House For MR Biswas Notes PDF
House For MR Biswas Notes PDF
House For MR Biswas Notes PDF
V.S. Naipaul
Notes by Rosemary Pitt
Lecturer in English Language and Literature,
City and East London College
322 Old Brompton Road, London SW5 9JH
ISBN 0-582-47030-7
Part 2: Summaries 12
A general summary 12
Detailed summaries 13
Part 3: Commentary 31
The achievement of the novel 31
The character of Mr Biswas 31
Style and structure 36
The minor characters 41
never lived in any house for more than three-and-a-half years, a fact
which is echoed in A House for Mr Biswas, and gives greater force to the
latter’s search for a permanent home.
His early fiction – The Mystic Masseur (1957), The Suffrage of Elvira
(1958), and Miguel Street (1959) – is based on his childhood in
Trinidad. All these tales of Trinidad Indians are light, satirical, and
detached in tone. They were well-received and two won prizes, but they
were also criticised for the way in which he was making fun of his own
people. He retaliated in an essay by saying that none of these comments
would have been made about a comic French or American novel, or an
English satirical writer such as Evelyn Waugh (1903–66), and that they
arose out of an ignorance of life in Trinidad without which ‘it is easy for
my books to be dismissed as farces and my characters as eccentrics’.*
A House for Mr Biswas, however, which he finished writing in 1960,
shows a fuller involvement with life in Trinidad, and transcends any
limitations imposed by cultural barriers. His next work The Middle
Passage (1962) is a work of non-fiction, consisting of ‘Impressions of
Five Societies – British, French and Dutch – in the West Indies and
South America’ as the sub-title tells us. It is a tour of the former slave
colonies of Surinam, British Guiana, Martinique, Jamaica and Trinidad.
The book shows an impatience with what Naipaul saw as the squalor,
inefficiency and bigotry of the places he visited with their ‘borrowed’
cultures. He was praised for the lucidity with which he defined the prob-
lems of a post-colonial society, but the book made him a controversial
figure. He was accused by the well-known West Indian novelist George
Lamming (author of In the Castle of My Skin, 1953, an autobiographi-
cal account of growing up in Barbados) of writing ‘castrated satire’ and
using satire as a refuge for a colonial writer who is ‘ashamed of his cul-
tural background’. Lamming accused him also of limiting his material
too closely to the Indian segment of the population. Naipaul takes up
this point in An Area of Darkness, when he admits that the confronta-
tion of different communities is increasingly fundamental to the West
Indian experience, but states that ‘to see the attenuation of the culture
of my childhood as the result of a dramatic confrontation of opposed
worlds would be to distort reality. To me the worlds were juxtaposed and
mutually exclusive’. He also answered the former charge by arguing in
The Middle Passage that what the formless West Indian society needs is
writers to give it shape, identity, authentic values, and a sense of direc-
tion, writers who are not afraid to employ the gifts of ‘subtlety and bru-
tality’ that are required. He argues that formerly irony and satire in writ-
ing have not been acceptable since ‘the insecure wish to be heroically
*‘London’, The Overcrowded Baracoon, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1976, p. 11.
Today East Indians (a term that distinguishes them from two other
types of Indians in the Caribbean islands – the American Indians, and
the West Indians) comprise just over one-third of the total population
of Trinidad. They are of Hindu or Moslem belief. India was the main
overseas source of cheap labour after the abolition of negro slavery in
1834. No negro would work on the sugar plantations, the scenes of their
slavery, and there was a steady flow of labour into the West Indies
between about 1845 and 1917. Almost half the remainder of the popu-
lation is composed of people of African descent, and the other half is
of mixed races.
The first European to arrive in the island was Christopher Columbus,
who discovered it in 1498. The first Spanish settlement was established
in 1532, and the island was used mainly as a base for expeditions to the
mainland in search of the fabled land of El Dorado, the subject of
Naipaul’s eighth novel. There was a large influx of Frenchmen in the late
eighteenth century, who introduced the sugar cane. After war broke out
between Spain and England in 1797, the island was captured and ceded
to England in 1802. In 1962 it achieved independence within the British
Commonwealth, and became a republic in 1976.
