: 1V00Ó, ÌO
2 M 779. NET
OOK, 1 0 4700,
meg, 0 eg. Shpg. wt , 5 lbs.
Type DCF.
rated at 1000 volts maximum. Tolerance is >< %. 1

Size, 21/21x1 1/2'. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.

Type W W10J. 0.16 Watt. Extremely small wire - AXIAL -LEAD POWER RESISTORS
wound resistors. 2' wire leads. Maximum volts, 200.
WW 10J Size, s/stxl%t'. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
Stock No. Ohms EACH Stock No. Ohms EACH Stock No. Ohms
Wire-wound resistors, n ilk glass fiber core. Molded in tan, high temper-
ature plastic. Types l'W -7 and PW -l0 (with ceramic housings), are
2 M 541 0.1 2 M 515 10000 1.59 2 M 550 10 particularly recommended for circuits where a stable resistor is required
2 M 549 0.2 2 M 516 12500 M 551 25 1.32 with an actual wattage dissipation of 7 or 10 watts or less. Axial leads.
2 M 552 50 11/2' long. 4, 7 and 10 watts. ß1O% tolerance. Sizes: PW -4, 1s1/211/2x21,6";
2 M 542 0.5 2M 517 15000
2 M 500 1 2 M 518 20000 Y -7, 1 3.4tx s%xtt/u'; PW -l0 1%x1/2x11/2=. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. Specify
1.29 2M 2.06 2
2 554 values when ordering.
2 M 501 10 59 25000 M 5 2éó Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms
2 M 502 25 2 M 520 30000 2 M 556 300 1.26 Ohms Ohms
2 M 503 50 2 M 52 40000 2 M 557 300
2 M 504 100 2 M 522
50000 2 M 558
10 75 1500 5000 20,000
2 15 100 500 2000 7500 25,000
2 M 505 200 2 M 523 60000 2 M 3 20 150 750 2500
2 M 506 250 2 M 524 559 1500 8200
2 M 543 300
1.38 2 M 525
2.32 2
M 560 2000 4 25 200 1000 3000 10.000
2 M 507 500
M 561 2500 5 50 250 1250 4000 15,(00
2 M 508 1000
2 M 526 125000 2 M 562 3000 1.29 Stook Mfr's W Values
2 M 527 150000 2 M 563 3500 NET Pky
2 M 509 1500 2 M 528 175000 2.56 2 M 564 4000 No, Type Rat no Available EACH of 6
2 M 51
Ì2500 2 M 529 230000 2 M 565 5000 I MM 170
MM 180
4 I to 8200 ohms 296 1.30
I 1 to 8200 ohms 326 1.45
2 M 547 3000 2 M 530 225000 2 M 566 7500 MM 190 PW-IO 10 1 to 25,000 ohms
2 M 548 3500 1.50 2 M 531 250000 2.82 2 M 567 10000 1-35 I 35g I.60
2 M 532 300000
2 M 51 2 4000 2 M 568 12500
2 M 513 5000 2 M 533 400000 3.32 2 M 569 15000 FUSE-RESISTORS
2 M 534 500000 3.79 2 M 570 20000
Type FR 7.6. Plug -in type resistor with characteris-
2 M 514 7500 .59 1.59 tics of a slow -blow fuse. For series- string filament
2 M 5712 30000 circuits in television sets. Has insulated ceramic body.
2 M 573 40000 Resistance, 7.5 ohms. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
No. tA-C-R EACH 2 M 574
2 M 580
7.06 2 M
No. Ohms 50000 2 M 771. 1 to 9 EACH
10 or More, EACH
.6Meg. 538I.9kTil. 12.49 2 M 575 60000
2 M 581 .75Ms 7.35 2 M 539 Meg. 14.70 2151 576 75000 1.76 Type FR 6.6. Similar to above, but 5 -6-ohm resistance. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
2 M 582 .9M4g. 7.59 2 M 5402.5/M515.67 2 M 577 0.1 Msg. 2 M 772. to 9 EACH
2 M 583 1 Meg. 7.85 10 or Moro, EACH 356
112 Specify Ohms and Wattage When Ordering Resistors
A Large, non -porous ceramic cores, and NR -25 1 -watt resistors have metallic resistant...
thick cement coatings. All have luge, film formed on surface of low -loss ceramic tubes.
and types It% A and 2 0, also Hermetically sealed with smooth, uniform vitreous
have tinned ls/¡ leads. Units of 25 enamel coating. Hollow body for withstanding tem-
watts and higher include mounting peratures to 400. F. Rating.
Rating 500 v. No. 18, 11/2' NR -25
brackets. All have +10% tolerance tinned copper leads. Size, '/4 'Ms' long. NA -15.
except fixed types of .50 ohms and '/; -watt precision resistors are available in values NA -15
higher, which are 5 %. NOTES ON d in co per up to 1.0 ai Have No. 20,
ADJUSTABLE TYPES: Units of 25 1'/z tinned copper leads. Rating, 350 v. Size, 'h'

1% AA 666 HA \-:,> 6:/,e1

.ats and higher have silver contacts.
Wattage rating applies only if total
resistance is used. Where range of val-
ues is given in individual listings, consult table for specific values avail-
able; e.g.. I to 1000 means all values listed in table between and in-
cluding I and 1000. Specify resistance value when ordering. Av. shpg.
wt., 10-50 watts, 4 oz.; 100-200 watts, I lb.
Mi., '1'ÿt' long. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
Ohms Ohms Ohms
20 500 4000 8930 40,000 200,000 600 000 3.0
STOCK RANGES- SPECIFY RESISTANCE VALUE 25 1000 4450 9950 50,000 240.000 750 000 3.5
sonms vom arnm vors vom vors ma SO 1450 4950 10,000 60,000 250.000 800 000 4.0
100 1500 3000 13,500 75,000 300,000 900 000 5.0
1t 25f 350.1 12505 35001 8500.1 30,00
211 SOt 400 40001 90001 40,000 NR -25 1 -WATT
3t1 751 Soot 1500f 4501 10,000f 50,000 2 MM 300. I ohm -1.0 megohm. Specify value. NET EACH...59C
51 1001 60011 1750.1 5000t 12,0001 100.000
25 or mors of ens valus, EACH 414
7.5.1 1501 750f 2000f 6000 12,500.1
10t 2001' 800 2250.1 7000* 15,000 2 MM 301. 1.5 -5.0 megohms. Specify value. NET EACH 76c
151 2501' 1000f 25001 750011 20,000 25 or more of ens value. EACH 554
201.1 3001 1200 3000t 8000 25,000
NA-15 1/2-WATT
FIXED POWER RESISTORS 2 M M 350. 1 ohm -1.0 megohm. Specify value. NET EACH...47C
13/4 A (AB) -10 WATT 26 or mers of one value. EACH 334
Io resistances above to 25,000 ohms, except 2 and 3 ohms. 1%x3(s'.
Steak Ne. Ohms NET EACH
I MM 120 1 to 1000 .47
I MM 121 1200 to 5000 53 For circuits requiring and stability.
I MM 122 6,000 to 10,000 .59 Carbon deposited on ceramic rod. Silver - plated
I MM 123
M I24
12,000 to 20,000
.75 contacts. Size and voltage ratings: CP
'1(1''x", 1500 v.; CPI.-1/2 watt, 11í['x
wa t -'
,2000v.; CP -1 watt, 11114'x
2 D (013) WATT -20 '3j', 2500 v.; CP -2 watt, '1G'x29h', , v. Av. wt., 2 oz.
Available in resistances above to 50,000, except those marked 1. 2xj(s'. Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Mega mums
MM 140 Ito1010 100 510 2700 12,000 68.000 390,000 2.2 10.0
MM 141 1200 to 5000 .65 110 560 3000 15,000 75,000 430,000 2.4 12.0
MM 142 6000 to 10,000 120 620 3300 18,000 82,000 470,000 2.7 15.0
MM 143 15,000 and 20,000 .76 130 680 3600 20,000 91,000 510,000 3.0 18.0
MM 144 25,000 to 40,000 .88 150 750 3900 22,000 100,000 560,000 3.3 20.0
M 145 50,000 1.03 180 820 4300 24,000 110,000 620,000 3.6 22.0
41/2 E (EP) -50 WATT 200
27,000 120.000 680,000
30,000 150,000 750,000
Available only in resistances indicated below. Size, 41/204'. 240 1100 5600 33,000 180,000 820,000 4.7 33.0
I MM 160 1 and 2 1.47 270 1200 6200 36,000 200,''' 910,000 5.1 36.0
I MM 161 5, 10, 25, 50, 75 100, 200, 300 1300 6800 39,000 220,"' 1.0 meg 5.6 39.0
250, 500, 1O0ó 1.06 330 1500 7500 43,000 240,000 1.1 mess 6.2 43.0
I MM 162 1500. 2000, 2500. 3000, 4000, 5000 1.1 2 360 1800 8200 47,000 270,000 1.2 mega 6.8 47.0
1 MM 163 6000 and 10,000 1.23 390 2000 9100 51,000 300,000 1.5 mega 7.5 50.0
I M 168 100,000 2.06 430 2200 10,000 56,000 330,000 1.8 regs 8.2 100.0
6'F H (14A) -100 WATT 470 2400 11,000 62,000 360,000 2.0 megs 9.1 .. ,
Available only in resistances indicated below. Size, 61/2x11/4'.
I MM 300 5, 10, 25, 50, 75. 100, 150, 250, 1.5 6 SPECIFY RESISTANCE VALUE
S00, 750, 1000 AM are tolerance, except - 2 %.
-t 1 %
I MM 301 1250, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000. 5000. 1.65
I M 302 7500 1.76 Type C P- yr. 1/2-watt. 100 ohms to 4.7 megohms.
2 MM 15O. NET EACH 384
134 AA (ABA) -10 WATT Type CPL-'/. 1/2-watt. 5.1 megohms to 7.5 megohms.
Available in resistances to 10,000 marked t on above table. Size, 11/0:51.". 2 MM 155. NET EACH 444
I MM 200 1 to 1000 Type CP-1. 1 -watt. 100 ohms to 1.0 megohm.
I MM 201 1500 to 5000
I 1.00 I 2 MM 160. NET EACH 564
I MM 202 7500 and 10.000 .94
1.06 Type CP -1. 1 -watt. 1.1 megohms to 4.7 megobms.
294 DA (DHA)-25 WATT 2 MM 165. NET EACH 594
In resistances above, except those marked 5. Size, 21/2xMs'
I MM 220 1 to IOW 1.21 Type CP-1. 1- watt. 5.1 megohms to 1S megohms
MM 221
I 1500 to 5000 1.23 2 MM 170. NET EACH 654
MM 222
I 7500 and 10,000 1.29 Typa CP -2. 2 -watt. 100 ohms to 10 megohms.
3 and 20,000 1.35 2 M M 75. NET EACH 714
1 M 224 25,000 1.47 t

4% EA (EPA) -50 WATT Type CP -2. 2- watt. 12 megohms to 20 megohms.

Available only in resistances indicated below. Size. 4'%4x14'. 2 MM 18O. NET EACH 766
MM 240 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, Type CP -2. 2- watt. 22 megohms to 27 megohms
250, 500, 750, 1,000 1.53 2 MM 185. NET EACH 103
M M 241 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000 1.59
M 242 10.000 1.71 Type CP -2. 2 -watt. 33 megohms to 50 megohms.
M M 243 15,000 and 20,000 1.82 2 MM 190. NET EACH I 18
M M 244 25,000, 30,000, 40,000 2.00
M 245 50,000 2.12 Type CP -2. 2- watt. 100 megohms only.
M 247 100.000 2.53 2 M 195. NET EACH 2.94
61 HA (HAA) -100 WATT
Available only in resistances indicated below. Size. 6'/4x1' /'. ALLIED BARGAIN RESISTOR ASSORTMENT
MM 260 100. 200. 400. 500, 750, 1000 2.32 Servicemen -here's a useful assortment of
MM 261 1500, 3000, 5000 2.38 100 high quality carbon resistors at a
M 262 10,000 2.50 money -saving low price) An excellent selec-
MM 263 15,000 and 20,000 2.65 tion of most -often -used values, all in 1/2-watt
M 264 25,000 2.82
M 265 50,000 2.94 and 1 watt sizes. All resistors are brand new
M 267 100,000 3.20 and have tinned copper leads. Non -insulated
101 HA (HOA)-200 WATT types. Shpg. wt., 12 oz.
Available only n resistances indicated below. Size. 101/2x11/2'. 58 M 086. NET 95c
I M M 340 10, 25, 50, 100, 250. 5110, 1000 2.82
I M M 341 1500, 2000, 2500, 5000 2.88 ALLIED'S COLOR -CODE GUIDE

M 345
M 347
An "instant -reference' color -code guide for
resistors. Code colors may be set to show cor-
responding resistance values, or resistance
values set to show corresponding code colors.
EXTRA SLIDERS FOR ADJUSTABLE RESISTORS Size. 23/4x31/4'. Includes tolerance code and
2 M 604. For 2'A DA.) NET listing of RETMA-JAN +10% standard stock
2 M 605. For 41/2 EA. EACH I8C values. (Supplied at no charge with order for
2 M 600. For 11/4 AA. 20 or more resistors.) Shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
2 M 603. For 61/2 HA and 10'HA. NET EACH 26c 2 M 770. EACH 15c
Specify Ohms and Wattage When Ordering Resistors 11.3
Ohmite Resistors
For voltage drop- 5-WATT SIZE
ping. bias units, Available in all values to 10.000 except those
bleeders. etc. Thick marked 1 in table at left.
vitreous enamel
coating -for excel- No. Ohms EACH "LITTLE DEVIL" RESISTORS
lent heat conduc- 1 to 1000 .44
tion and insulation. I MM 730 Molded, insulated composition resistors. Meet
N1 t -I Lugo- :.;rt.neth alloy terminals. Accu- MM 731 1100 to 5000 .47 M11. -R -11A specifications. including salt wa-
6000 to 10,000 .50 ter immersion and high humidity tests. Dissi-

racy, .5%. Size: 5 -watt units. 1xß'; 10 -watt I M M 732

units 11/2x5(.'; 20 -watt units. 2x1V.. 1 %z' pate heat rapidly and can be used at their full
tinned leads. Av. shpg. w -t ., 3 oz. 10 -WATT SIZE wattage ratings at 158' F. Tinned copper leads.
Breakdown ratings: '/to w.. 200 v.; %z W., 350
Available in all values to 50,000 except those v.; 1 w., 500 v.; 2 w., 1000 v. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
SPECIFY VALUES DESIRED marked t in table at left.
I MM 700 1 to 1000
Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms I MM 701 1100 to 5000 10% TOLERANCE RESISTORS
1" 125 1100" 7500 35.000 I MM 702 6000 to 10000 .59
1.51 150 1200 8000 40,000 I MM 703 11000 to 20000
Ohms Ohms Ohms Mops Mops
2 200 1250 85001 45,000 I M M 704 22500 to 25000 .71 10 220 4.700 0.1 2.2
3 225 1500 9000 50,000 I MM 705 30000 to 50000 .79 12 270 5,600 0.12 2.7
4" 250 1750 10.000 55,000 15 330 6,800 0.15 3.3
5 300 185011 11,000 60,000 20 -WATT SIZE 18 390 8.200 0.18 3.9
7.5" 350 2000 12,000" 65.000 22 470 10,000 0.22 4.7
10 400 2250 12,500 70.000 Available In all values except those marked In 27 560 12,000 0.27 5.6
12 450" 240011 13,500" 75,000 table at left. 33 680 15.000 0.33 6.8
1S" 500 2500 14,300 80,000 39 820 18,000 0.39 8.2
20 600" 275011 15.000 85.000 MM 720 5 to 1000 .62 47 1.000 22.000 0.47 10.0
25 65011 3000 16,000" 90.000 M M 721 1200 to 5000 .65 56 1.200 27.000 0.56 12.0
30" 700 3500 17,500" 95,000 M M 722 6000 to 10000 .71 68 1,500 33.000 0.68 15.0
355 750
100,000 M M 723
M M 724
MM 725
12500 to 20000
25000 to 40000
45000 to 60000 1.03
.88 82
75 9000 6000 25,000 M M 726 65000 to 80000 1.18 150 3,300 68,000 1.5
100 1000 7000 30.000 M M 727 85000 to 100000 1.35 180 3,900 82.000 1.8
50 WATTS -4x54,' (Coat) 2 MM 050 .10% 201 784
2 MM 040 .10% 104 39t
No. Typs Ohms Ma. EACH 2MM060
1 .10/
.10% 204
74 M 966 0561 10 2230 2 MM 080 2 784
74 M 967 0562 25 1.53
74 M 968 0563 50 1000 2 MM 041 '/z watt. Lott f Por 100..5.005
2 MM 061 f watt. of 100 l Por 100..7.505
74M969 0564 75 820
1Applies to resistors of one value only.
Used for voltage- dividing networks in power 74 M 970 0565 100 710
'Available only in values from 100 ohms to
supplies, adjustable dropping resistors, etc. 74 M 971 0566 150 580 1.53
74 M 972 0567 200 500 1.0 megohm.
Wire-wound on ceramic core with vitreous
enameled coat. Accuracy .5% With slider 75 M 800 0568 250 450 5% TOLERANCE RESISTORS
and mounting brackets. Av. shpg. wt., 1/2 lb. 75 M 801 0569 SW 320
75 M 802 0570 750 260 1.53 Ohms Ohms Ohms Mops Mops
10 WATTS-1%2W 75 M 803 0572 1000 220 10 220 4,700 0.1 2.2
No. Typa Ohms Ma. EACH 75 M 804 0573 1500 180 11 240 5,100 0.11 2.4
805 0574 12 270 5.600 0.12 2.7
74 M 95 1001 1 3160 75 M 2500 140 1.59 13 300 6300 0.13 3.0
74 M 951 1002 2 2240 75 M 807 0578 5000 100 15 330 6,800 0.15 3.3
1830 .94 75 M 808 0581 10000 1.71
16 360 7,500 0.16 3.6
74 M 953 1004 S 1410 71
18 390 8,200 0.18 3.9
1006 10 1000 75 M 809 0583 15000 57 1.83 20 430 9,100 0.20 4.3
M 861 75 M 810 0584 20000 50 1.83
75 M 862 1009 25 630 22 470 10,000 0.22 4.7
75 M 863 1010 SO 450 75 M 811 0585 25000 45 24 510 11,000 0.24 5.1
75 M 864 1011 75 370 75 M 812 0586 30000 36 2.00 27 560 12,000 0.27 5.6
M 865
M 866
M 867
6- 320

75 M 813
75 M 814
75 M 815

75 M 868 1019 500 140 75 M 880 EXTRA SLIDER.... ...181
75 M 869 1021 750 120 43 910 20.000 0.43 9.1
75 M 870 1023 1000 100 47 1 000 22.000 0.47 10.0
100 WATTS-6í%30V 51 1100 24,000 0.51 11.0
5 M 871 1025 1500 81 No. Type Ohms Ms. EAC H 56 1200 27,000 0.56 12.0
5 M 872 1028 2500 1.00 62 1 300 30,000 0.62 13.0
75 M 873 1033 5000 45 74 M0956A 170000
68 500 33,000 0.68 15.0
75 191-5T4 1036 7500 36 74
M 974 O956ß
M 975 0956C
3 5770
2.94 75
1 600 36,000 0.75 16.0
75 M 875 1040 10,000 32 1.06 82 1 800 39.000 0.82 18.0
75 M 883 EXTRA SUER 74 M 0956D 4 5000 91 2,000 43.000 0.91 20.0
74 M 977 0956 5 4470
2.32 100 2 200 47,000 1.0 22.0
74 M 978 0957 10 3160 110 2 400 51,000 1.1
25 WATTS -2gß' 74 M 979 0958 25 2000 120 2,700 56,000 1.2
130 3 000 62,000 1.3
Ne. Typo Ohms Ma. EACH 74 M 980 0959 SO 1410
ISO 3 300 68.000 1.5
74 M 100 1000
74 M 54 0360 1 5000 74 M 982 0960B 250 630 2.32 160 3,600 75.000 1.6
74 M 0361 3 2880 74 M 0961 SW 450 IMI 3 900 82.000 1.8
74 M y'55 5 2240 1.21 75 M 830 0962 1000 320 200 4.300 91.000 2.0
74 M 957 0363 10 1580
M y58 15 1290
75 M 831 0964 5000 140 2.38 Ne. Watts Tol. EACH 5 far t
74 75 M 0965 10000 100 2.50
74 M 959 25 1000 75 M 833 0966 15000 81 2.65 2 MM 045 -5% 204 .78
74 M960 50 710 121 MM 065 f S% 1.18
5% 304
03366 2
74 M 961 0367 75 580 75 M 0967 20000 71 2.65 2 MM 085 2 401 1.57
75 M 835 0968 25000 63 2.82 resistors of one value only.
75 M 0970 40000 50 2.82 tApplies to S
79 M 0368 100 320 75 M 838 0971 50000 47 2.94
0372 500 220 1.21 3.20
75 M 783 0373 750 180 75 M 840 0973 100000 27 "LITTLE DEVIL" ASSORTMENTS
75 M 784 0375 1000 160 75 M 881 EXTRA SLIDER .... ..261
75 M 785 0376 1500 130 200 WATTS-101/20,A"
75 M 786 0377 2000 120 NO
75 M 787 0378 100 1.24 Ne. Typ. Ohms Me. EACH
75 M 788 0379 3Ó0Ó CHARGE
74 M 984 1356A 1 14100 for
75 M 789 0382 5000 70 74 M 985 1356E 2 10000
75 M 791 0385
50 1.29
M 986
M 987
3.67 Cabine)
792 12000 42 74 M 988 1356 5 6320
75 M 93 0387 15000 1.35 74 M 989 1357 10 4470
75 M 794 0388 20000 28 74
M 990
M 991
75 M 795 0389 25000 25 1.47
Selected supply of 150 1/2-watt or 125 1- or 2-
75 M 880 EXTRA SLIDER 74 M 992 1360 100 1410

50 WATTS -4xß'
M 993
M 994
M 850
watt resistors in most- often-needed values.
Complete with handsome plastic cabinet 4t x
9i5'/á at no extra charge. Cabinet fias 5
drawers and 40 compartments. Wt., 7 lbs
No. Typo Ohms Ma. EACH 75 M 851 1364 5000 200 2.88
74 M 962 0560A 7070 1.94 75 M 852 1365 10000 140 3.06 No. 1 Typa Description EACH
74 M 963 0560E 2 5000 1.53 75 M 858 1371 50000 63 3.35 2 M 761 CAB -10 ISO 1 -watt resistors 14.70
74 M 964 0560C 3 4070 1.53 75 M 860 1373 100000 45 3.67 2 M 754 ('AB -2 125 1 -watt resistors 18.37
74 M 965 0560D 4 3330 1.53 75 M 882 EXTRA SLIDER 26t 2 M 762 CAB -3 125 2 -watt resistors 24.50
114 Specify Ohms and Wattage on Resistor Orders
Resistors and Controls
Axial -lead. ceramic -core re-
sistors. Covered with vitre-
ous enamel to withstand
high tentlier i e ,i.1 .un o ire and terminals welded to end caps
1< ,

to assure excellent stability and minimum noise. Tolerance: =5% for

values over 50 ohms; :10% for values less than 50 ohms. Wattage
ratings based on temperature rise to 300° C. 1 %z' leads. Av. shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms
1.0 12 75 350 900 2250 7000 18.000
1.5 15 100 400 1000 2500 7500 20,000 Precision -made, multi -turn miniature potentiometers used to control all
2.0 20 125 450 1100 3000 8000 22.500 types of electronic circuits. Widely used in airborne and instrumentation
3.0 25 150 500 1200 3500 9000 25,000 equipment. Ideal for use in printed circuits and a wide variety of portable
4.0 30 200 600 1250 4000 10,000 and mobile applications. Highly resistant to vibration. shock and violent
5.0 35 225 700 1500 4500 12.500 acceleration; all units are specially sealed to lie splash. sand and dust -
7.5 40 250 750 1750 5000 15.000 proof. Self-locking adjustment holds any setting toiler extreme condi-
10.0 SO 300 800 208) 6000 17,500 tions. Interchangeable mounting for easy substitution in experimental
circuits. All except Model 12015 are wire -wound; all except Model 220-1
3 WATTS have 25 -turn screwdriver adjustment. Model 130 has solder lug connec
tors; all others have wire leads. Units mount easily in stacked assemblies
1 to 1000 Ohms. Size. +j x'%' dia. Specify value. -twenty Model 120 "Trimpots" fit into a 11/2-inch cube I All metal parts
2 MM 090. NET EACH 50c are fully corrosion-resistant; contacts and collector strips are platinum
1100 to 6000 Ohms. Size.'ylsx' dia. Specify valus /.' alloy. Units are 100% inspected; Total Resistance Tolerance: 10 %.
2 MM 095. NET EACH 534 except Model 120-1S, .20%. Features of various models are briefly ex-
6000 to 10,000 Ohms. Size, y,.10
2 MM 110. NET EACH
«lia. Specify value. /. 564
plained below. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz. Wilt* for I
and complete specifications.
Ity prices

Ohms. Size. 11/200 11/2? dia. Specify value. Size Oper. Dlss.

1 1000
2 MM 115. NET EACH 53c Model HaWaL Temp. Watts F
1100 te 6000 Ohms. Size. 111/26x111/22' dia. Specify value. °C.
2 MM I30. NET EACH / 0.25 Standard "Trimpot."
l4stf/zl /.
..561 120.1 ty{sx,'x1 105
6000 te 10,000 Ohms. Size, f%sx'litz dia. Specify value. 120 -IS 95 0.20 Carbon element for Infinite reso-
2 MM 135. NET EACH 591 lution.
%.x1 .'
12,600 to 20,000 Ohms. Size. l .4 s' 1/2
2 MM 145. NET EACH
Specify value. ( 130
132 5jsx %x1 /s
%{sx 105
Solder lug connectors.
'TrimR" variable resistor; two
714 leads.
22,600 to 26,000 Ohms. Size, l5{0'1/22' dia. Specify value.
2 MM 146. NET EACH 731 160 V{sxl.xl% 175 0.6 High temperature model.
230 1/2xVisx1IFie 135 0.4 Humidity -proof; exceeds MIL-E
5272A 10-day test.
220 -1x'1
263 -1 /¡ 4j.z'/.x1' 135
For moderately "hot" applications.
Micro- miniature, Trimpot, Jr. ";
Feature high -voltage insulated humidity -proof; 15 -turn adlust-
r - resistance wire windings; will
withstand 10.000 volts from
ment: wiper idles at element ends.
10 OW 1
element. KT types are indu, tivcly wound; NIT types have non -inductive *Available in Model 132 Only.
winding. Ceramic jackets and special end -seals provide complete protec-
tion against high humidity and heat -ceramic coating insulation with- Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Wig ohms Megohms
stands temperatures to 1000°C. Accuracy within 5%. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. 10 200 30.000 .4
20 500 1 0.0000 40.000 .15
SPEOFY VALUES DESIRED 20.000 50.000 .2 .75
100 2000 25,000e 75.000 .3 1.0
Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms
5 50 400 1250 5000 12.000 30.000 When Ordering- Specify Stock No Model No.. and resistance.
10 75 500 1500 6000 14.000 35.000
15 100 600 1750 7500 13.000 40,000 Stook Medal Resistances Avallablo 1 -9, 10 -24 25 -49
20 150 700 2000 8000 17.500 50,000 No. (See Tabla Above) EACH EACH EACH
25 200 800 2500 9000 20,000 60,000 31 MM 380 120-1 10 to 10,000 4.86 4.50 4.05
30 250 900 3000 10,000 25,000 70.000 31 M 381 120-1 20.000 6.48 6.00 5.40
40 300 1000 4000 31 MM 382 120-15 20.000 to 1.0 meg 4.86 4.50 4.05
31 MM 383 130 10 to 10,000 4.86 4.50 4.05
TYPE 5KT-5 WATT -1'%t:'55í1' 31 M 384 130 20.000 6.48 6.00 5.40
Ohms EACH Ne. Ohms EACH 31 M 385 132 20.000 5.94 5.50 4.95
No. 31 M 386 132 25,000 5.94 5.50 4.95
1MM 640 Sto10W 20.010 31 M 387 132 50,000 7.56 7.00 6.30
I M M 641 1250 to 5000 414 I M 646 25.1100 65454 3 IMM 388 160 10 to 0.000 5.94
1 5.50 4.95
1M M 642 6000 to 10,000 47t 1 M 647 30.000 714 3 M M 389 230 10 to 10.000 7.02 6.50 5.85
1M 643 14.000 534 I M 649 35.000 824 31 M 390 230 20.000 8.64 8.00 7.20
IM 644 15.000 566 I M 648 40.000 884 31 M 394 263 -1 20.000 7.56 7.00 6.30
3 MM 395 220-1 100 to 10.000 8.64 8.00 7.20
TYPE 10KT -10 WATT- 117/1tx'SÁt' 31 M

396 220 -1 20.000 10.26 9.50 8.55

Ne. Ohms EACH No. Ohms EACH
1 M M 660 5 to 1000 444 M 666 30,000 76 " TRIMPOT" MOUNTING ACCESSORIES
I M M 6611250 to 5000 474 M 658 35.000 .88 Stook No. A 1 -24, EACH 26 -99, EACH
I MM 662 6000 to 10.000 534 M 667 40,000 .97 31 M 391 End Mounting Brackets 204 154
1M M 663 12,000 to 17,500 594 M 668 50.000 1.06 Side Mounting Brackets
IM 664 20.000 654 M 669 60,000 1.18 31 M 392
M 665 23.000 71t 659 70,000 1.29 31 M 393 2- 56x1'/z' Machine Screws 224 I %4


No. Ohms EACH Ne. Ohms EACH Popular thermistors used in series- string filament circuits
of G.E., Motorola. Sears, and other TV sets. A necessary
1MM 670 5 to 1000 i 59f I I MM 672 2500 to 4000 734 service replacement item. Matched pair; rep ace G.E.
1M M 6711 1250 to 2000 , 68f I M 673 5000 761 filament resistors. Av. wt.. 1 oz.
TYPE 1ONIT -10 WATT- 12%n'x's/a' Stook No. Typo
TM M 680 MM 683' 5000 to 6000 Het Cold 1-9 10 or More
5 to 1000 594 .76
MM 681 1250 to 21101 684 I MM 684 7500 to 9000 .85 2 M 066 9214 20 250 .79 .72
2 M 067 .79

1 MM 682 2500 to 4000 734 I M 685 10.010 1.12 9215 75 950 .72
2 M 068 9216 .83

31 260 .74
2 M 069 9217 35 460 .83 .74
OHMITE TYPE FR FUSE RESISTOR 2 M 070 9268 43 125 1.00 .90
A highly dependable 71/zohm fuse resistor. May be used to 2 M 071 9269 9 200 1.09 .98
replace many fuse resistors used in television circuits. 11/2' 2 M 072 9135 40 375 1.41 1.27
tinned wire leads make replacement application easy and
quick. Supplied with convenient. plug-in bakclite mounting
strip --or can be wired directly into circuit of TV set. Widely G-C TV FUSE -SISTORS
used in sets employing series- string filament circuits. Length. Reliable, low -cost replacement units for series -string TV
17íe. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. tube circuits. Replace similar units in Raytheon. RCA.
2 M 063. NET 38c Motorola. Sylvania, Zenith and other TV receivers. All

t f4li -
¿ --
Easy -to -use calculator. Solves problems in
Ohm's Law and DC power. Shows power.
voltage and current when resistance is
known. By setting to two known values
units are less than an inch in length; tinned leads for quick
arel easy installation. Av.. shpg. wt.. oz.
Stock No.
2 M 073
2 M 074
2 M 075

Type Ohms List 1 -9, EACH 10 or Of

+istance i i.e determined. Also has parallel resistance calculator. 2 M 076 9278 22.0 .65 381 344
-, 93.. Ñn,1. wt.. 3 oz. 1

2M 780. NET Typo 9279 Fuse -Sister Kit. Contains one each of above.
2 M 077. list, $2.50. NET

2 M 781. Deluxe Plastic Model. NET 150 147

Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 115
Ohmite Controls
Quality vitreous -enameled wirewound rheo- graphite contact brush. Ratings Indicated
stats. Provide extremely smooth, highly de- are at full setting. U.L. Approved. Types
pendable control of industrial and other H. J, K and L mount on panels up to 1/4'
electronic devices. Resistance wire is wound on thick; Type N on panels up to 11/4' thick.
a solid ceramic core and each turn is perma- Specifications: Type H dia. 135' depth be-
nently bonded in place by vitreous enamel. hind panel 11/4'; Type J, dia. me. depth be-
The core and base are also bonded by vitreous hind panel It/s'; Type K, dia. 31/4, depth
enamel. A pivoted universal-action -mounted behind panel 11/4'; Type L. dia. 4', depth be-
contact brush rides over a smooth, flat surface hind panel 2'; Type N. dia. 6', depth behind
to assure perfect contact at all settings. Cop- panel 2s/s'. Complete with fluted. plastic knob.
per- graphite contact brush, except silver- Av. shpg. wt., 10 os.


Ne. Typa Ohms EACH No. Typo Ohms EACH No. Typa Ohmal EACH No. Typa Ohms EACH
74 M 320 0140 1 4.53 74 M 341 0152 125 74 M 450 0524 0.51 74 M 463 0537
74 M 321 0141 2 74 M 328 0153 175 74 M 451 0525 1 74 M 464 0538 25
74 M 337 0142 3 74 M 329 0154 250 74 M 452 0526 74 M 465 0539 25
74 M 322 0143 6 74 M 342 0155 350 4.03 74 M 453 0527 9.58 74 M 466 0540 9.06
74 M 338 0144 8 74 M 330 0156 500 74 M 454 0528 3
5 74 M 467 0541 350
74 M 331 0157 750 74 M 455 0529 7.5
74 M 323 0145 10 74 M 468 0542 750 9.58
74 M 324 0146 15 4.03 74 M 332 0158 1000 74 M 456 0530 10 74 M 469 054.3 1250 9.58
74 M 325 0147 25 74 M 333 0159 150 11 4.53 74 M 457 0531 15 74 M 470 0544 1811 10.11
74 M 339 0148 35 74 M 334 0160 2500 74 M 458 0532 25 74 M 471 0545 2251 10.11
74 M 326 0149 74 M 35 74 M 459 0533 9.06 74 M 472 0546 10.11
74 M 340 0150
75 74 M 336 0162 5000 4.76 74 M 460 0534 74 M 473 0547 45 10.58
74 M 327 0151 100 74 M 461 0535 75 74 M 474 0548 750 11.11
74 M 462 0536 100 74 M 475 0549 10. 12.1 I
No. Typa Ohms EACH No. Typa Ohms EACH
74 M 350 0308 0 5 74 M 359 0321 150 No. Typo Ohms EACH No. Typo Ohms EACH
1 5.06 360 74 476
M 0650 74 M 487 0661 100
74 M 352 0310 74 M 0323 300 4.53 74 477
M 478
2 74 M 488 0662 150
74 M 353 0311 4 74 M 362 0324 500 74 3 74 M 489 0663 200
74 M 367 0312 6 74 M 37I 0325 800 74 M 479 0653 4 74 M 490 0664 300
354 1000 74 M 480 0654 5 74 M 491 0665 400
74 M 55 0314 12 74 M 372 0327 4.76 74 M 481 0655 7.5 13.64 74 M 492 0666 700 13.64
74 M 368 0315 16 74 M 364 0328 2500 74 M 482 0656 10 74 M 493 0667 900
74 M 356 0316 22 4..1 74 M 373 0329 3500 74 M 483 0657 15 74 M 494 0668 1200
74 365 74 M 484 0658 25 74 M 495 0669 1500
74 M 357 0318 50 74 M 0331 8000 5.06 74 M 485 0659 50 74 M 496 0670 1750
0319 74 M 366 0332 10,000 74 M 486 0660 75 74 M 497 0671 2500
74 M 358 180
Typo 6000 Dial P ate. For Type H, J. K and L. 23ís' diameter. Hand-
100 WATT-TYPE K somely finished w'th bright figures and lines on etched black back -
ground. 0 -10U scale. Shpg. wt., 2 os.
No. Typa Ohms EACH No. Typa Ohms EACH 74 M 405. NET I8c
74 M 380 0440 0.5 74 M 399 0452 Type 6001 Dial Plato. For Type N. 5W dia. 0-100. 3 oz.
74 M 393 0441 74 M 400 0453 300 74 M 407. NET. 76c
74M381 0442 2 7.59 74 MM 401 0454 400 7.09
74 M 382 0443 3 74 387 0455 500
74 M 394 0444 S 74 M 402 0456 750 TANDEM COUPLING KITS
74 M 395 0445 7.5 74 M 388 0457 1000
74 M 383 0446 10 74 M 403 0458 1500 Kits for assembling Ohmite rheostats in
74 M 397 0447 16 74 M 404 0459 2000 7.59 tandem, formerly available only in made -to-
74 M 384 0448 25 7 09 74 M 389 0460 2500 order assemblies. Rheostats are mounted
74 M 385 0449 50 74 M 390 0461 5000 8.06 colinear, so that both are operated with a
74 M 398 0450 single knob. Each kit consists of a steel "U"
75 74 M 391 0462 7500 8.58 frame, mica washer, coupling, Allen wrench.
74 M 386 0451 100 74 M 392 0463 10,000 9.06 and complete instructions for assembly.
Rheostats are joined together by means of a
coupling fastened to the shaft of the rear unit
Allied can promptly supply all Ohmite industrial controls, with a socket set screw. Large frame (No.
including 75, 225, S00, 750 and 1000 watt types. In addition to
standard Ohmite controls. special types are also available
tandem- mounted controls, special resistance values. special
- 6533) is designed for Models K and L rheostats, and will accommodate
Model H or J in the rear position. Maximum anel thickness when
using standard Ohmite knobs, 1/e'. Frame is 2354 long and I1/í wide.
Small frame (No. 6532) is designed for Models H and J. and will ac-
length bushings and shafts, bridged -gap types, tapped- winding commodate Model K or L in the rear position. Maximum panel thickness.
types and controls for virtually all industrial rheostat applica- 55a. Frame is 2iSs' long and 11/4' wide.
tions. Prices are available on request; send in your blueprints No. Tandem Coupling Kit. Shag. wt.. 4 oz.
or engineering specifications. Write for free copy of complete 4 M6 2 T NET 1.79
Ohmite catalog, our Stock No. 37 M 047. No. 6533 Coupling Kit. Shpg. wt.. S oz.
74 M a NET 2.23
The Ohmite "AB" type potentiometer is me
a high -quality two -watt variable resistance
control unit designed especially for indus-
Size of single units.
Size of double units, IA4' dia. z 1
Mount in 1/4' hole on panels up to
dia. x
trial laboratory. TV service and other uses thick. Types CU, CCU, CA and CB have
where reliability is particularly important. 2' standard 1/4' round shafts; Type CLU
Features molded resistor element con- has locking nut and slotted shaft for screw
struction for exceptionally high safety driver adjustment. Type number prefix
factor. For complete protection this re- indicates taper of potentiometer. CU.
sistor element is sealed in a metal enclosure CCU and CLU types bave linear taper;
to make each unit dust-proof and splash - CA types, clockwise logarithmic taper; CB
proof. Carbon sliding contact and ter- typpees, counterclockwise logarithmic taper;
minals imbedded in the resistor element A1110% tolerance, except +20 %. Av.
assure smooth, noise -free operation. shpg. wt., S oz.

No. Type Ohms EACH No. Type Ohms EACH No. I Type Ohms EACH No. Typo Ohms EACH
28 M 500 CU5001 50 28 M 512 C85031 50,000 2.20 28 M 525 C105001 50 28 M 533 CLU2531 25,000
28 M 501 CU1011 100 28 M 513 CU1041 100,000 1.9 I 28 M 526 CLU1011 100 28 M 534 CLU5031 50.000
28 M 502 CU2511 250 28 M 514 CA1041 100,000 2.20 28 M 527 CLU2511 250 28 M 535 CLUI041 .1 Meg
28 M 503 CU5011 500 28 M 515 CU2541 250,000 1.91 28 M 528 CLU5011 500 28 M 536 C1U2541 .25 Meg
28 M 504 CU1021 1000
7 28 M 51 6 CA254I 250,000 2.20 28 M 529 CLU1021 1000 2.50 28 M 537 CLU5041 .5 Meg 2.50
28 M 505 CU2521 2500 28 M 517 CU5041 500,000 1.91 28 M 530 CLU252I 2500. 28 M 538 CLUI052 1.0 Meg
28 M 506 CU5021 5000 28 M 518 CA5041 500600 2.20 28 M 531 CLU5021 5000 28 M 539 CLU2552 2.5 Mq
28 M 507 CU1031 10,000 28 M 5I 9 CUI052 1 Meg* 1.9 1 28 M 532 ICLUI031 10,000 28 M 540 CLU5052 5.0 Meg*
28 M 508 C81031 10,000 2.20 28 M 520 CA1052 1 Meg 2.20
28 M 509 CU2531 25,000 1.91 28 M 52 I CU2552 2.5 Meg 1.91 TYPE CCU DUALS
28 M 511 CU5031 50,000 1.91 28 M 523 CU5052 Mae 25 0
1.91 28M 541 CCUI031 10.000 28 M 545 CCU2541 250,000

Typo CS-1 SPST Switch. For AB potentiometers. Wt., 3 os.

28 M 542
28 M 543 CCÚSó31 só,000 573 28 M 547
Meg 5.73
28 M 524. NET 65c
iii 28 M 544 CCU1041 100,000

Include Ohms and Manufacturer's Type Number When Ordering Controls

Ohmite and IRC Controls
POTENTIOMETERS Handle over 90% of all radio and television control
applications. Knurled, flatted and slotted. 3' uni-
versal shaft can be cut down to meet most applica-
tions. lie
dia.. u14' long bushing. Use with M"
multi -sections (page 118) for ganged controls. In-
cludes 270-ohm, 1/2 -watt fixed bias resistor. Less V
switch. See attachable switches and taper explana-
Smallest Molded Composition tions below. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
Potentiometers No. Typa Ohms Taper No. Type Ohms Topor
Screwdriver Slotted 30 M 395 Q11-201 250 A 30 M 318 Q13-128 100K C
30 M 300 Q11-103 500 A 30 M 388 011-228 125K A
No Rivets or Soldered Parts 30 M 377 11-105 750 A 30 M 875 11-328 150K A
Made to Rigid Specifications 30 M 441 17-105 750 p 30 M 444 13-328 150K C
30 M 301 11-108 1(00 A 30 M 374 11-129 200K A
Synthetic-Resin Sealed 30 M 379 17-108 1000 Q 30 M 319 11-130 250K A
New, linear- taper. miniature potentiometers
30 M 874 17-110 20(10 OA 30 M 320 13-130 250K C
30 M 442 11-109 1500 30 M 445 11-131 300K A
combining exceptional reliability and extremely 30 M 380 17-109 1500 Q 30 M 876 11-132 350K A
small size. Maximum continuous power rating 30 M 302 11-110 2000 A 30 M 321 13-132 350K C
e is 0.5 watt. Only %z' in diameter-ideal for
lightweight, miniaturized assemblies. Molded 30 M 373 013-111 2500 C 30 M 322 Q11-133 500K A
composition resistance and collector tracks 30 M 381 17-111 2500 O 30 M 323 013-133 500K C
(bridged by a molded composition brush) as- 30 M 303 11-112 3000 A 30 M 324 414-133 500K 1)
sure long life. Greater cross -section of resistor 30 M 382 17-112 3000 Q 30 M 397 017-133 500K QQ

track lowers current density -gives excellent 30 M 304 I 1-114 5000 A 30 M 398 Q11-134 600K A
performance in excess of 50,000 operation 30 NI 383 13-114 5000 C 30 M 390 Q11-136 750K A
cycles. Terminale are molded directly into 30 M 384 17-114 5000 Q 30 M 325 11-137 1 meg A
control elements for trouble-free connections. 30 M 305 11-115 7500 A 30 M 326 3-137 1 meg C
Enclosures are sealed with synthetic resin to 30 M 306 11-116 10K A 30 M 327 Q14-137 1 meg D
keep out dust, moisture and fungus. Terminals 30 M 307 13-116 10K C 30 M 877 17-137 1 meg Q
are goldplated for easy soldering, even after 30 M 308 Q14-116 10K
long storage. Have screwdriver- slotted, lock- 1) 30 M 328 011-138 1.5 meg A
ing -type shafts. Rated at 350 v. %r dia.; "As' 30 M 385 17-116 10K Q 30 M 329 11-139 2 mes) A
long. Shaft, ale long. Meet qQ -M -151, MIL - 30 M 309 81-119 20K Á 30 M 330 13-139 2 meg C
R-94A and RETMA specifications. Types 3613, 30 M 310 16-119 20K Spec. 30 M 399 Q67-139 meg
2 Q
3614 and 3615 have .20% tolerance; others 30 M 31 I 11-120 25K A 30 M 331 Q11-239 2.5 meg A
arc +10 %. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. 30 M 443 Q13-120 25K C 30 M 332 Q11-140 3 meg A
30 M 312 Q14-120 25K D 30 M 333 Q13-140 3 meg C
Steak Mfrs. Ohms NET 30 M 313 Q11-121 30K A 30 M 446 Q17-140 3 meg Q
Ne. Typo EAC H 30 M 396 I1-122
35K A 30 M 334 111t4Qvv711-141 5 meg nA
28 M 580 3601 100 30 M 314 11-123 50K A 30 M 287 12-141 5 meg Spec.
28 M 581 3602 250 30 M 315 QQ13-123 50K C 30 M 392 Q13-141 5 meg C
28 M 582 3603 S00 5.00 30 M 316 414-123 50K D 30 M 393 017-141 5 meg O
28 M 583 IK 30 M 387 11-125 75K A 30 M 394 11-142 7.5 meg A
28 M 584 360.5 2.5K 30 M 317 11-128 100K A 30 M 335 11-143 10 mes A
28 M 585 3606 NET
28 M 586 3607 1ÓK EACH 82c
28 M 587 25K 5.00
28 M 588 3609 50K
28 M 589 3610 .1 meg
28 M 590 3611 .25 meg
28M591 3612 .50 meg fOhms.
28 M 592 3613 1.0 meg 5.00 No. Type Megs Taps, Ohms Taper No. Type Mess Taps, Ohms Taper
28 M 593 3614 2.5 meg 30 M 378 Q17.105X 750t 250 Spec. 30 M 347 Q17-137X 1.0 35K Spoc.
28 M 594 3615 5.0 meg 30 M 878 Q17-1I0XX 250 /500 Spec. 30 M 346 Q13-137X 1.0 250K
30 M 879 Q13-118X 151f l0K Spec. 30 M 348 Q17-I37XX 1.0 50K /100K Spec.
30 M 386 13.118XX 15Kf 5K/l0K Spec. 30 M 349 Q18.137X 1.0 100K Spec.
IRC CONTROLS 30 M 288 Q17-118X 15Kf SK Spec. 30 M 350 Q18-137XX 1.0 250K/.5 Meg, Spec.
30 M 447 Q17-1I8XX 15Kf 5K-10K Spa. 30 M 351 Q19-137X 1.0 .5 Meg. Spec.
30 M 389 Q17-328XX .15 19K/38K Spec. 30 M 352 1.0 .5 meg Spec.
30 M 337 Q18-130X .25 60K 30 M 391 Q11Ì3BX 1.5 .25 meg Spa.
30 M 336 Q13.130X .25 125K Spa. 30 M 358 Q19-139X 2.0 50K Spec.
30 M 338 Q18.13oxx .25 60K/120K Spec. 30 M 355 QU-139X 2.0 150K Spec.
30 M 339 Q17-132X .35 35K Spa. 30 M 357 Q18-139XX 2.0 25011/.5 Meg Spa.
30 M 340 Q18-132X .35 75K H 30 M 354 Q13-I39XX 2.0 .5Met /IMag Spec.
30 M 342 Q17-133X .5 2511 Spec. 30 M 353 Q13-139X 2.0 .5 Meg H
30 M 343 018-133X .5 50K Spec. 30 M 356 Q18-139X 2.0 1 Met Spec.
TYPE LC -1 LOUDNESS CONTROL 30M341 Q13-133X .5 125K H 30M448 Q13.140X 3.0 900K Spec.
Easily installed, loudness -type volume control. 30 M 344 Q19-133X .s 250K Spec. 30 M 449 Q18-I40X 3.0 1.5 Meg Spec.
Permits complete listening pleasure during per - 30 M 345 Qle-133XX .5 100K /200K Spec.
iode when amplifier volume must be kept low. N ET
Replaces conventional volume control in am- EACH 1.21
plifier, radio or phono. Automatically compen-
sates for reduced response of the ear to bass
and treble frequencies at low volume. Audio TYPE 76 ATTACHABLE SWITCHES FOR Q CONTROLS
output can be reduced to nearly whisper level Blue bakelite enclosure. Easily and quickly 30 M 359. Typa 76 -1. SPST. NET
and yet retain almost perfect tonal balance.
Has Input resistance of 5 megohms. Insertion attached. U.L. Approved. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 30 M 591. Typs 76 -2. DPST. EACH...38C
loss is only 6 db. Space required behind panel:
N':th switch 234e without switch, 11/'. With EXPLANATION OF TAPERS
instructions, less AC switch (may he used with Taper A. Linear. Taper H. Tapped logarithmic curve. Audio
Type 76-1 or 76 -2 switch, next column). Shpg. level control for automatic bass compensation.
't., 4 oz. Taper C. logarithmic curve for audio circuit
30 M 595. List. $10.95. NET 6.44 control or antenna shunt control. Taper P. Semi- logarithmic curve with reverse
taper. For use in contraet and picture control
Taper D. Tapered at both ends to provide circuits in television.
control of grid bias and antenna circuit. Used
TV SIGNAL ATTENUATOR where control of grid bias is of prime import- Taper O. Same applications as Taper P above.
ance in controlling gain. but has slightly steeper curve.
Typo OJ -3. Economic ally- pried 1,
pad television signal attenuator. For
use with sets having 300-ohm twin IRC TYPE Q CONTROL KIT
line antenna input. Minimizes inter- Assortment No. 9. An assortment of versatile 'type Q
station interference. definition loss Volume Controls plus switches and shafts, in a handsome
and sound bars caused by excessive
signal strength. Diminishes buzz or metal cabinet. These units are carefully selected and will
hum due to high signal level in in- handle over 90% of all AM, FM and TV standard control

tercarrier systems. Reduces over-
loading effects in strong signal area. In many Contains 18 controls, 6 switches and 5 special shafts, as
caves, corrects or reduces horizontal or vertical follows: 1 11 -116 (10,000 ohm. s) 1 --011 -123 (50,000
jitters in picture; also picture and sound
"break- over." Very useful device for the TV
3 -123 (50,000 ohms). 11-128
ohms), -Q13 -128 (100,000 ohms), 1 -Q11 -130 (250,0)0
serviceman to simulate fringe -area signals when ohms), 1 -Q13 -130 (250,000 ohms). -Q13 -130\ 1
shop is located near powerful local station. A (250.000 ohms). I -Q11 -133 (%z meg), 2-013 -133 (%z
nearly constant 300 -ohm load is maintained on
antenna lead -in to minimize ghosts causes! by
mes). 1- Q13 -133X (1 meg) 1 -Q11 -137 (I meg),
Q13 -137 (1 meg). 1-
013 -137X (1 meg). I-Q13 -139 (2
mismatch of antenna lead to receiver. Easily meg). 1-ßl3 -I39X (2 meg), 1-018 -139X (2 meg).
mounted on cabinet or chassis. Slotted shaft 6-No. 76 -1 SPST switches. 1 -BQ shaft. 1 -GQ shaft.
for screwdriver adjustment. Supplied with 2-HQ shaft, and t -NQ shaft. Cabinet is included at no
mounting bracket and instructions. 2'
ameter, 1 deep. Shaft: W diameter, yz' long.
di- extra charge. Contains drawers for shafts. switches and spare parts. Convenient hinged metal
panel keeps contents of drawers dust -free. An excellent addition to the well-equipped serviceshop.
Shpg- wt., 3 oz. 71 /sxl4'/zx4%'. Sltpg. wt.. 7 lbs.
29 M 915. List, $3.65. NET 2.15 30 M 297. NET 21.64-

Include Ohms and Manufacturer's Type Number When Ordering Controls 117
RC Controls
1< .tL Ì I ..11 ..
<,pla... 1

1 ypes W. W ti.
IWK and 4Wi
Il Ive linear tads'r. .-VI 'I.-1t hand logarith-
t:ttser for TV focus and fright -hand loga-
rithmic taper for picture contrast. Rotation.
300°. Size: 1%' dia., 2l/,í' deep; threaded bush-
PQ M ing is % dia. and Vs long. Nickel -plated brass
shafts. t/i dia. Type WI' has round shaft. 3'
These versatile industrial -type controls have a smooth carbon base element and "two- finger" long. Type WI'K has 3' long "Knob Master"
wiper arm of thin, high -stress alloy-assures good contact and low noise for years of service. Type shaft -fits a wide variety of knobs. Type WPS
M multi- sections can easily be added to either PQ. RQ or RQI. types; Permit exact "tailoring" of has W long shaft, knurled at end and slotted.
dual, triple and quadruple units to meet individual requirements. Special- purpose controls can be Type WM multisections can be attached to all
made up by using a Type PQ, RQ or RQL with several M multisections and a Type 76 switch (listed controls. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
below). Types PQ. RQ and RQL have a Vs threaded bushing. Body diameter less terminals is
is ' maximum; body diameter including terminals is 11r5í maximum; depth behind panel. 3, WPK CONTROLS
ch Type M multisection adds í3s,' to depth. Type PQ. RQ, RQI, and M sections feature .100
Each Typo Ohms Typo Ohms
degree arc of rotation -with or without switch. Power rating is % watt, 500 volts maximum.
W PK-1 O 10 WPK-1350R 13501
I5Q types have a round fixed shaft, 3' long, Vs' diameter. Shaft can be eut to any desired length WPK-20 20 WPK-1500 1500
with a hacksaw. Where a longer shaft is required, use the extension fittings on page 160. RQ and WI' K-30 30 WPK-15001. 1500°
R(2I. types have a short shaft with a screwdriver slot for use where adjustment is semi- permanent; W PK-50 50 WPK-2000 2000
shaft extends Vs' beyond threaded bushing. Types RQ, RQI. are the same except RQI. has split W PK-100 100 WPK-2000L 2000
bushing and locking nut -for permanent. vibration -proof settings. Tolerance of all types is W P K-200 200 WPK-2250L 2250°
.10%. All have terminals that are tinned for easy soldering and firmly riveted to the body of the W l' K-250 250 W PK-2500 2500
control. Terminals may be bent for a variety of applications without causing noise in the circuit. W PK-300 300 W P K-2500R 25001
Ground plate on Types PQ. RQ, and RQL has two locating tabs either or both of which may be bent
down if not needed. Av. shpg wt., 4 oz. WPK-400 400 WI. K-3000 3000
WPK-500 500 WPK-4000L 40011
Stock No. Stock No. Stock No. Stock No. W YK-600 600 WPK-5000 5000
Mfr's Typa Ohms Taper PO RO ROL M WPK-650 650 W P K-S000I. 5000
11-103 500 A 30 M 510 30 M 542 29 M 271 30 M 592 W PK-750 750 W P K-6t1í10 6001)
11-108 1000 A 30 M 511 30 M 543 29 M 272 30 M 574 W P K-7501. 750 W P K-6(1001. 6000
11-110 2000 A 30 M 512 30 M 544 29 M 273 30 M 593 WPK-750R 7501 W P K-7500 7500
11-112 3000 A 30 M 513 30 M 545 29 M 274 30 M 598 W P K-1000 1000 W P K-75001. 7500
W P K-1350 1350 W PK-10000 1 0,000
11-114 5000 A 30 M 514 30 M 546 29 M 275 30 M 575
11-115 7500 A 30 M 515 30 M 547 hm.
. .

11-116 10K A 30 M 516 30 M 548 29 M 276 30 M 576 30 MM 216. NET EACH

13-116 10K C 30 M 517 30 M 549
14-116 10K I) 30 M 519 30 M 550 WPK -12500 12,500 WPK -20000 20.000
17-116 10K p 30 M 599 WPK -15000 115.0001 WPK -25000 1 25.000
11-119 20K A 30 M 519 30 M 551 29 M 277 Spiielfy Type No. and Ohms.
11-120 25K A 30 M 520 30 M 552 29 M 278 30 M 577 30 MM 199. NET EACH 121
14-120 25K D 30 M 521 30 M 553
11-121 30K A 30 M 522 30 M 554 29 M 279 30 M 596
11-123 50K A 30 M 523 30 M 555 29 M 280 30 M 578 WPS CONTROLS
13-123 50K C 30 M 524 30 M 556 29 M 281 Typo Ohms Type Ohms
14-123 50K D 30 M 525 30 M 557 W PS-25 25 W? S-2000
11-128 100K A 30 M 526 30 M 558 29 M 282 30 M 579 WPS-40 40 WPS-2250 20O0Ó
13-128 100K C 30 M 527 30 M 559 30 M 580 WPS-60 60 WPS-2250L 2250
11-129 200K A 30 M 375 30 M 376 29 M 283 W PS-250 250 WPS-2500 2500
11-130 250K A 30 M 528 30 M 560 29 M 284 30 M 581 W PS-500 500 WPS-3000 3000
13-130 250K C 30 M 529 30 M 561 29 M 285 30 M 582 W l'S-5001, 500 WPS-4000 4000
11-133 500K A 30 M 530 30 M 562 29 M 286 30 M 583 WPS-1000 1000 WPS-4000L 4000°
13-133 500K C 30 M 531 30 M 563 29 M 287 30 M 584 W P S-1500 1500 WPS-5000 5000
11-137 1.0 meg A 30 M 532 30 M 564 29 M 288 30 M 585 Specify Type No. and Ohms.
1.0 meg
1.5 meg
30 M 533
30 M 534
30 M 565
30 M 566
29 M 289
29 M 290
30 M 586 30 MM 217. NET EACH 97c
13-138 1.5 meó C 30 M 499
11-139 2.0 meg A 30 M 535 30 M 567 29 M 291 30 M 587 WP CONTROLS
13-139 2.0 meg C 30 M 536 30 M 568 29 M 292 30 M 588 Typo Ohms Type Ohms
11-239 2.5 meg A 30 M 537 30 M 569 29 M 293 WP-2 WP-200 2
11-140 3.0 meg A 30 M 538 30 M 570 29 M 294 WP-3 WP-250 3 00
13-140 3.0 meg C 30 M 539 30 M 571 30 M 594 WP-5 5 WP-300 300
17-140 3.0 meg Q 30 M 597 WP-6 6 WP-400 400
11-141 5.0 meg A 30 M 540 30 M 572 29 M 295 30 M 589 WP-8 8 WP-500 500
11-143 10.0 meg A 30 M 541 30 M 573 29 M 296 30 M 590 WP-10 10 WP-750 750
132 WP-I5 15 WP-1000 1000
PO, RO and M Controls. NET EACH WP-20 WP-1500 1500
ROL Controls. NET EACH 1 53 WP-2S 25 WP-2000 2000
WP-30 30 WP-2500 2500
WP-40 40 WP-3000 3000
WP-50 SO WP-4000 4000
WP-75 75 WP-7500 7500
Taper A. I-inear curve for uniform resistance change. WP-100 100 WP-10000 10,000
Taper C. Logarithmic curve for audio circuit control or antenna shunt control.
Specify Type No. and Ohms.
Taper D. Tapered at both ends to provide control of grid bias or antenna circuit. Used
where control of the grid bias is of prime importance in regulating the gain.
30 MM 215. NET EACH 97c
Tapar O. Logarithmic curve with reverse taper for TV contrast and picture control. WM MULTISECTION CONTROLS
Ruggedly constructed 4 -watt "add -on" control
sections. Can be attached to the WPK. WPS or
TYPE 76 ATTACHABLE SWITCHES WP controls, listed above, to form dual control
units. All have linear taper, except .Type
FOR Q, PO, RQ, ROL AND M CONTROLS WM-7500L which has left -hand logarithmic
taper for TV focus. Rotation. 300°. Multisec-
Can be easily attached to control by bending down four metal tabs. Switch housing is made of arc - Lion adds 1/4' to depth. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
resistant material. Terminals are hydraulically staked -no openings for solder to run into switch.
Contacts are silver-plated alloy- maintains low contact resistance to assure Inttg life. Type 76 -1 Type Ohms Typo Ohms
handles up to S amps at 125 v. Type 76 -2 rated at tulip at 125 v. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
W M-50 SO WM-2000 2000
30 M 359. Typa 76-1. SPST. NET WM-100 100 W M-2500 2500
30 M 591. Type 76-2. DPST. EACH 38c WM-200 200 WM-3000 3000
WM-250 250 WM-5000 5000
WM-500 500 WM-7500I, 7500
TYPE HV -15 FOCUS CONTROL WM-1 000 1000 WM-10000 10,000
W Itf-1500 1500
Carbon control especially designed for high -voltage control with TV pic- Specify Typa No. and Ohms.
ture tubes requiring electrostatic focus. Resistance, 15 megohms. Rated 30 MM 860. NET EACH 97c
at 2 watts. Linear taper characteristic. Equipped with 3' long "Knob
Master" shaft -knurled, flatted and grooved to fit most knob require-
ments without any modification except cutting to length. Size, 2114.' SWITCHES FOR ABOVE CONTROLS
231,' depth. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
30 M 274. NET EACH x.94 Easily attached switches for all of above con-
trols. Shp... wt., 2 oz.
Type NV-26. Same as focus -control above, but 25 megolnm resistance. 30 M 218. Type 76 -11. SPST. NET
30 M 286. NET EACH 1.94 30 M 219. Type76 -12. DPST. EACH..38c
Include Ohms and Manufacturer's Type Number When Ordering Controls
General- Purpose and TV Controls
A wide selection of exact -duplicate
controls for TV receivers. All dupli- Miniaturized potentiometers designed for tran-
-Catcate the originals in every detail- sistor circuits or equipment where extremely
there's never any installation prob- compact controls are required. Available with
lem when you use these carefully composition or wire -wound elements. Linear
engineered replacement units. No taper; mechancal and electrical rotation of 300°.
time is wasted in cutting down shafts or enlarging mounting holes and Av. shpg. wt., 5 oz. Industrial users-write for quantity prices on 50 or
no modifications in wiring are required. more Type 48M or 49M contras.
In cases where the original control has a switch, the IRC exact -duplicate TYPE 48M COMPOSITION POTENTIOMETERS
control is equipped with an identical switch -no additional parts are Composition element. Power rating, 0.2 watts. 1/2xV dia. Mounting
ever required. All controls are made of finest materials and constructed bushing, t/a' long. Shaft, %2xys' dia.
to highest standards to assure smooth, highly dependable operation-
a quality is always equal or superior to the originals. Stock NET EACH Stock NET EACH
Simply locate the naine of the manufacturer and the part number of No. Ohms
No. 1 -9 10-24 25-49
the original control in the table--you'll sec the exact -duplicate IRC
1 -9 10 -24 25 -49

replacement in the adjoining column. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. 31 M 220 1000 31 M 227 50.000
4.28 3.21 2.78 4.28 3.21 2.7E
Slack IRC Mir and Mfr's Stock I RC Mir and Mfr's M 222 31 M 229 0.0000
NET NET 31 2500
No. No. Part No. No No. Part No. 230
31 M 223 5000 31 M 500.000
30 M 922 Q1-106 ADMIRAL: 7581140 2.00 30 M 916 Q1-49 PATHE: 024109 2.38 31 M 224 7500 31 14231 1,000,000 4.28 3.21 2.76
30 M 901 Q1-12 75811- 13, -15 2.38 30 M 940 W-231 024124 2.38 31 M 225 10.000 4.28 3.21 2.78 31 M 232 2.500.000
30 M 902 Q1-13 75811- 16, -18 2.38 30 M 907 Q1-21 TVC -528-D 2.30 31 M 226 25,000
30 M 972 W-397 75811 -21 2.38 30 M 947 Q1-277 PHILCO:
30 M 978 Q1-125 75817 -1 33-5563-22 2.15 TYPE 49M WIRE -WOUND POTENTIOMETERS
30 M 917 Q1-51 75811 -14 2.38 30 M 919 Q1-02
watts. 1/2x5/4' dia. Mounting
y4 element. Power rating. 5
33-5563-22 2.00 Wire-wound 1

30 M 977 Q1-418 AIRLINE: 78X12, -B 2.76 30 M 918 Q1-279 33-5563-39 bushing, long. Shaft, %°x dia.
30 M 929 Q1-162 C- 1.217-3 2.00 33-5563-27 2.15
M 954 Q1-309 33-5563-36 2.76 NET EACH Stack NET EACH
30 M 913 Q1-10 ARVIN: 22464 -1 2.76 30 Stack
Ohms Ohms
30 M 971 111-391 33-5563-42 2.29 No. 1 -9 10 -24 25 -49
2.76 30 1 -9 10 -24 25 -19 No'
30 M 913 Q1-10 BELL: 970111 -7 M %0 Q1.340 33-5563-41 2.76
30 M 928 Q1-161 970111 -8 200 30 M 965 Q1-357 33-5563-51 2 IS 31 M 298 5 8.29 6.21 5.32 31 M 290 1000 6.63 4.98 4.21
2.00 30 M 974 Q1-402 33-5563-53 2.15 31 M 282 10 6.63 4.98 4.28 31 M 291 1500 6.63 4.98 4.2E
30 M 903 1-15 BENDIX: 262036 -1 6.63 4.98
30 M 985 Q1-501 33-5563-63 2.00 31 M 283 20 6.63 4.98 4.28 31 M 292 2000 4.2E
30 M 915 1-48 BRUNSWICK: 390034 2.38 31 M 284 25 6.63 4.98 4.28 31 M 293 2500 6.63 4.98 4.2E
30 M 929 1-162 390036 20) 30 M 913 QII0 RCA: 970111.7 2.76
970111 -8 2.00 970111-8 2.00 31 M 285 50 6.63 4.98 4.28 31 M 294 5000 6.63 4.98 4.2E
30 M 928 1-161 6.63 4.98 4.2E
0M925 01-131 970111.18 2.00 31 M 286 100 6.63 4.98 4.28 31 M 295 7500
30 M 979 1-146 CAPEHART: 30 M 911 Q1-41 970111 -30 31 M 287 200 6.63 4.98 4.28 31 M 296 10,000 6.63 4.98 4.2E
153337A-1 2.38 970913 -9 2.76 31 M 288 250 6.63 4.98 4.28 31 M 297 20,000 8.29 6.21 5.37
30 M 913 Q1-40 CBS (AIR KING): 30 M 930 ,Q1-168 970913-26 2.00 31 M 289 500 6.63 4.98 4.28.
970111 -7 2.76 30 M 918 Q1-81 970913.27 2.00
30 M 938 QL222 970913 -30 2.76 TYPE 58 3-WATT WIRE -WOUND CONTROLS
30 M 977 Q1 J18 CORONADO: 78X12 M 980 Q1-417
PD-lO-A 2.76 30 971666-6 Excellent 3 -watt wire -wound controls. De-
30 M 959 Q1.332
30 M 907 Q1-21 TVC -528 -D 2.38
971666 -13 2.76
signed to provide extremely smooth quiet oper-
30M913 1-40 CROSLEY: 139170 2.76 30 ),984 Q1-4% 971666 -9 2.76
ation. Ideal for use as voltage dividers, bias
controls, and similar applications. Have linear
30 M 928
146856 .
30 M 986 Q1-504 971666-15 2.76 windings44''resistance tolerance of
trol size. -pr x)2ÿ' dia. Shaft size:
10%. Con-
. rills'
30 M 932 1.181 148098,-A 2.38 30 81378 Q1-161 REGAL: 20-2A,
30 M 933 J-183 149220 2.76 970111.8 Molded phhenolic body. Av. shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
1-370 154085. -C, -F
J-119 DUMONT: 01027020
2.00 30
30 M 913 Q1-40
him Q1-292
CM4994, T-20-2
970111 -7
T -20 -9
Ño. Type Ohms EACH Ne. Type Ohms EACH
30 M 920 1-84 01028210 31 M 000 58-1 1 31 M 017 58-500 500
30 M 944 Q1.261 SCOTT: 31
30 M 915 11-18 EMERSON: 390034 180791705 2.76 3Ì M 002 58-4 4 .82 1 M 19 58-1000 17000 .82
390036 2.00 30 M 942 QJ-246 58-6 31 M 102 1500
30 M 929 1-162
7085027 31 M 003 6 58-1500
30 M 910 1-30 390074 6 VC12127, -B 31 M 004 58-10 10 31 M 020 58-2000 2000
1-32 390144 2.38
30 M 911
30 M 904 01.17 390167 2.38
VCAI2127D 2.76
31-M-6133 3rC5 13- 31 M 103 58331XF 2500
30 M 916 01-19 SILVERTONE: 31 M 006 58-20 20 31 M 021 58-3000 3000
30 M 956 1-313
30 M 941 J-237
390184, 390201
2.76 A24109 2.38 31 M 007 58-25 25 .82 31 M 022 58-5000 5000 .82
30 M 975 J-410 390207 2.38 30 M 940 Q1-231 024124 2.38 31 M 008 58-30 30 31 M 023 58-7500 7500
30 M 966 Q1-363 A24142 2.38 31 M 009 58-40 40 31 M 024 58-10K 10.000
30 M 913 IQ1-40 FADA: 52.22 2.76 30 M 908 Q1-22 M25B888 2.38 31 M 010 58-50 -50 3-1---747)25 S8-1SC 15,000
30 M 946 1-270 52.64 2.85 30M%2 111.305 M25B889 2.15 31 M 011 58-60 60 .82 31 M 026 58-20K 20.000 1.06
30 M 977Q1./18 FIRESTONE: 7012,4 2.76 30 M 940 01-231 P824121A 2.38 31 M 012 58-75 75 31 M 027 58-25K 25,00
A424124, PA24124 2.38 30M%7 Q1-21 TVC-528-D 2.38
30 M 940 Ill1.231
30 M 942 Q1-216 VCA121278,-C 2.76 31 M 013 58-100 100 31 M 028 58-30K 30,000
30 M 940 Q1-231 FREED: A24124 2 38 31 M 014 58-200 200 31 M 029 5840K 40,000
30M926 Q1.142G.E.:068186-1 2.00
30 M 906 QJ-20 STROMBERG-
CARLSON: 145161 2.38
31 M 015 58-300 300 .82 31 M 030 58-50K 50,000 1.44
3C M 923 Q1110 1(681881-2 2.38 31 M 016 58-400 400
30 M 931 Q1.200 K71170.1 2.76 30 M 937 Q1 -205 SYLVANIA:
37-73153.1, -2 2.76
30 M 935
30 M 962
Q1 201
2.76 30 M 976 01.417 37- 73876 -3 2.76 CENTRALAB CONTROLS
30 M 936 Q1-203. K71171-2 2.38 30 M 983 Q1 -472 37- 77377 -1 2.53
30 M 964 Ql 354' 671171-3 2.38 30 M 988 1.513 37- 79047-1 2.38 MINIATURE CONTROLS
30 M 951 Q1 301: K821163-1 2.76 30 M 937 1.205 R73I53 2.76
2.38 Have semi -lox taper. Phenolic- imbedded car-
bon resistance cicsicst is inside knob -only terminals

30 M 958 Q1.328 683J475.1 30 M 913 01.40 TECHMASTER: 11 -7 2.76

30 M 973 Q1.398 K831870-2 2.53 30 M 928 1 -161 II -8 2.00 go through panel. Switch types have switch com-
30 M 990 Q15/7 6831941-1 2.91
30 M 987 Q1-506 K119166-1 2.53 3010 959 01-332 TELE -KING: pletely enclosed in unit. Size: Knob dia.. 23-52';
30 M 963 Q1-352 M7714661 2 91 PD-10A 2.76 deep including knob and terminals. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
30 M907 01-21 TELE -TONE:
2.38 TVC-528 -D 2.38 Less Switch With Switch, SPST
30 M 952 Q1-305 258889 2.15 30 M 905 Qll9 TELE- VOGUE: No. Type Megs EACH No. Type Meg* EACH
30 M 953 Q1-306 258895 2.15 VC-0033, -C 2.38 30 M 418 B16-118 .5 30 M 414 B 16 -218 .5
30 M 909 Q1-24 258898 2.38 30 M 906 Q1 -20 VC -0040 30 M 417 B16-120 I 1
30 M 961 Q1-345 258997 2.38 VC- 0040-A
2.38 30 M 416 B16 -122 2 1.47 30 M 412 B16 -222 2.35
30 M 968 IQ0171 HOFFMAN: 4833, -2
30 M 981 Q1 -454 2.38 30 M 415 B16 -124 3 30 M 411 B16 -224 3
1863 2.38 30 M 913 831.40 TRIAD: 970111 -7 2.76 30 M 420 816 -128 5 30 M 419 B16 -228 S
30 M 913 IQ1-40 T4801 2.76 30 M 928 Q1-161 970111 -8 2.00
M 928 T4804 2.
30 1-161 JO M 949 Q1 -291 TRAVLER: TV -VC -36 2.53 TYPE C2-100 COMPENTROL ' SENIOR'
30 M 929 Q1-162 MAJESTIC: 30 M 977 Q1 -418 TRUETONE: Combination volume control and tone com-
C- 8.217.3
30 M 900 0J-9 C- 8.230.1
2.38 30 M 929
78X12, -A, -B 2.76 pensator. Automatically compensates for re-
Q1 -162 C- 8.217.3 2.00 duced response of human ear at low volume
30 M 900 Q1-9 METEOR: C- 8.230-1 2.38
30 M928 Q1 -161 VIDEO CORP: levels. Permits adjustment for exact amount
30 V 942 QJ-246 MIRRORTONE: 970111 -8 2.00 of compensation desired. A worthwhile addi-
VC12127, B. D 2.76 30 M 920 01.161 VIDEO PROD: tion to bt -fi, radios, TV, etc. Complete with
2 brown plastic knobs and instructions. Shaft

30M%7 p1-322 MOTOROLA: EP -105 2.00 length, 7 /s'. Shpg. t., 6 oz.
3. t 30 M 913 W -40 EP-1C7, -A 2.76 30 M 436. NET EACH 4.41
30 M 969 Q1 380 30 M 942 Q1 -246 VISION MASTER:
188722190 3.20 VC121278 2.76 TYPE C-1 COMPENTROLS
30 M 943 1-260 180790166 3 15
Combination voisine control and tone com-
30 M944 N1-261 180791765 2.76 30M921 01.91 WESTINGHOUSE:
30 M 945 1 262 180792009 2.76 V-9235-2 2.00 pensator. Easily installed in place of existing
30 M 927 Q1-149 V-%77, -1 2.76 volume controls. Switch is SPST. Shaft
30 M900 Q1-9 MUNTZ: C-8.2301 2.38 30 M 970 Q1-382 V-9877-4,-5,-6 2.76 length, 3'. Width, 154s'. Shpg. wt.. S oz.
30 M 905 Q1-19 VC-0033, -B,-C, -D 2.38 30 M 989
30 M906 QJ-20 VC-0040, -A, -B 2.38 30 M 955
Q1-519 V-9877-7,-8 2.76 Stock No. Type Description NET
Q1-310 2.76
30 M 981 Q/ 454 V C- 0040- I 2.38 V-116%-1
Q1-464 3.15 30 M 421 C1-60 meg, plain 2.69
30 M 925 Q1-131 OLYMPIC: PT-1471 2.00 30 m939 Q1-229 ZENITH: 30 M 422 CI -60-S t/2 meg, with switch 3.23
30 M 978 pJ-161 PT-1479 2 30 M 423 C1-70 meg. plain iE 2.69
1 meg, with switch
63 -1667 2.31 CI-70-S 3.23
30 M 912 1111-34 PT-2267 2.38 30 M 424

Fo Complete Product and Manufacturers Index, Ses Pages 397 -400 119
Mallory Controls
For audio, tone and similar Exact repla,cmen is er uU
control circuits in home re- television sets and auto radios. 1ìa.1
ceivers. audio amplifiers, dual Midgetrol is composed of a front
portables, TV sets, and in- and a rear section-each ordered sep
dustrial electronic equip- rately. Necessary hardware is supplied
ment. Available in a full with front section. Diameter: only
line of resistances, tapers. '551s'. Hardware supplied with each
rd taps. Round, hollow front section includes one inner shaft,
shaft-easily cut to desired one bakelite spacer, one coupling cup.
length. Two spline-shank knob adapters furnished with each Midgetrol and two shaft ends which 61.187 and
-see illustration above. With nut and lock washer. 15ix' dia. brass shaft. .202 RETMA knobs. Uses Midgetrol
21/ long, 1/4¡ dia. Less switch (see below). Shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
29 M 714 U-1
29 M 709 U-2
Type Ohms Taper
29 M 715 U-52R 500
29 M 716 U-751L 750
29 M 763 U-33
29 M 764 U-36
Type Ohms Taper

29 M 765 U-39 100K

29 M 766 U-40
4 switches (see below left). Depth with-

out switch: 1t/ with switch. 1%'. Instructions included. Shpg. wt..
front section, 5 oz.; rear, 4 oz.
Type Ohms Tapar Stock
Type Ohms Ta Psr
29 M 796 U-3 IK 2 29 M 767 U-41 100K 4
29 M 636 UF62 R 600 2 29 M 937 UFS4L 4
29 M 785 U-4 1K 4 29 M 795 U-415 125K 4 29 M 648 UF13R 1000 2 29 M 738 UF753L 75 K 4
29 M 797 U-S 1500 2 29 M 768 U-42 150K 1 29 M 926 UFI3L 1000 4 29 M 938 UFISA WOK
29 M 710 U-5L 1500 4 29 M 769 U-43 200K 4 29 M 649 UFI52R 1500 2 29 M 939 UFISR 100K 2
29 M 786 U-6 2K 4 29 M 770 U-44 250K I 29 M 819 UF152L 1500 4 29 M 940 UF15L 100K 4
29 M 798 U-7 2500 2 29 M 771 U-43 230K 2
29 M 652 UF23R 2000 2 29 M 941 UF254A 250K 1

U-8 4 772 U-46 29 M 918 UF23L 2000 4 29 M 919 UF254L 250K 4

29 M 787 3K 29 M -8 5Ó0K I 29 M 653 UF252R 2500 2 29 M 942 UFSSA SOOK
29 M 751 U-12 5K 1 29 M 774 U-50 S00K 4 29 M 736 UF252L 2500 4 29 M 943 UFSSR 500K 2
29 M 752 U-14 SK 4 29 M 775 U-51 750K 1 29 M 654 UF33R 3000 2 29 M 944 UF55L S00K 4
29 M 753 U-18 10K 1 29 M 713 U-52 I Meg 2
29 M 737 UF33L 3000 4 29 M 945 UF16A 1 Meg 1
29 M 754 U-19 10K 2 29 M 776 U-53 1 Meg I 29 M 929 UFS3R 2 29 M 946 UFI6L 1 Meg 4
29 M 755 U-20 IOK 4 29 M 777 U-54 1 Meg 4 29 M 930 UF53L 0
50000 4 29 M 739 UFtSSA 1.5Meg 1
29 M 756 U-21 15K 1 29 M 790 U-155 l.SMeg 4 29 M 931 UF73R 7000 2 29 M 637 UF15SR 1.5Meg 2
29 M 757 U-22 15K 2 29 M 778 U-SS 2 Meg 1 29 M 666 UFI4R 10K 2 29 M 667 UFI55L 1.5Meg 4
29 758 U-24
M 20K 1 29 M 781 U-56 2 Meg 4 UFI4L 10K 4 29 M 947 UF26A 2 Meg
29 M 783 U-26 20K 4 29 M 784 U-255 2.SMeg 4 29 M 933 UF2S3R 2S K 2 29 M 948 UF26L 2 Meg 4
29 759 U-28
M 25K 2 29 M 779 U-57 3 Meg 1 29 M 934 UF253L 4 29 M 740 UF255L 2.SMeg 4
29 M 712 U-28A 25K 1 29 M 782 U-59 3 Meg 4 29 M 935 UF34A 3ÓK 29 M 741 UF46A 4 Meg
29 M 760 U-29 25K 4 29 M 780 U-65 5 Meg 1 29 M 936 UFS4A S0K 30 M 012 UF106L 10Meg
29 M 761 U-33 50K 1 29 M 788 U-67 5 Meg 4 NET
29 762
M U-34 50K 2 29 M 789 U-82 10 Meg 4 EACH 129
TYPE UT SINGLE-TAPPED MIDGETROLS tiff dia. Tapped: 250 ohms; 1500 ohms; 12000 ohms.
Same as U types above, but tapped for tone compensation. Stock Mfr's Ohm NET Stook Mfr.. OAms NET
no. Typo on ms uP no. typa con ms tail No. Typa Na. Typa

29 M 718 UT-153 1SK 10K 29 M 806 UT -443 1 Meg 450K 29 M 794 WF32 340 1.35 29M 744 WF23 2000 1.35
29 M 742 WF751 750 I .35 29 M 793 WF252-T23 25001 I .62
29 M 802 UT -420 250K SOK 29 M 807 UT-450 2 Meg 125K 29 M 668 WF751-752 7501 1.62 29 M 996 WF252 2500 I .35
29 M 803 UT -425 350K 70K 29 M 808 UT -448 2 Meg 250K
29 M 816 UT-429 500K SOK 29 M 809 UT-454 2 Meg 400K 29 M 993 WF751-1251 750 1.62 29 M 997 WF33 3000 I .35
29 M 804 UT -427 S00K 100K 29 M 863 UT-449 2 Meg 600K 29 M 994 WF13 1000 I.35 29 M 998 WF53 5000 I .35
29 M 743 WF152 1500 1.35 29 M 999 WF73 7000 .35
29 M 860 UT -430 5OK 150K 29 M 810 UT-431 2 Meg 900K I

29 M 805 UT -431 500K 225K 29 M 817 UT-457 3 Meg 900K

29 M 861 UT -440 1 Meg 200K 9 M 711 UT -461 3.2 Meg 300K
29 M 862 UT -438 1 Meg 300K Stock Mfr's Ohms Taper Stook Mfr's Ohms Tape!
NET No. Type No. Type p
29 M 951 UR13L 1000 4 29 M 962 UR254A 250K l
TYPE UDT DOUBLE -TAPPED MIDGETROLS 30 M 01 I UR152L 1500 4 29 M 963 UR254L 250K 4
29 M 954 UR23L 2000 4 29 M 746 UR354A 350K t
..tno. MM'S lyP. Unma lapa OPIUM 29 M 673 UR352R 3500 2 29 M 964 URSSA S00K 1

29 M 988 UDT -283 500K 100K /200K 29 M 745 UR352L 3500 4 29 M 965 URSSL S00K 4
29 M 989 UDT -289 1 Meg. 250K /S00K 29 M 955 UR53R 5000 2 29 M 966 URI6A 1 Meg 1

29 M 990 UDT -291 1.5 Meg. 225K /S00K 29 M 949 UR53L 5000 4 29 M 967 URI6L 1 Meg 4
991 2.25 1.21 29 M 956 URI4R 10K 2 29 M 968 UR26A 2 Meg I
29 M 92 UDT -296 5 Meg 5Ó0K /IOMeg 29 M 957 UR14L 10K 4 29 M 969 UR26L 2 Meg 4
29 M 719 UDT -303 3.3 Meg. 300K/1.5 Meg. 29 M 958 UR253L 25K 4 29 M 674 UR2SSL 2.Smeg 4
29 M 959 URSSL 50K 4 29 M 747 UR36A 3 Meg 1


29 M 960. UR15R 100K 2 30 M 013 UR56L 5 Meg 4
29 M 961 URSSL WOK 4
Size and basic construction are the same as N ET
Midgetrol- listed above, except the SU type
control has a % dia., fixed knurled and slotted
EACH 65c
phenolic shaft protruding Vs' beyond bushing. 2 -WATT TV AND INDUSTRIAL CONTROLS
Meet exact physical and electrical requirements
for special applications. Linear taper. With bes Two-watt wirewound potentiometers designed espe-
,put. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz. cially for replacement of television controls. Also excel-
lent for use as voltage dividers and bias controls. In-
Mfr's 7ype Ohms No. Mfr'a Type Ohms sulated contact arm type, linear taper. Special dual
29 M 646 SU-6 1.5K 29 M 828 SU-46 250K contactor mechanism. 900 volts AC insulation between
29 M 647 SU-8 3K 29 M 814 SU-50 S00K resistance element and chassis. 297° rotation. Taper 4.
29 M 832 SU-14 SK 29 M 829 SU-54 1 Meg 12514' in diameter. Knurled stub shaft has screwdriver
29 M 826 SU-20 10K 29 M 830 SU-56 2 Meg slot. *Centex-tapped. r/s' bushing. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
29 M 812 SU-29 25K 29 M 833 SU-565 2.5 Meg No. Type Ohms NET No. Type Ohms NET
29 M 827 SU-35 SOK 29 M 831 SU-59 3 Meg
29 M 813 SU-41 100K 29 M 815 SU-67 S Meg 29 M 835 R2OL .82 29 M 842 R10OL 1000
NET 29 M 836 R20CT 20 29 M 843 R1500L 1500 916
EACH 82c 29 M 837 R25L 25 1.82 29 M 844 R25OL 2300
29 M 838 R30L 30 .82 29 M 846 R3000L 3000 914
29 M 839 R3OCT 30 1.21 29 M 845 RS000L 5000 914
"Push -on, stay-on- switches for Midg trola. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 29 M 864 RI00L 100 .82 29 M 693 RIOML 10.00 97t
29 M 620. US-26 SPST Switch. NET 384 29 M 841 R2SOL 250 .82 29 M 694 RISM L 15.000
29 M 621. US -26T SPST Switch. With dummy terminal. NET 474 29 M 834 RSOOL S00 .82 29 M 695 R2OML 20.000 974
29 M 622. US -27 DPST Switch. NET 384
29 M 985. D5 -36 Special 3' Extension Shaft. For tubular shaft
Midgetrol- above; TV and industrial 2 -watt potentiometers at right Precision units developed especially as controls In
Also couples front and rear sections together. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. NET 294 drive-iu theater speaker installations. Withstand
extremes of temperature and humidity. 1'SA -10 is
29 M 882. DS -37 ís Diameter Shaft. For use with round -shaft Mid
getrols to accommodate knobs requiring SSis' shaft. Wt., 2 oz. NET 294
an L -pad with 10-ohm input and 4 -ohm output.
TSA -35 is a 35-ohm series -type potentiometer.
29 M 987. EB -214 Spoolal Bushing. Dimensions: %s' -28 thread, 254e' TSA -6 is a 6-ohnt shunt -type atteuuator 1'/a' dia.
long with .403' milled flat. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. NET 534 cases. Shafts are % long; "steel (knurled), fbrass.
Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
Taper No. 1: For use in audio or antenna shunt circuits. 29 M 847 TSA -10 L -pad I 1.29
Taper No. 2: For series circuits or cathode voltage controls. 29 M 848 TSA-35 Potentiometer ,97
Taper No. 4: Linear. For voltacc control. 29 M 849 fTSA -6 Shunt -type Attenuator .97

30 Include Ohms and Manufacturer's Type Number When Ordering Controls

Industrial & Special Controls
For industrial and laboratory use as bias controls and Constant -load attenuator pads. T Pad
voltage dividere. Also for TV replacement. 4 watts. Widely used to control the
Arm insulated from shaft. 294° rotation. Knurled 1/4 level of low- impedance audio
=haft is r/'
long; has screwdriver slot and is hollow to
accept DS-36 and DS-37 extension shafts (see page
circuits in sound systems. Rated
at 4 watts, continuous DC; IS
120). MT types are center -tapped TV unite. I%dia. z w. peak audio. Have 2' shafts.
!4e °. Mount in s/e hole. Linear taper. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz. Bushing size: t%x%' diameter.
POTENTIOMETERS Supplied with bar knob. 0-10
dial plate and wiring instruc-
No. Typo Ohms EA. Ne. Typo Ohms EA. tions. Av. shpg. wt., 7 oz.
29 M 424 M1PK I 29 M 410 M400PK 400 T Pad Attenuators. Present con- L Pad At s. Present a
29 M 425 M3PK 3 29 M 411 MSOOPK 300 stoat source impedance as well as constant load impedance at all
29 M 426 M6PK 6 97C 29 M 412 M600PK 600 97c constant load at all control set- control settings. Size: 13' dia.,
29 M 427 M10PK 10 29 M 413 MIMPK 1000 tinge. Size: 1% dia., 113/46 deep. 11/4' deep.
29 M 428 MTIOPK 10 _ 29 M 4 3 I MI.5MPK 1500
1,_29 Ohms Stook No. Typo Stook No. Typo
29 M 400 MISPK 15 29 M 414 M2MPK 2000
29 M 401 M20PK 20 97c 29 M 432 M2.5MPK 2500 2
29 M 868
29 M 869
29 M 883
29 M 884
29 M 429 MT2OPK 20 1.29 29 M 416 M4MPK 1.09 6 29 M 870 29 M 885 L6
4000 T8 29 M 892 L8
29 M 402 M25PK 2S 29 M 4I7M5MPK 5000 8 29 M 871
29 M 403 M30PK 30 97C 15 29 M 872 T1S 29 M 886 LIS
29 M 418 MtOMPK 10000 110 29 M 887
29 M 430 MT3OPK 30 1.29 29 M 419 M15MPK 15000 SO 29 M 873 L50
1'29 100 29 M 865 T100 29 M 920 L100
29 M 421 M2SMPK 200 29 M 874 T200 29 M 888 L200
29 M 405 M5OPK SÓ 25000 250 29 M 875 T250 29 M 889 L250
29 M 406 M6OPK 422 500 29 M 876 T500 29 M 890 L500
29 M 407 M7SPK 60
75 97c 29 M M7ÓMPK 7O000Ó0 1.56 600 29 M 866 T600 29 M 921 L600
29 M 867 T1000 29 M 922 L1000
29 M 409 M200PK 200 29 M 434 M100MPK 100000 2.26 2000 29 M 877 T2000 29 M 891
3000 29 M 878 T3000 29 M 923 L3ÓÓÓ
RHEOSTATS 4000 29 M 708 L4000
Have open or "off" position counter -clockwise.
No. Type Ohms Amps Ne. Typo Ohms Am po
"T" Pads. NET EACH...2 76 "L" Pads. NET EACH...2.44
29 M 451
29 M 452
i 2.00 29
29 M 460 M25RK 25
29 M 453
29 M 454
29 M 455
29 M 461 MIORK
29 M 462 MIORK
29 M 463 MSORK
°Couples 1/4 shafts
34e shafts. {Hush
a a
29 M 456 M6RK 6 .82 29 M 464 MIORK 60 .26 ingforpanel mount - D
29 M 457 MIORK 10 .63 29 M 465 M75RK 75 .23 ing. ?}extends hotly --
29 M 458 MISRK 15 .S2 JO M ¿RR Minnow inn 9n of control S/s' away 1_i 0 F

NET from mounting surface. Av. shpg. wts.: Brackets, 3 oz. ; shafts, couplers
EACH 82c and bushings, 11/4 oz.
29 M 65I. Typo 396 DII Plato. For "M" Controls. 2 oz. NET.. 154 No. Type Fig. Description EACIl
19 M 6 6 RB249
!9 M 675 RB248
---A-- Mtg.bracket. Mtg. Ctrs. 2t(='
Mtg. bracket. Mtg. Ctrs. 1i/4'

!9 M 661 EB2471 C Extender 184
(9 M 665 178 Wrench for (4' -Me' v.c. hex nuts 44e
Ideal for limited -space applications. Conserva-
29 M 655 2-E
Ext. shaft. 4xyx%a' flat.

tively rated to dissipate 2 watts. Contact arm S 4'2

grounded to shaft. 266° effective electrical rota- 29 M 656 RS243 F Ext. shaft. 4xt'xisr' flat. 56c
tion. l .4' dia. z Re' deep. Yi shaft, slotted 3í4' x 29 M 657 RS244 F Ext. shaft. 4x340544 flat.
Mo. deep, extends 1 from bushing. Hexagon not 29 M 658 I3S245 Ext. shaft. WA' with (jr' slot.
furnished. Use dial plate 34 B 622, listed below. (9 M 672 EC240° B Coupling 564
Linear taper. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. 10 H 390 UB24I Ii I) Bushing 9t
No. Type Ohms Amps No. Type Ohms Amps Model 206 "Micropots." High- preci-
29 M 720 .58 29 M 725 C4OP sion, ten -turn linear potentiometers.
M 721
M 722
IÓ .45
M 726 CSOP
M 727 CI 001.
.22 Widely used in electronic instruments.
industrial and aircraft controls, elec-
29 M 723 C2OP 20 .32 29 M 728 C200P .14 tronic computers, radar and sonar gear.
29 M 724 C3OP 30 .26 29 M 729 C400P 400 .07 etc. Resistance is directly proportional
NET to the shaft rotation. Extremely high
EACH 97c accuracy. Wire and terminals are im-
bedded firmly within the housing.
29 M 7301 CIMP I 1000 I .045129 M 7311 C3MP 131100 I .025 Smooth action and low uniform torque. Anti -backlash spring in contact
NET guide. Fine resolution. Mechanical and electrical rotation, 3600 °. Lin-
EACH 1.09 earity, 0.1 %. Torque. not over l.5 inch -oz. running; not over 3 inch-oz.
starting. Power dissipation. 5 watts (g 40° Centigrade. Shaft extension
3000 length, r/s'. Life is more than 1 million revolutions. Av. shpg. wt.. 1 A lbs.
29 M 733 C6MP I I .018 129 M 735I CISMP 15000 I .011 Stook No, Ohms Stock Ne. Ohms Stook No. Ohms
NET 29 M 680 100 29 M 683 5000 29 M 686 50K
129 29 M 681 500 29 M 684 10K 29 M 687 100K
29 M682 1000 29 M 685 20K
29 M 700 C6R 6 .58 29 M 704 C3OR 30 .26
NET EACH 15,00
29 M 701 C1OR 10 .45 29 M 705 C4OR 40 .22 Ton -Turn "Microdials." For use with above. Have 2 concentrically
29 M 702 CISR IS .37 29 M 706 CSOR SO .2 mounted dials -one for counting increments of each turn and the other
29 M 7031 C2OR 20 ( .32 129 M 707 CIOOR 100 .14 for counting turns. Built -in fingertip brake. May be locked in any posi-
NET tion. For panels to Ho' thick. type 1320 has bright chrome cover and
EACH 82c chrome dial. Type 1327 has dull black cover and dull black dial. Overall
diameter, 11/4'. Overall depth, 1(44'. Shpg. ot. 4 oz.
34 8 622. Typo 393 Dial Plato. For "C" controls. 2 oz. NET .... 154 29 M 696. MODEL 1320. NET

29 M 697. MODEL 1327. EACH 5.85

Ruggedly constructed, heavy-duty, wire -wound poten- For use with Micropots listed above. Three digit readings
tiometers. Conservatively rated to dissipate 7 watts. allow extremely accurate indexing. Designed for rapid
For industrial, laboratory production control and operation -may be hand or servo-operated at speeds up to
research applications. Contact arm grounded to shaft. 100 rpm. Rotation is continuous in either direction. Built -
295° effective electrical rotation. 233," dia. x 3](4 deep. in, finger -tip brake -may be locked in any position. De-
(4 shaft slotted 444' x (4e' deep. extends I F,:' from bush- signed for wide-angle reading. Rigid shaft connection
ing. Mount in ty' hole. Hexagon nut furnished. Use eliminates possibility of backlash or lost motion. Knob is
dial plate 29 M 650, listed below. Linear taper. 6 oz. finished in black. with brake panel in vain chrome. Neopn'oe .,;d Pt.
No. Typo Ohms Am NET torts all working parts for life against dust, dirt and moist tire. I ndrxing
accuracy, I part in 11881. Size. I1/4x2' diameter. Shpg. wt. , 4 "z
29 M 480 RS M P 5000 .042 2.47 29M678.NET 14.55
29 M 4 8 I E10MP 10,00 .03 2.62
29 M 482 E20M l' 20.000 .021 2.70
29 M 483 E25MP 23.000 .019 2.76 SELECTOHM POTENTIOMETER
29 M 484 E50MP 50,000 .0135 2.79 10,00 ohm. 25 watt, calibrated, wire -wound potentiom
29 IV485 E75MP 75,000 .011 2.88 eter of laboratory quality. An Ideal precision resistan,-c
29 M 486 E100M P 100,000 .0095 2.94 substitute for use as a decade box, voltage divider or a
29 M 487 E125MP 125,000 .0085 2.94 bridge circuit component. Very useful for determining the
29 M 488 11150MP 150,000 .0078 3.00 value of a burned -out resistor. Dial calibrated in 200 divi
ions 15.8 ma capacity . 6' x 31/4'. Short. wt., 2 lbs.
29 M 650. Typs 399 Dial Plate. hot "E" (ontroh. 2 oz. NET...I5c 84 M 323. NET 9.80
Include Ohms and Manufacturer's Type Number When Ordering Controls 121
Cornell -Dubilier Capacitors



"Blue Beaver" tojeular electrolytic capacitors are specifically designed Bk. but 4s dcugucd for Mier applications In higher -voltage power sup-
for service replacement applications. All are sealed in aluminum cans for plies. Surge voltage of Type BRHV is 150 volts above working voltage.
protection against heat and humidity. Have wax -Impregnated cardboard Types BBRD, BBRT. and BBRQ have 7' flexible vinyl covered leads
outer sleeves. Single- section Type BR has solid, t nned -copper leads with with color coded positive and common negative. All "Blue Beavers' are
negative terminal grounded to can. Type BBR is a miniature version of rated for operation up o 85° C.. except 500 -volt types, which are for up
Type BR, for limited -space applications. Type BRIN is similar to Type to 65° C. Av. shpg. wt., 4 ox.
Radio and TV replacement units. Ideal for Sealed in aluminum tube; wax- impregnated Type
Stock No. Mid W.V. Sin NET
bypass, filter, etc. Herme ically sealed.
Stook No. Typo Mfd W.V. 51:e NET
cardboard outer sleeve. Common negative lead. 1! 635 0174
L 40-40-20-20 450
20-20-20.20 450,25
StookNo. Type Mfd W.V. SI :e NET 19 295 22245C
19 L 285 500-6
19 L 286 1000 -6 1000
500 6 '3,013/4
'55x23, 1.12
19 L 220
19 L 250
/4x154 .82
IS L 636 0926.5
18 L 637 0954
1000,40-40 450,300,2501%131/4
10,80,40,100 450,300,

I9 L 287 2000 -6 2000 6 15,x215, 1.35 19 L 251 21151 20-10 150 1 54,x1% .91 250,50, 15x39iis 2.82
19 L 272 2501 250 15 134.813/4 .91 19 L 252 2215 20 -20 150 13ñax114 .97 18 L 638 0954.5 20,120 450.300,
I9 L 273 5001 500 15 194sx %, 1.03 19 t. 253 3215 320
0 150 ''/f_sa114 1.00 40,100 250,50 ID's/4 3.62
18 L 639 0695.3 1020-20-10 450.350 154 x3 2.06
9 L 274 10001 1000 15 11%.x23, 1.35 19 L 254 3315 30 -30 150 'MutSS 1.06
9 L 284 20001 2000 15 144.x3;4. 1.88 ' /KAI Si 1.03
19 L 270 2502 250 25 5A017/e 1.00
19 L 255
19 I. 256
40 -30
19 L 27 I 5002 500 25 13/4m21, 1.35 19 L 257 1415 4040 150 i sAyx2
x2 /n 1.09 Stook No. Type Mfd W.V. Size NET
9 L 147 1005 100 50 '%.x 94 .82 19 L 258 5315 5030 150 I fjkx2'/k 1.15
50 '3,823, .91 14 L 538 708 8
19 L 148 1505 150 19 L 259 5515 50 -50 150 11/,x251. 1.23 I4 L 539 710 12 700
10 700 Iikx3Sk' 1.38
9 L 149 2505 250 50 1%46x2}4. 1.03 19 L 260 8415 80 -40 150 I'/Sea2% 1.32 14 L 540 712 .44 I
9 L 269 5005 500 50 1/4.x3 1.41 1.76 14 L 541 716 16 700 t /4x455,' 1.56
9 L 145 2515 25 150 t34ax /, .73 18 L 609 0183.7 100-50 150 1 a3

14 1 045 3015 30 ISO xt .76

19 L 288 101015 100 -100
150 tAsa3
c3 ,A,
14 L 534 608 8 600 j+y{{s,x3 I.23
1.56 .29
18 L 610 0196 150 1
14 L 535 610 10 600 ikx3 1

14 L 046 4015 40 150 .79 18 L 611 0576 60. 125 200. 50 1 13 1.91 14 L 536 612 12 600 l',,x3 1.41
14 L 047 5015 50 ISO 1 x1 44 .82 19 L 289 8025 8 -8 250 I 140155 .94 I4 L 537 616 16 600 I %.I3 I .50
19 L 146 6015 60 ISO I x234. .88 19 L 261 16825 16.8 250 .34021/4 1.00
141039 8015 80 ISO ' x235. .94 19 L 262 16025 16.16 250 1.06 N1.2510
14 L 056 10015 100 ISO 15,8215, 1.0 3 2225 20-20 250 R 1.09
19 L 263 25 Mr0
14 L057 15015 150 150 13/40t335. 1.1 19 L 296 3325 30-30 250 I5µ214 1.32 IOWV
14 L 033 1625 16 250 t
2 19 L 264 7V225 75 -20 250 154,135/, 1.53 C_0
14 L 034 2025 20 250 I x13 .79 18 L 612 0242 80 -10 250 1 x3 1.50
19 L 142 3025 30 250 xl
14 L 035 250 I x2546
4í. 13 .9Ì 18 L 613 0246 120 -80 250 1%x3'/4. 2.35 NL'°ELECTROMITE°° SUBMINIATURES
614 0286 150.100 300 1%x31/4 3.09
I9 L 143 5025 50 250 15,x23,
18 L
"Electromites" meet modern equipment de-
19 L 144 250 1'4.x2 5, 1.06
18 L 615 0334 140-5 350 13/4x454, 244 sign trends toward compactness, light weight,
and portability. These units offer "big capaci-

19 L 265 8015 8-8 450 "/,x114 1.00

14 L 020 350
14 L 021 835 8 350 .71 19 L 266 16845 16-8 450 l'/kx2% 1.18 tor" performance and reliability in smallest
14 L 022 1235 12 350 34sxtf%. .76 19 L 267 161345 16-16 450 11,,821544 132 aluminum -foil capacitor construction. Have
19 L 268 2245 20-20 450 11/4831/4 1.47 very low DC leakage current of approximately
4 0.1 microamp per microfarad per volt- assures
14 L 023 1635 16 350 1sA,x13 .82 19 L 297 3345 30-30 450 0/403% 1.76
14 L 018 2035 20 350 .8 5 good performance in coupling applications. All
14 L 019 3035 30 ,,
350 1'sx234.
350 154,x 2' 14. 1.03
.97 19 L 221
18 L 616
40-40 450
20. 100 450, 25
1.29 units are compression sealed for resistance to
14 L 026 4035 40 1

50 350 15,x2'51. 1.09 18 L 617 0652 40.50 450.50 x31,{, 1.76 moisture and humidity. Surge voltages exceed
19 L 141 5035 working voltages by at least 20%. Operating

18 L 618 80, 100 450. 50 1 %x35/4. 2.20

14 L 008 145 1 4511 t',,x l'/a .65 18 L 619
0707 30, 50 50.200 154x254 1.61 temperature range from -20° C to +85° C.
14L009 245 2 450 tIA,x1'/ .65 Grounded negative lead. Av. shpg. wt., 2 or.
14 L010 445 4 450 n 4 15/. NET
L011 I A6x15/ .73 TYPE BBRT TRIPLE SECTION Stook No. Type Mfd W.V Size
14 L012 1045
.76 19 L 230 22215 20 -20 -20 150 1.29 18 L 640
I8 641
25 -3

14 1013 1245 12 450 13/4,813/4 .7 9 19 L 231 32V215 30 -25.20 150 1.32
18 L 642 -6 6 x'/,' .73
14 L 014 1645 16 450 2316 .82 19 L 232 33315 3030 -30 150 1.38 1 1
xt/ .73
14 L015 2045 20 450 tryA.lsx2 19 L 233 42215 40 -20.20 150 1.32 18 L 643 2 -6 2 6
14 L 016 1' ,{. x2'1 19 L 234 43215 40 -30 -20 150 1.38 18 L 644 5 -6 S 6 s/4' .73
I4L017 34045 40 450 1 f/l.x '
-_ 2 5iß 106 19 L 235 44215 40 -40-20 150 15,823,, 1.38 18 L 645 10-6 IO 6 1/axs
14 L 004 6045 60 450 131.x2' ik 1.38 19 L 236 44415 40 -40 -40 150 1',,x2% 1.44 18 L 646
18 L 647
6 .79
14 L 005 8045 80 450 134,x3 1.65 19 L 298 84215 80 -40 -20 150 1'/4333/4 1.62
/.xs/4' .82
19 L 215 450 500 18 L 620 0126.5 150.150.1 150 1%343,4, 2.79 18 L 648 50-6 50 6
14 L 000 500 19 L 237 2215C 20-20,20 150.25 1.21 le L 649 60-6 60 6 3/483/4' .82
19 L 140 1250 12 500 '33,,x23, .82 30 -30,20 150,25 s/4x2'/1, 1.29 18 L 650 100-6 100 6 3/.x3/4í 88
19 L 238 3315C
14L001 1650 16 500 1'/4 x2 %, .88 19 L 239 4215C 4020,20 15025 5,81% 1.26 18 L 651 10-10 10 10 54x54' .79
141002 2050 20 500 15,x2544 19 L 240 4315C 40 30,20 150,25 '/4x1% 1.29 18 L 652 25-10 25 IU /4x3/4í .79
14 L 003 050 0 500 1i,x2''A6 1.03 19 L 241 4415C 40 10.20 150.25 '41,x114 1.32 18 L 653 50-IO 50 10 '/4x1/4' .85
19 L 242 415X25 40 10 250 150.10 '/4x2% 1.53 18 L 654 100-10 100 10 3/481' ,94
TYPE BBR SINGLE SECTION 19 L 243 5315C 50 30,20 150.25 Y. x1341.38 18 L 655 5-15 5 15 '/axs/e' .82
Miniaturized units for h .ring aids, transistor 19 L 244 5515C 50-50,20 150,25 1'/4a2% 1.47 18 L 656 10-15 10 15 ''//aas/s' .82
radios, low -voltage circuits, etc. Hermetically 19 L 299 315C25 50. 30.250 150.25 1'/4a3'As 1.82 18 L 657 20-1S 20 15 xs/4' .85
sealed. Grounded negatite lead. 19 L 245 8415C 80.40,20 150,25 1544a2"44, 1.56 18 L 658 30-1S 30 IS /,xs/a' .88

19 L 246 3215C10 30- 20.100 150,25 1'/1µ2'A6 1.38 18 L 659 S-25 5 25 'hxs/é .82
Stock No. Type Mfd W.V. Size NET 3/ex5/í .85
19 L 275 5315X20 50- 30.200 150,10 15,x2% 1.50 18 L 660 15-25 15 25
I9L200 25-3 25 3 331,ex1'/a .50 19 L 276 5315C10 50-30,100 150.25 1',oµ2% 1.14 18 L 661 20-25 20 25 3/485//' .88
19 L 201 SO-3 S5 3 19 L 277 8215C10 80- 20.100 150,25 15,32'5, 1.62 18 L 662 5-SO 5 50 '/ax'/a'
191202 5-6 6 3kxÌ3/4a .47 19 L 278 2225C 20-20.20 250,25 1',Sµ25, 1.32 18 L 663 10-50 10 50 3/}x5/í
19L203 25-6
191204 50-6 SÓ
6 3xi
xi,¡` .71
19 L 279
19 L 280
40 -40.20
I8 L 664 20-50 20 50 .88
19 L 205 100-6 19 L 281 7V4125 15 -40-10 250 '4,x354, 2.03
191206 250-6 100 6 :1s//, %33
191207 100-IS 100 15 atta .73 18 L 621
18 L 622
40 -40 -40
120-40 -10
300 %,354,
19 L 216 10 -25 10 25 xl'/a 18 L 623 0733 80 10.100 300,50 %x35, 238
19 L217 20 -25 20 25 x1'/a .59
18 624
L 0235 60.605 350 2.50 FB HIGH -CAPACITY
191218 25 -25 25 25 y,.x1'/a .59 140 -5,200 350.200 3.94
a 625 0878
19 L
19 L
19 L
219 50.25
208 100-25
209 -S0
/ .79
282 16745
L 2245C
1616 -16
Highly dependable capacitors hermetically
sealed in aluminum cans with wax -impregnated
18 L 626 1411
19L210 2 -50 2 50 3,x1'/a .53
18 L 627 1238 5,80-40 450,400 2.68 insulating sleeves. Ruggedly built for long life
19 L211 4 -50 4 50 7/,xl I/a .59 and dependable service. Temperature range up
19 L 222 .59 to 85 degrees centigrade. Tinned solder lug con-
19 L 223 10 -50 10 50 3,x1t/ nections. Av. shpg. wt., 6 ox.
191224 25 -50 2S 5y4.:1 .62 19 L 29142215C 40-20-20.150 20.25 13/4021/4 1.68 Stock Ne. Type Mfd W. V. Size NET
19 L 212 10 -90 10 90 x1 /a .65 5,1t215, 50 I'x31
19 L 213 16 -90
4 -150
16 90 xf s
19 L 292 53215C
19 L
50-30-20.150 20,25
29344315C 4040-30.150 20,25
Ì{1 x/4.
12'S, 1.76 19 L 320 FB 5005
19 L 321 FB 5010 1000
50 r/qq
19 L 214 4 29155515C 60-50-50.150 20.25
I9L249 8-150 8 ISO xl
/ .62
L 29033215C 30-30-20,20 25 f/{kt25, 1.71 19 L 322 FB 5020 2000
19 L 323 FB 5040 4000
5o 1'4x44
50 2'/, x4 '
19 L 247
10 -150
12 -ISO
ISO xl'/a 65
18 L
L 628 07894 140-5,200-30 300,150
629á'.85 120-10-40,10
.65 19 L 355 FB 2510 1000 25 x3t 2.82 '
16 150 .icxlS/'' .68

630 0789.5 80-60.40.20 350,300,150 1%13 .47 19 L 356 FB 2520 25 54x4'/, 3.38
19 L 248 16-150 18 L
19 L 318 FB 2540 4000 2:4 5.59
.71 140,5,20030 350,300.200 1%d5, .50
19 L
19 L
4 -250
18 L 631 0925
632 0805 801010.100 400,300.50 1%x31,, .20 25 ' x41 ' 6.47
19 L
I9 L
12 -250
18 L
13 L
18 L
6330125 20-20-2010 450
634 0170.5 40-20-20-10 150
19 L
19 L
353 FB 1520 2000
354 FB 1560 6000 15
x3'/e' 2.76
11x414' 5.88

122 Allied Supplies Everything for the Radio-Television Serviceman

Cornell -Dubilier Capacitors
TANTALUM ELECTROLYTIC For general replacement service; extremely durable and very com-
CAPACITORS pact. Have high insulation resistance, low power factor and excep-
tional capacitance stability. Molded in extra hard, non -inflammable
Iüvu:ukably small sub- bakelite; resistant to moisture, high temperature and shock. Excel-
miniature size tanta- lent dielectric strength. Dry assembled and sealed after impregna-
lum electrolytic capaci- tion to insure long life. Extra strong copper -weld leads eliminate
tors. Especially well breakage during installation. Leads are solder sealed securely to the
suited for applications capacitor. 200 and 400 -volt units are impregnated with special HT
in transistor circuits compound; 600 -volt units and higher are oil impregnated. Tem-
and other unes demanding compact physical perature range: 200 and 400-volt units, -40 to +90° C.; 600 volt
size. ifs' long; ;k diameter. From -55° C. to
+85° C. Standard capacitance tolerance is
units and up. -55 to +100° C. ST types in ceramic case. Av.
shpg. wt., 4 oz.
+20% (except 'maximum capacitance for that
voltage). Power factor and frequency charac- 200 VOLTS DC WORKING 1000 VOLTS DC WORKING
. teristics are excellent even at their lowest rated
operating temperature. Leakage current; Man., No. Typo Mid Size NET No. Typo Mfd EACH
.07 microamps per mfd per volt at room tem- 19 1 000 150 19 L 072 HOTS
perature. Terminals are solid, tinned -wire leads 19L001 2547 047 19 L 073 10D1 .0015
1W long. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. 19 L 002 285 .05 19 1074 IODI5 .0015 29c
19 L 003 2P1 .10 214 19 1078 1002 .002
Typo Mfd Volta NET 19 L 004 2PI5 .15 19 L 079 10D22 .0022
19 L 300
19 L 301
TAN 76
TAN 68
3 1.62 I9L005 21'22 .22 n
19 L 081 10133 .003
3 1.62 19 L 006 2P25 .25
19 L 302 *TAN 77 8.0 3 2.20 19 L 007 2P47 .47 tx1 354 19 L 082 10D4 .004
L 303 TAN 65 19 L 083 101347 .0047
L 304 TAN 60A
4.0 4 1.62 19L008 2 P5 .S0 tax1 19 L 084 1005 .005
19 1.0 6 1.62 19L009 2W1 1.0 4.2 i' 530 19 L 088 10D68 .0068
L 305 TAN 78
1.306 TAN 69
L 307 TAN 56A
.01 zt:
19 10 No. Typo Mfd Size NET 19 L 091 10S2 .02 1. 29c
19 L 308 TAN 58A 2.0 10 2.20 L010
19 L 309 *TAN 79 3.0 10 2.79 19 4S1 .01 1/4x1' 150 19 L 092 .022 xl
19 L 01 4S2 .02 x1/ 150 19 L 093 1ÓS32 .03 al
19 L 310 *TAN 59A
TAN 70
2.0 IS 2.79 19 L 012

4S22 .022 x1 150 19 1094 10535 .035 29*

L 31 I
L 312 *TAN 80
19 1. 013 4S47 .047 346x1 9i 184 19 L 095 10S47 354
19 L 313 *TAN 81 1.5 30 3.38 19 L 014 4S5 .05 3401 1/2' 184 19 1096 1055 .ÓS7 354
19 1015 4 S68 .068 .1 214 19 L 097 10S6ß .068 11,{.zl 7,{
19 L 314 TAN 71 0.1 40 1.62 19 1016 4P1 .10 :1 214 19 L 098 10P1 .10 4z21/i 444
19 L 315 *TAN 82 1.0 40 3.38 19 1017 4PI5 .15 '94,x194' 214
19 L 316 *TAN 83 0.8 50 3.38
19 L 317 *TAN 84 0.2 ISO 2.79 19 1018 4P22 .22 144x1: 244 1600 VOLTS DC WORKING
19 L 019 4P25 .25 1
4s:1 244
19 L 049 4l'47 .47 1/4x214 354 19 L 050 16T5
QC PLUG-IN ELECTROLYTICS 19 L 020 4PS .50 1/:24 354 19 1051 16D1 .0015
Quality electrolytics featur-
19L021 4W1 1.0 :2/4' 53t 19 L 052
I9 L 053
ing 4-pin, octal bases to 600 VOLTS DC WORKING 19 L 054 16D22 .0022
permit speedy installation 19 L 055 1603 .0(13
in standard octal tube sock- No. Typo Mfd Slxo EACH I9 L 056 16033 .0033
et. Ideal where quick cap- 19 L 022 6T1 .0001 I9L057 1604 .004 314.11/4' 38c
acitor changes are required. 19 L 023 6T25 .00025 19 1058 161347 .0047
For experimental work, juke 19 L 024 6T4 .0004 1/2x1 I9 L 059 1605 .005
boxes, government commu- 19 L 025 6T5 .0003
nications receivers, etc. 19 L 026 6D1 .001 19 L 060 1606 .006
Capacitors are hermetically 19L061 16068 .0068
sealed in aluminum containers. Ground lugs 19 L 027 6D15 .0015 19 L 062 1607 .007 ÿazt 1/4
for cathode connection are supplied with all 19 L 028 6D2 .002 15c 19 L 063 16D75 .0075
multiple -section units. Temperature range to 19 L 029 6D22 .0022 1/2x1 19 L 064 1608 .008
19 L 030 6D3 .003
+85° C., except 500 v. units to +65° C. Av. 19 L 086 6D33 .0033 I9 L 065 1651 .01
Next 34'
ehpg- wt.. 6 oz. 19 L 066 16515 .015
L 031 6134
L 032 6D47
1/. xt
z1 19 L 067 .02 94,x1
Typ. Mfd D. C.
W.V. Size NET
L 033 6D5
L 034 6D6
Maxi 1/2'
19 1 068
I9 L 069
16S3 .03
.17 e
19 L 070 1684 .04 .214'
19 1.328 QC
19 1.324
19 L 325
19 L 326
19 1327
l9 L
036 6S1
19 L
037 6S15
19 L
038 6S2
19 L
9 L 039 6522
035 6D68 .0068
34.11/2' 18c
19 L

19 L
071 1655 .05


¡.2 y4'

DUALS I9 L 040 6S3

9 L 087 6533
%x1 1/s 19 L
077 60435
5 I .00555 xl %z" 79c
ÿxll/t' 2Ic
QC 2250 20.20 500 11/4.211 sss 3.12 19 L 041 6S4 .04
191 329 QC 1143 10 -10 450 11/n.2 2.S9
2245 20-20 450 II 3a.1 10,000 VOLTS DC WORKING
19L330 C
19 L331
19 L332 C
C 3345 30-30 450 ly4x3 ,326
4445 40-40 450 1 .50
I9 L 042 6S47
19 L 043 6S5
19 L044 6S6
19 1.099 6S68
1x1 3kk

/4 24c
19 1 080I 100T5
No. Ty" I .0005
1, l y4'
19 L 045 6P1 .10 2641
191336 QCI I I50 0-10-101 500 19.2W 3.12 19 I. 104 6P2 .20 12,300 VOLTS DC WORKING
19 L 334IQC11145I 10-10-101 450 19 I. 105 6l'22 .22 x294 326
19 L 335 QC22245 20-20-201 450 134x3' 13.59 19 L 046 6P25 .25 x24'
No. Typo Mfd Slzo EACH
19 L 047 6P5 .50 474 19 L 085I 125T25 .000 I1346z11/2 1.005


A complete selection of high -quality, phenolic-
cased paper tubular "plug -in" capacitors
ideal for use in printed circuit applications.
Perfect for production runs and general re-
CARDBOARD TUBULARS placement use. Save valuable time -leads may
Self- healing, metallized cardboard tubular,. be plugged directly into printed circuits and
Lightweight. compact, and made to last. Wax -
impregnated and dip -sealed against humidity.
easily dip soldered. Polykane compound se-
curely anchors leads and provides a dependable
Tolerance: .20 except .1;;
,. 1400 v. DC.
Operating temperature range: 200 and 400
Bare wire leads firmly anchored in metal end - moisture barrier. Ruggedly constructed to WVDC units. -40° C to + 90° C; 600 WVDC
caps. Temperature range: -40° to +60° C. withstand high soldering temperat mirra. unite, -55° C to +100° C. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
Extended foil construction; non-inductively 200 VOLTS DC WORKING 600 VOLTS DC WORKING
wound. High insulation resistance, low power
factor and low capacity change. Tolerance, Stock No. Typo Mfd NET Stook No. Typo Mfd Size NET
.20 %. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. 19 L 125 BC2D68] .0068 19 L 163 BC6D1.1 .001 xl 180
200 VOLTS DC WORKING 19 L 126 BC2 SI 1 .01 19 L 164 BC6D15J .0015 xl
No. Typo
14 L 928 2S5
14 L 929 2P1

L 106
Ì9 L 127
19 L 128
BC2 Sl S
JJ .0022
.00 7
l. 4
141930 2P25 .25 346./. .53 19 L 107 ßC2547) .047 214 19 L 168 BC6D68] .0068 s
. BC2S68]
14 L 931 2PS
14 L 932 2W1 1.0
1ÿÿ:t 1
L 129
Ì9 L 108 BC2P1J
.10 244
141924 2W2 2.0 1.06 19 L 137
ßC2 P22 JJ
L 138 294 19 L 195 BC6S33 J .033
600 VOLTS DC WORKING Ì9 L 139 BC2 P33 .33 324 19 L 196 BC6S47J .047 264
N o. Typo Mfd Size N ET L 161 BC2P47J .47 19 L 114 BC6S68J .0668
14 L 942 6SI .01 .41 Ì9 L 162 BC2P68J 414 .68 19 L 115 BC61'1 J 324
14 L 946 .1 ' 44 .53 For additional listings o Cornell - I. Bt:6I5J 354
14 L 947 6P25 1/2:11
Dubiller elect nlvtic and mira 19 ÌÌ7
8C.61'221 .22
14 L 948 6P5 .55 85 capacitors, see plats 124 and 125. 19 L 197 8C6P33J 414
4 L 949 1.0 1.06 19 L 198 BC4P471f .47 410

Industrial Users -Write for Quantity Prices 123

Cornell -Dubilier Capacitors
Compact capacitors, hermetically sealed in seam- ing volts DC: +85 °C; above this voltage: +65 °C. All are UP types
less aluminum cans. For use where high tempera- except UPE types, which are designed for use in selenium rectifier cir-
tures, voltage surges and ripple currents exist. cuits; have etched anode and cathode units to prevent capacity drop
Excellent for replacement use in television sets. from high ripple and surge currents usually found in these circuits.
Temperature range up to and including 475 work - Positive lugs on bakelite insulating base. Av. shpg. vt.. S oz.
No. 'ewTypo Old Typs Mfd!WVD Si so NET Stock No. New Typs Old Typs Mfd. Sirs NET
14 L 426 A0520 A052 10/500V 182 .94 19 L 390 80110 B0110 30- 30 /150V 1x2' 1.09
14 L 427 A5030 A053 20/500V 18211/4i 1.09 14 1 424 80120 13012 40- 20/150V 1x2' 1.06
18 L 670 XA0541 XA013 30/500V 1x3' 1.18 18 L 692 X80141 XB002 40- 40, /150V 1x2' 1.12
14 L 511 A0550 A055 40/500V 1x3s/í 1.47 14 L 425 B0150 BOIS 50- 30 /150V 1x2' 1.18
428 A0560 A056 80,'500V 1%x33/4' 1.88 1.26
14 L 18 L 693 XBOI61 X13003 50- 50 /150V 18244'
A0430 A043 10/450V 1x2' .91 18 L 694 XB0181 XB004 80-40 /150V 1x2 Yi 1.35
19 L 384 1 "°!}x24=' 2.06
19 L 387 A0460 A046 20'450V 1x2' 1.06 18 L 695 X 80184.5 125- 1001150V
14 L 322 A0470 A047 30 450V 1x2' 1.15 18 L 696 131)575 150/150V 100 /25V 11/0,2%. 1.59
14 L 408 A0480 A048 40/40V 1x3 1.21
18 L 697 X80188 X11008 200-,50 150V 144x34/4' 2.20
19 L 388 A0490 A049 50"450V 1833/4' 1.38 18 1.698 X80189 XB009 200 -2(1(í'150V 1 /4x3 %4' 2.35
14 L 323 A0510 A051 80/450V 1 %sx.i' 1.79 18 L 699 130085 100- 100.50V 1x2' 1.23
18 L 665 A0512 100/450V 141,3' 2.03 19 L 416 B0040 80040 1000-1000 '15V 11/4x211/4' 2.59
18 L 666 A0514 125/450V 1:4ys' 2.21
18 L 667 XA0401 XA011 80/350V 11/4x21/2" 1.64 TRIPLE SECTION
18 L 668 XA0411 XA012 125/350V 1%e83' 2.15 14 L 334 ( 0 :0
. u. : 10-11- 1/ I T x 1.59
18 L 669 XA0331 XA010 80/300V 1x3' 1.50 19 L 455 C0390 C039 30-20-20/500V 11 x3' 2.47
A0340 A034 100/300V 1)/4x3 1.71 L 373 C0410 C041 40-40-10/500V x34' 2.97
679 XA0355 150/300V 11/4x3 2.06
19 L 339 C1180 C118 40-40/500V;100/200V

I x41 ' 3.44

I8 L 680 XA0291 XA008 40.%250V Ix2' 1.06 19 L454 C0374 C156 40-30-30/475V T%sx3544 3.03
18 L 681 XA0315 1$0,/250V 1/s52Y=' 1.82 14 L 432 CO240 CO24 10-10-10/450V 1x2%Y4e 1.53
18 L 682 XA0265.3 120'200V 11/4x2' 1.65 18 L 700 CO254 15-15-15/450V 1x3' 1.82
14 L 400 A0200 A020 50/150V 1x2' .97 19 L 365 CO260 CO26 20-10-10/450V 1x3' 1.73
I8 L 677 XA0231 XA002 80/150V 1x2' 1.09 14 1 487 CO270 CO27 20-20-20/450V 11/ex2' 2.12
18 L 678 XA0241 XA003 100/150V Ix21/2i 1.18 L 458 C0990 C099 20-20/450V; 20/25V x3 1.79
120/150V 1.23 14
19 L 383 A0250 A025 13/10[2
19 L 366 CO280 CO28 30-20-20/450V 11/4x3' 2.26
18 L 674 XA0261 XA004 150/150V 1x3' 1.26 19 L 367 C0300 C030 30-30-30/450V IMix.3. 2.56
18 1. 675 XA0262 200/150V 11/x2= 1.44 19 L 427 C1050 C105 40-10/450V; 80/200V 11,//4x3' 2.29
I8 L 676 XA0263 XA005 3011/150V 11x3 1.65 19 L 370 C0330 C033 40-30-20/450V 1S x3' 2.53
19 L 381 A0140 A014 100'50V 1/4x2' .97 19 L 428 C1070 C107 40-40/450V;20/25V 1¡4x3' 2.32
19 L 382 A0160 A016 500/50V 11/4x2. 1.56 19 L 371 C0340 C034 40-40-10/450V I x3' 2.44
14 L 320 A0170 A017 1000,'50V 11/4x33/4" 2.20 14 L 329 C0350 C035 40-40-40/450V 1 x31/í 2.88
18 L 673 A0174 1500,'50V 1t/4! x41/4' 2.26 19 L 338 C1090 C109 40-40/450V; 100/50V 11/¡x31/4' 2.53
19 L 380 A0130 A013 1000/25V 1/}}x2'
2.09 19 L 372 C0360 C036 60-20-20/450V 1 x31 2.70
19 L 377 A0060 A0(6 1000/15V 1.50 14 L 513 C0370 C037 80-40-20/450V 1 x41/4. 3.18
19 L 378 A0070 A007 2000/15V 13/1,x2'/=' 2.03 C078 20.10/350V; 20/25V 1x2' .50
19 L 375 C0780
18 L 671 A0080 A008
1.50 19 L 376 C0800 C080 20-20/350V; 20/25V 1x2' 1

18 L 672 A0040 C0840 30-30/350V; 2.00
L 7Ó X1209' C010 Ó/
100%Ó0V 60/20/250V Ó
1-x2 / 4.32
/.1 V 1.15 18 L 702 XC1212 XCOII 200/300V 60/20/250V 1%4x5' 3.41
20-20/5(0V 1.68 18 L 703 XC0071' XC002 40.20-20/Ì50V 1x2 1.41
Ì4 L 486 130500 13050 11/4821/1
C0080 C008 40-30-20/150V 1x2' 1.47
14 L 449 B0530 8053 40-40/500V 144x34í 2.53 19 L 361
60-40/510V 2.70 L 704 X('0551 XC008 40-40/150V; 20/25V 1.41
19L360 B0540 6054 11/4x31/4í
19 L 422 B0630 B063 10/450V; 20/25V 1.00 14 L 434 C0090 C009 40-40.40/150V 1.53
1.420 B0370 131137 10-10/450V 1x2' 1.12 18 L 705 X(-OIOS X('003 S0-50-50/150V 1x3 1.76
14 60-40-20/150V 1x21/2' 1.62
19 L 396 B0380 13038 15-15/450V 1x21/= 1.32 19 L362 C0110 COIL
20-10/450V 1x2%í 1.32 18 L 706 C0113 70-15-15/150V 1x244' 1.59
14 L 448 130390 13039
80-40-20/150V 1x3' 1.71
L 421 130400 11040 20-20-450V 1x3' 1.50 14 L 512 C0120 C012
14 L 326 B0410 8041 30-10/450V 1x3' 1.47
L 447
L 422
1 x2'
19 1430
14 L 450
D009 10-10-10-10/450V l'Iii54,x2'



L 357 B0470 13047 80-I0i450V 114x3' 2.12 14 L 445 D0480 D048 10-10-10/450V; 20/25V 1.85
19 D0810 D081 10-10/450V-60/200V
18 L 683 B0473 80-20./450V 144x31/s' 2.29 19 L 435 134x3
100/S0V 2.26
9 L 358 B0480 B048 80- 40/450V 1 %x3 %' 2.56 D012 2.18
8 L 684 110483 100- 40/450V 2.85 19 1341 130120 11
:3 2.76
L 394
15- 15/350V
30- 30/350V
19 1.432
D013 200.--200.-2á20%451rv
x2' 2.44
8 L 685 80326 80- 40/350V 1 %4x3' 2.32 D0170 1

9 L 433 D0640 1)064 40-30-10/450V; 20/25V 11/4x3' 2.65

9 L 395 130330 B033 80-80/350V 144x3% 2.76 1

D065 40.40-10/450V; 25/50V 11/4x311 2.76

8 L 686 B0332 100-100/350V 11/4x41/4 3.62 19 L 434
91392 B0270 .B027 80-80/300V 2.38 19 L 438 DÓ 74 D121 40-40-20-20/450V 11////44x4 3.26
8 L 687 110608
150/300V 100/150V %x 35
1 /í

Ì x2'
2.65 19 L439 1)0176
1)122 40-40-30-30/450V
D092 40-40/450V; 30-30/350V
T1 x4
4 L418 130210 20-20/25'0V 1.12
L 429 1)0020 1)002 40-40-20-10/300V 1 x21 2.68
X B011 4(1-411 250V
3.03 19 L437 D0866 D109 100-10/300V,200-30/150V 1x5' 3.47
L 398
200-200'250V 1:44,' 3.59 19 L431 D0230 D023 40-40-20/150V; 200/10V 1 :2' 1.91
18 L 689 »0300 60-40-20/150V; 200/10V x2' 2.06
18 L 690 X130196 2f0-5/200V 11x2yí 1.59 19 L 343
D0330 D033 80-40-40/150V;100/25V
x2%4' 2.20
18 L 691 XB0091 XB001 20-20/150V lx2' 1.00 19 L 344 1


Exceptionally small, lightweight, disc -type ceramic capacitors. An excellent C -D PM series c55icc
choice for a wide variety of equipment and particularly suited for limited -space featuring excel- I DU)IVCR
applicat ions. Provide highly dependable performance in transmitters. receivers, lent high -tem- PM -
amplifiers, test instruments, industrial electronic equipment, etc. Carefully en- perature char-
gineered. and constructed to rigid standards to assure low inductance. minimized
eddy current losses, and high stability. All types listed below are rated to YI moisture resistant. non -inductive. thermoset
over a temperature range from -55° C to 85° C and are rated at 1000 WV DC, except 600 V DC. case; and high insulation resistance. Tempera-
All have a guaranteed minimum capacity tolerance. except 14:20 %. 1 :0.5 mmf. Av. shpg- wt. 3 oz. ture range: -5SC° to +130° C, 600 v. DC.
Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
No. Ty Pa Mmt Size EA. No. Typo Mmf Sizs EACH
Stook No. Typs Mfd Si zit NET
19 1 577 BYAIOT5 S10 34x%a' 19 L 559 1.104)47 47
PM6T5 .0005 zl' .26
19 L 560 1.10Q5 50 14 L 158
19 L 578 BYAI OT82 820 9/sx1/1
I2c 14 L 159 PM6D1 .0010
19 L 561 1.1056 56 l'
18 L 707 BYA-61)1 1000 9/11x1/1' I2C
191562 LION 14 L 166 PM6D15 .0015 .26
19 L 579 BYAIOD1Mt 1000 %,x541t'
19 L 580 BYAIODIS 1500 %4x1/1' 19 L 563 LIOT12
120 14 L 167 PM6D22 .0022 xll'

14 L 168 PM6D33 0033 xi'
19 L 581 Bl'A101)2 2000 1/4x3/c" I9 L 564 LIOTIS 150
14 L 169 PM 6D47 .0047 1Ax11/4'
19 L 582 BYAIOD3 3000 11Y 19 1 565 LIOT18 180
PM6D68 i x11/' .32
19 I. 583 BYAIOD4 4000 11, I2C 66 LIOT2 200 I2c 14 L 177
PM 6Sl
z11' .32
18 L 708 BYA-10D47Mt 4700 Ip1x Ì8 L 7 11 L10T22 220
14 L 179 PM6S15 .015 x11/4.
19 L 584 BYA10D5 5000 %x34' 19 L 567 LIOT25 250
PM6S22 .022 34:11/4' .32
14 180
18L709 BYA-10D68 6800
18 L 710 BYA-6S1 10000 4/x4,', 124
124 19 L 568 L10T27
19 L 569 L10T33 330 14 L 181 PM6S33
.033 x11
' .38
L 585 BYAIOSI 10000 124 19L570 L10T39 390 I2c L 182
294 19 L 571 L10T47 470 Ì4 L 183 PM6S68 .0688
19 L 586 BYB6S2 20000
500 14 L 184 PM6P1 .10 x11,' .41
19 L 572 I.10T5
TYPE L 14 L 196 PM6P15 .15 4
19 L 573 LIOT68 680
L 197 PM6P22 .22 .68
19 L 556 L10V51 5.0 34x9/a' 19 L 574 1.IOT82 820 PM6P33
19 L 575 I.10D1 1000 I2c 14 L 198 .33 x21%4 .85
10 35tx54a' 12c 14 L 199 PM 6P47 I x244' 1.09
19 L 558 I.10Q22 22 yax34' 19 L 576 1.10015 1500

124 Specify Manufacturer's Type No. and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders

Cornell -Dubilier Capacitors
For power supply filter applica-
5W 1D tions. Hermetically sealed steel
TYPE 22R "SILVER MIKE" containers; dielectric impervious
MOLDED MICA CAPACITORS to heat and aging. Type TJU.
MIDGET MICA CAPACITORS with universal mounting strap;
Molded units with India ruby mica dielectric; flighty stable micas. 1.or use in circuits where except TJI., with I.-shaped
special wax- treated Mack, brown bakelite case. accuracy and stability of capacity are of prime bracket. Av. ehpg. wt.. 5 lbs.
Designed for wide range of applications. In- importance. Tolerance. .5 %. All rated 500
dividually tented for accuracy. Tinned brass WVDC; tested at 1000 V DC. Size: ' x'1t,z 600 VOLTS DC WORKING
wire leads. Values are .20 %. Rated at 500 1 Vz tinned leads. Av. shpg. wt., 2-oz.
WVDC, 1000 v. DC test, except 300 WVDC, No. Type Mid SIza NET
600 v. DC test. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. No. Type Mid EACH 73 L 604 6005 .5 2.76
TYPE SW 73 L 600 6010 3.41
14 L 850 2211501 00001 73 L 601 6020 2 4.20
Size. 544:'%,x44'. With 11/4' tinned leads. 14 L 851 22R5 15 000015 73 L 602 6040 4 5.35
14L852 228502 00002
No. Type Mfd EACH 14 L 853 2285 22 000022 24c 73 L 664 6050 S 6.14
SWSV5 14L854 22R5 24 000024 73 L 687 6060 6
14 LÌ12 SWSQ1 01
00000000S 14 L 855 22R5Q27 000027 73 L 603 6080 8 7.94
14 L 13 SWSQ2 00002 22R5Q3 73 L 650 6100 10 8.91
15c 14 L 856 00003
14L100 511125 0000203 5 14 L 857 2285 33 000033 1000 VOLTS DC WORKING
14 L 101 SWS 3 14L859 2285 39 24c
14 L 02 5W5 00004 14L861 22R5 47 ÓÓ47 73 L 609 10001 .1 2z1114z114,' 2.44
14 L 03 5W5 5 14 L 862 22R5Q5 00005 73 L 613 100025 .2S 21/4Z1+3AGxl+ls' 2.76
5W5 7 000 7 14 L 863 22RSQ51 73 L 614 10005 .3 21 ex1134s1114s' 2.91
14 L Ó4 5WS"'1 12c 14 L 864 22854456 .O000Ó56 24c 73 L 605 10010 1 21/ex11141x114' 3.73
14 L 05 SW5T15 00015 14 L 865 2215 62 73 L 606 10020 2 4x1134,:114' 4.85
14 L 06 5W5T2 0002 73 L 607 10040 4 41/4x214:1344' 6.14
14 L 866 22 R5Q68 .000068
14 L 107 SW5T25 14 L 867 22R5 75 .000075 73 L 608 10080X 8 33/4x34:14 8.91
14 L 5W5T3 .ÓÓ35 14 L 868 22R5 82 .0(10082 24c 73 L 651 10100 10 43//,x3/.xlr 9.88
14 L 1 5W5T4 .0004 15c 14 L 870 22R5 1 .0001 73 L 665 10150 15 43/4x33/4x2 11.82
14 L IO SWSTS .0005
14 L 872 228ST12 .00012 1500 DC VOLTS WORKING
TYPE 1W 14 L 873 22R5T13 .00013
Size. 'lie
square z t/ ¡. With 1 W tinned leads. 14
L 874
L 889
.00016 26c
No. Type Mid
73 L 610 15010 1
4 all 34,x114'
14 L 131 1W5T6 .0006 14 L 890 22R5T18 .00018 73L611 15020 2 41 x21Azl 6.00
14L132 IW5T7 .0007 14 L 875 22R5T2 .0002 73 L 612 15040 4 4s/.x3x +/á 8.26
120 1W5T8
l W5T82
15c 14
L 876
L 891
.00024 26c 73 L 688
73 L 652 15100
15080 R 41/4x3 1':21/t
10 4%/4z3/`x3
' 12.29
14L133 1 WST9 .0009 14 L 877 22R5T25 .00025
14L137 1WST91 .00091 156 2000 VOLTS DC WORKING
14 L121 IWSDI .001
73 L 618 20001 21/2z1134x144' 3.88
14 L 122
L 619 20005
L 615 20010
21/4 zl'sl14
14 1.124 1W5D25 261 ENCAPSULATED 73 L 6 I 6 20020 2 4x3s/4x1y4 6.32
14 L 125 1W5D3 .000035 294 L 617 20040 3114:334z2y' 8.91
14 L 126 1W5D4 .004 MOLDED 73 4
14 1.127 1W5D5 .005 351 73 L 689 20050 5 4s/4:3ziti, 9.88
MIDGET MICAS 73 L 690 20080 8 43/4:3/4x3,4 14.73
Size,' Hs' square z 14'. With 1 %¡ tinned leads. Newly designed, 'Super Micadon,"midget mica
capacitors. Hermetically sealed construction. 73 L 691 25005 .5 3;;x3yx11/4' 6.79
14 L 128
14 1.138
D3D75 .0073
.006 444 Highly stable over temperature range from
55* to +130° C. Ideal for printed circuits. Tol-
- 73
L 620 25010
L 62 I 25020
2 4s/z3/zl 3/4z3z1y' I 7.76
14 1.129 D3D8 1 .008 594 erance: .5%. All are rated 500 WVDC. 73 L 654 25040 4 4x%/4z4144 17.64
141. 139 1D3D82 .0082 594 3000 VOLTS DC WORKING
5 1D31395 .009 594 TYPES 1AAND 1AD
14 L 130 1D3S1 .01 714 Size: Type IA, I1(, square x Ha'; Type IAD, 73 L 666 30001 8.26
344' square z 1141'. Tolerance +5 %. Shpg. 73 L 667 300025 .25 8.73
wt.. 2 oz. 73 L 668 30005 .5 9.88
Mfd NET 73 L 625 30010 I .82
No. Typa 73 L 626 30020 2

14 L 998 1A5D39 .0039 1.27 73 L 656 30040 4 21.67
14 L 979 1A51351 .0051 1.32
14 L 980 1A51368 .0068 1.47 4000 VOLTS DC WORKING
14 L 981 1A51382 .0082 1.47 L 692 40001 21/4x3'/4x2'/4 10.58
73 .l
14 1.982 1A5S1 .01 1.47 73 L 693 40005 .5 4x3%/4:2+/4' 13.52
14 1.983 1A5S15 .015 1.79 73 L 657 40)10 5x3 x21/4'
1 17.05
14 L 984 IADSS2 .02 2.09 73 L 658 40020 2 5x3:414' 22.93
73 L 659 401340A 4 8x3 /4:4%,' 39.31
MICA CAPACITORS Size,'3 x 5144 z 74e. Tolerance s5 %4 or 1
Silvered mica capacitors molded in low -Ins, mmf whichever is greater. Shpg- wt.. 2 oz. Meet "F" characteristics of
red bakelite. Excellent for use in high -Q cir- JAN -C -5. For RF and AF
cuit, where it is essential that frequency No. Type Mfd NET bypass, AF coupling, and
stability and high efficiency he maintained. 14 L 995 5X50 15 .0015 .79 A(' circuits. Metal shell.
Tolerance, 5%. 500 volts DC working. 1000 14 L 996 TOI., .10q. Av. wt., 6 oz.
v. DC test. Tinned leads. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. 14 L 997 5 I .003
ÓÓ 12 I .5ÁD3


TYPE SR No. Type Mfd Siza NET
Size, '54Ez14szH,'. With 11%' tinned leads. 14 L 620 6005 .05 1'141:1x% 1.71 '
L 386
5 R5T33
Inverted mtg. in
Have two 10 -32
14 L 621 60111
14 L 622 6025
14 L 623 6050

1114z1xá 1.73
.25 1134, 1.82
11%axlxxj' 1.94
14 L 387 5R5T39 .00039 .38 screw terminals and 14 L 624 6100 1.0 2:1 4zt 2.20
14 L 388 5R57'47 .00047 .41 ground lug; others have 14 L 625 6200 2.0 2x2x1 14' 2.94
14 L 389 5R5T51 .00051 .41 one terminal. Meet 14 L 626 60155 .05-.05 *Viol x34. 2.15 1
14 1.
14 L395
394 5R5T3
.0003 .32
M test. 214x1 %= dia., except t4yz 14 L 627 6011 1-.1 l'%,xlz4' 2.18
.0004 I W dia. With hardware. Av. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs. 14 L 628 6022X .25-.25 1'11k4:1:/,' 2.20
14 L 396 5R5T5 .0005 .41 14 L 629 6055 .5-.5 2:13/4:7/6' 2.53
No. Type Mfd Volts NET t/,
TYPES 1R AND 1DR 14 L 630 6110 1.0-1.0 2z2z1 3.12
73 L 630 ITLA6020 2 600 2.70
Size: Type I R. '
'los' square z sil,
14 L 341

'/4; Type 1DR.
square x
volts working.
.00075 .56
73 L 632 TLA6040
73 L 633 ,TNAD6040
73 L 636 ITNAI)10020
t 4
L 631
L 632
L 633
1-.1-.1 1'34,:1x1/4i 2.47
.25-.25-.25 2x13/4:44e 2.79
.5-.S-.5 2x2x,4'
6555 3.38
73 L 640 TNAD15005 0.5 1500 3.44 1000 VOLTS DC WORKING
14 L 342 RST82 .00082 .56
14 L 380

1 R5D15 .79
14 L 613 10005
11 xlz'
zlz' 1.79
.000015 TYPE KR 600 -VOLT ELECTROLYTICS 14 L .1 11
14L381 14 L 615 10025 .25 ' xix/4 1.91
14 L 382 1 R5D2.5 .0025 (.06 SCREW-NECK ALUMINUM CAN 14 L 616 10050 .5 2x1/4x9S1 2.09
14 L 383 1 85133 .003 1.2I 617 ' x113
Single -hole mounting units. Etched foil. dry 14 L 100055 .05 -.05 2.26
14 L 384 1125134 .004 1.26 electrolytic capacitors in aluminum cane. 8' 14 L 618 10011 .1-.1 1 xlx/,' 2.35
14 L 385 1DR5DS .003 1.32 leads. Av. shpg. wt., 6 oz. 14 L 619 10022 .25 -.25 2x1 4x114, 2.47
14L344 1DR3D68 .0068 1.47 No. Type Mfd Size NET
14 L 345 10R31375 .0075 1.47 I
Allied con supply all the Cornell -Dubilier
14 L 346 10R31182 0082 1.47 14 L 161 I 6080 I R I 1 /X4',5' 1.85
capacitors in quantity lots- -write for prices.

14 L 347 IDR3S1 .01 1.47 14 L 162 6160 16 1'/,x4'//5. 2.20


Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 125
Sprague Capacitors
Very compact. metal cased dry electrolytic,. Engineered especially for re-
placements in tough TV applications -such as power supplies, decoupling
circuits, cathode bypass circuits. etc. Will withstand the high surge voltages
and high ripple currents commonly encountered in television circuits. Oper-
ate efficiently at temperatures as high as 85° C. Separate negative lead.
Av. ahpg. wt., 6 oz.

Stook Mfr's NET Stook Mfr's NET Stook Mfr's NET
No. Ty p. Mfd WV Size EA. Ne. Type Mfd WV Size EA. No. Typ. Mfd WV Size EA.
16 L 249 TVA -1962 600 15L868 NA -1208 250 25 34x11'Af' I .00 15 L 988 NA -3415 150
16 L 256 TVA -1963 600 .85 151. 869 TVA -1209 25 3512 s,4{. 1.35 2040 25 1x1''44' 1.21
16L 257 TVA -1965 16 600 .97 161. 236 TVA-1160 00
1500 15 %xl iAe 151. 312 NA -3423 40 -30 150
16 L 258 TVA -1966 20 600 161 237 NA-1161 250 15 x 11Af' .91 20 25 1x11sAs' I.29
15L 175 TVA -1902 8 500 1.76 161. 238 TVA -1162 500 15 1A5x2xA. 1.03 151 328 NA -3427 40 -40 150
15L 176 1sA6x2rAs' 100 25 %a2T46' 1.44
TVA -1905 16 500 16L 239 TVA -1163 1000 IS %x2x4e 1.35 15L313 NA -3430 50 -30 150
151. 177
151 170 NA -1702
TVA-1906 20
450 s
- .
16L 234 1VA-1130
151. 862 TVA -5131
12 1/w
s.4' .71
15L 329
20 25 Kx2x4e' 1.38
151 171 TVA -1704 450 151. 863 TVA -1132 500 12 34x1'14f' I.00 NA-3433 50 -30 150
12x4e' 1.62
15L 225 TVA -1705 10 450 1 f( A6x 11 ffAs' .76 16L235 NA -1133 1000 12 "4442Wx46 1.32 200 25
151. 172 NA -1706 12 450 1x1 " ' .79 15L981 TVA -1100 SO 6 34LL56' .56 151 314 NA-3436 50 -50
25 1 sAsz2lAs I .47
151 173 NA-1708 16 450 %x2 .82 161. 230 NA -1101 100 6 %11155'
161. 267 NA-3437 80 -20 ISO
15L 174 NA-1709 20 450 34 x2 A6 .91 161. 231 NA -1102 250 6 %x1r4e 79 100 25 1562%' 1.62
15L 169 NA-1711 30 450 %z2 ' I.00
34e211. 16L 232 NA-1103 500 6 %2xAe' .91
15L 178 NA-1712 40 450 1.06 151 860 NA -1104 1000 6 t
'AM 2x4e 1.12 16L 268 NA-3556 80 300
10 250
151 991 NA-1713 50 450 1.23 I6L 233 TVA-1105 1500 6 t tAsx211As
tA62 ro
1.23 100 50 134x356' 2.12
16L248 TVA-1714 60 450 1.38 I5L861 NA -1106 2000 6 1.35 I6L 269 NA-3563 120-40 300
151.985 NA-1716 80 450
10 250 1%:434' 2.85
151.181 TVA -1603 1.71 DUAL SECTION ATOMS
151. 184 NA -1608 20 350 .85 161. 282 TVA -3620 140 -5 350
151.983 TVA -1611 40 350 T,t' 1.03 151 220 NA -2720 .g.8
8-8 450 Kxl" ' I.00 200 200 156x5%' 3.94
15L 984 TVA -1613 60 350 1 2jAs- 1.15 15L221 TU -88 450 1 146x3 1.26 161.283 NA -3712 5 450
151. 222 TVA-2725 16-8 450 K z2 z46' 1.18 80 -40 400 1 %x134' 2.68
16L 247 TVA °1515 140 300 1%13%'
151.884 TVA -2722 10-10 450 %x1 's4.' 1.09 151. 990 NA -3716 12.12 450
151.185 NA -1501 250 TA6x1%' 1.59 20 25 11214' I .35
15L 186 NA -1503 250 56x134' .68 15L 215 TU -1616 16-16 450 1%x3%' 1.65
15L 227 TVA -2730 20 -20 450 %x21 x46' I .47
ISL 187 NA -1505 12 250
151 986 NA -2735 30 -30 450 Ix3xA6' 1.76 QUADRUPLE-SECTION ATOMS
15L 188 NA -1507 16 250 .76 15L 987 TVA -2740 40-40 450 1x38sA6' 2.00
151. 189 NA -1508 20 250 .79
15L 190 NA -1511 40 250 .91 161.266 TVA -2711 80 450 2.18 No. Type Mfd. WV Size EACH
161. 246 TVA -1480 200 200 1.71 100 15514%'
I6L284 TVA -4576 140-5 300
NA-1402 4 150 34x1%' 16L 265 NA -2640 140-5 350 156.3 %' 2.44 200 -30 ISO 1%x456' 3.03
151 193 NA -1405 8 150 1411151' .62 161 264 NA -2535 120 -80 250 156x3 %' 2.35 16 L 285 NA -4584 120 -40-40 300
151 226 NA -1406 10 150 %.1 %' .62 15L245 NA -2415 8-8 150 %K V ' .88 10 250 130455' 3.65
151194 NA -1407 12 150 34.1%' 151 254 NA-2420 16 -16 150 56x1 e 16 L 286 TVA -4607 140 350
151 195 NA -1409 16 150 sAsx511As .68 15L246 NA -2425 20 -12 150 1.1 1.94 5 300
16L241 NA-1403 150 15L247 NA -2428 20 -20 150 )511 .97 200 -30 200 11/2x5 ' 4.50
NA -1410
20 150 7Ì
15L248 TU -220 20.20 150 1.21 161. 287 TVA -4618 80-60 350
25 150 15L253 TVA -2421 30 -20 150 I.00 40 300
151 197 NA -1412 30 150 .76 15L252 TVA -2438 40 -20 150 1.03 20 150 1%x4%'
ISL 198 TVA -1413 40 150 151- 251 NA -2434 30-30 150 I.06 161 288 NA-4659 80-10 400
15L 199 TVA -1414 50 150 1xA6x1tl,{4' .82 15L249 TU -420 40 -20 150 1.29 40 300
161. 243 NA -1415 60 150 hid HA' .88 15L250 NA -2442 40 -30 150 1.06 100 50 1%x434' 3.20
15L878 TVA -1418 80 150 1.11 As' 2 151. 243 NA -2445 40 -40 150 3011' 34.' I .09 I6L 289 TVA -4705 10 450
16L240 NA -1422 150 150 1.214.' 1. 151. 244 NA -2450 50 -30 150 34 zi'S`. 1.15 80 300
161 244 TVA -1423 200 150 11t4µ31 1.29 15L 305 NA -2453 50 -50 150 34x2 1.23 40 250
50 156x456' 2.82
I6L 245 TVA -1425 300 150 156x334' 1.50 15L306 TVA -2460 80 -30 150 %x2 46' I .29
151 847 TVA -4706
151. 870 TVA -1300 1 50 56x156. 161.259 TVA -2462 80 -50 150 1x356' 1.38 120 300
151 871 TVA -1301 2 50 %xl %' 161. 262 TVA-2464 100- 40 250
15L200 TVA -1303 5 50 56x156' .59 100 ISO 156x356' 1.88 100 50 156.4%' 3.62
151 201 TVA -1304 10 50 %x156' .59 I6L 263 NA -2467 200-5 150 1:31' 1.56
151 202 TVA -1306 50 .62 151 255 TVA-2315 10-10 50 %:1T4.' .82 151.848 TVA -4708 10 450
80 300
151. 203 TVA -1308 50 SO
151 858 NA-1311
TVA -1310 100
15L 849 NA-4712

151.859 TVA-1312 250 50 1.03 15 L 307 TVA-3440 20 -20.20 150 1x1''4' 1.29 20-20-10 300 56x356' 2.06
I5 L 31 I TVA-3444 30 -3030 150 %x2 x46 1.38 151. 854 NA-4742 20 -20-
151. 207 TVA -1203 5 25 34x1%' 15 L 308 TVA -3448 40 -30 20 150 %.2 x46 1.38 20-10 450 156x334' 2.50
151 205 NA -1204 10 25 %x156' 15 L 309 TVA -3451 40 -4040 150 1x2TAe' I .44
151 855 NA-1748 40 -20-
NA -1205 25 25 34x134' .59 2.76
15L2ó8 NA -1206 SO 25 151 327 NA-3455 80-40-20 150 5x2''46' 1.62 20-10 450 156x434'
14A, 79 15L 856 NA-1750

151. 867 NA -1207 100 25 15 L 989 NA-3419 30-30 150 40-40-

100 12 34x1sA,' 1.35 20-20 450 1%x4%' 3.20
Electrolytic capaci- Feed- through type VHF bypass ca-
tors for 110 volt ca- pacitors. Perform efficiently up to NEW "LITTL-LYTIC" CAPACITORS
pacitor -start AC mo- 150 mc. Reduce vibrator hash and 1 Titre-small etcetrolylic, for transistor c milts
tors. In hermetically harmonic radiation. Type 481'15 is in hearing aids. radios. and other subminia-
scaled aluminum cans for reduction of voltage regulator ture applications. Hermetically sealed Size
with insulating outer noise in mobile applications: leads given is dia. z length. Av. ahpg. wt., l oz.
cardboard tubes. Lug rated at 40 amps. Type 80P3 leads
terminals are equipped with screws for quick rated at 20 amps. 48PI8 and 801'3
installation. Screws may be removed for sol- have screw terminals. Wt., 2 oz. No. Type Mfd WVDC Size EA.
der connections, if desired. Minimum -maxi- 16 L 027 TE-1010 S 1 x4µ'Af .73
mum. Av. ahpg- wt., 10 oz. Ne. Type Mfd WV DC Size NET 16 L 028 TE-1055 25 3 345% .73
No. Type Mfd Size NET 15
688 48P1 .5
683 46P12 .002
16 L 029 TE-1060
161. 030 TE-1080
xf{.x%' .73
5 L 579 1106 47-56 lz2' 1.23 15 L 685 48P8 .1 600 1.53 161. 031 TE-1081 2 6 ;{6x34'
5 L 580 1107 53-64 1z2 1.26 15 L 689 80P3 1 600 1.73 16L032 TE-1082 3 6 4ex%' .73
5 L 581 1108 64-77 1x21í 1.32 15 L 697 47P1 .002 5000 1.88 161. 033 TE-1083 4 x,{4x34' .73
5 L 582 1109 72-88 122/e' 1.35 16 L 034 TE-1084 S fi{sx56' .73
5 L 583 1110 88-108 1z23/4í 1.53 16L035 TE-1086 8 5áx%' .79
5 L
5 L
5 L
108-130 1x z2x/í
124-149 1 z2x/6'
130-156 1 x2'
16 L 036
16 L 037
16 L 038
5 L 587 1122 145-175 5 z2 1.88 161.039 TE-1092 30 34x34' .82
5 L 588 1125 161-193 1 z2x 1.9I I6L040 TE-1095 40 56.34' .82
189-227 Is z2x
RESONANT PAPER CAPACITORS 16 L 041 TE-1100 50 56x34' .82
15 L 570 1128 2.21
15 L 571 1130 200-240 1 z3 2.29 Type 72 -P. Prevent IF regeneration and self - 16 L 026 TE1101 60 34.1' .82
15 L 572 1131 216-259 1 z3 2.38 oscullation. Have special inductive design for 161. 042 TE-1116 15 1 %x%' .79
15 L 573 1134 233-280 1 z3 r 2.65 series resonance at about 455 kc. Connect from 16L043 TE-I118 25 1 34x34' .79
15 L 574 1137 243-292 1 z3 2.76 B- to chassis in AC -DC sets. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. 161 044 TE-1127 5 12 56034' .79
15 L 575 ---1140 270-324 1xz3x%e 2.79 Size NET 161- 045 TE-1128 10 12 %x34' .79
15L576 3.18 No. Type WV 16 L 046 TE-5202 %z%' .82
15 L 577
15 L 589
340-408 1x x41
378-440 1

1 5 L 361 72P51 I
15 L 362 72PS2
.400j xO'/ 129e
381 /%4,.s
16 L 047
16 L 048
5 25
%x34' .82
15 L 578 1149 400-480 1x.z41/6 3.56 15 L 363 72PS3 .400 z1T
3ykízl 41e 16 L 049 TE-1205 15 25 34.%' .85

126 Specify Manufacturer's Type No and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders

Sprague Capacitors


Hi -temp molded tubulars. Highly resistant to heat and
moisture; rugged; completely insulated. Special molded
construction. For operating temperatures to 10 ° C. 600-
6000 v. types are oil impregnated. Av. shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
Ideal replacement midget-size units. May be No. Typo Mfd Size EA. No. Type Mfd Slz EA.
used in portable and auto radios-where space 15 L 120 2TM -S2 .02 Vix) t/s' 156 15L928 0 M-T5 .0005
is at a premium. Reliable at temperatures as
1 1

15 L 149 2TM -S47 .047 sal I1 156 15 L 929 10 fm-01 .001

high as 85 degrees centigrade. Highly resistant 15 L 121 2TM -S5 .05 s/axiVa' 156 15 L 930 10TM-D15 .0015 Tfaxl' 29c
to humidity. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz. I S L 122 2TM -P1 .1 3ísx14' 216 15 L 931 10TM-D2 .002
Ile. Type Mfd W.V. Size EA. 15 L 145 2TM -P15 .15 '/zxl /z' 210 15 L 932 IOTM-D22 .0022
15 L 146 2TM-P22 .22 %ax1'/a 246 15 L 933 IOTM-D3 .003
IS L 820 68P26 .001 600 216 15 L 147 2TM-P25 .25 s//azl /a
15 L 821 68P27 .002 600 i xuik' 3 xlr/a
I S L 934'.IOTM-D4 .004
15 L 822 68P28 .003 600 20 IS L 148 2TM-P47
15 L 123 2TM-P5
.5 s x1
356 15 L 935 1OTM-D47 .0047 szfaz11/á 29c
15 L 823 68P29 .004 600 216 //aa 15 L 936 1OTM-D5
15 L 124 2TM-MI 1.0 4x2'/á 536 15 L 937,10TM-D68 .0068
15 L 824 68P30 .005 600 54zx'Sk' 24t
15 L 825 68P31 .006 600 rrísxi )iía' 246 400 VOLTS DC WORKING 15 L 938 IOTM-SI .01
15 L 826 68P32 .008 600 55%x1' 244 No. Type Mfd EA. 15 L 93910TM-SIS .OIS
15 L 827 68P33 .01 600 Moil* 266 15 L 940 10TM -S2 .02 29c
15 L 125 4TM-Sl ISL941 10TM -522 .022
15 L 828 681'34 .02 600 '%1s1' 15 L 126 4TM-S2 .02 15 15L942 10TM -S3 .03
15 L 929 68P35 .05 600 'S4zxfy(4; 326 15 L 013 4TM-S22 .022 180 15 L 943 10TM -535 .035
15 L 830 68P36 .1 600 s xl 15 L 014 4TM-S47 .047 186
15 L 832 68P40 .2 600 s/axt'yk' 476 15 L 944 101M-547 .047
15 L 127 4TM -S5 .05 186 15 L 945 10TM-S5 .05 356
15L831 681.37 .25 600 s/ax2f 476 IS LOIS 4TM -S68 .068 216 15 L 946 10TM-S68 .068
L 800
L 802
L 803
L 804

: 1 %:
15 L 011
15 L 012
L 128 4TM -P1
4TM -P15
4TM -P22
15 L 947 10TM-P1
.1 446

. x'
15 L 129 4TM -P25 .25 246 L 270 B-T5 .0005
15 L 805 681'6 .006 400 216 15 L 010 4TM -P5 16
15 L 806 681'8 .01 400 Mix' 16 L 271 M I1-D15 .0015
L 807 681'9 400 shsxl' L 158 M It-D2 38c
15 .02 26464 600 VOLTS DC WORKING 15
15 L 808
L 843
68P10 .05 400
I xt 296 No. Type Mfd Size EA. 16
272 M Ii-D22
159. %1 li-D3
15 681'21 .1 386
15 L 844 681'38 .2 400 s xl' 16 L 250 6TM -T1 .0001 16 L 273 'II 11-D33 d3
15 L 845 68P22 .25 400 al 446 16 L 251 6TM -T25 .00025 15 L 160 M B-D4
16 L 252 6TM -T4 .0004 SÁaxi' 15c 16 L 274 M B-D47 .0047 38c
15 L 846 68I'23 .5 400 s x2sis 506 16 L 253 6TM -T5 .0005 I5L161 MB-DS .005
15 L 809 68P11 .005 200 x' 216 ISL070 6TM -D1 .001 15 L 162 MB-D6 .006
15 L 810 68P12 .006 200 /4:1,10:: 216
15 L 811 68P14 .01 200 244 15 L 084 61M-DIS .0015 16 L 275 M B-1368 .0068 xl
IS L 071 6TM -D2 .002 163 M B-07 .007
1 .
ÌsLfi12 68P15 .02 200 55tx'jia' 266 15L092 6TM -D22 .0022
L 164 M B-075 .0075 x1' 4' 38c
15 L 813 68P16 .05 200 5fax1 15 L 072 6TM -D3 .003 15 L 165 M B-08 .008 Ihx1
15 L 814 68P17 .1 200 'lzlzx1 356 IS L 073 6TM -D4 .004 15c
15 L 836 68P18 .2 200 'Sí:x11/a' 386 15 L 093 6TM -D47 .0047 15 L 166 MB-SI .01
ISL837 68P24 .25 200 416 15 L 167 M B-SIS .01S
I S L 074 6TM -DS .005 168 MB-S2 41c
15 L 838 68P25 .5 200 s xliç 476 IS L075 6TM -D6 .006 4:111: I S
16 L
276 M B-522 Ó22
15 L
15 L
815 68P19
816 tr.s1'20
'S5zx1 fja
s xl" 41
476 16L254 6TM -D68
15 L 076 6TM -S1
277 MB-S3
16 L 278 M B-S4
.04 4k
15 L 094 6TM -S15 .015 18C 16 L280 TR-1S .05
15 L 077 6TM -S2 .02
16 L 255 61M -S22 .022 16 L 281 TR-215 2X.015 :14x2' 474

15 L 078 6TM -S3 .03 7zhz1' 4' 216
15 L 079 6TM -S4 .04 6000 VOLTS DC WORKING
15 L 098 6TM -S47 246 151.853 is rated at 10,000 DC wkg. volte.
iz1 }:
15 L 080 61M -S5 .05 244
15L081 6TM -S6 .06 t/'xl 244 No. Type Mfd Size EA.
CAPACITO R INDICATOR s/ xl /a' 15 L 850 TVM-356 .0005 1/201 796
TypsC -761. Readarol,,r. odes directly in capac-
15 L 082 6TM -P1
IS L 083 61M -1.25 '/4x24'
15 L 851 TVM-216
15 L 852 TVM-256
.001 ' =x1'1' 796
%x194' 796
itance, and voltage. Wt., 2 oz.
K Ó76rance, 1ßC 16 L 260 6TM -P5
16 L 261 r(' -10
1.0 1x2 3/a' 736 15 L 8531TVM-351
.0005 s x1 886 '
SUBMINIATURE Hermetically sealed in metal cans
with crimped and soldered scams. For -35° to -i-8S° C. Operation
PAPER CAPACITORS For heavy-duty use. Will with-
Subminiature paper capacitors impregnated stand high temperature and surge Miniature tantalum -foil electrolytic capaci-
with "Vitamin Q" for higher insulation re- olt ages. All havefoot-typebracket. tors. Designed for reliable operation over
sistance. Hermetically sealed with glass -tn- JAN (' -25. Av. siipg. wt.. 12 oz. the wide temperature range of -S5° C. to
metal, solder -seal terminals. Designed for +85° C. Useful for applications requiring up
rugged operating conditions. Rated for use up No. JAN No. MId WV Sise NET to 150 working volts DC in military or in-
to 125°C. Tolerance. 10eß. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz. dustrial equipment. including control equip-
15 L 262 BIEF2051( 20 600 113A0l'/03%.'3.92 ment. computers, airborne radar and communi-
100 VOLTS DC WORKING 40 600 25s13z03'4' X5.47
No. Type Mfd Sias NET 15 L 264 BIEF6051( 6 0 600 21/21%04%I 6.48
cation equipment. Can he used in low temper-
15L265 B1EF106K 10 0 600 3%,1 s4%' 18.69 ature Condit. . where aluminum -foil capac-
15 L 91 I 10391 .01 5ísxt/e 1.94 itors are inoperative. Have extremely low leak-
15 L 926 10491 .1 tiaxf/a' 2.13 I5L266 B IEGIOSK I 0 1000 l'tiissl'iix2Y.'13.64 age current. Valuable for use where small
15 L 925 47451 .47 /laxl'/' 2.48 I5L267 BIEG205K 2 0 1000 l't/1ss1%sx4Yz'14.68 physical size, stable electrical character-
200 VOLTS DC WORKING I5L268 B IEG405K 4 0 1000 121/2s1?5s51/4' 6.32 istics, and long servire life are important.
Consists of a rolled capacitor section sealed
15 L 912 10392 .01 1SGxt/4' 2.04 in a silver- plated meta case with solderable
I5 L 913 22392 .022 '944xs/e 2.04 CP-53 CAPACITORS wire leads. Polarized; shell should he insulated
1 5 L 914 47392 .047 s/tax /s' 2.15 Non -inductive nil -filled bathtub from chassis unless char s is negative potential.
15 L 915 22492 .22 13zízxls' 2.37 capacitors; hermetically sealed. Av. shpg. wt. 2 oz.
15 L 924 10402 'SSzx /a' 2.20 JAN (' -25. Suffix K has toi. of
15 L 923 47492
.47 srfaxlt/a' 2.68 .
I0' ¡,; suffix V. 1-20°' . - 10';
For use up to 85° C. 6(fÓ WV DC
WV Size
15 L 916 10592 1.0 '44017h' 3.09 I

400 VOLTS DC WORKING except '1000 WVDC. 5 oz. 1 5 L 332 102E1107 +/y, % 8.37
6 14xl7iía' 15.71
JAN N. Mfd
15 L 917 10394 .01 'S44x4' 2.10 No. Size NET 5 L 334 10201112 25 10 'his14' 8.37
15 L 918 22394 .022 Vit h' 2.18 15 L 727 81E1503K .05 l'sAszls!4' 1.77

15 L 335 102D116 4.5 15 4,54a1 4.46

15 L 919 47394 .047 13hzx7h' 2.26 15 L 736 BIEF104K .1 1'szísxisld' 1.83 15 L 336 102D121 3 25 °hzs 1A4' 4.46
15 L 922 10494 .1 '15ix1 s/a' 2.39 15 L 737 81EF2511( .25 "::5µl:30' 1.89 15 L 337 1020122 12 25 shzaJ4' 8.37
15 L 920 22494 .22 °/ti;x1 3/a' 2.68 IS 738
L BIEF5041( .5 In/Kahl. 2.05 15 L 338 1020123 35 25 34x17hf' 15.71
IS L 921 47494 .47 '45%xP/s' 3.09 15 L 739 81EF105K 1.0 2x134x1 2.39 15 L 339 1020124 70 25 24.20
600 VOLTS DC WORKING 15 L 740 BIEF2051f 2.0 2s2s15' 3.18 5 L 343 1020126 2.5 30 4.46

IS L 900 10296 .001 'S4.zs/4' 2.07 IS L 741 .1 1'1'szSaxlsY.' 2.48 1 5 L 344 102E0127 10 30 8.37
15 L 927 22296 .0022 'S4axth' 2.07 15 L 742 B4EF254V .25. 25 l'tzísslxl' 2.56 5 L 345 1020131 1.5 50
15 L 902 47296
15 L 903 68296
5 L 904 10396
x7 '
2.1 I
15 L 734 05(1254V
15 L 743 84EFSOIV

I5 L 346 102D132
15 L 3471 1020133
15 L 348 1020134
6 50

I 5 L 905 22396
15 L 906 47396
thtx 1'/a'
/}' IS L 744
15 L
745 81EG2541'
15 L 349 1020137
15 L 393 102D141
5 60
15 L 907 68396 .068 '14zxis/a' 2.42 15 L 735 B1EG104K .1 l'tifszl><1í' 1.94 5 L 394 1020151 .5 150 4.46

15 L 908 10496 .1 Skxl'/s' 2.57 15 L 746 BIEG254V .25-.25 MSS x14' 2.80 15 L 395 1020152 2 150
15 L 909 22496 .22 ?1sx17/4' 2.86 15 L 747 BIEGS04K .5 21E1Y sl4' 2.14 1 5 L 396 1020153 7 150
15 L910 47496 .47 thx2'/s' 3.36 I 5 L 748 BIEG105K 1.0 2112t1%4' 2.87 1 5 L 397 1020154 11 ISO 24.20

Industrial Users-Write for Quantity Prices 127

Sprague Capacitors
"Twist -Lok ", hermetically sealed, aluminum with twist -prong t.1',- '',. t go through chasses or connect to washer for
can capacitors for exact replacement use in above -chassis mounting. Terminals are welded to capacitor cathode and
Admiral, Motorola, Emerson and many other tinned for easy soldering. Supplied with Bakelite insulating washer and
television receivers. Withstand extremely high metal washer for secure mounting. Capacity and volta* clearly print -
temperatures, ripple currents and surge volt- ed on tubular casing to eliminate replacement error. Can serves aa
ages encoun Bred in TV circuits. Self- mounting, common negative. Av. shpg. wt., 6 oz.
Stook Mfr's Mfd Size
NET Stock Mfr's Mfd DC Wkg. V. Simi
No. Type DC Wkg. V. EACH Ne. Type EACH
16 TVL-1940
L 510 10 500 1x2' 1.00 I 6 554 TVL:3789
L 60-20-20 450 I3ie33' 2.70
16 TVL-1943
L 435 20 500 1x21 1.09 I6 555 TVL-3790
L 60-30-10 450 1 Nx3' 2.65
16 TVL-I947
L 184 30 500 1x3 1.18 16 136 TVI.-3791
L 60-40-20 450 1 s/+x3' 2.94
16 L436
TVL-1950 40 500 1x31/2' 1.47 16 137 TVI.-3793
L 80-40-20 450 is/,x4 3.18
16 L 185 TVL-1960 90 500 Is/sx31/2' 2.05 15 773 TVL-3761
L 40.10-80 450-450-200 1t/sx3' 2.29
I5 L 757 TVL-1820 40 475 13/10a 1.47 15L963 TVL-3764 40-40-100 450-450-200 1s/sx4' 2.91
15 L470 TVL-1705 10 450 1x2' .91 15 L 962 TVI: 3758 40-40-40 450-450-150 13 x31/1' 2.44
15 L 886 1 VL-1714 20 450 1:2' 1.06 I6 L 549 TVL-3749 10-10-40 450-450-50 x21' 1.47
I5 L 887 TVL-1720 30 450 Ix214' 1.15 16 L 146 TV1.-3757 80-20-100 450-450-50 1s/84 2.82
15 L 473 TVL-1725 40 450 1z3' 1.21 15 L 490 TV1:3731 10-10-20 450-450-25 Ìx21/2' 1.41
16 L434 TVL-1730 60 450 is/sx2'/r' 1.53 16 L 2 I 3 TVL-3735 20-10-20 450-450-25 1x3' 1.59
16 L 217 TVL-1735 80 450 1%x2 %' 1.79 15 L485 TV1:3739 20-20-20 450-450-25 1x3' 1.79
I6 L 187 TVL-1750 100 450 11/4x3 2.03 15L961 TVL-3741 30-30-20 450-450-25 1'/x2111' 2.09
15 L 755 TVL-1760 125 450 1s/sx4' 2.26 1 6 L 475 TVL-3744 40-40-20 450-450-25 1 x3 2.29
16 L 186 TVL-1617 30 350 1x21/2' 1.12 1 6 L 145 TVL 3724.4 20-40-10 450-350-350 11 x21/2" 2.06
16 L 509 TVI: 1621 40 350 1x2' 1.1 8 I6 L 544 TVI:3723 30-40-50 450-350-25 1:4' 2.18
ISL754 TVL-1630 80 350 11/4x3' 1.68 16 L 223 TV1: 3712 10-80-80 450-250-250 2.44
I5 L 799 TVL-1638 125 350 11/4x3%' 2.32 16 L 222 TVL: 3706 40-40-130 450-150-50 1 x3' 2.18
I6 L 204 TVL-1573 80 300 1.3%. 1.50 16 L 541 TVI:3690 10-10-10 400 x21' 1.41
I5 L 753 TVL-1578 100 300 1x4' 1.71 16 L 474 TVI:3689.3 100-10-80 400-400-350 l'/1x4 3.59
16 L 205 TVI. 1584 150 300 11/4x3y=' 2.06 15 L 426 TVL-3678 20-20-20 400-400-25 1z3' 1.68
I5 L 797 TVL-1509 20 250 1x2' .94 16 L 538 TVI.3640 60-40-20 350 13/4x4' 2.50
16 L 503 TVI.-1519 40 250 1x2' 1.06 15 L TV1: 3630
957 15-10-20 350-350-25 1x21/2' 1.47
I6 L 506 TVL-1535 lx.;' 1.59 I6 L449 TVI:3639.2 100-60-20 350-350-201 1shx4' 3.23
100 250
IS L798 TVL-1540 150 250 I3/sx2lh' 1.82 15 L 958 TV1. 36.;4 20-10-20 350-350-25 1821/1' 1.50
I6 L 188 TVL-1473 160 200 134 x3' 1.85 15 L 959 TVL3636 30-20-20 350-350-25 Ix3f1 .8
15 L794 TVL-1415 50 150 1x2' .97 16 1 448 TV1-3636.8 200-10-50 350-350-25 1'/sx4 3.09
15 L750 TVL-1420 80 150 1x21/2' 1.09 16 L 21 I TNT-3620 30-30-20 350-30(1-25 1x3' 1.85
16 L 533 TVI.-3580 10-10-10 300 1x2' 1.41
16 L 190 TVL-1426 120 150 13/4x2',5' 1.26 TVI.-3585 120-50-40 1%x4' 3.44
16 L 218 TVI.-1428 140 150 Ix;' 1.26 16 L 534 300
I5 L 955 TV1.3540 40-20-20 250 1.71
I5 L 795 TVL-1430 150 ISO 1 s/sx3' 1.26 16 L 529 T\'L-35t3 30-30-20 250-250-25 1x3*-
16 L 219 TVI: 14.;1 200 150 1 s/}}x4' 1.44 I 6 L 446 'fVl.-3471 80-10-20 2(10-200-50 1x3' I.65
15 L 796 TNT- 1434 300 150 11/4x t1/2" 1.65 60-200-140 200-150-150 1s/s1(4' 2.82
16 L 189 TV1.1317 100 SO 3/4x2' .97 16 L 138 TV1 -3461.4
16 L 139 TV1.3448 120-80-40 ISO 13/sx3%1' 2.23
16 L 500 TVI,-1320 150 50 3/4s21/2= 1.06
15 L 49 3 TVL-3433 20-20-20 150 1x2'/z' 1.35
I5 L 793 TVI, 1330 500 50 Is/sx2'/z' 1.56 I5 L 952 TVL 3437 40-20-20 150 1x2'/' 1.41
15 L 792 TVL-1220 500 25 1x2' 1.50
2.09 15 L 421 TVI.3440 40-40-40 150 1x3' 1.53

16 L 220 TVL-1230 1000 25 11/4x2 TVL 3442 50-50-50 150 1x3 1.76
15 L 791 TVL-1168 2000 15 1%x2' 2.03 15 L 953
16 L 200 TVL-1115 2000 6 l'/sx2' 1.5 0 I6 L 445 T\'1:3444 80-40-20 150 1x3' 1.71
16 L 224 TVL-3450 200-100-60 150 2.68
16 L 210 TVL: 3422 40-20-20 150-150-25 x2' ' 1.35
DUAL SECTION 16 L 444 TVI.3426 40-40-20 150-150-25 1x21 ' 1.41
16 L 442 TVI. 2940 40-40 500 1'/sx3' 2.53 15 1420 TVL-3427 50-30-100 ISO-150-25 1x3 1.59
15 L 480 TVL-2750 IO-10 450 1x2' 1.12 15 L 951 TVI: .;430 50-50-20 150-150-25 1x3' 1.56
16 L 192 TVI:2753 15-IS 450 1x2%%' 1.32 16 L 525 TVL-3210 20-20-20 25 1x2' 1.15
16 L 440 TVI.-2754 20-10 450 1x2'/1 1.32
15 L 481 TVI. 2755 20-20 450 1x3' 1.50 QUADRUPLE SECTION
16 L I91 TVI. 2757 30-10 450 1x3' 1.41 I6 L 125 TVI:4940 10-10-10-IO S00 1%x2' 2.06
15 L 897 TVI.-2759 30-.30 450 1'/5x21/z' 1.79 16 L 599 TVL-4917 3040.150-30 500-450-50-50 I'/Sx2 1/2' 2.47
16 L 199 TVL-2762 40-20 450 1%:2%' 1.91 15 L 788 TV1,-4840 40-20-10-10 475 l'/sx3 3.00
15 L 477 TVL-2764 40-40 450 13x3 2.03 16 L 149 TVL-4826 20-20-10-10 475-475-475-300 13412I/2' 2.53
16 L 44I TVL-2768 60-20 450 13/1x3' 2.09 I6 L 587 TVL-4827 50-30-10-20 475-475-475-300 1'/sx3'/=' 3.29
16 L 209 TVL-2770 60-40 450 l'/ex3'/z' 2.32 16 L 585 TVL-4815 15-15-80-40 475-475-300-50 2.82
15 L 898 TVL-2776 80-10 450 I3/4,x3' 2.1 2 TVL-4811 10-60-30-125 475-450-400-50 x4' 3.26
6 L 196 TVL-2776.5 80-20 450 11/8x3%* 2.29 16 L 584 1

16 L 97 TVL-2777 80-30 450 134x4' 2.47 16 L 583 TVI: 4800 20-40-100-80 475-300-50-25 13 x3' 2.62
I5 L488 TVL-4760 10-10-10.10 450 x2' 1.97
16 L 198 TVL-2778 80-40 450 1'/1x3'/1 2.97
1'/x2y' 15 L 979 TVL-4763 20-20-20-20 450
1 x3' 2.76
Ì6 L 524 TVL-2735 40-10 450-350 1.53 16 L 598 TVL-4773 40-40-20-20 450 13/1x4' 3.26
16 L 439 TVL-2677 80-60 400 13Sx !h' 2.76 16 L 147 TVL-4774 40-40-30-30 450 Isx4 3.56
16 L 438 TVL-2656 80-80 400-200 13 x3111' 2.32 16 L 148 TVL-4783 80-10-10-10 450 1 /+x4' 2.97
16 L 193 TVL-2628 30-30 350 x3 1.71 TVL-4747 40-40-10-100 450-450-450-100 3/0x33/4' 3.26
I6 2.39 16 L 581
L 94 TVL-2634 80-40 350 13/4,x3'
16 L 579 TVI: 4742 30-30-15-30 450-450-450-SO 1'x3 2.67

L I 95 TVL-2639 100-60 350 1x31 ' 2.82 13/42(31/1' 2.76

15 L 762 TVL-2585 80-80 300 1 /sx3' 2.38 16 L 580 TVI.4745
15 L 495 TV1, 4723
450-450-450-25 13/4x2' 1.8 5
16 L 207 TVL-2515 20-20 250 1.12
15 L 894 TVL-2520 40-40 250 Ix3'
I6 L 126 TVL-4724.2
15 L 978 TNT -4734
13/1x2'/1 2.44
1%x31/2" 2.65
16 L 225 TV1.2535 150-150 250 1'/1x4
I6 L 578 TVI.-4736 40-40-10-20 450-450-450.25 1'/1x3yz' 2.76
15 L 483 TVI: 2415 20-20 150 1x2' 1.00
I5 L 890 TV1.2422 30-30 ISO 1x2' 1.09 Ì6 L 216 TV1.-4739 40-40-40-40 450-450-450-25 13/41x4'
15 L 468 TVL-2425 40-20 150 1x2' 1.09 15L889 TVI,-4732 40-20-20-40 450-450-450-25
15 L 891 TVL-2428 40-40 150 1x2'/%' 1.12 I6 L 127 TV14710.2 80-10-40-30 450-400-300-300 1 3.41
16 L 597 TVI,-4669 80-40-10-20 400-40(1-40(-25 13/4x4' 3.12
15 L 469 TVL-2432 50-30 150 1x2%' 1 .1 8 16 L 128 TVI. 46711 80-40-30-40 400-40-400-25 13/1x4' 3.50
151484 TVL-2435 50-50 150 1x21/z' 1.26
16 L 596 TV1: 466.;.5 100-10-30-20 400-4011-50.50 13/sx31 3.00
151892 TVL-2438 60 60 ISO 1x3yz" 1.38 I6 L 499 -1-\'1.-4635.7 80-60-40-20 350 13/1x4 3.76
15 L 893 TVL-2442 80 40 1S(1 11/4x23/4' 1.35
16 L 594 l'\'I.-4635.8 90-40-30-30 350 L' x4' 4.00
16L221 TVL-2444 200-5 ISO 1S}x3 1.59 16 L 569 TV1.-4628 350-350-350-50
40-40-40.1S0 13/1x4' 3.32
16 L 5 I 2 TVL-2445 200-125 ISO 1 /jx3z 2.20 16 L 568 TVL-4620 350-350-350-25
20-10-S-10 1 /1x2' 1.82
16 L 511 TVI.2320 50-50 SO lx2 I.00 16 L 29 TNT-4621.6 350.350-350.25
40-40-20-20 13/41x3' 2.73
15 L 761 TVL-2160 1000-1000 15 1131/2' 2.59 1

L 154 TVL-4609 350-350-200-150

60-40-60-20 13/1x31/2' 2.97
16 L 155 TVL-4590 200-20-20-20 300 Vs x4' 3.67
TRIPLE SECTION 16 L 565 TVI,-4575 300-300-300-150
40-40-40-20 13/ex3' 2.88
161227 TVL-3952 10-10-10 500 1x3' 1.59 I6 L 158 TV1,-4561 100-10-200-30 300-300-150-150 l'/.x4' 3.47
16 L 228 TVL-3965 40-40-10 500 13/1x3' 2.97 16 L 159 TV1.-4559.5 100-60-10-20 300-200.150-SO I3/ex31/2' 2.85
15 L 969 TVL-3840 30-30-20 475 1't///sx3 2.62 16 L 563 TV1.-4516 100-40-10.100 250-250.250-50 13/1x3%z 3.02
16 L 559 TVL-3843 40-30-30 475 x4'
11/4x4' 3.03 16 L 561 TVI: 4415 30-30-30-40 150-150-150-25 13/1x2' 1.82
16 L 226 TVL-3822 20-20-60 475-475-450 1 /1x4' 2.85 15 L 975 TVL4420 40-40-30-20 150-150-150-25 13/4x2' 1.82
15 L 478 TVL-3776 10.10-10 450 1x3' 1.53 15 L 976 TVL-4425 50-50-50-20 150-154150-25 13/1x2' 2.09
16 L 135 TVL-3778.2 15-15-1S 450 1x3' 1.82 16 L496 TVI.-4431 80-40-40-20 150-150-150.25 13 x2' 2.09
16 L 476 TVL-3779 20-1040 450 113 1.71 16 L495 TVL-4414 60-40.242(111150-150-150-10 1 x2' 2.03
15 L 965 TVL-3780 20-20-20 450 11/4x21/2' 2.12 I6 L 156 TVL-4409 20-20-160-40 150-150-25-25 1 x2' I.88
15 L 966 TVL-3782 30-30-30 450 1'//x3'/%' 2.56 161.. 15 7 TVL4410.7 50-40-160-40 150-150-25-25 1 12' 2.09
I6 L 134 TVL-3783 40-10-10 450 13/4x3' 1.97
16 L 477 TVL-3784 40-30-20 450 T3 x3' 2.53
15 L 778 TVL-3785 40-40-10 450 1%,x,i1/3' 2.44 Indusrr'oI users -all
Sprague JAN -type capacitors are available I
16 L 229 TVL-3786 40-40-20 450 1'/'x3' 2.62 from Allied. Write to our Industrial Division for quantity prices.
5 L1 967 TVL-3787 40-40-40 450 13/1x3'/z' 2.88

128 Lowest Prices -Hi9 hest Quality -Best Service

Sprague Capacitors
ELECTROLYTICS Ultra -compact ceramic disc capacitors. In popular values as well as RETMA values.
KS "TINY MIKE" High by -pass efficiency in critical circuits. Moisture -proof coating. Tolerances: 1000
WVDC types a.20%. 3000 WVDC types 1.5 mmf, ..25 mmf; 4.7 mmf.. .5 m,nf;
525 Volts Surge thru 68 mmf, .10%; thru S00 mmf, .20%. All are "tagged" for easy identification.
450 Volts Wkg. All ratings are DC working volts. Shin. wt.. 2 os.
Can -type dry elec-
trolytic capacitors. For SERIES SGA 1000 WVDC TYPE NPO CERAMICS
replacement and original *Designates MM. Zero temperature-coefficient capacitors. 500
equipment filter use. WVDC. Discs. except 'rectangular. Wt.. 2oz
Etched-foil construction. No. Type Mmf No. Typ Meet
Common negative leads. In- V5 5 T25 250 No. Typo Mee EACH
verted screw -can mounting. 301 V6 6 Ì6 L 331 T27 270
Will replace large, old -style 16 L 16 450
L STCCB-Vl 1.0
or standard -size unite. With 16 L 302 V75 7.5 16 L 332 T3 300 16L451 STCC B-V 15 1.5
mounting hardware. Av. 16 I. 303 V8 8 16 L 333 T33 .330 16 L 452 STCCB-V22 2.2
shpg. wt., 6 oz. 16 L 304 Ql 10 16 L 334 T3S 350 16 L 453 STCCB-V33 3.3
16 L 305 12 16 L 335 T36 360 16 L 454 STCCB-V47 4.7
Ns. Typo Mfd Size NET 16 L 306 15 15 16 L 336 T39 390 16 L 455 STCCB-V68 6.8
15 L 700 PLS-4 4 1 -x2 ìk 1.18 16 L 307 18 18 16 L 337 T4 400 16L456 STCC-Q1 10.0 29c
15 L 701 PLS-8 8 1 z2 1.29 16L308 02 20 16 L 338 T47 470 16 L 457 STCC-015 15.0
15 L 702 PLS-12 12 1 :2 1.41 16 L 309 022 22 16 L 339 TS .500
16 L 458 STCC-Q2 20.0
15 L 703 PLS-16 x2 1.44 16 L 310
15 L 709 PLS-20 20 1

z2' 1.59 16 L 311 Q27 27

16 L
16 L
15 L 710 PLS-25 25 1 1.71 16 L312 3 30 16 L 342 T68 680 16L461 STCC 33 33.0
IS L 71 1 PLS-30 I Y:3345;
z3 1.76 16 L 313 33 33 16 L 343 T75 750 16 L 462 STCC- 39.0
40 1 z3tyk 1.85 16 L 314 Q39 39 16 L 344 T8 800 16L463 STCC- 47 47.0
S 704 PLS-48 4-8 1 :2tyh 1.73 16 L 315 Q47 47 16 L 345 T82 820 16 L 464 STCC- 5 50.0
15 L 705 PLS-88 8-8 1 1.76 16 L 316 s 50 15 L 670 DI .001 16 L 465 STCC- 68 68.0 32c
15 L 706 PIS-888 8-8-8 I z2ryk' 2.94 16 L 317 56 56 16 L 347 D12 .0012 16 L 466 STCC- 755 75.0
15 707 PLS-816 8-16 t :2t %k 1.94 16 L 318 68 68 16 L 348 D13 .0013 16 L 467 STCC- 100.0
15 L 708 PLS-216 16-16 I z3tyif 2.09 16 L 319 075 75 15 L 671 DIS .0015 16 L 468 5TCC-T12 120.0
16 L 320 Q_2 82 16 L 350 D16 .0016 16 L 469 STCC-T15 150.0 35c
LS INVERTED SCREW CAN 16L321 91 16 L 351 D18 .0018 16L470 STCC-T175 175.0
525 Volts Surge -450 Volts Wkg. 16 L 322 100 16 L 352 D2 .0020* 16L471 STCC-122 220.0 41t
8 Negative can. Av. shpg. wt.. 6 oz. 16 L 323 112 120 16 L 353 1322 .0022 16L472 STCC-T27 270.0 471
16 L 324 T13 130 16 L 354 D25 .0025
15 L 020 LS-8 1.29 16 L 325 T15 ISO 16 355 D27 .0027 TYPE N750 CERAMICS
15 L 021 S-12 12 Ì z21,
'3k' 1.41 16 L 326 T18 0 16
L 356 D3 .0030
15 L 022 LS-16 a2t;4s' 1.44 A negative temperature coefficient capacitor

16 1
16L327 T2 2080 I6 L 357 D33 .0033
15 L 025 LS-20 20 1 sz21rrk' 1.59 16 L 328 T22 220 16 L 358 D39 .0039 with a negative change of 750 parts per million
15 L 026 LS-25 16 L 329 T24 240 16 per degree Centigrade. 500 WVDC. Discs.
1.71 L 359 D4 .0040' except rectangular. Shpg. wt. 2 oz.

