Dehydrated Drumstick (Moringa Olifera) Powder: Profile No.: 95 NIC Code:21009
Dehydrated Drumstick (Moringa Olifera) Powder: Profile No.: 95 NIC Code:21009
Dehydrated Drumstick (Moringa Olifera) Powder: Profile No.: 95 NIC Code:21009
: 95 NIC Code:21009
Moringa Oleifera, an Indian origin plant has gained its importance due to nutraceutical
values and is considered as indispensable plant for health management. It is an
excellent source of minerals like iron, calcium and vitamins A, B, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E
as well as macro minerals, trace minerals and phytonutrients. This powder can be
taken as a nutraceutical supplement and as food additive. Moringa is used for anemia,
arthritis and other joint pain (rheumatism); asthma; cancer; constipation; diabetes;
diarrhoea; epilepsy; stomach pain and ulcers, intestinal ulcers; intestinal spasms;
headache; heart problems; high blood pressure; kidney stones; fluid retention; thyroid
disorders; beneficial for lactating mothers and bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic
infections. This product owing to extraordinary nutritional value is used for treating
Graduate from Life Sciences and allied disciples. Having knowledge about marketing
or possess marketing network.
Food processing industries purchase the product in bulk quantities. The dehydrated
powder also has a good export potential. The major market outlets are the “A” class
outlets. The product also finds placement in self-service counters and departmental
stores. In the initial period, awareness in the market may be created by the promoters.
Also, as long as the government and NGO’s programs on malnutrition exists, the
market size will become bigger, stable and permanent.
While the Indian nutraceutical industry is currently nascent, it has great potential and
is expected to grow at a growth rate of 16 percent year on year for the next five years.
This makes it one of the key markets for entry for nutraceutical product and ingredient
Raw materials will never be a problem since drumsticks are used as raw materials
which are easily available.
Fresh mature drumsticks are selected for processing. They are washed to
remove adhering dirt.
The vegetable is graded to remove damaged and immature sticks.
The soft sticks are pressed between rollers to extract the pulp.
Slurry preparation
Thick slurry is prepared with the pulp obtained.
The slurry is dried in a vacuum drier with the core drying temperature ranging
between 50 to 55 degrees centigrade.
It is ground to a fine powder along with some edible starches and anti-caking
The project will require production manager, Chemist, Skilled and unskilled workers,
packaging workers, and other administrative staff.
The project can be implemented within six months by securing finance. The technology and
equipment are available indigenously. The industrial shed required for this project may be
obtained from readily available buildings in the industrial zone. The process of drug license,
procuring machinery, training of manpower etc. may be done simultaneously to save time.
Aakanksha Technologies
1561, Sector – 4,
Gurgaon – 122 001
Sales price is taken at 520 per kg, whereas cost of raw material is taken at Rs. 14 per kg.
cost of power is assumed at Rs. 8 per unit, rate of interest on term loan is calculated at
There is specific statutory requirement for Drug & Pharmaceutical products like license from
state Food and Drug department. Moreover, MSME & GST registration, IEC Code for Export
of end products and local authority clearance may be required for Shops and Establishment,
for Fire and Safety requirement and registration for ESI, PF and Labour laws may be required
if applicable. Entrepreneur may contact State Pollution Control Board where ever it is
Promoters at appropriate time may think of having their own cultivation of drumstick. This
will ensure quality raw material and reduce cost. For forward integration, the formulation of
nutraceutical products and building own brand may result in high growth of the enterprise.
For food processing industry training and short-term courses are available at Indian Institute
of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu and Central Food Technological
Institute, Mysore, Karnataka & National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and
Management, Sonipat, Haryana.
Only few machine manufacturers are mentioned in the profile, although many machine
manufacturers are available in the market. The addresses given for machinery manufacturers
have been taken from reliable sources, to the best of knowledge and contacts. However, no
responsibility is admitted, in case any inadvertent error or incorrectness is noticed
therein. Further the same have been given by way of information only and do not carry any