Silver Rca 24f512t CH m134c PDF

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Technical Service Data
Only qualified service technicians who are familiar with safety checks Cold Leakage Checks for Receivers with Isolated Ground

SET 5267
Model 24F512T (Chassis M134C)
and guidelines should perform service work. Before replacing parts,
disconnect power source to protect electrostatically sensitive parts. Do Unplug the AC cord, connect a jumper across the plug prongs, and turn
not attempt to modify any circuit unless so recommended by the the power switch on (if applicable). Use an ohmmeter to measure the
manufacturer. When servicing the receiver, use an isolation transformer resistance between the jumped AC plug and any exposed metal cabinet
between the line cord and power receptacle. parts such as antenna screw heads, control shafts, or handle brackets.


Exposed metal parts with a return path should measure between 1M GridTrace Location
ohms and 5.2M ohms. Parts without a return path must measure infinity. Main Board ....................................... 3
Use EXTREME CAUTION when servicing the high voltage circuits. To
Hot Leakage Current Check Comb Filter Board ............................ 3
discharge static high voltage, connect a 10K ohms resistor in series with a
test lead between the receiver ground and CRT anode lead. DO NOT lift Plug the AC cord directly into an AC outlet. DO NOT use an isolation Important Parts Information ..................... 4
the CRT by the neck. Always wear shatterproof goggles when handling transformer. Use a 1500 ohms, 10W resistor in parallel with a .15µF Miscellaneous Adjustments ..................... 1
the CRT to protect eyes in case of implosion. capacitor to connect between any exposed metal parts on the receiver and Parts List ................................................... 4
a good earth ground. (See figure below.) Use an AC voltmeter with at
Placement Chart ....................................... 1
least 5000 ohms per volt sensitivity to measure the voltage across the
resistor. Check all exposed metal parts and measure voltage at each point. Safety Precautions .................................... 1
Be aware of the instructions and procedures covering X-ray radiation. In
solid-state receivers and monitors, the CRT is the only potential source of Voltage measurements should not exceed .75VAC, 500µA. Any value Schematic Component Location .............. 1
X-rays. Keep an accurate high voltage meter available at all times. Check exceeding this limit constitutes a potential shock hazard and must be Schematic Notes ....................................... 2
meter calibration periodically. Whenever servicing a receiver, check the corrected. If the AC plug is not polarized, reverse the AC plug and repeat Schematics
high voltage at various brightness levels to be sure it is regulating exposed metal part voltage measurement at each point.
Audio ................................................. 3
properly. Keep high voltage at rated value, NO HIGHER. Excessive high
voltage may cause X-ray radiation or failure of associated components. CRT ................................................... 2
DO NOT depend on protection circuits to keep voltage at rated value. Power Supply .................................... 2
When troubleshooting a receiver with excessive high voltage, avoid close System Control .................................. 2
contact with the CRT. DO NOT operate the receiver longer than Television .......................................... 2
necessary. To locate the cause of excessive high voltage, use a variable


AC transformer to regulate voltage. In present receivers, many electrical
Video Switching/Comb Filter ........... 3
and mechanical components have safety related characteristics which are Service Mode Chart ................................. 1
not detectable by visual inspection. Such components are identified by a Test Equipment ......................................... 3
# on both the schematic and the parts list. For SAFETY, use only Tuner Information .................................... 1
equivalent replacement parts when replacing these components.
Essential coverage
for servicing a television receiver...
Perform a final SAFETY CHECK before returning receiver to customer.
Check repaired area for poorly soldered connections, and check entire

• Schematics
circuit board for solder splashes. Check board wiring for pinched wires or
wires contacting any high wattage resistors. Check that all control knobs,
shields, covers, grounds, and mounting hardware have been replaced. Be
sure to replace all insulators and restore proper lead dress.

• Component locations
• Parts list
Coverage includes this additional model and chassis:

Model Chassis
24V511T M134C

The listing of any available replacement part herein in no case constitutes a recommendation, warranty, or guarantee by
SAMS Technical Publishing, LLC as to the quality and suitability of such replacement part. The numbers of the listed parts
have been compiled from information furnished to SAMS Technical Publishing, LLC by the manufacturers of the specific

type of replacement part listed.

Reproduction or use, without express permission, of editorial or pictorial content, in any manner, is prohibited. No patent
liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein.

© 2007 SAMS Technical Publishing, LLC

9850 E. 30th St.

Indianapolis IN 46229
For a Complete List of Manuals,

Printed in the United States of America 5 4 3 2 1

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JUNE 2007 SET 5267

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HIGH VOLTAGE TEST SUB BRIGHTNESS Item Setting Item Setting Item Setting Item Setting
High voltage must not be higher than 31.8kV at any beam current. Tune the set to receive a gray scale stairstep signal from the A/V inputs. Set Menu 1 Menu 6 Menu 11 Menu 15


picture color temperature to normal, Set all of the picture controls
(brightness, contrast, etc) to midrange. Enter the service mode and select
RC 76 ST3 20 MPB STR 43 RC-C FC
Tune the set to receive a crosshatch signal. Apply an external power supply menu 5. Adjust the value of BRTC sub brightness to just light the second
GC 86 SV3 20 MPB HMC 0D GC-C 02
to the positive lead of C249 (observe polarity). Slowly increase the voltage dark bar, making sure the first bar stays black.
BC 7B SV4 19 MPB HP 07 BC-C 00
from the supply. The set must shut down and remain off when the voltage Test point Display GD 33 SVD 19 MPB LP 11 GD-C FD
reaches 30V. Adjust: Menu 3 HPOS6 H Position BD 2E ASSH 07 MPB LIM 00 BD-C 0A

