Energy Conversion and Management: Baowei Fan, Jianfeng Pan, Wenming Yang, Yangxian Liu, Stephen Bani, Wei Chen

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Energy Conversion and Management 133 (2017) 511–523

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Numerical investigation of the effect of injection strategy on mixture

formation and combustion process in a port injection natural gas rotary
Baowei Fan a, Jianfeng Pan a,⇑, Wenming Yang b, Yangxian Liu a, Stephen Bani a, Wei Chen a
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu, China
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 119260, Singapore

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This work aimed to numerically study the influence of injection strategy on mixture formation and com-
Received 2 September 2016 bustion process in a port injection natural gas rotary engine. On the base of a 3D dynamic simulation
Received in revised form 20 October 2016 model which was established in our previous work, some critical information was obtained, which
Accepted 28 October 2016
was difficult to obtain through experiment, in terms of the flow field, the fuel distribution, the temper-
Available online 5 November 2016
ature field and the concentration fields of some intermediates. Simulation results showed that for mix-
ture formation, the movements of fuel in injection stage were mainly controlled by the intensity of the
vortex I for injection timing, and the value of jet flux for injection duration respectively. With retarded
Natural gas
Rotary engine
injection timing, the decreasing intensity of the vortex I resulted in less fuel moving toward the back
Port injection strategy of the combustion chamber. With the extension in injection duration, the decreasing value of jet flux
Mixture formation resulted in more fuel staying at the back of the combustion chamber. For combustion process, the overall
Combustion process combustion rate for injection strategy which had an injection timing of 390 °CA (BTDC) and injection
Three-dimensional dynamic simulation duration of 51.5 °CA (case ID4) was the fastest. This was mainly due to the fact that the accumulation area
of fuel was at the middle and front of the combustion chamber. Meanwhile, fuel concentration near the
leading and trailing spark plugs was conducive for the flame kernel formation. Compared with the injec-
tion strategy which had an injection timing of 450 °CA (BTDC) and an injection duration of 55 °CA (case
IT1), the improved combustion rate of case ID4 had a 23% increase in the peak pressure, but also a certain
increase in NO emissions.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction multi-fuel capability, low noise and low vibration levels, make it
more suitable as the power equipment of RE [5]. For example,
With energy crisis and environmental pollution occurring, the combination of a compact rotary engine and a small generator
energy saving and environmentally friendly electric vehicle (EV) dynamo is considered one of the most promising power generation
in existence presents a great potential for the future [1,2]. How- modes for PHEV [6]. Therefore, for the wide application prospects
ever, the small range of electric vehicles is still one of the problems described above, more attention is being given to the research on
inhibiting the spread of these cars. Range extender (RE) in general the performance and emission of rotary engine by many countries
is the realistic possibility to increase the range of plug-in hybrid and research institutes.
electric vehicle (PHEV) in the near future without the need to Currently, various fuels such as gasoline, diesel, aviation kero-
improve the technology of the main battery storage. For improving sene, natural gas and hydrogen, have been successfully applied to
the efficiency of entire vehicles, RE desperately needs a kind of rotary engines [7]. Relatively speaking, gaseous fuels like natural
power equipment with high-energy density and high power-to- gas and hydrogen, are more suitable to be used in rotary engines.
weight ratio [3,4]. Compared with conventional reciprocating This is mainly due to the fact that, gaseous fuel is easy to form
engine, the advantages of the rotary engine, like compact design, combustible mixture in the cylinder as compared to diesel, avia-
tion kerosene and other traditional liquid fuel. In addition, acting
as an ecologically sensitive and efficient fuel, natural gas is often
⇑ Corresponding author at: School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu recognized as a promising option put forward by governments
University, 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang 212013, China.
for a sustainable energy system [8]. Therefore, the natural
E-mail address: (J. Pan).
0196-8904/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
512 B. Fan et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 133 (2017) 511–523