The period covered in the novel is approximately the forty-six years of
Mr Biswas’s life between about 1905 and 1951. The main changes which
are recorded are the decline of the Hindu culture and rituals as they
undergo the process of ‘creolisation’, and the accompanying changes in
attitude. Mr Biswas himself is caught between the old culture from India
and the emerging cross-fertilisations, which are shown in many ways,
culminating in the departure of Mr Biswas’s own children, Anand and
Savi, on scholarships to study abroad. Naipaul’s own views on this
process, as reflected by Mr Biswas in the novel, appear to be ambivalent.
He clearly regrets the passing of some of the old traditions, and satirises
the new emphasis on materialism and self-advancement. In his essay on
Trinidad in The Middle Passage, which is of great relevance to the novel,
he describes Trinidad as a ‘materialist immigrant society’ which lacks a
culture and history of its own and emphasises ‘modernity’ at all costs, a
modernity which involves ignoring local products and using those adver-
tised in American magazines. It is a society which admires the picaroon
(from a sixteenth-century Spanish term), or rogue, illustrated in the
novel by the story of Billy who cheats people of their houses. Naipaul
summarises his view in his image of Trinidad as: ‘A peasant-minded,
but cannot speak it. Mr Biswas himself uses English at Hanuman House
‘even when the other person spoke Hindi’ as a gesture of rebellion and
independence; and by the end of the novel it is Trinidadian Creole
English which holds sway.
Although Naipaul has protested against the idea that the novel is ‘doc-
umentary’, stating that: ‘What I would do was to write according to my
imagination, and then consult people on little items of inconsequential
information to lend vividness and verisimilitude to the story’, the novel
does record social change in a concrete and convincing way. L. White
summarises it neatly:*
by the end of the novel a whole history has passed before our eyes ....
[Naipaul] chronicles the stages in the loss of India, the shift from coun-
try to town, from Hindi to English, from a preoccupation with Fate to
a preoccupation with ambition, so that as we move from the world of
Raghu to the world of Anand, we are dealing not only with the life of
a man but also with the history of a culture.
A general summary
Mohun Biswas is a Trinidadian Indian who dies at the age of forty-six
in a house in Port of Spain where he has been living with his wife and
four children. He was born in a country village, surrounded by ill
omens. His family is scattered after his father’s death and he moves
with his mother to Pagotes. At school he discovers a talent for lettering,
and later becomes a sign-writer. Initially, however, he is sent by his aunt
Tara to the household of a pundit to learn to be a Hindu priest; but he
leaves in disgrace after eight months and works in a rum shop run by
Tara’s drunken brother-in-law. After being wrongfully accused of steal-
ing he joins a former schoolfriend in the sign-writing business, in the
course of which he goes to Hanuman House, the home of the Tulsis. He
is then trapped into promising to marry Shama, the sixteen-year-old
daughter of Mrs Tulsi, as he is of the right Hindu caste. No dowry is
offered and he is expected to join the family workforce by working on
the land with the other husbands. He immediately rebels, but without
any money or position of his own he finds himself dependent on the
Tulsi household from then until shortly before his death. After success-
fully disrupting the smooth running of the house, Mr Biswas is sent to
a small rural village, The Chase, to act as manager of a Tulsi food shop.
During the six years he spends there with his growing family, the shop
continually loses money, and his family spend an increasing amount of
time at Hanuman House. Finally he joins them there, and is then sent to
Green Vale to act as overseer for Mrs Tulsi’s powerful brother-in-law.
He is wholly unsuited to such work and feels persecuted by the labour-
ers under him.
He suffers a mental breakdown and has to return to Hanuman House to
convalesce after a storm destroys the ramshackle house he has built.