B+ Menu 2 Menu 16
Menu 3 PARA6 H Parabola SHPX 10 SUB FRE 28
Menu 3 TRAP 6 H Trapazoid SHPN 2A SUB HP 02
Menu 7
Tune the set to receive a crosshatch signal, set the preset picture mode to Menu 3 HSIZE6 H Size FAC02 VOL MAI 00 FAC16
Menu 12
normal, and adjust VR802 for 130V ±0.5V at the positive lead of C422. Menu 3 CNRT6 H Corner Top HIGHT6 19 RC-W 04

Menu 3 CNRB6 H Corner Bottom VP60 07 FAC07 GC-W 01
Menu 2 HIGHT6 Height VLIN6 0A MOD1 60 FAC12 BC-W 02
Menu 2 VLIN6 Linearity VSC6 0A MOD2 B0 SVM 05 GD-W FB
The RF AGC is factory preset at the time of manufacture for optimum Menu 2 VP60 Vertical Center VBLK6 0A MOD3 70 SVM1 05 BD-W E7
operation over a wide range of RF signal input conditions and should not Menu 2 VSC6 Vert S Correct VCEN6 2B OPT 36 OSD2 20 YUVGC F7
need readjustment, unless there is cable TV adjacent channel interference
Menu 3
or picture bending or channel 6 color beats because of excessive RF signal
Menu 17
NOTE: Confirm correct convergence and purity before adjusting geometry. OPTM2 00 PYNX 28
input, this can occur if the receiver is located too close to the transmitting HDCNT 00 PYNN 18
Tune the set to receive a circular test pattern to make visual geometry FAC03
tower. The signal should be attenuated at the antenna to reduce the signal HSTOP FF PYXS 22
adjustments. Enter the service mode. Adjust menu 2 and menu 3 values for HPOS6 13 FAC17
to a satisfactory level.
Menu 8
the least amount of geometric distortion approximately 7% overscan.
Menu 13
NOTE: Adjusting the RF AGC to extreme limits of its parameters unusu- TRAP6 22 D-BRI 32
ally provides a poor signal to noise ratio. HSIZE6 1F FAC08 D-CON 5A

Menu 18
NOTE: Pressing the 1 and input buttons on the remote will shut the set CNRB6 09 BRTS 00 CLTM 4F
down if you are in the service mode. VEHT6 03 OSD 21 CLVO 48
Tune the set to receive a crosshatch signal, set the preset picture mode to
normal and set all of the picture controls (brightness, contrast, etc) to To enter the service mode, press and hold the volume down button on the HEHT6 03 OSDF 53 CLVS 4F FAC18
Menu 4
midrange. Enter the service mode and preset the menu 1 values. Set RC, set while pressing the info/del button on the remote. Menus 1 thru 10 can CCD OSD 4A ABL 27 S-COL 32
GC, and BC to 80, GD and BD to 40. While still in the service mode, press be accessed directly using the remote keypad number buttons. For menu 11 CCD OSDF 65 DCBS 12 S-BRI 32
the input button on the remote and the vertical will collapse. Adjust the press the 1 and notepad buttons on the remote; menu 12 press the 1 and FAC04 TXCX 1F FLGO 82 S-CON 4B
screen control to produce a dim horizontal line on the CRT. caps buttons on the remote; menu 13 press 1 and info/del buttons on the CNTX 7F RGCN 16 FLG1 0D S-SHP 32
Menu 9 Menu 14
remote; menu 14 press 1 and sleep buttons on the remote; menu 15 press 1 CNTN 08
and calendar buttons on the remote; 16 press 1 and insert buttons on the BRTX 20
remote; menu 17 press 1 and FAV buttons on the remote; menu 18 press 1 BRTN 20 FAC09 FAC14
Test point Display
and go back buttons on the remote. If any of the service mode menu items COLX 35 V01 46 HAFC 09
Adjust: Menu 1 RC Red Cutoff
have been adjusted, press the sound button to save the settings, and exit the COLN 00 V25 5A AGCC 1C
Menu 1 GC Green Cutoff
service mode. TNTX 30 V50 65 NOIS 01
Menu 1 BC Blue Cutoff
TNTN 30 V100 7F ONTM 08
Menu 1 GD Green Drive
Menu 5
Menu 1 BD Blue Drive
Set color picture temperature to normal and set all of the picture controls
(brightness, contrast, etc) to midrange. Tune the set to receive a gray scale
stairstep test pattern. Enter the service mode and adjust the values for COLC 23
Menu 10
cutoff and drive controls to obtain proper color tracking, no tinting of black COLP 00
and white and shades of gray, and color temperature is 9300 degrees - X = SCOL 07 FAC10
284, Y = 299. SCNT 06 MODE4 22
SET 5267 Page 1


Pin Voltage
(1) AGC 1.8V
(2) VT 0V
(3) GND 0V (1)
(4) SCL 4.0V
(5) SDA 4.4V
(6) VCC 4.8V (3)
(7) VCC 4.8V
(8) NC 0V (4)
(9) 33V 33.0V
(10) NC 0V (5)
(11) IF1 0V (6)

NOTE: Voltages do not change (7)

on different bands.