gas-fueled rotary engine is considered to be a new and clean engine are still rare. For example, as the air flow controls air-fuel
energy system. However, the question of how to improve the com- mixture in rotary engine, particle image velocimetry (PIV) method
bustion efficiency of the rotary engine has been a major issue. This was applied by Maki et al. [18] to measure the flow field in a rotary
is because flow pattern in the combustion chamber is unidirec- engine. However, due to the limitations of the experimental set-up,
tional flow at ignition timing. The general direction of the unidirec- only the 2D flow field at low-speed was measured, that is, the 3D
tional flow is from the back to the front of the combustion flow field under normal engine operating conditions could not be
chamber, which results in the different flame propagation in the tested. Kawahara et al. [19] developed an optical spark-plug sensor
front and the back of the combustion chamber. Along with the with a double-pass measurement length using an infrared absorp-
direction of the flow, it is easy for the flame to propagate toward tion technique for measuring hydrocarbon fuel concentrations.
the front of the combustion chamber, which makes the fuel in Cycle-resolved measurements were made to investigate the effects
the front of combustion chamber burn out without delay. How- of the fuel concentration near the spark plug on the combustion
ever, against the direction of flow, it is difficult for the flame to characteristics of the commercial rotary engine. However, the dis-
propagate toward the back of the combustion chamber, which tribution and movement of fuel in other positions of the cylinder
leaves a lot of unburned fuel in the rear of combustion chamber could not be measured. Karatsu et al. [20] developed an optical
[9]. Moreover, when natural gas is used in rotary engine, its low rotary engine, and combustion in the combustion chamber was
burning speed could also exacerbate the above problem. observed by bottom view and side view simultaneously using
Fortunately, the application of stratified combustion mode is con- two high-speed cameras. Their work made significant contribu-
sidered as a key solution for these problems [10]. This is mostly tions to the study of the flame propagation in the rotary engine.
because the combustion rate can be increased by controlling the This once again demonstrated that it was easy to propagate the
fuel distribution, although the unidirectional flow pattern in the flame toward the front of the combustion chamber, but difficult
combustion chamber cannot be changed at ignition timing. Port to propagate the flame toward the rear of the combustion chamber
injection and direct injection in cylinder are two ways of realizing by experimental research. However, further research on how to
stratified combustion. As compared to direct injection in cylinder, impact the combustion process by the fuel distribution is still
port injection is widely used in rotary engine, because of its low needed. Spreitzer et al. [21] used the CONVERGE software to ana-
requirement on electronic fuel injection system [11]. Therefore, it lyze the gas flow and the combustion processes in the three com-
is imperative to study the realization mechanism of different strat- bustion chambers simultaneously. Although the mixture formation
ified mixture and its effect on flame propagation in the port injec- process was not discussed, their work showed that the rotary
tion natural gas rotary engine. Meanwhile, the injection strategy is engine could be investigated in an unprecedented analysis depth
one of the most influential factors for engine performance. The through simulation. For example, Jeng et al. [22] used the FLUENT
fuel-air mixing procedure significantly depends on the injection software to numerically investigate the influence of leakage
position, injection timing (IT), injection pressure and injection through the apex seal, fuel type and recess size on the performance
duration (ID) [12,13]. What is more, the mixture quality in the of a rotary engine. Their numerical results gave more insight into
combustion chamber determines the combustion characteristics the effect of these parameters on the power output of a rotary
of the engine. At present, there are many studies on how to impact engine.
the combustion process by the injection strategy in reciprocating This work seeks to bridge the gaps identified in literature, using
engines. For example, Yang et al. [14] experimentally studied the numerical simulation to study the influence of injection strategy
effects of natural gas port injection and diesel pilot injection on on mixture formation and combustion process in a port injection
the combustion and emissions of a turbocharged common rail natural gas rotary engine. On the basis of the 3D dynamic simula-
dual-fuel engine at low load. The results indicated that retarded tion model which was established in our previous work [23,24],
natural gas injection timing achieved a stratified-like air-fuel mix- some critical information is obtained which is difficult to acquire
ture in cylinder under the different pilot injection conditions, through experiment. These are the flow field, the fuel distribution,
which provided a method to improve the combustion performance the temperature field and some intermediate concentration fields.
and exhaust emissions at low load. Wang et al. [15] investigated Our study also outlines a theoretical guide to determine the best
the combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine injection strategy in the port injection natural gas rotary engine
with dimethyl ether (DME) as port premixing fuel under different under different working conditions.
injection timing. It was found that port premixing DME quantity
played an important role in combustion and emission control. Dur-
ing low-temperature reaction phase, the peak value of heat-release 2. Geometric model generation and meshing
rate (HRR) increased with a rise of port DME quantity because of
relatively richer mixture concentration. Thangavel et al. [16] made 2.1. Computational domain
experimental studies on simultaneous injection of ethanol-
gasoline in the intake port of a four stroke spark ignition (SI) In the present study, the rotary engine has two spark plugs,
engine. It was found that the efficiency and torque were better at leading spark plug (LSP) and trailing spark plug (TSP). A schematic
a mass ratio of 1:1 (50% of ethanol and 50% of gasoline) due to fas- diagram of the rotary engine is shown in Fig. 1(a). For convenience
ter combustion as a result of better mixture preparation, as com- of discussion, the names of the components of the rotary engine
pared to conventional pre-blended injection of gasoline and are shown in Fig. 1(b). Technical specifications of the engine are
ethanol. Lakshmanan et al. [17] made experimental studies at the listed in Table 1.
optimized fixed injection duration of 90 °CA and injector opening The simulations were performed at an engine speed of
time of 5 °CA (ATDC), to investigate the gas flow rate on the com- 3500 rpm and at wide open throttle. Natural gas was injected into
bustion, performance and emission of the engine. The experimen- the inlet port and all computations were made with excess air ratio
tal results show that the NO emission decreased with increase in of 1.5. The appropriate time window of the nozzle for fuel injection
gas flow rate, as compared to diesel fuel operating at full load. As is from 470 °CA (BTDC) to 280 °CA (BTDC) for nozzle A. Therefore,
seen above, despite previous works suggesting suitable injection at a fixed injection pressure, five different injection timings were
parameters conducive to improve combustion efficiency, research used to study the effect of injection timing on mixture formation
about the effect of injection parameters on mixture formation and combustion process in the engine. After that, at a fixed injec-
and combustion processes in a port injection natural gas rotary tion timing (390 °CA (BTDC)), eight different injection durations
B. Fan et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 133 (2017) 511–523 513

