ELTE5.0 DBS3900 Product Overview (B-TrunC)

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Product Overview

Issue 02

Date 2018-03-30


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Product Overview Contents


1 Product Positioning and Features .......................................................................................... 2

1.1 Product Positioning ............................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Product Characteristics .......................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Product Architecture ................................................................................................................ 5

2.1 eBBU .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Exterior of the BBU3910 .................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Function of the BBU3910 ................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 BBU3910 Boards................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.4 BBU3910 Ports .................................................................................................................................................10
2.2 eRRU ...................................................................................................................................................................14
2.2.1 eRRU Exterior ...................................................................................................................................................14
2.2.2 eRRU Functions ................................................................................................................................................20
2.2.3 eRRU Ports .......................................................................................................................................................21

3 Installation Scenarios ............................................................................................................ 30

4 Operation and Maintenance ................................................................................................. 32
4.1 Methods ...............................................................................................................................................................32
4.2 Characteristics ......................................................................................................................................................32

5 Product Security ..................................................................................................................... 34

6 Technical Specifications........................................................................................................ 35
6.1 DBS3900 station specifications.............................................................................................................................35
6.2 Baseband Board Traffic Specifications ..................................................................................................................41
6.3 Equipment Specifications .....................................................................................................................................46
6.4 Reliability Specifications ......................................................................................................................................58

7 Standards and Certification .................................................................................................. 59

7.1 Standards Compliance ..........................................................................................................................................59
7.2 Certification Information ......................................................................................................................................60

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Product Overview 1 Product Positioning and Features

1 Product Positioning and Features

About This Chapter

As a distributed base station (BS), the DBS3900 provides high-speed wireless access to the
2.1 Product Positioning
The DBS3900 is used for radio access in the LTE private network system. The DBS3900
mainly performs radio resource management (RRM) functions such as air interface
management, access control, mobility control, and user equipment (UE) resource allocation.
The DBS3900 adopts flexible distributed architecture meeting the increasing requirements for
the enterprise radio network construction and the trunking communication requirements to
expand coverage and improve user experience.
2.2 Product Characteristics
The DBS3900 is technologically advanced, energy-saving, environment-friendly, and easy to

1.1 Product Positioning

The DBS3900 is used for radio access in the LTE private network system. The DBS3900
mainly performs radio resource management (RRM) functions such as air interface
management, access control, mobility control, and user equipment (UE) resource allocation.
The DBS3900 adopts flexible distributed architecture meeting the increasing requirements for
the enterprise radio network construction and the trunking communication requirements to
expand coverage and improve user experience.
The DBS3900 has two types of basic modules: enterprise network baseband unit (eBBU) and
enterprise network remote radio unit (eRRU), Figure 2-1 shows the position of the DBS3900
in the system.

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Product Overview 1 Product Positioning and Features

Figure 1-1 TTR system architecture

1.2 Product Characteristics

The DBS3900 is technologically advanced, energy-saving, environment-friendly, and easy to

Supporting Multiple Frequency Bands

The DBS3900 supports frequency bands such as 400 MHz, 600 MHz, 1.4 GHz, 1.8 GHz, 2.3
GHz, 2.6 GHz, and 3.5 GHz in the TDD mode, 450 MHz, 700 MHz, 800 MHz, and 850 MHz
in the FDD mode, which meets the requirements of multiple frequency bands.

Distributed Architecture
In the distributed architecture, the BBU3910 and eRRU of an DBS3900 are separately
deployed and connected through fibers. This minimizes feeder loss and improves eNodeB
coverage. The distributed BBU3910+eRRU architecture allows eRRUs to be mounted on
walls or to poles, enabling zero footprint site deployment. As a result, network deployment
costs can be reduced by more than 30% and network deployment efficiency is significantly

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Product Overview 1 Product Positioning and Features

Excellent Performance
Maximum bit rates per LTE cell are up to 100 Mbit/s downlink and 50 Mbit/s uplink over 20
MHz wide channels. The excellent performance can help customers preempt the commanding
elevations of the professional mobile broadband industry and get rapid service expansion.

Flexible Networking
The DBS3900 supports varied frequency bands, enabling customers to provide services over
both readily and newly available frequency bands. Customers can utilize more than two
frequency bands on one wireless network based on the availability of frequency resources in
different areas.

Energy-Saving Base Station

The eRRUs are the most energy-consuming units of an eNodeB. Thanks to the cutting-edge
hardware design of power amplifiers and the use of innovative power amplifier and
consumption management technologies, the eRRUs consume 40% less power than products
of the same kind.

Anti-Network Breakdown
The DBS3900 supports the fallback station mode. If an DBS3900 disconnects from the
external core network or the core network device is down, the BBU3910 starts the
CNPU/CNPUb board which is displayed as ASU on the software, serves as a built-in core
network and support the group call services and point-to-point call services under the
eNodeB's coverage area.

Supporting IPsec
The DBS3900 supports IPSec. An IPSec security gateway is added between the DBS3900 and
core network. The security gateway ensures the data security between the DBS3900 and core
network by establishing an IPSec tunnel with the DBS3900.

Smooth Upgrading Software

Upgrade and rollback mechanism are provided for DBS3900 software management, allowing
a software version upgrade and rollback . This process adopts the protection mechanism to
raise the success rate of switching. The effect on available resources is reduced to the lowest

Realtime Detecting Network Status

The DBS3900 provides hierarchical tracing and detection functions, including user tracing,
interface tracing, message tracing, fault detection on the physical layer, fault detection on the
data link layer, and other fault detection functions, facilitating fault locating. The tracing
information can be saved into files and be checked using the tracing retrospection tool.

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Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

2 Product Architecture

About This Chapter

The DBS3900 features a distributed architecture and is comprised of two types of basic
modules: BBU3910 and eRRU. The BBU3910 and eRRU transmit CPRI signals via fiber
optic cables that connect them through CPRI ports. This kind of architecture satisfies the
requirements of setting up enterprise wireless communication networks.
3.1 eBBU
This section presents the exterior of the BBU3910 and describes the functions, boards in the
BBU3910 and ports.
3.2 eRRU
This section presents the exterior and describes the functions and ports of the eRRU.

2.1 eBBU
This section presents the exterior of the BBU3910 and describes the functions, boards in the
BBU3910 and ports.

2.1.1 Exterior of the BBU3910

The BBU3910 adopts a 19-inch case-shaped structure with 2 U height.
The dimensions (H x W x D) of the BBU3910 are 86 mm (2 U) x 442 mm x 310 mm. The
BBU3910 has a four-layered structure, Figure 3-1 shows the exterior of the BBU3910.

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Figure 2-1 Exterior of the BBU3910

2.1.2 Function of the BBU3910

The BBU3910 processes baseband signals and provides powerful O&M functions.
The BBU3910, a baseband unit, performs the following functions:
 Manages the entire base station. The management involves the operation and
maintenance (O&M), signaling message processing and system clock.
 Provides ports for connecting to the transport network to exchange the information.
 Provides an OM channel for connecting to the eOMC910.
 Provides the CPRI ports for communication with RF modules and processes uplink and
downlink baseband signals.
 Provides ports to receive and forward signals from the environment monitoring

2.1.3 BBU3910 Boards

This section describes the functions and configuration of the boards in the BBU3910.

Figure 3-2 shows the slots on the BBU3910.

Figure 2-2 Slots on the BBU3910

Slot Assignment

 The BBU3910 subrack includes BBU3910 and BBU3900. A BBU3900 subrack has no silkscreen. A
BBU3910 subrack has a BBU3910 silkscreen.
 A FANe or UPEUd can be installed only in a BBU3910, a FANc or UPEUc can be installed only in a

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Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

 The BBU3910 only supports UMPTb2 and UBBP, does not support LMPT and LBBP.

The following table describes the principles for the BBU3910 slot assignment.

