Final Research Paper
Final Research Paper
Final Research Paper
Early worms are catch by the early birds. It is the students’ responsibility
to go to school at the right time and appropriate outfit. Going or arriving in school
early means that a student has fully understood the value of time in return they
are acknowledged by their respective teachers. The students show that they are
following the rules and regulations and they understand the policies that had
Coming to school early or in the right time is quite impossible for several
one of the major and most popular problem that the students and the schools are
the Education, it is estimated that 73% of public high schools in the Philippines
admitted that most of their students are coming to school late. Because of this
However, we must also consider the location where the students are living
that maybe it is one of the reasons why they are arriving in their school late, that
the distance of their school from their house is a little bit far and the
transportation there is kind of a problem. But we know that the schools can’t
adjust for the students, they prepared some recommendations for the scenarios
like this.
There are situations that are unpredictable that could possibly arise or
maybe the officials of the school administration have overlooked just like the
Close-Exit Gate Policy. Surely the school is trying to avoid accidents or any
kind of danger that a student could encounter outside the school premises during
the school hours. So, there is time durations that is being followed by the
students. Schedules are the one that is highly affected by the Close-Exit Gate
Policy. In the campus of Marcial O. Ranola Memorial School there are different
time schedule for the students especially for the Senior High School Students
wherein shifting is being practiced due to lack of facilities but not every strand is
scoped with this type of schedule. The Grade 12 STEM isn’t scoped with this
type of schedule their schedule is too uptight fir they tons of class subjects.
Because of the Close-Exit Gate Policy, the school guard let the students go out
the school premises at exactly 11:45 am so it’ll be unfair for the students that
have class at exactly 12:15 pm they have to hassle up just to get ready for their
afternoon class. It is a big help for the students if they would be hassle free.
This study investigates what are Close-Exit Gate Policy and its effects in
the students of the Grade 12 STEM Students of the Marcial O. Ranola Memorial
Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:
1. What are the possible effects of the Close –Exit Gate Policy?
2. Regarding the said effects, which effect has the highest percentage or the
3. What are the recommendations that can be contributed regarding the said
This study focuses about the Close- Exit Gate Policy implemented by the
Students is the only strand that in academic track that has a whole day class
schedule and the other track that has a schedule similar to the STEM strand is
the grade 12 Arts and Design/ Sports Track. The scope of this study only focuses
on the schedule of these 2 tracks some aspects like the address of the
respondents was also included for it could a reason and a helpful data for the
conclusion and explanation for the effects of the said policy. But the study didn’t
include all of the personal information about the respondents the researchers
administrators for them to be aware of this kind of policy and for them to study
about it. This study will also beneficial to the parents because they are the ones
that worry the most when their child is coming home late and if the Exit-Gate
Policy affects the grade of their child. Moreover, this is study is helpful to every
student because this focuses on how this policy affects their studies, grades, and
lifestyle that is being a big problem to their lives. This study will also serve as a
future reference for the researchers they could also improve this study and
Chapter 2
In this chapter it contains the related literature and studies about policy
paradigm, conceptual framework with its paradigm is also included in this chapter
Related Literature
The extent and disbursement of literature on policy implementation can
various fields (Natus, et. al. 2015). Natus, et. al. created an extremely huge and
dense volume of literature. As you can observe in the first sentence Natus, et. al.
perplexing or puzzling is the term that they’ve use to describe the extent and
needed to be studied carefully and crucially causes it affects the lives of not just
one person but numerous ones. So the literature about policy is quite confusing
for we have different perspectives and lot of stands are being published or being
stated on the literatures about policies that makes its puzzling on who should we
ideas of permanent and universal interest that makes things more complicated.
The nature of the students’ experience in school is influenced not only by
the quantity of instruction, but also by the school’s policies and practices.