Forced to earn his living again, he leaves the Tulsis and goes to stay with
his sister and her husband in Port of Spain. He finds work as a journalist
on the Sentinel newspaper, and this leads to a reconciliation with the
Tulsis. He goes to live with his family at Mrs Tulsi’s house in the city
which she shares with her younger son, Owad, until he is sent abroad to
study medicine.
Detailed summaries
Mr Biswas is dismissed from his job at the Sentinel ten weeks before his
death. Neither he nor his wife have any money to pay the mortgage on
the house, but he is comforted by his wife’s efforts to help him instead of
returning to her family and by the wonder and triumph of having
acquired his own house where he can wander freely and feel secure. The
house was bought from a corrupt solicitor’s clerk who had concealed its
shoddiness and makeshift design from the eager Mr Biswas. As soon as
he and his wife Shama (who had shown hostility to the idea and had
refused to look at the house) move in, they discover all the defects in its
structure and layout; but they adapt to these quickly, and it seems to Mr
Biswas – on his first return from hospital – a welcoming and ready-made
COMMENTARY: This introduction reports the death of the novel’s main
character, Mr Biswas; thus we know that the main body of the novel will
Chapter 1: Pastoral
Mr Biswas was born away from his father’s village in the hut belonging
to his grandmother Bissoondaye. He is born the wrong way round, at
midnight, and with six fingers, all of which are seen as portents of ill-luck
and disaster. The pundit also predicts that the boy will be a lecher and a
spendthrift because of his widely spaced teeth, and that he should be kept
away from trees and water. He will also have an unlucky sneeze, as hap-
pens on the occasion of his father’s drowning in the pond.
After his father’s death the family have to leave, and thus Mr Biswas
escapes the expected course of events. This would have meant his
remaining illiterate and working as a grass-cutter in the fields, perhaps
saving enough money to rent or buy a few acres of land where he could
plant his own sugar canes. This is a path which his brother Pratap fol-
lows; he even becomes prosperous, with a house of his own. Tara, his
mother’s sister, comes to organise his father’s funeral, and takes his sis-
ter, Dehuti, to live with her. His mother, Bipti, leaves her village after
her garden is ransacked by some neighbours who mistakenly believe
that her husband, who was thought to be the richest man in the village,
Hanuman House, and the reputation of the Tulsis among Hindus, are
described in detail. They are respected, though little is known about
them. Mr Biswas passes a note to Shama and is called to an interview
with her mother and uncle Seth. He is found to be a suitable husband
and surprises himself by agreeing to marry Shama. After the ceremo-
ny he begins to think of escape; he is appalled at the hierarchical
organisation of the house where the daughters’ husbands’ names are
Mr Biswas moves into a small room in the barracks in the damp and
shadowed vale. Being largely ignorant of sugar cane and estate work, he
is scorned by the labourers who fear only Seth. He wishes to move into
his own house, but Seth’s promises to build him one are never carried
out. His frustration at the sordid surroundings and fear of the workers are
expressed at first in abuse of the Tulsis to Shama, who again retreats to
Hanuman House, and then in solitary periods in his room. Shortly after
Christmas he visits his children, taking a large doll’s house to Savi, which
is subsequently destroyed by Shama because of the disruption and jeal-
ousy it arouses.
He takes Savi to live with him for a week to ‘claim’ her; his wife
returns briefly but becomes pregnant again, and he is left essentially
alone. In an attempt ‘to arrest his descent into the void’ Mr Biswas
employs an incompetent carpenter to build a house, despite having little
money to finance it. He becomes increasingly disturbed and restless and
finds the objects in his room threatening, as well as the people he encoun-
ters. During a visit by his family he again hits Shama, who is pregnant,
saying that she and the Tulsis are trying to kill him. She leaves, but his
son, Anand, asks to stay. They move to the one finished room of the
house, where the killing of Mr Biswas’s dog is followed by a fierce storm
and the climax of Mr Biswas’s fears that ‘they’ are coming to destroy
him. The house itself is struck by lightning.