(a) Schematic

(b) Component name

Fig. 1. The schematic and component name of side-ported rotary engine.

Table 1 were used to study the effect of injection duration on mixture for-
Engine technical specifications. mation and combustion process in the engine. These parameters of
Engine parameters Value
the different injection strategies are defined in Table 2. Among
them, the injection strategy for case IT3 is same as that for case
Number of rotors 1
Cooling Air cooled
ID5, and the two different case names are given for the conve-
Ignition source Spark plug nience of discussion in Section 4.
Displacement 160 cm3
Compression ratio 8:1 2.2. Mesh generation
Generating radius 69 mm
Eccentricity 11 mm
Chamber width 40 mm A user defined function (UDF) was programmed and used to con-
Ignition timing for TSP/LSP 50 °CA (BTDC)/50 °CA (BTDC) trol the motion of the rotor in ANSYS FLUENT software [25]. The
Intake timing Advance angle 70 °CA (ATDC), three combustion chambers have the same working process. There-
Delay angle 63 °CA (ABDC) fore, only one of the combustion chamber was used in the simula-
Exhaust timing Advance angle 62 °CA (BBDC),
Delay angle 70.5 °CA (ATDC)
tion to save calculation time. The mesh for the rotary engine is as
shown in Fig. 2. A grid independence test was conducted and the
grid size of 2.2 mm was chosen for the combustion chamber. In
addition, the grid size of the injection nozzle was set to 0.5 mm [26].

