Brochure SMART Digital 95726831 0812 en Lowres
Brochure SMART Digital 95726831 0812 en Lowres
Brochure SMART Digital 95726831 0812 en Lowres
Staff Contact:
Robert Almy
Manager, Project Clean Water
Storm water sampling takes a great deal of commitment and energy in order to
respond efficiently to the many false alarms, the many late nights, and the many
unexpected storm events. The County is grateful to the many volunteers and staff
that participated in the efforts or who made themselves available on a stand-by
basis. In particular, we would like to thank the work done by the Public Health
staff, including the lab. Also, special thanks to Kerry Sears, who kept the
program running smoothly from start to finish.
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction............................................................................................... 1
2.0 Regulatory Setting .................................................................................... 3
2.2 TMDLs
2.3 Basin Plan Objectives
3.0 Related Studies ......................................................................................... 6
3.1 Goleta Slough Study
3.2 SCCWRP Study
3.3 Lower Rincon DNA Study
4.0 Methods .................................................................................................... 12
4.1 Sampling Goals
4.2 Sample Sites
4.3 Watershed Descriptions
4.4 Sample Collection
4.5 Analyses Performed
4.6 Precipitation and Storm Tracking
4.7 Sampling QA/QC
5.0 Results and Discussion............................................................................. 23
5.1 Low Flow Pre-Storm Season Sampling
5.2 Storm Sampling Results
5.3 Summary of Findings
5.4 Comparison of 1999-2000 Sampling to South Coast
Watershed Study Constituents
5.5 Comparison with the City of Santa Barbara
5.6 Comparison with Other Counties
6.0 Recommendations..................................................................................... 37
7.0 References................................................................................................. 39
During Fiscal Year 1999-2000, Project Clean Water staff conducted water
quality sampling program with two basic objectives: 1) to screen storm water
runoff for a large number of potential pollutants and 2) to identify pollution
sources and transport mechanisms under low flow conditions. This information
was intended to be the basis for source reduction efforts and expanded efforts to
characterize surface water pollution in selected urbanized watershed in the
Results from the 1999-2000 storm sampling indicate that bacteria levels are
consistently above applicable standards, (for example several orders of
magnitude above the State’s ocean water standards for body contact recreation),
in all watersheds during storm events. Stormwater samples also contained
metals (such as copper, chromium, zinc and lead) in quantities approaching or
exceeding EPA standards in many creeks. While the insecticide diazanon was
found in all watersheds, other pesticides were found in a majority of watersheds,
but not in all storms. Nutrient levels in storm runoff varied greatly among
watersheds. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were found in only a few
Other sampling efforts included sampling water during outflow of the Goleta
slough (to gain insight into bacteria survival during large tide cycles), sampling
creek and storm-drain flow to identify pollution sources, and evaluating sources
of the fecal coliform bacteria E. coli in the Rincon Lagoon using DNA typing.
Results are summarized in appropriate sections of the report.
Project Clean Water, initiated in the fall of 1998, is Santa Barbara County’s
programmatic effort to improve the water quality in local creeks and in the
ocean. The program is implemented by staff from the Public Works Department
and the Public Health Department. Project Clean Water is driven by public
concern over numerous beach advisories and historic closures due to elevated
levels of bacteria. Bacteria levels are measured by weekly ocean-water sampling
near the creek outfalls at 20 popular local beaches. Creeks and storm-drain
outfalls appear to be the major source of bacteria in the nearshore environment.
The sampling is conducted year-round under the Ocean Water Monitoring
Program by the County Public Health Department.
The purpose of this sampling effort was to conduct a broad screening of water
quality in local creeks in order to ascertain which contaminants are present at
significant levels, and which watersheds exhibit consistently higher levels of
contaminants. Once this is determined, a more informed approach can be made
A description of the methods used and results are presented in this report along
with a discussion of the findings and recommendations for further study.
There are two main regulatory programs under which the County must address
the quality of surface water. These are the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES), and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs).
Under the Federal Clean Water Act both of these programs are enforced through
regulations promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
and both programs have been delegated to the California State Water Resources
Control Board and Regional Water Quality Control Boards.
One of the programs under the federal NPDES regulations addresses storm water
discharges. The storm water program is divided into two phases. The first phase
was promulgated in 1987 and affected municipalities with populations greater
than 100,000 people. Storm water permits for these medium to large
municipalities, such as the counties of Ventura, Los Angeles, and San Diego,
were submitted to their respective Regional Water Quality Control Boards in the
early 1990s.
There are some differences between the Phase I and the Phase II programs,
notably the requirement for storm water monitoring. Phase I communities are
required to conduct storm water monitoring; Phase II communities (at least in the
first five years) are not. Nonetheless, a watershed monitoring program has been
established under Project Clean Water. Although storm water monitoring is not a
requirement under NPDES Phase II regulations, this information will be used to
define pollution types and sources, guide development of BMPs, and establish
current conditions to gage the success of the long-term goals of Project Clean
2.2 TMDLs
TMDL regulations are contained in Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act.
TMDLs are designated for water bodies of the state that have indicated signs of
being impaired or impacted for beneficial uses of these waters. The State Water
Resources Control Board (SWRCB) with concurrence of the EPA and the
Regional Water Quality Control Boards established a listing of all impaired
water bodies. This list is updated every two years. The most recent listing was in
The TMDL process begins once impaired waterbodies have been established and
prioritized. The total amount of pollution that can be discharged to these
impaired water bodies (load allocation) from all land use categories in the
watershed is determined by the agencies that have jurisdiction in the watersheds
in coordination with the local Regional Water Quality Control Board. From these
load allocations, appropriate water quality standards are established for each
beneficial use impairment identified in the 303(d) list.
