Iot Arch-1

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Unit-1 – IoT Notes

UNIT I: Overviews
IOT -An Arch Overviews– Building an architecture, Main design principles and needed
capabilities, An IoT architecture outline, standards considerations

M2M and IoT Technology Fundamentals-

Devices and gateways, Local and wide area networking, Data management, Business processesin IoT,
Everything as a Service (XaaS), M2M and IoT Analytics, Knowledge Management.

1.Define IoT:

Internet of Things (IoT) is System of interconnected devices , mechanical and digital

machines , objects,animal or people that are provided unique identifiers and ability
to transfer data over the network without requiring human-to-human and
human-to-computer interconnection.

2.List of IOT Applications

1.Smart Home Wearable
2.Connected Cars
3.Smart Transportation
4.Smart Industry
5.Smart Grid and energy
6.Smart Cities
7.Smart Agriculture
8.Smart Healthcare

3.Building Blocks Of IoT Architecture

The Internet of Things denotes the connection of devices, machines, and sensors to the Internet. An IoT system
comprises four basic building blocks: sensors, processors, gateways, and applications. This article will
thoroughly discuss what each component of the IoT architecture represents.

The architecture of IoT components:

1.Sensors convert a non-electrical input to an electrical signal. Sensors are classified into two types:
active and passive sensors. Whereas active sensors use and emit their own energy to collect real-time
data (ex.: GPS, X-ray, radars), passive sensors use energy from external sources (ex: cameras).
Additionally, sensors differentiate themselves by position, occupancy, and motion, velocity and
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Unit-1 – IoT Notes

acceleration, force, pressure, flow, humidity, light, radiation, temperature, etc.

2.Processors are the brain, the main part of the IoT system. They process the raw data captured by the
sensors and extract valuable information. Examples of processors are microcontrollers and
3.Gateways are the combination of hardware and software used to connect one network to another.
Gateways are responsible for bridging sensor nodes with the external Internet or World Wide Web.
The figure below depicts how using gateways works.

4. Applications provide a user interface and effective utilization of the data collected.

The IoT architecture comprises four basic building blocks: sensors, processors, gateways, and applications.
Sensors are responsible for converting a non-electrical input to an electrical signal; processors “handle” the
signals; gateways are used to connect a network to another, and, ultimately, an application offers a user
interface and effective utilization of the data collected.


3.Building Blocks Of IoT

Four things form basic building blocks of the IoT system –sensors, processors, gateways, applications. Each of
these nodes has to have its own characteristics in order to form an useful IoT system.

Figure: Simplified block diagram of the basic building blocks of the IoT


• These form the front end of the IoT devices. These are the so-called “Things” of the system. Their
main purpose is to collect data from its surroundings (sensors) or give out data to its surrounding
• These have to be uniquely identifiable devices with a unique IP address so that they can be easily
identifiable over a large network.
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• These have to be active in nature which means that they should be able to collect real-time data.
These can either work on their own (autonomous in nature) or can be made to work by the user
depending on their needs (user-controlled).
• Examples of sensors are gas sensor, water quality sensor, moisture sensor, etc.


• Processors are the brain of the IoT system. Their main function is to process the data captured by the
sensors and process them so as to extract the valuable data from the enormous amount of raw data
collected. In a word, we can say that it gives intelligence to the data.
• Processors mostly work on real-time basis and can be easily controlled by applications. These are
also responsible for securing the data – that is performing encryption and decryption of data.
• Embedded hardware devices, microcontroller, etc are the ones that process the data because they have
processors attached to it.


• Gateways are responsible for routing the processed data and send it to proper locations for its (data)
proper utilization.
• In other words, we can say that gateway helps in to and fro communication of the data. It provides
network connectivity to the data. Network connectivity is essential for any IoT system to
• LAN, WAN, PAN, etc are examples of network gateways.


• Applications form another end of an IoT system. Applications are essential for proper utilization of
all the data collected.
• These cloud-based applications which are responsible for rendering the effective meaning to the data
collected. Applications are controlled by users and are a delivery point of particular services.
• Examples of applications are home automation apps, security systems, industrial control hub, etc.

4.Main design principles and needed capabilities

1 Focus on value
In the world of IoT, user research and service design are more crucial than ever. While early adopters are
eager to try out new technology, many others are reluctant to take new technology into use and
cautious about using it, due to not feeling confident with it. For your IoT solution to become widely
adopted, you need to dig deep into users’ needs in order to find out where lies a problem truly worth
solving and what is the real end user value of the solution. You also need to understand what might
be the barriers of adopting the new technology in general and your solution specifically. For deciding
on your feature set, you need research too. The features that might be valuable and highly relevant for
the tech early adopters may be uninteresting for the majority of the users and vice versa, so you need
to plan carefully what features to include and in which order.

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2. Take a holistic view

IoT solutions typically consist of multiple devices with different capabilities and both physical and digital
touchpoints. The solution may also be provided in co-operation with multiple different service
providers. It is not enough to design one of the touchpoints well, instead you need to take a holistic
look across the whole system, the role of each device and service, and the conceptual model of how
user understands and perceives the system. The whole system needs to work seamlessly together in
order to create a meaningful experience.

3. Put safety first

As the IoT solutions are placed in the real world context, the consequences can be serious, when
something goes wrong. At the same time the users of the IoT solutions may be vary of using new
technology, so building trust should be one of your main design drivers. Trust is built slowly and lost
easily, so you really need to make sure that every interaction with the product/service builds the trust
rather than breaks it. What it means in practise? First of all, it means understanding possible error
situations related to context of use, HW, SW and network as well as to user interactions and trying to
prevent them. Secondly, if the error situations still occur, it means appropriately informing the user
about them and helping them to recover. Secondly, it means considering data security & privacy as
key elements of your design. It is really important for users to feel, that their private data is safe, their
home, working environment and everyday objects cannot be hacked and their loved ones are not put
at risk. Thirdly, quality assurance is critical and it should not only focus on testing the SW, but on
testing the end to end system, in a real-world context.