15 L 027 LS-30 30 1.76 NET

151028 LS-40 40 Irs///ssz3 riS1 1.85 EACH I5c No. Type M mf EACH
15 L 023 LS-88 8-8 1 ex21/4 1.76
No. Typs Mfd. EACH 16 L 480 STCU B-VS S
600 Volts Surge -475 Volts Wkg.
16 1360 .0043 16L482 5TCU- 15 15 29c
16 L 361 D47 .0047
I8c 16 L 483 STCU- 2
Threaded bushing mount. Negative can. 16 L 362 D5 .005 16 L 484 STCU- 22 22
o Insulating washer. Av. shpg. wt., 6 oz. 16 L 363 SI .01 16 L 485 STCU-Q25 25
320 1:3Re 161364 52 02 35t 16 L 486 S TC U-Q33 33
8 a4 r4.
1.62 16 L 487 STCU-Q47 29c
15 L 3231 SC-12 12 x434s 1.73 SERIES 30ßA 3000 WVDC 16 L 488 SiCU-068 68
15 L 3241 SC-16 1.85 No. Typs M mf
16 L 489 STCU-Q75 75
z43344 EACH 490 STCU-T1 100
15 L 325 SC-88 8-8 x41/4' 2.41 16 L
16 L 387 V1S 1.5 I6L491 STCU-T15 ISO
CL INVERTED SCREW CAN 16L370 V47 4.7 16L492 STCU-T2 29c
600 Volts Surge-475 Volts Wkg.
16 L 371 10 24c 16 L 493 STCU-122 220
Q12 12 16 L 494 5TCU-T33
Like "SC" but can insulated from filter Ì6L372 Q15 15
section. Poe. and neg. leads. Wt., 8 oz. I6L373 Q35 25 TYPE BL DISC CERAMICS
1rx4i48 16 L 374 New 2000 WVDC disc ceramic capacitors for
15 L
15 L 721 CL-16
16 1 x434.
24c buffer applications. Tiny. rugged construction.
15 L 722 CL-88 8-8 t z4134' 2.41 Moisture -proof coating assures high dependa-
16 L 390 Q6 60 bility. Fit into tight spaces. Tol., +20 %. Av.
WR REPLACEMENTS FOR 16 L 376 gg 68 68 shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
16 L 377 100
No. Type Mid EACH
16 L 378 T12 120
600 Volts Surge -500 Vohs Wkg. 16 L 379 T1S ISO 16 L 290 BI. D10 .001
High -voltage dry electrolytic,. Designed 161380 T18 180 16 L 291 BL-D20 .002
o to replace wet types. Will withstand high 16 L 381 T2 200 16 L 292 BI. D30 .003 21c
peak voltages. Lug terminals; can is negative. 16 L 382 T22 16 L 293 BL-D40 .004
With insulating washers. Inverted screw can 16 L 383 T25 250 16 L 294 BL-DSO .005
mountings. Av. shpg. wt., 8 oz. 16 L 384 T27 270 24c 16 L 295 BL-D60 .006
Type Mfd NET
16 L 385 T3 300 16 L 296 BL-D70
No. Siso 16 L 386 TS 500 16 L 297 BL-075 .0075 2Ic
15 L 040 WR -8 8 1 t){s 1.68 z3t 16 L 298
15 041
L WR -16 16 1 =4315' 1.94 SINGLE AND DUAL HIGH-K TYPES 16 L .01
15 L 042 W R -25 25 1 2z5345 2.21 SERIES 5HK 1000 WVDC UNIVERSAL CERAMIC CAPACITORS
DOORKNOB CAPACITORS 15 L 672 112 .002 mfd 158 Highly versatile, 4 -lead ceramic
15 L 673 D5 .005 mfd type capacitors. Provides maxi-
High -voltage. 500 -mmf plastic 15 L 674 SI .010 mfd Ì84 mum coverage with minimum
1194 capacitors for replacement use in 15 L 675 2D1 2x.001 mfd 241 stock. Ideal for use by Service-
all types of TV sets. Moisture- 15 L 676 21315 2x.0015 mfd 24t men, experimenter, etc. Offers a
resistant. thermosetting molded 15 L 677 2D2 2x.002 mfd 241 large variety of odd and popular
plastic. Molded guard rings in- 15 L 678 2D4 2x.004 mfd 26t ratings-simply wire leads In var-
crease surface leakage path. Ca- ious combinations. With complete instru. -twins
pacitor body has threaded ends MINIATURIZED DISC CERAMICS on how to select the desired capacitance.
and can take a wide variety of Guaranteed minimum value; UGA -1 and
screw -in terminals. The 2015K- Excellent for Transistorized Circuits UGA -2 have tolerance of +20 %. Rated at
T5's are supplied with 14 terminals 500 WVDC. Av. shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
(2 of each type illustrated). Type Taps TG. Designed for circuits
300K -T5 is supplied with 2 ter- requiring extremely small compon- Stack Mfr's Capacity NET
minals. (See illustration). cuts. Ideal for printed circuits, tran- No. Type Range, MIA EACH
Type 200K -T5. Rated at 20 KV. Size, I' sistor-type radios, etc. Provides very I5L216 UHR -1 001 -.004 29t
diameter. st long Shpg. wt.. 3 oz. dependable service in bypass and 151217 1/HK-2 0023-.015 35t
15 L599. PER SET OF 2.17 coupling applications. Capacitors 151218 UGA -I 0004 -.0013
are covered with an exceptionally 151219 UGA -2 0006 -.0022 354
Type 300K -T6. Rated at 30 KV. Size, Isis' tough, protective coating that as-
diameter, I t/s' long. Shpg. wt., 4oz. sure, top performance despite con- NEW UNIVERSAL CERAMIC
15 L597. NET EACH 1.76 ditions of heavy humidity. All rated
at 50 working volts, DC. Tolerance of +80% CAPACITOR KIT
to -20% except +80% to -30 %. KIt CK -4. New, universal multi -purpose ca-
"T-C" CALCULATOR No. Type Mfd DI e. Wt. EA. pacitor kit. Handles 90% of all common cer-
Handy slide -rule. Determines values of NPO .005
amic, molded tubular, and mica replacements
15 L 995 DSO 2 oz.
and N750 ceramics to be connected In parallel
to equal a capacitor of desired intermediate 15 L 996 S10 .01
I5L997 525 .025 Wu' 3oz. 381
3oz. 381 in bypass and coupling circuits. Includes 3
each UHK -1, tiHE -2, UGA -1 and UGA -2.
temperature coefficient with required capacity. Supplied with detailed instructions. 31:854'.
15 L 998 S50 'Mc' 3oz. 41t
Shpg. wt. 4oz
37 K 103. NET 15c 15 L 999 PIO
.1 r% / 4oz. 531
Shpg. wt., 3 or.
18 L 712. NET EACH 3.88
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave, Chicago 80,Illinois 129
Aerovox Capacitors
Extremely compact high -quality tubular electrolytics
in metal cane with cardboard sleeves. Ideally suited A new series of
to a wide variety of applications where space is at a miniature. her-
premium, and dependable service is required. Nega-
tive leads are connected to aluminum cans. Dual and
sealed metal -
triple- section types have common negative leads. Sin - cased tubular
gle-section capacitors have bare, tinned copper leads, aluminum electrolytic ealia.i tors. Designed
3' long. Dual and triple -section types have flexible specifically for those applications requiring
stranded-copper leads, 5' long, with insulating sleeves. small size and light weight XPP electrolytics
All are conservatively rated for tempera! ores to 85 °C. are ideal for all transistorized assemblies such
l °J Av shpg. wt., 4 oz. as personal portable radios. hearing aide. port-
able test instruments, paging devices and other
-DOUBLE SECTION miniature electronic apparatus. These units
-SINGLE SECTION B offer the very latest engineering advances with
NET regard to extended life, and provide for rela-
Stook NET Stook tively high capacitance values at low voltage.
No. Mfd Volta SIzo EACH No. Mfd Volta Slzo EACH
Tolerance. --
10 %, +250%. Operating temper-
ature range. 20 to + 65°C. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz.
13 L 639 700
13 L 392
450 1.18
13 L 640 10 1
13L397 10-10 450 1.09 Stook No. Mfd. WV DC NET EACH
12 L 623 12 700 114:3 ' 1.44 1.32
13 L 642 16 700 1.56 12L638 16-16
20-20 450 1.47 18 L 829 6 3 73C
13 L 632 600 15kx3,4' 1.23 12 L 639 I8L830 25 3 731
600 1.29 12 L 640 30-30 1.76 18 L 831 3
13 L 633 10
600 1.41 12 L 641 40-20 450 1.73 18 L 832 1ÓÓ 3 82t
13 L 634 12
13 1. 851 40-40 450 1.97 18 L 833 1 6 731
13 L 635 16 600 50 -30 450 2.00
L617 450 164 12 L 642 18 L 834 2 6 73c
12 1r,4xl(

12 L618 2 450 .64 12L635 10-10 250 18 L 835 3 6 73C

12 L 636 16-16 250 134x2 1.ÓÓ 18 L 836 4 6 73c
13 L 385 4 450 .68 t334kx2/l' 1.09 837 6 73C
13 L 386 8 450 .73 13L852 20-20
30-30 250
18 L
L 838
8 6 79c
13 L 394 12 L 637 1A4x1Y'
12 450 .79 12L631 8 -8 200 1.98 18 L 839 10 6 79e
13 L 387
13 L 388 16 450 .82 12L633 30-30 200 '1`4ax2' 1.26 I8L840 15 6 79C
18L841 794
13 L
20 450
L 625
/i as 1.00
.97 18
L 842
L 843
40 6
6 824
13 L 396 40 450 1.06
12 L 619 450 1.23 12 L 626 20-40 ISO 1.03 18 L 844 50 6 824
12 L 620 60 450 1.38 12 L 627 30-30 ISO 1.06 18 L 845 60 6 824
12 L 628 40-30 150 1.06 18 L 846 15 10 79C
I 2 L 621 80 450 1.65 L 442 40-40 150 1.06 1.847 25 10 794
12 L 622 100 450 1 ,4x33'/. 13 18
18 L 848 5 12 794
12 L612 10 350 t z1y 1 73 12 L 629 40-80 ISO 1.29
1.15 IS
13 L 403 350
:1 fl.
13L853 50-30 ISO
18 L 849 12
3 L 404 24 330 t t .91 SO-50 18 L1150

330 12 L 630 100-100 150 I.88 18 L951 6 25 820

12 L 613 18 L 852 10
12 L 614 40 1.03
12 L615 0
113 1.853 15 25 85t
12 1.616
13 L411
13 L412
8 4


No. Mfd Volts
.71W- ly¡ex2'
13 L413
13 L414

xl Il.'
12I. 650 10-10-10
20-20, 20
20 -20 -20
450. 25
12 L 608 2
P,4z1 /'
ta'x2. 131.870 30-20-10 ISO 1 x1 ' 1.26
12 L 609
12 L 610 0 250 1.ÓÓ 121.643
12 L 644
Actual Size (C -80V 102AM)
12L61I 60 250
1.59 13 L 871 40 -20-20 150 1.32 The last word in miniaturization -ceramic ca-
13L430 4 150 i

13 L 431 8 .62 121.645 40 -30-20 ISO 1.38 pacitors so small that over 350 of them will fit
150 12 L 649 40-40-20 in a cubic inch of space! " Cerafil" miniature
13 L 425 13L872 40-40-40 1S0 1.44 capacitors now permit designs of a compactness
13 L 432 12 150 .65 I sA4,x21 1.38 heretofore impossible. These rugged ceramic
13 L 433
16 ISO .68 12 L 646
ISO I 2 -
units operate from 55 to + 85 °C, at 100 volts.
13 L in capacitance values from .001 to .1 mfd. All
131.434 24 150 73 12 1.648 80 -40-20 1.62 1 t,4ex2
12 L 658 30-20. 20 150, 1.29
25 zl values of Cerafil capacitors are tested in ac-
cordance with MIL- C- 11015A, and meet the

131.435 ISO
13 L 436 40 ISO 79 12L651 30-20, 100 150, 25 14ax21
1.29 requirements of this specification. Capacity
131.441 50 .82 12 L 659 40-20, 20 150,
25 ' }4ex1
tolerance, :20 %. Av. ehpg. wt., 2 oz.
12 L607 60 ISO 12 L 652 40-30, 20 x2 1

13 L 426 80 150 .94 12L660 40-40, 20 150,á 1.32

25 1,4az1 Stak No. Mfrs. Type Mid. WVDC Diem. Length NET
100 150 1.03 12L661 40-40, 100 150. 25 Ir
21' 1.44 18 L 854 C-e0V101AM .001 100 490 .320 .44
13 L 427 150, 1.53
10 1 x2y/a
13 L 428 150 12 L 656 40-40, 250 I 8 L 855 C-80V502AM 005 100 .120 .500 .73
13 L 450 10 150 1.59 12 L 662 50-30. 20 150, 1.38
25 18 L 856 C-80V103AM .01 100 .180 300 .73
L 856 20 12 L 653 50-30. 100150.25 1.50
13 I 8L 857 C-80V203AM 02 100 .200 .500 1.76
13 L 451 25 SÓ .62 12L654 50-30, 250150, 25 11 x2'/' 1.82 18 L 858 C-801503AM .05 100 .240 .650 2.94
L 452 10
SO 11 1 .71
12 L
12 L
SO-50, 20 4z t1 1.47
150, 25 1%42,
80-20,100 ISO, 25 fA{z22 t/. 1.62
18L859 C-80V104AM .1 100 .310 .750 5.29
13 L 453
12 L 605 0


sel 12 L 664 150, 25 1 z21/¡ 1.56
12 L 606
13L460 10 2S I 59 TYPE AEP PLUG-IN Heretically sealed, immer-
13L8S8 16 25 .59 sion -proof bathtub style ca-
13 L461 25 ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS pacitors. With oil- impreg-
13 L 462 SO 25 .65 Plug -in type 1, 2 and 3- section elec- nated, oil- filled. drawn -
13 L 463 100 r,4z1 79 metal case. Bakelite insula-
12 L 604 250 25
+34x2 1.00 trolytic capacitors. Designed for tors riveted to case. Rug-
continuous service applications; gedly constructed for use
13L857 500 25 1 ,4x2 1.35 quickly changed by simply plugging
13 L 861 12 xl in a new unit. Insulated, tube-type under severe operating
13 L 860 250 12

.85 bases fit all standard octal sockets.

nd type CP54, CPSS. Av.
1.00 shpg. wt.. 8 oz.
13 L 859 12 Keyed guide pins insure correct in-
12 L 603 lÓ00 12 1.32 stallation and polarity. Vented for
safety; etched aluminum foil con- 600 V. SINGLE SECTION
121.600 100 6
struction. Av. shpg. wt., S oz.
131. 864 6 .9 1
No. Mid Slzo NET
131.863 1000 6 1.12
I 3 1.862 2000 6 1.35 SINGLE SECTION 13 L 950 .05 1.68
13 L 951 1.72
No. Typo Mfd. W.V. Siso NET 13 L 952 .25 1.78
TYPE PR ELECTROLYTICS 2.38 13 L 953 .5 1.93
Single -ended electrolytic
13L035 2J 10 450 1344:2
13 954 1.0 2.26
13 L 037 4 2.53 L.
tubular capacitors for 13 L 038 6 30 450 lllltz2 2.62 13 L 955 2.0 3.01
television receivers. Meet Illzz2 ' 2.68
R ET Astandards. Same 131.039 40 600 V. DUAL -SECTION
qualities and character- 13 L 040 161 450 1 s/az3 3.26
istics as Type PRS above. 13 L 041 2 1. 10 600 1 ex4 ¡ 2.47 13 L 956 .05-.05 13/4:1x3/4" 2.31
All leads extend from one end. PR4 -600, 11x4'. DUAL SECTION 13 L 957 1-.1 1 xlx/! 2.34
PR1 -100, 13/4x3%', PR2 -100, 1x4'. Av. a pg. 13 L 958 .25-.25 1 yazlzl 2.41
wt., 4 oz. 450II1/4x2itI2.59 I3 L 959 .S-.5 2x1'/4zt/S 2.75
131.044 22J 10-10 13 L 960 1.0-1.0 2x2z1j4e 3.25
No. Typo Mfd. Volts NET 13 L0461 88J 40-40 450 I> x3`' 352
1 1

12 L 675 PR4 -600 140

l'/4xix154e' 2.64
200 -30 200 13 L 964 .05-.05-.05
12 L 667 PR1-100 140 300 1.95 13 L 047 2223 10 -10.10 450 1334:2 %t' 3.00 13 L 965 1-.1-.1
I t'/4xlx"h 12.69

ISO 1.59 13 L0481444J 120.20 -201 450 113x3' 13.59 13 L 966 .25-.25-.25 2x1'/axLL' 2.96
12 L 668 PR2-100 200-5

130 Spedfy Manufacturers Typs Number and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders

Aerovox Metallized Capacitors
Ultra-compact P123ZG capacitors. equipment. In hermetically sealed
Extremely small size makes them metal cans to withstand temperature
ideal for military and aircraft appli- extremes, moisture and heat. Tem-
TYPE P92ZN METALLIZED cations where minimum site and perature range. -55° to +70° C.,
weight with maximum durability is at full voltage rating; to +100° C.
PAPER TUBULARS required. Units are also well suited at lower 'oltages. Tolerance.. 20%
for replacement and original use in in all capacities and voltages. Av.
High -quality capacitors of Aerolene-impreg- radio, television and electronic shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
nated metallized- paper. Modified plastic tubu-
lar type. Paper cases with Duranite end seals.
P92ZN capacitors are ideally suited for original No. Mid Volts NET No. Mfd Volts NET
or replacement use in radio and television .001 200 I3L920 .022 400 1.06
receivers. amplifiers and other electronic equip- Ì3 L 90Ì .002 200 .95 13 L 921 .033 400 1.06
ment. Will withstand high temperatures. 13 L 902 .003 200 13 L 922 .040 400 1.06
Operating range is -30 degrees C to +100 13 .005 200 .97 13 L 923 .047 400 1.06
degrees C. Tolerance of w 20% in all capacities L 904 .01 200 .99 13 L 924 .050 400 1.06
and voltages. Sizes given are diameter and 13 L 905 200 1.05 I3 L 925
length. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz. .068 400 I.16
13 L 906 5Ó 200 1.05 13L926 1.18
200 VOLTS 13 L 907 .068 200 1.08 13 L 927 .15 400 1.25
13 L 908 200 1.11 13 L 928 400 .26
Stook Ne. Mfd

Size NET 13 L 909 .22 200 1.13 13 L 929 25 400 1.43

12 L 700 .43 200 I.24 13 L 930 .33 400 1.43
12 L 701
.02 13 L 91 .47 200 1.33 13 L 931 400 1.56
.03 .44 200 1.40 13 L 932 .68 400 1.78
12 L 703 .05 .44 13 L 913 1.0 200 1.54 13 L 933 1.0 400 1.92
12 L 704 .1 13 L 914 2.0 200 2.33 13 L 934 .01 600 1.0 8
12L705 .2S .67 13 L 9 5 .0005 400 tt x .99 13 L 935 .02 600 I.08
12L706 .5 13L916

.001 400 tx '

600 .23
12 L 707 1.0 1.05 131917 .002 .99 131. 937 .25 600

12 L 708 2.0 1.43 13 L 918 .003 400 '`z
4z3t{s' 1.02 13 L 938 .30 .85
13 L 919 .02 400 f,Gxf 1.05 13L939,1.0

6600 2.10
12 L 709 .01 .43
12 L 710 .02 .44
12 L 711 .03
121712 .05 46
12 L 713 .50
12 L716 1.0 1i/4aiS 1.29 METALLIZED -PAPER TUBULARS
12 L 717 2.0 1KiX2í 1.82 Lightweight. metallized -paper tubular capac- Ultra -small (resistor size); metallized dielectric.
itors. Hyvol K impregnated units in moisture - For replacement and original use as coupling
600 VOLTS resistant. 'ax- impregnated cardboard cases. and bypass capacitors in radio, TV and elec-
12 L718 Have "self -healing" characteristics for pro- tronic equipment. Hyvol K impregnated, in
.01 sleztl.- .44 moisture- resistant cases. Improved metallized
12 L719 tection against surge voltages. low power loll serves as both dielectric and electrodes.
I2 L720 .03 1 xt¡t{s{' .49 factor, less than 1%. Operate from -40° C to
121.721 50° C. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz.
Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz.
.05 1
x13e' .52
12L722 .1 17ex 1 tyez
No. Mid Volts Size NET
No. Mfd W.V. Size EACH
12 L
12 L
12 I.
/s:1 i5z
L 670
L 671
L 672
n zs
13 L 885
13 L 886
13 L 887 .002
13 L 888 .003
3kx34' .21
13 L .ÌS .44
13 L 674 200 /4x/4' .46 13 L 889 .01 400 '4x11(e' .26
13 L 675 .25 200 lPexs/= .67 13 L 890 .0005 600
13 L 676 .S 200 t1yyzzxl 13 L 891 .001 tl(ex34s
600 .21
131.677 1.0
1678 2.0
3 L
679 .01
13 L
L 892
L 893
L 894
600 HOW
13 L 680 .02 400 1 x .42 13 L 895 .005
13 L 681 .03 400 4z e 13L896 .0068 600 .26
L 400
114x .46
Ira! ys

L 684 SRE
13 .25 400 .73
Ruggedly constructed, dependable capacitors L 685 %=l% METAL CASED TUBULARS
of metallized paper. Aerolene impregnated. In 13 .5 400 .93
"bathtub" type metal housings. Vitrified cer- 13 L 686 1.0 400 I,,lzz2t I .29 Extremely small
amic or glass terminal seals offer high insula- 13 L 687 .01 600 //ezs/z' .44 dry electrolytic
13 L 688 .02 600 . .46
tion. Operating temperature range from -55
degrees C to +100 degrees C at full rating.
Can be operated at + 125 degrees C at 75
capacitors for port-
able and
equipment. Sealed -
per cent of voltage rating. Standard tolerance 691 .57 in tubular aluminum cases are protected by
of +20%. Av. shag. set.. 4 oz. Ì3 L .25 600 1x1 t/s external wax -impregnated cardboard insulating
13 L 693 .S 600 syjtzls/e 1.13 tubes. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
150 VOLTS 13 L 694 1.0 600 73ex2s4' 1.40
Stook No. Mfd NET No. Mfd Volts SIzs NET
12 1.750 3.0 3.22 TYPE P09ZXY SEALED METAL TUBULARS 13
L 830
L 831 IÓ
7 xl
xls/ .59
12 L 751
12 L 752
4.30 Tubular Aerolites in her- 13
L 832
ilt .71
12 L 753 6.0 4.48 metically sealed metal 1. zl '

12L754 8.0 cases. Hyvol K or M im- 13 L 833 25 1S0 xl .73

5.18 pregnated. "Self- healing" 13 L 847 .53
121.755 10.0 5.97 characteristic offers pro-
121.756 12.0 6.68 13 L 848 2 SO
12 1. 757 15.0 8.08 tection against voltage 13 L 849 5 SO .59
surges. Double- rubber bakelite terminal seals. 13L827 10 SO
200 VOLTS For hard use under extreme conditions. Toler- 13 L 828 IS SO .59
ance: :20 %. Negative lead not connected to 13L829
121.758 2.11 metal case. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. 25 SO .62
12 1.759 13 L 844 25 .59
2.34 No. Mfd Volts Sizo NET 13 L 845 10 25 .59
12 L 760 .55 '4zlz s/i' 2.39
12 1761
12 L 762
2.80 12L728
12 L 729
.05 -TOY
xl 770
L 846
L 824
25 .59
2.0 3.46 .1 200
12 L 730 .25 200 1/zxl' 1.37 Ì3 L 825 SO I xl .6S

12 L 763
L 764
.1 1 xlz i
z1x ¡
12 L
12 L
733 2.0
/,xl 1/4
13 L 826
L 821
L 822
x l s/4'

12 .25 1 2.37 12 L 734 03 400 4x1'---1.24 13 L 823 200 12 z 18/i .79
12 L 765 x lz 4 2.53
12 1766 1.0
1 4x1./4 2.90 12 L
735 .05 400 (14x1'
1.24 13 L 841 6 -pal. .47
.1 400 1.32 13 L 842 25 6 x1' .50
L 767
L 768
2x1 %4xt17(4
2x1 /s135e
12 L737
12 L 738
L 838
L 820
20 6 xf .56
12 L 769 4.0 2.2.Ì 4.87 12 L 739 1.0 400 x2x 13 L 843 250 6 :1/4

12 L 770 5.0 2x2x1 %. 5.87 2.17
12 L 740 2.0 400 :2 3.13 13 1.839 25 3

600 VOLTS 12 L 741 600 1.27 13 L 840 SO 3
21.771 .1 I %xlx % 2.30

' 1.27 13 L 834 100 .3
1.27 13 L 835 3 .68
21.772 11'x1:
.5 17%1x /. 2.41
2.55 12L744 .03 600 psi. 1.32 13 1.836
L 837
3 .76
1'4.1 t/4 x7Á'
13 3


12 L
600 15íex2 yz 2.49 See pegs 132 of his Catalog fo- additional
listings of Aerovox tubular capacitors.
12 2.0 600 11/4x254' 3.60
Writc to Allied's Industrial Division for Quantity Prices on Capacitors 131
Aerovox & Sangamo Capacitors

Ceramic -cased paper tubular capacitors
for use in electronic equipment where out-
- Extremely stable mica capacitors. Types 1468,
1467. 1469. 1464: Made to MIL C -5 specs;
and 1447 have lug terminals and Insulated
154,' mounting centers; case styles are equiva-
standing performance and top dependability rated 500 WVDC, except 300 WVDC; have lent to CM45 and CM50 or MIL-05A. Types
are required. Have high stability and dielectric a.20% tolerance. except 1464 and 1469 which 1630. 1651 and 1652 have 6-32' screw terminals;
strength. New thermosetting end -seals provide are .5
%. Types 1650, 1651. 1652, 1445, 1446 11/4' mounting centers. Av. shpg. wt.: 1467.
-4 oz.
exceptional humidity protection. Pigtail leads
are firmly imbedded; will not work loose or pull
and 1447: :10% tolerance. Types 1445, 1446 1468. 1469 and 1464 -2 oz.; all others
out. Operating temperature range: - 55°C to TYPE 1468LS
600 WVDC
+85 °C. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. (C) TYPE 1650L (D) TYPE 1445
200 VOLTS DC Stock No. Mmf MIL No. Slzs EACH Mid Stock No. EACH Steak Ne. EACH
.00005 12 L 347 12 L 359
Stock 12 L 468 5 CM-208-050 .0001 12 L 348 12 L 360
Ne. Mfd Size EÁCH 12 L
L 470
469 CM-20B-100
CM-20B-200 s4.4,z9,fAx14c 18c .00025 12 L 349 85c 12 L 361 7k
12 1.400 .01 31,x1'
12 L 471
24 CM-208-240
.0005 121.350 12L362
12 L401 .015 .001 12 L 351.85 12 L 363 .71
L 402 02 15c 12L472 30 CM-208-300 .97 12 L 364 .76
1. 403
L 404
.03 , xx111[
: 12L473
12 L 474
4 940, 3A.'
12 1. 352
12 L 353 1.09
12 L 354 1.23
12 L 365
12 L 366
12 1. 405 .033 %x1'/ 151 .01 12L355 1.65 12 L 367 1.26
12 1.406 x1[í 12L476 150 CM-208-151
.015 12 L 356 1.79 12 L 368 1.56
12L407 .057 12L477 200 CM-208-201 1401z14.451A4' 154 .02 12 L 357 2.09 12L369 1.79
121.408 .068 12L478 CM-208-251
.03 12 L 358 2.68 12 L 370 2.62
12 L 409 .1 'bai 181 I2L479 270 CM-208-271 181
300 CM-208-301 1200 WVDC
12 L 410 .15 'jzxl/ 211 s,41,z9,4/,SA4
12L41I .2 211 121. 481 390 CM-208-391 (C) TYPE 1861L ( D) TYPE 1448
121.412 al 12 L 482 430 CM-208-431 I8c
12 L413
12 L414
33 xl

12 L 483 S00 CM-208-501

1 373
2 L
12 L 382
94c i2 94c
12 L 415 [
.0005 12 L 374 12 L 385
12 L416 .57 t z2f¡í 35t 12 L 778 560 CM-308-561 .001 12 L 375 1.12 121.386 1.06
12 1. 417 .68 t x2 12 L 779 680 CM-30B-681 s 1,4µs s,G,s/lt 181 .002 12 L 376 1.47 12 L 387 1.41
12 L 418 1.0 1x2yí 53t I 2 L 780 910 CM-308-911 18e .003 12 L 377 1.73 I 2 L 388 1.79
12 L 781 CM-308-102
L 389 1.94
400 VOLTS DC 12 L 782 1500 CM-308-152 244 .005 12 L 378 1.94 12
.01 12 L 379 2.76 12 L 390 3.00
12 L 783 CM-308-202 264 .02 12 L 380 4.15
Stock NET 12 L 784 2200 CM-308-222 264 4.76
No. Mf d EACH CM-308-252 s1,44xs14,,9A,' 294
.03 12 L 381
12L785 2500
12L419 .00068 12 1. 786 2700 CM-30B-272 29t 2500 WVDC
121.420 12 L 787 3000 CM-308-302 35t (C) TYPE 1652L (D) TYPE 1447
12 L 421 .015 15c 12L788 3300 CM-308-332
12 1.422 .02 121.789 4700 CM-308.472 344,5349Ar .00005 12 L 484 1.12 12 L 967 1.12
12 1.423 .022 12L790 5000 CM-308-502 381 .0001 12 L 485 1.12 12 L 968 1.12
.0002 12 L 486 1.23 12 L 969 1.12
12 L 424 .03 121. 791 5600 CM-30B-562 411 .00025 12 L 487 1.26 12 L 970 1.29
12 L 425 .033 184 12L792 CM-30B-622 .0003 12 L 488 1.29 12 L 971 1.32
12 L 426 .047 12L793 7500 CM-308-752 s3,44,s3,4i,94,
12 L 427 .0S let 12 L 794 CM-308-822 .0004 12 L 489 1.47 12 L 972 1.35
L 428 .068 218 59t .0005 12 490
L 1.50 12 L 973 1.41
12 12L795 0000 CM-308-103
.001 12 L 49 I 1.71 12 L974 1.65
12 1.429 .1 211 .0015 12 L 492 2.29 12 L 975 2.09
12 1.430 o TYPE 1469 -SILVERED MICA
12 L431 .25 211 .002 12 L 493 2.50 12 L 976 2.44
I21.432 Mml MIL No. SI n NET .003 12 L 494 3.00 12 L 977 2.88
Stock No. EACH .004 12 L 495 3.32 12 L 978 3.32
12 L 433 .25 291
12 L 300 CM-20C-050 .005 12 L 496 3.65 12 L 979
12 L 434 33 324 5
.Ol 12 L 497 4.29
2 L 435 I 2 L 301 10 CM-20C-100

12 L 436 5

351 12 L 302 12 CM-20C-120 454,434544x3.k' 24c

I21.437 68
1x24' 538
12 L
303 15 CM-20C-150
12 L 438 1.0 TYPE E
12L305 CM-20C-200 Series E capacitors are spe-
600 VOLTS DC 12L306 CM-20C-240 .1,40,2114.y1 24c cifically designed for use in
12 L 307 CM-20C-270 Amateur equipment. Toler-
Steak NET 12 L 308 3ó CM-20C-300 ance, .s20 %. Size: 3'IA
Mfd Size 4H6:21/e. Mtg. centers: 351e.
.0005 5101'
EAC H I2L309
12 L 310
CM-20C-360 /í
Terminale' long; 12 -24 turd.
studs. spaced 134' apart.
12 L440 .001 x l' 12L311 39 CM-20C-390 54., 2/4014e 24c Max. voltage rating for Am-
121.441 .0015 316x1' 15c 12 L 312 43 CM-20C-430
ateur use. Av. shpg. wt., h lb.
12L442 .002 x1' 12 L 313 CM-20C-470
12L443 .0022 xl 12 L 314 5Ó CM-20C-500 No. Type Mfd Volts* EACH
316x1' 12L315 CM-20C-510 S4,0a,44,1As 24c 74 L 616 E-723 .003 7,000 8.26
12 L 445 .0033 31,x1' 12L316 CM-20C-560 74 L 617 E-711 .01 7.(100 12.38
12L446 .004 Mex1 15c 12L317 62 CM-20C-620 74 L 597 E-1023 .003 10,000 10.61
12 L 447 .0047 31,x1' 12 L 318 68 CM-20C-680 74 L 598 E -1024 .004 10,000 11.20
121.448 .005 31,x1' 12 L 319 75 CM-20C-750 24c 74 L 599 E -1025 .005 10,000 11.79
12 L 449 12L320 82 CM-20C-820 74 L 596 E -1235 .0005 12,500 6.47
12 L 450 .0068 Ì8t 12L32I 91 CM-20C-910 74 L 126 E -1221 .001 12.500 6.47
12 L 451 .01 184 12L322 100 CM-20C-101 241 74 L 127 E -1222 .002 12.500 8.82
12 L 452 .015 12 L 323 150 CM-20C-151 261 74 L 618 E -1223 .003 12.500 11.79
12 L 453 181 12 L 324 180 CM-20C-181
12 L 454 .022 184 12 L 325 200 CM-20D-201 26644 TYPE F INDUSTRIAL MICAS
12 L 455 Extra-heavy -duty capacitors.
12 L 456 .033
12L326 220 CM-200-221 266 Sizes: FI. 1'3'44x2' ' F2.
12 L 457 .047
ti5zzl 244 I2L327 240 CM-200-241 2'/4x3 %x1'1/44 F 3 x2346x
12 L 458 .05 248
12 L 328 270 CM-20D-271
9,a,1í 321 4. Tolerance, .5 %4. °Con-
'Ylzx1 12L329 300 CM-200-301 4544 z tinuous duty rating. Av. shpg.
12 L 459 .068 241 12 L 330 360 CM-20D-361 321 wt.. '4 lb.
12 L 460 261
12 L461 .15 261 o TYPE 1464 -SILVERED MICA Ne. Type Mfd Peak WV EACH
12 L 462 261 74 L 632 F2-0501 .1 500 I 1.29
12 L 463 .22 298 12 1. 331 470 CM-300-471
74 L 631 F2-1515 .05 1500 10.17
12 L 332 510 CM-30D-511 .41
12 L 464 .25 12 L 333 560 CM-30D-561 74 L 620 F1-335 .0005 3íN)0
12 L 465 38t 12 L 334 620 CM-300-621 .44 74 L 621 F1-321 001 3000 7.41
12 L 466 47
.47 74 L 622 F1-322 002 3000
12 L 467 478 12 L 335 680 CM-30D-681
12 L 336 750 CM 30D-751 .47 74 L 629 F2-325 (I(15
12 L 337 820 CM 30D-821 .50 74 623
L F2-532 0002 5000
12 L 338 910 CM-300-911 .53 74 L 624 F2-533 0003 5000 10.17
74 L 625 F2-S35 0005 5000
12 L 339 1000 CM-300-102
12 L 340 2000 CM-300-202 .79 74 L 626 F2.521 001
12 L 341 3000 CM-300-302 1.12 74 L 627 F2-522 002 5000 10.17
12 L 342 3900 CM-30D-392 1.18 74 L 628 F2-523 003 5000
12 L 343 SODO CM-300-502 al,a,sl,a,9/SS 1.26 74 L 633 F3-835 0005 8000 20.73
AC motor capacitors. 70 mfd.. 50 v. AC. L 344 CM-300-622 34,01A1 1.41 74 L 634 F3-821 .001 8000 23.08
'4x3'. tiolder lug,; 15' leads. S nz 12 6200
12 I. 345 7500 74 L 635 F3-822
CM 300 752 saxx
.44x 443
Vu. 1.47 .002 8000 23.08
I2 L 670. tType XA40984. NET 534,,5 1402I41 2.06
74 L 636 F3-825 .005 8000 28.58
I2 L 669. 'Type XA4283. EACH... 73c 2 L 346100M14 CM 351) 103

132 Writo to Industrial Division for Quantify Prices on all Aerovog and Sanguine Capacifon
Mallory Capacitors
For use In filter circuits, audio by pass circuits et, Iu'd -plate :lo/.I», Special internal design
and TV applications. Capacitors feature com- lowers &F impedance and permits a minimum
plete stability under heavy ripple current, high of coupling between plates. Up to 150 %VVUC,
surge voltages and high temperatures. Unite capacity tolerance is - 10% to + 100 %. Above

arc encased in compact, rubber -sealed alumi-
num cases. FI' types have the exclusive Mallory
Fabricated Plates- anodes specially construct-
ISO WVDC. tolerance is
Can is negative except .-
10% to 1-50 %.
Insulating washer
supplied. For mounting hardware. gee page I.38.
ed of metalized cotton gauze. WP types have Av. shpg. wt., 6 oe.
Stock Mfr's Mfd DC NET Stock Mfr's Mfd DC
No. Type Wkg. Volts Size EAC H No. Type Wkg. Volts EACH
8 L4/7 --Fi'17T- 10 500 1:2' .94 8 L 4t17 --ÑR84.1.1 S-100-200 7S-300.1-STI 11/sz4 -3.03
8 L472 FP173 20 500 1x2' 1.09 7 L 857 FP377 40-40-40 450 11/x4' 2.88
8 L473 FP175 30 S00 1 x2 1/2 I.IE 7 L 858 FP378 80-40-20 450 11/4x4' 3.18
8 1474 FP177 40 665 FP375.8 1:25/' 1.53
500 1x3 1.47 7 L I0-10-10 450
8 L475 FP187 90 500 11/4x3' 2.0E 7 L 666 F-P376.1 1S-IS-10 450 1:3' I.73
7 L 360 F1'142 10 450 91 7 L 667 145376.3 20.10-10 450 1.7I
7 L 364 FP143 15 450 Ìx2' 1.0C 7 L 668 FP376.5 20-20-20 450 135:25/' 2.12
7 L 361 FP144 20 450 lx2' 1.0! 7 L 669 FP376.8 40.40-10 450 11/4:3' 2.44
7 L 367 FP145 30 450 1x214 1.15 7 L 855 FP375 40.40-100 450-450-200 11/43[4' 2.91
7 L 362 FP146 40 450 L 853 FP-366 20-10.50 450-450-50 1x3 1.68
7 L
1469 FP148
368 FP149
8 L 470 F1'150 100 450 1 x3 2.03 17 L 599 1,11345.8 20-20-20 450-450-25 1x3 1.79
7 L 370 FP137 50 350 1x21fz' 1.23 17 L 444 F15346 40-40-20 450-450-25 11/4x3 2.32
8 L 468 FP137.2 60 350 lx3 I.29 I S L 360 FP341 40-90-SO 450-150-150 1 1/4x3 2.35
7 L 371
125 350 13%:3' 31 18 L 486 WP334.6 20-500-50 450-25-25 11/4134- 3.1 5
8 L 80 300 1x3 1.5C 18 L 717 FI'333.85 100-10-80 400-400-350 11/4x4' 3.59
8 466
L FP129.11 100 300 lx3' 1.71 18 L 495 FP332.4 100-100-10 350 1x/z4' 4.00
8 467
L FP131 150 300 11 x3 2.08 L 429 FP330.5 10-10-10 350 1:2' 1.41

8 L 713 FP121 120 200 13/jx2' 1.38 17 L 429 FP330.7 30-20-10 350 lx3' 1.91
7 L 372
L 373
50 150 1x2' .97 17 427 FP330.3 20-10-3- 350-350-250 1112 1.50
7 100 ISO 1x21/2i 1.18 18 I. 718 F15330.23 40-80-400 350-350-SO 11/83' 3.32
8 L463 FP116.5 120 150 1 x-3' 1.21 18 L 719 FP329.1 20-4-100 350-350-25 1x254' 153
7 L 799 FP117 150 150 Ix3' 1.26 18 L 484 FP329.5 20-20-20 350-350-25 1z2' I.65
8 1464 FP118 200 ISO 11/x21/g' 1.44 17 L 386 FP328 15-10-20 350-350-25 1x2' 1.47
L 350
836 FP119
:3' 1.65
IB L 720
7 L 258 WI'068 1500 50 1 x4' 2.26 18 L 721 FI'-326.7 140-100-60 300-300-50 1/4x4' 3.5C
7 L 257 WP052 40 25 .x2' 17 L B46 FP335 10060-20 300-250-250 56z3' 2.88
7L 352
WP057 500
5/' 1.50
I .71
1 .94
7 L 354 WP041 2000 15 1' x2 2.03 17 289
L FP311.2 20-20-20 150 x2 1.35
7 L 256 WP042 3000 15 1 i :3 2.06 17
DUAL SECTION IB L 722 FI5311.66 7045-I5 ISO 1x21/' .59
Stook Mfr', Mfd DC
NET 17 L 339 FP3I1.7 80-40-20 ISO

No. Type Wkg. Volts EACF 17 L 340 F15311.9 120-120-40 150 I

T8T45 FP284 30-30 S00 1%x2' 17 L 387 FI5306 40-20-20 150-150-25 x2' 1.35
1.91 17 L 767 FP307 40-20.100 150-150-25 1x21/2' .47
17 L 286 FP288 40-40 500 1%:3' 2.5'
17 I. 842
18 1455
768 FP310
438 FP309
I7 L 843 FP262 40-40 475 I x3' 2.5'. 17 L 344 FP311 50-50-20 150-150-25 1:3 1.56
I8 L 352 FP255
18 L 456 FP263
v{ x
2.3- 17
844 FP314
723 FP302.5
2.6Ì I7 L 357 WP520 -4r)::10-40 1x2' 1.26
18 L 457 FP264.5 80-40 475 I x4' 2.91 2S
17 L 283 FI'266 80-50 475 1 x4' 3.01 18 L 724 WI'300 20-500-11100 16 11/x2' 2.47
I7 L 375 FP231
8 L 476 FP230.6
8 L 477 FP231.3
S- x2' 1.11
1.25 Stock Mfr',
7 L 376 FP234 450 1.5( Mfd DC NET
7 L 765 FP237
30-30 450
11/x2' 1.79
No.Type Wkg. Volts Si" EACH
7 L 430 FI5238 40-40 450 I x3 2.03 WrI-43E --FP493- 40-40-8-8 SOO 1 x
7 L 383 FP239 SU-40 450 15/:3 2.1! 18 1 459 F15474.5 20-20-10-10 475 l' z25 ' 2,Sb

7 L 766 FI'240' 50-50 450 1 x3' 2.2 18 L 460 FP475 20-20-20-20 475 1 z3 3.06
8 L 478 FP242.5 60-60 450 1 x4' 2.6. 18 L 461 FP475.5 40-10.1040 475 1 x3' 2.73
8 L 454 FP245.2 80-20 450 1 x3 2.29 17 L 880 FP474 1010-10-10 475 1 x2' 2.06
7 L 838 FP230 20-50 450-250 x3' 1.6! 17 L 994 -È476 40-20-10-10 475 ÿ.0
8 L 356 FP244 80-50 450-50 -111x-Nr- 2.0E 18 I. 369 FP456 25-20-40-100 475-450-300-50 1 x3' 2.91
8 L 453 FP229.5 120-40 400 13/4x4' 3.09 18 L 725 FI5451.3 10-4-140-100 475-300-300-50 1 x4' 3. 12
7 L 432 FP225 15-15 350 1x2' 17 L 422 FP434 10-10-10-10 450 Ix/x2' I.97
7 L 630
FP227 20-20 350 /x2' 1.37
1.3! 17 L 423 FP444
17 L 893 WP433.6
80-2tÌ 150
7 L F11227.3 30-30 350 1:3 1.71
8 L 715 T227.4 11/x21/2= 2.0E 17 L 894 FP434.5 20-10-1010 450 2.18
8 L 716 WI'227.35 80-20 350 1x3' 2.0! 17 L 896 FP444.8 30-30-20-20 450 1'/, x3' 3.06
8 L 482 FP227.7 1110-100 350 15/14' 3.62 17 L 898 FE5445 35-3540-5 450 1'/.x3' 2.70
8 L 481 FI'223 5-75 350-150 1:3' 1.23 17 L 899 FP447 40-40-20-20 450 1ff/x4' 3.26
8 L 354
18 L 480
18 L 355
-400- 300

17 L 887 F13430.2
17 L 872 FP436
17 L 449 FP429
17 L 888 FP430.6
17 L 377 FI'217 20-20 250 x2' 1.1í 1
17 L 886 FP428.4 x4'
x2' 3.47
17 L 837 F15221 40-40 250 1x3 1.47 40-40-30-30 450-450-350-350 1

18 L 353 F-15217.7 150-150 250 11/4z4' 3.03 17 L 885 FP427.5 10-10-60-100 450-450-200-SO 1' 2.2
18-L-4-7-5 ÑI'£1lTT3- -200300 250 lx/ax4- 3.53 7 L 448 FP426 20-15-20-20 450-450-25-25 182 2.03
17 L 760 FP208 20-20 150 1x2' 1.0C
7 L 834 FP413X 40-40-40-20 450.300-300-150 l x3' 2.88
17 L 379 FP211 30-30 150 1x2' 1.09 8 L 726 FI'420.7 10010-30.20 400-400-50-50 l x3' 3.00
17 L 761 FP210 40-20 ISO 1x2' 1.08 _8 L 494 FP420.45 40-80100-25 400-350-200-SO 1 1 /04! 3.56
171762 íx2'/'
163 FP212
ISO 182'
8 L 727 FP420.33
8 L 493 FP420.28
350-350-.350-50 1 84'
z 1 2.59

17 L FP214 50-50 150 1.26 8 L 492 FP419 87 40-20-20-50 350-350350-25 2.50
17 L 764 FP216 8 L 365 FP419.3 40-40-20-20 350-350-350-25 11x3 2.73
80-40 150 183 1.35
17 1 395 FI5215
17 L 995
17 L 2-6-3

1'/x2 %z'
8 L 728 FP419.67
L 491
L 490


181451 WP202.1 50-50 50 1.0C 18L 489 FP419.37 150-30-30-150 300300-300-50 11 :4' 3.59
18 L 452 WP202.5 100-100 50 1x2' 1.23 18L 729 FP418.7 140-10-10-100 300-300.150-50 1 2.91 x4'
18 L450 W P201.I 40-40 25 1 x2' .9 17L 868 FP419 200-20-100-20 300-250-50-25 15/iix4'3.41
T7T746 FP412.2

18 L 714
17 L 433
17 L 356
182' 1.62
132-579 2.41
17 L 447 FP409 40-40-30-20
150-150-150-25 154x2' I.82
TRIPLE SECTION 19 L 488 FP409.6 50-10-40-50
150-150-150-25 154x2' 1.8 5
Stock Mfr's 17 L la FP409.4 50-20-20-200 150.150-150-25 1'/4 x2' 2.06
Mfd I8 L 362 FP410 50-50-50-20 150-150-150-25 2.09
Type Wko Volts Sigo EACH I7 L 717 FP411 80-40-30100 150-150-IS0-25 l x21
' 2.18
17 L
FP398 10 -40 -40 500-450 -450 1'/x3' 2.44 17 I. 718 FP411.3 80-40-40-20 150-150150-25 1 2.06
L 864 FP394 10 -10.10 1x3' 1.59 17 L 729 FP411.7 125-125-40-100 150-150-150-25 15/4x4' 2.85
17 L 865 F P.396 30- -30 -20 475 11/x.1' 2.62 17 L 715 FP O 60-40-20-200 130-150-ISO-I0 1'/4x2' 2.03
17 L 698 F-1'-396.2 40-10 -10 475 11/x21/' 2.2 6 17 L 714 FP405 20-20-160-40 150.150-25-25 11/x2' I.88
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 133
Mallory Capacitors
Plastic -ease electrolytica for all
high-capacity. low-voltage uses
dry disc rectifier filters, movie
equipment. etc. tType 1060A has
aluminum case and is especially
designed for fence control. Non -
p,darized types -for
AC use only. All others are polar-
TC ized type HC. Forphotoflash.
Have screw terminals at one end
except I lugs. Av. wt.. 10 oz.
Metal-cased electrolytics. All units have ex-
ternal insulating sleeves. Type TC has 3'
17 1
fd W.V.
4Ise 4.41
tinned copper leads; TCI) and TCT have 8' NO. Type Mf d. W.V. glee
EA. 17L820 45003 300 450 124 6.17
insulated wire leads. TCS, soldering lugs.
Non -polarized types. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 17 L 466 2505 500 114021/4. 1.35 181426 45052 525 13.23
2 4
17 L 642 1502 200 1S 18 1. 428 3ÓÓ 1 x3 2.20
TYPE TC SINGLE CAPACITORS 17 L 460 1505 50 0 15 ' I .Ó3 171808 3014 100 300 1' 4 3.97
No. Typo Mid W.V. Size EA. 17 L 209 1501 1000 IS 1' z25' 1.35 17 1. 588 3025 200 300 21 45
L 450 17 L 206 415 1000 15 1' x21. 1.71 17 L 592 20005 200 5.76
L 245 S00 113 L 803 108 8 10 x2'/'
zly 1.38 17 L 591 15010 15000 150 2 6.17

17 81 10 1 4
17 L 246 83 20 S00 1.94 17 L 208 4125 25 10 6 18 L 427 1235 300 z4
. 3.38
17 L 247 84 30 500 17 L 205 S00 10 1 z2/4 1.18 17 1.804 1225 200 15 2
1' 344z44
171452 70 5 450 171 17 1461 605 500 ' xl5/¡ .91 17L805 1255 500 12S // 4.41
17 L462
17 L 620
.76 18 l
804 302 1200
3 ií=1'
. 1.5
17 L 586 5010 1000
50 3
17 L 638 73 12 450 'Maxi 54 18 L 805 305 3
'3,z1 /¡ 1.00
5401 1' 4 5.14
17 L 622 74 16 450 .82 17 L 463 310 1000 3 18 L 431 4000 40 2i1 fa :4 5.59
17 L 453 75 20 450 13144=x5/`' .91 171582 2510 1000 z35 2.85
17 L 454 77 ' 4 e
x2'/4' 1.00 TCD COMMON. NEGATIVE DUALS I71583 2520 2000 25 11 z3f 3.38
17 L
$08 78 40
4x2 y. 1.06
1.35 17 L 470 71 8-8 450 ',=2' 1.00
18 L 430
2060 6000
2 z4#
18 795 1
tzis' 17L580 2.75
17 L 204 80 80 450 11Asx4 17 L 507 72 450 1354x2 1.09 1520 2000 15 1 z33
17 634
L 60 S 350 4 zls/' 17 L 471 74 15-15 450 1%sx3' 1.29 17 L 581 1540 4000 15 1'354:3 3.23
450 1344x3 4
L 455
L 341

' 44z1 i' .76
L 472
L 468
L 473 62
4' '
450 13,x4
350 '34sx2'
L 589
L 576
L 577
10 4
4 3.71
17 L 637 64 16 350 zl 17 L 474 65 20-2' 350 13,z3 1.32 171579
18 L 429
1060At 6000 10 134x4 3.26
17 L 456 65 20 350 z l 5/4/4' .8g5 17 L 475 52 10-1' 250 1°344:2 .97 10100 1 10 2 y44x4 4.85
17 L 244 68 60 350 17 L 476 55 20-2' 250 13,x2 1.09
18 1 801 69 100 350 1.82 17 L 503 45 20-2' 150 1,44x13/4' .97
17 L 626 50X 5 250 17 L 477 47 30- ' 150 1344x15' 1.06
7 L 51 8 250 68 17 L 480 485 40-2
150 134sz11' 1.03
7 L 52 10 250 17 L 478 48 150 1344x2 1.09
150 13,02 1.I5

17 L 629 54 16 250 .76 17 L 482 497 50-30
I7 L 50 5S 20 250 17 L 481 49 50-50 150 13,x2'/¡ 1.23
.91 L344 498 80-5' 150 1'3,x2%4 1.38
17 L 63s}
171.243 59
17 L 249 1265
58 40
!zip. 1z3
17 L 479 26 25-25 25 ' 344:1 %¡ .82
L 41 8 150
17 1485 71 8-8 450 Itisx2s 1.26
Ì7L62g9 43 12 .65 17 L 487 75 20-20 1344z3 1.85
17 L 608 44 16 150 68 17 1490 10-10 250 1.23
17 L 491 SS 2D-20 250
17 L 502 45 20 .71 17 L 493 45 20-20 150 1.23 DRY ELECTROLYTICS
47 150 .76 17 L 495 48 40-40 150 i3,=2' 1.38
17 L 611 4Ó .79 Threaded -neck units for replacement of wet or
150 .82 dry electrolytics. Upright mounting types.
17 L 640 492 80 TCT TRIPLE COMMON NEGATIV! With special hardware to facilitate replace-
18 L 802 493 100 150 1.03 ment of original units. For sub -chassis mount-
18 L 372 3112 20-20 150
ing, see Universal clips (page 138). RS. HS
17 L 242 495 ISO 20 150 13,:15/4' 1.26
639 SO 18L373 3113 3030 LSO and RM types have 8' leads. Has common
330 S 50 1.59 150 1 Hsx2'/i 1.38 positive and separate negative terminals. Type
17 L 603 32 10 50 .59 18 1.374 311 40-20 150 SR638 is lug -type dual Av. shpg. wt.. 7 oz.
17 L 604 50 .62 20 150 135sx2'/i 1.32
L 605 39 .71 No. Type Mid W.V. Size NET
17 L 641 3501 S0
181375 3115 40-40 ISO
17 1058 HS693 8 600 x4'
40 13,z2'ifs' 1.44 1
L 342 50025 50 1.03 17 1.064 HS696 20 600 z4' 2 85
25 Sisal .59
18L376 311 40-40
10 1344x2'/4' 1.38 17 L 220 RS213
171801 RS212

x2' 1.29
26 5i4=1 18 371 3107 502000 1550
Ì 602
7 L SÓ 25 .65 25 13,zVA 1.38 17 L 059 HD684 10 450 1x3 1.35
17 L 500 2501 4t x1s .79 377 3094 50-30
17 L 207425 100 25 zl
/, 1.00
18 L
200 125 1344z2% 1.62
17 L 221 RS215
17 1802 RS214
17 L 803 RS217
l x3
x3 1.41
16 1.44
Electrolytics for TV chas- 17 1231 RS219 20 450 1.59
Extremely rugged tanta- sis and other applications 17 L 232 RS223 30 450 1 z3 1.76
lum electrolytic capaci- requiring high capacity 17 L 233 00S224 40 450 1 x3 1.85
tors, designed for use and high voltage ratings. 17 L 327 SR638 8-8 450 15 x23/4 1.76
wherever extreme en-
vironmental conditions exist. Operates effi-
ciently over a very wide temperature range
from -55 to 200' C. All are hermetically
- All units below are siugle-
ended type. except.
double- ended. Av. wt.
S oz.
17 L 334 SR645 8-8 450 15/.x25/¡ 1.76
17 L 236 RM262 8-8 450 151:x3' 1.76
17 L 237 RM265 8-8-8 450 l5-rLLx4yyá 2.94
17 L 226 RS207 30 250 x334 1.21
sealed in steel casings. Ends have glass-to-
metal seal. Case diameter is 741'. Wrap -around Stock Mir's NET
terminals for convenient soldering. Av shpg. No. Type Mid W.V. Size EA.
svt., 4 oz.
18 1 806 WS342
18 L 807 WS427
1%13% 1.71
Stock No. Type Mid Ht. EACH
175 °C 85 °C l8 L 808 WD 60-125 200 -50 l/te12S41./1 ATTENTION!
18 L 501 XTLl20
18 I. 502 XTH210
120 12 18 %
18 L
L 809 WD345 5.200
810 WD425 150-100
300 -300
1%13% 2.26
18 L 503 XTL75
240 12 13
10.90 18 1811 350 -350
In addition to maintaining the moat
I8L504 XTH150
150 20
20 30
30 11
13.55 18 L 812
5-40-80 450 -400.400
1/4.4% 2.20
134x434 2.68 complete stock of electronic compo
18L505 XTL40 30 38 60 34' 10.90 18 L 813 WT700 10 -10 -150 450- 450 -50 1%434 1.62 nents in the world. Allied can and will
18 L 506 XTH80 80 38 60 "As 13.55 18 L 814 WT455 100-40 -140 350-350-250 134x454 3.35 deliver industrial quantities of any
18 L 815 WT400 120-40 -100 300- 250 -50 1%:4% 2.91 electronic item you may need.
18L507 XTL25 25 60 100 54. 10.90
18 L 508 XTHSO 50 60 100 13.55 18 L 816 W1449 150-5.200 350- 300400 1%x463, 4.03
_'47. 18.90 II 817 WT316 150- 150.150 150- 150 -150 1%54% 2.85
18 I. 509 XTLl2 12 120 180 L
We are prepared to offer rapid. accurate
18 L 510 XTH25 25 120 180 134 20.25 18 L 818 WT320 200 -250-10 150 -150 -150 155x455 2.68
quotations and delivery schedules upon
18 L 512 XTH16
18 L 513 XTl6
270 I1

18 L 819 WQ240'
18 L 820 WQ775
10- 10 -40- 200150-150 -150-35
10- 20 -20 -40 450-450- 450450
1 %x3 %2.76

10-40-80-100 450-300-400-50 134x434 23

receipt of your request.

18 L 514 XTH12
42.25 181.822 WQ S
5-30-140-200300-200-350-20e 135x4i .41 Address your inquiries to,
181.515 XTL5 300 450 42.50 18 1823 WQ795 20-40-40 450-450-450-4 1555434 Industrial Division,
18 L 824 WQ230 40-20-20 300300.300-3N 1x234 .79
18 L 516 UM() IO 300 450 51.25 ALLIED RADIO CORPORATION
18 L 517 XTIA 360 540 50.90 60- b-40-30 II50-15025-25
18 L 825 WQ250 1%x3 .81
I8L51g XTHB 360 540 60.00 18L826 WQ635 100-25-10-50300-400-30650 I%:4% .76 100 N. Western Avenue
181 519 XTL3.5 3.5
420 630 2t+ß 58.25 18 L 827 WQ105 120-40-40-10 300-300-300 250 1 %x4% AS Chicago 80, Illinois
18 L 500 XTH7 7 470 630 1 'A4' 70.00 140 4 4 50 300-300 15015011%1335 00

134 Specify Manufacturer's Type No. and Capacitance on Capacitor Orders

Mallory Capacitors


Single -end tubular paper capacitors. Con- PAPER CAPACITORS
structed of molded bakelite and sealed with Molded tubular paper capacitors, manufac- NEW TT TRANSISTOR CAPACITORS
resin. For replacement applications in radio tured to extremely high standards. Rugged. Extremely small. aluminum -case, dry electro-
and TV printed circuits and automation equip- mineral -filled bakelite cases and resin sealing
assure exceptionally dependable service. even lytic capacitor.. Available in a wide variety of
ment. Voltage ratings provide substantial safe- popular values. Will provide outstanding per-
ty factor over that of original equipment. Capac- under adverse operating conditions. Have high
resistance to moisture and mechanical shock. formance when used in transistorized circuits
itors rated 600 %%VIA% except 1000 WVDC. and other types of miniaturized equipment re-
Cases 1/2' dia. and smaller have No. 20 wire Cases are molded by a non -pressure process to
assure high durability. May be lead- mounted; quiring utmost economy of space. Highest
leads; Larger have No. 18. Leads are double- quality materials and construction assure de-
. tinned copperweld wire. Av. shpg. wt, 5 oz. leads are double- tinned copperweld wire. Types
up to W dia. have No. 20 leads; types over pendable service. Typical applications Include
W dia. have heavy -duty No. 18 leads. All use in portable radios, hearing aide, portable
Stock No. Typo Mfd. Size NET
í EM capacitors are designed to operate effi- TV, test instruments, and military communi-
18 L 522 AC 1:621 .001 t/exl' 184 ciently at temperatures up to 85 °C. Tol. 20 %. cations equipment. Excellent for replacement,
18 L 739
18 L 740
I8 L 741
AC E6215
ACE6233 .0033
í_x1 xl

except. 10 %. Outside foil is clearly indicated
by a line on the bakelite cave. Av. shpg. wt.. 5 oz.
as well an original equipment.
Capacitors incorporate etched -foil design and
high -purity aluminum construction. to assure
18 L 523 ACE6247 .0047 2x1 184
optimum efficiency and exceptional stability.
I8 L 524 ACE611 .01 21t Stock Mfrs NET
A special silicon rubber hermetic compound
18L736 ACE1011 .01 Rog 1J' 324 No. Type Mfd Size EACH is used to seal capacitor ends. Units have very
18 L 737 ACE611S .015
18 L 738 ACE1011S .015
I8 L 525 ACE6I2 .02

Tkx 1
L 586 GEM -421
GEM -425
GEM -411
s/Kx1' I5c
low leakage current. All capacitors have an
operating temperature from -20° C to +65°
C. The capacity tolerance is from 10% to -
18 L 733 ACE61 22 .022 8,z1'/ 244 181. 589 GEM -4115 .015 +42154' +250 %. Leads are 22 gauge, bare tinned cop-
per wire, 1r /¡
long, with a tolerance of W.
18L734 ACE6133 .033 1/2 x1 18L590 GEM -412 .02 542111'
I8L735 ACE10t33 .033 %.x q/s' 354 18 L 591 GEM -4122 .022 34213.' Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz.
18 L 526 AC E6147 .047 t/zxI q/r 18 L 592 GEM -4125 025 31:131' Stook No. Typo Mid WV DC Size NET
18 L 527 ACE615 .05 r/zxI t/' 26644 18 L 593 GEM -413 03 54x18 I8c 18 L 763 TT1X5
18 L 732 ACE6168 .068 1
x11 IBL594 GEM -4133 NHS' 18 L 764 TT3X10
18 520 ACE601 .1 yid 324 18 L 595 GEM -414 .04 7/16218'
18 L 765 TT3X25

ACE6015 Ax1f 25
18 L 731 15 354 18 L 596 GEM -4147 .047 sAssISS' 1 Lk 18L766 TT3X40 794
18 L 521 ACE6022 414 18L597 GEM -415 ,4x18'
18 L 767 TT3X110 11 884
I8 L 598 GEM -416 .06 2rs154' 284
18L599 GEM -4168 .068 8sl2t 211 18 L 768 TT6X2 2 794
18 L 600 GEM -401 34 x134' 211 18 L 769 TT6XS 5 79
I8L601 50115'
IBL770 TT6X8 824
.2 8x231' 2644
IBL771 TT6X10 824
18 L 772 TT6X1S 15 1/4x%' 821
18 L 603 GE M. 4022 .22 ßs216'
18L604 GE M-4025 .25 8 128' 26644 18 L 773 TT6X25
18 L 774 TT6X30 35 884
18 L 605 GEM -4033 .33 8x28' 294 113 L 775 TT6X40 4
IS L 606 GEM -4047 .47 18255' 18 L 776 TT6X50 S x'/4' 884
18 L 777 TT6X60 881
Type I'S non -polarized, plastic cased, dry elec- I8L608 GEM -41 1.0 1x2%' 734
18 L 778 TT6X 100 91 t
trolytics. For intermittent duty in starting 110 600 VOLTS DC WORKING 18L779 TTIOXIS 828
volt AC motors except For 330 v. AC; For 18 L 780 TTIOX25 25
165 v. AC; :for 250 v. AC; for 220 v. AC. 18 L 546 GEM -621 .001 1/42x1' I B L 781 TTIOX60 884
t Type EP in aluminum can. Have screw -type 18 L 547 .0015 11'
18 L 782 TTI2X1 826
terminals. Av. shpg. wt., 10 oz. 18 L 548 GEM -6225 .002 .4x1' I5c
18 L 549 GEM -6222 .0022 f1s_sI I8L783 TT12X2 2 821
Stook No. Typo Mfd Size NET 18 L 550 GE M -6225 .0025 MGM' 18 L 784 TTI2XS S 824
18 L 785 TTI2X10
17 L 550
5310 53
18 1 552
GEM -623
GEM -6233
.0033 isl' I8 L 786 TT1SX10
18 L 787 TT1SX20
17L551 6410 64 1.32 18 L 553, GEM -624 .004 4s1 I5c I 8 L 788 TTISX30
17 L 552 7010 70 1.41 18 L 554 GEM -6247 .0047 /fxl' 18 L 789 TT25XS
171553 7510 75 1.50 8 1 555 GEM -625 .005 542114
18L790 TT2SX8
18 L4041 8130 23%x4 . 6.76 18 L 556 GEM -626 .006 3í:13i' I 56 18L791 TT25X1S 15 éé
I 7 L 554 8610 86 1T5,x3 1.56 18 L 557 GEM -6268 .0068 21.111'
17 L 555 9710 97 15isz3 1.65 18 L 558 GEM -627 .007 8x18' 184 18 L 7921 T25X20 2 25
I7L556 10810 108 134,83 %2; I .68 18 L 5591 GEM -628 .008 bulb' 184 113L 793 TT50X5 5
18 L4051 10830 108 2%484 8.06 18 L 560 GEM -6282 .0082 21s111' 184 18 L 794 TT50X10 SÓ 944
18 L 795 TT5Or20 2q 50 944
I7 L 557 12410 124 1 Tfex31/x 1.73 IBL561 GEM -611 .01 241116'
18 L 742 12730 127 2/ax4 9.08 18 L 562 GE M -6112 .012 34s13í'
17L558 13010 130 13%x31 I.73 18L563 GE M -6115 .015 34x114 I8c SILVERLYTIC CAPACITORS
I 8 L 743 13530 21/2,841/2" 9.38 I8 L 564 GEM -612 .02 ISS'
I B L 744 135505 135 21/%841/2' 6.61 18 L 565 GE M -6122 on r4118' Subminiature electrolytic
capacitors for transistor
18 L 745 14120 14i 11/2,84 1/2. 5.50 18L566 GEM -6125 .025 rAs8151' 214 applications. Have silver
17 L 559 14510 145 134x31 1.88 18 L 567 GE M -613 .03 ,{x154' 214 outer case and tantalum .

18 L 400
1yµ83 ¡ 1.91
18 L
1E1 L
GE M -6133
GE M -614
GE M -6147
anode. Carefully con-
structed to provide stable,
17 L 563 19410 194 114831/2' 2.29 dependable service. Per-
I7 L 565 21610 216 1154z3 2.38 18 1. 571 GE M -615 .05 bulb' 244 formance is equal to standard electrolytic. of
17 L 566 24310 243 115,x3 2.76 18L572 GE M-6156 .056 54s1I44' 244 conventional size. Excellent low-temperature
I8 L402 24.5651 243 21S,z 5.06 18 1. 573 GEM -616 .06 8x18' 244 characteristics. Operating temperatures for
17 L 567 27010 270 05484 2.79 18L574 GEM -6168 .068 8x18' 264 TAW type ranges from -55° C to +65° C; for
I8L401 18 L 575 GEM -601 8x18' 264 the TAP type. -
55° C to +85°C. DC leakage
E 2.85
282 .1
28210 is less than I pa after ten minutes of rated
17 L 568 32 324 1¡¡¡!x;1/2' 3.18 18 L 576 GEM -60155 .15 %1134' 294
17L569 34010 340 11
/4x4' 3.26 18 L 577 GEM -602 81221' 41t voltage. Capacity tolerance for the TAW type
is - 15% to +100 %; for the TAP type. 15% -
17L570 37810 378 21/4,x4 3.53 I8 L 578 GEM -6022 22 31 x28' 411
to +75 %. With tinned axial leads 11/4 long.
17L571 40010 400 211%x4'/2 3.56 18 L 579 GEM -6025 .25 8 x231' Size, TAW capacitors. %.,,x'/,'; TAP capacitors
580 GEM -6027 1128' 414
18 L
I8 L
8 582 581 GEM
Titx%. Av. shpg. wt., .5 oz.
Plastic end caps and horizontal mounting 18 L 583 GEM 605 .5 1x28' 474
brackets for use with motor -starting capacitors 474 Mire
18 L 584 GEM 6066' Stook Mfd WV DC NET
.68 1x234'
listed above. P E.C. indicates plastic end cap. 18 L 5851 GEM-61° 1.0 15234' 736 No. Type E A.
Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
1600 VOLTS DC WORKING 18 L 495 TA W 24A 1 24 2.26
No. Typo Description Size NET 18 L 496 TAW'I2A2 2 128 2.26
18 L 390 PL-3 P.E.C., on motor 1;{,' 24 I8L746 GEM -16225 .0025 ' 4x18' 384 18 L 497 TAW8A3 3 2.26
18 L 39 PL -6 P.E.C., on motor I155í' 54
18L747 GEM -1623 .003 7/4x18 18 L 498 TAW 4A4 4 4 1.62
18 L 392 PL-8 P.E.C., on motor 21{2 IBt
18L748 EM -16233 .0033 1,x131' 324 113 L 499 TAW4A6 6 4 2.26
18 L 393 PL -3A P.E.C., off motor, lbs 124 IBL749 GEM -1624 004 '1,1111' 324
18 L 394 PL -6A P.É.C., off motor 111% I5í 18 L 750 GEM -16247 0047 85154' 324 TYPE TAP
18 L 395 PL-8A P.E.C., off motor 21i4 84 18L751 GEM -1625 005 8x154' 324 90
18 L 396'HB -4 Horiz. bracket 131/, 18 L 752 GEM -16256 .0056 5418' 18 L 796 TAP90-2 2

I8 397 HB -8 Horiz. bracket 4 L 181. 753 GEM -1626 .006 14x154' I 8 L 441 ITAP75-3M 3.4 3.97
18L754 GEM -16268 0068 55111' 80 18 L442 TAP60-4 éó
18L755 GEM -1627 .007 21218' 32c I B L 443 IT'AP50-S 5
18 L 756 8 :154 I 8 L 444 TAP40-6 6 40
Industrial users: Allied can promptly sup- 18L757
GEM -16275
GEM -1628
.008 34113' 354 18 L 445 TAP30-8 8 30 3'97
ply all industrial capacitors in any quan- IPL758 GEM -162d2 .0082 54x11' 384 I8 L 446 TAP25-10 10 25
tity. Write to Industrial Division for com- 18 L 447 TAP20 -12 20
I8L759 12
plete information and quantity prices. For
additional listings of Mallory capacitors,
sec pages 133 and 134.
l e 760
GEM -1611
GEM -161125
GEM -1612
414 18 L 448 TA PIS-15
18 L 449 Tn P10-20
l6 3'97
18L762 GEM -1615 %.255' 414 IB L438 TA1'6 -30 30

For Coeploto Products and Manufacturare Iodes, Sao Poops 397 -400 sas
Centralab Ceramic Capacitors


Compact, moisture-proof Hi -Kaps for use in COMPENSATING CAPACITORS
bypass and coupling circuits. High mechanical Comply with JAN -C -20A specs. Type TCZ is
strength plus small size -ideal replacements for negative-positive -zero (NYC); capacity re-
mica and paper capacitors. Ceramic construc-
tion assures long life-withstand vibration and
high temperatures. Leads are 1 th long. 600
wkg. v. DC. 1500 v. flash test. Tolerance:
mains essentially constant over a wide tem-
perature range ( -20° C. to +85° C.) Type
TCN changes capacity with temperature and
Full capacity range with 180° rotation. 600 +10 %. except 10.20%; Guaranteed mini- has a negative coefficient; N750, or 750 parts/
working v. DC. Power factor less than 0.2% at mum value. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. million / °C. A variety of other coefficients may
1 mc. Type numbers followed by N indicate be achieved by hooking up both types in
negative temperature coefficient; Z, zero temp. Stock No. Type Mmf Size parallel. DC voltage rating. 600; surge, 1200.
cod. Silver stator and rotor fired to ceramic. I L 545 030 3 Tolerance. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
Av. shpg- wt., 1 oz. 1 L 546 050 5
Typo 820. Ceramic base. %.27/..
o I
1 L 548 120 12
-24, 26 -49, I L 549 ISO 15
No. Typo Mint 1 EA. EA. I L 550 180 08 Cap. Cop
I I L 381 820-D 1-3.5 I L 551 200 20
1 I L 382 820-A 2.5-6 I L 552 220 22 0.5 to 24 t/ssz/s' 3.3 to 62
I 1 L 383 820-B 5-20 71c 59c I L
554 270 27
62 to 100
t tfas 34'
68 to 160
180 to 270
I 1 L 384 820-C 7-35 I
4z1 t t,4i
L 555 330 110 to 150 300 to 430
o Typo 822. Steatite base. 21/32x21/22 '.

1 L 556 39 160 to 300 ilyS44' 470 to 750 /tzz13S

L 557 470 47
1 -24. 26 -49, 1
Ne. Type M mf EA. EA. I L 558
1 L 559
11 L 123 822 -AN 8 -50 L 560 680 68 No. Mmf Tel.* No. M mf Ted.*
IIL124 822 -BN 7 -45 88c 73c
I L 561 750 75 I L 200 5 11 L 221 47
11 L 125 822 -CN 4.5 -25 1 L 562 820 82 1

11 68 1201 II L 493 50
7 822 -AZ 4.5 -25 I L 563 910 91
11 L 202 1.0 e .25 I I L 222 51
11L128 822 -BZ 2.5 -13 88c 73c 1 L 564 101 100
11 L203 1.5
mm( I L 223 56
I I L 129 822 -CZ 2 -7.5 L 565 1

L 566 ISO I I L 204 2.2 II L 224 62

Type 823. Steatite base. t glsztryí2 I
1 1567
181 180 %4z1/2' I I L 205 3.3 II L 225 68 .2%
4, I L 568 201 200 1 1 1206 4.7 + I I L 226 75
No. Typo M mf EA. EA. I L 569 221 220 11 1207 6.8 mmf
I I L 227 82
L 570 251 250 I I L 208 10 II L 228 91
L 510 823-AN
L 511 823 -BN
20 -125
10 -100
I 1571 271 11 L 9 12 II L 229 100
L 512 823 -DN 8-S0
I L 572 01 300 II L2Ì0 15 I I L 230 110
1 513 823 -AZ 12 -60 2.06 1.71 I L 573
L 574 241
331 330
390 11

11 L231
L 232
L 514 823 -BZ 10 -50 I I I
L 515 823 -DZ 6-25 I L 575 401 400 1213 22 L 233 150
11 I I
I L 576 471 470 11 1214 24 II L 234 160
Type 827. Phenolic base, t54tzt/4. L 577 500 Yu' II
ED 1 501 14 set
I I L 492 25 L 235 .5%
No. Type M mf 1 -24. 26 -49.

1 578
L 579
1217 33
. 2% II 1

I L 236
L 237
L 238

516 827-A 2.5-7
517 827-B 3.5-12
I L58Ì -----11-F- 750
I 1218 36 I I L 239 270
73c L 582 821 8201 1219 39 L 240 300
I I L 518 827-C 6-30 61c 1

I L 583 102 10001


L 220 43
1 I L 519 827-D 7-35 I L 584 122 12001

Typo 829. Tubular ceramic. Tí2z/4 I 1585 152 1500 to 24. NET EACH 29c
I L 586 25 to 49. EACH .
Ne. Typo M mf 26-49, 1-24, I L 587 202 2Ó001i6 t/4,t 3/,.
EA. EA. 1 L 588 222 22001 TYPE TCN -NEGATIVE (N750)
L 400 829 -3 .5 -3 251 291 L 589 252 2500
I1 L 401 829-4 1 -4 251 294

1 L 590 272 2700 No. Mmf Toi. No. Mont Toi.

I I.402 829 -6 1 -6 251 291 L 591 302 3000 IIL241 11 L 270 91
11 L 403 829-7 1 -7.5 291 351

I L 332 3300 II L 250 lÓ mmf IIL271 100 +2%
11 L 404 829 -10 1.5 -10 291 354 593 L 402 4000*

594 L 4700 I I L 251 12 II L 272 110

5000 I I L 252 15 II L 273
I L 502 I I L 253 18 II L 274 130
200 assorted capaci- I I
II 597
596 L
I I L 254 20 II L 275 ISO
tors in 4- drawer steel t}14x11fá I L 255 II L 276 160
cabinet. All popular I I L 598 752 7500 I I L 256 24

II L 277 180
values -quantity of 11 L 599 l03 I(1,000 I L 494 I II L 278 200
each value is selected I I L 257 27
according to the fre- 1 to 24. EACH
26 to 49. EACH
12 11 L 279 220
quency of use. All IOt I I L 258 30 I I L 280 240
capacitors are in I L 259 133 I L 281 270 I

clearly marked en- I I L 260 I L 282 300

II L 283 0 +5%

velopes. Listing shows IIL261 39

the types and quan- 1 L 262 I I I L 284 360
tity included in each I L 263 47
I II L 285 390
kit. Cabinet size. 80
6x6%4'. All are 1000 WVDC,
WVUC. Shpg. wt.. 8 lbs.
except 600 FT ' MFT

L 495 50
L 264
L 265 56
L 286 430
I I L 287
1 1

I I L 288 510

I II L 289
270 Tiny ceramics. designed for single -hole mount- L 267 68 II L 290 620

ing. Permit convenient feeding of leads through
chassis or shields and at the same time provide I L 269
L 268 75

11L291 680
I I L 292 750
IS 5 5 470 exceptionally effective RF by- passing. Special
5 5 5
5 500 15 10 10 construction virtually eliminates lead in-
ductance. Ratings, 500 %%A I)('.FT has 12 -28
to 24. NET EACH
6 to 49. EACH
-2?i- 5 5- 5 680 5 5
mounting nut; MFT has %4' dia. flange,
33 5 5 S 800 .... 5
mounts in 342' dia. hole and is attached by
39 5 5 5 820
soldering to chassis. Tolerance:
-20 to +50 %; I .10 %:Sguarantced minimum

10. 10
50 *10 10 10 15500 0
value. Av shpg. wt., 2 oz. HI -KAPS
-6-6- 5 S 5 2000 =3- S
TYPE FT For use as bypass and filter
75 S 5 2500 .... .. 5 capacitors. Unusually thin.
100 15 10 10 3300 .... 5 No. Type Mmf 1-24, 26-49, 64A) working volts DC; 1200
120 5 5 5 4700 5 5 EA. EA. volts DC test. Tolerance.
150 5 5 S 5000 S 15 10 I 1 L 390 FT- 500 500 guaranteed minimum value
55 5 5 10000 15 15 10 I 1 L 391 FT-I000 I0lll1 except +80 %, -20 %.
220 5 5 20000 5 11 L 392 F7'-1500 11500 59c 49c Sise of 13F -114, DF -753, 1Jlszetyi4xtgw',

250 10 10 10 I I L 393 FT-1800 31800 Size of DF -503 LOF -403, DF -303, 1,,4xtyisz
DK-400 K t. 2(ßl Ty D6 ceramic tubular 1 1 L 394 FT-2300 t23(o 052'. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
capacitors. 27 val tes. 5-10 000 mmf.
58 L 451. .ist, $40.00. NET 23,52 TYPE MFT MINIATURES 1-24, 26-49,
26-49. Ne. Type Mfd EA. EA.
DDK -200 Kit. 200 Type DD. ceramic disc No. Typo Mmf 1EA EA.
capacitors. 30 values, 3.3- 20.000 mmf. I I L 245 DF-104 476 391
58 1 453. .ist. 840.00. NET 23.52 MFT-S0 50 I 1 L 246 DF-753 .075 476 391
MDK -200 Kit, 200 Type MD, molded disc I L 489 MFT-100
I L 247 DF-503 .05 4It 34t


recami. capacitors. 32 values. 5. 10,000 mmf. 1 I L 490 MFT-500 500 L 248 DF-403 .04 411 341
5R L 452. List. $50.00. NET 29.40 11 1491 MFT-1000 01000 1 I L 249 DF-303 0.4 411 341

1 ii Allied Supplies Everything for the Experimenter and Builder

Ceramic Capacitors & Modules
TYPE MD MOLDED Rugged disc ceramic capacitors. Ex- LOW- VOLTAGE CAPACITORS
cellent for bypass -coupling in high -
DISC CERAMIC HI -KAPS frequency circuits. All are rated 1000
1.u -.0u, tun, e molded discs for working volts DC; except :600 volt.
bypass, coupling and general Sizes range from to y/' dia. y
applications in high -frequency Tolerance -20!o except t mmf.
circuits. Completely insulated ..10% and 1GMV (guaranteed
with "Centrathene." Electrical rninimuttt value). -20%. +80%.
properties constant to 3000 mc. All un is are U.L. Approved for AC
Insulation resistance, 300.000 meg- lines except :- Av. shpg. wt., 2 os. DA DM
Breakdown voltage to
Typo Mmf. No. Type M mf.
ground. 3000 volts DC. Can be No. New, extremely compact high-capacity low -
placed against chassis or next to high -voltage IL 406 3831 I L428 1 300 voltage ceramic capacitors. Designed especially
leads without danger of flashover or break- IL 407 0501 S IL 429 330 for transistor circuits and other subminiature
dawn. Capacity, tolerance and voltage IL 520 6 IL 533 351 350 applications. Ideal for Use in coil assemblies,
ratings labeled on each unit. Fungus resistant. IL 408 6R8í 6.8 IL 534 361 360 pocket radios, hearing aids. and portable or
Will not become brittle at -55° C. Unaffected IL 521 7851 7.5 I L 430 391 390 airborne equipment. etc.-wherever space is
by ozone, salt water or any solvent at room L 522 L 535 401 400 at a premium. Ruggedly constructed to resist
temperature. 100% flash tested at double I
L 409
8 I
IL 431 471 470 effects of heat. moisture. and vibration. Type
rated voltage. For operation to 85° C. Values I
IL 523
120 IL 432 501 500 DA Is 54x5x34' thick; capacity tolerance is
to .005 mfd. rated 1000 WVDC; others rated L410 150
IL 433 560 -20 %, +100 % - all units are rated at 30
600 WVDC. No. 22 tinned copper leads. W IL 524

L 536
WVDC. Type DDA is IA' diameter a s/n
long. Tolerance, 10% except 20 %; : - 205' .
1 601 600
18 I
thick; capacity tolerance is -30% +80 %; all
+80 %. 1GMV (guaranteed minimum value. 1 L411 200° 20 I 1.434 681 680 units are rated at 75 WVDC. Type DM is
Size: values through 2000 mmf, 54' dia.xr3a 1 L 525 220° 22 I 1.435 751 750 t nx;5tx3ts thick; capacity tolerance is -- 20%
2200 mmf and over, 11% dia. x ;1'. Av. I L 526 240 I L 436 801 800 +50% and t -20% +80%; all units are
shpg. wt., 2 oz. 1 L412 250* 25 I L 537 820 rated at 150 WVDC. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
I L 527 270 27 I 1.437 102 1000
Stook Mfr. Mfd. Stook Mfr. TYPE DA
L 528 300 30 L 538 122 1200
Type Mf d.
No. Type No. 1

I L4I3 330° 33 I L 539 132 1300

Stook Mfr's Mfd. NET EACH
I L 300 050 .000005 IL 27 391 .00039 I L414 390° 39 I L438 152 1500
No. Type 1 -24 26 -49
IL 3301 100 .00001 IL 28 401 .0004 11.415 470° 47 1 L 540 162 1600
I 120 IL 29 471 .00047 IL 416 500° SO L 541 182 1800 I I L 627 203 .02 244
II L 628

L 303 ISO .000015 501 .0005 L417 560 IL 439 202 2000
503 .05 381 31e
IL 304 180 .000018 IL331 561 .00056
11.418 680° I L 542 222 2200 II L 629 104 561 476
IL 305 200 IL 332 601 .0006 IL 419 750 75 I L 543 252 2500
220 000022 IL 333 601 .00068 IL 529 820° I L 544 272 2700
I L 307 250 000025 I L 334 751 .00075° IL 530 910° 91 IL 440 302 3000
IL 308 270 000027 821 .00062 L 420 101° 100 L 600 332 3300 I I L 631 I 104 .15 I 534 I 444
IL 309 330 000033 I L 336 102 OON

IL 421 121* 120

I L 601 392 3900
IL 310 390 .000039 I I L 337 122 0012' 11.531 131 130 I L 602 402 TYPS DM
IL3II 470 L000047 I I L 338
152 0015' IL 422
L 423
150 I L
IL 441
603 432 4300
4700 I L 632 101' .0001 21t
I L 312 500 .00005 I I 182 0016° 1 180 472
I L 633 201' .0002 211 171
L 313
IIL41 002' IL 424 IL 037
560 .000056 301°
I 201 200 502 5000 I L 634 .0003
I L 314 680 .000068 222 .0022° IL 425 221 220 IL 604 562 5600 I L 635 O1 .0005 211 174
750 .000075 11 L 342 252 0025° L 532 241 240 IL 605 682 6800 L 636 1024 .001 211 I 74

IL 606

1 I
L 343
L 344
L 345
L 427
L 251
270 I L455
L 637
L 638
L 639
111.319 151 .00015 L 346 402 004 to 24, NET EACH I2C L 640 1031 38t .01 321

181 .00018 I I L 347 472 0047 26 to 49, EACH 106 I L641 2 -5021 2x.005 38t 32c
I l
11 L 323
I I L 324
L321 201
I I L351
L 348
L 349

L 442
5022 .005
I I L 325 301 .0003 I 1 L352 103 01: 1to 24, NET EACH 18c
I L 326
1 331 .00033
26 to 49, EACH I51
25 to 49, EACH 126 1 -24, 26 -49,
No. Typo Mfd. EA. EA.
TYPE TVversa Highly igh- II L 370 402 .004
cient, universal-type high - L 371 502{ .005
` I voltage capacitor kit. Ideal II L 372 602 iii
.006 2Ic I8c
for television receiver appli-
cations. Provides maximum
coverage with a minimum of
L 457
L 373
L 374

inventory -excellent for serv- I1 L 375 .01

ice shop., Kit consists of 1 Type TV -20 I I L 376 153 .015 351 291
"Hi-Vo Kap" ceramic capacitor and com-
plete set of attachable terminals. Capacitor is TYPE DD30 3000 VOLTS Mod oleo are an entirely new concept in elec-
rated 500 mmf at 20.000 working volts DC. tronic circuitry assembly They are complete
Terminal set has 1 each -slotted rod, He- No. Type M mf. No. Type Mmf. I

and extremely compact standard basic circuits

thread short male and Ma. long male; 2 each-
5V-thread female tap and male thread.
Terminals seat without air gap -- eliminates
M I L 607
390 Ì I L 618
consisting of miniaturized components includ-
ing capacitors, resistors. etc. mounted on
internal corona. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. IL 609 470 47 I I L 619 271 270 stacked wafers. Will save hours of time and
11 1 01 6. NET 109 11.610 500 50 I I L 620 471 470 effort for design engineers and others who re-
11.611 560 56 I IL 62 I 501 500 quire basic circuit elements for quick produc-
TV K -6.60. Larger version of above. Contains IL 612 680 68 I I L 622 102 1000 tion and testing of prototype and experimental
5 TV -20 "Hi -Vo Kaps" and 50 terminals (10 IL 613 820 82 I I L 623 152 1500 electronic developments. They eliminate the
each, of 5 types). Shpg. wt., 1 Ib. IL 614 101 100 I L 624 202 2000 need for designing, building and bother of
11 1017. NET setting up such circuits. Easily inserted into

5 39 I L615 151 150 I 1 L 625 302 3000

breadboard; can be conveniently moved about
I L 616 181 180 I I L 626 502 5000
850S HIGH-VOLTAGE CERAMICS or removed when needed. Av. shpg. wt.. 1 lb.
RF ceramic Designed for
1 to 24, NET EACH 24c No. Type Description NET
26 to 49, EACH 206 12 L 676 P1001 Video Limiter 8.08
Hi power ccera s. Designed for
transmitters. induction heaters. TYPE DD60 6000 VOLTS 12 L 677 P1002 Low -Level Cathode
diathermy units. and similar appli- Follower 7.74
cations. Has negative temperature Ne. Typo M mf. 121678 P1003 Dual Cathode Follower 8.08
coefficient of 750 Darts /million/C., 462
L 250 25 12 L 679 P1004 Cascade Intermediate
except *zero temperature coefficient. Contains 466
L 390 39 Video Amplifier 10.39
silver electrodes tired to ceramic. Low power 467
L 470 47 121.680 P1005 Triode Video Driver
factor. .10% tolerance. With 6-32 mounting L 468 500 SO Amplifier 12.89
screw. %:1mí1' dia. (tType 858S, same size L 469 560 56 5.00
and style. Hi -K dielectric +20% tolerance.) L 470 680 68 12L681 G1001 For Multivibralor
Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. L 472 820 82
I2L682 81001 DC Regulator =300 v. 20.68
40 H 404 M88-12 12 -Pos. Breadboard 17.64
Stock M /r'e L 473 101 100 40 H 405 MOB-1 Phenolk Socket 1.47
No. Typo Mmf. WV DC L 475 1St 150
L 476 181 180 12 L 683 A1001 Low -Level Lin. Amp.
850S -25Z 7500 L 478 221 12 L 684 A1002 Inter. Lin. Amp. 5.15
I1 L 101 850S -50Z 50' 7500 L 479 251 250 12L685 A1003 Phase Inverter- Driver 4.16
8.50S-SON 50 7500 Linear Amplifier
L 103 850S -75N 75 7500 L 480 271 12 L 686 C1002 FIip.Flop. 1 Met 14.26

8508 -100N 100 5000

L 485 471 70 12 L 687 P1006 Dun High -Level
L 486 501 500
Cathode Follower 5.29
I I L 1071 8585-500 SOO 5000 L 445 102 1000
I1 L 1081 8585 -1000 1000 5000 L 447 152 1500 12 L 688 R1002 DC Regulator 150v. 1 0.49
L 448 202 2000 12 L 689 11001 VTD Multivibraer 8.57
1 to 4, NET EACH 2.65 i 12 L 690 11002 Phantastron 5.00
6 to 9 EACH 2 38 1 to 24. NET EACH 29c Aerovox Module Catalog.
10 to 24, EACH 2 20 26 to 49, EACH 244 37.L 136. Free with your Next Order.
Industrial UsersTTWrite for Quantity Prices 137
Printed Circuits and Capacitor Hardware
The new, quality- construct- Complete, printed electronic Ultra- miniature ampli-
SPRAGUE t ircuits -with fiers-stamp or pencil -

ed line of Sprague Bulplate resistors.
V -1 printed circuits offers the apacitors, and in some eraser size! Circuit in-
OUT IN radio -television serviceman rases, inductance. Ideal for cludes transistors, capac-
a time- saving electronic aid. the replacement of entire cir- itors, resistors, etc. For TA-II
Each printed circuit unit cuit sections in radio and TV computers, pocket -size
consista of a self- contained, sets. The printed- circuit radios or recorders, hearing aida, and
rxucmcly compact "package' containing ca- wiring and all components other ultra- miniature applications.
pacitors. resistors and, in certain units, induct- are bound to a ceramic base Specially designed high -gain low -noise
ance. With these units, there is no need to and sealed against moisture, transistors hermetically sealed in stea- TA-6
waste time on excessive wiring and unwiring temperature change and tite base. Output will drive headphones. TA-7
operations or in tracing circuitry for faulty physical shock. Av. sbpg. wt.. 2 oz. Typo TA -6. 1- stage. Response 250 -20.000 cps
components -simply replace the entire circuit r<3 db. Gain: 21 db at kc. Input Imp.: 1000
section with a Bulplate unit. 18 L 893. PC -4 Printed Circuit' Guide.

Contains complete data on all Centralab l'EC ohms. Supply Voltage: 1.345 v.; .5 ma drain.
units. Includes PEC replacement guide for Output: mw. %sx dia. 3 oz.
A moisture sealed, shock -resistant ceramic base
firmly holds the printed circuit wiring and all radio and TV sets listed by 130 manufacturers. 1L 377. 1 to 4, NET EACH
1 ..9.80
components in place. Capacitors are rated at NO CHARGE when requested with your next 6te9,EACH 882
500 v. DC. 1000 v. test, while the maximum order.
voltage to be applied across the resistors is Type Description EA. Type TA -11. 4- stage. Response: 400-20,000 cps
No. a 5 db. Gain: 75.db at 1 kc. Input Impedance:
250 v. DC; except D -1 where all elements are 1000 ohms. Supply Voltage: 1.3 -1.5 v.; 4 ma
rated at 100 v. DC. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. 1 1 1. 4 7 PC-50 Filpec

I I L 148 PC-51 Filpec 354 drain. Output: milliwatt. Size, I3{extisx%

1 .

18 L 860. New Printed Circuit Guide No. I I L 167 PC-52 Filpec 354 Shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
K -360. An informative catalog listing complete I L 150 PC-70 Triode Couplate 414 I I L 378. to 4, NET EACH 1 29.40
information on Sprague's Bulplate printed cir-

I 1 L 151 PC-71 Triode Couplate 5 to 9, EACH 26.46

cuits. Contains diagrams of all circuits listed I L 152 PC-80 Triode Couplate 444
below. Includes replacement information on I
L 153 PC-81 Triode Couplate 444 Type TA -7. New, Single stage for output
sets produced by leading radio and television

I L 165 PC-84 Triode Couplate 444 stage use. Response: 3 db. 250-20.000 cps.
Gain: 26 db at 1 kc. Input Impedance: 500
manufacturers. NO C H A RGE when requested Pentode Couplate 53t
with your next order. I l L 154 PC-90 ohms. Supply Voltage: 1.3 to 1.5 v.; 2 ma drain.
1 1 1.155 PC-91 Pentode Couplate Output: 1 mw 15% distortion or Vs mw
I 11.166 PC-92 Pentode Couplate
L 156 PC-100 Vertical Integrator
594 2l8 Ldistortion. T/sxVit dia. 3 oz.
to 4, NET EACH 9.80
Stock Mfr's Description I 1 654 1 9 1 1 . 1

No. Typo EA. I I L 157 PC-101 Vertical Integrator

L 356 PC-104 Vertical Integrator
6 to 9, EACH... .....................8.82
18 L861 D-1 Diode Filter .35 1 1

L 357 PC-105 Vertical Integrator

I 8 L 862 D-2 Diode Filter .35 I I
L 863 D-3 Diode Filter .35 1 I L 358 PC-106 Vertical Integrator 594
18 L 864 DI'-1 Detector Pentode Coup. .73 11 1.168 PC-110 Filplate 44 3 stage. Operates on 221/ z v.
L 865 lIT-1 Audio Output .59 L 158 PC-150 Audet Output Stage 594 B" battery and 1.5 v. A"
18 1 1

I I L 170 PC-151 Audet Output Stage battery. Response, 200-8000

L 866 'DT-2 Audio Output .68 cps. Gain of 4500 at 1 kc. PC-
I l 1.359 PC-154 Audet Output Stage
18 1.867 UT-3 Audio Output .59 594
201 complete with tubes: One
18 L 868 DT-4 Audio Output .59 1 1L 360 PC-157 Audet Output Stage 594 CK548DX; two CK5I2 -AX.
18 L 869 DT-5 Audio Output .68 I I L.361 PC-158 Audet Output Stage 684
18 L 870 DT-6 Audio Output .68 1.362 PC-159 Audet Output Stage 686 Wt., 8 oz. PC -200 same but
1 1

I L 171 PC-160 Pendet 736 less tubes. Wt., 4 oz. Bt6 -228
18 L 871 F-1 Decoupling Filter 1

L 172 PC-165 Pendet 79c volume control and switch for

18 L 872 F-2 Decoupling Filter .50 1
use with either Ampec unit.
18 L 873 P-1 Pentode Coupling 1 I L 368 PC-260 Sync Takeoff Couplate 736 W dia. t14 deep with knob.
18 L.1374 P-2 Pentode Coupling .53 I I L 369 l'C-262 Sync Takeoff Couplate 736 Instructions. Wt.. 3 oz.
L 875 P-3 Pentode Coupling .59 L 380 PC-263 Sync Takeoff Couplate 734
18 I 1

18 L 894 PC-264 Sync Takeoff Couplate 59g 1 I L 160. Type PC-201. NET 14.70
L 876 PB-1 Special
1-877 PB-2 Special
.44 18 L 895 PC-308 Horizontal Oscillator 594
Il L 159. Type PC -200. NET 8 8 2
18 1.878 PB-3 Special .44 18 L 896 PC-309 Retrace Suppression 59 30 M 419. Typo B16 -226. NET... 2.35
18 L 879 PB-4 Special .59 18 1. 897 PC-310 Audio Couplate 594
18 1. 880 ST-1 Sync Takeoff Network .73 8 1. 3 9 8 ' C -3 1 1 Vertical Feedback 594
18 L1381 ST-2 Sync Takeoff Network .73
1 1

18 L 899 PC-312 Vertical Integrator 594 AEROVOX RIGHT -ANGLE

18 L 892 ST-3 Sync Takeoff Network '73 18 L 900 PC-313 Audet 59 TUBE SOCKETS
18 L 882 T-1 Triode Coupling .44 18 L 901 PC-314 Retrace Suppression 594 Space. saving sur Lets permit hor-
113 L 883 T-2 Triode Coupling .44 18 L 902 PC-315 Audet 596 izontal placement of tubes. For
18 L 884 T-3 Triode Coupling .41 18 L 903 PC-316 Sync Takeoff Couplate use with printed circuits. Allow
18 L 885 T-4 Triode Coupling .41 18 L 904 PC-317 Audio Couplate 594 extremely compact chassis layout.
18 L 886 T-5 Triode Coupling 44 18 1.905 PC-318 Pendet 884 Socket prongs insert easily into
18 L 887 V-1 Vertical Integrator .65 18 L 906 PC-319 Phase Comparator 734 punched circuit board holes. Sil-
18 L 888 V-2 Vertical Integrator .73 18 L907 PC-326 Filpec 596 ver plated contacts. Molded Alkyd 430 body.
8 L 889 V-3 Vertical Integrator .65 18 L 908 PC-327 Pendet Meets MIL specs. syhxsHaxYle. 6 oz.
9 -Pin. NET....

18 L 890 V-4 Vertical Integrator .65 18 L 909 l'C-330 Syra Fakr"0 734 40 H 406, Type RASA. 97C

18 L 891 .V-5 Vertical Integrator .59 18 L910 l'C-33I And. .age 594 40 H 403. Typa RATA. 7 -l'in. NET

A complete assortment of the most commonly
used mounting hardware for electrolytic ca-
pacitors. Constructed of the finest materials
to assure rigid, highly dependable mounting.
Designed to simplify installation and save valu-
able time. Excellent for use in television and Mtg. Strap
radio service shops, industrial applications and
production runs of electronic equipment. For
Mallory Type FR or WP capacitors use MP,
BR. PS and MW -100 units listed at left. For
Type TC, FP, WP and other tubular capacitors
use VR brackets for vertical moun ing. or
TH spring clips for horizontal mounting. Mounting
:Metal. ti'henolic. Av. shpg. wt.. 3 oz
Type MSU. For P. HC and NP capacitors. Rings "C" Clamp Mtg. Clip
No. Type Fig. Sise NET For tubular capacitors. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz.
I7 L 591 PS-4 C
No. Type Description SI:e EACH
18 L 406 115-1 Top cap t/i Stook Description Pkg.
Ì7 L4Ó2 VR-1 E r/o'
1%to1' to 18 L 407 116-I Top cap
18 L 408 118-1 Bottom cap
1%. I2c
Mtg. Ring; 11 ' dia. cana
17 L413 VR-3 E .09 19 L 478
17 L 414

Y te 1s3k

to 2tris
18 L 409 119-1 Bottom cap
18 L410121-1 Bracket
8 L 41 1122-1 Bracket
18 L 412123-1 Bracket
x3rs' 2Ic
19 1.479
19 L 481
19 L 482
Mtg. Ring;
191.480 Mtg. Ring;11 dia. cane
Mtg. Clip; ' dia. cana
Mtg. Clip; V dia. cana
dia. cana .23

17 L 412 TH-25 D I1 s/s to 13k .06 2x4 /s'
17 1.417 MW-100 F Mtg. Wrench 1.03 113 L 413124-1 Bracket
19 L 483 Mt. Clip; 1W dia. cans .35
-Stock "C" Clamp; %-V

Mfrs. Por Pkg. NSULATING SLEEVES 19 L 484 cans .35
No. Type Fig. Sise of 3 19 L 485 "C" Clamp; r cane .35 1
Fiber sleeves for FP type capacitors. Wt., 2 oz. 19 L 489 Mtg. Strap;
8 L 414 MP-2 A Mtg. Strap; I.D.

8 L 4 5
8 L 416
1 MP-4
1 Ne.
17 L 510
CE -1
EACH 19 L 491
19 L 492 Mtg. Strap; I.D. .17
B L417 BP-2 B 9c 17 L 511 CE -3 1 :2'
8 L 418 BP-4 174 17 L 512 CE-4 1x3' 19 L 493 For %-yse dia. cana .35
8 L 419 BP-6 Bt 17 L 513 CE -S 134:2' 6c 19 L 494 For t//s 335ks' dia. cans .35
8 L 420 TH-13 D 17 L 514 CE-6 1%x3' 19 L 495 /s %.' dia cana.
For s'/-t .35
18L42I TH-IS D 17 L 515 CE -7 lx234 19 L 496 For -t3k dia. cans
18L422 TH-17 D to 3js, 17 L 516 CE-8 1:4 94 19 L497 For % -t3k dia. cana S
18 L 423 TH-19 D t4tot 9c 17 L 517 CE-9 It x2tfs' 64 19 L 498 For -13Ws dia. cans 1 .35
18 L 424 TH-21 D /s to I7 L 518 CE-10 1x4 94 19 L 499 For t%-tifs dia. cans
133 Allied Supplies Everything for the Experimenter and Builder
Stancor TV Transformers
A cou,i II of top-quai. flyback trans- No alterations an ... ing circuit or chassis
t, ,

former: .111 standard (01 ,1,1,11 Every trans- for installation of thy mot., u, ,,r
t N. High -quality
former fahlaully duplicates all of the electrical and physi- construction. For 7731 except where 6C136 horirontal
cal characteristics of the original manufacturer's unit. output tube is used. Write to Allied for quantity prices.
Manufacturer's own specifications are used. Av. shpg. wt., 1 lb.
No. Type Orlo Mfr'sPart No. NET No. Type Orlg.MfeePartNe. No. Type Orig.M /r'sPartNo. NET
64G210 A-8128 79C23-3. 79C28 -1 6.53 63 G 471 A-8290 RTO -166/5 5.48 64 G 221 A-8131 76951 4.24
64G211 A-8133 79C30-1/ -3 6.86 63 G 468 HO-252 RTO -165 5.88 64 G 785 '<-8243 77833 4.12
64G551 A-8134 79C- 30-2/ -4, 63G469 HO-253 RTO -175 5.88 64 G 786 A-8244 78201, 78810 6.53
79C38 -1, 79D38 -1 6.86 63 G 470 HO-254 RTO -179 5.88 63 G 442 HO-272 972914 -1 103092 5.39
64 G 213 A-8254 79C60 -1 4.47 MAGNAVOX
64 G 214 A-8255 79C60-2/ -3 5.29 SILVERTONE
63 G 460 HO-265 79C70-1 4.73 63 G 472 A-8293 360593 -2, 360552-1/ 6.37 64 G 10104/07/08/10/ 16.86
64 G 572 A-8135 79041 -1/ -2 7.02 -2/ -2A, 360577/ -1
64 G 212 A-8253 791348 -1 6.37 63 G 473 A-8294 360606/ -1 5.10 64 G 332 A-8231 101366/37/38/59 6.86
63 G 459 A-8292 791365 -1 5.10 63 G 474 A-8295 360614 -1,360623/-1 4.96
63 G 435 HO-266 360659 5.88 SYLVANIA
CAPEHART MOTOROLA 64 G 328 A-8227 241-0003 4.70
64 G 221 A -8131 750163A -1 4.24 64 G 329 A-8228 241-0005/-0006 5.03 I

63 G 461 A -8285 850285E -1 7.06 64 G 325 A-8224 24C711265/A. 64 G 330 A-8229 241-0007 5.29
24C721290 8.55 63 G 443 HO-259 241-0011 4.80
CBS-COLUMBIA 64 G 279 A-8239 24K792753,
24K701099 6.53 WESTINGHOUSE
64 G 331 A-8230 10104/07/18/10/26 b4 G 326 A-8225 24K712193 8.55
6.86 64 G 327 A-8226 27K21301/C, 64 G 285 A-8237 V-9904-1,V-10213-1
64G332 A-8231 1Ó136B/37/38/59 6.86 24K721517C 8.55 64 G 286 A-8238 V-10214-1, V-9904-2,
63 G 462 HO-258 12000751 5.15 V-10204-1 6.37
63 G 463 A-8283 12000841 6.37 MUNTZ 64 G 284 A-8236 V-11548-1/-2/-3/-4 7.35
63 G 464 A-8284 12001051 5.68 64G281 A-8129 TO-0024 6.53
63 G 465 A-8287 PC10161 5.88 64 G 282 A-8242 TO-0028/29 5.88 ZENITH
CROSLEY 64 G 559 A-8132 TO-0031 6.86 64 G 287 A-8267 S-15911/12,-1556-6,
64 G 283 A-8240 TO-0036 6.53 S-17130/40,17233,
64G222 A -8241 157820 5.29 63 G 436 A-8291 TO-0039 6.52 S-17245/265/435,
64 G 223 A -8248 154069/- 1,154990/ 64 G 278 A-8261 C9.253/-1/-2/-E 6.04 S-17646/767/811,
8.00 PHILCO 5-17927, -20908 6.11
64 G 208 A-8263 158481 -1/ -2/ -5 6.04 ::, A-8268 S-15015/202/709,
6 G 438 64 G 288 _

EMERSON 64 G 323 A-8222 32-8533/34 6.99 S-15710, -16006,

64 G 322 A-8221 32-8555 7.35 S-16191/204,
64G221 A-8131 738047/48/53 4.24 6.96 S-17244/699/X,
64 G 268 A-8138 738079/84 6.53 64 G 321 A-8220 32-8565 S-20866 6.1
64G333 A-8232 738067/68/69/73
/ 64 G 324 A-8223 32 -8572 6.30 64 G 289 A-8269 S-18487/537/802 5.88

6.86 63 G 437 HO-276 32- 8624/ -1 5.39 A-8270 S-18567/990,

64 G 369 A-8139 738096. 738100 6.20 63 G 439 HO-278 32- 8695 -1 6.66 64 G 290
63 G 440 HO-264 32-8709 -1 5.88 S-19728 5.88
GENERAL ELECTRIC 64 G 291 A-8271 S-19032 5.88
PHILHARMONIC 64 G 368 A-8272 S-20993 5.88
64 G 546 A-8130 77J1 6.53 64 G 790 A-8273 S-19408 5.49
64 G 272 A-8256 RTO-101 6.53 64 G 573 A- 8136180 -263/- 265/ -2 6.53
64 G 273 A-8257 RTO-104 6.53 64 791G A-8274 S-21317 5.39
6.69 RCA 64 G 792 A-8275 S-22130 5,39
64 G 274 A-8260 RTO-109 64 G 793 A-8276 S-22154 5.39
64 275
G A-8258 ATO-125/6/7 6.04 64 G 783 A-8119 211T5 6.53
64 G 784 A-8127 211T1/T3 6.30 64 G 794 A-8277 S-21219 5.39
64 G 276 A-8259 ATO-129/30 5.88 63 G 468 HO-252 2225T1 5.88 63 G 444 HO-267 S-20099 5.03
64 G 277 A-8262 RTO-131/141/- 6.86
163-3 6.37 63 G 441 HO-256 235T1 63 G 445 HO-268 S-23049 5.03
63 G 466 A-8288 RTO-149/1 5.48 64 G 789 A-8235 75519,75585,76381 4.47 63 G 446 HO-269 S-22720 5.39
63 G 467 A-8289 RTO-151/3 5.48 64 G 787 A-8233 76430. 76795 6.76 63 G 447 HO-270 S-18125 5.87
64 G 782 A-8266 RTO-161 5.49 64 G 788 A-8234 76501 4.12 63 G 448 HO-271 S-22451, S-23438 5.39


Power transformers for replacement use in standard tele- For 70° deflection picture tubes; ¡for 50 °. Ferrite cores
vision receivers. Carefully designed to assure dependable. and cosine windings. except t- Av. ahpg. wt , 11/2 Iba
efficient service. Plate windings are CT. W'ith copper
shorting band to reduce external magnetic field. tPri. for No. Type Mori Vertical PMI
117/107 v. For 117 volts, 60 cycles.

64 G 538 01'-1 ASt 8.3 mh, 13.5 ohms SO mh. 66 ohms 5.15
Mlle Red. F L. 64 G 595 13V-2A 10.3 mh, 14.5 ohms 50 mh, 66 ohms 6.53
Stock Mlr's 1
Overall Wt., NET
64 G 539 0Y -8A 8.5 mh. 14.5 ohms 50 mit, 52.5 ohms 6.53
No. Type M V A V 1 A Size Lbs. EACH 64 G 590 0Y -9A 13.5 mh, 17.5 ohms 50 mh, 53.5 ohms 6.53
63 G 429 P-5059t 75 00 3 6.3 CT 11.69
1 %54514' 955 64 G 589 DV -10A 30.0 mh, 45 ohms 3.5 mh. 3.5 ohms 6.53
63 G 430 -6315 740 75 5 3 6 3CT 7.0 4%.53 %s45í' 9% 12.73 64 G 596 DY -11A 20 mh, 31 ohms 50 mh, 50 ohms 6.53
64 G 510 P-8154 750 5 3 5/6.3 2/5.6 55455454' 12.74 64 G 597 1)V -I2A 30 mh, 41 ohms 50 mh, 50 ohms 6.53
64 G 576 P-8159 720 290 5 3 5/6.3/6.3 2/8/.6 55,5 ,333/4x4 %' 10344 16.26 G 370 DY -14A 30 mit, 45 ohms 3.5 mh, 3.5 ohms 6.69
64 G 577 P-8160 16 185 5 3 45 12 5 5 355 54 54' 14.00 64 G 371 13V -15A 25 mb, 35 ohms 511 mh, 50 ohms 6.53
64 G 578 P-8164' 225 S 3 .3 9.0 53 Vts54h' 1714 13.12
64 G 580 P-8166' 80 330 5 6 3/6.3/6.3 .5/5.0/5.0 13' 3/µS45' 13 19.30 VERTICAL DEFLECTION TRANSFORMERS
63 G 458 P-8167 560 00 5 6 .3/6.3 8/8.5 653''iµ11%.' 13 19.73 Indicates autofor,ner typ.. l'ri. & sec. in ohms.
64 G 583 P-8169' 760 220 5 3 .3/6.3/6.3 1.2/5/7 4 %S35á 5454' 15.44 No. Type Prl See. Size Lbe. NET
63 G 431 P-8170' 760 220
750 225
5 3 3/6.3/6.3 1.2/5/7
5,3 %5454' 15.41 64 G 522 A-8112 1300 IO 213'x13 l 2.84
64 G 599 P-8171 5 3 10%%
64 G 523 A-8113 700 12 2x3%ax13/¡ 1 2.91
63 G 449 P-8172 510 200 5 3 .3 8.5 45535,3 %' 7 13.85 64 G 502 A-8115 600 7 3334,x23/zx2'/z' 2 4.31
64 G 413 P-8331' 20 240 5 3 3/6.3 6.4/3 45413 %54W 9 12.97 64 G 547 A-81231 1200 11. 2x31/4313/4 1'z 2.65
64 G
64 G
64 G
P-8333 590 225
P-8334 550 305
P-8335' 325
5 %53%.5454'
51/453 %5454'
64 G 554 A-8140
64 G 557 A-8141t
64 G 461 A-8143
2' x2x33/y 23
2/4x2/4x3s/ 2
1 4.47
M G 419 P-8337 30 25 5 3 3 8.25 5453%.5454' 81 13.88 64 G 462 A-8144 540 15 2'/4xl/4x33' 1'/z 2.52
64 G 421 P-8339 50 55 5 3 12.6 CT 5.25 513%15' 8h 11.59 64 G 472 A-81471 300 9 2x14x33/á 1 2.28
64 G 422 P-8340 710270 5 6 3/63/63 .5/1.65/2.4 5%53% 04% ' 2 14.69 64 G 473 A-8148t 375 6.5 2x1 /,x3/4' 13/z 2.77
64 G 424 P-8342' 130 5 6 6.3/6.3 8.85/1.2 5545355454' 14.20 63 G 433 A-8150 450 11.3 2x33/4 x2334,' 1% 2.81
G 428 P.8352' 5.25 1453%545' 854 12.96 580 6.7 23/4x33/4tc2/= 3.01
63 80 240 5 3 12.6 CT 63 G 434 A-8151 13/z


No. Typo Ratio (Prl. to Soc.) Size Lb.. NET
Replacement width and linearity controls. *Width coil. [Tapped linearity 1:4.2 I3/5 x23/5 x13/5' '/z 1.76
coil. 1Width coil with keyed winding. **Width coil and/or linearity coil. 64 G 501 A -8111
13/4x23/4,11'/5' 3/z 2.42
¡Width coil with AGC. Shpg. wt.. IYa Ib. 64 G 504 A -8121 1:4.2
64 G 543 A -8122 1:4.2 1Viecl 4,xI Y., 3/z 2.74
Stock Mir's Inductance Rais. AGC Induct- AGC Res. NET 64 G 549 A-8124 Sec. rl, 1:0.48; f2, 1:1 l s/ex2 /ezl3/4' 'h 2.71
ante in Mh EACH
No. Typa In Mh In Ohms In Ohms
64 G 558 A -8125 1:4.2 23445441.' I .76
64 G 491 WC-II .050 -90 .53 .81 64 G 471 A -8126 1:1.5 15/4x13/ x2' ' 1.79
64 G 492 WC -21' .55-4.6 8.3 .8 I 63 G432 VBO -200 1:1.5 1/2x13zx2/z' 3z 1.89
64 G 493 WC -4* 170 -.610 1.0 .78
64 G 494 WC-511 4 -39 32.0 2.7-7.6 19.5 1.37 HORIZONTAL BLOCKING OSCILLATOR TRANSFORMERS
64 G
64 G
64 G
64 G
WC -6t
WC -91
1.3 -4.1
1.0 -10.0
3.2 -9
28.0 16.70 1.0 I

64 G 500
64 G 503
A -8110
A -8120
1% 2 /z I
1 I

64 G 499 WC -108 4.0 -28 32.0 -7.5
2.6 1.2 1.15 37 G 037 Stance, TV Replacement Guide. Free with o der.
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 139
Stancor Transformers

D m
11400 Sori.s -For 6.3 Volt Tuba.. All have All are Fig. M. except Type PC is Fig. C and TRANSFORMER
center -tapped 6.3 v. winding except PS-8415 Type PS is Fig. A. {Has extra winding: 6.3 v. Multi -tapped. modulation a :..formers for
and PA8421. For 6AX5, 6X4, 6X5 or sel. rect. Ca 3A. not C.T. Fri.. 117 volts, 60 cycle AC. D transmitting use. Primary and secondary

Plate each will match loads from 2,000 to 20.000ohms.

Stook Mir'. Root. FI . 1 Overall Wt. 1-9 10-24
No. Typo VCT Ma V A V A Size Lb.. EA. EA. Typo A-3893. Max. DC. pri. and sec., 180 ma.
64 G 162 PS -8415 each. 4:31/4:1/4'. Shpg. wt. 7 lbs.
.6 21/a x11/ax2 2.06
64G078 PA -8421
64 G 216 PS -8416
. 6.3
6.3 2.0 254a:34x2u
6.3 1.0 21/41.21/4.11/4'
. .
64 G 478 to 9. NET EACH
l0 to 24. EACH
1 12.90

64 G 077 PC -8418 460 50 6.3 2.5 31/41.2 1/4.21/4" .21/4 4.27 3.85 Type A-3894. Rated 125 watts. Max. DC. pri-
64 G 154 PM-8401 470 40 5 2 6.3 2.0 21/2x3s21/4' 254 4.41 3.97 mary and secondary 225 ma. each. Size, 41/4.4.
41/4'. Shpg. wt., 10 lbs.
64 G 176 PC -8401
64 G 170 PM-8402
470 40 5 6.3 7--
2.0 394.x21/4x21/4
2.0 254x2%/a x3'
254 4.41 3.97 64 G 488.1 to 9, NET EACH 15.58
480 55 S 2 6.3 2% 4.90 4.41 10 to 24, EACH 14.02
64 G 177 PC -8402 480 55 5 2 6.3 2.0 31/mx23/4x254 2% 4.90 4.41
64 G 175 PM-8419 480 70 6.3 3.0 21/4.21/2.3' 2s/4 4.90 4.41
. . .

64 G 215 PC -8419 480 70 6.3 3.0 3554x21/4x21/4Y . 254 4.90 4.4 i TUBE CHECKER TRANSFORMER
64 G I 7 I PM-8403 500 70 5 6.3 2.5 31/4.21/2.3' 34 5.49 4.94 Type P- 1834 -3. Multiple -secondary trans-
64 G 178 PC -8403 500 70 S 2 6.3 2.5 3l4.x21j}x3ya' 3/4 5.49 4.94 former. l'ri.: 125/115/105 v.. 60 cycles. Sec-
64 G 179 PC -8404 520 90 S 2 6.3 3.0 31/.:3x3% 4 6.17 5.56 ondary output volts: 1.1/1.4/1.5/2.0/
64 G 160 4 6.17 5.56 3.3/5.0/6 .3/7.0/7.5/12/25 /30/35/50/70/85
64 G 172 PM 84ÓS 540 120 5 3 6.3 3 S /i /4'
37 x3%/>sA 4/z 6.82 6.14 110 /117. Size. 21/4:4x2'. 'A" style mounting.
64 G 183 PC -8405 540 120 S 3 6.3 3.5 4x35:3' 4% 6.82 6.14 With data sheet. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs.
64 G 155 PM-8407
64 G 157 PM-8406
6.3 2.0
6.3 2.0
21 x3:31/4'
2 x3:21/'
35sa 4.96
64 G 139. 1 to 9, NET EACH
10 to 24, EACH
8. (5
64 G 217 PC -8406 650 40 5 2 6.3 2.0 3 s x21/4' 2%4
2%/ 4.51 4.06
64 G 184 PC -8407 650 55 5 2 6.3 2.0 3 21x35a' 31/4 4.96 4.47
64 G 164 PC -8408 680 70 5 2 6.3 2.5 31;4:31//az3 4 5.62 5.06 AUDIO INPUT TRANSFORMERS
64 G 156 PM-8408 680 70 5 2 6.3 2.5 2¡ax31/ax35z' 4 5.62 5.06 For single plate to push -pull grids rot ell(
64 G 158 PM-8409 700 90 5 2 6.3 3.0 2 :3 z3/4' 4% 6.27 5.64 "single plate to single grid; for 7000- 20,0011
64 G 185 PC -8409 700 90 5 2 6.3 3.0 3 x3x s/4 4%4 6.27 5.64 ohm plate impedances. All others, 7000 -15,000
64 G 159 PM-8410 720 120 5 3 6.3 3.5 3%x31/4:354 51/2 6.92 6.23 ohm plate impedance. Max. pri. DC, 10 ma.
64 G 186 PC -8410 720 120 5 3 6.3 3.5 4:31/4 .31/4' 51/2 6.92 6.23 Typo A -62 -C. 1:2 ratio. Size, 11/4x214xl 1/2'.
64 G 173 PM-8411 750 ISO 5 3 6.3 4.5 371/4.311/4.41/4'
1/4aa' 5% 8.29 7.47 Shpg. wt., 1/4 lbs.
64 G 187 PC -8411 750 150 S 3 6.3 4.5 x4ya
41/40(31/4.41/4. 51/2 8.29 7.47 64 G 079. 1 to 9, NET EACH 179
64 G 161 PM-8412 800 200 5 3 6.3 5.0 31/x41/2x37/4' 81/4 9.34 8.41 lO to 24, EACH 62
64 G 163 PC -8412 800 200 5 3 6.3 5.0 4x4x41/4¡ 854 9.34 8.41

64 G 169 PC -8414; 1200 200 5 3 6.3 3.0 454x41/4:4' 81/2 1.78 10.61 Typo A63. 1:3 ratio. Size, 11/4.21/4.1 W.
wt. 1

Sh .

64G 090. 74 to 9, NET EACH 1,73

FILTER CHOKES 10 to 24, EACH 156
All ratings are with maximum DC in winding. All are Fig. A mounting type. except Fig. L. t Fig. Type A-53 -C. 1:3 ratio. Size. 11/4x21/4xI% .
TU. ¡Fig. C. :Fig. NV. All are rated 1500 v. rms. except 2000. 113000.
Stook No. Typo Hy.. Ma. Ohms
0811.1 to 9, NET EACH
64 G 1.76
Size Lb.. 1-9, EA. 10-24, EA. 10 to 24, EACH 59 1

64 G 057 C100111 10.5 110 225 21/4.4.21/4' 2% 2.91 2.62 Type A-83 -C. 1:3 ratio. Size, 11/íí:27h:1 W.
64 G 056 C1002 15.0 75 400 254131/4x254 11/4 2.13 1.91
64 G 055 C1003 16.0 50 580 2x354x11/ 1'S; 1.73 1.56
h 64 G 082.141 to 9, NET EACH 1.99
64 G 065
64 G 075
G 063
G 466
11ñx2r/.x1 %i4
10 to 24, EACH

.. 1.79

Single plate (10.000 ohms primary imped-

64 G 455 C1412111 4.0 250 60 31/4x3x35= 4 6.82 6.14 ance) to push -pull grids.
64 G 068 C14201 16.0 80 360 3?41x21/4x251' 2% 3.53 3.18
64 G 465 C1421¡i1 7.0 140 165 31/hx21/ax21/1 2h 4.02 3.62 Typo A -4713. 2:1 primary to % secondary ra-
G 058
G 050
G 051
G 052
G 053
x2 ax1
2x 54x15¡
/ 1

tio; 3 ma. max. in primary. Size, 1,1/4:21/4.1W.
Shpg. wt., I Ib.
64 G 076.1 to 9, NET EACH
10 to 24, EACH
Typo A -4723. 3:1 primary to %h
secondary ra-
64G054 C1710 7.0 ISO 200 2% 3.23 2.91 tio; 30 ma. max in primary. Size, 11/47.21/4x1 ,h'.
64 G 069 C1721111 8.5 120 37 x35ax' 5.64 5.09
4 11x35 x3'
7 9.37
8.44 646 038.111 to 9, NET EACH
10 to 24, EACH
1 1.82 1

64 G 060 C2304 2.3 150 60 2:354x11/¡ 11/2 2.09 1.88 Typo A-4762. 2/1.5/1:1 primary to %h second-
64 G 061 C23051 5.0 100 300 2%l4.x2'/ x21/ß' 11/2 3.07 2.76 ary ratioo; 40 ma. max. in primary. Size, 2.354:
64 G 064 C2308111 8.0 300 80 414x4x3333/a 7% 9.47 8.53
64 G 457 C2309 3.0 150 90 2/4x3 % 1% 2.52 2.26 r64 G 039. 1tto19 NET EACH 2.87
64 G 505 C2325 2.0 200 60 31/4x2/4x2/4' 2 2.52 2.26 lO to 24, EACH 2 59
64 G 520 C2326 1.0 300 43 333/4.21/4.21/4' 15 2.84 2.55
64 G 073 C2327 1.5 200 85 151/4.271/4.1W 1 1.60 1.44 INTERCOM AND TRANSCEIVER
64 G 458 C2328 .8 375 25 21/4x31/4x2' 1% 3.30 2.97
64 G 459 C2334 2.8 300 60 21/4:2''/4x4' 2% 2.77 2.50 TRANSFORMERS
Type A -3833. For transceiver applications.
SELENIUM RECTIFIER TRANSFORMERS 0 200 and 5K -ohm pri. for carbon mike; sec..
60K. 11/4:271/4x1 1/2'. Wt. lb.
Versatile multi -tap transfo mers for low voltage. high curret t applications. All units are 64 G 031. 1 te 9, NET EACH 2.81
designed for a nominal input of 117 volts 50 -60 cycle AC. W"tl1 wiring chart 10 to 24, EACH 2 53
Stock Mfr's Rectifier Range of Mez. DC Output Max. DC Output WI. l -9, 10.24,
Typo A-4744. For intercom use; voice coil
No. Type Circuit AC Volts Resistive Lead Capacitive Load Size L EA. EA.
to grid input. 4-ohm pri.. sec., 25K 1%x
64 G 37291-201 JC.T. 11.7 to 29.4 112v. (m 2.0 amps 13.8v. L 2.0 amps 3502541354' 254 4.73 4.26 21/4x1 5'. Sltpg. wt.. 1// Ib.
III,. L 030. 1 to 9, NET EACH 1.83
1 Bridge 11.1 to 28.5 3.0v. 1.25 amps 0.0v. (a 1.25 amps 64 G
64G 3739T-202 JC.T. 12.0 to 29.8 (. 4.0 amps 14.7v. (a 40 amps 354125441/2' 4 6.27 5.64 10 to 24, EACH 65
(Bridge 12.0 to 29.8 24.3v. Si 2.0 amps .Ov. (a 2.0 amps
Typo A -8090. Matches line to voice coil. Has
64G 3749T-204 ICJ. 11.7 to 29.2 12.0v. a 8.0 amps 14.5v. (a 8.0 amps 48354z454' 654 7.90 7.11 45 -50 ohm pri., sec., 3 -4. 6-8. Maximum watts.
Bridge 11.6 to 29.2 24.0%. 4.0 amps 12.4v. (y 4.0 amps 3. Size. 11/4.21/4.1 1/2'. (Not illustrated.) Shpg.
64 G 3759T-206 JC.T. 12.0 to 29.7 11.5v. t 12.0
(Bridge 12.0 to 29.7 24.0v. (á4 6.0 amps
amps 14.4v. M 12.0 amps 41/4a37/40V 954 10.52 9.47 wt., 1/4 lb.
64 G 376
2.0v. (a 6.0 amps 64 G 489. 1 to 9, NET EACH 1.67
RT -208 JC.T. 12.1 to 29.2 11.4v. (a, 15.0 amps 14.80. (a 15.0 amps 4551354x554' 1254 12.44 1 1.20 10 to 24, EACH 50
(Bridge 12.1 to 29.2 v .7y. 9 80 amps 29v. (a 15.0 amps

64GZ378 RT -2012 21.1 to 29.0 11.4v. C 22.5

Type A -8091. Matches line to voice coil. 45 -50
JC.T. amps 14.3v. (a 22.5 amps 5%4a454z6H 71 19.30 17.38 ohm pri.. sec.. 3 -4, 6-8. Max. watts, 8. 1%.
(Bridge 12.0 to 29.0 .5v. (a 12.0 amps .0v. (a 12.0 amps
64GZ377 21/411%'. (Not illustrated.) Wt., lb.
555.4%.755' '7 27.75 24.99
RT -408 Bridge 25.0 to 53.5 .0v. C 8.0 amps .0v. (á 8.0 amps
64GZ379 RT -4012 Bridge 25.0 to 53.0 3.5v. (a 12.0 amps .0v. (á 12.0 amps 754z5%z654' i 37.55 33.81 64 G 490. 1 to 9, NET EACH - 1.83
10 to 24, EACH 1.65
140 Writ* to AUi*d for Quantity Prices on Transformers in Lots of 25 or More
Stancor Transformers

o m o
For single or push-pull plates to voice coil. All are Fig. Q except Fig. J. For New Automotive Equipment. 6-volt DC and 115 -volt AC
prim primary only. All are similar to Fig. N.
Secondary: t300 ohms; 1500, 333, 200, 125. 50 ohms; others match any P6OtheFig6TCt
voice coil. Av. ehpg wt., 1% lbs.
Stook Mfr's Primary Watts Mfr's Soc. DCtoFilte Soc. Wt., 1.9, 10-24,
No. Type Si" EACH EAC414 Stook
No. Type rolts Ma VCT Size Lbs. EA. EA.
64 G 294 A32501 5K; 10,
2x3%z13/ 64 G 753 P4062 260 65 600 31/ 4.664.19 2'
20K CT (1Sma) 3.23 2.91 64 G 126 P4061 250 50 580 31/ax2 x2s/t' 2t/r 4.243.82
64 G 005 A3822 7-10K 4 is/xs/ezÌs/s' 1.79 1.62 225 40 480 31 x21 x23/i 2% 4.41 3.97
4-14K CT Ix2i5x11/a 2.28 2.06 64 G 752 P4060 420 234.x2 x11/4¡ I% 3.40 3.06
64 G 026 A3823 8
64 G 125 P6301 150 40
64 G 242 A3824 6-10K 8 2x 1/4 3.23 2.91 G 127 P6166 Fil. 6.3 V.
64 ss y1
64 G 002 A3825 1.5-4.5K 8 2z3%zl3/4¡ 2.58 2.32 2.25 A. 135 Ì1/t 13 262.9;
64 G 028 A3830 3-10K CT 20 2134,z334ax2t/í 3.53 3.18 6a G 1197 P6491 00 376 3t/ax2Ns,
64 G 293 A38411 2.5.4,5.6.7
64 G 023 A3849 1.5-10K
64 G 024 A5850 4-14K CT
10 21
34.x2W 4.90 4.41
2: 33/4az1 yz
2.19 1.97
2.58 2.32
--- Mfr's
ori ginal equipment. Av. ehpg wt. 2 lbs.
Original Manufacturar' EACH 1 -9, 10 -24
Stock FIg Part Numbers EACH
64 G 027 A3852 4-14K CT 18 234.x23/. :2' 2.84 2.56 No. Type
64 G 025 A3856 4-14K CT 4 113/4x2. x13/.' 2.13 1.91 TA Delco 7240519 7.67 6.91
64 G 029 A3870 4-14K CT 18 2zS3y4x22 3.23 2.91 64 G 754 P4064 7.11 6.40
755 Delco
6a G 292 A3880 4-14K CT 15 21/45373/4:2%. 3.89 3.50 TA Motorola525ß472533
64 G 57 P647Ì Colonial -Detrola 071014 4.96 4.47
FIXED- IMPEDANCE OUTPUT TRANSFORMERS 64 G 758 P6472 TA Colonial, Bendix, Detrola,
All are Fig. A mounting type. except Fig. C Type A3337 is similar
in B}
to Motorola C217020, C71014.
4.96 4.47
Fig. J. but has leads. Type A3330 has 4.5% primary tap used 25E170950
5.64 4.47
51ter network for hum reduction. 64 G 759 P6473 TA Zenith 9S -1073
TA Colonial, Motorola
Steck Mfr's Primary Seo. Watts Mtg. Wt., 1-9, 10-24, 64 G 761 P6476
5,10 4.59
Type Plmary Ctrs. Lbs. EA.' EA. 267 D70267

64 G 013 A2312 14,000CT
4 G 033 A3304 7MCT 500/15/
10M CT 8/4
10 2s/'
21 jf6'

25 2x1134.'

2% 6.30 5.67
2.22 2.00
64 G 763
64 G 765
64 G 766
64 G 767

Motorola 25C501644
Philco 65 -0347
Philco 32 -831 3-1
Delco 6060
64 G 769 P6484 TA Motorola 251380950-E 5.49
64 G 297 A3311 10K CT 500/15/ 5.68 5.12
8/4 25 21/4z2' 3% 5.94 5.34 64 G 770 P6485 TA Zenith 95 -1071
64 G 296 A3327 25K 4 5 2' 1/z 1.60 1.44 P6486 TA Motorola 25C472586 -C 6.04 5.43
64 G 771 4.61 4.15
is/4' TA Motorola 25B -23103
64 G 244 A3328
64 26
G A3329
3 1¡
1.34 1.21
1.24 1.12
64 G 772
64 G 773
P6488 Motorola 25C521454
Delco 6067
64 G 299 53330 2K 3.5 5 2 1.79 1.62 64 G 774 P6489 R
64 G 243 A3332 2.000 3.2 3 13i/ Va 1.05 .94 P6490 Bendix (Ford Model 5ß8F) 3.26 2.94
6-8 10 1,99 1.79 64 G 893 R
3.04 2.73
64 G 295 A3337 SK 1
64 G 894 P6493 25C535794 Motorola 2.82
P6494 32- 8592-1 Philco 3.14
64 G 020 A3800 5,000 CT 500/250/ 64 G 895
6a G 046 25K535795 Motorola 3.14 2.82
30 23/4z2' 4 6.04 5.43 P6495
64 G 021 A3801 6,600 CT 500/250/
64 G 298 53831 10K CT
64 G 015 53857 25M CT
21/2:235( 43/4 7.25 6.53
3/s 2.35 2.12
'h 1.67 1.50
Primaries tapped for 125 íl5 and 105 v. with low 115 v. secondary (except
P -6415
64 G 001 A3876 2,000 4 5 2' % 1.24 1.12 P-6415). Excellent for correction of high and 3 line voltages.
has 117 v. primary and tapped secondary with standard output recep-
2' 1.30 1.18
004 5,000 4
tacles for 105. 115 and 125 v.; built -in electrostatic shields are grounded
64 G A3877 5
64 G 006 A3878 7,000 4 5 2' 1z 1.27 1.15
64 G 010 A3879 10.000 4 5 2' f/z 1.24 1.12 internally to core.
64 G 519 A8114 7.600 3.2 5 2' 1.73 1.56 Stock Mfr's Fig. Watt Wt., 1 -9 10 -24.
Type Size Lbs. EACH EACH
FILAMENT TRANSFORMERS 64 G 449 P6410 50 334.0-2134.131/1 46.72 6.05
High-quality, single- secondary transformers Secondaries center- tapped 64 G 443 P6160 KA 100 4?/ :4x33¡ ' 7 13.16 11.85
14% 24.78 22.30
except P6469 and P8I90. *Han 6.3 v.primary and secondary for filament 64 G 898 1'6161 KA 250 4i454555/ä
isolation. All others for 117 volts, 60 cycles. 64 G 444 P6415 350 5 ,x4í%/zxS53/4' 17 20.86 18.78
64 G2 448 P6298 KA 500 7%x6' x7%' 28 38.69 34.82
Mfr's Fl e. o
Type VltaAmpl.
s Insu
Mu,. Wt., 1.9. 10.24.
Ctrs. Lbs. EA. EA.
64 G 141 P6133 2.5 5.0 7500 2134.' 1 % 3.72 3.35
. .
4.66 4.19 Type A4350 is for mike to line or line to line. Others for mike, picku or
64 G 301 P3060 BV 2.5 10.0 10KV 21/4x1ri5 2% A. A4351 is Fig
64 G 262 P6467 A 5.0 3.0 2500 2134.' 1+/z 3.14 2.82 line to grid. A4350 and A4352 are Fig. Q. A4705 is Fig.
64 G 255 P3062 BV 5.0 6.0 2500 2x2 Via 4.15 3.73 TD (p. 140). 500 and 200-ohm primary sections are center- tapped.
64 G 887 P6465 A 6.3 .6 1500 21/z 1 1.73 1.56
Mlr's 10-24,
64 G 888 1'6492 D 5.0 30.0 2500 3x2.3/4,' 7%10.61 9.55 Stoek Pri. Ohms Sec. Ohms MtgCtrs. Lbs. EACH EACH
P6134 A 6.3 1.2 3000'23/. 1.89 1.71 No. Type
64 G 308 1
I 4.26 3.82
64 G 584 P8190 A 6.3 1.2 5000 2134a 1 2.48 2.23 64 G 094 A4350 500/333/200/125 /50 Same as Pri. 213,4.'
64 G 585 P81915 A 6.3 1.2 5000 213344 1 2.68 2.41 64 G 097 M351 500/333/200/125 /50 89,000 235x134' 134 4.54 4.09
P6466 A 6.3 3.0 2500 2144. 11/z 3.04 2.73 64 G 093 A4352 500/333/200/125/50 89,000 213,4.' 1 3.95 3.56
64 G 263 3.20 80,000 2' 2.09 1.88
64 G 309 P5014 BV 6.3 3.0 2500 2x1 4' 2 3.56 64 G 096 A4705 200/70 34

64 G 256 P4019 C 6.3 4.0 2500 2x111,4. 234 4.70 4.23

64 G 264 1'4089 C 6.3 6.0 2500 21/4:2' 3% 5.39 4.85 LINE-TO -VOICE COIL TRANSFORMERS
1'3064 BV 6.3 6.0 2500 2x2' 2% 4.09 3.67 in Q case. Type A3837
64 G 312 All have style J frame and terminal lugs except'
64 G 313 I'6308 .... 6.3 10.0 250 21/4x234a' 3yç 4.90 4.41 is auto-transformer; one or more speakers in parallel. A8102
64 G 265 P6309 .... 6.3 20.0 2500 3.23/. 6%
6 9.27 8.34 and A8103 are RE'ItMA 70.7 volt types. ?Power steps in watts.
64 G 314 P5015 13V 7.5 4.0 2500 2x21/ 3 4.15 3.73 1-9, 10-24,
64 G 257 P5016 BV 10.0 4.0 2500 21/4x21/r' 31/4 5.00 4.50 Stack Mlr's
Primary Imp. Secondary Imp. a . M<3- Wt.,
CO'. Lbs. EACH
64 G 318 P6139 . . 10.0 8.0 2500 211/2 x23/a' 5 6.08 5.47 No Typa
3W 2Yt3.56 3.20
64 G 258 P4097 C 10.0 8.0 2500 234z234.' 5 6.60 5.94 64 G 087 A3818
64 G 142 P8130 A 12.6 2.0 1500 2134a' 1% 3.36 3.03 1500/1000.061088,.12b1625
64 G 143 P6469 A 25.2 1 .0 1500 2134.' 1% 3.20 2.88 1500/2000 .181a24,.241032 15 23/1 1% 3.60 3.23
2500/3000 301040,.361548
HIGH- FIDELITY TRANSFORMERS 64 G 098 43883 500 15/8/6/4 25 234' 185 3.07 2.76
Hi -fi output transformers; frequency response of 20- 20,000 cycles at 64 G 085 A7947' 2000/1500/ 2%' 2.09 1.88
6-8/3.2 34
0 25 watts, + 1db. Maximum rating: SO watts. Have inter
Types A8054 and A8072 may
-leaved 1000/500 8

"trifilar" windings and are we I balanced. 64 G 086 A7949 2000/1500/ 2.77 2.50
be used with Williamson amplifiers. Size: 431x334.:4/4 Shpg. wt.,7 lbs. 1000/500 6-3/3.2 12 255' 154
2' 1.54 1.38

MaDCFrl. 64 G 089 A81015 500 3.2/6-8 5 34

Stock Mfr's imri' See. 1 -9, 10 -24, 64 G 091 A8IO2 8/4/2/1/.51 4/8/16 8 2' 31 2.94 2.65
No. Typo (p.P) Imp. per Half EACH EACH 64 G 092 A8103 4/2/
13/n' 4.12 3.70
4/8/16 16 154
64 G 563 A -8053 5000 8,16 150 ma 13.36 12.02 64 G 099 A8101
64 G 570 A -8056 6600 8, 16 125 ma 13.36 12.02 15001000%500 16/3/4 10 2W 154 3.99 3.59
64 G 564 A -8054 9000 8. 16 100 ma 13.36 12.02
64 G 574 A -8072 7600 4, 8. 16 100 ma 16.27 14.64 64 G 889 A8105.5/2.5/1.25/ 2' 2.13 1.91
62/.311' 4/8 5 34
WM-8 Chassis Set. Two completely punched and finished chassis for 64 G 890 A8106 8/4/2/It 4/8/16 8 2' 35 2.94 2.65
the ultra -linear Stancor- Williamson Amplifier (using A -8072 transformer. 64 G 891 A8107 16/8/4/2/1? 4/8/16 16 2, Vis' 155 4.12 3.70
above) and power supply. With schematic diagram and comprehensive
parts lists. Shpg. wt.. 3% lbs. 73C
64 G 892 A8108 5/2.5/1.25/
.621 4/8 5 r S4 2.13 1.91
64 G 269. NET PER PAIR
25 More 141
Write for Quantity Pricer on Transformers in Lots of or
Knight and Stancor Transformers

B eU D


An excellent selection of economy -priced, high -quality Knight trans- operation. Recommended for replacement applications and installation
formers. All are carefully assembled of quality components and fully in new equipment. A tine low -cost line of transformers for use by radio-
meet Allied's rigid standards for performance and dependability of TV servicemen, Amateurs, experimenters, students and hobbyists.
Fig. t'; all others Fig. A. Recommended for radio
62 G 008 is
aA Excellent
kit building, etc. Fully shielded; heavy duty S'
set replacement,
exible coded leads. All plate and Fil. 1 windings center- tapped.
a for receivers, low power transmitters, etc.
All have 110 -120 volt, 50-60 cycle primaries. Stock No. Hys. Ma. Ohms Ctrs. Lbs. 1-9, EA. 10-24, EA.
Plate 62 G 135 5.5 50 330 2' 1.11 1.00
Stook Rect. Fi .1 mtg Wt., 1-9, 10-24 62 G 136 8.5 50 400 21/4' 1.22 1.10
No. Volts Ma. V A V A C
62 G 008 250 25
62 G 034 480 40 5 2 6.3 2
6 3 1.0

2.54 2.24
3.47 3.09
62 G 137
62 G 138
62 G 139
550 21664'
220 3 ttÿ{6'
1.83 2
2y4 2.44 2.20
62 G 041 650 40 5 2 6 3 2 2x21/4' 3 3.83 3.45
62 G 042 650 70 5 3 6 3 3 5 2x21/4' 5 4.65 4.17 FILAMENT TRANSFORMERS
62 G 043 700 90 5 3 6 3 3.5 21/4x21654' 5% 4.78 4.30 e Primaries, 105 -125 volta, 50 -60 cycle AC.
62 G 044 700 120 5 3 6 3 4.7 21/4x31/4' 7 5.52 5.97
62 G 045 750 150 5 3 6 3 5 2'/a3%' 7%a 6.33 5.69 Stook No. Volts Amps Size Lbs. 1 -9, EA. 10 -24, EA.
62 G 033 800 2(10 5 5 6 3 5 x31/4' 10 7.65 6.89 62 G 028 21/4x3 1/gx1%' 214
5 6 I 2.89 2.59
62 G 030
62 G 031
1 sx1'

3 2 x30/4 2.47 2.23
CT prmavoicry. 6 toil.
ap s on secondary. Match single or push -pull tubes to
No. Impedances Watts Ctrs. M. Wt.,
-9, 10 -24
Variable Voltage and Isolation Transformai. Rated 150 watts.
Delivers 115 v. from 90-250 v., 50-60 cycle AC input. With 6-ft. cord
62 G 023 l'ri., I4000-1 4 2' and piing. Mtg. centers, 3x30/4. Shpg. wt., 9 lbs.
62 G 021 114,000 ohms. 8 21/4' 1.65 1.48 62 G 080. 10 to 24, EACH 12.49 1 to 9, NET EACH I3.Ó8
62 G 022 `Sec., VC l 1111
18 21/4' 11/4 2.21 2.00 Variable Voltage Transformer. 150 watts. Tests for possible fail-
D ure in radio by voltage
overload method. 7 -tap switch calibrated in
70.7 VOLT LINE -TO -VOICE COIL OUTPUTS output volts, 90 -150 (10 -volt steps). For 115 v., 50-60 cycle AC. 6-ft.
cord, plug, output receptacle. Mtg. ctrs., 2% :31/4. W't., 6y Ibo.
o 3.2 -4, 6-8.
Secondaries: 4. 8, 16 ohms, except 62 G 085. 10 to 24, EACH 10.86 Ito 9, NET EACH..O7
Stock Watt Mtg. Wt., t0-24 Isolation Transformer. Reduces shock hazard by isolating test
No. Taps Watts Ctrs. Lbs. EACH EAC Ij o units, or equipment under test, from line. For 115 volte, 50-60 cycle
G 081 5, 2.5. 1.25, AC. With 6 -ft. cord, plug and output receptacle.
.62. .31 5 Max. 2' 1/4 1.79 1.60
62 G 086. 100 Watt. 4%4 :355.x31/ 7 lbs. 1 -9, EA
10 -24, EACH
¡. 11.74
62 G 077 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25, 62 G 087. 260 Watt. 43/4x311340x4%. 1214 lbs. 1 -9, EA 10.57
.62 10 Max. 21/4' 1 2.04 1.84 10 -24, EACH
9.05 1

62 G 078 18. 9, 4.5. 2.25, 17.13

1.12, .56 18 Max. 21/4' 101 2.80 2.51
62 G 079 24. 12. 6, 3, 230- TO-115 VOLT AUTOTRANSFORMERS
1.5, .75 24 Max. 3W 1% 3.39 3.04 Well -built step-down transformers for reducing 220 -250 volts, 50-60
o cycles AC to 110-125 volta. For operating tape recorders, radios, am-
STANDARD OUTPUTS plifiers, household appliances, etc. Shielded construction. Smooth black
enamel finish. With 8 -ft. cord and plug. Female outlet on case.
For coupling plate of output tube to the speaker voice coil. Designed
e specifically for class A amplifiers. Shpg. wt.. 1/4 lb. Stock No. Watts Size Lbs. 1 -9, EACH 10-24, EAC H
Stock Printery Seo. Audio 1-9. 10-24, 62 G 510 80 31 x2114f4z3' 4 5.55 4.99
No. Imp. Ma. Imp. Watts Size EACH EACH 62G51I 150 3 3cc44 6 7.63 6.86
62 G 512 250 41/4x31f1144t 91/4 10.02 9.02
62 G 064 3,000 40 3.2 3 ITSPA .89 .80 62 G 513 500
62 G 063 2,500 50 3.2 3 1
41/4x301/40,41/4' 11 12.74 11.48
62 G 093 8,000 20 3.2 3 1 /azl%xl' .89 .80
62 G 065 2,000 50 3.2 S 155sx2%xl146' I.00 .88 HIGH- FIDELITY OUTPUT TRANSFORMERS
Designed for ultra -linear Williamson -type amplifiers. All flat from 6-
AUDIO TRANSFORMERS 90.000 cps. *Rated watts from 20-30,000 cps. All have 4, 8 and 16 ohm
(Max. allowable DC current in each half of primary.
e *Single or double-button. Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
Stook No. Description Ctrs. 1 Fig. Watts Imo tMa.
te 9, EA. 10- 24,EÁ.
No. Size Wt' 1-9,
62 G 0251 Carbon mike to grid I 2% I 2.07 1.88
62 G 0821 F
6 12* 80001 60 I21/4z30/4x31/4ILbs.
62 G 062 1:3 Single plate to single grid 2' 1.52

1.37 62
6 G 083 G
8.08 7.27
24* 6600 75 31/4x31/4x41/4' 6 15.81 14.23
On 26 or more transformers -write fer quantity prises.


A .,, Ii
U.,u- lurui,-i, doei ucd ha a >, ,m u.m,i,U,r , it, tills.
hex units feature small site andg weight, very important for minia-
turized or portable equipment. Allied will stock new transistor com- Type PSU -2000.
ponents as they become available. Max. pri. DC (for each half if pri- For use with honte
mary has center tap). IType TA -14 has 2 secondaries, 16 ohms series, air conditioners
4 ohms parallel. tType TI' -1 is for bridge rectifier
power supplies; has having 1/4 to 1 -hp.
7 volt 60 cycle primary and 2 secondaries. each supplying
13 or motors. ( to 1-ton
18 volts at 900 ma. units.) Converts
Mlr's Appli- Pri.
208 -volt unit to
Stock Sec. ,,t, Pri.
Po. Sec. SRN. 1-9 10-24, 230-volt line. Con-
Type cation Imp. Imp. Rn. waits Size Fig.
Res. Wt. EACH EACH verting a 230 -volt
G 952 TA-1 Input 600 CT 10 20 42 .8 .05 11/,4xls4ísx1Sik' A I
oz. 1.89 1.71 unit to 208 -volt line
63 G 953 TA-2 Interstage 100 CT 10 CT 100 4 3 8 .25 1145.x254a11i' A oz.
3 1.89 I .71 is done by a simple change inside the outlet box.
63 G 954 TA-3 Interslage 100 1000 CT 100 5 8 4 5 25 1)Sx2lil.xl5t' A oz.
3 1.89 1.21 Supplied with line cord, standard 250-volt po-
63 G 955 TA-4 Inleralage 500 CT 5000 CT 12 37 250 .03 ISSx21/00154' A 3 oz. 2.48 2.23 larized plug, and receptacle. Rated at 2.3 KVA.
63 G 956 TA-5 Driver 1000 200 CT 10 400 115 .05 14s11/4s55' A 2 oz. 4.69 4.22 Size. 31/4x61/4x31/4'. Sltpg. wt., 9 lbs.
G 957
TA-6 Driver
2000 2000T 5 720 115 05 Wx1Y.xl4' A 2 oz. 5.32 4.79 63 G 967.1 to 9, NET EACH 14.45
G TA-7 100 100 CT 100 12 12 5 11hx111ilsxll4' A 5 oz. 1.89 I .71 10 to 24, EACH 13.00
63 G 959 TA-8 Output 9800 15 2 640 2 05 114121454x1Ys' A 1 oz. 4.24 3.82
63 G 960 TA-9 Output 1000 4/8/16 10 180 3.5 2 SSsVj{.aR' A I oz. 4.86 4.37 Type PSU -3000. Similar to PSU-2000, but de-
63 G 961 TA-10 Output 2000 CT 4/8/16 250 4 2 5txP454x55' A 1 oz. 5.32 4.79 signed for larger air conditioners. Supplies
63 G 962 TA-11 Output 48 CT 8/16 275 5 1 5 5 2x31401X A 1 Ib. 2.74 2.47 enough power to drive a 1 to 2 -hp. motor of the
63 G 963 TA-12 Output 20 CT 8 500 .55 35 10 ly4a1740154' A 4 oz. 1.89 1.71 type used in I to 2 ton conditioners. Converts
63 G 964 TA-13 Dover 2130 CT 400CT 10 6 3x211/4.a21/2' ID 11/4 Ib. 4.02 3.62 208 -volt unit to 230 volta, or 230 -volt unit to
63 G 965 TA-14 Outputl 24 CT 16i4CT 200 10 4140X4y5 TD 61h Ib. 9.40 8.46
63 G 966 TP-1 Powert
On 25 or more
.. .

transformers-write for quantity prices.

. . . 313x21/4' . 215 Ib. 4.86 4.37 638G968
10 -24, EACH
10 lbs.
142 Call on Allied for Your Industrial Electronic Needs
UTC Transformers
Designed specifically for Amateur and P. A. amplifier G 3, G-4
service. Vacuum -impregnated and compound -filled. G-5
Caso HNeht Width Dopth Shpg. Wt. G-7
G -2 2k1s 31/2' 1'554' 1t% lbs. UTC G-8
(: -3 21/2' 31/2' 235,' 2 lbs.
G -4 2'5i 41/2' 214 3 lbs.
G -5 31/2' 31/2' 41/2'
8 lbs.
G-7 4% 41/2'
57 ' 5s
lbs. G-12
5 ' 6
6 r
' 24
31 lbs.
G -12 10 a' 7t/s' 9t/e 52 lbs.


or Moro, center to
Casa 1-24,
Stock Mrr's 26
No. Typo Application EA. EACH Stock No. Type Sec. VCT Rec. Fil. Fil. 1 Fil. 2 Case I -24, EA. rMors,EA.

62G761 S-8 Singledriver plate to PP grids G-3 6.47 5.50 62 G 739 5-39 980/800
16 17 13.75
PP pl. to grids of class B tubes G-4 8.23 7.00 @ 175 ma SV, 3A 2.5 VCT, 6A 6.39, 4A G-7
62 G 762 S -9
62 G 740 5 -40 1050/850
62 G 763 S-10 12AÚ7 orsimilartubestoS881 G -7 17 64 4.99
or 6L6'e, self or fixed bina. G-3 6.47 5.50 (r 250 ma 5V. 3A 6.3 VCT, 3A 6.39, 3A 1

62 G 741 S -41 1200 (2 7.59 tapped

200 ma 5V, 3A 6.3V, 3A 6.3V, 2A G -7 17 64 4.99

62 G 742 5-42 1200 /1050 76V tapped

Secondary impedances: 500. 15, 8, 2 ohms. 0 300 ma 59, 6A 6.3V, 3A 6.3V, 3A G -8 19.1 1 16.25
1-24, 25 or More,
Stock No. Typs Primary Ohms Watts Cass EA. EACH LINE-TO- SPEAKER TRANSFORMERS
Stock No. Type Watts Primary Sac. Case -24. EA. 25 or Mors, EA.
62 G 764 S-14 2500, 4000, 7000. 10.000 10 G-2 6.47 5.50 1

62G765 S-15 PP tubes: 4000, 5000, 10,000 12 G-2 7.06 6.00 62 G 769 S-12 15 2000 1 e, 5.29
62 G 766 S-i6 PP 3000, 6000,9000- 10,000 30 G -4 8.23 7.00 62 G 770 5 -13 30 11 1 151 I G-4 I 6.50
62 G 767 Sd7 PP 3800, 4500 -5000 55 G -S 9.70 8.24
SINGLE- SECONDARY FILAMENT TRANSFORMERS Weigh only I ounce- or all compact applications. Response
characteristics are: .1 db 30- 20.000 cps, except 0 -14, 0-IS.
maries tapped at 105, 115 Volta, 50-60 cycles. Tapped sec. and units carrying DC, which are for voice from 130 to
Stock No. Typo Secondary (CT) Ins. V. Case 1-24, EA. 26-Up,EA. 4.000 cps. Max mum operating level, 0 db. Sealed in alu-
1500 G-3 5.88 5.00 minum housings. 1/2 dia., 144 high. Mount by two 2 -56
62 G 703 S-53 23V @ 10A 4.75
62 G 704 S-54 SV @ 4A 2500 G.3 5.59
4.50 Primary Impedance Sec. Imp. I-21 EA. 25or More. ÉA.
62 G 705 S-55 6.3V 14 3A 1500 G-3 5.29 Stock No. Typs
62 G 707 S-57 2.5V 14 10A 10000 G-5 8.82 7.50 62 G 780 0-1 50, 200-250, 500-600 50.000 7.64 6.50
62 G 708 S-58 2.5V 14 20A 10000 G-5 9.41 8.00 62 G 78 I 0-2 50, 200-250, 500-600 50,000 CT 7.64 6.50
S-59 13A 5000 G-5 8.82 7.50 62 G 782 0-3 7.5-30 50.000 7.35 6.25
62 G 709 SV @
G-7 12.94 1.00 5.50
62 G 710 S-60 5V @ 22A 10000
62 G 783 0-4 15,000 60.000 6.47
62 G 71 I 5-61 7.5, 6.3V @ IOA 3000 G-5 10.00 62 G 784 0-5 15600 DC In Prl. 60.000 6.47 5.50
2 S-62 62 G 785 0-6 15,000 95,000 CT 7.35 6.25
62 G 7Ì3 S-63 14Ì2 1V @ 10A 5000 G7 I2.94 11.00 62 G 786 0-7 15,000 DC in Prl. 95,000 CT 7.35 6.25
62 G 787 0-8 15.000 150. 7.64 6.50
MULTIPLE-SECONDARY FILAMENT TRANSFORMERS 62 G 788 0-9 15.000 DC in Prl. i200-250, 7.64 6.50
3000 v., except
Primary tapped 105, 115 volts, 50/60 cycles. Insulation, G 62 G 789 0-10 30,000 plate to plats 1500-600 8.23 7.00
5.71 10000 v. and 5000 v. All in G 5 case excep -7 case. 62 G 790 0-12 50. 200-250 7.64 6.50
Fil. Fil. 3 1-21, 25 or Mors. 793 Audio choke: 300 hys. at 0 DC; 50 M'a
Stock Mir's Fil. 1 2 62 G 0.13
No. Type CT CT CT EA. EACH st 3 ma DC, 6000 ohms. 6.17
2.5V@5A SV@1A 63V@3A 9.70 8.24 62 G 791 0-11 200 7.35 th mseohm 6.25
62G715 S-65
6.39H 5A 9.70 8.24 62 G 792 0-15 15.000 7.35 I megohm 6.25
62G717 S-67 59146A I 0.00 8.50
62G718 S-68 5V@3A 63911 4A 7.5V0 5A 10.00 8.50 62 G 794 0-16 250 Cr 50,000
I0.00 8.50 62 G 493 0-18 10,000/2500 2000/500 8.23 7.00
62G720 S-70 6.3V5A 6.3VCc5A
14.70 12.49 62 G 494 0-19 10,000/2500 4000/1000 8.23 7.00
62G721 S-710 2.5V 6A 2.5V@6A 2.5 V 4 12 A
SV@6A 590) 6A 10.58 9.00 62 G 495 0-20 1500 CT 500/125 8.23
62G722 S-72 5V@ 3A
62 G 496 0-21 2000 Cl': 4000 CT 8: 16 7.64 6.50
62 G 492 0-17 Mumetal Shield: fits an Ouncer unit 1.47 1.25
Stock Mir'a
Henrys Ma Ohms Insu) Cass EACH EACH "Tiny' transformera for miniature equipment. Fre-
No. Type quency response. 3 db from 200 to 5000 cps. Sub -
62 G 776 S-23 300 5 5000 1500 V. G-2 4.41 3.75 ouncers size 11ex1/2x1/2'.Weight. I/ oz. Sub- subouocers
62 G 725 5-21 500 CT 3 6000 1500 V. G-2 5.00 4.25 size 3í,x1/2z3/4'. Weight, 34 oz. tFixed imp. ratio; 1250:1
62 G 726 S-25 30 30 800 1500 V. G-2 3.82 3.25 for SO-I and SSO -l; 1:50 for SO -3 and SSO-3. SO -5.
62 G 727 5-26 12 60 250 1500 V. G-2 3.82 3.25 2675 ohms DC resistance; SSO -S. 4400 ohms. Wt.. 2 oz.
62 G 728 S-27 25 75 350 1500 V. G-4 5.00 4.25 SFORMERS
62 G 729 S-28 20 100 350 1500 V. G-4 5.88 5.00 Stock No. Type Use Pp. imp. Pn. DC Sec. Imp. 1 -24, EA.25- up,EA.
62 G 730 S-29 6 175 90 1500 V. G-4 5.00 4.25
62 G 731 3-30 1/20 175 90 1500V. G-4 5.00 4.25 62 G 2I 0 tS0-1 Input 200, 50 0 250K,
2700 V. G-5 6.76 5.75 62.5K 2.94
62 G 732 S-31 6 225 100
6.76 5.75 62 G 2 I I 50.2 Audio 1:3 10,000 0-2.5 ma 908 2.94 2.50
62 G 733 S-32 4/20 225 100 2700 V. G-5
62 G 2 I2 tS0.3 PI to line 10K, 25K 3, 1.5 ma 200, 500 2.94 2.50
62 G 751 533 8 300 100 4000 V. G-7 9.1 1 7.75 62 G 2 13 50-4 Output 30,000 1 ma SO 2.94 2.50
62 G 734 5-31 4/20 300 100 4000 V. G-7 9.41 8.00 2.94 2.50
60 5000 9 G-8 11.76 10.00 62 G 2I 4 50 -5 Reactor 50 hysH. 1 ma DC
62 G 735 S-35 8 400 .

1.76 10.00 62 G 2I 5 50-6 Output 100,000 .5 ma 60 3.82 3.25

62 G 736 S-36 4/20 100 60 5000 V.

14.70 12.49 62 G 2I 6 SO-7 Transistor

62 G 737 S-37 8 550 60 6000
12.49 Intentase 20K, 30K .5 ma 800. 1200 2.94 2.50
62 G 738 S-38 1/20 550 60 6000 V. G-8 14.70
62 G 217 50-8 Transistor
LATE TRANSFORMERS -115 V., 50-60 CYCLES to PP sec. 1011 1 ma 2000 CT
62 G 2 18 50.9 PP Trans-
Stock No. Type Sec.VCT OC Ma Casa 1-24,EA. 25or Mors, EA. istor to VC 500 CT 0 3.2 3.53 3.00
744 1150/550 500 G-9 23.52 19.99 62 G 497 SO -10 Transistor 2K CT 4 8
62 GZ S-44
G-8 20.58 I7.49 to VC 4K CT 2 16 3.53 3.00
62 G 745 5-45 1800/1500 200
62 GZ 746 S-46 2000/1500 300 G-9 23.52 19.99 SUS- SUBOUNCER TRANSFORMERS
62 GZ 748 S-47 3000/2500/2000 300 G-10 32.34 27.49 250K 4.41 3.75
62 G 236 tSSO-1 Input 200, 50 0
38.22 32.49

500 G-11 62 G 237 Interstage 62.5K

62 GZ 749 S-48 3000/2500/2000
4.70 4.00
4200/3600/3000 300 G-11 35.28 1:3 10.000 0-.25 ma 9011
6i G2 7C
Ó S 50 6000/5000 300 G-12 58.80 49.98 62 G 238 1550 -3 PI. to lins IOK, 258 3, 1.5 ma 200, 200 3.82 3.25
62 G 239 SSO -4 Output 30.000 1 ma 50 3.82 3.25

Stock No.
Typs Audio Power Cas* 1E-.
26 Moro.
er. 62
240 SSO -5
24 550 -6

235 SSO -7
229 SSO -8
50 hys(d
10K, 20K
ma DC

.5 ma
.5 ma
800, 1200
62 G 771 5-18 12 watts G -3 7.06 6.00 to PP sec. 10K 1 2000 CT 3.82 3.25
62 G 772 S-19 30 watts G -4 9.11 7.75 2.94 2.50
62 G 773 S-20 55 watts G -5 14.70 12.49 62 G 234 -550-9 ) Tnnsrstor LOK 2 16
2.94 2.50
62 G 774 S-21 110 watts G -7 20.58 17.49 62 G 246.-SSO -10 lto VC 10K 2 3.2

62 GZ 775 S-22 250 watts G -9 32.34 27.49 62 G 247 SSO -l1 Trasudor 500 3.5 50
Output 600 3.5 60 2.94 2.50
Output 3
120060 3 2.94 2.50
Type MC -2. ('onnecta low- impedance microphone to high-impedance

input on amplifier or tape recorder. Allows microphone cable to be 62 G 249 SSO-13 Crystal to
1000 4.41 3.75
extended several hundred feet without loas of frequency response. Transistor 20011 0
498 200 CT
Primary imp : 30-50 and 200 -250 ohms. Secondary to grid. Response. 62 G SSO -I4 JTransistor 10K CT 2
4.70 4.00
40- 12,000 cps. 11/2' dia., 2t/' long. Wt. 12 oz. linterstaae 25K CT 2 500 CT
62 G 819. 1 to 21, NET EACH 7Ó 62 G 499 SSO -IS 1 800 CT
308 CT I 1200 CT 4. 0
06 or More. EACH 10.00
For Comploto Product and Manufacturers Iddell, Sao Paga 397-400
UTC Transformers
Caso Haight Width L Mounting Shp,. Wt.
HA-I - 1}yxi I3jt' 2t/z lbs.
25/.' k' 3%b lbs.
4tt%' 5't 3%'
51 y,,,
8 lbs.
16 lbs.


Lightweight audio transformers for compact, portable applications.
have Hiperm -Alloy core. Hum -balanced coil, die-cast case reduces All
(LS) Uniform frequency response. hum.


Type LS units fulfill the most critical specifications established for broad- Six secondary taps cover 50, 125 -150, 200, 250, 333. 500 -600 ohms.
cast equipment. Each is guaranteed to meet or exceed
the frequency
db from 30- 40,000 cps. Maximum unbalanced DC in primary: HA-113,
response indicated. All have Hiperm -Alloy plus multiple -section 0 ma.; HA -133, 8 ma.; HA -114, 1 ma. In H -I case. *Imp. in ohms.
inter -leaved windings in a semitoroidal coil cores,
structure. Special winding
methods and insulations assure minimum leakage reactance Stock No. Type Application 'Pri. d6m 1-24, EA. I2 5 or Mote, EA.
uted capacitance. Minimum hum pickup is achieved by the and distrib-
62G 816 NA -113 Plate to mutt. line +21 7.64 14.99
high -coudw ttcirc uuc.r a., and hunt -balancing roil str,, Lure. use of a
151( 1
62 G 869 HA -133 Plato to mutt. line I58 +22 20.5 8 I 17.49
62G 817 NA -114 PP plates to line 30K +23 20.58 17.49
Designed for .uupliug single plates to l'l' grids. LS-19: .1 db, 20- 20,000
cps; relative hum, -50 db. LS-2l: .1 db. 10- 20,000 cps; relative hum, LOW-IMPEDANCE -TO -GRID AND MIXING TRANSFOr''ERS
-74 db. Maximum level: +20 dbm. Primary Primary: 50, 125 -150, 200, 250, 333, 500-600 ohms. .1 db from 30- 20,000
for coupling single plate to PP grids. LS-1 case.impedance, 15,000 ohms; cps except HA -108X, '. db from 20- 50,000 cps. Max. level (dbm):
liA-100, HA -106X, f-l8; HA -100X, +16. In H -1 case.
No. Typo Sen. Imp., Ohms 1 -24, EA.26 or More, EA.
62 G 835 LS-19 95.000. Ratio, 11/4:1
Stock No. Typo Application Sac. Ohms 1 -24, EA. 26 or Mero,EA.
17.64 14.99 62 G 805 HA -100 Line to grid) 60,000
62 G 837 LS-21 135,000. Ratio. 3:1 I 17.64 I 14.99 17.05 14.49
62 G 806 HA-100X
HA-100X As above 60,000 17.05 14.49
62 G 810 HA -108X Mixer -Line As Pri. 19.40 16.49
1 db, 7- 50,000 cps, except 110-50,000 for push -pull output tubes.
LS-35 and LS-36 are hi -fi types; LE-35: for class AB feedback; INTERSTAGE AUDIO TRANSFORMER
screen tap; LS-36: for class ABt feedback; 40% screen tap. All in 43%
LS-2 Type HA-106. Incorporates Hiperm -Alloy nickel iron core structure and
case, except 'in LE-3 case. hum balanced coils. Designed to match a single plate to push -pull grids.
Has split secondary. Primary impedance, 15,000 ohms. Secondary im-
Stock Mfr's Pri. Imp., Sen. Imp., 1 -24, 25 or pedance, 135,000 ohms. Turns ratio, 3:1 overall. Response: from 30- 20,000
No. Typs Ohms Ohms Watts EACH More,EA, cycles, .1 db. Max. level, +20 dbm. In H -I case.
62 G 845 LS-52 8000 11.2, 2.5, 5, 20 20.58 I7.49 62 G 813. 26 or More, EACH.. 15.75, 1 to 24, NET EACH.. 88.52
62 G 847 LS-55 000, 3000 17.5, 10, 15, 20 23.52 19.99
62 G 849 LS-58'1 500, 1500 (20. 30, 50, 40 49.98 42.48 ULTRA -COMPACT HIGH -FIDELITY AUDIOS
62 G 850 LS -61 10.000. 6000 125, 200,
62 G 851 LS -6L15 1333.500.
20 23.52 19.99 Max. level, +15 dbm; except 1 +30 dbm. Multiple alloy shield. Re-
30 35.28 29.99
G 846
G 848
G 855 LS -63
000 (1.2, 2.5, 5.
000, 3000 ¡17.5, 10, 15
10.000. 6000 20, 30.
17.64 14.99
17.64 14.99
sponse- A -10 A -12
A-16. A -18 A -19, -25, .2db,
2 db. 20- 20,000 cps; A -II, 2 db 50- 20.000 cps;
40-20,000 cps; A-20. .2 db. 10- 50,000
cps; A -24, A -26. +2 db, 20-40,000 cps; A-21, .2 db, 30- 30,000 cps; A -I5,
62 G 871 1.S -35*
20 17.64 I4.99 A -22. A -23, 2 db, 40- 10,000 cps. All fit Mumetal "el p-on" shield (last
000 4, 8, 16 35 23.52 19.99 listing in table). In A case. Av. Mpg. wt., 1 t/ lbs.
62 G 872 LS-65 3300 4. 8. 16 60 41.16 34.99
Stook Mfr's Pri. Imp., See. Imp. 1 -24, 25 or
For mixing low -impedance mike, pickup or multiple line to multiple line. 62 G 820 A-10 50,125-äS0,200-
Maximum unbalanced DC in primary: LE-30 .5 ma; LS -30X, .3 ma. 250, 333, 500- 50K 2.94 11.00 1

200.250. 333, 500 -600

Primary and secondary have 6 taps: 50, 125 -15:0, 62 G 821 A-11 50, 200, 500 50K P.P. 11.76 10.00
ohms. In LS-I case. 62 G 822 A-l2 Same an A -10 80K 2 sect. 1.76 10.00 1

Typo LS -30. Maximum level, +23 dbm. Relative hum -pickup reduction 62 G 864 A-151 10K -2.5K 500-2K 9.70 8.25
compared to uncased type, -74 db. db, 7 -S0 000 cps.
62 G 824 A -16 15K 60K 2:1 9.70 8.25
62 G 840. 25 or Mere, EACH. .18.75. 1 -24, HET EACH 22.05 62 G 825 A -18 15K (Split) 80K P.P. 2.3:1 1.76 10.00
62 G 826 A -19 15K-8 ma DC 80K P.P. 2.3:1 11.76

Typo LS-30X. Maximum level, +20 dbm. Multiple alloy shield gives 10.00
relative hum- pickup reduction of -92 db.. db. 20- 20,010 cps. 62 G 827 A -20 Same as A -10 Same as Pr'. 14.1 I 12.00
62 G 841. 25 or More, EACH. 19.99. -24, NET EACH
62 G 828 A-21* 50, 200 -500, 500-
23.52 600 Same as Pri. 11.76 10.00
HIGH -LEVEL MATCHING TRANSFORMER 62 G 868 A -221 300 125 -500, split 9.70 8.25
62 G 873 A-23f 500 -16, split 9.70 8.25
Type LS-33. Primary 50, 125, 200, 250, 333. 500 -600 ohms. Secondary, 62 G 777 A-24 15K A -10 pri.
1.2, 2.5. S. 7.5, 10, IS. 20, 30, SO. 125. 200, 250, 333, 500 -600 ohms, Max. 12.64 10.75
level 20 watts. Response r1 db, 10- 40,000 cps. In LS-2 case.
62 G 778 A -25 ISK-8 ma DC As A -10 pri. 11.76 10.00
62 G 779 A -26 30K P. to P. A -l0 pri. 2.94 11.00
62 G 800. 25 or More, EACH... 17.49, 1 -24, NET EACH. ...20.58 1

52 G 874 A -33 Mumetal shield; for any of above 2.65 2.25

LS-10, LS-10X to single grid; others to PP grids. Relative hum -pickup "DOTS" TRANSISTOR TRANSFORMERS
reduction compared to uncased type. -72 db; texcept, -92 db. Primary
impedance 50, 125 -150, 200, 250, 333. 500 -600 ohms. 'Total impedance, Decl -Ouncer- Transformers (DOTS). Miniature tran-
both sections. In LS-1 case. +1 db, 20-20,000 cps. sistor transformers welshing only 1 /10 of an ounce.
Low distortion, high efficiency and excellent response.
Stook No. Typ. *Soo. Ohms Max.Lavol 1-24, EA, 26or Mere,EA. Moisture -proof case has firmly anchored leads, with
62 G 829 LS-10 60,000 +l9 dbm 20.58 plastic ins dation. Especially suitable for printed cir-
17.49 cuits. lie dia., li'st' long. Shpg. wt., 1 oz.
62 G 8301 LS-10X 50,000 +17 dbm 20.58 17.49
62G831 LS-12 120,000 +19 dbm 24.70 20.99
62 G 8671 LS-I2X Stock Primary
Typo PPllcation Ohms Secondary 1 -24,
80,000 +17 dbm 23.52 19.99 25 or
No. Ohms EA. Mere,EA.
PLATE-TO -LINE TRANSFORMERS 62 G 686 DO-TI Interstage 20K -30K 800-1200 5.88 5.00
LS-SO, single plate to multiple line. LS-S1. for push -pull low -level plates 62 G 687 DO-T2 Output 500 -600 50 -60 5.29 4.50
to multiple line. Secondary impedances: 50 125 -150, 200, 250, 333, 62 G 688 DO-T3 Output K -1.2K 50 -60
5.29 4.50
500-600 ohms. In LS-I case. .1 db, 10- 40,000 cps. 62 G 689 DO -T4 Output 600 3.2 5.29 4.50
62 G 690 DO -TS Output 1.2K 3.2 5.29 4.50
Stook No. Typs Prl. Ohms Max.Level 1- 24,EA, 25 or Mere,EA. 62 G 691 DO -T6 Output 10K 3.2 5.88 5.00
62 G 843 LS-50 I 15,000 I +23 dbm I 20.58 I 62 G 692 DO-T7 Input 200K 1 K 6.47 5.50
17.49 62 G 693 DO -T8 Reactor 3.5 hya. (§ 2 ma DC 4.70
62 G 844 LS-SI 30,000 +24 dbm 26.46 22.49 62 G 694 DO-T9 Out. Driv. 10K-123K 500-600 4.00
62 G 695DO -TIO Driver 6.47 5.50
10K -12.5K ä.2K -1.5K 6.47 5.50
VARITRAN VOLTAGE CONTROLS 62 G 696130-T11 Driver 10K -12K 2K -2.5K 6.47
Type V -1. Autotransformers with single layer coil. 62 G 697 DO-T12 S /PP Output 150-200 5.50
Coil is designed so that top portion of every turn 62 G 698 DO-T13 S /PP Output 300 -400
12 -16 5.59 4.75
12 -16 5.59 4.75
is exposed and may be used as a tap of the winding. 62 G 699 DO-T14 S /PP Output 600 -800 12 -16 5.88 5.00
A special non-fusing contact can be moved to any 62 G 876 DO-T15 S /PP Output 800 -1070 12 -16 5.88 5.00
position on the winding, permitting the exact volt- 62 G 877D0- T16S/PP Output I K-1.33K 12 -16
age desired to be obtained. Maximum current avail- 62 G 878 DO-T17 S /PP Output 1.5K-2K 5.88 5.00
able from 0-20 volts and 95 -130 volts. From 20-95 12 -16 5.88 5.00
volts current capacity tapers off (60% maximum at 63 G 087 DO-THIS/PP Output 7.5K -10K 12 -16 6.17 5.25
65 volts). Rated at 5 amps. 570 watts. Output is in-
63 G 088 DO- T19Output 300 600 5.88 5.00
dependent of load. Size, 4%x8x3s/s'. For 110 -120 63 G 089 DO- T200utput S00 600 5.88 5.00
volts 50-60 cycles. Shpg. wt., 12 lbs. 63 G 090 DO-T21 Output 900 600 5.88 5.00
62 G 201, 26 or Mors, EACH.... 16.66. 1 to 24, EACH....19.60 63 G 091 DO- T22Output 1.5K 600 5.88 5.00
63 G 092 DO- T23Interstage 20K -30K 800-1.2K 6.76 5.75
Medal V-1 -M. As above but 0-150 v. meter. 4%::9%/E.3%. 14 lbs. 63 G 093 DO-T24 Input 200K 1K 7.35 6.25
62 G 202. 26 et More. EACH....29.15. 1 to 24, EACH 34.30 .
63 G 094 DO -T25 Interstage 10K -12K I.SK-1.8K 7.06 6.00
144 For Completo Product and Manufacturers Index. Sao Pages 397 -400
UTC Transformers and Inductors



COMMERCIAL GRADE COMPONENTS Wide -range. stable. high-Q urút.v. items to ally
Coils conformo to MIL -T -27 specifications. In- sealed. Meet MIL -1 -27A stria Adjustable
ductance is virtually independent of frequency.
temperature and vibration. Extremely low hum
by net screw from 200% to t
70% o mean
value. Size, Weitz .xlln'. Shpg. wt. 3 oz.
Designed for industrial and couun.acial use pickup. 'Typical Mean Max. I -24,
8 kc; MQA -10 lock ' 1r s.
where dependable operation is essential. Wind- MUNY 7lomax. 130
Type Hys. Ma. EACH EACH
ings are vacuum impregnated and entire unit 150 pt 5 kc; MUB -5. 250 (4 3 kc and 50 14 250 No.
DC currents 7.0
is sealed with a special compound. Will with- cycles. Lab. adjusted to 1% toll. 62 G 114 HVC -1 .006 100 8.82
stand extremes of climate. Response of all shown will drop coil inductance 5 %. Shpg. 62 G 115 HVC -2 .015 60 0.02 7.50
unit.o :
th db from 40 to 10,000 cps. P -P pri.
1 wte., MUE 2 oz; MQA, 4 oz.; MQB 14 oz. 62 G 116 HVC -3 .040 40 8.82 7.50
TYPE MOE-1 x115:x1/2'
Imp. of CG-I5 8000 ohms; CG -16 3000 and 62 G 117 HVC -4 .1 30
5000 ohms; have 1.5, 3, 5, 8, 16, 200 and 500 62 G 118 HVC-5 25 20 8.82 7.50
ohm taps on secondary. CVP-1 and CVP -2 Stock Mfr's. Induc- Mar. I -24, 25 -Up,
62 G 119 HVC-6 .6 15 8.82 7.50
are Varimatch type. Will match any tube. to No. Type lance Ms. EACH EACH
62 G 121 HVC-7 1.5 10 9.41 8.00
line or voice coil. Pri. imp.: 3000, 5000, 6000, MQE-1 7 mhy 135 7.06 6.00 62 G 122 HVC-8 4.0 9.41 8.00
7000, 8000, 10,000 14,000 ohms. Sec. imp.: 62 G 945
MQE-2 12 mhy 100 7.35 6.25 9.41 8.00
1.5, 3. 5, 8, 16, 50, 200, 500 ohms. All units 62 G 946 G 123 HVC-9 10
80 7.64 6.50 8.24
require 2%' mounting hole, except *3' hole. 62 G 947 MQE-3 20 mhy 62 G 124 HVC-10 25 3.5 9.70
MQE-4 30 mhy 65 7.64 6.50 2 10.58 9.00
Shpg. wt. and nine: 31/413x3', 31/2 lbs; except 62
G 948
949 MQE-5 50 mhy SO 7.94 6.75
62 G 126 HVC-11
150 1.5 11.76 10.00
e41/2x31/4x3z/4', 61/2 Iba. G 62 G 127
62 975
G MQE-6 70mhy 40 8.23 7.00
Stock Mfr's Typical
T rbss 62 976
*Adjustable from + 85i to -45%
No. Type
Ty Tubes Each Eachp of mean
62 G 977 MQE-8 150 mhy 30 8.53 7.25
62 G 922 CG -15 20 6AQ5. 6V6, 6F6 62 G 978 MQE-9 .25 hy 22 8.53 7.25 value. Mtg. cire., o%exz94'. Shpg wt., 6 oz.
triode 11.76 10.00
62 G 979 MQE-10 .4 hy 17 8.82 7.50
Mfr's. Moan Malt. 1.24, 25 -Up,
62 G 923 CG -l6 20 2A3. 6AS7G, 616. lip 8.82 7.50 No. Type Hys. Ms. EACH EACH
10.00 62 G 980 MQE, 11 6 14
62 G 981 MQE-12 .9 hy 12 9.I1 7.75
VIC -I .0085 75 6.47 5.50
067 CVP -1 12 2A3, L6AQ5, 6V6, 62 G 900
63 G
62 G 982 MOE-13 1.5 by 9 9.10 8.25 60 6.47 5.50
256 12.94 11.00
by 8 10.58 9.00 62 G 901 VIC -2 .013
2A3, 616. 807. 62 G 983 MQE- 14 .2
62 G 902 VIC -3 .021 50 6.47 5.50
63 G 068 CVP -2 30
62 G 984 MQE-15 2.8 by 7.2 11.76 10.00
5881. 6V6 14.11 11.98 40 6.47 5.50
62 G 903 VIC -4 .034
TYPE MQA-lynxlzs/uxriia' 62 G 904 VIC -5 .053 35
6.47 5.50
62 G 905 VIC -6 .084
6.47 5.50
62 G 985 7 62 G 906 VIC-7 .13 25
Match any modulator tubes to any RF load. 62 G 986 MQA-2 12 mhy 200 7.64 6.50
Vacuum impregnated and sealed against mois- 62 G 987 MQA-3 20 mhy 150 7.94 6.75 62 G 907 VIC-8 .21 21 5,75
ture. Primary imp., from 500 to 20,000 ohms; 62 G 988 MQA-4 30 mhy 125 8.23 7.00 62 G 908 VIC-9 .34 18 6.76
secondary imp., from 30,000 to 300 ohms. 62 G 989 MQA-5 50 mhy 100 8.53 7.25 62 G 909 VIC-l0 .54 15

Maximum audio ratings, CVM -0 12 w., 7.50 62 G 910 VIC-il .85 12 6.76 5.75
CVM -1 30 w., CVM -2 60 w. Max'mum 62 G 990 MQA-6 70 mhy 80 8.82
62 G 911 VIC-12 1.3 10 7.06 6.00
watts. Shpg. wt.: CVM-0 31/2 lbs.; CVM -I. 62 G 991 MQA-7 120 mhy 60 9.11 7.75
62 G 912 VIC-13 2.2 7.06 6.00
61/2 lbs.; t-VM -2, II lbs. 62 G 992 MQA-8 2 by 50 9.41
62 G 913 VIC-14 3.4 7.06 6.00
62 G 993 MQA-9 .3 hy 40 9.70 8.25
Stock Mfr's Class C 1 -24, 25 -Up, 62 G 994 MQA-10 .5 by 30 10.00 8.50 62 G 914 VIC-15 5.4 6 7.35 6.2S
No. Type Input MQA-11 .7 by 25 10.29 8.75 62 G 915 VIC-16 8.5 5 7.35 6.25
62 G 995 VIC-17 13. 4 7.35 6.25
63 G 069 CVM -0 25 3 x3)4 10.29 8.75 MQA-12 by 20 10.58 9.00 62 G 916
62 G 996 1
63 G 070 CVM -1 60 3%1455 13.52 11.49 MQA-13 1.5 by 17 10.83 9.25 62 G 917 VIC-18 21. 3.5 7.64 6.50
61 G 997
63 G 071 CVM -2 125 4551555 17.64 14.99 998 MQA-14 2.5 by 13 11.17 9.50 62 G 918 VIC-19 33. 3 7.64 6.50
62 G
62 G 999 MQA-15 4 by 10 11.76 10.00 62 G 919 VIC-20 52. 2 6.23 7.00
TYPE R VOLTAGE BOOSTERS 62 G 967 MQA-l6 6 by 9 - 12.64 10.75 62 G 920 VIC-21 83. 6.62 7.50
VIC-22 130. 1.5 11.76 10.00
For TV or air condit oucr when line voltage 62 G 968 MQA-17 10 by 7 13.52 11.49 62 G 921
la low. Give 10% boost. Operate from 95 to 62 G 969 MQA-18 15 by 5 14.70 12.49
110 volts 50 to 60 cycles. With line cord and 62 G 970 MQA-19 n by 4 17.64 14.99 INTERSTAGE AND LINE FILTERS
receptacle. Wts., R -87 2 lbs., R -88 12 lbs. First letter in Type No. indicates function:
TYPE MOB- 231cx2i%nxI3s' It- bandpaaa; H- high -peas; 1.- low -pans.
Type Rating Size 1
1 -24, 25 -Up
EACHEACH 62 G 953 MQB-1 10 mhy 400 12.64 10.75 Last letter: I-
Interstage (10,000 ohms);
1. -line (500/600 ohms). Shielded; reduce burn
MQB-2 30 mhy 250 12.94 11.00
62 G 752 R-87 3A, 350W 3- 1%2x2 % 5.88 5.00 62 G 954
13.23 11.25
auss at 60 cps. Hermeti-
pickup to ISO mv. per gauss
62 955 MQB-3 70 mhy 170
a', except
62 G 753 R -88 18A, 2KW 3I5x41/4z4Ys 17.05 14.49 G
13.52 11.49 cally sealed. Size.
62 G 956 MQB-4 120 mhy 120
)%oil IFex2o'. Av. shpg- wt. 9 oz.
62 G 957 MQB-5 by
.5 60 13.82
FEEDBACK OUTPUT TRANSFORMERS MQB-6 by 40 14.11 11.98 Stock Mfr's.
1 -24, 25 -Up.
62 G 958 1
Hi-fi units. Sec. imp.: 4, 8, 16 ohms, 70 volt. 62 G 959 MQB-7 2 by 30 14.41 12.25 No. Type EACH EACH
Pri. imp.: CG -20 5000CT. 43% screen taps; 62 G 962 MQB-8 3.5 by 22 14.70 12.49 62 G 950 BMI-60 60
CG -21 3300CT. 40% screen taps. Size and MQB-9 7.5 hy 16 15.59 13.25 63 G 004 BMI -100 100 26.46 22.49
wt.: CG-20 3z/cx41 7 61/2 lb.; CG -21 4V2x51/2' 62
964 MQB-10 12 by 11 16.46 13.99 63 G 005 BMI-120 120
11 lb. by 9 17.64 14.99 62 G 951 BMI -400 400
62 G 965 MQB-11 18
Stock Mfr's. Welts Typical 1 -24, 5 -Up 62 G 973 MQB-12 25 hy 8 18.82 15.99 63 G 006 BM1-500 500

62 G 102
62 G 103
No. Type
CG -20
EL-34's in AB
6550's in AB1
Specially constructed coils of laminated perm -
Q 63 G 007
62 G 952
63 G 008
26.46 22.49

Et MI-3000
alloy to provide high Q at low frequencies. 63 G
26 .46 22.49
INPUT, INTERSTAGE, MIXING AND Q of 45 at 100 cycles. Exceptional temperature BMI-10.000 10,000

LOW -LEVEL OUTPUT TRANSFORMERS stability. Inductance values laboratory ad- BML-400 400
Vjusted to 2% tolerance at 1 volt, 60 cycles. 62 G 997! BML-1000 1000
A new line of transformers designed for a wide ery low hum pickup assured by heavy Hi- 63 016 H MI-200 200
variety of applications. Shpg. wts.: CG -132.
permalloy shielding and laminated structure. HMI -500 500 29.40 25.00
1 lb.; CG-133, 1! lbs.; CG -134, % lb.; Two identical windings brought out to 4 ter-
G 017
018 HMI -1000 1000
CG-235, 11/2 lbs.; CG-141 1 lb.
minals permit series. parallel. center-tapped. 63 G 019 HMI -3000 3000
Stock Type or transformer type connections. Requires 1 %z' HML -200
No. Type Application EACHEACH dia. cutout. 2' dia. x 21/a'. Shpg. wt., I lb. 62
052 HML -500
500 32.34 26.51
CG-132 I plate to grids
2 9.70 8.25 Stock Mfr's. Series Parallel 1.24. 25 -Up. 63 053 HML -1000 1000
62 G 104 G
CG-133 2 plates to 2 grids 0.29 8.75 No. Type Hy. Hy. EACH EACH
62 G 105 62 G 971 LMI-200 200
62 G 106 CG-134 Line to 1 grid 8.82 7 50 17.49
62 G 896 MOL -1 10 2.5 20.58 63 G 020 L MI-500 500
62 G 101 CG-235 Line to I or 2 grids 1.76 10.00 20.58 17.49 1000 29 40 25.00
7.50 62 G 897 MQL -2 20 5 63 G 021 LMI-1000
62 G 108 CG-141 PP plates to line 8.82 20.58 17.49 2000
62 G 898 MQL -3 200 so 63 G 022 LMI-2000
62 G 899 MQL -4 400 100 22.34 18.99 63 G 023 OLMI-2500 2500
F LTER CHOKES 62 G 972 LMI-3000 3000
Inductance shown is at rated DC ma. Shpg. UNIVERSAL INTERSTAGE EQUAL ZER 63 G 024 EMI-5000 5000
wts.: CG-40, 5 bs.; ( G-48C, 21/4 lbs.; CG-102, Type CGE -1 A. lone equalizer. hatches 63 G 051 LMI-10,000 10,000
1000 29.40 25.00
11 lbs.; CG-108, 22 lbs. source of up to 20K ohms to load of 500K 63 G 054 LML-1000
LML-2000 2000
Stock Mfr's. DC DC 1 -24, 25 -Up, ohms or more. Continuously variable equaliza- 63 G 055

No Type Hys. Ma. Ohms EACH EACH tion over 30 db range at either end of audio 63 G 056 LML-2500 2500
spectrum. with only 18 db insertion loss. 21/2' 63 G 057 LEAL-4000 4000
62 G 109 CG-40 10 200 110 7.94 6.75
deep. 23/4131/2í panel. Shpg. wt. 2 lbs. 63 G 058 LML-8000 8000
62 G Ill CG -48C 75 50 2200
11.00 62 G 875.1 to 24, NET EACH 21.46 63 G 059 LML-10.000 10,000 29.40 25.00
62 G 112 CG -102 12 250 63 G 063 LML-12,000 12,000
62 0 113 CG-108 10 500 52 26.46 22.49 25 or Moro, EACH 18.25
Allied Radio Corporation. 100 N. Western Avg.. Chicago 80, Illinois
Thordarson Transformers


High quality, universal -mount power
transformers. Easy to install- adiust-
50 -60 cycle primaries.All Fil.i windings center-
tapped. Has additional 2.5 -volt. 3.S-ampere, IGGVI CRT ,
Ty DS 22 R40. For u >.- in U.' dio,cupes.
applications and test equipment.
able brackets permit Bush, vertical or horizon- center -tapped winding. tHas additional 2.5- Primary, 117 volts, 60 cycles. Plate,
tal mounting. RETMA color- coded. 117 -volt, volt. 5- ampere, center -tapped winding. 1800 volts
AC at 2 ma. Rectifier filament, 2.5 volts at 1.8
amps. Filament 1, 6.3 volts at 0.6 amps.: tapped
Stook Mfr's Plata Rect. F11. 1
Mt0 wt , NET EACH at 2.5 volts, 2.1 amps. Overall size: 3341x31/44
No. Type Volts Ma V A V A Ctrs. Lbs. 1 to 9 10 to 24 3' 344. 4 -hole mounting; mtg. centers, 234x274..
63 G 700 22R00 S00 CT .40 6.3 2.0 242, Shpg wt., 5% lbs.
5 2 21/4 4.88 4.39 63 G 717. 1/ to 9. NET EACH
63 G 701 22R01 550 CT SO 5 2 6.3 2.5 2:2 3

5.88 5.29 10 to 24. EACH

63 G 702 22R02 600 CT 70 S 2 6.3 3.0 2x2 31/4 7.03 6.32 1.75
63 G 703 22R04 600 CT 90 6.3 3.5 2'4x2+ ' 1
5 2
314 6.85 6.14
63 G 704
63 G 705
63 G 706
63 G 708

2.5 7.5
5.0 234:3'.
S.0 21/ z334'
6.0 x31
'8 1
Typo 26 ROO. Extremely versatile, high-
IAGFI quality replacement unit for power
SO 2 242 3 5.88 5.29 transformers in over 2000 popular television
63 G 709
63 G 710 22R111
2.5 9.0 2t/x3+
2.5 12.5 244:3 6
4y/ 8.36
sets. Ideal stock-item for TV service-shops-
helps keep down inventory. Multi -tapped 295 -
ma secondary. Primary: 117 volts, 50-60 cycles
AC. Tapped high -voltage secondary: 850 volts
UPRIGHT -MOUNT POWER TRANSFORMERS center -tapped, 720 volts center-tapped. 600
Upright -mount power transfonmrs de- windings CT. Standard RETMA color -coded volts center -tapped. Filament windings: Two
GGI signed for dependable service. All units 5 -volt @ 3 and four 6.3 -volt @ 3 amperes. Dual
leads; ends stripped and tinned for easy solder - electrostatic shielding. Universal mounting for
have 117 volt, 50-60 cycle primaries. Fil. 1 ing. 'Additional 6.3 volt. 3 -amp CT winding. ease of installation. Overall size: 31/4x4194:4741'.
Plato Root. FI . 1 Shpg. wt., 11 lbs.
Stook Mfr's Mtg. Wt., NET EACH 63 G 820. 1 to 9. NET EACH
No. Typa Volts Ma V A V A Ctrs. Lbs. 1 to 9 10 to 24 70 to 24. EACH
63 G 71 22830 550 CT 50 6.3 2.5
5 2 2421/4' 31/2 6.12 5.51

63 G 712 22R31 720 CT 80 5 2 6.3 2.5 2x2'54,' 8.67 7.80 PLATE TRANSFORMERS
63 G 713 22R32 700 CT 110 5 2 6.3 3.0 2+//x2"4.' 6 4 10.76 9.68
63 G 714 22H33 750 CT 160 5 3 6.3 5.0 3x2'4. 9 1.44 10.29 1
IGGVI Excellents for use in ltransm
63 G 715 22H34 770 CT 225 5 3 6.3 5.0 3:31134' 1/4 13.05 1.75 1111
amplifier and modulator power supplies. erycHM
63 G 716 22H35 800 CT 340 5 6 6.3 7.0 3.41/2 13 15.99 14.40

units listed are static shielded. All

63 G 719 22836 1200 CT 200 5 3 6.3 5.0 3x314. 8% 11.76 10.59
Typo 21P87, Has tapped primary to provide
choice of two output voltages. Delivers either
"ECONOMY SERIES' POWER TRANSFORMERS 1670 volts CT or 1312 volts CT at 200 ma, de-
Low-cost, high quality power transformers. De- flush, wrti, al ur horizontal mounting (Fig. pending upon primary tap used. Secondary.
signed for general replacement. Types ending 835- 656-0- 656 -835 volts (4 220 ma. Mounting
AGF). Both types have 110-120 volt. 50 -60 centers. 3%í1E3'. Overall size: 41/ex3%x434'.
with U are for upright mounting (Fig. GGV). cycle primaries. Fil. windings are center -
Others have adjustable brackets to permit
1 ShpG wt7.,
tapped. All units are REThIA color- coded. to 9, NET EACH
10 to
65g. . 10
24. EACH
Stook Mfr's Plats Rest. FI . 1 mtg. wt NET EACH 1.46


No. Type Volts Ma V A V A Ctrs. Lbs. 1 to 9 10 to 24 Type 21 P89. Secondary 550-0-550 volts @ 175
63 G 319 24R00 480 CT 40 6.3 2.0 2x21/2' ma. Mounting centers, 3:234. Size, 31/2x3Sx
63 G 320 24R00-U 480 CT 40
5 2 4.41 3.97 4%'. Shpg. wt., 6+ lbs.
5 2 6.3 2.0 24115.' 2 4.41 3.97
63 G 321 24R01
63 G 322 24R01-U 650 CT
650 CT 40
S 2 6.3 2.0
6.3 2.0
2x1 +3i.' 2/4
4.50 2x2
4.05 63 G 658. 1 to 9, -NET EACH
10 to 24, EACH 4
S 2 4.50 4.05
63 G 323 24R02 700 CT 70 5 2 6.3 2.5 2+ x2+11i.' 4 5.62 5.06 Type 21P93. For two full -wave rectifier sys-
63 G 324 24R04 700 CT 90 5 3 6.3 3.5 2z2+ 4+/4 6.53 5.87 tems, or one rectifier at combined current out-
63 G 325 24R04-U 700 CT 90 5 3 6.3 3.5 2 x21/s 4`/4 6.53 5.87 put. Secondary, 500-0-500 volts @ 95 ma or
63 G 326 24R03 700 CT 120 5 3 6.3 4.7 2'zz3 /s 51/4 6.91 6.21 1075-0-1075 @ 125 ma. Mtg. centers, 33x3'.
63 G 327 24RU5-
63 G 328 24R06
700 CT
750 CT
6.3 21/2x21 ,Ai 5%
6.3 4.7 2t/ :3y1s' 6i/t
Tr 6.91
Size, 4%.3%x4'}'. Shpg. wt., IO lbs.
63 G 660. 1 to 9, NET EACH
63 G 329 24R06-U 750 CT I50 5 3 6.3 4.7 2'x2''tf 61 8.17 7.35
10 to 24. EACH 17.62
63 G 330 24R07 800 CT 200 5 3 6.3 S.0 z3ry/4 9+t 9.)2 8.39
63 G 331 24R07-U 800 CT 200 5 3 6.3 5.0 3=3i5.' 934 9.32 8.39 DUAL TONE CONTROL COMPONENTS
Typo 20074. Reactor. For tone compensating
MODULATION TRANSFORMERS systems to boost or attenuate bass or treble
independently. Similar to Fig. RTV above, but
Stook Mfr's Secondary EACH wire leads. l'se with R1068X listed below.
FIB. Watts Wt Hum- bucking. Inductance, 22 hys. DC resis-
63 G 801 21M52 FGV
POhmsy Ctrs. t o 9T O to 24 tance, 220 ohms. 2x194. dia. Wt., 12 oz.
10 l0K CT 3K,3 751(.4.5K 21{ 11/4 4.50 4.05 63 G 734. 1 to 9, NET EACH 7.94
63 G 615 21M53 BAH 10 10K CT 3K,3.75K,4.5K 21/4 PA 3.91 3.52 10 to 24, EACH
63 G 613 21M68 BAV 10 10K CT 4K,5K,7.5K. 7 14
/. Type R1068X. Dual Control. Use with reac-
63 G 612 21M67 GGV
63 G 802 21M54 GGV
10K CT 3K SK,6 SK,BK
6.6K CT 4K
tor above. Size. 174. dia. x 11/4 overall length.
Shaft, 1/
long. With hardware and diagram.
Two required for complete bass- treble system.
Multi -Match Typa. Universal modulation pedance match between modula or output Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
transformers -have taps to permit prope im- tubes and RF amplifier oad. Split secondary. 63 G 165. 1 to 9, NET EACH 4.12
10 to 24, EACH 3 70
Stock Mfr's
Flg. Watts Prim. Ma. Seo. Ma. Mtg. NET EACH
No. Type Each Sida See. Par. Ctrs. Lbs. to TUBE -TO -LINE TRANSFORMERS
1 10 to 24
63 G 812 21M61A GGV 60 125 125 125 24:21/% Low -level tube -to -line transformers for a wide
14.38 12.94
63 G 813 21M62A GGV 125 210 160 320 32 x3 ' 1534 18.29 16.45
variety of applications. Units listed are rated
at three watts. Primary may be used with
single or push-pull plates. Frequency response,
20058 Is speech -frequency tuned audio choke pedante coupling choke. Others for both input Type 22590. Tube -to-line audio output
for Impedance coupling. 20050 is plate im- and smoothing use Inductance at rated ma. transformer. Primary, 20,000 ohms cen-
ter- tapped. Secondary, 125, 200, 500, 600 ohms
Stook Mfr's FIB. Nys. Rated Resls. Insul. Mtg. NET EACH @ 10 ma. Mounting center. 2%'. Overall size.

G 725
Type Ma Ohms Tost Ctrs.
Lbs. 1 to 9 10 to 24 .
21/442%41 %'. Shpg. wt.. 1 lb.
63 G 740.1 to 9. NET EACH 3.76
20050 BAH 350 S 5500 2000 2r 3.50
63 G 726 20051 BAH 35 IS
10 to 24, EACH 3 39
1850 1200 2' 1344 8 1.24
63 G 727 205'52 BAH 40 1200 2

8 450 1/ 1.23 Type 22591. Tube -to-line audio output
63 G 728 2134253 BAH 12 80 375 2000 2r/í' [BAH] transformer. Primary,
11/2 06 1.85 20.000 ohms cen-
63 G 729 20054 GGV 8 150 145 2700 11/412. ter-tapped. Secondary, 125. 200, 500, 600 ohms
63 G 730 204255 GGV 6 200
4.09 3.67 @ 10 ma. Mounting center, 2%'. Overall size,
75 2700 2x21/4 3y5/4 5.09 4.58
63 G 731 204.56 GGV 8 250 60 3500 342V,' 243+/442'. Shpg. wt., Ib.
8.26 7.44 1
63 G 733 20058 BAH 0.7.5 10 30 1100 21/4' 6%4 2.35 2.12 63 G 611. 1 to 9, NET EACH
10 to 24, EACH
1441 Industrial Users -Write for Quantity Prices on Transformers in Lots of 25 or More
Thordarson Transformers



',tor transformers
Compact, high -grade output transformers-for output to line or GGV
voice Transistor Transformers. l
IBAHI designed for input. bridging. h, n put applications.
coil, etc. All are lar to Fig. BAH except tFig Mill an 1Fig.
Many of the units listed can be used 1"i . vihr arions. Need not
,... ... ,-e
I021, necessarily be used at their stated impedance-they may be used effi-
Stock No. Type Primary Secondary Watts Ctrs. EA. EA. ciently at any practical impedance, provided that the ratio of the wind-
ings is maintained. All leads are RETMA color -coded. 8300 mw, 11/4
63 G 775 22545 1500-3000 .2-4 5 r 2.44 2.20 mtg. centers; all other types, 150 mw. 'Pe mtg. centers Applications:
63 G 776 22S46 2000-3000 .2-4 5 154'
2.76 2.49
2.62 2.35 A- input; B-
bridging; D-- driver; IS-
Interetage; 0 )-ou put. Av.
63 G 777 22547 6000-7000 CT 3.2-4 5 sling. wt..
63 G 778 22548 12.001-16,000 CT 3.2-4 5 234' 1.94 1.74 Impedance
63 G 779 22S56 8000 10.000 CT .2-4, 6-8 10 21/4' 3.26 2.94 Stack Mr's Turin Applkatipn
No. Type Ratio Winding I Winding 2
63 G 780 22558 5600/7.000 CT .2-4. 6-8 8 234' 2.20 1.98
63 G 781 22560 2500/4000 CT .2 4, 6-8 10 234' 3.09 2.77 63 G 228 TR-1 1.00:1 500 CT SC0 CT B, D, IS

63 G 782 122562 Univ. Plate 1-30 8 3.20 2.88 63 G 229 TR-2 1.23:1 5000 CT 7500 CT B, D, IS
63G 230 TR-3 1.41:1 5000 CT 10000 CT
63 G 783 22564 10.000 CT
j52 250, 500 I% ar 5.88 5.29 500 CT D, ILO
25 63 G 231 TR-4 1.73:1 1500
D, 0
63 G 232 TR-5 1.81:1 490 CT 150 CT
63 G 784 `22566 8000 CT
1%:2' 6.14 5.53 63 G 233 TR-6 1.83:1 10000 3000 CT D. IS

63 G 785 22668 6500 CT

15, 250. 500
3.2-4, 6.8
63 G 234 TR-7 2.24:1 10000 2000 CT D. IS
15, 250, 500 25 1% 12' 6.47 5.82 63G 235 "TR-8 2.45:1 48 CT 8 or 4
30000 CT A. IS
63 G 786 22570 5400 CT 63 G 236 TR-9 2.45:1 5000
j5 250. 500 25 lY 12' 5.23 4.71 63 G 237 TR-10 3.00:1 5000 CT
500 CT
50 D. 0
63 G 238 TR-11 3.16:1
63 G 790 022578 3300 CT
60 9.82 8.84 63 G 239 TR-12 3.16:1 100 CT 10 CT D. 0
15. 250, 500 2541254' A, IS
5.44 4.89 63 G 240 TR-13 4.00:1 5000 CT 80000
63 G 788 322574 Universal CT 1 to 30 25 3W A. IS
63 G 796 22586 Universal CT 3.2-4, 6-8 3 2' 2.26 2.04 63G 241 TR-14 4.08:1 20000 1200
63 G 797 22587 Universal CT .2-4. 6-8 6 234' 2.94 2.65 63G 242 TR-15 4.47:1 300 CT 15
234' 2.94 2.65 63 G 243 TR-16 5.00:1 4U0 CT 16
63 G 798 22588 Universal CT .2-4, 6-8 8 A.11,15,3
63 G 759 22593 9500 CT .2-45, 63G 244 TR-17 5.00:1 20000 800 CT
5168 7.05 6.32 63 G 245 TR-18 5.52:1 500 CT 16.4
4.2-4, 6-8,
10 134x2'
63G 246 TR-19 6.04:1 400 CT Il 0
63 G 774 22595 5,000 CT
3.000 CT 15-16 15 134x2' 7.70 6.93 TR-2Ì
R-2Ì 6.33:1 160CT or 4 0
63 G 24B 8
63 G 799 22597 6,000 CT
63 G 249 TR-22 7.07:1 400 CT 8 or 4 0
, 5Ó, 500
1.2-4. 25 134x2' 7.32 6.59 D, 0
63 G 772 24560 4000/7000/8000/ 63 G 257 TR-23 7.07:1 10000 200 CT
63G 258 TR-24 8.17:1 100000 1500 CT
10600/14,000 CT .1-30 4 2' 1.88 1.70 15000 200 CT 15,0
63 G 773 24561 4000/7000/8000/
63 G 259 TR-25 8.66:1
A 0,0
10,000/14,000 CT ..1-30 8 234' 2.20 1.98 63 G 260 TR-26 10.0:1 50000 500 CT
63 G 261 TR-27 12.5:1 500 CT 3 2 0
FILAMENT TRANSFORMERS 63G 262 18-28 14.1:1 200000 1000 A
63 G 263 TR-29 15.6:1 825 CT 3 4 0
Primaries or 117 v. 50 -60 cycle AC, except 26F65 6.3 v., 21 F26 5 -230 A.0
63 G 264 TR-30 15.8:1 50000 200 CT
v. All have 2500 v. insulation, except 21 F02 and 21 FOS 10.000 v., 21F26 63G 265 TR-31 20.0:1 49000 100 A.0
SSW v 21 F27 3000 v. 26F65 5000 v. 1 second ary. tTapped primary. A.0
tock No ype ig- 'oils mps trs. Lbs. , A. 1024,18. 63 G 266 TR-32 25.5:1 9800 15
63 G 267 TR-33 35.4:1 250000 2H CT A
63 G 665 21F00 BAV 2.5 CT 5 234' 1 235 2.12 63 G 268 TR-34 40.8:1 50000 30 CT A
63 G 666 21F01 BAV 2.5 CT 10 234' 134 4.1 2 3.70 63 G 269 TR-35 44.7:1 100000 50 A
63 G 667 21F02 CAV 2.5 CT 10 2x156' 254 4.62 4.16 63 G 271 TR-36 50.0:1 500000 200 CT A
63 G 668 21F03 BAV S CT 3 234' 1% 3.26 2.94
63 G 669 21F04 CAV 5 CT 8 2d34' 3 5.56 5.00 1 to 9, NET EACH 3.26
63 G 681 21F05 CÁV 5 CT 3 2x134' 214 5.70 5.14 10 -24, EACH 2.94
63 G 670 21F06 CAV 5 CT 13 2x2' 354 4.82 4.34
63 G 671 21F07 CAV 5 CT 21 214x235' 534 9.14 8.23 AUDIO INPUT TRANSFORMERS
63 G 672 21F08 BAV 6.3 CT 1 2' 1 1.88 1.70 All are electrostatically shielded except "Types 20A10 and 20A01. Types
I .88 I .70
63 G 604 21F09 BAH 6.3 CT 1.2 214' 1
20A00 and 20A04 have a frequency response of 250 -3500 cps Type 20A01
63 G 673 21F10 BAH 6.3 CT 3 234' 1 3,04 2.73 has a frequency response of 60 -7500 cps and highly effective ium- bucking
63 G 674 21F11 CAV 6.3 CT 6 134x2' 234 4.06 3.66 construction. Av. ohne. wt., 1 Ib.
63 G 675 21F12 CAV 6.3 CT 10 2x2' 354 5.56 5.00 Stock M1r's Turns Mtg. 1 -9, 10-24,
63 G 676 21F14 BAH 63/5/2.5 2.5 234' 134 3.59 3.22 No. Type FiL Ratio Application Ctrs. EACH EACH
63 G 677 21F15 BAV 7.5 CT 4 234' 2 4,09 3.67 Line or mic to sal. or PP grids. 2' 3.26 2.94
63 G 760 20A00 BAH 1:10
63 G 678 21F16 CAV 7.5 CT 8 2s2' 354 5.88 5.29 63 G 761 20401 FGV 1:20 Lisa or mic to sal. grid. 234' 4.26 3.83
63 G 682 21F17 CAV 7.5 CT 12 234x214' 5 7.50 6.74 63 G 764 20A04 BAH 1:80 Voice coil or mice to grid. 2' I .82 1.64
63 G 679 21F18 CAV 10 CT 5 154x2' 234 5.88 5.29 63 G 616 20A10 BAH 1:20 Line or mic to set. grid. 234' 2.94 2.65
63 G 680 21119 CAV 710 or 11 CT 12 or 11 210.234' 6 9.61 8.65 63 G 610 20AIl BAH 1:20 Line or mic to Sal. or PP grids. 234' 3.09 2.77
63 G 605 21F26 7.5 CT 51 334x4y46' IS 25.96 23.36
63 G 606 21F27 BAH 26.5 CT .6 234' 134 3.26 2.94 AUDIO INTERSTAGE TRANSFORMERS
63 G 746 26F60 BAH 6.3 CT 1.2 234' 11/4 2.44 2.20 Primary current, 8 ma. Type 20A23 has hum -bucking construction.
63 G 607 26F65 BAH 6.3 CT 1.2 234' 135 2.68 2.41 Types 20A24 and 20A25 have split secondary winding. Type 20A29 Is
63 G 608 26F66 S CT 15 21216' 334 6.85 6.16 also applicable for high -impedance output mixing and can be connected
as a driver with 2:1 ratio. Av. shpg. wt., 11% Iba.
CLASS "B" AND "AB DRIVERS Stock Mirs mtg. I-V, 1U-L4.
For use in modulators or high- powered and o amplifiers. Indicates single No. Type
ig- ao
Ratio Application
pp Ctrs. EACH EACH
late to PP grids. Others can be used ass ogle or PP plates to PP grids. Sal. plate to sal. or PP grids. 2' 1.76 I .59
Stook Mfr's Max. Pal. to Mtg. Wt., 1 -9, 1 63 G 750 20A16 BAH 1:2
RAY 1:2 Sel. plate to sal. or PP grids. 134' 5.23 4.71
No. Type FI8' Ma DC 1/2 See Ctrs. Lbs. EA. EA. 63 G 751
63 G 752
20A19 BAH 1:3 Plates to grids, sal. or PP 234' 1.94 1.74
63 G 690 201)75 BAH 5 2.4:1 2' 1 2.76 2.49 63 G 753 20422 BAH 1:3 Sal. plate to sal. or PP grids. 234' 2.47 2.22
63 G 691 200760 BAH 15 5.2:1 2' 1 2.76 2.49 4.90
63 G 692 20077 FGV 30 2.5:1 1 2,/ 4.23 3.81 63 G 754
20A23 FGV 1:3 Sel. plate to sel. or PP grids.
Plates to grids, sgl. or PP
254' 4.00
63 G 693 20078 GGV 40 4.0:1 13 x 2' 3 5.97 5.37 63 G 20A24 FGV 1:3
1:1.41 Plates to grids, sal. or PP 134' 8.03 7.22
63 G 694 201379 FGV 30 5.2:1 2 2 5.03 4.53 63 G 756 20A25 RTV
63 G 609 20087 BAH 30 5.2:1 2 '
1% 4.90 4.41 63 G 748 20A29 BAV 1:1:1:1 Unty. car radio interslage 2' 2.35 2.12
Secondary taps marked with impedance values. *Also marked TUBE -TO -VOICE COIL
for 70-v. power distribution service.
Des great for ei morn. al nyde. rnl,vu al ry ire in radio and TV
Pri, 1 -9, 10 -24
Stook Mfr's See. seta etc. Available in popular ratings to meet a wide variety of
No. Type Imp. Imp. Watts Ctrs. Wt.,
radio servicing needs. All have single 3.2-ohm secondaries and are rated
63 G 791 22580 500, 600 8 31/í 21/: 3.91 3.52 _ - 1..... , 1 It.

