Nondestructive Dynamic Testing of Soils and Pavements
Nondestructive Dynamic Testing of Soils and Pavements
Nondestructive Dynamic Testing of Soils and Pavements
61-81 (1998) 61
Non destructive testing techniques based on the
application of dynamic loads on the surface of a soil deposit or
a pavement system, and the measurement of the resulting
deflection basins or the phase difference between the motions
recorded at various receivers have become powerful tools in
civil engineering. In many cases, however, the interpretation of
the recorded data relies on static analyses, ignoring entirely
dynamic needed for a correct dynamic interpretation using
wave propagation theory propagation in an elastic half space, a
homogeneous layer of finite thickness resting on a rigid base,
and a horizontally layered medium in general are presented
with special emphasis on the interpretation of the data collected
in the Falling Weight Deflectometer ( FWD ) and the Spectral
Analysis of Surface Wave ( SASW ) tests.
pipelines, industrial plants, buildings and their and airfield pavements. These techniques can be
foundations, and to do so in an efficient way. grouped into two general categories: 1. deflection
A number of different nondestructive testing basin tests and 2. wave propagation tests.
techniques have been developed over the last years Deflection basin tests are those in which the
in response to these needs. Their development is deflections are recorded along the surface of a
often the result of a great deal of intuition and pavement subjected to a steady state harmonic load
imagination and relies on relatively simple or a transient dynamic impact. Typical of this
physical principles. When the behavior of the group are the Dynaflect and Road Rater tests
problem is controlled by a small number of (steady state loads) and the Falling Weight
variables, the methods work well and the Deflectometer test (impact load). The second group,
interpretation of the data tends to be wave propagation tests, is constituted by the
straightforward. There are cases, however, where nondestructive techniques originally developed to
the situation is more complicated and a larger determine soil properties in situ, which can be
number of variables affect the results. The equally applied to pavements. Characteristic of
methods may then provide erroneous, or at least these methods is the Spectral Analysis of Surface
unreliable, predictions unless more accurate Waves (SASW) procedure which will be discussed
analytical models are used in the processing of the in the next section. Figure 1 shows schematically
data. It is thus necessary to conduct research to the typical configuration for any test. The number
define the range of applicability of each method, of receivers and the position and characteristics of
the conditions under which simple, fast, and
economical procedures can be used to backfigure
the desired system properties, and the cases where
more elaborate solutions are required.
The discussion in this paper will concentrate
on nondestructive testing techniques based on the
propagation of stress waves due to the application
of dynamic loads. The loads may be of a transient
nature (short duration impulses) or a steady state
harmonic excitation. The quantities of interest
may be the amplitudes of the displacements,
velocities, or accelerations, at various points and
their variation with time or frequency (spectral
analysis), first times of arrival of the waves at a
point, interarrival times between two or more
receivers, or the phase differences between the
motions recorded at two points as a function of
frequency. The models used to simulate these tests,
to find the relation between the system properties
and the recorded quantities, and to evaluate the
inversion procedures, are basically the same ones the applied loads will vary depending on the
developed in the 60’s and 70’s for the study of soil specific method.
amplification and soil structure interaction Among the deflection basin tests, the Falling
problems, but the accuracy requirements tend to be Weight Deflectometer (FWD) has seen the most
much stricter and there is a stronger need for a widespread use, in large part because of its ability
solid understanding of the basic physical to impose dynamic loads similar to those induced
phenomena involved and for the availability of by truck traffic. The FWD (Fig. 2) consists of a
rigorous benchmark solutions. drop weight mounted on a vertical shaft and
Two specific applications will be considered: housed in a trailer that can be towed by most
the determination of the elastic moduli of conventional vehicles. The drop weight is
pavement systems, and the in situ determination of hydraulically lifted to predetermined heights
soil properties and their variation with depth. ranging from 5 to 50 cm (2 to 20 inches). The
weight is dropped on a 30 cm (11.8 inches)
1.1 Nondestructive Testing of Pavements diameter loading plate resting on a 5.6 mm (0.22
inches) thick rubber pad. The resulting load is a
Dynamic nondestructive testing techniques force impulse with a duration of approximately 30
have been extensively used for years to evaluate msec and a peak magnitude ranging from about
the structural capacity and integrity of highway
Jose M. Roesset: Nondestructive Dynamic Testing of Soils and Pavements 63
9,000 to 90,000N (2,000 to 20,000 lbs.) depending which can be important in some cases. Moreover,
on the drop weight, the drop height and the it is often assumed that the subgrade is an elastic
pavement stiffness. The force and deflection half-space extending to infinity, neglecting the
records at various points along the surface are possibility of having much stiffer rock at some
measured by a load cell and a set of vertical finite depth. The implications of these simplifying
velocity transducers. These transducers are placed assumptions will be further discussed and
typically under the load and at distances of 30 cm illustrated later, performing more accurate and
(1 ft). There are often 7 receivers, the last one at realistic dynamic analyses to simulate the actual
1.8 m (6 ft) from the load. The actual number and test conditions.