4. Consider the context

IoT solutions exist at the crossroads of the physical and digital worlds. Commands given through digital
interfaces may produce real world effects, but unlike digital commands, the actions happening in the
real-world cannot necessarily be undone. In the real world context lots of unexpected things can
happen and at the same time user should be able to feel safe and in control. The context places also
other kind of requirements to the design. Depending on the physical context, the goal might be to
minimize distraction of the user or e.g. to design devices that hold up against changing weather
conditions. IoT solutions in homes, workplaces and public areas are are typically multi-user systems
and thus less personal than e.g. screen based solutions used in smartphones, which also brings into
picture the social context where the solution is used and its’ requirements for the design.

5. Build a strong brand

Due to the real world context of the IoT solutions, regardless of how carefully you design things and aim
to build trust, something unexpected will happen at some point and your solution is somehow going
to fail. In this kind of situations, it is of utmost importance, that you have built a strong brand that
truly resonates with the end users. When they feel connected to your brand, they will be more
forgiving about the system failures and will still keep on using your solution. While designing your
brand, you must keep in mind, that trust should be a key element of the brand, one of the core brand
values. This core value should also be reflected in the rest of the brand elements, like the choice of
color, tone of voice, imagery etc.

6. Prototype early and often

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Typically HW and SW have quite different lifespans, but as successful IoT solution needs both the HW
and SW elements, the lifespans should be aligned. At the same time, IoT solutions are hard to
upgrade, because once the connected object is placed somewhere, it is not so easy to replace it with a
newer version, especially if the user would need to pay for the upgrade and even the software within
the connected object may be hard to update due to security and privacy reasons. Due to these factors
and to avoid costly hardware iterations, it’s crucial to get the solution right, from the beginning of
implementation. What this means from the design perspective is that prototyping and rapid iteration
of both the HW and the whole solution are essential in the early stages of the project. New, more
creative ways of prototyping and faking the solution are needed.

7. Use data responsibly

IoT solutions can easily generate tons of data. However, the idea is not to hoard as much data as
possible, but instead to identify the data points that are needed to make the solution functional and useful. Still,
the amount of data may be vast, so it’s necessary for the designer to understand the possibilities of data science
and how to make sense of the data. Data science provides a lot of opportunities to reduce user friction, i.e.
reducing use of time, energy and attention or diminishing stress. It can be used to automate repeated context
dependent decisions, to interpret intent from incomplete/inadequate input or to filter meaningful signals from
noise. Understanding what data is available and how it can be used to help the user is a key element in
designing successful IoT services.

5. An IoT architecture outline

Functional Layers and capabilities of an IOT Solutions

(1) Asser Layer

At the lowest level is the Asset Layer. This layer is, strictly speaking, not providing any
functionality within a target solution, but represents the raison d’eˆtre for any IoT application.
The assets of interest are the real world objects and entities that are subject to being monitored
and controlled, as well as having digital representations and identities.
The typical examples include vehicles and machinery, fixed infrastructures such as buildings and
utility systems, homes, and people themselves.
Assets are instrumented with embedded technologies that bridge the digital realm with the
physical world, and that provide the capabilities to monitor and control the assets as well as
providing identities to the assets.
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(2) Resource Layer

The Resource Layer provides the main functional capabilities of sensing, actuation, and
embedded identities.
Sensors and actuators in various devices that may be smartphones or Wireless Sensor Actuator
Networks (WSANs), M2M devices like smart meters, or other sensor/actuator nodes, deliver
these functions.
Identification of assets can be provided by different types of tags; for instance, Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID), or optical codes like bar codes or Quick Response (QR)
(3) Communication Layer
The purpose of the Communication Layer is to provide the means for connectivity between the
resources on one end and the different computing infrastructures that host and execute service
support logic and application logic on the other end.

Different types of networks realize the connectivity, and it is customary to differentiate

between the notion of a Local Area Network (LAN) and a Wide Area Network (WAN).
WANs can be realized by different wired or wireless technologies, for instance, fiber or Digital
Subscriber Line (DSL) for the former, and cellular mobile networks, satellite, or microwave
links for the latter.
(4) Service Support Layer
IoT applications benefit from simplification by relying on support services that perform common
and routine tasks. These support services are provided by the Service Support Layer and are
typically executing in data centers or server farms inside organizations or in a cloud
These support services can provide uniform handling of the underlying devices and networks,
thus hiding complexities in the communications and resource layers.
Examples include remote device management that can do remote software upgrades, remote
diagnostics or recovery, and dynamically reconfigure application processing such as setting
event filters.
Communication-related functions include selection of communication channels if different
networks can be used in parallel, for example, for reliability purposes, and publish_subscribe and
message queue mechanisms. Location Based Service (LBS) capabilities and various Geographic
Information System (GIS) services are also important for many IoT applications.
(5) Data and Information Layer
Where the Resource, Communication, and Service Support layers have concrete realizations in
terms of devices and tags, networks and network nodes, and computer servers, the Data and
Information Layer provides a more abstract set of functions as its main purposes are to capture
knowledge and provide advanced control logic support.
Key concepts here include data and information models and knowledge representation in
general, and the focus is on the organization of information. We refer to a Knowledge
Management Framework (KMF) as a collective term to include data, information, domainspecific knowledge, actionable
services descriptions as, for example, represented by single
actuators or more complex composite sensing and actuation services, service descriptors, rules,
process or orkflow descriptions, etc.
(6) Application Layer
The Application Layer in turn provides the specific IoT applications.
There is an open-ended array of different applications, and typical examples include smart
metering in the Smart Grid, vehicle tracking, building automation.
(7) Business Layer
The final layer in our architecture outline is the Business Layer, which focuses on supporting the
core business or operations of any enterprise, organization, or individual that is interested in IoT
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The enterprise systems can, for example, be Customer Relationship Management (CRM),
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), or other Business Support Systems (BSS).
The business layer also provides exposure to APIs for third parties to get access to data and
information, and can also contain support for direct access to applications by human users.
The business layer relies on IoT applications as one set of enablers out of many (e.g. field force
automation), and takes care of necessary orchestration and composition to support a business
process workflow

