What Promise Is Given To Those Who Obey?: A Bible Prophecy Adventure
What Promise Is Given To Those Who Obey?: A Bible Prophecy Adventure
What Promise Is Given To Those Who Obey?: A Bible Prophecy Adventure
This seminar is far more than the ordinary educational seminar. We shall
study Revelation, the last book of the Bible.
Revelation is a book of prophecy. It explains the past and reveals the
future. You will be amazed as our world’s exciting future opens. You will
actually see the future before it happens.
This mysterious book is written in prophetic language. Revelation uses
Bible texts in this lesson are primarily quoted from New King James Version
copyright Thomas Nelson Publishers.
symbols to illustrate its meaning. Sometimes people find it hard to
understand. However, Revelation becomes easy when you discover the
Copyright 1986 by SEMINARS UNLIMITED. Christian ethics dictate that this
material not be copied without written permission. “Golden Keys” that “unlock” the meaning of its prophetic symbols.
Revelation The Open Book 11. Why do some say Revelation can't be understood?
Revelation is an open book. It was written especially for our times Isaiah 29:10-14 So Satan’s strategy is to claim Revelation
— the last days of earth’s history (Revelation 22:10-1 2). cannot be understood because it is a __________ book or
A very special blessing is given to all who study and follow God’s because we are not __________ .
counsel found in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 1:3). So, let’s
proceed. NOTE: Satan does not want people to understand Revelation
since it exposes his lying deceptions.
12. How much of the Bible is inspired? 2 Timothy 3:l6
1 This seminar will greatly
benefit your personal life. 7 The Bible is God’s Word.
It is not like any other book. “____ scripture is given by ____________ of God.”
You will receive its enormous
rewards only as you pray for God’s
2 You will have a new
understanding of world
history and its perplexing
guidance when you study.
NOTE: All the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is God’s
conditions today.
8 The study of Revelation will
lead you to the most
3 You will discover shocking
events about to take place
momentous decisions of your life.
You will be excited and overjoyed.
13. What can happen if we twist scripture? 2 Peter 3:15.16
upon the earth and be prepared for You will come face to face with It can cause our __________ _______________________ .
them. Jesus Christ in a most startling
you through the Holy Spirit and the of Revelation.” 3. 2 Tim. 2:15 I must ________________ the scriptures.
2 7
the Holy Spirit can understand. Also, in Revelation God’s People
enemies are unmasked and His true people revealed. Because
of this, Satan’s followers would have destroyed the Book if it
had been written in literal language.
In this seminar the Book of Revelation will come alive for you.
8. Can we understand the symbols of Bible prophecy? When the seminar ends you will understand the book well enough to
Yes — Find the meaning of these three symbols. give a brief explanation of its contents to others.
9. How reliable is Bible prophecy? 2 Peter 1:19 Now let us begin our study of Lesson One.
b. Rev. 22:18,19 We are not to ____________ e. John sent book to the ________________________________
_______________ or ____________ _______________
from the words of this prophecy.”
6 3
2. God will bless those who . . . ? Rev. l:3 John by a vision.
NOTE: To study Revelation is not enough — one must obey. “And ____________________________________it by His
3. Whom did Jesus say the scriptures reveal? John 5:39 NOTE: “Signify” means to communicate by signs or symbols.
So, Revelation’s prophecies are in symbolic language.
Ans: ______________________________________________.
NOTE: Jesus told them what all the Bible writers had prophesied
about His life. Then they knew he was the true Messiah.
Likewise we should let the Bible explain its prophecies. As we
study Revelation in light of what other Bible writers say on the
same subject, the other texts become “Golden Keys” that unlock
Revelation’s “mysteries.” Remember, our personal opinions
about Bible prophecy do not count. In fact we are warned not to
teach them.
5. How did God reveal His message? Rev. 1:1 7. Why did Jesus speak in parables? Luke 8:10
“To _________________unto His servants things which must “That ____________ they might not, _____________ and
NOTE: The word “shew” indicates a panoramic view. Therefore, NOTE: Jesus clothed Revelation in symbols so only those who
Revelation is God’s “word-picture book” of future events given to are sincerely seeking spiritual truth and willing to be guided by
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