Thermochronology of Allochthonous Terranes in Ecuador: Unravelling The Accretionary and Post-Accretionary History of The Northern Andes
Thermochronology of Allochthonous Terranes in Ecuador: Unravelling The Accretionary and Post-Accretionary History of The Northern Andes
Thermochronology of Allochthonous Terranes in Ecuador: Unravelling The Accretionary and Post-Accretionary History of The Northern Andes
The western cordilleras of the Northern Andes (north of 58S) are constructed from allochthonous terranes floored by oceanic
crust. We present 40Ar/39Ar and fission-track data from the Cordillera Occidental and Amotape Complex of Ecuador that
probably constrain the time of terrane collision and post-accretionary tectonism in the western Andes. The data record cooling
rates of 80–2 8C/my from temperatures of ~540 8C, during 85 to 60 Ma, in a highly tectonised mélange (Pujilı́ unit) at the
continent–ocean suture and in the northern Amotape Complex. The rates were highest during 85–80 Ma and decelerated
towards 60 Ma. Cooling was a consequence of exhumation of the continental margin, which probably occurred in response to
the accretion of the presently juxtaposing Pallatanga Terrane. The northern Amotape Complex and the Pujilı́ unit may have
formed part of a single, regional scale, tectonic mélange that started to develop at ~85 Ma, part of which currently comprises the
basement of the Interandean Depression. Cooling and rotation in the allochthonous, continental, Amotape Complex and along
parts of the continent–ocean suture during 43–29 Ma, record the second accretionary phase, during which the Macuchi Island
Arc system collided with the Pallatanga Terrane. Distinct periods of regional scale cooling in the Cordillera Occidental at ~13
and ~9 Ma were synchronous with exhumation in the Cordillera Real and were probably driven by the collision of the Carnegie
Ridge with the Ecuador Trench. Finally, late Miocene–Pliocene reactivation of the Chimbo–Toachi Shear Zone was coincident
with the formation of the oldest basins in the Interandean Depression and probably formed part of a transcurrent or thrust system
that was responsible for the inception and subsequent growth of the valley since ~6 Ma.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.A. Spikings).
0040-1951/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
196 R.A.
R.A.Spikings /Tectonophysics
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0˚ Colombia
Carnegie Brasil
? P
This wConfigu rationit hthePixM apcur rentcannotHar dwabedis pre/So ftwlayedare
Western Cordillera
Normal fault
ca. 200 km
Quaternary sedimentary and volcanic traverses described
Sub-Andean Zone (Ecuador, Peru)
rocks in previous work
Eastern Cordillera (Colombia)
Neogene foreland basin sedimentary
Metamorphic rocks of the Central
Cordillera Occidental, Ecuador
Cordillera (Colombia), Cordillera Pallatanga Terrane
Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic Real (Ecuador) and the
rocks Western Cordillera (Peru)
Macuchi Terrane (western
Mesozoic volcanic and sedimentary Exposure of the Peltetec tectonic boundary not defined)
rocks (including the Celica-Lancones Melange traverses sampled
in this study
Interandean Depression
main faults
Amotape Complex
Fig. 1. Simplified geology of Ecuador showing the location of the Pallatanga Terrane, Macuchi Terrane and the Amotape Complex. Sampled
traverses across the Cordillera Real (Spikings et al., 2000, 2001) and the Cordillera Occidental (this study) are shown. Black outline highlights
the region of Fig. 2. Faults: PPCF: Pallatanga–Pujilı́–Calacali fault, CTSZ: Chimbo–Toachi Shear Zone, LS: La Sofia fault, NF: Naranjo fault.
Other abbreviations, CL: Celica–Lancones Basin.
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outcrops to the north of the Naranjo Fault Zone and The boundary between the continental and oceanic
encloses tectonic inclusions of high-pressure rocks provinces of the Cordillera Occidental and the
(e.g., Arculus et al., 1999) of the Raspas unit. The metamorphic rocks underlying the Interandean
northern province is interpreted to form part of an Depression is defined by a tectonic mélange (Pujilı́
accretionary prism and non-mafic rocks of the south- unit), which hosts, amongst others, meter scale blocks
ern province are considered to have been tectonically of metamorphic rocks that are also exposed in the
derived from the Cordillera Real at some time after 140 Cordillera Real. This feature is regionally referred to
Ma (Aspden et al., 1995). The timing of decoupling of as the Pallatanga–Pujilı́–Calacali fault (Figs. 1 and 2).
the complex from the Cordillera Real and its subse- The western limit of the Macuchi Terrane is not
quent rotation within a dextral shear regime (e.g., exposed but may approximate to the distinct topo-
Mourier et al., 1988; Mitouard et al., 1990) into the graphic break along the western flank of the Cordil-
Andean forearc region is poorly constrained. lera Occidental.
