Faden operation was first described in 1912. It weakens the muscle in its field of action without much Video available on:
slackening and alteration in the primary position. When combined with recession the weakening effect www.ijo.in
is more. It is a useful surgery in esotropia with high accommodative convergence, nystagmus blockage
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syndrome, dissociated vertical deviation, Duane’s retraction syndrome with up or downshoots, and in
sixth nerve paresis, where it is performed on the contralateral normal yoke muscle to increase the field of Website:
binocular vision. The conventional procedure is cumbersome due to small working space, entanglement
of sutures, and posterior location of Faden site which is not easily accessible. We have modified the Faden 10.4103/ijo.IJO_952_18
operation by using a single 5‑0 double‑armed polyester suture, which is much easier and simpler to perform, PMID:
and have done it in a series of small angle esotropias combined with recession. This paper demonstrates the *****
surgical technique so that this surgery can be performed with ease by more surgeons. Quick Response Code:
Key words: 5‑0 double‑armed polyester suture, conventional Faden operation, modified Faden operation,
recession, small angle esotropia