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Energy Conversion and Management 138 (2017) 526–537

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Experimental investigation on a Common Rail Diesel engine partially

fuelled by syngas
Carlo Alberto Rinaldini ⇑, Giulio Allesina, Simone Pedrazzi, Enrico Mattarelli, Tommaso Savioli,
Nicolò Morselli, Marco Puglia, Paolo Tartarini
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Engineering ’Enzo Ferrari’, Via Vivarelli 10/1, 41125 Modena, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The high efficiency, reliability and flexibility of modern passenger car Diesel engines makes these power
Received 20 September 2016 units quite attractive for steady power plants totally or partially running on fuels derived from biomass,
Received in revised form 2 February 2017 in particular on syngas. The engine cost, which is obviously higher than that of current industrial engines,
Accepted 12 February 2017
may not be a big obstacle, provided that the re-engineering work is limited and that performance and
efficiency are enhanced. The goal of this work is to explore the potential of a current automotive tur-
bocharged Diesel engine running on both Diesel fuel and syngas, by means of a comprehensive experi-
mental investigation focused on the combustion process. The engine is operated at the most typical
speed employed in steady power plants (3000 rpm), considering three different loads (50–100–
Diesel 300 Nm/16–31–94 kW). For each operating condition, the syngas rate is progressively increased until it
Combustion provides a maximum heating power of 85 kW, while contemporarily reducing the amount of injected
Engine Diesel oil. Maximum care is applied to guarantee a constant quality of the syngas flow throughout the
tests, as well as to maintain the same engine control parameters, in particular the boost pressure.
It is found that in-cylinder pressure traces do not change very much, even when drastically reducing
the amount of Diesel fuel: this is a very encouraging result, because it demonstrates that there is no need
to radically modify the standard stock engine design. Another promising outcome is the slight but con-
sistent enhancement of the engine brake efficiency: the use of syngas not only reduces the consumption
of Diesel oil, but it also improves the combustion quality.
The authors acknowledge that this study is only a starting basis: further investigation is required to
cover all the aspects related to the industrial application of this syngas-Diesel combustion concept, in
particular the impact on pollutant emission and on engine durability.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction for a lowering or a stop in the energy production, leading to the

impossibility to run electrical devices [2,3]. Conversely, biomass
The share of renewable energy resources in the energy mix is is a resource that, if properly managed, can be collected and used
increasing every year, pushed by economical and sustainability to produce power, independent from the environmental condi-
drivers. The shortage and the unpredictability of the conventional tions. Its abundance makes it particularly attractive for power
energy sources afflicted by depletion and global geo-political and heat generation [5–7].
issues are causing an energy crisis that is accelerating the renew- Obviously, the technologies used to convert biomass into
able energy climb [1,2]. The so called renewables promise clean energy are not immune to power-on-demand related issues. Large
energy production from sources such as the sun, wind, water and biomass power plants, exploiting the Rankine steam cycle, are
biomass. The transition to sustainability is slowed down by the dis- characterized by long warm-up periods and low flexibility in the
continuity in the energy production from such sources. In particu- amount of produced power. This aspect makes these systems
lar, solar power and wind power are not always available when unattractive for remote power production, but extremely interest-
needed [3,4]. This is a well-known issue that becomes quite critical ing for transition from fossil fuels to large-scale power plants [7]. A
in the case of off-grid applications, where nothing can compensate promising alternative is the combined use of internal combustion-
engine-based power plants and technologies able to convert the
⇑ Corresponding author. biomass into a suitable fuel [8–11].
E-mail address: (C.A. Rinaldini).
0196-8904/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.A. Rinaldini et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 138 (2017) 526–537 527