position of the receivers depends, however, on the
model or brand (manufacturer) of the device, as 1.2 In Situ Determination of Soil Properties
does the variation of the applied load with time.
The diagram shown in Fig. 2 is a typical load The downhole and crosshole methods have
history. When trying to conduct dynamic analyses been extensively used to determine soil properties
to backfigure the elastic moduli of the pavement in the field from the times of first arrival or the
layers from measured data, it is necessary to know interarrival times of body waves. While these
and use the actual time histories of the applied load methods, and particularly the crosshole technique,
and the measured displacements. For parametric are considered highly reliable, they are expensive
studies of a more generic nature, intended to and time consuming, requiring the drilling of
determine the characteristics, potential and boreholes. An efficient and more economical
limitations of the procedure (as described later in alternative is provided by the analysis of surface
this paper) it is customary to use simplified load waves. In the original form of this method, known
histories corresponding to a half sine or a as the steady Rayleigh wave technique, a vibrator
triangular pulse with typical durations of 30 to 32 acting vertically on the surface of the soil produced
msec. a harmonic excitation. A vertically oriented sensor
Although most makes of falling weight was moved away from the source until the
deflectometers can record the time histories of the recorded motion was in phase with the excitation.
vertical displacements (or actually velocities) at the The distance between any two of these successive
different stations, at least for some duration, often positions, or between the source and the first one,
only the peak values are maintained and used to was assumed to correspond to one wavelength of a
backfigure the elastic moduli of the layers. The Rayleigh wave. By repeating the process for
peak values are used to define a deflection basin different excitation frequencies, a plot of
which is often assumed to be caused by a static propagation velocity (product of the frequency by
load, although these values do not occur in fact at the wavelength) versus frequency (or wavelength)
the same time (there is a small time lag between could be obtained. Such a plot is known as a
the peaks at the various receivers). These static dispersion curve. To estimate the soil properties
analyses neglect dynamic (inertia) effects entirely, from the experimental dispersion curve it was
finally assumed that the measured propagation
velocity from one test corresponded to the shear
wave velocity of the material located at a depth of
half a wavelength. This last step was later
modified to account for the relationship between
the shear wave velocity and the Rayleigh wave
velocity for an elastic half-space and to consider
that the velocity corresponded to the properties of
the material at a depth of one third of the
In the new form of the method, known as the
Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW)
technique, an impulsive load is applied on the
surface of the soil deposit. A variety of sources
can be used to generate the impact, from hand held
hammers of different sizes (small hammers are
sufficient for high frequency excitation) to drop
weights (heavier weights for low frequencies).