63 G 792 22S82 25 3s/a' 21/ 3.53 3.18 -- Stook Mfr's Primary Pr I. Mtg. 1 -9, 10 -24
63 G 793 22S83 l 2000/1500/ 3.2. 15 3154' 21/ 3.91 3.52
2r/a' 2/= 3.41 3.07 No. Typo Impedance Ma Watts Ctrs. EACH EACH
63 G 794 22584 1000/500 8, 16 5
4,000-5,000 10 5 11/4' 1.29 1.17
63 G 795 22585 } 3 21/4' 2% 3.76 3.39 63 G 742 24548
63 G 743 24549 7,000-8.000 10 5 11/4' 1.21
63 G 744 2 +566 63 G 768 24550 2,000 55 5 2' 1.21 1.09
2100N3Ó, 500 8 2, 10 2' 11/4 2.73 2.46
769 5
63 G 745 245620 3000, 2500, 7.000-10,000 300 2' .26 1.14
2000, 1500, 06. 63 G 241652

1.38 1.24
1000. 500 48 10 3' 21/4 4.23 3.81 63 G 771 245.54 15.000-25.000 10 S

Prices on Transformers In Lots of 25 or Moro 147

Write for Quantity


Combined plate and Illament transformers. Gray enamel finish. UNIVERSAL LINE TRANSFORMERS
0 Copper foil shields. *All CT. For line-to-voice coil. ..For 70.7 v. line; rated power furnished on lowest
Plate Filaments
tap; others reduce power in steps of 3 db. Av. ahpg. wt.. 8 os.
Stock Mfr's Size (HWD) Wt., 1-1, 5-24,
No Typs Volts Ma V A V A Lbs. EA. EA. Stock Mfr's.
Flt- Primary Sec. NET
64 G
64 G
i040 ..
2%s2%e2s/s 1%
2%s2%s2 1%
No. Type
62 G 447 A-2906 E

64 G 977 R-5A 600CT 65

6.3 2.7 30/i6s2%x2%' 2% 5.73 5.1 6 62 G 450 A-3005 C 500 32.6.8 5 1S4s2%s1Vi I .79

64 G 978 R-7A 6000T 50 5 2 6.3 2 3346s21142%' 2% 6.15 5.53 62 G 451 A-3013 E 1K-2K-4K-8K-16K 3.5,7 5 15,46s2%al1/2' 2.50
62 G 452 A-3014 E 500-1K-2K-4K-8K 4 -8-16 10 1%z2t3/46x1% 2.70
64 G 979 R-9A 600CT 75 5 2 6.3 3 3s/i4s3s3%' 34 7.14 6.43
64 G 986 R-11A 700CT 90 5 3 6.3 3.539403s3%' 4% 8.07 7.26
64 G 987 R-14A 700CT 125 5 3 6.3 45 4s3'/.s3rs.Sc' 6 9.27 8.34 POWER TRANSFORMERS
For 115V., 50-60 cycles AC. *Fig. C. for TV boosters- others are Fig. D.
except ¡Fig. E. :Center-tapped filament winding. :Has rectifier socket.
Low -Cost replacement transformers. Type A-1X transformer is input Stock Plata Rao. Fil.
type for line or microphone to grid. A -21 X, transceiver type for single Mfr's Mtg. Wt., NET
button microphone and plate to grid. A-8I X, striver type. A -31X, inter- No. Type Volts Ma V A V A Ctrs. Lbs.
st type D or plate to single or push -pull grids. Frequency response, 62 G 190 P-3059 720 CT 250 S - 23 6.3 2.7
5 6.3 9 3x35¡ WA 16.32
62 G 193 P-3067 800 CT 220 5 3
Stock Mfr's Pri. Imp. Turns Wl.. 1-4. 5-24, 424 CT 90 5 3 6.310
Type Size Lbs. EA.
No. Ohms Ratio EA. S 2 6.3 2.6 3x31/4 13,4 17.79
64G989 A -1X 100 31.4:1 13/02%4%' 5 1.98 1.78 62 G 140 1'-3069t 700 CT 225 S 3 6.3 10
64 G 934 A -21% 100 & 10.000 13/i6a2%z1V0' 2.31 2.08 6.3 2.7 3x354' 91/4 14.70
64G991 A -31X 10.000 1:3 1%s2%s1% N 2.16 1.94 62 G 273 P-2952 700 CT 90 5 3 26.3 3.5 21/4x2134t 5 6.38
64 G 993 A-818 15 ma. in Pri. 2.66:1.54 see. 11/%121/241W % 2.07 1.86 62 G 272 P-2951 650 CT 70 5 3 26.3 3.5 2x254 3% 5.88
62 G 257 P-3045 120 50 6.3 2 32A 11/4 3.35
AO 1500 test v. except 02000 volts.
G 145 P-3046 150
G 281 P-3048 520
G 282 P-2953 700
CT 90
CT 120
5 3
63 4.7
:6.3 4.7 21/2:31/4
2:2y4 ' 1

62 G 283 P-31481520 CT 90 6.3 4.7 2x211e 31/4 5.23
Stock Mtr's Fit. Sin (HWD) Wt., 1-4 S-24,
No. Type Volts Amperes Lbs. EA. EA. FILTER CHOKES
64 G 953 F-13X B 6.3 .6 11/2x2%s11/2' % 2.04 1.84 0 2000 -volt insulation. except 1500 volts.
64 G 954 F-I4X B 6.3CT 1.2 I1146z210/ias1%' % 2.22 2.00 Stock Mfr's N ET
64 G 955 F-16X B 6 3C 3 111/4:3%:2' 1% 3.18 2.86 No. Typa Hys. Ma. Ohms Size Wt.,
Lbs. EA.
6.26 62 G 177
62 G 179
C-2973 1.5
10 95
1.5 200 90
y4 1,29
64 G 958 F-22A A 6.3CT 20 4s3!4s40/i6, 9.90 8.91 4 1.65
62 G 180 C-2995 8.0 100 375 2x354x134 2.12
64 G 959 F-25% B I2.6CT 1.5 Irs/ux3%sr 1% 3.51 3.16 62 G 181 C-2996 1.0 300 60 2)(z31346x2 1% 2.44
64 G 974 F-40X B 2407 1 111/4s31/4s 1% 3.39 3.05
64 G 935 F-230 10CT 7 3%s210,503% 4 6.87 6.18 GR AMER-HA LLDORSON
MODULATION TRANSFORMERS New, high- qu:ùio uuui:nurc audio Iraus-
Tube to RF load. Frequency response, 300 to 3000 cps. Primary im- formers designed for transistor -powered
8 pedance. 20`000 CT. Sizes: Type M -1X is 1346x2 %x154'; Type M -3X applications. Excellent replacements for
2 use in standard or printed circuits. Ex-
Stock Mfr's Secondary Audio Wt., 1 -4, 6-24. tremely lightweight.
No. Type Imp. Watts Lbs. EACH 130 -MILUWATT SERIES
64 938
64 G 939
G M -t X
M -3S
5000 8000 I 0,II00
3000 '50(10 '9000
4.02 o All types described be-low are 01/2ú high. 15u' wide and
Mounti 1g tab centers are 1333,'. Av. ahpg. wt.. 2 oz.
deep. 1
Stook No. Typo Application Pri. I nn Sec. Impedance
62 G 461 GHIOI Interstage 100 CT Ohms 10 CT Ohms
High- quality audio output transformers designed for 62 G 462 GH102 Output 350 CT Ohms 4, 12, Ohms
exceptionally true high -fidelity performance. All units 62 G 463 GH103 Output 500 CT Ohms 4, 18. 16 Ohms
feature high power handling capacity throughout wide 62 G 464 GH104 Interstage 500 CT Ohms 50 Ohms
frequency range. Each transformer is constructed of 62 G 465 614105 Output 600 CT Ohms 4. 8, 16 Ohms
the finest material to insure superior response. Available 62 G 466 G11106 Interstage 500 CT Ohms
in three power ratings for desired output. Frequency 50K Ohms
response, a 1 db, 20- 30,000 cps; at rated power output 62 G 467 G11107 Output 825 CT Ohms 4. 8, 16 Ohms
response is less than 3 db down at 25 cps. All have
62 G 468 GH OS Output1 1250 Ohms 4, 12 Ohms
tapped primaries offering choice of 2 impedances. T) Pe
62 G 469 GH109 Interstage 1200 Ohms 20K CI' Ohms
S -510 -F is 20/s high, 2'/' deep and 21 wide. Type
S -526 -F is 40/' high, Syr¿ deep and 204' wide. Type
' 62 G 470 GH110 Interstage
62 G 471 GH111 Output
1500 Ohms
2500 Ohms
500 CT Ohms
4, 16 Ohms
S -542 -F is 5346= high, 3 "s' deep and 31,54' wide. 7' leads 62 G 472 GH112 Interstage 5K CT Ohms 7500 CT Ohms
extend from two grommet holes. 62 G 473 GH113 Interstage 5K CT Ohms 10K CT Ohms
62 G 474 GH114 Interstage 5K CT Ohms 80K CT Ohms
Stock Mfr's P -P Prl. Sec. Wt.. NET 62 G 475 GH11S Output 10K CT Ohms
No. Typa Imp. Imp. Watts Lbs. EA. 62 G 476 GH116 Interstage 10K Ohms
4, 8, 16 Ohms
200 CT Ohms
63G831 S -510 -F 10,000 /8000 16. 8 10 2 13.52 62 G 477 GH117 Interstage 10K Ohms 2K CT Ohms
63 G 832 S -526 -F 6600/5000 16,8,4 20 y4 15.88 62 G 478 GH118 Interstage 10K Ohms 3K CT Ohms
63 G 833 S -542 -F 5000/4000 16.8.4 40 18.82 62 G 479 GH119 Output 400 CT Ohms 11 Ohms
62 G 480 GH120 Interstage S00 CT Ohms ISO CT Ohms
New, extremely versatile control transformers designed
for a wide variety of industrial applications. Ideal for 300- MILLWATT SERIES
automation equipment, operation of relays. and pilot
lamp circuits. Two-section secondary windings permit
All types described below are 0Hí high,
D Mounting centers are 1%'. Av. shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
wide and %' deep. IV
series or parallel operation. All primary windings designed
to operate from either 115 volts or 230 volts, 50 -60 cycles Stock No. Typa Application Pri. Impedance Sap. impedance
AC. Ruggedized construction throughout provides the 62 G 481 GUI Output 48 CT Ohms 4. 8, 16 Ohms
high dependability required in industrial applications. 62 G 482 GH2 Output 100 CT Ohms 4. 8, 16 Ohms
Type 23V50 is 21/4x27/sx2'; type 23V51 is 3%x304x2y4'; 62 G 483 GH3 Output 160 Ohms 4, 8, 16 Olims
type 23\'52 is 31/4x33/4x23 /e ; type 23V53 is 31/4x2r/ex3'; type 23V54 is 62 G 484 GH4 Output 400 CT Ohms 4, 8. 16 Ohms
4ysx3y=x3 y2'. 62 G 485 GUS Output 500 CT Ohms 4, 8. 16 Ohms
62 G 486 GH6 Output 700 CT Ohms 4. 8, 16 Ohms
Stook Mfr' Secondary Mtg. Wt.. -9,
1 10 -24 62 G 487 GH7 Output 1K Ohms 4, 8. 16 Ohms
No. Typo Parallel Serles Ctr. Lbs. EACH EACH 62 G 488 GH8 Output 2500 Ohms 4. 8, 16 Ohms
63 G 179 23\'50 6V. 602A 12V. @IA 25/' V4 3.53 3.18 62 G 489 C1-19 Output 3K Ohms 4, 8 16 Ohms
63 G 180 23V51 o \'. fg.4A 12V. ®®2A 2 1 y% 5.29 4.76 62 G 490 GHIO Interstage 100K Ohms 15OóCT Ohms
63 G 181 23V52 12V. 24V. ®2A 31 2 7.06 6.35 62 G 491 GHII Input 1K CT Ohms 200K CT Ohms
63 G 182 235'53 12V. 8A 24V. 4A 2%x254' 352 9.41 8.47
63 G 183 23V54 12V. I6A 24V. 68A 21/4:21/4' 8 12.94 1.64
14S Industrial U6ar6-Wrh. for Quantity Prisa
Quality Voltage Controls

TO -300 TO -330
Model TO -300. High -fidelity output trans-
former. Designed for use with Ultra- l.inear
Acrosound and Williamson -type amplifier cir-
cuits. Provides 20 watts undistorted power
from 20 to 30.000 cps; 40 watts undistorted
from 30 to 20,000 cps. Recommended for type
KT66, 807, 1614, 6L6 or 5881 tubes. Primary
impedance: 6600 ohms. Secondary impedance:
4. 8, 16 ohms. Frequency response, 1 db. "SUPERIOR" VARIABLE VOLTAGE CONTROLS
10- 100,000 cps. Permissible feedback. 30 db.
Maximum DC per primary, 75 ma. Primary POWERSTAT VARIABLE AUTOTRANSFORMERS
shunt inductance, 150 henries minimum. IO. Delivers adjustable output voltage [rum AC from a common shaft. 1156 -3P and 1256 -3P
color -coded leads. Seamless steel case. Gray fin- line- output variable from zero to above line consist of three units operated from a common
ish. x31/4". Shpg.wt., 71bs. voltage. Negligible voltage change from no load shaft. 1156-3V consists of three units operated
63 G 993.s NET 24.%5 to full load. Current ratings apply over full from a common shaft, wired for three -phase
Modal TO -310. High -fidelity output trans- range of output voltage. Zero waveform distor- wye- connected operation. Sizes shown on gang
former. Excellent for converting push -pull tion. Rated for 50° C. temperature rise under types are height and diameter. Mountings:
6V6's or EL84's to Ultra -Linear operation. Al- full load. For 110 -120 v. AC inputs. tFor P. panel; and U. general utility. Sizes shown:
though recommended for 12.-watt circuits, will 240 volt inputs. For 50-60 cycles, except 160 I' types, distance back of panel and diameter;
deliver 10 watts undistorted power from 20 to cycles only. 21'F -136 has standard 2 -blade plug U types, overall height and diameter. Types
30,000 cps; 20 watts undistorted from 30 to and receptacle. 3PF-136 has 3 -blade plug and 2PF10, 116 and 216 have on-off switch, line
20,000 cps. Primary impedance, 8000 ohms. receptacle; third wire is connected to Power - cord and plug, fuse and output receptacle.
Primary shunt inductance, 85 henries minimum. stat frame. Gang assemblies: 1156 -2P and :Also 105 -135 v. and 225 -255 v. output for
All other specifications same as TO-300, above. 1256 -2P consist of two paralleled units operated line -voltage correction.
Size, 4'1/%:3%x3'¡. Shpg. wt., 6 lbs.
63 G 994. NET 18.75 Stook Mfr's FIe'
Mte. Size Wt NET
Modal TO -306. Ideal for amplifiers where No. Typo Volts Amps KVA Lbs. EACH
high-output impedances are required for mul-
tiple speakers, telephone lines, broadcast equip-
ment, etc. Same specifications as TO -300
62 G 536
62 G 575
62 G 531
0-140 3.0
1.25 0.165
1.0 0.132
3'/sx3'/z 3
6'/x4s 24.0(

above, but has 4. 8. 16. 125 and 500-ohm 62 G 525 116 P 0-140 7.5 1.0 U 12
output impedances. Size, 41/2:33/4x31/2. Shpg. 62 G 524 116U B 0-140 7.5 1.0 P 4rfex45/s 11 18.0(
62 GZ 543 136 D 0-140 20.0 2.8 U ox7}} 25 50.0(
63 G 995. NET 30.75 62 GZ 576 LW136t1 D 0-30 25.0 0.75 U 6'rk:7/a 25 80.0(
Model TO -316. High-fidelity output trans- 62 GZ 545 2PF-136 0-140 20.0 2.8 U 6yi.x7s 26 65.0(
former. Matches push-pull type 6V6 tubes for 62 GZ 546 3PF-1365 0-140 20.0 2.8 U 6y1sx71 26 65.0C
Ultra- Linear operation. Ideal for use in re- 62 GZ 529 1156 0-140 45.0 6.3 U 8x144/s 80 I 18.0(
3.0 0.84 U 6' x4s/ 26.0(
mote amplifier to feed long line or where high -
output impedances are needed. Has 4, 8, 16.
125 and 500 ohm output impedances. Other
62 G 527
62 G 573
6440ii7s/e 25
11 20.0(
62 GZ 544
specifications are sane as TO-310 above. Size, 62 6Z 530 1256t 0-280 28.0 7.8 U 8'/zx14r 80 8.0(
41/4:3s/sa31/4 Shpg. wt., 7 lbs.
24.75 62 GZ 537 1156-2P 0-140 90.0 12.6 U 17sexl4 170 269.0(
63 G 996. NET 62 GZ 538 1156-3P 0-140 135.0 18.9 U 25s/issx14 295 418.0(
Medal TO 330. For Ultra-Linear operation in 62 GZ 539 1256-2Pí 0-280 56.0 15.7 U 17s4ii`sx14//. 170 269.0(
W.Iliamson -type circuits. For push-pull 6550's. 84.0 23.5 U 25 :144' 295
EL -34's, 6CA7's KT88's, or push -pull parallel 62 GZ 5410 IlSb3t1 o-2800 394.Óf
KT66's. 6L6's, 807's, etc. in fixed -bias opera-
tion. Provides 50 watts undistorted power MODEL UCIM VOLTBOX OTHER "SUPERIOR" EQUIPMENT
from 20 to 30,000 cps; 100 watts undistorted
power from 30 to 20.000 cps. Primary imped- PFor industrial and electrical, chemical and Allied can supply Superior Powerstat equip-
ance 3800 ohms. Secondary impedance. 4 8, physics laboratory installations and radio- ment for commercial, industrial. laboratory and
16 ohms. Response. '.1 db.. 10- 100,000 cps. V servicing. Provides AC source for variable special-purpose applications. Available on spe-
Permissible feed back. 30 db. Max. DC in AC voltage testing. Has a variable voltage trans- cial order are motor -driven, oil-cooled, explo-
primary, 150 ma. Fully potted. Gray finish. former, voltmeter, fuse, line switch, two five - sion-proof powerstats and powerstat line cor-
Holes for bottom mounting. 10' leads. Size. way binding posts and three output receptacles. rectors; Stabiline automatic voltage regulators.
wt.. 14 lbs. Continuously adjustable output voltage up to including instantaneous electronic and electro-
6j34 G997. NnET 3975 17% above line voltage to all output recepta- mechanical regulator.; Varicell DC power sup-
plies; etc. Stabiline regulators are ideal for
cles and binding posts. Rated at 7.5 amp. In-
put 120 v. 50-60 cycles. Output 0.140 volts. voltage regulation in radio and TV stations.
3x8x6'. Shpg. 17 lbs. When ordering special items be sure to mark
62 GX 533 NET 65.00 order "Special" and give manufacturer's type
number, voltage and current as well as all in-
Modal UC2M. As above but for 240 volts in- formation required for motor drive, etc. Allow
put. Output, 0-280 volts at 3 amps. four weeks for delivery. Write for free Bulletin
62 GX 542. NET 70.00 (No. 37 G 102).


T8394M Stabilize Varying Line Voltages to Within Ya%
110306 For
Fully automatic magnetic-type AC line voltage stabilizers.Maintain
applications requiring accurate voltage stabilization.
ACME VARIABLE VOLTAGE ADJUSTERS absolutely constant output of 115 volts, within /z% despite
Highly efficient, constant -duty voltage trans- input voltage fluctuations as great as 15 %. Quick response
lators. Used as ste -up or step-down corrects for fluctuations so rapidly that no indication can be
formers to correct for either low or high line noticed on an ordinary AC voltmeter. Can be used in paral-
voltage. Easily adjusted by manually turning lel for greater power -handling capacity where load is greater
7- position rotary switch until built -in volt- than rated capacity of single unit. Require no adjustment.
meter reads 115 volts output. Type 'í'8394M 110,
Case has flat top instead of style illustrated. tin 2 sections,
has input switch positions for 95. 100, 105.Type mounted as single unit. For 95-130 v., 60 cycle AC. Available
115. 120, 125 volts, at 50-60 cycles. in ratings to 2000 waifs on special order.
T10306 is for 65, 75, 90. 100, 115, 130 and 145 NET
volts. Features simple. "plug -in installation, No. Typo Watts Size Mtg. Ctrs. Wt.
(built-in AC receptacle and 8 ft. linevoltage 5%z2'14.x3yZ 5;4. 6 lbs. 16.00
Ideal for localities with fluctuating 6 t G 675 VR -6110 15
6 2 G 676 7%zPs /ss4'/s 6 4x21 7 lbs. 18.00

VR -6111 30
supplies, to assure correct performance of elec-
trical appliances. Also for the radio serviceman 6 2 G 677 VR-6112 60 7 zz3%z43(e
7/zx3 %.x5154.
6 %x2'/á
e 10 lbs.
17 lbs.
for over -voltage testing-speeds location of in- 6 2 G 678 VR -6113 120
termittent troubles. 6 G 9 VR -6114 250 12 % :5x7 % lIfl.z3'/' 29 lbs. 52.00
6 GZ 680 VR -6115
f 500 121/.x5 :9% 114isx31/2
52 lb..
128 lbs.
Typo T8394M. Especially designed for use 6 t GZ 681 VR -61161 1000 14%sx13M.x9%' 12
with television sets. Rated, 300 watts. Size.
62 G 514. NET 11.55 Typo 51- 590G2. Cord, plug, socket and mount-
Typa 61- 590G1. Cord, plug. socket and mount-
Typa T10306. Rated, 150 watts. Size, 4%x ing plate assembly for VR -6111, VR -6112, ing plate assembly for VR -6114 and VR-6115.
3%1/.x5%'. Slipg wt., 7 lbs. VR -6113. Shpg wt., 2 lbs. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs.
62 G 501. NET 14.33 62 G 684. NET 2.25 62 G 685. NET 3.00
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois
Chicago Transformers

D a 1s P.]
Caw No.
Depth Width


Caw No.

3 %'
4 4'
Caw No.

4 '/.


A complete selection of power transformers. filament transformers and units with steel base covers fitted with phenolic terminal boards and
filter chokes designed for electronic equipment. All units have high -grade numbered solder lugs. Types PCC, PCR, and RC (Fig. C) are compound -
magnet wire coil, wound on non -aging silicon -steel cores. All have one - sealed units with fiberboard base covers and 10' color -coded leads. Have
piece. steel cases for electrostatic and magnetic shielding, plus high extra filament winding; 6.3 v. at I amp. }Has extra filament winding;
moisture resistance. Types l'SC, l'SR, and RS (Fig. S) are semi-sealed 5 v. at 2 amps. All units have 117 volt, 50 -60 cycle primaries.


Stock Mfr's Case 1 -9 10 -24 25 -49 Stock Mies Case 1 -9 10 -24 25-49 Plate Rect. F 1. WI.
No. Type No. EA. EA. EA. No. Type No. EA. EA. EA. VCT Ma V A VCT A Lbs.
64 G 706 PCC -40 16 5.00 4.85 4.59 64 G 707 PSC -40 17 8.67 8.41 7.97 450 40 5 2 6.3 2 311
64 G 614 PCC -55 16 5.38 5.22 4.94 64 G 607 PSC -55 17 9.1 1 8.84 8.37 540 55 5 2 6.3 2 314
64 G 708 PCC -60 18 6.17 5.99 5.67 64 G 709 PSC -60 19 9.70 9.41 8.91 600 60 5 2 6.3 3 4%
64 G 615 PCC -70 18 6.62 6.41 6.08 64 G 608 PSC -70 19 10.29 9.98 9.45 670 70 5 2 6.3 3 414
64 G 616 PCC -85 20 7.64 7.41 7.02 64 G 609 PSC -85 20 10.97 1 0.63 10.07 _660 85 5 2 6.3 3 6
64 G 617 PCC -105 20 8.29 8.04 7.61 64 G 610 PSC -105 20 11.61 11.26 10.67 690 105 5 2 6.3 3.5 654
64 G 618 PCC -120 aa 9.32 9.03 8.56
64 G 61
1 PSC -120 22 12.23 11.86 1 .23
1 750 120 5 3 6.3 4 914
64 G 619 "PCC-150 10.67 10.35 64 G PSC -150 22 16.17 15.68 14.85 740 150 5 3 6.3 4 11%
64 G 620 "PCC-200 22 12.44 12.06 11.42 64 G 613 PSC -200 22 17.20 16.67 15.80 770 200 5 3 6.3 4.5 12
64 G 795 IPCC-250 24 15.32 14.85 14.07 64 G 796 tPSC -250 24 21.46 20.81 19.71 800/160 250 5 6 6.3 7 15


64G637 PCR-55 16 5.59 5.42
5.13 64 G 629 PSR-55 17 9.26 8.98 8.51 700 755 5 6.3 2
64 G 638 KR-70 18 6.32 6.13
5.81 64 G 630 PSR-70 19 10.14 9.83 9.32 950 2 3 414
64 G 640 KR-105 20 7.85 7.61 7.21 64 G 632 PSR-l05 21 11.76 11.40 10.80 900 105 5 2 6.3 3.5 6/
64G641 PCR-120 22 8.79 8.52 8.07 64 G 633 PSR-120 22 12.49 12.11 11.48 1000 5 3 6.3
64 G 643 'PCR-200 22 11.47 11.12 10.53 64 G 635 PSR-200 22 18.52 17.96 17.01 1040 200 5 3 6.3 45 1211
64 G 644 'PCR-300 24 17.93 17.39 16.47 64 G 636 PSR-300 24 26.17 25.37 24.03 1100/740/150 300 5 6 6.3 5 1714

Stock Mfr's Case 10 -24 25 -49 Stock Mfr's Case 1.9 10-24 25-49 Test Wt.,
No. Type No. EA. EA. EA. No. Type No. EA. EA. EA. Hys. Ms. Ohms Volts Lb..
64 G 669 RC-1540 12 2.50 2.42 2.30 64 G 657 RS-1540 12 3.53 3.42 3.24 15 40 475 2500
64G670 RC-1055 12 2.91 2.82 2.67 64 G 658 RS-1055 13 3.91 3.79 3.59 10 55 230 2500 lY.
64G671 RC-1555 12 3.06 2.96 2.81 64 G 659 RS-1555 13 4.12 3.99 3.78 15 55 420 2500
64 G 672 RC-1065 14 3.45 3.33 3.16 64 G 660 RS-1085 15 4.12 3.99 3.78 10 85 175 2500 214
64 G 673 RC-t585 14 3.70 3.59 3.40 64 G 661 RS-1585 15 4.97 4.82 4.56 15 85 285 2500
64G674 RC-8105 16 4.11 3.99 3.78 64 G 662 RS-8105 17 5.59 5.42 5.13 105 100 2500 3%
64 G 675 RC-12105 16 4.32 4.19 3.97 64 G 663 RS-12105 17 5.59 5.42 5.13 12 105 170 2500
64 G 676 RC-8150 18 5.67 5.50 5.21 64 G 664 RS-8150 19 6.47 6.27 5.94 8 150 100 2500 5/
64 G 677 RC-12150 18 5.73 5.56 5.27 64 G 665 RS-12150 19 6.67 6.47 6.13 12 150 2500 51
64 G 678 RC-8200 20 6.67 6.47 6.13 64 G 666 RS-8200 21 7.64 7.41 7.02 200 85 2500 7
64 G 679 RC-12200 20 6.76 6.56 6.21 64 G 667 RS-12200 21 8.08 7.84 7.43 200 140 2500
64 G 680 RC-8300 22 9.35 9.06 8.59 64 G 668 RS-8300 22 11.61 11.26 10.67 8 300 60 3500 12/


frequency -range outputs.
Hermetically sealed filament transformers. Built to rigid specifica-
tions. Meet all MIL -T -27 requirements. All have 115 -230 v., 50-60 o Full- Typical response. X0.5 db. 30- 20,000
cps. "Indicates extra 150/4 ohm secondary. All except B0 -12 and
10 -13 have split, balanced secondary with
cycle primaries. 2500 v. insulation. CT.
Stook Mire S.e. Amps Cas. Wt.. 1 -9 10 -24
Stock M1rs Pri. Soo.
Watts Caw Wt., 1-9 10 -24
Type V.CT No. Lbs. EA. EA. No. Typo Ohms Ohms No. Lbs. EA. EA.
64G721 FH-615 6.3 1.5 12 7.94 7.70 62 G 522 It0-1 15K 6óO/150 .022 14 2% 9.97 9.66
64 G734 BO -2 20K 600/150
3 12.83
1 16 13.23
64 G 722 FH -63 6.3 3 14 2 9.38 9.09 64 G738 B0-9" 56/36 600/16/8
6 IS
16.39 20 16.90
64 G 693 FH -65 6.3 5.5 16 3 10.91 10.57 64 G747 BO -12 IOIC 600/16/8 10 9 I6,96 22 17.49
64 G 695 FH -610 6.3 10 19 5 15.43 14.96 64 G748 110-13 106 16/8/4 20 7 16.96 21 17.49
Semi-sealed, 115 -230 v.. SO-60 cycle primaries. 2500 v. insulation. Type 80 -14 "Super- Range" 100-Watt Output Transformer. De-
D signed for use wit! fungsol 6550's'n pentode or riode amplifier circuits
(Radio & TV News, November, 1955). 8 and 16 ohm plus 70.7 v. out-
Stook Mfrs S.C. Case Wt., 1-9 10-24 puts. Similar to I. g. C. Kx5'/ x6'. Shpg. wt., 21 lbs.
No. Typo V.CT Amps No. Lbs. EA. EA. EACH 337. 6
64 G 686 F -54 5 4 15 2'h 6.38 6.18 1Óo 2ÓsNETtEACHET
64 G 688 F -58 S 10 17 10.88 10.55
64 G 692 F -530 5 30 22 0 : l%= 16.61 16.10 PA OUTPUT TRANSFORMERS
64 G 723 F -615 6.3 1.5 12 5.14 4.99 Type PCO -150. IS -watt output trausiormer for public address am-
64 G 724 F-63 6.3 3 14 2 6.17 5.99 El plifiers. Primary impedance, 10,000 ohms CT; secondary. 600 /150/
64 G 694 F-65 6.3 5.5 .3 7.50 7.27 16/8/4 ohms, plus tertiary winding for 10% feedback. l'rimary rated 200
64 G 696 F-610 6.3 10 19 10.29 9.98 ma maximum DC. lias It? color -coded leads. Case No. 19. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs.
64 G 698 F-104 10.0 17 3, 4 8.23 7.98
EACH 7,35
For faster, safer, easier servicing of AC -DC equipment. Chassis TRANSISTOR TRANSFORMERS
I S ground is isolated from line ground, eliminating shock hazard. Pri-
mary slide switch selects high, medium and low secondary voltages. 8'
line cord, female output receptacle. Primary volts. 105 /115 /125; secon-
U -miniature audio transformers
tions. Actual wt., /10
for ransistor applications be-
nylon bobbins with nickel
mw level. Wound on
oz. Size, s/sxs/axs . Shpg. 2
dary volts. 125/115/ O5. For 50-60 cycle AC operation. Mfr's Impedance DCResistance 1 -9 10-24
Stock ADDII-
Stook Mfr's Watte Cas. Wt.. 1 -9 10 -24 No. Typa cation Pri. Sec. Pri. Sec. EA. EA.
No. Type Cont. No. Lb.. EA. EA. 64 G 237 UM-110 Interstate 20K It 1675 285 5.59 5.42
64 G 726 1S-50 50 21 S 8.08 7-1-4- 64 G 238 UM -111 Output/
IK 50/60 120 9 3.82 3.71
64 G 727 15-100 100 11 61
64 G 728 15-150 ISO 12") 13.82 Ì 3.40 64 G 239 UM -112 Mic. input 200K 1K 4K 195 6.17 5.99
64 G 729 15-250 0
24 18 á 16.32 15.82 64 G 240 UM -113 interstate 20K 1K 1350 205 4.26 4.13,
150 W de for Quantity Prices on Transformers in Lots of 25 or Mo o
Special -Purpose Transformers

0 o
Primaries tapped tor 105, 115 or 125v.. 50 -o0 cycle AC. Insulation, POWER TRANSFORMERS
0 2500 v. except F8, 5000 v. All secondaries have CT except
Stock Mfrs
. D
Replace ordinary power transformers. Stabilize plate and filament
voltages within =3% with line variations from 100 -130 volts. With
Casa Wt., 1.9, 10-24,
No. Typa Fil. Fil.2 Fil.3 No. Lbs. EACH EACH Pyranol oil -filled input filter condenser and mounting bracket. For 100-
63G I54 5V02A 130 volts, 60 cycles AC only.
FI 6.3V %2.SA 15 2% 9.70 9.22
63G 155 F2 SV(a 2A 12.6V @1.25A II 2% 9.70 9.22 Type 7104. DC input to filter, 275 v ta 50 ma. Fil.. 6.3 v CT (, 21/4A;
63G 156 f3 5V(3A 6.3V @5A 10.14 9.63 5 v (0 2A. Size, 4'%sx334sx31/2'. Shpg. wt., 6 lb..
63G 157 F4 SV(a3A 6.3V@3A 6.3V(3A
4% 11.61 11.03_ 62 G 669. NET IZ.00
63G 158 F5 5V(3A 6.3V Op IA .39 415A 18 4% 11.76 11.17 Type 7106. Same as above, but delivers 385 volts DC to filter at 110
63G 159 F6 6.39 3A 6.3V @3A 17 354 10.14 9.63 ma. Filaments, 6.3 v CT @ 3A; 5 v @ 2A. 7S VA. Size, 413kx444ax3'/. .
63G 160 F7 6.3V $6A 63V @6A 21 6% 12.05 11.46 9 lbs.
63G 161 F8 5V (3A 5V(e3A 59676A 21 7 12.64 12.01 62 G 670. NET 15.00
Typo 7107. As above, but 380 v DC to filter 4 250 ma. Fil., 6.3 v @ 4A;
PLATE TRANSFORMERS 6.3 v an RA (unreg.); S v 9, 3A. 210 VA. 7x5x41/2i Wt., 19 lbs.

Primaries for 115.230 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. 62 G 671. NET

Stock No. Type VCT Ma. Sly* L bs. -9,EA. 10- 24,EA. TV VOLTAGE REGULATORS
63 G 162 1'45 1330/1150 250
534su41/2x4356' 12 14.99 14.25 Type 7202. Reduces flicker in television screens due to changes in line
63 G 163 P67 1800/1470 250 534sx41/2x434s' 13r/í 16.46 15.64 voltage. For any TV act with power consumption between 165 and 285
63GZ164 P1512 3420/2860 300 7x71/2 x71//2' 52.63 50.00 watts. Output voltage, 3 %, with line variations up to 30 %. Turns on
63GZ184 1'2520 5640/4520 300 81/2x81/2x81/4' 731 74.97 71.23 and off with TV. Size. 91/2x434x71/2'. For operation from 95-130 v., 60
cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 26 lbs.
Type 7201. For 110 to 175 -watt sets. Shpg. wt., 19 lbs.
Type Hys. Ma. Ohms Insel. Sirs
-9, 10.24
EACH 62 G 631. NET 29.60
63GZ 185 8105 10 500 40 9060 7117%x7W 35 39.10 37.1 5 TYPE CV TRANSFORMERS
63GZ 186 8103 10 300 40 7500 71/2h051/4x61/2' 22 19.11 18.16
Static -magnetic voltage regulators. Designed to provide constant output
AUDIO TRANSFORMERS voltage within .1%. even with line voltage changes (transient or contin-
uous) of up to +15 %. No manual adjustment necessary- regulation is
0 Size of each transformer, 2x11/2x1 r/r'. Sltpg. wt., 10 oz. fully automatic. Adjusts quickly to changes -usually within a time range
of 1.5 cycles or lees. Current -limiting characteristic protects transformer
No. Type
Mir's D.earl ptien

63 G 187 WF20 Pri. :50,125/150,200,250,333,500 /600

1 -9
10 -24
and load equipment from excessive current. Has Pyranol oil -filled ca-
pacitor with mounting bracket. 1Uses new low stray -field design
suitable for use as internal component. Input voltages listed below for
Sec.:50,000 11.47 10.90 60 cycle AC. 25 and 50 cycle units available on special order. Write for
63 G 188 WF21 Pri.:50,200,500.Sec.Imp 50,000 12.23 11.62 quotation, giving full details about your requirements.
63 G 189 WF22 Pri. :50,125 /150,200,250,333,500 /600 Stock Mfr's Input Output Cap. Wt., NET
Sec.:80,000 overall in two sections. 1.47 10.90 Na. Type Voltages Voltage VA Les. EACH

63 G 190 WF28 Pri.:15.000.Sec.I mp. :80,000 overall. 10.70 10.16 62 G650 30488 95 130 6.0 15 6 16.00
63 G 191 WF36 Pii.:30,000 Plate to Plate. 62 G649 30492 E 95 -130 6.3 15 6 1 6.00
Sec. :50,125 /150,200,250,333.500 /600 11.47 10.90 62 G656 30498 E 95 -130 115 15 6 6.00

63 G 192 WF30 Pri .:50,125 /150,200.250.333,500/600 62 G619 30885 95 -130 115 60 13 25.00
Sec.:50,125/150,200,250.333, 500/600 11.47 10.90 62G 620 30886 95 -130 115 120 19 33.00
STANDARD ELECTRIC 63G 193 20-04 -030.1 D 95.130/190260 6.3 30 6 16.00
63 G 194 20- 04065.1 D 95- 130/190260 6.3 60 7 20.00
ADJUST -A -VOLT VARIABLE AUTOFORMERS 63 G 195 20 -04 -095.1 D 95- 130/190-260 6.3 90 11 24.00
63GZ 196 20-04 -113.1 D 95-130/190.260 6.3 120 20 31.00
Type 100BU Autoformer. For low-power equip- 63GZ 197 2004.116.1 D 95- 130/190260 6.3 150 23 35.00
ment -tube testers, power supplies, model railroad 52.00
controls, etc. Has pedal sliding brush and low- resis- 62 GZ 660 2013.1251 95 -130 118 250 30
tance alloy- plated brush track -allows high initial 62 GZ 661 20-13 -1501 95 -130 118 500 40 81.00
surge current and temporary overloads. Permits 62 GZ 662 20- 13.2101 95-130 118 1000 115 135.00
smooth control of output voltage from 0 to 132 62 GZ 663 30811 95.130 115 2000 205 245.00
volts. Mounts on any panel up to 1/4' thick. Max. 62 GZ 624 30M811 190 -250 115 2000 205 245.00
load, 165 VA. For 1 10-1 20 volts, 50-60 cycle AC. Size,
dia. x 234.?.
21110' 2' dial, calibrated 0- 100 %. Shpg. wt.. 2 Iba. HARMONIC- FILTERED REGULATING TRANSFORMERS
62 G 583. NET 8.33 S. ' lar to Fig. F. Provide harmonic -neutralized, stabilized source of
Typo 300BU Autofer mar. Ideal for light con- voltage. For any equipment affected by harmonics from power source.
trol, small ovens, speed regulation of brush -con- Less than 3% harmonic content in output. Regulated sine wave output
nected AC motore, etc. Several niay be ganged for constant within .1%. Types 23 -13-060. 23 -13 -I I2 1r th power cord and
operation from the same shaft. Unit is easily act receptacle; others have knockout boxes. Mor 60 cycle AC voltages.
and has dial plate for clockwise or counterclock-
wise operation. Specially designed brush and al- Stook Mfr's Pri. Secondary Cap. Wt., NET
loy- plated brush track eliminate arcing. Can be No. Typa V. Voltage VA Lbs. EACH
wired to deliver either 0 -115 volts or 0 -135 volts. 62 GZ 517 23 -13 -060 95 -130 115 60 35 35.00
Maximum load, 400 VA. Maximum current. 3 62 GZ 518 23 -13 -112 95 -130 115 120 45 44.00
amps. For operation from 110 to 120 volts. 50-60 cycles AC. 311/42 62 GZ 646 23-13 -125 95 -130 118 250 32 70.00
diameter x 3tr depth behind panel. 4'dial. Wt., 61bs. 105.00
62 G 580. NET 12.25 62 GZ 647 23 -13 -ISO 95 -130 11S 500
80 175.00
62 GZ 648 23 -13 -210 95 -130 118
TYPE 500B AND 5008U AUTOFORMERS 62 GZ 642 5010 95 -125 ál5 2000 320 310.00
For laboratory and industrial voltage control. Type
5008 is cased, 61/4x4% dia. Supplied with line CONSTANT -VOLTAGE DC POWER SUPPLIES
cord, plug, receptacle, pilot light, on-off switch and Compactly built DC power supplies with
fuse. Constructed of die -cast aluminum, finished in regulated output. Use high -capacitance hI-
gray wrinkle. Type SOOBU is uncased, designed for ter. germanium rectifier and constant -volt-
panel mounting -supplies pilot light voltage; ad- age transformer. Output is constant within
justable shaft length. Size: 5x4% dia. l'or 115 v., .1% with line voltage changes of .10%.
60 cycle AC input. Av. shpg. wt., 12 lbs Ripple lees than 1% (rots). except 1/44
Units can be series -wired for higher output
Stock Mfr'. O NET voltage. Input and output connections made
No. Typo Volts KVA EACH at terminal strip. All supplies are assembled
on 51/4:19' rack panels. Depth 91/e. Chassis
62 G 581 1 5008 0.135 I 7.5 I 1.0 I 22.54 have vent holes. For 100-130 v., 60 cycles AC.
62 G 582 500BU 0- 115/0-135 7.5 1.0 17.64
Stock Mfr's Output Ratings Efficiency Wt., NET
TYPE 15006 VARIABLE AUTOFORMER Type With Volts Amps %(apples.) tbs. EACH
Stunly, highly dependable autofornuer for 2 KVA power applications.
Ideal for theatrical lighting control and other heavy -duty operation.
Rotor und frame of die-cast aluminum. Several units may be ganged to 62 GZ 638 28152 250 125 2.0 82 55 145.00
the saune shaft -can be used in series or parallel. Voltage output range 62 GZ 639 28106 300 ISO 2.0 80 50 145.00
is 0 -135 v. Maximum current output is 15 amperes. Has 11S v., 60 cycle 140.00
A(' input. 30 -00 oz. driving torque. S xS' 34s' dia. Wt., 25 lbs. 62 GZ 640 28193 200 200 1.0 76 45
45.08 62 GZ 641 28192 250 250 1.0 81 55 150.00
62 Gí589. NET
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 151
J. W. Miller Coils and Chokes

j )
Double -tuned air -core, universal input, in- Extremely small IF coils with excellent gain High -efficiency, unshielded, iron -core colis.
D terstage or output transformers. Universal D and bandwidth characteristics. Ferrite shell D For replacement purposes or for new re-
wound primary and secondary tuned by mica cores provide high efficiency. Mica trimmer ceiver design. Adjustable core for tracking
insulated compression -type trimmers. RETMA tuned primary and secondary. Only 1/2' square desired frequency range. Range indicated ob.
leads. Size, 1s/exl s/ex2s/s . Wt.. 4 oz. by ye high. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
1 tained usina 365 mmf variable capacitor. Coils
mount in 5/4' hole. Padder values shown are
No. Typo Uwe EA 60 H 861. Typo 10 -C2.Output. EA....1.53 for 455 kc 1F. Size: 1/2:2'. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
60 H 739 512- C1lIInput IF No. I Type Use KC Rangs EACH
60 H 740 512- C2llnterstage IF 455 KC IF TRANSFORMERS 60 H 862 A- 5495 -A Antenna 5501700
60 H 741 512-C Full-wave output IF 1.53 Subminiature IF transformers for Raytheon 60 H 863 IA- 5495 -RF RF 550.1700
60 H 512 512 -C4 Half -wave output IF D types CK 760 and CK761 transistors. Pri-
60 H 864 A- 5495 -C 1.23
Std. Osc. 400 mmt

mary impedance. 25 K ohms; secondary im- 60 H 865 IA- 5496 -C Tapped Ost. 5400 mml
F pedance. 5600 ohms. 11000 ohms. Size. 1/a' eq-
Molded plastic rame with built -in capaci- xs/a' high. Av. ahpg. wt.. 3 oz. MINIATURE ADJUSTABLE
o tors. Tunable powdered iron cores. Built- 60 H 802. Typo 9 -Cl. Input. NET RF COILS
in diode filter capacitors. Aluminum shielded 60 H 803. Typo 9 -021. Output. EA. 2.20 Variable-inductance RF coils. Use with
1/2' x 2'. With mtg. hardware. Wt., 4 oz. tuning capacitors of 250 to 450 max. capac-
DELUXE BANK -WOUND COILS ity. Type 70 -OSC coil has tapped secondary. 70
No. Typo Fray. Usa Nit Shielded antenna RF and bandpass coils. series installed self -supported. 71 -0SC has 2-
60 H 727 12-CI 455 Sc IF Input 1.35 Cover 540-1740 kc with 365 mmf capacitor. tap primary. Both track 100 to 550 kc IF.
60 1172812-C2 455 Sc IF Output 1.35 Two -bank Litz secondaries. High impedance Max. aire: 1/2zlV2' high. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
60 H 78712 -C6 455 kc IF Output. 1.44 primaries. I %x3'. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz. No. Typa Use KC Rangs NET
60 H 716 12 -C7 455 kc Input (Batt.) 1.35 60 H 783. Type 242 -A. Ant. NET
60 H 717 12-C8 455 kc Output(Batt.) 1.35 60 H 784. Type 242 -RF. RF. EACH. 1.18 60 H 866 70 -A Antenna 540-1600
60 H 797. Type 242-9P. Bandpass. N ET I .03 60 H 867 70-RF RF 540 -1600 .88
60 H 71812 -C9 455 kc Input(AC-DC) 1.35 60 H 868 70-050 Ost. 540 -1600 .88
60 H 71912-C10 455 Sc utFt.(AGDC) 1.35 60 H 869 71 -050 Ost. 500 -1800 1.18
60 H 72912 -HI 262 Sc IF Input 1.53 UNIVERSAL ADJUSTABLE
60 H 788 12-H6 262 Sc IF Output* 1.62
Compact. variable -inductance iron -core RF INDICATORS
60 H 732 1463 10.7 me Input or Inter. 1.68
60 H 733 1464 10.7 me Discriminator 2.00
0 voile for replacement use. Shielded type.
Used with 250 -450 mmi capacitor. Oscillator Small, adjustable coils tor the most exact-
60 H 734 1465 10.7 me Ratio Detect. 2.00 coils have tapped secondary. Size: 11/2111/2x D ing requirements. Silicone -impregnated
60 H 789 6203 4.5 me Input or Inter. 1.68 21/2'. Av. shpg. wt.. 5 oz. frequency. IF ceramic forms. Tuned by powdered iron core.
Types 4502 to 4506 are single -layer wound.
60 H 790 6204 4.5 me Discriminator 2.00 No. Typs KC Range EACH Types 4507 to 4509 are twin -pi wound. Others
60 H 791 6205 4.5 me Ratio Detect. 2.00 User
are honeycomb wound. Mount in 34e hole.
60 H 748 73 -A Antenna 500 -1800 Form size: 1/2x1/2' high. Av. ahpg wt., 2 oz.
MIDGET IF TRANSFORMERS 60 H 749 73 -RF RF 500 -1800 1.68
Air -core mica trimmer tuned IF's. Excel- 60 H 752 73 -0SC Oscillator 100 -550 No. Typo Miorohonelse NET
lent gain and selectivity. 6 -32 spade -bolt MINIATURE RF COILS 60 H 870 4500 Form only .88
mtg. 11/2xl1/2x2'. W'ith filter. Wt., 4 oz. 60 H 871 4502 1.0-1.6 1.18
Shielded iron -core coils or compact re- 60 H 872 4503 1.6-2.8 1.23
Ne. Typo Frsa'oy Usa LA. G ceivers. For 365 mm f tu atm capacitors. 60 H 873 4504 2.8-5 1.29
60 H 735 112 -C1 455 kc Input 24 sq z 2'. Requires series pad. Wt.. 4 oz.
60 H 874 4505 S-9 1.35
60 H 736 112 -C2 455 Sc I nterstage No. Type Usa KC Range EACH 60 H 875 4506 9-16 1.41
60 H 737 I12 -C3 455 Sc CT Output 1.47 60 H 798 X -121 -A Antenna 140 -425 60 H 876 4507 16-24 1.47
60 H 738 112 -C4 455 Sc Output 60 H 785 X- 121 -8F RF 140 -425 1.29 60 H 877 4508 24-35 1.47
60 H 855 112-H1 262 Sc Input 60 H 786 X -121 -C Ose. 120 mmt 60 H 878 4509 35-60 1.47
60 H 856 112 -H2 262 Sc Interstage 60 H 706 A -121 -A Antenna 540-1700 60 H 879 4511 60-120 1.47
60 H 857 112 -H3 262 kc CT Output .53 60 H 707 A- 121 -RF RF 540 -1700 60 H 880 4512 110-200 1.53
60 H 858 112 -114 262 Sc Output 60 H 708 A -121 -C Ose. 455 Ac 400 mml 1.09 60 H 881 4513 190-330 1.53
60 H 859 112 -H6 262 kc Output* 1.65 60 H 709 A -121 -H Osc. 262 kc 600 mmt 60 H 882 4514 320-500 1.53




With diagram. /x2'
For alartu syatents. ", udo,r ii.:plays. etc.

jh high.Wt..4 oz.
H 589. Typo 695. NET 1 71
Uutuned. Broadly self-resonant from 540 to
1700 Sc. No tuning capacitor needed. Can.
21/23[11/2'. Shpg. wt.. 4oz.
60 H 758. Typo 472 -UA. Ant. NET...1.32 Type 6175 is filament choke. Reduces stray
60 H 759. Typo472 -UT. RF. NET 162 D coupling. feedback. etc. Others are video
BANDPASS COUPLING COIL peaking colls for proper bandwidth and wave
Negative mutual coupling coil for Iii -fiTRF shape of video signale. Coils without shunt re-
D receivers. 11/2x2'. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. DUO -LATERAL FILTER CHOKES sistor wound on plastic forms; shunt types
60 H 761. Typo EL -66. NET 79c Effective line filters. Duo -lateral wound for
low distributed capacity. Ideal for use in AC
wound on resistor. 1/2xS'o' dia.; all others.
r xMs' dia. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz.
MIDGET OSCILLATOR COILS lines to filter RF or noise pulses from Amateur
or commercial transmitters; from power sup- Mteo NET
Cover 540 -1600 kc with 365 mmf capacitor. plies, sign 8aahers, diathermy equipment. farm Stock Shunt
D Series 5480 for pentagrad converters. 5481 lighting plants, signal systems, oil burners and No. Typo /thym!. EACH
series have single tapped coil for 6SA7 and all types of intermittent switching systems. 60 H 792 6172 73 None
similar tubes. Size. Izl'. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz. Type 7825 is 11í4z11/' wound on bakefite 60 H 889 6153 120 None
No. Typo IF Padder BACH form. Types 7826 and 57827 are 2Vz4', wound 60 H 793 6173 250 22 K 35c
on ceramic forme. 60 H 794 6174 500 None
60 H 742 5480 -K 175 kc .001 mid 6175 None
60 H 884 5480 -H 262 kc .0006 mid No. Typo Am Ohms Oz MN NET 60 H 776 0.8
60 H 743 5480 -C 455 kc .0004 mid 73c 70 H 185 7825 2 .7 5 .600 1.18
60 H
60 H
6176 36
60 H 744 5481 -C 455 kc .0004 mid 60 H 886 7826 10 .570 2.85
60 H 885 5481 -H 262 kc .0006 mid 60 H 887 7827 10 .15 16 .370 3.20 60 H 778 6177 93
60 H 779 6178 22oIC
60 H 780 6179 180 39 K
Cover 540 -1700 Sc with capacitors having T Duo -lateral wound, sing e-section RF
6180 180 None 35c
u 330 to 450 mmf. Adjustable core. Mount in
914 hole. %x21/2'. Shpg wt.. 4 oz. a
chokes. Ceramic dowels. 20 mh. 100 ohms.
S ma. 11/2x1/2' high. Slip'. t.. 4 oz.
H 890
H 782
200 None
73c 71c 60 H 891 6155 300 None
60 H 883. Typo 6300. NET 60 H 588. Typa 691T. FRET
152 Depend on Allied for Everything in Radio, Television and Industrial Electronics
Coils, Transformers & Antennas
Type 705A. Newly
developed rod loop
antenna for univer-
sal replacement use.
Uses a highly effi-
cient design for out
a standing performance. Improves reception of
distant stations. Extremely easy to adjust.
Simply slide the coil along the ferrite rod to
peak the antenna. Completely non -directional
-it allows convenient placement of the set in
any desired position. Equally good reception
from any direction. Replaces any loop antenna.
Size, 31/4x91/4'. Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
a 60 H 893. NET 162
Permeability tuned. 6190 and 6101 fur 21.25 SUPPLY TRANSFORMERS
me in TV sets with separate picture and
Typo 4626. RF power supply transformer
Ct C
sound IF channels. 1466 for 4.5 me in sets with
inter-carrier system. Provide high gain and a for TV receivers, scopes. Up to 5.000 v. DC. Typo 2000. Loop antenna specially designed
for transistor receivers. Features a fixed in-
adequate bandwidth for high- fidelity sound. Size, 3t/ßx1 /a'. Wt., 4 oz.
Primary adjustable from top of aluminum can; 60 H 754. NET 4.85 ductance loop with a large pick up field to in-
sure adequate signal to the first stage. Inductor
secondary from bottom. Has spade bolt
mounting. 1%x1/4:21/4¡ high. 111/fizl t/sx2'/5' Type 4626. Up to 10,000 v. DC. (30,000 in ree- is tapped to match the 600 ohm input imped-
high. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. lifier- tripler circuit). Size, 6:21/4' diameter. ance of the transistor. Frequency range is 540-
Sling wt.. 4 oz. 1650 kc when used with a 365 mmf variable
Stook Mfr's NET 60 H 757. NET 8.08 capacitor. Slender styling for compact installa-
No. Typo Description EACH tion. Size 11/4 :91/4'. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
60 H 762 6190 1st IF sound 1.41 60 H 894. NET 1.62
60 H 763 6191 2nd IF sound 20 MC RANGE PICTURE IF COILS
60 H 764 14661 Input or Interstage Popular shielded and unshielded permea- TRANSISTOR ANTENNA RODS
60 H 705 14701 Sound Trap, 4.5mc 73 1 a bility tuned TV IF transformers, single and
bitilar wound. Type 6247 has single tuned cir-
cuit and cathode trap. Type 6248 employs sin- Type 2001. Min-
SOUND DETECTOR AND OSOLLATO! gle winding. Types 6251 and 6252 are shielded.
iature antenna
TRANSFORMERS rod for use where
Unshielded coils have mounting clip for 3i space is limited.
Quality TV hole. Maximum dimensions: 1/4. O.D. by 2W
o 6184 for TV components. Types 6192 and
receivers with separate 21.25
me sound IF channel. Types 1467 and 1468
long. Bifilar wound. Av. shpg. wt., 5 oz.
Matches 600 ohm
input impedance.
Stook Mfr's IF Me Trap Me NET Has inductance of 240 microhenries. Use with
are for 4.5 me IF in sets using inter- carrier any variable capacitor having maximum ca-
sound system; Type 6192 and Type 1467 are No. Type EA. pacity of 365 mmf. 1/4x31/4'. Wt., 4 oz.
the Foster -Seely type and are normally pre- 60 H 840 6245 23.3 27.25 1.47 60 H 976. NET 147
ceded by one or two limiter stages. Type 6184 60 H 841 6246 22.0 21.20 1.47
and Type 1468 are for use in ratio detector 60 H 842 6247 21.25 Type 2003. As above but. 700 microhenries.
circuits. Type 6182 has tapped coil for hor- 60 H 843 6248 24.5 1.88 Use with 125 mmf capacitor.
izontal oscillator Synchro -guide circuit. Type 60 H 844 6249 21 -25 .88 60 H 977. NET 147
6183 dual windings for Sync. Frequency and 6250
60 H 845 25 -29 .88
spade bolt mounting. Sizes: l'i
Phase circuit. Aluminum shields with 6-32
all%x2 %';
111%x1'/5x21/4.. IM s:1314:21/4'. Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
60 H 846 6251 21 -25
60 H 847 6252 25 -29
60 H 848 6253 21 -30 20 -23 Ì.2
60 H 849 6254 22 -32 24 -29 1.62 Type 2004.
Stook Mfr's Description NET
Ne. Type EACH wound on flat
6192 Discriminator 1.76 SYNC STABILIZER (RINGING) COIL ferrite strips.
6Ó H 766 6184 Ratio detector 1.94 Extremely sensitive -signal pickup compares
60 H 724 6182 Hor. Osc. 1.32 Type 6210. llas bakeli a form with ?44' favorably to that of larger rods. Has inductance
60 H 799 6183 Hor. Osc. 1.62 mounting clip. 16-42 nth range. Size. 1/4x of 240 microhenries. For use with capacitor
60 H 767 1467 Discriminator oz. having maximum capacity of 365 mmf. Size,
1.76 60 H 820. N ET2 132 1/4x1/4x31%'. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
60 H 768 1468 Ratio detector 1.94
60 H 978. NET 147
TYPE 20 ECONOMY TRF COILS Typo 2005. As above, but 700 microhenries.
HORIZONTAL OSCILLATOR Use with 125 mmf capacitor.
AFC DISCRIMINATOR TRANSFORMER Unshielded tuned RF coils for AM broad-
H cast band, 540 to 1750 kc. For use with 60 H 979. NET 147
Typo 6194. For horizontal us. illator circuits mmf variable capacitor. L mtg. bracket.
using "synchro- lock" automatic frequen- Low impedance primary on adjustable sleeve
cy control system. Two coupled permeability over secondary. 11/4:2' high. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. SUB -MINIATURE ANTENNA ROD
tuned windings: One, tapped for use in hori-
zontal blocking oscillator tank circuit; the 60 H 753. 20 -A. Antenna Coil. NET...56C Typs 2002. Sub-
second, center-tapped for phase discrimination. 60 H 590. 20- RF. RH, Coil. NET 564 miniature tran-
Housed in aluminum shield with adjustment sistor antenna
for horizontal frequency at top and horizontal coil. Adjustable
phase at bottom. 6-32 spade bolt mounting. TRANSISTOR IF TRANSFORMERS from 35 to 300
17jsxl7/isx2!' high. Shpg. wt., S oz. microhenries. Hi-
Type 2041. High-nimbly IF transformer () coil tunes with variable capacitor having
60 H 769. NET 162 for miniature transistor receivers. Designed maximum capacity of from 300 to S00 mmf.
r use with transistor types C K760 and C K 761. Antenna is supplied with short length of wire
HORIZONTAL LINEARITY AND Frequency, 455 kc. Primary 25,000 ohms; sec- for additional signal pickup. Mounts in 454'
WIDTH CONTROL ondary 600. Replaces Automatic No. EX0301 S. hole, or may be mounted on sturdy bracket sup-
Iron -core variable inductance coils for hori- Size, 1/4' high z
60 H 896. NET
sq. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
176 plied. Matches 600 ohm input impedance. Size,
D zontal sweep circuits. 'Have AGC winding. 1%x21%'. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
Mounting clip fits 1/4s hole. 6300 series are Type 2042. Miniature IF transformer same as 60 H 980. NET 88c
1/4x21/4' long on phenolic forms. 6100 series are above, except has 25,000-ohm primary and
1/4x2 1/4= long on bakelite forma. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 1000-ohm secondary windings.
Stock Mfr's MI IIIhenrlss NET
No. Type EA. Model IF -6000. Set of
60 H 770 6195 .185- 1.000 .73
TRANSISTOR OSCILLATOR COIL precision -built IF coils
60 H 771 6196 .054- 0.245 .65 UTypo 2020.For receivers with transistor os- and transformers for
60 H 897 6196 -A .054- .50 tapped .73 ñ cillator. Supplies local oscillator energy to
building your own 6-tran-
60 H 772 6197 .550- 2.300 tapped t e mixer stage. Use with a 365 mmf variable sistor superheterodyne ra-
60 N 773 6198 .170- 0.610 capacitor. Intermediate frequency 455 kc. With dio. Ideal for schools. labs,
.65 hobbyists and experi-
60 H 774 6199 -A 1.300- 4.100 tapped .73 clip for mounting in 551e' diameter hole. Size, menters. Kit includes:
60 11 775 6199 -B .500- 1.700 11%x% dia. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
60 H 895. NET 132 Converter- Stage, 455 -kc
60 H 826 6313 .5 - 5 .88 IF Transformer; 455 -kc
60 H 827 6314 2.0 -18 1.03 Type 2022. Similar to above, except for use I nterstage. IF Transform-
GO H 828 6315 4.0 -30 1.06 wit lariable capacitor 78 -1W mmf max. er; 455 -kc Output IF
60 H 829 6316 4.0 -30 1.32 60 H 974. NET 132 Transformer; 455 -kc Autodyne
60 H 830 6317 3.2 - 9 1.32 Oscillator Coil. Kit is supplied complete with
60 H 831 6318 .2 - 3 SUBMINIATURE TRANSISTOR OSC. COIL easy -to- follow circuit schematic and parts list.
60 H 832 6319 15.0 -60 Also includes list of names of G.E., Raytheon,
60 H 833 6320 .2 - 3 tapped 1.88 Type 2021. Shielded oscillator coil for use General Transistor and RCA transistors to
60 H 834 6321 1.0 - 5 tapped
in converter circuits using one transistor which kit units are matched. All IF transform-
oscillator, mixer. Use with variable capaci- ers are vacuum impregnated for time and tern -
6Ó H 836
60 H 898 6324 60
1.5 5 t*ped
-130 tapped
tor having maximum capacity of 100 mmf. Size.
Shpg. wet . 2 m.
Perature stability. and for protection from hu-
midity and dust. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
60 H 975./NE 162 60 H 099. NET 5.26
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 153
Meissner IF's and Coils
11, _ .

Low-cost IF's. Air core except, ?iron core. Double-tuned trimmen. Air -core type. High- impedance primary. 1.i ire secondary. Tune 545- .
MT 2 +1/421/4811/4:11/4';
111211'sa2W. Bandwidth in kc. Wt., 6 oz. 1620 kc, with 360 mmf tuning condens, -r. shielded. 1456 kc IF fre-
SeloetivIty NET quency; 350 mmf padder required. Shpg. wt., S oz.
Stock Mfr's Use Free
No. Typo Range, ko 2X 10X EACH No. Type Fig. _Function_ Sine EACH
60 H I92 16-6649 Input 140 -200 6.0 17.5 1.56 60 H 000 14 -1010 ÑT Antenna 1:2r/y

60 H 193 16-6651 Output 140 -200 11.5 29.5 1.56 60 H 001 14 -1011 NT RF
60 H 194 16 -6652 Input 200-310 9.5 24.7 60 H 005 14 -IOW AE Antenna 1x1%z 1'/r' 1.18
60 H 195 16 -6654 Output 200-310 20.5 52.1
1.41 60 H 006 14 -1005 AE RF if/zltz2 r/í
60 H 196 16 -6658 Input 400-550 18.8 46.6 60 H 075 14 -2436' AE Antenna t1/ :lä5:2
6 0 H 197 16 -6659 Interstage 400 -550 12.5 33.0 60 H 076 14 -2437 AE RF lii/x1 tz2
60 H 198 16 -6660 Output 400 -550 17.5 50.5 1.41 60 H
161 14 -4034? PC Oscillator Ixfz s/4 ' 1.18
60 H 070 16 -66661 Input 400-600 14.1 37.5 60 166
H 14- 42431 AE Oscillator 1 %1x1y x11%'
60 H 071 16 -66671 Output 400-600 18.0 49.5 1.41 60 150
H 14 -1022 NT Antenna z2r//e 1.03
60 H 139 16 -66627 Input 380 -600 11.2 30.0 1.47 60 H 151 14 -1023 NT RF 1r z2ye 1.03
6 0 H 144 16 -66631 Output 380 -600 11.2 30.0 1.47
STANDARD GENERAL REPLACEMENTS Permeability -tuned broadcau -oils. Track with all commonly used
%xll ers. mita tuning capacitors. With leads. [ Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
MT 3z
. W. 2X and LOX ownAv, 4 oz. Ve. Type Use For Size EACH
Selootivitr NET
H 077
Typo Uso
Range. ka
T 2X 111X
H 167
H 168
H 169
14 -1071
14 -1072
14 -1073
AC sets
AC sets
AC sets
1r z1

60 16-5700 121 -234 1.62 60 H 183 14 -1074 Ose. Batt. sets Ix ,
60 H 080 16 -5712 Input 425 -650 11.1 27.7 1.47
Ñ 082
60 079
H 081 16 -6133
16 -5714
16 -3731
Output CT
435 -1000
425 -650
121 -255
Typs 14- 1033. Tapped type for 6SA7. 12SA7, etc. 456 kc. Single
H 083 16 -3736 Output CT 255 -550 23.2 60.0 1.62 PO HW NETt
fiole e
t/ dia. 1 long. Use 420 mmf padder. Wt., 4 oz.
Same as above, except coils have Hi -i2 powdered iron cores. Bandwidth
in kc. 11%xlVex3W; 11/4x3/4:2. ;For battery radios. Wt.. 5oz.
Type 14 -1063. Oscillator coll.
section padder. 162 mmf. Single
455 kc. Same as above
1/4' hole mounting, /' but Wt.,
s dia.
requires cut
4 oz.
No. Type Range, ko 2X 10X EACH fFor battery -operated sets. *For IF frequencies between 175 and 520 kc.
60 H 181 16-57401' Input 360 -600 8.4 20.0 2.06 Single-hole mounting. Screwdriver ad,. Broadcast band. Wt., 5 oz.
60 H 190 16 -57421 Output 360 -600 13.8 38.0 1.76 No. Type Fig. Cell true Size EACH
60 H 199 16-66681 Input; 350 -550 22.5 54.3 1.76 60 H 060 14-1040 PT Osc.456IF s/íz11iS
60 H 143 16-66691 Output/ 350 -550 22.5 58.0 1.76 60 H 125 14-10601' PT Osc.4561F
11/4811/48l3/4¡ 1.47
60 H 104 16-66781 Input /Output 375 -550 16.6 41.1 1.76 60 H 135 14-1026 PC Antenna
60 H 136 14-1027 PC RF 11/48l1/4:lyi
"CARTWHEEL" IF TRANSFORMER 60 H 137 14-1028 PC Oscillator I 1/4a1 51:1/1/¡
CJ60 H 095.7 ye 16 -6661. Input, interstage or output. Freq. range. 60 H I71 14-1056 PT Antenna 4z r
380 -600 kc. 17+/ezlzly'. Dual trimmers. Wt., S oz. NET 141 60 H 172 14-1057 PT RF x17íí 1.47
60 H 7 3 I 14-105811 PT Oscillator 4x1
34" PERMEABILITY TUNED IF's Type 16 -2866. Adjustable Wave Trap. Not illustrated. 456 kc. 4 oz.
Tuned at top and bottom by adjustable iron cores. Silvered mica
UM condensera. Size, 2: %x1/4'. With mtg plates. Bandwidth in kc. at 60 H 126. NET 1.18
and 10X down. tWit.hh diode filters. Shpg. wit., 4 oz. TV IF TRANSFORMERS
Stook Mfr' Usa Froquoney! Slctivity NET Replacement units for TV receivers. Permeability tuned. Mounting
No. Type Rangs, ka 2X 10X centers: 11/4; ¡single 'ifs' Isole; 315%'; ?clip. ST type primary tunes
60 H 152 16 -6758 Input/Output 400 -500 28 60 1.29 from top; secondary from bottom. Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
60 H 153 16 -67701 Output 400 -SSO 30 65 1.35 No. Type Fig. Function Freq. Me. Sirs EACH
60 H 157 16 -6754? Output 245 -275 18 45 1.53 60H 129 17 -1033 Ratio Del. 4.5 11311x2' 1.94
60 H 154 16 -6752 245-275 12 35 1.47 60 H 056 17 -1034' ST Sound If 4.5 1135115' 1.06
60H 133 17 -3493' ST Ratio Det. 4.5 1Sisl%n254' 1.94
TWEET FILTER OUTPUT IF TRANSFORMER 60 H 057 17-34961 UM Discnmmalor 4.5 25%x1'
Type 16 -6670. frequency, 456 kc. 21/2x17/z11/s'. RETMA color- 60H 033 19-10211 IF Tunable Choke 21.25 1511'
17,7 coded !cade. 4' long. Shpg. ut.. 4 oz.
Type 18 -6875. Has a 455 kc AM and 10.7 me FM transformer. Each
Uas 2New, sub- miniature IF's with the same performance characteristics
kc at 2X
larger units. Widely in AC -DC
10X down. 4' mtg. centers.
Bandwidth in
Shpg. 2 oz.
CJ circuit tunes by powdered iron cores. 21/2x11/2x1V Wt., 7 oz. .
60 H 068. NET 2.94 Stock
Type Use Frequency 2% 10X Site EACH
10.7 MC FM IF TRANSFORMERS 60 H 048 16.6800 Input -lnlet 465 Sc 16 34 1111x1'
Permeability tuned. Stable shunt capacities. For replacement use or new 60 H 049 16-6801 Output 465 Sc 18 38 111151' 1.47
equipment. Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
60H069 17 -3487 ST Ratio De1.,400KC,P -P, 11' 134111/4525r 1.94 Adjustable inductance coils. For exact adjust nent o frequency response
60H097 16 -6665 ST Input or interstaee l 11' 14sYssIS' 1.62 in video amplifiera. Mount by leads. Powdered iron Ceres. Wt., 4 oz.
60H096 17.3484 ST Discnm., 4008C,P -P 1W 11'IfslSY 1194 No. Typa Fig. Inductance Range Size EACH
60 H158 16.3147 UM Input or intetstags Var. 588511' äz%57 1.62
60 H 034 19-1920 MF 65-115 Microhenries 594


60 H 036 19-1922
115-195 Microhenr es
195-325 Microhenr es h . 594 598
CLAdjustable Hi {: ism cores. Tune with 292 mmf condenser. Univer-

60 H 037 19-1923 MF 325-500 Microhenr ea 734

sal replacement:. single r/a' hole mounting. 3/4813/47._ Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
No. Type
I Coll type
60 H 146 14 -10611 Antenna 1.7 -5.3 me I
%x11/¡ Typs 17 -9373. For use in budding either wireless or direct
60 H 147 14 -1062 R.F. 1.7 -5.3 me 1
1.76 connected phono -osc. units. l'ermite record reproduction
60 H 14814-1063! Ose. (for 6SA7) 1.7 -5.3 me through any radio receiver. Knob adjustment allows selection
to clear frequency. 31/zx11/ex11/e . Shpg- wt, 4 oz.
Engineered for custom net builders, experimenters, etc. For use with
N T456 kc IF. Single bracket m ounting. Shpg. wt.. 5 oz. BFO COIL
No. Type Coll typo Froquoney Size Type 17 -6753. Beat frequency oscillator coil. For receivers
(EACH having IF's between 290 and 050 kcs. bupplies "beat' note
60 H 149114-2860 Antenna IS30 -1660 kc, 5.8-19 mcllzlr/ax3r/4'12.94 necessary to receive CW. 3:11/exl%. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
60 H 124114 -2862. Ose. 530 -1660 kc, 5.8-19 me 1z1t/zz2%499 60 H 230. NET 2 94
154 Depend on Allied for Everything in Rodio, Television and Industrial Electronics
- Transistor IF's and Coils


o 0 0 ú 6
Chokes below may be used in transmitters, receivers, test equip- one end. National chokes wound on isolantite forms; Meissner, on
ment, etc. 71 H 160 is recommended for transmitters with plate specially treated dowels, except iron-core type. ¡Shielded. The
supply of up to 3,000 volts modulated or 4,000 volts unmodulated. four highest frequency Ohmite chokes are wound on low power
It may be used on all bands from 80 through 10 meters. R -33 factor plastic cores; the other three units are wound on steatite
series chokes are two-section; R-50 series chokes are 3 and 4-section. tubes. Millen and National current ratings are maximum ma.
71 H 149 choke is hermetically sealed in glass. National suffix "U" ¡Mounted on standoff insulator for vertical mounting. ¡Millihen-
following type number indicates removable stand -off insulator at ries. Microhenries. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz.
Stook No. Mfr. Typo Fig. IMh Ma Ohms NET Stook No. Mfr. Typs Fig. 1Mh Ma Ohms NET
60 H 795 J. W. Miller
60 H 825 ICA
60 H 014 Meissner 19 -1995
60 H 015 Meissner 19 -2330
71 H 150 National R -100 C 2.5 125 50 .40 60 H 016 Meissner 19 -3247 P 60.0 20 258
71 H 188 National R -100 C 5 75 50 .40 60 H 017 Meissner 19 -2709 P 80.0 16 372 .82
71 H 189 National R-100 C 10 75 50 .40 60 H 040 Meissner 19 -6834 P 2.5 20 22.5 .68
71 H 152 National
71 H 151 National
60 H 041 Meissner 19 -6840
60 H 042 Meissner 19 -6842
71 H 186 National R -100U D S 75 50 .48 60 H 043 Meissner 19 -6844 P 60.0 12.5 247.5 1.16
71 H 187 National R -100U D 10 75 50 .48 60 H 044 Meissner 19 -6846 P 80.0 15 258 1.29
71 H 153 National R-3000 D 1 300 10 .48 60 14 045 Meissner 19 -6848 P 125.0 75 330 1.62
71 14 161 National R -1005 E 2.5 125 SO .48 72 H 040 Millen 34100 D 2.5 250 52.5 .48
71 H 178 National R -1005 E 5 75 50 .49 72 H 073 Millen 34101 J 2.5 250 52.5 42
71 H 179 National R -1005 E 10 75 50 .49 72 H 067 Millen 34103 C 2.5 250 52.5 .42
71 H 162 National R -300S E 1 300 10 .49 72 H 076 Millen 34106 300
71 H 174 National R -100ST F 2.5 125 50 .46 72 H 004 MIllen 34140 J 1.4 16.25 1.14
71 H 197 National R -100ST F 10 75 SO .46 72 H 134 Millen 34300-100 K 100 250 6.7 .42
71 H 164 National R -300ST F 2.5 300 10 .46 72 H 135 Millen 34300 -250 K 250 250 11 .42
71 H 159 National R -33 G 100e
50 100 1.0 .40 72 H 186 Millen 34300-23 K 2S 250 3.1 .42
71 H 158
71 H 163
R -33
R -33
G 100
4.0 .40
5.5 .40
72 H 187 Millen 34300 -S0 K 50 230 4.7 .42
71 H 148
71 H 149
R -33
R -33
72 H 188 Millen
72 H 189 Millen
72 H 190 Millen
34300 -300
K 3006 250
500" 250
G 1000 250
71 H 198 National R -50 G 2.5 100 41.5 .40 19 .42
16.2 .40 72 H 191 Millen 34210 10 125 63 .69
71 H 250 National R -50 A .5 100 72 H 192 Millen 34225 25 75 159 .84
71 H 251 National R -50 A 1. 100 22 .40 72 H 193 Millen 34280 80 75 336 .96
fl H 252

H 155
H 253 National
R -50-1
R -60
R -154
72 H 194 Millen
72 H 195 Millen
72 H 196 Millen
3300 -100
3300 -250
250 SO
500 50
SO 4.0

71 H 156 National R -154U M 600 6 1.61 12.8 .42

National R -175A R
.225 800 6 3.56 72 H 197 Millen 300 -1000 B 1000" 50 20.3 .42
71 H 160 72 H 198 Millen J300 -2500 B 2500 SO 37.2 .42
60 H 0261 Meissner
60 H 0271 Meissner
19 -5584
19 -5588
.76 Stock No. Mfr. Type Fig. uh Ma Me NET
60 H 030 Meissner 19 -5592 N 30.0 20 165 .88 74 M 410 Ohmite Z -460 H 0.2 1000 320 -520 .29
60 H 031 Meissner 19 -5594 N 60.0 16 318 1.18 74 M 4I Ohmite
1 Z -235 H 0.84 1000 160 -350
60 H 032 Meissner 19 -5596 N 80.0 16 342 1.18 74 M 412 Ohmite Z-144 H 1.8 1000 80 -200 .29
60 H 010 Mel 19 -1994 P 2.5 20 40 .53 74 M 413 Ohmite 2 -50 H 7.0 1000 35- 110.29
60 H 011 Meissner 19 -4551 P 5.5 20 57.5 533 74 M 414 Ohmite Z -28 21 600 20-60
60 H 012 Meissner 19 -2078 P 8.0 20 75 .53 74 M 415 Ohmite Z -14 44 600 7-35 .53
60 H 013 Meissner 19 -8770 P 10.0 20 82.5 .53 74 M 4 I 6 Ohmite Z -7 84 1000 3-20 1.21


Insulated wire -wound chokes for use in receivers, transmitters and
other high frequency circuitry. Compact size simplifies installation;
wide choice of inductances. All are fully insulated in molded phe-
o D nolic housings against high humidity, abrasion and physical damage.
1000 volts insulation breakdown to ground. Color coded. All values
MEISSNER TRANSISTOR COILS AND IF'S are RETMA preferred and have *10% tolerance. Type CLA units
Transistor Antenna and Oscillator Celle. For broadcast frequencies. trave resistance tolerance of *20%, except 0.47, 0.56, 0.68 and 1.0
Can be used with most transistors. Antenna coils have high Q for maxi- micro-henry units which are *30%. CL-1 units are *20 %, except
mum signal pickup -external antenna usually not required. Wt., 3 on. 0.47, 0.82 and 1.0 microhenry units which are 4.30 %p. "Q" rises
Stock Mir's Capacitor, Inductance NET with frequency. CLA, 234'x1/4"dia.;CL -1, 1%4"xt/4 "dia. Wt., 2 oz.
No. Typa Fig. Function MMF UH Sins EACH
60H 950 14 -9001 S Antenna 98 880 ',12:Xs234' 1.47 Miss 100
60H 951 14 -9003 Antenna 365 240 Hs7' 1.47 Stook Mfr's Micro. DC Freq. 1-99, or More,
60H 952 14 -9004 T Oscillator 365 140 ''4,x14' 1.18 No. Typo henries Ohms (Mo.) EACH EACH
60H 953 14-9005 S Antenna 123 667 skrxXs3X 1.18 74 M 420 CLA 0.47 0.22 305
6014 954 14 -9006 Oscillator 78 248 55 x34:34' 2.94 74 M 421 CLA 0.56 0.26 275
60H 955 14 -9009 Antenna 165 506 Fix?' 1.76 74 M 422 CLA 0.68 0.37 250 2IC 1Z7¿'LC
60H 956 14.9010 T Oscillator 82 262 ',56x1X' .1 8 1
74 M 424 CIA 1.0 0.66 205
60H 957 14 -9011 Antenna 73 1125 Xx5' 1.76 74 M 425 CLA 1.2 0.68 190
6014 958 14 -9012 Oscillator 59 346 340X' 1.47 74 M 426 CLA 1.5 0.94 170
60H 959 14 -9013
60 H 960 14 -9014 T
i',4 s94'
I .I 8
M 427
M 428
2k I21/2c
60H 961 14 -9015 T Antenna 100. 365 200 -900 34x2' 1.03 74 M 429 CLA 2.7 2.0 125
Transistor IF Transformers. Compact. high -quality units de-
D signed or input, interstage and output use. Ideal for pr uted cir-
M 43Ì CL -I 0.47 0.14 330 21c
I 21/5c
cuits. Permeability tuned. All units i/a sq. Applications: A- input; 74 M 434 CL-1 0.82 0.29 250
IS- interstage; O- output. Shin. wt., 3_on. 74 M 435 C1.-1 1.0 0.33 225
Stock No. Type Frequency Pri. Imp. Sec.lmp. Height Application NET 74 M 437 CL-1 I .5 0.56 185
6014 962 16-9001 262 KC 20000 600 34' A, 13, 0 2.94 74 M 438 CI.-1 1.8 0.77 170 2IC I21/2C
74 M 439 ('L-1 2.2 0.87 150
6014 963 16-9002 455 KC 25000 600 X A. IS, 0 1.65
6014 964 16-9003 455 KC 10000 500 X' A, 15 2.94 74 M 440 CL-1 2.7 1.2 135
6014 965 16-9004 455 KC 10000 1500 X' 0 2.94 74 M 441 CL-1 3.3 1.7 125
60 H 966 16-9007 455 KC 80000 25 X' A 2.94 74 M 442 CL-1 3.9 2.3 115 21c 12''L2C
X' 74 M 443 CL-1 4.7 2.5 105
6014 967 16-9008 455 KC 30000 25 IS 2.94
6014 968 16-9009 455 KC 30000 1000 36' 0 2.94 4/`M 444 CL-1 5.6 3.4 95
60 H 969 16-9012 455 KC 25000 250 34' A 2.94 74 M 445 CL-1 6.R 4.7 86
60H 970 16-9013 455 KC 20000 150 X' IS 2.94 74 M 446 C'1.-1 R.2 5.2 79 2Ic I21/2c
6014 971 16 9014 455 SC 70000 1000 Si' 0 1.65 74 M 447 ('1.-1 10.0 7.S 71

For Complete Product and Manufacturers Index, See Pages 397 -400 185
Shields, Caps, Coil Forms, Capacitors

r L
A complete selection of grid caps and shields for -wing -type tubes.
r Popular -type heat dissipating connectai plate and grid caps for trans-
Shields are sturdily constructed of durable, lights,. qt ht aluminum: ac- mitting tubes. (feat dissipating conne, ,re provide large metal surface
curately formed to assure easy installation. Used extensively for shielding area for rapid radiation of heat; have machine screw for secure connec-
high -gain RF and audio amplifier tubes to reduce inicrophonics, eliminate tion. Millen 36011 cap is for mobile or industrial use where a tighter -
inter-stage interference, etc. Also used to shield oscillator and converter than- normal grip is required; self-locking, with snap- button release. For
tubes to avoid radiation. Tube caps provide positive, dependable contact. wire leads. All others are cap type. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
Av. shpg. wt.. per pkg., 3 oz.
Stock Fig. Description and Qua n. NET
St ock Description and Quan. NET No. Application Per Pkg. Per Pkg.
n Io. Application Per Pkg. Per Pkg. 42H 093 G Eimac HR -3 heat dissipating cap
42 1 510 A Goat G1332 -3 tube shield for GT for 35T, 250TH, etc. .070' hole. 1 600
tubes. 2300 high. 'la' hole. 4 19t 42H 096 G Eitnac HR -6 heat dissipating cap
42 5 B Goat G1332 -5A. Same as 42 N 510, for 4- 250A,304TH,etc..359'hole. 1 800
73H 000 G Bud TC -488 heat dissipating cap
1 1 1

but with closed top. 4 19t

42 1
513 C H. H. Smith 537 metal tube grid for HK24..052' hole. 1 47t
42 512 D
shield. Slot for grid lead.
Goat G1700 tube shield for minia-
2 214 73H00I G Bud TC -489 heat dissipating cap
for 35T. HK54, etc. .072' hole. 1 53t
ture T511 with G1710 -B base. 73 H 002 G Bud TC -1920 heat dissipating cap
.865'51W. 3 204 for 100T, 807, etc. .375" hole. 590
42 514 E National Type 24. For standard 73H003 G Bud TC -1921 heat dissipating cap
tubes. t/.' dia. grid rape. for 866, T125, etc. .570' hole. 64t

5 234
42 1
515 E National Type 8. For octal tubes. 72 H 082 H Millen 36011 industrial snap-ac-
grid 5 234 tion plate cap. Vi'. 69C
42 1
507 F Goat G1222K ube shield for all 71 H 246 1 National SPP -9 ceramic insulated
509 F
GT types 11/ dia.. 2rYu' high.
Goat G1222L tube shield for Iokral
4 I9t grid and plate cap. 34e. 24C
42' 1
42 518 E
H National 12 transmitting grid and
type tubes. 13ít' dia.. The high. 4 19t plate cap. í4e'. 3 29C
42 1
508 .... (Not illustrated). Goat G1004 72 H 069 K Millen Type 36002
ground clip for grounding shield, steatite tube cap. W. 24e
on octal tubes. 10 96 72 H 140 K Millen Type 36004
42 506 .... (Not illustrated). Goat G1307 -2 steatite tube cap, 1/4'. 246
double clip for octal base tubes 72 H 068 K Millen 36001 steatite plate cap for
(fits on tube socket). 5 14* 866. etc. Fie. 24t
Low-loss, miniature transparent polystyrene coil forms. Excel- Variable trimmer capacitors with spring-loaded
lent for receivers, low-power transmitters, VHF equipment, etc. piston. Smooth action -no backlash. Insula-
All are plug -in type except Type 24 which has raised hole in tion resistance, 10.000 mega. *Glose dielectric-
A center of base for mounting with self-tapping screw. !'roues of
plug -in types are spaced to fit Amphenol Series 78S standard
and miniature sockets (page 166). Coils can be coated after
winding with Amphenol "912" cement, listed on page 332.
operates efficiently up to 125 °C.; tquarta-
50°C. Dielectric strength, 1,000 volts. I' long.
Mounts in .257' round or "D" hole. Shpg. wt.. S oz.
Rigidly anchored prongs; sturdy construction. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. MO . type MT( 1-24, EACH 26-99, LAM
Stock Mfr's Description 1-99 100 - 249 260-Up 16 H 005 VC2t 0.7-4.5 3.30 2.97
No. Type Slze EACH EACH EACH 16 H 000 VCS 't 0.5-5.0 3.60 3.24
16 H 001 VCI t 1-10 4.05 3.65
Mal 1/4' 24t 20t
71 H 723 24 -5H 5 -front Min.
71 H 711 24 -6H 6-Prong Min.
71 H 713 24-4 P 4-Prong Std.
H 006
71 H 714 24 -51' 5 -Prong Std. 21/4511/4' 246 204 184
H 724 24 -6P 6 -Prong Std. /_' 24t 200 18t 16 H 009 VC3G 0.7-8.0 1.50 1.35
71 H 712 24
Coil Ferro only 19lnxs/. 9g 7 7e V 16
H 01
1-18 3,
95 1.75
16 H 013 VC6GC 1-18 5 1.75
CERAMIC SLUG -TUNED COIL FORM KIT 16 H 014 VC7G 2-30 2.25 2.02
This kit of ceramic, slug -tuned coil forms meets al- - 6
most every slug -tuned coil requirement encountered
by development labs, engineers. Amateurs and ex- 6 H 016 VCIIGRB 0.7-10.0 1.80 1.62
perimenters. Includes 1S coil forms (3 each of 5 dif- 6 H 017 VCIIGRC 0.7-10.0 2.10 1.89
ferent types), 19 powdered iron slugs, 5 silver- plated 6 H 018 VC'13G 1-10 .90 .81
brass slugs, and complete set of hardware. 6 H 004 VC30G 1-30 2.40 2.16
Coils covering 201 k
to 210 inc can be w'ouml with
coil forms and sings supplie.l. Forms are silicone -im- Write for quantity price on 100 or more JFD capacitors
pregnated ceramic. Powdered iron slugs are color -
coded. All roil forms included in kit incorporate the ICA COIL FORMS 8 COIL SETS
Permatorq" slug locking feature. Diameter of forms Rim -Type Coil Forms. Low -loss forms with high
ranges from 3íe' to W; overall mounted heights from '3W to 1 1/fie. Slipg. dielectric strength. Molded rim handle. Prongs fit
72 H 280. NET 11.76 standard sockets. 11/4' dia., 21/4' high. Wt., 2 oz.
Stock Mfr's Prongs 1 -9. 10 or More
For broadband RF amplifiers, TV traps, 11F circuits, etc. Bodies 60 H 700 11088 4 37t 33t
of L53. LSM and LS4 are 11F paper base phenolic; l'LS5 and 60 H 701 11138 S 40t 360
l'I.S6 are ceramic. LS3 has larger slug, greater bandpass. 1.54 for 60 H 702 1114 B 6 400 36t
larger inductance and Q. Tunable from either end; locking nut.
I.SM, tr/ux1/4' dia.; LS3, 1 Vax Ve dia.; I.S4, 2x1/2' dia.; PLS5, !'/tex
Vs" dia ; PLS6, zi4,xy' dia. Shpg. wvt., 4 oz.
Plug-In Coll Sets. Precision-made coils on bakelite forms. Use with 140
or 150 mmf. -apac itor. l'wo wndings: -grid;
Fit 4 -prong ti be sockets. 11/452 /.," Slipg. wt., 8 oz.
tickler or antenna.

Stock Mfr's Description 1-9, 10 or More, Stock M is Description

I -9 Sets, 10 or More
No. Type EAC H EAC H No. Type PER SET Sets. PER SET
72 H 294 LS3 Coil Form .73 H 680 1471 (Set of t) Short -Wave. 1390 kc-31.5 me 2.69 2.42
72 H 295 L S3 1Mc Coil I.23 1.11 6Ó H 681 1473 (Sat of 2) Scandent. 545 kc -1580 kc 2.16 1.94
72 H 296 1.S3 5 Mc Coil 1.18 1.06
72 H 297 I.S3 10 Mc Coil 1.13 1.02 AMPEREX VACUUM CAPACITORS
72 H 298 LS3 30 Mc Coil 1.11 1.00 For industrial RF applications. Provide ex-
72 H 299 LS3 60 Mc Coil 1.00 tremely high stability in critical bypass. coup-
Coil Form
1Mc Coil
5 Mc Coil
10 Mc Coil
30 Mc Coil
ling and neutralizing circuits. Can be used as
plate tank capacitor. Break-down voltage of all
capacitors rated at 32 KV maximum. Size,
21/2x61/2'. Av. slipg. wt., 10 oz.
72 H 287 1.SM 60 Mc Coil Stock No. Type Mm NET
72 H 288 LS4 Coil Form 1.97 42 H 075 I VC- 25 25 23.25
72 H 289 PL S5 Coil Form 42 H 076 VC- 50 50 27.50
72 H 292 PLS6 Coil Form .79 42 H 077 V('-100 100 33.00
Depend on Allied for Compte Stocks, lowest Prices, Friendly Service
Millen Components
These miniaturized coup-
Hugs are designedfor use in
compact equipment and for
limited space applications.
M003 is solid brass. M006
(illustrated) is universal
joint style made of nickel
plated brass with steatite
insulation and spring fin-
gers. MOOS is'an insulated coupling with brass
inserts. 39003 is solid brass for 1/Á shafts; all
others are for W shafts. Av. ehpg. wt., 2 oz.
72-1-4-1-7-2 M003 Solid brass coupling 301 Precision Components for Finest Performance
72 H 170 M006 Univ. joint cou ling 751
72 H 171 M008 Insulated coupling 481 Famous Millen components for 'use in ori- Series 80000 CRT bezels have satin -black
72 H 090 39003 Solid brass coupling 241 ginal equipment and for replacement pur- finish, neoprene cushions and green lucite
FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS poses in existing equipment. Made to filters. 37200 Series binding posts, plates
exacting specifications to assure extremely and plugs provide a number of combinations
Popular 39000 series of flexible dependable service in all industrial, Ama- to meet the most varied requirements. For
couplings. Designed to provide teur and experimental applications. Type
° 'w higher flexibility, no backlash, extensive listings of Millen high-quality RF
high break -down voltages. 10008 instrument dial (not illustrated) has chokes, see page 155. *Items not illustrated.
smaller diameter and accurate logging scale spread over 180 degrees. In Coil dimensions are winding lengths. Refer
alignment. 39006 for "out-of- 69000 series slug -tuned coil forms, copper to manufacturers' index on page 400 for
line" shaft operation. 39016 has slug decreases inductance as slug is turned the many other Millen products listed in
insulating barrier diaphragm.
All arc for use with Ve shafts. Av. shpg. wt., into coil; iron slug increases inductance. this Catalog.
2 oz. Stock Mfr's NET
Stook No. Type Description EA. No. Typo Flg. Description EACH
72 H 034 39001 Insulated universal joint 72 H 046 10008 Instrument Dial, 3W die., 0 -100 2.40
72 H 176 39002 Insulated 72 H 085 10012 E Right Angle Drive 4.53
72 H 054 39005 Universal joint 48c 72 H 087 10050 G Dial Lock .54
72 H 094 39006 Insulated slide action 72 H 099 10061 Shaft Lock, fors Bushing; W shafts .45
72 H 175 39016 Insulated barrier 72 H 088 10062 Shaft Lock with Knurled Nut .54
72 H 162 32150 Insulated Feed -Through Bushing, t/a. Pkg. of S .30
DRIVE MECHANISMS 72 H 036 37001 F High Voltage Terminal and Thru -Bushing, Black .45
Typo 10000 Worm Drive. A 72 H 037 37001 F High Voltage Terminal and Thru-Bushing, Red .48
72 H 260 40305 5 -Prong Steatite Coil Plug .69
ruggedly constructed drive 72 H 261 41305 5 -Prong Steatite Jack Bar for above .84
mechanism offering 16 -to-I
step-down ratio. Cast- alumi- 72 H 056 37201 Bakelite Discs (2) for 37222 below .24
num frame drilled for secure 72 H 057 37202 Bakelite Plates (2) for 37222 below, Black .36
mounting on panel or chassis 72 H 138 37212 Double Banana Plug, Black .78
base. Spring- loaded split gears 72 H 059 37222 D Binding Posts (2) for 37212 above .60
for smooth operation and minimum backlash. 72 H 163 37302 Steatite Terminal Strip, 2 Terminals .75
W left and right hand shafts. 3z2z2%. Shpg. 72 H 164 37303 Steatite Terminal Strip, 3 Terminals .84
wt.. 6 m :. 72 H 165 37304 Steatite Terminal Strip, 4 Terminals .96
72 N 173. NET 9.75 72 H 166 37305 Steatite Terminal Strip. S Terminals 1.14
Type 4012 Night -Angle Drive. Compact 72 H 167 37306 Steatite Terminal Strip, 6 Terminals I .23
single -hole bushing mount type drive mechan- 72 H 139 37412 300 ohm Transmission Line Plug .24
ism. Has 1 -to-1 ratio. W left and right -hand 72 H 129 39023 Insulated Shaft Extension 1.35
drives can be used together. lVaxlVax%.' 72 H 130 69041 C Ceramic Slug-tuned Coil Form, FaxYl'. Copper
Sh Slug .96
72 H 174.4N ET 3.90 72 H 131
72 H 084
Ceramic Slug-tuned Coil Form, 1/ax%', Iron Core
Ceramic Slug-tuned Coil Form, i4sl.ís', Copper
Type 45004. Molded -mica. phenolic 72 H 132 69046 Ceramic Slug-tuned Coil Form, /xltiis'. Iron 1

base type coil forms. Four -prong type. 1.05

For shortwave receivers and low - 72 14 161 69047 Ceramic Slug -tuned Coil Form. //ax% , Copper Slug 1.05
power transmitters. Size: 1' diameter: 72 H 133 69048 Ceramic Slug -tuned Coil Form /axs/fe Iron Core 1 1.05
PH,' winding length: 2)4s' overall. 72 H 150 80042 H Nicoloi Shield for 2AP1 and 2ÙP1 2. t°R Tubes 6.63
Shpg. wt., 2 oz. Nicoloi Shield for use with either 3AP1 or 3ßY1 3'
72 H 124. NET SIC 72 H 151 80043 CR Tubes 7.62
Type 46006. Sane as 45004, but has S prongs. 72 H 177 80055 Nicoloi Shield for 5CP1 13.41
Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. 72 H 153 80072 Bezel, Cush on and Filter for 2' CR Tube 1.44
72 H 125. NET SII 72 H 154 80073 Bezel, Cushion and Filter for 3' CR Tube 4.33
72 H 155 80075 Bezel. Cushion and Filter for S' CR Tube 8.40
Type 46000. As above. without prongs. Screw
mounting. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
72 12 NET 39;
Series 20000 Ultra -Midgets.
Top-quality. steatite-insulat-
ed variables. All are single -
bearing type with .015' air gap
(rated 600 volts peak), except
double -bearing type with
.045' air gap (rated 1400 volts
peak). All have '/a' round
L,ng. Vs' -32 thread mounting bush-
ing. Lengths given include shaft. Av. Mpg.
wt.. 5 oz. pi
Stock Mfr's Maz. Min. Overall NET MULTI -SCALE DIALS
No. Type Mml Mmf Length EACH Type 10036 Multi -Scale Dial. An ex-
72 H 030 20015 20 2.8 1.77 ceptionally handsome. deluxe -type illumi-
72 H 044 20025 28.5 3.0 rips( 1.86 nated slide -rule dial. Ideal for home -built
MORRIS COIL WINDER Amateur communications receivers, VFO's..
You'll be able to wind efficient, commercial-
H 032
H 033
H 045
y 2.04
etc. Two built -in pilot lights provide even illu-
mination over dial. Unit is entirely self-con-
looking honeycomb, spiderweb and solenoid tained. Large finger -grip knob control. Has 12
cods with this very versatile, but economical to drive ratio. Has 4 blank scales for calibra-

coil winder. It's a real time saver for the 33087 TUBE BASE CLAMPS tion and one 0-100 logging scale. Cardboard
Amateur and experimenter and gives your scale supplied can be used on both sides. Clear
work a more professional appearance. Just set Sturdily made, polished plastic, full -view dial window. Ample panel
up the winder for the type of coil you require
spring steel tube base space provides room for 2 small controls. Es-
and turn the handle -dial indicator counts the
clamps. Hold tubes in cutcheon removable without disturbing the
turns for you. May be used for winding RF
sockets and protect mechanism, for easy scale calibration. Escutch-
against damage from sud- eon size 81/x61/ Attractive black finish.
coils, oscillator coils, loop antennas, coils for den jarring and shock. Ex-
low -power transmitters, chokes. filter induc-
tors, parasitic suppressors, TVI traps. etc.
Handles up to No. 16 wire, making it suitable
cellent for use in mobile equipment and for
reducing vibration of oscillator tubes. Shpg.
7223.2 NET
®Type 10039 Midget Panel Mai Econ-
for almost all coil requirements in receivers, wt.. 2 oz. omy model. Excellent for small transmit-
test equipment and small transmitters. Unit Stosk Mfr's NET ters, receivers and measurement equipment.
is supplied with two -piece wood spool for No. Type Dia meter EACH Drive ratio is 8 to 1. Totally self- contained
holding honeycomb and solenoid coils, plus mechanism eliminates back -of -panel interfer-
cast pegholders and four 61/s wooden pegs for 72 H Z8 1 33087A 1.125' ence; quick. easy installation. Compact design.
spiderweb coils. Winder is mounted on rugged 72 H 9 3308713 1.165' Comfortable. finger-grip knob. Has 5 blank
cast-iron base with holes for bench mounti-n;. 72NI0
.72 H

1.275' 36c scales for calibration and one 0 -100 logging
With extension shaft for winding solenoid coils 181 scale. Easily calibrated without disturbing
up to .% long Less wire and forms. Base size. 72 H 182 33087E 1.375 mechanism. Black finish. Size. 4x31/4'. Shpg.
43/4x5' 3 Ihs. 72 H 183 33087F 1.156' wt., 13 oz.
83 NET 4.95 72 H 184 330871 1.000' 72 H 050. NET 3.24
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave, Chicago 80, Illinois 157
National Components

ACN ICN SCN MCN Compact, rigid construction. Steatite insula-
tion. Provisions for panel chassis or standoff
insulator mounting. Air Gap and Peak Volt-
CALIBRATED AND UNCALIBRATED DIALS age: TM S types, .026'. 1000 volts; TMC types.
.077', 3000 volts. Lengths: 3'; t3' to 6';
VERNIER DIALS FOR INDIVIDUAL CALIBRATION 14W to 9%'. 180° rotation. Av. shpg. wt.. 1 lb,
Popular blank dials. Feature the famous "Vel- All have one 0 -100 logging scale. Black, wrin- TYPE TMS-SINGLE STATOR*
vet Vernier' with 5:1 drive ratio. Pointers are kle- finished escutcheons. Clear -view plastic Stock Mfr's Max. Min. NET
clear plastic, with centered hairlines and pin- windows. With instructions, extra scales, hard- No. Type Mmf Mmf EACH
holes for easy, accurate calibration of each scale. ware, and hub for shafts. 1' 71 H 000 TM S-100 9.5 5.48
71 H 001 TM S-150 1SÓ 11 6.02
Typa ACN. The famous original of this type. Type SCN. Intermediate size vernier dial, 71 H 002 TM S-250 250 13.5 7.01
Large -size vernier dial. S' high, 71/4' wide. 4r/,4' high, 61/2' wide. Ideal for use where space 71 H 003 TM S-30(1 300 15 6.81
Shpg wt.. 11/4 !be. is limited. Shpg. wt., I lb.
7I H 090. NET 7.04 71 H 088. NET 6.47 TYPE TMS -DOUBLE STATORS
Typa ICN. Large, illuminated vernier dial, Type MCN. Small size vernier dial, only 21/2' 71 H 004 TMS -SOD 50.50 6-6 6.09
51/2' high, 71/4' wide. Lights in upper corners. high. 31/2' wide. Perfect for mobile gear and 71 H 005TMS-100D 100-1 7 -7 6.05
With standard bayonet sockets and mounting other small units. Mechanism extends 1/2' be- 71 H 0 TMS-125D 125- 125 8-8 7.50
screws. less lamps. Shpg. wt.. l'A lbs. low frame. Shpg. wt., 10 oz.
71 H 087. NET 6.90 71 H 089. NET 3,99 TYPE TMC -SINGLE STATOR?
71 H -S0 50 10 7.17
CALIBRATED DIALS 71 H 016TMC -100 100 13 8.61
Famous National top-quality dials -outstanding favor- 71 H 017TMC -15O 150 17 9.23
ites for smooth performance and dependability. Recom- 71 H018 TMC -250 250 23 13.1 1

mended for all types of equipment. We can supply anY TYPE TMC-DOUBLE STATOR!
National dial promptly--specify type number for models
not listed. Not illustrated. 71 H 020 TMC-50D 50 -50
1 9-9 I 5.64
71 H 021 TMC-100131100-1 11 -11 I 1.61 1

Stook No. Typa Fla. Daseriptlen Wt., Oa. EA. 71 H 022 TMC -200D 200 -200118.5-18.5 18.66
71 H 072 AM -2 Ratio 5:1. 180 Rotation. Scale, 0.100. 3' dia 10 3.93
71 H 073 AM -3 Ratio 5:1. 180 Rotation. Scale, 100-0. 3' dia 10 3.93 TYPE ST CAPACITORS
71 H 076 AM -4 Ratio 5:1. 270° Rotation. Scale. 150 -0. 3' dia 10 4.31
Top-quality, dependable
71 N 077 AM -5 Ratio 5:1. 360° Rotation. Scale. 200-0. 3' dia 10 3.93
4.41 units with straight -line
71 H 078 AM -6 Ratio 5:1. 270 Rotation. Scale. 0-150. 3' dia 10 wavelength plates. 180° ro-
71 H 067 BM -1 A Ratio fixed. 180° Rotation.0-100-0. 3' dia 10 4.88 tation. Steatite insulation.
71 H 068 BM -2 A Ratio fixed. 180° Rotation. 0-100. 3' dia 10 4.64 Airgap. .026'. 1000 volts
71 H 069 BM -S A Ratio fixed. 360° Rotation. 200-0. 3' dia 10 4.64 peak. All others have air-
71 H 091 K C ODD vernier drive. 180°. Scale. 0-100. 31/2' dia 12 1.73 gap of .018', 600 volts peak.
71 H 063 N -S Vernier reader. Planetary 5:1. 200-0. 4' dia 12 6.41 All have threaded bushing
71 H 083 NPW -O B Precision type; drive shaft perpendicular to panel 3 lbs. 20.45 for easy panel mounting. Av. shpg. wt.. 7 oz.
Stock Mfr'* Max. Min. NET
No. Typa Mmf Mmf EACH
71 H 030 S THS -IS 15 3 3.09
71 H 031 S 25 3.2S 3.20
71 H 032 S THS-50
STHS-25 SO 3.5 3.24
coil forms. etc. Used in transmitters, receivers. 71 H 034 ST-S00 SO 7 4.83
An excellent selection of top-quality compo- H 035 ST-7S 75 8 5.34
Hence, Including terminals, knobs, connectors, test equipment, etc. Not illustrated. 71
71 H 036 ST-100* 100 9 4.88
Stook Mfr's 1 -24 25 or More, 71 H 037 ST-140* 140 10 6.5 I
No. Type FIg. °ascription EACH EACH 71 H 038 ST-1500 150 10.5 7.28
71 H 064 AN Vernier Mechanism; 5:1 ratio. I /4' shaft 3.02 2.71 71 H 039 STH-200 200 12 5.79
71 H 167 FWA Binding Poet. Takes wire, lugs, etc..... .42 .37 71 H 040 STH-250 250 13.S 5.99
71 H 166 FWC Insulator for FWA. Mica -Bakelite. (Pr.) .60 71 H 041 STH-300 300 15 7.62
71 H 173 FWH G Terminal Strip-Binding Post 1.10 .99 71 H 042 STH-33S 335 17 7.01
71 H 176 FWJ Terminal Strip -As FWH. for jacks only .87 .78
FWT Plug for FWH and FWJ terminal strips 1.56 1.40 SPLIT STATOR DOUBLE BEARING
71 H 157
71 H 208 HR E Knob. Black, HRS Type; white dot .35 .31 5-5 75
71 H 209 HR E Knob. Gray; same as above .35 .3I 71 H 0441STHD-1001100-10015.5-5.51 6.21
71 H 204 HAS lever Knob- bright zinc alloy .52 .47
71 H 086 HRK Knob, Black. 21' dia. Set screw; for y4' .66 .59
71 H 071 HRP -P Bar knob with pointer. 1%x%' .28 .24
71 H 058 HRS-3 D Knob,Black; 11/2' dia. chrome. 0 -10; 300° .58 .52 180° rotation. Straight -line-
71 H 059 HRS-3 D Knob, Gray; as above .58 .52 capacity plates. 017' air
71 H 218 HRS-4 Knob. Black. As HRS-3, one pointer line .58 .52 gap, 600 volts peak. 1/2 di-
71 H 219 HRS-4 Knob, Gray. As HRS-3, one pointer line .58 .52 ameter shafts; protrude to
71 H 056
71 H 057
Knob, Black; chrome trim. 214' dia.
Knob, Gray; chrome trim. As above
permit ganging. Exception-
ally low minimum capacity. l
71 H 082 0 Dial, nickel-silver. 0 -100; 180°; 31' dia 2.85 2.57 Ceramic base for 4 -hole
71 H 085 ODD Vernier drive unit for Type O dial .48 .43 mounting or single ph' hole.
71 H 199 OSR 100 kc. Osc. Coil. For superregens 2.07 1.86 Size, x2'/4 x2Hs'. Wt., S oz.

71 H 070 R F Dial. silver; 0-10; 180°; DA' dia .69 .62 Stook Mfr's Max. M.n. NEC
71 H 116 TPB H Threaded Polystyrene Bushing .07 .06 Ne, Type Mmf Most EACH
71 H 228 XR -50 J Coil Form, iron -slug tuned. Mica- bakelite 1.04 .93 71 H 275 UM -15 15 1.5 1.17
71 H 229 XR-6ö Coil Form, iron -slug tuned. Ceramic
Coil Form, iron -slug tuned. Ceramic
9 71 H 276 UM -35
71 14 277 UM -SO
35 2.5 1.32
71 H 239 XR -91 SO 3
71 H 122 XS-6 Steatite Bushing .14 .13 71 H 278 UM -75 75 3.5 1.67
Writs For Quantity Prises 71 H 279 TIM -100 100 4.5 1.84



Typa RAD. For
Low -power version of M B -ISO Tunes all frequencies from front panel con-
at right. Excellent for final 80 through 10 meters with trol of variable
tank in low -power transmit- no coil change. Constant capacitors.
ters or for g rid circuit i n L/C ratio maintained on switches, poten-
transmitter using MB -ISO in all bands. Rated at 150 tiometers, etc.,
final. Has same frequency watts; handles 1500 v. positioned at
coverage. Shielded swinging peaks. Consists of 3 coils. right angles to the panel. Use of a right - angle
link minimizes harmonics. 4-gang tank condenser, drive often permits more compact parts layout
Handles up to 40 watts with RF choke. For balanced and efficient utilization of space. Die -cast zinc
output link loaded; 20 watts or single -ended ampli- housing and gears. Drive unit is 1/2x1 1/212'
no load. Size, 5)(sx21/2x61/2'. fiers. Size, 81/2x3x9 . long with a 21/2s1/2' removable shaft. May be
Sh Shpg. lbs. used to drive two units. Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
71 H 0 5. NrET 17.75 H T
046.4 NET 21.56 71 14 014. NET 4.31
158 Allied Supplies Everything for the Experimenter and Builder
Variable Capacitors


Uüiconizrd . tectite base, nickel- plated brass PMidget padding, trimming and general -pur- f1 Ideal for tuning or trimming critical high-
plates. Panel or chassis mounting. Straight- pose capacitors. Similar to APC, but smaller. frequency circuits. Isolantite insulation
line capacity characteristic; others have eal for small space applications. Gap. .0135'. ouble- spaced units. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
mid -line capacity characteristic. Air gap: Rotors and stators are nickel- plated brass.
M and S types, .0245'; M X and SX types. Nickel plated beryllium copper wiper contact.
- Stook Mfr's Max. Mln. NET
.0715'. Tested at 1000 v. and 1750 v. (60 cycle Tapped (4 -40 thread) brass studs in steatite No. Typo Mmf Mmf EAC1
rms) respectively. Capacity increases with base permit mounting without grounding rotor. 72 H 215HF-13 17.5 2.8 1.05
clockwise rotation. All capacitors have rotor Tested at 600 volts rms. 60 cps. Sire: 25/32' 72 H 216 HF-35 36 3.2 1.20
stop. Shpg. wt., 10 oz. wide, tits high. Slotted shafts for screwdriver 72 H 217 HF-50 52 3.7 1.30
Stook Mfr's Mae. Min. NET or hex wrench. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz. 72 H 218 HF-100 102 5.3 1.55
No. Typo Mmf Mmf EACH Stook Mfr's Max. Min. NET 72 H 219 HF-140 142 6.3 1.90
72 H 425 MC -20-S 20 5.5 2.64 No. Typa Mmf Mmf EACH 72 H 220 *HF-15-X
H 221 HF-30-X
IS 3.6 1.30
72 H 426 MC -35 -S 3S 6.0 2.79 72 H 208 MAPC -15 15 2.3 1.10 72 30 5.2 1.40
72 H 427 MC -50-S 50 6.5 2.88 72 H 209 MAPC -25 25 2.6 1.15 HFD SPLIT-STATOR
72 H 428 MC -50-M SO 6.3 2.88 72 H 210 MAPC -35 35 2.9 1.20
72 H 429 *MC-75 -S 80 8.0 3.06 72 H 21 MAPC -S0
I 50 3.2 1.30 72 H 230 HFD-S0 S2 3.6 2.70
72 H 430 MC- 80 7.3 3.06 72 H 212 MAPC -75 75 3.9 I.45 72 H 231 HFD-100 102 5.0 3.30
72 H 431 MC -100 -S 100 8.3 3.15 72 H 213 MAPC -100 100 4.5 1.65 72 H 232 HFD-l40 6.0 4.05
72 H 432 MC -100-M 100 7.7 3.15 72 H 233 HFD-IS-X 16 3.8 2.70
72 H 433 MC -140 -M 140 9.0 3.39 72 H 234 HFD-30-X 28.5 5.0 3.30
72 H 434 *MC-140 -S 140 10.0 3.39 TYPE HFA
72 H 435 MC -200-M 200 10.3 3.63 Sturdy capacitors, similar to HF, but larger TYPE APC
72 H 436 MC -250 -M 250 12.0 3.87 D plates and wider air gape. For general -
Compact high-quality variables. Isolantite
72 N 437 MC -325 -M 320 13.5 4.23 purpose and transmitting applications. Single - 0 base. Screwdriver or hex -wrench adjust-
hole panel mounting. Also bracket for base ment. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
mounting. End letter A in type no. denotes .02'
DOUBLE- SPACED MC's air gap. 8--.03', E-.07'; 800, 1200 and 1750 Stook Mfr's Max.Min. NET
test volts respectively. Shpg. wt., 1 lb. No. Typo Mmf Mmf EACH
72 H 451 MC-20-SX 20 6.8 2.82
72 H 452 MC-35-SX 8.5 2.97 Stook Mfr' Max. Min. NET 72 H 250 APC-25 25 3.0 1.35
72 H 453 MC-35-M X 32 7.8 2.97 No. Typo Mmf Mmf EACH 72H251 APC-50 50 3.9 1.55
72 H 454 MC-50-SX 53 11.5 3.15 72 H 224 HFA-10B 9 2.3 2.40 72 H 252 APC-75 75 4.6 1.70
72 H 455 M C-50-M X 53 10.5 3.15 72 H 225 HFA-15B 16 2.8 2.60 72 H 253 APC-I00 100 5.5 1.85
72 H 456 MC-100-SX 100 16.5 3.93 72 H 229 HFA-15E 16 4.0 2.85 72 H 254 APC-140 140 6.7 2.05
72 H 226 HFA-25B 25 3.0 2.80
72 H 228 HFA-100B 100 7.5 4.10 Straight -line capacity type; 9O° minimum
Panel -mount type. Steatite base; nickel - 72 H 222 HFA-100A 102 4.5 2.95 to maximum. Spacing .03'. Tested at 1200
o plated brass plates. Tested at 1000 v.
straightline capacity characteristic; others
72 H 223 HFA-140A 145 6.0 3.40 v. rms., 60 cycles between rotor and each stator.
Tapped 16 -32 thread) studs in steatite base
mid -linecapacity characteristic. Shpg.w t.,11 oz. permit mounting capacitor without grounding
TYPE MAC the rotor. Silver contact. Shpg. wit., I Ib.
Stook Mfr's Max. Min. NET (Not illustrated.) Extremely small variables;
No. Typo Mmf Mmf EACH No. Typa Max. Min. NET
excellent as VHF trimmers. Steatite base;
72 H 465 MCD -St)-M 50 5.5 4.44 only s/ x °/s'. Screwdriver adjustment. Threaded 72 H 262 BFC -12I 14.5 .3.4 1.95
72 H 466 MCD -100 -M 6.3 4.89 sleeve for panel mounting. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 72 H 263 BFC -25 27.3 4.8 2.25
72 H 467 MCD -100 -S 100 00 7.0 4.89 72 H 264 BFC -38 40.1 6.2 2.50
72 H 468 MCD -140-M 140 7.8 5.28 Stook Mfr's Max. Mln.
72 H 256
MAC -5
(yl Typo NZ -10. Rated. 3000 v. AC peak. Fine
LJ adjustment. Capacity. 2.3 -10 mml. 2'/ix
72 H 257 MAC -IS 14.2 2.2 1.20 i idax21 's. Shpg. wt.. t lb.
72 M 470 IMCD3-35--SXI 31 16.8 11:21 72 H 258 MAC -20 19.6 2.7 1.35 72 H 249. NET 5.50
Sturdy midget capacitors
with excellent mechanical
and electrical character-
istics. Have both front
and rear bearings. Single
MINIATURE VARIABLES and double- bearing types;
For VHF and UHF use. Low-loss steatite double- bearing types.
insulation. Mount in y'
panel hole; r/.x% Mount in W hole. Cad-
mium- plated brass rotor
panel mtg. space. Slotted shaft takes ?4s' knob.
1250 volts approximate peak break -down. and stator plates, semi- VHF BUTTERFLY CAPACITORS
Nickel -plated. Av. hpg. wt., 2 oz. circular in shape, are electro-soldered to their
respective rods. Steatite insulation. All units 90° capacitors with butterfly rotor plates.
Electrical symmetry; low inductance: no
a SINGLE have .024' airgap. Shpg wt., 7 ox.
moving contacts. Isolantite insulation. Remov-
Mfr's Max.; Min. Ne. of NET
75 H 175
Typo M mP Mmf Plates EACH
Stook Mfr's Mas. Min. No. of
No. Typo M mf Mmf Platte EACH Ìf able plates. Air gap, .030'. Shpg. wt.. 10 oz.
Stook Mfr's Max. Min. NET
5 61 H 142 1850 1.78
75H 176 9M11 8.7 1.8
15 3 3 No. Typo Mmf Mmf EACH
75 H 177 153411
9 61 H 143 1852 33 4 S 1.84
14.2 2.3 61 H 144 1853 50 2.43 75 H 001 PL.-6076 S
75 H 178 20M 11 19.6 2.7 21 1.35 61 H 145 1835 100
7 14
2.65 75 H 002 PL-6077
75 H 003 PL -6078
7 2.0
BUTTERFLY 61 H 146 1856 140
61 H 1471838 190
2.94 75 H 004 PL-6113 13 10.4 I.B
7ÇI[T79 3MB11 3.1 1.5 7 1.40 61 H 148 1859 235 10 33 3.38
75 H ISO 5MBII 5.1 1.8 13 1.60 61 H 149 1860 300 12 43 3.67 TRIM -AIR MIDGETS
75 H 181 9MB11 8.0 2.2 I 22 ( 1.80 61 H 150 1870 15 3 .3 1.76
75 H 182 IIMBII 10.8 2.7 31 2.00 61 H I51 1872 33 4 5 1.84 Universal mounting. Isolantite insulation.
61 H 152 1873 50 S 7 1.91 Shaft has rear extension for ganging; ex-
TYPE "R" VARIABLES 61 H 154 1875 100 7 14 2.06 cept*. TAir gap..02'; others .03'. Shpg. art.. 7 os.
For transmitting and receiving. ¡lave .024' 61 H 155 1876 140 8 19 2.35 Stook Mfr's Max. Mln. NET
a airgap' .02.3' plates. Av. shpg. wt., lb. No. Typo Mmf Mmf EACH

Stook Mfr's Max. Min. No. of NET MIDGET TRIMMER 10 1.2 I.13
No. Typo Mmf. Mmf. Platas EA. 75 01 PL-6001
H I 15 1.5
75 053 20812 20 TYPE MT -833. l-iii auiiuna 75 H 012 PL-6002 25 2.0 1.65
H 5 .3 2.25 coupling, interstage coupling 75 H 013 PC-1003 35 2.5
75 H 054 351112 35 6 5 2.35 and receiver tra, king applica-
75 H 055 50812 SO 6.5 7 2.45 tions. Max. caps, it y, 36 mmf.: 75 H 014 1'1. 03104 50 2.8 1.95
75 H 056 SR12 80 8 11 2.60 min.. 3 mint. Has ceramic base. 75 H 015 l'I: iil(.t 75 2.7 1.80
75 H 057 1ó0R12 102 8..5 14 2.75 Shpg. wt , 4 oz 75 H 016 l'1; 0171 100 3.0 2.40
75 H 058 140812 140 13.5 19 2.95 I5C 75 H 017 PI,-i 018f 140 5.0 1.15
60 H 335. NET
For Comploto Product and Manufacturen Index, Sae Popas 397 -400 ISO
Coils, Capacitors & Accessories
2 Gang. For use in supencetswithout RF stage or in 2 -stage TRF
0 receivers. Each section has 29 plates. Range of 12.5 to 452.3 mmf. Coun-
ter- clockwise rotation. With trimmers for each section. End plates slotted
to permit easy tracking adiustments. Spring brass wipers. Requires series
padder for oscillator use. Has r/s' dia. shaft. Use with shaft extender No.
60 H 366 (below) for conversion to 1/4' shaft. See pages 152 to 155 for coils.
Size, Is /sxlt,{ex2t/w'. Shpg. wt.. IOoz.
61 H 059. 1 to 9, EACH 108
10 to 49, EACH 97
2- and 3 -Gang Capacitors. Compact TRF variable capacitors. Have
B trimmers on side of frame. Outer rotor plates are slotted for tracking
adjustment. Tapped holes in frame provide secure mounting. Range: 10
to 365 mmf. Shaft diameter, z/e 2 gang: 21/4ex11%exl3/4'. 3 gang: 33jex

l'60444H 725.
s/s'. Av. shpg. wt.. each. 6 oz.

2 -gang. 1 to 9. EACH 1.04

10 to 49, EACH 94
60 H 726. 3 -gang. 1 to 9, EACH 160
10 to 49. EACH 144 B&W AMATEUR COILS
SUPERHET CAPACITOR Rated, 75 watts-850 DC volts. Tune with 15
QTwo -section superhet variable. 19 -plate oscillator section with 170.7 mmf to 100 mmf. Supplied in fixed -end (JEL).
max. -8.7 min. mmf.; has one 2 -17 mmf. trimmer. 27 -plate RF section fixed- center (JCI.) or variable- center (JVL)
with 431 max. -11.0 min. mmf.; has one 2 -17 mmf. trimmer. Provides 455 link types. All fit standard 5 -prong tube sock-
kc frequency difference in combination with oscillator coil and loop an- ets. 31.(exltsifs'. Shpg. wt.. 5 oz.
tenna, below. Counter- clockwise rotation. 1sexlrex2t1Ae. Shaft. V4 dia. EAC H
3/4' long. Shpg. wt., 10 oz. B and JEL JCL JVL
61 H 065.1 to 9, EACH
10 to 49, EACH
la 75 H 320
75 H 321 75H3301 75H341
55 H 507. Oscillator Coll. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz. NET 36 40 75 H 322 75 H 332 75 H 342
51 C 040. Loop Antenna. Shpg. wt., 8 oz. NET 53 20 75 H 323 75 H 333 75 H 343 1.65
IS 75 H 349 75 H 354 75 H 355
10 75 H 324 75 H 334 75 14 344
MIDGET SUPERHET AND TRF TYPES 75 H 444 75 H 445 75 H 446
Midget Suparhet. Miniature size without sacrifice of performance makes
D these 2 -gang variables perfect for portable and midget sets. Capacity: RF

D section. 10.5 to 364 mmf, 27 plates; osc. section. 7.6 to 1.42.6 mmf, 15 plates. Ca- 25 WATT "BABY" PLUG -IN COILS
pacity increases with counter -clockwise rotation. For use with 455 kc IF. With Very compact coils for exciten and low -power
trimmers. Size. 11/4x13/4x11/4'. 1/4' dia. shaft extends l'
beyond frame. Ball -bear- transmitters. Only 11/4111A' MC -center tap,
ing mounted shaft. Shpg. wt., 6oz. no link. MEL -end link. MCL-center link.
61 H 008. 1 to 9, EACH I DI
Tune with 50 mmf (except 100 mmf for 160M).
10 to 49, EACH 91 Fit standard 5 -prong sockets. Wt., 3 oz.
above. RF sec., 10.8 mmf to 221.6 mmf. Osc. sec..
6 .5 mmf . S
1 to 9, EACH
on ofall S pg. wt.. 5 oz.
B and
7514380 75 H 300 75 14 310

10 to 49. EACH 834 80 75 H 359 75 14 301 75H311

409 mmf. t/4' diameter
40 75 H 370 75 H 302 75H312 1.26
Midget T PF. 33- plate, single-gang capacitor. Variable from 15 toframe. 75 14 371 75 H 303 75H313
© shafi. Size l'h' deep, 11 wide. l'/'
high. Shaft extends [1/44' beyond Shpg. wt..5 oz 73C
15 7514 358 75 H 357 75 H 356
61 H 009.1 to 9, EAC 664
10 75 H 372 75 H 304 75 H314
10 to 49, EACH
On 50 or more capacitors-write for quantity prices. MINIDUCTOR COIL STOCK
TRIMMERS AND PADDERS SD 49 gi Easily cut polystyrene- insulated, air -wound
diameter coils are 3' long,
coils for RF use.
Mira trimmer and padder
capas itors. Treated for
resistance to humidity.
FITTINGS -C all others 2'. Av. shpg. wt.. 5 oz.
4 Turns Per Inch 8 Turns Per Inch
I. ow -loss ceramic hase. Die. No. Type No. Type NET
:Adjusting plates rigidly Couplings for extending shafts of controls,
constructed to permit switrhe4. capacitors, etc., or for ganging unite. 75 H 305 3001 75 H 306 3002 364
even .v hen shafts are not same diameter. Insu- 75 H 309 3005 H 316 3006 454
I ending soldering lugs
without affecting capac- lated types are of black phenolic. Extenders 75H319 3009 75 H 325 3010 544
ity. Size. '3/4rx1/4as Mtg. ctra., 'Yn'. Ranges are for de, reasing or increasing shaft diameter 1, 75 H 328 3013 75 H 329 3014 606
below are mmf. from 3 turns open trimmer to and for extending shaft length. 60 II 366 has 18 Turns Per nah 32 Turns Per Inch
tight setting. Av. s ape. wt.. 2 oz. t/s' opening,. 1/4' shaft. Shaft length on all ex-
tenders. s/s'; overall length, PA'. 4 oz. 11- 75 H 307 3003 75 H 308! 30041 364
Stook 1 to 9, 10 to 49, 75 H 317 3007 75 H 3 B 3008 451
No. Mmf EACH EACH Brass Insulated IKind 75 H 326 3011 75 H 3271 3012, 541

60 H 347 1.5 -1S 154 144 60 H 360 60 H 350 Coupling

75 H 335 3015 75 H 336: 3016 604
60 H 340 2 -30 13 60 H 361 Coupling
124 60 H 362 60 H 352 Coupling
60 H 341
60 H 342
4 -80
9 -180
60 H 365 60 H 355 Ext. 2' & 21/2 " -DIA. COIL STOCK
60 H 343 25 -280 186 164 60 H 366 Ext. For buffer and final tank coils, etc. Turns per
60 H 344 45 -380 184 1 to 9, EACH Inch. All 1(Y long
60 H 345 70-480 224 204 10 to 49, EACH
60 H 346 100 -580 224 Stock Type Dia. Wire TPI Wt., NET
264 Write for quantity prices. Ne. Oz. EACH
60 140 -680 294
H 349 170 -780 304 274 75 H 4061.3900 f14 8
75 H 407 3905 -1 23/4' 6 13
Wr tg for Quantity prices. HAMMARLUND COUPLINGS 75 H 408 3906 -1 23/4" /14 8 12 1.50
Type FC -46S. Insulated coup- 75 H 409 3907 -1 2' /16 10 8
ling for providing flexible link-
PANEL BEARING ASSEMBLY age between angularly mis-
aligned shafts. Maximum torque TYPE 3975 BALUN ANTENNA COILS
For rise with rigid or flex- is limited only by holding power
ible couplings for mount- of set screws. For '4' shaft -. Rüilar ind 11(10n for efbr eot ly matching 75-

ing volume controls, etc.. Shaft clearance. Yu'. Flash volt- ohm unbalanced output to 75 or 300 -olrm
away from the panel. age. 600f) v. Size, 1 1/4x114s'. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. balanced transmission lines. Cover 80 through
Made of brass. Take pan- 10 meters without tuning or switching. Excel-
72 H 496. lent for use with transmitters having Pi -net-
els up to ¡is' thick. For standard 1/4" shafts. NET... 75C works. Rated, 250 watts input. Shpg. wt., 12
Supplied with 2 fiber insulating washers. Shpg. Type FNC -46S. As above, but non -insulated oz. Tiro required.
wt.. 3 oz. type. Has durable, plated -metal construction. 75 H 594. NET EACH 3.75
60 H 385. Overall length 3'. NET.....32c 11/4D.xt3/42'. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
60 H 386. Overall length 6'. NET 384 72 H 497. NET 75C
60 H 390. Bearing only. N ET 94 B&W "CC -50" COAXIAL CONNECTOR
Provides weatherproof
For coupling drive shafts to cable connection to half -
E. F. condensers, gang switches, etc. wave doublet antenna;
Bakelite insulation. Hubs drilled also serves as center in-
Von -rusting phosphor- to fit '/e' shafts; set-screws hold sulator. Antenna elements
bronze flexible shatts rigidly. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. connect to forged steel
with 1/45 hubs. Ideal for 60 H 395. ET..... ... 5 .3C eye -bolts. Internal solder -
connecting out-of -line shafts together. Handy Ing connections for coax
accessory for Amateurs. experimenters. labs, LOW-LOSS CERAMIC COUPLING cable. Includes cement.
et,. Permit up to 90 degrees angular control. Similar to above, hut has ceramic insulation to eye-bolts, rubber sleeve,
Shpg. wt., 2 o;. permit use in high- voltage applications. Excel- screws. 2 housing sections.
73 H 290. 116 -263. Length 3'. NET....501 lent for transmitters. etc. and instructions. Shpg. wt.. I lb.
73 H 291. 116 -264. Length 6'. NET....754 60 H 396. NET 57c 75 H 593. NET 5.85
i6o Lowest Prices-Highest Quality -Best Service
Dials and Accessories, Coils
"Croflex" dials are "tailored" to fit any average chassis. The
tuning knob can he located at either end of the dial or along its
lower edge. Simply drill a hole for the knob shaft. and attach
the knob shaft assembly. Condenser pulley furnished with each
A n tuner slips onto condenser shaft and is connected to dial
mechanism by drive cable. Take clockwise or counter -clockwise
capacitor with W shaft. Have modern "3- dimension" edge -
CRONAME ANODIZED lighted glass scales, calibrated horizontally. With gold -bronze
ALUMINUM DIAL PLATES finished aluminum escutcheon and two clip-on miniature base. CR-1
screw -type pilot light sockets (less bulbs).
Attractive aluminum dial plates with Type CR -1. AM- Shortwave. Small -size tuning assembly.
etched black scales. Available in a large
variety of designations. Excellent for installers. Requires 1'134041/4s' cutout. Pointer travels 31/4'. Tuning ratio
hobbyists and experimenters. Size, 21/4sx2W. of 9 to 1. Dial scale calibrated for 550-1700 kc broadcast and
with '/z' center hole. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 6 -18 me shortwave bands. Also has 0 -100 logging scale. Shpg.

Stock Mfr's Description 55 H 3I7.NET 6.44

Ne. Type Type C R-1A AM -FM. Same as CR -I but with dial scale CR-2A
55 H 160 448 Treble 0-10 calibrated for 550 -1700 kc AM broadcast and 88 -108 me FM
55 H 161 447 Bass, 0 -10 broadcast hand. Shpg. wt., lb. 1

55 H 137 429 Treble, 5 -0.5 55 H318.NET 644

55 H 136 428 Bass. 5 -0-5
416 Microphone, 1. 0 -10 Type CRAB AM Br Same as above but
t. with dial
55 H 164
scale calibrated for 550 -1700 kc band only. Shpg. wt.. lb.
55 H 165 417 Microphone, 2. 0-10 1

6 44
'55 H 126 415 Microphone, 0-10 55 H 319. NET
55 H 170 413 Master Gain. 0-10 Type CR -2 AM- Shortwave. Medium -size tuning assembly.
55 H 124 412 Gain, 0-10 Requires t ii. 7)4' cutout. Pointer travels 61/4'. Tuning ratio
1 CR-3A
55 H 127 422 Gain, 5 -0 -5 17 to 1. Scale calibrated for 550 -1700 kc broadcast and 6-18 me
55 H 123 411 Tone, 0 -10 shortwave band. Has 0-100 logging scale for accurate reset-
55 H 134 426 Volume, 0 -10 ting and station logging. Shpg. wt., 11/4 lbs.
55 H 125 414 Record, 0-10 55 H 322 NET 7.06
135 427 Fader, 5 -0 -5 AM-FM. Same but scale for 550 -1700 kc AM broadcast
55 H
138 430 Expansion, 0-10 band and 2A m M. broadcast
as -2 with oil 1, I calibrated
55 H 139 446 Phono. 0 -10 55 H 323. NET
55 H 131 423 Increase. with arrow Type CR -2B AM Broadcast. As above but calibrated for 550 -1700 kc band only. 1'/4 7.06 lbs.
55 H 172 410 No title, 0-10
55 H 324. NET.
4. 9, NET EACH 50c Type C R -3 AM- Shortwave. Large -size tuning assembly. Requires 2x81' cutout. Pointer travels
1 -1700 kc broadcast and 6 -18 me short -
T /r'. Tuning ratio of 18 to 1. Dial scale calibrated for 550lbs.
10 or More, EACH 45t wave hands, Also has 0 -100 logging scale. Shpg. wt., 11/2
55 H 325. NET
CRONAME ROUND DIAL PLATES Type C R -3A AM -FM. Same as CR -3 but with dial scale calibrated for 550 -1700 kc AM broadcast
hand and 88 -108 me FM broadcast band. Shpg. wt., 11/2 lbs.
Diameter. 11/4'. Easy -to -read alaminum
scale with black background. Type 25 has
clockwise arrow labeled "Volume." Type 569
graduated 0-100 over 180° clockwise. Type 905
55 H 326. NET
Type C R -3B AM Broadcast. As above but calibrated for 550-1700 kc AM hand only. 1'
55 H 327. NET
9lb .
graduated 0 -100 over 270° clockwise. Use with
11/4' bar knobs. Shpg. at.. 2 oz.
Stock No. Type New, high -quality
55 H 141 25 37a Type 68 -M EA air -wound coil
55 H 140 569 37¢ 334 -8. Tuning eye stock for a wide
55 H 108 905 27¢ 244 indicator. For variety of Ama-
use in custom- teur. experimental,
built AM or and laboratory ap-
CRONAME "ON -OFF" SWITCH PLATE plications. Excel -
FM chassisand lent for use in tuned
Economy-priced "Off - tuners, test in-
On" switch plates. circuits of trans-
Etched aluminum with struments. etc. Takes 6 -prong indicator tubes mitters, receivers,
black background. Has (6E5. 6115, etc.). Easily installed in any set hav- VFO's, converters. and other types of radio
polished aluminum let- frequency equipment. Each coil comes in a
ing Automatic Volume Control. Less tube. convenient 10' length. May be tapped or easily
ters and border. Size. With hood escutcheon. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz. cut to any desired length to provide the exact
11,(.lttiís Shpg. wt.. 2 oz.

45 H 855. 1 to 99, NET EACH 112 inductance required. Available in choice of

60 H 338.1 to 9, NET EACH I7C four wire sizes (Nos. 12, 14. 16 and 18) and six
10 or Mors, EACH 154 100 to 249, EACH 934
diameters (11/4', 11/4', 1%', 2'. 21/4'. and 3')
250 or More, EACH 854 to meet most requirements. All coils are con-
POINTERS Type 68- MEA -8. Same as indicator described structed of finest quality tinned copper wire to
Will fit most radio sets. above, but for octal -type magic eye tubes assure easy soldering and efficient performance.
Can be cut shorter for (6AD6 -G, 6AF6 -G. 6A1.7 -GT, etc.) Less tube. Polystyrene supporting strips provide s rength
small dials. and rigidity -excellent physical tability for
Shpg. wt., 6 oz. frequency determining circuits. Turns per inch.
Type 6810. Kit of 10 45 H 856. 1 to 99, NET EACH 1,53 Stock Type Dia. TP1 Wire Wt., NET
pointers in plastic case. 100 to 249, EACH 1.27 Ne. Size Oz. EACH
Shpg. t.. 4 oz.
60 H 449 NET..... 1.91 260 or Moro, EACH I IB 72 H 312 1006T 1'/4' 6 14 S 1.45
72 H 313 1008T 1'h' 8 16 S 1.45
Type 6802. S' rotary for t shaft. Gold 72 H 314 1010T 11/41/4' 16 18 S 1.45
and red. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. 72 H 315 1206T 14 5 1.55
60 H 446. NET EACH 24c WALSCO DIAL ACCESSORIES 72 H 316 1208T 11/4' 8 16 5 1.55
Type 6801. 3' rotary for 1/4' shaft. Gold. Thrifty Dial Cord 72 H 317 1210T 1'A' 10 18 5 1.55
Shpg .t
, 2 os.
24c Rack. An economical
72H318 1406T 11/4'
72 H 319 í408T 11/4'
60 H 445. NET EACH and convenient supply 72 H 326 1410T 11/4' 10 16 S 1.65
Type 6804. 2' slide pointer.White enamel. of dial cord. Contains 72 H 327 1606T 2' 6 14 9 1.75
o Shpg. wt 2 oz. .
24c 200 ft. of the most Pop- 72 H 328 1608T 2' 8 14 9 1.75
60 H 448. NET EACH ular dial cord types; 50 72 H 329 1610T IO 16 I.75
ft. of Type 652 -Medi- 72 H 330 2006T . 12 13 1.90
Type 8803. 21/2' slide pointer. Red trans-
0 lucent. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. um; 100 ft. of Type 656
72 H 331 2008T 22'4 ' 8 14 13 1.90
60 H 447. NET EACH 24c -Special Thin; and 50 72 H 332 2010T 2Yz'
72 H 333 2406T 3.-
10 16
13 1.90
ft. of Type 654-- andard. Dustproof, dispens- 72 H 334 2408T 3' 8 14 17 2.85
3 -IN -1 RADIO TUNER er- type box. Shpg. wt., 1'/4 lbs. 72 H 337 2410T 3' 10 14 17 2.85
86 N 053. NET 4.95
Popular Dial Cord Spools. Covers 80% of Smooth , ,
the replacement demand. Have fiberglass or doctors -- Head for tank it r -

linen core; pre-stretched. Nylon- braided sleeves. cuits in multi -band transmit
Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. tern. Variable-pitch winding, 19
ICA No. 93. Functions antenna tuner, wave
trap or aerial eliminator. Operates on any
broadcast or short -wave receiver. When used No. Typs Die. Streth. Lath. EA.
for improved efficiency at high
frequencies. All are rated at
3 amps. Av. shpg. wt., 11/4 lbs.
as antenna tuner. improves reception of weak 60 N 490 652- Med..040 35 lbs. 25 ft.
signals. When used as a wave trap, minimizes 60 N 491 656 -Thin .025' 15 lbs. 25 ft. .88 Stook Mfr's
interference from strong local stations. Mater- 25 ft. No. Type Size EACH
60 N 492 654 -Std. .032' 20 lbs. I

ially improves reception when used with out- 43 N 197 652- Med..040' 35 lbs. 100 ft. 60H372 229 -201 4 x2í x211 ' 10 9.50
door antenna. Quick, easy installation. Shpg. 43 N 195 656 -Thin .025' 15 lbs. 100 ft. 2.91 60H373 229-202 99/1,821,x23 /a' 15 10.50
wt., 5 oz. 43 196 654 -Std. .032' 20 lbs. 100 ft. 60H374 229 -20.1 71/4, x2 4821/12' 25 1.50
70 C 395. List, $1.00. NET 59c N 1

Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois

Molded Knobs-Speaker Repair Service


Molded of high -quality plastic. Fit 1/4' round
or flat shafts. Slotted set screws. Figs. AA, BB
and DD are Croplastic types by Croname.
Brass inserts. tip's[' diameter recess in rear
for close panel mounting. All black, except
bred. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
o Stook NET EACH
FIO. Size 1 -24 26 -99 100 -UP
55 H 065 AA 21/4' 441 394 364
A wide selection of handsomely styled plastic knobs. For replacement use on majority of radios 55 H 0671 DD I 1A
and TV sets. Figs. B and C are excellent for small radios. For knurled shafts only; other types 55 H 074 EE 11/4' 378 36t 5 1At
are equipped with setscrews to permit use with either round or flatted shafts. Figs. F, G and L 55 H 072 FF 1/4' 70 64 5 Sit '
have rich, contrasting gold -metal inlays. All knobs are for use with standard yé shafts. Simple 55 H 078 'FF 104
to install. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. 55 H 0734 FF 11/4- 181 7t 6yyt
CC 2'
Stook Fig. Dia. Color NET Mora, Stook Fig. Dia. Color NET Mor.,
55 H 0714
55 M 079 CC 2'
Ißt 164 15t

No. EA. No. EA. EA.

55 H 031 A 1 Black 124 It 54 H 980 K 11 Walnut 104 9t LEVER -TYPE KNOB

55 H 032 A 1 Red 124 I It 54 H 981 K 1 Ivory 104 96

022 B Black 8t 7t 54 H 982 ] 1' Walnut 104 9t Black bakelite knob with
55 H 025 B Black 8t 7t 54 H 983 .1 lys Ivory IOt 9t brass insert. Fit 1/4' shafts.
55 H 027
55 H 028
55 H 029
55 H
55 H
55 H
1 ¡
With set screw. 1% long. Shpg. wt.,
55 H 006. 1 to 24, NET EACH
25 or More, NET EACH
2 oz.
55 H 043
55 H 035
55 H
54 H
0l 9

' Red
1 246 224
55 H 036 C 14s' Walnut 6t 5t 54 H 964 G t Walnut 174 154
55 H 023 C 965 G Ivory
55 H 04
55 H 042
54 H
54 H 962 L

1 h -



For television receivers using dual -type controls and tuners manufactured by Standard Coil.
Sarkes- Tarzian, etc. May be used on practically all popular TV sets, such as RCA. Bendix, West-
inghouse. Admiral, etc. Made of molded plastic; have walnut pattern with attractive gold -finish
inlay on face. For y4' knurled shaft. t y4' flatted shaft. 4W flatted shaft. 1.265' keyway shaft.
Black plastic knobs with brass inserts for 4
i/s' flatted shaft. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. dia. shafts. Overall ht. A006 and A007. Vz :
A018 and A019. 5/5". Shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
No. Fig. Dia. Use EACH No. Fig. Die. Use EACH No. Type Fig. Size NET
54 H 966 L 1 Front dual 264 54 H 974 P 2 %' Rear dual 264 72 H 271 A006 KK dial dia. 424
54 H 9671 I Front dual 294 54 H 9731 R 2 %' Front dual 734 72 H 272 A007 dial dia. 424
t ' dial dia.
L. i1

54 H 968 L Front dual 294 54 H 9711 S 2' Front dual 531 72 H 273 A018 HH 39$
174 54 H 972 T
54 H 9691 M 1 Rear dual 11%4:' Rear dual 171 72 H 274 A019 GG yé dial dia. 364
54 H 970t N 1 Comb. dual 441
Brass knob with handsome chrome
FLUTED KNOBS plating. Perfect replacement for
knobs on most auto radios. Set
screw permits use on y4' round or
JC;), flatted shafts. Ideal for volume and
tuning control shafts. Sling. wt.,
4 oz.
56 H 751. NET EACH 32c
Typa 2164. Miniature. Chrome -silver POMONA SOCKET SAVER
dials with black etched numerals and Protects tube
Made of high -quality bakelite. All types have black knob. 10 -0 in 180' rotation. 1%' dia. tester sockets
metal inserts. Set screw mounting for use on Set screw bushing for standard y4' shafts. from wear caused
1/4' round or flatted shafts. "Types with pointer. Shp wt.. 3 oi. by repeated tube
Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. 55 H 340. NET 69c insertions and
Typa 2186. As above but 10.0 in 270°. does away with
Stock Fig. Die. t-9, 10 or 55 H 341. NET 74c time consuming
No. EA. Mora, EA. socket replace-
55 H 085 W ty'r 274 Precision Vernier. Have chrome -silver ment. l'revents
55 H 088 W dial plates. Black numerals and calibra- original socket from developing loose, worn
55 H 086 W
1 s' 320 296 tions. 0 to 100 in 180° or 325 °. Dial sets to a contacts which cause inaccurate test readings.
55 H 087 W 21/4' 444 391 fraction of division. Flanged knob. For y¡ No wiring is necessary -the socket saver easily
55 H 095 W 1'/s' 204 188
shafts. Av. shpg. wt., 7 oz. plugs into the original socket. An excellent tube
55 H 094 W 11/4" Stock No. Typa Dia. D NET tester accessory. available for 7, 8 and 9-pin
184 sockets. Av. shpg. wt. 3 oz.
55 H 096 W 11/e' 220 55 H 350 2170 325 1.47 40 H 668. SS-7. For 7 -pin min. sockets.
H 097
444 391 55 H 351 24. 1.47 40 H 669. SS -8. For 8 -pin octal sockets.
H 55 H 352 2168 325 1.96 40 H 678. SS-9. For 9 -pin min. sockets. [1
55 H 090 X 2 jis' 446 394 55 H 353 2169 4 180 1.96 NET EACH 1 91
Your valuable hi -fi speakers can be completely rebuilt by Skilled technicians will completely rebuild your old speakers
skilled technicians, using exact replacement parts. For lust for the small charges listed below. Service covers general -
a fraction of the original cost any hi -fi speaker can be purpose speakers including radio, TV and phonograph types.
reconed with a matching high -fidelity cone and voice coil. Ship speaker to us prepaid and send remi tance (including
postage) with order. Allow 30 to 45 days for delivery. Addi-
The repaired speaker will meet all specifications for high - tional charges for field coil repair or rep acement are as
fidelity performance, and will be fully restored to top -notch follows: $1.25 for 4' to 9' speakers; $2.25 for 10' to 12'
condition. Just pack your speaker carefully and ship it to us speakers. Field coils welded into speaker frames cannot be
by insured parcel post or Railway Express. Send remittance. repaired or replaced.
Including postage, with your order. Allow 30 days for delivery.
Service includes replacing cone, gasket. voice coil. spider and Speaker Complete Speaker Comploto
dust cover. Size Repair Service Size Repair Service
8' HI -FI Speaker. Repair Service 7.50 4 to 6' 1.55 14' to 15' 3.85
12' HI -FI Speaker. Repair Service 6r/z'to 9' 2.55 4.46' oval 2.00
11.25 2.85 5.47' oval 2.55
16 HI -FI Speaker. Repair Service 15.00 I to 12'
1 3.05 ò'z9' oval 2.55
ist Depend on Allied for Everything in Radio, Television and Industrial Electronics
Custom- Designed Auto Antennas
Easy to Install Modal SC -6 "Air
O u ee n. "Chrome -plated
Heavily Plated brass, side -cowl antenna. 3
sections -extends to 66'.
Low -loss 2- stanchion mount
Attractive Styling with bakelite and chrome
insulators. New positive
shielding eliminates use of
shield can. Detachable 36í
polyethylene insulated,
vinylite covered, high "Q"
lead -in. Includes complete
conversion kit to permit
simplified installation on
irregular type car bodies.
Shpg. wt., I Ib.

97 CX 215. List, $5.45.
NET 3.20
Modal SC -a "Long
Popular side-
. antenna in low signal .E
areas. Four telescoping sec-
tions. Extends to 100'. 2-
tanchion mount has smart- L1
El ly designed insulators with
chrome caps. 36' vinylite-
covered high "Q" lead -in is polyethylene insulated. Complete con-
TOP -COWL AND FENDER MOUNTS version kit for irregular type car bodies. Shpg. wt., 1% lbs.
Model MH -57 -C 54. New, low -cost lop -cowl antenna. Fits any
97 CX 216. List, $7.65. NET 4.50
model of cur. Easily, ,luickly installed with a minimum of work. Fea-
tures ball and rocker mounting base for rigid support. 3- section mast TOP -COWL AND FENDER MOUNTS
extends to 57'. Chrome-plated to resist the effects of weather, grit and Model TCF -3C. A top n"
h .unna that ,ocra dol use appearance
dirt. Easy to clean; simply wipe with a soft cloth. With 54' insulated
cable and all necessary connections. Shpg. wt., 12 oz.
91 CX 356. List. $3.73. NET 2.43
and line performance. Hat popular 'Eight Ball" design for simplified
installation on top cowl. Will fit any type of car perfectly. 3 sections
extends to 56'. Constructed of chrome -plated brass tubing; 54' lead -in.
Model NT -3. New, high -quality smartly styled antenna for top - With instructions and hardware. Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
0 cowl mounting. Has three telescoping sections which extend to 57'; 97 CX 213. List, $5.90. NET 3.47
lowers to 23'. Handsome "tear- drop" base complements flowing lines of Model TB -3. An excellent buy in an economy model, top -cowl an-
all cars. Speedy, effortless installation. Attractive chrome finish for last- tenna. Fits any model of car. Quickly, easily installed from outside
ing beauty. Supplied complete with 48' cable. Shpg. wt.. 1% lbs
9I CX 357. List, $4.70. NET 2.55 of car. 3 sections; telescopes to 56'. Chrome- plated; resists dust. grit and
humidity. Itas Fight Ball" mounting insulator. With 54' high -"Q"
Model JA -6. New, top -quality vertical -mast "ballet" antenna for head -in and coaxial -type connector. Shpg. wt., 1Ib.
top -cowl or side -cowl mounting. Three sections; extends to 57'. Fea- 92 CX 001. List, $3.95. NET 2.32
tures attractive "bullet" design above hase for added car beauty.
Chrome- plated for lasting brilliance. Easy to install. Includes 48' cable Model DCF-3A. "Phantom" type antenna with split -ball design for
and all necessary connectors. Fits any car. Shpg. wt., 13 oz. top -cowl or fender mounting. 3 sections -telescopes from 31/2' to 56'.
91 CX 358. List, $6.03. NET 4.03 Constructed of chrome-plated brass tubing. 54' lead -in is vinylite cov-
ered. Complete with coaxial lead connector. Mounting bracket supplied.
Model JA -8. New. top -quality slanted -mast "bullet" antenna. Ex- Shpg wt., 1% Ills.
D cellent for top-cowl or side -cowl mounting. 3- sections extend to 57'. 97 CX 222. List, $7.95. NET 4.67
Bullet -type ornament above base has sleek appearance. Glistening
chrome finish resists effects of weather; provides lasting beauty. Includes Medal TF -56M0. New antenna with "tear-drop" mount. For top-
48' cable. Fits all cars and station wagons. Shpg. wt.. 13 oz. cowl or fender installation, Quickly, easily mounts from the outside
91 CX 359. List, $6.03. NET. .... 4.03 of the car. Streamlined design adds beauty to any automobile. Sturdily
constructed of gleaming, chrome -plated brass tubing for handsome ap-
REAR -MOUNT ANTENNAS pearance. Three telescoping sections extend from 22' to 56'. 34' polyeth-
ylene- insulated lead -in is vinylite covered. Good sensitivity for low signal
Rear -Fin or Trunk Mounting areas. Complete with mounting instructions and all necessary hardware.
Shpg. wt., 1% lbs.
4' 91 CX 366. List, $4.28. NET ....2.52
Model TFL -1 "Sparkle." New rear -fin antenna
designed to give a "custom touch" to any car.
Features handsome, swept -back styling. Con-
structed of the finest materials to assure long, de-
pendable service; heavily chrome- plated to retain
its gleaming finish against effects of weather.
road -grime, dirt, etc. Three telescoping sections
extend to 27'. A built -in capacitor in the lead -in
improves reception in weak -signal areas. Supplied
complete with 15 -ft. cable and all connections.
Shpg. wt., u/ tbs.
91 CX 367. List, $8.50. NET...... ....5.00

Model TRM- 27- Single Antenna. Beautiful 4- section rear -fin an-.
tenna. Features swept -back styling to give all cars a "sleek- line
appearance. (designed for superior performance and long, dependable
service. Has chrome -plated tubing. Telescopes from 10' to 27'. Includes ANTENNA LEAD EXTENSION
low -loss 15 -ft.. shielded cable. Complete with adapters to fit both high - Type C -6. 12' shielded extension cable for Ward auto radio antennas.
crown and flat -surface fenders. Shpg. wt.. 1% lbs. For use with Models TCF -3C, DCF -3A, TF -56M0, and other fender-
92 C 193. List, $7.60. NET 5.11 mounting models. Shpg. wt. S oz. ,

Model TRMT- ADuaI Antennas. As above, but for installing on 49 C 555, List, 90e. NET 53c
both rear fenders. Complete with line -clips. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs.
92 C 194. List. $14.82. NET PER PAIR 9.96
Medal JA- 1Singt Antenna. New 3- section "bullet" antenna "DURA- RAMIC" AUTO ANTENNAS
v for rear -mount installation. Gives any car an "in- motion" appear-
ance. Durable, highly attractive chrome plating. Extends to 27'. Effi-
Model TGF -1. Colorful auto antennas-constructed of
cient. low-loss, 1S -ft. cable assures excellent reception. Includes adapters opaque, corrosion -proof fiberglass. Extremely flexible. The
to fit contours of any car. Shp g. wt., 1 lb. antenna elements are completely inbedded in protective
91 CX 360. List. $7.85. NET 5.27 fiberglass. Excellent sensitivity in low- signal areas. Electri-
cally equivalent to the test metallic -type antennas. Feature
Model TJA-3.Dual Antennas. As above, but for installing on both "Eight-Ball" top cowl mounting. ('an he adjusted to any
rear fenders. Complete with line -clips. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs. desired angle. Will fit any car perfectly. Supplied with 54'
91 CX 361. List, $15.48. NET PER PAIR, 10.39 vinylite covered, shielded lead -in. Length, 36 . In 7 attrac-
tive opaque colors. Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
92 CX 002. Red. 92 CX 006. White.
AUTO LEAD -IN EXTENSIONS 92 CX 003. Blue. 92 CX 007. Yellow.
92 CX 004. Green. 92 CX 009. Chrome.
Neu, high "Q" lead -in extension cables. Low -loss, high -quality coaxial

92 CX 005. Brown.
type with polyethylene insulation; fully shielded and covered with water- List, $5.95. NET EACH 3.50
proof vinylite. All cables have male and female pin -plug fittings. Shpg.
wt.: LE -18, 3 oz.; I-E -36, 4 oz.; LE -54, S oz.; LE -144, 8 oz. Type C -42. 15' shielded extension cable; built -in capacitor
No. Type L A. Ne. Typa L EA. provides improved sensitivity. Permits rear mounting of
Uura- Ramie" antenna (listed above) or any Ward cowl
91 C 362 LE-18 18' 54 91 C 364 I.E-54 54' 1.08 antenna. Shpg. wt., u/ Ib
91 C 363 I.E-36 36' .75 91 C 365 I.F; 144 144' 2.13 49 C 556. List, $5.50. NET 3.23
Allied Rodio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chico3o 80, Illinois 163
Vibrators -Auto Accessories
Mallory precision vibrators, backed by scars of high -grade clack- spring steel; held in perfect alignment by a rugged
outstanding performance, offer the dependability, frame. 105- strand lead wire virtually defies vibration-connections
the long life and the trouble -free service required stay firmly intact. If Mallory type number is not known write to
for all vibrator applications. These carefully de- Allied, stating make, model, tube line -up of set, or part number
signed, precision units provide the lowest cost -per- of the original vibrator -we will recommend the correct Mallory
hour of actual use. Their springs are fabricated of replacement. Average shpg. wt., 8 oz.
Stook Mfrs Mfr's NET
List EACH Mfr's Mfr's NET
No. TypetOld) Type (Now) Volts Size Stook
No. Typ.Old Type (New) Volts Size List EACH
56 P 000 4 -4 4-4 6 $2.50 1.47 56 P 094 870 6 $4.90 2.88
56 P 154 12 -3 12 -3 12 2.45 1.44
56 P 133 G883 G1602/G883 12 4.70 2.76
56 P 155 12 -4 12 2.45 1.44 56P121 903M 2.12
56 P 042 273C 27C 6 9.15 5.38 56 P 158 1604
4.90 2.88
56 P 054 294 294 6 4.90 2.88 56 P 159 1701 1701 6/12 9.60 5.64
56 P 120 509P 6 4.15 2.44
56PIS7 1806/576 6 7.70 4.53 56P160 1751 1751 6 riL'
11/2x21/2' 9.80 5.76
56 P 156 G66 G1801/GS67C 9.95 5.85 56 P 161 1852 1852 6 9.70 5.70
56 P 077
7.70 4.53 56
P 127 T4002
P 128 T4003
56 P 079 725C 1801S%725C 8.55 5.03
56 P 080 G725C G1801S/G725C 9.95 5.8 5 56 P 135 4501 I501/4501 6 I r/z x2 r/s' 6.35 3.73
56 P 082 742 1801/742 6 7.70 4.53 56 P 140 M4501 M 1501/M4501 24 6.90 4.06
56 P 123 W759 WI 802/W759 4 8.25 4.85 56 P 141 4512 1512/4512 6.90 4.06
56 P 085 825C 825S/825C 6 6.90 4.06 56 P 142 4513 1513/45/3 6/12 6.90 4.06
56 P I10
826C 1603S/826C 6.35 3.73 56 P 143 4514 1514/4514 6 6.90 4.06
56 P 086
F826C F826S/F826C 32 7.70 4.53 56 P 144 G4548 GI 807/G4548 12 8.55 5.03
G826C G1603S/G826C 12 7.70 4.53 56 P 145 G4549 GI801/G4549 12 1%zx3¡ 8.55 5.03
56 PÓ92 854 854 6 4.90 2.88 56 P 131 G4501 G1501/G4501 12 6.90 4.06
56 P 113 859 1601/859 6 4.70 2.76 56 P 137 4546 1808/4546 6 7.70 4.53
56 P 132 G859 G1601/G859 12 4.70 2.76 56 P 138 4548 1807/4548 6 7.70 4.53
56P 118 W859 W1601/W859 4.90 2.88 56 P I 39 4549 1801/4549 6 1 %zx3W 7.70 4.53


Popular Mallory replacement vibrators for 12- One of the most popular replacement vibrators Efficient, ground cup noise suppressor. For use
volt applications. Type 12 -3 has 3 -pin base; for 6 -volt automobile radios. Replaces Type with any 11/2-inch diameter vibrator. Effec-
Type 12 -4, 4 -pin base. Size, 11/2x2%'. Shpg. 659 vibrator. Each unit is individually tested tively eliminates radio interference caused by
w.t., under load conditions for output, starting volt- vibrator hash. Provides an excellent low-im-
Type 12 -3. Replaces Mallory G683. age, etc. Used as original equipment in many pedance connection between the shield can of
56 P 154. 6 -Up, EA... 1.30 1 -4. EA...1.44 auto radios. Fits standard 4 -prong socket. 11/2x the vibrator and the car frame. Fits most auto
21/2'. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. radios in present -day use. Easy to install.
Type 12 -4. Replaces Mallory G659.
56 P 155. 6 -Up, EÁ...1.30 1 -4, EA... 1.44
56 P 000. 1 to 4, NET EACH 147 Shpt'. wt., 2 oz.
6 or more, EACH 1.32 56 P 151. NET 26c
Heavy -duty vibrators for Cornell -Dubilier "Powercon"
inverters. Also replace vibrators in many mobile ampli-
fiers. Rugged construction assures years of service. All are
dust -protected. Vibrators with VB and VC in Type No.
are mounted in sponge rubber for minimum noise and
maximum stability. Vibrators with VD in Type No. are
lem sponge rubber; have liner for greater heat dissipation.
Tandem types have higher power handling capacity:
have two 6-pin plugs on case. Av. shpg. wt., 1 lb.
FM442 AG AM RF FM441
amte RIMS Volts "Powercon' Models
These ruggedly built capacitors are designed to prevent interference with No. Type Used in
radio reception caused by generators, vibrators, switches and other 82 P 753 6VB6H 6 6DC6, 6/110086,685, 658, 63W8 7.94
spark- producing devices within the auto, marine or aircraft equipment. 82 P 789 6VD6H 65815 6SW15
All units are wax impregnated. AG types are well protected from mois- 6 13.82
ture, but are not hermetically sealed. AS types are enclosed in metal 82P 775 2529 6 6SP2, 61U3 2.44
cases with screw terminals and hermetically sealed- provide low RF im- 82 P 776 2531 6 6M4 4.53
pedance, recommended for extreme climate conditions. Both AG and AS
82 P 777 2563 6 6/12D5, 616, 1218 6.09
types are designed for noise suppression use on generators, ammeters. 82 P 782 12VB6H 12 12DC6, 12118, 12S10, 126W10 7.94
and many other types of electrical equipment where there is contact 82 P 783 12706H 12 12DC12. 12H15, 1261115 123820, 125W15 13.82
spark or noise radiation. 82 P 779 2530 12 12511, I2LM4 2.44
Type AG442 also used in midget aircraft motors. Type AG453 has shield- 82 P 780 2532 12 12M6 4.53
ed lead. Types FM441 and FM442 for Ford generators. Type AM454 for 82 P 787 110V86H Ill 1101125, 110515, 1105MI5, 2201125, 220315 7.94
ammeter and gauges-has waxed -paper case, can be held in place with 82 P 788 110706H 110 110835, 110RT35, 1103X40, 110SW3S, 2205840 13.82
Mallory TH -17 clip (see Page 138). Types RF480 and RF481 used for 82P 784 2533 110 HOLMS 2.44
vibrator hash and general noise suppression (have very low RF imped- 82 P 785 2565 110 110617 6.09
ance) -both have waxed -paper case. Type RF481 requires Mallory TH-
19 mounting clip (see Page 138). CA275X, hermetically sealed bathtub
type is used for general noise suppression in marine and aircraft equip- C-D 12 -VOLT & "AUTRONIC EYE" VIBRATORS
ment. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. Cornell- Dubilier replacement vibrators for use in late
model automobiles and in "Autronic Eye" circuits.
Stook Mfr' Mid. Wkg. Size NET Sturdily constructed to provide long, trouble -free serv-
No. Type Volts EACH ice. Mounted in sponge rubber for quiet operation. Built
L 681 RF481 0.5 50 1/}xls/¡ .53 to withstand severe road -shock and vibration. Individu-
17 ally tested under actual operating conditions. Shpg.
17 L 728 CA275X 4.0 SO 2x2x1' 1.76 wt., 8 oz.
17 L 677 FM441 0.5 100 1%0x11/2' .50
17 L 680 RF480 0.5 100 11iisxl%s' .47 Type 6326. For 12 -volt operation in Chrysler Crown
17 L721 AS125 0.01 100 1'4sx1450' .71 Imperial cars and Philco radio Models 822 and 823. Has 4 -pin base.
Size, 1%x21/2'.
17L720 AG442 0.05 100 shxl% .47 56 P 265. List $4.50. NET 2.65
17 L 670 AG443 0.05 100 1i{exf Mh' .59
17 L 722 AS145 0.1 100 11/2ex1 s/i .82 Typs 6330. For 12 -volt
operation in Delco radio Models 8550 and
L 723
s/ xt
/';{' .88
1220155, Oldsmobile. Buick, Cadillac and GMC trucks. Has 3 -pin base.
Size. 11/2;6 e'.
56 P 266. List, $4.90. NET 2.88
17 L 676 AM454 0.5 200 11/10E2' .38
17 1.675 AG453 0.5 200 %x2' .88 Typo 6370. For 12 -volt operation in "Autronic Eye" circuits, and Guide
17 L 674 AG452 1.0 200 1:241s .53 1-amp unit. No. 5944300. 4-pin base. Size, 1 Vx3Vs .
17 1.671 AG444
200 s/ixl3/4á
56 P 267. List, $4.70. NET 2.76
17 L 673 200
Typs 6370. For 6-volt operation in Guide Lamp unit, No. 5943336.
Supersedes No. 5520 -4. Has 4 -pin base. Size 1 1/2x31/2.
ANTI -STATIC POWDER 56 P 268. List. $4.90. NET 2.88
Anti -static powder minimizes car radio static noise
caused by tires, brake drums and wheels. Only one FUSE HOLDERS
packet needed per tire. Use injector below. Shpg. Metal container. Fits 11W 3AG Fuses. Has spring -
!!1!1[tJ1 N6Lf
wt., 2 oz. 6 per pkg. loaded contacts for firm, sure, contact. Designed
56 B 687. NET PER PKG 41c for quick access and simplest possible fuse replacement. Does not require
packet of powder. Easy to use -one
additional support bracket. Die -stamped for easy identification. Size,
Static Powder Injector. Holds 1
2'/ x %'. Shpg. ut., 2 oz.
end of injector screws onto tire valve other end attaches to air hose.
Powder is blown in as tire is inflated. Shpg. wt., 10 oz. 41 B 735. NET EACH 13c
56 686. NET 7.5c 10 or Mors, EACH 12t
164 Depend on Allied for Everything in Radio, Television and Industrial Electronics
All- Purpose Tube Sockets
Sturdily constructed.
laminated -bakelite tube
sockets. All have 11/2'
mtg. centers except
w which has l'
centers. Av.
ehpg. wt.. 2 oz.
Stook No. Prongs
1 -9 10-49 60-99
40 H 224 4 7t 64 51/44


40 H 226 6 94 84 7t
40 H 227 7 (small) 104 8 t/zt 7t t STANDARD WAFERS
58 H 004 7(min.) 4 SPECIAL SOCKET TYPES
40 H 228 Octal 6t 5 t A
Typo 122-244. 4 -pin steatite for "super D
Steatite wafer sockets for receiving and
low -power transmitting tubes. Cadmium -
jumbo" tubes. Takes 8008, BR6, S ('22,
Type Type (22, 61.146, GI.152, GI.159, GL169. RO585, plated contacts. Size. 2SSs xlttiß'. 11' Mtg.
R11507, SR50, SR53, SK60. Shpg. wt., %z lb. centers. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
12 49 73 H 997. NET 1.60 Stock No. Mfr's Typs Prongs NET
Typs 122 -275. Steatite socket for giant S-
A Pin base tubes. Takes 4 -125A, 4 -250A, 73 H 238 122 -224 4
K28, RK48, 125M, 803. Shpg. wt., 10 oz. 73 H 239 122 -225 S 76t
73 H 998. NET 190 73 H 240 122 -226 6
73 H 241 122 -227 7
EBY SOCKETS Type 124 -109. 8-pin socket of Kel -F plan - 73 H 243 122 -228 Octal 97t
8 tic for UHF high power tubes. 8 -.128'
Above- Chassis Type. One -piece molded bake- oles on 11/s' circle. Shpg. wt.. 1/2 lb.
lite construction, for top-of-chassis or panel 40 H 299. NET 5 00 JUMBO WAFERS
mounting. Contact designations molded in
base. Mounting centers, 111/2e. Shpg. wt., 2 oz VType 122 -101. 7 -pin steatite with base TType 122 -237. Steatite wafer for 813.
shield and retainer springs. For use with 8001, 31)22, 4E27. El K257. 2s/s' square.
Stock 1 -9, 10-49 -65A. 826. 829. 832 etc. Provision for isolat- mounting holes, 11/2' between centers. Shpg.
No. Type Prongs EACH EACI;I ing grid leads. Shpg. ut.. t/z lb. t

40 H 254 12 -4 4 29 73 H 245. NET 2 35 73 H 188. NET 120

40 H 255 12 -5 S 304 276 MINIATURE SERIES Type 122 -247. Same steatite "giant" 7 -pin
40 H 256 12 -6 6 326 294 wafer socket as above, but with etched alu-
40 H 261 12 -7 -N-0 71. &7S Type 120 -267. 7 -pin steatite socket with minum base shield. For tubes 825. 826, etc.
40 H 258 12 -8 Octal 364 324 0 silver- plated contacts. For 90(8) series and Shpg. wt., t lb.
TV Tube Socket Type 49-13 DD. Al -molded miniature tubes IRS. IRS, 6CB6. etc. W 73 H 189. NET 145
bakelite, duo-decal TV tube socket for magnetic mtg. hole. Slit,q wt., 3 oz.
or e:ectrostatic focusing tubes. 12' leads. Shpg. 40 H 290. NET 416
Type 120 -277. As above, but metal mtg. BAYONET SOCKETS
wt.. 4 oz.
40 H 291. 10 -49, EA....424.1 -9, EA....474 m frame and shield base. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz. Type 123 -209. For tubes with 4 prong
73 H 186. NET 596 "U\" base; 852, 860. 866 tubes, etc. 4
EBY CRT TEST SOCKET ADAPTER Type 133 -278-6 Shield. For use with Type mtg. holes. 25/s. centers. Shpg. wt., 10 oz.
120 -277 socket. With spring. Cadmium- 73 H 195. NET 1.50
TV picture tube socket adapter.
easy to install or remove. Ex- Vpinia,1114c.itIers'. Shpg. wt. 3 oz. Type 123 -211. Porcelain base socket for
154 use with "jumbo" -type. 4 -pin tubes. Takes
ternal lugs permit checking all
CRT pin voltages while set is in Type 133 -278 -8 Shield. As above but 1, 872 tubes, etc. Mounting centers are
operation. No wiring or solder- H 21/2' high. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. spaced 21 4s'. Shpg. wt., I lb.
ing required. Wt.. 3 oz. H 187. NET 186 73 H 191. NET 1.95
40 H 273.1-9, EACH...94C
JAMES MILLEN TUBE SOCKETS The JAN miniature sockets and shields listed below are manufactured in
accordance with military standards and are warranted to comply with
Recommended for UHF use. JAN -S28 A and JAN -S28 At specifications. Bayonet -type locking shields
Higher steatite body gives and socke s. Highest quality materials and workmanship used in the con-
longer leakage path between struction. Write for quantity prices on MO or more. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
contacts. Mounting centers, Stock JAN No. 1 -9, 10-49 60 -99
11/2'. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. Description
No. S -28 A S -28 Al EACH EACH EACH
Stock No. Type Prongs EACH 40 H 263 TSE 7T 102 TS 102C01 7 -Pin Shield Base, Ceramic 264 244 22t
40 H 264 TSE 7T 101 TS 1021'01 7 -Pin Shield Base. Mica-filled 184
72 H 060 33004 4
H 061 33005 40 H 265 TSE 9T 102 TS 103C01 9-Pin Shield Base. Ceramic 306 76 254
;22 H 062 33006 6 45c 40 H 266 TSE 9T 101 TS 103P01 9-Pin Shield Base, Mica -filled 226 20t 186
72 H 064 33008 8 40 H 267 TSF OT 101 TS 1O2U01 7 -Pin Tube Shield, 11/2' 124 I It 106
40 H 268 TSF OT 102 TS 102UO2 7 -Pin Tube Shield. 1% 124 I It 10t
Type CI R. Ruggedly de-
40 H
269 103
0 TSF OT 04 TS 1Ó3UÓ1 9-Pin Tube Shield, 1 t/s'
40 H 271 TSF OT 105 TS 103UO2 9-Pin Tube Shield, 1t31'
/i 144
pendable, low -loss stea- 40 H 272 TSF OT 106 TS 103UO3 9-Pin Tube Shield, 2t/r I8t 164 154
tite sockets for VHF or 40 H 286 TSB 8T 102 TS 10IC01 Octal. Saddle. Ceramic 40t 364 334
UHF use. Universal 40 H 287 TSB ST 101 TS 101P01 Octal. Saddle. Mica -filled 264 240 224
mtg. ring permits instal-
lation in any of 6 posi- ELCO SERIES 3300 TRANSISTOR SOCKETS
tions to permit convenient For 3 -pin transistors with in-line pins, or 3 and 4-pin transistors with pins on
wiring. Mtg. ctrl. lzYtz'. .200' diam. circle of any configuration. Conform to MIL -P -14. Gold -flashed
Mounting plates are nickel-plated brass; con- beryllium copper contacts. Av. slips. wt., 2 oz.
tacts are silver- plated phosphor bronze. 4 oz. Stock No. Typs Description 1 -9, EA. 10 -49, EA. 60 -99, EA
Stock Prongs 1-24, 25 -99, 100 -199. 41 H 092 3301 Saddle Mounting 260 234 214
No. EACH EACH 41 H 093 3304 Mounting Ring Type 191/24 174 15 1/24
71 H 100 4 546 504 41 H 094 3305 Printed -C ircuit Type 234 206 18;
71 H I01 5 69t 624 576 i 41 H 095 757 Ring Only for 3304 21/24 20 1'Gí
Components mount un mica -billed phenolic form. Turrets Consist of standard tube socket. tubular terminal post. octa
are tYz diam. Octal units mount in I' hole; miniatures. plug and shield can. Can sizes: 510M and BION, 1.37' square
% hole. Av. sltpq. wt., 3 oz. 2.5' long. C IOM and C l ON, 2' square, 2.5' long. Av. shpg. wt.
2t/=' Tu . Has 9 terminals in two rings. spaced 11/2' apart. 5 oz. each.
Stock No. Typo 1-19, 20-49, EA. Stock No. Type Description 1-19, EA. 20-49, EA. 60-99, EA.
40H211 10-0-9T I Octal I I 596EÁ. 534 Igs 494 40 H 237 BIOM 7 -tin Miniature I .54 1.42
2' Turrets. 9 terminals in two rings, spaced apart. l' 40 H 238
40 H 241
9-pin Noval
7 -pin Miniature
40 H 212 8-0-9T Octal 56t 504 46C 40 H 239 C1ON 9-pin Noval 2.09 1.88 1.73
40 H 217 8-M -9T 7 -Pin Min. 654 586 54c
40 H 233 8 -N -9T 9-Pin Novai 654 584 54C
11/2' Turrets. Have 6 terminals in one ring only. Type T -789. Ideal for making voltage. resist-
40 H 6-0-6T Octal 506 45t 414 ance and wave form measurements rom tube
40 H 218 6-M-6T 7-Pin Min. 596 536 494 side of electronic equipment chassis without
40 H 234 6-N-6T 9-Pin Noval I 594 536 49t removing components or disassembling unit.

Shield Bases. For miniature sockets above. Fasten above chassis on

Set contains 1 -7-pin. 1 -9
-pin miniature, and
I octal adapter in plastic carrying case. To
socket mtg. centers. Use with standard bayonet type shield. Shpg. wt..2 oz. use, adapters are simply inserted between tube 66

Stook No. Typs Description 1 -19, EA. 20 -49, EA. 60 -99. EA. and tube socket. ',4 diam. holes in recessed 411 4
tabs for test prod points. Adapters will fit into
40 14 235 S7 I For 7-pin sockets I 96 I 86 I 7 Vr; t tube shield bases. Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
40 N 236 S9 For 9-pin sockets 90 8t 71/24 40H210. NET 6.17
Industrial Users-Write for Prices on Larger Quantifies esa
Amphenol Sockets
0 o D 0
POPULAR STANDARD SOCKETS High -grade miniature sockets and shields. 147 series mount in iii' chassis
Typs MIP. Bakelite body with molded -in steel plate. Require 11/2' hole; r/s' mtg. ctrs., with Ví screw holes. 59 series mount in 1Ví chassis
hole; mounting centers, I1/1í . All others have 11/2' mounting centers. hole and have 11/2í mtg. ctrs. with .095' rivet holes. Steatite. :Black
Tweguires i7'r- note; 11ì3a- noie. -ntleu oilmen e. AV. sttpg. w't., 05. bakelite. tMica -filled bakelite. Av. shpg. wt.. 5 oz.
Stook Mfr's 1 -98, 100-249, 250 -Up, El WITHOUT TUBE SHIELD BASE
No. Typo Prongs EACH EACH EACH
stock Mrr' PronBS 1 -99, 100 -249, 250 -Up,
40 H 024 77MIP4{{ 4 .09 .077 .069 No. Type EACH EACH EACH
40 H 025 77MIP5{ S .10 .086 .077 40 £147 -500
40 H 026 77MIP6f` 6 .11 .098 .088 H 191 7 .15 .125 .113
40 H 027 77MIP7S1 7 Small .12 .107 .096 40 H 192 147 -501 7 .24 .205 .185
40 H 199 3147 -505 7 .15 .125 .113
40 H 029 77MIP71.t 7 Large .1 2 .105 .094 40 H 193 :59-409 9 .20 .17 .153
40 H 028 77M1P8f Octal .10 .085 .076 40 H 167 159-410 9 .20 .17 .153
40 H 126 88 -8 Octal .1 1 .095 .085
40 H 030 88-8X Loctal .14 .118 .106 WITH TUBE SHIELD BAS
40 H 034 77MIP8T(: 8 .12 .102 .092 40 H 194 147-905 7
40 H 032 77M1P9f 9 .12 .10 .09 40 H 195 147-925 7 .26 .225 .203
40 H 033 77MIP11f II .13 .11 .099 40 H 175 1147-913 7 .188
RS. Have removable moue ins plate. 40 H 009 mounts in 40 H 176 359-407 9 .27 .216
o Type
114.' hole. others in 1114,' hole. Slotted mounting holes to fit centers 40 H 196 :59-406 9 .24 .21 .189
from 11/z to 1r.L'. Av shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
40 H 004 78RS4 4 .1 1 .097 .087 0 TUBE SH ELDS
40 H 005 78RS5 5 .12 .105 .094 FOR 7-PRONO SOCKETS
40 H 006 78RS6 6 .13 .112 .101 Stock No. Typo Height 1 -99, EA. 100 -249,EÁ. 260 -Up, EA,
40 H 007 78RS7S 7S .14 .117 .105
.18 .155 .14 40 H 197 5 -401 I1/í .08 .073 I .066
40 H 009 78RS7L 7L 40 H 198 5 -402 1441" .09 .076 .068
40 H 008 78RS8 Octal .13 .1 1 .099
40 H 010 78RS8L Loctal .17 .147 .132 FOR 9 -PRONG SOCKETS
40 H 012 78RS9 9 .13 .115 .103 Stook No. Type 1-99, EA. 100-248,EA. 260-Up, EA.
Type RSS. Ultra- low-loss steatite sockets. Excellent for use in high - 40 H 188 5-405 .075 .068
frequency transmitting equipment. etc. All are universal type; have 40 H 189 S-408 11/21' :10 .09
removable mounting plate with slotted holes 11/ to 1%'. Mounting hole. 40 H 190 5-409 21 8 .088
1 % except 40 H 079. which requires 1114,'. Av. shpg. wt.. 5 oz.

40 H 074 49RSS4 4 .28 .245 .221 7- AND 9-PIN "ETHYLON -A" SOCKETS
40 H 075 49RSSS 5 .31 Molded of ow -loss "Ethylon-A" high "Q" insulating material. For use
40 H 076 49RSS6 6 .275 243 where temperature is below 125 °F. Sockets without shield base are "Zip -
In" type; require special keyed hole. 7 -pin sockets with shield base require
40 H 077 49RSS7S 7 Small .35 .30 .27 z;5t' holes; 9-pin. 134 holes. Av. shpg. wt.. 5 oz.
40 H 079 49RSS7L 7 Large .295
40 H 078 49R SS8 Octal .29 .225 .226 WITHOUT TUBE SHIELD BASE
Type S High -dielectric molded bakelite body. Units are he same as
D type RS. but without mounting plate; mount with retainer ring.
Stook No. Type Prongs 1 -99, EA. 100-249,EA. 260 -Up, EA.
supplied. All sockets require 1114, bole, except 40 H 059. which requires
40 H 184 59 -357 7 I .15 I .125 I .113
1z3G hole. Av. shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
40 H 185 59 -359 9 .20 .17 .153
40 H 054 78S4 4 .08 .07 .063 D WITH TUBE SHIELD BASE
40 H 055 7855 5 .09 .078 .07
40 H 056 78S6 6 .10 .085 .077 .21
40 H 057 78S7S 7 Small .10 .09 .081 40 H 187 I
59-369 9 I 6 I .38 I .272
40 H 059 78S7L 7 Large .14 .122 .11
40 H 058 78S8 Octal .10 .085 .077
40 H 062 7859 9 .I .098 .088 Mount in 1/2í round or "D" shaped hole with retainer ring provided.
40 H 060 78S8L Loctal .14

.117 .105 0 May be used with 91 -M PM plugs (page 168). Av. shpg. wt., S oz.
Stock Mfr's No. 1 -99 100 -249, 260 -Up,
No. Type Prongs EACH EACH EACH
40 H 131 78 -S3S 3 .07 .063 .056
40 H 115 78 -S4S 4 .07 .063 .056
40 H 122 78 -SSS 5 .10 .09 .081
40 H 130 78 -S6S 6 .11 .095 .085
40 H 120 78 -7P 7 .14 .12 .108
Typo 69-402 Television Tube Socket. Duodecal socket for cathode - MICA-FILLED
ray tubes. Has 12 prongs equally spaced on a 1.063' diameter circle.
ody constructed from low -loss bakelite insulating material. Has remov- 40 H 124 78-7PT 7 I .13 .127 .114
able cap, which fits over terminals to provide protection from shock

Hazard. Shpg. wt. S oz.

40 H 100. 1 -99, HET EACH 68
100-249, EACH 58 250 -Up, EACH 52
Type "S" Miniature Sockets. Have high -dielectric, molded bake-
o lite insulating material. Mount in standard 111(,' chassis hole with
retainer ring supplied. Av. shpg. wt., S oz.
Type P7ns -9.2 100-249, EA. EA.
40 H I143 178-A7P I .185 .166
Type 23 -1S ACS Socket Shells. Lightweight aluminum shell for Type 77MIPSFK Floating Octal. Live- rubber grommets In en-
type "RSS," "RS" and "S" sockets, except 78S71., 78RS7L, and o large,1 mounting holes of sturdy steel plate. Mounts in 11/21' hole with
g RSS7I.. Permits extension of sockets 1134,' above or below chassis sur-
face. Body dia..11',W. Mounts in 11/4' bole. less socket. Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
two 1/4 holes on I1/' centers. With grommets, mtg. screws, nuts and
washers. Shpg wt.. 5 oz.
40 H 043. 1 -99, NET EACH 21
40 H 127. 1 -99, NET EACH 10 100 -249, EACH 18 260 -Up, EACH 162
100 -249, EACH 086 250 -Up. EACH 077 Type 168.016 Saddle Octal. Designed for below- chassis mounting.
Type 77A -4T High-Voltage 4- Contact Safety S . For high - Steel plate is molded directly into bakelite body. For 1' hole; 114,' mtg.
voltage, small -base TV rectifier tubes. Takes all 4 -pin types with holes on 116,' ctrs. Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
1.156' base dia., such as 2X2A. Requires I %z' dia. hole. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. 40 H 118. 1-99, NET EACH 09
40 H 147. 1 -99, NET EACH 44 100 -249, EACH 075 260 -Up, EACH 067
100 -249, EACH 375 260-Up, EACH 338 Type 59-355 "Ethylon -A" Octal. Molded of low -loss "Ethylon -A"
Barrier-Type Industrial Octal Sockets. Max. RETMA insulating material. High "Q" factor. For applications where tem-
working voltage, 2,000 DC. Bronze cloverleaf contacts. perature does not exceed 125° F. May be mounted above or below chassis.
Rated 8 amps each contact. Inter -electrode capacitance, Requires I1/4í diameter hole; two 4ru mounting holes on 1 V. centers.
2.6 mmf. Eight screw terminals. Insulating barriers. Top Shpg. 1t 5 oz.
mounting. Includes 4 molded -in threaded inserts for 40 H 182.
1 -99, NET EACH .20
260-Up, EACH 163

use as tie points. Size: i194,xlt3ßx2% Mtg. ctrs., 11%,'. 100 -249, EACH 17
Shpg. wt., 8 oz. Type 49 -SS11L Magnal. Has 14h pin circle to accept 11 -prong
Stock t EACH 150-U EACH cathode -ray tubes. Constructed from low-loss steatite. Steel retaining
ring for quick assembly. Requires I1/s' mounting hole. Shpg. wt., 7 oz.
40 146-103 40 H 090. 1 -99, NET EACH 61
40 I 96CHI60- 100-249, EACH 52 260 -Up, EACH 47
166 Lowest Prices- Highest Quality-Best Service
Sockets, Plugs, Connectors


An excellent selection of octal sockets. Recommended fur receiving and
low -power transmitting equipment. All have high -quality phenolic insul-
ated bases, except Fig. C. which has a low -loss ceramic base. Figs. A, B,
and U have tinned steel saddles; A and B saddles are equipped with CANNON PLUGS AND RECEPTACLES
ground lugs. Fig. A is designed for below chassis mounting. Figs. B and
D mount from top of chassis. Fig. C mounts from top of chassis with TYPE XL CONNECTORS
spring retainer ring. Socket contacts are made of cadmium -plated brass.
Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. per pkg. 3 sechste per pkg. Small 3 and 4 contact connectors. First No. in type column indicates
No. of contacts. *Grip and strain relief spring, shown in Fig. N. 1Steel
Stock Mtg. Mlg. 1 -4 Pkgs. 5-9 Pkgs. 10 or More Pkgs. shell cable clamp. shown in Fig. P. Rating: 15 amp, 3 contact; 10 amp.
No. Fig.
Centers Hole Req. PER PKG. PER PKG. PER PKG. 4 contact. Working voltage, 250. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
41 H 524 A 1Ni' 1/n 234 204 184 STRAIGHT CORD PLUGS
41 H 525 B 1W 204 I 8g
41 H 526 C IYa' 62g 49g Stook No. Typa Fig. Description 1- 24,EA,25- 99,EÁ.
41 H 527 B 1 'As' 155' 224 20e 184 40 H 714 XL -3-12 N Male (pin insert) .88 .79
40 H 713 XL-3 -114 Female (socket insert)
. .91 .82
40 H 788 XL- 3 -11SC1 P Female (socket insert) 2.00 1.79
MINIATURE SOCKETS 40 H 789 XL- 3.12SCt .... Male (pin insert) 1.97 1.76
Special values in high -quality minia- 40 H 794 XL -4-11 .. Female (socket insert) 1.26 1.14
ture receiving tube sockets. Top and 40 H 795 XL -4-12 N Male(pin insert) 1.18 I .06
bottom- mounting types. Available 40 H 796 XL- 4 -11SC1 P Female (socket insert) 2.35 2.12
with either general-purpose phenolic 40 H 797 XL- 4 -12SCt .... Male (pin insert) 2.26 2.04
or mica -tilled phenolic insulated.
bases. Mica -filled types are ideal for low -loss RF use. All sockets have CHASSIS MOUNT RECEPTACLES
cadmium- plated brass contacts, and have cadmium -plated steel saddles.
40 H 716 XL-3 -141 S Male (pin insert) .71 .64
BOTTOM MOUNTING TYPE 40 H 715 Er3-13 . Female (socket insert) .91
40 H 798 II¡7XL -4 -14 S Male (pin insert) I.00 I.9Ó
Miniature -type sockets for below- chassis mounting. 7 -pin types require
1/4 mounting hole; mounting centers are 1/4' apart. 9 -pin types require
40 H 799 IXL 4 -13 .... Female (socket insert) 1.26
154' mounting hole; mounting centers are 1%' apart. Av. shpg. wt.. PANEL MOUNT RECEPTACLES
4 oz. per pkg. 3 per pkg.
40 H 718 XL-3-14N R Male (pin insert) .85 .76
1-4 Pkgs. 5 -9 Pkgs. 10 or More Pkgs. 40 H 717 IXL-3-I3N Female (socket insert) .91 .132
Stock No. Pins Fig. Basa PER PKG. PER PKG. PER PKG. 40 H 754 XL-4-I4N R Male (pin insert) 1.15 1.03
41 H 528 Phenolic
40 H 600 XL-4-I3N ... Female (socket insert) 1.26 I.14
7 E 22
41 H 529 7 E Mica -Filled Phenolic 286 204 224
41 H 530 9 Phenolic TYPE P CONNECTORS
41 H 531 9 Mica-Filled Phenolic 34a 3Ìá 27g 3-contact receptacles and cable connectors for audio circuits. For any
size wires up to No. 10. 15 amp contact capacity. Black phenolic insula-
TOP -MOUNTING TYPE tion. Plugs have steel shells and zinc cable clamps. Av. wt., 4 oz.
Miniature type sockets for top-of- chassis mounting. 7 -pin types require 40 H 707 P3 -13 ....Panel mount. female
534a'mtg. hole; mtg, centers are r/s' apart. 9 -pin types require "Al mtg. (socket) 3.15 2.83
hole; mtg. centers are 11/4' apart. Both types have shielded base. 40 H 757 P3 -14 .. Panel mount male(pin) 1.65 1.48
Shpg. wt., 2 oz. per pkg. 3 per pkg. 40 H 724 P3- CG -11S T Cable plug. Efemale(skt) 3.70 3.33
40 H 701 P3-CG -I2S .... Cable plug, male (pin) 3.03 2.72
40 H 709 l'3 -35 .... Wall receptacle, female
Stock No. Pins Fig. Base
1 -4 Pkgs. 5 -9 Pkgs. 10 or More Pkgs. for 40 II 701 5.38 4.84
41 H 533 Mica-Filled Phenolic 2 8g 204 New Cannon audio connectors witn clamp and resilient socket insulator
7 E 14
41 H 534 9 F Phenolic Satin nickel finish. Av. shpg. wt.. .3 oz.
41 H 535 9 F Mica -Filled Phenolic 314 274 40 H 790 XLR -3 -11C W Female (socket insert) 1.26 I.1 4
40 H 791 IXLR -3.12C I. Male (pin insert)
. I .94 4
RAY -PAR ANTI-CORONA SOCKETS 40 H 792 XLR -3 -31 X Female (socket insert) 1.23
40 H 793 XLR -3 -32 Male (pin insert) .76 I.69
Octal socket for 1B3 high- voltage rectifier tube. Co-
rona ring minimizes breakdown. Laminated bakelite.
Mounts on insulator or on high -voltage filter capaci- Manufac users and industrials -write for special prices on Cannon
tor with screw type terminal. Shpg. wt., .3 oz. Plugs and Receptacles in quantities of 100 or more.
40 H 446. NET 44C
These new sockets have been designed specifically For making up to 8 connections between chassis. Molded
for use with printed circuits. Permit quick. sim- black bakelite. Fits any octal socket. Use with 16F shield.
plified connections to printed -circuit boards. Ex- (below). Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
tremely compact and rugged. Available in choice
of 7 and 9 miniature. or octal types. All sockets
40 H 846. 1 -24. NET EACH 22c
25.99, EACH 194 100 or More, EACH.....184
are bottom -solder type and have mira insulation,
tinned brass contacts, and ground lug. Wt., 3 oz. Type 11PB 11- Contact Plug. Same as above. but with 11 contacts.
Molded black bakelite. Fits 11- contact socket, Type IIRB listed below.
Stock Ne. Type PI ns 1-9, EA, 10-49, EA. 60-99, EA. 100.up,EA. Use with type 16F snap -on shield. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
41 H 550 645 7 10 40 H 847. 26 -99, EA. 211/2e 100 or Mors, EA. 204 1 -24, EA. 24c
41 H 551 612 Octal 356 314 284 2664 TYPE 16F STEEL SNAP -ON SHIELD
41 H 552 653 9 164 144 134 124 Cadmium -plated. durable steel shield. Designed to snap on 8PB and
111'B sockets. For use with extension cables. Rubber grommet with
234' hole protects cable. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
40 H 848. 26 -99, EA. 25e 100 or More, EA. 244 1 -24, EA...28c
For use with 11PB 11- contact plug (above). Molded
from high -dielectric, black bakelite. Hot solder- dipped
tinning on brasa contact terminals for quick, positive
U solder connections. Can be mounted on i4a' thick chassis
using retaining ring. Can also be used with 16F snap -on
HART AND HEGEMAN MIDGET CONNECTORS shield (above) on extension cables. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
Midget bakelite 2 -prong cord connectors and receptacles. Rated 10 40 H 849. 26 -99, EA. 254 100 or Mora, EA. 244 1 -24, EA....28c
amps, 250 volts. 1 -inch hole required for all receptacles. contact
spacing. Terminals are exposed; threaded cover. With plate for screws.
tWith pia e and lock ring. IFits all receptacles listed in table below. H. H. SMITH TV COAX CABLE CONNECTORS
Av. shpg. wt... .3 oz. Low -cost solderless coaxial cable con-
Steak No. Typo FIS Description EACH nectors for use with RG -59/U and other
t diameter cable. Low -loss insulation .

52 N 721 80324 G Male cable connector. .70 Silver-plated for high conductivity. Av .

52 N 722 80325 H Female cable connector. .70 shpg. wt., 2 oz.

52 N 723 80332 Cord connector. 1.02
52 N 724 803304 Terminal cover. .38 Male Connector. For below.
52 N 725 80326 J Female flush receptacle. .72 40 H 300. 10-49, EA. 42e 60 up, EA. 384 1 -9, EA. 47c
52 N 726 80328° IC Male flush receptacle. .84 Female Receptacle. s/s' threader) stem. Chassis type
52 N 727 803271 L Female flush receptacle. 1.02 40 H 301. 10 -49, EA. 420 60 up, EA. 384 1 -9. EA.... 47c
52 N 728 803299 M Male flush receptacle. 1.02 Cable Junction. Feed-through. Both ends fit 40 H 300.
52 N 729 803311 Female flushreceptacle,recessed. 1.02 m 40 H 302. 10 -49, EA. 53e 50 up. EA. 48C 1 -9, EA... 59C
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, III. 167
Amphenol Connectors and Plugs

A B f.


U. L. Approved. All are rated at 15 amps, 110 v., or 10 amps., 250 v.
Miniature type connectors designed especially for interconnection of High-dielectric black bakelite. Fig. G mounts with retainer ring. Re-
miniature electronic equipment. Molded of Blue Amphenol -501 dielec- 1
quires I'/a' hole. Fig. II has mtg. plate. Requires 1'/¡ hole, mtg. centers.
tric. Silver base plated, gold finished contacts will not tarnish. All hard- slotted 1 W to Ws'. Fig..' is recessed type. Requires l% hole, mtg.
ware is solid nickel-plated brass. Three types available, all interchange- centers, P/o'. Fig. K is shielded type with clamp. *For standard or
able. Hex nut type. Fig. A has threaded body for mounting to panel. polarized plugs. All are 2 pole except t 3 pole. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
Requires íj4u dia. mounting hole. This type also available with a lock -
ing clip (Fig. in for mating with the hood and cable clamp type where RETAINER RING TYPE
a locking feature is desirable. Fig. C shows the hood and cable clamp
type. ('able clamp takes strain off cable, prevents broken connections. Stock Mfr's. NET EACH
Type Fig. Description
Overall diameter, hex nut type only W; cable clamp type, W. Overall No. 1 -99 100-249 250-Up
length, cable clamp type, l's,$.'. Av. shpg. wt., 5 oz. 40H 675 61 -M G Male Standard
MALE CONNECTORS 40 H 676 61 -MP G Male Polarized 204 17e 15
40 H 081 60-M G Male Polarrzedt 254 211/2c 194
Stock Mlr'a Con-
Fig. Description
NET EACH 40 H 677
40 H 082
61 -F G Female Universal 194 16e I414
No. Type tacts 1.9 10 -49 60 -F G Female Polarizedt 224 194 174
126 -010
Hex nut type, for panel mtg.
Has nul type, for panel mtg.
40 H 636 126 -012 9 A Hex nut type, for panel mtg. .98 .73 40 H 680 61-MI H Male Standard
I .38 .04 40 H 681 I 61-MPI H Male Polar úzed 234
34 19SSt
6 175í
40 H 644 126 -217 5 C Hood and cable clamp type I 40 H 083 60-M1 H Male Polarrzedt 274 23S}0 215
40 H 646 126 -195 7 C Hood and cable clamp type I .52 I .1 5 40 H 682 61-F1 Female Universal
40 H 648 126 -220 Hood and cable clamp type 1.59 1.20
H 236 195 174
9 C 40 H 084 60-Fl H Female Polarizedt 244 2Ie 19e
40 H 638 126 -216 5 B Hex nut type, with locking clip .82 .62 WITH BELOW- SURFACE SHELL
40 H 640 126 -197 7 B Has nut type, with locking clip .98 .73
40 H 642 126 -219 9 B Hex nut type. with locking clip 1.04 .78 40 H 685 61M10 1 Male Standard 296 245 22S}4
40 H 686 6IMPIO I 1 I Male Polarized
FEMALE CONNECTORS 40 H 687 61E10 1 [Female Universal 284 24ÿ5t 22
No. Type tacts
F'e- Description I.9 10-49 4 H 690 6114I1 N Male Standard
40 H 633 126 -011 5 A Hes nut type, for panel mtg. 1.20 .90 40 H 691 6IMPII
40 H 692 61F11
N 334
274 2k
Male Polarized
Female Universal

40 H 635 126 -192 A Has nut type, for panel mtg. 1.7 .28
N 264 245
1 I 40 H 693 L60M11 N 385 Male Polarizedt
32e 286_
40 H 637 126-013 9 A Hez nut type, for panel mtg. 1.55
40 H 645 126-223 5 C Hood and cable clamp type 1.79 1.34 Typo 61- MIP-61F. Female receptacle. Same as Fig. H above except
40 H 647 126.196 7 C Hood and cable clamp type 2.29 1.72 has molded -in pla e. Two mounting holes on 11' centers. Takes all
40 H 649 126.222 9 C Hood and cable clamp type 2.65 I .99
standard or polar sed 2 -pole plugs. High -dielectric, black, bakelite
insulation. Shpg. wt.. 3 o,.
40 H 639 126 -218 5 B Hen nut type, with locking clip 1.26 .95 40 H 085. 1 -99 NET EACH I9C
40 H 641 126-198 7 8 Hen nut typa, with locking clip 1.73 1.30 100 to 249, EACH 165. 260 or Moro, EACH 145
40 H 643 126-221 9 B Hex nut type, with locking clip 2.12 1.59 Typo 61 -61. Shell only. Converts all Fig. G male plugs and female re-
ceptacles to Fig. J, for recessed mounting. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
IploLast letter in Type No. indicates
40 H 086. 1 to
100 to 249, EACH
74 260 or Moro, EACH .
long (Type or short e Last
fig. in Type n denotes contacte. MULTI-WIRE CONNECTORS
PCG-chassis type. Figs. U and Matching Amphenol male and female
F are female types; Fig. E, male. cable connectors. Take cables up to
Shpg. wt., oz.
0 2 Tfe' O.U. Male types can be plugged
into chassis -mounted tube sockets.
No. Typo Flo. 1-49, EA. 60-149, EA. 160-Up, EA. Size, 11/20li1/2'. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
40 320 91-MPF31.
1) 275 24 2 1 t MALE
40 H 571 D 274 24e 214
40 91-MPF4L
H 321 D 294 240 Stock Mfr's. NET EACH
40 91-MPF4S
H 572 D 274 244 2Ì4 No. Tr po Peones 1 -99 100 -249 260-Up
40 H 325 91-MPM3L E 214 40 H 524 78 -PF4
40 H 573 91-MPM4S E 234 20 184
4 174 1410 134
40 H 525 78 -PF5 5 184 154 144
40 H 326 91-MPM41, E 245 214 194 40 H 526 78 -PF6 6 194 164 144
40 H 574 91-MPM4S E 234 40 H 527 78 -PF7S 7S 20 1615 154
40 H 91-MPMSL E 264 234 2004 40 H 528 78-PF8 8 octal 194 164 145
328 91-MPM6L E 40 516 78-PF9 21t
40 H 330 78-PCG3 F 564 Ì 3ÿst I22í 40
H 517 78 -PF11
I1 225
40 H 331 78-PCG4 F 131/24
40 H 332 78-PCGS
40 H 333 78-PCG6
18t 151/24 144 FEMALE
196 164 144 Stook Mfr's. Con-
No. Typo mots 1 -99 100 -249 260-Up
Standard plugs of durable bakelite construction. For use 40 H504 4 215 17' /at 165
40 H505 86-l'MS 5 214 17 Yzt 165
as chassis or panel connectors. Prongs securely fastened 40 H506 86-PM6 6 224
to body. Use adapter plate listed below for replacement 18 Yzt 175
mounting in present equipment. With mounting ring for 40 H507 86-PM 7S 7S 234 195 17
l'1/2t' holes except 1.328' keyed hole. 9 and 11 -prong 40 H508 86-PM8
86 -l'M9
8 224 I8t I6í
plugs have guide post and aligning key. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. 40 H 512 9 224 1811 175
No. Mfr's Type Prongs 1-99, EA. 100-249, EA. 250-Up, EA.
40 H 513 86 -PM11 I I 234 1911 17%zí
40 H 015 86-CP4 4 t 954 85t Amphenol Cable Clamp. Typo 79 -CC4. For use with above connec-
40 H 016

tors. Relies es strain on soldered connections. Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
86-CP5 5 104 40 H 670. 1 -49 NET EACH 5c
40 H 017 86 CP6 6 136 t 10t 60 to 149, EACH 44 150 or Moro, EACH 3)4t
1 1

40 H 018 86 CP7L 7-Large 154 121/2 I


40 H 019 86-CP7S 7-Small 144 1 1St 100 SOCKETS AND PLUGS

40 H 020 86-CP8 Octal 121/44 101/2s 9Sit
40 H 021 86-CP9 9 134 I4 100 Single-contact sockets and plugs. Molded bakelite
It bodies. Sockets mount in W hole. Supplied with

40 H 022 86-CPII 11 14t 12t 1

Amphenol 2 -11 retainer ring. Contacts recessed '/s'

Adaptor Plato. Nicke plated steel. For use vial all Type CP plugs to prevent shorts and possibility of shock from ex-
above except 86-CP7L. 11' to 11/2 centers. Shpg. wt., 2 oz posed metal. Shpg. wt.. I oz.
40 H 023. NET 2C
Stock Mirs. NET EACH
TYPE 71 PLUGS Description
IICompact, efficient, high- dielectric plugs. Ideal for all plug -in No. Type 1 -99 100-249 250-Up
connections where space is limited. Excellent for transmitters, 41 H 153 71 -1L Plug. Red. For s/u' socket.
receivers, intercoms. etc. Body ie made of high quality bake- H 154 Plug. Black. Same as above. .03 .025 .023
lite Molded ring allows firm, non -slip finger grip. Securely
anchored, nickel-plated brass prongs; deeply recessed to pre-
41 H 156
71 -1L
71 -1M Plug. Red. For /'
41 H 157 71 -IM Plug. Black. Same as above.
vent shorts caused by pulled back insulation. Easily soldered. 41 H 158 71 -1S Plug. Red. For s/u' socket. .03 .025 .023
Contacts are polarized to assure proper connection. For 41 H 159 71.1S Plug. Black. Sarre an above.
cables with up to six conductors. Fit Amphenol 78 -S series miniature
sor kcts on page 166. Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. 41 H 160 78-IL Socket. Red. For Ms* plug.
NET EACH 41 H 161 78-IL Socket. Black. Same as above.
No. Mfr's' Prongs 41 H 162 781M Socket. Red. For Ye plug. .05 .043 .039
Typo 1 -99 100 -249 260-Up 41 H 163 78 -IM Socket. Black. Same as above.
40 H 177 71 -3S
40 H 169 71 -4S
4 41
164 78 -IP
165 78 IP
Red. Std. 080' phone tip.
Black. Same as above.
41 H 149 7155 5 9t 7%6 74 41 H 166 78 IS Socket. Red. For 3,6/. .05 .043 .039
40 H 179 71 -6S 6 IOt 81}24 7'/24 41 H 167 78 IS Socket. Black. Same as above.

