Calisthenics Bible

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-Gymnast pull up routine

This routine is for the advanced trainee only, it is inspired by the routines that
Olympic gymnasts do to condition their enormous backs.
You must be able to do 12 strict form shoulder width supinated chins, to do this
X 2
Wide grip Pull-ups , as many reps as possible
10 seconds rest pause
Medium grip Pull-ups , as many reps as possible
10 seconds rest pause
Medium grip Chin-ups , as many reps as possible
10 seconds rest pause
Narrow grip Chin-ups , as many reps as possible
10 seconds rest pause
Neutral grip pull up , as many reps as possible
Rest 3 minutes

-Andr� The Flying Squirrel Routine

This routine is named after Andr� Benoit, holder of the fastest in Luge double at
the Lillehammer Olympics, who could do wide grip pull-ups with a 120 lbs dumbbell
for a set of 3 reps on a 401 tempo.
It is reserved for people who can chin-up with at least 33% of additional load for
8 reps (supinated grip shoulder width grip.)

Sternum Chin-ups 5 x 4-6 on a 601 tempo, rest 4 minutes between sets.

Subscapularis Pull-ups 3 x max reps on a 501 tempo, rest 3 minutes between sets.*
Negative Close Grip Chins 3 x 4-6 rest 3 minutes between sets, use additional loads
if possible, lower the body for a 6-8 seconds count on every rep.

*(The Subscapularis Pull-up)

In this variation, you assume the starting position of the wide grip pull-up, and
pull yourself to the bar until the upper pecs make contact with the chin-up bar.
The nuance being that at the top of the movement, you push yourself away from the
bar, and lower yourself under control.

-Grip stamina and endurance workout

Beginner Level:
Time Task
1st Minute 15 sec hang
2nd Minute 1 pull up
3rd Minute 10 sec hang
4th Minute 15 sec hang, followed by 3 shoulder shrugs
5th Minute 20 sec hang, followed by 2 pull ups
6th Minute 10 sec hang, followed by 5 knee raises (or leg raises)
7th Minute 4 pull ups
8th Minute 10 sec hang
9th Minute 3 pull ups
10th Minute hang as long as you can

Intermediate Level:
Time Task
1st Minute 15 sec hang, followed by 3 pull ups
2nd Minute 2 pull ups, followed by 20 sec hang
3rd Minute 20 sec hang, followed by 15 sec 90* bent arm hang
4th Minute 30 sec hang
5th Minute 20 sec hang, followed by 4 pull ups
6th Minute 3 off set pull ups, each arm (use a towel or something to lower one
7th Minute 15 knee(leg) raises, followed by 15 sec hang
8th Minute 25 sec hang
9th Minute 15 sec hang, followed by 3 pull ups
10th Minute Hang as long as you can

Advanced Level:
Time Task
1st Minute 20 secs hang, followed by 3 pull ups
2nd Minute 20 secs slightly bent arm hang, followed by either 20 secs L-sit or 20
knee(leg) raises
3rd Minute 5 pull-ups, followed by 25 sec hang
4th Minute Without getting off the bar, change grip/position one hand at a time
x5, stay at each position for 5 secs (so a 30sec exercise), followed by 20 sec hang
5th Minute 20 sec single arm hang, followed by same with other arm
6th Minute 5 offset pull ups, both sides
7th Minute 30 sec 90* bent arm hang, followed by 15 sec straight arm hang
8th Minute 3 L-sit pull-ups, followed by either 5 sec front lever or 15 sec
straight arm hang
9th Minute 20 sec hang on 2 fingers (each hand), followed by 3 weighted pull ups
10th Minute Maximum slightly bent arm hang, at failure drop into straight arm
and hold till failure - no rest between each hang!

The CC "Iron Gauntlet" Challenge
1. Triple towel hang: one-handed x 60 seconds
Throw three (fairly thick) hand towels over an overhead pullup bar. They should be
one on top of another. Wrap your hand around the ends of the hanging towels � or as
far round as
you can get. (You�ll be grabbing the equivalent of six towels, since the three
towels will be doubled
over the bar. It�s unlikely your fingers will meet your thumb.) Squeeze hard, and
hang down, so
you are hanging by just one hand. Hold your bodyweight like this for 60 seconds.
Then swap and
hang for 60 seconds the same way but from the other hand.

2. Index finger pullups: 10 reps

Perform ten full pullups � hanging only by your two index fingers. (You can hang
from the bar,
but you can also use rings, or special straps/hoops if the bar is too thick for
your fingers.)

3. One-arm fingertip pushups: 5 reps

Get down on the floor, and perform five deep one-arm pushups on the four fingers
and thumb.
The palm must not touch the floor. The feet can be splayed apart. Repeat with the
other hand.

4. Grip-and- switch : 10 times per hand

Hang from an overhead bar with one hand. Use an overhand grip. Kip up, and reverse
the grip
mid-air, catching the bar with the same hand, but in an underhand grip. Pause at
the bottom,
before kipping and reversing again. Perform ten reversals, then repeat with the
other hand.
Sound tough? Well, the towel hangs are murder, but I promise you, there�s nothing
about this challenge. The strongman Sandow could do one-arm pullups with any one
finger �
including the pinky and the thumb! He was also a fan of explosive grip work, and
could �hop� up
an angled ladder using just one hand, by kipping and catching. Many martial artists
the value of bodyweight work and do pushups on just their two index fingers and
thumbs. So the
challenge above is by no means an elite workout.
Despite this, most men � very powerful men � who work their hands with weights, get
stayed by
this challenge. They get the shock of their lives. They think their hands and
fingers are powerful as
hell from weight training and spring grip work, but they discover that even simple
hand strength exercises are too much.

-Beastmode 30 day program
Chest Insanity: 4 Sets (Monday-Thursday)

15 Regular Push Ups

5 Diamond Push Ups
10 Dips
10 Arching Push Ups (Your hips will be low to the ground and your chest will be
10 Decline Push Ups
10 Dips on Straight Bar

Rest for 2 minutes than go through all of them again until you finish 4 sets.
After you are done with Chest Insanity than go on to Back Brutality

Back Brutality: 3 Cycles (Monday-Thursday)

10 Wide Pull Ups

5 Close Grip Pull Ups
5 Wide Grip Behind Neck Pull Ups
5 Shoulder Width Behind Neck Pull Ups
5 Upside Down Pull Ups
Arm Assassin: 5 Sets (Tuesday-Friday)

10 Shoulder Width Chin Ups

20 Wide Grip Australian Chin Ups
10 Dips
20 Bench Dips
10 Close Grip Chin Ups
20 Close Grip Australian Chin Ups
10 Dips on Straight Bar
20 Bench Dips
Leg Shocker Routine: 5 Cycles (Wednesday-Saturday)

10 Pistol Squats on each leg

20 Hannibal Squats (I call these Hannibal Squats because I learned them from
Hannibal. Basically you have your feet together as you do a no-weight squat.
15 Pyramid Calf Raises (15,14,13�) (Stay on one leg until the pyramid is done.
Ie- do 15 calf raises, rest for 1-2 seconds, than do 14, and so on�)
20 In & Out Squat Jumps (Squat with your feet together, come all the way up and
jump out to a squat with your feet out wide. That�s one rep.)
20 Lunge Walks
1m Wall Sit

-Zoran front lever endurance set
Front lever (max hold)
Forearm front lever (straight bar victorian)
One arm -one forearm front lever dx/sx
Wide front lever



Front lever. My favourite element is for sure the one handed planche. But this
Front lever. I have been asked many times about this element.
I dont do any kind of specific training for this, or any other element of workout.
I am just trying, attempting the elements and its variations,
I used to hold bad forms even when I started learning this element, almost three
years ago now.
Also, dragon flag and weighted L sits are good exercises to speed up the process of
learning front lever, and core strenghting.
After basic front lever hold improvement, work on the front lever pull ups WITH
Then, hold it in position of pull up, with your lower stomach toucheing the bar,
The next step up is hold of the forearms front lever on the single bar, with the
bar placed closer to your wrist then to your elbow.
Next is 'assisted victorian' cross, the element you hold on the parallel bars.
With time, hold it with as less your forearms placed on the bars, and with wider
and wider parallels, until it lays stable on the FALSE GRIP.
Then, the 'almost there' exercise is dragon press.
This element is often performed so wrong way..
Your higher back should be touching the floor only.
Don't get me wrong, if you hold it with only with your legs and ass off the floor,
it's still hard.
But come on, if you want victorian cross...... Then, start feeling comfortable with
They should be 'still'. Do some attempts with 'HUGE FALSE GRIP' and just
negatives(slow fall) and you know you are on the level now.
Just reduce it the 'FALSE GRIP


First of all, as always..SHOES OFF!
For learning the victorian cross you don't need to work hard for 40 seconds up to 1
minute of front lever hold, or yeah, you also don't need those 30 seconds of good
Front lever for victorian cross it still needs to feel like the "resting position".
Do negatives for front lever, weighted(ankles) L sit holds, pull ups and everything
that will help you get some additional strenght for body parts that front lever is
making you activate.
I always held front lever with bent arms in my first year of this sport, which made
my triceps stronger for "front lever touch" and front lever pull ups in general.
So, I've improved my form over the time(you can find my video if you are willing to
scroll down my profile for an example).
Here it is, in order, what you should learn:
Front lever,
front lever pull ups,
front lever touch,
wide front lever,
dragon press,
"assisted" victorian cross on p-bars,
victorian cross on rings.
Wide front lever will somehow be easier/harder for some of you than the dragon
press or any of those harder ones.
After achieving each one of those, make sure that you do them with THE FUCKING
Don't just move straight or gay into the assisted victorian if you are not pulling
the full roms or if you're not pulling symmetrical with upper and lower body(dont
let your legs fall down, or your scapula lose it's place.
For wide front lever just make sure that you are not doing it with false grip(the
only variation here that shall be done like this) for gaining an extra strenght for
victorian, and progress making it wider and wider lever by time.
Dragon press is being learned by one leg holds or doing negatives, YOUR UPPER BACK
Victorian cross on p-bars.. close p-bars, moving on to wider ones and do fucking
bananas(form shall not be so much fucked up if you progressed perfectly in previous
variations and elements that I've mentioned ok).
One leg holds, and form improving. After you get comfortable with those..time for


No, one handed planche is neither easier or harder than the full one.
It all depends on what you train more.
Different muscles are active.
Well, 30 seconds of tuck planche.
Then straddle planche lean holds just to get the feel of muscles activations.
Then try to go from tuck into something like bent legs straddle planche.
After that jump from lean position to straddle planche, destroying your form(one
hand bent a bit, legs a bit higher, or "book form") until you become able to hold
that, then you improve your form, and after 8 seconds of good form you are able to
perform the same with "your legs together".
After stabile hold try to press straddle planche to handstand, and from handstand
down low to full planche as good as you can.
So, that's how I learned it.
No tips no tricks.
Only thing you can add to gain some extra shoulder strenght are pseudo push ups and
handstand push ups wall assisted(feets touching the wall), and handstand presses.
This will also help before you are able to do 30 seconds of tuck planche.
My motivation was Nik Anisimov, in his 'n1k sense of style', 'n1k force of mind'
videos on hid youtube channel, when he was a strong guy. (:


Just because I never reply to those kind of messages..
This is smth like..written tutorial.
One handed planche.
The most special element.
THE MOST IMPORTANT: to start learning this, you don't need one handstand(not even
two handed banana), planche(not even adv. tuck with two), or crocodile(it's even
harder to balance for me
So, main exercise is side planche, you need about 10 seconds on the floor.
It also warms up and stretches your body parts needed for planche, one handed one.
After this hold achievement, you can start jumping into one handed planche
position(upper body and hip less parallel to the ground then planche should look,
more to side(more to flag at the start)).
After jump, use your fingers on the other hand to touch the floor and stabilize it
and hold like that assisted.
I did 3 seconds after about 4 months of those.
And yeah, airbaby one handed helps alot, but it destroys your skin if you don't
protect your elbow from your knee.
Also, 'side' front lever gives an extra strenght to the muscles.
Or lighter exercises such us windmills.
So yeah, one handed planche is so special.
*Here are some transitions of mine, and variations, harder to harder.
I never achieved PERFECT one handed planche push up, and hold on the rings, that
second shit feels so impossible ahah.

However, this variation is far from easy, or incorrect form.
In my opinion, it's equaly, if not even a bit harder then assisted victorian cross
on the p-bars with, ofcourse regular scapular retraction.
It makes it hard the fact is impossible to breath(in my case) while holding, and
head preasure is like the begginer back lever held.
This hyper version should be done with:
1-hips closer to the bar
2-toes in line with the head.
Or it's just for real a bad form lever

First of all..SHOES OFF.
And 15 minutes up to half an hour of warm up, if you dont wanna say "FUCK,
TENDONITIS", and make sure that your wrist flexibility is avarage smth.
Do the muscle up, rotate yourself 180� and make your ass sit on the bar(or just sit
on the bar any fucking way you want to ok).
Make a false grip, your thumbs are always UNDER the bar, and do negatives.
After you get comfortable with those, try to do this same shit down, but this time
with pulling back up.
It doesnt matter if you are not even going far from "korean dip" position at the
start, as much as it matters to do it slowly and with full controll of the both
arms timing.
At the beggining arch your lower back, so you will gain some extra power for the
Also, after those attempts do some other "basic" exercices for strenght developing
in body parts for hefesto:
chin ups, one handed chin ups, hefesto on the floor(lol dat is impossibru, just
find some lower bar and place your legs as much behind the bar as possible, to make
it harder
(with same princip of warm up and false grip grabbing)).
Back lever hefesto?
Get comfortable with the chin grip back lever, thats the easiest thing
(I dont even count back lever as the element as long as you are not doing hefesto
from there, or holding the wide ass shit one, but no one gives a fuck ah).
How many regular hefestos for this one?
Well, number is just not important, I only guess that you can't go with 0..
It's about the hefesto quality(form, control, speed(-)).
Sit on the bar again(is yo ass painfull dang), make the same false grip, and go for
those negatives, but this time..dont go into the "inverted swing" position, but to
the back lever.
*keep your core flexed all the time.
Armwrwstling helps alot.
Finally unlocked the full planche press on thumbs and "diamond" back lever hefesto.
*funny thing: this variation of hefesto is much easier then the regular one..if you
can stand the pain.


-Straddle Planche Tutorial

So your training should look like this when u are able to do the frog stand
1. FROG STAND:Max sets Max hold of frog stand until u reach 30 sec of it,u can do
push ups variations after u are done with frog stand training
2. ELEPHANT STAND:Max sets Max hold of elephant stand until u reach 30 sec,also do
dips or push ups after the max hold training
3. TUCK PLANCHE: when u reach the tuck planche u can add excercises like pseudo
push ups,lean holds etc,how my training looked when i learned tuck planche:
*max set max hold tuck planche
*max sets max holds of lean holds(u dont have to do max,just find a number of hold
that u are comfortable)
*max sets max hold of push ups against the wall
4. ADVANCE TUCK: max hold max sets,what u can add:
*straddle planche attempts
*Handstand push ups,without the wall(as many as u can,even one,max sets)
*Pseudo push ups
* Tuck planche press (also with bent arms)

-Front Lever Routine 1(It is a routine for those who manage to keep at least 10
seconds of full front lever)
2 x Full front lever max
2 x Half lay front lever max
2 x Advance tuck front lever max
4 x Tuck front lever max
1 minute rest between sets

-Front Lever Routine 2

3 x Full front lever pull up max reps
1 x Half lay front lever pull up max reps
1 x Straddle front lever pull up max reps
2 x One leg front lever pull up max reps
1 x Advance tuck front lever pull up max reps
1 x Straddle front lever max
2 x One leg front lever max
1 x Advance tuck front lever max


Volete la partenza di OAP forte?
Benissimo, provate il DEAD OAP.
Busto inarcato e qualsiasi cosa completamente deattivata, trazionate fino a circa
90� mantenendo tale assetto.
Avete mai sentito i CRAMPI AL DORSALE? Con questo esercizio li sentirete.
Questo �, a mio avviso, il miglior esercizio per la partenza dell'OAP, senza
sfruttare la contrazione sinergica degli altri muscoli.

Do you want a strong OAP start?
Well, try the DEAD OAP.
Arched body and everything completely deactivated, pull until 90� keeping this
This, to my advice, is the best exercises for a strong OAP start , without using
synergic contraction of other muscles.
-Did some supersets today in Rome!
30 sets of :
1 Front Lever Pull Up above full ROM + 1 Reverse Muscle Up curling up from back
lever +1 No false grip Inverted Cross Press to Handstand (below 90� or from perfect
Cross with knees on straps)
After that I did 17 sets of :
Biceps Front Lever Curl +Slow Impossible MU + Pseudo (feet on ground) FL to
Victorian with straight arms +Pseudo Pineda with straight arms

-Gymnastics ab workout
(50 Hollow rocks + arch ups for advanced)
40 Hollow rocks + arch ups
30 Hollow rocks + arch ups
20 Hollow rocks + arch ups
10 Hollow rocks + arch ups


(Google Translate)
The group body is just a starting point for Russia(Planche?), and Russia has a
great variety of ways to use it to train Russia very slowly.
First, the characteristics of this action on the arm lean forward parallel to the
body, also known as 'horizontal support'.
Now let me talk about the muscle strength and endurance needed for this action.
Deltoid, bicep, pectoral, latissimus dorsi, buttocks, can be said that the whole
body into.
Training methods.
The first step, you have to overcome the pressure exerted by your forearm, shoulder
pressure, feet parallel to the stool on the bench, back and forth pressure or
You can make your feet jump when you are familiar with this action is very useful
to overcome the arm pressure.
Muscle strength training, flat before, deltoid, pull-ups, barbell rowing,
practicing the back. In short the strength in accordance with the practice of
bodybuilding, an action that needs muscle strength, to practice that aspect.
Everything is to adapt to pressure! ! !


Russian Push-up (Planche push up)
Russian push-ups are formed by ordinary push-ups + gymnastics + acrobatics, which
can be said to be a comprehensive and complex strength training method,
because it can basically train many muscles above the crotch at the same time, so
it is more and more favored by strength trainers.
This Russian push-ups need long-term hard training to achieve, it requires strong
arm strength, wrist strength, back muscle strength and coordination.
Chinese name: Russian push up
Foreign name: Planche push-up
Type: A Static Supporting Action with Super Difficulty
Classification: Russian upright support, Russian upright push-ups
Effect: Mainly enhance arm and core strength
Emphasis: strength training

1 Classification
2 Role
3 Notes
4 Exercise Methods (1)

Phase I:
Phase II:
Phase III:
Phase IV:

According to the height of the body, it can be divided into two categories:
high-posture Russian takeup and low-posture Russian takeup.

Developing Power Quality

Russian push-ups
Russian push-ups (3)

Its main function is to develop the whole human upper limb strength, which can
improve the static and dynamic strength quality of the human body.
It can play an important role in developing balance and supporting capacity.
It can improve the central nervous system, which is beneficial to the firmness of
bone, the flexibility of joints, the firmness of ligaments, the strength and
elasticity of muscles.
At the same time, it can accelerate blood circulation, increase vital capacity,
promote growth and development, and improve sports ability.

Motion Stage Method

At the beginning of the exercise, you should start with the waist push-ups.
When you feel skilled in the waist push-ups, you should try to get together (hands
up, legs don't touch the ground).
After the beginners are proficient in the training, they begin to move up to the
advanced level.
The next step of the senior group is to split the legs, and it is close to success.

If the senior can hold up for a long time, try to stretch the legs slowly backward,
while stretching, it is better to lean forward slightly in order to maintain
When the split leg can reach 15 seconds, you can do the combined leg exercises!
Enhance physical fitness and health
Regular and comprehensive exercise is beneficial to physical and mental
It can regulate people's psychology, make people energetic, and play a role in
strengthening the body, cultivating sentiment and training the will.
Matters needing attention

1. Because this kind of push-ups is very difficult, we should step by step, from
easy to difficult, from less to more, from light to heavy.
2. This kind of push-ups can not be done by ordinary people, so according to their
physical condition, control the exercise load, do not try forcibly.
3. Be prepared and relax to prevent injury and muscle stiffness.
4. Minors and the elderly are forbidden to practise, and there is no physical basis
for them. Patients with heart disease and hypertension are forbidden to practise.

Exercise methods

The first stage:

Tuck Planche (group stability): each group maintains 5-10S, so that the total load
time reaches 60S, the ultimate goal is to maintain 60S in group 1, and then proceed
to the next stage [1]

The second stage:

Advance Tuck Planche maintains 5-10S for each group to achieve a total load time of
The ultimate goal is to maintain a group of 60S and then proceed to the next stage.

The third stage:

Planche half lay
Compared with the split-leg(straddle) Russian stirring, the half-lying Russian
stirring will greatly increase the pressure on the lower back,
although the pressure still exists, but compared with the standard Russian
stirring, the action pressure of split-leg Russian stirring is significantly less
than the former.
The training points of the previous chapters concerning various Russian Ting
variants are still applicable here.
The body leans forward more, keeping the hips and back in line while straightening
the elbows.
The main differences in this variant are knee bending, legs perpendicular to thighs
and feet pointing to the ceiling.

Straddle Planche:
1. AdvanceTuckPlanche: 4 groups * 30 seconds
2. Sidemonkey or vertjump in standing position: 4 groups * 20-30 times
3. Plank (Flat or Weight-bearing Flat Supporting Transverse Abdominal Muscle
Exercise) 4 groups*60 seconds
4. Take 2 days a week to try out the split-leg Russian stretch.
Note: This kind of training is very painful in the early stage.
Continuous training of 5-6 groups is enough, but after completing the first stage,
your adaptability will become stronger, and this kind of training belongs to static
training, i.e. isometric contraction.
Compared with three muscle contraction modes: centrifugal, centripetal and
isometric contraction, it brings the weakest muscle soreness.
Later, it can be used as strength endurance training, plus more groups. Experience
is added to 10 groups.
Reminder is to practice at least once every other day, because muscles need to

The fourth stage:

When the Russian stand can hold for 12-15 seconds, it increases.
1) Advance Tuck Planche PushUp (i.e. push-ups with Advance Tuck Planche posture)
2) Weight-bearing flat support (weight-bearing and self-weight equivalent, you can
sit alone on your waist to maintain stability) 20S * 4-6 groups.
If properly trained, the time to practice this movement may be 6 months for basic
fitness enthusiasts, and nearly 1 and a half years for poor basic fitness
It may take 2 years to do Russian push-ups skillfully.
Not everyone can do it, but the bare-handed training involved in it is worth
referring to.
Specific note: Practice this action best fingertips on both sides, so as to
increase shoulder joint space, avoid biceps muscle tendon squeeze, can also avoid
wrist due to poor flexibility.

-Planche for beginners

WORKOUT EXC 1-) Plank lean hold 5sec 4x

2-) Plank lean back & forth 10x
3-) Knee plank lean hold 20 sec 4x
4-) Knee plank lean back & forth 15x

5-) Dumbbell straight arm raises 10x each



WORKOUT EXC 1-) Pike lean hold 5sec 4x

2-) Pike lean back & forth 10x
3-) Plank arch to hollow 15x
4-) Boat hold compressions 10x
5-) Scapulas push ups 10x
6-) Dumbbell straight arm raises 10x each


WORKOUT EXC 1-) Fake tuck planche hold 5sec 4x

2-) fake tuck planche jumps 10x
3-) Pike lean hold max 4x
4-) Dumbbell straight arm raises 10x each


WORKOUT EXC 1-) Tuck Planche hold 5sec 5x

2-) Plank to tuck Planche 8x
3-) Tuck L-sit to tuck planche 10x

4-) Tuck planche pumps 10x

5-) Dumbbell straight arm raises 10x each


WORKOUT EXC 1-) High tuck Planche hold 5sec 4x

2-) Tuck planche lean back & forth 8x
3-) Tuck L-sit to tuck planche press 10x
4-) Tuck planche hold max 4x
5-) Dumbbell+band straight arm raises 10x each
-Straddle planche
STEP 1-) Waistline pseudo hold 20 sec
WORKOUT EXC 1-) Waistline pseudo hold against the wall 5sec 4x
2-) Pseudo push ups against the wall 10x
3-) Waistline pseudo negative against the wall 8x
4-) Straight arm plank lean hold 15 sec 4x

STEP 2-) Straddle bend arm Planche 15 sec hold

WORKOUT EXC 1-) Straddle bend arm planche hold 5sec 4x
2-) Tuck planche to straddle bend arm planche 5x
3-) Straddle bend arm planche jumps + max hold 10x
4-) Waistline straddle pseudo push ups 10x

STEP 3-) Straddle bend arm planche push ups

WORKOUT EXC 1-) Straddle bend arm pumps 5x
2-) Straddle bend arm planche high push up 5x.
3-) Straddle planche negatives 8x
4-) Straight arm straddle plank lean hold 10sec 4x

STEP 4-) Straddle Planche hold

WORKOUT EXC 1-) Straddle planche Jumps 5x
2-) Tuck planche to straddle planche 5x
3-) High bend arm straddle planche 5 sec hold 4x
4-) Straight arm straddle plank lean hold 15sec 4x
-Full planche
1-) Straddle planche max hold 4x
2-) Straddle planche pumps 5x
3-) Tuck planche to straddle bend arm planche 4x
4-) Straight arms plank lean 20sec hold 4x

STEP 2-) PLANCHE SINGLE LEG ( 8sec ) each leg

1-) Planche single leg max hold 3x each leg
2-) Planche switching legs to failure 4x
3-) Tuck planche to single leg planche 5x each leg
4-) Single leg planche pumps 5x each leg


1-) Straddle planche to full planche max hold 4x
2-) tuck planche to full planche till failure 4x
3-) Tuck planche to bend arm full planche 5x
4-) Straight arm plank lean 20sec hold 4x

-Planche training
Level 1-2-3 1 breath=1 push up
Diamond push up 30-40-50
Archer push up (dx/sx) 20-25-30
Pseudo planche push up 25-30-35
One arm plank hold (dx/sx) 60"-75"-90"
Pike push up 30-35-40
Planche lean 30"-40"-50"
Pike loops push up 30-35-40
Tuck planche push up 15-20-25
L sit to l planche push up 5-10-15
Handstand push up with wall 15-20-25
L sit to tuck planche push up 5-10-15
Tuck planche to full planche 5-10-15
1 leg planche (dx/sx) 3(10" hold)-6(15")-9(20")
Tuck planche push up 15-20-25

1 walking front lever raise (4")
5 crank
1 walking front lever raises (3")
4 crank

-Front lever in 4 weeks
10-20 series x max 60"-90" rest
5" Adv. tuck f.l. + 5" top hold x max supersetted with 5 f.l. L rows + 5" top hold
x max
F.l. raises
F.l. negatives
F.l. bycicle (3"-5" each leg)

-Hannibal for Kings planche in 4 weeks

-Handstand in 4 weeks
Free Handstand Attempts 10-20 sets (at least 5" hold)
Wall assisted Handstand Push-ups 5 x 10 sets x 10 reps
Handstand against the wall (Back to the wall) 5-10 x 10"-15"
Handstand against the wall (Chest to the wall) Do 2 minute hold in total
Free Handstand Attempts 10 sets (at least 5" hold)

-7 exercises for better muscle up

PULL Exercise #1: high pull-ups 10 sets x 5 reps
PULL Exercise #2: plyo pull-ups 10 x 5
PULL Exercise #3: bunny hop pull-ups 5 x 10

PUSH Exercise #1: bar dips 5 x 10

PUSH Exercise #2: plyo bench push-ups 10 x 5
PUSH Exercise #3: freestyle plyo push-ups 5 x max reps

