CHS 005 - Run in Hole and Change Out Toolstrings. Rev 5pdf

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Activity Description: Run in hole and change out toolstrings Assessment No: CHS 005
Risk Assessment / Event Potential Matrix (INS-003376) Revision No: 5

Assessment Team: Nabeel Awan, Anthony Hahn, Rizky Islamed Date of Assessment: 26/04/2023 Rev: 5
Department: Wireline Location: Various
Frequency of Activity: Every job Persons Affected: WL Crew, Deck Crew, Drill Crew

Internal Documentation: INS003791 Wireline Operational Standards, INS-003678 Toolstring Record, INS-003377 TRAC
Applicable Documentation to this
• Communicate effectively during JSA (Job Safety Analysis) / Tool Box Talks, include all personnel involved in the task and
immediate work area.
• If job scope or personnel change, apply Stop Work, consider MOC and review JSA / Tool Box Talks.
• If the potential for SIMOPS (Simultaneous Operations) is present then a single point of communication SHALL be identified.
Mandatory Requirements
• If multiple contractors/rig personnel are involved in the task, then a single point of communication SHALL be identified.
• All personnel (incl contractors) are responsible for following: Expro House Rules, identified procedures and other identified
controls, Positive Intervention, Training and Competency Programs.

Operation / Identified Who\what might Current Risk Controls L C R Further Controls Required *L *C *R Action by Who
Activity Hazard be harmed and and When
how E-Trak Event #
Running Wire Tripping over Injury by falling, Barrier off the areas 2 4 8 •
line in & out Wireline, tripping over wire. affected by the
of hole. hands caught Loss of fingers by operations.
in Hay Pulleys. pinch points in
Erect signs indicating
spokes of pulley.
operations in progress.
Ensure hands are kept
clear of pinch points. Use
stands or suspend lower
Impact gloves to be worn.
Effective communication
with team and rig

L = Likelihood of hazardous event occurring, C = Consequence of the hazardous event, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after further controls taken into account’

Rating to be calculated using Risk Matrix INS-003376. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’

Doc No: INS-003374 Rev: 5 Page 1 of 8

Activity Description: Run in hole and change out toolstrings Assessment No: CHS 005
Risk Assessment / Event Potential Matrix (INS-003376) Revision No: 5

Operation / Identified Who\what might Current Risk Controls L C R Further Controls Required *L *C *R Action by Who
Activity Hazard be harmed and and When
how E-Trak Event #
Running Loss of well Personal injury Effective communications 2 6 12 •
Wire line in control with team and rig
Loss of life
& out of personnel.
hole. Damage to Follow Expro Operational
equipment Standards.
Environmental Permit to work reviewed
and in place. Isolations in
place as required for
Verification procedures,
as per client guidelines.
Equipment maintenance
completed and certified
for required pressure.
Jarring Struck by Puncture Barrier off the areas 2 3 6 •
during setting parted wire wound/lacerations affected by the operations
& pulling during heavy caused by whiplash and keep personnel clear.
procedures. jarring. of parted wire
Tannoy or radio
announcement prior to
start jarring.
Erect signs indicating
operations in progress
and the hazards.

L = Likelihood of hazardous event occurring, C = Consequence of the hazardous event, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after further controls taken into account’

Rating to be calculated using Risk Matrix INS-003376. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’

Doc No: INS-003374 Rev: 5 Page 2 of 8

Activity Description: Run in hole and change out toolstrings Assessment No: CHS 005
Risk Assessment / Event Potential Matrix (INS-003376) Revision No: 5

Operation / Identified Who\what might Current Risk Controls L C R Further Controls Required *L *C *R Action by Who
Activity Hazard be harmed and and When
how E-Trak Event #
Jarring Bruised hands Trapped fingers, Do not lean over wire in 2 3 6 •
during during hand back muscle strain case of sudden tension
setting & jarring. and or injury on caused by tool string
pulling sudden tensioning weight.
procedures up of wire.
posture when Use sheave stand or
jarring. suspend lower sheave.
Keep fingers and hands
away from sheave.
Correct positioning of
hands and correct
Correct manual handling
techniques to be used.
Impact gloves to be worn.
Regular breaks between

L = Likelihood of hazardous event occurring, C = Consequence of the hazardous event, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after further controls taken into account’

Rating to be calculated using Risk Matrix INS-003376. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’

Doc No: INS-003374 Rev: 5 Page 3 of 8

Activity Description: Run in hole and change out toolstrings Assessment No: CHS 005
Risk Assessment / Event Potential Matrix (INS-003376) Revision No: 5

Operation / Identified Who\what might Current Risk Controls L C R Further Controls Required *L *C *R Action by Who
Activity Hazard be harmed and and When
how E-Trak Event #
Running Wire jumping Personal injury from Ensure sheaves are 2 3 6 •
Wire line in out of sheave damaged wire or inspected for wear and
& out of parted wire. condition prior to
hole. operations commencing.
Damage to wire,
parted wire. Use sheave stand or
suspend sheave from
auxiliary line.
All non-essential
personnel to stay clear of
Good communications
with rig personnel.