Local entities that have jurisdiction over the impacted watershed must develop a
formalized implementation plan to reduce or eliminate the discharge of these
pollutants to levels that meet the previously developed water quality standards.
Often this means the cooperation of agencies that have overlapping jurisdiction
such as in the Rincon Creek area where both Santa Barbara County and Ventura
County have jurisdiction over parts of the creek.
Preliminary target dates have been established for the start of the TMDL process
for all of the waterbodies prioritized in the Section 303(d) listing. For Santa
Barbara County all impaired waterbodies are scheduled to begin development of
the appropriate water quality standard(s) for each waterbody by 2006, except for
the Santa Ynez River, which is 2003. Full plan development including
establishment of the appropriate water quality standards is to be completed
within five years of the target start date. In every watershed but the Santa Ynez
River, this will occur by the year 2011.
The TMDL process has gained more attention in recent years due to lawsuit
judgements that have forced local jurisdictions such as Ventura and Los Angeles
to establish TMDLs more rapidly.
TMDLs are created for individual watersheds that often cross jurisdictional
boundaries and may be outside of the NPDES permit areas. As such, they offer a
unique challenge and opportunity to cooperatively work with all agencies that
may be discharging to the local watersheds. Because TMDLs have not yet been
established in Santa Barbara County, it is difficult to estimate actual costs
associated with specific projects or system components. Nor is it possible to
judge their effect on the scope of Project Clean Water
In addition to NPDES and TMDLs, the Regional Water Quality Control Board
sets water quality objectives to provide the highest quality water reasonably
possible (RWQCB 1994). These are presented in the Water Quality Control Plan,
or Basin Plan. The objectives are implemented and enforced through waste
discharge permits (for discharges to land) or NPDES permits (for discharges to
surface water). The Basin Plan is also implemented by the Board's support of
local programs that help achieve the goals of the Basin Plan. Numeric and
narrative objectives are established in the Basin Plan and these objectives are
used in this report to compare with the results of the 1999-2000 water quality
monitoring data.
The Santa Barbara County Flood Control District periodically opens the mouth
of Goleta Slough by excavating a channel through the sand berm that forms
between the slough and the ocean. (During the summer months, the mouth of the
slough closes off from the ocean.) The slough is opened prior to the rainy season
by the District to allow runoff from four major tributaries to adequately drain and
prevent flooding during the first few storms of the season.
In order to investigate the effects of ocean water on bacteria, water samples were
analyzed prior to and just after the opening. Four representative sample sites
were chosen, located in the ocean 25 yards west of the newly opened channel, in
the channel itself, on lower Atascadero Creek, and on lower Tecolotito Creek.
Background bacteria samples were collected the day before the opening at the
same locations. For two days after the opening, bacteria and salinity samples
were taken every hour and a half for six hours following high tide. This timing
was intended to allow sampling to begin when salt water levels in the slough and
tributaries were high, and subsequent samples would contain lower salinity.
The test hypothesis was that indicator bacteria would be lower due to die-off
under conditions of higher salinity and lower temperature, and that bacteria
levels would increase over time following the high tide as fresh, bacteria-laden
slough water drained into the ocean.
Results showed that creek waters were occasionally high in indicator bacteria
(standards would exceed ocean water levels for "warning”) whereas the ocean
water was not. However, bacteria levels in the ocean did show a slight trend of
increasing during the period of discharge from the slough. There was no clear
relationship between bacteria and salinity. Some potential shortcomings of the
study include the limited number of samples taken both spatially or temporally
and no duplicate samples.
For the 98 Bight study, water samples were collected from the ocean surf-zone at
or within 100 yards of a storm-drain or at randomly chosen sample locations
within stratified beach areas. Results of this study indicated that surf-zone water
quality is very good, except immediately adjacent to creek mouths and storm
For the wet weather study in February 2000, Project Clean Water staff assisted
the Public Health Department and collected samples at the lowest creek locations
above tidal influence, corresponding to the same locations as some of the storm
water sample sites (discussed in Section 4.2, Sample Sites). This provided data
from creek locations for comparison to the surf-zone sample locations near the
corresponding creek-mouths.
Results showed higher bacterial levels in all of the Santa Barbara County creeks
compared to the adjacent sites in the ocean. This indicates a large and
continuous source of bacteria from terrestrial sources, which quickly disperses,
becomes diluted or dies off upon reaching the surf-zone. See Figures 3-1, 3-2,
and 3-3 below for results.
