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d Pediatric

an Dayyer, et al., Neonat Pediatr Med 2018, 4:2


DOI: 10.4172/2572-4983.1000173
ISSN: 2572-4983
Neonatal and Pediatric Medicine
Research Article Open Access

Effect of Eight-Week Selected Exercises on Strength, Range of Motion

(RoM) and Quality of Life (QoL) in Patients with GBS
Khatereh Dayyer1*, Nader Rahnama2 and Jafar Nassiri3
1Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch, Isfahan, Iran
2Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
3Department of Pediatric Neurology, Faculty of Medicine and Child Growth and Development Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
*Corresponding author: Khatereh Dayyer, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan
Branch, Isfahan, Iran, Tel: 989139287807; E-mail:
Received Date: Jul 04, 2018; Accepted Date: Nov 27, 2018; Published Date: Dec 06, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Dayyer K, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Purpose: Guillain-Barré syndrome is the cause of acute neuromuscular paralysis in which the peripheral nervous
system is damaged. The current study was conducted with the aim to determine the effect of eight-week selected
exercises on strength, range of motion and quality of life in patients with Guillen-Barré Syndrome (GBS).

Method: This study is a quasi-experimental research with single group pretest-posttest design. Four cases of
patients with Guillen-Barré syndrome (girls and boys aged 6 to 18) were purposefully selected and assigned to one
group as the sample of the study. Before and after eight-week selected exercises (exercises with theraband and
physioball), the strength, RoM, and QoL were measured using manual dynamometer, manual goniometer, and
questionnaire (CBCL), respectively. Data were analyzed using SPSS software.

Results: The results of this study showed that following exercises, strength of the ankle (p ≤ 0.05) and knee (p ≤
0.05) was significantly increased, and no significant changes were observed in the strength of patients' hip (p≥0.05).
RoM in ankle joint (p≥0.05), knee (p ≤ 0.05), and hip (p ≤ 0.05) was significantly increased. QoL was increased
significantly (p ≤ 0.05) as well.

Conclusion: This study showed that selected exercises (exercises with theraband and physioball), have led to
significant improvement in strength, RoM and QoL in children suffering Guillen-Barré Syndrome, so it can be
recommended for patients with Guillen-Barré Syndrome.

Keywords: Guillain-Barré Syndrome; Selected exercises; Strength; physical activity decreases due to problems such as weakness and lack
Range of Motion; Quality of Life; Rehabilitation of muscular strength [6]. Research has shown that reinforcement
exercises can dramatically increase the ability to produce power, and
Introduction short-term exercises can improve walking, riding wheelchairs and
other aspects of motor function [7]. Garssen et al. found that the 12-
Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is a rare neurological condition in week training protocol, including warming up and cycling in 20
which nerve myelin is destroyed, which is similar to a crippling disease patients with GBS could improve the symptoms [8]. Nicholas et al.
with unknown cause [1]. Lendi first reported GBS in 1895 [2]. The found that high intensity exercise compared to low intensity
annual incidence of this disease is 1 to 2 patients per 100,000 people significantly reduces disability in patients with GBS and increases
and is reported worldwide in both genders and all ages. The male to muscle strength [9]. Bussmann, Garssen, van Doorn, and Stam stated
female ratio of GBS was higher, and in some cases it was 1.5 times that 12-week physical training improves physical performance up to
higher [3]. Lack of reflexes, pain in the organs, weakness of the organs 44% in patients with GBS [10]. El Mhandi, Calmels, Camdessanché,
and anesthetizing are considered as clinical signs of the disease [1]. Gautheron, and Féasson asserted that during 18 months recovery,
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis and electro diagnostic studies are dynamometric measurements showed a significant increase in strength
among the most important GBS diagnostic tests [4]. Both intravenous [11]. After 16-week training, Pitetti, Barrett, and Abbas observed
immunoglobulin and plasma replacement therapies reduce the time positive improvements in the leg isokinetic strength and performance
spent for recovery [5]. in daily living activities [12].
The muscle strength is the ability or capacity of a muscle or muscle The RoM refers to the amount of movement of each joint. Non-
group to exert the maximum force against a resistance. Muscle flexibility can lead to pain, reduce the RoM and limit the person's
weakness or imbalance in muscle groups can cause abnormal performance in daily living activities, and annoy the patient in the
movement or displacement in various parts of the body and disrupt short and long term. Muscle shortening is one of the common
normal functioning of the muscle; it can also cause abnormalities to musculoskeletal disorders and is often associated with pain, limitation
occur in organs. Patients with GBS have difficulty with doing activities of movement, and poor performance of the patient [13]. Many sports
such as walking and running independently, and their participation in medicine researchers know flexibility as one of the most important