Students if all ages approach a school a school with positive spirit, and they
expect to find success and fulfilment there, so the policies and practices affecting
them must be clear, fair and likely to contribute to student learning (Danielson,
2011). School is said to be the second home of the students, most likely they
would spend more time in the 4 walls of their classroom, companionship of their
they are more exposed on the rules of the schools. This aspect has been part of
a student’s life so this aspect has a big impact on a student’s life because most
likely they are living in their school; half of the experiences of a student in their
lifetime are experienced in schools. The school’s policies are one of the things
that molds the students, it is one of the aspect that helps them to be who they are
in the near future. The policies and practices is a powerful lever that help set the
tone and direct behavior in school but it doesn’t just affect the students’ life
Charlotte Danielson’s book that the nature of the students’ experience in school
is influenced not only by the quantity of instructions, but also by the by the
school’s policies and practices is most likely true. So the school’s should be
aware of the school’s that they are implementing and they should further study
about the policies that they are implementing or have been implemented for the
future of the student are one of the things that is involved or would be affected.
We can’t control the future but having policies as a first step as a preparation for
the future is one of the great things that a school could do for their students.
Schooling was perceived as the key to success for individuals and to the
excellence of society. (Mitchell,1993). School is one of the places that have been
considered as the places where the future is being built. By the statement where
the future is being built doesn’t mean that it is establishment School is a place of
knowledge, a place where the children, the future leaders and contributors of the
society is being molded for the betterment. Future is an aspect that needed to be
considered in making decisions for we can never tell what’s in the future but we
could prepare for it, remember that there is no assurance in the future that’s why
in a crucial topic where our society is involved future is a very big deal. For it
wouldn’t just affect a person nor a family it affects tons of community and
where it perceives as the key to the success of individuals and to the excellence
The one that know the importance of local school policy are the ones who
has skipped school or had to repeat a grade, has been placed in or excluded
from a program from a special program, or has been denied academic credit
importance of something when it’s already too late. Maybe it’s just human nature
that we often have that attitude that we can’t get rid of. In the statement of Duke
and Canady he stated the person that made the same mistake, the ones that had
regrets, and the ones that finally learns they lesson and see the importance of
something. School policy is very important in a student’s life but we can’t always
point our fingers to the school why the student has failing grades and etc… the
students has also responsibilities in the school and most especially they are
students to obey the rules and they want to do everything in their own way they
are taking their selves ate risk and also they’re future. In the statement Duke and
Canady also stated about the future outcomes of the students who most likely
doesn’t want to obey the rules. That’s why they give importance and finally
understand why rules are being implemented. That everything that the school is
doing was for the betterment of the child or the student. But the school can’t give
their full attention to only one student and to push them to obey the rules.
Obedience is one of the hardest traits to have it takes a lot of discipline but it is
solution to a certain conflict in a school wherein not just a student but a lot of
spread awareness or to avoid not just accidents but other circumstances that
could be a problem but the implementation of policy is not just to avoid this or
that but also to discipline the students for their sake anyway. But policy isn’t
implemented just for those things it is also implemented to mold the students and
train for future causes that could help them. Usually policy should lead the
students to the right path or it makes the students a better person but a lot of
people are forgetting to consider that policy is not just a guide but also an
based from literature or studies that passed and are qualified the standard or
by anything.
Related Studies
Discipline Practices” talks about how the students should get rewards if they are
showing good behavior or right conducts; they should also be rewarded in their
positive contributions to the community for in this simple act they officials are
building consistency and teamwork in the minds and heart of the students. As
what the title of the study of Mary Felson “Effective School Discipline Practices”
discipline is very important in a person’s life for it could be their key to success
and building it or training the students to have it is also significant but though it is
important it is a fact that it isn’t easy to discipline a student. But try to discipline
the students or the children in a way that is far more different than reprimanding
Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in the findings of the data that has been
gathered for the study it revealed that the students where positive about school’s
rules and regulations. The students are ready to embrace it and seemed to
study that has been conducted by Enrico P. Charvez for a year from 2006 to
organization of students’ duties and rights. This study also dealt with different
means of awareness campaigns that the school had been using for many years.