Creek Sites
SCCWRP study
SCCWRP Study 02/22/2000
2/22/00 Ocean Sites
Fecal Coliform (MPN)
15-San Jose
14-San Jose
24-Las Palmas
East Beach 1
East Beach 2
Sycamore Creek
Hammonds Beach
Goleta Beach
13-San Pedro
25-Arroyo Burro
Mission Creek
Hope Ranch Beach
7-Glen Annie
Rincon Beach
Carpinteria State Beach
Figure 3-2. SCCWRP Study Results Showing Total Coliform
Creek Sites
SCCWRP study2/22/00
SCCWRP Study 02/22/2000 Ocean Sites
Total Coliform (MPN)
15-San Jose
14-San Jose
24-Las Palmas
East Beach 1
East Beach 2
Sycamore Creek
Hammonds Beach
Goleta Beach
13-San Pedro
25-Arroyo Burro
Mission Creek
Hope Ranch Beach
7-Glen Annie
Rincon Beach
Carpinteria State Beach
Note: Mission Creek sampled at Montecito Street, Sycamore Creek sampled at the 101,
East Beach 1 sampled at Mission Creek, East Beach 2 sampled at Sycamore Creek,
All other creek sites described by site number in Figures A-1a,b and Tables A-1a,b. 8
Creek Sites
SCCWRP study 02/22/2000
Ocean Sites
Enterococcus (MPN) 1000000
15-San Jose
14-San Jose
24-Las Palmas
East Beach 1
East Beach 2
Sycamore Creek
Hammonds Beach
Goleta Beach
13-San Pedro
25-Arroyo Burro
Mission Creek
Hope Ranch Beach
7-Glen Annie
Rincon Beach
Carpinteria State Beach
Note: Mission Creek sampled at Montecito Street, Sycamore Creek sampled at the 101,
East Beach 1 sampled at Mission Creek, East Beach 2 sampled at Sycamore Creek,
All other creek sites described by site number in Figures A-1a,b and Tables A-1a,b.
Elevated levels of coliform bacteria have been noted in local watersheds and the
ocean surf-zones at the mouths of these watersheds. These levels often exceed
state standards for recreational salt water. Ongoing monitoring of coliform
bacteria using traditional testing methods does not differentiate between animal
and human origins for fecal coliforms. As a result, source reduction strategies
are difficult to design and implement. One technique (genetic fingerprinting of
E.Coli) offers some assistance in source identification.
Dr. Mansour Samadpour at the University of Washington has been studying the
coliform bacteria Eschericia coli (E.coli). E. coli is present in the intestines of
all warm-blooded animals, including humans. Dr. Samadpour has established
that species of E.coli exhibit genetic differences that are unique within species or
groups of like species (e.g. coyotes and dogs). Dr. Samadpour has established a
technique for analysis of the genetic material (genetic fingerprinting) of this E.
coli. Collection of fecal samples from known animal species (i.e. dogs, cats,
humans, cows, raccoons, etc.) and determination of the specific genetic
fingerprint for many of these species has allowed Dr. Samadpour to establish a
reference library of over 24,000 different genetic fingerprints. Collection of
water samples from a natural setting, removal and isolation of E. coli present in
the water column, and comparison to Dr. Samadpour’s ever increasing reference
library leads to identification of source organisms for the fecal contamination
present in the water samples.
The Lower Rincon Creek Watershed Study was a collaborative effort between
the County Public Health Department, Heal the Ocean (a local community action
coalition), and Dr. Samadpour’s laboratory at the University of Washington.
Water and source samples were collected in the lower reaches of the watershed
adjacent to the Rincon Point residential area. The Rincon Creek Watershed was
selected due to the relatively few land uses within the watershed (single family
residential, agriculture and ranchlands). The lower watershed area contains 74
homes (split equally between Santa Barbara County and Ventura County) that
currently use onsite (septic) sewage disposal systems. Initial hypothesis included
suggestions that these septic systems were contributing to the bacterial levels
noted in the lower watershed and ocean surf-zone.
Results of the study indicated that 20% of the identified sources were of human
origin. Overall, contributions from domestic sources (i.e. human, dog, cat, cattle,
horses and sheep) accounted for 46% of the identified sources.
Water and sources samples were collected in late spring/early summer (May and
June, 1999). Flow in the Rincon Creek was significantly lower than winter
conditions. Bacterial concentrations were much lower than in previous months
and never exceeded state standards for ocean water contact during the 5 weeks of
sample collection.
The Rincon Point homeowners are moving forward with bringing sanitary sewer
facilities to the community. The homeowners have also been instrumental in
educating residents of the study results and ways to control domestic pet waste
(such as use of mutt mitts to clean up and properly dispose of pet waste). Project
Clean Water is in the process of coordinating an educational outreach effort with
the County of Ventura to target domestic animal owners further back up into the
watershed. Voluntary implementation of best management practices for animal
waste management will provide significant reductions to the fecal coliform
loading from these sources.
The major goal of the 1999-2000 water quality monitoring program was to
evaluate and compare runoff from all of the urbanized watersheds in the south
coast area and to a limited extent in the unincorporated urbanized areas of the
north county area. This watershed-based approach focuses on the overall
pollutant contributions from the entire watershed as opposed to pollutant
contributions from specific sources or defined land uses. A watershed-based
approach was selected for this program in order to maximize the area covered,
while minimizing the total number of sampling sites.
Creek water was sampled during both low flow and storm flow conditions. Low
flow sampling was conducted at various locations for bacteria only. Low flow
sampling in the lower portions of the watershed included some base flow but
mostly urban runoff from nuisance flows (i.e., pavement cleaning, irrigation, car
washing, etc.), illicit connections, or non-storm water runoff from adjacent
Storm flow conditions were sampled throughout the south coast and at one
location in the north coast. The number of individual watersheds makes the south
coast unique, and also difficult to characterize. Due to the high cost of laboratory
analysis, only one station was monitored for the full suite of parameters in each
watershed. This one station was located at the most downstream point in the
watershed above tidal influence. (The cost of laboratory services for analyzing
the full suite of constituents in one sample was approximately $1,400.)
On the south coast alone, there are over 50 individual watersheds draining to the
ocean in Santa Barbara County, about 23 of which drain the urbanized areas
from Goleta to Rincon. Sample sites were selected on all major south coast
watersheds within the urbanized portions of the county from Eagle Canyon
Creek in western Goleta to Rincon Creek on the border with Ventura County.
