Mad God's Key Conversion Notes
Mad God's Key Conversion Notes
Mad God's Key Conversion Notes
Start at Fenter’s Inn (Merchant District #2), thugs are looting the Curious Monkey (#4).
P24. The stolen book comes from within the House of the Dragon in the Noble District; a
cleric of Oghma seen taking it. Irontusk: Thug (MM350), 1 potion of healing, replace
Pack Tactics with Reckless (start turn with advantage on melee, but attacks against him
gain advantage till his next turn).
27. The Green Dagger Gang aspires to join with the Lotus Dragons. Their base is in the
Azure District, near Nate’s Nets (#A4). The cultist impersonated a cleric of Oghma.
G1. Front door DC 11 trap.
G2. 3 Stirges, MM284.
G4. A juvenile Death Dog (MM321), hp 15, Str 11 (+2 hit, 1d6 pierce). DC 8 Con save
(disease) or poisoned till cured. Every day repeat save or reduce max hp by 2 until dead.
29. Diseased members fight as Commoners (MM345). Replace Iron flask with Potion of
a) Daylin is a Scout (MM349).
30. Trap DC 13, +4 hit for 2d6 dmg. Remove masterwork weapons, smokesticks. Reduce
to 1 vial apiece of acid and alchemist fire.
a) Dalta as Thug (MM350). Stairs DC 13 trap to notice, disarm.
G19. Rogues: AC 13 (leather), hp 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Wis 13. Short Sword +4 hit,
1d6+2 pierce or Dagger 1d4+2. Sneak Attack +2d6. Cunning Action (bonus action
disengage, dash, hide).
- Pit traps DC 15 Perception notice no foot traffic, DC 15 Int (Investigation) confirm a
pit, 1d6 fall damage.
G21. Cyrathas Oil burning does 1d6 for 2r, DC 13 Dex save half.
Cyrathas. Sor3, AC16, hp 23, Init +3, Str 8, Dex 17, Con15, Cha15. +5 hit short sword,
1d6+3 or +5 spell attack. Saves Con, Cha.
Acid Splash - 1action/ 60'/ VS/ instant - 1 or 2 targets within 5' of each other make
Dexterity save or take 1d6 Acid damage.
Ray of Frost - 1action/ 60'/ VS/ instant - 1 target ranged spell attack, on hit take 1d8
Cold damage and speed reduced to 10' for 1 round.
Chromatic Orb (1st) - 1action/ 90'/ VSM(diamond worth 50GP)/ instant - 1 target ranged
spell, on hit 3d8 (you choose).
Sleep, Web
Chest DC 18 lock. 4 large sapphires (100gp each), Potion of Hill Giant Strength, Potion
of Healing, 20 arrows +1 (made of elemental air, feel like no weight at all, the heads are
solid steel but rest appears like clouds), Spell Scroll: Fog Cloud, Diary.
P33, House of the Dragon, Noble District (#17, library). Shrine of Oghma in Noble
District (#24).
Cairn: in the hills just west of Fort Rakin, south of Sasserine along the Thunder River.
The Cultists worship Demogorgon and desecrated an ancient temple to Mystra.
36. The zombies each have one eye removed and another inserted, bloody messes of
different sizes and color. MM316.
a) T5, serpent’s tail wrapped around a skull. Religion DC 20 to recognize as cult of
demon Demogorgon.
b) Shatter Trap (reset each dawn), DC 14 Arcana, 3d8 thunder damage, DC 12 Con
for half, all targets 10’ radius.
c) Zombies as above MM316.
d) Replace Wee Jas with Mystra, 8 pointed blue star. Mystra’s blessing puts symbol
on body, for 1 month Advantage on death saves, auto stabilize each round if
down to 0 hp, and advantage with talks with Mystra and Azuth clergy.
e) Undead Rat Swarm, use Rat Swarm MM339, immunity to physical per undead,
add Sewer Plague to hits (DC 11 Con or infected, 1d4 day onset, see DMG 257
for symptoms).
T12. Shrine to Demogorgon. A 20’ tall statue of a two-headed baboon, each with open
fanged mouths, with serpentine humanoid body and 6 barbed tentacles for arms. From the
mouths pour blood.
The Blessed One. An unholy amalgamation of animal and humanoid parts sewn together
in a crude representation of the statue. Octopus tentacles are mixed with some other
barbed appendages that move functionally. The two heads wobble, covered in blood, and
attempted to fix mismatched gazes.
AC11, hp36, Dex 13, Cha 13. Immune poison, fear, mental. Darkvision 60’. Understands
common, can’t speak. 2 attacks, +3 hit barbed arms 2d4+1 slash. DC 11 Wisdom save or
frightened until end of Blessed One’s next turn. Terrifying Gaze. Target 1 creature 30’
that can see it, DC 11 Wis save or frightened (paralyzed) until end of Blessed One’s next
turn, can only use once per turn.
Veltargo, use Cult Fanatic MM345. Equipment: 2 Potions of Healing, Scroll: Enhance
Ability (Cleric 2), Ring of Swimming (a band made of golden fish scales design made of
worked coral as hard as metal, the ring floats on water if removed and grants advantage
on Swim (Str athletics) checks), 205gp.
The Book has pages devoted to praising the curses and dark rituals required to transform
a mortal into immensely powerful undead. A reference is made to Saint Kargoth whose
jealousy and bitterness was so strong that he attracted the attention of an ancient demonic
power. Thirteen of his fellow knights were also so corrupted. The missing pages likely
dealt with the actual rituals.