The study that Mr. Charvez conducted is to determine the relation of awareness
of student’s school rules and regulation, gender, age, students’ manual, school
According to the study of Ryan Donald Wilson that has been conducted in
the year 2008 that is entitled “Effect of Education Policy Urban Form on
Elementary – age School Travel”, School and travel distance are some of the
School Rules formulation that it has a significant positive relation with levels of
crucially. Policies is one of the greatest things that the schools are doing for the
students though it isn’t noticed or its benefit is usually ignored by the students
because of lack of obedience but just like the literature or the statements. Maybe
some students and few authority notices that policy has a great impact in a
student’s life for it affects the future of te students. They have to live almost half
of their lifetime that they have to deal with policies almost every day, which is half
of their lifetime.
There have been previous studies that are alike or somehow similar to the
study that the researchers conducted. Majority of the previous studies that are
similar to this study focuses on tardiness only as an affect that greatly affects the
this study the researchers also added tardiness as one of the affects but they
also gave attention to the other affects that could be an effect of the said policy.
Theoretical Framework
There are 4 theories that the researchers adopted for the study about the
Close – Exit Gate Policy, those theories are Anal Retentive Syndrome Theory,
The first 3 theories have been theorized by Michael Konik by the year
2010. The Anal Retentive Syndrome also known as the Deeply Rooted Passive –
Aggressive is a theory wherein it states that the person or a child is being late
just because they want to get the attention of someone like their parents and not
just that the mindset of the child is set that they monopolize and they can get
whatever that want once they get the attention of their parents. This theory is
significant to the study about the Close-Exit Gate Policy for one of the most
common effect of this policy is tardiness so the researchers look at other aspects
there are people who are functionally dysfunctional and their chronic lateness is
theory also focuses on tardiness but the thought of the theory helps us to further
think that sometimes the policy isn’t the problem but sometimes it’s just our
attitude. Attitude is one of the major hindrances why some students are being
disregard and contempt for others. This theory is alike to “incompetence” it also
focuses on the attitude of the person but this theory has a kind of attitude
wherein it doesn’t care about the consequences and the person would do what
they want.
The last theory is Absenteeism this theory states that if the student is
consecutively reprimanded they would just be absent for the sake of running
away from the consequences of being late. But the absenteeism also shows that
there are factors that are greatly affecting the students not just the policy.
Anal Retentive Incompetence Misanthropy Absenteeism
States that States that the States that the Being absent as a
the child is people who are person is solution instead
withholding functionally blithely of being tardy
that which is dysfunctional disregarding
desired on their the
attitude consequences
Theoretical Paradigm
Conceptual Framework
In conducting the research, the researchers have come up to make a
systematically so that the study is well organized. The researchers chose the
their input for their study; they will be the respondents in this proposed research.
could also be a cause to the conflict that would affect the students. The
Demographic Profile includes the address, age, sex of the students. The
researchers used the Descriptive Research Design in this study and conducted
related references such as the Related Literature and Related Studies in backing
real that the researchers didn’t make a conclusion without evidences to prove it.
Each input has its own corresponding outputs that are expected to be followed.
Moreover, the researchers used the five likerts scale in their survey questions
and in the statistical analysis the researchers used weighted mean and
percentage in interpreting the data that has been gathered. The inputs that have
been used in the study about Close Exit Gate Policy served as the variable of the
research topic. The data that has been gathered had helped the researchers to
STEM Block –B Students (Respondents)
Survey- Questionnaire (Research Design)
Conceptual Paradigm
Chapter 3
This chapter presents the research design used in the study, respondents
of the study, and sources of data, instrumentation, statistical tool and statistical
Research Design
research design for collecting data and information that is related in this study. In
this study, it uses survey questionnaires and check list because it is appropriate
to enabled the researchers to obtain the data and information needed and to
generalize the effects of Close-Exit Gate Policy to the Grade 12 STEM students.