The passage of the wave train generated by the
Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.1, No. 2 (1998) 64
impact is monitored by two vertical receivers. In data for smaller frequencies. Using this procedure,
the typical arrangement the distance between or the one proposed earlier for the steady state
receivers is equal to the distance from the source to Rayleigh wave technique, one can obtain a first
the first receiver (Fig. 3). The electrical signals estimate of the soil properties. Starting with this
recorded by the receivers are digitized and assumed soil profile a direct analysis is performed
transformed to the frequency domain by a dynamic to theoretically predict the dispersion curve. One
spectral analyzer using a Fast Fourier Transform can then compare the analytical dispersion curve to
algorithm. The analyzer also automatically the experimental one, modify the soil properties,
provides the cross spectrum from which the phase based on experience or on an automated least
difference between the two signals can be obtained squares minimization algorithm with a gradient
as a function of frequency. The interarrival time search, and repeat the process until a satisfactory
and the phase velocity can then be easily computed. agreement is reached. There are two main ways in
For a given arrangement of source and receivers, which the direct analyses can be performed:
the test thus provides the dispersion curve over a considering only plane generalized Rayleigh waves
certain range of frequencies. The complete (a two-dimensional solution) or accounting for all
dispersion curve is obtained by repeating the types of waves involved in a full three-dimensional
process for different distances. solution modeling the actual experimental setup.
The first method provides a simple and expedient
basis to understand the results of the tests, while
the second simulates the physical process more
In the first method, the dynamic stiffness
matrices of each layer, function of the wave
number and the frequency, are formed and
assembled to obtain the dynamic stiffness matrix
of the complete profile. A determinant search
technique is then used to compute the values of the
wavenumber that make the determinant zero. For a
soil profile with properties increasing with depth
there will always be at least a real eigenvalue
(wavenumber). In most cases, there will be more
than one. A question arises then as to which one
of these eigenvalues, if any, corresponds to the
wave propagation velocity that would be measured
in the field. When the soil properties increase
smoothly with depth, the first eigenvalue (smallest
wavenumber) is the one of interest. When soil
properties vary in a more complex way, however,
this may not be always the case and one may find
that the measured propagation velocities are in
better agreement with the phase velocities of the
second, third, or fourth eigenvalue. When the
modulus of the underlying half-space or layer is
The determination of the soil properties and smaller than those of the upper layers (typical
their variation with depth from the experimental situation for a pavement profile) there is a
dispersion curve is based on the concept that for maximum frequency above which there are no real
very high frequencies (very short wavelengths) the wavenumbers making the determinant zero. A
apparent velocity of propagation (phase velocity) proper solution in this case would require the
will be the Rayleigh wave velocity of the material determination of the complex eigenvalues leading
very near the surface. As the wavelength increases also to complex phase velocities. Simpler
(the frequency decreasing) the phase velocity will alternatives often used are to assume that the half-
be affected by the properties of the materials over a space is made of air (plate theory) or to select real
depth of one wavelength or so. One can thus try to values of the wavenumber that will make 0 the real
first compute the properties of the top surficial part of the determinant. Both of them are
layer to match the velocity obtained for the highest approximations. The second, more sophisticated
frequency, then proceed down the profile, finding procedure, is to solve the actual problem of a
the properties of the underlying layers to match the
Jose M. Roesset: Nondestructive Dynamic Testing of Soils and Pavements 65
vertical disk load applied on the surface of a in integral form (Foinquinos 1995). The integrals
layered half-space. are well-behaved and their numerical evaluation
presents no numerical difficulties.
2 Theoretical Formulation Figure 4 shows the amplitude of the vertical
surface displacements for an elastic half-space
To understand how a pavement system or a subjected to a harmonic point load as a function of
soil deposit respond to dynamic loads applied to r and of a dimensionless distance obtained by
the surface, it is helpful to review theoretical dividing the actual distance r by the wavelength
studies dealing with the dynamic response of λ with
uniform and layered systems. λ = 2π Vs ω = Vs f .
2.1 Dynamic Loads on an Elastic Half Space
the displacements plotted are w r . ()
For small values of the dimensionless
Lamb (1904) was the first one to study the frequency (less than 2) or of the dimensionless
effect of a pulse on a uniform elastic half-space.