Table 2-1 Principles for BBU3910 slot assignment

Board Opti Typ Board Max Slot Remarks

Name onal/ ical Name imu Assign
Man Con m ment
dator figu Con Sequenc
y rati figu e (The
on rati precedin
Qua on g is
ntit Qua preferre
y ntit d)
Main Mand 1 UMPTb2 2 Slot7>Slo One UMPTb2 or LMPT with
process atory t6 the GPS satellite card is
ing and configured in each BBU3910
transmi LMPT 1 Slot7>Slo by default. The recommended
ssion t6 slot is 7. In cold backup ring
board topology, two UMPTb2 need
to be configured and the
LMPT is not supported.
Core Optio 1 CNPUb 1 Slot6>Slo This board is configured when
networ nal t7 the fallback function is
k required. It is recommended
process CNPU 1 Slot6>Slo to insert this board in slot 6.
ing t7
 Configuration principles
board of software: The boards in
one BBU3910 must be in
the same version. The
UMPTb2 is only used in
V100R004C10 and later
 Configuration principles
of hardware:
− The CNPUb must be
used with UMPTb2.
− The CNPU must be
used with LMPT.
Baseba Mand 1 UBBP 6 Slot3>Slo At most six boards are
nd atory t2>Slot1> supported.
process Slot0>Slo  UBBP and LBBP are
ing t4>Slot5 supported. In the TDD
board scenario, UBBPd4,
LBBP 6 Slot3>Slo
t2>Slot1> UBBPd6 and LBBPd4 are
Slot0>Slo used. In the FDD scenario,
t4>Slot5 UBBPd4 is used.
 UBBPd6 is recommended
to be used in the following

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Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

Board Opti Typ Board Max Slot Remarks

Name onal/ ical Name imu Assign
Man Con m ment
dator figu Con Sequenc
y rati figu e (The
on rati precedin
Qua on g is
ntit Qua preferre
y ntit d)
TDD network scenarios.
− Cell combination/SFN
U for one sector
− eRRU
cascading cold backup
ring topology
Univers Optio 1 USCUb22 1 Slot5>Slo This board is configured when
al nal t1 the GPS and GLONASS
satellite satellite cards are required or
card in the 1PPS+TOD time
and synchronization scenario. The
clock USCUb22 board occupies two
board slots. That is, if the board is
installed in slot 5, slot 4 is
also occupied.
Fan Mand 1 FAN 1 FAN(Slot A FANe can be installed only
module atory 16) in a BBU3910, a FANc can
be installed only in a
Power Mand 1 UPEU 2 POWER1  A UPEUd can be installed
module atory (Slot19)> only in a BBU3910 with
POWER0 one built-in UPEUd.
(Slot18) When the power of the
BBU3910 is less than 650
W and power supply
backup is required, one
more UPEUd need to be
 A UPEUc can be installed
only in a BBU3900 with
one built-in UPEUc. One
more UPEUc is configured
in the following scenarios.
− Power of the BBU3910
is less than 360 W but
power supply backup is
− Power of the BBU3910

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Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

Board Opti Typ Board Max Slot Remarks

Name onal/ ical Name imu Assign
Man Con m ment
dator figu Con Sequenc
y rati figu e (The
on rati precedin
Qua on g is
ntit Qua preferre
y ntit d)
exceeds 360 W. (More
than three baseband
processing boards are
For details of calculating the
BBU3910 power, see the power
consumption specifications of
boards in 8.3 .

Environ Optio 0 UEIU 1 POWER0  When a UPEU power

ment nal (Slot18) module cannot meet the
monitor monitoring requirement
ing from users, configure a
board UEIU.
 The UEIU shares a slot
with the UPEU. When two
UPEUs are configured for
hot backup, the UEIU
cannot be configured but
replaced by the second
FE/GE Optio 0 UFLP 1 Slot6>Slo The UFLP includes UFLPb
surge nal t5 and UFLPc. It supports surge
protecti protection for FE/GE
on electrical ports. This board is
board configured when FE/GE
Ethernet cables are routed
 The UFLP is preferred to
be inserted into the SLPU
surge protection box.
 When an UMPTb2 or
LMPT is configured in the
BBU3910, it is
recommended to insert the
UFLP in slot 6.

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Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

Fallback mode means that when the core network device is down or the transmission to core network
device is broken , the BBU3910 starts the CNPU/CNPUb board which works as a core network and
ensures normal group services and PTP call services within the eNodeB coverage. CNPU/CNPUb is an
optional board. Figure 3-3 shows the BBU3910 slot distribution in fallback mode.

Typical Configuration
Figure 3-3 shows the typical configuration of the boards in the BBU3910 working in fallback

Figure 2-3 Typical configuration of the BBU3910 in fallback mode

Boards of the BBU3910

The BBU3910 is configured with the following mandatory boards and modules:
 Main processing and transmission unit: Manages the entire base station including
operation and maintenance and signaling processing, and provides clock signals for the
− UMPTb2
 Baseband processing unit: Processes baseband signals and CPRI signals.
− UBBP: Baseband boards in eLTE3.4 support UBBPd4 and UBBPd6. In the TDD
scenario, UBBPd4 and UBBPd6 are both used. In the FDD scenario, only UBBPd4
is used.
− LBBP: In the TDD scenario, LBBPd4 boards are used.
 CNPU/CNPUb: Provides fallback station mode capability by loading software to the
 FAN: Controls the rotation of fans, checks the temperature of the fan module, and
performs heat dissipation for the BBU3910.
 UPEU: Converts -48 V DC power into +12 V DC, and provides ports for transmission of
two RS485 signal inputs and eight boolean signal inputs.

2.1.4 BBU3910 Ports

This section provides the ports on the main boards of BBU3910.
BBU3910 describes the BBU3910 primary ports.

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Table 2-2 BBU3910 ports

Board or Port Quanti Conne Function

module ty ctor
UMPTb2 FE/GE0 1 RJ45 FE/GE electrical port
 If there is CNPUb, this port connect to
FE/GE0 port of CNPUb.
 This port connects transmission network to
core network as an S1 service port if there
is not CNPUb.
FE/GE1 1 SFP FE/GE optical port connecting transmission
network to core network as an S1 service port.
USB 1 USB Used for the software loading. This port also
functions as a commissioning port.
 When the USB port used for the software
loading, the security is ensured by
encryption, and no user information is
involved during the process.
 When the USB port functions as a
commissioning port, ensure that an OM
port has been enabled and the user has
obtained required authorities for accessing
the base station through the OM port
before accessing the base station through
the USB port.
CLK 1 USB Port for clock signal outputs. The clock
signals are used for testing.
E1/T1 1 DB26 Reserved in current version.
GPS 1 SMA Connecting to the GPS antenna
CI 1 SFP This port is reserved in current version.
LMPT SFP0 1 SFP FE/GE electrical port
 This port is not used if there is CNPU.
 This port connects transmission device or
gateway only in the Ethernet link
aggregation or active/standby IP route
scene if there is notCNPU,
SFP1 1 SFP FE/GE optical port connecting transmission
network to core network
FE/GE0 1 RJ45 FE/GE electrical port
 If there is CNPU, this port connect to
FE/GE0 port of CNPU.
 This port connects transmission device or

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Board or Port Quanti Conne Function

module ty ctor
gateway only in the Ethernet link
aggregation or active/standby IP route
scene if there is not CNPU,
FE/GE1 1 RJ45 FE/GE electrical port connecting transmission
network to core network
USB 1 USB Software loading port. The security of the
USB port is ensured by encryption, and no
user information is involved during the
TST 1 USB Testing port. This port is used for
commissioning the base station rather than
importing or exporting the base station
ETH 1 RJ45 Commissioning serial port. Before accessing
the base station through the ETH port, ensure
that an OM port has been opened and the user
has obtained required authorities for accessing
the base station through the OM port.
GPS 1 SMA GPS port connecting to the GPS antenna.
CNPUb FE/GE0 1 RJ45 FE/GE electrical port. In the current version,
this port is used to connect an FE/GE0 of
UMPTb2 as an S1 service port.
FE/GE1 1 SFP the port is reserved in current version.
USB 1 USB Used for the software loading. This port also
functions as a commissioning port.
CLK 1 USB Receiving TOD signals and tests clock signals
E1/T1 1 DB26 Unused in current version.
CNPU FE/GE0 1 RJ45 FE/GE electrical port. In the current version,
this port is used to connect an FE/GE0 of
LMPT as an S1 service port.
FE/GE1 1 RJ45 Unused in current version
USB 1 USB Loading software
TST 1 USB Testing port
ETH 1 RJ45 Commissioning serial port

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Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

Board or Port Quanti Conne Function

module ty ctor
GPS 1 SMA Unused in the current version
LBBPd4 CPRI 6 SFP They are the data transmission ports
connecting the BBU3910 to eRRU, and
support the input and output of optical and
electrical transmission signals.
HEI 1 QSFP Reserved
UBBPd4/ CPRI 6 SFP They are the data transmission ports
UBBPd6 connecting the BBU3910 to eRRU, and
support the input and output of optical and
electrical transmission signals.
HEI 1 QSFP Reserved
USCUb2 GPS 1 SMA Receiving the GPS and GLONASS clock
2 signals
RGPS 1 PCB The RGPS port is reserved, and it cannot
welded receive RGPS signals.
TOD0 1 RJ45 Receives or transmits 1PPS+TOD signals.
TOD1 1 RJ45 Receives or transmits 1PPS+TOD signals, and
receives TOD signals from the M1000.
BITS 1 SMA Receives BITS clock signals, and supports
adaptive input of 2.048 MHz and 10 MHz
reference clock.
M-1PP 1 SMA Receives 1PPS signals from the M1000.

UPEU -48V 1 3V3 Introducing -48 V DC power

EXT-A 1 RJ45 Ports for Boolean signal inputs 0 to 7,
LM0 connecting to external alarm devices.
EXT-A 1 RJ45
MON0 1 RJ45 Ports for RS485 signal input 0 to 1,
connecting to external monitoring devices.
MON1 1 RJ45

 SFP0 and FE/GE0 ports on the LMPT are used for one GE input. Therefore, they are not used
 SFP1 and FE/GE1 ports on the LMPT are used for another GE input. Therefore, they are not used

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2.2 eRRU
This section presents the exterior and describes the functions and ports of the eRRU.

