Env Lab
Env Lab
Env Lab
DATE :04/04/2019
• To determine the water quality index of the water sample based on national
water quality standards for Malaysia.
• To identify whether the water sample area is suitable for recreation activity or
• To determine the quality of water are suitable for living things such as flora and
Lake in front of G3
Water quality parameters are used as a vital information to figure out if the
quality of water are good enough to be used in daily life whether for living things or
non-living things. In Malaysia, we are referred Water Quality Index (WQI). This
parameter include are physical, biological and chemical parameters. Physical
parameters are determined by sense which is taste, sight, smell and physical touch with
the water. For the physical properties, the colour will be considered. Physical properties
such Total Solid (TS), Total Suspended Solid (TSS) and Dissolved Solid (DS) are
observed. For chemical, the parameters are determined by Biochemical Oxygen
Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and
pH and nitrates, nitrates and ammonia. As for this proposal, the selected parameters that
will be used are pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), suspended solid (SS), biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia nitrogen. All those
tests will be referred to National Water Quality Standards for Malaysia.
1. Make sure to wear the gloves for safety purpose.
2. Rinse the bottle three times using the water from the sedimentation pond PPH and make
sure the gloves did not fully submerged when sampling the water.
3. Fill the water from sedimentation pond PPH into the bottles until full and ensure there
is no bubbles in the samples.
4. Label the samples using masking tape and marker pen correctly.
5. Record sufficient information such as date, weather and location.
On site was done to obtain immediate result on the sediment at the lake. Furthermore,
the tool or apparatus to conduct the on-site experiment is portable and easy to conduct
and does not need to bring the sample to the lab. Field analysis is necessary for
temperature, turbidity and pH. Dissolved oxygen may be determined in the field or the
sample may be treated in the field and the remainder of the analysis completed in a
Dissolved oxygen concentrations are constantly affected by diffusion and aeration,
photosynthesis, respiration and decomposition. Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the most
important indicators of water quality. Oxygen is also introduced into the water as a by product
of aquatic plant photosynthesis. When dissolved oxygen becomes too low, fish and other
aquatic organisms cannot survive. The DO test tells how much oxygen is dissolved in the water.
To determine the amount of dissolve oxygen in water samples at G3 pond in UTHM.
1. DO probe meter
2. Distilled water
3. Beakers (250ml)
4. Water sample
Site :
Station :
Date: Time:
Weather Condition:
Sampling depth:
Sample transport:
To determine the total solid and total suspended solid in water samples at G3 pond in UTHM.
Total suspended solids (TSS) are all particles in water that will not pass through a
glass fiber filter with a pore size less than 2 μm, including sediments, algae, nutrients, and
metals. TSS is an important water quality parameter because of its adverse effects on aquatic
species and wildlife (Jessica A. Branigan, 2013). All matter except the water contained in liquid
materials is classified as solid matters. The solid content of water is one of the most
significant parameters. It is used in the design of water treatment plant. Total suspended
solids is a major factor for pollutants in accumulated sewer systems in wet weather conditions
(Joanis et al. 2016). Solids suspended in water may consist of inorganic and organic particles
or of immiscibleliquids. A suspended solid are objectionable in water as it is aesthetically
displeasing andprovides sites chemical and biological agents. Most suspended solids can be
removed fromwater by filtration. Portion of the total solids retained on the filter with a
specified pore size(1.58µm), measured after being dried at 105 ºC.
1. Evaporating dish
2. Oven
3. Dessicator
4. 5 cm diameter of porcelain crucible,
5. 100ml measuring cylinder
6. 10ml pipette
7. Steam bath which was preheated at 100°C
8. Buchner flask and funnel
9. 12.5 cm glass fiber filter disk
10. Analytical balance
1) The filter disk was dried in the oven at 103 degree to 105 degree for 1 hour. It
wascooled in a dessicators and weighed.
2) The filter disk was dried, 10 mL of water sample was pipetted onto centre of disk
ina Buchner flask by using gentle suction.
3) The disk was carefully washed with 10 mL distilled water. The disk was dried at
103-105 degree for 1 hour.
Volume of sample
3. Reflux Apparatus
4. Magnetic Stirrer
5. Burette
Add to about 500 mL distilled water 4.903 g K2Cr2O7, primary standard grade, previously
dried at 150°C for 2 h, 167 mL conc. H2SO4, and 33.3 g HgSO4. Dissolve, cool to room
temperature, and dilute to 1000 mL.
This indicator is used to indicate change in oxidation-reduction potential of the solution and
indicates the condition when all dichromate has been reduced by ferrous ion. It gives a very
sharp brown color change which can be seen in spite of blue color generated by the Cr3+ ions
formed on reduction of the dichromate.
1. Wash culture tubes and caps with 20% H2SO4 before using to prevent contamination.
2. Place sample (2.5 mL) in culture tube and Add K2Cr2O7 digestion solution (1.5 mL).
3. Carefully run sulphuric acid reagent (3.5 mL) down inside of vessel so an acid layer is
formed under the sample-digestion solution layer and tightly cap tubes or seal ampules and
invert each several times to mix completely.
4. Place tubes in block digester preheated to 150°C and reflux for 2 h behind a protective
5. Cool to room temperature and place vessels in test tube rack. Some mercuric sulfate may
precipitate out but this will not affect the analysis.
6. Add 1 to 2 drops of Ferroin indicator and stir rapidly on magnetic stirrer while titrating
with standardized 0.10 M FAS.