Sample sites were also selected for north county creeks that drain unincorporated
urbanized areas, including Davis Creek in Vandenberg Village and Orcutt Creek
in Orcutt. See Tables A-1a-d for a list of creeks sampled and Figures A-1 and A-
2a-d for maps of the sample locations.
On the south coast, one site per watershed was sampled as close to the mouth of
the creek as possible (avoiding tidal influence) for a full suite of constituents. In
North County, sites were located in creeks at the most downstream end of the
urbanized areas. Only one site, in Orcutt, was sampled for the full suite of
constituents in the North County.
There were a total of 57 sites sampled countywide, out of which 26 sites were
sampled for the full suite of constituents. Note that not all sites were sampled
during low flow conditions, or for all storm events. Tables A-1a-d describe the
types and amount of sampling which occurred at each site.
Table A-2 shows the approximate percentage of each land use type within the
County watersheds studied. The land uses shown on this table, derived from the
tax-assessor’s parcel data, indicate that much of the south coast watersheds are
under agricultural use. Watersheds that contain more than 50 percent agricultural
land use include Bell, Tecolotito, San Pedro, Arroyo Paredon, Santa Monica,
Franklin, and Carpinteria creeks. Watersheds influenced (>50%) by residential
runoff include Las Palmas, Oak, and Tecolote creeks. Commercial and industrial
land uses in the unincorporated areas of the County are generally less than 10
percent of the total drainage area. Those drainages with commercial and
industrial land use greater than 3 percent of the entire watershed include
Devereaux, Tecolotito, Arroyo Burro, and Franklin Creeks.
The south coast contains a relatively large number of small watersheds, and thus
grab samples were determined to be the most cost-effective use of resources for
this year’s expanded program. The advantage of grab samples is they can be
collected over a large area with a minimum of field crew. The disadvantage is
that they represent a single snapshot of water quality at one instant during a
storm. In contrast, composite samples combine smaller samples throughout the
storm into one single, more representative sample. However, composite samples
still only provide a snapshot of the tremendous amount of water that passes
through a creek during a storm, and require additional manpower by repeated
sampling of the same site or automatic samplers, both of which were unavailable
during the 1999-2000 season.
Since the goal of the 1999-2000 program was to characterize the types, and to
some degree the extent, of pollutants within the south coast watersheds, it was
desired to collect data representing the maximum concentrations or the
maximum range of pollutants within the creeks. It was assumed that the most
pollutants would be observed in the creeks during the rising limb of the creek
hydrograph, i.e., during the period when the water levels in the creek are rising
or at their peak.
Every effort was made to capture samples during peak runoff in the creek,
although many factors affect the timing of peak runoff. Variability due to
permeable surfaces (pavement, etc), orographic effects, saturation of soils, and
limitations in predicting peak flow and mobilizing personnel over a wide area to
collect the samples are some of the factors. See Section 4.6 for a discussion on
the timing of the data collection during each storm.
PCW staff made up the core group of samplers with support from additional
County employees and volunteers to make up the necessary numbers of
For safety and efficiency reasons, samplers were divided into teams of two.
Ideally, a minimum of seven teams (14 samplers) would be sent out into the
field. With seven sampling teams, samples could be collected from all locations
within 2 to 3 hours. However, 14 samplers were not always available. As a
result, a fewer number of teams were sent into the field for some of the sampling
events. This increased the overall sampling time to a maximum of 4 hours per
Numerous water quality analytes (128 total) were chosen based upon previous
storm water quality assessments in the southern California area (SCWCS 1998,
SCCWRP 1996), analytes required to be monitored by Phase 1 communities
under their NPDES permit conditions, and pollutants that may be present in the
Santa Barbara south coast area. General categories of constituents include
bacteria, pesticides, VOCs, metals, nutrients and other constituents (such as total
suspended sediments and oil and grease). The constituents (not including
bacteria) are shown in Table A-3. Table A-4 shows the EPA method used in
processing the constituents, and their associated lab cost.
In addition to the constituents measured in each sample, flow was also measured
at the same time samples were collected at several stations. Water depth and
velocity were noted to calculate flow. Velocity was measured by timing a
floating block of wood over a certain distance. This method of determining
flows offers a rough approximation of flows in the channel. The flows measured
during the storm events are shown in Figure B-8, Appendix B.
4.5.1 Bacteria
Several watersheds in the county have had TMDLs assigned to them for
impairment due to pathogens (see Section 2.2, TMDLs). Pathogens are, by
definition, disease-causing organisms. This concern is based upon historic
measurements of indicator organisms. Current water quality testing
methodologies relies on the usage of indicator organisms- total coliform, fecal
coliform and enterococcus- as a measure of the potential for human pathogens to
be present in the sampled waters. Indicator organisms are more readily detected
and quantified than many human pathogens. As shown in Figure 4-1 below,
indicator organisms are used to reveal the presence of waste in a water sample.
Waste may be of plant, animal or human origin and may or may not contain
human pathogens
Indicator Organisms
For fecal coliform and enterococcus species, these organisms exist in the
intestines of both human and animal populations. Their presence in the water
has a relationship to public health risk (e.g. skin rashes, respiratory infections,
gastro-intestinal illness and other diseases).