6 Standards considerrations

1.IoT Security
2.IoT Anal.ytics
3.IoT Device (Thing) Management
4.Low-Power, Short-Range IoT Networks
5.Low-Power, Wide-Area Networks
6.IoT Processors
7.IoT Operating Systems
8.Event Stream Processing
9.IoT Platforms
10. IoT Standards and Ecosystems

IoT Security

IoT introduces a wide range of new security risks and challenges to the IoT devices themselves, their
platforms and operating systems, their communications, and even the systems to which they're
connected. Security technologies will be required to protect IoT devices and platforms from both
information attacks and physical tampering, to encrypt their communications, and to address new
challenges such as impersonating "things" or denial-of-sleep attacks that drain batteries. IoT security
will be complicated by the fact that many "things" use simple processors and operating systems that
may not support sophisticated security approaches.

IoTamy security specialists are focused on security threats as hackers find new ways to attack IoT
devices and protocols. IoTamy solutions support updatable firmware “over the air” to ensure that
risks can be mitigated through patches as soon as a vulnerability is detected or requirements change
or capabilities are improved.

IoT Analytics

IoT business models will exploit the information collected by "things" in many ways — for example, to
understand customer behavior, to deliver services, to improve products, and to identify and intercept
business moments. IoTamy has partnered with leading edge Analytics service providers to ensure that
you get the flexibility you require when iterating your interpretation of your dataset.

IoT Device (Thing) Management

Long-lived nontrivial "things" will require management and monitoring. This includes device monitoring,
firmware and software updates, diagnostics, crash analysis and reporting, physical management, and
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security management. IoT also brings new problems of scale to the management task.

IoTamy tools are capable of managing and monitoring thousands and perhaps even millions of devices.

Low-Power, Short-Range IoT Networks

Selecting a wireless network for an IoT device involves balancing many conflicting requirements, such
as range, battery life, bandwidth, density, endpoint cost and operational cost.

IoTamy solutions comprise either fixed or wireless networking for IoT devices. Fixed networking
technologies include “IoT over Powerline” while Wireless technologies include LoRa, which is a
long range low power spread spectrum technology that can connect millions of devices in a single
LoRa network.

Low-Power, Wide-Area Networks

Traditional cellular networks don't deliver a good combination of technical features and operational cost
for those IoT applications that need wide-area coverage combined with relatively low bandwidth,
good battery life, low hardware and operating cost, and high connection density.

The long-term goal of a wide-area IoT network is to deliver data rates from hundreds of bits per second
(bps) to tens of kilobits per second (kbps) with nationwide coverage, a battery life of up to 10 years,
an endpoint hardware cost of around $5, and support for hundreds of thousands of devices connected
to a base station or its equivalent.

The first low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs) were based on proprietary technologies, but in the
long term emerging standards such as Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) will likely dominate this space.

IoTamy is working with Tier 1 Telcos to develop NB-IoT solutions that are secure, cost effective and
provide nationwide coverage. NB-IoT is a new standard that was defined recently and is not
commonly deployed by Telcos. NB-IoT requires both the network solution together with NB-IoT low
cost hardware solutions. IoTamy is at the forefront of this development and has advanced products
and solutions already in the field.

IoT Processors

The processors and architectures used by IoT devices define many of their capabilities, such as whether
they are capable of strong security and encryption, power consumption, whether they are
sophisticated enough to support an operating system, updatable firmware, and embedded device
management agents.

IoTamy understands the complex trade-offs between features, hardware cost, software cost, software
upgradability and build best practice into every solution we deliver.

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IoT Operating Systems

Traditional operating systems (OSs) such as Windows and iOS were not designed for IoT applications.
They consume too much power, need fast processors, and in some cases, lack features such as
guaranteed real-time response. They also have too large a memory footprint for small devices and
may not support the chips that IoT developers use.

IoTamy has developed an IoT operating system that suits many different hardware footprints and feature

Event Stream Processing

Some IoT applications will generate extremely high data rates that must be analyzed in real time.
Systems creating tens of thousands of events per second are common, and millions of events per
second can occur in some telecom and telemetry situations.

To address high data rate requirements IoTamy has developed distributed stream computing platforms
(DSCPs) using parallel architectures to process very high data rate streams to perform tasks such as
real-time analytics and pattern identification.

IoT Platforms

IoTamy provides three key platform components;

(1) low-level device control and operations such as communications, device monitoring and management,
security, and firmware updates

(2) IoT data acquisition, transformation and management

(3) IoT application development, including event-driven logic, application programming, visualization,
analytics and adapters to connect to enterprise systems.

IoT Standards and Ecosystems

Although ecosystems and standards aren't precisely technologies, most eventually materialize as application
programming interfaces (APIs). Standards and their associated APIs will be essential because IoT devices will
need to interoperate and communicate, and many IoT business models will rely on sharing data between
multiple devices and organizations.

Another important function that occurs at Layer 3 is the evaluation of data to see if it can be filtered
oraggregated before being sent to a higher layer. This also allows for data to be reformatted or
decoded,making additional processing by other systems easier. Thus, a critical function is assessing
the data to seeif predefined thresholds are crossed and any action or alerts need to be sent.

Upper Layers: Layers 4–7

The upper layers deal with handling and processing the IoT data generated by the bottom layer. For thesake of
completeness, Layers 4–7 of the IoT Reference Model are summarized in Table 2-2.
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M2M and IoT Technology Fundamentals-

7.Devices and gateways

4.1.1 Introduction

 There is a growing market for small-scale embedded processing such as 8-, 16-, and 32-
bit microcontrollers with on-chip RAM and flash memory, I/O capabilities, and
networking interfaces such as IEEE 802.15.4 that are integrated on tiny System-on-a-
Chip (SoC) solutions.
 Such devices enable very constrained devices with a small footprint of a few mm2 and
with a very low power consumption in the milli- to micro-Watt range, but which are
capable of hosting an entire Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
stack, including a small web server.
 A device is a hardware unit that can sense aspects of it’s environment and/or actuate, i.e.
perform tasks in its environment.
 A device can be characterized as having several properties, including:

• Microcontroller: 8-, 16-, or 32-bit working memory and storage.