Table 2
3. Mathematical models and model validation
Summary of the different injection strategies.
The model selection in this study is shown in Table 3. The rea-
Case Injection timing Injection Injection Volumetric
duration (°CA) pressure (bar) coefficient
sons for using the selected models can be found in literature
[24,27]. In addition, the reduced chemical mechanism which has
IT1 450 °CA (BTDC) 55 1.2 0.8980
IT 2 420 °CA (BTDC) 55 1.2 0.8940
16 components and 41 reaction steps [28], was used to calculate
IT 3 390 °CA (BTDC) 55 1.2 0.8875 the combustion process. Pressure boundary conditions were set
IT 4 360 °CA (BTDC) 55 1.2 0.8824 at intake and exhaust port respectively. As the engine was natu-
IT 5 330 °CA (BTDC) 55 1.2 0.8794 rally aspirated, the values for the pressure boundaries were set
ID1 390 °CA (BTDC) 44 2.0 0.8872
to that of atmospheric pressure. Meanwhile, non-slip conditions
ID2 390 °CA (BTDC) 46 1.8 0.8878
ID3 390 °CA (BTDC) 48 1.6 0.8884 were set at the walls for the velocities and temperature was set
ID4 390 °CA (BTDC) 51.5 1.4 0.8881 to 400 K. Meanwhile, to validate the selected model, experimental
ID5 390 °CA (BTDC) 55 1.2 0.8875 results from PIV test and indicator diagram, were used to compare
ID6 390 °CA (BTDC) 60 1.0 0.8882 with simulation results. Detailed descriptions on experimentation
ID7 390 °CA (BTDC) 68 0.8 0.8882
ID8 390 °CA (BTDC) 81 0.6 0.8883
and the validation procedures can be found in our previous work
514 B. Fan et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 133 (2017) 511–523

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Effect of injection strategy on mixture formation in the rotary


For the convenience of discussion, the flow field in cylinder for

the condition without fuel injection is illustrated in Fig. 3. At the
start of the intake stroke, the motion track of the flow is marked
with two arrows in Fig. 3(a). When the fresh mixture enters the
combustion chamber, it impinges on the lower cylinder head. After
the impingement, two vortexes (vortex I and vortex II) are formed
in the front and back of the combustion chamber respectively.
After that, the flow which comes from the back of the combustion
chamber continues to move forward along the upper cylinder head
as indicated by the arrow located at the back of combustion cham-
ber. In the early stages of the compression stroke as seen from
Fig. 3(b), with the decrease in volume in front of the combustion
chamber, the vortex I has broken down. As seen in Fig. 3(c), during
the late stages of the compression stroke, due to a sharp decrease
in volume in the combustion chamber, the vortex II is also basically
Fig. 2. Mesh of the side-ported rotary engine with fuel nozzle (450 °CA (BTDC)).
disappeared, and the main flow pattern in the combustion cham-
ber is unidirectional flow.

Table 3 4.1.1. Movement of fuel in cylinder under different injection timing

Summary of models selection. At a fixed injection pressure, the injection timing is retarded
Object Mode selection and boundary conditions continually from case IT1 to IT5. The movement of fuel for case
Turbulence Two-equation RNG k–e sub-model IT1, case IT3 and case IT5 are illustrated in Figs. 4–7. It can be seen
Combustion Eddy-dissipation concept (EDC) model from Fig. 4, when the crank angle is 25 °CA after the start of injec-
NO formation ‘‘Thermal NO” and ‘‘Prompt NO” model tion, the movement trend of the fuel is significantly affected by the
vortexes (vortex I and vortex II) in the combustion chamber. For

(a)350°CA (BTDC) (b) 150°CA (BTDC)

(c) 50°CA (BTDC)