C008 E26 C230 D2 C414 E9 C822 D22 C1015 A43 D02 B17 DB801 A19 L1213 D37 Q603 E46 R030 B23 R238 D3 R432 E14 R826 B22 R936 D34 R1234 C40
C01 B17 C231 E2 C415 E4 C826 A21 C1016 B41 D101 A23 DEGAUSS A19 L1214 D37 Q820 B22 R031 D25 R239 C14 R433 E21 R827 B22 R937 D34 R1236 B37
C021 C24 C233 C6 C419 D10 C827 A22 C1017 D42 D202 B16 F801 A17 L1215 B38 Q821 B22 R032 D25 R241 D3 R453 E13 R828 E19 R944 C44 R1237 B37
C022 C24 C234 C6 C422 A23 C828 A21 C1018 E42 D203 C16 IC001 B27 L1216 C37 Q822 B17 R033 D25 R242 B10 R460 E23 R829 B22 R945 C27 RF IN A1
C025 B24 C235 C14 C431 E22 C829 B19 C1019 E43 D204 B16 IC101 A26 L1217 D23 Q823 E19 R033B E28 R243 B10 R461 A32 R830 C18 R946 B33 RL01 A18
C026 C23 C236 D3 C432 E24 C830 C21 C1023 B44 D205 C14 IC101 B11 P800 A17 Q824 E18 R033C D27 R244 D1 R501 A29 R831 B17 R946A B33 RL01 B18
C027 C26 C237 D3 C433 E21 C831 C22 C1024 C44 D206 E2 IC101 B5 P901 B33 Q825 E18 R0333 C25 R245 D5 R502 A29 R832 E18 R947 B35 RT801 A18
C028 B24 C238 B9 C435 E21 C832 C22 C1025 B42 D207 C12 IC101 D1 P902 C41 Q901 C42 R034 D26 R246 D1 R503 A30 R833 C17 R948 B35 RT802 A20
C029 B24 C239 B10 C441 E22 C833 B23 C1031 C43 D208 E14 IC201 C23 P902 C41 Q902 C42 R036 C26 R247 D5 R505 C29 R834 C17 R951 D41 S002A C25
C030 D26 C241 B10 C442 E23 C834 E18 C1033 C44 D209 E14 IC202 D23 P903 A33 Q903 D42 R036A C26 R248 B10 R506 C30 R834A C17 R952 D41 S003A C25
C031 C26 C242 B9 C443 E15 C835 B17 C1034 C44 D210 E15 IC301 D6 P903 D41 Q904 D42 R043 C27 R250 E16 R508 C30 R834B C17 R953 C42 S004A C25
C032 C26 C243 B10 C451 E13 C836 C18 C1035 B42 D211 C11 IC602 A47 P903 D41 Q911 D34 R044 B25 R251 E15 R509 C29 R835 C17 R954 C42 S005A D25
C033 B26 C244 D1 C501 A30 C840 B20 C1036 B42 D212 C11 IC801 B19 P904 A33 Q912 D34 R044 B26 R253 E15 R510 B29 R836 E19 R1001 B42 S006A D25
C034 B26 C245 D1 C502 C30 C902 B33 C1037 A43 D213 C11 IC802 B18 P904 A9 Q913 B44 R070A B25 R254 E2 R511 B30 R837 E18 R1002 B42 S008 C25
C041 B26 C246 D4 C503 B30 C903 B34 C1038 A43 D214 C13 IC901 A34 P904 A9 Q914 B44 R101 B1 R255 E2 R513 B30 R838 E17 R1004 D43 S501 A32

C043 B23 C247 D1 C504 E23 C904 C42 C1201 B36 D215 D16 IC901 C36 P905 B45 Q917 B35 R101A C1 R256 E2 R514 D29 R840 B20 R1005 B42 S501 B31
C043 B26 C248 D1 C505 C31 C905 C42 C1202 B36 D262 E15 IC1001 A43 P905 B45 Q918 C27 R102 C3 R257 E2 R515 C29 R901 B33 R1006 B41 S501 B31
C070A B25 C249 E15 C506 C24 C908 A34 C1203 B36 D301 D7 IC1201 B38 P905 D35 Q919 C44 R103 B3 R258 B8 R516 B30 R902 B34 R1007 B41 S501 B31
C101 C4 C250 C12 C508 C31 C909 D41 C1204 B36 D303 E3 IR001A A25 P1101 B33 Q1003 B41 R104 B3 R261 E15 R517 C30 R903 B34 R1010 C44 S501 B31
C104 A23 C251 C11 C509 C24 C910 D41 C1205 D24 D304 E2 J215 D3 Q007 B23 Q1201 B37 R106 B2 R262 C12 R518 A30 R904 C41 R1011 C44 S501 C31