2.2.1 eRRU Exterior

The types of eRRU vary according to different capabilities. The following eRRUs are
supported: eRRU3232, eRRU3251, eRRU3253, eRRU3253b, eRRU3255, eRRU3276,
RRU3276, RRU3232, RRU3268, RRU3256, RRU3668, RRU3262, RRU3952, and
To meet the needs of different application scenarios, the solution provides a variety of eRRUs.
Customers can select different eRRUs according to the frequency band available to them.
Table 3-3 lists the eRRU types.

Table 2-3 eRRU types

eRRU Frequency Band RF Application Exterior

(MHz) Channel Scenario
eRRU3232 1800 (1785 to 1805, 1785 4 Mainly applied Figure 3-4
(TDD) to 1800) to 1.8 GHz
outdoor macro
base stations.
eRRU3251 1800 (1785 to 1805) 2 Mainly applied Figure 3-5
(TDD) to indoor
coverage and
linear coverage
situations, such
as railway,
subway and
eRRU3253 1400 (1447 to 1467) 8 Mainly applied Figure 3-6
(TDD) to 1.4 GHz
eRRU3253b 1400 (1447 to 1467) 8 Mainly applied Figure 3-17
(TDD) to 1.4 GHz
eRRU3278 1400 (1447 to 1467) 8 Mainly applied Figure 3-16
(TDD) to 1.4 GHz
eRRU3255  400 (380 to 400, 380 2 Mainly applied Figure 3-7
(TDD) to 450) to outdoor
 600(566 to 678) scenario, also
can be applied
in indoor

eRRU3276 1800 (1785 to 1805) 4 Mainly applied Figure 3-8

to 1.8 GHz

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eRRU Frequency Band RF Application Exterior

(MHz) Channel Scenario
(TDD) networks.
RRU3276 2300 (2300 to 2400) 4 Mainly applied Figure 3-8
(TDD) to 2.3 GHz
Supports only
the Huawei
RRU3232 3500 (3605 to 3685, 3480 4 Mainly applied Figure 3-4
(TDD) to 3500, 3580 to 3600, to 3.5 GHz
3400 to 3700) outdoor macro
base stations.
Supports only
the DC mode
and Huawei
RRU3256 3500 (3400 to 3600) 4 Mainly applied Figure 3-12
(TDD) to 3.5 GHz
Supports only
the Huawei

RRU3268  800 (Downlink 791 to 2 Mainly applied Figure 3-11

(FDD) 821, Uplink 832 to to 800 MHz or
862) 700 MHz
 700 (Downlink 758 to outdoor macro
798, Uplink 703 to base stations.
743) Supports only
the DC mode
and Huawei
RRU3668 450 (Downlink 462.5 to 2 Mainly applied Figure 3-13
(FDD) 467.5, Uplink 452.5 to to 450 MHz
457.5) scenario.
Supports only
the DC mode
and Huawei
RRU3262 700 (Downlink 758 to 4 Mainly applied Figure 3-14
(FDD) 803, Uplink 703 to 748) to 700 MHz
Supports only
the DC mode
and Huawei
RRU3952 850 (Downlink 859 to 4 Mainly applied Figure 3-15

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eRRU Frequency Band RF Application Exterior

(MHz) Channel Scenario
(FDD) 879, Uplink 814 to 834) to 850 MHz
Supports only
the DC mode
and Huawei

Figure 2-4 eRRU3232/RRU3232 exterior (unit: mm)

Figure 2-5 eRRU3251 exterior (unit: mm)

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Figure 2-6 eRRU3253 exterior (unit: mm)

Figure 2-7 eRRU3255 exterior (unit: mm)

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Figure 2-8 eRRU3276/RRU3276 exterior (unit: mm)

Figure 2-9 RRU3268 exterior (unit: mm)

Figure 2-10 RRU3256 exterior (unit: mm)

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Figure 2-11 RRU3668 exterior (unit: mm)

Figure 2-12 RRU3262 exterior (unit: mm)

Figure 2-13 RRU3952 exterior (unit: mm)

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Figure 2-14 eRRU3278 exterior (unit: mm)

Figure 2-15 eRRU3253b exterior (unit: mm)

2.2.2 eRRU Functions

One or more eRRU constitute the radio frequency (RF) part of a distributed base station.
The eRRUs can be installed on a pole or wall. They can also be installed close to antennas to
shorten the feeder length, reduce feeder loss, and improve system coverage. It implements the
following main functions:
 Receives or sends baseband data for the communication between the BBU3910 and the
 Serves to modulate and demodulate baseband signals and RF signals, process data and
amplify power.

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 Multiplexes RX and TX signals on the RF channel and filters the RX and TX signals.

2.2.3 eRRU Ports

An eRRU has a modular structure. Its external ports are positioned on the cabling cavity panel
and the bottom panel.
The eRRUs have the following ports:
 Table 3-4 and Table 3-5 describe the ports of the eRRU3232 (AC/DC) and RRU3232
 Table 3-6 and Table 3-7 describe the ports of the eRRU3251 (AC) and eRRU3251 (DC)
 Table 3-8 describes the ports of the eRRU3253.
 Table 3-9 describes the ports of the eRRU3253b.
 Table 3-10 describes the ports of the eRRU3278.
 Table 3-11 and Table 3-12 describe the ports of the eRRU3255 (AC) and eRRU3255
(DC) respectively.
 Table 3-13 and Table 3-14 describe the ports of the eRRU3276 (AC/DC) and RRU3276
 Table 3-17 describes the ports of the RRU3268.
 Table 3-18 describes the ports of the RRU3256.
 Table 3-19 describes the ports of the RRU3668.
 Table 3-20 describes the ports of the RRU3262.
 Table 3-21 describes the ports of the RRU3952.

Table 2-4 eRRU3232 (AC) ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data
rate is 4.9 Gbit/s or 2.5 Gbit/s.
RF port Type N 4 Connecting to the antenna, used for
the downlink signal output and
uplink signal input
Power supply Round 3-pin 1 Supplying 220 V AC power to the
port connector eRRU
RET/alarm DB9 1 RET port for RET signal
port transmission, or alarm port for
monitoring one RS485 signal input
and two dry contact signal inputs
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

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Table 2-5 eRRU3232/RRU3232 (DC) ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data
rate is 4.9 Gbit/s or 2.5 Gbit/s.
RF port Type N 4 Connecting to the antenna, used for
the downlink signal output and
uplink signal input
Power supply Tool-less male 1 Supplying -48 V DC power to the
port connector eRRU
(pressfit type)
RET/alarm DB9 1 RET port for RET signal
port transmission, or alarm port for
monitoring one RS485 signal input
and two dry contact signal inputs
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

Table 2-6 eRRU3251 (AC) ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data
rate is 4.9 Gbit/s or 2.5 Gbit/s.
RF port Type N 2 Connecting to the antenna, used for
the downlink signal output and
uplink signal input
Power supply Round 3-pin 1 Supplying 220 V AC power to the
port connector eRRU
RET/alarm DB9 1 RET port for RET signal
port transmission, or alarm port for
monitoring one RS485 signal input
and two dry contact signal inputs
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

Table 2-7 eRRU3251 (DC) ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data
rate is 4.9 Gbit/s or 2.5 Gbit/s.
RF port Type N 2 Connecting to the antenna, used for

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Port Connector Quantity Description

the downlink signal output and
uplink signal input
Power supply Tool-less male 1 Supplying -48 V DC power to the
port connector eRRU
(pressfit type)
RET/alarm DB9 1 RET port for RET signal
port transmission, or alarm port for
monitoring one RS485 signal input
and two dry contact signal inputs
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

Table 2-8 eRRU3253 ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data
rate is 4.9 Gbit/s or 2.5 Gbit/s.
RF port Type N 8 Connecting to the antenna, used for
the downlink signal output and
uplink signal input
Power supply Tool-less male 1 Supplying -48 V DC power to the
port connector eRRU
(pressfit type)
RET/alarm DB9 1 RET port for RET signal
port transmission, or alarm port for
monitoring one RS485 signal input
and two dry contact signal inputs

Calibration Type N 1 Supporting calibration signal

port transmission
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

Table 2-9 eRRU3253b ports

Port Connector type Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the
BBU3910, its data
rate is 4.9 Gbit/s.
RF port Type N 8 Connecting to the
antenna, used for the
downlink signal

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Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

Port Connector type Quantity Description

output and uplink
signal input
Power supply port Tool-less male 1 Supplying -48 V DC
connector (pressfit power to the eRRU
Alarm port DB15 1 Alarm monitoring
port used for
monitoring one
RS485 signal and
two dry contact
RET port DB9 1 Communication port
for the RET antenna,
supporting RET
signal transmission.
Calibration port Type N 1 Calibration port,
supporting OOK
signal transmission.
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

