Linear Scheduling Method
Linear Scheduling Method
Linear Scheduling Method
project completion time DP should have been equal to DA1 + DA2 + DA3+ DA4,
wherein DA1 is the duration of activity A1, DA2 is the duration of activity A2 ,
DA3 is the duration of the activity A3 and DA4 being the duration of activity
A4. But in reality succeeding activities of a linear project do not wait until the
completion of the previous activity but start after a minimum buffer time and
distance is allowed to satisfy the job requirements. This relationship between
activities is represented in Figure 4.4, which cannot be represented by a
network diagram. Now considering the project time as per Figure 4.4, the
total duration of the project shall be from the start of the first activity upto the
end of the last activity. This duration shall be much smaller compared to the
earlier computation as per the CPM schedule. As activities are related in
terms of distances covered with time taken, the progress rates of activities can
be determined by the ratio of length to time. For instance, in the linear
scheduling plot shown in Figure 4.4, it is observed that the progress rate of the
activity A1 should be L/DA1 km/day to complete the activity A1 in time DA1.
Similarly activities A2,A3 and A4 should progress at rates respective to their
durations so as to complete the project in the scheduled time DP. Further, if
the total time DP is to be optimised as per the constraints experienced in the
project, linear scheduling has the flexibility to do so by increasing or
decreasing the progress rate of each activity and the buffer distance between
activities. These changes can be depicted on the LSM to arrive at the total
project time.
A2 A4
A1 A2 A3
A4 DA4
A3 A4
DA2 A3
A1 DA1
The methodology to plot the linear schedule as per the actual nature
of relationship between activities and to determine the critical activity path
and floats in a linear project comprises of the following steps:
Segments 8
A4 A4
A3 6
A3 4
Duration LDI LTI 7 5 DCA3
(days ) Critical vertex Duration
( days )
activity A2 D CA2
Links 3
- 2
Origin Non-Critical
A1 A1
activity segments D
CA1 1
Location (km) Location (km)
L - L
Having drawn the activity sequence list on the linear schedule, the
LTI and the LDI between consecutive activities are determined to find out the
critical and non critical activities of the project. In the activity sequence list
plotted in Figure 4.5, the first activity is taken as the origin activity and the
succeeding activity as the target activity. The criticality of the activities is
determined by starting with the first activity designating that as the origin
activity and the immediate succeeding activity as the target activity. The LTI
and LDI between the origin activity and the target activity considered are
determined. Similarly in the next stage, the target activity previously
considered becomes the origin activity and the next immediate succeeding
activity becomes the target activity. The LTI and LDI for the fresh set of
activities are determined once again. Like wise the LTI and LDI are
determined for all set of activities until the last activity is reached. It is to be
noted in a linear schedule that not only the entire activity can be critical but
also portions of activities can be critical as the activities are progressing
continuously and spanning the entire length of the project.
Figure 4.5 represents the origin and target activities and the least
time (LTI) and least distance (LDI) that are determined between consecutive
activities of the sample linear project. It is seen from Figure 4.5 that the least
time interval is the shortest duration between the consecutive activities which
can be connected vertically without crossing any other intermediate activity
and the least distance interval is the shortest distance between the consecutive
activities with respect to its least time interval. The lines representing the least
distance intervals are called as links and their intersection with
the activities forming vertices are called as critical vertices as indicated in
Figure 4.5.
Downward Pass
Once the least time, least distance intervals, links and critical
vertices are finalised, the critical and non-critical segments are identified. In
other words activities or segments of activities in linear projects having floats
or without floats are determined. In the downward pass of the LSM as per
backward pass of the CPM, a path is traced from the end of the last activity
back in time. This path may intersect a critical vertex or trace back to the start
point of the activity based on the nature of relationships between activities. If
the path happens to meet a critical vertex it then takes an horizontal direction
along the link to the end point or another critical vertex of the previous
activity and then is continued back in time once again. If the path does not
intersect any critical vertex and instead continues upto the starting point of the
activity the path is traced horizontally from this starting point until it meets
the next activity at another critical vertex or the endpoint of the preceding
activity back in time. In this case if the path traced does not meet any other
critical vertex then the path is shifted to the end point of the preceding activity
back in time and is traced down once again as mentioned above until it
reaches the start point of the first activity. It is also possible that the path may
also shift to the endpoint of the activity previous to the preceding activity
when two or more activities end at the same point. Eventually, the longest
path obtained connecting the start points, end points and critical vertices
connected by the controlling links defines the critical path of the project in a
linear schedule.
