Y. Elghazi Et Al - Daylighting Driven Design (... ) (2014, Paper)
Y. Elghazi Et Al - Daylighting Driven Design (... ) (2014, Paper)
Y. Elghazi Et Al - Daylighting Driven Design (... ) (2014, Paper)
Daylight is an important element for residential spaces sDA (for regularly occupied floor area) Points
that can contribute to maintain the minimum
illuminance level required to improve indoor 55% 2
environmental quality and user comfort. The benefits
of a carefully planned daylighting concept range from 75% 3
an enhanced lighting quality for the inhabitants to a
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Fifth German-Austrian IBPSA Conference
RWTH Aachen University
Origami-Based Design
Recently building skin explorations are carried out
using inspired new ideas of the ancient art of origami.
Origami offers a finite set of paper-folding techniques
that can be cataloged and tested with parametric Figure 3: Tetrahedral basic structural unit
modeling software. Origami is based on the sequence, exploration (Gao & Ramani).
shape and relationship between surface and points
which can be defined by rules (Figure 1). It can be
viewed as a type of manual algorithm that can be Kaleidocycle Skin: Concept and Approach
translated to parametric models (Gao & Ramani). Rotating rings of tetrahedrons called kaleidocyles are
well known from recreational mathematics. Each
tetrahedron in the cycle is linked to its predecessor and
successor at opposite edges. The mobility criterion
treats each tetrahedron as a rigid object (Fowler &
Guest, 2005).
There is a Lot of different kinds of kaleidocycles but
the most rigid, stable yet interesting is the Hexagonal
Kaleidocycle. Moloney experiments with pattern
showed that increasing the number of edges beyond
six proved counterproductive, as edge differentiation
Figure 1: Origami forms based on geometrical rules became harder. Moreover, the hexagon provided a
and folding morphology. relatively neutral orientation when a large number
were combined in an offset (Moloney, 2011). A closed
Many origami planar explorations of the triangulated- Hexagonal kaleidocycle is tested which is made up of
based skins have been tested rather than volumetric 3d
six irregular tetrahedrons with three symmetry-
folding explorations. Lee & Leounis (2011) presented
distinct configurations (Fowler & Guest, 2005). These
a surface manipulation tool that can transform the must be made so that: the hinge edges are orthogonal,
arrangement of folding planar surfaces, while
and bases of isosceles triangles whose altitudes to the
Crawford (2010) studied a family of folding geometry
vertex angles are the same length as their bases.
to provide ventilation using parametric modeling. On
the practical platform, the 25-story twin office towers The kaleidocycle skin is a mix of triangular and
in the United Arab Emirates feature a computer- hexagon shapes that provide good edge detection and
monitored and sensor-controlled screen as shown in reasonable shading detection. The primary concept of
Figure 2, which responds dynamically to the sun, the proposed skin, shown in Figure 4, is that when it
folding like origami to shade or expose the building. rotates, the hole at the center periodically disappears
(it closes up) to control different levels of daylight
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Fifth German-Austrian IBPSA Conference
RWTH Aachen University
penetration using parametric modelling tool. The simulation softwares. The Geco plug-in allows the
kaleidocycles are scripted to act as apertures, with a digital model to be analyzed by Autodesk's Ecotect
variable hole opening diameter, which will be program (Frick & Grabner, 2011). Similarly, DIVA ,
optimized to improve daylighting performance. which stands for Design Iterate Validate Adapt, for
Rhinoceros 3D tools, and provides Grasshopper
components to perform daylight analysis on an
existing architectural model via integration with
Radiance and DAYSIM (Reinhart et al., 2011).
Parametric simulations can give an idea of the
variation in daylighting performance related to the
variation of one or more parameters (Torres et al.,
Genetic optimization algorithms
Figure 4: Shows the Kaleidocycle rotation motions. Optimization in building design is an interesting point
of study because of the integrated nature of both
Parametric modelling potentials environmental and energy performance.It is used to
Parametric tools in architecture have been gaining mo- extensively search the design alternatives looking for
mentum over the past few years. The term refers to high performance solutions in terms of specified
digitally modeling a series of design variants whose goals. The simulation-based optimization can
relationships to each other are defined through overcome the drawbacks of evaluative trial and error
mathematical operations and different parameters. approach. In order to combine parametric modeling
These relationships form a parametric space that could with an optimization technique to support design
generate numerous of related but distinct forms explorations and form finding, Genetic algorithms
(Schumacher, 2009). This new design approach (GAs) have been considered. GAs can perform a series
provides architects with the possibility of making of simulations in a multi-dimensional search space,
modifications on any parameters without the need to increasing the relevance of the cases simulated. They
recreate the entire model (Wagdy, 2013), and offering are used to find the configuration that best matches
a great potential for geometric design explorations. desired performance goals (Monks, Oh, & Dorsey,
Using this approach provides architects with a high 2000; Turrin, Buelow, & Stouffs, 2011; Rakha &
ability to optimize buildings with respect to various Nassar, 2011 ).