LIGAMENT Exercise: Slow muscle up attempt 5 x max time (this is not static, try to
get your elbows above the bar)


-How i started Calisthenics - ALL ROUTINES

First routine: 60"-90" rest
Every set that is not max reps is 16 reps on first set , 14 the second and 12 the

Max wide pull ups + max wide push up

Max close grip chin up + max close push up
Max chin ups + max decline wide push up
3 x b.w. skullcrushers + hefesto curls
3 x max dips + b.w. rows
3 x Pike push up + max lower back extensions
50 crunches

Second routine: Push-Pull split

As many pull up as possible in 1 hour
Changing the grip every set in this way= wide,close,chin up
Once you can't do anymore pull up switch to b.w. rows

As many push up and crunches as possible in 1 hour
Changing the push up variation every set in this way= regular,close,wide
Once you can't do anymore push up do them on knees

-Front lever example routine 1

3 x max progression hold
25 Progression f.l. presses (fastest possible time)
25 Progression f.l. rows (fastest possible time)
50 pull up + 150 push up (fastest possible time)
2 x max hollow body hold
2 x max reverse hollow body hold

-Front lever example routine 2

3 x 12 Pull up + 30 push up
2 x Pull up pyramid max with 15" rest
5 x 5 Negatives
5 x Max resistance band f.l. hold
3 x Max b.w. rows
3 x Max dips
3 x Max b.w. skullcrushers

-Muscle up example routine 1 /90"-120" rest/

5 x 5 High pull ups
5 x Max pull up + dips
3 x Max b.w. skullcrushers + b.w. rows
3 x Max wall handstand hold
2 x Max plank + side plank
2 x Max lower back extensions

-Muscle up example routine 2 /120"-180" rest/

5 x Max partial fast pull up + bar dips
5 x Max progression f.l. hold + progression planche hold
3 x Max l sito hold + handstand hold
1 x 50 Pull ups + 150 push up (fastest possible time)
2 x Max crunches + russian twist
2 x Max reverse hollow body hold

-Muscle up example routine 3 /120"-180" rest/

3 x Max muscle up + pull up + bar dips
3 x Max strict muscle up with resistance band
3 x Max push up + b.w. skullcrushers
3 x Max b.w. rows + wall handstand hold
2 x Max hollow body hold + oblique crunches + airplaning

-Impossible dip example routine 1 / 90" rest/

3 x Max negatives with hold
3 x Max feet assisted imp. dip
3 x Max dips
3 x Max straight arm lean back on bars
3 x Max straight arm lean back on floor
5 x Max push ups

-Impossible dip example routine 2 /90" rest/

3 x Max negatives with hold + progression f.l. hold
3 x Max straight arm lean back on bars + planche lean
3 x Max band assisted imp. dip + wide pull ups
3 x Max straight bar dips + chin ups
5 x Max dips + supinated b.w. rows
5 x Max b.w. skullcrushers + hefesto curls

-Impossible dip example routine 3 /90" rest/

10 x Max band assisted imp. dip
100 dips + 100 push up + 100 b.w. skullcrushers (fastest possible time)

-------------------------ABSTEEL COURSE (TEAM VADYM-BUFF


JUMPING JACKS (1-3 min of 3-5 sets between the sets, 30 sec or 1 minute rest)
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS (1.30-3 min of 3-5 sets between the sets, you can rest 30 sec)
TWISTED MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS (1-3 min of 3-5 sets with 25 sec rest between the sets)
BURPEES (15-30 reps of 3-5 sets with 1 min rest between the sets)
CROSS LEG KICKS (30 sec of work of 5-7 sets rest between the sets 15 sec)

Remember to not drink water in your core session

TEAM VADYM KICKS (10 reps of 5 sets between the sets 15 sec rest)
PLANK (start from 30 of 3 sets with a rest between the sets 30 sec,you can increase
your time of holding +30sec every 1 week)
SIDE PLANK (start from 30 sec hold of 3 sets with a rest between the sets 30
sec,you can increase your time of holding +30sec every 1 week when you getting
stronger 3-5 minutes in 1 set it will be enough)
CRUNCH (25 reps of 5 sets with 45 sec rest between the sets)
TEAM VADYM CURLS (30 reps of 3 sets with 15 sec rest between the sets)

SAMBO CRUNCH (30 reps of 5 sets with 30 sec rest between the sets)
SIDE WEIGHT CRUNCHES (20 reps per side 3 sets with 1 min rest between the sets)
TEAM VADYM TWISTS (30 reps of 5 sets with 30 sec rest between the sets)
TEAM VADYM WEIGHT LIFT (20 reps of 5 sets with 1 min rest between the sets)
TEAM VADYM COMPRESSED HOLD (30 sec hold of 5 sets with 45 sec rest between the
sets,every week you can increase your time +30 sec at the end 3-5 min of this
holding will be enough)

ABS PULL OVER (1.30 min of 3 sets with 30 sec rest between the sets)
BICYCLE (30 sec of 5 sets with 15 sec rest between the sets)
SCISSORS (1 minute of 3 sets with 30 sec rest between the sets)
WALL CLIMBERS (1.30 of 3 sets with 45 sec rest between the sets)
BAR KNEE RAISE (20 reps of 3 sets with 30 sec rest between the sets)
BAR SIDE KNEE RAISES (20 reps 10 reps per side with 30 sec rest between the sets)

TEAM VADYM TOES TO BAR (10-15 reps of 3-5 sets with 1 min rest between the sets)
TEAM VADYM BAR L-SIT (Holding from 30sec-1 min of 5 sets with 1 min rest between
the sets)
TEAM VADYM ADVANCED TOES TO BAR (15 reps of 3 sets with 1.30 rest between the sets)
TEAM VADYM SAMBO CRUNCHES (50 reps of 3 sets with 1 min rest between the sets)

BAR L-SIT TO BICYCLE (45 sec-1 min of 3-5 sets with 30 sec rest between the sets)
BAR SCISSORS ((45 sec-1 min of 3-5 sets with 30 sec rest between the sets)
BAR WALL CLIMBERS ((45 sec-1 min of 3-5 sets with 30 sec rest between the sets)
PLANK (2 minute hold of 5 sets with 1 min rest between the sets)

AROUND THE WORLD (20 reps 10 per side of 5 sets with 45 sec rest between the sets)
WINDSHIELD WIPERS (30 reps 15 per side of 5 sets with 1 min rest between the sets)
PARALLEL BARS KNEE RAISES (30 reps of 3-5 set with 45 sec rest between the sets)
TEAM VADYM PARALLEL BARS SIDE RAISES (40 reps 20 per side of 4 sets with 30 sec
between the sets)
PARALLEL BARS L-SIT RAISES (10-15 reps of 3 sets with 20 sec rest between the sets;
PARALLEL BARS ADVANCED RAISES (15 reps of 5 sets with 30 sec rest between the sets)

L-SIT HOLD (1 min of 5 sets with 1 min rest between the sets)
L-SIT TO BAR (15 reps of 5 sets with 1 min rest between the sets)
DRAGON FLAG (10 reps of 5 sets with 1 min rest between the sets)

BENCH LEG RAISES (30 reps of 3 sets with 15 sec rest between the sets)
DRAGON FLAG BENCH RAISES (30 sec of doing this exercise of 5 sets and 45 sec rest
between the sets)
BENCH BODY CURLS (15 reps of 5 sets with 30 sec rest between the sets)
BENCH WEIGHT CRUNCHES (10-20 reps of 3-5 sets with 1 min rest between the sets)
BENCH SIDE WEIGHT TWISTS (20-40 reps 10-20 per side of 3-5 sets with 1 min rest
between the sets)

BENCH WEIGHT PULL OVER (30 reps of 3 sets with 45 sec rest between the sets)
BENCH WEIGHT PUSH (20 reps of 3 sets with 1 min rest between the sets(
BENCH ROWING (20 reps of 3 sets with 1.30 min rest between the sets)
BENCH BAR PUSH (10 reps of 3 sets with 30 sec rest between the sets)

Home workout sets
Ep. 1 Shoulder (10 sets / 1-2 min rest)
Deep push up x 5
L sit tucks x 10"-20"
Tuck planche push up x 5
L sit scissors x 10"-20"

Ep.2 Chest and triceps (10 sets / 1-2 min rest)

Lean diamond push up x 5-8
Tuck planche hold x 10"-20"
Clap push up x 5-8
L sit hold x 10"-15"

Ep. 3 Core and back (10 sets / 1-2 min rest)

L sit to tuck planche x 5-8
Abs roll x 5-8
Planche lean hold x max 5 attempts
Archer push up x 5-8

Ep. 4 Abs ( 10 sets / 1-2 min rest)

V ups x 8-10
Pike push up x 5-8
Plank 2 min
Tiger push up x 5-8

Ep.5 Legs (10 sets / 1-2 min rest)

Squat 90� x 10
Full squat x 10
Lunges x 10
+ 100 burpess(finisher)
Ep. 6 Triceps ( 10 sets / 1-2 min rest)
Bar close push up x 8
V sit hold x 20"
Triceps extension x 5-8
Wide push up x 5-10

Ep. 7 Abs and triceps (10 sets / 1-2 min rest)

X triceps extension x 5-8
L sit to v sit x 5-8
Explosive push up x 5-8
L sit to straddle planche x 5-10

Ep. 8 Explosive strength and core (10 sets / 1-2 min rest)
Spartan push up x 10-12
Maltese hollow body x 20"
Lalanne push up x 5-8
Mountain climbers x 15-20

Ep. 9 Grip, wrist and forearm (10 sets / 1-2 min rest)
Push up on fists x 5-8
Wrist twist with a weight x 5-8 (wrist pull up x 5-8)
Finger push up x 5-8
Fist triceps extension x 5-8

Ep.10 Leg routine Can't walk (10 sets / 1-2 min rest)
Close to wide squat x 20
Duck walk x 20"
Squat to lunge x 20 (squat + 1 lunge is 1 repetition)
Static squat x 20"-30"

-20 dips 20 push up x 20 set 60" rest

2 Superset
1)-10 pull ups/1mu/10dips/1mu/10dips/1mu/10dips/1mu/10dips/10pull ups.
/1dip/1mu/1dip/10pull ups.
-10 pull up 1 muscle up 40 dips 10 pull up
-10 pull ups and 20 dips (+50kg) x 15
-20/50/10 pull up/dips/pull up ------->20/60/20
-The routine is: 1 set: 10 pull ups + 15 dips + 15 push ups - everything with no
rest. The total is 30 sets. The rest between the set for one person is the time
that the second person is doing it.

Supersets episodes
Ep. 1
-1 muscle up 5 dip x 2 / 1 muscle up 4 dip x 2 / 1 muscle up 3 dip x 2 / 1muscle
up 2 dip x 2 / 1 muscle up 1 dip x 2 / 11 pull up
-5 muscle up 5 dip / 4 muscle up 4 dip / 3 muscle up 3 dip / 2 muscle up 2 dip / 1
muscle up 1 dip / 7 pull up(10)
-10 muscle up 30 dip 10 pull up
-10 pull up 1 muscle up 40 dip 10 pull up

Ep. 2
-10 Straddle planche push up 10 adv. tuck planche push up 10 dip 5 deep dips

Ep. 3
-Superset is: 1 muscle up 1 bar dip 10 times - then 10 dips and to pull ups without
letting go the bar
Ep. 4

Ep. 5
-First superset - 10 pull ups, (muscle up, 10 dips) x 4 times, 10 pull ups
-Second Superset (+10kg) - 5 MU, 10 dips, 10 pull ups

Ep. 6
First superset (1Pull up 1 muscle up 1 dip)x7+20 dip +10 pull up
Second Superset (+10kg) 10 pull up 5 muscle up 10 dip 5 pull up

-Muscle up routines



--------------------------------------------------------Muscle up
Day 1
10 regular pull up after every reps you hold the bar for 3 second in each static
Your head over the bar
Under the bar
Dead hang
Regular push up
20 reps after every rep you hold for 5 second on 90 degree
Than you go down to finish full movement and push yourself Up
Than you back to the bar and repeat first set
Regular dips
15 reps after every rep you hold for 5 second on 90 degree than you go more down
than 90 degree to
finish full movement and push yourself Up and repeat it 15 reps
Its one circle (repeat it 3 times)
10 regular pull ups on the last one hold the bar your had over bar try to hold 10-
15 second only in one
position had over the bar
20 regular push up on the last one you hold on 90 degree for 20 second than try to
pushing up and finish
your push up after last rep
Regular dips 15 reps on the last one hold on 90 degree for 15 second than try to
push yourself Up
Repeat it also 3 times
Day 2
1 close grip pull up
1 regular grip pull up
1 wide grip pull up
1 close chin up
1 different grip/change the hands another one
Try to do it without touch the ground
Than you go to the regular dips
1/2/3/4/5/5/4/3/2/1 after every rep you need to stop for 3 second in dead hand
position (position
before you start doind the dips)
1 dip 3 second pause 2/3-3/3-4/3-5/3-5/3-4/3-3/3-2/3-1/3
Than you back to the bar and repeat the same set but +1 rep,each grip 2 reps
withoit touching the
Bar dips
1/2/3/4/5/5/4/3/2/1 after every rep you also hold for 3 second i mean make a pause
Than go back to the the same set +1 rep so each grip you doing 3 reps
Than the same set on regular dips
Than back to bar plus 1 each grip 4 reps
Than the same set on bar dips
Than back to the bar and make the last set plus 1 rep each grip 5 reps
Day 3
1 regular pull up 1 leg raises
2 regular push up 2 diamond push up
1 regular chin up 1 leg raises
4 regular push up 4 diamond push up
If you can do push in a row so you can like 10,10 rest again 10,10 rest)But still
you need to finish all of
them,and don't leave the bar after pull ups you can go down when you finish all
pull ups and leg raises
Day 4
Weight training
5 regular pull ups with 25 kg
5 regular push up with 25 kg
5 regular dips with 25kg
5 regular chin up with 25 kg
5 bar dips with 25kg
Its one circle
First 5 circles try to finish with 25 kg,if you will feel good so finish another 5
circles with the same
weight,if not bring 20 kg or 15 kg .Together its need to be 10 circle
Day 5
1 minute jumping rope as fast as you can
30 burpees
10 clap pull up over the bar
1 minute jumping rope
10 leg raises
1 minute jumping rope
10 regular dips
1minute jumping rope
1 pull up,1 leg raises
2 pull up,2 leg raises
1 minute jumping rope
That how looks your 1 circle (i want you to repeat it at least 3 times)
Between every exercise you can't drink alot of water,just a little bit,the better
if you will drink after all set
Day 6
1 leg raises 1 regular pull up than hold for 3 second your had over the bar,under
the bar
2 leg raises,2 pull up again hold for 3 second in each position
3 leg raises 3 pull up hold for 3 second in each position
4 leg raises 4 pull up hold for 3 second in each position
5/5 hold 3 sec in each position
5/5 hold 3 sec in each position
4/4 hold 3 sec in each position
3/3 hold 3 sec in each position
2/2 hold 3 sec in each position
1/1 hold 3 sec in each position
This set you need to do from 1-5 without touch the ground than you can rest and
from 5-1 without touching the ground

Regular dips
5 sets of 5 reps of the exercise called Russian Dips
Its one set repeat it 3 times

1 regular pull up than you change the grip to the regular chin up doing 1 regular
chin up,than again
change your grip to the regular grip again 1 than again change to the regular chin
Do 5 sets of 10
Day 7
10 clap pull ups over the bar
10 clap push ups in front of you
10 regular dips than hold for 10 second with a straight in position before you
start doing the dips than 9
dips 9 second hold
Than plus 15 kg
You go to make 50 regular pull ups
5 pull up 20 second rest 10 sets after every pull ups you can rest no more than 20
After you go to the bar dips and doing
10 bar dips 10 second hold with a straight hands
Its one circle,repeat it 2 times)
Day 8
30 second hold on the bar than 6 pull up with a regular grip
25 second hold 5 pull up
20 second hold 4 pull up
(You need to hold in dead hand)
30 bench dips
2 minute
Mountain climbers
15 regular chin ups
20 regular dips
2 minute plank
30 berpee
Its one circle,you need to do it without any rest
Repeat it 5 times
Day 9
5 close grip L-sit pull ups
5 close chin up L-sip pull ups
2�5 deep regular dips(deep its mean your shoulder need to be more down than the
regulard dips)Or just try to go as low as it possible for you
Its one circle repeat it 6 times
Archer pull ups
2 reps left hand/2 reps right hand
Than you can rest like for 1 minute
And repeat it again 2 reps for each hands
You need to do 5 circles of it
The same thing
2 reps each side
Repeat it 5 times
Day 10
Close grip pull up
-10 kg 3 reps
-15 kg 3 reps
-20 kg 3 reps
-25 kg 3 reps
-30kg reps
Regular dips
-20kg 3 reps
-25kg 3 repS
-30kg 3 reps
-35kg 3 reps
Regular grip
-10 kg 3 reps
-15 kg 3 reps
-20 kg 3 reps
-25 kg 3 reps
-30kg 3reps
Bar dips
-10 kg 3 reps
-15 kg 3 reps
-20 kg 3 reps
-25 kg 3 reps
-30kg 3reps
-35 kg 3 reps
Wide grip
-10 kg 3 reps
-15 kg 3 reps
-20 kg 3 reps
-25 kg 3 reps
-30kg 3reps
Regular push up
-20 kg 3 reps
-25 kg 3 reps
-30kg 3reps
-35kg 3 reps
-40kg 3 reps
Close chin up
-10 kg 3 reps
-15 kg 3 reps
-20 kg 3 reps
-25 kg 3 reps
-30kg 3reps
Regular dips
-20kg 3 reps
-25kg 3 repS
-30kg 3 reps
-35kg 3 reps
Day 11
5 pull close grip
After every pull up you stay with your had over the bar and put your legs in L-sit
position for 5
second after you push your legs down and slowly go down to dead hang position.
2 times 5 clap push behind your back
5 regular pull up with L-sit holding for 5 second in a top position your had over
the bar
15 bench dips (you need to touch the ground with your ass,all the way down more
than 90 degree
and up)
5 wide grip pull up with L-sit holding for 5 second in a top position your had over
the bar
10 regular dips with a clap in front of you,at the beginning you will touch the
ground with your fit it's
nothing bad (just try to push more explosive Up and make a clap as fast as you can)
5 close chin up with L-sit holding for 5 second in a top position your had over the
2 times 5 clap push up behind your back
Regular chin up 5 reps with L-sit holding for 5 second in a top position your had
over the bar
15 bench dips
Different regular grip (left hand regular grip,right hand chin up) with L-sit
holding for 5 second in a top
position your had over the bar,than rest and change the hands right regular
grip,left chin up)
10 regular dips with a clap in front of you
Day 12
30 burpees
1.30 minute mountain climbers
10 leg raises
1.30 minute jumping jacks
10 windshield wipers
15 regular pull ups
3 minute of jumping rope
Repeat this set 3 times
20 regular pull ups
20 bar dips
20 regular dips
20 regular chin up pull ups
20 reverse t-bar dips
Day 13
Leg session
Together it's need to be 5 sets-2 for warm up and 3 working
10 squats 40kg
10squats 70kg
12 squats 100kg
8squats 110kg
10squats 100kg
Press machine
200kg 20 reps
230kg 18 reps
260kg 16 reps
290kg 14 reps
320kg 12repa
Romain dead lift
50kg 3 sets of 10 reps
50kg 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg
50 kg 5 sets of 10 reps
On the end
10 jumps to 90 degree
10 full jumps ass to grass
10 langes jumps 5 each leg
This 3 exercise you need to do without rest,than 30 sec rest and you need to repeat
it 10 times)
That how looks legs program,you just put less weight on those exercise or more
weight because i
don't know how strong is your legs)
Day 14
2 regular pull up
5 diamond push up
4 regular pull up
5 regular push up
6 regular pull up
5 wide push up
8 regular pull up
15 regular dips
10 regular pull ups
15 bar dips
10 regular pull ups
10 diamond push ups
8 regular pull ups
10 regular push up
6 regular pull up
10 wide push up
4 regular pull up
15 regular dips
2 regular pull up
15 bar dips
Than you repeat the same but with a regular chin up)
Day 15
10 regular pull up 20 regular push
you repeat 3 times times
20 regular dips 10 regular chin up
you repeat this 3 times
5 regular pull up
5 regular chin up
20 bar dips
Repeat it 3 times also
1 regular pull up 1 leg raises 10 reps
20 burpee
1 minute of jumping rope
Repeat this 5 times
Knee raises put your knees to chest on bar and slowly go down 15 reps (3 sets) try
to do it without any keeping
Mountain climbers 1 minute (3sets)
Plank 2 minute (3 sets)
Side plank (left side 1 minute) (right side 1 minute) 2 sets for both sides
Half burpees its just a burpee without jumping up You put your knees to the chest
in push up position
and back
10 reps (3 sets)
And regular crunches 30 reps of 3 sets
Day 16
10 burpees
10 regular pull ups
10 burpees
10 regular pull ups
10 regular dips
10 regular pull ups
10 bar dips(its one circle,you can rest only when you finish all circle)You need to
kill 6 circles
Day 17
5 close grip L-sit pull up
5 close chin up L-sit pull ups
10 regular dips with claps of front of you
10 claps regular push ups
10 regular pull ups with claps over the bar
(its one circle,repeat it 10 times)
Day 18
Regular pull ups
10kg-3 pull up
15kg-3 pull up
20kg-3 pull up
25kg-3 pull up
30kg-3 pull up
35kg-1 pull up
40kg-1 pull up
45kg-1 pull up
50kg-1pull up
Try to repeat 5 times 1 pull up with 50 kg
The same you need to do with regular dips
Day 19
10 regular pull-ups,
10 reg push up,
10reg pull up ,
10 reg dips 10 reg pull up ,
10 bar dips.
Than you go to do everything (9 reps,and minus one like/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1)rest only
when you finish
one circle
Day 20
Regular pull ups 5 sec hold dead hang(its mean just hold the bar with straight
hands) 1 pull up,10
sec hold 2 pull up, 15 sec hold 3 pull up,20 sec 4 pull up,25 sec 5 pull up,30 sec
6 pull
up>everything you need to do without touch the ground.
Regular dips the same time and the same reps but you need to hold with a straight
hands also and
finish all without touch the ground
Regular push up
You start from normal static position before you start doing push up
5sec hold 1 push up 10/2-15/3-20/4-25/5-30/6-35/7-40/8-45/9-50/10
You hold up plus 5 sec to 50 sec and plus 1 to 10 push up
Its one circle repeat it 3-5 times
Day 21
1 regular pull up 1 leg raises 2/2-3/3-4/4-5/5-4/4-3/3-2/2-1/1 without touch the
1 regular dips 5 sec hold on 90 degree,2 dips 5 sec hold,3 dips 5 sec hold 4/5-5/5-
without touch the ground
2 reg push up/2 bar dips 4/4-6/6-8/8-10/10-8/8-6/6-4/4-2/2
Its one circle,repeat 5 times
Day 22
10 minutes you doing regular grip pull up as fast as you can,as much as you can
10 minute regular dips as fast as you can,as much as you can
10 minutes regular pull ups as fast as you can,as much as you can
10 minutes regular push ups as fast as you can,as much as you can
10 minutes regular pull ups as fast as you can,as much as you can
10 minutes bar dips as fast as you can,as much as you can
Its one circle,repeat it 3 times
Day 23
20 kg
10 regular pull ups 2 times 5 if you can't in a raw 10
20 regular dips 2 times 10
Repeat it 5 times
5 close grip pull up,5 close chin up,5 wide grip,5 regular chin up, 5 different
grip both hands,after
every grip you can rest
20 bar dips also with 20 kg in a raw
Repeat it 5 times
Day 24
5 muscle ups with rubber bands than 15 bar dips and 10 pull ups regular
You repeat this set 2 times
10 regular pull ups 5 muscle ups 15 bar dips
Repeat 2 times
3 muscle ups 5 bar dips,3 mu 5 bar dips,3 mu 5 bar dips 10 reg pull ups
Repeat it 2 times
10 reg dips 10 diamond push up 10 times 100 reps each exercise
Day 25
5 reg pull ups 5 reg push ups,
5 reg chin up 5 diamond push up its one circle repeat it 30 times
20 regular dips 1 min of plank for core,
15 reg dips 1 min of plank,
10 reg dips 1 min of plank,
5 reg dips 1 min of plank.
Than you go up from 5 to up 20 after every dips 1 min of plank
Day 26
5 regular muscle ups with rubber
15 diamond push up,
5 muscle up
15 regular push up,
5 muscle up
15 wide push up,
5 muscle up
10 regular dips(5 times),
5 muscle up 10 bar dips (5 times)
Day 27
3 close pull up,3 reg pull up,3 wide pull up,3 close chin up,3 regular chin up
everything without touch
the ground
10 diamond push up,10 regular push up,10 wide push up,5 diamond push up,5 regular
push up,5
wide push
Than you again repeat pull ups and after go to regular dips and doing this routine
Without touch the ground
2 dips 2 sec rest 4/4-6/6-8/8-10/10-8/8-6/6-4/4-2/2
Its one circle,repeat it 3 times
Day 28
5 reg pull up
10 burpees
repeat it 10 times
5 reg pull ups
10 reg dips
10 times
5 reg pull ups
10 bar dips
10 times
5 leg raises
5 regular pull up
5 leg raises
10 times
Day 29
10 close grip pull ups than 10 leg raises without touch the ground
10 diamond push up
10 close chin up 10 leg raises
10 regular push up
10 regular pull ups 10 leg raises
10 wide push up
10 wide pull ups 10 leg raises
10 regular dips
10 different grip pull up at first one side 10 leg raises
Than another one 10 different grip pull ups you change the hands 10 leg raises
Bar dips
Vadym Oleynik intensity workout
Day 1
-5 close pull up,5 normal pull up,5 wide pull up,5 close chin pull up,5 normal chin
pull up(you can do it without rest)
-15 diamond push up,15 normal push up,15 wide (than 10/10/10/5/5/5)
-20 normal pull up than one muscle up, 20 dip bar and 20 normal push up
-5 second hang hold one normal pull up 10 second 2 pull up/15 second 3 pull up/20
second 4 pull up/25 second 5 pull up/30 second 6 pull up
-On the dip bar ( 5 second straight arm hold 1 dip/10 sec 2 dip/15 sec 3 dip/20 sec
4 dip/25 sec 5 dip/30 sec 6 dip/35 sec 7 dip/40 sec 8 dip)
-5 normal push than 10 sec hold elbow on 90 degree /5 push 10 sec hold/5 push 10
sec hold/5 push up 10 sec hold/5 push up 10 sec hold
Day 2
-4 pull up one muscle up 10 bar dip, 3 pull 2 muscle up, 2 pull 3 muscle up, 1 pull
4 muscle up, 30 normal push up
-4 muscle up 1 pull up,3 muscle up 2 pull up,2 muscle up 3 pull up,1 muscle up 10
bar dip 4 pull up,30 dip on parallel bar
2 times first routine, 2 times second routine
Day 3
-10 normal pull up 20 normal push up (than rest 1 minute) do it 10 times together
it will be (100 pull up, 200 push up)
-10 dips on parallel bar 3 normal muscle ups rest 45 second 10 times
-5 L-sit pull up with close grip high pull up/5 chin high pull up with the close
grip (4 times normal close grip, and 4 times chin close grip)
-Burpees normal push up with jumping and claps �You have 10 minutes doing your max
without rest�
Day 4 - Work with weight
You can choice the weight what you prefer
Kg 12-14-16-20-24-28-32 or more
-10 pull up with regular grip 20 regular dips (5-10 circles)
Weight MU
Choice the weight with what you can do 5 MU and try to do 5 or 10 circles
Day 5 - Fat burning routines
-1 push up 1 pull up 1 leg raises (30 times)
-1 minute normal jumps on the jumping rope, 1 minute speed 1 minute doubles Jump
(together 5 minute normal, 5 minutes speed 5 minutes doubles)
Sprint running
-100 meters 45 second rest try that 5 times
-50 burpees normal push up with jump and claps
(Everything without rest) 3 cycles
Day 6 - Hard routine
Seven Dead circles
-1� cycle - 3 normal pull up 3 dips on parallel bars 1 muscle up
-2� cycle - 4 pull up 4 dips 2 muscle up
-3� cycle - 5 pull up 5 dips 3 muscle up
-4� cycle - 10 pull up 10 dips 5 muscle up
-5� cycle - 15 pull up 15 dips 5 muscle up
-6� cycle - 60 normal push up
-7� cycle - 10 muscle up
-1 normal pull up 2 normal push up,1 muscle up 4 normal push up/2 pull up,6 push
up,2 muscle up,8 push up(last reps 10 pull up,38 push up,10 muscle up 40 push up)
Day 7
Cardio and stretching
Jumping rope
-1 pull up 1 mu 1 bar dip 2 regular push up 2 diamond push up
-1 pull up 1 mu 1 bar dip 2 regular push up 2 diamond push up
-2 pull up 2 mu 2 regular dip 4 regular push up 4 diamond push up( two time you do
everything,i mean two time 1 two time 2 two time 3 and you go up
to 10 pull up 10 mu 10 bar dips 40 regular push up 40 diamond push up and again 10
pull up 10 mu 10 bar dip 40 regular push up 40 diamond push up)
-2 pull up 2 mu 2 bar dip 2 regular push up 4/4/4/4 /6/6/6/6 8/8/8/8 10/10/10/10
and down to 2
-10 front lever raises with close grip (all the grips to 90 degree, after full
raises you need to touch the bar with your abs)
-10 front lever raises with regular grip
-10 front lever raises with wide grip
-10 front lever raises with chin close grip
-10 front lever raises with regular chin grip
-5 times 5 full planche raises
-5 times 5 stradle planche raises
-5 regular pull up 10 regular push up 15 regular dips 20 bar dip 5 mu
-10 reg pull up 10 reg push up 15 reg dips 20 bar dips 10 mu
-15 reg pull up 10 reg push up 15 reg dips 20 bar dips 15 mu
-20 reg pull up 10 reg push up 15 reg dips 20 bar dips 20 mu
-100 burpees than 100 pull up than 100 straight leg raises
1 hour of cardio (you can do what you like)
-5 time 10 dragon flags
-50 reps of crunches hands and legs going up at the same moment 4 times
-10 jump squats to 90 degree 10 full jump squats 10jump lunges you do this 3
exercise without rest and repeat 10-20 times
-100 m sprint repeat 5 times with a 1.30 minute rest between
-10 pull up 5 mu 15 bar dip
-5 mu 10 pull up 1 mu 15 bar dips
-1 mu 15 bar dip 10 pull up 5 mu
-5 mu 15 bar dip 10 pull up
-archer pull ups 5 reps per hand without touch the ground 5 times
-jump on the long regular dips to the front than comeback 2 times without rest
and touching the ground
-high pull 5 as high as you can with close grip 3 times ,than middle grip and wide
-one arm pullup ( 5 rep per hand with a rubber assecuration, 5 rep per hand you
doing normal pull up than with one hand slowly try to go down)repeat all this 2
-Explosive regular dips( slowly go down than stop and go up as fast as you can 10
reps 3 times)
Spartans workout
5 pull up with a reg grip than 5 push with a reg grip 50 times without any
5 reg dips than 5 bar dips 50 times
50 times 5 mu
Weight session
To increse your strenght up
5 pull up 16 kg / 5pull up 20 kg / 5 pull up 24kg / 5 pul up 28kg / 5 pull up
32kg / 1 pull up 40kg /1-50kg /1-60kg
and go up as much as you can > the same thing with regular dips
-5 pull up 5 mu 5 pull 5 mu 10 bar dip 5 pull 5 sec hold on each position than
30 push (repeat
this 4 time,on the end you did always 30 push up)
Many people think that it is impossible to gain muscles with calisthenics. This
type of thinkign is wrong.
With calisthenics you can build lean muscles with pure strength, endurance and full
body control.
It will take more time then in bodybuilding, but it is still possible.
Also, the muscles that you build with your own weight will be more productive.
Train hard with pure dedication. With this program your achievements will be
I can tell you from my knowledge that if you mix ENDURANCE sessions with
CALISTHENICS WEIGHT sessions (also based on endurance), you build pure lean and
strong muscles.
In this program you will learn how to train in a proper way.
Also, in order to gain muscles you need to train maximum 4 days per week:
1st day: endurance session with a little weight;
2nd day � weight session;
3rd day � endurance session;
4th day � weight session;
After each training you need to rest 1 day and eat well. The food should be clean
and healthy.
In the last three days of the week (each of these three days).
I recommend doing cardio for at least 40 minutes (it could be jumping rope,
running, bike, climbing, swimming or cardio machines in your gym).
After cardio you should do full body stretching.
Remember: if you take rest for over 48 hours, you will start losing strength and
Your rest should be no longer than 48 hours.
Never do these routines without warming up.
Your warm up should be at least 20-30 minutes to get your muscles ready for this
hard work.
You should do all exercises with a good form:
Pull ups
Elbows out (never in) full range of motion (as you go up your chin should get over
the bar, as you go down your arms should straighten out),
your body should be straight and relaxed (dont put your chest to the front, also
relax the muscles that are not working in the exercise),
make effort to pull yourself up (dont make effort to lower your body, just relax it
and let it lower by itself).
Lower to 90 degree position only (never lower than that), your elbows should be out
in a 45 degree position approximately
(for weight sessions � elbows should be closer to the body than 45 degrees), make a
full range of motion (as you go up straighten up your arms).
Push ups
Elbows out, body straight, full range of motion.