Lamb treated four basic problems: surface line and
point load sources, and buried line and point load
sources. He derived his solution for these
problems through Fourier synthesis of the steady-
state propagation solution. For the surface source
problem, Lamb evaluated the surface
displacements (horizontal and vertical), and
pointed out that the largest disturbance in the far
field is the Rayleigh surface wave. He noted the
nondispersive nature of the solution, and for point-
load excitation, that it decays as r where r is
the distance from the source. Through the years
these problems have taken on the name, “Lamb’s
The first closed-form solution for Lamb’s
problem in three-dimensional space was provided
by Pekeris (1955) for the particular case of a
material with Poisson’s ratio of 0.25. A
generalization for arbitrary values of Poisson’s
ratio is due to Mooney (1974) and can also be
found in Erigen and Suhubi (1975); however, the
Green’s functions (in the time domain) for this
case are available only for a vertical point pulse
with a step time-function acting on the free-surface.
The correct solution for a harmonic vertical
point load of the form Pexp (iωt ) was obtained by
Rucker (1982) for a Poisson’s ratio of 0.25. This
solution was extended by Foinquinos (1995) to any distance (less than 0.4) the plot is a horizontal line.
value of Poisson’s ratio using Mooney’s approach. This implies that the displacement is inversely
The solution can then be written as proportional to the distance r (the product of the
Pexp (iωt ) displacement by the distance is constant). This is
w(r ) = w(r ) referred to as the near field. For larger values of
Gr the dimensionless frequency or distance, the
where r = is a dimensionless frequency, r is displacement increases almost linearly, in
Vs logarithmic scale, with a slope of 0.5. This
the horizontal distance to the point load, ω the indicates a variation of the displacement inversely
circular frequency of the excitation and Vs the proportional to the square root of the distance r
shear wave velocity of the material, equal to the (the product of the displacement by r is directly
square root of the shear modulus G divided by the proportional to the square root of r ). It should be
noticed, however, that the actual solution oscillates
mass density. The function w r can be expressed
Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.1, No. 2 (1998) 66
slightly around the straight line representing the velocities, computed at one point, as a function of
approximate far field or Rayleigh solutions. the dimensionless distance. For a null Poisson’s
The results in Fig. 4 correspond to a ratio, the phase velocity is essentially that of the
Poisson’s ratio of 0.25. Fig. 5 shows the theoretical Rayleigh wave for distances larger than
corresponding results versus dimensionless 2. For a Poisson’s ratio of 0.25 this assumption is
frequency for different values of Poisson’s ratio. It still reasonable but less accurate due to some clear
can be seen that as the ratio increases so do the oscillations. The amplitude of these oscillations
oscillations around the far field approximate increases significantly with increasing Poisson’s
solution (or the pure Rayleigh wave assumption). ratio. In this case, the actual phase velocity will
The normal assumption of a variation of the depend on the position of the receiver, and can no
displacement amplitude inversely proportional to longer be assumed to be the Rayleigh wave
the square root of the distance then becomes less velocity, independent of distance. This point is
and less accurate. further illustrated in Fig. 7, where phase velocities
Fig. 6 shows the variation of the phase obtained from the phase differences at two
receivers (placed at various distances to the source)
are plotted vs. Poisson’s ratio and compared to the
Rayleigh wave velocity. The agreement with this
velocity is very good for receiver spacings of 2 and
4 wavelengths from the source. Fig. 8 shows
finally the partition of power between body waves
( P and S waves) and surface waves (Rayleigh
waves) as a function of Poisson’s ratio. For a null
Poisson’s ratio, the Rayleigh wave has nearly 76%
of the total power but it has only about 55% for a
Poisson’s ratio of 0.5.
Jose M. Roesset: Nondestructive Dynamic Testing of Soils and Pavements 67
where k is the wavenumber, r is the radial material properties between layers, the integrands
distance to the center of the loaded area and J0 , J1 may exhibit considerable waviness, making it
are the Bessel functions of zero and first order difficult to evaluate the integrals. The solution of
respectively. U is the vector of displacements in the equations is time-consuming when there is a
the wave number domain. large number of layers. The procedure is
At the surface where the excitation is applied, convenient when dealing with a homogeneous
the load vector can be expressed in the spatial half-space or a small number of layers.
domain as An alternative can be obtained by expanding
the terms of the dynamic stiffness matrix of a layer
⎧Pr ⎫ ⎧0⎫ in terms of k and keeping terms only up to
P = ⎨ ⎬ = q⎨ ⎬ 0 ≤ r ≤ a second-degree (the terms of the transfer or stiffness
⎩Pz ⎭ ⎩1⎭ matrices of each layer are transcendental functions).