Northumberland: a county in north-east England
emporium: a large shop
laxly: not strictly orthodox
felo-de-se: self-inflicted murder
fob: pocket for holding a watch
bower: shady retreat
Chapter 6: A Departure
Mr Biswas takes a bus to Port of Spain where he stays for a time with
his sister and her husband. He feels stimulated and excited by the city,
but wearies of his freedom, and the spasms of fear return. After an
abortive visit to a medical specialist he recognises that he has to accept
the past as a vital part of himself, and this restores the ‘wholeness’ of
his mind. He also recognises that the spasms of fear on seeing people
were caused by regret, envy, and despair, rather than fear. He acts deci-
sively and gains a job writing on the Sentinel newspaper under Mr
Burnett where his talent for fantasy and facetious, humorous writing
gains expression. As a shipping reporter he feels in contact with differ-
ent parts of the world. He is reunited with his family and sees his fourth
child, and as the climax of his current good luck, is given rooms in Mrs
Tulsi’s house in Port of Spain. His friendship with Owad develops and
he establishes a closer and more disciplined relationship with his chil-
dren, involving himself also in their education. He takes a short-lived
writing course from London on journalism, and invents stories with a
fantasy heroine entitled ‘Escape’. He plants rose-bushes in the garden
and begins to think of the house as his own. This order is disturbed by
news of Owad being sent to England to study medicine, and Anand’s
near-drowning at the docks.
COMMENTARY: The first, macabre stories Mr Biswas writes for the
Sentinel reflect his guilt and anxiety about leaving his family, and also his
feelings of insecurity and anxiety are given expression in the report of the
Scarlet Pimpernel (his assumed name as he tours the island) spending the
night in a tree.
‘Amazing Scenes’: this phrase comes from one of the newspapers in
the barracks room at Green Vale
brain fag: mental exhaustion
elided: omitting syllables in words
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn: popular adventure novels by the
American author Mark Twain (pen name of Samuel
Clemens, 1835–1910)
in extremis: at the point of death
Bonny Baby Competition: a contest to find the most attractive baby
photographs of Adolf Hitler: this dates this period in the novel as the
1930s with the beginnings of Hitler’s rise to power
in Nazi Germany
The Tulsis leave Arwacas for a new estate in the mountains north-east
of Port of Spain. Hanuman House is full of talk of the glories of the
estate with its lush landscape and Shama wants to be part of the adven-
ture. Mr Biswas consents to move there after he visits it with Mrs Tulsi
and is attracted by the idea of building his own house there and living
cheaply. Shorthills represents for him an adventure, an interlude, and he
remains detached from its declining fortunes, since his job gives him
independence and he is able to plunder the land and exploit the philos-
ophy of ‘every man for himself’. For the children it means a nightmare
existence with the problems of travel to school, and shortages of food.
The death of Hari is followed by that of Padma, and it seems that that
family has lost its cohesive power of virtue. Mr Biswas decides to build
his own house and withdraw, despite the isolation of the site. He invites
The deficiencies of the new house are soon revealed, as well as the finan-
cial commitments it involves, and Mr Biswas abuses the clerk as a crook
and jerry-builder, a description which is confirmed by his elderly neigh-
bour. The Tuttles visit, however, and are easily deceived and impressed
by the house, and its inconveniences are rapidly forgotten. The yard is
expanded and a garden planted.
COMMENTARY: This chapter repeats and expands several points which
were made in the prologue, but here the emphasis is on the importance of
the house to the children, especially Anand, as providing a stable focus
for their lives and a fixed point around which their memories of child-
hood can be organised.
jerry-builder: a builder who erects houses quickly and in a
makeshift manner
COMMENTARY: Some points and details given in the Prologue are repeat-
ed here and expanded. The technique of reporting Mr Biswas’s death in
an impersonal form, as an item in a newspaper, adds to the pathos of his
death and prevents any note of melodrama or sentimentality. The elegiac
mood is also continued in the constraint and control of the final para-
graph with its closing image of the empty house. This image also empha-
sises the significance of the house as a symbol in the novel.