Weight session.
Weight for pull ups/dips starts from 10 kg depending on your level. As you progress
this weight may go up to 60kg.
Weight on regular dips and pull ups should to be the same.
You may use the weight vest (especially if you are working with 20 kg or less) or
belt and hang the weight on a chain � or combination of both vest and belt.
-5 pull ups of close grip - 6 sets. 1-2 minute rest between sets.
-10 regular dips - after 5th dip each time you go down you make a static hold in 90
degree position for 5
sec - 3 sets.
-5 pull ups of wide grip - 6 sets. 1-2 minute rest between sets.
-10 regular dips - after 5th dip each time you go down you make a static hold in 90
degree position for 5
sec - 3 sets.
-5 pull up of close chin up. 1-2 minute rest between sets.
-10 regular dips - after 5th dip each time you go down you make a static hold in 90
degree position for 5
sec - 3 sets.

Endurance session
-10 regular pull ups
-20 regular dips
-10 regular pull ups
-20 regular push ups
Try not to rest or to rest as little as possible between these 4 exercises. These 4
exercises is one set. You need to make 20 sets.
It is possible that you will not be able to do all sets when you try this routine
for the first time.
However, put the goal to be able to do 20 sets.
When you are able to do 20 sets with no rest between rounds and just 1-2 minute
rest between sets � you can put on extra weight (starting with 5kg and up to 20kg
with time).

Weight session
First you do a superset (without letting the bar go):
-5 pull ups 5 muscle ups 10 bar dips 5 pull ups (with weight at least 5 kg - up to
20 kg).
Then you do the following:
-2 sets of 5 push ups the first one regular grip, the second one diamond push up
with weight starting from 30kg up to 80 kg
-2 sets of 5 regular dips with weight starting from 30kg up to 80kg
-2 sets of 5 bar dips with weight start from 30 kg up to 80 kg
Everything written above is one SET (You need to progress to be able to do 5 sets.
Once you can do 5 sets increase the weight that you are putting on).

Elements Practice
-Front lever raises to 90 degree with additional weight on your legs from 4 kg up
to 15kg
5 reps of close grip L-sit pull ups,5 reps regular grip L-sit pull ups,5 reps wide
grip L-sit pull ups - its
one circle (repeat 5 times).
-Archer pull ups with additional weight (from 10 kg up to 20 kg) - 2 reps per hand
is a one set. You
need to do 5 sets with 1 minute rest between sets.
-Clock typewriter ( you go up to the side of one hand than when your chin is
already over the bar you
go to the side of another hand and down. Then same thing but with another hand). 2
reps per hand is
one set. You should do 5 sets with additional weight of 10-20kg (about 1 minute
rest between sets).
-Regular typewriter:
10 reps - 5 per side is one set (5 sets). Between the sets 2 minute rest (with time
you can use additional
weight of 10-20kg)


- 1 arm pull up for those who can do it
2 pull up for each arm is one set. 1-3 minute rest between sets. You should do 25
Then you go to the parallel bars and do 10 sets of 5 deep dips (body is in
approximately 45 degree
position, as you go down your shoulders should almost touch the bars, adjust your
wrist and dont
squeeze the bar with all of your fingers to reduce strain on the wrist). 1 minute
rest between sets.
***For those who can't do 1 arm pull up:
You should take a belt and put it over the bar and make the same set holding the
belt with your free
arm. As you get stronger put your arm lower and lower on the belt.
5 pull ups for each arm is one set. 1-3 minute rest between sets. You should do 25
Then you go to the parallel bars and do 10 sets of 5 deep dips (body is in
approximately 45 degree
position, as you go down your shoulders should almost touch the bars, adjust your
wrist and dont
squeeze the bar with all of your fingers to reduce strain on the wrist). 1 minute
rest between sets.

Legs day with weight. Leg day is super important if your goal is to grow
proportionally and gain
muscles. Legs contain the largest muscles in your body. If you tain legs with
weight, not only you will
look/feel great and proportionate, but also:
1. Your body will be more in a muscle-production mode (since your body will need to
work to
recover and grow such large muscles).
2. The weight of your legs will be like an extra weight that you always have on �
your upper body
will get stronger and more muscular to correspond.
1st set is a warm up set 10 reps with 40 kg
2nd set is a warm up 10 reps with 70 kg
5 working sets
1 -100kg 10 reps
2-100kg 10 reps
3-110kg 10 reps
4-120kg 10 reps
5-120 kg 10 reps
* If you cannot work with these weight reduce them, but maintain the amount of
sets/reps. Do the
exercises with a good form. Make a goal to do them eventually with the weight I
Press machine:
-200kg 20 reps
-250kg 20 reps 2 sets
-300kg 20 reps
-300 kg 15 reps
-350kg 10 reps 3 sets
Romanian pull
-5 sets with 80 kg 12 reps
-3 sets of 20 reps with 70 kg
-10 sets of 10 reps with 100kg


If there is a day that your body feels really tired and for some reason you cant
get to the park or cant get to the gym to do the legs with weight do the
Bodyweight leg session
-10 jumps to 90 degree/10 full jumps/10 lunges jumps - its one set. Every exercise
need to be done without any rest.
Do 20 sets of this.
-100 m sprint to the hill 10 times
-5000 of jumping rope - after every 1000 you need to make 100 double
-You go down to your knees jump to the 90 degree squat.
Then from the 90 degree position you jump and put your knees to the chest. In one
set you have to do 10 reps,between the sets 1 minute rest (5 sets)
Cardio is super important to give you great resistance.
Generally, before each workout you do I recommend doing at least 1000 of jumping
rope to give you better resistance and get your muscles warm

Weight endurance
-10 different supersets with additional weight - starting from 5kg up to 20kg
-5 muscle up 5 bar dips 5 pull up
-5 pull up 5 muscle up 5 bar dip
-1 pull up 1 muscle up 1 bar dip 5 times 10 bar dips
-1 pull up 1 muscle up 5 times 10 bar dips 5 pull up
-5 pull up 5 muscle up 15 bar dip 5 pull ups
-5 pull up 1 muscle up 10 bar dip 4 muscle up
-5 muscle up 10 bar dip 5 pull up
-1 muscle 2 bar dip 5 times 10 bar dips 5 pull up
-5 muscle up from the static hold position on 90 degree 15 bar dips 5 pull up
-5 pull up muscle up from 90 degree 15 bar dips 5 pull up
� You need to have at least 5kg of additional weight. If 10 sets are too hard for
you � start with 5 sets per training, but you should progress to doing 10 sets
Once you can do 10 sets with 5 kg � start increasing the weight.

Endurance day
-1 pull up 1 muscle up 1 bar dip - 10 times (without letting the bar go).
Once you let the bar go do immediately 30 regular push ups
-2 pull ups 2 muscle ups 2 bar dips - 5 times (without letting the bar go).
Once you let the bar go do immediately 30 regular dips.
-1 pull up 1 muscle up 1 bar dip 5 times (without letting the bar go).
Once you let the bar go do immediately 30 regular dips.
-1 pull up 1 muscle up 1 bar dip 5 times (without letting the bar go).
Once you let the bar go do immediately 30 regular push ups
-10 regular pull ups 1 muscle up 20 bar dips 1 muscle up 15 bar dips 1 muscle up 10
bar dips 1 muscle up 5 bar dips 1 muscle up 10 regular pull ups (without letting
the bar go).
Once you let the bar go do immediately 30 regular dips.
-10 regular pull ups 1 muscle up 20 bar dips 10 regular pull ups 15 regular push
ups 5 muscle ups 15 regular dips 5 muscle ups (try to make this as fast as it is
possible for you)

How to use this program?

-First week
1st day weight session/2nd day rest
3rd day endurance session/4th day rest
5th day weighted leg session/6th day rest
7th day another weight session (than 2 days of rest - 48 hours of full recovery)
-Second week
1st day endurance session/rest
3rd day another weight session/rest
5th day bodyweight leg session/rest
7th day endurance session/2 days of rest 48 hour of recovery
Remember to eat well and clean, sleep enough.
Party/smoking/drinking will set you really far back, if you want to progress well,
you need to concentrate on your goals and leave bad habits behind.


-10 hight l-sit pull in each pull ups you should touch the bar with your legs 5 one
arm pull up each arm
Everything need to be done without letting the bar
Explosive set
-2 explosive mu
-2hight l-sit pull up close grip
-2hight l-sit pull up regular grip
-2hight wide l-sit pull up
-3 one arm pull up each arm
-10 typewriters pull up
-3 mu
-front lever hold(3")
-Hell sets and reps !!
Set for 2 persons
1mu 2 bar dip/1mu/4/1/6/1/8/1/10/1/8/1/6/1/4/1/2/1/10/15 pull up
-Street workout basic
1. 1 MU / 2 Bar Dips x5
2. 1 Pullup / 1 MU x5
3. 10 Pushups / 10 Dips
4. 5 Pullups / 5 MU

-Extreme calisthenics bodyweight and weight routines

10 pull up
5 m.u.
15 bar dip
5 pull up
5 m.u.
15 bar dip
5 pull up

1 m.u. 5 bar dip x 2

1 m.u. 4 bar dip x 2
1 m.u. 3 bar dip x 2
1 m.u. 2 bar dip x 2
1 m.u. 1 bar dip x 2
15 pull up

-Calisthenics in the Gym,no exuse just go hard

5 m.u.
50 bar dip
5 m.u.
10 pull up

-Workout motivation
1 bodyweight set
1 pull up 1 mu 1 bar dip 10 times 30 bar dips 10 pull ups
Squat 10 reps 3 times with 60 kg/ 10 reps 7 times with 80 kg
Lunges 10 reps 10 times with 30 kg
Weight muscle ups
2 with 15 kg
2 with 20 kg
2 with 30 kg
1 with 35kg
1 with 40 kg

-Mental set
1 m.u.
10 bar dip
10 pull up (10" hold head over bar - 10" hold head under bar - 10" dead hang)
10 pull up
5 m.u.
35 bar dips
10 pull up
30 push up

Calisthenics psycho workout

40 min of cardio
20 min of stretching
2 bodyweight routine
(5 pull up 1 muscle up 5 bar dip 4/1/4 - 3/1/3 - 2/1/2 - 1/1/1 5 muscle up 15 bar
dips 5 pull up)
(5 pull up 1 muscle up 4/1 - 3/1 -2/1 -1/1 1 muscle up 5 bar dip 1/4 - 1/3 - 1/2 -
1/1 5 pull up 5" hold head over bar - 5" hold head under bar - 5" dead hang)
10 pull up 20 dips with 32 kg 10 circles
-Gym Calisthenics Beast Mode motivation
2 pull up /2 muscle up /2 bar dip x5 30 push up
2 pull up /2 muscle up /2 bar dip x5 30 regular dips
Warm up routines for you guys

-How to improve endurance in Calisthenics - crazy superset

-10 pull up 5 mu 70 bar dips 5 mu front lever hold 10 pull up

-Weight calisthenics 20 sets with 20kg

Hell workout with 20kg
4 muscle ups/5 pull ups/1 muscle up/5 bar dips
5 muscle ups/5 bar dips/5 pull ups
5 pull ups/5 muscle ups/5 bar dips
1 muscle up/5 bar dips/4 muscle ups/5pull ups
This 4 sets is 1 circle each of sets has 15 reps.
You need to repeat it 5 times,so together is gonna be 20 sets with 20kg

-Insane endurance and strength

1 mu 1 bar dip,1/2/1/3/1/4/1/5/1/6/1/7/1/8/1/9/1/10 at the end 10 pull up

Ultimate set +20kg by Vadym Oleynik

10 pull ups 5 muscle ups 20 bar dips 5 pull ups + 20 kg

-Extreme bodyweight training by Vadym Oleynik

-Crazy sets
-1 mu/10 bar dip/10 pull up / 10" static hold top-middle-bottom position/10 pull
up/1mu/55 bar dip/5 mu/front lever hold/10 pull up
-1 pull up/ 1 mu /1 bar dip (10 times)/ 30 bar dips /10 pull up
-2 one arm pull up each arm �25 sets rest between the sets 30sec 1 min
-5 front lever raises/5 deep dips 10 sets without rest

-Legs session
40kg-10 reps
70kg -10 reps
100kg-10 reps �5
Press machine
150kg-20 reps
Roman deadlift
10 reps �3 sets with 70kg
10 reps �6 sets with 70kg
Calves on press machine
20 reps �5 sets with 100kg

-Weighted calisthenics +50kg

10 pull up/20 regular dip with 50kg it's one circle you need to do 15 circles

-Less than 50 second work 80 reps

10 pull ups 1 muscle up 60 bar dips 10 pull up in 1 minute

-Pure bodyweight strength

15 circles of the Hell with 60kg
1 circle is
-2 x 5 pull up
-2 x 10 dips
At the end i did a set with some slow moves,try to do them as slow as it possible
for you
(OAP, L sit impossible muscle up , front lever raise)

-Evolution of a Beast - Superset +20kg - Routines w 60kg and 70 kg

5 pull up / 5 muscle up / 15 bar dips / 5 pull up + 20 kg
Routine with 60kg: (5+5 pull ups; 10+10 dips) x 15 times
Routine with 70kg: (5+5 pull ups; 10+10 dips) x 10 times

-Beast mode Power

Superset with 20 kg
5 pull up 1 pull up 1 mu 1 bar dip 5 times 30 bar dips 10 pull up

-Road to Hell - Mountain Climb +32kg - SuperHuman Workout

Mountain Climb +32kg + 300 reps +20kg workout immediately on top

-Vadym Oleynik Challenge

1)Vadym move* both sides and 5 muscle ups +20kg
2)10 sec top hold 1 mu/8 sec hold 1 mu/6 sec hold 1 mu/4 sec hold 1 mu/2 sec hold 1
mu (+20kg)
*archer pull up, typewriter to other side, archer muscle up to other side and down
in opposite sides = 1 rep

-10 hight l-sit pull up 3 one arm pull up (each arm) 5 regular muscle up + front
lever hold
-200 one arm pull ups (in a sets 2 reps) 100 front lever raises(in a sets 5 reps)
100 deep dips (in a sets 5 reps)
-5 impossible dips 5 jump bar to bar muscle up 5 russian l sit dips
- beastmode last part reversed in 1 minute (1 muscle up 1 dip) ......
-5 one arm pull up each arm 5 hight L-sit pull up 5 regular muscle up Front lever
hold(3") 6 typewriter pull ups
-1 muscle up 1 bar dip 1/2/ 1/3/ 1/4/ 1/5/ 1/6/ 1/7/ 1/8/ 1/9/ 1/10 at the end 10
pull up
-1 pull up 1 muscle up 1 dip x 10 times +15 push ups 15 regular dip (2 cicles)
-Weighted workout 10 sets
1 x 3 muscle up + 40 kg
10 push up + 100 kg
10 dragon flags
-3 V sit muscle up front lever hold 3 V sit pull up /front lever hold( try to do it
at least 3 times without touching the ground)
-2 regular dips/1 russian dip/1 muscle to the right side/1 muscle up to the left
side its one circle (try to repeat it at least 3 times without touching the ground)
Hard workout routine
-2 pull up 2 mu 2 bar dip 5 time without touching the ground than 30 regular push
-2 pull up 2 mu 2 bar dip 5 time without touching the ground than 30 regular dips
It's to warm your muscles. After you start hard shit
-10 regular pull ups 20 regular push ups 20 times rest between the sets like 30 sec

-20 regular dips 10 regular pull ups 20 times

-5 pull ups 5 mu 30 bar dips 10 pull ups (+ 20 kg)
-Front lever pull up (3 reps) One arm pull up (5 each hand) Deep dips (5 reps) Its
one circle,try to repeat at least 5 times and Up to 10
-1 minute work 5 Mu 20 bar dips /1 mu 15 bar dips /1 mu 10 bar dips /1 mu 5 bar
dips /5 mu
-(10pull up 20 push ups,10 pull 20 dips)5 times without any rest.

-Hardest set ever #1

10 PULL UP + 1 M.U 20 BAR DIPS 10 PULL UP + 1 M.U 20 BAR DIPS 15 PUSH UP 5 M.U 15

-Hardest set ever #2

4 muscle ups 1 pull up 3 muscle ups 2 pull ups 2 muscle ups 3 pull ups 1 muscle up
10 straight bar dips 4 pull ups 30 push ups X2.

-Hardest set ever #3

10 pull up 5 muscle up 50 bar dip 10 pull up

-Hardest set ever #4

10 pull up 10 muscle up 21 bar dip 10 pull up

-The hardest workout

Leg session
-1 squat 80kg 20 lunges with 16kg kettle in each hand(walking)
Repeat it 2 times
Together it should be
220 squats and 400 lunges
Upper body workout
20 regular push up 10 regular push/20 regular dips 10 regular pull ups/20 bar dips
10 regular pull ups
(Is one circle,between exercise no rest after circle 1 min 1.30 rest)i did 60

-Vadym workout routine

20 sets of: 10 pull up 20 push up
20 sets of : 20 dips 10 pull up

-1 high Wide L-sit pull up to the Wide front lever (2 times)

one arm pull up with a static in 2 position(both hands) than 1 regular one arm pull
up (both hands)
�Do this set 5 times� with a rest 1-2 min between!!!

-Vadym instagram leg workout

Back squat 80 kg 2-4-6-8-10
jumps on box 20-18-16-14-12
Front squat 10-8-6-4-2
Box jumps 12-14-16-18-20
Deadlift 5 x100/ 4 x 120/ 3 x 140/ 2 x 160

-Vadym instagram pain workout (+20 kg) x 2 sets

10 Muscle up, 10 bar dips, 10 pull ups, 30 regular dips +
10 M.u, 10 bar dips, 10 pull ups, 30 push up


Must be Done in the order they are given, exercises that are not timed should have
a maximum 120 sec rest in between each Set no more than 3 and a half minutes if you
ste just getting back(with CLEAN form for each workout)

*Also its 24 days because i advise 1 -2 rest dayz a week for muscle recovery*
Enjoy...... Everything is BEASTMODE!

