Postcard Overview

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Summary: Students will explore the

concept of adventure by considering where “In the Mail”

Duration: Four 53 Minute in this world (or another world) they would
like to be. Through watercolor postcards
students will depict the world or place they
Day 1: Introduce would like to go as they see fit. The
students to postcards, students will remotely “adventure” through
components of a images, and consider how visual images can Grade Levels: (10-12) Drawing
postcard, postcard art. transport you to another place mentally. As
& Painting
Determine what an added element, students will determine
fictional/ real place what typography they would like to add.
Will they wish someone was there? Is this a Big Idea: Adventure
student will be depicting/
seasons greeting.
what type are they using.
Day 2: Pencil sketch
illustration and type.
Materials: 4”x 6” white watercolor
Outline type in paper, watercolor paints, permanent
permanent marker. Begin marker, white acrylic paint, and pencils.
to watercolor paint
Day 3: Continue to
watercolor paint the
illustration and the type.
Write a short “letter” to a
friend about the location.
Day 4: Critique. What
place did they choose,
what it means, letter to

Objectives: Enduring
Understandings: To
1. Students will be able to assemble an adventure is to explore
effective mixed media postcard by something or somewhere. A
juxtaposing realistic watercolor person need not be
landscape illustration with somewhere physical to go on
permanent marker and watercolor an adventure, as adventuring
typography. knows no physical bounds. To
2. Students will be able to employ go and get lost in a book or an
Images: image mentally can be an
knowledge of watercolor techniques
Left: Teacher Example adventure that involves
by producing a realistic landscape by
explorations. Visual images
“Seasons Greetings” utilizing a variety of watercolor draw a person in and
application methods. encourage them to explore
Right: Student Sample 3. Students will be able to recall the 2 different elements or various
“Hollywood” main components of a postcard imagery. This allows the mind
through in-class discussion. to explore or go on an
4. Students will be able to synthesize a adventure. Adventures need
postcard that reflects the student by not be dramatic, and need not
depicting a place they are always be pleasant. Adventures
interesting in visiting, have visited, can be mundane or involve
or have a memory of. hardship.
Artist: Various Unknown.

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