C flow coefficient (–) Greeks

CAD crank angle degrees b ratio of the orifice diameter to the pipe diameter (–)
LHV CO CO lower heating value (MJ/Nm3) e compressibility coefficient (–)
LHV CH4 CH4 lower heating value (MJ/Nm3) gb engine brake efficiency (–)
LHV Diesel diesel oil lower heating value (MJ/kg) q1 gas density upstream the orifice (kg/m3)
Dp pressure drop across the orifice (Pa)
LHV H2 H2 lower heating value (MJ/Nm3)
LHV syngas syngas lower heating value (MJ/Nm3)
MFB mass fraction burnt
DF Dual Fuel operation
Q syngas volumetric flow rate (m3/s)
ND Normal Diesel operation
Q N;syngas syngas volumetric flow rate at standard ambient
conditions (0 °C and 101,325 Pa) (Nm3/s)
Psyngas syngas heating power (kW) Acronyms
P engine brake power (kW) CI Compression Ignition
d nominal diameter of the orifice (m2) ECU Electronic Control Unit
mDiesel diesel oil mass flow rate (kg/s) EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
xH2 H2 molar fraction in syngas composition HSDI High Speed Direct Injection
xCO CO molar fraction in syngas composition SI Spark Ignition
xCH4 CH4 molar fraction in syngas composition UEGO Universal Exhaust Gas Oxygen
xsyngas ½% potential energy provided by syngas (%) VGT Variable Geometry Turbocharger

The use of internal combustion engines, instead of turbines and higher compression ratio and the lower pumping losses (load can
steam generators, yields a number of advantages: first, the wide be controlled without throttling); in comparison with a standard
range of power ratings available in the market (from a few kWs Diesel engine, considering a constant load, the replacement of die-
to MWs); second, the capability of running on many different types sel fuel with syngas is highly beneficial for soot emissions [5]. The
of fuel; third, the fast and reliable control of the power output; fact that a CI engine cannot be operated without at least a small
fourth, the high level of technical sophistication, achieved through amount of Diesel fuel is a minor limitation: it just implies the
more than a century of continuous research and development necessity of a fuel tank close to the engine. Finally it should also
worldwide in the automotive and industrial field. Last but not be considered that the power rating of a Diesel engine converted
least, the widespread know-how on internal combustion engines to syngas is much less penalized than in the case of conversion
greatly simplifies the issues related to the system management from a gasoline engine [24–26].
and maintenance [8,9,12]. The cases described in literature often refer to tests carried out
Due to the advantages listed above, both Spark Ignition (SI) and on small single-cylinder Diesel engines [23,27]. In the authors’
Compression Ignition (CI) engines are widely used in renewable knowledge, the technical literature lacks studies referring to engi-
energy systems: SI engines can run on natural gas, ethanol, hydro- nes characterized by high power ratings and electronically con-
gen, and biogas, while compression ignition is applied to burn any trolled injection systems, as typically found in passenger cars. It
type of vegetable oil, waste-derived oil and biodiesel [13–18]. Lit- is easy to predict that this type of engines will become of great
erature shows also examples of dual fuel applications on CI engi- interest for stationary power plants, in view of their decreasing
nes, combining gaseous fuels and diesel oil or vegetable oil [6,19]. costs (the technology has already been developed in the automo-
In the case of biomass gasification, the produced gaseous fuel, tive field, while the production costs are abated by the availability
known as syngas, is composed mainly of hydrogen, carbon monox- of existing plants). The main advantage provided by the use of Die-
ide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and methane [20]. The properties of sel engines derived from the automotive industry consists in the
this gas allow a standard SI engine to be easily converted from high number of control parameters, thus a superior capability to
gasoline to syngas, at the cost of a reduction of the maximum brake optimize unconventional engine operations [8]. On the other hand,
power output [20–22]. The conversion consists of two main parts: however, these engines require a huge calibration work, to exploit
first, it is necessary to modify the engine intake manifold in order their full potential, as well as to prevent failures due to the uncon-
to mix syngas and air; second, a new throttle valve must be ventional use.
installed for controlling the airflow rate, so that the air-syngas mix- This work is aimed at describing the effects of syngas-diesel oil
ture within the cylinders is about stoichiometric. This control is combustion in a recent automotive 4-stroke, 4-cylinder, 2.7 litre,
enabled by a Lambda sensor (UEGO sensor) installed in the exhaust turbocharged Diesel engine, equipped with a 160 MPa Common
manifold, and by a dedicated electronic control unit [22]. Rail injection system and a high pressure EGR circuit. Tests with
Syngas may also be used in CI engines, and this option is very different syngas Diesel oil ratios are performed at 3000 rpm, in
attractive for many reasons: first, Diesel engines are more wide- order to produce results comparable with other engines used for
spread than SI engines as off-road and industrial power plants, power generation at 50 Hz.
due to their robustness and fuel efficiency; second, only minor The facility used in this work is an air-blown downdraft gasifier
hardware modifications are required to run on dual fuel mode fed with soft wood chip. The choice of a downdraft gasifier is due to
(no need of a spark plug, since a small amount of Diesel fuel can the low tar and particulate content when compared to other gasi-
be employed to ignite the air-syngas mixture [5,23]). The combina- fication technologies [20,22]. This feature is related to the internal
tion of syngas and Diesel is an improvement compared to both design of the downdraft gasifier, where tar produced in the pyrol-
conventional SI and CI engines: in comparison with a SI engine ysis stage is thermally converted into gas when passing through
converted to run on syngas, brake efficiency is higher, due to the the combustion stage of gasification [20]. Even under these condi-
528 C.A. Rinaldini et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 138 (2017) 526–537