L = Likelihood of hazardous event occurring, C = Consequence of the hazardous event, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after further controls taken into account’

Rating to be calculated using Risk Matrix INS-003376. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’

Doc No: INS-003374 Rev: 5 Page 4 of 8

Activity Description: Run in hole and change out toolstrings Assessment No: CHS 005
Risk Assessment / Event Potential Matrix (INS-003376) Revision No: 5

Operation / Identified Who\what might Current Risk Controls L C R Further Controls Required *L *C *R Action by Who
Activity Hazard be harmed and and When
how E-Trak Event #
Bleeding off Fire/Explosion Multiple deaths & Where possible bleed off 1 6 6 •
pressure at caused by injuries, loss of to closed vent system /
surface. release of assets major drain to avoid bleeding
hydrocarbon to pollution etc. directly to atmosphere.
Make tannoy or radio
announcements at
commencement of bleed
fluid release,
ie brine etc off.
Vent off away from
source of ignition.
Use gas monitor to detect
gas near source of
ignition and secure vent
Ensure Pressure Control
Equipment is fully bled
down before loosening
Bleeding Damaged Damage to Bleed off gas pressure in 1 4 4 •
off seals and equipment a controlled manner to
pressure elastomers Uncontrolled minimize possibility of
at explosive decompression.
surface. release
Bleeding High noise Long term hearing Hearing protection to be 1 4 4 •
off levels damage worn at all times.

L = Likelihood of hazardous event occurring, C = Consequence of the hazardous event, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after further controls taken into account’

Rating to be calculated using Risk Matrix INS-003376. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’

Doc No: INS-003374 Rev: 5 Page 5 of 8

Activity Description: Run in hole and change out toolstrings Assessment No: CHS 005
Risk Assessment / Event Potential Matrix (INS-003376) Revision No: 5

Operation / Identified Who\what might Current Risk Controls L C R Further Controls Required *L *C *R Action by Who
Activity Hazard be harmed and and When
how E-Trak Event #
Changing out Struck by Pinched or severed Stand clear from fall path 2 4 8 •
tools on tool falling tool fingers. Loss of of tool string when tools
string string. Metal toes/ limbs Injury to being lowered or raised
between splinters when hands from metal into lubricator
wireline runs changing out splinters on tool
When possible use quick
tool string and string Damage to
locks on tool string
trapped fingers equipment.
connections to eliminate
when guiding
Eye Injuries the need for pipe
tools up into
lubricator. wrenches
Use correct tool spade for
changing tools up on
fluid release.
Wear correct PPE (impact
gloves, safety glasses)
when handling tools, tool
strings are filed off
Keep fingers clear when
guiding tools up into
Clear signals to winch
operator; use radio if
Ensure lubricator clear of
water and/or trapped gas

L = Likelihood of hazardous event occurring, C = Consequence of the hazardous event, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after further controls taken into account’

Rating to be calculated using Risk Matrix INS-003376. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’

Doc No: INS-003374 Rev: 5 Page 6 of 8

Activity Description: Run in hole and change out toolstrings Assessment No: CHS 005
Risk Assessment / Event Potential Matrix (INS-003376) Revision No: 5

Operation / Identified Who\what might Current Risk Controls L C R Further Controls Required *L *C *R Action by Who
Activity Hazard be harmed and and When
how E-Trak Event #
Use dedicated dogman/
Making up Pinch points Loss of 1 4 4 •
rigger with clear hand
PCE to whilst stabbing fingers/crush
signals or radio to direct
Wellhead on lubricator. injuries whilst
crane or driller whilst
lowering lubricator
stabbing pressure control
sections, stabbing
& making up
Ensure hands are kept
Quick unions.
clear of pinch points
Back strain/stress,
Impact gloves to be worn
while connecting,
if his possition not One (1) person to guide
poper. lubricator and stab on

Approved by Signature Date approved: 26/04/2024 Date of next revision: 10/10/2024

L = Likelihood of hazardous event occurring, C = Consequence of the hazardous event, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after further controls taken into account’

Rating to be calculated using Risk Matrix INS-003376. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’

Doc No: INS-003374 Rev: 5 Page 7 of 8

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