Table 2-10 eRRU3278 ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its
data rate is 4.9 Gbit/s.
RF port Type N 8 Connecting to the antenna, used for
the downlink signal output and
uplink signal input
Power supply Tool-less male 1 Supplying -48 V DC power to the
port connector eRRU
(pressfit type)
Alarm port DB15 1 Alarm monitoring port used for
monitoring one RS485 signal and
two dry contact signals.
RET port DB9 1 Communication port for the RET
antenna, supporting RET signal
Calibration Type N 1 Calibration port, supporting OOK
port signal transmission.
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

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Product Overview 2 Product Architecture

Table 2-11 eRRU3255 (AC) ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data
rate is 4.9 Gbit/s or 2.5 Gbit/s.
RF port Type N 2 Connecting to the antenna, used for
the downlink signal output and
uplink signal input
Power supply Round 3-pin 1 Supplying 220 V AC power to the
port connector eRRU
RET/alarm DB9 1 RET port for RET signal
port transmission, or alarm port for
monitoring one RS485 signal input
and two dry contact signal inputs
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

Table 2-12 eRRU3255 (DC) ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data
rate is 4.9 Gbit/s or 2.5 Gbit/s.
RF port Type N 2 Connecting to the antenna, used for
the downlink signal output and
uplink signal input
Power supply Tool-less male 1 Supplying -48 V DC power to the
port connector eRRU
(pressfit type)
RET/alarm DB9 1 RET port for RET signal
port transmission, or alarm port for
monitoring one RS485 signal input
and two dry contact signal inputs
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

Table 2-13 eRRU3276 (AC) ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data

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Port Connector Quantity Description

rate is 4.9 Gbit/s.

RF port Type N 4 Connecting to the antenna, used for

the downlink signal output and
uplink signal input
Power supply Tool-less male 1 Supplying 220 V AC power to the
port connector eRRU
(pressfit type)
RET port DB9 1 Communication port for the RET
antenna, supporting RET signal
Alarm port DB15 1 Alarm monitoring port used for
monitoring one RS485 signal and
two dry contact signals
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

Table 2-14 eRRU3276/RRU3276 (DC) ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data
rate is 4.9 Gbit/s.
RF port Type N 4 Connecting to the antenna, used for
the downlink signal output and
uplink signal input
Power supply Tool-less male 1 Supplying -48 V DC power to the
port connector eRRU
(pressfit type)
RET port DB9 1 Communication port for the RET
antenna, supporting RET signal
Alarm port DB15 1 Alarm monitoring port used for
monitoring one RS485 signal and
two dry contact signals
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

Table 2-15 RRU3268 ports

Port Connector Quantity Description


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Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data
rate is 1.25 Gbit/s, 2.5 Gbit/s, or 4.9
RF port Type N 2 Connecting to the antenna, used for
the downlink signal output and
uplink signal input
Power supply Tool-less male 1 Supplying -48 V DC power to the
port connector eRRU
(pressfit type)
RET port DB9 1 Communication port for the RET
antenna, supporting RET signal
Alarm port DB15 1 Alarm monitoring port used for
monitoring one RS485 signal and
two dry contact signals
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

Table 2-16 RRU3256 ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data
rate is 4.9 Gbit/s or 2.5 Gbit/s.

RF port Type N 4 Connecting to the antenna, used for

the downlink signal output and
uplink signal input
Power supply Tool-less male 1 Supplying -48 V DC power to the
port connector eRRU
(pressfit type)
RET/alarm DB9 1 RET port for RET signal
port transmission, or alarm port for
monitoring one RS485 signal input
and two dry contact signal inputs
RGPS port DB15 1 This port is reserved
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

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Table 2-17 RRU3668 ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data
rate is 1.25 Gbit/s, 2.5 Gbit/s, or 4.9
RF port DIN-type 2 Connecting to the antenna to
transmit and receive RF signals
Power supply Tool-less male 1 Supplying -48 V DC power to the
port connector eRRU
(pressfit type)
RET port DB9 1 Communication port for the RET
antenna, supporting RET signal
Alarm port DB15 1 Alarm monitoring port used for
monitoring one RS485 signal and
two dry contact signals
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

Table 2-18 RRU3262 ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data
rate is 1.25 Gbit/s, 2.5 Gbit/s, or 4.9
RF port DIN-type 2 Connecting to the antenna to
transmit and receive RF signals
2 Connecting to the antenna to receive
RF signals
Power supply Tool-less male 1 Supplying -48 V DC power to the
port connector eRRU
(pressfit type)
RET port DB9 1 Communication port for the RET
antenna, supporting RET signal
Alarm port DB15 1 Alarm monitoring port used for
monitoring one RS485 signal and
two dry contact signals
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

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Table 2-19 RRU3952 ports

Port Connector Quantity Description

CPRI port DLC 2 Connecting to the BBU3910, its data
rate is 1.25 Gbit/s, 2.5 Gbit/s, or 4.9
RF port DIN-type 2 Connecting to the antenna to
transmit and receive RF signals
2 Connecting to the antenna to receive
RF signals
Interconnection DB2W2 1 Connecting to another RF module
port for
receiving RF
Power supply Tool-less 1 Supplying -48 V DC power to the
port female eRRU
(pressfit type)
RET port DB9 1 Communication port for the RET
antenna, supporting RET signal
Alarm port DB15 1 Alarm monitoring port used for
monitoring one RS485 signal and
two dry contact signals
Grounding port OT 2 Ground protection

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Product Overview 3 Installation Scenarios

3 Installation Scenarios

The DBS3900 is applicable in the outdoor and indoor installation scenarios.

Outdoor Installation
If the DBS3900 is deployed outdoors, it can be installed in a TP48200A, or an OMB(AC).
The TP48200A or OMB(AC) provides installation space and outdoor protection for the
DBS3900, and supplies –48 V DC power to the DBS3900 and eRRUs. Figure 4-1 shows the
typical outdoor installation scenario.

Figure 3-1 DBS3900 Typical Outdoor Installation Scenario

Indoor Installation
If the DBS3900 is deployed indoors, the BBU3910 can be installed in a 19-inch cabinet or
Indoor Mini Box (IMB03). The BBU3910 is able to use the power supply system and
transmission system of the existing network.

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Figure 3-2 DBS3900 Typical Indoor Installation Scenario

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Product Overview 4 Operation and Maintenance

4 Operation and Maintenance

About This Chapter

The DBS3900 is managed by an operation and maintenance (O&M) system using either
man-machine language commands or a graphical user interface. This system is
hardware-independent and provides comprehensive functions to meet users' various O&M
5.1 Methods
The DBS3900 supports both local and centralized operation and maintenance (O&M).
5.2 Characteristics
This section describes the main operation and maintenance characteristics of the DBS3900.

4.1 Methods
The DBS3900 supports both local and centralized operation and maintenance (O&M).
 Centralized maintenance
Users can use the eOMC910 in a remote equipment room to manage multiple eNodeBs
in terms of data configuration, remote commissioning, alarm and performance
monitoring, and software upgrade. Centralized maintenance in a remote equipment room
saves time and manpower, and therefore reduces O&M costs.
 Local maintenance
Users can use the eLMT to locally manage an eNodeB. To be specific, after logging in to
an eNodeB through the WebLMT on a PC, users can manage alarms of the eNodeB and
run MML commands to perform data configuration and user management on the

4.2 Characteristics
This section describes the main operation and maintenance characteristics of the DBS3900.

Issue 02 (2018-03-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 32

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Product Overview 4 Operation and Maintenance

Robust Hardware Management, Rapid Fault Location and Rectification

The DBS3900 provides pre-warning mechanism and resetting mechanism for hardware
management to make sure sufficient time is left for troubleshooting before the service
interruptions. The recovery can be implemented by resetting to avoid severe accidents in case
the faults cannot be cleared in time.
When a hardware fault occurs, the DBS3900 alerts the user by generating alarms and flashing
indicators and provides suggestions to guide the user for troubleshooting. After the fault is
recovered, the alarm is cleared.

Advanced Software Management and Smooth Upgrade

The DBS3900 provides upgrade and rollback mechanism for software management, which
allows a software version upgrade and rollback. The upgrade process includes downloading
software files, loading the software to the flash of each board, and activating the software in
the board flash. This process adopts the protection mechanism to raise the success rate of
switching. The effect on available resources is reduced to the lowest level.
The key data is backed up in the upgrade process. Therefore, a rollback can be initiated
immediately when the upgrade fails, and the system recovers to a normal state in a short time.
After the upgrade is complete, version consistency check can be performed to verify the
version correctness.

Rich Tracing and Detection Functions

The DBS3900 provides hierarchical tracing and detection functions, including user tracing,
interface tracing, message tracing, fault detection on the physical layer, fault detection on the
data link layer, and other fault detection functions, facilitating fault locating. The tracing
information can be saved into files and be checked using the tracing retrospection tool.

