Unknown Bible

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Unknown Bible

Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
President, Pensacola Bible Institute

B.A., B.D., M.A., Th.M., Ph.D.

COPYRIGHT © 1984 by Peter S. Ruckman
All Rights Reserved
(PRINT) ISBN 1-58026-289-9

The Scripture quotations found herein are from the text of the Authorized King James Version of the Bible. Any deviations therefrom are not

P.O. Box 7135 Pensacola, FL 32534
Other works available on Kindle

1. The Militant Fundamentalist Who Went to Hell
2. Moby Dick and the White Crocodile
3. Uneducated Ignorance vs. Educated Ignorance
4. The Great Heretical Ruckmanite
5. Getting to Know the Lord
6. Do You Know the Lord?
7. How a Young Student Tore Up a Seminary Classroom
8. A Flood of Ignorance
9. The Infighting
10. The Ungodly Catholic Mess
11. The Plenary Verbally Inspired TV
12. The Causes of Corruption in the Body of Christ

And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the
book, neither to look thereon. (Revelation 5:3)

The Authorized Version of the Holy Bible is still ( 1980–1990) the world’s most
unusual Book. It still outsells any other five secular works combined, and it has sold more
than five times as many copies as the ASV, Living Bible, NASV, RSV, and NRSV combined,
in spite of the fact that the AV had no publicity campaign to “back it up,” no promotional
gimmicks to sell it to the public, and no large bodies of Christian scholars recommending
it to anyone: not once in 370 years. The other corrupt English versions of the Bible were
all the products of massive news media gimmicks, sales promotions, and advertising
campaigns accompanied by gigantic scholarly “backings.”
In spite of the worldwide fame (and notoriety) of the King James Version, it is, at the
same time, the most unknown Book in the world if we are to judge such matters by reading
its contents and then comparing its subject matter with what we hear preached, reported
and taught about it in the world today. Ignorance of the Bible is absolutely appalling in
Asia and Japan, and ignorance of the Bible among Roman Catholics in South America,
Spain and Mexico is almost universal. This explains why there is still on this earth today a
demand for Bibles that is impossible to meet; Catholic and Communist censorship will
guarantee the demand is never met.
At the same time it is manifest (or will be in the pages that follow) that a great deal of
the English Bible is completely “sealed” (see the Chapter on “Unlearned Ignorance vs.
Learned Ignorance”) to English speaking people in America who have no Vatican
Hierarchy or Secret Police to stop them from reading it; this is especially true of those
college and university educated “Fundamentalists” who were seduced into thinking that a
knowledge of the Greek and Hebrew languages would equip them to become acquainted
with the Book.
The ignorance, for example, of Dr. A. T. Robertson, J. Gresham Machen, and Robert
Dick Wilson, on prophetic subjects, is phenomenal. Again, if everything that Harold
Willmington, Sidlow Baxter, Myron Cedarholm, Kenneth Wuest, and Spiros Zodhiates
knew about the Bible doctrines of James and Hebrews were put together, it would
comprise the most confused mass of incomprehensible nonsense since BJU published
Stewart Custer’s pamphlet on the King James Version (1982).
Ignorance of the Bible is so great among modern, Fundamentalist professors that, for
all practical purposes, much of the AV is simply an unknown Bible to them. Like their
Athenian ancestors (Acts 17:22) who were raised on newscasts (Acts 17:21), the modern,
apostate Fundamentalists (the faculties at Dallas, Denver, Grand Rapids, Watertown,
Pontiac, Greenville, Fort Worth, etc.) are so occupied with little ear tickling fables (2 Tim.
4:1–4) that whole passages in the Bible escape them completely. Since these poor, blinded,
news addicts are unaware of these passages, it follows that their students will be just as
unaware. If the professor happens to read the passage, he will purposely avoid bringing it
up to the class and will skip over it; consequently, the students do the same. These
professors reproduce according to the divine law of “each after its kind” (Gen. 1); and this
explains how 50,000 ministerial students have been able to graduate from “Bible” schools
in America since 1930 (and these schools all profess to believe in the “Fundamentals” as
defined by Bob Jones Jr., in his sermon on the BJU creed and in Jack Van Impe’s work on
Heart Disease in the Body of Christ, 1984) and how many have managed to earn
postgraduate degrees, only to drop completely out of sight without accomplishing one
genuine scriptural work, one soul winning revival, or one spiritual awakening in any new
community that they entered or in any community to which they returned upon
graduating. They came to school in ignorance of certain Biblical passages; they graduated
from school in ignorance of those passages; and they conducted their ministries in
ignorance of those passages, so no one who attended their churches or schools came out
anymore enlightened than they were. These poor, deceived young men and women were
“conned” into paying tuition to a “Bible” school (called a college, university, seminary, or
institute) thinking they were going to learn the Bible.
They didn’t learn it.
They didn’t really learn any translation of the Bible.
They were taught what some teacher thought the Bible was “about.”
The proof lies in what follows.
We here present twelve chapters of discussion on THE UNKNOWN BIBLE: a Bible
composed of nearly 200 verses (more than one hundred will be discussed here) which are
never dealt with or expounded in the major Christian colleges and universities.
Furthermore, no major commentator in the nineteenth or twentieth century has ever
applied these verses to his contemporaries or the contemporary age in which he lived.
These verses have been isolated or buried “in the past” in the hopes that twentieth century
Christians in the Body of Christ will not find them and study them. If they did, they would
begin to wonder if they had not sold their birthright for a mess of pottage simply because
the kidney beans had “unquestioned loyalty to the originals” stamped on them or some
little lying slogan like “standing without apology for the old-time religion.” (The latter is a
hackneyed phrase borrowed by Arlin Horton and Bob Jones III, from Bob Jones Sr.) Con
men all have “props.”
We trust this book will be “enlightening” (Eph. 5:13). The material in it is not
discussed in any large school in America or Europe and never will be, for the verses
discussed here pose a real and “viable” threat to those Christian educators who worry
about their scholastic reputations and their intellectual “images.” For these thin-skinned,
apostate Fundamentalists who fear ridicule worse than death, these Bible verses make up
an “unknown Bible,” a verboten Book that is not to be read or discussed, let alone taught
and preached. The Unknown Bible is the genuine terror of modern, Laodicean
Fundamentalism. You will understand why if you read this book.
The Militant Fundamentalist
Who Went to Hell

They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable,
and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. (Titus 1:16)

To begin with the proper foundation, we shall begin with the study of a passage that
deals mainly with what God told a preacher to say. This may seem to be a very childish
way to put matters and an extreme “oversimplification” of approaching so important a
subject as we are about to discuss, but any reader of the set of books called The Bible
Believer’s Commentary Series is aware of the fact that there is a vast “credibility gap”
between what the Book SAYS God said and what the Book is reported to have said.
Readers of the Bible Believers’ Bulletin are also well aware of the fact that any Christian,
regardless of his educational qualifications or scholastic reputation, can find out the
motives and intentions of any Hebrew or Greek scholar by simply comparing his
“corrections” on the God-given text with any text of the Authorized Version. Any edition
will do just fine. The smokescreen put up in 1983 by Thomas Nelson and Sons by issuing
an approximate facsimile of the original 1611 edition (it was not “exact” by ANY means)
never had any bearing on the matters we are about to discuss here, and it has less bearing
today (1984) than ever before. Any Bible believer with a sixth grade education can pick
up any Authorized Version and by turning to ten verses he can spot “the pig in the poke”
every time he sticks his snoot out of an ASV, NASV, NKJV, NIV, or anything else to come.
So to begin with, we shall resort to a series of verses that deal with the words that God
spoke (note the plural: not the “Word” of God). This would be the obvious place to start
since Satan considered it to be the proper place to start (Gen. 3:1). If this spiritual being
was “perfect in wisdom” (Ezek. 28) and “wiser than Daniel” (Ezek. 28:1–4) and has
proved himself through 6,000 years of history to be able to deceive the best and wisest
intellects who ever lived on this earth (every human being on this earth with the exception
of Jesus Christ), certainly he would know where to start in dealing with the Bible, known
or unknown.
Here then we present the first case of a portion of Scripture that is completely
unknown to every graduate and postgraduate of every Conservative, Evangelical, and
Fundamental university, college, and seminary in America, without a single exception.
The passage is so mysterious that there did not appear—on either Scofield editorial
board (old or new editions) or any revision committee putting out a twentieth century
Bible—one Fundamental scholar, one Conservative scholar, or one Evangelical scholar
who could make an intelligent comment on the passage.
You say: “Brother Ruckman, are you now going to expound the passage thereby
proving again how smart you are and how dumb these great, godly men were?”
No; fortunately there is a much better expounder of Scripture for the reader than Peter
S. Ruckman. The reader need not depend on anyone as stupid as him. There is a much
better expounder of the Scripture than some saved sinner who has been teaching Hebrew
and Greek and Manuscript Evidence for thirty years. Thank God we don’t have to rely on
anyone as shallow as THAT! No one has to rely on “Ruckman” or any “Ruckmanite” in
order to correct the false teachings or blundering errors of English, Cedarholm, Gothard,
Walvoord, MacArthur, Swindle, McGee, Sumner, Strauss, and Scofield.
Thank God the dumbest of us have an infallible “straight edge” that can correct any
Fundamentalist any time he steps an inch over the “center line” in the highway. This will
be apparent in what follows.
Now here is the case:
In Numbers, chapter 22 a pagan king named Balak (who is a type of the Antichrist:
see the material on a Syrian Jew from Kerioth in Moab in Mark of the Beast, 1959) is
upset about the sudden appearance of 600,000 armed men on his borders (Num. 22:1–4).
He sends to a soothsayer who is so important in the Bible that his name is mentioned three
times in the New Testament: once by Simon Peter (2 Pet. 2), once by Jude (Jude 11) and
once by the apostle John (Rev. 2:14).
The Scofield notes take knowledge of these three references: they mention the WAY
of Balaam, the ERROR of Balaam, and the DOCTRINE of Balaam. So far so good;
however, suddenly a “chill done come ovah de meetin” as the godly board of “dedicated
Conservatives” meet with the “qualified authorities” to give us an “historic
Fundamentalist position.” Suddenly the issue of final authority in regards to SPOKEN
WORDS thrusts itself into the narrative and we read the following interesting account:

“And God came unto Balaam, and said, What men are these with thee? And
Balaam said unto God, Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab, hath sent unto me,
saying, Behold, there is a people come out of Egypt, which covereth the face of the
earth: come now, curse me them; peradventure I shall be able to overcome them, and
drive them out. And God said unto Balaam, Thou shalt not go with them; thou shalt
not curse the people: for they are blessed. And
Balaam rose up in the morning, and said unto the princes of Balak, Get you into your
land: for the Lord refuseth to give me leave to go with you. And the princes of Moab
rose up, and they went unto Balak, and said, Balaam refuseth to come with us”
(Num. 22:9–14).

Now read the passage again carefully and notice that on the surface nothing appears to
be badly out of order; at least no Fundamental scholar in the last 200 years with twenty-
two years of formal education could find anything badly out of order. If you doubt this,
choose at random twenty different commentators on Numbers, chapter 22, plus all the
notes from forty-five English translations, and see if they tell you anything really badly
amiss. In view of what happens following these verses, someone should have found
something terribly wrong with verses 9–14. All of the scholars must have read the passage
You see, what follows is this:

“And Balaam answered and said unto the servants of Balak, If Balak would give
me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the word of the LORD my
God, to do less or more. Now therefore, I pray you, tarry ye also here this night, that
I may know what the LORD will say unto me more. And God came unto Balaam at
night, and said unto him, If the men come to call thee, rise up, and go with them; but
yet the word which I shall say unto thee, that shalt thou do” (Num. 22:18–20).

And this is followed by this:

“And Balaam said unto the angel of the LORD, I have sinned; for I knew not that
thou stoodest in the way against me: now therefore, if it displease thee, I will get me
back again. And the angel of the LORD said unto Balaam, Go with the men: but only
the word that I shall speak unto thee, that thou shalt speak. So Balaam went with the
princes of Balak” (Num. 22:34–35).

And if that were not enough, near the end of the chapter—when Balaam runs into the
prototype of the Antichrist—we read:

“And Balaam said unto Balak, Lo, I am come unto thee: have I now any power at
all to say any thing? the word that God putteth in my mouth, that shall I speak”
(Num. 22:38).

Now, let the reader review these verses which we have printed in boldfaced type and
then ask himself, “Isn’t there something going on here that has to do with the ‘YEA HATH
GOD SAID, SOCIETY’?” Isn’t that the real “meat” of the passages? Look at them.
1. “As the Lord shall SPEAK unto me” (v. 8).
2. “And God SAID unto Balaam” (v. 12).
3. “For the Lord refuseth to give me leave” (v. 13).
4. “I cannot go beyond the WORD of the Lord my God” (v. 18).
5. “That I may know what the Lord will SAY unto me more” (v. 19).
6. “But yet THE WORD which I SHALL SAY unto thee, that shalt thou do” (v. 20).
7. “But only the WORD that I shall SPEAK UNTO THEE” (v. 35).
8. “The WORD that God putteth in my mouth, that shall I SPEAK” (v. 38).
Do you have to have a college education to see the theme of the chapter?
If you ever hit a passage in either Testament that dealt with a call to the ministry and
the content of the messages that a minister is to preach who has been “called” (2 Tim. 4:1–
6), you certainly ran into it here. If you ever found any place in either Testament that dealt
with God “verbally inspiring” some “plenary originals” and calling a man to preach them,
buster, you got it here, with a capital “H.”
Such a passage will not fail to be a Donnybrook (Stalingrad, Waterloo, etc.) to a Bible
teacher or preacher (Fundamentalist or otherwise) who has been occupied with altering
the word which God spoke. Mark it down; live by it and die by it: no “born again,”
premillennial Fundamentalist on the face of this earth could comment on such a passage
faithfully and honestly if he had spent any amount of time correcting the Bible. The
chapter comes in on the faculty members of Tennessee Temple and Santa Rosa Schools
like an Arctic blast on a nasty day, and it continues without intermission to produce a deep
freeze on the graduates and postgraduates of BJU, Dallas, Fort Worth, and Louisville with
“drifts” twenty-five feet high.
1. “Whatsoever He sheweth me I will TELL thee” (23:3).
2. “Return unto Balak, and thus thou shalt SPEAK” (23:5).
3. “Must I not take heed to SPEAK THAT WHICH the Lord hath put in my mouth?”
4. “Go again unto Balak, and SAY thus” (23:16).
5. “What hath the Lord SPOKEN?” (23:17).
The “California expositors” have never dared to exposit the passage a time (Swindle,
MacArthur, McGee, etc.). The students at Judson, Stetson, Howard, Clark, Mercer, and
Wake Forrest know nothing about the verses. Hindson and Dobson could no more
expound them than they could expound Hebrews, chapter 6 and Hebrews, chapter 10.
You see, the passages deal with God calling a man to preach WORDS (not
“Fundamentals”) that God has spoken. Numbers, chapters 22 and 23 lands the unfaithful
Fundamentalist (Bible critic, Greek teacher, expositors and exegetes, Wycliffe Translators,
and Bible revisors) right “smack dab” into Genesis 3:1.
Do you realize that the greatest proof text in the entire Bible for anyone believing any
promise that God ever made to anyone, in either Testament, will be found in Numbers,
chapter 23, right in the middle of these dialogues between Balak and Balaam? The greatest
verse in either Testament of any Bible for believing the written or spoken words of God,
and the promises thus recorded, is:

“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should
repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make
it good?” (Num. 23:19).

Those words were spoken by a false prophet who died and went to hell (2 Pet. 2:15–
Nor will the Holy Spirit let up in this unknown Bible in driving home the WORDS of
God with a force that would make an X-15 on the line sound like an old woman snapping
her fingers.
1. “Told not I thee, saying, ALL THAT THE Lord SPEAKETH, that I must do?”
2. “He hath SAID, which heard the WORDS of God” (24:4).
3. “I cannot go beyond the commandment of the Lord” (24:13).
4. “But what the Lord SAITH, that will I SPEAK” (24:13). Sounds almost like good
old Micaiah, the militant Fundamentalist of 1 Kings 22:14, doesn’t it?
5. “He hath SAID, which heard THE WORDS OF GOD” (24:16).
There has never lived in the nineteenth or twentieth century a greater Bible-believing,
militant Fundamentalist than BALAAM, if we believe what we have just read.
Now these Scriptures picture the most improbable thing and the most incredible
character ever associated with the history of Bible preaching. The man doing the
preaching here is preaching by the Spirit of God (24:2); he hears the words of God (24:4);
he sees the future (24:4); he speaks the truth (24:4–9); he has a revelation about the
imputed righteousness of God (23:21); he obeys the commandment of God (23:2); he
preaches exactly what God told him to preach (24:13); he has a knowledge of both
Advents of Jesus Christ (24:17); and then following his sermon he is killed in battle (Num.
31:8) and is cast into outer darkness (Jude 7–11).
How is that for a Fundamentalist “Giant of the Faith” boldly contending for the “faith
once delivered to the saints”!?
When the Scofield Board of Editors slams into the passage like two dozen bananas
slamming into a turboprop, they are scattered to the four winds. The verse that throws both
committees into the exosphere says:

“And the angel of the Lord said unto him, Wherefore hast thou smitten thine ass
these three times? behold, l went out to withstand thee, because thy way is perverse
before me: And the ass saw me, and turned from me these three times: unless she had
turned from me, surely now also I had slain thee, and saved her alive. And Balaam
said unto the angel of the Lord, I have sinned; for I knew not that thou stoodest in
the way against me: now therefore, if it displease thee, I will get me back again”
(Num. 22:32–34).

The problem that all of these “great, good, godly, dedicated, qualified, reverent
When Harold Willmington (D.D., professor and Director of Biblical Studies at Liberty
University, Lynchburg, VA) slams into the passage, he brings along his training at Moody
Bible Institute, Culver Stockton College, California Graduate School of Theology, Trinity
Evangelical School, Ashland Theological Seminary, and Dallas Theological Seminary.
He bombs out like a hippy who never finished junior high school.
All this poor, ignorant man can say is that “After asking the messengers to stay all
night, Balaam received the desired permission but was warned to say only what God
wanted him to say” (Liberty Bible Commentary, Old Time Gospel Hour, 1982, p. 296).
Having admitted that Balaam had obtained permission to go with only a warning
about the CONTENT of his message, Harold Willmington is unable to teach another verse
in the Bible. At verses 31–35, he freezes in his dead orthodox iceberg of scholastic
degrees (all below zero) and goes into an irrelevant dissertation about Christ and seven
people in the Old Testament who said they had sinned !
Forty years of formal education had done nothing for Balaam or Willmington.
It certainly did nothing for Pettingill, Scofield, English, or Ed Hindson when they got
to the passage.
The Scofield Board goes into a song and dance about “permissive and directive wills,”
when such matters are not even hinted at in the passage. (The idea presented to us in the
NSRB is that since it was God’s PERMISSIVE WILL for Balaam to go and His
DIRECTIVE WILL for him to go (22:12), that He was going to kill the preacher after
giving him PERMISSION TO GO (Num. 22:20).
Imagine calling that kind of muddled nonsense “scholarship” after reading about
Paul’s trip to Jerusalem against the DIRECTIVE WILL of God (Acts 21–26)!
As we have said before on several hundred occasions, “You mess with that Book and
God will mess with yo’ mind, honey,” and God is no respecter of a string of colleges and
degrees that go to make up a mud dauber’s nest. He will screw up the mind of a “born-
again, Bible-believing Fundamentalist” who believes in “plenary, verbally inspired
originals” as quickly as He messed up the minds of Jim Jones, M. M. O’Hair, Tiny Tim,
Walter Mondale, Ted Kennedy, Adolph Hitler, or Jesse Jackson.
We are not saying that these saved scholars who stumbled at the passage and broke
their theological necks were psychotic; we just say that when the issue of Final Authority
arises in regards to the WORDS that God speaks (as it arises here and is sustained for
three chapters), you “better hadn’t mess with that Book.”
Adopting our usual position—that any edition of the AV is superior to the combined
Greek and Hebrew scholarship of all Catholics, Protestants, pseudo-Fundamentalists,
Evangelicals, Liberals, Fundamentalists, Conservatives, Modernists, and neo-
Fundamentalists—let us see what actually happened in Numbers, chapter 22 where a
Conservative Fundamentalist was called to preach and nearly got killed. This time we will
not play “ring-around-the-rosey” when we get to verses 31–36, as Jerry Falwell’s “hired
help” did (Dr. Harold Willmington). This time we will use the text of the King James
Bible (any edition will do just fine) and watch it cut the spiritual throats (see the comments
on Col. 2:8 in the Bible Believer’s Commentary on Galatians–Colossians) of every
preacher, teacher, commentator, pastor, bishop, revisor, translator, priest, editor, publisher,
and exegete in the world.

