Genny at in Lieu of Preschool: Please DO
Genny at in Lieu of Preschool: Please DO
Genny at in Lieu of Preschool: Please DO
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Advanced Directions:
(after mastery of beginners directions)
1. Instruct your child to make the word “mat”.
2. Ask him/her to change one letter in “mat” to make the word “sat.”
Help by removing the letter “m” back to the top of the workspace if
your child appears stuck. Say the word “sat” slowly, stretching the
sounds to help.
3. Ask him/her to change one letter in “sat” to make the word “Sam.”
4. Continue from “Sam” to “sad” to “sat” to “cat.”
5. Model and guide as needed.
Directions: Cut out the words below along the lines. Practice sorting the
words under the appropriate headings above. After several practices, glue the
words in the appropriate column.
on Sam sad
Too Easy?
Have your child make up their own sentence using the cut-apart words,
and read it to you.
Too Hard?
Lay the book on the table and have your child match the cut-apart words
to the words in print to make their sentence.
on . and
Created by Genny @ In Lieu of Preschool
Created by Genny @ In Lieu of Preschool
Play Dough Words
1. Print the following pages and then laminate, or insert into a plastic
page protector. Card stock or other sturdy paper is suggested. If you
are laminating, you can cut the words apart. If you are putting into a
plastic sleeve, there will be two words per sheet.
2. Teach your child how to roll long “snakes” using play dough. Home-
made play dough is suggested as it is much easier to manipulate.
3. Form the play dough “snakes” on top of the printed letters.
4. Practice reading the Play Dough Words.
You made it
to the top!! 8. At the end, everything is...
You made it
to the top!! 8. At the end, everything is...
You made it
to the top!! 8. At the end, everything is...
You made it
to the top!! 8. At the end, everything is...
) ) ) )
Created by Genny @ In Lieu of Preschool
Drawing & Writing
for comprehension
Directions: Read aloud the question/prompt written below. Allow your
child some time to draw their response in the box. When they are fin-
ished, ask them to tell you about what they drew. Write what they say
under the box and read it back to them when finished.
Draw your favorite character from the story.