• Power Source: Fixed, battery, energy harvesting, or hybrid.

• Sensors and Actuators: Onboard sensors and actuators, or circuitry that allows them
to be connected, sampled, conditioned, and controlled.

• Communication: Cellular, wireless, or wired for LAN and WAN communication.

• Operating System (OS): Main-loop, event-based, real-time, or full featured OS.

• Applications: Simple sensor sampling or more advanced applications.

• User Interface: Display, buttons, or other functions for user interaction.

• Device Management (DM): Provisioning, firmware, bootstrapping, and monitoring.

• Execution Environment (EE): Application lifecycle management and Application

Programming Interface (API). Device types

Group devices into two categories

Basic Devices: Devices that only provide the basic services of sensor readings and/or actuation tasks,
and in some cases limited support for user interaction. LAN communication is supported via wired or wireless
technology, thus a gateway isneeded to provide the WAN connection.

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• Advanced Devices: In this case the devices also host the application logic and a
WAN connection. They may also feature device management and an execution
environment for hosting multiple applications. Gateway devices are most likely to fall
into this category. Deployment scenarios for devices

 Example deployment scenarios for basic devices include:

• Home Alarms: Such devices typically include motion detectors, magnetic

sensors, and smoke detectors. A central unit takes care of the application logic that
calls security and sounds an alarm if a sensor is activated when the alarm is armed.
The central unit also handles the WAN connection towards the alarm central. These
systems are currently often based on proprietary radio protocols.

• Smart Meters: The meters are installed in the households and measure
consumption of, for example, electricity and gas. A concentrator gateway collects data
from the meters, performs aggregation, and periodically transmits the aggregated data
to an application server over a cellular connection. By using a capillary network
technology it’s possible to extend the range of the concentrator gateway by allowing
meters in the periphery to use other meters as extenders, and interface with handheld
devices on the Home Area Network side.

• Building Automation Systems (BASs): Such devices include

thermostats, fans, motion detectors, and boilers, which are controlled by local
facilities, but can also be remotely operated.

• Standalone Smart Thermostats: These use Wi-Fi to communicate with web

services. Examples for advanced devices, meanwhile, include:

• Onboard units in cars that perform remote monitoring and configuration over a
cellular connection.

• Robots and autonomous vehicles such as unmanned aerial vehicles that can
work both autonomously or by remote control using a cellular connection.

• Video cameras for remote monitoring over 3G and LTE.

• Oil well monitoring and collection of data points from remote devices.

• Connected printers that can be upgraded and serviced remotely.

4.1.2 Basic devices

 These devices are often intended for a single purpose, such as measuring air pressure or
closing a valve. I
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 In some cases several functions are deployed on the same device, such as monitoring
humidity, temperature, and light level.
 The main focus is on keeping the bill of materials (BOM) as low as possible by using
inexpensive microcontrollers with built-in memory and storage, often on an SoC-
integrated circuit with all main components on one single chip .
 Another common goal is to enable battery as a power source, with a lifespan of a year
and upwards by using ultra-low energy microcontrollers.
 The microcontroller typically hosts a number of ports that allow integration with sensors
and actuators, such as General Purpose I/O (GPIO) and an analog-to-digital converter
(ADC) for supporting analog input.
 For certain actuators, such as motors, pulse-width modulation (PWM) can be used.
 As low-power operation is paramount to battery-powered devices, the microcontroller
hosts functions that facilitate sleeping, such as interrupts that can wake up the device on
external and internal even
 Some devices even go as far as harvesting energy from their environment, e.g. in the
form of solar, thermal, and physical energy.
 To interact with peripherals such as storage or display, it’s common to use a serial
interface such as SPI, I2C, or UART.
 These interfaces can also be used to communicate with another microcontroller on the
 This is common when the there is a need for offloading certain tasks, or when in some
cases the entire application logic is put on a separate host processor.
 It’s not unusual for the micro controller to also contain a security processor,e.g. to
accelerate Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
 This is necessary to allow encrypted communication over the radio link without the need
for a host processor.
 The gateway together with the connected devices form a capillary network.
 The microcontroller contains most of the radio functions needed for communicating with
the gateway and other devices in the same capillary network.
 An external antenna is, however, necessary, and preferably a filter that removes
unwanted frequencies, e.g. a surface acoustic wave (SAW) filter.
 Due to limited computational resources, these devices commonly do not use a typical OS.
 It may be something as simple as a single-threaded main-loop or a low-end OS such as
FreeRTOS, Atomthreads, AVIX-RT, ChibiOS/RT, ERIKA Enterprise, TinyOS, or
Thingsquare Mist/Contiki.
 These OSes offer basic functionality, e.g. memory and concurrency model management,
(sensor and radio) drivers, threading, TCP/IP, and higher level protocol stacks.
 The actual application logic is located on top of the OS or in the mainloop.
 A typical task for the application logic is to read values from the sensors and to provide
these over the LAN interface in a semantically correct manner with the correct units.

