Artist Research
Artist Research
Artist Research
Liliana G. believes her paintings possess “a zest for life” and hopes to give a glimpse of joy
and happiness through her art, which at the same time provides it to her. She expresses not
knowing in which genre her art will lead her but assures it will always be inspired by nature.
This artist loves to experiment with different colour tones. She refers having paintings in a
split complementary colour (purple and yellow) but also using a palette knife for every
painting, sometimes just for the finishing touches whilst other pieces are done with only a
palette knife.
We have chosen this artist for painting such vivid landscapes, which transmit the joy,
happiness and calm of the painted place. Moreover, we really like the texture that can be
seen in them, and how the colour spectrum is adapted to each of the landscapes she paints.
His work system was based on taking photographs during the day, going back to Girona at
evening, revealing the photos during the night, leaving them 24 hours in soaking and, then,
drying them. Much of their photographs have been kept in a very good state of conservation
until today. It is said that he used his own production materials; he created his developer,
fixer and others. Finally, we must highlight that his photographies are easily recognizable
since he is one of the few photographers of that time that dated and signed the negative.
We decided to choose this artist as he appreciated the landscape and people that
surrounded him. He knew the beautifulness of the little details and immortalized them by
taking photographies. We believe that is good quality on an artist that, apart from being
critical, he/she should consider the goddess.
She is recognized as the painter of female sexuality. Her works invites to play with the
scales, to contemplate the interior shapes and textures of the giant size flowers and their
correlation with those of the sexual organs of women, and this relationship is also
established as a symbol of fertility in the plant world.
“Someone else’s vision will never be as good as your own vision of yourself. Live and die
with it ’cause in the end it’s all you have. Lose it and you lose yourself and everything else. I
should have listened to myself.”
We have chosen this painter because we believe she is a clear representative of the
constant struggle that women that woman face every day to fight the gender roles in this
society. She was a pioneer in her time, as well as the courage that she had to leave
everything and devote herself only to art. We are very inspired by her and her work, which is
AXEL ERLANDSON (1884 - 1964)
In all, Erlandson coaxed more than 70 trees into the
shapes of ladders, valentines, honeycombs, spirals,
zigzags, bird cages, phone booths and more. They
went by names like “Hourglass Tree,” “Needle and
Thread” or “Lightning Bolt.”
In later life, he said he grew to regret never having taken on an apprentice because as
he grew older he was unable to attend and care for his trees, whom he loved very much
In our personal opinion, this artist is great because he never even considered himself an
artist even if he was entirely one. Moreover, the fact that he took so many years to finish
each one of his projects shows he cared deeply about nature and respected it
thoroughly. Finally, we believe his work must have inspired thousands of people to do
the same and therefore plant trees and take care of them.
Olafur Eliasson was born in Copenhagen in 1967
and his early life was between Denmark and
Iceland. He is known for sculptures and
large-scale installation art employing elemental
materials such as light, water, and air
temperature to enhance the viewer’s experience.
“Art, for him, is a crucial means for turning thinking
into doing in the world. Eliasson’s works span sculpture, painting, photography, film, and
installation. Not limited to the confines of the museum and gallery, his practice engages the
broader public sphere through architectural projects, interventions in civic space, arts
education, policy-making, and issues of sustainability and climate change.”
He has had lots of projects all around the world with the topics of light, nature,
movement and water. But the project that catch our eyes was the “Ice watch one”. In
this project he and Minik Rosing decided to put twelve large blocks of ice cast off from
the Greenland ice sheet are harvested from a fjord outside Nuuk and presented in a
clock formation in a prominent public place. The work raises awareness of climate
change by providing a direct and tangible experience of the reality of melting arctic ice.
We decided to include him in our artist research because he uses his art to claim a
reality that we all know (the importance of climate change) and we believe that art has
to be also the voice to change the world. Moreover, with this specific project we could
see that art it doesn’t have to be always in the museums, if we want people to be aware
of it we have to find other places to give the message. When we think about artists, we
tend to go to museums and galleries, with paintings and sculptures but abstract art
doesn’t have to follow these rules and it is still art and it has a powerful message.