Latihan Low Terrain Geokimpabum
Latihan Low Terrain Geokimpabum
Latihan Low Terrain Geokimpabum
Field observation and fluid sampling at thermal manifestations at the Waitangi Geothermal Prospect has
been recently completed. The major element analysis (mg/kg) is as follows, and the photographs of the
manifestations attached.
1. Assess the suitability of the fluids from each manifestation for interpreting the subsurface
conditions, and strengthen your analysis by evaluating the water compositions using Cl-HCO3-
SO4 Ternary diagram. Comment on the possible origin of the waters (deep, shallow, steam
Table 1. Water manifestation type of Waitangi Prospect
NO Manifestation o pH Water type Origin of water
1 Papatu spring 97 2.5
2 Ranginui pool 85 <3
3 Te Puia spring 100 8
4 Ikatere spring 86 5
5 Wanawana spring 76 7.6
2. Select fluids which are usable for geothermometry. Estimate the subsurface temperature using
and Quartz (maximum steam loss or conductive cooling), Na-K, and Na-K-Mg (Ternary plot).
Quartz geothermometry
T°C = [1309/(5,19−logSiO2)] – 273.15 (conductive cooling)
T°C = [1522/(5,75−logSiO2)] – 273.15 (maximum steam loss)
Na-K geothermometry (Fournier, 1979)
T°C = {1217/[(1,482−log (Na/K)]} – 273.15
Ranginui Papatu Te Puia Ikatere spring
pool spring spring spring