In addition, the researchers used this research design because of its’ timeliness
STEM-A 19 13 32
STEM-B 14 12 26
TOTAL 33 25 58
For the purpose of the study, the researchers decided to focus on the
STEM A and 26 students of STEM B has been selected to contribute for this
study. Below, table 3.1 is the table of the section of the respondents and the
In the table above (table 3.1), it shows that STEM-A has a total of 32
students wherein there are 19 males and 13 females while the STEM-B has 14
males and 12 females, overall the respondents in the STEM block B are 28
students. There are 33 males and 25 females in the Grade 12 STEM Strand so
adding it up, the total number of respondents in the Grade 12 STEM strand is 58.
information where the researchers used the data gathered to support their
statements. The data sources are classified into primary and secondary
The Primary data are the data collected by the researchers. The
Secondary data are the data gather from the previous research and
findings from written articles, books, web information and different related
Instrumentation of the Study
This study was conducted through survey questionnaire and check list.
The survey questionnaires contain questions from the statement of the problem.
The survey questionnaire was used by the researchers to identify the effects of
Close-Exit Gate Policy to the Grade 12 STEM students. In this process, the
researchers drawn the draft of the survey questionnaires based from the
questions. This question was divided into 2 sections. The 1-4 questions are
about their insights and what could be the possible effects of this policy and the
last one is the effects of Close-Exit Gate Policy the respondents would rate
depending on how it affects the students using the Likert Scale. The researchers
used Likert Scale because it is appropriate in this kind of research and it enabled
Data Gathering
Before the researchers could conduct a survey, the first step is to make a
letter wherein the School Principal, class adviser, and lastly their subject teacher
in research project; the said people needs to sign first the letter that the
researchers gave them in conducting their study. Upon approval, the researchers
retrieve the letter to conduct a survey. In conducting the survey, the researchers
After conducting the survey and the questionnaires had already been answered
the researchers had tallied the answers of their respondents and applied the
Statistical Tools
Figure 2: Legend for the Five Likert Scale
Scale Interpretation
5 Severe
4 Moderate
3 Mild
2 Very mild
1 None
In this study, statistical tool was used to have an overall view of this study.
The researchers used Five-Point Likert Scale for the interpretation of the items in
table below.
The researchers tallied and statistically analyzed the responses from the
interpreting the data that they all have gathered. This will employ to determine
respondents. Weighted mean was used to measure the general response of the
𝑋⃑ – Mean
∑ 𝑓𝑥 𝑥
f - Weight given to each respondents 𝑋⃑= 𝑛 P =𝑛 𝑥 100
x - Number of respondents
Chapter 4
This chapter presents the data analysis and findings gathered from the
respondents. The purpose of this study was to identify the possible effects of the
School. Below is a graph that shows the awareness of the students in the Close-
Not aware
In this table, no one answered that they are not aware of this policy for they
are the one that is affected by the Close-Exit Gate Policy so most likely 100% of
the respondents answered that they are aware of this kind of policy that has been
student doesn’t mean just attending to class and that’s it, the respondents show
happening around them. Being aware of the policy that’s being implemented is a
must that every student should have or practiced because a student they must
learn and try to stand for their selves. So the researchers included the point of
view of the students regarding the implementation of the Close-Exit Gate Policy.