performance aspects. The impact of such a trend is yet
to be seen on building forms and envelopes and their Genetic algorithms were shown to be effective in
behavior with respect to different climate. presenting new solutions to optimize light penetration
and shading, taking into account many different
aspects that influencing the performance of a façade
In recent years, the design professions have begun (Zemella et al., 2011). The prediction of daylight
experimenting with parametric design tools such as levels by model-fitting was addressed by Coley and
Grasshopper which was developed by David Rutten Crabb (Coley D, 1997) using genetic algorithms. Park
at Robert McNeel& Associates in 2007 as a et al. also (Park et al., 2003) maximised daylighting
parametric modelling plug-in for Rhinoceros 3D from a double-skin facade using non-linear
modeling software (McNeel, 2010). Grasshopper is a programming. The principle was then developed into
graphical algorithm editor that allows designers with a real-time optimization program using genetic
no formal scripting experience to quickly generate algorithms (Yoon et al., 2011).
parametric forms from the simple to the awe-inspiring
(Day, 2009) as there are components within The above literature review demonstrates that
Grasshopper that allow custom scripts to be written in previous research did not present any case study which
VB.NET or C# (Lagios et al., 2010). adopts the new LEED V4 daylighting simulation
methodology, especially in hot climate conditions.
Daylight simulation tools Limited publications were concerned with the
Since green building rating systems such as the US exploitation of window size and shading devisces that
Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED system control the solar penetration, and thus improvement of
encourage the use of simulations, designers are daylighting performance while diminishing the direct
increasingly reporting that they are using daylight sunlight expusure could pave the way for their
simulations within their designs (Gasiu & Reinhart, deploying better sustinable designs which can be
2008). appropriate LEEDV4 evaluation process.
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Fifth German-Austrian IBPSA Conference
RWTH Aachen University
The main goal of this research was the enhancement
of the daylighting of living room by employ a non-
simpleficed shading techique formed by kaleidocycle
rings. In order to achive this goal, an objective was
defiend to identify ideal size/rotation of kaleidocycle
rings by fullfilling both LEED V4 daylighting
requirements and the Daylight Availability dynamic
metric. Investigations focused on the use of parametric
optimization approach to determine the “near-
optimum” kaleidocycle configuration that suit living
Figure 5: Standard South-facing living room with
room space located in hot arid climate of cairo, Egypt.
kaleidocycle skin modelled for daylight analysis.
Table 2: Parameters of the used living room.
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Fifth German-Austrian IBPSA Conference
RWTH Aachen University
rotations led to different daylight performance. Those Wienold, 2011). This section is focusing on the
two variables are considered the main parameters of recreation methodology that was used on this research.
the design which were controlled with numeric sliders.
Figure 6 shows various Kaleidocycle size Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA)
configurations ranging from 20cm to 65cm for each
The simulation parameters was set to measure daylight
unit with a step size of 5 cm, while Kaleidocycles with
Illuminance sufficiency for the living room, DIVA
different rotation angels ranging from 0 to 90 degrees
parameters were set to calculate the percentage of
wit a step size of 10 degrees are illustrated in Figure 7.
analysis points that exceeds a specified Illuminance
level (300 lux) for at least 50% of the total occupied
hours from 8am-6pm over the year (IES, 2012), while
the percentage of sDA should be at least 55% or 75%
to achieve 2 to 3 LEED points. However, the authors
used an optimization approach to maximize the
percentage of sDA more than 75%. For sDA and
Daylight availability metric Radiance parameters were
set as shown in Table 3.
Figure 6: shows the Kaleidocycle size configuration
Table 3: The Radiance parameters set for sDA and
ranging from 20cm to 65cm (step size= 5 cm).
Daylight Availability metric.
Ambient Ambient Direct
bounces Divisions threshold
6 1000 0
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RWTH Aachen University
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RWTH Aachen University
Optimum Soultions
Daylight Autonomy LEED v4 Accepted
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
Annual Sunlight Exposure
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
Daylight Availability
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
Figure 9: Shows DA, ASE and Daylight Availability performance through each generation of the optimization
Daylighting Performance
Partially – daylit = 0%
Rotation Angle = 64 Degree Daylight Autonomy = 100% ASE = 5%
Daylit = 95% Overlit = 5%
Opening Size = 30 cm
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Fifth German-Austrian IBPSA Conference
RWTH Aachen University
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