200 Pushups (reps of 10 and better)
50 pullups
60 situps
100 squats
100 jumping jacks

50 Inervted pull ups
50 regular pull ups
100 squats
50 krunches

100 krunches
100 squats
35 invertted pull ups
45 pull ups
150 Pushups

5 minute Drill**
100 pushups and 50 pull ups in 5 minutes or less
50 walking lunges on each leg
50 squats
30 hyper extensions

30 burpess
Iso metric static holds on the pull up bar, (Holding on to the pull up bar with
your chin above the bar) for 30 secs x 4
50 dips
30 leg raises
30 flurter kicks
15 back hyperextentions
75 pushups

5 minute Drill**
50 knee krunches on the dip bar
50 knee krunches whole dead hanging on the pull up bar
100 Pushups 50 pull ups in 5 mins or lesss
150 jumping jacks
Isometric static holds (Hanging on the pull up bar with your Eye at bar level) for
45 seconds x 2

Iso metric static holds on the pullup bar
DeadHang on the bar for 15 seconds then without releasing the bar transition
yourself to holding where your at eye level with the bar for 25 seconds x 4 sets
Mountain klimbers for 1 min x 3
100 dips
100 squats
20 burpees
55 invertted pull ups
45 dips
55 pull ups
110 Pushups
75 Bulgarian split squats on each side
25 bicep Kurls x 2 (with 15- 25 pound weight)or resistance band
100 bench dips
50 sit ups
50 krunches

150 Squats
75 walking lunges
50 pull ups
50 invertted pullups

DAY 10
ISOmetric pyramid pushups 1-10 (unbroken)
1 PUSHP THEN HOLD your pushup position elbows extented for 10 seconds then 2
pushups with a 10 second hold then 3, until you reach 10 Pushups with a 10 second
hold,Then back down in reverse order x 3 . The goal is to complete as many rounds
without breaking.
50 box jumps
30 s 3 Front Raises (with medium resistance band or 10lb dumb bell)
120 situps
50 Dips

DAY 11
150 Pushups
75 pullups
25 dips
25 invertted pullups
50 leg raises
150 jumping jacks

200 Pushups
100 squats
30 second dead hang on the bar transitioning into 5 pullups without letting go x 5
15 knee raises on the dip bar x 5
20 krunches x 5

DAY 13
50 burpees
75 pullups
100 lunges on each leg

DAY 14
200 jumping jacks
100 invertted pullups
100 bench dips
50 step ups on each leg
50 knee raises dead hanging on the pull up bar
150 Pushups
Day 11
150 step ups
15 x 10 on each leg
30 "momentum killed" pushups x 10 (10 pushups the pause for 2 seconds elbows
extended followed by 10 until you get to 30)
20 hanging knee raises on the bar x 10
15 pullups x 5

Day 15
10 box jumps x 3
30 second plank x 3
100 sit ups 20 x 5
100 pushups 10 x 10

Day 16
100 leg raises 10 x 10
Isometric holds on the pull up bar 10 seconds x 10
Russian Twists with 10lb- 20lb sand bag or weight 20 x 3

Day 17
Incline straight leg hip raises 10 x 3
75 bench dips 15 x 5
Bicycle crunches 20 x 3
Split squats 10 x 10

Day 18
Reverse crunches 20 x 5
Inverted pull ups 10 x 10
10 x 10 dips
100 jumping jacks

Day 19
Burpees count down 10 - 1 10, 9, 8, 7,6, till 1 burpee left
Mountain climbers 20 secs x 6
I so metric holds on the dip bar 30 secs x 4

Day 20
Knee raises on the dip bar 5 x 5
Pushups 50 10 x 5
Scissor kicks 20 x 5
Lunges 10 x 5
Squats 10 x 5

Day 21
Pull ups 5 x 5
Inverted Pull ups 10 x 5
Pushups 10 x 10
Sit ups 20 x 5
Planks 45 seconds x 3

Day 22
20 x 3 curls with medium resistance band
20 x 3 front raises with medium resistance band
5 dips with a 5 second isometric hold x 10
10 diamond pushups x 3
10 regular pushups x 2
Squats 10 x 5

Day 23
Shoulder press with medium resistance 10 x 5
Straight leg hip raises 5 x 10
Inverted pull ups 10 x 5
Leg raises 10 x 5
Sit ups 20 x 5

Day 24
Planks 45 seconds x 6
Straight leg hip raises 10 x 3
Pushups 10 x 10
Bicep curls with medium resistance band 20 x 3
150 jumping jacks
Russian Twists with 20lb sand bag,ball or weight 20 x 3

Day 25
Walking lunges 10 on each leg x 5
Lunges 10 x 5
Sit ups 20 x 5
Bench dips 20 x 5

Day 26
5 Pull ups with 5 second Iso metric hold holds x 10
5 dips with 5 second isometric holds x 10
15 shoulder press with medium resistance band x 4
Leg raises 10 x 3
Planks 30 secs x 3

Day 27
Burpees pyramid Set 1 - 10 1 burpee ,then 2,3,4,5, until you reach 10 burpees
Pull ups 7 x 7
Inverted pull ups 7 x 7
Bicep curls with medium resistance band 20 x 3

Day 28
Bird dogs 20 on each side x 5
Pushups 10 x 10
Squats 10 - 1 10, then 9, all the way to 1
Knee raises on the pull up bar 10 x 10

Day 1
20 burpee
70 inverted pullups
100 squats
30 pullups
50 push ups
50 sit ups
15 mins or less**

Day 2
50 dips 75 inverted pullups
5 mins or less x 4

Day 3
10 rounds of each exercise
1 min plank
30 sec flutter kicks
15 dips 10 sec isometric hold
10 leg raises
15 squats

Day 4
10 rounds of each exercise
15 pelvic hip raises
15 reverse crunches
15 walking lunges
1 min plank
30 pushups

Day 5
100 situps in 5 mins or less
150 push ups in 5 mins or less
100 inverted pull ups in 5 mins or less
300 flat footed jumping Jack's in 5 mins or less

Day 6
10 box jumps 20 decline pushups
12 box jumps 22 decline pushups
14 box jumps 24 decline pushups
16 box jumps 26 decline pushups
18 box jumps 28 decline pushups
20 box jumps 30 decline pushups
In 20 mins or less

Day 7
150 lunges on each leg
150 squats
100 leg lift
100 scissors kicks
50 pullups

Day 8
150 step ups
15 x 10 on each leg
30 "momentum killed" pushups x 10 (10 pushups the pause for 2 seconds elbows
extended followed by 10 until you get to 30)
20 hanging knee raises on the bar x 10
20 pullups x 10

Day 9
20 leg raises x 10
15 inverted pullups x 6
15 pullups x 6
20 reverse crunches x 5
50 box jumps
10-1 muscle up countdown 10 mu,then 9mu, until 1

Day 10
5 burpees 5 inverted pullups 5 pullups then 6 burpees 5 inverted pullups ,5
pullups continue Until you reach 15 burpees 5 inverted pullups
50 jumpin lunges

Day 11
1so metric dip kountdown 1dip hold 5 secs then 2dips 5 secs hold up until you reach
10 dips with a 5 second hold.. Rest then go back down in the reverse order
starting with 10 dips and a 5 sec hold 9 dips 5 sec hold,until you only have 1 dip
and a 5 second hold.
20 lower back hyperextentions then 15,10, 5,10,15,20 that set x 2
200 squats
30 arm curls with the medium resistance band x 5

Day 12
Flutter kicks laying down face up for 25 secs x 10
15 dips x 10
Backwards lunges 20 x 10
Hanging knee raises with chin above the bar 10 x 10
30 x5 shoulder press with the medium resistance band

Day 13
5min drill 50 pullups 100 pushups in 5 mins or less x 2
10 inverted pullups x15
Walking lunges until you reach 100 on each leg
20 reverse crunches x 5

Day 14
EIB Monsta Set 50 pushups 25 pullups 40 pushups 20 pullups 30 pushups 15 pullups 20
pushups 10 pullups 5 muscle ups ,then 1 muscle 1 bardip 5 sec hold then 1 muscle 2
dips 5 sec hold,1 muscle 3 dips 5 sec hold, until you are at 1 dip 10 muscle ups
and a 5 second hold (all in 20 mins or less)
1 min wall sits x 3
Lateral raises with medium resistance band 20 x 5

Day 15
Dead hang 5 secs 1 muscle up 1 dip, dead hang 5 secs 2 muscle ups 2 dips, dead
hang 5 secs 3 muscle ups 3 dips, dead hang 5 secs 4 muscle ups 4 dips , dead hang 5
secs 5 muscle ups 5 dips, unbroken, then go back down.

Day 16
10 low short pushups (bouncies)10 regular pushups ,20 short 10 regular ,30 short 10
regular, 40 short 10 regular, 50 short 10 regular, 60 short 10 regular, 70
short 10 regular, 80 short 10 regular, 90 short 10 regular, 100 short 10 regular.
75 pullups 100 dips in 5 mins or less

Day 17
10 regular pullups 10 weighted pullups (minimum 12lbs) 12 regular pullups 12
weighted pullups 14 regular pullups 14 weighed pullups 16 pullups 16 weighted
pullups 18 pullups 18 weighted pullups 20 pullups 20 weighted pullups
1 minute hold head to bar x 3

Day 18
10 inverted pullups switch reverse grip 10 inverted pulls ,10 close grip inverted
grips , 10 close grip underhand ( unbroken) 5 sets
20 secs on the pull up bar eye level 20 sec hold head level, 20 sec hold chin over
the bar 5 sets

Day 19
1 jump squat 10 sec hold 2 jump squats 10 sec hold, 3 jump squats 10 sec hold, 4
jump squats 10 sec hold, 5 jump squats 10 sec hold , 6 jump squats 10 sec hold, 7
jump squats 10 sec hold, 8 jump squats 10 sec hold,9 jump squats 10 sec hold, 10
jump squats 10 sec hold,
Holding head to bar on pullup bar crunches for 20 sec x 5
5 sets of 20 scissor crunches

Day 20
10 dips 5 sec hold down to 1 dip 5 sec hold then back up 1-10 with 5 sec hold
7 pullups 5 sec rest then 7 pullups in a different grip then 5 sec rest again
followed by 7 pullups in a different grip , do this sequence 7 times for 7 sets
changing the grip each time

Day 21
5 musclue ups 5 pullups , 20 sec eye level 2 times is 1 set. Do this for 5 sets.
Then 5 muscleups 20 sec hold chin over the bar for 3 sets

Day 22
10 push up 10 second hold, 9 pushups 9 second hold second hold, 8 pushups 8 second
hold second hold 7 pushups 7 second hold 6 pushups 6 second hold 5 pushups 5 sec
hold 4 pushups 4 second hold 3 pushups 3 second hold 2 pushups 2 second hold 1
pushup up 30 second hold....try to do un broken , then start the same process
starting from 1 then go back down from 10-1 again
1 minute isometic hold at eye level on the pull up bar x 5

Day 23
Deadhang 5 seconds 5 pullups isometric hold eye level 5 secs unbroken 3 times on
the bar (1 set) x 6
5 dips 5 second hold x 5 (1set) x 5

Day 24
2 dips walk on the dip bar 2 steps then another 2 dips until you reach 22, do this
for 5 sets, then 10 pullups with 10 second hold with chin over the bar then 9
pullups 10 second hold with chin over the bar down to 1 pull up 10 seconds chin
over the bar, then baxk up from 1-10 then back down

Day 25
On the dip bar 1 knee lift 5 dips 1 leg lift ,2 knee lifts 4 dips 2 leg lifts, 3
knee lifts 3 dips 3 leg lifts,4 knee lifts 2 dips 4 leg lifts, 5 knee lifts 1 dip 5
leg lifts, then back up.1 regluar pushup then 1 diamond pushup, 2 pushups 2
diamond pushups, 3 pushups 3 diamond pushups, 4 pushups 4 diamond pushups, 5
pushups 5 diamond pushups up to 10 ,10 , try to do as unbroken as possible.

Day 26
1 minute wall sit x 3
20 squats 10 second hold at the bottom
18 squats 10 sec hold,16 squats 10 sec hold, 14 squats 10 sec hold, 12 squats 10
sec hold , 10 squats 10 sec hold, then back up

DAY 27
For this routine will be 11-15
11 dips,pullups,pushups,squats and jump squats,leglifts, then 12 of each, then 13
up to 15 of each

DAY 28
For this routine you will be doing 10 sets rounds of 10 reps each exercise
Split squats, backwards lunges, 30 sec hold eye level on pushup Bar, 45 sec plank

\\\\\SERGIO DI PASQUALE///// (il mio criterio per il volume totale �: max x 8

fino a max x 10 (se hai 14 un ottimo volume totale � 140)
For beginners: 10 pullups, 10 dips, 15 pushups, 20 squats
-WARMUP PULLUPS/PUSHUPS 50 (45+5)/50 30/30 20/20 (100/100)
WORKOUT PULLUPS/PUSHUPS/TRIS EXTENSIONS 15 X 15/15/15 5 X 20/20/20 (325/325/325)

-The Hardest Pushup Set Ever - [20/40/60/80/100 5MD]

20 pushups
40 pushups
60 pushups
80 pushups
100 pushups
Every set on the minute and to be completed within 5 minutes. (5MD)

-Zef's 600 Pushups

1 x 10
2 x 20
3 x 30
4 x 40
4 x 50

-Pushups Routine [5-10-15-20-25]

I did every set on the 4th minute, only after every 10 sets I rested 5 whole

-1500 Pull ups

20 sets of 15 pulls
20 sets of 14 pulls
20 sets of 13 pulls
20 sets of 12 pulls
20 sets of 11 pulls
20 sets of 10 pulls
Recupero: circa due minuti, meno fra le serie da 10. Totale 4 ore spaccate

-PULLUPS/DIPS/PUSHUPS PYRAMID 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10

16-17-18-19-20 total: 405 pullups, 405 dips, 405 pushups (1215 reps)

-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12- 13-14-15-16-17-18-19-10 total 200 pushups (rest same

as number of reps)
-5 MINUTES PULLUPS CHALLENGE: As many sets of 10 pullups as possible in 5 minutes.
-1 PULL/1 DIP X 5 2 PULLS/2 DIPS X 5 3 PULLS/3 DIPS X 5... ...15 PULLS/15 DIPS X 5
(600 pull up/600 dips)
-25 pullups/25 dips x4 23/23 x4 21/21 x4 19/19 x4 17/17 x4 15/15 x4 20/20 total:
-10x20 PULLUPS 10x15 PULLUPS 10x10 PULLUPS 10x5 PULLUPS total: 500 PULLUPS
-after 30 pullups deadstop for a warmup 20 sets of 20 pullups, only 400 (120" rest)
-20 SETS OF 40 DIPS (800) done in 1 hour, 2 minutes rest every set
-20 SETS OF 20 PULLUPS wanted to shoot for 30 on the last set but only got 29
50 SETS: 10X20 DIPS (40 SEC REST)
10X25 DIPS (60 SEC REST)
10X30 DIPS (80 SEC REST)
10X25 DIPS (60 SEC REST)
10X20 DIPS (40 SEC REST)

-PULLUPS PYRAMID 1-2-3-4-5...27+23(30)


-1200 Dips 10 sets of 50 5 sets of 40 10 sets of 30 5 sets of 20 10 sets of 10
-1500 DIPS (75 SETS OF 20)
5 SETS OF 40
5 SETS OF 30
10 SETS OF 20
15 SETS OF 10

-maxout as warmup: 92 1 TO 50 PYRAMID: 1275 dips total

-the routine was a 1 to 40 and back to 1 pushups pyramid (1600 push ups)
-4 pyramids completed for a total of 750 pullups
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-
8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (400)
~ 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (225)
~ 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (100)
~ 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 (25)

-1 TO 15 TO 1 (225 PULLUPS) 4 TIMES (10/20 seconds reps. I took 5 minutes between

the pyramids.)
10 SETS OF 50
10 SETS OF 45
9 SETS OF 40 +1 SET OF 65
circa 1 minuto fra i set e 5 minuti dopo ogni dieci set

-500 PULLUPS PYRAMID 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-

24-25-26-27-28-29-30 -

-PUSH UPS : 5 x 90 5 x 80 5 x 70 (1200 total) (4/5 min between sets)

1 to 10
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50
51 to 60

-800 PULLUPS 41 SETS (2 minutes between sets, 4/5 minutes every 10 sets)

-1 Pull up to 10 back to 1 (100 pull up) 10 times

-On a high pushup bar:
10 pushups/ 20 pushups/ 30 pushups/ 40 pushups/ 50 pushups That's one round. You do
every set on the minute (so it takes 5 minutes)
Then you rest on the 6th minute, and repeat.
-1 TO 15 TO 1 (225 PULLUPS) 4 TIMES 10/20 seconds between reps. I took 5 minutes
between the pyramids.
-Usually done switching from a low pushup bar to a slightly higher one.
-The Nelson Set - 111 Reps (1 Muscleup/100 Dips On Bar/ 10 Muscleups)
-30 pull ups, 30 dips, 30 push ups under 2 minutes (Deny Montana challenge)
-The Ultimate Set: 1 pullup 1 muscleup 1 dip, 2-2-2, 3-3-3, 4-4-4, 5-5-5
-The five20: 1 muscleups 20 dips on bar 5 times no rest
-The Silver Set: 20 Pullups / 20 Muscleups / 20 Dips / 10 Pullups
-The Choker 165 Reps Endurance Bar Set: 15 Muscleups, 150 SBD's
1 Muscleup 50 Straight Bar Dips
2 Muscleups 40 Straight Bar Dips
3 Muscleups 30 Straight Bar Dips
4 Muscleups 20 Straight Bar Dips
5 Muscleups 10 Straight Bar Dips


Damn set #1
20 muscle-ups
25 dips +48
25 pull-ups +32
100 dips
50 pull-ups
Time - 17.56

Damn set #2
50 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, time 3.45

Damn set #3
20 pull-ups - 20 push-ups
15 - 15
10 - 10
5 - 5
5 muscle ups

Damn set #4

Damn set #5
40 pull-ups, 40 dips, 40 push-ups

Damn set #6
Vadym Oleynik's set
4 muscle ups
1 pull up
3 muscle ups
2 pull ups
2 muscle ups
3 pull ups
1 muscle ups
10 bar dips
4 pull ups
30 push ups

Damn set #7
Pull-ups 21
Handstand Push-ups: 21
Jump Rope Double: 21
Pull-ups 15
Handstand Push-ups: 15
Jump Rope Double: 15

Pull-ups 9
Handstand Push-ups: 9
Jump Rope Double: 9

Damn set #8
10 Pull ups
10+10 One arm push ups
30 seconds of Human flag
15 Dips with additional 48 kg
10 Pull ups with additional 48 kg
and 10 Leg-hip raisings

Damn set #9
Set from Bar Wars 2016
One arm pull-ups 5+5
Front lever 15 sec
Muscle-ups 5
Push-ups 30
Dips 30
Archer pull-ups 20

Damn set #10

10 Muscle Ups
10 Bar Dips
10 Pull ups
50 Push ups
30 Leg-Hip Raises
50 Dips

Alternate the exercises
Push-ups - 30/29/28/27/26/25/24/23/22/21/20
Pull-ups - 10/9/8/7/6/5/5/5/5/5/5
Dips - 20/19/18/17/16/15/14/13/12/11/10
Chin-ups - 10/9/8/7/6/5/5/5/5/5/5

-Hard level Warrior Workout Routine HD
Rest as little as possible
2 playgrounds of frog jumps
20 warrior pull up to abs (deadhang-3 destabilization hits-pull up to touch abs =1
30 push up with someone on your back (full rom, chest to bar)
50 squat jump frog jumps (squat-high jump with knees up-frog jump =1 rep)
30 warrior l sit leg raises (l sit-3 destabilization hits-raise leg to bar-go back
to l sit =1rep)
2 playgrounds of frog jumps

-Advanced workout
10 x pull up/dips/push up
+ 16 kg 10 x pull up/dips 10 bodyweight push up
rest 3 minutes
+ 24 kg 10 x pull up/dips 10 bodyweight push up
rest 3 minutes
+ 32 kg 10 x pull up/dips 10 bodyweight push up

Pull-Ups : 32-31-30-29-28-27-26-25-24-23-22-21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-
Dips : 32-31-30-29-28-27-26-25-24-23-22-21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-
Push-Ups : 32-31-30-29-28-27-26-25-24-23-22-21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-
you can pick any of those to start with, u need to finish 1 first untill you can
pick another. u need to finish them all in the fastest time.. try to go for the
less rest.. thats whats make it a workout..
do it all with good form, and keep switching like first u do 32 basic push ups than
31 diamonds than 30 declines etc etc same for pull ups and dips ..

-Static pull up routine

5 Wide pull ups on the last rep you hold on top for 10 seconds.
10 sec rest
2. 5 Wide Pull ups on the last rep you hold it with your head against the bar.
10 sec rest
3. Close Grip chin-ups 5 reps with 2 seconds holds on top and the middle( u do the
hold on everyrep)
10 sec rest
4. Phorm Pull up 1 rep and hold for 10 seconds on top highest possible head against
bar.. watch your shoulders..
10 sec rest
5. this set u try in 1 attempt if u cant do it in 1 set than u jump down and try
again.. till you got it in 1 attempt.. Commando pull ups, just static hold left
shoulder against the bar hold for 10, keep the same grip hold with your head
against the bar for 5. dont drop down switch the grip and now touch your right
shoulder against the bar hold for 10- and another for 5 with your head against the
10 sec rest
6. max Close grip Pull ups fast up slow down.. max out..

-Big lats routine

x 2
Sternum pull ups max
10 sec
wide pull up max
10 sec
Close grip pull ups max
10 sec
Chin up max
10 sec
close grip chin up max
3 minutes rest

-Back routine every day :

4 x 12 wide grip pull ups
30 sec rest

4 x 12 close grip pull ups

30 sec rest

4 x 10 muscle ups
1 min rest
4 x 10 reverse rows
30sec rest

-1 min push ups 1 minut rest 1 minut pull ups 1 minut rest 1 minut static hold on
top of the pull up 1 minut rest, repeat for 10 to 20 rounds

-Tricep Megasuperset:
12-15 Tricep extensions
15-20 Dips
12-15 Tricep dips
20 Second Tricep stretch( YOUR REST)
Repeat this for 4 to 5 rounds (NO REST)

-Chest Workout: 20 straight planche push ups, followed by 20 dips, followed by 30

half reps dips, followed by 50 push ups

-Extreme chest
Warm up set : Ring Flys - Legs on chairs..
Side ring flys, straight after 20 dips.
Set 1 : Assisted Pelicans, arms to the side go threw your shoulders u almost in a
backlever than u go back up again, do this in reps with alot of control burn with
some ring flys, straight after 20 dips
repeat for 5 sets with low rest.. my chest and shoulders are always sore the next

-ABS LittlebeastM
10 Windshield wipers
10 Dragon flags
10 Dragon flag leg raises
10 Dragon flag hip raises
10 Slow sit up (V ups)
10 L sit to v sit
10 L sit kicks
Max L sit flutter kicks

-2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 = 50 reps
do 2 push ups stand up, do 4 push ups stand up i usually dont stand up i do an l-
seat or get my knees 2 my chest,

4-8-12-16-20-16-12-8-4 = 100
i did 3 of these

im planning doing these with dips,pull-ups and push ups and sum mega sets like
2-2-2 pull dip push 4-4-4 pull dip push 6-6-6 pull dip push etc etc try with no
rest. thats 150 reps in 1 set !

-Indoor workout
Handstand Push-Ups = You can do this on handles if you wanna make it harder.HOW
10 x 10 if you cant do 10 on handles, do max but more sets..

BEAR TRAP (4 sets of 30) First you must stand at least a foot away from the wall,
then lean on the wall using your shoulder to brace yourself.
Now bend your arm up into a �L� position with your fist in front of you. (Note:
your shoulder and elbow should be against the wall)
Now to do the BEAR TRAPS you must use your elbow to push off of the wall (Not
jerking your body) in a controlled movement.
(Also notice that the further you are from the wall the harder it becomes)
ARM RAISES- 6 sets total (2 sets of 100 forward, 2 sets of 100 out to the sides
together, and 1 set of 50 out to the side 1 arm at a time)this works out your
but notice that if you tuck your head down while doing �out to the sides together�
you would now be doing your back, you may also use things around you to add weight
if you like, example: boots, telephone book... etc.



3.PUSH UPS- if you switch positions you must do at least 2 sets straight before
changing...(diamonds, shoulder width and wide)
START OFF WITH COUNTDOWNS FROM 10 (do 10 push ups hold for 5 seconds then do 9 down
to 8...etc.)
Always from 10 down to see how far you can go. You might go from 10 to 7, next day
you might get to 6. Once you reach 10 to 1 you then must attempt to go back up to
10, same rules apply.

INCLINE PUSH UPS (25 sets of 10, with 5 seconds rest in between each set while
leaning against a dresser, wall or anything elevated. Remember the higher you are
the easier it is.) Since you�re not in the park you will need these to imitate the

DECLINE PUSH UPS (10 sets of 10, pace yourself because these are more difficult)
These are the total opposite of the INCLINE PUSH UPS. You must now place your feet
on anything elevated. Remember the higher you are the harder it is

BURN OUTS (all the way down and half way up, and all the way up to half way down) 4
sets total. Push yourself until failure, until you can�t go no more.

.SIT UPS, CRUNCHES- these you can perform right in your bed

SCISSORS (5 sets of 10) You start off by sitting almost at the edge of your bed,
sit on your hands (palms facing down hand over hand) then lay back. Now raise your
legs slightly and start opening and closing them like scissors, the trick is that
while opening and closing them you will have to place them foot over foot as they
close (open legs, close them right foot over left and then switch with left foot
over right)

CRUNCHES (5 sets of 10) You start off the same way as the scissors. But this time
you would raise your knees and torso together into a crunch

-LittlebeastM 2009 routine

50 jumpingjacks x2
50 push-ups x2


set 1 = on bar
set 2 = on bar l-seat
set 3 = on rings

Normal Max x3
Frenshis x3 (1 rep is 1 pull up 5 " top hold - 1 pull up 5" middle hold - 1 pull up
5" low hold)
Switch grip x3
Wide Max x3
Side to Side x3 (Typewriter)
Side One One x3 (Archer)
Close Max x3
One Down x3 (Assisted oap)
Soldier x3 (commando)
behind the neck max x 3
Chin Wide x3
One arm deadhang x6
negatives x6

Dips :
Normall Max x3
weighted x3 (Deep dips alternative)
ring dips x3 (bulgarian)
ring iron cross ups x3
Triceps Hannibal x3 (tricep extension)

Handstand Push- Ups handles x6
Hip-Push ups x6
STRADDLE Planche x6
Incline 10 than hold 5 sec till you got 50
Pyramid 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 than back up to 10
Tigerbend Push ups x6
Total Burn out x3

Abs :
Supersets x3
Front lever x 6
Back lever x 6
DragonFlags (weighted) x6
lowerback raises x6
planche holds x6
L-seat s**t x 6
Leg-raises x6
Abwheel x6

Legs :
Pistols x 6

-2009 set
10 l-seat dips (yeah l-seat dips)
10 wide grip pull ups
10 push ups
10 wide handstand push ups

u need to this all straight after eachother so no rest

my record is 3 straight sets no rest

-One arm pull up training LittlebeastM

Frenchies pull up 5 to 8 reps on all grip x3

-Planche training
1st set hip push ups x 4 / reps20+ easy
2nd set WIDE tucked planche push ups x 4 / reps8-12.
3rd set full planche push ups against the wall x3 / reps 8-10

i repeat this 1 time

this is my morning routine for now and my night routine at home.

-Awesome set (no rest)
Handstand Push-ups against a wall or door (maxreps)
Pull-Ups Strictform Controlled (maxreps)
Diamond Push-ups 1 leg up (switchlegs when u on 50%) or Hip Push-ups . (MAXREPS)
Do this Very controlled.
MINE : 15-20-40/50

-Burning set
no rest between the reps !!!
first 20 wide grip pull ups (controlled)
max wide pushups
max wide pull ups
max wide push ups
and so on , till you cant go anymore.. so till you cant go anymore dont give up !
burn ur back and chest !
after ur layin on the ground like a piece of s**t, stand up ! and do wite jump
ropes for 5minutes now that is fire !!

-Burnouts To Bring The Beast Out

10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
20 Ring Push-ups

-LittleBeastM Routine- the Road to become supersaiyan 4

After The Warm up_and the stretches

i start with my pulling routine, warm up with a max set of any pull up u like.

-One arm Pull ups

- One arm Assisted Pull ups On Rings
- One arm Negatives on Rings
- One arm deadhangs

Weighted Pull ups

Remember i do weighted pull ups,
with static holds and slow negatives.

- Close grip Pull ups with 44 lbs goal 15


- Close grip Pull ups with 88 lbs goal 12


- Close grip pull ups with 120 lbs goal 5-8


- Wide grip pull ups with 44 lbs goal 15


- wide grip pull ups with 88 lbs goal 12

- wide grip pull ups with 120 lbs goal 5-8

- close grip chin-ups with 44 lbs goal 15

- close grip chin ups with 88 lbs goal 12
- close grip chin ups with 120 lbs goal 5-8

Why do i mention goals? and what are the 1 _ 2 for,

everytime i do my training, i write my numbers down -
1 stands for set 1, 2 stands for set 2
why i mention goals is when i hitted that goal for example
i did the 44 lbs 15 times, than im gonna start with the 88lbs
and after that set that will be 120 and than 150, always move on and keep
challenging yourself.

Warm up set : 10 handstand push ups freestanding on handles, straight after 25 dips
followed by an l-seat hold, straight after tricep extensions, straight after

Warm up set 2 : 10 planche push ups, 25 dips, no lseat hold, diamond push ups ,
straight after tricep extensions.

set 1: put your vest on, ring flys on the ground, straight after dips, straight
after handstand push ups .

set 2 : 44 lbs dips max

set 3 : 88 lbs dips max
set 4 : 120 lbs dips max
set 5 : 150 lbs dips max

set 6 : max planche push ups, straight after bulgarian dips with a straight body,
straight after normal dips on the dipbar, followed by diamond push ups .

set7 : max freestanding handstand push ups, straight after ironcross

presses,straight after dips, straight after tricep extensions.

set 8 : switch grip planche push ups on a straight bar, straight after victorian

set 10: planche push ups on rings, followed by lower urself down to an bulgarian
dip hold push out to an ironcross and push up repeat untill you burn out, straight
after max handstand push ups with the wall


set 11 : dragonflags with ankleweights, straight after lsit to vsit raises on a dip
bar with ankleweights, straight after windshieldwipers on bar or below dip bars
with ankleweights.

set 12: abwheel rollouts with the weightedvest, straight after, no vest, lseat to
frontlever kick outs, straight after zakavelis.

set 13: hanging leg raises, withouth breaking the L, straight after , frontlever
negatives with ur arms not your body ( go in a bended arm frontlever and lower
urself slowly to a locked out frontlever) works awesome, straight after dragonflag
hip up kicks

set 14: backlever to frontlever to backlever to frontlever to backlever to

frontlever set below the dip bar

Supersaiyan 4 Requirements :
20 planche push ups
2 one arm pull ups
2 pull ups with 200 lb of weight
5 dips with 200 lb of weight
maltese hold on ring
20 second hold ironcross

Training for bar-barian requirements

do drop sets
50 dips - 1 minut rest -5 reps untill 0
do 30 pull ups - 1 to 2 minut rest -5 reps untill 0
do around 70 push ups - 1 minut rest - 5 reps untill 0


The exercise starts with max pull ups (for example 5 pull ups), then you take a
rest for 10 SECONDS and you do 4 pull ups, then again 10 secs rest and 3 pull ups
etc till one pull up.
After another 10 secs rest you do 2 pull ups etc till 5.
Then you do the same till 1.
And the the same till 5. That's all.