7. The end point is a sharp colour change from blue-green to reddish brown, although the
blue green may reappear within minutes.
8. In the same manner reflux and titrate a blank containing the reagents and a volume of
distilled water equal to that of the sample.
9. calculate COD which is given by
(𝐴−𝐵) × 𝑀 ×8000
COD (mg O2 /L) =
𝑉 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒
Where: A = volume of FAS used for blank (mL)
B = volume of FAS used for sample (mL)
M = molarity of FAS 8000 = milli equivalent weight of oxygen (8) ×1000 mL/L.
i) The objectives of this studies are to assess the quality of surface waters. Besides, to
determine the amount of dissolved oxygen in waste water sample at G3 pond in
ii) The studies are to establish the concentration of organic matter in waste water sample at
G3 pond in UTHM. Lastly, to understand the characteristicsof DO contained in water.
iii) Student able to describe the importance of BOD in the environmental studies and
able to measure the BOD of samples with the right sample size.
Most relatively unpolluted streams have a BOD5 that ranges from 1 to 8 mg/L (milligrams per
liter) (Nemerow, 1974). If the BOD5 value of a sample is less than 7 mg/L, sample dilution is
not needed. A BOD5 value greater than 7 mg/L requires sample dilution. Dilution is necessary
when the amount of DO consumed by microorganisms is greater than the amount of DO
available in the air-saturated BOD5 sample (American Public Health Association and others,
1995). The BOD5 analyst is responsible for determining the dilutions that will be needed.
1. BOD meter with probe for measurement of dissolved oxygen in 300 mL BOD
2. 300 mL BOD bottles
3. Incubator, capable of maintaining 20 +/- 1°C
4. 250 mL graduated cylinders
5. 100 mL graduated cylinders
6. 25 mL measuring pipettes (wide-mouth)
7. 10 mL measuring pipettes (wide-mouth)
8. 100 mL beaker
9. 1000 mL beaker
10. 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask
11. Burette graduated to 0.1 mL
12. Dilution water bottle of suitable volume for the number of tests to be performed
13. Pipette bulb
14. Equipment for pH measurements
15. Magnetic stirrer and stirring bars
1) Determine the amount of sample to be analysed; if available, use the historical results of
a previous test of BOD5 for a particular sampling site.
2) Place a clean, calibrated thermometer into the constant temperature chamber.
3) Turn on the constant temperature chamber to allow the controlled temperature to
stabilize at 20°C ±1°C.
4) Turn on the DO instrument, but not the stirring attachment. Some DO instruments need
to be turned on 30 to 60 minutes before calibration—check the manufacturer’s
instruction manual.
5) Aerate dilution water before adding nutrient solutions.
6) After aeration:
a) Add to dilution water.
i) 1 mL each of the potassium phosphate, magnesium
sulfate, calcium chloride, and ferric chloride solutions
per 1 L of dilution water.
ii) Hach Company nutrient buffer pillows to selected
volume of dilution water per the manufacturer’s
b) Shake the container of dilution water for about 1-minute
dissolve the slurry and to saturate the water with oxygen.
c) Place the dilution water in the constant temperature chamber to
maintain a temperature of 20°C until sample dilutions and
analyses begin.
d) The initial and final (after 5 days ± 4 hours) DO tests of the
dilution water is determined and recorded simultaneously with
each batch of environmental samples.
7) Check the temperature of the air incubator or water bath using a laboratory thermometer
to ensure that the temperature has been maintained at 20° ± 1°C. A minimum/maximum
recording thermometer can be used to audit the temperature during times when checks
cannot be made.
8) Place the sample container in the constant-temperature chamber or water bath to begin
warming the sample to 20°C ± 1°C. While the sample is warming, insert the air
diffusion stone into the container and aerate the sample for about 15 minutes. After
removing the air diffusion stone, allow several minutes for excess air bubbles to
dissipate. The initial DO of the BOD sample needs to be at or slightly below saturation.
c) Data:
Table 8: Data observation for BOD
Sample Details:
pH 0C
Alkalinity/Acidity Comments:
I N NaoH : __________mL
I N N2SO4:__________mL
Volume DO
Sample Sampl Dilution Initial DO Final DO BOD
Sample Depletion
Type e ID Factor (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
(mL) (mg/L)
Average BOD
(show the calculation)
Cancelled Data/ Result:
BOD__ =
BOD__ =
BOD__ =
The waste water is created when the water is spent or used with dissolved or suspended solids
also discharged from communities, homes, industrial, homes, commercial establishments, and
farms. According to Sincero et all in their writing, waste water are divided into two categories
which are sanitary and non-sanitary waste water or called also as sanitary sewage. The sanitary
waste waters are waste waters that have been contaminated with human wastes
1 spectrophotometers.
4 Pipette (1.0mL)
4 Three drops of polyvinyl alcohol dispersing agent were added to each cylinder.
6 The soft key under start timer was pressed. A 1-minute reaction period begun.
8 The blank was placed into the cell holder when the time beeps
9 The soft key under zero was pressed and the display will show 0.000 mg/I N NH3
10 The prepared sample was placed into cell holder. Result in mg/I ammonia expressed
as nitrogen was displayed.
Sample A
Sample B (Duplicate)
Reading of sample
NH3-N(mg/L) = NH3-N(value from spectrophotometer)
Sample A
Sample B (Duplicate)
Spectrophotometer reading
Parameters Reading
The ammonia nitrate in waste water in different form, depends in the source which
come from.Beside,Toxicity increases as pH decreases and as temperature decreases