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4.1.3 Gateways

 A gateway serves as a translator between different protocols, e.g. between IEEE 802.15.4
or IEEE 802.11, to Ethernet or cellular.
 There are many different types of gateways, which can work on different levels in the
protocol layers.
 A gateway refers to a device that performs translation of the physical and link layer, but
application layer gateways (ALGs) are also common.
 The latter is preferably avoided because it adds complexity and is a common source of
error in deployments.
 Some examples of ALGs include the ZigBee Gateway Device which translates from
ZigBee to SOAP and IP, or gateways that translate from Constrained Application
Protocol (CoAP) to HyperText Transfer Protocol/Representational State Transfer
 The gateway device is also used for many other tasks, such as data management, device
management, and local applications.
8 Local and wide area networking

A Local Area Network (LAN) was traditionally distinguishable from a

Wide Area Network (WAN) based on the geographic coverage requirements of the network,
and the need for third party, or leased, communication infrastructure.
 In the case of the LAN, a smaller geographic region is covered, such as a commercial
building, an office block, or a home, and does not require any leased communications
 WANs provide communication links that cover longer distances, such as across
metropolitan, regional, or by textbook definition, global geographic areas.
 In practice, WANs are often used to link LANs and Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN)
 LANs tended to cover distances of tens to hundreds of meters, whereas WAN links
spanned tens to hundreds of kilometers.
 The most popular wired LAN technology is Ethernet. Wi-Fi is the most prevalent
wireless LAN (WLAN) technology.
 Wireless WAN (WWAN), as a descriptor, covers cellular mobile telecommunication
networks, a significant departure from WLAN in terms of technology, coverage, network
infrastructure, and architecture.

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 Difference between LAN and WAN


LAN stands for Local Area Whereas WAN stands for Wide Area

1. Network. Network.

LAN’s ownership is But WAN’s ownership can be private

2. private. or public.

3. The speed of LAN is While the speed of WAN is slower

high(more than WAN). than LAN.

The propagation delay Whereas the propagation delay

4. isshort in LAN. inWAN is long(longer than


There is less congestion in While there is more congestion in

5. LAN(local area network). WAN(Wide Area Network).

There is more fault While there is less fault tolerance in

6. tolerance in LAN. WAN.

LAN’s design and While it’s design and maintenance is

7. maintenance is easy. difficult than LAN.

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 The current generation of WWAN technology includes LTE (or 4G) and WiMAX.
 Acting as a link between LANs and Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs), M2M
Gateway Devices typically include cellular transceivers, and allow seamless IP- connectivity
over heterogeneous physical media.
 In the home, the “wireless router” typically behaves as a link between the Wi-Fi (WLAN,
and thus connected laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. commonly found in the home) and
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) broadband connectivity, traditionally arriving over telephone
lines. “DSL” refers to Internet access carried over legacy (wired) telephone networks, and
encompasses numerous standards and variants.
 “Broadband” indicates the ability to carry multiple signals over a number of frequencies,
with a typical minimum bandwidth of 256 kbps.
 In the office, the Wi-Fi wireless access points are typically connected to the wired
corporate (Ethernet) LAN, which is subsequently connected to a wider area network and
Internet backbone, typically provided by an Internet Service Provider (ISP).
 The need exists to interconnect devices (generally integrated microsystems) with central
data processing and decision support systems, in addition to one another.
 In WLAN technologies, a geographic region can be covered by a network of devices that
connect to the Internet via a gateway device, which may use a leased network connection.
 For example, a gateway device can access the IP backbone over a WWAN (e.g.
GPRS/UMTS/LTE/WiMAX) link, or over a WLAN link.
 WPANs is the for newer standards that govern low-power, low-rate networks suitable for
M2M and IoT applications.
 “IEEE 802.15.4 _ Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)
Specifications for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs).
 This is similar to the evolution of Wi-Fi WLAN technology (e.g. IEEE 802.11, a, b, g, n,
 Communication ranges for IEEE 802.15.4 technology may range from tens of meters to
 Devices in an M2M Area Network connect to the IP backbone, or Network Domain, via
an M2M Gateway device.
 Gateway device is equipped with a cellular transceiver that is physically compatible with
UMTS or LTE-Advanced, for example, WWAN.
 The same device will also be equipped with the necessary transceiver to communicate on
the same physical medium as the M2M Area Network(s) in the M2M Device Domain.
 M2M Area Networks may include a plethora of wired or wireless technologies,
including: Bluetooth LE/Smart, IEEE 802.15.4 (LR-WPAN; e.g. ZigBee, IETF 6LoWPAN,
RPL, CoAP, ISA100.11a, WirelessHART, etc.),
 The “Internet of Things,” as a term, originated from Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) research, wherein the original IoT concept was that any RFID-tagged “thing” could
have a virtual presence on the “Internet.”
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 RFID ,bar codes and QR codes use different technological means to achieve the same
 M2M applications become more synonymous with IoT, it is necessary to understand the
technologies, limitations, and implications of the networking infrastructure.

9 Wide area networking

 WANs are typically required to bridge the M2M Device Domain to the backhaul
network, thus providing a proxy that allows information (data, commands etc) to traverse
heterogeneous networks.
 It is used to provide communications services between the M2M service enablement and
the physical deployments of devices in the field.
 WAN is capable of providing the bi-directional communications links between services
and devices which is achieved by means of physical and logical proxy.
 The proxy is achieved using an M2M Gateway Device.
 M2M Gateway Device is typically an integrated microsystem with multiple
communications interfaces and computational capabilities.
 It is a critical component in the functional architecture, as it must be capable of handling
all of the necessary interfacing to the M2M Service Capabilities and Management Functions.
 Example: consider a device that incorporates both an IEEE 802.15.4-compliant
transceiver, capable of communicating with a capillary network of similarly equipped devices,
and a cellular transceiver that connects to the Internet using the UMTS network.
 Transceivers (sometimes referred to as modems) are typically available as hardware
modules with which the central intelligence of the device (gateway or cell phone) interacts by
means of standardized AT Commands.
 This device is now capable of acting as a physical proxy between the LR-WPAN, or
M2M Device Domain, and the M2M Network Domain.

4.2.2 Local area networking

 Capillary networks are typically autonomous, self-contained systems of M2M devices

that may be connected to

t he cloud via an
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appropriate Gateway.

