1 Timothy 1 Teacher Lesson

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1 Timothy 1

Lesson #1 – “Sincere Faith”!

December 14-15, 2013
Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:1-20

Lesson Focus: To know what we believe!

Memory Verse: “Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from
a good conscience, and from sincere faith.” 1 Timothy 1:5

Activities and Crafts: Coloring Picture, 1 Timothy 1:15 Coloring and work sheet
Craft for 1st and 2nd Graders: “The Goal of our Instruction” hanging reminder.

Introduction: Know what you Believe Game: Pick 1 kids from each grade that you are
teaching to come to the front for the game. Tell them that you are going to ask them true
or false questions about what they believe the Bible says. Tell them that they can press
their button or ring their bell only if they think the answer to the Question is True.
Know What You Believe Game:
1. True or False: All Scripture is God “Breathed”. (True – 1 Timothy 3:16)
2. True or False: Grace means “undeserved favor.” (True – what we don’t
3. True or False: Some of the Bible is made up. (False)
4. True or False: It does not matter what you believe as long as you believe in
God. (False)
5. True or False: I can only be “saved” through Jesus. (true)
6. True or False: The Bible is an old book and does not make sense for today.
7. True or False: God created the whole universe in 7 days. (true)
8. True or False: I can add things to the Bible. (false)

Tell the kids that it is important what we believe. In the book of Timothy, Paul is
writing to Timothy to encourage him to be careful what he teaches.

Bible Lesson:

1 Timothy 1:1-2:
√ Who is the author of this book?
√ Who is Paul writing to?
√ How does Paul describe his relationship with Timothy?
√ From verse 1 – where did Paul get his authority to be an apostle?

1Timothy 1:3-4:
√ Where was Timothy serving God? (Ephesus)

√ What is the reason that Paul is writing this letter to Timothy?
1 Timothy 3:14-15 – know how the church should behave
1 Timothy 1:3-4: Correct doctrine – Paul will mention “doctrine”
7x’s in 1 Timothy.

√ What is doctrine? It is what we believe

In 1 Timothy 1:4 – Paul tells Timothy that some people like to

argue over the scriptures. The Bible is God’s truth – it is what God
wanted us to know. We are not told everything! Some people like
to argue about some of the things that are not in the Bible. Paul
wants to make sure that Timothy is teaching sound doctrine
or sound truth.

There is a very close relationship with what we believe (doctrine) and they
way we live. If the people of God are following Jesus and what is
in the Bible then they will live by faith.

1 Timothy 1:5 – The Right Attitude

There is only one commandment – Love God and love others. (Matthew
1. Love from a pure heart – we don’t love others so that we can get
something back. We love God first and the overflow of
that love is to love others. Matthew 5:8 says, “Blessed are the pure in
heart for they will see God.”
2. Love from a good conscience: we don’t love from a wrong motive.
Our conscience is what God uses to tell us when we are
doing the wrong thing. This is what the Holy Spirit uses to
guide us.
3. Love from a sincere faith – we love and believe the simple truth of the
Bible and Jesus. Because Jesus loved us we love. The
faith that is mentioned here simply means “a faith without
hypocrisy.” You don’t just declare with your lips that have
faith in Jesus you live it out in your life.

1 Timothy 1:6-7: The Wrong Attitude in Leadership

1. Stray away from the truth of the Word of God.
2. Make us stuff (idle talk)
3. They want to be a teacher of the law – but they do not understand truth

1 Timothy 1:8-11: The Wrong Teaching

1. The Law of God is good
2. The Law is for those who do not know God – for all of the people that
do evil.
3. The Law show us our sin.

4. The Law shows us that we need a Savior.
5. Sound doctrine will always point to the Gospel – that Jesus died on the
cross for our sins, according to the Scriptures and that He
rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures (1
Corinthians 15:3-4)

1 Timothy 1:12-17: Thankful for Grace!

√ Who put Paul into ministry?
√ Who helped Paul do Ministry? (the Lord enabled me)

√ What was Paul’s former life?

√ How does Paul describe God’s grace? (abundant) This word suggest an
overflowing supply of grace.

√ What is grace?

√ How does Paul describe himself in 1:15? (chief of sinners)

Paul is telling us that God has a lot of patience. Paul thought that he was
very “religious”. He was throwing Christians in prison and he
thought he was doing that for God. But when Jesus came to Paul
on the rode to Damascus, Paul believed in Jesus and now he sees how
God was patient with him waiting for him to believe. Paul did not deserve
mercy…he was shown mercy.

√ According to 1 Timothy 1:15; why did Jesus come into the world?
√ What does it mean to be a sinner?
√ Are all people sinners? Look up Romans 3:23 – what does it say?
√ What does the word “sin” mean? (to miss the mark) What is the mark?
(The Holiness of God.)

Paul ends this section with praise to God.

√ What are the things He praises God for?
1. King Eternal (ever lasting)
2. Immortal (God lives forever)
3. Invisible – (God cannot be seen)
4. Wise – God alone is wisdom
5. God alone deserves honor and glory forever.

1 Timothy 1:18-20: What Paul want Timothy to do:

1. “Wage the good warfare”. √ What does this mean? Does Paul want
Timothy to fight or wage war against? Who is he to fight?

Our Battle: Ephesians 6:10-13

1. Our strength is in the Lord

2. We wrestle (or fight) against the devil and the world around us
3. We prepare by putting on the whole armor of God

2. Have faith and a good conscience

What others have done:

1. Some have rejected faith through Jesus
2. Those that have rejected Jesus have failed (suffered shipwreck)
3. Paul names two people who have shipwrecked.

Application Questions:

1. What do you think that the relationship is like between Paul and Timothy?
(1 Timothy 1:2; 2 Timothy 1:2)

2. Do you understand what “doctrine” is? Do you think that “what you believe” is
important? Why or why not?

3. Do you think that people make us stuff that is in the Bible?

4. Why do you think that people argue about stuff in the Bible?

5. Do you understand what the word “edification” means?

6. From 1 Timothy 1:5, what three things are we to learn from the Bible?

7. According to 1 Timothy 1:15, why did Christ come into the world?

8. Do you prepare every day to “wage good warfare against the enemy? Why or
Why not. What could you do to be prepared.

Tell the kids to color their hearts and decorate them. Tell them to cut them out
and cut out the strip. Have them glue their hearts to the trips. Remind them
that when we study the Bible God wants our hearts and minds to change to be
like Jesus.

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