HVDC Transmission Overview: M. P. Bahrman, P.E., Member, IEEE
HVDC Transmission Overview: M. P. Bahrman, P.E., Member, IEEE
HVDC Transmission Overview: M. P. Bahrman, P.E., Member, IEEE
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology has
characteristics which makes it especially attractive for certain
transmission applications. HVDC transmission is widely
recognized as being advantageous for long-distance, bulk- Fig. 1. HVDC converter station with AC filters in the foreground and valve hall
in the background
power delivery, asynchronous interconnections and long
submarine cable crossings. The number of HVDC projects
committed or under consideration globally has increased in
recent years reflecting a renewed interest in this mature
technology. New converter designs have broadened the
potential range of HVDC transmission to include applications
for underground, offshore, economic replacement of
reliability-must-run generation, and voltage stabilization.
Developments include higher transmission voltages up to ±
800 kV, capacitor-commutated converters (CCC) for weak
system applications and voltage-sourced converters (VSC)
with dynamic reactive power control. This broader technology
range has increased the potential HVDC applications and
contributed to the recent growth of HVDC transmission. Fig.
1 shows the Danish terminal for Skagerrak pole 3 rated 440
MW. Fig. 2 shows the ± 500 kV HVDC transmission line for
the 2000 MW Intermountain Power Project between Utah and Fig. 2. ± 500 kV HVDC transmission line
California. A. Long Distance Bulk Power Transmission
HVDC transmission systems often provide a more
economical alternative to ac transmission for long-distance,
HVDC transmission applications can be broken down into bulk-power delivery from remote resources such as hydro-
different basic categories. Although the rationale for selection electric developments, mine-mouth power plants or large-
of HVDC is often economic, there may be other reasons for scale wind farms. Higher power transfers are possible over
its selection. HVDC may be the only feasible way to longer distances using fewer lines with HVDC transmission
interconnect two asynchronous networks, reduce fault than with ac transmission. Typical HVDC lines utilize a
bipolar configuration with two independent poles. Bipolar
HVDC lines are comparable to a double circuit ac line since
M. P. Bahrman is with ABB, Raleigh, NC 27606 USA (e-mail: they can operate at half power with one pole out of service but
Mike.P.Bahrman@us.abb.com). require only one-third the insulated sets of conductors as a
double circuit ac line. The controllability of HVDC links classified as UHVDC. Higher power transfers can be achieved
offers firm transmission capacity without limitation due to over longer distances with lower losses by increasing the dc
network congestion or loop flow on parallel paths. voltage level into the UHVDC range. A considerable body of
Controllability allows the HVDC to ‘leap-frog’ multiple work is ongoing in this area for potential applications in
‘choke-points’ or bypass sequential path limits in the ac China, India and North America. The controllability and the
network. Therefore, the utilization of HVDC links is usually mechanical and electrical characteristics of UHVDC lines
higher than that for EHV ac transmission lowering the make them in many respects more favorable for long distance
transmission cost per MWh. This controllability can also be bulk power transmission than UHVAC lines.
very beneficial for the parallel transmission as well since, by
B. Cable Transmission
eliminating loop flow, it frees up this transmission capacity
for its intended purpose of serving intermediate load and Unlike the case for ac cables, there is no physical
providing an outlet for local generation. restriction limiting the distance or power level for HVDC
Whenever long distance transmission is discussed, the underground or submarine cables. Underground cables can be
concept of “break-even distance” frequently arises. This is used on shared ROW with other utilities without impacting
where the savings in line costs offsets the higher converter reliability concerns over use of common corridors. For
station costs. A bipolar HVDC line uses only two insulated underground or submarine cable systems there is considerable
savings in installed cable costs and cost of losses when using
sets of conductors rather than three. This results in narrower
HVDC transmission. Depending on the power level to be
ROW, smaller transmission towers and lower line losses than
transmitted, these savings can offset the higher converter
with ac lines of comparable capacity. A rough approximation
station costs at distances of 40 km or more. Furthermore,
of the savings in line construction is 30%. Although break-
there is a drop-off in cable capacity with ac transmission over
even distance is influenced by the costs of right-of-way and a distance due to its reactive component of charging current
line construction with a typical value of 500 km, the concept since cables have higher capacitances and lower inductances
itself is misleading because in many cases more ac lines are than ac overhead lines. Although this can be compensated by
needed to deliver the same power over the same distance due intermediate shunt compensation for underground cables at
to system stability limitations. Furthermore, the long distance increased expense, it is not practical to do so for submarine
ac lines usually require intermediate switching stations and cables.