Fig. 3. Streamlines in cylinder of the condition without fuel injection.
B. Fan et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 133 (2017) 511–523 515

case IT1, the mass of fuel which flows to the back of combustion 4.1.2. Movement of fuel in cylinder under different injection duration
chamber is basically the same as the fuel which flows to the front At a fixed injection timing (390 °CA (BTDC)), the injection dura-
of the combustion chamber. For cases IT3 and IT5, the mass of fuel tion extends continually from case ID1 to ID8. The movement of
which flows to the front of the combustion chamber is more than fuel for case ID1, case ID4 and case ID8 is illustrated in Figs. 8–12.
fuel which flows to the back of the combustion chamber. This is When the crank angle is 365 °CA (BTDC), it can be seen from
mainly because with retarded injection timing, although the Fig. 8, with the extension of injection duration, the mass which
impact position of jet flow on the lower cylinder head moves enters the combustion chamber is reduced gradually at the same
toward the back of combustion chamber, the decreasing intensity time. Therefore, it can be seen from Fig. 9, when the crank angle
of the vortex I results in less fuel which moves toward the back is 315 °CA (BTDC), for case ID1, the injection process is complete,
of combustion chamber. As shown in Fig. 5, when the crank angle and the fuel in the back of combustion chamber moves forward
is 75 °CA after the start of injection, for case IT1, the fuel in the back along the upper cylinder head. However, for case ID8, due to the
of combustion chamber continues to move forward along the low jet flux, the injection process is ongoing and fuel mainly stays
upper cylinder head. For cases IT3 and IT5, the mass of the fuel in the back of the combustion chamber. That is, with the extension
which moves from back to front of the combustion chamber along of injection duration, more fuel stays in the back of combustion
the upper cylinder head, is smaller than that for case IT1. When the chamber. When the crank angle is 200 °CA (BTDC), as seen in
crank angle is 200 °CA (BTDC), it can be seen from Fig. 6 that, for Fig. 10, for case ID1, case ID4 and case ID8, the fuel in the back
case IT1, the fuel is distributed along the upper cylinder head of the combustion chamber continues to move forward along the
throughout the combustion chamber. However, for cases IT3 and upper cylinder head. As the rotor rotates, when the crank angle
IT5, the fuel is mainly distributed in the middle and front of the is 150 °CA (BTDC), it can be seen from Fig. 11, for case ID1, most
combustion chamber. As shown in Fig. 7, during the later stages of the fuel in back of combustion chamber has moved to the front
of the compression stroke (100 °CA (BTDC)), for case IT1, the fuel of the combustion chamber. However, for case ID8, a lot of fuel still
is distributed evenly throughout the combustion chamber. For case remains in the back of the combustion chamber. During the later
IT3 and IT5, the fuel distribution has obvious stratification phe- stages of the compression stroke (100 °CA (BTDC)), it can be seen
nomenon. The accumulation area of fuel is at the middle and front that from Fig. 12, the accumulation area of fuel is at the front of
of the combustion chamber for case IT3, and at the front of the the combustion chamber for case ID1, at the middle and front of
combustion chamber for case IT5. combustion chamber for case ID4. For case ID8, the accumulation
As seen from above analysis, with retarded injection timing, the area of fuel is at the middle and front of the combustion chamber.
decreasing intensity of vortex I results in less fuel which moves Meanwhile, some fuel remains at the rear of the combustion
toward the back of combustion chamber in injection stage. During chamber.
the later stages of the compression stroke, with retarded injection As seen from above analysis, with the extension in injection
timing, the fuel stratification phenomenon becomes increasingly duration, the decreasing value of jet flux results in more fuel
obvious, and the accumulation area of fuel moves toward the front staying in the back of the combustion chamber in injection stage.
of combustion chamber continuously. During the later stages of the compression stroke, with the

(a) Case IT1 at - 425o CA (b) Case IT3 at -365o CA

(c) Case IT5 at - 305o CA

Fig. 4. The iso-surface of fuel mass fraction and the streamlines in cylinder at 25 °CA after the start of injection for different injection timings.
516 B. Fan et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 133 (2017) 511–523

(a) Case IT1 at -375o CA (b) Case IT3 at -315o CA

(c) Case IT5 at -255o CA

Fig. 5. The iso-surface of fuel mass fraction and the streamlines in cylinder at 75 °CA after the start of injection for different injection timings.