tions, the tar amount of the producer gas in the downdraft gasifier measurement (device 15, Fig. 2). The volumetric flow rate of the
is about 1 g/Nm3 [20], too high for the application as fuel into an syngas, is calculated according to the following equation:
internal combustion engine. Basu and Knoef suggest that 0.1 g/
C pd2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Nm3 is the maximum tar limit [20,22], therefore filtration remains Q ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e 2 q 1 Dp ð1Þ
a fundamental stage of these gasification systems [28]. In this 1  b4
work, the gasifier employs a batch packed-bed bio-filter to control
the tar amount of the delivered gas. where:
Q is the volumetric flow rate;
b is the ratio of the orifice diameter to the pipe diameter;
2. Materials and methods
C is the flow coefficient calculated as function of b and of the
Reynolds number, according to [30];
2.1. Gasifier
d is the nominal diameter of the orifice (38.1 mm);
q1 is the gas density upstream of the orifice;
A description of the gasifier facility has already been provided in
Dp is the pressure drop across the orifice measured by the
a previous paper [25], therefore, only the fundamentals will be
reviewed here. A mix of poplar and pine wood chips with about
20% of moisture is used as fuel. The biomass is converted into syn-
e is the compressibility coefficient calculated as function of b,
the pressure upstream of the orifice, the syngas politropic coef-
gas in a downdraft single throat Imbert-type reactor. This system,
ficient and Dp.
when fuelled with high quality wood biomasses yields a gas whit a
low tar content, suitable for engine applications [10,11,20]. The air
The temperature upstream of the orifice is measured by a K-
needed for the gasification reaction is pumped into the reactor by a
type thermocouple.
blower. The produced gas is filtered in a double cyclone in order to
To assess the syngas heating power (potential chemical energy)
separate particles from the gas stream. The resulting syngas is
provided to the engine, the following equations are applied:
finally cooled and filtered in a drum filter filled with soft wood
chips. At the top of the filter, a foam disk prevents wood dust Psyngas ¼ 103  LHV syngas  Q N;syngas ð2Þ
and other fine particles to be carried out by the syngas stream. This
type of filter, described by Allesina et al. [28], is proven to be suit- LHV syngas ¼ LHV H2  xH2 þ LHV CO  xCO þ LHV CH4  xCH4 ð3Þ
able to match the requirements of a modern internal combustion
engine, being able to effectively purge water and tar from the syn- where:
gas [29]. P syngas is the syngas heating power in kW;
The gasifier is designed to produce a maximum flow rate of 60 LHV syngas is the syngas lower heating value in MJ/Nm3 calculated
Nm3/h, corresponding to a heating power of about 85 kW. After fil- by Eq. (3);
tration, the syngas is pumped to the engine facility depicted in Q N;syngas is the syngas flow rate in Nm3/h at standard ambient
Fig. 1. During the test, some syngas is continuously spilled and conditions (0 °C and 101,325 Pa) calculated using perfect gas
analysed by a Pollution micro gas chromatographer (device 16, law;
Fig. 2), in order to assess the average syngas composition. The LHV H2 , LHV CO and LHV CH4 are the lower heating value in MJ/Nm3
gas flow rate is measured according to the UNI EN ISO 5167 stan- of H2, CO and CH4 extracted from [31];
dard [30], using a calibrated orifice, equipped with a differential xH2 , xCO and xCH4 are the molar fraction of H2, CO and CH4 in the
pressure manometer and a thermocouple for syngas temperature syngas.

