Location Document

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Location Recce:

Type of room: Outside Field

Location Address: 8EE, Sulham Hill, Sulham,

Nearest Train Station:


Nearest Bus Stop:

Little Heath School NO 1

Lighting: Natural Lighting Solution: Weather

The lighting which I will be using in this specific location will For me to capture a shot like this I am going to need a clear
mostly be natural lighting. The reason for me choosing this is day and for that to work out I am going to have to look into
mainly due to my genre which I have chosen. Through and take into consideration the weather forecast on the day
research I have understood that the best time for me to of filming, and also maybe even film on two separate days.
capture a dramatic lighting is around 6pm in order to capture Also, apart from this, to capture the dramatic shot I will also
the incredible night sky, only adding to the atmosphere of need to make sure that I go at the correct time, in order for
the shot. me to get the correct time I am going to have test my shots.
Sound: Foley Sounds Solution: Time of Day
The sound which I am planning on using whilst out on In order to capture the best sound without any interference I
location will be Foley sounds as well as the natural sounds. In will have to go out to this location and make sure that the
order for me to capture the natural sounds whilst out on time of day is right. The fact that this is a pubic location will
location correctly I will be using a boom mic for the sounds mean that the time of day will matter hugely, as there will be
which are around (Leaves and wind) and also an attachment walkers and dog walkers around. Perhaps an earlier time
mic in order for me to capture the vocals of my actors. would suit or later in order to get the least amount of people.
Power: Battery Solution: Charging
The power source which I will be taking with me to this In order for me to film whilst on location and have a
location will most definitely be battery operated equipment. successful use of power, I will need to make sure that I bring
Due to new cameras and LED add on lights using batteries spare batteries for the LED lights and cameras. If my cameras
will mean that they will need, charging and maybe even done operate with AA batteries I will make sure they are fully
replacing. charged .
Hazards: Trip Hazards Solution: Making them Obvious
The most common hazard whilst out on location will be a trip In order to make things obvious I am going to have to make
hazard. With the use of lots of big equipment such as tripods sure that my cast know where everything is. I will mark all my
and camera mounts and lights the chance of someone equipment with a yellow band so it is more visually and also
missing these and falling over is very high and could become make sure it is as far away from them as possible so that it
a problem if this is not made obvious to people. hopefully won’t become a big problem.

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