166 Depend on Allied for Everything in Radio, Television and Industrial Electronics
Amphenol Connectors

27 8
--/ 27-11 27 -6
o m
Type "113" Ceexlal Cable Connecters. Alert government specs. Subminiature RF connectors for use with Aurplu-nol suhniiui..tu re
*Polystyrene insulation. !Mica -filled insert. ;For twin coax RG -22/U axial cable. Feature high efficiency, plus space -saving design. Use screw -
an4 RG -22A /U cable. Av. Mpg. wt., 3 oz. on types with each other; push -on connectors only with push -on types,
75-ohm and S0 -ohm types cannot be inter -mixed. Plugs fit jacks, bulk
UHF Small Si ngt. Contact. Popular connectors for any RF application. head jacks or receptacle.. For cables use plugs and jacks. Use bulkhead
jacks for chsenis or panel mounting if internal wiring is coax; use roc
ataco mira NLr EACH ceplacles If internal wiring is non -coax. Feed -through typen are for per
No. Military No.
Fig. Description -rq-10-49 manent feed- through connection. All connectors have gold -plated bodice
40H 357 UG- 106/U, M -360 83-1H D For RG /U 8, 9. 10, and contacte. Shpg. wt. 3 oz.
II, 12, 13, 63 .21 .16 50 OHM PUSH -ON
40 H 360 ÚG175 /U 83 -185 Reducing Adapter for
RG/11 29, 55 .21 .16 Stock Mfr's Description For Amphenol Cables
40 H 359 UG -176/U 83-168 Reducing Adapter for No. Type 1 -9 10 -49
RG /U59, 62 .18 .14 40 H 470 27.1 Plug 21 -598 (RG- 174/ U) .9I .69
40 H 351 UG-177/U 83 -765 D For RG /U 29, 55, 584 .26 .2C 40 M 495 27 -6 Right -Angle Plug 21 -598 (RG-174. U) 2.79 2.10
40 4 373 UG- 203/U, 49482 83 -776 A For RG/U 55, 584, 40 H 47 I 27 -2 Jack 21 -598 (RG -174' U) .91 .69
or. 1.03 .77
40 H 472 27 -3 Receptacle .94 .71
40.1356 UG- 365 /U, PL-274 83 -1F Feed- Through Connector 1.94 1.46 40 H 473 27 -4 Jack. Buihkead 21.598 (RG -174. U) 1.09 .81
40 4 353 UG- 646/U, M- 359 83-lAP Right Angle Plug Adapter 1.47 I.I 1 40 H 474 27 -5 Feed - Through 1.47 1.11
401-1 354 M-358, 49199 83 -114) "T" Adapter 1.97 1.48 40 H 044 27-27 Receptacle. Hermetic 2.65 1.99
40 H 355 PL-258, 49191 83 -118 C Straight Adapter 1.00 .75 40 H 045 27-801 Terminator 521-596 21.598 (RG- 174 /U) .62 .46
40 el 350 PL.259 49190 83 -ISPt A For RG, U 8, 9, l0, 11,
12, 13 .71 .53 50 OHM SCREW-ON
40 41 372 PL-259A, 49195 83 -ISPN A For 9, 10. 11
12, 13, 63. 65 .97 .73 Stock Mfr's Description For Amphenol Cables
40M 352 S0 -239 49194 83 -IRt B Receptacle ChassisType .73 .55 No. Typs 1 -9 10-49
40M 358 83 -1AC Bap and Chain .53 .40 40 H 475 27 -7 Plug 21 -598 (RG -174. U) .82 .62
40 H 476 27 -8 lack 21 -598 (RG -174 U) .88 .67
UHF Small Twin Contact. For use with 2- conductor coax cables. 40 H 477 27 -9 Receptacle .94 .71
40 H 478 27-10 lack, Bulkhead 21-598 (RG -174 U) 1.00 .75
40M 361 UG-102/U, PI-284 83 22SP; A Straight plug 1.00 .75 40 H 479 27 -11 Feed-Through 1.62 1.22
40N 362 UG-103 /U,S0-264 83 -22R. B Chuffs receptacle
2.20 I .66
40N 374 UG-104 /U, PL-293 83-22AP: Right -angle adapter 1.88 40 H 480 27 -12 Receptacle. Hermetic
40M511 UG-105/U, PL-285 83 221 C Straight Adapter 1.18 88 40 H 496 27 -26 Right-Angle Plug 21 -598 (RG- 174'U) 2.35 1.76
4011518 PL-275 83.22F Straight Bulkhead
40 H 046 27 -28 Adapter,Submrn -BNC 2.94 2.20
Adapter 2.20 1.66 40 H 047 27 -800 Receptacle Drntd -crct .73 .55
Solderlen Type UHF Plug Connectors. NET EACH
Stock Mfr's Description For Amphenol Cabin
40H .. No. Type l -9 10 -49
40H 510 83-851 Plug 8,9.. 10.
40N 481 1.12 .84
G I l2r 13C 63. 1.09 I.8? 27 -13 Plug 21 -597
3.00 2.25
40 H 497
1 1 1

27 -18 Right -Angle Plug 21 -597

40 H 457 27 -14 Jack 21 -597 I .12 .84
BNC Typo Conn.cters. Small lightweight, weatherproofed connectors. 4004 458 27 -15 Receptacle 1.12 .84
1-ow voltage, single contact types for use with 50 ohm RG-55/I1 and 40 H 459 27 -16 Jack. Bulkhead 21-597 I .47 I .I I
RG 38 /U rables except for use with 70 ohms RG -S9/U. RG -62/U and 40H 460 27-17 Feed -Through 1.56 I.17
RG 71. 'U. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
Stock Mfr's cs sown 75 OHM SCREW-ON
Military No. Type Fig. Description -T9-11--49 NET EACH
Stock Mfr's Description For Amphenol Cables
4 3H 391 UG -88/U 31-002 E Plug I .15 .86 No. Type 1 -9 10-49
4 DH 393 06 -89 /U 31 -005 Jack 1.23 .93 I .03 .77
4 DH 396 UG -260 /U 31-012 E Plug 1.26 .95 40 H 461 27 -19 Plug 21 -597
4 3H397 UG -261/U 31 -015 lack 1.29 .97 40 H 498 27-25 Right -Angle Plug 21 -597 2.59 1.94
40 H 462 27 -20 lack 21 -597 1.00 .75
4 3H 395 UG -262'U 31-011 Panel lack 1.35 1.02 40 H 463 27 -21 Receptacle 1.09 .81
4 OH 392 UG -290/U 31 -003 Receptacle 1.06 .79 .32 .99
4 314399 UG -291 /U 31 -001 Panal Jack 1.29 .97 40 H 464 27-22 Jack, Bulkhead 21 -597 1

4 314394 UG -306 /U 31-009 Right Angle Adapter 3.09 2.31 40 H 465 27 -23 Feed- Through ... I .59 I.2.0
40H 466 27-24 Receptacle.He metic 2.41 1.81
4 DH 398 116.657/U 31-102 Receptacle 1.62 1.22
4 DH 490 CW -l23 /U 31.006 Cap end Chain .50 .37
4 314 491 CW 155 /U 31 -007 . Cap .35 .26 CRIMPING TOOLS FOR SUBMINAX CONNECTORS
4 0 H 492 UG -774 'U 31-008 T Adapter 3.18 2.37 Stak Mfr's ForAmphenol wt. ncr
4 DI-- 493 I1G -273'U 31 -028 BNC to UHF Adapter 2.00 .5C I No. Type Description
escr Cables Oz- EACH
4 or- 4941 UG -492A, U 31 -220 Adapter 3.06 2.29 6014 467 27-900 Crimp Tool 21 -598
(R6 -174/ U) 12 1 2.25
T r pe N Connectors. 1-ow voltage 50 ohms except 70 ohms. 3 or 40 H 468 27 -901 Crimp Tool 21-597 12 1 2.25
40 H 469 27 -902 Adapter for 27-901 For connectors
40 H 31 3 UG -21B /U 82 -61 .... Plug for RG /U 8, 9, 10 I .85 I .39 27 -13, 27 -14 a I .37
40 H 314 UG -22B/U 82-62 Panel Jack for RG/U11.
40 14 31 5 UG -23B /U 82 -63 .. Jack for RC /U 8, 9, 10 1.41 I .06
40 H 31 2 ÚG-58, U 82.244) F Receptacle 1.21 .90 Versatile. shielded connectors with 11, 15 and
40 H 316 11G -94A /U 82.840 Plutfor RG /U 11, 12,13 2.15 .61 20 contacta. Two-types--cable and chassis.
40 H 519 UG- 1074/U 82.36 T Adapter 5.32 3.99
May be combined for "pull -out" rack mount-
40 14 520 UG -27A/ U 82.64 Right -Angle Adapter 3.59 2.69 ing. inter -connecting several units, and extend-
40 14521 UG -29A /U 82 -65 Straight Adapter 1.65 1.23 ing conductors. Mica -filled phenolic plastic
has high impact strength, low loss and low
40 14 522 UG -30 /U 82-66 Bulkhead Adapter 2.32 1.74 shrinkage. Non- rotating contacts are silver -
40 14523 UG -96A /U 82.90 Panel lack for RG /111132 2.00 1.50 plated with .00002' hard gold .hell. Plating
40 14529 UG -584/U 82-97 F Receptacle 1.26 .95 givra improved appearance, makes soldering
40 14558 UG- 1078 /U 82.102 T Adapter 4.15 3.11 easier and faster -no pre- tinning of solder cups is required. All have
40 i- 559 UG- 167A /U 82 -104 ... Plug for RG /U 17. 18 5.35 4.02 eyelets inserted In mounting holes for added strength, and interlocking
40 14560 06- 1185/U 82 -312 Plug RG /U 8. 9.10,874, 3.88 2.91 barriers to prevent accidental shorting. Rated at 9110 v., 60 cycles, AC.
40 11561 UG- 1186 /U 82 -313 .... Jack 115, II5A 3.35 2.52 Insert only; all others with can. Cable type. 4 oz., chassis type, 2 oz.
40 11562 ÚG1187 /U 82-314 Panel Jack 3.50 2.63 Contacb NET EACH
Stock Mfr's Total Description
No. Type Contacts No. 16 No. 20 1 -9 10 -49
Typa M H Connectors. High voltage. 50 ohms. Av. shpg. wt., 3oz.
4014 530 126 -804 ll 2 9 Chassis plug 1.04
40 H 375 UG-594/U 82.38 Plug for RG /U 8, 9, 10 2.44 1.83 40 H 531 126 -805 2 9 Chassis socket .82 .62
4014317 00-598/U 82.804 Plug for RG /U 8, 9. 10 3.38 2.54 40 H532 126 -809 ÌÌ 2 9 Cable plug 1.65 1.23
40H318 UG-560/U 82 -805 Receptacle 3.03 2.27 40 H533 126 -808 11 2 9 Cable socket 1.41 1.06
40H 563 UG-1213/U 82 -320 Plug For RG /U 8, 6.47 4.85 1 40 H534 126.1510 IS 3 12 Chassis plug 1.26 .95
40H514 116-1214/U 02 -321 Jack ) 9, 10. 81A, 612 4.61 40 H535 126 -150 15 3 Chassis socket
40H 515 UG-1215/U 82 -324 Panel Jack 135, 1154 6.47 4.85 J 40 H536 126.152 15 3 12 Cable plug I.91 1.43
40 H537 126 -153 15 3 12 Cable rocket 1.52 1.15
Typo and LC Connectors. Slipp, wt.. 3 oz.
C 40 H538 126.806 20 4 16 Chassis plug 1.79 1.34
40H 539 126.807 20 4 16 Chassis socket 1.47 1.11
40H 4881 ÚG-154 N 82 -59 Plug for RC ell 17, 18
I I I 11.32 8.49 ) 40H 540 126-811 20 4 16 Cable plug 2.56 1.92
40H 4891 UG 573A -U 82 -530 Plug for RG /U 8.9. 10 3.47 2.61 H
40H 541 126-810 20 4 16 Cable socket 2.23 1.68

Industrial Users -Write for Quantity Prices on Connectors in Lots of 50 or More 169
Amphenol AN Connectors

AN 3101A AN 3102A AN 3106A AN 31068 AN 3108A AN 31088


Amphenol "AN" connectors for use in aircraft and other critical applica-
tions. The connectors you receive will have either the "AN" markings or
the government's new 'MS" markings -connectors with the same ALLIED STOCKS ALL AMPHENOL AN CONNECTORS
numerical designations are identical in every respect whether marked Allied can supply any Amphenol Type AN (MS) connector directly
"AN" or "MS'. Explanation of typo nos.: E.g., Type 3102A-20-7P.
Letter "A" after first 4 digits indicates solid shell (letter "B" would from stock. Only the most popular types are listed below. To order
mean split shell.)
-20- -20- indicates shell size in lóth's of an inch;
means °94i', or 11/.... The final letter "P" indicates male contacts
any type not listed, give complete Amphenol Type No. and descrip-
tion. Write for special prices on quantifies of 50 or more of any
(pins); type numbers ending in "S" 'ndicate female contacts (sockets). one type.
Av. shpg. wt., 6 os.
Size SS Size 145 ( cont'd) Size 20 ( cont'd) Sise 28 (cont'd)
Con- Con- Con- Con-
Stak No. "AN" Type lacis NET Stock No. "AN" Type tacts NET Stock No. "AN" Typs tacts NET Stock No. "AN" Type tacts NET
39 H 700 3102* -8S -IP I 39 H 762 3102A-11S-7S 3 39 H 827 3102A -20.75 8 1.20 39 H 897 3102A- 28.12P 26 2.04
39H 701 3106* -8S -1P 1 .75 39 H 763 3106A-11S-7S 3 .96 39 H 828 3106A -20 -7$ 8 1.74 39 H 898 3106A- 28 -12P 26 2.89
39H 702 3108* -8S -IP 1 1.16 39 H 764 3108A-11S-7S 3 1.52 39 H 829 3102A -20-9P 8 1.18 39 H 899 3100A -28 -125 26 3.06
39H 703 3102A -8S -1S 1 39 H 765 31088-I4S-7S 3 39 H 830 3106A- 20 -1IP 13 1.86 39 H 900 3102A -28 -125 26 2.58
39 H 766 3101A-14S-9P 2 1.83 39 H 831 3102A- 20.115 13 2.33 39M901 3106A -28 -125 26 3.43
Sise 10S 39 H 767 3102A- 14S -9P 2 39 H 832 3102A- 20 -15P 7 1.22 39 H 902 31068 -28 -125 26 3.74
Con- 39 H 768 3106*- ]4S -9P 2 .88 39 H 833 3106A- 20-I5P 7 1.78 39 H 903 3102*- 28 -I5P 35 2.84
Stock No. "AN" Type tacts NET 39 H 769 3102A- 11S -9S 2 39 H 834 3102A- 20-155 7 1.78 39 H 904 3106A- 28 -15P 35 3.69
39 H 770 3106A- 14S -9S 2 .91 39 H 835 3102*- 20.16P 9 1.06 39 H 905 3102A -28 -155 3.02
39 H 704 3102A-I0S-2P 1 .44 39H 771 31088- 14S -9S 1.05 39 H 836 3106A- 20 -16P 9 1.62 35
39 H 705 3102A-1OS-2S 1 .44 39 H 906 3I06A -28 -155 35 3.87
39H 706 3106A-10S-2S 1
39 H 837 3102A- 20-IOP 9 1.21 3914 907 3102A- 28 -16P 1.91
39H 707 31088-1OS-2S 1 .93 Sise 16 39 H 838 3102A -20 -185 9 1.40 39 H 908 3106A- 28 -16S 20 3.02
39 H 839 31024- 20 -27P 14 1.40 39 H 909 3106A- 28 -20P 14 2.74
Con- 39 H 840 3106A -20 -27P 14 1.96 39H910 3106A -28 -205 3.20
Size 10SL Stock No. "AN" Type tacts NET 39 H 841 31068.20 -27P 11 2.33 3914 911
3102A-20.2IP 2.94
Con- 39 H 772 3106A- 16-1OP 3 1.18 39 H 842 31088 -20-27P 14 2.42 39 )4 912 3106A- 28 -2IP 37 3.79
Stock No. "AN" Typo tacts NET 39 H 773 3101 *- 16-1IP 2 1.01 39 H 843 3100A-20 -27S 1.70 31024 -28.21$ 37 3.12
39H 708 3106A- 10SL -IS 2 .69 39 H 774 3102A- 16-1IP 2 39 H 844 3102A- 20.275 14 39 H 914 3106A -28 -215 37 3.97
39H 709 3100A- 10SL -3P 39 H 775 3106A- 16-11S 2 1.22 39 H 845 3106A-20 -27S 14 2.01
39H 710 3101A- 10SL -3P 3 .73 39 H 776 3106A- 16-I2P 1 1.44 39 H 846 31068 -20 -27S 14 2.38 Size 32
39H 711 3102A- 10SL -3P 3 .56 39 H 847 3108A- 20.275 u 3.18
39H 712 3106A-10SL-3S Size 165 39 H 848 31088 -20 -275 14 2.47 "AN" Type Con-
39H 713 3102A-10SL-IP 2 .47 Con-
39 H 849 3102A- 20-29P Stock No. tacts NET
39H 714 3108A-I0SL-1S 2 Stock No. "AN" Type tacts NET
39 H 850 3106A -20 -29P 17 2.14 39 H 915 31064.32 -7P 35 4.41
39H 715 31088-10SLIS 2 1.03 39 H 851 3102A- 20 -29S 39H916 3106B-32 -7P 35 4.38
39 H 777 3101A- 16S -1P 7 1.10 39 H 852 3106A-20 -29S 17 2.16 39 H 917 3102A -32 -75 35 3.67
Size 12SL 39 H 778 3102A- 165 -1P 7 39 H 918 3106A -32 -75 35 5.03
39 H 779 3106A- 165 -IP 7 1.15 39H919 3102A- 32 -13P 23 3.09
39 H 780 31088.165-IP 7 1.45 Sise 22 39 H 920
39H 781 3100A- 16S -1S 7 1.01
3102A -32 -135 23 3.09
Stock No. NET Cos-
Stak AN" Type
39H7 63196AN12SL-BIISIGaI240 39 H 782 3102A- 16S -1S No. tacts NET Size 36
39 H 783 3106A- 16S -1S 1.13 39 H 853 3102A -22 -5P 1.08
Size 125 39 H 784 31068- 16S -IS 7 1.52 39 H 854 3106A -22 -55 6 2.22 Con -
39 H 785 3108B- 165 -1S Stock No. "AN" Type tacts NET
7 39 H 855 3100A -22 -HP 19 2.01
Con- 39 H 786 31024- 16S -5P 3 1.59 39 H 856 3102A- 22 -14P 19 1.69 39 H 921 31068 -36 -5P 4 4.93
Stock No. "AN" Type tacts NET 39 H 787 3106A- 16S -5S 3 1.05 39 H 857 3106 *- 22 -11P 19 2.35 39 H 922 3102A -36 -55 4 4.64
39H 717 3102A- 12S -3P 2 .44 39 H 788 3106*- 16S -6P 3 1.01 39 H 858 31088- 22 -14P 19 2.76
39H718 3106A- 125 -3P 2 39 H 789 3102A- 16S -8P S .71 39 H 859 3100 *- 22 -14$ 19 2.22 DUST CAPS
39H 719 3108A- 12S-3P 2 1.27 39 H 790 3102*- 16S -8S S .75 39 H 860 3102A -22 -IIS 19 1.89
39H 720 3100A-12S -3S 2 39 H 791 3106A- 16S -8S 5 1.11 39 H 861 3106A -22 -145 19 2.57 Provide protection
39H 721 3102* -12535 .47 39 H 862 against live circuits
2 3106B-22-11S 19 3.07 and from dirt and
3 H 722 3106.12S-3S 2 Si:* 18 39 H 863 3108A -22-145 19 3.74 dust when con-
39H 723 3108A-12S-3S 2 1.30 39 H 864 3108B-22 -145 19 2.97 nector is not in use.
39 H 724 Con-
39H 725
2 1.05
.46 Stock No. "AN" Type tacts NET 39 H
39 H
3106*- 22 -18P
3102 * -22 -IOS
1.94 With internal
1 1.30 threads for use on
39H 726 3106A-12S-IS 39 H 792 3102 * -18 -IP 10 1.10 39 H 867 3102A- 22.19P 1.50 all receptacles
39 H 727 31088-12S-4S 1.05 39 H 793 3106A -18 -1P 10 1.54 3-9 H 868 3102A -22 -195 14 1.57 listed. Have soft
39 H 794 3108B -18 -1P 10 1.96 3914 869 3106A-22 -195 14 2.23 rubber gasket. Shp*. wt., 2 ue.
Size 14S 39 H 795 *
3100 -I9 -1S 10 1.40 39 H 870 3106A- 22 -23P 1.98
39 H 796 3102A -18 -1S 10 1.18 39 H 871 3102A- 22 -23$ 1.83 Stock Mir's
Con- 39 H 797 3106A-18 -1S 10 1.62 No. Typs Fits Shell NET
Stock No. "AN" Type tuts NET 39 H 798 31068-18 -1S 10 2.14 39 H 923
39 H 729 3102A-14S-1P 3 799 3108A -I8 -IS 10 2.62 Si:. 24 924
9760- 8
105, 1051 .42
39 H 730 3106A-IIS-IP 3 .93 H 3108B-18-IS 10 2.04 Con- 39 1Hf 9760-12 12, 12S .46
39 H 731 3102A-11S-1S 3 .66 39 H 801 3102A -18 -3P .73 Stock No. "AN" Typs tacts NET 39 H 926 9760-11 1251,11,IIS .54
39 H 732 3106A-14S-IS 3106A -18 -3$ 1.35 39 H 872 39 H 927 9760-16 16, 16S .66
39 H 733 3106-14$-15 1.52
2 3106A -24 -5P 16 2.32
3 3911 803 *
3102 -18 -IP 4 .78 39 H 873 3102A -24 -5S 16 1.88 39 H 928 9760-18 Io .69
39 H 734 31088-14S-1S 1.1 3106 * -18 -IP 4 1.22 39 H 874 3106A -24-5S 16 2.62 39 H 929 9760-20 20
39 H 735 3102A-10-2P 3102A -18 -IS 4 .88 39 H 875 31088 -21 -SS 16 2.97 39 H 930 9760-22 22 75
39 H 736 3106A-14S-2P 4 .93 39H8Ó6 3106A -18 -OS 4 1.32 39 H 876 3106A -24 -7P 16 2.32 39 H 931 9760-21 .78
39 H 737 31068-14S-2P 4 .25 39 H 807 3102A -18 -8P 1.03 39 H 877
39 H 738 3108*-I4S-2P 4

L49 39H 808

8 3100A-24.7S 16 2.18
39 H 739 3I00A-11$-2S 3106A -18 -8P 8 1.47 39 H 878 3106* -21 -75 16 2.58 CABLE CLAMPS
4 .93 39 H 809 3102A -18 -85 6 1.20 39 H 879 31088-21 -7S 16 2.94
39 H 740 3101*- 14S -2S 3106A-18 -8S 8 1.64 3914 880 3106A -21 -9P 2 2.42 Sturdy cable
39 H 741 31024.145 -2S 4 .76 39H81í 3102A -18.9P 7 1.00 39 H 881 3102A -24 -9S 2 1.86 clamps to support
39 H 742 3106A- I4S -2S 4 1.01 39H812 3106A -18 -9P 7 1.44 3911 882
wire or cable at
39 H 743 3106B- 14S -2S 4 1.34 39 H 813 *
3106A- 21 -12P 5 2.55 the plug or recep-
39 744 3108A- 14S-2S
3100 -18 -95 7 1.37 39 H 883 3106 *- 21 -20P 2.09 tacle and prevent
39 H 745 31088- 14S -2S 4 1.57 39H814 3106A -18 -9S 7 1.59 39 H 884 3102*- 24 -20S 11 1.49 twisting or pull-
4 1.15 39H815 3102A- 18-11P S 1.03 39 H 885 31014- 21.28P 24 2.19 ing. Die-cast alu-
39 H 746 3102A-14S-1S -31. 39H816 3106Aá8-11P S 1.47 39 H 886 3102A-21 -28P 24 1.70 m in um f o r
39H 747 3101A-I4S-SP S 1.00 39H 817 3106A- 18-12P 1.34 39 H 887 strength and
39 H 748 3102A-14S-SP .73 39
6 31064-24 -28P 21 2.43
39 H 749 3I06A-HS-5P
S H 818 3102A -18-125 6 1.03 39 H 888 31004-24.28$ 21 2.55 light weight. Screws and washers
39 H 750 3100A-11S-5S
S 1.05 39H819 3106A -18-125 6 1.47 39 H 889 31024- 24 -28$ 24 2.22 plated. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
S 1.00 3914 820 3102A- 18-15S 4 2.68 39 H 890 3106A-24 -285 24 2.96
39 H 751 3102A-11S-5S 5 .76 39 H 821 Stock "AN"
3102A- 18 -16S 1 1.10 3914 891 31068- 24.28$ 24 3.30
39 H 752 3106A-1IS-5S 1-.08 No. Type Fits Shell NET
39 H 753 31068-14S-5S S 1.40 Size 20 39 H 932 3057- 3 85, 105 .33
39 H 754 3108*-I0-SS 5 1.64 Size 28 39 H 933 3057- 4 10SL,12,125 .35
39.4 755 31088-14S-5S 5 1.21 Con- Con- 39 H 934 3057- 6 14,14S .37
39 H 756 3102A-11S-6P .83 ,.AN" Type
6 Stock No. tacts NET Stock No. "AN" Type tacb NET 39 H 935 3057- a 16, 165 .40
39 H 757 3106A- 11S -6S 6 1.15 39 H 822 3102A -20-4P 4 .98 39 H 892 3102A- 28 -10 2.22 39 H 936 3057-10 18 .43
39 H 758 31088 IIS -6S
- 3106A -20-4$ 4 1.78 39 H 893 3106A- 28 -11P 22 3.07 39 H 937 3057-12 20, 22 .46
39 H 759 3102A- 115 -7P 3 1.62 339 H 824 3102A -20-7P 1.08 39 H 894 3102A- 28 -11S 22 2.50 3914 938 3057-16 21, 28 .51
39 H 760 3106A- 14S -7P 3106A -20-7P 1.64 39 H 895 3106*- 28-11S 22 3.35 39 H 939 3057-20 32 .88
39 H 761 3101 *- lIS -7S 3 .9 1 39 M 826 310IÁ-20 -7S 1.60 39 H 896 31068- 28 -11S 22 3.66 39H 940 3057-24 36 .93
170 Write for Quantity Prices on 50 or More of Any One Type
Amphenol Connectors

o 0 0
Amphenol Type 26 Blue Ribbon connectors for heavy-duty operation. their lull length on the dielectric. Dielectric configuration makes it im-
Provide an excellent solution to multi- circuit connection, switching and possible to overstress or fatigue contacts and individual protective bar-
re- routing problems. Unique. self- cleaning spring contacts maintain rier between each spring member insures proper spacing. Bodies are
continuity even under conditions of severe vibration. Do not require diallyl phthalate blue dielectric and meet government specifications.
visual alignment -ideal for use in hidden hard -to -reach locations. Have high insulation resistance and stability. Mounting plates are made
Positive polarization prevents animating of connectors. Feature low of corrosion -resistant stainless steel and are molded into the body. 4301
insertion and withdrawal force, but provide exceptionally firm, positive Series has end cable outlet; 4501 Series has side cable outlet. Sin Type
contact. Exclusive spring-tension contacts are heavily silver base plated No. indicates socket contacts; P indicates plug contacts. For wire size
and gold finished; will not tarnish or corrode. Plug contacts are supported up to No. 16. Rated S amperes at 600 v., DC. Av. shpg. wt., 5 oz.
Con Stock Mfr's Stock Mfr's Con- Stock Mfr's Stock
Lich No. Type 1-9 10 -49 No. Type 1 -9 1049 (sets No. Type 1 -9 10-49 No. Typo 1-9 1049
8 40 H 542 182 1.02 .76 OH 543 183 1.64 1.22 16 40 544 H 159 -16 1.94 1.46 0 H 545 190 -16 2.42 1.81
8 4011 660 4100.8P .96 .72 40 H 664 4200 -85 1.57 1.1E1 24 40 546 H 159-24 2.33 1.74 OH 547 190-24 2.92 2.19
16 40 H 661 4100 -16P 1.78 1.34 40 H 665 4200.16S 2.25 1.70 32 40H 548 159-32 2.74 2.06140K 549 190-32 3.44 2.58
24 40 H 662 4100 -24P 2.1 3 I .60 40 H 666 4200 -24S 2.71 2.04
32 40 H 663 4100-32P 2.51 1.88 40 H 667 4200325 3.20 2.40 TYPE 57 MICRO-RIBBON MINIATURE CONNECTORS
high -quality connectors for use in cable-to-
Extremely compact,
a chassis connections. Have cadmium -plated brass shells with clear
rromate treatment plus the Blue Ribbon features described above.
CONNECTORS WITH KEYED SHELLS Rated 5 amps. 700 v. DC. Av. shpg. wt., 1 oz.
Stook No. Typa No. Description 1.9, EA. 10-49, EA.
Con- Stak Mfr's Stock Mfts 41 H 075 57 -30140 14- Contact Plug 2.76 2.07
lads No. Typs 1.9 10.49 No. Typs 1.9 10-49 41 H 079 57 -40140 14- Contact Socket 2.07 1.55
8 40 H 650 4101.8P 1.88 1.41 0 H 671 4201 -OS 2.16 1.62 41 H 076 57 -30240 24- Contact Plug 3.09 2.31
16 4014 651 2.82 0 H 672 4201-165
4101 -16P 2.1 2 2.94 2.20 41 H 082 57 -40240 24- Contact Socket 2.48 1.86
24 40 H 652 3.25 2.45 0 H 673 4201 -245
4101 -24P 3.51 2.63 41 H 077 57 -30360 36- Contact Plug 3.37 2.53
32 40H 653 3.74 2.81 OH 674 4201.32$
4101 -32P 4.10 3.07 41 H 083 57 -40360 36- Contact Socket 2.66 I .99
41 H 078 57 -30500 50- Contact Plug 4.16 3.12
TYPE 26 BARRIER POLARIZED 41 H 084 57 -40500 50- Contact Socket 3.44 2.58
Miniature connectors for chassis-to-chassis connect ons. Have
Con- Stock Mlt's NET EACH
Stock Mfr's NET EACH gold- iridite finished brass shell and gold- plated contacts. For
tads No. Typ. 1to9 101049 No. Type I tog lO to 49 wire up to No. 22. Rated S amps. 700 v. DC. Av. shag. wt., 2 oz.
40H 610 4301 -8S 4.09 40H 618 4401.8P 2.92 2.19 40 H 482 57 -10140 14- Contact Plug 1.68 1.25
40H614 4501 -8P 4.83 3.63 40H 619 4401 -8S 3.53 2.65 40 H 485 57 -20140 14- Contact Socket 1.72 1.29
16 40H 611 4301 -165 6.53 4.90 4314 620 4401 -16P 3.86 2.89 40 H 483 57 -10240 24- Contact Plug 2.22 1.67
16 40H615 4501 -16P 6.06 4.55 40H621 4401 -16S 4.33 3.25 40 H 486 57 -20240 24- Contact Socket 2.24 1.69
40H 612 4301 -24S 7.38 5.54 40 H 622 4401 -24P 4.31 3.23 40 484
H 57 -10360 36- Contact Plug 2.55 1.92
40H616 40H 623 4.90 3.67 40 H 487 57 -20360 36- Contact Socket 2.57
32 40 H 613
4501 -24P
4301 -32S
6.19 40H 630
4401 -245
4401 -32P 4.79 3.60
40 H 098
40 H 099
57 -10500
57 -20500
50- Contact Plug
2.50 2.22
32 40H 617 4501.32P 7.55 5.66 40H 631 4401 -32S 5.49


Serbs 143 Printed Circuit Connectors. High- Series 133 Printed Circuit Plugs. New selec-
quality connectors for use in printed ein uit net- tion of dependable plugs and adapters. Recom-
works. Printed circuit board acts as male part of mended for use with standard 143 series printed
connector. Ideal for use in computers, telephone circuit connectors listed at left. Have molded
equipment, military gear, etc. Specially designed to diallyl phthalate body, molded nylon guide
resist set or over -stress --even after repeated ¡niter- pins, brass cadmium -plated end caps and brass
Hons. Blue dielectric- gold -plated contacts. All contacts with gold over albaloz plating. Average voltage rating 2300 V.
units accept .061' to .71' printed circuit boards. ems at sea level; current rating meets or surpasses any printed circuit
Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz. wiring board requirement. All units are polarized. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
Stook Mfr's Contacts Contacts
No. Type 1 -9 10 -49 No. Typa 1 -9 10 -49
40 H 503 143- 010-01 1.15 .86 41 H 0135 133 -010-21 10 1.80 1.35
40 H 500 143 -015 -01 15 1.54 1.16 41 H 086 133 -015 -21 15 2.11 1.59
40 H 501 143 -018-01 18 1.68 1.25 41 H 087 133 -018-21 2.35 1.76
40 H 502 143- 022 -01 22 2.00 1.50 41 H 088 133- 022 -21 22 2.57 1.93


The Amphenol Series 165 electrical connectors feature compact design square. Large receptacles mount in 13k'
and complete dependability. Two sizes are available small size with-a hole and are secured through 4. .125' equally
5. 9 sr 12 contacts and a large size with II. 14 or 24 contacts. All con- spaced holes on a square flange. Plugs
nectors are available with either male or female inserts installed in plug are approximately 2r(4x long. Small sized
or receptacle. Connectors remain waterproof whether mated or apart. plug is s ;(t' diameter and large sized plug is
000 volts rms. All
Bronze contacts are gold -plated over a silver base and shells are made
of aluminum. Small receptacles mount in t ' hole and are secured
through 4..125' equally spaced holes on the flange. Flange is only
1 134x' diameter. All are rated at 500 volts rms except
plugs have built -in, strain- relief, cable clamps. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
Quantity prices on
50 or more of any typo -write for prises.
-4 No. 16 A 7 No. 20 AWO
Stook Type Contacts and Stook Type Contacts and NET
No. No. Ampere Noting Description EÁCÑ No. No. Ampere Rating Dgeriptlen EACH
40 H 595 165 -33 5 @ 7.5 Male Plug 3.14 40 H 583 165 -17 4 (? 17; 7 @ 7.5 Male Plug 4.48
40 H 596 165 -34 5 @ 7.5 Female Plug 3.53 40 H 584 165 -18 4 (4 17; 7 @ 7.5 Female Plug 5.36
40 H 597 165 -35 S @ 7.5 Male Receptacle 2.40 40 H 555 165 -19 4 @ 17; 7 @ 7.5 Male Receptacle 2.96
40 H 598 165 -36 55 @ 7.5 Female Receptacle 2.82 40 H 586 165 -20 4 (a, 17; 7 @ 7.5 Female Receptacle 3.77
No. 20 AWG LARGE SHELL-14 No. 16 AWG
40 H 579 165 -13 9 @ 7.5 Male Plug 3.26 40 H 591 165-29 14 @ 17 Male Plug 4.64
40 H 580 165 -14 9 @ 7.5 Female Plug 3.88 40 H 592 165-30 14 @ 17 Female Plug 5.73
40 H 581 165 -15 9 @ 7.5 Male Receptacle 2.56 40 H 593 165-31 14 14 17 Male Receptacle 3.07
40 H 582 165 -16 9 @ 7.5 Female Receptacle 3.18 40 H 594 165-32 14 @ 1 7 Female Receptacle 4.16
40 M 575 165 -9 12 (4 7.5 Male Plug 3.40 40 597
H 165 -25 24 @ 7.5 Male Plug 5.34
40 II 576 165 -10 12 (e 7.5 Female Plug 4.21 40 588
H 165 -26 24 @ 7.5 Female Plug 6.84
40 N 577 165 -11 12 @ 7.5 Male Receptacle 2.7 1 40 589
H 165 -27 24 @ 7.5 Male Receptacle 3.77
40 N 578 165 -12 12 @ 7.5 Female Receptacle 3.5 1 40 H 590 165 -28 24 (9 7.5 Female Receptacle 5.25
Industrial Users -Write for Prices on Amphenol Connectors in Quantities of 50 or More 171
Cinch -Jones Terminals & Fanning Strips
For neat. highly dependable terminal wiring. insure Barriers between each terminal provide increased insula-
correct, positive firm connections. Ideal for cable or tion. Excellent for industrial and experimental applica-
harness wiring. These units simplify assembly -con- tions. Barriers follow edge of strips and terminate at
nections can be made before putting strip into assemb- base. Make a long leakage path and prevent direct shorts
ly. Facilitate disconnecting sub-assemblies for servicing. caused by frayed wires at the terminals. Base is molded
Last letter in Type No. indicates right or left mounting bakelite, with mounting holes at ends. Eyelets and
hole position. Laminated bakelite. Terminals made of binder screws of nickel- plated brass; terminals of hot
.032' thick brass. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. tin -finish brasa. Barrier -type terminais and fanning
Stries 160L. Fit Series 140 barrier terminals at right. Terminals are strips, when used together, insure positive contact and
mounted on ist' bakelite, %' wide and on W centers. firm connections. No. 140 terminal strips have 5- 40x94.' binder head
screws. 1/4' metal-to -metal spacing. No. 141 terminal strips have 6- 32x1/4'
Stock Mfr's riai awvri binder head screws. 3/4é metal -to-metal spacing. No. 142 terminal strips
No. Typo Ttrm. 1 -24 25 -99 100 -499 have 8-32x3í6 binder head screws. Ne metal -to -metal spacing. Av.
Ssriss 140. Metal -to -metal spacing over bakelite W. Base r ' wide
shpg. wt., 5 os.
41 808H 2 -160L 2 84 70 6'/zt
41 809H 3 -160L 3 124 114 104 :941' high. % centers. Use with Series 160 fanning strips.
41 812H 4-160L 4 154 134 121/24
41 813H 5 -1601, 5 194 176 164 Stock Mfr's NET EACH
6-160L 6 234 210 204 No. Typs Term. -24 25 -99 100 -499
41 814H 1

41 H 817 8 -1601. 8 304 284 264 41 H 580 1 -140 1 .09 .08 .075
41 H 818 10 -1601. 10 374 344 324 41 H 800 2 -140 2 .14 .13 .12
41 H 819 12 -160L 12 454 404 380 41 H 801 3 -140 3 .20 .18 .165
803 4-140 .24 .23 .21
Serlss 160
are mounted
Fit Series 140 barrier terminals at right. Terminals
Ml bake ite. '/l' wide and on centers. f 41
H 807
H 802
6 -140
40 H 956 2-160R 2 8t 7t 6'h0 7 -140 .40 .36 .34
40 H 957 3-160R 3 12t It IOt 1
H 581
H 804 8 -140
8 .45 .41 .39
40 H 958 4-160R 4 150 134 12%4 9 -140 .51 .45 .43
40 H 959 5-160R 5 19t 176 164 41 H 582 9
41 H 805 10-140 10 .56 .50 .48
40 H 960 6-160R 6 234 214 204 41 H 583 11 -140 11 .61 .55 .52
40 H 961 8-160R 8 304 284 264 .66 .60 .56
40 H 962 10-160R 10 37t 34f 32t 41 H 806 12 -140 12
40 H 963 12-160R 12 454 404 386 41 H 584 13 -140 13 .72 .64 .61
41 H 585 14-140 14 .77 .69 .66
Serin 161 L. Fit Series 141 barrier terminals at right. Terminale 41 H 586 15 -140 15 .82 .74 .70
are mounted on As' bakelite, % wide and on 34.' centers. 41 H 587 16-140 16 .87 .78 .75
41 H 822 2-161L 2 8t 71/2t 76 41 H 588 17 -140 17 .92 .83 .79
41 H 823 3-161L 3 134 114 10%0 41 H 589 18 -140 18 .98 .88 .83
41 H 824 4-161L 4 164 144 134 41 H 590 19 -140 19 1.03 .93 .88
41 H 827 5-161L 5 204 184 16'/z4 41 H 591 20-140 20 1.08 .97 .92
41 H 592 21 -140 21 1.14 1.02 .97
41 H 828
41 H 829
41 H 832
Series 141. Metal-to -me al spacing over bake ite
'/z' high. 34e centers. Use with Series 161 fanning
f' Base 11/4' wide :

41 H 833 12-1611.. 12 454 404 38%4
41 H 835 2-141 2 .19 .17 .16
Series 161 R. Fit Series 141 barrier terminals at right. Terminais are 41 H 836 3.141 3 .24 .22 .21
mounted on 941' bakelite. 1 wide and on 7K' mounting centers. 41 H 837 4-141 4 .31 .28 .27
40 H 964 2-161R 2 84 7%4 74 41 H 842 5-141 5 .38 .35 .33
40 H 965 3-161R 3 130 4 10%4 1 1 41 H 838 6-141 6 .44 .40 .38
40 H 966 4-16114 4 164 144 134 41 H 839 8-141 8 .58 .52 .50
40 H 967 5-161 R 5 204 184 16%4 4 H 840 10-141 IO .72 .65 .61
40 H 968 6-161R 6 244 224 206 4 H 841 12-141 12 .84 .76 .72
40 H 969 8-161R 8 304 274 264 4 H 876 14-141 14 .98 .88 .84
40 H 970 10-161R 10 384 34t 32 4 4 H 877 16-141 16 1.12 1.01 .95
40 H 971 12-161R 12 454 406 38%4 4 H 878 18-141 18 1.24 1.12 1.07
4 H 879 20-141 20 1.38 1.24 1.18
Saris. 162L. Fit Series 42 barrier erminals at right. Terminals are
mounted on 951 bakelite, s/.' wide and on M centers. ' Sevin 142. Metal-to -me al spacing over bakelite 346' Base 1ail.' wide x
s/.' high. 346' centers. U e with Series 162 fanning strips.
41 834 H 2-1621. 2 IOC 96 fl' 4
41 843 H 3-1621. 3 144 130 11' 17
41 H 670 2-142 2 .22 .20 .18
41 844 H 4-162L 4 174 154 14 0 41 H 671 3-142 3 .30 .28 .26
41 845 H 5-162L S 210 194 17 st 41 H 672 4-142 4 .38 .34 .33
41 H 846 6-162L 6 254 236 21'ht 41 H 673 5-142 5 .46 .42 .39
41 H 847 8-162L 8 32t 296 27 ,/st 41 H 674 6-142 6 .54 .49 .46
41 H 848 10-162L 10 406 364 344 41 H 676 8-142 8 .71 .64 .60
41 H 849 12-162L 12 474 424 404 41 H 678 10-142 10 .87 .78 .75
Ssriss 162 R. Fit Series 42 barrier terminale at right. Terminals are 41 If 680 12 -142 12 1.04 .94 .88
40 H 972
40 H 973
40 H 974
40 H 975
on 9517' bakelite,
s/¡ wide
and on 3i.'
1 1 tt 41 H
41 H 882
41 H 883
41 H 884

41 H 886
40 H 976 6-162R 6 254 234 21%4 ADAPTER SOLDER TERMINALS
40 H 977 8-162R 8 324 294 27%4
40 H 978 10-162R 10 404 364 344 Adapt barrier strips (listed above) to permit top-side or
40 H 979 12-16214 12 474 424 404 underside solder connections. Type 3/4W permits top -side
soldering to barrier terminale; Type V is for underside
CABLE CLAMPS solder connections. Made of brass; hot -tin finish. Assure
positive solder connections Fasten securely under binder
Cable clamps for fanning strips above. Made of nickel -plated head screws. Av. shpg. wt. per 10. 3 oz.
brasa, with 6-32 round head screws. Serve as strain relief and Y 3/4W
anchor cable securely. Sizes shown are I.D. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. TYPE 1/2w TYPE Y
Stook Mfr's NET EACH Stock Mfr's For Pkg. tock Mfr's For Pkyy
No. Typs Sias No. Typo Sertes of 10 No. Ssriss of 10
41 H 852 CC-161-4 ' 1 -24 26 -99 100-499

41 H %W-140 140 I 294 41 H 891 I Y -140
Y -141
1 140 294

CC-161-8 s. 8t 7%4 41 H
41 H
888 W -141 141
889 /4W-142 142
41 H
41 H
893 V-142
142 424
H 857
H 858
H 859
á/s' 817 71/2t 74 SERIES 170 TERMINAL STRIPS
Terminal strips with extra -heavy solder termi-
nais. Ideal for industrial usera. experimental labs
SERIES 2000 TERMINAL STRIPS etc. Black molded bakelite insulation, 948 wide. '/41
Terminals are made of, .019' brass, tin- plated. thick. Terminale are mounted on 1/4¡ centers.
and spaced on 944 centers. Molded bakelite Mounting holes are 3 from center of end terminals.
insulation. Mounting brackets are made of Terminals are .032' brasa, tin plated. Double -notched solder terminals
cadmium -pla ed steel. Mounting holes at each for rapid soldering or wrap- around connections. Compact, sturdy units.
end of bracket. Av. shpg. wt., 2 or. Av. shpg. wt.. 5 oz.
Stock No. Typs Term. 1-24, EA. 26-99, EA. 100-499, EA.
Stock Mfr' Term
ria' al.{..1
40 H 990 1-170 I 144 136 12144
Na. Type -24 26 -99 100 -499 40 H 991 15'/z4
/t 2-170
2 194 174
41 H 687 2002 2 1' 64 5' 54 40 H 992 3-170 3 22t 206 18t
41 H 688 2003 3 1946' 74 6%4 64 40 H 993 4-170 4 254 234 224
41 H 689 2004 4 1% 84 74. 61/24 40 H 994 5-170 S 29t 266 254
41 H 690 2005 5 144.' 94 et 71/20 40 H 995 6-170 6 33t 304 28t
41 H 691 2006
6 21 104 94 8
40 H 996
40 H 997
4 H 693
1 8 231/2' 1 1 4 1017
41 H 695 2010 10 31/2' 130 124 114 40 H 998 9-170 9 434 394 370
41 H 697 2012 12 41/4' 15$ 144 12144 40 H 999 10-170 10 464 424 404

172 Industrial User-Write for Prices on Larger Quantities

Cinch -Jones Plugs and Sockets
Compact units rated 730 volts rms at
IO amps. Metal caps; bakelite body.
Phosphor- bronze socket contacts en-
gage both sides of plug contacts. Units
are polarized; plugs with 24 or more
contacts have positioning pin. Plug
contacts are 991' wide by 3,4t' thick.
Round shell; others rectangular. Av.
D shpg. wt., 3 oz.


Heavy -duty multiple-circuit type plugs and sockets. Series 400 rated at
1100 rma volts, IS amps; series 2400 rated at 1700 rma volts, 15 amps.
C Stook No. Type 1-21, EA. 26-99, EA. 100-499, EA. All have polarizing pins. Plug contact prongs are r(4 wide by 14. thick.
40 H 870 P-302-AB .19 .17 Bodies bakelite. Phosphor-bronze socket contactsengage both aides of
2 .16 flat plug contact prongs to minimize contact resistance.
3 40 H 871 P-303-AB .24 .22 .20 Series
proved design offers longer leakage path permitting use on higher2400 im-
4 40 H 872 P-304-AB .25 .23 .22 ing voltages. 2400 series plugs and sockets can be mated with 400operat-
6 40 H 873 P-306-AB .31 .28 .27 series.
They are interchangeable mechanically, differing only in voltage ratings.
8 40 H 874 P-308-AB .37 .34 .32 Cap or panel mounting. Similar to Fig. J. }Type DB recessed
10 40 H 875 P-310-AB .42 .38 .365 plugs take
Type CCT (Fig. F) sockets. Av. shpg. wt., S oz.
U 40 H 876 P-312-AB .48 .43 .405
15 40 H 816 P-315-AB .63 .57 .535
I8 40 H 817 P-318-AB .78 .71 .665 o PLUGS TYPE CCT WITH CABLE CLAMP
21 40 H 818 P-321-AB .98 .88 .835 ...entama atookno, Type 1-24, EA. 25-99, EA. 100-499, EA.
24 40 H 819 P-324-AB 1.19 1.07 1.01 40 H 910 P-402-CCT
27 40 H 820 P-327-AB 1.40 1.26 .19 2 .73 .66 .62
30 40 H 821 P-330-AB 1.61 1.45

1.36 4 40 H 91 P-404-CCT I .80

33 40 H 822 P-333-AB 1.80 1.63 1.53 6 40 H 912 P-406-CCT 1.04 .885
8 40 H 913 P-408-CCT 1.19 1.07 1.01
10 40 914 P-410-CCT
H 1.34 1.21 1.14
8 SOCKETS 12 40 H 915 P-412-CCT 1.49 1.34 1.27
Contacts Stook No. Type 1-24, EA. 25-99, EA. 100.499, EA. 2 40 H 833 P-2402-CCT .90 .81 .765
4 40 H 834 P-2404-CCT 1.01 .91 .86
2 40 H 880 S-302-AB .21 .19 .175 6 40 H 836 P-2406-CCT 1.14 1.02 .975
3 40 H 881 S-303-AB .24 .23 .21 8 40 837 P-2408-CCT
H 1.25 1.13 1.07
4 40 H 882 S-304-AB .27 .24 .235 10 40 H 838 P-2410-CCT 1.38 1.24 1.18
H 883 5.306-AB .34
i 40 .31 .29
6 12 40 H 839 P-2412-CCT
40 H 884 S-308-AB .43 .39 .365 1.52 1.34 1.30
10 40 H 885 S-310-AB .51 .46 .43 0 SOCKETS
12 40 H 886 5312-AB .59 .53 .50
1S 40 H 864 5315-AB .71 .66 .62 2 40 H 920 S-402-CCT .78 .71 .67
1S 40 H 865 5-318-AB .88 .79 .75 4 40 H 921 S-404-CCT .99 .89 .84
21 40 H 866 S-321-AB 1.09 .98 .925 6 40 H 922 S-406-CCT I .20 1.08 1.03
24 40 H 867 5324-AB 1.29 1.17 1.10 8 40 H 923 5408-CCT 1.40 .26 1.20

27 40 H 868 5-327-AB 1.50 1.35 1.27 10 H 924 S-410-CCT 1.62 1 .45 .38
40 925 S-412-CCT

30 40 869 5-330-AB 1.54 12 H 1.81 1.63

H 1.71 1.46 1.55
33 40 H 877 5333-AB 1.92 1.72 1.63 2 40 H 840 5-2402-SB .70 .63 .595
4 40 H 841 52404-SB .82 .74 .70
TYPE CCT WITH CABLE CLAMP 6 40 H 842 52406-SB .95 .85
13 PLUGS 8 40 H 843 52408-SB 1.08 .97 .925
Contacts Stock No. Type 1-24, EA. 26-99, EA. 100-499, EA.
10 40 H 844 S-2410-SB 1.22 1.10 1.09
12 40 H 845 5-2412-SB 1.35 1.22 1.15
2 40 H 802 P-302-CCT .43 .39 .37
3 40 H 803 P-303-CCT .46 .42 .395 PLUGS TYPE AB FOR CHASSIS MOUNTING
4 40 H 804 P-304-CCT .51 .45 .43
6 40 H 806 1'306-CCT .56 .50 .475 2 40 H 890 P-402-A B .46
8 40 H 808 P-308-CCT .62 .56 .525 4 40 H 891 P-404-AB .57 .5Ì .485
10 40 H 810 P-310-CCT .69 .62 .585 6 40 H 892 P-406-AB .62 .58
12 40 H 812 P-312-CCT .75 .68 .64 8 40 H 893 P-408-AB .78
15 40 H 805 l'-315-CCT .98 .88 .835 10 40 H 894 P-410-AB .8Ó .755
18 40 H 807 P-318-CCT 1.19 1.07 1.01 12 40 H 895 P-412-AB .98 .88 .835
21 40 H 809 P-321-CCT 1.40 1.25 1.19
24 40 H 811 P-324-CCT 1.66 1.49 1.40 SOCKETS
27 40 H 813 P-327-CCT 1.87 1.69 1.59 2 40 H 900 5-402-AB .52 .47
30 40 H 814 P-330-CCT 2.18 1.96 1.85 4 40 H 901 S-404-AB .69 .62
33 40 H 815 P-333-CCT 2.33 2.10 1.98 .585
6 40 H 902 5-406-AB .83 .74
8 40 H 903 S-408-AB .98 .88 .835
D SOCKETS 10 40 H 904 S-410-AB 1.15 .03 .975 1

Contacts Stock No. Typo

12 40 H 905 S-4I 2-AB 1.28 1.17 1.10
1-24, EA. 26-99, EA. 100-499, EA.
3 40 H 853 S-303-CCT .48 .43 .405 centacta ateokno. Type
4 40 H 854 S-304-CCT .51 .46 .435 1-24, LA. 2e-99, LA. 100-199,EA,
6 40 H 856 S-306-CCT .59 .53 .50 2 40 H 950 P-402-DB .57 .51 .485
8 40 H 858 S-308-CCT .69 .62 .58 4 40 H 955 P-404-DB .73 .66 .62
10 40 H 860 5310-CCT .76 .69 .65 6 40 H 951 P-406-DB .89 .80 .755
12 40 H 862 5312-CCT .87 .78 .745 8 40 H 952 P-408-DB 1.04 .93 .885
15 40 H 850 S-315-CCT 1.09 .98 .925 10 40 H 953 P-410-DB 1.20 1.08 1.025
18 40 H 851 S-318-CCT 1.29 1.17 1.10 12 40 H 954 P-412-DB 1.35 1.22 1.15
21 40 H 855 5321-CCT 1.50 1.35 1.25 SERIES 101 PLUG AND SOCKET
24 40 H 857 S-324-CCT 1.77 1.60 1.50 Low -loss plug and socket for high -fre-
27 40 H 859 S-327-CCT 1.98 1.78 1.65 quency RF use. For coax or shielded I-
30 40 H 861 S-330-CCT 2.28 2.06 1.94
33 40 H 863 S-333-CCT 2.44 2.20 2.07 rond. Cadmium- plated brass; prong, con-
tacts, silver -plated. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
SUB-MINIATURE SOCKETS Stock No.IITyp Description ((1- 25- 99,EA. l00.499,EA.
Used extensively for miniature 40 H 825 fl'-1011 y'
Plug. Length 1W .63 .57 I .54
radios and transmitters. hearing 40 835
H -t01
111115Socket. Dia., W .41I .37 ,35
aids and other electronic equip-
nient employing subminiature SERIES 202 PLUGS AND SOCKETS
tubes. Molded from mica-filled Cadmium plated brass plugs and
wo low -lost bakelite. Silver- plated
beryllium copper contacts. 4-
prong tubes and G.E. transistors
sockets. Type P- 202 -CCT is polar-
ized. Knurled nut. Type 5-202 -B
socket mtg. holes, No. 30 drill on
21.15 5PC 5WC Gl1 and G11A fit 2115 socket. l' centers. All units have r/' -27
All 3k' deep. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. thread; shpg. wt. of 3 oz. Type o
P- 202 -CCT and S-202 -CCT -THR with cable clamp.
Stook No. Type Contacts 1 -9, EA. 10 -49, EA. 60-99, EA.
Stock No. Type Fig. Description 1.24, EA. 25 -99. EA. 100 -499, EA
40 H 294 2113 3 .20 .18
40 H .245 2115 5 .27 .24 .235 40 H 980 P -202 -CCT N Plug, 2 contact .58 .52 .495
40 H 247 2117 7 .24 40 H 982 S-20241 L Socket, base mounting l .69 I .62 .58
40 H 242 8SM 8 .52 .47 .43 40 H 981 S -202- CCT -THR M Socket, extension .78 .71 .665
Transistor Typas. 5-contact sockets for trans store. Use type 5PC for 2R2 CHASSIS TYPE AC SOCKET
printed circuits and 5WC for wired circuits. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz. Molded bakelite units for chassis mounting. Solder lug
Stock No. Type Sixe 1-9, EA. 10 -49, EA. 50 -99, EA. terminals. For 10 amps, 250 volts, or 15 amps, 125 volts,
40 H 249
40 H 252
40 H 253
2 screw mounting. %x3/4' mounting hole. Overall size.
1 %zxrW. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
40 H 930. 1 -9, NET EACH
10 -49, EACH 13 44 50 -99, EACH
Industrial Users -Write for Prices on Larger Quantities 173
Switchcraft Plugs and Jacks


Small -size phone plugs; fit standard 1/4' phone jacks, except Type Take standard 1 phone plugs except S-Il which takes S -250
5 -250, .206 sleeve for S-11 "Little Jax" and tType 5280 which has o "Littel -Plug" and fC -128 whisk takes 480 Military -type "Littel -
I'lug." Jacks are r/' dia., 15í2' overall, and have a l/s dia. threaded
shun sleeve for Revere recorders. Plugs with solder terminals feature
built -in cable clamp; others do not include cable clamp. Metal (shielded) shank, YU' long. SCC indicates single closed circuit; OC indicates
handles are nickel -plated brass; plastic handles are durable "Tenite." open circuit. Av. shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
Handles are luuAG' long; 'h' dia. Av. shpg. wt.. 4 oz. StoekN. mir'. Typo vtlaram cona. curoun awn type n
Typs Fla. Cond. lie
Color Terminale EACH 4
1 H
l 1

OC J1-034
41 H 553 -40 A 2 Black
41 H 607
2 OC
H 554
H 611
H 614
H 631
H 632
JJ-089 44t
41 H 612 255 A 2 Red Solder 414 41 H 633 C-12Bt III 3 OC J1-033 414
41 H 555 260 A 3 Black Screw 71f 41 H 634 13B IV 3 SUC .. .
41 H 616 267 A 3 Black Solder 62t
47 H 613 280 B 2 Metal Solder 594 ' TINI -JAX" SUB-MIN ATURE PHONE JACKS
H 556 R280t B Metal Solder 734
Extra -small 2- conductor jacks for "Tini- Plugs". z42' long; fit th'
41 2
al H 617 297 B 3 Metal Solder 76t
hole. OC, open circuit; CC, closed circuit. Av. shpg. wt... 2 oz.
Il CC 264
dles; 21/24' long, íi,4' dia., except l'
Standard -size Y phone plugs. Metal (shielded) or black hakelitetohan-
long. Type 170 is similar 70,
but has 2 -piece handle with cable clamp for t/4' cable. No. 190A is
41 H 5171 42A I


I 2 I I I

similar to 90, but has same handle as 170. Av. hpg. wt., 5 oz. se with "Tini- Jax ". 13/4' overall length. 2-conductor. Han -
Stock No.
41 H 518
"Tenite" plastic or nickeled brass.
Mfr Type Fig.
M Screw
Shpg. wt.,
2 oz.
41 H 557 2
Solder .62 41 H 519 745 M Screw Red 444
41 H 558 60 A 3 Black Black 414
70 B Metal Screw .71 41 H 520 750 M Solder
41 H 559 2
Red 414
90 E 3 Metal Solder .76 41 H 521 755 M Solder
41 H 560 Screw .53 41 H 522 770 N Screw Shielded 624
41 H 561 160 E 2 Metal Solder Shielded 594
41 H 562 170 (' 2 Metal Screw .97 41 H 523 780 N
41 H 563 190A (' 3 Metal Solder 1.15
"LUG-PLUG" PHONE PLUGS Extension cable jacks; fit standard 1/4' plugs. "As' O.D.; 2Nr'
Low -cost, two-conductor. /a' phone plugs, similar to "Littel -Plug ' 13 long. Black handles are durable plastic 'Tenite; shielded han-
above. Have solder terminals. Exterior parts bright nickel plated. Red dles are nick elect brase. All are open circuit type. Av. shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
or black "Tenite" handles are 1V' long, r/z' dia., except ,Type 380 Stook No. Typo Fig. Cond. Terminals Handle NET
which has metal (shielded) handle I' long. Av. shpg. wt.. 4 oz. 80 P Screw Black .68
41 H 571 2
Stock Mfr's Handle NET 41 H718 88 P 2 Solder Black .59 '

No. Typa Color EACH 41 H 572 120 R 2 Screw Shielded .91

41 H 717 1230 R 3 Screw Shielded 1.15
41 H 564 350 A Black 324
41 H 565 355 A Red
Meet Mil. specifications. '/u' wide, 371á long. Fit
FLAT PHONE PLUGS 'Ns' hole. SCC, single closed circuit; OC, open
1/4' phone plugs featuring flat, space -saving handles. Ideal for applica-
circuit. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
where conventional plugs would protrude too far and interfere Stock Ne. Typa Diag. Cond. Circuit JAN Typo NET
with operation of equipment, prevent installation in tight quarters, 41 H 603 MT-331 I 2 OC JJ 086 .88
etc. Easily removable plastic handle. Screw terminals on Types 220
41 H 604 MT-332A II 3 SCC 11 -024 1.00
and 225 will accept standard phone tips. Terminals and body are 41 H 606 MT-332B III 3 OC 11 -022 1.00

Type Fig.
mechanically interlocked. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
g Cnd e .
Handle Termials
Calor n
Black phenolic strip panels, reinforced with steel.
41 H 621 220 F 2 Black Screw 53t Brackets are slotted for 19' relay racks. Equipped
41 H 567 225 F 2 Red Screw 53t with military type MT-332A jacks listed above;
41 H 568 230 F 3 Black Screw 76t thave telephone type T -332A (same as MT -332A.
41 H 569 235 F 3 Red Screw- 764
Stock No. Type Rows Jacks H. W. D. Shpg. Wt. NET
MILITARY -TYPE "UTTEL-PLUGS" AND EXTENSION JACK 41 H 452 1232A Single 12palet 11/4x19111/4' 4 lbs. 26.46
41 H 453 I332A Single 12 pair 11/4:19x11/4" 4 lbs. 32.34
Meet exacting industrial and nu lu arc 2432A Double pant 2:19x1 /4' 5 lbs. 44.10
requirement. Plugs are stade in ac- 41 H 454 24
cordance with MIL- P -642A specs. 41 H 457 2532A Double 24 pair 2y4x19x1t/ S lbs. 55.86
Type 820 extension jack is designed to 41 H 458 2632A Double 52t 1)4xl9x% 6 Ihn. 49.98
meet MIL -J-641A specs. Highest qual- 41 H 459 2732A Double 52 11/4x19:1/4' 6 lbs. 64.68
ity materials and advanced molding
technique provide firm internal inter-
lock; parts will not shift in position.
Black plastic handle. Extension jack;
fits Type 430 "Littel -Plug." All have
screw terminals. Av. shpg. wt., 5 oz.
Fig. Cond. Typo S. C. No. EACH
41 H 570 430 G 2 PJ -054B PI.54 .82
41 H 618 440 G 2 PJ-055B PI. -55 .82 AUDIO ADAPTERS
602 480
1.18 For quirk adaptation of plue to fit other type of jack on recorders,
41 H J 2 JJ-026 JE -26 amplifiers. etc. 345 and 347 are similar to 34.1. but without internal
resistor. 347 has metal handle. Dia. is sleeve I.U. or plug O.U. Wt., 6 oz.
ADAPTER /CONNECTOR Stock Mfr'a Fia Input Output
Type 44. Adapts Amphenol Type 75 -MCIF or 75- No. Typa Description Dia. Dneription Dia. NE7
MCIF-A connectors for use with standard 1/4' 2 -con-
41 H 636 332 S Phone jack 1/4' Fem. mikeconn. ... I.03
ductor phone jacks. Sleeve tip and body are machined

41 H 637 334 T Phono jack 1/4' Fern. mike conn. .85

is Ink'
from brasa; bright nickel - plated finish. Shaft Phone )ack Phono plug .85
41H 638 336 W 1/4' 1/S'
long. sling "t.. 3 os.
29c 41H 639 338 X Male mikeconn. %'-27 Phono plug t/a' .85
4) 657. NET....



41 H609 342
41 H 460 343
41 H 645 344
Post /Bananajack (A'
Phono lack
Phono jack
Phone plug
Phone plug
Phone plug
Ye 1.53
'la .85
41 H 649 346 Z Tip jacks ....... Phone plug j/4' 1.26
QILS vC 41 H608 348 RR Phono jack
\ :\ Phono jack
Phono jack
Phone plug
j/4' .82
'4' .78
i 11 E--:-1=2" III IV 40H 382 345
Phono jack
1/4' Phone plug 1/4' .9 fi
40H 383 .347 N.1

174 Industrial Users -Write for Quant ty Prices on Switchcraft Plugs and Jacks
Plugs, Jacks and Jack Panels


Compact "Junior" jacks for standard 1/4 phone Require
75 75N 75A 100 100A 100N only 134.' behind panel. Cadmium -plated framesplugs.
with nickel -
plated brass shank, springs, and mounting hardware. t diameter
MALLORY PLUGS AND JACKS threaded shank for mounting in panels up to W thick. Silver contacts.
Column head "Cond." indicates number of conductors in mating plug.
STANDARD PHONE PLUGS Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
Standard 1/4', 2 and 3- conductor, phone plugs for use with headphones, Stock No. Typo *Cond. Circuit Diagram NET
handsets, microphones, and for numerous other audio applications. Fit 41 H 054 701
standard 1/4' phone jacks. 2- conductor plugs have built -in tie -cord anchor 2 Open I 444
for terminal strain relief. Type 7SA and 76A have a cable clamp built 41 H 058
41 H 052
3 Open III 594,
into the handle to provide terminal strain relief. Shielded handles are 2 Open V 594"
41 H 059 7036 3 Closed- Transfer 1 IV 594
nickel- lated brass with knurling for sure grip; others are molded phe- 41 H 060 704B
nolic rew-type terminals accommodate either tip jacks or wire. "Type 3 Closed -Transfer 2 VI 684
76 and 6A (not illustrated) similar to 75 and 75A. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
Stock Mfr's Handle Extremely small "Midget' and "Infant" type jacks for limit_
No. Type Cond. Terminals Typo Length
0 space applications. All take 1/4' phone plugs. "Midget" type jac
require only 13k' mounting space behind panel; "Infant" type requie
41 H 641 75 2 Screw Phenolic 1t .44 only 1/4' behind panel. Cadmium -plated steel frames with nickel-plat,
41 H 640 75N 2 Screw Shielded brass shank, springs, and mounting hardware. W threaded shank f.,.
41 H 937 Screw
1 .65 mounting in panels up to % thick. *Column headed "Cond." indicates
2 Shielded 1t
41 H 941 7 6A 3 Solder Phenolic 1914. 65 number of conductors in mating plug. All are "Midget" type except A -1
41 H 942 76A 3 Solder Shielded

1.15 Infant" type jack. (1Not illustrated). Av. shpg. wt., 2 oz.
Stock No. Typo Cond, Circuit Diagram NET
Typo 100. 2- conductor, fiber handle extension jack for standard 1/4'
41 H 050 1A-1 2 Open I 38t.
41 H 051 A -2 2 Shorting VII 474
phone plugs. Length, 31/4'. Screw terminals. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 41 H 053 A -2A 2 Closed i!
41 H 938. NET 82c 41 H 056 A -3A 2 Closed -Transfer 1 VIII 654
Typo 100N. 2- conductor extension jack with shielded, nickel- plated
brass handle. For standard W phone plugs. Screw terminals. Length, MILITARY -TYPE SC JACKS
33;4 Shpg. wt. 6 oz. Type SC phone jacks are commercial equivalents of military types com-
41 H 939, NET 106
Typo 100A. 2- conductor extension jack with shielded, nickel -plated
brass handle and built -in cable clamp. Screw terminals. For standard Type SCA -2B has 35s diameter threaded shank, 3k long. Av. sbpg;
wt.. 2 oz.
plying with JAN -J -641 specification. Both require W mounting space
behind panel. Type SC-1A has 1/4' diameter threaded shank, long.
1/4' phone plugs. Length, 334,, Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
41 H 940. NET 1.47 Typo SC -1A. Equivalent to military jack No. JJ -034. Open
D circuit. 2- conductor jack, see Diagram I. Takes all standard y4'
plugs including Mallory 75; Western Electric Nos. 47A and 47B; Nos.
PL -47, PL -48. PL -55, PL -148, PL-155, PL -125, PJ -035, PJ -1S5, PJ -634,
PJ -636, and I' -047.
41 H 642. NET 35c
Typs SCA -2B.
o cuit. 3-conductorEquivalent to military jack No. JJ -033. Open cir-
jack, see Diagram III. Takes all 3- conductor plugs
LONG -FRAME STANDARD PHONE JACKS with .206' diameter sleeves, including Western Electric 109; Military
Nos. PL -68, PL- I68, PJ -068, I'J -168, and PJ -309.
Industrial -type, long -frame jacks offering a variety of sw,o h combina-
tions. All take standard 4' phone plugs. Types Nos. 1, 2, 2A, and 5
41 H 643. NET 4k
(Fig. A) are 31/4x1 1/40(z wide. Mount in panels up to 1/4'
means of '/s' diameter threaded shank. XP types thick by JACK SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS
(Fig. B) are 31/4x'Jyx Diagrams below illustrate circuits of jacks listed on pages 174 -176.
31e' wide. Have 4,' diameter smooth shank 3k' long and mount with
screw and nut. "Column header) "Cond." indicates number of conductors
in mating plug. }Diagram indicates switching arrangement (shown in
column at right). Av. sltpg. wt., 4 oz. II._. IV
Stock No. Typo *Cond. Circuit I Dinars m NET
34 441 H
2 Open
34 H 442 2A
41 H 055
2 Closed If 56
5 2 Closed & Transfer IX
34 H 445 XII 2 Open
41 H 644 XP2B 2 Closed I
34 H 446 XP3B 624 IX
2 Transfer VIII 884
One Patch Cord and two Dou-
ble Plugs. Tinned -copper, 2-
conductor, insulated wire.
Heavy braid overall. Bakelite
BROADCAST TYPE JACK PANELS and brass plugs. Have polariz-
ing identifications. Wt., 9 oz.
Professional- quality jack panels for use in broadcast
systems, theaters, recording studios, and in stations, paging
any other installation
requiring efficient distribution, switching and control 41 H 661. Typo PJ12. Patch Cord Set. 2 -ft. long. NET 7.41
Easily inserted card strips. Bakelite panels fit standardof audio signals. 41 H 662. Typo PJ13. Patch Cord Set. 3 -ft. long. NET 7
Typs P3340. Double row jack panel complete with 52 (2619'pairs) relay rack. 41 H 664. Typs PJ16. Patch Cord Set. 5 -ft. long. NET 07
circuit jacks. Width, 1W. Shpg. svt., 5 lbs. closed 41 H 666. Type PJ1. Double Plug Only. NET 2.76
86 MX 804. NET
49,50 Rsplaosment Cords. Same fine quality 2- conductor cords as used on
Typa PJ341. Double row jack panel complete with 48 (24 pairs) closed patch cord sets above. Insulated tinned copper. Heavy protective
circuit jacks. Width, 21/4¡. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs. braid. Fit all makes of standard plugs. Av. shpg. wt., 6 oz.
86 MX 802. NET 42.75
Typo PJ343. Single row jack panel complete with 24 (12 pairs) closed 41 H 667. Typo PJ22. Replacement Cord. 2 -ft. long. NET I 65
circuit jacks. Width, 11/2'. Shpg. wt., 3t/ lbs. 41 H 668. Typo PJ23. Replacement Cord. 3 -ft. long. NET I 74
86 MX 803, NET 41 H 669. Type PJ24. Replacement Cord. 4 -ft. long. NET 80
25.13 41 H 659. Typo PJ26. Replacement Cord. S -ft. long. NET 89


I t/sue long, W wide, t/i thick. Two -
conductor type. Black bakelite case. Ty pa 274- M B. Dual plug for standard banana jacks. Molded
dhpg. wt., 3 oz. as a unit on 1/4 centers. Recessed top forms double jack,
43 H 260. Plug. NET 474 allowing units to be used in tandem. Banana plug prongs.
Holes in body accept phone tips or wires up CO No. 12; ter-
1; D
43 H 261. Jack. NET
654 minal screws clamp conductors securely. Body of plug is
constructed of durable, black polystyrene for high insula-
tion resistance. 15 amp rating. DC leakage resistance
Universal storage battery binding post. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. 100 million ntegohms. 1134 W., Pak L. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
41 H 785. NET EACH 56C 41 H 242. NET 65c
For Complete Product and Manufacturers Index, See Pages 397 -400 175
Plugs, Jacks and Test Lead Accessories
"Mini -Mix" Audio Mixers
Miniature. 2 -input audio mix-
ers. Small. inexpensive units for
greatly increasing the flexibility
of recording equipment. Accom-
modate 2 high -impedance in-
puts. Allow mixing of 2 mikes.
contact mike and record player. 310
etc. 21/4axlt;iexlr/n'. Wt. 4 oz.
Description NET
Stock No. Typo
A B L 41 H 953 310 Has phono jack inputs with phono plug out-
put. Fits std. jacks. Connect directly to
equipment -no external cables needed. 4.67
ICA PHONE PLUGS AND JACKS 41 H 699 8266 Recessed jack adapter. For 310 above. w /1-
ft., 2 -cond. cable. 2.20
STANDARD 2- CONDUCTOR PHONE PLUGS 41 H 954 320 Mixer. Has microphone connector inputs,
Selection of standard 2- conductor phone plugs for anya wide variety of and outputs with standard microphone con-
space require- 4.67
applications. Choice of handle sires for practically nectors.
Molded plastic handles
ment. All sleeves fit standard 11' phone jacks. have 41 H 658 315 Mixer. Has phone jack inputs with mike
are ribbed to provide a sure grip. Shielded plugs nickel -plated brass connector output mating with std. mike
handles. Screw -type terminals of Type 24B and3 24R can also be used connectors or No. 44 Adapter. 4.67
wr th or 2 pairs of phone tips. Av. shpg. wt., oz. 41 H 686 325 Mixer. For use with recorders and amplifiers
using Jones-type connectors. Fits recessed

Handle 10 or 5.85
Stock Mfr's Terminals
1 -9.
More. EA.
connectors on Webcor tape recorders. etc.
Fig. Color Dimensions EACH
No Type
41 H 600 240 A raw Black - 540114' 386 34t TELEX SUBMINIATURE
H 601 24R A "Screw Red 54x114' 386 346 JACKS AND PLUG
41 11/402' 654 586
41 H 605 25 B Screw Shielded
H 610 Screw Shielded 11401114' 53t 486 Typa 9231 Plug. Extremely small phone -type
41 27 C
41 H 625 298 D Solder Black 44xl' 374 336 plug for 2- conductor cable up to .150' diameter.
H 626 Solder Red Vied" 374 33t 1744' by 11' diameter. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. CC
41 29R D
59 J 243. NET J
STANDARD PHONE JACKS Typa 6670. Jack. Closed circuit jack for plug above. Mounts in Me'
plugs. Have Ye hole. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. 24t
Miniáture phone jacks for standard 1/4' phone 59 J 242. NET
threaded shank. 54,' long. Overall length, h'. Page 175. Wt.,
3 oz.

Mfr'e Cond. Circuit Diagram 1 &' 10 or More. Typa 9240. Jack. Open circuit jack for Type 9231 plug listed above.
Stock I

EACH EACH Mounts in 74' hole. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.

Ne. Type 59 J 254. NET
41 H 627 INFO 2 Open 96
41 1871 2 \'1I 9t 294
Open 94 354
1872 Steel alligator clips. Insulated handles accept
H 6291 3 Ill

phone tip or banana plugs. Wt.. per 10. S or.

Description l -9. EA. 10 -49(A. 50- UD.EA.
Stack No. Type Color
With lip jack adapter. 324 296 266
41 N 300 304 Red
296 266
41 H 305 304 Black With tip jack adapter. 32e
Withcomhtip & banana ink. 384 346 314
41 H 168 305 Red
346 316
41 H 169 305 Black Withcomb.hpg banana jack. 386


Completely insulated clips. Molded Phenolic in-
sulation. Silver contact points. Contact resistance
PHONO PIN PLUG & JACK -TEST CLIPS 0.0015 ohms. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
f1 Shielded Phono PIn-Plug and Jack. For auto radios, record 45 H I80. Type 16 -B Black. NET 83c
LU players, etc. Pin plug fite standard phono jack
on radio. Pin dia., 45 H 181.TypalO -RRod. EACH
tie, length, 9íb'. Single prong jaclron 4,' bakelite disc. 144' mtg. centers. NU -WAY SNAPS,
Ave wt.. oz. 3 per package.
Pin Plug. 10 or More Pkgs., Per Pkg. 136. Per Pkg. I4C


46 H 213. Pin J,aek. 10 or More Pkgs., Per
Pkg. IOC. Per Pkg. 204
with 8- 32xs1/4e' mounting Make and break contacts for tempo- o
Gray hill Type 2 -0 Test Clip. Spring clip rary or permanent connections. A
EJstud for test panels or board. 1sí4' long. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. ZOC quick. simple way to join wires together. Snaps may be cascaded to-
45 H 182. NET gether for multiple connections-wires are secured by clamping
but with banana plug for nal prongs over stripped wire and soldering. Nickel -plated brass. Fig.
Grayhill Typs 2 -1 Teat Clip. As above,long. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. K has solder lug; Fig. L has hole for 6-32 screw. 100, 12 oz. 100 per pkg.
mounting in standard banana jacks. 11,4'
45 H 183. NET
34C 1.9 Pkgs. 10 Pkgs. or
Stock No. Fig. Description Sire PER PKG. More. PER PKG.
H. H. Smith No. 1200 M la Type Plug. Antenna lead in plug
designed for connecting coaxial lead in antenna wire to auto radio. 44 H 450 K Snaps for lugs and studs. r/IS'DxPr'L 7.20 5.00
Split brass shell has serrated edge to provide secure ground connection. 44 H 452 Stud for panel or chassis mug. 6-32x54' 4.30 3.00
Pin dia.. /a' Shpg. wt.. 2 oz.

8c 44 H 451 M Lug for flush mounting. 1/uxsií01/4' 4.30

41 H 152.10 or More, EACY.. 74. i to 9, NET

Consist of .025' tinned brass terminals on 44a' thick laminated phe-
Terminals riveted to du' thick bakelite on 1 centers. "Have one
nolic. Ground lug included. Av. shpg. wt., per pkg.. 8 oz. 10 per pkg.
o mount ng lug;Av. others have two. Mounting centers, 4- terminal. 11/4';
6- termina ir/a'. shpg. wt., per pkg., 1/4 lb. 10 per pkg.
, l9 Pkgs., 10 Pigs g Up 1 -9 Pkgs., 10 Pkgs g Up.
erm. PER PKG.
Stock No. am1 PER PKG. Stock No. PER PKG.
1.9 Nip, 10 Pkp g UP -9 Phis., 10 Pkgs d UD, 1 PER PKG.
Stock No. Stck No. erm. PER PKG. PER PKG PER PKG. H 513 5
PER PKG. 41 H 5 0 2 154 131/24 1
H 03 5 22e 20c 41 H 511 191 H 514 6 35544 314
41 H 500
41 2Ót IBt P! I

IHS504 6 I 514
51 46
46c 41 H 512 i 256 221
41 H 502
5 30e 276
Slack %4' bake ite. Cadmium -p ated screw terminals. Tinned lugs,
SINGLE -LUG TIE -POINT for antenna-ground connection on receivers, etc. Av. wt.. 4 oz.
Tinned solder Ina- Very convenient for keeping wiring neat and rigid.
aReduces possibility of shorts from loose :vire,. coming in contact
with each other. Riveted to 44' thick, high -quality bakelite. One mount-
Stock No. Terminals l-9. EA. 10- Up.EA.II Stock No. Terminals 1.9. EA.
13e H 895 6
41 H 875 2 144 1

ing lug. Shpg. wt., per pkg , 4 oz 10 per pkg. I4C 41 H 880 3 7 31e
41 H 515.1 to 9 Pkgs., PER PKG 885 216 196 141H898 344 1e
10 or More Pkv., PER PKG. 4c 41
H 890
5 244 22e I


for cabled sub- assemblies, to simplify chassis removal. Av. shpg. wt.. per pkg. par pkg.
o Excellent
and tinned solder lugs. Av shpg. wt per pkg..,A lb. perepkg
. 4 oz. 10
1 -9 Pkgs., 10 or More
N. Fig. Decori ptio n PER PKG. PER PKG.
g 1 -9 Pkgs lO Pkgs g Up,
-9 10 Pkgs Up
Slxk Term. PER PKG.
w lit
Stotts No. Term. PER PKG. PER PKG.
Ne. PER PKG. 41 H 757 Single hole fuse mount.
624 For 1/4á diameter fuses. 124
4tH 505 2 294 264
1H 508
H 509 6
826 744 41 H 767 X Terminal lugs. 404
41 H 506 3 444 1

41 H 777 Y Black. insulated pin -plug. 714

41 H 501 4 596 53e

176 Industrial Users, Write For Quantity Prices

H. H. Smith Plugs and Jacks

u lE El
L m m
Type 229 Heavy Duty Phone Type 108 Standard Cord Type 211 Insulated, Spring
Type 107 Non -Insulated
HH Tip Jack. '1' mtg. hole;
Tip Plug. Molded Bakelite
handle. One- piece, nickel -plated
13 Tip. For instruments, test pa-
nels, headphones, etc. Length. V.
D Tip. Nickel -plated brass tip.
Wire can be soldered to brass stud '/' max. panel
phosphor- bronze
thickness. Has
spring contact.
brass construction for heavier -cur- Shpg. wt., 2 oz. supplied, or directly into plug. oz.
rent use 2'/e" long. Shpg. o t., 3 oz. 41 H 200.1 -9, NET EACH 2c Length, I % Sl,pg. wt., 2 oz. Shpg. wt., 2
41 H 536. Red 60 -99, EA... 1g 10 -49, EA.. I''/z4 41 H 462. Red 41 H 100.1 -9, NET EACH IOC
41 H 537. Black 41 H 463. Black 1 -9 60 -99, EA...84 10 -49, EA.... 94
41 H 538, yellow NET EACH 41 H 464. yellow NET EACH BANANA JACKS
41 H 539. Green MOLDED METER PLUGS 41 H 465 Green Type 205 Insulated Ba-
41 H 540. Blue
I5C Type 255 Banana -Type Me- 41 H 466 Blue 18C
10 -49, EA.. 134 El ter Plug. Four leaved phos- nana Jack. With solder
60 -99, EA 124 -
50 -99, EA. 154 10 -49, EA.. 64 lug and removable insulated top
Type200 "Senior" Solderless phor bronze spring; nickel -plated.
Tip is ' '/u" long. Wt., 2 oz. Type 103 All- Metal, Spring Requires 3f hole; for panels to
B Phone Tip Plug. Knurled nut 41 H 467. Red 1 -9 0 Tip. Has solder lug. Four - ' /s'. 21/22" long. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
tightens against wire, making sol- 41 H 468. Black NET EA. 35c leaved spring. Body and tip are 4
dering unnecessary. Plug is made 60 -99, EA 294 10 -49, EA.. 314 nickel -plated. 6-32x1/2' stud. 4 H 480. Black 1 -9'

4 H 422. Yellow NET EACH

of nickel- plated brass; bakelite
handle 21/4' long. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. Type 236 Meter Tip Plug. Length. 111/22'. Shpg wt .l 4 H 423. Green
a Molded in two halves for easy 41 H 400. 1 -9, NET EACH 1. C I3c
41 H 250, Red 60 -99, EA. 124 10 -49, EA-134 4 H 424. Blue
41 H 255. Black assembly with screw and nut. 60 -99, EA. 114 10-49, EA.. 124
41 H 415. Yellow NET EACH Nickel- plated tip is /z" long. 2 oz. All- Metal, Spring Type 219 Insulated Ba-
Typo 100

41 H 416. Green 41 H 203. Red -9

D Tip. As above, but internal nana Jack. Ilan molded
41 H 417. Blue I5C 41 H 204. Black NET EA. 26c plastic head. Recessed Jody as-
60 -99, EA 224 10 -49, EA... 244
threads permit use on all size
50 -99, EA 124 10 -49, EA 134 panels. Length, 11/22' Shpg. wt., sures snug contact. Fits 34' mtg.
Type 201 "Junior" Solder- 2oz. hole; '/é max panel thickness.
less Phone Tip Plug. Has BANANA PLUGS 41 H 488.1 -9, NET EACH.I5c Shop wt . 2 oz.
same tightening assembly in body Type 212 Insulated, Spring 50 -99, EA 124 10 -49, EA.. 134 41 H 033. Red
of plug as Type 200, above. Bake- Tip. Molded Bakelite handle. 41 H 034. Black
lite handle; nickel- plated brass. 2' Wire can be soldered to brass stud
Typo 102 All- Metal, Spring 41 H 035. Yellow NET EACH
long Shpg. wt., 3 oz. supplied, or directly into plug.
D Tip, Nickel plated, one-piece 41 H 036. Green
41 H 542. Red 6- .12x'/s' stud. 41 H 037. Blue
/ -9 Length. 11/4'. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. Lconstruction.
ength, 1W/u'. Shpg. wt 2 oz. 60 -99, EA. 124 10 -49, EA-134
41 H 543. Black. 4

41 H 544. Vllow NET EACH 1 -9, 41 H 489.1-9, NET EACH.ISC Type 221 Insulated Ba-
I5c 4 H 594. ack NET EACH 60 -99, EA 12e 10 -49, EA.. 134 GG nana Jack. Molded nylon
41 H 545. Green 4 H 595. YeBlllow
41 H 546. Blue 41 H 596. Green 'lead and insulating washer 34sr
60 -99, EA. 124 10 -49, EA.. 134 41 H 597. Blue 21C TIP JACKS m g hole; '/s' max. wShpg. wt..
Type 270 Subminiature 50 -99, EA. 174 10 -49, EA.... 194 Type 1506 Miniature 2oz.
D Phone Tip. '/a" O.U. bone CB Nylon Tip Jacks. Silver- 4 H 042. Red
Type 263 Insulated, Split 4 H 043. Black
fiber handle. Nickel- plated brass D T I p. Nickel -plated. cross - plated, beryllium copper contact. 4 H 044. Yellow NET EACH
tip. 12z/u" overall length. 2 oz. slotted tip. Wire can be soldered Fits 1/4' hole; panels to 1/4' thick. 4 H 045. Green
41 H 547. Red 1 -9, to brass stud supplied or directly Overall size. «Ytz'xr/a' dia.Wt. ,2 oz. Blue 18C
41 H 548. Black NET EA. 13c into plug. Length, 11/4'. Shpg. wt., 4 4 H 046.
60 -99, EA 114 10 -49, EA. 124 4 H 496. aek 1-9, 60 -99, EA. 154 10 -49, EA.. 64

Type 237. For standard tip 41 H 428. Red 4 H 497. YeBlllow NET EACH Typo 101 Non -Insulated
41 H 427. Black -9 41 H 498. Green E/3 Banana Jack. Has brass
jack 1352' long. 3 oz.
41 H 260. Red 1 -9 H 067. Yellow NET EACH
41 41 H 499. Blue 29c tinned lug. '/s' mtg. hole; Ms max.
068. Green 60 -99, EA 244 10 -49EA... 264 panel thickness. Shpg set 2oz
41 H 261. Black NE'I EA. IOC 4 H
18c 41 H 047.1 -9, NET EACH IOC
60 -99, EA... 84 10 -49, EA.. 94 4 H 069. Blue Typo 240 Nylon Tip Jack. 50 -99, EA ...86 10 -49, EA_ .94
50 -99, EA 154 10 -49, EA... 164
Typo 203 Short Phone Tip BB Completely insulated: phos- Type 109 Non -Insulated
0 Plug. Shoulderless tip per-
mits insertion all the way up to
Typo 236 Insulated, Spring
El Tip. Tenite handle. Silver -
phor bronze contact. I % x«/a dia.
Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
KK B Jack. 1/4' mtg.
wile; z/s' max. thickness. Shpg.
insulated handle. Handle is mold- plated tip. Fits all standard ba- 4 H 012. Red wt., 2oz.
ed bakelite. Nickel -plated brass nana jacks. Four leaved spring 4 H 013. Black 1.9 41 H 470.1 -9, NET EACH. IOC
tip. l'1/32' long. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. provides lasting contact. Has 4 H 014. yellow NET EACH 60 -99, EA...84 10 -49, EA....94
41 H 575. Rod curved contact area to assure 4 H 015, Green
41 H 576. Black high current handling capacity. 4 H 016. Blue I8c COMBINATION JACK
41 H 577. Yellow NET EACH Length, l'5Aá Sl,pg. wt., 2 oz. 50 -99, EA. 154 10 -49,EA.. 164 Type 206 Insulated Com-
41 H 578. Green
41 H 407. Red 1 -9 DB bination Jack. Will ac-
41 H 579. Blue 41 H 408, Black NET EA. 29c Type 202 Insulated Tip commodate all standard phone
60 -93, EA 104 10 -49, EA 114 60 -99, EA. 244 10 -49, EA.. 264 ELI Jack. Body is nickel -plated tip or banana plugs. Nickel - plated
Type 204 Insulated, Spring brass. Mounts in aie' hole in panels brass body. Mounts in 35' hole;
D Tip. Solderless; has net screw up to '/C thick. Size, panels up to '/_' thick. Length.
NON -INSULATED TIP PLUGS in bakelite handle. Nickel- plated O.D. Shpg ,et.. 2 oz. 1'152' Sling wt , 2 or
Type 106 "Senior" Solder - ti ,. Length, 1'1/46'. Wt.. 2 oz. 41 H 110. Rod -9 41 H 130. Red
R less Phone Tlp Plug- lias
4 H 405. Red 41 H 115. Black 41 H 135. Black
-9 41 H 432. Yellow NET EACH 41 H 137. Yellow NET EACH
knurled nut for fastening wire. 4 H 410. Black
1,1/42" long. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 4 H 402. Yellow NET EACH 41 H 433, Green 41 H 138. Green
41 H 240.1-9, NET EACH IOC Green 41 H 434. Blue I3c 41 H 143. Blue 16C
4 H 403. I8c 60 -99, EA 114 10 -49, EA. 124 60 -99, EA 13e 10.49, EA 144
60 -99, EA...84 10 -49, EA. 94 . 4 H 404. Blue
60-99, EA 154 10-49, EA. 164 Typa 241 Insulated Tip INSULATED SPADE LUG
Type 106 "Junior" Solder -

o loss Phone Tip Plug. As Type 213 Insulated, Split

Tip. Solderlass; in
DD Jack. Molded nylon head
insulating washer. Nickel-
Type 218 Phono Tip To
Spade Lug Adapter. Has tip
above, but l'in' long 2 oz. set screw and
41 H 230.1 -9, NET EACH. IOC handle. Length, 19A6'. Shpg. wt., plated brass body. Mounts in Vie lack in rear of handle to allow in-
60-99. EA...84 10 -49, EA....94 2 oz. ole. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. sertion of phone tip 1/2' wide
41 H 425. Rod 41 H 024. Red steel hot -tinned lug 0311' thick
n Type 23 tandHeavy-Duty Cord
r pho e 41 H 430. Black
41 H 412. Yellow
NET EACH 41 H 025. Black
41 H 026. yellow NET EACH for extra durability. Size. 11314'
long. 1/4' O.U. Shpg. wt., 2 or
tacks 1" long. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 41 H 413. Green 41 H 027. Green 41 H 048. Rod -9
41 H 125.1 -9, NET EACH. 3C 41 H 414. Blue I8c 41 H 028. Blue I8c 41 H 049. Black NET EA...IIC

50 -99, EA... 24 10 -49, EA..2 %a4 50 -99, EA. 154 10 -49, EA.. 164 60 -99, EA. 1511 10 -49, EA.. 64 1 60 -99, EA...94 10 -49, EA.. 104

Industrial Users-Write for Quantity Prices on 100 or More Plugs or Jacks ,77
Alligator Clips, Binding Posts

A wide variety of clips for positive. highly dependable electrical contact. Quality springs maintain firm grip for low resistance. Lead -plated clips
For batteries, high-frequency equipment, experimental setups, trans- resist battery acid. Solid copper types have low resistance and are
mitting apparatus, electroplating, and countless other applications. non -magnetic. Slip -on insulators (Fig. IC) are listed for all types.
For general purpose applications. Solid Copper. :Solid bronze. Made of cadmium- plated steel. except "solid copper. Jaws open skis'.
¡Cadmium- plated steel. 1lnsulation- piercing needle for quick wire Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
contact. Av. shpg. set., 3 oz.
Stock Mtr's Size Description
Steak Mfr's NET EACH No. Type 1 -9 10 -99 100 -499 500-Up
Ne. Type Amps] Sizo -9 10 -99 100-499 600-Up 45 N 070 2
1 60HS , 1/22. Red handle .14 .095 .08 .076
45 N 005
45 N
45 N
2'' .
.16 .11
Black handle
Red handle
45 N 010 í48B 10 2 .10 .07 .06 .056 45 N 095 6OCHS 211012' .16 .11Black handle .096 .092
45 N 078 48C 10 2' .14 .098 .084 .08
45 N 087 :t50C 10 2'/ .24 .18 .15 .14 CROCODILE CLIPS
Solid copper; ¡cadmium -plated steel. :Phone tip on one jaw.
Ea Wt., 2oz.
LEAD -PLATED BATTERY CLIPS 45 N 214' Screw Connection .08 .058 .048 .044
For moderately -heavy current work, including battery charging, elec- 45 N 062 I 851 12K' I Screw Connection :I6 I .I I I I .098 I .092
troplating, and light welding. Lead-plated steel for complete protec- 45 N 098 5857 215' Tip-Cllp 21 .15 .126 .12
tion and long life. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
45 N 020 24A .12 Steel, except ...Solid copper. 1Solder type; ' S" -screw type. Slim
45 N 030 21A
45 N 040 11A .98 6I
.212 o jaws for close work. Jaws open 34ís'. Shpg. wt , 2 oz.
I 100 .69 .56 I
45 N 200 160 2' Fit banana plugs .07 .05 .044 .04
45 N 065 I 605 2' Fit banana plugs
I .08 .058 .048 .044 I I
45 N 080 55 S
SOLID COPPER CLIPS 2' Fit banana plugs .I 2 .084 .072 .068
Heavy -duty, high -conductivity, solid copper clips. Shpg. Nets.: 24C NON -FERROUS R.F. TEST CLIP
3 oz.; 21C. S oz.; 11C, 8 oz.; 33C, 1 lb.
bronze clip with brass screw. Ideal for tapp'ng small trans-
45 N 025 24C 50 .33 .24 .20 .19 EPhosphor
mitter coils; also for work in crowded chassis. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
l' ds Ideal for coils

45 N 035 21C 45 N 0551 88 .22 .15 .13 .124


45 N 045 11 C

45 N 050 33C 300 147s/a' 3.18 I .90 I I 82 "MINI -GATOR"
Miniaturized-He jaw opening, '1/24' O.D. tip. ¡Cadmium- plated
3 -SIDED MESH TEETH CLIPS o steel; °solid copper. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
¡Cadmium-plated steel; ...solid copper. Jaws open W. Meshing Stook Mfr's NET EACH
a teeth on 3 sides of each jaw. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. No. Type Amps. I Size 1 -8 10 -99 100 -499 B00-Up
45 N 015 316 .07 .066 45 N 142 130 .07 I .044 l .038 I .036
4s' I
45 N 097 ( .1127
27C I 40 2346' I .20
12 .14
.12 I I I
45 N 143 10 ifs' .08 .056 .048 .044
INSULATED ALLIGATOR CLIPS Tough, flexible plastic. High dielectric strength; res'stant to oils and
¡ Cadmium-plated steel ;solid copper. Completely insulated with vinyl o grease. Covers entire clip except
pkg., 5 oz. 2 Inul
for end of nose. Av. shpg. wt. per
plastisol to provide excellent protection against shocks and shorts. sr pkg.; ono red, ene black.
S pg.
'Q wt.. 3 oz. Stook Mfr's For Use El' PER PKG.
163 ,L .17 No. Type With 1 -4 6 -49 60-249 250 -Up
45 N 140 I I 10 24' I .29 I .20 I I .17 45 N 67 13 Series 1t 1.51 1.06 .90 .86
45 N 64 23 Series 21 .94 .67 .57 .53
70 SERIES ALLIGATOR CLIPS 45 N 63 26 Series 24 .47 .33 .278 .262
45 N 66 29 Series 27 .31 .22 .192 .18
f Streamlined, simplified design. No. 70 is cadmium- plated steel, with 45 N 44 32 Series 30 .22 .152 .126 .12
I;J solder connection; No. 70S 'a cadmium- plated steel, with screw connec- 45 N 35 Series 33 3.04
tion. No. 70CS is made of solid copper and has screw connection. 60 47 Series 45 .14 3.096 2.076
Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. 45 Ñ 49 Series 48, 50 .20
45 N 170 70 .044 .038 45 N 65 62 Series 60, 70 .14 .096 .082 .076
45 N 171 70SI I"1(4;
n I oe I .044 .046 45 N 87 Series 85 .096 .08
45 N 172 70CS I 101Ó 1 .11 .075 .064 .06 45 N 69 93 Series 88 .200 .116


r? (J o o
Positive contact clips. Made of bronze. All others brass. Av ahpg wt WMolded bakelite. 31s diameter head with threaded insert. Nickel -
per pkg., 3 oz. 10 clips per pkg. plated 8 -32 screw and knurled locking nut. Length overall, 's4 e'.
NET PER PKG. pg. wt., 2 oz.
Stock Mlr s Fig, Length Width Max. Mt1eg
41 H 369 Black. 41 H 370. Red.
No. Type Wire Hole 1 -9 10 -99 100-Up 50 -99, EACH ....134 10 -49, EACH. .. .144 1 -9, NET EACH...I6C
41 H 700 2 L P 1S' /10 #0 .12 .11 .10
4IH702 l'As' /10 /8 H. H. SMITH BINDING POSTS
IÓ L /14 /6 .1ó .09 .05 All posts rated 2000 volts. 30 amps. Type 267 is "standard" type. re-
41 H 703 5 M ISSa Ys' /10 t8 quires solder lug for connection to post; Type 257 uses direct wrap -around
41 H 707 15 M .1ó .09 .08 solder connection. 260 is completely insulated; 220 is grounding type.
41 H 704 9 N 2'45s 31' .51 .46 .42 requires fiber washers for insulation. Av. slipg. wt., 2 oz.
41 H710 9C N 15' /10 /8 1.50 1.35 I.44 NET EACH
41 H715 18 N 34ií iH 16 Stock Mfr's Fig. Dia. Length Description
41 H708* 36 P iÑ,' 11' 110 lug .55 .Ì5 No. Type 1 -9 10-49 50-Up
41 H 709 45 R S. 34' 112 /6 .17 :44 41 H 368 2578 W 13/e P Me Red
H 367 2578 l'W Black 354 310 280

41 W 's41í
SUPERIOR BINDING POSTS 41 H 386 2675 X "As' l'sAe Red
Take spade lugs. banana plugs (have 'ack in top). clip leads, and up 41 H 387 267B X 11' I, Ms' Black
o to No. 12 wire. 30 amps, 1000 volts. For panels to W. Insulated
330 /' 184 164 150
with nylon plastic; all -metal components recessed. 134ex"Am' Wt.. 4 oz.
Stock No. Type Celer 1 -99, EACH 100 or More, EACH
41 H
41 H
4, H
Z /'/'
15' l/'

Red 244
184 164
41 H 172 DF30VC Yellow 41 H 399 26013 Z If Black 244 220 204
41 H 173
41 H 174
41 H 177
41 H 178
34C 40c
plated b ass 33 dia. ;5s'
tions. Nickel-plated
371. 50 -Up. EA..120 10 -49, EA.. 131/20
' low-resistance

-9, NET EA. I5C
178 Depend on Allied for Everything in Radio, TV and Industrial Electronics
Insulators, Plugs, Jacks and Adapters


7 0
5 D
4o 4°a 4m
ANTENNA INSULATORS Thru -Panel Insulators. High mechanical Stand -Off Insul . High glaze porcelain
SI C 223. Glazed porcelain insulator, 2t/z' strength; Icing leakage paths. White glazed por- (except ¡steatite). Ideal for transmitter appli-
PA long Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 4 per pkg. celain. except tsteatite. Have Type 108-740 cations, etc. Feature long leakage path, low ca-
to 9 Pkgs., Per Pkg 21C jack, listed below. Shpg. wt., 12 oz. pacity and freedom from moisture absorption.
10 or Mors Pkgs. , Per Pkg 194 Heavy breakage -resistant bases. Nickel- plated
Stook Mfr's Flg. To Panel Hard- NET brass hardware. Types 65, 65 -2. 68. 68-2 are
51 C 224. White porcelain strain insulator, No. Type Ht. Hole ware EA. ribbed; others have drawn bases. ¡Have jacks
B 13/0i7/,' dia. Wt.. 2 oz. 4 por pkg. 73 H 225 135-401 E 10-32 as listed below. Like Fig. L but square base.
to 9 Pkgs., Per Pkg 29C 73 H 226 135-40-2 F 04' 7Á. .45 Av. shpg. wt., I lb.
10 or More Pkgs., Per Pkg 264 73 H 227 135-421 E K' 13/a' 10-32
73 H 228 135-42-2 F S4' 13/ .45 Stook Mfr's Body Hard - NET
51 C 225. Standard nail knob. 1r1/211/2x11/2' No. Type Ht. ware
Pdia. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 4 per pkg. 7
1/ C
73 H 229 135-Nt
73 230 135-45
34 6-32 .27
.47 73 H 120 135 -20i Itg' 10-32
9 Pkgs., Per Pkg H 1 si4 10-32
73 H 121 135 -20-2 114- 7401
10 or More Pkgs. Per pkg 154 73 H 231 135-45-2 H 1 54' .57 73 H 122 135 -224 8-32 Ì9t
73 H 233 135-46 E 2%' lIAe 34-20 1.30 le
51 C 226. Porcelain insulator for 300 ohm
73 H 235 135-47 E 1S4' 1.85 tt/.
I Ih
73 H 123 135 -22 -2
73 H 139 135 -24 % 76-32 Ì5c
D twin -lead. Shpg. wt., S oz. 4 per pkg
1 to 9 Pkgs., Per Pkg '2óC 73
135 -48 -2
r2' I IA,.
.83 73 H 125 135 -60 4 I -20 981
lo or More Pkgs., Per Pkg 241 73 H 126 135.62 2
73 H 127 135 -65 1 10-32 3Ót
73 H 128 135 -65 -2 1t 7401 39
NATIONAL STAND -OFF 73 H 129 135 -66 2 1/v20 871
INSULATORS 73 H 130 135-66-2 2r/4 77601
73 H 131 135 -67 4 '
Molded steatite insulators for use 73 H 136 135 -68 2 lÓ-32 46t
in RF circuits. Glazed to prevent 73 H 137 135 -68-2 2' 740t 544
moisture absorption. Base and
terminal assembly removable to Lead -In Bushings. Have many applications
form single -screw type pillar in transmitter and antenna installations. Ideal
mount.. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. as power supply and high voltage terminals.
50, 51, 52. 55 are steatite. with nickeled brass
Stook Mfr's Body Dia. NET rod and nuts; 53 and 54 are porcelain. less ANTENNA INSULATORS
No. Type Ht. EACH hardware. Av. shpg. wt.. 8 oz. Types 107 and 112 are wet -process porcelain;

I1iI l'
271 800 lbs. breaking strength. Type 104 dry-
71 H 125 GS-1 2
Stock Mfr's Fig. Top Mag. Panal NET process porcelain; 400 lbs. breaking strength.
71 H 126 2 ' No. Type Ht. Die. Hola EA.
71 H 127 GS-3 2 Ys 691
334 Stook No. Type Size Wt. NET
73 H 160 135 -50 S
73H161 135 -51 S 11
I 1F0' 780 73 H 215 136 -104 4x% sq. 4 oz. .26
LAB -TRONICS JACK ADAPTERS 73 H 162 135 -52 S 73 H 2161136-107 7'x1 dia. 10 oz. 1.18
73 H 163 135 -53 P 15F0' 291 73 H 217 136 -112 12'4' die. 11/4 lb. 1.25
AND CONNECTORS 73 H 164 135 -54 N 4' 3y4 21¡k'
73 H 165 135 -55 R 1/4' ' iSnt 311 FEEDER SPREADERS
Ultra- StsatIto Cons Ingot Smooth. . General-purpose feeder spreaders for lowest
non-ribbed high grade steatite insulators. Ideal leakage loss. For constructing open -wire feeders
C400 P55A for mounting coils, capacitors, etc. Threads and transmission lines, with impedances of
Type C400 Double ended Phono Pin Jack. tapped directly into the steatite. Width shown approximately 200 to 600 ohms. Unglazed
Allows rapid connection of any two lines having is max. (Base) With screws. washers. Wt.. 5 oz. porcelain bars. s/ext/'. treated with "Silaneal,"
a silicone product -impervious to moisture.
phono ends. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. Stock Mfr's NET Av. Shpg. wt., .3 or.
71 H 288 P NET 594 No. Type Height Width EACH
Stock Mfr's NET
Type P66A Adapter. Standard phone plug.
with standard phono pin jack on opposite end.
Allows connection of standard phono pin plug
73 H 150 135-500
73 H 151 135-501
73 H 152 135-502 1'
1 .23
73 H III
136 -122
into standard phone jack. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. H .71 73 H 112 136-124
71 H 289. NET 731 73 H 135-504 3' 11' 1.20 73 H 113 136 -126 6' 321


Type MP Microphone Conn
Has standard microphone connector on one
end and a standard phono pin plug on the
753 771 77D
Compact. high voltage insulated.
plugs and jacks. Molded of tough
low -loss nylon. Retain low -loss
qualities through wide tempera
turc range and high humidity_
Plugs have one piece nickel -plated
brass body and pin; nickel silver
other end. Handy for all installers of public NON -INSULATED PLUGS AND JACKS springs. Solderless connection
address and hi -fi equipment, repair depart-
ments. labs. etc. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
Positive contact. Banana type plugs have takes up to No. 16 wire. Voltage
breakdown of jacks. 11.000 v.
nickel- silver springs; jacks are nickeled brass
71 H 290. NET 594 with phosphor bronze spring sleeves. Type 771 Jacks mount in 71,4( hole. 2 oz.
Typs C800 Microphone Cable Connector. plugs have long screw for mounting on ceramic Steck No. Type Fig Color Length EACH
For use where splicing microphone lines is or steatite plug -in coil forms. Supplied with
necessary. Connects two cables equipped with all hardware. Av. shpg. wt.. 2 oz. 71 H 266 108 -901 T White
male or female microphone connectors. 4 oz. 71 H 267 108 -902 T Red
71 H 291. NET 591 Stock No.
73 H 200
108 -740
750, 750 -2, 753
Lgth. NET 71 H 268 108-903 T Black
71 H 269 108-904 T Green
73 H 201 108 -750 740 1S%4' 131 71 H 270 108-907 T Yellow I54.
H 202
H 203
108.750 -2
108 -753 740
740 H4
I s 14s 71 H 271 108-301 W White
71 H 272 108-302 W Red
71 H 273 108-303 W Black

108 -770
770, 771
s, 344
71 H274 108 -304 W Green
Type E1106. 6-ft. shielded cable with mike 73 H 206 108 -771 760 134' 3444 71 H287 108-307 W Yellow
connector at one end; other end stripped and
tinned. Shpg wt., 1 lb. NYLON TIP PLUGS
71 H 292. NET 1.21 NYLON TIP JACKS
Type E7110. As above, but 10-ft. Wt 1 lb Nylon Insulated solderless tip plugs. Fit
Law loss nylon insulated .081' tip all standard tip jacks. No metal surfaces
71 H 293. NET 59 1 jacks. Silver- plated beryllium copper
contacts. Body threaded -32; single
nut mounting. D.C. breakdown volt-
y ezpoeed when inserted. Withstand high
voltages. Current rating 10 amps. Pin
size, Me long; .081' diameter. Body r/s'
lifeaseamemeES age 11,000 volts. Length ¡Sir'. Diam-
eter 3/a'. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
long; /fdiameter. Wt., 2 oz.

Type [906. 6 -ft. shielded cable with mike con- Stock Mfr's Color N ET
nectors on both ends. Shpg. wt., 1 lb. Stock No. Mfr's Typo Color EACH No. Type EACH
71 H 294. NET 471
73 H 250 105 -601 White 71 H 256 105 -301 White
73 H 251 105 -602 Red 71 H 257 105 -302 Red
Type E912. As above, but 12 -ft. Wt.. 1 lb. 73 H 252 105 -603 Black 71 H 258 105 -303 Black
71 H 295. NET 2 06 73 H 253 105 -604 Green
25c H 259 105 -304 Green 16c
Type E926. As above, but 25-ft. Wt. 2 lbs. 71 H 254 105 -605 71 H 264 105 -305 Blue
41 5 911. NET 3 44 71 H 255 105 -607 Yellow 71 H 265 105 -307 Yellow

Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Wester() Ave., Chiccigo 80, Illinois 179
Belden Cable and Wire
No. 25 tinned, stranded conductor; 3x33 copper and 4133 steel Mfr's Wt., 8783 .240'
wire. Covered with cellulose acetate yarn braid, polyethylene Typa O. D. 100 ft. 8782 .058'x.115'
insulation, tinned copper shield and chrome plastic jacket. "Rubber 8401 .200' 3 lbs. 8785 .195'x.300' I I Ic,h-,ty speaker
insulation and black rubber jacket. Lengths under 100 ft. avallabls 8410* .245' 4 lbs. 8786 .195'x.300' and control cable for all
only In spool sizes listed below. 8411 .144' 2'/4 lbs. juke box applications.
All have vinyl -plastic inner insulation; chrome
Mfr's 16 ft. Spool 26 ft. Spool 60 ft. Spool 100 ft. Spool Over 100 ft. vinyl plastic outer jacket. Type 8782 parallel is
Type Stk. No. NET Stk. No. NET Stk. No. NET Stk. No. NET Stk. No.1 Per 100 No. 24 stranded (7x32) for speaker cable; I
bare cond., I tinned copper cond. Others for
8401 47 T 561 8I 47 T 562 1.18 47 T 563 2.30 47 T 560 4.21 47 W 564' 4.21 use as juke box control cable. 8783 is 3 -cond.
8410* 47 T 447 1.32 47 T 448 2.06 47 T 4491 3.82 47 T 446 7.20 47 W 444 7.20 color -coded. 1 -No. 20 (10x30), 2 -No. 16
8411 47 T 601 .64 47 T 602 .99 47 T 6031 1.71 47 T 600 3.14 47 W 604 3.14 (26x30). Type 8785 oval is 5 -cond. color -coded.
No. 22 stranded (7x30) tinned copper with
TWO-CONDUCTOR-FOR LOW-IMPEDANCE MIKES copper braid shield over 3 conductors, twisted
Shielded cable. 8422 is No. 22 stranded (16x34) tinned copper, poly- Mfr's Wt., pair unshielded. 8786 oval is 6-cond. color -
ethylene insulation, chrome plastic jacket. 8412 is No. 20 stranded Type O. D. 100 ft. coded, 2-No. 22 (7x30), 4-No. 24 (7x32)
(26x34) cotton wrap, rubber ins., black rubber jacket. 8428 is heavy - tinned copper braid shield over 4 conductors;
duty studio cable. No. 18 stranded (41x34), cotton wrap, black rubber 8428 .295' 7 lbs. twisted pair unshielded.
jacket. Lengths under 100 ft. available only In spool altos listed 8412
51h lbs.
4 lbs. Stook Mfr's NET NET Wt.,
below. No. Typo Par ft. Per 100 ft. 100 ft.
Mfr's 16 ft. Spool 25 ft. Spool 60 ft. Spool 100 ft. Spool Over 100 ft. 48 W 867 8783 4.26 4 lbs.
Type Stk. No. NETIIStk. No. NET Stk. No. 1NET Stk. No. NET Stk. No. Per 100' 1 48 W 868 8782 4 10 oz.
8428 47 T 465 1.71)47 T 4661 2.79I47 T 467 5.29 47 T 454 10.29 47 W468 10.29 48 W 869 8785 5.14 3 lbs.
8412 47 T 457 1.42 47 T 4591 2.30 47 T 459 4.2 47 T 453 8.08 47 W464 I 8.08 48 W 864 8786 86 6.47 3 lbs.
8422 47 T 451 1.08 7 T 452 1.67 47 T 455 3.09 47 T 450 5.59 47 W456 5.59
Unsh sided, W 2 -Cond. Cable. For intercoms, speaker 8205 .165 2 lbs.
extensions, etc. 8205 is No 22 stranded (7x30), rubber ins., black
1 1


cotton braid; 8204 is No. 18 (16x30). rubber ins., white cotton braid 8204 3 lbs. Type 8869. High
voltage cable for
8601 2.40147 CR tubes, power
BSI I 1 147 T 64Ó1 1.221 1 147 T W 6411 3.53 supplies and other applications. High dielectric
strength, corona resistance and minimum sur-
Wt.. face leakage. No.20 single conductor stranded
MULTIPLE -CONDUCTOR MIKE AND POWER CABLE Tyf O.D. (7x28) tinned copper. with white flame retard-
Folfltnicrophone and interconnecting power cable requirements. No. 20 8403 .247' lbs.
53/4 ant polyethylene insulation. .035" thick. .108'
stranded (26x34), tinned copper conductor, and color -coded conduc- 8404 .260' lbs.
7t O.D. 10,000 volts. Shpg. wt., 100 ft.. 11/2 lbs.
tors. Types 8423, 8424. 8425, 8426, 8427, and 8418 have cotton wrap, 8423 .277' lbs.
53/4 Available only In Ian wn below.
rubber insulation, rayon braid, tinned copper braid shield, and black 8424 .295' 7'/ lbs. 47 T 893. 25 ft. Spool. NET 67C
rubber outer jacket. Types 8403, 8404, and 8405 have polyethylene 8405 .300' 8 lbs.
47 T 895. 100 ft. Spool. NET
insulation, rayon, tinned copper braid shield. and chrome vinyl plastic 8425 .32 lbs. 171
jacket. Types 8403. 8404. 8423. and 8424 for all low- impedance mikes; 8426 .349' 101/2 lbs. Type 8868. As above but with .065' insulation.
all others for general interconnecting power cable uses. Lon under 8427 .360' 10/4lbs. white with red stripe; rated at 20,000 volts.
100 ft. available only in spool sizes listed below. 8418 .386' 101/2 lbs. .168' O.D. Shpg. 'et.. 100 ft.. 21/2 IND.
Mfr's Con- Mmf. 15 ft. Spool 60 ft. Spool 100 ft. Spool Over 100 ft.
47 T 897. 25 ft. Spool. NET 00!1

Type duo- per 47 T 896. 100 ft. Spool. NET 3 02

No. tors foot Stk. No. NET Stk. No. NET Stk. No. NET Stk. No. Per 100'
8423 3 85 47 T 461 1.62 47 T 462 4.80 47 T 460 8.82 47 W 463 8.82 DUPLEX LIGHTING CABLE
8403 3 45 47 T 554 1.47 47 T 555 3.67 47 T 557 7.35 47 W 558 7.35 Weatherproof 2- cond.stranded
8404 4 42 47 T 559 1.70 47 T 565 4.41 47 T 566 8.82 47 W 567 8.82 copper wire. Outer jacket Is
8424 4 95 47 T 471 1.86 47 T 472 5.39 47 T 470 10.29 47 W 473 10.29 chrome vinyl plastic. One
8425 5 58 T T
47 481 2.06 47 482 6.42 47 T 480 12.64 47 W 483 12.64 brown and one red conductor parallel in plastic
8405 5 42 47 T 568 1.91 47 T 569 5.4 47 T 572 10.88 47 W 573 10.88 vinyl oval sheathing. Av. n-t., 100 ft., 5 lbs.
8426 6 60 47 T 491 2.65 47 T 492 7.89 47 T 490 15.14 47 W 493 15.14 Typs 8677. No. 16 (19x29).
8427 7 56 47 T 507 2.89 47 T 508 8.53 47 T 510 16.56 47 W 509 16.56 O.U., .164'x.276'.
8418 8 64 48 T 834 2.89 48 T 835 8.77 48 T 836 16.86 48 W 837 16.86 47 W 405. PER FOOT 6c
100 ft. or more, PER 100 FT 5 39
2- Conductor. Stranded copper wire, cotton wrap. Rubber ins.; 1/32. Type 8676. No. 14 (19x27).
black rubber jacket. 8452 and 8478, No. 18 stranded (41x34). 8472. O.D., .189'x.326'.
No. 16 stranded (65x34). 'SV. tSJ. Lengths under 100 ft. available only In spool sizes 47 W 415. PER FOOT 8c
listed below. 100 ft. or mere, PER 100 FT 7.15
Mfr's 26 ft. Spool _60 ft. Spool 100 ft. Spool Over 100 ft. Lbs.. Typo 8673. No. 12 (19x25).
Typo O' D.I No. NET Stk. No. NET I'k4Stk. No. NET Stk. No. Per 100' 100 ft. O.U., .214'x.384'.
47 W 425. PER FOOT I2C
100 ft. or more, PER 100 FT. .9.95
8478? ;Stk. 1.62 2.79 5.14 47 404 5.14
.325 147 T 406 47 T 407 147 T 403 W 51/2
3, 4 5- Conductor. Excellent for use in extension speakers, public address Typo O.D.
systems, test equipment, remote control c rcuits, press -to-ta k intercom circuits. SHIELDED GRID WIRE
etc. Uniform quality. Bare copper flexible stranding; cotton wrap;rubber insulation; 8453 .265'
color -coded conductors; black rubber jacket, Av. shpg. wt., per 100-ft. spool. 8454 .265' Typs 8886. No. 20 single stranded (10x30)
51/2 lbs. Lengths under 100 ft. available only In spool sizes Retied below. 8455 .280' tinned copper, .015' rubber Insulation. Cellu-
15 ft. Spool 60 ft. Spool 100 ft. Spool Over 100 ft. lose acetate yarn braid, fungus-resistant lacquer
Typo Cond. Wire Slso Stk. No. NET Stk. No. NET Stk. No. NET Stk. No. Por 100' coating, tinned copper braid shield. Used in
circuits where shielded grid return is required
8453 3 18 (41:34) 47 T421 1.17 47 T 422 2.94 47 T 420 5.39 7 W423 5.39 and to shield a circuit conductor from stray
8454 4 18 (41x34) 47 T 431 1.22 47 T 432 3.53 47 T 430 6.57 47 W433 6.57 fields. Break -down voltage. 4000 volts. O.D..
8455 3- 22(16:34) 47 T 441 1.37 47 T 442 3.92 47 T 440 7.30 47 W443 7.30 117'. Shpg. wt., 100 ft., 2 lbs. Lengths under
100 ft. avallabls only In spool sizes Iistd
2- 18(41:34)
47 T 791. 15 ft. Spool. NET 59c
For long runs in speaker installations. 8208 and 8209 are 2 -cond. 8206, 1- cond.; 8735, 3 -cond. All 47 T 790. 100 ft. Spool. NET........ 2.94
have No. 18 stranded copper conductor (except 8735), cotton or paper wrap, rubber insulation 47 W 793. Over 100 ft., PER 100 FT.. 2.94
(except 8735), and copper braid shield. 8735 is No. 22 stranded (7x30) and has plastic insulation
8209 in whi e weatherproof cotton outer jacket; 8208, 8735 chrome vinyl plastic; 8206 in copper PHONO PICKUP ARM CABLE
braid. Longths under 100 ft. available only In spool elms below. Typs 8430. New, pho-
Mfr's O. D, 16 ft. Spool 60 ft. Spool 100 ft. Spool Over 100 ft. Lbs. no pickup arm cable of
Typo Stk. No. NET Stk. No. NET Stk. No. NET Stk. No. Per 100' 100 ft
exceptional flexibility.
8206 .155'47 T 831 47 T 832 1.91 7 T 830 3.38 47 W 833 3.38 2
Lightweight has mini-
.71 mum effect on tracking
8208 .260'47 T 852 1.15 47 T 853 3.18 7 T 851 5.83 47 W 854 5.83 4
pressure. No. 32 strand-
8209 .258'47 T 847 1.08 47 T 848 3.04 7 T 850 5.59 47 W 849 5.59 334
ed (7x40) copper conductor with .009' vinyl
8735 .195'48 T 872 .85 48 T 873 2.25 8 T 8761 4.21 48 W 874 4.21 3
plastic insulation. Red and black twisted pair;
O.D., .055'.
COPPER BRAID SHIELDING AND BONDING CABLE 47 T 614. 10 -ft. Spool. Wt., 4 oz. NET..35f
Flexible. braided and tinned copper for shielding and bonding. Braided in tubular 47 T 615. 25 -ft. Spool. Wt., 4 oz. NET. 506
form for slip-on installation over wires. Av. shpg. wt., per 50 ft., I 1 lbs. L 47 T 616. 250.ft.Spool, Wt., 8 oz. NET .3.38
under 60 ft available only In 10 ft. spools.
10 ft. Spool 60 ft. Spool 100 ft. or more Typo 8431. No. 24 stranded (16x36) tinned
Mfr's I. D. Stranding Stk. No. copper, rubber covered, tinned copper shield,
TyM NET Stk. No. NET Stk. No. Per 100
brown cotton. Extremely limp and flexible.
8660 t/s' 96:34 49 T 351 .41 49 T 350 132 49 W 352 2.51 O.D., .095'. Shpg. wt., 100 ft. 1 lb.
8668 tl,4,' 120x34 49 T 356 .51 49 T 355
49 T 360
1.76 49 W 357 3.3°.
4.00 47 T 61 1.10 ft. Spool. NET 50c
8661 S"-' 192x34 49 T 361 .56 2.16 49 W 362 47 T 612. 26 ft. Spool. NET 99t
8669 336x34 49 T 366 I.II 49 TT 365 5.14 49 W 367 9.41 47 T 610. 100 ft. Spool. NET 3 09
8662 zs 576x34 49 T 381 1.40 49 380 6.47 49 W 382 12.94 47 W613. Over 100 ft., PER 100 FT.. .09
1930 Lowest Prices- Highest Quality -Best Service
Belden Cable and Wire
3 & 4- CONDUCTOR Mfrs O. D.
Typo 100 ft. For permanent installation of speakers, control and
'' 8443 .146'
2 lbs.
2'!} lbs.
intercom circuits, and other applications requiring
Type 8734. No.
tinned, stranded
' 8444
21/j lbs.
highly durable, lightweight cable. Conductors are
tinned copper, flexible, stranded wire, with color -
copper (7.30) with 18446 44 lbs.
coded, plastic insulation; chrome vinyl plastic
plastic insulation. 3 18447 4% lbs. jacket overall. 'All conductors are No. 22 stranded
cond.: 1 tinned 18448 .244' 4 lbs. (7x30). 1Have two conductors of No. 18 stranded (16x30) the others ;

copper shield, 2 unshielded. Chrome vinyl .251' lbs. are No. 22 stranded. Lengths under 100 ft. available only In
plastic jacket overall. For station- to-etation spool sixes listed below.
and extension wiring. .190' O.D. Shpg. wt.,
100 ft., 2% lbs.
48 W 875. PER FOOT 5c Mfr's 15 ft. Spool 25 ft. Spool 100 ft. Spool Over 100 ft.
100 ft. or more, PER 100 FT 3.67 Typs Cond. Stk. No. NET I Stk. No. NET Stk. No. NET Stk. No. Per 100'

Typo 8732. No. 22 tinned, stranded copper
(7x30) with polyethylene insulation. 4 con-
dnctors: 1 pair tinned copper braid shield. 1
pair unshielded. Chrome vinyl plastic jacket.
47 T 371
47 T 381
.96 1.14
T 360
T 370
T 380
W 382
Oval, .174'x.276' O.D. Wt., 100 ft., 3 lbs. 6 47 T 311 1.03 47 T 310 5.24 47 W312 5.24
8447 7 47 T 321 1.13 47 T 320 5.83 47 W 322 5.83
48 W 897. PER FOOT
100 ft. or more, PER 100 FT
5c 8448 8 47 T 331 1.18 47 T 330 6.12 47 W 332 6.12
4.41 8449 9 47 T 341 1.27 47 T 340 6.76 47 W 342 6.76

For public address and intercom use. All For intercom and telephone wiring. No. 22 solid
have inner insulation of vinyl plastic except tinned copper; color-coded vinyl plastic nsulation. '

8432 and 8433 (rubber) and 8799 (cotton Conductors are cabled in twisted pairs, chrome vinyl plastic overall.
braid). Outer jackets of chrome vinyl plastic,
except 'copper braid shield. 8432 and 8433
are No. 20 stranded (10x30); 8789. 8790 and
Mfr's Con-
Typs dimmers l''
Shpg. Wt., PER 100'armors
ft. FOOT PER 100'
8791 are No. 18 stranded (7x26); 8799 is No. 18 solid (for PA and broad- 48 W 890 8740 2 .140' 1t/2lbs. 24 1.76
cast use). 48 W 891 8741 +....4 .191' 2'/t lbs. 3%4 2.89
Stock Mfr's Cond. Lbs., PER 100 Ft. 48 W 892 8742 6 .226' 3 lbs. 56 3.82
No. Type O.D. 100 ft. FOOT For 48 W 893 8743 12 .281' 4 4 lbs.
. 7t 5.44
48 W 884 8432' 2 .225' 3'/ 74 5.98 48 W 894 8744 18 .330' 6% lbs. 94 7.79
48 W 866 8433' 3 .230' 5,/4 94 7.45 48 W 898 8753 22 .370' 8 lbs. 136 10.88
48 W 814 8779' 2 .225' 4% 84 6.17 48 W 895 8745 30 .400' 10 lbs. 174 14.21
48 W 815 8780' 2 .260' 5 84 6.17 48 W 896 8746 54 .520' 17 lbs. 304 24.99
48 W 865 87x9' 2 .205' 3 54 4.41
48 W 803 8790 2 .225' 5 5%4 4.56 2- CONDUCTOR SHIELDED INTERCOM CABLE
49 W 804 8791 3 .230' SVs 7t 5.73 All have vinyl plastic insulation, jackets;
48 W 885 8799' 2 .165' 3 61 4.85 except 8738, 8758 have copper braid
jackets. Tinned conductors. 'Tinned cop-
UNSHIELDED P.A. AND SOUND SYSTEM CABLE per shield. Black/Red coding. 8737 is
No. 22 stranded (7x30); 8758, 8759 are No. 20 stranded (7x28); 8738,
For PA, intercom, speaker extension, alarm systems, etc. All are No. 19 8739 are No. 22 solid.
solid copper conductor except 8762; 8762 is No. 20 stranded (7x28).
All have vinyl plastic insulation. 8486, 8487 and 8762 have chrome Stock Mfrs O.D Shpp. wt., PER 100' or more.
Polyethylene outer jacket; no outer jacket on others. 8762 has spiral - No. Typs 100 ft. FOOT PER 100'
wrapped, aluminum shield over copper ground wire and twisted pair. 48 W 877 8737* .166' 3% 44 3.53
Stock Mfr's Lbs., PE R 100 Ft. 48 W 882 8738 .130' 2 3t 2.50
No. Typs Cond. O. D. 100 ft. FOOT For 48 W 801 8758 .165' 2 46 3.09
48 W 802 8759' .185' 214 54 3.82
48 W 878
48 W 879
.132' 11 2t t
48 W 883 8739' .156' 2A 3/zt 2.89
48 W 805 2 .162' 3/e 1.85
48 W 806 8486 3 .170' z 3t 2.34 TV CAMERA CABLE
48 W 809 8762 2 .160' 2 3.23 Typo 8280. 28-conductor TV camera cable. All
W 817
conductors. plastic -insulated color- coded.
Highest performance with black- and -white
W 818
.246' 4 314t
color. Has 4 No. 18 conductors; 21 No. 22 con-
ductors in groups of 7 each; 3 coaxial cables
(Nom. Impel. 51 ohms); paper separator,
tinned copper braid shield; chrome plastic jacket .750' O.D. Wt.,
All have tinned, solid -copper conductors. 8436, 47 W 575. NET PER FT 704 100' or Moro, PER 100..58.80
. 8437 and 8440 have No. 22 solid copper ground
wire parallel to twisted pair under copper NEW 75-OHM VIDEO CABLE
spiral- wrapped shield (8437, copper braid
shield). All others have 2 conductors under cop- Typo 8281. New coaxial video cable for
per braid shield. Outer jackets: Type 8436 and
8437, black vinyl plastic; 8438 and 8439, copper
black -and -white or color transmission.
Single No. 20 solid copper conductor is
!llau :..-
braid; 8440, chrome vinyl plastic. Type 8438 polyethylene insulated. Has tinned copper, double braid shield and
and 8440 have waxed cotton braid over cotton wrap; 8436 and 8439, brown polyethylene jacket, .310' O.D. Av. wt., 100 -ft. coil. 8 lbs.
cellulose -ace ate yarn braid over cellulose- acetate yarn wrap; 8437, 48 W813. NET PER FT 194 100' or Mors, PE R100.. 16.17
waxed cotton braid over cellulose- acetate yarn wrap.
Ne. Typs G. use O, D.. 100 ft. FOOT For High conductivity copper antenna wire. Ideal for
48 W 859 8436 22 .180' 2 5'/24 4.56 all receiving and transmitting antenna requirements.
48 W 886 8437 22 .222' 3'/t 66 4.95 Maximum tensile strength assures minimum stretch.
48 W 887 8438 20 .140' 2 y 54 4.07 'Nylclad insulation protects wire from corrosion.
48 W 888 8439 20 .150' 2% 51/26 4.70 Supplied only in coil lengths listed below. Av. shpg.
48 W 889 8440 22 .183' 3 56 4.41 wt.. per 100 -ft. coil, 1 lb.
Typo 8000 -7x22 Typo 8002 -7x24
All cables have low -loss,
flexible, polyethylene plas- No. Spool NET No. Spool NET
tic inner jacket, covered 47 T 680 50 ft. .8I 47 T 654 50 ft. .59
with copper braid shield. All have black vinyl plastic outer jacket 47 T 681 75 ft. I 1.11 47 T 655 ( 75 ft. .73
overall, except RG -9 /U has gray plastic jacket and silver- coated 47 T 682 100 ft. 1'40 47 T 656 100 ft. .96
copper conductor; RG -54A /U and RG -71 /U have polyethylene plastic 47 T 683 1.000 ft. 13.23 47 T 657 1,000 ft. 8.82
outer jacket. Impervious to acids. alkalis. oils and gasoline. RG -8 /U
and RG-9 /U are medium -sized video and communications cable. RG- *SOLID NYLCLAD COPPER
11/U is medium -sized 75 -ohm video and communications cable. RG -58/1.1
is ideal for radio-frequency transmission. video. test equipment, etc. Typo 8008 No. 12 I Typo 8009 No. 14
So :id copper; all others stranded. See page 169 for connectors. 670 2.28 740
47 T I 2ÓÓ ft. I 47 T I 500 ft. I 6.61
Typo Imp. Mmf/tt 0. 0. Wit. Ft.
Stock RG Lbs. Por 100 Ft. 47 T 736 500 ft. 9.55
No. No. Foe
47 W 51 I 8/13 8237 52 29.5 .405' 12 166 13.38 NEW WIRE MARKERS
47 W 512 9/U 8242 51 30.0 .420' 151/2 334 27.64 New Stran Code adhesive markers provide efficient method of wire and
47 W 513 11/U 8238 75 20.5 .405' 11 156 12.49 cable identification. Consist of 33 numeral markers (1/2x1 1/2') per card in
47 W 515 54AJU 8239 58 26.5 .250' 41 10 t 8.67 numerical sequence from I through 33. On vinyl impregnated cloth or
47 W 516 58/U 8240' 53.5 28.5 .195' 3 74 5.68 .003' soft aluminum. Pressure sensitive adhesive. Heat resistant -Card
47 W 517 58A /C 8259 50 29 .195' 31/2 74 5.68 size: Cloth, 2x9'; aluminum, 11/2x61/2'. Shpg. wt., .3 oz. Write for
47 W 552 59/U 8241' 73 21 .242' 4 84 6.17 quantity prices on 50 or more cards.
47 W 518 62/U 8254e 93 13.5 .242' 4 94 7.20 49 T 898, Cloth. PER CARD, 1 -9 234 10 -49 214
47 W 519 71/U 8257' 93 13.5 .250' 41/2 144 1 1.61 49 T 899, Aluminum. PER CA RD, 1 -9 ...214 10 -49 190
Allied Radio Corporation 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 181
Belden Cable and Wire
A general -purpose, heavy -duty,
thermoplastic - Type B Mil -W- 16878 -B. For general -use of up to
insulated hook -up wire for critical electronic 212 degrees Fahr., and up to 600 volts rms. Vinyl
applications. Insulation is rated at 1000 volts thermoplastic insulation (.010') resists damage from
rms. Made to conform to stringent government solvents. All are stranded tinned copper conductors.
specifications. Feature extremely high dielectric Where color is shown as "Wh /Red indicates white
strength, excellent stability at high tempera- body color and color of striping. Nominal diameters:
tures and extremely low moisture absorption. Type 8501..068' (7x26); Type 5802, .058' (7x28); Type
Has high flame and fungi resistance, Vinyl 8503, .050' (7x30); Type 8504, .044' (7x32). Av. shpg.
thermoplastic insulation (.016' thick) is virtu- wt., 100-ft. spool, 1/ lb.; 1000 -ft. spool, 4% lbs.
ally impervious to damage from solvents. Sup-
plied in popular lengths on durable spools for 100 -FOOT SPOOLS
most convenient storage and use. Nominal di-
ameters: Type 8530..059'; Type 8524, .064'; Type 8501 Type 8602 Type 8503 Type 8604
Type 8529, .066'; Type 8523, .072'. All are tinned copper conductors. Color 18 Stranded 20 Stranded 22 Str 24Stranded
No. 22 stranded is 7x30; No. 20 stranded is 10x30. Av. shpg. wt., 25 -ft.
spool, 6 oz. Av. Shpg wt.. 100 -ft. spool. I 1/4 lbs. Av. shpg. wt., 1000 -ft. Wh /Black 47 T 306 47 T 354 47 T 367 47 T 417
spool, 14 lbs. Wh /Brown 47 T 307 47 T 355 47 T 368 47 T 418
25 -FOOT SPOOLS Wh /Red 47 T 308 47 T 356 47 T 369 47 T 419
Wh /Orange 47 T 309 47 T 357 47 T 373 47 T 424
8530 Typo 8524 Typo 8629 Type 8623 Wh /Yellow 47 T 313 47 T 358 47 T 374 47 T 426
Color Type Stranded 20 Solid Stranded Wh /Green
22 Solid 22 20 47 T 314 47 T 359 47 T 375 47 T 427
Black 47 T 390 47 T 377 47 T 337 47 T 315 Wh/Blue 47 T 335 47 T 363 47 T 376 47 T 428
Brown 47 T 391 47 T 378 47 T 338 47 T 316 Wh /Violet 47 T 336 47 T 364 47 T 409 47 T 429
Red 47 T 392 47 T 379 47 T 339 47 T 317 Wh, Gray 47 T 352 47 T 365 47 T 414 47 T 434
Orange 47 T 393 47 T 383 47 T 343 47 T 318 NET EACH 1.38 1.20 1.12 1.09
Yellow 47 T 394 47 T 384 47 T 344 47 T 319
Green 47 T 395 47 T 385 47 T 345 47 T 325 White 47 T 353 47 T 366 47 T 416 47 T 435
Blue 47 T 396 47 T 386 47 T 346 47 T 326 NET EACH 1.29 1.1 1.03 I.00
Violet 47 T 397 47 T 387 47 T 347 47 T 327 1 I

Gray 47 T 398 47 T 388 47 T 348 47 T 328

White 47 T 399 47 T 389 47 T 349 47 T 329 1000 -FOOT SPOOLS
NET EACH 32c 37c 35c 38c Type 8601 Typa 8502 Typa 8503 Typa 6604
Color 18 Stranded 20Stranded 22Stranded 24 Stranded
Hook -Up Wire Kite. Each kit contains six. 25 -ft. spools of No. 20 VI. 'h /Black 47 T 436 47 T 479 47 T 497 47 T 536
hook -up wire. Type 8856 kit contains Type 8529 solid (.066' O.D.). Wh/Brown 47 T 437 47 T 484 47 T 498 47 T 537
Type 8857 kit contains Type 8523 stranded (.072' O.D.). Both are Wh /Red 47 T 438 47 T 485 47 T 503 47 T 538
for general- purpose use, and have thermoplastic insulation. Colors: Wh /Orange 47 T 439 47 T 486 47 T 504 47 T 539
Black, Blue, Green, Red, White. Yellow. Shpg wt., 3 lbs. Wh /Yellow 47 T 469 47 T 487 47 T 506 47 T 543
49 T 848. Typo 8866 Kit. NET 2.12
49 T 849. Type 8857 Kit. NET 2.29 Wh /Green 47 T 474 47 T 488 47 T 524 47 T 544
Wh /Blue 47 T 475 47 T 489 47 T 526 47 T 545
100 -FOOT SPOOLS Wh/Violet 47 T 476 47 T 494 47 T 528 47 T 546
Wh /Gray 47 T 477 47 T 495 47 T 529 47 T 547
Color Type 8530 Type 8524 Type 8529 Type 8623 N ET EACH 1 1.12 9.41 8.33 7.89
22 Solid 22 Stranded 20 Solid 20Stranded
Black 49 T 800 49 T 820 49 T 810 49 T 830 White 47 T 478 47 T 496 47 T 534 47 T 553
Brown 497801 497821 49 T 811 49 T 831 NET EACH 10.24 8.53 7.45 7.01
Red 49 T 802 49 T 822 49 T 812 49 T 832
Orange 49 T 803 49 T 823 49 T 813 49 T 833 CELLULOSE ACETATE HOOK -UP WIRE
Yellow 49 T 804 49 T 824 49 T 814 49 T 834 Belden
Green 49 T 805 49 T 825 497815 49 T 935 Single, tinned copper conductor. ras 551(550[
Blue 49 T 806 49 T 826 49 T 816 49 T 836 with heavy cellulose acetate yarn axes .,o cavan
Violet 49 T 807 49 T 827 49 T 817 49 T 837 wrap and cellulose yarn braid. Fun-
Gray 49 T 808 49 T 828 49 T 818 49 T 838 gus and flame resistant lacquer coat-
White 49 T 809 49 T 929 49 T 819 49 T 839 ing. Breakdown voltage. 1000 volts O O
AC. DC insulation resistance is 200 , I

mega or better. Stranded type con-

NET EACH 76c 88c 88c 1.03 ductor (Type 8943) is No. 20 (10x \ ° ;y' ..
30) with O.D. of .076'. Solid type ASSe1T/4ef
1000 -FOOT SPOOLS conductor (Type 8941) has O.D. of Mltl
.072'. Av. shpg. wt., 12 oz. per 100 ft.
Typa 8530 Typa 8624 Type 8629 Typa 8623
Color 22 Solid 22 Stranded 20 Solid 20 Stranded Typo 8941 -20 Solid
Black 49 T 850 49 T 870 49 T 860 49 T 880 Coll Red B lack B lue Green Yellow EACH
Brown 49 T 851 49 T 871 49 T 861 49 T 891
Red 49 T 852 49 T 872 49 T 862 49 T 882 25 Ft. 48 T 331 48 T 330 48 T 332 48 T 333 48 T 334
Orange 49 T 853 49 T 873 49 T 863 49 T 883 100 Ft. 477 T 920 47 T 921 47 T 922 47 T 923 47 T 924 1. 7
Yellow 49 T 854 49 T 874 49 T 864 49 T 884 1000 Ft. 48 T 351 48 T 350 48 T 352 48 T 353 49 T 354 11.40
Green 49 T 855 T
49 875 49 T 865 49 T 885 Typa 6664 Assorted Wire Kit. Contains six, 25 -ft. Spools of Type 8941
Blue 49 T 856 49 T 876 49 T 866 49 T 886 hook -up and lead -wire. Spools are one each: Black, Blue, Green, Red
Violet 49 T 857 49 T 877 49 T 867 49 T 887 White and Yellow. Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
49 T 958
49 T 859
49 T 878
49 T 879
49 T 868
49 T 869
49 T 888
49 T 889
48 T 846. NET 2.74
Typa 8943 -20 Slrandad
NET EACH 4.56 5.88 5.73 7.06 Coil B lack B lue
Rad Green Yellow EACH
NYLCLAD HEAVY MAGNET WIRE Ft. 48 T 48 T 360 48 T 362 48 T 36 48 T 364 .47
Ft. 47 T 3éÓ
OO 9 47 T 941 47 T 942 47 T 943 47 T 944 1.47
Type HNC. This heavy -duty Nylclad copper magnet 1000 Ft. 48 T 3 48 T 380 48 T 382 48 T 383 48 T 384 12.20
wire combines the most desirable features of Formvar
wire with the toughness and solvent resistance of nylon Type 8885 Asserted Wire Kit. Contains six, 25 -ft spools of Type 8943
enamel. Unexcelled for difficult and exacting windings hook-up and lead wire. Spools are one each: Black, Blue, Green. Red,
of any type. Outstanding features: Withstands winding White and Yellow. Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
ahuse and forming operations; resists solvent action of 48 T 847. NET 2.82
all types of thinners; resists softening and brittleness at
extreme temperatures; infinite moisture resistance. TYPE 8945 -18 SOLID TYPE 8947 -18 STRANDED
t/t lb. Spool lb. Spool 47 T 900. Red. 47 T 910. Red.
47 T Black.
90 . 100-Ft. Spools 47 T 911. Black. 100Ft Spools
p ols
Stk. No. Ilse NET Stk. No. Size NET I

48 T 036
48 037
48 T 086
48 T 087
47 T
47 T
47 T
NET 47 T 912. Blue.
EACH 1.62 47 T 913. Green.
47 T 914. Yellow.
EACH 1.76
48 T 038 18 100 .62 48 T 088 18 199 1.18 TYPE 8942 -16 STRANDED TYPE 8938 -14 STRANDED
49 T 039 20 157 .65 48 T 089 20 315 1.22
48 T 040 22 250 .68 48 T 090 22 501 1.28 47 T 916. Black 100 -Ft. Spools 100-Ft. Spools
48 T 041 48 T 091 47 T 917. Red p NET NET
48 T 042
.76 48 T 092
1.49 47 T 918. Green EACH 2.06 47 T 936. Bl55 k EACH 2.60
48 T 043 28 995 .84 48 T 093 28 1990 1.62
48 T 044 30 1570 .93 48 T 094 30 3140 1.81 RUBBER -COVERED LEAD -IN
48 T 045 32 2440 .97 48 T 095 32 4880 1.91
48 T 046 34 3930 1.1 48 T 096 34 7860 2.20 Type 8200. Flexible No. 18 tinned copper wire, stranded
48 T 047 36 6200 1.29

48 T 097 36 12400 2.50 (7x27), with .040' live rubber insulation. Overall diameter,
48 T 048 9700 1.70 48 T 098 38 19400 .126'. Av. shpg. wt.. 100 -ft. spool, y lbs. 1

48 T 049
40 16050 2.62 48 T 099 40 32100
5.50 47 T 745. 100 -ft. Spool. NET 1.47. 47 T 746. 500 -ft. Spool NET 5.83
Type 8617. 5x44 stranded Celenamel with one nylon wrap. For rewind- Type 8014. Extra flexible. No. 25 stranded (13x36). tinned copper con-
ing antenna primaries hand -winding RF coils, and similar applications. ductor, with chrome vinyl plastic insulation. O.D., .044'. Shpg. wts.:
Outside diameter; .008'. 100 ft. spool. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 25-ft. Spool. 2 oz.; 500 -ft. spool, 2 lbs.
48 T981. NET 24c 47 T930. 25 -ft. Spool. NET 29C. 47 T 933. 500 -ft. Spool. NET 2.60
182 Lowest Prices-Highest Quality-Best Service
Consolidated Wire
No. 18 stranded copper wire. POSJ has U.1.. Approved. Volta,- breakdown test, 10,000
coded cotton wrap, heavy rubber jacket. volts. Oil and acid resistant. Withstands tempera-
POT has vinyl insulation. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. tures up to 80° C. Suitable for high -voltage circuits
per 100 ft. Lengths under 100 foot are where low loss and proper insulation is essential.
available only In 26-ft. cell. Shpg. wt., per 25 ft. spool, 4 oz.
26 ft. Coll
Mfr'e Color 100 ft. Coll Over 100 ft.
T FOOT T 460. Black. FOOT
Typo Stk. No. NE Stk. No. NE Stk. No. PER 100' 48 455. Black. 26 48 25
48 T 456. Red. SPOOL 48 T 461. Red. SPOOL
POSJ Brown 48 T 761 744 48 T 760 2.73 48 W 763 2.73 48 T 457. Blue. 48 T 462. Blue.
Black 48 T 771 741 48 T 770 2.73 48 W 773 2.73 48 T 458. Green. 29c 48 T 463. Green. 34c
Brown 48 T 765 634 48 T 764 2.33 48 W 766 2.33 48 T 459, Yellow I EACH 48 T 464. Yellow. 1 EAC H
POT White 48 T 768 634 48 T 769 2.33 48 W 767 2.33
RUBBER SHEATHED SERVICE CORD No. 18 tinned soft drawn copper wire. Cotton wrap and colored rubber
insulation overall. Excellent for general wiring in radio -TV cha =sis,
Nett , high-quality, rubber -sheathed service switchboards, etc. Shpg. wt., 25 ft., 5 oz.
cord designed to provide dependable service.
Excellent for a variety of applications: Pow-
er supply cords, remote control circuits.
Coll I Black Red I BlusI Goo Whits EACH nI
electrical tools, appliances, trouble lights. sound systems, garage lamps. 25 ft. 48 T 20048 T 201 48 T 20248 T 20348 T 205 48e
etc., -wherever rough usage power lines are required. Uniform quality,
black rubber jacket resists abrasion. Types SV and SJ Nos. 18 and 16 are PUSH -BACK HOOK -UP WIRE
rated at 300 v.; all other types listed are rated at 600 v. U.L. Approved. Highest quality tinned push -back hook-up wire,
No. 20. Only evenly -drawn pure copper wire is
SHPO. WT., 100-FT. SPOOL: used. Insulation easily pushed back for con-
venient wiring. Available in both solid and
Tps, 2 Cond. 3 Cond. I
Type' 2 Cond. 3 Cond.
stranded type. Unusually flexible and durable.
Si za Size Double- cotton covered with paraffin-treated
SV #18 4 lbs. 9% lbs. 11% lbs. damp-proof braid. 5 different colors. Shpg.
S 118 514 lbs. 11% lbs. 19 lbs. wts.: 25 ft., 4 oz.; 100 ft.. 1 lb.
SJ #16 6 /4 lbs. lbs.
8 t/4 S 112 21 lbs. 23 lbs.
S /18 8%t lbs. 8% lbs. S /10 23 lbs. 29 lbs. Stranded Type, 10x30
Spool Red Black Yellow Blue Green EACH I

2- CONDUCTOR 25 ft. 48 T 442 48 T 440148 T 444 48 T 441 48 T 443 .36

25 ft. Coil 50 It. Coil 100 ft. Coil Over 100 ft. 1UO ít..48 T 44 7 48 T 445 48 T 449 48 T 446 4 8 T 448 1.29
Sin Stock NET Stock NET Stock NET Stock PER
Solid Typo
No. No. No. No. 100'
SV .18 48 T 480 1.20 48 T 488 2.25 48 T 496 4.02 48W 439 4.02 Spool I Rod Black Yellow Blue Green EACH
Sl 18 48 T 481 1.50 48 T 489 2.55 481 497 4.47 48 W 451 4.47 ft.
S1 ,16 48 T 482 1.80 48 T 490 3.30 48 T 498 5.30 48 W 452 5.30 1ÓÓ 148 T 477148 T 475.48 T 47948 T 47648 T 478 1.26
S 418 48 1 483 2.48 48 T 491 4.43 48 7 499 8.37 48 W 453 8.37 .

S016 48 T 484 3.00 48 T 492 5.40 48 T 435 10.3 1 48 W 454 1-0.31 HIGH -GRADE MAGNET WIRE ON SPOOLS
S '14 48 T
S /12 48 1
S f10 48 1
7 493
T 494
T 495
7.43 48 T 436 3.95
12.00 48 T 437 23.04
14.25. 48 1 438 27.27
1 48 W 465
48W 466
48 W 461
Insulated, soft -drawn copper wire of highest quality.
Specially manufactured for all types of coil winding ap-
plications- transformers, chokes, etc. All
RP' coils,
sizes indicated below are standard B&S gauge. Shpg.
3- CONDUCTOR wts.: t/a -lb. spool, 14 oz.; 1 -Ib. spool, I % lbs.
S1 #18 48 T 468 2.1 8
48 1 416 3.98 48 T 428 7.73 48 W 58 7.73
Si f16 48 1 469 2.70 48 T 417 5.03 48 T 429 I 9.68 48 W 58 9.6 8 PLAIN ENAMELED l LB. SPOOLS
48T405 3.23 48 T 418 6.00 481

S 018 503 11.52 48W51: 11.52 Stock No. Size Feet NET
S016 481 406 3.98 48 T419 7.50 48 T 504 14.04 48 W 514 14.04 NET Stock No. Site Feet
S 014 48 T 407 5.85 481425 I1.33 481 505 21.64 48W51: 121.64- 48 T 100 14 38 .60 48 T 26 .71
S 012 48 T 108 7.50 48 T 426 14.25 48 T 506 27.23 48 W 51( 27.23 48 T 102 16 63 1013
S /10 48 7 415 9.38 48 T 427 17.63 48 1 507 32.57 48 W 5h 32.57 48 T 104 101 .62 48 T I3 30 1602 .83
48 T 106 20 159 2543
48 T 108 253 .65 48 T I5 34 4042 .92
TELEPHONE WIRE 48 T 109 24 402 .65 48 T 16 36 6410 .92
2- Conductor Interior. For interior SINGLE COTTON ENAMELED 1 LB. SPOOLS
use ..;t h telephotos. intercoms, etc.
No. 19 solid, tinned copper wire. 1/35' 48 T 020 14 78 1.44 48 T 028 490 1.91
insulation and glazed cotton braid. 48 T 022 16 124 1.50 48 T 029 24 1.95
Shpg. sot., 100 t t., 2%z lbs. 48 T 023 17 156 1.56 48 T 030 936 2.07
48 W 810. PER FOOT..44. ft. or More,
PER 100 FT..3.73
100 48 T 024 18 198 1.62 48 T 031 26 1209 2.19
48 T 025 19 248 1.70 48 T 032 28 1876 2.63
2- Conductor Exterior. No. 19 solid tinned copper wire. Each conductor 48 T 026 20 1.79 48 T 033 30 2780 3.08
has rubber insulation; overall black, weatherproof braid. Shpg. wt., 100
R.. 3 lbs.
48 W 826. PER FOOT..44. 100 ft. or Mors, PER 100 FT..3.38 HEAVY FORMVAR MAGNET WIRE
3- Conductor Exterior. As above, but 3 -cond. Wt.. 100', 4 lbs. IN 1 -POUND SPOOLS
48 W 825. PER FOOT.5 %(. 100 ft. or Mors, PER 100 FT..5.08 Copper magnet wire covered with Formvar; tough, sturdy, abrasion -
resisting film. Stable dielectric is maintained under the cumulative
drying and aging effects of heat; does not fail after two hours at 105° C.


High -quality, twisted -pair antenna lead -in wire,
Designed especially for use with noise -reducing,
doublet -type receiving antennas. Close imped-
ance match assures efficient signal transfer. Consists of two flexible No,
18. stranded -wire conductors with tough, long -life rubber insulation.
Impervious to the deteriorating effects of petroleum solvents; resists
acid and alkali. Takes up less winding space. Infinite resistance to mois-
ture. Ideal for servicemen, experimenters, Amateurs, e c. Replaces enam-
el, paper. -otton, silk, and double cotton and double silk wire. Shpg. wt.
per spool,

48 T 180 14
Stock No. Size Foot
% lbs.
N ET Stook No. Size Feet NET
vie thick. Weather-proof; does not crumble or dry out during prolonged 1.13 48 T 187 1999 1.59
usage. Shpg. wt. ,100 ft.. 3 lbs. 48 T 137 99 48T144 29 2780 1.77
48 W 850. PER FOOT ....3C 100 ft. or More, PER 100 FT. 2.56 48T181 16 124 Ì Ì3 48 T 188 30 3200 1.79
48 T 138 17 156 1.14 48 T 145 31 4410 2.03
48 T 182 18 198 1.14 48 T 189 32 4900 2.04
VARNISHED SPAGHETTI TUBING 48T139 19 1.19 48 T 146 6441 2.16
48 T I83 313 1.20 48T190 34 7950 2.19
SPAGHETTI ASSORTMENT 48 T 140 397 1.26 48 T 147 35 2.51
Highly popular with experimenters and builders alike. 26 pieces of cam-
48T184 22 501 1.26 48T191 1 82000 2.54
bric spaghetti tubing in various colors and diameters. In 8' lengths.
48T141 23 628 1.34 48 T 148 37 15,898 3.45
Shpg. wt., 3 oz. 48T185 24 798 1.34 48 T 192 20.000 3.51
49 T 220. NET 20c 48 T 142 941 1.43 48 T 149 39 25.188 5.37
48 T 186 26 1200 1.46 48 T 193 40 31.700 5.47
48 T 143 27 1583 1.56
Used in industrial and electronic research laboratories, radio -TV shops, TINNED SOLID COPPER WIRE
experimental laboratories. etc. Cut in 36' lengths; five lengths to a pack-
age. Standard grade varnished tubing. 4,000 volt ay. dielectric strength. Fine quality, soft -drawn copper wire, tinned for easy soldering. Excellent
Meets V.T.S. and A.S.T.M. specifications. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. for circuit wiring. Av. shpg. wt.: 53 lbs., 15 lbs.
For Stock No. Per 6 or More 100 -FT. COILS
Wire Pk g e., Stock No. Gauge NET Stock No. Gauge NET
Size Slack Yellow Red Green Pkg Per Pkg.
20 49 T 164 49 T 165 49 T 166 49 T 67 53e 484 47 T 523 16 1.07 47 T 530 12 2.07
18 49 T 169 49 T 170 497171 49 T 72 57e 524 47 T 520 14 1.44 47 T 540 IO 4.35
16 49 T 174 49 T 175 49 T 176 49 T 77 58c 53e 11000 -FT. SPOOLS
14 49 T 179 49 T 180 49 T 181 49 T 82 64Cl 584
49 T 184 49 T 185 49 T 186 49 T 87 68CI 62C 525 2.55 533
10 49 T 189 49 T 190 T
49 191 49 T 92 75t: 68e : 47 T 1 22 I I 47 T 1
18 I 9.ÓÓ

For Complote Product and Manufacturer's Index, Sao Panes 397-400

Electrical Accessories
Type 17668. SP -1. 6- HEAVY -DUTY Extension cord and stor-
Foot Rplcsmnt
Cord. No. 18 wire. Brown,
EXTENSION CORDS age reel with built -in elec-
trical outlet. Designed to
rubber -covered cord. Ex-
Typs 1751K. 5V. 20- permit unwinding only as
tra- flexible. Supplied with Foot Extension Cord. much cord as is needed
Belden unbreakable, soft No. 18 wire. Type SV during use. Has service
rubber pl i,; on one end; other end stripped. extra-flexible gray cord outlet built into reel hub
Ideal cord for electric clocks, lamps, fans, radio with unbreakable soft to furnish current for ap-
sets and other small electrical appliances. U.L. rubber plug and mold - pliance or tool to be used.
Approved. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz. ed-on rubber connector. Excellent for use with
4 21 1. NET 25C Specifically designed for use on vacuum clean- shop tools, lawn mowers,
ers and other small appliances and tools such floor sanders, vacuum
Type 1736K. SP -1. Same as above, but 12 feet as soldering irons, grinders, polishers, etc. In cleaners, etc. Heavy -duty, U.L. Approved,
long. Shpg. wt., 8 oz. natural gray; will not mark or stain floors. rubber -covered cords.
49 T 236. NET 49C Handsomely styled to match the finest appli-
ances or electric tools. Convenient, safe and Model 1826. 25' SV type, No. 18 2- conductor
Type 1760K. SJ. 10 -Foot Replacemnt dependable to use. Grip prongs insure long cord amps. Shpg. wt., 2 Ibs.3.40
Cord. No. machine.,
16 wire. For washing serpviice life. Rubber covered. U.L. Approved. 954 c N ET
heavy home workshop tools, etc. With soft, Model 1850. As above, but 50'. Wt., 3 lbs.
unbreakable rubber plug. One end is stripped 49 T 214. NET EACH 119 46 N 958. NET 5 12
and tinned, ready for easy attachment. Black
rubber. U.L. Approved. Shpg. wt., s/s lb. Typo 1766K. SJ. 10 -Foot Extension Cord. Model 1660. 50' Si type, No. 16 2 -conductor
49 T 213. NET EACH 79C No. 16 wire. For general- purpose use. Unbreak- cord. Capacity 10 amps. Shpg. wt., 4 lbs.
able rubber plug and connector. U.L. Approved. 46 N 959. NET 7 38
Type 1764K. SJ. 8 -Foot Replacement Cord. Black rubber. Shpg. 1 lb.
No. 18 wire. Specially designed for refrigera- 49T216. NET EACH 101 CORDOMATIC DROP-LIGHT REELS
tors, small home workshop tools, etc. Type Si
black rubber cord, rubber plug. Type 1791K. SJ. 60 -Foot EstsnsIon Cord. Unique, self-winding drop
Approved. Shpg.
T 2Ì5.o z lb.
No. 16 wire. Designed for electric lawn mow- light. Provides light where
you want it. Cord is out of
419 ers. yard extensions, etc. U.I.. Approved. Black
rubber. Shpg. wt. Sys lbs. the way when light no
Typs 1749K. SV. 614-Ft. Rplaeemnt 49 T 217. NET EACH 3.68 longer needed. No. 18,
Cord. No. 18 wire. Type SV cord used in 2- conductor cord, covered

49 212. NEtkArCH
miters, sewing machines, small appliances, etc.
Gray rubber. Unbreakable plug. U.L. Ap-
proved. Shp w
Type 1792K. SJ. 100 -Foot Extension Cord.
No. 16 wire. Extra -flexible, black rubber.
Same uses as above. U.L. Approved. Unbreak-
able plug. Shpg. wt., 6
49 T 218. NET LAC
with tough. neoprene insu-
lation. Crack -proof handle
with built-in outlet and tog -
gle switch. Chrome reflector
has swing-open bulb guard.
Steel housing is equipped
Typo 17668. SJ. 8 -Foot with universal mounting
Appllanc Grounding Typa 1796 -K. SJO. 26' bracket. Extremely depend-
Cord. No. 18 wire. Used E Ion Cord. 2- able spring mechanism oper-
for tools, neon signs and cond., No. 16, extra-flexi- ates like a window shade.
other small appliances re- ble cord. 2 -way service Does not include bulb. U.L.
quiring grounding. Type block. Black neoprene; Approved.
Si flexible 3- conductor resists oil, etc. U Ap- Model 700. 20' cord. Shpg. o
black rubber cord with proved. Shpg. wt., 21/2 lbs. 46 NX 976. NET 14.65
unbreakable, 3-prong rub-
ber plug. Opposite end stripped and tinned.
47 T 242. NET 3.49 Model 800. 30' cord. Shpg wt., 8 lbs.
ready for easy attachment. tJ L. Approved. Type 1790 -K. SJO. Same cord as above, but 46 NX 977. NET 18.57
Shpg. wt., lb. /
49 T 219. HET EACH 73c
50'. Shpg. wt. 41/2 lbs.
47 T 243. Nil'
Model 900. 40' cord. Shpg. wt.. 9 lbs.
5 31 46 NX 978. NET 22.47

41149 ¡Id
B D 0
¡¡j Lino Cord
handle receptacle. Dia
le. Rubber pull-
1t/s. 15 amps at
Aoadmy Automatic Plug. No wirr strip-
ping, Just insert through cap. Sure -grip
Plug Fuses. U.L. Approved. Clear view
easily seen when blown. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
v. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
1225 "needles' on prongs make positive connection 6 per box.
52 N 603. EACH 26C through insulation. For POSJ cable only. 52 8 170. 10 Amps
Shpg. wt., 3 oz. 52 B 171. 15 Amps
Rubber -Handle Plug. Unbreakable soft - 52 N 607. NET EACH 12C PER BOX
52 B 172. 20 Amps
a rubber. Approved for power tool,. Excel- Academy 3 -Way Outlet. No wire strip- 52 B 173. 25 Amps 25c
lent for use with 52 N 603, above. for line cord
extensions. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. e ping- insert cord, close case. 15 amps /125
v. or 10 amps/250 v. Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
52 B 174. 30 Amps
52 N 602. EACH 8c 52 N 622. Mahogany plastic. NET Insulated Staples. Saddle -type, drive -
52 N 619. White plastic. EACH ..20c in staples. With fiber Insulation. Shpg.
© Bakelite Plug Cap. With convenient wt., S oz. 100 per box.
finger-grip. Cap size, 1%x1KocTfs' deep. 6 -Ft. Replacement Cord Set. Heavy NET PER BOX 21c
B finish. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. D rubber -covered cord firmly secured in sturdy 52 N 030. 10 or Moro Boxes, PER 00X194
52 N 600. EACH 8C molded plug. Brown. Wt.. S oz.
49 T 230. 10 or More, EA.. 194. EA.... 21c Morse Midget Cord Conn . 2 -con-
Flat Rubber Plug. Non -breakable mold- tact pull -apart type. For AC -DC cords.
D rubber plug cap. Because of their nar-
ed gParallel Ground Adapter. Adapts 3- phono motors, pilot lights, etc. Consists of
row construction, these caps are ideal for use prong plugs for use in standard 2 -prong plug and receptacle. 11/2' long and ii.' dia.
with multiple AC receptacle, similar to Fig. .1
outlets. Rated at IS amps, 125 v. Has 3' Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
above. Easily disassembled. Screw terminal wire with grounding lug. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
wiring. Rated IS amps at 125 v.; 10 amps at 52 N 626. 10 or More, EA. 44t. EA...49C
250 v. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. 52 N 669. NET EACH 25c
52 N 641. EACH 10C Cube Tap Extension. 3 -way extension Cord Clamp Plug. Two-wire bakelite
tap. Rated at 15 amps 125 volts; 10 amps plug cap with cord clamp attachment
Rubber Cube Tap. Spring -action, 3 -way 250 volts. With 6 -foot cord and bakelite plug riveted on. Cord clamp is adjustable to all
i outlet of one-piece, soft rubber. U. L. cap. Shpg. wt., 7 oz. wire sizes and provides absolute strain relief;
wire cannot slip out of clamp-clamp will not
pproved. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 52 N 605. 10 or More, EA..33f. EA... 37c move. Spring- action prongs. Highly depend-
52 N 609. EACH 23C able. Brown. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
Rubber Cuba Tap E Ion. An all -
Conti I Adapter. Male- female adap- rubber, solderless, 3 -way extension cord 52 N 604. 10 or mors, EACH 310. EA. 35c
ter. Permits using standard flat -prong set. Consists of 9-ft. cord, cube tap and plug.
American plugs in Continental Europe outlets Shpg. wt., 8 oz. Tap -A -Line Outlet. Multiple outlet tap.
designed for round prongs. Wt.. 2 oz. 52 N 608. EACH 59c D Up to 8 AC line cords can be plugged Into
this outlet strip. Has two parallel conductors.
49 N 536. NET 29c 6 -Ft. Extension. Same as above, but with spaced 1/2' apart (prong separation of standard
6-ft. cord. plugs). Encased in tough. ivory plastic hous-
Fused Plug. Protects equipment. Small 52 N 621. EACH 504 ing. 12' long and 1 square. Supplied with 4 ft.
fusee for each side of linefit snugly in line cord and plug. Rated 1000 watts. Shpg.
cylindrical receptacles -blown fuse easily re- Flush -Mount Pushbutton Switch. s.
moved for quick replacement. Interchangeable D Pearl button. Brass contacts. Screw ter- 52 N 636. NET 47
with any standard AC plug. Supplied lees 3AG minals. Switch is Provided with spring clasps

cartridge fuses. (See pages 190, 191 for fuses.) for mounting in hole on panels to '/s' thick.
s3/4s 2 -Ft. Tap -A -Line. As above, but 2 ft. long.
Shpg. wt.. 3 oz. Shpg. w[., 2 oz. Shpg. wt., 2% lbs.
52 N 648. EACH 33c 55 B 196. 10 or More, EA. 26e. EA. 29c 52 NX 637. NET 2 40
194 Lowest Prices- Highest Quality -Best Service
Test Leads -Wire & Cable


Type 8463. With hanse., bic Con- Type 9190. Slender Pencil. S' long test KLIPZON TEST PRODS AND LEADS

nectors. 50' leads have 6' y. ,:rkuble prods made of durable Tenite with 50' kink - Prods equipped with clip-tip a lush holds on
p salie prods, one red, one black; pointed less leads. Have pointed phone tips on prod to wire. lug, tc.; leaving both hands free.
phone tips. Instrument ends come h banana
plugs. Supplied with spade lugs. pointed phone
end; plain plume tips on connector end. Shpg.
w't., 4 oz /¡
4r handles. 4) leads. Av. wt., 4 oz.
all of which are inter- 42 N 356. NET PER PAIR 73c ek o. ype .*variation
tips, and alligator clips, Klipzon tips both ends 1.9
changeable with the banana plugs. 6000 -volt Type 8459. 6000v Insulation. 6' durable 42 N 362 5608
Klipzon tips and plain

insulation. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. Tenite prods with pointed phone tips. Angle 42 N 363 5609
42 N 350, NET PER PAIR 176 p one tips on connector ends. 50' leads. Shpg.
phone tip connectors 1.47
Klipzon phone tip prods;
wt. . 4 oz. 42 N 364 5610
Typa 8464. With Interchangeable Con- 23 banana plug connectors. 1.91
nectors. Same as above except prod ends are 42 N 358. NET PER PAIR 1

equipped with needle point chucks and needle CRYSTAL PROBES FOR VOM & VTVM
Type 5060. Same as Type 8459 above but Permit measurement of RF on DC meter.
point tips for piercing insulation. equipped with all -metal connector ends with Klipzon tips on both ends.
42 N 351. NET PER PAIR 176 pointed phone tips instead of the angle phone
tips. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz. STN IIpe Description WI. EACR

Type 9102. HV Test Leads. 48' long, P AI 109 42 365 5611 For Standard VOM I4 oz. 4.26

B flexible, heavy -duty, rubber -covered leads, 42 366 l 5612 For VTVM. Shielded 6oz. 4.26
thick. One red. one black. Pointed phone- Type 8461. Same as Type 5050 but prods have 1111

Type 6613. Low Capacity. For audit

tip prods; alligator clip ends. Special linger needle type chuck and needle points for piercing RF a ork. Low loss. Shpg. wt.. 4 os
guard prod handles. 5' long. 22.000 -volt
breakdown at 60 cycles. Shpg. wt.. 4 oz
insulation. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
42 N 359. NET PER PAIR I I5 0
4 N 367 NET EACH
Type 6614. Heavy Duty. 4' leads.
42 N 352. NET PER PAIR Type 8462. Same as Type 8461 above but size KI pion tips on prod end; Spade lugt
Type 9101. As above, but spade lug ends. equipped with angle phone tips on connector on connector end. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
42 N 353. NET PER PAIR 2 94 ends instead of the pointed phone tips. Shpg. 42 N 368. NET PER PAIR 2.5C
42 N 360. NET PER PAIR 132 2 wire leads with Klipzon phone-tip mini.
Type 9100. As above, but phone tip ends.
42 N 354. NET PER PAIR 353 Type 8466. Long Needle. Same as Type 0 prods at each end. Average shpg. wt., 4 oz
0 8462 but prod tips are 4' lengths of stiff, Stook No. Type Color Length PER PAID
In1Type 9301. S h Leads. No-kink-no- pointed No. 16 wire. Also prod handles are 4' 42 N 369 Red 12' 594
MLItangle test leads. 9' coil extends to 6 feet. long. Excellent for those hard -to -reach places. 42 N 370 5635 Black 12' 594
Tenite prod handles. Pointed phone tips 50' leads -6000 -volt breakdown, insulation. 42 N 371 5636 Red 24' 654
both ends. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. Shp wt., 4 oz. 24'
1 23 42 N 372 5637 Black
42 N 355. NET PER PAIR 2.91 42 N361. NET PER PAIR
Rubber -covered, designed for high -voltage test- Neon glow type tester for indicating voltages from 60 v.
ing applications. "Limp" type. No. 18 stranded AC and 90 v. DC to 500 v. AC -DC. Excellent for find-
(65x36) tinned conductor. Type 8898 is .230' ing "hot" AC leads checking fuses and spark plugs,
O.U.; working voltage. 10,000. Type 8899 is .140' O.D.; working voltage appliance repair, etc. (Neon bulb is mounted in insulating
5000. Shpg. wt. per IOU': 8898,4 lbs.; 8899, 2 lbs. L under 100' holder. 5' insulated leads with phone tip ends. Ideal
available only in 10- and 215-ft. spools. for home handymen. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
78 It 055. NET EACH .35c
TYPE 8899 10 or More. EACH 311
TYPE 8898
Stook No. Color Length NET StockNo. Color Length NET CABLE LACING CORD
47 T 81 I Red 10 ft.spool .5 48 T 91 I Red 10 ft.spool .41 Genuine waxed linen twine. Hard -twist gray 8 -cord; 50-Ib.
47 T 801 Black 10 ft.spool .56 48 T 90l Black 10 ft.spool .41 test. For binding cables in switchboards. transmitters. etc.
25 ft.spool 1.15 48 T 912 Red 25 ft.spool .73 1 -lb. spool. approx. 450 yds.; 1/24b. spool. approx. 225 yds.
47 T 812 Red Shpg. wts.: 14b. spool, 1 n/ lbs.; 1/24b. spool, s1/2a Ib.

T 802 Black 25 ft.spool 1.15 48 T 902 Black 25 ft.spool .73
47 spool 49 T 245. 1 -Ib. Spool. NET
k 100 ft. pool 2.25 49 T 246. tIA -lb_ S o NET.... 158
47 T 8ÓÓ Black 100 ft. spool 3.38 48 T 9ÓÓ Black
47 W 813 Red IJOver 100' 48 W 913 Red (Over 100'. 2.25
47 W 803 Black 1 PER 100' . 38 48 W 903, 1l'ER 100'
Meets rigid commercial and mil-
- itary standards. Polystyrene
inner jacket covered by copper
shield. Tough vinyl or polyethyl-
ene outer jacket. Max. Iü power at 30 mc: RG RG-8/U, 2000 watts; TESTPRODS
RD-11 /U, 1400 watts; RG-59/U, 680 watts; -58/U, 430 watts. lucite prods
RG -22/U is 2- conductor. ICA Type 302. Lucite. Red and hits k. high dielectric
for precision measurements. Threaded female insert; needle chuck3
Stock Mmf Lbs. 1 -99 Ft. 100 -499 Ft., 500-999 Ft., on ends. Length with plugs, 5%'. Low loss; rated 10 kv. WE,. 3 oz. 971
No. RG Imp. Per It. O. D. 100' PER FT. PER FT. PER FT.
42 N 114. NET PER SET........ ....
49W 460 8/U 52.0 29.5 .405 12 .130 H. H. Smith Type 303. Solderless Test Prod. Threaded prod with
49W 469 9/U 51 30.0 .420 15% .287 .230 Nickel plated phone tip. Wire fits through
51' long plastic handle.portion.
49 W 470 11/U 75.0 20.5 .405 11 .107 handle, wraps around screw Shpg. wt.. 4 oz.
49W 465 95.0 16.0 .405 1,% .163 .130 42 N 110. Red. 42 N I I I. Black. NET EACH PROD 29C
49W 480 SlÁ U .083 .075 nickel -
H. H. Smith Type 318. Phono Needle Test Prod. Brass
26.5 .250

49W485 58/U 53.5 28.5 .051 .046 D plated body with steel nickel- plated needle. Removable chuck for
49 W 487 58A /U 50 29.0 iñ .051 .046
.050 replacing broken needles. fled black molded plastic handle. Overall
49W 490 59/U 73.0 21.0 .195 length 6f s.. Shpg. wt. 3 oz. 32C
49 W 488 62/U 13.5 .242 Á6Ì .055 42 N 373. Red. 42 374. I4 Black. NET EACH PROD
49W 489 71 /U 4% .108 .098 .098 Prod. Threaded type.
H. H. Smith Type 329. Heavy -duty Test
93 13.5 .242
Extra sturdy brass, nickel- plated tip with red or black molded
AMPHENOL MINIA1URIZED COAXIAL CABLE plastic handle. Overall length. 6"Ás'. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. 32c
42 N 375. Red. 42 N 376. Black. NET EACH PROD
For use in miniaturized equip- G -C KLIPZON MINIPRODS
ment. Copperweld center to any terminal, luk.
conductor, stranded 7x.(0('3' except 72.0056'. Copper shield. Vinyl Type B Self -Gripping Tips. No. 5621. Clip insulation. Solderlese
plastic jacket. Av. wt., 100', 11/21 lbs.
R etc., and stay there! Needle points for piercing
connection inside 11/2' plastic handle. Shpg. wt. 2 oz. 26c
Stock Mfr'a ImO. Mml 1 -99 Ft.. 100- 499FL, 500- 999F1.,
42 N 271. Red. 42 N 272. Black. NET EACH TIP
No. Type Ohms Per Ft. 0'D PER FT. PER FT.
Type rubber
49 W 473 121 -598 I 50 I 30 .100' ,049 .044 .044 f grippingg80 with4
tips on end; sel- r ' handles on other end. z
oz.. 91
49W 472 21.597 75 20 .140' .052 .048 .048 42 N 270. NET PER SET
Allied Radio Corooration. 100 N. Western Ave.. Chicago 80, Illinois
Dialco Pilot Light Assemblies

0 B D
o 0 0 ©

A complete selection of heavy -duty, industrial - Extremely compact pilot light assemblies for Series 952208. Enclosed neon pilot light
type pilot light assemblies. Feature totally en- use with tiny T-1% bulbs (voltages from 1.3 assemblies. Built -in 56,000 ohm Ys watt
closed construction, fully gasketed to make to 28). Caps unscrew from front of panel for resistor. For NE -51 neon lamps in 105-125 v.
them impervious to oil, water, and dust. One - easy lamp replacement. Permanent isolation circuits. Plastic cap, bakelite body. 21',4' long.
piece. solid brass mounting bushing. Chrome from ground assured by military -grade phenol- i1.4 mt hole. Less NE -SI (see listing on page
finish. Glass lens gives omni -directional (180 °) ic material. All connections, lamp, and socket 1888). V.G. Approved. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
light spread. High- impact phenolic insulation. are completely insulated from the bushing and
Rugged terminals. Caps unscrew from front panel. Ruggedly constructed of brass and are Stook Mfr's Cap EAET
panel for easy lamp replacement. With mount- finished in black nickel. Size, 1/4x1 Vs'. Supplied No. Type Color CH
ing hardware; b-ss lamp. Av. sling wt., 3 oz. with lockwasher and nut. Less lamp. Av. shpg. 52 E 581 931 Red
wt., 2 oz. 52 E 582 933 Amber
1" MOUNTING HOLE TYPES 52 E 583 935 White 68c
Series 103 -3101. For use with 6S6 screw -base Serles 101 -6030 Front Mount and 101 -3830
lamp. Size. ltj(exlW. Screw -type terminals. Back Mount. Front mount pilot lights (Fig. REPLACEMENT PLASTIC CAPS FOR ABOVE
Indicates frosted lens. E) require i%° panel clearance; back mount
Mfr's (Fig. F) pilot lights require 134z' clearance Stock Mfr's 1 to 9 loor Moro.
Stock No. Stock No Mfr's No. Color EACH
0 (Faceted) Type a (Dome) Type Color hole. Tinned solder terminals.
52 E 565
95 -931 Red
52 E 885 -1331 52 E 892 -1211° Red Stook No. Stock No. Mfr's 52 E 566 95 -933 Amber
52 E 886 -1332 52 E 893 -1212° Green (Front) a (Bask) Typo Color 52 E 567 95 -935 White 15c 13c
52E887 -1333 52 E 894 -1213 Amber
52 E513 52 E 521 -951 Red 52 E 568 95 -937 Clear
52E888 -1334 52E895 -1214° Blue
52 E 514 52 E 522 -952 Green
52 E 889 -1335 52 E 896 -1235 White
52 E 515 52 E 523 -973 Amber
52E890 -1336 52E897 -1216 Yellow
52 E 51 6 52 E 524 -975 White LOW VOLTAGE ENCLOSED
52E891 -1337 52E898 -1217° Clear SIGNAL ASSEMBLIES
1 to 9, NET EACH 124
1 to 9, NET EACH 2 20 10 or Mors, EACH 1.12 Series 812210. Aviation type signal assem-
10 or More EACH 198 blies with smooth -faced jewels in W nickel -
brass holder. Take miniature bayonet base
2- TERMINAL DIMMER TYPES lamp. replaceable from front of unit. (See
Series 103 -3502. As above, but for 6S6 bayonet
base lamp. indicates frosted lens. Series 108 -3830 Blackout Typo and page 188 for bulb listing.) 21/4' long. Require
112 -3830 Polaroid Type. New, mechanical r'Au' mounting hole. For panels up to s/s' thick.
Stock No. Mfr's Stock No. Mir's and polaroid assemblies. Polaroid type gives Less lamp. U.l.. Approved. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
(Faceted) Type a (Dome) Type Color reduced intensity at all settings; mechanical
type varies opening size to complete blackout. Stock Mfr's NET
52E839 -1331 52 E 846 -1211 Red
Require 135z' mtg. hole. Frosted lenses, except No. Type Color EACH
52E840 -1332 52 E 847 -1212 Green
unfrosted. Solder terminals. 52 E 589 Red
52E841 -1333 52 E 848 -1213 Amber
52 E 590
112 Green
52E842 -1334 52 E 849 -1214 Blue Stook No. Stock No. Mfr's 52 E 591 113 Amber 56c
52 E 843 -1335 52E878 -1235 White (Blackout) (Polaroid) Typo Color
52 E 592 White
52E844 -1336 52E879 -1216 Yellow 13S
52 845E -1337 52E880 -1217° Clear 52 E 508 52 E 5213 Red
1 to 9, NET EACH 2 52 E 517 52 E 534 Amber
10 or More, EACH 98 52 E518 52 E 539 - White 52 E 535 81-111 Red
52 E 519 52 E 543 -117 Clear 52 E 536 81-112 Green
52 E 537 81-135 White 16c
10 or More, EACH
52 E 538 81-113 Amber
Series 126 -408. New pilot light assemblies for 173
use with NE -51 neon lamps. Built -in resistor.
Fluted lens type have screw terminals; plain 2- TERMINAL NON -DIMMING TYPES PLATE LIGHTING ASSEMBLIES
lens type have solder terminals. Size, 's/ux2144'. New, sub- miniature plastic plate lighting units.
Series 111 -3830. New. non -dimming as-
Stock No. Mlr's Stock No. Mfr's D semblies for general purpose use. Have Designed for MIL -P -7788 plastic plate panels.
(Fluted) (Plain) Type Color metal lens holders and glass lenses. Require on qualified products list QPL -7806 as per mili-
Typs D
tary, drawing MS25010-1A to 8A. Require
52 823 828
Wu' mounting hole. All have frosted lenses
E -1191 52 E -1131 Red
except unfrosted. Solder terminals. i ÿ,z' mounting hole. With lockwasher and nut.
52 E 824 -1193 52 E 829 -1133 Amber Less lamp (T -1%). Wt.. 2 oz.
52E825 -1197 52 E 830 -1137 Clear Stock Mfr's Color 1.9, 10 er More,
toNET EACH No. Type EACH EACH Series TT61 (Solder Type) and TT62
1 9 1 94 (Screw type) Edge Light Assemblies.
10 or More, EACH 174 52 E 569 -111 Red Red units conform to MS25010-2A and -4A.
52 E 570 -112 Green
Series 126 -410. Same as above, but for use 52 E 571 -113 Amber 1.56 1.40 Stock No. Stook No. Mfr's Lens
with low- voltage T -31/4 miniature, bayonet - 52 E 572 -135 White (Solder) (Screw) Type Color
base lamp Indicates frosted lens. 52 E 573 -117 Clear
52 E 463 52 E 478 Red
Stock No. Mfr's Stock No Mfr's 52 E 464 52 E 479 -B7 Clear
(Fluted) Type (Plain) Typo Color 1-TERMINAL LIGHT SHIELD TYPES
1 to 9, NET EACH 674
52 E 831 -1191 52 E 862 -1111 Red New, one terminal units for grounded cir- 10 or Mors, EACH 604
52 E 832 -1192 52 E 863 -11125 Green
H cuits.
Meet MIL -L-7806 -A specifications.
52 E 869 -1193 52 E 864 -1113 Amber pening on side of assembly emits light on pan- Series TT -61 (Solder Type) and TT62
52 E 834 -1194 52 E 865 -1114° Blue el -ideal for dials, instruments control panels. PM (Screw Type) Top Light Assemblies.
52 E 835 -1195 52 E 866 -1135 White etc. Movable contact is made solid brass; ed units conform to military standard num-
52 E 836 -1196 52 E 867 -I tit.* Yellow spring does not carry current. Require 135e- ber M 525010-6A and 8A. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz.
52 E 837 -1197 52 E 868 -1117° Clear diameter mounting hole.
1 to 9, NET EACH Type 4 -1930. With soldering terminal.
52 E 551 52 E 553
52 E 552 52 E 554
RI Red --Cl Clear
1 94 52 E 544. 10 or Mere, EA. I .431 -9, EA.I .59

10 or More, EACH 174 1 to 9 NET EACH

Type 4 -1830. With binding screw terminal. 10 or More, EACH 604
Series 103 -3114. Dome lens pilot light assem- 52 E 549. 10 or More, EA. 1.43 1 -9, EA. I .59
blies for use with candelabra screw -base NE -45
neon lamp. Built -in resistor. Size. 11/4;,x2Viz'. PRESS -TO -TEST LIGHT TYPES
Indicates frosted lens. 1- TERMINAL NON-DIMMING TYPES Series VM -911M. New, press -to -test indi-
Stock No. Serias 8 -1830 With Binding Screw and D cator assemblies. Feature built -in bulb -
Type Color Series B -1930 With Soldering Terminal. testing device and optional shutter dimming
52E881 -1231 Red Meet MIL L- 7806-A specifications. All have construction. Has 3 soldering terminals: 2 for
52 E 882 -1233 Amber frosted lenses except unfrosted. normal circuit and 1 for test circuit. Units are
52 E 893 -1236 Yellow completely enclosed. Provide 180° daylight
52 E 884 -1237 Clear Stock No. Stook No. Mfr's Color
beam; "halo" light for night. Require t3'zt' mtg.
52 E 899 -1217° Clear (Screw) (Solder) Type hole. Size. sñxls/a'. Less lamp (T -11/4). 1 oz.
1 to 9, NET EAC H
52 E 423 52 E 433 -111 Red Dimmer Non -Dimmer
10 or More, EACH 2I 98 52 E 424 52 E 434 -112 Green Lens
52 E 425 52 E 435 -113 Amber Stock No. Mil. No. Stock No. Mil. No. Color
52 E 426 52 E 436 - 14 Blue 52 E 415 MS25041-1 52 E 456 MS2SO41-5 Clear
MODEL 1316-L ADAPTER SET 52 E 427 52 E 437 -133 White 52 E 416 MS25041-2 52 E 457 MS25041-6 Red
Gaeketed reducer for adapting any 1' Dialco 52 E 428 52 E 438 -116 Yellow 52E417 MS25041-3 52 E 458 M525041-7 Green
pilot light assembly to 131' hole. Impervious 52 E 429 52 E 439 -117 Clear 52E418 M325041-4 52 E 459 MS25041-8 Amber
to oil, water, and dust. 2 oz. 1 to 9 NET EACH ..1.24 to 9, NET EACH
52 E 833. NET 73c 10 or More, EACH
12 1 10 or More, EACH 185
1841 Depend on Allied for Everything in Radio, Television & Industrial Electronics
Dialco Pilot Light Assemblies


INDICATOR LIGHTS Series 313101. 115 s olt. enclosed pile
Series 96408X. Enclosed neon indicator Lamp a,.,cmbly Black bakelite and brass
lights. Have built -in, 56,000-ohm. 1/2-watt Series 81410X. New aviation -type socket Has faceted jewel in chrome -plated holds,
resistor. For NE -51 neon lamps in 105 -125 v. shell with smooth -faced jewels in yr' nickel - Candelabra screw socket. 1" mounting hob
circuit.. Insulated in molded bakelite of MIL - brass bolder. Take miniature bayonet base Shpg. wt.. 4 oz. Not recommended for neor
M-14 grade. Plastic head gives 180° light lamp, replaceable from front. 211' long. ('A.' all others for neon or incandescent. Undo
spread. Size. 214- long. II4' mtg. hole. Meets mtg. hole. Fits panels up to 1/2' thick. Less lamp writers' Laboratories Approved.
MIL-L-3661 and CSA requirements. U.L. Ap- (see page 188). U.I.. Approved. Shpg. Wt., 3 oz.
proved. Less lamp (see page 188). 3 oz. Stock Mfr's Jewel NET 10or Mori
Stock Mfr's Cap NET 70 or More, No. Type Color EACH EACH
Stock Mfr's Cap NET 0 orMore, No. Type Color EACH EACH
No. Typo Color EACH EACH 52 E 460 431 Red
52 E 530 III Red
52 461
E 432 Green"'
52 E 504 931 Red
52 E 5 3 I 112 (seen Amber
52 E 505 933 Amber 1.07 52 E 462 433
52 E 506 935 White 1.19 1.07 52 E 532 135 White 1.19
Amber 52 E 510 437 Clear 1.03 93c
Clear 52 E 533 113 52 E 511 434 Blue
52 E 507 937 435 White
52 E 512
Replacement Javel Caps for Above
Replacement Plastic Caps Fer Above
Stock Mfr's Cap NET IOor Moro, 52 E 536 81 -112 Green Wit
Enclosed aswm,.1y.
No. Type Color EACH EACH 52
81 -135
81 -113
Ilse 14C
a Series 312901.
6" wire leads. Solid brass. Has friction-1i t.
chrome -plated cap. 1' mtg. hole. U.L. AI
52 E 565 95 -931 Red
52 E 566 95 -933 Amber proved. Less S6 candelabra screw -base lam p
52 E 567 95 -935 White I5c I3c HALF -INCH OPEN TYPES (see page 188). Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
52 E 568 95 -937 Clear Series 857B. Requires an 'l'As' mtg. hole. Mfr's Jewel NET 110 or Mori,
I1' lens. 2' long. Tinned solder terminals. For Stock EACH
panels up to 1/4' thick. With mounting washer. No. Type Color EACH
JEWEL CAP ASSEMBL ES Less lamp. Uses type 44. 47 or 51 listed on S2 E485 111 Red
Sortes 31914. For NE -45, -57, -58, etc. Can- page 188. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. 52 E 486 112 Green
B delabra screw base neon lamps. 115 v..21/2' 52 E487 113 Amber 1.13 1.02
long. l'
n tg. hole. Neon removable from front.
Less lamp (see page 188). U.L. Approved.
Mfr's Jewel NET 70or more,
Type Color EACH EACH 52 E 488 117 Clear
Shpg. wt. 4 oz. 52 E 545 431 Red Replacement Jewel Caps for Aboyo
52 E 546 432 Green
Stook Mfr's Jewel NET 10 or More. 52 E 547 433 Amber 44c 40c 52 E 575 31 -111 Red I

No. Tye» Color EAC H EACH 52 E 548 434 Blue 52 E 596 31-112 Green 135C 31c
52 E 559 111 Red 52 E 576 31 -113 Amber
52 E 560 113 Amber 1.03 93c MINIATURE TYPE 52 E 578 31 -117 Clear
52 E 562 137 Clear
Series 810. Screw and bayonet types. I/z' ONE -INCH OPEN TYPES
jewel. Require an' Va' mtg. hole. Use minia-
Replacement Jewel Caps for Above ture bulbs. Tinned lugs. For PA equipment. Series 76. 115 -volt open-type pilot lan p
Stock Mfr'a Cap NET 10or More.
recorders, etc. Indicates bayonet base. Less
lamp; see page 188. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
o assembly with faceted jewel in chrom o-
plated brass holder. Candelabra sire* saki
No. Type Color EACH EACH Mfr's Jewel NET lOormore, Solid brass construction. Friction -ht chrom e-
Stook plated cap. 1' mounting hole. Less lam D
52 E 575 31 -111 Red No. Typo Color EACH EACH
52 E 576 31 -113 Amber 35c 31c E450 M -431 Red
Shpg. wt.. S oz.
52 578 31 -137 Clear 52


52 E45I M-432 Green
52 E 452 M -433 Amber
52 EE 453 B -431 Red 32c
t29c Stock
No. Typo
Mfr's Jewel NET loor Mon,
52 E 454 B -432 Green 52 E 500 C-431 Red
Green 70c 63c
Popular Dialc° assemblies. Cadmium plating 52 455 B -433 Amber 52 501 C-432
52 E 502 C-433 Amber
on all brackets. Terminal tugs of tinned brass
to facilitate rapid soldering. Coil spring con- Series 510,610 and 710. Open -type visual
struction on all bayonet type sockets. Supplied indicators. Choice of minia ure screw,
w-:th high -grade insulating washers. See page bayonet or candelabra. Faceted jewels. Lug MINIATURE SOCKETS
1101 for complete selection of miniature screw terminals. Require 'AC mounting hole. Less Serin 910. Open type with chrome -plat ed
lamps (for Series 500). bayonet lamps for Ser- Tamp (see page 188). Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. brass jewel holders. l'/z' long l' mom
ies 700), and candelabra lamps (tor Series 600). fng hole. Excellent for power panels. test n-
Av. Shpg. wt., per 5, 6 oz. 5 par pkg. Series 510 Miniature Screw Type strums -rets. e:, I 61111) Shpg. wi ..1 oz.
Stock Mfr's Jewel NET 10or mere,
St Mfr's FIp. Per 5 Pkgs. or More,
( 52 E 475 431 Red Stock NET 10 or More
Nock Tyal
p Pkg. Per Pkg. 52 E476 432 Green 21c 19c Ne. Color EACH EACH
F 361 321 52 E 477 433 Amber
52 E 400 S 01 52 E 420 Red
52 E 401 07
Series 610 Candelabro Screw Type 52 E 42 1 Green 6Ic 55c
D 52 E 422 Amber
52 E 4Ì Ó 505
5 C 346 3 14 52 E 540 431 Red
MIN ATURE BAYONET 52 E 542 433 Amber
Miniature Candelabra NET 10 or More,
(Not illustrated.) Sortes 710 Miniature Bayonet Type Color Screw Screw I EACH EACH

Stock Mfr's Per 6 P kgs. or more, 52 E480 431 Red Red 52 E 430 52 E 440'
No. Type Pkg. Per Pkg. 52 E 481 432 Green
21c I ITC Green 52 E 431 52 E 441 58C 52c
351 52 E 482 433 Amber Amber 52 E 432 52 E 442
52 E 404 7(11
52 405
E 707
52 394
2 E 406 705 391 354 SITTLER PANEL LAMP
Type 211007 Neon Indicat- o
CANDELABRA SCREW-115 VOLTS ing Lamp. Easily mounted
Stook Mfr' Per 6 Pkgs.orMore, panel lamp. Starting voltages
of 65 v., AC: 90 v., DC. Rated DRAKE NEON INDICATING LIGHT!
No. Type Pk a. Poe Pkg. Typo 110 "Flushlita." Neo,, light in
at 1/25 watt. Bulb leads se-
52 E407 601 F
curely soldered to switchboard o translucent plastic base. For 110 -125 v. A C-
DC. IVxlr/axrVi' 11/2' mtg. cntrs. Wt., 2 0:
52 E 408 04 D slide -type base. Compact and 9t
52 E 409 605 C sturdy. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. 78 E 061. EA. .43t. 10, EACH
52 E 380. NET 40C Type 106 'Post-tits." Panel lights or
65 -130 v. AC or 90 -130 v. DC. 21' to tg.
PILOT LIGHT LENS CAPS R uire 1/2' mtg. hole. With mtg. nut. 2 oz.
All- purpose r//', I/í . and t'ht' diameter smooth COLE- HERSEE 78 062. EA....586. 10, EACH 2t
jewels in polished nickel -plated l%',brass holders DASH LAMP ASSEMBLY
for up to r/a' panels. Require Ns' and
'1/41' holes, respectively, for mounting. Shpg.
Nickel -plated. Socket takes No. PILOT BULB REMOVER
wt., 2 oz. Deduct 10% for 10 or more. 51 or 55 bulb (see page 188). r/s' Designed to expedite
mtg. hole. Securely soldered 12' installation or re-
Sine Red Green Amber EA. leads. Easy to install on dash- moval of miniature
1/4' 52 E 444 52 E 445 52 E 446 2 boards, panels, etc. Less switch and candelabra
52 E 490 52 E 491 52 E 492 3t and bulb. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. lamps. High-grade rubber. Wt., 2 oz.
t ÿr 52 E 447 52 E 448 52 E 449 2 0t

52 E 633. NET 44c 52 E 550. NET 26c

See Page 188 for Complete Listings of Pilot Light Bulbs il 7
General Electric Lamps -Sockets


For 105 -600 volt operation except type, marked which are for 210- All are miniature, except: Alidget flanged typ. 'pre- focused candelabra
600 v. ¡Indicates DC only. S.C. stands for single contact; D.C., double type; ¡has screw terminals, sealed beam type. -[tiler Amps. c.p. means
contact; Sk.. skirted. Screw types have series resistor in base -for 105- candlepower. Abbreviations under Baal mean: s C., F.- single contact,

125 v. operation; others require external resistor. AC starting voltage

shown. DC starting voltage is 40% higher. tRed sprayed. Av. shpg. wt. flanged; D. C.. F-
bayonet; D. C.. Bay. -- double contact, bayonet. Under -single
double contact. flanged; S. C.. Bay. contact.
1 lamp. 3 oz.; box of 10. 5 oz. Bulb
tubular; B -lemon shape; T1.-Lens end. tubularStyle;
T- G-
Fig Vieth AC
parabolic. Shpg. wts.: lamp. 2 oz.; box of 10, 4 oz. 1
(pre -focus
type); FE -flat end; RP- reflector, pear shape; 5-aa in Fig. R; PAR -
Each Mfr's
Stock Bulb NET 10 or 100 or
52 E 370 NE-2 A 1/25 65 T -2 Wire Term. .10 No. Type Fig. Volta Amps Basa
Style EA. More. Ea. More, Es.
52E373 NE-51 B 1/25 65 T -3r% S.C. Bay. Min. .2 I .1 8
52 344 PR -2
52 E 374 NE-7 Sf 55 T -4% Wire Term. .73 .61
E P 2.4 0.50 S.C., F. B -3% .20 .14 .13
52E361 NE-57 D Sí 55 T -4% Cand. Screw .99 .82
52E812 NE-48 C B 65 T-41/2 D.C. Bay. Cand. .70 .58 52 E 337 PR -4 P 2.3 0.27 S.C., F. B-3% .20 .14 .13
52 E 338 PR -I P 2.7 0.15 S.C.. F. B -31 .25 .18 .16
52 807
E NE-45 D 65 T.41/2 Cand. Screw 52 E 387 PR-12 P 5.95 0.50 S.C., F. B -34 .20 .14 .13
52 822
E NE-21 L K 55 T-4yr S.C. Bay. Cand. .95 .77
52E 362 :NE-58 D 65 T-4S4 Cand. Screw .95 52 E 304 PR -13 P 4.75 0.50 S.C., F. B -3% .20 .14 .13
52E826 {NE-16 C 16 *67 T-41/2 D.C. Bay. Cand. .5, 52 E 300 13 .. 3.7 0.30 Screw G-3% .17 .12 .11
52E 827 NE-17 Td54 52 E 301 14 .. 2.5 0.30 Screw 0.3% .17 .12 .11
C SS 55 D.C. Bay. Cand. .90 .74 52 E 303 .. 4.9 0.30
52E36O :NE-56 1.25
27 Screw G-44 .17 .12 .11
52E801 NE-30
E G-10 Edison 1.05 52 E 302 31 6.2 0.30 Screw G-4S4 .20 .14 .13
E G-10 Edison 1.20 1.00
52E8O9 NE-31 N 60 G-10 Sk. Cand. Screw 2.98 2.50 52 E 305 40 M 6.8 11.15 Screw T -3% .15 .10 .09
52E814 NE-32 60 G-10 D.C. Bay. Cand. 1.20 1.00 52 E 306 41 M 2.5 0.50 Screw T-3% .15 .10 .09
52 E 307 42 M 3.2 0.35 Screw T -3v, .20 .14 .I3
52 E 803 NE-34 G 2 5-14 Edison 1.85 1.54 52 E 308 43 2.5 .15
52E8O5 t NE-34 G 2 5-14 Edison
M 0.50 Bayonet T -3% .10 .09
52E815 NE-36
1.97 1.65 52 E 309 44 N 6 -8 0.25 Bayonet T -3% .I 5 .10 .09
H 2 60 5-14 Sk. D.C. Bay. Cand. 2.40 2.04
52E8O6 NE-40 G 3 60 5-14 Edison 2.70 2.26 52 E 310 45 N 3.2 0.35 Bayonet T-3% .15 .10 .09
52E 816 NE-42 H 3 60 5-14 Sk. D.C. Boy. Cand. 2.65 2.20 52 E 311 46 M 6 -8 0.25 Screw T -31/2 .15 .10 .09
52 E 312 47 N 6 -8 0.15 Bayonet T -3% .15 .10 .09
ARGON GLOW LAMPS 52 E 313 48 M 2.0 0.06 Screw T -31/2 .15 .10 .09
Characterized by small size and low operating temperature. Produce a 52 E 314 49 N 2.0 0.06 Bayonet T -3% .15 .I0 .09
pale blue -violet light-near- ultra%iolet radiation. Clear glass. *Av. life, 52 E 3 5 1
50 6.8 1 c. p. Screw G -3% .15 .10 .09
1000 hours; tay. life. 3000 hrs. Av. wt.. 1 lamp, 3 oz.. box of 10, 5 oz. 52 E 316 51 N 6 -8 I c. p. Bayonet G-3% .15 .10 .09
52 E 81 I AR-3 .85 52 E 369 53 14.4 0.12 Bayonet G -31/2 .15 .10 .09
52 E 820 ItAR -2
D % 80 T -4% Cand. Screw .68 52 E 320 55 N 6-8 2 c. p. Bayonet G -4% .15 .10 .09
H 2 65 S -14 Sk. D.C. Bay. Cand. 2.20 1.78
52E 810 tAR -1 52 E 660 57 12 -16 2 c. p. Bayonet G-41 .15 .10 .09
G 2 65 S -14 Edison 1.90 .53 1

52 E 322 63 6-8 3 c. p. S.C. Bay. G -6 .20 .14 .13

AC-DC PILOT LAMPS 52 E 321 81 6-8 6 e. p. S.C. Bay. G -6 .20 .14 . 13
Rated at 1500 hours, average use. Have clear glass opes except I 52 E 317 82 6-8 6 c. p. D.C. Bay. G -6 .25 .18 .16
white lass. Ideal for use behind small panel openings, enve
as indicator lamps, 52 E 325 112 R 1.2 0.22 Screw TL -3 .17 .12 .11
etc. *Candelabra screw base. tDouble contact candelabra bayonet base. 52 E 327 136 1.3 0.60 Screw G-4% .17 .12 .11
:Herzog tubular lamp -all others, G.E. Av. wt., 4 oz. 52 E 330 222 R 2.2 0.25 Screw 11.3 .17 .12 .11
Stock No. Typa Fig. Volts Watts EACH 10 -Up, EA, 52 E 331 223 2.2 0.25 Screw FE-3% .17 .12 .11
52 E 349 S6 BB 52 E 333 224 T 2.15 0.22 Special TL-2% .17 .I 2 .11
115 6 .22 .20 52 E 334 233 2.2 0.27 Screw G -3% .17 .I 2 .11
52 E 352 í6S6 BB 115 6 .30 .27 52 E 339 G -51
52 E 354 3S6 BB 115 .35
248 2.5 0.80 Screw .20 .14 .13
3 .31
52 E 353 1056 BB 230 10 .52 .47 52 E 319 313 M 28 0.17 Bayonet T -31/2 .35 .26 .23
52 E 355 C7 C'C 115 -125
52 E 323 327 . 28 0.04 S.C. Mid. T -1% .90 .66 .59
7 .20 .1 8 52 E 377 328 .. 6 0.20 S. C. Mid.* T -1% .70 .5I .46
52 E 356 1C7 CC
115 -125 .20 .18
52 E 351 tC7 CC 1 15-1 25
10 .26 .23
52 E 378 425 .. 5 0.50 Screw G -44 .17 .I2 .11
52 E 350 DD 120
52 E 658 428 12.5 0.25 Screw G-41/2 .17 .12 .11
4 .39 .35 52 E 332 432 18.18. 0 0.25 Screw G -4% .1777 .12 .11
52 E 652 433 .. 0.25 .17 .12

18 Bayonet G -4% .11
52 E
52 E
605 6.1 0.50 Screw G -454 .17 .I2 .11
650 1133 S 6-8 32c. p. S.C. Bay. RP -11 .40 .29 .26
52 E 651 1188 S 6-8 50/32
c. p. D.C. Bay. RP -11 1.00 .72 .65
m 52
52 E
E 379
Pratt RP -11
G -3%
. 17
.1 I

Hard rubber insert in metal shell. Av. ehpg. wt., 3 oz.