The three indicator bacteria were sampled for during the storm season were: total
coliform, fecal coliform (as Eschericia coli), and enterococcus. The testing
methodology used by the Public Health Laboratory identifies total coliform,
enterococcus and Eschericia Coli (E.Coli) bacteria. Figure 4-2 below displays
the relationship between total coliform, fecal coliform, and E. coli. E.Coli
bacteria is the most prevalent form of fecal coliform bacteria. This species
normally comprises approximately 85-95% of the fecal coliform that may be
present in water sample. Once again, the vast majority of E.Coli bacteria are not
human pathogens and in most cases are beneficial to humans by aiding in
digestion of food. One subspecies of E.Coli (0157:H7) is pathogenic. This
pathogenic E.Coli has been involved in several foodborne illness outbreaks.
Total Coliform
Fecal Coliform
E. Coli
4.5.2 Pesticides
Pesticides include all chemicals used to control “pests” of any sort, including
herbicides, algaecides, fungicides, rodenticides, etc. These chemicals are used
by homeowners and commercial operations to control weeds and ants, among
other things. They are also present in some soaps and shampoos used to control
fleas, ticks and lice.
4.5.3 VOCs
Volatile organic compounds can come from cleaners, solvents, and petroleum
products. Although they are short-lived in the surface water environment, they
are important because of their toxicity to aquatic life and humans, and the large
number of their potential sources. VOCs are difficult to measure because they
volatize under the turbulent high flow conditions that occur during storms at the
downstream end of creeks.
4.5.4 Metals
4.5.5 Nutrients
Nutrients are vital to the health of an aquatic environment. However, they can be
detrimental to aquatic life in high concentrations. Nitrogen and phosphorus tend
to be the most commonly problematic nutrients because homeowners and
agricultural operations add these nutrients to their lawns and gardens in vast
quantities to increase productivity. The presence of nutrients can accelerate
growth and preponderance of water plants such as algae. When water becomes
stagnant and temperatures increase, algal growth greatly increases, leading to the
formation of large patches of thick green algal mats. These mats are not harmful
to humans, but reduce light and oxygen availability in the water and may lead to
anaerobic conditions, odors, and severe impacts to other aquatic life.
The nitrogen cycle is normally driven by nitrogen fixing bacteria in the soil.
Ammonia deposited as animal waste is oxygenated to nitrites and further to
nitrates. In an oxygenated environment, nitrites are short-lived.
Hardness, for instance, was used to convert the total metals to dissolved metals
(see Section 5.2.1, Practical Quantitation Limit, Water Quality Standards, and
Basin Plan Objectives). Hardness is a measure of the level of dissolved
carbonates in the water column. Geological formations in this area (mainly lime
and sandstone formations) are easily degraded by water. As a result, most
ground and surface water displays fairly high hardness in the range of 300-500
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) are
indicators of biological activities within the watersheds. Elevated indicates an
abundance of organic (most likely vegetative) materials. Elevated organic
materials often lead to an increase of organisms that work to break down these
materials (e.g. bacteria, insects, etc.). This degradation activity puts a “demand”
on the supply of oxygen in the water. Hence, elevated BOD levels in the creeks
provide an opportunity for increased biological activity. Left unchecked, with an
ongoing supply of organic materials, the oxygen supply in the watershed will
ultimately drop and the watershed fauna may become impacted due to this
Each storm is unique in the quantity and intensity of rain, so weather data was
closely tracked to determine the best time to initiate sampling. Due to the
variation in rainfall within the watersheds sampled, sampling was occasionally
initiated at a point when some areas received more than 0.25 inches while other
areas did not. Every attempt was made to collect data from a storm that delivered
at least 0.25 inch to the entire southcoast and/or northcoast area.
Historical average annual rainfall for the south coast area is approximately 18
inches per year (based on period from September 1 to August 31, and an average
of data since 1868). Rainfall varies greatly from year to year, with a standard
deviation of 8.17 inches. (SB County Flood Control 1999). During the 1999-
2000 storm sampling season, 22.75 inches of rainfall fell in downtown Santa
Weather data available on the internet from various sources including satellite
imagery, radar, and modeling was used to forecast storm events. For real-time
data, the County maintains a comprehensive flood warning system, called the
ALERT network, that provides rainfall and stream flow gage data. The ALERT
network includes 8 rainfall stations and 2 stream gage stations in the South Coast
watersheds and several stations throughout the North County. This network is
used to determine when, where, and how much rainfall has occurred. Tables B-
1a and B-1b list the location of the rainfall and stream gages in the south coast,
and Figures B-1a and B-2b show maps of the gage locations.
All sample bottles were labeled, handled and transported following the
developed protocols. Chain of custody forms identified sample locations, date
and time of collection, samplers and time of delivery to testing laboratory and/or
transfer to laboratory technicians for transport to testing laboratories. Bacteria
analyses were conducted at the Santa Barbara County Public Health Laboratory,
while all other analyses were sent to Zymax Envirotechnology laboratory in San
Louis Obispo. Both laboratories are certified by the EPA.
Field duplicates were only taken for bacteria samples due to the higher lab cost
of processing the other constituents (and previously demonstrated reliability of
analysis for other constituents in the SCWCS, 1998.). For bacteria, duplicates
were taken for approximately 10% of all samples. Blanks were not included in
the shipment of samples to the labs, again due to the high lab cost of processing
the constituents. Blanks and duplicates were measured by the individual
laboratories following their respective QA/QC procedures.
Bacteria samples were collected in October, prior to the winter storm season at
all sites chosen for storm water sampling that had water flow. See Appendix A,
Tables A-1a-d and Figures A-2a-d for the locations of the low flow sampling
sites. The results are used to compare bacteria levels in base flow or nuisance
flow conditions to that of storm water runoff. Bacteria levels under low flow
conditions were consistently lower than bacteria levels for storm water runoff.