-Oap training 3-4 times a week
5 sets, 1-2-3-4-5 reps and down


-Power 7: On low bar 7 close grip push up/ 7 Wide push up/ 7 Archer push up dx/ 7
Archer push up sx/ 7 Push up/ 7 Tricep extension/ 7 Push up
-Push up routine: 10 push ups, 5 second hold at the top, 9 push ups, 5 second hold
at the top 8 push ups, 5 second hold at the top until you reach 1,
then continue going back up until you reach 10 push ups with the 5 second hold at
the top,
and then finish it off returning back to 1 push up with a 5 second hold
-Beastmode requirements
--------20 minuti max---------
50 push up 25 pull up
40 push up 20 pull up
30 push up 15 pull up
20 push up 10 pull up
10 push up 5 muscle up

1 muscle up 1 dip 5 sec hold

1 muscle up 2 dip 5 sec hold
1 muscle up 3 dip 5 sec hold
1 muscle up 4 dip 5 sec hold
1 muscle up 5 dip 5 sec hold
1 muscle up 6 dip 5 sec hold
1 muscle up 7 dip 5 sec hold
1 muscle up 8 dip 5 sec hold
1 muscle up 9 dip 5 sec hold
1 muscle up 10 dip 5 sec hold
500 Push up
500 Dips
500 Squats
100 Push up
100 Dips
100 Muscle up
100 Push up
100 Dips


-The Pull Up Challenge routine :
30 Pull Ups, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, and 20. And if you break any of
the sets you have to do 50 push ups per break.

-Full CALISTHENICS routine to Build a THICKER Back, Shoulders & Triceps!

The Routine:
Inverted Rows - 100 Reps
Resistant Band Horizontal Pulls - 100 reps
Handstand push ups - 50 w/25lbs or 100 w/ body weight
Bench Triceps Extensions - 100 reps

-Pull up routine
2 pull up 5" hold 4/5" 6/5" 8/5" 10/5" and down to 2/5"

-Do More REPS! Pull Up & Push Up Routine For Endurance!

20 pull up 40 push up 20 chin up 40 push up /
15pull up 30 push up 15 chin up 30 push up/
10pull up 20 push up 10 chin up 20 push up?

The Routine: 10 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups On the minute for 30 sets!


-Chest Building Routine
5 muscle up 10 bar dips 20 clap push up
dips 2 + 10" forward lean (no lockout) 4/10" 6/10" 8/10" to max
10 push up 10" top hold 9 push up/10" down to 1/10"

Chest Workout at home (Chest & Tricep)
Routine: Tuck Dips - 5 Sets X 10 Reps
Standard Dips - 5 Sets X 10 Reps
Knee Clap Push-Ups 5 Sets X 10 Reps
Standard Push-Ups 5 Sets X 10 Reps
Type Writer Push-Ups 4 Sets X 6 Reps
25 Diamond Push-Ups
25 Explosive Clap Push-Ups
15 One Hand Push-Ups (Each Side)
15 Splitter Push-Ups (Each Side) (non plyometric spartan push up)
15 Spiderman Push-Ups (Each Side)
25 Superman Push-Ups
25 Hannibal Push-Ups (diamond Lalanne push up)

-Back Day Routine( street work out / Calisthenics) Back & Bicep
Warmup: rear lunges + jump squat 10 set x 10 reps
Wide chin up chest to bar 5 x 10
L sit head bangers 5 x 10-15
Feet assisted head bangers 3 x 40
Front lever hold 6" or more x 6
Explosive pull up 5 x 5-10
Weighted pull up 5 x 5-10
5 circuits: 2 knee raises/ 2 leg raises/ 2 upside down deadlift

-Akeem Supreme Leg Routine


*****Routines from the blogspot*****

-Wednesday routine
Very easy routine, it's better if you have a partner to do this one.
"The Wingate duel" most of you seen me post a vid of O' and I doing this awhile
It's one of my favorite routines that I do every time I get a chance to workout.
**If you don't have push bar setup ,you can improvise with anything that you can
change your push-up angle with**: it's basically a push up pyramid that you build
twice in one set.
You start with 1push up on the lower lever then another push up on the higher
level, start with 1 all the way to 10, then 10 again then work you way down.
A total of 220 in one set, to complete 5 sets is the goal.
Try to find a partner to go back and forth with.

Past workout routines.

Feb 29th :The workout for the week:
5 pull - ups then hold chin above the bar for 10secs,
5 pull-ups then hold top of your head below the bar(top of must be touching the bar
for the full 10secs)
5 pull ups then dead hang for 10secs, repeat the first step for a total of 20 pull
ups and 40secs in one set 5 sets makes it Bar-baric , one set makes you a *.

March 7th: routine #2:

this is a hard one, 2-push ups, 2-pull ups,2-headbangers,2-muscle ups and 2-dips.
it's a Bar-baric pyramid , 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2.
Try not to break it up at least to 6, I only know one person to get 2 10 without

March 14th:Dead man hang:

start with 5sec dead hang then 1pull up,
10sec d'hang then 2pull ups,
15sec D'hang then 3pull ups,
20sec d'hang then repeat to 30seconds then back down in increments of 5secs, pull
ups always goes up, you should end on 11pull ups.
a total of 3mins. 66 pull ups

March 22nd:5MD: push ups, complete 150 push ups in 5mins,

start with 50 out side of shoulder, then 50 exact shoulder , then 50 Bar-baric
Must be full ROM, just in case you don't know what Bar-baric diamonds are here's a
(Diamond push up with one hand over the other forming a little diamond)

March 28th:5MD,easy routine today, 125 dips in minutes. That's a good one I try

April 4th:Forearm killah, this one is kind've difficult to explain but here we go:
you start with 5 headbangers(sitting in the chair position)then immediately you do
another 5 fist apart legs down body stiff,
now back to the 1st position, this time 10, make sure you're in the correct
position : fist touching knees slightly bent, core engaged,
after that 10 in the straight position, make sure you're are straight with your
legs 2gether and that your chin clears the bar.
Last one,15 more on each position all without dropping 'll try and post a demo
today because I know it's kind've confusing when you read it.
Let me know if you have any trouble.

April 11th:Bk bridge, easy routine this week, it's called Brooklyn bridge because
this was suppose to go down at least 4yrs ago.
It's very simple:10 steps , heal to toe, drop and do 10 push ups, repeat for a
distance of around a whole block, or around the park.
That's a routine :that will increase your push up # and endurance.
You understand the Bk bridge name? No? You'll find

April 18th:I was gonna make the Niro set today's routine but it's too late now,
instead we're gonna do a simple pyramid of pull ups & baby CTI's ,
I call them that because that headbanger name sucks don't know who came up with
that BS, anyway:
we're gonna start with 2 pull ups-straight form(stiff as morning wood),
on the last rep with your chin above the bar keeping your body straight you're
gonna do 2 baby CTI's ,
then repeat this time 4 of each, 2,2,4,4,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,9,9,-back to 2.
Your body should be straight on every rep.
This is one of the exercises I'm currently doing to prepare for Ukraine, I'll post
a demo vid this afternoon.

April 25th:just like "dead mans hang" this one is the dip version.
5secs then 1dip, 10secs then 2dips, 15secs then 3dips- all the way to 30secs then
then work your way down back to 5secs then 11dips, seconds go from
1 dip for every hold, the last set is a 11, try to do this set with the least
amount of break ups as possible.Demo vid 4this at request.

May 2nd:Something lite on this rainy day, 10,15second pull ups.

Start with 5secs with you chin above the bar,
5secs with the top of your head touching the bar, make sure you keep the top of
your head in contact with the bar.
Then 5secs dead hang, repeat same order for 10 reps.

-Wednesday Routine 5/16/12

Another simple one today, a pyramid consisting of muscle ups, push ups and
burpees .
We're gonna start with 2 push ups followed by 1 burpee then 2 muscle ups. Increase
by 2 except for the burpees ,those stay at the same number.
So it's 2 push ups, 1 burpee ,2 muscle ups then straight to 4 push ups, 1 burpee
straight into 4 muscle ups. 2-10-2 a total of 50 push ups , 50muscle ups 10
As always the least break ups as possible.

-Wednesday Routine 6.13.12

B-B'day routine:
(1st set) 5 push ups, 5 pull ups, 5sec hold chin above, 5sec hold top of the head,
5sec dead hang, 5 more pull ups then end the set with 35 push ups.
(2nd set)10 push ups, 10 pull ups 10sec hold chin above, 10sec hold top of the
head, 10sec dead hang, 10more pull ups then end the set with 35 push ups
(3rd set)15push ups, 15 pull ups 15sec hold chin above, 15sec hold top of the head,
15sec dead hang, 15more pull ups then end the set with 35 push ups.
(4th set) back to reps of 10 and 10sec holds but end push ups stay at 35
(5th last set) end with reps of 5 and 5secs holds
end with ***35***push ups.
As aways less break ups as possible
Thanks for supporting me and I'll continue to motivate y'all
This is just the beginning.

-Wednesday routine 6.20.12

Late but great: need a ladder bar setup, if you don't have one just use a neutral
grip, with the ladder bar, start from the left or the right side, get a brick or a
15lbs(6.8kg)+ dumbbell or weight:
start with 5 pull ups then 5sec hold at top followed by 10 push ups, the brick
should be placed on your lap as close as possible to your stomach.
Ten sets non stop, complete your ladder working from side to side. Total of 50 pull
ups, 100 push up and 50 seconds of holds

-Wednesday Routine 6.27.12

Late again(Zt), 2nite,lol we're going to do a Bar-club challenge from last week .
1st: 5 muscle ups, 10 dips, 10 pull ups, 10 push ups, that's one set.
The only rest you take is walking from your dip station to your pull up bar.
Try to complete 3 consecutive sets without stoping no longer than 10sec in between
Good luck!

-Wednesday Routine 7.4.12

4th of July and it's hot and wet like a honeymoon.
Today we are going to do Mark's Straight bar dip pyramid, this routine you should
have 2 people for this one.
Start with both people dead hanging on the bar, one person M-ups then completes 2
dips while the other person hangs,
soon as your done the next person goes up to the same, soon as he's/she's done, the
1st person goes back up to do 4 dips.
Repeat to 10 then back down 2 .
If you don't have a partner dead hang for how much reps you did ex: if you did 8
dips you should dead hang for 8 seconds.

-Wednesday Routine 7.11.12

This Wednesday is a very basic routine but it's a very good one:7 muscle ups, 11
pull ups, 12 push ups , 7 sets in 11 minutes followed by 12 cups of coconut water.
Good luck!

-Wednesday Routine 7.18.12

Rick's set: this is a routine that should be done mid or the last part of your
workout to increase the difficulty.
1)dead hang for 5secs, complete muscle up then 90degree 5sec hold(straight bar dip
position) make sure your stomach doesn't touch the bar,
after that go directly to a 5sec hold with chin above the bar followed by a 5sec
hold with the top of your head touching the bar, then back to the dead hang that
completes one set.
Try to complete 5 consecutive sets with the least amount of break ups. I will have
post a demo vid on twitter so you can understand the routine better.
Good luck!

-Wednesday Routine 7.25.11

This week we have another "Mark set". It's simple but very effective.
1st: 4 muscle ups followed by 1 pull up, then 3 muscle ups followed by 2 pull ups,
2 muscle ups then 3 pull ups, 1 muscle up then end with 4 pull ups.
This is one set, as you know already about my routines that breaks up are to be
avoided .
Complete 4 sets with 10mins rest in between sets.
Good form as always!

-Wednesday routine(s) 9.5.12

I'm very sorry for not posting any routines for the past month, I've been traveling
to everywhere I was invited to. Shout out to everyone supporting my blog and trying
these routines, shout to everyone who click'd one of the links on my blog and
purchased something.
Today's routines: I'm not sure if you seen my Jamaica pool routine(it's on my FB
page) I originally wanted that to be the routine for that week but you know how it
is when you're vacation(laziness kicks in). This routine can be easy if done with
bad form.

1st :you're gonna need a short bar or a pool preferably with corners.
Okay this routine is the long version to my "Zakaveli warmup" , instead of 5 muscle
ups & five dips down to 1, we're gonna do 10 muscle ups & 10 dips down to 1 of
If you're gonna do it in a pool make sure you use the deep end so your feet don't
touch the wall or floor. Use the corner of the pool so that it will be easy for you
not to touch the wall, the corner is also a better place to complete your dips for
obvious reasons(if you don't know ask me).
If you're gonna use the short bar, make sure it's at least to your chest anything
higher is gonna make it more Bar-baric.
The routine is easy, start with 10 muscle ups immediately follow by 10 dips, after
the 10 dips go straight into doing 9 muscle ups then 9 dips. Repeat all the way to
1 of each. NO BREAK UPS!!!
With the pool go all the way down locking out you arms with every rep, holding your
breath everytime you go below makes it challenging.
With the short bar you get a leg workout. You have to use your legs to help you
jump into a muscle up, that's why you have to use a low bar. Your hands must stay
on the bar at all times.
I know the description might be a litte vague, ask me any question you might have
about the routines.

***2nd routine of the day***

This is a mathematical routine that's a little tricky. This is originally created
to punish the brothers that like to brake up routines.
This routine should be done with two people on the pull up bar facing opposite
directions.If you don't have some one to do this routine with you're gonna have to
use your imaginary buddy.
1st: 1 person does one pull up, then then 2nd person does 1 pull up while the 1st
person hangs. Next will be 2 pull ups, this is a ladder routine 1-10 back and forth
, the catch is you have to complete a full set of every set. The real catch is that
everytime you brake up a set you have to combine the total number up pull ups you
and your partner completed and do a push for every pull up, no matter how many
times you break it up you have to complete the push ups before you go back to the
pull up bar.
This routine turns more into a push up workout than a pull up one. If you're using
a imaginary buddy make sure you don't cheat, the same time it took you to complete
a set is the same time you give him.
Let me know if anyone has a difficult time understanding any routine I'll try my
best to help you out.
I'll post a few more routines this week to make up for the lost time.
Thanks again for the support.
-Wednesday Routine 9.12.12
What's up everyone, I'm back from Paris even more tired, I had a great time out
This week's routine is a nice one,it's a pyramid as always.
1st:this should be done with two people if you don't have a partner ,don't worry
about it.
*You're going to start with a dead hang for 5secs, then a 10sec hold with the top
of your head touching the bar,
after that a 15sec hold with your chin above the bar, right after that return back
to a 10sec hold with the top of your head touching the bar then back to the dead
hang for 5sec.
When you do this routine with a partner, you should both start in opposite
positions ex: one person will be dead hanging at the bottom and the other holding
at the top with his chin above the bar.
All break ups are 20 push-up penalty and the set should be voided(start back at the
position you left at ,but time starts from zero)that's why with a partner it's more
2 sets, 2nd set you should start at the top of the bar.
Any questions just ask.
Good training to all!

-Wednesday routine 9.19.12

This is a core routine is a CORE killer, it's short and to the point. 5MD style , I
know everyone loves those.
Another partner preferred routine, if you don't have someone the complete this
workout with , then good luck to you my brother because it's even harder to get a
perfect time alone.
It's very simple, you're going to hold with your chin above the bar, body
straight , arms shoulder width apart,with your face as calm as a cow.
The goal is to get the most time as possible holding your chin above the bar in 5
With a partner you can share the 5min clock, when one person drops the other picks
up where is partner left off.
You will need someone to help keep your total time that you spent holding with your
chin above the bar and keep the 5min clock running(2 stopwatches are needed) try
your best to get a perfect time of 5 minutes .
Good luck, great training

-Wednesday Routine 10.3.12

This week we have 2 routines:
1st- will be the LWT set, this is a hard routine and should be completed without
letting go of the bar.
It's 1 pull-up, 1 muscle-up, 1 straight bar dip. Start with 1 end with 5 of
Total of 15 pull ups, 15 muscle ups and 15 dips, the total time on the bar varies.
If you have to break it up try not to break up the sets, meaning if you just
completed the third round and feel like you can only do 4 pull ups, rest and charge
up so you can complete a full set.
This is a very advance routine so feel very good about yourself for even attempting
to do it.

2nd- This is a simple and effective, 50 pull ups, 50 dips and 50 push ups, all
This is how I usually start a workout, it's a good warm up/ cool down.
As always,try to complete with the least amount of breaks as possible to decrease
your time. Make sure you keep track of your progress. This workout will help you
increase your numbers and muscle endurance.
Any questions...?
-Wednesday Routine 10.10.12
Congrats Ray L,you made the WR's. This week is a push up routine created by Ray L,
it's a good one that's why it's here.
1st: 40 second hold in a full plank(top of push-up position) followed by 40 push-
ups then straight back to a 30 second full plank hold followed again with 30 push-
ups this time.
Continue all the way to 10. Get a extra 5 seconds then 5 push-ups for to add a
cherry on the top.

Always **NO BREAK UPS!**

When you break up you have to spend a lot more time making up and it's going to
cost you more $. So remember it's cheaper to keep her..
**Apply the above info wherever needed**
Good training!

-Wednesday Routine 10.24.12

A lever routine was requested last week(shout out to Steven L) so here we go, I'm
expecting a lot of questions to be ask'd. Most of these routines are more effective
with a partner, it helps to have someone to keep you from cheating, motivate you,
keep count/time and give you that much needed break.

You should have good idea on how to do a lever if not, you're should do some
research and come back. This blog is for routines and advice.

I needed help posting this routine, so I ask'd Ray L to explain it this week since
he's the only person I know to complete it and the only person I know that can
describe it.

Lever routine:
Part ONE.
Number of participants needed = 3.
1. The athelete performing the front levers hangs from the bar.
2. The �counter� positions himself in front of the athelete on the bar.
3. The athelete performs 10 front levers. With each rep, the counter provides
resistance for each rep (i.e., the rise of the feet) by firmly and abruptly pushing
down on the tops of the feet.
The push should occur when the athelete reaches an angle of about 45 degrees (with
the ground).
4. To prevent �backswing,� the third participant kneels behind the athelete on the
bar and simply holds his arm out to block the legs from swinging back.

Number of participants needed = 2.
This is similar to part one in that front levers are performed for reps. However,
this time, there is no resistance given � but backswing should still be avoided.
1. Do 10 front levers, each from a dead hang.
2. On the tenth rep, the counter holds the athelete�s legs up in a perferctly
horizontal position FOR 10 SECONDS.
When being held in the front lever position, the athelete should be as straight as
possible. Do not let the hips sag.
Do 5 sets of 10, with a hold on each tenth rep.

- Wednesday Routine 11.7.12

This week's routine is actually November's Bar-Barian forum challenge("Fletch's
fun")we're gonna make it a ladder routine.
Congrats to the newest Bar-Barian brother Ryan F. to celebrate we're going to do
his challenge that's going this month on the Barbarian forum, if you're not a
member, it's time to become one.
Start with 1 normal push up followed by 1 diamond push up. Each set add one rep to
each set, the next round would be 2 normal push ups followed by 2 diamond push ups.
From 1-10 of each is the goal.
You have a maximum of 5 seconds to transition between the two push up types and at
no time can your knees touch the ground. Body should remain planked (no a$$ in the
air), even as you are moving hands in and out. Feet should be together.
Great routine , good training !

- The story of the 50

Sweaty palms , excited and nervous at the same time, waiting for my name to be
called in gym class.
My memories of the first time I had to perform pull-ups in front of an audience,
the gym class instructor would serve as a judge in a 3 pull-up minimum physical
I had two weeks to train but I only used one week to prepare.
Before that test I always thought I can complete at least 5 consecutive pull ups, I
was wrong , the strict form of the pull ups needed to pass the test was a rude
awakening to my idea of what a pull-up was.
I trained everyday for a week straight, I went from zero to 3 full ROM pull-ups in
five days. I barely spent a hour everyday training.
I already completed the 3 pull-ups in my mind and to me that was the hardest part
to overcome, the physical part would be the easy part.
I learned at a early age that seeing is believing, I always picture myself
achieving my goals first, then making it a reality second.
After I pass the "PT" , my goal was to able to complete 10 consecutive pull-ups.
50 pull-ups was just crazy at the time and I never thought that any normal person
can complete that number of repetitions in one set.
To me that would've been amazing if I can complete a week worth of working out in
one set, 10 pull ups a day was my workout regimen at the time(11yr). 50 pull-ups
has been a physical goal of mine for a long time.
To me it's much more to complete something like this than to practice a move in my
bedroom for hours.
I started working out a long time before it became a YT/FB craze.
The computer is helping the bar-world and killing it at the same time,
more and more people are concentrating on being the next calisthenics star by
replicating gymnastic moves in their bedrooms rather than going outside in the real
world,working out and interacting with people that share the same passion.
My FB&YT was the streets of America, where if you had a negative comment you would
have to keep it to yourself or be prepared to deal with the repercussions.
I traveled park to park working out hoping to find someone to challenge, critique,
teach and motivate me to reach a higher level.
Basics pull-ups became to boring at one point , so variations became a new way to
challenge myself and target different muscle groups.
Freestyle became the thing to do because of the audience it attracted and their
reactions to seeing something they think is mpossible for them to do.
Basic are the foundation that the Bar-world is built from.
The extreme strength moves are the evolution of bodyweight exercises and should
always be backed up with a strong foundation of fundamental calisthenics.
I gave myself 2 weeks to complete the "50" but I've been so busy I didn't get to
train as much as I wanted to.
I had to struggle 30(BB-20)when I started, my game plan was to mentally get past
the 50, so my routines would consist of nothing below 50 reps, even if I had to
break them up,
I'll only gave myself a rest after 50 or better(reps) were completed.
I had to strengthen my grip ,especially my left hand(due to the bike accident).
Most of the routines I used are on this blog,
I will describe my training in better detail on the instructional .
50 pull-ups has been completed before me and now they will definitely be more
strong and inspired individuals to complete them after me.
Completing the "50"means much more than me just displaying muscle endurance, I am
hopefully motivating someone to set a goal and surpassing it.
50 was the my first and oldest physical goal, I'm on to completing my next
goal,Hopefully I'll have it by June 1st!!!
Shout out to my Bar-Barian brothers , Jon Hinds,Hit ,Tech and all the teams that
are true to themselves and everyone that support Zef Zakaveli .
You're the ones that motivate me to accomplish all of my goals!

- Wednesday Routine 11.28.12

This Wednesday's - A Leitz Out production. Suggested by Ryan F
The "6 Routine"
You could do 60 sec rest between sets.
1 MU, 5 pull ups
2 MU, 4 pull ups
3, 3
4, 2
5, 1
Reverse the order
1 pull up, 5 MU
2 pull ups, 4 MU
3, 3
4, 2
5, 1
End with:
1 pull up + 1 MU x 6 (12 reps in 1 set).
If you fail on a MU you have to repeat the pull up/MU combination. For example, you
miss the 10th rep (which is a MU), you have to do the pull up before you can do the
Good training !

-New Year,New Routines!!!!

Bar-baric routine time:
This one is very advanced, it will take a lot of break ups. 1st step, complete 9
muscle ups ,on the ninth you will slowly lower yourself into a lever position and
hold once you�re in a complete lever, hold for 15 seconds(I TOLD YOU THIS ONE WAS
Once you completed your 15 second lever hold you will try to complete 6 muscle ups
followed by a 10 second lever hold. last step will be , 5 muscle ups follow again
by an EASY 5 second hold.
That�s a very hard routine, I guarantee that you will have to break up this routine
as well as modify your holds.
It is best to have a partner when attempting this routine to help you with your
count and lever holds.

Human routine:
Easy one(pyramid diamond push-ups).
This time we going to start with 2 diamond push-ups straight into a squat
but instead of fully extending on the thrust, you�re going to stay in a squatting
position with your arms extended in a forward position while making a fist like
you�re holding two hammers,
hold for 10 seconds on every interval of your pyramid.
So, 2 D� push-ups burpee into a squat hold for 10secs followed by 4 D�push-ups the
20secs hold.
D� Push-ups: 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2
Squat holds: 10,20,30,40,50,40,30,20,10

Cool down routine: Close grip(fist touching) pull-ups ladder set style, keep your
body straight as a arrow
complete 1 pull-up with a 10 second hold with your chin above your fist followed by
2 pull-ups with another 10 second hold.
Your pull-ups will go from 1-10, your holds will stay consistently 10 seconds.
Make sure you do not bend form your waist and your legs stay together at all times,
remember **straight as a arrow**.
Good training!

-Much needed:Story of the 5MD

What's up Bar-world, out of all the routines I ever created, the five minute
drill(5MD) is the most effective and efficient.
The BBR's originally started off being the standard physical requirement for anyone
that wanted to become a Bar-barian, 40 dips, 20 pull ups, 50 push ups and 5 muscle
ups all in 10mins.
As the Bar-world grew stronger the BBR's got tougher.
The Bar-barian requirements sparked a trend, now every team you can think of has
some kind of physical test to enter their team.
The 5MD originally started as 10 minute routine.
Usually the night before I workout , I think of new routines to put myself to
sleep(others count sheep).
100 pull ups & 200 push ups in ten minutes was the dream, after the first attempt,
it turned into a nightmare.
After failing to complete that routine and almost succeeding in catching a heart
attack, I realized that trying to accomplish half of the numbers would be more
realistic and a great way to train for the full 10 minute drill and the BBR's.
The misleading part about the 5MD is the numbers, being able to complete 50 pull
ups & 100 push ups to any calisthenics enthusiast is relatively easy.
When you add a deadline(time) to any task, makes it much more difficult , that's
the key element to the 5MD that makes it such a great routine.
Your body has no time to recover, it becomes a cardiovascular workout also.
Shorter intense workouts will give you much more gains than a longer slower
With my experience in both short and longer workouts, shorter workouts show more
results in a shorter amount of time, they're much more fun, less time consuming and
more gratifying when completed.
There's no excuse to not having at least 5 minutes a day to complete a 5MD.
The 5MD became a legendary routine overnight(winter of 2011), completed with proper
form,the 5MD is all you need for a complete upper body workout.
To this day my best time is 2m48s, my goal was 2:30 before I realized that's just
me being Zakaveli(overkiller).
To this day the 5MD is still attempted in different variations and in different
places around the world. I often use it as a tool to gauge a person's level and
progression .
No matter where you train in the world,calisthenics is the best way to get in
shape, you can attempt to complete a 5MD anywhere with any exercise you want.
They are no "famous" parks, I'm a artist and the bar is my canvas, weather it's a
bar at a local park in Brooklyn NY or a bar behind a apartment building in
dnepropetrovsk ukraine.
Man makes the Bar, the Bar never made the Man. There is no workout park in the
world that has special powers, only powerful people that make the workout parks
Dedicated to all that completed the 5MD!

-Wednesday routine 5.29.13

Long time , no routine huh.
I got a quick one for you, it's a push up routine for when you're stuck at home or
at work.
It's called the Mel's special, you're going to need a timer, set it for 5 minutes.
You're going to try and complete 125 push ups in 5 minutes, if you finish in under
5 minutes that's more rest for you, soon as your 5 minutes are up, take a 5 minute
Immediately at the end of your break , start another 5 minute countdown, this time
you're going to try your best to complete 100 push ups.
Take another 5 minute break again after your 5 minutes are up.
You are going to repeat this pattern all the way to 25 push ups, don't worry you
can take as long as you want on the last break.