Below is a figure that shows the Possible Effects of Close-Exit Gate Policy
Possible Effects
1. Tardiness
2. Performance in class
6. Exhaustion
7. Health Problems
Figure 5.1: Level of the Effects of the Close-Exit Gate Policy to the Students
20 4
15 3
Tardiness Performance in Students using Grades of the Students stay in
class over the fence to students are their classroom
go out being affected more often
Figure 5.2: Level of the Effects of the Close-Exit Gate Policy to the Student
20 5
15 3
Exhaustion Health Problems Safety of the students Students are being
disrepectful to the
school's guard
In the figure 4.3.1, it shows the effects of the Close-Exit Gate Policy to the
students of Marcial O. Ranola Memorial School, the table also shows the level of
each effect to the students. The data that has been shown above was gathered
The first effect that is presented was “Tardiness” for it is the most common
among the effects of this policy 55% or 32 students out of 58 respondents rate
tardiness or had given tardiness 5 points which means that 55% of the students
from the STEM Strand think that this effect of the policy that has been
15 rate tardiness 4 points wherein this effect should be given attention, 13.8% or
number 2 but no one rate tardiness number 1 wherein number one means that
For the second effect stated in table 4.3.2 that is about the performance of
the students is being affected by the said policy”. 60.3% or 35 of the STEM
students rated the second effect 5 so it means that lot of students thinks that their
the STEM strand rates the second conflict 4, for they think that this effect of the
said conflict in the policy that has been implemented that their performance is
think that this conflict or effect should be taken seriously, 3.5% or 2 students
think that this kind of effect wasn’t much of a big deal so it shouldn’t be a
problem, 1.7% or only 1 student think that this effect shouldn’t be taken seriously
that it isn’t much of a thing that could have a big impact on the student’s life.
The respondents think that this hobby or practice of the students using
over the fence to go out needs an urgent action for it could harm the students,
responded that this practice shouldn’t be taken seriously but it doesn’t need an
urgent action but the school administration should discuss about it, 15.5% or 9
students think that this effect shouldn’t be given much attention and its intensity
is in number 3, and 5.2% or 3 students think that this effect shouldn’t be given
much attention. Lastly only 1 students or 1.7% think that this practice could be
students for it is just a high school thing and seems to be normal for them.
Not surprisingly 56.9% or 33 students think that the fourth problem need
and urgent action for the fourth effect focuses on the grades of the students, 31%
or 18 students think that this effect should be given attention for it wasn’t given
much attention it would affect the future of the student, 8.6% or 5 students think
that this effect should be taken seriously because not just because some
students doesn’t care about their grades doesn’t mean that the other students
also doesn’t care about theirs. Lastly, 3.5% or 2 students think that the effect
shouldn’t be given attention for the students could handle it by their selves.
Thankfully, no one rate the fourth effect 1 because as a STEM student who
needs a maintaining or higher grade it would be shocking if they rate this effect 1.
None of the respondents think that the fifth effect needs an urgent action
for the fifth effect wasn’t much of a problem, 1.7% or only one student rate this
effect 4 wherein they think that the students aren’t socializing with their
schoolmates, 3.5% or 2 students though it is surprising think that the fifth effect
about the effect that it shouldn’t be taken seriously they show maturity, 60.3% or
35 students gave or rated the fifth effect 1 for practicality; that the effect wasn’t a
In the chart of the sixth effect you would observe that 44.8% or 26
students think that the effect is greatly affecting them that they can’t focus
responded for the sixth effect for mostly they are the ones that is suffering from
this effect, 34.5% or 20 students rate the sixth effect 3. No one or none of the
Report to the principal
10 others
The researchers asked for the recommendations of the students for this
for the conflict in the Close-Exit Gate Policy, 78.1% or 25 students from Block A
of STEM Strand and 84.5% or 23 students from Block B of STEM said so. Only
few recommended that this matter should be reported to the principal maybe
because it could be solved by other school officials and the students know for a
fact that the school principals are very busy persons, 9.4% suggested or
answered the second option as a solution in the STEM A while 3.8% or only 1
student answered that the second option is the answer for the conflict in the
STEM block B. For the last option wherein the respondents could give some
other recommendations that hasn’t been put in the option box. Some
their ID to the school’s guard or just inform them about the student’s schedule.
Some recommended that the school’s guard should at least have a copy of the
students’ schedule for them to know about the schedule of the grade levels.