Fig. 1. The VM engine at the test bench.

C.A. Rinaldini et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 138 (2017) 526–537 529

Fig. 2. Sketch of the experimental setup.

2.2. Engine and experimental setup 100 and 300 Nm), reproducing the most typical conditions occur-
ring when the engine is coupled to a 50 Hz electric generator.
The engine employed in the test is a current passenger car 2.8 During the tests, 2 closed-loop controls are used: the former is
litre turbocharged Diesel engine, of which, the main characteristics applied to the eddy-current brake in order to control the rota-
are shown in Table 1. During the test, the engine control unit is tional speed, the latter is applied to the engine pedal in order
connected to an ETAS calibration interface and the ETAS INCA soft- to control the output torque. For each operating point, the tests
ware is used to check and manage the operating parameters. always starts running the engine on Diesel oil (this operating
The experiments are performed at the University of Modena point is referred to as ND, Normal Diesel); then, the amount of
and Reggio Emilia engine test bed (Fig. 1), featuring an Apicom syngas is progressively increased, recording engine performance
FR 400 BRV eddy-current brake and the Apicom Horus software for each Dual Fuel (DF) steady operating point. Finally, the ND
for system control and data acquisition. Besides the standard pres- operating point is repeated, in order to check the engine condi-
sure and temperature transducers, the laboratory instruments also tions, and to guarantee the repeatability of the measures. As the
include a Coriolis flow meter for measuring the Diesel fuel con- syngas flow rate increases, the closed loop engine control auto-
sumption. A high frequency specifically designed indicating system matically adjusts the engine pedal in order to keep the torque
is installed in order to record in-cylinder pressure traces; the sys- on the target value. It is important to remark that the pedal
tem is made up of a Kistler piezoelectric transducer, installed on position in automotive engines is a paramount input for most
cylinder #1 in place of the glow plug, a charge amplifier and an ECU maps: besides the amount of injected fuel, a pedal variation
optical encoder. A time-base method is used to acquire in- may affect the boost pressure, the injection strategy and the EGR
cylinder pressure traces while the real time calculation is per- rate. Maximum care is applied to maintain the operating condi-
formed by the Alma Automotive software on the National Instru- tions as close as possible, when varying the syngas rate. This is
ments Compact RIO hardware. The resulting angular resolution is the reason why the EGR valve is blocked, and the boost pressure
0.3°. A sketch of the experimental setup, including some further is controlled by the ETAS software. As an example of what hap-
details, is shown in Fig. 2. pens when boost pressure is not controlled, Fig. 3 shows in-
cylinder pressure traces for a load of 100 Nm, running on ND,
2.3. Conduct of experiments and two different syngas rates (2 larger than 1). As the syngas
rate increases, the pedal rate decreases; both injected fuel and
The test procedure consists of running the engine at boost pressure are lower, then the mass of the charge trapped
3000 rpm and 3 different engine outputs (brake torque: 50, within the cylinder goes down, as demonstrated by the lower
pressure values throughout compression. In this condition, com-
Table 1 bustion efficiency may drop abruptly due to the lack of oxygen,
Engine main data. defeating all the benefits provided by the syngas use. Fortu-
Engine type HSDI 4-S diesel nately, in modern Diesel engines the problem may be avoided
Manufacturer VM Motori controlling the turbocharger: in this case, the turbine rack can
Model RA 428 be adjusted and the boost pressure can be kept constant for a
Number of cylinder 4 in-line
wide range of syngas rates.
Total displacement (cm3) 2776
Bore  Stroke (mm) 94  100
All the standard protocols for keeping the testing conditions as
Compression ratio 17.5:1 uniform as possible are followed: in particular, the temperature of:
# of valves per cylinder 4 Diesel fuel, syngas, engine lubrication oil and coolant is kept within
Air metering VGT, Intercooler a narrow range for all the cases. Moreover, the DF operating points
Injection system Common rail
are recorded when both increasing and decreasing the syngas rate,
Max. injection press (MPa) Max Power 160,130 kW@3800 rpm
in order to eliminate any potential hysteresis effect.
530 C.A. Rinaldini et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 138 (2017) 526–537