The oceanic domain of Ecuador underlies the
Cordillera Occidental and consists of three distinguish-
able, allochthonous oceanic terranes (Fig. 1; e.g., 3. Recovery of thermal histories
Feininger and Bristow, 1980; Hughes and Pilatasig,
2002), which may have originated at the margins of the The 40Ar/39 Ar method (e.g., McDougall and
Caribbean Plateau (Spikings et al., 2001). The timing Harrison, 1999) has been used to determine single
and accretion of these terranes are still a subject of temperature–time points on a cooling path. The
debate, although Spikings et al. (2001) and Hughes temperature range of each coordinate has been defined
and Pilatasig (2002) suggest the first collision occurred as the range in closure temperatures derived using
between the Pallatanga Terrane (Early–Late Creta- Dodsonian theory (Dodson, 1973), assuming cooling
ceous oceanic plateau basaltic and peridotitic base- rates between 100 and 10 8C/my. These temperature
ment) and the continental margin at some time ranges are 545–511 8C, 390–350 8C and 360–325 8C
between 80 and 60 Ma. The second stage of accretion for hornblende (spherical diffusion; Do/r 2=375),
involved the dextral collision of the oceanic, Paleocene white mica (plane sheet diffusion; Do/r 2=0.963) and
(?)–early Eocene, volcanosedimentary arc sequence of biotite (plane sheet diffusion; Do/r 2=342), respec-
the Macuchi Terrane with the Pallatanga Terrane, tively (McDougall and Harrison, 1999). The time of
forming the Chimbo–Toachi Shear Zone at ~40 Ma each coordinate is determined after evaluation of the
(Figs. 1 and 2; Spikings et al., 2001; Hughes and age spectrum (Fig. 4).
Pilatasig, 2002). Pre-accretionary sedimentary sequen- The temperature range at which fossil fission
ces preserved in the Pallatanga Terrane include tracks within zircon and apatite partially anneal
Santonian–Campanian turbidites (Wilkinson, 1998a), (partial annealing zone) is a complex function
which are overlain by the Maastrichtian (Faucher et al., dominated by composition (Carlson et al., 1999)
1971; Wilkinson, 1998a) turbiditic Yunguilla unit that and thermal history. Unannealed track lengths in
was partly sourced from metamorphic rocks of the naturally derived apatite range between ~15.5 and
Cordillera Real. The late Paleocene–Eocene turbiditic 14.5 Am (Gleadow et al., 1986) and hence samples
Angamarca group was deposited in a forearc setting that have mean track lengths in this range, combined
subsequent to the accretion of the Pallatanga Terrane with narrow track length distributions, experienced
(Hughes and Pilatasig, 2002). Overlying sequences are rapid cooling from temperatures greater than ~110 8C
dominated by late Eocene–early Oligocene (Wilkin- to temperatures lower than ~60 8C at the time
son, 1998b) sedimentary rocks (Silante unit). indicated by the apatite fission track (AFT) age
Fig. 2. Geological map of the Cordillera Occidental, Ecuador, showing the locations of the main terrane sutures, the Interandean Depression and
the Chota Basin (compiled from BGS-CODIGEM, 1997a,b, 1999, 2000). The locations of analysed samples and their fission-track ages are
shown (hornblende 40Ar/39Ar, green; white mica 40Ar/39Ar, blue; hornblende 40Ar/39Ar, brown; zircon fission track, bold italic; apatite fission
track, bold). Fission track ages from previous studies, which were interpreted to record the stratigraphic age of the Saraguro group, Chota Basin
and the intrusive age of various granitoids are also presented (Steinmann, 1997; Winkler et al., 2002). The values in brackets indicate the sample
number (00RSxx series). See Fig. 1 for fault name abbreviations. GB: Guayllabamba Basin, LB: Latacunga Basin, QB: Quito Basin.
80˚ 00' 79˚ 45' 79˚ 30'
3˚ 15' Machala
Granodiorite, diorite
4˚ 00'
99RS- sample which yielded data (sample number in brackets)
Previous work
Fig. 3. Geological map of the Amotape Complex, Ecuador, modified from Aspden et al. (1995). The locations of samples analysed in this study and their fission track ages are shown
(biotite 40Ar/39Ar plateau, italic; ZFT, bold; AFT, plain). K/Ar data from previous studies are also shown (hbl, hornblende; ms, muscovite; bt, biotite; Feininger and Silberman, 1982;
Aspden et al., 1992). The values in brackets indicate the sample number (99RSxx series).
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861 Ma
150 832 Ma
50 20
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
% 39Ar released
131 Ma 2131 Ma
30 150
20 100
10 50
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 4. 40Ar/39Ar age spectra (F1j) of various mineral phases from the Cordillera Occidental.