reactive power compensation. This can increase the substation With a cable system, the need to balance unequal loadings
costs for ac transmission to the point where it is comparable or the risk of post-contingency overloads often necessitates
to that for HVDC transmission. use of a series-connected reactors or phase shifting
For example, the generator outlet transmission alternative transformers. These potential problems do not exist with a
for the ± 250 kV, 500 MW Square Butte Project was two 345 controlled HVDC cable system.
kV series-compensated ac transmission lines. The 12,600 Extruded HVDC cables with pre-fabricated molded joints
MW, Itaipu project has half its power delivered on three 800 used with VSC based HVDC transmission are lighter, more
kV series-compensated ac lines (three circuits) and the other flexible and easier to splice than the mass-impregnated (MI),
half delivered on two ± 600 kV bipolar HVDC lines (four oil-paper cables used for conventional HVDC transmission
circuits). Similarly, the ± 500 kV, 1600 MW Intermountain thus making them more conducive for land cable applications
Power Project (IPP) ac alternative comprised two 500 kV ac where transport limitations and extra splicing costs can drive
lines. The IPP Project takes advantage of the double circuit up installation costs. The lower cost cable installations made
nature of the bipolar line and includes a 100% short-term and possible by the extruded HVDC cables and prefabricated
50% continuous monopolar overload. The first 6000 MW joints makes long distance underground transmission
stage of the transmission for the Three Gorges Project in economically feasible for use in areas with rights-of-way
China would have required 5 x 500 kV ac lines as opposed to constraints or subject to permitting difficulties or delays with
2 x ± 500 kV, 3000 MW bipolar HVDC lines. overhead lines.
Table 1 contains an economic comparison of capital costs C. Asynchronous Ties
and losses for different ac and dc transmission alternatives for
a hypothetical 750 mile, 3000 MW transmission system. The With HVDC transmission systems, interconnections can
long transmission distance requires intermediate substations be made between asynchronous networks for more economic
or switching stations and shunt reactors for the ac alternatives. or reliable system operation. The asynchronous
The long distance and heavy power transfer, nearly twice interconnection allows interconnections of mutual benefit
surge-impedance loading on the 500 kV ac alternatives, while providing a buffer between the two systems. Often these
require a high level of series compensation. These ac station interconnections use back-to-back converters with no
costs are included in the cost estimates for the ac alternatives. transmission line. Asynchronous HVDC links act as an
Most long distance HVDC transmission systems with effective “firewall” against propagation of cascading outages
power levels above 1000 MW are at a bipolar voltage level of in one network from passing to another network.
±500 kV. The 2 x 3150 MW Itaipu HVDC transmission Many asynchronous interconnections exist in North
system in Brazil has been operating at ±600 kV since the mid America between the eastern and western interconnected
1980’s. Transmission voltages of ±600 kV to ±800 kV are systems, between the Electric Reliability Council of Texas
(ERCOT) and its neighbors, e.g., Mexico and the Southwest allows efficient use of long distance land or submarine cables
Power Pool (SPP), and between Quebec and its neighbors, but also provides reactive support to the wind generation
e.g., New England and the Maritimes. The August 2003 complex and interconnection point.
northeast blackout provides an example of the “firewall”
against cascading outages provided by asynchronous E. Power Delivery to Large Urban Areas
interconnections. As the outage expanded and propagated Power supply for large cities depends on local generation
around the lower Great Lakes and through Ontario and New and power import capability. Local generation is often older
York it stopped at the asynchronous interface with Quebec. and less efficient than newer units located remotely. Often,
Quebec was unaffected, the weak ac interconnections between however, the older, less-efficient units located near the city
New York and New England tripped, but the HVDC links center must be dispatched out-of-merit because they must be
from Quebec continued to deliver power to New England. run for voltage support or reliability due to inadequate
Regulators try to eliminate ‘seams’ in electrical networks transmission. Air quality regulations may limit the availability
because of their potential restriction on power markets. of these units. New transmission into large cities is difficult to
Electrical ‘seams’, however, serve as natural points of site due to right of way limitations and land use constraints.
separation by acting as ‘shear-pins’ thereby reducing the Compact VSC-based underground transmission circuits
impact of large-scale system disturbances. Asynchronous ties can be placed on existing dual-use rights-of-way to bring in
can eliminate market ‘seams’ while retaining natural points of power as well as to provide voltage support allowing a more
separation. economical power supply without compromising reliability.