Figure 4.6 represents the downward pass which defines the critical
and non-critical segments of the activities of the project. Following the
procedure explained above, it is seen from Figure 4.6 that activity A4 is
totally on the critical path from point 7 to point 8. A portion of the activity A3
between points 5 and 6 is on the critical activity path. Again, activity A2 is
totally on the critical activity path between 3 and 4. A portion at the beginning
of the activity A1 is also controlling between points 1 and 2. Thus the
duration associated with these segments determines the optimal project
duration with the assumed durations DCA1, DCA2, DCA3 and DCA4 as indicated in
Figure 4.6.
Float Calculation
In order to determine the floats for activities which have the initial
portions as non-critical, the planned start point, the critical vertex point at
which the activity becomes critical and the earliest possible start point
considering the available float of this activity are determined. The critical
vertex points are already obtained as in the upward pass method and the
earliest possible start point is determined by adding the starting duration of
the preceding activity by the LTI between the activity in consideration and the
preceding activity. In case of a continuous series of initial non-critical
segments, increments are made from the preceding earliest possible start
points and not from the start point of the preceding activity. The floats of
initial non-critical segments which can have earlier starts are represented with
a negative sign such as -A3 as shown in Figure 4.7.
Duration Duration A4 +A3
( days ) (LPC,DPC)
A3 (days)
A2 A2 +A1
A1 A1
Thus in Figure 4.7, if (LPS, DPS), (LPS,DES) and (LIVC, DIVC) are the
coordinates of the planned starting, earliest possible starting and critical
vertex of any activity, then the progress rates and the floats of the activity at
the initial portions can be written in km/day as shown below in Equations
(4.1), (4.2) and (4.3).
ii) Least possible progress rate (PRl) = LIVC - LPS / DIVC - DES (4.2)
the latest possible end point is determined by reducing the ending duration of
the succeeding activity by least time interval between the activity in
consideration and the succeeding activity. In case of a continuous series of
terminal non critical segments deductions are made from the succeeding latest
possible end points and not from the end point of the succeeding activity. The
floats of terminal non-critical segments which can have later finish times are
represented with a positive sign as +A1 and +A3 as shown in Figure 4.8.
ii) Least possible progress rate (PRl) = LPC – LTVC/ DLC – DTVC ( 4.5)
the above paragraphs that activities in linear projects can be entirely critical,
or only for portions at the start, end or at any intermediate segment of the
activity based on the parameters controlling it.
A Gantt or Bar chart schedule for the above project in Table 4.1 is
presented in Figure 4.9. From this figure the following information about the
activities can be obtained.
S.No Activity January 2004 February 2004 March 2004
Clearing 0 22 22
1 A
and Grubbing
37 43
2 B 6
30 22 52
3 C
and Subgrade
38 32 70
Granular Sub-
4 D
ii) Although Figure 4.9 gives information about the lag time
available at the beginning and end of activities, the
representation and computation of floats becomes a tedious
process considering the rescheduling which is done in
practical situations to balance the resources. This problem
becomes all the more complicated when the number of
activities and sections of the road project increases
From the projected schedule and duration of activities of the sample project in
Tables 4.1 and 4.2, an activity on arrow (AOA) network diagram trying to
indicate the relationships of activities has been attempted in Figure 4.10.
The AOA representation in Figure 4.10 does not comply with the
rules of network scheduling and therefore applying CPM network scheduling
to road projects becomes impossible and hence cannot provide realistic
information about the activities in a road project.
7 8
1 2
6 A (22) D (32)
C (22)
0 22 6 43 30 52 38 70
-16FS -13FS -14FS
A 22 B 37 C 22 D 32
0 22 6 43 30 52 38 70
ii) From the least time and the least distance intervals, the critical
vertices are calculated mathematically using slope equations
and links are connected to these vertices.
iii) Figure 4.12 also shows the Upward Pass method for the
sample project with the critical vertex coordinates marked on
i) A path is traced from the end of the last activity back in time
continuously connecting the critical vertices, start points and
endpoints of the activities through the links as shown in
Figure 4.4.
70 70
52 52
(11.20, 43 )
(10.72, 38 ) 43 C
38 38 (11.20, 43 )
Critical vertex
(10.72, 38 )
30 30
22 22
Duration B B
(days ) Duration
(days )
6 6
(10.55, 6) (10.55, 6)
Figure 4.12 LSM Schedule with Figure 4.13 LSM Schedule with
Upward Pass Downward Pass
iii) Figure 4.13 explains the downward pass method for the
sample project thus identifying the critical segments as thick
lines and non critical segments as ordinary lines. The
durations and lengths for which each of the activity is critical
is shown in Table 4.3.