between 1905 and 1951, so including the two major world wars – the
second of which does impinge on the novel with its economic effects and
the growing American influence. Naipaul, however, does not wholly
conform to the model defined above. The hero’s death, for instance, is
reported in the Prologue, and throughout the novel there is a subtle series
of cross-references and recurring images. A minor example of the latter
is the description of the legs of Pratap and Prasad on returning from the
muddy buffalo pond which had turned white ‘so that they looked like the
trees in fire-stations and police-stations which are washed with white
lime up to the middle of their trunks’, an image which Mr Biswas recalls
when he leaves Hanuman House and Arwacas after his period of conva-
lescence and sees the palm trees in the drive to the police-station. A more
notable example is the catalogue of Mr Biswas’s possessions which is
used to represent different phases of his life and to act as a concrete ref-
erence to his past experiences. At each move to another house, the grow-
ing list is detailed. After the time at Shorthills, for example, Mr Biswas
has gained ‘only two pieces of furniture: the Slumberking bed and
Théophile’s bookcase’. For the reader, also, each item of furniture
becomes overlaid with particular associations, and so helps to bind the
novel together and give it unity. A feeling of pathos is also evoked by the
list of these ‘gatherings of a lifetime’ when they are exposed for the last
time on the move to Sikkim Street and seem ‘unfamiliar and shabby and
Perhaps the most striking characteristic of Naipaul’s style is his
power of observation. He shows precision and clarity, as well as a
close attention to detail and an ability to create mood and atmosphere
in a realistic and evocative way. He comments in An Area of Darkness
that landscapes are not truly real until they have been given the qual-
ity of myth; but there is always a solidity and concreteness about his
descriptions. The barracks at Green Vale, for example, are described
at one point as ‘a place that was nowhere, a dot on the map of the
island, which was a dot on the map of the world’. This abstract com-
ment is then followed by the observation that ‘... dead trees ringed the
barracks, a wall of flawless black’. Naipaul does not flinch from
describing unpleasant sights, such as the scabs formed by the sores
which Mr Biswas has as a child, but the language used is never sen-
sational or exaggerated. This sense of control comes partly from the
distance that Naipaul maintains from the material he is handling,
which enables him to avoid falsely romanticising his subject and
makes the material seem realistic and credible. An example of this is
the careful detailing of Mr Biswas’s breakdown at Green Vale. By
reporting this process in an unemotional tone, usually in the form of
The example of the doll’s house also shows the powerful use of sym-
bolism in the novel. Here the doll’s house, and its destruction, are iden-
tified with Mr Biswas himself. The house appears to have a human body,
with the references to ‘delicate joints’ and later to ‘torn skin’. There are
many uses of symbolism in the novel: symbols can be linked with places
and with people, or with both. Thus the description of Hanuman House
as an ‘alien white fortress’ suggests the foreign nature of the Tulsis and
their Hindu religion in Trinidad, and the way in which the house will be
a prison to Mr Biswas against which he must rebel with his own
weapons. This could be termed a ‘multiple’ symbol since it evokes more
than one image, and there are several other symbols which operate in
this way. There is the recurrent image of the boy standing outside a
house at dusk which Mr Biswas first observes when acting as a conduc-
tor on one of Ajodha’s buses. It becomes associated for him with a feel-
ing of desolation and loneliness, and is linked symbolically with his
These two elements are central in the novel and are often linked, since
satire uses ridicule, irony, and sarcasm to criticise its object. Irony is the
dominant technique for creating humour, particularly in the descrip-
tions of the feuds between Mr Biswas and the Tulsis. Mr Biswas com-
ments to Shama at one point, when she is threatening to return to
Hanuman House after a quarrel, that she will be given ‘some medal at
the monkey house’; and he invents animal names for the main members
of the family, as well as referring to Mrs Tulsi’s two sons as the ‘little
gods’. These descriptions, though absurd and farcical, also contain
some truth and so gain our sympathy and we laugh with Mr Biswas at
Tragedy or comedy?