Four storms were sampled as described above, plus an additional storm where
only bacteria was sampled. The storm dates were 11/8/99, 1/17/00, 1/30/00
(bacteria only), 2/10/00, and 4/17/00. After each sampling event, the sites were
reevaluated to determine whether they were still appropriate in terms of safety,
accessibility and tidal influence. Three sites were relocated due to unanticipated
tidal effects. These were Tecolotito Creek (Site #s 9 and 10), San Jose Creek
(Site # 15) and Franklin Creek (Site # 43). If any sites were dry or stagnant
during the storm event, they were not sampled.
As discussed above, grab samples were collected at or before the peak runoff.
The results of the timing of each storm, stream hydrographs, precipitation data,
and time of sample collection is shown in Appendix B. Samples were collected
during the first few hours of the storm runoff when expected pollutant loads
would be at their highest. Sampling during this period is sometimes referred to as
the "first flush", a time when pollutants are initially mobilized, especially from
impervious areas, and runoff is most concentrated. This differs from the timing
of storm water sampling that was conducted in the 1998 South Coast Watershed
Characterization Study, where sampling often occurred several hours following
the peak runoff.
Preliminary analysis of the results reveals high levels of bacteria in the creeks
(up to 25 times the State’s Ocean Water Advisory level). Metals were also
detected in many creeks at levels approaching or, in a few cases, exceeding basin
plan standards. Nitrogen and phosphorus were found in all creeks with highest
levels found in agriculturally dominated watersheds. A limited number of VOCs
were detected in some creeks. Pesticide results indicate that glyphosate and
diazinon were present in a majority of the creeks.
Graphs have been prepared showing data for all storms and all constituents that
appeared at least once in the results. All graphs are labeled from west to east
according to the site numbers listed Tables A-1a-d and shown in Figures A-2a-d.
Figures C-1 through C-9 show bacteria, Figures C-10 through C-18 show
pesticides, Figures C-19 through C-24 show VOCs, Figures C-25 through C-32
show nutrients, Figures C-33 through C-39 show metals, and Figures C-40
through C-50 show all other constituents, such as oil and grease and turbidity. In
addition, Table C-1 is a summary table of all the results.
Table A-4 shows the Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) and any known standard
or objective for each constituent. The PQL is the lowest level that the lab is
confident of reporting. Therefore, a null result means that the constituent was
not detected or the lab was not confident of the value because it was at or below
the PQL.
Zymax would often report different PQLs for the same constituent and the same
storm for different sites. Zymax would also report the same PQL for a
constituent for each site for one storm, and then the PQL would change to a new
value for the same constituent for each site for a different storm. The variation in
PQLs was due to turbidity and subsequent dilution of samples. Therefore, if the
PQL changed over the course of the four storms sampled for the full suite of
constituents, then the range of PQLs was provided.
The standards listed in Table A-5 are from the EPA aquatic toxicity criteria for
both acute and chronic levels, including the National Recommended Water
Quality Critieria - Correction (EPA 1999), and the EPA Goldbook (EPA 1986).
The Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) assigns designated uses to
each watershed as well as associated water quality objectives for each designated
use. Table A-5 lists those objectives, and Table A-6 shows the applicable
designated uses assigned to each watershed.
The Basin Plan establishes freshwater objectives for fecal coliform for inland
surface waters. However, the standards require a minimum number of sampling
events within a given time period. Due to the limited number of sampling events
spread out over a significant period of time (several months) comparison to these
standards was not possible.
The State Ocean Water Quality Standards 1 for bacteria have been established as
where MPN is the most probable number, describing the statistical concentration
of bacteria in 100 ml of water. Exceedance of these standards requires the local
Health Officer to post warning signs at the beach area where recreational water
contact may occur. This same mandate does not currently apply to freshwater
areas such as creeks, streams and freshwater lakes.
It should be noted that the metals were processed as total metals, not dissolved
metals. The results were converted from total to dissolved in order to compare to
the relevant EPA toxicity standards, which are given in terms of dissolved
metals. Dissolved metals give a better indication of toxicity because the
dissolved portion of the metal is more available to organisms for uptake than the
suspended portion. The EPA (1999) provides a suggested empirical formula to
convert from total metals to dissolved. The process of converting the EPA’s
dissolved metals standards to total metals standards is shown below. This
conversion is dependent upon the hardness, which varies over three orders of
Total = Dissolved / CF
Total is the total metals value in mg/l
Dissolved is the dissolved metals value in mg/l
CF is a conversion factor dependent on hardness.
There is a fourth standard that is a ratio of Total Coliform to Fecal Coliform levels, which was
not calculated or utilized, since comparison to individual indicator bacteria standards sufficed for
the purposes of this study.
CF = Dissolved / exp[m*(ln(hardness))+b].
Total = exp[m*(ln(hardness))+b].
Figures A-3 and A-4 show the relationship between hardness and converted total
metals criteria for EPA’s aquatic toxicity standards.
Described below are the findings observed from this year’s storm water
sampling, presented by categories of constituents. For each category, a table is
provided (Tables 5-1 through 5-7) which shows a summary of the results
presented in Appendix C.
Although some geographic and temporal trends were observed and some
constituents were found in relatively higher concentrations compared to regional
and national criteria and objectives, the data discussed below represent only one
year of sampling. Therefore, the data may not necessarily be a statistically
significant or representative. It is not apparent from this year's results that any
watershed stood out dramatically from the rest as having unusually high
concentrations for contaminants during a majority of the storms.