where q is the amplitude of the load and a is the It can be shown that this is equivalent to assuming
radius of the loaded area. In the wavenumber that the displacements have a linear variation with
domain, the load can be expressed as depth over each layer using standard finite element
techniques to derive the layer matrix. The stiffness
1 ∞ 2π ⎡ J1 (kr ) 0 ⎤ matrices of each layer, the half-space, and the total
2π ∫ ∫
0 0
⎣ 0 J 0 (kr)⎥⎦
Pdθdr . profile can then be expressed in the form
K = Ak + Bk + G − ω M
2 2
Performing the integration, the only nonzero term where the expressions for the matrices A , B , G ,
of the vector P is the second term which is equal and M can be found in Kausel and Roesset (1981).
to qaJ1 (kr) k . By computing the in-plane modes of propagation
as the solution of a quadratic eigenvalue problem
The displacements U and forces P in the and keeping only the modes propagating outwards,
wavenumber domain are then related by
Kausel (1981) has shown that the displacements u ,
KU = P w can be expressed as
2n+ 2
where K is the dynamic stiffness matrix of the k
profile obtained by assembling the stiffness u= ∑ u w k (k
i =1
i i 2
− ki2 )
matrices of the layers and the underlying half- i
space. 2n +2
w= ∑ w (k
− ki2 )
If u1 and w1 are the first two terms of the i 2
vector U , obtained by solving for a vector P with
all components 0 and a 1 as the second term (for for a system with n layers, where ui and wi
every value of k ), the surface displacements as a denote the horizontal and vertical displacements at
function of the distance r to the center of the the surface in the i th mode and ki is the
loaded area become
eigenvalue or wave number in the i th mode. By
substituting these expressions, the integrals can
u = qa∫ u1 J1 (ka)J1 (kr )dk then be evaluated analytically in closed form.
0 This formulation requires a subdivision of
∞ the layers (thin layers are needed to accurately
w = qa ∫ w1 J1 (ka) J1 (kr )dk reproduce the variation of displacements with
0 depth with a piece-wise linear approximation). It
The solution of the problem thus requires is particularly convenient when dealing with a
assembling the dynamic stiffness matrix K of the large number of layers as is the case when it is
layered medium, solving the system of equations desired to obtain a detailed variation of soil
for many different values of k and evaluating properties with depth. Furthermore, since the
numerically the integrals above. The numerical fundamental solutions (or Green’s functions) are
integration is performed through shifting the poles known explicitly, one can determine the
of the integrand by including a small attenuation in displacements or strains at many locations without
the materials (for materials with damping, all the significant additional computational effort.
poles are complex, so that no singularities are Both formulations (continuous and discrete)
encountered along the real axis of integration). had been implemented at the University of Texas
However, for a system with sharp variation in at Austin (Roesset and Shao, 1985) (Roesset,
Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.1, No. 2 (1998) 70
finite layer has some oscillations following the vertical displacement at the center of the loaded
pulse. These oscillations become much more clear area (receiver 1) for different thicknesses of the
with increasing distance (the shape of the pulse subgrade. As pointed out earlier, these curves
also changes, showing first the arrival of body represent the amplitude of the harmonic
waves, then the surface wave). displacements due to a harmonic uniformly
3 Fwd Testing distributed circular load as a function of frequency.
As the thickness of the subgrade decreases the
Two generalized pavement profiles, a amplitude of the peak and the frequency of the
flexible one and a rigid one, were selected to peak (the threshold frequency) increase. In the low
illustrate the dynamic response of pavement frequency range where the displacement is
systems to application of FWD and SASW. essentially independent of frequency with its static
Because variations in total unit weight ( γ ), value, the displacement amplitude decreases
Poisson’s ratio ( v ), and damping ratio ( D ) have somewhat with decreasing layer thickness. In the
minor effects on the dynamic response (within high frequency range, the results are independent
ranges of logical values) as compared with changes (or nearly independent) of subgrade thickness.