C105 B1 C254 A7 C624 B46 C911 D24 C1206 D24 D309 D9 J310 E15 Q008 D25 Q1202 B37 R107 B2 R266 A22 R519 A31 R905 A34 R1022 B43 S501 C31
C106 B1 C260 C22 C625 B46 C912 D24 C1211 D38 D310 D8 J603 E10 Q01 B17 Q1203 B37 R108 B2 R302 D6 R520 C31 R906 C41 R1023 B43 T401 E7
C107 B2 C261 C24 C626 A44 C913 B34 C1212 D38 D410 E4 J604 E10 Q033C D28 Q1211 C37 R209 D16 R303 D6 R521 B31 R908 A33 R1201 B36 T402 D12
C108 C3 C262 C24 C627 A44 C914 B34 C1213 D39 D411 E10 J1005 E42 Q101 B3 Q1212 E38 R211 D15 R304 D8 R522 D29 R910 D41 R1202 B36 T402 D21
C109 B3 C263 D23 C630 A44 C915 B44 C1214 D39 D412 E10 L001 D23 Q202 E16 Q1213 D38 R212 D15 R309 D8 R605 D46 R911 D42 R1203 B36 T801 A17
C209 D16 C264 D24 C631 A44 C916 C44 C1215 B38 D420 E11 L002 B25 Q203 B6 Q1214 C39 R213 D16 R310 D8 R605A D46 R912 D41 R1204 B37 T802 A18
C210 D16 C266 A23 C634 D46 C924 D33 C1216 C38 D431 E22 L101 B1 Q204 B7 Q1215 C39 R214 B16 R311 D6 R606 D45 R913 D42 R1205 B37 T803 A20
C211 D15 C280 C14 C661 D45 C925 D33 C1217 C38 D432 E21 L102 B3 Q205 E15 Q1218 B39 R215 C15 R312 D6 R608 A44 R914 A10 R1206 B37 TP E11
C211 D15 C281 C14 C801 A17 C926 D35 C1218 C38 D441 E22 L204 C5 Q208 D16 R001 D26 R216 B15 R313 D7 R610 D46 R915 A10 R1207 B37 TU101 B2
C212 D15 C301 E23 C802 A18 C927 B44 C1219 C38 D501 C29 L205 C12 Q209 D15 R003 E27 R219 C12 R316 E3 R611 B46 R916 C42 R1208 B37 V801 B32
C213 C10 C302 D7 C803 A19 C928 B44 C1220 B38 D502 C29 L206 A8 Q401 E6 R004 A26 R220 C13 R401 E6 R612 A44 R917 C42 R1209 B38 VR802 C17
C214 C11 C303 E23 C804 A19 C929 D24 C1221 B38 D602 D45 L208 C6 Q402 E14 R005 E25 R222 C4 R402 E7 R618 E46 R920 D23 R1211 C38 W601 A48
C216 C12 C304 D6 C804A A19 C930 D24 C1222 D39 D810 C19 L209 B7 Q411 E8 R006 E26 R223 C4 R404 E7 R656 D44 R923 D35 R1212 C38 W602 B48
C217 C11 C305 D8 C805 A19 C1001 E44 C1223 D39 D811 C19 L212 C11 Q412 E3 R01 B17 R225 A7 R412 E3 R801 A17 R924 B45 R1213 C39 X001 C26
C218 C13 C306 E6 C805A B18 C1002 E44 C1224 D38 D812 C19 L411 E8 Q413 E4 R02 B17 R226 A7 R413 E4 R810 B19 R925 B45 R1215 E38 X201 B7
C219 C12 C308 E22 C806 A20 C1004 A43 C1225 D38 D813 C18 L413 E10 Q414 E4 R010 D27 R227 C5 R414 E4 R811 B18 R926 B44 R1216 E38 X202 A7
C220 C12 C309 D8 C807 A20 C1005 A43 C1229 D39 D820 D21 L414 D10 Q501 A30 R019 D27 R228 D2 R415 E4 R812 C18 R929 C44 R1217 E37 X1001 E44
C221 B4 C311 E3 C810 C19 C1006 E43 C1230 D39 D822 A21 L501 C23 Q502 A30 R023A C25 R229 E2 R416 E4 R813 C20 R930 D34 R1218 E39 Z101 B3
C223 B5 C315 E2 C811 C19 C1008 E44 C1231 B39 D823 C21 L502 B32 Q503 C30 R024 C23 R230 E2 R417 E4 R814 C19 R931 D35 R1219 E37
C224 C6 C401 E8 C812 C19 C1009 E43 C1233 C39 D824 B23 L503 A31 Q504 C30 R024A C25 R231 E2 R418 E3 R815 C19 R932 B33 R1220 C39
C225 C6 C402 E7 C813 C18 C1010 E43 C1234 C38 D826 E19 L801 A22 Q505 B30 R025 A27 R232 B6 R419 D10 R816 D20 R932A D23 R1221 C39
C226 C5 C403 E7 C814 C19 C1011 E44 C1235 C38 D828 C17 L1001 E43 Q506 B30 R025A C25 R233 B7 R420 E4 R820 D21 R933 D33 R1228 B39
C227 C5 C411 E9 C815 C20 C1012 B42 C1236 B38 D829 C18 L1201 B36 Q507 C29 R026 B27 R233A B6 R420A E4 R821 A21 R934 B34 R1229 B39
C228 B5 C412 E9 C820 C21 C1013 B43 D001 D25 D834 B22 L1211 D37 Q601 D45 R026A C25 R234 B7 R422 D11 R823 C21 R934A D23 R1232 E38
C229 B8 C413 E9 C821 D22 C1014 B42 D01 B17 D1001A D28 L1212 C37 Q602 D45 R027A D25 R235 B8 R431 E22 R825 D22 R935 D34 R1233 C40