(a) Case IT1 at -200o CA (b) Case IT3 at -200o CA

(c) Case IT5 at -200o CA

Fig. 6. The iso-surface of fuel mass fraction and the streamlines in cylinder at 200 °CA (BTDC)) for different injection timings.
B. Fan et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 133 (2017) 511–523 517

(a) Case IT1 at -100o CA (b) Case IT3 at -100o CA

(c) Case IT5 at -100o CA

Fig. 7. The iso-surface of fuel mass fraction and the streamlines in cylinder at 100 °CA (BTDC)) for different injection timings.

(a) Case ID1 at -365o CA (b) Case ID4 at-365o CA

(c) Case ID8 at -365o CA

Fig. 8. The iso-surface of fuel mass fraction and the streamlines in cylinder at 365 °CA (BTDC)) for different injection durations.
518 B. Fan et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 133 (2017) 511–523

(a) Case ID1 at -315o CA (b) Case ID4 at-315o CA

(c) Case ID8 at -315o CA

Fig. 9. The iso-surface of fuel mass fraction and the streamlines in cylinder at 315 °CA (BTDC)) for different injection durations.

(a) Case ID1at -200o CA (b) Case ID4 at -200o CA

(c) Case ID8 at -200o CA

Fig. 10. The iso-surface of fuel mass fraction and the streamlines in cylinder at 200 °CA (BTDC)) for different injection durations.
B. Fan et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 133 (2017) 511–523 519

(a) Case ID1 at -150o CA (b) CaseID4 at-150o CA

(c) Case ID8 at -150o CA

Fig. 11. The iso-surface of fuel mass fraction and the streamlines in cylinder at 150 °CA (BTDC)) for different injection durations.

(a) Case ID1 at -100o CA (b) Case ID4 at -100o CA

(c) Case ID8 at -100o CA

Fig. 12. The iso-surface of fuel mass fraction and the streamlines in cylinder at 100 °CA (BTDC)) for different injection durations.
520 B. Fan et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 133 (2017) 511–523

o o
Injection Duration (CA/ ) Crank Angle (CA/ )
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
37 37 1.0 0.0
Peak Pressure in Cylinder (bar)

Peak Pressure in Cylinder (bar)

36 36

Mass Fraction of CH4 Burned

Mass Fraction of CH4 Burned
35 35 0.8 0.2

34 34 -40 -20
ID of 44oCA
33 33 0.6 0.4
ID of 51.5oCA
ID of 68oCA
32 32 0.1
ID of 81oCA
0.4 0.6
31 31
30 30
0.2 0.8
29 29 IT of 450oCA
-460 -440 -420 -400 -380 -360 -340 -320 IT of 390oCA
o IT of 330oCA
Injection Timing (CA/ ) 0.0 1.0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Fig. 13. Comparison of the peak cylinder pressure of different injection strategies. o
Crank Angle (CA/ )

Fig. 14. Mass fraction of CH4 burnt of different injection strategies.

decrease in injection duration, fuel stratification phenomenon
becomes increasingly obvious, and the accumulation area of fuel
moves toward the front of combustion chamber continuously. There are two peaks for the peak cylinder pressure curve, the first
is at an injection duration of 51.5 °CA (case ID4), and the second is
4.2. Effect of injection strategy on combustion process in the engine at an injection duration of 81 °CA (case ID8). As known, the cylin-
der pressure is determined by the fuel combustion rate. Fig. 14
Fig. 13 shows the peak cylinder pressure of different injection shows the mass fraction of CH4 burnt for different injection strat-
strategy. It can be seen that, with retarded injection timing, the egy. The crank angle duration from 0% to 90% heat release of the
peak cylinder pressure increases initially and then decreases, and total fuel (CA10-90%) is used to reflect the quality of the combus-
the highest peak cylinder pressure appears at injection timing of tion within an engine. It can be seen that with retarded injection
390 °CA (BTDC) (case IT3). At a fixed injection timing (390 °CA timing, the change rule of the flame propagation duration
(BTDC)), with the extension in injection duration, the peak cylinder (CA0-90%) is similar to that of the peak cylinder pressure, and
pressure first increases, then decreases and at last increases again. the fuel combustion rate for case IT3 is the maximum. However,