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Product Overview 5 Product Security

5 Product Security

This section describes the security feature of the DBS3900.

Integrated Firewall
The DBS3900 supports the integrated firewall. When a device is attacked, the firewall filters
attack packets. The integrated firewall implements ACL packet filtering and network attack

Network Security
The DBS3900 provides the following network security features:
 Security features of IPSec.
 Secure sockets layer protocol.

Application Security
The application security features supported by the DBS3900 include:
 Integrity protection and air interface data encryption.
 Security auditing and security logs.
 Isolating the user plane, the control plane and the management plane.
 Out-of-band management and the inband management.
 Anonymizing personal data of terminal users.
 Digital signature of software.

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Product Overview 6 Technical Specifications

6 Technical Specifications

About This Chapter

This section describes the technical specifications of the DBS3900 including station
specifications, baseband board traffic specifications, device specifications and reliability
7.1 DBS3900 station specifications
This section describes the capacity specifications of the DBS3900 and the transmission ports
7.2 Baseband Board Traffic Specifications
This section describes the baseband specifications supported by LBBP and UBBP.
7.3 Equipment Specifications
This section provides the following equipment specifications of the BBU3910 and eRRUs.
7.4 Reliability Specifications
This section describes the reliability specifications of the DBS3900.

6.1 DBS3900 station specifications

This section describes the capacity specifications of the DBS3900 and the transmission ports

Capacity Specifications
The following table lists the capacity specifications of the DBS3900.

Table 6-1 Capacity specifications of the DBS3900

Item TDD mode FDD mode

Frequency  3 MHz (Supported only by 400M  5 MHz
bandwidth eRRU3255)  10 MHz
 5 MHz  20 MHz

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Product Overview 6 Technical Specifications

Item TDD mode FDD mode

 10 MHz
 15 MHz (Supported only by 1.8G
eRRU3232, and 1.4G eRRU3253,
eRRU3253b, and eRRU3278)
 20 MHz
Maximum 18 18
number of  8T8R (supported only by the  4T4R/2T2R: 20 MHz cell
cells LBBPd4)/4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 20 bandwidth
supported MHz cell bandwidth  4T4R/2T2R: 10 MHz cell
by an
DBS3900  4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 15 MHz cell bandwidth
bandwidth  4T4R/2T2R: 5 MHz cell
 8T8R (supported only by the bandwidth
LBBPd4)/4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 10
MHz cell bandwidth
 4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 5 MHz cell
 4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 3 MHz cell
Maximum  Downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 450 Mbit/s, Uplink data rate at the
throughput MAC layer: 300 Mbit/s.(LMPT)
per  Sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer: 1.5
DBS3900 Gbit/s(UMPTb2, no limit on the assignment of downlink and uplink data)
Maximum  LMPT: 4800
number of  UMPTb2: 9600
UEs in
mode per

Specifications of Transmission Ports

 In a private network system, only 2T2R cascade is supported .

 In the TDD scenario, UBBPd4 supports three logical cells at most, UBBPd6 and LBBPd4 supports
six logical cells at most. UBBPd4 can support three logical cells, eRRU combination must be
applied when more than three eRRUs are cascaded.
 When working in 8T8R beamforming mode, the eRRUs and the DBS3900 cannot be installed
remotely from each other. Only LBBPd4 supports 8T8R beamforming mode.
 In the FDD scenario, the eRRU cascade is restricted by the bandwidth of CPRI ports on the
RRU3268. The cascade is not supported when the optical port data rate is 1.25 Gbit/s.
 An eRRU supports 38 km link length. 1 km is reduced when an eRRU is cascaded. For example, six
cascaded eRRUs support 33 km link length.

The Table 7-2 and Table 7-3 lists the specifications of CPRI networking, eRRU Cascade and
remote distance in the TDD scenario and FDD scenario separately.

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Product Overview 6 Technical Specifications

Table 6-2 Specificationse supported by eRRUs in the TDD scenario

eRRU Type Network eRRU Cascade Remote Distance

eRRU3232  Star topology Cascade is not The largest remote
 Single-cascade supported. distance is 20 km.
cold backup ring
eRRU3253  Star topology Cascade is not  The largest
 Single-cascade supported. single-level
intra-/inter-board remote distance
cold backup ring is 20 km in the
topology 4T4R mode.
 The largest
 Single-level
cascading single-level
intra-/inter-board remote distance
load-sharing is 10 km in the
8T8R mode.
 When working in
(BF) mode, the
eRRUs and the
BBU3910 cannot
be installed
remotely from
each other.
eRRU3253b  Star topology Cascade is not  The largest
 Single-cascade supported. single-level
intra-/inter-board remote distance
cold backup ring is 20 km in the
topology 4T4R mode.
 The largest
 Single-level
cascading single-level
intra-/inter-board remote distance
load-sharing is 10 km in the
8T8R mode.
 When working in
(BF) mode, the
eRRUs and the
BBU3910 cannot
be installed
remotely from
each other.
eRRU3278  Star topology Cascade is not  The largest
 Single-cascade supported. single-level
intra-/inter-board remote distance
is 20 km in the

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Product Overview 6 Technical Specifications

eRRU Type Network eRRU Cascade Remote Distance

cold backup ring 4T4R mode.
topology  The largest
 Single-level single-level
cascading remote distance
intra-/inter-board is 10 km in the
load-sharing 8T8R mode.
 When working in
(BF) mode, the
eRRUs and the
BBU3910 cannot
be installed
remotely from
each other.
eRRU3251  Star topology  Cell bandwidth is An eRRU3251
 Chain topology 5 MHz: Six-level supports 38 km link
cascading is length. 1 km is
 Multi-level supported. reduced when an
cascading cold eRRU3251 is
 Cell bandwidth is
backup ring cascaded. For
topology 10 MHz:
Four-level example, six-level
cascading is cascading
supported. eRRU3251s support
33 km link length.
 Cell bandwidth is
20 MHz:
cascading is
eRRU3255  Star topology  Cell bandwidth is An eRRU3255
 Chain topology less than or equal supports 38 km link
to 5 MHz: length. 1 km is
 Multi-level Six-level reduced when an
cascading cold cascading is eRRU3255 is
backup ring supported. cascaded. For
topology example, six-level
 Cell bandwidth is
10 MHz: cascading
Four-level eRRU3255s support
cascading is 33 km link length.
 Cell bandwidth is
20 MHz:
cascading is
RRU3276  Star topology Cascade is not If only one level of
 Single-cascade supported. RRU3276 is
intra-/inter-board configured, the

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Product Overview 6 Technical Specifications

eRRU Type Network eRRU Cascade Remote Distance

cold backup ring maximum distance
topology between the
RRU3276 and the
BBU3910 is 10 km.
RRU3232  Star topology Cascade is not If only one level of
 Single-cascade supported. RRU3232 is
intra-/inter-board configured, the
cold backup ring maximum distance
topology between the
RRU3232 and the
BBU3910 is 10 km.
RRU3256  Star topology Cascade is not If only one level of
 Single-cascade supported. RRU3256 is
intra-/inter-board configured, the
cold backup ring maximum distance
topology between the
RRU3256 and the
BBU3910 is 10 km.

Table 6-3 Specificationse supported by RRUs in the FDD scenario

eRRU Type Network eRRU Cascade Remote Distance

RRU3668  Star topology  Optical port rate The largest remote
 Chain topology is 1.25 Gbit/s: distance is 20 km.
Cascade is not
 Optical port rate
is 2.5 Gbit/s:
− Cell
bandwidth is
5 MHz:
cascading is

RRU3268  Star topology  Optical port rate The largest remote

 Chain topology is 1.25 Gbit/s: distance is 20 km.
Cascade is not
 Optical port rate
is 2.5 Gbit/s:
− Cell
bandwidth is
5 MHz:
cascading is

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Product Overview 6 Technical Specifications

eRRU Type Network eRRU Cascade Remote Distance

− Cell
bandwidth is
10 MHz:
cascading is
− Cell
bandwidth is
20 MHz:
Cascade is

RRU3262  Star topology  Optical port rate The largest remote

 Chain topology is 1.25 Gbit/s: distance is 20 km .
Cascade is not
 Optical port rate
is 2.5 Gbit/s:
− Cell
bandwidth is
5 MHz:
cascading is
− Cell
bandwidth is
greater than
or equal to 10
Cascade is
RRU3952  Star topology  Optical port rate The largest remote
 Chain topology is 1.25 Gbit/s: distance is 20 km .
Cascade is not
 Optical port rate
is 2.5 Gbit/s:
− Cell
bandwidth is
5 MHz:
cascading is
− Cell
bandwidth is
10 MHz:

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Product Overview 6 Technical Specifications

eRRU Type Network eRRU Cascade Remote Distance

cascading is
− Cell
bandwidth is
20 MHz:
Cascade is

6.2 Baseband Board Traffic Specifications

This section describes the baseband specifications supported by LBBP and UBBP.