E 341 1447 18.0 0.15 Screw G -3% .20 .14 .I3
E 661 1449 .. 14 0.20 Screw G -3% .17 .I 2 .11
Stock No. Fig. Osseription E H 1r.Up,E . 52 E 662 1458 20 0.25 Bayonet G -5 .17 . 12 .11
52 E 850 RE Edison .13 .12 52 E 653 1477 OD 24 0.17 Screw 7.3 .40 .27 .24
52 E 858 RE Miniature screw .14 .13 52 E 654 1487 DD 12-16 0.20 Screw T -3%c .20 .14 .13
52 E 852 FF Candelabra screw 52 E 655 1488 N 14 0.15 Bayonet .20 .14 .13
.45 .41 52 E 340
T -3V,
52 E 955 EE Candelabra screw .14 .13 1490 N 3.2 0.16 Bayonet T -3% .15 .10 .09
52 E 656 1493 6.5 2.75 D.C. Bay. S -8 I .00 .70 .63
52 E 8530 GG Double- contact, bay. candelabra .29 .26
52 E 856 HH Double- contact, bay. candelabra .62 52 E 326 1768 6 0.20 Midget Screw .75 .52 .47
.56 E 657
T -1%4
52 E 857 HH Single- contact. bay. candelabra .59 .53 52 1815 N 12 -16 8.20 Bayonet T -3% .20 .14 .13
52 E 324 1820 28 1.0 Bayonet T -3% .40 .29 .26
LAMP SOCKET REDUCERS 52 E 343 1829 .. 28.0 0.07 Bayonet T -314 .35 .25 .22
52 E 383 4512 4.7 0.50 S.C. Term¡ PAR -36 2.50 .77 I I .59
Receptacle opening receives 52 E 384 4546 4.7 0.50 S.C. Term¡ PAR -36 2.50 1.77 1.59
base of bulb; other end fits in-
to socket desired. Enables user
to convert to most commonly - TUNGAR BULBS
used types of bulb bases. Posi- General Electric tungar bulb type rectifiers for replacement purposes.
tive contact. Av. shpg. wt.. High -quality units. Used in battery -charging equipment. Gas -filled
m 2 oz. thermionic emission types. Av. shpg. wt.. 1 lbs. y
Stock Ne. Fig. Description NET No. Type Fig. Amps NET No. Type Fig. Amps NET
52 E 606 Edison-to-Candelabra 9 E 900 12X825 W 2 4.41 9 E 904 189049 v 6 4.77
52 E 639 KK Candelabra -to- Miniature 14t 9 E 901 206501 X 2 4.41 9 E 905 217283 15 9.19
52 E 634 KK Intermediate-to-Candelabra 9 E 906 20X672 W 5 5.52 9 E 907' 16X897 2 12.13
52 E 638 LL Edison -to- Intermediate I56 9 E 903 189048 Y 6 4.77 9 E 908 45X674 AA 6 14.70
lYi Depend on Allied for Everything in Radio, Television and Industrial El.ctronia
Photoflash Components

D B L c
Flash tube for high -speed photo equipment. Used in amateur and professional photography. For use in two low-cost, portable, dry -cell
D High -voltage discharge type. 100 watt - and solving research and industrial problems. powered photoflash units. Schematics. parts
seconds; 2250 volts; flash duration. 1 /5000 Provide flashes of exceedingly high intensity listings and instructions in Sprague Booklet
second. Over 30.000 flashes. Wt.. 1 lb for a short duration, ranging from 1 /1.000 C -703 below. Two models -one using Kemlite
15.35 to 1/1,000,000 second. Same tube ofcan be DX flashtube (same as FA -100), and one using
E3- R4330. List, $23.75. NET
flashed repeatedly -tens of thousands times. Kemlite DW -2 flashcube (same as FA -104). For
AMGLO FLASH TUBES Standard equipment in many units and popu- synchro shutters or solenoid synchronization.
For high -speed photo units. Flash duration. lar for the home kit builder and experimenter. Uses two 450 volt capacitors (listed below)
B 1/10,000 second. Gas -filled design with Tubes are helix -coiled, xenon-filled. 60 watt and five 90 volt Burgess N6U batteries (listed
open-end spiral feature gives long life. May be incandescent modeling lamp fits inside Type page 284). Flashes faster than 1/1000 second.
used for color work without filter. High- inten- FT -403. ,Similar to Fig. D. but lias 3 -pin base. Light output of 100 w.s. Flashtubes are Kem-
sity. blue -white light. Color temperature. 6500° Av. shpg. wt., Ib. 1
Sprague. All
lite; reflectors and adapter are Write
Kelvin. Relay type; all others are trigger type. Fig. W-S Volts Mid NET other parts available from Allied. for free
Shpg. wt.. lb. Stock No. Typs
400 9.10 parts list. Av. shpg. wt.. 1 lb.
NET 52 E 388 FT -218 C 200 1000
Stock Mfr's Operating Cep.,
EACH 52 375
E FT118 C 125 500 1000 7.90 Stock No. Typs Fig. Descrlp._ W -S V. NET
No. Type W -S Voltage Mid
52 364 21 .50 0)T- -9.9i
E FT -214 D 200 2000 100 Iaubel
14.70 38É7<00 G 150 DSO
78 E 655 78R90 200 2000 -2500 15-80
52 376
E FT -220 200 2000 1BÓ 23.00 78 E7I0 0W-2 H Flask Tube, 150 500 5.95
78 E 652 54R1X 200 2250 -2850 15-80 14.70 52E 359 FT -403 480 2000 240 24.50 78 E703 FA-1011 Reflector for DX -2.69
78 E 653 56122 150 450 - 900 300.1400 12.74 52 E 363 60T674/1' F .. 120 .. 2.1 0 78 E704 FA-105
Reflector for DW-2 3.43
78 E 658 5804X 110 2250 -2850 15.32 13.72 for FT -214 1.90 78 E 702 FA 102
... Adapt. for Ed. bates 2.55
78 E 662 HD-2-0 200 300 -2000 1500 8.82 73H 998 122-275 Socket

Type PO Capacitors. Combine maximum ((-I Type FF -1 525 Mfd. Capacitor. 450
High- Voltage Oil- Filled Types. Cornell - o dependability with very compact size. W volts DC working. Low -leakage electro-
13 Dubilier high- dielectric photoflash capaci- lytic for dry battery photoflash service. Nom-
tors. Impregnated and filled with Dykanol Rated. 2500 v., except Type 425 (4000 v.).
inal rating 53 w.s. Shpg. wt.. 11/2 lbs.
"G" to assure top dependability. StoekNo.! Type Mid W -S Lbs. NET 15 L 725. NET EACH 13.23
CWT.2000 VOLT DC WORKING 15 L 730 2510
15 L 732 2525 25 78
10 1y 10.00
4íV4 5.58
i I

C703 Electronic Flash Handbook. Contains

photos. drawings and instructions for building

15 L 733 2535 109 6 19.11 two battery-operated, high -speed electronic

4 IA011 N 25 I 50 4h 1 II11 17 15 L 729 425
25 200 lys 24.99 flash units as well as an AC- operated unit. A
handbook for the amateur or professional pho-
TYPE GKGT-2300 VOLT DC WORKING tographer. 15 pages. Size, Rn x11'.
Type FA-103. Sprague Delay Relay. For 35C
1A02 IS 5 -25 microsecond delay synchronizat on for 37 K 078. Postpaid In U.S A
4 1.4831 104 100 16s/` 21.76 operation with 3 to 41 -volt cell flashguns. Type 2TM -S5 Melded Tubular Capacitor.
1 I 1

Shpg. wt., 8 oz. 200 v. at .05 mfd. s/axl Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
Low -Voltage Types. Type FB10063 has
M aluminum can with cardboard sleeve. Type 78 E 701. NET 3.43 151.121. NET 15c
W10005 has bakelite case.
Type Mid Volts W'S Lbs.
EACH n Type HC 46or low-voltage
by 22 R42. Open frame type with leads. Pri.:
4.03 use D 117 v., 60 cycle, AC. Sec. for supply de-
14 L 841 F810063 200 450 20 1Y 300 mfd at 450 volts working. Sise, livering 2250 volts DC at 1.5 ma.; Sec. No. 2,
141.842 FW10005 200 500 25 11/4 6.17 ((..Japaciitty.
Shpg. 1 Ib. 6.17 2.5 volts AC at 1.75 amps. Size. 4x21/sx2 1/2';
Ì7s L 820. 31/4' mtg. centers. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs.
Highly efficient, dependable capacitors. UTC TRANSFORMERS 22 R43. Pri.: 117 volts, 60 cycle, AC or
All units have very low leakage current. Type PF -1. l'niw:.n 1,.1- 1I5 v., 50-60 cy- D 4 -volt vibrator. Sec., 1100 volts AC at 1.5
ER . shpg. wt., 11/4 lbs. R cles. Secondary supplies 2200 v. DC when ma. Delivers 2250 volts in voltage doubler cir-
Mid W -S Volts NET rived with proper rectiher, and condensers up to cuit. Size, 21/2x31/2z2 s% ; 2,1/26' mtg. centers.
Stock No. Type 100 mfd. Transformer is compound- sealed in Shpg. wt.. lbs.

10 1. 579 52545A 525 53 450 13.23 21/2x21/2x2 yz' case. Shpg. wt., 21 lbs. 63G721. NET 8.17
10 L 5671 60045 600 60
7.64 62 G 230. NET 8.23 Type 22R41. Power transformer. Pri.,
10 L.5 1000 1000
Type PF -3. Trigger transformer for electron- 4 volts from vib. at 115 cyc. or higher.

10 L 582 1630A 1650 75 300 23.52 wt.,

ically fired circuit. Shpg. 6 os. Sec., 450 volts DC or 900 volts DC at 15 ma.
Illinois Electronic Flash Handbook. Hand- 62 G 232. NET . 3.88 Mtg. Ctrs., 2t/s'- Overall size, 2%rr2%x236 .

book and construct on manual. Covers 4 photo- Slipg. wt.. 11 lbs.

flash units; battery and battery-AC types. STANCOR TRANSFORMERS 63 G 723. NET 3 26
37 L 191. Postpaid In U.S.A 504
Model P -6425. l'hototlash power trans- Type 22R44. Ignition transformer. For
former for AC electronic photoflash units, high-pressure 3- electrode tubes. Pri., 200
RECTIFIERS AND VIBRATORS Exact replacement in the Heiland Research volt DC discharge from .25 to .5 mfd. con-
Photoflash unit. The comparatively low output denser. Sec.,15.000 v. peak. Size, 2 1/2x1 yzxl W.
Type 1013. Fed. Tel. & Radio Rectifier. For voltage (450 v.), permits lower construction Shpg. wt.. 8 oz.
storage battery chargers. Output. 700 ma at cost, simplicity in design and a greater safety 63 G 722. NET 4.90
111v. Shpg. wt. 4 oz. factor. Has a 105 /115 /125 volt primary.
4 A 604. NET 94c Thorderson Booklet "Universal Power Pack
Charges 1050 mfd, capacitor to 450 volts DC, for High -Speed Electronic Photoflash Tubes ".
Type W1601/W869. Mallory Vib . In- through a half -wave selenium rectifier. 244sx Shows how to build your own reliable high-
terrupter type. 4 prong base. Replaces type
8 oz.
18 NET 2.88
25(0x2'. Mtg. centers, 21'. With diagram.
Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs.
64 G 445. NET 3.43
speed photoflash tube power pack. For amateur
and professional photographers. Versatile
may be operated from 117 v. A.C. or from self -
Type FA -106. Sprague VIb . (Same as Type P -6426. Trigger coil for P -6425 trans- contained batteries. Booklet includes complete
former. s/2' long. 14. diameter. Replaces G.E. circuit diagram and detailed parts list. 8 pages.
Oak V6815). For photoflash equipment. 4 volts; Size, 759i4'
4 amp. 2'55xl 1/2'. Shpg. wt.. 8 oz. 86 G 41 trigger coil. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
8.33 64G144.NET 1.64 37 14 028. NET. Postpaid In U.S.A....15C
78 E 706. NET
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois iif
Littelfuse Fuses and Mountings

c e

Series 312000. Quick to medium acting fusee Series 413000. Will withstand severe vibra-
or short time lag applications. For auto tion. Will open within 1 hour on 135% over-
G.., ,,: radios, amplifiers, etc. High operating tem- load; within 60 seconde on 200%; immediately
peratures do not affect fuse characteristics. on short circuit. 1 r%z14s'. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
1 Pkg. ship. wt., 2 oz. 6 fusee per pkg. 6 fuses per
20 Pkgs. 20 Pkgs. 20 Pkgs. 20 Pkgs.
Amps Max.' Stock Per or more, Amps Max . Stock Per or mors Amps Max. Stock Per or more Amps Mu. Stock I Per or mors,
Volts No. Pkg. Per Pkg. Volts No. Pkg. Per Pkg. Volts No. Pkg. Per Pkg. Volts No. Pkg. Per Pkg.
1/16 52 250 B 242 ki 250 5213233 381 1/10 250 52 B 992 21 250 52 8 946
1/8 52 250 B 230 250 5213234 204 15/100 250 5213993 3 250 52 B 989
15/l00 52 250 B 671 59c 5Ic 1/ 5213 235 2/10 52 B 994 1.03 86c 52 B 947
526948 79c 66c
250 250 3-2/10 250
.175 52 250 B 672
6 161
2 250 5213236 244 206 1/4 250 528985 4 32
3/16 52 250 3 250 52B 237 214 184 3/10 250!528995 5 32 528990
1/4 250 52 B 231 4 250 5213238 244 4/10 250 52 B 996 61 32 52 6 949
3/10 250 52 B 673 5 250 52 B 239 1/2 250 52 8 986 52 6 960
38c 32c 8 32

3/8 250 52 8 243 5213 997 1.03


250 52 B 232
52 B 240 291
52 B 248 444 246
250 52 8 683
86c 10
B 991
B 961
79C 66C
20 32 52 8 962
Series 313000. Slo -Blo fuses with high time-lag to stand heavy surges.
11 250 52 8 999 32 52 B 4 79C
Designed for circuits having high inductive or capacitive surges. Also
1.6/10 250 52 B 945 1.03 86c
for circuits having heavy starting currents. such as motors and lamps.
2 250 52 B 988
Units through 5 amps are U.L. Approved. Size: 1 TYPE 4AG AND SAG STRAIGHT -ELEMENT FUSES
diameter. Shpg. wt., per pkg. 2 oz. 6 fuses per pkg. %4' long and %¡ Serbs 117000: 1 %az$4a; *Swim 517000: 11/410% e. Medium-lag. heavy -
Amps Max .
Stock Per
20 Pkgs.
or more, Amps Mao. Stock Per
20 Pkgs.
or more,
duty fusee. Shpg. wt., per pkg., 2 os. 5 Fuses per packs
1 250 52 B 112 384 324 1 250 52 B 136
Volts No. Pkg. Per Pkg. Volts No. Pkg. Per Pkg. 2 250 52 B 113 384 32t 2 250 52 8 137
1/100 125 52 8 185 1.06 52 8 220
3 250 52 B 114 38t 32t 3 250 5213 138 47C 39C
125 674 5 32 52 B 115 32g 27t 4 32 52 B 139
1/32 125 52 B 186 884 154 125 52 8 253 794
1/16 125 52 B 187 1798 674 154 125 52B 198 614 10 32 52 B 134 32g 27g 5 32 52 B 140
1/l0 125 52 B 252 1.6 125 52 B 254 15 32 528135 32g 271
1/8 125 52 B 188 796 674 2 125 52 B 179 734 614 20 32 52 B 116 32t 27t ;15 32 5281442 44c 37c
15 /100 125 52 B 189 125 52 8 257 25 32 52 8 I 7 324 1 274 20 32 52 B 143
.175 125 52 B 675 3 125 5213101 30 324 27g 528144
3/16 52 190 79c 67c 32 52 B 19 '30 B 44C 37C
125 5213191
52 B 182
52 B 227
59c 49c 40 32

5213132 384 324 -

32 5
125 528921 5 125 5213223
125 52 B 192 32 52 B183 TV fuses for 346000 series bayonet -lock fuse holders only. Series 333000
125 52 B 193 66 32 52 B 184 are Slo -Blo; 332000 are regular. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. 6 fuses per pkg.
!/10 125 52 B 194 79c 67c 10 32 52 B 226 59C 49c
1/2 125 52 B 923 15 32 152 8 224 333000 Serles 332000 Serles
6/10 125 52 B 195 20 32 '528225
3/4 125 52 B 196 79c 67c 25 32 52 8676 59c 49c 1.Ó5I
52 162 169
11/10 125 152 B 197 30 32 52 B 677
52 B 166 764
824 690
1 2.55 1 250 52 B 3 264 122
Series 314000. Steatite enclosed, arc -quenching, powder -filed fuses. Shat- Series 307000. Medium -acting fuses. Made to sizes specified by S.A.E.
ter- proofed against quick shorts. Medium lag. I'%x'%'. Types through U.L. Approved. Shpg. wt.. per pkg. 2 oz. 6 fuses per pkg.
15 amps, U.L. Approved. Shpg. wt., per pkg., 2 oz. 6 fuses per pkg.
20 Pkgs.
20 Pkgs. 20 Pkgs . Amps Max. Stook Size Per or more,
Amps Stock Volts No. Pkg. Per Pkg.
or more,
Per Pkg.
Amps Max.!
g. 4 32 52 250 W dia. z s
2 250 52 8 679 12
/a' dia. z
r/a' dia. x /a'
IA' dia. x 74'
134 í''
3 250 52 B 688 50c 42c 15 250 52 B 246 504 14
151 134
5 250 52 8 681 20 250 52 B 247 501 434 20
52 265
%a' dia. z 11/44'
r/a' dia. af1/4'
121 I0t
1 250 528241 30 125 52 8 682 594 491 30
52 120 101
32 52 275 '/a' dia. x I,4a' I 80 I 5g
TYPE BAG INSTRUMENT FUSES 7AG Fuse. Type 30307.5 fuse for 12 v. auto systems. Rated at 71/4 amps.
32 v. Shpg. wt.. per pkg., 2 oz. Size, /ez3/4. 6 fuses per pkg.
Sales 361000. For protection of meter movements and delicate elec- 52 B 165. 0 Pkgs. or mors, Per pkg......134 Per pkg.......
tronic equipment. High -speed action to prevent damage to instru-
ments. Size 1z1/4. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. per pkg. 6 fuses per package.
20 Pkg..
Ampere Blew Point Max. Stook Per or mere,
Rating In Ma Volts No. Pkg. Per Pkg,
1 /500 3 250 52 B 199 3.53 2.94
1/200 8 250 52 B 200 1.47 1.23
1/100 16 250 52 8 201 1.33 1.10
1/32 40 250 52 B 202 1.18 .98
1/16 85 250 52 B 203 .79 .66
52 B 205
52 B 206
o B D
lJ e
1/2 520 250 52 208 .38 .32
3/4 800 250 52 B 209 .38 .32 F use holders for every application. With fuse. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
I 1300 Stock No. Type Fig. For Fusas: Description
250 52 B 210 .24 .20 EACH
lyre 1950 250 52 B 212 .24 .20 41 B 720 341001 H 3AG. 3AB Panel mount. screw slot 294
2 2600 250 52 B 211 .24 .20 41 B 72 I 371001 H BAG Panel mount, screw slot 291
3 3600 250 52 B 213 .24 .20 4I 729
B 442001 E 4AG Panel mount. thumb knob
S 6000 32 52 8 214 _24 -2n 41 B 727 342001 E 3AG, 3AB Panel mount, thumb knob 296
41 B 728 372001 E SAG Panel mount, thumb knob 291
TYPE 3A0 PIGTAIL FUSES 52 8 292 357001 C 3AG. 3AB Single fuse, lug term. I2g
Serles 316000. ¡Series 318000. Wire lead rapes for TV and limited - 52 B 285 387001 C SAG Single fuse, lug term. 121
space applications. 1/azr/'. Shpg. wt., per pk 2 oz. 6 fuses per pkg.
52 B 294 356001 C 3AG, 3AB Single fuse, screw term. 254
40 B 450 351011 A 3AG, 31111 Single lise mtg. I I g
20 Pkgs. 52 B 296 381002 1 2-3AG Double fuse mtg. 241
Amps Volts Action Stock Per or mere, 52 B 297 357002 1 2 -3AG or 3A8 Double fuse mfg. 121
No. Pkg. Per Pkg. 52 8 295 383002 F MG "Meter- back" mtg. 211
1S /100 125 Slo-Blo 52 B 280 991 83g 52 8 29 I 353001 D 3M, 3A11 Panel type mtg. 351
2//.10 125 Slo-Blo 52 B 281 991 831 4I 788
B 155009 G SFE, (9 a.) (aline tuse retainer for autos 291
Slo-Blo 52 B 216 991 831 4I 798
B 155014 G SFE, (14 a.) Inline fuse retainer for autos 291
V4 125 52 B 282 991 834 4I B 789 155070 G SFE, (20 a.) Inline fuse retainer for autos 294
2 125 Slo-Blo 52 B 217 944 784 41 B 795 342003 B 3AG Miniature fuse extractor post 290
21/2 125 Slo -Blo 52 B 218 791 661
4 125 Slo-Blo 52 8 219* 791 661 PHOSPHOR BRONZE FUSE CLIPS
S 125 Slo-Blo 52 B 229 790 664 Burnished nickel plate with fuse stop ears. 10 Clips Per Pkg. Wt. 5 oz.
1/16 250 Fast 52 B 9271 734 614 Stook No. For Fuse Types: Per Pkg. 10 Pkgs., Per Pkg.
r% 250 Fast 52 B 2771 734 614 52 B 685 SFE, 3AG. 8AG. 3AB .15 .13
250 Fast 52 B 2151 59g 491 52 B 686 4AG. 4AB .29 .24
250 Fast 52 B 278 591 491 52 B 687 SAG High -voltage Midget .35 .29
Fast 52 B 688 Standard High -voltage 47 .41
1 250 52 8 9281 444 374 52 B 689 NEC -30 Fuses 1.29 1.10
190 Include Amperage and Manufacturer's Type on Fuse Orders
Buss Fuses and Fusetrons
Long time-lag prevents need Ic-s blows. Oper- Carry 110% of rated current; open in one
ates instantly on high overloads or shorts. hour at 135 %. 250 volts max. Low -resistance
Thermal cutout operates slowly on low over- fuse providing high -speed action necessary to
loads. Size. 11/4x1/4'. Fit 3AG and HKLhold- protect delicate instruments. U.L. Approved.
ers. U. L. Approved. Shpg. wt.. per pkg.. Fit 3AG and HKL holders. 11/4z1/4. Wt..
2 oz. 6 fuses par pkg.
100. 15 oz. 6 fuss. per pkg.
20 Pkgs. zu Pkg.. ors.
Mfr's Stock Per
20 mare.
" - -
a, AMp. Stock Per or Amps k8r's Stock Per Pr more, Amps Pkg. or mare ,
Amps SNo k or merg. No, Pkg. Per Pkg. Type No. Pkg. Per Pkg. Type No. Per Pkg.
Pkg. Per Pk
3%10 53 B 452 'As ACC 53 B 420 .78 .67 141 AGC 53 B 427 .24 .20
1100 3 B 441 1.08 .88 .59 .49 2 AGC 53 8 428 .24 .20
1/32 53 B 442 1.08 .88 4/10 53 B 453 Si AGC 53 B 421
.32 .2 .1 8
454 % AGC 53 B 422 .39 3 AGC 53 B 429 I

B 443
.78 .67 6/10 53 B 78c 67c 4S AGC 53 B 423 .39 .32 4 MTH 53 8 430 .29 .24
450 8/10 424 5 .24
12/10 53 B .78 .67 53 B 461 AGGOO 53 8 39 .32 MTH 53 8 44332 29

AGC 53 B 426 .24 .20 8 ABC 53 B 433 .49 .42

2-1/2 i53 B 465 TYPE AOC 32 -VOLT FUSES
1-1/4 53 B 462 For circuits operating at 32 volts or less. Fit 3AG and HKP holders.
1-6/10 53 B 463 73c 162c 467159c 49c 11/ zl /í
U L Approved. Shpg. wt.. 1 oz. per pkg. 6 f par pkg.
2 153 B 464 I3-2%iú,53 I

20 Pkgs. 20 Pkgs.
Amps Stock Per
32 VOLTS MAX Mfr's Stock Per Mfr's
Ampf Pkg. pep;,;: Typo No. Pkg.
Typs No. Per Pkg.
4 53 B 46e 49c
59c 49c 1ó
I 15
53 B 472 59c S AGC 53 B 434 15g 131 15 AGC 53 B 438 154 131
6-1/4 8 47ÓI
I53 B 473I 6 AGO 53 B 435 151 1
31 25 AGC 53 8 439 186 15e
734 ACC 53 B 436 151 136 30 AGC 53 B 440 186 154
10 AGO 53 8 437 151 134
Have same thermal delay action as loadType MDI. above, but open in TYPE AGX FAST -ACTING FUSES
approximately half the time. At 200% opens in 12 seconds; at 300% valuable
Capable of very high speed action for proper protect on ofload;
114x1/4. Fit 3AG and HKI-
load, 3 seconds; at 500% load. %z second.pkg. instruments. Formerly 8AG. Specifications: Will carry 100% type MJopen
wt. 2 oz., per 100, 15 oz. 6 B.
holden. U.L. Approved. Shpg. per at 200%y load within 5 seconde. U.L. Approved. °Formerly
fusee per elm- lz%í . Shpg. wt., per 5. 3 oz. 6 fuses per pkg.
20 Pkgs.
Per or More, Amps Stock
20 Pkgs.
Per or Mors. zu rms. Per
+. ara
Amps Stook No. Pkg. Per Pkg. kmps Max. Stock Per. or more. Amps Max. Stack
No. Pkg.
or more.
No. Pkg. Per Pkg. Volts No. Pkr. Per Pkg.
Volts Per Pk, .

4 53 B 503 614 53 B 505 4 250 5311 513 .59 .49 41 250 53B 5I 7 .39 .32
.57 53 B 506 .69 .57 32 B 518 .24 .20
S 53 B 504 .69 H 250 53 5 4 .39 1 250 5
519 .24 .20
53 B 5I 5 .39 .32 11 250 53 B
4 250 53 B 516 .39 .32 2 250 53 6 520 .24 .20
53 B 507. 3.53 2.94 /100 125 5313 509 1.32 1.1
Slow -blowing glass tube fuses. Time- delay
1/500 1 1
125 53 B 508 1.47 1.22 1/32 125 53B 510. 1.18 .98
action; unaffected by harmless to surges
which might cause ordinary fuses
Each fuse will fit only one size of f use hold- FUSETRON TYPE FNM LONG TIME LAG FUSES
2 oz. 6 f Per pkg. Avoid needless blows from starting currents
er. 230 volts maximum. Av. shm wt. per pkg., or surges. Fuse link operates only on high
20 Pkgs' 20 Pkgs.
Per or Moro, Amps Stock Per or More. overloads or short-circuits. Thermal cutout
Amps Stock No. Pkg. Par Pkg. No. Pkg. Per Pkg. functions on low overloads. Thermal cutout
.64 cannot operate quickly on any load -pro-
1/ 53 5351 .83 .69 2 53 B 538 .78 vides long time lag. Vet protection is obtained against short circuits or
53 536 .83 .69 3 -2/10 53 B 539 continued overloads. Dual- element type. Fiber tube. Specifications:

10 53 B 537 .78 .64 4 53 B 540 .69 .59 Carry 110% load; open at 135% load within 1 hour. Approximate
blowing time: at 200% load. 25 seconds; at 300% load. 8 seconds; at max. except
TYPE W PLUG FUSES 500 load, 3 seconds. U.L. Approved. 1)4,xlyg. 250 v.

Finest quality plug -type house fuses. Condition of fuse is 125y. 10 fuses per pkg. Shpg. wt. per pkg.
area with 10 Pkgs' 10 Pkgs.
visible at a glance -extremely large window Amps Stook Per Mere, Amp Stook Par
Pkg, or Mere,
white background behind fuse element shows when fuse is
and first -cut mica used in
No. Pkg. orPer Pkg. Per Pkg.
blown. Fine quality porcelainEdison base. U.L. Approved.
construction. 125 volts max. 1 53 B 485 4 53 1:14;9 1

Shpg wt. per pkg. 6 oz. 6 fuses por pkg. 1 t/ 53 B 486 5 53 B 492
20 Pkgs. 1 -6/10 53 B 487 6%4 3 B 493
20 Pkgs.
more, Amps Stook Por or moro, 53 B 488 2.32 194 8 53 B 494 2.32 1.94
Amp-s StackNo. Pkg. or No. Pkg. Per Pkg.
2r 53 B 489
Por Pkg.
53 B 560 10 53 B 564
3 -"i/10 53 13490 15
10 53 B 496

53 B 562 3UC 27C 20 53 B 566 26c 24c FUSETRON TYPE T DUAL -ELEMENT FUSES
8 53 B 563 25 New dual -element plug fuses. Provide an additional meas-
53 B 568 ure of protection against "blowing" with use of thermal
element-element withstands surges of starting
TYPE HKL AND HKR INDICATOR FUSEHOLDERS overloads and short circuits. 20, 25 and 30- ampere types
are for use on appliance circuits or mains; 15- ampere fuse
For It/xt/" fuses. HKL has neon indicator which
for smaller household appliances. For voltages up to 125
use in circuits up
lights when fuse is blown. H KL for circuits; has in-
-volt volts, AC or DC. Completely shockproof-top cap i s insu-
to 250 volts. HER is for 32wt., oz. lated with porcelain and mica. Size of fuse is imprinted on blown. U.L.
candescent indicator. Shpg. 1
face of cap. Large window gives clear Indication if fuse is
H K R. NET 2.06
53 8501.Typo HKL. NET. .1.26 5313 502.Typs Approved. Shpg. wt. per pkg., 5 os. 4 f par pkg.
53 B 521. 16 amp. Par 53 B 523. 26 amp. Par
NEW LITTELFUSE FUSE CADDIES 53 B 522.20 amp. Pkg 27c 53 524.30 amp. Pkg 27C .

Type 094041 LI mited- Current Fuss Caddy. 15 boxes

(5 per box) of Type and N limited-current fuses marked
by in table below. Rated 250 v.. except 7 amp, 125 v.
Size: lr/sx3x4t/s Shpg. wt.. 2 1hs.
a.32 HCM
52 B 283. NET HKP
Type 094037 Sorvl com an's Caddy. As above, but with
f uses marked t in table below. Also includes emergency HJM 4405
kit of various type radio fuses. 6 21
52 B 272. NET
Type Amps Typs Amps FUSE MOUNTINGS
Type Amps
C (Regular .3. N (Slo-Blo) .6
3AG .2 t Provide a convenient way of mounting
automobiles. etc. Fuse always easy to
fuses on radio, TV. Instrument.
remove as it projects beyond
C (Regular)
C (Regular)
C (Regular) 2
N (Slo-Blo)
N (Slo-13)
N (Slo-Blo) 1.25.1
. holder body and is not held tight at inner end when knob
Av. Sltpg. wt., 1 oz.
Is removed.

1.6° 3AG-S.B. -tt Typa For Fuses NET

C (Regular) 2.5.1 N (Slo-Blot Stock No. Type For Fuses NET Stock No.

C (Regular) 7 N lo B)2. 8AG -U.L. .25t

'st 53 B 500 HPC s/ilrs1l4' .44 53B 478 HA 1s4í' .29
N (Slo-Bio) 25t
.5±1 8AG -U.L. 53

538481 Ñá DS4ouble440S .24
N (Slo-Blo lt P
N (Slo-Blo) .5 3AG
Double-ended fuse holder for fast replacementfuse. of "pig- For replacement of pigtail TV fuses withLess
tail" fuses. One side of holder clips onto blown New snap-on type. No cutting or moldering.
oz. 10 per pkg.
fuse fits into other side. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. I3
Sh g. wt. per fox.
or More, EACH 151' 1 -9, NET EA. 18c 1
41 B 733. 10
Induct* Amperage and Manufacturer's Type on Fuse Orders
Potter and Brumfield Relays
For motor starting up to 1 HP. heater loads up to 20 AB series relays are recommended for appliance
control of transmitters, etc. applications where rugged construction, long life.
Clean wiping contacts rated at 15 amps except rated and quiet operation are required. All units have
at 20 amps. AC coils for 60 cycles. Operating power, DPDT silver contacts rated at 10 amps. Mount-
7 to 10 volt -amps. Sizes: PR3, PRS: 2yyç x2
PR7: 2sAx254x27Ss'; PR1I: 3sex2y4x2% . %2x2sAs ing: Two No. 8-32 tapped holes on 1 %4 centers.
types U.L. Approved. Av. shpg. wt., 12 oz.
All AC Overall size; 1z3í2 high. 1W wide. 3' long. Av.
shpg. wt., 8 oz.

6V. AC
Stak No.
24V. AC
Anion Norm.
51 -74,
75 P 399
'5 P846 75 P961 PR3AY SPST* Open 3,95 3.75 3.55 3.16 75 P 418 ABI IA 24v. AC 4.95
4.45 3.96
75 P 847 75 P 962 PRSAY SPOT 4.1 5 3.94 3.73 75 P 419 ABITA 4.70 4.45 3.96
75 P 848 75 P 963 PR7AY 3.32 11Sv. AC 4.95 4.70 4.45 3.96
75 P 849
DPST Open 4.65 4.42 4.19 3.72 75 P 448 ABI to 230v. AC 5.35 5.08 4.81 4.28
75 P 964 PRIIAY DPDT .. 6.15 5.84 5.53 4.92 75 P449 ABIID 110v. DC 5.45 5.17 4.90 4.36
Stook Mfr... Action Normal 1 -24, 26 -60 61 -74 76 -98 ABC MEDIUM POWER RELAYS
No. Typo Pos. EACH EACH EACH EACH ABC series medium duty power relays with dust covers.
75 P 600 PR3AY SPST Open 3.95 3.75 3.55 3.16 Typically used with small motors, industrial controls, and
75 P 602 PRSAY SPDT 4.15 3.94 3.73 3.32 similar applications. All relays have DPDT silver con-
75 P 603 PR7AY DPST Open 4.65 4.42 4.19 3.72 tacts with 10 ampere current rating. Snap-on terminals
75 P 663 PRIIAY DPDT 6.15 5.84 5.53 4.92 packed with each relay. Size: ITfex3x22342' high above chas-
sis. Mounting: One No. 8-32 stud s/s' long. Shpg. wt., 12 oz.
75 P PR3AY SPST Open 4.35 4.13 3.91 3.48 Stock Mfr's Coil 1 -24, 26-60 -74,
75 P 966 PRSAY SPDT 51 76 -99
75 P 654 PR7AY
4.55 4.32 4.09 3.64 No. Typo Volts EACH EACH EACH EACH
DPST Open 5.05 4.79 4.54 4.04
75 P 655 PRIIAY DPDT 6.55 6.22 5.89 5.24 75 P 431 ABCI lA 6v. AC 6.00 5.70 5.40 4.80
75 P 432 ABCIIA 24v. AC 6.00 5.70 5.40 4.80
110 VOLTS DC 75 P 433 ABCIIA 115v. AC 6.00 5.70 5.40 4.80
75 P 968 PR3D SPST Open 75 P 464 ABCIIA 230v. AC 6.40 6.08 5.76 5.12
4.55 4.32 4.09 3.64 75 P 465 ABC11D 110v. DC 6.50 6.17 5.85
75 P 969 PR5D SPDT 4.75 4.51 4.27 3.80 5.20
75 P 970 PR7D DPST Open 5.25 4.98 4.72 4.20
75 P 971 PR11D DPDT 6.75 6.41 6.07 5.40 CA LOW COST HIGH CAPACITY RELAYS
Compact power relays. Have double break, SPST,
MR MEDIUM -DUTY POWER RELAYS normally open contacts; 10 amp. rating. Solder ter-
Compact relays. Designed for small motors and minals. Size: 13/4x23/4x113/44'. Mounting: Two Y.'. dia.
household appliances. Floating armature for fast ac- holes on 2752' centers. Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
tion. Clean wiping type silver contacts rated at 8
amps except *rated at 10 amps. Size: SP units, Stook Mfr's Coll 1 -24, 26-60, 51 -74
225,txlt3{axl%' DP units. 2syyx2342xlIi4s . AC coils No. Typo Volta EACH EACH ÉÁC91i
draw 4-5 VA; DC. 1.5 watts. Av. shpg. wt.. 8 oz. 75 P 568 6v. AC

75 P 569
2.7 2.61 2.47 2.20
6 AND 24 VOLTS AC CAJAA 24v. AC 2.75 2.61 2.47 2.20
75 P 570 CASA 115v. AC 2.75 2.61 2.47 2.20
Stock No Mir's Norm.

Anon 1-24. 25.50, 51-74, 75 -99,

75 P 975 75 P 978 MR3A SPST Open 3.30 3.13 2.97 2.64 Extremely compact, long -life. medium -duty relaye. Ideal
75 P 610 75 P 979 MR5A SPDT 3.00 2.85 2.70 2.40 for mobile communications, appliances, and similar ap-
75 P 12 75 P 981 MIA DPOT 420 9 3.78 3.36 plications requiring 10 amp, DPDT contacte. Solder -
75 P 976 75 P 982 MRIIA 3PDT 5.05 4.79 4.54 4.04 type terminals. Mounting: Four No 6-32 tapped holes
on x1156' centers. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
Steak Mfr'. Action Normal 1 -21 25 -50 51 -74 76 -99 Stook Mfr's Coil 1 -24, 26 -60 61-74,
5 P 665 MR3A SPST. Open 3.30 3.13 2.97 2.64 75 P I 15 PSIIA 6v. AC 7.60 7.22 6.84 6.08
75 P 614 MR5A SPDT 3.00 2.85 2.70 2.40 75P116 PSI IA 24v. AC 7.60 7.22 6.84 6.08
75 P 616 MR11A DPDT 4.20 3.99 3.78 3.36 75P117 PSIIA 115v. AC 7.60 7.22 6.84 6.08
75 P 972 MRI4A 3PDT 5.05 4.79 4.54 4.04 75 P I 18 PSI IA 230v. AC 8.00 7.60 7.20 6.40
75 P 119 PSI1D 110v. DC 6.95 6.60 6.25 5.56
75 P 657 MR5A SPDT 3.40 3.23 3.06 2.72 SP11A SHOCKPROOF RELAY
75 P 659 MRIIA DPDT 4.50 4.28 4.05 3.60
75 P 974 MR14A 3PDT 5.45
I I Medium-duty relay for general industrial use, control
5.17 4.90 4.36 circuits, keying circuits, etc. High resistance to vibra-
6, 12 AND 24 VOLTS D tion and shock. Balanced armature permits mounting
DPDT contacts; S amps, 115 volts ACG.
No. inaen:ylxÏ+rn.Aax2716' Mounting centers
Coil is 115 volts. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 10 lie
6 V. DC
Mfr's Norm. 1 -24, 25 -50, 51.71, 75 -99
Astion Pos. EACH apart.
12 V. DC 21 V. DC Typo EACH EACH EACH oz.
75 P 983175 P 187175 P 988 MR3D SPST. Open 3.05 2.89 2.74 2.44
75 P926. 1 to 24, NET EACH 6.20
75 P 618 75 P 188 75 P 989 MRSD SPOT 2.75 2.61 2.47 2.20 26.60, EA 5 89 61 -74, EA 5 58 76-99, EACH 4 96
75 P 985 75P 190 75 P 991 MR11D DPDT .. 4.00 3.80 3.60 3.20
75 P 986 75 P 191 75 P 992 MR11D 3PDT ... 4.70 4.46 4.23 3.76
Designed for very high current applications. Contact

Extremely fast acting, long life telephone -type re-
lays. The size, sensitivity and ability to carry a
large number of poles. plus the wide variety of coils
arms are heavy brass with large silver contacts; solder
terminals. Rated 60 amps, SPST, double break, normally
open. Size, 1%x°Va2x1s/s' Mounting: Four No. 3 -48 holes
on %x% centers. Shpg. wt., S oz.
o .n available make these relays ideal for automation,
computers, and other applications where space and Stook Mfr's Coll 1-24, 26 -60 61 -71
weight are critical factors. Open AC models are de- No. Typo Volta EACI1 EACH EACH
' signed for intermittent duty only. Sealed AC mod- 75 P 059 MB3D 6v. DC 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.00
_.' els operate with a built-in rectifier. DC models 75 P 065 MB3D 12v. DC 5.10 4.84 4.59 4.08
withstand 10G vibration 10-55 cycles. Units are 75 P 066 MB3D 24v. DC 5.10 4.84 4.59 4.08
4PDT, except DPDT, 4.5 ma current actuated; 75 P 067 M B3D 110v. DC 5.50 5.22 4.95 4.40
10,000 ohm coil resistance. All relays have 'Vo sil-
ver contacts rated at S amps; break -before -make.
Stack insulation, laminated phenolic. Bobbin is MG MINIATURE RELAYS
constructed of bakelite
down. tlndicates harmotically scaled In to provide 500 v. rms break-
metal housing. Header in Sub -miniature, telephone type relays for aircraft. computer,
glass with solder terminals; min. leakage resistance of 10,000 megs and other applications requiring good shock and vibration
at 50%
humidity. Sizes: Open type. 11/sx4A2x1Ne; sealed type. 113/4exl ylyx2 characteristics. Mounting: Four tapped No. 3-48 holes on
Mounting N1H11I. model has a No. 552 tapped stud Wu' long, plus r/z'. W centers. Size: 1752x1 i4cxl s5'n' Av. shpg wt., 6 oz.
locating boss. All other open models have four No. 3 -48 holes on 3/4:3'a
centers. Av. ahpg. acts.: Open type, 5 oz. healed type 6 oz Stock Mfr's Coil 1-24, 25-50, 51-71, 75-99,
Stock Mf es Coll No. Type Volts Ampt Atlbn EACH EACH EACH EACH
Type Volts EACH ÉAC01; EACH ÉAC81Ì 75 P297 MGIID 6v. DC 4.95 4.70
75 P 933 MH17A 75 P298 MG1ID
2 DPDT 4.45 3.96
6v. AC 6.75 6.41 6.08 5.40 12v. DC 2 DPDT 4.95 4.70 4.45 3.96
75 P 937 MHI7D 6v. DC 5.75 5.46 5.18 4.60 75 P 299 MGIID 21r. DC 2 DPDT 4.95 4.70 4.45 3.96
75 P 934 MH17A
75 P 936 MHI7D
75 P 938 MHI7A
75 P 293 MH11L
24v. AC
24v. DC
11Sv, AC
75 P382 MGIID 110r. DC
75 P383 MGI7D
75 P384 MG17D
75 P391 MGI7D
6v. DC
12v. DC

75 P 935 MHI7DM1
24v. DC 4PDT 6.60 6.27 5.94 5.28
6v. DC 1.60 1.02 10.44 9.28 75 P392 MG170 1l0v. DC I 4PDT 7.05 6.69 6.34 5.64
75 P 941 MHI7AMR1 24v. AC 25.00 23.75 22.50 20.00
1 1

75 P 939 MHI7DM1 75 P 393 MG17DP 6r. DC 2 4PDT 1.00 10.45 9.90 8,80
24v. DC 1.60 1.02 10.44 9.28 75 P 394 MG17DP 12v. DC

75 P 942 MH17AMR1 115v. AC


19.00 18.05 17.10 15.20

2 4PDT 11.00 10.45 9.90 8.80
75 P 294 MH11LM7
75 P 397 MG17DP 21r. DC 2 4PDT 11.00 I 0.45 9.90 8.80
9.70 9.21 8.73 7.76 75 P 398 MGI7DP ll0v. DC 2 4PDT 11.60 11.02 10.44 9.28
192 Industrial Users -Write for Prices on Quan ities of 100 or More
Potter and Brumfield Relays
Sensitive plate circuit relays completely enclosed in Subminiature relays weighing less than I oz. SPOT
high -impact, transparent dust -proof and weather- silver -rhodium contacts rated 1/4 amp. 24 v. DC for
proof polystyrene case. Plugs into standard octal 50.000 operations or IVs amp. 115 volts 60 cycles AC for
or 11 -pin socket (see listing below). Silver contacts 1,000.000 operations. Non -inductive load. Units are
rated at 2 amps non-inductive load. Size: 11Ytx hermetically sealed in deep -drawn steel tubes. Have
Ill/stx2 high. Shpg. wt. . 5 oz. standard 7 -pin miniature tube type bases. Size: 1/¡ dia., 11144 high
above socket. Current -actuated types for use in plate- circuit aDDli-
Stock No. Type Action Ohms Ma. 1-24, EA. 25-50, EA. 51-71. EA. 75-99, EA. cations. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
75 P 287 KCPS SPDT 2500 7.2 5.60 5.32 5.04 4.48 Stock No. Type VDC Ohms Ma. 1-24, EA. 25-S0, EA. 51-71, EA. 75-99, EA.
75 P 288 KCPS SPOT 5000 5.0 5.70 5.42 5.13 4.56 75P915 SMIDS 6 80 6.25 5.94 5.62 5.00
P 289 5.84 5.53 4.91
75 P 290
6.1 5
6.00 5.70 5.40 4.80 75P916 SMIDS 2 900 6.25 5.94 5.62 5.00
75 P 291 KCP11 DPDT 5000 7.2 6.10 5.80 5.49 4.88 75 P 917 SM5LS 5000 3.8 6.55 6.22 5.89 5.24
75P949 SMILS 10,000 2.7 7.00 6.65 6.30 5.60
75 P 292 KCPII DPDT 10,000 5.0 6.50 6.1 8 5.85 5.20
75 P 097 KCP14 3P0T 2500 12.3 7.40 7.03 6.66 5.92 RSSD LIGHTWEIGHT RELAYS
75 P 098 KCPII 3POT 5000 8.7 7.50 7.13 6.75 6.00
75 P 099 KCPI4 VDT 10,000 6.1 7.90 7.51 7.11 6.32 A low -cost, lightweight. sensitive DC relay. Ideal for
controlling light dimmers, model airplanes, electronic
Amphanol Sockets for KCP Relays. Type 146-103 octal for all toys, and many other applications. SPOT contacts
above enclosed relays except KCP14. Barrier type. Meets N.E.M.A. rated 2 amp at 115 v. AC or 28 v. DC. Mount with
and U.I.. requirements. Has convenient screw -type tie points, separated 2 -14 -40 screws. Size: lxlystxzyy high. Av. shpg.
by insulating barriers. Mtg. centers, 11 '. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. wt., 3 oz.
40 H 180. NET 96C Stock No. Volts Ohms Ma. 1-24, EA. 25-50, EA. S1-71, EA 75-99, EA.
Typo 77MIP71 Socket. For Type KCP14 relays above. Molded 75 P 896 6 335 2.50 2.38 2.25 2.00
bakelite body. Mounts in ltt34( bole. With retainer ring. Wt. 2 oz. 75 P 897 2500 5.0 2.70 2.57 2.43 2.16
40 H 033. NET 136
75 P 898 5000 3.5 3.00 2.85 2.70 2.40
75 P 899 10,000 2.5 3.45 3.28 3.10 2.76
Quality, medium -cost plate circuit relays. For photo- PW HERMETICALLY SEALED RELAYS
electric control, counting, and similar circuits. Armature Precision, lightweight. hermetically -sealed DC relays.
spring tension adjustment and adjustable residual screw Extremely useful for aircraft, missile and other mobile
permits settings for specific voltages or currents. Has applications. Virtually vibration -proof -will withstand
+14s fine silver contacts rated at 5 amperes. 115 volts, 10G vibration up to 500 cps. Mounts in 7 -pin miniature
60 cycles, non- inductive load. Sizes: LM5, 2s4solt/ex tube socket. Pure silver SPOT contacts are rated at 2
234x'; LM11, 2Hsx2s/stx2%z'. Av. Shpg. wt.. 9 oz. amperes. In deer drawn brass can. Size: s/' dla.; 1135s high (above
Stock No. Type Action Ohms Ma. 1-24 EA. 25-50 EA. 51-71, EA. 75-99, EA.
socket). Plate circuit type. Av. shpg. wt.. os. l
No. Type Volts Ohms Ms. 1-24. EA. 25-50, EA. S1-74, EA. 75-99, EA.
75 P 673 LM5 SPOT 2500 63 3.50 3.33 3.15 2.80
75 P 674 LM5 SPDT 5000 4.5 3.70 3.52 3.33 2.96 75 P 018 PWSDS 6 202 11.25 10.69 10.12 9.00
75 P 675 1M5 SPOT 10,000 3.2 4.00 3.80 3.60 3.20 75 P 019 PW50S 12 810 11.25 10.69 10.12 9.00
75 P 027 PWSDS 24 3240 10.69
75 P 682 LMII DPDT 2500 9.0 5.05 4.80 4.54 4.04 75 P 028 PW5LS 000 2.8 Ì I1
I.6Ó 0 I0.44 9. 28
75P 683 LMII DPDT 5000 6.3 5.25 4.99 4.72 4.19 75 P 029 PWSLS 10,000 1 I 2.00 I 1.40 10.80 9.60
75P684 LMII DPDT 10.000 1.5 5.75 5.46 5.17 4.60
Small, fast -acting units. For any circuit supplying An ultra -sensitive 1 ma relay SPDT contacts are
only a few milliwatts of DC. Breakdown. 500 v. pure silver. Rated at 2 amps 115 v. AC or 28 v.
DC non -inductive load. Precision -balanced arma-
rms min. Silver contacts rated at 5 A, 28 v. DC. ture and pin hinge assembly pivot in needle -point
with non -inductive load. Size: 21!ex11/4xls/, bearings -virtually friction -free movement. Coil
Adjusted by bending tail- spring hook. For DC resistance, 10,000 ohms. Dual series coils with
only. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. varnish- impregnated coil windings. Mounting is
Stock No. Adios Ohms Ma. -24. EA. 25-S0, EA. 51-74, EA. 75-99, EA.
by 2 tapped 6-32 holes on qie centers. Size 1ty{s
long, 15s' wide and lime high. Shpg. wt., 8 os.
75 P 625 SPOT 2500 9 2.35 2.23 2.11 1.88
75 P 626 SPDT 5000 6.3 2.55 2.42 2.29 2.04 75 P 844. 1 -24, EACH.. 12.00 25 -50. EACH 11.40
75 P 774 SPDT 10,000 1.5 2.70 2.57 2.43 2.16 61 -74, EACH 10.80 76 -99, EACH 9 60


High -quality, general purpose relay. Particularly A rugged, multiple leaf relay for general circuit and
useful for transmitters, power supply control and power control applications. Designed to withstand
remote switching applications. Have heavy -duty shock and vibration encountered in mobile operation.
contacts rated at 5 amps. AC coils are for 60 cycles. Very useful for remote power switching. Moisture -re-
Moisture resistant against humidity. Withstands sistant coil prevents damage by high humidity. Con-
shock encountered in mobile applications. /6-32 tacts rated at 5 amps. AC coils are for 60 cycles. Size:
mounting stud. Size:1 tAcx1274)zl % Shpg. wt., 6 oz. . Ixl'5{exlzhe high. Has tapped core to permit mounting
with single /8 -32 screw. Shpg. wt., IO oz.
Stock No. Typa 51-74. 75-99, Stock No.
Atlioa 1-24, 25-50, 1-24, 25-50. 51-71, 75-99
6 v AC 24 v AC 115 AC No, EACH EACH EACH EACH Type Adios EACH EACH
6 v. AC 21v. AC 115 v. AC EACH EACH
75P 158 75 P 161 75 P 164 KASA SPD1 2.95 2.80 2.65 2.36 75P 192 75 P 194 75 P 196 GAIIA DPDT 3.1 52.99 2.83 2.52
75P 159 75P 162 75 P 165 KAl1A DPDT 3.55 3.37 3.1 9 2.84 75P 193 75 P 195 75P 197 GAM 4PDT 4.50 4.28 4.05 3.60
75P 160 75 P 163 75 P 166 KAI4A 3PDT 3.95 3.75 3.55 3.16
6v.DC 12v.DC 21v.DC
6 v. DC 12 v. DC 24 v. DC
75 P 198 75 P 105 75 P 107 GAIID DPDT 3.15 2.99 2.83 2.52
75P 167 75 P 170 75 P 173 KASD SPDT 2.90 2.76 2.61 232 75 P 199 75P 106 75 P 108 GA170 VDT 4.50 4.28 4.05 3.60
75P 168 75P 171 75P 174 KAI ID DPDT 3.25 3.09 2.92 2.60
75P 169 75 P 172 75 P 185 11A140 3PDT 3.65 3.47 3.28 2.92 KL MULTIPLE -CONTACT RELAYS
KRP ENCLOSED TYPE RELAYS Highly versatile midget relays. Ideal for limited
space applications. Extra -long actuating coil permits
Completely enclosed midget relays in high -impact, double the ampere turns; provides more power to
transparent, polystyrene case. Dust -proof and actuate contacts and maintain 25 grams hold -down
weather -proof. With plug on end for insertion into pressure. High dielectric phenolic insulation. Fine
standard octal or 11 -pin socket (see listing below). silver contacts; rated 5 amperes at 115 volts, 60
Heavy silver contacts rated for 5 amps non -in- cycle AC, non -induct ve load. Coil volts: DC; 160
ductive oad. It ÿzxlthtz2' high. Shpg. wt., 5 oz. cycle AL. 1 ylext yysxl .'ys- Av. snpg. wt., 4 oz.
Stock No. Type Action Volts 1-21, EA. 25-50, EA. S1-71, EA. 75-99, EA.
Stock No. TYDS
Aclwo 1-21,
75 P 219 KL17A 4POT 211' 5.90 5.61 5.31 4.72
6 v. AC 21 V. 115 v. AC No.
75 P 220 61.I70 4PDT 21e 5.60 5.32 5.04 4.48
75 214 75
P P 215 75 P 213 KRP5A SPDT 5.20 4.94 4.68 4.16 75 P 218 KL17A ;PDT 1151 5.90 5.61 5.3 I 4.72
75 920 75
P P 216 75 P 921 KRP13A DPDT 5.75 5.46 5.17 4.60
75P 091 75 P 092 75 P 093 KRP14A PDT 7.1 5 6.79 6.43 5.72 MP SNAP ACTION RELAYS
6 v. DC 21 v. DC 24 v. DC Snap action relays designed for starting split -phase
75P 217 75 P 244 75 P 245 KRPSD SPDT 5.15 4.89 4.63 4.12 capacitor -type motors of up to 1 % capacity.
75P 922 75P 246 75P 247 KRP11D DPDT 5.70 5.42 5.13 4.56 SPDT silver contacts are rated at 25 amps-large
75P 094 75P 095 75P 096 KRPIID 3PDT 7.10 6.75 6.39 5.68 enough for many applications. AC coils are for 60
cycles. Mounts with 4 -16 -32 screws, %kW cers. Size.
Amphanol Sockets for KRP Relays. Type 146 103 octal for all 1 %x21/4s1 1/4'. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
above enclosed relays except KRPI4. Barrier type- Meets N.E.M.A. Stock No. Typs Volts 1-24, EA. 25-50, EA. 51.71, EA. 75-99, EA.
and U.L. requirements. Has convenient screw -type tie points, separated
by Insulating barriers. Mtg. centers, Shpg. wt., S oz. 11'. 75 P 005 MPSA 6VAC
5.70 5.42 5.13 4.56
40 H 180. NET 96C 75 P 006 MPSA 24VAC
75 P 007 MPSA 11SVAC
Am I Type 77MIP71 Socket. For Type KRP14 relays above.
Molded bakelite body. Mounts in 11 4s hole. With retainer ring. 2 oz. 75 P 008 MP5A 230VAC 5.95 5.65 5.35 4.76
40 H 033. NET I3t 75 P 009 MPSD I10VDC 6.50 6.18 5.85 5.20

Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave , Chicago 80, Illinois 193
Potter and Brumfield and Sigma Relays
of Potter & Brumfield's new
Flexibility-keynote Sub -miniature latching relay with mechanical
Pic & Build" series of separate coils and switches! latch and electric release. Operates on momentary
Units available can be combined to produce twenty impulse to either coil. For intermittent use only.
different relays, each easily converted to an Mounting: 3 No. 6-32 studs. Pure silver contacts,
alternative sensitivity or switching arrangement in rated 2 amps. Useful where relay'operation is based upon single pulse
minutes. Perfect for prototypes, testing relay signals, or where it is preferable that relay coil draws no current while
requirements, or school use. Size of assembled relay and general specifi- remaining in "closed" periods, especially for considerable length of time.
cations same as GA series on Page 193. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. Especially suited to applications requiring a latching relay of small size
11&x1' 4sx235f. *Sealed. Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
Stook Mfr's NEt EAVn
No. Typo Icon 1-24 28-60 51 -74 76-99 Stock Mfr's Volts Action NE1 EA4N
No. /Typo DC 1-24 26-60 61-74 76-99
76 P 333 GPA 6v.AC Coil 1.55 1.47 1.39 1.24
76 P GPA 24v,AC Coil 1.55 1.47 1.39 1.24 76 P 345 KEI7D 6 4PDT
3334 1.47 76 P 346 KE17D 12 4PDT 9.00 8.55 8.10 7.20
76 P 336
W GPA 23Óv AC Coll 2.00 1.80 1.60 76 P 347 KEI7D
76 P 349 KE17DM 6
24 4PDT
76 P 337
76 P
76 P
76 P 340
76 P 341
76 P

6v.DC Coil
12v.DC Coil
24v.DC Coil
110v.DC Coil
2500-ohm Coil
10000ohm Coil
2.00 1.90
3.00 2.85
2.00 1.90

76 P 350 KE37DM 12
76 P 351 KE17DM 24
76 P 353 KE23D
76 354
76 P 355 KE23D
4PDT 19.50 18.52 17.55 15.60

1.50 10.92 10.35 9.20


76 P 343 GPII DPDT Switch 1.60 1.44 76 P 357 KE23DM 6 6PDT

76 P 344 GPI7 4PDT Switch 2.80 2.52 .44 2.28 76 P 358 KET3DM 12 6PDT 25.00 23.75 22.50 20.00
76 P 359 KE23DM 24 6PDT
Conventional armature, pulse-operated relay. Armature KM SERIES SUBMINIATURES
and pusher assembly operate phenolic rocker switching Sub-miniature relay for multiple switching applications.
from one contact pile to the other on alternate pulses. Relay win simultaneously switch one, two or three
Pulses may be as short as 30 milliseconds at S cps. Gold - electrically actuated devices; exceptionally easy to
flashed silver contacts, rated 5 amps. 115 v. AC. resistive. install and wire into circuit. Especially well suited for
Size: 13/ax2t1hzx25(, For operation from 50-60 cycle AC, use where size and weight are critical factors; weight is
except DC. Shpg. wt., 10 oz. only rñ oz. per relay. Contacts rated 2 amps. Solder lug
terminals are all located at one end of relay. Size, l'/sx
Stock Mfr's Cuit NET EACH sA44x2I4s. Shpg. wt., I oz.
No. Type Action Volts 1 -24 26-50 61 -74 76 -99
Stook Mfr's Volts Action NET EACH
76 P 500 PCI IA DPDT 115 4.98 4.72 4.20 No. Typo DC 1-24 26-60 61-74 76-99
76 P 501 PC1 7A 4PDT 6.52 5.80
DPDT 65.25 76 P 361 KMSD 6 SPDT
76 P 503 PC17A 124 7.25 6.88 6.522 5.80 76 P 362 KM5D 12 SPDT 3.20 3.04 2.88 2.56
DPDT 5.25 4.98 76 P 363 KMSD 24 SPDT
504 76 P 365 KMI1D DIDl
76 P 05 PCI7A 6 6.9525.80 6
506 975 4.84 4.59 76 P 366 KM1ID 12 DPDT 3.50 3.32 3.15 2.80
76 P PCl7D 4PDT 24


7.10 5.68 76
P 367
P 369
P 370
P 371
KM! 4D
4.05 3.84 3.64 3.24
Ideal for memory work and overload applications.
One coil operates relay to set latch; other coil releases
it. Operates on momentary impulse to either coil. KT SERIES ANTENNA SWITCHING RELAYS
Release and trip coils must be used with same volt- Precision antenna switching relay useful for switching
age. Size: 2'Ncxlzl9zx2 high. Mounts with 2
boles on 1 %' centers. Contacts rated at S amperes.
-yn antenna for use by both receiver and transmitter; spe-
cially designed for efficient use in RF applications; glass-
60 cycle. Molded phenolic insulating barrier. Shpg. wt., 10 oz. base insulation for minimum RF loss. Used to switch
300-ohm line. Mounting: one No. 6-32 stud. Fine silver
Stook Mfr's Action Coil NET EACH contacts, rated 5 amps. Size. I "3isx'%zxlW. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
No. Typo Volts 1 -24 26 -50 61 -74 76.99
Stock Mfr's Coil NET EACH
75 P KBI7A 4PDT 115 AC 9.90 9.40 8.91 7.92 Typo Volts Action
75 P 126
6 AC 9.90 3.448 8.91
KB17D 4PDT 110 DC 10.20 9.69 9.18
8.91 7.92
LI 76
6 AC
115 AC
1 -24 25 -50 51 -74 76-99

75P12 KB17D 4PDT 9.00 8.10 7.20 76 P 375 KTIID 6 DC DPDT 3.35 3.18 3.01 2.68
75P 129 KB17D 4PDT 26 DC 9.00 8.55 8.10 7.20 76 P 376 KTIID 12 DC DPDT

Series 4F. Plate circuit relay for any 20 Series 22. Hermetically sealed; only I' 42. DPDT relay with octal plug-In
mw. sensitivity application. SPDT con-
tacts rated 2 amp.. l /x13/4x115z'. Wt. 2'/4 oz.
D sq. by 1r% high. SPDT; 20 mw. 'DT;
40 mw. Contacts rated 2 amps. Wt.. 3 oz.
D o Sorloa
base and dust cover. Octal base provides
for quick interchangeability. Operates under
0.2 watt DC and under 0.5 VA A.C. Contacts
Stook Mfr's Ohms Ma. NET
Stock Mfr's
Ohms Ms. DC NET rated 5 amps at 28 v. DC or 115 v. AC. l5ís
No. Typo DC No. Type
sq. x high. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
76 P 377 4F-1000-S/SIL 1000 4.5 5.50 78 P3114 22RJC- 1000-G /SIL 1000 4.5 16.00
76 P 378 4F-2500-S/SIL 2500 3.0 5.50 76 P 385 22RJC-25004/SIL 2500 2.8 16.50 Stock Mir's Volts (AC) Ms.
22111C- 5000 -G /SIL NET
76 P 379 4F-5000-S/SIL 5000 2.0 5.75 76 P 386 5000 2.0 17.00 No. Type Ohms (DC) (DC)
75 P 285 4F-8000-S/SIL 8000 1.6 6.00 76 P 387 22RJC- 8000 -G /SIL 8000 1.6 17.50
76 P 401 12R0Z -8- ACC /SIL 6 v. 7.75
76 P 388 22RJCC- 1000 -G /SIL 1000 6.3 17.50 76 P 402 42R0Z -50- ACG /SIL 12 v. 7.75
76 P 389 22111CC- 2500 -G /SIL 2500 4.0 18.00 76 P 403 4200Z- 200-ACG /SIL 24 v. 7.75
6F. Rugged SPDT DC relay with- 76 P 390 22RJCC -50004/5IL
o Series
5000 2.8 18.50 76 P 404 4200Z -4000- ACG /SIL 115 v. 7.75
stands 100 G shock. S mw. sensitivity. Con- 76 P 391 22RJCC-8000 -G /SIL 8000 2.3 19.00 76 P 405 42R0Z- 12000- ACG /Sl1 220 v. 8.50
tacts rated amp. 11/4x161011 ,A.. Wt., S oz.
76 P 406 4280-5-G/SIL 5 ohms 200 7.75
Stock Mfr's Series 41. Exceptionally gute , sensitive 76 P 407 4200-50-G/SIL 50 ohms 65 7.75
Ohms Ma. DC NET relay. SPDT contacts rated: 2 15 amps. 76 P 40842R0-200-G/SIL
No. Typo
76 P 380 5F-1000-S/SIL 1000 2.3 7.50
0nsitivity, 40 mw. 2'/ax1'/axlS4s'. 3 oz. 76 P 409 42R0-1000-G/SIL
76 P 410 42R0-5000-G/SIL
200 ohms
IK ohms
SK ohms
76 P 3151 SF-2500-S/SII. 1.4 7.50 Stock Mfr's Volts (AC) Ms.
NET 76 P 411 42R0-100004/S11 lOK ohms 4.5 8.25
76 P 382 5F-5000-S/SIL 5000 1.0 8.00 No. Type Ohms (OC) (DC)
6 383 SF-10,000-S/SIL 10,000 0.7 8.75 75 076 41F0- l0-ACO /SIL 6 v. 1 3.50
76 P 392 1F1-35-ACS/51L 6 v. 3.50 26F- 8000 -C DS /PAL Relay. S'milar to 4F
75 P 077 41FZ- 200 -ACG /SIL 24 v. t 3.50
series 8000-ohm relay listed 'n left-hand
Series 11F. Small, low -cost DC relay. 50 76 P 393 4112.500-ACS/SIL 24 v. 3.50
column, but slightly lighter and with some-
mw. sensitivity; SPDT contacts rated 1 76 P 078 4112.5000-ACC /SIL 115 e.i 3.65
76 P 394 41F2. 10000-ACS /SIL
what greater sensitivity. Allows circuits to be
amp. I/nxl? -sxl' high. Shpg. wt., 1 oz. 115 v.
4.15 adjusted so as to draw less plate current. for
75 P 079 41F2. 12000 -ACC/SIL 230
Stock Mfr's Ma. NET longer tube or battery life. Ideal for use in
No. Typo Ohms DC
76 P 395 41F- 5.S/SIL 5 ohms 90 3.50 radio -controlled devices. SPOT. palladium
76 P 396 41F-50-S /511 50 ohms 30 3.50 contacts rated at 0.5 amp ® 28 v. DC or 115
75 P 068 11F-1000-G/SIL 7.0 1.50 76 P 397 41F-200 -S /SIL 200 ohms 15 3.50 v. AC. 8000 ohm coil. Operating current. 0.7
069 ! 1 F-2300-G/S11. 2300 4.6 g 76 398 41F- 1000 -5 /SIL no ohms 6.5 3.50 ma. Pull -on. drop-out current difference. 0.2
75 P 11F-6000-G/S!L 6000 2.9 1.70 76 P 399 41F-5000 -S iBIL 5K ohms 3.0 3.65 ma. Shpg. wt.. 7 oz.
75 P 075 11 F-9000-G/S1I. 9000 2.4 1.85 76 P 400 411-10000 S 'SIL 10K ohms 20 3.85 75 P 284. NET 8.50
194 Call On Allied for Your Industrial Electronic Needs
Relays and Contact Protectors


MER -115
2.4 -11
DPDT power relay featuring interchangeable coils. Relay may be modi- Universal interchangeable parts for assembling custom relays. Listings
fied by inserting replacement coil of another voltage. For motor starting, include AC. DC, and plate coils, and switch contact assemblies. Complete
heater loads and other heavy -duty uses. Contacts rated at 25 amps. con- relay requires one coil and one contact assembly. For additional contacts
tinuous duty. 230 v. AC with 75% power factor load. Operating power use the contact switch parts kit. Contact ratings given are at 115 v. 60
requirement, 9.5 va; coil drain, approx. .080 amps at 115 v., 60 cycles. cycle AC, non -inductive load. Use two 6-32 screws for mounting. Overall
3ykx2i.4x216e. Av. shpg. wt., relays. 12 oz.; coils, 6 oz. size: With standard contact assembly 2'/1x1 t/sx1W ; midget contact as-
sembly, Waal t%xl IA'. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
Reis Yz Rep acement Coils AC Coil Typos DC Coil Types
AC Stook Stook Stock Ito 24, 25ío49, 50ío99, Stock Ito
Volts EACH
24, 251049, 501099,
75 P 083 6.00 5.40 5.10 75 P 087 2,05 1.84 1.74 75 709
P 6 1.63 1.47 1.38 75 P 713 6 1.63 1.47 1.38
24 75 P 084 6.00 5.40 5.10 75 P 088 2.05 1.84 1.74 75 P 710 12 1.63 1.47 1.38 75 P 714 12 1.63 1.47 1.38
115 75 P 085 6.00 5.40 5.10 75 P 089 2.05 1.84 1.74 75 P 71 1 24 1.63 1.47 1.38 75 P 715 24 1.63 1.47 1.38
230 75 P 086 6.25 5.62 5.31 75 P 090 2.20 1.98 1.87 75 P 712 115 2.04 1.8475P 716 32 1.73 1.63 1.47 1.38
75 P 888 2.69 2.42 2.28 75 P 717 110 2.04
230 1.84 1.73
Intermittent-duty solenoids are for applications that do not require 75 P 779. Type 200-6000D. 5000-ohm plate coil. 1 -24, EACH ....2.10
25 -49, EACH 1.89 60 to 99, EACH 1.78
energization of coil for more than 5 consecutive minutes with sufficient
time between cycles for cooling. Continuous-duty solenoids are not to ex- CONTACT SWITCH ASSEMBLIES
ceed a temperature rise of 85° C. Lift obtained during "cold" operation.
Sizes and shpg. wts.: 1A -11Az:1t/ext34 ; S oz.
4- 2-
1s/sxl3{sx1TSs'; 10 oz.
114ex2xlJSs ; 15 oz. 11- 114ax154ot1 J4z; 8 oz. 14-2y4x2J4x1%'; 19
Stock Mtr's
Type Description
I to 24. 25ío49, 50ío99,
oz. 16 -1144x1i/sx1 yes ;
8 oz. 18- 21Apt2 t/zxl13j4'; 1 Ib. Intermittent.
?Continuous. All for 110-120 v., 60 cyc. AC but: 1DC; 5230 v. AC.
P 707
75 P 708 200-2
200 -1 SPDT contact assembly. 8 amps.
DPDT contact assembly. 8 amps.
1.81 .63 I .53
1.33 1.20

atoe5no. iype unms Amps WOKS Lift UZ. ItOZ4,EA.25to49,EA.50I099,EA. 75 P 724 200 -4 2.10 1.89 I .78
DPDT contact assembly. 12.5 amps.

75 P 890 lA 300 .17 y,-y,' 8 2.48 2.23 2.10 75 P 7 8 200-M1 SPDT midget contact assembly. 8 amps. 1.24 1.12 1.05

75 P 891 IA" 675 .07 14-54' 3 2.48 2.23 2.10 75 P 719 200 -M2 DPDT midget contact assembly. 8 amps. .63 I .47 I .38 I

75 P 154 2 60 .50 X-18' 27 2.90 2.61 2.46 75 P 826 200-M5 4PDT midget contact assemoly. 8 amps. 2.70 2.43 2.29
75 P 155 2t 166 .155 14-14' 10 2.90 2.6I 2.46 Type 200 -M3. Switch parts. For adding poles to 200 -M1 and 200-M2.
75 P 892 4' 37 .64 56-114' 21 3.13 2.82 2.66 75 P 725. 25-49, EA... 1.21 50 -99, EA... 1.13 1 -24, EA 1.34
75 P 893 4t 133 .14 SS-ISS' 6 3.13 2.82 2.66 Type 200 -3. Switch parts for adding poles to 200- and 200-2.
75 P 828 12" 100 .27 1/4-1' 32 3.88 3.49 3.29 75 P 730. 26 -49, EA. .. .21 60 -99, EA... 1.13 1 -24, EA
1 34 1

75 P 829 12 150 .15 55-1' 22 3.88 3.49 3.29 LOCKING RELAYS

76 P 3l 8 Il t 4.5 1.35 54-P 21 3.08 2.67 2.61 Locking relays for break -in control; phone to CW switching etc. Momen-
76P 319 11 t 80 .30 55-1' 21 3.08 2.67 2.61 tary coil energization locks contacts. Each impulse reverses contacts. t/4'
75 P 894 14 11 1.4 54-154' 110 5.6I 5.05 4.76 silver contacts are rated 12.5 amps; handle 1500-watt non -inductive load
75 P 895 141' 18 .52 14-114' 65 5.61 5.05 4.76 at 60 cycle AC; 1000 -watt inductive load at 60 cycle AC. Overall size.
76 P 320 1611 355 .10 59-56' 60 3.65 3.28 3.10 2154x214x3t/4'. Av. shpg. wt., 12 oz.
75 P 156 16' 41 .540 54-15' 80 3.48 3.13 2.95 Stock No. Typo Contacts Volts to 24, EA., 25 to 49, EA.. 50 to 99.
75 885 161 85 .21 54-15' 60 3.48 3.13 2.95 1 EA.,

75 P 157 18 8.2 1.45 54-1' 340 4.88 4.39 4.14 75 P 727 RC- 100-AR 4PST 115 5.96 5.36 5.06
75 P 886 let 20 .39 IS-1' 145 4.88 4.39 4.14 75 P 827 RC- 100 -BR SPOT 6 DPST 115 6.21 5.59 5.27
76 P 321 1811 78.2 .20 55-1' 145 5.10 4.59 4.33 76 P 322 RC- 100-CR SPOT 115 5.75 5.17 4.88
75 P 887 RC- 100 -GR DPDT 115 5.83 5.25 4.95
Electrical -reset stepping relay with 21 active positions; resets from ex- Relays protect against surges, or continuous overload. X- 300-ER has
ternal control or own contacts. Contacts rated 1 amp at 115 v., 60 cycle, remote electrical reset and overload adjustment; 'adjustable from 250-
non-inductive. Stepping and reset coils 115 v., 60 cycle AC. Minimum 750 ma., DC 3000 v. ins. Aux. contacts for pilot light indicates "over-
set pulse. 50 ms; reset, 10 ms. 3%5264x354'. Shpg. wt., 13 oz. load" or "clear" position. L -500 has manual reset. Contacts rated 1500 w.
75 P 282.1 to 24, NET EACH 11,07 non -inductive; 1 kw inductive; at 115 v. 60 cycles; 2000 v. ins.
26 to 49, EACH 9 96 60 to 99, EACH 9 40 Stock No. Type Ma. Size lbs. I to24.EA. 25to49,EA. 50to99,EA.
75 P 640 X- 300 -ER 250 -750 4%x11/4a2' IV. 7.69 6.92 6.53
AMPERITE THERMOSTATIC DELAY RELAYS 75 P 7261 L -500 1 500 11x2541395' l 8.92 8.03 7.58
Hermetically sealed in glass envelope with octal base.
Heater draws 2 watts and may be operated continu- LEDEX 12- POSITION RELAY
ously. Contacts: SPST. 3 amps at 115 v. AC. 1 amp Consists of master switch an, solenoid -acti-
at 220 v. AC. Voltage Breakdown: Contacts. 1000 v.; vated slave switch. Slave switch may be in-
Heater-to-Contact, 1500 v., except' 250 v. and 500 stalled at any convenient, remote location.
v. for delays of 10 sec. or less. Ambient temperatures Master switch mounts directly on panel,
from -55 to + 70° C. Size, Dia.. 15jz'; Height less etc. Just turn master switch to any desired
prongs, 2'/s'. Av. shpg. wt.. 4 oz. Be sure to specify type position-slave switch moves to identical
number as well as stock number. position. 5-conductor cable used between
Typa No. Normally Open master and slave. Perfect for remote switch-
Delay Typa No. Normally Closed ing of TV antennas, control circuits, meter switching, etc. Both master
Seconds 6.3 v. AC -DC 116 v. AC -DC 8.3 v. AC-DC 116 v. AC -DC and slave are supplied on handy demonstration board. Comes completely
2' 6NO2 115NO2 6C2 IISC2 wired with selenium -rectifier power supply and line cord for plugging in-
5' 6N05 115N05 6C5 115C5 to outlet. For 95 -130 v. 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs.
10' 6N010 115N010 6C10 115C10 75 P 243. NET 16.50
15 6N015 115N015 6C15 115C15
30 6N030 115N030 6C30 I ISC30 Effective protection for relay contacts controlling
45 6N045 115N045 6C45 115C45 inductive circuits. Suppress arcing and RE tran-
60 6N060 115N060 6C60 I ISC60 sients to prevent erosion of contact surfaces. Consist of selenium rectifier
75 6N075 115N075 6C75 115C75 cells back -to-back in one small tubular unit. For relays operating up to
90 6N090 115N090 6C90 115C90 40 times per sec. and drawing up to 600 ma at 150 v., AC or DC. Pigtail
120 6N0120 115140120 6C120 115C120 leads. Wt., 6 oz.
150 6N0150 6C150 - NO. Typa Max. V Max. Ma Mln.v, Slxe NET
180 6N0180 60180 76 P 323 8A211S2 200 27 AC z16,51/.
52 1.06
76 P 324 15A2PS2 52 400 27 AC t xz//4 1.32
75 PP 295. NET EACH 2.35 76 P 325 15A3PS2 66 500 45 AC x1/4 1.45
Mini Relays. All types above also available in miniature size.
O-pin, 1%x2%'. 3 oz. When ordering. specify type no.. adding letter "T"
following type number. Example: 6NOZT.
76 P
76 P 327 55PS5
76 P 328 8A2P51
Á130 0
23 DC z 16,,,
tAs 2. ÓB

75 PP 296. NET EACH 2.35 76 P 329 8A2HS1

76 P 330 15A2PS1
23 DC
23 DC
.23 I

Allied also stocks a complete selection of Amperite Regulator 76 P 331 15A2HSI 44 500 23 DC Yu' 2.86
Tubes for industrial applications. See page 110 for listing. 76 P 332 8A3PS2 66 250 45 DC 1 a4a 1.1 7

Industrial Users -Write for Prices cm Largar Quantities 195

Relays and Electric Counters

Type PC Power- Control Relays. Contacts rated 1S amps at 115
a Amidget relays. Types GHP. GHE. and GHHehavve du dust-proof.
clear polystyrene covers and octal plug hases; except 'have 11 -pin base
D v. AC non -inductive. DC type draws 2yt watts, AC coils 1-T VA.
Mount by 2, 6-32 holes on 2' entry. SI' units: 1354x1 %x2Wl DP Units:
(Fig. A). Types GHA. GHB, and GHS are open with solder type ter- 1s/sxls/ax2ry5'; 31' unit: 117'32x2s/sx3'. Av. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
minals (Fig. B). Types GHB and GHH rated 10 amps at 115 v. AC with
resistive load; GHP. GHE, GHA. and GHS rated 5 amps at 115 v. AC Stock Type Adios
with resistive load. Types GHE and GHS are current actuated and can Volts 1-24 25-49 50-99
be used as plate circuit relays. All others are voltage actuated. Size: 3.51 2.93
Types GHA, GHB. and GHS. 135:x'%ex1 s/¡; others are 1%f square by 76 P 200 PC/1C/115VA SPDT 115 v. AC
lys' above chassis. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz. 76 P 202 PC/2C/115VA DPDT 4.80 4.00
115 v. AC .60
Mfr's Type Volts Action 1-24, EA. 25-49, EA. 50-99,EA.
76 P 203 PC/3C/IISVA SPOT 6.75 5.62
115 v. AC .06
Stock No. 76 P 494 PC/IC/115VA 4PDT 8.88 7.40
115 v. AC 6.66
76 P 447 GHA/1C/6VA 6v.AC SPOT 2.88 2.40 2.16 76 P 495 PC/2C/24VA DPDT 24 v. AC 4.80 4.00 3.60
76 P 480 GHP/1C/6VA 6 v. AC SPDT 5.10 4.25 3.83 76 P 496 PC/4C/24VD 4PDT 21 v. DC 4.68 3.90 3.51
76 P 451 CIA/ 2C/6VA 6 v. AC OPDT 3.48 2.90 2.61 76 P 208 PC/1C/6VA SPOT 6v.AC 3.51 2.93 2.64
76 P 470 GHB/2C/SVA 6v.AC DPDT 3.75 3.13 2.81 76 P 216 PC/IC/6VD SPDT 6 v. DC 3.39 2.83 2.55
76 P 481 GM11/2C/6VA 6v.AC DPOT 6.09 5.08 4.57
76 P 482 GNP/2C/6VA 6v.AC DPDT 5.64 4.70 4.23 E Type SO Sensitive Relays. Extremely sensitive adjustable. SPOT
76 P 455 GHA/3C/6VA 6v.AC 3PDT 3.87 3.23 2.90 DC relays. Feature sensitivity and versatility equal to relays costing
76 P 473 GHB/3C/6VA 6v.AC 3PDT 4.17 3.48 3.13 t free times as much. Standard adjustment is 10 mw, can be adjusted to
76 P 459 GHA/1C/6VD 6v.DC SPDT 2.85 2.38 2.14 as low as 2 mw. Max. coil rating. 3 watts. Contacts rated 1.5 amps. 28 v.
76 P 461 GHA/2C/6VD 6v.DC DPDT 3.18 2.65 2.39 DC.. 115 v. AC resistive. Size. I45ex1 Veil W. Av. shpg. wt.. 3 oz.
76 P 476 GHB/2C/6VD 6v.DC DPOT 3.42 2.95 2.57 Stock No. Mfr's Type 1 Ohms Ms. 1-24,EA. 25-49, EA. 50-99, EA.
76 P 464 GHA/3C/6VD 6v.DC 3PDT 3.57 2.98 2.68 76P261 S0 /IC /40000 4000 1.6 4.90 4.00 3.60
76 P 478 GMB/3C/6VD 6 v. DC 3PDT .87 3.23 2.90 76P 262 5.04 4.20 3.78
76 P 462 GNA/2C/12VD 12 v. DC DPDT .1 8 2.65 2.39 76P263
SO /IC /6500D
SO /1C /10,0000
4.43 3.98
76 P 465 GMA/3C/12VD 12 v. DC 3PDT 3.57 2.98 2.68 1

76 P 448 GHA/IC/ 24VA 24 v. AC SPDT 2.88 2.40 2.16 Type CB Coaxial Relays. For use wit' 52 -ohm RG cables at RF
76 P 483 GNP/IC/24VA 24v.AC SPDT 5.10 4.25 3.83 outputs of up to 800 watts on lines with low SWR. SWR of less than
76 P 452 GHA/2C/24VA 24 v. AC DPDT 3.48 2.90 2.61 08: 1.00 at 150 mc. Sl'DT internal contacts directly connected to
76 P 471 GHB/2C/24VA 24 v. AC DPDT 3.75 3.13 2.81 Amphenol 83 -1R connector. SPDT with external DPDT contacts for
76 P 484 GH11/2C/24VA 21 v. AC DPDT 6.09 5.08 4.57 auxiliary circuits. 3yltxl%x3r/a'. Shpg. wt., 11 oz.
76 P 485 GHP/2C/24VA 24v.AC DPDT 5.64 4.70 4.23 Stock Mfr's Coil
76 P 456 GHA/3C/24VA 24 v. AC SPOT 3.87 3.23 2.90 Artios 50-99
No. Type Volts 1 -24. 25.49
76 P 474 GHB/3C/24VA 24 v. AC 3PDT 4.17 3.48 3.13
76 P 486 GNP/3C/24VA 24v.AC 3PDT 6.99 5.83 5.24 76 P 250 CB/lC/6VD SPDT 6 v. DC 10.80 9.00 8.10
76 P 460 GMA/1C/24VD 21 v. DC SPOT 2.85 2.38 2.14 75P645 CB/IC/IISVA SPOT 115 v. AC 12.15 10.12 9.11
76 P 252 CB/IC2C/6V0 SPOT. 6 v. DC 13.89 11.57 10.41
76 P 463 GNA/2C/24VD 24v.DC DPDT 3.18 2.65 2.12 76P254 CB/IC2C/115VA SPDT 115 v. AC 14.85 12.37 .1 3
2.85 2.57
1 1

76 P 477 GNB/2C/24VD 24 v. DC DPDT 3.42

76 P 466 GHA/3C/24VD 24 v. DC 3PDT 3.57 2.98 2.68 Highly MffdeentAyt DPDT
76 P 479 GHB/3C/24VD 24 v. DC SPOT 3.87 3.23 2.90 G antenna inexpensive. Well insulated for
76 P 449 GHA/1C/115VA 115 v. AC SPDT 2.88 2.40 2.16 RF applications-silicone glass material is used to insulate armature
76 P 487 GHP/1C/115VA 115 v. AC SPOT 5.10 4.25 3.83 and contact assemblies. Can be used for transmitters with up to 170
76 P 453 C11A/2C/115VA DPDT 3.48 2.90 2.61 watts input. Elements spaced to maintain impedance of 300 -ohm twin
line. For 115 v., 60 cycle AC. Single 6-32 mounting. l'/4x1Sisxlya'
115 v. AC
76 P 472 GHB/2C/I1SVA 115 v. AC DPDT 3.75 3.13 2.81
Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
76 P 488
76 P 489
GHH/2C/115 VA 115 v. AC DPDT 6.09
4.23 75 P 644. 1 -24, NET EACH 4.82
GHP/2C/115 VA 115 v. AC DPDT 26 -49, EACH....3.85 60 -99, EACH 3 46
76 P 457 GMA/3C/115 VA 115 v. AC SPOT 3.87 3.23 2.90
76 P 475 GHB/3C/I15 VA 115 v. AC SPOT 4.17 3.48 3.13 Type AT /2C /116VA Heavy -Duty Antenna Relay. For contin-
76 P 490 GHP/3C /115 vA 115 v. AC 3PDT 6.99 5.83 5.24 uous heavy -duty RE transmitter antenna changeover applications.
I rimarily designed for fixed- station use. Conservatively rated at 1 KW
76 P 459 GBA/ICi220 VA 220 v. AC SPOT 3.30 2.75 2.48 RF. Low -loss steatite insulation. Smooth -wiping DPDT W silver con-
76 P 454 GHA/2C, 220 VA 220 v. AC DPDT 4.08 3.40 3.06 tacts, rated at 10 amts, 115 v. AC non -inductive, or kw RF. 115 v.
76 P 450 GHA/3C/220 VA 220 v. AC 3PDT 4.41 3.68 3.31 AC coil. Size, t/ x2' n x3süs Shpg. wt., 14 oz.

Stock No. Mfr's Type Ohms Ma Action 1-2/,TA. 25-49, EA. S6-99-,TAT
75 P 641. 1 -24, 'NET EACH 9.09
76 P 467 GNS/2C/2500D 2500 10.0 OPOT 3.75
3.13 2.81 26-49, EACH 7 58 60-99, EACH 6.82
76 P 468 GHS/2C/5000D 5000 7.2 4.20
DPDT 3.50 3.15 Type DM /2C /116VA Time Delay Relay. Provides adjustable S -60
76 P 469 GHS/2C/100000 10000 5.0 4.65
DPDT 3.88 3.49 sec. delay. Excellent for use in pre -heating tube filaments. specialized
76 P 491 GHE/2C/2500D 2500 DPDT
10.0 5.99 4.91 4.41 lighting circuits, photographic controls, protection applications, etc.
76 P 492 GHE/2C/50000 5000 7.2
DPDT 5.97 4.95 4.48 DPDT W silver contacts, rated at 15 amps, 115 v. AC or 26.5 v. DC
76 P 493 GNE/2C/I0000D 10000 5.0
DPDT 6.48 5.4 4.86 non-inductive. Recycling time: 8 -10 times delay period. Coil for opera-
tion from 115 v., 60 cycle AC. Size, 13/4x2 Vax3%' Shpg. wt., 12 oz.
Type NM Ultra -Miniature DC Relays. Hermetically sealed in 75 P 642. 1 -24, NET EACH 14.88
ta transistor-type nitrogen -filled case. Ideal for computers, missiles, 26 -49. EACH 12.40 60 -99, EACH 11.16
printed circuits. etc. Vibration resistance, 10G up to 5W cps; shock to
50G. SPDT contacts rated at '/4 amp. 28 v DC. '/zxyaxriie. Wt.. 3 oz. Type LE Latching Relays. For industrial and power- control appli-
K cations-eliminates undesired continuous current consumption by
Stock No. Type Ohms Ma 1.24. EA. 25 -49. EA. 50 -99, EA.
t to duty coil. Positive locking. Has reset coil. '/4' contacts rated for IS
76 P 195 NM/1C/50 44 amps at 115 v. AC or 26.5 v. DC non -inductive. 2,4x214:34". Wt., I lb.
76 P 196 NM/!C/200 2ÓÓ 22 Stock No. Type Action Volts 1.24, EA. 25-49, EA. EA.
76 P 197
76 P 198
1 24.00 20.00 18.00 76 P 497 LE /2C/115VA DPDT 115 v. AC I 1.25 9.38 I 8.44
76 P 199 NM/1C/2N 2000 76 P 498 LE /2C /24VD DPDT 24 v. DC 10.74 8.95 8.05
Industrial users -write fo quantity prices on relays in lots of 100 or more.


Mercury M -Duty Counters. Small,
low -cost electric counters for coin -operated
equipment and industrial equipment. Can be Steak Mfr's NET
actuated by any switch or relay which has a No. Typo No. Volts EACH
min. closed period of .04 sec. and max. open
period of .06 sec. Tested at 600 counts per 77P 032 MEA -NS -6A 6 v. AC 4.40
minute. All are completely enclosed in tamper- 77P 033 MEA- N5 -115A 11S v. AC 4.40
proof case with plastic window. Model MDB -
S4 counts to 4 digits. Overall size, IiVux2'ux o MDA-S4 (RESET)
21ytt': mtg. centers, 13kx2746'. Model MEA -N5 Stock -lili 1r's
counts 5 digits. Overall size, 2'ikx121 x2y¡; No. Type No. Volts EACH
mtg. centers, I '/ xl r 5is. Model MDA-S4 counts
5 digits. Overall size, 2'1.5zelzyux2' /4'; mtg. 77 P 042 MDA-S4-6A 6 v. AC
centers, 1'/axl's¡4C Power required, 3 watts. 77 P 097 MDA-S4-24A 24 v. AC 14.00
For 60 cycle AC. Av. shpg. wt., 1 lb. 77 P 043 SIDA-S4-115A I 1 S v. AC
MDB-S4 PANELMOUNT (RESET) "Super Wizard" ECS -9 Counter. 6 -digit
13 industrial type for continuous. heavy -duty
Stock Mfr's NET use. Min. "make." .024 sec; min. "break," .036
No. Type Ne. Volts EACH sec. -up to 1000 counts per min. Completely
enclosed. Resets to zero with complete turn of
77 P 044 MDB-S4-6A 6 v. AC knob. Power. 5 watts. For 11S v.. 60 cycle AC.
o 77 P 099 MDB-S4-24A 24 v. AC 14.75 .I %si'5ies51%u'. Wt., 3 lbs.
77 P 049 MDB-S4-115A 11S v. AC 77 P 036. NET 38.50
196 Depend on Allied for Everything in Radio, Television and Industrial Electronics
Industrial Relays
Ideal for industrial applications where extreme dependa-
bility is required. Mercury contacts are hermetically
sealed in tempered glass and are unaffected by d ust, moisture
etc. Actuating coil operates from 115 v. 60 cycle AC. 60
cycle AC contact ratings: 35 amperes at 115 v. 25 amperes
at 230 DC contact ratings: 12 amperes or %r HP at 120 V.
7 amperes or r14 HP at 220. EM-1 and EM -4 are rated at
2 HP at 115 and 230 v. 60 cycle AC. EM -2 is rated at 1 HP
at 115 and 230 v. 60 cycle AC. NO indicates normally
open; NC normally closed. 35 millisecond "make' and
55 millisecond "break." Wt., 2 lbs. Shipped by express only.

0 o Stock No. Mfr's Type Contacts SIZe NET EA.

Precision time -delay relays. Provide adjustable delays--down to 1 /10th 75 P 950 EM -1 SPST -NO 5x23/4x2 12.65
second, or delays up to 5 minutes. varied by outside screw adjustment 75 P 951 EM -2 SPST -NO 51/2x2s/ex2IN 14.02
on timing head. For vertical operation only. Consist of sealed timing 75 P 952 EM -4 DPST-NO 5.3% x21/j 20.90
head, solenoid assembly. snap- action switch with fine silver contacts.
and screw terminals. Contact ratings based on 115 v. 60 cycle resistive
loads. 'DB suffix indicates double -break type with 15 amp contact rat- EBERT HEAVY -DUTY MERCURY-PLUNGER RELAYS
ing; SB indicates single- break, with 8 amp rating. "Use" column numbers Heavy duty mercury relays, similar to above. Types HD -1 and HD -2
mean that delay starts when (1) coil is energized, (2) coil is de- energized. are rated at 60 amps for 115 volts AC and 35 amps for 230 volts AC.
(3) lever is released manually, (4) coil is energized and de- energized, (5) 60 cycle. DC rating is 12 amps at 120 volts and 7 amps at 240 volts,
delay starts on main contacts when coil is energized, but no delay on Type HD -4 2 -pole relay: Each tube controls 60 amps at 115 volts AC
auxiliary SPDT contacts; main contacts transfer at end of time delay. and 35 amps at 230 v. AC, 60 cycles. DC rating for each tube is 12
(6) Instant transfer on main and aux. contacts when energized. Instant amps at 120 volts and 7 amps at 230 volts. Type HD-7 3 -pole relay:
retransfer on aux.; adjustable time delay on main when de- energized. Each of the 3 tubes can control up to 60 amps at 115 volts AC and 35
(7) Depressing lever starts time delay, after which contacts are auto-
matically energized. Contacts reset to normal when lever is released. amps at 230 v. AC, 60 cycles. DC rating for each tube is 12 amps at
NED -13 is double -head type for adjustable delay in both directions. 120 volts and 7 amps at 220 volts. All Underwriter's Laboratories Ap-
NEL-IIQT is remote push- button type with hold -in switch. All relays proved. NO indicates normally open; NC, normally closed. Shipped by
listed may be mounted from front or back. NET relays provide 2 -step express only.
delay; first delay period from 0 to 15 sec. -2nd period from .01 sec. to S No. Type Description Size
min. NET -15Q, NET -16Q, NET -25Q and NET-26Q consist of standard Lbs. NET
Agastat plus SPDT aux. switch at bottom of terminal block. NEU -11QT 75 P 232 HD -I Single pole. NO 2%x51/ex3%' 14.30
is U.L. Approved. Types G, GY and GZ are general -purpose enclosures
similar to NEMA Type 1: GY for NEI. 11 QT. GZ for NET and G for all
P 233
P 234
HD -2
HD -4
Single pole. NC
2 -pole, both NO
2r/t z5r/sx3
»' 2
2 15.68
others. Coil voltages are 50-60 cyc. AC. Av. size, 21/2x21/2x4% , except 75 P 235 HD -4 2 -pole, both NC 21/2 x6x31/t ' 2
2 29.70
121/2x2 )4x6'. Av. shpg. wt., 21/4 lbs. 75 P 236 HD -4 2 -pole, 1 NO /1 NC 2 %x6x3 IA' 2 28.05

75 P 237 HD -7 3 -pole, all NO 3r x61/ßx4' 3 35.20
Stook Mfr.'s Coll
Fla. Use Contacts' yolu NET 2-Up, 75 P 238 HD-7 3 -pole, all NC 3 /1x6y
Ne. Type EACH EACH 75 P 239 HD-7 3 -pole, 2 NO /1 NC 3r .6rjz4' 3 37.40
76 428
P NE-11QT A SPDT-DB 115 33.00 29.70 75 P 241 HD-7 3 -pole, 1 NO /2 NC 3 %x6rx4' 3 39.05
76 P 429 NE-120T A 1 DPDT-SB 115 34.06 30.65
76 P 430 NE-11QT A 1 SPDT-DB 230 33.00 29.70
76 P 431 NE-I2QT A I DPDT-SB 230 34.06 30.65 EBERT MINIRELAY
76 432 NE-110T
P A 1 SPDT-DB 440 33.00 29.70 Extremely compact in size. Meets critical space require-
76 433 NE-I2 QT
P A 1 DPDT-SB 440 34.06 30.65 ments and is capable of handling load capacities nearly
76 434 NE-21 QT
P A 2 SPDT-DB 115 33.00 29.70 twice that of ordinary armature -type mechanical relays
76 435 NE-22 T
P A 2 DPDT-SB 115 34.06 30.65 of equal size. Rated at 20 amps or 1.5 HP at 115 volts.
76 436 NE-21 T
P A 2 SPDT-DB 230 33.00 29.70 50 -60 cycles. In either normally open (NO) or closed
76 437 NE-22 T
P A 2 DPDT-SB 230 34.06 30.65 (NC) types. Hermetically sealed, mercury- to-mercury
76 438 NE-21QT
P A 2 SPDT-DB 440 33.00 29.70 contacts. "Make" and "break," 45 ms. Actuating coil
76 412 NM-12QT
P B 7 DPDT-SB Manual 21.81 19.63 operates from 115 v., 60 cycle AC. Size, 3rjlxlr%sxlyz'.
76 439 NM-215ìT
P B 3 SPDT-DB Manual 20.81 18.73 Shipped by express only.
76 440 NM-22QT
P B 3 DPDT-SB Manual 21 .81 19.63
75 P 747 NED-13 C 4 SPDT-DB 115 60.95 54.85 Stook No. Mfr' Type Contacte Wt., Oz. NET EA.
75 P 748 NED-14 C 4 DPDT-SB 115 61.95 55.75 75 P 258 M R -10 I SPST -NO I 8 8.25
76 P 413 NEU-220 F 6 DPDT-SB 115 39.36 35.42 75 P 259 M R -12 SPST -NC 8 9.08
76 P 441 NEL-11QT D 5 SPDT-DB 115 39.36 35.42
76 P 442 NEU-11QQT . 1 SPDT-DB 115 36.1 8 32.56
76 P 443 NET-150f F 1 SPDT-DB 115 42.90 38.61 EBERT SPST MICRELAY
76 P 444 NET-1 tt F 1 DPDT-SB 115 43.90 39.51 Highly sensitive relay for handling high -
76 P445 NET-25 1 F 2 SPDT-DB 115 42.90 38.61 power, high-current loads. Uses a 2D21 thy-
76 P 446 NET-2 t F 2 DPDT-SB . 115. 43.90 39.51
. .
ratron to control a built -in mercury -plunger
75 P 739 G E Enc. 5.00 4.50 relay. Actuated by control signals as low as
75 P 248 GV E Enc. 6.00 5.40 3 µa. For control circuits, .1 to 10 megohms
75 P 249 GZ E Enc. 6.00 5.40 impedance. Contacts: Standard Type -35
Ultra-sensitive, DC- polarized relays. Feature ex-
amps, 115 v. AC; 25 amps, 230 v. AC and
12 amps, 120 v. DC. Heavy -Duty Type
60 amps at 115 v. AC, 35 amps at 230 v. AC.
tremely high sensitivity. Ideal for use wherever power Provide normally open operation. 5x8lAx4'. For 115/230 v., 60 cycles.
supply is limited. Will operate for years with mercury Shpg. wt., 81/2 lbs. Express only.
cells. Widely used in plate circuits. High -speed re- 75 P 256. Standard Type. NET 41,25
sponse; can be operated in excess of 100 cps. Fine 75 P 257. Heavy -Duty Type. NET 43.00
silver contacts are SPDT, with floating neutral posi-
tion. Polarity of signal determines which contact
closes. Sensitivity is adjustable for precise setting.
Two Alnico magnets are used for polarizing field
Balanced armature is mounted on torsional supports in air gap. assuring DOW -KEY COAXIAL ANTENNA RELAYS
high resistance to physical shock. Normal tolerance on pull -in current at Typs DKC -G. Precision -built coaxial antenna re-
75e F. is +25 %; from -6S° to +160° F., 60 %y. All have octal plug -
in bases for chassis installation. 1)(ex3 1/2xl%'. Shpg. wt., 10 oz. lays. Re- designed magnet provides thrust pressure
in excess of 200 grams -prevents intermittent failure
SINGLE COIL in closing of receiver circuit. Shielded magnet. AC
type completely free of hum or chatter. Contacts
Stook Mfr's Coil Pull -in Pull -In Pull -In rated 1000 watts. Negligible change in SWR up to 300 mc. Built -in
No. Typa Ohms Volts Amps p Watts NET automatic receiver antenna shorting device. Grounds contact leading to
75 P 252 AYLZ -25425 215 .154 .00071 109.6 8.00 receiver before tongue makes contact with transmitter- prevents RF
75 P 250 AYLZ -2804S 7950 .930 .00012
from reaching receiver circuit. Breakdown voltage: over 1000 volts
108.8 8.00
rms. Takes SPDT switch (included in illustration) listed below, for
76 P 418 AYLZ -2841 S 7950 .604 .000076 45.9 22.00 operating B+ of receiver. Connectors, relay tongues and brass parts
76 P 419 AV LZ -3165 S 560 .238 .00043 101.2 8.00
are silver plated. Size: 4yex2t/4xl r/s'. Shpg. wt., 9 oz.
76 P 415 AYLZ -4042S 215 .100 .00046 46.3 22.00
75 P 75 P 148. For 110 v. AC. NET 11.50
255 AYLZ-4436S 13 .035 .00267 92.4 1 8 .0 0 75 P 147. For 6 v. DC. NET 10.50
76 P 420 AYLZ -4438S 2300 .499 .00022 108.3 18.00
76 P 414 AYLZ-45255 13 .023 .00173 39.1 22.00 SPDT Switch. For above relays. Actuated by plunger on relay. 2 oz.
76 P 416 AVLZ-4529S S60 .155 .00028 42.8 22.00 75 P 799. NET 1.00
76 P 417 AYLZ-4531 S 2300 .325 .00014 45.9 22.00
Typo D K M. Smaller coaxial 6 v. DC relay without external SPDT switch
DOUBLE COIL and receiver shorting device. For mobile use. 3 1/4x2%z'. Wt., 7 oz.
76 P 427 AVLZ-3078S 940 .494 .00053 260.0 19.00 75 P 149. NET 9.50
75 P 253 AYLZ-3188S 5 .033 .00667 222.2 19.00 Type DKF -2 Connector. Double male. For mounting relays directly
75 P 251 AYLZ-3192S 3800 1.000 .00026 263.0 19.0 0 to output of transmitter. Designed for UHF. Heavy silver plating.
75 P 254 AYLZ-3353S 240 .240 .00100 240.0 19.00 Recommended for indoor use. Non -locking type. Shpg. wt., 6 ox.
76 P 425 AVLZ-34285 3800 .650 .00017 111.1 23.00
76 P 426 AYLZ-4443S 95 .146 .00154 224.7 19.00
75 P 136. NET 185
76 P 421 AYLZ-4534S 5 .022 .00433 93.7 23.00 12V DC Coil. Modal DK C -M. 12 volt relay coil for converting DKM
76 P 422 AV1.2-4538S 95 .095 .00100 95.0 23.00 6 volt DC relay or DKC -G 6 and 110 volt relays for 12 volt DC use.
76 P 424
AVI.Z-4539S 240 .156 .00065 101.4 23.00 Ideal for the new 12 v. automotive systems. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
AYLZ-45405 940 .322 .00034 110.0 23.00 75 P 138. NET 2.00
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois
Interference Filters
Easy Installation at Radio, TV, Appliance



Type IF -18. Highly effective all -wave capes itive inductive type of Type LC6. Capacitive- inductive filter for eliminating extreme forms
D of interference. Has terminal for (grounding to motor or frame of
0 filter for suppression of severe interference. Used where ventilating
appliance. Rated 110 -220 volts. AC -DC, 5 amps. In rectangular housing
or air conditioning units, washing machines, or machine tools interfere
with reception on radio or TV. Bakelite case, 6x31/4x21/2', with line with mounting flanges. Size 2tyfax31/nx3%s' Shpg. wt., 1% lbs. 6.61
cord and plug attached. Binding post for attachment of ground wire. 70 328.
B List. $11.25. NET
if used. Rated at 115 volts. AC -DC', S amps. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs.
70 B 120. List, $9.20. NET 5.41 Type LC10. Heavy -duty capacitive-inductive Interference filter for
D elimination of extreme interference. Similar to above, but rated for

Type IF-19. Effective capacitive -Inductive type filter for use use with appliances aand motor -driven equipment drawing up to 10 amps.
a where interference is severe. Used to eliminate Interference from
holes for
electric fans, diathermy machines. neon signs, etc. Mountingconvenient
Size 2riísx3tifsx3 . Shpg. wt., 21/ lbs.
70 B 320. List. $15.00. NET ß . OO
O O.1
permanent attachment to baseboard, back of receiver or any Type X3. Capacitor -type filter for use at radio or appliance. For
location. Terminal for ground connection. Rated 115 volts AC -DC. suppression of light interference from small fans, food mixers, etc.
5 amps. Bakelite case, 4x2t/ x2r/s'. Shpg. wt.. 1% lbs.
70 B 121. List. $7.70. NET 4.53 Plugs into AC or DC outlet; has receptacle for appliance plug. Rated
110 -220 v., AC -DC, S amps 1%. dia. x 2r31c'. Shpg- wt.. 5 oz. 1.06
Type IF -4. Plug-in, cylindrical filter for suppression of medium - 70 B 331. List. $1.80. NET
0 intensity interference produced by fluorescent lights, electric shavers F Type X6. Single capacity filter of special low- impedance design
and similar devices. Well- suited for use with small receivers such as light interference. Housed in molded plastic case, for use on line cord
AC -DC midget sets, portable TV sets, etc. Filter plugs directly Into causing interference. Rated at 125 volts, AC or DC,
wall; appliance or receiver plugs into filter. Rated i15 volts, AC -DC', p ug of appliance
5 amps. 11/!' diameter and 2' long. Shpg. wt., S oz. IS amps. Size, 1t/ax2x1'. Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
70 B 125. List $1.25. NET 73c 70 B 332. List. $1.60. NET 94c
Type IF -6. Convenient plug -in filter for elimination of moderate SPRAGUE "FILTEROL" TYPE F-400
interference. Especially suitable for suppression of interference
caused by fluorescent lights, electric shavers, and similar devices. Con- Effective filter for suppression of moderate interference, with built -in
nects between power line and appliance, or between power line and screw for attachment directly to any standard duplex wall outlet.
receiver. Rated at 115 volts, AC -DC, S amps. Size. 1% diameter. 2' Most effective when used at appliance, but may also be used at receiver.
Rated 105 -125 v., AC -DC. S amps. 4ytx2t/4x2/ Wt. . 3% lbs.
long. Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
70 B 126. List. $1.95. NET 1.15 70 8095. NET

For Installation at Appliance

type manuring directly on
Type WISP. Dual'ann. ny filter designed burinterference
Type 1F-7A. For installation at appliance. Capacitive -inductive a appliance causing interference. Suppresses caused by
filter for suppression of severe interference. Attaches to oil burners,
home drink mixers, electric drills, calculating and bookkeeping machines. cash
electric motors in dishwashers, disposal units, washing machines, registers. etc. Size, TA' diameter, 2' long. With 6' insulated leads. For
workshop tools, etc. For single-phase 110 -220 volt AC or DC. Rated 110-220 volts, AC or DC. Shpg. wt. 4 oz.
5 amps. Size. 6x6x4'. Shpg wt., 9 lbs.
70 8 325. I Est, $1 so NET.. 1.06
70 B 124. List, $13.75. NET SAS
Type IF -24. Exceptionally compact unit for wiring to appliances
0 causing light to moderate interference in broadcast or TV receivers. MEISSNER FILTERS AND WAVE TRAPS
Ideal for elimination of fluorescent light interference. Dual capacitive
filter unit effectively suppresses buzzing introduced through pow-er line. LINE FILTER
For I is v., AC or DC. Shpg. wt.. 8 oz.
73c Typo 15 -7515. Indu.yn e- capacitive type tilt,
70 B 122. List. $1.25. NET which filters both sides of the line. For most
Type I F -64. General -purpose capacitive- inductive filter for use radios and phono combinations, food mixer',
where moderate interference is present. For circuits drawing 2 amps. electric shavers, vacuum cleaners, etc. For use at
or less from power line. Miniature size permits installation on almost any source of Interference. Rated at 110 volts, AC or
appliance or fluorescent fixture causing interference. Rated 110 -220 volts. I)C. Handles up to 3 amps. Size. 4 %zx3yx2'.
AC or DC. Shpg. wt., 8 oz. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
70 B 14. List, $2.50. NET
1.47 60 242. List, $15.00. NET 8.82
SPRAGUE INTERFERENCE FILTERS Tunable resonant circuits for suppression of inter-
Type IF. Compact multi -section interference filters for suppressing ference with TV or FM reception; connect between
man -made radio and TV interference. Small and completely self - antenna transmission line and receiver. When select-
contained. For use on motors, thermostats, arcing devices, etc. up to ing, choose type whose range includes frequency of
220 volts, AC or DC. Easily installed. Av. ahpg. wt., 8 oz. interfering signal. All are designed for use with
receivers (raving the following balanced or unbal-
Steak Mfr's Ltat nee anced antenna inputs: 50. 72. 300, 400 and 500 ohms.
No. Type Fla Slze Seotlons [ACM "Tune out" unwanted signals emanating from taxicab, Amateur, com-
N 1x2%s Triple $2.60 1.53 mercial telephone and other transmitters. Size, 4%x3x2'. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
70 B 100 1F -15
4.59 606203. Type 16- 7610. 6-13 mc. 60 B 209. Type 16 -7513. 54 -108 me.
70 B 104 IF -11 M 11/4s5ah' Dual 7.80
60 B 204. Ty es 16 -7511. 13 -27 btu. 6011210. Typo 15 -7514. 108 -216 mc.
70 B 10S IF -21 R x2 Dual 1.75 1.03 608 208. Typo 16- 7612. 27 -54 me.
70 B 113 IF-S1
IF -37
1.32 List, $6.00. NET EACH 3.53
70 B 112

Filterol Typos. Designed for connection in series w th power supply

lines of interference -producing industrial devices. A three -terminal case, High -Q series- resonant wave traps for the elimination of
work of matched, specially designed chokes and coils are inside the interference and undesirable images in TV and FM receivers.
which functions as one of the terminals. The filter selected should have
a higher rating than the continuous current rating of the device with Tune to the frequency of the interfering signal to reduce
which it is to be used. Type 4 utilizes "Hypass" capacitor, providing herringbone patterns, streaks, or tearing of the picture.
strong attenuation at frequencies above 5 megacycles. All With FM receivers, greatly reduce cross-talk from strong
convenient single -bole mounting; types 1, 2 and 3 are dr'lled for interfering s ation. Size, 1%' wide x 1r/s' long x 3W high.
mounting at either side. Av. shpg. wt., I lb. Shpg. wt., 13 ox.
Stook Ne. Typo Fig. Amps Volts Size List F Et Stook No. Typs Range List Each 1NET EAC H
70B091 I T t 115 %xl yiixly¡ $13.50 7.94 60H2I1 6163
150-250 mc.
75-150 mc.
70 B 092 2 T 115 lI/e x2x2 14.80 8.70 60 H 212 $4.40 2.59
1%.2%.3w 27.40 16.11 60 14 213 6165 40-80 mc.
70 B 093 3 T 35 115
6166 20-40 mc.
70 B 094 4 S 20 115 1' dia.xlrl4e long 3.05 1.79 60 H 214

19$ Depend on Allied for Everything in Radio, Television and Industrial Elocfonics
Arrow -Hart & Hegeman Switches


Quality Arrow -Hart and Hegeman ball handle toggle switches. Under- Typo 41044. 3 amps. 125 volts; amp, 250 volts. U.L. Approved.
writers' Laboratories Approved. Built for long, dependable service. Bakelite base. Threaded shank, 3/4' dia. N. long. Fluted shaft, Pg.
Sl'ST type rated at 3 amps, 250 volta. All others 3 amps at 125 volts or dia., IA.' long. 6' wire leads. With mtg. nuts. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
amp at 250 volts. 34 B 127 is momentary-contact type. All have bakelite 34 B 147. 100 or Moro, EA...244. 10 -99, EA...260. EACH..29C
insulation. Shank, 1%2' diameter. Supplied with mounting nuts. Solder
lug terminals. Shpg- wt., each, 2 oz.; per 20, 2 lbs.
Stock Mfr's Shank 1-9, 10-99, 100 or lä Ty pa 88710 -C. SPST push -button switch with snap -on bakelite but-
No. Typa Typo Length EACH EA. More, EA. ton in red or black. Press button to close circuit; press to open. Rated
,46 at 3 amps, 250 volts; 6 amps. 125 volts. U.L. Approved. Threaded shank,
34 B 100 20994-BF SPST 1312' .41 .33 '3 25%.' long. With mtg. nuts. Shpg. wt., each, 2 oz.; 20, 13/4 lbs.
34 B IOI 21518-B SPST 3/4' .56 .50 .40 34 B 161 . Rod.
tsy .58 .52 .42
34 e 102 21615-BD SPST 1' 34 B 162. Black. 100 or Moro, EA...700. 10 -99, EA. 880. EA...98c
34 8 138 20994-CS SPST .46 .4I .33
34 8 110 21350-B SPDT 'He' .58 .52 .42 Type 86710. Same as type 86710-C push- button switch above, but
less snap -on hakelite button. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
34 B I I 80023-B SPDT r/' .69 .62 .50 348160. 100 or More, EA....500. 10 -99, EA 740, EA....82c
34 B 112

21661-B SPDT 1 .71 .64 .52 Type 3391 -GL. Momentary contact. SPST normally open. 1 amp,
34 B I27 21827-B SPDT .79 .7I .50 125 v. AC. U.L. Approved. Threaded shank, '3 2x3{4'. With mtg. nuts,
34 B 120 20902-AM DPST ' .83 .75 .60
34 B 122 20902-Q DPST 1' .95 .85 .68 lugs and bakelite button. Shpg. wt., each. 2 oz.; 20. 13/4 lbs.
34 130 20905-Z DPUT 'y, .95 .85 .68 34 B 159. 100 or More, EA. .480. 10 -99, EA.... 600. EA....67C
34 131 20905-BT DPDT 3/4' 1.06 .95 .76
34 132 20905-C DPDT 1' 1.09 .98 .78 INDUSTRIAL TYPE SWITCHES
34 139 21350-BF SPDT ttyy; .58 .52 .42 Underwriters' Laboratories Approved. All have 132' shank diameter,
34 133 20902-N DPST 1

.83 .75 .60 except 34 B 107,'/¡ diameter. With mounting nuts.
34 134 20905-BX DPDT .95 .85 .68
BAT HANDLE TOGGLE SWITCHES Shank lengths: "/u', except "/n'. 34 B 103 is center-off type. Screw
terminals except 34 B 103 with lug terminals. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
Ruggedly built A-H and H bat handle toggle switches. Underwriters'
Laboratories Approved. All have bakelite insulation. Silver-plated Stock Mfr's 1 -9,
100 or
10-99, More,
lug terminals. Shank. '312' diameter, '3/42' long. Supplied with mounting No. Typo Typo Amps Volts EACH
nuts. Shpg. wt.. each. 2 oz.; 20, 2 lbs. EA. EA,
Stock Mfr's 10 -99, 100 or
34 B 109 80607-BJ SPST 12/6 125/250 .88 .79 .63
1 -9
Type Typo Amps. Volta EAC'I 34 B 106 80602-CA DPST 15/10 125/250 1.53 1.38 I.10
No. EA. Moro, EA. 34 B 103 82024 -D DPDT 6/3 125/250 1.37 1.23 .99
34 B I95 20994 -EW SPST 3 125 .52 .47 .38
34 B 196 21350 -BP SPDT 3 125 .64 .58 .46 BALL HANDLE TOGGLE SW TCHES
34 B 197 20902 -DN DPST 3 125 .90 .81 .65
34 B 198 20905 -GA (DPDT 3 125 1.06 .95 .85 '/s' shank length and
34 B 104 has %2' shank length. 34 B 107 has
has center-off position. Screw terminals. Shpg.
wt., 7 oz.
Type Amps Volts 10-99, Mero, 1

Compact, toggle-operated power switches for motors and appliances. No. Type EAC II EA. EA.
All rated 6 amps at 250 volts; 12 amps at 125 volts; 34 B 136 is also 34 B 104 80323-BU SPST
rated 1 HP, 250 volts. U.L. Approved. Bakelite case. Screw terminals. 10/S 125/250 .71 .64 .51
Shank, 13í2' dia. 31s' long. With mtg. nuts. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.; 20. 2 lbs. 34 B 107 80638 DPDT 10/S 125/250 4.20 3.76 3.02
Stock Mfr'a Type 1 -9, 10-99 100 or PUSH-BUTTON SWITCHES
34 135
B 80607 SPST 0 Momentary contact. Metal base, and Vw' shank length. tTwo-circuit
type. ¡Same as 3392 but with black bakelite button. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
34 136
B 80600 DPST
88c 79c 63c 34 B IS
34 B 137 80618 1

34 B 124 3392-AEI ISP2T I

1 I I 125 I .8áI .73 I 59
ROTARY SWITCHES 34 B 125. Ty Ps 3391 -194 R. Red button for 3392 -AE. NET
Positive contact. U.L. Approved. All switches 125/250 volts. Thread- 34 B 26. Type 3391 -194 B. Black button for 3392 -AE. EACH .....ISC
dia., '/s' long. Shaft, W dia., r/s' long. Wt., 2 oz.

ed shank,
Steak Mfr's Type Amps
T 1 -9,
No. Typo EACH More,EA, Type 20690 -1. For Toggle Switches. Nickel- plated brass
34 B 141 81715 -G SPST 6/3 1.12 1.01 .81 stamping. Keyed to tit switch shank. Reads "On -OH ". For
34 B 142 81721 -G SPDT 6/1 1.24 1.12 9 13Iá dia. shank. Shpg. wt., per pkg. of 2, 2 oz.
34 143 81724 -G DPST 6/3 1.52 1.37 I.10 34 157. Pkg. of 2 Sc
34 B 144 81727 -G DPDT 6/3 1.63 1.47 1.18 60 Pkgs. or Mors, Per Pkg 66
Forward- R Plats. As above, but reads: "For- Rev."
34 B 166. Pkg. of 2 74
60 pkgs. or Mors, Per Pkg 66
For Toggle or Rotary Switches. 1'/s' diameter polished
aluminum plate for use with toggle or rotary switches. Has
'/z' hole. Etched on black background. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
34 B 151. 1 -19, NET EACH
20 -99, EACH
Type 80630 Push- Button Switch. Momentary contact. DPST, nor- switch with key. SPST
3 amps at 250v.; 6 Specially designed spin -
mally open. Can be used as interlock in heavy -duty applications. Metal amps at 125v. Sleeve tite wrenches for easy in-
button. 6 amp, 250 v.; 12 amp, 125 v. U.1,. Approved. Screw terminals. dia. '31:'. Fits panels stallation of toggle
Size, 1'/4x'ß,{á Sleeve length. Re; dia.,' Wt.. 2 oz.; 20, %4 lbs. switches. Features very

34 B 152. 100 or More, EA...924. 10 -99, EA... .17. EACH 1.30

to Vie thick. Size, l3/4 a
xl'W. Switch must be deep recess to accommo-
Typo 81689 Slide Switch. SPST. Indicating switch. screw terminals. open to remove key. d ate even bat -handle type
Requires 1'%x34' cutout for mounting. 3 amp at 250 v.; 6 amp at 125 v. toggle switches. Knurled
Size, 2'/40%'. Bakelite case. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.; 20, 13/4 lbs. 34 B 156. 1 -9,EACH 144 surface is tapered to ac-
34 8 153. 100 or Mors, EA...60s. 10 -99, EA... 754. EACH-83C 10 -99, EA 1.30 commodate different -
Type 41047 Rotary Canopy Switch. Rated I amp. 250 v.; 3 amp. 125 100 or Moro, EA 104 sized ring nuts. Has wood
v., SPST. 3Sá stem; 3/4' dia. Deluxe brasa finish; metal handle. 6' leads. 34 B 128. Extra key for above. handle. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
Shpg. wt.: each, 2 oz.; 20, 13/4 lbs. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. NET 151 Type 3480. For A -H
34 B 165. 100 or More, EA...404. 10 -99, EA...44g. EACH...48C Ty pa 81715- LE. As above, but key switches only.
Type 3697 Push -Pull Midget Switch. SPST. Metal button, laminated removable in open or closed pos. 46 N 056.EACH.2.42
fiber base. Solder lug terminals. 3 amps at 250 volts. U.L. Approved. 34 B 158. -9, EACH...... 1.44
Type 3481. For Cutler Hammer
Requires '31a mtg. hole. Size, 13y'xlSs Wt., 2 oz.; 20. l'/4 lbs.
. 10 -99, EA 301 switches.
34 B 154. 1-00 or Mon, EA...540. 10 -99, EA...670. EACH. 74C 100 or Mors, EA 1.04 46 N 167, NET EACH..2.42
For Complete Product and Manufacturer's Index, See Pages 397 -400 199
Cutler- Hammer Toggle Switches


1 except '' STANDARD AC -DC TYPE

Phenolic case. Solder lug terminals, I ' dia. threaded
right below. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
Stock Mfr's Type Fig Amperes
stem. Stem length,
and t'/'. U.L. Approved. Use with on -off plate at

NET 10-99 Mere



Standard -duty switches. Bakelite case. t35e threaded stem. 135e long
long stem. Screw terminals. Underwriters' Laborato-
ries Approved. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.

Typs Am NET 10 -99 More

100 or
o. Type Ne. 125V 260V EACH EACH EACH 126 V 260 V
.50 .42 340 34 8 545 7320 -K3 DPST 12 6 .96 .82 .65
34 500 8280-K16
3 .50 .42 34t 34 B 520 7321 -1C3 SPST 12 6 .96 .82 .65
34 527 .57 .48 38t 34 8 516 7360 -1(8 DPST 15 10 1.67 1.42 1.13
34 508 8381-KS SPST A 6 3
434 34 8 517 7402 -1C4 DPST lh hp 20 2.34 1.99 1.58
34 501 8282-K14 SPDT A 3 1 .64 .54 7361 -KS SPST
15 10 1.67 1.42 1.13
34 528 8282-K12t SPDT A 3 1 .64 .54 436 34 B 714
B 502
B 529
34 8 715
34 8 716
8690 -1C2
3.66 3.1
.96 .86

DPDT A 3 1.04 .88 70c 34 B 717 8680-KI DI'DT 10 5 3.02 2.57 2.04
34 B 530 8363-K6t 70C 34 B 718 7360-K7 DPST 15 10 1.67 1.42 1.13
34 B 503 8363-K7 DPDT A 3 1.04 .88 7402 -K3 DPST 1t/z hp 20 2.34 1.99 1.58
SPST A .50 .42 34C 34 8 719
B 749
B 783
8290-K15 SPST C
34 B 784 8290-1(16
34 8 785 8295-K7 SPST B 3 .61 .52 410 All rated at 6 amps at 125 v. and 3 amps at 250 v. Solder lugs, except
34 8 786 8295-K8 SPST B 3 .61 .52 41t screw type terminals. (Center "Off" positions. Threaded stem die..
34 B 787 8381-K7* SPST A 6 3 .57 .48 38t '3'u'; stem length. '3's ?. U.L. Approved. 3 oz.
34 B 788 8391-K7 SPST C 6 3 .68 .58 46t
SPST C 6 3 .68 .58 46t 100 or
34 B 789 8391-K8 .68 .58 46t Stock Mfr's Type NET 10 -99 More
8 790 8396-K7
8 791 8396-K8
3 .68 .58 466 No. Type No, EACH EACH EACH
34 792B 8370-K7 DPST A 6 3 .98 .83 666 34 640 7580 -1(4 SPST 49$ 42t 33t
34 793B 8372-K7 DPST B 6 3 1.19 1.01 80.2 34 641 7580 -1(6 SPST 43t 374 29t
8 794 8373-K8 DPDT A 6 3 1.1 2 .95 76c 34 642 7581 -K4t SPDT 56t 484 38t
34 32t
34 B 795 8375-K7 DPDT .... 6 3 1.44 1.22 98C 34 643 7581 -K6t
7582 -K4
48C 38t
34 644
34 645 7582 -K6 SPDT 47f 40C 326
AIRCRAFT TYPE 34 646 7590 -1(4 DPST 76t 65C 51t
JAN -S-23 specifications. 34 647 7590 -1(6 DPST 64c 54C 444
Suitable for aircraft requirements. Meet long. Size l'/i x%. °Have 34 648 7591 -K4t DPDT 90c 77C 61t
Solder terminals. 'S/.- threaded stem, 13'4'
34 649 7591 -K61 DPDT 72c 61c 49C
center-off position. Tested 10,000 operations at maximum ratings indi- 34 689 7592 -1(4 DPDT 90c 77c 61C
cated. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. 34 690 7592 -106 DPDT 72c 61C 49C
Amperss 100 or
Stook Mfr's Gov't Type 26V 126V NET 10.99, More

o. DC AC
.72 .57 Typs 7140 -K6. SI'DT .witch with center-off position. 3 amps at
34 551 8803-K6 ST42A SPST 20 --1- .85 125 volts AC and 10 amps at 24 volts DC. Screw terminals. Threaded
34 552 8816-KS ST42D SPDT 20 8 1.02 .87 .70 stem diameter, We; stem length, 1114'. U.L. Approved. 3 oz.
34 553 8802-K6 ST42E SPDT 20 8 1.02 .87 .70 34 B 522. NET EACH
34 554 8823-KS ST52K DPST 30 20 1.02 .87 .70 10 -99, EACH ..37t. er More, EACH 4.7C
34 555 8825-K5 ST52N DPDT 30 20 1.16 .99 .78
34 B 692 8805-K5 ST42F SPDT 20 8 1.12 .95 .76
34 B 693 8815-K6 ST42H SPDT 20 7 1.12 .95 .76
34 B 694 8817-KS ST42C SPST 20 7 .94 .80 .64
34 8 695 8818-K5 ST42G SPOT 20 7 1.12 .95 .76
34 B 696 8819-K5 ST42B SPST 20 7 .94 .80 .64
34 8 697 8827-KS ST52M DPST 20 12 1.16 .99 .78
34 B 698 8829-KS ST52L DPST 20 12 1.16 .99 .78
34 699 8831-K5 ST52R DPDT 20 12 1.34 1.14 .91
a D
34 B 713 5--K STS2S DPDT 20 12 1.34 1.14 .91_
Type 8098 -K3. Midget switch. 3 amps at 125 volts AC, 0.75 amps
at 125 volts DC. and 6 amps at 24 volts, DC. Screw terminals.
T treaded stem diameter. 13.12'; stem length, l3' '. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
510. EACH 40e
10 -99, EACH..34f, 100 or More, EACH 27t
L"1 Push- button type switches to control current by opening or closing
door. Momentary contact type. Stem length, 13ít'. Solder lug ter-
HEAVY -DUTY AC TYPE minals. Normallyopen type; tnormally-closed type. U.L. Approved.
Slow -make, slow -break mechanism for long, dependable use. 135t' di- Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz.
ameter threaded stem, 135t' long. Center off. tScrew terminals; others
AC and 15 amps at 125 v. AC. U.L. Approved. Av. shpg.
at 250 v.
have solder lug terminals. All have nominal rating of 10 ampswt.. 3 oz, Stook Mfr's Typo Amperes NET 10-90
No. Type No. 126 V 260 V EACH
NET 10-99 Mor; 34 B 548 8411 -K4 SPST .75 .25 36t 31t 24t
Stook Mfr's Type Fig. 34 B 547 8411 -K8 SPSTt .75 .25 25$ 21$ 176
No. Type Ne. EACH EACH EACH 34 B 549 8440-1(2 SPST 3 1 734 62t 506
34 8 534 7501-K13 SPST ] .49 .42 .33
34 B 591 7500-K14t SPST J .57 .48 .38 Typs 7208 -K4 AC -DC Push -Push On -OK Switch Push-
34 B 592 7502-K13t SPOT H .68 .58 .46 With
button switch. For control of current by alternate impulses.h screw
34 B 536 7505-K4 SPDT H .55 .47 .37 SPST action. Rated at 3 amps, 250 volts; 6 amps, 125 volts. WI

34 8 593 7504-K41 SPDT H .68 .59 .46 type terminals. '35t' diameter threaded stem; life long. U.L. Approved.
34 B 537 7561-K4 DPST ] .74 .63
Shpg. wt., 2 oz. 78c
34 8 594 7560-K5t DPST J .91 34 B 519. EACH
34 8 538 7565-K5 DPDT H .84 .71 .57 10 -99, EACH ..664. 100 or Moro, EACH 536
34 B 595 7564-K6t DPDT H 1.10 .94 .74
H .84 .71 .57 Typs 7196 -K1 Momentary Type Normally Open Switch.6 amps. (Not
34 B 539 7563-1C4
34 B 596 7562-K4t DPDT H 1.10 .94 .74 illustrated). SPST action. Rated at 3 amps, 250 volts AC or DC;
34 8 543 7611-K2 3PST IC 1.58 1.34 1.07 125 volts AC or DC. With screw terminals. Threaded stem diameter.
34 8 597 7610-K2t 3PST IC 1.83 1.56 1.24 'Pie"; stem length '/_ U.L. Approved. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
34 B 523 7613-K2 3PDT 1.94 1.65 1.31 34D691.EACH 69t
10-99, EACH..870. 100 or Mere, EACH
34 B 598
34 B 796
34 B 797 7561-1C4 DPST J .74 .63 .50 ON-OFF PLATE
34 B 798 7615-K2 3PDT 1.94 1.65 1.31
Type 827- 2211F3. For Cutler -Hammer toggle switches. Wt., 2 oz. 8c
34 8 799 7614-K2t 3PDT 2.33 1.98 34 B 504. Per Pkg. of 2
200 Lowest Prices-Hiahest Quality -Best Service
Toggle and Rotary Switches
Sturdy rotary selector switches. Current -carrying ca-
pacity. 1 amp; momentary, 5 amps. Rated 1000 ems
volts, contact- ground. With knob. Av. shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
Continuous rotation type, except -pole, double throw.
Type MS-14 has 13 circuits and 1 "of" position per deck. Angular
indexing, 25°, 43'. MS-20 has up to 19 circuits and 1 "o8" position
per deck.

1 0 o o
Pos. Shorting
Stock Mfr's Total
No. Type "gs pot's par
or Non-
Depth EACH

34 B 950 MS-14-1 1 14 N-S 'Me 1.96

35 8 250 MS-14-1S 1 1 14 S ' 2.01 I Bat type toggle switches, 11/e long. All have '1/22' stem lengths. With
34 8 951
8 251
2 2 14 N-S 1'
'' 2.50 lug terminals, except Type 111 -16-73 which has wire leads. Stem
dia., '3L' -32 thread. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
35 2 2 14 S 2.60
34 B 952 MS-14-3 3 14 N-S 13k' 3.04
953 MS-14-4
954 MS-14-6
2' 3.97
Typs Aatlon 126
V 260 V EACH
1 -9, 10-99,
100 or
Mora, EA.
955 MS-20-1
253 MS-20-1S
175 110-73
B 177 112 -73
3 j9
35 B 252 MS-20-1-6 I 6 2 N-S 'iikk 3.18 34 178 216-73 DPST 3

I .62 .56 .45

34 B 956 MS-20-2 2 2 20 N-S lyg 3.18 34 B 179 316-73 DPDT 3 1 .71 .64 .51
35 B 255 MS-20-2S 2 2 20 S l'//Ge 3.28 34 1130 111 -16-73 SPST 6 3 .42 .38 .30
35 B 254 MS-20-2-6 2 12 2 N-S 1' 5.59
34 B 957 MS-20-3 3 3 20 N-S 17/q 4.21 HEAVY -DUTY AC-DC TOGGLE SWITCHES
34 B 958 MS-20-4 4 4 20 N-S 1'/a 5.24
34 8 959 MS-20-6 6 6 20 N-S 2% 7.40 Particularly suitable for breaking heavy line current. For motors'
appliances, etc. Bat type toggle. 31A.' long. Stem length. "/y'. Stem
dia.. '3Ít' -32 thread. With screw terminals. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
14 and 20- position type instrument sscitr hes. Both types DPST 115 110
include "o0" position. Continuous rotation. Current 34 B 182IÉK2S5 I
1.32 11:i; I I .95
ratings (not make or break): normal. amp; momentary 1

S amps. Supplied with knob. *Complete shorting, all HEAVY -DUTY AC TOGGLE SWITCHES
positions shorted except one in use. Bat handle toggle switches, "ß'
long. Bakelite base with metal
covering for added strength. Stem length, '3t''. Stem dia., '3t' -32
Stock Mlr's. Total Pos.per Shorting or
thread. Screw -type terminals with No. 6-32 binding -head screws. All
No. Type Gams Poles Pole Non-Shorting Depth EACH others with solder lugs. tone side normally on; other side momentarily
358258 55-I4-1 1 1 14 N-S "Az' 1.86 on; no center position. ¡Both sides momentarily on; center off. ¡One
358 259 SS-II-1A I 2 5 N-S "ife 2.01 side momentarily on; center off. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
35B 260
S "fí
2.30 34 83 21,453-73 SPST 15 10 .49 .44 .35
35 B 262 SS-14-2 2 2 14 N-S !St' 2.30 34 B 385 2FA54-73 SPST 15 10 .54 .49 .39
35 B 263 SS-14-2A 2 4 5 N-S 154' 2.60 34 8 386 2FB54-73 SPDT 15 10 .65 .58 .46
35 B 264 SS-l4-2S 2 2 14 S we 2.40 34 B 184 2FC53-73 SPDT 15 10 .54 .49 .39
35 B 265 SS-14-2C5 2 2 14 11/2' 3.18 34 387 2FC54-73 SPDT 15 10 .65 .58 .46
35 B 266 SS-11-3 3 3 14 N-S l'A' 2.74 34 B 186 6FB53-73 SPDT 15 10 .62 .56 .45
358267 SS-14-3S 3 3 14 S PA.' 2.89 3483886FC34-73 SPDT¡ IS 10 .71 .64 .51
3513 268 SS-I4-4 4 4 14 N-S H'i' 3.58 34 B 187 2GK53-73 DPST 15 10 .71 .64 .51
35 B 269 SS-l4-6 6 6 14 N-S 234' 5.19 34 B 389 2GK54-73 DPST 15 10 .86 .77 .62
35B 270 35-20-1 1 1 20 N "As' 2.40 34 B 188 2GL-53-73 DPDT 15 10 .81 .73 .58
35 B 271 SS-20-IA I 2 6 WS "(e 2.55 34 B 390 2GL-54-73° DPDT 15 10 1.03 .93 .74
35 8 272 33-20-1S 1 1 20 S '>/fe' 2,45 34 B 167 2GM53-73 DPDT 15 10 81 .73 .58
35 B 273 SS-20-2 2 2 20 N-S 1St' 2.99 34 B 391 2GM54-73° DPDT IS 10 1.03 93 .74
358274 SS 20-25 2 2 20 N-S I1/2' .09 34 B 392 66M58-73 DPDTt 15 10 1.16 1.04 .83
358275 SS-20-3 3 3 20 N-S Vim ' 3.92
3513 276 SS-20-4 4 4 20 N-S 15S 4.85 PUSH-BUTTON SWITCHES
356 277 33-20-6 6 6 20 N-S 254' 6.81 Ea Heavy -duty. push -type momentary contact switches. Rated 10 amps.
125 -250 v. AC. N.o., normally open; n.c., normally closed. Screw
ETCHED DIAL PLATES. For the JBT rotary ewitchee listed above. terminals. '1/24 dia. stem,; 3ie' long. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
Raised bright metal numerals are easy to read against the dull black
finish of the dials. Diameter, 21/2á Shpg. wt., 1 oz. .
100 or
Stook Ne. Mfr's. Type Calibration Angular Indexing EACH No. Typo No. EACH More, EA.
34 961
EP -13
EP -14
Off thru 13
I thru 14
25 °. 43'
34 B 398
34 B 397
SPST, n.o.
SPST'a c. I S%C 1 SIC, 41c
34 8 962 EP -19 Off thru 19 18°' 23c TYPE 110-SP PUSH -BUTTON SPST AC-DC SWITCH
34 B 963 EP -20 1 thru 20 18°
Push -on, push -off switch. Handles AC-DC loads up to 4
OHMITE POWER TAP SWITCHES amps, 125 volts, and 3 amps at 250 volts. Screw type ter-
minals. Stem length, 3fá. Stem die., '1/2t' -32 thread. Size.
All- ceramic, power tap switches, non -shorting, single -pole I Va'344x%'. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
type. The III is rated at 10 amps, 150 volts, AC. Dia., 34 B 168. 1 -9, EACH 92c
13 The 212 is rated at 15 amps, 150 volts, AC. Dia.,
. 10 -99, EA. 83c 100 or More, EACH .....664
21/2'. Model 312 is rated at 25 amps, 300 volts, AC. 150 v.
between taps. Dia. 334e- Two -in- tandem types; rated TYPE 600C HEAVY -DUTY 20 AMP. AC -DC SPST
some as single types. Shpg. wt.,
t12, I Ib. All are U.L. Approved.
5 oz.; 212, 10 oz.; III,
For high -current applications. Handles loads up to 20 amps
MODEL 111 MODEL 212 at 125 volts AC-D(. or 10 amps at 250 volts. Stem length,'/,'.
Stook NET Stook Stem dia., i34¡-32 thread. Single hole mounting. Screw type
No. Tap Rotation EA. No. Taps Rotation EAT terminals. Size, 1394ox %1 %'. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
34 226 2
-5)1- 10.29
2.65 34 237
30° 18.35
34 B 169. 1 -9, EACH
10 -99, EA. ...564 100 or Mors, EACH
34 60° 2.65 34 238 3 60° 6.56 MOMENTARY SPST AC-DC TOGGLE SWITCH
222 10.29 3 60° 18.35
34 228 4 90° 2.65 34 239 4 90° 6.56 Type 110- M- NO -93. With trigger -bat handle, '74,'. For
34 4 90° 10.29 322* 4 18.35 many industrial applications. Normally open. Lugs are
34 229 5 120° 2.70 34 240 5 120° 6.82 silver -plated. AC -DC rating: 6 amps, 125 volts; 3 amps,
5 120° 10.50 6 IS0° 6.82 250 volts. Stem length, '3Sz'. Stem dia., '34t' -32 thread.
6 150° 2.70 34 321 6 IS0° 18.87 Shpg. wt., 3 or.
231 7 180° 2.82 34 242 7 180° 7.09 34 149. 1 -9, EACH 68c
348232 8 210° 2.82 34 B 320 7 180° 19.40 10.99, Ea 610 100 or More, EACH 49t
34 B 233 9 240° 2.94 34 B 243 8 210° 7.09
34 B 234 10 270° 2.94 34 B 244 9 240° 7.32
34 235 11 300° 3.03 34 B 245 10 270° 7.32 AMPHENOL TAP SWITCHES
34 B 246 300° 7.59 8- position, single -pole, continuous rotary switches.
34 B 247 l2 330° 7.59 Type 36 -1 has markings 1- 2- 3- 4- S -6 -7 -8 for general
purpose use. Type 36 -2 has impedance markings 0-2-
MODEL 312 4 -8 -16 -250 -500 for use as an output impedance se-
lector.Set-screw in the side of the switch locks the
2 30° 9.58 34 B 274 8 210° switch-arm in any position. Require '1/2t' moun ing
34 B 279 3 60° 273B 9 240° 10.35 hole. Saddles have 3Ít' holes on 11/2' mtg. centers. Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
34 B 278 4 90° 9.58 34 272B 10 270° 10.35
34 B 277 5 120° 9.82 34 271B 11 Stock Mfr's Desert ptlo n 1 -99, 100 -249, Over 260,
34 8 276 6 150° 9.82 34 B 270 12 3300° 18.58 No. Type EA. EA. EA.
34 B 275 7 180°
10.11 34 8 090 36.1 Numerale 1 -8
Sea page 203 for 30' typo switch plates. 34 091 36-2 Impedance Markings .67 .56 I . SÓ

Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave, Chicago 80, Illinois 201
Centralab Switches
PA-1000 Series. Miniature phenolic-Insulated PA-2000 Series. Compact rotary switches.
switches. Compact -ideal for limited space ap- Precision constructed to provide excellent
plications. 30° indexing. adjustable stop. 1% x
We dia. Shaft, 1%' long. Rated 20 amps
15 v. DC, 15O ma. ® 110 v. AC. Shpg. wt., S oz.
RF characteristics. Rated 20 amps 43 15 v.
DC, 150 ma. ® 110 v. AC.
progressively shorting
off, up to 9
positions. Switch
1 y x13)13' dia. Shaft 1 W long. Av. shpg. wt.. 4 oz. per section.
Shorting Non -Shorting Sec- Total Polo NET EACH ShortingNon-Shorting Sse-Total Pole NET EACH
Stook No. Tytook No. Typs tions Poles Pes. 1-9 10-24 25-49
Stec kNe. Typ took No. Typo tions Poles Pos. 1 -9 10 -24 25 -49
35 8 050 11' 35 B 065 1001
1 2 -11 1.47 1.32 1.22 35 B 095 2042 2-10 1.76 1.59 1.47
35B051 1002 35 B 066 1003 2 2 -5 1.47 1.32 1.22 34 8 900 211 34 B 92 2001
2-12 .94 1.74 1.62
35 052
B 1014 35 B 067 1005 2 2 2 -11 2.12 1.90 1.76 34 B 901 2002 34
8 922 2003 1
2 2-6
.94 1.74 1.62
35 053
B 100( 35 B 068 1007 1 3 2 -3 1.47 1.32 1.22 34 8 902 200- 4 B 923 20)5 2 2 2-12
2.76 2.49 2.30
35 054
B 100 35 B 069 1009 3 3 2 -11 2.65 2.38 2.20 34 8 903 200( 34 B 924 2007 1 3 2-5 1.94 1.74 I .62
35 8 055 101 35 070 1011 4 2 1.47 1.32 1.22
35 e 056 1012 35 1013 2 4 2 -5 2.12 1.90 1.76 34 B 904 200: 34 8 925 2009 3 3 2-12 3.53 3.1 82.94
35 B 057 3.12 2.80 2.59 34 B 905 2011 34 B 926 2011 2 4 2-6 2.76 2.49 2.30
101 35 072 1015 4 4 2 -11
34 B 906 201234 B 927 2013 4 4 2-12 4.23 3.81 3.53
35 8 058 101.35 073 1017 5 5 2 -11 3.64 3.28 3.03 928
35 B 059 101 :35 074 1019 2 6 2 -3 2.12 1.90 1.76 34 B 907 201 34 B 2015 1 5 2-3 1.94 1.74 1.62
34 B 908 201 34 B 929 2017 5 5 2-12 5.06 4.55 4.21
35 B 060 1021 35 B 075 1021 3 6 2 -5 2.65 2.38 2.20 34 8 909 201 34 930 2019
35 B 061 1022 35 B 076 1023 6 6 2 -11 4.12 3.70 3.42
B 1 6 2 1.94 1.74 1.62
8 062 34 B 910 2021 34 B 931 2021 2 6 2-5 2.76 2.49 2.30
35 102 35 B 077 1025 2 8 2 2.12 1.90 1.76 34 B 91 I 2022 34 B 932 2023 .3 6 2-6 3.53 3.18 2.94
35 B 063 102 35 B 078 1027 4 8 2 -5 3.12 2.80 2.59 34 B 912 202 34 8 933 2025 6 6 2-12 5.88 5.29 4.90
35 B 064 102: 5 B079 1029 3 12 2.65 2.38 2.20
34 B 913 202 34 8 934 2027 4 8 2-6 4.23 3.81 3.53
34 B 914 202 34 B 935 2029 3 9 2-5 3.53 3.18 2.94
2500 SERIES -STEATITE INSULATION 34 B 915 2031 34 8 936 2031 2 10 2-3 2.76 2.49 2.30
Rotary switches. I:xr, lient for RI, u e to\ it, h, I4 /°x 34 B 916 2032 34 8 937 2033 5 10 2-6 5.06 4.55 4.21
11/4' diameter. Bushing. W dia. a W long. Shaft, 34 B 91 7 2014
. 34 8 938 2035 2 12 2 2.76 2.49 2.30
11/4'. Positive 30° index; adjustable stop. Shpg. wt.. 34 B 9I 8 203( 34 8 939 2037 6 12 2-6 5.88 5,29 4.90
per section, 4 oz. 34 B 9I 9 203 34 8 940 2039 3 15 2-3 3.82 3.44 3.1 9
34 B 920 204 34 B 941 2041 3 18 2 3.82 3.44 3.18
35 B 214 25 35 B 225 2501 1 1 2-6
35 B 215 250235 8 226 2503 1 1 2-II
35 8 21 6 250 35 B 227 251)5 1 1 2-5 1.94 1.74 1.62 SUB-MINIATURE STEATITE SWITCHES
35 B 217 250 35 B 228 2507 1 3 2-3 PS -100 Series. New. ultra compact, ceramic in-
35 B 218 251 35 B 229 2511 2 2 2-6 sulated rotary switches. Switch, 11/4" dia. Bushing.
35 B 219 251235 8 230 2513 2 2 2-11
2.29 1/44(1/4'. Shaft. 1/441'. Silver -plated clips and con-
35 B 220 251 35 B 231 2515 2 4 2-5 2 76 2.49 tacts; fixed stop. %r amp ® 6 volts DC or 100 ma
35 B 221 251 35 B 232 2517 2 6 2-3 at 110 volts AC. With knob, nut and lockwacher. Shpg. wt., 4 or.
35 B 222 2521 35 B 200 2521 3 3 2-6
35 B 223 2522 35 B 201 252.3 3 3 2-11 3.53 3.18 2.94 35 B 362 100 35 B 350 101 1 1 I I 4.70 4.23 3.92
35 B 224 252 35 B 202 2525 3 6 2-5 35 8 363 102 35 B 35 I 103 2 2 I I 5.88 5.29 4.90
35 8 364 104 35 B 352 105 1 2 5 4.70 4.23 3.92
35 B 365 106 35 B 353 107 3 3 11 7.06 6.35 5.88

glis Shorting
Compact design. Switch. 1s/sxl'4 dia. Bushings, Va r%'.
Shafts. 13/3' from end of bushing. Positive 30° index. Mtg.
nut, washer, 11/4' knob. Av. shpg. wt., 6 oz.
Non -Shorting Sso- Total Polo NET EACH
35 B 366
35 B 367
35 B 368
35 8 369
35 B 370
35 B 354
35 B 355
35 B 356
35 B 357
35 B 358
35 B 371 118 35 B 359 119 2 8 2 5.88 5.29 4.90
Stock No. Typ took No. Typo taon Poise Pos. 1 -9 10.24 25-49 35 B 372 120 35 B 360 121 3 9 3 7.06 6.35 5.88
35 B 182 141135 B 163 1401 1 1 2 -6 35 B 373 122 35 B 361 12.1 3 12 2 7.06 6.35 5.88
35 8 183 140235 B 164 1403 1 1 2 -11
35 B 184 140 35 B 165 1405 1 2 2 -5 1.71 1.54 1.42 SEPARATE ASSEMBLIES FOR MAKING MINIATURE SWITCHES
35 B I85 140. 35 B 166 1407 1 3 2 -3
35 B 186 140.35 B 167 1409 1 4 2 Type PA -30. Phenolic Sections Only. Carry the same ratings as above
miniature switches. Excellent BF characteristics. Adjustable stop. With
35 B 187 1411 35 B 168 1411 2 2 2 -6
hardware. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
35 B 188 1412 35 B 169 1413 2 2 2 -11
35 B 189 141 35 B 170 1415 2 4 2 -5 2.12 1.90 1.76 Shorting Non -Shorting Total Pols NET EACH
35 B 190 141 5 B 171 1417 2 6 2 -3
Stock No. Typs Stock No. Type Poles Pos. 1 -9 10 -24 25 -49
35 191 141:358172 1419 2 8 2
35 92 142 35 73 1421 3 3 2 -6 2.65 2.38 2.20 35 B 080 30 35 8 085 31 t 2 -11
35 93 1422 35 74 1423 3 3 2 -11 2.65 2.38 2.20 35 B 08 32
I 35 B 086 33 2 2 -5
35 B 082 34 35 B 087 35 3 2 -3 71 .64 .59
35 94 142 35 75 1425 3 6 2 -5 2.65 2.38 2.20
35 95 142.35 76 1427 4 4 2 -6 3.12 2.80 2.59 35 B 083 36 35 B 088 37 4 2
35 96 142' 35 77 1429 4 4 2 -11 3.12 2.80 2.59
35 97 1431 35 78 1431 4 8 2 -5 3.12 2.80 2.59 Typa PA. Steatite Sections Only. Custom and standard switches can
be assembled by using these sections. Wt., 2 oz.
UNIVERSAL AND INTERCOM SWITCHES 35 B 040 l'A-0 35 B 045 l'A-1 2-12 1

High -quality rotary switches. Bakelite constructed.

Metal is cadmium- plated. Shafts, 11/4'. l'
panel. tt/4' behind panel. ¡Positive in 2 pos., spring re-
35 B 041 l'A-2 35 B 046 l'A-3
35 B 042 l'A-4 35 B 047 l'A-5
35 B 044 PA-8 35 B 049 l'A-9
.97 .87 .81

turn in 3rd. All are non- shorting except:. Wt.. 8 oz. PA -300 Series Shaft and Index Assemblies. Hardware for miniature
NET EACH switches (spacers, tie -rods, etc.). 30° indexing. Wt., 3 or.
Stock Mfr's Description
No. Type 1 -9 10 -24 25 -49 Stook No. Type Shaft Suctions 1-9, EA. 10-24, EA. 26-49, EA.
34 8 088 1443] SI'. 23 pos., 1 off pos. 1.62 1.45 134 35 B 092 300 2' 1 -3 I.12 I.01 .93
34 8 085 14501 4PDT .82 .74 .68 35 B 093 301 4' 4 -6 1.47 1.32 1.22
34 B 087 14511 4PDT, spring- return 1.1 8 1.06 .98 35 B 094 .302 6' 7 -9 1.94 1.74 1.62
34 B 071 1448 6P, 3 pos., spring- return 1.62 1.45 1.34
34 B 072 1449.4 61'. 3 pos. 1.62 1.45 1.34 LEVER -ACTION SWITCHES
INTERCOM AND RADIO SWITCHES Low capacity. Use singly or in groups. Shorting
type; others non-shorting. Front plate and lever
Step type. Rated I amp. at 6 v. Shaft, 1/4' dia.. 21/ long. Ail switches listed cadmium -plated. Index: ¡Positive; Spring Return;
below have shorting contacts except non -shorting (for intercoms). Av. 1466, 1467 are l'ositive and Spring Return; (1475.
shpg. wt., 5 oz. tube tester replacement switch. 1%x3/ex11 Mtg.
erre., 1W. Knob and mtg. screws. Av. wt.. 3 oz.
Stook Mfr's NET EACH
No. Type Description 1 -9 10 -24 26 -49
Stock No. Type Stock No. Type Poles Pos. 1 -9, EA. 10 -24, EA. 25.49,6A.

34 8 080 1460 SI'DT phono -radio sw. .50 .45 .41

348021 1452t 348026 1454) 2 3 1.03 .93 .86
34 B 022 1453'¡ 34 B 027 1455¡ I.03 .93 .86

2 3
34 B 08 1461
I SP 3- position selector .88 .80 .73 34 B 025 1456.4 34 B 030 14571 4 2 1.1 8 .06 .9 8
34 B 082 1462 DPDT bandswitch .88 .80 .73 34 B 024 1459) 34 B 029 1458f 4 2 1.1 8

I .06 .98
34 8 083 1463 SI'UT spring return .88 .80 .73 34 B 023 1466 34 B 028 1467 2 3 1.03 .93 .86
34 B 084 1464 DI'UT spring return .88 .80 .73 35 8 198 14759 1 3 I .03 .93 .86

of lever-action switches. Black wrinkle finish steel. *Chrome
Type PK300. Switch Kit. Contains a complete assembly plated. Av. shpg. wt., 4 oz.
for switching between dual speakers such as auto rear
seat and front seat. Etched dial- mounting plate; dual StookNO. Typs Switch 51zs 1-9, LA. 10-Z4, GA. ZO-47. LA. I

speaker switch. Pointer knob is black, split knurl. With


34 B 050 P1755 1 1/4x23/4' .29 .26 .24

screws, instructions. Shpg. wt.. 4 or. 34 B 051 I'1756 2 t/ x23/ç' .29 .26 .24
34 B 077. NET 88c 34 B 052 P1757 3 2*x23/s'

.32 .29 .27

34 B 053 P1758 4 3x23/3' .41 .37 .34
4 B 0 8 6. Typa 1483 Switch. SP 3 -pos. switch for rear deck auto
34 B 060 P221 2 21/4141/4' .50 .45 .42
speaker. 2 amp (4 IS v. DC. Silver -plated contacts. 2 oz. NET....534 34 B 061 P222 1 23/4x41/4= .41 .37 .34
202 Industrial Buyers-Write for Larger Quantify Prices
Mallory Switches
M ulti -rout act ceramic- section circuit Versatile to ulti -Rang so it, Ices
for servicing and industrial ap- 'D.
selector switches. Minimize RF losses
in high frequency circuits and elim- plications. Have t fixed and 1 t .0 !
inate effects of moisture absorption.
Adjustable stop permits selecting num-
ber of positions desired, from 2 to max-
imum of unit. All are non -shorting
(break before make). Silver plated,
double-wiping, self -cleaning contacts
adjustable stop, silver -plated
contacts, solid silver rotor con-
tact slugs, and phosphor -bronze
springs. 3- and 4 -gang spaced l';
all others 1/2'. 2' notched shaft.
n ,..k,-..S.,-'`0-14
Shorting-type make before break. Regwre 44' mtg. hole. With bar knob


to insure low contact resistance over and hardware, less mtg. plate. Use 34 BB 600 plates below.. With addi-
an extended temperature range. Maximum non-breaking current, resist- tional "off" positions with all circuits open. Av. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
ive load, 10 amps. 2 gat g spaced jr'; 3 gang. 1'. 30° indexing; 11/4' base
diameter; use plates be ow. at right. With 2' grooved shaft, knob, and Shorting Non -Shorting Total Pos. Per NET
mounting hardware. +Additional "tiff" position. Shpg. wt., 7 oz. Stock No. Type Stook No. Type Ganga Poles Pole EACH
Typa Gan g
Total Positions NET 48201 1 34251
34 B 202 12151. 34 8 252 1315L
13111 I 1 11
No. Poles per Pole EACH I 2 5
34 31327 172C 11
348 203 12131 34 8 253 1313L I 3 3 1.71
1 1
4 204 12121. 34 8 254 13121. I 4 2
34 B 328
34 B 329
0 1 34 8 256 13211.
207 12251.. 34 8 257 1325L
34 B 331 176C 2 1 11 4 8 208 1223L 34 B 258 13231 2 6 3 2.12
34 B 332 177C* 2 2 5 2.76 34 8 209 12221.34 B 259 132215 2 8 2
34 B 333 178C
34 B 335 1800
1I 3.53
34 21 I I- 3 34 B 261
34 212 1235L 34 B 262 1335L
34 B 336 181C 3 2 s 34 214 1241L 348264 1341L 4 4 11 3.12
34 B 215 12451. 34 B 265 13451. 4 8 5 3.12
160C CERAMIC- SECTION "HAMBAND" SWITCHES 34 B 216 M-11-E- 34 B 266 1351L 5 5 11 3.35
34 8 217 1256L 34 8 267 1356L 5 10 6 .70
Four -position, continuously rotating switches 34 5218 1261L 34 8 268 1361L 6 6 11 3.94
for band switching. Rated for use in plate cir- 34 B 219 1266L 34 B 269 1366L 6 12 6 4.50
cuits up to 1,000 volts DC with power up to
and including 100 watts. Impregnated magne- 3100J & 8200J SINGLE GANG SWITCHES
sium-silicate ceramic provides low losses at
high frequencies. I.ow- resistance, self-cleaning. Compact, enclosed, low -voltage switches. Have 2'
silver -plated contacts. 90' indexing. Complete notched shaft; 1/s' threaded bushing. t '
With bar knob and out. All 114.' base dia. types
with 2' grooved shaft, 5's' bushing, knob. nut
and washer. Non -shorting. Shpg. wt., 8 oz. have adjustable stops. For band switching, etc.
Use plates listed below. Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
Stook Mires Total Positions NET Shorting Non-Shorting
34 B 337
34 B 338
per Polo

Stock No. Typo
34 B 300 31151
Stock No. Typo
34 B 350 32153
P. S
34 B 339 163C 3 3 4 3.23 301 311123 351
34 B 340 164C 4 4 4 3.97 34 B 34 B 33222 2 12 4
34 B 341

3y e 488D al

ato. For I60C switches, above.
5 4
Shpg. wt.. 2
14 B
34 B 353
34 e 354
34 357
4 1'


1 '
MINIATURE PUSH-BUTTON SWITCHES 4 B 308 311173 34 358 32117 1 17 1 4k' 1.26
A wide selection of push -button switches. Eight 4 B 309 31291 34 359 3229 2 9 1,54{..4' 1.26
circuit combinations. Locking type. All others 310 360 3236 3 6 1.35
are non -locking; contact is made only when but- 34 B 3163J 34 Vifs' 1.35
ton is depressed. Have alloy contact springs and
tine -silver contacts to assure excellent electrical TYPE 3122 TV ANTENNA SWITCH
characteristics. Steel switch frame is cadmium
Mtg. bushing is aluminum. Mount In New, high-quality antenna switch designed for applications where 2
single hole, Hs' diameter,plated.
on panels up 1/4' thick. Mtg. radius is 111/24' separate antennas are used with 1 set. Just turn the switch to select
Mtg. depth is Ya' minimum (Type 1011)toand maximum (Type 1018). desired antenna. Easily mounts ou TV rear safety panel. 11/4ä dia;
Voltage breakdown, 500 v. DC. Shpg. wt., 3 7/e' oz. shaft. I134.', solder terminals. With bar knob and all mounting hardware.
Shpg. wt., 4 oz.
Stock No. Typo Description NET 34 296. NET 112
34 B 432 1011 SPST-Make
34 B 433 1012 SPST-Break .56 TYPE 14001. CIRCUIT OPENING SWITCH
34 B 434 1013 SPDT .65
34 B 435 1014 DPST-Make Opens any one of 12 "lines" for insertion of current reading meter while
34 B 436 1015 DPST -Break
.71 "through" circuit is maintained on other ll lines. Multiplying resistors
can he wired so that when switch opens line, proper resistor is inserted
34 B 437 1016 DPDT .71
.85 in circuit. For test sets, tube checkers, etc. Shaft, 1/4' die.; length, 2'.
34 B 438 1017 DP -Make 2, Break 1 .85 With bar knob dial plate and hardware. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
34 B 439 1018 DPDT -Make before break 1.18 34 B 290. NET 3.82
Positive -indexing, lever action switches
with shorting or non -shorting contacts. In-
dexing in 2..3 or 4 positions with 21F spacing
- 11/4' bate 31001
Types 372 to 390 for switches 1200L, 13001. and
and 32003. Others for 1146 base
between positions. Types 6142, 6143 and 31001 and 32003. Etched aluminum. Black back-
6243 have mounting brackets with round ground. 1'Ifa dia. 1/4.' hole. Shpg- wt.. 2 o:.
holes spaced for 11/2' centers. 5124 and 5224
have elongated mounting holes in the brack-
- eta, spaced 24e" to 2í/e apart. Phenolic resin 30° SPACING 20° SPACING
insulation. Can be mounted in multiples with 3/4' spacing between
levers on conventional rack and panel installa ions. Maximum non-
breaking current re istive load, .5 amps. For l'A, test equipment and Type Marking Type Marking Type Marking Type Marking
industrial applications. With knob and hardware Shpg. wt., 4 oz. -3TY 384 Off to 4 453 I to 3 474 Off 1 to 4
373 ito3
385 Off 1 to S 454 1 to 4 475 Off 1 to S
Positions NET 1to4 386 Off Ito 6 455 1 to S 476 Off 1 to 6
SHORTING Poles Per Pole 375 1 to 5 387 Off Ito 7 456 1 to 6 477 Off 1 to 7
Type Typs EACH
No. No. 376 1 to 6 388 Off l to 8 457 Ito? 4778 Off I to 8
34 B 3821 5124 34 B 383 5224 2 4 377 1 to 7 389 Off 1 to 9 458 1 to 8 Off I to 9
8 365 6142 4 2 1.97 1 to 8 390 Off Ito10 t to 9 480 Off I to 10
34 B 366 6143 34 B 368 .97 379 1 to 9 460 Ito10 Off 1toli


4 3
Ito 10
I to fl
1 to 11
to 12
482 Off l to
Off 1 to 13
Ito 12 1 to 17
.... 473 Off lto3 484 Off
382 1 to 14
Two-section, 5- position switch; 1 pole per 383 Off I to 3 ... . Off 1 to 16
section. Non -shorting type. Excellent for
switching meter circuits. 21/4' spacing be- 34 BB 600. Specify Type 34 138 650. Specify Typo.
tween sections. Rated at 1000 volts AC (rms) NET EACH I2C
or 1500 volts DC. 60° indexing between po-
sitions. With brass bushing r/,' long, 1 dia. and 2' long, dia. shaft t/' 34 B 670. Type 369. 0 -100 plate for volume control.
Is grooved at popular lengths for easy cutting. Complete with knob, nut 34 620.
B Type 391. Increase ty plate for vol. control. NET
and lock washer. Shpg wt 6 oz 34 B 622. Typs 393. 0-10 plate for rheostats and pots. EACH 150
34 B 624. Type 398. 0 -10 plate for wire -wound controls.
348318. NET 2.20 34 623.
B Type 394. 1 -24 position. 15° opening. NET 12C


Single circuit, 24 position, non -shorting switch. Continuous rotation. "L" shaped Universal Mounting Bracket for baseboard or rear support
frit' bushing. 2' grooved shaft. Useful In test equipment. 15° indexing mounting of all Mallory circuit selector switches. volume controls and
between positions. With knob, dial plate and hardware. 6 oz. jacks. Shpg. oz.
34 295 NET 2 26 4 B420.NET 15C
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 203
General Purpose Switches
Ultra-compact lever action switches. Silver A rugged telephone-type lever
contacts, rated at 3 amps, 120 volts, non -in- switch. Nylon rollers actuate nick-
ductive load. Length, 3'344'; width W. n.o. el- silver springs. Palladium con- _

means normally open; n.c., normally closed. tacts rated at 3 amps, 120 v. AC 6000 16000
3- position type. ¡Types 3034 and 30341. are (non-inductive). Series 16000 has
operated to close either of two circuits keeping '5'32' -32 thread single hole mounting. Series 6000 tapped for 3-48 screws;
the other open. 'Types 3035 and 3035L are operated to open one of two standard telephone mtg. ctrs.,1M5txi54, . 3- position type. ?One each side.
circuits keeping other closed. Require %I' mtg. hole. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz. ¡Two each side. *Four each aide. With insulated black knob. All units
have stainless steel pivot pins; solder lug terminals. Available in locking
Spring Return Looking Action 1 NET or non -locking types. Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
Stock No. Type Stock No. Type Poles Ding. EACH
34 8 465 3001 34 B 471 30011. SPST. n.o. I 1.15 Locking Act on
34 B 454 3002 34 B 455 3002L SPST, n.c. II 1.15 Spring Return NET
34 B 466 3003 34 B 472 3003L SPDT III 1.32 Stock No. Typo_ Stock No. Typo Polos Meg. EACH
34 B 467 3004 34 B 473 3004L DPST, n.o. IV 1.47 34 B 726 6006 34 8 734 60061. DPDT VI 2.94
34 8 456 3005 34 B 457 30051. DPST n.c. V 1.47 34 B 729 60012 34 B 737 600121. 4PDT 4 sec. III 4.00
34 B 468 3006 34 B 474 30061. DPDT VI 1.62 34 B 738 * 6036 34 B 742 60361, 2 -Ckt. Tr. X 2.94
34 B 485 3009 34 B 484 30091. 3PDT 2.00 34 B 740 *60312 34 B 744 603121. 4PDT ¡4 sec. III 4.00
34 B 469 3033 34 475
B '30331, SPDT. n.o. VII 1.47 34 B 741 60324 34 B 745 603241. SPOT 18 sec. III 5.88
34 B 458 3034 34 B 459 30341. DP 2 -Ckt t VIII 1.53 16000 SERIES
34 B 464 *3035 34 477 '30351.
B DP 2 -Ckt t IX 1.53
34 B 478 '3036 34 B 479 '30361. DP 2 -Ckt X 1.71 34 B 853 1600634 B 854 160061. DPDT VI 2.94
34 B 470 *3037 i4 R 47r. *30371. DPDT. n.o. XI 1.73 34 B 855 160060 34 B 856 16006DL DPDT 2 sec. XII 3.29
34 5 857 16008 34 B 858 160081. 4PST 4 sec. I 3.29
34 B 859 160024 34 B 860 1600241. SPDT 8 see. III 5.88
34 B 861 16036 34 B 862 160361. 2 -Ckt. Tr.
New, high -quality long frame switches designed 34 B 863 160360 34 B 864'1603601. DPDT 12 sec. XII 3.29
for communication equipment. Series 11000 34 B 865 160312 34 81866 1603121. 4PDT I4 sec.111 4.00
(push- button) and 11200 (2-position turn -button) are available in spring - 34 B 867 '160316 34 B 868 '1603161. SPST 18 sec. I 5.17
return or locking types. Welded cross -bar palladium contacts are rated at 34 B 869 160324 34 B 881 1603241. SPDT 18 sec. III 5.88
3 amperes AC non- inductive load. 300 watts maximum. Tempered
nickel silver springs assure long life. Meet military requirements. Insula- Type 530 Escutcheon. For Series 6000 Telever switches. 3 oz.
tion is XXXP paper base phenolic spacers and tubing in stack assembly 34 B 486. NET 356
(Mil type PBE -P per Mil- P- 3115A). Require 2r/s' rear panel mounting
space. Cadmium plated steel frame, screws and hardware. Complete NON -LOCKING PUSH -BUTTON TYPE SWITCHES
with black plastic knob and nickel plated brass bushing. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. F F Switches. Flat frame construction provides frame
Spring Return Lookl no Ration adaptable to any stack of contact springs. Simple.
NET direct action movement. Conventional spring stack
Stock Mfr's Stock Mfr's Poles Mug. EACN assembly with bakelite spacers. Silver contacts rated
No. Typo No. Typo at 3 amperes, 120 volts AC. One -piece, black button
34 B 804 11003 34 B 805 110031. SPDT III 2.35 and shaft. r/¡ diame er threaded shank, W long.
34 B 806 11006 34 B 807 110061. DPDT VI 2.94 With locknut and wa her. 1 n.o. means normally open. n.c. means nor-
34 B 808 110060 34 B 809 1100601. DPDT 2-XII 2.94 mally closed. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
34 810 11008
B 34 B 811 110081. 4PST 4-1 3.29
34 B 812 11012 34 B 813 110121. 3PDT 3-III 4.00 Stook Mfr's Button Action 1 NET
34 B 814 11203 34 815 112031, SPDT III 2.35 No. Typo Color Polos Diag. EACH
34 B 816 11203D 34 817 11203DL SPDT XII 2.35 34 B 994 1001 SPST n.o. I .62
34 B 818 11204 34 819 112041. DPST 2 -1 2.65 34 B 995 1002 SPST n.c. II .62
34 825
B 11206 34 826 112061. DPDT VI 2.94 34 B 996 1003 Black SPDT III .71
34 B 827 11206D 34 828 1120601. DPDT 2 -XII 2.94 34 B 997 1004 DPST n.o. IV .76
34 B 829 11212 34 830 112121. 4PDT 4 -III 4.00 DPST n.c. V .76
34 B 998 1005
34 B 999 1006 Black DPDT VI .91
"TINI- SWITCHES" 34 B 969 1009 3PDT 1.23
New, subminiature push -button switches for limited space Littel Swl . For limited space applications. One piece
applications. Ideally suited for use in microphones, radio black or red, button and shaft. Nickel silver spring contacts.
and automotive test instruments, inter-communication Spring sections are insulated. s/s' threaded shank, t4¡ long.
systems. electro-therapy equipment, etc. Quality con-
structed throughout.
I -or low -level currents only. Require 54
4 threaded shank; 'm4 long.
behind panel. 'n.o, means norm-
Recommended for low -level currents only, With mtg. hdwe.
Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
ally open; n.c.. normally closed. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. 34 B 944 SPST n.o.
Steak Type Stock Type Actlon NET if 102 Red SPST n.c. II .53
No. (Black) Poles Diag. EACH 34 B 946 103 SPOT III .59
951 34 B 834 961 S PST n.o. 34 B 947 201 SPST n.o.
34 B 831 962
II 34 B 948 Black SP ST n.c. fÌ .53
34 B 832 952 34 B 835 S
34 B 949 203 SPDT Ill
34 B 833 953 34 B 836 963 S P DTn.c. III 596


New, low -cost knife switches. Recommended for compact applications.
Modal K -101. Kit of component parts for assem- All units are rated at 25 amperes, 125 volts AC. Available in bakelite or
bling or repairing stacking switches. Designed to porcelain base as shown. Shpg. wt., S oz.
speed the assembly of engineering samples in the
lab, aid maintenance men in the field, and save Steak NET EACH
time in general replacement. Ideal for mechanical No.
Action Bate Size 1 -9 10-99 Over100
engineers and coin -machine servicing. Used in 34 884
B SPST Bakelite x1' 206 18 166
relays, remote control units, electronic organs,
etc. Kit consists of 74 springs in 9 different thick- 34 B 886 SPOT
34 B 887 DPST
Bakelite 25
Bakelite 1s x1'
xl ' 234
nesses, over 115 phenolic spacers and insulators 34 B 888 DPDT Bakelite 2 4xl 386 344 296
in 7 variations of design, hard -rubber insulating 34 B 889 SPST Porcelain 1' 256 226 190
tubing, two different sets of stack assembling 31
pins, two roller assemblies, assorted contacts, etc.
-everything needed for repair or assembly of FOOT SWITCHES
s. iicbr. i. supplied in one package. Shpg. wt.. 11/2 lbs.
34 B 837 NET 9.70 general Con-
trol Typs MA.
D T foot - switch
with removable front
plate. Efficient con-
o ---= SWITCHCRAFT o trol for industrial o
erations. Set for 41/2
Spring return. Rat-
ed: 10 amps at 125
v.. and 5 amps at 250
B e
v., AC. Fast operation-minimum fatigue. Shpg. wt., l3/4 lbs.
o a s 11
78 B 374. NET
General Centre! Type M1 -26. Foot-operated. SPDT treadle -type
o 0 B switch. First press transfers contacts; second press restores to
original position. Set for 5 lbs. pressure. BX connector. Rated: 12 amps
IV V VII at 125 v.. 6 amps at 250 v. AC. Shpg. wt., 31/2 lbs.

7138370. NET 11.25
Typs MI -23. As above, but spring return. Rated: 10 amps at 125 v.,
5 amps at 250 v., AC. Shpg. wt., 31/2 lbs.
o 0 78 8 371. NET 9.80
o T
C matie Model 1011. Off -On foot switch for use in home work-
o o L

0-tX O-1

m shops, factories, etc. Saves time; increases work output. Operates
power tools, photo enlargers and floodlights, etc. Rated 10 amps. at
115 v. 4y4x3x1'. Shpg. wt.. 1 lb.
78 B 382. NET 5.48
204 Industrial Users -Write for Quantity Prices
Special Purpose Switches


Exceptionally efficient snap- action switches for wide vat i.
and laboratory uses. Highly dependable switch actuatot.
attached to
i D
stainless steel "Adaptaplates except actuators in switch over. Rated ACRO SNAP-ACTION SWITCHES
.5 amp 125v DC and 2(1 amps, 125, 25(1, or 480v., 611 cycle non-induc- Positive snap -action switches, precision made for laboratory and indus-
tive A.C. All switches SPDT. 111. ('SA Approval. Military versions trial requirements. Snap -action switches are ideal for use in safety. lim-
conform to JAN -S-63, MI1-- S-6743 and M II. -S -6744. Metal clad units iter, counting, signaling and many other applications. Lightweight "Roll-
allow direct wiring into standard electrical conduit systems. Sizes: (1) ing Spring" and its friction-free action assure extra long life and de-
11%,;x7% ,01/4'; (2) 2"1/44,41 %.' TAs'; (3) 203.í481%x'(4s : (4) 21 xl7ízx114s'; pendability. Resilient, high -conductivity beryllium copper blades. En-
(5) 233r(4xl %x11Fe; (6) 3x21/4x1". Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. closed types have thermosetting plastic cases. In listing below NC means
normally closed; NO normally open. Ampere ratings given at 125 volts.
Stack Mlr's Actuator and Overall NET EACH Type ICMD1- 2AXX-A22 and 2CMDI-2AXX -A24 are light pressure
No. Type Operating Force Size 1.9 10.19 20-49 switches -particularly suitable for use in coin-operated devices such as
34 B 750 2HB -1 Basic pin type; 9 -13 oz. I .37 I .23 .10 juke boxes, pinball machines, etc. All have solder lug terminals. Sizes:
34 B 751 2HBL -1
. Leal spring type: 5 oz. max. I

1.47 1.32

1 .1 8 1- 11)fs'Lx11--
4- Witz;VH. 2-11744Lx9VWxs)44'H, 3-215a" dia.x% H,
1'Ius'I.x11As_' Wx l'H, S- 23){s'Lxl s/a' W xl' H. I -Operating Force Oz.,
34 B 752 2HBW -1 E Same with roller; 5 oz. max. 2 .9 .7I .53 I I -Pre- Travel. Max., Inches. All switches SPDT except figure M which
348755 2HBT -1 ... Leaf spring, hinged; 1 -2.5 oz. 1 1.7 1
I .54 1.37 is SPST. *Operating force in grams. TWith wire leaf actuator; =With
34 B 759 2HBA -1 . Same with roller; 1 -3.5 oz. .94 1.723 2.1 6 I
34 B 764 2HBM -I D 2.50 2.24 2.00
Safety interlock; IO oz. max. 4 mounting bracket; 1with fiat leaf actuator. Write for special prices on
34 W`l-2-2 2HBY -1
34 753
B 2HB13-1
. 5
I .7l I .54
Pre- stressed. hinged; IO oz.
1.67 1.50 1.33
Plunger, small; 9 -13 oz.
LI/ switches in quantities of 50 or more. Wt., 4 oz.
34 B 754 2HB1 -1 H 3.09 2.79 2.47
Plunger, large; 9 -13 oz.
2 Stak No. Mfr's Type Fig. 11 Size Amps
34 B 721 XEB2H8 -5 C 5.44 4.89 4.35
Boot plgr. metal clad; 9 -24 oz.
6 I -9 10 -19 20-49
34 B 781 AE12HB -5 ... 4.23 3.7913.37
Plunger. metal clad: 9 -13 oz.
6 35B013
35 B 014 RD-2M
RD-5L I.55 1.39
4-S t 10 1.23
Type USM Subminiature. Snap action, compact, fully enclosed SPDT
4.5 h/K 1.98 1.78 10 1.59
35 016 TD-48L 12 1.98 1.78 1.59
switch. Rated 5 Amps, 125/250v non -inductive AC. IlL & CSA Approval.
USMS conforms to applicable military spec. Operating force, 7 oz. Size:
35 B 009 IMD1-lA
35 B 018 2MD1-IA
R 3-6 2 ÌÓ 1.42 1.27 1 1
2652x'ax1/4'. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. R 6-10 2 10 1.42 1.27 h
35 019 2MD3-IA R 6.10 tA4 2 13 1.42 1.27 1.14
34 B 846 USM Pin 137 1.2311.10 35 B 020 1CMD1-2AXX S 12 .040 2 1.42 1.27 1.14
34 B 847 USM-5 Pin (Military) 1.42 1.27 1.14 35 021 ZCMDI-2AXX
B S l5 .040
35 B 024 ICMDI-2AXX-A22 RT 2.5 .040 2
2 3 1.42 1.27 1.134
34 B 848 USML A Leaf. Spring 1.47 1.3 2 1.18 1.71 1.54
34 B 849 USMW Leal, Spring roller 1.8111.63 1.45 35 B 028 3005-5P M 10.15 .070 3 12 1.71 I .54 I.337
34 B 896 USMI B Plunger, Panel Mount 4.46 4.01 3.57 35 B 029 31105-5P 10 -15 .070 3 12 1.71 1.54
34 B 897 US M5-1 Plunger, Panel Mt. (Military) 4.51 4.06 3.61 35 B 030 2CMD1-2AXX-A24 R1 33 -34 .040 2 3 1.54 1.55
34 B 898 USMB-1 G Toggle 3.67 3.3012.94 35 B 031 M-SI-POBD-R 3 -6 .188 2 1.68
35 B 008 IMDI-IA-AIs 3 -6 2 ÌÓ 1.81 1.63 1.44
UNIMAX DESIGN KIT 35 B 038 IMDI-IA-AIBM v= 3 -6 /u 2 10 2.01 1.80 1.61
Unimax kit of standard interchangeable parts. Contains two Type 2H B -1 10-AMP TYPES -WITH MICRO EQUIVALENTS
basic switches, one Type 211 BT-23-1 switch, 3 different "Adaptaplates,
spring leaf, leaf and roller, roller assembly, 12 screws and 12 rivets. Stock Mfr's Micro NET EACH
Fig. 11 Sise
Simplifies choice of switch styles to suit any need. Permits assembly of No. Type Equiv.
1-9 10-19 20-49
exact switch required. Shpg. wt., 12 oz. 35 B 280 S-RD-7PN-IS BZE-2RN 9-24 .078 5.39 4.85 4.31
34 B 760. NET 3.77 35 B 281 S-RD-11P132-IS BZE-2RQ2
35 B 282 S-RD-9PR-1S BZE-29

10-IB 3,(.,
5 7.25 6.53 5.80
9-13 .025 5 7.25 6.53 5.80
tT 35 B 284 S-RD-6PQ-IS BZE-2RQ .. 9-13 .025 5 4.1 6 3.74 3.33
35 B 285 RD-IA-1S 8Z-2R-A2 J 8-10 1,,i 4 I .37 1.23 1.10
GRAYHILL 35 B 286 RD-2M-IS BZ-2RL2412 P 4-5 A. 1 4 I .67 .50 I .33
35 B 287 RD-SL-IS BZ-2RL-A2 T 4-5 4 I .47 I .32 I .1 8
MINIATURE 35 B 288 RD-IP-IS BZ-2RQ1-A2 X 8-10 4 3.04 2.73 2.43
4000 r 2000 SWITCHES
5000 23 -1
35 B 289 R D-70-1S
35 B 290 RO-10-1S
B 291 RD-LW28-13
B 292 RD-24P0-1S
8-10 ils

1.67 I .50 1433
I .67
2.16 .94 1.72
1.50 1.33
B 293 RD-1W228-IS BZ-2RW822-A2
. 9.13 .03 4 5.59 5.03 4.47
35 6 .156 4 2.16 1.94 1.72
35 B 2941RD-19g-1S BZ-2RW80-A2 2.5 406 4 1.67 1.50 1.33
Series 4000. Non -snap, momentary con tut. normally open, SPST FEDERAL SWITCHES
switches. Very smooth action. Housing and button constructed of molded
phenolic. Rated ® V2 amp, 113 v. AC (non-inductives. (When used (4 1 ANTI- CAPACITY TYPE
amp, life is about 100,000 operations.) Requires single hole panel mount. Quick make -and -break type, isisitive -a, lion NS, it, h-
Bushing is 1/4' long; eye-32 thread. Solder type 1/á terminals. Body, es. All normally open. lever action is cam -roller
5/104W. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. type, with graphite-impregnated bearing turning on tool -steel axles.
Blades are silver- plated phosphor bronze with pure silver contacts.
Seu le. 2000. As above, except sna type. rated (a` wit?.
10 amps. 115 v. AC Molded Bakelite insulation; chrome faceplate. 2Vgx5x1/4'. Av. wt.. 5 oz.
(non- izad.). Body dia., r/a'- With 2 hex nuts. Slhpg. 4 oz. Stock Ns. Mfr's Type Action NET EACH
Stock No. Typo Color Stock Ne. Type Contacts 34 B 480 1427 DPST 2.79
34 B 870 4001 Red Button 134 B 872 2201 Normally open 34 481 1425 DPDT 2.79
34 B 871 4002 Black Button 34 B 873 2002 Normally closed 34 B 482 1424 4PDT 2.86
34 B 483 12494 SPDT 6.20
Type 4000. NET EACH 69e Type 2000. NET EACH.. .1.81
Sale. 23 -1. Tiny push -button switch designed for long life. Momentary
contact. SPST, non -snap action switch. Solder type terminals. Rating,
1/4 amp. 113 v. AC, non -inductive. Normally open. Length, 11/44': diame-
Cadmium- plated steel housing. Size, 4'
wide x I' Yu'
long. Mounting centers, 1 W. Type S- 110-5 is heavy
ter at widest point, W. 1/4s -32 thread. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. duty; 6 amps at 123 volta; 3 amps at 250 volts. Type
34 B 890. NET 83C SS-6 has 55s bevel trigger with prong guide, solder
lug terminals, spring return. Type S-110 -S has screw is
SINGLE -DECK MINIATURE ROTARY TAP SWITCHES terminals; all others have hot -tinned solder lugs for
easy soldering. For special prices for quantities over
Serles 6000. Extremely well -built to withstand heavy use, Housed in SO, write for quotation. U.L. Approved. Av. shpg. wt., 3
high arc- resistant molded Melamine. Contacts and rotor are silver- plated oz.
for maximum efficiency. Rated to carry 5 amp running current at 115 v. Stock Mfr. Mfr's NET 26 -49
10 -24
AC -break up 1 amp, non -inductive. All are single -pole non -shorting No. Typo Action Amps. EACH EACH EACH
type. All switches have stops. Mount in 1/4 "-diameter hole. Size, 1/3a' dia. 34 491 Wirt SW724 SPDT 0.75 22t 204 18t
xlYsst'- Shpg. wt., S oz. 348492 Wirt SW725 DPST 0.5 224 204 I64
34 B 148 Carling S -110 -S SPST 10 484 434 394
Steck No. Type Pas. EACH Stock No. Type Pos. EACH 34 8 421 Carling S -516 SP2 Cir. 3 576 514 464
34 B 875 5001 -2 2 1.27 34 B 893 5001-6 6 1.47 34 8 422 Carling S60A SPST 4 116 I0t 94
34 8 876 5001 -3 3 1.32 34 B 894 5001-7 7 1.52 34 B 423 Carling 5603 SPDT
34 B 891 5001 -4 4 1.37 34 B 895 5001-8 1.57
4 126 I 14 10t
34 B 892 5001 -5 S I.42 34 B 878 5001-10 to 1.67
34 B 424 ICA
34 B 496 Stackpole 58.6
1260 DPDT ... 224 204
3PDT 304 . 274 244
Indu trial Users Write For Prices on Larger Quantities 205
Industrial Time Switches
Motor driven timers specifically designed for repeat- Dependable automatic reset timers.
ing a definite electrical Off-On cycle continuously. A Useful for any operation requiring a
complete timer unit consists of a Series CM chassie- fixed or adjustable delay between the
mounted foundation unit, heavy -duty synchronous closing of one circuit and the closing
motor, cam activated single -pole double -throw switch. or opening of another. SPDT switch
and a gear and rack assembly. The gear and rack as- has contacts rated 10 amps at 115v.
sembly determines the overall time of one full Off -On AC with non- inductive load. Suitable
cycle e.g., CM -4 will provide overall time cycles of for pre- heating transmitter tube fila-
from 40 seconda to 6 minutes. depending on which gear and rack assembly ments, vending machines, store dis-
it is used with. Cams have single screw adjustment for setting "On" or plays, etc. Both H and SF series available in four models providing max-
"Off" cycle up to 98% of complete time cycle. Synchronous motor assur- imum time cycles from 15 seconds to 5 minutes. All have clutches as
es precise repetition of time cycle under continuous, industrial use.
integral part of motor. Series H is for front of panel mounting; Series
All gear and rack assemblies in the listing below are of standard con- SF for back of panel. Underwriters' Laboratories Approved. Sizes: H
struction to permit changing overall time cycle simply by changingdust the Series, 3Ssx34 x3 %z'; SF Series, 23/4x3%4423/4'. For operation from
gear and rack assembly. The SPOT switch is totally enclosed and - 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg wt., t %z lbs.
proof. Contacts are rated 10 amps at 115 v., or 220 v. non -inductive. NET 22.00
Size, 23/4x21 1/4sx31/26. For operation from 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC. 78 B 485. H -165. 15- second maximum cycle.
78 B 486. H -1 M. 1 minute maximum cycle. NET .00
TO ORDER: I -ocate overall time cycle desired in the table below and 78 B 487. H -3M. 3- minute maximum cycle. NET 22 00
order both the gear and rack assembly and the CM foundation unit in- 78 B 488. H -6M. 5- minute maximum cycle. NET 22.00
dicated. Av. shpg. wt., complete, 4 lbs. 78 B48I. 5F -t65. I5- second maximum cycle. NET 19.00
78 B 482. SF-1M. 1- minute maximum cycle. NET 19.00
SERIES CM FOUNDATION UNITS 78 B 483. SF -3M. 3- minute maximum cycle. NET 19.00
78 B 484. SF -SM. 5- minute maximum cycle. NET 19.00
Stock No. Type Stock No. Type Stock No. Type NET EA.
78 B 450 CM -2 78 8453 CM-6 178 B 455 CM-lo SERIES PAB INSTANT RESET TIMERS
78 B 451 CM -4 78 6454 CM -8 78 B 456 CM-12 14.75
78 B 452 CM -5 Extremely accurate automatic reset timers de-
signed specifically for heavy -duty use in industri-
al process control applications. Feature instant
GEAR -AND -RACK ASSEMBLIES reset adjustment. Electrically operated clutch
°S- Seconds M- Minutes N-Hours drives actuating arm to dial setting selected and
°Overall Time Cycles Available automatically releases. Spiral spring resets arm
Stock Mfrs in split second. Output terminale can be wired
No. Type CM-2 CM-4 CM-5 CM-6 CM-8 CM-10 CM-12 for circuit transfer applications. Switch contacts
78 B 472 E -12 IOS 40S 2M 3M20S 20M 2H 8H rated 15 amps at 115 v. AC with non -inductive
78 8 470 0-12 12S 48S 2M215 4M 24M 21124M 9H36M load. Metal enclosure has W knockouts for use
78 B 468 C -12 15S 60S 3M 5M 30M 3H 12H with rigid or flexible conduit. 7x5x4'. For 110-
78 8 466 B -12 20S 80S IM 6MIOS 40M 4H 16H 120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 4 lbs.
78 8 467 B-15 25S 1005 5M 8M20S 50M
24H 78 B 489. PAB -605. 60- second maximum cycle. NET
78 B 457 A-12 30S 2M 6M 10M 6H
28948M 78 B 490. PAB-30M. 30- minute maximum cycle. EACH 45,50
78 B 471 D-36 36S 1445 7M125 12M 72M 7812M
78 B 458 A-16 40S 160S 8M 13M20S 80M 8H 32H 78 B 491. PAB -60M. 60- minute maximum cycle.
78 8 469 C-34 42.55 170S 7M30S 14MIOS 85M 8H30M 34H
7813 459 A-18 45S 3M 9M 15M 90M 9H 36H SERIES P AUTOMATIC RESET TIMERS
78 8 460 A-20 50S 2005 10M 16M405 100M 10H 4014
Portable, motor- driven timer with automatic reset.
78 461 A-24 60S 4M I2M 20M 2H 12H 48H
Operates by built -in pushbuttton switch that actu-
78 8 462 A-28 70S 280S lIM 23M20S 2H2OM 14H 56H ates timer for each cycle. On completion of a cycle,
78 8 463 A-30 75S 5M 15M 25M 2H30M 15H 60H lapsed time indicator automatically resets and unit is
78 8 464 A-32 80S 3205 16M 26M40S 21140M 16H 64H ready to start another cycle when pushbutton is
788 465 A-36 90S 6M 18M 30H 3H I8H 72H pressed. Receptacle for plugging in remote starting
switch is provided. Has standard AC receptacle for
NET EACH 125 plugging in load. I,oad switch contacts are rated 15
amps at 115 v. AC with non -inductive load. Built-in
SERIES PC PERCENTAGE TIMERS toggle switch is provided for closing load circuit con-
tinuously when timed operation is not required. Completely portable,
Accurate motor driven, recycling timer. Useful for unit is supplied with AC cord and is housed in metal case with keyhole
control of Pumps, blowers, oil burners, stokers, etc. slots for wall mounting. 5:5x3'. For operation from 110 -120 v., 60
Heavy -duty synchronous motor drives a cam- opera- cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs.
ted snap -action switch. Controls any electrical circuit
of 15A or less. Percentage calibrated dial for adjust- 78 B 473, P -4 R. 15 -second maximum cycle.
ment; allows precise setting of "ON" time from 3% 8 474. P -1 M. 1- minute maximum cycle. NET
to 100% of overall time cycle. At full -on setting 78 B 475. P -3M. 3- minute maximum cycle. EACH 27.00
switch is closed continuously. Mechanism is com- 78 B 476. P -5M. 5- minute maximum cycle. 7
pletely enclosed; protected from dust and dirt. For
panel mounting in 3' hole. Flange has 3 mounting
Miles spaced 120 °. For 110 -120 v., AC. Wt., 2 lbs. MULTI -CAM TIMER KIT
78 B 493. PC -305. 30- second maximum cycle. Basic construction kit. Developed for appli-
PC -60S. 60- second maximum cycle. C NET ç CO
78 13494.
1349s. PC -15M. 15- minute maximum cycle. S EACH
25.50J cations requiring design flexibility, either
78 in the construction of standard multi-cam
78 8 496. PC -30M. 30- minute maximum cycle. timers or experimental devices. Consists of
all parts required to assemble four Multi -
SERIES S SIGNALLING TIMER Cam Timers. Especially suitable for design
Motor- driven, manual -set timer with 2 AC outlets. engineers and laboratory technicians. Com-
Designed to give visual and audible signal at com- ponents may be used to construct units that
pletion of selected time interval. Setting timer for will be used for short periods; for test or other
any part of time cycle lights lamp and powers one purposes. Includes all parts necessary to
outlet. On completion of cycle, lamp is turned off, a make one each of the following: 3- switch
buzzer sounds, and a 10 amp SPDT switch transfers timer; 6- switch timer; 9- switch timer and
power to the other outlet. Buzzer sounds until turned 12- switch timer. Design of case and trays
off manually or timing interval is again started. 5x5: allows easy reinsertion of all parts in their
3' metal case. With AC cord. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle proper positions. Supplied complete with
AC. Slips. wt., 3 lbs. case and trays for motors, switches, came. etc. For operation from 115 v.,
78 B
78 B
477. S -1 H. -hour maximum cycle. NET

478. S -3H. 3 -hour maximum cycle. EACH 24.00 i

78eB 492. NET
wt., 27 lbs.