“And God said unto Balaam, Thou shalt not go with them; thou shalt not curse
the people: for they are blessed. And Balaam rose up in the morning, and said unto
the princes of Balak, Get you into your land: for the LORD refuseth to give me leave
to go with you. And the princes of Moab rose up, and they went unto Balak, and said,
Balaam refuseth to come with us” (Num. 22:12–14).

Did you read the verses?
These were the same verses that appeared at the very beginning of this chapter. You
say: “Why print them again?” Because no Fundamentalist (living or dead) has yet read
them if we are to judge by his comments on what follows (vss. 31–36). Now observe that
when God speaks to His preacher (and the Lord had evidently revealed Himself to Balaam
many times before this—see Num. 22:6, 9), He gives him a “three-point outline” which he
is to preach. One might say that this preacher is “on his knees in his prayer closet” praying
for a message- he gets a message. The outline is clear to anyone except the saved faculty
members of Dallas Theological Seminary, Liberty University, Bob Jones University,
GARBC, Midwestern, Piedmont, Moody, Wheaton, Fuller, Pillsbury, BIOLA, Harvard,
Yale and Tennessee Temple, and Bible expositors like Sidlow Baxter, C. I. Scofield,
Swindoll, MacArthur, Goodsky, Lehman Strauss, Webber, Ironsides, Cedarholm, and J.
Vernon McGee.
Point No. 1: Don’t go.
Point No. 2: Don’t curse Israel.
Point No. 3: Israel is blessed.
One more time! Did you read the verse? What could be any plainer than that? What on
earth is so difficult about verse 12? Read it again and see if “Ruckman” is the dirty dog
who is teaching “heresy.” There is no problem from the start about “permissive” or
“directive” wills of God. God gave Balaam a three-point message to deliver.
Did Billy Graham, Jimmy Swaggart, Frank Norris, Jerry Falwell, Jack Hyles, John R.
Rice, Lee Robertson, Bob Jones Sr., T. T. Shields, Mordecai Ham, Rex Humbard, Oral
Roberts, and Dallas Billington deliver the message that God gave to them!? Did they
deliver all three points?
Surely any man who would profess, “I cannot go beyond the word of the Lord my
God, to do less or more” (22:18), and who would confess openly, “The word that God
putteth in my mouth, that shall I speak” (22:38), surely such a “bold, brave, militant
FUNDAMENTALIST” could be counted upon not to “go beyond” what God SAID or fall
short of what God SAID. Surely such a God-called preacher could deliver a simple three-
point message in fourth grade English without any background in Greek, Hebrew, or
Aramaic. Balaam, in his open profession, was a Bible believer who believed the WORDS
of God and would not ADD to them (Prov. 30:6) or DIMINISH from them (Rev. 22:19).
He could have been the president of any “World Congress of Fundamentalism” that
ever met in the twentieth century. Upon coming down from the podium after delivering a
powerful message on “THE AUTHORITY OF THE SCRIPTURES,” he would have
headed straight home—straight into OUTER DARKNESS (2 Pet. 2:17).
Why? Simple: his profession had nothing to do with his real beliefs. He USED the
words of God to keep from getting killed. He preached the words of God but (aahhh,
FOREHEAD (22:31)! That was after he was forced against his will (as we have been
forcing Christian universities, colleges, and seminaries for nearly half a century) to
preach what he didn’t want to preach because it would affect his INCOME.
Now, are you getting any “light” on the “verbal, plenary inspired, original
You see, when God gave this apostate Fundamentalist the three-point outline (22:12),
Balaam deliberately and flagrantly violated everything he later professed, for no sooner is
the three-point outline out of God’s mouth than two points are deleted from the message
(22:13), and when it is preached it has been reduced to a mere: “THE LORD REFUSETH
TO GIVE ME LEAVE TO GO WITH YOU.” Period: and I mean “period.”
Two-thirds of the “divine original” was thrown in the wastebasket. Balaam must have
thought that the “original” was a “conflate text” manufactured at Antioch by a “Lucian
Recension” (a text produced through smoothing over the “original” by combining a
number of “text types,” etc.). That is, Balaam, as Westcott and Hort, A. T. Robertson,
Robert Sumner, Kenneth Wuest, J. R. Rice, Aland, Metzger, Kenyon, Zodhiates, and Bob
Jones III, and their kinfolk, were “birds of a feather.” (Let us hope they didn’t all wind up
in the same place.!)
Observe the amazing anti-Darwinian, anti-Einstein, anti-NEA, anti-Postmillennial
progress of the “verbally inspired original.” It began with three points; it wound up with
one point (22:13). But at least in that one point the Lord was recognized (“The Lord
NEB, etc.). But when the princes of Moab return to their king, they simply report,
“Balaam refuseth to come with us” (22:14).
What happened to the “Lord”?
Easy (v. 13): HE GOT RUN OUT OF HIS OWN BOOK (see 1 Tim. 3:16 in the ASV
and NASV, and Acts 4:27 in the NKJV and the NRSV).
But in spite of this scholarly treatment of “text restoration” using “intrinsic
probabilities” as a “guideline,” Balaam is given another chance to preach the truth.
Observe the curious development of events that Scofield and two boards of editors
could not trace. Here is a Fundamentalist who swears that he will say exactly what God
tells him to say (22:18); yet when told what to say (22:12), he omits two-thirds of it
because it will affect his income. Having done this, he has the audacity to say, “Tarry ye
also here this night, that I may know what the Lord will say unto me MORE” (22:19).
How is it that not one faculty member at Moody, Wheaton, Fuller, BJU, Tennessee
Temple, GARBC, or Pacific Coast “Bible” College spotted this travesty of morals? ARE
Having been unfaithful in the first commission, having lied to his “congregation”
about that message, having refused to preach the words of God that he was told to preach;
this “bold, brave, militant defender of the faith,” etc., has the gall to go back to God in his
prayer closet and seek further revelation to get more material to preach, knowing that he is
not going to be faithful in delivering it if it is given to him! Having rejected the revelation
given to him in his own language (take an AV of the Holy Bible given to the modern
Christian, for example), Balaam seeks for more “light” on the “originals” (like any
modern Hebrew or Greek scholar, for example). You have never read on the face of this
earth a more revealing description of the methods, motives, and conduct of the modern
seminary and university professors staffing the Conservative schools of Europe and
They are kin to Balaam even if they don’t know it.
Now comes the capstone. Having picked up the information that the Scofield Board of
Editors could not find (see their notes on the bottom of page 198, in either edition), we can
approach verses 31–36 in a much more scriptural fashion than these blind guides who
sport five degrees from six to ten mud daubers’ nests. These poor campfire girls who talk
about the “original autographs” came under such terrible conviction for their sins when
they read Numbers 22:12–14 that they had to dig up some “hobbyhorse” to sidetrack their
students and followers. The incredible comment of the Scofield Board of Editors was only
that Balaam “chose the path of self-will and self-advantage, and Jehovah could not but
gravely disapprove.”
After that you might write in block capital letters B-A-L-O-N-E-Y.
The “permissive will of God” (Scofield note) and the “directive will of God” (Scofield
note) are not involved ONE TIME anywhere in the chapter or ONE TIME in either
chapter following it. What is involved is a preacher like those on the Scofield Board of
Editors or those who wrote for the Liberty Bible Commentary (Lynchburg, VA) being
given the WORDS of God to preach, swearing on a stack of Greek lexicons that they will
preach those WORDS, and then refusing to preach those words because of the potential
damage they would accrue; their incomes and images would suffer.
God in His mercy grants Balaam an additional revelation, but it is a time bomb: IF the
men come to call thee rise up and go with them.
Look at the scriptural conditions which Willmington and Scofield (and all others who
had any confidence in men like them) couldn’t find.
1. “IF THE MEN COME TO CALL THEE.” Did they come to call him?
(Thank God you have a more reliable authority than “Ruckman” to answer that
question!). “And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ass, and went with
the princes of Moab” (Num. 22:21).
You see, they didn’t come to call him.
Such straw dummies as “directive and permissive” wills never enter into the
transactions between God and Balaam one time: NOT ONCE.
What we have here is plain and open disobedience the SECOND TIME; the first time
having been Numbers 22:12–13, which we have just discussed.
2. There is a second condition given which implies a RESPONSE. Note: “But yet the
word which I shall say unto thee, that shalt thou do.”
There was no response from Balaam to this commandment.
Balaam did not commit himself; he didn’t promise God anything. Why didn’t he?
Easy: read 1 Timothy 6:10 in any English version printed since 1800, including the
“New” KJV. Balaam had “lettuce trouble.” He had a “green fixation” or “time payment
syndrome.” He saw green leaves floating before his eyes (Num. 22:7) when he got up in
the morning. He promised God nothing until the SWORD OF THE LORD (22:31) was
placed on the thing he worshipped: HIS BELLY (Rom. 16:18).
“Speaking the truth in love” HAS NOT, IS NOT, AND WILL NOT ACCOMPLISH
God didn’t waste five minutes “gravely disapproving” (Scofield note) of Balaam’s
conduct. He roadblocks Balaam’s means of transportation and draws a sword to kill the
lying fool; and He would have killed him if the donkey hadn’t feared God more than
So with the motivation to “share with others” the “total thrust” of being able to “cope
with spiritual realities,” etc. Balaam finally confesses that he has “NO POWER AT ALL”
to say anything (22:38). And from here on he preaches under the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit (24:2) the word of God and the words of God (24:5), and he delivers all the points
given to him in God’s “outlines” for his sermons. Since he never really believed the words
that he preached (that is, he retained a mental reservation while “using” them!), he
retained his real convictions, which had to do with LETTUCE (1 Tim. 6:10).
He got killed and went to hell.
He “used” something he didn’t believe and professed to believe what he didn’t really
And here we have demonstrated “beyond a reasonable doubt” (a legal term) that there
are parts of the English Bible (AV) that are completely unknown, and no amount of
scholastic training, no amount of experience in dealing with the “original languages,” no
amount of knowledge of “transmission of text types,” no number of earned degrees, no
amount of years spent in postgraduate researches, and no practical outward manifestations
of a godly or SEPARATED LIFE would enable any scholar (saved or lost), of any
profession, to understand this part of the Bible if that scholar had ever meddled with (or
wanted to meddle with) the WORDS of God, either in his classroom or from his pulpit or
in his private study.
A word to the wise is sufficient: don’t mess with the Book.
Moby Dick and
The White Crocodile

Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon hath devoured me, he hath crushed me, he
hath made me an empty vessel, he hath swallowed me up like a dragon, he hath
filled his belly with my delicates, he hath cast me out. (Jeremiah 51:34)

We now take one step further into our study of the famous “Unknown Bible,” that
Bible which is composed of scores of verses that modern Christian educators know
nothing about, or if some of them perchance are acquainted with the verses they are
careful never to teach them to their students. This is the great pious “cover-up” of this age;
it has to do largely with the fact that we are in the Laodicean period of church history
(Rev. 3), and in this period, the Body of Christ desires to “heap to itself teachers having
itching ears.” These saved, “born again” apostates will turn the ears of the young people
“away from the truth” and into “fables” (2 Tim. 4:4).
The main reason for this is that ninety percent of the faculty members of any major
school of higher learning in America (Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, as well as
unsaved Liberals) are as thoroughly intimidated by academic standards and “science” as
the worst unsaved Communist in the National Council of Churches or in the Vatican. We
are not referring here to straw dummies like “standards of separation” or “bold stands
against Neo-Evangelicism” or any of that hogwash put out by Fundamentalists to cover up
their own sins of Bible rejection. What we are saying is that ninety percent of the apostate,
Fundamentalist educators have been brainwashed by the spirit of this age, reaching them
through television. This spirit (Eph. 2:1–3) is a positive spirit (see Gen. 3:1) that affects a
man’s approach to making a living; and the spirit of this age breathes through all news
media sources twenty-four hours a day.
This twentieth century spirit (in America) may be best described by identifying its
PHILOSOPHY. The philosophical dictum it puts forth is: “REJECT ANY NEGATIVE
Now THAT is the “spirit of this age” in America; and that is the spirit of nearly every
educated Christian (1 John 4:5) who professes to believe in the “plenary inspiration” of
the “verbally inspired originals” as his final authority. You see, these unread, unseen
“originals” pose no real threat to his IMAGE or his INCOME. What poses a genuine and
viable threat to both is the text of the Protestant English Reformation (AV, 1611). The
reason for taking a “bold stand” for the “plenary verbal inspiration of the originals” is
COWARDICE, pure and simple. The coward is afraid of his income and his image.
The modern, apostate Fundamentalists are just as worldly as Pontius Pilate, Herod, or
Demas and the “proof is in the puddin.”
Anyone who takes time to read this booklet will see “how the cookie crumbles.” The
verses of Scripture will speak for themselves. Their content will show any reader with a
sixth grade education why these verses are not brought up in the classrooms and never will
be brought out into the open. They will be treated as a plague of leprosy by hypocritical
Fundamentalists who waste your time blabbing about “inspired original autographs” and
their “unquestioned loyalty” to them. Anyone can be loyal to something that no one has
ever seen and that has no bearing on his income or image (good or bad) one time in 1,800
Now here is a great passage.

“Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which
thou lettest down?…Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear. He
beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride” (Job 41:1, 33–

Now if there is any doubt in your mind about our own honesty, integrity, sincerity, and
scholarship—and we grant that there may be a good deal!—you should obtain a copy of
the so-called “New KJV” (which is not an Authorized Version at all) and look at the
comment on these verses as approved of by Criswell, Dollar, Henderson, Farstad,
Hindson, Willmington, Dobson, and company. They admit that this part of the Bible is
UNKNOWN to them and they will publicly confess this ignorance to the Body of Christ.
Let’s nail it down: the best so-called “Fundamentalist brains” in this country—the
very “cream of Evangelical and Conservative scholarship”—don’t know enough about a
King James Bible in their own language to comment on an entire chapter of thirty-four
verses. Count them: thirty-four verses. One whole chapter of the Bible is unknown to the
faculty and staff of Liberty University at Lynchburg. In the six school years that I attended
Bob Jones University I did not find one professor in the graduate school or undergraduate
school who could tell me anything about anything in the entire chapter. Those men (1945–
1955) were the outstanding representatives of Fundamental scholarship who professed to
be able to set the standards for Conservative scholarship in America for the Body of
Now why couldn’t these men expound Job, chapter 41?
What is the problem with the chapter?
There isn’t any problem with one verse in the entire chapter unless a Fundamentalist is
worried about his INCOME or his IMAGE.
The only man on this earth to whom Job, chapter 41 is a “threat” is to an educated
sinner who has been brainwashed by the spirit of twentieth century America—the worldly
spirit of this age propagated by the news media—that unholy spirit, that worldly, carnal
spirit, that Bible-rejecting spirit which leads the faculty members, editors, publishers,
translators, revisors and consultants for the NKJV, that identical spirit that led the
translators of the ASV and NASV. It is THAT spirit that prevented one hundred percent of
the Conservatives, Evangelicals, and Fundamentalists from expounding a passage that is
as clear as any chapter in the entire word of God.
You say, “Explain yourself, Brother Ruckman. Expound to us the passage.”
Why should I waste your time and my time when God has already explained the
passage to you?
Why ask me for an exposition when the Holy Ghost has already given any fool the
explanation of the passage clearer than a plate glass window with the pane knocked out?
Now lest you should think we are speaking sarcastically with “tongue in cheek,”
please turn to the following passages in the Authorized Version (any edition will do nicely)
and observe how the Holy Spirit has forced Nelson, Hindson, Dobson, Hutson, Afman,
Price, Farstad, Willmington, Wiersbe, Batson, Matson, Datsun, Hatsun, and Ratsun to
deny their birthright in order to retain their INCOMES and their “IMAGES.”
Read these passages and then look God Almighty squarely in the face in your prayer
closet and tell Him that “Ruckman has misrepresented these good, godly men.” Go on,
read the passages: I “double dog dare you” to read the passages.

“Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which
thou lettest down?” (Job 41:1).

“In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish
leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay
the dragon that is in the sea” (Isa. 27:1).

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan,
which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were
cast out with him” (Rev. 12:9).

“Thou breakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the
people inhabiting the wilderness” (Psa. 74:14).

Now, did you READ the verses?
Did you read them twice?
Having read them twice, could any of you with a clear conscience look God Almighty
straight in the face in your prayer closet and tell Him that “Leviathan” was an “unknown
animal” or a “large unknown animal”? Could you (or your friends) look Jesus Christ
straight in the eyeballs at the Judgment Seat of Christ and tell Him that you honestly
thought that “Leviathan” was a CROCODILE? Then how do you explain your inability to
do this with a clear conscience and the ability of the “good, godly, dedicated
Fundamentalists” to do it with a clear conscience unless THEY had a SEARED
CONSCIENCE (1 Tim. 4:2)?
They did it without batting an eye.
And there, my friend, is a mystery of iniquity fully demonstrated to every Christian in
the Body of Christ in this century. These willfully ignorant agnostics are Fundamentalists
who profess to be your “peers” when it comes to learning the Bible! Nothing could be
more unholy or more carnal or more worldly or more ungodly. Nothing on this earth could
be more God defying and more UNGODL Y than an educated Fundamentalist professing
to believe that “the Bible IS the word of God” and then pretending he doesn’t understand
it when actually the truth is that its clarity and plainness has offended him, because if he
stood by it, it would cost him the loss of income (see Balaam in the previous chapter) or
his scholastic “image.”
Such play acting (The Greek word for “hypocrite” means a professional actor: how’s
that for an “original nugget”!) and such pious pretense produces Bible ignorance in the
hearts and minds of those who follow such a fakir; it makes the student as stupid and as
deceitful as his professor. I have more respect for Adolph Hitler and Jim Jones; and as far
as I’m concerned, such men are neither dedicated, separated, sanctified, nor spiritual: they
are belly-worshipping worldlings who fear for their own fleshy necks (Rom. 16:3–4, 16–
Well why make such an issue over one chapter? Aren’t there many chapters in the
word of God that are beyond understanding (for example, the Song of Sol. 5–6; Zech. 1–3,
etc.)? Yes, but you see, this chapter is a detailed description of the one whom these
“militant Fundamentalists” profess to be fighting. Job, chapter 41 is a description of their
enemy (and your enemy) according to the baloney they dish out from their pulpits and
classrooms. What could be more vital to a classroom of Christian young men and women
than a description of the enemy they are going to be engaged in fighting all of their lives?
Yet, lo and behold, the passage is UNKNOWN to 55,000 graduates who have graduated
from fifty Christian schools in the last fifty years; to them it is as unknown as it is to
Hindson, Willmington, Price, Martin, Afman, and Faulkner.
Go back and read the verses again.
If the animal is an “unknown animal,” then how does one explain the fact that both
John and Isaiah could identify him more than 1,300 years before Christopher Columbus
was born?
Aren’t we shut up to some pretty ghastly conclusions about the NKJV? Do we not
rightly assume the position that men living more than 1,800 years ago (Isaiah more than
2,600 years ago) knew more about Biblical truth and Biblical scholarship that ONE
Yes, that is certainly the correct assumption.
Now what is the real problem?
The problem is that if every Conservative and Evangelical scholar on ANY board of
any “updated translation” read the passages (and you read them) and understood them (and
you understood them) and believed them (and we trust YOU believe them), THEY
This would have brought everlasting disgrace upon them as superstitious, unscientific,
unscholarly “hillbillies” who were unfit to translate the Scriptures since they believed in
mythological monsters. So they, “with one consent” (Luke 14:18), feigned
AGNOSTICISM to save face (see Matt. 21:23–27).
Do you doubt our analysis? Are we again being “too harsh”?
Open the “Unknown Bible” and this time open it to Malachi 1:3 and read.

