08 Tintin and The King Ottokars Sceptre

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uo ° “a \ ud r- > = z wi > a < uw = - KING ONOKAR'S SCEPIRE Bfihate vot tar Ti take it back. Youre making a mistake, VaR Tintin. No good ever Jay If comes of getting mixed Uap in other peoples Na [o_ Ferkape I ought to open it? The owners ame might 3 Professor Alewibick ? Thied Floor, First deor on the right Oh, good-evening, Mrs, Piggott. Put itall on Li's vot Mra figgott, Professor. I've brought Las, back youn bric?-case.—~ 04 the little table, will yon? Hew vary kind of youtaretuer'te.1m J] [1 1.s.ar International Sigit- cepecially. grateful, as the text of the iidseocabiont paper Lom aes Yes, sigillograpny isa absorbing study. One look at my collection Oh goed gracious’ Tms0 seery! | have adreadful it 2 | | habit of og Aro0ving my [(Sigitlography. Doyou mean arr yonere, Hl the science concerned with the 1 study of eeale- it extremely. || || will convin Sec yeu. rs ends avout! interesting and...A cigarette? 2 a Jo a -o Tn ie Sao p ee e Thisis one of the rarest items in my collec: iow: the seal of Charlemagne. Here isthe seal of Edward the Confessor. and next toit ene which belonged to Gradenigo, Doge of | Yeice. And eres another Fine speci snr om intaliaring/~ ven theSuroe period ‘s Tina this avery unusual Seal, which | Found quite by chance in Prague. Ieis the seal oF Ottokar IV, King of Syl-

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