Neonat Pediatr Med, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 2 • 1000173

ISSN: 2572-4983
Citation: Dayyer K, Rahnama N, Nassiri J (2018) Effect of Eight-Week Selected Exercises on Strength, Range of Motion (RoM) and Quality of
Life (QoL) in Patients with GBS. Neonat Pediatr Med 4: 173. doi:10.4172/2572-4983.1000173

Page 2 of 6

factors in the preparation of athletes and introduce having appropriate Method

flexibility as a way to prevent sport injuries. It has even been shown
that a limited RoM may be a risk factor for lower extremity damage As GBS is one of the very rare peripheral nerve diseases, after
[14]. Exercise therapy is effective in reducing the pain and increasing referring to hospitals in Isfahan province, only 4 patients (girls and
the joint's RoM by strengthening the muscles surrounding the joint boys aged 6 to 18) with Guillain-Barre syndrome were found in 2017
and reducing the pressure on it [15]. and were selected. The general characteristics of this study subjects are
presented in Table 1. All of the subjects in this study had motor defects
The QoL is a person's image of his position in relation to his goals, in the lower limbs, which caused their upper limbs disorder. They were
expectations, criteria and concerns in the cultural context and the able to walk without help, but were unable to do daily activities such as
value making system in which he lives. Given this definition, if QoL is sitting, getting up, balancing and lifting things. Information about the
properly evaluated, it will be considered as a sensitive and study design, purposes, procedures, benefits and potential risks were
comprehensive criterion to measure the impact of disorders and presented at the beginning of the study and the informed consent of
therapeutic interventions as well as clinical reasoning on determining each participant was obtained. Ethical committee of University granted
therapeutic priorities. Examining and improving the QoL in different ethical approval for the study.
groups of people and groups of people with disabilities is among the
goals and policies of any society [16]. Children with partial paralysis Name Age Weight(kg) Height(cm)
often have defects in the affected organ's function, which influences
Mohammad Reza Jannessari 8 46 133
autonomy, participation, and quality of their life. The key to
rehabilitation is to facilitate the growth of manual functioning for the Hadis Ghaazi 6 21 119
purpose of achieving functional autonomy and social integration of
children in different situations of life [16]. A child who is undergoing Mohammad Reza Changani 18 62 159
treatment for GBS may have feeling of sadness, anger, futility, or all of
Zahra Moghaddassi 11 53 155
them. Family and friends can help him by supporting and
understanding the sick child, and provide him pleasure until he will be
fully recovered from the illness. Counseling to a psychologist helps the Table 1: The general characteristics subjects.
patient adapt to the conditions of the disease and the quality of the
desired life [17]. After completing the research project, coordination was done with
physician responsible for patients with GBS regarding research project
A study conducted by Garssen et al. showed a training protocol and patients were tested for the RoM. Participants in this study were
improved anxiety and depression and QoL of subjects [8]. Demir and researched for 8 weeks (except test and experiment sessions),
KöseoĞlu found that 6-month rehabilitation improved the QoL of individually 3 sessions per week (every other day) for about 1 hour
patients [17]. Davidson, Wilson, Walton, and Brissenden found that with warming up and cooling down under exercises with theraband
physiotherapy led to the improvement of the anxiety and depression and physioball.
scale in the QoL questionnaire and increased the severity of fatigue
[18]. Shah and Shrivastava stated that physiotherapy and rehabilitation In order to measure the muscle strength of the subjects, the
process had an impact on the QoL of patients with GBS [19]. Commander manual dynamometer was used. The strength test of
ankle, knee and hip was performed before and after eight-week
Since weight training exercises are intense for children, and injuries selected exercises.
are more likely to occur in these exercises, theraband is used to
strengthen their muscles. With theraband patients can work on all of RoM test for joints of the lower limbs (ankle, knee and hip) was
their muscles and increase their strength and endurance [20]. By performed using a manual goniometer before and after eight-week
involving a greater number of muscle fibers through the activation of selected exercises.
muscle spindles and utilizing the muscles elasticity, theraband exercises To measure the QoL of the subjects, the Achenbach questionnaire
cause different functional adaptations to occur in the muscles, (CBCL) with 113 questions about various behavioral patterns of
resulting in better and more consistent muscles function (coordination children was used. The CBCL Test is a comprehensive care report to
in muscle application) and more explosive power in practice [21]. check the behavioral problems of children aged 6 to 18, through which
Doing resistance training with theraband causes a reduction in pain their QoL is determined [26].
and an increase in the RoM [22].
In the first session, the principles of performing exercises with
Physioball was first used in Switzerland to help with disabled theraband and physioball were explained and the subjects and their
children's physiotherapy. It improves muscle strength and stamina and parents were provided with general information about the benefits of
increases flexibility and balance [23]. The exercises performed by exercises. These principles are observed in all sessions.
physioball require conscious contractility of the muscles and focus on
muscles activation [24]. The instability of the physioball causes quick Each training session consisted of three parts, the first part included
activation of deep muscles, which is often used in deep sensory the main movements (warming up 10 minutes plus 5 minutes
stimulation and body sensory system to improve the dynamic and stretching exercises), the second part consisted of specific movements
static equilibrium ability [25]. (exercises with theraband and physioball, 20 minutes), and the third
part composed of cool down exercises (10 minutes).
The current study was conducted to determine the effect of eight-
week selected exercises on strength, RoM and QoL in patients suffering The training period in the following weeks increased so that in the
from GBS. last week, the training time reached to an hour and 10 minutes, which
included training with theraband and physioball.