in the stiffnesses of the layers, they were taken to Fig. 17 shows the corresponding results for a
be the same for all the layers; that is γ =120 lb/ft3 receiver situated at 6 ft. from the center of the load
(18,850 N/m3), v =0.35 and D =0.02. The elastic (the position often of the 7th and last receiver).
properties and thicknesses of the layers in both The same observations can be made, but the effects
(relative amplitude of the peak at the threshold
frequency, relative reduction in amplitude of the
static, or low frequency, displacements with
decreasing subgrade thickness) are much more
Multiplying the complex transfer function
(including the amplitude shown in the two figures
as well as the phases) by the Fourier transform of
the applied load, one would obtain the Fourier
transform of the displacement at the selected
receiver. The time history of the displacement is
then obtained, applying the inverse Fourier
transform. Fig. 18 shows the displacement records
at all 7 receivers for the case of an infinite
subgrade and a 20 ft. thick subgrade resting on
rigid rock. It can be seen again that in the first
case the motion consists only of one pulse with the
same shape as the load. In the second case, on the
profiles are given in Fig. 15. other hand, the pulse is followed by free vibration
oscillations with the natural period of the subgrade.
Fig. 16 shows the transfer functions of the It should be noticed that the free vibrations are
Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.1, No. 2 (1998) 72
essentially the same for all the receivers, although Figures 22 and 23 show the corresponding
on a relative basis their importance is larger for the results for the rigid pavement. It should be noticed
farthest receivers, where the amplitude of the main that in this case the deflection basins are almost
pulse is smallest. It can also be seen that in both straight lines and that the effect of the thickness of
cases, there is a clear phase lag between the arrival the subgrade on the static displacements is even
of the pulse at the various receivers. This phase larger. For the dynamic displacements, only a
lag can be easily detected looking at the peak of subgrade thickness of 10 ft. or less would result in
the pulse. From the phase lag one can determine any noticeable difference. It is also interesting to
the properties of the subgrade. notice that for both pavements the difference
Fig. 19 shows the displacement basins between the static displacements at the various
caused by the applied load for the different receivers for the various subgrade thicknesses is
thicknesses of the subgrade. The bottom figure essentially constant. For the rigid pavement the
shows the results from a full dynamic analysis, use of static analyses assuming an infinite depth to
whereas the top figure illustrates what the results bedrock for the inversion would result in even
would have been if the load had been applied more severe overestimations of the elastic moduli.
statically. In the actual dynamic case as illustrated Fig. 24 shows the sensitivity of the (dynamic)
by Figure 18 previously, the peak displacements displacement basins to the properties of the layers
do not occur at the same time at all receivers. Yet for the flexible pavement. It can be seen that a
it is common practice in the interpretation of the variation in the modulus of the top layer by ±50%
FWD tests to plot the maximum displacements as produces only a noticeable difference in the
if they occurred simultaneously and use only this amplitude of the displacements at the center of the
information. It is also commonly assumed that the loaded area. There is no variation for distances
displacements are static, using a static analysis larger than 2 ft. A similar variation in the elastic
program to backfigure the layer properties. Figure modulus of the base (2nd layer) will affect the
19 shows that the static displacements depend on displacements in the first three receivers (under the
the thickness of the subgrade whereas the dynamic load) at 1 ft. and at 2 ft. A variation of ±50% in
ones are nearly independent of this thickness for the properties of the subgrade significantly affects,
this pavement system. It is also common to however, the displacements at all receivers. This
assume in the interpretation of the data that the implies that the FWD test is particularly well-
subgrade extends to infinity. This assumption suited to determine the elastic properties of the
would be reasonable if the inversion was carried subgrade (if an appropriate dynamic inversion is
out using dynamic analyses but it can lead to performed) but that it is much more difficult to
serious errors if static analyses are performed. To estimate accurately the properties of the base and
further illustrate this point, Fig. 20 shows the ratio even worse those of the surface layer.
of the dynamic displacements to the static ones
using the same, actual profile for both analyses. It
can be seen that in this case the dynamic
displacements are larger than the static ones for
relatively small thicknesses of the subgrade (depth
to bedrock) varying from less than 15 to less that
40 ft. depending on the station (distance of the
receiver to the load), whereas they are smaller for
larger thicknesses. This implies that performing
static analyses for the inversion but using the
correct depth to bedrock would predict values of
the elastic moduli smaller than the real ones for
shallow depths to bedrock and would on the other
hand overpredict the stiffnesses for thicker
subgrades. Fig. 21 shows the corresponding
results if the static analyses are performed
assuming that the subgrade extends to infinity,
while the dynamic analysis is performed for the
actual profile. This indicates that if the assumption
of an infinite subgrade is made and static analyses
are performed, one will always overestimate the
moduli, since the computed static displacements
will always be larger than the true dynamic ones.
Jose M. Roesset: Nondestructive Dynamic Testing of Soils and Pavements 73
Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.1, No. 2 (1998) 74
The determination of the elastic properties and localized around the loaded area if testing is
(Young’s modulus) of the various layers is performed on a flexible pavement with a rather
normally performed in a iterative way, assuming a thin surface layer and a soft subgrade. However,
set of properties, applying a direct analysis to they also showed that nonlinear effects can be
compute a theoretical displacement basin, neglected for small to intermediate loads for many
comparing it to the experimental data, changing the pavement systems and that very little nonlinearity
assumed properties and iterating until a satisfactory will normally be generated in thick rigid
match is obtained. As stated earlier, it is common pavements.
to use a static analysis program to calculate the
theoretical basins and to assume that the subgrade 4 Sasw Testing
extends to infinity. This is an approximation that
can lead to serious errors in some cases. Much Fig. 25 illustrates the basic concept behind
better estimations could be performed if one the Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW)
considered the complete time histories of the technique. Assuming the propagation of a surface
recorded displacements, rather than only the peaks, (generalized Rayleigh) wave, a wave with a short
and if dynamic analyses were conducted in each wavelength (high frequency) would only penetrate
cycle of iteration. Chang et al (1992), and Seng the first layer and would propagate with the
(1992), suggested a procedure to estimate the depth Rayleigh wave velocity of this layer. Calculating
to bedrock and the elastic modulus of the subgrade the velocity of propagation from the phase
in order to obtain first estimates to initiate the difference between the motions at two receivers,
iterative procedure. Foinquinos (1995) suggested a one could then obtain the Rayleigh wave velocity
pseudo-dynamic inversion procedure more of the top layer and assuming a value of Poisson’s
economical than the full dynamic inversion and ratio its shear wave velocity. Assuming also a
almost as accurate based on the elimination of the value of the mass density, one could finally
dynamic effects from the measured displacement determine the shear modulus or the Young’s
basin to obtain the static displacements. This modulus of the material. Considering next a
requires, however, a set of displacement records smaller frequency and a wave with a longer
with adequate duration (of the order of 180 msec wavelength its phase velocity would depend on the
or more), which is more than what is normally properties of the first two layers. Once the
recorded and stored. modulus of the top layer was known, one could
Two of the main assumptions in the dynamic then determine the properties of the second layer
modeling of the pavement system were that the that would yield the measured phase velocity. One
layers extend to infinity in both horizontal could then proceed taking smaller and smaller
directions and that they are linear elastic. An frequencies, computing the properties of the
accurate solution requires the consideration of the different layers in a sequential way. As the
finite width of the pavement and possibly previous discussion on the propagation of waves in
nonlinear behavior. Kang et al (1990) studied the a layered medium (or even a half-space) due to a
effect of the finite width on the dynamic dynamic load distributed over a circular area
deflections of pavements, and concluded that the pointed out, the concept of a single surface wave
loading position with respect to the edge of the propagating horizontally is only an approximation,
pavement can influence the amplitude of the and the actual situation is more complicated. Even
deflections and the shape of the deflection basin so, the basic concept of the method is still valid.
obtained with the FWD test. They found, however, The main question is what procedure must be used
that for most pavements, the error committed by to determine the phase velocities for a given
assuming that the pavement extends to infinity will (assumed) profile to compare them with the
not be serious if the load is placed more than 2 ft. experimental data.
