CONOCO Phillips QHSE Questionnaire0000
CONOCO Phillips QHSE Questionnaire0000
CONOCO Phillips QHSE Questionnaire0000
Work Subject : Long Term Liquid Transportation Project - Land Survey (CS13938047)
Technical Director
HSE-Q Management
QA & HSE Finance HRD Secretarial Logistic IT Geotechnical / CAD/GIS Survey Laser
Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Construction Scanning
Doc Con Maintenance Driver Field Project Drafter Field Modeling Field
Rep. Rep. Rep. Team Rep. Surveyor Rep. Scanning
Rep. Rep. Rep.
Office Boy
Rep. = Representative
b) Who has overall and final responsibility for HSE in your organization ?
Siapa yang mempunyai kewajiban keseluruhan dan final untuk HSE di organisasi saudara?
- All personnel have a responsibility for HSE. However overall and final responsibility for HSE are managing Director
and / or Technical Director. And if the Managing director / Technical Director is not on office, they delegate to HSE
Steering Committee Coordinator.
a) What provision does your company make for HSE communication and meetings ?
Provisi apa yang perusahaan saudara buat untuk komunikasi dan pertemuan HSE?
The HSE communication and HSE meeting are essential part of the HSE process. The company’s HSE management
Committee is given the task to discuss and agree on methods of implementation of the Policy and monitoring the
effectiveness of the HSE-MS throughout the organization.
PT. Geoindo Giri Jaya holds HSE monthly meeting which attending by all Steering Committee Teams. All meetings are
recorded and an attendee list sign by all present. The minutes of the previous meeting will be mentioned at the start for
reference and up date of any action that has taken place on what was discuss.
3.2 Competence and Training of Managers / Supervisors / Senior Site Staff / HSE Advisor
Have the managers and supervisors at all levels that will plan, monitor, oversee and carry out the work received format HSE
training in their responsibilities with respect to conducting work to HSE requirements ? (Yes/No)
Sudahkah para manajer dan supervisor di semua bagian yang akan merencanakan, mengawasi, melihat dan mengerjakan
pekerjaan menerima format pelatihan HSE yang menjadi kewajiban mereka untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan sesuai ketentuan
HSE? (Ya /Tidak)
Yes, Training is given to Managers, Supervisor (Field team leader) by external training and in house training. Example PPE
training (in-house training), Bosiet training (external training). (Please see attachment E – PT. Geoindo Training Matrix)
b) What arrangements does your company have to ensure ALL employees, including sub contractors, also have
knowledge of your HSE policies and practices?
Pengaturan apa yang dilakukan perusahaan saudara untuk memastikan SEMUA pegawai, termasuk sub kontraktor,
juga mempunyai pengetahuan terhadap kebijakan dan implementasi HSE saudara?
All new employees and subcontractor employees are given HSE induction meeting/ HSE training before they start to
the fieldwork. Their knowledge is up-dated on a regular basis by regular meetings / safety induction meeting on site.
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
Long Term Liquid Transportation Project
Land Survey
Prequalification Documents CS13938047 18.10.2007
And all employees and subcontractor’s employees have a copy all HSE policies and signed off when they read the
Before go the site they have a copy of HSE document, there is:
- PT. Geoindo HSE Implementation Scheme for each project (example : see annex HSE Implementation Scheme
for Lombok Project)(Please see attachment F- HSE Implementation Scheme for Lombok Project)
It is will be described in the Job Hazards Analysis Form (HSE/FOR/001) (Please see attachment C No 1)
)b Do you provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for you employees?
(Yes/No) Please provide a list of the PPE for the scope of work to be performed?
Apakah saudara menyediakan perlengkapan pelindung personil yang sesuai (PPE) untuk karyawan-karyawan
saudara? (Ya/Tidak) Mohon berikan daftar PPE untuk lingkup pekerjaan yang akan dilaksanakan?
