Mini Fixators
Mini Fixators
Mini Fixators
7 | International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | Jan-Apr 2016 | Page 6-9
Patwardhan S, Doshi C
6a 6b 6c
6d 6e
Figure 6: (a) and (b) Clinical pictures of a 15 years old boy with neglected CTEV without any treatment taken in the past. (c) Application of JESS fixator during distraction phase. (d) and (e) Clinical
pictures after final correction.
one anteriorly and one posteriorly. Calcaneo- During manual repositioning the distracters are
metatarsal distractors were then attached to Attach anterior spacer rods – uncoupled from the frame leaving the three
the K-wires. Two ‘L’ rods were attached to The transverse anterior rod of the tibial block blocks intact and the foot manipulated to
calcaneal K-wires and two other ‘L’ rods were and metatarsal block was connected on either achieve derotation. Following this the blocks
attached to the metatarsal K-wires one on side with anterior static spacer connecting rod. are reconnected using the distracters and
either side with the arms of the ‘L’ rods facing This provided tension force and kept the distraction protocol is continued over a week.
posteriorly and inferiorly. One posterior anterior portion of the joint open. It also This process is continued till over correction.
transverse bar was attached to the posterior prevented crushing of the articular cartilage Holding phase -
calcaneal half pin and the posterior arms of and provided better glidage to the talus while It is important at the end of correction and
the ‘L’ rods. Two additional transverse rods correcting the hindfoot deformity of equinus. achieved functional position to stop distraction
were attached to the inferior arms of the ‘L’ and hold the corrected position. Holding mode
rods which took the toe sling which provided Protocol of distraction and correction of is to continue frame for 6 to 8 weeks after
dy namic traction to prevent f lex ion deformity - completion of distraction phase
contracture of the toes as the deformity was Distraction phase –
7a 7b 7c 7d
Figure 7: (a) and (b) Clinical pictures of a 5 yrs old neglected left CTEV. (c) JESS fixator applied. (d) Clinical picture at final correction
8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 8g
Figure 8: Clinical photographs (a) A case of Streeters dysplasia presented at the age of 2 years. (b) and (c) Correction achieved with JESS fixator. (d) Plaster cast applied to maintain corrected position
after removal of fixator (e) Patient presented at 4 years from primary procedure with recurrence of deformity due to noncompliance with brace (f) and (g) Correction achieved after JESS fixator
application for second time.
8 | International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | Jan-Apr 2016 | Page 6-9
Patwardhan S, Doshi C
9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 9g 9h
Figure 9: Fig 9 – Clinical photograph (a) and (b) 8 years old boy with history of surgeries done elsewhere 6 times in past with recurrence of deformity.(c)Apllication of JESS fixator. (d), (e) and (f) Follow
up at 3 weeks with correction of deformity in all planes.(g) and (h) – Clinical photograph with functional ability at 1 year follow up from application of JESS fixator
Problems and Complications [7,8, 16] - Compliance is a problem for any type of rotational deformities [5]. Thus it is required
The method of differential distraction using management in CTEV. The non compliance in to remove the distractors at regular intervals
universal mini external fixator also encounters relation to distraction protocol, bracing after of distraction and manually reposition the
certain problems and difficulties during the complete correction will lead to recurrence of foot and reattach the distractors. This
procedure. The conditions which need the deformity. continues till complete correction is
attention during the method are described achieved.
here. Discussion Correction by distraction has distinct advantage
Flexion or clawing of the toe is seen during the The goal of any club foot surgery is to obtain a of histoneogenesis, lack of scar tissue formation
distraction phase due to shortened and cosmetically acceptable foot, pliable, functional, and the absence of further shortening of the
stretching of the flexor tendons. This can be painless, plant grade foot and to spare the parent foot. There are many reports of the fixator
managed during the distraction phase by use of and the child from frequent hospitalization assisted distractor correction of clubfoot with
straps or footplate. However after removal of and years of treatment with casts and braces variations in the technique with good
the distracters the clawing is markedly [1, 9, and 10]. Physiological tension and outcome (5 - 8). Suresh et al found JESS to be
reduced. stress applied to the tissues stimulates ideal for correction of residual and relapse
Acute over distraction needs urgent attention as histoneogenesis, while controlled differential clubfoot in their study involving 26 children
it causes necrosis. Thus it is mandatory to distraction gradually corrects the deformities with 44 clubfeet (7). Similar results were
observe the child at regular intervals. and realigns the bones [11, 15]. External found by Oganesian and Istomina (14).
Another important issue with use of mini fixators are a versatile method of correcting Short-term assessment of results of clubfeet
external fixator is possibility of pin tract complex three-dimensional deformities of correction with JESS distractor by Anwar and
infection. Pin tract infection is managed by the foot such as clubfoot. The major Arun showed excellent and good results in
observing the foot at regular intervals with difference between the mini fixator or JESS 59.7% of cases (8).
periodic pin tract dressings with betadine, fixators and circular fixators described by Thus the evidence from various studies show
tightening of loose screw, use of short course Ilizarov was that the wires in this study were that correction by mini external fixator is a useful
oral antibiotics and in rare cases revision of not tensioned but only prestressed to prevent method for the management of clubfoot in
pin if needed. them from cutting through the soft bones. neglected and resistant cases.
Loosening of components is frequently seen Mini external fixators are also lighter in
when patient is coming on regular follow up. weight, shorter, cheaper, and have an easier
This can be managed by periodic retightening application than Ilizarov’s fixators. The
when they come for repositioning. absence of hinges also fails to correct
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9 | International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | Jan-Apr 2016 | Page 6-9