A Fox and A Crane
A Fox and A Crane
A Fox and A Crane
Once a fox and a crane became friends. So, the fox invited the crane to dinner. The crane accepted the
invitation and reached the fox's place at sunset. The fox had prepared soup for his mate. But as we all
know that foxes are cunning by nature, he served the soup in flat dishes. So, he himself lapped the
crane's share with his tongue enjoying its relish a lot. But the crane could not enjoy it at all with his long
beak and had to get back home hungry. The shrewd fox felt extremely amused. After few days, the
crane invited the fox to dine in with him. The fox reached his place well in time. The crane gave him a
warm welcome and served the soup in a jug with a long and narrow neck. So, the crane enjoyed the
soup with great relish using his long beak. The fox's mouth couldn't reach the soup through the narrow
neck of the jug. He had to return home hungry. Now he realized that he had been repaid for his
behaviour with the crane.
One fine sunny day in winter, a grasshopper was basking in the warm sun. But he was very hungry, as he
had not eaten anything since last night. So, he looked about to find something to soothe his hunger.
Suddenly, he saw few ants carrying grains into their hole. He went up to the ants and asked humbly,
"Can you, please, spare few grains for me. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. So, I am almost
starving to death." One of the ants asked the grasshopper, "What were you doing the whole summer?
Why didn't you store up the food for the winter season?" The grasshopper replied, "Truly speaking, I
spent all the summer singing songs and that's why I couldn't store anything." The ant chucked out a
smile and remarked, "Then dance the winter away." The grasshopper pulled a long face and walked
away. So we say "Work is real worship".
It was high summer. The sun was extremely hot. Two travelers were going along a dusty road that had
no trees along its sides. Looking for some shelter from the hot sun, they saw a tree with big leaves and
branches spread like an umbrella. They placed their belongings on the ground and sat in the cool thick
shade of the tree. After taking some rest, one traveler said to the other, "What a useless tree it is! It
bears no fruits at all." Hearing this, the tree felt pinched and burst out, "You ungrateful soul! On one
hand, you are taking shelter in my cool shade from the burning heat of the sun and on the other hand,
you are calling me useless. Get up and leave the place immediately to be scorched again." Spoken Engl