Fig. 3. In-cylinder pressure for different syngas level without modification on the engine boost pressure (Syngas 1 corresponds to 15% of Diesel oil substitution, Syngas

Table 2
Syngas composition and calculated lower heating value.

H2 (mol.%) N2 (mol.%) CO (mol.%) CO2 (mol.%) CH4 (mol.%) H2O (mol.%) LHV (MJ/Nm3)
Wet gas 8.7 54.7 20.6 5.0 3.1 7.9 4.54
Dry gas 9.4 59.4 22.4 5.4 3.4 0 5.07

Table 3
3. Results
Comparative physic-chemical characterization of diesel oil and syngas.
3.1. Gasifier
Syngas (dry) Diesel oil (EN 590:1999) [15]
State at 20 °C Gas Liquid In order to speed up the warming process and to stabilize the
Density at 20 °C 1.09 kg/m3 838 kg/m3
gasifier conditions, the syngas produced by the gasifier is burned
Cinematic viscosity 15 mm2/s [33] 2–4.5 mm2/s
LHV 4.65 MJ/kg 42.5 MJ/kg in a torch for about 1 h. Only when the temperature of the reactor
goes over 800 °C in the combustion zone, and 700 °C in the end of

Fig. 4. Diesel oil consumption as a function of syngas potential energy for different engine loads.
C.A. Rinaldini et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 138 (2017) 526–537 531

the reduction zone, the gasification occurs efficiently and it is pos- syngas quality, the test is stopped after about 3 h. The filter condi-
sible to consider the gas quality good enough for internal combus- tion is inspected after the test. In the experiments carried out in
tion engine applications. Once these conditions are reached, the this study, condensates were never detected in the foam at the
filtered syngas is delivered to the engine mixing system, monitor- top of the wood chip bed, demonstrating the good working condi-
ing the composition by a micro-GC. The average syngas composi- tion of the filter. However, the hydrogen content in the gas resulted
tion and its lower heating value are shown in Table 2 while lower when compared to other tests ran at the same facility. In
Table 3 reports the main physic-chemical properties of both syngas fact, Ref. [25] reports a series of tests where the H2 content never
and Diesel oil. The values appear to be quite consistent with went below 19% while CH4 never exceeded 1.8%. The reasons
literature [20,22]. The higher heating value of the syngas is about behind this performance reduction are not investigated in this
5 MJ/Nm3, thus the maximum syngas heating power is about work. Nevertheless the following hypotheses are made:
82.5 kW. Considering a top engine efficiency of about 30%, the
maximum syngas brake power substitution is 25 kW. The syngas – The tests performed in this work are characterized by a series of
amount is controlled by means of a ball valve downstream of the pulses in the syngas flow rate drawn from the gasifier. Litera-
calibrated orifice, as well as by throttling the gasifier air intake ture suggest that, for unsteady operating conditions, a double
with another ball valve. Reactor temperature and syngas composi- throat design is more suitable than the single throat one [32].
tion are kept stable during the test. In order to avoid the saturation – Sudden pressure drops in the gasifier-filter system were
of the drum filter capacity, with an ensuing worsening of the observed when the engine moved from low to high loads: these
pressure drops may have violated the one-of-a-kind require-
ment of the filtration system described in [25]. As a result, part
of the ‘‘head” gas from the reactor may have leaked into the fil-
tration system and mixed with the downdraft gas.