 They are often deployed in controlled environments such as vehicles, buildings,

apartments, factories, bodies, etc. (Figure 5.4) in order to collect sensor measurements, generate
events should sensing thresholds be breached, and sometimes control specific features of
interest (e.g. heart rate of a patient, environmental data on a factory floor, car speed, air
conditioning appliances, etc.).
 There will exist numerous capillary networks that will employ short-range wired and
wireless communication and networking technologies.
 For certain application areas, there is a need for autonomous local operation of the
capillary network.
 In the event that application-level logic is enforceable via the cloud, some will still need
to be managed locally.
 The complexity of the local application logic varies by application.
 For example, a building automation network may need local control loop functionality
for autonomous operation, but can rely on external communication for configuration of control
schemas and parameters.
 The M2M devices in a capillary network are typically thought to be low-capability nodes
(e.g. battery operated, with limited security capabilities) for cost reasons, and should operate
 For this reason, a GW/application server will naturally also be part of the architected
solution for capillary networks.
 More and more (currently closed) capillary networks will open up for integration with the
enterprise back end systems.
 For capillary networks that expose devices to the cloud/Internet, IP is envisioned to be
the common waist
 .IPv6 will be the protocol of choice for M2M devices that operate a 6LoWPAN-based
 IPv4 will still be used for capillary networks operating in non-6LoWPAN IP stacks (e.g.
Wi-Fi capillary networks).
 In terms of short-range communication technology convergence, an IPv6 stack with
6LoWPAN running above the physical medium is expected.
 The development of the IEEE 802.15.4g standard, a physical layer amendment to support
Smart Utility Networks (SUN) _ smart grid in particular _ designed to operate over muchlarger
geographic distances (wireless links spanning tens of kilometers), and specifically designed for
minimal infrastructure, low power, many-device networks.
 Radio duty cycling refers to managing the active periods of the Radio Frequency
Integrated Circuit (RFIC) during transmission, and listening to the medium.
 IEEE 802.15.4 defines the PHY layer, and in some instances the MAC layer, upon which
a number of low-energy communications specifications have been built. Namely, ZigBee.
 Recent developments, such as the PHY Amendment for Smart Utility Networks (SUN),
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IEEE 802.15.4g, seek to extend the operational coverage of these networks up to tens of
kilometers in order to provide extremely wide geographic coverage with minimal
 6LoWPAN (IPv6 Over Low Power Wireless Personal Area Networks) was developed
initially by the 6LoWPAN Working Group (WG) of the IETF as a mechanism to
transport IPv6 over IEEE 802.15.4-2003 networks.
 Specifically, methods to handle fragmentation, reassembly, and header compression were
the primary objectives.
 The WG also developed methods to handle address autoconfiguration, the hooks for
mesh networking, and network management.
 RPL (IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks) was developed by the
IETF Routing over Low Power and Lossy Networks (RoLL) WG.
 They defined Low Power Lossy Networks as those typically characterized by high data
loss rates, low data rates, and general instability.
 No specific physical or medium access control technologies were specified, but typical
links considered include PLC, IEEE 802.15.4, and low-power Wi-Fi.
 Typical use cases involve the collection of data from many (for example) sensing points,
nodes towards a sink, or alternatively, flooding information from a sink to many nodes
in the network.
 Thus, the well-known concept of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure was
concentrated to a Destination Oriented DAG (DODAG) for the purposes of initial
 The group defined a new ICMPv6 message, with three possible types, specific for RPL
 These include a DAG Information Object (DIO), that allows a node to discover an RPL
instance, configuration parameters and parents, a DAG Information Solicitation (DIS) to
allow requests for DIOs from RPL nodes, and Destination Advertisement Object (DAO),
used to propagate destination information upwards (i.e. towards the root) along the
DODAG (specific RPL details are available in RFC 6550 and related RFCs).
 The Trickle Algorithm is an important enabler of RPL message exchange.
 CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) is being developed by the IETF Constrained
RESTful Environments (CoRE) WG as a specialized web transfer protocol for use with
severe computational and communication constraints typically characteristic of M2M
andIoT applications.

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10 Data management

4.3.1 Introduction

 In the era of M2M, where billions of devices interact and generate data at exponential
growth rates, data management is of critical importance as it sets the basis upon which
any other processes can rely and operate
 Some of the key characteristics of M2M data include:

• Big Data: Huge amounts of data are generated, capturing detailed aspects of the
processes where devices are involved.

• Heterogeneous Data: The data is produced by a huge variety of devices and is

itself highly heterogeneous, differing on sampling rate, quality of captured values,

• Real-World Data: The overwhelming majority of the M2M data relates to real-
world processes and is dependent on the environment they interact with.

• Real-Time Data: M2M data is generated in real-time and overwhelmingly can

be communicated also in a very timely manner.

• Temporal Data: The overwhelming majority of M2M data is of temporal

nature, measuring the environment over time.

• Spatial Data: Increasingly, the data generated by M2M interactions are not only
captured by mobile devices, but also coupled to interactions in specific locations,
and their assessment may dynamically vary depending on the location.

• Polymorphic Data: The data acquired and used by M2M processes may be
complex and involve various data, which can also obtain different meanings
depending on the semantics applied and the process they participate in.

• Proprietary Data: Up to now, due to monolithic application development, a

significant amount of M2M data is stored and captured in proprietary formats.
However, increasingly due to the interactions with heterogeneous devices and
stakeholders, open approaches for data storage and exchange are used.

• Security and Privacy Data Aspects: Due to the detailed capturing of

interactions by M2M, analysis of the obtained data has a high risk of leaking
private information and usage patterns, as well as compromising security.\

4.3.2 Managing M2M data

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 The data flow from the moment it is sensed (e.g. by a wireless sensor node) up to the
moment it reaches the backend system has been processed manifold (and often
redundantly), either to adjust its representation in order to be easily integrated by the
diverse applications, or to compute on it in order to extract and associate it with
respective business intelligence (e.g. business process affected, etc.).

 In Figure 5.5, we see a number of data processing network points between the machine
and the enterprise that act on the datastream (or simply forwarding it) based on their end-
application needs and existing context.
 Dealing with M2M data may be decomposed into several stages.
 Additionally, the degree of focus in each stage heavily depends on the actual usage
requirements put upon the data as well as the infrastructure. Data generation

 Data generation is the first stage within which data is generated actively or passively
from the device, system, or as a result of its interactions.
 The sampling of data generation depends on the device and its capabilities as well as
potentially the application needs.
 Usually default behaviors for data generation exist, which are usually further
configurable to strike a good benefit between involved costs, e.g. frequency of data collection
vs. energy used in the case of WSNs, etc.