Basic Concept
Dual-eRRU for One Sector
Dual-eRRU for one sector is to connect two eRRUs of the same frequency band to one
baseband processing board and enable the two eRRUs to serve one sector. In this case, the
capacity of the sector is increased.
Cell Combination and SFN Combination
 Cell combination: Applicable to scenarios with co-coverage cells and sufficient capacity,
such as the ECV system, mines, indoor coverage, and shadow areas. This function
enhances the networking flexibility, extends cell coverage, and reduces carriers to be
configured and handovers.
 SFN combination: Applicable to dense urban areas with intra-frequency coverage. This
function uses the space division multiplexing technology for physical shared channels,
enabling cells in the coverage area to work on the same frequency. This function
increases the cell capacity, reduces intra-frequency interference, and reduces the number
of handovers.
The cell combination and SFN combination principle is to combine multiple independent cells
into a logical cell. In eRRU network topology, inter-eRRU combination, intra-eRRU
combination, and mixed eRRU combination are supported.
 Inter-eRRU combination: one independent cell is served by one respective eRRU.
 Intra-eRRU combination: all independent cells are served by the same eRRU.
 Mixed combination of eRRUs: some independent cells are served by different eRRUs
and some independent cells are served by the same eRRU.

 For eRRU, only 400M eRRU3255 supports 3 MHz bandwidth, only 1.8G eRRU3232 , and 1.4G
eRRU3253, eRRU3253b, and eRRU3278 support 15 MHz bandwidth.
 For the DBS3900, different baseband processing boards can be mixedly used in one BBU3910.
Cascading inter-board load-sharing and cold backup ring topology are supported only for the same
baseband processing boards.

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Product Overview 6 Technical Specifications

 For the DBS3900, different eRRU on different baseband processing boards can be mixedly used.
 For the DBS3900, dual-eRRU for one sector and eRRU combination are supported only for eRRUs
of the same model on the same baseband processing board.
 The eRRU mixed combination is not supported when the eRRUs adopt the load sharing network
 The DBS3900 supports SFN combination for cells served by different baseband processing unit.
 Only UBBPd boards of the DBS3900 support SFN combination.

Cell Specifications of LBBP

The following table lists the number of logical cells and bandwidth supported by a single

Table 6-4 Specifications of the LBBP

Item Specifications
Maximum number TDD mode 3 cells
of cells supported (LBBPd4)  8T8R/4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 20 MHz cell
by a single LBBP bandwidth
 4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 15MHz cell
 8T8R/4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 10 MHz cell
 4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 5 MHz cell bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 3 MHz cell bandwidth
Two 2T2R eRRUs eRRU number per 2
combination into cell
4T4R consolidation
cell in FDD mode Number of 3 cells
consolidation cells  4T4R: 5 MHz cell bandwidth
per baseband board
 4T4R: 10 MHz cell bandwidth
 4T4R: 20 MHz cell bandwidth
Two 2T2R eRRUs eRRU number per 2
combination into cell
4T4R consolidation
cell in TDD mode Maximum number 3 cells
of combined cells  4T4R: 5 MHz cell bandwidth
per baseband board
 4T4R: 10 MHz cell bandwidth
 4T4R: 15 MHz cell bandwidth
 4T4R: 20 MHz cell bandwidth
Cell combination eRRU number per 6
among eRRUs in cell
TDD mode
Maximum number 3 cells
of combined cells  2T2R/1T1R: 3 MHz cell bandwidth
per baseband board
 2T2R/1T1R: 5 MHz cell bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 10 MHz cell bandwidth

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Item Specifications
 2T2R/1T1R: 15 MHz cell bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 20 MHz cell bandwidth
Cell combination in eRRU number per 1
eRRU in TDD cell
Maximum number 3 cells
of combined cells  1T1R: 3 MHz cell bandwidth
per baseband board
 2T2R/1T1R: 5 MHz cell bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 10 MHz cell bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 15 MHz cell bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 20 MHz cell bandwidth
Cell mixed eRRU number per 5
combination in cell
TDD mode
Maximum number 2 cells
of combined cells  1T1R: 3 MHz cell bandwidth
per baseband board
 2T2R/1T1R: 5 MHz cell bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 10 MHz cell bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 15 MHz cell bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 20 MHz cell bandwidth

Cell Specifications of UBBP

The following table lists the number of logical cells and bandwidth supported by a single

Table 6-5 Specifications of cells

Item UBBPd4 UBBPd6

Maximum TDD mode 3 cells  6 cells
number of  4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 20 − 4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 20
cells MHz cell bandwidth MHz cell bandwidth
 4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 15 − 4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 15
by a single
UBBP MHz cell bandwidth MHz cell bandwidth
 4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 10 − 4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 10
MHz cell bandwidth MHz cell bandwidth
 4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 5 − 4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 5
MHz cell bandwidth MHz cell bandwidth
 4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 3 − 4T4R/2T2R/1T1R: 3
MHz cell bandwidth MHz cell bandwidth
FDD mode 3 cells -
 4T4R/2T2R: 20 MHz
cell bandwidth

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Item UBBPd4 UBBPd6

 4T4R/2T2R: 10 MHz
cell bandwidth
 4T4R/2T2R: 5 MHz cell
Two 2T2R eRRU 2 -
eRRUs number per
combination cell
into 4T4R
consolidatio Number of 3 cells -
n cell in consolidatio  4T4R: 20 MHz cell
FDD mode n cells per bandwidth
 4T4R: 10 MHz cell
 4T4R: 5 MHz cell
Two 2T2R eRRU 2 2
eRRUs number per
combination cell
into 4T4R
consolidatio Maximum 3 cell 6 cells
n cell in number of  4T4R: 5 MHz cell  4T4R: 5 MHz cell
TDD mode combined bandwidth bandwidth
cells per
 4T4R: 10 MHz cell  4T4R: 10 MHz cell
board bandwidth bandwidth
 4T4R: 15 MHz cell  4T4R: 15 MHz cell
bandwidth bandwidth
 4T4R: 20 MHz cell  4T4R: 20 MHz cell
bandwidth bandwidth
Cell eRRU 3 6
combination number per
among cell
eRRUs in
TDD mode Maximum 3 cells 6 cells
number of  2T2R/1T1R: 3 MHz cell  2T2R/1T1R: 3 MHz cell
combined bandwidth bandwidth
cells per
 2T2R/1T1R: 5 MHz cell  2T2R/1T1R: 5 MHz cell
board bandwidth bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 10 MHz  2T2R/1T1R: 10 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 15 MHz  2T2R/1T1R: 15 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 20 MHz  2T2R/1T1R: 20 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
Cell eRRU 1 1
combination number per
in eRRU in cell

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Item UBBPd4 UBBPd6

TDD mode Maximum 1 cell 3 cells
number of  1T1R: 3 MHz cell  1T1R: 3 MHz cell
combined bandwidth bandwidth
cells per
 2T2R/1T1R: 5 MHz cell  2T2R/1T1R: 5 MHz cell
board bandwidth bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 10 MHz  2T2R/1T1R: 10 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 15 MHz  2T2R/1T1R: 15 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 20 MHz  2T2R/1T1R: 20 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
Cell mixed eRRU 2 5
combination number per
in TDD cell
Maximum 1 cell 2 cells
number of  1T1R: 3 MHz cell  1T1R: 3 MHz cell
combined bandwidth bandwidth
cells per
 2T2R/1T1R: 5 MHz cell  2T2R/1T1R: 5 MHz cell
board bandwidth bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 10 MHz  2T2R/1T1R: 10 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 15 MHz  2T2R/1T1R: 15 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
 2T2R/1T1R: 20 MHz  2T2R/1T1R: 20 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
SFN eRRU 3 6
combination number per
among cell
eRRUs in
TDD mode Maximum 1 cell 3 cells
number of  4T4R/2T2R: 3 MHz cell  4T4R/2T2R: 3 MHz cell
combined bandwidth bandwidth
cells per
 4T4R/2T2R: 5 MHz cell  4T4R/2T2R: 5 MHz cell
board bandwidth bandwidth
 4T4R/2T2R: 10 MHz  4T4R/2T2R: 10 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
 4T4R/2T2R: 20 MHz  4T4R/2T2R: 20 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
SFN eRRU 1 1
combination number per
in eRRU in cell
TDD mode
Maximum 1 cell 3 cells
number of  4T4R/2T2R: 3 MHz cell  4T4R/2T2R: 3 MHz cell
combined bandwidth bandwidth
cells per

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Item UBBPd4 UBBPd6

baseband  4T4R/2T2R: 5 MHz cell  4T4R/2T2R: 5 MHz cell
board bandwidth bandwidth
 4T4R/2T2R: 10 MHz  4T4R/2T2R: 10 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
 4T4R/2T2R: 20 MHz  4T4R/2T2R: 20 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
SFN mixed eRRU 2 5
combination number per
in TDD cell
Maximum 1 cell 2 cells
number of  4T4R/2T2R: 3 MHz cell  4T4R/2T2R: 3 MHz cell
combined bandwidth bandwidth
cells per
 4T4R/2T2R: 5 MHz cell  4T4R/2T2R: 5 MHz cell
board bandwidth bandwidth
 4T4R/2T2R: 10 MHz  4T4R/2T2R: 10 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth
 4T4R/2T2R: 20 MHz  4T4R/2T2R: 20 MHz cell
cell bandwidth bandwidth

UBBPd6 is not supported in FDD mode.