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C031 E5
C032 E5



C008 B5 C264 F2 C834 K3 D213 H9 P801 H1 R104 A9 R418 G8 R925 B11
C01 L2 C266 J7 C835 M3 D214 D9 P803 P1 R106 A9 R419 K9 R926 B10
C021 C4 C280 E7 C836 M3 D215 A4 P903 C12 R107 A9 R420 H9 R929 D10
C022 C4 C281 E8 C840 N3 D262 H12 P904 D12 R108 A9 R420A H10 R930 C10
C025 B5 C301 I8 C902 F11 D301 I9 P905 B12 R209 A4 R422 L8 R931 C10
C026 B5 C302 I10 C903 D11 D303 J8 P911 F12 R211 B4 R431 M8 R932 D11
C027 D4 C303 I10 C904 F11 D304 J7 Q007 E3 R212 A4 R432 M8 R932A E10
C028 E3 C304 H9 C905 E11 D309 J8 Q008 E4 R213 A4 R433 M8 R933 B10
C029 E4 C305 I9 C908 D11 D310 J9 Q01 L3 R214 B6 R453 P11 R934 D10
C030 E5 C306 J9 C909 C11 D410 G11 Q101 A9 R215 B6 R460 N12 R934A E10
C031 E5 C308 I9 C910 C11 D411 K10 Q202 G11 R216 B6 R461 P12 R935 B10
C032 E5 C309 L9 C911 E10 D412 K11 Q203 E8 R219 B6 R605 H5 R936 C10
C033 E5 C311 L8 C912 E10 D420 O11 Q204 E9 R220 B6 R605A H7 R937 C10
C034 E5 C315 J8 C913 D11 D431 M8 Q205 G12 R222 A7 R606 H6 R944 D9
C041 D5 C401 I12 C914 D11 D432 L8 Q208 A4 R223 A7 R608 I5 R945 D9
C043 D4 C402 J10 C915 F10 D441 O12 Q209 B4 R225 D8 R610 H7 R946 D8
C101 A12 C403 I12 C916 F10 D602 G4 Q401 H12 R226 C8 R611 I5 R946A C9
C104 A10 C411 L11 C924 B10 D810 P5 Q402 P12 R227 C8 R612 I7 R947 C8
C105 A11 C412 L11 C925 B10 D811 O5 Q411 L12 R228 C8 R618 D4 R948 B8
C106 A11 C413 K12 C926 B11 D812 P6 Q412 G8 R229 D8 R656 G5 R951 D11
C107 A10 C414 L11 C927 B11 D813 P6 Q413 G9 R230 D8 R801 J1 R952 D11
C108 B9 C415 H10 C928 B11 D820 L4 Q414 H11 R231 D8 R810 P2 R953 E11
C109 B9 C419 J11 C929 C10 D822 L6 Q601 H7 R232 D8 R811 P6 R954 E11
C209 A3 C422 L7 C930 C10 D823 L5 Q602 G6 R233 E8 R812 P6 R1001 C2
C210 A4 C431 M7 C1001 B2 D824 H4 Q603 H7 R233A D8 R813 O5 R1002 D2
C211 A4 C432 M7 C1002 B2 D826 J3 Q820 K3 R234 E8 R814 O5 R1004 D1
C212 A4 C433 L8 C1004 B2 D828 M3 Q821 K3 R235 E9 R815 P6 R1005 A1
C213 B6 C435 M7 C1005 B2 D829 M4 Q822 M3 R238 E8 R816 P6 R1006 A2
C214 B6 C441 O12 C1006 B2 D834 K3 Q823 K3 R239 E7 R820 L4 R1007 A2
C216 B6 C442 O12 C1008 B1 DB801 02 Q824 K3 R241 E7 R821 L7 R1010 C2
C217 B6 C443 O11 C1009 B1 F801 H1 Q825 J3 R242 E7 R823 L5 R1011 B2
C218 B6 C451 P12 C1010 A1 IC001 C4 Q901 E11 R243 E7 R825 K4 R1022 C1
C219 B7 C624 I5 C1011 B1 IC101 C5 Q902 E11 R244 E7 R826 J6 R1023 D1
C220 B8 C625 I5 C1012 A1 IC201 I3 Q903 C11 R245 D6 R827 J3 RL01 M2
C221 B7 C626 I7 C1013 A1 IC202 G3 Q904 C11 R246 D6 R828 J6 RT801 P1
C223 C7 C627 I7 C1014 A2 IC301 J10 Q911 B10 R247 E6 R829 K3 RT802 P3
C224 B8 C630 H5 C1015 C1 IC602 H6 Q912 C10 R248 D7 R830 M4 S1202 F6
C225 B7 C631 H5 C1016 A2 IC801 O7 Q913 D10 R250 G12 R831 M3 T401 J12
C226 C8 C634 H7 C1017 D2 IC802 N4 Q914 D10 R251 G12 R832 K3 T402 N10
C227 B8 C661 G5 C1018 C1 IC901 C9 Q917 C8 R253 G12 R833 M4 T801 K1
C228 C8 C801 I1 C1019 D1 IC1001* C1 Q918 E19 R254 E8 R834 J3 T802 N1
C229 D9 C802 M1 C1023 D2 J215 G8 Q919 E10 R255 E8 R834A J3 T803 N5
C230 C8 C803 O1 C1024 D2 J310 H7 Q1003 A1 R256 F9 R834B J3 TU101 A11
C231 D8 C804 O2 C1025 A2 J603 G7 R001 E4 R257 F9 R835 I3 VR802 J2
C233 D8 C804A N2 C1031 C2 J604 G7 R003 B4 R258 D8 R836 L3 X001 D5
C234 D8 C805 O3 C1033 B2 J1005 B2 R004 E4 R261 G12 R837 K3 X201 E8
C235 D7 C805A N3 C1034 B2 L001 F4 R005 B4 R262 H9 R838 I2 X202 D8
C236 D7 C806 P4 C1035 C2 L002 E5 R006 B5 R266 J7 R840 N3 X1001 B2
C237 D7 C807 P3 C1036 D2 L101 B9 R01 L2 R302 H9 R901 F11 Z101 B7
C238 D8 C810 O6 C1037 D1 L102 B9 R02 L3 R303 H8 R902 E12
C239 E7 C811 O6 C1038 D1 L204 B8 R010 D4 R304 J9 R903 D10
C241 D7 C812 P5 D001 E4 L205 B8 R024 B4 R309 K9 R904 E11 * Located on
C242 C8 C813 P6 D01 L3 L206 C8 R025 C4 R310 J9 R905 D10 other side of
C243 D7 C814 P5 D02 L3 L208 E8 R026 C4 R311 I10 R906 E11 board.
C244 D6 C815 O6 D101 A10 L209 E8 R030 F4 R312 I10 R908 D11
C245 E6 C820 L4 D202 B6 L212 B6 R031 F4 R313 J9 R910 C11
C246 D6 C821 K4 D203 A6 L413 I11 R032 E4 R316 M8 R911 C11
C247 D6 C822 K4 D204 A6 L414 J10 R033 D5 R401 H12 R912 C11
C248 D6 C826 L7 D205 E7 L801 K6 R034 E5 R402 J11 R913 C11
C249 G12 C827 K6 D206 F9 L1001 D2 R036 D4 R404 K8 R914 E6
C250 H9 C828 L6 D207 B7 P001 D3 R043 D4 R412 H8 R915 E6
C251 H10 C829 M4 D208 E6 P201 A6 R044 D5 R413 H8 R916 F11
C254 B8 C830 L5 D209 E6 P411 L9 R101 A11 R414 H10 R917 D11
C261 G4 C831 K5 D210 G12 P421 O12 R101A A11 R415 H11 R920 C10
C262 H4 C832 K5 D211 H10 P601 G4 R102 B9 R416 G11 R923 C10
C263 G2 C833 L3 D212 H10 P602 G4 R103 B9 R417 H9 R924 B11

