New Lesson Plan - Fraction March 17, 2019
New Lesson Plan - Fraction March 17, 2019
New Lesson Plan - Fraction March 17, 2019
I am working on: time management by give the students for each part of the lesson 15 minute.
Then the teacher will clap and the student's clap after the teacher to stop working.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Outcomes
Students will be able to: use the fractions to represent numbers and their parts.
In Grade 2, students sorted a collection of money into different denominations, counted the
groups and found the total amount. They only did this for 1 AED coins and a variety of
UAE notes. In Grade 3, students have been introduced to one half and one quarter in their
fractions work and so they are ready to use 50 fils and 25 fils when determining the total
21st Century Skills
Key vocabulary
Equal parts
The student difficulty in keeping The teacher will write the vocabulary word
memorize the words such as on the whiteboard and each lesson she will
denominator and numerator. review it with them.
Resources/equipment needed
Black Marker Pen
Small white board
Power point
Resources Introduction
& Time
In the beginning, the teacher will check student’s prior knowledge by
showing them three cards and in each card has pictures with the
The teacher will ask the students randomly about the cards. What do
we call this?
Then she starts to show the student chocolate and asks the students. Do
you like chocolate? they answer to the teacher and the teacher say also
I love chocolate.
Then the teacher asks the students how many pieces of chocolate in
one? the teacher starts counting with the students loudly.
The teacher will draw the fraction line on the whiteboard and ask the
students where can write the number in the top or down?
Then she suggests to the students if I share two pieces for Jasim and
Afra. How many I have now?
Where can write the number in the top or down?
The teacher will write a number on the whiteboard and then the teacher
will begin to explain to the students' denominator and numerator on the
Then the teacher will show the new vocabulary like denominator and
numerator and explain it for them.
The next slide will be an example to show the students how to make a
fraction from the picture.
The example will be a whole pizza with missing parts and we should
make the fraction. After that the teacher will say now who can find the
answer. she will choose a student randomly and make him solve it by
count and make the fraction.
Differentiation activities (Support)
Emergent activity:
In this activity, students will work in the group. They will need more guidance to do this
activity. the teacher will give them a set of the puzzle. The student must arrange the puzzles by
matching the picture with the correct fractions.
Development Activity:
n this activity, students will work with the partner. The teacher will give them instruction to
solve this activity. First, she will give them a dice, pen, card, and paper. the paper includes the
names for to players. Second, the student must start throw the dice to find the number and write
it on the paper like a fraction. Finally, draw the line inside the rectangle and shadow it
accordingly to the number you get it.
Master activity:
In this activity, students will work individually. The teacher will give them a set of a card
includes the words and worksheet. The student must take one card and read it then start to write
the fraction on the worksheet and draw the picture accordingly to the fraction. then students do
another card until finish all the cards.
Resources The teacher displays three pictures on the Smart Board. then ask the student to
& Time write the fraction on the small whiteboard accordingly to the pictures. then ask
them to show me your answer. then with the next picture and third until
finishing all of them.
Assessment Checklist