Evaluation of Story Drift Under Pushover PDF
Evaluation of Story Drift Under Pushover PDF
Evaluation of Story Drift Under Pushover PDF
Abstract: The accurate prediction of story drift and its of the structure to this loading using experimental and
distribution along the height of the structure is very numerical methods [9-12]. There are two numerical methods
critical for seismic performance evaluation since the stand out among others, which consider nonlinearity of
non-structural damage is directly related to the story materials during loading: nonlinear time history analysis and
drift. Pushover analysis is an accepted method for pushover analysis [13-16]. In nonlinear time history
seismic evaluation of existing structures as well as analysis, several earthquakes excitations records are utilized
performance-based design of new structures. Regarding as the base-excitation forces, and then the seismic responses
assumptions and limitations in pushover analysis, there of the structure are calculated using a numerical method for
is a need to estimate the error that would affect the solving the differential motion equations. Despite the
accuracy of story drift. This paper investigates the accuracy of nonlinear time history analysis, it is time-
validity of pushover analysis to predict story drift under consuming and sensitive to numerical and modeling
different lateral load patterns. For this purpose, several parameters [17-19]. Pushover analysis is the other analysis
reinforced concrete moment frames with different technique that potentially would overcome the attributed
heights were analyzed using pushover and nonlinear problems for nonlinear time history analysis. In this method,
time history analyses and obtained results were lateral loads are increased monotonically in accordance with
compared to evaluate the error level. a predefined pattern, and then nonlinear responses and
failure modes of the structure are investigated in each
Keywords: Lateral load pattern; nonlinear time history loading step. In pushover analysis, lateral load pattern plays
analysis, pushover analysis; reinforced concrete moment a key role in the estimation of structure behavior. Therefore,
frame; story drift. a lateral load pattern should be selected in a way that the
structural responses become as close to the nonlinear time
I. INTRODUCTION history analysis results [20-25].
Using experimental testing is a precise way of obtaining the
structural response of the structural elements and full-scale Previous studies have shown that uniform lateral pattern
structures [1-4]. Even though experimental methods provide resulted in the structural global responses far from the time
an accurate simulation of the real behavior of structures, history analysis [21]. In this paper, other load patterns based
there are several inhibited limitations in its application. High on structural mode shapes are investigated. The accuracy of
construction and instrumentation costs are one of the major lateral load patterns for pushover analysis is investigated by
limitations. In addition, there are restrictions regarding the determining story drift distribution along the height of
size of structure replicate under investigation. Therefore, structures and calculating the result deviations from the
attentions have been drawn toward the numerical methods. nonlinear time history analysis. Performing a nonlinear time
The numerical methods have been used for different types history analysis is very time-consuming and complicated
of structures subjected to different loading scenarios [5-8]. technique. Therefore, in some cases, pushover analysis can
Lateral loading due to ground motion during earthquake is capture the nonlinear lateral response of structures
one of the major loads would be potentially imposed on the accurately and it can be substituted instead of nonlinear time
structures. Many researches have investigated the response history analysis to determine lateral displacements, story
IJRE | Vol. 05 No. 1 | January 2018 | R. Taghinezhad et al.
Figure 3: Target response spectrum and response spectra of scaled earthquake motions.
All the time history analyses for the different ground motion Uniform load pattern: The lateral force in each story is
records were conducted by using CSI SAP2000 [27]. The proportional to the mass of the same story.
response spectrum of selected ground motion records was
scaled based on ASCE 7-10 design response spectrum for
the city of Los Angeles in the United States for stiff soil and
Fi = m i / ∑m i (1)
risk category III [29], [30]. Six earthquake ground motions where Fi is the lateral force of the story i, and mi is mass of
were selected for nonlinear time history analysis (Table 1). story i.
The scaled response spectra for the selected ground motions
are shown in Figure 3. First elastic mode load pattern: The lateral force in each
story is proportional to the multiplication of the first elastic
mode in the mass of that story.
B. Pushover analysis
Figure 4: Distribution of the lateral load patterns along the height of frames.
where Fi is the lateral force of the story i, hi is the height of 1. calculating the lateral force Fin in the story i for the mode
the story i, Wi is weight at floor level i, n is the total number n from the Equation 4.
of stories, k is an exponent related to structure period that is Fin = Γn miφin An (4)
unity for the structures having a period of 0.5 seconds or
less. Moreover, it is 2 for structures having a period of 2.5 where Гn is the modal contribution coefficient for the mode
seconds or more. n and Øin is the mode shape of n in the story i, An is the
pseudo-acceleration in the mode n from the elastic system of
Multimode lateral load pattern: This lateral load pattern a single degree of freedom.
considers the effects of the higher elastic modes as well as
the effect of potential irregularity in 3-dimensional 2. Calculating the story shear (Vin) in the story i for the
structures [31]; and as following, the lateral force in each mode n, where N is the total number of stories.
story is combined as the square root of the sum of the N
squares (SRSS) of modal responses. The steps for Vin = ∑ F jn
calculating the applied force at each story level are j !i (5)
described below:
IJRE | Vol. 05 No. 1 | January 2018 | R. Taghinezhad et al.