Table 4
Comparison of the fuel mass fraction distribution at ignition timing and CH2O mass fraction distribution at TDC for different injection timings.

Case Fuel distributions at ignition timing CH2O concentration field at TDC



B. Fan et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 133 (2017) 511–523 521

with the extension in injection duration, the change rule of the combustion chamber at TDC. For case IT3, the accumulation area
flame propagation duration (CA0-90%) is different from that of of fuel is at the middle and front of the combustion chamber, which
the peak cylinder pressure. Although the flame propagation dura- avoids a lot of unburnt fuel in the rear of the combustion chamber.
tion (CA0-90%) for case ID1 is smaller than that for case ID8, the For case IT5, although the accumulation area of fuel is mainly at
peak cylinder pressure for case ID8 (34.0 bar) is bigger than that the front of the combustion chamber at ignition timing, fuel com-
for ID1 (35.4 bar). The reason is that as can be seen from the partial bustion rate for the case IT5 is lower than that for case IT3. This is
enlarged drawing in Fig. 14, in the early stages of the combustion essentially because the fuel concentration near the trailing spark
stroke (from 50 °CA (BTDC) to 20 °CA (BTDC)), the fuel combustion plug (TSP) is too low, which hinders the flame kernel formation.
rate for case ID8 is the maximum. As shown in Table 4 of the CH2O concentration field at TDC for case
Through the above-mentioned discussion, combustion charac- IT5, the flame front area near the trailing spark plug is small and
teristics are greatly affected by the injection strategies. To investi- confines to the upper cylinder head.
gate further, fuel distribution at ignition timing and the CH2O It can be seen from Table 5 that, at a fixed injection timing
concentration field at TDC are shown in Tables 4 and 5. In particu- (390 °CA (BTDC)), with the decrease in injection duration, the accu-
lar, the edge of CH2O concentration field represents the edge of the mulation area of fuel moves toward the front of the combustion
flame. This is chiefly because the concentration of CH2O reaches a chamber continuously at ignition timing, as described in
maximum before the combustion reactions takes place. It can be Section 4.1.2. For case ID1, the accumulation area of fuel is at the
seen from Table 4, with retarded injection timing, the accumula- front of combustion chamber, and the fuel concentration near
tion area of fuel moves toward the front of the combustion the trailing spark plug (TSP) is too low like case IT5, which hinders
chamber continuously at ignition timing, as described in the flame kernel formation. For case ID4, less fuel stays in the rear
Section 4.1.1. Due to the unidirectional flow in the combustion of the combustion chamber compared to case IT3, which acquires a
chamber, the flame mainly propagates in a forward direction [9]. higher fuel combustion rate. For case ID7, the fuel concentration
For case IT1, the fuel is distributed evenly throughout the combus- near the leading spark plug (LSP) is lower than that of case ID4,
tion chamber, which results in a lot of unburnt fuel in the rear which prevents the flame around the LSP from spreading rapidly

Table 5
Comparison of the fuel mass fraction distribution at ignition timing and CH2O mass fraction distribution at TDC for different injection durations.