Neonat Pediatr Med, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 2 • 1000173

ISSN: 2572-4983
Citation: Dayyer K, Rahnama N, Nassiri J (2018) Effect of Eight-Week Selected Exercises on Strength, Range of Motion (RoM) and Quality of
Life (QoL) in Patients with GBS. Neonat Pediatr Med 4: 173. doi:10.4172/2572-4983.1000173

Page 3 of 6

The intensity of the exercises for each subject was controlled on the The training routine was the same for all subjects but the training
basis of the tolerance of practicing individuals such that the subjects exercises progress speed was not the same for them, and the exercises
performed exercises with more repetition without pain and fatigue as were done according to their ability and to the extent that they did not
exercises went on. feel tired or painful. Importantly, children suffering from this disease
have a lower tolerance threshold, so their tolerance and ability during
In each session, in addition to the exercises of the previous session,
exercise were considered.
new exercises were also added. This, on the one hand, motivated
subjects and, on the other hand, preserved the principle of overload Eight-week selected exercises are shown in Table 2 and in
and diversity in exercises. supplementary file.

Week Set Main Training Special Training Benefits Used equipment

1st 3×8 -Body warming up -Doing exercises -The muscles -Piece of fabric
-Basic and stretching opposite of and joints are -Bottle
movements gravity prepared for

2nd 3×8 -Body warming up -Doing exercises -Strengthening -Chair

-Stretching opposite of the target muscle -Bottle
movements gravity without
the help of the

3rd 3 × 10 -Body warming up -Educational -Preparation of -Chair

-Basic and stretching training joints and target -Stair
movements -Doing muscles -Small sponge
specialized ball
exercises with

4th 3 × 10 -Body warming up -Resistance -Strengthening -Theraband (red)

-Stretching exercises with the central body
movements theraband muscles

5th 3 × 12 -Body warming up -Special exercises -The muscles -Mattress

- Dedicated warming with theraband and joints are -Physioball
up movements and physioball prepared for -Theraband (red)