Interconnections between asynchronous networks are often The receiving terminal acts like a virtual generator delivering
at the periphery of the respective systems where the networks power and supplying voltage regulation and dynamic reactive
tend to be weak relative to the desired power transfer. Higher power reserve. Stations are compact and housed mainly
power transfers can be achieved with improved voltage indoors making siting in urban areas somewhat easier.
stability in weak system applications using capacitor Furthermore, the dynamic voltage support offered by the VSC
commutated converters. The dynamic voltage support and can often increase the capability of the adjacent ac
improved voltage stability offered by VSC based converters transmission.
permits even higher power transfers without as much need for
ac system reinforcement. VSC converters do not suffer III. SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS
commutation failures allowing fast recoveries from nearby ac Fig. 3 shows the different common system configurations
faults. Economic power schedules which reverse power and operating modes used for HVDC transmission. The most
direction can be made without any restrictions since there is common configuration for modern overhead HVDC
no minimum power or current restrictions. transmission lines is bipolar with a single 12-pulse converter
D. Offshore Transmission for each pole at each terminal. This gives two independent dc
Self-commutation, dynamic voltage control and black-start circuits each capable of half capacity. For normal balanced
capability allow compact VSC HVDC transmission to serve operation there is no earth current. Monopolar operation,
isolated loads on islands or offshore production platforms often with overload capacity, can be used during outages of
over long distance submarine cables. This capability can the opposite pole. Emergency earth return operation can be
eliminate the need for running expensive local generation or minimized during monopolar outages by using the opposite
provide an outlet for offshore generation such as that from pole line for metallic return via pole/ converter bypass
wind. The VSC converters can operate at variable frequency switches at each end. This not only is effective during
to more efficiently drive large compressor or pumping loads converter outages but also during line insulation failures
using high voltage motors. where the remaining insulation strength is adequate to
Large remote wind generation arrays require a collector withstand the low resistive voltage drop in the metallic return
system, reactive power support and outlet transmission. path. For very high power HVDC transmission especially at
Transmission for wind generation must often traverse scenic dc voltages above ± 500 kV, i.e., ± 600 kV or ± 800 kV,
or environmentally sensitive areas or bodies of water. Many series-connected converters can be used to reduce the energy
of the better wind sites with higher capacity factors are unavailability for individual converter outages or partial line
located offshore. VSC based HVDC transmission not only insulation failure.
Annual Payment, 30 years @10% $172 $327 $193 $209 $376 $312 $512 $172 $191 $363
Cost per kW-Yr $57.28 $81.68 $64.18 $69.75 $125.24 $104.03 $170.77 $57.28 $127.40 $80.66
Cost per MWh @ 85% Utilization Factor $7.69 $10.97 $8.62 $9.37 $16.82 $13.97 $22.93 $7.69 $17.11 $10.83
Losses @ full load 193 134 148 103 208 208 139 106 48 154
Losses at full load in % 6.44% 3.35% 4.93% 3.43% 6.93% 6.93% 4.62% 5.29% 4.79% 5.12%
Capitalized cost of losses @ $1500 kW (M$) $246 $171 $188 $131 $265 $265 $177 $135 $61 $196
Interest rate % 10%
Capitalized cost of losses $/kW $1,500
AC current assumes 94% pf
Full load converter station losses = 0.75% per station
Total substation losses (transformers, reactors) assumed = 0.5% of rated power
whereas the reactive power can be controlled by changing the reserve for contingency voltage support similar to a static var
magnitude of the fundamental component of the converter ac compensator. It also means that the real power transfer can
voltage with respect to the filter bus voltage. By controlling be changed rapidly without altering the reactive power
these two aspects of the converter voltage, operation in all exchange with the ac network or waiting for switching of
four quadrants is possible. This means that the converter can shunt compensation. Fig. 11 shows the characteristic ac
be operated in the middle of its reactive power range near voltage waveforms before and after the ac filters along with
unity power factor to maintain dynamic reactive power the controlled items Ud, Id, Q and Uac.