In some areas it has been found that the first storms of the season transport a
relatively high load of pollutants, and that subsequent storms may transport
somewhat less. Previous national evaluations such as the National Urban Runoff
Program (NURP) study (EPA 1983 Results of the Nationwide Urban Runoff
Program, Volume 1- Final Report) as well as more localized studies (Marsalek,
J. 1990 “Evaluation of Pollutant Loads from Urban Nonpoint Sources” Wat. Sci.
Tech. 22(10/11):23-30) have shown this correlation between elevated pollutant
concentrations and the “first flush,” or the first rain of the season. The first flush
usually occurs in areas where a long dry period is followed by consistent and
frequent rains. During the dry period, pollutants build up on impervious surfaces
and are subsequently washed off during the rain, diminishing in concentration as
the rainy season progresses. In fact, NPDES Phase I regulated communities are
required to sample storm water runoff during the first three storms of the season
in order to characterize the maximum pollutant concentrations expected.
5.3.2 Bacteria
• Bacteria results were by far the most consistent. Previous studies (SCWCS,
SCCWRP 98 Bight Dry and Wet Weather studies, ongoing monitoring by the
ocean water monitoring program) have shown that stormwater runoff greatly
increases the amount of bacterial in the creeks and subsequent transport to
the ocean. Comparison of this sampling period’s dry weather sampling to wet
weather sampling shows, on average, 1 to 2 orders of magnitude increase in
the bacterial levels during wet weather events. In most of the watersheds
tested during dry weather, background levels of total coliform and
enterococcus were at or exceeding current ocean water standards. Recreation
1 standards contained in the Basin Plan cannot be used for comparison
purposes with this year’s data because the sampling frequency and patterns
do not meet the criteria for statistical evaluation as spelled out in the Basin
Plan for recreational water contact areas.
• E. Coli levels were slightly below the ocean water state standards during low
flow periods, especially in the eastern watersheds such as Franklin and
Carpinteria. The north county sample locations displayed levels of bacteria
at or above ocean water standards for all indicator bacteria, but only
increased approximately 1 order of magnitude in concentration levels during
the two wet weather events. This may be due to the fact that the areas tested
are not as urbanized as most of the south coast urbanized areas.
• There does not appear to be much difference between upstream site bacterial
levels and downstream site bacterial levels during wet weather events. Not
enough data is available this year to compare dry weather values upstream
and downstream.
• Pre-storm season low flow samples were consistently lower in bacteria than
storm water samples.
5.3.3 Pesticides
• Diazinon levels were detected in most of the watersheds with the highest
levels detected in earlier sampling events. Diazinon has shown to be very
prevalent in urbanized watersheds.
5.3.4 VOCs
5.3.5 Metals
• Every watershed displayed some level of metals present in the water samples
• Romero Creek was the only watershed that revealed high levels of mercury.
Glen Annie and Orcutt creeks also showed detectable levels of mercury.
• As shown in Table C-1, metals exceeded standards more than any other
constituent (besides bacteria). With increased detection capabilities and the
ability to better observe environmental impacts, standards have become more
restrictive. As an example, the EPA Gold Book standard (1986) indicates a
chronic standard for Copper as 0.12 mg/l. Recent revisions to the EPA
Aquatic Toxicity Standards indicate that this standard has been revised to
0.009 mg/l. Although these standards are not currently part of the NPDES
permit/program requirements, they may be incorporated in new or renewal
permits or as part of the TMDL process.
• Overall trends for metals were difficult to ascertain other than for the group
as a whole. Results indicate earlier storms liberated more metals into the
creeks than later storms.
• The Arroyo Burro Watershed displayed levels of copper, zinc, lead and
nickel for each of the sampling events. Concentrations of nickel were much
higher in this watershed on a couple of sampling events than any of the other
• Arsenic was noted in only the first sampling event for a few scattered
5.3.6 Nutrients
• Nitrogen and nitrate levels were much higher and more consistent than nitrite
levels. Nitrates were noted in all four sampling events for Santa Monica
• Indicators of waste oil and/or fuel were traced using Total Recoverable
Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH); Oil & Grease (O&G) as well as other
constituents of gasoline such as toluene, xylene, etc. TRPH levels and O&G
results were very similar. A few watersheds such as San Pedro, San Jose,
Romero and Carpinteria Creeks showed elevated levels for a single,
consistent sampling event. Bell Creek displayed elevated levels of xylene,
trimethylbenzene as well as TRPH and Oil & Grease although for different
early season sampling events.
• MBAS levels were measured for the last two sampling events and were
detected in most of the watersheds. In general, levels were higher in the
second storm event for which MBAS testing was done than the first storm
event tested. This may be due to differences in flow noted for the two
• Turbidity was also tested for the fourth and fifth sampling events. Only
Arroyo Burro and Orcutt Creeks displayed any significant turbidity issues.
• Arroyo Burro and Orcutt displayed the highest levels of Total Suspended
• Early storm events displayed hardness levels at or near 2,000 mg/l especially
in the western Goleta watersheds. This may be a result of early storm erosion
of stream banks and other areas of the watershed. Hardness levels dropped
more towards background levels for the latter storm events.
• Elevated TOC levels were found in Garrapata, Romero and San Ysidro
Creeks. Elevated BOD levels were found in Garrapata and Montecito
Creeks. The combined high values for TOC, BOD, and MBAS, such as for
San Ysidro, Toro Canyon, Garrapata, may indicate possible sewage
The SCWCS (URS Greiner 1999) analyzed runoff during the 1998-1999 season
in four watersheds: Arroyo Burro, Rincon, Carpinteria, and Mission.