(Laslett et al., 1987). Broad track length distributions are considered relatively minor for the determination
with shorter mean track lengths suggest a more of the regional thermal history.
complex thermal history, involving a significant Similar principles apply to the interpretation of
amount of time within the partial annealing zone zircon fission track (ZFT) data although the lack of a
(Gleadow et al., 1986) relative to the AFT age. suitable description of the annealing kinetics of tracks
Thermal history solutions have been recovered from in zircon group minerals inhibits the reconstruction of
samples displaying mean track lengths b14.5 Am potential thermal histories from track-length and age
following the approach described by Gallagher data. For the purpose of this study, the partial
(1995) using the quantitative description of apatite annealing zone is assumed to span between 300 and
annealing kinetics of Laslett et al. (1987). Apatite 220 8C (e.g., Tagami et al., 1998) and the mid-point of
compositions have not been determined in this study. 260 8C has been plotted against the ZFT age to
However, the magnitude of relative variation in produce a single point on the thermal history path.
temperature sensitivity for common apatite composi- When the single grain FT ages for an individual
tions (e.g., b2 wt.% Cl and only minor substitution sample yield a p(v 2) value of b5% it is assumed that
for Ca+2) is about F30 8C (Green et al., 1986). more than one age population is present and individ-
Therefore, while compositional variations may ual age populations have been resolved (Galbraith and
amplify or diminish the quantity of cooling and Green, 1990). Mineral separation and analytical
heating relative to standard (Durango) apatite, they procedures are provided in Appendix A.
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? 13(2) ?
70 B
32 19
80 ? B
? 31 27(2)
90 ? 30
100 ? 13(3) 25
140 ?
Fig. 5. Summary of 40Ar/39Ar, ZFT and AFT data from the Cordillera Occidental and the Amotape Complex. Grey bands indicate the stratigraphic age of the rock sequence and a dBT
indicates that it was determined using fossil evidence; see text for references.
Table 1
Fission-track ages from the Amotape Complex and the Cordillera Occidental of Ecuador
Sample number Stratigraphy, lithology Latitude Longitude Altitude No. of Standard Spontaneous Induced p (v 2) U Fission Mean Standard
(m) grains track density track density track (%) (ppm) track age track length deviation
106 106 density 106 F1j (Ma) F1j (Am) (Am)
Amotape Complex
99RS18 Limon Playa Unit, gneiss S03 33 04 W79 56 56 sea level 24 1.143(5925) 0.3402(265) 1.226(955) 13 5 61.1F5.1 12.45F0.26(62) 2.01
99RS22 La Victoria Unit, Ms Bt schist S03 42 11 W79 51 41 sea level 27 1.199(5925) 0.2477(409) 1.478(2441) 82 15 38.8F2.7 13.63F0.19(77) 1.68
99RS24 Marcabeli Pluton, granodiorite S03 46 04 W79 49 27 685F? 20 1.227(5925) 1.505(569) 7.817(2955) 31 80 45.6F3.0 12.73F0.24(84) 2.21
Pallatanga Terrane:
tectonic melange
00RS31 Pujili Unit, dacite block S00 51 04.8 W78 42 15.6 3015F? 17 1.307(6795) 0.5410(176) 2.161(703) 13 21 56.5F5.0 13.78F0.24(70) 1.98
00RS32 Saquisilli Fm., arkosic arenite S00 51 04.8 W78 42 15.6 3015F? 17 1.359(6795) 0.7482(208) 4.032(1121) 95 37 48.6F4.3 13.43F0.28(44) 1.73
Pallatanga Terrane:
cover sequences
00RS28 Silante Unit, breccia S00 26 23.0 W78 44 17.5 2058F6 7 1.437(6795) 0.0372(7) 1.213(228) 80 11 8.5F3.3 N.D. N.D.
00RS34 Yungilla Unit, arkosic arenite N00 00 22.8 W78 34 48.3 2362F6 25 1.282(6795) 0.1283(145) 0.6150(695) 100 6 51.5F5.3 N.D. N.D.
00RS37 Silante Unit, volcanic tuff N00 01 22.2 W78 39 13.1 1817F5 28 1.385(6795) 0.0121(24) 0.2948(587) 99 3 10.9F2.3 N.D. N.D.
00RS42 Silante Unit?, lithic arenite N00 36 03.6 W78 08 26.6 1390F12 23 1.285(6925) 0.0941(45) 0.5356(256) 100 5 43.6F7.3 N.D. N.D.
00RS43 Pilaton Unit?, volcanoclastic N00 41 31.4 W78 12 05.0 1138F5 32 1.510(6925) 0.0063(17) 0.2257(605) 100 2 8.2F2.1 N.D. N.D.
Macuchi Terrane
00RS18 Macuchi Fm., basaltic andesite S00 18 54.5 W78 57 20.2 805F6 11 1.335(6925) 0.0046(3) 0.4977(324) 78 5 2.4F1.4 N.D. N.D.