70 70
52 C+ 52
43 43
38 (11.20, 43 ) 38 (11.20, 43 )
(10.72, 38 ) (10.72, 38 ) 37
30 30
C- 22 22
B Duration B
(days )
15 A+
6 6
(10.55, 6) (10.55, 6)
i) The planned rates, lowest rates and float rates for ending non-
critical segments as shown in Figure 4.15 has been presented in Table 4.5. For
instance in activity A, LPC is taken as 12 as it remains the location at planned
completion and DLC becomes 37 which is obtained by subtracting the LTI
between activity A and B from DPC of B.
NOV 15 &16
13 & 14
OCT 194
184 184
11 73
60 53
45 9
35 24 25
32 23
19 20 21 22
7 6
start to start relationship with activity 11(dry lean concrete) and thus the
earliest start time possible is 14th of April 2004. Thus an intense road schedule
is prepared considering the predecessor relationships and progresses required
for all the activities.
Activity Start
Activity End date
ID Date
6 Diversion @ 276.00 31/03/04 31/03/04
7 Diversion @ 275.34 31/03/04 31/03/04
9 Earthwork 01/05/04 08/06/04
10 Granular Subbase 14/05/04 11/06/04
11 Dry lean concrete 18/05/04 15/06/04
12 Pavement quality concrete 29/05/04 16/10/04
13 Widening and sealing of transverse joints 15/06/04 02/11/04
14 Widening and sealing of longitudinal joints 15/06/04 02/11/04
15 Kerb casting 23/10/04 15/11/04
16 Granular shoulder 23/10/04 15/11/04
17 Opening to traffic 18/11/04 18/11/04
19 Pipe culvert at 274.39 13/04/04 11/05/04
20 Pipe culvert at 274.42 13/04/04 11/05/04
21 Pipe culvert at 274.54 13/04/04 11/05/04
22 Pipe culvert at 274.78 13/04/04 11/05/04
23 Pipe culvert at 275.21 24/04/04 22/05/04
24 Pipe culvert at 276.66 24/04/04 22/05/04
25 Pipe culvert at 277.11 24/04/04 22/05/04
indicated in Table 4.6. This projected schedule has now been scheduled by the
linear scheduling method and shown in Figure 4.16. It can be observed that
activities can be shown in the LSM as points, bars, lines and blocks
depending on the nature of the activity, its location and time consumption and
relationship with other activities. For instance activity 6 is shown only as a
point as it is scheduled only for one day on march 31 and at location 276 as
per the schedule. Similarly activity 19, pipe culvert is shown as a bar (vertical
line) at location at 274.391 for a duration of 28 days as per the schedule.
Activities 9 to 17 are shown as sloping lines for the entire length of the
section of the project with their start and end time as per the schedule. Also,
the monsoon period is indicated as a block activity wherein no activity is
Comparing the Gantt chart and linear scheduling outputs, the LSM
schedule provides us with better information due to its graphical
representation of its 2 main attributes namely the duration and location of the
activities. The Gantt chart out put shows only the progress of activities as
horizontal bars on the duration side. This is well illustrated considering
activity 12, which shows the exact location of activity 12 during the starting
of the monsoon period i.e. on the 93rd day of the project or as on July 1st 2004.
Similarly it is only possible as per the LSM schedule to indicate the location
project for a stretch of 2 km. Its projected schedule has been indicated in
Table 4.9 considering all possible conditions activities can be subjected to in a
typical linear project.
(15.54,72) 75
F 72
(Days) 62
37 37
C 29
16 B
determine the optimal duration of a linear project just as the critical path
determines the total duration of the project with the CPM.
Table 4.10 Critical Paths for Sample Road Project(km 14.00 to km 16.00)
Having analyzed the linear schedule in Figure 4.17 and the critical
paths in Table 4.10 for the above illustration, the following inferences are
critical when its completion time is equal to or less than the start of the
succeeding activity and the least time interval between it and the preceding
activity is at their starts.
or when
or when
In Equations 4.7 to 4.10, ‘ae’ represents any end activity and ‘ae-1’
represents the preceding activity to any end activity
or when
or when
or when
or when
or when
or when
or when
or when