-Workout Routine straight from Ukraine

What's up Bar-world, I'm back from Ukraine with a brutal routine.
This is a routine that will prepare you for the BBR'S, it was birthed on the last
night the Bar-BARIANS spent in Dnepropetrovsk.
We found a secret training spot to have a little 2am B-B Bar-club. It's always
great to workout with my B-B brothers especially the ones I rarely get to see.
This night was kind've brutal, there was so many emotions hidden, it was the last
night that most of the B-B's will get a chance to show if they have been slacking
or to prove that their gold wings are permanently branded.
I was truly impressed with performance of my brothers, i'm very proud that after a
week of no rest ,they still came out and gave a Bar-baric effort.
So much to explain that happened in a short amount of time, hopefully one day Rick
will upload the footage.
The Routine that was birthed is called "the Dnep'50"(not the official name yet).
It's consists of 50 repetitions of each of the basic calisthenics exercises in a
specific order with only a 20second break in between each transition.
Pull-ups are first, you have to try your best to complete 50 reps' in one set, no
break ups allowed.
Once your feet touch the ground the 20second clock starts to tick, you basically do
your max on the pull-ups.
Dips are second, after your 20secs of rest from the pull-ups, you must try your
best to complete 50 dips.
The same rules apply as the pull-ups, once your feet touch the floor the timer
Push-ups are third, this is the killer because after trying to max on your dips
you're attacking the same muscle groups for more Bar-baric torture.
Squats are last, this is the easiest part, at least it sounds easy.You're going to
complete 50 squats with your arms extended forward at all times.
After all those reps your arms feel like they weigh a ton.
Remember you have a 20second rest in between(DO NOT GO OVER) anymore time your
whole routine will be voided.
Try to keep track of the overall time it takes to complete the whole routine.
This routine will definitely prepare you for the BBR'S.
Try your best to get as much 50's completed as possible(in one set of course) to
get extra Bar-baric points.
Good luck trying to be the 1st complete this routine.

- The story of #shootD10

Much respect to all of my loyal brothers that supported and stood by me these past
few years.
The Bar culture has changed so much since my last post.
Furthermore, the negatives are fighting to overpower the positives, but as with
everything in life, the positive will always triumph with a positive mind.
I'm back even though I have never left.
I've been very busy with life's daily challenges, and having two newborns doesn't
make things any easier.
Spring is here and summer is soon to follow, which means the "bar dudes" will be
back in the parks again, competitions will be popping up with promises of bar
stardom, and someone will try to reinvent the wheel again.
I'm growing impatient waiting for the unification in the bar community to manifest.
I have honestly given up.
The online bar fame seekers are more concerned on coming up with a new "power move"
that has already been created and displayed by gymnasts for decades.
The fundamentals of calisthenics should be everyone's point of focus and by
building a solid foundation, your structure will stand strong for ages.
You don't need to be inquiring about how to do a planche if you can't complete 5
sets of 20 push ups, you shouldn't be concerned with doing a muscle up if you can't
complete 20 consecutive pull ups.
Calisthenics is about working out using you own body weight for resistance,
increasing your flexibility, and not having to rely on any equipment to build
You can't achieve your goals without putting in the necessary hard/smart work, and
you can't keep making excuses or trying to take shortcuts.
I see it and hear it all the time, that's one of the many reasons the bar world has
The bar culture lost the real competitive aspect that helped me to progress to the
level I'm at today.
The competing that I'm referring to is the kind that helps to elevate both
competitors in a brotherly way, not a cock measuring contest, it's about helping to
bring the best out of each other with respect while displaying good sportsmanship.
There were times a battle would take place due to high testosterone levels, huge
egos, and insecurities. In addition, the presence of a female would often play as a
In a situation of confrontational physical challenges, you can either walk away and
avoid it, or you can accept the challenge in hopes of coming out victorious and
humbling your opponent into submission.
When it came to calisthenics I embrace all challenges regardless if it was mental
or physical.
I would never let workout battles go past the degree of sport.
I'll never participate in a situation that could possibly lead to something
personal outside of working out, which in that case, I'll make the decision to walk
away peacefully.
I would like to try and bring the bar world back to the way I really started
working out and that's from challenges that consist of straight basic pull ups and
push ups.
When I was young I had a lot of people I called friends that would constantly
compete with each other.
Some days it might be over girls, while on other days it could be over clothes or
even basketball.
The list goes on about the things that spark my competitiveness, my two favorite
competitions was basketball and calisthenics.
My love for basketball would travel with around Brooklyn with my good friend,
Jeramy, that I use to spend days playing one on one, practicing and getting better
together to the point where we would go to different parks just to embarrass
At that time "J" was my only competition and we would push each other so much and
constantly challenging each other that we both progressed to a higher level.
With everything in life you always run into the negatives. Sometimes we would win
and the loser would reply with "I bet you can't beat my ass though" lol.
They (losers) couldn't win in one area so they thought maybe they would have better
chances in another.
It's the exact same case in the bar world today, "Yea, Zef could do 50 pulls, but
how much can he squat?"
That's the life I learned to deal with especially in the bar world. The
calisthenics challenges came along in my late teens, where pull up bars weren't as
easily accessible like they are today.
We had to resort to using the city's "Don't walk" signs for pull ups, fence corners
for dips and the ground for the number one calisthenic exercise, the push up.
The floor was always beneath you so there was no excuse to avoid a push up
challenge on demand.
I remember doing push ups until I had to throw up.
I have had so many work out battle stories that I can go on forever which is why I
will eventually have to write a book lol.
Shoot the ten, back in the the day, was when you had a problem with someone.
You wouldn't try to shoot them or try to stab them (depending on the severity of
the problem), you'll simply tell them to shoot the five with you, meaning five
minutes or 5 rounds of bare knuckle boxing.
It would usually end with a handshake and respect or you can use your imagination.
Shoot the 10 can be a friendly competition; a way to gauge a partner's and your
level in order to increase everyone's numbers and back up any tough bar talk.
They're two ways to shoot the ten:
1. 1 on 1 duel - You both take turns attempting to complete a set of 10 reps of
pull ups while facing each other.
As soon as one person finishes his set the next person immediately attempts his
set of ten. You'll go back and forth until one person is unable to complete a full
set of 10 reps without breaking.
If you started the routine and you break the 2nd person must complete his 10 reps
to be declared the winner.
2. Last Man Standing - Similar to the 1 on 1, but instead of just 2 people going
head to head, you compete with your workout group until the last man is standing.
You will have to outlast everyone who's in your workout group, two competitors will
go back and forth trying to complete 10 reps, soon as one person has to break,
another fresh person takes over and starts his rounds.
The goal is to shoot as many rounds as possible, this routine continues until the
last man breaks his 10.
This routine isn't just for pull ups, you can implement push ups(20), dips(15),
muscle ups(5), squats(20 with holds), and anything you think that will help you
elevate your skill and strength.
I hope to see a lot of people trying and posting their challenges around the world.
I will indeed make my rounds throughout NYC to see if anyone is up for the
challenge...GOOD LUCK!!



10 pull-ups, 10 headbangers,10 muscle-ups,30 straight bar dips, 10 more pull-ups
and the a 10count ISO hold=70 reps in one set.

-Zef Ironman (Bar-Barians) - Calisthenics routine

10 pull ups to the bottom of your chest-1 muscle up into 50 straight bar dips- 10
leg raises with toes to the bar. 5sets in 1hr

-Zef (Bar-Barians) - Workout Routines for Muscle

5 pull ups to the bottom of your chest-1 muscle up into 25 straight bar dips
***WITH 35lbs/15.8kg weight added***10 leg raises with toes to the bar. 3 sets in

-Warmup: 5 muscleups - 5 dips on bar 4 muscleups - 4 dips 3 muscleups - 3 dips 2

muscleups - 2 dips 1 muscleup - 1 dip 10 pullups + iso hold
-Pizza set: On low bar 8 push up/ 8 one underhand push up/ 8 both underhand push
up/ 8 one underhand push up/ 8 push up/ 8 Close grip push up/ 8 Wide push up/ 8
Push up 5 minute rest x 8 times
-Pizza set 2(pull up) : 8sets of 8 /8 sec front lever/ 8 pull up/ 8 muscle up/ 8
dip/ 8 commando pull up left shoulder/ 8 commando pull up right/ 8 commando pull up
left/ 8 commando pull up right
-25 push ups every minute on the minute for 60mins straight (each set no more than
-30sec hold chin above/30sec hold top of the head touching/ 30sec deadhang /30sec
top of the head touching/30sec chin above the bar/ then drop and complete 80+ push
-10pull-ups then 1 OAP(5sec) on each arm/ 10pull-ups then 1 OAHead touching (5sec)
each arm/ 10 more pull-ups(30 total) then 5sec dead head for each arm. NO BREAKS
-The BBR's 5 muscle ups- 50 dips-30 pull ups- 60 push ups & 5 more muscle ups all
to be completed in 5mins or less.
--Bar-Barians break hearts not sets: 50 pull ups/50 dips, 40/50, 30/50, 20/50,
10/50 & 10 Muscle ups

-Core death: Zero rest in between exercises, 10 down Pyramid drop set.
10 ring rollouts + 10 ring push ups + 10 dragonflags. then 9,9,9, 8,8,8 down to 1
rep each = done.

-500 rep dip routine consecutive reps only count no pauses allowed go as high as
you can with no pause. 3-5min rest. every time add one set.
20-22-24-26-28-30-35-40-45-50-55-60-65 = 500reps.
Pullups 100+reps in as little sets as possible.Every time add more reps
46-40-30 = 116 reps

-50/40/30/20/10: Suppose to be consecutive no pauses-

Goes like this =
50 pullups-5min rest
40 pullups-4min rest
30 pullups-3min rest
20pullups-2min rest
10 pullups
Then i did 5 sets x 20 pullups for my daily 100
Did tricep extensions on the guard rails in between sets and pushups to keep that
Pull/Push balance.

-The 50down: You can start at a higher or lower number to start. Good for the body
to recognize endurance at a heavier weight do this once per week.

Set1= 50 pullups
6minutes rest
Set2= 40 pullups
5minutes rest
Set3= 30 pullups
4minutes rest
Set4= 20 pullups
3minutes rest
Set5= 10pullups
2minutes rest
Set6= Maxout till absolute failure! write down this number, next week beat it at
all cost eventually you want this number to be higher then set1.TRAINHARDDD!!!

-One set without leaving the bar.

5 sec hang
1 pull up
10 sec hang
1 pull up
15 sec hang
1 pull up
20 sec hang
1pull up
25 sec hang
1 pull up
30 sec hang
1 pull up

Still feel strong go back down to 5 sec hang without leaving the bar

-This is a re-make Of Jay uk routine: 10 sets of 20 pullups x no rest, 20 ring

pushups.Very good for a light rest day.

-50/50 down: 50 pullups,drop 50 pushups, 40/40,30/30,20/20,10/10 i do take light

rest though but you shouldn't.Great endurance routine

-5minute re-make drill 100dips/50pullups

-Core Dragon flags/plank super set:

1dragon flag, no rest :30sec plank,2dragon flags,no rest:30sec plank.Keep
alternating till 10 dragon flags. Build strength/endurance in the core.

-Another good one to shock up a lacking exercise pick 1 dips, pullups, pushups.
Works best for me with pushups.
Build lactic acid tolerance:ex= for pushups 1 set only.

1min rest
:50 rest
:40 rest
:30 rest
:20 rest
:10 rest
:5 rest
no rest 1 sec
no rest 1 sec keep going till you cant do a normal pushup
Now repeat this whole thing doing pushups on knees cause you cant do the normal
ones, after you cant do the normal ones hold the top static of the pushups till you
cant hold that.You pretty much go till failure once you heal try out regular


2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 = 50 reps
do 2 push ups stand up, do 4 push ups stand up i usually dont stand up i do an l-
seat or get my knees 2 my chest,

4-8-12-16-20-16-12-8-4 = 100
i did 3 of these, could done more if zef didnt killled my chest the other day
lol ..

im planning doing these with dips,pull-ups and push ups and sum mega sets
2-2-2 pull dip push 4-4-4 pull dip push 6-6-6 pull dip push etc etc try with no
rest. thats 150 reps in 1 set !

i tell ya this is sum good s**t!! we barbarians do this on push up handles, get
creative with the push up forms, and routines... good luck !

- Importance of Grip!!!

Very important to have a severely strong grip whether your a bar-

athlete,strongman,powerlifter,sports ectect.
I have many routines, i do holds with an 800lb.stone frame,farmer walks with 300-
375lbs.per hand.
You can use this guidline to build a gorilla grip & add or deduct weight according
to your strength! Trainharddd!!!
With fatgrips All aim for 10seconds to preserve strength for the heavy sets,the
ones that build you.Once your top heavy set is reached, all sets after are till

Set1 = 85lbs. = 10sec

Set2 = 105lbs. = 10sec
Set3 = 125lbs. = 10sec
Set4 = 155lbs. = 10 sec
Set5 = 180lbs. = 10 sec
Set6 = 200lbs. = 10 sec
Set7 = 225lbs. = 10sec
Set8 = 235lbs. = 10sec
Set9 = 245lbs. = 10sec
Set10 = 265lbs. = till failure
Set11 = 225lbs. = till failure
Set12 = 225lbs. till failure
Set13 = 225lbs. till failure
Set14 = 225lbs. till failure
Set15 = 225lbs. till failure
Set16 = 200lbs. till failure
Set17 = 200lbs. till failure
Set18 = 200lbs. till failure
Set19 = 180lbs. till failure
Set20 100lbs.Dumbbells 1 per hand no fatgrips till failure, no rest pullup dead
hang till failure.

-D.O.C & D-Real ... Gettin' Sets ..." HIGHLANDAZ " Style (2 person set)
5 muscle up 10 wide pull up
5 muscle up 10 behind the neck pull up
5 russian dips 15 dips x 2 sets
20 tricep extensions x 2 sets
20 bench dips x 2 sets
5 wide muscle up neutral grip palms out 10 bar dips 15 pull up x 2 sets
15 push up 20 sec top hold 5 push up x 3 with different grip x 2 sets

-1,000 pushups in under 1 hour.
Do 20 pushups then rest 20 seconds. Do 15 pushups then rest 15 seconds
Do 10 pushups then rest 10 seconds.
Do 5 pushups then rest 60 seconds & repeat the pyramid until you complete 20 sets.
The goal is to keep the diamond hand position throughout
-Complete 20 pull ups then 20 push-ups- 15/15-10/10-5/5(that�s one set) 20 sets for
time of each set and total time of completion(1st should be 2mins or less

-Advanced Calisthenics Routine 3 rounds
Close grip: 5 muscle up 10 bar dips 10 pull up 10 low bar tricep extension
Regular grip: 5 muscle up 10 bar dips 10 pull up 10 low bar tricep extension
Wide grips: 5 muscle up 10 bar dips 10 pull up 30 p bar dips
10 pistol squat each leg

10 Pull Ups, 10 Second Chin Above Bar Hold
8 Pull Ups, 10 Second Chin Above Bar Hold
6 Pull Ups, 10 Second Chin Above Bar Hold
4 Pull Ups, 10 Second Chin Above Bar Hold
2 Pull Ups, 10 Second Chin Above Bar Hold
The rule T.Lee and I agreed on was that if we broke anywhere within any subset,
we'd have to start that respective subset all over again starting with pulls.
This is an excellent setup as a warmup, for multiple rounds, OR mixed in with
several 5MD's (Minute Drills) such as we did.
I constantly remind myself to train outside my comfort zone NOT inside it!

-Short on time to train?

How about trying 5MD (minute drills) which are excellent for warmups or even as
routines in Reps And Sets format.
I tested it out today using the 5MD Push Ups set of 150 reps to be completed in
less than 5 minutes.
I did 7 sets and spread them throughout the day using a different format
Here are the different types of Reps And Sets formats I used in my "PUSH DAY" using
5MD setup.
All sets were completed in less than 5 minutes, and this felt just as good as a 1-2
hour straight workout!
(REPS x SETS) SET 1) 5MD push ups (low bar) 60 + (10 x 9 sets with 10s rest between
SET 2) 5MD push ups (low bar) 10 x 15 (10 sec rest between sets)
SET 3) 5MD push ups (floor) 50 x 3 (1 min break between sets)
SET 4) 5MD push ups (floor) 30 x 5 (30 sec break between sets)
SET 5) 5MD push ups (floor) 15 x 10 (15 sec break between sets)
SET 6) 5MD push ups (floor) 25 x 6 (25 sec rest between sets)
SET 7) 5MD push ups (low bar) 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 (30 secs rest between sets)
Completed in 4m 50s THEN added a 1m ISO top hold as a finisher after last set

-BAR-BARIANS Pull Ups And Deadhang Calisthenics Warmup

2 Pull Ups, 2 Second Left Arm Deadhang
2 Pullups, 2 Second Right Arm Deadhang
4 Pull Ups, 4 Second Left Arm Deadhang
4 Pullups, 4 Second Right Arm Deadhang
6 Pull Ups, 6 Second Left Arm Deadhang
6 Pullups, 6 Second Right Arm Deadhang
8 Pull Ups, 8 Second Left Arm Deadhang
8 Pullups, 8 Second Right Arm Deadhang
10 Pull Ups, 10 Second Left Arm Deadhang
10 Pullups, 10 Second Right Arm Deadhang

-100 squats
5 muscle ups
75 squats
10 muscle ups
50 squats
15 muscle ups
25 squats
20 muscle ups
-1 pullup
1 dip
1 burpee

2 pullup
2 dip
2 burpee

3 pullup
3 dip
3 burpee
continue this sequence as far as you can for 20 to 30 minutes
-bodyweight "300"

25 pullups
50 burpees
50 pushups
50 floor wipers
50 box jumps(sub squat jumps)
50 dips
25 pullups
-3 rounds:
20 L-pullups
30 Toes to bar
40 Burpees
-3 rounds:
30 one hand pushups(15/arm)
30 pistols(15/leg)

cash out:
max pullups in 10 min
-21-15-9 of:

-100 pullups for time
-everytime you drop, you must complete 15 burpees to get back on the bar
-4 rounds for time:
10 burpees
25 pullups
50 pushups
75 squats

cash out:
3x max L-sit on floor
-150 dips for time:
everytime you drop do 20 mountain climbers to get back on the dip bar
-20 min AMRAP:

10 pistols(5 per leg)
15 pullups
-10 sets of:

10 pullups
10 dips
10 rows
10 pushups
-5 rounds of:
10 L-pullups
20 pistols(10/leg)

cash out:
5x max reps of underhand rows
5x10 dragonflags or dragonflag negatives

-Back workout
3 x 10 chin up + 10" top hold-10" middle hold
3 x 5 negatives chin up
3 x 10 close pull up
3 x 10 pull up + 10" top hold-10" middle hold
5 x 2 pull up + 5" top hold
3 x 10 phorm pull up
4 x 5 close b.w rows / 5 wide b.w. rows / 5 close chin b.w. rows / 5 wide chin b.w.
rows + 10" top hold
Max chin b.w. rows + close b.w. rows + top hold

-Back workout
3-5 sets
Rest exercises 45"-90" sec/Rest sets 3-5 min
5-10 Muscle ups
5-15 Wide grip pull up to chest
5-15 Pull up behind the neck
Neutral grip pull up (switch bars) 3-5 Wide/3-5 Normal/3-5 Close
5-15 Close grip pull up to chest
5-15 One arm b.w. rows(each arm)
Max b.w. rows

-Abs and chest (2 times per week)

60" exercises / 180" rounds
20 sit ups
15 leg raises to bar
15 v ups
60" plank
15 knee raises on bar
30" flutter crunches
10 hanging oblique raises

15 clap push up
20 push up
30 fast incline push up
15 decline push up
20 dips
20 straight bar dips
20 diamond push up
20" push up hold

-Advanced arms workout

1) Muscle up 5 x 5-8
2) Slow chin up 5 x 8-10
3) Slow neutral pull up 5 x 10
4) Ring bicep curls 4 x 15
5) Chin up hold 5 x 20" + 15 diamond push up
6) Tricep extension 4 x max


2 sets / 5 min rest between sets

Full body workout
10 muscle up
10 straight bar dips
10 pull ups
50 squat jumps
40 regular dips
10 hanging full leg raises
10 hanging l raises
25 push up

-How to get BIG ARMS with bodyweight exercises

10 sets
10 close chin up
10 tricep extensions
10 dips
10 bench dips


10-9-8-7-6-5 handstand push up
20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10 dips and diamond push up
10-9-8-7-6-5-5-5-5-5-5 shield chin up (close grip chin up with forearms touching go
down only to 90�)


5- 10 sets 30"-60" rest
10 close pull up/close push up
10 normal pull up/normal push up
10 wide pull up/wide push up

-Full leg workout - CALISTHENICS

Squats jumps 5 x 20 + 30" wall sit
Lunges 5 x 20(each leg)
Elevated pistol squat 5 x 20(each leg)
Close stance squat 5 x 20
Box jumps 5 x 20


5 muscle up 10 bar dips 10 pull ups 20 regular dips every superset -1 rep each
exercise except muscle up until 5 muscle up 5 bar dips 5 pull up 15 regular dips

-Brother VS Brother - Street Workout War

10 muscle up
20 neutral grip pull up
30 burpees
40 dips
-Najjaci trening za ruke 30" rest
1� superset 5 x 10 close chin up + tricep extension
2� superset 5 x 10 chin up (2" negatives) + 20 bar dips
3� superset 5 x 10 neutral grip pull up + 20 regular dips

-Upper body routine

5 pull up, 5 sec iso hold x 3 (top/middle/dead hang), 5 pull ups, 30 push ups
10 pull up, 10 sec iso hold x 3, 10 pull ups, 30 push ups
15 pull ups, 15 sec iso hold x 3, 15 pull ups, 30 push ups
10 pull ups, 10 sec iso hold x 3, 10 pull ups, 30 push up
5 pull up, 5 sec iso hold x 3, 5 pull ups, 30 push ups


-1 Warm up : 2 pull ups then 5 sec hold on the top to failure

SET 1 : 10 Muscle ups + 20 bar dips + 20 sec hold on the middle + 40 push ups + 10
pull ups + 20 sec hold on the top
SET 2 : 5 sec hold top/middle/bottom + 5 Muscle ups + 30 bar dips + 10 pull ups + 5
sec hold top/middle/bottom + 30 push ups + 10 pull ups
SET 3 : 1 Muscle up + 50 bar dips + 20 pull ups

-2 Warm up : 1 pull up + 1 MU + 1 bar dip MAX REPS

1 SET : 1 MU + 30 bar dips + 10 pull ups + 10 sec hold x3 + 5 pull ups + 5 sec hold
x3 + 30 push ups
2 SET : 10 pull ups + 5 MU + 10 sec hold x3 + 5 pull ups + 1-5 MU + 15 bar dips +
30 push ups
3 SET : 5 sec hold x3 + 5 MU + 30 bar dips + 10 pull ups + 10sec hold x3 + 30 push
ups + 10 pull ups


5 Extreme Workout Routines! Bar Brothers

-Back/shoulder 3/6 sets 5 min rest

10 Typewriter pull ups, 10 Australian archer chin ups, 10 Pike push ups, 10 Close
grip pull ups, 10 Australian chin ups, 10" Wall handstand hold

-Fat burning 3/6 sets 4 min rest

15 Mountain climbers, 15 Jumping jacks, 15 Burpees, 15 High knees, 15" Squat walk,
15" Lateral sprints

-Chest 3/6 sets 5 min rest

15 Parallel bar dips, 15 Wide push up, 15 Straight bar dips, 15 Decline push up, 15
Incline straight bar push up, 15 Bench dips

-Abs 3/6 sets 3 min rest

15 Pike crunches, 15 Sky crossovers, 15 Sitting crunches, 15 Across toe touches, 15
Alternating knee raises, 15 Ankle touch crunches

-Legs 3-6 sets 5 min rest

10 Explosibe stair jumps, 10 0ne leg hill jumps, 10 Forty yard sprints, 10 Slow
calf raises, 10 Jump squat, 10 Natural leg curl


-Muscle up routine Ivan Markioli indepth workout #2
5 mu + 5 dips + 5 pu + 5,5,5 sec hold
6 mu + 6 dips + 6 pu + 5,5,5 sec hold
7 mu + 7 dips + 7 pu + 5,5,5 sec hold
8 mu + 8 dips + 8 pu + 5,5,5 sec hold
9 mu + 9 dips + 9 pu + 5,5,5 sec hold
10 mu + 10 dips + 10 pu + 5,5,5 sec hold

10 muscle ups - 10 dips - 10 push ups then go down to 1 - 1 - 1 .. Try to take 2
minutes rest between sets.

-Ampm Calisthenics Muscle up supersets

Muscle-ups x 5
Straight Bar Dips x 10
Pull-ups x 5

Muscle-ups x 6
Straight Bar Dips x 6
Pull-ups x 6

Muscle-ups x 5
Straight Bar Dips x 10
Pull-ups x 10

Pull-ups x 10
Straight Bar Dips x 10
Toe to Bars x 5

Pull-ups x 10
Straight Bar Dips x 10
Toe to Bars x 5

Pull-ups x 10
Straight Bar Dips x 10
Toe to Bars x 5

-High volume push up 30" rest
5 sets of 50 Push up
5 sets of 30 Push up
5 sets of 25 Close grip push up
5 sets of 20 Diamond push up
5 sets of 15 Diamond push up
5 sets of 25 Decline push up
5 sets of 20 Decline push up
5 sets of 15 Decline push up


-NETHER BODY WEIGHT PROTOCOL - superb for functional athletes and creative or
outdoor bodybuilding/training/fitness enthusiasts !!!

Day 1 back / biceps / forearms / rear delts

* Inverted shrug/rows for yoke / biceps / forearms 8 working sets to almost
*Australian Pull ups 4 sets
*Reverse Hypers 4 working sets to failure
Day 2 lower body

* squat jump = squat ass to grass and explode up into your highest vertical
jump - 1 high rep brutal set to failure
* lunges up hill 1 brutal super high rep set to failure
* lunges down hill 1 brutal high rep set to failure
* 1 leg squats 2 working sets each leg 4 total
* nordic curls 4 working sets
Day 3 shoulders arms chest
* hand stand push ups 4 working sets to failure
* 2 sets of push ups to failure
* 2 sets of incline push ups to failure
* 2 sets of dips to failure
* 2-4 working sets each side of this exercise for lateral delts
* do this for rear delts 2- 4 working sets

pick one of these external rotation exorcises and do 2 sets each shoulder to end
external rotation videos for shoulder health

-MMA STYLE CIRCUIT TRAINING - to get in actual fighting condition

30 minutes non stop training jumping from 1 exercise station to the next every 60
seconds with no breaks - fast pace

60 seconds push ups

60 seconds pull ups
60 seconds sprawls
60 seconds vertical jumps full power
60 seconds step ups -onto a bench
60 seconds combo body weight squats / lateral dumbbell raises with a light to
moderate dumbbell
60 seconds Australian pull ups
60 seconds speed shadow boxing - throw mad combos at a fast pace
60 seconds sand bag slams- pick it up and body slam it over and over
60 seconds sledge hammer pounding an old tire
no stopping for the full 30 minutes push it - FIGHT
if you dont have the set up for all these stations just set up the ones you can
and run in a circle through the stations switching to the next station every 60
You will get in actual fighting shape if you build up to the ability to move fast
and constant through all of this !!!


-Bodyweight Biceps Workout (30sec -2 min rest)
Close chin up 2-3 sets x 15-20
Close pull up 2-3 x 15-20
Headbangers 2-3 x 8-15
Archer pull up 2-3 x 5-8 (each side)
Bodyweight bicep curls 2-3 x 8-15
Isometric chin up 4-6 x max holds

Or: max rep 3-5 exercises for 3-4 sets each

-Triceps Workout at Home

Close push up 3 x 15-20
Tricep extension 3-5 x 8-12
Bench dips 3-5 x 10-15
Diamond push up 3-5 x 10-15

Or: max reps 3 sets of each exercise

Warm-Up trying the Bar-Barians (2k11) requirements: 50-30-60-10
Pull-Ups(any style) - 3x10 - 10 sec. dead hang between each rep
Dips up and down - 1,2,3,4,....10,9,8,7,....
You can make these harder by adding an L-Sit or Bent Arm Planche at the top of each
rep(thanks LBM for the idea)
Beastmode Burnouts - Pull-Ups(any style) and Diamond Pushups
Start at 1 rep of each, then 2, and so on until you can't do anymore, then go back
down to one from that number
Dips up and down - Same as before
Pull-Ups(any style) - 3x10 - 10 sec. dead hang before first rep, 9 sec. dead hang
before second, 8 sec. dead hang before third, etc...
Attempt the Bar-Barians requirements again

-1500 Pullups... 5 Per Min For 300 Min Straight....
-20 Push-ups a Min For 50 =1k Push-ups
10 Diamond Push-ups a min For 50 Min = 500 Push-ups
Total of 1.5k in 100 Min

-Turtle back routine:x 2-3 cicli 5 minuti riposo
50 Pull up
50 Wide grip pull up
100 Diamond push up
50 Wide grip chin up
10 muscle up
100 dips
50 Close grip pull up

-Arms routine max cycles

10 close chin up
30 dips
10 chin up
20 bar dips
10 close pull up
50 bench dips

-Intense Calisthenic Back/Biceps Workout Routine
This one hurt. Rest 1:30 between sets.
10x10 Chin ups with a dead hang at the end of each set
3x 12-15 Front lever raises
3x Max 90 Degree chin up hold

How I trained to dip 102kg for reps. (Bodyweight reddit)

SUP. Mi nombre es Jerric. I'm a 5'7, 150 lb, 18 year old dude. And I can dip with
225 lbs for 3 reps, pull up 150 lb for 5 reps and chin up 160 lbs for 5 reps.
I like to come on and help people write routines or write them a routine myself.
But now I'm gonna show you all how I do it.
Here's a sample routine that I'll be breaking down so you can hopefully understand
how to write these yourself:

Pair 1
5xMax Weighted pull ups
5xMax Weighted dips

Pair 2
4xMax One arm pull ups
4xMax Psuedo Planche push ups

Pair 3
3xMax One arm rows
3xMax Handstand push ups

Pair 4
3xMax Bicep curls supersetted with max tricep extensions

This is going to be quite a bit harder in terms of volume than the recommended
routine so I would say this is absolutely not for beginners.
Sets I typically pyramid the amount of sets starting at 5, then 4, then 3 etc.
You can raise or lower this number, it really doesn't matter, just you know...don't
be dumb.
You can also have the same number of sets all the way through, it's just not what I
personally do.
There's nothing wrong with it, I just don't do it.
Rest This can be looked up on here, theres nothing special about how I reccomend
you rest in between sets.
If you want to build a lot of strength, rest until you feel good to go, if you want
to get big... it doesn't really matter, just eat a lot more than normal.
Let's get down to business to defeat the Huns.
So in my example, the first push and pull exercises have 5 working sets.
These two are the exercises I would want to improve the most so they have the most
The more you practice something, the better you get so don't be afraid to really
pack on those sets if you're hitting really low reps such as 1 or 2.
Did they send me daughters When I asked for sons.
The second pair of exercises has 4 sets, these exercises are gonna be what assists
the main goal exercises.
Pick these exercises carefully, for example: it wouldn't make much sense to use an
overhead press movement to assist something like planche push ups.
Help my arms hurt The next pair of exercises are general strength or imbalance
This is typically where I would put horizontal pulling and an overhead pressing
You should always have a horizontal pull in your routine NO EXCEPTIONS.
Last pair The last pair is for small muscles.
So isolation movements such as curls, tricep extensions, ab exercises, etc. would
go here.
Some general info I typically recommend you max out in every set, not everyone
agrees with that and that's okay.
It's just how I do it, there's no reason why you can't apply this type of routine
and have a set number of reps.
As for leg day, you're on your own there,
I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough there yet.
I also did change my training style every now and then, you can look through my
post history and see that.
However, I found that this sort of routine, every other day, yielded the best
results for me.
Feel free to leave any questions or insults. I'll probably reply with something
that is incredibly dumb.
If I left something out, yell it in my ear and I'll be sure to clear that up.
EDIT: So I recorded the dips portion. Doing pull ups separately.
Turns out I didn't have the proper weight at home so I actually had to go heavier
than what I said on here.
EDIT 2: So I'm getting mixed responses and I'm really not sure what to do. Pull up
time I guess? I guess I personally am a 90 degree dip man.


Zach Ruffo VS Gabo Saturno #1
-10 muscle ups
-15 burpees
-20 pull ups (chest to bar)
-25 dips
-30 seconds handstand hold

Juice VS The Dark Knight #2

-10 muscle ups
-20 pull ups
-30 burpees
-40 dips

Lee Wade Turner VS Jarryd Rubinstein #3

-Weighted Muscle Ups 10
-Weighted Straight Bar Dips 10
-Weighted Pull Ups 10
-Muscle Ups 20
-Straight Bar Dips 20
-Pull Ups 20
-Weighted Push Ups 20
-Push Ups 40

Chris Heria VS Super Sergio #4

-5 L-sit to handstand
-10 muscle-ups
-15 consecutive pistol squats per leg
-20 pull ups

-Vadym Oleynik VS Ievgen Shcherbyna #5

- 5 one arm pull ups per arm
- 15 sec front lever
- 5 muscle ups
- 30 push ups
- 30 dips
- 20 archer pull ups

Jordan VS Javi #6
-15 muscle ups
-30 pulls ups (chest to bar)
-60 push ups


Vitaly VS Abdullah #1
-10 Muscle Ups
-20 Bar Dips
-10 Front Lever Raises
-30 Diamond Push Ups
-50 Burpees


-Upper body workout
30 Pushups / 15 Regular pullups
30 Dips / 15 Regular pullups
30 Bar Dips / 15 Regular pullups

30 Pushups / 15 Chinups
30 Dips / 15 Chinups
30 Bar Dips / 15 Chinups

30 Pushups / 15 Neutral pullups

30 Dips / 15 Neutral pullups
30 Bar Dips / 15 Neutral pullups

4 rounds / 15" exercise / 30" rounds
100 decline push up
95 skull crushers
95 clap push up
95 floor tricep extension
110 explosive incline push up
100 dips

4 rounds / 5" exercises / 30" rounds
110 v ups
80 glute bridge
200 bycicle crunches
120" superman hold
100 l sit pull ups
180" plank

JOSE PEREIRA(jpereirapt)
-Turtle back (more advanced version)
5 rounds / 20" exercise / 70" rounds
12 wide pull up (14)
13 close chin up (14)
12 commando pull up (14)
11 wide pull up (14)
13 chin up (14)
12 commando pull up ( 14)
10 Archer chin up (10)
15 pseudo push up (27)

-Back demolition
4 rounds / 30" exercise / 90" rounds
17 chin up
12 close pull up
22 bar dips
30 B.w rows supinated
12 wide pull up
16 commando pull up
27 B.w. rows

-Big arms
4 rounds / 30" exercise / 90" rounds
25 diamond push up
25 dips
25 Decline push up
25 pike push up
25 pseudo push up
25 skull crushers (bar tricep extensions)
25 wide push up
25 decline pike push up
25 tricep dips

-Can't walk
5 rounds / 30" exercise / 90" rounds
45 lunges
85 squats
25 bulgarian split squats
35 squat jumps
102" wall sit
60 one leg calf raises (each leg)

-Push up inferno
5 rounds / 20" exercises / 60" rounds
20 push up
20 clap push up
20 decline push up
20 diamond push up
20 incline push up
20 decline pike push up
20 hand release push up (body on floor hands in air)
20 hindu push up
20 military push up (elbows tucked to the sides)
20 narrow push up
20 pike push up
20 wide push up
20 explosive incline push up
20 decline push up
20 in and out push up (alternating wide and normal grip)
20 parallel bar push up
20 spiderman push up (alternating one leg to the arms)
45 push up hold
-Push to plank to push
5 rounds / 5" exercises / 60" rounds
25 push up
90" plank
25 spiderman push up
90" side plank right
25 military push up
90" side plank left
25 wide push up
90" plank
25 hindu push up
90" side plank right
25 diamond push up
90" side plank left

5 rounds / 30" exercises / 90" rounds
50 diamond push up
50 chair dips-tricep dips
15 tricep extension on bar

-The minimalist
10 rounds / 30" exercises / 90" rounds
50 diamond push up
50 dips
10 tricep extension on bar

-Leg brutality
8 rounds / 15" exercises / 30" rounds
75 squats
66 bulgarian split squat (each leg)
75 squats
45" wall sit
100 calf raises (each leg)

Rest 60 seconds between sets. Repeat 5 times.

-Mass leg routine
5 x 20 reps deep and long pylometric lunges like here
this is one set:
1. - 5 reps high step ups with right leg (the left leg is dorsiflexed IMPORTANT!!)

2. - 10 sec hold at bottom (hardest) position at stepup ( left leg is dorsiflexed)

3. - 10 reps high step ups from bottom position to 45�, so half reps ( the left leg
is dorsiflexed!!!)

4. - 10 one leg deadlifts

dont forget to work the other leg! do the 1,2,3,4 marked set 3 times
10reps one leg calf raises LEFT leg
10 reps one leg calf raises RIGHT leg
10reps one leg calf raises LEFT leg
10reps one leg calf raises RIGHT leg
(there is no rest between the calf raises)
do it 10 times

-Endurance leg routine

4 sets of 25 reps - Full squat ( a$$ to grass)
5 sets of 20 reps - Explosive lunges
3 sets of 15 reps - Bulgarian split squat ( each leg)
3 sets of 15 reps - Stepup into reverse lunge (each leg)
2 sets of 12 reps - One legged deadlifts (each leg)
3 sets of 25 reps - One legged calf raises (each leg)

-Leg routine:
-Squats x20
-Calf Raises x15
-One-Legged Squats x15 per leg
-Calf Raises x10
-Jump Squats x10
-Calf Squats x5

- 5 x 5min of squatting (regular bodyweight squats) with a 60sec break in between

-Pyramid squat
1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 jump squat pyramid x 3
2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16/18/20/18/16/14/12/10/8/6/4/2 squat pyramid x 1

rested between pyramids 1 minute

rest was number of reps completed in previous set in pyramid (4 reps = 4 sec

legs are so sore, brutal workout.

-3-6 cicli /90"-120"/
50 Squats
50 Lunges
50 Skip up


-15 Close stance Squats
15 sec Low Squat Hold
15 sec Rest
14 Close stance Squats
14 sec Low Squat Hold
14 sec Rest
13 Close stance Squats
13 sec Low Squat Hold
13 sec Rest
to 0

-Czech Leg Superset
50 Squat
10 Pistol squat(each leg)
40 Squat
20 Lunges
30 Squat
10 Pistol squat(each leg)
20 Squat
10 Lunges

2 Pistol squat 4 Lunges

4 Pistol squat 6 Lunges
6 Pistol squat 8 Lunges
8 Pistol squat 10 Lunges
10 Pistol squat 12 Lunges
8 Pistol squat 14 Lunges
6 Pistol squat 16 Lunges
4 Pistol squat 18 Lunges
2 Pistol squat 20 Lunges

40-30-20-10 Calf raises


-The Calisthenics King George "HIT" Richards Talks To Muscle & Strength Interview
For legs I do extreme routine NO WEIGHTS
run up and down 136 stairs for 3 sets
50 single leg calf raises between 5 steps,
10 sets of 50 natural squats just bodyweight


50 BASIC SQUATS (Rest 30 sec.)
25 Deep JUMP SQUATS (Rest 20 sec.)
10 PISTOL SQUATS (On each leg, Rest 30 sec.) immediately do
45 sec. Mountain Climbers (immediately do)
1 Minute Squat wall sit (Rest 30 seconds)
(On each leg, Rest 30 sec.)
10 BULGARIAN JUMP SPLIT SQUATS (On each leg, Rest 30 sec.)
10, 1 LEG BURPEE JUMP SQUATS (On each leg)
10 to 1 then 1 to 9 calf raises.
REST 3 MINUTES AT END OF CYCLE THEN REPEAT CYCLE 2 more times for a total of 3


-10 cicli
30 Squat (down to 20 reps)
40 Calf raises (static amount of reps)
10 Pistol squat each leg (down to 1 rep)
Max squat iso hold

-2 rounds: 20 air squats, 20 lunges, 20 jumping lunges, 10 jump squats.

4 rounds: 10 air squats, 10 lunges, 10 jumping lunges.
30s-90s recovery per round.


-Here's the legs routines.
Light day Leg workout 1

Body weight squats w/1min. rest max. Consecutive reps count only you pause do the
set over.

set1 = 100 reps

set2 = 100 reps
set3 = 100 reps
set4 = 100 reps
Body weight squats = 400 reps

Standing Lunges 20 reps right after + 5 body weight squats to make 25 reps per set.
w/1min. rest max. Consecutive reps count only you pause do that set over.

set1 = 25 reps set5 = 25 reps set9 = 25 reps

set2 = 25 reps set6 = 35 reps set10 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps set7 = 25 reps set11 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps set8 = 25 reps set12 = 25 reps
Lunges = 400 reps
The remaining Body weight squats i will either do in the steam room, or at home.

Consecutive reps count only you pause do that set over. with :15 - :25 second rest.
Stand in one spot the whole time don't move a foot.Keep your timer ready.

set1 = 25 reps set9 = 25 reps

set2 = 25 reps set10 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps set11 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps set12 = 25 reps
set5 = 25 reps set13 = 25 reps
set6 = 25 reps set14 = 25 reps
set7 = 25 reps set15 = 25 reps
set8 = 25 reps set16 = 25 reps

Body weight squats = 400 reps

Total = 1,200 reps
Medium level 2

45lbs. vest Squats, w/no more than 1min. rest.

set1 = 25 reps - set5 = 25 reps - set 9 = 25 reps

set2 = 25 reps - set6 = 25 reps - set10 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps - set7 = 25 reps - set11 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps - set8 = 25 reps - set12 = 25 reps
total = 300 reps squat
45lbs. vest 20 lunges + 5 squats right after w/no more than 1min. rest

set1 = 25 reps - set5 = 25 reps - set 9 = 25 reps

set2 = 25 reps - set6 = 25 reps - set10 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps - set7 = 25 reps - set11 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps - set8 = 25 reps - set12 = 25 reps
total = 300 reps lunge/squat
Remove the vest you will feel extra explosive and light.
Body weight squats no weight w/ :15 second - :25 second rest.

set1 = 25 reps - set5 = 25 reps - set 9 = 25 reps - set13 = 25reps

set2 = 25 reps - set6 = 25 reps - set10 = 25 reps - set14 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps - set7 = 25 reps - set11 = 25 reps - set15 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps - set8 = 25 reps - set12 = 25 reps - set16 = 25 reps
total = 400 reps squat

Total reps = 1,000 if done right you will be finished in 1 hr.

Heavy day level 3

Squats With 70lbs. vest + 50lbs. dumbbell front squat w/1-2min. rest

set1 = 25 reps
set2 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps
total = 100 reps
Squats With 70lbs. vest + 60lbs. dumbbell front squat w/1-2 min rest

set1 = 25 reps
set2 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps
total = 100 reps
Squats with 70lbs. vest + 70lbs. dumbbell front squat w/1-2min. rest

set1 = 25 reps
set2 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps
total = 100 reps
Squats with just 70lbs. vest w/ 1min. rest

set1 = 25 reps set5 = 25 reps

set2 = 25 reps set6 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps set7 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps set 8 =25 reps
total = 200 reps

20 lunges/5 squats with 70lbs. vest w/1-2 min. rest

set1 = 25 reps set5 = 25 reps set9 = 25 reps

set2 = 25 reps set6 = 25 reps set10 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps set7 = 25 reps set11 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps set 8 =25 reps set12 = 25 reps
total = 300 reps
Body weight squats w/ :10 second rest

set1 = 25 reps set5 = 25 reps

set2 = 25 reps set6 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps set7 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps set8 = 25 reps
total = 200 reps
Body weight Jump squats w/1min. rest

set1 = 25 reps
set2 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps
total = 100 reps

Total = 1,1,00 reps

Heavy day level 4
All in 1 workout.

100 rep Dead lift routine no belt/ no straps/no shoes

I keep the 30-50lbs vest on till i touch 350lbs.

135lbs x 10 reps
225lbs x 10 reps
295lbs x 10 reps
315lbs x 10 reps
325lbs x 10 reps
335lbs x 10 reps
350lbs x 10 reps
360lbs x 10 reps
370lbs x 10 reps
400lbs x 5reps
420lbs x 5reps
total = 100 reps
Sometimes go all the way up to 400 x 10

Squats 70lbs. vest w/2min. rest

set1 = 25 reps set5 = 25 reps set9 = 25 reps set13 = 25 reps

set2 = 25 reps set6 = 25 reps set10 = 25 reps set14 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps set7 = 25 reps set11 = 25 reps set15 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps set 8 =25 reps set12 = 25 reps set16 = 25 reps
total = 400 reps
20 lunges/5 squats with 70lbs. vest w/1-2 min. rest

set1 = 25 reps set5 = 25 reps set9 = 25 reps set13 = 25 reps

set2 = 25 reps set6 = 25 reps set10 = 25 reps set14 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps set7 = 25 reps set11 = 25 reps set15 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps set 8 =25 reps set12 = 25 reps set16 = 25 reps
total = 400 reps
70lbs. vest + 2-25lbs. dumbbell on shoulders w/2 min rest.

set1 = 25 reps
set2 = 25 reps
set3 = 25 reps
set4 = 25 reps
total = 100 reps

Body weight squats with NO VEST, you had weight on the whole time so the remaining
500 reps you will feel ultra light! No more than :25 second rest consecutive reps
only mess up start the set over.

set1 = 25 set11 = 25
set2 = 25 set12 = 25
set3 = 25 set13 = 25
set4 = 25 set14 = 25
set5 = 25 set15 = 25
set6 = 25 set16 = 25
set7 = 25 set17 = 25
set8 = 25 set18 = 25
set9 = 25 set19 = 25
set10 = 25 set20 = 25
total = 500 reps

Total = 1,500 reps

100 rep deadlift routine + 1,000 rep squat/lunge combo.

Deadlift, no belt

135lbs. x 20
225lbs. x 10
295lbs. x 10
315lbs. x 10
325lbs. x 10
335lbs. x 10
350lbs. x 10
370lbs. x 10
405lbs. x 10
1,000 reps 500 squats w/vest 500lunges with vest.
1 Whole leg workout

135lbs. x 20
225lbs. x 20
295lbs. x 20
315lbs. x 10
325lbs. x 10
335lbs. x 10
350lbs. x 10
370lbs. x 10
405lbs. x 10
420lbs. x maxout 10 reps bare minimum.
185lbs.atlas stone front squat w/ 20lbs. vest 5sets x 10 reps = 50 reps
60lbs. block front squat w/50lbs. vest. 8 sets x 25 reps = 200 reps
50lbs. vest squats 8 sets x 25 reps = 200reps
60lbs. Front block no vest standing lunges 20 reps + 5 squats right after 8 sets x
25 reps = 200 reps
Bodyweight Squats :sec rest 12 sets x 25 reps = 300 reps
Pistol squats on atlas stone slow good form 5 sets x 10 reps per leg = 50 reps.

Total squats/lunges/deadlifts = 1,130 reps i sometimes do the remaining 300+ squats

in steam room.
Then after this i sometimes go for a weighted 3 mile run has to be under 20minutes
though or whole day was a failure.
Then core work, looks long but my rest times are low even lower than i write down
so i try to blast through it all. This is one of my hardest leg routines to date.

1)I would like to share my experience of doing nothing more than body weight
exercises and the transformation that i made.
During my induction i was a hurt 143 pounds. I was dopesick and hated life.
The first 4 weeks i got my health back in check then i started to work out.
To start all i would do is a lap around the track and do as many pushups between
each lap for an hour a day.
I started to incorporate pullups and dips into my hour routine and after about 2
months i started noticing differences and getting compliments.
After those 2 months i was finally able to do a pull up on my own and started
taking working out more seriously.
6 days a week i did pushups, pullups, and dips only for 60-90 minutes.
I did diamonds, close, wide, elevated, and declined pushups.
The only pullups i did were hammer and wide grip.
I personally believe the benefit from wide grip pullups in unparellell to anything
else to get you big.
I would never do the same thing twice.
One day i would superset push/pull, another day just push, another just pull and i
added dips almost daily to whatever i was doing.
I believed since my options were so limited muscle confusion would be extremely
As far as numbers i would do at least 600 pushups and 500 pullups but on days where
i isolated just one i would do up to 1k pushups and 800 pull ups.
I would take about 45 second breaks between sets but never too long and try to get
at least 40 pushups/set and 15-20 pullups.
I would get a **** ton of reps within an hr and half.
And i would always keep moving in between sets by walking.
Results- last april 2014 when i was released i weighed 212 pounds from the 143 i
weighed a year before.
I was pretty big. Noticeably big where i got a ton of attention.
My arms though i never measured where extremely large especially my triceps from
all the pushups and dips.
I was bigger than i was 10 years ago then when i used weights in college. Xl t-
shirts where tight around my arms and chest and it felt good and i looked good.
And btw im 5'10''. People asked me daily how i got my arms so big, so i know it
must have been working and making a difference.
I wasnt extremely lean either, and thats because of the **** food they feed
you..but ill get into that.
Everything i ate was very high in carbs.
Mostly pasta, potatoes, and all the left over parts of the animal only inmates and
dogs eat.
And i got big from it. I tried to drink a pint of milk a day but milk was hard to
get with budget cuts.
On my commissary i bought a lot of soup and peanut butter.
I ate on average 3 ramen soups a day in addition to the 3 **** prison trays i got,
and w packs of peanut butter.
I don't know what the nutritional value of the jail food was but my 3 soups and 2
peanut butter packs gave me an additional 37 grams of protein a day.
That leads me to believe that nutrition alone can completely change everything.
I got big, real big of pushups and carbs.
Strength- a weak after my release i went to a gym with my buddy just to see how my
strength improved.
I was able to bench 325 and rep 225 for 7. I guess thats not bad for never touching
a weight.
But i did look bigger than what my strength proved.
I looked like i could have been much stronger due to my size.
I regret not keeping up with it.
If i switched over to weights at that point i would have blown up and my strength
would have gone through the roof.
But when you cage a man up for a while he is much more worried about females and
having fun than the gym. So almost a year later im starting to get back into it.
Muscle memory is an amazing thing so i hope to get it back.
I just wanted to post this for anyone out there who can't get to a gym but wants to
get big at home with no equipment. Its possible, i did it. Just make sure you eat
big to get big. You will never be as strong as you can be lifting weights, but you
can get a hell of a lit bigger than the average guy doing nothing.
Anf lastly, im still going sober strong, working full time and trying to be a
productive member of society. If anyone has any questions about my routine or want
me to get more specific about something please just ask.
I know this was long but i hope it was an interesting read for someone out there.

2)(one arm chin up)Anyway, you should add them to your workout man, as much as you
An old head i was locked up with taught me how difficult it is to overtrain with
You can do a ton of reps without worry. Pullups will tear your arms up.
I focused on wide grip bc i believe there is no better excercise to get wider and
thicker without weights.
I remember when i first started the pain in my biceps was tremendous from pullups.
My arms were the most impressive part of my body. Once i stopped growing my arms
very gradually continued to.
If i didnt do this first hand I'd call bull **** on it even being possible.
As far as dips, hit the rack hard man. I always did dips even years ago when i hit
the gym.
The tear the give your arms is awesome. Not to mention the shoulder and chest pump
u get from dips.
The bigger you make your tri's the bigger your bi's will look.
I personally don't think 3x a week will make a huge difference, but its a great
start and foundation to begin doing more.
I credit my grown completely to diet and the amount of reps i would do.
I will try to get some before and after pics together. The before pics are my
motivation to never get high again. I was so small, WEAK, and strung. I just looked
weak. Sad.

3)Unweighted squats all the time. I hated lunges so i never did them.
I would do a couple hundred squats in between sets as my rest or i would walk a
My upper body was much bigger than my lower.
I started doing squats about 3 months into my bid. It did help tremendously tho. My
upper body just grew so much more

4)As for over training i wouldn't worry about it. With calisthenics you don't need
to rest like you do lifting heavy weight.
I actually found it to be more detrimental taking time off. Probably in my head
8-15 reps is a good goal for pull ups.
The reason i never did 20-30 reps a set like you hear some guys say they do is
because i didnt take long breaks.
I took short breaks and went right back at it. I felt like the harder i worked
while i was fatigued the more i would gain.
For pushups and dips try to set a goal where you do more like 40-50 a set.
And do them right. I've seen a lot of ****ty pushups locked up cause guys thought
they were tough replying out 75 of them.
Your better off doing 5 the right way then 50 the wrong way.
I don't feel i would have pushed myself hard enough doing 8-15 rep pushups.
Possibly if i only took 15 second breaks or so.
I would also do negatives once a week.
These are hard as hell with pullups and with pushups letting yourself down real
slow tears your arms up real good.
I was also eating a lot of fat, carbs, and calories so remember my diet was a big
part of It.
I wish you luck.
I've been to jail/prison. in jail there are no weights, a chin and dip bar if
you're lucky.
we had to get creative with water bags, slick floor (flys). we got to sleep alot
too, especially if there is frequent lock ups.
At one point I was doing pushups daily as a cardio source with my workout partner.
We would take turns (about 30 secs or so rest) doing one set of flat pushups while
the other rests and then decline pushups back a bad forth.
we did sets of 25 -30 (cycling by the month) for 16 sets of 25 or 30... totaling
400 - 480.
on the month we cycled 16 sets of 30 we finished with incline pushups but with the
other laying on your back (back against back) for four sets to failure.
we trained a split like this; back, shoulders, bis and tris, legs.
On that "bit" I was there for two years pretrial custody time, went in a scrawny
160 at 5"11 and came out a cool 200.
I never even lifted weights before so I started that when I got out and shredded
pretty fast to about 185-190ish.
Boxers in NYC don't do any of that.
They simply press there hand against the forehead and press hard for 20-40sec.
making resistance with the palm. Then the same with palm over left ear pressing
left and then switch to the right.
Then both hands in back of head and press backwards. That's one set. 4 sets
everyday. Watch and feel your neck grow in 2wks.
Reddit Fitness
This is completely anecdotal but at least for calves you certainly can grow them
with high rep exercises.
I've ALWAYS had tiny calves.
Like small enough that you'd joke about them even though I was a state long jumper,
sprinter and can squat 170kgs.
I've tried for years to grow them and nothing in the gym seems to work
3 months ago I broke my leg and have been in a boot since.
Instead of using crutches which are so slow as fuck I basically just hopped
everywhere. what do you know.
My good leg's calf literally doubled in size in a month.
It seems to have leveled out now to a consistent size but its close to twice the
circumference it was previously.
Hopping would be a set*rep scheme in the order of 10 x 100-400 per day.
Pretty stupid to try emulate in a workout but in my experience (what you asked for)
that's evidence that high rep/set can prompt size growth.

-Pulling strength on a featureless plane with zero equipment: the reverse planche
family (and a few other exercises).

Are you stuck on an infinite plane with no bars or tables or overhangs or doors
where you can stick a bed sheet?
Well, too bad, since rows are a really useful exercise and even the humble inverted
row can be progressed to the challenging straight body one arm version.
But if you are too lazy to find a setup for rows or you ended up in a bare prison
cell, you can still train your back muscles, potentially to very high levels, but
it will be less efficient without a bar or rings or weights.
So what are your options?
All these variations have you supine on the ground,
with a focus on shoulder hyperextension (your arm goes behind your body line,
mostly thanks to the rear deltoids),
scapular retraction (mid and lower traps, rhomboids) and depression (lats),
posterior pelvic tilt (abs and glutes) and in the later variations elbow extension
First exercise variation: the reverse pushup.(1)
As Jeff demonstrates, for good range of motion you need the luxury of something
like two chairs, but you can also do it on the floor with two stacks or books (or
some carpets) or even nothing,
just pressing your elbows down (range of motion will be limited).
To scale the difficulty, the absolutely easiest version has your butt on the
then there is the version with bent legs, where you are straight from the knees to
the head like in a tabletop bridge, and the straight body version which is the
The advantage of this variation is that you get some range of motion, while most of
the following exercises will be isometrics,
where strength carries over to around 30� around the joint angle and you get less
stimulation for muscle growth.
Next variation: the reverse planche lean from a tabletop bridge position.
Do not contract the calves and hamstrings to reduce the load, rely only on the rear
If this gets easy, do the lean with straight legs.
After this, we have the dragon press and forearm manna/reverse planche/Victorian
where your lower body is not in contact with the ground, so depending on how
extended your legs are, you have the usual leverage progressions:
tucked body, l-shaped/piked, advanced tuck, one leg out or half straddle, straddle,
half lay, full lay.
Dragon press:
this is sort of a harder dragon flag variation, with the advantage of working your
shoulder extension through some range of motion if you do it dynamically instead of
only holding the bottom position.
A full lay dragon press is around front lever level of difficulty, and it can even
be done with one arm to really load one side's rear deltoid and tricep.
The wide dragon press is also hard because shoulder transverse extension is another
way of isolating the rear deltoids.
Forearm Victorian (or manna/reverse planche):
this is an isometric hold, where only the forearms and hands touch the floor and
your body is horizontal.
Even the tucked version is difficult, here is a tutorial to get started.
On parallel bars or two objects it is easier because your body can sink down lower.

On parallettes or any support where only part of the forearms is in contact it's
harder, and the floor full lay is insanely hard, even harder than a one arm dragon
press and around the level of an actual ring Victorian.
Reverse planche:
the second hardest skill, I have written about it in detail here.
Harder than the dragon press and similar to the forearm floor version, the least
impossible variation is on parallel bars or parallettes, while the floor version is
at the limit of human performance.
Now imagine how hard it would be on rings.
Floor Victorian:
nobody has managed to float above the floor while only supported by the hands for
more than an instant.
The closest thing, and arguably the hardest street workout element that's been
achieved, is the hold with one forearm's support.
So these were the hardest pulling elements requiring only the floor or a few
stacked objects like books.
If you trained only these your progress would probably be much slower than if you
had access to bars and rings, but it's interesting to see that these options exist.
Bonus: for vertical pulling, you can do floor sliding pullups, and to make them
harder use one arm or increase friction.
Similar to an ab wheel rollout, there is the floor pullover, which can be done on
knees or feet.
For the side deltoids, there is the Jeff Cavaliere side delt exercise(2) and the
side plank lean

(1)When it comes to bodyweight exercises for building a bigger back we often think
that our only option is a pullup or some sort of inverted row or chinup.
That said, the pullup alone will not help you to balance out an overdeveloped or
tight chest or rounded shoulders.
If you're going to do this you're going to need a bodyweight exercise that you can
mimic the back row exercise that you can do anywhere!
In this video I show you how to perform what I call the reverse pushup.
This home bodyweight exercise is used to develop the mid back muscles and area
between your shoulder blades.
You would want to use this to counteract the tendency we have to get tight and have
our shoulders pulled forward into bad posture.
The great thing about bodyweight exercises is that you can use them to build a
bigger back without having to have access to an elite gym or even a pullup bar in
this case.
Just find two benches or things that you can prop your elbows up on and get between
and you can do the reverse pushup and start building a bigger back today.

(2)To perform this side delt bodyweight exercise all you have to do is get in a
plank position with your forearms in contact with the ground.
Begin by dropping down just a bit (collapsing on the forearm) and then reversing
the motion and pushing up as you rotate your body away from the working shoulder.
It should look like you're doing a T-Stand plank or pushup.
The shoulder and side delts of the arm on the ground will be fired up and your core
will be working as well to stabilize you.
Do as many reps as you can of this shoulder exercise and then switch to the other

-The Victorian cross and reverse planche are extremely rare moves, and now they
have been achieved on the floor. Also a reflection on the difficulty of these
NOTE: This is a detailed examination of the challenge of these two elements.
If you just want your mind blown with something way harder than any full planche,
skip to the bottom of this post.
The Victorian cross on rings is essentially a front lever with arms at body height.
It is one of the hardest gymnastic elements, even among the elite gymnasts it is
rarely done, as shown here.
The street workout community has embraced this move, and some very strong people
like Grzegorz Kowalik, Zoran Pesterac, Flo Lit, Matteo "Deuanuis" Spinazzola and
Andrei Kobelev, and several others, have held it with clean form for a few seconds.
The reverse planche in gymnastics refers to the hollow back handstand, but I think
the street workout community was right in relating this name to this skill
In the rest of this post I will refer to the second skill with this term.
So when we talk about straight arm elements with a horizontal body, we have two
families, with respective skills for a hang, "hand level" and support position.
Prone body: back lever, Maltese cross, planche.
These skills require high strength in scapular depression (lats and chest),
protraction (chest, serratus anterior),
shoulder flexion (front deltoids, biceps long head),
and elbow flexion (the elbow is loaded and the bicep prevents it from
hyperextending into snap city).
Moderate spinal erectors and core strength is required to keep the legs horizontal
and posterior pelvic tilt.
Supine body: front lever, Victorian cross, reverse planche.
They require high strength in scapular depression (lats and chest),
retraction (low and mid traps, rhomboids),
shoulder extension (lats, teres major, rear deltoids, triceps long head),
elbow extension (triceps, especially for the Victorian and reverse planche).
Moderate core and abdominal strength is required for a hollow body position.
Note that the reverse planche is not an acknowledged element in the gymnastics code
of scoring, probably because this move is even harder than the Victorian, which is
already only for the elite.
Probably because it requires extreme strength in shoulder hyperextension, where the
prime mover is the rear deltoid and the lats can't even help, they are in a
position of insufficiency.
In fact nobody has ever done a reverse planche on rings, the closest thing is the
manna, which is a very piked reverse planche.
Also note how the tricep is very involved, and the move has some affinity to
impossible dips, which are full bodyweight tricep extensions.
Also note how in the manna the body line is completely horizontal while nobody has
managed a reverse planche without a body line slightly below the manna's level.
In the street workout community, the following moves are affine to the Victorian
cross and reverse planche because of the focus on the same muscles:
Parallel bar Victorian. Note the focus on tricep strength to prevent the elbow from
bending and sending the body into a vertical position, as shown here.
Single bar Victorian.
Dragon press. Can be held as an isometry or executed as a straight upgrade to the
dragon flag, with the limiting factor being shoulder extension strength.
In fact the full lay dragon press is around front lever level of difficulty, if I
am not mistaken.
One arm dragon press, even harder and the guy in the video is one of a few select
in the world who can execute it.
Bent arm Victorian, this is the end range of a full front lever row. Holding the
waist against the bar for some seconds is significantly harder than the standard
front lever hold.
Parallel bars reverse planche. Really hard because when the shoulder has to extend
behind the body line the lats can't help and the rear delts do almost all the
If you want a lot of examples of variations of these moves, I recommend watching
some compilations on the channel Noa Man Workout.

And now the most insane versions of these skills I have seen.
In fact I would say this is the current pinnacle of street workout elements in
difficulty of execution.
Floor Victorian for 3 seconds. There is one forearm support, but this is still
incredibly hard.
Pietro Bruno is 180cm/69kg (5'11, 152lbs) and only 18 years old, who knows what he
can still achieve.
Floor reverse planche by Flo Lit.
Harder than on parallel bars because by gripping them you get more irradiation by
the nerves.

-One arm pike pushups: a useful tool?

The most common exercise that trains shoulder flexion at end range is the handstand
The most efficient exercises for muscle mass and strength are the ones where full
range of motion is achieved and low skill is required so the prime movers get tired
before the stabilizing muscles can no longer maintain the body's balance.
The wall handstand pushup with elevated hands for full depth fits these
requirements, because it requires low skill and can serve as a good tool for a
The freestanding handstand pushup requires more strength, and much more if done at
full depth,
but it also requires a lot of balance and handstand practice, so it does not fit
the low skill requirement and many strong people may be unable to use them as an
efficient training tools.
Now here comes the one arm pike pushup. Here are its advantages in my opinion:
It is easy to scale in difficulty. Elevate your hands if the floor version is too
hard, elevate your feet if it is too easy.
It does not require great coordination or balance.
More than the two-handed version, but way less than a freestanding handstand
pushup, so it can be a great tool for hypertrophy since it's easier to accumulate
It is unilateral, so you can decrease muscle imbalances by doing your weak side
first and not doing more repetitions with the strong side.
The full depth version is easier to set up compared to wall handstand pushups.
You don't need two blocks or parallettes close to a wall, you can go close to a
ledge or on a table and put your hand at the edge.
This advantage also applies to free handstand pushups, which require high skill,
and common pike pushups, which will soon be too easy for most people.

-Legs and lower body calisthenics V2: a comparison of the existing exercises, a
possible progressive routine with no weights for advanced quad and hamstring

Note: if you have access to barbell squats and deadlifts, they are more efficient
than this. If you train at home, you can get some dumbbells or bags of stuff, it
would be more efficient than this.
TL;DR: If this wall of text scares you, read the "important note" slightly below,
go to the bottom (routines section) for a routine and only consult the exercise
section for progressions and the mobility/stability section slightly below if you
need it.
So who remains? Those who train outside, those who like minimalism, those who train
in a prison cell maybe.
Important note:
In all the squat variations it's recommended to keep the kneecap in line with the
pointer toe of the foot to avoid knee valgus stress.
It's safe to let the knee go past the toe if there is proper alignment.
Sissy squats and leg extension variations are safe if you don't have knee or
anterior cruciate ligament problems, some people use them to rehabilitate bad
knees, but if you are not sure about their long term safety there are alternatives.
Don't have enough mobility/stability?
If you lack ankle mobility, you can try this squat mobility routine and band
If you have the strength and balance but not the mobility, while your dorsiflexion
catches up you can put something under the heel.
Rounded back pistol squats and two footed deep squats with feet together require
around the same ankle mobility so you can use the second exercise to find out how
much elevation you require.
Can't keep the free leg off the floor? Do hamstring stretching (for example
Jefferson curls) and pike compression work.
In the meantime you can stand on a raised surface (for example a stack of books) to
let the free leg drop as needed

I'll be comparing all the practical leg exercises that I am aware of, based on
these factors:
how intense the hardest version is (so how much maximal strength they can give
without getting in a plateau),
how hard they are on the joints (so some of them require more patience to let the
connective tissue adapt or they are not recommended for people with knee problems),

how much skill they require (mostly in the form of balance, it's harder to get
strength and size gains for exercises that require more skill).
I'll also give some prerequisites that are helpful in my personal experience, but
you can experiment and see if you are already capable of the basic level of a
1)Single leg squats in general (pistol, shrimp, deep step up) with weight on
Strength potential: advanced to exceptional for quads (for elevated advanced
shrimp, pistols are intermediate at best), maybe advanced for glutes.
Joint stress: medium.
Skill: varying (low for deep step ups, maybe high for elevated advanced shrimps).
Recommended prerequisites: 8 deep bodyweight squats.
I am talking about any squat variation where only the working leg's foot touches
the ground during the entire movement (the only exception is the free leg's knee
for shrimps)
and the weight is on the midfoot (so distributed equally between inside foot,
outside foot and heel, in a stable tripod position), with or without shoes/an
incline/objects under the heel.
The center mass of the body will be over the midfoot, to achieve maximum depth you
need more ankle mobility (dorsiflexion) depending on how much of your body you keep
behind (free leg behind you, vertical torso, arms behind the body increase the
So in order of dorsiflexion demand, from lowest to highest: pistol squats with a
rounded back, pistol squats with a neutral spine, deep step ups, elevated advanced
shrimp squat.
More dorsiflexion means that the knee is more distant from the center mass and the
hips closer, and vice versa. Here is an image showing how the torso angle affects
the leverages. Longer lever = more torque at the joint required to extend it.
Rounded back pistols have the highest hip torque and elevated advanced shrimps the
highest knee torque.
An interesting fact is that the rectus femoris (the middle quadricep muscle on the
surface) and the hamstrings attach both at the knee and the hip (biarticulate
muscles), so they can distribute the load between the glutes and the quadriceps.
So even though the torque is higher for the glutes or quads, they can at least
partially share the load.
Note that if the weight is over the toes and not midfoot, this is no longer true
and the squat becomes quad dominant, the article makes an example with hindu
Progression: Box pistol squats are a simple way, you start with low range of motion
by sitting on a tall object like a chair, and gradually use lower objects until not
An alternative are freestanding shallow pistols:
go as deep as you can come back up and gradually increase the range, or go as deep
as you can pause, hold a few seconds, come back up on two legs and repeat (so you
do negative repetitions).
Or do step ups starting with a low object and gradually increasing the height until
you don't touch the ground at the bottom.
After you can do freestanding pistols, you can increase the difficulty by being
more upright, by tucking the free leg under or behind you (becomes similar to
shrimp squats) or by keeping the hands on the chest/head/behind your back.
It will require more ankle mobility and probably require more quad strength, though
the glute will still work and even contribute to knee extension through the rectus
Adding weight to pistols and deep step ups is an excellent way to progress.
2)Single leg deadlift/Romanian deadlift.
Strength potential: intermediate for glutes and hamstrings.
Joint stress: low.
Skill: medium-low (some balance).
With added load it's a great exercise, without it becomes easy quickly.
3)Single leg squats with the weight on the toes (mostly shrimp squats).
Strength potential: exceptional, maybe elite for the quads.
Joint stress: medium to high.
Skill: medium to high.
Recommended prerequisites: 8 deep squats if starting from the beginning, 5
pistols/deep step ups if starting directly from intermediate shrimps
With the heel not touching a surface, the weight is on the toes. Here the glutes
can't help as much and it truly becomes a quad dominant movement. The further
forward the knees, the harder it becomes for the quads.
Some padding for where the free leg's knee touches the ground can help to avoid a
painful impact.
Progression: with any of these variations, you can use books or something similar
under the free knee to do partial range of motion or under the working foot to do
extra range of motion.
Increase the intensity through more forward knee travel of the working leg by
staying more upright (or even leaning back) or having one or both arms behind the
A standard progression to avoid cheating:
split squat->beginner shrimp (free leg's foot and knee lift at the same time)-
>intermediate shrimp (only knee touches the ground)->one hand holding the free
foot->both hands holding the free foot->elite shrimp squat (elevated two hands
4)Sissy squats.
Strength potential: exceptional to elite for the quads, maybe world class with a
full depth single leg version.
Joint stress: high, extreme if single leg.
Skill: high, very high if single leg.
Recommended prerequisites: none, you can start with very low range of motion.
A proper sissy squat is done with no hip hinge, so a straight line from the knees
to the head.
They are possible on an elevated surface. I have not seen a full range single leg
version but it may be possible.
Also there is an assisted single leg version.
Progression: you can start with the toes almost touching a wall and descend until
the knees touch it, and progress by starting with the toes further from the wall
until you don't need it.
5)Anchored leg extensions, vertical shin.
Strength potential: advanced for full lay, maybe elite or world class for full lay
single leg.
Joint stress: low, if single leg then medium or high on the inner knee.
Skill: low for two legs, medium to high for single leg to avoid knee
Recommended prerequisites: 8 deep squats. The fully tucked version is similar to a
normal squat.
All you need to know about this great exercise can be found in this post.
6)Anchored leg extensions, horizontal shin.
Strength potential: advanced to elite for full lay two legs, maybe world class for
single leg versions.
Joint stress: medium to high on two legs, extreme if single leg (including risk of
knee valgus/twisting).
Skill: low on two legs, high single leg.
Recommended prerequisites: 5 single leg squats, but I don't recommend this exercise
because it seems to be the most stressful quad variation.
The full lay version looks like this. You can sort of do it partial range with a
park bench (most benches will break though), shown here.
Since you bend at the knees and your body is unsupported, you can use a leverage
bent hips and torso forward, bent hips and vertical torso, straight hips and arms
at sides, arms on chest, arms behind neck, arms extended overhead.
And restarting the progression single leg if you are crazy, you will then need to
twist your body to maintain knee tracking and avoid valgus.
7)Kneeling leg extensions.
Strength potential: advanced.
Joint stress: low to medium.
Skill: medium if done with high range of motion because of balance.
Recommended prerequisites: none.
The kneeling leg extension requires just the floor, the full range of motion
version looks like this. Find a foot width that works well for you to reduce
A simple way to progress this is starting in the kneeling position with the feet
touching a wall behind you, going down until the head touches the wall and back up.
Gradually increase the distance from the wall. If you want, keep the hands on
chest, head or arms overhead to increase leverage.
8)Nordic curls.
Strength potential: world class hamstrings.
Joint stress: low unless you use insufficient padding.
Skill: low.
Recommended prerequisites: 5 single leg hip thrusts.
Also known as Russian/Harop/natural leg curls or glute ham raises (GHR).
There are many places to do them: under heavy furniture, a telescopic pullup bar
placed low, stall bars, a partner, even a car.
The gastrocnemius muscle of the calf helps in knee flexion so you can feel it work.

If you anchor at the sole of the foot instead of the heel, you can get epic calf
cramps, be warned.
Progression: assuming you have no counterweight or band, the easiest way is keeping
the thighs vertical and bending only at the hips.
The more forward and the straighter your hips, the harder it is.
Negatives with enough support from the arms to come back up are helpful.
If you put your hands on a scale the highest number displayed is the amount of
assistance you are using.
If you keep the arms on your chest, on your head or even straight overhead it gets
If you get very strong, restart the progression with a single leg. The best I've
seen is this assisted single leg variation.
9)Suspended and sliding leg curls.
Strength potential: intermediate to advanced hamstrings, depending on friction for
the sliding version.
Joint stress: low.
Skill: low.
Suspended curls can be done on rings or straps like the TRX. Sliding curls can be
done on any slippery surface, something with wheels or a stability ball.
Furniture sliders are a cheap way. You can let the heels or the body (rings, floor)
The most low-tech version outdoors would be using a basketball, soccer ball,
skateboard or something similar.
Progression: change how much of your body is on the ground, how extended your hips
are (straighter = harder) and how close to the feet your arms are.
For example lower back on the floor and arms in front->upper back on floor and arms
in front->upper back on floor and arms behind->restart with a single leg.
An example progression here (ignore the Nordic curl parts, I don't think they are
the best way).
Also worth mentioning the existence of inversion boots leg curls, if you can try
them out a single leg version may be a way to improve the challenge.
Also by keeping the hips more extended, if it physically makes sense, you could
increase the challenge because of a longer lever arm.
10)Hip thrusts/glute bridges.
Strength potential: intermediate glutes, maybe almost advanced.
Joint stress: low.
Skill: low.
These are great to isolate the glutes if done properly (posterior pelvic tilt, full
hip extension, here is a guide), helpful to reduce anterior pelvic tilt too.
They are not challenging for long, after the shoulders and foot elevated single leg
version gets easy you need more volume to keep making size and a bit of strength
They can be done on the floor (glute bridge) or by elevating the shoulders (more
range of motion, harder), or shoulders and feet (even more range of motion,
All you need is a wall or chair or sofa or bench, if you have endurance in the
tabletop bridge position you can use your straight arms to elevate the shoulders.
They can be done with the feet on rings but it shifts some work from the glutes to
the hamstrings so it's not so great.
Progression: this one is good.
Donkey kicks->glute bridge->shoulders elevated->shoulders and feet elevated->glute
bridge march->single leg glute bridge->single leg shoulders elevated->single leg
shoulders and feet elevated.
11)Lower back/spinal erectors.
Strength potential: intermediate.
Joint stress: low.
Skill: low.
If you can do a full back lever, the best exercise is the back lever leg lift.
Or the isometric hold alone, if you have enough planche and back lever volume in
your routine it can suffice.
Else, there are reverse hyperextensions or reverse planks on feet and shoulders.
Without added weight your strength will plateau at some point.
12)Calves, adductors and abductors.
Strength potential: good enough.
Joint stress: low.
Skill: low.
There are two calf muscles, soleus and gastrocnemius.
The former is strong with straight knees and the latter with bent knees.
To train these do calf raises with one or two legs, preferably on a stair you you
can get full range of motion with a slow eccentric and a pause at the bottom, or
you'll just use the elastic energy of the Achilles tendon.
Straight legs calf jumps are also good.
If you have short muscle bellies you probably won't grow much, while if you have
good calf genetics you'll grow well even with low loads if you do high volume.
Also just doing sports, running, jump roping etc. can grow the calves.

The adductors and abductors are mostly trained for stability and compound movements
will already stimulate them, especially single leg ones.
Here are some isolation exercises if you want.
How do we squeeze the most out of an easy exercise for muscle growth?
If there are no harder variations to train, we can increase the total volume (more
sets), frequency (more training sessions) and density (less rest)
and always go to failure or close so all the muscle motor units still get
recruited, or do rest-pause training.
It may work for hypertrophy (and as a consequence slightly increase maximal
strength) but it will be less energy and time efficient than adding weight.
An example of high volume guys with big legs are cyclists, especially those who
often go uphill.
We can also shift to training explosiveness, with sprinting or plyometrics or
parkour, tricking, tumbling etc.,
but this will mostly let us express our already existing strength potential (based
on maximal strength), and the volume needed for hypertrophy may cause injuries.
It can help though, like for gymnasts who deadlift heavy thanks to tumbling.

If you are already doing the sidebar's Recommended Routine, a simple addition is to
move L-sits to an unpaired progression and to pair squats with the hip thrust or a
hamstring curl variation.
Simple lower body routine (no weights):
1-3 times a week depending on recovery and other activities like sports or high
intensity interval training, for each exercise choose a progression and do 3-5
You can pair exercises and rest at least 90 seconds inbetween, or at least 3
minutes if unpaired.
For single leg exercises, you can rest up a minute between legs if you feel it
For beginners:
Squat or single leg squat progression.
Hamstring curl or hip thrust progression.
This option is easy to integrate with a full body routine as mentioned above, or
you can do it on dedicated lower body days.
You can pair these progressions so it goes like: squats, 90 second rest, curls or
thrusts, 90 second rest, squats etc. until 3-5 sets done for each exercise.
For trained beginners and beyond:
Choose one exercise progression for each category.
Advance in progression level when you can do a certain amount of reps (8-12 tends
to be a good amount),
if you can do less than 3-5 reps of the new level you can add in a few reps of the
previous level to complete the set.
Really, use any progression method you want, you can read about them in the
exercise wiki.
Quad dominant (shrimp squats while allowing the weight to go towards the toes,
sissy squats, leg extension variation).
Hamstring dominant (Nordic curls, sliding or suspended curls).
Hip thrust progression (for glutes).
Lower back exercise (can do less/skip if you do enough planche or back lever work).
Calves, adductors, abductors, flexibility and mobility etc. if you want. This is
optional and up to you.
Quads+hamstrings and glutes+lower back are good pairs if you want to save time.
For glutes or lower back, if you have maxed out the progression and can't add
weight, do each set 1-3 reps away from failure (can get hard if you can do really
high reps, that's why past some point it's more practical to add resistance).
Example routine for a beginner:
2x a week, 3 sets of 5 box pistol squats each leg, 3 sets of 7 glute bridge march
each leg.
Example routine with the lowest equipment requirements (just a basketball) and
avoiding the more controversial exercises:
shrimp squat progression, basketball leg curl progression, single leg hip thrusts
from a tabletop bridge and foot on the ball, reverse plank with shoulders on the
ground and feet on the ball.
Example routine that is very cost-efficient (less than $10, setup in this post):
vertical shin leg extensions progression, Nordic curl progression, single leg hip
thrusts preferably with shoulders and feet elevated, reverse plank with shoulders
and feet elevated.
Example routine for an advanced trainee:
3x a week, 5 sets of 5 elevated advanced shrimp squats each leg, 5 sets of 4 Nordic
curls with hands on the head, 5 sets of 20 single leg elevated shoulders and foot
hip thrusts each leg, 5 sets of 15 back extensions on rings.
Example routine with dumbbells or sandbags (similar to my current routine):
2x a week, 4 sets of 5-8 weighted pistols, 4 sets of 5-8 Nordic curl progression, 4
sets of 5-8 weighted single leg hip thrust, 4 sets of 5-8 weighted shoulders and
feet reverse plank.
Arms nucleus overload (croatian warmaster)
usually before bed 3 super sets of (60 hammer curls,50 overhead extensions,30 body
weight extensions,20 kickbacks) no rest at all,takes you 10 min max
These workout everyday programs have actually worked great for me in the past,
I have done sandbag tricep extensions(standing) and sandbag curls with a weight
thats my 20 rep max,
but I did 300 reps each day, each set taken to failure.
Basically I would do 100 reps 3 times a day, each time, I will take each set to
failure, rest 30 seconds and start again,
do this until I have reached 100 reps, thats it for then, and do this 3 more times
a day.
I would do this for 12 days, by the 12 th day,
I will have gotten a LOT weaker and the weight that was previously my 30 rep max
would become my 5-6 rep maxx,
then I would rest those muscles for 5-7 days, and retest my performance again,
it will have increased dramatically and I would have added a significantly more
muscle mass(its crazy how dense and thick and big my arms would become after this
rest period,
I added a quarter of an inch size to my arms within 2 months of this, real lean
muscles.) and how stronger would I become in such a short time.
I had to make do with light weight at first, but after 3 months I switched to a
HUGE navy duffel bag, customizable to up to 400 lbs when fully loaded(with small 30
lbs sandbags),
so I started doing neutral grip overhead presses and close grip(neutral grip) bent
over rows with that thing AND this time around I would pick a 6-8 rep max weight
and do 100-120 reps total each day in the exact same manner that I described in the
previous paragraph,
basically the formula here is that the total daily rep number is 15 times the
number of maximum reps that you can bang out with your working weight before
and dividing that by 3 an doing that 3 different times a day. then you do this for
12 days and then rest for 5-7 days, and then see an explosion on your strength and
After 4 years if training like that with a sandbag I built 19 inch arms LEAN at
the height of 6ft6 inches of height,
you see the focus were delts, supperchest(ovh press) and back(bent over row) and
they are HUGE,
arms were secondary muscle gropus and they still grew to 19 inches, I am 9 percent
bodyfat. And btw never mind that pussy pro pic its 3 years old.
I ate 4 times a day, at till i was full, always clean food but never counted
macros, EVER.
So I am really impressed with this approach of yours about working out everyday,
I think its a good way to workout if you are using the correct poundages and
volume, try the way I did it for like 3 months, I am sure you will be happy.?

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