3.2. Engine outputs

As already mentioned, experimental tests are carried out run-

ning the engine on standard Diesel (ND) and Dual Fuel diesel/syn-
gas (DF), at about 30 steady state operating points, one engine
speed (3000 rpm). Each operating point is defined by its brake tor-
que (50–100–300 Nm) and by the fuel composition, expressed as
the fraction of potential energy provided by Syngas:

Psyngas þ LHV Diesel  m_ Diesel;DF

Xsyngas ½% ¼  100 ð4Þ
_ Diesel;ND
LHV Diesel  m

where LHV stands for lower heating value, m _ is the mass flow rate.
The lower heating value of the syngas is calculated from its
composition, measured during the test using the gas chromatogra-
phy system. The maximum syngas energy substitution rate is lim-
ited by the gasifier production rate, which is low in comparison to
Fig. 5. Engine brake efficiency as a function of syngas potential energy and engine the engine maximum power output: therefore, the maximum per-
loads. centage of syngas (60%) can be reached only at 50 Nm.

Fig. 6. In-cylinder pressure at 50 Nm.

532 C.A. Rinaldini et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 138 (2017) 526–537

Fig. 4 shows the normalized consumption of the engine in terms a 30% reduction of Diesel fuel consumption. This outcome is
of Diesel fuel, as a function of the syngas rate (normalization per- confirmed by Fig. 5, showing the engine brake efficiency (or global
formed by dividing the current fuel rate by the one measured in ND efficiency), defined as follows:
condition). The map reported in Fig. 5, presenting the engine brake
efficiency as a function of brake torque and syngas rate, is con-
structed interpolating by triangulation the whole set of tested gb ¼ _ Diesel;DF
 100 ð5Þ
P syngas þ LHV Diesel  m
operating points. To enhance the interpretation of the diagram,
some interpolation lines (calculated according to the ordinary least The maximum improvement on the engine brake efficiency at
squares method) are added to Fig. 4. The interpolation functions 300 Nm is 10%, reached with a syngas energy substitution rate of
and the correlation coefficients are shown in the graph, whereas about 27%. The maximum absolute values of brake efficiency are
the values are reported in the Appendix A, for the sake of brevity. obviously obtained at the higher load (300 Nm), for the lower
At 50 and 100 Nm it can be observed that the reduction of Die- weight of mechanical friction losses. The higher sensitivity to syn-
sel fuel perfectly corresponds to the increase of syngas rate: as an gas substitution at high loads, clearly visible in Fig. 4, can be
example, 30% of syngas reduces the amount of injected Diesel fuel expected too. Thermodynamic cycle efficiency is generally related
by 30%. At 300 Nm, however, the engine appears more efficient to combustion velocity: the higher, the better, except when there is
when running on syngas. As an example, a 25% of Syngas enables an abrupt increase of heat transfer. At high loads, combustion

Fig. 7. In-cylinder pressure at 100 Nm.

Fig. 8. In-cylinder pressure at 300 Nm.