(Please see attachment H – List of PPE )
)c Do you provide training on how to use PPE ? (Yes/No) Explain the content of the training and any follow up
Apakah saudara menyediakan pelatihan tentang bagaimana menggunakan PPE? (Ya/Tidak)
Jelaskan isi dari pelatihan dan setiap kegiatan kelanjutannya.
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
Long Term Liquid Transportation Project
Land Survey
Prequalification Documents CS13938047 18.10.2007
Training is provided on issue of PPE by discussion and demonstration by HSE Safety Oficer or project manager on
how to use. Case study relevant to each item is explained and during demonstration to ensure employee understands
why he needs to wear PPE and what possible consequences if not. Follow up is provided by monitoring use of PPE
on site by project manager and site supervisors. PPE is mandatory on site. (Please see attachment I – PPE
training Material )
)d Do you have a program to ensure that PPE is impacted and maintained?
Apakah saudara mempunyai program untuk menjamin bahwa PPE digunakan dan dirawat?
Yes, project managers and site supervisors ensure that PPE is used on site as appropriate by all staff (and sub
contractor staff, if relevant).
c) Please provide the number of accidents resulting in environmental damage in the amount greater than US$50,000
for the last 24 months. Attach copies of any governmental reports submitted
Tolong sediakan jumlah kecelakaan dari hasil kerusakan lingkungan yang bernilai lebih dari US$ 50,000 dalam 24
bulan terakhir. Lampirkan semua copy dari laporan pemerintah yang diserahkan.
h) Do you assign an expertise to coordinate the environmental and how to ensure his / her competencies?
Apakah saudara menugaskan seorang ahli untuk mengkoordinasikan lingkungan dan bagaimana memastikan
Yes, we assign an expertise to coordinate the environmental and we also ensure his/her competencies by
reviewing his/her skills and experiences
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
Long Term Liquid Transportation Project
Land Survey
Prequalification Documents CS13938047 18.10.2007
c) If you produce hazardous substances, please explain the process of documentation and its supervision
Jika saudara membeli substansi berbahaya, tolong jelaskan proses dokumentasi dan supervisinya
The dangerous substances will be kept in the storage with adhering dangerous label or the same thing like that to
inform all employees that the substances will give effect if treated wrong as explained in the label. The substances
shall completed by MSDS as the references how to treat its as like as the dangerous level of the substances.
4.7 Drugs and Alcohol
Do you have a drug and alcohol policy in your organization? (Yes / No) If yes, please attach
Apakah saudara mempunyai kebijakan obat-obatan dan alcohol dalam organisasi saudara?
(Ya / Tidak) Jika ya, tolong lampirkan
Yes, please see attachment B – HSE Policies
Third party equipment if used by our company is required to have documentation similar to our standards and is fully inspected
prior to use by our company. An inspection report is produced and acts as documentation/record which forms part of project file
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
Long Term Liquid Transportation Project
Land Survey
Prequalification Documents CS13938047 18.10.2007
5.3 Transport Safety Management and Maintenance
What arrangement does your company have for vehicle incidents prevention?
Pengaturan apa yang digunakan perusahan saudara untuk mencegah kecelakaan kendaraan?
- HSE / PRO / 009 – Working safety Procedure. Please see attachment C
6.2 Statutory Notifiable Incidents. Dangerous Occurences, Improvement Requirement and Prohibition Notices
Has your company suffered any improvement requirement or prohibition notices on statutory notifiable incidents/dangerous
occurrences by the relevant national body, regulatory body for HSE or other enforcing authority or been prosecuted under any
HSE legislation in the last five years?
