Contribucion de La Sepsis
Contribucion de La Sepsis
Contribucion de La Sepsis
irrelevant and partially artefactual epiphenomenon would abrogated or decreased oxygen supply is a potential damaging
imply that some final steps of the apoptotic program might be factor of myocardial ischemia and results in many functional
activated by chance during damage-induced necrosis and by changes:
postmortal processes, but that this activation is without rele- O uncoupling of H+ proton motive force from the ATP syn-
vance for the extent of the ischemic damage in vivo. thesis,
In contrast to this view, we will discuss here recent data O cytosolic accumulation of Ca2+ and Na+ ions due to inacti-
which – in our opinion – clearly indicate that apoptotic steps vated ATP-dependent ion channels (97),
do have some relevance in ischemic myocyte necrosis. Such O raised activity of Ca2± dependent enzymes, such as PLA2
data on the protective effect of antiapoptotic interventions in and PLC (126) or endonucleases (149),
ischemia-related protocols in cardiomyocytes and neurons are O abnormal production of lactate provoking intracellular
summarized in Table 1. Furthermore, we will argue that the acidosis with concomitant increase in inorganic phosphate
efforts towards a strict separation of necrosis and apoptosis (Pi),
might be counterproductive for the understanding of ischemic O exhaustion of the radical defence systems, such as super-
myocyte losses and for the development of strategies mini- oxide dismutase (SOD) activity (43),
mizing those losses. For this discussion, consideration of some O hydrogen peroxide-induced peroxidation of membrane
features of ischemic myocyte necrosis in comparison with phospholipids which can be hydrolyzed by PLA2 into free
apoptosis might be helpful, although both processes are fatty acids and lysophospholipids (3, 154),
incompletely understood. O subsequent to cytosolic Ca2+ accumulation, an increase in
mitochondrial Ca2+ (66) as consequence of membrane
defects caused by accumulation of toxic metabolites, reac-
tive oxygen species and lysophospholipids (42), resulting
Ischemic cardiomyocyte necrosis in water entry, mitochondrial swelling (35), and collapse of
mitochondrial membrane potential, and
During ischemia-induced myocyte cell death, there are early O specific mitochondrial DNA destruction (99).
changes in mitochondrial shape and function and the cells are During reperfusion and reoxygenation, the Ca2+ overload
soon unable to maintain cellular homeostasis. The plasma persists (104), and the formation of reactive oxygen species is
membrane-mediated regulation of osmotic pressure is dis- not only increased by NADPH oxidase and myeloperoxidase,
turbed and the myocyte swells and ruptures. The consequence both activated in invaded neutrophils, but also by xanthin oxi-
is a loss of cytosolic components, resulting in activation of dase (41, 86, 120). Additionally, the ATP/ADP relation is
inflammatory reactions and in increased plasma concentra- reduced due to increased CPK activity (59). Although early
tions of cardiomyocyte-specific proteins. Since cardiomy- reperfusion damage is demonstrable in experimental models,
ocytes generate ATP for maintenance of both contractile func- long-term reperfusion is believed to improve myocyte sur-
tion and ionic homeostasis by oxidative phosphorylation, vival and the clinical conditions in patients with myocardial