C.A. Rinaldini et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 138 (2017) 526–537 533

tends to have a larger angular duration, so the enhancement of 0–10% and 10–90% combustion durations are plotted in Figs. 13
combustion speed ensuing the syngas introduction has a stronger and 14. All the numerical values of Figs. 12–14 are shown in the
influence. Appendix A.
In order to gain a better insight on Dual Fuel combustion, as It should be observed that injection strategies change as load
well as to provide an explanation to the improvement of brake increases: while at 50 and 100 Nm there are three consecutive
efficiency shown in Fig. 5, in-cylinder pressure traces are injections (pilot, pre and main), at 300 Nm the pilot injection is
recorded for 100 consecutive cycles, at any operating condition. suppressed.
Figs. 6–8 show the most representative ensemble-averaged pres- Looking at the in-cylinder pressure traces (Figs. 6–8) and at the
sure traces, while Figures from 9 to 14 review the parameters RoHR curves (Figs. 9–11) the following considerations can be
typically employed to analyse combustion. In particular, the Rate made:
of Heat Release (RoHR) for 50 Nm, 100 Nm and 300 Nm of tor-
que is depicted in Figs. 9–11. The RoHR is defined as the net rate  In the very first phase of combustion, the presence of syngas in
of energy (difference between the heat released by combustion the charge, seems to cause a slightly larger auto-ignition delay
and the heat rejected through the walls) provided to the charge of the injected Diesel oil; as the syngas rate increases, this beha-
and it is calculated according to the Rassweiler and Withrow viour becomes much more evident. This outcome may be easily
method [34]. Angles at which 10, 50 and 90% of fuel is burnt explained considering that, as the syngas rate increases, the
are reported for the three values of torque in Fig. 12. Finally, oxygen concentration within the trapped charge is lower.

Fig. 9. Rate of Heat Release at 50 Nm.

Fig. 10. Rate of Heat Release at 100 Nm.

534 C.A. Rinaldini et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 138 (2017) 526–537

Fig. 11. Rate of Heat Release at 300 Nm.

Fig. 12. Combustion angles for different syngas potential energy at 50 Nm, 100 Nm and 300 Nm.

 After the start of combustion, all DF configurations present a been released in the previous phase (see also the 10–90% com-
higher RoHR, in comparison to ND combustion: this is the bustion duration in Fig. 14). The differences fade away beyond
evidence that the syngas fuel within the trapped charge is 40° after TDC.
ignited by the pilot and the pre injections. As a result, the  For all the investigated cases, combustion always starts after the
first combustion development is quicker (see also 10% burnt first Diesel fuel injection, meaning that no auto-ignition occurs
angle in Fig. 12 and 0–10% combustion angles in Fig. 13), in the air-syngas mixture.
and in-cylinder pressure is always higher for all DF configura-  Very small differences are observed on in-cylinder peak pres-
tions in the 0-15° after top dead centre interval. Considering sures, so that the mechanical reliability of the engine should
that a faster combustion is generally associated with a more not be affected.
effective thermodynamic cycle, as well as with a more com-
plete combustion, it may be inferred that the advantage of In general, it is observed that even large rates of syngas have a
syngas, in terms of brake efficiency shown by Fig. 5, is related limited effect on the pressure traces: this is the evidence that dual
to this aspect. fuel combustion is a robust concept, and it may be safely applied to
 From 15° after TDC, the combustion rate associated with syngas modern Diesel engines with a relatively limited amount of calibra-
decreases, in comparison to ND, since the energy has already tion and development work.
C.A. Rinaldini et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 138 (2017) 526–537 535

Fig. 13. Duration of the first part of the combustion process (0–10% MFB) for different syngas potential energy and different loads.

Fig. 14. Duration of the main part of the combustion process (10–90% MFB) for different syngas potential energy and different loads.