“And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons
of the wilderness” (Mal. 1:3).

Now, go pick up any English version in this world published since 1611 but a King
James AV (and I mean “AUTHORIZED,” I don’t mean NKJV) and tell us what happened
to “them there dragons” mentioned in the passage.
They disappeared. They vanished out of every English “Bible” printed since 1800.
They vanished as quickly and as quietly and as completely as the vapor of your breath on
a cool morning. Why? Can’t you guess by now?! Don’t you know that if Henderson got
up at Springfield and confessed that he believed in “DRAGONS” that the entire faculty
and staff would laugh him off the campus? Why of course they would. The whole outfit
was brainwashed against the AV before they were hired.
What do you suppose would happen if Truman Dollar or Warren Wiersbe got up at a
“Congress” and said they believed in “DRAGONS”? Why they would be the laughing
stock of “Militant Fundamentalism.” Don’t you know what would have happened to Zane
Hodges or Farstad at Dallas Theological Seminary if they had REALLY stood by the AV
You don’t know?
Why don’t you know?
Imagine some little sissified upstart like Sumner, Hindson, Dobson, or Bob Jones III,
telling the Board of Editors of the Sword of the Lord that they believed in dragons!
Imagine that! Of course they don’t believe in “DRAGONS”! What man in his right mind
believes in that? Who but a Bible-believing ,North Carolina hillbilly would believe
Malachi 1:3 as it stands (and has stood for over 370 years) in any edition. Do you see the
real problem yet? You say, “It’s still obscure.” It still is? All right: “hear this” (as they say
in the Navy).

“The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island,
and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for
herself a place of rest” (Isa. 34:14)

There is nothing like a careful reading of the AV (any edition) to show why ninety
percent of the faculty members of any major, Fundamentalist school are nothing but
apostates. Do you see the word “SATYR” in the verse? Look for it in the Holy Bible if
you missed it in the ASV, NASV, NKJV, RSV, NRSV, NWT, NEB, NIV, etc.
You see, the word is found in only one Bible: an Authorized Version.
“You’ll sure look a long time” before you find it in any other version. (Like Erich
Maria Remarque said in All Quiet on the Western Front when the CO was calling the roll
after two weeks of action in the front-line trenches: He’ll call for them a long time.
They’re out there in the shell holes or in the hospital or blown to bits.)
You won’t find any “satyrs” in any “reliable translation” recommended by ANY
faculty member of any large Christian college or university. If they say the AV is a
“reliable translation,” then they must lie like a dog, for the AV says “satyrs” in Isaiah,
chapter 34, and no one believes such creatures exist.
Is the real reason for the “Unknown Bible” yet manifest? Do you yet understand why
we use the approach and the “language” about these matters that we have used for thirty-
four years? Do you understand why we speak as rudely and as roughly as we speak (2 Cor.
Why, these modern “Fundamentalists” are scared silly; they are frightened out of their
wits by the worldly, godless, depraved carnal spirit of the twentieth century. They talk
about “militant stands” and being uncompromising “giants of the faith” and “boldly
defending historic positions” when they are as yellow as the yolk of an egg. They would
back off from the AV text before ANY UNSAVED LIBERAL IN THE NCC IF HE
little pussyfooting prima donnas will not stick by the Book; they will not be true to the
Book; they will not defend the Book; and they have never believed the Book since they
went to school and were brainwashed by a chicken-livered, yellow-bellied, backslider (and
we say that with charity-naturally!) who was just as COWARDLY as they are. There is no
cure for apostasy; it is not remediable and awaits judgment.
The motive behind ignoring and altering such verses in the Bible, by all involved, is
worldly and Satanic and has nothing to do with “defending the faith” and absolutely
nothing to do with “scholarship” if that word was stretched to its extreme limits. For
example, the fact that the word “LEVIATHAN” is used one time in the Bible (Ps. 104:26)
as a reference to a WHALE could by no means justify the weird conclusion that the
Leviathan of Job, chapter 41 is a “large, unknown animal” or “unknown sea monster” or
“crocodile” or “hippopotamus.” After all, a whale (see Moby Dick) is a type of SATAN in
the Scriptures (see Ezek. 29:3–4 and 32:2), and any English speaking American on the
face of this earth with a junior high school education could find that out if he opened an
AV and read it.
The phenomenon which we have now demonstrated TWICE can only be explained in
one way, for no one could say seriously that these apostates were so stupid that they
couldn’t read their own language in their native tongue, since it is apparent that any one of
them had at least six years of Hebrew and Greek behind them and at least twelve years of
English on an undergraduate level. We are shut up to one inescapable and grisly
conclusion: that conclusion was arrived at in the first two paragraphs of this chapter.
The only RATIONAL explanation for such blind stupidity, such blundering infidelity,
such crafty equivocation, such Bible-rejecting apostasy by “militant Fundamentalists” is
that they have personally and individually been conditioned by the worldly philosophy of
TV, radio, newspapers and magazines to instinctively protect themselves from any
discussion (or association with) of any verses in the Bible or any verse in the Bible that
might jeopardize their INCOMES or their scholarly “IMA GES.”
These apostates have been converted by the news media into humanistic relativists
without abandoning their professions in the “fundamentals of the faith.” They have
become utilitarian Pragmatists while still holding to “historic positions.” In a nutshell,
they have APOSTATIZED and “turned their ears away from the truth and turned them into
fables.” And that is why the Scofield notes (in either edition) confine “apostasy” to
unsaved Liberals (see 2 Tim. 4:1–6). The Conservative scholars who wrote their
comments by 2 Timothy, chapter 4 did it to protect themselves from detection, as they had
already made up their minds when they wrote out the notes that “satyrs,” “dragons,” and
“Leviathan” do not exist and have never existed. To them, Leviathan could not be a
“dragon,” for to them there are no dragons, EVEN THOUGH THE SCRIPTURES SAY
To these belly-worshipping worldlings who pass off as “giants of the faith,” such
passages have to remain as an “Unknown Bible” and for them “the mist of outer darkness”
(at least in regards to understanding the truths of such Scriptures) is reserved. They qualify
as “blind leaders of the blind” and the young Christian men and women who are gullible
enough to follow them (so they won’t be made fun of as a “Ruckmanite”) will certainly
fall into the same ditch with them.
Uneducated Ignorance vs.
Educated Ignorance

For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing
the understanding of the prudent. (1 Corinthians 1:19)

The Scriptures we are studying are the terror of apostate Fundamentalists and
Conservatives in the twentieth century because if they are brought up and discussed they
will reveal two things immediately: first of all, that the people who make the loudest noise
at “Congresses of Fundamentalism” about the “Authority of the Scriptures” do not believe
that any Book on this earth is the “Scriptures”; and secondly, they will not tolerate the
open discussion of any statement from any Bible that could jeopardize their incomes or
their “images” by bringing ridicule down on their heads for believing the Bible as they
have it. We just gave three outstanding samples: satyrs, dragons, and Leviathan; and as
you saw from the documented evidence, there wasn’t one seminary educated
“Fundamentalist” in America and there wasn’t one member of one revision committee
(Conservative or Evangelical) who believed anything about those words found in any
edition of the Authorized Version. The attitude they had toward these passages (see the
last chapter) was total and complete infidelity, absolute unbelief as rank as any Liberal
Methodist bishop promoting Jesse Jackson or the PLO.
One of the great dictums of Biblical criticism set up by Bible-rejecting apostates
(Griesbach, Lachmann, Hort, Kenyon, Tischendorf, et al.) of the nineteenth century was
that “doctrinal passages are suspect.” Now in layman’s language this simply means that
“any time you find a verse in the Bible that is a good, strong, plain, clear-cut statement
backing up the Deity of Christ or the Trinity, you can “suspect” that the verse has been
manipulated by an over zealous, Bible believer in order to reinforce a reading which “in
the plenary, verbally inspired original autographs” was not emphatic enough. Cases in
point would be 1 Timothy 3:16 in the “Bibles” recommended by BJU (ASV and NASV) or
Acts 4:27, 31 in the “Bibles” recommended by Tennessee Temple and Liberty Baptist
College (NIV and NKJV) and 1 John 5:7–8 in the “Bibles” recommended by Wheaton,
Moody, and Fuller (NIV, ASV, RSV, NRSV, etc.).
In every case, the philosophical speculation has been that someone must have meddled
with these words to reinforce the truth, whereas if they had been left alone they would not
have reinforced the truth.
Of such high-minded nonsense we may say reverently (and with charity):
APPLESAUCE. (The Army of 1938–1945 had a much more fitting word for it—a
compound word—but I am sure that it could hardly be called reverent.”)
We come now to three passages in the “Unknown Bible” which the believer should
know if only for the purpose of learning something that his teachers and professors cannot
know. (If this seems a little harsh or unkind or egotistical, let the reader turn to the chapter
in this work that deals with David’s famous profession of faith in Ps. 119:99– 100). Many
times our readers “jump the gun” and assume that our vicious language comes from a bad
spirit or a bad attitude. They are quite mistaken. It comes from a desire to drive home the
truth. A man said to me one time, “If I talked like you talk and used the language you use
someone would probably take a shot at me.” My answer to that is, “If I talked like I do
talk and use the vocabulary I do use and don’t have the right spirit that I have about it,
God would have killed me thirty-two years ago.” God evidently knows something about
our ministry that many of the leading Christian “celebrities” in America don’t know. At
least it is certain that the professors and teachers at the major Christian colleges and
universities don’t know about it, for they cannot explain thirty-five years of blessed and
fruitful ministries accompanied by unloving and “abusive” language.
Here before us are three verses of Scripture that never come up at a “World Congress
of Fundamentalism.” They are not preached, as far as I know, from any pulpit in America.
In six school years at Bob Jones University I never heard the verses mentioned or read and
never saw them on a list of Scriptures given to anyone to study. These Scriptures deal with
the very first fundamental of the faith: BELIEVING WHAT GOD SAID. What God said is
more important than the Virgin Birth or the Deity of Christ or the Blood Atonement, since,
after all, all three of those great “Fundamentals of the Faith” were learned by believing the
WORDS found in the BOOK.
We will do well to closely examine and carefully scrutinize any part of the Bible that
is expounding on the importance of the words that are recorded in that Book. At BJU and
other Alexandrian offshoots, this is called a “hobbyhorse,” for, after all, their main efforts
are built around promoting their own institutions, their own friends, and their own
“images”; their ministries have been from the start primarily self-promotion, self-
propagation, self-magnification, and self-preservation. No one with any spiritual
discernment is fooled by such pious claptrap for half a minute. If it weren’t for THE
BOOK (and we don’t mean “the original autographs”), Bob Jones University would have
never been built. If it were not for THE BOOK (and we don’t mean the “verbal, plenary
inspired originals”), Tennessee Temple schools would never have come into existence. If it
were not for THAT BOOK (and we do not refer to the “inerrant originals”), Jerry Falwell
would never have built the first building. That is the truth of the matter, and you know it
and I know it and God knows it, and so does every saved person on the face of this earth
whether they will “own up to it” or not. (If they will not “own up to it,” it is only proof
that they are afflicted with the same plague of worldliness which we mentioned in the
previous chapter.)
You see, THE FEAR OF RIDICULE (that might affect income or image) is the real
“guiding light,” the radar beam, the steam power, the jet thrust, the fuel pump, and the
locomotive that drives, leads, and guides these apostate Fundamentalists in nearly every
single one of their teaching endeavors. And even when they are professing to have a great
“burden for souls” or a missionary zeal or a love for “high academic standards” or
convictions about “secondary separation,” the whole superstructure is activated and
motivated and held together and sustained by one supreme “Fundamental” that
overshadows all others; one godless, worldly, hellish principle: DON’T LET ANY
That is the real motto and theme song of Laodicean Christian higher education; and it
is the hallmark of the apostasy within the Body of Christ. It is applicable to ninety percent
of the saved faculty members who are involved in higher education. Again we will
illustrate so that matters will be as clear as the Gulf of Mexico on a cloudless day in June.

“For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed
your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. And the vision of
all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one
that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee:
and he saith, I am not learned” (Isa. 29:10–12).

Now here is a “nugget” if you ever unearthed one, for it is aimed at the religious
leaders of the people to whom were given the “Oracles of God” (Rom. 3:2). These people
are listed as “prophets,” “rulers,” and “seers,” the very people in charge of teaching and
preaching and judging the truth. All three groups are included in verse 11 (“And the
vision of ALL is become unto you…”).
Now what place in the Scriptures could be more important in dealing with the Bible
than this place where we read, “As the WORDS OF A BOOK
…which men deliver to one that is learned…AND THE BOOK is delivered to him that is
not learned…” Wouldn’t you think that a Bible teacher could find something in a passage
like that?
Here is a “Book” (you are reading a book right now); here is a BOOK (and the Bible
is a BOOK); here is a BOOK (Isa. 29:11), and it is not one of “many books” about which
there is “no end” to making (Eccl. 12:12). No, this Book is a Book that God had
something to do with, for He continues with, “Forasmuch as this people draw near ME
with their mouth…and with their lips do honour ME…but have removed their hearts
from ME…and their fear toward ME…”
We read that on a certain day the deaf will “hear the WORDS OF THE BOOK” (Isa.
29:18). Could there be any doubt in your mind about what Book this is? We are quoting
from Isaiah, which, as anyone knows, is in the Old Testament. When the Old Testament
ended, the Lord said: “A book of remembrance was written before him for them that
feared the LORD, and thought upon his name” (Mal. 3:16).
But, my my, what a strange BOOK!!
First of all, this Book is taken to an educated scholar with a Ph.D. (or at least an
M.A.) and he is requested to “Read this I pray thee.” Here comes his answer: “I
CANNOT, FOR IT IS SEALED.” But the implication that follows would show that even
though it was sealed (Isa. 29:11), the scholar could have opened it. This is perfectly
apparent when one reads verses 13 and 14. The scholar lied. He pretended that he couldn’t
open the seals when he could. Let’s put it over the plate waist high; he lied, he was a liar.
He was an educated liar (“one that is learned”), for he could have easily opened the seals.
When the Bible was finished, the last thing that Christ told John was “SEAL NOT THE
SAYINGS OF THE PROPHECY OF THIS BOOK” (Rev. 22:10). Christ broke the
seals on the last Book way back in Revelation 5–6. Observe that the “sealing” on the Book
that is delivered to this educated liar was only on it by virtue of the fact that he himself
was BLIND (Isa. 29:10) and that the Lord Himself was the author of this blindness. When
the liar said it was “sealed,” he meant that it was “figurative,” “highly symbolic,”
“apocalyptic,” or (to put it in the language of a genuine apostate) that “the text was
corrupted,” “there was a scribal error,” “an error in the transmission of the text,” etc.
But matters do not end here. After this, this educated ass (and we have substituted the
term for “liar” since “liar” might offend some of you people who are always so concerned
about “lack of love for the brethren”), this educated ass, I say (we use the word with
charity as it pictures the old nature of the unregenerated man who by birth is a liar: see Job
11:12), this educated ASS (we repeat for “emphasis”) has just been told by the Holy

“For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.
All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse
in them. They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find
knowledge” (Prov. 8:7–9).

The passage is intact in every edition of every AV printed on either side of the Atlantic
for over 360 years.
If the words (note the plural: not the “Word” of God) of God’s mouth are in
“righteousness” and if there is “nothing froward or perverse in them” then “they are ALL
PLAIN to him that understandeth…”
How could an educated Christian say they were “sealed”?
They are not sealed to a man who “understands.”
Is the educated ASS (and we say it one more time to establish you in sound doctrine)
confessing that he has no understanding? Here he is given a Book with words (notice the
plural: not “Word”) and the words are “all plain to him that understandeth” and he
doesn’t understand them, even though he holds three earned degrees and is a “Professor of
Ancient Languages” and probably the head of a “Bible” Department!
Quite a confession for an educated idiot: he is “learned” but has no understanding.
He is “ever learning yet never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
If the words of God are “THE WORDS OF THE WISE” (Prov. 22:17) and a man is
commanded to apply his heart to this knowledge (Prov. 22:17), how did this learned ASS
(and we use the term to root and ground the reader in “sound speech that cannot be
condemned”) of Isaiah, chapter 29 fail to obey the commandment? Especially since he has
set himself up as a Biblical scholar with the authority to teach the word of God to others
(seers, prophets, rulers)?
You won’t answer that question before the Millennium.
Now, do you want to know why such a passage of Scripture is never brought up at
Maranatha, Cedarville, Mid-South, Midwestern, Santa Rosa Schools, Pensacola Christian
Schools or Liberty Baptist College? Well, you don’t have to ask me to find out because:
1. My opinion of the matter is irrelevant.
2. Why should I give you my opinion when God has already given His?
Look at the explanation the Holy Spirit Himself gave about this debacle.

“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather
than silver and gold…Bow down thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply
thine heart unto my knowledge. For it is a pleasant thing if thou keep them within
thee; they shall withal be fitted in thy lips. That thy trust may be in the Lord, I have
made known to thee this day, even to thee. Have not I written to thee excellent things
in counsels and knowledge, That I might make thee know the certainty of the words
of truth; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee?”
(Prov. 22:1, 17–21).

Somebody understood the words (note the plural: not the “Word” of God). God wrote
somebody “excellent things in counsels and knowledge” and He made them known to
somebody (Prov. 22:19). He made them known to someone for a purpose: that they might
“know the CERTAINTY OF THE WORDS OF TRUTH” (note the plural: not
“fundamentals of the faith”) so that when someone sent to them for an answer (see Ezek.
14:1–10, for example) they could answer them with “THE WORDS OF TRUTH” (note
the plural: not the “Word” of Truth). Who could this be?
To whom were the WORDS of truth revealed?
It couldn’t have been to the learned Ph.D., for to him they were SEALED. (At least
that is the alibi that he gave for having no “certainty” about the words and the words not
being “made known” to him: “HE SAITH I CANNOT, FOR IT IS SEALED.”)
Well, if this educated ass (the term is a Biblical term and not to be confused with such
anti-Biblical slang as “scholarship,” “original autographs,” “qualified authorities,” “text
types,” and other pagan mishmash) cannot understand the words in this Book and if the
unlearned man cannot understand the words in this Book (Isa. 29:11–12), then who is it
that does understand them?
Who is it that knows the “certainty” of them (Prov. 22:21)? After all, the ignoramus
(the hillbilly)—the fellow who never finished high school—said (when he got a hold of
the Book): “I kaint read it ‘cause ah ain’t got no book larnin (“I AM NOT LEARNED”).
Here we have quite a situation, wouldn’t you say?
No wonder the “Bible” departments at Bob Jones University, Tennessee Temple,
Dallas, and Denver never discuss such matters! After all, the Scriptures are here dealing
with the very words found in the Bible. What could be more foreign to a “Bible”
department than a detailed study of a Bible with WORDS in it that are “true and
certain,” that someone can know because they are “plain,” and yet a LEARNED MAN
can’t learn them and an UNLEARNED MAN can’t learn them!
Vot a zituation, Abbey!
It almost reminds us of that passage in Revelation, chapter 5 where we were told that
“no man was found worthy to open or read the Book, neither to look thereon.”
Can you see yet how “relevant” all of this is? Can you not see the relationship of these
great Biblical truths to all of this twentieth century Fundamentalist hot air coming out of
Christian schools about “Ruckman” and “Ruckmanites”? Why, these passages are
unknown to every faculty member of Dallas Theological Seminary from Lewis S. Chafer
to Farstad. No one at Bob Jones from Dr. Brokenshire to Panosian ever discussed them.
Let’s see you figure THAT one out with the “verbal, plenary inspired Q-bert.”
Let’s try it with the AV (any edition will do just fine). Obviously the Bible is
composed of WORDS, but these words are “sealed” to an educated man who is trying to
preserve his image or income (see Isa. 29:13–16 in the context). These words are also
hidden from an unlearned man if he is trying to cover up some other sin than “image and
income” (see the same context). The author of this ignorance is the Lord Himself.