(Yes/ No) If yes, please give the number of occurrences and its short description
Pernahkah perusahaan sauadra mengalami keperluan perbaikan atau peringatan pelarangan atas kecelakaan / kejadian
berbahaya menurut undang undang dari badan nasional yang berhubungan dengan HSE atau otoritas yang berwenang atau
telah dilarang berdasarkan legislasi HSE dalam lima tahun terakhir? (Ya / Tidak) Jika ya, tolong beriakn jumlah dan deskripsi
No, we haven’t suffered any improvement requirement or prohibition notices on statutory notifiable incidents/dangerous
occurrences by the relevant national body, regulatory body for HSE or other enforcing authority or been prosecuted under any
HSE legislation in the last five years
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
Long Term Liquid Transportation Project
Land Survey
Prequalification Documents CS13938047 18.10.2007
Kejadian Fatal
Days Away from Work Case (DAFWC) atau LTIs
Total kasus yang dicatat (seperti Perlakuan medis, Pekerjaan yang dibatasi, transfer ke pekerjaan lainnya,
Please see attachment L – HSE Statistic
b) How are the findings following an investigation, or arelevant incident occurring elsewhere, communicated to your
Bagaimana temuan sebagai tindak lanjut investigasi, atau yang berhubungan dengan kecelakaan di lain tempat
dikomunikasikan kepada pegawai saudara?
- HSE Monthly Meeting
- Informed to all personnel through Toolbox Meeting
- Demonstrated the accident/incident inestigation in the safety induction meeting HSE
b) How does this policy specify the standards for auditing, including schedule, coverage and the qualifications for auditor?
Bagaimana kebijakan ini menjelaskan standar untuk audit, termasuk jadwal, lingkup dan kualifikasi auditor?
HSE Manual specifies standard for auditing by use of standard forms.
The auditors (generally HSE Manger) are provided training both internally and externally on how to audit. External training
involves certification of auditors and are used as qualification documentation
c) How is the effectiveness of audit verified and how does management report and follow up audits?
Seberapa efektif verifikasi audit tersebut dan bagaimana laporan manajemen dan tindak lanjut audit?
The audit is undertaken by HSE manager who analyses records, interviews divisional heads looks at performance and
produces a report which is then discussed at HSE Management Review Meetings and then followed up by HSE Manager.
The audit is reviewed by all divisions. Discussions, briefings and updated procedures issued in order to implement
corrective actions and improvements within the system.
Do you have an emergency response plan? (Yes/No) If yes, please attach. How do you maintain readiness of the plan? And
explain the command structure?
Apakah saudara memliki rencana tindakan darurat? (Ya / Tidak) Jika ya, tolong dilampirkan.
Bagaimana saudara memelihara kesiapan rencana tersebut? Dan jelaskan struktur perintahnya
HSE / PRO / 007 – Emergency Response Procedure. Please see attachment C No 7
a) Does your company hold association(s) membership? (Yes/No) If yes, please provide the list.
Apakah perusahaan saudara memiliki keanggotaan asosiasi? (Ya / Tidak) Jika ya, tolong sediakan daftarnya
Yes, there are KADIN and INKINDO. Please see attachment M – Company Association Membership
b) Is there any aspect of your HSE performance that you believe diffentiates yourself from your competitors that not
described elsewhere in your response to the questionnaire? If yes, please explain
Adakah aspek dari kinerja HSE saudara yang saudara percaya mendiferensiasikan perusahaan saudara dari
competitor yang ada yang tidak dijelaskan sebelumnya di tanggapan anda di kuesioner? Jika ya, tolong jelaskan.
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
Long Term Liquid Transportation Project
Land Survey
Prequalification Documents CS13938047 18.10.2007
Pendahuluan Introduction
Bagian F ini terutama dimaksudkan untuk memberikan This section F is primarily intended to give the Registrant the
kesempatan kepada Pendaftar agar dapat memberikan opportunity to provide any further details that it could be of interest
rincian – rincian lebih lanjut yang diyakini akan dapat to the Company in our assessment of you as a potential candidate
menjadi hal yang penting bagi Perusahaan di dalam for the Work. Registrants are asked not to provide general
penilaian terhadap saudara sebagai calon yang potensial marketing brochures and similar material not to provide general
untuk pekerjaan ini. Para Pendaftar diminta untuk tidak marketing brochures and similar material not directly and
memberikan brosur-brosur pemasaran umum dan bahan- specifically relevant to the Prequalification process.
bahan serupa lainnya yang tidak secara langsung dan
secara khusus terkait dengan proses Prakualifikasi.