Mrs Tulsi is the centre of the Tulsi family around which the other char-
acters revolve. She is the widow of Pundit Tulsi, a respected figure
both in his native India and in Trinidad, and the whole family gain
prestige from his reputation. Mrs Tulsi (or ‘Mai’, meaning mother, as
she is frequently called) maintains a matriarchal tyranny over the
household and its various members. It is significant that in Hanuman
House, the usual Hindu tradition by which daughters go to live with
their husbands and become almost servants of their mothers-in-law is
reversed, in that the husbands stay in the daughters’ household and
become subservient to their mother-in-law, Mrs Tulsi. This is part of
the humiliation which Mr Biswas feels so strongly and tries to reject.
The manipulation which Mrs Tulsi directs towards those around her is
cleverly concealed (though not from Mr Biswas) under an appearance
of martyrdom and suffering. If someone steps out of line, she faints and
retires to the Rose Room where she is endlessly massaged by the faith-
ful Sushila and other daughters, and remains there until the offending
Owad, the younger of the two ‘little gods’, is noted for his terrible tem-
per as a boy, and he confronts Mr Biswas directly and wants him to apol-
ogise to his mother for calling her names. He accuses Mr Biswas of
being a Christian after he rejects the offering at the morning puja. He is
also the victim of the contents of the plateful of food which Mr Biswas
throws from the balcony, and urges Govind to kill Mr Biswas during
their tussle. This conflict is later forgotten when Owad and Mr Biswas
form a friendship while living at the house in Port of Spain, based on a
mutual respect for each other’s intellectual pursuits, and Mr Biswas is
upset and envious when Owad goes abroad. On the latter’s return, there
is a distance between them, and Owad becomes largely a comic figure
whom Naipaul satirises for boasting about his contacts and importance
abroad and for his superficial and short-lived adherence to the Russian
Revolution. Being viewed as the new head of the family, he is listened
to and consulted as an absolute authority. We learn that because of
Owad’s objections to the behaviour and habits of Indians from India,
who were ‘a disgrace’ to Trinidad Indians, in one afternoon ‘the family
reverence for India had been shattered’. He emphasises physical
strength and manual skills, and entertains the family by recounting his
adventures. His allegiances soon shift to his own friends, the ‘new caste’
of educated professional men, and his friendship with Dorothy, the rene-
gade Presbyterian sister-in-law, leads to his eventual marriage to
Dorothy’s Presbyterian cousin, an Indian girl from South Trinidad. In
this way, he reflects the changes that have taken place in the society at
this period.
Shekhar is the other ‘little god’. He figures little in the earlier part of the
novel, and, after initial rebelliousness, marries a Presbyterian girl whose
family have successful commercial concerns. He leaves Hanuman
W. C. Tuttle
A House for Mr Biswas is a long and detailed novel and so needs close
and repeated study. It is useful, as you read the novel, to keep a pen in
your hand to underline those passages which illustrate particular points
about character and themes, which you can then transfer on to separate
sheets of notes for the purpose of essay-writing and revision for the
examination. It is essential that you should be able to illustrate your argu-
ment about a character or an idea with relevant and carefully chosen quo-
tations. Always read the question carefully; it will normally be about one
of the following:
(a) themes
(b) characters and their relationships
(c) particular passages, and how they relate to the rest of the work.
In all cases the student should pay careful attention to the construction of
his essay, and it is useful to make some notes before you begin writing
about the main points you will need to cover. By doing this you should
avoid omitting a vital point. Your essay should be presented in an order-
ly way, as the following model suggests:
(a) opening paragraph discussing the meaning and implications of the
question and possible ways of treating it
(b) development of your argument with relevant detailed reference to
the text
(c) conclusion – a paragraph in which you summarise the main points
of your argument briefly, referring back to the question asked.