“For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed
your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered” (Isa. 29:10).

The passage is a perfect matchmate to Ezekiel 14:4–11 where the author of delusion is
the Lord again (as He is AGAIN in 2 Thess. 2:11). We have run smack into heart motives
again where they are involved with trying to understand the words of God. This blows out
the stack all talk about “scholarship” and “qualified authorities,” for neither scholarship
nor ignorance has anything to do with learning the words of God or understanding the
words of God. Neither education nor lack of education will equip any sinner (saved or
lost) to really understand the Book; and since this basic, fundamental, Biblical truth is
disbelieved by every seminary and university professor in the world (saved or lost), the
passages we have just looked at will remain as part of an “Unknown Bible” that is never
mentioned in any classroom on this earth.
The terrible truth is that “all the words” of God’s mouth are in “righteousness” (Prov.
8:8, ALL OF THEM) because His mouth speaks the truth (Prov. 8:7), and when He speaks
of “excellent things that are right things” (Prov. 8:6), these excellent, truthful and right
things are “ALL PLAIN TO HIM THAT UNDERSTANDETH” (Prov. 8:9). If they are
not plain to YOU it is because you do not understand, and if you do not understand then
certainly your problem (and the problem of the rascal who taught you) is a HEART
PROBLEM: it has nothing to do with Greek grammar, Hebrew sufformatives, older
manuscripts, transmission of texts, reliable versions, conflated readings, “intrinsic
probabilities,” “dynamic equivalents,” archaeological findings, cursives, or uncials.
The problem is a heart problem, exactly as it was a heart problem in the heart of every
Ph.D., B.D., D.D., M.A., Th.M. and L.L.D. on the revision committees of every English
“Bible” published since 1880.
Their education made them just as stupid as a fourth grade dropout.
The great, fundamental, basic, Biblical truth we have here states that God will make
the truth known and will make His words known to someone (Prov. 22: 19) in writing
(Prov. 22:20) so they can know the “CERTAINTY” of those words (Prov. 22:21). They
can be “kept” within a man (Prov. 22:18). They can be “fitted” to his lips (Prov. 22:18)
and with his lips he can “answer” with those “words of truth” (Prov.22:21) anyone who
sends to him for counseling or information about anything that God has revealed. Simon
Peter says simply:

“If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let
him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified
through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen” (1
Pet. 4:11).

And what shall we say to these things?
Well, all we can say is that the deadliest enemies of Biblical truth in America in the
Body of Christ since 1901—the men who have done more to destroy the faith of
Americans in the words of God than all infidels, Modernists, Catholics, Communists,
Atheists, and Humanists combined—have been the educated Conservative scholars and
WORDS OF GOD (note the plural: not the “Word”) WITH THE IDEA IN MIND OF
According to the public profession of these men in Isaiah, chapter 29, they cannot
understand the plain words of truth—the right words of wisdom and knowledge that are
absolutely certain. They say of the Bible: “I CANNOT READ IT FOR IT IS SEALED.”
It is only SEALED to people like them.
If the blind lead the blind, etc.
Let them speak for their own kind and testify to their own ignorance and agnosticism.
Let them bear witness that the Lord has “poured out upon them the spirit of deep sleep”
(see the text). God said that the prophets, rulers, and seers were “covered.” They have an
unknown Bible they cannot understand. They cannot read it because for them it is
“sealed.” May it not be sealed (or remain an “Unknown Book”) to those of you who have
better sense and more humility.
The Great Heretical

Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh
the rock in pieces? (Jeremiah 23:29)

For several pages now we have been reading Scriptural passages that point out a
terrible truth in regards to our generation; and this is the truth that among the highest
educated Christians in America in the twentieth century, much of the Bible is an unknown
Book. The ignorance is not confined to unsaved Liberals or secular students in state
The two verses we are about to look at are literally the “Black Death” for the saved
Fundamentalist who holds earned degrees. A silence comparable to Yankee Stadium at 4
A.M. descends upon Pacific Coast Bible College, Maranatha, GARBC, and Dallas
Theological Seminary when these two verses are produced. The verses again deal with the
first fundamental of the Christian faith. Since there isn’t one “fundamental” that a
“Fundamentalist” can believe in (that is so), that came from any other source than the
Scriptures, belief in the Scriptures is the “King Kong” of the fundamentals. After all,
nearly every system of pagan religions on this earth has counterfeits of the Trinity, the
Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, the New Birth, etc. (see the vast amount of documented
evidence in Hislop’s Two Babylons, 1959). Bob Jones Sr., (1883–1968) said many times:
“Whatever the Bible says is so.” He always gave that as the first grounds for
interdenominational cooperation among Christians; where Christians do not believe that
(“whatever the Bible says is SO”), THERE ARE NO GROUNDS FOR COOPERATION
“Convincing the suckers” is, today, in America, a full-time ministry.
Here are the two verses exactly as Bob Jones Sr., read them all of his life. They read
this way in any edition of the AV exactly as John Wesley and George Whitefield read them
and exactly as Spurgeon and Finney read them. Dwight L. Moody and J. Frank Norris
read them as you see them here.

“And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith,
preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be
blessed” (Gal. 3:8).

“For the Scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised
thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared
throughout all the earth” (Rom. 9:17).

Ignoring the “verbally inspired original autograph” hobbyhorse that the hobbyhorse
riders of Fundamentalism ride from morning till night, let us observe that these two verses
deal with the very first fundamental: what the Scriptures say. But these two verses are not
innocent, harmless, little verses like “thus saith the Lord” and the verses you often see
quoted in books trying to prove “the inerrancy of the Scriptures.” No, these verses commit
the “unpardonable sin” in the eyes of Truman Dollar, A. V. Henderson, Rodney Bell,
Farstad, James Price, Fred Afman, J. R. Faulkner, Zane Hodges, Myron Cedarholm, E. S.
English, and Walvoord. These verses give the credit for producing the WRITTEN
written Scriptures present!
Now how is it that a young man or young woman can go to four years of
undergraduate school at Pensacola Christian College, Baptist University of America, Santa
Rose Schools, or Liberty University and never have these verses explained to them?
1. They are New Testament verses.
2. They were written after the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
3. They were written to saved Gentiles in the Body of Christ.
4. They were written by the Apostle to the Gentiles.
5. They were found in books that deal with the two first fundamentals of New
How could any “good, godly, dedicated, reverent Biblicist” have overlooked these
verses while being paid to “teach the Bible”?
Well, the “pig in the poke” is not hard to find; in the first verse (Gal. 3) we are told
that “THE SCRIPTURE foreseeing that GOD would justify the heathen…”
Better do a “double take.” The verse presented the Scripture as a living person.
Now this is a “no no” in any school where the Ph.D.s and M.A.s are usurping the
authority of the Scriptures while professing to believe in them because they “use” them. If
you are a “Bible” teacher engaged in setting up your own opinions and preferences as the
final authority in the classroom instead of the Scriptures (while “using” the Scriptures to
make a living), you wouldn’t care for this verse. It smacks of “BIBLIOLATRY,” if we are
to believe the backslidden apostates at Dallas Theological Seminary. Furthermore, the
verse gets more violent as it proceeds, for it says, “THE SCRIPTURE…preached
before the gospel unto Abraham.”
Now what? This time the word “SCRIPTURE” was inserted instead of “God.” They
replaced Him. Read the verse again. If the faculties at Springfield, Arlington, Cedarville,
Watertown, Greenville, Chattanooga, and Dallas can’t get it in 400 readings, would you
get it in two readings?
You see, anyone who knows anything about the history of manuscript evidence,
textual criticism, higher criticism or Biblical theology knows that there are no Scriptures
around anywhere in Genesis, chapter 12 to “preach the gospel” to anyone. Moses did not
write Genesis, chapter 12 till well over 200 years after Abraham was DEAD.
There were no “Scriptures” to preach anything to Abraham.
How do you suppose Paul got so “screwed up” in “Bibliolatry” that he could make a
blunder like the one he made in Galatians 3:8? “Foreseeing” is the activity of a living
person; a piece of paper with ink on it cannot “foresee” anything. It may foretell or predict
or forecast something, but it certainly cannot “FORESEE.” That is an attribute of Deity
(see the article on “Do You Know the Lord?”).
Now don’t we have a “fine kettle of fish” (pickle, howdoyoudo, etc.) here? Here is a
verse of Scripture (not “God”) preaching something to Abraham when Abraham had no
piece of paper (papyrus, vellum, ostraka, leather, wood, or clay tablet) with ink on it to
preach ANYTHING to him (Observe: “The SCRIPTURE foreseeing what God….”). Why
didn’t Paul tell us the truth about it? It was GOD (not any “Scripture”) that preached to
Abraham in Genesis, chapters 12, 14, and 24, and in every other place.
Paul has unwittingly (and blasphemously, if we are to believe crackpots like Truman
Dollar and the men who taught him) ascribed to THE WRITTEN SCRIPTURES one of the
qualities of Deity and then has used the term “SCRIPTURE” (Gal. 3:8) as a substitute for
the real preacher: GOD HIMSELF (Gen. 12:1–4).
Paul was a bad boy!
Now the unholy blasphemy (if we follow the faculty and staff of Tennessee Temple)
of this heretical Ruckmanite continues as he evidently sets up a CULT of Bibliolators; for
not being content with Galatians 3:8, Paul writes these words in Romans 9:17.

“For the Scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised
thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared
throughout all the earth” (Rom. 9:17).

It said nothing of the kind.
There were no Scriptures around to say anything to Pharaoh. The words that Paul
cites were not even said to Pharaoh when they were spoken. The words that Paul cites
(“even for this same purpose have I raised thee up”) were not “said” by the Scriptures at
Any DVBS student knows that the quotation is from Exodus 9:16 and that the citation
began with “And the LORD said unto MOSES” (Exod. 19:13).
The Apostle to the Gentiles (who told Bible believers to follow HIM as a pattern: 1
Cor. 4:16 and 1 Tim. 1:16) is having a little trouble in distinguishing the difference
between GOD and the written words of the Bible.
You say, “Well, he is quoting Scriptures that by that time had already been written.”
Yes, but he didn’t say just “THE SCRIPTURE SAITH…” and he didn’t say “IT IS
WRITTEN IN THE SCRIPTURE…,” nor did he say: “The Scripture was fulfilled
You see, the antecedent in Romans 9:17 for “I” and “My” (God) is the Scripture, for
the Scripture is speaking in Romans 9:17 (“FOR THE SCRIPTURE SAITH UNTO
As a boy who was asked to give a book report on a book about polar bears said one
time in school: “This book tells me more about polar bears than I care to know.” Paul
holds the written Scriptures in too high esteem for the faculty members at Maranatha, Bob
Jones, and Tennessee Temple. He inserted the word “Scripture” for God twice in the New
Testament epistles, knowing what he was doing when he did it. Paul is driving in the “fast
lane” and the Fundamentalists in Laodicea cannot keep up with him.
Say! What does YOUR pastor and teacher have to say about such terrible “cultic
heresy”? Doesn’t the poor fool contract lockjaw at these places? I think so. He is so hung
up on his fear that “Bibliolatry” will cause some educated ass to make fun of him that he
would rather cut his throat (and yours to!) with a butcher knife than to take the ridicule
that is going to be heaped on Bible believers in the next ten years by the Soviet Catholic
State-Church of America. The two verses are an “Unknown Bible” to 50,000 saved
graduates of Conservative universities, colleges, and seminaries; those verses put the
written words of God on too high a plane for the conceited ASSES (and that is the proper
word no matter how much TV you have been watching) who desire to replace them with
lexicons, grammars, commentaries, versions, and “study helps.”
The “bottom line” is worse.
You see, when Paul quoted these words from Exodus and Genesis (in these two
passages cited), he didn’t have ONE “VERBAL, PLENARY, INSPIRED ORIGINAL
Paul has given credit to the Scriptures which he was reading at THAT time as being
powerful enough to be used instead of the word “GOD” in Romans 9:17and Galatians
There it is: choke on it.
When Paul used the word “Scripture” in 2 Timothy 3:16—the great “proof text” that
Donald Waite uses from coast to coast to prove that “Ruckmanism” is a heresy!—it was a
reference to Scriptures which Timothy had and read. (See 2 Tim. 3:15, which Donald
Waite has failed to see in the twenty years he has been “defending the Textus Receptus.”
Old foxes know how to cover their tracks.)
When the Ethiopian Eunuch had the “Scriptures” opened to him (Acts 8:35), he
certainly was NOT reading any “verbal, plenary, inspired, original Rosemary’s Baby.” The
idea of teaching that the Ethiopian eunuch had Isaiah’s “original autograph” in Acts 8:32!
The very idea! You talk about HERESY! The gall of these half-witted fanatics saying that
the word “SCRIPTURE” (2 Tim. 3:16) is only a reference to “original autographs”! Why
the nerve of some half-baked, fanatical upstarts! The eunuch was reading the Scriptures
It turns out that Paul’s “verbal, plenary, inspired originals” were nothing but
translations of copies of the originals of Genesis and Exodus. Since there is “no such thing
as an inspired translation” (to quote nearly EVERY PRESIDENT, FOUNDER, AND
citations in Galatians 3:8 and Romans 9:17 in the New Testament could not have been
inspired even in THEIR original form, for they were TRANSLATIONS.
There it is again: choke on it again.
The staff and faculty at BJU already have: God strangled their kind with it more than
370 years ago.
Getting to Know the Lord

And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe
not. (John 5:38)

In the preceding chapter we saw how Paul was guilty of “Bibliolatry” in the eyes of all
of the writers for Faith Magazine (Bob Jones University Press) and the Fundamentalist
Journal (Lynchburg, Virginia); and to those of us who believe the Book, this crisis should
amount to something akin to four pine needles falling off of a white pine somewhere in the
St. Regis forest south of Bay Minette. The institutions who call Bible believers
“Ruckmanites” would all agree that Paul was a vicious “Bibliolater” on the grounds of his
writings (Gal. 3 and Rom. 9), so we may dispense with the institutions without further
Now we come upon two more remarkable verses about which our institutionalized
“peers” are as quiet as a turkey farm on Thanksgiving afternoon.
In 1 Samuel 3:1 we find that “…The word of the Lord was precious in those days,”
and then we proceed to read in the same chapter (v. 7), “Now Samuel did not yet know
the Lord, neither was the word of the Lord yet revealed unto him.” This doesn’t end
matters. We read once more in the same chapter (v. 21), “And the Lord appeared again
in Shiloh: for the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the
Notice that in all three cases the Scriptures are talking about the Lord appearing to
someone and speaking something; here, in 1 Samuel, the words which the Lord speaks are
spoken by a visible “Theophany.” (“The word of the Lord was precious in those days;
there was NO OPEN VISION.”) Of these words which the LORD spoke to Samuel we
read, “And Samuel…did let NONE OF HIS WORDS fall to the ground.”
When these verses are placed together with other verses in 1 Samuel, no one but a
Greek or Hebrew teacher could fail to see the implications: the word of the Lord (1 Sam.
15:23) is the equivalent of the “COMMANDMENT of the Lord” (1 Sam. 15:24) and
this is called by Samuel “THE VOICE of the WORDS of the Lord” (1 Sam. 15:1).
Notice that when these verses are placed alongside each other, another Biblical truth
appears which is as deadly to Laodicean scholarship (Custer, Neal, Panosian, Wisdom,
Sumner, Dollar, Wuest, Zodhiates, Hort, Trench, Thayer, Berry, Metzger, Aland, and
Farstad) as “Moby Dick and the White Crocodile.”
What appears as the Biblical truth that lines up exactly with Hebrews 4:12, where the
antecedent of “HIM with whom we have to do” is “THE WORD OF GOD.” (“All things
are naked and open” to the “WORD OF GOD,” which is a discerner of man’s thoughts.)
These accidental comparisons of the written words (the “WORDS,” according to
Samuel) with God Himself causes bleeding duodenal ulcers and angina pectoris among
the faculty members of modern Conservative and Evangelical schools who fear ridicule
worse than sin, sickness, or death.
The verses lay bare three “naked truths” before our faces; and these truths are decreed
by the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Godhead, the very author of the words.
1. There can be a “famine in the land” where the words of God become “precious”
because they are unavailable (Amos 8:11).
2. When God reveals Himself to a man, He reveals Himself by the “word.” (We may
thank God that when the Thessalonians heard the word of God they received it “not as the
word of men” but as it was in truth, “the word of God,” 1 Thess. 2:13.)
3. Not only does God reveal Himself by His “word” (note the small “w,” not the
capital “W” for the Incarnate Christ in John 1:1–2) but His conversations are composed of
WORDS (1 Sam. 3:19); and, finally, notice that where a man does not “know the word of
the Lord,” he doesn’t know the LORD (1 Sam. 3:7). Knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ
is bound up inseparably with His “word” and His “words” (see Rom. 10:17 and John
All is so patently clear that no one could miss it but a Hebrew or Greek teacher whose
life ministry is getting rid of the words of God while pretending he is called to restore
Jesus said that:
1. The knowledge of His Deity and His Father’s Deity depended upon you receiving
His WORDS (John 17:8, not the “Word” of God).
2. “If a man love me he will keep my WORDS” (John 14:23, not the “Word” of
3. These words (not the “Word”) came from His Father (John 14:10).
4. Answers to prayer were found with those who kept these WORDS (John 15:7, not
the “Word” of God).
Does the man that taught you have those words? Does your preacher keep those
words? Since there isn’t one Fundamentalist, living or dead, who has ever seen ANY OF
THOSE WORDS—if those words are the “verbal, plenary inspired original autographs”
(see any “profession of faith” by any monkey)—why did God tell you to do something
you couldn’t do?
God reveals Himself to sinners today exactly as He did then where it comes to words.
I trust you can find His words and read them.
These words are UNKNOWN to every major scholar in America (saved or lost) of any
profession of faith (Neo-Evangelical, Liberal, Fundamentalist, or Catholic) if he thinks
they are the “original manuscripts,” for no such things exist.
Now would you like to be ignorant of 31,000 plus verses of Scripture?
Small wonder we call this book THE UNKNOWN BIBLE.
Do You Know the Lord?

Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not
known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest
thou then, Shew us the Father? (John 14:9)

The Holy Spirit has picked up the nasty habit through the centuries of “knocking the
screws loose,” so to speak, in the minds of college educated graduates who earn degrees in
postgraduate seminaries. As we have often said, “The Lord has a monkey wrench that will
fit any nut.” They mess with the Book so the Lord messes with their minds (see chapters
1–2). If you want to see the operation in progress, buy a copy of Custer’s Last Stand
(Pensacola Bible Institute Press, 1982) and observe what the head of the “Bible
Department” at Bob Jones University has to say about the personality of the Lord Jesus
Christ. This poor, misguided fool (with earned degrees) was teaching hundreds of young
men and women every year at BJU that the Lord Jesus Christ never spoke an unkind word
to anyone and that He was never harsh or sarcastic in His dealings with men. To come out
with a “Disneyworld” theology like that, BJU had to reject more than 500 verses in the
Old Testament and more than fifty in the New Testament. To Custer, these 550 verses
were an “Unknown Bible”; and like his superstitious Athenian ancestors (Acts 17), he
could no more handle sixth grade English in plain print where it dealt with God’s words
than he could handle a telephone book written in Coptic.
Now we all understand that “God was manifest in the flesh.” Furthermore, we have
the discourses of our Lord Jesus Christ recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, plus
the actions attending His ministry. Surely this is enough to give us a complete idea of His
character and personality. At least that is what is taught in every major Christian college in
But such a teaching nullifies some of the most valuable information in the word of
God about the opinions and attitudes of our Saviour where they express His innermost
personality. A person has a “personality,” and the Divine personality is no exception. This
personality (however documented in the New Testament) is absolutely incomplete without
the Old Testament passages where the Lord is talking about HIMSELF in the first person.
Jesus’ statements about Himself in the New Testament are largely confined to His
relation to the Father (see Matt. 11; John 5–7, 10, 14, 17). When He speaks of Himself, He
does identify Himself as the “Good Shepherd,” the “Bread of Live,” the “Water of
Life,” the “Way, the Truth, and the Life,” etc., and He does invite men to come to Him
in order to have access to God (Matt. 11:27). But He rarely ever gives out with a personal
opinion about Himself. It is true that He preaches at His congregations (see Matt. 5–7) and
against them (Matt. 23 and John 8); it is also true that He spends much time teaching them
many things (Matt. 13, 24; Mark 13; Luke 17, 21; etc.), but what is missing will be found
in Isaiah, chapters 40–48 where God speaks of Himself in the first person singular. Here
God’s real personality shines through: it is anti-Humanitarian, anti-Catholic, anti-Darwin,
anti-News Media, anti-Science, and anti-sympathetic. In short, Isaiah, chapters 40–48
picture such a ghastly portrait of Almighty God that the verses are simply erased from the
mind and memory of every Conservative, Evangelical, Charismatic, and Fundamentalist in
America who is trying to establish a good “image.”

“To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy one” (Isa.

The verse asks mankind a question. Why doesn’t some educated evolutionist attempt
to answer it? The question has been posted for more than 2,600 years.

“Produce your cause, saith the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the
King of Jacob” (Isa. 41:21).

Why are we constantly being told by philosophers, scientists, educators, and
newspaper journalists that religion and science are not in the same category since FAITH
is unreasonable (not rational) while science is reasonable? (See any set of books written
by anyone who followed Darwin, Huxley, Paley, Lyell, or Haeckel.) God Almighty openly
challenged these eggheads more than 400 years before Plato was born and He challenged
them to debate with Him in regards to REASONS.

“Let them bring them forth, and shew us what shall happen: let them shew the
former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of
them; or declare us things for to come. Shew the things that are to come hereafter,
that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be
dismayed, and behold it together” (Isa. 41:22–23).

You see, when God calls forth all of these Atheists, Agnostics, Fascists, Humanists,
“Third Worlders,” popes, Communists, Catholics, Evolutionists, and Socialists (same
crew: different names) to produce their “causes” and “reasons,” He Himself set up the
criteria for judging the “reasonableness” of their reasons. He gets no takers. He never will,
for the criteria which He set up is the ABILITY TO PREDICT. The Apostle John was told
that, “The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of PROPHECY” (Rev. 19:10).
Notice the ridicule and sarcasm that are part of God’s “personality.”

“Do GOOD, or do EVIL, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.
Behold, ye are of NOTHING, and your work of NOUGHT: an ABOMINATION is he
that chooseth you” (Isa. 41:23–24).

You never have heard that preached on PTL.
You have never heard that brought up at an Ecumenical Council.
You have never heard any pope discuss it and you never will.
That is God Almighty telling mankind to “do right or wrong,” it doesn’t make any
difference to Him! He couldn’t “care less.”
You see, there are things about God’s innermost personality that educated
Fundamentalists know nothing about at all, and don’t dare to even talk about.
Verse 23 is sarcasm as vicious and venomous as you ever saw it published in any anti-
Semitic literature published by Julius Streicher (1930–1940). You are not going to
“dismay” the Trinity no matter what you do; and if you can’t predict the future (v. 22), you
are not really “scientific,’’ for pinpoint predictions, given 800 years ahead of time, deal
with mathematical probabilities. Psychology, Sociology, Humanism, and Philosophy are
not scientifically precise: Mathematics and Bible prediction ARE: THAT IS GOD’S
For example, the chances of forty-eight prophecies on Jesus Christ’s First Coming
being fulfilled (as all of them were) is about one out of ten to the 147th power. We all
know that there are not that many electrons in the known universe. There are not that
many electrons in three universes the size of ours. After performing this mathematical
impossibility where the odds are beyond the realm of computers or any “probability,” the
Lord gives man a mathematical estimate of his own worth in DIGITS.

Two zeros. Two blanks. No wonder David said, “What is man, that thou art mindful
of him?” (Psa. 8:4).
There isn’t one professor of geology, biology, chemistry, or botany in a state university
who ever faced that verse and dealt honestly with it. As a matter of fact, such verses are
completely unknown to the editors of 500 daily newspapers, the UN, the CFR,
400,000,000 Roman Catholics, both houses of Congress, the NAACP, the HRS, the
College of Cardinals, the American Medical Association, the IRS, the NEA and every
District Court Judge in America.
Ignorance of Isaiah, chapters 40–48 is universal.

“Thus saith God the Lord, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out;
he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath
unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein:” (Isa. 42:5).

Here God takes credit for creating the heavens (without a “big bang”); and then He
takes credit for creating the earth (and in the New Testament the Lord Jesus gives His
assent to this claim: Mark 13:19); and then He takes credit for making everything that
grows out of the ground; and finally He takes credit to Himself for giving life to every
man on this planet (look at the verse). And just as quickly as any little flop-eared
“religious writer” for the “religious news service” of the Gannet string sticks his little
monkey nose into the press with: “Evolution adds flesh and bones to the account of
Genesis creationism” (and similar collegiate gasbags), the Lord says: “I am the Lord and
MY GLORY WILL I NOT GIVE TO ANOTHER.” Mother Nature and Darwin don’t
get any credits: they flunk the course.
God’s criteria for evaluating how smart a man is and how much he actually knows is
prediction; predictability, according to the statistical laws of probability as laid down by
mathematics (Isa. 41:21–23). No sooner does God take credit for everything that man
attributed to blind accidental force (see any book written by any evolutionist in the last
200 years) than He throws PREDICTION into the face of the educated evolutionists and
humanitarians who deny His boasting: “Behold, the former things are COME TO
PASS, and NEW THINGS do I declare: before they spring forth I TELL YOU OF
THEM” (Isa. 42:9).
Now how is it that all of the intelligentsia have failed to “pick up the gauntlet” in
regards to these matters? Here is the Challenger; here is the challenge. Where are the
“taker oners”? If these educated apes have such a high regard for their “big bang” theory
and their religious faith in “puddle to paradise”—if they are so excruciatingly “scientific”
with their little money machines (computers) designed to rob people of income—and if
they think the Biblical account of creation in Genesis is non-scientific (as District Court
Judges in America do, plus all the Greek philosophers who died before the birth of Pontius
Pilate), why don’t they all just enter the field of MATHEMATICS, like the BIBLE does,
and compete with the BIBLE?
Little cold feet there, sonny?
Mathematics is just a little too “objective” is it, sonny?
You would rather stick to sociology and philosophy would you, sonny?
Wipe the sweat off your brow, sonny.
WAS BORN and there is not yet (2,600 years later) one Humanist (living or dead), not one
psychiatrist (living or dead), not one scientist engaged in manipulating DNA, RNA, amino
acids, and “ribosomes” (living or dead); nor one philosopher (living or dead) who has
attempted to answer the challenge. There wasn’t any in 700 B.C. or 600 B.C. or 500 B.C.
or 400 B.C.; nor was there any in A.D. 200 or A.D. 500 or A.D. 1000 or A.D. 1200 or
A.D. 1500 or any other B. C. or A.D.

“Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that
ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no
God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me
there is no saviour. I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there
was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, that I
am God. Yea, before the day was I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of
my hand: I will work, and who shall let it?” (Isa. 43:10–13).

Notice how this facet of God’s personality is rarely found in the New Testament.
Christ is very careful and mild spoken in His presentation of Himself as Deity in most
cases; but there is no self-effacement; there is no pious humility; there is no attempt to be
“humble.” It comes on like a tidal wave.

“I, even I, am the Lord; and BESIDE ME there is no saviour. There is no God else
beside ME…I am God, and there is none else…Is there a God beside ME? Yea, there
is no God; I KNOW NOT ANY!” (Isa. 43:11, 45:21–22, 44:8).

My, my, my, what a way to talk! But you will not stop the personality of God from
revealing itself in His own Book:

“I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee,
though thou hast not known me:” (Isa. 45:5).

“See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make
alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. For I
lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever” (Deut. 32:39–40).

Here is nothing as mild as “No man knoweth the Father, etc.” or “No man cometh to
the Father…etc.” Here we find:

“For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the
earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be
inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else” (Isa. 45: 18).

“Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath
declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the
Lord? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none
beside me. Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God,
and there is none else” (Isa. 45:21–22).

“Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am
God, and there is none like me” (Isa. 46:9).

Again the appeal (regarding His statements about Himself as absolute Truth and
absolute Holiness: absolute GOD) is made to PREDICTABILITY:

“And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places,
that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of
Israel…I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded
thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the
sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none
else” (Isa. 45:3, 5–6).

Why is there such a silence from Madalyn Murray O’Hair and the National
Association for the Advancement of Science? Where is the Civil Liberties Union and the
Catholic Anti-Defamation League? What happened to those 15,000 Humanists in the
National Education Association who were trying to shut down every Christian school in
America? Cat got your tongue, children?
Nothing to predict, eh kiddies?
Kinda stupid aren’t you, kiddies?
The Bible predicts 500 events that haven’t taken place yet, and it gives the names,
places, and localities for eighty percent of them (see Isa. 40, 45, 65–66; Joel 2; Zeph. 3;
Hosea 3; Amos 9; Matt. 24; Luke 17; Rev. 13, 19–22, etc.).
Got lockjaw do you, kiddies?
Here is ink on paper where someone professes to be speaking and this someone brags
about HIMSELF as the only True, Just, and Supreme Being in the universe; and having
taken credit for having made it (and having taken credit for making the very people on it
who don’t believe Him!), He then challenges these people to step into the ring with Him to
try to prove that He is a liar. He challenges these people to bring forth reasons and causes
(Isa. 41:22) for their position. He tells them simply, “If you want to prove that I don’t
know what I’m talking about and you do,” then:

“Let them bring them forth, and shew us what shall happen: let them shew the
former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of
them; or declare us things for to come. Shew the things that are to come hereafter,
that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be
dismayed, and behold it together” (Isa. 41:22–23).

They can’t do it.
Neither can you.
Neither could the Fabian Society, the Esalen Institute, the National Council of
Churches, the Vatican Hierarchy, the UN, the pope, the Communist party, Bertrand
Russell, the Eupsychian Network, SIECUS, William Glasser, Abraham Maslow,
Mohammed, Gandhi, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time, Life, and
Newsweek, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Chicago Tribune, Orwell, Mother Shipton,
Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, or Jean Dixon.
No one on this earth can tell you the details of the next 1000 years apart from the
written words of the One who said,

TOLD IT FROM THAT TIME? HAVE NOT I THE LORD? and there is no God else
beside ME; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside ME. Look unto ME, and
be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I AM GOD, and there is none else” (Isa.

What is revealed to us here (with God speaking in the first person about Himself) is
God “bragging” about His own Power, Authority, and Knowledge (just like any scholar on
a revision committee!). No one is speaking for Him or testifying about Him. These are
personal statements which the Lord made about Himself. They constitute an “Unknown
Bible” to over 4,000,000,000 people.
The educated fools who pose as leaders for these masses and who read such verses are
helpless to refute them or to confound them, for the test of their own credibility cannot lie
in “Biblical criticism” or in “historical reconstruction of the myth” or in “the Theistic
philosophy of Deutero-Isaiah” or in trying to find “contradictions in the Bible.” Their
credibility lay in their being able to predict over 500 items in detail before they showed up;
and these 500 items must be predicted by more than twenty different individuals between
400–3000 years before they show up. Furthermore, they must be fulfilled “to the letter”
when they do show up.
The Bible does not hesitate to “stick its neck out” in these matters. It boldly declares
500 details of future history that had not taken place yet in 1900, and at least 490 of these
details are still in the future. The chances of 500 detailed prophecies being fulfilled to the
letter more than 2,000 years after they are predicted is more than one out of ten to the
800th power. Look at it this way, if some depraved idiot invented and built a master
computer that could think, figure, talk, analyze, expound, and store facts at the rate of
900,000,000,000 per second, he couldn’t even get in the same league with the Bible, let
alone in the same ball park. Some rinky-dink erector set computer that can only store
900,000,000,000 facts a second could not win, place or show alongside a Bible, for it
would take such an Afro-construction (there is another term that is more widely used)
more than 900,000,
000,000,000,000,000,000,000, years to work out the information involved in 500
prophecies that all come to pass. That is, it would take it more than
900,000,000,000,000,000,000 years working at the rate of 900,000,000,000 a SECOND.
“Science?” Don’t make us laugh. We have the only textbook on real “science” that has
ever been written. Go stick your computer in your left ear.
This breaks up all the IBM computers in the software shop. The computer chips fly
away with the fools who invented them. The passages in Isaiah are not only unanswered:
they are unknown, for they don’t deal with “sharing God’s love” or “letting Christ come
into your life” or “helping your fellow man.” No mention is made in them of how to bring
in “peace on earth” or how to “settle the near East question” or how to “combat double-
digit inflation” or how to “cope with married life.”
The verses deal with the educated ignorance and stupid infidelity of twentieth century
Humanists who worship evolution and think they are smarter than God. For 2,600 years
God has given them a standing offer to prove their intelligence; their batting average for
the ball game was .0000 every time they got up to the plate. The Lord batted 1000 on the
First Advent predictions, manifesting a miracle of mathematics (1 out of 10 to the 146th
power) and He is about to bat 1000 on the Second Advent predictions (1 out of 10 to the
850th power). The CFR, Illuminati, Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, Federal Reserve Bank,
the NCC, and the Catholic church will slow Him down about the way a pile of ants would
slow down a DC-lO jet going from San Francisco to Honolulu.
How a Young Student
Tore Up a Seminary Classroom

And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never
learned? (John 7: 15)

Anyone who spends a great deal of time reading the Scripture for the simple pleasure
of enjoying it and being interested in what it says will soon be struck by the “credibility
gap” he finds between what he is reading and what he has been taught by nearly any
teacher in the secular or sacred world. The Bible is still a shocker. Since much of it attacks
the sins of educated Christians, it is still an “Unknown Book” on many Fundamentalist
college campuses. Some of these verses fall under the heading of exposing the foolishness
of higher education (1 Cor. 1–2); some are designed to expose the sins of Bible revisors (2
Cor. 2:17); some directly attack the decisions of the Federal Court Judges in America (1
Tim. 6); some run directly contrary to all established “public policy” as determined by the
American news media (Eph. 5 and Rom. 1); some ridicule and make fun of various faiths
and religions (Matt. 23 and 1 Kings 18); some reveal God as sarcastic and vindictive (Isa.
40–48) as well as loving and merciful; some overthrow “historic Fundamentalist
positions” (Heb. 4, 6, 10); and others simply attack anyone in sight who puts too much
weight on science, philosophy, psychiatry or higher education (1 Cor. 2; Col. 2; 1 Tim. 6).
These verses make up what we call the “Unknown Bible.” They are “verboten” in
colleges (secular or sacred), and when a commentator happens to land on one of them in
writing a commentary, he sluffs them off as quickly as possible and makes no
contemporary application to anyone in his day or time. The verses are actually POISON in
the minds of educated Christian teachers and professors, although they are just as pure
(Prov. 30:5) in the mind of God as any verse in the Bible (Luke 4:4). We continue here
with our study on these verses that compose the “Unknown Bible.”
The first two of these verses are found in Psalm 119:99–100.

“I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my
meditation. I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts” (Psa.

Here are prime examples of Bible truths that are not discussed in classrooms. What
teacher with “degrees” (Psa. 62:9—which is completely missing in Young’s Concordance,
although Young had no trouble in finding 500,000 other words!) would tolerate such an
attitude in a classroom of ministerial students?
David, or whoever it is, professes to be smarter than his teachers. A man says, “Well,
the reference is to Christ.” Well, it is not a reference to Christ here:

“I said, Days should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom. But
there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them
understanding. Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand
judgment” (Job 32:7–9).

A “Fundamentalist professor” says, “But the writer of Psalm 119:99–100 says that he
kept God’s precepts and we know that Christ did this, but David didn’t, therefore, it
couldn’t have been David.” Well, tell us something, didn’t David write, “Let the words of
my mouth, and the MEDITATION OF MY HEART, be acceptable in thy sight…?”
(Psa. 19:14). Do our eyes deceive us or did he write, “I will set no wicked thing before
mine eyes” (Psa. 101:3)? The writer of Psalm 119 had to pray for God to “open” his eyes
(vs. 18) after he went “ASTRAY” (vs. 67), and he confessed that he was “AFRAID of
God’s judgments” (vs. 120) because he had gone “astray LIKE A LOST SHEEP” (vs.
Our Fundamentalist professor is not very attentive to the Book.
David professes to be smarter than the “ancients” (Rosicrucians, the “Hidden Wisdom
of Tibet,” the “Secret of the Himalayas,” etc.). What an egotistical profession of faith!
Anyone writing for Faith Magazine (Bob Jones University) would have called him a
“Ruckmanite” on sight.
Let us dig a little deeper.

“For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it
pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe” (1 Cor. 1:21).

Look at it again; it hasn’t been discussed in any classroom anywhere. Not even where
1 Corinthians is being taught. The verse said that the means which the world adopted in
order to get around knowing God was WISDOM (Gen. 3:1–6). WISDOM was the alibi
used by mankind to damn themselves. Observe:

“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were
thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was
darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Rom. 1:21–22).

What does God say to these “wise” men?

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh
the wise in their own craftiness. And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the
wise, that they are vain” (1 Cor. 3:19–20).

What should a man do who thinks that he is wise?

“Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this
world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise” (1 Cor. 3:18).

If he refuses to do this, how can anyone spot him every time for what he is?

“For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and
by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple” (Rom. 16:18).

This was the speech that the Apostle Paul avoided like the plague, for he confessed:

“And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of
wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God” (1 Cor. 2–1).

Naturally Paul’s enemies marked him out as a rude man (see 2 Cor. 10:10, 11:16)
whose speech was “CONTEMPTIBLE.”
Now where will a young minister obtain a “Bible course” that takes up a study and a
discussion of such passages? A man says, “They are nonessential and deal with a
hobbyhorse.” Well, that is how any two-faced, lying hypocrite would handle the material
if he were interested in putting you under bondage to his EDUCATION and in limiting
your knowledge of his ignorance. The passages we are about to read describe the main
teaching of both Testaments as they are related to learning Biblical Truth.