Page 3 SET 5267 SET 5267 Page 3


Test equipment listed by participating manufacturer illustrates

typical or equivalent equipment used by Sams engineers to obtain
measurements. This equipment is compatible with most types used
by field service technicians.
Equipment Sencore No.
Oscilloscope SC3100
RGB CM2125
Multiburst Signal VG91
Color Bar VG91
TV Stereo VG91
Digital VOM SC3100
Frequency Meter SC3100
Hi-Voltage Probe HP200
Accessory Probes TP212
Isolation Transformer PR570
Capacitance Analyzer LC102

CRT Analyzer CR7000
AC Leakage Tester PR570
Inductance Analyzer LC102
Flyback Yoke Tester TVA92
Field Strength Meter SL753
Transistor Tester TF46
Horizontal Analyzer HA-2500


Video Analyzer VG91, TVA92


C1201 F7 C1216 G5 C1230 E1 L1214 D2 Q1214 B4 R1209 G3 R1228 D1
C1202 G7 C1217 F5 C1231 C1 L1215 C5 Q1215 C3 R1211 E6 R1229 B1
C1203 H7 C1218 G6 C1233 B3 L1216 E5 Q1218 C2 R1212 E6 R1232 B5
C1204 H6 C1219 F6 C1234 F6 L1217 B6 R1201 F7 R1213 D4 R1233 B1
C1205 B5 C1220 D6 C1235 E6 P1202 F7 R1202 H7 R1215 A6 R1234 A1
C1206 B6 C1221 D5 C1236 F3 Q1201 H4 R1203 H5 R1216 A7 R1236 B5
C1211 F2 C1222 D4 IC1201 E2 Q1202 G2 R1204 G4 R1217 A4 R1237 C6
C1212 F2 C1223 D5 L1201 G7 Q1203 H3 R1205 H2 R1218 B4
C1213 F3 C1224 D3 L1211 F1 Q1211 C6 R1206 H3 R1219 A3
C1214 F3 C1225 D4 L1212 H5 Q1212 B3 R1207 H1 R1220 D3
C1215 F4 C1229 E1 L1213 H6 Q1213 A5 R1208 H1 R1221 B1