TYPE W -30
Model W -22. New, completely automatic elec- Model MI. Heavy duty time switch for depend-
trie ew'itch. Ideal for control of apartment able control of substantial loads. Self- starting,
C lights. water heaters, etc. Convenient manual synchronous motor maintains accurately timed
switching will not interfere with automatic
_ intervals. Automatically controls on and off pe-
operation. Minimum "ON" period, tVo hr.; riods of illuminated billboards, flood lights,
o max., 23 hours. Synchronous, self- starting
; air conditioning units, etc. Minimum "ON'
o e -
motor. Snap- action silver -to-silver contacts; period, t/ hour; maximum, 231/4 hours. Can be
spring- temper, phosphor-bronze blades. DPST. switched, on or off manually if desired, at any
( ontacts rated 30 amps. at 120 -240 v. Has t/' time during cycle without interfering with auto-
matic operation. Plunger action, copper -to-
and 3/4' knockouts in bottom, sides and back. rated at 50A at
Indoor cabinet for wall mounting. Hammerloid copper SPST contacts. Contacts
enamel finish. Size: 4x7x4' deep. U.L. Ap- 120 to 240 v. Steel cabinet. 18 gauge. Cabinet
proved. For 110-125 y., 60 cycle AC. Neutral finished) in Hammerloid enamel. Has s/ and 1'
tap for 3 -wire, 250 v. circuits. Wt.. S lbs knockouts in bottom, sides, and back. kl.l.. Ap-
78 B 390. List, $15.50. NET 11.40 rroved. For 110 -125 v., 60 cycle AC. Size: 51/4x
10x4 1/2' deep. Shpg. wt., 10 lbs.
Model W -33. As above but DP, 2- circuit 78 B 392. List, 522.00. NET 15.09
throw. Equal to two SP time switches in one. Will control 2 separate cir-
cuits independently or simultaneously by setting trippers for desired
schedule. Provides 8 different combinations of 2- circuit control; may be Model M2. Same as above except switch has DPST contacts. Neutral
set to operate both circuits simultaneously as a DPST switch. for 3 -wire, 240-v circuits.
4.70 78 B 393, 1-ist, $24.00 6.46
78.B 39 I. List, 520.00. NET

206 Lowest Prices-Highest Quality-Best Service

Industrial -Type Time Switches

T101 T185 T171 P101


Inter -Matic SPST time switch turns equip- Permits "skipping" control cycle on Satur- Portable type, SPST plug-in time switch.
ment "on" and "off" once in 24 hours. With days. Sundays. holidays, etc. The "Skipper" Simple to install. Improved version carries a
extra trippers (see bottom of next column) will has 2 dials: A time dial and a day dial. To skip much heavier load than earlier models. Will
operate up to 12 times a day. Trippers can be any days, small skipping screws are inserted handle any appliance that plugs into regular
added without removing the dial. Minimum into the proper holes in the day dial. "On" outlets. Provides many uses in the shop,
time between settings is 1 hour. Manual opera- and "off' trippers are set in the usual man- store or home. Easily set for from I to 12
tion does not interfere with settings. 35 amp ner on the time dial. Special "cutout" tripper on-ofl operations per day. Minimum "on" or
contacts will handle a 4000 watt load at 125 v., advances day dial every 24 hours. From 1 to "off" time, 1 hr.; maximum, 23 hrs. Controls
60 eye. Gray steel case with knockouts. Size. 12 on and off operations per day can be lamps, signs, electric roasters, radios. TV sets,
5x3x7% . U.L. Approved. For 105 -125 volts, 60 obtained by adding extra trippers. Timing communications equipment, etc. Precision -
cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs. range: Minimum "on" or "off" time, 1 hour;
78 B 322. List, $10.95. NET 7.12 maximum, 23 hours. Switch may be turned on built. Finest quality materials. Can be used
or off manually -regardless of the time settings. with up to twelve extra trippers. May also be
Type T103. As above, but DPST. Automatic reset resumes time cycle. Silver, manually operated. Capacity: 10 amps at 125
76 B 321. List, $12.95. NET 8 42 snap -action switch contacts are rated 35 amps volts (1250 watts). Size, 5x3x7r/f For 105-
at 125 volts (4000 watts). Drawn steel case. 125 v., 60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt., 4 lbs.
Adapter Kit. Handy adapter kit makes the Attractive light gray finish. Furnished with 78 B 314. List, $12.95. NET 8.42
above units portable. Consists of 6 ft. cord, three skipping screws, one set of "on and off"
plug, amperes. Shpg. wt., 1 Ib.
trippers and instructions. Extremely simple TYPE T965 TIME SWITCHES
78 B 323. NET 1.12 installation. Air conditioner plugs into unit; An unusually flexible program timer for use
trait plugs into electrical outlet. Operates on where many "on" and "off" operations are
TYPE TI85 TIME SWITCH 110-120 volts, 60 cycle AC. U.L. Approved. needed. Provides up to 96 operations in 24
Size 714x5x3'. Shpg. wt., 4 lbs. hour period. Minimum "on' or "off" period Is
Unusually versatile switch that provides up 15 minutes. Can be used for 24 hour control of
to 14 complete "on -off" cycles. Each cycle is Typa T171. SPST. Skips "on" cycle. heating, ventilating and air conditioning sys-
independently controlled and can vary from 78 B 315. List $16.95. NET 11,02 tems. Ideal for programming industrial music
5 to 60 min. Minimum interval between cy- Typa 173. DPST. Skips "on" cycle. systems. Schedule is easily set by depressing
cles. 1A hrs. Can be used as SPST normally 78 B 316. List. $18.95. NET trippers located on dial face. Trippers are per-
open; SPST normally closed; or SPOT. Per- 12.32 manently attached- cannot be misplaced. Dial
fect for any application requiring more than Type T170. SPDT. Skips either "on" or "off" face is yellow and black for excellent visibility
one "on -oil" cycle in a 24 -hour period. Each cycle. in poorly lighted locations. Entire mechanism
cycle is easily adjusted for minutes desired; 78 B 317. List, $18.95. NET 12.32 is removable when mounting the case. Press-
set screw on tripper selects any period from ing one lever releases mechanism; no screws or
5 -60 min. Trippers are easily changed or added. TRIPPERS AND SKIPPING SCREWS nuts to remove. 2 knockouts on bottom of case
Large, silver, snap-action contacts: rated 35 Type 107T19A. On- Cutout Trippers. For permit neat installation and rapid cable attach-
amps. 125 volts, AC. Synchronous timing "Skipper" types only. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. ment. large terminal screws on bakelite board
motor is slow-speed, high -torque type. Gray 78 B 319. NET EACH 20c allow easy hookup. Switch is SPST type with
steel case, 71/4xSx3'. With 3 trippers (for 3 contacts rated to handle 20 amperes. Will re-
"on -off" cycles). For 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle Typo 7972. Skipping Screws. For "Skipper" peat timing cycles without resetting. Syn-
AC. Snpg. wt., 4 lbs. types only. Shpg. wt., 8 os. chronous timing motor is low speed, high
78 B 313. List. $16.95. NET 11.02 78 B 388, Pkg. of 3, EACH PKG 124 torque type. Size: 71/4x5x3'. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs.
Extra Trippers. For above. One tripper re- Type 107T8A, Set of "On and OW' Trippers. Type T966. 105 -125 v., 60 cycle AC.
quired for each "on -off" cycle added. Shpg. For all Inter -Matit switches (except T185). 78 B 395. List $37.50. NET 27.57
wt.. 4 oz. Sling. wt 2 oz. Typo T968. 210 -250 v., 60 cycle AC.
788336. NET EACH 491 78 9 324. NET PER SET 261 78 B 396, List $38.50. NET
Other Inter -Matit Time Switches on page 208

1191 919 24)161191 2925 -P
Automatically turns electrical equipment "on Highly versatile wilt. Il.0 a total of 40 tabs Extremely versatile, heavy -duty, SPST 24-
and oA" at any pre -set time, once every 24 for "on" or "otf" intermittent operation. Easily hour time switch. Provides up to 24 hourly
hours. For use in stores, offices and homes. adjusted. Tabs can be inserted at any quarter "on" cycles. Each "on" cycle is adjustable
On-off dial calibrated in 15 minute intervals. hour period. Allows almost any desirable tim- from 2 to 55 minutes in duration -may be set
45 minutes required between settings. Handles ing combination for 15 minutes or longer. Ad- in 1- minute steps. Has many applications in
35 amps at up to 3300 watts lighting load joining tabs keep operation continuous. Timer the store, home and farm. Use to control
(4000 watts heating load) or 1 h.p. single has 10 ampere single -pole switch. Provides poultry feeders, well pumping, crop curing,
phase motor. Manual operation if desired. a multitude of timed operations for stores. television, lawn sprinkling, stokers, etc. Con-
Reliable Telechron clock motor. Heavy -duty, offices, shops and the home. Ideal for con- tacts rated at 30 amps. Steel case. Size 81/4x
lug -type terminals take up to /6 wire. Steel trolling fans, heating systems, lights or signs, 43/4x41/4'. With 24 hourly actuating screws.
case. Size, 8%4x4V4x4i% . For 110-120 volts, etc. Size, 8t/tx4t/4x4% For 110-120 volts. 110-120 volts, cycle
60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs. .

$24 ET fb°
78 B 302. List, $13.95. NET
60 cycle AC. Shpg. set., 5 lbs. 59 16.22
78 8 337, List, $19.95. NET 12.97
2923 -P MODELS
Automatically turns electrical equipment "on"
and "off" once over a 24-hour period. Two
hours required between settings. Dial calibrated
24 -hour, plug-in time switch
fully automatic. Operates air conditioners up
to i// ton, burglar alarms, bedside radios,
- Single set interval timers. Can be manually
set for any interval less than stated maximum
settings. Provide automatic time control for a
wide variety of household appliances such as
in 15- minute intervals. Switch is single pole etc. Simple turn of dial to set "on" time. On-off toasters, waffle irons, mangles, roasters coffee -
with current rating of 30 amps. Ideal for levers for manual use. Adjustable "off" tripper. makers, etc. All are 15 amp capacity, single
window lights, display signs- porch lights. hall-
Minimum time between settings, 45 min. pole normally open. Has Telechron motor, with
ways, yard lights, oil burners, coal stokers. de-
15 min. each. Capacity 15 amps, 1650 watts. receptacle. White enamel finish. Size, 4t/2x
frosters. pumps and many other shop and home Size, 51/2x41/4'. For 11ó -120 v.. 60 cycle AC. 3yzx3'. With cord and plug. For operation
applications. Switch may be opened by hand Shpg. wt., 31/4 lbs. from 110-120 v., 60 cyc. AC. wt., 2 lbs.
without disturbing pre -set adjustments. With
conduit knockout holes. Housed in blue -gray 78 B 304. List, $13.95. NET 9.07 Model 2926-4P . gShpg.
4 hrs.
finished steel case with hinged cover. Has Model 1919G. As above, but can control V. 78 B 347. List, NET 10.36
Telechron motor; precision timing gears. Size. or 1 -ton air conditioner having 3 -prong plug. Model 2926 -12P, Maximum setting. 12 hours.
51/4 x4s/yx31'. for operation from 110 -125 78 B 360. List, $19.95. NET 12.97 78 B 348. List, $15.95. NET 10.36
volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. tut., 3 lbs. Extra Tri ppers. For above. Pair, 3 oz Modal 2926 -24P. Maximum setting, 24 hours.
78 8 308. List, $10.95. NET 7.12 78 B 309. NET PER PAIR 354 78 8 349. List, $15.95. NET 10.36
For Complete Product and Manufacturer's Index, See Pages 397.400 207
Clock Timers and Foot Switches

D o
Automatically turns on radios. television set., toasters. coffee - Combination electric clock and signal timer. Can be set to time
makers and other electrical devices -at any pre -set time within a
any pre -set interval from min. to 4 hrs. Pleasant toned buzzer

12 -hour period. Also serves as an accurate, highly attractive time- sounds at end of interval and keeps going until turned off manually.
piece. Converts any radio to a modern clock-radio -an excellent Timer is accurate within seconds and easily set with large. easy -to-
musical alarm. An ideal service replacement for clock -radios. May read pointer. Spruce green plastic case. Clock and timing interval
be installed in a small case with an AC outlet and line cord for use are both set from front panel. No installation is necessary-just
with appliances anywhere in the house. All controls, off- automatic- plug the timer in and it's ready to go. U.L Approved. Has 6 -ft. cord
on. time adjust and timer set, conveniently located on chrome outer and plug. Size. 41/2x4r/ax2t/a ". For operation from 110 -120 v.,
dial face. Easy to install. Requires Ph' diameter hole; overall size. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs.
31/2x3t/zxlttts" deep. Built -in single -pole switch handles up to 15 78 B 342. List, 88.95. NET 6.56
amps. 1650-watt load. Mounting centers, 31ß ". U.L. Approved. For
operation from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 1 lb. MODEL A -401 "CLOCK- TIMER"
78 B 399. List. $9.00. to S, NET EACH
6.44 Combination clock and au tonurt is time switch. 1 urns appliances
6 or More, EACH 93 on at any pre-set time, then turns them off automatically.
Minimum interval. 15 min.. maximum. 5%z hrs. Also permits
MODEL A -211 "TIME -ALL" manual operation. Plug -in receptacle for appliance to be con-
Time control switch for office, store or home. Ideal for converting trolled. Capacity: 15 amps at 1650 watts. All controls on front
radios to clock- radios, controlling lights or appliances, etc. Has
panel. In green plastic case. With 6 -ft. cord and plug. 4z/ax4t/zx21!/
manual control with automatic reset. Permits manual control with- U.L. Approved. For 110 -120 v.. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs.
out automatic reset, for continuous "off" or "on." To revert to 78 B 343. List. $11.95. NET 8.77
control cycle, release manual control from "permanent" position.
Min. "on" time, 15 min.; max., 23 hrs., 45 min. Plug -in receptacle
for equipment to be controlled. Size, 5x4x21/2". Handles 15 amps. MONTGOMERY MODEL M -24 PROGRAM CLOCK
1650-watt load. With 6 -ft. cord, plug, instructions. For 110 -120 v.. Ideal for schools, industrial and service organiza-
60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs. tions. Provides dependable automatic control and
78 B 311. List, $11.95. NET 7 97 operation of buzzers, bells or horns, on a 24 -hour
Model A -22I. (Not illustrated). Same as above, but handles 7 amps, schedule. Permits manual operation at any time
875 watts. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs. for special program schedules, personnel paging
6 64 or sounding emergency alarm, without affecting
78 B 397. List, $9.95. NET accuracy of pre -set schedule. Eliminates clock
watching and button pushing. Program schedules
NEW MODEL T -1101 "LAMP -LYTER" WALL- MOUNTED TIMER can easily be set or changed by inserting pins in
Electrical time control switch for flush -mounting in walls or hi -fi desired time slots of 24 -hour mechanism. Program
e cabinets. Finished in semi -gloss beige. Can be used to turn lights disks have 288 time slots- permit actuating sig-
or appliances off when departing and on when returning. Has nal at up to 5 minute intervals. Duration of signal
automatic reset. Manual control located on outside of door. Hinged is adjustable from 4 to 20 seconds. Program mechanism is auto-
61/2x61/2" door securely latched by magnet. Min. "on" time. 30 min.; matically set to correct time by turning the clock hands -assures
max., 23 hrs.. 30 min. Inset junction box, 5x5x21 3s" deep; combina- perfect synchronization. Switch for automatic silencing of signals
tion qand W conduit knockouts on sides, top, and bottom.
SPST switch rated at 15 amps, 1650 watts. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle.
during any days or nights of the week. Single- circuit timer contacts
rated at 10 amperes. Gray enameled steel case. 11x8x4 ". For 110 -120
AC. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs. volts, 60 cycle AC. Sltpg. wt., 12 lbs.
78 B 398. List, $21.95. NET 14.27 78 BX 351. NET 87.71



"Announcemat" Chime Alarm. Low -cost, Industrial "Switch -Mat" Switch. Stepping on Model 1011. Snap-action foot switch.
0 practical alarm system for stores, offices, Switchmat closes circuit which may be Provides a faster, more efficient means of
homes and industry. Signals the presence of used to ring bells, turn on lights. actuate switching electric motors and machines on
visitors or intruders. Even the step of a electric counters, open doors. etc. Attrac- and off. Ideal for starting and stopping a
small child on any part of the Switchmat tive vinyl plastic carpet conceals SPST wide variety of power tools, riveting and
sounds the alarm. Rugged Switchmat is S/s" switch (normally off). Waterproof. Controls welding equipment; operating relays, sole-
thick, heavily ribbed brown vinyl plastic. 110 -volt circuit with non- inductive loads up noids, etc.; controlling photographic, med-
to 100 watts. Can be used to control loads ical, and communications equipment. etc.
Completely protected- sealed between lay- of up to 1.000 watts when used with
er of plastic and rubber. Resistant to clean- Switchmat control box listed below. Brown Promotes greater safety because operator
ing and sweeping compounds. oils, acids and color; choice of two sizes. 'As" thick. Both can instantly stop machine by merely re-
most chemicals. Lies completely flat on floor are supplied with 6' leads. leasing pressure on foot switch (faster than
-will not slip or slide even on polished 78 BX 355. 14x2.3". 61/2 lbs. NET.. 15.20 reaching for a hand switch). Saves time and
floors. No installation problems- simply extra hand movement; increases work out-
plugs into wall outlet. Can be quickly and 78 BX 356. 18x30'. 10 lbs. NET.... 21.60 put. Easy to install-just plug device to be
safely installed by anyone. Switchmat oper- controlled into the special socket and plug
ates on extremely low voltage supplied by Control Box. Relay control unit for switch cord into AC wall socket. Normally -
transformer which is included. Switchmat or other switch. Handles up open switch is rated at 10 amps, 115 v.
to 1,000 watts at 110 -120 v., 60 cycles AC.
Complete with 18x30" commercial -type Provides 6 v. AC for switch circuit. Outlets Housed in durable metal case; with anti -
Switchmat, transformer with 6-lt. cord and for normally "on" and normally "off" op- skid pad on bottom, rubber foot tread on
plug, 25 ft. low- voltage cable and chime eration. With plug, socket and 6' cord. top. Complete with 6-ft. cord and combina-
signal alarm. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. 3x4x5 ". For operation from 110 -120 volts. tion plug -receptacle. Overall size, 4t/4x3x1'.
Shpg. wt., 13 lbs. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 21/2 lbs. Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
78 BX 358. NET 23.96 78 B 357. NET 12.40 78 B 382. NET 5.48
208 Depend on Allied for Complete Stocks, Low Prices, Friendly Service
&wd flow Owe (WW Rennie £14iirwe«tntß'4 Sauigqs

BUILD ALLIED'S OWN knight°kits

and get the most for your money

Knight -Kits are available only from Allied. Creatively

engineered and styled by top -notch professionals,
these famous kits incorporate every desirable
feature that 37 years of experience in kit design can
provide. Progressive in every way, while retaining
traditionally high standards of quality, more new
Knight -Kits are continuously being released, than any
other brand. You can always look to Allied for the
latest and best in money- saving Knight -Kits.
here's why you get more for your money in knight -kits
Wide use of printed cir- No technical experience is ndic OW
cuit boards and transistors; required toassemble Knight -
ultra -new, printed circuit Kit equipment. Carefully F.r a knob I)
switches; newest premium - written instruction manu- nst the fin
type tubes and circuitry; als, with "Step- and -Chek" anion, the k
smart, modern styling- - directions and "Wall- Size"
these and other features put pictorial diagrams, make Place n knob G

Knight -Kits far in front! assembly remarkably easy. the set -screw t


It pays to check these super - When you choose famous
value kits before you buy. Knight -Kits, you save be-
For example, in high fidelity cause our giant buying
and test equipment, you can power makes it possible to
save up to half of the cost present these kits at lowest
of equivalent factory-built cost -and in addition, you
units, when you buy save because you do the as-
sembly yourself.
Knight -Kits!


You get performance plus! Only the finest, brand -new
All circuits are designed to parts are used in Knight -
operate well within rated Kits. Cadmium -plated steel
limits for every part -rigid chassis -extra- strong steel
quality control assures you casesand panels -solid Bake-
of trouble -free operation lite knobs plus spring -loaded,
and years of service from disappearing handles on test
any Knight -Kit you choose. units for easy stacking.
rC Registered Trode -Mark
t of Allied Radio Corp.


Knight -Kit electronic kits and accessory equipment MONEY -BACK GUARANTEE
may be purchased under our Easy Payment Plan -the
most liberal plan in electronics. Your order need total Your purchase price is refunded in full if
only $45.00 or more, and a down payment of only 10% your Knight -Kit does not meet our pub-
is required -you then complete the balance in small lished specifications for performance.
easy -on- the -budget monthly payments. Carrying charges When you build a Knight -Kit, you can
are low and there's no "red tape " -no finance com- always be sure of outstanding value.
panies to deal with. If the balance is paid within 60
days, carrying charges are refunded in full. For complete I1 il l I l l l
Easy Pay Plan details, see page 396.
See the Following 27 Pages for a Complete Selection of Famous Knight-Kit Equipment 209

knight -kits

are backed by ALLIED

America's Pioneer in Electronic Kits
HI -FI knight -kits
now everyone con afford true
Backed by Allied's 37 years in the elec- hi-fi comparable to the best
tronics industry, the name of Knight -Kit
-- on electronic kits has come to mean the
mark of incomparable quality and dependability. Only
Allied, with its unlimited buying power, can offer ex-
pertly engineered kits at unbeatably low prices. To
assure you of top performance, each new Knight -Kit
must pass Allied's rigid standards for day-in, day -out
operation. Every kit goes through many stages of A COMPLETE LINE OF ALL -NEW
development and is thoroughly field tested. It is no
wonder that experienced technicians and engineers, as
well as students, look to Knight -Kits for the latest Now you can build your own professionally
design and unsurpassed performance. styled hi -fi equipment at tremendous savings.
Painstaking design and highest quality com-
KNIGHT -KITS are easiest to build -you do ponents guarantee exceptional performance
the easy, satisfying assembly and SAVE and dependability comparable to the finest
factory-built units. Enjoy the best in hi -fi
Whether you're a beginner, or have years of electronic music reproduction for less. You're sure to
experience, you'll find that it's really fun to build a
Knight -Kit. All the hard work has already been done
many kits have printed circuitry and our latest exclusive
- find just the components you want in the
complete listings offered.
printed -circuit switches. You'll have only the highest
praise for Knight -Kits, in ease of assembly and out-
standingquality and low cost. FIRST TRULY
Turn t
Slick d. Pl,. No experience is needed to assemble
hindi /'r t)%'ER , any Knight -Kit. Clearly written
"Step -and Chek" instructions tell Knight -Kit hi -fi components are designed
knob on (h. you when and how to mount each to take their place alongside the finest of
et the flat aid part; tell you exactly when to home furnishings. Beautiful as well as func-
Rion. the knob solder. As each step is completed.
check it off-you know just what tional, Knight -Kit hi -fi units are as easy
Place a knob on th you've done every step of the way. to look at as they are to use. Highest -quality
the aut -acnw ekal
materials and workmanship insure that they
will stay that way!
KING -SIZE DIAGRAMS. Wall -size pic-
torial diagrams are another reason BUILD YOUR OWN COMPLETE HI -FI
Knight -Kits are so easy to assemble. MUSIC SYSTEM -SAVE UP TO 50%
Every kit contains at least one
"King-Size" picture diagram-you
don't have to know how to read Now, with Knight -Kits anyone can afford to
schematic symbols. Diagrams may bring breathtaking new musical adventures
be tacked over your work table for into his home. Knight -Kits offer a hi -fi
convenient reference.
music system to fit any budget -a system
that's right for you. Build with Knight -Kits
CLEARLY MARKED PARTS. Resistors and save up to 50 %c.
are neatly mounted on cards with
identifying symbols (no need to know
color -coding) -capacitors have
plainly marked values -wires are
Pre-cut to size, pre -stripped and col-
ored for easy selection. Everything FM-AM Tuner or FM Tuner+18 W. Amp.+Speaker
you need is included-there's noth-
ing else to buy, not even solder!

FM -AM Tuner or FM Tuner +30 W. Amp.+ Speaker

Schools everywhere use Knight -Kits for easier,
more effective electronics instruction. Knight -
Kits maintain a high level of class interest and
make the job of teaching easier. Give every
FM -AM or
student a chance to produce something he can P 25 W. Amplifier + Speaker
FM Tuner
point to with pride. Knight -Kit offers hi -fi units,
lab kits, Amateur gear and test equipment. Allied
offers special arrangements on large -quantity
purchases. Let us know your requirements
address our Commercial Division.

knight -kits See Pages 12 and 13 for Complete

210 are exclusive with ALLIED Hi -Fi Systems Featuring Knight -Kit Units

Last Word in Professional Performance and Styling

KNIGHT -KIT 18 -Watt Complete Amplifier Kit

New, RCA 6973 High -Fidelity Audio Tubes
Only 0.5% Distortion at Full 18 Watts
Exclusive Printed Circuit Switches

$3995 Two Printed Circuit Boards

Response, ± 1 db, 20 to 30,000 cps
The new Knight -Kit 18 -watt high -fidelity amplifier kit provides
brilliant performance and custom styling at exceptionally low cost. PRINTED CIRCUIT SWITCHES
Here is an amplifier designed to bring flawless high fidelity sound Another _Knight -Kit first! This
into your home at half the cost of comparable commercially assem- exclusive Knight -Kit develop-
bled units -an excellent unit around which a fine home music system ment simplifies kit construction
can be built. Delivers a full 18 -watts output at only .5% distortion -eliminates critical switch wir-
using the new 6973 high fidelity output tubes-designed by RCA ing, one of the major stumbling
for unparalleled high-fidelity sound reproduction. Construction is blocks encountered by the in-
simplified through use of a Knight -Kit exclusive printed circuit experienced kit builder.
switch and two printed circuit boards -most of the wiring has
already been done for you. With the Knight -Kit "Step- and -Chek"
instructions you'll find this amplifier fun to build -even if you have
no previous electronic experience.
SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency Response: ± I db, 20 to 30,000 cps at
rated output. Distortion: Only .5% at 18 watts. Hum & Noise Level:
Better than 60 db below 18 watts. Sensitivity (tape head and mag-
netic cartridge): 5 my for 18 watts output. Inputs: Microphone;
Auxiliary; Tuner; Tape player; Magnetic (GE, Pickering); Ceramic;
Tape Head. Controls: Selector- Equalizer (Mic, Aux, Tuner, Tape,
Magnetic, Ceramic, Tape Head Equalization-RIAA, FFRR,
NARTB, AES, RCA, 500 cps, COL); Bass Boost and Attenuate;
Treble Boost and Attenuate; Off -On /Volume. Output Impedance: 4,
8, or 16 ohms. Tubes: 1- ECC83 /12AX7 preamplifier -equalizer 2 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS
driver and tone control driver, 1-ECC83 /12AX7 voltage amplifier All the critical, complex wiring
and phase inverter, 1- ECC83/12AX7 push -pull driver, 2 -6973 is already completed. Two printed
push -pull power output amplifiers; 1 -EZ81 rectifier. circuit boards contain the wiring
for all tubes except the rectifier.
Complete with all parts, wire and solder, tubes, deluxe cabinet and With 90% of the wiring com-
step -by -step instructions. Size, 4x13x8e. For operation from 110 -120 pleted, assembly time is reduced
v., 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 15 lbs. to a minimum.
83 YX 786. NET .39.95
The frequency response and
power curves at left, graphically
illustrate the superiority of
Knight -Kit hi -fi components.
Before you buy, compare these
curves with other kits or assem-
bled units. You'll agree that
Knight -Kits are the finest values
available anywhere.

Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 211
(110 HI -FI knight-kits EQUAL TO THE BEST


KNIGHT -KIT 30-Watt High -Fidelity Amplifier Kit

NET Exclusive Printed Circuit Switches -3
Printed Circuit Boards

$7695 8 Different Inputs plus A -AB -B Speaker Selector

Record Equalization Within 1/2 db of Recommended Settings
Frequency Response, ±0.5 db from 15 to 100,000 cps
Entirely new in concept and design, the Knight 30-watt amplifier is the
finest complete hi -fi amplifier you can buy in kit form! It is exceptionally
easy to assemble, and its superb specifications put it in a class by itself; its
performance matches that of commercially assembled units costing up to
3 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS. Assem- twice as much. Every necessary control is provided in the preamplifier
bly is quick and easy the Knight - section, including 16 combinations of equalization, each accurate within
Kit way -printed circuits trim wir- db of the record manufacturer's actual recording curve. Components
ing to a minimum and eliminate are of the finest quality, and include easy -to- solder printed circuit boards,
errors- you'll get perfect results. exclusive printed circuit switches, premium 12AY7 tube and oversized
transformers. Damping factor is continuously variable from -4 to +35.
SPECIFICATIONS: Power Amplifier Response: ±0.5 db, 15 to 100,000 cps at
30 watts output. Harmonic Distortion: 0.55% at mid-frequencies; never
exceeds 1% from 20 to 40,000 cps at 30 watts. I.M.: 0.74% at 20 watts.
Hum and Noise: Better than 60 db below 30 watts at all high -gain inputs;
75 db at all low-gain inputs. 8 Inputs: Tape Head, Tape Preamp, G.E. and
Pickering Cartridges, Ceramic Cartridge, Microphone, Auxiliary, Tuner
(with level set control). Tubes: 12AY7, 4-
ECC82 /12AU7, 2 -5881; GZ34
rectifier. Controls: Input Selector-Turnover(Tape, Tuner, Mic, Aux, FFRR,
RIAA, Eur, AES); Rolloff (AES, Eur, RIAA, FFRR); Bass ( ±15 db at
20 cps); Treble ( ±15 db at 20 kc); Level; Off -On /Loudness (continuously
EXCLUSIVE PRINTED CIRCUIT variable); A -AB -B Speaker Selector (impedances may be mixed without
SWITCHES. An important Knight - mismatch); Tape -Phono Switch; Rumble Filter Switch. Output Impedances:
Kit development that makes short 8 and 16 ohms. Balance adjustment is provided for output tubes. DC on all
work of the most tedious part of preamp filaments. All specifications absolutely guaranteed.
amplifier kit building -assembling You'll find the Knight -Kit 30 -watt amplifier easy to assemble, even if you
equalization circuits. have never built an electronic kit before. The 3 printed circuit boards and
exclusive Knight -Kit printed circuit switches make assembly easy, because
most of the wiring is already done! Step-by -step instruction manual is
thoroughly illustrated, and nontechnical. In addition to the manual, there
are wall -size picture-diagrams to make every step completely clear.
Size, 4yx15x15'. Includes French gray cabinet; control panel is finished
in bright aluminum and ebony. With tubes, wire, solder and all parts. For
110-120 v., 50-60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt., 32 lbs.
MN MtM 83 YZ 762. NET 76.95
atory measurement, within db of
manufacturer's recording curves
better than all but the most expen-
sive of assembled amplifiers! .5
Knight -Kit TUNERS! s

Use the Knight -Kit 30 -watt ampli-

fier as the heart of a hi -fi system;
it's a perfect match, in quality and S MAXI MUM POWER CURVE (2% DIST.1
styling, to the Knight -Kit FM S
b Ka KC
tuner, or the FM -AM tuner listed 100 IKC

on the opposite page.

212 Allied Fully Guarantees the Specifications of All Knight -Kit Units

Top -Performing KNIGHT -KIT Hi -Fi FM -AM Tuner Kif
NET Modern Printed Circuit -Most of the Wiring Is Already Done
Exceptional Sensitivity-2.5µv for 20 db Quieting On FM

$4995 Flywheel Tuning Plus AFC -Locks In Stations Automatically

Completely Pre -Aligned -No Further Adjustment Necessary

ADVANCED CIRCUIT WITH Easy to look at -easy to use- here's a high fidelity tuner with every feature
Effortless, drift -free required for top performance on both FM and AM! You'll be proud to
place it where everyone can see its smart contemporary styling. It's easy
FM tuning is assured by to assemble, too; the entire unit has been carefully designed for quick, easy
Automatic Frequency Con - construction. Superior performance, advanced design and elementary,
trol-it "locks in" stations, step -by -step assembly make it the greatest tuner value ever!
keeps them tuned electron-
ically! A tuned RF stage on FM provides high sensitivity -2.5 microvolts for
20 db quieting. Wide-range, flat frequency response guarantees true high -
fidelity FM reception that vividly re- creates the full sonority of broadcast
music. The built -in ferrite antenna may be rotated to improve reception
of a favorite AM station that may be very weak. Smooth, professional fly-
wheel tuning enables you to glide from station to station, effortlessly;
automatic frequency control (AFC) locks in FM stations, eliminating dis-
tortion due to mis- tuning. AFC defeat switch helps tune weak stations.
Cathode follower output, with extra output jack for convenient "off -the-
air" recording directly from the tuner.
gentle touch moves the neon The Knight -Kit FM -AM tuner is styled to take its place alongside the very
glow tuning pointer to the finest high -fidelity equipment; it is completely enclosed in a beautiful
station you select, smoothly French gray case, supported on tapered, chrome -finished feet. Centered
and quietly. on the ebony -and- aluminum control panel is an easy -to -read slide rule
scale; stations are located by the self- illuminated neon glow pointer, as it
moves across the scale with jewel -like orange brilliance.
FM SPECIFICATIONS: Sensitivity: 2.5µv for 20 db quieting. Hum and Noise:
-60 db. IF Bandwidth: 200 kc at 50% down on curve. Frequency Response:
±0.5 db, 20- 20,000 cps. Distortion: Under 0.6e; AM SPECIFICATIONS: Sensi-

tivity: 3µv for 10 db signal -to -noise ratio. IF Bandwidth: 8 kc at 500,E down
on curve. Frequency Response: 20 to 8000 cps.
Most of the wiring is already done on the single large printed circuit board;
pre -aligned RF and IF sections mean that you can play the tuner -with-
The tuner of the future
today! Except for power
out further adjustment -as soon as assembly is complete! Simple, non-
technical instructions take you through the entire assembly, a step at a
leads, all wiring is clone for time. Everything is supplied-all parts, pre -cut wire, solder, output cable,
you on the printed circuits. and the attractive French gray steel cabinet. Size, 8x414x13 1Y/'. For 110-
120 v., 50 -60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt., 12 Ihs.
83 YX 787. NET. 49.95

r r...r.r.r..r.. r.r..r..r
Ite>elihiHeiiie*A011:tee .. r...r ..r... r,.- r..r, r...r -.r
{et FIVASSMeIMI:1eeieeÑ't+leÑ
eke FEATURING FAMOUS Knight -Kits!


See pages 12 and 13 of this catalog for
Allied -selected home music systems
Every Knight -Kit is absolutely guaranteed to featuring easy -to -build Knight -Kits.
meet or exceed its published performance speci-
fications, or your money is refunded.
You'll save many dollars by assembling
components yourself -and save even
more by selecting a complete system at
r ZS: Allied's special system price! Top en-
gineering and brilliant Knight -Kit styl-
..i..1401410:401#1010.010:03g1Fili.iisingiNall ing bring you unmatched value!

Knight -Kits Are An Exclusive Product Of Allied Rodio Corporation 213


rf Advanced tuner
design brings you
superb FM reception.

O NEW Flywheel tuning

permits velvet -
smooth station
selection over
entire bandwidth.
Hi -Fi Response -20 to 20,000 cps, 0.6% Distortion
Automatic Frequency Control "Locks -In" on Station
4- Microvolt Sensitivity for 20 -db Quieting Printed circuit cuts
wiring time pre-
Printed Circuit Wiring -Critical Wiring is Completed
vents errors.
Pre -Adjusted RF and IF Coils -No Need for Alignment
Beautifully Styled Metal Cabinet with Tapered Legs

A notable achievement in creative en-

gineering, distinctive design and im-
pressive performance, the Knight -Kit

Basic FM Tuner Kit is not only the
best- looking tuner kit that money can
knight -kit 25-WATT
buy -but the only FM tuner kit with all
these deluxe features: Superb styling,
which is both attractive and functional; printed circuit
for ease of assembly; automatic frequency control, for
"lock-in" tuning of stations, with disabling feature for
tuning in weak stations adjacent to strong stations;
pre -adjusted RF coils on rigid forms to eliminate any
need for adjustment; IF's pre -adjusted so accurately
that they need no further adjustment; front ventilation, an
integral part of panel design -no unsightly perforations
in the top or at the sides of the cabinet.
Magnificently styled to more than hold its own with
even pre -wired tuners costing much more, the Knight -
Kit tuner is unlike any other unit available! You'll
be proud of its beautiful appearance -and pleased
with its brilliant performance. It's an ideal companion
unit for the Knight -Kit 18 or 30 watt amplifiers, or
any other amplifier with input selector switch and
volume control. Its smart gray cabinet has a polished
aluminum panel with ebony black trim. A brightly
glowing neon bulb serves as both tuning pointer and
pilot light -moves across the tuning scale like a gleam-
ing orange jewel. Cabinet rests on chrome finished,
. .....

tapered legs. The printed circuit board clearly indicates Y rWtlr C1YK Y M.
placement of basic components. .. I4 1 t t...
1 Í

SPECIFICATIONS. Sensitivity: 4 pv for 20 db quieting. COMME, V a

Output: 2 volts at 1000 pv input. IF Bandwidth: 200 kc.

Audio Response: 20- 20,000 cps with only 0.6% distor- Here's Proof of Superb Hi -Fi Performance
tion. 2 Output Jacks: One for amplifier, the other for
tape recorder; cathode follower permits use of long in-
terconnecting cables. Controls: Tuning; Off -FM, FM
with AFC. Tubes: 6BQ7A, 6BA7, 12AT7, 2 -6AU6, Shield cover, finished
6AL5, 12AU7; 6X4 rectifier. Cascode broadband RF in satin black, offers
amplifier. 4x13x8'. With all parts, wire and solder, and striking contrast to
cabinet. For operation from 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle gleaming chrome chas-
AC. Shpg. wt., 12 lbs. sis of amplifier.
83 YX 751. NET 38.95
214 Knight -Kits Have Easy -To -Follow Instructions


Another Knight -Kit first! An
exclusive development that
cuts assembly time.


Exclusive Knight -Kit Printed Circuit Switches

Record Equalization within 1/2 db of Manufacturer's Curves
2 PRINTED Continuously Variable Loudness and Level Controls
CIRCUIT BOARDS. Eliminate complex wir- DC On Filaments for Hum -Free Performance
ing- reduce assembly time. 90% of wiring
already is completed. 8 High Level and Low Level Inputs Including Tape Head
Deluxe Styling- Matches Any Decorating Scheme

The new Knight -Kit preamplifier is

truly an exceptional high -fidelity in-
strument, equal in component quality
and engineering design to the most ad-
BASIC AMPLIFIER KIT $3995 vanced high -fidelity sound reproducing
equipment available today! Never he-
Printed Circuit Wiring Board fore has so versatile a preamplifier -
equalizer kit been offered at this low price. It provides
Response, ± 0.5 db, 10- 120,000 cps
Linear-Deluxe Williamson -Type Circuit -
precise equalization guaranteed within 0.5 db of manu-
facturer's curves --more accurate than all but the most
An exceptional amplifier at a expensive factory-built preamplifiers.
modest price! The outstand-
ing Knight -Kit 25 -Watt Basic Printed circuit switches, an exclusive Knight -Kit
Amplifier delivers perform- development -make possible ease of assembly never
$4450 ance equal to units costing
twice as much. \'illiamson-
before achieved in a kit of this kind. All wiring in the
new Knight -Kit preamplifier is on two printed circuit
type circuit delivers over 25 boards, except for the power supply and control leads.
watts of virtually flawless output for truly life- Other features include: Cathode follower output;
like reproduction. Designed for use with any separate output to recorder, independent of tone and
tuner or preamplifier having a full set of controls volume controls; continuous loudness and level controls;
(for volume, tone and record equalization). 16 equalization combinations; two AC convenience
outlets for use with associated equipment. In metal
DELUXE FEATURES. Custom -quality, potted, out- cabinet finished in attractive French gray; front panel
put transformer for superior response; printed is ebony with aluminum trim.
circuit hoard for easy assembly; balance control
for precise adjustment of output tubes; damp- SPECIFICATIONS. Frequency Response: ±0.5 db, 10-
ing control variable from -4 to +35 to assure 40,0(X) cps. Harmonic Distortion: Less than 0.15% at
optimum performance with any speaker -pre- 1v. out put ; less t han 0.25-¡, at 3 v. output. Hum Level:
vents low- frequency distortion caused by over - 60 db below 3 v. at high -gain inputs: 80 db below 3 v.
damping or underdamping in speaker systems. at low -gain inputs. 8 Inputs ( figures denote sensitivity
in millivolts for I v. output): Tape Ilead (2 mv); G.É.
SPECIFICATIONS. Rated Output: 25 watts. Re- Phono (2 mv); Pickering Phono (5 mv); Ceramic (150
sponse: ± 0.5 db, 10- 120,000 cps at 20 watts. mv); Mie. (24 mv); Aux. (400 mv): Tape Pre -amp
Harmonic Distortion: 0.15% at 25 watts. I,II: (125 mv); Tuner (125 mv). Level adjustment for Tuner
at 20 watts. Output Imp.: 4, 8. 16 ohms. Tubes: input. Controls: Selector -Equalizer (Tape, Tuner, Aux,
2-- ECC82 /I2AU7, 2 -5881; Gz34 rectifier. Mie, FFRR, RIAA, Eur, AES); Rolloff (AES, EUR,
Styled in black and chrome. With all parts, t ubes, RIAA, FFRR); Bass; Treble; Level; Off -On /Loudness;
wire, solder and instructions. Less cover (below). Tape Ilead- Phono; Rumble Filter On -Off. Tubes:
For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Size, 6/x14x9 ". 12AV7, 2-ECC82/12AU7.
Shpg. wt., 25 lbs. Complete with all parts, tubes, wire, solder, and easy -
83 YZ 755. NET 44.50 to- follow instructions. Size, 13x4%x8 ". For 110 -120
METAL COVER FOR ABOVE. Black finish --con- volts, 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 12% lbs.
trasts beautifully with gleaming chrome chassis 83 YX 754. NET 39.95
of amplifier. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. The Knight -Kit 25 -Watt Amplifier and Preamp Kits
83 YX 759. NET 4.25 are Featured in on Allied Iii -Fi System -See Page 13 215


KNIGHT -KIT 20 -Watt Hi -Fi Amplifier Kit KNIGHT -KIT 10 -Watt Hi -Fi Amplifier Kit
NET Chrome and Black Styling NET Ideal for Low -Cost Home Music Systems
$3575 Response, ± 1 db, 20- 20,000 cps
Distortion, 1% at 20 Watts
$2350 Response, ± 1 db, 30- 20,000 cps
Separate Bass and Treble Tone Controls
With Built -In Preamp Fine Fidelity, Very Low Distortion

This easy -to- build, versatile amplifier is an excellent The Knight -Kit 10 -watt high -fidelity amplifier kit
foundation unit for starting a top -performing hi -fi sys- provides wide response and smooth reproduction at
tem. Extremely wide response and very high power exceptionally low cost. Construction is greatly simpli-
capacity guarantee brilliant reproduction. fied by an easy -to- follow manual, complete with sche-
matic diagrams and clear illustrations- anyone can
Frequency Response: +1 db, 20 to 20,000 cps at 20 easily assemble this fine amplifier.
watts. Rated Output: 20 watts. Distortion: 1% at 20
watts. Hum and Noise Level: Tuner input, 90 db below Frequency Response: ± 1 db, 30- 20,000 cps at 10 watts.
20 watts; Phono input 72 db below 20 watts. 4 Inputs: Harmonic Distortion: Less than 0.5% at 10 watts. Inter -
Magnetic phono, microphone, crystal phono or re- modulation Distortion: Less than 1.5% at 10 watts out-
corder, and tuner. Sensitivity: Tuner input, 0.6 volt for put. Controls: Volume, Bass, Treble, and Off-On. With
20 watts output; Magnetic Phono, .007 v. for 20 watts input for crystal phono or tuner. Chassis is punched
output. Output Impedances: 4, 8, 16 and 500 ohms. for preamp kit below (for use with magnetic cartridges).
Controls: Bass, On- Off -Treble, Volume, Selector. Tubes: Matches 8 ohm speakers. Tubes: 6SN7GT, 2 -6V6- 2-
1- 12AX7, 2- 12AU7, 2 -6L6G; SV4G rectifier. Rec- GT, SY3GT rectifier. Kit is complete with tubes, all
ord compensation positions for 78 rpm and micro- parts, wire, solder, and chrome -plated chassis. Less only
groove records. Smart chrome and black styling. Size: preamp parts and black finished enclosure (below).
7x13x8 %. With all parts, tubes, wire, solder, and Size: 7x13x6 deep. For operation from 110 -120 v.,
deluxe chrome -plated chassis. Less enclosure (below). 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 14 lbs.
For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Wt., 23 lbs. 83 YX 753. Net 23.50
83 YZ 750. NET 35.75
EQUALIZED PREAMP KIT. For use with above. Includes
CHROME -PLATED METAL CONTROL PANEL. For installing 6SL7 tube and all parts (no chassis; wired into amplifier
above in cabinet. Shpg. wt. 6 oz. chassis). Shpg. wt., lb. 1

83 Y 752. NET 1.40 83 Y 235. NET .....3.10

Black finish contrasts beautifully Iractive black finish contrasts with
with chrome chassis of amplifier. the chrome chassis of amplifier.
Size, enclosure plus amplifier, 7x Size, enclosure plus amplifier, 7x
13x8%'. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. 13x6'. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs.
83 YX 758. NET 4 15 83 YX 757. NET 3 95

*VT M-I1 n *ITT *1-n

... ....% 2
POMP CeIY[ AT Ls10eT011TVa

e e / /.... I


/ ,

10p00 MJO q00 q000
10 100 , MOO( Ov


Be sure to see pages 12 and 13 for a selection of complete high -fidelity
systems featuring Knight -Kit components. Each system brings you genuine
hi -fi at unsurpassed savings: You save because the cost of these systems is
far less than the total cost of components purchased separately -and you
save by doing the easy assembly yourself. No previous experience is
necessary when you build Knight -Kit hi-fi components.
216 Allied is Headquarters for High -Fidelity Equipment
EASY TO ASSEMBLE. No experience is COMPLETE. You'll find everything
required to assemble Knight -Kit you need in a Knight -Kit speaker
speaker system kits. Illustrated, system kit -highest -quality speak-
clearly written instructions make as- ers, pre- finished cabinetry work,

sembly a marvel of simplicity. Build
any system in minimum time you'll
be proud of the results.
all hardware, acoustic material and
easy -to- follow instructions. There's
nothing else to buy.


Knight 3 -WAY

"Ducted- Port" Design Mid -Range Cone
Tweeter Easy Assembly -With
WITH CONTROL Just a Screwdriver.

KNIGHT -KIT Economy 2 -Way Speaker System KNIGHT -KIT Deluxe 3 -Way Speaker System
NET Response, 45- 14,000 cps NET You Save 59.50

12' Woofer
Horn -Type Tweeter $8950 Famous Knight 3 -Way Speaker
Knight "Quik- Craft" Corner Enclosure
Only 7 Pieces to Assemble Choice of 3 Finishes
Introducing the new Knight -Kit 2 -way speaker system An outstanding value in a deluxe, 3 -way high -fidelity
kit -pre -finished, and complete with Jensen 12' woofer speaker system -the new Knight "Quik- Craft" KN-
and Jensen compression -type tweeter-at remarkably 1300 corner folded -horn enclosure kit and high -quality
lowcost. Absolutely no f urniture finishing is required -all Knight 12' 3 -way speaker. Assembling the enclosure
parts have been pre -finished by expert cabinet craftsmen is simplicity itself -all you need is a screwdriver;
in full -grained, high -luster blonde or mahogany. You there's no gluing, sanding, drilling or sawing! There's
do the easy part-just assemble only 7 pieces, mount no finishing to do, either-all exposed surfaces are
the speaker components, and enjoy rich, thrilling sound! finished in hand -rubbed Korina blonde, mahogany or
Special, Jensen -engineered baffle features "ducted-
port" construction to bring out the full beauty of bass
walnut. The speaker is of the new 3 -way type -it
a 12' cone for bass, a specially designed conical radiator
notes. A genuine L-pad tweeter control permits easy for mid -frequencies and a built -in compression -type
adjustment of tweeter for best tonal balance. The tweeter (with wired level control and calibrated dial)
assembled unit offers a frequency response of 45 to for highest frequencies. The woofer magnet weighs a
14,000 cps. Grille -cloth has neutral -tan background with full 1/¿ pounds for solid bass response. Unexcelled
gold -metallic threading-and comes pre -fitted on the efficiency of the enclosure and superb performance of
front panel! Beautifully styled to complement the decor the speaker combine to cover the whole spectrum of
of any home. Includes high -quality Jensen 12' woofer, audible sound -from 35 to 15,000 cps, ±5 db; and
Jensen compression -type tweeter, pre -finished wood you save $9.50 on the regular price of the two units!
parts (with grille -cloth installed), acoustic material, Includes 3 -way speaker, pre -finished panels, grille
glue, hardware and step -by -step instructions. 26x19x cloth, hardware, accessories and instructions. 32x2lx
14'. Specify blonde or mahogany when ordering. 143Ç. Specify Korina blonde, mahogany or walnut
Shpg. wt., 33 lbs. when ordering. Shpg. wt., 44 lbs.
83 YZ 789. NET 49.95 91 DZ 937C. NET 89.50


In addition to kits, Allied also offers you the world's largest selection of factory-
built hi -fi components, including speakers and enclosures, changers, record
players and recorders. Make it a must to study pages 26 through 96-you'll
find an outstanding array of expertly selected, top -performing units. Allied's
staff of audio specialists will be glad to help you select the components which
best suit your individual needs.
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois
Always the first choice of hobbyists Ease of construction is a hallmark of
and experimenters, new transistor Knight -Kits. You need only a screw-
Knight -Kits are now more popular than driver, soldering iron and pliers. No
ever before. Fun to build and enjoyable special tools or skills are required. Parts
to use, the latest electronic advances
are always incorporated into Knight -
Kit circuitry and design.
fit together with ease, and detailed
instructions are marvelously clear
you can't go wrong!



KNIGHT -KIT 2- Transistor Pocket Radio Kit

ONLY Receives Local Stations Loud and Clear
Employs Newest Printed Circuit Board
$1465 Operates from Built -In Loop Antenna
Plays for Months from Single Battery

You'll be delighted with the performance of this outstanding pocket radio! The miniature
dynamic earphone, patterned after professionol hearing -aid types, provides ex-
ceptionally good tonal quality. The two low -drain transistors will enable you to operate
it for months and months from its long -life, alkaline -cell battery.

You'll enjoy building this extremely efficient, 2- transis- Other important features of the pocket radio include
tor pocket radio -and your enjoyment will be doubled the use of an air -dielectric, variable capacitor for
when you start listening to its crystal- clear, local smooth, accurate tuning. The printed circuit board,
broadcast reception wherever you go. Compact and with all critical wiring already completed, simplifies
portable, it fits easily into your pocket and button -down assembly, reduces building time, and almost completely
flap allows it to be suspended from your belt. Only 4' eliminates chance of wiring error. Everything you
high, 3%' wide, and 1?' deep! You'll find hundreds of
uses for this precisely designed, low -cost pocket radio
perfect for baseball and football games, picnics, hikes
- need, down to the finest detail, is supplied. "Step-and-
Chek" instructions are marvelously clear and won't let
you go wrong. Even with no previous building experi-
and many other outdoor activities, as well as private ence, the entire radio can be assembled in just one eve-
listening indoors. ning -it's ready for use the instant you finish!

Employs an extremely efficient, reflex-type, 2- transistor Only two controls: On- Off -Volume and Tuning. Carry-
circuit that actually does the work of 3 transistors! ing weight is only 11 ounces! Handsome tan carrying
It's complete with everything you need- there's nothing case is plastic -impregnated and styled to resemble
else to buy. Works from a built -in, high -gain ferrite leather. Size, 4' high, 334' wide, %' deep. Kit includes

core antenna-no external antenna is needed to pick up two transistors, carrying case, earphone with 3 -ft.
local stations! You'll get months and months of service cord, battery, wire, solder, all parts, and easy -to- follow
from the new -type alkaline battery, since transistors instructions. Shpg. wt. 1M lbs.
require an incredibly small amount of power. 83 Y 262. NET 14.65

218 Allied Supplies Everything for the Experimenter and Builder

NEW Easiest -to -Build for Thrilling Radio Reception Anywhere
Knight -Kit's newest portable superhet receiver! Up- Highly attractive and compact carrying case, made of
to-the- minute circuitry employs 5 transistors and push - durable, impact- resistant extruded plastic, is color -
pull audio output stage for excellent reception of styled in eye -pleasing ivory and gold. Gold finished
broadcast stations. and remarkably clear tonal quality. end plate has convenient, pull -out carrying handle.
Printed circuit for easy assembly. It's a top value! Plastic tuning dial has gold insert.



New KNIGHT -KIT 5-Transistor Superhet Radio Kit

ONLY Extra - Sensitive, 5-Transistor Superhet
Uses Texas Instrument Co. Transistors

$2995 Panted Circuit for Easy Building

Average Battery Playing Life, 200 Hours
Excellent design and efficient circuitry are combined in this handsome, new portable
radio kit. Ultra- simple chassis layout, plus use of printed circuit board, provide
the utmost in accessibility to all parts and battery -and make assembly unusually
easy for almost anyone. No technical skill is required -you can build it in one evening!

A convincing example of elegant, functional styling The orderly layout of parts, as well as the trim styling
and precise design, the new Knight -Kit 5- Transistor of the carrying case, reflects the painstaking care
Superhet Radio Kit easily ranks with the best of that has gone into the design of the Knight -Kit
battery- operated portable radios. Among its many ex- 5- transistor portable superhet radio. Its smart appear-
cellent features, you'll find: A big 3)4' speaker, larger ance and highly dependable operation, will make you
than is ordinarily used in portable radios of this type; proud to own it, and equally proud to have built it
premium- quality transistors and component parts, your yourself. Carrying weight of the finished kit is only
assurance of a finished radio kit equivalent in perform- 22 ounces, and its pull -out, end -handle will enable you
ance to more expensive, pre -wired units; Class B push - to carry it comfortably anywhere.
pwlt audio output stage, for clear voice and music repro-
duction and extremely low battery drain; built -in, The printed circuit board simplifies and speeds building,
high -gain ferrite loopstick antenna, for top-notch broad- and eliminates chance of wiring error. Two controls:
cast reception; phone jack output, for private listening Off -On-Volume and Tuning. Volume control is a
if desired. handy, recessed thumbwheel. Handsome ivory and gold
styling is accented by the use of ebony black panel trim.
In a matter of hours, and using only the simplest of Size: 3%' high, 7W wide, 1 %' deep. With all parts,
tools, you can build yourself a smooth -operating, wire, solder, battery and instructions. 2 lbs.
professionally styled portable radio that will give 83 Y 766. NET 29.95
you up to 200 hours of playing time, from just a single, EARPHONE FOR ABOVE. For private listening. 5 oz.
9 -volt battery, which is also included! 59 J 147. NET 317
Knight-Kits are Famous for Their Easy -to- Follow Instructions and Giant -Size Diagrams 219
KNIGHT -KIT "Trans- Midge"
NEW 1- Transistor Radio Kit
WITH PLASTIC CASE NET Here's a tiny, 1-transistor radio kit
t hat's just slightly larger than a pack of

$2" cigarettes! Designed to provide a fasci-

nating, fun -filled evening for both ex-
perienced and beginning kit builders.
You'll be amazed at how easily it goes together and
you'll enjoy its exceptionally fine performance. Small
enough to fit easily into the palm of your hand, this
efficient radio will give clear reception throughout the
standard AM broadcast band. Using a high -efficiency
transitor, the "Trans -Midge" has excellent selectivity
FASCINATING HOBBY KIT and displays remarkable sensitivity -pulls in stations
Uses High- Efficiency Transistor
loud and clear. Requires external antenna.
Exceptionally Sensitive Reception
Operates From Single Penlight Cell Features of this expertly engineered little radio include:
Has High -Impact Plastic Case Efficient, slug -tuned coil for high sensitivity and excel-
Operates Indoors or Outdoors lent separation of stations; external knob to permit
tuning in stations without opening the case; low -drain
transistor which operates for months and months on
the single penlight cell supplied; durable, positive -lock-
ing, red plastic case. Highest -quality parts are used.
Headphones and com-
plete antenna kit are Supplied complete with plastic case, all parts, transistor,
available as accessory wire, solder, battery and step -by -step instructions. Less
items for Knight -Kit headphones and antenna kit (see below). Size, 35x25x
transistor radios and 15.(R'. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
crystal set. Antenna kit 83 Y 767. NET 2 45
includes 50 feet of copper 149. 4000 -Ohm Headphones. 1% lbs. NET...... 2.15
59 J
wire, 25 feet of lead -in,
insulators, lead -in strip, 83 C 100. Antenna Kit. lbs. NET 1 03
and ground clamp.

Popular KNIGHT -KIT Crystal Set Kit

PRINTED CIRCUIT Sensitive Crystal Diode
Smooth, Easy Tuning
Loud, Clear Reception
Efficient "Hi -Q" Coil

KNIGHT -KIT Printed -Circuit Transistor Radio Kit EDUCATIONAL
NET Outstanding Kit Value
Printed Circuit Mounting Board NET This famous, feature -packed
$395 High -Efficiency Transistor
$215 Knight -Kit crystal set kit is ac-
claimed everywhere for its out-
Operates on Single Penlight Cell
standing performance and
An amazing radio-small enough to fit into the palm of remarkably low cost. Delivers
your hand -and it operates for months and months on loud, clear reception of local broadcast stations.
just one penlight battery! This popular kit introduces Circuit employs a fixed -type germanium crystal
you to the latest marvels of electronics -the transistor diode detector of the type used in high frequency
and the printed circuit -and delivers excellent head- detecting equipment. Crystal is preset and does
phone reception on the entire AM band. The transistor not require adjustment. Kit includes coil form
is highly efficient -uses remarkably little current -lasts and wire for winding efficient "Hi -Q" coil. Com-
indefinitely -and is extremely small in size. The printed plete with all parts, detailed instructions, wire,
circuit eliminates wiring -makes assembly the last solder and baseboard. Less headphones and an-
word in simplicity. Kit includes specially designed coil tenna kit. Shpg. wt., lb.

for exceptionally good sensitivity and selectivity. A 83 Y 261. NET 2 15

ball bearing variable capacitor assures smooth, effort-
less tuning. With all parts, transistor, battery, solder, 59 J 110. 2000 -Ohm Headphones. % lbs. NET. 2.00

etc. Less headphones (4000 ohms or more) and antenna, 83 C 100. Antenna Kit. 11 2 lbs. NET 03 1

above right. Size, 3Ax3 7Ax3'. Shpg. wt., 1 lb.

83 Y 765. NET 3 95
-Kits Have Easy -To- Follow Instructions
Fun to build and enjoyable to use! With Knight -Kits you're always as-
That's why Knight -Kits are the sured of outstanding performance
first choice of hobbyists and experi- and top value. Construction is sim-
menters. You learn more with plicity itself -no special equipment
Knight -Kits because the latest ad- or tools are required. Parts fit to-
vances in electronics are always gether easily, and detailed instruc-
incorporated in every circuit. tions are marvelously clear.

knight -kit

... you go from one exciting
project to another... each cir-
cuit has a practical use . . .

each circuit helps teach you

how transistors work ...

IT'S EASY TO ASSEMBLE Remarkable Transistor Lab Value For Hobbyists

Amazing, versatile Knight -Kit 10- Circuit Transis-
SOLDER THE BASIC PARTS IN NEI torized Electronic Lab -one of the most rewarding
PLACE.. THEN CHANGE FROM kits ever designed. It's unexcelled in simplicity of
$1575 construction -truly a marvel of ingenious kit design!
ONE CIRCUIT TO ANOTHER One side of the printed circuit board is screen-printed
BY MERELY PLUGGING IN to indicate where all components go -after you
solder these basic parts in place, you change from one
THE PROPER LEADS. circuit to the next by merely inserting "plug-in" leads into the proper
jacks on the board -no additional soldering! Jacks are already mounted
BUILD ANY ONE OF THESE and "plug -in" leads of uniform length already have plugs permanentl
WONDERFUL PROJECTS: fastened on the ends. You learn how transistors operate by "plugging in"
any one of 10 circuits that really work! An AM radio that gives loud, clear
2 -Stage AM Radio headphone reception -a wireless broadcaster that lets you "broadcast"
Photoelectronic Relay to any nearby radio -aversatile electronic switch of many uses
ity-operated relay that may be used as a burglar alarm, etc.
-a capac-
Wireless Broadcaster
Code Practice Oscillator This top -value kit is supplied complete -you get dual headphones (also
Electronic Switch serve as mike), "plug-in" circuit leads, guide cards, two transistors,
2 -Stage Audio Amplifier solder, relay and photocell-everything you need, with nothing else to
Capacity -Operated Relay buy! You'll be delighted with the big, easy -to- understand instruction
Electronic Timer manual that comes with this kit. It tells you exactly what to do to com-
Voice -Operated Relay plete initial wiring -then gives you an understanding of transistors by
Electronic Flasher
explaining just how each of the 10 circuits works. The perfect kit for the
beginner- student -hobbyist -or experimenter. Uses for the circuits in
The KNIGHT -KIT 10- Circuit tran- the Transistorized Electronic Lab are limited only by the imagination!
sistor lab kit is an ideal supple- Battery- powered. With battery and solder. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs.
ment to school electronic courses. 83 Y 299. NET 15.75


Simply place these guide Written in easy- to-follow
cards on the board, and terms, the instruction man-
plug in the circuit leads ual not only tells you ex-
where indicated to get a actly what to do to build
working circuit! Holes for the basic chassis, but also
"plug -in" leads are num- fully explains the opera-
ber -coded -it's easy -it's tion of the transistors in
fun -it's practical! each circuit.
Allied is Headquarters for Builders and Experimenters

Using your radio is twice as much I,istening to short -wave stations

fun when you've built it yourself; from all parts of the world is fun!
and famous Knight -Kit illustrated You'll hear foreign broadcasts,
instructions make it easy! Every- amateurs all over the world, ships
thing is clearly explained. at sea, police, aircraft, etc.


KNIGHT -KIT "Space Spanner" Receiver Kit KNIGHT -KIT "Ocean Hopper" Receiver Kit
Sensitive Regenerative Circuit Full Frequency Coverage
Broadcast and Short -Wave Reception Simple, Sensitive Circuit
51595 Bondswitching From Front Panel
$1195 Easy to Assemble
Built-In PM Speaker Convenient Bandspread
Imagine the thrill of hearing broadcasts from over- Easy to build and fun to use, this top performing
seas on a precision short -wave receiver you've built
yourself! Then, just flip a switch to tune in the ball
game on your favorite local broadcast station! The
regenerative receiver is truly worthy of its name! It
puts a world of listening pleasure at your fingertips
literally hopping oceans to bring in crisp, clear re-
sensitive "Space Spanner" circuit -acclaimed by thou- ception from all corners of the earth. The exceptionally
sands of enthusiastic owners-tunes short -wave from wide tuning range of the "Ocean Hopper ", using the coils
6.5 to 17 megacycles, bringing you the 40 and 20 meter listed below, covers from 155 kilocycles to 35 megacycles,
Amateur bands, International hands, plus maritime, including virtually every type of radio transmission:
police and aircraft communications and the National marine, aircraft, distress call channels, standard broad-
Bureau of Standards transmissions. Standard broadcast cast, direction finding, Amateur, frequency standard,
coverage is complete, from 540 to 1700 kilocycles. Build- International broadcast, police and fire departments,
ing the "Space Spanner" is an ideal way to learn about etc. A large main tuning knob and electrical band-
radio -and an economical way to own a fine receiver. spread help to make tuning simple and precise.
You'll enjoy working from the clear, detailed instruc- Front panel controls include Main Tuning, Bandspread,
tions supplied with your "Space Spanner"; big pictures Antenna Trimmer and Off-On /Regeneration. Tubes are
show you where to put every part, and there's even a 12AT6 detector and 50CS audio output stage; 35W4
an 8 -page section that explains the principles of radio, rectifier. Kit is supplied with coil to cover standard
and shows how to get the most from your "Space broadcast band, wire, solder, and easy -to- follow, step -
Spanner ". The radio itself is loaded with features: by -step instructions. Less extra coils (below), head-
headphone connectors, speaker cut -out switch, 5005 phones, speaker, and cabinet. Size, 6x93/x5'. For 110-
120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC, or DC. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs.
beam power output stage, 4' PM speaker, and 6 con- 11.95
83 Y 740. NET
trols (Bandspread, Main Tuning, Antenna Trimmer,
Bandswitch, Regeneration and Volume). Less cabinet CABINET FOR "OCEAN HOPPER ". Shpg. wt., 1M lbs.
83 Y 746. NET 2.90
(below). With wire, solder, etc. Size, 7x10'4x6'. For
PLUG-IN COILS. Shpg. wt., each, 2 oz.
110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC or DC. 4M lbs. 79c
15.95 83 Y 741. Long Wove. 155 -470 kc. NET
83 Y 243. NET
83 Y 742. Short Wave. 1.65 -4.1 mc
CABINET FOR "SPACE SPANNER ". Smart- looking gray 83 Y 743. Short Wave. 2.9-7.3 mc. NET
cabinet with durable pyroxylin covering. Shpg. wt., 21ós. 83 Y 745. Short Wove. 7 -17.5 mc. EACH 65c
83 Y 247. NET 2.90 83 Y 744. Short Wave. 15.5 -35 mc.

ANTENNA KIT. For use with "Space HEADSET. High -quality 2000 -ohm dual
Spanner" and "Ocean Hopper" re- headset, for "Ocean Hopper" or
ceivers. 50' antenna wire, 25' lead -in,
insulators, etc. Shpg. wt., 1M lbs.
83 C 100. NET 1.03
OW w l "Space Spanner ". Inside terminals;
with 4'M -ft. cord. Shpg. wt., 12 oz.
.59J 110. NET.. ............. 2.00
Only the Finest Electronic Components Are Used in Knight -Kits
tiou'll point with pride to this
smart- looking, high -performance
NEW knight -kit
table model radio when you've PHOTOELECTRONIC RELAY SYSTEM
built it! It's so easy, anyone can do
it -and it's fun!
Relay Unit
A versatile, light -
c o n t r o le dl


of many uses.

Interruption of light
striking the relay unit con
be used as a burglar
alarm, to sound chime
turn on lights, etc.

KNIGHT -KIT "Ranger II" AC -DC Radio Kit

Highly Efficient Superhet Circuit
Rich Tonal Quality
$1725 Smart, Modern Plastic Cabinet
Crystal-Clear Instructions
Here's a remarkably fine table radio in kit form. High -
quality parts and expert circuit design give outstanding
superhet performance on the broadcast band.
Light Source with
Can be assembled with no previous radio experience. Deep Red Filter
The clear, step -by-step instructions and giant -sized
diagrams make construction easy and fun. An excellent
aid to understanding radio. No special tools or instru- Low -Cost Photoelectronic Relay System
ments required. The entire job can be done with a
soldering iron, screwdriver, and pliers. Construction of Now you can build your own
this quality radio will reward the builder with years of NET ultra -sensitive photoelectronic
relay at very low cost. It's fun
dependable service -and the pride that comes from $1350 to build -and you'll find dozens
building a working radio receiver himself.
of uses for it in automatic con-
Covers 540 to 1680 kc for reception of the entire broad- trol of lights, door openers,
cast band and exciting police calls. Fine quality Alnico burglar alarms, counting devices, etc. Ideal
V speaker and acoustically designed cabinet for clear, for turning on house or store lighting each
full tone. Sensitive superheterodyne circuit includes evening at dusk. Employs new, highly sensi-
automatic volume control to reduce blasting and fading. tivecadmium-selenide photocell in a thyratron
Cadmium- plated steel chassis. Ball bearing tuning con- circuit that permits operation up to 250 ft.
denser for smooth operation. Smart brown plastic case,
with handsome gold mesh grille insert.
from Knight -Kit light source, below. Select-
able operation: "Trip" for burglar alarm
provides continuous ringing of alarm even
Tubes: I2SA7GT- mixer; 12SK7GT -IF amplifier; though intruder steps out of beam; and
12SQ7GT- detector-AVC- audio; 50L6GT -audio out- "Auto" if relay is to operate each time beans
put. Rectifier is a 35Z5GT. Efficient loop antenna for is broken -for chimes, counting devices, turn-
maximum sensitivity. With wire and solder, tubes, ing on lights, etc. Supplies 6.3 v. AC at 0.6
cabinet, speaker, all parts, and hardware. Size 6' high, amps for alarm, counter, etc. With wire,
9' wide and 5' deep. For operation from 110 -120 volts. solder, and all parts. Size, 5x3x5'. For 105 -120
50 -60 cycle AC or DC. Shpg. wt. 8 lbs. v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 2% lbs.
83 Y 735. NET . 17.25 83 Y 702. NET 13.50
LIGHT SOURCE KIT ONLY. With bulb and dark
AN IDEAL KIT FOR SCHOOL USE red filter. Size, 6x6x4'. For 110 -120 v., 50 -60
Students develop a keen interest and learn more cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 3>% lbs.
about electronics when they have the opportunity 83 Y 703. NET 6.75
to build a working radio themselves! Schools are CHIME. For use with above relay. 2 lbs
invited to inquire about quantity purchase prices 77 P 035. NET 2.58
for the easy -to- build "Ranger II" and other kits.
Easy -to- Follow Instructions n3

Famous KNIGHT -KIT 10-in-1 Electronic Lab Kit

NET llave fun -- while you learn the basic
elements of electronics -by working on
the 10 carefully selected circuits in this
$1265 fascinating and practical kit. With the
"10 -in -1" you'll be able to quickly and
easily build any one of 10 circuits that really work,
and then change from one circuit to another whenever
you wish. Low -voltages throughout -it's
safe to build
and operate-and the only tools needed are a soldering
iron, screwdriver and pliers.
Build what you want for fun as well as practical ap-
plications. The broadcast receiver provides sensitive
headphone reception of the AM broadcast band; the
"wireless" phono oscillator permits you to play records
through your radio from anywhere in the house; the
code practice oscillator enables you to "send" code
through your headphones or radio; the photo relay op-
erates electrical appliances when actuated by light; the
capacity-operated relay is excellent for use as a burglar
BUILD ANY ONE OF THESE TEN PROJECTS alarm; the signal tracer is used to service radios by
tracing the signal through the circuit, etc.
Home "Broadcast" Station Broadcast Receiver
Wireless Phono Oscillator Photo Relay Complete kit includes: 12SF5, 35L6GT tubes and
Code Practice Oscillator Electronic Switch 35Z5GT rectifier; mike; power transformer; relay; ca-
Capacity- Operated Relay Signol Tracer pacitors; resistors; mounting board; hardware; wire
Phono or Mike Amplifier Electronic Timer and solder; and a 12 -page instruction manual. Less
headphone, phototube and phototube socket. For
110 -120 v., 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs.
83 Y 265. NET 12.65

1S ' . !


KNIGHT -KIT 6-in -I Electronic Lab Kit

NET Here's a smaller version of the famous
Code Practice Oscillator "Broadcast Station"
$845 "10 -in -1" radio lab kit, described above.
51 b t9
4.t (19P
Contains an excellent selection of 6 use-
ful circuits. Valuable as an introduction
into the field of electronics. Features
..1 _ special time-saving design for quick, easy change from
one circuit to the next. Safety engineered -uses a special-
ly constructed power transformer -no dangerous high
voltages. After basic wiring is completed, circuits can be
Broadcast Receiver Wireless Oscillator changed without any soldering. Code practice oscillator
permits "sending" code through your radio for group
code instruction or for practice use with headphone;
single sine wave generator (1700 cps) is excellent for
checking audio circuits in radios, amplifiers, etc.
Includes 6SN7 tube, selenium rectifier, power trans-
former, all parts, mounting hoard and complete easy -
to-follow instructions. Less headphone (also serves as
microphone). For operation from 110 -120 v., 50 -60 AC.
Shpg. wt. 3 lbs.
83 Y 770. NET 8.45


HEADPHONE. Single type, 1000 -ohm headphone. For
use with either kit. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
591 112. NET 1.08
ANTENNA KIT. For use with receiver circuits of either
kit. Includes 50 -ft. of antenna wire, lead -in, insula-
tors, and hardware. Shpg. wt. 1 % lbs.
83 C 100. NET 1.03
PHOTOTUBE. For use in photo relay circuit of the
BUILD ANY ONE OF THESE SIX PROJECTS 10 -in -1 lab kit. Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
77 P 003. NET 2 50
Standard Broadcast Receiver Code Practice Oscillator
Wireless "Home Broadcaster" Single Sine Wave Generator 4-PRONG TUBE SOCKET. Bakelite socket for photo-
Code Practice Broadcaster Signal Tracer tube, above. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
40 H 024. NET 9c
224 Allied is Headquarters for Builders and Experimenters
For Home, Office or Factory 2 -Way Communication


KNIGHT -KIT 2 -Way Intercommunication System Kit

NET Low Cost- Easy -to- Assemble Master can communicate with Remote regardless of
$1475 With 50 -ft. Cable
Handsome Metal Cabinets
position of switch on Remote unit and can handle up
to three Remote units in parallel. Combination volume
High Gain -Clear Tone control and on -off switch, plus pilot light, on Master.
Efficient, versatile 2- station intercom kit consisting of Only the Master station need be connected to an AC or
a Master and a Remote unit -at remarkably low cost! DC power source; Remote station can therefore be
Has high gain and plenty of volume -responds to even a located at any desired spot. Kit has a high -gain, 2 -stage
whisper -person at remote unit can answer from across amplifier and 4" PM speakers. The audio amplifier uses
the room. Hundreds of uses in the home, office, school, a 12AV6 voltage amplifier and 5005 power amplifier;
shop, etc. Use it as a step -saving means of communica- rectifier is a 35W4. In antique white. With parts, tubes,
tion between house and garage, backyard, attic or base- 50 -ft. cable, hook-up wire, solder, and easy -to- follow
ment, "baby sitter" (picks up the slightest sound) for the instructions. Size each unit, 4 ¡.sx6 x4% ". For 110-120
children's room, etc. In the office, factory or store, use it v., 50-60 cycle AC, or DC. Shpg. wt., 8 lbs.
for rapid control of operations between widely separated 83 Y 295. NET 14.75
departments. Provides private or non- private operation
at the flick of a switch. In non -private position Master EXTRA REMOTE STATION KIT. Less cable. 3 lbs.
can "listen in" on Remote. Master unit has a "press-to- 83 Y 296. NET 3.75
talk" switch; Remote unit has a "talk- listen" switch.
Switch on Remote can be left in "talk" position to EXTRA CABLE. Shpg. wt., 100 ft., 2t/ lbs.
permit continuous listening-in by Master unit. 49 W 604. NET PER FOOT 3C

KNIGHT -KIT High -Speed Electronic Photoflash Kit

NET 1'700th -of -a- Second Flash
$2850 50 Watt Seconds
Daylight Spectral Quality
Ideal for Color and B & W
The feature -packed Knight -Kit electronic flash gun kit is perfect
for indoor, outdoor, black-and -white, and color photography.
Quality-engineered and proven acceptance -provides excellent
service and reliable performance for the economy- minded photog-
raphy enthusiast. The bulb gives over 10,000 flashes at just a
fraction of a cent per flash! No more bulky, costly flashbulbs-no
more lost shots -no more misfires. Freezes fastest action with
1 /700 -second flash. Light approaches daylight in spectral quality

-permits using daylight -type color film indoors. Film guide

number on average black and white film (ASA 80) is 200; for color
film (ASA 10) guide number is 45. Output is full 50 watt- seconds.
Features include: Xenon -filled reflector -bulb assembly; self -
contained trigger transformer; pre -assembled reflector-bulb
socket; and heavy-duty, plastic-impregnated case. Each kit comes
complete with universal mounting bracket that fits all cameras,
all parts, case, pre-cut wire, solder, and step -by -step instructions
with clearly illustrated diagrams. Ideal for use with "X" or "O"
shutters only. Requires sync cable (obtainable from any photo
supply dealer) and either battery or AC power supply (below).
Shpg. wt., 4 lbs. AC Power Supply
83 Y 244, NET 28.50
AC POWER SUPPLY KIT. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs. A perfect flash each
83 Y 246. NET 3 75 time -no misfires
BATTERY. Burgess U -200. Shpg. wt., 1 lb. -no lost shots. Eco -
801626. NET 7.70 nomical -a fraction of
Knight-Kits Have Easy-to-Follow Instructions a cent per flash.
KNIGHT -KIT Wireless Broadcaster Kit
NET Broadcasts Clear Signal
Use with Phono or Mike
595° High Gain Stage with Equalizer
No Connections to Radio
Set up your own "broadcast" station. Use the Knight -
Kit Wireless Broadcaster with mike or phono to make
announcements or play music through one or more
standard radios in the house -without any need for
direct connection to the sets! May be used with crystal
cartridge, magnetic cartridge, or mike (crystal or high -
impedance dynamic). Has Class A Heising modulator
and inverse feedback -puts out a clear, full -toned sig-
nal. Volume may be controlled at broadcaster or at any
radio picking up its signal. Broadcaster is continuously
adjustable from 600 to 1600 kc-can easily be tuned to
any clear frequency on your set.
High -gain stage with equalizer permits using magnetic
cartridge without external preamp; equalizer may be
disconnected for use with mike. Tubes: 12AX7, 2-
5005. With selenium rectifier. Kit is supplied complete
with tubes, chassis, all parts, wire, solder and easy -to-
follow instructions. Size, 4 %x5x6'. For 110 -120 volts,
A WORLD OF FUN 50-60 cycle AC, or DC. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs.
Broadcasts Phono 83 Y 705. NET 9 50
or Mike Through
any AM Radio KNIGHT CRYSTAL MIKE. Quality mike for use with above.
With 5 -ft. cable. Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
995519. NET 295




KNIGHT -KIT Phono Oscillator Kit KNIGHT -KIT Low -Cost Phono Amplifier Kit
NET Extremely Low Cost NET Excellent Tonal Quality
$585 "Broadcasts" Up to 50 Feet
No Connections to Radio $945 Compact Size
Built -In Tone Control
For Any Crystal Phono Ideal for Portable Phonos
The popular, easy -to-build Knight -Kit economy -model Here's a low -cost, unusually compact phono amplifier
phono oscillator. Use this top-performing kit with any that delivers excellent tonal quality. Presents unusual
crystal phono for "broadcasting" recorded music to any specifications in a moderately priced package. Excellent
standard radio set up to 50 feet away. Requires no direct for building a low priced portable phonograph-any
connection to radio set. Compact phono oscillator kit record changer and speaker are all that is needed.
may be easily installed in the phonograph cabinet or Compact chassis fits most portable phono cabinets.
mounted behind a wooden panel. Operates on any fre- Works equally well with crystal or ceramic cartridges.
quency between 600 and 800 kc. Delivers excellent
tonal quality. Has controls for adjustment of modula- Auxiliary AC socket, controlled by amplifier "Off -On"
tion level and selection of clear frequency on radio set. switch, is provided for connecting record changer. Pro-
vides full output with less than .25 volt input -plenty
Uses 50L6GT tube as a modulated oscillator and also of volume. 8 db of inverse feedback for low distortion
35Z5GT rectifier. Kit is supplied complete with all and hum levels. Tone control permits adjustment of
parts, wire, solder, tubes, and easy -to- follow assem- high frequency response and balance. Matches any 3-
bly instructions. instructions include schematic and to 4-ohm speaker. Tubes: 1- 12AU6, 1 -50L6. Selenium
pictorial diagrams -can quickly and easily be wired rectifier. Size: 44x7x4' deep. Highly attractive blue
from pictorial diagram alone. Size, 4 %x4 %x4 %'. For wrinkle finish. Kit is supplied complete with tubes, all
operation from 110 -120 volts, 50-60 cycle AC, or DC. parts, wire, solder, and easy -to- follow instructions. For
Shpg. wt. 2 lbs. 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs.
83Y760.NET 585 83 Y 790. NET 9.45
n6 Allied Supplies Everything for the Experimenter and Builder
Low -Cost KNIGHT -KIT Battery Charger Kit
NET Here's a battery charg- all parts, DC leads, battery clips,
$875 er kit at unusually low wire, solder, and instructions. 3jx
cost. Charges 6-volt 6 %x5'. For 110 -120 v., 6o cycles AC.
storage batteries. Oper-
ation of unit is self regulating
charging rate tapers from 4 to 2 am-
- Shpg. wt., 14 lbs.
83Y780.NET 875
peres. Pilot light indicates correct "A" SUPPLY ADAPTER KIT. Filters out-
connection of cables to battery; put of charger to permit use as 6.3-
lights if cables are connected cor- volt, 4 -amp DC filament supply, etc.
rectly. Transformer is fused for extra Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
protection against line surges. With 83 Y 782. NET 190

For Proof of KNIGHT -KIT Superiority- Examine Our Instruction Manuals


' OC Complete, easy -to-follow instruction man-

uals for famous Knight electronic kits
identical to manuals supplied with kits.
Offer an inexpensive preview of any kit.
Contain breakdown of equipment, construction notes,
technical hints, operating data, plus parts lists. Include
comprehensive schematic and pictorial diagrams. Each
manual includes all essential data, fully keyed with
helpful cross references. No wiring experience or knowl-
edge of schematics is necessary to follow these manuals.

38 K 166. RF Signal Generator. 38 165.

K Tube Tester.
38 K 169. Audio Generator. 38 050.
K Crystal Set.
38 K 196. TV -FM Sweep Generator. 38 176.
K "Ranger II" Superhet Radio.
38 K 170. Signal Tracer. 38 942.
K 5- Transistor Superhet Radio.
38 K 167. S' Wide Band Oscilloscope. 38 936.
K 2- Transistor Pocket Radio.
38 K 097. S' General- Purpose Oscilloscope. 38 K 943. "Trans- Midge" 1- Transistor Radio.
38 K 183. VOM; 1.000 ohms -per -volt. 38 K 195. Printed Circuit 1- Transistor Radio.
38 K 168. VOM; 20.000 ohms -per -volt. 38 K 096. Electronic Photoflash.
38 K 163. 6 -Volt Battery Charger. 38 K 934. Photoelectronic Relay.
38 K 098. 6-12 Volt Battery Eliminator. 38 K 935. Light Source.
38 K 099. Scope Voltage Calibrator. 38 K 198. RF Z- Bridge.
38 K 148. Capacitance Substitution Box. 38 K 296. 100 -Kc Crystal Calibrator.
38 K 147. Resistance Substitution Box. 38 K 146. Transistor Code Practice Oscillator.
38 K 199. Transistor Checker. 38 K 161. "Ocean Hopper" Receiver.
38 K 184. Resistance- Capacitance Tester. 38 K 187. "Space Spanner" Regenerative Receiver.
38 K 188. In-Circuit Capacitor Checker. 38 K 944. Amateur Communications Receiver.
38 K 928. Flyback Checker. 38 K 180. Amateur Variable Frequency Oscillator.
38 K 185. Vacuum -Tube Voltmeter. 38 K 095. Amateur 50 -Watt CW Transmitter.
38 K 172. AC -DC Phono Amplifier. 38 K 937. Hi -Fi Preamplifier.
38 K 162. Phono Oscillator. 38 K 145. 25 -Watt Basic Hi -Fi Amplifier.
38 K 178. Wireless Broadcaster. 38 K 939. 30 -Watt Hi -Fi Amplifier.
38 K 197. 2- Station Intercom. 38 K 190. 20 -Watt Hi-Fi Amplifier.
38 K 044. "10 -in -1" Lab. 38 K 940. 18 -Watt Hi-Fi Amplifier.
38 K 164. "6 -in -1" Lab. 38 K 059. 10 -Watt Hi-Fi Amplifier.
38 K 295. 10- Circuit Transistor Lab. 38 K 941. Hi -Fi FM -AM Tuner.
38 K 126. Hi -Fi FM Tuner.

KNIGHT -KITS are Available Only at Allied

Money -Saving Tools and Supplies for Kit Builders
Efficient, lightweight, 120 -watt
soldering gun. Long -life, steel -nose
y' -dia.
chrome -vanadium steel
shaft and plastic handle. Overall
tip. Heats in 2% seconds. For 110- length, 10'. Shpg. wt., 6 oz.
" 120 v., AC. Shpg. wt. 2% lbs. 45 N 796. NET 72c
46 N 358. NET 5 83
471/5-WATT UNGAR SOLDERING tin of solder. Compounded of high-
o PENCIL For printed -circuit solder- est grade tin and lead. Plastic rosin
ing. Pyramid -type tip, molded plastic filled. Non-corrosive. Wt., 3 oz.
handle, flexible cord. For 110 -120 46 N 900. NET I7c e
volts. AC or DC. Wt., 6 oz. G.C. PRINT-KOTE SOLDER. For use in
47 N 095. NET 3.67 printed circuits. Wt.
3 oz.
43 N 026. NET 44c
0 KRAEUTER 6' PLIERS. Precision,
long -nose pliers. Simplifies work WIRE KIT. Package of five, 5-ft. lengths
on crowded chassis. Has side cut- of No. 20 solid hookup wire. In 5 SEE PAGES 228 -236
ters. Shpg. wt., 10 oz. different colors. Wt., % lb. FOR COMPLETE LISTINGS
46 N 449. NET 1.76 48 T 198. NET 55c OF KNIGHT-KIT AMATEUR
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Avg., Chicago 80, Illinois AND TEST EQUIPMENT 211
There are no finer values for the Amateur station than Knight -Kit
equipment. These outstanding kits are designed to the highest
standards of Amateur performance by skilled engineers, who are
themselves licensed Amateurs with a thorough understanding of your
needs and problems. When you outfit your station with Knight -Kits
you can be sure of equipment that's designed for maximum efficiency,
versatility and operating ease-plus the ultimate in dependability.
Nowhere can you find greater value.


Tunes 540 kc to 31 mc
Printed Circuit Bandswitch
Built -In Q Multiplier
300 cps to 4.5 kc Selectivity
1.5 pv Sensitivity
Printed Circuitry Throughout
Vernier Dials -No Strings
Constant- Running HFO
/i6" Cold -Rolled Steel Chassis


New KNIGHT -KIT Deluxe All -Band Amateur Receiver

Here's one of the most sensational values ever offered in
NET a communications receiver! The new Knight -Kit re-
ceiver offers high selectivity, sensitivity and stability to
$10450 meet the needs of all Amateurs. Has an array of features,
many of which are found only in receivers costing much
$10.45 Down more. Uses printed circuitry throughout, including the
revolutionary Knight -Kit printed circuit bandswitch, to
make assembly remarkably easy. Covers 540 kc to 31 mc in 4 ranges;
calibrated electrical bandspread on the 80 -10 meter Amateur bands; slug -
tuned hi -Q coils; continuous B+ applied to HFO -lets you switch from 2 Printed Circuit Boards. Critical wiring
already completed. Eliminates problems

standby to receive with no drift; 13+ to HFO is voltage regulated; built -in of lead-dress"- -greatly simplifies assem-
Q- multiplier peaks desired signal or nulls interference; delayed AVC; pro- bly, reduces wiring time and eliminates
vision for Knight -Kit crystal calibrator (below). Sensitivity: 1.5 µv for 10 db costly wiring errors.
signal -to-noise ratio. Selectivity: Variable from 300 cps to 4.5 kc at 6 db
down. Exalted BFO injection.
TUBES: 6BZ6 RF amp.; 6BH8 mixer and HF osc.; 6AZ8 1st IF and 1st
audio; 6AZ8 2nd IF and S -meter amp.; 6BC7 delayed AVC, 2nd det., and
noise limiter; 6AW8 audio output and BFO; 12AX7 Q- multiplier; 6X4
rectifier; 0132 voltage regulator.
CONTROLS: Main tuning, bandspread tuning, band selector, Q- multiplier
selectivity, Q- multiplier tune, null -off -peak, BFO pitch, RF gain, AF
gain, BFO -MVC -AVC -ANL, off-stby -recv -cal, antenna trimmer; also in-
cludes headphone jack.
Printed Circuit Bandswitch. Another Knight -
With tubes, all parts, wire, solder, instructions and sturdy metal cabinet. Kit exclusive) The printed circuit Band-
Less phones, 8 -ohm loudspeaker and S- meter. 10x10x16>.Ç. For 110 -120 v., switch, used for the first time in any
50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt. 23 lbs. communications receiver regardless of
104.50 cost, assures exact reproduction of
83 YZ 726. NET laboratory model and cuts assembly time.
83 Y 727. S -METER KIT FOR ABOVE. Shpg. wt., 1 Ih. NET 9.5O
NEW KNIGHT -KIT 100 kc Crystal Calibrator Kit

NEW NET Crystal frequency standard at very low cost. Gives

marker every 100 kc up to 32 mc. An Amateur "must"
$1050 for marking band edges. Mounting flanges permit in-
stallation in, or in back of, receiver cabinet. Measures
only %xl lAx3e. Requires 6.3 v. at 0.15 amp and 150 -300 v. DC at

3 -6 ma. Trimmer for zero -beating with WWV; On -Off switch. With
tube, crystal, all parts, wire, solder, and instructions. lb. 1

83 Y 256. NET 10.50

228 Knight -Kits are Available on Allied's Easy Payment Plan -See Page 396
Component layout is skillfully
engineered for high efficiency.

KNIGHT -KIT Low -Cost VFO Kit Special Value KNIGHT -KIT 50 -Watt CW Transmitter Kit
NET Exceptional Stability Ideal Transmitter for the Novice Amateur
Compact Design
Long -Life Transmitting Tubes Effective TVI Suppression
J Excellent Keying
TVI Suppression
Convenient Bandswitching -80 through 10 meters
Efficient Pi- Network Antenna Coupler
WITH BUILT -IN POWER SUPPLY Here's a low -cost 50 -watt transmitter kit that features high -quality trans-
A deluxe, high -quality VFO kit at an mitting components throughout. Uses the popular 807 tube in the final,
incomparably low price. Calibrated ceramic coil forms, double - spaced tank capacitor and heavy copper-finish
for 80, 40, 20, 15, 11 and 10 meters; chassis aids TVI suppression. Ideal as a "first rig" for the Novice because
output on 80 and 40 meters. 40-volt assembly is simplicity itself. Excellent, too, as a low -power standby rig for
output on 80 meters and 20 -volt out- the advanced Amateur. The Knight -Kit transmitter kit is a completely
put on 40 meters is more than ade- self- contained, bandswitching CW transmitter that can be operated crystal -
quate to excite oscillator stage of controlled or with a VFO such as the Knight -Kit VFO at left.
any transmitter. An ideal companion OUTSTANDING CIRCUIT. Features a 6AG7 as a modified- Pierce tuned -plate
to the Knight -Kit 50 -watt transmit- oscillator -multiplier when crystals are used; as a buffer-multiplier when used
ter at right. Drift -free, series-tuned with a VFO. 50 watts input to an 807 final. 5U4G rectifier. Transmitter
Clapp oscillator uses 1% silver mica is completely shielded in rugged metal cabinet for TVI suppression. Firm
capacitors. Tank coil is wound on metal -to-metal seals are provided at all junctions. Filtering and bypassing
heavy ceramic form. Features TVI of AC, keying, meter and heater circuits are provided. Pi- section antenna
suppression; vernier drive. Fre- output permits operation with any type of antenna. Matches antenna im-
quency stability is achieved by care- pedances from 50 to 2000 ohms. Eliminates need for external type of an-
ful design and rigid mechanical tenna tuner. Other features include: Bandswitching on all bands; cathode
construction. Two chassis design keying of oscillator and final; metering of final plate and grid circuits;
keeps heat from oscillator circuit. provisions for external modulator: and power plug for supplying voltages
Voltage regulated for stable output. to VFO and other accessories. In addition to the final plate and grid current
Tubes: 6ßL6, 6AK6; 6X4 rectifier, meter, the front panel includes the following controls: Oscillator Tuning;
0A2 regulator. With all parts, tubes, Antenna Loading; Grid -Plate Meter switch; and Off-On switch. Key
wire, solder, and instructions. Gray jack, VFO and crystal sockets are also on front panel.
and blue steel cabinet, 6x6x834 . Kit is supplied complete with all parts, tubes, wire and solder. Assembly
For 110 -120 volts, 50 -60 cycle A('. is simple with the step -by -step instructions included. Less crystal and key.
Shpg. wt., 11 lbs. 8t x10 %x8%'. For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Wt., 18 lbs.
83 Y 725. NET 28.50 83 YX 255. NET 38.95

KNIGHT -KIT RF Z- Bridge Kit KNIGHT -KIT Transistor

NET For Measuring SWR Code Practice Kit
5 Reads Antenna Impedance
Transistorized Circuit
$58 For 20 -400 Ohm Lines
Coaxial Input, Output
Extremely Cforompact
s Months
An excellent value in a high -effi- On Penlight Cell
ciency, low-cost RF Z-bridge kit.
Now every Amateur can achieve Advanced- design code prac-
peak antenna efficiency -inex- tice oscillator at unusually low
pensively. Completely eliminates guesswork-accurate- cost. Excellent for the begin-
ly measures Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) from mc to 1
ner, or for the experienced
150 mc. Also for measuring impedance on frequencies up Amateur who wants to improve his "fist." Uses
to 100 mc. Use your own VOM as a null indicator. For transistor circuit -powered by a single penlight
sharpest null indications a 5,000 ohm /v or better VOM cell! Amazingly low current consumption -one
is recommended. Has low -loss coaxial input and output battery operates unit for months. 500 cps tone.
connectors. Can be used with transmission lines having Has output jacks for standard headphone tips;
characteristic impedances between 20 and 400 ohms. screw type terminals for key. Housed in bakelite
Two convenient meter inputs for metering both input case with aluminum panel. With parts, battery,
voltage and bridge voltage. Accurately calibrated dial wire, solder, and instructions. Less phones, key.
gives direct impedance reading. Kit includes 1% preci- 23 0:33/01W. Shpg. wt., I lb.
sion resistor for calibration use and plasticized chart 83 Y 239. NET 3 95
for converting meter reading to standing wave ratio.
Size, 2%x3>/x4'. With all parts, SWR chart, wire, 45 -RPM CODE COURSE RECORD. \Vt., 4 oz.
solder, and instructions. Less meter. Wt., % lbs. 1
77 S 641. NET 98c
83 Y 253. NET 5 85
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 229
more for your money when you buy of top performance and advanced
Knight -Kit test equipment kits. design when you build Knight -Kit
Highest -quality components, pro- test equipment kits. Expert engi-
fessionally styled cabinets and pan- neering, careful quality control
els, many important "plus" features through every stage of development,
and genuine ease of assembly assure and long, rigid field testing assure
you of equipment equal to or better you of the ultimate in reliability and
than factory-wired units costing at operating ease. Feature for feature,
least twice as much! Build any Knight -Kit test instruments are
Knight -Kit test instrument-you'll equal or superior to factory-built
be proud of the results. equipment costing far more.


Knight -Kit scopes feature printed

circuit boards and a laced wiring
harness to simplify assembly and as-
sure maximum operating efficiency.

KNIGHT -KIT 5" General- Purpose Oscilloscope Kit

NET Phantastron Linear Sweep Generator
Printed Circuit Board Speeds Assembly
Excellent Sensitivity -25 my inch

$ Retrace Blanking on all Ranges

Feature for eature the world's best oscilloscope kit SPECIFICATIONS: Vertical Response: ±3 db, 3 cps to
value. This 5' general -purpose scope delivers perform- 1.5 mc; ±6 db to 2.5 mc. Vertical Sensitivity: .025 rms
ance equal to or better than factory-wired units several v /inch. Sweep: 15- 150,000 cps in 4 ranges. Horizontal
times its price-defies comparison with other scope kits Sensitivity: .07 rms v /inch; response of horizontal
at anywhere near its price. The ideal choice for radio-
TV servicing, audio work and hundreds of other uses
meets at least 90% of all oscilloscope requirements.
- amplifier is down only 3 db at 200 kc (1000 cycle
reference). Vertical Input Impedance: 3.3 megs shunted
by 45 mmf. Calibrating Voltage: 1 -volt peak-to-peak,
square wave (voltage regulated)-applied by push-
Up- to-the- minute circuit design featuring a printed cir- button switch.
cuit wiring board and a laced wiring harness to reduce Supplied complete with all tubes including 5' CRT,
wiring to a minimum. Directly coupled positioning con- chassis, printed circuit board, laced wiring harness,
trols assure fast positioning of trace-free of overshoot. rugged steel case with convenient disappearing handle
(permits stacking of other test equipment units on top
Other important features include: Blanking circuit to of scope), graph screen, all parts, wire and solder, and
eliminate retrace lines on all ranges; frequency-compen- easy -to-follow "Step- and -Chek" instructions with pic-
sated vertical input attenuator; internal and external, torial and schematic diagrams. Case has handsome blue
pmitive and negative synchronization; Phantastron finish; panel is finished in gray. Size, 9q¿x13 %xl7W.
linear sweep generator; and high 2nd -anode voltage for For operation from 110 -120 volts, 50 -60 cycle AC.
high- intensity trace. Vertical sensitivity is 3 times that Shpg. wt., 26 lbs.
of similarly priced scope kits! 83 YZ 146. NET 42.00

KNIGHT -KIT RF Demodulator Probe Kit KNIGHT -KIT Low- Capacity Probe Kit
Use with Knight -Kit oscilloscopes For use with Knight -Kit oscillo-
to permit observation of modulation scopes when observing high- imped-
envelopes of amplitude modulated ance, high -frequency, or broadband
RF carriers at frequencies up to circuits. Prevents overload and dis-
250 mc. Complete with all parts, tortion of audio, video, sweep or
4 -ft. shielded cable, wire, solder, and sync signals. 12 mmf input. With
instructions. Wt., 2 lbs. solder, all parts, cable. 2 lbs.
83 Y 148. NET 3.45 83 Y 147. NET 3.45
2Z Knight-Kits May Be Purchased on Allied's Easy Payment Plan-See Page 396
Service shops, labs, and
production lines rely on the
versatility and outstanding
performance of the Knight -Kit
wide band scope -a marvel
of engineering skill.

KNIGHT -KIT 5° Wide -Band Oscilloscope Kit

Printed Circuit Boards Greatly Speed Assembly
-mcBandwidth -Ideal for Color
High Vertical Sensitivity -25

$6900 my inch
Exceptionally Wide Sweep Range -15 to 600 Kc

An outstanding value in a highly efficient, printed cir- Many other important features make this scope an
cuit, 5' oscilloscope featuring wide -band design. Its extremely valuable lab instrument. Has frequency -com-
performance is equal to or better than commercially pensated input attenuator. The Z -axis input permits
wired oscilloscopes costing far more. Wiring this fine intensity modulation of trace. One volt peak -to -peak
Knight -Kit instrument is simplicity itself -two printed calibrating voltage. Uses internal astigmatism control
circuit boards cut assembly time to a minimum by for precision adjustment of symmetry. Retrace lines
eliminating a large percentage of the circuit wiring. are effectively eliminated by blanking circuit. Directly
Also includes a laced wiring harness to further simplify coupled positioning controls permit fast, overshoot -free
assembly. Single -chassis construction and careful place- positioning of trace.
ment of components allow use of shortest possible lead
lengths to assure maximum operating efficiency. SPECIFICATIONS: Vertical Response: ±3 db, 5 cps to 5
This exceptionally fine instrument is ideal for color mc; only db down at 3.58 -mc color burst frequency.

TV servicing and many other high -frequency applica- Vertical Sensitivity: .025 rms v /inch. Input Impedance:
tions. In addition to its great utility as a servicing instru- 2.9 megs and 20 mmf. Horizontal Amplifier: 0.6 rms
v /inch; Response, down only 3 db at 600 kc, 4 db at
ment, the Knight -Kit wide -band scope will perform
hundreds of jobs -on a par with factory -built units
in the laboratory, on the production line, and in the
- 1 mc; Sweep range exceptionally wide, from 15 to
600,000 cps. Locks in at frequencies as high as 9 mc.
maintenance shop. Notable among its fine array of
features are its extremely wide sweep range, wide fre- Supplied complete with all tubes including CRT, all
quency response, and very high sensitivity. parts, punched chassis, blue case with disappearing han-
dle and gray panel, pre -cut wire, and solder. CRT tube
Cathode- follower vertical and horizontal inputs assure is shaded and protected by molded rubber mount. Green
minimum circuit loading. Has 5UP1 cathode ray tube; plastic graph screen. Assembly is simplified with step -
interchangeable with other 5UP type tubes for scope by -step instructions, giant -size pictorial diagrams and
photography and many other specialized laboratory schematics. Size, 14'4x9 >2x16' deep. For 110 -120 volts,
applications. 2nd anode voltage of 1400 volts provides 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 40 lbs.
high intensity trace. Uses push -pull vertical and hori- 83 YZ 144. NET 69.00
zontal amplifiers to assure minimum waveform distor-
tion. Excellent synchronization on complex waveforms Probes for use with the Knight -Kit
is achieved by oscilloscope's positive and negative Wide -Band Oscilloscope are de-
locking. Provides faithful square -wave response. scribed on the preceding page.

KNIGHT -KIT Voltage Calibrator Kit for Scopes

NET This easy -to- assemble calibrator permits using any scope
$1275 as a precision peak -to -peak AC voltmeter -tremendously
increases scope versatility. Puts a true square -wave voltage
on scope screen. Has range switch and calibrated potenti-
ometer to permit selecting any voltage between .01 and 100
volts, in 4 ranges. Fifth position of range switch feeds external signal
directly to scope for instant comparison. Voltage regulator tube provides
extremely high stability; output voltage stays constant with a power line
variation from 80 to 135 volts. Accuracy of ±6 ó on all ranges. Shunt ca-
pacitance is only 15 mmf. Use any 20,000 ohms /volt VOM or a VTVM
for initial calibration. Direct coupling of output provides ground reference
for DC scopes. Handsome blue metal case with gray panel. Size, 734x554x
434'. Supplied complete with pre -cut wire; solder; giant -size pictorial
diagrams; schematics; and easy -to- follow, step -by -step instructions.
For operation from 110 -120 volts, 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs.
83 Y 136. NET 12.75
Knight -Kits Have Easy -To- Follow Instructions 231
KNIGHT -KIT Printed -Circuit VTVM Kit
NET 200 pa Movement, 41/2' Meter
RE, AC. -to eak

$2495 lanced -BPeak Push - Pull Circuit

1% Film -Type Resistors
Here's a top buy in an extremely stable and highly accu-
rate VTVM. Wiring and assembly are greatly simplified
-the entire chassis is a printed circuit board. Perform-
ance is equal to factory-wired instruments costing much
more. An outstanding choice for radio -TV service shop,
lab, Amateur use, etc. Uses low-leakage type switches;
film -type, 1% precision resistors. Balanced- bridge, push -
pull circuit permits switching to any range without re-
adjusting zero set. Has zero -center scale and direct -
reading db scale; polarity reversing switch.
SPECIFICATIONS: Input Resistance: 11 megs. DC and AC
ruts volts: 0-1.5-5-15-50-150-500-1500. AC Peak to Peak
The chassis is a printed
Volts: 0- 4 -14 -40-140- 400 -1400 -4000. Resistance: 0 -1000-
circuit board- wiring 10K-100K ohms; 1 -10- 100 -1000 megohms. Decibels:
time is reduced to a mini-
T 10 to +5. Response: 30 cycles to 3 Inc.
mum. VTVM is enclosed With tubes, blue case, gray front panel, battery, all
in a handsome blue metal parts, pre -cut wire, solder, test leads and easy -to-
case with gray front panel. follow instructions. Size, 73¡x5 %x4?j ". For 110 -120 v.,
60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 6 lbs.
83 Y 125. NET 24.95
Accessory Probe Kits for KNIGHT -KIT VTVM
tends DC volta e range to 50,000 tends AC range of VTVM to 250
v. Shpg. wt., 1 lbs. mc. Shpg. wt., I % lbs.
83 Y 126. NET 4.75 83 Y 127. NET 3.45


Has 41/2-inch meter with Single range -function

large, easy -to -read scales. switch speeds assembly
and simplifies operation.

KNIGHT-KIT 1000 Ohms /Volt VOM Kit KNIGHT -KIT 20,000 Ohms /Volt VOM Kit
NET 38 Ranges NET 32 Ranges
1% Precision Resistors 1% Precision Resistors
5 Single Range - Function Switch
$169 Versatile and Accurate
400 -pa, 41/4' Meter 41/2' 50 -pa Meter

Another great value in an easy -to -build Knight -Kit This Knight -Kit VOM offers outstanding quality and
instrument kit! This 38 -range VOM kit provides excep- performance. Carefully engineered circuit employs 1%
tional accuracy. Separate scales for AC and DC voltage precision multipliers. Has 4W meter; movement
and current, decibels and resistance. 1% precision accurate within 2% of full scale deflection. 50- microamp
resistors are used as shunts and multipliers. 3- position meter sensitivity provides 20,000 ohms -per-volt input
function switch and 12-position range switch. 4W 400 - resistance on DC to assure accurate measurements in
microamp meter. Black Bakelite case. critical circuits. Front panel "zero adjust" control.
SPECIFICATIONS. Ranges: AC, DC and output volts, Single switch for selection of function and range.
0- 1- 5 -10 -50-100- 500 -5000 (with sensitivity of 1000 SPECIFICATIONS. Ranges: AC, DC and output volts,
ohms-per- volt); Resistance, 0- 1000 -100,000 ohms and 0- 2.5- 10 -50- 250 - 1000 -5000; Resistance, 0- 2000 -200,000
0-1 megohm (center scale readings of 60, 150 and ohms and 0 -20 megohms; DC ma, 0.1 -10 -100; DC amps,
1500 ohms); Current, AC or DC, 0 -1 -10-100 ma and 0 -1 -10; Decibels, -30 to +63 in six ranges.. Moisture
0 -1 amp; Decibels, from -20 to +69 in six ranges. resistant film -type resistors. Black bakelite case. Size,
Size, 6%x5%x3%'. With all parts, battery, test leads, 6%x5%x3,.r. With all parts, test leads, batteries,
pre -cut wire and solder. Shpg. wt., 23ì lbs. wire and solder. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs.
83 Y 128. NET 16.95 83 Y 140. NET 29.50
232 Knight -Kits Have Easiest -to- Follow Instructions

(10 Portable Model

The one -piece 10 -lever

function switch simplifies
and speeds assembly
entire bank of switches
- trL`a?owA01

can be installed in a
matter of minutes.
Counter Model

KNIGHT-KIT Low -Cost Tube Checker -With 16 Filament Voltages

2975 "ood
G Repl"
- ?- ace Meter Special circuit features assure years of dependable
$ Series-String TV Tubes
600 Tube Types Listed
service without obsolescence. Blank panel socket ac-
Counter Model commodates future tube types. Universal-type selector
Designed to Stay Up- To-Date switches permit setting up for any new tube pin connec-
This expertly designed tube checker kit has now been tions without wiring changes. Single -unit, pre -as-
sembled 10 -lever function switch simplifies and speeds
improved for completely up -to -date coverage of tube
types. Includes provision for checking series -siring TV assembly. Illuminated roll chart lists 600 tube types.
tubes. Tests 4, 5, 6, and 7 -pin large, regular and minia-
With all parts, wire and solder. 5x14x10`. For 110-
120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 14 lbs.
ture types, octals, loctals, 9 -pin miniatures and pilot 83 YX 143. NET
lamps. Tube performance is measured by the amount of 29.75
cathode emission. Easy -to -read 4%' square meter has PORTABLE MODEL TUBE CHECKER KIT. With covered ply -
three -color "GOOD -?- REPLACE" scale. Also provides wood case: h ,x14 3,4x10? 2'. Shpg. wt., 15 lbs.

tests for shorts, open elements, cathode -to- filament 83 YX 142. NET 34.75
leakage, and heater continuity. MODERNIZATION KIT. For earlier models of Knight -Kit
Provides continuity check for other components, elec- Tube Checker Kit with 14 filament voltages. Includes
trical appliances, motors, etc. Has line -voltage indicator new chart, transformer, switch and panel plate to
bring earlier checker up -to -date. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs.
and line -adjust control to compensate for line voltage
variations; may be adjusted front the front panel
assures greater test accuracy and correct voltage for
- 83Y701.NET
each tube test. Choice of 16 filament voltages front aid -ready to use. Permits testing TV pic-
0.63 to 117 volts to check virtually all receiving tubes. ture tubes with Knight -Kit Tube Checker.
With adapter listed at right, tester checks TV picture Shpg. wt., Ib.

tubes without removal from set. 83 Y141. NET 4 25

KNIGHT -KIT Transistor & Diode Checker Kit KNIGHT-KIT Capacitor Checker Kit

Checks Gain Ratio of "In- Circuit" Checker

Transistors "Magic -Eye" Indicator
Checks Germanium and 20 mmf to 2000 mfd
Silicon Diodes Perfect for Servicemen


The ever- increasing use of ` e

NET $1
2 50
An invaluahleaid tospeedy
transistors and diodes
makes this highly versatile
* ä " servicing -atonly one-
e third the cost of factory -
checker an extremelyvalu- wired units! Feature for
able test instrument. Ideal feature, the world's finest
for servicemen, engineers economy -priced capacitor
and experimenters. Checks the leakage-to -gain ratio checker kit. Has widest range -20 mmf to 2000 mfd
and noise level of all types of junction, point contact -through use of exclusive resonant circuit that
and barrier transistors. Checks the forward and tunes out test cable capacity. The "magic -eye" indi-
reverse current conduction of germanium and silicon cator shows opens and shorts (not leakage). Checks
diodes, and selenium rectifiers. Useful for continuity by -pass, blocking, coupling and filter capacitors.
and short checks. Features spring- return leakage - Tests opens and shorts on any capacitor of 20 mmf
gain switch, calibration control and separate sockets or over -even if capacitor is in parallel with a resist-
for PNP and NPN -type transistors. Bakelite case. ance as low as 50 ohms! With tubes, wire, solder and
With all parts, 2234 v. battery, wire, solder. Size, easy -to- follow instructions. 7%x53. x5'. For 110-
5x3x2 ". Shpg. wt., 234 lbs. 120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs.
83 Y149. NET 8 50 83 Y 119. NET 12.50

Allied Supplies Everything for the Experimenter and Builder


Widest -Range
Flyback Cheeks.
Kit Available
Permits TV techni-
Measurements cians to determine
are made by the
the condition of
laboratory-type flyback transform-
balanced bridge
ers and deflection

KNIGHT -KIT Resistor-Capacitor Tester Kit Low -Cost KNIGHT -KIT Flyback Checker Kit
NET Shows Capacitance, Resistance NET Widest Range In Its Field
Indicates Power Factor $195 o Exceptional Accuracy
$1950 Balanced- Bridge Cirant
Tests Capacitors at Rated Voltage
Large 41/2-Inch Meter
Invaluable For TV Servicing

An extremely useful instrument -skillfully engineered Race through TV deflection circuit repairs -for bigger-
for top-notch performance in the service shop and labo- than- ever servicing profits-with the new Knight -Kit
ratory. Measures resistance and capacitance by the Flyback and Yoke tester! Use it to check instantly on
highly dependable bridge method; checks for opens and the condition of all types of horizontal output trans-
shorts in paper, mica and ceramic capacitors; and indi- formers and deflection yokes. as well as linearity and
cates the power factor of electrolytics. Its large, easy - width coils in TV sets. Provides an accurate check of
to-read dial, used in conjunction with the "magic eye ' any standard unit. Positively indicates the presence of
null indicator, shows resistance and capacitance at a shorted turns for any coil with a "Q" greater than 1,
glance. The "magic eye" is also used in testing for opens, and an inductance between .003 henry and 2 henries.
shorts, intermittents, and in checking power factor. Determines the continuity of any circuit with a resist-
Capacitors are tested at actual working voltages. ance between 0 and .5 megohms. Checks a wider range
Test Voltages: 50, 150, 250, 350 and of inductances than any other similar unit! 41A -inch
450 volts. Capacity Ranges: 10 mmf to .005 mfd, .001 to
meter with 400 microamp movement provides clear
0.5 mil, to 50 mfd, and 20 to 1000 mfd. Resistance readings and high accuracy. Circuit uses 6S4A tube in
pulsed oscillator arrangement. Self -contained power

Ranges: 100 to 50,000 ohms and 10,000 ohms to 5 supply is of isolation transformer type, for full safety
megohms. Accuracy: ± 10 %. Power Factor Range:
0-50 %. Uses 6E5 "magic eye"; 6X4 rectifier. during servicing of any type of TV set. Durable metal
case, 734x5%x5", has leather handle. Supplied com-
In portable metal case with blue -wrinkle finish. Size, plete with all parts, test leads, solder, wire, 6S4A tube,
7x10x5 ". With tubes, solder, pre-cut wire and instruc-
step -by -step instructions, etc. For operation from
tions. For operation front 110 -120 volts, 50-60 cycle AC. 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 6 lbs.
Shpg. wt. 10 lbs.
83 Y 124. NET 19.50 83 Y 118. NET 19.50

KNIGHT-KIT Resistance Substitution Box Kit

NET Find the correct resistance value required in a circuit -in
minutes -with this convenient resistance substitution box.
$595 Saves time in radio and TV servicing as well as in equipment
design. Low resistance range: 15 ohms to 10K. High resist-
ance range: 15K to 10 megohms. Slide switch selects either
range. Accuracy is within ±10%. 18- position rotary switch permits rapid
setting to exact value needed. Switch has extra wafer to simplify wiring.
All parts mount in compact case of bakelite with clearly calibrated
aluminum panel; size, 5x3x2 ". Supplied complete with all parts, hardware,
or leads, heavy -duty insulated alligator clips, solder, wire and easy -to-
follow, step -by -step instructions. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs.
83 Y 139. NET 5 95

KNIGHT -KIT Capacitance Substitution Box Kit

NET Cuts time and effort in finding correct values for replacement
of badly damaged, illegible capacitors. Substitutes a wide
range of RETMA values. Ideal for laboratory and service
$595 shop. Has 18 standard capacitor values from .0001 mfd to
EACH UNIT .22 mfd. Accuracy of ±20 %. All values are 600 volts, except
COMPLETE .15 and .22 which are 400 volts. An 18- position switch permits fast, con-
WITH LEADS venient selection of values. In sturdy bakelite case with attractive anod-
ized aluminum panel. Size, 5x3x2 ". Kit is supplied complete with all
parts, 18' leads, insulated alligator clips, solder, wire and step-by -step
instructions. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs.
83Y138.NET 5 95
234 Allied Supplies Everything for the Experimenter and Builder
ri' ß ;r

The finest sweep

A top- quality sig-
generator kit nal generator at
available any- only one -third the
where -build it cost of similar
yourself -save wired units; fea-
up to half the
tures high- preci-
cost of a COT- sion coils!
. parable uniti

KNIGHT -KIT TV -FM Linear Sweep Generator KNIGHT -KIT RF Signal Generator Kit
NET Extreme Linearity NET Precision -Wound Coils

$43 75 Fundamentals to 250 mc

Output Flat Within 1 db $1975 No Calibration Required
Output to 12 mc on Fundamentals

Electronic Blanking Modulated or Unmodulated Output

Quick, Easy Assembly 400 -Cycle Sine Wave Output
An outstanding, low -cost instrument for TV and FM Build this wide- range, extremely stable RF signal gen-
alignment -provides sweep linearity on a par with erator and save two -thirds the cost of a comparable
costly laboratory instruments. Covers 300 kc to 250 mc wired instrument. You can quickly build it without
on fundamentals. Delivers up to 0.15 v. and has coarse difficulty; easy, fully illustrated Knight -Kit instructions
and fine attenuators for precise output adjustment. The enable you to get the job done in the least amount of
skillfully engineered sweep circuit provides output time. The large, semi-circular dial is calibrated clearly;
which is constant within db over the swept range, on
1 the signal generator's range is covered in five separate
all bands. Step -down dial drive mechanism gives smooth - bands, permitting close accuracy in the setting of
as- velvet tuning action. Large, clearly calibrated dial individual frequencies. You'll find that it's an ideal
is easy to read on all ranges. Circuit utilizes electronic instrument for alignment of RF and IF stages in radio
retrace blanking, and a highly effective automatic and TV sets, and for trouble- shooting audio equipment.
gain control to keep output voltage constant over Also serves as a TV marker generator when used with
swept range. Sweep width is continuously variable sweep generator listed at left. Delivers output on
from 0 (no sweep) to full 13 megacycles. Built -in fundamentals from 160 kc all the way out to 112 mc;
crystal marker and input for external marker -built -in provides useful harmonic output to 224 mc. Output can
and external marker can be mixed. The Knight -Kit be modulated at 400 cycles -has built -in sine -wave
signal generator (at right) is an excellent variable audio oscillator with output jack for 400 -cycle output.
marker for use with this unit. With all parts, tubes, pre- Features the high -stability Colpitts circuit. Convenient
cut wire, test cable, solder, and instructions. Less jack for external modulation. Maximum audio output
crystal (below). 8 4x12x7% ". For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle 10 volts. RF output, over 0.1 volt on all ranges. Step
AC. Shpg. wt., 16 lbs. and continuous -type attenuator controls permit precise
83 YX 123. NET 43.75 adjustment of output. With all parts, tubes, wire,
99 S 286. 4.5-mc Crystal. NET 4 80 solder and instructions. 7x10x5 ". For operation from
99 S 143. 5.0 -mc Crystal. NET 3 95 110 -120 volts, 50 -60 cycle. AC. Shpg. wt. 11 lbs.
99 S 145. 10.7 -mc Crystal. NET 3 95 83 Y 145. NET 19.75

KNIGHT -KIT 6V -12V Battery Eliminator

NET Most Power Per Dollar!
Continuously Variable Output Voltage
$3295 Delivers 15A at 6V- I0A at 12V
May Be Used as Battery Charger
This heavy -duty DC power supply is ideal for testing auto radios, as
well as Amateur and commercial mobile radio equipment. Continu-
ously variable output from 0 to 15 volts at higher current than any
similarly priced battery eliminator kit. Handles current requirements
of any 6 or 12 -volt radio. Dual filter for low- ripple output. Can be
used to charge any 6 or 12 -volt battery overnight. Low in price -high
in performance -the Knight -Kit battery eliminator is a test and
service instrument that will quickly pay for itself.
Provides DC output at 0-8 volts or 0 -1S volts. Continuous current
rating: 15 amps at 6 volts, 10 amps at 12 volts. Intermittent current
Make short work of auto radio rating: 17.5 amps at 6 volts, 12.5 amps at 12 volts. Two meters pro-
servicing with this high- current vide current and voltage readings. Meter ranges: 0-15 volts DC; 0-20
unit! Also great for mobile gear! amps DC. Portable metal case with blue -wrinkle finish and disap-
pearing handle. 9x123x7%'. With all parts, wire, solder and instruc-
tions. For 110 -120 v., 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt. 18 lbs.
83 YX 129. NET 32.95
Allied's Famous Knight -Kits Cost You Less -Serve You Better n5
KNIGHT -KIT High -Gain Signal Tracer Kit
NET Gain of 91,000
$2650 Built-in Wattmeter
Measures Stage Gain
Reveals "Dead" Stage
For speedier servicing and bigger profits, use the Knight -
Kit high -gain signal tracer. This easy -to-build, ex-
tremely worthwhile unit will save you work and trim
valuable time from 'hundreds of servicing jobs-once
you've used this outstanding, trouble-shooting instru-
ment, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.
It's ideal for servicing radios, TV sets and amplifiers -
checks RF, IF, video and audio circuits. Employs
pentode front -end for remarkably high amplification
has gain of 91,000 -the highest in its price class. "Magic
eye" tube with calibrated attenuators clearly indicate
signal presence and permit stage -by -stage gain measure-
ments all the way from the antenna to the speaker.
Only 6 mmf input capacitance. In addition to 'magic
eye indicator, has built -in 4' PM speaker for audible
signal tracing, or use as a general -purpose audio ampli-
fier. 2-position RF-AF probe supplied permits complete
testing versatility; one position of probe is for checking
RF, IF and video stages; other for checking audio.
Noise test-applies DC to volume controls for amplifi-
cation of noise characteristic. Built -in wattmeter is cali-
brated from 25 to 1000 watts -wider range than any other
kit. Has provision for external oscilloscope or VTVM.
Binding posts provide 280 v. B+ for external uses;
permit easy output transformer or speaker check in
audio amplifiers. Attractively finished blue wrinkle case
For extremely fast,
has contrasting gray panel. Size, 7x10x5'. With disap-
convenient signal
pearing carrying handle. With all parts, tubes, probe,
tracing by aural pre-cut wire and solder, instructions, pictorial and
and visual methods.
schematic diagrams. Tubes: 6AU6 high -gain amplifier,
Exceptionally high 6AV6 amplifier and wattmeter rectifier, 6V6GT power
amplification. Gain
amplifier; 6E5 "magic eye "; 6X4 rectifier. For 110 -120
volts, 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt. 12 lbs.
of 91,000.
83 Y 135. NET 26.50

KNIGHT -KIT Audio Generator Kit

NET Latest Circuit Design
Less Thon .25Y Distortion
600 -Ohm Output
Range: 20 cps to 1 mc.

The Knight-Kit audio generator kit features an up-to-

date circuit developed by the U.S. Bureau of Standards.
Its excellent specifications and low cost make it ideal
for critically precise testing of high- fidelity amplifiers,
tone control circuits, speakers, or any application
requiring calibrated, continuously variable audio
signals. Performance equals or surpasses far costlier
factory-built units. Operates into high impedance or
600-ohm standard broadcast line. Low distortion even
at high output into either high -impedance or 600 ohms.
Ideal for checking speaker response. Offers the flat
response of a lab standard.
SPECIFICATIONS: Uses 6CB6 Bridge -T type R -C oscilla-
For Precise Testing tor. Frequency Range: 20 cps to 1 mc in 5 ranges. Output
of Audio Equipment Voltage: 10 v., ±1 db to 1 mc. Output Impedance: 600
ohms. Distortion: Less than .25% from 100 cps through
the audible range into high impedance; less than .5%
when driving 600 ohm load at maximum output.
Supplied complete with all parts, tubes (6CB6, 2-
Your purchase price is refunded in full if 6CL6; 5Y3GT rectifier), pre-cut wire, solder and step -
your Knight -Kit does not meet our pub- by -step instructions plus pictorial and schematic dia-
lished specifications for performance.
grams. Attractive blue metal case, 83x11x7W, with
light gray front panel. For operation from 110 -120 v.,
50 -60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt., 16 lbs.
' ' 'lC4iligÚliiU:U.I'Lam1.UeU'l. 83Y1f137.NET 31.50
Knight -Kits Have Easy-to-Follow Instructions
COMPLETE STOCKS. (lake Allied your One, EASY TERMS. l se our Easy Payment
dependable source for test equipment. When Plan to order all the test units you
you order from Allied, you draw on the need. Only 111' , clown -complete the
world's largest stocks -your assurance of ex- balance in convenient monthly pay-
tremely fast, highly efficient service. ments. Full details on page 396.





I'tique TV picture tube rejuvenator -tester. New, highly versatile portable "Dyna
(Checks tube while still in set. Detects opens Quik" dynamic mutual conductance tester. JUST INSERT A CARD AND TEST
between base pins and elements; shorts. Tests transistors and virtually all popular
leakage between elements. Checks cathode TV receiving tubes. Checks each section Dynamic Mutual Conductance Tester
emission. grid bias cut -off voltage. Repairs separately- requires very little switching. Tests Each Tube Section Separately
shorts between elements, open connections 4t/z' meter; "Good- Bad ". 0- Ó0(11- Ig.000 Checks Average Set in Minutes
to elements, and restores weak emission. µmhos scales. 7 and 9 -pin min. tube pin
Predicts probable tube life. 41/4" meter. In straighteners and 16 spare sockets mounted Portable, card- controlled "Uyna -Quik"
portable. leatherette -covered case. 5x71/2x on panel. Automatic line compensator. De- dynamic mutual conductance tester. Card
111/4". For operation from 105 -125 v.. 60
cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 81/2 lbs.
84 FX 643. NET 58.75
tects shorts, grid emission, probable tube
life, and gas. Tests !co and forward gain
ratio of junction, point contact, and bar-
quick. accurate test. Reduces switching -
automatically selects socket connections for
saves servicing time. Utilizes only 60 cards
rier transistors; F /l3 ratio of germanium. for testing over 500 tube types -over 95%
MODEL C40 COLOR ADAPTER. Adapts Model silicon and selenium diodes. 153/4x15x6 t/z". of all popular TV tubes. Easily kept up -to-
400 and earlier Model 350 for testing and For 105 -125 v.. 60 cycle AC. 22 lbs. date by adding new cards. Checks each sec-
tion of multi- section type tubes separately.
rejuvenating 110° and color picture tubes.
Shpg. wt.. 1 lb.
87 FZ 280. NET. .. ..... 166.55 Complete. accurate tube test in seconds!
87 F 279. NET 9.75 Tests for shorts. grid emission and probable
1050 VIDEO & AUDIO GENERATOR tube life. 4W meter has "Good- Bad ",
New. unique "Uyna- Scan" flying spot scan- 0- 6000-18.000 'mhos scales. 7 and 9 -pin
MODEL 500 TUBE TESTER ner produces test patterns on color or black min. tube straighteners. Automatic line
Portable, "Uyna- Qui k" dynamic mutual and -white TV sets. Useful for broadcasting compensation. Tests !co and forward gain
conductance tester. Requires a minimum of picture or message in closed- circuit or com- ratio of junction, point contact. and bar-
switching -no roll chart! Fast and accu- munity antenna TV systems. 6-color display rier transistors; front -to -back ratio of
rate. Tests over 95 % of all popular TV re- for testing color circuits. Audio section pro- germanium and silicon diodes; and selenium
ceiving tubes including 600-ma. series- vides modulated or unmodulated TV audio and silicon power rectifiers. 15u/4x12t'/x6 ".
string types. Includes grid emission and gas signal. (Complete with 3 test patterns and With cards and index. For 105 -125 v.,
test. 7 and 9 -pin min. tube pin straighteners. blank transparency. 103/091/2x61/2". With 60 cycle M'. Slips. wt.. 14 Iba.
"Good- Bad ". -6000- 18,000 'mhos scales.
11 6 -ft. RF cable. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. 87 FX 284. NET. .166.55
Automatic line compensation. 15t/axl4t'z Shpg. wt.. .30 lbs.
53/ ". For operation from 105 -125 v., 60 ty-
ele AC. Shpg. wt.. 121/2 lbs.
87 FZ 281. NET. . .... ...254.75
84 FX 644. NET. .....
MODEL 1000. As above. but black- and -white
only and less audio. 34 lbs.
ADAPTERS. For use with B &IC 500. 87 FZ 252. NET 195.95
Stock No. Model For Testing ILbs. EACH ADAPTERS. For use with Model 1000.
84 F 646 B50 11/2.3-volt tubes! I 4.85 Stock No. Modell Description Lbs. EACH
87 F 292 155 Loctals 11/2 4.85 87 F 282 C15 6 -color display I 19.55
87 F 291 R56 35Z5, 35W4 1t/z 3.87 87 F 283 S16 Audio carrier I 29.35
Combination voltage, resistance. and fre- curately measures grounded emitter current
quency standard. Quickly checks the ac- gain of all transistors, including power types.
curacy of any test instrument. Provides ICses -ic signal for true small signal meas-

the following voltages ± 1% or better: DC urement. Meter reads 0 -5(1, 0 -200 T; 0 -200
-2, 5, 25, 100 and 300; AC-5, 25, 100 -Ico; 0 -20 nia for power transistors; and
and 300. Resistances: 10, 100, 1000, 10,000. 20- 80"-x, diode front -to -hack ratio. Special
100,000 ohms and IO megs. Built -in crystal circuitry prevents damage to test instru-
oscillator generates harmonics well over ment and transistor. Tests power transis-
VHF region; tone generator for use alone tors at 100 ma forward current. Bias ad-
or for modulating oscillator. 83/%x8x5t' /"
With 5 -me crystal. For 110 -120 v.. 60 cycle
justment; choice of 4 collector voltages;
mercury cell power supply (cells included).
AC. Wt., 8 lbs. Size, 14x81/2x73/4". Shpg. wt.. I I lbs.
87 F 253. NET.. .. 53.85 87 FX 288. NET 117.10

For Knight -Kit Test Equipment, See Poges 230 -236.



WR-498 WA-448
tionally versatile portable tube tester. De- For measuring intermodulation, response.
signed to save valuable time -simply insert Has ótñ" meter, accuracy improved to
±3 %, and single -unit DC -AC-Ohms probe input and output impedances, résonant
pre-punched card into tester? Card auto-
matically sets up all filament, bias signal,
plate. and screen voltages under heavy load measurement of complex TV waveforms
reads peak -to -peak voltages to 4200 volts.
with built -in selector switch. Excellent for frequency of speakers. etc. 4 ranges: 11 -111)
and 110 -1100 cps; 1.1 -11 and 11.100 kc. Has
separate 60-cycle, variable- amplitude out-
conditions. Tests transconductance. gas.
7 ranges for each function. Reads AC rms put. Cathode-follower output. "Hi" and
shorts and twin tube balance. Tests each "Lo" outputs: 0-2.5 and 0 -15 volts (rms).
section of multi -section tubes. Easy-to -read and DC to 1500 volts. Measures resistance
meter registers "REN EW -?-
Two gold -plated printed circuit boards set
from 0.2 ohms to 1000 megohms. AC input
impedance of 0.83 megohm and 70 mmf to
Frequency stability. 3 %. Response, *1 db
(1100 cps reference). Total harmonic dis-
1.5 megohms and 60 mmf. Input resistance tortion. 2% (max.) from 30 cps to 15 kc.
up a combination of 15 to 20 circuits which Hum level, 0.1% or less. Size, 7x101/2x6 ".
permit: Socket connections up to 10 pins. on DC is 11 megohms. Size, 61/2x7x3%.
With WG -299B probe. For 105 -125 volts. For operation Irom 105 -125 v.. 50 -60 cycle
220 combinations of heater voltage, 10 bias AC. Shpg. wt.. 12 lbs
voltages, S plate voltages, 11 values of cath- 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 7 lbs.
050. 79.50 87 FZ 053. NET 107.50
ode resistors, 2 screen voltages, and 50 87 F HET.
quality sensitivity ranges. Warranty in-
cludes free subscription that supplies card WV -77C JUNIOR VOLTOHMYST WR -69A TV -FM SWEEP GENERATOR
settings for each new tube as it is an- Improved model of the popular WV -77B- New sweep generator provides test and
nounced. 241 pre -punched vinyl plastic VTVM. Features WG-299B DC /AC -Ohms alignment signals for TV video. IF. and RF
cards (covering 95% of tubes) supplied with probe with built -in selector switch. Re- channels 2.13 -plus IF and RF signals for
each tester. In 7Ysxf4'1Ax17h" carrying designed front panel with easy- to-read 4W FM radio. Continuous IF coverage from
case. With master card for punching blanks 50 kc to 50 mc. Pre -set switch for channels
(below) and test card. For 105 -125 v.. 60 meter. 5 ranges on all functions. Reads AC
rms and DC to 1200 volts. Accuracy on AC 2 -13. Sweep width. 12 mc, continuously var-
cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 28 lbs. and negative DC volts is ±5 %; on positive iable. Output flat within 0.1 db per mc of
87 FZ 075. NET 199.50 DC volts, ±3 %. Measures resistance from sweep width. Fundamental oscillator out-
WG -325. 24 blank cards for replacement 0.2 ohms to 1000 megohms. AC input im- put on TV channels; filtered beat- frequency
or new tube types. Wt.. lb. 1 pedance 0.2 megohms and 75 mmf to 2 fundamental output on IF/VF range. Out -
87 076. .50 megohms and 50 mmf. Input resistance is put. .1 volt RMS or better at all frequen-
't 1
cies. Blanking circuit. Size: 10x13507V4 ".

lb. 11 megohms. Size. 8x5%x4W. Complete

WG-326. Card Hand Punch. . . 1
with WG -299R probe. For 105 -125 volts, With cables. For 105-125 volts. 50-60 cycle
87 F 078. NET.. 5.95 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 5 lbs. AC. Shpg. wt.. 17 lbs.
87F051.NET 59.50 87 FZ 070. NET 295.00
shielded cable and coaxial connector. Switch WR -70A IF-IF-VP-MARKER ADDER. For RF.
selects function. Shpg. wt.. I lb. New. deluxe VTVM with 7%=' mirrored -
scale meter. Reads peak -to -peak to 4200 IF and video sweep -alignment of black -
87 F 058. NET 8.75 volts. Response: 30 cps -3 mc. Has zero-cen- and -white and color sets. 4 differently
WG -299C DC /AC -OHMS PROBE. As above, ter for FM discriminator alignment. Reads shaped markers. Use with marker and
but for WV -87B. Shpg. wt.. 1 Ib. DC current to IS amps. Measures DC volt- sweep generators. Marker signal is added e
87 077. NET 8.75 age to 1500 in 7 ranges. Reads AC rms to after sweep passes through receiver -elim-
1500 volts; AC input impedances from 0.83 inates distortion of marker or sweep curve.
WG -301A CRYSTAL DIODE PROBE. Slips on meg and 85 mmf to 1.5 meg and 75 mmf. 0-60 db attenuation of IF sweep signal for
WG -299A. B or C. Extends RF range to 250 DC resistance to 1000 megs in 7 ranges. IF or video alignment. 1094.x71/2x6t/ . For
mc. Shpg. wt.. 8 os. Accuracy. ±3% of full scale for DC; t3% 105 -125 v.. 50-60 C. AC. 12 lbs.
87 F 052. NET 7.75 of full scale for AC. 10x131/2x7". With 87 FX 055. NET 97.50
WG-299C probe and cables. For 105 -125 WG -295B VIDEO MULTIMARKER. For use
WG -264 CRYSTAL DIODE PROBE. As above, volts. 50-60 cycle AC. Wt.. 9 lbs. with sweep generator on black- and -white
but for WG -21S probe. Wt.. 12 os. 87 FZ 066. NET 137.50 and color sets. Checks response of chromin-
84 F 084. NET 7.75 ance bandpass filter, and alignment of I and
WG-290 HIGH -VOLTAGE PROBE. Adapts WR-4911 RF SIGNAL GENERATOR Q filters. 7 simultaneous absorption -type
VOM's and VTVM's to read to 50.000 v. New, accurate KF signal generator. Contin-
markers (mc): 0.5. 1.5. 2.5. 3. 3.58. 4.1. and
DC. Less multiplier (below). With shielded 4.5. Size: 5x2r/ax2tW. Wt., 1 Ib.
uous coverage from 85 kc -30 mc, in 6 ranges. 32.50
cable and phone tips. Shpg. wt.. 1 lb. all on fundamentals. Excellent for aligning 87 F 054. NET
84 F 076. NET 7.15 AM and FM receivers. Dial calibration WG-307A TV BIAS SUPPLY. New. For black -
accurate within 1 %. Built -in 400 -cycle os- and -white and color TV. 3 output voltages
WG-289 HIGH -VOLTAGE PROBE. As above. cillator for internal or external modulation. for RF. IF and AGC adjustable from 0 to
but has coaxial connector. Wt..
1 lb.
Attenuator for positive control of RF level. 15 v.; 1 output, 100 v., for chrominance
84 F 077. NET 715 Approximate range: 2000 to I. Cathode - circuitry. Size: 21/2x3x5t/4 . For 105 -125 v.,
For VG -290 K WG-289. 2 oz. follower output stage isolates oscillator 50 -60 cycles AC. Wt.. 2 lbs.
079. WG -206, 1090 meg.
from effects of load; assures high stability. 87 F 067. NET 22.50
84 F KF output voltages at least 0.05 v. rms and
84 F 080. WG- 207. 991 meg. 0.01 v. rms at high and low connectors WG -304A RF MODULATOR. Crystal -type
84 F 081. wG- 208. 400 meg. respectively. With cable. Size: 71/2x101/2x6 ". mixer. For use with WR-69A and WR -99A
For operation from 105 -125 v., 50 -60 cycle to check TV response from antenna to pic-
84 F 082. WG -209. 480 mee.
ture tube. Is/sx4x2t/s". Wt.. lb.
AC. Shpg. wt.. 10 lbs.

84 F
083. WG- 210. 900 meg.
2.80 87 FZ 079. NET 79.50 87 F 057. NET 28.50
231 Test Equipment is Available on Allied's Easy Payment Plan -See Page 396
For checking color TV sets. and for adjust- Big 7' screen. DC or AC input. Frequency-
ing color phasing and matrixing. Produces compensated, voltage- calibrated attenua.
10 bars of different colors. simultaneously. tors. Vertical response flat, within 2 db. to
Provides picture- carrier, color- subcarrier 500 kc, useful beyond 2 mc. Input impe-
and sound- carrier frequencies on channel 3. dance: One megohm, 75 mmf with direct
Lu mance signals at edges of bars for probe 9.5 mmf with low -capacity probe.
checking registration of luminance and Sensitivity: 10.6 rms mv/inch or 30 my.
chrominance signals. "Sync level Pedestals" p -to -p using direct probe; 106 rms mv/inch WO-91A 5" OSCILLOSCOPE
for checking signal ratio through the or 300 mv. p -to -p. using low- capacitance 5' wide -band oscilloscope for black -and-
three chrominance channels to indicate po- probe. Sweep: Variable, 3- 30.000 cps with
tential troubles. Size: 9z/4x13thx7r/z ". For white and color TV servicing. Features:
fast retrace and preset fixed positions for Dual -band response; wide -band position
operation from 105 -125 volts. 50.M) cycle TV- vertical (30 cps) and TV- horizontal flat within ±1 db from 10 cps to 4.5 mc and
AC. Shpg. wt., 18 lbs. (7875 cps). Has peak -to -peak calibrating narrow -band position flat within -6 db
87 FZ 065. NET 259.50 voltage source. 13 %x9x163/4'. With WG- from 10 cps to 1.5 mc, and voltage -cali-
300A probe. 7VP1 CRT. For 105 -125 v., brated, frequency-compensated 3 -to -1 step
WR -46A DOT -BAR GENERATOR 50 -60 cyc. AC. Shpg. wt.. 38 lbs. attenuator. Removable, multi -scale graph
I his dot bar crosshatch generator Ieatures 84 FZ 085. NET 289.50 screen. Vertical polarity reversal switch.
a high level video output for driving the Preset vertical and horizontal sweep posi-
picture tube directly: or, the video amplifier LAB ACCURACY INSTRUMENTS tions. Built -in calibration for peak -to -peak
of color or black- and -white receivers. Pro- voltage measurements. Plus or minus in-
WT -100A MICRO-M1-10-METER. Laboratory - ternal sync selector. Positive -lock internal
vides interlaced pattern of small dots and a quality tube testing instrument for produc-
choice of vertical or horizontal bars and a sync. Sensitivity is 0.05 volt peak -to -peak
tion line and laboratory use. Check gen- per inch (0.018 volt rms) in narrow -band
crosshatch. Vertical bars adjustable from eral- purpose and industrial -type receiving
8 to 26 bars -15 horizontal bars only 2 lines position and 0.150 volt peak -to -peak per
tubes and low -power transmitting tubes. inch (0.053 volt rms) in wide -band position.
wide. Fully adjustable video output voltage. Measures control grid -to -plate and sup-
Direct sync from TV signal allows con- Vertical input impedance 75 mmf and
pressor grid -to-plate transconductance with meg direct, and 11 mmf and 10 meg low -

vergence adjustment independent of receiv- better than 5% accuracy. Regulated power

er characteristics. Polarity reversal switch. capacity position, with WG -300A probe
supply for DC voltages. Measures individu- supplied. Type 517Pl CRT. Size: 131/2x9x
With all leads and cables. 10x131/2x8 ". For al electrode currents. AC heater currents.
110 -120 v.. 60 cycle AC. 20 lbs. 161/2". For operation from 105 -125 v., 50 -60
voltage drop across electron tubes, dry-disc cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 33 lbs.
87 FZ 056. NET 179.50 rectifiers and crystal diodes. Blue -gray case.
Size: 8x181/2x231 ". For 105-125 v., 50 -60 84 FZ 049. NET 239.50
NEW WR-99A MARKER -GENERATOR cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 110 lbs.
Crystal -calibrated marker -generator for 84 FZ 021. NET 785.00 WO -88A OSCILLOSCOPE
aligning TV sets and other electronic equip- INDUSTRIAL SOCKETS. Heavy -duty type for Popular priced 3' oscilloscope featuring a
ment in the 19 -216 mc range. Crystal cali- production line testing. Av. wt I lb. direct -coupled, push -pull vertical amplifier
brator provides 240 check points for accu- to provide flat response within 3 db from
rate calibration at or 10 mc WG -233A. 7 -pin. miniature socket. 0- 500,000 cps -excellent reproduction of
"Modulation frequencies: 1, 10, 4.5intervals.

mc. 600
cycles. Sound and picture carrier markers
87 F 061. NET 25.00 square waves and sync pulses. Sensitivity:
vertical with direct probe, 25 rms milli-
available simultaneously. Output: At least WG -234A. 8-pin octal socket. volts /inch; vertical with low -capacitance
0.1v. rms on all frequencies. Double- shielded 87 F 062. NET 25.00 probe, 0.25 rms volts /inch. Impedance:
oscillator for reduced leakage. 10x13z/4x Vertical direct probe, 1 meg and 75 mm(;
WG -235A. 9 -pin nova) socket. vertical with low- capacitance probe. 10
71/4". For operation from 105.125 r.. 5C -60
cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 18 lbs. 87 F 063. NET 25.00 megs and 9.5 mmf; horizontal, 2.2 meg and
87 FZ 069. NET 55 mmf. Sweep: variable from 15-30,000
242.50 WG-236A. Kit of plug -in socket parts for
WT -100A (less sockets and with unpunched cps. Frequency -compensated step attenua-
cover plate). Shpg. wt.. lb. tor. Green graph screen is calibrated for
peak -to-peak voltage. Excellent shielding
Isolation and autotransformer. For check- 84 F 064. NET ........ ....15.00 through . Housed in blue Hammeroid
ing TV sets at high. medium and low volt- WV -848 DC MICROAMMETER. New. battery - case. Size, 13%zx9x16t/z" deep. Supplied
age. Selects 105 -130 volts in 5 -volt steps. operated DC microammeter. Reads from complete with WG-300A direct /low -capac-
Outputs: 105, 115 and 130 v. (a, 500 VA .0002 to 1000 microamperes in 6 ranges. itance probe, ground lead, alligator clip and
from autotransformer winding; 105. 115 Reads current below 1- billionth amp. Volt- instructions. For 105 -125 volts. SO -MI cycle
and 130 v. (à: 275 VA from isolated sec- age drop at full scale tIA volt, all ranges. AC. Shpg- wt.. 32 lbs.
ondary. SxSz/4x4r/s ". For 50 -60 cycle AC.
With 5 ft. line cord. Wt., 15 lbs.
Meter protected against burnout. With bat-
teries. 9f/rx6t/ex5r/4'. Shpg. wt.. 10 lbs.
84 FZ 089. NET .... .........179.50
22.00 87 F 074. NET ....110.00 To adapt WO -88A scopes for color tele-
vision use. Includes all parts and instruc-
PROBES FOR RCA OSCILLOSCOPES tions for modification. No special tools re-
WG -300A DIRECT LOW-CAPACITANCE quired. Provides wide and narrow -band
PROBE. With switch, cable and coaxial con-
WG-302A DEMODULATOR PROBE. Use with operation from DC to 4.5 mc. Sensitivity;
WG-300A to extend scope range to 250 mc. 700 my peak -to-peak per inch with direct
nector. Shpg. wt.. lb. 1
Input, 2.2 mmf. Shpg. wt.. I lb.
87 059. probe. Shpg. wt., I lb.
F NET 14.25 87 F 060. NET . ... 8.50 84 F 006. NET . .... 5.95
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois


660 615


Laboratory -type dynamic mutual conduc- ,automatic dynamic mutual conductance
Speedy Transconductance Readings precision tester. l'ses perforated vinyl cards
tance tube tester. Accurately measures
-2 -3 Push -Button Operation Saves Time mutual conductance under simulated op- which slide in easily to instantly trip auto-

New Socket -Plate Design erating conditions. Tests all receiving-type mation circuit. One card sets up entire cir-
tubes. voltage regulators, selenium and cuit for testing each function of tube
Dynamic mutual conductance tester. Fea- automatically, without roll charts. Ideal for
tures accurate. high -speed testing. Roll germanium diodes.
fast. accurate laboratory or industrial use.
chart groups most commonly -used tubes I-ses 3 meters. Micromhometer with 8
separately- minimizes time -wasting search- ranges; 60,000- 30.000 -15.000-6000- 3000 -600 Features: Automatic short test; direct -
ing! Constant line voltage indication for micromhos; Rectifier Diode Range; Voltage reading leakage check; sensitive gas test;
quick adjustment. All shorted elements Regulator Range. Separate AC meter for 0.22 v. rms grid signal variable voltages for
indicated and identified at the same cline line voltage check and separate l)C volt- each tube element. "Knee test" quickly
without rotary switching. One- button grid meter tor grid bias readings. Rias control evaluates tube's ability to perform in TV
current test measures gas content accurately has vernier adjustment. Choice of 4 AC sweep circuit. 5" meter. With 500 cards cov-
in micro -amps. Filament continuity check signals (.25, .5. 1. 2.5 v.). Reads leakage up ering all popular tube types and metal rack
made instantly before warm -up. Socket to 50 megohms. Permits tube matching; for easy filing. In ventilated. counter -type
plate design permits plug -in socket replace- tests future life of tube. noise and gas con- steel case. 16%x18%/x7tVz For 110 -120 v..
ment or change without re- wiring. 5" meter tent. Has choice of low or normal plate and M) cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 51 lbs.
has 0- 3000-6000 -15,000 micromhos and screen volts. Black leatherette- covered
"REPLACE-?-G(X)D" ranges. 163/4x portable case. Size: 163/4x183/071/2". For 87 FZ 179. NET 470.00
71/2x113/4". For 110 -120 v.. 50 -60 cycle AC. operation from 110-125 volts. 50 -60 cycle MODEL 123A. As above. but in portable case
Shpg. wt.. 21 lbs. AC. Shpg. wt.. 39 lbs. with filing rack. Shpg. wt.. 56 lbs.
87FZ 1 81. NET 182.25 84 FZ 608. NET . 392.95 87 FZ 1 83. NET . 470.00
above, but with built -in 20.000 ohm -per- MODEL 750 TUBE TESTER 656XC TV COLOR BAR GENERATOR
volt multimeter. Shpg. wt.. 22 lbs.
87 FZ 182. NET ....
.. 224.00
.. Portable dynamic mutual conductance test- Highly accurate. white dot crosshatch and
er for accurately testing all types of radio color bar generator. for color TV servicing.

CRT TESTER ADAPTER. For use with all Hickok and TV receiving tubes-including the 600 Supplies the same type of color signal that is
tube testers to test picture tubes. With ma series- string types. Also checks rugged - transmitted over the air; a self- checking,
cable. plug, and dual socket. Shpg. wt.. lb. 1
ized types used by airlines, hearing aid tubes standard 100% fully saturated NTS(' color
84 F 184. NET... 10.25 and voltage regulator tubes-accurate DC bar pattern. Crystal -controlled 3.58 mc
voltmeter measures 0 -200 volts; DC color burst. Provides signals for demodu-
milliameter. 0 -200 ma. Permits matching of lator alignment; I. Q. and R -Y and R -l'
tubes such as 6SN7 for critical circuits. 5" signals. Video output. 0 -2 volts p -to-p open
meter reads 0- 1500- 3000 -6000- 15,000-30,- circuit. RF output. modulated with color
(100 micromhos -also 0 -200 v. DC and 0 -100 bar pattern, on channels 1 to 6. Produces
ma DC scales. Has two "Replace -God' white dot crosshatch: 20 vertical and 15
ranges. Tests for shorts, gas. noise, and gives horizontal. less those in blanking; 300 dots.
probable tube life. Provides a choice of two less those in blanking; also provides vertical
plate and screen voltages and four AC signal and horizontal lines. Sound carrier for set-
voltages-as low as .25 volt. Leatherette- ting local oscillator. Leatherette -covered
covered case. Size: 183/4x163/4x71/2". For carrying case. Size. 71/2x163/4x183/Ç For .

operation from 110 -125 v.. 50 -60 cycle AC. operation from 110 -120 volts. 611 cycle AC.
Shpg. wt., 24 lbs. Shpg. wt., 42 lbs.
84 FZ 633. NET. 257.25 87 FZ 176. NET 495.00
New. portable white dot -bar color -display Combination sweep and marker generator
generator designed for "on- the -spot" ad- for visual alignment of TV receivers. Con-
MODEL 600A TUBE TESTER justment of color TV receivers. All fre- tinuous IF coverage from 0 to 50 mc. Fine
Dynamic mutual conductance type-checks
tubes under simulated operating conditions.
quencies generated are crystal -controlled
and locked together for extreme stability
reduces possibility of alignment error.
- tuning adjustment pinpoints frequency.
Sweep width variable from O to 15 mc.
Marker frequencies: 2.5 to 5.5 mc; 19 to 50
Tests all the latest tube types including
Features switch selection of RF output up mc; 54 to 108 mc; all on fundamentals-108
min.. sub -min.. and 600 ma series beater to 216 mc on harmonics. Built -in 4.5 -mc
types. Has these outstanding features: to .05 v. on TV channels 2 to 6. 300 white
dots. less those in blanking; 20 vertical and crystal provides dual markers for IF or RF
easily portable; tests for gas content; reads alignment; and 4.5 -mc signal for intercarrier
15 horizontal white crosshatch lines, less
directly in micromhos; applies separate those in blanking. Color display pattern; sound alignment. 900 -cycle internal modu-
voltage to each element; easily detects hard - lator for both marker and crystal oscilla--
to- locate weak tubes. Predicts probable crystal accurate in sequence of red. blue and tors. Built -in retrace blanking panel
tube life. Easy -to -read triple -scale 5" lucite - green. RF modulated (60 %) by all video
outputs. Housed in sturdy, black leather- controlled for zero reference. External sweep
case meter has ranges of 0- 3000- 6000-15.000
ette, portable case. With 2 crystals, output
variable phasing (170°) for use with scopes
micromhos and "REPLACE-?-G001)".
cable and instructions. Size, 101/2x101/2x without variable phasing. Size, 13%xl6i/ix
Red leatherette- covered case. Size: 163/4x 8 ". For 110 -120 volts. 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg.
71/2x1l'/". For 110 -120 volts. 50 -60 cycle 51/4¡. For operation from 105 -125 v.. 50 -60
cycle AC. Slipg. wt.. 20 lbs. wt.. 39 lbs.
AC. Shpg. wt.. 21 lbs. 243.00 87 FZ 177. NET 299.00
84 FZ 185. NET. 166.00 87 FZ 175. NET .

Express Shipment Recommended for Test Equipment


f a

Wide-band. high scrou,n >. >,illoscope , A complete cable- connected TV trans-
for color TV as well as FM and AM use. mitting station. Instantly scans and pro- MODEL 209A VTVM
Features 4.5 -mc bandwidth and 20 rms duces a video or RF signal from slide.
my /inch vertical sensitivity. Illuminated, Light Loading -Only 7 mmf.
Extremely useful for TV servicing; can also
calibrated screen with astigmatic focus be used by dealers for projecting in- Flat Response to 300 mc.
provides exceptional trace detail. Vertical formation on TV sets in the store. Re- Big, Zero- Center 9' Meter
response within 3 db from cps to 4.5 mc- produces your own test patterns, pictures,

flat through 3.5S -mc color burst frequency. Professional-quality VTVM and capaci-
messages, advertising displays. paging, etc.. tance checker. Large. zero-center 9' meter.
Excellent pulse response with a rise time of in any closed- circuit or community antenna
.08 microseconds. Switch for reversing Flat response from 30 cps to 300 mc. Input
TV system. Will operate any black -and- impedance: DC, 12 megs; AC, 12 megs
polarity of vertical trace. Built -in voltage white or color TV receiver. Enables rapid
calibrator. Horizontal response within 3 db shunted by 7 mmf (3 megs on 1200 v. scale).
frequency response analysis of picture Ranges: AC -DC volts, 0-3-12-30- 120 -300-
from cps to 450 kc-sensitivity is 250 rms
definition capabilities.
my /inch. Sweep frequency, 10 cps to 100 kc. 1200; DC current, 0- 3- 12 -30- 120 - 300 -1200
Has input for intensity modulation. 13x10x RF output, 100.000 microvolts- enough to ma; Resistance, .1 ohm to 10,000 megs in 8
16'. For operation from 110 -120 v.. 50 -400 drive several receivers simultaneously. ranges; capacitance; mmf. to 1000 mfd. in

cycle Video output. 2 volts peak -to-peak; choice 7 ranges; inductance, 50 mh to 100 henries
Shpg. wt., 43 lbs.
4 FZ 634 278.25 of positive or negative output. Variable (with conversion chart provided); db. -20
sync level; permits test of how well a TV to +25 in 3 ranges; AC peak-to-peak.0-3-12-
NEW MODEL 6115 INDUSTRIAL SCOPE receiver locks -in on high or low sync levels. 30- 120 -300- 131/2x161/2x7'. With AC and
Completely crystal controlled. Supplied DC probes, test leads. For 1U5 -125 v., 50 -60
5' oscilloscope for industrial or laboratory with bar, dot. standard test pattern. and cycle A('. Shpg. wt.. 25 lbs.
use. DC or AC input. Illuminated. cali-
brated screen backed with green filter transparent blank slides. Size, 191/2xl7x 84 FZ 136. NET 140.25
reduces incidental reflections for accurate 8t/s". For 105 -125, 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. PR -30KVA PROBE. For above. Extends range
measurements. Astigmatic focus control wt.. 50 lbs. to 30 KV DC. Shpg. wt.. 11/2 lbs.
provides sharp, undistorted trace. Excellent 87 FZ 185. NET 299.90 84 F 149. NET 14.35
pulse response with rise time of approx. 0.5
microseconds. MODEL 415 VTVM
Vertical frequency response. 0 to 750 kc Compact vacuum tube voltmeter. Ideal for
radio -TV servicing and industrial laboratory Compact, portable VOM. Rugged design
within 3 db. Sensitivity is 20 rms my /inch. withstands hard use. Unique overload cir-
Input impedance, 1 megohm. 40 mmf. use. Features modern "laydown" design.
Ranges: AC (rms) and DC volts, 0- 1.5 -5- cuit cut -out and fuse system protects meter
Horizontal amplifier response is within 3 db and components against burn -out on any
from 0 to 750 kc-sensitivity of 30 rms 15-50- 150 -500 -1500. Zero center DC ranges
mv/inch. Sweep frequency, cps to 100 kc for instant polarity identification. DC input function including ohms. Single switch
impedance is 13.3 megohms. AC input ca- selects function and range. Sensitivity:
in 5 calibrated ranges, with fine tuning 20,000 ohms- per -volt AC -DC. Ranges: AC-
vernier control of 10 to ratio. Includes
pacity is 10 megohms shunted by ISO mmf.; DC v., 0- 3- 12 -30- 120 -600-1200; resistances,
provision for even lower sweep frequencies frequency response, 50 cps to 2.5 mc.
with external capacitors (not supplied). Ohmmeter is readable from 0.2 ohms to 0 to 100 megs in 4 ranges -5 ohms center
scale; current. 0-50 na,0 -1 -10- 100 -1000 ma,
Choice of recurring or triggered sweep 2000 megohms. Resistance ranges: 0 -2000-
20,000- 200.000 ohms and 0- 2- 200 -2000 meg- 0-10 amps. 3x5%x81/2'. With test leads.
functions; internal or external locking. Has Less batteries. Shpg. wt.. 51/2 lbs.
input for intensity modulation. Size, 171/2x ohms. Center -scale reading, 10 ohms. With
91/2x131/2'. For 105 -125 v.. 50 -400 cycle AC. test leads. Requires no batteries. 3x51/2x 84 F 609. NET 66.50
Shpg. wt., 46 lbs. 81/2'. For 110 -120 v.. 50 -60 cycle AC. CARRYING CASE. Durable neoprene; houses
Shpg. wt., 6 lbs. Model 455 or 415 plus leads. '/z Ih.
87 FZ 181. NET 345.00 87 178. 82.00 635.
F NET 84 F NET 9.00
Wide -band, 5' oscilloscope for professional
use including color TV servicing. Dual 704B Portable VHF Field Strength Meter
bandwidth for flat response and maximum
sensitivity. Wide band: Frequency re- JERROLD Extremely versatile, portable VHF field
sponse 0 to 5 mc within 3 db; vertical strength meter. Useful for field intensity
sensitivity. 35 rms mv/inch. Narrow band: surveys, checking per cent of AM and FM
Frequency response, 0 to 2.5 mc. 3 db modulation. locating and measuring noise
down;-sensitivity, 10 rms mv/inch. Hori- and losses, testing antenna color response.
zontal response, -3
db from 0 to 500 kc-
sensitivity, 75 rms mv/inch. Sweep fre-
calibrating signal generators, adjusting
traps. and numerous other applications.
quency from 2 to 30,000 cps. 14x12x18'.
For operation from 110 -120 v.. 50 -400 cycle
Continuously tunable, 54 -220 mc, f t% db
accuracy. Sensitivity, S yv. Ranges: 0 -300-

AC. Shpg. wt.. 60 lbs. 1000- 3000 -10,000 -30,000 pv RF; with
84 FZ 606. NET 398.00 bail[ -in attenuator, measures 0- .1- .3 -1 -3 v.
MODEL 34 DEMODULATOR PROBE. Extends RF. Db meter scale and dbj scale on range
RF range to 500 mc. Shpg. wt., 11/2 lbs. switch for easy conversion to dbj (gain).
84 F 138. NET 5 75 Bandwidth. 600 kc at 3 db down. 12x12 %x
MODEL TVP -1 PROBE. Low impedance for
8'. For operation from 105 -125 v.. 50 -N)
reduced loading. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs. cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 24 lbs.
84 F 1 62. NET 11.50
87 FZ 293. NET 365.00
Allied Radio Co poration, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois

666 R

666 HH 630 -NA 625 NA

Versatile, miniature combination VOM and Battery -operated, 34 -range VTVM and Laboratory type, highly accurate VOM. Fea-
AC ammeter clamp -on adapter. Clamp -on VOM. Easy -to -read VTVM ranges: 0 -1.2- tures unit construction; series ohmmeter
jaws of ammeter adapter fit around any 6 -30 -120 DC volts; I1 megohms input im- circuits; special 1/2% resistors for greater
single conductor to permit direct reading pedance. VOM ranges: DC volts. 0- 3- 12 -60- accuracy; long, mirrored meter scales for
of C- 6- 12 -30-60-120 -300 amps AC, with- 300 -1200 at 20.000 ohms /volt; AC volts. reduced parallax. Accuracy: 11/2% on
out breaking circuit or piercing the insula- and audio output volts, 0- 3- 12 -60- 300 -1200 ohms and 0-1200 DC volts; 4% on 6000
tion. Adapter securely locks to VOM body; at 5000 ohms /volt; DC microamperes. 0 -60; DC volts and all AC ranges. Ranges: DC
can be left on permanently while using DC ma. 0- 1.2 -12. 120 -1200 at 250 mv; DC and AC volts 0- 3- 12- 60- 300 -1200 -6000 (DC
VOM ranges, or removed. VOM ranges: amps. 0-12 at 250 mv; db. -30 to +56; at 20,000 ohms per volt. AC at 5000 ohms
DC volts, 0- 3- 12 -60- 300 -1200 at 20.000 ohms. 0- 1500-15,000; megohms. 0 -1.5 -151). per volt); DC current. 0-60 microamps.
ohms /volt; AC volts. 0- 3- 12 -60- 300 -1200 at 31/12x51/2x71/2". With batteries and 48" leads 0- 1.2 -12 -120 milliamps. and 0 -12 amp:
5000 ohms /volt; DC aa. 0 -600; DC ma. with alligator clips. Shpg. wt.. 5 lbs. resistance, 0- 1000-10,000 ohms. and 0 -1 -100
0-6 -60-600; ohms, 0- 20,000- 200,000; meg- 63.21 megohms; db. -30 to +70 in 7 ranges;
ohms, 0 -2 -20. Size. 81/2x31/2xl1/2" With 84 F 546. NET
output volts, 0- 3- 12 -60- 300- 1200-6000. 51/2'
batteries, leads. Wt.. 31/2 lbs. MODEL 650 VTVM meter with 41/2' scale. 71/2x51/2x37/32'. Com-
66 F 588. NET 48.02 plete with batteries and 48" leads. Shpg.
Highly accurate VTVM. Ranges: DC volts. wt.. 6 lbs.
MODEL 310 VOM ONLY. Miniature. hand - 0- 1- 5- 10 -50- 100- 500- 1000; AC volts, 0 -1 -5-
sized VOM with 18 ranges. Same as above, 10-50- 100-500; resistance. 0 -1000 meg- 84 F 574. NET .. 53.41
but without AC ammeter clamp-on adapt- ohms in six ranges. 71/2x51/2x31/2". With 2
er. 41/2x2 %x1 t/a ". Shpg. wt.. lb. 1 alligator clips, AC -RF probe, ohms -DC MODEL 660 LOAD-CHEK
84 FC 674. NET 33.81 probe and battery. For 110 -120 volts. 60 Wattmeter -voltmeter. Detects overloads
cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 8 lbs. and underloads. Load -Chek shows if power
MODEL 379 LEATHER CARRYING CASE. hold, 84 F 558. NET 87.71
Model 3111 -10. Shpg. wt., 8 oz. drawn from line exceeds or is less than the
5 39 H. V. PROBE. 0 -50.000 v. DC. Wt., 8 oz. proper value. Power cord of unit under test
66 F 590. NET
14.21 plugs into receptacle on Load -Chek. Two
84 F 564. NET
3" meters provide simultaneous wattage
MODEL 659 LEATHER CARRYING CASE. Shpg. and voltage readings. Two watt -meter
wt.. 11/2 lbs. ranges. Toggle switch changes watt scale.
84 F 559. NET 10.29 Ranges: 0- 500 -1000 AC -DC watts; 0 -150
AC -DC volts. Black plastic case. Size, 6x
MODEL 666-HH VOM 51/2x21/2". Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs.
Accurate, low-cost VOM. 400 microampere 84 F 537. NET 33.81
meter movement. Ranges: AC -DC volts.
0- 10 -50- 250 -1000 -5000 at 1000 ohms per MODEL 630-NA VOM
volt; DC nia. 0- 10- 100-500; ohms. 0 -2000-
400,000. With battery and 48' leads. Plas- Offers unusually high accuracy. 70 ranges:
tic case. 5r/sx314fix2'As' 4 lbs. *11/2% on DC to 1200 v.; ±3% on AC to
84 F 555. NET 26.95 1200 v. Features: DC volts: 8 ranges to
6000 (10.000 ohms /v.); 8 ranges to 3000
MODEL 625-NA VOM (20,000 ohms /v.). AC volts: 6 ranges to
Wide -range VOM. Large mirror scale. 6000 (5000 ohms /v.); 6 ranges to 3000
(10,000 ohms /v.). DB: -30 to +70 in 12
MODEL 630 VOM DC volts, 0- I.25- 5- 25- 125 -500 -2500 ranges. DC microamps: 1 range to 120 (240
at 20,000 ohms /volt and 0-2.5-10-50-250 - mv); 2 ranges to 600 (120 mv). DC milli -
Popular. accurate VOM. 51/2' meter with 1000-5000 at 10,000 ohms /volt; DC cur-
41/2" scale. Ranges: DC and AC volts. rent. 0 -50 ma. 0-1 -10 -100-1000 ma. and 0 -10 amps: 4 ranges to 1200 (240 mv); 3 ranges
0-3 -12 -60 -300- 1200 -6000. DC at 20,000 amps; resistance. 0- 2000 -200.000 ohms. to 600 (120 mv). DC amps: 1 range to 12
ohms /volt. AC at 5000 ohms /volt; DC 0 -40 megs. AC volts. 0-2.5-10-50- 250-1000-
(240 mv); 1 range to 6 (120 mv). Resistance:
current, 0 -60 microamps. 0- 1.2 -12 -120 ma. 3 ranges to 100.000 ohms; 3 ranges to 100
5000 at 10,000 ohms /volt. 51/2x21/2x6 ". With megohms. Output: All 12 AC volt ranges.
and 0 -12 amps; resistance. 0 -1000- 10.000 batteries and leads. Wt.. 6 lbs.
ohms and 0-1 -100 megs; db, -30 to +70 in 71/2x51/2x33/1s ". Mirror scale. With leads.
v.. 0-3-12-60- 300-1200- 84 F 575. NET 53.41 batteries. Shpg. wt.. 6 lbs.
7 ranges; output
6000. 71/2x51/2x37/32". With batteries, leads. MODEL 629 CASE. Leather case with handle. 84 F 512. NET 73.01
Slipg. wt., 6 lbs. Slipg. wt.. 1 lb.
568. 43.61 84 F 561. NET 7.06
Compact VOM. Single range -function
switch and ohms adjust. 1000 ohms /volt
ACCESSORIES FOR TRIPLETT 630, 630-A, 630-NA 8 631 VOM'S sensitivity. Has 3" meter. Ranges: DC
HIGH -VOLTAGE PROBE. For 630. 630 -A or 631. Extends DC range to 30 kv. Poly-
and AC volts, 0- 10- 50- 250 -1000-5000; DC
ma. 0,10 -100; DC amps. 0 -1; ohms. 0-3000-
styrene insulation. Shpg. wt.. 8 oz. 300,000; megs., 0-3. Black plastic case.
84 544. 14 21
F NET 5r%x3!Asx2s/s ". With batteries. 48" test
MODEL 639 CASE. Durable leather carrying case for 630, 630 -A. 630
-NA. or 631. leads. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs.
Meter can be used without removal from case. Shpg. wt., 11/2 lbs. 84 F 557. NET 28.91
84 F 569.
NET 9 21 MODEL 669 CASE. Cowhide case for Model
MODEL 639 -P CASE As above, with sponge rubber padding. lz/s lbs. 666R or 666 -HH. Wt., 1 lb.
14.60 84 F 560. NET 5.98
84 F 562. NET
MODEL 669 -RL CASE. Leather case for Model
TESTER STAND. Holds above meters at 45" angle. Shpg. wt.. 1 lb.
666 -R. Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
84 573. NET
49c 6.47
F 84 F 547. NET

See Pages 257 -259 for a Complete Selection of Triplett

Panel Meters



J4ä1 A extremely versatile tube tester. Checks
all radio receiving tubes, including series -
MODEL 3441 -A TV-FM OSCILLOSCOPE MODEL 3438 DOT GENERATOR string types, ballasts. miniatures, and hear-
Wide -range 5" TV-FM oscilloscope. Suitable High-quality dot -bar generator for check- ing aid types. Ducal- sensitivity, neon -type
for color TV. Push -pull vertical and hori- ing video. RF. IF, sync and color circuits. short test. Checks TV picture tubes when
zontal output amplifiers. 4.5 megacycle Provides standard vertical and horizontal used with T- 2247 -BV adapter listed below.
bandwidth, usable to 9 mc. Vertical sensi- sync pulses; horizontal bars (480 -600 cps) Shows shorts, open circuits and condition
tivity: IO rms my /ipch maximum. Horizon - and vertical bars (189 kc, crystal- control- of tube elements, connections, taps. etc.
tal response, 20 cps to 150 kc. Peak -to-peak. led); white dot pattern; and square block Provides continuity test for electrical appli-
2%" voltmeter reads 0 -1000 volts in 8 cross hatch. Crystal controlled accuracy for ances. motors, etc. 6" meter with 3 -color
ranges. Phased 60 -cycle horizontal sweep varying colors through approx. 330 of the scale. Accurate BAIS -? -GOOD tests.
Built -in. Speed -Roll chart; Line voltage
and return trace eliminator for use with color spectrum with any combination of
sweep generators. Phone jack on panel for the function selector. Will produce red. blue compensator; Counter -portable case; han -
audio check of waveform under observa- and green color spectrum and colors cor- dle and removable cover. Size, 15'%/rzxll'/tz
tion; for audio circuit tracing. Variable saw - responding to R -V, B -V, I and Q axis. Has x61/4". For operation from 110 -120 volts.
tooth output from 10 to 60,000 cycles. both positive and negative video outputs. 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 28 lbs.
With coaxial cable. Size: 1511/1tx16xl1u/tz ". Completely self- contained.6y4x111/2x 84 FZ 591. NET 77.91
For 110 -120 volts, 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. 15n/k . For 110.120 v., 50-60 cycle AC.
wt., 42 lbs. Shpg. wt.. 16 lbs. T- 2247 -BV ADAPTER. Adapts models 3413 -B
84 FZ 530. NET 244.51 84 FZ 598. NET 224.91 and 3423 for picture tubes. Shpg. wt.. lb.

9989 CRYSTAL PROBE. For use with above. 84 F 539. NET 5.29
Shpg. wt., 8 oz. MODEL 3434-A TV-FM GENERATOR
For TV and FM receiver servicing. Con- MODEL 3423 TUBE TESTER
84 F 545. NET .. 10.29 Accurate, versatile tube tester. Tests by
tinuous tuning to 243 mc. Regulated power
MODEL 3432 -A SIGNAL GENERATOR supply for greater oscillator stability. Sweep proportional mutual conductance method
center frequency: 0 -60, 60 -120 and 120 -243 -simulates actual tube operating condi-
Quality signal generator for AM -FM radio, mc. Sweep width: 0.1 to 12 mc. continuous- tions. Tests receiving tubes. subminiatures,
black -and -white and color TV servicing. ly variable. Marker frequencies: 3.5 -4.9. ballasts. low -power transmitting types, etc.
Covers complete range from 160 kc to 110 19.5 -29.3, 29 -48.6 (fundamentals); 48.6 -243 Includes tests for series- string tubes.
in frequency. 6 y
mc (220 mc using harmonics) with no skips
etched dial. Jacks pro-
vided for either internal modulation or
mc on harmonics. Crystal frequency: to 20
mc on fundamentals; harmonics to 216 mc
(crystals not supplied). Modulation: 600
Reads mutual conductance directly in mi-
cromhos; also BAD -? -GOOD scale.
Checks pilot lamps and continuity of mo-
audio output. Internal modulation vari- cycles in both crystal and marker frequen- tors, etc. Checks for shorts and leakage be-
able 0 -100% at 400 cps. Ranges selected by cies. Crystal and variable marker permits tween elements. Indicates gassy and noisy
7- position switch. Coaxial output cable. simultaneous presentation of two markers. tubes. Filament voltage adjustable from
Size: 15tljjzx1luAzx6% ", For 110 -120 v., 15uu/nxllu zx8 t/4 ". For 110 -120 r. 5(1 -60 cy- 0.63 to 117 in 19 steps. Size, 14z/4xl8zs/ax
50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 12 lbs. cle AC. Shpg. wt.. 27 lbs. &r/y'. For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC.
84 FZ 677. NET 97.51 84 FZ 534. NET 234.71 Shpg. wt., 24 lbs.
84 FZ 541. NET 195.51
Sprague Quality Test Equipment
An up -to- the -minute capacitor tester. Per- Multi -purpose bridge -type capacitor ana-
mits checking capacitors while they are lyzer. Quickly detects open, shorted, or in-
wired into the equipment being serviced. termittent capacitors. Provides an accu-
No unsoldering is necessary-not even when rate. multi -range capacitance and power
capacitor is wired in parallel with a resis- factor measuring bridge; an insulation re-
tor. Instantly checks for direct short, open sistance checker for paper, mica. and ce-
or intermittent conditions in all types of ramic capacitors; a leakage current indi-
capacitors. Bypass, coupling, and blocking cator for electrolytics (tests at rated volt-
capacitors from 30 mmf. to 2000 mmf. can ages); and a turns ratio scale to measure
be checked even when wired in parallel turns ratio of power and audio transform
with resistances as low as 60 ohms. Capaci- ers. Measures capacitance front
tors between .1 mfd. and 2000 mfd. can be 1 mmf. to
2000 mfd. in 5 ranges; electrolytic leakage
checked even when wired in parallel with from 0-60 ma in 2 ranges; power factor of
resistances as low as 2 ohms. Sturdy steel electrolytics to 55% in 3 ranges. Up to 600
case with medium gray wrinkle finish. Size. volts DC for electrolytic test. Size. 8%x
9x6x5u/' ". For 110 -120 r.. 50-60 cycle AC. 141/061/4". For 110 -120 v.. 50 -60 cycle AC.
Slipg. wt.. 7 lbs. Shpg. wt.. 12t/z lbs.
84 FX 005. NET.. 33.81 66 FX 591. NET 82.22
Unique transistor circuit simulator. Sinnt - piing and metering circuits. Has self -con
lates any 1- transistor amplifier stage. AC tained separate bias and load battery sup-
or DC, except high -power audio stages. plies, negative or positive voltages. Can be
Useful for testing experimental circuits used with PNP. NPN junction or surface
quickly and easily- without time- consum- barrier transistors; common or grounded
ing soldering or messy breadboards. Excel- emitter, base or collector. For circuits using
lent for lab and quality control applications more than one transistor. Transimulators
-predicts transistor performance in various may be cross -coupled. Less batteries (re-
types of circuits. Includes all variable com- quires VS035ucells; see page 286).
ponents necessary for an R(' amplifier. With
5 -way binding posts for transformer
q 14
66 592. NET
%zßCA Wt.. 11 /z lbs.
Express Shipment Recommended for Test Equipment

Extremely popular, time -tested. VOM. Pro- (Not illus.) Highly -accurate readings be- Compact. accurate V TVM. Ranges: AC
vides great versatility and dependable per- and DC volts, 0-1.2-12-60-300-1200; AF
tween 0.1 and 25 ohms. Ranges: 0 -5 ohms volts, 0- 1.2- 12 -60, flat to 100 kc;
formance at moderate cost. 29 ranges. DC and 0 -25 ohms. Ideal for checking motor resistance, 0- 1000. 100.000 ohms and 0-1-
sensitivity. 20.000 ohms per volt. A(' sensi- armatures and fields; switch and relay con- 10- 1000 megs. Also reads decibels from
tivity. 110'1 ohms per volt. Ranges: AC tact resistances: shorts in TV and radio -20 to +63 in S ranges. Large 41/2' dial
and DC volts; 0- 2.5- 10-50- 250-1.000 -5.00X1. wiring. NVith calibrated test leads. Size: scale with easy -to -read calibrations. Bake-
Output volts; 0- 2.5 -10 -50 -250. DC current, 3851/482 ,/2". Slipg. wt.. 3 lbs.
lite case. 7x51/4x3tW. With DC and AC-
0 -100 microamps. 0-10-100-500 ma and
0 -10 amps. Resistance; 0 -2.000 ohms (11
87 F 107. NET 24.45 Ohms probes; less RF probe. For operation
ohms center). 0- 200.000 ohms (1200 ohm - from 110 -120 volts. 60 cycle AC. Shpg- wt..
center). and 0 -20 megohms (120.000 ohms MODEL 269 MICROAMMETER VOM 6t/z lbs.
center). Decibels; -12 to +55 db in S ranges. Sensitive. 100.000 ohms /volt multitester.
84F712.NET 66.64
Bakelite case. 5t4x7x3tW. With batteries Battery -operated; 33 ranges; 7' dial; 2 con- MODEL 303 RT. As above, but in "roll top"
and test leads. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs. trols. Ranges: DC current. 0 -16 -160 micro- case. Shpg. wt.. 8 lbs.
84 F 780. NET 43.07 amps. 0.1.6 -16-160 milliamps and 0-1.6-16 84 F 725. NET 74.48
MODEL 260 RT. As above, but in convenient amps. DC volts, 0- 1.6- 8- 40.160-400-1600 HV PROBE. Extends DC volts range to
"roll top" safety case. Size: 63/4x9x4rW. -4000 (100.000 ohms /volt); AC volts. 0 -3 -8- 30.000 volts. Shpg. wt.. lb.

Shpg. wt.. 9 lbs. 40- 160 -800; output volts, 0- 3 -8 -40 -160; re- 84F715.NET 9.75
84 779. NET 48.95 sistance. 0- 2000- 20,000 -200.000 ohms, 0 -2-
20.200 megohms. 8x6x3'. Test leads. 4000-v. RF PROBE. Measures RF volts. 1 lb.
NIGH- VOLTAGE PROBE. Extends DC range DC probe and batteries. 6 lbs. 84F716. NET .. 7.35
to 25.000 volts. Shpg. wt.. S oz. 84 F 726. NET 86.24
84 F 771. NET 9 75 Extends DC range of CASES FOR MODELS 260 AND 303
TYPE 8375 SPARE TEST LEADS. With alligator Model 269 to 40.000 volts. 2 lbs. Eveready type permits using meter in case.
clips and elbow terminals. Shpg. wt.. 1 lb. 84 F 742. NET 12.25 Av. shpg. wt.. 2 lbs.
87 F 106. NET 1 22 MODEL 262. Similar to above. but resistance 84 F 721. Eveready Care. NET .9.55
ranges, 0. 500- 5000-S0.000- 500.000 and 0- 84 F 782. Standard Case. NET.. 7.59
MODEL 390 VOLT- AMP -WATTMETER 5-50- megohms; DC current. 0 -8C -160 pa.;
1.6-16-160 ma and 0- 1.6 -16 amps. Wt., 6 lbs. MODEL 382 ANALYZER
Measures power consumption of any 60 84 F 727. NET 58.31
cycle AC appliance, radio or TV. Speeds In- circuit horizontal system analyzer and
trouble-shooting. Ranges: AC volts. 0 -150 HI- VOLTAGE PROBE. Extends D(' range of capacitance checker. Only plate cap of out-
and 0 -300; amps. 0 -3 and 0 -15; watts. Model 262 to 40.000 volts. Wt 2 lbs. put tube need be removed for tests! Checks
0 -300. 0 -600. 0 -1500 and 0- 3000. lias 3' me- 84 F 743. NET . 1 2.25 High -Z systems on good -bad scale; checks
ter. Size. S%x3x2tW. Supplied with break -in MODEL 5262 CARRYING CASE. Vinyl case l.ow -Z system on comparative logging
plug and leads. Sltpg. wt.. 4 lbs for 269 and 262. 7x8x4'. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs. scale. Tests any transformer or yoke wind-
84 788. NET 43.07 9.75 ing for continuity; tests transformers and
F 84 F 728. NET
yokes for opens. Checks individual windings
MODEL 370.4C AMMETER.( Not illus ) Ranges: on flyback system for shorts or partial
0- 1- 2.5- 5 -10 -25 amperes. Built -in current
MODEL 355 MIDGETESTER shorts. Measures capacitance and checks
transformer. 3' meter. 3x5%x2t/z'. Less Miniature, highly accurate VOM. Fits in for opens in any capacitor of horizontal sys-
leads. For 60 cycle AC. Wt.. 3 lbs. palm of hand. 10,000 ohm /volt sensitivity tem. Direct -reading from 10 mmf to 0.1 mfd
84F794.NET 21.51 on AC and DC. Accuracy: *3C7,- on DC; (checks any capacitor in chassis falling in
(Not illus.) +5% on AC. 100 microamp, self- shielded this range). 41/2' meter. With test leads.
MODEL 379. BATTERY TESTER. and shockproof meter movement. Handy Size: 71/4x71/2x111/4'. For 110.120 v.. 50 -60
Tests radio and hearing aid batteries from ohms zero- adjust thumbwheel on side of cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 12 lbs.
1.5 to 90 volts. Makes test under load con- case. Ranges: AC and DC volts. 0- 3- 12-60-
ditions for accurate indication of battery's 300- 1200. Resistance 0-10,000-100.000
87 FX 103. NET 68.55
condition. 3' dial. With needle -type prods. ohms. 0 -1 -10 megs. Function and range se-
Size: 3x5%x2 t/z'. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs. lection by insertion of leads. Size: 25/4x41/2x MODEL 1000 TUBE TESTER
84 F 764. NET . 24.45 1". Supplied complete with batteries and Accurate. plate -conductance tube tester.
test leads. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs. Tests all receiving tubes. including 9 -pin
MODEL 372 OHMMETER 84 FC 734. NET 34.25 miniature and sub -miniatures with a linear
TYPE 6355 CASE. For above. High quality. and circular base arrangement. Tests are
An accurate, wide -range ohmmeter that black leather with zipper. Shpg. wt.. 3 oz. madeunderconditionssimulatingactual use.
easily fits into pocket or tool box. Features 2 89 4íjz" dial indicates percentage of rated plate
exceptionally small size and 5 -range flexi- 84 F 741. NET
conductance for an accurate indication of
bility-an excellent instrument for field TYPE 8600 SPARE TEST LEADS. lb.1
tube condition. Also provides quick. de-
servicing applications. Employs a special 87 F 108. NET 1.71 pendable short and leakage tests -shows
3- meter. Basic movement has a sensitivity exact resistance values of shorts and inter -
of 85 microamperes. Ranges: 0 -500 (S ohms MODEL 240 HAMMETER element leakage. Each tube element is in-
center), 0 -5000 (50 ohms center), 0- 50.000 dividually connected to the correct voltage
(500 ohms center). 0 -5 megohms (50.000 Popular, low -cost VOM. Sensitivity, 1000
ohms center). 0 -50 megohms (500.000 ohms ohms /v on AC and I)C. DC volts. 0 -3000. tap -insures against tube damage during
A(' volts. 0 -3000; DC ma. 0 -750; ohms, 0- testing. Size, 15t/4x11%/ex6'. For operation
center). Supplied complete with batteries from 110.120 v.. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt..
and test leads. Size: 3x5%x21/2'. Shpg. wt.. 3(X10- 300,000. Bakelite case. 3x5r/sx2t/z'-
With battery. leads. Shpg. w- i..3lbs. 19 lbs.
3 lbs.
84 F 796. NET 27.39 84 F 787. NET 28.37 84 FX 723. NET 132.30
244 Test Instruments Available an Allied's Easy Payment Plan-See Page 396


lip it:
s_0tcpc I

388 -31
383 -A

7' dual bandwidth. oscilloscope. For black. "In -or-out -of- circuit" capacitorleakage Thermocouple thermometer. For gases.
and-white and color TV. Vernier and com- tester. Indicates leakage and measures liquids or solids. Reads -50° to 1000° F. on
pensated decimal step attenuator. Hori- capacitance of paper. mica or ceramic 7 scale. Has 71 -ft. general- purpose inter-
zontal sweep to 50 kc for expansion of high - capacitors. Permits checking capacitors changeable probe (Type 0190), with pro-
frequency waveform detail and color burst. while they are wired into the equipment visions for 3 probes. Allows temperature
Intensity modulation input. Graph screen. being serviced by means of special pulsing readings in 3 different areas by rotating
Frequency response: Wide -band. ±2 db to 5 circuit. No unsoldering is necessary-not switch. Size: 6x7ts/ly82'34s'. With battery.
mc; narrow band. ±1 db, lOcycles to 200 kc. even when capacitor is wired in parallel Shpg. wt.. 6 lbs.
Deflection sensitivity: Wide band, 25 mv with a resistor. Pulse test quickly detects 84 F744. NET 63.21
rms /inch; narrow band, 10 mv rms /inch. "borderline" capacitors.
Calibrating voltage, 6.3 volts rms. 100% Easy -to-read 4W meter. Indicates leakage
MODEL 388. As above. but with provisions
response at 3.58 -mc color burst. 13%xllx for one probe only. Shpg. wt.. 6 lbs.
171,4'. For operation from 110 -120 v. 50 -60 in ohms -checks for direct short, open, or
intermittent conditions in all types of 84 F 738. NET .
cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 32 lbs.
bypass, coupling and blocking capacitors TYPE 0187 SURFACE TEMP. PROBE. For 388-
84 FZ 631. NET 225.35 from 10 mmt to 10 mfd. Also detects leaks 31. and 388 above. Shpg. wt.. Ib. 1
in wiring, sockets, transformers, etc. and
87 F 104. TYPE 0740 VOLTAGE DOUBLER measures distributed capacity to ground. 84F745.NET 681
PROBE. Wt., 11/2 lbs. NET.... _ . 10.73
No need for adjustment of bridge circuit TYPE 0190 GENERAL- PURPOSE PROBE. For
87 F 105. TYPE 0741 LOW CAPACITANCE and balancing controls. All measurements 388-31. and 388. Shpg. wt.. I lb.
PROBE. Wt.. 11/2 lbs. NET
made under load conditions. Size: 8s/ax
9.75 11 %x8 t1'. With test leads. For 110 -120
84 F 746. NET . 4.85
87 F 109. TYPE 0742 100:1 VOLTAGE DI- volts. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 11 lbs. TYPE 5262 CASE. For 388, 388 31,. S oz.
VIDER PROBE. WI., 11/2- lbs. NET 9.75 84 FX 630. NET . 88.15 84 F 728. NET 9.75

Cornell- Dubilier Test Instruments

Precision instrument for industrial and Provide accurate standards over a wide For rapidly locating defects in flyback
electronic labs. Checks for opens. shorts, range of capacity. Rated at 600 volts. DC transformers and yokes. Employs an oscil-
intermittents, capacity and power factor of and 220 volts AC. May be used singly or in lator circuit incorporating a 6V6 tube.
electrolytics as well as insulation resistance groups of two or more decades. With cali- Extremely sensitive- detects short circuited
of papers, micas and ceramics. Measures bration chart giving exact capacity values vacuum tube elements and windings. Will
capacity between wires and shielding, trans- for all scale markings, extending use to detect a single shorted turn. Also indicates
former windings, wires in cables, etc. Ca- more precise measurements. Types CDA -5. open circuits in transformers, yokes. coils
pacity ranges are: 10 mmf -.005 mfd, .001 -5 CDR -5, and CDC -5, ±5% tolerance; CDD-3 and switches. 41/2' microammeter; 50 mi-
mfd, .1 -50 mfd, 20 -1000 mfd. Resistance and CDC -3. ±3% tolerance. Type CDA -5 croamp full -scale sensitivity. Meter scale
ranges: 100 -50,000 ohms and 10,000 ohms has mica dielectric capacitors; all others indicates "GOOD" and "REPLACE ";
to 5 megohms. Hammered- enamel finish. have oil- impregnated paper capacitors. scale is also numbered for quantitative
Size: 51/2x7xl0". For 110 -125 volts, 50 -60 Shpg. wt., 4 lbs. readings. Sturdy metal case; recessed carry-
cycle AC. Shpg- wt., 10 lbs. Stock I Mfr's Range Mid. NET. ing handle. 51x7x10'. With test leads. For
84 FX 457. NET 42.85 No. Type Mid tep EACH operation from 110 -125 v.. 60 cycles AC.
Shpg- wt.. 91/2 lbs.
84 F 4521 CDA-5 .0001 -.011 .0001 I I . 12
84 F 45 31 CO8-5 .01 -1.1 .01 I I. 1 2 84 FX 618. NET. ... 46.45
84 F 455 CDB-3 .01-1.1 .01 13.2 3 BF-70 CAPACITANCE -RESISTANCE
Provide a rapid and dependable source of 84 F 454 CDC -5 1.0 -10 1.0 19.55
resistance for substitution purposes. Each 84 F 456 CDC -3 1.0.10 1.0 2 1.5 6 ANALYZER
of the instruments below permits a possible Accurately checks capacitors and resistors.
selection of 110 resistance values. Series MODEL BF -90 "HANDICHECK" Wien bridge circuit assures permanent ac-
connected, they cover a range from ohm curacy; readings not affected by line voltage
CAPACITOR CHECKER variations. Measures capacity from .00001
to 1,111.110 ohms in steps of 1 ohm. Each
box utilizes 2 rotary-type switches with 11 Quickly checks capacitors without removing to 2000 mfd in 4 ranges. Checks power fac-
positions for quick change in resistance them from the circuit by means of a 60- tor of electrolytics from O to 50 %. Indicates
values. Heavy -duty, insulated binding cycle circuit incorporating an electron -ray insulation resistance of paper. mica. and
posts. Black enamel finish. Less leads. 3 %x indicator tube. Checks capacitors from 30 ceramic capacitors. Built -in VOM for leak-
5x3'. rum( to 2000 mfd or open. short or inter- age measurement. VOM ranges: DC volts,
mittent conditions even if connected in 0 -15- 150 -750; D(' ma. 0- 1.5- 15.73; DC
Stock Mfr's Range Ohms-i NET parallel with a resistance as low as SO ohms. resistance. 2.5 -2500 ohms. 250-250,000
No. Type Ohms Step, EACH Capacitors from .1 mfd to 2000 mfd can be ohms, 250,000 ohms to 25 melts. Metal
checked for short circuits. Size: 7x10xSV'. case. Gray enamel finish. 1181085 1/2'. For
84 F 6 5 RDA
1 1.110 1 1 1.9 I 1Vith leads and test clips. For 110 -125 volts, operation from 110 -125 v.. 50 -60 cycle AC.
84 F 61 6 RDB 100 -11,000 100 1 2.25 Mf cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 8 lbs. Shpg. wt.. 11 lbs.
84 F 61 7 ROC 10.000 -1,100.000 10.000 2.25
84 FX 619. NET .34.50 84 FX 613. NET 71.50
Express Shipment Recommended for Test Equipment


b c. 0 0 d-


10-12-P SS-10


9 Easy -Reading Bands Deluxe portable sweep generator tor tele- Here's a deluxe tube tester -ideal for use as
vision and FM servicing. Frequency range a portable or counter -type unit. Dynami-
Accuracy to l% is 3-900 mc; to 240 mc on fundamentals; cally checks mutual conductance plus other
Highly sensitive, deluxe -signal- marker gen- saves time on front -end alignment -read di- characteristics of modern radio and tele-
erator. Valuable aid for television alignment rectly on panel dial. Has narrow and wide - vision tubes including sub-miniatures and
and servicing of AM and FM sets. 9 bands: band sweep -frequency widths: O -1 mc and acorns; wired to handle tubes up to 12 pins.
88 kc to 240 mc; to 60 mc on fundamentals. 0 -15 mc. Built -in base -line reference. Self - Built -in stainless steel pin straighteners.
Accuracy to %. Outputs: I nmodulated contained multiple crystal marker- calibra- Has direct facilities for battery (A, B, and
C dry batteries under load conditions), bal-

RF; 400-cycle modulated RF; and 400 - tor. Supplied with 2 crystals (2 mc and 4.5
cycle sine wave. Control for variable inter- mc). Special socket accommodates 4 crys- last. pilot bulb and capacitor testing. large.
nal modulation, 0- 100 %. 61/2" direct read- tals. Full vision. 6t/ -inch dial. Phasing con- easy -to -read 5t/" meter; accuracy within
ing dial with 0 -100 vernier scale. Supplies trol. Internal retrace blanking circuit simpli- 2%. Double- window, roll chart has space
0 -50 volts AVC-AGC voltage. Handsome fies alignment- eliminates return traces. for adding new tube data. Convenient port-
blue -gray finish. With coax cable, "LO -H 1" Supplied complete with test cables. tubes, able model in hardwood case. Handsome,
connectors. and illustrated manual "Serv- comprehensive instruction manual. and 2 two -color, satin- brushed aluminum panel
icing by Signal Substitution ". Deluxe crystals. In custom -styled, handsome blue- and contrasting dark blue control knobs.
gray, hooded steel cabinet; two -color satin Hardwood cabinet has convenient tool com-
hooded cabinet. 11 t%xl3x6s/s ". For 110 -120 partment and hinged. removable cover.
v.. 5(1-60 cycle. Shpg. wt., 17 lbs. brushed aluminum panel and contrasting
93.10 dark blue control knobs. Deluxe cabinet, Size. 171/4x13%x6% . For 110 -120 volts.
87 FZ 000. NET
11 Vx13x6% .
For operation from 110 -120
volts. 50 -60 cycle AC. Wt., 24 lbs.
50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 24 lbs.
87FZ 009. NET 126.42
5" OSCILLOSCOPE For all Precision tube testers. Wt.. 1 lb.
Excellent for servicing and lab work. in-
MODEL E-420 DELUXE 84 F 492. NET. ....7.59
cluding color TV; provides 5 -mc bandwidth. DOT AND BAR GENERATOR
Push -pull vertical amplifier has 10 my /inch Highly versatile white -dot and bar gen
sensitivity; response within 1 db, 10 cps to erator for color TV adjustment. Ideal unit MODEL SS-10 FILAMENT fi
3.5 mc; (3 db at 5 mc). Push -pull horizontal for checking color convergence and vertical CONTINUITY TESTER
amplifier rated 100 my /inch sensitivity; and horizontal linearity. lias separate con- Handy, compact. battery- operated tube test-
response within db. 20 cps to mc (3 db
1 1 trols to adjust the number and thickness of er. Highly versatile- designed to test for
at 2 mc). Sweep frequency, 10 cycles to 100 both vertical and horizontal bars. Provides burned-out tube filaments, fuses, and pilot
kc; also 30 and 7875 cycles synchronized direct video and modulated TV channel lamps (both bayonet and screwbase). Also
sweep. Negative and positive internal outputs. Has RF channel selector for checks for continuity in transformer wind-
sweep. Vertical pattern reversal switching. channels 2 to 6. Generates: White dots,
-peak voltage cali- vertical and horizontal bars and cross -hatch ings, appliances, etc. Has test sockets for
Direct reading. peak -to octal, !octal. and miniature 7 and 9 pin
brator. 8yxl4t/zxl8t/z ". For 110 -120 volts. Number
tubes. Also tests filaments in television pic-
50 -60 cycle
87 FZ 002.
AC. Wt..
47 lbs.
ried In beautiful, custom -styled, blue-
gray. hooded steel cabinet and four -color,
satin- brushed aluminum panel with con-
r ture tubes. Built -in tube pin straighteners
for miniature 7 and 9 pin tubes. Includes
internal battery life test. Custom- molded
MODEL SP-5 PROBE SET. 4 probes (high -Z trasting dark blue control knobs. With
low- rapacity, crystal, isolating, shielded);
coax cables; connectors. For use with above
scope. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs.
cables and instructions. Size. 13x11 t%x6t
For operation from 110 -120 volt. 60 cycle
AC. Sling. wt., 19 lbs.
87 FZ 021. NET 147.00

case with gold and black anodized panel.
F 026. NET
x> x1 ".Spg wt.. lb.beaeries.

