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Narada Muni

From Gitavali by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

narada muni bhajaya vina radhika-ramana name

n�ma amani udita haya, bhakata-gita-same

amiya dhara varise ghana, �ravana jugale giya

bhakata jana saghane nace, bhariya apana hiya

madhuri-pura asavo pasi, mataya jagata jane

keho v� kande keho v� nace, keho mate mane mane

pa�ca-badana narade dh�ri', premera saghana' rola

kamalasana naciya bole, bolo bolo 'hari bola'

sahasranana parama sukhe, 'hari hari' bali g�ya

n�ma prabhave matilo vi�va, n�ma rasa sabe p�ya

�r� k���a n�ma rasane sphuri, pura' la amara ��a

�r�-r�pa-pade jacaye iha, bhakativinoda d�sa

When the great soul Narada Muni plays his vina, the holy name,
Radhika-Ramana, descends and immediately appears amidst the kirtana of
the Lord's devotees.

Like a monsoon cloud, the holy name showers nectar in their ears. All
the devotees, due to great ecstasy, repeatedly dance to their hearts'

All the people of the universe become maddened upon entering this
intoxicating shower of nectar. Some peolpe cry, some people dance, and
others become completely intoxicated within their minds.

Lord Siva, embracing Narada Muni, repeatedly makes loud screams of

ecstsic joy, and Lord Brahma, dancing very ecstatically, says, "All of
you kindly chant, `Haribol! Haribol!'"

In great happiness the thousand-faced Ananta Sesa chants, "Hari!

Hari!" By the influence of the transcendental vibration of the holy
name, the whole universe becomes ecstatically maddened, and everyone
tastes the mellows of the holy name.

Thakura Bhaktivinoda, the humble servant of the Lord, says, "The holy
name of Krsna has fulfilled all my desires by vibrating on everyone's
tongue." Bhaktivinoda therefore prays at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa
Gosvami that the chanting of harinama may continue like this always.

Purport by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

This is a song sung by Bhaktivinoda Thakura. The purport of the song

os that Narada Muni, the great soul, says, he's playing on his
stringed instrument called vina. Vina is a string instrument carried
by Narada Muni. So he is playing on the instrument as vibrating the
sound "Radhika-Ramana". Krsna's another name is Radhika-Ramana. So as
soon as he stroke on the string, immediately all the devotees began to
respond to him, and it becomes very beautiful vibration. Amiya dhara
varise ghana. And when the singing was going on with the stringed
instrument, it appeared as if there was a shower of nectarean, and all
the devotees then in ecstasy they were all dancing to the fullest
extent of their satifaction. Then, while they were dancing, it
appeared that they became intoxicated by drinking the beverage called
madhuri pura. And as one becomes mad almost by drinking, similarly, in
ecstasy, all the devotees they became mad. And some of them were
crying, and some of them were dancing, and some of them, although they
could not dance publicly, within their heart they were dancing. In
this way, Lord Siva immediately embraced Narada Muni, and he began to
talk in an ecstatic voice. And seeing Lord Siva, he's dancing with
Narada Muni, Lord Brahma also joined, and he began to say, "All of you,
kindly chant haribol, haribol!" In this way, gradually the king of
heaven, Indra, he also joined with great satisfaction and began to
dance and chant, "hari hari bol."#In this way, by the influence of
transcendental vibration of the holy name of God, the whole universe
became ecstatic, and Bhaktivinode Thakur says, "And the whole universe
became ecstatic. Then my desire was satisfied and I therefore pray
unto the lotus feet of Rupa Gosvami that let this chanting of harinama
go on nicely like this."

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