6.3 Equipment Specifications

This section provides the following equipment specifications of the BBU3910 and eRRUs.

Equipment Specifications of BBU3910

Table 7-6 lists the equipment specifications of the BBU3910, such as engineering
specifications, environment specifications and capacity specifications.

Table 6-6 Equipment specifications of the BBU3910

Type Item Specifications

Engineering Dimensions (H x 86 mm x 442 mm x 310 mm
specifications W x D)
Weight ≤ 12 kg (In full configuration)
Input power -48 V DC (-38.4 V DC to -57 V DC)
Power  A baseband unit (One FAN and one UPEU
consumption included): 53.5 W
 LMPT main control board: 40 W
 UMPTb2 main control board: 40 W

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Type Item Specifications

 CNPU board: 40 W
 LBBP baseband board: 90 W
 UBBP baseband board: 85 W
 USCUb22 clock board: 4 W (8HP USCUb22)
Environment Temperature -20°C to +55°C
Relative humidity 5% RH to 95% RH
Anti-seismic Magnitude-9 earthquak
Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa
Ingress Protection IP20
(IP) rating
Capacity Cell Maximum number of cells: 18, cell frequency
specifications bandwidth: 3 MHz/5 MHz/10 MHz/15 MHz/20
Other CPRI Port  6 CPRI ports per LBBP/UBBP
specifications  CPRI port supports: automatic switching
between 2.4576 Gbit/s and 4.9152 Gbit/s
Transmission port  UMPTb2 supports 1 FE/GE electrical port
and 1 FE/GE optical port
 LMPT supports 2 FE/GE electrical port, or 2
FE/GE optical port, or 1 FE/GE electrical
port and 1 FE/GE optical port

Clock  In the TDD scenario, an DBS3900 supports

synchronization GPS/GLONASS/1588V2/1PPS+TOD time
 In the FDD scenario, an an DBS3900
supports GPS/1588V2 (IPCLK) frequency

Cooling Forced air cooling (Left in, right out)

Equipment Specifications of eRRU

Table 7-7 to Table 7-21 lists the RF specifications, engineering specifications and
environment specifications of the eRRUs.

Table 6-7 Equipment specifications of the eRRU3232(4T4R)

Type Item Specifications

RF specifications Frequency band 1.8 GHz: 1785 MHz to 1805 MHz

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Type Item Specifications

Bandwidth (MHz) 3/5/10/15/20/5+10
Maximum output 4 x 20 W

Receiving -103.5 dBm(5 MHz)

Engineering Dimensions (H x 480 mm x 270 mm x 140 mm
specifications W x D)
Weight <18.5 kg
Input power  220 V AC, voltage range: 90 V AC to 290 V
 -48 V DC, voltage range: -36 V DC to -57 V
Power  eRRU3232 (DC):
consumption − Maximum average power consumption:
350 W
− Maximum power consumption: 465 W
 eRRU3232 (AC):
Maximum average power consumption: 350
W (the concept of maximum power
consumption is not applicable in the
eRRU3232 (AC)).
Environment Temperature -40°C to +50°C
Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH
Anti-seismic Magnitude-9 earthquak
Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa
Ingress Protection IP65
(IP) rating

Table 6-8 Equipment specifications of the eRRU3251(2T2R)

Type Item Specifications

RF specifications Frequency band 1.8 GHz: 1785 MHz to 1805 MHz
Bandwidth (MHz) 5/10/20
Maximum output 2 x 20 W
Receiving -102 dBm (5 MHz)

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Type Item Specifications

Engineering Dimensions (H x 400 mm x 220 mm x 140 mm
specifications W x D)
Weight <12.5 kg
Input power  220 V AC, voltage range: 90 V AC to 290 V
 -48 V DC, voltage range: -36 V DC to -60 V
Power  eRRU3251 (DC):
consumption − Maximum average power consumption:
190 W
− Maximum power consumption: 250 W
 eRRU3251 (AC):
Maximum average power consumption: 190
W (the concept of maximum power
consumption is not applicable in the
eRRU3251 (AC)).
Environment Temperature -40°C to +50°C
Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH
Anti-seismic Magnitude-9 earthquak

Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa

Ingress Protection IP65
(IP) rating

Table 6-9 Equipment specifications of the eRRU3253(8T8R)

Type Item Specifications

RF specifications Frequency band 1.4 GHz: 1447 MHz to 1467 MHz
Bandwidth 5/10/15/20/10+10
Maximum output 8 x 10 W
Receiving -103 dBm (5 MHz)
Engineering Dimensions (H x 550 mm x 320 mm x 135 mm
specifications W x D)

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Type Item Specifications

Weight ≤24 kg
Input power -48 V DC, voltage range: -32 V DC to -60 V DC
Power  eRRU3253 maximum average power
consumption consumption: 365 W
 eRRU3253 maximum power consumption:
440 W
Environment Temperature -40°C to +50°C
Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH
Anti-seismic Magnitude-9 earthquak
Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa
Ingress IP65
Protection (IP)

Table 6-10 Equipment specifications of the eRRU3253b(8T8R)

Type Item Specifications

RF specifications Frequency band 1.4 GHz: 1447 MHz to 1467 MHz
Bandwidth 5/10/15/20
Maximum output 8 x 10 W
Receiving -103 dBm
Engineering Dimensions (H x 480 mm x 356 mm x 140 mm
specifications W x D)
Weight < 25 kg
Input power -48 V DC, voltage range: -36 V DC to -57 V DC
Power  0+7 proportion:
consumption − Maximum power consumption: 295 W
− Typical power consumption: 260 W
 1+7 proportion:
− Maximum power consumption: 390 W
− Typical power consumption: 325 W
 2+7 proportion:

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Type Item Specifications

− Maximum power consumption: 470 W
− Typical power consumption: 390 W
Environment Temperature -40°C to +50°C
Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH
Anti-seismic Magnitude-9 earthquak
Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa
Ingress Protection IP65
(IP) rating

Table 6-11 Equipment specifications of the eRRU3278(8T8R)

Type Item Specifications

RF specifications Frequency band 1.4 GHz: 1447 MHz to 1467 MHz
Bandwidth (MHz) 5/10/15/20
Maximum output 8 x 20 W
Receiving -103 dBm
Engineering Dimensions (H x 480 mm x 356 mm x 140 mm
specifications W x D)
Weight < 25 kg
Input power -48 V DC, voltage range: -36 V DC to -57 V DC
Power  0+7 proportion:
consumption − Maximum power consumption: 380 W
− Typical power consumption: 305 W
 1+7 proportion:
− Maximum power consumption: 520 W
− Typical power consumption: 390 W
 2+7 proportion:
− Maximum power consumption: 660 W
− Typical power consumption: 475 W
Environment Temperature -40°C to +50°C
Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH
Anti-seismic Magnitude-9 earthquak

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Type Item Specifications

Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa
Ingress Protection IP65
(IP) rating

Table 6-12 Equipment specifications of the eRRU3255(2T2R)

Type Item Specifications

RF specifications Frequency band  400 MHz:
− 380 MHz to 450 MHz
− 380 MHz to 400 MHz (supported only by
DC eRRU3255)
 600 MHz: 566 MHz to 678 MHz (supported
only by AC eRRU3255)
Bandwidth (MHz)  400 MHz: 3/5/10/20
 600 MHz: 5/10/20
Maximum output  400 MHz: 2 x 20 W
power  600 MHz: 2 x 30 W
Receiving  -103 dBm (5 MHz)
sensitivity  -104.5 dBm (3 MHz)
Engineering Dimensions (H x 480 mm x 270 mm x 140 mm (without the
specifications W x D) shielding can)
Weight ≤18 kg (without the shielding can)
Input power  220 V AC, voltage range: 90 V AC to 290 V
 -48 V DC, voltage range: -36 V DC to -60 V
Power  400 MHz eRRU3255 (DC):
consumption − Maximum average power consumption:
250 W
− Maximum power consumption: 320 W
 400 MHz eRRU3255 (AC):
Maximum average power consumption: 250
W (the concept of maximum power
consumption is not applicable in the
eRRU3255 (AC)).
 600 MHz eRRU3255 (AC):
Maximum average power consumption: 310
W (the concept of maximum power

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Type Item Specifications

consumption is not applicable in the
eRRU3255 (AC)).
Environment Temperature -40°C to +60°C
Relative humidity 2% RH to 100% RH
Anti-seismic Magnitude-9 earthquak
Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa
Ingress Protection IP65
(IP) rating