84 F 491. NET


Introducing an all new. highly versatile tube New. moderately priced cathode conduct-
and transistor tester. Has provisions for ance tube tester. Checks for merit, leakage
measuring the reverse current between col- and short tests on TV. FM and AM tubes.
lector and base with emitter open (Icbo), Designed to test each section of multi -sec-
shorts and leakage ou all RI,. audio, power t ion and ballast resistor -type tubes. Smooth -
and tetrode transistors -both NPN and action. 24- position rotary switch controls
PN P types. Also provides cathode conduct- filament voltages from s/4 to 117 volts-re-
ance test for receiving type tubes. Has spe- duces obsolescence as new tubes are re-
cial circuit for testing picture producing leased. Has handy built -in 7 and 9 -pin
beam current on all TV picture tubes when straighteners. Easy -to-read 51/4 meter ac-
used with Model PTA Cathode Ray Adapt- curate to ±2 %.
er (above. right column). Rugged 24 -posi-
tion rotary selector switch controls filament High- speed. 3-window roll chart saves val-
voltages from ' to 117 volts. 5t/s meter; uable time -locates desired reference easily,
accuracy to *2 %. Smooth action, 3 -win- quickly with "Tube Finder" feature. Comes
dow roll chart has "Tube Finder" feature. complete with leatherette- covered, solidly
Easy -to -Read 5 V/+" Meter Leatherette- covered carrying case with han- constructed carrying case. Attractive.
dy tool compartment. 18x101/2x61/4". For etched, satin- brushed aluminum panel. 18x
± 2% Accuracy 101/2x61/4". For 110 -120 v.. 50 -60 cycle AC.
Tests Modern TV, FM, & AM Tubes operation from 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 16 lbs.
Shpg. wt.. 16 lbs. 77.91
Picture Tube Beam Current Test 87 FX 028, NET 97.51 87 FX 027. NET

246 Letter Z in Stock Number Indicates Express Shipment Only


Economically priced, highly accurate, de- Highly dependable AC- operated VTVM for
luxe laboratory type VTVM. Has an easy - Low -Cost, Highly Versatile
all radio and television servicing require-
to-read 7" meter with 200 -microampere sen- ments. Accurate, and versatile -has many 20,000 Ohms Volt DC Sensitivity
sitivity; accuracy ±2%. Ranges: Zero -cen- uses for inspection work and other indus- Covers 36 Ranges
ter DC. AC rms and DC volts, 0- 1.2 -6-12- trial applications. Has 5 zero-center ranges
60- 300 -1200. P -P AC volts, 0-3.2-16-32-160- for FM discriminator balancing, voltage Highly sensitive VOM. Has more ranges
800-3200. Zero- center DC input resistance. polarity determinations. etc. Large, 51/4" than most meters of its type and size.
26.6 megohms. Resistance. 0- 1000 -100,000 wide -angle meter with 400 microamperes Ranges: AC. DC. and output volts. 0-1.2-
ohms; 0 -1 -10 -100 -1000 megohms. DC cur- sensitivity. Accuracy, ±2%. Multiplier re- 3-12-60-3004410-120C-6000 with 5000 ohms
rent, 0 -300 microamperes; 0-1.2-6-30-120- sistors are rated within *1%. High input per volt on AC and 20,000 ohms per volt on
600 ma; 0- 1.2 -12 amps. 6 db ranges, -20 resistance of 13.3 megohm on DC ranges. DC; DC current. 0- 60- 300 sa, 0- 1.2 -12-
to +63 db. In custom -styled, hooded metal 120 -600 ma, 0-12 amps; resistance. 0-200-
DC volts, 0- 3-12 -60-300 -1200. Resistance 2000- 200,000 ohms. 0 -2 -20 mess; S db
cabinet with brushed aluminum panel. Size. 0-1000- 100.000 ohms; 0 -1 -100 -1000 meg-
11 thx13x61/4". Supplied complete with a- ranges, -20 to +77. 51/4" meter. Complete
ohms. AC volts, 0- 3.12 -60- 300-1200. Peak - with batteries and test leads. Size. 5%x7x
way probe and instruction manual. For op- to -Peak volts, 0 -8 -32 -160- 800 -3200.
eration from 110 -120 volts. 60 cycle AC. 3'. Shpg. wt., S lbs.
Shpg. wt.. 18 lbs. Convenient, built -in carrying strap. Hand-
some blue -gray ripple steel cabinet with
84 F 490. NET 44.05
87 FZ 014. NET... 117.11 MODEL LC -3 LEATHER CASE. For Model 120.
brushed aluminum panel. Overall size, 5%x
MODEL TV -8 SUPER -HIGH VOLTAGE PROBE. 7t/x3W. Supplied complete with battery Top-grain cowhide. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs.
Excellent accessory for Model 88 or 98 and convenient 3-way coaxial probe. For 84 F 496. NET 9 31
VTVMs. Extends DC voltage range to operation from 110 -120 volts. 60 cycle AC. MODEL TV 26 HV PROBE. For Model 120.
60.000 v. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs. Slips. wt., 9 lbs. Extends DC range to 30.000 v. Wt., 2 lbs.
84 F 681. NET 14.45 87F018. NET 53.41 84 F 495. NET 14.45
above VTVM. Extends response to 300 mc. Models 88, 120. Comvenient 43- degree table
Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs. Highly sensitive vacuum tube voltmeter for mount. Shpg. set. I lb.
84 F 419. NET 14.1 1
laboratory and service -shop use Employs 87 F 020. NET 98c
lull- bridge VTVM circuit with 1% multi-
pliers and shunts for extremely accurate MODEL 78 BATTERY VTVM
MODEL 110 MULTIMETER readings. Extra -large, wide -angle 51/4 me-
Highly useful, expertly constructed pocket - ter with easy -to -read, 3 -color scales. 200 Battery powered V I'VM- -can be used any-
size VOM. Combines full -range instrument microamp sensitivity. *2% accuracy. where. 5t/' meter-rated at 100 micro-
performance with small -sized convenience. amperes sensitivity, ±2% accuracy. Mul-
Valuable aid to the radio-TV serviceman. Reads AC rms in 6 ranges: 0- 1.2-6- 12 -60- tipliers rated for ± 1% accuracy. High input
Easily fits into tube caddy or tool kit -"on- 300-1200 volts. 6 peak -to -peak AC volt resistance -13.3 megohms on all DC ranges.
hand" at all times. Ideal for field use, serv- ranges: 0- 3.2- 16- 32- 160- 800 -3200. .5 resist- Extra -high input impedance on AC ranges
ice calls, etc. Ranges: DC volts. 0 -1.5- ance ranges: 0 -1000- 10,000 ohms; 0 -1 -100- -8 megohms, 67 mmf. Ranges: Resistance,
6 -30 -150- 600-3000 (20,000 ohms per volt); 1000 megohms. 6 zero -center DC ranges: 0- 1000 - 100,000 ohms; 0 -1 -100-1000 meg-
AC volts. 0- 1.5 -6 -30 -150- 600-3000 (5000 1200-300- 60- 12- 6- 1.2- 0- 1.2- 6 -12 -60 -300-1200 ohms. Zero -center DC volts, 0-1.5-6-30-150-
ohms per volt); DC current, 0 -60 -600 mi- volts with 26% meg input resistance. Also 600-1500. AC volts (rms), 0- 3- 12- 60 -300-
6 -DC volt and 6 +DC volt ranges: 0- 1.2 -6- 1200. Resistors are deposited -film and wire -
croamps and 0-6 -60 -600 ma; resistance. 12-60- 300-1200, with 13í/s meg input re-
0 -2000- 200,000 ohms and 0 -20 megohms; wound types. Blue -gray ripple case. 5r4x7%
db, from -20 to +70. 3W meter with sistance. In compact, custom -molded phe- x31/2". Complete with batteries and probe.
long, easy -reading scales; sensitivity 50 mi- nolic case; with convenient, sure -grip carry- ShPg- wt., 9 lbs.
croamps. Full scale accuracy x2 %. Sup- ing strap. Overall size. 51/4x7x31/4". 87F019.NET 61.25
plied complete with vinyl -plastic cover; Complete with detachable AC line cord. in- MODEL
heavy -duty, banana -plug test leads; and TV -4 HIGH- VOLTAGE For
ternal ohmmeter battery, three -way coaxial Models 68 or 78 VTVM's listed in center
batteries. Size. 5s/pt31/2x11Vie deep. Shpg. VTVM probe. For operation from 110 -120 column and above. Extends DC voltage
wt.. 3 lbs. volts, 50 -60 cycle AC. Wt.. 8 lbs. range to 60,000 volts. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs.
87F023. NET 33.81 84 F 680. NET 73.01 84 F 445. NET 14.45
Provides Thorough Checking of Wide Range of Tube Types
Extremely Compact; Weighs Only 11 Y. Lbs.
Simple, Fast, Accurate Operation For Positive Checking SECO
Remarkably compact, precision tube tester, Provides all essential
tests for wide range of tube types, including sub- miniature types. TEST
Good -? -Bad" meter shows results of dynamic mutual conductance
test and cathode emission test; electron -eye indicates "control -grid- EQUIPMENT
emission" test. Also checks for filament continuity, element leakage,
open elements. and gassiness. Only 6x9x13s%z "; Weight is only a
fraction over 11 pounds! Handy "flip-chart" tube index. For 110-
120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Slspg. wt.. 14í/s lbs.
87 FX 295. NET.. .. ...... . 136.71
Exceptionally lightweight, highly compact, grid circuit tube tester.
Has 7 wired sockets for testing receiving type tubes with filament
voltages from 3 to 12 volts. Check: Control grid emission; grid -to-
cathode shorts; cathode -to- heater shorts; gassy tubes. Has "Magic
Eye" Had -OK -Bad indicator. Size, 6%x6thx2 ". For operation
from 110 -120 volts, 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 4 1hs.
84 F 639. NET 29.35
Express Shipment Recommended for Test Equipment


Advanced- design tube tester kit. Checks
emission and mutual conductance sepa-
rately. Tests all receiving tubes; also tests
CRT's with PTA -K adapter. Features ro-
tary type switches; gas check; single- switch 9,771 -T
short check; latest type roll chart. Filament
current and tube bias measured on the
meter. Has spare switch for future tube MODEL 116-K TUBE TESTER KIT MODEL 713-K POWER LAB KIT
types. Steel cabinet with aluminum panel. Accurate, ultra -fast tube tester kit for New, extremely versatile bench power sup-
Size. 14x Win". Less solder. For 110 -120 ply -ideal for service shops and labs. Com-
simplified testing of all receiving -type tubes
v. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 25 lbs and transistors. Unique. multiple -socket bines variable low and high- voltage AC and
83 FZ 133. NET 79.95 design and Tube Bank Switch permit com- and DC supplies. a wattmeter- voltmeter,
W. As above, but factory- wired. parison tests on up to S similar tubes in 20 AC and DC ammeter, and an isolation
MODEL I transformer in one compact unit. Performs
seconds. Makes emission. mutual conduct-
1 1

84 FZ 692. NET. 139.95 function of 11 different pieces of equipment.

ance, gas, life, and short tests. Function
MODEL PTA -K. CRT ADAPTER KIT. For above. switch permits checking individual sections DC power available is 0 -30 v. at 10 amps
Slipg. wt.. 2 lbs. of multisection tubes. Employs emission and 110 -180 v. at .75 amps. (1 amp inter-
84 F 693. NET 2 95 test for power tubes and mutual- conduct- mittent). \C power available is 0-24 v- at
ance test tor IF amplifiers-fool proof 20 amps; 90 -140 v. at 10 amps (1000 watts
MODEL PTA-W. As above, but factory- wired. method of determining a tube's efficiency. continuous) and 20 amps (2000 watts inter-
84 F 694. NET 4 25 Simple to operate-has only 3 basic knobs. mittent) (no isolation) and 90 -140 v. at 3
May be modified to measure filament cur- amps, 300 watts (with isolation). Meter
630-KA SIGNAL GENERATOR KIT rent. Chart in rover lists all tubes. including reads AC and DC current to 20 amps. AC
the new 600 -ma series- string types. and and D(' voltage to 180 v, and power to 2000
RF -AF -TV signal generator and marker kit. gives switch settings. Handsome, ruggedly watts. Size. I2x81/2x5t/s' For I10 -1211 c..
Reaches 110 mc on fundamentals; 330 mc constructed wood carrying case; etched 60 cycle AC. Slipg. wt.. 22 lbs.
on harmonics. Pre -assembled and calibrated panel. 71/2xl61/2x14 t/z'. Easy -to- follow in- 83 FZ 904. NET_. .. .62.95
RF heads; audio of 20- 20.000 cycles; cath- structions. With all parts; less solder. For
ode follower output; variable percent mod- operation from 110 -120 volts- 60 cycle AC. MODEL 713- W.Sameasunit described above.
ulation; external modulation; speech ampli- Shpg. wt.. 16 lbs. but factory- wired.
fier; crystal marker; RF and Al, stand -by; 83 FZ 104. NET 69.95 87 FZ 266. NET 79.95
Wien bridge AF ose.; Colpitts RF osc.; KIT. Similar to 713 -K. but
MODEL 711 -K
filtered line; separate RF section; coax MODEL 116W. As above, but factory o lied. provides isolation to 100 watts. Shpg. wt..
fittings. Other features include constant 84 FZ 695. NET 1 1 9.95 IS lbs.
output impedance; vernier tuning on RF 49.95
and AF, plus complete shielding. Steel cabi- 83 FX 903. NET
net. Size. 8x11x5'. With all parts and in- MODEL 300-K 7' SCOPE KIT MODEL 711 -W. Same as unit described
structions. less solder. For 110 -120 v., 60 High -quality 7' scope kit. Vertical response. above. but factory- wired.
cycles AC. Shpg- wt.. I1 lbs.
t3 db up to 5 megacycles with sensitivity
of 10 millivolts. Frequency -compensated
87 FX 265. NET... ... ........ 64.95
83 FX 130. NET
MODEL 630 -W. As above. but factory-wired
vertical and horizontal stepping attenu-
ators. Push -pull I)C amplifiers; push -pull
84 FX 497 NET 53.95 horizontal. Astigmatic focus control. Lin- t- nusually fine. easily assembled, 81/2 scope
ear sweep from cycle to 80 kc. Internal kit at very moderate cost. Many deluxe
features; excellent for any radio -TV servic-

MODEL 9071 -K VTVM KIT square wave calibrator with pot. Electronic
magnifier circuit allows any portion of sig- ing or laboratory application. Edge- illumi-
Deluxe VTVM kit designed to meet indus- nal to be magnified up to 10 times. Screen nated 8W screen and magnifier positioner
trial specifications. Features: Voltage regu- is edge lighted -may be switched on or off. permit extremely accurate waveform anal-
lation; 7th' meter. precision 1% resistors. 5 -way binding posts for easy hookup. Has ysis. A 3rd anode intensifier ring. as well
zero alignment scale for FM and TV dis- plug gate and sawtooth outputs on front as a separate HV supply provide increased
criminators, and burnout -proof circuit. panel. Bridge type positioning on vertical picture sharpness and tracing speed. Has
Ranges: DC and AC volts, 0-5-25- 250 -500- and horizontal does not vary tube char- push -pull inputs for internally mixing 2
1000 (25 megs input imp. on DC); ohms, acteristics. Extra -heavy, fused power sup- signals or observing push -pull waveforms.
0- 1000 -10.000; megohms. 0 -1 -10 -1000; db. Exceptional vertical response; +1.5 db to
-20 to +55. Separate 5 -volt AC scale for ply. Steel cabinet- I1x14x17 ". With all
5 mc. Sensitivity. 10 my /inch. Return trace
parts; less solder. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle
accuracy on low voltages. Steel cabinet; .1C. Shpg. wt.. 35 lbs. eliminator. Linear sweep, I cycle to 80 kc.
etched panel. 12x81/2x5'. With test leads. 99.95 Square -wave calibrator with pot. External.
battery and instructions; less solder, For 83 FZ 131. NET
internal negative or positive sync, or inter-
110 -1211 v.. 60 cycle AC. Wt., 11 lbs. MODEL 960 CAPACITY ATTENUATOR PROBE. nal 60 or 120 cycle sync. Steel cabinet. Ilx
83 F 902. NET 35.95 For Model 3(10 and 308 scopes. Range. 14x19'. With all parts, wire, tubes and in-
through 1(0 mc. Input capacity. mmf. structions; less solder. For 110 -120 volts.
MODEL 9I2A RF PROBE.For use with als,ce. Shpg. wt.. 11/2 lbs.
60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 36 lbs.
Extends frequency range up to 250 mega- 129.50
cycles. Shpg. wt.. t/t lb. 84 F 691. NET 5.95 83 FZ 132. NET
87 F 260. NET 4.25
Accurate 18 -range volt- ohmmeter. Has 860 tua meter movement. Ranges: AC -DC volts.
0- 15 -30- 150- 300 -1500-3000 (at 1000 ohms per volt); DC current. 0 -1.5 -15(1 ma and
0 -7.5
amps; resistance. 0- 10.000- 100,000 ohms 0 -1 meg. (center scale readings, 50. (00 and cells.
ohms). Gray hammerloid case. Size. 6t/sx3t/x5s/ ¡.
Supplied complete with penlight
carrying strap and leads. Shpg. wt., 31/2 lbs.
309. 19.11
84 F NET


Pocket -size. 6- function VOM. 2' meter. Reads: 1)C volts. 0- 25 -50- 125 -250. AC volts. 0-25 -
S0 -12S -250. DC ma, 0 -50. AC ma. 0 -50. Resistance, 100,00(1 ohms full scale. with 1600
ohms half -scale reading. Capacitance. .05 -1S mfd. Resistance ranges operate from AC
power -no batteries required. In sturdy bakelite case. 3%x2'/%x1z Less test leads. For

operation from 110 -120 v., 60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt.. 11/4 lbs.
84 F 306. NET 8.82
For Soldering Irons and Guns, See Pages 311 -315


Dynamic mutual conductance tester for ac-
MODEL 124 FLYBACKER MODEL 655 DO -ALL VTVM curately checking tubes and transistors.
\n extremely valuable. versatile TV test 4t/z" meter reads peak -to -peak and rms Tests all N -P -N or l'-N -P transistors, all
unit. Tests capacitors. flyback transformers waveshapes. 7 ranges on all functions. DC radio and TV receiving tubes-including
and yokes without disconnecting them from volts, 0- 1.5-5- 15 -50- 150 - 500-1500. Input re- hearing aid and magic eye types, pilot
the circuit. Shows leakage and shorts in all sistance. 11 megohms. Accuracy on DC lights, and many industrial and transmit-
capacitors; tests for continuity in all fly- ranges t3 %. AC voltage ranges: peak -to- ting types. Checks tubes under actual
back transformers, deflection yokes, width peak. 0- 4.2 -14 -42 -140- 420 -1400 -4200; rms. operating conditions- adjustable controls
coils, solenoids, relays, etc. Instantly 0- 1.S- 5- 15 -50- 150- 500 -1500. Accuracy on for heater. plate, screen and grid voltages
shows up a single shorted turn in a flyback
transformer or yoke. Tests high -impedance
AC ranges Sc/ Response: 30 cps to 3 flic

for 1.5. 5, 15, 50, 150 and 500 volt ranges

simulate actual tube operation. Tests for
shorts and leakage between each element.
sections of all transformers. Over 200 volts (voltage source having low impedance out- Also tests picture tubes when used with
applied to components under test. 5 easy - put). Resistance ranges: 0- 1000 -10,000 Model PTA CRT adapters. below.
to- read scales. 4 illuminated GOOD -BAD ohms. 0- 0.1 -1 -10- 100 -1000 megohms. Cen- Illuminated 4th' meter indicates "000D-
scales- calibrated direct reading numbered ter scale: 10, 100, 1000. 10,000 ohms and ?- REPLACE." plate conductance, grid con-
scale for transformers. In steel case. 10x6x 0.1, 1. 10 megohms. Balanced bridge -type ductance, and transistor gain. Lever switch-
5'. For operation from 105 -125 volts, 50-60 circuit. With test leads. Size. 10x6x5'. For es prevent obsolescence. Transistor current
cycle AC. Sltpg. wt.. 8 lbs. operation from 105 -125 volts, 50 -60 cycle gain is measured under full load by a
84 F 625. NET .. 41.94 AC. Shpg. wt., 8 lbs. unique constant-current bridge circuit.
84 F 324. NET .. .. .. 58.31 Separate controls for transistor tests; spe-
cial diode limiter protects meter against
PROBE. For use with above. Extends DC
shorted transistors. Safety buttons protect
Combination signal, marker and pattern meter against misuse. Easy -to -read. fast -
generator. Covers all UHF -VHF channels volts range to .30 KV. Shpg. wt.. I lb. action roll chart. Built -in pin straighteners
for FM and TV receiver servicing. Checks 84 F 622. NET.. 8 77 for 7 and 9 -pin tubes. Housed in an at-
and aligns front ends, sound IF's and pic- tractive steel cabinet with etched aluminum
ture traps, linearity. sync circuits, sweep MODEL 555 OSCILLOSCOPE panel -ideal for counter or portable use.
circuits, focus and deflection. Accuracy of
0.5 %. All VHF frequencies are covered on Wide -band 5 -inch oscilloscope for black - Size, 151/4x14x5t /f-
For 105 -125 v., 50 -60
and -white and color TV servicing. Push - cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 17 lbs.
fundamental. Ranges: 9-11. 21 -47. 54 -220. 84 FX 682. NET.... 127.35
465 -690 and 650 -900 mc. RF's and IF's are pull. 3 -stage vertical amplifier has 25 mv,
clearly calibrated on large etched dial. Pro- inch sensitivity; frequency response up to 4
vides horizontal or vertical bars or cross- mc. Horizontal amplifier rated at 0.3 volts.' MODEL 327P TUBE TESTER
hatch pattern on all channels. Internal inch sensitivity; frequency response up to A modern, accurate tube tester. Checks all
modulation: 360 cps and 141.75 kc. Pro- 700 kc. Features: Multivibrator -type tubes currently used in radio and TV
vides unmodulated carrier signal. 4W dial. sweep generator; compensated stop at- receivers. Will check transmitting. hearing
With leads and instructions. 101/sx6 %x tenuator. Z -axis modulation, internal and aid. ballast, gaseous rectifier and tuning
5tj46'. For operation from 105 -125 volts. 60 external sweep synchronization; built -in 60- indicator types. Checks tubes for emission
cycle AC. Shpg. wt 10 lbs. cycle phasing with adjustable front panel and shorts. Slide -lever switches permit
control; retrace blanking; built -in spot size fast, easy testing. Will also check both
84 FX 338. NET 77.91 control and versatile 5 -way binding posts. black- and -white and color tubes with CRT
Metal cabinet. Size: 9t/zx12t/zx18'. For adapters listed below. Dim or weak black
MODEL 706A RF SIGNAL GENERATOR operation from 105 -125 volts, 50 -60 cycle and white tubes can be reactivated with this
AC. Shpg. wt.. 23 lbs. tester. "Finger -flip" tube index- permits
IIigh- quality performance. construction and 87
appearance. Special electron -coupled circuit FZ 202. NET 8.7.71 rapid insertion of new tube data. 3 -color
design, permeability adjusted coils, and air meter provides POOR -? -GOOD tests. CRT
trimmer capacitors assure stability and con- MODEL 480 VOM scale indicates DIM-BRIGHT readings.
stancy of calibration. Accurate within 1% 1000 ohm- per -volt, multitester. 3' square In handsome oak combination counter -
of calibration adjustment. Ladder -type step meter. Bakelite case and panel. DC voltage portable case. Size. 9Ihx1Ix51/2' For oper-
attenuator consisting of a multiplier and fine ranges: 0- 5- 50- 250 -500-1000 volts. AC read- ation from 105 -125 volts, 50 -60 cycle AC.
attenuator control. Planetary drive for ver- ings at 0 -10- 100- 500-1000 volts. Output Sting. wt.. I1 lbs.
nier tuning without backlash. Covers 150 voltage readings over same ranges as AC. 84 FX 339. NET 50.91
kc to 220 mc in eight ranges. Six fundamen- Milliammeter reads 0 -1 -10 -100 ma and 0-1
tal ranges through 55 mc. 400 cycle audio ampere. Ohmmeter has 4 resistance ranges: MODEL PTA -1 CRT ADAPTER. For black and
at 50 ohms for external use. Thorough shield- 0- 10,000- 100,000 ohms, 0 -1 megohm and white. Shpg. wt., 2 Iba.
ing of all critical circuits. For operation 0 -10 megohms external. Decibel meter 84 F 627. NET 3.87
from 105 -125 v.. 50 -60 cycle AC. Size, 15x reads from -10 to +55 db. 7x41/4x2,Ai".
9x7'. Shpg. wt., 14 lbs. With batteries. Shpg. wt.. 21/4 lbs. MODEL PTA -2 CRT ADAPTER. For color sets.
84FX331.NET. 66.15 84 F 621. NET 15.63 Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs.
84 F 628. NET 9.75
MODEL 202. All- purpose signal tracer for servicing radio, television, TV, audio. and electronic
equipment. For quick checking all stages from antenna to speaker or picture tube. Also
checks mikes. transformers. etc. Locates intermittents- open circuits, hum, noise and distor-
tion- Provides both visual and aural tracing with sensitive "magic-eye" and built -in 5'
speaker. RF response to 300 mc. 3 -stage preamplifier. Preamp provides voltage gain of 400
for scope or VTVM. Audio input flat from 2 cps to 200 kc. Selector switch for using instru-
ment as RF probe, audio probe, noise test, or wattmeter. Size: 7 tj1x10tx6tj '. For operation
from 110 -120 volts, 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 11 lbs.
84 FX 197. NET 36.75
MODEL B RF DEMODULATOR -AMPLIFIER PROBE. For use with Model 202 Signal Tracer de-
scribed above. Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
87 F 258. NET 7.35
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, It

, 9
,8®® 0 Q9:; 470-K

s - .

r 368 -K
320 -K 360-K 324 -K

Wide -band scope for lab and color TV use. For AM. FM and TV. Push -pull outputs RF SIGNAL GENERATOR KIT
Response fiat from DC to 4.5 mc- usable in horizontal and vertical amplifiers for Provides modulated or unmodulated RF
to 10 mc. Accurately reproduces 3.58 -mc balanced deflection. Sensitivity, .05 to .1 signal. For signal tracing and 1F -RF align-
color TV sync burst. 4-step attenuator in rms volt /inch. Range. 5 cps to 500 kc, us- ment of AM. FM. TV receivers. Has
both DC and AC position. Vertical sensi- able to 2.5 mc. Input imped. I megohm. expanded frequency range of 6 fundamental
tivity 25 my /inch. Built in voltage calibra- Wide -range multi -vibrator sweep circuit. bands: 150 -400 kc. 400 -1200 kç, 1.2 -3.5
tor. Full- screen DC vertical positioning and 15- 75,000 cps. Provision for external sync.. mc, 3.5 -11 mc, 11 -37 mc and 37 -145 mc.
2X full -screen horizontal positioning. Auto- Z- modulation and direct input to CR tube One harmonic band covers 111-435 mc.
matic sync limiter and amplifier eliminates plates. Calibrating voltage terminal on Calibration accuracy is ±1.5 %. Output
sync voltage adjustment. Sweep: IO cps to panel. Graph screen. Uses: 3 -6SN7. 2- impedance, 50 ohms. Internal modulation
100 kc, plus low frequency sweep with ex- 6J5. 5BP1 Cathode Ray tube, 2- SV3GT. of 400 cps variable from 0 to 50 %; can be
ternal capacitor. Graph screen has variable With tubes, portable case. all parts. wire. used for audio testing. Input has gain con-
illumination. Push-pull vertical amplifier. instructions. and operating manual. Less trol for use with external modulator. Col -
voltage regulated. Cathode follower inputs. solder. 81/2x17xI3 ". For 105 -125 v., 50-60 pitts RF oscillator is directly modulated by
With all tubes. CRT. all parts, instructions. cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 30 lbs. cathode follower. Fine and coarse RF at-
13x81/2x16 ". Less solder. For 105 -125 v.. 83 FZ 155. NET 44.95 tenuators. With tubes and all parts. Less
50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 26 lbs. MODEL 425. As above, but factory- wired. solder. 8x10x4W. For 105 -125 v., 50-60
83 FZ 193. NET 79.95 84 FZ 392. NET 79.95 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 10 lbs.
MODEL 460. As above, but factory-wired. 83 F 192. NET
129.50 MODEL 368 -K SWEEP 8 MARKER MODEL 324. As above, but factory- wired.
84 FZ 668. NET
GENERATOR KIT 84 F 666. NET 39.95
Sweep generator and marker for highly MODEL 315-K DELUXE
MODEL 470-K 7 OSCILLOSCOPE KIT accurate alignment of FM. color and black -
Push -pull amplifiers and cathode follower and -white TV. Covers 3 to 216 mc in 5 RF SIGNAL GENERATOR KIT
inputs to both vertical and horizontal sec- ranges. Variable frequency marker pro- For AM, FM, TV servicing. 1% accuracy
tions. Wide -range sweep frequency gen- vides output from 2 to 75 mc on funda- from 75 kc to 150 mc. 9" illuminated dial.
erator (15 cps to 100 kc). Intensity modula- mentals; to 225 mc on harmonics. Sweep Vernier tuning. Provision for external mod-
tion, external sync inputs. saw-tooth and width is variable from 0 -30 mc. Supplied ulation. Internal 400-cps sine wave gener-
line frequency outputs -allon front panel. with built -in 4.5 -mc crystal marker for
oscillator. Provides dual markers for RF
ator with attenuator for RF modulation
Internal voltage calibrator. Frequency re- and external audio testing. Uses: 7F7. 6C4;
sponse: Vertical amplifier, flat within ±2 or IF alignment. Provision for adding VR150, and 6X5 rectifier. 12x13x7. Less
db from 10 cps to 1 mc with sensitivity of external marker. Continuously variable solder. For operation from 105- 125v., 50-60
01 volt rms /inch; horizontal amplifier, ±2 sweep and marker attenuators. Has retrace cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 20 lbs.
db from 10 cps to 500 kc with sensitivity of blanking. Output impedance, 50 ohms. 83 FZ 162. NET 39.95
.3 volt rms /inch. Input impedance: Vertical. Edge -lit hairlines for high tuning accuracy. MODEL 315. As above, but factory-wired.
3 mega and 35 mml; horizontal, 1 meg and 6:1 vernier tuning mechanism. Tubes used:
12AT7, 12AV7, 12AX7, 6AU6. 1284; 6x4. 84 FZ 395. NET. 59.95
40 mmf. Graph screen. 15xl5x1O". With all
tubes and parts. Less solder. For 105 -125 v.. rectifier, selenium bias rectifier. 83/4x13%x MODEL 320-K
50 -60 cycle. AC. Shpg. wt., 35 lbs 7W. With all tubes, parts and instructions. RF SIGNAL GENERATOR KIT
83 FZ 174. NET 79.95 Less solder. For 105 -125 v.. 50 -60 cycles
AC. Shpg. wt.. 16 lbs. Well- designed circuit uses a stable Hartley
MODEL 470. As above. but factory-wired. 83 FX 950. NET 69.95 oscillator. Covers ISO kc to 34 mc on funda-
84 FZ 343. NET 129.50 MODEL 368. As above. but factory- wired.
mentals-to 102 mc on harmonics. 400-cps
modulation. Has 9" dial calibrated in 7
87 FX 225. NET 119.95 bands. Complete with tubes, portable case.
OSCILLOSCOPE TV PROBES parts, shielded cable. instructions. etc. Less
MODEL 360K SWEEP GENERATOR KIT For 105 -125 v.. 50 -60
For signal and waveform timing, alignment solder. 10x8x4s/4".
applications and other test procedures. Every advanced feature needed for quick, cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 10 lbs.
Probes are fully shielded. Rugged terminal easy, and accurate alignment of TV or FM 83 F 154. NET 19.95
board mounting of parts. All have swivel - receivers. Use for video IF alignment and
response curve adjustment, sound IF and MODEL 320. As above, but factory- wired.
action. shock -mounted construction. Av. sound detector adjustment. Covers 500 kc 84 F 394. NET 29.95
shpg. wt.. S oz.
MODEL PSD -K. Demodulator Probe Kit. to 228 mc. Variable sweep, 0 -30 mc. Crystal MODEL 322 -K RF GENERATOR KIT
marker oscillator with variable amplitude.
83 F 180. NET 3 75 Provision for injection of external marker. Accurate 150 kc to 34 me generator. In-
MODEL PSD. As above, but factory wired. Phase control. 8W vernier tuning dial. dividual calibration for each of 5 bands.
84 F 653. NET 5 75 Center of each TV channel is marked on Switch selects pure RF. modulated RF or
MODEL PD -K. Direct Probe Kit. front panel. Uses 6C4. 2 -6J5. 7193; pure 400 cycle AF. Shielded RF and AF
275 6XSGT rectifier. With tubes, parts. instruc- attenuators. With 6SN7; 6X5 rectifier.
83F181. NET
MODEL PD. As above, but factory wired. tions. Less 5 -mc crystal and solder. IOxSx Steel case. 10xSx4% . Instructions. Less
solder. For 105 -125 v.. 50 -60 cycle AC.
84 F 654. NET 3.95 61/4". For 105 -125 v., 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg.
wet., 12 lbs. Shpg. wt., 10 lbs. (Not illustrated.)
MODEL PLC -K. Low Capacity Probe Kit.
83 F 182. NET 3.75 83 F 59. NET
1 34.95 83 F 168. NET 23.95
but factory wired. MODEL 360. As above, but factory- wired. MODEL 322. As above, but factory- wired.
MODEL PLC. As above.
84 F 655. NET 5.75 84 FX 342. NET 49.95 84 F 396. NET 34.95
250 Express Shipment Recommended for Factory-Wired Test Instruments

Q H+4114+1+1.'? 565 -K

666 -K


STANDARD MULTIMETER KIT VACUUM -TUBE VOLTMETER KIT Short and open test for each element. Full -
Ideal low -cost unit for servicemen. 31 A high -quality. moderately-priced service vision, bakelite -cased meter. Easy to read
ranges. 3' meter. Ranges: AC and DC volts: instrument. Balanced- bridge circuit pro- Replace- Weak -Good scale. An overload
0- 1- 5- 10- 50- 100 -500 -5000 at 1000 ohms/ vides accuracy and stability. Meter move- bulb indicates transformer overload and
volt: resistance. 0 -500, 0- 100.000 ohms. 0 -1 ment protected against burn -out. Easy -to- also serves as fuse. Rugged steel case. Il-
meg; AC and I)C current, 0 -1 -IO ma and read 4W scale. 1% multiplier resistors. luminated. "speed -roll" chart-speeds loca-
0-0.1 -1 amps; 6 decibel ranges, -20 to +69 Easily calibrated without removal from tion and setting up. Lever- action switches
db. With bakelite case, wire, battery and case. "Uni- Probe" provides convenient for individual testing of every tube element.
instructions. Less leads and solder. Size: high impedance input. Half turn of probe Knock -out for addition of new socket.
61/2x314x2'. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs. tip selects DC or AC /ohms. Measures peak - Handsome three -color panel. 41/2" meter.
83 F 171. NET 12.90 to -peak or rms values of AC waves. Ranges: Less solder. For 105 -125 v., 60 cycle. AC.
p -p volts. 0- 4 -14 -42 -140- 420 -1400 -4200 121/2x91/2x41/ ". Shpg. wt.. 12 lbs.
MODEL 536. As above. but factory- wired.
84 F 345. NET 14.90 volts; I)C /rms volts, 0-1.5-5-15-SO-I50- 83 FX 161. NET 34.95
500- 1500 volts; resistance 0 to 1001) meg- MODEL 625. As above. but factory- wired.
MODEL 526-K KIT. As above, but with 1% ohms in 7 ranges. Has zero- center scale for 84 FX 397. NET 49.95
resistors. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. TV and FM discriminator alignment. MODEL L -1. Lid (cover) for 625 -K or 625.
83 F 166. NET 13.90 Tubes: 12AÚ7. 6AI.S, selenium rectifier.
83 F 880. NET 3 98
MODEL 526. As above, but factory- wired. Size: 7x4x5 ". Less solder. For 105 -125 volts.
50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 7 lbs.
83 F 186. NET 29.95 This versatile tester indicates mutual con-
MODEL 565-K 20,000 OHMS -PER-VOLT MODEL 232. As above, but factory-wired. ductance. plate conductance and peak
MULTIMETER KIT 84 F 659. NET 49.95 emission capability of tubes-also measures
Has 31 ranges: DC. AC and output volts. MODEL 249-K DELUXE transistor collector current and shows cur-
0- 2.5- 10- 50- 250 -1000 -500( (DC at 20,000 VACUUM -TUBE VOLTMETER KIT rent amplification factor. Ten 6- position
ohms per volt. AC at 1000 ohms per volt); switches plus 2 lever switches permit si-
DC current. 0 -10f) microamps, 0- 10 -100- All of the features of model 232 -K (above) multaneous selection of any one of 4 com-
500 ma. and 0 -10 amps; resistance, 0 -2000- plus the extra convenience and readability binations of 3 plate. 3 screen and 3 ranges
200.000 ohms and 0 -20 megohms. Five db of its big 7W meter. An ideal bench in- of control grid voltages. 200 µa meter pro-
ranges. -12 to +55. 41/2" meter. 63/4x51/2x strument for a lab or shop. Size: 81/2x13x5 ". vides direct readings of leakage up to 20
3'. With batteries, all parts, wire, instruc- Less solder. Shpg. wt.. 9 lbs. megohms: -5 ranges of meter sensitivity.
tions. Less leads, solder. Wt.. 4 lbs. 83 F 187. NET 39.95 12x15x41' Less solder. For 105 -125 v., 50-
MODEL 249. As above, but factory- wired. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 18 lbs.
83 F 172. NET 24.95
MODEL 565. As above, but factory- wired.
84 F 660. NET 59.95 83 FX 198. NET 69.95
84 346. MODEL 221 -K MODEL 666. As above, but factory- wired.
F NET 29.95 87 FX 226. NET 109.95
MODEL 555 -K KIT. Same as 565 -K above. VACUUM -TUBE VOLTMETER KIT
but with 1% resistors. Wt.. 4 lbs. An easy -to- build. sensitive VTVM for MODEL CRA PICTURE TUBE ADAPTER
83 F 167. NET 29.95 making measurements in high- resistance
circuits. 20 ranges, with DC input resistance (Not illus.) Adapts 625 and 666 tube testers
MODEL 555. As above. but factory -wired. of 25 megohms. 41" meter is protected for checking all sizes of TV picture tubes.
84 F 391. NET 34.95 against burnout. Includes zero center for Measures cathode emission. Tests for fila-
alignment of FM and TV discriminators. ment continuity, shorts between elements.
VTVM PROBE KITS Dual -triode balanced bridge. %o multiplier
With standard 12 -pin socket. octal con-
Av. sling. wt. Ib. resistors. Ranges: AC -DC volts. 0 -5 -10- nector and 4 -ft. cable. Wt.. 2 lbs.

83 F 188. Model PTP -25-K. Peak 100- 500 -1000; extends to 31),000 volts and 84 F 348. NET. 4.50
200 me with HVP -2 and PRF -25 probes; NEW MODEL CRA-110. Same as above but
to- peak probe kit. NET. 4 95 resistance, 0 -1000 ohms 0 -1 -10-100 -1000 with eightar 8-contact socket for checking
84 F 661. Model PTP -25. As but
above. megohms; db -20 to +55. Tubes used: 6116. 110 deg. deflection tubes. Shpg. wt.. 1 lb.
factory wired. NET 6 95 6SN7; and 6X5 rectifier. With leads, less 83 F 879. NET. 3 95
solder. 6x97Ásx5 ". For 105-125 volts. 50 -60
83 F 189. Model PRF-25 -K. RF Probe Kit. cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 10 lbs. MODEL 556-K STANDARD
NET 3 75 25.95
84 F 662. Model PRF -25. As above but fac- MODEL 221. As above. but factory-wired. Has 400 -microamp movement. 38 full -scale
tory wired. NET 4 95 84 FX 389. NET 39.95 ranges: DC. AC and output volts, 0- 1.5 -10-
83 F 196. Model PRF -1 I K. RF Probe Kit. MODEL 214-K DELUXE 50 -100 -500 -5000 (at 1000 ohms per volt);
NET 3 75 AC and DC current, 0 -I -10 ma and 0 -0.1 -1
VACUUM -TUBE VOLTMETER KIT amp; resistance. 0- 500 - 100.000 ohms and
83 F 197. Model PRF -11. As above but fac- All the versatility and performance - proven 0 -1 megohm. Six db ranges. -20 to +69.
tory wired. NET 4.95 features of Model 221, plus the extra con- Accuracy, DC t3 04. AC, *5 %. With case,
MODEL HVP -2 HIGH VOLTAGE PROBES. For venience and legibility of its big 71/2" meter. wire. battery and Instructions. Less leads
adapting VTVM units to read up to 30,000 131/2x9x6 ". Sling. wt., 11 lbs. and solder. 6z%x5t/Ax3 ". Wt.. 4 lbs.
volts. Factory-wired and tested. 83 FX 170. NET 34.95 83 F 173. NET 16.90
84 F 663. For Models 214. 221. NET 4.95 MODEL 211. As above, but factory-wired. MODEL 556. As above, but factory- wired.
84 F 669. For Models 232, 249. NET. 4.95 84 FX 344. NET 54.95 84 F 347. NET ...... .. .23.50
See Pages 252 and 253 for Additional Eico Equipment 251

' VC' u_TS TW4R


495 -K 1120 -K


MODEL 9508 -K RESISTANCE- For adjusting vertical and horizontal line- SUBSTITUTION BOX KIT
CAPACITANCE BRIDGE KIT arity. A valuable instrument for use in shop For rapidly substituting a wide range of
and on service calls. Produces 16 -23 vertical RETMA capacitance values. A time-saving
.\ precision instrument for the laboratory and 13 -22 horizontal bars when connected instrument for laboratory and serviceshop
or service shop. This unit provides for to antenna terminals (number of bars is use. Provides capacitance values front
quick, accurate tests of component values. adjustable). Since bars will be equally 0.0101 to 0.22 tnicrofarads in 18 steps.
Combines a resistance -capacitance bridge spaced on a correctly adjusted set, a quick Determines values needed for optimum per-
and R -C -1. comparator in one unit. indication is obtained of the picture linear- formance. ter values of badly damaged or
Measures and tests resistors from 0.5 ohm ity of TV set under test. Also indicates otherwise illegible capacitors. Can be used
to S00 megohms in 4 ranges, and capacitors vertical and horizontal sync circuits. Video with Model 1100 Resistance Substitution
from 10 mmf to 5000 mid in 4 ranges. One carrier oscillator is tunable over channels Box to determine the best values for differ-
direct -reading scale gives both resistance 2 -6. 3 -way antenna clip. Less solder. Size. entiating, integrating, and other wave
and capacitance values. A ratio scale is 71/2x5x4W'. For operation front 110 -120 v.. shaping R -C circuits. I8- position rotary
provided for comparison of resistance, ca- 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs.
switch. Accuracy. t10%. Most of capac-
itors rated at 1100 v.; others 400 v. 5 -way
pacitance. or inductance values to any 83 F 178. NET
external standard. Reads ratios from .05 to MODEL 352. As above, but factory-wired.
jack-top binding posts take any type of
20 (400 to 1.) Substitution boxes and dec- test lead. Black bakelite case; attractive
ades, also listed on this page, make good 84 F 651. NET. 19.95 two -color etched aluminum panel. Size.
external standards. "Magic eye" tube 3%x6tlAx3t/z'. Supplied complete with all
serves as null indicator. Continuously var- MODEL 377-K AUDIO GENERATOR KIT parts and instructions; less solder and leads.
iable 0 -500 volt DC source permits check-
ing capacitors under rated voltage. Tests Provides sine and square waves. re- l', Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs.
83 F 191. NET 5.95
capacitors for shorts, leakage, and (in the sistors in Wien bridge -type oscillator cir-
cuit. Sine wave: 20- 200,000 cps in 4 bands. MODEL 1120. As above. but factory- wired.
case of electrolytics) power factor. 6" dial.
Tubes: -1629, -6X5 (rectifier). Trans- ±I.5 db. from 60- 150,000 cps. less than 1' %r.
84 F 665. NET 9.95
distortion. Square wave: 60- 50.000 cps in
1 1

former- type power supply provides line

4 bands. 5% tilt at 50 cps, 5% rounding at
isolation. Satin finished etched aluminum
panel gray -wrinkle rase, 10x8x4% . 50,000 cps. Output (sine or square wave): MODEL 1171 -K RESISTANCE
IO volts across rated load of 1000 ohms. DECADE BOX KIT
With case. panel, parts, tubes. wire, and Cathode follower output. Hum less than
instructions. Less solder and leads. For 0.4% of rated output. Calibration accuracy An excellent unit for use in general design
operation from 105 -125 volts. 50 -60 cycle ±3% or cps, whichever is greater. 61/2
1 and development work. Can be used as a
AC. Shpg. wt., 10 lbs. dial has 0 -100 reference scale. 71/4x11%x known resistor with Model 95011 or any
83 F 164. NET 19.95 7%". With tubes. wire and instructions. other bridge. for ohmeter calibration. de-
Less solder and leads. For 105 -125 v., SO-60 termination of meter multiplier resistance
MODEL 9508. As above, but factory- wired. cycle AC. Wt.. 14 lbs. values. Also makes a very accurate resis-
84 F 387. NET 29.95 83 FX 169. NET 31.95 tance substitution box. Supplies resistance
values from 0 to 99,999 ohms in -ohm step(

MODEL 377. \- above,

. but factory-wired. with 5 decades with t/% accuracy. t.res
84 FX 349. NET 49.95 u/z% -watt resistors. Has 5 separate 10-

position switches. Ideal low -cost unit for

MODEL 488-K ELECTRONIC SWITCH KIT the experimenter and builder. Comparator
position and binding posts for instant sub-
Allows simultaneous observation of two stitution of actual equivalent component.
patterns on the screen of a scope. Ampli- Satin finish deep- etched aluminum panel.
tudes of two patterns are separately adjust- Heavy-gauge steel cabinet with gray
able by gain controls in each channel. Pat- wrinkled finish. Size: 31/2x12x3'. Less
terns may be superimposed or separated solder, leads. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs.
with positioning control. Switching rates: 83 F 165. NET 19.95
Low range. 10 -100 cps; mid -range. 50 -400
cps high range 250-2000 cps. all continu- MODEL 1171. As above, but factory- wired.
MODEL 1100-K RESISTANCE ously variable. Freq. resp. 0- 30.000 cps 84 F 388. NET 24.95
SUBSTITUTION BOX KIT 2 db; usable to 300.000 cps. With tubes,
A handy, versatile. time -saving instrument instructions; less solder and leads. For op-
eration from 105 -125 v., 50 -60 cycle. Size. MODEL 1180 -K DECADE
with a wide variety of applications. Helps
to determine the value of an unmarked or 6x8x6'. Shpg. wt.. 7 lbs. CAPACITOR BOX KIT
illegible resistor. With a circuit in operation. 83 F 185. NET 23.95 For general design and development work.
resistance values can be changed to give MODEL 488. As above, but factory -wired. Useful in every laboratory as tuned circuit
optimum performance. In servicing or de- 84 658. NET 39.95 elements. bridge impedances, filter ele-
velopment. several Model 1100's give the F
ments or components of any circuit where
flexibility needed to change circuit values a wide range of capacitance is necessary.
quickly. Easy to use -simply disconnect MODEL 495 -K SCOPE VOLTAGE Permits rapid determination of proper ca-
one end of the resistor in question. and CALIBRATOR KIT pacitance values. Range: 100 mmf to .111
attach the substitution box with test leads. mfd in steps of 100 mmf: voltage rating
The best resistance value can then be se- Injects a calibrated, semi -square wave on 350 volts DC continuous, 500 volts inter-
lected by adjusting the box. This value of
resistance can then be wired into the cir-
the scope screen for comparison with any
waveform. Ranges: .1. I. 10 and 100 volts
mittent. Mica capacitors are 17s. Zero
-to-peak. Continuously calibrated out- capacitance approx. 7 mmf. l'ositive detent,
cuit. Resistance range from 15 ohms to 10 peak
ceramic wafer switches. S -way jack -type
mega in decade multiples of 15, 22, 33. 47, put from 0 to 100 volts. Uses 1% decade binding posts take any type of
68 and 100 ohms. 36 RETMA 1 -watt 10% attenuator resistors. Switch permits trans-
fer of signal under observation directly to Low-loss lucite terminal board. Satin finish
resistors. S -way jack -top binding posts tor permanently con- etched aluminum panel with gray wrinkled
connecting any type test leads. Black hake - Calibrator can be
nected to scope. Regulated power supply. steel case. Size: 9x3t%x3'. With panel,
lite case. with 2 -color etched aluminum 5x71/4x4. Less solder and leads. For 105- case. parts, and instructions. Less solder
panel. 31/4x61/2x3W. Less solder and leads. and leads. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs.
Shpg. wt., 2 lbs. 125 v.. 50 -60 cycle. Slipg. wt., 4 lbs 14.95
5.95 83 176. NET 12.95 83 F 183. NET
83F179.NET F
bove, but factory-wired. MODEL 1180. As above, but factory-wired.
100. As above. but factory-wired. MODEL 495. As 19.95
84 F 656. NET
84 F 652. NET 9.95 F L

252 Allied Supplies Everything for the Experimenter and Builder

944 -K

584 -K
540 -K

1050 -K

servicing. Spotting a defective flyback Work bench supply for 6 or 12 v. auto
transformer or yoke -formerly a very A rugged, powerful unit for operating any
radios. Can be used as battery eliminator auto radio. including transistor models.
difficult job -becomes quick and easy with or charger. 2 I)C ranges: 0-8 v. at 10 amps Combines Model 1050 -K battery eliminator
this instrument. Also checks continuity of continuous. 20 intermittent; 0 -16 v. at 6 and 1055 -K filter (at left) in a single unit.
yokes, speakers, etc. Provides positive amps continuous. 12 amps intermittent.
check of all types of flybacks and yokes. Fits conveniently on the work bench or
Separate ammeter (t) -20 amps) and volt- wall. Can be used as a battery charger or
Operating on the extremely sensitive grid - meter (0.20 v.). With steel case. parts, and eliminator. An excellent addition towards
dip principle, it shows even shorted turn. 1
instructions. Less solder. For 105-125 volts. it well- equipped service shop.
Separate calibration for air -core and iron - 50 -60 cycle AC. Size: 8s/%x10tWx73% .
core flybacks for more accurate testing. Slupg. wt. IS lbs. Features: 1 DC ranges with extra filtering
Has easy -to -read 4W meter with 3 separate and continuous adjustment by a variac;
colored scales. Satin finish aluminum panel. 83 FX 175. NET 29.95 separate voltmeter and dual range ammeter
Gray wrinkle steel case with convenient MODEL 1050. As above, but factory- wired. for simultaneous readings; heavy duty se-
carrying strap. Size, 81Ax5x5 ". Less solder. 84 FX 341. lenium rectifiers; fused primary; auto-
For operation from 105 -125 v., 50 -60 cycle NET 38.95 matic reset overload relay in secondary;
AC. Shpg. wt.. 5 lbs. MODEL 1055 -K. An 1: C filter for lOSO or strong, well ventilated steel case.
83 F 184. NET ... 23.95 any similar unit. Gives extra filtering
needed for transistor auto radios. Size: Specifications: Low range. 0 -8 v 10 amps
MODEL 944. As above ,bst factory- wired. 5x4x5 Shpg. wt.. 7 lbs.
continuous, 20 amps intermittent. 0.3%
84 657. NET 34.95 ripple at 2 amps. 1.5 %, at 10 amps; high
F 83 FX 877. NET 11.95 range, 0 -16 v.. 6 amps continuous. 12 amps
MODEL 514-K BATTERY TESTER KIT MODEL 1055. As above, but factory -wired. intermittent. 1.5 %, ripple at 2 amps. 2t4 at
83 FX 878. NET 15.95 6 amps; voltmeter range. 0 -20 v.; ammeter.
Designed for quick testing of all portable 0 -10, 0-20 amps. For 105 -125 v.. 50 -6t
radio "A" and "B" batteries in or out of the cycle AC. Size: 85/4x101/2x71/4á . With case.
receiver. Tester provides correct current MODEL 630-K CATHODE RAY parts, and instructions. Less solder. Shpg.
drain for accurate measurement. Will also wt.. 19 lbs.
test lantern batteries, and can be adapted TUBE CHECKER KIT
to test other types. A rotary switch selects Tests television picture tubes in the set or
83 FX 875. NET 38.95
the voltage of the battery under test, and the shipping carton -speeds servicing. saves MODEL 1060. As above, but factory -wired.
inserts the proper resistors in series and time. Indicates shorted or open elements in 83 FX 876. NET 47.95
shunt with the meter. Therefore the bat- the electron gun assembly. Can be used with
tery's internal resistance reduces its ter- any cathode ray tube having either electro-
minal voltage exactly as occurs when the static or magnetic deflection and focus.
battery is in service. Test switch positions Uses balanced bridge circuit to measure
(volts): 1.5, 4.5. 6.0. 7.5, 9,0, 22.5, 45, 67.5, peak beam current (which is proportional
75, 90, plus a spare position. Has 3W'
meter: calibrated: Good, l'sable and Bad. to screen brightness). Neon lamp acts as a
Rugged, high -impact black bakelite case sensitive bridge balance indicator. Balanc-
and deep- etched aluminum panel-with satin ing control dial is calibrated to indicate tube
finish. Size, 61/4x31/4x2". Less solder. With condition directly. Supplied with two test
test leads. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs. sockets, each with 21/2 ft. of cable, for duo -

decal (12 -pin) and diheptal (14 -pin) tubes

83 F 195. NET 9.95 Adapter cables plug into an octal socket on
MODEL 584. As above, but factory- wired. the panel. Cables are stored in case. Less
84 F 671. NET 12.95 solder. 6t/zx9tWx3 ". For 105 -125 volts. SO-
60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 6 lbs.
MODEL 540-K "REDI- TESTER" KIT 83F177.NET 13.95
A very useful device for simplified repair MODEL 630. As above, but factory-wind
work on home appliances ana for checking 84 F 650. NET 8.95
automobile electrical systems. It is a com- TRACER KIT
bination AC /DC voltmeter, ammeter.
ohm meter. wattmeter, and leakage tester. MODEL 145-K MULTI- SIGNAL Versatile transformer- operated instrument.
A rotary switch range selector provides TRACER KIT High and low -gain RF channels with inter-
easier. surer. and faster operation than nal wide- frequency range demodulator per-
comparable units. The instruction book A useful aid to the serviceman and experi- mits direct observation of actual transmit-
contains an introduction to electricity, menter. Provides a quick method for locat- ted signal. Has output for connection to
complete operating instructions, and pro- ing the source of trouble in any radio, tele- VTVM or oscilloscope. May be connected
cedures for common repair jobs. This ver- vision set or audio amplifier. RF probe as substitute speaker, output transformer,
satile tester locates defects in irons. re- incorporates a germanium crystal diode or amplifier. Heavy filtering and hum-
frigerators, electric blankets, house wiring,
furnace control systems, heaters, fans. etc.
Will also check auto batteries, regulators,
with response to over 200 mc. Probe can be
used for stage -by -stage check of IF. RF,
video and audio circuits. Front panel jacks
bala contro. nth visual
monitoring of all RF and AF channels
magic eye and S" PM speaker. Calibrated
suall and aural

starters, ignition coils. direction signals, for external oscilloscope or VTVM -per- wattmeter circuit indicates wattage con-
horns, switches, etc. mits visual signal tracing. Built -in 4W PM sumption in unit under test. Has noise
speaker and audio amplifier with volume localizer circuit. Fully shielded RF crystal
Ranges: AC -DC volts, 0 -7.5. 15, ISO. 300. control; can also be used as a low -power and audio probes. Tubes: 61(6. 6SQ7, 6SJ7,
Current (AC or DC), 0 -15 amps. Resistance, utility sound system for phonograph. inter- 1629 ( "magic eye ") also 6x5 rectifier. Hand-
0 -1000 ohms. Leakage test of capacitors com, public address, etc. Supplied with

some, satin -finish etched aluminum panel.

above .0005 mid and resistors between 1000 tubes. RF probe, and speaker. Less solder. gray wrinkled steel case. Supplied with
and 2 megohms. 3 W" meter. Ilas handsome. Aluminum panel is handsomely styled, satin probes and easy -to- follow assembly instruc-
etched aluminum panel and black bakelite finished. For operation from 105 -125 volts, tions. Less solder. For operation front 105-
case. With leads. Less solder. Size, 61/2x 50.60 cycle AC. Size, 8x10:43/4". Shpg. wt., 125 volts, 50 -60 cycle AC. Size. 9xI0x5 ".
31/sx31/2'. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. 11 lbs. Shpg. wt., 10 lbs.
83 F 199. NET 12.95 83 F 158. NET 19.95 83 F 190. NET... _ ....
. 24.95
MODEL 540. As above, but factory- wired. MODEL 145. As above. but factory -wired. MODEL 147. As above. but factors- -wired
84 F 667. NET 15.95 84 F 385. NET 28.95 84 F 664. NET 39.95
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 253
Wintronix Test Equipment Jackson Test Equipment
ANALYZER. New unit pinpoints troubles 0 ALYZER. New unit for use with oscillo- Gives correct voltage for every available
scope. Trace and view RF, composite video, or presently planned tube type. 3- column roll
in the AGC circuit of a TV set. Provides RF chart with middle column in inverted order
at the frequency of channel 2 or 3. with 15 sound IF. sync. deflection, or audio signals
in any TV from top of chassis. Simply slip speeds location of set -up data for any tube.
kc sync pulse modulating signal. Also sup- Data for newly announced tubes published
plies AGC bias from +1 to -15 v. DC tor over tube of stage to be checked and view
waveform on scope. Tuned input tests: TV monthly in PF Reporter. Sequence switch-
Insertion into set under test. Checks for ing with push -buttons makes set -up time
continuity of AGC circuit; monitors DC channels 2 -13; 40 me IF; 21 me IF; 3.58-
4.5 me IF; audio, video. Built -in high -gain. less than the warm -up time of most tubes.
value of AGC voltage and p-p value of gate Separate loads or voltages are applied to
pulse. Adjustable for signal ranges of 0 to low -noise amplifier. With probe and attach-
ments for any size receiving tube, including each tube element. Checks inter -element
100.000 5v. 41/2" meter. Scales: 15 -0-15 v. leakage at any value from 250K to 2 meg-
DC; 300-0-300 v. DC; 0 -250 v. rms AC; multi -section types, and instruction book
showing correct waveforms. Size: 7x10!x6'. ohms. Life line indicator tells when good
0 -800 v. p-p AC; 0-10 megohms. Size: 7x tube is nearing the end of its life. Meter
101/2x6'. For 105 -125 v.. 50 -60 cycle AC. For operation from 105 -125 v., 50-60 cycle
AC. Shpg. wt., 12 lbs. reads good -bad and per cent of relative
Shpg. wt.. 12 lbs. transconductance. Portable case with tough
87 FX 240. NET 79.95 87 FX 239. NET 169.95 gray and green plastic finish. Size: 16'/4x
131/4x6 ". For operation from 110.120 v.. 60
MODEL 820 DYNAMIC SWEEP CIRCUIT ANALYZER. lises signal substitution to localize cycle AC. Slipg. wt., 23 lbs.
a troubles in deflection circuits. Tells whether loss of raster is due to faults in sweep 87 FZ 130. NET 127.35
circuits or high -voltage components. Provides 15 kc sawtooth for hor. def. tube grid.
square wave for plate circuit, and 60 cycle sawtooth for vert. circuit. Checks flyback and MODEL 710 SELENIUM TESTER. (Not illus.).
yoke for even shorted turn. Use with 915/960 (below) to service sync circuits. With leads.
Accurately tests all selenium rectifiers rated
10x13'/zx9 ". For 105.125 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 10 lbs.
84 FX 637. NET 69.95 -
from 20 -650 ma. Variable voltage range
from 25 -300 volts AC. "Good Replace
meter dial. 3'/4x7'/4x4'W.
/e For 110 -120 volts,
MODEL 915/960 SYNC PULSE ADAPTER. For above. Provides positive or negative. horizontal 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 5 lbs.
or vertical sync pulses. 4x2 %xl'/4". Sllpg. wt.. IVs lbs. 84 F 458. NET 28.91
84 F 638. NET 14.95
Barker & Williamson
Test Equipment
type for making frequency response.
distortion, and other audio measurements.
Ranges: 30.300. 300 -3000. 3000 -30,000 cps.
Output: 10 volts into 500 -ohm load. Less
a than 1% rms harmonics from 30- 15.000
cps, with 500 -ohm load. Response: Better
than *1 db from 30- 15.000 cps. Calibration
Pyramid "Snap Around" AC Volt -Am meters accuracy. 3% of scale reading. 133/4x71/4x
AMPROBE JUNIORS. Small versions of
9'/z'. For operation from 105 -125 volts. 50-
Amprobes measure current without break- 60 cycles AC. Shpg. wt.. 17 lbs.
ing the circu it or the insulation of conductors. Amprobe "snap around" meters. Con-
venient 1.8 -inch scale. Plastic case and win- 84 FX 482. NET 138.00
Press trigger to open probe jaws, then close
them around conductor. Meter instantly dow are molded in one piece. With test
leads for making voltage measurements. MODEL 400 DISTORTION METER. Meas-
gives correct reading. One-hand operation. a ures low -level audio voltages. noise
Jaws fully insulated. Dustproof D'Arsonval Less carrying case (listed below). Size: 21x
4z/4xlt/s'. Shpg. wt., lb. and harmonic content, and amplifier gain.
movements, precision balanced. 1% re- 1
Ranges: Distortion meter. 30 to 15.000 cps
sistors. Accuracy. *3% of full scale. Volt- Stock No. Model Amps Volts on fundamentals. to 45.000 cps on har-
age measured with new safety test leads 0 -10 0 -125 -250 monics; voltmeter and db meter, 30 to
which automatically insulate plugs when 84 F 369 10
84 F 373 25 0 -25 0-125 -250 45.000 cps. Sensitivity: Noise and distor-
test lead is removed. Units are designed for 0- 125 -250 tion, 0.3 volts minimum input: voltmeter.
60 -cycle operation, and will give dependable 94 F 374 SO 0 -50
84 F 379 100 0 -100 0-125 -250 0.3. 0.1, 0.03, .01 and 0.003 volts for full
results from SO to 70 cps. Current readings scale readings. Size: 13'/ex7t/4x9t/z'. 4W
tend to be low if frequency is low, or high if 84 F 997 52S 0 -25 0-150 -600
84 F 998 550 0 -50 0-150 -600 meter. For operation from 105 -125 volts,
frequency is high. 0 -150-600 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 17 lbs
94 F 899 500 0 -100
MODEL RS-1. New multi -range Amprobe. 84 FX 483. NET 168.00
Recessed range selector permits selection NET EACH 19.85
of any one of 4 current and 2 voltage ranges MODEL P -1 LEATHER CARRYING CASE. Fits Perma Power
by flick of the thumb. Only one scale visible Amprobe Juniors above. Wt..
at a time. Pointer -lock locks needle in 84 F 488. NET
12 oz.
2.85 Color Gun Killer
position when reading is taken in difficult This 3- function
MODEL A.40 ENERGIZER. MODEL T -101. Invaluable aid in color ad-
locations. 2.36e dial with close magnifying a
Amprobe accessory serves as a "split"
D justment. Put between color picture
dial window. Ranges: Amps.: 0- S -15 -40 -100; tube and socket. Slide switches permit guns
Volts: 0 -150 -600 AC. Impact -proof case has plug to divide 2 cond. cords at the outlet.
Increases ammeter sensitivity 10X. Test to be turned on or off as desired. Permits
non -slip ribbing. Printed-circuit design and purity adjustment without changing bal-
shielded -core magnet movement. Supplied jacks permit measuring line voltage under ance or other controls. Size: I'/zx2x5t/z'.
load. Supplied with leather carrying case.
with test leads and storage case for easy Shpg wt.. 8 oz. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
carrying. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs ....3.75 87F241.NET 2.91
87 F 268. NET 39.85 84 F 489. NET
Express Shipment Recommended for Test Equipment


. e.-4"

Sencore Test Equipment

ER KIT. Versatile checker for detecting m CHECKER. Battery-operated. Tests tor
leakage in capacitors or between tube ele- any tube tester to check vibrators. Plug
opens, shorts, leakage, and current gain in VB-2 into tube tester, and set tor 6AX4 for
ments. Tube numbers printed on panel for transistors; forward and reverse current ra-
quick testing. Indicates grid-to-cathode 6-volt vibrators or 12A X4 for 12-volt vibra-
tio in diodes. Has 3 leads with miniature tors. Also operates with LC-2 (described at
leakage in tubes up to 100 megolims; clips for in-circuit testing. With battery.
heater-to-cathode leakage up to 50.000 left)-use 6SN7 connections. Has sockets
41/2x5x21/4. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs. for 3- or 4-prong vibrators. Two lamps on
ohms. Can detect control grid currents as
low as 0.5 microamps. Tests capacitors by 87F 254. NET 15.63 the adaptor indicate condition of the vibra-
applying 50 volts. Indicates leakage up to tor. Vibrator is good if lamps glow evenly,
50.000 ohms in electrolytic capacitors and D
MODEL FP-22 PREMEATER. Quickly lo- bad or questionable otherwise. Uses 2 851
up to 100 megohms in paper types. With cates gassy or intermittent tubes. Pro- lamps, recessed for protection. Steel body
leads. 51/2x5x2W. For 110-120 v., 50-60 vides filament voltages up to 33v.. including with instructions screened on front. 3Yex
cycle AC. Slim. wt.. 3 lbs. values for 450 and 600 ma tubes. Quick- 13/4x11/4". Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
83 F 901. NET 19.55 heat switch applies 10% overvoltage for 87F 278. NET 2.69
speed. Size: 3x101/2x9". For 110-120 v., 50-
MODEL LC-2. As above, but factory-wired. 60 cycle AC. Sling. wt.. 5 lbs.
87 F 250. NET... . 24.45 87F 274. NET 18.57 for lab, shop, or outside service 3-pole,
12-position switch selects any one of 36
MODEL BE-3 TV BIAS SUPPLY. Completely MODEL FC-4 FILAMENT CHECKER. Locates components. Has 12-1-watt resistors. 10 to
isolated variable voltage bias supply. o had tubes in series filament TV sets. TV 5K ohms; 12-1/2-watt.10K to 5.6 mells:
Provides all DC battery voltages for TV power cord is plugged into checker. Tube in 10-600 v. capacitors. 100 mmf. to .5 mtd;
alignment-especially useful for AGC trou- question goes into one of 4 sockets. If neon ea. 10 and 40 mfd. 450 V. electrolytics.
ble-shooting. Output. Oto 18 volts DC, pos. lamp goes out, filament is good. Checks Simply insert R or C value into circuit with
or neg.. with AC ripple of less than 0.1%. voltage (100-600 v.) and continuity. With test leads. Ifa part is already in the circuit.
Includes 28 leads. 21/2x4x4. For 110-120 leads. 31/04x11/4'. For 110-120 v.. AC or disconnect one end. With leads and case.
v.. 60 cycle AC. Slim. wt.. 2 lbs. DC. Slipg. wt., lb.1 Size: 2x41/4x33/4. Slim. wt.. 2 lbs
84 F 696. NET 7.69 84F 697. NET 2.89 87F 269. NET 12.49

Millen Test Equipment

MODEL 90901 1" SCOPE. For Amateur or
o industry. Use as: Modulation indicator Pyramid Model CRA-2
null indicator. Lissajous screen, etc. Con-
trols: lotees., Vert. Ctr.. Hor. Ctr, Sens.: Capacitor-Resistor Analyzer
Vert., runs ',Mum: Hor., 2.5 ruts v/mm. Re-
quires 600-950 v. DC (rr, 3.2 ma. and 6.3 v.
Telematic 8" "Tele-Check" Extremely versatile capacitor-resistor ana-
lyzer. Ideal for the lab. serviceman and
(g1 0.6 a. 2,4x2Y4x4W. Wt.. 2 lbs. MODEL CR-117. Portable CRT substitution engineer. Makes "In-Circuit" checks to
84 F 907. NET 38.25 unit. Saves time and trouble by quickly quickly locate open and shorted capacitors.
locating and identifying CRT or yoke trou- Also measures resistance, capacitance, pow-
MODEL 90651 GRID DIP METER. l'seful as bles. Completely self-focusing: no ion trap er factor, leakage and insulation resistance.
oscillator, detector, wavemeter, etc. 2" needed. Works with either electrostatic or
meter. 7 direct reading treq, scales and The analyzer contains a combination Wien
electromagnetic focusing TV sets. Can be and Wheatstone bridge circuit for quick.
0-100 scale. Plug-in coils supplied cover 1.7 used with any 52°. 66°. 70°, or 90° deflection
to 300 mc. 7x31A031/4. For 110-120 v., 50- accurate capacitance (10 mini to 2000 mfd).
yokes. 6-foot CRT extension lead permits resistance (100 ohms to 25 megoluns), and
60 cycle AC. Terminals for battery opera- convenient placement. l'niversal yoke is
tion. Shpg. wt.. 3½ lbs. power factor (O-65q) measurements. 41/2"
interchangeable with yoke of set under re- meter reads leakage current ((1-50 ma) and
84 F 962. NET 61.50 pair. Horizontal and vertical lines on front insulation resistance (5-20,000 megohms).
LOW FREQUENCY COILS plate help in making accurate picture ad- Rotary switch permits rapid selection of
FOR GRID DIP METER justments. In leatherette covered carrying desired test function and range; meter also
case with plastic handle. Supplied with indicates test voltage applied by built-in
No Type Range KC EACH leads and plastic face plate, less CRT. Re- power supply (adjustable from 0-600 volts).
84 F 966 46702 925 2000- quires an 8AXP4 picture test tube. Size: Can be used in any application where a
84 F 967 46703 500-1050 12x111/2x155. Shpg. wt.. 9 lbs. capacitance bridge is needed. Black enamel
84 F 968 46704 325- 600 6.72 87 FX 296. NET 26.95 case with leather handle. Size: 14x91/4x5W.
84 F 972 46705 220- 350 Complete with leads and instruction man-
MODEL CR-I18. As above, but with 8AXP4. ual. For operation from 110-120 volt, 50
MODS. 46721 PROBE. For above. Wt.. 6 ot Sling. wt.. 111/2 lbs. 60 cycle AC. Slipg. wt.. 15 lbs.
84 F 996. NET 1.95 87 EX 297. NET 44.95 84 FZ 642, NET 92.50
Test Instruments Available on Allied's Easy Payment Plan-See Page 396 255

Sturdy panel meters. Black enamel steel cases. Have screw terminal
binding posts and lugs for soldered connections. Model NF -2C EMICO HEARING AID BATTERY TESTER
(round): Flange. 21/4" ; overall depth. lt/" . Model RF -2C (square): U2" IA voltmeter. Designed to check hearing aid batteries. Sep-
Flange. 21/4'; overall depth 11/4;". With mounting bracket. Both arate ranges for "A" and "B" types assure reliable. accurate
types mount in 21A6' hole. 5% accuracy. Av. shpg. wt.. 9 oz. readings. "A" scale reads 0-2 volts in .1 -volt divisions; "B" scale
DC MILUAMMETERS reads 0-50 volts in 2 -volt divisions. Meter movement housed in dur-
Model NF -2C Model Of-2C able metal case. Will not drain batteries. Supplied complete with
EA.5091-EA. Stock No. 1-24, EA. 25-49. EA *EA. test leads. Shpg. wt.. 8 oz.
Stock No. 1-24. EA.
67 F 609 3.53 3.18

3.00 67 F 614 3.58 3.22 3.04 67 F 627. NET 2.94

0-10 67 F 600 2.06 1.85 1.75 67 F 615 2.11 1.89 1.79
0-20 67 F 601 67 F 616
0-30 67 F 602 1.71 1.54 1.46 67 F 617 1.81 1.63 1.54 Handy, low -cost, AC line -voltage tester. Gives accurate. instan-
0-50 67F603 67F616 0 taneous check at receptacle. Has 2 -prong male plug to fit con-
0100 67 F 604 67 F 619
ventional outlets-no test leads are required. Features convenient
0-150 67 F 605 67 F 620 90- degree swivel head for easier reading at angle. Range: 0-150
0-200 67 F 606 I .71 1.54 1.46 67 F 62l 1.B 1 1.63 1 .54 volts. Scale has 5 -volt graduations between 50 and 150 volts. Meter
0-300 67F607 67f622
0.500 67 F 606 67 F 623 size: 2'. Damped movement. Overall accuracy: 5 % of full scale.
Black metal case. Shpg. wt.. 8 oz.
DC VOLTMETERS 67 F 626. NET 2.94
Volts Stock No. 1.24. EA. 75-49. EA_ 50-99. EA.15tak No. 1-24, EA. 25-49, EA.I50-99, EA.
0-3 67 630 f 61F635
3-03 67F 631 1.71 1.54 1.46 6 7f 636 1.81 1.63 1.54 Accurate battery testers in sturdy. watch -type nickel -finished
0-10 67 F 6321 67F631 cases. For checking hearing aid batteries. "B" batteries, dry cells.
etc. All are designed to correctly load small batteries. Handy pocket
DC AMMETERS size. White dial face with easy -to -read scales. Size. 21/4' dia., 1/4'
Amps. Stock No.1-24, EA. 25-49, EA.;5099. EA Stock No. 1-24, EA. 25-49, EA. 50-90 EA. thick. Av. shpg. wt., 6 oz.
010 :67F650 67F656 TYPE 31A HEARING AID BATTERY TESTER. For testing 221/2, 30 or 45-
3-03 67F 651 1.71 I 1.54 1.46 67 F 657 1.81 1.63 1.54 volt "B" and 11/2-volt "A" batteries. Scales: 0-50 volts. 0-2 volts.
20-02q 67 F 652 61 F 656
30-0-3067 f 653 f
67 659 With plug and flexible leads.
78 F 031. NET 2.50
Amps.l3teckÑo.1-24, EA. 2S-Q , EA. 50,
-99 EA. k No.1-24, EA. 2S-M.EA.4699. EA.
TYPE 37A. 0-2 -50 volts. TYPE 24. Meter scale: 0 -35 am-

67F 646 67 F 646 2.94 2.65 2.50 2.20 peres.

010 67fq7 2.84 2.56 2.42 67F649 78 F 024. NET
TYPE 38A. 0-2 -100 volts 78 F 028. NET
AC MILUAMMETERS 78 F 025. NET 2.35 TYPE 34C. Meter scale:0- 50volts.
Me Slack No ;1-24 EA. 25-49 EA. 5099, EA. !Stock No. 1-24. EA: 25-49. EA:5099. EA. TYPE 39A. 0 -2 -130 volts. 78 F 029.
NET 2 09
0500 167 640 1.71 1.54 1.46 67 F 643 2.94 -2.65-1 2.50 35
F 1

78 F 026. NET 2 TYPE 45. Meter scales: 0-35 am-

AC VOLTMETERS TYPE 40A. 0 -10 -ISO volts. peres and 0 -50 volts.
78 F 027. NET 2.50 78 F 030. NET 2 77
Volts Stock No. I-24. EA. 25 -49, EA. 50.99. EA. Stock No. 1 -24. EA. 25-49. EA. 5099. EA.
2.56 2.94 2.65
O0-Ì50 67 F 666 3 43 2.92 67 F 671 3.ÓÓ
0300 67 F 667 4.02 3.62 3.42 67 F 672 4.07

I 3.66 1

Conant Instrument Rectifiers
1 I

Write for Prices on Quantifies of 100 or Moro Emico Panel Motors +

JBT Internal Circuit Diagrams

METERS Copper-oxide rectifiers for relay and meter circuits and replace-
ment purposes. Easy to select correct replacement -body color in-
dicates circuit type. Maximum AC input. all units. 5 volts. Series
500: For up to 30 ma max. Reverse voltage: 2.25 DC. Frequency
response: 0 -1 mc. Diameter .500' with .166' center hole. 0.038'
thick. Copper oxide with pure silver face. 3' lead wires. Phillips
head 6-32 mounting stud. Synthetic lacquer-enamel finish. Series
MODEL 31-EX ELAPSED TIME METER 160: For up to 5 ma max. Reverse voltage: 2.25 DC. Frequency re-
Records operating time of AC equipment in .1 hour steps to 9999.9 sponse: 0.75 mc. Diameter: 0.166'; .038 thick. Copper-oxide with
hours, then automatically resets. Self- starting synchronous motor. pare silver contact face. 3' lead wires. Two holes for No. 2 mounting
Flange. 31/4'. Mounts in 21/4" hole; overall depth. 3144'. For 110 -120 screw. Sealed in housing with polystyrene base; moisture -proofed.
v. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 11/4 lbs. Series 160 -C: Same as Series 160 except stack is housed in welded
66 F 689. NET 15.63 brass case. Has convenient, clip -type mount. Synthetic lacquer
finish. Av shpg. wt.. 5 oz.
Vibrating reed frequency meter. Measures AC frequency from 56 -64 Stale Typo Serios Body internal No. of 1 ayprw.
cycles in -cycle steps. ±0.3% accuracy at 77" F. For 100 -130

Color Circuit Term OC MA OC LIA EACH

volts. Flush mounting. Flange. 3W; body. 211/46'; overall depth. 68 041
F M 500 Yellow 1 4 60 30 2.06
3144'. Shpg. wt.. 12 oz. 68 043
F NS 590 Black 2 3 60 30 I .50

66 F 685. NET 26.70 68 F 047

58 F 042 N S00
T Red
509 3
MODEL 23JP -1 TEMPERATURE METER 68 F 040 B 160 Yellow 1 4 10 S 2.06
Accurate, portable temperature meter. Tests oven thermostats in be F 044 8113 160 Black 2 3 10 S 1.59
appliances. 21/4" scale reads from 0 -650° F. in 10° divisions. Auto- 68 F 046 BT 160 Rod 3 3 10 S .517
68 F 037 ON 160 Greve 4 2 10 S 1.18
matically compensated for ambient temperature changes. Meter is 2.06
mounted on a black metal panel. With attached 51/2-ft. calibrated 68 F 038 B -C 160-C Yellow 1 4 10 5
68 F 045 BNS -C 160-C Black 2 3 101.50 S
thermocouple, clip, and convection shield. Black top-grain leather 68 F 048 BT -C 160-C Rod 3 3 101.50 S
case, 41/x21/4x41W. Shpg. wt., 21/4 lbs. 68 F 049 BN -C 160-C Greve 4 2 101.18 5
66 F 688. NET 25.48 INSTRUMENT RECTIFIERS. By H. B. Conant. Includes graphs, curves,
plus other helpful data
37 K 170. NET . I5c
Compact. sloping-front metal case with round-
ed corners. Top binding posts. Size. 31/4x4 ", Radioactive source for testing radioactivity detectors. Will give a
21/4' dia. hole. Less meter. Shpg. wt.. 1 Ib. positive indication if the detection unit is operating correctly. Ra-
66 F 506. NET 1.29 dioactivity is at a perfectly sate level. Excellent for classroom use.
Embedded in plastic disc. 2' in diameter. Shpg. wt., 3 oz.
77 P 069. NET 69c
256 Include Range and Model Number on Meter Orders
*Resod }Rectangular

pe TyI Flan ge Dia. Depth Seal

2tyyj4a 2'ti(' l'1te' 2.197-
2'354:235' 231o'

231-PI! 2'tiG 1 1.92'

237-P1.t 2'311:214 23Se' 11e 1.92'
321-P1. 3'/4 244' 1 3.11'
314:34íc' 2tt(/4,' l j4e' 3.11"
. 3'/4 2Y''
314i3y1c', 2y4'
' 1
341-PI! 3' 2 4' 1 3.11'
347-PI.t 244' 131e 3.11'
420-Pe.t 4:43.' 256. 1 4.14' 21/2" and 31 41'
430-1'1.1 4 :434,' 2t/,' Iitc' 3.6'
440-111.1 434:4'4c' 2t/ l'/n' 4.14' Round Rectangular


Advanced -design panel meters with Scrap-around fronts Act-tit-at-N. 15ithiu mil% on full scale. DC types have
of clear, unbreakable plastic. Have many advantages D'Arsonval movements with extra -light moving coil.
over conventional style panel meters. Full open dial pro- AC types have air -damped, iron -vane movements. All
vides much longer, more readable scale in same size case. types have selected jewel bearings, highly polished and
Attractive design enhances appearance of test instru- specially- treated pivots. Mounting template provided
ments and panels. All have stud mountings. Raised with each meter for accurately determining necessary
plastic "coverglass" allows full natural lighting from cut -out. Spade -type pointers; molded zero adjusters;
top, sides, and bottom. Durable, white enamel finish and ceramic pointer stops. Av. shpg. wt., 1'% lbs. Be sure
metal meter faces with black scales and characters. to include Range and Model Number on all meter orders.

31/2' Md.
66 F 863

-9 1 10 -24
1 25-49
337 -PL
314' Meet.
66 F 864
1 1 -9
10.78 I
10-24 26 -49
9.70 1 9.16
66 F

10.23 1

0 -150

66f82S 11,17,10.05
10-24 20 -49

237 -PC
214' Rct.

66 F 826
1 1.
1 9

1 7

-10 24

66Fí59 10.78 9.70
9.50 661860 1.66 10.50
66 F 861

1 -9


1.47 10.83
11' R

F 700

1 2.74

10.781 9.70
9.16 9.92
.47 10.83

10 24

25 49
430 -PLI
404' Rct
66 F 799
66 F 300
66 F Opt
1 -9

12.25 1.02 10.42


13.33 12.00 11.33

1.37'10.23 9.66

231 -PL
Range 237-Pt 331 -PL 337 P1 430 PL NET EACH
NIMBI 1.9 10-24 2549 214' Ret. 1-9 10-24 25-49 3°4'Rnd. l -9 110 -24 ' 25 -49 3'04' Rct 1 9 ' 10-24 25-49 4!y Rct I-9 10-24 25-49
0 5 66 F 828i 66 F 734 61 F 66 F 787 66 F 892
0 10 66 F 8281 H5 F 763 - 66 F 8661 66 F 788 66 F 893
0 25 66F833 10.19 9.17 8.661666FM 10.19 9.17 8.6 10.78 9.70 9.16 66 F 789 10.78 9.70 9.16 66 F 858 11.37 10.23 9.66
0 30 66 F 835 66 F 66F86á 66 F 790 66 F 867
0 50 66 F 837 66 F 785 66 1 869 66 F 791 66F896

221 PL
227 PL
-PL NU EACN 327 Pt
420 -P1 NET EACH
2Sj'Rnd. 1 -9 10.24 25 -49 211' Rd. 1 -9 1024 25 -49 314'1had. 1 -9 1124 25-49 313' Rct 1 9 10 24 25-49 1St' act. 1-9 10.24 25-49
01 66F31210.19 9.17 8.6666F814 10.19 9.17 8.66 66 F 843 10.78 9.70 9.1 66 1 793 10.78 9.70 9.16 66 F 878 11.37 10.23 9.66
0 50 66F813 1 58 9.53 9. 66F615 10.58 9.53 9.00 66 F 8M 1 .17 10.05 9.50156F194
1 1 I .1 7L0.05 9.50 66 F s79 11.76 10.58 10.00
0 100 66 F 824 I .58 9.53 9. 66 1 551 10.58 9.53 9.00 66 F 845 11.17 10.05 9.5 66F795 11.17110.OS 9.50 66 F 778 11.76 10.58 10.00
0 200 66 F 827 10.58 9.53 9.00166 F SS2 10.58 9.53 9.00 66 F 846 11.17 10.05 9.50 66F 796 11.17 10.05 9.50 66F779 11.7610.5810.00
o 300 66 F 839 10.58 9.53 9.0-0166 F 5S3 10.58 9.53 9.00 66 1 647 1 . 7 0.05 9.50 66 F 797
1 1 1 11.17110.05 9.50 66 F 882 11.76 10.58 10.00
o 500 66 F 649 10.58 9.53 9.00166 F 554 9 53 9.00 66 F 848 11. 7 10 05 9.50 66 F 796
1 11.17 10.05 9.50 66 F 883 11.76 10.58 10.00
1-9 10-24 1-9 WF1134
0.50 66 F 104I 10 981 9 81 9.331üF 806I 10 981E 9.881 9.33 1 1.471110F 37R 9.75I66 F 8p 1 1 .4711032, 9.7SI66 F t7T 12.05 1 0?5110.25

211'Red. 1.9
1024 25-49
227 -PL
W Rct 1.9
1024 25-49
321 -P1
1 855
1 -!
10 -21 t 49
327 -PL
351' RN.
1024 25-49
S1' Nct.
10-24 25-49

0-10 66 F 822 10.98 9.88 9.33 F /30 10.98 9.88 9.33 6 F 856, 11.47 10.32 9.75 66 F M1 11.47 10.32 9.75 F 116 12.05 10.85 10.25
0-50 66 F 823 10.98 9.08 9.33 66 F 8511

Range 221n 227-PL 321-Fí 420 PL
2'h'Rnd.1 1.9 1024 2049 211' Rel. 1-9 10-24 25-49 1313' Rnd. 1 -9 10-24 25_:!_I6' act., 1 -9 1024 25 49 4V,' Rct. L9 1024 1 25-49
050 66F807!15.0913.5812.8366F249 15.09 13.58 15.58 14.02 13.2 66 F 873115.58 14.02 13.24 66 F 87416.17 14.55113.74

o 100 66 F 8081 13.23 1 1.91 11.2 66 F 110 13.23 11.91 11.25 661837 13.72 2.35 11.66 66 F 176 13.72 12.35 I I .66 1 66 F 875114.31 2.88 12. 66 1

0 200 66 F 7371 I I.37 10.23 9.6 66 F 731 11.37 10.23 9.66 66 F a3/ 11.96 10.76 10.16 661177 11 .96110.76 10.16 66 F 87112.551 11 .30110.66
I )ts lot l n eter. 6 milliwatts. 5% accuracy. Has internal resistance Volume unit meter. 3900 ohms 'mpedance. Steady state reference.
of .5160 ohms. 1.73 volts at zero db. 3W round. milliwatt. For 600-ohm line. Also has 0- 100%p scale.
Type !tango Calibration 1 -9 10 -21 25-49
Ns. 1
Type Dweselptlan I
Ranee 1-9 110-24125-49
66 F 81 321 -PL +6 to- tOdbiEar S00ohm line 15.681 14.1
1 3.33 11 1 66 F 897 321 1'1. 314' Round -20 to +3 19.31117.38116.41
Ranee 3'/4' Rnd. 1-9 10-24 25-49 3 w Pion.

1 -9 10 -24 26 -49 4'

14 Nwwt. 1 -9 10-24 26-49
0-S 66 F818 11 .86 I 10.67 1 10.08 66 F 817 11.86 10.67 10.08 66 F 819 12.45 1 11.20 I 10.58
See Pages 258 and 259 for Additional Listings of Triplett Meters 257
Medel Flange Redy Dla- Depth
Ne. Length
221T 21 2 166 1.76

3 11ts'1
Model Flange Body DIa. Sc.,.
Ne. Length

` 1.76
4p0í 2
227T 327T 420 4.06'
ROuna 430 2 3.6'
2375 337S 430


SPECIFICATIONS. Accuracy, within 2% of full scale. I)C All parts are heat -treated to eliminate strains and stress-
meters have D'Arsonval moving coil movements. AC es, and to assure accurate alignment. Rigidity and align-
meters have double, iron repulsion -type movements. ment of bearing supports provide protection against
Jeweled bearings and hardened alloy steel pivots. Metal vibrations. Steel parts are rustproofed. Black bakelite
dial faces, finished in white enamel, will not warp, crack cases. Av. shpg. wt., 11/2 lbs. When ordering include Range
or discolor under normal conditions. Have molded zero- and Model No. of meter. *Indicates overall depth but
adjusters and cushioned ceramic pointer stops. does not include terminals.
ZZ7T 1
te r 1V SO Z4, ZO
te sr, 7ZI I 4Z1 I 1 te
3' Rest. 31/i Rnd. EACH
r te te 44, LO to or
1/t' Reet.
9, 1Öto 24,
2té 49,
)-1 66 F 150 66 F 170 66 F 120 66 F 100 66F136 9.66
)-1.5 66 F 151 66 F 171 9.70 8.73 8.25 66 F 121 66 F 101 10.29 9.26 8.75 66 F 196 11.37 10.23
)-3 66 F 165 66 F 185 66 F I I 8 66 F I S 1 66 F 197
1-5 66 F 152 66 F 172 66 F 122 66 F 102 66 F 137
1-10 66 F 153 66 F 173 9.70 8.73 8.25 66 F 123 66 F 103 10.29 9.26 8.75 66 F 138 11.37 10.23 9.66
14566F 15466F 174 66F 12466F 104 66 F 139,
3-25 66 F 155 66 F 175 66 F 125 66 F 105 66 F 140'
1-50 66 F 156 66 F 176 10.09 9.08 8.58 66 F 126 66 F 106 10.68 9.61 9.07 66 F 141 1 .76 10.58 10.00

1-75 66 F 166 66 F 186 66 F 119 66 F 6 1 1

MOO 66 F 157 66 F 177 66 F 127 66 F 107 66 F 142

)150 66 F 158 66 F 178 10.09 9.08 8.58 66 F 128 66 F 108 10.68 9.61 9.07 66 F 143 1 1.76 10.58 10.00
1200 66 F 159 66 F 179 66 F 129 66 F 109 66 F 144
1250 66 F 160 66 F 180 66 F 130 66 F 10 1 66 F 145
9.08 8.58 66 F 3 66 F 10.68 9.61 9.07 66 146 11.76 10.58 10.00
140 66 66 10.09
5-300 F 6 1 1 F 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 F
66 F 167 66 F 187 66 F 135 66 F 117 66 F 199
3-50 66
1750 66
F 162
F 163
183 10.09 9.08
66 F 32 66 F 12

8.58 66 F 133 66 F 113

Ì 10.68 9.61 9.07
148 I I 76 10.50 10.00
3-100 66 F 164 66 F 184 66 F 134 66 F 114 66 F 149

Range_ 21Rnd. 21/=3Reset. EÁCÌ 1 EACH
3375 Is
ot. 31/23 Rnd. EACH
to9 tO to 3.45 to
a, 13TS
1A' Root.

to 9, tÖ to 24, 26 te 49,
0-10 66 F 570 66 F 580 66 F 490 66 470 F 66 F 496
0-15 66 F 571 66 F 581 66 F 491 66 1 471
9.26 8.75 66 F 446 11.37 10.23 9.66
66 F 572 66 F 582 g 70 8.73 8.25 66 F 488 66 1 476 10.29 66 F 447

0-50 66 F 573 66 F 583 66 F 492 66 1 472 66 F 448

0-100 66 F 574 66 F 584 66 F 493 66 1 473 66 F 497
F 489 66 1 F 449
66 F 585
66 F 586 9.70 8.73 8.25 66
66 F 494 66 á7á' 10.29
F 9.26 8.75 66
66 F 498 1I,37 10.23 9.66
0-50 66 F 577 66 F 587 66 F 495166 475 F 66 F 499 1

2217 227T 1 to 9 10 to 24, 25to 49 3277 321T t to 9, to 24,25 to 49,
10 420 1 to O 10-e-0-24, 26 to 49,
Range 21/2 Rnd. 21W Root. EACH EACH EACH 3' Root. 3%2 -Rnd. EACH EACH EACH I4', i-Rect. EACH EACH EACH
0-1 66F51066F525 9.70 8.73 8.25 66 F 450 66 F 440 10.29 9.26 8.75 66 F 460 I 1.37 10.23 9.66
0-5 66F51166F526 10.49 9.44 66 F 451 66 F 441 10.98 9.88 9.33 66 F 461 12.05
9.33 66 F 462 12.05
10.85 10.25
0-10 66 F 512 66 F 527 10.49 9.44 8.92 66 F 452 66 F 442 10.98 9.88 10.85 10.25
0 -1S 66F51366F528 10.49 9.44 8.92 66 F 540 66 F 560 10.98 ¡ 9.88 9.33 6 F 465 12.05 ' 10.85 ; 10.25
0-25 66F 514 66 F 529 10.49 9.44 8.92 66 F 453 66 F 443 10.98 9.88 9.33 66 F 463 12.05 10.85 I 10.25 Nma.

0-30 66F51566F 530 10.49 9.44

8.92 66 F 541 66 F 561 10.98 9.88 9.33 66 F 466 12.05 10.85 10.25
0-50 66F 51766F'532 10.49 9.44 8.92 66 542 66 F 562 10.98 9.88 9.33 66 F 467 12.05 10.85 10.25
0-10 66 F 518 66 F. 533 17.25 15.52 14.66 66 i 543 66 F 563 17.84 16.05 15.16 66 F 468 18.91 17.02 16.08
0-20 66 F51966 534
0-30 66 F 520 66 F. 535
F 17.25
rl 5.52
14.66 66 F 544 66 F 564 17.84
15.92 66 F 545 66 F 565 19.31 '
1 1
66 F 469 18.91
66 F 458 20.38
I 17.02
0-500 66F521 66F536 21.70 20.49 66 F 459 25.19 22.67 21.41

23.52 21.17 19.99 66 F 546 66 F 566 24.1 1

Range 21h' Rnd. 2y2'Rect. EACH

S t te 9, 110 to 24, ¡26 to 49,
3375 331S

3' ..Rest. 3' ,- Rnd.

1to 9,
221, 26 to 49, 430 1 to 9,
EACH 4%i Root. EACH
--- 66
10 to 24,25 to 49,
0-1 66 F 340 66 F 350 66 F 320 66 F 300 -
F 330
O-2 66 F 341 66 IF 351 9.70 8.73 825 66F32I66F301 10.29 9.26 8.75 66 F 331
11.37 10.23 9.66
0-3 66 F 342 66 F 352 1

66 F 322166 F 302 66 F 332 I

0-S 66 F 343 66 F 353 66 F 323 66 F 303 66 F 333

0-10 66 F 344 66 F 354 66 F324 66 F3041 10.29 66 F 334 1.37 10.23 9.66
66 F 347 66 F 357 66 F 328 66 F 3081 10.29 9.26 8.75 66 F 338' 1.37 10.23 9.66

0-25 66 F 345 66 F 355 9.70 8.73 8.25 66 F 325 66 F 305 10.29 9.26 8.75 1.37 10.23
0-50 66 F 346 66 F 356 66 F 32666 F306' 10.29 9.26 8.75 66 F 1.37 10.23 9.66
0-75 66_F327 66 F 307 11.8.6 -10.67 10.08 66 F 3371 2.94 11.65 11.00

21/2' Rnd. 21/1' Rect.
2277 1 to 9.

24, 26 to 49, 3277 3217 te 8 15 to 24,26 to 49
-Ì I
420 ¡

y2'Rect., EACH EACH

9 10 to -ii-1,-,2-13 to 49,
66 F 054 66 F 015 17.25 15.52 14.66 66 F 059 66 F 049 17.84 16.05 15.16 66 065 18.91
F 17.02 16.08
12.42 66F06066F050 14.55 13.75

Oa-50 66 F 055 66F'016 14.60 13.14 15.09 13.58 12.83 6 F 066 16.17
66 F 056 66 F 017 12.74 11.47 10.83 66 F 061 66 F 051 13.23 11.91 11.25 66 F 067 14.31 12.88 12.16
0-20000 66 F 057 66 F 018 10.88 9.79 9.25 66 F 062 66 F 052 11.47 10.32 9.75 66 F 068 2.54 1.29 1 10.66 1

0-50 66 F 058 66 F019 10.39 9.35 8.83 66 F 063 66 F 053 10.88 9.79 9.25 66 F 069 1 1.96 10.76 10.16

Lt18 2 For 50 Meters Or More, Write For Special Quantity Prices


Economical unite. For applications where high humidity is not encountered. tMeters with external resistors.
221T 227T 1 to 9
Rande2lyRnd.21/2'Reat. EACH
10 to 24, 26 te 49,
327T 321T 1 te 9
EACH 3' Rest. 3yS'Rad. EACH EACH
10 24, 26 to 49 420 1 te 9
10 te 24.25 te 49,
0-10 66 F 903 66 F 923 66 F 943 66 F 963 6 F 983
0-15 66 F 904 66 F 924 66 F 944 66 F 964
8.92 66 F 945 66 F 965 10.98 6 F 9B4
0-25 66 F 905 66 F 925 10.49 9.44 9.88 9.33 6 F 985 12.05 10.85 10.25
0-SO 66 F 906 66 F 926 66 F 946 66 F 966 66 F 986
0-100 66 F 907 66 F 927 66 F 947 66 F 967 66 F 987
0-150 66F90866F928 66F94866F968 66F988
0-200 66 F 909 66 F 929 10.49 9.44 8.92 66 F 949 66 F 969 10.98 9.88 9.33 6 F 989 12.05 10.85 10.25
0-250 66 F 910 66 F 930 66 F 950 66 F 970 66 F 990
0-300 66F91 66F931 66F95166F971 6F991
0-500 6699121 66F9321 10.98 9.88 9.33 66 F 952 66 F 972 166 F992
0-730 669'9131 66F9731 66 F 953 66 F 973 1 I.S6 10.40 9.83 6 F 993 12 64 I 1.38 10.75
0-1000 66F914 669934 669954tt 66F974 66F994tt
00--3000 66F916 66F936r 13.03 11.73 11.08 66F956í 66F976tt 13.62 12.26 11.57 (66F996f 14.70 13.23 12.49
0-4000 66F917 669937 66F9571 6699771 66F9971
0-5000 66F918 66F938 66F9581 66F9781 66F9981
Have moisture -resistant. vacuum -sealed, wire -wound resistors. tilave external resistors.
Rand.2yk'Rnd.2yj'Rest EACH
227T 1 te 9 10
t. 24, 26EACH
t. 49 3271 321T
3' Root. 3/r'And.
te d 10to 24,26 te 49
4'R..t. 1 to 9 10to 24,25 te 49.
0-1 66 F 900 66 F 920 66 F 940 66 F 960 66 F 980
0-3 66 739 66 750 F 762 66 F 424
8.92 66
F F 770
9.33 66
0-5 66 F 740 66 F 751 10.49 9.44 66 F 763 66 F 425 10.98 9.88 66 F 771 12.OS 10.85 10.25
0-10 66 F 741 66 F 752 66 F 430 66 F 420 66 F 435
00-SÓ 66 F 744 66 F 755 12.84 1 I.5S 10.92 66 F 766 66 F 4213 13.33 12.00 11.33 66 F 774 14.41 12.97 12.25
0-100 66 F 745 66 F 756 6 F 767 66 F 429 775
1.83 66
0-150 66 F 746 66 F 757 13.33 12.00 11.33 66 F 431 66 F 421 13.92 12.52 1
66 F 436 14.99 13.49 12.75
0-300 66 F 748 66 F 759 16.27 14.64 13.83 6 F 4 2 66 F 422 16.86 15.17 14.33 66 F 437 17.93 16.14 15.25
0-500 66F7491 66F7601 18.23 16.41 15.49 6 F 433 66 F 423 18.72 16.85 15.92 66 F 777 19.80 17.82 16.83
to to 4 3315 1 to 9 10to 24,25 te 49 430 1 to 9 10to 24.25 to 49,
Rand.2yj' Had. 2i5'Rost

EACH EACH 3' R..t. 3Vt'Rnd. EACH



0-3 66F25966F279 6F21966F209 66-F239
0-5 66 F 250 66 F 270 6 F 220 66 F 200 F 230
0-10 66 F 251 66 F 271 9.70 8.73 8.25 6 F 221 66 F 201 10.29 8.75 66
66 F 231 11.37 10.23 9.66
0-15 66 F 252 66 F 272 6 F 222 66 F 202 66 F 232
0-25 66 253 66 273
F F 6 F 223 66 F 203 66 F 233
0.50 66 F 254 66 F 274 9.70 8.73 8.25 6 F 224 66 F 204 10.29 9.26 8.75 66 F 234 11.37 10.23 9.66
0-100 66 F 255 66 F 275 66 F 225 66 F 205 66 F 235
0-150 66 F 256 66 F 276 10.68 9.61 9.08 6 F 226 66 F 206 11.17 10.05 9.50 66 F 236 12.25 11.02 10.41
0-250 66 F 260 66 F 280 11.17 10.05 9.50 6 F 219 66 F 210 11.76 10.58 10.00 66 F 240 12.94 11.55 10.92
0-300 66 F 257 66 F 277 11.76 10.59 10.00 6 F 227 66 F 207 12.25 11.02 10.41 66 F 237 13.33 12.00 11.33
0-500 66 F 258 66 F 278 15.39 13.85 13.08 66 F 228 66 F 208 15.97 14.38 13.58 66 F 238 17.05 15.35 14.49
Highly damped meters for broadcast moni-
toring, public address or communications 327T 321T I to 9, 10 to 24, 25 to 49 420 tto 9, IO to 24 25 to 49,
systems. "A" scale: 20 to 30 volume units Rang. 3' Red. 31/4' Rnd. EACH EACH EACH 1W Red. EACH EACH EACH
on top of arc; 0-100% modulation on bot- 0-50 66 F 078 66 F 088 6 F 098 11.37 10.23
tom of arc. Have D'Arsonval elements with 0 -100 66 F 079 66 F 089
10.29 9.26 8.75 9.66
Alnico -V magnets. Sensitive rectifiers oper- 6 F 099
ate under wide frequency variations. Steady
state ref.. mw. Zero adjustment. Internal
impedance. 3900-ohms. For 600-ohm lines. 327T 321T to 9, IO to 24, 25 to 49 420 to 9, 10 to 24 25 to 49,
Metal dial 's yellow with black and red let- Rang. 3' Red. 3W Rad.




tering. In rugged black cases of molded
bakelite. Ruminated. 50-650 66 F 0866 F 084 13.23 11.91 1 1.25 6F 094 14.31 1 2.88 12.16
3277 1 to 9, 10 to 24, 25 to 49, 1060-10066 F 08 66 F 085 11.47 10.32 9.75 6F 095 12.54 1 1.29 10.66
18.72 16.85 15.92 For shop. field and laboratory. Use as appliance tester. wattmeter, voltmeter. ammeter.
66 F 076 20.48 18.43 17.41 etc. Accuracy guaranteed within 2% for either DC or single-phase AC to 133 cps.
420 1 to 9, 10 to 24, 25 to 49, Stock 1 to 9, 10 to 24, 25 to 49,
M4' Roc/. EACH EACH EACH No. Watts Volt' Amps EACH EACH EACH
66 F 071 23.52 21.17 20.00 66 F 286 0 -150 150
66 F 072 26.75 24.07 22.75 66 F 285 0-300 150 2 23.52 21.17 20.00
66 F 287 0 -750 150 s
DECIBEL METERS ( +6 to -10 db)
` Power level indicators. For measuring sound
or noise level in broadcasting, public ad- PRECISE MULTI -RANGE PANEL METER KITS
dress and recording systems. Read up 6 and
down 10 db. Zero db is 1.73 volts. Calibrated Versatile, new. multi -range panel meter kits. Lets you choose
for use with 500 -ohm line. Reference level is from 4 to 18 different meter rapges using only one meter move-
6 milliwatts. Internal resistance is 5000 - ment! Features interchangeable dial faces which slide in or out
ohms. White enameled metal dial with black easily. and plug -in shunt or multiplier resistors. Each kit is
lettering. In black bakelite molded cases. supplied complete with high- quality. jewelled D'Arsonval meter
Illuminated. movement. precision resistors. 4W mirror scales. inserts. meter
3271 Ito 9, 10 to 24, 25 to 49,
case (4W x 4W) and full instructions. Shpg. wt., 13/4 lbs.
3' Red. EACH EACH EACH Stock No. Typ. Ranges EACH
66 F 263 14.99 13.49 12.75 83 F 958 DC Volts; 1000 ohm /volt; .05 v. to 1000 v. 18 29.95
66 F 264 16.95 15.25 14.42 83 F 959 DC Volts; 20,000 ohm /volt; .1 v. to 1000 v. 18 35.95
83 F 960 AC Volts; 1000 ohm /volt; 1 v. to 1000 v. 16 35.95
4' 420
1to 9,
10 to 24,
25 to 49,
83 F 961
83 F 962
83 F 963
DC Amp.; .05 to 1 amp.
DC µa.; 50 ;Amp. to 400 µAmp.
:1t' :\mu.:.001 to 1 amp.
66 F 265 16.76 15.08 14.25
66 F 266 18.03 16.23 15.35
Include Range and Model Number On Meter Orders 259

An excellent selection of high quality panel meters. Spade type ohms /volt movement. Scale length: 27, 37. 49 and 57, 21W; 29, 39.
pointers move through a wide scale arc of 100 °. New, "Wide-Vue" 49 and 59, 395t': 1327. 3W'; 1329, 37A'. Size: 27. 37, 47 and 57. 31/4'
meters (listed below) have longer scales for maximum readability; high a 3' wide. 29, 39, 49 and 59. 41341' high x 471/(' wide; 1327. 31/
self -shielded meter movements. Models 27. 29, 37 and 39 have D'- square; 1329. 4' high x 41,,V wide. All require 23/4' diameter
Arsonval movements. Models 57 and 59 have iron -vane movements. mounting holes. Recessed zero adjustments. Housed in rugged.
27.37 and Si are 3 W' meters; 29.39 and 59 are 4 W' meters. Polished black molded bakelite cases. With mounting hardware and tem-
and shock -mounted jewels. Accuracy: ±2 %. DC voltmeters, 1000 plate. Shpg. wt., 1 lb. lselede Range sod Model No. os all orders.
Model 27 IAMBI 29 MAN 57 MAN 59


I 10-24 25-u9
Rasp S 1-9

1024 25-Up
Na. 1.9

10-24 25-1191
Rasp Stock
Ne. 10-

10-24 25-19

17 F 55p
7 F 42Ì' 9.87 HF 8.621 á1Ó0 71448 11.91 10.72 10.12
6781 10.14 9.13
17 F
17 F 5n I 0.44 9.40 8.87 S
10 7 1 477
1 1.61 10.46 0.250 71467
17F530 15 7E430 111 0-50 7148 a

61 F 524 á0 424
17 F 531
1 0.73 9.66 9.12 ' 75 7 F
12.20 10.99 10.37 67 F 558, 0-15 71151!
61 1 525

i7 F 553,7
ir 526
10 .73





7 Ib
F 425

F 12.20



67F550 IO .14
67F 559
67 F 551
67 F 552
67 F 560
67 F 553
10 .14
IO .44
IO .44




7 F

7 F


I I.76 10.58
10.58 10.00


17F520 .
100 7F429 67 F 555 II .32 10.20 9.62 0-150 12.35 7 F 455 1 1.1 1 10.50
67 561 II .32 10.20 9.62 0250 7 F 461 12.35 1 1.1 1 10.50
DC VOLTMETERS 67 F S56 II .32 10.20 9.62 0-300 7 F 456 12.35 1 1.1 1 10.50
1000 to 0-5000 types are supplied with external multiplier resistor. 67 F 557 16 .02 14.43 13.62 0.500 7.F457 17.20 15.48 14.60
- --
671516 11.17
3 71415
7F 416
67F500 10.05 9.50 ;s 71101 I2.35 11.11 10.50 67F575 0-1 7F475
67 577 10.00 9.00 0-3 71477 11.91 10.72 10.12
67 F 501 10 7 F 402
F 578
8.50 0-5 7 F U8
67 F 502 IS 7F493 67 F 579 0-10 67 f 479
67FS17 9.50 25 7F417 12.35 10.50 10.72 10.12
67 F 518
11.17 10.05 50 7 F 418
67 F 512 10.00 9.00 8.50 0-15 67F482 11.91
67 F 507 10 7 F 405
67 F SSO 10.29 9.26 8.76 0.25 67 F 480 12.49 11.25 10.62
67 F 531 I1.17 10.05 9.50 0-50 67 F 4811 14.55 13.10 12.37
671 504 ISO 7 F 406
61 F 519 11.17 10.05 9.50 200 7F419
12.35 11.11 10.50 RF AMMETERS
67 F 505 250 )F407
67 F 501 300 7 F 408 Nadel 37 1
AWN 39
67 F 509 I I .76 10.58 10.00 500 7 1 409 1 2.79 1 1 .5 1 10.87 ems I Sleek
67F510 1000 71410 No. 1.9 10-24 25-119 Na. 10- 10-24 25 -up
67 F 514 71471
q F 511 13.96 12.57 11.87 22000
7 F
412 15.14 13.63 12.87 67FSM. 0.1
pF5U 5000 7 F 414 67 F 55I 1 2.49 11.25 10.62 I 0-2 j67 F 4n 15.14 13.63 12.87
67FSIN 43 167 F 400
DC AMMETERS 67 F 589 í7F400 0-S

67 F
11F 535
10.58 9.53 9.00


7 F
1 435

F 438
ú7 1 1.76 10.58 10.00

Nodal 47
1000 044485 PER VOLT
1 Range Nadel 49
553311, p.5 6I 67F560 0-1 7 F 490'
10.58 9.53 9.00 14 [67 F 44402 11.76 10.58 10.00 67 F 570 15.29 13.76 13.00 0-5 67 F 491
67 F 492
6. 90 15.22 14.37
67 F 67 F 571 0-10
67 F 572 0-15 7f493
DC MICROAMMETERS 67 F 573 050 67 F 494
17.25 15.29 13.76 13.00 0 150 4% 16.90 15.22 14.37
Ì 67 F S83 ¡67
444 F

i7 S4Ì 5.43 13.90 Ì 3. 2 Iá2550 7F 5 z6.76 Ì S.B

Ó 1 2 67 F 58 0 300 ,,67 f 497
17F548 13.52 12.17 1.50 ¡4100 7144 15.14 13.63 12.87
67 F 547 11.61 10.46

9.87 0-200 7147 12.94 ,

11.64 11.00 VU METERS

17 F 548 11.02 9.93 9.37 (o-500 71448 12.35 1 1.1 1 10.50 Volume unit meters for power amplifiers and broadcast equipment.
67 F 684 15.58 14.02 13.25 I25 0 25 67 F 691 16.90 15.22 14.37 Scales show level both in VU and percentage modulation. D'Arson-
17 F 68 13.67 12.31 11.62 K0-050 7 F 692 5.29
1 13.76 13.00 val movement. Highly damped. Accuracy. +5%. Dials have 100°
17 F MA 11.76 10.58 10.00 100 0100 7 F 693 13.23 11.91 11.25 arc V t scale A.-20 to +3. 3900 ohm internal impedance across 600-

17 F 417 10.58 9-53 9.00 0-500 7 1 694 1 .76 1 10.58 10.00 ohm lines (zero reference. milliwatt). Model 47 has 2ÿk scale;1

MODEL 27 DC GALVANOMETERS case size. 31/2'x21/¡ deep (mounts in 2W hole). Model 142 has 3ÿ
500-0-500 MICROAMP. Scale. 50 -0 -50. Approximate internal resist-
scale; case size 41/4 41 %.
deep (mounts in 3l/¡ hole). Illuminated,
ance, 46 ohms. 3W' rectangular case. Wt.. lb. 1
2W deep. Have bakelite case. Av. shpg. wt.. 11/4 lbs.
67 F 591. 25 -Up, EÁ..9.00 10-24, EA. 9.53 1 -9, EA 10.58 Steak NET EACH
Ne. Model l-9 10.24 25-Up
75.0.75. MICROAMP. Scale. 50 -0-50. Approximate internal resistance. 67 597
F 47 16.93 16.00
2000 ohms. 31/2' rectangular case. Wt., 1 lb. 67 F 598 142 2ÓÓÓ 18.00 17.00
10.62 11.24 12.49 67 F 599 142° 22.93 20.64 19.49
67 F 592. 25-Up, EA.. 10 -24, EA.. 1 -9, EA
Model 1327 -3W Nodal 1329 -4W Modal 1327-3Y Model 1329 -4W
Stak _ Range Meck eC1 seem Neck
No 19 10-24 25-144 Na. 10- 10-24 25-up No 1 9 10 24 25-11s 1.9 10-24 25-119

68 f 149 0 -IO DC F 151 66 165 I I .17 10.05 9.50 01 DC MF173 12.35 11.11 10.50
U I 114 12.35 10.50

68 F 150
11.76 10.58 10.00 0 -15 DC 68 F 1S/ 12.94 11.64 11.00 65- F 166 I .17 10.051 9.50 45 DC

68 F 151 OSO DC 68 F 159 F 167 I 0.58 9.53 I 9.00 0-S AC MF 176 12.49 11.25 10.62
8F152 0. 10000 68 F 160 8F18 11.17 10.00 9.50 0-10DC MFI16 12.35 11.11 10.50
M 11.76
F 153 10.58 10.00 0-150UC 68 f 161 M f 1169 10.58 9.53 9.00 0-1MC MF 17/ 12.49 10.62
MF 11.91
154 10.72 10.12 0-150AC 68 F 162 12.94 11.64 11.00 M F170 11.17 10.00 9.50 0-15 61 F 116 12.35 11.11 10.50
MF155 1.76 1 10.58 10.00 0-3000C 68 f 163 M 1171 11.17 10.00 9.50 425DDCC 8F171 12.35 10.50
SS F 156 11.91 1 10.72 110.12 0-300AC 68 164 F
M11 11.76 10.58 10.00 0-50AC 18F IM 15.14 1 3.63 12.87
MF161 .02 9.93 9.37 0-1 8 186 I I .76 F 10.58 10.00 17.25
II .02

9.93 9.37 0-10 8 r 187 11.76 10.58 10.00 46 F 191 18.23 16.41 15.49 20.29 18.26

MF 163 II .32 10.20 9.62 Oso 12.35 11.11 10.50 F 192 15.43 13.90 á50O 1 165 16.76 15.08 14.25
MF164 II 10.20 9.62 0 100
F 188
F 189 12.35 1.1 10.50 6$F193 14. I 12.70 12.00 1 0-10 f 197 15.73 14.16 13.37


MF I15 II 32 10.20 9.62 0-150 F 190 12.35 1 1.1 I 10.50 M F 194 14.26 12.84 12.12 50-0- F 198 15.88

Include Range and Model Number on Meter Orden


Features signal light (105 -123 v. operated) Extremely accurate, portable secondary - Highly -accurate multi meter. Very large
to show overload or incorrect polarity. standard meters. Metal -cased with double - (1W) meter scale, yet it's ultra- compact.
Fused to protect against burnouts. Large. shielded meter movements for excellent Extremely rugged, anti- magnetic, black
4W color -coded scales are illuminated. protection from stray magnetic fields. Over- metal case. Color -coded meter scale. Sen-
Anti -magnetic, chrome and black metal load network prevents burnouts. Zero sitivity: 20.000 ohms -per -volt DC. AC
case. 43 ranges. Sensitivity: 20.000 ohms - adjust. Accuracy. ±1/2%. except e*1 %. current ranges: 0- 1.5-5 -1S -S0 -150- 500 -1500
per -volt DC; 2,000 ohms - per -volt AC. AC Scale size. 4.37 ". With leather case, test ma and 0 -IS amps. DC current ranges:
current ranges: 0-1.5-5-15-30-1 50-500-1500 leads. 1 Range switch. 3r/4x64/ax7 W. 0 -50 -150-500 microamps; 0-1.5-5-15-50-150 -
ma and 0 -1S amps. DC current ranges: Slipg. wt., 5 lbs. 500-1500 ma and 0 -15 amps. Resistance:
0-50 -150 -500 microamps. 0-1.5-15-50-105- Description Stock No. NET 0- 1000-100,000 ohms; 0-10 megohms. AC.
0 Milliammeter,

500-1500 ma and 0-15 amps. Resistance: 0 -1 67 F 733 58.80 DC volts: 0- 1.5- 5- 15- 50- 150-500-1500 volts.
0- 1000-100.000 ohms. 0 -1.10 megohms. AC ACVoltmeter, 01504 67 F 736 58.80 6 decibel ranges: -10 to +56. Meter move-
and DC volts; 0- 1.5- 5- 15- 50- 150 -500.1300 DC Current Meter. 0 -50- ment protected to 1000 times overload.
volts. 6 decibel ranges: -10 to +56 db. 150 -500 microamps; With probes and batteries. 61/4x41/4x21/4'.
With probes, batteries, power cord, carry- milliampsl
1.5 -5 -15 67 F 737 137.20 Shot. wt.. 5 lbs.
ing case. Plugs into 105 -125 v. AC or DC 6C Voltmeter,-0 3T5í 84 F 684. NET 44.05
outlet for illumination of meter. Size, 6%x I67 738 91.14
7r/zx3r/4 Shpg. wt., 6í/z lbs. DC
10 -50i
Voltmeter, 0-5-15-50. i
87 F 275. NET 63.21 150- 500.1500t 167 F 739 91.14 84 F 686. NET 7.79

Phaostron Custom Panel Meters

High quality, metal -cased panel meters. Carefully designed for long service and reliable performance.
Precision-cast, anti -magnetic drawn steel cases shield meter movements from stray magnetic fields.
Permit mounting on bakelite or steel panels without calibration. Accuracy under constant use and high
shock and vibration conditions is positively assured. Large, easy -to-read scales with clear increments

and numerals. 6' meters have mirrored scales. All have insulated zero-adjust screws. Accuracy: 6'
instruments. 1%; others, 2 %. Shock -mounted jewels and polished pivots. Sizes: (6' rect.) 4%' high, 6'
wide. 24%' deep; (4154' rect.) 43x54' high, 5' wide. 21/4' deep; (3%' rect.) 33/4' high. 3W' wide. 2t deep;
(3%' round) 3W dia.. 2' deep; (3% square) 3í1,z' square. 2' deep; (21/z' round) 2W dia.. 2' deep; (21/2'
/i I
square) 2W square. 2' deep. 6' instruments have 100° scale arc, except 20 microampere type. which has
60° arc. 20 and 30 microampere 24%' and 34/" meters have 60° arc. Av. shpg. wt., 1% lbs. 3 4 .r ti',Reoonqular
Rang* 21/2" Rd. 2Yi' Sq. 31/2- Rd 354' Sg. 354' Red 45á' Rect. 6' Rect.
0-1 67 F 750 67 F 760 67F770 67F780 67 F 790 67 704 F 67 F 720
0-5 67 F 751 67 F 761 67 F 771 67 F 781 67F791 67 F 756 67 F 766
0-10 67 F 752 67 F 762 67F772 67F782 67 F792 67 F 757 67 F 767
0-50 67 F 753 67 F 763 67F773 67F783 67 F 793 67 F 705 67 F 721
0-100 67 F 754 67 F 764 67 F 774 67 F 784 67 F 794 67 F 706 67 F 722
0-500 67 F 755 67 F 76_5 67 F 775 67 F 785 67 F 795 67 F 707 67 F 723
1-9, EA. 10.88 11.71 12.49 13.62 18.23 2 '2', 31/2' Round
10.24, EA. 9.79 10.53 11.24 12.26 16.41
25-Up, EA. 9.25 9.96 10.62 11.58 15.49
68 F 100
68 F 0 1 1
i 110
68 F 120
68 F 2 1 1
1 3 1
60 F
F 140
4 1 1 1
67 F 709
67 0 7 58
67 F 72!
67 F 761
D-50 68F102 68F112 68F122 68F132 68F142 67 F 710 67 F 721
D-150 613 F103 68F113 611r 123 68F133 613F143 670711 670 727
D-300 60 F 104 613 F114 68 F 124 68 F 134 68 F 144 67 712 F 67 F 72 8
D-500__ 68 F IOS 68 F 115 68 F 125 68 F 135 68 F 145 67 F 713 67 F 725
1-9, EA 11.95 12.79 13.62 14.70 19.3 1
2y1. 31/2' Square
10.24, EA. 10.75 1 1 .51 12.26 13.23 17.38
25-Up, EA. 10.16 10.87 11.58 12.49 16.41
Industrial buyers -depend on
DC AMMETIRS Allied to fill your needs for
0.1 68 F 106 68 F 16 1 68 F 126 68 F 136 68 F 146 67 F 759 67 F 76 9 meters and instruments in in-
0-10 68F 107 68F 117 68F 127 68F 137 68F 147 67F708 67F72 4 dustrial quantities. For quantity
0-50 68F 108 68F 118 68F 128 68F 138 6BF 148 67F776 67178 6 prices on the equipment you
require, call or write Allied's
1-9, EA. 10.88 11.71 12.49 13.62 18.23 Industrial Division-you can de-
10-24, EA 9 79 10 53 11.24 12.26 16.41 pend upon a prompt quotation
25-Up, EA 9.25 9 96 10.62 1 1 .58 15.49 and fast, efficient service.

Range 21' Rd. 25á'Sq-, ÉA. 1ÉA4' 125-up, Sá'Red.'
25-up 1ÉA24,'25-Aup,
6' Rect. '
1-9, 10-24, 25-ep,
; EA. IFA4. EA EA. EA. EA.
0-20 67 F 954 20.92 18.84 17.7 67 F 22.05 19.85 18.75 67 F 796
746 34.01 30.61 28.91
0 -50 67 F 961 67 F 971'16.32 14.69 3.87 67 F 955 1 17.93 16.14 15.2 671700 9.06 17.16 16.20 67 F 716 31 .80 28.63 27.03
0.100 67 F 962 67 1972 14.1 6 2.75 2.03 67 F 968 1 1 15.78 14.20 13.4 67F 701 6.86 5. 7 14.33 67 F 711
1 1 1 30.48 27.43 25.91
0 -200 671963 671973 1.96 10.76 0. 1 67 F 969 1 1 13.62 12.26 11.5 67 F 777 14.70 13.23 12.49 67 F 787 2 1.46 9.3 2 8.25
1 1

0 -500 67 1 964 671974, .42 i 0.28 9.7 61 F 970

1 1 13.03 I .731 11.0 67 F 178 4.1 6 12.75 12.03 67F 788
1 20.38 18.35 17.33
50 -0 -50 611965 67F97 14.16 12.75 12.0 67 F 978 15.78 14.20 13.4 671 179 16.86 5.1 7 4.33 67 F 789 1 1 30.48 27.43 25.91
100-0 -100 67 F 966 67 F 976 11.96 10.76 10.1 67 F 979 13.62 12.26 11.5 671702 14.70 13.23 2.49 67F 718 1 21.46 9.32 18.25

500 -0 -500 671967f 67 F 9771 10.8 8 9.79 9.2 671988 12.50 11.25 10.6 671703 13.62 12.26 11.58c671719 18.23 16.41 15.49
67 F946 67 F 947120.141 1 0.131 17.12167 F 999, 21.76i 19.5 8 18.49167 F 715 22.832O.55: 19.41167E731127.49124.74 2 3.3 7

Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 261
There's More For
The Amateur At Allied
Were Trading High World's Largest Stocks
Easiest Payment Terms Fastest and Best Service
Money -Back Guarantee Staff of Experienced Amateurs


Allied ismaking bigger and better trade-in You can bring your "Shack" right up to Order Amateur equipment on our regular
deals than ever. Now's the time to cash in date without straining your budget when terms and try it under your own operating
on our "king-size" trade -in allowances for
your old receiver or transmitter and bring
your "shack" right up to date with the
you buy from Allied. Order new Amateur
equipment on our Easy Payment Plan
there's no red tape- -and no finance com-
- conditions. If within 15 days you're not
completely satisfied with the performance
of the equipment, return it and we will re-
latest transmitting and receiving equip- panies to deal with. Pay only 10% down and fund your full purchase price, less trans-
ment. Just drop a card to Allied's Ham the balance in small. easy -on -the budget portation charges. Allied's money -back
Shack -tell us the unit you'd like to trade monthly payments. If you have Amateur guarantee. which applies to all factory-built
and the new gear you want. You'll agree equipment to trade, it should cover the down units. offers you complete protection. In ad-
that Allied is "trading high" when you re- payment and you can pay the balance while dition. this Guarantee is further backed by
ceive our offer. Do business with Allied and enjoying the latest gear. For full details on the standard RETMA Warranty against
enjoy the latest in Amateur gear. Allied Easy Payment Plan. see page 396. defects in materials and workmanship.

knight -kits FOR THE AMATEUR

Amateurs Get More For Their Money With KNIGHT -KITS

NEW New! KNIGHT -KIT Amateur Communications Receiver

Covers 540 kc to 31 me in Four Bands
$1045 New Printed Circuit Switches for Ease of Assembly
Extremely High Sensitivity -1.5 Microvolts
Revolutionary new Amateur communications receiver kit. Employs printed circuitry in
every stage-even has printed circuit switches! Makes possible quick and easy assembly;
virtually eliminates wiring errors. Absence of lead "dress" variations gives positive assur-
ance that every kit must equal or surpass specifications. Covers 540 kc to 31 mc in four
bands; electrical bandspread calibrated for Amateur bands. Sensitivity, 1.5 yv for 10 db
SNR. Selectivity, 300 cps -4.5 kc at 6 db. Includes: AVC; ANL; antenna trimmer; variable
BFO; Q multiplier; constant -running. voltage-regulated HF oscillator. Coaxial input. Has
phone jack. Knight -Kit 100-kc Crystal Calibrator can be mounted inside cabinet; controlled
from front panel. Provision for "S" meter. Less 8 -ohm speaker. 7 tubes. VR and rectifier.
Complete with all parts, tubes, wire, solder. and instructions. For 110.120 v.. 50 -60 cycle
AC. 10x10x161/2'. Shpg. wt.. 23 lbs.
Amateur Receiver 83 YZ 726. NET 104.50
"S" Meter Accessory Kit. For above receiver. Shpg. wt.. lb. 1

83 Y 727. NET.. 9 50

KNIGHT -KIT 50-Waft Transmitter

$3895 Ideal For The Novice
Effective TVI Suppression
Pi Antenna Coupler
-10 Meters

Bandswitching transmitter kit for 80. 40. 20. 15 and 11 -10 meters. Rated at 50 watts -up
to 60 watts input on 80 and 40 meters. 6AG7 oscillator; 807 final. Built -in pi- section coup-
ler. Other features include: Ceramic -insulated final tank capacitor; preassembled switches;
pre -wound parasitic chokes; ceramic coil forms; RF -type coax connector; crystal and VFO
socket on front panel; accessory power take-off jack; fused power transformer; pilot light;
copper -finished steel chassis; steel cabinet; with effective TVI suppression. Controls: Oscil-
lator Tuning; Bandswitch; Final Amplifier Tuning; Antenna Loading; Grid -Plate Meter
Switch; Off -On Switch. With tubes, all parts, wire, solder and instructions. 81/2x101/2x81/4".
For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 19 lbs.
83 YX 255. NET 38.95
50 -watt CW
Transmitter ciency from your antenna. Measures SWR
incomparably low price. Calibrated for 80.
40. 20. 15. 11 and 10 meters; output on 80 from -150 mc; line impedance from 20-

and 40 meters. 40 -volt output on 80 meters 400 ohms on frequencies to 100 mc. Any
and 20 -volt output on 40 meters is more sensitive VOM can be used as null indica-
than adequate to excite oscillator stage of tor for adjusting antenna network. Jacks
any transmitter. An ideal companion to the for checking input and bridge voltages;
Knight -Kit 50 -watt transmitter. above. impedance-calibrated dial. 1% calibrating
Complete with built -in. transformer -type resistor, plasticized SWR chart. With all
power supply. Features extremely high sta- parts. wire. solder and instructions. Size.
2 u/zx3 t/zx4'. Wt.. 2 lbs.
bility. oscillator keying for fast break -in.
and compact construction. Drift -free, ser- 83 Y 253. NET 5.85
RF Z- Bridge ies -tuned Clapp oscillator uses 1% silver
mica capacitors. Tank coil wound on ce- KNIGHT -KIT 100 -KC CRYSTAL CALIBRATOR
ramic form; padders are air dielectric. Plugs KIT. Crystal frequency standard at very low
into crystal socket of transmitter. Features: cost. Gives marker every 100 kc up to 35
TVI suppression; vernier drive; plenty of mc. An Amateur "must" for marking band
bandspread. Two -chassis design keeps heat edges. Mounting flanges permit installation
from oscillator circuit. Voltage regulated inside of or on back of receiver cabinet. Re-
for stable output. Tubes: 2 -6BH6; 6X4 quires 6.3 v. át 0.15 amps and 150 -300 v.
VFO DC at 3 -6 ma- easily obtainable from any
rectifier. 0A2 regulator. 6x6x83/4¡. With all
e parts, tubes, wire, solder and step -by -step receiver. Trimmer for beating with WWV;
.. O. instructions with pictorial and schematic Off -On switch. With all parts. tube, crystal.
100 -Kc Crystal diagrams. For 110-120 volts, 50 -60 cycles wire. solder and instructions. Size, t%x1 u/zx

AC. Shpg. wt., I1 lbs. 3'. Shpg. wt.. lb.


83 Y 725. NET 28.50 83 Y 256. NET 10.50

262 See Pages 209 -236 for a Complete Listing of Knight -Kit Equipment

75A -4
r) = -- -
-- Q 0---
KWM -I Unique in Design
No "Zeroing In"



Bandswitching Amateur transmitter for
SSB, CW, and AM. Covers 80 -75. 40, 20.
15. 11 and 10 meters. 1 kw P.E.P. on SSB.
Top-performing receiver for AM, CW. SSB
and RTTV. Covers Amateur bands only
160 through 10 meters. Double conversion
- New mobile or fixed transceiver for 20, 15
or 10 meters. Has husky 200 watts P.E.P.
input on SSB or CW. Revolutionary in con-
cept it employs commonly -tuned circuits
1 kw on CW. AM emission is carrier plus
one sideband; equivalent to kw with a
gives image rejection of SO db or more.
Precision dial calibration and high stability "-
-no "zeroing in transmitting frequency
is always same as receiving frequency! Dual -
narrow -bandwidth receiver. VFO has dial are provided by the hermetically sealed
calibration of 1 kc per division. Extreme
stability -uses low -frequency VFO and
crystal -controlled mixer stages. Pi -L out-
VFO and crystal -controlled second IWO.
Very fast acting AVC requires no carrier
ideal for SSB. Separate SSB detector for
- conversion receiver with 100-kc crystal cali-
brator. Mechanical filter for use in both
reception and transmission. Voice control or
put network -52 ohms RF impedance. minimum intermodulation distortion. De- push -to -talk; break -in CW keying. Side -
High impedance mike input. Voice- operat-
ed or push -to -talk keying. Mechanical filter
on SSB provides 50 db rejection of un-
sired signal can be moved within the band-
width without a change in CW beat note
pushing nearby interference off edge of
- tone CW monitor. Antenna input /output,
50 ohms unbalanced. Antenna changeover
relay. 600 -ohm phone patch. Less speaker,
wanted sideband. limits audio to 3000 cps. band. Bridged -T rejection notch filter; power supply. 6 t/ix 14x 10'. 22 l bs.
Balanced modulator. mechanical filter re- Built -in 100 kc crystal calibrator. With 3.1 94 SZ 877. NET 770.00
duce carrier 60 db. Linear RF power ampli- kc mechanical filter; sockets for 2 addition-
fier uses two 4X250B's in class ABI. RF al filters. Sensitivity, pv for 6 db SNR.
1 94 SZ 870. 3128 -I MATCHING SPEAKER.
feedback for improved linearity. All power Less speaker. For 110 -120 v.. 50 -60 cycle For fixed stations. Size. 6t/4x7s/%x10". Shpg.
supplies are housed in cabinet which serves AC. IOt%xl7t/4x15tj4 ". 70 lbs. wt.. 7 lbs. NET 25.00
as transmitter hase. Size. transmitter. 101/2x
17%x151/2" deep: power supply section,
98 SZ 767. NET. 695.00
30x17%x151/2" deep. For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 270G-3 10" SPEAKER IN CABINET. For above 94 SZ 878. 516E-1 POWER SUPPLY. For 12
cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 210 lbs. receiver. Shpg. wt.. 34 lbs. v. DC. 41/2x5x9 ". WL, 18 lbs. NET .248.00
98 SZ 774. NET 2095.00 97 SZ 776. NET 22.00
94 SZ 879. POWER SUPPLY. For 115
516F -1
SC -101 STATION CONTROL. Control system. Has 10" speaker. beam indicator. SWR meter v. AC. 6t/4x7%zl0". 29 lbs. NET 130.00 .

and directional coupler, 24 -hr. clock. lamp, phone patch, control circuit supply, synchro
control. 6- antenna remote selector and wiring duct with harness for all station components.
Cabinet, I51/2xl21/2x91/2". For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Wt.. 75 lbs. MECHANICAL FILTERS. For optimum selec-
tivity. Plug into 75A -4. Av. wt.. 2 lbs.
94 SZ 876. NET 695.00 94 SC 875. F4551-05. 500cps. NET 54.75
312A-1 SPEAKER /CONTROL. Metal cabinet with 10" speaker and lamp only. Size, I4s/4xI2x 94 SC 872. P455115. 1.5 kc. NET. 54.75
í0s4 . Shpg. wt.. 35 lbs. 94 SC 873. F455121. 2.1 kc. NET 45.00
94 SZ 871. NET 39.50 94 SC 874. F4551-60. 6.0 kc. NET 45.00


PHASEMASTER II. 9 -tnc phasing -type
LJ transmitter- exciter for AM, PM, CW.
and SSB with selectable sidebands. 1011
watts P.E.P. input on SSB; 50 watts AM.
power amplifier for Phasemaster II. 575 PM, or CW. Bandswitching from 160
watts P.E.P.: 21K) watts on AM, PM or CW through 10 meters. TV1 suppression; CW
input. Bandswitching on 80 -10 meters. Full break -in; power socket for external VFO;
output with only 20 watts P.E.P. drive. built -in low-pass audio filter; coaxial and
4- position meter switch: Grid, plate, power balanced antenna connectors. Uses multi -
in, power out. Extremely stable grounded - band tank circuits. Pi- network output
grid triode circuitry. Coaxial input and out- matches 50 -500 ohm loads. Uses 12AX7
put. Pi antenna network. Switching circuit speech, 12AT7 balanced modulator. 12BH7
prevents applying HV before filaments. AF driver and 9 -mc crystal oscillator. 6BA7
9)/4x191/4x11 t/¡. For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle mixer, 6CL6 buffer. 6146 amplifier, 12AT7
AC. Shpg. wt., 50 lbs. anti -trip, 12AX7 voice control; 2 -5V3GT
83 SZ 863. NET 269.50 and 6AL5 rectifiers. 9t/4x191/4x11'4". For
110- 120v., 50 -60 cycle AC. 37lbs.
All -band VFO for pleas- 329.50
ing- type exciters using 9 -mc SSB gener-
ation. Perfect for use with Phasemaster II.
Covers 160. 80, 40, 20. 15 and 10. Extremely
TIME- MASTER. Continuous gong timer
reminds the Amateur to identify his
high stability is obtained by heterodyning station every 10 minutes, as required by
on high bands-eliminates multiplying VFO FCC. A particularly useful accessory for
drift. Stability: +100 cps or better after
warm -up. Anti- backlash dial. Voltage -regu-
lated. 9e/56x71/tsx I I W. For 110 -120 v., 50 -60
cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 22 lbs.
94 SZ 897. NET 139.50 83 S 860. NET
SSB stations. Gives a pleasantly -toned gong
every 10 minutes. without resetting. Plastic
case, 4t/sx2s/ax2t . For 110 -120 v.. SO -60
cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs.
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois


Famous Amateur -S \C I. receiver. Features
sensitive voice and code reception. Tunes SX-62A ALL -WAVE RECEIVER
the standard AM broadcast hand and all POPULAR S-53A RECEIVER
short wave frequencies to 32 mc. for police. A highly sensitive and selective receiver at The SX -62A offers peak performance on
aircraft. Amateur, foreign and domestic low cost. Covers: 6 Amateur bands. Police. AM broadcast, short wave and hi -fi FM.
short wave and ship- to-shore transmissions. Aircraft. Marine. Foreign and domestic Precision built to meet the most exacting
Easy -to -read. slide rule type dial. shortwave broadcasts and standard broad- standards-incorporates every modern re-
4 -RAND COVERAGE. 4- position range selec
cast programs. Has high signal -to -noise finement in all -wave receiver engineering.
tion switch. Range I. 540 to 1650 Ice; Range ratio. Built -in 5" PM speaker. Six ranges: 540 -1620 kc; 1620 kc -4.9 mc;
2. 1650 kc to 5.1 mc; Range 3. 5 to 14.5
4.9 -15 mc; 15 -32 mc; 27 -56 mc (AM -FM);
TUNES TO 34.3 MC. Range I. 540 -1630 Ice; 54 -109 me (AM -FM). Beautifully styled.
mc; Range 4: 13 to 32 mc. Separate band- Range 2. 2.5 -6,3 mc; Range 3, 6.3-16 mc;
spread dial simplifies tuning the crowded HIGH -FIDELITY AUDIO. Push-pull 6V6 output
short- wave bands. Range 4, 14 -31 mc; Range 5, 48 -54.5 mc. furnishes 10 watts of audio power. Four
Provides excellent Amateur 6 -meter recep- position tone control; phono jack.

AC -DC SUPERHET CIRCUIT. High sensitivity tion on Range 5. Edge- illuminated slide -
superhet circuit employs four tubes and rule dial. Panel controls: Main Tuning. FOR SWL'S AND DX FANS. Red dots identify
rectifier. 5" PM speaker gives excellent Bandspread. Bandswitch. Volume-On-Off. proper settings of controls for AM and SW
tonal quality. 2 watts audio output. Tip Sensitivity- Phono, Standby. Tone. Auto- reception; green dots for FM. Wide-vision
jacks for headphone reception. Standby -re- matic Noise Limiter, and Phone -Code slide-rule dial. 60 -to-1 ratio tuning knob.
ceive switch for use when transmitting. switch. Electrical bandspread control sim- 500 -kc calibrating crystal, with dial pointer
AM -CW switch for reception of code or plifies tuning on crowded bands. Speaker - for pin -point reset accuracy. Has FIFO for
AM phone. Gray steel cabinet with attrac- Headphone switch, headphone and phono reception of code signals.
tive silver frame trim. Size, 12r/zx7x7t/" . jacks on rear panel. MODERN CIRCUIT. Three IF and two RE
For operation from 105.125 volts DC. or stages provide maximum usable sensitivity.
50 -60 cycle AC. (See 220 volt adapter cord. MODERN SUPERHET CIRCUIT. Uses: 1 -6C4
below). Shpg. wt.. 13 lbs. ose. (temperature-compensated for mini- Crystal filter provides 6 -step selectivity.
mum drift), -6BA6 mixer, 2 -6BA6 IF's. Separate RF and AF gain controls; AVC;
98 SX 709. NET 49.95 1

-6116 detector -AVC -noise limiter, I- BFO; ANL; temperature- compensated,

5-380 In Furniture Finishes 6SC7 BFO -Ise AF, I -6K6GT output (2.5 voltage -regulated oscillator. 300-ohm an-
watts). Rectifier is 5V3GT. 5" PM speak- tenna input. 3.2. 8 and 500 ohm outputs.
These latest models of the popular S-38D
receiver are available in either mahogany er. Satin black steel cabinet with brushed Black steel cabinet with gray panel.
or blonde furniture finish. Metal cabinets chrome trim. Size. 12%x7x7t/a" deep. Size. 10Vax20x16 ". Less speaker. (See
have lustrous. high -gloss over simulated
Piano -hinge top. For 105 -125 volts. 50-60 R -46B, p. 265.) For 105 -125 volts. 50 -60
cycles AC. Shpg. wt.. 20 lbs. cycles AC. Shpg. wt.. 77 lbs.
fine wood grain. Shpg- wt.. 13 lbs.
S-38DM. Mahogany finish.
97 SZ 573. NET 89.95 97 SZ 540 NET 349.95
94 SX 805. NET 54.95
94 SX 806. NET 54.95 An outstanding value in a medium -priced Popular S -85 communication, receiver.
220-VOLT ADAPTER CORD. Permits 220 v. communications receiver. Offers features Supersedes the renowned S -40 series. Com-
AC-DC operation of S -38 receivers. 5 oz. usually found only in high priced communi- pletely restyled for improved operating ease
cations receivers. Crystal filter -Calibrated and greater tuning accuracy. Puts world-
49 T 580. NET .2.54 electrical bandspread-"S" meter. Also wide communications at your finger tips.
separate RF and AF gain controls. Tunes from 540 kc to 34 mc continuously
MAKE ALLIED YOUR in 4 ranges.
FREQUENCY COVERAGE. Full coverage of all
AMATEUR HEADQUARTERS frequencies from 540 kc to 34 inc in 4 FEATURES: Bandspread dial calibrated for
ranges; the standard AM broadcast band 80, 40, 20, 15, 11 and 10 meters. RF ampli-
Allied offers the Amateur plus 3 short -wave ranges. Provides recep- fier; 2-IF amplifiers; BFO with variable
every buying advantage. Se- tion of broadcasts from all over the world. pitch control; automatic noise limiter; 3-
lect the equipment you want position tone control; built -in 5" PM
FEATURES: Bandspread dial calibrated for speaker; 4 tuning ranges -standard broad-
from the largest and most 80. 40, 20, 15. 11 and 10 meter Amateur cast plus 3 shortwave.
complete stocks of Amateur bands for excellent tuning accuracy; "S" TUBES USES 6SG7 RE amplifier, 6SA7
meter is calibrated in units of 6 db to S9 converter, 2-6SK7 IF amplifiers. 6SG7
equipment in the world and and in db above S9 for accurate signal re-
be sure of prompt, efficient BFO and audio amplifier. 6K6GT audio
ports; Crystal filter for razor -sharp selec- output, 6H6 ANL -AVC detector; rectifier
service. Amateurs everywhere tivity; RF stage and two IF stages for very is 5V3GT.
high sensitivity; Terminals for 3.2 -ohm or
rely on Allied's famous "Ham - 500 -ohm speaker. Separate BFO with pitch FRONT PANEL CONTROLS: Sensitivity. band
to -Ham" service -our staff of control; automatic noise limiter and 3-po- selector switch, volume, main tuning. band-
sition tone control. 7 tubes; plus rectifier. spread AVC on -off, noise limiter on -off,
experienced Amateurs will be AM -CW. tone (high -medium -low) and AC
glad to answer any questions CONSTRUCTION: The SX -99 has the famous on -off, pitch control, standby -receive. Panel
you may have regarding in- Hallicrafters precision construction and ex- jack for headphones.
pert craftsmanship -known the world over. Steel cabinet finished in gray and black.
stallation or operation of your Use of high- quality components assures
81/4x18!x10". For 105 -125 v. 50 -60 cycle
equipment. And Allied's years of dependable performance. Steel cabi- AC. Shpg wt., 36 lbs.
"King- Size" trade -in offers net is finished in gray and black with brushed
chrome trim. 81/2x181/4x11" deep. For 105- 98 SZ 711. NET 119.95
and Easy Payment Plan make 125 volts. 50 -W cycles AC. Less speaker S-86. Same as S -85 in design and appear-
it easy to own the latest in (see R -46B matching speaker on page 265). ance, but for 105 -125 v. DC or 50 -60 cycle
station equipment. Shpg. wt.. 36 lbs. Shpg. wt.. 32 lbs.
98 SZ 714. NET... 149.95 98 SZ 712. NET 119.95
For Hallicrafters "Civic Patrol" Receivers, See Page 280


The SX -100 communications receiver offers
HT-32 TRANSMITTER HT-33 UNEAR AMPLIFIER an array of outstanding features. In addition
New. high -efficiency transmitter- exciter for A kilowatt of flexible, efficient table -top to selectable sideband operation and double
SSB -A M. or CW operation. Used alone, the performance is yours with the new, ultra - conversion, it features a SO -kc "Tee -Notch"
HT-32 with 144 watts P.E.P. input, is an compact HT -33 linear amplifier. A perfect system of selectivity. Covers 538 to 1530 kc
excellent, completely self- contained trans- mate to the HT -32 (at left) or any other and 1720 kc to 34 mc in 4 ranges.
mitter for the 80, 40, 20, 15, 11 and IO meter low -power transmitter. OTHER FEATURES: 100-kc crystal calibrator;
Amateur bands. As an exciter, the HT -32 is FEATURES: Covers 80, 40. 20. 15, 11 and 10 logging scale and gear drive on main and
ideal for use with the HT -33 power amplifier meter Amateur bands; 52 -ohm pi- network band -spread tuning; and crystal controlled
(at right), or any other similar unit. output for efficient harmonic suppression; 2nd conversion oscillator.
FEATURES: New piezo -electric sideband fil- built -in TVI suppression includes filtered TUBES AND FUNCTIONS: 6C66 RF amplifier.
ters; new, extremely stable bridged -tee mod- control leads; one knob bandswitching; 6A1;6 1st mixer. 6C4 HF oscillator. 6BA6
ulator develops almost perfect sideband ceramic tubes. 1650-kc IF, 6BA6 2nd mixer, 12AT7 dual
modulation; precision gear- driven VFO CIRCUIT: Two parallel -connected 4CX300A
crystal 2nd conversion oscillator. 6C4 50 -kc
reads directly in kilocycles to within 300 power tetrodes in class A131; two 866A rec- IF, 6BA6 50 -kc IF. 6BJ7 detector -AVC-
cycles of reference point; distortion products tifiers; two 082 voltage -regulators; one ANL, 6SC7 1st audio and BFO, 6K6GT
down 30 db; carrier suppressed SO db; un- 0A2 voltage regulator. 52 -ohm coax input. audio output, 6AU6 100 -kc calibrator; 5V3-
wanted sideband down 50 db; full voice Bandswitch simultaneously selects proper GT rectifier and 0A2 voltage regulator.
control; clean, break -in keying; 52 -ohm pi- grid and plate tank inductances. Large me- CONTROLS: Antenna trimmer, Notch Fre-
network output for harmonic suppression. ter measures plate and screen current. quency, Notch Depth, Calibrator Off -On,
TUBE FUNCTIONS: 12AX7 speech amplifier; SPECIFICATIONS: Power Input, 1000 watts Sensitivity, Band Selector, Volume, Tun-
12AU7 speech amplifier and 4.95 -mc carrier SSB and CW; 700 watts AM. Power Out- ing. AVC Off-On, Noise Limiter Off -On,
ose.; 12AX7 voice control and 1st anti -trip put. 625 watts P.E.P. with 8 watts P.E.P. Bandspread, Selectivity, Pitch, Reception.
amplifier; GALS voice control and anti -trip drive; 575 watts CW with 6.5 watts drive; Standby. Headphone Jack; 3.2 -ohm output.
diodes; 12AT7 relay tube 2nd anti -trip am- 285 watts AM with 6 watts drive. Black cabinet with satin-chrome trim. Size.
plifier; 12AÚ7 diode modulator; 6AH6 CONTROLS: Band Selector, Grid Tuning. 81/2x18%xlO%. For 105 -125 v., 50 -60 cy-
4.95 -mc amplifier; 12AT7 sideband switch- Plate Tuning, Power Off -On, Tune -Operate. cle AC. Less speaker. (See R46B below left.)
ing oscillator; 6A116 1st mixer; 6AU6 9 -mc High Voltage. O f -On. Meter (plate and Shpg. wt., 43 lbs.
amplifier; 6A84 crystal oscillator; 6AH6
2nd mixer; 6AH6 3rd mixer; 6CB6 VFO;
screen). 98 SZ 769. NET 295.00
12ßY7 driver amplifier; two parallel 6146's Beautifully finished satin -black steel cabinet
in final; 5R4GV HV rectifier; 5V4 LV rec- with chrome trim. 20x12 %xl6tW. For 105-
tifier; 0A2 voltage regulator. 125 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. W t.. 123 lbs.

CONTROLS: Operation (Power Off, Standby,

94 SZ 808. NET 775.00
Mox, Cal, Vox); Audio Level; RF Level; SX -101 AMATEUR RECEIVER
Final Tuning; Function (Upper Sideband, The SX -101 is a super -deluxe communica-
Lower Sideband, DSB, CW); Meter Com-
pression; Calibration Level; Driver Tuning; tions receiver incorporating every essential
Band Selector; VFO. for first -class coverage of the Amateur bands.
A dual -conversion. selectable-sideband re-
Ruggedly constructed steel cabinet is hand- ceiver. it has t -av sensitivity on all bands
somely finished in gray and black with and 5 steps of selectivity from 500 to 5000
brushed chronic trim. Size, 101x20x17 ". cps. 7 bands cover: 1.8 -2.0 mc; 3.5 -4.0 mc;
For operation from 105 -125 volts, SO 60 7.0 -7.3 mc; 14.0 -14.4 mc; 21.0 -21.5 mc; "S" METER KIT
cycles AC. Shpg. wt., 86 lbs. 26.95 -27.35 and 28.0 -29.7 mc. 10 -mc posi-
A handsome, easily installed "S" meter for
94 SZ 807. NET 675.00 tion for zero -beating crystal calibrator with
W WV. panel mounting. For use with Hallicrafters
S -408, S -20R, S -40A, SX -62. S -77. S -77A,
R -46B MATCHING SPEAKER DELUXE FEATURES: Crystal -controlled 2nd
etc.. as well as communications receivers of
conversion oscillators; Tee -notch filter; other manufacturers. Can be installed in
10' PM -type speaker in handsome cabinet gear drive tuning mechanism with 50:1
to match Hallicrafters receivers. Has power ratio; vernier dial -pointer adjustment; 100 - any RF or IF stage with AVC action. Rug-
handling ca city more than adequate for ged, attractively styled 3' square meter has
kc crystal calibrator; Individually illumi- black dial with easy -to -read white trans-
even the SX-62A and provides excellent nated band scales; dual -scale S meter with
tonal quality. Also a fine companion unit zero point independent of sensitivity control lucent markings with provision for internal
for use with the SX -96, SX -99, SX -100, -functions with AVC off or on; direct - back lighting. Two scales; reads in micro-
SX -101, or any other receiver having 3.2- coupled series noise limiter. volts from 0 to 20,000; "S" units to S9 at
ohm output impedance. Features heavy - mid -scale and then in db up to 50 db over
duty construction throughout; has rugged CONTROLS: Tuning; Pointer Reset; Anten- S9. Essential to the Amateur operator and
steel frame to maintain precise voice cod na Trimmer; Tee -Notch frequency; Tee - SWL for giving accurate signal strength re-
alignment; also Alnico V magnet and high - Notch Depth. Sensitivity; Band Selector; ports--aids in receiver tuning. Requires
quality seamless -type cone. Frame is pre- AC Off /On- volume; Selectivity; BFO Pitch; 2t/ß'- diameter round hole for meter barrel
drilled to permit mounting of output trans- Response (Upper or Lower -Sideband and and four W holes for mounting studs. Can
former, if desired. Speaker cabinet is of Tone); AVC Off-On; BFO Off -On; ANL be separately mounted in individual meter
sturdy metal and finished in black with Off -On; Marker (crystal calibrator) Off -On; case (see page 296). Kit consists of O -5 mil-
smart, contrasting satin-chrome trim. All Standby -Receive. liampere meter. 500 -ohm potentiometer for
seams are spot -welded for high strength. Circuit employs 14 tubes plus voltage regu- electrical zero -set, one 82 -ohm t14 -watt 10%
Four rubber feet prevent marring of desk. lator and rectifier. Size. IO%x2Oxl6'. less resistor, one 330-ohm IA-watt 10% resistor.
table or receiver top. Size, 10%xl5x81/2 , speaker; See R -46B matching speaker, at and complete installation instructions cov-
Supplied complete with 5 -ft. 2- conductor left. For 105 -125 volts, 50 -60 cycle AC. ering all recent Hallicrafters communica-
cable. Shpg. wt.. 15 lbs. Shpg. wt.. 85 lbs. tions receivers. Shpg. wt., I lb.
98 SX 758. NET 17.95 94 SZ 802. NET 395.00 97 S 740. NET 10.90
Write to Allied's Hom Shack for a King -Size Trade -in Offer 265
111$0. FAMOUS


a al
tt c NC-66


Versatile 3 -way portable receiver covers
Amateur, marine, and shortwave bands
operates on AC, DC or from its own, self -
- Low- price, general coverage receiver for
AM. CW or SSB reception. Incorporates
exclusive "Microtome' crystal filter, which
Designed specifically for Amateur band
coverage. the superb NC -300 provides the
ultimate in flexibility and outstanding per-
contained batteries. Five bands provide provides five degrees of selectivity. in addi- formance. Covers 7 Amateur bands. from
continuous coverage from ISO kc. to 13 mc; tion to normal bandwidth for voice. Sharp 160 through 10 meters, with dial scales for
phasing notch over 60 db deep for effective SO, 144 and 220 mc plug -in converters
long -scale electrical bandspread permits
tuning and logging. with great accuracy. interference rejection. Separate product de- (below). Double conversion: 2215 kc 1st IF
Compact case -beautifully styled -also in- tector for excellent reception of single side - and 80 kc 2nd IF, with three positions of
cludes two antennas: highly sensitive ferrite band and C \V signals. Input for phono or selectivity. 8 kc, 3.5 kr, and 0.5 kc. Sepa-
loop for 1W (see below) and broadcast crystal calibrator. rate linear detector for optimum SSB per-
bands, plus a telescoping whip antenna for formance. Crystal filter for heterodyne
Covers 540 kc to 40 mc iu four bands. elimination. Foot -long slide -rule dial spreads
ham and shortwave bands. Easy to carry Calibrated electrical bandspread for Ama-
anywhere; its even been salt -spray tested! out each band to 2 kc per division, or less.
teur 10, 11. 15. 20, 40 and 80 meter bands. Sensitivity: lay or better on all bands. HF
Built -in fixed tuned CW oscillator for code Indirectly illuminated lucite dial is designed and LF oscillators are temperature-com -
reception. Quality 3- PM speaker is housed for legibility; amateur and shortwave bands pensated and rock -stable. Inertia tuning
behind front panel; phone jack on front are clearly marked. "S" meter on front pan- mechanism. fast -acting "S" meter, separate
panel automatically cuts out speaker when el for signal strength indication and more RF and IF gain controls. Less speaker (be-
phones are used. Dial calibrations are ex- accurate tuning. Gang -tuned RF amplifier low). For operation from 110 -120 volts,
ceptionally dear. with Amateur and short- stage, plus two IF and two AF stages. Sta- 50 -60 cycle AC. Size, 1l1/4x191/4x15 ". Shpg.
wave bands plainly marked in color. Low bility is increased by separate HF oscillator wt.. 60 lbs.
filament -voltage tubes provide nearly in- tube; ceramic oscillator coil forms and tem- 399.00
stantaneous warm -up. Tube lineup: l('4 perature compensation further improve 98 SZ 730. NET.
RF, 1L6 converter. 11'4 CW oscillator: IF stability. Separate RF and AF gain controls. 6 -METER CONVERTER. Covers 49.5 -54.5 mc.
amplifier. I US 2nd detector /AVC /lst audio Tube lineup: 6BA6 RF amp., 6Bó:6 freq- Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs.
amplifier. 3V4 audio output; selenium rec- uency converter, 6C4 HF oscillator. 6BA6 83 S 870. NET 41.95
tifier. Chrome- trimmed case measures 9t%6 1st IF amplifier, 6BA6 2nd IF amplifier. 2 -METERCONVERTER. Covers 143.5 to 148.5
x115,4,gx10 ". For operation from 110 -120 613E6 product detector. GALS detector, mc. Shpg. set., 2 lbs.
volts. 50 -60 cycle AC, or DC. or batteries AVC and ANL. I2AT7 1st AF amplifier 43.95
(supplied less battery, see listing below). 83 S 871. NET
and IWO /S meter amplifier. 6AQ5 AF out- Covers 220 to 225
Sltpg. wt., 16 lbs. put; SV3GT rectifier and 0H2 voltage 11/4-METER CONVERTER.
94 SX 832. NET 129.95 regulator. mc. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs.
83 5 872. NET 45.95
BATTERY FOR NC-66. Shpg. wt 61/4 lbs. Controls: Main tuning; bandspread tuning;
antenna trimmer; band selector switch; 100 -KC CRYSTAL CALIBRATOR. Wt., I lb.
80 J 616. NET 4 80 RF gain control; AC Off -On and AF gain 83 S 873. NET 21.95
RDF -66 DIRECTION FINDER. A modern, effi control; stand-by switch; mode selector NC -300TS SPEAKER. Efficient 8 -inch speaker
cient, radio direction finding instrument de- switch (ANI., AM, CW. SSB and ACC); in two tone gray cabinet to match NC -300.
signed for use with the NC -66 receiver. Pro- tone control; BFO pitch; selectivity; phas- Shpg. wt., 10 lbs.
vides a simple, accurate means of naviga- ing. Size, 10x16tMcx10r/s" deep. Less speak- 19.95
tion for pleasure craft and small fishing er. For 110 -120 volts. 50 -60 cycle AC. 98 SX 782. NET
vessels. Built -in tuning meter assures pin- Shpg. wt., 35 lbs.
point accuracy; positive one -null indication. NATIONAL NC -183D
Size, 7x8t/zxl0". Takes power from NC -66.
94 SZ 834. NET 199.95 I sou ble- conversion communications receiver
Shpg. wt., 8 lbs. 94 SX 835. NTS-1. Matching 8" speaker. superseding the renowned N(' -183. Features
94 SX 836. NET 39.95 Shpg. set.. It) lbs. NET 17.50 razor-sharp selectivity, extreme sensitivity
and "solid-as-a-rock" stability. Covers 540
LOW-COST SW -54 RECEIVER kc to 31 me and 47 -55 mc in 5 ranges; cali-
brated electrical bandspread for 80 -75, 40,
A smart, ultra -compact communications receiver at low cost. Perfect for the beginning 20, 15, I1 -10 and 6 meter Amateur bands.
Amateur or short wave listener; a real 1)X- getter. Provides sensitive, selective reception Hi- metallic tuning capacitor automatically
over a full range of frequencies from 540 kc to 30 mc. Receives standard AM broadcasts, compensates for temperature change.
ships, aircraft and Amateur signals. Single knob drives separate main tuning and band-
spread dials; all important channels are clearly marked on the well- illuminated main tun- Double -conversion above 4.4 mc. with 3 IF
ing dial. Bandspread dial simplifies tuning of crowded shortwave bands; has 0 -100 logging stages and 16 tuned circuits. Single conver-
scale which makes it easy to reset dial. Receives voice or code. sion below 4.4 mc. Six selectivity positions;
5 crystal and 1 non -crystal. Selectivity is
Built with the same precision and ruggedness that has made National communications 80 cycles at 6 db and 7.0 kc at 60 db. Better
receivers world- famous. Modern superheterodyne circuit uses 1211E6 converter. 12BA6 than 11/z vv sensitivity.
CW oscillator /IF amplifier. 12AV6 2nd detectorjlst audio amplifierjAVC. SOCS audio
output, and 35Z5 rectifier. Built -in 5 -inch PM speaker provides clear, intelligible repro- Two RF stages; amplified and delayed AVC;
duction of voice and music; pin jacks on rear permit use of headphones for late listening, noise limiter; and push -pull 8 -watt audio.
or greater clarity under conditions of strong interference. A convenient switch cuts out the Has edge -lighted lucite dials; auxiliary
speaker when headphones are being used. power socket; phono input: and 500/8
ohm output. IS tubes plus VR and rectifier.
Easy -to -read slide -rule scale is indirectly illuminated; four bands are used to cover oper- Gray cabinet. 10t/4x192/4x165/4 " For 110-
ating range. Band A covers 540 -1600 kc.; Band B, 1.6 mc to 4.7 mc; Band C. 4.6 mc to 120 or 220 -240 volts, 50 -60 cycle : S.C. Less
14.5 mc; Band I), 12 -30 mc. Attractively designed cabinet maintains professional appear- speaker. Shpg. wt., 65 lbs.
ance, yet looks handsome; knobs and switches are spaced for easy, accurate operation with- 449.00
out crowding. Controls: Main - Bandspread tuning. Off -On, Volume. Receive -Standby. Band 97 SZ 666. NET..... .

Selector. AM -CW Switch. Speaker -Headphones Switch. Cabinet is 7x11x7 ". finished in Na- MATCHING SPEAKER. 10" I'M speak, Iu
tional gray enamel. For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., IS lbs. matching cabinet. Wt.. 10 lbs.
97SX711.NET 59.95 97 SX 663. NET 19.95

266 Amateur Equipment is Available On Our Easy Payment Plan -See Page 396


New general- coverage receiver featuring ex-
cellent design and construction combined
with new. modern styling. Continuous cov-
erage from 540 kc to 40 mc. AM. SSB or
CW. Calibrated bandspread for Amateur HQ-140.XA
10, 11. 15. 20, 40 and 80 meter bands; sep-
arate tuning capacitors, knobs and scales NEW HAMMARLUND HQ-100 HAMMARLUND HQ -110 RECEIVER
for general coverage and banaspread. Large,
easy -to -read I2 -inch slide -rule dial with New, advanced- design communications re- The new lit) 110 Amateur band receiver
combination edge and back -lighting; large ceiver at moderate cost. Covers 540 kc to 30 offers outstanding coverage of 160, 80. 40,
tuning knobs. Sensitivity: Under 2.5 My re- Mc in 4 bands. Features include: "Auto-Re- 21, 15. 10, and 6 meters. Deluxe features
quired for I0 -to -I signal -to -noise ratio. sponse" circuit which adjusts audio band- include: linear detector for top -notch CW
Built -in "S" meter on front panel. width for best reception of signal being re- and SSB reception; 100 -kc crystal calibra-
ceived; "Q" multiplier selectivity position tor; "Q" multiplier for high selectivity; "S"
Tube lineup: 6BA6 RF amplifier. 6BE6 fre- for selectivity variable from 100 cps to 3 kc; meter for "on -tire- nose" tuning; antenna
quency converter, 6C4 HF oscillator. 2- high sensitivity -less than 2 My signal for trimmer; voltage regulated. temperature
6BA6 IF amplifiers, 6AL5 detector /AVC/ 10 to S/N ratio; voltage regulated, tem-
1 compensated HF oscillator; dual conversion
ANL, I2AT7 1st AF and BFO, 6AQ5 AF perature compensated HF oscillator for from 6 to 40 meter bands; 9 tuned circuits
output; 5V3GT rectifier. Antenna input, extra stability; calibrated electrical band - in IF strip; "auto-response" adjusts band-
50 -300 ohms, balanced or unbalanced. spread; built -in clock with automatic timer; width for optimum reception; and automat-
Handsome two -tone gray wrinkle finish. and built -in "S" meter. ic clock- timer. 10-tube circuit plus rectifier
Oscillator is temperature compensated and Tube lineup: 6526 RF, 65E6 mixer. 6C4 and VR tube.
ventilated for maximum stability. Separate HF ose., 2 -6BA6 IF's, 6AL5 det. /ANL, Controls: Function Switch, Tuning Range
antenna trimmer on front panel. Series-type 12AX7 audio amp/Q- mult. /BFO. 6AQ5 Switch, MAN -AVC Switch, Pitch Control.
automatic noise limiter: BFO provided for audio out.; 5V3 rectifier, 062 voltage reg- Calibration Set, Tuning Control. Antenna
reception of CW and SSB signals. Separate ulator. Range: 540 kc to 30 mc in 4 bands. Trimmer. Selectivity Control. Sensitivity
RF and AF gain controls. Noise limiter Size, 94/rsxl6t/ax9r /s'. For 110 -120 v.. 50 -60 Control, Audio Gain Control, and Frequen-
switch. Size: If? high, 16134". wide. and cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 35 lbs. cy control. Frequency Control peaks the
IOW deep. Less speaker. For 110 -120 v.. 94 SZ 829. NET 179.00 selectivity curve to the left or right over the
50 -60 cycle AC. Wt., 35 lbs. pass band of the IF amplifier, permitting
94 SZ 833. NET. 159.95 94 SZ 827. HO -100, Loss clock. NET 169.00 accurate control of selectivity. Size: 9rA6"
MATCHING 6x9" SPEAKER. For HQ-I00 & high, 9W deep and 16t/ß" wide. Less speak-
94 SX 835. NTS -I. Matching 8" Spooks'. HO -110. IO lbs. er. For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Slipg.
Shpg. wt.. 101 bs. NET 17.50 94 SX 828. NET 14.95 wt., 36 lbs.
94 SZ 822. NET 239.00
The latest version of the great 11 RO re- TROLLED BFO. For single-signal CW. Wt.. I Ib. 94 SZ 821. HQ -110, Less clock NET 229.00
ceivers. The HRO -Sixty provides virtually 94 S 824. NET 15.95 HAMMARLUND HQ- 140-XA
image -free reception, has superb "weak -
signal" sensitivity, plus remarkable selec-
tivity and stability. Plug -in coil units sup-
plied provide general coverage from 50 kc
Precision Hammarlund receiver packed with
features, including built -in Q multiplier and
Up-to-date version of the world -famous
HQ- 140 provides Amateurs, commercial
radio operators and shortwave listeners with
to 54 mc or bandspread on 80, 40, 20, 15, built -in crystal calibrator. The HQ-150 pro- all of the advantages of modern professional
11 -10 and 6 meter Amateur bands. vides high selectivity and outstanding sta- design and reliability. Covers 540 kc to 31
Dual conversion above 7 mc; 2 RF stages. bility. Provides continuous coverage from mc in 6 ranges. Crystal filter provides high
Sensitivity: 1Mv or better for 6 db S/N ratio. 540 kc to 31 mc in six ranges. Calibrated selectivity required to separate signals on
1990 kc Ist IF. 456 kc 2nd IF. 12 permea- electrical bandspread for the Amateur 80, crowded bands. "S" meter reads to 20 db
bility -tuned IF circuits plus 6 -step crystal 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands. Famous over S9. Sensitivity, 18v for 10 db signal -to-
filter. Selectivity variable from 80 cycles to Hammarlund crystal filter for sharp selec- noise ratio. Electrical bandspread is cali-
3.5 kc at 6 db points. Virtually drift -free. tivity. Six different bandwidth positions brated for Amateur 8C, 40, 20, 15 and 10
Adjustable ANL. phono input, auxiliary may be selected: crystal "off" position, 3
meter bands. 3 watts audio output. Six se-
power socket, provision for crystal calibra- phone crystal positions, and 2 CW positions. lectivity positions from 8 kc to 600 cycles.
tor or NFM adapter (below). 15 tubes plus Fast acting AVC on RF, two IF stages. Separate HF oscillator and mixer, 3 stages
rectifiers and regulators. 19%xI01/2x17tW. of IF amplification. and self- adjusting noise
For 115/230 volts 50 -60 cycle AC. 84 lbs. Series -type noise limiter greatly minimizes limiter. Drift is less than 0.01 %.
With coils. less speaker (below). ignition and other pulse-type noise; has Tube lineup: 65A6 RF, 6C4 oscillator.
97 SZ 722. NET 645.00 negligible effect on modulation of phone 613E6 mixer, 3-65A6 IF's, 6AL5 2nd de-
signals. Antenna trimmer permits peaking tector /AVC /ANL, 12AU7 1st audio /BFO,
MATCHING 10" SPEAKER. Wt.. 10 lbs. RF stage for highest gain.
97 SX 663. NET 19.95 6V6GT /G audio output; 5U4GB rectifier.
Tube lineup: 6BA6 RF amp., 65E6 mixer, and 0C3/VR105 voltage regulator. 3 phone
HRO- 60- XCU -2. Crystal calibrator. 6C4 HF oscillator, 3 -6BA6 IF amp., 6AL5 crystal positions, 2 CW crystal positions.
97 S 717. NET 27.50 2nd detector /AVC /ANL. 12AY7 BFO -au- and one crystal "off" position.
NFM- 83 -60. NFM adapter. dio. 6V6GT audio output; 51'4G rectifier, Two -tone gray cabinet with large and con-
97 S 719. NET 31.95 VR105 regulator. 6BZ6 calibrator. Two- veniently positioned controls. Size, 11x201/4
HRO- 60 -AC. 21 -21.5 mc coil. tone gray cabinet. 11x20r/4xl3tW ". Less x13[/2" deep. For operation from 110 -120
97 S 789. NET .37.50 speaker. For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. volts, 50 -60 cycle AC. Less speaker (see
HRO.60-E. 900 -2050 kc coil. Wt., 80 lbs. below). Sling. wt.. 75 lbs.
98 S 048. NET 37.50 94 SZ 825. NET 294.00 99 SZ 123. NET 249.50
HRO -60 -F. 480-960 Ice coil. MATCHING 8" PM SPEAKER. 12 lbs. MATCHING 8" PM SPEAKER 12 lbs.
98 S 049. NET 37.50 97 SX 757. NET 14.50 97 SX 757. NET 1 4.50
Allied Offers "King- Size" Trade -Ins on Used Amateur Equipment 261



MODEL 240. 301 -2. Completely self- contained
AM -CW -SSB transmitter of 90 watts in-
put -enough to pack a real on- the-air
signal or to drive any amplifier. Band -
switched. 80 through IO meters. VFO con-
range for maximum stability on all bands. 240-161-2. Latest model of this extremely 240- 104-2. A husky and compact all -band
Five crystals provide heterodyning fre- popular. phone -CW transmitter. Highly ef- transmitter. 200 watts input on AM phone,
quencies to reach the desired bands. SSB is fective TVI suppression. Input to final is 275 watts CW. Bandswitching from 160
generated by phasing method. with upper 75 watts on CW; 65 watts on AM phone. through 10 meters. Can be used with auxil-
sideband or lower sideband at the flick of
a switch. Final amplifier is a 6146 with pi-
network tank for loading flexibility and
Offers single -knob bandswitching on 160.
80 -75. 40. 20, 15, and 11 -10 meters. Fre-
quency selection with built -in VFO, or
iary SSB exciter for 275 watts SSB power.
Retains the famous Johnson features
extra- stable VFO, TVI suppression. time -
harmonic suppression. Break -in keying crystals. Pi- network output matches 50 -500 sequence keying. In addtion. audio clipping
with excellent waveform makes for tops in ohm loads; tunes out large amounts of re- and filtering provide maximum "punch"
CW operating. Audio system takes hi -Z actance. Time -sequence (grid -block) keying through QRM. Can easily be used as driver
mikes. Has up -to-the- minute VOX and anti - provides excellent keying characteristic and for kilowatt amplifier, or power source for
trip circuits for full voice- operated phone allows quick, clean break -in operation. The VHF transmitters. Final amplifier operates
operation; audio output can be used to built -in VFO is temperature -compensated into very efficient pi- network antenna out-
feed higher -power amplifier for high -power for high stability. Separate, accurately cal- put designed to match 50 -600 ohm loads;
AM phone. Husky triple-section power ibrated, VFO bandspread scales for each tunes out large amounts of reactance. VFO
supply provides high and low voltages as band-9' of dial scale on 10 meters. A 6 -to -1 and modulator screens are voltage regulat-
well as control voltages for an external planetary drive mechanism allows accurate ed. Tubes: 6AL'6 VFO, 6CL6 crystal oscilla-
high -power amplifier. Meter on panel for tuning with velvet smooth control. 100% tor/VFO isolator. 5763 RE driver, 3 -6146
grid and plate current. modulation and AM modulation; response limited to 250- final amplifier. 12AU7 keyer. 6AQ5 clamp -
carrier balance. Controls: Carrier Insert. 3000 cycles for maximum communication er. 12AX7 speech amplifier. 6AL5 audio
Balance Modulator. Carrier Balance. effectiveness. Full meter switching for ac- clipper, 6C4 audio amplifier, 12AÚ7 audio
Bandswitch. Exciter Tuning, Amplifier curate tune -up. Tubes: 6Aí'6 VFO. 6CL6 driver, 2 -6146 modualtors. 2 -866A high -
Tuning, Fine Coupling, Auxiliary Coupling. crystal oscillator, 6CL6 buffer. 6146 final, voltage rectifiers, 5V4G low- voltage recti-
Audio Gain, Meter, Operate. VFO. Tubes: 6AQ5 clamper. 12AU7 keyer, 12AX7 speech fier. 6BY5GA bias rectifier. 2 -VR105 mod-
5- 12AT7. 12AÚ7. 2 -6AL5. 6BF.6. 3- amplifier. 12AU7 audio driver. 2 -1614 ulator screen voltage regulators- and 0A2
6A116, 6CL6, 6146. 12BH7; 5314G. 5R4GY modulators; OA2 voltage regulator. 5R4GY, VFO voltage regualtor. Size: 11 %x21 x 14 W.
rectifiers; 0A2. 2-082 voltage regulators. 6AL5 and 6AX5 rectifiers. Less crystal, key Less crystal, key and mike. For operation
With crystals; less mike and key. For 110 -120 and mike. Size. 15x11x9'. For 105 -125 v.. from 105 -125 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg.
vdlts. 50.60 cycle AC. I %x21 x I41W. Shpg. 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 54 lbs. wt., 85 lbs.

wt., 73 lbs. 99 SZ 036. NET 329.50 94 SZ 853. NET

94 sz 850. NET 495.00 kit form.
MODEL 240 -161. As above, but in kit form. MODEL 240-104. As above, but
99 SZ 037. NET 229.50 83 SZ 845. NET 349.50


MODEL 240.500-2. A full half -kw all -band 240. 126.2. New transmitter-exciter for the
rig for tops in Amateur enjoyment. CW in- Novice or advanced Amateur who desires a
put is 600 watts, SSB (with auxiliary ex- flexible, low-power CW rig. 40 watts input.
citer) is 500 watts PEP. Transmitter is in Bandswitching coverage of the 160, 80, 40.
two units -all controls are in RF section. 20. 15. II and 10 meter bands. Built -in.
receiver -size for convenience. Power supply highly stable VFO features timed -sequence
and modulators are in second cabinet. All keying for chirp -free, clean, crisp signals.
exciter stages gang -tuned to highly -stable Transmitter may be crystal- controlled-
VFO; safety and protective features in- has front -panel provision for 2 crystals.
clude cabinet interlocks, voltage failure TVI suppression includes filtering and by-
VIKING "6N2" TRANSMITTER. MODEL 240- protection, fuses, time delay. Final ampli-
201.2. Efficient, compact VHF transmitter passing; aluminum cabinet effectively shields
fier operates into very efficient pi -L net- unit. Wide -range pi- network antenna coup-
offering instant bandswitching coverage of work for extreme harmonic suppression.
6 and 2 meters. Makes use of the existing ler matches transmission line impedances
Two meters provide complete monitoring for 50 -600 ohms. Accurate meter on front
power supplies and audio of the Amateur's of all transmitter functions. Audio system
low- frequency transmitter. Requires 6.3 v. panel can be switched to read final grid and
includes phone patch and low -level clip- plate currents.
at 3.5 amps. 300 v. DC at 70 ma, 300-750 v. ping. Complete filtering and shielding in-
DC at 200 ma. plus 30 or more watts of sure against TVI. Time -sequence keying TUBE COMPLEMENT: 6AC6 VFO. 6CL6 crys-
audio. Viking "Ranger" or Viking I or 11 for fast CW break-in. Tubes: 6AÚ6 VFO. tal- oscillator /Duffer -doubler; 6146 final
are ideally suited as power sources. Input 6CL6 buffer, 6CL6 multiplier. 5763 RF amplifier; 12AU7 time -sequence keyer; 6X4
power at full voltage: 150 watts CW or FM. driver, 4 -400A final, 807 clamper, 12AÚ7 bias rectifier; 5U4 high voltage rectifier;
100 watts AM phone. Built -in crystal keyer. 12AX7 speech amplifier. 6AL5 audio 0A2 regulator.
oscillator for 8 to 9 -mc crystals, or may be clipper. 6B4G audio driver. 2 -81 IA modu-
driven by 8 -9 me VFO. Final amplifier CONTROLS: Operate (Off, Tune, Standby.
lators. 6AX5GT bias rectifier, 5Ú4G low Trans); Oscillator (Cl, C2, VFO. Zero);
uses 5894 dual tetrode. with dual -band voltage rectifier. 2- 866/866A high voltage Crystals; Bandswitch; Exciter. VFO; Final;
tank circuit, silver plated for highest rectifiers, VR -105 and 4-VR-150 final Coupling; Meter switch (Grid Plate).
efficiency. Parallel lines used on 2 meters. screen voltage regulators, 0A2 VFO volt-
Extremely flexible link coupling output. Aluminum cabinet measures 13t/x9t1/sx
All circuits metered for quick tune-up. age regulators. Size: RF unit, 11%x21x 101', and is attractively finished in maroon
TVI- suppressed. Tubes: 6T'S osc-doubler. 14W. Power unit. 10%x20%xl5 . Less and gray. Completely factory -wired and
6360 tripler- driver. 5894 final. 6AQ5 clamp - mike, key. and crystals. For 115 v. or 230 v., tested. With tubes; less crystals and key.
er. Size: 131/sx81/2x8t . Less crystal, key. 50 -60 cycle AC. Wt.. 200 lbs. For operation from 110 -120 v.. 50 -60 cycle
and microphone. Shpg. wt.. 14 lbs 94 SZ 854. NET 949.50 AC. Sltpg. wt.. 27 lbs.
94 SZ 851. NET 169.50 94 SZ 857. NET

MODEL 240-201. As above. but in kit form. MODEL 240 -500. As above. but in kit form. MODEL 240. 126 -1. As above, but kit form.
83 SZ 844. NET 129.50 83 SZ 846. NET 749.50 83 SZ 892. NET 149.50
338 Letter Z in Stock Number Indicates Express Shipment Only


KIT. MODEL 240 -181. Here is the ideal rig
for the Notice Amateur, as well as confirmed
"Brass Pounders" who want a compact
low -power CW transmitter. 50 watts input
to an 807 amplifier. Uses 6AG7 crystal oscil-
lator and SI'4G rectifier.
MODEL 240 -1000. Superbly engineered o LOW -PASS FILTER. MODEL 250 -20 Ef-
fective TVI filter with 4 shielded sec-
FEATURES: Bandswitching on 80, 40, 20. I5,
and 11 -10 meters; grid and plate metering;
1000 -watt amplifier for use with CW ex- tions. For any Amateur transmitter. Iland- crystal and VFO inputs; shielding and fil-
citer. AM audio driver, or SSB exciter. les t kilowatt, 100% modulated. 75 db or tering for TVI suppression; wide -range pi-
Provides continuous coverage from 3.5 mc more attenuation of harmonic and spurious network output permits the use of even the
to 30 mc; pi- network output is designed to frequencies above 54 me- insertion loss is simplest antennas- provides up to .40 db
match antenna loads from 50 to 500 - less than 0.25 db. Teflon insulated fixed harmonic attenuation. Receptacle on rear
ohms. Unit is mounted in pedestal with capacitors. Durable aluminum filter case is of chassis permits using built -in power sup-
convenient desk -top controls; completely designed for easy accessibility. Coax connec- ply (450 volts DC at 150 ma and 6.3 volts at
enclosed -no internal adjustments or coil tors for input and output connect' s. 2 amps) with other equipment such as a
changing. Safety features include: Key - Completely wired and accurately pre - VFO, modulator, etc. Power supply is fused
operated main switch; interlocks. Excita- tuned. Impedance: 52 ohms. Size. 9x23,' to provide protection from overloads. Oscil-
tion requirements: 30 watts RF; 10 watts dia. Shpg. set., 3 lbs. lator and final amplifier are keyed simulta-
audio for AM; 2 -3 watts P.E.P. for SSB. 98 S 055. NET .14.95 neously. Keying is crisp and clean. Meter
Two 4 -400A in RF amplifier; two 810 mod- switch selects 1407 grid or plate current.
ulators. Size. 29t/4x19s/4x32% Completely CRYSTAL CALIBRATOR. MODEL 250 -28.

wired and lab- tested. Write for brochure. 0 Accurate and stable 100 -kc crystal CONTROLS: Oscillator tuning. band selector.
For 210-240 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. standard small enough to be mounted inside plate tuning and output coupling. Jacks for
500 lbs. receiver cabinet. Produces 100 -kc. check key. VFO and crystal.
points up to 55 mc. Gives pin -point accuracy
99 SZ 035. NET 1595.00 for checking frequency of your own as well With tubes and easy- to-follow instructions;
U251-101 MATCHING DESK TOP, BACK. as other stations. With 6B116 tube, hermet- less key and crystal. Size, 7 r/4x l O3/sx8 1/4'.
L AND 3- DRAWER PEDESTAL. Specify right ically sealed crystal, and power cable and For operation from 105 -125 v., 50 -60 cycle
or left -hand pedestal when ordering. Width extension leads. 3r/4x2i/zx1 W. Requires AC. Shpg. wt.. 16 lbs.
(with amplifier) 63W. f.o.b. Chicago 6.3 v. (a, .1S amp and 150 -300 v. DC BB 2 99 SZ 024. NET . 54.95
or Corry,Pa.. whichever is nearer. Shpg. wt., ma. Slips. wt., Ib.1

155 lbs. 99 5 039. NET 17.95

250 -29 POWER REDUCER. Permits using 100-
150 watt transmitters to excite Viking
250-24. A valuable aid in the adjustment
of antenna coupler and transmission line
"Kilowatt." 31/2x214' dia. 1 lb. for maximum efficiency. Helps to minimize
99 S 015. NET 13.95 standing wave ratio to assure effective
operation of low -pass filter. 52 ohm input
MOBILE TRANSMITTER KIT. MODEL 240- (can be changed by replacing resistor).
0 141, Up to 60 watts input on all bands. Supplied complete with coax connectors
75 through 10 meters. Bandswitched and and color coded phone tip jacks for connec-
gang- tuned -all
stages ganged to one tun- tion of O -1 ma meter (not supplied). Size.
ing knob for maximum tuning ease. Sepa- x4tüz ". Shpg. wt.. I Ib.
rate PA trimmer permits greater frequency 99 S 028. NET 9.75
shift without readjusting antenna loading. "MATCHBOX" ANTENNA COUPLERS
Has 4- position crystal selector with extra SIGNAL SENTRY. MODEL 250 -25. For mon- MODEL 250.23. Perform, ,uII ut,ion
position for VFO; 52 -ohm output. Requires itoring of phone or CW transmissions line matching and switching t unction. re,
300-600 v. DC at 200-240 ma and 6 or 11 v. on all bands. Requires no tuning. Can also quired in low or mediunt -power stations.
for heaters. Less tubes and mike. 71/4x6ri¡4x be used as code practice oscillator. Plug For the 80 -10 meter Amateur bands.
10sA6 Wt.. 16 lbs. provided fits headphone jack of receiver; Matches balanced antennas from 25 to 12(40
98 S 056. NET 107.00 headphones plug into jack on Signal ohms and unbalanced or single wire- anten-
Sentry. RF probe coupled loosely to trans- nas from 25 to 3000 ohms. Nominal input
MOBILE VFO KIT. MODEL 240-152. For above. mitter provides signal. Mutes receiver out- impedance 52 oluns. rated at 275 watts.
With tubes. 4x4%4x5 ". 4 lbs. put: an ideal keying monitor for break -in Built -in transmit- receive relay. Has adjust-
99 S 018. NET 33.95 operation. Requires 250 v. DC at S ma.. ment for matching antenna to receiver.
240.152.2 VFO. As above. but wired
6.3 v. at 0.6 amp. Size. 3%x31/4x3% Uses . Coaxial input and 7- terminal receiver and
12AX7 and 12A('7. All cables and connec- relay strip. Maroon and gray metal cabinet.
995019. NET 52.50 tors included. Shpg. wt., .1 lbs. 97,4x IOt/zx7 ". Shpg. wt.. 11 lbs.
VFO KIT. MODEL 240 -122. Extremely 99 S 017. NET .. .. 22.00 99 SX 026. NET 54.95
stable VFO. Designed specifically for KILOWATT "MATCHBOX" MODEL 250 -30.
2 -METER VFO KIT. MODEL 240 -132. New
use with Viking! or II transmitter, but can Similar to above. but rated at 1001) watts.
2 -meter VFO. Replaces 8 mc crystals in
be used with any other transmitter. For 160. Handles unbalanced lines from S0 to 12(0
A0 -75. 40, 20. 15. 11 and 10 meters. Output 2 -meter transmitters. including those using
over -tone oscillators. 611116 series -timed os- ohms, balanced lines from 50 to 2000 ohms.
frequency ranges: 1.75 -2 mc for 160 -40 Includes t ime delay system for relay. provid-
meters; 7 -7.425 mc for 40 -10 meters; 6.7 -7 cillator is temperature compensated and
extremely stable. lias 0A2 voltage regula- ing "fast -make. slow-break" action. 171/4x
nic for II meters. Output: 5.5 to 8 volts. 121/4x101/4". Wt.. 27 lbs.
Housed in maroon and gray aluminum case. tor. Output frequency range is 7.995 to
Has 4 rubber feet to protect desk or table 8.235 mc. Accurately calibrated, edge - 99 S2 016, NET 124.50
top. Requires 250-300 volts DC at IS ma. lighted lucite dial reads 144 to 148 inc. Re- T -R SWITCH. MODEL 250.39. New. Switches
and 6.3 volts at 0.3 amp. Kit is supplied quires 250-325 volts DC at 10 ma. and 6.3 antenna Iron) receiver to transmitter elec-
complete with easy -to- follow instructions; volts at .3 amp. With tubes. power cable and tronically. Rated at 4000 watts peak power.
6A('6 ose.; 0A2 voltage regulator; RF out- plug, and full instructions. Housed in at- Uses 61417 (supplied) for improved receiver
put and power cables. Size. 7x6'/4x6s/s " tractive maroon and gray cabinet. Size. isolation. Broadband printed circuit re-
Shpg. wt.. 7 lbs. 4x41/2x5'. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs. quires no tuning. Coax fittings. Has nylon
99 S 013. NET ..... 45.50 83 S 849. NET 29.50 tip -jack for connecting
RF probe. 4U16x4t/4xS 4
scope to internal
. For 110 -12(1 v..
MODEL 240 -122 -2..V. above, hot wired. 240. 132-2. As above, but wired. 50 -60 cycle AC. Wt., 5 lbs.
99 SX 014. NET 69.75 94 S 856. NET 46.50 94 S 858. NET 25.00
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 269
e¢intJta! Ad./Ionia, 9.u.

o o



Central Electronics SSB Units Harvey -Wells Quality Ham Gear

MODEL 100V EXCITER. New. voice -controlled. bandswitching ex- MODEL T -90 90 -WATT TRANSMITTER. Compact. bandswitching
citer. Output: SSB, 100 watts P.E.P.; CW, PM or FSK, 100 o and TVI- suppressed 75 -watt AM phone and 90 -watt CW
watts; AM. 35 watts. Covers 80, 40. 20, 15 and 10. VFO has direct - transmitter. Built -in VFO using stable, voltage-regulated and
reading -kc calibration on all bands; remainder of unit is broad -
1 temperature -compensated circuits. For 80. 40, 20, 15. II or 10
banded and requires no tuning. Choice of sideband. Built -in 2" scope meters. Provides VFO tuning without carrier on. Selector switch
monitors RF output. TVI suppressed. Two 6550's in output. Gray allows metering of important circuits. Takes carbon or crystal mike;
cabinet. 18x 181/4:15 ". For operation from 110 -120 v., 50-60 cycle provision for push -to-talk. Size, 61/4x121/4x101/4" deep. Less power
AC. Shpg. wt.. 70 lbs. supply, crystals, key and mike. Shpg. wt.. 18 lbs.
94 SZ 892. NET 595.00 99 SX 041. NET 179.50
20-A EXCITER. Efficient, voice-controlled all -band SSB
99 SZ 043. APS-90 115-Volt AC Power Supply. For above
o MODEL Shpg. wt.. 35 lbs. NET 79.50
exciter. 20 watts peak output. Choice of either sideband. Covers
160 through 10 meters. Also operates AM, PM, or CW. Over 40 db 99 SZ 044. VPS/T -90 Mobile Supply. For 6 or 12 -volt Ix
unwanted sideband suppression. Requires VFO or crystal. Surplus Shpg. wt., 21 lbs. NET 89.50
BC -458 is ideally suited. (See below.) Completely bandswitching.
Provides blocking bias for external amplifier during reception. R9 RECEIVER. Companion to the T -90 transmitter. Covers 80.
141/4x10x81/4". For 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. 34 lbs. 40, 20, 15, 11 and 10 meter bands. Double-conversion on all
83 SZ 811. NET 279.50 bands. All coils slug tuned for high Q. Less speaker (below). 6%/4x
12%x101/4". For 110.120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Wt.. 18 lbs.
MODEL 20-A EXCITER KIT. As above, but in kit form. 99 SX 042. NET 149.50
83 SZ 810. NET 219.50 VPS-R9 MOBILE POWER SUPPLY. 6 or 12 v. DC. With cable and con-
4584 CONVERSION KIT. Converts surplus BC -458 to VFO for use nector. 61/4x71/4x41/4". Shpg. wt.. 12 lbs.
with 20 -A exciter. Contains dial, all components. 2 lbs. 99 SX 045. NET 30.50
83 S 815. NET 17.50
OT -1 ANTI -TRIP UNIT. Plugs into 20 -A. Prevents loud signals, hetero-
FS-1 MATCHING SPEAKER. For fixed- station use. Shpg. wt 5 lbs.
dynes, from tripping break -in circuit. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs. 99 SX 046. NET 11.50
83 5 812. NET 12.50 MS-1 MATCHING SPEAKER. For mobile use. Shpg. wt.. 3 lbs.
99 SX 047. NET 8 25
a linear amplifier. Bandswitching from 160 -10 meters. Has MATCH. Antenna matcher, 30-ohm dummy load. SWR and
813 in Class AB,. Only 8 watts rms required to drive amplifier to 500 o Z-power indicator. Tunes 3.5-30 mc. Matches 10 -2500 ohms. For
watts input. Amplifier is broadband and does not require tuning. 50 -ohm lines. Uses M. C. Jones Micro-Match coupler. Built -in
Relay trigger tube provides automatic load mismatch protection. meter. 500 w. max. transmitter input. 61/4x121/4x111/4'. 161/4 lbs.
Large meter reads power input. RF amperes, reflected power and 99 SX 050. NET 89.00
grid current. Built -in SWR bridge. TVI suppressed. Output matches
any unbalanced 52 or 72 ohm antenna system without loading con- Sonar Marine Equipment
trols. Size, 18x183/4x15 "D. Gray steel cabinet. For 110 -120 v.. 60
ET3 SZ 816. 495.00 © FINDER. Highly- accurate naviga-
tional aid and all -purpose receiver.
MODEL GC -1 GATED -COMPRESSION AUDIO AMPLIFIER. Gated -com- Covers 3 bands: Beacon. Broadcast.
pression amplifier eliminates continual adjustment of receiver gain Marine. Includes 1 crystal -controlled
to boost weak signals or cut down strong signals. For CW, AM. and channel for monitoring 2182 kc chan-
SSB. Change in output is less than 3 db for signal variations up to 40 nel or any other frequency between 2
db. Connects between speaker voice coil and secondary of receiver and 3 mc. 12' loop can be remotely
output transformer. 4 tubes plus rectifier. 91/4x61/4x141/4". For 110- located. Sense antenna gives one -null
120 v.. 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 17 lbs. indications. 7 tubes, built -in noise
83 SX 865. NET 59.50 limiter, 4" PM waterproof speaker.
MODEL GC -1 AMPLIFIER KIT. As above, but in kit form. Requires 2 -B30 and -8F batteries

(see page 284). 101/4x1lx71/4". Less

83 SX 866. NET 49.50 batteries. Shpg. wt.. 18 lbs.
MODEL MM -I MULTIPHASE RF ANALYZER. Extremely versatile RF 83 SX 839. NET 179.95
analyzer consists of a compact 3" oscilloscope with built -in low - MODEL M35W 35 -WATT MARINE
distortion audio oscillator. Designed for maximum convenience in RADIO -TELEPHONE. Crystal- control-
analyzing transmitter RF systems. Furnishes patterns for monitor- led. Range 25 -150 miles. 35 watts in-
ing speech (without 60 cycle double -trace); for aligning phasing type put. Covers five channels plus
SSB exciters; for evaluating high-level AM systems; for analyzing broadcast band -2 ship -to-ship. 2
SSB overall performance. Can be used with transmitters from S ship -to-shore and emergency frequen-
watts to 5 kw at frequencies from to 200 mc. Gray steel cabinet.
1 cy 2182 kc. Has push -to -talk, noise
91/4x61/4x141/4". For 110.120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Wt.. 19 lbs. limiter, modulator and RF indicator.
94 SX 893. NET 129.50 Crystals supplied for 2182 kc, and a
MODEL MM -1 RF ANALYZER KIT. As above, but in kit form.
ship -to-ship frequency. With 6 v. re-
chargeable battery, antenna, mike.
83 SX 867. NET 99.50 12x71/4x121/4'. Wt., 401bs.
MODEL B SIDEBAND SLICER. For converting receivers with 450 to 500
83 SZ 836. NET 339.50
kc IF's for selective SSB reception. Either sideband selected with MODEL M35W FOR GREAT LAKES
flip of switch. Has built -in Q multiplier. Size, 51/4x81/4x13". For 110- JIR OPERATION. As above, but for 2003 -kc
120 v.. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 17 lbs. Great Lakes ship -to -ship frequency.
83 SX 817. NET 99.50 83 SZ 847. NET 339.50
970 Letter Z in Stock Number Indicates Express Shipment Only
RME Amateur Equipment
Barker & Williamson Amateur Gear MODEL 4350A RECEIVER. New, dual- conversion receiver designed
0 specifically for Amateur -band coverage. Offers many deluxe fea-
L- 1000 -A AMPLIFIER. Itere is a completely sell- contained (including tures usually found only in higher- priced units. Extremely high
power supply) kilowatt amplifier in desk -top size. A full "gallon" sensitivity and selectivity, plus exceptional ease of tuning. Covers
of SSB input; 875 watts CW. Uses pair of 813's with pi- network 160, 80 -75, 40, 20, 15 and 11 -10 meters; frequency ranges: 1.8 -2,
tank for precise adjustment and loading. Input circuit is broad - 3.5 -4,7 -7.3, 14- 14.35, 21 -21.5 and 27 -29.7 mc.
banded to eliminate grid tuning. Simply set bandswitch, apply drive,
tune and load final, and you're on the air! Requires approximately Features include: 2 microvolt sensitivity for 10 db signal -to -noise
80 watts drive, easily supplied by the 5100B transmitter. Output ratio; 100 -kc crystal calibrator; 4 positions of selectivity (3 positions
network matches 50 -75 ohm loads. Meter reads amplifier grid or with crystal filter; one non -crystal position); up to 35 db of notch
plate currents. Uses 4 -816 rectifiers in bridge circuit. Controls: rejection with crystal filter; drift of only 0.01% for first 20 minutes
Band Selector; Amplifier Tuning; Amplifier Loading; Grid -Plate with practically zero drift after warm -up; temperature compensated
Meter; Bias Adjust; and Off -On Tune -Operate switch. For 110 -120 components and rugged mechanical construction for excellent
v., 50 -60 cycle AC. 16x21 x15 ". Shpg. wt.. 110 lbs. stability. Large 8t/z" evenly graduated dial has differential mecha-
94 SZ 880. NET 460.00 nism which provides choice of 75:1 or 1:1 tuning ratio. Has "S"
meter; two coaxial jacks for Model 4301 SSB adapter (below);
MODEL 51S8-B SSB GENERATOR. Companion unit to the 51008 terminals for transmitter relay and break -in circuits.
o transmitter, the 51SB -B provides highest quality SSB transmis-
sion with a new high in operating convenience. Bandswitching from Controls: Tuning, AF gain, BFO pitch, BFO injection, antenna
80 through 10 meters. AM. CW and SSB can be selected by a switch trimmer, calibration adjust, band selector. RF gain, function (CW,
on the 5100B panel. Operating power is obtained from the 51008 or AGC. SSB /AGC. SSB /MGC), standby switch, crystal selectivity
any other suitable transmitter. Voice- operated control and speaker switch, crystal phasing /rejector, ANL off -on. Tubes: 6BZ6, 3-
anti -trip are built -in. Tubes: 2-
12ÁT7, 6CL6. 6V6; 4-
6ALS. 75 -ohm unbalanced output. Requires 6.3 v. @i 3.2 amp., and
61,8, 2 -6C136, 6T8, 6AQS; 5V3GT rectifier and 0A2 regulator.
Gray cabinet. 1Ox161/2x10". For operation from 110 -120 v.. 50-60
250 v. DC @ 130 ma. Size, 11u/zx10xt4% Shpg. wt., 27 lbs. cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 36 lbs.

94 SZ,889. -NET
97 SZ 607. NET 265.00
MODEL 4302 MATCHING SPEAKER. PM speaker in handsome case to
51008 TRANSMITTER. A self -contained -watt all -band transmit-
D ter of superior performance. Operates150
on 80 -75, 40, 20, 15, I and
match 4350A receiver. 10x81/2x51/2'. Shpg. wt.. 6 lbs.
10 meters with built -in VFO or with crystal control. With SSB
99 SX 049. NET 17.50
generator (above) the 51006 produces clean SSSC transmission.
VFO dial can be read to kc on all bands. 80 -meter crystals can be
used, making the rig useful to the Novice Amateur. Final amplifier selectpr for outstanding, easy -to -tune SSB reception. Plugs
is two 6146's in parallel, feeding a pi- network tank. Another pair of directly into the RME Model 4350A receiver listed above. Easy to
6146 tubes in AB, provide modulation, and can be used to drive a connect to other receivers.
higher -power modulator. Multiplier and driver stages are ganged Contains built -in power supply feeding extremely stable BFO,
for fast simplified tune -up. Grid -block CW keying is clean, crisp. balanced detector circuit, accurate phase shift network, and adder
Has built -in filtering for TVI reduction. Tubes: 6BH6, 2 -6ßJ6, and subtracter circuits. Front panel control selects upper or lower
5-6SQ5, 6118, 4 -6146, 5114GB, 2-
5R4GV, 003. For 110 -120 v.,
50 -60 cycle AC. Size, I u/xx22x14% ", Shpg. wt., 88 lbs.
sideband, double -sideband exalted carrier reception or normal
receiver operation. Switching between upper and lower sideband is
instantaneous and provides 40 db suppression of unwanted sideband.
97 SZ 606. NET 475.00 Improves the selectivity and signal -to -noise ratio for SSB, AM or
600 GRID -DIP METER. A valuable instrument in any ham shack
CW reception. Housed in handsome metal cabinet. Size, 10x8 1Ax
or laboratory. Covers 1.75 to 260 mc in 5 ranges, with color - HO'.With all cables for connection to RME 4350A. For 110 -120 volts,
coded plug -in coils. Can be used as grid -dip meter, absorption 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 16 lbs.
wavemeter, auxiliary signal generator, etc. Size, 3x3x7'. With rack 99 SX 023. NET 75.00
for holding unused coils. For operation from 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle
AC. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. MODEL DB23 PRESELECTOR. This broadband preselector tre-
D mendously boosts the gain and signal -to -noise ratio of Amateur
84 S 487. NET 39.75 receivers. Covers 80 -75, 40, 20, t5, and 11 -10 meter bands. Average
380 -B TR SWITCH. Provides fully automatic electronic antenna overall gain, 25 db. Improves signal-to -noise ratio to better than
changeover. Handles up to kw in 52 or 75 -ohm lines only. Ideal
7.5 db over that of the receiver alone: Allows optimum use of
for SSB, AM and CW. Requires Amphenol 83 -1T fitting. Size, crystal filters. Input circuits accurately match any standard anten-
3 %x3 t/zx5'. Sling. wt., 2 lbs. na. Operation is simple- broadband circuit requires no tuning.
Controls: Off-On, Band Selector and Antenna Peaking. Tubes:
98 5 775. NET 23.70 3 -6J6's plus rectifier. Knit is completely self -contained. Handsome
204 AUDIO PHASE -SHIFT NETWORK. For use in phasing -type SSB steel cabinet is finished in blue-gray to match RME equipment.
generators. Will split any audio signal in the 300 -3000 cps range Size, 5x73/4x6 ". For operation from 110 -120 volts, 50 -60 cycle AC.
into two components, equal in amplitude, but 90° *1.5° out of Shpg. wt.. 61/2 lbs.
phase with respect to each other. Extremely compact- mounted 98 5 751. NET 49.50
in octal -based shell no larger than a 6J5. Ideal for the "build-it-
yourself" SSB ham. Sltpg. wt., lb. 1


SS0 -A COAXIAL SWITCH. Five- position switch permitting selection of Shopping for a big trade -in on your old receiver or trans-
one of five coaxial circuits. Handles up to 1 kw RF, AM modulated. mitter? Be sure to drop a card to Allied. Tell us the make
Shpg. wt., 2 lbs. and model of the unit you'd like to trade and the equipment
97 S 608. NET 8.25 you want. You'll not only get a King-Size trade -in offer, but
you may be able to use our Easy Pay Plan. Your old equip-
551 -A COAXIAL SWITCH. (Not illus.) For switching devices in and ment should more than cover the down payment and you can
out of coaxial line. 2 positions. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs. pay the balance while enjoying the latest in station gear.
97 5 591. NET 7.95
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 211
NEW MODEL 3136 COMMUNICATOR III. gl MODEL 3046. Deluxe 6 -band mobile re- MODEL 3030 "SUPER SIX," Mobile con-
Complete 6-meter station in one port- in ceiver for really outstanding Amateur verter covering 75, 40, 20, 15, 11 and IO
able case. Operates from 110 -120 v.. 50 -60 reception- Covers 80 -75, 40. 20. 15 and 10 meters, plus t9 and 49 meter SW bands.
cycle AC. or 6 or 12 v. DC. Highly selective meters. plus 540 -2000 kc for broadcast and Excellent signal -to -noise ratio. Controls:
receiver covers 49 -54 mc; includes cascade 160 meters. Double conversion on all bands, .Antenna Trimmer. On -Off, Band Selector,
RF stage, AVC, 3 IF stages, noise limiter. and three tuned input circuits on high RF gain, Oscillator Compensator. and hi -lo
squelch, and 4' speaker. Transmitter: 5 -7 bands for excellent image rejection. High antenna impedance switch. Output. 1430
watts AM output; ganged tuning; uses 8- sensitivity, steep skirt selectivity and rug- kc. With cables. Gray metal case, 51/2x31/2x
mc crystals. With 19" whip; less crystals and ged stability for top AM, CW. and SSB 51/2". Requires 80 -135 v. DC at 10 ma., and
mike. 101/4x l I }4 x71z/e ". Shpg. wt.. 23 lbs. performance. Highly intelligible speech qual- 6 v. at 0.9 amp. Shpg. wt.. 5 lbs.
92SZ 304. NET 269.50 ity results from virtually flat -topped IF re- 84S913.NET 57.50
sponse with 3.5 kc bandwidth at 6 db down.
MODEL 3133 COMMUNICATOR Ill. As abve, Front panel includes "S" meter, antenna MODEL 3002 3 -30 MC CONVERTER. Con-
hut for L meters. Uses 8-mc crystals. trimmer. BFO pitch, audio and RF gain tinuous coverage from 3 to 30 mc in 3
92 SZ 305. NET 269.50 controls. Less power supply and speaker. ranges. Has high sensitivity on short whip
MODEL 3212 LINEAR AMPLIFIER. For use with 4 t/zx6Vzx9 ". Shpg. wt.. 9 lbs. antenna. Excellent for all -band mobile in-
Model 3136. Provides carrier output of 50- 83 S 831. NET 209.50 stallations. Requires 135 v. DC at 10 ma
and 6 volts at 0.75 amps. Output 1500 kc.
61 watts. 10x103/411". 30 lbs. MODEL 3069 POWER SUPPLY AND SPEAKER. With cables. St/ax3tx5t/e'. 5 lbs.
92 SZ 306. NET 169.50 3 -way power supply for G -66 receivers. For 84 S 954. NET 49.50
MODEL 3211 LINEAR AMPLIFIER. As above. 12 v. I)C or 115 v.. 60 cycle AC. Built -in
but for use with Model 3133. speaker. 4 t/zx6 t/z:4s/e'. 81 lbs. FM TUNERS AND ACCESSORIES
92 SZ 307. NET 169.50 83 S 832. NET 44.50 T, FM TUNERS. For mobile or fixed installa-
LJ tions. Include squelch circuit. Easily
G -77 MOBILE TRANSMITTER connected to AM receiver. Require 150 v.
DC at 14 ma; 6.3 v. at 1.8 amp. Size. 51/4:
MODEL 3116. New. 5 -band bandswitching transmitter (Fig. C). complete with built -in 31/2x5t/4'. 'Less squelch. Shpg. wt., S lbs.
VFO and separate mobile power supply (Fig. D). Covers 80-75, 40, 20. 15,10 meters. 83 S 822. Type 3009. 30 -40 mc.
Power input up to 60 watts on AM phone or CW. Final is type 6146 with a pi- network out- 83 S 823. Type 3010. 40 -50 mc.
put. Switch for crystal -controlled or VFO operation. Drum -type VFO dial exposes only 84 S 925. 'Type 3011. 88 -108 mc.
band in use. Driver- multiplier stages ganged with oscillator for single -knob exciter control. 83 S 824. Type 3012.152-162 mc
Heavy -duty. vibrator power supply operates from 6 or 12 v. DC -may be mounted in auto NET EACH 69.50
trunk. Transmitter features: 40 -to -1 bandapread ratio; press -to-talk system; built -in an-
tenna relay; metering of final and modulator; VFO- crystal switch. Size: Transmitter. 41/2x MODEL 3034 AUDIO AMPLIFIER, POWER
61/2x9"; power supply. 7 1/4x7 1/2x9". Shpg. wt.. 32 lbs. 0 SUPPLY 6 SPEAKER. For any Gonset
83 SZ 848. NET 289.50 tuner. For 6v. DC.6t/ex7x6t/4 ".8 lbs.
83 S 826. NET
MODEL 3022 MONITONE. Combination
code practice oscillator and phone or
Tiny CW monitor. Transformer -type power sup-
ply. Has built -in speaker and provision for
Team headphones. Separate tone and volume con-
trols. Uses RF pickup link to monitor trans-
s: mitter keying. S1/4x6z/4x4'. For 110 -120 v..
TCR -2 ATC -1 50 -60 cycle AC. Wt. 4 lbs.
MODEL TCR2. Versatile new, transistorized MODEL ATC -1. Unique. transistorized ham CLIPPER NOISE UMITER
portable receiver. A complete broadcast re- band converterl Entirely self- contained and MODEL 3001. Greatly reduces ignition
ceiver, with a 5- transistor circuit and built - self-powered, this tiny converter provides and similar types of interference. Easily
in speaker for full -toned output with plenty amazing performance on AM, CW and SSB installed on any receiver having diode sec-
of volume. Can be used in the home, in a in the 80, 40, 20. 15, and 10 meter bands. ond detector. 2x4x1 t/z'. 2 lbs.
car, or as a personal portable. A perfect Operates with any set; portable, AC -DC or 60 S 596. NET 9.95
companion unit for the ATC -1 (at right). mobile; provided with cable for instant con-
for Amateur use. Ideal for a quick and easy nection to Model TCR -2 matching receiver. NEW PUSH -BUTTON CONVERTER
mobile installation, or for portable or emer- Includes modified Q multiplier. Powered by
gency use. The TCR -2 is provided with an three penlight cells; total drain only 0.6 mal MODEL 3128. New. ultra-compact, push-
input matching network terminating in an Has drum -type slide rule dial, break -in jack. button converter for world -wide short-
high -Q permeability -tuned coils. Uses SB- wave reception in your car. Can be used
auto -type jack at rear of receiver. Provides
optimum coupling to the ATC -1 for recep-
tion of 80, 40, 20. 15 and 10-meter Amateur
bands. Operates for up to 200 hours from a
100 transistor as converter, and 2N169A
multiplier and BFO, with variable injec-
tion. Employs CK706 clamper to prevent
with any 12 v. auto radio that can be man-
ually tuned. Quickly and easily installed
no internal connections to car radio. Just
single battery. Size, only 33/4x43/4x41/6". damage to transistors. Less penlight cells. plug patch cable into antenna receptacle
I.ess battery. Shpg. wt., 311 lbs. 31/2x43/4z41/16". Wt.. 21/2 lbs. and clip power lead to 12 v. DC. Four push-
99S174.NET 39.95 99 5 167. NET 79.50 buttons select 49, 31. 19 and 13 meter bands
for day and night shortwave reception. Fifth
TYPE 2N6 BATTERY. For use with above. TYPE Z PENLIGHT CELL. For above. Three re- button is for standard broadcast band. Size.
Shpg. wt.. S oz. quired. Wt.. each, 2 oz. 2 3/4x53/4x4 1/2'. Shpg- wt.. 2 lbs.