4. Conclusion It is found that the in-cylinder pressure traces do not change

very much, even when drastically reducing the amount of Diesel
The goal of this work is to explore the potential of a current fuel: this is a very encouraging result, because it demonstrates that
automotive turbocharged Diesel engine running on both Diesel there is no need to radically modify the standard stock engine
fuel and syngas, by means of a comprehensive experimental inves- design. Another promising outcome is the slight but consistent
tigation focused on the combustion process. The engine is operated enhancement of the engine brake efficiency (up to +5%, with a
at the typical speed employed in steady power plants (3000 rpm), 27% substitution rate). This increase is given by a faster combus-
considering three different loads (50–100–300 Nm/16–31–94 kW). tion of the syngas-diesel fuel in comparison to normal diesel fuel.
For each operating condition, the Syngas rate is progressively In conclusion, the use of syngas not only reduces the consumption
increased, while contemporarily reducing the amount of injected of Diesel oil, but it also improves the combustion quality.
Diesel oil. The authors emphasize that this study is only a starting basis:
The syngas for the experiments is continuously provided by a further investigation is required to cover all the aspects related
gasifier connected to the engine. The higher heating value of the to the industrial application of this syngas-Diesel combustion con-
syngas is about 5 MJ/Nm3, enabling a maximum syngas heating cept, in particular the impact on pollutant emissions and on engine
power of about 82.5 kW. A Diesel fuel substitution rate of about durability.
60% is reached at 50 Nm. Particular care is also devoted to set
the engine control parameters, such as boost pressure, injection Appendix A
advance, et cetera, in order to guarantee optimum combustion
conditions, even with high rates of syngas. See Tables A1 and A2.
536 C.A. Rinaldini et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 138 (2017) 526–537

Table A1
Values plotted in Fig. 4.

50 Nm 100 Nm 300 Nm
Diesel fuel consumption (%) Syngas energy (%) Diesel oil consumption (%) Syngas energy (%) Diesel oil consumption (%) Syngas energy (%)
100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00
78.32 21.34 88.32 15.72 90.97 8.80
70.31 29.92 84.47 20.22 88.67 10.44
64.66 36.26 78.39 24.78 86.79 11.64
57.01 42.70 68.94 31.90 85.14 13.15
47.91 52.05 59.01 39.48 81.99 16.47
40.62 59.65 54.16 44.31 80.07 18.00
49.07 49.06 75.32 20.10
41.61 57.06 73.30 22.06
72.97 22.99
65.26 26.99

Table A2
Values plotted in Figs. 12–14.

Syngas energy MFB 10 MFB 50 MFB 90 MFB 0–10% MFB 10–90%

3000 rpm - 50 Nm
0.0 2.8 17.7 29.4 7.3 26.6
21.3 2.4 16.5 29.4 6.9 27.0
29.9 2.4 16.3 29.6 6.9 27.2
36.3 2.3 16.0 30.0 6.8 27.7
42.7 2.3 15.9 30.1 6.8 27.8
52.1 1.9 15.5 30.4 6.4 28.5
59.7 1.3 14.0 28.4 5.8 27.1
3000 rpm - 100 Nm
0.0 10.3 20.9 33.8 14.8 23.5
15.7 4.6 20.6 35.3 9.1 30.7
20.2 4.3 20.4 35.6 8.8 31.3
24.8 3.4 19.9 35.3 7.9 31.9
31.9 2.8 19.5 35.0 7.3 32.2
39.5 2.4 19.0 34.9 6.9 32.5
44.3 2.4 18.6 34.8 6.9 32.4
49.1 2.5 18.3 34.8 7.0 32.3
57.1 1.9 16.7 33.7 6.4 31.8
3000 rpm - 300 Nm
0.0 5.8 19.3 32.6 10.3 26.8
8.8 6.9 20.6 34.8 11.4 27.9
10.4 6.7 20.6 35.3 11.2 28.6
11.6 6.9 20.8 35.7 11.4 28.8
13.2 7.1 21.0 35.8 11.6 28.7
16.5 6.4 20.9 36.5 10.9 30.1
18.0 4.3 19.6 35.7 8.8 31.4
20.1 4.4 19.4 35.6 8.9 31.2
22.1 5.8 20.2 35.9 10.3 30.1
23.0 4.9 19.6 36.0 9.4 31.1
27.0 2.9 17.1 34.6 7.4 31.7

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