SET 5267 Page 3

Page 4 SET 5267
Item No. Type No. Mfr. Part No. Notes Item No. Type No. Mfr. Part No. Notes

D001 5.1HSB 268334 - IC101 (2) TMPA8859CSNG 268344 -

D01, 02 1N4148 266885 - IC201 L7809CV 266912 -
D101 CW574CD 266892 - IC202 (1) L7805CV 270856 -
D202 Thru IC202 (2) L7809CV 257704 -
D206 1N4148 266885 - IC301 (1) STV8172 270381 -
D207 - 266890 - IC301 (2) TDA8177 268346 -
D208 1N4148 266885 - IC602 TDA7266SA 268347 -
D209 - 268335 - IC801 STRW6735 268348 -
D210 - 268336 - # IC802 PS2561L1-1V 268349 -
D211 (1) 1N4001 266883 - IC901 4052 268350 -
D211 (2) 1N4148 266885 - IC1001 MSPP3425G 268343 -
D212 1N4148 266885 - IC1201 TC90A49P 268345 -
D213 - 266888 - J310 1N4148 266885 -
D214, 15, 62 1N4148 266885 - L501 1N4148 266885 -
D301 1N4001 266883 - Q007 2SC1815Y 266579 -
D303 - 266891 - Q008 2SA1015Y 266899 -
D304 FR104 266880 - Q01 - 268364 -
D309 BZV85-C51 268337 - Q033C - - -
D310 1N4148 266885 - Q101 2SC3779D 266902 -
D410 1N4148 266885 - Q202, 03, 04 2SC1815Y 266579 -
# D411 BY228 266879 - Q205 2SA1015Y 266899 -
# D412 FR104 266880 - Q208 2SA817AY 266603 -
D420, 31, 32, 41 FR104 266880 - Q209 PDTC124ES 266897 -
D501, 02 1N4148 266885 - Q401 2SC2482 266900 -
D602 1N4148 266885 - Q402 2SC1815Y 266579 -
D810, 11 FR104 266880 - # Q411 3DD3402 268428 -
D812 1N4148 266885 - Q412, 13 2SA1015Y 266899 -
D813 - 266890 - Q414 IRF630MFP 268367 -
# D820 RU4YX 268338 - Q501 2SC4544 208434 -
D822 RU4AM 268339 - Q502 2SC1815Y 266579 -
D823 RU4YX 268338 - Q503 2SC4544 208434 -
D824 1N4001 266883 - Q504 2SC1815Y 266579 -
D826 - 266891 - Q505 2SC4544 208434 -
D828 BZX79B6V2 270380 - Q506 2SC1815Y 266579 -
D829 1N4148 266885 - Q507 2SA562TM-0 268369 -
D834 - 268340 - Q601 2SC1815Y 266579 -
D1001A - 266915 - Q602 2SA1015Y 266899 -
# DB801 D3SB60 268341 - Q603 PDTC124ES 266897 -
IC001 MC24-08P 266906 - Q820 - 268370 -
IC101 (1) TCL-A27V02-T0 270923 - Q821 2SC4544 208434 -
SET 5267 Page 4
PARTS LIST continued
Item No. Type No. Mfr. Part No. Notes Item No. Function/Rating Mfr. Part No. Notes
Q822 Thru # DEGAUSS (2) Degaussing 268482 -
Q825 2SC1815Y 266579 - # F801 Fuse 268342 5Amp
Q901 Thru F801A, 1B Fuse Holder 267064 For F801
Q904 2SC1815Y 266579 - IR001A Receiver 270382 Remote
Q911 2SC1815Y 266579 - J603, 04 2.2µH 270398 -
Q912 2SA1015Y 266899 - J1005 - - -
Q913, 14, 17 2SC1815Y 266579 - L001 Ferrite Bead 268352 -
Q918, 19 PDTC124ES 266897 - L002 10µH 267010 -
Q1003 2SC1815Y 266579 - L101 47µH 268351 -
Q1201 2SC1815Y 266579 - L102 1µH 267007 -
Q1202 2SA1015Y 266899 - L204, 05 06, 08 22µH 267013 -
Q1203 2SC1815Y 266579 - L209, 12 10µH 267010 -
Q1211 2SA1015Y 266899 - L301 Ferrite Bead 268352 -
Q1212 2SC1815Y 266579 - L411 .6µH 267009 -
Q1213, 14 2SK362-Y 268365 - L413 600µH 268353 -
Q1215, 18 2SA1015Y 266899 - # L414 21µH 268354 -
R212 IN4148 266885 - L502 10µH 267010 -
L503 (1) 5.6µH 268355 -
Item No. Function/Rating Mfr. Part No. Notes L503 (2) 10µH 267011 -
# C411 (1) .0047 5% 1.6kV 270928 - L505, 06 Ferrite Bead 267016 -
# C411 (2) .0033 5% 1.6kV 268449 - L801 100µH 267012 -
# C412 (1) .0039 5% 1.6kV 268312 - L1001 (1) 22µH 267013 -
# C412 (2) .0082 5% 1.6kV 268436 - L1001 (2) 22µH 267008 -
# C413 .022 5% 400V 268313 - L1201 10µH 267010 -
# C414 (1) .0076 5% 1.6kV 268314 - L1211 Thru
# C414 (2) .0072 5% 1.6kV 268450 - L1215 10µH 267010 -
C415 4.7µF 20% 50V NP 268315 - L1216 .6µH 267009 -
# C419 (1) .36 5% 400V 268316 - L1217 10µH 267010 -
# C419 (2) .47 5% 400V 268425 - # P800 (1) Line Cord 268396 Polarized
C505 .001 10% 2kV 268322 - # P800 (2) Line Cord 268457 Polarized