There are also common faults which the student should try to avoid when
answering a question:
(a) re-telling the plot; material chosen must relate directly to the ques-
tion asked, and no question will ever demand a simple account of
the story
(b) treating a question about theme as a character-study; these two
elements of the novel may be linked but are still separate and
Specimen questions
(1) To what extent do you see Mr Biswas as a heroic figure?
(2) ‘A House for Mr Biswas is a novel about the relationship between
father and son’. How far do you agree with this description?
(3) Is A House for Mr Biswas a suitable title for the novel?
(4) Analyse and discuss the conflicts within the Tulsi family.
(5) Show how the themes of rebellion and freedom form a major part
of the novel.
(6) Examine the use of contrast in the novel by looking at any three of
the following characters: (i) Hari (ii) Govind (iii) Bipti (iv) Mrs
Tulsi (v) Seth.
(7) Trace the changes in society which take place in the course of the
(8) Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions
below: ‘He read innumerable novels, particularly those in the
Reader’s Library; and he even tried to write, encouraged by the
appearance in a Port of Spain magazine of a puzzling story by
Misir. (This was a story of a starving man who was rescued by a
benefactor and after some years rose to wealth. One day, driving
along the beach, the man heard someone in the sea shouting for
help, and recognized his former benefactor in difficulties; he
instantly dived into the water, struck his head on a submerged rock
and was drowned. The benefactor survived.) But Mr Biswas could
never devise a story, and he lacked Misir’s tragic vision; whatever
his mood and however painful his subject, he became irreverent and
facetious as soon as he began to write, and all he could manage
were distorted and scurrilous descriptions of Moti, Mungroo,
Seebaran, Seth and Mrs Tulsi.’ (p. 183)
(i) Relate the passage briefly to its context.
(ii) What does the passage contribute to the novel in terms of theme
and character-portrayal?
Model answers
(2) ‘A House for Mr Biswas is a novel about the relationship between
father and son’. How far do you agree with this description?
Anand is not born until a third of the way through the book; and it is
not until he wakes one Christmas morning at Hanuman House with the
momentary fear that there is no present for him, that he becomes a
character with a mind of his own. Initially Mr Biswas feels that Anand
belongs completely to the Tulsis and ‘when he thought of his children
... thought mainly of Savi’. The boy seems to him a disappointment
with his frail and vulnerable appearance and the shy and tongue-tied
manner which he possesses. Anand soon begins to assert himself,
however, and the relationship with his father is one which grows in
depth and understanding and which occupies a central position in the
novel after the beginning of Mr Biswas’s breakdown at Green Vale.
Thus A House for Mr Biswas can be described as a novel about the
father-son relationship, although it is concerned with other themes
also, such as Mr Biswas’s struggle for independence and his search for
The relationship between father and son is intensified by the many
traits they have in common. Mr Biswas shares his discovery of Dickens’s
novels with Anand and makes him write out and learn the meanings of
difficult words. We are told that he does this not out of strictness or ‘as
part of Anand’s training’ but because he does not wish his son to be like
him. His desires for his son centre on the idea that he should receive a
good education and so be able to earn his living by following a profes-
sion which does not involve humiliation and dependence. He takes a
close interest in his son’s education, criticising his text-books, paying for
private lessons, and for the diet of milk and prunes so valued by Mrs
Tulsi. He even helps him to write an essay which he uses in the exhibi-
tion examination.
Anand seems to accept his father’s interest and guidance, although
resenting it at times as, for instance, when elaborate preparations are
made for the examination and he has to take his father’s wrist-watch
and pen in case his own do not work. He understands his father’s ambi-
tions for him since, as Naipaul tells us in a revealing comment: ‘Father
and son, each saw the other as weak and vulnerable, and each felt a
responsibility for the other, a responsibility which, in times of particu-
lar pain, was disguised by exaggerated authority on the one side, exag-
gerated respect on the other’. This protectiveness is perhaps the domi-
nant note of their relationship. It is seen when Mr Biswas tells Anand
about his disgrace at Pundit Jairam’s in order to comfort his son when he
was in trouble for soiling his trousers at school; and again, on Anand’s
side, when he asserts that he will stay at Green Vale with his father
because ‘they was going to leave you alone’. He begins to take a close
interest in his father; this is shown in a minor incident which again draws
parallels between them. Anand objects to the rusty sheets of corrugated
iron which Mr Biswas intends to use on his house at Green Vale but
despite his objections Mr Biswas is firm in his decision to use it because
it is cheap, and Anand says:
‘All right go ahead and buy it and put it on your old house. I don’t care
what it look like now’.