L.Sunitha,Asst prof 20
Unit-1 – IoT Notes Data acquisition

 Data acquisition deals with the collection of data (actively or passively) from the device,
system, or as a result of its interactions.
 The data acquisition systems usually communicate with distributed devices over wired or
wireless links to acquire the needed data, and need to respect security, protocol, and
application requirements.
 The nature of acquisition varies, e.g. it could be continuous monitoring, interval-poll,
event-based, etc. Data validation

 Data acquired must be checked for correctness and meaningfulness within the specific
operating context.
 This is usually done based on rules, semantic annotations, or other logic.
 The acquired data may not conform to expectations and data may be intentionally or
unintentionally corrupted during transmission, altered, or not make sense in the business
 As real-world processes depend on valid data to draw business-relevant decisions Data storage

 The data generated by M2M interactions is what is commonly referred to as “Big Data.”
 Machines generate an incredible amount of information that is captured and needs to be
stored for further processing.
 As this is proving challenging due to the size of information, a balance between its
business usage vs. storage needs to be considered; that is, only the fraction of the data
relevant to a business need may be stored for future reference. Data processing

 Data processing enables working with the data that is either at rest (already stored) or is
in-motion (e.g. stream data).
 The scope of this processing is to operate on the data at a low level and “enhance” them
for future needs.
 Typical examples include data adjustment during which it might be necessary to
normalize data, introduce an estimate for a value that is missing, re-order incoming data by
adjusting timestamps, etc.
 . Data remanence

 Even if the data is erased or removed, residues may still remain in electronic media, and
may be easily recovered by third parties _ often referred to as data remanence.
 Several techniques have been developed to deal with this, such as overwriting,
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degaussing, encryption, and physical destruction.

 For M2M, not only the DBs where the M2M data is collected, but also the points of
action, which generate the data, or the individual nodes in between, which may cache it. Data analysis

 Data available in the repositories can be subjected to analysis with the aim to obtain the
information they encapsulate and use it for supporting decision-making processes.
 The analysis of data at this stage heavily depends on the domain and the context of the
 For instance, business intelligence tools process the data with a focus on the aggregation
and key performance indicator assessment.
 Data mining focuses on discovering knowledge, usually in conjunction with predictive

11 Business processes in IoT

4.4.1 Introduction

 A business process refers to a series of activities, often a collection of interrelated processes

in a logical sequence, within an enterprise, leading to a specific result.
 There are several types of business processes such as management, operational, and
supporting, all of which aim at achieving a specific mission objective.
 Several key business processes in modern enterprise systems heavily rely on interaction with
real-world processes, largely for monitoring, but also for some control (management), in
order to take business-critical decisions and optimize actions across the enterprise.

 (i.e. devices that offer their functionalities as a web service) simplifies the integration and
interaction as they can be considered as a traditional web service that runs on a specific device.
 A layered approach for developing, deploying, and managing WSN applications that
natively interact with enterprise information systems such as a business process engine and the
processes running therein is proposed and assessed.
 M2M and IoT empower business processes to acquire very detailed data about the
operations, and be informed about the conditions in the real world in a very timely manner.

4.4.2 IoT integration with enterprise systems

 M2M communication and the vision of the IoT pose a new era where billions of devices
will need to interact with each other and exchange information in order to fulfill their purpose.

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In Figure 5.7, cross-layer interaction and cooperation can be pursued:

• at the M2M level, where the machines cooperate with each other
(machine-focused interactions)

• at the machine-to-business (M2B) layer, where machines cooperate also

with network-based services, business systems (business service focus),
and applications.

 Several devices in the lowest layer. These can communicate with each other over short-
range protocols (e.g. over ZigBee, Bluetooth), or even longer distances (e.g. over Wi-Fi, etc.).
 Some of them may host services (e.g. REST services), and even have dynamic discovery
capabilities based on the communication protocol or other capabilities (e.g. WS-Eventing in
 Some of them may be very resource constrained, which means that auxiliary gateways
could provide additional support such as mediation of communication, protocol translation, etc.
 Independent of whether the devices are able to discover and interact with other
devices and systems directly or via the support of the infrastructure, the M2M interactions
enable them to empower several applications and interact with each other in order to fulfill their
 Promising real-world integration is done using a service-oriented approach by interacting
directly with the respective physical elements, for example, via web services running on
devices (if supported) or via more lightweight approaches such as REST.
 Many of the services that will interact with the devices are expected to be network
services available, for example, in the cloud.
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 The main motivation for enterprise services is to take advantage of the cloud
characteristics such as virtualization, scalability, multi-tenancy, performance, lifecycle
 management, etc.
 A key motivator is the minimization of communication overhead with multiple endpoints
by, for example, transmission of data to a single or limited number of points in the network,
and letting the cloud do the load balancing and further mediation of communication.
 Content Delivery Network (CDN) can be used in order to get access to the generated data
from locations that are far away from the M2M infrastructure (geographically, network- wise,
 To this end, the data acquired by the device can be offered without overconsumption
 of the device’s resources, while in parallel, better control and management can be

4.4.3 Distributed business processes in IoT

 In Figure 5.9, the integration of devices in business processes merely implies the
acquisition of data from the device layer, its transportation to the backend systems, its
assessment, and once a decision is made, potentially the control (management) of the device,
which adjusts its behavior.
 In future, due to the large scale of IoT, as well as the huge data that it will generate, such
approaches are not viable.
 Enterprise systems trying to process such a high rate of non- or minor-relevancy data will
be overloaded.