6th 3 × 12 -Body warming up -Central body -Strengthening -Chair

-Stretching exercises muscles, -Pillow
movements tendons, -Physioball
ligaments and

7th 3 × 15 -Body warming up -Strength -Strengthening -Pillow

- Dedicated warming exercises in the muscles and -Piece of fabric
up central body joints -Theraband

8th 3 × 15 -Body warming up -Resistance and - Strengthening -Desk

-Stretching balance exercises pelvic floor -Physioball
movements muscles -Theraband

Table 2: Eight-week exercises.

If necessary, the selected exercises were moderated for subjects who correct position or had less tolerance. In addition, if the researcher felt
felt pain at the time of the exercise, or were unable to maintain their that the subject lost control during the movements, the exercises

Neonat Pediatr Med, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 2 • 1000173

ISSN: 2572-4983
Citation: Dayyer K, Rahnama N, Nassiri J (2018) Effect of Eight-Week Selected Exercises on Strength, Range of Motion (RoM) and Quality of
Life (QoL) in Patients with GBS. Neonat Pediatr Med 4: 173. doi:10.4172/2572-4983.1000173

Page 4 of 6

returned to one step back to reach the base level. The observance of Statistical Analysis and Results
this case causes the individual differences of subjects to be considered
and leads to lack of pain in them. Data were analyzed using SPSS software (version 22), and Excel
software was used for drawing figures. Dependent t-test was used for
Adjustable exercises include standing on one leg, continuous inter group analysis. Information of the muscles strength and RoM of
walking, getting up from a seated position and scott. subjects is shown in Table 3 and Figures 1 and 2.

Mean SD

Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

Muscle Ankle 188 196 133 90

Knee 200 262 105 77
Hip 173 209 100 87

RoM Ankle 23 26 13 11
Knee 57 71 21 7

Hip 22 29 12 11

Table 3: Muscle strength and RoM of subjects.

about 4.2% and also in knee stren gth (rectus femoris, vastus
intermedius, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscles) in patients
with GBS (t=-3, P≤0.05), that strength increased by about 31%.
Despite the increased strength (by about 20.8%) of the hip in
patients with GBS, no statistically significant difference was observed
(t=-2, P≥0.05).
Although the RoM in ankle of patients with GBS increased by about
13%, there was no statistically significant difference (t=-2, P≥0.05).
There was a significant difference in RoM in knee of patients with
GBS (t=-2.04, P≤0.05), so that the RoM increased by 24.5% and also in
hip of the patients with G BS (t=-8, P≤0.05), that the RoM increased by
about 31.8%.
Figure 1: Muscle strength of subjects.
In this study Achenbach questionnaire (CBCL) is filled out by
parents of the subjects. Information about the QoL questionnaire is
presented in Table 4 and Figure 3.

Figure 2: RoM of subjects.

After eight-week selected exercises, the following results are

Figure 3: Patients' QoL.
Significant differences were observed in the ankle strength of
patients with GBS (t=-2, P≤0.05), so that the strength increased by

Neonat Pediatr Med, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 2 • 1000173

ISSN: 2572-4983
Citation: Dayyer K, Rahnama N, Nassiri J (2018) Effect of Eight-Week Selected Exercises on Strength, Range of Motion (RoM) and Quality of
Life (QoL) in Patients with GBS. Neonat Pediatr Med 4: 173. doi:10.4172/2572-4983.1000173

Page 5 of 6

Training Group (4 person)

Pre-test Post-test Percent change (%)

Anxious/Depressed 8.25 5.50 33.33

Depressed 6.75 5.00 25.93

Somatic complaints 7.00 3.50 50.00

Social problems 7.00 5.50 21.43

Thought problems 4.75 3.50 26.32

Attention problems 8.50 6.75 20.59

Rule-breaking behavior 4.00 2.75 31.25

Aggressive behavior 13.25 10.00 24.53

Sum of Average 59.50 42.50 28.57

SD 14.00 12.00 14.29

Table 4: The difference between pre-test and post-test scores in CBCL.