Table 6-13 Equipment specifications of the RRU3232(4T4R)

Type Item Specifications

RF specifications Frequency band 3.5 GHz: 3605 MHz to 3685 MHz
Bandwidth (MHz) 5/10/20
Maximum output 4 x 10 W
Receiving -102.5 dBm (5 MHz)
Engineering Dimensions (H x 480 mm x 270 mm x 140 mm
specifications W x D)
Weight <18.5 kg
Input power -48 V DC, voltage range: -36 V DC to -57 V DC
Power  RRU3232 maximum average power
consumption consumption: 350 W
 RRU3232 maximum power consumption:
465 W
Environment Temperature -40°C to +50°C
Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH
Anti-seismic Magnitude-9 earthquak
Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa
Ingress Protection IP65
(IP) rating

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Table 6-14 Equipment specifications of the RRU3276(4T4R)

Type Item Specifications

RF specifications Frequency band 2.3 GHz: 2300 MHz to 2400 MHz
Bandwidth (MHz) 5/10/20
Maximum output 4 x 40 W
Receiving -104.5 dBm
Engineering Dimensions (H x 480 mm x 300 mm x 150 mm (Excluding shell)
specifications W x D)
Weight ≤20 kg (Excluding shell)
Input power -48 V DC, voltage range: -36 V DC to -57 V DC
Power  RRU3276 typical average power
consumption consumption: 377 W
 RRU3276 maximum power consumption:
531 W
Environment Temperature -40°C to +50°C
Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH
Anti-seismic 70 kPa to 106 kPa
Atmospheric NEBS GR63 zone4
Ingress Protection IP65
(IP) rating

Table 6-15 Equipment specifications of the RRU3268(2T2R)

Type Item Specifications

RF specifications Frequency band  800 M: downlink 791 MHz to 821 MHz,
uplink 832 MHz to 862 MHz
 700 M: downlink 758 MHz to 798 MHz,
uplink 703 MHz to 743 MHz
Bandwidth (MHz) 5/10/20
Maximum output 2 x 40 W
Receiving  700 MHz: -106.0dBm (1T1R)
sensitivity  800 MHz: -106.4dBm (1T1R)
Engineering Dimensions (H x 12L: 400 mm x 300 mm x 100 mm
specifications W x D)

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Type Item Specifications

Weight ≤14 kg
Input power -48 V DC, voltage range: -36 V DC to -57 V DC
Power  Power consumption of the DBS3900
consumption (configured with three RRU3268s, 700
− Typical power consumption: 860 W
− Maximum power consumption: 1100 W
 Power consumption of the DBS3900
(configured with three RRU3268s, 800
− Typical power consumption: 845 W
− Maximum power consumption: 1085 W
Environment Temperature -40°C to +55°C
Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH
Anti-seismic NEBS GR63 zone4
Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa
Ingress Protection IP65
(IP) rating

Table 6-16 Equipment specifications of the RRU3256(4T4R)

Type Item Specifications

RF specifications Frequency band 3.5 GHz: 3400 MHz to 3600 MHz
Bandwidth (MHz) 5/10/20
Maximum output 4 x 15 W
Receiving -102.5 dBm
Engineering Dimensions (H x 18L: 480 mm x 270 mm x 140 mm
specifications W x D)
Weight ≤19.5 kg
Input power -48 V DC, voltage range: -32 V DC to -60 V DC
Power  RRU3256 typical average power
consumption consumption: 400 W
 RRU3256 maximum power consumption:
500 W

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Type Item Specifications

Environment Temperature -40°C to +50°C
Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH
Anti-seismic NEBS GR63 zone4
Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa
Ingress Protection IP65
(IP) rating

Table 6-17 Equipment specifications of the RRU3668(2T2R)

Type Item Specifications

RF specifications Frequency band 450 MHz: downlink 462.5 MHz to 467.5 MHz,
uplink 452.5 MHz to 457.5 MHz
Bandwidth (MHz) 5
Maximum output 2 x 40 W
Receiving -101.5 dBm
Engineering Dimensions (H x 400 mm x 300 mm x 150 mm
specifications W x D)
Weight ≤25 kg
Input power -48 V DC, voltage range: -36 V DC to -57 V DC
Power  Typical power consumption of the DBS3900:
consumption 822 W (configured with three RRU3668s)
 Maximum power consumption of the
DBS3900: 1145 W (configured with three
Environment Temperature -40°C to +55°C
Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH
Anti-seismic NEBS GR63 zone4
Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa
Ingress Protection IP65
(IP) rating

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Table 6-18 Equipment specifications of the RRU3262(2T4R)

Type Item Specifications

RF specifications Frequency band 700 MHz: downlink 758 MHz to 803 MHz,
uplink 703 MHz to 748 MHz
Bandwidth (MHz) 5/10/20
Maximum output 2 x 60 W
Receiving -106 dBm
Engineering Dimensions (H x 18L: 400 mm x 300 mm x 150 mm
specifications W x D)
Weight ≤20 kg
Input power -48 V DC, voltage range: -36 V DC to -57 V DC
Power  Typical power consumption of the DBS3900:
consumption 1381 W (configured with three RRU3262s)
 Maximum power consumption of the
DBS3900: 1828 W (configured with three
Environment Temperature -40°C to +55°C
Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH
Anti-seismic NEBS GR63 zone4

Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa

Ingress Protection IP65
(IP) rating

Table 6-19 Equipment specifications of the RRU3952(2T4R)

Type Item Specifications

RF specifications Frequency band 850 MHz: downlink 859 MHz to 879 MHz,
uplink 814 MHz to 834 MHz
Bandwidth (MHz) 5/10/20
Maximum output 2 x 60 W
Receiving -106 dBm
Engineering Dimensions (H x 18L: 400 mm x 300 mm x 150 mm

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Type Item Specifications

specifications W x D)
Weight ≤20 kg
Input power -48 V DC, voltage range: -36 V DC to -57 V DC
Power  Typical power consumption of the DBS3900:
consumption 1145 W (configured with three RRU3952s)
 Maximum power consumption of the
DBS3900: 1215 W (configured with three
Environment Temperature -40°C to +55°C
Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH
Anti-seismic NEBS GR63 zone4
Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa
Ingress Protection IP65
(IP) rating

6.4 Reliability Specifications

This section describes the reliability specifications of the DBS3900.
The following table lists the specifications related to reliability.

Table 6-20 Reliability specifications of the DBS3900

Item Specifications
System availability ≥ 99.999%
MTBF ≥ 155,000 hours
MTTR ≤ 1 hour
System restart time < 450 seconds

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Product Overview 7 Standards and Certification

7 Standards and Certification

About This Chapter

This section describes the standards with which the DBS3900 complies and the certification
that DBS3900 has passed.
8.1 Standards Compliance
This section describes the standards with which the DBS3900 complies. These standards
include storage standards, transportation standards, anti-seismic performance standards, and
electromagnetic compliance (EMC) standards.
8.2 Certification Information
This section describes the certification that DBS3900 has passed.

7.1 Standards Compliance

This section describes the standards with which the DBS3900 complies. These standards
include storage standards, transportation standards, anti-seismic performance standards, and
electromagnetic compliance (EMC) standards.
Table 8-1 shows the standards with which the DBS3900 complies.

Table 7-1 Standards with which the DBS3900 complies

Item Standards
Environmen Storage ETSI EN300019-1-1 V2.1.4 (2003-04) class
tal standards 1.2Weatherprotected, not temperature-controlled storage
Transportat ETSI EN300019-1-2 V2.1.4 (2003-04) class 2.3Public
ion transportation.
Anti-seismic performance  IEC 60068-2-57 Environmental testing-Part2-57:
Tests-Test Ff: Vibration Time-history method.
 YD5083-99: Interim Provisions for Test of Anti-seismic
Performances of Telecommunications Equipment (telecom
industry standard in People's Republic of China).

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Product Overview 7 Standards and Certification

Item Standards
EMC  R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC.
 R&TTE Directive 2004/108/EC.
 3GPP TS 25.113V3.2.0 (2000-06).
 ETSI EN 301489-1/23.
 ETSI EN 301908-1 V2.2.1 (2003-10).
 ITU-R SM.329-10.

7.2 Certification Information

This section describes the certification that DBS3900 has passed.
Table 8-2 describes the certification that DBS3900 has passed.

Table 7-2 Certification that DBS3900 has passed

Certification Name Description

Conformite Europende (CE) Products with the CE marking comply with
the electromagnetic compatibility directive
(2004/108/EC) and low voltage directive
(2006/95/EC) issued by European
Commission. The CE marking is a
mandatory conformity mark for products
placed on the European market.
Restriction of the use of certain hazardous RoHS restricts the use of certain hazardous
substances (RoHS) materials in the manufacturing of electronic
and electrical equipment, in consideration of
human health and environmental protection.
RoHS is enforced in each member state of
the European Union (2011/65/EU).

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