Chapter 5
This chapter contains the summary of the study it also includes the
The study explores about the implementation of the Close-Exit Gate Policy
be further understand about this policy and its effects to the students. There are
1. What are the possible effects of the Close –Exit Gate Policy?
2. Regarding the said effects which effect has the highest percentage or the
3. What are the recommendations that can be contributed regarding the said
other definition of Policy were further explained that was gathered from different
studies or researches. The study describes the effects of the policy implemented
in Marcial O. Ranola Memorial School which is the Close-Exit Gate Policy that
has been further explained on how it is affecting the students and its implication
to the learning of the students. All of these are stated in the study.
Only the Grade 12 STEM strand has been the respondents of this study
so there where 58 students that have been the informants of this study. Their
insights had been also given attention by rating the intensity of the effects of the
Close-Exit Gate Policy for as students they are the ones that is experiencing it so
there are no more perfect respondents but the people that has been experiencing
this phenomenon.
The study was further supported by the literatures, studies and the
theories. This also has been the foundation of the study. Discussion about the
study and the theories has also been stated. The theories have also been the
In the data gathered percentage was used in presenting the data but the
specific number of response of the students was also stated to be able to explain
the exact findings of the study. The data was also interpreted and was supported
The researchers made a lot of analysis for the data that they have
gathered form their respondents. The data that has been gathered from the
1. There are lot of definitions about the word Policy, different perspectives
from different person but using analysis about the said definitions about
Policy you would come up with only one main point that “Policy is an
rule or norm.
2. Close-Exit Gate Policy has tons of effects wherein there is one effect that
is most common and that is observed more often. Tardiness is the most
common effect of the Close-Exit Gate Policy but there are also other
effects that are stated in this study. The following effects is organized
according to the intensity that the respondents gave them. Exhaustion was
the effect that has the highest percentage according to the data that the
researchers gathered from their respondents. The second effect that has
the 2nd highest percentage that the respondents are experiencing from the
safety of the students was one of the effects that had a data or subtotal
that is undeniably high. Surprisingly the 4th effect was the performance of
still depends on them though they are quite affected by the policy or the
Close- Exit Gate Policy. Some student are using over the fence to go out
the students. Grades of the students are also being affected so it isn’t
quite a surprise but the sub totals that it took form the data that the
3. The effects that has been stated in the stud further proves or had given
deeper support that the Close-Exit Gate Policy had somehow has
the learning of the students. The data that has been gathered by the
related literatures and studies that they took from books, journal and
online sites.
1. The following are the effects of Close-Exit Gate Policy and it is organized
gave them, not surprisingly tardiness is the effect that had the highest
percentage from the data that has been gathered by the researchers for
this is already visible. The second effect that had subtotal that as high as
tardiness was exhaustion for the students itself are suffering from this for
the hassle and bit of time that they have been given to eat their lunch and
prepare for their afternoon subject. The safety of the students is one of the
effects that the respondents find kind of alarming though this policy was
implemented for the safety of the students itself. The performance of the
students in class is one the effects that didn’t had a subtotal as expected
but it is higher than the other effects. Student using over the fence was the
effect that is consecutive to the performance of the class for even though it
is already part of the safety of the students the respondents still gave
attention to this effect. One of the effects that had a sub total that is quite
students being affected. Lastly, the students stay in their classrooms more
quite expected that it didn’t had a high subtotal from the respondents.
2. The implication of this policy to the students has been alarming for the
effects of it has been already a concrete basis that the Policy is affecting
the student’s future and not just that it is also affecting the student’s health
person and for them to learn to obey the rules in accordance of the school.
The Close-Exit Gate Policy is a policy wherein the students are only
allowed to go out at lunch time at exactly 12:00 noon, but for them to be
2. As much as possible don’t ignore the effects of the Close-Exit Gate Policy
for the future of the students is being affected. Since the topic future has
been being encountered a lot in this study the researchers gave further
analysis about this topic and inclination of it to the effects of the Close-Exit
Gate Policy.
The school administration and the students should involve each other in