Popcorn Lesson Plan
Popcorn Lesson Plan
Popcorn Lesson Plan
Describe Popcorn!
Name: Betsy Schutz Grade level: Kindergarten
Date: November 2, 2017 Length of lesson: 40 minutes
Title/theme/focus of lesson: Using Sensory Words to Describe Popcorn
Content standards:
Kindergarten Writing 2: Use drawing, dictating and writing to compose informative/explanatory
Kindergarten Language 1a: Print using upper- and lowercase letters
Kindergarten Language 2a: Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I
Kindergarten Language 5c: identify real-life connections between words and their use.
Learning outcomes/objectives: Students will…
• Be able to use sensory words to describe and inform
• Be able to write a descriptive sentence using correct capitalization and punctuation.
Assessment: For assessment, I will formally and informally assess the students. I will see which
students understand formally by looking at the worksheet that the students use to write a
describing word for each sense. I will also look at their final sentence to see if they understand
how to write a describing sentence and have completed the objectives. I will informally assess
the students by walking around and noticing which students are struggling and which
understand writing describing sentences. Students that are struggling I will stop and help them
• Popcorn
• Describing popcorn anchor chart
• Popcorn worksheet
• Popcorn printing page
Room environment: When the lesson begins, students will be sitting at their desks and facing
the front board where there will be an anchor chart pinned up. Students will be engaged in the
lesson by eating popcorn and answering questions. Once they are writing their sentence, they
will be working independently to complete the assignment.
Modifications for diverse learners:
• ELLs (English Language Learners): anchor chart with pictures and in a relaxed
• ILP student: Have his/her seat in the front of the board, be given popcorn and will be
called on to encourage him to stay involved.
Instructional Procedure
• Anticipatory Set/Orientation: I will capture the students’ attention by telling them that I
have a surprise for them and today we get to eat popcorn to practice our describing
words. I will play a YouTube video (www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx3LslhjMZw) to get the
students excited about the lesson. I will then remind students what the five senses are,
what sensory words are and give them examples of some previous of previous sensory
words we have talked about. Students will also get popcorn to eat.
• Teaching/Instructional Process (input and modeling): On the board will be an anchor
chart that says “I Can Describe Popcorn” with columns for each of the five senses. First
we will do the sense of sight and I’ll have students pair-share with their partner what
they think it looks like. Then I will call on students to give sensory words about sight and
I will write them on the anchor chart. Students will get to pick which word they like and
copy it onto their popcorn worksheet. Next, we will try a different sense and so on until
all senses are done and each student has a word on each popcorn piece on their
worksheet. Then I will model for students how they will be writing a describing sentence
to describe popcorn. I’ll make an example for them and remind them how sentences
start with a capital and end with a period.
• Guided Practice and Monitoring: Students will be given a popcorn-printing page for
them to write their descriptive sentences. They will be using the first worksheet with the
five senses to help them with their sentence. While students are doing this, I’ll be
walking around and helping students who need help or are struggling.
• Monitoring/Check for understanding: To understand if students understand the
assignment, I will walk around while they are working on their sentence. I will also
collect both worksheets at the end to see if the students understand. This will help me
assess whether or not students understand the concepts. Also, as an exit ticket, I will ask
them for one or two describing words before we go out to recess.
• Closure: To wrap up the lesson, I will ask the students some questions. I will ask them
what goes at the beginning of a sentence, what goes at the end of a sentence, and to
tell me some describing words we learned about popcorn.
• Independent Practice: The students will independently be asked to write a single
sentence that describes the popcorn. I will model this for them by making my own. (ex.
The popcorn tastes salty.) They will then practice writing their own sentence with a
capital at the beginning and a period at the end.