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be
ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15).

Do you see the verse? You had better stare at it awhile because it has vanished from
every copy of every English version translated since 1800. The so-called “New KJV” has
altered the verse exactly as every Liberal in the NCC altered it in the RSV of 1953.
“Hobbyhorse” is it? Then why did the last forty-five English versions of the Bible printed
since 1700 CHANGE THE VERSE? They didn’t consider our subject to be a
“hobbyhorse.” They considered it to be a potent and viable THREAT to Christian

“In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and
hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight”
(Luke 10:21).

If great truths are hidden from the “wise and prudent,” wouldn’t it be better to be
“weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts” (Isa. 28:9) instead of “sitting at the
feet of great giants of the faith” who “boldly stand for the historic fundamentals” and
contend with “unquestioned loyalty for the plenary, verbal, inspiration of the original
Yankee Doodles”?

“Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth
with all wisdom. A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may
discover itself” (Prov. 18:1–2).

(I pulled those verses on a graduate seminary class at Bob Jones University [1962] and
“the place like to have felled apart.” The teacher was Dr. Barton Payne of the NKJV
committee. Look at the verses; you’d better look at them; THEY DON’T EXIST IN ANY
When Hindson, Dobson, Afman, Custer, Neal, Price, Martin, Faulkner, Farstad,
Metzger, Newman, MacRae, Panosian, Fink, Wisdom, and company hit Proverbs 18:1–2,
they backed off like a covey of quail before a diamondback rattler. The verses said that
heart motive determines a scholar’s researches into “wisdom” so that he can easily be
“Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Tim. 3:7).

“Who is as the wise man? and who knoweth the interpretation of a thing? a man’s
wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed” (Eccl.

“And they said unto him, We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter
of it. And Joseph said unto them, Do not interpretations belong to God? tell me them,
I pray you” (Gen. 40:8).

“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private
interpretation” (2 Pet. 1:20).

“Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the
Scriptures” (Luke 24:45).

“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for
he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and
he will shew you things to come” (John 16:13).

These verses explain why the preceding verses (Psa. 119:99–100) are an “Unknown
Bible” at GARBC, Maranatha, Rodney Bell’s school, Dayton Hobbs’ school, and Arlin
Horton’s school, exactly as they are unknown at Harvard, Yale, Tubingen, Oxford,
Columbia, and Berkeley.
1. Correct interpretation of the Bible doesn’t lie with ANY scholar.
2. Correct interpretation doesn’t reside in any church.
3. Correct interpretation doesn’t reside in any Hebrew or Greek manuscripts.
4. Correct interpretation doesn’t reside in knowledge of Hebrew or Greek.
5. Correct interpretation doesn’t reside in church hierarchy.
6. Correct interpretation doesn’t reside in any group of godly Fundamentalists who go
around shooting off their hypocritical mouths about “separation” and “Neo-
(See our chapter on “Educated Ignorance vs. Uneducated Ignorance.”)
Observe that the passage in 2 Peter 1:19–20 has also been altered in the ASV, NASV,
RSV, NIV, NRSV, NEB, TEV, and all the rest. The NKJV has retained the correct reading in
the body of their text but they have indicated in their footnote that the corrupt reading of
the RSV and NRSV and ASV and NASV is “reliable” (Hindson, Dobson, Hutson, Nelson,
and Henderson all wanted to impress someone with their ignorance; they did a good job of
Now old “Hermes” was the Greek god of “Hermeneutics.” He was the “Mercury” of
Acts 14:12 who was the “chief speaker” to help you “understand the originals better.” The
thinking of these deluded oafs was clear; they believed that a knowledge of languages
could equip a puffed-up egotist to interpret the Book which the Holy Spirit wrote and
preserved, apart from the Holy Spirit who wrote and preserved it (see 1 Cor. 2:4–12).
Some of these “Fundamentalists” talk about the Holy Spirit in a doctrinal or theological
sense, but when it comes to believing that they have His words before their faces, they no
more believe THAT than they believe that A. T. Robertson was unfit to teach a DVBS.
David “had aholt of somethin,” as they say “down home” (see Psa. 119:99–100). Why
don’t we take his own profession for his secret?

“The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and his word was in my tongue” (2 Sam.

Higher education is not the key to learning the Bible (see “Unlearned Ignorance vs.
Learned Ignorance”). It never has been and it never will be.
Higher education may equip the learned to appear to be more enlightened or more
spiritual or wiser, but it will solve nothing in regards to the understanding of spiritual
things (1 Cor. 2:13). In many cases—take Mauro, S. C. Jackson, Walvoord, Wuest, Driver,
Robertson, Cedarholm, Wilson, Machen, et al.—it will prove to be a positive
HINDRANCE. Higher education, in the main, is a business like cosmetics, cars, sex,
sports, drugs, newspapers, or TV. Paul got all of his education before he was saved and he
went to no school of “higher learning” after he was saved. Peter, James, John, and Andrew
never fooled with higher education before or after their conversions; they went down in
history as “UNLEARNED AND IGNORANT MEN” (Acts 4). They knew the Lord Jesus
Christ at least ten times better than any head of any “Bible” department of any university
in Europe or America.
Now we are not going to “knock” Christian education, per se. Many a crude, rude,
rough, and unlettered man needs help in reading, writing, and “rithmetic.” Learning some
manners and social graces would also help in regards to “opening doors” and in “getting
along with the brethren,” but when it comes to a higher scholarship that sits in judgment
on the “Unknown Bible” (see above), a young man needs that like he needs a hole in the
The AV (any edition will do just fine) is perfectly capable of criticizing, judging, and
correcting the board of editors of every version printed since 1800, including the faked
“NKJV.” The man who meditates on the AV Holy Bible (Psa. 119:99) and keeps its
precepts (Psa. 119:100) will certainly come to know a great deal more about God and
Biblical truth than Philip Schaff, Frank Delitzsch, J. Gresham Machen, Spiros Zodhiates,
Hort, Aland, Metzger, Kenyon, Trench, Thayer, or any other Bible-rejecting apostate who
believes in the “fundamentals.”
The “Unknown Bible” has spoken:

“Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand
doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.” (Isa.

Let the ignorant professors be ignorant still: it becomes them.

A Flood of Ignorance

But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof, and
darkness shall pursue his enemies. (Nahum 1:8)

Wretched, miserable, saved sinners (Fundamentalists foremost) have been attacking
the words of God for about 100 years now and they have, quite naturally, passed their
ignorance on from one school to another via the faculty members. If you read our article in
the Bible Believers’ Bulletin on “The Germans Had a Word For It,” you have the heart of
the matter exactly. These overgrown babies are more afraid of ridicule than they are of sin,
disease, death, or hell. They ape each other so that their own kind will think they are
intelligent; that is all there is to it, and that is all there ever has been to it since John 7:48.
We brought this out very clearly in the famous fairy story about The King’s New Clothes.
Here we have what I used to call when I was a boy a “Beaut” or a “Duzzey”—the latter
expression referring to a Dusenberg car, which was THE Germany luxury car of the early

“For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were
of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world
that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:” (2 Pet. 3:5–6).

Now, to what does this refer?
In view of the fact that all apostate Fundamentalists have taken the time and trouble to
change the last two verses in 2 Peter, chapter 1, one could hardly say that the Second
Epistle of Simon Peter is of no consequence. After all, when the “leading scholars” (those
who profess to believe in the “plenary, inerrant, verbally inspired, Cotton Patch dolls”)
will take time out to alter a verse so that it will prove their own private interpretations and
theories (2 Pet. 1:20), we should certainly give the Book in which these changes occur
some careful attention. And since 2 Peter, chapter 2 turns out to be the greatest chapter in
the New Testament on false prophets in the last days, we can hardly afford to breeze by 2
Peter, chapter 3.

“For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were
of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world
that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:” (2 Pet. 3:5–6).

No. 1. Someone is stupid.
No. 2. Someone is willingly stupid.
No. 3. A world was standing in and out of water.
No. 4. That world overflowed with water and perished.
Now who could get a message so simple all muddled up?
Answer: every major fundamental Bible scholar and teacher in the United States,
without one exception.
If you were to ask Henry Morris what the verses refer to, he would say Noah’s flood:
ditto Harry Rimmer, Clarence Larkin, J. Vernon McGee, Swindle, MacArthur, Bob Jones,
III, and any others. He would tell you that 2 Peter 3:5–6 is a reference to Noah’s flood just
as blandly as a Jesuit priest would tell you that the proof text for
Peter being in Rome is Acts 12:17. (No, I mean REALLY. That is the Roman Catholic
proof text [Acts 12:17] for Peter going to Rome. We are not speaking with “tongue in
cheek” but rather we are speaking with “foot in mouth.”)
Now observe; the “world” spoken of in verse 6 (“earth” in vs. 5) was “standing in
and out of the water” in the “BEGINNING” (2 Pet. 3:4). When was the “beginning”? In
the days of Noah? If this was the earth that “being overflowed with water, perished” (2
Pet. 3:6), it was the earth that “THEN WAS.” But the earth that “then was” in the
“beginning” was the one in Genesis 1:1.
Does the Scofield Board of Editors believe this? Of course not. Read the Scofield
notes in either edition.
Those editors knew that something happened to that earth of Genesis 1:1; and
although they got this material from Pember and others, they still had enough sense to
know that there was no such thing as a “Gap Theory.” There never was any “theory” about
it. Simon Peter settled the matter once and for all in his New Testament epistle. At schools
like Bob Jones University, it is fashionable for egotistical stuffed shirts, who fancy they
are “peers,” to put out syllabuses on “The Gap Theory” and then to give the “pros and
cons” for the “theory.” In their everlasting effort (which they never give up on and on
which they never slacken the pace) to convince young men and women that the final
authority is the interpretation of fundamental scholars (and that you cannot interpret
without a knowledge of Hebrew and Greek), these hyperventilated, bloated, sanctimonious
megalomaniacs bombard the student with “tohu,” “bohu,” “boohoo,” “who be you,” and
“kerflooey” to make him think that HEBREW has something to do with it. (See any article
written by the apostate Fundamentalist Harold Willmington in any issue of the
Fundamentalist Journal for this operation. Every article is to make you think that Hebrew
or Greek has something to do with the correct understanding of a passage; not any passage
that Willmington ever wrote on in the last twenty years.)
The “original Hebrew” had nothing to do with Genesis 1:1–3 at all.
It only muddied the issue.
Hebrew is of no help at all in understanding the passage; and if “by their fruits we
shall know them,” we may say that any man who would correct the English text here with
any Hebrew is simply a man who is trying to get rid of the NEW TESTAMENT. The New
Testament states that the earth of Genesis l :1 was drowned out by a flood of water in
Genesis 1:2.
If there was the slightest doubt about it in the minds of these naive simpletons who
believe in “plenary, verbally inspired, original autographs,” all doubt would have been
erased if they had read Genesis, chapter 1. For there we are told that the “SPIRIT OF
The original creation of Genesis 1:1 was destroyed by a flood of water in Genesis 1:2.
Now you are entitled to your own opinion; but opinions to the contrary are not to be
classified as “scholarly guesses” regarding theories. They come under the heading of
babies crying in the crib because they have contracted diaper rash.
Your peers who taught you were dumber than you are.
No fourth grade child with a “lick of sense” (who can read English) would take Henry
Morris, Harry Rimmer, or Clarence Larkin seriously for three and one-half seconds of 2
Peter 3:3–6; not “on your tintype.”
Noah’s flood was found nowhere in the chapter.
1. There was an earth that “THEN WAS” (read the chapter).
2. There is the earth that “NOW IS” (read the chapter).
3. There is a new earth that “SHALL BE” (read the chapter).
There is nothing like reading a King James Bible (any edition except a fake “New”
KJV) to clear up the Hebrew and Greek department of a Fundamentalist college or
Now we can understand why the word “replenish” was taken out of 900,000,000
copies of the AV 1611 (1611–1982) by forty-five English “versions.”
Hebrew scholarship had nothing to do with the removal of the word “replenish” from
Genesis 1:28 and Genesis 9:1 (see ASV, NKJV, RSV, etc.).
You see, the word “replenish” was taken out of the those passages by the New
Scofield Board of Editors and the “Old Time Gospel Hour” (Lynchburg, VA) because they
never found the truth in their own language clearly recorded in BOTH Testaments.
“Hebrew scholarship” had nothing to do with it.
These changes were to confuse and muddle the living words of the living God by
people who thought they were smart enough to correct the God-given English text with the
‘original Hebrew,” after publicly demonstrating to God their Father (they all professed to
be saved) that they could not be trusted in the simplest matters of theology in their own
language. Having demonstrated to God the Holy Spirit and to the Body of Christ—in their
reading of 2 Peter 2:3—that they were inept, incompetent, disqualified NOVICES when
handling the words of God, they took the word “REPLENISH” out of Genesis 1:28 so you
would not know that there was someone on this earth in Genesis 1:2 who got drowned in a
flood: and it certainly wasn’t Noah’s generation!
We will not take time in this article to go into all the details of these matters; suffice it
to say that the pre-Adamic earth was not populated with human beings like Adam, but
they were “Sons of God” and were called “gods” (Psa. 82). That they were here before
Genesis 1:3–7 is so apparent that no “theories” could possibly arise, for they were present
in Genesis 1:1 on eternity’s “morning” to praise God (see Job 38:1–6).
Second Peter 3:3–6 will ever remain a part of that great “Unknown Bible” which is
purposely hidden and covered up by apostate Fundamentalists who wish to preserve their
own authority and integrity at the expense of the authority and integrity of the Holy Bible
and the God who wrote it.
They will keep you in the dark as long as they can to keep control over you, and if
they cannot occupy your mind with hot air about “verbally, inspired originals,” they will
occupy it with gas about “separation” or “Neo-Evangelicalism”: of which neither issue
amounts to a hill of sand along-side destroying the Bible through ignorance.
The Infighting

Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.
They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.” (Psalm

It is not startling at all to find native Greek-speaking Greeks who cannot find a
bowling ball in a bathtub where it comes to expositing any Greek text of Matthew, Acts,
Hebrews, or James using Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. By the same token, it
is not in the least shocking to find men like Robert Dick Wilson—who could read twenty-
six different languages—unable to expound the simplest truths taught in DVBS to young
people in country Baptist churches. A. T. Robertson’s knowledge of Greek grammar was
his undoing; it made him innately stupid when dealing with Biblical truth. This is usually
the rule, not the exception.
Now here we have a verse in Isaiah 50:8 which could hardly be called a
“nonessential.” (Or, to quote the apostates at Bob Jones University, “a hobbyhorse.” The
faculty and staff of BJU have been riding the hobbyhorse of “plenary, verbal inspiration of
original autographs” for so long they wouldn’t know a hobbyhorse from a sawhorse.) The
passage deals with the sufferings of Jesus Christ before the Crucifixion.

“He is near that justifieth me; who will contend with me? Let us stand together:
who is mine adversary? Let him come near to me” (Isa. 50:8).

There can be no doubt about the application of our text if a man reads verses 4 and 5
in the context. Furthermore, the statement that “Therefore have I set my face like a flint”
would give away the passage if nothing else did. Again, the man who is going through the
trouble in verse 6 is said to be the “Lord’s servant” (Isa. 50:10). There is no doubt about
the context at all. Christ gave His back “to the smiters,” and He gave His “cheek to them
that plucked off the hair” and to those that spit on His face (Isa. 50:6). These verses are
well-known, but when a scholar gets to verse 8, he usually decides that it is time to talk
about something else. The problem lies in these words, “WHO IS MINE
ADVERSARY? LET HIM COME NEAR UNTO ME.” As the verse stands, the Lord
Jesus Christ is challenging somebody to come in close to Him: He wants this person to
identify himself (“Who is mine adversary?”). In addition to this, He is wanting to stand
side by side with that person at the Judgment where both of them can be seen and heard
and compared. If His adversary attempts to condemn Him, “the Lord GOD will help him.”
All of this is perfectly understandable, but when one joins these verses to the context
(vss. 5–6) a whole new “area” or “dimension” (two hackneyed newspaper cliches) opens
up, for we are reading here that during the exact moments that Jesus Christ sat bound,
surrounded by the Praetorium guardsmen and servants of the Roman soldiers (John 19:1–3
and Mark 15:15–20), He was doing the challenging, not them. Challenging WHO? Well, it
can be no one but the “Prince” (John 14:30, 16:11). Jesus Christ is challenging Satan to a
“one-on-one confrontation” (a hackneyed news media cliché). He is not merely “stepping
into the ring,” but He is in the ring challenging His opponent to get into the ring with Him.
He is doing the most dangerous thing that any human being on this earth could do if the
Bible picture of Satan (see Job 1–2) is correct.
The proof of this thing going on will be found in the New Testament. We read here
(Col. 2:15) that when Jesus Christ completed the Atonement that he “spoiled principalities
and powers.” These principalities and powers which are referred to in Colossians (and in
Eph. 6) have nothing to do with kings, presidents, mayors, governors, or “tetrarchs,” for
their dwelling places are not on this earth:

“And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish the host of the
high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth” (Isa. 24:21).

Observe that where ninety percent of the Bible teachers teach that the high ones “on
high” are governors, kings, etc., the Holy Bible clearly delineates between the “high ones
that are on HIGH” and the kings that are “UPON THE EARTH” (Isa. 24:21).
Now why is there such a silence about these passages? Where are all of these
Fundamentalists who believe that the Blood Atonement is one of the fundamentals of the
faith? Do they get a little “leery” when they approach passages that deal with SATAN?
(Don’t answer that question! When Henderson, Dollar, Price, Farstad, Willmington,
Hindson, and Dobson got to Job, chapter 41—a whole chapter dealing with Satan—they
What is involved in Isaiah 50:8 is this:

“And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord,
and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. And the Lord said unto Satan,
The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan; even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke
thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?” (Zech. 3:1–2).

In this contest you will notice that the Lord refers Satan to the “Lord,” exactly as
Michael the Archangel referred Satan to the Lord in Jude 9. The words are identical:
These passages yield one of the greatest truths about the power of Satan and the power
of Christ found anywhere in either Testament, for they reveal that until the Incarnation of
Christ, one member of the Trinity would refer Satan to the other member of the Trinity for
a rebuke! AFTER the Incarnation, when Jesus had “learned through suffering as a Son”
(see Heb. 5:8), He doesn’t “refer” Satan to anyone; He says simple, “GET THEE
BEHIND ME, SATAN” (Luke 4:8).
The Lord Jesus Christ not only defeats the Satanic principalities and powers (who
constitute real spiritual entities), He takes on the Devil personally, invites him to come in
close for hand-to-hand combat (Isa. 50:6–8), and then triumphs over him in it and “spoils”
his hierarchy (Col. 2: 15).
These verses dealing with one of the major translations in the spirit world, and
connected with the most important transaction that ever took place on this earth in regards
to sinners, is not discussed at any length, to my knowledge, in any Bible school on the
face of this earth; at least not before the time of this publication (1984). The passages
describe the “infighting” that took place between the Lord Jesus and Satan WHEN YOUR
The Ungodly Catholic Mess

Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink
offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips. (Psalm

The verses we now look at (and their companion verses) constitute part of an
“Unknown Bible” that is unknown to every Roman Catholic on the face of this earth. If
any Catholic had accidentally read the verses he would have blotted them out of his mind
and memory as quickly as possible, for they would have destroyed the very heart of his

“Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh
of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you…As the living Father
hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me”
(John 6:53, 57).