Scores in the Achenbach questionnaire (CBCL) are inverse with Despite the ever-growing body of research on GBS, still relatively
QoL, the lower scores CBCL causes the higher score s QoL. little has been done with regard to GBS treatment via performing
selective exercises; therefore the purpose of the present study was to
There was a significant difference in the QoL of patients with GBS
perform selected exercises with simple, portable and accessible devices
after eight-week selected exercises (t=5, P≤0.05). As shown, the QoL
(theraband and physioball) in order to improve symptoms, reduce
increased by 28.57%.
costs, and have confidence and daily activities for patients.

Discussion Conclusions
Guillain-Barre syndrome is associated with sensory and dynamic
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of eight-week
symptoms and often causes the patient not to walk, and leads to
selected exercises on strength, RoM and QoL in patients suffering from
complete paralysis. Children with partial paralysis often have defects in
GBS. The result of this study showed that selected exercises had a
organs function, affecting autonomy and participation, a nd quality of
significant effect on the strength of the ankle and knee muscles, knee
their life.
and hip RoM and QoL in patients with GBS. This result was consistent
Muscle strength plays a role in maintaining balance and balance of with those obtained by Garssen et al. [8], indicating that a 12-week
organs and general health and athletic skills. Therefore , exercise and training protocol, including warming up and cycling in 16 patients
physiotherapy can help relieve pain and also prevent or treat the with GBS can improve the illness. Additionally, effects of the exercise
hardening of the muscles that may occur. program on fitness, muscle strength and disability was found, and
strength improved well after exercises. The results were also in
The RoM refers to the amount of movement of the joint. Performing
agreement with those obtained by Nicholas et al. [9], showing that in
RoM exercises helps patient maintain the natural movements of the
comparison to low intensity exercises, high intensity exercises
joints. The RoM exercises can increase blood flow and reduce the risk
significantly reduce disability in patients with GBS and improve
of blood clots.
muscle strength and physical performance. Moreover, results were
Initially, the aim of this study was to improve muscle strength and similar with those obtained in studies conducted by Bussmann et al.
increase the RoM of joints in patients with GBS, but during the [10] who stated that 12-week physical training improved physical
practice of this study has found that the behavior and mood of patients performance up to 44% in patients with GBS, and Demir and
increased significantly and after speaking with their parents and the KöseoĞlu [17] who observed six-month rehabilitation in patients with
accuracy of this case it was concluded that taking a QoL test (CBCL) GBS caused significant improvements in their performance, physical
from them. fitness status and QoL, and El Mhandi et al. [11] who showed that
during the 18-month dynamic measurements recovery, strength
The QoL in these children is significantly lower than healthy people.
improved significantly and recovery and rehabilitation programs
One of the factors affecting the QoL of these children which have been
yielded close-to-normal performance in patients with GBS, Pitetti et al.
referred to in various studies can be physical characteristics, pain,
[12] who observed that after 16-week training, there was a positive
cognition, performance, social status, independence, access to health
improvement in the strength of foot isokinetic and performance in
services and family status. Selected exercises improve and increase the
daily living activities. Moreover, results of our study were consistent
joints RoM in patients with GBS by strengthening the muscles around
with Davidson et al. [18] that showed physiotherapy improved the
the joint, reducing pain, reducing muscle weakness, increasing balance,
scale of anxiety, depression and the severity of fatigue in the QoL
improving physical strength and increasing muscular endurance.
questionnaire, as well as Noori et al. (2015), indicating that the high

Neonat Pediatr Med, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 2 • 1000173

ISSN: 2572-4983
Citation: Dayyer K, Rahnama N, Nassiri J (2018) Effect of Eight-Week Selected Exercises on Strength, Range of Motion (RoM) and Quality of
Life (QoL) in Patients with GBS. Neonat Pediatr Med 4: 173. doi:10.4172/2572-4983.1000173

Page 6 of 6

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Neonat Pediatr Med, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 2 • 1000173

ISSN: 2572-4983

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