# C801, 02 .22 20% 275VAC 268326 - P901 Socket 267046 S Video
C804 .0047 +80% -20% 250VAC 266984 - P903 Jack 268360 Assembly
# C804A 470pF 10% 400V 266983 - P904 Jack 268361 Assembly
C805 .0047 +80% -20% 250VAC 266984 - P905 Jack 268360 Assembly
# C805A 470pF 10% 400V 266983 - P1101 (1) Jack 270938 Assembly
C815 .0015 10% 2kV 268330 - P1101 (2) Jack 268357 Assembly
C826 220pF 10% 2kV 268331 - R302 3900 1% 1/4W 268381 -
# C840 .0022 20% 400V 266982 - R303 (1) 33K 1% 1/4W 268382 -
C1001, 02 3.3pF ±.25pF 50V NPO 266971 - R303 (2) 36K 1% 1/4W 268429 -
# DEGAUSS (1) Degaussing 268466 - R311 (1) 10K 1% 1/16W 268322 -
PARTS LIST continued
Item No. Function/Rating Mfr. Part No. Notes Item No. Function/Rating Mfr. Part No. Notes
R311 (2) 10K 1% 1/4W 268385 - # T801, 02 Line Filter 268420 -
R312 18K 1% 1/4W 268386 - # T803 Power 268421 -
R404 4700 5% 7W 268390 - TU101 Tuner 270388 TEDH9-251A
# R431 1 5% 2W Fusible 266932 - # V801 CRT - A68ELA021X004
# R432 (1) 5600 5% 1/6W 268379 - VR802 (1) 330 B+ 270389 -
# R432 (2) 6800 5% 1/6W 266372 - VR802 (2) 2000 B+ 268422 -
# R433 1 5% 2W Fusible 266932 - W601, 02 (1) Speaker 268472 60mm X 160mm, 16 Ohms, 8W
# R453 1000 5% 1/6W 266255 - W601, 02 (2) Speaker 268488 60mm X 160mm, 16 Ohms, 12W
# R460 (1) 150K 5% 1/2W 270383 - X001 Crystal 266315 8MHz
# R461 (1) 3.9 5% 2W Fusible 270925 - X201 Trap 266318 4.5MHz
# R461 (2) 1.8 5% 2W Fusible 268430 - X202 Filter 266317 4.5MHz
# R501 (1) 560 5% 1/6W 268377 - X1001 Crystal 268423 18.432MHz
# R502, 03 (1) 680 5% 1/6W 266272 - Z101 Filter 266319 SAW
# R505 (1) 560 5% 1/6W 268377 - PC Board (1) 270966 Side AV
# R506 (1) 680 5% 1/6W 266272 - PC Board (1) 270963 Comb Filter
# R508, 09 (1) 680 5% 1/6W 266272 - PC Board (1) 268432 CRT
# R510 (1) 560 5% 1/6W 268377 - PC Board (2) 268446 CRT
# R516, 17, 18 4700 5% 1/6W 266282 - PC Board (1) 270968 Control
# R801 1M 20% 1/2W 266940 - Spacer 267049 Yoke Positioning (3 Used)
R820 Fuse 268410 5Amp, 250VAC Transmitter 270372 Remote
R821, 23 Fuse 268411 3Amp, 250VAC
R827 (1) 10 5% 2W 179284 - # For SAFETY use only equivalent replacement part.
R827 (2) 4700 5% 5W 268413 - (1) Used in model 24F512T.
R834A 6800 1% 1/4W 176634 - (2) Used in model 24V511T.
R834B 390 1% 1/4W 266595 - (3) Screen and focus controls are part of T402.
R835 120K 1% 1/2W 268414 -
# R840 8.2M 1W 266941 -

Important Parts Information

# RL01 Relay 268417 Degaussing
# RT801 (1) PTC 270926 -

Parts not listed in the parts list are commonly available at your local electronics parts retailer.
# RT801 (2) PTC 268418 -

The parts listed here are those not usually available from a well-stocked supply cabinet or bin.
S001A Switch 266289 TV/AV

On the parts lists, safety items are marked with a # to remind you that only exact replacements are recommended for
S002A Switch 266289 Menu
S003A Switch 266289 Volume - these items.
S004A Switch 266289 Volume + n When ordering parts, state the model number, part number, and description.
S005A Switch 266289 Channel -
S006A Switch 266289 Channel + Obtaining Parts
S008 Switch 266289 Power
Many of these parts are available from your local Sams authorized distributor or the manufacturer of the equipment. Call
Sams for the name of your nearest distributor:
# S501 Socket 266290 CRT

# T401 Horizontal Drive 266291 -
# T402 (3) Horizontal Output 268419 -

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RCA MODEL 24F512T (CHASSIS M134C) SET 5267 Page 4

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