‘Another little paddler’, Seth said.
But Mr Biswas felt as Anand. He too didn’t care what the house
looked like now’.
Apart from the evidence here of shared feeling between father and son,
Seth’s comment on Anand is of interest since he does show traits of inde-
pendence which arise partly from his ‘satirical sense’ which began as
‘only a pose, and imitation of his father’ but then developed into an atti-
tude of contempt which led ‘to inadequacies, to self-awareness and a last-
ing loneliness. But it made him unassailable.’ This description refers to
Anand as an adult rather than a child, and has an autobiographical ele-
ment. Landeg White draws convincing parallels between Anand and
Naipaul. He observes that ‘Anand’s discovery of his father is Naipaul’s
own discovery of Seepersad Naipaul’.* This element gives the novel
another dimension and makes Naipaul’s detachment and objectivity in
describing this relationship all the more impressive.
The closeness between father and son is revealed in several episodes.
A striking example occurs after Anand nearly drowns at the dockside
where Mr Biswas was clowning with Owad and Shekhar and trying to get
his son to join in. Anand is incensed and humiliated, and, as with his
father’s prose poem about his mother, uses writing to exorcise some of
these emotions. The essay is dramatic and deeply felt and wins a high
mark, though it does not conform to the teacher’s plan. Mr Biswas reads
it ‘anxious to share the pain of the previous day’. He is anxious to be
close to his son again to make up for ‘the solitude of the previous day’
when Anand had avoided him, and tells Anand to go through the essay
with him. Anand refuses, and a row ensues until Anand retaliates by
pulling his father’s chair from under him at the dinner table, thus inflict-
ing equal humiliation.
Anand is also concerned about his father’s status, despite his claim
*V. S. Naipaul, a Critical Introduction, 1975, p. 94.
(8) Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions
below: ‘He read innumerable novels, particularly those in the Reader’s
Library; and he even tried to write, encouraged by the appearance in a
Port of Spain magazine of a puzzling story by Misir. (This was a story of
a starving man who was rescued by a benefactor and after some years
rose to wealth. One day, driving along the beach, the man heard someone
in the sea shouting for help, and recognized his former benefactor in dif-
ficulties; he instantly dived into the water, struck his head on a sub-
merged rock and was drowned. The benefactor survived.) But Mr Biswas
could never devise a story, and he lacked Misir’s tragic vision; whatever
his mood and however painful his subject, he became irreverent and face-
tious as soon as he began to write, and all he could manage were distort-
ed and scurrilous descriptions of Moti, Mungroo, Seebaran, Seth and Mrs
(i) Relate the passage briefly to its context.
(ii) What does the passage contribute to the novel in terms of theme and
(i) The quoted passage occurs towards the end of Mr Biswas’s stay at The
Chase, when Naipaul is summarising the effect on Mr Biswas of the six
years of ‘boredom and futility’ which he has experienced there. Shortly
after this summary of his creative outlets, we learn that Shama has
become pregnant for the third time and retires as usual to Hanuman
House. Mr Biswas feels a change in his attitude to the Tulsi establishment
as it comes to represent a refuge for him, a place of order where he has
an accepted position and role. Although he is wary of Shama’s efforts to
persuade him to return there too, he eventually succumbs to her pressure
and gladly leaves the dark and dusty shop. He is received back by the
Tulsis and given work at Green Vale.
The text
Critical commentaries