Now any priest trying to get a “Catholic convert” will quote John 6:53–56 but he will
stop short (squealing the tires) before he gets to John 6:57 every time, without fail. In view
of the fact that more than 100,000 Catholic priests have been “braking suddenly” at this
verse since A.D. 490, we may have a right to ask ourselves, “What is there about verse 57
that is so deadly to Roman Catholic “apostolic orthodoxy”? A man who takes time out to
read these “unknown passages” doesn’t have long to guess.
Jesus Christ has just been talking about someone “living off of Him” by “eating” His
flesh and blood. To explain this He uses a “similitude” (“AS the living Father has sent
me”). Whenever God wants to teach mankind something, He always uses a similitude. He
says in the Old Testament that He has “used SIMILITUDES” by the “ministry of the
prophets” (Hos. 12:10). As we have said many times before, the two greatest words in the
Bible for understanding the Bible are neither Greek nor Hebrew: they are the two little
English words “as” and “like.” In John, chapter 6 He was explaining what He meant by
“eating His flesh and drinking His blood” so you would not have to go to any Catholic
priest to find out what He meant. A Catholic priest’s private interpretation of what Christ
meant by “eating flesh and drinking blood” is absolutely worthless, in view of the fact that
Christ already told us.
Jesus says, “So he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.” Now notice that the man
who “eats” Jesus Christ (that is how the literal wording runs) must do it in the exact
manner that Christ does it in relation to His Father (“AS…I live by the Father, SO…he
shall live by me”). This immediately shows how “literal” the “flesh and blood” in verses
54–56 actually must be, for there is no Catholic priest or bishop on the face of this earth
who is radical enough to teach that Jesus Christ was literally eating His own Father’s
flesh and blood. If it came to a rational argument about whether or not verses 53–56 in
John, chapter 6 were literal or spiritual, Jesus Christ settled all matters of doubt right in
the context when He defined what HE MEANT when He SAID what He meant. But since
there were people in those days who were just as blind about these matters as any Roman
Catholic is today (see John 6:60), Jesus goes one step further and clears up all doubt as to
any literal “flesh and blood,” for He says (in the second verse of our “Unknown Bible”)
that “IT IS THE SPIRIT that quickeneth, the FLESH profiteth nothing: the words
that I speak unto you, THEY ARE SPIRIT, THEY ARE LIFE.”
And this is why these two Bible verses are eliminated from all Catholic missals, all
Catholic catechism, all Catholic magazines, all Catholic TV programs, and all Catholic
“convert courses.” John 6:57 and John 6:63 (in the context of “eating and drinking Christ’s
flesh and blood”) define and interpret Scripture with Scripture what Jesus meant.
completely and independently and completely contrary to any private interpretation set up
by Roman Catholic priests, nuns, bishops, cardinals, popes, archbishops, or monks. The
private interpretation (see 2 Pet. 1:20) of these charlatans, placed on the verses in order to
accommodate them to a pagan cannibal sacrifice, is based upon the rejection of Christ’s
own words in the passage: the written words in the passage were spoken by the One whom
Catholics claim founded their church! The words in John, chapter 6 explain what they
mean. That is, they give the Holy Spirit’s own interpretation of the passage; any other
interpretation is “private interpretation” (2 Peter 1:20).
Paul neatly winds up these matters into one package in the following passage:

“The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of
Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?
For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one
bread” (1 Cor. 10:16–17).

Here we find the “body and blood” of Christ showing up again, but this time the
definition is absolute in verse 17 so that no cannibal would think that the Lord is speaking
of the literal flesh and blood of any man. After speaking of the “blood of Christ” and the
“body of Christ,” Paul says, “FOR WE BEING MANY ARE ONE BREAD AND ONE
BODY.” In this salient passage, the Holy Spirit defines the “body of Christ” as a body of
believers who make up a SPIRITUAL BODY: for, after all, the “Flesh PROFITETH
NOTHING” since it is the “SPIRIT that quickeneth.”
This draws the straight edge between the ritual “sacrament” of a pagan cannibal (Pope
John Paul II) and the Biblical memorial of a local church ordinance. The “Body of Christ”
in this age is a body of BELIEVERS who are “one in Jesus Christ” (see 1 Cor. 12) and He
is in them (Col. 1:27). Christ lives off of His Father (John 6:57) by a SPIRITUAL
subsistence, for He said that “God is a SPIRIT” (John 4:24). Christ’s manner of “living off
of His Father” is, therefore, the manner in which we are to “live” off of His Son by
“feeding” on His “Body.” Christ’s Body in this age cannot be flesh, for “THE FLESH
PROFITETH nothing”; Paul refused to even know Jesus Christ “AFTER THE
FLESH” (2 Cor. 5:16).
To the contrary, this Body is composed of people who have been “born of the Spirit”
(John 3:3–5) and baptized into one Body by one Spirit (1 Cor. 12:13) so that they nourish
each other as one spiritual substance.

“From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which
every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every
part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love” (Eph. 4:16).

“That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have
the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members
suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye
are the body of Christ, and members in particular” (1 Cor. 12:25–27).

These constitute an “Unknown Bible” to over 600,000,000 Catholics, as the “natural
man receiveth NOT the things of the SPIRIT since they are “foolishness” to him (1 Cor.
2:14). It takes a new birth to read John, chapter 6. The verses we list here are unknown to
Pope John Paul II, Bernadette Devlin, Fidel Castro, Adolph Hitler, Ted Kennedy, former
Secretary of State Haig, the editors of Time and Life magazines, Tip O’Neal, William
Randolph Hearst, and the president of every country in Central and South America.
Ignorance is bliss.
The Plenary, Verbally Inspired TV

Then said he unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house
of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say,
The Lord seeth us not; the Lord hath forsaken the earth (Ezekiel 8:12)

Like the Athenian quacks of Acts 17:21 (that verse has been changed in every English
“Bible” since 1800), the modern apostate Fundamentalists—led in the main by the faculty
and staff at Bob Jones University—acknowledge the existence of the “Unknown Bible”
but they don’t take time to look into it because they are afraid of it. After all, the first and
primary reason why any sinner doesn’t spend a lot of time in the Bible is because “it is
against him and he knows it.” Conservative and Fundamental scholars are certainly no
exceptions; you have just as many “run-of-the-mill sinners” at Ed Nelsons or Rodney
Bells or Wendell Mullens or Myron Cedarholms as you have anywhere else.
We now pick up an interesting verse, which quite naturally has been changed in all of
the new “versions” put out or recommended by anyone. (The verse will be found written
as we quote it here in every edition of the AV that ever showed up on this earth for 370
years.) It says:

“Then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and
destroy all their pictures, and destroy all their molten images, and quite pluck down
all their high places” (Num. 33:52).

Now there is ONE WORD in this verse that Fundamental scholarship, Conservative
scholarship, and Evangelical scholarship find to be “highly objectionable.” As a matter of
fact, it was so “highly objectionable” that it was removed from every “reliable translation”
on the market, including the NKJV.
We’ll give you one guess as to which word it is.
Following all of this blarney about “verbally inspired autographs” and “God-breathed
Scripture” and all of this apostate gas about “inerrancy” and the “Battle for the Bible,”
every jack man of them decided that one word in Numbers 33:52 had no business being
there, although it had been there for 370 years.
You still get one guess.
You say, “Brother Ruckman, don’t I have to have a knowledge of Hebrew manuscripts
to guess what word it is?”
No, you certainly don’t.
“But don’t I have to have ‘at hand’ a lexicon by Keil or Delitzsch or a Hebrew
grammar by Gesenius or Kahle?”
No, as a matter of fact, you don’t. “But Brother Ruckman, do I not need a Greek copy
of the Old Testament Septuagint”?
Not on your life.
You say, “What scholarly equipment and training must I have to guess which one of
these words has been changed by all of these good, godly, dedicated, qualified, accredited,
separated, Premillennial, soulwinning APOSTATES in the United States?”
Simple: all you have to have is a knowledge of human nature; that’s all you have to
have to “do the job.” With a meager knowledge of human nature you can critically
evaluate all Hebrew manuscripts, all Hebrew lexicons, all Hebrew texts, all English
versions, and every Hebrew scholar who ever lived.
“But Brother Ruckman, I might make an error in judging human nature at this point.”

Perhaps; but not with a Book (AV 1611) available at your right hand to correct your
own errors:

“And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was
pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit
thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat” (Gen.

“And Abimelech said unto Abraham, What sawest thou, that thou hast done this
thing?” (Gen. 20:10).

“And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well
watered every where, before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the
garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt, as thou comest unto Zoar” (Gen. 13:10).

“When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment, and two hundred
shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and
took them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the
silver under it” (Josh. 7:21).

“And Samson went down to Timnath, and saw a woman in Timnath of the
daughters of the Philistines” (Judg. 14:1).

“Then went Samson to Gaza, and saw there an harlot, and went in unto her”
(Judg. 16:1).

Do you get the “drift” of the Book yet?

These are parts of an “Unknown Bible,” if we are to believe the revisors work on
Numbers 33:52.
You see, the problem the scholars had is connected with Ezekiel 14:1–10, which we
talked about previously. The reason why such simple verses cannot be mastered or
discussed in classrooms and pulpits is not because of the “archaic Elizabethan language of
1611.” Oh my, no! No, it has nothing to do with the “variations in the editions of the King
James Version.” Not in the least. No, the problem goes much much deeper than such
playpen games as “intrinsic probabilities,” “dynamic and literal equivalence,” “verbal
plenary inspired originals,” or any other jettisoned hot air from twentieth century gas bags.
(Jimmy Lockwood of Yorkshire, New York, [Central Baptist] calls these gas bags
“Ruckman’s peers.” Yeah, in a pig’s eye.)
The real problem with Numbers, chapter 33 lies in the living room.
You say, “Where?”
I said, “In the LIVING ROOM.”
You say, “Brother Ruckman, what does a twentieth century living room have to do
with Numbers 33:52?”
Well, the twentieth century living room is here:

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body
shall be full of light” (Matt. 6:22).

Now can you guess which word was removed from Numbers 33:52?
Tell us something, ye “Giants of Fundamentalism,” who are “boldly contending for
the faith” and whose “unquestioned loyalty to the word of God” makes you even with
Donkey Kong and Mrs. Pac Man—oh tell us, ye “Giants of the Faith” who are our “peers”
when it comes to stinking like a rotten apple in a pile of rotten bananas—if the instructions
to the children of Israel coming up out of Egypt typify the coming of the saved sinner out
of the world system and if the trip through the wilderness pictures the carnal life between
Egypt and the Promised Land and if Joshua’s entrance illustrates the spiritual warfare of
the believer (and so say all Fundamental and Conservative scholars who deal with types),
what are you “qualified PEERS” doing erasing the INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO THE
Who would be interested in sabotage at that point but the Devil?
Evidently some of our “peers” are Benedict Arnolds.
The orders from the Commander-in-Chief have been rescinded in favor of the
“campfire girls” and “brownies” (see Problem Texts, 1982).
Well, these “good, great, godly dedicated” APOSTATES have decided that the word
“PICTURES” shouldn’t be in the Bible; so they took it out. This would mean that the
pictures of the heathen were not to be destroyed. Thus the members of the Lockman
Foundation (NASV) and Philip Schaff’s committee (ASV) and Farstad’s committee (NKJV,
Henderson, Dollar, Criswell, Hindson, Dobson, et al.) plus the graduates and supporters of
Moody Bible Institute (NIV) and the Southern Baptist Convention (RSV) have successfully
found a way to keep their TV SETS IN THEIR LIVING ROOMS AND GET YOU TO
That’s a real first-class, “scholarly” operation, don’t you think?
How’s that for “the cream of modern, Evangelical scholarship” attempting to “update”
the “archaic AV” so you can “understand it”?
Isn’t it amazing to notice the length that “good, godly, separated Fundamentalists” will
go to in the twentieth century in order to resist the Holy Spirit, to pervert the Bible, to
disobey God’s orders and to keep their own gods? Saul (1 Sam. 15:23) was an amateur
alongside Dobson, Dollar, and Hindson. And the only reason you don’t know about these
kinds of motivations, the only reason why some of you objected to “Brother Ruckman’s
language” and his “attacks on good, godly men” (who were his “peers”) was because
Birds of a feather have an “Unknown Bible in common.
The Causes of Corruption
In the Body of Christ

For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and
by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. (Romans 16:18)

Dean Burgon once wrote a masterpiece called The Causes of Corruption in the
Traditional Text, 1896. He classified them as intentional corruptions and unintentional
errors the latter being “slips of the pen or eye,” etc. The “Scholar’s Union” has a long list
of tradesmen’s terms (see Monarch of the Books, 1980) for these types of errors, but since
none of them amount to anything we shall dispense with them. However, no more fitting
conclusion to a book could be written than one that deals with the causes of Biblical
corruption that make the Bible an “unknown book” among Laodicean Fundamentalists.
Rodney Bell (Virginia Beach) was credited in 1983 with having invented the term
“Pseudo-Fundamentalist.” In retaliation, Jack Van Impe coined the expression “Neo-
Fundamentalist.” Naturally neither term had any bearing on anything. Bell was trying to
run interference for Bob Jones University, who always damned anyone who criticized
them (no matter what he professed), and Jack Van Impe was trying to nullify BJU’s
opposition to his TV program for which he needed a great deal of financial support. All of
this is quite similar to Lindsell’s puerile and sterile book called The Battle for the Bible (
1982), which was as irrelevant to either (the battle or the Bible) as a report on projected
hoe handle production in South Dakota. All of these little sham playpen straw dummies
are the work of the ‘’campfire girls” and “brownies” (see Problem Texts, 1982), upon
which we have commented at length; they don’t touch any real problems.
The real problem in this century is apostasy within the Body of Christ, and the causes
of this apostasy are due to some things far more basic and scriptural than any
“disagreement between good men” or “preferences for different texts” or “whether we
should be separated or doubly separated” or “failure to speak the truth in love to the
brethren,” etc. No, the causes of apostasy in ANY century have nothing to do with little
collegiate issues about “separation” and little theological issues about “the fundamentals.”
The attempts by Hindson and Dobson and Willmington (and those who sat under them and
those who taught them, and those who believed them) to get you to think that
“Fundamentalism” is the big issue is just “more of the same.” We have demonstrated on at
least three occasions (see “Moby Dick and the White Crocodile,” “The Militant
Fundamentalist Who Went to Hell,” and “The Heretical Ruckmanite”) that these types of
men (and the men who taught them plus their students) are not really equipped to even
discuss such matters as the roots and sources of apostasy among Bible believers in ANY
generation; they are well along the way themselves. Men who profess to believe what they
do not really believe (in regards to final and absolute authority) are not to be taken
seriously by anyone with an ounce of common sense. After all, if a man has no final
authority higher than his own opinion or “preference,” he is nothing but an ANARCHIST,
no matter what else he professes to believe in. How far would you trust any ANARCHIST?
We now examine several verses which appear to be unrelated, but when they have
been assembled into a unit it will be more than apparent that they stick “closer than a

“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they
have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (1
Tim. 6:10).

The most interesting thing about this verse is the fact that it has been altered in every
English translation published by every “good, godly, etc.,” since 1800. The verse,
however, will be found as we have quoted it here in every edition of every publication of
any Authorized Version since 1611. There is evidently a “sting” somewhere in the verse
that modern translators cannot tolerate. There has remained in the verse for 370 years a
“barb” that modern “good, godly, etc.,” find irritating. They all seem to have been not only
irritated but “cut to the quick” by the verse.
The next stinger reads as follows:

“Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth,
supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself” (1 Tim. 6:5).

Again we must face a terrible reality; every Fundamentalist working for Tennessee
Temple, Bob Jones, Liberty University, GARBC, and Pacific Coast Bible College, along
with every Evangelical connected with Moody, Wheaton, Fuller, Dallas, or Denver has
approved of altering the verse to bring it into line with the NCC who published the RSV of
1952. The sting of a stingray must be in
1 Timothy 6:5, if we are to judge by the last forty-five “updated” English versions that
have bombed out. The verse “drew blood” for more than seventy years and the “militant
stand” of these new “doubly separated, uncompromising hypocrites” did not seem to be
able to protect them from the stroke: they bled. They bled like a stuck hog. All the “good,
godly, etc.,” at Bob Jones and Lynchburg (plus any others from anywhere) bandage their
wounds and then alter the verse to take the sting out of it; they do not wish for it to wound
their compatriots in the coming generation the way it wounded them.
We now reprint the remaining three verses together:

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness” (Rom. 1:18).

“Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the
creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen” (Rom. 1:25).

“For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but
as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ” (2 Cor. 2:17).

This triumvirate of verses, with the other couple (five in all), are UNKNOWN to any
student or teacher who has replaced an Authorized Version with a NKJV, ASV, RSV, NIV,
NASV, NRSV, NWT, NEB, or anything else.
They have all been altered in every English version of the “Bible” printed since 1800.
The more “doubly separated” the “militant Fundamentalist” is the deeper the gash the AV
tore in his conscience at these places.
This was done while shouting, “We believe THE Bible is the word of God. We believe
in the absolute authority of THE BIBLE! The Bible does not contain the word of God it IS
the ‘Word’ of God…!”
Now observe that three items will never enter into an intelligent discussion or analysis
of these five Bible verses a single time.
1. Profession of belief in the basic fundamentals of Fundamentalism.
2. The “stand” taken for or against Modernism or Neo-Evangelicalism.
3. Standards of separation from the world or the “brethren” according to ANY
standards found in ANY passage of Scripture in ANY Bible.
What any Fundamentalist like Wendell Mullen or Bob Jones III or Walvoord or
Cedarholm thought or believed about these three items had no affect on their reaction to
the five verses. When presented with them (exactly as they stood in the God-honored text
of the Protestant Reformation for more than 370 years), the apostate ALTERS ALL FIVE
VERSES. His profession of faith and his standards of separation never enter as a
determining factor one time. He is led by a far more basic and powerful spirit and he is
motivated by a far baser and more powerful motive than such rinky-dinky things as
“double separation,” “militant Fundamentalism,” “Neo- and Pseudo-Fundamentalists” and
other kindergarden subjects. Here we are facing fire from an X ambush.
Now go back and read the five verses again. Notice where they are aimed. Following
that great fundamental of all fundamentals, “A HIT DOG ALWAYS HOLLERS” (Sam
Jones, circa 1880), let us see if we can find in which direction these smooth stones from
David’s sling are traveling; he had FIVE to sling.
1. Second Corinthians 2:17 says that many people are engaged in corrupting the word
of God; not “peddling it” or making “merchandise” of it.
2. God is against these people because they “HOLD THE TRUTH IN
UNRIGHTEOUSNESS.” That is, they have it right in their hands, but they hold it in
3. You can spot them by the fact that they desire to “change THE TRUTH OF GOD
into a lie.”
4. They do this for income as they look at an increase in income (usually accompanied
by an increase in attendance, enrollment, book royalties, or degrees) as a proof that they
are GODLY (see the first two verses: 1 Tim. 6:10 and 1 Tim. 6:5).
Now would YOU change any of those five verses as they stood for 370 years.
Why wouldn’t you change them?
Why would ANYONE want to change them if you wouldn’t want to change them.
If any man’s heart was right, would he want to change them? WHY? (See “Unlearned
Ignorance vs. Learned Ignorance.”)
Are we right back to heart motives again? How is it that every time we come to this
business of really learning the Book we never run into Fundamentalism, Neo-
Fundamentalism, Liberalism, Modernism, separation, Pseudo-Fundamentalism, speaking
the truth in love, light from recent archaeological discoveries, sharing Christ, Neo-
Evangelicalism, or “gifted teachers”?
Instead, every time we run right “smack dab” into a sinner’s heart motive for
tampering with the words of God.
Who was the original corrupter? If you profess to be interested in the sources and
roots of apostasy, then where did it start? Did the original corrupter corrupt the word of
God or did he “peddle it” and “make merchandise” out of it like the ASV, NASV, RSV,

“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God
had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every
tree of the garden?” (Gen. 3:1).