00RS21 Macuchi Fm., volcanoclastic S00 17 01.6 W79 03 08.8 627F? 17 1.260(6925) 0.0050(2) 0.0930(37) 100 1 13.2F9.6 N.D. N.D.
00RS22T Macuchi Fm., basaltic andesite S00 18 50.3 W78 55 53.7 866F6 6 1.310(6925) 0.04049(10) 1.166(288) 40 11 8.8F2.9 N.D. N.D.
Older Populations
00RS22 Macuchi Fm., basaltic andesite S00 18 50.3 W78 55 53.7 866F6 2 1.310(6925) 0.1667(13) 0.4744(37) 93 5 88.5F28.8 N.D. N.D.
Amotape Complex
99RS18 Limon Playa Unit, gneiss S03 33 04 W79 56 56 sea level 6 3.800 (2999) 11.68(406) 4.372 (152) 6 460 68F6.8 N.D. N.D.
99RS22 La Victoria Unit, Ms Bt schist S03 42 11 W79 51 41 sea level 10 3.903 (2999) 13.86 (947) 1.991 (136) 23 204 180F17 N.D. N.D.
99RS24 Marcabeli Pluton, granodiorite S03 46 04 W79 49 27 685F? 6 4.006 (2999) 19.13 (420) 3.734 (82) 87 373 137F17 N.D. N.D.
99RS25T El Tigre Unit, metagreywacke S03 48 30 W79 48 43 890F? 9 4.109 (2999) 20.80 (1307) 4.090 (257) 99 398 139F10 N.D. N.D.
Older Populations
99RS25 El Tigre Unit, metagreywacke S03 48 30 W79 48 43 890F? 44 4.109 (2999) 19.76 (7690) 2.025 (788) 21 197 264F13 N.D. N.D.
Western Cordillera
Metamorphics unit
00RS6 Undiff́ Metamorphics, S02 29 26.4 W79 14 06.1 1022F? 34 0.4571(3572) 9.319(3422) 4.746(1743) 12 415 60.1F2.5 N.D. N.D.
graphitic schist
Pallatanga Terrane:
tectonic melange
00RS31 Pujili Unit, dacite block S00 51 04.8 W78 42 15.6 3015F? 16 1.307(6795) 16.14(2501) 6.777(1050) 83 558 75.4F3.7 N.D. N.D.
00RS32 Saquisilli Fm., arkosic arrenite S00 51 04.8 W78 42 15.6 3015F? 22 0.3509(3866) 10.33(1330) 3.457(445) 13 394 70.2F4.3 N.D. N.D.
Pallatanga Terrane:
cover sequences
00RS3 Angamarca Gp., Ms arenite S02 37 17.8 W79 27 42.4 382F7 20 0.3592(2078) 5.437(1184) 3.348(729) 24 364 39.0F2.3 N.D. N.D.
00RS4T Yungilla Unit, Ms arenite S02 39 31.1 W79 26 47.2 856F7 26 0.4148(3572) 9.426(1794) 5.028(957) 37 473 52.1F2.6 N.D. N.D.
00RS5 Saraguro Gp., Pl rich ignimbrite S02 29 38.8 W79 13 06.1 1145F6 23 0.4359(3572) 6.728(1974) 5.538(1625) 21 508 35.5F1.6 N.D. N.D.
00RS7 Angamarca Gp., Ms Hbl arenite S02 12 08.1 W79 07 38.3 385F? 9 0.3936(3572) 10.43(477) 6 571 50.4F5.5 N.D. N.D.
00RS12T Angamarca Gp. Apagua Fm., S00 57 42.9 W78 55 22.2 3957F5 16 0.4994(3572) 11.78(2609) 7.583(1679) 6 607 52.0F2.2 N.D. N.D.
00RS13T Angamarca Gp. Apagua Fm., S00 58 52.6 W78 56 24.5 3881F9 8 0.3706(2078) 8.034(1083) 4.985(672) 75 538 40.1F2.3 N.D. N.D.
00RS14T Angamarca Gp. Apagua Fm., S00 56 48.6 W79 00 14.4 2417F5 4 0.4049(2078) 1.282(79) 6.265(386) 71 619 5.6F0.7 N.D. N.D.
Numbers in parentheses are the number of tracks counted, no track lengths and hence standard deviations in track lengths have been measured in the zircon crystals.
When p (v 2) is b5% the fission track age is the central age, otherwise it is the pooled age. Sample codes in bold type indicate those samples which yielded both apatite and zircon FT ages.
All zircon and apatite separates were counted by R. Spikings. See Appendix A for analytical details.
Bt, biotite; Hbl, hornblende; Ms, Muscovite; N.D., No data; Pl, Plagioclase.
T Denotes sample which is comprised of N1 source population. The age of the older population is listed under dpopulationsT.
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