The 1999-2000 data showed higher bacteria concentrations for wet weather
events. In some of the SCWCS sampling events, water samples were not
collected until several hours after the storm event, and therefore did not capture
the higher levels of bacteria that are found in the initial runoff.
There was little variation in bacteria results related to location in the watershed
for 1999-2000 data, whereas a strong trend was seen in the SCWCS data
revealing higher bacteria levels in more densely developed areas of the
watershed. This may be partially due to fewer representative sample locations in
the upper watersheds for the 1999-2000 study, as compared to the SCWCS. Also
the results exceeded the limits of the test for many sites, regardless of location in
the watershed, making comparisons impossible to the 1999-2000 study.
The most noticeable difference between the test results of the SCWCS and the
1999-2000 storm testing was in the concentrations of metals. Results from the
1999-2000 sampling showed an order of magnitude increase for zinc, nickel and
copper for Arroyo Burro and Rincon Creeks. No significant differences were
noted for metal concentrations in Carpinteria Creek. The general consensus is
that this is due to the timing of the sampling, as discussed above, rather than
increases in pollutant loading from previous years.
Total suspended solids were measured only for the Rincon Creek as part of the
SCWCS. There were no significant differences in these values between the
various sampling periods.
All other constituents that overlapped between the two studies did not
demonstrate significant differences that warrant further discussion.
The City of Santa Barbara conducted limited storm water runoff testing. Samples
were collected at two stations along Sycamore Creek and one in Laguna
Channel. Sycamore Creek was sampled during the November 8, 1999 storm and
the January 17, 2000 storm at a site located immediately south of US101 and the
railroad tracks. Sycamore Creek was also sampled during the January 17 storm at
a station located downstream of Alameda Padre Serra. Laguna Channel was
sampled once during the April 17, 2000 storm in Chase Palm Park just before
the channel crosses under Cabrillo Boulevard.
City staff collected water samples at approximately the same time as the County
during the same storms. The City's water samples were transported together with
the County samples to the same laboratories for analysis (Zymax Labs and
County Public Health lab). The data are presented in Table C-2.
Laguna channel had some measurable levels of oil and grease and methylene
chloride, a VOC that was not detected in any other creek. The detection for
toluene that occurred in the April 17, 2000 storm was low in concentration.
Both Sycamore Creek and Laguna Channel contained low levels of glyphosate
and the Laguna Channel sample from April 17, 2000 contained low levels of
diazinon. There was no chlorpyrifos observed, nor any chlorinated pesticides.
Overall, the results from this year's sampling show that Sycamore Creek and
Laguna Channel were relatively similar to other creeks in the south coast.
Selected results presented in the Annual Report for Permit Year 5 for Revolon
Slough (Ventura County 1999) are summarized below.
General parameters such as total dissolved and suspended solids, TOC, BOD,
TRPH and oil and grease were very similar to the average of Santa Barbara
County creeks. Compared to the Ventura 1999 data for mixed land use runoff,
some Santa Barbara County creeks stood out with relatively higher values for
metals. Specifically, mercury in Romero Creek during the April 17, 2000 storm
(0.005 mg/l), nickel in Arroyo Burro during the November 11, 1999 and April
17, 2000 storms (0.16 mg/l and 0.27 mg/l), and chromium in Arroyo Burro and
Toro Canyon during the November 8, 2000 storm (0.42 mg/l and 0.38 mg/l,
respectively), were relatively higher. Nutrients were generally similar with Santa
Barbara County creeks, except for total phosphorus in Arroyo Burro during the
November 8, 1999 and April 17, 2000 storms (9.3 mg/l and 13.0 mg/l).
• Establish additional site(s) in the Orcutt area for the full suite of constituents.
• Increase sites for bacteria sampling and sample from storm drains where
possible to identify problematic catchments. Measure bacteria levels at
locations higher in the watershed for source identification and determining
“background” concentrations.
• Replace total metals with dissolved metals on the list of full suite tests for
better comparison with toxicity standards; add total+dissolved metals on
selected creeks with upstream sites to distinguish contribution from non-
urbanized upper watershed areas and to establish background levels.
• Drop chlorinated pesticides from the full suite tests since many if not most
are no longer in use and the remaining use is limited to commercial
operations. (The Endosulfan group, 4,4-DDE, and 2,4-D were the only
chlorinated pesticides detected.) To the extent that these were detected,
target the chlorinated pesticide analysis to specific watersheds.
• Discontinue testing for VOCs, relying upon TRPH and oil and grease as an
indicator of the presence of petroleum products that contain VOCs.
• Consider adding bioassay tests for toxicity, while keeping all other
potentially toxic compounds such as metals and pesticides. (This would help
establish the relationship of measured pollutants and environmental effects.)
EPA 1983. Results of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Volume 1- Final
Haile, R. W., Witte, J. S., Gold, M., Cressey, R., McGee, C., Millikan, R. C.,
Glasser, A., Harawa, N., Ervin, C., Harmon, P., Harper, J., Dermand, J.,
Alamillo, J., Barrett, K., Nides, M. & G.-Y. Wang. 1999. The health
effects of swimming in ocean water contaminated by storm drain runoff.
Epidemiology. 10: 355-363.
Noble, R. T., Dorsey, J. H., Leecaster, M., Orozco-Borbon, V., Reid, D., Schiff,
K. & Weisberg, S. B. 2000. A regional survey of the microbiological
water quality along the shoreline of the southern California Bight.
Environ. Monit. Assess. 64.
RWQCB (Regional Water Quality Control Board). 1994. Water Quality Control