Lesson Plan 5
Lesson Plan 5
Lesson Plan 5
My personal goal is to observe the student while they do the work and check their understanding.
Lesson Focus:
Lesson Outcomes:
1. At the end of this lesson Students will be enabled to identify the different types of punctuation.
2. Students will be enabled to recognize when to use the correct punctuation.
3. Students will be enabled to use the correct punctuation at the end of each sentence.
Student already know what are the punctuation marks and where we can put them in the sentence.
21st Century Skills that will develop at the end of the lesson:
Foundational skills:
Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., first word, capitalization, ending
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when
Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their
functions in particular sentences.
Comprehension and Collaboration:
Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with
diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Key vocabulary
Some of the student make mistakes Show the student the different between the
between the comma and the period, period and the comma and where we can put
instead of put period at the end of them on the sentence.
the sentence to start a new one,
they but comma and go down to
start a new sentence.
Work sheets
Online timer (https://www.online-stopwatch.com/bomb-countdown/full-screen/)
& Time Introduction
Main task
& Time
Teacher will: Students will:
Will explain each activity
Each center will take 10 according to the student level. Student should to
mins. listen to the teacher
Give the materials to the student. instructions.
Finish their work
before the times
The first level will take a worksheet that include sentence and the punctuation mark picture.
Student should to cut the picture and match the correct ending
punctuation mark with the right sentence.
Note: Student will get the medium-level worksheet after they have done
the work.
Differentiation activities (medium-level):
The second level will take a worksheet that include sentence and the punctuation mark
Student should to cut the sentence and match the correct
sentence with the right ending punctuation mark.
Note: Student will get the high-level worksheet after they have
done the work.
The third level will take a worksheet that include sentences and the student should to write
the ending punctuation mark.
Note: student who will finish the work early they will play a game.
Student will get a flash card with sentence and they will ask to
choose the right ending punctuation mark.
& Time
Teacher Will: Students will
At the end of the lesson we will play a Student will raise their
game. hands to participate.
I will put a picture of the punctuation Student will write the
in the class board. sentence.
Then the teacher will give the student
a note and let them write random
sentence without a punctuation mark.
After that the teacher will take the
notes and mix them then choose a
student to pick one note and match it
with correct ending punctuation mark.
Homework -
Assessment Observing the students during centers.
✓ Observation ☐ Student self- ✓ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment