Biopsy Diagnosis of Celiac
Biopsy Diagnosis of Celiac
Biopsy Diagnosis of Celiac
The Pathologist’s Perspective in Light of
Recent Advances
a, b
Stephen M. Lagana, MD *, Govind Bhagat, MD
Pathology Celiac disease Histopathology Enteropathy Differential diagnosis
Celiac disease remains a clinicopathologic diagnosis.
The differential diagnosis for mild duodenal injury and severe duodenal injury is distinct.
Small intestinal biopsies should be evaluated in a systematic and reproducible manner.
Small intestinal biopsies for celiac disease should be reported in a systematic, reproduc-
ible way.
Good communication between gastroenterologists and pathologists is key to establishing
accurate diagnoses.
Box 1
Histologic findings in active celiac disease
Intraepithelial lymphocytosis
Lymphoplasmacytic inflammation of lamina propria
Villus atrophy
Crypt hyperplasia
Granulocytic infiltrates (neutrophils and eosinophils)
Increased crypt apoptotic activity
Reactive epithelial changes
categorized the histologic patterns of small intestinal mucosal injury. This scheme was
subsequently modified by Oberhuber in 1999 and the modified Marsh-Oberhuber
classification is currently used by many pathologists, although newer simplified
schemes have been suggested that are preferred by some (Table 1).5,6 In our experi-
ence, as a referral center for the diagnosis and management of CD, we have noted that
many pathologists do not assign a formal grade to the mucosal abnormalities. The rea-
sons cited for this include interobserver variability in scoring the severity of mucosal
alterations among pathologists and a lack of correlation between the degree of villus
atrophy and clinical symptoms.7,8 We find value in using grading schemes for several
reasons. First, this allows for semiquantitative assessment of healing after initiation of
gluten-free diet (GFD). Second, it allows for a convenient shorthand that describes all
pertinent biopsy histopathologic features, provided all parties know which scheme is
being referenced.
Beyond the aforementioned “classical” histologic features of active CD (ACD), there
are additional findings that are common, although often overlooked. The enterocytes
(absorptive intestinal epithelial cells) commonly have a reactive appearance, with
mucin depletion, intracytoplasmic vacuolization, and a cuboidal rather than the typical
columnar cell shape (Fig. 2).9,10 Neutrophilic inflammation is common in the lamina
propria, occurring in most newly diagnosed cases of ACD. This phenomenon has
been shown to correlate with the degree of villus atrophy.10 Activated eosinophils
are increased in ACD.11 Crypt apoptosis is often a subtle histologic finding. It
is well described in autoimmune enteropathy (AE), mycophenolate toxicity, and
Fig. 1. Medium-power view of duodenal biopsy demonstrates the features of active celiac
disease (A) and mucosal healing following approximately 18 months on a gluten-free diet
(B). Note that in the active disease state the villi are completely atrophic and there is marked
crypt hyperplasia. In the healed state, the architecture is normal and no inflammation is
identified (hematoxylin and eosin, original magnification 10).
Biopsy Diagnosis of Celiac Disease 3
Table 1
Comparison of the modified Marsh and Corazza-Villanacci grading schemes
Marsh-Oberhuber Corazza-Villanacci
Histology Classification Classification
Normal architecture, IEL Type 1 Grade A
Normal villi, crypt hyperplasia 1 IEL Type 2
Partial VA 1 IEL Type 3A Grade B1
Subtotal VA 1 IEL Type 3B
Total VA Type 3C Grade B2
Hypoplastic lesion Type 4 Deleted
Fig. 2. (A) High-power view of a duodenal biopsy in the active disease state shows diffuse
intraepithelial lymphocytosis. The IELs are seen above the black arrow (which indicates
the subepithelial basement membrane). Beneath the black arrow, note that the lamina
propria is packed with plasma cells. (B) Similar features with the additional finding of reac-
tive epithelial changes (red arrow). Note the cytoplasmic vacuolization (hematoxylin and
eosin, original magnification 40).
4 Lagana & Bhagat
There are three main phases in the “lifecycle” of a duodenal biopsy: (1) preanalytic, (2)
analytical, and (3) postanalytic. Processes must be optimized and, ideally, standard-
ized at each stage to ensure optimal results.
Preanalytic Phase
The most important preanalytic variable is biopsy sampling. This is for two reasons.
First, like Crohn disease, mucosal alterations in CD can be patchy.15 Second, small
intestinal biopsies are not oriented before processing at most centers in the United
States. It has been recommended that four to six biopsy pieces be obtained from
both the second portion of the duodenum and duodenal bulb to ensure optimal sam-
pling, especially when a diagnosis of CD is entertained.15 The American College of
Gastroenterology recommends acquiring biopsies from the postbulbar duodenum
(four samples) and duodenal bulb (two samples), although it is well-known that
many endoscopists do not procure the suggested number of biopsies, potentially
leading to false-negative diagnoses.16,17 One caveat to keep in mind is that the patient
must be consuming gluten at the time of biopsy, because the negative predictive value
of a normal-appearing biopsy is greatly reduced in the setting of a GFD.16
Biopsy of the duodenal bulb, previously disfavored because of the risk of artifacts
(mainly from prominent Brunner glands) helps identify a small group of patients with
CD (13%) who would be missed by postbulbar biopsies alone.18 The quality of the bi-
opsies may also be improved by taking one bite at a time to obtain the samples instead
of multiple samples per pass. This strategy was shown to increase the yield of
adequately oriented biopsies (66% vs 42%) in a prospective study.19 Obtaining six
levels from each small intestinal biopsy block (as opposed to the typical three levels
for other types of gastrointestinal biopsies) is preferred for adequate evaluation. He-
matoxylin and eosin staining of biopsies suffices for routine morphologic assessment.
In our experience, immunohistochemistry (IHC) for T-cell antigens, specifically cluster
of designation 3 (CD3), to highlight increased intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) is not
useful in day-to-day practice.20 Some investigators have suggested that CD3 IHC is
“mandatory” in cases where IEL is suspected.21 Some laboratories even perform
CD3 IHC on all small intestinal biopsies “up-front,” a practice that is contrary to evi-
dence.22 There are occasional cases, however, where CD3 IHC can accentuate a sub-
tle increase in IEL density and may highlight their distribution mostly within the villus
tips. So, we reserve this testing for the rare case that remains truly borderline even af-
ter careful hematoxylin and eosin assessment. Furthermore, IHC for CD3 and CD8 is
helpful when evaluating for refractory CD. In such a setting, CD8 positivity by most
(>50%) CD31 IELs is evidence against refractory CD type 2, a clonal lymphoprolifer-
ative disorder, or enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma, which are rare complica-
tions of CD (an in-depth review of these conditions has recently been published).23
Analytical Phase
The biopsy examination should begin with a careful and systematic low-power magni-
fication (4 objective) review of the slide evaluating all mucosal compartments. This
allows for evaluation of the architecture and overt inflammatory changes. For
adequate assessment, at least one biopsy piece should be “well-oriented,” that is,
four consecutive parallel crypt-villus units are visualized.24 The interpreting pathologist
must also know the range of normal morphologic variations of small intestinal mucosal
architecture. In the duodenum, the villi should be three to five times taller than
the crypts are deep.25,26 If this ratio is not maintained, then there is villus atrophy
Biopsy Diagnosis of Celiac Disease 5
Table 2
Histologic differential diagnosis based on pattern
Villus Atrophy
The presence of villus atrophy is a more concerning finding, which should not be
accepted as “idiopathic” without significant consideration and potentially referral
to a specialized center. The differential of villus atrophy and increased IELs includes
CD; medication-related enteropathy, particularly the recently described olmesartan-
associated enteropathy (OAE) (occasionally also associated with other angiotensin re-
ceptor blockers [ARBs]), mycophenolate-containing compounds, and colchicine
among others; collagenous sprue; common variable immunodeficiency; AE; lym-
phoma, inflammatory bowel disease; and certain infections.41
Of these entities, the one that has garnered the most attention recently is OAE.
Rubio-Tapia and colleagues42 reported a series of 22 patients who presented with
Biopsy Diagnosis of Celiac Disease 7
severe diarrhea and profound weight loss following exposure to olmesartan. Biopsies
of the small intestine showed severe villus atrophy and inflammation. Fifteen had total
villus atrophy and 14 had increased IELs. Serologic testing for CD was universally
negative and GFD did not resolve symptoms or mucosal abnormalities. Seven patients
had collagenous sprue. Of 14 patients who also had gastric biopsies, five (36%)
exhibited lymphocytic gastritis and two (14%) displayed features of collagenous
gastritis. Colon biopsies of 5 of the 13 patients (38%) showed microscopic colitis (two
lymphocytic, three collagenous). Clinical symptoms resolved quickly following cessation
of the medications in all cases, and the histologic changes disappeared in most.42
Several additional case reports, series, and reviews have confirmed these findings
and implicated other ARBs.41,43–59 The US Food and Drug Administration approved a
label change for olmesartan in 2013 to acknowledge the risk of enteropathy.60
As is deduced from the preceding description of the histopathology of OAE, it is diffi-
cult (sometimes impossible) to distinguish OAE from ACD based on morphologic fea-
tures alone. In a subset of OAE cases, there are histologic clues that should allow the
attentive pathologist to suggest the diagnosis. The first is the density of IELs. Studies
have shown that some ARB-enteropathy cases do not display significant increased
IELs, a feature that is essentially universal in ACD.42,59 Second, OAE cases commonly
demonstrate increased subepithelial collagen (collagenous sprue-like features), which
is a rare finding in CD (Fig. 3).41,42,61 Ultimately, seronegativity and medication expo-
sure are the most meaningful data points in distinguishing between CD and ARB-
enteropathy and clinical and histopathologic response to a change of medication class
supports medication exposure as the inciting insult. As such, OAE is a good example of
a situation in which knowing the clinical history allows the pathologist to make a more
meaningful statement regarding the cause and the appropriate diagnosis.
Common variable immunodeficiency is an immunodeficiency disorder character-
ized by the failure of B cell maturation into plasma cells, causing decreased serum
immunoglobulin levels. Patients may present with diarrhea and malabsorption and
are prone to infections (giardiasis and bacterial overgrowth).62,63 Duodenal biopsies
can demonstrate a variety of changes, including increased IELs and variable degrees
of villus atrophy.64 Common variable immunodeficiency typically displays an absence
or severe decrease in the number of lamina propria plasma cells. This is in contrast to
Fig. 3. This patient presented with intractable diarrhea and profound weight loss. Duodenal
biopsy showed total villus atrophy, as is seen in celiac disease. Notably, the subepithelial
collagen layer was thickened (arrow), and the epithelium seemed to slough off. This diag-
nostic clue coupled with the lack of intraepithelial lymphocytosis suggested a diagnosis of
olmesartan-associated enteropathy. Discussion at an interdisciplinary conference confirmed
medication exposure with negative celiac serology, and the patient responded dramatically
to a medication change (hematoxylin and eosin, original magnification 40).
8 Lagana & Bhagat
Box 2
Template used to describe findings in small intestinal biopsies performed for evaluation of
celiac disease
I. Clinical Information
None provided
Rule out celiac disease
Previous diagnosis of celiac disease
Refractory celiac disease
Other (specify): _____________
II. Type of Mucosa
III. Number of Biopsy Pieces
IV. Adequacy of Specimen Orientation (at least four consecutive well-oriented crypt-villus
V. Villus Length
Cannot be determined
VI. Crypt Length
VII. Crypt-to-Villus Ratio
Normal (1:3–1:5)
Abnormal (specify):__________
VIII. Villus Atrophy
IX. Intraepithelial Lymphocytes
Normal (up to 30 per 100 epithelial nuclei)
Increased, specify: mild, moderate, severe, focal, diffuse
X. Lamina Propria Inflammatory Cells
Increased, specify: plasma cells, eosinophils, lymphocytes, neutrophils
XI. Gastric Metaplasia
XII. Subepithelial Collagen
XIII. Diagnosis
Small intestinal mucosa, histologically unremarkable
Focal chronic inflammation with or without focal intraepithelial lymphocytes,
Diffuse intraepithelial lymphocytosis, normal villi, consistent with celiac disease (Marsh
type 1)
Biopsy Diagnosis of Celiac Disease 9
CD, where the plasma cells are increased. At times, the increase of lamina propria lym-
phocytes may be significant, making it difficult to discern the lack of plasma cells.
The term “autoimmune enteropathy” refers to a group of rare autoimmune condi-
tions which primarily afflict infants, but can also rarely present in adults. In young
males, an X-linked severe form of the disorder is associated with immune dysregula-
tion and polyendocrinopathy caused by a germline mutation in the FOXP3 gene
located on the X chromosome.65 Patients with this disease may present with failure
to thrive, secretory diarrhea, weight loss, and malabsorption, requiring total parental
nutrition. AE commonly affects the proximal small bowel, with involvement of the
stomach, distal small bowel, and colon described in some cases. Duodenal biopsies
show variable villus atrophy and crypt hyperplasia, often with a diminished number of
Paneth and goblet cells. A dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in the lamina propria is
common and neutrophils with crypt abscesses are seen in severe cases.66–68
Although an increase in IELs may be seen, this is more prominent in the crypts. This
feature may help distinguish AE from CD, which usually demonstrates marked in-
crease in surface IELs.67 Crypt apoptosis is often prominent in AE, although again,
this finding is not specific because it is identified in other disorders and CD.12 Labora-
tory tests may demonstrate the presence of antienterocyte antibodies and some pa-
tients may also have anti–goblet cell, anti–parietal cell, and anti–smooth muscle
antibodies. Antigliadin and antireticulin antibodies have also been described in
AE.68 We have encountered a case of OAE where the ileal biopsy showed near total
loss of goblet and Paneth cells, raising suspicion for AE. However, these cells were
readily identified on a subsequent biopsy after olmesartan was discontinued.45 There
is considerable morphologic overlap in these entities, highlighting the importance of
attention to detail and clinical correlation.
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