(0.6m) from the edge of pavements at level sites or In the field application of the SASW
4 ft. (1.2m) from the edge when the pavement is on technique, it is common to place two receivers at a
an embankment or a ramp with concrete retaining distance between themselves equal to the distance
walls. between the source and the first receiver (Fig. 26).
Chang et al (1992) studied nonlinear effects The source can vary from a small hammer to a
in FWD testing using an approximate nonlinear large drop weight depending on the application and
analysis procedure (a linear iterative approach in the desired range of frequencies (and wavelengths)
the frequency domain) and a true nonlinear to be generated. For each position of the receivers,
incremental analysis with a generalized cap model several impacts are applied with the source on one
to reproduce the nonlinear material behavior. They side, then on the other. The motions at the two
showed that nonlinear behavior can be significant receivers are recorded and processed by a spectral
Jose M. Roesset: Nondestructive Dynamic Testing of Soils and Pavements 75
analyzer that automatically computes the cross- expected to be reliable. The results from the
spectrum and the phase difference between various tests (for different receiver spacings) are
receivers as a function of frequency. The results of finally combined to produce a curve giving the
the various impacts for a given setup are averaged, variation of phase velocity (assumed to be the
yielding a variation of phase with frequency as Rayleigh wave velocity) versus frequency, or
illustrated in Fig. 27, as well as a coherence versus wavelength, as illustrated in Fig. 29. This is
function. The results are expected to be valid over known as a dispersion curve. Because the ranges
the range of frequencies where the coherence is of the results for different spacings overlap there
close to unity. The phase difference obtained will be some scatter in the curve. A smooth or
varies from -180 to 180 degrees. It is necessary to average curve is often drawn fitting the
unfold these results as illustrated in Fig. 28 (this experimental data (Fig. 30).
process may present difficulties in some cases). To backfigure the soil or pavement properties
Tests are then repeated for different receiver and their variation with depth, one must start with
spacings. As the spacing between receivers (and an assumed profile. This initial profile can
source to first receiver) increases, the results will sometimes be obtained from relatively simple
be valid over a range of smaller frequencies procedures (assuming for instance that the phase
(longer periods and longer wavelengths). The velocity at a given wavelength corresponds to the
previous discussion on wave propagation due to Rayleigh wave velocity of the material at a depth
dynamic loads had indicated that best results were equal to one third of the wavelength). Direct
obtained when the spacing between receivers was analyses are then performed to obtain the
of the order of two wavelengths. It is not possible, theoretical dispersion curve corresponding to the
however, to keep changing the spacing in the field assumed profile. The theoretical curve is
for each frequency or wavelength as was done in compared to the experimental one and the
the original Rayleigh wave method (it would properties of the layers are changed, starting an
become too time -consuming). One must thus iterative procedure. The iterations are terminated
define for each setting a range of frequencies or when the agreement between the theoretical and
wavelengths over which the predictions are experimental results is deemed to be satisfactory.
Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.1, No. 2 (1998) 76
increase gradually towards a second horizontal receiver spacings in terms of the wavelengths
plateau. (notice that the first situation agrees more closely
with what would be done in practice).
Fig. 36 shows the effect of the thickness of
the subgrade on the dispersion curves. It can be
seen that the first part of the curve is independent
of the subgrade thickness. It provides the Rayleigh
wave velocity of the pavement layer very clearly,
and the thickness of the layer can also be estimated.
The thickness of the subgrade affects the
wavelength at which the dispersion curve starts to
increase again if there is a much stiffer rock
Fig. 37 shows the sensitivity of the
dispersion curves to the material properties of the
pavement layer, the base and the subgrade.
Variations in the properties of the pavement layer
(to which the FWD displacement basins were very
insensitive) can be very clearly recognized with the
SASW method. The variations in the properties of
the subgrade are also clearly identifiable. On the
other hand, the variations in the properties of the
base may be harder to estimate accurately.
In the simplest possible form, the
5 Conclusions
to bedrock static analyses may underestimate or and complete picture of the pavement or soil
overestimate the moduli depending on the profile.
thickness of the subgrade. Similarly, the
interpretation of SASW data assuming a single Bibliography
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