MR Guruprakash Sastry - Infosys

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Modern buildings

Green building experiences of Infosys

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Modern buildings Modern buildings

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Modern buildings Modern & Functional buildings

Light shelves allow daylight to penetrate deeper into the buildings

Mysore SDB 5 building with above strategies Bright day light without glare at SDB-5 Mysore


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Modern & Functional buildings Modern & Functional buildings

Day light pane

External shading

View pane
SDB-1, Infosys Hyderabad campus

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Modern & Functional buildings Modern & Functional buildings

West façade
with no windows

Infosys Mysore

SDB-2 & 3, Infosys Hyderabad campus

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Modern & Functional buildings Modern & Functional buildings

SDB-7, SDB-4 & 5,

Infosys Mysore Infosys Hyderabad campus


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Impact of daylighting Impact

I of day lighting Provides pleasant officeInnovation-x
Employee health
Employee productivity
Addresses Vitamin D deficiency

15 16
Impact of day
Impact lighting
of daylighting From AC to Non-AC passive design
Pune food court – original design proposed by architect Actual building without glass façade

` 2.1 Cr. avoided capital cost

` 60 lakhs avoided annual O&M cost

17 18

Building shape and orientation Reduce heat gain 24 0C

35 0C
 Passive design: Right orientation - Restricted building span to 18 m  Efficient building envelope
22 W
- Wall Insulation (U value less than 0.4 W/m2 K)

- Roof Insulation (U value less than 0.34 W/m2 K)

Heat ingress through standard wall
- Double glazing with argon gas to lower U value

- Low SHGC with low e glass

35 0C 24 0C
(SHGC less than 0.2 and U value <1.2 W/m2 K)

 Integrated design approach

- Performance based, common goal for entire design team Heat ingress through efficient wall

Window-wall ratio < 30% - External heat gain not to exceed 0.75 W/sqft 5 times more efficient


19 20

Energy simulation Infosys Mysore case study: Integrated design approach

Thermal analysis and study conducted for, Sl. Case Cooling capacity Annual energy Maximum electrical
No. required consumption (kWh) load (kW)

 All building facades and orientations 1 Conventional building envelope 622 3,244,284 1,052
2 Efficient building envelope 530 3030908 968
 Various wall insulation, roof insulation,
shading and glazing configurations 3 Efficient lighting design 510 2713390 882

4 Efficient computers 486 2358776 778

 Provides optimized design for entire building
5 Variable Air Volume system for AC 486 2080462 754
6 Heat Recovery Wheels for AC 400 2015430 662
 Helps compare all scenarios and take smart
7 Ultra high efficiency chiller 400 1992156 650
decisions Example: Evaluation of peak cooling 8 Efficient chilled water system design 400 1960898 640
load with various scenarios of
building envelope through simulation 9 High efficiency cooling tower 400 1946532 632

10 Lighting controls 400 1,775,706 600

21 22

Impact of new design on first and operating cost Impact of new design – Space savings

Infrastructure required for 1 million sqft,

Sl. No. System Description Units New designs Old designs Conventional

01 Total electrical load MW 3.25 6.5 10.0

02 Transformer capacity MVA 4.0 7.5 12.0

03 DG set capacity MVA 5+2.5 9+3 15+3 Recovered space

04 Annual energy consumption Million kWh 8.5 20 25
Old design - 2675 sft New design - 1830 sft

32% space saved because of inline pumps and VPF

23 24

Cool roofs Multiple benefits from single expenditure

Lesser heat Smaller Cooling

Smaller Chillers Smaller Pumps
load towers
 2.6 million sft area
covered with white
Smaller AHUs,
 About 5% reduction in Lesser Pipe Smaller Plant
HRWs, Valves, Smaller Pipes
HVAC energy insulation room building
 ROI : 2 years

‘4x’ better
Smaller Smaller back-
Smaller cables efficiency at no
Reduces building heat gain and urban heat island effect transformers up DG sets
additional cost


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2007-08 2013-14 At no extra cost

57% lower
Building energy: 200 kWh/sqm per year Building energy: 85 kWh/sqm per year
• Average for software buildings (incl. lights, AC, computers, etc.) • Average for software buildings (incl. lights, AC, computers, etc.)
62% lower
Lighting design: 1.2 W/sqft Lighting design: 0.45 W/sqft
• Average for software buildings across campuses • Average for software buildings across campuses
36% lower
AC capacity: 350 sqft per TR AC capacity: 550 sqft per TR
• Average installed cooling capacity across campuses • Average installed cooling capacity across campuses
50% lower
Electrical design: 6.5 W/sqft Electrical design: 3.25 W/sqft
• Total electrical load for software buildings including chiller plant • Total electrical load for software buildings including chiller plant

27 28

Growth from 2008 to 2014 Energy Efficiency – kWh / employee per month
Per capita electricity consumption
663 Million kWh avoided 350
0.56 Million Tons of CO2 emissions avoided 266
250 239 230 44%reduction
100% 203
500 Crore ` spend on electricity avoided Avg. Monthly 200 178
kWh / employee



2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Increase in no. Absolute
of employees Increase in
in India energy 44% reduction in per capita energy consumption in last 6 years

29 30

Avoided energy consumption Industry Leadership

BAU Vs Actual energy consumption  11 buildings have achieved LEED platinum rating, making us no.1 in India for
office buildings.
450 437 BAU
 2 buildings have achieved GRIHA 5-star rating (highest level in the MNRE
400 National rating for Green Buildings)
kWh 350
44%  Infosys buildings have an annual Energy Performance Index of 85
309 663 million units
kWh/sqm/year, lowest in the industry

250 225 265 268 262 253

 Over 3 million sq.ft of our buildings are currently in various stages of certification
259 Actual
for LEED or GRIHA rating system
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14  Won the 2014 ASHDEN Gold award (London) for sustainable buildings



• Green Buildings (rather “Rightly designed buildings”) always have a lower initial
cost Thank You
• Green buildings have a significantly lower operating cost
• Green buildings have several associated benefits for the occupants Guruprakash Sastry
Regional Manager – Infrastructure

For more information, refer to Infosys Sustainability report on

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