Case Fuel distributions at ignition timing CH2O concentration field at TDC




522 B. Fan et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 133 (2017) 511–523

in front of the combustion chamber. For case ID8, due to long injec- NO reaches a maximum value (0.0019) for case ID4, which shows
tion duration, the fuel stratification phenomenon is not obvious. a 58% increase compared with case IT1 (0.0012).
The fuel distributes more evenly for case ID8 than the other cases,
which results in a higher combustion rate in the early stages of the
5. Conclusions
combustion stroke (from 50 °CA (BTDC) to 20 °CA (BTDC)). How-
ever, its overall combustion rate is smaller than case ID4.
In the present study, on the basis of a 3D dynamic simulation
It can be seen from the above analysis, compared with the other
model which was established in our previous work, further simu-
injection strategies that, the overall combustion rate for case ID4 is
lations were conducted to investigate the impact of mixture forma-
the fastest. The peak pressure in combustion process reaches a
tion and combustion processes by injection timing and injection
maximum value (36.3 bar) for case ID4, which shows a 23%
duration in a port injection natural gas rotary engine. The simula-
increase compared with case IT1 (29.5 bar). This is mainly because
tions were performed at an engine speed of 3500 rpm and at wide
the accumulation area of fuel is at the middle and front of the com-
open throttle, and the following conclusions were drawn.
bustion chamber. Meanwhile, the fuel concentration near the lead-
ing and the trailing spark plug is conducive to the flame kernel
1. For injection timing, with retarded injection timing, the
decreasing intensity of vortex I results in less fuel which moves
Figs. 15 and 16 show the average temperature and mass frac-
toward the back of the combustion chamber in injection stage.
tion of NO for cases IT1, IT3, IT5, ID1, ID4, ID7 and ID8, respectively.
During the later stages of the compression stroke, with retarded
As known, NO formation is mostly affected by the local gas
injection timing, the fuel stratification phenomenon becomes
temperature, oxygen concentration and residence time. The earlier
increasingly obvious, and the accumulation area of fuel moves
discussions show that the gross combustion rate for case ID4 is the
toward the front of the combustion chamber.
highest, contributing to the peak average cylinder temperature as
2. For injection duration, with the extension in injection duration,
shown in Fig. 15. Therefore, the drawback of case ID4 is a certain
the decreasing value of jet flux results in more fuel which stays
increase in NO emissions at the later stages of the combustion
in the back of the combustion chamber in injection stage. Dur-
stroke (80 °CA (ATDC)), as shown in Fig. 16. The mass fraction of
ing the later stages of the compression stroke, with the decrease
in injection duration, the fuel stratification phenomenon
becomes increasingly obvious, and the accumulation area of
Crank Angle (CA/o)
fuel moves toward the front of the combustion chamber.
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 3. Compared with the other injection strategies, the overall com-
2200 400
bustion rate for the injection strategy which had an injection
Average temperature in cylinder (T/K)

Average temperature in cylinder (T/K)

2000 600 timing of 390 °CA (BTDC) and injection duration of 51.5 °CA
1800 800 (case ID4), is the fastest. This is due to the fact that the accumu-
lation area of fuel is at the middle and front of combustion
1600 1000
ID of 44oCA
chamber. Meanwhile, the fuel concentration near the leading
1400 ID of 51.5oCA 1200 and the trailing spark plug is conducive for flame kernel
ID of 68oCA formation.
1200 1400
ID of 81oCA 4. Under the computational condition, compared with the injec-
1000 1600 tion strategy which had an injection timing of 450 °CA (BTDC)
800 1800 and an injection duration of 55 °CA (case IT1), the improved
IT of 450oCA combustion rate of case ID4 has a 23% increase in the peak pres-
600 IT of 390oCA 2000
sure, but also a 58% increase in NO emissions.
IT of 330oCA
400 2200
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Crank Angle (CA/ ) Acknowledgements
Fig. 15. Average temperature in cylinder of different injection strategies.
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from National
Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 51576093 and
51606089), Project Funded by thePriority Academic Program
Crank Angle (CA/ ) Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PAPD),
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 and the Startup Foundation of Jiangsu University for Advanced
0.0025 0.0000 Scholars (No. 16JDG045).
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IT of 390oCA
0.0020 IT of 330oCA 0.0005 References
Mass Fraction of NO
Mass Fraction of NO

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