What was there to “peddle” or “make merchandise” out of here? Did Eve have a purse
full of shekels?
Why, what Satan was interested in was questioning THE WORDS THAT GOD
Has anyone ever put a question in your mind about the words that God spoke? Who
could this be if he professed to be a “militant Fundamentalist”?
Satan believes in all five basic “fundamentals” which Jack Van Impe quoted in his
book on Heart Disease in the Body of Christ (1984) and all five that Bob Jones Jr.,
preached on in his pamphlet on the BJU creed (1980). Satan also believes in five more that
both Fundamentalists forgot: the eternal security of the believer, the autonomy of the local
church, the immersion of the adult believer in water, the separation of church and state,
and the Biblical imperative to preach the Gospel to every creature on earth.
Satan is a Fundamentalist; and there is nothing “pseudo” about him.
You see, when someone tried to convince you that the issue of Laodicean Christianity
was “Fundamentalism” (of any brand), they halfway succeeded in destroying your belief
in the Bible. The issue never was “Fundamentalism.” That was a term applied to some
Interdenominational groups between 1900 and 1940 to contrast them with religious
Liberals. (Since the government will get complete control over both groups without even
half an effort, there isn’t any point in “going into a long thing.” The issue was, and is, and
shall be FINAL AUTHORITY. It never was anything else one time in church history.)
Sometime, for diversion’s sake, call aside one of these Hebrew or Greek scholars who
is always blabbing about “verbally inspired originals” and ask him why every English
translation on the market erased the New Testament reference to “many” being engaged in
“corrupting the word of God” (2 Cor. 2:17). If he insists that the many were just
“peddling” or making “merchandise” out of it instead of corrupting it, it might be
interesting to have him show you, say, at least FIVE scriptural cases where this was going
on or had ever gone on. “Many” surely means at least five documented cases.
Such a thing doesn’t occur one time outside of the references to the false prophets in
the last days of Judah and Israel, where the priests and prophets had already perverted the
words of God and were teaching a corrupt word of God for hire. In every one of these
GOD” (Jer. 23). You cannot “peddle” the pure word of God until you have corrupted it,
for you cannot make merchandise of it as it stands: no one will “buy it.” You have to
corrupt it (Jer. 23:16, 26, 32, 35; Ezek. 13:16–17; and 2 Tim. 4:1–6, etc.). The Cretian
“slow bellies” (Titus 1) were not “peddling” the word of God; they were teaching “things
which they ought not to teach” for the sake of filthy lucre (Titus 1:11).
1. Eve did not “peddle” the words of God; she corrupted them.
2. Satan did not “peddle” God’s words; he perverted them.
3. Pharaoh did not peddle God’s words; he disbelieved them.
4. Noah’s generation did not “make merchandise” of the word; they ridiculed it.
5. Lot’s sons-in-law made no “merchandise” of God’s words; they laughed at them.
6. Saul didn’t peddle the word of God; he disobeyed
7. Balaam didn’t peddle the words of God; he preached them without believing them
because he COULDN’T peddle a perversion of them.
8. Joash didn’t peddle God’s words; he just didn’t take them seriously enough: neither
did Simon Peter.
9. The prophets of Jezebel in 1 Kings never wasted five minutes “making
merchandise” of God’s words; they didn’t even preach God’s words or God’s word.
10. Bar Jesus (Acts 13) peddled nothing that even resembled the word of God.
11. Simon the Sorcerer desired to peddle the Holy Spirit (Acts 8), not the word of God.
Where are all of these “many peddlers” if the word “peddle” is the right word for 2
Corinthians 2:17?
Make merchandise? Why, God’s God-called preachers are called to make a living
preaching the word of God:

“Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of
the gospel” (1 Cor. 9:14).

“It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have
been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them
in carnal things” (Rom. 15:27).

Someone not only has their “wires crossed” (altering “corrupt” to “peddle”), but they
are using dental floss instead of wire.
Who are the people referred to in the ASV, NKJV, RSV, NIV, NRSV, and NASV?
Why, they are gremlins and leprechauns, didn’t you know?
They don’t exist.
They never existed anywhere except in the imagination of a sinner who was engaged
INTO A LIE TO GET GAIN (see AV, any edition, Rom. 1:18, 25; 2 Cor. 2:17; and 1 Tim.
6:5, 10).
The only “peddling” would be by the peddlers of a corrupt Bible after it was
published; the only “making merchandise” involved would be using a corrupt Bible and
recommending it to others. The Holy Spirit, speaking through the Scriptures, comparing
Scripture with Scripture, tells us that when someone “MAKES MERCHANDISE” of the
child of God (2 Pet. 2:3), they do it with “feigned words” (not the word of God) and their
motive is COVETOUSNESS (2 Pet. 2:3).
No one “peddled” the real WORD of God: they got rid of the WORD of God (Rom.
1:18, 25).
Now you couldn’t find the truth of these matters unless you believed the English AV
text, for the five verses we have discussed here are not found in any other English
translation no matter who translated it, what they professed, what their reputation was,
who taught them, who recommended them, or who published or sold their corruption.
The only place that “peddling” could enter would be a place like:

“And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the
words of the righteous” (Exod. 23:8).

But observe how all of the modern apostate Fundamentalists have covered their tracks
by making you think that something was being “peddled” that was GENUINE. To the
contrary, the motive behind the CORRUPTING of the word was the income (1 Tim. 6:10).
Nothing pure was sold; something pure was corrupted so it could sell. Do you see the
When Job speaks of his ability to “discern perverse things” (Job 6:30) he is talking
about the words that men use (see Job 6:25–26). “Right words are forcible” according to
Job (Job 6:25), so the old black-backed, 66-caliber AV from 1611 forces the modern
Fundamentalist to alibi, gyrate, lie, misrepresent, backtrack, and rationalize to cover up his
sins. The trouble is heart trouble. The “many” who “CORRUPT” the word of God today
(2 Cor. 2:17) have the same trouble their kinfolk had in Paul’s day (1 Tim. 6:10).
Now let us take one last look at our “Unknown Bible” and see how these men got into
the condition they got into, where they had to corrupt the truth in order to cover up their
carnal motives.

“And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have
deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him
from the midst of my people Israel” (Ezek. 14:9).

“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe
a lie:” (2 Thess. 2:11).

“Then God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem; and
the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech:” (Judg. 9:23).

“Now therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these
thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee” (1 Kings 22:23).

The verses are unknown to nearly every psychiatrist and college professor in America,
and Europe, and they wouldn’t believe ONE of the verses if they read it. The verses are
never discussed in any series of meetings by any revision boards occupied in translating
ANY portion of any version.
1. The verses state that God Almighty is the author of falsehood where men pick it up
and believe it.
2. The verses state that God will allow men to believe lies for the purpose of damning
them. (The New Scofield Reference Bible says on page 774 that “GOD NEVER
DECEIVES HIS PEOPLE.” The New Scofield Board of Editors was deceived when they
recorded that falsehood.)
3. The verses state that God gives unclean spirits permission to carry out this work of
falsehood and deception.
4. The verses state that a man’s belief depends upon his heart attitude: and God knows
the heart attitude (1 Chron. 28:9).
5. The verses state that no man can find the truth who doesn’t want the truth (Prov.
2:3–5, John 3:16–19).
6. The verses show that no amount of learning will enable any sinner to find the truth
(2 Tim. 3:7) if he has an idol or “stumbling block” set up in his heart while he is seeking
the truth.
7. “THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL” (the verse is not
found in one single English Bible in the world printed since 1800); so if the “good, godly,
dedicated, separated, etc.,” who believes in the “plenary, verbal inspiration of the, etc.,”
loves money, he cannot find the truth no matter what his educational qualifications are, no
matter what his IQ is, no matter what material he has access to, no matter how many
languages he has mastered, no matter what his profession of faith is, or no matter how
“godly” his “separated” life is.
An idolator is an idolator.
Cases in point are 500,000 Conservative theologians, preachers, teachers, scholars,
linguists, translators, revisors, and exegetes from A.D. 200 to 1990. No Mormon,
Jehovah’s Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, Buddhist, Roman Catholic, Church of Christ,
The idols in the hearts of the educated Christians (who, incidentally, are always
disturbed about “Bibliolatry” or “scribal Christians”) are revealed immediately when they
attempt to “clarify” 1 Timothy 6:5, 10, 20, or to “update the archaic Elizabethan English”
of 2 Corinthians 2:17 in the “language of today” so that poor, ignorant “laymen” can
“better understand the word of God, etc.” These idolators are prevented by the Holy Spirit
from understanding the simplest Biblical truths in the Bible. For example:
1. The source of all SIN was PRIDE (Ezek. 28; Isa. 14). (Note the PAST TENSE.)
2. The first sin committed on this earth was committed by a woman in relation to the
words that God spoke (Gen. 3). (Note the PAST TENSE.)
3. This sin had nothing to do with anyone believing or not believing in ANY
“fundamentals of the faith.” It had to do with what God SAID (Gen. 3). (Note the PAST
4. The present root of “all evil” (note the PRESENT TENSE) is “THE LOVE OF
MONEY.” It is not pride, nor is it “peddling the word of God.” It is the “LOVE OF
MONEY” which causes men to pervert and corrupt what God SAID.
Paul, in the New Testament ( I Tim. 6), is talking about the present world system in
which he lived; this is the world system that will be here in the “LAST DAYS” (2 Tim.
3:1), if we are to believe what he wrote in the Epistles to Timothy. He is not talking about
the theological source of sin before Genesis, chapter 1, nor is he expounding on the
earthly manifestations of sin in Genesis, chapter 3. He is talking about the “LOVE OF
MONEY” which lies behind the Mafia, the CFR, the Federal Reserve Bank, the
Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the House of Rothschild, the drug traffic, the liquor traffic,
the traffic in pornography, commercial advertising, fascism, communism, socialism,
capitalism, the new media, all strikes and demonstrations, the HRS, the NEA, Rock and
Roll music, all TV programs, all ecumenical overtures, the NAACP, the Vatican hierarchy,
all newer English “translations” of the Bible, power, politics, divorce and separation
proceedings, wills and inheritances, and ninety-nine percent of all economic and business
transactions anywhere in the world.
So 1 Timothy 6:10 has disappeared out of every English Bible in the world except one.
You get one guess as to which one that “one” is.
Now how does God feel about these vile sinners who corrupt His words in order to
cover up their own sins that have to do with the love of money? You never saw it
discussed in any “preface” that “godly” men wrote to their new and “clearer” versions.

“And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good, and
to multiply you; so the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to
nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it”
(Deut. 28:63).

“I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh:” (Prov.

“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision”
(Psa. 2:4).

“See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make
alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand”
(Deut. 32:33).

God will rejoice to destroy sinners; that’s what the passage said (Deut. 28:63). THE
How do you suppose that a real Bible believer (not some fakir like Truman Dollar or
Bob Jones III) would react to such an anti-humanitarian blast from the One who created
human beings? Would he not “take heed to his ways” and “look well to his going” and
make sure that he “trembled at the words of the Most High”? (See Isa. 66:2 for the correct
Christian response.)
Well, how do these modern Fundamentalist “giants of the faith” react to such words?
Do they react as good King Josiah did in 2 Chronicles 34:27? I trow not!
The modern “giant of the faith” (who boldly proclaims faith in the “plenary, verbally
inspired, inerrant, original autographs”) simply alters God’s words and perverts God’s
words and brings them into line with his own depraved idols.
1. They say that God will NOT reveal His wrath to a man who “holds the truth in
unrighteousness” (Rom. 1:18), but will only reveal it to an unsaved man who
“suppresses” or “holds down” the truth.
2. They declare that God will NOT reveal His wrath to a revisor who “changes the
truth of God into a LIE” (Rom. 1:25), but only to a man who changes the truth “ABOUT”
God into a lie.
3. They claim that the “love of money” is NOT “the root of all evil” (1 Tim. 6:10),
but only “A ROOT of all kinds of evil.”
4. They believe that it is perfectly all right for any Christian to mistake material gain
for “godliness” (1 Tim. 6:5) as long as he doesn’t try to “get gain by being godly.” (The
whole thing reminds us of Jer. 23:17, doesn’t it?)
5. They avow and swear (publicly and openly) before the pagan gods of Laodicean
Christian education that it is perfectly all right for a Christian teacher to devote his life to
corrupting the word of God (2 Cor. 2:17) as long as he doesn’t “peddle it” or “make
merchandise” out of it.
These poor, depraved “Fundamentalists” are not godly; they are not “separated.”
THEY ARE CARNAL AND WORLDLY. They are not even students of the Holy Bible
(see Epilogue), let alone Bible “scholars.” What we have here is nothing but arrogant,
ignorant, two-faced equivocators who desire to tear the words of God out of your mouth
and erase the words of truth from your memory by sidetracking you to “the fundamentals
of the faith.” They may not be born of “their father the Devil” (John 8) as their kinfolk
were (John 8:40–44), but, to all practical purposes, these Bible-perverting, Bible-warping,
Bible-corrupting scamps are in league with the one who said to Eve, “YEA HATH GOD
To them the great foundation truths of the Holy Scripture that deal with honesty and
integrity are completely unknown. These Scripture verses are the ones that deal with:
1. Finding the truth.
2. Understanding the truth.
3. Believing the truth.
4. Preserving the truth.
In regards to what the Scriptures say about these four basic foundational teachings
(that deal with Biblical learning), these Conservative and Fundamentalist Hebrew and
Greek scholars are completely in the dark; they constitute what would properly be called
You may dispense with them without blinking an eye.

I have written to him the great things of my law, but they were counted as a
strange thing. (Hosea 8:12)

Here is a partial list of what the entire body of “qualified authorities” (Evangelicals
and Conservative foremost) missed when they turned off the 50,000 watt searchlight of the
Holy Bible and lit the birthday cake candle of Hebrew and Greek scholarship. These are
the Bible revelations they missed when they all decided to “use” the Bible instead of
believing it. This is some of the material they overlooked when they “built their
ministries” so they could control God’s Book and get control over the minds of those who
started to believe it. In their haste to make a living (1 Tim. 6:10) and prove they were
spiritual “giants” (1 Tim. 6:5), they blotted out the light from heaven (Psa. 119:130; 2 Pet.
1:19) and alibied their sinful wickedness by talking about “our need for respecting the
considered opinions of good men who differ” or “our need for being true to historic
positions and not going off on a hobbyhorse” or “going to the originals to find out the
mind of God as He intended for us to understand His “word” or “loving the brethren who
disagree with us, and contending in a spirit of love to settle differences in a scholarly
While they were putting out this pious party line, they covered up the following
Biblical truths with their dirty, defiled, unbelieving, muddied feet.
1. Angels as thirty-three year old males without wings; and all women in the
CHURCH AGE receiving thirty-three year old male bodies at the Rapture. (Study Rom.
8:29; Phil. 3:21; 1 John 3:1–2; 1 Cor. 15; Gen. 19–20; Matt. 24; Rev. 21; Heb. 13:1–4;
Matt. 20–22; Judg. 13; and the four Passovers of John’s Gospel.)
2. Faith and works as the plan of salvation for Tribulation saints with WORKS alone
in the Millennium. (Study Matt. 24–25; Rev. 12, 14, 22; Heb. 4, 6, 10; Zech. 13; Matt. 5–
3. The spiritual circumcision of the believer’s SOUL, literally cut loose from the inside
of his fleshy body at the time of his new birth. (Study Col. 2; Rom. 7; Gen. 20; Lev. 20,
22; Num. 31.)
4. Demons as winged creatures ranging in size from those of flies and mosquitoes to
eagles and vultures. (Study Lev. 11; Gen. 8; Mark 3; Matt. 13; Ecc. 10; Isa. 34; Rev. 18;
Matt. 12.)
5. The route of the Second Advent of Jesus Christ BEFORE He lands on the Mount of
Olives or even gets to it. (Study Zech. 14; Hab. 3; Deut. 33; Judg. 5; Amos 1–4; Joel 2;
Num. 19–21.)
6. The shape of the universe and its three compartments. (Study Heb. 8–11; Gen. 1, 6;
Heb. 12; Rev. 14; Job 26, 38; Psa. 33; Isa. 14; Eph. 3.)
7. The missing Cherub and why his number is FIVE. (Study Ezek. 1, 10; Rev. 4; Ezek.
28; Gen. 6–8; Gen. 3.)
8. Cannibalism and bestiality as part of Christian “worship” during the Tribulation.
(Study Psa. 16; Deut.32; Isa. 6; Rev. 2–3, 6, 20; Lev. 20–22; Rev. 9; Gen. 6; 1 Chron.
9. The coming to Jerusalem, the retreat, and the return of the Antichrist during the
Tribulation. (Study Saul’s tactics after David, Sennacherib’s tactics on Jerusalem, and
Nebuchadnezzar’s tactics on Jerusalem and Dan. 11.)
10. The identification of the mark of the Beast with the disease of the Tribulation,
which will be LEPROSY. (See Jude, 2 Pet. 2; Eph. 5; 1 Pet. 1; Lev. 13–14; Rev. 13; 2
Kings 4; Jer. 13, 17; and Deut. 32.)
11. The two witnesses in the Tribulation. (See 2 Kings 2; Num. 15–17; 1 Kings 17–18;
Exod. 33, 34; Deut. 32–34; Zech. 4; and Exod. 4–10.)
12. The Biblical teaching on what constitutes the essence of a marriage in God’s sight.
(See John 2; Matt. 22; Eph. 5; 1 Cor. 6; Matt. 19; Deut. 24; Rom. 7; John 4; and Gen. 2.)
13. The final shape of the soul for an unsaved man. (See John 3; Num. 21; Psa. 22;
Job 25; Mark 9; 2 Cor. 5; Col. 2.)
14. The six questions that will be asked at the Judgment Seat of Christ. (See Job 26;
Matt. 12:37; Mark 8:38; Prov. 18:21; etc.)
In all of these Biblical matters “Ruckmanism” was never a factor and “Ruckman”
never entered the equation one time. The leading apostates of this century (men who were
not apostates when the century began) who invented these two terms (which have nothing
to do with one Biblical issue on the face of this earth) did it to keep their students,
followers and church members in ignorance of the word of God. They couldn’t
understand the Bible so they called the truth “heresy.” They couldn’t control those who
found out the truth and believed it so they called them a “cult.” These men and men like
them (Truman Dollar, John R. Rice, Wendell Mullen, Rodney Bell, Bob Jones Jr., Tom
Wallace, Fred Afman, Dayton Hobbs, Harold Willmington, Arlin Horton, Bob Jones III,
Hindson, Dobson, James Price, Farstad, Stewart Custer, Tom Malone, Donald Waite, et
al.) are genuine apostates, for they meet every qualification for that title:
1. They use what they do not really believe (the AV Holy Bible).
2. They condemn those who believe it because they cannot control them.
3. They call any teaching from the Bible that they do not understand a “HERESY.”
(Bob Jones Jr., was so stupid that he claimed that it was heresy to teach any translation
was inspired, forgetting that the New Testament contains more than fifty TRANSLATIONS
of Old Testament Hebrew passages!)
4. They attack the Bible believers whom they cannot control.
5. And finally, they profess to believe in something (regarding FINAL AUTHORITY)
which they do NOT believe.
The apostates in the NCC (unsaved Liberals) and the apostates among the Neo-
Evangelicals (backslidden Christians) were already “apostate” before 1920 (the NCC) and
1940 (the Neo-Evangelicals). These apostate Fundamentalists are LEADERS both to the
present wave of apostasy (1970–1990) and also to the next wave of apostasy that will
finish America off.
May they rest in peace; Biblical truth will not wait for them or anyone like them to
repent or recover themselves from their self-inflicted ignorance of the “Unknown Bible.”
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