80 J 684. NET 1.30 53 1 031. NET EACH 9c 92 S 303. NET... .. . 29.95

111 See Pages 275 -277 for a Complete Selection of Amateur Antennas and Crystals
Quality Mobile Equipment



Superb new dual -conversion superhet Superior mobile converter for 80 -75,
receiver for 80 -75, 40, 20, 15 and 10 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters. Separate, in-
meters. Also available with built -in broad- dividually-tuned coils on each band. Each
cast tuner (see below). Outstanding sensi- band is spread over the full length of the
MULTI -ELMAC GEAR tivity and selectivity; improved noise limiter slide -rule dial. Temperature compensated.
effectivelysuppresses pulse noise interference. 10 high -Q RF and mixer coils; S adjustable
Model M-67 Trans-Citer. Highly versatile, Sensitivity: IA, for 14 db signal -to -noise oscillator coils. Requires 200-225 volts DC
0 low- powered transmitter for fixed -sta- ratio on 10 meters. Selective band pass: at 20 ma and 6 or 12 volts for filaments.
tion or portable use. Also excellent as ex- Narrow, 2.8 kc; wide, 9.2 kc at 6 db down. Steel case, 4x53/4x7 ". Supplied complete
citer and speech amplifier for high -power Power requirements: 270 v. @ 70 ma; see with mounting bracket, shielded cable, plug.
amplifier. Power input, 60 watts on AM, power supplies listed below. Size, 4 /sxl lr/s Shpg. wt., 10 lbs.
CW or NBFM. Bandswitching on 160, 80-
75, 40, 20, 15 and 11 -10 meters for conven-
x71/4". Less speaker. Wt., 11 lbs.
99 S 133. NET 79.95
ient all -band operation. 94 SZ 847. NET
"Falcon" With BCT Built -In Tuner Includes MB-560-A TRANSMITTER
Built-in, temperature -compensated VFO. broadcast band coverage. Shpg. wt., 12 lbs. Highly popular, all -band, mobile trans-
Provision for crystal operation. Pi- network
output. 5- circuit metering. Tubes: 6146 94 SZ 848. NET 189.00 0 mitter. 90 watts input on C\\'; 60 watts
power amplifier, 6AQ5 driver, 6AG5 multi- input on AM phone. Covers 80-75, 40, 20,
plier, 6AK6, oscillator, 6BJ6 reactance MBR -5 RECEIVER 15 and 10 meters. Pi-network output sep-
modulator, 0B2 voltage regulator, 6AU6 Excellent 80-10 meter dual conversion arately tuned in final stage. Built -in VFO.
speech amplifier, 12AU7 speech driver.
5881 modulators. Controls: Power Off-On,
2- D
superhet; 0.5 AV sensitivity on all bands.
For SSB, AM, CW. Oscillators are temper-
Special 2-section tuning capacitor allows
bandspreading on 20, 15 and 10 meters.
Bandswitch, Final Loading, Plate Tuning, ature and voltage compensated; second osc. Completely TVI suppressed. Takes carbon.
Grid Drive, VFO Spotting switch, VFO crystal controlled. Built-in 100 -kc crystal dynamic or crystal mike. All stages are
Freq., VFO -Xtal. Meter switch, Audio Gain. calibrator; highly effective squelch circuit. gang-tuned. Relay switches antenna and
Rear apron has: AM-NBFM -CW switch, Illuminated "S" meter -may be used as mutes receiver during transmission. Re-
High -Low Impedance Mike switch, power field- strength meter for transmitter tune- quires 6 or 12 v. DC for filaments and 250 v.
connections. up. Less speaker and power supply. Size, DC at 75 ma and 300 -600 v. DC at 200 ma.
Requires 475 v. DC at 170 ma and 225 v. 4x11 t%x6t/z ". Shpg. wt., 15 lbs. 41/4x1l%x714 ". \ \t., 17 lbs.
DC at 60 ma. Filaments require 6 or 12 v. 84 SZ 917. NET 224.50 84 SZ 918. NET 214.50
DC or AC. Simple jumper connection used
to change from 6 to 12 volt operation. Size, ACCESSORIES FOR MORROW GEAR
7x11'/zxllt/s ". Shpg. wt., 20 lbs. RVP -250 Power Supply. For M BR -5 Receiver RAP -250 -S AC Power Supply & Speaker Corn -
98 SZ 091. NET 177.00 or low- voltage supply for MB- 560-A. 6/12 binotion. For M BR -5. Contains twin speak-
PS -2V 115V. AC Power Supply. For AF -67.
v. DC input. 8x5x3 %e. Wt., 15 lbs. ers. 3s/exó'/zxlOW. For 110 -120 v., 50 -60
84 S 919. NET 39.95 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 15 lbs.
Sting. wt.. 30 lbs. 41.50
98 SZ 760. NET SH -7 Speaker and Case. For MBR -5. Metal
99 SX 134. NET
case; hammertone enameled. Wt., 4 lbs. GC -10 Generator Noise Filter. For 10 -meter
CFS -1 Connecting Cable. Connects PS -2V mobile use. Minimizes generator noise. Tun-
and AF -67. Shpg. wt., 8 oz. 84 S 920. NET 11.50
able. Shpg. wt.. 1 Ib.
98 S 761. NET 4.75 RTS -600.5 AC Power Supply and Speaker. In- 84 S 933. NET 3 95
put. 110 v., 60 cycle AC; supplies power for
PMR -7 Receiver. A double- conversion su- receiver and transmitter. 5x7" speaker. GC -20 Generator Noise Filter. As above,
perhet for outstanding mobile reception. Shpg. wt., 25 lbs. but for 20-meter use.
Sensitivity exceeds that of many fixed -sta- 94 SZ 849. NET 107.50 84 S 911. NET 3.95
tion receivers. Covers 160, 80 -75, 40, 20, 15
and 10-meter bands and 540 -1650 kc. Slide -
rule dial has scales for each band. JAMES POWER SUPPLIES
First IF is 2238 kc. for extreme image Model C -1050 Mobile Supply. Dual- vibrator mobile power
rejection. Second oscillator is crystal con- o supply for both transmitter and receiver. Provides high
trolled for maximum stability. Second IF and low transmitter voltages in addition to receiver "B"
is 262 kc. HF oscillator is voltage regulated. voltage. Adjustable tap provides any combination of three
Includes adjustable squelch circuit which voltages from 150 to 450. Typical combination: Transmitter,
operates on t//µv signal. Built -in noise limit- 450 volts at 170 ma and 225 volts at 60 ma. Oversize filters
er, variable BFO, variable BFO injection. assure hash -free receiver voltage. Includes receiver muting
RF gain control, delayed AVC. Antenna relay for automatic receiver control during transmitting
input for 50 to 75-ohm coax line. All coils periods. Tap allows connecting an external relay for switch-
are individually shielded for maximum sta- ing antenna from transmitter to receiver. Has standard TV-
bility and freedom from interaction. Slide - type selenium rectifiers and standard 4 -prong 6 -volt vibrat-
rule dial is illuminated; headphone jack on ors. For 6 or 12 volts DC. 61/2x10x6". Wt., 13 lbs
rear of chassis. Filaments operate from 805156 NET 48.95
either 6 or 12 volts. 83 SX 112. Above, in kit form. NET 39.15
Tubes: 6BZ6 RF amplifier; 6BE6 1st con-
verter; 6C4 first oscillator; 6BÁ6 1st IF New Model Mobile-Fixed Supply. Heavy -duty
C -1470
amplifier; 6X8 2nd converter and crystal o power supply for mobile or fixed use. Powers both
oscillator; 6BJ6 2nd IF amplifier; 613J7 transmitter and receiver. Works from 12 v. DC, or 110 -120
detector- AVC-ANL; 6AN8 1st audio & v., 50-60 cycle AC. May be used for AC operation of mobile
squelch, 6AQ5 output. 12AU7 FIFO and equipment when car is parked convenient to power outlet.
isolation amplifier. Size, 41/2x7x91/2". Shpg. Delivers filtered receiver power of 200 or 250 v. at 100 ma.
wt., 11 lbs. Transmitter voltages: 150 or 225 v. at 70 ma, simultaneous-
83 S 842. NET 159.00 ly with 4C0 or 500 v. at 200 ma. 95 watts of DC power avail-
able. Uses TV-type selenium rectifiers for high efficiency
Model PSR -612 Power Supply. For above. In- (60-70 %). Has control relay for receiver muting while trans-
put: 6 or 12 volts DC. Size, 41/2x41/2x91/2". mitting. With vibrators, fuses, 12 -v. adapter plug, AC cord
Shpg. wt., 10 lbs. and plug. 6yx10x6t/z ". Shpg. wt., 17 lbs.
83 S 843. NET 34.00 80 SX 159. NET 68.55
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 273
Selected Values In Amateur Equipment
Apre.. ,........ un.
nicatin. r , r .I.- ... .......
signed for the most dl --
criminating user. Conti:,
uousty tunable from 5 NI
kc to 31 mc in six :c i-
rately- calibrated bamt
with full electrical band-
spread. Employs dual
conversion almve 5.4 mc
. @

for improved image rejec-

tion of better than 60 db.
Sensitivity: less than S yv from 540 kc to 1500 kc; extremely high sensi-
tivity of 1µv on higher bands at 10 db. S/N ratio. Exceptional selectivity
-variable in 6 steps from 250 cps to 5 kc. Includes accurate
crystal calibrator. Uses front -end grounded -grid RF amplifier above 3.3
mc for improved image rejection and S/N ratio.'
Tube complement: 6Aß4 RF amplifier, 6CB6 RF amplifier, 6AÚ6 1st
converter, GAGS 1st HFO, 6Bß6 2nd converter /HFO 4-6BA6 IF
TECRAFT VHF EQUIPMENT amplifiers. GALS detector /noise limiter. 6AG5 BFO, 12AX7 AVC /audio
TR -20/50 Transmitter. 20-25 watt transmitter for the 6 -meter amplifier, 6V6 audio output, 6CB6 calibrator; SU4G rectifier and
band. Uses 8 -mc crystals in Pierce oscillator -eliminates tricky over - ()A2 V R.
tone circuits. No frequency multiplication in final stage -reduces radiated
harmonics. Has 6A1J6 oscillator, 5763 buffer-doubler, 6360 amplifier. Includes highly effective ANL; calibrated "S" meter; antenna trimmer;
12AN7 speech, 2 -6AQS modulators. Requires 6.3 v. i 3.89 amp and crystal phasing; dial locks. Fast-acting AVC keeps output constant even
250 v. DC to amp. Matches 52 or 72-ohm coaxial lines. Size, 91/2x with severe fading of the input signal. Features a variable bandwidth
51/2x5'. With crystal. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs. audio filter; power takeoff socket for accessories; input for emergency
83 5 856. NET 59.95 power; utility AC outlet; audio input for SSB and IF output for SSB
T R- 20/144 Transmitter. Same as above, but for 2 meters-has addi- slicer; phono input jack with phono off -on switch. 2 watts audio outpput.
tional 5763 buffer- multiplier. Output impedances: 4, 8, 16, and 600 ohms. Size 10x20x15'. Less
speaker. For 105 -125 v., 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 61 lbs.
83 S 854. NET 59 .95 94 SZ 895. NET 495.00
PT R -2 Power Supply. For above transmitters, and also the Tecraft
Delivers continuous 6.3 volts ® 6 amps, 6.3 volts 0 4
0 converters. volts Matching Speaker. For GPR -90 receiver. Shpg. wt., 11 lbs. 16.50
amps. and 250 DC ®u/ amp. Has send- receive switch for disabling SX 891. NET ET
transmitter or receiver at appropriate times. Size, 51/2x91/2:6'. For 110-
120 AC. Shpg. wt., 17 lbs.
83 5 899, NET 39.95
M -6 6 -Meter Converter. The "Mini -Verter" for 6 meters. A nat- NEW HAMMARLUND
ural for mobile use. Chassis is only 21/2x5x21/2i .excluding tubes and HC -10 CONVERTER
crystal. Uses wide -band circuit to achieve 1 -mc. coverage of the 6-
meter band. Tune broadcast receiver from 550 kc to 1550 kc to cover Unique converter provides d ual conver-
50 -S1 mc. Crystal -controlled oscillator provides extreme stability. Re- sion operation for increased selectivit>
quires 6.3 v. ®1/2 amp and 100 v. DC ® 8 ma. Shpg. wt., .3 lbs. and higher gain with any superhet hav
83 S 852. NET 25.95 ing an IF between 450 and 500 Kc. Bas-
CC -6 -144 2 -Meter Converter. 2 -meter cascode converter. Pro- ically an IF and audio system with all
vides 30 db gain sensitivity: .1 µv for 6 db SNR. Noise figure: 4 db. the electrical and mechanical aids for
as 6-mc paseband, 6 db points; may be peaked to favor any portion of the ultimate in SSA /CW and AM
band. Has 6BZ7 RF amp, 2- 6CB6, and 2 -6J6. IF output frequency: MCW reception. Compact and corn
pletely self-contained -all
14 -18 mc, crystal controlled. Requires 6.3 v. ® 2.4 amps and 150 -250 v.
DC ra 43 ma maximum. Can be used in any position. 14 -18 mc. output. are plug -in type except speaker. Choi, -,
With tubes and crystal. Size, less tubes: 91/2 x3x41/2= . Wt., 31/2 lbs:42.50 of either one or both sidebands simul-
83 S 850. NET taneously. 60 -Kc IF has 3 positions of
CC1 -144. As above, but Deluxe model with 36 db gain. selectivity from 1 to 3 kc on either side -
44.95 hand; 4 positions from .5 to 6 kc on both
83 $ 857, NET
CC6 -60 6 -Meter Converter. As above, but 6 meters. (50-54 mc).
sidehands lla bifilar T -trap slot filter
with 60 db suppression of co- channel interference. Vernier passhand
83 851.
S NET 42.50 t .3 kc. Combination noise limiter and squelch control. Linear
CC -60. As above. but 6 -meter Deluxe model with 36 db gain. product detector for CW and SSS reception. RFO has linear range of
83 S 858. NET 44.95 .2 kc. Fast -attack,-off3 -speed delayed AVC circuit. Manual volume con-
trol. AC power take for receiver. 9 tubes plus rectifier. Less speaker.
P -1 Power Supply. For Tecraft converters above. Provides plate Size. 91/2x91/2 x71/2'. For operation from 105 -125 v., 50 -60 cycle AC.
and filament power. Delivers 6.3 v. AC ß 3 amps and 200 v. DC O
50 ma. Size, 51/2x91/2x5'. For operation from 110 -120 v., 50-60 cycle AC. 94 SX 8231.7 NET 149.00
83$ 853. 6NET 17.95 Additional Hommorlund equipment listed on page 267




M C JONES 71,.
"ice Model TA -33. Precision -tuned and matched
Model 261.1 Antenna Coupler. For use with three -clement, rotary beam array. Provides
Model 262 indicator for measuring RP' power outstanding performance on 10, 15. and 20-
and VSWR. Rated for kw at 1:1 VSWR. 52- meter Amateur bands -without switching!
Weighs only 40 lbs., assembled. Rated for 1 kw

GENERAL CRYSTAL ALL -BAND ohm, coaxial UHF type connectors. Range: .5- phone transmitter input power. Has up to 8
225 me. Less than 0.1 db power loss. Size.
Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
decibels forward gain with 25 decibels front-to-
back ratio at 1.5:1 SWR.
All -band loading coils and antennas. Permit 99 5 117. NET
operation on 80 through 10 meters with one Model 262 Inds Measures relative pow- Exclusive Mosley trap design provides excep-
109 -ft. dipole and untuned feeder. SWR is 3:1
er, forward or reflected; (1-10- 100 -1000 watts.
tional stability and power- handling capacity.
or better when operated within 100 kc of reso- 41/2x41/2x430'. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs.
Resonant circuits of to aps are enclosed in over-
nance. Peaked for either CW or phone bands size aluminum element sections. Weather and
as indicated below. *Transmitter input. 99 S 118. NET 14.50 dirt -proofed. Streamlined design offers mini-
Coll Sets. Complete with instructions. mum wind resistance. Tuned for broadband
response characteristics-gives excellent results
Stock No. Type Wt. Per Pr. LAKESHORE TONEMASTER over full bandwidth. For use with Type
83 S 888 5BC -F kw phone 2 lbs. 12.50 KG -8 /U coaxial cable.
kw CW 2 lbs. 12.50 Completely self- contained, sell
83 S 889 5BC -C powered audio sine wave en:: Double thickness aluminum element center sec-
83 S 886 HC-SF kw phone 3 lbs. 19.95 erator -ideal for making the tions. One -piece. 11 -inch diameter, 14 -foot
Complete Antennas. Wired and tested. In- two -tone test in SSB transmis- aluminum boom. No bracing required. Maxi-
clude copperclad wire. all insu ators, coil set, sion. Completely portable-uses mum element length, 28 feet. Turning radius,
a tiny P -N -P type transistor and 151/2 feet. Supplied complete with all necessary
88-ft. 72-ohm twin lead. Overa I length of di- two penlight batteries. Off -On/ mounting hardware and instructions, ready for
pole, III ft. l'eaked for phone bands. Output control. Max. output. assembly. Heavy -duty, universal mast mount-
Typa 5BA -F. 1 kw input. Wt., 101bs. over I4 v. rms. Less batteries. ing plate fits masts with up to 1 Vz inches out-
92 C 233. NET 27.50 41/2x21/2x21/2.. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs. side diameter. Shpg. wt., 53 lbs.
Type HA -6F. I kw input. Wt., 11 lbs. 12.95 92 SZ 360. NET 99.75
92 C 226. NET 33.95 83 S 861. NET
$74 Esspreu Shipment Recommended for Amateur Equipment
Amateur Antennas and Accessories
"MATCHSTICK" ANTENNA .>it..%....,,...
Top -Performing
New. vertical anten- Units
na for 80 -75, 40, 20.
15 and 11-10 meters.
Features motor -driv-
en, remote -controlled
switch for matching
antenna length to
band selected. Verti-
cal radiator is 35 feet
long; made of dur- TELREX
able. hard -tempered. ANTENNAS o
2' -dia. aluminum.
Accurately pre -ad- New Tatra: Modal TB -2E -10 -15-20
lusted at factory. "Tri- Bond ". 2- element, wide- spaced an-
Low SWR on all tenna featuring single transmission line and
bands -less than 2 to excellent operation on 10, 15 and 20 meters
1.Impedance is 52 without switching. Front -to -back ratio is 19
ohms. For transmit- db. or better, on each band. Standing wave
ter inputs up to 1 kw. With base. base insula- ratio is 1.2 to one, or better, on each band. Fac-
tor. matching unit, control box and nylon guy tory precision tuned and adjusted for direct
ropes. Less control cable and radials. Control 52 ohm coaxial feed or through a 1/1 broad-
box size, 3'14sx31/2x3 %r. For 110-120 volts, 60 band "balun ". Will handle at least 2.5 kw on
cycles AC. Shpg. wt., 47 lbs. all bands; 1.2 kw when used with "balun ".
92 SZ 234. NET 129.50 Longest element length, 32' 10'. Boom is 2'
in diameter and 16 ft. long. Turning radius is
Control Cable For "Matchstick" Connects 18 ft. Equipped with heavy -duty gusset mount-
to terminal strip provided on rear of control ing plate for mounting 2' O.D. mast sum ort.
box. Belden (8742. Wt., 31/2 lbs. per 100'. Ruggedly built of heavy -gauge aluminum and Superior
48 W 892. PER FT 54 PER 100 FT...3.82 steel; designed to withstand winds of hurricane "Mini- Beam" m
velocity. Shpg. wt., 50 lbs.
"E -Z WAY" TILT-OVER TOWER 92 SZ 358. NET 158,00
Series 66 Rotaries. New, precision -tuned
and matched arrays; designed to meet rigid Model 1030 -S 3- Element -10 Motors.
commercial specifications, but priced for the High efficiency "Super Mini-Beam". Ideal
Amateur. Series 56 units all include stainless for installations where space is restricted. 7.5
steel fastenings; taper -swaged elements insu- db gain over tuned half -wave dipole; 21 db
lated from the boom by molded phenolic front -to -back ratio. Boom length. 9'; longest
brackets; hairpin -resonated and coaxial- balun- element length, 13' 7'. Wt., 9 lbs.
matched arrays for superb performance. High- 92 SZ 251. NET 3ó.5O
est gain per element and beat signal -to -noise
Modal GPRBS 60 -60. Here's a
and signal -to- interference ratios ever achieved
in a unit of this kind for Amateur communica-
Model 2M3C 3- Element -2 M . 9.4 db
gain over tuned half -wave dipole; 18 db front -
tower that really goes way up to tions. With extra -heavy gusset plate mounting to -back ratio. Boom length, 3d'; length of
snag the DX, but which can be
cranked down and laid over on its
for easy attachment to 2' O.D. mast. Pre- tuned,
matched, and ready to assemble.
longest element, 3' 6'. Will mount on
O.U. mast. Shpg. wt., 21/2 lbs.
l' or 11/2'
side for work on the antenna.
Made of cylindrical steel rod and Model 15M56 -57 2- Element-15 Meters. 92 SZ 219. NET 5.95
structural pipe to give greatest "Deluxe Super Minibeam ". 4.8 db gain over
tuned half -wave dipole; 14 db front -to -back
Model 2M6C 6- Element -2 Meters. Op-
timum-spaced.12.7 db gain over tuned half -
strength. Full height. 65 ft. ratio. Boom length, 6' 10'; longest element wave dipole. Front -to -back ratio, 22 db. Boom
Mounts in a single, 5 -ft. deep hole length, 18' 9'. Shpg. wt., 22 lbs. length, 8' 6'; length of longest element. 3' 6'.
without concrete. Requires no guy a

wires. Will support a 3- element 92 SZ 270. NET
20 -meter "Minibeam" or a 2 -ele-
ment 40 -meter Minibeam" in
Model 20M56 -79 2- Element 20 Meters.
"Super Mini - Beam ". 4.8 db gain over tuned
92 SZ 273.1NEET
Model 6M3 D 3- Element ---6 Meters. Op-
winds up to 50 miles per hour. half -wave dipole; 14 db front -to -back ratio. timum- spaced 8.8 db gain over tuned half -wave
Tower is electrically welded and Boom length, 10'; longest element length, 29'. dipole antenna; front-to -back ratio. 26 db.,
galvanized to insure resistance to Boom length, 6'. Longest element, 8' 8'. Shpg.
corrosion. Tower locks into posi-
tion at any height up to maximum
92 SZ 271 ? NET 89,00
of 65 ft. Provision for installing Model 20M66-112 3- Element-20 Misters. 92 SZ1250. NET 16.25
rotator; specify type of rotator to
be used, and the proper mount
Deluxe medium -spaced array. 8.7 db gain over
half -wave tuned dipole; 24 db front -to-back
Model 6M6C 6- Elmnt -6 Meters 12.7 db
gain over half -wave dipole; 22 db front -to -back
will be supplied. Furnished com- ratio. Boom length, 18'; longest element, 32' ratio. Boom length, 23' 4'; longest element,
plete with ground post, crank -up lbs.
mechanism for raising or lowering 92 SZ 272 NET . 130.00 8'
O Ibs
tower, mast and full instructions.
92 SZ 246. NET 260,00 TELREX R100S ROTATOR AND
Florida, or (hicago, whichever is One of the finest medium -dutt rotators:nailable for Amateur
nearer. E -Z fray tower is also avail- use. Powered by two reversible shaded -pole motors, spur -
able under Allied's Easy Payment geared down to provide high torque. Rotates up to 3 baya of
Flan. On cash orders, please send 3- element "Super- Minibeams" on one mast. Heavy -duty
full remittance -no ('.0.1). ship - gearing eliminates possibility of gear damage. For 110-120 v.,
'vents. Allied can supply E -Z Way 60 cycle AC. Size, 121/2x41/2xS'. Less connecting cable (see
',errs in other sires, including the below). Shpg. wt., 11 lbs.
long.! tower, 120 feet in height. 92 SX 274. NET 99.75
It rile. for further information and
literature concerning these models. Belden Type 8463 Power Cable. For use with above rotator.
Shpg. wt., 51/4 lbs. per 100'.
47 T 420. NET PER 100-ft. Spool 5.39
CD AMATEUR ROTATORS Direction- Control Indicator Dos. Consists of selsyn drive,
mounting plate, terminal board, and color -compass indicator
box containing control switch, transformer and mating selsyn.
Less cable (see below). Shpg. wt., 71/2 lbs.
92 S 359. NET 59.00
8- Conductor Control Cable. 22 -gauge conductors, for up to
100 ft. between units. Shpg. wt., 31/2 lbs. per 100'.
47 T 586. NET PER 100 -ft. Spool 4.73
4.44 4- Conductor Cable. 20-gauge conductors; use doubled for
greater than 100-lt. distances between units. Shpg. wt., 21/2 Has Two Reversible
Brand -new, hcacs duty rotator lbs per 100'.
with control unit -specially de- 97 T 365. NET PER 100 -ft. Spool 2.70 Shaded Pole Motors
signed for exacting Amateur ap-
plications. Solenoid-operated elec- AMPHENOL FOLDED DIPOLES
tric brake locks rotator in any po-
sition. Takes wind or racking load Folded -dipole antenna kits for transmitting and receiving on
from gear train or motor when rotor is at rest. individual bands. Precisely cut to provide top performance on
Rotator delivers 360 inch -pounds torque. For the four most popular Amateur band Excellent broadband
masts from r/s' to 2' O.D. For control cable characteristics. Antenna sections use high -strength, weather -
(listed below) see page 181. For 110 v., 60 cycle resistant 300 -ohm twin -line with coppe -clad steel conductor..
AC. Shpg. wt., 23 lbs. May be cut to match short-wave, FM o other bands. Supplied
Model HAM -A. Stops at pre -set direction. with T -block assembly and 75 feet of standard 300-ohm twin -
Ilse Belden /8447 cable. line for use as feeder.
92 SX 356. NET 97.51 No. Type Band Feet Wt., Lbs. EACH
Model HAM -M -Motor Typs. Control but- 985318 139 -010 2 5.24
ton is depressed until setting is correct. Use 98 S 319 139 -020 20 or 15 35 3 5.e8
Belden 18448 cable or equivalent. 98 S 320 139 -040 25-40 70 4 7.64
92 SX 357. NET 97.51 98 S 321 139 -080 80 133 5 1 1.02
See Pages 180 -183 for Complete Selection of Wire and Cable 275
Mobile Antennas & Conelrad Equipment


985301. MODEL 140J. Economy
88 -60MOBILE ANTENNA. High -gain
whip antenna supplied in two sections to
apart to al-
0 97TENNA. 1o
SX 148. 113 VHF ROOF -TOPinAN-
140-165 mc. Mounts
hole. 10' coax cable. lb. NET
3 88
D bumper mount. NET 4.09
97 5 160. MODEL 140X. Heavy -duty bump-
permit all -band operation; comes mount. NET 79r
low insertion of Ultra-Hi-q, 80. 40 or 20 meter VHF ROOF-TOP AN- er
loading coil or All Bander 666 coil. Serves as 92 5X 355. 613
a 10 -meter antenna when used without coils. TENNA. model S 224. MODEL 321 SWIVEL -BASE
Has s/" threaded stud to fit mounts listed and be- Ak coaxconnector. NET 4.85 a BODY MOUNT. Same as 232C. below
left, but less spring. NET 7 79
low. Length. 108'. Supplied lees mount 975X 149. 114 COAXIAL 5 ANTENNA. For
coils. Shpg. wt.. 6 lbs.
98 SX 359. NET 9.70 140 -165 mc. 10' coax cable. lbs. NET 9.75 -92 S 222. "MASTER- FLEX -R ".supports Strain -
relief spring. Mounts above coil;
ULTRA- HI -"O" ANTENNA COILS Newly 97 SZ 155.100/-4965 96' WHIP ANTENNA. top of whip. 4t/zxr/s'. Shpg. wt.. 1 lb. NET 911

developed coils for use with mobile antennas. stud. Less mount.
Feature extremely high "Q"-measured by Shpg. wt.,2lbs. NETreaded 5 14 98 SX 356.MODEL GP-4 4"GROUND
manufacturer at well over 5151 Windings
air- spaced. Weather-sealed. Shpg. wt.. 1 ib.
100 -605 60' WHIP. a a PLANE ". 2 -meter antenna. droop-type
radials. Impedance. 52 ohms. Coax cable 5con-
97 5 X 166. EAs 83
80 METER 2'iri 8' but 60' long. Shpg. wt., ve. .
nector. Shpg. wt.. 1 lb. NET
92 S 352 ETIL. 5.14 EXTENSION. r/e' NMODEL 2496 -6 "MASTER- MATCH-
97 5X 154. 9218' WHIP and
40 METER COIL. aded stl
threaded end collet at other. E R ". Remote tuner for any mobile, loaded
92 S 353. NET ...5.14 lb. NET 43 ip from 160-10 meters. Dashboard control ofd
to any freq-
20 METER COIL. 21/2x3'.
inductance for peaking antennaField strength
5.14 98 SZ 302. 9 -96T LOW -COST 96' WHIP. uency in an Amateur band.
92 S 354. NET Cadmium -plated. %' threaded stud. I.ess meter on dash unit. Inductor box. 61/4x4 1/4x
-'Q" variable mount. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. NET 3 67 4'4'. Dash unit 41/2:311/4x231/4'. For 6 v. DC.
antenna coil; tunes from 10 to 75 meters. 24.45
be used with M aster Mobile 88-60 listed above, 92 S 223. MODEL 10 -H "TENAHOLD". 925220. NET
or other mobile antennas. Size, 13y4:2r/s'. Ties down end of whip to clear garage roofs, etc.
Shpg. Fastens to car gutter. Wt., 3 oz. N e8t MODEL 2496 -12. As above, but for 12v. DC.
14.65 92 S 221. NET 24.45
97 167. NtETbs For an-
tennas with W threaded stud. Av. shpg. micrometer matching inductor for matching
JOHNSON "WHIPLOAD 6" COIL models (below and above right). any coaxial cable to any mobile antenna. 83-
MODEL 260-26.Bandswitch- wt., 3 lbs. Mounts on standard coax fitting (Requires
ing loading coil for 10 -meter IT "T" adapter). Permits adjustment to min--
mobile whip antennas. Pro-
vides operation on 10 -meter
L spring swiveMODEL
g. NET
with coax
8 57
imum SW R. 4 microhenries inductance; silver
plated coil and roller contacts. With coax
Shpg. 2 lbs.
through 75 -meter bands. Cali-
brated dial scale makes it easy 225. ET
92 St 7.79
MODEL 232XC. Heavy-duty
to set coil accurately. De-
signed for high "Q' . l'er-
s 7n o1 7. 65 MODEL 300 "MASTER PLANE". A4
manently protected against 98 5 304. MODEL 232 X55C.NET... Heavy -duty a highly effective 2 -meter antenna. Features
drooping and 4 straight radials for low -angle of
damage and weathering by stainless steel version of 232C. 14.65 radiation. With 3 -ft. mast and coax connector.
sturdy Fiberglas housing. Impedance. 52 ohms. Shpg. wt.. 3 Ibis.
98 5 300. MODEL 132JC. Economy version 12.69
98 5 396.3 NET 16.95 of 232C. NET 07 98 5X 357. NET


Morrow Modal CM -1 Conelrad Monitor. New, high -performance
Amoco Model C D -1. New, low-cost Conelrad monitor. Converts any monitor. Designed for rugged round -the -clock service. Separate
a radio having AVC into effective alarm system. Single 12AU7 dual - required -sensitive 4 -tube superhetrodyne
broadcast band receiver not and
triode functions as trigger tube and tone generator. Loss of broadcast circuit provides both visual audible alarm indications; coversbuilt
station carrier removes AVC from trigger -tube causing tone generator to use of
1700 kc. Unit qualifies for Commercial applications through
alarm signal. No broadcast sig-
produce constant -frequency audio note asFunction in DC amplifier and relay circuit for external alarm (tube and relay not
nal is heard during monitoring periods. switch on front panel audio
mutes radio for monitoring or allows normal
tening. Has separate On-Off switch. Quickly
operation for broadcast lis-
installed -simply solder
do; -i4t
'PM speaker provides audible signal.
200 miles with antenna supplied. Calibrated
Has range of up t
dial indicates Conelrad
leads of connecting cable (supplied) to AVC, 1st audio supplies grid and B+ (re- frequencies. Gray -hammerloid metal cabinet. 5%x41/2x8'. For 110-120 Y.
quires 150 v. at I ma). Built -in filament transformer 6.3 volts
in attractive copper 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. vt., 6% lbs. 39.50
to 12,117. Easily modified for mobile use. Housed Size, For 94 5 845. NET
and black case. With tube, cable, instructions. 611/4x33/4x2'.
Relay for Above. Potter- Brumfield Type SM5LS. SPDT. Wt , 5 oz.
110-120 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.. 2'% lbs. 14.95 75 949. NET
94 S 888. NET Conalert II
Ksar Model 1178906 Conelrad Monitor. The new, designed for 24-
Regency Modal CD -2 Transistorized Conelrad receiver. Monitor. A new, is a precision engineered superheterodyne receiver hospitals, industry-
completely self-contained monitor and broadcastbatteries. Ideal for hour automatic monitoring. For radio stations, Monitors any one of 5 pre -set
fixed, portable or mobile use. Powered by only two the three- wherever continous operation is important. of broadcast carrier automatic-
hours of operation in the "C -D"
transistor TRF circuit provides over 500 loopstick channels including 640 and 1240 kc. Loss 5' PM speaker for listening to
monitoring position. Has built -in ferrite antenna.for use in strong signal ally lights red indicator lamp. connects alarm system. Features: Fail -
areas, antenna jack for use with external Regeneration adjust- Conelrad messages and activates external attention if major component
able for maximum sensitivity. Off /Radio/C -D-D" switch selects desired safe circuit activates alarm for immediate low -Z antennas; audible and
function. Built-in 3' PM speaker is muted in "C position; audio note or tube fails; separate inputs for high -and microvolts. Selectivity: 6 db
Gray -wrinkle visual monitoring. Alarm Sensitivity: 5
is produced only when broadcast carrier is interrupted. batteries; requires 1 down at .3 kc; 40 db down at .14 kc. Output: 2 watts. Controls: Off -
aluminum front panel. Less Chan-
aluminum case, bright
of each type listed below. 41/4x31/4x4Á.'. Shpg. wt.. 2'ßz lbs.
On Volume; External Alarm Off-On; Monitor Aural- Silent -Reset;Less ex-
99 5 174. NET 29.50 09 nel tubes plus
cle AC. Shpg. wt.. 27 lb...
53 J 031. Burgess Z call. 3 oz. NET
trsSelector. For 0 20 y., 50-60 cMetal 40.00
80 J 684. Burgess 2N6. 5 oz. NET I 30 94 SZ 890. NET

276 Depend on Allied for Everything in Radio, TV and Industrial Electronics

Ham Accessories

75 -5 90605 3256
Unaffected by moisture, dust particles. vibrations. X-ray oriented, BUD FCC -90A FREQUENCY CALIBRATOR. Quickly establishes
optically lapped and stabilized to insure high activity. Wt., 3 oz. edges when used with communications receiver. Consists of 100 -kc
crystal oscillator and trimmer condensers. With built -in power sup-
TYPE H -73 AMATEUR CRYSTALS. Pressure- mounted. Pin spacing, ply. Produces 100 -kc signals across all Amateur bands through 30
486" (approx. s"), Pin diameter, .093 ". In black phenolic holder. mc. No extra wiring is necessary. Output lead attaches to antenna
Only 1 %sx13/i6xA6", Specify frequency. Supplied ±5 kc (except ±30 post of receiver. With on -off switch, standby switch, 5005 tube
kc) of frequency specified. Tolerance, *.03%. 35W4 rectifier, Includes 100 -kc crystal. For 105 -125 volts. ACand
99 SS 253. 1.8 to 2.0 mc DC. 5'/x3x2'/4'. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs.
99 SS 266. .3.5 to 4.0 mc 73 S 043. NET. 19.11
99 SS 254. 6.25 to 6.8 mc (for mult. to 6 or 11 meters), MILLEN ABSORPTION FREQUENCY METERS. Indicate frequency,
99 SS 267. 7.0 to 7.S mc EACH harmonics, porosities, etc. Can be easily "poked" into small cor-
99 SS 259. 8.0 to 8.222 me (for multiplication to 2 meters) 2.95 ners. 2%/axl%x4 ", Slipg. wt., 10 oz.
99 SS 2 96. 8.34 to 9,0 mc (for multiplication to 6 meters). Stock No. Mfr's Type Range, Mc. EACH
99 SS 255. 13.48 to 13.615 mc (for mult. to 11 meters) 72 5 142 90605 3-10
9955268. 14.0 to 14,8 mc 72 5 143 90606 9-23
TYPE H -73 NOVICE CRYSTALS. Specify frequency.
±5 kc. 72 S 144 90607 23 -60 7.50
99 SS 294. 80 meters. 3.7 to 3.75 mc 1 NET 72 S 145 90608 50 -140
99 SS 295. 40 meters. 7.15 to 7,2 mc J EACH.....2.95
TYPE H -73 CRYSTALS -EXACT FREQUENCY. As above, but cut to
exact frequency specified. From 1.8 to 2 mc only. Available on covers 80, 40. 20, 15 and 10 meters. Checks fundamental frequency
special order only. Allow 30 days for delivery. Specify frequency. of oscillating circuits, parasitic oscillations, harmonics, neutraliza-
tion, standing wave ratio, spurious RF, and AM modulation.
99 S 257. NET 4.80 Germanium crystal and DC milliammeter. Direct panel calibration.
H -173 AMATEUR CRYSTALS. Pin spacing, .486'. Pin diameter, .050', Gray enamel finish. Case, 7 %zx2'/zx2''% ". Sitpg. wt., 1 Ib.
3/404x1/4". For oscillators with low crystal current. Special order 66 F 005. NET 19.11
only -allow 30 days for delivery. Specify frequency.
99 S 263. 21 to 40 mc. (Supplied *15 kc.). NET 4 95
99 S 264. Over 40 to 54 mc. (Supplied ±25 kc.). NET.......5.95 STATION ACCESSORIES
dia. Toler-
0 1111Te'
ance, +.005 %. Spacing, .486". Pin diameter, .093'. Wire- mounted.
silver-plated crystal.
99S284.I0Okc 1NET
99 S 287. 1000 kc. f EACH.... 6.95
TYPE H -7 AIRCRAFT CRYSTAL. 3023.5 kc, +.005 %. Pin
486 ". Pin diameter, .093 ". Size: 11/4,03/S6e/is"
99 5 289. NET 4.95 i TUBE COOLING MOTOR AND FAN. Extends tube life by keeping
TYPE H -17L TV ALIGNMENT CRYSTAL. 4.5 mc, ±.005%. Pin envelope and seals cool. Permits more complete shielding
480 "; diameter, .093 ", Size: 3/4x214rx3/u6"
spacing, of RF amplifiers, etc., without depending on convection cooling.
Shaded -pole induction motor, 2400 rpm. 2's/stx21 4x2'/s'. 4-blade
99 S 286. NET 4.80 fan, dia., 21/2". For operation from 110 -120 volts, 50 -W cycle AC.
TYPE H -171 RADIO CONTROL CRYSTAL. 3rd overtone type 27.255 Shpg. wt., 11/4 lb.
mc, +.03 %. Construction similar to H -17L above. 72 P 715. NET 2.99
99 S 258. NET 4.95 Silver -plated alloy stripping.
Has excellent electrical contact- prevents RF leakage from
BLILEY SPECIALIZED SERVICE CRYSTALS doors on equipment cabinets. Secured either mechanically or by
TYPE MC -9 ALIGNMENT CRYSTALS. For use as marker in sweep gen- soldering. Shpg. wt., 12 oz.
erators or for calibration purposes. Phenolic holder, 1 "444..x' 3sx4s
42 P 086. 3' long; 'Me wide. NET 4.95
Tolerance, ±.02 %. Pin spacing, .486" (WI; diameter, .093'. 4 2 P 087. 3' long; 714 " wide. NET 5.40
Pressure -mounted crystal; acid-etched. Sltpg. wt., 3 oz. 42 P 088. 3' long; VA' wide. NET 6.00
99S 143. 5.0 me 1lNET AMPHENOL TYPE 214 -076 TRANSMITTING TWIN-LINE. 300 -ohm
99 S 145. 10.7 mc. 1 EACH.... 3.95 air-core tubular. 7/26 copper conductors. Rated 1 kw RF.
TYPE MC -7 SHIP -TO-SHORE CRYSTALS. Available from 2.0 to 3.5 mc. Shpg. wt., 100 ft., 31 lbs. 100 ft. minimum.
Tolerance. ±.02% from 0° to 50° C. Holder measures 1394..x11/2x 49 T 416. 100 -ft. coil. NET 6.23
2l%í". Pin spacing is .750" OW). Pin diameter is .125" (IA"). Specify 49 W 409. Over 100 ft. Per 100 h 6 23
frequency or location of shore station. Available on special order
only. Allow 30 days for delivery. Slapg. wt., 3 oz. AMPHENOL 214-023 TRANSMITTING TWIN-LINE. 75 ohm, Handles up
to 1 kw RF power. Propagation factor, 71 %. Attenuation: 1.40 db
99 S 165. NET 7.50 per 100 ft. at 28 mc. Shpg. wt., 100 ft., 4 lbs.
49 W 495. NET PER FOOT 7c
TYPE 33102 SOCKET. Low-kiss steatite socket for crystal holders PENNWOOD 24-HOUR STATION CLOCK
with .486"- spaced pins of .093" diameter. Phosphor-bronze contacts. MODEL 100 -1241/4. Numeral type. 24-
Tinned lugs. 2 -screw mounting. Slipg. wt., 2 oz. hour station clock. Ideal for Amateur
72 H 035. NET 36c stations, commercial stations, or short
TYPE 33302 SOCKET. Same as above, but for .050" dia. pins
wave listeners- wherever 24 -hour time
is preferred. Clearly shows exact time
72 H 075. NET 24c at a glance- reduces chance of error in
TYPE 33002 SOCKET. Same as 33102, but for holders with 3/6" pin time calculations. Separate numerals
spacing and .125" pin diameter. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. for hours, minutes and seconds -scale
72 H 029. NET 36c for seconds calibrated in 5- second in-
TYPE 75 -5 ADAPTER. Adapts 3/ "- spaced holders to .486" sockets. tervals. Employs a self- starting syn-
Polystyrene base with phosphor- bronze contacts. Wt., 2 oz. chronous motor. Housed in handsome ivory plastic case. Size, 4x
72 C 707. NET
73/4x4'. For 110 -120 v., 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 4 lbs.
35c 78 B 341. NET (Including excise lax.) 15.84
TYPE 5.75 ADAPTER. Adapts .486 "- spaced holders to 3/"sockets MODEL 1004-24H V4. As above, but ebony p lastic case.
72 C 708. NET 3 5c 78 B 340. NET (Including excise lax,) 14.85
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 277
Amateur Keys and Equipment

Heavy -Duty Model 114 -320. Deluxe key Learner Model 114 -110 Key. Moderately 84.
o built to very rigid specifications for priced telegraph sounder, complete with
smooth, comfortable sending. Large. chrome- smooth operating key. An excellent unit
plated key arm suspended from hardened specially designed, for Morse-code sending VIBROPLEX
steel bearings. 1/2" silver contacts. Adjust- and receiving practice. Rugged, dependable
able spacing and tension. Heavy brass con- construction, throughout. Provides clear SEMI- AUTOMATIC KEYS
nector concealed under base. Black die - easy -to-read signal. Has steel sounder plate. "Champion." Inexpensive, semiautomat-
cast base. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs. Brass sounding bar. Bridge has black enamel o ic key for radio and telegraph use. Care-
76 S 058. NET 4.70 finish. Mahogany finished wood base. Brass fully designed for smooth, easy operation.
is grey
binding posts. Sounder resistance is 4 ohms. Mechanism is chrome plated; base wedge.
Model 114.112 Telegraph Sounder High - Shpg. wt., 2 lbs. crackle finish. Supplied less cord and
quality brass telegraph sounder. De- 76 S 066. NET I4.95 Slipg. wt., 4 lbs.
signed for instant response. Brass sounder 76 S 036. NET 15.95
provides strong. clear signal. Steel bar Model High- Frequency Buzzer.
114 -400
frame with black enamel finish. Brass D
Use with hand key for code practice. "Original." A precision- built. semi-auto-
bridge and adjustment screws with lacquer A very effective low -cost unit. Ample vol- matic key for all speeds. Minimum ef-
finish. Black lacquered steel sounder plate. ume for several listeners. Screw adjustment fort for smooth, rapid sending. Preferred
On mahogany finished wood base. Non -slip provides variable tone. Requires 3 v. bat- and used by veteran operators. Chrome -
rubber mounting feet. Sounder has 4 ohms tery. Shpg. wt.. 5 oz. plated mechanism. Grey finish cast -iron
resistance. Brass binding posts for conveni- 76 S 060. NET 185 base. Supplied complete with cord and
ent connection. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. Model 114-500 Deluxe Semi-Automatic wedge. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs.
76 067. 9.95 035. 19.95

Key. A smooth operating key with t/e" 76 S NET
contacts. Vibrator arm, posts, circuit clos- Deluxe "Original." Like above, but jeweled
ing switch and all machine parts are chrome bearings, chrome -plated base. Wt..
WE'RE TRADING HIGH plated. Adjustable from lowest to highest 76 5 038. NET s.
Allied is making bigger and better speeds. Mounted on black steel wrinkle keys ex-
trade -in deals than evert Now is the base. Size, 61/2x31/2x1/2". 5 lbs. Carrying Case. Fits all Vibroplexlbs.
time to cash in on our king -size allow- 76 068. 17.95 cept "Blue Racer." Shpg. wt., 2
76 S 037. NET 6 75
ances for your used receiver or transmit-
ter and bring your station right up -to- Model 114 -501 Key. As above but with 1/2'
contacts and chrome base. 5 lbs. "Blue Racer" Standard. Small and light-
date. Just drop a card to Allied's Ham
Shack. Tell us the make and model 76 S 069. NET 20.65 weight. Precision construction through-
number of the unit you'd like to trade out for extremely smooth operation.
base. With
Model 114 -520 Semi -Automatic Key. A Chrome -plated mechanism. Grey
and the new equipment you want. You'll o semi- automatic key for smooth, effortless
not only be given a terrific trade -in al- cord and wedge. Shpg. wt.. 4 lbs.
lowance. but you'll be able to take ad- radiotelegraph sending. Contact spacing 76 S 045. NET 19.95
vantage of our Easy Payment Plan. See and sliding weight easily adjustable to de-
sired sending speed. Ruggedly constructed "Blue- Racer" Deluxe. As above, but jeweled
page 396. Your old equipment should bearings, chrome base. 4 lbs.
more than cover the down payment and for long dependable use. Has t/e" silver con- 23.95
you can pay the balance while you enjoy tacts. All hardware is heavily chrome plated. 76 S 046. NET

the latest in station gear. You'll go easy Die -cast base finished in black wrinkle
on the budget and derive full enjoyment
enamel. Rubber feet prevent marring fin- BELL MODEL CM-1
from Amateur Radio when you do busi- ished surfaces and also keep "bug" station- CARBON MICROPHONES
ness with Allied's Ham Shack.
ary. Shpg. wt., 4 lbs.
76 5 065. NET 13.95 Model CM -1 Microphone. De-
luxe, hand -held communica-
tions -type carbon mike. Re-
AMATEUR TVI FILTERS sponse. 200 -4000 cps. Single-
button carbon with 85 -ohm
resistance. DPST push -to-
talk switch for mike circuit
and external relay. Black plastic case and
4 -ft. cord. Supplied with mounting bracket.
Shpg. wt.. 11/2 lbs.
94 S 898. NET 7 79
Model CM -1 With Retractable Cord. As above,
but with coiled cord that extends to 5-ft.
Shpg. wt.. 11/2 lbs.
94 S 899. NET 9 75

8 W 425 Low -Pass Filter. 52 ohms. 1 kw

B Ameco HP -45 High -Pass Filter. Attenuates
RF. 2 "M "- derived end sections; 4 con - 13 all signals below 45 mc. Reduces TV MILLEN
stant-K center sections. 85 db attenuation interference. 40 db attenuation at 14 mc
on TV channels. 11x3x2 ". 11/2 lbs. and below; 20 db attenuation at 10 meters. ANTENNA
77 5 613. 14.85 Uses balanced constant -K circuit. For use
with 300-ohm twin line. Size, It/exr/exz/s ". BRIDGE
Model 426. As above, but for 72 -ohm lines. Extremely simple to install. Attached at
77 5 614. NET 14.85 TV set. Complete with easy -to- follow in- Model 90672. Accurate and sensitive im-
structions. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. pedance bridge. Measures impedances from
Bud LF -601 Low -Pass Filter. For 52 or 72- 95c 5 to 500 ohms at radio frequencies up to 200
0 ohm lines. Handles 1 kw of RF. Cutoff: 77 S 673. NET
mc. Based on unit described in August, 1955
42 mc. Minimum attenuation of 85 db Amoco LN -2 Low-Pass Filter. Handles up to QST. Special differential capacitor provides
above 54 mc. 93 db above 70 mc. 12x21/2x 0 200 watts RF. For 52 to 72 -ohm coaxial high accuracy. Can be used to measure radi-
21/2". Shpg. wt., 21/2 lbs. cable. lias 2 -SO -239 connectors, bracket. ation resistance, receiver input impedance.
73S047.NET 20.58 and full instructions. In aluminum case, SWR, etc. Skillfully engineered for per-
Filter. High -pass 41/2x21/2x11/2" Shpg. wt., 1 lb. manency of calibration and convenient use.
Bud HF -600 High -Pass Clearly calibrated. Designed for use with
set. Rejects signals below
filter for TV 77 S 675. NET. 3.75 source of RF such as Millen Model 90651
42 mc. Reduces interference from low- Grid -dip Meter (listed on page 255). 31/2x
frequency sources. For 300 -ohm line. 31/2x Type LN -1 Low-Pass Filter. As above, but has
21/2x1 t/e Shpg. wt., 6 oz. RCA -type phono jacks. "
3t/ex55/e Shpg. wt., 21/2 lbs.
5.15 77S674.NET 225 83 S 834. NET
73 S 046. NET
278 Allied is Headquarters for Amateur Equipment
Values for Beginning Amateurs
Beginners in Amateur Radio-you can't do better than to make Allied your
Advanced -design code prac- When you deal with Allied, you not only choose from supply headquarters.
tice oscillator kit at a very low you profit by personalized service from Allied's staff ofthe world's finest array of equipment, but
price. Ideal for the beginner have studied your needs and carefully selected a group ofexperienced Amateurs. Allied's Amateurs
just learning the code-and beginners items that will make the road
to your Amateur license short and smooth. All of these items are grouped
for the experienced Amateur page for your shopping convenience. You'll find code together on this single
who wants to improve his cost, high-quality headphones; hook-up accessories: pluspractice equipment to fit any budget low -
"fist." Employa transistor cir- hooks that
preparing for the written portion of the license exam. And remembermake you it easy and enjoyable in
cuit -and is powered by a
single penlight battery Amaz-
ingly low current consump-
either now, or after you get on the air, Allied's friendly Amateur staff stands have any problems,
just drop a card or letter to Allied's Ham Shack for expert, practical advice.ready to assist you -
tion-one battery can operate
the unit continuously for sev-
eral months! Provides a very
clear, crisp tone of approximately .500 cps. Has
output jacks for standard headphone tips;
screw type terminals for connecting key.
Housed in compact, black bakelite case with
anodized aluminum front panel. Complete unit
measures only 21/2x31/2xl W. With all parts,
wire and solder, instructions. Less earphones
and key. Shpg. wt., lb. 1

83 Y 239. NET 3,95

Bud CPO-128A Codamaatar. High -qual- ICA 4300 Audio Oscillator. Deluxe code
ity code practice oscillator with built -in 4'
speaker. Earphones and keys may be par-
0 practice set. Excellent as CW keying moni-
tor and audio source for transmitter modula-
alleled for group instruction. Volume and pitch tion tests. Has volume control and 3- position
controls. External speaker may be plugged into tone switch. Built -in speaker. Both headphone
headphone jack; both headphone and key jacks and key jacks take standard phone plugs listed
take standard phone plugs listed at left. Can be at left. Keys and headphones can be connected
used as CW monitor by adding RF pickup link. in parallel for class instruction. 8x41/2x41/2'. For
Gray hammertone. 61/2x51/2x31/2': For 110-120 105-125 v. AC DC. Wt., 31/2 lbs.
v., AC or DC. Shpg. wt.. 5 lbs. 73 $ 430. NETr 15.43
ALLIED'S OWN AMERICAN BELL 73 S 044. NET 18.75 ICA 4301 Audio Oscillator. (Not illustrated).
QUALITY HEADPHONES Bud CPO -130A Code . (Not illus- Designed primarily for class and radio club use.
trated.) Ilan same features as CPO -128 Code - Incorporates the deluxe features of Model
Lightweight headphone:, at oery a ,,,lerate cost.
Feature excellent tonal fidelity and sensitivity.
Have adjustable flexible headbands for wearing
comfort. Hy -flux Alnico magnets for high ef- 045.
73 S NET'
master, but less built -in speaker. Size, 4yzx5yz
4300, but without speaker. 4tx4x4'. For 105-
125 v., AC or DC. Shpg. wt..
735431. NET
ficiency, durability, and sustained poster. Well - Amoco CPS -WT Code
insulated solenoid coils are firmly mounted in
headphone shell. Internal terminal connections. 0 tor. A deluxe practice Practice Oscilla-
oscillator with a Jackson 562 Code
Practice Oscillator. p TRANSISTOR
Cap and case are durable, molded bakelite. built -in 4' PM speaker. Produces a loud and Low -cost transist, it
Supplied with 41/2-ft. extra -flexible cord of clear tone with ample volume for group use. code oscillator for self - aas
mercerized cotton -covered tinsel. Standard Built -in click filter provides smooth, clickless practice, teaching or
phone tip terminals. and chirp -free operation. Variable tone and vol- monitoring. For use
ume controls to suit the individual listener. An with external mag-
Standard Dual Headphones. ideal unit for code class use -headphones and
band with firmly gripping yokes.Double head-
2000 ohms keys can be paralleled for group listening and netic phones and key.
Employs p -n-p junc-
Shpg. wt., 11/2 lbs. individual keying. Can easily be converted to
59 J 110. NET 2,00 tion transistor. With tone adjustment. Less
an excellent CW keying monitor. Gray ham - battery. 61/4x3r/x2'. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs.
Single Headphone. (Not illustrated). De-
pendable economy -priced phone. 1500 ohms.
mertone finish. Has rear -mounted screw ter-
minal strip. Size, 61/2x5x31/21 For 110 -120 v.,
77 S 640. NET ],]9
Shpg. wt., 8 oz. AC or DC. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs. B y for Above. 11/2 v. Wt.. 3 oz.
59J I13. NET IS1
77 S 629. NET 14.95 53.1 009. NET. 14C
Standard Phone Plug. For attaching keys CODE COURSE RECORDS JOHNSON SPEED -X KEYS
and headphones to Bud and ICA code practice Standard Model 114 -310.
oscillators at right. Shpg. wt., 3 oz. Precision- built, mnderalcly
41 H 641. NET 44C priced key. Excellent for
Cable, Extension cord for keys. Shpg. wt., code practice and for use
5 ft., 2 oz. with transmitters. Heavy
48 W 805. NET PER FOOT 2C die-cast base is durably fin-
ished in handsome black
wrinkle enamel; mechanical
AMATEUR BOOKS parts are nickel- plated. W silver contacts.
SO YOU WANT TO BE A HAM. (Howard Dual adjustments for tension and contact
Sams publication). By Robert Hertzberg. Ex- spacing. Smooth adjustable bearings. Has two
cellent information for those interested in Am- holes in base for securing to table -top. In-
ateur radio and who would like to get started cludes provision for plugging in semi- automatic
in this fascinating hobby. Provides the reader keys. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs.
with an understanding of the licensing regula- Allied Code Course. "Eye-Ear" 76 5 055. NET 3,10
tions governing Amateurs, and how to get your
license. Covers learning the code, popular types of learning code at home-eye follows method
the let-
of Amateur transmitting and receiving equip- ters as the ear hears the sounds. Consists of Practice Modal 114-
five 10' high -quality. 78 rpm break -resistant 300. A well -built. low -
ment, antennas, operating practices, and pre- records recorded on each side. Can be played cost general purpose key.
sents the various phases of Amateur activities. on any 78 rpm phonograph. Speed steadily pro- Ideal as a code practice
186 pages. 51/23E81/2'. gresses from 2 to 15 wpm in 10 lessons. Includes key for the beginner.
37 K 446. P Id In U.S A 2,50 sturdy record album and instructions. Shpg. Brown molded phenolic
GATEWAY TO AMATEUR RADIO. A val - wt., 6 lbs. base and knob. Equipped
uable set of four A.R.R.L. books for the Novice. 77 S 643. NET 5.95 with adjustable key
How to Become a Radio Amateur. Tells how to arm, spring and smooth -
get on the air, obtain a license. Also covers the Amaso Cad. Courses, Three courses: action bearings- easily
construction of receivers, transmitters, Jr. Code Course-5 records (10 sides). Code adjusted tension and contact spacing. 14' silver
operating practices. 148 pages. Learning end speeds from start to 7'/ wpm. Advanced Code contacts. Nickel -plated machined parts. Has
Radio-Telegraph Code. Covers sending the Course -6 records (12 sides). Speeds from 81/2 holes for stationary mounting. With beginners
ceiving. Excellent for class study andand re-
home to 18 wpm. Senior Code Course-I1 records (22 code card. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
training. 48 pages. License Manual. Covers sides total ). Speeds from start to 18 wpm. All 76 S 053. NET 2.25
FCC exams, answers to probable exam ques- courses include 28 -page manual with FCC -type
tions on: Novice, Technician, Conditional, etc. exams. Jr. and Senior Courses include record Modal 1 14 -450
album. 10' 78 rpm or 7' 45 rpm records.
Practic Coda
1 1 pages. Operating ais Amateur Radio Station. B
Valuable information on correct operating pro- Sat.
cedures, Including network operation. 16 pages. Economy- priced
Size, 61/2x81/2'. JUNIOR CODE COURSES code practice sys-
37 K 566. P id In U.S A 150 77 S 616. 78 rpm. 4 lbs. NET ........7.95 tem. Consists of
77 5 647. 95 rpm. 11/2 lbs. NET key and constant,
Standard reference for the Amateur ratio en- ADVANCED CODE COURSES buzzer mounted
thusiast preparing for his Amateur license. on brown bake-
Covers FCC exams for all Amateur licenses. 77 5 619. 78 rpm. 4 lbs. NET 6 95 lite base. Screw
Contains up -to -date government regulations. 77 S 648. 45 rpm. 2 Ilya. NET 5 95 adjustment provides variable tone. Key has
answers to probable license exam questions. silver contacts. Can be used individually or in
and valuable information about regulations SENIOR CODE COURSES pairs for code practice. Requires 3 v. DC(2-
affecting Amateurs. 01/2x91/2". 111 pages. 77 5 617. 78 rpm. 7 lbs. NET
1 y v. batteries). Size of base, 4x6'. Shpg. wt.,
37 K 555. P id in U.S.A 50C 12.95 7165.
77 S 649. 45 rpm. 4 lbs. NET 11.95 76 5 059. NET 4.90
AII'ed is Headquarters for All Amateur Equipment 279
Industrial Communication Equipment
High- Performance Receivers for Commercial Use
Receive Police Calls, Fire Trucks, Taxis, Etc.
Excellent signal -to -noise Ratio
Compact -Easy to Install and Operate
Choice of Standard or Deluxe Models SX -104

"CIVIC PATROL" RECEIVERS. Two high -performance FM receivers DELUXE "CIVIC PATROL" RECEIVERS. These outstanding new FM re-
for excellent reception on public service or commercial frequencies. ceivers cover the same frequencies as the S -94 and S -95 (described
Model S -94 provides full coverage of all frequencies from 30 to SO at left), but they incorporate many deluxe extras for improved per-
mc. Model S -95 covers all frequencies between 152 and 173 mc. formance and operating convenience.
Both models are carefully designed to assure exceptionally high DELUXE FEATURES. Choice of crystal controlled (fixed frequency) or
sensitivity throughout their tuning range. These compact. easy -to- tunable operation by means of front panel selector switch. In fixed
operate units cover police, fire, taxicab, inter -city bus. railroad. frequency use the receiver is "locked in" to the frequency deter-
private telephone mobile, and other industrial and emergency- mined by the crystal employed. Tuned RF stage assures extreme
service communications. sensitivity. Carrier -operated relay with external switch contacts for
FEATURES. Advanced circuit design assures minimum drift, high connecting warning light or buzzer system to alert operator when
signal -to -noise ratio and exceptional sensitivity. Circuit refinements signal is received. Dual, edge -lighted, slide -rule dial.
include: Low- noise, grounded-grid RF amplifier; 2 IF stages; sepa-
rate high -gain DC amplifier for squelch system; and wide -range an- OTHER FEATURES. Built -in squelch for quiet standby operation.
tenna Input impedance for excellent results with any type antenna. High stability in tunable position -no drift in crystal position.
Designed for low oscillator radiation. Adjustable. built -in, relay -type
squelch system silences entire audio system until signal is received - High signal -to -noise ratio. Low oscillator radiation. Wide -range
antenna input impedance for excellent results with all types of
permits quiet standby operation. Built -in 5" PM speaker. Audio out- antennas. Built -in 5" PM speaker. Over 3 watts of audio.
put, 1.3 watts. CONTROLS. Front panel controls include: Tuning; Selector switch
CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS. Controls: Tuning; Off -On/Volume; (tunable -crystal); Squelch -Off /On; Off/On-Volume. Headphone
Squelch -Off. Phone tips jacks are provided for headphone opera- jack with built -in speaker cutout switch.
tion. Switch selects speaker or headphone output. Terminals for
single or twin lead antenna (external antenna supplied). Dial is Circuit employs 9 tubes plus rectifier. Gray steel cabinet. Size.
calibrated in megacycles and service channels. 7x12r/sx7s/4". For 110-120 volts, 50-60 cycle AC. Less crystal.
Circuit employs 8 tubes plus selenium rectifier. In professional -type Shpg. wt., 18 +% lbs. Crystal for fixed frequency operation available
gray steel cabinet with silver trim and panel. Size, 7" high. 12%. on special order at $529 each for the SX -10-1 and $7.72 each for the
wide, and 7 /%" deep. For 110 -120 volts, 50 -60 cycle AC, or DC.
SX -105. Specify receivingfrequency required. Allow 3 weeks for delivery.
Shpg. a t., 12 +/a lbs. MODEL SX -104. For 29 to 50 mc coverage.
MODEL 5 -94. For 30 to 50 mc FM coverage. 94 SX 803. NET 89 95
98 SX 708. NET 59.95
to 173 mc FM coverage. MODEL SX -105. For 152 to 173 mc coverage.
MODEL S -95. For 152 89.95
98 SX 721. NET 59.95 94 SX 804. NET

MODEL MR -10. Deluxe FM receiver for ALARM ". Low-
a MODEL PR -31 "POLICE-receiver KAAR "IMP"
cost. quality -builtfor de-
outstanding coverage of the 152 -174 mc RADIOTELEPHONE
band. Excellent for monitoring use in emer- pendable reception of police dispatches,
gency commercial or industrial communi- fire, emergency service, etc., operating on MODEL TR-426. New. highly versa-
cations; assures an effectively coordinated frequencies between 30 and 50 mc. Employs tile, low -power industrial mobile
overall communications network. Features superhet circuit with ratio detector; offers phone unit. Designed for communi-
include: Transformer -type power supply; quiet operation of receiver under "signal" cation in and about any plant. It's
tuned RF stage for better image reiection; conditions. Temperature compensated to perfect for use on lift trucks and
built-in electronic squelch (adjustable from minimize frequency drift. Sensitivity is bet - runabout. cranes. and other mobile
front panel) for absolute quieting; built -in ter than 10 microvolts for SO milli -watts units. Helps boost payload of any
5 PM speaker; provision for addingforextern- output. 100 -kc selectivity. Built -in S" PM vehicle by eliminating wasteful
al speaker; 4 microvolt sensitivity 20 db speaker. 5 tubes plus 5W4 rectifier. An- "deadhead" trips. Average trans-
quieting; illuminated slide -rule dial. 7 tubes; tenna impedance. 72 ohms. In attractively mitting range. 2 miles. Consists of a
6X4 rectifier. Metal cabinet, 71/4x11 %x styled plastic cabinet. Size, 7x10 /zx6 /z ".
+ +
complete transmitter and receiver
6%a". For operation from 110-120 v., 50 -60 For operation from 110 -120 v., 50 -60 cycle in one compact case. Ruggedly
cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 14 lbs. AC, or DC. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs. built and easily installed. the "Imp"
99 SX 002. NET 64.50 97 SX 907. NET 49.95 has hundreds of uses in construction
MODEL PR -9. As above. but for 152 -174 n+c
fields, airports, rail yards, loading
MODEL MR -33. Same as above, but for 30 -50 docks. warehouses, etc.
megacycle FM coverage. coverage. and includes 14" indoor antenna.
64.50 97 SX 908. NET 49.95 Unit operates from 6 or 12 -v. bat-
99 SX 003. NET tery or 110 -120 v. AC source. Any
MODEL DR-200 2 -BAND FM RECEIVER. Excellent for central installations
with very weak
a and separate "Imp" can be used as a fixed or
outlying stations. Ranges: 30 -50 mc and 152 -174 mc. Dual- conversion
frequencies (less crystals); mobile station. Crystal -controlled
front -end range. Provision for 2 crystal-controlled20 receiving transmitter section operates on
one in each range. Squelch circuit. Sensitivity for db quieting: 30 -50 mc, 1pv; 152 -174 154.57 mc. Receiver section is fixed -
8x14+/4x9 +yz". Less
mc, 2 pv. 14 tubes; 5V3GT rectifier. Brown cabinet with gray panel. lbs. Crystals for fixed-fre- tuned to this frequency -notuning
speaker (see below). For 110 -120 v.. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., at21 each. Specify desired required; has adjustable squelch cir-
quency reception the are available on special order $11.95 cuit. Includes: Transmitter -receiver
ic wth 3 weeks
149.95 unit; shock mount base; cable for 6
97 SZ 939. NET or 12 -v. DC operation; cable for
MODEL A -30 WHIP ANTENNA. For use with 110 -120 v. AC operation; carbon
MODEL DRS -1 6" SPEAKER IN METAL ENCLO- MR -10 receiver mike with switch and antenna. 51/4x
SURE. With cable. 8x7 %x7 /z". 5% lbs. the Model DR -200 or the
optimum 152 to 174 mc FM reception. 12 +%x8%¡. Shpg. wt.. 24 lbs. Re-

97 SX 949. NET 14.95 for Adjustable base. 3 chrome-plated sections; quires FCC perm il-
application form
extends to 86e. Less cable. Use 72 -ohm included in carton.
DR -200 for 30 -50 mc reception. 1 Ib. coaxial cable. Shpg. wt., 1 lb. 99 SZ 009. NET

99 S 000. NET 5 00 99 SX 001. NET 6.50

silty Industrial Communications Equipment Available on Allied's Easy Payment Plan-See Page 396
Telex Headphones and Accessories

Famous, lightweight Telex headsets-used throughout the world on Suitable for all applications requiring comfort, sensitivity and dur-
all types of audio equipment requiring private, continuous listen- ability in a headset; ideal for communications work, offices, hospi-
ing. Telex headsets are manufactured with the finest materials, and tals. Amateur radio, hard -of- hearing, and other uses. Matching
incorporate the most recent engineering advances in the field. cords are listed for those headsets supplied without cords.
Exceptionally comfortable. lightweight Extremely lightweight individual ear - Model Use wherever individual
headphones, designed to eliminate fa- a sets -weigh only t"A ounce! Carefully o listening9900.
is desired -ideal for families
tigue and strain when headphones must be designed holder is scientifically contoured with children, hard-of- hearing, etc. Can be
worn continuously for long periods. Total to fit the ear comfortably. Unit utilizes used by 2 people at the same time. Has vol-
weight is only 1.2 ounces. Magnetic type high -quality receiver which reproduces ume control for earset; switch on control
receiver for clarity and ruggedness under speech with great clarity and fidelity; fre- unit turns TV speaker on or off. 31/2x1..
even severe use; housing is molded of rigid. quency response is from 50 to 4000 cycles. Control unit is equipped with 10" cord;
easy -to -clean tenite plastic. White plastic Available with metal ear bow also, where earset, 4' cord. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
ear plugs remove easily for cleaning. Less extreme ruggedness is desired. With or
cord. Shpg. wt., 8 oz. without cord and plug. Wt., S oz. without 59 J 263. List, $16.23. NET 9.55
591 281. Model 4626. 2000 ohms. cord, 6 oz. with cord and plug. TELE-FI HEADSET
59 J 280. Model 4601. 128 ohms. LESS CORD New, lightweight headset is ideal for
List Each, $9.00. NET EACH 5.29 Stock No. Type Description Ohms
El applications where clarity and intelli-
WITH CORD. Monosets as above, with S -foot gibility of speech are important. Unique de-
cord and standard plug. Slrpg. wt., 12 oz.
59 J 228 18050 Plastic ear bow 15 sign provides a delay of 1 millisecond be-
59 .1265 18051 Plastic ear bow 128 tween earpieces; resultant sound greatly
59 .1 222. Model 4625. 2000 ohms. 59 J 267 18053 Plastic ear bow 1000 enhances clarity of speech. Excellent for
59 J 223. Model 4600. 128 ohms. 591 229 secretaries, switchboard operators, TV mon-
List Each, $12.50. NET EACH ...735
59 .1237
18137 Plastic ear bow 2000
9376 Metal ear bow 15
itors, etc. Receiver may be detached from
dual set and mounted on plastic ear bow in
TWINSET 59J 274 9329 Metal ear bow 128 seconds, for one -ear use. Feather -light unit
An important innovation in headset de- 59 J 273 9336 Metal ear bow 1000 weighs only "A ounce. With cord and plug.
sign- nothing touches the ears with the

59 J 244 18139 Metal ear bow 2000 Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.

Telex Twinsetl Sensitive receivers rest 59 J 214. Model 18135. 15 ohms.
lightly at the temples; tubular "pipes" send List Each, $6,50. NET EACH 3 82 59.J 257. Model 18035. 128 ohms.
sound directly into ears. Perfect for long.
fatigue -free listening; weighs only 1.6 WITH CORD 59 J 258. Model 18020. 1000 ohms.
ounces. Approved by the Civil Aeronautics Stock No. Type Description Ohms 59 J 217. Model 18160. 2000 ohms.
Authority. Supplied with two extra eartips. 591 202 18134 Plastic ear bow 15
List Each, $12.35. NET EACH 7 26
Less cord. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
591285. Model 3776. 1000 ohms. 591 203 18056 Plastic ear bow 128 CORD AND MINIATURE PLUG
591286. Model 3781.64 ohms. 591 204 18058 Plastic ear bow 1000 MODEL 9200. 5 -ft. cord
with 90° plug.
59 J 207 18138 Plastic ear bow 2000 Length of plug, W. Dia., Wß". For com-
List Each, $17.50. NET EACH ..10.29 puters, dictating machines, and similar
WITH CORD. Twinsets as above, with 5-foot 591 208 18092 Metal ear bow 15 equipment. Shpg. wt., 5 oz.
cord and plug. Shpg. wt., 12 oz. 591 209 9334 Metal ear bow 128 59 J 252. List, $3.15. NET 85 1

591224. Model 3775. 1000 ohms. 59 J 21 1 9335 Metal ear bow 1000
59 J 225. Model 3791.64 ohms. 59 J 212 18140 Metal ear bow 2000 CORDS, EXTRA TIPS AND ACCESSORIES
List Each, $21.00. NET EACH 12.35 Has bui t -in volume control. 4 oz.
List Each, $10.00. NET EACH 5.88 No Description For Use With NET
HI -FI DYNASET DYNAMIC PILLOW SPEAKER 59 J 270 Type 3280 stand- All Telex sets ex-
6701. Under-the -chin dynamic Model 8110. An under -the- pillow loud- std cord
e Model
capt Dynaset and
headset of superior quality. Receiver a speaker with great power-handling abil- MldgetEarset 2.06
consists of a tiny, 'A.-diameter 6-ohm loud- ity; provides exceptionally clear, natural 59 J 272 °Volume control 59 1 224
speaker built into the plug. Extremely sensi- tone without any disturbance to others who cord w /5000 591 285
tive; frequency response extends from 50 to may be sleeping nearby. Ideal for institu- ohm pot. 5.82
8000 cycles at 25 mw. Speaker diaphragm tional use, or private listening at home to 59 J 245 Volume control 59 1 222, 591 226.
directs sound. through 60 -inch flexible tub- radio or TV set. 3.2 ohm voice coil matches cord w /20,000 59 1 281, 59 J 290
ing, into headset. Light gray finish. Shpg. most small radios and portable TV sets. ohm pot 5.82
wt.. 6 oz. With 5 -foot cord and standard phone plug. 59 J 246 *Volume control 59 1 280, 59 1 265,
59 J 239. List, $14.75. NET 8.67 3W dia. 1W thick. Wt., 6 oz. cord w /1,000
ohm pot
591 286, 291,
59 J 276. List. $10.20. NET 6.00 59 1 225, 59
1 227 5.82
PILLOW SPEAKER MODEL 8130. As above, but 10,000 ohms. 59 J 297 Type 18036 Ns- 59 1 265, 59 1 267,
Exceptionally small; for radio and TV 59 J 277. List, $12.10. NET 7.12 Ik Eartrame 59 1 203. 59 1 204 .47
listening through a pillow without dis- 59 J 269 Type 8555 5 -11. All Telex units ex-
turbing others. For home or institutional MUFF-TYPE HEADSET Extension Cord test Dynaset 2.06
use. Red waterproof plastic. %x23'% dia. Sensitive headset with plexiglas ear 59 J 242 59 1 252 Cord/
Less cord. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz. D cushions for comfort. Cushions and re- Type 8570 Panel

ceivers are mounted on stainless steel head-

Mounted lack Plug .24
591 290. Model 4531. 2000 ohms. 59 J 243 Type 9231 Minis- 591 252 Cord/
59 J 291. Model band; weight 1.6 ounces. Receiver is housed lure Straight Plug Plug .35
4501. 128 ohms in special molded plug- directs sound
List Each, $7.20. NET EACH... 4 23 through flexible tubing to ears. Complete 59 J 254 Type 9240 Jack TV "Listener" .24
WITH CORD. Pillow speakers as above, with with tubing and plug. Shpg. wt., 6 oz. 59 J 253 Type 9211 stand- 59 1 203, 59 1 201,
S -foot cord and plug. Shpg. wt., 10 oz.
cord w /stand- 591 209, 591 211.
59 J 213. Model 18078. 15 ohms. and phone plug 59 1 265, 59 1 267,
591 226. Model 4530. 2000 ohms. 59 J 279. Model 8825. 128 ohms. 591 273, 591 274. 2.06
59 J 227 Model 4500. 128 ohms. 59 J 283. Model 9316. 2000 ohms. 59 J 295 Ear Tips All Twinsets .09
List Each, $10.70. NET EACH 6.29 List, $18.45. NET EACH II 14 59 J 296 Ear Tips All Monosets .09
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 281
American Bell & Cannon Headphones
high- quality, rug-
AMERICAN BELL gedly- built. 2000 -
ohm headset which
HEADPHONES Iras been a favorite
for years. Outside
terminal type; me-
tal cases, bakelite
B caps. Diaphragm
diameter is 2t/s".
in headphone shell. Internal terminal con- Has double coils,
Exceptionally sensitive headphones at re- one in each receiver. Flexible metal head-
markably low cost. For communications use, nections. Cap and case are durable, molded
bakelite. All headphones are supplied with band. Easily adjustable for maximum com-
short -wave listening, code practice or class fort. 41/2-foot cord. Shpg. wt., 11/2 lbs.
use. Produced by one of America's leading 41/2 foot extra -flexible cord of mercerized
manufacturers. Noted for their remarkable cotton -covered tinsel. With standard phone 59 1130. NET 2 44
tonal fidelity and sensitivity. Lightweight. tip terminals. Ideal for use with crystal or BRANDES "ADMIRAL" PHONES. Similar to
Have adjustable flexible headbands to pro- battery sets, Amateur and commercial com- above but with inside terminals.
vide utmost wearing comfort and long life. munications receivers. Available in single or 59 J 135. BA-2. 2000 ohms. NET.... 2.44
Hy -flux Alnico magnets for high efficiency. dual types; low -impedance models may be 59.1136. BA-3. 3000 ohms. NET 2 73
durability, and sustained power. Solenoid inserted in audio circuits directly at loud-
speaker tap. 591 137. BA-5. 5000 ohms. NET 3 53
coils are well insulated and firmly mounted
STANDARD DUAL HEADSETS SINGLE HEADPHONES "Superior" and "Admiral" phones, above.
Have double headband with firmly Dependable, economy -priced single 59 J 138. Caps. Wt., 2 oz. EACH 21c
gripping, easily adjustable yokes. 1r/ß"
phones. Suitable for hard -of- hearing 59 1140. Diaphragms. 2 oz. Pkg. of 2 13c
diaphragm. Cords are cotton -covered tinsel. installations, receivers. crystal sets. Geiger
Slipg. wt.. 11/4 lbs. counters, etc. Diaphragm is lr/i," in diam- CANNON -BALL "MAS-
59 1 110. 2000 Ohms. NET 2 00 eter. Has spring -metal headband which is TER" PHONES. High -
59 1 1 1 1. 3000 Ohms. NET 2 08 permanently attached to back of case. quality headset for
2 15 Equipped with 41/2-ft. cotton covered cord. communications and
59 1 149. 4000 Ohms. NET Shpg. wt.. 8 oz.
591 141.11 Ohms. NET 2 00 1.08 general -purpose ap-
59 J 112.1000 Ohms. NET plications. Cases are
INSTITUTIONAL DUAL HEADSETS 59 J 1 13. 1500 Ohms. NET .1.15 metal, with bakelite
Especially designed for schools. hospitals caps. Terminals are
and other institutions where dependable, HEADPHONE REPLACEMENT PARTS inside of case for
lightweight headphones are essential. Also Replacement parts for the American -Bell maximum safety
ideal for use with crystal sets, battery radios headphones listed on this page. Made to from tampering.
and low-cost hearing aids. Every feature the same high standards as the original Chrome steel mag-
required for institutional use has been in- parts to assure maximum efficiency. nets produce strong
corporated: Durable bakelite cases and caps field, and resist cor-
which are easily cleaned; inside terminal DIAPHRAGM. Shpg. wt., 2 oz. rosion. With cord. Wt., 11,4 lbs.
connections, to prevent tampering; dia- 59J 104. Pkg. of 2 13C 59 J 215. MC -2. 2000 ohms. NET.... 2.44
phragm is VA" in diameter; Hyflux Alnico BAKELITE CAP. Slipg. wt., 2 oz. 59.1125. MC- 3.3000 ohms. NET 2 65
permanent magnets assure excellent sensi- 59 J 126. MC- 5.5000 ohms. NET 3 38
tivity. Provide crisp, clear reproduction of 591 106. NET EACH IOC
voice and music. 41/2-ft. braided cord. DOUBLE HEADBAND. Less yokes. 6 oz.
Comfortable, vinyl -plastic headband is eas- 59 J 107. NET EACH 50c CANNON -BALL
ily adjustable. Shpg. wt.. 11/2 lbs. CC -2 "CHIEF"
591100. 2000 Ohms. NET 2.12 YOKE. For headband above. 3 oz. PHONES. Sensitive
59 J 1 01. 3000 Ohms. NET 2 20 591 108. NET EACH IOC and practical
headset for all
Quality, lightweight ear- SEPARATE EARPIECE. Receiver and comfort- side terminal con-
pieces; ideal for use with able earpiece. Equipped with cord but less nections. 2'As"
portable equipment. Re- plug. Impedance. 8000 ohms. Excellent diaphragms; bake-
place earpieces used in tonal quality. Shpg. wt., 4 oz. lite case and cap.
popular transistor radios in- 59 J 119. NET 3.93 Vinyl plastic cov-
dicated in table below. Sup - ered headband,
plied in individual plastic EARPIECES FOR TV 2000 ohms. With
box, complete with 3 -ft. For private listening to TV sets. Two 41/2-ft. cord. Shpg. wt., 11/2 lbs.
cord. Shpg. wt.. 5 oz. models listed below; one is equipped with 59J172.NET 2.28
Stock No. For Use With plug to fit Emerson sets; the other for REPLACEMENT CAPS AND DIAPHRAGMS. For
Motorola. Provide crisp, clear reproduction. "Master" and "Chief" phones, above.
59 J 147 Regency, Admiral. Motorola, Very light in weight and exceptionally 59 1 27. Cops. Wt., 2 oz. EACH
1 21c
Roland. Zenith, Gambles, comfortable. May be worn for hours with-
Philco, Trav -Ler, Hoffman, out fatigue. Slipg. wt., 5 oz. 591129. Diaphragms. 2 oz. Pkg. of 2 13c
Airline (1100, 1102, 1106). 59 .11 17. For use with Emerson
Western Auto TV sets. NET EACH 3.50
59.1148 RCA and Arvin 59 J 23. For use with Motor-

59.1109 Magnavox, Sonora. Bulova, ola TV sets. NET EACH 4.00

59.1142 G.E. 5- Transistor High- sensitivity ear pieces. Supplied com-
59.1145 G.E. 6 and 7- Transistor. plete with standard PL -55 plug attached.
Emerson 5 -ft. cord. Slipg. wt.. S oz.
591 133 Westinghouse. Airline 1108 59 J 166.15 ohms 59 J 134.2000 ohms
59 .1124.120 ohms 59 J 167.8000 ohms CANNON TV HEADPHONE KIT
591116 Dewald 59 1000 ohms High- quality listening device to aid hard -of-
NET EACH 3 17 NET IEACH 3.50 hearing, or provide private, "silent" listen-
ing when others might be disturbed by loud-
CANNON-BALL RADIO HEARING AID speaker operation. Volume control and
Speaker -Phones switch on control box. Sup-
Popular, low- priced hearing aid for any radio set or TV set, plied with 1S -ft. cord, and two pairs of
easily attached to any loudspeaker. Excellent for private headphones. Slipg. wt.. 3 lbs.
listening, or listening at late hours without disturbing 59 J 175. NET 9.70
others. Employs a specially-constructed low- impedance
headphone which matches the output of radio or TV set. SINGLE HEADSET KIT. Same kit as above, but
Built -in selector control switch permits listening with speak- with only one pair of phones. 2 lbs.
er only, headphone only, or both speaker and headphone 59 J 176. NET 6 61
simultaneously. Supplied complete with control box. con- CONTROL BOX ONLY. Shpg. wt., 9 oz.
necting cables for attachment to speaker, and attachment 59 J 177. NET 4.41
of headphone to control box, instructions and diagram.
Shpg. wt., l Ib. 11-OHM DUAL HEADSET. Shpg. wt., 11/4 lbs.
591 1 1 8. NET 3.38 591 141. NET 200
282 Depend on Allied for Complete Stocks, Low Prices, Friendly Service,
Headphones and Accessories

BA-200 Headphones. Very sensitive headphones with high imped- N -98 Headphones. Designed for general laboratory use where
0 ance (45,000 ohms at 1000 cps.). Frequency response, 100 to
high impedance and sensitivity are necessary. Have a frequency
8000 cps. Cone type diaphragm. Molded plastic case shaped for response of from 60 to 10,000 cps. Impedance at 1000 cps. is in excess
maximum comfort. Require small DC blocking condenser for DC of 50,000 ohms. Phones employ crystal elements for high sensitivity.
circuits. With 5 -ft. cord and headband. \Vt. 2 lbs. Blocking capacitor required in presence of DC. With 51/2 ft. flexible
59 J 151. List $21.50. NET 12.64 cord attached. Shpg. wt.. 1 lb.
591186. NET 7.20
Model BA-200B Headphones. Like BA -200 above; but equipped with
cord wired for binaural use. Impedance, 90,000 ohms (at 1000 cps). Extended frequency headphones, similar to
N -130 Headphones.
Sltpg wt., 2 lbs. model N -98 above; designed for high fidelity listening. Match
59 J 152. List $23.45. NET impedances from 3.2 to 16 ohms, with minimum distortion. Re-
13.79 sponse of from 60 to 13.000 cps. Has soft rubber ear cushions and
BA-201 Headphone. Similar to model BA -200 but, single head- cushioned headband. Blocking capacitor required in presence of
n phone. 90,000 ohms (1000 cps). Shpg. wt., 1 lb. DC. With 51/2 ft. cord. Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
59 1 156. List $13.40. NET 7.88 59 J 187. NET 8.03
Lorgnette BA -202 Phone. For group hearing aid systems. Extends BRITISH INDUSTRIES TYPE K HEADPHONES
to 17 ". 90,000 ohms. With 5 -ft. cord. Shpg. wt., lb. 1 Professional -type, high -fidelity dynamic headphones for broad-
59 J 157. List $16.80. NET 9.88 o cast use, monitoring. etc. Can be connected to any sound system,
amplifier, radio. phonograph, recorder, or similar equipment. Head-
Hi-Fi Headsets. Double headphone sets that feature uniform fre- phones are actually 2 miniature high- fidelity loudspeakers-re -
quency response, low distortion, and excellent bass response. Light- markable tonal fidelity and sensitivity. Uses moving -coil type arma-
weight for maximum comfort. Impedance indicated is at 1000 cps. ture assemblies for maximum response and fidelity; bakelized
'For binaural use. Average slipg. wt., 3 lbs. conical diaphragm; flux density. 6000 lines. Headbands and receiver
itock No. Type Impedance cases are constructed of highly -polished dural for long life. Head-
Response List NET
bands are adjustable. Response: 50- 10,000 cps. Rubber ear cushions;
5 9J 158 BA -205 75,000 ohms 100-10,000 cps $33.00 19.4C 6t/z ft. cord. 52 ohms impedance. Shpg. wt., 11/2 lbs.
5 91 153 13A -20513 150,000 ohms 100- 10.000 cps 35.00 20.5E 59 J 337. NET 28.95
5 9J 163 BA -206 50,000 ohms 60 -8000 cps 34.65 20.37 600-OHM HI -Ft HEADPHONES. As above, but 600 ohms.
5 9 J 154 BA -206B 100,000 ohms 60 -8000 cps 36.60 21.52 59 J 338. NET 34.50

Copper inner conductor covered with woven
cotton braid. For phones on this page and
pages 279. 281 and 282. All cords have 2
phone tips at one end; 'terminals at oppo-
site end of cord. Slipg. wt., 2 oz.
41/2 Ft. Double Cords
No. Terminals For Use With EACH
591220 Eyelet type. For In- 591100,-104. TRIMM HEADPHONE S AND ACCESSORIES
side terminals. -110.-111.-126.
-126, -172, -135,
50c "Military" Type. Constructed to meet mil- "Professional" Type. Magnetic head-
-136, -137, -215 itary headphone specifications. Imped- phones for general use. Bakelite caps
59 205 Eyelet type. 59.1130 ance, 20,000 ohms; DC resistance, 2.000 and shells. Forged magnets of chrome steel,
591 206 Has phone tips on Govt. and ohms. Metal shell with bakelite cap. 6 ft. impregnated coils. 5 -ft. cord. Inside term-
both ends
Small blunt tips
military types
50c cord. Inside terminals. Leather -covered inals. Have plastic- covered headband. Shpg.
headband. Shpg. wt., I1/2 lbs. wt.. 11/2 lbs.
5 F. Double Cords 591 040. NET 11.76
59 J 006 Large blunt tips
59 J 020. 3000 ohms. NET
591 I81 Eyelet type
591020.-021 59 J 042. Extra Diaphragms. EACH.. 15c 59 1 021. 4000 ohms. EACH 3 41
"Featherweight" Type. Weigh less than S 59 J 030. Replacement Caps. EACH...38c
6 Ft. Double Cords o ounces. Black bakelite caps and shells. 59 J 031. Extra Diaphragms. EACH.... 2 c
59 004
591 007
Eyelet type
Large blunt tips
591000, -001
591 040
58c Forged magnets; pole pieces of permalloy.

Impregnated coils. Supplied with flexible Acme "Deluxe" Type Headphones. Sensi-
8 F. Double Cords 6 -ft. moisture -proof cord. Choice of high or tive headphones designed for every use.
591221 Eyelet type Same es type low impedances. Shpg. wt., 9 oz. 2000 ohm impedance. Sturdily constructed
591 220 above 59 J 000. Standard. 4000 ohms. for dependable performance under all con-
59 1 218 Eyelet type 59.1130 75c 59 J 001. Special. 24,000 ohms. ditions. 41/2-ft. cord. Shpg. wt., 8 oz.
591 219 Has phone
tips on both ends
Govt. and
Military type
NET EACH 6.47 59 J 070. NET 2.12
Single Cords 59 J 045. Extra Diaphragms. EACH.... 15c Extra Diaphragms. For above. 2 oz.
591 200 4 tt. cord with eye- 591112,-113 59 J 013. Replacement Caps. EACH ... 44c 59 J 012. EACH 1 2c
let lyp
59 1003 48 ite cord with . 591 072 334 "Lorgnette" Type Earphone. Same Individual Volume Control.
small blunt tips
construction as "Featherweight" Consists of phone jack
59 1 182 6 ft cord with eyelet 59/157 504 and volumecontrol mounted
type phones above. Excellent for use in in compact box. Ideal for
churches, and small theaters. Ear- group hearing aid systems
ICA RUBBER PHONE CUSHION phone size, 2%g" dia. x 1/2" thick.
Type 195. Rubber cushions
in theaters, churches,

Handle extends to 14 ". Imped- schools, etc. Resistance:
slip over phones for maximum ance, 4500 ohms: DC resistance, 10,000 ohms. Size: 31/2x
comfort. Do not interfere with 1000 ohms. Supplied with flexible, 21/27(l1/2". Shpg. wt., 1 lb.
reception. Shpg. wt., 6 oz. braided 6 -ft. cord. Shpg. wt., 59 1 056. Brown wrinkle.
59 J 122. NET PER PAIR 1.00 t0 oz. 59 J 057. Ivory wrinkle.
10 or More Pairs, EACH 90c 59 J 036. NET 4.85 NET EACH. 2 59
For Complete Product and Manufacturers Index See Pages 397 -400 tau
Burgess Batteries
All Burgess batteries are carefully manufac- over, you are always assured of factory-to-
tured to assure peak performance from you freshness. if you are not able to find
battery- operated electronic equipment. The the batteries which you require, give the
selection of power- packed Burgess batteries make and type number of the original bat-
listed below covers types for virtually all teries, make and model number of your set,
portaLle radio needs. Latest "Feather- and we will supply the Burgess equivalents.
weight" hearing-aid batteries are also listed. *Standard type number assigned by Na-
Because of Allied's extremely rapid turn- tional Electronic Distributors Association.

Stock 8 Std. Llet

No. Typo Pkg. Price Single Std. Volts Size
Lot. Pkg. Lbs. Ne. Eaaaaady
53 J 069 2D 1 $0.75 .53 I y4 2 x18 x2,I
I144' dia.
h p 18
53 J 063 2R 48 .20 .14 .13 1 2 .

53 J 000 2F 1 .85 .59 1 21 zs1sz4% 11 W353 VS141


1.05 .95 2 /rx2 /zx4láz 4 742 VS004

53 J 003 6 1.35 1

53 J 045 5R 12 .1211 .1 1 .0911 1 A 21144x5144' s

80 J 629 6F 1 1.95 1.37 1 4V1x2r/az4ly 2yy S 743 VS007
.38 .35 3114z14jz dia. /4 23 960P VS070
53 J 046 8R 24 .50 1
321hz2 44.xSh 3 17 741
53 006 8F 2.35 1.65 1
J 047 9R 12
.17 .13 .12 1 1844x4344 dia. 4 1015E
.28 411x141144' dia. 1 20 964
.69 .63

4a 3/l
4x1Nex4 '
r 19 726 VS072
J 624
4 44 r
x4 /'
44js 1} 3 736 VSSO67
53 J 011 F4PI 6 1.35 1.05 .95 6 2i1hx21í4, 1 h 6 744
53 J 001 2F4 1 2.95 2.07 6 4x21líasaayu 2 1

Z4 .90 .63 6 11/24ocl;tez25lz o4 2 724 VS068

80 J 625 1
3112z41x2Va 8 713 VS129
53 J 042 135 6 1.50 1.16 1.05 71
9 717 VS065
J 043 CS 6 1.35 1.05 .95 7 21/2ox11 x31,/2
53 215hz2 z221yn I 10 W360
53 J 071 T5 3 1.38 1.06 .96 7
53 J 049 37 1 .98 .65 1 611x114 dia. 1 s


80 J 535
80 J 536
80 J 537
314x2 /4xai9e

t /2
V S015
M30 3.15 2.43 2.21 45 51/2z11/2x333k 2 202 482 VS013
80 J 546 6
W3OPI 3.33 2.33 45 231/22z1yux31/21' 733
80 J 539 1
45 213z31/31x33115'
201 455 VS055
80 J 545 XX30 6 2.45 1.89 1.72 VS086
2.50 1.75 45 13hx11hz31yh 213 315
80 J 646 U30 1
80 J 645 P45M 6 4.00 3.03 2.75 671/2 1 llzx x51h' f'
/4 211M 477
80 J 631 K45 6 3.15 2.43 2.21 6712 2114z1 11 411 2 1/4' 1 203 457 VS082
XX45 6 3.50 2.70 2.45 24zl11 x34844 200 467 VS016
80 J 544 67'//////2
67y2 11%01 4
S' 21IP VS218
80 J 642 P45 6 3.10 2.39 2.17 416
UX45 2.07 67
80 J 692
80 J 613 XX50
3.05 2.77
212 437
80 J 693 N6OX 1
479 VS219
80 J 665 P60 6 3.75 2.89 2.63 90 141hz17. 18h' 1 214
N60 4.25 3.28 2.98 90 311,,{4sz11hx31Z' 1 204 490 VS090
80 J 632 6
111hx111yx1 8h' 114 217 W361
80 J 588 XX69 1 5.65 3.96 1031/2


80 J 594 2TXX40 1 5.04 3.38 111, 60 218ízz111/22z79jz 11/2 412 W370
80 J 551 4GA42 1 7.35 4.95 1 , 63 9z21/sx4z/ 4 407 W366 VS053
6TA60 7.15 4.80 }}, 90 9 1yz21/4z44yjt 41/2 410 W369 VS054
80 J 555 1 1
1 h. 90 4 424 729 VS064
80 J 676 4T260 1 5.75 4.03 73/s7.21 x33/4

80 J 615 T5250 1 6.25 4.38 6.71/2,75 81 x311/nx2 4 403 755 VS050

80 J 675 T5Z50P 1 6.25 4.38 71/2 , 15 8 z311/nz2 31/2 431 785 VS060
J 614 T6Z60 6.75 4.73 71i1. 9, 90 2 xS11{sx318íf 41/2 405 756 VS057W
80 1
9, 90 914x22%yx4lls 401 753 VS019
80 J 584 F6A60 1 7.25 5.08 71 z. 6

J 585
J 643
J 616
9, 990
9, 90
9, 90 1084031/2z4Ve
914z23/ x""4/1yy
6 402
J 570 G6860 7.75 5.43 9, 90 13>1hz21i1s1.42yh' 7 400 752 VS047
80 1


80 JX 572
86 J 36

1 I
1/, 90


9146 90 I
9/x 84
V S021

11844x34 dia. E34 OE

80 J 689
80 J 691
.09 .08
80 J 683 1
80 J 690 A4 I 1.00 .69 6 211/Szxl1/24z11y4 ((s
XX9 1.35 .95 9, 131/2 11'hx1hx213h' /4 1900 239
80 J 679 1

D6 1.65 1.16 9 311zx2x2114' 1 1603 276 VS306

80 J 666 1
9 23f(x131x1 1602 246 VS305
1.85 1.30
BO J 684
80 J 664
1 1.65 1.16 9 1 z4x1 1604
1600 226 VS300
53 J 086 P6 I 1.10 .77 9 311.x31/2z13141'
C6X 1.60 1.10 9 214x11ihx61ls' /a 2356
80 J 694 1


NET EACH ShPg. Rap ans.
Stock Burgos. Std. List Aoous-
Typo Pke. Prion Si le Std. Volts Size Wt., Zenith Sono- Ever- tioon
No. Lets Pkg. Oz. tone oady
XX15 I 1.27 2211 11;h'3lsx3%' 4 425P 922 22EW
53 072 J $1.80
33 6 433P 930 33EW
53 073 J XX22 I 2.05 1.44 217/20x0 SSA z311//sr'
12 455P 230 945 45EW
53 J 074 XX3OPI 1 2.50 1.75 45 217.z31/2z41/23
K20 1.95 1.37 30 23/4,034,511/4' 3
53 J 075 1
15 1z' :11/2e 2 411 211 311 711G
53 J 076 1110 1 1.15 .81
1.50 1.05 2211 1x3144:1 11x 2 412 212 312 71211
53 J 077 U15 1
30 x213,' 2 413 213 313 713G
53 J 078 U20 1 1.75 1.23 1x3
Y10 1.15 .81 15 x1 x14,44 3 504E Z5 315 715G
53 J 080 1 1
26 722G
53 J 081 VIS 1 1.50 1.05 221 1 to zlz1hz 3 505E 322
53 J 0 7 9 V20 1 1.85 1.30 30 1 zlMezIlA. 3 506E Z7
084 V2OS 1.85 1.30 30 z'yyz:2lls' 3 507E
53 J 1 1

284 Depend on Allied for Comp ete Stocks, Lowest Prices Friendly Service
Burgess Batteries
These top-quality, long -life cells deliver highly de-
Suitable for all radio and laboratory re-
quirements. Allied stock of Burgess
pendable performance in all popular sizes of flash-
lights. All are double- protected against leakage
sealed in plastic and steel on the outside and chrome
batteries is always fresh, assuring you of protected on the inside. Curbs harmful interior ac-
full -rated efficient service. Burgess quality tion for new, longer life. Type 1-
for baby tubular
construction and insulators allow use of flashlights; Type 2 -for standard flashlights; Type
very active ingredients, providing maxi- 2 -for standard penlights; Type 7-for slim pen-
mum useful life. Letters following battery lights; Type N -for miniature and novelty lights.
type numbers denote terminals: P.I. NET EACH
plug -in; S.C. -spring clips. Others have
screw terminals except ',spring clips where
S.C. is not included an Type No.; ¡heavy-
Stook Bu
Type St pkÓ.
Oz. Pkg. Singlo
duty. Industrial type.
53 J 009
53 J 029
53 J 031
2% x1t54=' 6
123 t c
53 J 082 N 24 12c 94 84
12 }c
Stook B Shpa Std. NET EACH 78 J 243 7 11/a z 352 2 12 96 84
No. Tu ypa Volts Six' Wt. pka, Single Std.
53 J036 2FBP 11 22'h2xlr az4 1 5 '81 ,74
30 J 2B8P
621 132 11 x274x2 4s' 14 6 1.16 1.05 Famous "Metalclad" weather -resistant
53 J 023 44 I 12 dia. x 4rjy' 4 1 .95 batteries. Have strap- handle for easier
53 J 017 2F2H 3 21/2x21/2x440 1 A 5 1.03 .94 carrying. Designed for emergency
illumination, portable lighting, alarm
J 018 F2BP
J 591 B2BP
J 604 2Z2P1
221/22x1 1/241/a
1s ex'I4es2tr4e
/( 5
systems. Used by railroads, police, Ere
departments and emergency crews.
Dependable. leakproof metal container.
53 J 038 422 3 2ynx1 "4°:23lá /4 10 .46 .42
Types 4F2H and 4F14 recommended for
53 J 037 2F2BP 3 5355x13j5x432' 1'/} 1 2.23 general ignition, telephone and lantern
J 035 432
J 085 532
J 016 F4BP
2'hxl°%j2x22 yn
2s/sx2s/sx4' 1
.54 .49
service as well as electronic devices. etc.


Stook B
Volts Sin' Wt. Std. Single Std.
No. Typs
"B" BATTERIES Lbs. Pkg' Lots Pkg.
53 J 033 4F6H 9 81/2 x3 °14x5'34' 9 1 4.30
Stook Burgess Shpg- Std. NET EACH 80 J 601 4F511s 71/2 131sx3°1/14x51fls 71/2 1 3.67
Ho. Type Volts Sims Wt. Single Std. 53 J 025 4F4115 6 8s314x2134x51Me' 6 I 1 2.90
Lbs. Lote Pkg. 53 J 027 4F2H 3 3 y°zx2146x5'15z' 21 1 1.25
5156P1 47E,z2 °t:223ú' 2.07 53 J 024 4FH 11/2 21/2x21/2x4 11/2 12 .77 .70
80 J 511 221 11/2 1

80 J 512 SI56SC 221/ 4[/:21x2°/4' 1° /s 5 2.22 2.07

80 J 510 4156 22/2 313394xZZt /[:22234' 1 1 .61 1 LANTERN BATTERIES
80 J 501 21308SC 45 81/2x41nz7314' 13 1 4.4: For use with railroad -type lanterns. Type F41-1 has durable and
BO J 504 10308PI
80 J 505 10308SC
8 x4/zx73f¡
positive coilspring contacts -a
favorite of railroadmen.
80 J 507 2308SC 45 84x22/4: V4 8 1 3.15 Stook Burgau Volts Wt. Std. NET EACH
BO J 508 5309 45 :51
4/1ax235s 3 1 2.64 No. Typa
Size Lbs. Pkg. SInels Pkg
BOJ 519 W3OBPX 45 31'14:3[35? 1/4 1 2.0C
53 027
J 4F2H 3 32352:21%4x5 3y 21/2
BO J 524 Z30NX 45 1%x3z4 352' 1t/ 5 2.61 2.37 53 J 028 F4H 6 2V x2/ :3'34' 11/2

.72 1.65
BO J 634 260BP 90 33A:2 Aax5144 2 .4 1 8.9C 21/2x21/2x4 .65
BO J 626 U -200 300 2°/4:2352:31/° 1 1 7.7C 53 J 016 F4BP 6 1 %2


{Designed for high initial current discharge.
Stook Bu Volts Slzs Wt. pka Single Std. Stock Type Volts Size Std. WI Replaces
No. Ty ps Lbs. Lots Pkg, No. No. Pkg. Single Pkg. Eveready

BOJ 515 5360 40 21Yuxsy4x2s1hs Ya 10 .69 .67 53 J 039 220 154 2[°,4,21' 1/h' 12 6 oz. .14 .13 850
BOJ 513 2370PI 4 414,x12ì4,x2s54s' 1 5 1.16 1.05 53 J 040 120 11 111%01' 12 4m. .14 .13 835
B0 J 593 2370 4/2 3'3í°=1s/ax2r/a' r/a S 1.01 .97 53 J 041 920 14 iz'xs%,' 24 4oz. .11 .10 815
53 J 044 U15PFI 2254 31/210,{x111i4z 4 oz. 1.05 412

B0 J 514 5540 4 :1/°x25/4 5 1.12 1.07 5.56
80J 678 U160 240 254012,50411/4' 1 %lb. 491
BO J 516 B5P 7
6 1.47 1.34 y 1.94
BOJ 626 8200 300 2y,x22%2s334' 1 1 lb. 7.70 ....
BO J 623 A9BP 13 23nx21y52x2iyy' 1
4 1
1 2.94 80J
2% xl11hzx31,4,'
2.70 2.45 467
80J 632 560 90 3 140l'/ux31she 6 l Ib. 3.28 2.98 490
No. 6 LINE 53 J 070 D3 4% 334x114 x212,4' 6 38 lb. .69 .63 726
80 J 631 845 6754 211/012/ws2%' 6 38 Ib. 2.43 2.21 457
Stook Bu Shpa' Std. NET EACH BOJ 546 M30 45 3 12/2113,2554' 6 2 lbs. 2.43 2.21 482
o. Typs Volts SU* Wt. pkaSlnola Std. 53 J 081 Y15PF 224 19Azx19/#1x111/4' 3 oz. I .05 505
Lbs. Lots Pkg 53 J076 Ul0 15 1:3°,4,x1 /;a 2oz. .81 411
80 J 638 6 111 2x65
x69 r
11/4 12
.7C 53 J078 820
53J 080 VIOPF
30 1x1',4,:21 .1?
2 oz.
80 J 639 6s 1 2 21/4 .7C 15
644 12 80J 681 5150 225 394°x2% x41/4 154 lb. 5.56 492
80 J S461 6 1ÓX2 °/4x7'Y2 8%2 3.819 2.9C BOJ 682 U320 510 2'24sx17/u252.1 lye lbs. 11.16 497


Compact rechargeable wet
12183801 batteries. Excellent for port-
Standard No. 6 dry cell. Supplies able equipment. Non -spill con-
11/2 volts. For industrial use, annun- struction. In lightweight poly-
(o o)B Ca-no ciator and signal systems, battery- styrene containers Immune
operated ignition systems, farm to corrosion. Fibrite Insulation
PLUGS FOR BATTERIES lanterns. etc. Size, 6x2 1' diameter. retarde plate shedding. Built -
Equipped with screw terminals. Case In charge indicator. For 2 -volt
With 3 small prongs only. f5 prongs. 5 is insulated. Shpg. wt.. 2 lbs. power supplies, but can be
Fahnestock cl ps. 83 prongs. I oz. 2 per pkg. connected in series for higher
Stock Fib For Burgess For RCA Per 80 J 767.NET EACH 77C voltages. Shipped wet. Ex-
No. Battery Battery Pkg. Lots of 12, EACH 706 press only.
54 J 021 A 2F4, F4PI, VS009 94
54J 022 8 XXII, XX22, Typs 26 -2. For Portable Radios. Supplies 2
114 EVEREADY GEIGER COUNTER volts for 21 ampere-hours. Plug -in terminals.
54J 023 C 6iÁ60 14SD60 300 VOLT BATTERY Original equipment in GE Models 250 and 260.
41160, 170060 VS054 It Size, 6x21/2:21/2'. Wt., 31/2 lbs.

Typa 493. A very compact, highly dependable 98 J 023. List, $11.15. NET
54J 024 D 2F, 4F. 6F, 8F, VS004, VS069, power source. Especially designed for low -
2D, OR VS070, VSI41 94 drain, high -voltage applications such as Geiger Typs E R 6 -28 For Photo -Flash. Supplies
54J 026 F D3, F3, G3 VS067, VS072 94 counters. photoflash units (gas discharge type), 2 volts for 6 ampere -hours. 125 to 250 flashes
54J 027 G B- 5.0 -5,T-5 VS065 1 IC multiplier -photo cells. and small lightweight per cycle of charge. Gives maximum peak cur-
54J 028 H 2TXX40, 4GA42 94 insulation testers. Supplies 300 volts. Size: rent for positive bulb flash and split-second
54J 031 E F6Á60. G6M60 VS018, VS019, 2''0(2%3x3235:'. Shpg. wt., 1%4 lbs. shutter synchronization. Has plain post termi-
S6D60,15250. VS050, VS057W 80 J 759. NET EACH 7.70 nals. 1'4°x21/2:43á . Shpg. wt., 11 lbs.
T6 194 98 J 024. List, $7.55. NET 5.52
54 J 034 B 430, B30, M30, VS012, VS013,
W3OPI, 130 V5014, VS015 94 SWITCHBOARD TESTING BATTERY Typa ER-34-2. For Portable Radios. Sup-
54J 036 .t 5156P1 304 Type 766T. 22% -volt battery for switch- plies 2 volts for 34 ampere-hours. Battery has
54J 035 .. I 23701 VS030 204 board testing. Replaces Burgess Type 2156 and plain posts. Original equipment in RCA radio
54J 067 ... Male snap-on 86 RCA Type VSI37 batteries. Size, 63/4:41/2x model 65BR9. Length, 4' ; width, 31%4';
54J 068 .... Fems% snap-on 84 Shp wt., t., 4 Ibo. height. 41/2'. Shpg. wt.. 51/2 lbs.
54J 037 .... U30 VS086 724 8ÓJ 674 Ng. 3.10 98 J 025. List, $14.85. NET 10.78
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 285
RCA Batteries
RCA batteries are scientifically designed to batteries, plus the make and model number
give maximum performance. The extensive of your set. Because of our rapid stock turn-
selection of long -life RCA batteries in the over, you can always be sure of fresh bat-
listing below covers types for hundreds of teries when you order from Allied. *Stand-
industrial applications and virtually all ard number assigned by National Elec-
portable radios in use today. If you cannot tronic Distributors' Assn. *Sealed in steel.
determine which batteries you require, give §Other voltage taps: 11/2, 3, 41, 6. *Other
us the make and type number of the original voltage taps: 3, 41/2, 6, 9, 101, 161.
NET EACH Wt Interchangeable
Stook PICA Std. List SInoie Std. Volts Slso Eaoh eNEDA w th
No. Type Pkg. Prise Pkg. Lbs. No. Burgess Evoresdy
80 J 947 VS034 12 .125 .09 .08 11 3402' 4 15 Z 915
80 J 903 VS036t 48 .20 .135 .125 1 134ex23/' /Z 13 2R
80 J 948 VS0351 25 .20 .135 .125 1 1x11 1s 14 1 935
80 J 897 VS074 24 .125 .09 .08 1 ex11/a 2 24 7 912
BO J 901 VS004 6 1.35 1.05 .95 1 41/025/x25/' 11/2 4 4F 742
BO J 904 VS073 24 .125 .09 .08 11//z 1/,x13/,' 1
910 N W463
BO J 912 VS236* 12 .40 .3I .28 1 1r/ax4r,ie' y= 20 21R 964
BO J 966 VS069 6 .75 .58 .53 1 2 134x25/' 4 18 2D 720
BO J 967 VS072 12 .90 .69 .63 4 313kx134x2334s' 1 19 D3 726
80 J 900 VS002 6 1.10 .85 .77 4 4 411/9x11/2:4' 11/2 7 G3 746
80 J 963 VS067 6 1.05 .81 .74 41/2 4x11/3E41/' 1 3 F3 736
80 J 902 VS009 6 1.35 1.05 .95 6 3,s{ex2s/ex2s/ 11fi 6 F4P1 744
80 J 965 VS068 12 .90 .69 .63 6 1iç4x1ifex2¡ s 2 24 724
80 J962 VS065 12 1.35 1.05 .95 71/z 31/4x2x234 13/4 9 CS 717


J 913 $4 20 1.50 1.16 1.05 221/2 1x1/2x2` 4 213 U15 412
80 J 969 \'S086 6 2.50 1.93 1.75 45 11/,x34x334' /4 213 U30 415
80 J 905 VS012 6 3.85 2.97 2.70 45 41/,x23/ec53rk' 3 207 B30 484
BOJ906 VS013 6 3.15 2.43 2.21 45 334x1134,x51/;' 2 202 M30 482
80 J 907 VS014 6 3.05 2.33 2.12 45 334x21/4x434 =1/2 206 A30 W359
80 J 908 V 5015 10 3.95 3.04 2.76 221/2-45 3x21/4x4' 11/2 205 Z30 738
80 J 910 VS055 6 2.45 1.89 1.72 45 231/,x1x3114 3/4 201 XX30 455
VS218 3.10 2.39 2.17 671 534.x1x13345 211 P45 477
80 J 999
80 J 909 VS016
6 3.50 2.70
1 200
80 J 932 V S216 6 3.95 5 1

80 J 889
80 J 898
1 3í1x1:534.
1134x1x61/4' 1
/ 203
BO J VS090 6 4.25 3.28 2.98 90 311x1 /.x33/4' 1 204 N60 490
80 J 984 VS219 12 3.75 2.89 2.63 90 11/3x11hu713ih' 1 214 P60 479


BO J 921 VS050 1 6.25 4.38 6-71/2-75 834x2140311 '' 4 403
80 J 896 VS060 6 6.25 4.82 4.38 71 -75 3' 1/24.2346x 31/2
80 J 916 V S019 1 7.25 5.08 7 -9-90 43/,x23/}'x93/, 6 401 F6A60 753
80 J 933 VSO57W 1 6.75 4.73 7 -9-90 811/2021/2031/2' 4 405 T6Z60 756
80 J 920 VSO47 1 7.75 5.43 9-90 135/x2/4x43/e' 8 400 G6B60 752
80 J 928 VS058 1 6.85 4.80 9-90 91/zx214x43/ 5 406 F6A6OP 757
80 J 888 VS059 1 6.85 4.80 9-90 811i4x23/ax3;/¡ 5 428 T6260P

80 J 993 V S070 20 .50 .39 .35 1 15/,x41/.` 23 8R 1060
80 J 870 VS0O6C 12 1.05 .77 .70 11 23/ x65/,,' 26
3/ 914 6GL
80 J 986 VS101 S 1.05 .81 .74 1 21/2x11/2x434' 1 700 22FBP W354
80 J 957 VS106 10 1.05 .77 .70 1,4 231/.x211/,:45/,' 11/2 900 4FH 735
80 J 959
80 J 892
80 J 985
11/z- 41/
2 /:11 /x4331S4s,

/ 712
80 J 937 VS028 S .90 .69 .63 4'/e 2rxx233vy' 3ií 714 5360 781
80 J 987
80 J 942
31 x1}{.x25/j
103/x21/x /' 11
3/a 706
80 J 992 VS040C 10 .98 .72 .65 6 211/ax211/s1c434'
80 J 950 VSO40S 10 .98 .72 .65 6 213/.x23y4z4;4.' 1 915 F4 BP
80 J 938 VS029 5 1.47 1.12 1.02 71/1f 211/201, x31/2' 1 713 5540 773
BO J 890 VS083 20 1.15 .89 .81 15_ 11/txt/xl 208 1110 411
BO J 960 VS131 5 2.90 2.22 2.02 221/21 41/x21/2x31/2.' 2 708 5156SC 778
80J951 VS102 5 2.35 1.77 1.61 221
22 -455
80J952 VS112 5 3.75 2.90 2.64
80 J 988 VS114 5 3.40 2.61 2.37 22 - 3x11/x413/ , 2 711 Z3ONX W350
80 J 871 VS026 6 4.55 3.51 3.19 22(;;-45 81/.x31/2,x71/26' 71/2 717 2308PI 485
80 J 873 VS127W 5 6.30 4.85 4.41 221/2-45 8x4x71/2' 11 724 10308SC
80 J 996 VS157 5 6.35 4.90 4.45 221/2-45 81/,x43/x711/,' 12 715 2130BSC 794
80 J 914 VSOS5 20 1.75 1.35 1.23 30 2+14x5/z11/22' 3/4 210 1220 413
80 J 989 VS093 1 11.00 7.70 300 25/x23/6x311/,' 11/4 722 U200 493

The RCA batteries listed below are engineered specifically for use we'ght and exceptionally long service life. All RCA battery types
in transistorized radios-all combine extremely compact size, light - will provide extra listening hours from your radio.
NEDA Interehangpbb
Stook PICA Std. List Volts Size Each with
No. Typo Pb;. Price Single Std. No.
Lots Pkg. Lbs. Burson Evoroady
.56 .51 1/s 216
80 J 846 VS313 20 .75 1.4 3401311yy'
80 J 991 VS301 12 1.65 1.28 1.16 3. 6. 9 234x13S,x8' 11 1601 D6P1 2506
80 J 949 VS400 10 2.65 1.98 1.80 4 I 1/1xl1 44 1300 E233
80 J 841 VS308 12 1.28 .99 .90 4 11/,x31/5 Á 1302
80 J 844 VS311 12 1.10 .85 .77 4 11/5x3344' 34 1301
80 J 840 V S307 12 1.44 1 .1 1 1.01 51/;; 1314x33/5, 1/ 1402
VS3I0 1.29 1.00 91 51/z 11/ax3ap c/z 1401
80 J 843 12
80 J 845 VS312 12 2.75 2.04 1.85 8 Ix1134e 216
80 J 961
80 J 838
80 J 839
21/2:11/2x1 1/2'
33z1x21/tx234e 1
/ y 1600
80 J 842 VS309 12 1.61 1.24 1.13 9 11V32:31/24. !4. 1606
80 J 847 VS314 12 1.10 .85 .77 9 l:1x115/s' 1 1600 226
80 J 837 VS304 12 1.35 1.05 .95 9.131/2 23/4x1 c/ax13/' Ya 1900 XX9 239

286 Depend on Allied for Complete Stocks, Low Prices, Friend y Service
Mallory Batteries, Power Supplies & Rectifiers
Mercury batteries for radio and instrument applications. For Highly efficient selenium- rectifier battery chargers.
direct replacement of zinc-carbon types. Provide longer service May also be used as power supplies for electro-
and greater shelf life. Av. shpg. wt., 8 oz. plating, model trains, telegraph systems, vending
Std. NET EACH machines, relays, solenoids, etc. Charging rate
Stook Mfr's Size Volts Pkg. decreases as battery becomes charged, except with
No. Type Si nulls Std.P kg. 6SAC4. Equipped with socket for use with R675
BO J 780 RM -411R 1xtYnxIIyu 15.0 12 1.65 1.50 charging cord below. All have DC cord with bat-
BO J 781 RM -412R 1xlyírx11%f 22.5 12 2.11 1.92 tery clips. Pilot light on all units except 6SAC4.
BO J782 RM -413R lx'yigx2' 30.0 12 2.50 2.27 Pilot light dims as battery becomes charged and
BOJ 783 AM-415R lxtyjtx3l 45.0 6 3.47 3.15 blinks if charger connections are shorted or re-
BO J 727 ZM -9 '77x1'3,{, 1.5 20 .56 .51 versed. For 6 v. batteries except 12 v. For 105 -125
80 J 787 TR -145R 37{,x11n' 7% 10 1.60 1.45 v. 60 cycle AC.
BO J 785 TR -146R lx'9(,x11%e 9.0 12 2.04 1.85
BOJ 849 TR -233R 1x1317 4.0 10 1.98 1.80 Stock Mfr's DC Amps Mss DC Amps Sizes Wt. NET
RO J 788 TR -246R 13,4x27/. 9 10 2.20 2.00 List
No. Type Mas Taper Continuous H. W. D. Lbs. EACH

BO P 086 6SAC4 4 4 3 4 %3483434' 51/4 919.95 13.03

MERCURY "A" BATTERIES BO P 093 6SAC6 6 4 5 6 8s1 1(s4% 6 22.95 14.99
BO P 094 6SACIO 10 7 8 73136 34d %' 9 33.95 22.18
Extremely long shelf life and uniform discharge voltage. Resistant to BO P 087 12SAC5' S 3 4 7 11016 1/2x5 % 9 33.95 22.18
humidity. 'With W tab on positive terminal. Shpg. wt., 2 oz.
Mfr's NET EACH Type R676 Charg ng Cord with Universal Lighter Plug. Fo charg-
Stook Size Volts Std. ing of car battery through c garette lighter socket. Comp etc with 6 ft.
No. Typs (Dia. Ht.) Pkg. Si note Std.Pkg. cord. Shpg. wt.. 6 oz.
BO J 878 RM1R 3/ex3/! 1.34 20 .40 .36 52 P 643. List. $2.25. NET 1.47
BO J 879 RM3R lxya 1.34 20 .55 .50
BO J 880 RM4R tyjgxye' 1.34 20 .72 .65 TYPE VP VIBRAPACKS
BO J 881 RM12R 3/1x1'%,' 1.34 10 .85 .77
80 J 741 RM4ZR
s34x 'W 1.34 .64 .58 20 Mallory vibrapacks provide high -voltage DC
80 J 784 %x2' 1.34 10 2.04 1.85 from low-voltage storage batteries. Excellent as
80 J 742 RM42RTt 137(3x2' 1.34 10 1.87 source of "B" power for portable radios, trans-
BO J 743 R
11731400R 7x'A 1.34 SO 8 I .25 mitters and receivers. mobile P.A. systems, etc.
80 J 884 RM401R 7ikx1/4¡ 1.34 20 .35 .32 Have filter for vibrator hash. All are tube -rec-
BO J 744 RM450R 7x%,' 1.34 40 .33 .30 tifying types for use in circuits where self-bias is
BO J 882 RM502R 'hxl'y'
1.34 10 .64
obtained through a resistor or choke between
B- negative and ground. VP6 -260, VP12 -260 and
80 J 883 RM625RTT f/_1 x'3 1.34 40
80 J 745 RM601R 3/}x1'/ 1.34 10 .56 .51 VP24 -260 can be converted to 200 v. DC output
80 J 746 RM625R 37¡x'/a} 1.34 40 .31 .28 at 60 ma with simple wiring change. All require
BOJ747 RM630R e/x'/a 1.34 .31
.28 40 external filter circuit. Size, S%x3%ex4'/a'.
80 J 748 RM640R 37¡x3k 1.34 20 .32 Stock Mfr's Input Output Max Wt. List NET
No. Typa VDC VDC Ma. Lbs. EACH
MERCURY TRANSISTOR POWERPAKS BO P 18 VP6 -260 6 260 60 S $28.95 17.0 2
BO P 19 VP12 -260 12 260 60 5 28.95 17.02
Transistor batteries for replacement or original equipment applications. BO P 33 VP24-260 24 260 60 6 30.95 18.20
Used in portable radios instruments, etc. Av. shpg. wt., 3 oz. BO P 16 VP6 -325 6 325 100 6 29.95 I7.61
Mfr's NET EACH BOP 17 VP12 -325 12 325 100 6 29.95 17.61
Stook Size Volts Std. RO P 34 VP24-325 24 325 100 6 32.95 19.37
No. Type Pkg. Single Std. Pkg.
BO J 789 TR-113R 2x2yjz' 4.0 10 1.01 .92
BO J 790 TR-114R a4ax1 5.0 10 1.34 1.22 POWER SUPPL ES
BO J 728 TR-115R atx19L 6.5 10 1.67 1.52 12RS6DF BENCH POWER SUPPLY
80 J 729 TR-132R 17x1ik 2.5 10 .92 .84 Dual -range power supply fo servicing car,
80 J 730 TR-133R t17x133V 4.0 10 1.30 1.1 8
a'7x2'iía truck and transistor radios. Range "A' sup-
BO J 731 TR-134R 5.0 10 1.68 1.53 plies 0-16 v. at 6 amps cont nuously, or 14
BO J 732 TR-135R x'7x3' 6.5 10 2.04 1.85 amps Intermittently. Range "B" provides 0.8
BO J 733 TR-136R 2'7x3 S4 8.0 10 2.53 2.30 v. at 10 amps continously or 20 amps Inter-
BO J 734 TR-140R 1x'/xxlyu' 1.3 10 1.23 1.12 mittently. 21/4 voltmeter and ammeter;
BO J 735 TR-152R '/axl1ye 2.5 20 .79 .72 ranges: 0-10 v. DC and 0-20 amps DC. Pro-
BO J 791 TR-153R :x117 4.0 20 1.01 .92 vision for plugging in external ammeter. In-
BO J 792 TR-162R 4.0 10 .84 .76 cludes built -in filter pack similar to Type
BO J 793
TR-163R 2ax1'%e' 4.0 10 1.21 1.10 MA- 6-
provides filtered output up to 6 amps at less than 0.5% ripple;
6 volts at less than 1 v. rme ripple: 12 volts at less than 0.5 v. ems ripple.
BO J 794 TR-164R 2`ux12yS; 5.0 10 1.49 1.35
BO J 795 TR-165R 17x2%, 6.5 10 1.80 1.64 With automatic overload protection. Size. 6 %x103%5% . For 110 -120
v., 60 cycle A('. Shpg. wt., 12% lbs.
80 PX 291. NET 58,75

Coil Clip Blas Coils

0 Ibed to ias class A audio tubes;
and RF, IF, and AVC'
be stacked
Size, 17x3!4,'. Wt., 2 oz.
using bias cell clips
listed below. Accuracy: .10%.
Efficient versatile power supply. Provides filtered
and continuously adjustable power for electronic
equipment operating on 6 or 12 volts. Supplies 6
volts at 25 amps continuous or 40 amps intermit-
Stock No. Mfr's Typo Volltts List NET EACH tent; 12 volts at 14 amps continuous or 20 amps
948 intermittent. Automatic voltage regulating system
I9 M BC -5 1% 600e 40c I I
maintains constant output under varying load. In-
cludes DC voltmeter and DC ammeter. Overload
BIAS CELL CLIPS protection. Has large- capacity electrolytic capaci-
tors that provide power storage for operation of
Stook No. Mfr's Typo Used With Capacity List NET EA.
vibrator powered equipment. Uses selenium rec-
9 M 952 GB-15 2 -cell 40c tifiers. Size, 11x10 1/2z8'%. For 110-120 volts. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt.,
9 M 953 GB-16 BC-3 or BC-5 4 -cell 40e 26c 35
9 M 954 GB-17 1 -cell 40e 80IPZ 132. NET 136.73
Magnesium -copper sulphide rectifiers. Single-phase, Pack. Designed for use
full -wave bridge type. All metal. Unaffected by tem- with 12RS6DF or other
perature extremes ( -90° to +265 °F.). Constant output similarly rated bench
without adjustments. "Self- healing" rectifying film. power supplies where ad-
jAt full load. Type of mounting: Insulated bolt; ditional filtering is re-
T unded stud. J indicates uni- quired. Particularly use-
versal design ftorlall types mounting. IBBR ful when servicing tran-
sistor radios. Rated to
handle output currents
up to 6 amperes. Output
Stock Mlr'S Volts
ACV Duty Replacement In
ripple is less than 0.5%
Na. Type Input Output; Amps HSWD. WI.. when used with 12RS6D.
GTC Battery Eliminator $2.90 .89 Equipped with an ac-
P 174 1114R' 3.2 1.7 1.5 %x3°,401 I
curate- reading ammeter
56P 175 IBBR 6.4 3.4 1.5 1003401%. GTC Battery Eliminator % 3.45 2.25 which is placed in the circuit by depressing the
56P 176 1812E' 9.7 5.2 1.3 345°/1(111% Electric Fence Supplies % 3.95 2.58 automatic spring return switch located on the
56 P 179 IB12L5' 9.7 5.0 4.5 2%s2 3(a2 31' Mallory 6AC4-2 Charger 39 7.10 4.65 front panel. Matches the 12RS6D in appear-
56 P 180 1812C5' 9.7 5.0 5.3 2 %32 34x3' Mallory 64C6 -3 Charger % 8.95 5.85 ance. Housed in handsome Hammertone case.
56P 170 1812011' 9.8 5.1 3.2 1 %al 1/4a2 %' Mallory 3C, 6AC4 Booster % 7.25 4.74 Size, 4 %:53Gx6!4'. Shpg. wt., 5% lbs.
56P 177 ISI6C87' 12.8 6.6 6.0 3x2 33a3Y, Mallory 55358, 6AC6, 80 P 292. NET 17.15
IS16CB7M 11/2 10.20 6.65 Model A-4 Filter Pack. Similar to model
56P 181 1616871 12.8 6.5 8.3 312 3(35 %
6-AC-10-2,107, 1S16B7111 2 13.60 8.89
MA-6; but provides filtering for output cur-
56 P 182 1516895 12.7 6.4 11.6 4 %x3 54x5 %'
Mallory 6AC10 3 1550 10.13 rents of up to 4 amperes. Does not have meter
56 P 171 Fl6C3t 13.0 6.8 3.9 2 %si %x3' Mallory 5535 I 0.85 5.77 or switch. Size, 41/4:514x41/4'.
56P 184 F20C7t 16.2 8.4 4.8 3 %x4 %' ATR Battery Eliminators I 12.75 8.32 vpush-but/tto,n
56P 186 1524C7J1 19.4 10.1 4 37k12811 %' Mallory 12-A0.5 -2 2% 12.60 8.23 80 P 293. 3N ET 10.53
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 287
Converters and Power Supplies
New, universal :. i -dating 110-v., 611 cycle AC equipment
from DC voltage ... .. -. trucks, boats, trains, planes and DC
districts. Designed iell t or standard 110 -volt AC tape recorders.
TV sets. radios. l'A systems. electric razors, test equipment. etc. Units
are carefully engineered and ruggedly constructed to provide long life
operation. All feature complete RF interference suppression and excep-
tional frequency stability. Have operating efficiency in excess of 75 %.
Four-point voltage regulator corrects output voltage for minimum and
maximum loads, and also helps compensate for input voltages lower or
higher than normal. Inverters are recommended for use with loads
having power factors in excess of 70 %. Built -in toggle switch selects most efficient operation for 6-12 V. DC POWER SUPPLIES
use with TV sets or tape recorders. Inverters are not recommended for use with large motor driv-
en appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines. etc. All have On-Off switches. Housed in Typo 610C -ELI F. Features either 6 volts
attractive gray Hammerloid metal cabinet with convenient leather carrying strap. Sizes: Standard @1 10 amperes continuous. or 12 volts
Model RSF, 8 %zx9r/sx5 t/.'; Heavy -Duty Model RHG, 6%x11' /ex8,/ ; Extra- Heavy -Duty Model 6 amperes continuous. Has voltmeter and am-
HSJ, 61/2x12r/ex8t/'. With battery clips for instant connection to power source. Models with "I "' meter. Toggle switch selects 6 or 12 volts out-
suffix equipped with adapter cord for use in auto cigarette lighter receptacles. Recommended for put. 8- position voltage selector control. For
24 volt battery operation. Before ordering. check wattage of equipment with which inverter will 105 -125 v., 50 -60 cycle AC. Gray steel case.
be used. 6 u/zx9ysx8t/= Shpg. wt., 22 lbs.

Stock Mir's Input Watts Wt., NET 80 P2 243. NET 42.95

O Lls!
No. Type DC Volts 60 Cycle Cont. Inter. Lbs. EACH
Type 620C -FLIT. Heavy -duty model. Uses
8 PZ 9221 61.1-RSF 6 110 v. 80 100 22 675.00 50.00 dual rectifiers -full wave assures noise-
75.00 50.00

8 PZ 923 6U-RSF-P 6 110 v. 80 100 22 less operation. Rated output: 6 volts at 20 am-
89.95 59.97

81 PZ 924 6U-RHG 6 110 v. 125 150 27 peres or 12 volts at 10 amperes. Has voltmeter
81 PZ 925 6U-HS 6 110 v. 150 175 37 125.00 83.34 and ammeter. Gray steel case with handle.
81 PZ 926 12U-RS 12 110 v. 100 125 22 75.00 50.00 8- position voltage selector control. Size. Wax
8 PZ 927 12U-RSF-P 12 110 v. 100 125 22 75.00 50.00 1274x814. For 105 -125 volts, 50-60 cycle AL.
89.95 59.97 Shpg. wt., 33 lbs.

81 PZ 928 12U-RHG 12 110 v. 150 175 27

81 PZ 929 12U-HS 12 110 v. 200 250 37 125.00 83.34 80 PZ 234. NET. 59.95
8 PZ 930 28U-RS 28 110 v. 100 125 22 89.95 59.97
105.75 70.50

8 I PZ 93 I 28U-RHG 28 110 v. 150 175 27

8 PZ 932 28U-HS 28 110 v. 200 250 37 145.00

81 PZ 933 32U-RS 32 110 v. 100 150 22 89.95 PB Miniature inverters especially designed to
8 PZ 934 32U-RHG 32 110 v, 180 200 30 105.75 70.50 operate standard AC electric shavers

81 P2 935 32U-HSJ 32 110 v. 225 325 37 145.00 96.67 rom 6 and 12 -volt storage batteries in autos,
81 PZ 936 50U-RS 50 110 v. 100 150 22 89.95 59.97 buses. trucks. boats and planes. Ideal for sales-
8I PZ 937 110U-RSF 110 110 v. 1511 250 22 75.00 50.00 men, sportsmen. Plugs into cigarette lighter
81 P2 938 110AU-RHG 110 110 v. 250 325 27 89.95 59.97 receptacle. Both 6 and 12 -volt models provide
939 110BU-RHG 110 110 v. 350 450 30 105.75 70.50 115 volts 60 cycle AC output at 15 watts. In
81 PZ attractively finished Hammerloid steel case.
81 PZ 9401110U-HSJ 110 110 v. 400 600 37 145.00 96.67
4x2%x2s% Wt.. 21/z lbs.

MODEL 6 -SPB. For 6-volt operation.

PORTABLE PLUG -IN TYPE INVERTERS 81 P 944. list, $9.95. NET 6.63
Lightweight inverters for operating 110 v. AC equipment from DC MODEL 12 -SPB. For 12 -volt operation.
voltage sources. Feature excellent frequency stability and high 81 P 945. List, $9.95. NET 6.63
efficiency. 6 and 12 -volt units plug into cigarette lighter receptacle
of any vehicle; others are equipped with standard 2 -prone plugs.
All are designed especially for use with dictating machines; record NEW BATTERY
players, electric razors, test equipment, etc. Not recommended for
tape recorders and large motor driven appliances such as refrigera- CHARGER
tors, washing machines. etc. Gray Hammerloid case with leather Model 612CA6.
carrying strap. Sizes: OME, 5t'/x4%x2t/e'; RME and RM F. Charges 6 or 12 -volt
8%x8x3t/4. Recommended for 24 -volt operation. Check wattage storage batteries
rating of equipment before ordering. through cigarette
Input Output Watts Wt., NET lighter receptacle of
Stock Mfr's LIst
ist any vehicle. 6 amp
No. Typo OC Volts 60 Cycle Cent. Inter. EACH charge rate tapers to
80 P 246 6DM E 110v. 30 40 $19.95 13.30 3 amp. Circuit- break-
80 P 289 6C-DME 6/12 110 v. 30 40 5 23.50 1 5.67 er eliminates need for
80 P 247 6-RM F 110 v. 60 80 12 45.00 30.00 fuses. For use in nega-
81 P941 6C-RMF 6/12 110 v. 60 80 12 49.50 33.00 tive and positive -
80 P 249 12-D M E 12 110v. 40 50 19.95 13.30 ground vehicles. Has On -Oil ., '.
use Selec-
80 P 266 12T-RME 12 110 v. 90 125 42.50 28.33 tor switches. Full -wave selenium rrrtttier. 8%x
P 942 28-RM E 28 110v. 80 100 12 57.50 38.34 5 u4x3% . For 110-120 v. 50-60 cycle AC. Shpg.
8 I
wt.. 8 lbs.
P 943 32-R M E 110v. 80 12 57.50 38.34
80 P 218 110-EME 110 110v. 100 ISO 12 31.67 81 P 946. List, 827.95. NET 20.96
Super Converters
For Tape & Wire
Rotary converters
specially designed to
tl operate tape and wire
recorders from a DC
power source. De-
D-612T pendable construction
features cross- stacked
armature laminations
for reduction of eddy
current and hysteresis losses. Heavy, triple -
insulated magnet wire assures protection from
ELECTRO- PRODUCTS POWER SUPPLIES winding shorts. Have power factor of 8.5 to
100 %. Average efficiency, 60 %. All have single -
MODEL D-612T DC POWER SUPPLY MODEL NFB POWER SUPPLY phase output only, with approximately 20%
32 -VOLT, 15 AMP regulation, no load to full load. Output: 115
6 AND 12 VOLT, 10 AMP volts, 60 cycles AC. Supplied complete with
Designed for acrd is iug tram,i:tor auto sets as Filtered DC power unit for continuous heavy - plug -in AC receptacle and DC connecting cord.
well as 6 and 12 -volt tube -vibrator types. Also dut> operation. Output continuously variable. Size, 5x81/4x4t/z'. Shpg. wt., 15 lbs.
suitable for servicing transistor radios. Two 0-32 volts for loads to 15 amperes and 0-40
ranges, both continuously variable: 0-8 volts volts for loads to 5 amp. 2% D'Arsonval move- Type BIO8OCBW. 12 volts DC to 115 volts
and 0-16 volts. 10 amperes continuous duty up ment meters. Ripple: Less than 0.75% ® 15 AC, 80 watts. Designed for all mobile applica-
to 12 volts. Up to 20 amperes intermittent amp. Filter circuit consists of two chokes and tions-ideal for railroad and marine use. Fea-
duty. Less than 0.5% ripple up to 6 amperes three 2000 mfd, 50 volt capacitors. Regulation: tures drip-proof ventilated construction. Extra -
and less than 2% ripple at 10 amperes. Choke - 16% no load to full load. Circuit breaker for long -life brushes. 70% power factor up to 80
input filter circuit; four bridge -type selenium overload protection. Variable voltage trans- watts for operating most recorders. Easily car-
rectifiers; 10.000 mfd. capacitor. Two panel former provides smooth increment control. ried from place to place; provided with extra -
meters provide constant check on output volt- 5 -way output terminals; carrying handles on
sides. Power drain; 730 w., with 32 -volt, 15 strong leather strap.
age and current. On-Off switch and 0 -8 and 80 P 058. List $108.00. NET 79.38
0-16 volt selector switch. Readily accessible ampere output. Bridge -type germanium recti-
fuseholder on panel. Patented conduction cool- fiers. Blue Hammerloid steel cabinet. 14yx
ing provides large margin of safety. Built to 14,4x91/4. For 105 -125v. 50-60 cycle ACC. Type B1010CBW4. 12 v. DC to 115 v. AC.
withstand high overloads. Rugged 18 -gauge wt.. 86 lbs. 130 watts. Size, 5x81/4x41/'. Shpg.
wt., 15 lbs.
steel cabinet with baked-on blue Hammerloid 80 PZ 282. NET 195.00 80 059. List, $123.00 NET
P 90.40
finish. Supplied with terminal connector clips. Model NFB R. Same as NFB unit above, but Typs A101OCBW4. Same as above. but 6 v.
Size, 12x7x8y For 105 -125 v. 50-60 cycle AC.
. for rack mounting. Has %d steel panel 19x input. Shpg. wt., 15 lbs.
Shpg. wt. 22 lbs.
80 PZ 28t3. NET 44.95 80PZ 290.NET1001bs. 225.00 80 P 069. List, $123.00. NET 90.40
288 Depend on Allied for Complete Stocks, Low Prices, Friendly Service
Converters and Chargers
POWER SUPPLY The famous line of Cornell -Dubilier "Powercon" DC to AC con-
verters. Efficient vibrator -type recommended for operating AC
appliances from DC power sources. All units have well -regulated
output of 110 volts, 60 cycle AC. Feature improved RF filtering.
Now have a higher rating for intermittent overloads. Wattage fig-
ures for intermittent use are rated for power factors from 70- 100qß.
Superior filtering assures output free of "hash ". Model 12SS14 comes
in case of size indicated, providing room for 12 v. battery (supplied
less battery). Frequency stability regardless of load. Instant starting
under load -no warm -up period needed. Output has complete RF
filtering for clear TV, short -wave, AM and FM broadcast reception.
Choice of 17 sizes for wide variety of applications. *For small port- volts DC.
able types. Converters listed according to inputs: 6 volt battery, 12 volt battery or 110
Models 1101125 and 1101135 are approved for TV sets and are TVI- proofed.
Stook Mfr's TyplealApplioatlons Input Watts Size Wt
Lbs' List
No. Typa V. DC Cont.Intsr,
Exceptionally precise, versatile power supply BO P 300 6SP2 Electric shaver 6 20 20 2%x21 x332' 2 $13.4( 7.88
for testing, servicing and operating all types 61.6 Phono motor.amplifier 6 60 80 5 x61x8' 12 64.5( 37.93
BO P 301 77.5( 4 5.5 7
of low power transistorized equipment, includ- BO P 302 6S8 Radio. phono, recorder 6 80 100 51 x6 %x9' 14
ing radios, phonographs. etc. Continuously BO PZ 303 61110 Radio, recorder, PA 6 100 125 6 x71 :11 20 89.91 52.89
variable output uses autoformer control; two 6SH15 Radio. recorder, PA 6 ISO 175 x9hx13' 35 124.5( 73.21
BO PZ 304
voltage ranges for exact setting of voltage re
BO P 263 6/121)6 Dictating Machines* 6/12 60 75 51/ x7%x61//á 111 /z 50.IXl 29.40
paired. Continuous current monitoring of sin- 12SP2 Electric shaver 20 20 23/Sx2%x37íz' 2 13.410. 7.98
gle transistor or entire set. Meters provide BO P 305 12
6 34.510 20.29
P 306 12M6 Radio,phono.amplifier 12 60 80 41 ,c3 x5
laboratory accuracy; have precision D'Arson- 307 12L8 Radio, phono, recorder 12 80 100 51/ x6 '/x8' 12 44.9 5 2 6.4 3
val movement. Input Voltage: 115 v., 50 -60 BO P 308 12S10 Radio, recorder, PA 12 100 125 51x6/x9' 14 723 )42.63
cycles. Output Voltage: 0-15 and 0-30 volts 140 175 9/zx91%x14' 60 ... 177.9
BO PZ 199 12SS14 TV, recorder, PA 12 1

DC. Output Current: 0 -15 and 0-60 ma. Ripple 150 175 61/zx7yxx11' 20 99.5 ) 58.5 I
lees than 0.002 %. Size, 10x61/2x51/2' deep. BO PZ 30912H15 Radio, recorder, PA 12
16 80 PZ 198 12SH20 TV. recorder. PA 12 200 250 8x091%x113' 35 129.5 /76.15
0 P 191. NET 63.21 80 P 310 110LM5 Phono, amplifier
80 P 311 11OL10 Radio, recorder, PA
28.5 ) 16.76
57.5 33.8 I

250 325 x71` x11' 20 89.5 )52.63

80 P2 312 1101425 TV, recorder, PA 110
350 450
x7ix11' 20 135.01 )79.38
80 PZ 313 1101135 TV, recorder, PA 110 6


ittp 'fr'jjViO01s
Convenient DC -to-AC converters for
operating various 110-volt AC electri-
cal devices from automobile batteries.
Each converter is equipped with a plug
which lits the automobile cigarette -
lighter socket, except for models
t.,Hfiltgt9e6.1xip marked t. which clip directly to the
battery terminals with clips provided.
50153 All units provide a completely filter-
ed output, permi tine convenient oper-
ation of radios. tape recorders, soldering irons. incandescent lights,
PERMA -POWER 11/2 -VOLT electric razors, etc. For all makes of cars. Check wattage requirements of
e quiy,nent, and soilage of auto battery. before selecting converter.
Model "A". Converts battery-operated radios Mfr's Input Output V., Watts Wt,. NET
Cont. Inter. Si..
and other appliances requiring low power for No. Typa DC Volts 60 cycles
operation from 110 volts AC house current. 80 P 194 A -615 6 110 10 15 7.77
Uses efficient selenium rectifiera; output is A -1215 110 15 20 2x3x4' 2 7,77
well-filtered direct current. Maintains rated BO P 196 12

power under widely varying tube loads. A" 80

110 40 50 2'%a2'/xx4'/g' 31/2
(/ 13.17
power: 1.35 volts to 1.5 volts DC, depending 80 P 273 2-1160 12
upon current drain; B" power: 90 volts DC at 60

80 P 270 6 -71160 6 110 75 8 28.17
13 milliamperes. Will operate any 4, 5 or 6 -tube 110 75 85
x 8 28.17
80 P 27I 12 -71160 12
radio with filaments designed for 1.5 -volt bat 38.97
tery operation. Fits easily in back of case of 80 P
80 P 277
276 6- 81160t
12- 811601
110 100
75 100
125 654
xx 9 38.97
battery radios, as well as in battery compart-

ments of most rtables. Extremely compact- A.5585 12 110 6x5x4' 9 32.97

21/2' high, 6r/e'wide and 4112' deep. Variety of 80 P 287 85 110
sockets permit use with most portable radios. 5 75
425x6' 9 31.17
Fully automatic operation, noiseless and inter- 80 P 197 M -5585t 12 110 85 110
ference -free. Shpg. wt., 4 lbs. 110 200 6x6x11' 24 5 9.9 7
80 P 176, List. $18.95. NET 11.14 BO P2 193 50153 12 175


Compact, 4 -am- Dependable 6-
pere, 6 -volt and 12- ampere, 6 -volt
volt battery charg- and 12 -volt bat-
er. Charges the tery charger.
average battery Will fully charge
overnight. Has a the average bat-
selector switch for tery in from 7
¡¡ changing from 6- 9 hours. Equipped
volt to 12 -volt op- with a selector
eration. Equipped switch for chang-
/ with built -in
Charger- Guard"
ing operation
from one voltage
which provides instantaneous and full auto- to another. Has ammeter to indicate exact
matic protection against short circuits and charging rate of battery. For autos equipped
Dependable, safe char gcrs utilising the finest overloads. Has full -wave charging output for with public address systems. two -way radios.
available materials and components; designed higher efficiency operation. Rectifiers are se- etc. -this unit is ideal for restoring battery to
especially to re- charge heavy -duty batteries as lenium for long. efficient service. 4- ampere full- charge overnight. Equipped with "Charger
used in trucks, tractors and farm and mobile charging rate tapers to 2- amperes as the battery Guard" which protects unit against damage
equipment. 10 ampere charging rate permits becomes fully charged. Has clip terminals. from short circuits and overloads. Supplied
over -night charging of most batteries. Ideal for Quickly connected -no need to disconnect the complete with cords. battery clips and operat-
quick charging during intervals when equip- battery or remove it from car. Size, 41/2x41/2x ing instructions. Steel case. Size. 61/2x6x71/2'.
ment is not in use. but must he ready in a hur- 611Ví'. For operation from 110 -115 v. 60 cycle For operation from 110-115 v., 60 cycle AC.
ry. Widely used for re- charging taxicab bat- AC. Shpg. wt., 41/2 lbs. Shpg. wt.. 8 lbs.
teries, or other vehicle batteries which are re- 80 P 284. List, $19.95. NET 13.20 80 P 285. List, $28.95. NET 19.16
quired to power other electronic equipment in
addition to automotive requirements. Kate of BX-2 6-AMPERE CHARGER
charging is automatically controlled for full AX -2 4-AMPERE CHARGER
protection of batteries; charging rate gradually High-quality 6 -volt, 6 -amp battery charger.
is decreased as batteries approach full charge. Highly efficient. 6-volt, overnight battery
charger. Has a tapered 4 -amp. to 2 -amp. charg- Fully charges the average run -down battery in
Has accurate ammeter, which indicates exact ing rate. Includes full -wave charging output 7 to 9 hours. For autos equipped with two-way
rate of charge. Supplied with cords and clips. which makes possible higher efficiency of op- radio communication, etc. Equipped with
71/x61/2x6'. For operation from 110 -115 v., 60 eration. Rectifiers are selenium for dependable "Charger Guard" for protection against over-
cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 10 lbs. service. Equipped with built -in "Charger loads and short circuits. Ammeter indicates
Typ. CX -2. For 6 -volt batteries. Guard." Pays for itself in longer battery life charging current. Supplied complete with cable
80 P 163. List, $26.95. NET 17.83 and protection from battery failure. With and battery clips. Steel case size, 71/2x61 /exd'.
Type CX -2 -12. For one 12 -volt or two 6 -volt cables and clips. Size 4%x4 %x611/24'. For 110- For operation from 110 -115 v. 60 cycle AC.
1 15 v. 60 cycle AC. Shpg. wt., 4 lbs.
Shpg. wt., 8 lbs.
batteries in series. Otherwise as above. 9.23 80 P 162. List. $19.95. NET 13.20
80 P 164. List, $32.95. NET 21 .80 80 P 161. List. $13.95. NET
Allied Radio Corporation, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois
Fluorescent Fixtures- Lanterns
Model TW9. New focus-
ing lantern puts light
where you need it -near
or far. Wide -angle or pin-
point light with twist of
FLUORESCENT STRIP LIGHTS built -in focusing ring.
I las steelclad battery
Efficient fluorescent strip lights specially
designed for end -to-end continuous lighting
and waterproof switch for
safe, efficient outdoor use
installations. Each unit has provision for secure
locking to adjacent units. Attractive, modern
-in any weather. Power-
ful light beam can be seen
INDUSTRIAL FIXTURES design; tapered lines and rounded corners. for one -half mile. Two
Install anywhere. White, baked enamel finish. insulated knurled nuts
An excellent selection of efficient, low -cost
fluorescent fixtures. Ideal for industrial use,
With starters. Less lamps. For 110-120 v., 60 hold battery-al-
Workbench, stock room, service shop, etc. Pro-
cycle AC. U.L. Approved. See page 291 for low quick, easy battery changing Red,
listings of fluoreseesd lamps. baked enamel finish. Size, 83/4x5 14x4r%' (in-
vides non-glare light with even diffusion and cluding battery). With Type TWI 6 v. battery.
6186 illumination. Virtually eliminate shadows. 1 LAMP -20 WATT 24' Shpg. wt., 41/2 lbs.
Power factor corrected to reduce inductive 78 J 227. List, $6.95. NET 4.34
effects. Constructed of heavy-gauge pressed Model 316. Single light strip. Normal power
steel. Reflectors are finished in high -gloss white factor. Perfect for salesrooms, corridors. Shpg.
enamel for mardmum lighting efficiency and wt.. 4 lbs. "RADAR- LAMP" LANTERN
easy cleaning. Reflector is easily removed for 91 RX 195. List, $4.24. NET EACH...2.76
cleaning. See page 291 for fluorescent lamps. 3 or More, EACH 2.54
1 LAMP -40 WATT 48'
Model 2098. 48' Standard Fl . Uses two
Model 318. Single strip for 40-watt lamp.
48' Type T -12, 40 -watt fluorescent lamps. Designed to give good lighting in large rooms.
Made of heavy -gauge pressed steel, finished in Normal power factor. Shpg. wt., 6 lbs.
high for easy cleaning and 91 RX 196. List, $7.06. NET EACH.4.59
a -gloss gray enamel 3 or More, EACH 4 24
maximum light reflection. Power factor correct- Model
ed to reduce inductive effects. Supplied with 2 LAMP -80 WATT 48"
brackets for hanging from ceiling and knock- TW7 Model TW34
outs to permit flush or stem mounting. Fix- Model 266. Double light strip. High power
tures may be hung on chains, flush -mounted factor. Provides maximum illumination using Model TW7. Outstanding new portable
separately, or mounted end -to -end in a contin- two 48' tubes. Shpg. wt., 8 lbs. lantern with super- intensity lamp. Com-
uous row. Starters located on side for easy 91 RX 197. list 813.71
replacement without removing lamps or reflec- NET EACH 8.91 pletely leakproof and weatherproof. Simple to
tor. 481/2x11 /zx5'. With reflector, starters 3 or More, EACH 8 23
operate and convenient to carry. Battery can
be replaced in seconds-two insulated knurled
and ballasts. Less lamps and chains. U.L. nuts hold battery firmly to head assembly.
Approved. For 105 -125 volts, 60 cycles 9yax5 1x2'1' (including battery). With TW1
AC. Shpg. wt., 17 lbs. 6 -v. battery. Wt.. 41/2 lbs.
91 RZ 260. List, $15.45. NET EACH..9.43 80 J 686. List, $8.95. NET 5.53
3 or More, EACH 8 70
TW34 Flasher Light. Similar construction to
RAPID -START FIXTURE "Radar Lamp," above -attaches to top of
Mods! 209$ RS. Same as Model 2098 stand- TWI battery. Provides red light which flashes
ard fixture, described above. but rapid-start on and off. Chrome plated. 4x2%4x5'/s' Less

AC. Sh,
type. For perwt.ation from 105 -125 volts, 60 cycle
pgo. l7 Ibs.
91 R2 315. List, $17.20. NET EACH.. .11.18 REFLECTORS FOR STRIP LIGHTS
battery. Shpg. wt. 1 lb.
BO J 687. List, $3.95, NET

RL22 S
Bracket. Bracket with spring
3 or More, EACH 10.32 Streamlined reflectors for fluorescent strip clips to hold "Radar I -amp' (above) to new
lights above. Provide maximum lighting effi- or wall of car. or truck. Wt. I lb.
ciency. For symmetrical reflection when strip 80 J 688. list, $1.50. NET 1.00
lights are paired or banked, use one asymmetric
reflector on each side. Constructed of heavy -
gauge steel with white "Glazenamel" finish. "RADAR- LITE" LANTERN
Model 670. Symmetric type. Two -sided perpower, all pur-
WALL BRACKET pose lantern.Sealed-
Model 704. Extremely well- constructed fluo-
units. Length 24'. Wt. 2 lbs.
91 RX 191. List. $3.11. NET 2.18 beam l a m p
rescent wall bracket for general- purpose use 3 or More, EACH 2 02
develops 40,000
in shop, store or home. Has handy flush -type candlepower. Auto-
electrical outlet on side panel- permits opera- Model 671. Asymmetric type. For close - matic red flashing
tion of small electrical appliances, such as a to -wall mounting.
wt.. 11/2 lbs.
Length, 24 inches. Shpg. signal on movable
arm, swings 90°.
shavers, mixers. etc. Utilizes maxims m radia- 2.18 Battery is lantern
tion from a single 15 -watt fluorescent lamp. 91 RX 192. List. $3.11. NET
Attractive triple- chrome finish provides long 3 or More, EACH 2 02 body -can be in-
stalled in seconds. Convenient o carry.
wear and smart appearance. Convenient rotary
type on-off switch. 20x2 %x2'. With starter. REFLECTORS FOR 40 -WATT (48') STRIPS Chrome handle. 11%4x9 %x3i
% /'. Lamp, 4'/¡
dia. With TW -1 6 v. battery. Wt. 6 lbs.
Less lamp and shade. U.L. Approved. For Model 572. Symmetric type. Length, 48'-
110-120 v., 60 cycle AC. Wt. 3 lbs. Shpg. wit., 4 lbs. 78 J 270. List, $12.45. NET 7.48
9 IRX 286. list 55.96. NET EACH...4,58 91 RX 193. List, $4.39. NET 3.07 Model TW4. As above, but less flasher.
3 or More, EACH 4.24 3 or More, EACH 2 85 78 J 228. List. $9.95. NET 6.06
Model 706. As above, but has adjustable shade Model 673. Asymmetric type. Length.
for directing light. Wt., 3'/ lbs.
91 RX 287. List $8.25. NET EACH...5.36
a 48'. Shpg. wt., 3 lbs.
91 RX 194. List, $4.39. NET 3.07
TW1 Battery. For TW3, TW4, TW7, TW9,
TW34. Wt., 3t/r lbs.
3 or Moro, EACH 4 95 3 or More. EACH 2 85 80 J 680. List, $2.45. NET 63

Model 266. New, two-cell flashlight.

Ribbed metal case in gleaming chrome fin-
. 3- position switch, pre-focused lamp.
Less two No. 2 cells. Shpg. wt., Y4 lbs.
Model 601S. Features powerful, sharp focus,
sealed -beam lamp. May be hand -held, hung on
78 J 218. List. $1.89. NET 126
A carefully designed, easy -to -use, industrial - wall or set on flat surface. Lamp fully adjust- Model 360. New two-cell flashlight. Fiber
D barrel with
type magnifier. Has buit -in fluorescent lamp able through 180- degree swivel. Lamp and rubber cushioned head, end cap.
handle fold down for easy storage. 3 -way Pre- focused and weatherproof. Uses two No. 2
for excellent illumination. An ideal unit for cells. With lamp. Less batteries. I lb.
close inspection of small -sized objects. Has switch for off-on-manual-flash operation. Ex- 28
cellent as an emergency lamp or as trouble 78 J 229. list, $1.90. NET
41/2' dia. x 9' focal length lens centered in 360°

black shield; provides shadow -free, perfectly light for servicemen, motorists, etc. Uses one Model`450. As above, but uses three No. 2 cells
enlarged vision. Adjustable arm and swivel 6-v. lantern battery (Burgess F411 listed be- and PR3 lamp. Less batteries. l'/s lbs.
joints, permit adjustment to any combination low). In bright red baked enamel with chrome 78 J 235. lint, $2.15. NET 1.44
of height, angle, magnification. With instant- trim. Less battery. 5x3x2% . Lamp 4' dia. Typs 152 Penlight. Duo-Tone and chrome
start fluorescent circle lamp. For 110 -120 v., 60
91 X 350. N
11 lbs.
J 222.
J 028,
F4 HBattery. Wt. 11% 1hs.
o finish. Uses two No. 7 cells. With 224
bulb. Less batteries. Wt. 5 oz.
78 JC 245. List, 88c. NET
290 For Complete Product and Manufacturer's Index, See Pages 397 -400
Desk Lamps & Fluorescent Fixtures

'1 I
Model 4303 Model 4324
A well-designed all- purpose lamp. Head tilts Portable desk model. Similar to Model 4303
vertically 180° and turns 300° on its axis. Up- (left) but with weighted base. For desks where
per elbow swings in 160° vertical arc; lower screw clamp cannot be used. Raises and lowers,
LUXO ADJUSTABLE LAMP elbow swings in 110° vertical arc. Extends to extends and tilts in any direction. Stays in po-
36'. Spring -controlled swivel joints. Push -but- sition. Ideal for fine precision work, service
Modal L -1A. All -Angle Adjustable Lamp. ton off-on switch. Easily installed -two bolts bench use, industrial assembly lines, etc. Gives
The Luxo lamp, made in Sweden, is famous for clamp base firmly to surfaces up to 3' thick. a light without glare or shadows. Attractive
its construction and flexibility. The perfect Bolts removable for screw mounting. Statuary streamline base design has pen and pencil
lamp for a service bench. Swings from a straight bronze finish. Requires two T8, 15 -watt lamps. grooves. Double arm extends 32'. U.L. Ap-
vertical position to within a few inches of the For 105 -125 v., 60 cycle AC. U.L. Approved. proved. For 105 -125 volts, 60 cycle AC. Less
floor. May be raised, lowered, or turned with a Less lamps (below). Shpg. wt., 10 lbs. lamps (see listing below). Shpg. wt.. 23 lbs.
touch of the fingers. Has two extension arms. 91 RX 225. List, $20.95. NET 15.40 91 R2 226. List. $28. 95. NET 21.28
4P long. Swivel joints are spring loaded; 3 or More, EACH 14.38
knurled nut controls overall tension. Porcelain- 3 or More, EACH 19.86
ized shade has large vents at top for heat dis-
sipation. On-Off switch. Supplied with clamp
for easy attachment to bench table, etc. Dove
gray. U.L. Approved. Uses standard light bulb.
1,4.89 bulb. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs.
91 RX 296. List $21.95. NET 16.46

High-quality starters and sockets for all types An extremely versatile flexible -arm desk lamp. New low-cost fully adjustable incandescent
of Sutures. *For Circline fixtures. Av. wt,. 3 oz. Gooseneck permits shade adjustment from 8' bench lamp. Provides fingertip control and ab-
to 14'. Sturdy metal base. Heavy gauge steel solute rigidity in any position. Shade has large
STARTERS shade, 21/2x41/2:18". White enamel porcelain vents for air circulation and heat dissipation.
Mfr's Lots of reflector. Push- button on-off switch. Requires Swivels at base, and is entirely spring-con-
Stook Watts [ach two T8, 15 -watt fluorescent lamps. Finished in trolled in base, middle joint and shade. Maxi-
No. Typa 10, EA.
royal statuary bronze. U.L. Approved. For 105- mum extension, 42'. Convenient off-on switch.
78 R 850 FS2 14,15,20 206 180 125 v., 60 cycle AC. Less lamps (see listing be- Shade dia., 51/2'; 7' deep. With brackets. Less
78 R 851 30 40 low). Shpg. wt., 10 lbs. bulb. Gray. Wt., 3% lbs.
78 R 854 *S12 32 280 254 91 RX 146. List, $14.95. NET 10.95 91 RX 142. List. $11.95. NET 8.77
78 R 860 114,15.20 Black 154 134
Model 665C. Low -cost, chrome -plated fluo- Model 8410.
rescent fixture with 'instant- start" feature. U het n e -plat-
Standard Dual-Loc remote starter socket Provides clear, glareless illumination-- equiv- ed 2 -lamp
R 858. 1 to 9, NET EACH Mc alent in light produced to a 100 -watt incandes- fluorescent fix-
78 cent bulb. An excellent lighting fixture for use ture in attrac-
10 or More, EACH 134 in average -size kitchens, basement work areas, tive circular
STARTER SOCKET L LAMPHOLDERS small offices, dens, etc. Handsome chrome fin- design. Im-
ish complements any room. Lamp is held se- proved light
curely in place by tempered, spring -steel clips. diffusion. With
No. Watts Color Each Lots of 10, EA. Supplied complete with I 2'-diameter, 32 -watt 12' dia. 32-
Black Circline lamp. Includes knock-out for conven- watt and 8'
78 R 865 14,15,20 384 346 ient installation of pull -chain switch, if desired. dia. 22 -watt
78 R 866 L 30 or 40 White 404 366 Underwriters Laboratories' Approved. For rapid -start lamps, hardware and glass pen-
operation from 110-120 volts, 60 cycle AC. dant. For 110-120 v., 60 cycle AC. U.L. Ap-
DUPLEX STARTER Shpg. proved. 1X 11 lbs.

Features handy "pilot -light." Shows

279.INET EACH 8.26 9 262. NET 13.35
when starter is operating and the 3 or More, EACH 7.51 3 or Moro, EACH 12.14
lamp is dead. Plastic case. *Circline
Lamp ;tCirclarc. Shpg. wt.. 2 oz. CHROME- PLATEI 3 -LIGHT FIXTURE
Stook Mfr's Lots of Model 847C. Deluxe model fluorescent fixture easy installation. Has knock-out. For opera-
Ne. Typa Watts 1110, EA. with three self- starting lamps and full chrome tino from 110-120 volts. 60 cycle AC. U.L.
plating for high ilium nation. Pan diameter, Approved. Shpg. wt., 15 lbs.
78 R 855IFS -22 14-1S-185-20-2n 254 161'. Complete with 40- watt, 32 -watt, 22- 91 RX 241. NET 21.60
78 R 8561FS -42113 -30-40 watt lamps and mounting hardware for quick. 3 or More, EACH 19.64


Highest-quality fluorescent lamps in all popular sizes for industrial and For all popular fixtures. Normal power factor
home use. Provide a non -glare light from entire surface with even diffu- types are 55 -65% corrected. High power factor
sion and high illumination. White lamps provide a light which approxi- types are 90-100 % corrected. L-32 is for
mates that of incandescent lighting. Daylight lamps provide light with standard Circline; LQ -312 is for quick -start
a slightly bluish tinge approximating natural daylight. Cool -white lamps Circline. U.L. Approved. For 105-125 volts.
are 4500° Kelvin. Circline lamps- size shown is diameter of lamp circle. 60 cycle AC.
Lamp life is approximately 2000 hours. *Rapid start lamps. 1-LAMP BALLAST -NORMAL POWER FACTOR


521 T5
511 112
Typs Waits Sits

6 9'


1.00 .80
Pkg. EA.
78 R 889 L-11S
78 R 8 9 I L -120
78 R 893 L -140
4 %x2x1)4a
61 x11340il%' 6'
Mtg. Wt. NET
Ctrs. Lbs. EACH
3%' 1
91 R 500 Til 15 19' Daylight 24 1 1.05 .84 78 R 894 L -132 32 61 x1134,xl in' 6' 23' 1.70
91 R 514 712 IS 111' Cool -whits 24 1 1.00 .80 78 R 895 LQ -132 32 6 tx231sx1 +55s 6' 3% 2.75
91 RX 502 112 20 24' Daylight 24 114 1.05 .84 2-LAMP BALLAST- NORMAL POWER FACTOR
91 R 535 T9* 22 8' Cool -white 24 14 3.50 2.80 78 R 898 L -220 20 61/4x2x1Ws 15s/e' 111A 1.75
91 R 516 T10* 32 12' Cool -white 24 1% 3.50 2.80 I I I I

91 RX 538 TIO ** 40 16' Warm -whits 12 HL 4.70 3.76 2-LAMP BALLAST -HIGH POWER FACTOR
91 RX 534 Tl21 40 48' Cool -whits 24 2 1.30 1.04 78 R 896 S -240 40 11t/4x23iax11 %I 11yis' 41h 4.75
91 RX 506 T12 40 4N Daylight 24 2 1.25 I .00 78 R 897 I BRSH -240 40I
9yrx2 /sx11Va 8131á 4 4 5.65
For Complete Product and Manufacturer's Index, See Pages 397 -400 291
Bud Relay Racks and Cabinets
Ruggedly constructed racks. 16 -gauge steel with y¡ panel supports. Have sturdy bottom Sup-
ports for fastening casters directly to base. All have chassis-type base. Wrinkle finish, except
ammertone finish. Drilled and tapped for 19' panels. With all necessary hardware.
Overall Panel Mfr's Gray Black Wt.. NET
Size Height Typa Wrinkle Wrinkle Lbs. EACH
47336x22x171/2¡ 42' CR -1771 98 PZ 843 86 P2 816 95 44.59
66{4x22 :171/s 614' CR-1772 98 PZ 844 86 PZ 817 122 55.86
82'Mx22x17%' 77 CR-1773 98 PZ 845 86 PZ 818 150 66.88
421 :22
:17' 361
CR -2072
98 PZ 808
'98 PZ 868
86 P2 819
86 PZ 832
8231ex22x22' 77' CR -2073 '98 PZ 869 86 PZ 833 175 92.69
(Not illustrated.) Styling similar to deluxe cabinet racks above, but feature adjustable panel
mounting supporte; can be positioned from l' to 6' behind the cabinet front, at l' intervalle.
Front and rear doors. 16-gauge steel with 11' panel supports. Welded bottom supports permit
fitting casters directly to base. Attractive wrinkle finish. With hardware.
Overall Panel Mfr's Gray Black Wt., NET
e Sise Haight Typa Wrinkle Wrinkle Lbs. EACH
421 22x171/4' 3634 CR-2174 98 PZ 856 86 PZ 834 108 56.64
4722z171/4' 42 CR-2171 98 PZ 857 86 PZ 856 117 63.45
66/1s:22x171%/s' 611/4¡ CR-2172 98 PZ 858 86 PZ 857 146 81.92
824{6:22x1711/4' 77' CR-2173 98 PZ 859 86 PZ 858 191 98.34
ave chassis -type base except has y6' iron angles and brackets to permit bolting unit to
mr. Durable wrinkle finish.
Overall Panal Mfr's Black Wt., NET
Size Hleht Type Wrinkle Lbs. EACH
35[9(4:20x22 311/4' RR-1263 98 PZ 840 38 19.01
70.90x20:22' 66% }' RR -1264 98 PZ 841 53 21.66
721/ x20Ysx13' 661/ :' RR -1265 98 PZ 809 100 47.86
4055%sx20x22' 361 RR -1363 86 PZ 859 37 19.19
755944:2022' 714' RR-1364 86 P2 877 46 21.97
8170x20:22' 77 RR -1366 86 PZ 878 48



x20 +12
31 x20 /,x12'
RR -124 9
86 PZ 879
86 PZ 880
98 PZ 848
98 PZ 849

For addition of rack cabinets to deluxe, enclosed racks (Fig. A, above). bottom; attach original side panel o new top and bottom. Placing new
Consist of four sections: Top, bo tom, door and coupling panel Replace door on back completes assembly RC77S6 casters (listed below) fit
either side Duel of deluxe racks with coupling panel add new too and these racks. Same sizes and construction as deluxe racks. With hardware.
Black Wrinkle Type Used with Wt., Lbs. NET Gray Wrinkle Type Used with Wt., Lbs. EACH
86 P2 80a AR -1775 CR -1771 77 42.81 98 PZ 817 AR-1775 CR -1771 77 42.81
86 P2 80' AR -1776 CR -1772 100 53.24 98 PZ 818 AR -1776 CR -1772 100 53.24
86 PZ 808 AR -1777 CR 1773 127 65.22 98 PZ 819 AR -1777 CR -1773 127 65.22
86 PZ 805 AH -1778 CR -1774 75 38.71 98 PZ 816 AR -1778 CR -1774 75 38.71
86 P2 814 AR -2276 CR -2072 130 74.40 86 PZ 809 AR -2276 CR -2072 130 74.40
861.2815 AR -2277 CR -2073 150 90.65 86 P2 813 AR -2277 CR -2073 150 90.65


Adapts Racks
and Cabinets
Io Specific
D o 0
Sturdy high quality rack panels. Standard racks. All are 19' wide and 11' thick. Choice SD -1717. Sliding drawer for any standard
D notch ng ms cabinet, open, and desk type of steel or aluminum in black or gray wrinkle. rack or cabinet. Excellent for record player,

Steel Aluminum portable typewriter base, and writing table.
Heleht NET NET Can't fail out or tilt. Slides easily on ball bear-
Black Gray Lbs. EA. Black Gray Lbs. EA. ings. Supports 50 lbs. Stop screw on slide rail
PX 723 98 PX 73B .74 98 PX 864 98 PX 895 .97 prevents drawer from falling out. Light gray
3 .;
5, ;
3: PX 724 98 PX 739
98 PX 725 98 PX 740
.84 98 PX 865 98 PX 896
1.11 98 PX 866 98 PX 897
finish. Less drawer plate. Wt. 5 lbs.
86 PX 256. NET 11,20
7 98 PX 726 98 PX 741 6 1.24 98 PX 867 98 PX 898 2 2.12 TP -1718 Drawer Plate. For above. May be

98 PX 727 98 PX 742
101' 98 PX 728 98 PX 743
98 PX 729 98 PX 744
98 PX 733 98 PX 745
98 PX 734 98 PX 746
1.55 98 PX 887 98 PX 899
1.80 98 PX 888 98 PX 877
2.09 98 PX 889 98 PX 878
2.45 98 PX 890 98 PX 879
2.70 98 PX 891 98 PX 861

attached to bottom or top of drawer. Size.
161/2x14'. Shpg. wt., 11/2 lbs.
86 PX 257. NET

171/4 98 PX 735 98 PX 747 13 3.04 98 PX 892 98 PX 862 5 5.22 Handles provide sufficient strength and
194 98 PX 736 98 PX 748 14 3.39 98 PX 893 98 PX 863 6 5.71

comfortable hand grip. Made of aluminum

21 98 PX 737 98 PX 749 15 3.73 98 PX 894 98 PX 803 7 6.20 tubing; have etched aluminum finish. 2 oz.
RC -7766. Heavy -duty type, for relay racks.
Type SA -1348. Relay rack chassis runners 4 will carry 400 pounds. Hard rubber. 86 P 849 UH70AI Sys' I 45/''' I 354
1411' long, 3' wide. Afford ample support for Ball- bearing mounted. Wt., 10 oz. 86 P 899 UH -71A 3% 31/4' 294
a standard 17' width chassie or shelves below. 86 P 264. NET EACH 88c
Black finish. Shpg. wt., 5 lbs.
HEAVY -GAUGE STEEL RACK SHELVES Mount against rack. Heavy -gauge steel, CL -7777. Handsome plunger type handle
cut away to provide clearance for flush El and catch set. Used on all Bud cabinet and
Slide in from rear of cabinet. Require chassis relay racks. Handle is chrome-plated cast alu-
support angles above. Black crackle finish. mounting ofYchassie. Black enamel finish. For minum. Snap is spring type. Wt., 1/4 lb.
chassis 3' high, except 'for 4' chassie. 10%
No. ' Typa M.W.D. Lbs. NET No. Typa Ht. Dapth Lbs. PAIR 86 P 848. NET
86 PX 231 CB -1976 1:19:15
86 PX 232' CB -1977 1x19:12'
7 3.04 86 P 219 M8 -458 61 ' 8' 2 .95 TRIANGULAR PANEL BRACKETS
6 2.30 86 P 220 MB -448 6V' 10' 3 1.18 Panel -mounted chassie support. Heavy steel.
STEEL DOOR RACK PANEL 86P218MB -459 61' 11' 3 1_30
221 MB -449 12' 1.54 No. Type Ht. Depth Lbs. PAIR
Typa P5 -6 e. 11' high -grade sheet steel. 86 P
86 P 224 MB-460 6
3 1.47 86 P 226 MB- 1266 5 I 5' .90
Black wrinkle enamel. Door opening, 15/x 8 86 P 227 MB -1267 7' 7'
71/2'. Size, 19:121/. Shpg wt., l0 lbs . 86 P 222 MB-450 10' 3 1.71 2
86 PX 175. NET 6.54 86 P 223 MB -451 '8 13' 4 1.83 86 P 228 MB- 1268 9' 9' 2 1.24
292 Allied Supplies Everything for the Experimenter and Builder
Bud Metal Products
High -Quality. sturdily roust rut ted chassis bases. As :dlable in zinc -plated and
black -wrinkle steel, and lightweight aluminum types. Carefully formed, one -
piece construction; corners are reinforced and spot -welded. The four sides are
folded at the bottom to provide additional strength; bottom fold also permits
easy addition of bottom plate. Aluminum types are spot -welded with government
a tproved equipment; same as used for welding aluminum aircraft parts. Steel
chassis gauges: No. 22; 1N°. 20; 1No. 18. Aluminum chassis gauges (aluminum
gauge): :No. 18; **No. 16; 11No. 14. Less bottom plates. AC -403: 2x91/2x5.

H W D B melt-Wrinkle Steel Zinc-Plated Steel Aluminum

Inehes Stock No. Type Lbs. NET Steak No. Type Lbs. NET Stock No. Type Lbs. NET
246x4 86 P 930 AC-4314 1.08
2x7:5 80 P456 CB-628 .93 86 P 277 CB-629 1t//. 1.15 86 P 112 AC-402 1.08
21 x91; x5 80 P 457 CB-644 It/
1.20 86 P 905 CB-645 ly4 1.45 86 P I 13 AC-403 1.13
I :9%2z5 80 P 458 CB-7885 1 1.05 86 P 906 CB-7765 l''// 1.47
3x 14 86 P 932 AC-4304 5/4 1.15
86 P 933 AC-429 1 1.22
86 P 114 AC-421: 1 1.44
3z16x5 80 P 459 CB-604 11/4 1.12 86 P 271 CB-6055 111 1.61 86 P 127 AC-404i 1 1.60
3:13x5 86 P 934 AC-422: 1 1.62
3214x6 80 P 460 C13-7551 13/4 1.54 86 P 907 CB-7561 2 1.80
3x17x6 86 PX 935 AC-433 11 2.51
287s7 80 P 461 CB-789t 1 1.05 86 P 272 CB-11911 13 1.31 86 P 115 AC-4053 _3/yy 1.20
2a9x7 80 P 462 CB-790 1 1.22 86 P 273 CB-1192 1 1.39 86 P 116 AC-406 yl 1.43
2x11:7 80 P 463 CB-791 1 1.27 86 P 274 CB-1193f 13/ 1.47 86 P 117 AC-407j 1 1.55
3:12x7 80 PX 464 CB-7921 1 4 1.37 86 P 275 CB-793t 2 1.80 86 P 118 AC-408 11/4 1.71
2:13x7 80 PX 465 CB-6461 2 1.33 86 P 276 CB-11941 21/4 1.71 86 P 119 AC-4092 1 1.64
2 z131/za5 80 PX 466 CB-6471 13/4 1.55 86 P 908 CB-11981 2 1.86
3z 5x7
80 P 467 CB-649t 2 1.75 86 PX 909 CB-11891 21/4 2.1 I 86 PX 936 AC-411 1% 2.29
80 P 468 CB-665 t} 2t 1.96 86 PX 910 CB-6661 23(4 2.37
3x1754 P 469 86 PX 91 I 21 AC-432
80 PX
PX 470

86 PX 913
86 PX 937
86 PX 938 AC-423

21 :10x8 80 PX 472 C8-701tt 2 1.51 86 P 914 CB-7021 21/4 1.76
21 x12x8 80 PX 473 CB-703t 21/z 1.54 86 P 915 CB-7041 23/ 1.96
3z 2x8 80 PX 474 CB-7591 11/4 1.62 86 P 916 CB-7601 2 2.04 86 P939 AC-424 13/4 2.05
80 PX 475 CB-6501 21/2 1.49 86 PX 917 CB-7741 23 2.04 86 PX 940 AC-425 13/4 2.29
80 PX 476 CB-6511 31/4 1.80 86 PX 918 CB-7751 31jz 2.29 86 PX 120 AC-4125 2 2.51
86 P 919
86 P 920
' 1.96
P 121
P 941
2:17110 80 PX 479 C13-654 311 1.74 86 PX 278 CB-7691 311 2.10 86 PX 942 AC-4155 11/2 2.63
3:17x10 80 PX 480 CB-636 4 1.78 86 PX 921 CB-11961 51/2 2.67 86 PX 943 AC-416 21/4 2.94
3:17:10 80 PX 481 CB-655 5 2.21 80 PX 385 CB-6371 4 2.29
3:23x10 80 PX 482 CB-656 51 2.50 86 PX 922 C13-11971 6 3.00
2x17:11 80 PX 483 CB-657 4'1 2.06 86 PX 923 CB-7705 41/4 2.45 86 PX 122 AC-42611 21/2 3.24
3:17x11 80 PX 484 CB-658 2.41 86 PX 266 CB-7711 4'/4 3.06 86 PX 123 AC-41711 3.89
4,,//2 3
86 PX 925
86 PX 268
86 PX 269
86 PX
86 PX
3817813 80 PX 488 CB-660 51/2 2.98 86 PX 270 CB-773 6 3.56 86 PX 124 AC-42011 3 4.07
4x17:10 80 PX 489 CB-640 61/2 2.51 86 PX 926 CB-641 7 3.02 86 PX 125 AC-427f3 3% 4.25
4x17:13 80 PX 490 CB-642 71/2 3.43 86 PX 927 CB-643 8 4.12 86 PX 126 AC-42811 4 4.50
5x17:10 80 PX 491 CB-623 71/2 3.92 86 PX 928 CB-624 8 4.70
5:17:13 80 PX 492 CB-625 8 4.31 86 PX 929 CB-626 81/2 5.19
Bottom plates to fit the chassis bases listed above. In zinc -plated or black corners to prevent marring and scratching of table -tops or shelves. Drilled
ripple heavy -gauge steel plate and aluminum. Four raised bosses in for use with No. 6 self-tapping screws.
Sixe Lbs. Black Wrinkle Zino Plated Aluminum
Stook No. Type No. NET Stook Ne. Type No. NET Steak No. Type Ne. Lbs. NET
50' 1 80 P 386 BP-705 .49 80 P 406 BP-706 .68 80 P 426 BPA-1589 .71 1


80 P 387
80 P 388
80 P 389
80 P 407
80 P 408
80 P 409
80 427
80 P 428
80 P 429
BPA-1592 //4
7x9' 11/2 80 P 390 BP-682 .81 80 P 410 BP-669 .78 80 P 430 BPA-1593 f/4 .78
7x11' 11 80 P 391 BP-683 .85 80 P 41 I BP-670 1.05 80 P 431 BPA-1594 3/4 .88
7x12' 13s 80 PX 392 BP-537 .78 80 PX 412 BP-539 .93 80 PX 432 BPA-1595 1 .95
7x13 1 /. 80 PX 393 BI'-684 .90 80 PX 413 BP-671 1.18 80 PX 433 BPA-1596 1 1.12
5x13' 1 Y2 80 PX 394 BY-685 .74 80 PX 414 BP-672 .98
4x17 2 80 PX 395 BP-1069 .82 80 PX 419 BP-1067 1.05
7x17' 2 80 PX 396 BP-686 .88 80 PX 416 BP-673 1.20
8x10' 1% 80 P 400 BP-707 .90 80 P 417 BP-708 1.03
8:12' 2 80 P 397 BP-709 1.04 80 P 418 BP-710 1.31
8x17' 21/4 80 PX 398 BP-687 .93 80 PX 419 HP-674 1.34
10:12' 2 80 PX 399 BP-688 .93 80 PX 420 BP-675 1.37
10:14' 2 80 PX 401 BP-517 1.22 80 PX 421 BP-514 1.30
10x17' 21/4 80 PX 402 BP-689 1.18 80 PX 422 BP-676 1.41 80 PX 434 BPA-1597 13/4 1.49
11x17' 2 80 PX 403 BP-690 1.18 80 PX 423 BP-677 1.41
12x17' 21/2 80 PX 404 BP-691 1.24 80 PX 424 BP-678 1.64
13x17 2% 80 PX 405 BP-692 1.44 80 PX 425
- BP-679 1.96 80 PX 435 BPA-1598 11/2 2.03
Open -end, heavy - Open -end aluminum
gauge aluminum chassis for limited space
chassis. Have U- applications. Excellent
shaped construc- for use with miniature
tion with ends tubes and for sub -as-
folded over 31' to semblies. Hay e %
provide additional mounting flanges to al-
strength. Available in a wide variety of sizes to low addition of bottom
accommodate nearly every construction re- plate. Natural alu-
HEAVY -DUTY CHASSIS BASES quirement. Will provide excellent fit when used minum finish. Av. shpg. wt.. 344 lbs.
Ruggedly constructed chassis bases tor heavy
with Bud cabinets listed on page 294. Natural Stock No. Type N.W.D. ForC Pinel NET
aluminum finish. Av. shpg. wt., 11/2 lbs.
duty applications. Formed of one -piece heavy 80 P 446 CB-1624 Ia35R15 CU-883 374
64s' steel. Corners are spot welded and sides Stock No. Type N.W.D. For Cabinet NET 80 P 452 CB-1617 11044' C-1602
are folded over at bottom. Electro -zinc 80P437 CB-30 80 P 448 CB-1626 1445325'4' CU-728 406
plated. Supplied complete with bottom plates 54x735'
80 P 438 CB-41 Sia/47' C-973 I.Ó8 80 P 453 CB-1618 1d5a4' C-1603 491
and mounting screws. 80 440 .98
P C8-996 5x9255' C-993 80 P 454 CB-1619 Is55x4' C-1604 494
Stook No. Typo H.W.D. Lbs. NET 80 P 441 CB-976 S4x9x7Sí' C-999. C-1746 1.22 80 P 455 CB-1620 1461/4441 C-1605 534
86 PX 240 CB-1765 3x17x 8' 4.51 80 P 443 CB-997 45111.17' C-994. C-1747 1.15 80 P 445 CB- 162311/4x2%.244' 346
86 PX 242 CB-1767 3x17:11 91/2 5.07 80 P 444 CB-998 5x13s7' C-995, C-1748 1.39 80 P 450 8-1628 1536543' 494
86 PX 243 CB-1768 2x17x13' 10 5.39 80 P 436 CB-38 x6x7' C-1584 .90 80 P 449 B-1627 15a45s35 CU -729 406
86 PX 244 CB-1769 3x17:13' 5.71 80 P 439 C8.39 x847' C-1585 1.02 80 P 451 B-1629 152434455'
86 PX 946 CB-1770 4:17x13' 11 101 6.52 80 P 442 CB-40 410R7' C-1586 1.22 80 P 447 B-1625 2x45x35' G171 446
Allied Radio Corporoton, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, Illinois 292
Bud Metal Products
Attractive, ruggedly constructed 16 -gauge steel cabinet racks. Have
welded joints. Ideal for commercial broadcast stations. Amateur trans-
mitters. sound or test equipment, etc. Cabinets have rounded corners
and smart, red inlaid chrome trim. All have recessed, hinged top doors,
equipped with smooth-operating snap locks. Adequate ventilation is
provided by means of louvered sides and a 21/4' opening in the bottom of
the back, extending the entire width of the cabinet. Models CR -1727,
CR -1728, CR -1743 CR -1744 and CR -1745 have back doors with snap
locks. Models CR -1739, CR-1740, CR -1741 and CR -1742 have welded
back panels. All panel mountings are drilled for standard RETMA
notched panels and tapped for 10 -32 screws. Supplied with panel
mounting screws. Units are 141/4í in depth and 22' wide. Wrinkle finish.
Panel Stock Ne. Mfr's. Wt. NET
Ht. Space Gray Black Typs Lbs. EACH Handsome, sturdily constructed cabinets, fea-
81' CR 28 14.60 turing rounded corners. Recessed hinged top,
124í.k 10
86 PZ 729
86 PZ 730
98 PZ 835
98 PZ 804
CR -1740 30 16.66 plus 1' opening in rear permit easy access
to tubes, terminals. etc. Front panel fastens
1444' 120' 86 PZ 731 98 PZ 836 CR-1742 32 17.61
86 PZ 894 CR -1739 34 19.19 with self tapping screws. Side louvers provide
15 Mf " 14 86 PZ 893 ample ventilation. Excellent for Amateur re-
19Mo 17 +h' 86 PZ 732 98 PZ 837 CR -1743 38 22.86
ceivers, transmitters, VFO'e. test equipment.
33 31p' 86 PZ 895 86 PZ 896 CR -1728 39+1 27.93 etc. Available in a choice of sizes to accom-
28 26 4' 86 PZ 733 98 P2 838 CR- 1744 48 26.29 modate a variety of equipment. Durable black
CR -1727 52 24.50

2214k' 21 86 P2 897 86 PZ 898 wrinkle enamel finish.
36154.' 35' 86 PZ 734 98 PZ 839 CR- 1745 60 29.40
Stook Mfr's. Size Wt., NET
No. Type H.W. D. Lbs. EACH
80 PX 314 C-1789 8x10yzx84 51/4
General- purpose cabinets for all types of electronic equipment. In welded 80 PX 315 C-1746 8x12zx8( 6 4.73
steel or high -grade sheet aluminum construction for rigidity. Two removable 80 PX 316 C-1747 8x14/2x8'
sides for easy, quick access to interior. Sides attached to Range of cabinet 80 PX 317 C-1748 8x16+ 74í :8(i 5.39
frame with self- tapping screws. Excellent for building receivers, monitors, 80 PX 318 C-1790 8x18+ x8/á 5.92
frequency meters, VFO's, transmitters. etc. Well adapted for shielding of 80 PX 319 C-1730 12 /ax12' 151/4 10.73
high -gain pre -amplifier stages, RF sections and other special circuits. Steel
cabinets in black-wrinkle or gray Hammertone finish -aluminum cabinets
have natural aluminum finish. DELUXE STREAMLINED CABINETS

Size, Stock No (Steel) Mfr's Wt., NET Stock No. Mlr's Wt., NET
H.W.D. Black Wrinkle Gray Hammertone Type Lbs. EACH Aluminum Typs Lbs. EACH

4 012' 86 P 200 80 P 332 CU883 1Y 1.02 86 P 735 AU -1083 % 1.26

415x3' 86 P 201 80 P 333 CÚ728 154 1.12 86 P 736 AU -1028 Si 1.34
6x5x4' 86 P 202 80 P 334 CU729 251 1.35 86 P 737 AU -1029 % 1.64
6:6x6' 86 P 203 80 P 335 CU1098 3 1.83 86 P 738 AU -1039 % 1.86
9x6:5' 86 P 204 80 P 336 CU1099 4 2.04 86 P 739 AU -1040 I 2.30
10x8.7' 86 P 205 80 P 337 CÚ879 5 2.94
10:10x8' 86 P 207 80 P 339 CU880 8 3.53
121016' 86 P 206 80 P 338 CUI124 5 2.88
12x11:8' 86 P 208 80 P 340 CU881 9 4.05
15,9x7' 86 P 209 80 P 341 CU882 9 4.22
Bud's deluxe, streamlined equipment cabinets
Two-piece boxes with handsome gray liammertone or natural alumi- feature strikingly smart, gray- wrinkle finish,
num finish -offered in a wide selection of sizes to accommodate liter- plus chrome stripping to enhance their appear-
ally thousands of electronic devices. Particularly suited for housing ance. Include hinged door, convenient opening
above -chassis or below- chassis sub -assemblies -also excellent for com- at rear for easy access to terminals, as well as
plete, self-contained units where highly effective shielding as well as all of the other fine constructional features
protection from dust and dirt is desired. May be used for phono ampli-
offered in the cabinets listed above. Give a
fiers, VHF and UHF converters, low -pass TVI filters, test and meas- handsome, factory -built look to any electronic
urement units. etc. Valuable for experimenters, Amateurs and labo- equipment -excellent for housing Amateur
ratory use. Two-piece construction permits installation of a greater transmitters and receivers, laboratory equip-
number of components than would be possible in a conventional box; ment, and for hundreds of other applications
also permits exceptionally easy access to circuitry for servicing or wir- where appearance and rugged, functional de-
ing modifications. Flanges assure extremely low RF leakage and also sign are of prime importance.
provide high rig dity. Self- tapping screws (supplied) hold sections firmly together. Made of high -
quality aluminum; strong, easy to cut and drill. Stock up on several of these mini -boxes. Be ready Stock Mir's Size Panel Wt., NET
for any small construction project. No. Type H.W.D. Size Lbs. EACH

Size Wt., Gray Mfr'a. NET Natural Mfr's. NET 80 PX 320 C -1791 811014x845' 8x 8' 545 5.73
ANC:B Lbs. Hmmsrtens Typs EACH Aluminum Typs H 80 PX 321 C -1781 8x1214:814' 8x10' 5.80
80 PX 322 C -1782 8x1444:844' 8x12' 614 6.12
24z2+1/4sx11/í h 80 P 342 CU-2100 .80 80 P 360 CU-3 .59 PX 323 6.54
3 /4z2'/exl' ' 80 P 359 CU-2117 90 P 377 CU-3017 .64 80 C -1783 8x16141844' 8x14' 754
+h 1.00 80 PX 324 C -1792 8x1814x844' 8x16' 7% 7.18
3y4x2yex1s/a' 80 P 343 CU-2101 .85 80 P 361 CU-3001 .59 80 PX 325 C -1731 12120)4x12' 12x18' 15 13.06
4:2z21/í 80 P 357 CU-2115 1.11 80 P 375 CU-3015 .80
4z214:14' 80 P 344 CU-2102 .88 80 P 362 CU-3002 .62
4x2+/4z2Y4' h 80 P 345 CU-2103 .96 80 P 363 CU-3003 .80 MINIATURE UTILITY
414:21/4z11/2" 80 P 358 CU-2116 1.15 80 P 376 CU-3016 .83 CABINETS WITH ATTACHED
5xZy} x2+1/4s
P 346
P 347
P 364
P 365
5+4z3x2t' /2 80 P 348 CU-2106 1.10 80 P 366 CU-3006 .93
Sturdily -made, unusually
6x5x4' 1 80 P 349 CU-2107 1.78 80 P 367 CU-3007
compact, steel utility
7z5z3' 80 P 350 CU-2108 1.81 80 P 368 cabinets with a built -in
10:2:1 s/í
' 1
11/4 80 P 351
P 355
CU-2109 2.19 80
P 369
chassis attached to the
1/4 80 CU-2113 1.35 P front panel; eliminate
10x6x31/2' 11/2 80 P 352 CU-2110 2.69 80 P 370 CU-3010 2.13 need for installing sepa-
12z2lA 2+/í 1 80 P 356 CU-2114 1.56 80 P 374 CU-3014 1.20 rate chassis. Excellent for
12x7x4 142 80 P 353 CU-2111 3.17 80 P 371 CU-3011 2.71 construction of equip-
17x5x4' 2% 80 P 354 CU-2112 3.72 80 P 372 CU-3012 3.15 ment using miniature
tubes or transistors. Es-
standing -wave bridges,
High -quality, moderately priced steel cabinets. Offered in a wide frequency meters. small transistorized receivers,
selection of sizes to accommodate many different types of elec- code practice oscillators, decade boxes, crystal
tronic equipment. Particularly suitable for housing Amateur com- sets, and many other types of small, self -con-
munications receivers, transmitters, signal generators. etc. Each tained units. Removable front and rear panels
unit has smooth- working, recessed hinged cover to permit easy fastened with self- tapping screws permit easy ac-
access for tube replacement, circuit alignment, etc. Front panel is cess to components and provide maximum
held securely in place with 4 self-tapping screws. Panel extends layout flexibility. Built -in chassis is securely
full width of cabinet -provides maximum space for installation fastened in place. Panels fit snugly against
of controls. Louvers on each side of cabinet assure ample ventila- flanges of case to assure extremely low RF
tion of circuitry. Rugged construction throughout. Durable. leakage and protect components from dust.
highly attractive, black-wrinkle enamel finish. Professionally finished in handsome, durable.
Wt., NET black -wrinkle enamel.
Stock Mfr's. Lbs. EACH
No. Typs Height Width Depth Stock Mfr's Cabinet Chassis Wt., NET

80 P 378 C -973 7' 8' 8' 5 3.29 No. Type N.W.D. H.W.D. Lbs. EACH

80 P 379 C -993 7' 10' 8' 51/4 4.24 80 P 326 C-1793 /x112' 1:314x134' 45 1.31
80 PX 380 C-994 7' 12' 8' 51/4 4.49 80P 327 C-1794 4x5x3' 1x1141234' 1 1.45
80 PX 381 C -995 7' 14' 8' 6 4.82 80 P 328 C-1795 5x4x3' 154:314x234' 1 1.59
PX 382 C -1190 8' 16' 8 7 6.62 80 P 330 C-1797 5x6x4' I h x511 x334' 1% 1.88
80 80 P 329 135 x434 x334' 1.67
80 PX 383 C -975 9' 15' 11' 8 6.78 C-1796 6x5x1' 1%

80 PX 384 C-999 12' 18' 12' 15 9.72 80 P 331 C-1798 6x6x6' 1%143015%' 2% 2.13

294 Denend on Allied for Everything In Radio, Television and Industrial Electronics
Bud Foundation Cabinets and Chassis
These attractive carrying
cases are suitable for a great FOUNDATIONS
variety of uses. Cases are Modern appearance and rigid
carefully designed in cor- construction are primary fea-
rect proportions to provide tures in these popular amplifier
maximum useful mounting foundations. Each unit consists
area. Front and back panels of a well ventilated, removable
are removable. Have easy- top cover, solidly mounted on a
grip handles, firmly fastened chassis. Sturdy, easy -grip han-
to the top of each case. dles are provided for increased
Welded steel construction portability.
assures maximum strength.
Carrying cases are available
in either black wrinkle or STREAMLINED FOUNDATIONS
gray hammertone finish. These amplifier foundations are recom- Polished chrome handles are solidly fitted to
H.W.D. Typs Black Gray
mended for installations which require extra each end of chassis to allow safe, convenient
Lbs. NET pleasing appearance in an amplifier and similar movement. All chassis are 3' high. Streamlined
9x6x5' CC-1095 80 P 798 80 P 813 3% 2.61 equipment. Foundation covers are designed foundations are available in either black wrin-
6x9x5' C-1091 BD P 799 80P 814 3% 2.61 with louvered sides and perforated tops, to pro- kle or gray wrinkle enamel finish, with comple-
12x7s6' CC-1096 80 PX 808 BO PX 816 4 3.67 vide proper ventilation and attractive styling. mentary chrome trim.
7x12s6' CC-1092 80 PX 809 80 PX 817 4 3.67 H. W. D. Type Black Wrinkle Gray Wrinkle Lbs. NET
15x7%s7 CC-1097 80 PX 810 80 PX 818 5 4.09
80 PX 811
80 PX 812
9z12f- 7'
',CAI 750
CAI 751
80 PX 493
80 PX 494
80 PX 495
80 PX 497
80 PX 498
80 PX 499
/ 7.03
CAI753 80 PX 496 80 PX 696 8.08

Standard amplifier foundations. Ideal units gauge metal screening; will provide excellent
o for most amplifier requirements. Founda- ventilation and proper tube protection. Ex-
tions consist of regular chassis with ruggedly treme regularity of pattern and long clean lines
constructed metal covers. Solid pieces are used provide a neat, functional appearance. Smooth,
on ends of each cover to provide firm bracing easy-grip metal handles are attached to the
and allow a snug fit to chassis. Entire side and chassis. Units are available in black wrinkle
top area between ends, enclosed by heavy- finish only.
Stock No. Type H. W. O. Chacals Ht. Lbs. NET
PANEL - MOUNTING CHASSIS 80 PX 697 CA-699 2 3 4.90
Open -side chassis for std. 19' mounting. Made
of .062' aluminum with reinforced corners. 1'
80 PX 698
80 PX 699
24' 6r
i 5.63
flange on ends, with 4 elongated holes for 80 PX 656 CA-1128 z12'/,zf 1/4i
81 17t:7fV 3 7 6.61
mounting. Front flange has standard panel
notching. All other edges have a/a' flanges.
Etched aluminum finish. All models are 17' MINIATURE AMPLIFIER FOUNDATION
wide, excluding flange, and Sys? deep. Type CA -1764. An extremely compact, sturdily built amplifier foun-
Stook No. Typa Height Lbs. NET dation. Designed expressly to meet the requirements of builders em-
ploying miniature tubes, transistors, capacitors, small transformers,
86 PX 185 CB -1370 Ir
86 PX 186 CB -1371 3
1.99 and other miniaturized components. Excellent for small, portable -type
1 public address amplifiers, recording preamplifiers, etc. Chassis, which
86 PX 187 CB-1372 5 4' 1s/. 2.57 is an integral part of the unit, is only 2' high, 7' wide, and S' deep.
86 PX 188 CB-1373 7 2.94 With foundation cover fastened in place, entire unit stands only 6
86 PX 189 CB-1374
86 PX 190 CB-1375
2J/4 3.34 high! Removable cover includes a carrying handle for comfortable
hand grip and convenient carrying. Cover is heavily perforated to
86 PX 191 CB-1376
86 PX 192 CB-1377 14
allow sufficient ventilation of amplifier or other apparatus.
Entire unit is made from cold rolled steel; welded construction assures
maximum strength, rigidity and full for components. Foundation cover Is securely
fastened to the chassis sides by means protection
of four self- tapping screws. Has durable, highly attractive,
SLOPING PANEL UTILITY CABINETS black wrinkle enameled finish. Shpg. wt., 2 lbs.
Sloping panel util-
86 P 214. NET 3.92
ity cabinets featur-
i ng attractive, "PRESTIGE" STEEL CABINETS
modern design. Stock cabinets of advanced design suitable for housing highest quality
Units are similar in instruments. Soundly engi

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