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 The first step is to minimize communication with enterprise systems to only what is
relevant for business. With the increase
 in resources (e.g. computational capabilities) in the network, and especially on the
devices themselves (more memory, multi-core CPUs, etc.), it makes sense not to host the
intelligence and the computation required for it only on the enterprise side, but actually
distribute it on the network, and even on the edge nodes (i.e. the devices themselves), as
depicted on the right side of Figure 5.9.
 Partially outsourcing functionality traditionally residing in backend systems to the
network itself and the edge nodes means we can realize distributed business processes whose
sub-processes may execute outside the enterprise system.
 As devices are capable of computing, they can either realize the task of processing and
evaluating business relevant information they generate by themselves or in clusters.
 Business processes can bind during execution of dynamic resources that they discover
locally, and integrate them to better achieve their goals.
 storage, and data processingcapacities.
 With cloud computing, a fourth element is added _ distribution services _ i.e. the manner
in which the data and computational capacity are linked together and coordinated.

Characteristics of cloud computing

 On-Demand Self-Service.
A consumer can unilaterally provision computing capabilities, such as server time
and network storage, as needed, or automatically, without requiring human
interaction with each service provider.
 Broad Network Access.
Capabilities are available over the network and accessed through standard
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mechanisms that promote use by heterogeneous thin or thick client platforms (e.g.
mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and workstations).
 Resource Pooling.
The provider’s computing resources are pooled to serve multiple consumers using
a multi-tenant model, with different physical and virtual resources dynamically
assigned and reassigned according to consumer demand. Examples of resources
include storage, processing, memory, and network bandwidth.
 Rapid Elasticity.
Capabilities can be elastically provisioned and released, in some cases
automatically, to scale rapidly outward and inward commensurate with demand.
 Measured Service.
 Cloud systems automatically control and optimize resource use by leveraging a
metering capability, at some level of abstraction, appropriate to the type of
service (e.g. storage, processing, bandwidth, and active user accounts).
 Resource usage can be monitored, controlled, and reported, providing
transparency for both the provider and consumer of the utilized service.

For M2M and IoT, these infrastructures provide the following:

1. Storage of the massive amounts of data that sensors, tags, and other “things” will produce.

2. Computational capacity in order to analyze data rapidly and cheaply.

3. Over time, cloud infrastructure will allow enterprises and developers to share datasets,
allowing for rapid creation of information value chains.

M2M and IoT Analytics

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) refers to technologies that enable networked devices to exchange

information and perform actions without human intervention. Advances in Radio Frequency
Identification technology (RFID), wireless sensor networks (WSNs), embedded systems, wired and
wireless networks and reduced cost of transferring bits have accelerated the growth of M2M
systems. However, due to lack of standardization, the M2M market is highly fragmented,
proprietary and lacks widespread deployment. On the other hand, the Internet of Things (IoT) has
emerged as the pioneering paradigm for ubiquitous computing where billions and trillions of
devices would be connected together to sense information and to take actions without human
intervention. Therefore, the end goal of M2M and IoT remains identical and it is only appropriate
that M2M steadily evolves into IoT. Furthermore, with so many interconnected devices, the data
generated would be overwhelming. Having this in mind, we chart an evolutionary path for M2M
systems towards IoT from analytics perspective. We discuss challenges in M2M systems for
analytics and provide solutions and on the basis of these solutions, propose a gateway-based
reference architecture for analytics in M2M to facilitate its evolution towards IoT. We also provide
a prototype implementation of the reference architecture. This reference architecture consists of
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data aggregation, data cleaning and data transmission layer at M2M gateway and data
comprehension and data analysis layer at M2M server.

Knowledgr management
1.Smart Home Wearable
2.Connected Cars
3.Smart Transportation
4.Smart Industry
5.Smart Grid and energy
6.Smart Cities
7.Smart Agriculture
8.Smart Healthcare

Smart Home
Smart Home has become the revolutionary ladder of success in the residential spaces and it is predicted
Smart homes will become as common as smartphones.

The cost of owning a house is the biggest expense in a homeowner’s life. Smart Home products are promised
to save time, energy and money.

Wearable devices are installed with sensors and software which collect data and information about the users.
This data is later pre-processed to extract essential insights about user. These devices broadly cover fitness,
health and entertainment requirements. The pre-requisite from internet of things technology for wearable
applications is to be highly energy efficient or ultra-low power and small sized.

Connected Cars
A connected car is a vehicle which is able to optimize its own operation, maintenance as well as comfort of
passengers using on-board sensors and internet connectivity.

Most large auto makers as well as some brave startups are working on connected car solutions. Major brands
like Tesla, BMW, Apple, Google are working on bringing the next revolution in automobiles.

Smart Transportation and Mobility

Internet of Vehicles (IoV) connected with the concept of Internet of Energy (IoE) represent future trends
for smart transportation.

IoT technology that includes vehicle monitoring and maintenance, real-time tracking of packages,
environmental sensors in shipping containers, information-gathering on employees and tools, and a number of
safety-enhancing features for vehicles and people.

Smart Industry
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Industrial internet of things is empowering industrial engineering with sensors, software and big data analytics
to create brilliant machines. IoT holds great potential for quality control and sustainability. Applications for
tracking goods, real time information exchange about inventory among suppliers and retailers and automated
delivery will increase the supply chain efficiency.
Smart Energy and Smart Grid
The basic idea behind the smart grids is to collect data in an automated fashion and analyse the behaviour or
electricity consumers and suppliers for improving efficiency as well as economics of electricity use. Smart
Grids will also be able to detect sources of power outages more quickly and at individual household levels like
near by solar panel, making possible distributed energy system.
Smart Agriculture
Farmers are using meaningful insights from the data to yield better return on investment. Sensing for soil
moisture and nutrients, controlling water usage for plant growth and determining custom fertiliser are some
simple uses of IoT.
Smart Healthcare

It can be used for out-patient care by healthcare providers, letting them get ECG, heart rate, respiratory rate,
skin temperature, body posture, fall detection, and activity readings remotely. This can alert doctors to potential
health problems before they arise, or give them additional insights into which treatments will be most effective
for their patients, even when their patients aren’t in the office.

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